v , , -.I * •*»*'0 >jv v **■ v,. f ft- r ■ - ? '■ '■ -»*■- *«:v, l-: * v «",■ *,. y\'i ••"•LV • .>£?" N • ■• V-'., ,:>»'■'‘‘V "’**»'t,; A - yv-if \; ‘- “^V 1 XX'- • ••>>; . • A ..V,. *.\V. :>y ’■ >, ‘;r>, _ ’{-l '* - .'. . • ‘s' "v,' f ’:y '* X - ,'c<'►'*’V*t”* j ..•■’■ w*•'A . , - - •• ; \,- a .;v.y>,r .* \, ’i.. ''. “-V;. ■ ‘'" j ’-: >X 7r~ .V ‘ ~ *' '-V'. .- a - ■ ,’£;?oV';: ! s*- 1 ‘i^kX-v -’v'' Y V* - ' wammemsi 'LI; * i'T«.*Ssiv<‘^r xt *i^-V^Tt4; I 'J Ik4^!oSMtn^4y:d sfet^f, £ '^*s* 1 v * *& v A' f r- ,i § i & V*YSSS&/t3 ’AA\A tSßiti! ST" >l^, 1 IPIPW^- -.•■■ 't£' : '■■■■■ ' . «•’' • •>• ; ':s# if *■' •■ '.C';-m£‘:-44- ■■■;'■"- •' ' \. . . ■■ / ->■>-:-- >&.*v.‘. ■. /; ‘ ATCHfcS, JiSWELKV,SfLVKKWARE. LAMPS, . / .;IVULITARY GOT)D3, AC.—During the alteration , now being, made in the front of ray store, customers will . .'linAme in,the Tear, and on the second story v wuhalarge .. and excellent stock of ul! goods in my line, and prices ;•/ unusually low. Watch repairing continued as usual in ::tiie shops m second story W.W. WILSON, murz . comer of Markctanri Fourth sta ' '/TLOVERSEED— IS bbls. for sale tow by ’ * L/i dtarlS WM DYER. ..kfWtn.CHEE9E-600 bbla very Btronjj old Cheese for O Ea'eaWow Puce- (marts) WM DYER T'SBIEP PEACHES—I 3 bbls. superior halves for sale 1 1 antis WM DYER WANTED—I,OOOH)s. Srst-rate Beeswar t _tj for -which Ihe highest market price will be paid.:: "marls WM DYFI? u j->‘tiWkg—3a tegg and g bbls for-tale faV - ~~8 martS - STUARTS SILL r-Ksrr^- * m sax, Sti/vS ~ _ ( ) "VTOTICETO* "DEALERS IN CORN—We are lire-. LTparedfo contract for tho delivery in Pittsburgh of Corn to tbe.tunonntvSl 5,0Q0-baabcls > more or less; a smaJltoartiiuiieear.and the balance fibelled. fiuu& - - RHODES* ALCORN for 5.00 Q bush. . ffOodbcaVy Oata.-weltclemred. tlSl! •* , ' RHODES fc ALCORN iT|BEMIU2H'^MU3rARU our.own manufacture, *■ rojrSg - - _[ ft. ALCORN CTt&tfißAkjC A'CID-*IQ ca*e»ii3rsule by :v- J." M ,B & CO, • marzg,:,v »■-• comsr'£trtt and From sts. ✓OHOL—3obbln of different strength, for sale by nart3 B A. FAHNESTOCK A CO _ - best quality, for >';>Jj.r forBalDby : ’ . ■ ; - •, ; . STUART A SILL. -'A/’IN W3-AR—SObbls Just received and for sale by - _ ■ STUART,A.SILL. Bnpcrfiae.for sale by mkr2S • STUART & SILL, 124, Wood street. IBOUND .PAINTS—In'OiI; neatly put up in un cans of t fit to 10 Bsj, each. Amougst which arc— . ManneGreen; . • Pari* Green? .. Chrome Yellow; Black; Yellow Ochre; Terra De Sienna; Prussian Blue; Umber Raw; Umber Burnt. B. A. FAHNESTOCK & CO, corner Ist and Front streets. - &JAL' SODA—2O cask* English for sale by )«mai2g V - g. a; FAHNESTOCK &CO IOTATOES—IOO bbls and 60 sacks for gale by ytna*Ss : STUART & SILL. PAPER— Largut assortment in the West.— yon»isUn« of French and Amoncßn I'uperHanjr* Parlors and Chambers) ai price* rangiuc SOpcr.piece. • Forsalcby W 1* MARSHALL, r:.: fnsjgl - . 85 Poonh street. • dIOUSLKtJbFERS—*Orders for-Paper Hangers X can be leftat die Wall Paper Store of ./■ttgtSi:...- • : y"-'- •■•-.■ •• •-' • W. P.MARSHALL. ri HANGINGS—saaxno selection: Will Ic received by fim canal arrivals, a new and choice . . wsorenwiDi Frenchmiii Eastern Paper Hangings m • aarnaskjboqaet and plain patterns, together with . . a JaTge lot of cheap satin and commonpapers' „ ttar7 • W.P. MARSHALL, §S Wood st- ."‘•. r f¥IEAS!-TEAS!—One hundre chests pnmo family •J. Teas for sole at the Centra] Tea Store, comprising • •:fill varieties. - . * • • vj:; afresh lot of Fifty Can black and green Teas, which have gained so much popularity m this city. Sold, wholesale and retail, by - ~ntarlB ■; ■; ■- ■ ■ . ;■ .■ h, C. KELLY ' * GROCERIES,—Mocha, Java. Rio and La* v . X .gwra Coffees; Loaf Sugars; Dried Fruits; Rah , } alas, Currants * Golden and fioston Syrups; Sugar II , /..y by > fmarißJ . IL c. KELLY • ~ 1 WOIiESALE,GHOCfcKIb3.—Just rcct'ivinc— t j ■'..'iff -100 bags Bio Coffee, prime; a’ ::i J - - r 0 caska Cuba Honey; ti : ■■!■ JO boxes .W. H. Grant’* Tobacco ; ; ■ -.10 -tio Rnssoll «s Robinson’* ala «*UV/.iaart3_ - "H. C..KELLY- bush. of heavy Mill cleaned Oats riv:W-;-aW««M«fcyP«:Meal.t RHODES fc ALCORN, '*» t_5W9. 107M.SL, opsoaite Si Charles Hotel- jgREAD boieß'Vf excellent . hand and for sale by • mart! . RHODES * ALCORN. W* 5 , Kr]Ti'ur L . A ' R P . bbls J, L. Uow&Ung'a Not Wiater Lard Oil just received and for «aie . MILLER & RICKETSOtf, Nos 221 & 223 Liberty^. SUqAE.-.l°hhd» prime Plantation Sagarjust teeeiv eiand for tale bv ■ ■ ■ ■ otaria - ,LACTATION MOLASSES.—IOO bbU Plantation -Molasses, oat packacef, m store and for sale l>y . ■ ■ MILLER A RICKETSON Oft BBLS. No. I Winter Strained Lard Oil for sate by &Q marlB KIER & JONES, Canal Basin Oft Blooms for sale low. to clo«e VV/ , marlS. KIEE * JONE 1 f\ -&BL*, No.l Mackerel for sale lave, to close. :,.i.U..marl3 .-.■■■■ . , KfBR & JONES. HGGS-20 bbls just rec’d and for sale by El ; T. WOODS A SON, CI Water street. A barrels Green Apples' foraale by maigp . T. WOODS & SON T AKD OIL—4O bbls. No. 1, jim received andforsale Jj ; = . B, A. FAHNESTOCK A CO-, map O-. . comer Fust and Wood sib - yPICE AND FLOUR MILLS—Fj/JVSrrw -S_A on hand and for sale, pare Spices. Floor. Chopped Feed, Boasted Coffee, Nuts, &c - Grinding and Boasting done for Hotels and Families at .the shortest notice- TTOPE MILLS— “ ••• 100 Libia. exira Superfine Floor; 100. do Superfine do: 50. do Fine . do: For sale by , -F> R. DRA VO BOOMS—SO doz. large Brooms for saTeatthe low rpnceof gl>l2t doz, ■ [marlp] WALDYER ■ ■T> iEr»U>bags just receivoa from S. U. Thus. Scott ' ■ JV-mmfl :-.■■■; >■ ■■ . wm.dyer packages fresi fU *iarl* ' ‘ <. ,»*RD—lOkegsNo.lLurd, jest received and forsale jjrby fmarlO] WM-DYER. -> rjACOfr— lo casks Sides: ~ —a-do- SbouldirsY - - « .17 do Hams* Received per steamers ,- IVavjgator and Djurnatj and for sale by ;;jaan7 , CARSON & MCKNIGHT. *• /iBEASB .LARD—-473 tierces Grease Lard.received ; :\jrpec4teamers Washington and Fleetwood, for sale. •w# CARSON & M’KNIOHT "Ij'EATHERS—4 ; OOO &s, prime FeatheTs for sale fry *' J?. ..-niarlg.. CARSON & MCKNIGHT- —roailS- CARSON A M’KKNfGHT. BACON Shoulders aniiSlden, in smokehouses. .-Jbrftaleby . _ fmarlSJ- _ KIER &JONES- Turpentine.— as bbis spims fnrpenune on con signment And for sale low by P. k DRAVO, .mariB ; No 1 Diamond BLOOMB,— -75 tons No l Jumaia receivcdand for sale by ;: fmarlSlv KING & MOORHEAD. : - IJO&IjNY.—2S bbla superior .-white Hominy receiving , ix and for sale by WM. DYER, mar!B , *No 207 Liberty at "VTO. 8 IiOAP'BUGAR-i-5 bbl» for sale by IKrimane • -WM. DYER, SUPERIOR MUSTARD,of oar own manufacture con* . stoutly on hand and for sale. • T . RHODES A ALCORN} lO7 Third at., opposite Sr. Charles Hotel. WATCH REPAIRING—Executed in every JC- - variety, with soperior workmanship and warranted. Newtvork made, Ac. [mails) W. W.•‘WILSON. • 1?0R SALE?—?second band 18 gallon Copper Kettles. JP Apply to [mar!7J. RHODES fc ALCORN. 'ft/f AES OK.- PENNSYLVANIA—deceived on con -4SX .flJffnmcm, and for sale s\ngly t wholesale prtct, •> three.dozen large and splendidly finished Maps or this . Stue. , .This is the most recent map of the State pub • uehedtend embraces all that-Is .desirable m a perfect map,at the EDUCATIONAL REPOSITORY, - -mart. corner of Market and Fourth sta. W • TlTATCajES— Reccjvm* and on Juind, an exiensir? '* yT' - issonraentot me best London, Liverpool and Ge neva manufactured. and warranted ae to accuracy in anddurabihiy*Equal to any liribbrt/fi W W WILSON, . corner of Market and Foorth su * marlC JEWELKY AND SIbViSK WAKE—A largo assor't" stent of «he finest kind always on hand—and new work made to order. Forks, Spoons, Sc , of the beat material and the low est rates-tmarls] : W. W. WILSON ritT"ABH MlKPORB—“Crane's" LaborSavin?Soap■ Jff : for sate bj the bar, ut the raannfaernrer’B prices marls ■ • WM. DYER ■ CtUG-d-R CURED .HAM—IO,OOO pieces in smokehouse :jj forsatebf : fmarts], . WM-DYKR IINE-rLQUR—W DbU. fine f lour for sale cheap • m&rlfi M. DYER. ihifeVeok MILLER A RtCKETSON. P. R. DRAVO. He. also keeps constantly on hand,and Is prepared to furmsnto order, ttll*.ifldsof Liveted Hose,manufactured of the bestmatenal, and in a style of workmanship equal loluecastern manufactured article,and atCfiper cent cheaper. Country Merchant* .and. Farmers would do well to call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere, qs he is determined to sell first rate aiticlea ai very low prices.... ' JD* Bonn forget the place, No. 80, corner of Wood treet and Diamond Alley. ap26 Eggs for salcEy" • • ’ WM. DYER. Wall Paper Tor Spring Sales. J^ TT , SMiraKBLo btostt, Ktrsnußon. SHIDLE would invite all who want a good and • cAtaj? article of WALL PAPER to call and exam ine lus extensive assortment of all the neta and various Partem* now in use for Halls, Parlors andChumbor*— and attho do west possible once for Cask or Rags Also, new aod beautiful-B&dfitfarite Paper, with suit able columns, caps, bases and bordering. ior public Hans,of every description, furnuded on the roost reas onable terras, at ~ martO.lm 50 Smukfield street- Landscape Paintlntr. rutna, Rooms, O Pourth street, Odeon Buildings, secoud story- Spe abovepUce seen by ttl ° P a,r ° DS of lha Art, at the K.irolraes, Esq., Wm. C. Wall,T- A Hilliert Richard Cowan, Esq., Matthew Wilson, J J- Gillespie, Hon. 8. Jones, L. Harper r fetlB - _Dr. Holllob’a Worka. —— R E m*^ T HENRY MINER a Co's, No 02 wurks hfie d ’ Q nOW SUPPiy ° f lhe blowing The Male Generative Organ*-in health and disease from infancy to old age, A complete scientific treatise on the anatomy and physiology of the malejystera. With a « e 2 cn il Uon<>f *be causes, symptoms aud freaiment of all the diseases and infirmities to which ills linbleA Adapted for every man's own private use. Price 8P The Diseases of Woman—their causes and cure fa miliarly explained, withpractical hints for their preven tion and for the preservation of female health. The Marriage Guide, or Natural History of Genera tion—a privateinstructor for married persons and those abouito.roarry.both male and female. Price 81 _ Origin of Life—a complete sciontt&o and popular trea tise on, the philosophy and physiology of the reprodue uveduncuons In plants and animals, with:l2 anatomical bnd all the new discoveries. Price 81- • . e Physician, or the truo art of healing the sick in all diseases whatever. Price 25c. [raar2s WfcliWEK, BUECHNER & MUELLER’B ! Establishment, 00 Market street, between Third <• Fourth, ’ TS NOW ready to furnish every kind of Lithoirranhie 1 work rn the most elegant siyfe, such n %££ ss? Mope, Portratts r Landscapes\ Cards, BUI hcais~and la' bthy printedm gold,colors, Ac- 1 ana At the same place Messrs. Moenpr *■ . opened a DHAweta School, and execute on?r!ffl e n* a n b of Machinery, Edifices, Monuments!* i ble accuracy ana elegance. - a*My * Hope HUU inJPuu Operation ABnTVTT Ryan's Mialdtngtj FtftH Stmt Ba,n 1 fTtHG proprietor, thankful™ the public for mast -n. -1-tom, ventures to solicit a continuance of theVSS,V (orhia ptcsen cntcrprue-tho establishment ofS andSpie* Milk within the cily-for the accommodation of hia customers, and all who wish to have really rood Flour, pure ground Spices, Ac, Ac ' E ° ou I . The attenuon.ofFamilies, Merchants and others b i invited, and all I ask is that they will give me n trial F. R. DRAVO, N. B, All articles taken back if not found good?and the money returned, > ■ [marts T U J^^ S E O FT h ENEW YORK DRY GOODS STORE, No. 69 Market street, with Futures, and a small stock of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, u> bcsold at abargam. Anyperson wishing to commence busi ness on Market street, the above old established busl fnV™hi« 1i , , .2S e ?r th 'l >eE,?n 20 jars Bordeaux Prunes, ; - SQJbs Sicily : do ? ladder * fi bx« Rock Candy, 1 b do rSw. 1 .2 I 6 J? cnoa Citrons, 6 hS? in 10 do <3ocoa A Chocolate, i \&\iSn?£* T * s P lce » sdo Castile and. AlmouJ i^ Soap, i 52 19 doz Military * do }V® d ° J«PPer, Ibbl sup Carb Soda, in d ,° 1 do Cream Tartar, »n^l a j° Mostord, 1 case Pearl Sago, in SU j° Cassia, Hdo Isinglass, ovt?t Cloves, 2 do Sicily and refined 2 bbls Garrett’s Snuff, Liquonce, 45 bxs Steanne Candles, Ido Arrow Root, 90 do Star do 150 Bath Brick, JO u° Sperm do 1 bbl Flor Sulphur, JUO doz Mason’s Blacking, 109 gross Matches, lOOlbssuperfine Rioe Flour. IQ doz Extract of Lemon, 100 do S f Indigo, Rose and Vanilla, 20 doz Ink, 5 do Lemon Sugar, 150 do Corn Brooms, 1 cask Sal Soda, Glas e , Nail*, White Lead, Lard Oil, Ac mar*2s IMUTON A CO.’S GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING STORE, AftD ODD-FELLOWS' DEPOT , EffO. 80. APOLLO BUILDINGS, ’FOURTH STREET, Sign of the Bee-Hive. THE SUBSCRIBERS have opened a Gentlanm'* Fur* rushing Store, in connection with an Odd Fellows’ Depot, in which are to be found a variety of Fancy Goods and Odd Fellows’ Regalia, never before present* ,ed to a Pitinburgh public, by a sing!establishment. I rom PhiladeJphia, they are m regular receipt of Odd Fellows' Registers, Lodge Blank Books, Gavels, and ■ other Lodge articles. The Regaha exhibited at their counter is most gorgeous and admirably assorted; no thing of-thesort, so entirely erytmue.bas ever been seen m inis market in such profession- The Gentlemen’s Furnishing Department ib plentiful ly supplied with a variety of superb-and delicately wrought articles of dress. The variety is entirely 'too great to enumerate in a moderate space; we must, uierefore, dtrccube public to an investigation of the Stock UselL All that we can say in this connection is, that at oar EstabUshmentthe gentlemen of tasto can be supplied with any article in our line, manufactured out -of . the best materials and by the most experienced -nanus. -We solicit- air examination'of our stock ;-it composes a variety whichchaUenges comparison A large lot of Ftns Silk and Linen Shirts / Fancy otoca and self adjusting Cravats /, Gloves and Hosiery of various kinds, and m fact every article of comfort or which a gentlemen of good tosie would fancy. We solicit a snare of public patronage. . HINTON & CO., Sign of the Bee Hive, No. 80 Apollo Buildings Fourth »t. rosern LiFPKHconv • *_* • ' *1: * * c barb IiPPBJJOOTT & BARR, (Lxts J. S.Stbicuse A Co.) JannlMtofers o 1 Phcnii Fire Proof Safei, Stcond itTttXybutotm Wood and Smithfuld. |\NTneEuav afternoon, July 20, 1843, ihe undersigned V/ were called upon by Messrs. Lipjicncott A Barr, to honestaud furlest of one o* theirPbosnix The furnace being prepared, tee Sate vrn* placed inside thereof, with books, papers and some money: when ihe door of the Safe was closed and the fire kindled at a. qaarterpastS o'clock, and in a short time the Safe was red r.ot, sudcontinued till half past C o'clock, beiug about four and a naif hours, when the committee expressed their satisfaction that the time occupied with such heat Was,sufficient. The furnace was then pulled down,Safe cpoled A and door opened—the books,papers and money safe. Ihe heat was so great aB to melt off the brass mountings. W e therefore take pleasure in recommend ingthese Sates tolhe public, as being, in our iudement enurely fireproof, JAHVIS ATRABUE. NOCK A RAWSON, CORNWALL A BROTHER, BRANNON A THATCHER BENEDICT A CARTER. ISAAC CRQMIE. . I am engaged in the foundry business, and know something about furnaces and heat l witnessed'the burning oi the above Safe, and can freely say there was no humbug about u, and with pleasure recommend them to the public as being, in my judgment, entirely fire proof. , . ■ : VVM. KAYE. Jn cauim( upon the above gentlemen.for their signa tures,they r.llspoko in ihehighcsttermsof the fairhess of tue test, aud their full confidence of the Safe's beini entirely fire-proof. *Ye have constintly on hand andfoi sale a fail aesortmentonbe above Safes. PftrM HELL & TERRY jobs oooaaaLL. • •••**. i» mullsv— s iioirraa - O’DONNELL, MULLEN $ CO. Pittsburgh Chair & Cabinet ware fieoiui. No. 98 Third Strut, S #?| • 0D.A1.& Co., respectfully inform their frieads , UL and customers that they have, ifcnot the largest re3§sioelc ever before wen m this city, the greatest * 1 I variety of stylesvthe finest finished, made of the best seasoned materials, and by Urn best workmen in the western country—all of which they are determined to sell as low as any other manufacturing establishment in the city. Our stock le al! our own manufacture; no importations. Steamboats and Hotels furnished at the shoreit nonce All orders promptly attended to. jal7 AUegbeny pianing Him, ~ AXDBBSON &TBKBT, ALI.SOUBXY CITY, PKffffA. flHlEsubscnber would respectfully infonii bis friends X and the public generally, that having completed bis new Plauing Mill.aud having now In operation two | new l astern made Planing Machines, (Woodworth i patent,} and several circular and upright Saws, he is now prepared to formsh promptly and at reduced rate*, planed and sawed lumber of every desenption- The attention of steamboat joiners* carpenters and builders, is particularly called to the above establish' mem, where a largi assortment of planed and rough lumber, of different thicknesses, suitable for shipping, bor making,house, steamboat work, Ac-, can be tounu at all times. Also, lumber planed or Bfcwed to order, with prompt ness and despatch. JOHN A. BLOOMER, Wl®, ... , Proprietor. N. B.—All orders directed to Pittsburgh wifi receive prompt attention. 'Wtxoleaole and Retnii, Xv form his friends and the public generally* hat he continues to occupy thatlarge modjons Store Room, formerly occupied by Samuel raUn cstock ACo., No. 80, corner of Diamond alley aud Wood SJ55}» w 5?? r .jP° e P 3 Q large and general assortment of Saddles, Bridles, Harness, irunks, Carpet Bag**Saddln Bags, Valises, Buffalo Robes, Whips, and all other arti cles in las line. - : ■>••-- £-.*••• •',*•• ■•‘v ■■ - '•■■•■•■•’. Jl. 1 : .>'■■. . .•■..:•>■■■'• * '«• i* 1 ■ T ■ r -s' > w .-c r ” .. ■> / < **- «* -J* 1 * - < . '/ ’ ' 'v, C ,N-'J.SI* an about two nouns, out of the stomach. SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE ! Baron Liebig, m hiscelcbrated work on Animal Chein istryj says; “An artificial Digestive Fluid, analogous i*o the Gastric Juice,may be readily prepared from ihe mu cous membrane oi the stomach of the calf, in which va rious articles of food, as meat and eggs, will be so soft ened, changed and digested, just m the same manner as they would be in the human stomach” Dr. Pereira, in bis famous lrcause on “ Food and I)i -eL,”published by Fowlo‘B A Wells, Now \ ork, page & states the same great fact, and describes the method of fSrairo* 1011 * ftereare fow higher authorities than Dr I Dr.CoMoi T in his valuable wnungs on the “ Phy»iolo* I gr of Digestion,” observes tliat “ a diminution of the due I quantity of the Gastric Juice is a prominent and all-pre vaumg cause of Dyspepsia;” uml he state* that “adi«- | Ungoiatied professor or medicine in London, who was | severely aflhctedwiih tins complaint,finding everything I €l*e to fail, bad recourse to the Gaslno Juice, obmiuer | from the stomach of living animals, which proved com pletely successful.” 1 1. Gbaiiam, author of the famous works on “ Vegeia- I ole Diet,” eaysr “ It is a remarkable fuel in physiology. | that the stomachs of animals, macerated in water, fia- I part to the fluid the property of dissolving variousurti clesof food, and of effecting a kind of artificial dlges- I Uoa of them In no wise different from the natural digest ive process,” • - Dr. SuioH'S great work, the “ Chemistry of Man,” (Len 3*l-2) says: “Thediscov I ® JJLS* FEPSIN forms a new era in the chenucul history i ®* Digestion; From recent experiments we know that i food is dissolved as rapidly in an artificial digcMlve Uuid. prepared from Pepsin, as it is in the natural Gas tric Juice itself” ' , Professor Donolisos, of tho JelTcrson College. Philo delphia, in his great work on Human Physiology, devotes more than fifty pages to an examination of this subject tiis experiments witli Dr. Beaumont, on tho Gastric Juice, obtained from the living human stomach and from animals, are well known. u ln nil cases." he says, udi gesnon occurred os perfectly in thff artificial as in tho natural digestions.” AB A DYSPEPSIA CUREU, Dr. Houghtons preparation of PEPMN hai produced me most marvelous offeets, curing cases or Debility. Emaciation, Nervous Decline,and Dyspeptic Consump uon, supposed to be on the very verge of the grave- It is impossible to give the df.tnils of cases in the limits of this advertisement—but authenticated certificates have imran 0 !” 0^ 11811 TWO HUNDRED REMARK ABLE CURES, m Philadelphia, New York, and Boston alone. 1 hese were nearly all desperate cases, and the E^re .®. werc not only rapid and wonderful, butperraa .nent. *. . Hl* a gTeat NERVOUS ANTIDOTE, and particularly useful for tendency to biliousdisorder, Liver Complain:, *® v ® r a n « Ague, or badly treated Fever and Ague, ana tnc evil effects of Qoinino, Mercury, and other urups "iScsuve organs, after a long sickness. Also, •?/ €3 i CC ? 8 11 ealln S) tne 100 free use of ardent spir ts. Health withjutempcrance. , 0L» STOMACH* COMPLAINS Jfrt 110 form of OLD .STOMACH COMPLAINTS Si^«« A d 0 'Preach ai}d remove at once.— ■rSmSJpm h £ w -‘i l s f y ma y be > GIVES INSTANT *[£"*“% A«ngto*« rtmoeuaHlfteunjrtcasantsyffm- aua u onl> needs to be repeated, for a short time, !r e ? ™ s £%L e s e ,S lB permanent. PURITY OP B-kGOO and ViGOR OF BODY, follow at once. It is particularly excellent.m cAsea of Nausea, Vomiting, Vramos, Soreness of the pit of the Stomach, distress af tereaftng,low, cold Btate of thcßlood, Heaviness,Low ness of Spints, Despondency, ■Emaciation, Weakness tendency to Insanity, Suicide, &c ’ Price, ONE DOLLAR per bottle. One bottle will of ten effect a lasting cure. Every bottle bears the written signature of J s HOUGHTON, M.D, Sole Proprietor S ‘ Bold by agents in every town in the United Siutes, and by respectable dealers in Medicines generally Agents for Pittsburgh, KEYSER& McDOWELL I respectfully informs hjj friend* umt lie has a large as SW ofJ OBXYPI3 AND Ai.L OTHER MATERIAL io a Pnntiug Office, and that lie is pre paredio.execme . ■ ■ . RA/it/' ETTRB ?aKBS PIURTISO OP EVERT DESCRIPTION: P/t JffVi '-Bills of .Lading, Circulars , tZZSttfr' BiU Heads, ■ -Cards, V , ■ -B'onfo. Hataips. Sant"tv i * -,* Blanks,-Stage, Steamboat and Canal nn»(*i* mB J ™ ila a PP ro P nate cuts, printed on .the shortest 7°n2t ftfta mos: reasonable terms: the patronage of his friends and m «i:is branch of bi« business. -jgg* 2 L. HARPER. : James w, woodwell, CABINET Vyk furniture manufaCTURER ", P(i Ware-rooms OK and 09; I'hlri}Btreet. J W* \V. respectfully informs bis friends and dasiom* • ers that he has now completed the largest and fi nesi BiocK of household furniture ever before seen In '*“* Bclt y4--os he is determined to uphold the quality with v oil-seasoned materials, best workmanship, and newest aesigits, and from the extent of his orders and facility m mai ufactunng, he is enabled to produce warranted larnitare, «i the lowest prices. has adopted the principle of identifying the cus tomers’interest with his own, in quuhty and price, and keeps always on bawl the greatest variety of-every dcs» .tripuon of furniture, from the cheapest and plainest, to uie most elegant and costly, ihat a housej op any part of one, maybe furnished from his stock, or manufactured i to. order. He therefore solicits an inspection; mat the advantages ofjus establishment tnay bo-Known, i ue jojlowing articles consist, in part, of his stock, which tor richness of style and finish, cannot be surpassed in au\ ot tbe Eabteni cjues: Parlor, , drawing, ain -ing, and bedroom chairs,, of every variety, - consisting of roscwoood. ma hogany and walnut Eliza be then, Conservatoire and Easy Chairs, of ©very description; Coucheß, Sofas,Tete-a-tete and Dl • vans of the latest French and American patterns: rashaes, What-Nots,and ladies’, rarlor Writing Desks °* | various kinds; Work . Tables andfancy. inlaid stands, music stands, and holders, marble iop,ma hogany,rosewood and walnut centre and soia.ta bles, extension .dining tables; ail size&ofthe most improved, and decidedly the best kind made: card, Pembroke hall and pier tables; wardrobes, bedsteads and wasnstands of each, a large assortment; gothic hall and parlor reception chairs, ottomans and stools, Secretary , and' book ' cases, side boards, fire screens, towel-racks* "hat .stands, and music stools, cribs and cots for children; paper radche, • table and tea pays, ma hogany, rosewood,nnd ; inlaid pearl Tables, . .dec; Ac. Ac. A largo assortment of COMMON FURNITURE and WINDSOR CHAIRS. Cabinet makers supplied with all articles in their line STEAMBOATS and HOTELS, furnished at the shor cat notice* -All orders promptly attended to CHAIRS AND FUIINITDAK, 4 £>0.1)8 Third strut, btttoten MarJcti and Wood, South aide. . A Wb have now on hand a large and VJL: splendid stock of every variety of and CABINET-FURNITURE,which * T *are confident cannot be «a rpasse d, equalled, iri this City, of n U.e West, in style and finish. Those who are in wantot Furaitnre are rcepectfdlly invited to.eall and examine lot themselves. ESleamboatsTumisiicdonih; shortest nstfee. AH orders promptly attended to. 3:tf O’DONNELLs MULLEN & CO. Furniture and CJialr Ware Rooms. T. U. YOUNG A CO.,eorjwr Third** twQmT and Erown\ Pa., keep coastantiyon hand wWrisnd make to order, at the lowest prices;* if I HOUSEHOLD and STEAMBOAT FURNITURE, and CHAIKS.uC the best workmanship and moat upnroved styles. _ ; . TeblS StcamtaoatS' AlioyZ : ~ [JLMtJiIJS liib subscribers tender their'acfft for (lie favors bestow wL ctl upon them by their Steamboat friesds, and_o3 would , respectfully remind them and others inte-- » * Xt-sied m buihiing boats, that they arc at all times pro* pared to furnish, bn the most reasonable terms, every description of Cabin Furniture and Chairs of the bes* material and workmanship. 7 BYOUNG& CO., Corner Third and Smithfield street*. opposite “Browti’a Hotel.” O. C. n*HM£U. __ " H. UA.OL&B Hummer £. Hauler, CABIN CT WAKKROOM.S.MITIIt'iKI.DSTRKI,,, Ectmtn StrtnlHiuui aniStrawktrty aUtu, Pittsburg,Pa. /Tv ' iIAMMER Sc DAULEltkecpconsiantlyonhand YgL a variety of excellent and fashionable Furniture, Fgpjwamunedeqnal (o any in the city, and sold on as * •-■fttvnrubie terro* aa can be obtained at any similar estabiisiaficnUn .be West. They have now on hand an unusnoily extensive stock, embracing all kinds of Furni ture, trom Uieebi'apest and plainest to -the most-cosily and elegant. AH only ra promptly attended to." mr2t:6m V\M. E. STEVENSON continues tomanu taeuire CABINET- lK4i»L£ of every .■ ' ■* ■ :.'.■> ■"•• ■ S* , * *•. It' -‘‘.l. , -■> -j ®SKiasSSsEfflj^^SB^^?S. ' -2:aN - -SB W l “= Marirt jfrstt, iV5).i-Ts'|>>diwwt ftacttfr a#/£ ths Diamond rpHE stibscriber is now receiving from the Eastern x ’ cities a beautiful, choice and .desirable stock ortho fabrics and designs- frorathe Londou aud Paris „ t SDDim AND SVMMER DRY GOODS. in the New 7 York and Philadelphia Markets at the lowestcash prices/-Embracing every.voriety of me newest and richest styles, and latest importations of ff? n , c h» Eng|ishandGennanGoods :innoDgthe leading’ arnclesjytll be foandlhe.ibllowing: •. fine s tquaUty ® enr *> B deliajnes, from 18f cents to the ftom m e ' m » ■ he ■ §,“P e J[{<>'Jl?a c hed Muslim, from 6110:121 cents 1* yd, bc»t atticle^ ork o?tecj ar8 ’ ncw sl> * le > from tie l,e?fSnoH, !ull^? ! 3in B l >ums j from 121'bents to the best quality tn the market. ip yard' h a ” a Am ‘rican Chintzes, from 61 to 121 cents ? n s d *“broi.deied Muslins and Or- Iwh t ? l * ? lain , fisuidd English 'Poplins j miM Baiini, rich styles; super black Oro de Rhine Saan’de a rhf«?f- U f ed - , s jp|r changeable Silks and L ?n'i'' B f ack , Bombaz ' n6 'j ondubeau- - . , •• SHAWLB: ■■ ■ :c and Turk SaUn Shawls; superior Her - FANCY AND YARJBTYGDODS. r -nji,{!L nc ” Capes and Cbllan; new: ktyie Bonnet Ipbbona; l»men Cambric-Hdkfa aim-Cravats; black and Mphair'and Twisted »w? and Mitt 3 i Siik, Worsted’and Cotton Hose; . . Mi . . QENTZEMEWB GOODS. arf. r lk?S c l°lli% Cassimeres and; Vestings; out Shirts and Drawers; Fancy Croats: Linen Cam* bnc Hdkfsj together wiUra'spleridid assort-' racut °f Gloves,-Hosiery and;Saspendsrs. ■ 7, ; t , _ . domestic and staple goods. Hussm Diaper and Crash; Irish Linen and Linen Lawns; Cassmetts and Kentucky Jeans. Cottonades; Bed Tick- Cheeks; Domestic Ginghams; Bed, While and Yellow Flannels, Ac. The customers of the. house and all cash buyers, are requested 10 call and give the above goods an eariy ex amination. The stock is large and complete in every: variety and style, all of Che latest importations, and wifi be sold at the vbbY Lowest riAUggrry pbices. ABSALOM MORRIS, , 75 Market street!- SEVENTH G BEAT SEMI-ANNUAL SALE OF t>£iy-goods, AT TBS: ... One Price Store of AArffIASON & CO., Nos.a an& oiMarket strict. WILL commence .on Mom>at, December 30,1850 and continue throughihenionih of January. On this occasion, the whole ofiheir immense establishment will be thrown open for Retail Trade, and.their exten sive stock, amounting .to One Hundred and Thirty Thousand JJollarß, will be offered at Retail, atfully one founh less than usual prices. The notice ol ttieir Semi-Annual Sale to any one of the thousands who attended the sale of lest year, will be sufficient guarantee for. a call this season. They will howevermentiona few of the,Goods and Prices, iorilie benefit of those who have never .attended their Sales— vis:— • v. Rich Cashmeres, * • V 75 c. Usual price 81,00 600 ps. CottounndiWoDl Cashmeres, 25c.; usual pri.'e 37Jc.; 1500 r s. Cotton and Wool Delaines, 15,16Jc. Usual price^Oaud2oc; 60ps. High Colored Plain DeLaines, 45c. Usualprice C2|c. . ;; •;' . ' / ... ' . 50ps. Striped and Figured Silks,-50c. Usual juice 75c.; ' - •• • • Slips. BlaclcSilks. Reduced 25 percent.; iOnps. French Merinoe* 81,00. Usual price- 81,37* ) 300ps. Faramettas and Lyonese Cloths. Reduced 33 percent; *. .• -i 2500 Long Square Shawls, which will be sold attrom SI to S 5 less than the usual prices.; 3000 yds. Bonnetßit)bcms,at Band 10c. Usual price ISandasc.; ; Fast Colored Calihoes, Blc- Usual prieeOc.; 100 coses English and American Calicoes, 8 and lOe Usual price.lo and I‘Jic.j • . OOcasesßleachedMuslins. Reduced2c.per yard; 260 balosßrown Muslin—allgradss; _AJBo—Laces, Embroideries, Trimmings, Hosiery and GiQves^Lineas,.Checks, Cloths, Cassineres.'Cassinets and Jeans.... . ' Together with an immense variety of other Goods, all of w&icb will be marked down to lower prices than any. of ihtir previous sales - .They invUeanehrly call, as many of theirchoicest Goods willsoon be sold. The lowestprice named aifirst. < A. A. MA3ON & CO.* 4Dd 64 MorkeistreeU EMBttUIDKKIES! I—lieceivedper express, a large assortment of the following Goods: .Ladies’ book, j&conei»and muslin French wrought cuffs and collars; Kossuth cuds and'collars; Valenci? Loms Napoleon do do j. Napoleon Ma une, Brussels, arid Applique capes and sleeves; chemi settes ; black Chariiilla and love Veils; iadies’ break fastcaps; infants*«»up9 and waists; embroidered Uuea cambnc handkerchiefs> English thread laces and edg ings; jaconet and Swiss cdgingv and to gether with a general; assortment of French embroider eu anu lace goods. For safety - OPKING BONNETS— Oar first lot received anil opea- O_ cd-r.compriaing in part the following styfes ; White end Yellow Lace; Queen’s Own; AltoniChip;,. • Hair Tulip:. Mtl&n do; Jenny Lina and Satin;. English doi Ruled Straw and Satin do; Jine Straw aha Diamond; Pearland Loop do: Florence Crimped; AmericauLace: . English Pearl; Hungarian. Mixed; English Aibane; Fluted Manilla ; . Silk - do: ' A A. MASON A.CO. Cloths t Clotho t -Cloths l A T EASTKBX4: JOBBING- PR.CES.~U 6 _piec ei «SS ck »'.? nd^ncir ' colored and Enghftli vIaJTHS; Pilol, Cloaking and Drab-Cloths. • , Just opened at ' . A. A.MA3ON A CO.»S. ** eca . Nos. 6‘J flihJ 64 Market street. I • - • Tin Roofingi [• H[ HE subscribers udice. this method 16 inform property { l holders, housebuilders, and all others interested, t stl “ Colll itttte the business of Tin Roofibg, in I “r its.branciieß. Their skUlaml experience inlhispart j of the busuicss, bashilhertoenablea them to give entire j satisfaction. And they hope, tUai by conuuaing the ■amopoUcy of using lEebestmateriala, and employing skillful worlqnen,ro keep up this fuvoraile impresribu. I Jf Jhe quesuonoif Tin Roofing'was new, or just brought j before the notice of this community for the first time,' we would consider that.the importance of the subject | would justify us in -extending our views on its superior > advantages. This,however* is not the case. We shall j I therefore, confine ourselves to,a few remarks. On the I Otb day °rJune,lS44. (nearly seven years asoj we fin- j I isned oar,first job of Tin Roofing in this, place. From I that up to the present lime, we nave covered wiih ; tin j j l h® wols of the finest and most costly buildings that I I have been erected in this county. WefBt.vegwejv.oar j I VI oa a previous occasion ou tha snperior advantage I I f 1 fMI over iren, as a- covering; for houses. And time, I .1 the great testes of all things, has but too clearly proven 1 | Uxe correctnessof our opinion. j I Again, if .we Place Tin in Juxtaposition, with Slate a> I l a covering for houses, we thick that tin will bearaihvo- I I *oble,comparison, with,some decided advantages.— I 1 bese advantages are, that when tin is used the roof can I op made much flatter—thereby saving materials, in the I length of rafters, brick w the gable ends—making the I bouse easy of access in ease of a fire, and showing a I better fimsh and appearance. Also, when tin is tiled I [ the gutters are worked in, thereby saving the extra and I reavy expense forcopper goiters, copper flashings, &c„ I —things mdispensiblo on slate tools. If farther reasons I were deemed neoessary; we could offer the experience I of onr eastern cities in proof what has been advnnced. I as Ufa a well-known fact IhorNew York ondothereast- I ern citicsvery generally prefer even tin for their inost I costly andaplendidbuildingmnolwithstandinglheyhave I afnUsupplyof slate atthefr doors, -With these remarks I we willleave the subject with-UtoßO interested, and will I take pleasure in giving farther information-when called I on ;„ JOHN BONLAP t CO., : I ieoi7 • corner Market and Second ata, [ . . '■>. Stooped -- • me -KJhJESi>foftc«oas in life render ml . P° st ?re inecessary. To' the consumptive, the sedeatary, and-ali those who, in their daily pursuits! have contracted the' habit of alooiQig, this-Iboalder Brace is inestimable, it prevents tlmshonlders from tailing forward on tha ohest, expands the dimensions of the chamber in which the Lungs and Heart are con tained, and gives buoyancy to the whole frame; thus, in us action, counteracting the principal causes which lead to disease in those important organs, andho a numerous train of nervous ills, to whlchso many are'subieot; Forsalo by KEYSER is M'DOWELL, : 140 Woodst : T,® r ' Pitch** Abdominal Supporter. > H en 9 n ?.^ U f ! l nt Isa?e,i ilieEaswra cities, with unparalleled, success,- The effects produced by it truly wonderful, :n;oilthose cases Where abdorai mn B |L P !,‘? needcd > from weakness of the abdominal 2S'V V t“ “'“t' euro .for falling of the womb; and the long list of diseases which attend that complaiht. For sale by KEYSER&M’DOWELL, ~.2H? : : : ■- 140 Wood Rt - T tVcw Pstcat Trusses. ... ;■ »re most confidently recommended ,-ril.. Itot 1 tot- the radical cnre fl f£r.rmo orJ! vp . “"1;, retam the rupture perfectly, and may be worn with ease and comfort by the, patient, and have oeen known, ta many to effectu speedy .cure, For sale by. .... . ~ , , KEYSER & M’DOWELL, - ~matB no Wood, si J„ olf , Important to TailOM. “ UST RECEIVED-^Doz.jissoned Tailors* Patent ' Shears,TromNo. iO down to N 0.2. . _ ALSO-~3 DO2. Barbers* Patent Scissors, direct from the manufacturers, andfor sale at ■ V' . • ; BOWN & TETLEY’S, 130 Wood mayxa r 2 doorr below Virgin aHcY; DRY APPLES—IJS sacks Dried Apple?i' -i '.' - lO bbls. , ' do j For sale by ' J tt9 ' L.S. WATERMAN & .gnu* , TT MoUce. — ~ ■., * ;. A LJ* pertons indebted to *edate firm of JOHNsron v jfi. biocanm, willpleMo call and renle. andaaTß:Co,ts. : IfeMj JOHN FLEMINO 1. ». WILLIAMS--....... „ : J.D. WILIiUIIIB & CO. BN ” ,a- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FAMILY GROPPH.! Poniarding and CmmviioXnZ'haM ’ And Dealers ja V COUNTBTJRODUCITAIGJ JUBUTACXBBBS. ra *'° - PiUaburgh. I ■ st©Ols Ct( Omcer’a T>OX FACTORY. AND'JQBBINT? ,• e a, cr H t ,miDy; . Jufi received and f«^eS‘ H ' C “wM a DT^ iar ' jsaio . Wn gQI : •' •'-' *" f r\ ■ ~ -' ,N ''*;:. viL'.’'u»J,*.> : '- v '' : - ' 4 ‘ \ ‘V, ■< ' ' •■*•**%' ■• ». .••:••* .'• ' % * •. . .^vW-.x 1 *: -■>>' <,f c'~;* «J •• , •• *• ■■ y :• v-.; : :- ii£* «■ '• ' •.'. V*> 7 ’ •' A :-.rr*^'' : MN= "X* <■* •' ’ t' , « < : t - •- - 1 ' <• < + V A s . A. A. MASON A. CO , Nos. G£ and 61 Market street. I . • Sale M Slnlei) Wagonsi &c» I. I will, as the Aditfr of Bobu Baxter, eeli-at the Lou pl\W?fl,»-CoohW rtna r oa-ihSwi * lbe P ers 9“aTpropeny of the said M o j&j2?^w&i«s^^ nB ‘^S wx t F * ITnace » Moisting of lo“d!fo , nlX"ifm r h. P , MeWl ’ a, “> StMk «" &a, on erty of said Robert Baxter j oa a credit of 12 montha £i. ! !? 0 ni ThlS^iTT' 11 be : «40>re4 on all sums over Master the papers containing the advenirements themoumof the fee Mated® Pnbl&tmTy^nnS SSS?-'^ r«bc' : B*ock of Carp«t>. oscnber having returnedfrom the Eastern >#; ®J u «:?. OW rec ®i v *ogi*iBSprinff slock of Carpets* Oil Cloths, Window Shades, Stair Rods. Hearthlfngs; Ijoor' fllaUß, Drngget 'Stair Crash# Tabic and Piano coyers; Matting &?.,4c.- Allof which have been se lected from thelaiest importations and besimanbfacto4 ties. Witfr ah eye single to the interest of bis'cnsto4 mere, and all who may favor him- with a. call, great painsisai all: times taken :lo sfrow Goods to persona wishing to look or buy. Call and examine the stock; where caa : be found the latest and best styles of the above named Goods, with prices nnd qualities ta suit ” . E. W.LYWD, Lynd’s Carpel Emporium, ’ Apollo Boiiding;pourth street > COI> FISH—IS drums Cod fiah in store and for sale mart MILLER & KICKETgQK*^ *?*••*, =Mil ' C 1 '- •!' i Vv*'=V» M S ’’ ' - > V- 1 - ' ‘ rf- . - -F-T . . J- v , , C ' r JUsttllatuotts. "UolfvarFire Brick, UannfadtiiriDg Company.. *AB. GLOVKB, S. M, USB,' 8.7. JONES, IT. S. MAOBAW, jGLOVEBt KIEE & OO.f Proprietor*. . .rpilE subscribers-having been appointed -Agents-: for JL tbeabove named concern, wilrfceep constantly on aßupplyof the celebrated BolivartFire. Brick, Cra .cibleFare Farixace Beanhs aid Inwalls, They: /receive 'orders for; said Erickj to be Beprom B^gi?^*s^a P e yaitpurchasers^whichehalf to eniimerate: the many Eire Brick poftessover all oth sale jirthe United States, BdVe herelpiore been. ' y __ •• . CanaX Bagin T Scventh st.* Pittsburgh. ■ • 70 iritWKT sraEßj'*“fl7iJSßi J p 1/JA " rssfer““' ■ SNIDER” bns latelyi-inebnseqneece ef ihc ninicr ous largesales made byhimtoconsumers—been Oblieedi largely to replenish his Stock bjrfresa importations; and he has now the satisfaction of offering some of. the beer Wines ahd Liquorseverimported tty him. - fie would referto^omemvoicesasionows—viz: -■ DUFRGORDON&CO.SHERRIES—embraciagdeU- low-prices^rare o!d,and sbme very choice MANRANILLAyaJI oh dranghi by tftegalloa.— Also, rare bld : de|ieale AMONTIIiI«ADO ? Th easkrof 10 galionarperiaffy sdeciid for donffuiners. - Some EXTRA AMONTILLADO In bottlesf put hp- in Europe; which he cbaiUnga aseqaal toany that can berprodaced.-V' V The MANZANILLA and AMONTILLADO Sber riesarepecalteriy-adaptedtb Convalescents, as they strengthen l wirtoatsthnulatfag, and have not the acid of many other Wines, v • - J WlNES—principally specially selected for tUB shlesto consumers from the stock of* * at Oporto; and imporieddireot. ..Tbe*e Wines are fruity and delicate, and (have been highly * approvedby his customers, "because of their manifest superiority over all other Ports and Red Wines -palmed, off as such. ; ; .. .They areof. various sorts and prices, in bottles and on araughlby -the-gallon, or wholesale by ihecosk. Among SEVPORT C rare dclicale >™ITE PORT nndMALM suffering with chronic hffectionof the bo w elß-cannoybe too careful intheir PORT*'. • MADEIRA WINES,of various sorts,' dry and . rich, South Side* old East and West India. Sercioi, &c~ &c. ondraagbl, in bottles and by casks. As to the SPARKLED' WINES of the' subscriber,' it is well known that the MOET EXTRA CHAMPAGNE: and the splendid SPARKUNG MOSELLE, imported by him aresuperior to any .other Wines;, and are sold at pnees as low asmostor the inferior wines now in the market which are put upon buyers as first class. - ; : He has also CHAMPAGNE WINES of various braid s and qualities, at yerylow prices, retail orwholesale. In the article of CLARET WlNES,geiierally, the subseii ber holds himself to be a judge, and he offera the iineat stock here, from the very lowest price,by ibe singledo- 1 2en, to thefirst class or “primiercru.” : • Of BURGUNDY WINES he has a Jargcetock andean .assure customers thathe can present to item, from his vanlts, as good a bottle of Bargundy as Franceeffords. SAUTEfiNEand BAR SAC always ou hand in bottles. .. His-selection of RHINE and MOSELLE WINES, from the cellars of Messrs. Dexnhabd a Jobdan, of-Co blens.are extensive, and number many Still Hocks and Moselle, from the cheapest sorts to the very choicest vintages of the “STEINBERG,” which is the best growth of the Rhine. , Inihe articles ofCOGNAC and other BRANDIES be bos now a fine slock, embracing some very old extra of Duput.A C 0.,, aha. some celebrated CLAVIER of 1821,” in eighth casks, and 1842 in hhds. and DUBOUCHE,” 1844, inhbds. on consignment, which will be sold low.. • V AJao-IRISH, SCOTCH and MONONG A HELA WHIS KEY, JAAIAICA SPIRITS, PRESERVING BRANDY and nil oilier Wines! and Liquors, including all oi the above, SOLD by; RETAIL TO CONSUMERS in any quantity desired. : ' ' : . . A constant assorted stock of HAVANA SEGARS/ Good* within, one day's reach of thila (PA?®* paid. Orders will be promptly execu ted if sent bym&U or telegraph Address, JACOB SNIDER, JR., Cheap |yihe Store, ... 76 Walnut street, Philo. MEMPHIS INSTITUTE. ■jIfITEDICAIi DEPARTMENT,—Thercguiar coarse of iXJL Declares will commence on the first of Novemoer Md continue until the laatot February. The Anatomi cal Department will be opened and ready to receive Students by the first of October. The Medical Depart ment will be under the direction of the following ' PROFE8SOBB: .Z. FuasMxa, M«D» Professor of Anatomy. R. S. Newton, M; Dj Professor of Surgery. H. J. DjProfesaor of Theory and-Praotice o •Medicine..-'. \V„ W&'pQvmL, M. D., Professorof-Physioiory, Pa* Mineralogy and Geology- ; . - J.KiKGiM.i).. Professor of Materia Medica,Therapea'* ; tics and Medical Jurisprudence. J. Mason SattoesvM. D./Professorof Chemistry and Pharmacy. v ~' ;• - :- J. A. Wilson; AT. i>., Frofessorof Obstetrics and i)ia« cases of women and Children. . CL'ISIQOB LSCmB*. iurdtcm#—Prof. H-J.Hitlck. «S«t jery-r-Prof. R. S. .NstrroN. Z. D.y Anatomical Demonstrator. .The fees for a full coarse amount Each Professor’s Ticket,Sls. MiWriculator’s 85. De monstrator’* Fee, 810. Graduation, S9O. Those desiringlurtheriniormaiioD; will please address thetr letters (post paid! to theileanj and Studentsarri vwg m the city will please call on him at the Commer cial Holei. R. S. NEWTON, Ah Ik, ■ ' ' —— Dean oi the Faculty. „ ■ .LAW DEPARTMENT;, < . Hon E W M Ku?e,Prof. of/Eheory aud Practice of Law. EsqjProf of Commercial Jurisprudence I . per session. .. Allcommutucations pertaining tothisdeparuaent must headdressed.lo :• K. ; W. Al. KING, E*q. ■- r Hi&npkitf T>rnn.,March,l6so, . .The faculties, tor intellectual abilities, moral worth and professional acquirements, wiiL compare favorably wilhthemosLdistinguishedinourcountry. -The Medical faculty constitutes an anomaly in this or any other country—ailof them are able Lecturers-and the best of Teachers.-.. . I who willconiempl&teourgeographic&ipbsition, | and the extent of our population. can have no doubias to wo eligibility of our situationfor. an enterprise of the slna.: As to-beallb, including nil seasons of lhe.year« we deny that anyotherct(y has.mart. The first class of the Law and-Medical Departments o. I this Institute were small, but tha. gentlemen-composing, them are talented and in the highest degree respectable afeyorahlehmenforibefumreprospenty ofihe Institute/ That the public may be satisfied of the permanency of uys school, we feel it our duty tostate, that the Trustees' and Faculty form a unit in action, which augurs well foi its future success; and that the peculiar internal organi zation which connects them,cannot be interunted. - ■■■■■■ f/w.m.king, a P» President of the Memphis Institute. - magnifying Giaiseg, : /AFone,two ana three g’asses. suited for detecting v/ counterfeit bank notes, and other purposes, for sale by [oct24] JOHN B. M’FaDDBN it- CO. To the Ctaseni ot Allegheny City* - A ihe reception of Orders for CITY MILLS al FLOUR is left at the store of Robinson. Federal street. Such Orders wiU be promptly suDoUed aoslfl : . >YILMARTH .& NOKLK.' , : .800 Mori Wanted Immediately, IT THE CHARTIERS RAILROAD.—The wa*es iX are 80 cents per day; and we charge 91,75 per w*®k forboarding.- Apply at the office, on the Steuben ville.road, near lU’DohahPs tavern—4 miles from PUt* burgh. [jane2s;tri BURNSIDE. HANNEY &CO „„ SALK OP VALUABLE T~ ! mOS WOBKS, NEGttOKS, UICLEB, die. I r i,JP a F sn ‘?s ce Of A decree of lie Chancery Court in i Clarksville, at the Oeloberterm, 1830,1 will sellai me Louisa Furnace, in Montgomery Comity, State of Tennessee, on me Bth day or April, 1851, the Furnace Known us the Louua Furnace and the Mount Vernon ■ Furnace, with. all the lands attached and adjoining there to)amounting to some 20,000 acres. At the same tune and place I will sell a valuable negro man , John Carter, a Founder, and his wife and children, oh a credit of 1,2, and 3 years* The real estate on a credit of 1,2* 3 ana 4 years. , On ihe llth of April, 1851.1 will also sell, atthelate residence of Robi. Baxter, in Montgomery Co., Teun., the IRON PROPERTY - , known as Uio Teanessee Fur* naco and the Water Force, on Barton* Creek, with all the lands adjoining ; on \ . r IMJE he«ieyiat;nceof lhe naceeaa of iheTSireatora In PIHB INSURANCE iCOMJ'ANX”.; meet ! *d WMUmldf tin L >» the unparalleled amount ,of taSnea wlucli hssljeen done-—having rssuednearlyfjOOOPolJ S°, re ’{‘“P seven niontliaijjndiadding *yf^?;.? ,oo !l c ¥ mal to 'he company: Tha .Directory are Ph» U «f l 0 ?ktneariy all-the : property injured i* of inaurad for o n ona la ynar! i?i[ * ,i ' ld prWOrU ° n Nnpqber Of’Policies , i&aued- ; ~v' \. 3053: ; ; - I Amount of i Amonntofgnnramec siock-«*«— s raios ie i Amount ottoascs ‘ g" «'tfgjg 00 1 .*T«r b fk det «: Cle rfliere ; all. neceHary tnfoimaUon will be pven, and ; coinmameaUons: pr'eiapiiy r aiidnded^toi— t*omphlets explaining the principles and beaefiiaotldfe Lisurance, and blank fonns famished on aptfUcaSon. *s?®?? dre^SSOOjOtlOand coastannyincifedsing. 'fSa^Eag insured, pjfclile. “Mi.'iti™ sssJBSSß”“»*"»*«i Poo, aasett January 13,1851, |l,ook,3BS'BS.toii; ; mdn on £uildlnga and their contents.laddr:' cuy and vicinity, Also, on property of'every deserip. jion, on steamboats. and oihet.vcßsels, either 'by inland transportation or on the seaa. - DIRECTORS: ‘ ■ - - ; ArthurGjCodin, Pres’!;,: Jacob M-Titoiua*, Samuel W. Jones, John R. Neff, ’ ■Edward Smith, ■ Richard D.vVootf, : John A. Brown. Samuel F. Srailh, SomtfeTßrooks, Charles Taylor, Ambrose while, TbomasP.Cope, Jine«N.'DS&in, H. D. Sherrerd, Scify. i.hista the oldest Insurance Company is the United states, and from its hfgh standing,longexperience, am pie means, ana avoiding 411 Irisks bf an oxini hazard ous character, may be considered ns offering ample ae curily to the’public.: •• . '-.L—. 'J I, >WJfo. ; t4l Front street. SAtETY, PERPETUITY AND BECOBIT If. THE NATIONALjIiOAN FUND r - LIFE ISSCHASCE SOCIETT : '■ Off '. . ■ LONDON AND NEW-YORK., Capital, £3oo,ooo—Kqnol to 93,500,000. TtriTH a lnrge«irpfui : of profits.. , Apportion “of both ?t p ital and. surplus invested, in U, S. Government oiler securities In Hie City of New York Policies held in this country over 6,000/ Persons in. suring parucipote tn tltfe profits Of tle’Company ' ■ 1 - .California rukj taken atreduced rata. ■ ■ a^e%HowlSg^° ge3 ° r “ P ° ,icy to ,iia Com^ A piny insliredTonlie whole term of life may stone tune borrow ent-half the amount of annuel premimn, tyithont note or aecnnty, or deposit of.jioliey, and is en tilled to division of protits.' : . Hemay at any.Uroe surrender hispolicy.and receive back aa value .tfce.reof ; otfe-lia!f ihe gross-sum paid by aiminannoal common, premiums. r • A party already inaurod for ''wfiole life may, on pay. tuent of a small sum,.convert-ins'insurance into & new poUcy upon the lona system nowintroduceJ;. . Parues.already .insured and entitled to ai ore not shut out froth- said two-third loan, tf the » Feu r rl - >9PQaUiel !^ rms stated mthe Society’s pwaphv .A- party may,'at it moderate anmmJ premium,' insaggl (or hfe, suwivelo.reach the'age of-W yearvJw full sum insured up to 515,000 T inil be paid td tttm » of-jj he dies before Teaching thai.agfevihe Inn eum-iastircd wifrbepaid-tohis faimfy-orlegal represeatativea. . llhas become cusiomary ln the Atlantic citieafbrcW gregatlonsio insure the lives of their oa Chnatmas or New Yeat»s day to make the.family Anre seni of the jipHcy. This U certainly ad ekceUent-way* ol ahowrag thereregard for.iherefittnistertWhb«£Balarv m very many cases, is scarcely equal to his-immediato wants, Tb thernau family; Wadorh solauoa beyond expression to know, that his heiolesa utile ones arethus provided for. . • Churches involved, would do welt to Insure the lives of one or more of the trustees, at whose demise the amount wouidbeapplieato liquidate the debif Kiplauaiory pampblelgand information given gratia, at the Bankingtfouseol ' WAL : A.miiWc®;; nov29 / ; Wood sltsecohddcor aboveFopKh. ‘.-V:- MWSDRAJMJEi'v--v THE DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INStTR cnonge, Third street, Philadelphia. i ■ J Fma i tia-ii A n c k. —Bui 1 ding?=, Merchandize and other aelowe^Si'oT^ff S ' MaarsKDisonaNra.—They also Jnsnre- Veszelsi'Car goes and freights, foreign or- coastwise; under open; or special policies, as the assured may desire, ■ 7- . Inland TaAMseoaTATiOH.-Thcy also insure merchhn fe, bY Wagons,. Wlroad Cara, Canal Baals and Steam Boatd, on rivers and lakes,on inmost 11 Hi Seal, Edmund A ; Sbiiiief JohnC.Davis, Robert Barton, John R. Penrose. Samnel Edwards; Geo. o,Leiper,Eaward:Darlingtoniiaaae«. Davis, WUliam Folwell, John NewlmjDriH.hi.HttE ton! James C, IRmi iheophilus PauidingiH. Jones Brooks! Henry Sloan, Hyh Craig. George Serrill, Spencer Me. Ilvam, Charles &liy, J.Gi JolmsoßiWidl«Hi'HairiDr S-Tjmmas, John Sellers; Wm. Eyre. Jr. ■ DIRECTORS AT PiiTSßUftGil.-D. T. Morgan ' HughCraigi Jno.T.Logan. B ’ WuililAM feIAATINi President Tnos. Ci Hans, ViceFresideni..’. ra-. • , _ COWAIT, Secretary*. ICP Office of the Company, No.« Water street'. Flits bargh. QelSidlf) P. A. MADEIRA, Agent» *£“ «»** marina Insurance.' ‘‘ rpHE OFFICE of the liuurana Ct.cf Xoitk Amt Hem * C0.,N0. lU Front street, third honseEastoTYVobd street, where the subscriber wilUstae FoUelehott BttlS ingsond their eoments,imd on Shipments by Steamboats and; other.weasels,..for the above, old end responsible Company. japB) ' WSI. F. JONES,Tgenh conta Ctmfna/fjaaA foil W peWrfntiroWcJ'lJiajviSo asu^T^ te3 Pf^ I fplnsurance,*B.i]jcfollowln^coTnpari» ? on JT,i I ? Uo Tl ‘os a person or Ihcr age on§Hnaunn* for 3100 for life, must pay in the Girani 82>3d,PennSvr >rania.B2£G. PenaMamril,a2JS,,EqnilabL?saw. Nsi . Dihectoes— Samoel D Ornclr. CHarles D Jlall.Wm F Boone, Robert P King: CborlerP Chao e; <^: Bc^m^l^ , iiiichi r ßfm:Scbujiie!*^ l^*rtl, o * )e < Commercial Kooms, corner of niteu Pittsburgh.’ • » ‘ y, sQQtag^? IN DEMNXTY.’ Tb« FronlUln Fir. In.wance Comwiß. oy rßnjLunjHU.."' -s' ; T\IKECTOKS:— ' , XJ CtoarlesW. Bancier, George W.'JUdiirdi. TtomasHaii, Monlecat l^‘^i^ agner ’ Adolphi E. HoSS?’' Samuel Grant, , David S Jacob R. Siaiut, Morris Paitersonf / _ „ CiIAS. W. ' Bahcksh, Secretary: • VA^ttirres/t en^eS’S!JS! ,? v mal£ , e JJVrorauee, perpetgnl o> limited desonpuop of,property m lorvi) und'eoimtrjV' '■■JuSt - **£ ve .reserved a large Cahtingehißmd -- :si,M7,4® « ' Temporary Loans- ^■ • so!ooi 85 ' •• 51,523 25 ' Cash,&c— : 38,604.37. c . ... . , r - .- - 513,318,492 71 ' blnee v their incorporation, a period-of 19 years,they uave ptudupwardiof Out Million Fanr Jiundrtd . ijusu* ■ sand ZhHars, losses by fire, thereby-aflqrduig evidence of tbe advantages of lusarance, aa veil a$ the axdlity. am} disposition to meet•wjthproraptness, ttmi*biUiie«* 7 J. GARDINER COFFIN, Agent;. • Office N. :B, corner Wood and 3d sts Fire and Marine ‘ THE Insurance Couipanrof North America, of PfUu'- delphia, through its duly anthoriz edAxeal. Bcnber, offers to mate permanent and limited b? on DIRECTORS: Arthur G. Coffin, Prest. Samuel Bronk. ’ .-KHMSfc. ■ v . JohmWlute, . jSS w I®?"**.*- *• - Richard D. Wooi,-- ' r Sm“. a ,tvin?be' Et avoiding all niks of an oJttra- hazanlout vSaS&bffi? be conßidcre^S&r& ari ■ f SHAWLS,— Received this, morning pet express. 4to Broche,BayStateandLongSHAwLS— vervsUnA ,itor st)les and qualities. For sale low. -A. A.ftJASON4b EQ; 62 “d tMJVlarkot tt t&C LACTATION MOLASSES—») ,barteTFnew"V.r/m Moluan juitTeceSved and for »»fe by 1 - * r «P ... > KICKBTgQM, ~ vii'-Vs-.' \ ■ 'S. ;■ '<, ••• '■v .<,-•■ »‘; *y. v t’ * > •• '..y'yii'ft. r'-- cV/ WlSlamWeisite’- Francis Haskins. vB. Austin AMbon*. \ WilliaraE. Bowen, ■ G^orffe^W^Aßpinwallj