pp-v\ .\.' ; V\ .' ?■','• P- '"' 5 1 r ’-. V. ; ! »< ■ V ~“ ,* p- V H, - - * - * * ~.„ llttfl|§i§llBplSft#lil^^ ■ VWUi /, v ?£** ’•: ; kM « V. 'J* £ iV-‘-^‘»'• A, -: Mfct *;£■^ y?l -**’• *£*>.’•;,’■;.* - I‘r* 1 ‘r* ' ; : > .i -*.i *’s”’s' bV.^JS-"? ? ?sV*<*'*-,’‘J^ * ■ . vis*.* >f •”-» & f/ ■; A'“s ’•’-■’'A ■; PIP; pJ'SP PY PP ■< Pi: ,V,\ ?>>*.* '.*.' +&2*& &%zfl £*w -rA\c^ (^^v- ,r ! ? -r* vmmmm »fe«BSWs^ npPs&3s*g^@9S^it ggIISgSSM?- nkgnsiM^^#^ ■iiiiipiisa |4HM| gMi ||l^||J||ff^|l liteifls mimm «piM igtimmss&fe. m&Sgmms^SSm Mlmi WMNHi mpwi iMMi %raisNeftKt& ’fe^SSl' lill3 Ipp^l f *SSwbi^af^S^^^fe^*^4sfiV;V^'f , .. - mss^mMmsmmgms^mmrnr^^ "^r 1 *£*?' *t-%* 1 "**■'% I s V>V* v *-T'>p-V3L~**** I '' > l ** *' 1 "'«*■*" 1 «* ’ **?J? £ i£*£?3'li-'‘^^^A^ A si&*? :r £' :i ?-''^ : *^^ : + t--£ 6 ‘2 -I -^ r l l?l 1 ~V-»i J* *1 **4i* v >'*'' * i * '* -< * --* t » , -igV*-* v ►- J - .•» - j. ~ **. * , *' * * * f tesaask^^-ys,' ‘t'T * * ► R* >.J , ’■'. r ; ■; _ BAIL! MOUSING -POST. „ trtMtdani PviliikidetirsiMmiAzASunday, txceptti.) Ji-li-W ,**• HiaP£R, ■......,■ > j, iwtpwa'wiihiiitke.ye&r. •' ' . 1 •; - • ealß “ lhe CoBnter .^'iy^S4i^HE^ATOHI>Ay:MO&HISG : OPOS»,:^ :.■■<’: -•; / ■ flromtne same office. on a laree blantpr ■ • ' “ y«?, m r M? e - copies irrwi.ctaTß.. ICRMnMspep WJI hi dtscoMlndeff t unless at the dis -ri . eoapamedt^themoney,or satisfactory referenceiruhta e Jr Connaadtntk Vu Establishment ofthi Momine "l J ’ rin,l »e Qfficain the till ik “ hortat »“«*. «& , RATES OF ADVERTISING - AGREED UPON BY THEPITTSBURG-H PRESS. • i-..til*-: u • •- -t ,• TP. * , ■: additional insertion 35 “ One -week 175 ; '« I! , t ? owee H » u. .. one month. ..... ~ 500 •;: t »0 »0ntW.'..j..........t....,...... 7 qo i ' « . i'' ■ **•»« months-—. #OO e'.v .• - "tour months .10 00 „ eut months , 14 00 «S e year.- .18 00 Card,sit lines or less, per annum—— 10 00 • • Ca*KOB*»LK AT PWisube: : : ?f??? , l“*Vi,P«T»”i>oini(eTc | nsive of the paper,)- 45 00 ■-v > “«iia < rn2?!t.“^?iH? na, . B be charged OOeenLs. . " wuhom obarge, unles occom . ..K iiisfl vyiutnlinyitaiioufi or obituary notice* and 1 , whenso accommnled.to be paid for ;• v „a{;!?? i Jli*‘J? e . r f? aer, i andal iotherasendmgcommnnl . K|£, n !sf:L[? ,, fY? ng “OUCes designed to caUaiientionto Concerts,or any.pnblie entertainments, :?5 S aremado fot Admittance—all riolleeaof ' f/di^is!X» , u Uon *^ veryilot,ce designed to call ni ■■SaSStoTOTW enterprises calculated oi intended to • BSer.iV™it n "^f ali S lereat * c,iaonl i' be inserted with the v " . i ■-*“ n - dl - ng that the same IB to be paid for. Ifuuend ~ eh^Mn?™l d . m £ e lo , cal column, the same will be ~ .;.:uc r n|ffiJ,'!'B?.ta * eor not less than ten cents per lino. —*®Sr^ tet w *» ek««Ee4inple price. — r ? p euuons,B3,oo eath. : ‘ Vjilfs?ricns‘ liMedlolll AdverUseln ei><» Wbe charged at if *3‘.• •«o?^SSS*4f e “‘.' * Bd Aacooneeia* Advertisements n 1 ' ni ?S ? S ““ndor yearly rates,butta be allowed a - ra“anL o t , h b u y '"‘ fee ttnd one -' t “ i P 0 from .he O V SI W EmY w daily papers. . un .® square, three nheruons-*-* 50 , j^S , , ir . r insertion.....i» •«- -'U - A™EraspiEim IN WEEKLY PAPER. he square, (10 lines.) one insertion 50 so -■■ ;■ n. u--.,,,-. * .‘n.- each additional insertion —.. 025 ... V All transient adrerusementa to oe paid in adTimee. i- - n WHITE & CO, Gazette. , , l..ttAaPEß,Post. ROBTM RIDDLE.JournaI - I.'.- —/ - . “ ■' ®ARR & Co., Chronicle. ' 1 w :; FOSTER A BROTHER. Disnatoh ■ Deo. 1,1849,] James \V. BlDDLETAmericau " |Jrofeo3umat €arira. tJ*Sm?ihS. Attorney at Law. —Odicej r-X-LoB Buildings, Foanfasu jan7»ly B fl »GARNAifAN, Attorney at la ce on Fourth • st., between Cherry alley and Grant at, [jc2«y * . 05, Diamond alley, near f Wood street. : ; • YeM • af W.AVCiiOWRY, Attomtjfiuid j• J^^®ia;l*akowcU , sßmidmgson {arantsir^oL 1 * : ' ■ -l HUjri I j itentui, j. otrnh doors west or fllar «* set All work warranted, and if not perfectly sat isfactory noeharge; will be made. feiilO ' floben Snyder/fagg removed hU office to Fourth street, between Wood and Smith h ■ uttld flfCCtfc , • ■: ■ . . XPttTlihly *•«< tCI at Lav —Office m ilakewcll's -.Vr*.."OUainffS, on Grant street, opposite the -Conn OPSC«_ - _ jygjtly ir O ?^tS AKTON )' jto,m *l’ *“ Laa —Office, North, side U of FtlUt Kreet. betweea Wood and SmilhSetd.in the «mo btnldinfr with Alderman Morrow, -sep3o-ly - /)RG£-F. QIULMORE, Attorney and CoututUorat .. ,-TJaw.---Oflicc removed to the 2d door below Grant st, - t •*> - fvßitlijto the office lafely occupied by Aldcrmanhlil marOO . r"JW*'.yUCKMASTJb»R, 44dwT7wn—Office: Fourth street • third door above Snuthfield t Sotiih side *^L*/egSaccMa° f - •. ■■ oci3:tf ' JPP 1 } Afcfomonj Fifth Word, Penn vtiibotweep Walnut and O’Hara st*., where he may • Those having houses or other prop * .City to seJI or rent,eon have the same punctually attend .... --„ed toj debts collected, and all the duties of an Alderman will receive prompt attention; 0c27-p BENBY: W.ijWJIihlAMSi Attorney and Counsellorm JLaVi (successor to Lowne & Williams.) Office at dW eland, Fourth *t 0 above Smith Hel- THE Partnership heretofore existing - between Henry W. Williams. Esq;, and mysslf>m the practice of the law; . ;waß,dnsolved by mutual consent on tbs 26th uli-, and the .. business will hereafter be continued by Henry W Wil iams, wham «L most cheerfully recommend to all for Whonrl have the honor to do business—os a gentleman every way worthy of their confidence. « declg-ly WALTER 31. COWRIE. Samuel F. Eon. ■ : ~ ATTORNEY; AT LAW—Office ui Fourth street, near Graut, in Lamartine3aUdingg. ; • mar26:w *• MlICasL-~-T._.- SAMUBI, PALMSB. MttcHel Bs, Palmer. : A TURNEYS AND COUNSELLORS ATLAW— mw! ■“;«««(areata feu doors Mm* Smilhfield. All boSue«s.“- a y n -' lte ?-“ tkeir care, promptly attended to. Collections ma.-9 a* l * Conveyancing executed on mode* late terms. - : . v . . ■-•■': -■ : fcbllrtf.: A TTORNEY ANl* COusse££ok AT Law—Of ■A dee. Lowries Bm/<“ n B®> Fourth street, between. Smnhficld and Gram. \ -, . r ~ j aps . Sr* Gtorgi' AflCopk TT AS selected Pittsburgh as-his permanent, residence. XX He has takeu the house laJoly occupied by Aider man Miller,on Fourth streeVneSjr Grant, immediately adjoining the * £ Lamartine Houße.” His office is attach ed tohis residence, where be will cdnstanuy be found, unless absent on professional duty.. Office bour&r r ajn 7 o'clocki- Ms to 9 o 3 cJock : a: «.,and /rom J> K m. to ? p. • 1 = • : novS H. Pr dfc- tt. I*. B. Kettermnn, ■ s A TTORNEYS AT LAW--pfficO on Fourth street.be . J\ tween Wood and Smithfleld. > . jan2S:y • WAV. Dollar, ; ' ; TTORNEV AT LAW—Offide: second story Wii j kina Hall, r •. - ? jamfoly . - Dr* James King*; • ~~ /"WFFICE ON FOURTH-STREET, ond dbor West of yf Hotel; anglOam . Wm* O’H. Robinson, . ; A (TTORNEY^AT.LAWj-’ - Office No.£9, on Fourth J\_. street* opposite iha Mayor’s Office.-; .. Jaug3l:y j-,r JißiHamUton) ' A TTOENEY AT LAW, has removed to the office in ■ ' J\. FtAhrtreeUbetweejt Wood and Smilhfield streets, - formerly occupied by Thos.Hamilum.Esq., dec’d,and will auendtothe business reinaiiuag unfinished upon his docheu, :.. :/;■ ; . \ KBW DAGUERREOTYPE ROOMS, Bur&TSuild tnji, f!ptir - j . febl, v, I4OON-& J3.stroeW: jpT' » 80W« Ba7»i«r» and DtdUnin Fxchangt > -4* « i'om xnd&atti, Marketfetrcct toM A' Bn***'Found#. No.7oSecond ■**.» >™it Market and Ferry stifeets. febl ■ Beoksmer, Stan*. street, between Wood and Market O &r ®®pNULTY & CO., Fvnnar&inran# Commit*- ,V* wgftgffjy» CaaaLßatiiu - mar 3 P.YER, ana Produce r ;.TT..Liberty, pAttebaigh. • J2K5 1 asid CicihitTf Liberty street tl beiiveen SiXih and Virgin aliey,BoQth «Uie. aeplO ,T> jrcSTElN.flrMiFouader andOtu fuut, Smith- X . field street, between Diamond alley ain) Fihh m ■ NNOB »JHUbirgh 1 ■?»«<«« -Rial Sttr« corner, of Pejm ana Wayne bi« /“IOOLteV & LAIRD, Metekccnt Tailors, Wo6d ; Afrtnt ff 10 Muapnr Wool luSSt sJwSk.far 0 " Mmha '"' for ,hp 6 » ie ° f *»•& • .! feblu J. .***J*«a& Irroctr, Commisntri UmTianu win V£S£f” Pap " ani **’’ wmer PnnnTnd^ . ,_:_'-v -•■ ■- :: •■• ? . ■ ... JftM . and Product JV Dccdm. No. 27 Woad »ireet, Pittsburgh Trnvg? WOODWEiiL*' lmpart#? and Heftier tn' jw. Wood st^etf llardwaT *? of Second and ■•'••■ ■ ••• - ...■■• \ 0c39 ■'■ 'JOSEPH ■ O’ Agency., . Market sire. ICcorner mul ■ KltA « n *» Snken, Charles Ho£i. TfaJ Wood Blrg g»g' opposite the St. i CO > tMvo^^Sr fF ™ ln W w - GLENN, Bookbirukr, comer ol Third and Wood sss SdsassiF ~» f *IN. HnafiLLOK,-wr-o^-^irzsl^— lUXtbetty street,andSU Diamond alley " ’ jk? * WNNKV, Agents for IheDeiatoare Mutual —- —:——:-■ ■'.-■■ ■■■■- ■ ■ ■■■ ■■■• . '■ ■■•■■■ febl • & SONS. Oaffoiffaicr, end Fur corner of Penn and Bt. Clair streets, opposite ihe Exchange. Entrance on PennsreeL —: ' ''■ " ' . '•■ - ■ ■ febl ■' •W. 3. TROTH- ■ ■ "’■■■■ . ■ fTIROTH A SCOTT, Wholesale and Retail* 1 Soots, Shut, Trunks, Carpet Bae • « ot Foatih and Smithficldf yt Tmrt^v A. CiiAiGk lat© of Newliisbnn O nr o . csteSS g ‘ Tea ’° lbe P"rch4« and MUXKHi PUILADA- ittu BT/’VMcrti* . • MILI.KR’st RICKETSONrfeSSSTJScIS^H 1 , 0 "' porters of Brandies, dnd S«£7?’nS? 170 an*u,4, corner of Liberty and Irwm street?,Pitisborgb" -llgjjiffgjfoi Cotton Yanifti Jtc..eonstam!vnn h„ Sfc 1 and. Ornamental Paxntir affWAiaMassaS©® s®*£KdhaL* , - s ®jgg T'AND^BHAND^ OP W™E3 pimbureh UUAND,ES - Ea3 ‘ 14* ■>/ At Diammd mnjrSl j; .*. COULTE&.——.. K H nAcr^ EHOLraA& 0 "(ro ? BErA“B&ocisia*lir »»>der SMJharle, H 0 t> PAINTEE, ~Vi^ ert X opposuo Hand. All Ccatlv executed!. Orders punctually attended to.. [mnrv*>-y _ , , K.o. sioetcon, n P* Uorbacli. RECTIFYING distilLer. „ . , AND DCALBtt IN *ore,gn and Domtstic Winu, liquor*, Cigar,, 157 Llb " ly earner of Barker’, alley, _novl9) __ _ PiUslurApa ,■ M. 11. PATTON, _ (Stjcojssoa to J. S. Bohnet k Co.) Wholesale Grocer, tteellfylni; Distiller. • Aim dkaieb in ' r -,.',59?E 1 GN AND DOMESTIC WINES fxvits, lt Fa ? Cy and Goode, Btukrt,, Carnes, ke St* 1 !v e .' !l l be,w j e ? aai »h» Diamond. (□“Clocks, Watches and Jewelry neatly repaired Pnubargh, Augusta, leap. r MANDFACTOHEIf OFB e KUS!ira’WoEEa*i* abb Retail, No. 75 Wood ttrtet, Pittsburgh, Pa- Con- ALi n »?»SLr°Rn’i?/uf. e c, rol djd extensive assortment of ALLxntEaof BRUSHES, atthe lowest Eastern prices. t^reo 11 ' 116 DrUBheS ’ * c ’ made 10 «y« L. Bt WArERMAN....R. N. WATERMAN.- • W. B. WATERMAN. -r-, ' _ • ■ S» Waterman A Sons* ,A*THOLESALB GROCERS, Commission and For* >Xv™?ir,?s Merchants, Dealers in all kinds of Pro duce and Pittsburgh Manufactured Articles, and Aeema ° f - lclimon -4 ant * Lynchburg manufactured To ——; mart? JOSHUA BHOPESr*--—. p. AMIITrrz JOSUtTA. KHODKB & CU. WHQLIKSALIi DEALERS IN FORE2ON*FRUITS Nuts, Spices, Confectionary, Bugera, Cigars,kc.,%'c. IJO.C WOOD STREET, EAST SIDg.SEAE WATEa, PITTSBURGH. O. CDKNtMSIUV .... ■ . FlttabureU city CUana Worti! 3 *"*”' W.CONNINtfHAMiACO.® - MAKWACTPHEBS OP;. - WINDOW GLASS, No- 2d Market strut, bttteun First and Stand, tfj~ Particular attention paid to odd'^ke?* 1 A?«n Dealers in Flint Glass. Vials“Boul°s,Ac. fWlv ’ CARD. Ai JiSTtXABT. a *V, B an, v- .STWAUT-tt-Sltl.,™ GBOCEBS, ABP PnODDCE CoBHlSStOtt MebCHABTS. 2Vo. 118 Wood strut, Pittsburgh, Pa. T\EAIiERS IN GROCERIES, Flour, WUeal, Rye, 1J Oats, Pork, Bacon, BatteivLard! Cheese; Clover. TnSihy and Flax Seeis; Iron Nai™ of amCUla m ‘entton paiS ,0 A* HU? ltoumracßs-^Me ? 'sriTßyerk 1 nanter, Robt. Balzell J'nl;’ H ?'”P lon lSmith&Co,KingtMoorheatl,McGilla M Ro t( J “?e* Fenner & McSlillan, Ms«sil lnn; Joa it. Morrisnn. Ewt..St..lwmi« iepgfl 1 Walter p, naMRaUr (Successor to Samuel C. Hill,) IMPOBTSa-aBB SBAIEB IH raEHCB ABB XHEBICAIt .PAPER HANGINGS AND BORDERS, mndmo Shadis, Firt Board Prints,- to., &c. Also—Wrumg, Pnntini: and WrappingPaperj . ■ i ; . No. 60 Wood street, . aciween Foßjtliat. ond Diamond alley, west side. i“2 ... Pittsburgh. Pa. rnoMAs woons.■..•—*-SAMota. wocus. T. WOODS & SOS, PRODUCE DEALERS AND COMMISSION MERCIIANTS,. jsio ■ ' ■ No. Cl walbe stagßT,~m*rsßUßOH. SABPBL P. SHKIVUR, -WBOLESALErQROCER, AND COJIMISSiON . MERCHANT, Nn, MAStWACTtmED ABTtCLES, "S'tfs* and 132 Second SI., baustn Woo* and Smilhfield, - aT: PtttsbpTßh.. BO\yg A. any hour of thedsy, mk{)s r<>l, ra,e > * tor *® «n>flfc of fresh hod good PERFU; •■-.■■ " '*■ ■■■ ~ '•■" ' ‘ - der39 Wisrfci^ JOSEPH D. ABBl't, K rtolV'LlX'r'* P " han■«»» Factories are ail Si°s£f? d i? 8 l?- tt,e ca3tom in summer, this Factory is tiam a ’ ,ia ‘ n C w„ l „ u , l k BhortLY*M“a fl,lly * o, ‘ c,fed “»J will b e fillej al the ili “ T “‘> Tile Oia Printing K«tabluhm«m. ; - , - ,(UIK jobkstor & srocxxoi’s t' WS.^haw™?* 4nd Staiwner y dankom*. £ ?£ n| h? n V J S ok , B ‘ ndin «; "«"w. *«ri“nSc' „*Sg »tST Pr,Dllnß office and fl°°k Bindery, No. GO ThiW I . —-T7.:; ——•'—..,, _^.- J nuvlG • I R. C. STOCKTON* ■■■ “V .. _ _ ■ {Late Jbhntton &• Slockutn i oIUI.ANK HOOI« tl5 ln ;s e “d euperior tß c k »^,»^¥j£££ssß to give satisfaction: Blunt Boots iißcii^'e 5 1, 1 !? 101 / 111 c a S|!‘^ n h ESS?- S^fft^rVtSTSSldT .and Printed in Coiore/tGoB, Bronze orßlivt £! 0 .1 e > m o“u/ilT d ‘ i,S ' i 0 “ l l"poiSJS™. pa«e, n “ f of V SJ T’, from 1010 model B ,aadwamaSTXofihnL,,' a F ptßV = d ' iqa>r ‘ SS £«-»K™ 'i'f. •8m afSTtimeS b 9 and composition can be had ot uoTldiy H.OTVII*I*O, Undtuaker Fifth street tin- S££S,S^#?| p!«S'in , or•' u> “liSd &Seras ' l,c ‘‘ r " ! “' i •MuriagMlway.reiuFy. w ***’ _ sepiSily ALEXANDER & SONS . Juakkss Fnaxtsin*s SA.KSBS] comer cf Penn and "'“j opposite Iht Exchange Entrance on Penn re ‘. ly inform their friend* and i»red to ftirauh and attend Srfli tnUfee devoted altogether, to the above bnsineM k»**n n S C ® oP^ms “»<»» «“ EII4 o ID', ““ (Successors to the late firm of John Sheriff 4. Co ) : BELL AND BRASS FOONDEKS, ocKS) Buch as are used by Lngiue builder* andPlomb- SJ*» e L ,O » pus Chandelier*, Pendenw, Bracket. Ga*t ripe, *c.,&c., Ac. tnovSO #x. National Hotel, Plttaburoh. ’ miH h ■< ?® b J" wiit be alwayssuppliea with the ben the market choicestliquoraJ 1 ' " ‘“W’ l ''' l Wi,h "»,h es t,and. AIiTjSW BBOVJta. w ft covMTrr t V BROWN’SHOTJffiIZ CORNER ON SEmaFIELD AND font]} STS, t w S: COTTIS* 1 : ■ N.- B —£ood Btabbing attached to ihe house. aaEKNSBtIROH HOTEt. ' (lUbbaboh’s Ow> StAjib.) : ..... rjIHE subscriber bevinrlessed the above well know- A “d eicellent esmbßshraent, is now prepar ed loin tenam Wa ftionds and ibe traveling public general ? IS ‘ h !^ e S?ni u i er W' oa s«■“ostteasonablererms.. His TABLE wIU at alinmes be supplied with evarv qnora ° y ****•'““—^•H^-'Wh'thjibiMi.ofjSj- Hustabiing is very extenelve ; and evarv nrr»r,t™ v “*"55? W made for accoipmodaUon of DrovCt ■ aU o W.M. CLAWSON Waverly House. TlCE;undersigned succeeded Mr. John Yraosa HBaBSISfe IbifPopularestabUshmemToSSlrS) m*®?- , ftle „ asana the;public generailySibai be l will use hit best efforts tobeep np Huswell’earned and •krai? enjoyed reputation of the house. - - ' * • He will; keep constantly on hand every idelicacv 01 the season,•Gasttjßmnd. andCanOvstem, Ac.,andhis Baa will at all tlmes-be with the Choicest i7i. guous. tdeclTily.] ’ ■W. C.GAi.KAfiHP.n ■ . “OUR HOUSE.” = ~ WM.. BENNETT. ra NOi 108 WOOD STREET, —a*.,,-' 'JM FALL FASHIONS I i- ■ feggg ’ ■r'w Received at the OLD stand of G. \V. GLASSGOW. Bedbe i Co.’sEall styte pf Hats’ fir 1850; Those inmant of a mod Hat .or Cap, at a smalt advaoge abate cost for Casb,will pleasccuii at No ios Wood street,east side,third door below Fifth street. aug3l:4m , V ; : 4oeen OttySblrt Store. 1., Ttro; 113 St. Clair street, (near the; bridge,)—d i.X large assoronemof oarown make constamiyoa hand.- Customer SHIRTS made topiderpromptly. deodfcly S.AN.AUL. V*"* ’ K *,*» . « » 1 i I'' -..!. . i,-. 1 ' rfr t «•* -r . ISfttamajs (JlarJiß. ■ y. --- : ; t-. ’ 1 -■ *% frj * J *« £ * H, SATURDAY, M. emigration; £ints. naxo* Xilstk " ‘ KMIGRATIOIfOFFjtqE, BOOK MORE, ; Sr Messra. ft M)r?icc3on° nnfSy* his suicr bus ““f- 1»® subscriber irusuFbe wiuAenl' Ate confidence ofolioso who mar Shorten with ihe., jssrasK at t,ie E ™“- gfc»A. vlteJOT Fifth «L, near Sui?ihfald|ptobarjb - Brtmua-Ulm. John If Cuihnt, MVjor of Pm». ‘•SP^U.JotfhJ.MitclielEVO' Horn WU Porter,I Alderman Mi, \V.-*l < owi»,Dfßce*’of ffc. MntmmgChrontW,Post, nitf Pittsburgh Catholic ' h - raew Arratfgement#. ' ’ ■ ‘ ’ i&jisSiS. 0F pacicjs'ts • Philadelphia • SSasiMaSiL j,. T ,° % K 1 b * R oy ti^rupooi. The above «hip4or. i , P“; B £' T, B« eEtl f l ''>m Liverpool to New Or- fc ' SP lta ' nV Eishumth ^a ' ,,n^‘11 >* noi embarh Apply w »AVIHM BAKBOUK, -• 81 John Wuit&Co- ’a, ~U ra<' l ’ for any amount given upoinbeUlsler Banking Company and Uranehoa, iho Royal Bank of Ireland of Bpgopet, Alryooda A Coii BiQtHra.’dcndon. {i:ovl!)’:im FOUKIQKPASSIaNQEIT'oPF'ICK. I SHIP dHOY' I K&SiKS... W HO COMMANDS' ; kiW&t HAHKDES & <;o., I vaUrtTm?^T'iZt' br ,-^ C , nber Ab’eai their unn atßoT.^' I™' 1 ™' ll4erpool “ To* f Let the Friends oi Emigrants he careful to have ihcir nnTw ra> an d sufficient I -1 „T]f* 0,1,1 ao °hlitg-ranues lor the use of Pa f i ei }§? t 8 e Pt uiider cover. Kvery attention will bp °w^ n «h ote!berT healthandoomfori »5. , }.*;5i5.2? s ‘*“ p ncciea with an kuropcnu.Aeent. • • • • . - ROBINSON, ' : ' npBl Poet B uildiii its, corner of ' ■ (rtgggl&i ' .RBiH-STASCES - . lilillp „ & , Jgllil^, • !■ 1H EL AN D,, f,.' I .™” WALKS, lkkmawy, K:\GI.AND . scotland; v ...FRANCE, awl To ttny amount, by •■> JoahuitUobUuoji, European jlgTOl, ros>-buttitmffi,ar, F,;ih and Wcoil j<« iliistrUanjoaa | jikkpii t ME.-ircorr T.r. T; ?? vv A bark* fitonafaelurers 0/ Plmnii Fire Proof safes. Ishss|ssht# ssasasjgfeSs^ Ooo^peiicd— «afo Thr heat was so rrral u« io K "I 011 ® 1 mountings. .Wo therefor?take pleasure in mg these Satee to the public* a«j beini? in*li r *^ ot l lincnrf * entirely fircprooi. JARVIS a tllabuf JUJKm<,nl ’ NICKJtRAWSON ' I'.2 II ? aVALL & BROTHER brai»m).\ a riiAi'ciiFß ’ BEMP.DIOT k OARTFR ' ISAAC CROMIR ’ I am : engaged in the foundry hu-i.ieni i •ometbing. about mmacee and heal. I witne«-ed [he burn ingot the above Safe, and can freely saTthcrc was nofcimbagabom It, and will, pleasure rccomtS'them public as bung, n ,j judgment. ?nn«ly fi[™ In calling upon tins above gentlemen tufee, they llspoke in the hiShert S/of the faiin? s of Uie test, and their full confidence of Iho SaftV befnt entirely fire-proof. We have eonu inilv ™ nSI t „ o i^® : sale a full assortment of the üb°"esJfeV 0,1 ha"* andfpi ,na?3l BELI, & TEJIRV ■ WfaotoiiU anii h*»»iT ~ ■Xfc form faia friends sijU Uic.puWio go, J°Jw -©ljei, JSiSB , S2SS!.KSB»“^® -smu&ssxiariSggssS of the best material, and in a stylo of wo A’mSrie So n 1 : CtntntryMttdianu unri Farrnm would J o m ii and examine his atort: before purchS/ eisbbriieie' to pricei* rra ‘ ned "" fl ” v *•> «Welw fcvtiy W 8 °- —t of Wood 1?0R REAL GOOD TEA-f3 0 ? & »• SWMIgT and ronghflav’d Black,’fioi»nd7s!‘in fre^ P’ •R.JAYNE’ri EAMJLY ME 1> lc I N h's i^Tt / of a letter from the Rev. JE. L, ABBOI'T ISiSS 1 known and highly esteemed MiSouarv in the lave known U inmimy eases *afu ke v 1 SANATIVE PILLS are my ghiti SK) 1 n ' '.““t medicine Air myLfyer Complaini and i^a 91 ' thatl lmve ever dyed. They are'iu"„fiV wi 81 we’ftre entirely;oiu of tli6m. We *nee?v iw? boxes ol themf - *,Bro. Beecher SSm 1 ? thousand boxes yearly among our neonL vantage, I hflvtfase/your.ToNlCV^StATiPifrl-l? v Tomc m INTERMITTENT TEVEIi hn complete success. I think it was dime the meals oK vrncmy ojrnscn.s pnripgmy.travetsamoncSrechurch es lie past,sla ? pn,l found a whole viffaee fttfferlEn der a prlVaifeglnJluensa, : attended; wjfh Con/hK a - most violent character,, l often fdpreiiPrtTW.? > a doze'ri or two of YOUR oS l mi idler to ihetri, for I believe from what I hide ISUwSri?' effects, that tf would have been j„ st J r“?,, M” pdQr.peoyler.'i presumd'you.'haveVioi'Htthpfilft na°n e iWjb:yftar»B extent 'your Seine,, b. 5 m“n ■ouf'Misslpiis:'bAtfectibnalely.jouri K«s, N. B.—The above Teas , are direct fmm hm, .„_* the.fatKo ail-jos/.theyarenot P™W!? Brandy, Gii\ and Huh); [fcbMJ -^IATOE3*Fito 8 5 t^ \ ~ ‘ ■ r.Y-.-v 1- ,■ I■* _, ™ s *bb nsANEroRiAnoN or tsoani to i-m mo* PITTbBV&OH, PHILADELPHIA,. BALTmoBE , ' OUK, BOSTON. «o : i THOIIAS RORBIDGE,} < TAAFFE& O’CONNOR -Hutadeiphia: ! y {. '--Pittsburgh ’ ,r f ,t wi ! “ < ? a . , r '.‘“ifnpW open the proprietors or this j-° n ? establishes Line ate as usual at their old stands, 'KSf i" s anl i forwarding MeccJiandup: and Produce 5 S.T/iti C . e : ai !? , s' llh the promptness, certainty and safety peculiar to their svstem and mode of Transportation, .where intermediate .transhipment is avoided; wiih its consequent delays and probability of damaire. T-.ororo'tandizeand Produce shipped East or West, and forwarded free ofciiarge for commission, ■dtreoue I !? e,or *S c - Havingnomterestdirectlyorin ''oouihoam, tliul of the owners is solely con when sJuppingtheir goods. . ; 1 AlU.omrnutucatipns to- the following Agents promptly aPiMldrdto THOMAS BOHBIDC«l\ P y No.d7sMar)tetst.Philade!phto: TAAFFE& O’CONNOR, ’ Propruurs. »v!, r di! en ? And Wayne sis., Pittsburgh;'.;! ' B ;\ I ?>“ 11 ° Bh tc °i 63 North st.-, Bale; p. - 5 Ooune St., Boston; \V. A J T. TaD cSeimmtt’ ouUls, >N=w York; Jaa. Wheelwright, ] : HJOIW T1 _ Bounty Landa. ' ' ( No ' 1C ? T,urd Klreei, corner of having mndnarrangements at \V*sh» I> i pflrposo, will procure Bounty Lands for the ?°ldiere,.their widows and children,nnd6r the Bounty Land Bill, passed September &?lh, 1850. Pittsburgh. October 10- •. T flr . * Dlsaolutlon. ~“ IjL partnership of Reynolds & Shee was dissolved .by moitml consent on the lal i*st. The business of S e ,?^ AViI) b f * eulc l d bi e ‘ lher of the parties, the name of the hrm.to he ttsed.tor that purpose.' - 3. O. REYNOLDS, J. L. SHEE. ■ On reunng from the business of Reynolds fc Shee I w.ouUJ recommend Sir J. L. Shee to my friends and t/ie lormer customers of the house f c jaH H c,t lMn»ofPJttrtnfgh; A >,“ >“« ail heard .now.cheap C. A UROVVN is .selling his stack of fine Gold JRWEGRY't If vod r!i a «ht. ao< i' ? ■ i '" ow ,ha< he 18 ®aliingf a very rich and fashionable assortment of Gold WATCHES andJEW- Sle d ■ a » ,onl! ‘ hia ff low prices that all who lmve m .irh.’ h ‘* a . s ?°rtmect and prices, exclaim,-Hhis. ™tni ny ' ! as o m =' h| ns new for Pittsburgh. : What! fine KiSV.** «J y se lns athalf the usual price! How can Sto i >a moment,wc will tell yon!the secret; arrangements with the: manufactn ir V * "*’ ? nd Rls0 > ' T ‘'h the Watch 1 manufactu re,, 0 ' oiatwc arc .getting all our goods at the nn'J e «!n,F!!?ni > e P nc a s , and then, having low rents to SfVverv imtii ,! sEi?. s ' f . .■‘■i, ' ■ Vv CH 22, 1851. utransportation £iiua ; . -Pittsburgh Trattapariatloifliine/ - ' » JAMES p’CON^pil^^^^ snSaSrMl'So^^' ’ South Fou^%l'!£&s™Y' a ' ’ Chesnutsts., Philadelphia 4 : > - O'CONNORS fc CO-, T-TA jrtNn i- 11 , Notlh st Baltimore , rl fully completed our arrangements, we. will pTn‘n!fl e /!s^ a li s^, n lp ° l^ fieo i )emil ff ofinePennaylwania. to and from Pittsburgh, Bdliii “S i, NfVoxk.Bos.on,Gmoinnaii.Loa- S,»’ n ji;fe >a^ian J l^l,be East andWcst.at lower rates and with more despatch and care • tlmn any other lneum^H' SS J,^ PP^‘ 1 by lur1 ur «« folly covered by SSSSSSi b^^? r g n a ?° 10 -"«*» P^otectloS Areut« ° r D i ,C addressed tot.ourselves or our vifle tovp'o' nunni,£i? cl i I,m . u ' E ' WCB B, Louis Promnta?Sa i ne°e 380R ‘ NE) Sl Loul8 -™ li meel «* PhiUdpln?iH r^T>%^*v Uo c ?^ ction w hatcver with the? kiiis A Co’ and Pittsburgh Transportation Line of. At- Merchants’ . FOR* piu^nf?F&r? AH i. L ■’*»»: B*lt«Oi(»S.) . FOR P-HfLAWlA^DlßEp^jgp^; WITHOUT c. i. M ■•■■:■■ - - '-■anal Basin, 40a form sl. ; Pitubiirnh ■ '■ •: CHARLES R/tYXOIZ XTrF »m tidin'* -a i > !e . mra l ® ( ®ck Road st.j Philoda- W to receive a large amount of Mer auouwr rate;,, and in less time , than in any previous ?ea lQcl®‘s':d number of Ttucks provideH i,v S,W Commissioners for cnrryine boats over the' Jnb t n«win o rj ’irj U P re vem any possibility of delay at Johnstown, Hollidaysburgh or Columbia; this sen* on I C. A: .U’ANULTV, ; Canal Basins . | Pe'n P n“ U X 0/ Z ETH of ppnßmfiSt £ay , 011 , and after thb'TWENTl "&£■ Ssn® 'sSiS!S»f ■ 1 ™ sa i, Diji.K.. ( ac , at loofta. "p -. :.■■■■ 11. H. HOUSTON, \oaOT/^ B o4 JlfC^^S“na-Ruilroa“• • * “«*« StWeL Philadelphia •ieiuiuf 1 ° H £ o| nsEM l'yourßoad'9liouM tiePon ■'ene"lo McFaden a.covode, PA P 4F^ E V4 N 7iU^ MO^D com^ 811 and PirrsßDßfiH ‘V NS PHILADELPHIA Hand lofi> U S Q ’S Philadelphia Daily at 8 A and PPM ‘ Lca ' e Dnaij at 8A M , Abl-3ra A ; -kENDERSON, c- : Passenger Agent. YOUGHIOGHIiiNV ItOCTK I coachPß? n r WU h “t*®*** *»«•' or'- ! splendid , Tfoy l %iB‘ "inore Sa Phfladelphif’ al “ d R ‘‘" roa ‘ i lhc,,ct 10 Balli ’ For furlfieriaformationenquireof ■ ■ ~ ' ■■ G. M. UARTOW, v assengcr Agent, Monongabela House: ctr,€apt. JACOB SMITH, Freight Agent,-Wharf Boh- decSOiflm Pittsburgh Portable Boat Idne* %r- n ' »* '.v y w>'-- " y *}h *• £»?;;%<*. *O, * ’ ‘ •* *** V'\»- 1 Tr-v^,^, ta * 0 3 ao oC Wlnei and Liquors, I I ‘ L^^^^sasjMg^gs,,. f D . La Mar- I Si^Jna«iT L ! atOUr ’ Me^°°>.clltt leanxLafitte, SbEsteplid; SSpSf • lim _Sirrnh?’& doable brand Ri^oiato”ilHSS: 6 ' a 'P“ rabet, ? na ‘ Jatbor ’ Parto c ie *'^ colch .‘ h i? h ' fI,T ? red i friah, Old Mononca- Hela, Swias Ectracl d’Aosynlhe, very aapdrior ‘ ; Forsalewholesalcaiid retail By: ; ■ , i maT5 ' : IP7 faucrty street- | ‘ ~ J uaT at W. S. HAVEN’S Stationery Ware- V KOom, corner Market and Second streets, several cases of Hngljsliand FrenchStmloneryitrieludlng it fine assortment of Lkteb Cups of various neW styles: note 1 a j envelopes of/hew patterns pcaibossed cards, BKgWffl this [ c{,V’ am^ n^'w lttch willbe found pamp aht] fomtt inks, .I.JSJf H * n> x?tan*> constraciedto prevent evapora- I Jf 0 "' Porcupine pea-holders ;. GiUleu’s 30 Bpens i Smith’s bone a “divory folders; > mbmprandimrLooks" FahCrs’,: BrookmaiFs.t celebrated, manofaeinrers of lead p°e ,af , s ever pointed pencils'bfaff and white. ’ alsdparehrnenlenvelopes, foren- S!mn?,,. nab,e docnraents. Also, cream laid quarto KSfcf'.'W 1 * a s?P«W"'Bn4«*BfiHeito* pa»t,v L;-. ■ .? (mart Trar'fn'"* 1 ' Hfe Jnraruue Company. I'Vha Site 'te ierm of thft CliarterVbl PITTSBURGH LIFE tNSTRANCE COMPAV ? ' 7 ]JlP,‘a C u' a of ssid Comp any. for Aral year: J!?' a K s a : .Hoon, . cEarlei-A.t3Kon,-r r - JoSn P « §i J ? J * ech J ‘ ■ : Saranel Jfl’ClPrkan, John S.Dilwoirt, William Phillip*,' .. * A: Wilfton, > M ? 'H ,h 6 °P" SAMraL M|Cz.uaKwr, Vice President : f 1 Secretary r ; r ; Joseph S. L«ec]j,Treasiirer. : »m. .Pitoorifejitf. D:, F.yqmjnipg■Phvsigin n ’• al)3t:ti,ltl,on ? 00 * t 3 01 tis M>mpany will y/“i , s' thepresentat Ihehonseof Morphy. Wilson ’ OO °odstreet, whera those wishing* to subscribe can haye an oppommily.lo do so.:. 9 =>uo»erioe Byorderof ihe Board, | C.A. COLTON, Sec’y. WRITING and WRAPPING PAPERS r 350 reams £by 33 Prlmirig Paper f , * HS ■-••'‘’-2K-■ :#» ; do do; ! •3QO'-do. 13by32 ‘do’ do, 500 do--lBfcy.S4,-24by32 > a 4 by 34J28 bv 41 -29 • ' l-i ■ - by 43; „ . » 3 ’ ,400 V ‘ Blae, Factory Paper: Single Crown Straw Paper: 400 do Doable do* do; I • > 'so do. Medium ; 'do do; » Medium and Single Crowi Rug. The.xmdersigued-keeps e wtantiy on Band and for sale or exchange Tor Rags, a large and general aasoii'- SS£'" r " i; febai s ;■ ■ comer of Penn and Itwin sis. f SINTO N Ac 0«’& - GENTLEMEN'S FORNISHING jSTORE ; ; AHD ODIhFEtIoWS' DEPOT ' i ' APOL L O CI Lp r N O^; ’fourth street, before preaem e p° “ a single establishment: ■'.' p - l i‘?F ’ ere ie regnlai receipt ■of Begutai, Lodge Blank Booh; Gavels, and °‘ber Lodge articles. The Regalia, exhibited at their think er L mosl d or d e qns and admirably assorted; no-. mn^Tn 1 tS I6^3 °« A re ? 3 -.-Thc variety Ib ‘entirely too SSiiM 0 e ?, lUJier ? t ® “oderaie space;; •we mnau Sr^-°i ” pnbllc t 0 an v invesrigaUon of the j h we< r an kay in this connection la. S,nnK^^? aba^e , r,t > hß taste can bo «. ta oar line; pianufaciared oat hinl 0 b wi “T#* B ;*W4 hands. We solicit an examination rof ofar*Btoelr • it comprffees avanety wijichchatienees-conitiatison * StoL nnS if °i- F,7 “ and Jkirun Shirtr: Parity • W?soi“&re f “ cy - ?V. -; JUNTO?? * >CO n xr ' o' I ''':®*# 2 ©f-tiic BaeHive, . fit- - I KUUZ F B *• psoras. GntUtlDffl &. r ENGINEERS ANIT LAN D SURVEYORS tenng associated tbeniselvfesfor that tiuroose. will BMSSSSSMstatAeS T IHEINSOEANM;?O.OF.TjoamA3tt;iUCAwiII iSasm , 3SS^i2&S^- -i?- y _ -' . -.' • 44,Waterstreet. ■ STotice to Contractors, i - AND PENNSYLVANIA BAItROADe-Seal. V_^^ e d proposals wiU he received at the office of the Ohio, and Pennsylvania Railroad Company; in Pitta burgb, until TUursday, the dOih day of March next/for laying (he track from Pittsburgh to;,Massillon, adifutnee he J.h,"r e a' pP forms of proposalsmay be obtaiaed at the office in Pittsburgh, foT’two weeks SS3 , ArS-fo,t?oa' el^n? ’ °“mP plic “ tiou 10 Solomon W. Roberts, Chief Engineer, The proposals mast be in ac cordance, with the printed forms, and addressed to the S. O. REYNOLDS* Mephaaicd Kteet.touho Fifth War! of tbfiCily niirjjh. in nincii-of the structure recently destroyed tiv “ re --Saaled proposal wfll be received atflhe afficeiof Jacob Painjer & Co., Liberty ,st_, until ihojlSih day of March next, for lie erection of the. above described Bridge. - rhe.pdtiern thereof to be the samd as the ;\lo nongahela bridge, with such alterations as bidders mav suggest, and the Directors approvo. ~ : - 1 Byorderofiite Directors. •• ; febL-td /.- . FREDERICK LORENZ. p.„i, JOHH.O’DOSKSLCt.* *"-A. L. HVLLKN,. v. .\x£. B'mrvr^n O’DONNELL, MULLEN&CO?' rm«burgl» ward Uooms, ‘ ‘X o .'* 1 $ Tfo'd Stmt, South Side.“ - fit ' *?**■ “• df®*-,'respectfully infomriheir friends they hare,: if-nsti the i2£e£ pTs3stock ever before seen in this city, the greatest 1 1 •variety of styles, the finest-finished. Eadf of the best seasoned materials, and by the best Urorkmen in '""".W-nJlPfwhich they are?deterttihe3. to sell aa low;as any other manufacturing establishment tn the city. Our stock is ail our own manufacture: no importations. . ' . -Steamboats and iloielsfurttished at the shbrcit notice. All orders promptly attended to.- on t--. j ; Jal7 :: AUegneay pjaaing uiii,' ; sxbkbti AtusaHßSY cur, rirasA. , - - ’l’***' subscriber would respectfully it’.foriiL his friends JL- and the public generally,thatbaving.completed his new Piamng Mill,,and having now’in operation two new t- astern made - Planing Machines,- (Woodworth’ patent) and-saverai circular and upright Saws, he is now prepared to furnish promptly and at reduced rates, planed and Sawed lumber of every description. = :attention of steamboat joiners, carSenters and builders, is particularly called to the above establish ment, where a largs.assorlmenP of planed J and roneh lumber, of different thicknesses, suitable for shipping, boi maktog,house, steamboat workv&S., can .be found ‘St ail lirccs.'’ •- • t-: { Also, lumber planed or sawed to order, with prompt ness jud de * palch ’ JOHN A. BLOOMER,. ‘ v ,o Pittsburgh A, JAYNES,' 39 Filth 81 ' A.% "W‘*Coatar* - .■ - ' ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT* r-Aty ttxui, PitufureL, Pa. novlffidawly haw pennenup, r|tHbsnD3ciibera have associated ibemselves-in,the X pracuee of -Law, under the firm of Black & Waib taotoK. One or the other of them, when not engaged'-, n vouri, can be. found ot nil times inithe office, on Fourth street, Pittsburgh, now occupied by Mr. Brack SAMUEbiW. BLACK, feb3 .READE WASHINGTON, John a. H, mountain ■ “' HAS laken charge of the BARBER SHOP under tie OLD EAULIs SALOON, where he solicits the pa tronage of the public. He: hopes, byhla eudeaVorsJto mem ihe favorof.-his friends, , i feb2silf : ‘roHerehauui llanafaiitiirerli, &c« ' WB are prepared to make contracts to brine out fV: from.PbHadelphiajtliu season, large Min of heave freights, on accommodating terms, and a| verv lmi rales, mi/muire-sMppmg on At icou. AcdlV to 1 “ o. A.M I APfUL , ryT& 0O i ' ; -Copal Basin. 200 ftSS^ iOEB - No. 6 Wood street. y il-’I ? * * t" “ ' v* v•; <• ■ ■ •*. ’»:• **£*.", JHiactltanamß.; ... ••' ■’ f *"'V -•; '•':. ■•< "••■''••■! . „ . .',■** * ,/ J* \ * ; -?Wt£-. ■.■ ■♦*'■■' -.-rji . ■ r '. ■• » -•■■■•<'■'!'•■.•■ ■■'■ iHigttUanomg.. ; T3LACK PRESS GOpDS-rJastreccived per exoress m “ rIS a‘. A.MASOiV k CO. ttitflS ' " A\ A.mSON & CO. • OACON PABKS—7ffemply Cdsksfor tnlolow by « WAI.DYBE, mM * s ' 20? Liberty street. "W” c ' r x ue ’ 3 ,r LoJllor Saving Soap ratss(c hy. iha i4x,ju the manufacturer’* price* ■ ■ nutlrls . ■ . , . WM.dVeb ' CURED HaU—lo,ooo pieces in emolcehome foraafe.by ;. „ . (maHg> ■■ .WAI.DYER. '-#niiOVERSBED—*IB bbls./bf sale low’by , V starts - , WM.DYER. QHfciE5E—6UO bbts- vefy «lrcD£old Cheese for V/ sa.e at a (ow:pnce.. : . : [marlfi]; DYER. Floor for eai* cheap/ "■ ■■■'' • WMDYIfe/ F 1 ? bb ls ) Bup«UQFhalyea far tele aari,> ' WM.PYER. S^^ EI )~ <,0 £ 0 a =- first-rate Beeswax, ■“■ lu * flB3l market priCe tviil be paid. “S lO - -, WM. DVEB. ' .. . . _A-AVMASON i Co>3. mart* ' io7Th.ni R »°UES& ALCORN, - - lo7TiTtrdßtree^oppotitetheBi,Charlefl> M l *S? 8^oobnsh "safflg&jajiifr tWKN— 500 bosh, in aiore midWMtMalbv ' ■ marll _ RHODES & ALCORN QHORI'S— 3OO busn. m siore and for sale by P «arl4 RHODES & .ALCORN /^JORN—I,OOO bush. to arrive and fareale bv V mafl ' l RHODES & ALCOBN iJUAltlW—lt-O.OOfi feel.'gooa cnaiity, well for sale atgreajly.reaacedprieesv&y ' 4 JOHNAiBIToQMESt n *• * aiuogMllU BPf BOARDS and PANEL STUFF^oSOO'fiS, seasoned, for salt; chfinp. by ; ■ ’ ' ' ' ■■■ • JOHN A. BLOOMER, Allegheny Planing Mills. BXS. STEKINK CANDLES for sale by.. - . m .° r>3 : ID. WILLIAMS & CO. •marl3;2re (»"•> YKNJSgn JJLiMS forsale by- - marl! - J. D. WILLIAMS * CO. 1 BBIi..CHESNUT3 for aalo dy . J. D. WILLIAMS A CO- Tt 12 nbl9 ' in cloths, for sals ™rf h n P ’ by - ■ ■ W. EE, Trlffii.;.; - - 207 liberty street. T —JU bbls. reeeived and for saleßy SSli®. SAMUEL-P.3HRIVER. y _At»?i*KS —10U received andrfor s&je; * VTr -marlO - SABJinStT^SHHIVER. Y7'HEaf''UTS—2l) bbTs, received andfohaile by V marl(l _ ■ •■. .. BAMPEL P. SHBfVER, T\RIED AHPLEy—-Received’aod'for sole by' •*^; laarlo .. 1 SHrfnnßß. marl ° SAMUEt; », SHtttVßn, y R O^VBUT^ R r lttbbl^E' ,ra “ toll U™” received AV and Jor ga IeAy.SaMUKLP.SHRIveb :X>^ A . ( 'f*BSTT3S ».No t 'il9 Frontsf» marl- , • MILLER; & RICKETSON. '|7 r BUtVTJBR'—-14 keys BaUar : iuSi r*'ceived and for JV salefay fmar4] ; .ftTILLE&feRICgETSOW. * P A i^r4 0tI '~ 1 ’ 000 E,! ' P »Vr?,- o j,U nslore and for sale X mart - - MILLER & BfCgRTgnM (jiiAHET WINE-14 hb(i9.i>oraeataz Claret WiHi, Vr • . 2u boxeB r do .do Nedor ' MlLtEn^niCKETsm tIABSIA— it>o maia Cassia just receireaand for 1 sa!<* ■■ . : AIILLER& RICKETBQN. T ONG CLOTHS .AMP IRISH WNENS "r,l c• by A L ° Bf OXiASSES. Bio Coffee for sal© bv ■ ' " ? ar9 v KING & 'MOORHEAD r|IOBACCO—Of th 6 fol!bwhn brandsauagellfc Eob- W hISS Blchari gale by [marB] KINO r& MOORHKAn. BtWM^^8 t WM^^S G S!L a! ri? rt6d s “ e ‘i iron and Nils"; "**4 1 Cora Brooms; Beaver Backets an i Tats, (orsale by. [marfll KING .& AlonnH^n ytlM> APPLES—IO bbls. super. Dried Apples; . • 12soots ' do: ' ; Instore and for sale b; .; ■ : “ ■' Inar * MILLEtf & RiCKETSON. SHs' MOL 4SSES-40 bbls. S. H. Moliuj. Kj.es, James Refinery, mjiorc and for sale bv fflaT4 * AfTLLCR & HJCKETSON. _ mar 7 117 3J gl.,oppbaita Ri. Charles Hotel. HOUND FEED—On};arul »n£Yor'tmleby~ 1 : ~t — - V r - .. m . ar7 RHODES k ALCORN. UAJUjJS Y—Of our otvn nr in u/ac iuto"' rnn stamljr on h3nd,«nd Jor saie by - > con m,r? BHOPES & ALCORN - T>JCE FL.OUH—Fresh ground on tiana and far aai» XI. mar? „ BHODE9 & AI 'pmsiIItJAiMUSTAHO-o; oar ;ownmans7iJSr„ JET: .constantly un hand sntl for saie.bv . ntactore, mal7 _ BHOPBB & Al.finnv • R {Jp D _ A V p^E3— lOO bns-jn storeand for isle hi m ” 7 .__ ■ ■ vvmoyer, aori°L,v°i l / KAPHNO AWH' : ... ,w r cu ottaa uv ‘O- ~ morU ■■ :-•• --w.gSaA^W, - S. artl —. ■ W.P.MARSHjUt. IWIMAV sale 5v - ” ~ '. 1 ■ -W.P.MAHBHAT.T. :—— -■ No.:6lWaler»lr(4i. • 5 “mkli WH '**" * ISA ’ NS for «»tegr ; , T.WOOD3 fcSOM »SWBfe- SAU't 1 MAI'UHN- .. . ■ Wine; E M «®> »etam in store 011(1 for Sole * U half . do *> i mar '* MILLER 4 RICKETSON. l"s®2sSsp§iPw«:«. 'rsaaas,— “ * • ... ..; Nos. 221 ana 233 Liberty street. IUI ' ahs> i,Vi'i!SS'‘- L *S i '*««*'' »*■« » roanu-.lt AIILuLEK.fIHUHCU * CO. T y^E.—Woqden Typeyfrdm tfrp i'W °/ furnished ai abort no licg,by . ffebgOJ. . ? W. S. HAVEN. - UTATOBS—CO bMa. first-rate zeds,'dry, meaiflm« sonad/forfaieby''?- [mar7J WitBYBB. * -••/.' ‘ ' - ■■:-'■'<■, !".*■' «' .-■ ;. V \