WS;sgi!;S®#|Pf«l®ssS:«'-;.. ■^!4VV«^■ i^■s,, if,TV -•'- ■>’ « *'l •.';- '• : ,v ;- ••4 • : ,. * ‘“.J •• '- *- V*l: Vi.»: vf *c- ‘ -~, : - J **r .1 '.■»• * ".ii’ .;.?». ■>.:■ * -.«-. i.• V -'- ;', • *.»F fc ;/l'~-- ,f : •• V.; ,". T 7- V.; --(-_ .•■'■■ .; -; '--.. ;•* -:. --. v ,-, V.- ' * '*« .:* * r * . * - ~ -*■- iy ; -‘P £ ■£'■ter*a&Sy*~::VrV\i^.^Wl^ ?& 1 * ~ t>>tX 1 ' V-*V’“ \ h .N ,’.t- u ■ i- v ! *i -fs >C>; r.* *.;. J v> Vs.>^o“ *y *'-*■«.*» & N £>- U'l , - c^t®•{«<*h '*.)r £■-*-,'^v":‘w•’T^; i -’'*' :O*J!VV£S - -•■ !*■ l ;'r'*(.'"fci-iiT:!< l e, J ,N‘- v jlijiS ~.‘ tS.I,, fS^fef^j|W4P^?Aii : fcrj ; £> mmmimm ! M6r^fe#^@Ml|lSS&>; pßmpli wmmmmmmtexim ftMw mMmBii&^^ IMpfpi^hßpjß mlm >iMi« MIMMMtt |^#4cf»mt« sszMs %w§^oomsPs^ jßuiigeegßMsM plifisi®l^gpl^ yi'v^w^tsJ *.£.£ Iv^ j sfe-fjb=|i I '|?iip ; . -£f V #CS?*s»sfe <-V* „«■ VVV* - i« ® ,-*, ; >’« jS^^^aVd ,>V. r W 51 ‘- /i* ■■ '■■■■. ■ ■ ■ ■ . • ... &£ £' iT-S^V.. iPi^«|l^i^^^^Biliiiil^a*iiPii^«iliiiii-... S3itS®telSi|ilB|StSll^^ I»l!6|§iBit#t!t||lB^^. Iff y ff, ~ ' : ff' /: ; rr ff < : * ;•. a ■,- ■ V, .jyaawiM*"!’ local matters. x. K*tfyura*? » - ttt -. ■ •!■■ - •■■-.•. Y?Y Y 'Pur*"" 11 - Tbioedt.—A lady, wife to one of the : V;i. “■ hLOrtscspecttblo Inhabitants of Allegheny county, ;ii ; ! ,'yV'araeiillod byber-own daughter on Monday last.— eighteen, years .of ego, and was 7'chastisingone of her liule brothers, when the moth* r' c.-.: er interfered for ’.its protection, upon which her ’' YYi- ’daiJßbter stabbed at her with a poher, penetrating her abdomen, . and' causing almost-instantaneous i-dOsth. The partieslise within a fewtrtiles of Pillst burgh, Vdt wo suppress all names until the judicial ' - ; elimination which will probably lake place. • ' \yir.t. Paual—Now that the time of year when persons are filing up their houses, rooms, '',. halls, Sc.; is at hand, it is very reasonable to sup. • -pose that Iff order to look neat and fine; . they will ■base them papered* This they can do in a cheap - and most elegant manner, by, calling at fihidle’e, " . 69 Smithfield street, ■ Be always keeps on hand the •' moat beautiful patterns of/paper, as is evidenced by. • - .'i - tho large number bo is- continually supplying j and his paper for public Halls is eiceedingly tasteful . . end in great demand. Giro him a call. BEAUU> PboposAxs.—lt will bo seen by reference . to onr adrertiaing colnrana, that'Thos. A. Rowley, .-.'.i‘ 'i\gtreetCommitsionerof the Second Dißtrict. will re . ceireeenled proposals until Saturday, for the grading =■■ . : of Second street, from the end of the pavementto -a ■ • thelino ofthe Eighth Ward, at Lock No.l. Also, *■ for gracing and paving Centre Avenue from the line - of the Sixth. Ward to Diowlddie street. .—Some daring incendiary entered - the bwemeot of the Fourth Presbyterian Church; in the Fifth Ward, yesterday* and; piled the pine tfed^^'iiihJhß^iifawßg'Mineshaaihgiifonder.tfciem, - andaetfiie to r it; r The Snnday School Library wa# completely destroyed; but the flames were .extins gniahed'bofore any other damage was done. * ffsgh The Niagara Fire Company offer a reward of $50,00 lor the arrest and conviction of those who blocked up their door, and tied np the beil rope, • Svrsal Curictut following evi dence U only one of tboasaads. oi similar .character, ami conclusively proves that X)r. Howe’s Sarsaparilla Is J rm« of the most efleellve remodieeever discovered : | , : Sir.—Hy son, when aboatsix months old, broke oat with that dreadful dueale, Bcrcfu- Imu Sortt, over the lace and body; and for two years 1 kid abali I fried every means suggested l ■ by my Winds. I also bad the advice of six or seven of theiesl Physicians in the eonniry. withqnt effecting a Onre. anal almost wished the little sufferer dead, that it might be freed Irom its jmius. Dunne the lost six mtuUlU.lhe Bores were so distressing mid painful, my self and wife were up with it night und day, for weeka together, OltdlM ted glow up dll hope of everiaising oSlittle oue. At length, n friend advised us to tty yonr 1 ' Shaker Sarsaparilla,' Reluctantly ! fried it, and I nave I ■ reason to blew God for it, for, m n very sterl tun*,st teoi eduitheinte, so that there is scarcely even a scar to ' ,b* «een.: We only regret that we did not hear or and ' commence using it sooner, as weore satisfied it would have eaveia «nreat deal qi suffering; and expense. .Too | ia now well aud hearty. we do unoesuaungly 1 consider yoar Shaker Sarsaparilla one orthe bestpre paiatibfts flow in tub* vJOHN BTANSBURY, ; ' Bose, between Front and Second sts. •> Thuisthetmly Sarsaparilla that acts inthe Liver, Kid ms and Bleod,al the torn time, which renders u altogctn srmore valuable so every on*,particularly Females. - Br,MiiUevjl?TVfeGaT in the Ohio Medical Coilcjp, says \ “ ■ tfa IShaicrpTtvartXions art truly valuable, and recommends ' • ihsmtoUupublie: . • 1. . __ No IkfaicCßT—*bq Minxuil—no Poisonous Drugs in lA< Shaker Sarsaparilla „ ■ ... j Mernember, it is warranted & be purely and entirely ' as a'Fanate and Family medicine tihas <. you enquire /or J)r. 3. D. Hold's Shaker *.*•. SandpanUa. . Priceglpei bottle.andsixboUleefoiSg, _ * • Dr. S. D. HOWE A CO., Proprietors,. ■ No. I'College llall, Cincinnati, to whom all orders . qonst bo addressed. - ■ > For sate by bur Agents, ' - ‘ _ ; ~ J, SCHOOitttAUtB A Co., H. W. Ms&sts,A. Black, Joel - Atosun,J. M. TowsskHD, “William Jackson and J.A. Jons, Pittsburgh j D. • A. Elliott, Allegheny j >V., R. McClellans, Manchester; P« Cbookkb, Brownsville? •and Druggist*generally; : Also, by HOWE A CO.. Pro- College HalU Cincinnati. Ohio. L(eb2S Jnloe or Pepsin* This great remedy, prepared after directions ©i ' BarouXiieblg. the great Physiological Dr. J. - g.Houghton, of Philadelphia, is -working wonders in all diseases of tne stomach and digestive organs. It is truly one of the most important discoveries in medical sci ence. Cures of the most hopeless cases of indigestion. .-»• Jutvo been performed, to which the afflicted can be re-, ferred by calling on the agents. See advertisement in another column. Keybsb A M’Do well, Agents, • ■ • feb3 140 Wobustreet. v ITr» Consumers of wines are invited to read In another column the card of Jacob Snider, Jr.’s cheap wine store 07Wa1out street, Philadelphia. febUtdly 0* Daguerreotypes. -TTI Nstsoti A Co. wonld respectfully announce to the citizens o f Pittsburgh, Allegheny andvicinity, that they have had a large,Operation Room, with a Gloss Root end Front, built.and arrangea expressly for the purpose , of taking Daguerreotype .Likenesses. The best Da ■ - gueireotypes,on the best material, are taken at this es tablishment, under the special superintendence of the ; enables them also to take Family Groups, of any number of persons, in the most perfect • manner. - likenesses of sick or diseased persons, taken in any part of the city. • Gallery at the Lafayette Halt,Fourth street,corner of -Fourth and Wood streets. Entrance on Fourth street. v febUtly V- - - •. • . • -ENCOURAGE lIOsMLE institutions. ; CITIZENS' INSUUANCE COMPANY, * op pixrssoaoH. . C.G.HUSSEY. Prest.A, W. MARKS,Sec’y Ogtce^No.4VWatrtSt, i, : “ (D*Tab Company is now prepared to inSure all Jrihds of rtsks, on Houses, Mnnutactories, Goods, Merchan - * ' dilein Store,and Transitu Vessels, Ac. An ample guaranty for the ability and integrity of the Institution, is affordedin the character of the Directors, who ate all citizens of Pittsburgh,'wall and favorably knerwnto the community fortheir prudence,intelligence ®nd integrity. v : - * . . ; DiKKCTdBs r C.jG. Hussey, Wm. Baga’ey,Wm. Lari cner, Jr., Walter Biy ant, Hugh D. King, Edward Heazel lon.Z .Kinsey B. Harbaugh.S.M. Kier. inarlSur 10-1. O. pr O. Pr-FlaeeolMeeUnj,Washington Hau, Wood .(freer, between Sih an 4 Vugui Alley. PfmßtmeH.liOseK, No. - every Tuesday ycesin^v . ■ Mxacimjim EaeiMPHXar,' No. 87—Meets Ist aad 3d Rijday of daeh month. ; >nai2s—ly , A BricU Hon#© ond Ton tbu for Bale. k NEW TWO STORY BRICK BOUSE, with ten - ' Lots of Oroand. situate in the Borough of Law .rencevllle, r The house ia.well arranged /or comfort and convenience, and tho situation is healthy nad pleasant. The ground i*2sofeet front on Chesnnt street, by 140 • r ; \fsetdeep, 8iice,84,000.. - • Also,.seTen Building Lots, on the. Bailer .Rood, at ' AdOOt '■ Also, five Building Lots, on North street, at 8225. Also, several other Lots, fit 8350,8300 and 8256 each.— ■Tdnhs^^y*--*^l & t ,ro F! is not far from the-Garrison, mhA nealr'tae Omnibus stand. B.CCTHBERT, Gen’l Agent, 78 Bmlthfield street. V ; y. /■, ■■■ ,:, v • •• v .^s 1 J v"\; - Ultmtstratnta. Grand Charity Concert, i . / MRS. HOFFMANN will give arrand eoneertatLa-: fayetle Hall, on Monday evening, March 34,1651. for the’.benafit of die ALLEGHENY LABIES 5 RELIEF SOCIETY, on which occasion -she will be assisted by some of the best artists in the city. , . The following artists have kindly volunteered their valuable services: Herr Vogel, Mr* Heibordt, Mr. Anger, land the Harmonia- Society, consisting of a chorea of hirty voices, under the direction of Mr. Herrmann. - Tickets twsstt*kvk . cunts. To. be had at all the music stores.. ‘ foaiis flogiwsll’i Great Panorama ©f Life In . - C aliform© and the .Isthmus of Parish * iCrOW exhibiting ni tbe Athenffinm Lecture Room, ±1 giving a full and correct representation of that in teresting country. For particulars see small bills: ' , „ ... Admission.3s cents; children under 10 years half price: # _ Open every evening during the week, commencing at 7} precisely. Doors open at 6*. , „ ■ • , . IL/" Exhibiticn every Wednesday and Saturday af ternoons—commencing at 3 o’clock. A liberal arrange ment wilt be made.with schools; children should.see this pleasing and, edifying exhibition. |matlB:tf Dancing SdxooJ* TIEN RY MEYER, of New York, respectfully informs Jl. the citizens of Pittsburgh that he wi.l open his DANCING SCHOOL about the Ist Of.Apnl, when he will introduce .the latest style of Cotillions, Ac.,late from Pariß. . (febSttfctf JfttD Books. IHitsu, "&i. ttagaslnes for Stanhi GODEY, Graham, Sartaln and the Ladies’ National Magazines for March are receivedat WALL’S P& nodical Office, No. 65 Fourth street. The North British Review for February. Time;the Avenger; by the author of the Wiiming tons, Ac. ■ Polly Feablossora’s Wedding, and other Tales; by the author of lt Major Jones’ Courtship,” Streaks of Squatter Life, Ac; ' Pictorial Field Book of the Revolution—No. 13. : Consuelo; by Georgie Sand. : Also, a new work, which everybody should possess, entitled, The Ladies’ Science of Etiquette and Hand Book of thfrToilet, by the Countess Be Calabrella, The Gentlemen’s Science of Etiquette, and Guide to the Usages and Habits of Society, by Counr Alfred B’- Orsay. The Most Polished Gentleman in the World.— For sale as above.' Price 25 cents. [mar 18 H ' April Slagastneo. MINER tc, CO., No.32?»aritifield street, have re* J_ m ceived tie following new Magazines ana Novels : Godey’sLady’s Book for April; Graham’s Magazine, - do ; Sartain’s ao do; Peterson’s do do; Dictionary of Mechanics’ Engine Work and Engineer* ing, No. 25; Part Second of Caroline of Brunswick; The Warwick Woodlands—or, Things as they were Twenty. Years Ago By Frank Forester—new edition, revised and coTtected r with illustration* by tie author; The Kickleborghson the Rhine—with a preface en* titled an essay on Thunder and Small Beer. By W. M. Thackery. Price 121 cents ; . History, Structure and Statistics of Plank Roads in tie United States, and Canada. \ By W.Kingsford,Civil En fincer on the Hudson River Railroad. With remarkaon loads in general, by F. G. Skinner—and a letter on Flank Roads, by the Hon. Charles E. Clark. All of tie above are fcr sale at the cheapest Book Store in tie city. (marl? KEWBOOKBI HEW BOOKS ! AT Holmes* Literary Depot, Third street, opposite the Post Office. Bertie. A humorous Novel— by George Seaworthy. Oregon and California; or, Sights in the Gold Region. Louise La Valliere. By Alexander Dumas; Consuelo. By George Sand. Four volumes in one: Price 50 cents. w LevengTo, tne Scholar, the Gipsy, the Priest.*By Geo. Barrows. . The Queen’s Necklace. By Alexander Dumas. Reveries of an Old Maid—embracing important Hints to Young Men. For sate also by McNamara, opposite :he post office, Allegheny city. marls New Boobs! K«w Boobs 11 FOREIGN Reminiscences, by Henry Richard Lord Holland, Edited by his son, Henry Edward Lord Holland. . Jane Bouverie; or Prosperity and Adversity, By Cath arine Sinclair, author of Sir Edward Graham, Holyday house, Ac. Moorland Cottage. By the author of Mary Barton. LavengT©; the Scholar—The Gipsy—The Priest. By George Borrow, author of the 41 Bible in Spain” and the “ Gipsies of Spain ’* Volume Ist Hildreth’s History of the United States.— Second.Series.' The above works just for^ate^ Bookseller and Stationer, corner Market and Third streets. JONES ON LAND OFFICE TITLES—A syllabus of the Law of Land Office Titles in Pennsylvania, by Joel Jones; received and for sale by 11. C. STOCKTON, No. 47 Market St. TVTEW’ BOOKS! NEW BOOKS’—Wili, at tils Peri- IN odical Depot, 85 Fourth street, has just received the following new Books: Iconographic Encyclopedia, No. 17; Harper*’ and the international Magazines for March i Democratic Review for March ; New York Journal o! Medicine for March} The British aod Foreign .Medico Ohirurgicol Review j Art Journal for February, • . The Moorland Cottage. 6/the author ox Mary Barton; Poor Richard’* Alumnae, as written by Dr. Franklin, for the iears 173 d, 1737 and 1738. tmar7 BLANK BOOKS.—The largest stock of Blank Books. of every description, in all styles of bindery, is of fered for sale, at the lowest rates, at W. S HAVENS’ Blank Book Store, comer of Market and Second streets. Merchants are requested to call aad examine oar Me dium and Demi Blank Works, which are offered at tow er pruts than they have been sold in this city, [mar? Harper’s SXagaslne tor Harck* H MINSK to CO , No. $1 Smithfield street, have re . ceived the following new books. Harper’s Magazine for March. The International Magazine for March. A new snpply of Borrow’* new work entitled Lavfcu ffro: the Scholar, the Gipsy, the Priest No. 6 of the Nightingale, or Jenny Lind Songster. .iSaob’s Fables, a new version, chiefly from original sources, by Rev. Thomas James, M. A.; with more than 50Illustrations. _ ... Together with the largest assortment of Cheap Pubu catioitsin the City. P*** New Booteat New Bootes 11 Received at henry miner a co*«, no 32 Smithfield street: „ . . . The Maternal Management of Children in Healib ana Disease, by Thomas Ball, M. D., member of the Royal College of Physicians. This work of Dr. Bull’s is one of rare merit; its plain, useful Instructions to Mothers in the management of their children, is of the highest utility. , „ _ , Blackwood’s Magazine, for February; London Quarterly, for January j No 34 Sbakspeore, Boston edition; No 3 Appleton’s Mechanics Magazine; r _ A new supply of Lavengo, by George Barrow. [mare New Booki! Hew Boottsl WALL, No. 85 Fourth street, has Jo®' received the following new workst t . Cooauelo. By George Sand; Cheap edluoa. Price 60 cents. This 1* universally Emitted to be the roaster niece of one of the most remarkable of living novelists. Boston Shokspeare. Nr. 34. Contents: Pericles, Prince of Tyre. Horticulturist for March Tlie Moorland Cottage. By the au a Mary Barton. Cultivator for. March. Knickerbocker for Match - living Age— No. 356. Webster’e Unabridged Dictionary. tITKBSTER’S'UNABHIDGia) DICTIONARYAbound W in sheep, 1452 pp. quarto. Price gS,CO. The same work bound in Russia' calf, embossed back and sides, very elegant, 310,00. , . A .arge sapply of .he above «ork i reee l ve E d i^)B< 8t Wood street. _ HflW MUSIC. ■' GRAND POLKA DE CONCERT, as performed by Franleln Slope! with such dUtinstUsbed applause, at the late Concerts,— composed by. W. V. Wallace. Also, a great varietf of popular .compositions, by the same author. . , • , , And all the new and popular Music*issued from the eastern publißher., rece.vedondforßal^^. Agent for the sale of Chiekering’s Pianos for Western Penoftylvania, No. 81, Wood street. .-y- * _ Hew Stock ofpianoii . MBS. C. BLUWB would tespeet iel OSStmfullv invite the attention of the pub* to her new and splendid Block of. Vg3 opened and ready for sale, among wbicharo the celebrated Hamburg PfaiWj with the new' improvement of the over-strings. Ute la test aad most important improvement, iuvented solely by them and by ho others. They have been tried to be copied in this country, but unsuccessfully. ■ o . Also, one splendid 7 octave, double carved Piano, Louis XIV style, made by Bacon & Raven, Nary York. Three 7 octave Pianos, also made by Bacou A Raven, Four6| octave Pianos,made by J. &• C, Fisher, late Nunns A Fisher, New York } together with some of our own mahuf acta re, with metalic frame. HEW music. ■ ■ •fTTHERE are the Friends of my Yonth. By G, Barker; Yy I’ve Something Sweet to-Tell Yon; The Bobln; I’m Thinking o’er the Days, Mary; , My New England Home. New Song, dedicated to the Ladies of Ne wEngland; She I Love is far away. Oh, Meet me on the Silver Shore; Good Night; ■ . My Home's on the Frame Lea. By Woodbury; ' Lily Rhey. By S. C. Foster; I’ve leftroy Native Village. By G. Barker; Fo^fhL 1 Tire Slack Shakers’ Song and Polka; Wonld I were with Thee—for Guitar; Art ertenHve collection of new. Polkas, Waltzes, Variations, fcc; Also, anew supply of “New Canuma Sacra,” Can ticaLandis, and an excellent new work, called the “Mt- S&S b p y op G a ! s r eonsideredone ofthe No. 101 Third street* Cabinet Btabers Wanted* :r mHE subscribers will employ a number of goodlmnd| • at-the above business; viz: Bureuu, Bedstead and Table makers. None bat good workmen need apply,— as wiU at Ryan’s Buildings, No. 31 Fifth street. ».<«. «■ f iA,-. . ;.»• •. (Somnurcial anb dtnonnaL THKJ PITTSBDRGH BOAJkD OF T&ADR AND MJBRC H ANTS? EXCHANGE. FREDERICK LORENZ, ) ‘ ' . WM. A HILL. > CoMMirraz ron FebbujuiV clzug, •- )_ • Daily Revlevr ofths WhMeißle Diarize t. OFFICE OF THE MORNING POST* \ Totbsbay, March 20* 1851. f The weather yesterday was exceedingly cold and unpleasant, which ch'ecked.out-door business,. Oar rivers are again ip exceßenf navigable order. Re ceipt* by river continue large. . . FLOUR— A* seen, has farther declined • we. note a sale at 03,12 i also sales at $3,1803,20, the latter price for very email lots. Bayers are not willing tp pay oyer 83,1203,1.8 j we understand ope dealer reinsed a lot of 300 bbls, to arrive, at $3,12. BACON—We note sales of 50 hhds Shoulders at 6; 20 hhds Haras at Bs, acid 20 do Sides,at 7*, all 4 months} the demand continues active. * : DRIED BEEF—Sales by the tierce at 81. OATS—We note a sale of 600 buß at 321. SUGAR—SaIes of U hbds prime at 6}; also 15 hhds good fair at 6s, and 14 hhds inferior at 6J> MOLASSES—We note sales at 34, for oak bbls. GRAIN—Sales of Wheat at 70c for a good arti cle. Rye: ihe City Mill is paying bat 680. Oats: we note a sale of 600 bus at '32k. Corn : sales are made at 40045 from store. RlCE—Shies of 10 tierdes at 4k. PORT OF PITTSBURGH. n riKET 0 CKCBES WATX& IS THS CBAJtnSL ARRIVED: Steamer Michigan N 0.3,.3, Boies, Beaver. “ Atlanue, ParkinsonyßrownsviUe, “ j. M’Kee, Hendrickson, McKeesport. “ Beaver,Gordon, Beaver. u Fashion No. ?, Peebles, Elizabeth “ Thomas Shriver, Bailey, West Newton. “ Redstone, Woooward, Brownsville. 44 Brilliant, Grace,Cincinnati. 44 Paris, Smith, St. Louis. 44 Hindoo, Campbell, St. Louis. “ Tnscarora, Murdoch, WeUsville. “ J. Nelson, Moore, wheeling. DEPARfEDt “ Redstone, Woodward, Brownsville. “ Atlantic,Parkinson, do 44 J. M*Kee, Hendrickson, McKeesport. •* Michigan No. 2,Boies, Beaver. 44 Beaver, Gordon, •• . « Thomas Shriver, Bailey, West Newton u Fashidn, Peebles, Elizabeth. “ Reveille, Dale, weUsville. u Diurnal, Conwell, Wheeling. 44 Cincinnati, Birmingham, Cincinnati. « Cashier, McMillan, Wheeling. 44 Express, Haztett, Cincinnati. Alleffhmy River Trade* BSQUUIR FRANKLIN packets. f JEB+*& To* fine steamer ALLEGHENY BELLE o. ftapi. Wk. Haska. leaves the AUe gneny wharf for Franklin, every Monday and Thursday % at 4 P.M. * The fine steamer ALLEGHENY BELLE No 3, Capu Johk Hahua, leaves ,the Allegheny wharf for Frank lin, every Tuuday and Friday, at 4 P. M, For Freight or Passage, apply on Board. ftnartO : Wednesday Poebst for oinotnnoti. oamy : . Tins new and fast running steamer CIN f iJwS&agCINNATI. BmnwoiUMi Master, will leave lilijliSffiPregttlariy every Wbomsso at. lEF ht o r ’ M, a Be 'tr»aaG EB . For marietta and HocKtingport* : I Ttre fine itenmer PACIFIC; ZAWOPB M*B< jkM£mm& r*w. will leave for the above and inlermedi ate port* every THURSDAY, at 4 o’clock, P. M. For freight or peerage, o PP l s r T °^^ o y <, BoNi No. 61 Water el., and 63 From bi. Bolivar Fire Brick Manufacturing Company. JAS. GLOVER, 8. M. lIXB, B. P. JOttSS, H. B. iUGBaW. OLOVQRi StSR dfc CO., Proprietors. THE saburibera having been appointed Agents for the above named concfem, will keep constantly on hand a supply of the celebrated Bolivar. Fire Brick, Cm-, cible Fire Clay, Furnace Hearths and Inwal l. They axe also ready tOTeceive orders tor said Brick, to be made in slxe and shape to snit purchaser#, which #hau be promptly filled. We do hot deem it necessary to enumerate the many advantages the Bolivar Eire Brick posess over all oth ers thavnave been offered for sale in the Untied States, their superiority beingwell known to almost who nseFire Brick. The proprietors have detemti ed that the Fire Brica shall lose none of their present envi able reputation, and that no expense shall be spared to make them even better than thoy have heretofore been. This is the only establishment now manmaetonng Fire Brick at Bolivar. • XIKR & JONE 3, nurl7 Canal Basin, Seventh st M Pittsburgh. T' Q th* Honnrnhlß iha Judges of the Court of general Quarter Seolonsof the Peace,ln and for the County ° f The C peUUon of Joshua Conk*, of the Township of Pine, Hr the County aforesaid, humbly sheweih,-- That your petitioner hath provided banselt with material* for the accommodation of traveler* and other*, at hi* j dwelling house in aforesaid Township, and prays that your Honors will be pleased to grant lum a license to keep a public house of entertainment. And your petihoner, as in duty bound, will pray. JOSHUA BAN KS. . We, the subscribers, citizens of aforesaid Township, do certify, that the above petitioner is of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with house room and conveniences for the accommodation and lodging of strangers and travelers, and that said tavern is necessary. * , R Hardy, John M'Gee, Wm Scott, O Osborn, Thomas Henry, Cfl Osborn, John Hanna, A-Miller, Wm Peters, J Hau,CW Arbuthnot. |miH9:3i O the Honorable the Judge* of the Courtot Quarter Sessions of the Peace, inand for tho County of AUe- S The petition of Samuel Keefer, of the township oi East Deer,in the County aforesaid, humblysheweth. that your petitioner hath provided hinjself with materials for the accommodation of traveler* and others, at hi* dwell ing house in the township aforesaid, and prays that youT Honors will be pleased to grant him a license to keep a public house of entertainment. Ajidvour peuUoner,as in duty bound, will pray. SAMUEL* KEEPER. _ We,the subscribers, citizeusof aforesaid township, do certify; that the above petitioner is o< good repute for honesty and temperance,and is well provided;withHiouse room and convenience* for the accommodation of trav clere and others, and thm said tavem 1« necessary. James Painter, N Walsh, G L Hwlep, R Pnuerson, Geo Miller, J Gibson, R M’Agneal, jr., J M’Golavicit, James M’Dowell, Geo Gibson, Josiah Painter, John M’- Wllllams. tmarieJi nfiW SPRING GOODS 1 Market ttrteti No. 75» between Fourth si. $ the Diamond. THE subscriber it now receiving from the Eastern cities a beautiful, choice and desirable stock of the newest fabrics and designs from the London and Paris m,ke sj>JUNG AND svmmer dry goods. Purchased in the New York and Philadelphia Markets at the lowest cash prices. Embracing every variety of the newest and richest styles, and latest importauoiw of French. English and German Goods: among the leading articles willbe foandthe following: Paris printed Berage de Lalncs, from 18* cents to the finest quality. French and English Lawns, from-l*H cents to the finest Quality manufactured. Soperior bleached Muslin*, from GJto 12k cents i? yd. French Work Collars, new style, from 10 cents to the best article imported. French and English Ginghams, from 124 cents to the best duality in the market. • English and American Chintzes, front OJ to 124 cents Pari* printed and embroidered Muslins and Or gandies; new style plain and figured English Poplins; French feerttges, rich Styles; super black Grode&une Silks; fancy figured Silks; super changeable Silks and Satin de Chians; Lupin’s black Bombazines, and a beau* tiful assortment of black and colored Alpaecaa, and French Thibet Cloth., Chameleon Silk and Turk Satin Shawls: superior Her nanna Silk Tissue and Berate Shawls; Cashmere, Thibet Bro^an y d Moas Shawls. s French work Capes aud Collars; new style Bonnet KibboMt Linen Cambric Hdkfs mad Cravau; black and colored Kid Gloves; Lisle Thread; Mohair aad Twisted Silk-Gloves and Mitts; Silk, Worsted aad Cotton Hose; together with a large and complete assortment of Para* sols and Umb l £^ TLEiI EN 1 8 eoODS. French and English Cloths, Cassimeres and Vesuugsi Silk Shirts and Drawers; Fanoy Cravats; Linen Cam bric and Silk lldkfij-together with a splendid assort ment of Gloves, Hosiery and Suspenders. “ ■ - DOMESTIC and STAPLE goods. Rnsßia Diaper and Crash; Irish Linen and Linen I-awns; Cassinetts and Kentucky Jeans, Cottonadcs; Bed Tick ings; Checks; Domestic Ginghams; Ked, White and Yellow Flannels; Canton Flannels, to. . Tlio customers of the honse and all cash buyers,, are rennested to call and give the above goods an early ex- The stock is large and oomplele tn every SSiotyand ayle/iSI of the lMeit importsUoas, and will bekoSatihe Lit SORRIB, 75 Market street PAapiv'Wliite Tcetn andL Breattej Pe YoTEaJDFORSSCENTS.. =■■ TYRRiSbNS who have either, are honorably assured Agency for* Different Muss ol Packet Ships.! jjgCPASSENSEK OFFIC wH&H? nan .n- '»• ,;;S ' Santera onb SttijangeJJrotera. . gTOtICC* WE have associated J, GardxkHr Cdxraif with us in the Exchange and Banking business “ . WMi H.WILUAM3 & CO. P&ttSnrgA.Jany.l, tSSI.-r3a6:im . - ■ • WM. H. WILLIAMS.***** »»*J. b. m’vay.*«* • • • • • j, g.cobtxn win. a. wtLiiUsifi &oOu BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, NORTH EAST CORNKB OC WOOS AND THIRD STREETS.! ALL transactions made bn liberal terms, and collec tionsprompdy attended to. fjag:om N. HOLMES a SONS, ’. UAVS-RKMOVKD'THBB BANKINff AND RXCBANGX OVFICB . 2b No. 67 Market strczt>Jbur doon below old stand. N, HOLMES A SONS; ; . BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS; and Dea lers in Notes, Drafts, Acceptance*, Gold, Silver and Bank Notes. Exchange on the Eastern and Western cities constantly for sale. • v.. Collections made in alt the eitles throughout the Uni ted States. Deposites received, in. par funds .or current paper, Nd; 07 Market street,between Third and Fourth streets: ‘ "• ■.Vaug-2fl4y. Domestic and foreign Ban/t Motes, ■ QoldandStlveryßoughl,Boii and Exchanged, -•••'• AT TIIS EXCHANGE AND BANKING HOUSE OP _v_ ’■ ' William A. Mill &Co., 64 Wool Street, PITTSBURGH. jrUßߣBr ALLOWED ON TIMB DEPOSITS, (anggB A 12.821 * '. HAHM. Banitrsand Exchange Brokers, Dealers in Fortiers and IbmesticßillSyßiUscf Exchange, Certificate* irD«po»- iußankNottSjtini vain.- Comer of Third and Wood fits;, directly opposite the .St Charles Hotel. ■ _ raay2B —; ‘BTslai wa hoo se. JESSE CARQTKERS & CO., NO. 15, WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH. . Canept money reoeivea on deposit. Collections mode on all the principal cities of the, Uni ted States., - - - :: - . taugllly . —: PATRICKS &FRI END, ' T_ BAHSERSAND EXCHANGE BROKERS, Not 95. cobweb Wood aSd Diaaiotn? stbeeis, Pittsburgh; gg. fmayl TAB.B.HOON. . ... THOS.SkBQBHT. HOOM A BAKGENT. BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, N E. Comer of Wood and Sixth streets., Pittsburgh, Pa B BALERS in Coin, Bank Notes, Time Biils, Foreign and Domestic Exchange } Certificates ofDepoait,Ao EXCHANGE on all the principal Cities of the Union and Europe, for sale in sums to suit purchasers, CURRENT and parfunds received on deposits COLLECTIONS raade.on allparts of the Union, atthe lowestrateß. ; sepll-ly CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA BANKING HOUSE. BETAS, GLBIM A CO* ' hTOTES, Drafts, Checks, Ac- collected, and Retail . N \ tancesmade upon favorable terms. may22nf R. R. BRYAN, Cashier. Hollidaysburgh, May 1?V1B50. ; • aeehaptoi BaoSt. BtJMX’BBtnLDntS.FOtrKIH OBOVJSSUBXCT BTIXXT. mHI&BANKis nowprepared to da business- Open X from 9A.M. to 3'PJfIV ■ ■ Interest paid on Special Deposits. ' j aogU THOMPSON BELL,Cashier. G* "W* TAYLOR, lU SECOND-STREET.; COMMISSIONER AND BILL-BROKER QTRJCT attention will be given to allbnsineoi trusted to his care. Pittsburgh manufactured .arti cfes always on hand, Or procured on short notice*. Notes, Bonds, Mortgages, Ac., negotiated on fevora* ble terms. Advances made if required. toci22:tf ytAKTH ON BAN FRANCISCO. California, tor sale at the Banking House of PATRICKS A FRIEND, No. 95 Wood st. {octl9 Dr. FitcL'a'Abdominal Supporter. THIS instrument is used in all the Eastcrn ciues, with unparalleled success. The effects produced by it ate truly wonderful, in &H those enses where abdorhi-' nul support is needed, from weakness of the abdominal muscles. It is a sure cure for falling of. the womb, and the long list of diseases which attend that complaint- For sale by KEYSER A M’DOWELL, marB HO Wood st Bounty Land and. otber Buiinest, - WILLIAM FLINN offers his services to; ttahsaf . business with the Executive' Departments aim Congress, as an agent. He will attend to alf business relative to pensions and bounty land. Charges mode rate. Address William Flmn, ‘Washington, D. C. January 28,1651. • Mr. Flmn was several years a clerk in the office of the Second Comptroller or the Treasury.- edge of transacting huerness.aiifcb Departments will render his services, as agent, panicnintly useful to all whomay employ him at the seat 'of Govcninienu ALBION K. PARRIS, febl Pat Second Comptroller. DR. BROWN, No. Aji DIAMOND ALLEY; Devotes hi* entire attention to an o2c» ® practice. His L names* ismostly confmedu Private or Venereal JDijsqmj, and such pain ful'affections, brought on by. imprudence yomhfuUndcJgenCe and excess,. Syphilis. Syphilitic Eruptions, Gouon hea. Gleet! Stricture, Urethral Discharge?. Impurity of the Blood, with all diseases o. the venereal origin. Skin Diseases, Scorbutic Eruptions, 7 Tetter, Ringworm,Mercurial EhseSSc^Seminal Weakness,lm* potency. Filer, RbwmhfTsrirFcmale ly SopprefeAionsi Diseases of the Joints, Fistula m Ano- Nervous Affections, Pains In the Back and Loins, Irrita tions of the Bladder and Kidneys, successfully treated Cure guaranteed. Fonrteenyears’ practicc*{four in this city*enables Drv Brown toofler assurances of speedy cure to all whomay come under bis care. Office and privaie consulting rooms, C 6 Diamond ay, IX7* Charges moderate. novs:d&wly Re U&1 ATI AMOr. isry w.'i's newiy aiscovrca rem edy for Rheumatism it ft speedy andceriamrcmedy forthatpainfultroiible. luievcr fails. Office and Private Consultation Rooms No. 65,OIA MOND, Pittsburgh, Pcuml. The Doetot is always al home UntS-dawtf A Scientific Bair Tonio Restorer. AND BEAUTIFIER. Trial bottles 3?i cents. Those wbohaveu*ed Jones’ Coral Hair Restorative know its excellent qualities—t"lose who have not, we assure it to possess the following qualities, it will; force the hair to giow on any part where nature to Sow, stop it failing off, cure scurf or dandruff, and make jhl, red or gTey hair g T ow dark. . For dressing the hair sofl and silky, nothing cun exceed thin—it makes it truly beautiful and keeps it so. U is, indeed, the most economical, yet superior article for the hair. Sold only at Will. JACKSON*S Store, 210 Liberty si., head of Wood, Pittsburg. Price 37icents,50 cents ana 81.00. [dec2o Jones* Lily White. LADIES are cautioned against using common prepa red Chalk. They are notaware how frightfully injurious it is to the skin! how coarse, how rough j how sallow, yellow and unhealthy the Biin appearsatter using-prepared Chalk ‘ Besides, it is injurious, contain ing alarge quantity of Lead! We have prepared a beautiful vegetable article, which we call JONES’ SPANISH LILY* 1-VHITE. It is perfectly innocent, being pnrified of all deleteri ous qualities; and it imports to the skin a natural) healthy, alabaster, clear, living _ white; at the same time acting as cosmetic on the skin, making it soft and smooth. Sold by the Agent, WAI. JACKSON, 89 Liber ty street, head of Wood, Pittsburgh. Price 25 cents. dec2o:dawly (Gazette copy.) ! HJQAIi OP ALL. I EXTRACT OF AMERICAN OIL. Prepared and sojd by jno. youngson, 209 Liberty street. . This, powcrfally concentrated pre paration; the medical virtues of which are found to be eight times the strength of the original American Oil. Ilia put up in bottles at2s and 275. cents, each, with full directions for its use, Iu every disease where the origi nal Araericaa Oil has been found at all efiicaciou8 l and it so for exceeds the original m power, as to render mho CHEAPEST MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. Call and' try it. _ . JOHN YOUNGSON. . N.B. The" original Oil in. Us natural state, as taken from the bowels of the earth, can be had as above—and will be found genuine, notwithstanding a certain firm claims to be the only Proprietors. |. V. d&w-tf 1 i irai!i» 1 01 the North Ac countant and Western Steamboat Accountant; Professor of Book Keeping and the-Commercial-Sciences. N. B. Hatch, Esq., of the Pittsburgh Bar, Professor of Mercantile Law. ' ; • JOHN D. Wh-Uams, Professor of Ornamental and Mer cantile Penmanship* Persons desirous of-obtainitig-a thorough Mci canine Educauon.can TeJy npon obtaining in thislnstimtionevery thing that is advertised, t here is no advertising of the names of Instructors and Lec turers who will neither teach nor lecture in iho place; nor no humbugging the icith pitas of engravings, with the engraver’s name suppressed, and a name affixed , pretending to hßve “executed” them with a pen. I Ladles’ writing Class meets in a separate apartment, I from 10 to 12 A. M. v Q ' ' Gentlemen’s Class from .b in the morning till. 10 at [ night. ; Imarl Steel© & Offloftc’s BOX FACTORY AND JOBBING SHOP, RttAN’a Btmrnmo, Virgin alley, third story, between Wood and Liberty streets. ■ Boxes of all descriptions made and de livered at the shortest notice. ffebl9:lv . JASPEB H. LAWMAN. Lactsc.fe Pii OTBB , Rooms, Fourth street, Odeon Buildings, second story. Spe cimens may be seen by the patrons of the Art; at the above place. -c „ - Br/ermcej—John K. Holmes, Esq., Wm. C. Wall,T. A. HiUier, Richard Cowan, Esq., Matthew Wilson, J. J. Gillespie, Hon. S. Jones, L. Harper r feblB The lease of thenkw York dry goods STORE, No. 89 Maiket atreel, wuh Fixtures, and a small stock of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, to be sold ■ at a bargain. Any person wishing to commence busi-- nesß on Market streei,ihe old, established bnsi 'ness stand, one ofthebeston the street,ennbe had on •favorable terms, if appucauqit is made immediately to theltub'scriberjWho wishes to his business. la3o W M.'H. GARRARD. WEGNER, BUELriNEK & MLELLER?S ” New Lltbograpfrlc K»taM, s ,,inent, 60 Market ..(reel, between Third $ Paunh, IS NOW ready to furnish every kind of Lithocraphid work in the most such as Shaw bills. Maps, Portraits, Xaadsaipss, Cards, BiU heads, and La bels, printed in gold, colors, etc. * . At the same place Messrs. Moeser A Helinie have opened a Daxvnso School, and execute on order Drafts of Machinery, Edifioes, Monaments; Ae., : with all possi . Mo accarecmaaft elegance... .•* ~ . , isifctv t 1 nnn AC f tES t. OF county for I.UUU sale. Enquire of THOMPSON BELL, at Iho office of [febl9 A. WILKINS A c 6. fe'M * ‘ V \. V V-'vN'4 '. .-» Removal* KRARER RAHffl. Private diseases* D.UFF>B Landscape Fainting* p;uy_. ry- : r~; by !telegkapel Reported Expreedy for tke Daily Morning Post. BSCIITXn BY LIOSTsriSO—PBtRTBD BY STEAM NEW YORE U. S. SENATOR. . Albahy, March is—2 o’clock, P. M. The Jufit Hainilloß Fist* U. S« Senator.. The Lient; Gov., id joint meeting* has pronounced aoi declared himdaly elected for six years, in place of Daniel S. Dickenson. . ■ ' TMi vote for Pish in the Senate was and-th© Democratic vote was 12. The House vote for Fish' was 68. . - MASSACHUSETTS U. S. SENATOR. OiUbe 1 last ballot to day, for U. S. Senator, Sum ner, the coalition eandidate*lacked nine .votes of an election. The election was then postponed far a fortnight. • The ship Robbins,'Capt. Kane, from Llverpool, bound to Baltimore with a cargo-of salt abd iron* experienced a heavy, gale daring her whole passage* On the 20th-nit, she lost overboard a seaman, (Frederick Austin,) while approaching Cape..Hen* lopeo. She came ashore withaboutlOO passon* gera. All got ashore safely except s,inelndfng 2 ladies, who were drowned. Hopes are entertained of getting her off* She is insured , for @60,000, mostly in Baltimore. i - Theriver is statibnary with neir iO Teet in canal and over 6 feet on iho falls. Tfae weather is fine; The steamer Madison Bello has been raised; and re* The market is dull in all departments. An erroneous report was circulated thatrM. M* Noah, the veteran editor of this city,; was deceased.- He is slightly better, though still very ill. ■ Baixihobe, March 19. The Rev. Mr. Beecher has been elected pastor of the Rev. Duncan’s Church, Baltimore. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. noon.] Floor.. Declined Wheat. .Qoiet i yellow Corn, 66. - Pork. .Old Mesa, 18,75; new, 13,25. Cnt Meata.iFirm; Slionlders, 6l; Hams, 81 Lord. .Steady, at BjS3l. . Coffee.. Rio is held nt 11. . Linseed Oil.. More firm. Entrant.] New Tons, March 19 Cotton. .Steady at lO|olli forraiddliog: Upland and Florida. j Floor.-Slightly given way; ' " Corn.. Yellow, 66. Pork. .New Orleans Mesa, 13,25 j old,: 12,25 j prime new, 11,25; old, 10,00. CotMeata. .Hama,BloBl j Sboaldere/6061; lard.. Steady at B}. ; Cheese.. Bonyant at 61071- ■ Groceries,.Nothing; new. Whiskey.. Firm at 2310241. Phicabelebza, Marsh 19. Floor.. Undergone no change. i " Rye Floor.. Steady at 3,371; Corn Meal. .2,75. drain. .Good and prime red, 96998; whi(e, 1,02. Corot a cargo ofyellow eald at 681(380. ■ Pork. .Me«s held at 14,50; prime, 11.60.: Bacon. .Hama, salt and pickled, 8109 c; Shool> dera, 9911. Lard.-New western,9l. ; Butter. .71(3101, on time. Cheete..Western,Bi t common, 9210. Hemp.-Dew rotted, 122,60. Iron. .Quiet at 20928 for anthracite. Lead.. Held at 6,00. . JVlolaraee. .to demand at 32., • Clover Seed.. Fair nod prime, 6,1205,37. Feathers. .Good western, 36937. ; : Whiskey. .In bbla, 23; bhda, 21. - Baltuioiu;, March 19. .Flpnr;.Howard, street 4,31. Grain.. Red Wheal 95999; white 10091,16. Corn: nhite's7; yellow 56996. Oats3S94o. Rye 68e. . ■■ : Whitkey..ln bbla 231. ; , The Provision market remains firm. ; Groceries.. Quiet; Rio Coffee 10; to 10}; La* guayra 11, Sugar and Molasses firm ; Sugar ad* tranced ic, . Cloveraeed.,s,2s. - JOHN M’FADEN " COFODB.' IB’P&DBS*COVODE, (Successor* to John M’Fodeh dc-Coj | Canal Basiht Penn tiruu penna, RsUroad»OeAtr&l Roltrdad> THE subscribers having, beoauppomtcd shipping Agents for the PennsywaniA or Central Railroad, inform the public that we are no w prepared to teceive any merchandize or produce for shipment "east >on the opening of the Canal. ’ Good 6 via this route will be’ carried through jin five, days, and ail consigned to us will be Torwarded;free of commissioner charge for advances. . ' BATES 07 FREIGHT BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA iPICTSBUBOH. Pry Goods, Hats, Shoes, Books, Stationery, Cutlery,. Confectionary, Fruits,Feathers, Furniture, Drugs,Me dicines, Saddlery, Wool, &e., Ac., SI ; ialO GLWfTgg STBXBT, Pirr&BUBOH. . SAMtißi* shmvkr* -- WBOLESJILE GROCER,. ; " PRODUCE - AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, ‘ and DEAisSa m m'iSBtTESH uijnryxcxtmxo abkclo, Nm. 130 and 132 Second *fc, briw wn Wood and Smtoficld, ' ' rittSDurghe •*' '’ " 4 I*V ,f 1 'V,: v :.. /- * - A Card to Bnilnea» Bl«n« ; _ AYOUNG, actiTO busines*man. a native or Pitts burgh, with an extensive aWaainutnce i who can cointnanu a citsh capital of from 6 to .S'tjOOO, l r aattl Otis to make an investment,’ and devote his time to business as a partner,in Pittsburgh or vicinity. ■ „„ r febdO • Please Mdresa Post Qffia, Sox lit). 385. COBSEB 0* MAfiSST AW> TBIB»'#TBESro» /CHARTERED A. D, 1650; the only chartered !n*U tutioa of the kind In Pennsylvania. • • Fatuity. loan. Flxsuho, principal Instructor in the science of Accounts. O.K. Chambkhuh, Professor o P«M7uinjAty, hlercan* tile computation, Ac* Alzz. M. • Waxsos, Esq., Lecturer on 'Commercial Law. - Those wishing to obtain a complete knowledge of Bookkeeping and its application to.every branch of bn* aoess, also, a rapid and elegant hand writing, are invi ted to call aiid examine the arrangements. Lecture on Commercial Law every. Monday evening. Reference to any of the city merchants. [deelO Bosrotr, March 19. Tin Roofing* » THE subscribers take this method to inform property holders, house-builders, and all others interested, thdtlbeyrstiU continue the business of Tin Roofing, in all its branches. Their skill and experience in thispart; of the business, has hitherto enabled, them-to give enure satisfaction. : And they hope, that by continuing the Borne policy of nsing the best materials, and.employing skillful workmen, to keep op this favorable impression. If the question of Tin Roofing wasnew, or-jart brooghl before the notice of this community for the .first ume, we would consider that the importance of the subject would justify us in .extending onr views on itsaupeTior advantages. This* however, is not the case. W-e shall therefore, confine ourselves to a few . remarks., On the flffl day of Jane; iB4Mnearly xeven : years ago,) we fin ished our of Tin Roofing in this place. .From that up to the present time, we nave covered/with tin the roofs of the finest and most costly buildings that have been erected in this'county. Wohaye grverv onr views on a previous occasion.on the superior advantage ot Tin dver iron, as a covering for ponses. And ume, the great tester of all things, has'but too clearly proven the correctness of our opinion. ' . . . Again.if weplace Tinin joxta*position,withSiate as a covering for nouses* we thlnk.thattin will bear a favo rable comparison, .with some decided advantages.— ; These advantages are, thatwhen tin la used the roof can. | be made much flatter—thereby saving materials, in the j .length of rafters, brickin the gable ends—making the house easy of access In'case of a firt, and showing a I better finish-endappearance. Also, when tin is used the gutters are worked In, thereby saving the extra and heavy expense for copper guttersjCOpper flashings, Ac., —things indispensible on slate roots. If further reasons were deemed necessary, we could offer the" experience. ;of bur eastern cities in ptdof what has been advnhced, fait is a well known fact that New York andothereast em cities very generally prefer even tin for ’heir most costly and spleudidbuiidings»notwitlistandingtheyhav© afullsupplyof slate atlheir doors. With these remarks I we will leave the subject with those interested, and will I take pleasure in giving farther information when called I on* JOHN DUNLAP A CO., I . febl7 • . corner Market and Second sis. Baltciose, March 19. lotttmot, March 19. New YoSk, March 19. New Yoaz, March IS. v • i '■ "j. MEM T , i'-l-.A^- J - I r!' .ir jlHtSKitalttOßS. PITTSBTJBGH’ Maps of Pennsylvania,— Received on con signment, and for sale singly, at vtolewto prict, .three dozen large and .splendidly finished Maps Of this State, r This is the most recent map of the State pub lished, and embraces allthat-is .desirablem lyierfeet map, at the. EDUCATIONAL REPOSITORY, ... marl • corner of Market and Fourth sis. Tho Human Body mast Perspire, TO HAYS ABEALTHy’aPPEARAN CE, And cersons who do not perspire are liable lo.the.mos - DISGUSTING SKIN DI9EABES.' • NOW, JoirasMtalian Chemical Soap causes r a free perspiration,and st the same time moliifiesj softens the skin, giving it the texture and beauty of adinfanv*. SCURVY, SALT RHEUM AND SORES, are soon not only healed;bnt cured by its use, as at least seven physicians in New York know, who use it insU ch n ß “^y|f E t K O Lg Si Or any other skin disease. The reader is assmed that, this is no useless puffed nostrum, as one trial will prove. Icould enumerate at least 80 persons curedof- j- . SORE HEAD,SORE LEGS AND SORE BEARD. Boy it,' and the reader is again assured, I would not cnielly sell it for the above, unless I knew it to be all I state. Those who are liable to • '• • . .• •• CHAFED, CRACKED, OR CHAPPED FLESH, will find this’ not only-a cure, but a preventive ; and I can toowonly add, that any one afflicted .with any of the above, or similar diseases, will 6qd this all and even i more (admiroblein its properties) than Istate. I lE7*Bat, reader, the stores are flooded with imitations, I undue cure yon ask for Jomss’ Italian Chemical Soap— and bur it only of WM.-JACKSON*. onJy a Agent in Pittsburgh, 240 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, head of Wood HOPE BVliB. W ONDE RF V L CORE'S 11 X?r« Rogers* Syrup of Liverwort and Tor At® ' CAHCHALAGOAi For the ampler cure of Coughs, Cold3,lnfluenza* Asthma, Bronchitis* Spitting ofplood. andatt other Lung ■ Covtpiamiataidingto CONSUMPTION. •• This syrup contains no Optvm, Calomel, orany mineral • ■whatever,' but is cotpposed entirely. of those Roots, Herbs, and vegetable substances whtch.naye a specific influence upon the Lungs, and their connected organs. Its immediate effect is to dfltty all irritation, and gently remove the puegm and other morbid secretions from the Throat and Air* Passages*, thus relieving the Cough, by subduing the inflammation and other causes which give. -vise tolu. U&fe>:Brimuiatesand imparts a healthyions to the Lungs, themselves, thereby enabling them more ; thoroughly to remove from the blood- those impurities and diseased particles, which, if retained, do so much mischief la the nystem, and lay the foundation for incu rable CONSUMPTION. It also exerts a decided action upon the skin, and assists nature in expelling,through too Exhalents, muchof that morbid matter which would otherwise be thrown backupon the thus relieving them of a part of their work, and rendering the system pare end healthy. When tubercles are forming, it checks their development and furiherprogteßS; or it ulceration has taken place, it assists the Lungs in throwing off the ■ corrupted matter, soothes the irritation, heals the ulcer ated cavitiesyana restores them again to healthy action. This Medicine, therefore, is not a pcUiatiu merely, which only relieves for the time being, butts atAonmgft curative, as it strikes attne very rootof the disease, and I y removing it, removes at once all its remote and atr tendant consequences. This Is its duringtasAing- ehor* actemtte—a property possessed, in equal power,by'no | other medicine nature, now before the public, ; CIRCULARS, &C. 4 ! - As nn ordinary sized advertisement can fully explain' thenainra and meritsof this article, the proprietors have, published a nets Circular , giving the history of this Medi cine; the description, nature, i* B principal ingredi ents? the effect they are - designed to have upon the Lungs and Liver, and a copious reference to the persons tchohave bun cured by it—giving their names aad resi dences, even to the street and' the number. Those.who are troubled with o Cough , or whose Longs are in the least affected, are earnestly desired to call upon the Agents named below, and procure one of these Pam* pwets. It can be had will well repay a perusal. The »* Eintt on Beatih, n and " About taking Cold*” may be worth to yourself arid ' HUNDREDS-OP DOLLARS, in the shape of Doctors* Bills saved, besides being the 1 means of’rrt>longinginany;e'vvlixable life. WARRANTY Such is our confidence iii its virtues, that we are will ing to warrant this Medicine in every cars ©/ recent Cold (where used according to the directions on page 7th ot the pamphlet inside the wrapper ot each bottle), and where the person is not satisfied that be is deriving benefit from it, by returning the bottle within twenty four hour* 1 time. THE MONEY tii . will be returned, See page 34 of ihe pamphlet in side the wrapper ofeach bottle. _ ITT Be sure to ask tor Dr. A. Ragin' Syrup 0/ LIV ERWORT, TAR, and CANCHALAGUA, aiifi!let no other be palmed on to you. CAtTTlON.—iVone g*?min«, unless there is on the buff wrapper,a note qfhandj signed wtth a Pen,by A. L SCUvTLL COi , , .. • Cough and Disease qfjourtun months standing Cured. Auer being given up twice by eminent Physicians! ALBaNT«Janedth,lBl9. A. L. Scatnll f Co.—l herewith forward to you a Certificau tf a Cure, effected by your Compound Syrup of Liverwort, Tar and Canchaiagua. The Cough and exptctoration was of/ourlMn months standing, and . had baffiedthe,skill of several of our eminent physicians in New York, Albany and Coo'perstown. lam the person in whom the cure was effected, and as I haa previously no fai*.h in .patent medicinet } Ihave'since ined non others, and have become satisfied o( its value. > Mine was as great a cure aawasever performed, asl had, during my sickness,been giycnup twice by my physicians. -I have now. commenced my business, alter taking, I think, about eigto bouto* . ' Yours, respectrailv, THOS. C. FAULDER.; BLEEDING.AT THE LUNGSXURED.: BXE BOW 2802SPT&Y IT ACTS. I Suxttmsnl tf Mr. A Lang, Saktr y No. 388 Pearl stmt, | Y.—ATew days before last Christmas, I was taken I unwell, and booh commenced bleeding freely at the Lungs. I called in a Homoeopathic physician,but his I medicine did not seem to help me. I read your advert* | isement, and thought I would try Dr. Regers’ Syrup of I lAvtncaru Tar ana Canchalagua. B fore I ,had taken ] up the tAird fcookymy bleeding, had slopped, my Cough soas gone, and I foil as well as usual. My: health is now I good. -1 consider it amoßt excellent medicinepahd cor* dially.recommendino my friends. {This .natanmt tods vtadttothe Proprittort t March Vith, 1850.1 - \ - ; This whole paper might be filled with letters si* miiar to ttoabove, fi«a.thoihtoAoAaM6«n : eured- FOR SALE, wholesale and retail, by A; L. SCOYILL A CO., Proprietors at; their Principal Depot,GOTHIC HALL, No. 316 Broadway, New York, to whom ill or* den for the Medicine, &ni letters relating to Agencies, should be addressed, post-paid:) AliS.o, for sale by R. E. Sellers, Wood street, Wholesale Agent for Pittsburgh: and vicinity; D.M* Curry and H.P.Schwaro, Allegheny; City; Townsend, Carr & Co., Manchester; A. Patterson, Birmingham. . PRICE—In large bottle,Bl,Qo Lor sixbottles f0f85,00 Fonndr GN THURSDAY, a earn of money, in Bank Notes— : which the owner can have by calling at the Store of JOHN B. M’PADBEN CO.» No. fls Market street . ' SUNDRIES— 400 bbls. Family Flour; 50 do No. 3 Mackerel; 75 do Tar; - 65 do Begin; 100 do prime Neshannock Potatoes; .60 do Red Potatoes > 40 do Green Apples; 500 bushels Cob Com; ’ 200 do Shorts; . ; 50 do. Oat*; / For sale by . • -T. WOOfiS 4 SON) rppyift- 7 NOrfll Watetsi. Ladies* dress goods— 7- i- - 15pcs.plain all wool high col’d de lames ; 5 pcs. do do black daj . } • 25 pcs. new and splendidstyle barege de laines; . 10 pc*, choice ganadinee. Just opened at • maT4 .. A. A. MASON A CQ>& 1 bslEcho*. VVM»• O Y received by first canal arrival*, a rietvand choice assortment of French and Eastern Paper Hangings f“. Hold, damask, boquet and plain patterns, together witn ! artagl lot of’oheap a^«m™n^a||^ OT4ft - ■ ■: 'V f £ ■ y . *'?■ I*. •>'*' V -r*„ < :•• * V - - ■ • • * ■•• r ; V i" >~ V * *y .I.’* V» he addressed. ■ v_.,. . I W j[" co *,jr«eOTlierMarket J grid *Co. HMrh street and the diamond ;-BA «“£. JUJe. burgh rXA 'Joneg yJashlngtoa» W H Lamber shtnycit?;.L T ,^aawrS® ,ll ’ , ' ij^ydl f' ton, Franklin it ScottA jGUmoro, fc Mro, Orr, HolLiday*; Bedford: wed Ind f an#l j B vfnjhtsKlttan burgh; A Wilson, A: Bon, ning: Kvans & Go, N Callender, Mead- WayneaburEh, Henry-Voiker, Mercer; Jni Vil a; f 9 fimldi,.Beaver; 3 DBomißertoa, ; |7jfc.cs Jones,-.Condersportt P Ctooker,. ~T,fnn>tgnsvilln.‘ ■ ■ ; • ■ ■ ■ f g htO jonea’ SolntloiL ; • i LiaOT HUMAN BAIRDYE fortochanglnjoi A %rtute,fed or grey half td a beautiful browner let wack color,in a few minutes. Price 60ceniaand§l*K}» Sold by W. JACKSON, 240 Xdbotty street, Pitlsbarkli sjni£of weed* ■■ [cscVy ■■:‘i 'AS#**?. S^'v P . ` : •/ -••-. V: