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Tir*' & .■.!*• jW-./ 1 ,i"y.**\^.a{\y.‘.s*:fV‘-*> , •*.*<;/» ,-^.y. -:’. .j-.r. ' vfi-r; 1, ...Ty% j. * o •..%•' - r -* • . ►_ V v '.i.v! 1 "»•', j‘ V. j ..t- v< *i- f»<-.. w. »;•■ *;-. .•"* •. ~. , t f, i. -.. ;• j• -■ s«te® : . \x%k&M&FK*c:iTi ':'V?^ ~?\: - .’ l *s3SeK - . . > » . ■ ' 1 ► * - . * •«,-», , * ff > ’ * * I) { . ' *T - ✓ * ,*■ i * * t«i • 5 . LOCAL MATTERS. '■ Mbs. BtrsHtreit.—This lady, as will be aeon by •* -her card in another coromn,:has opcncd a room oA : the corner of Put and Penn streets, to receive the n ca {| a of her patrons. Prof. Buchanan, inhis“Jour. cal of Man,” speaks of her thus: jlrs. B. oEsumoa at will the clairvoyantconditinn, in which she speaks with great freedom' and bold, htiss upon almost any subject past, present or fa* tore. She describee the .Phrenological, Physlologi cal, end Pathological conditions of persons either present or absent, and gives Medical prescriptions, advice, opinions, charts, dec. l Her temperament la energetic and impulsive, and although eno may not be accurate in nil cases, she certainly displays powa era of a high order, calculated to eioito tho admi ration, wonder, andmverence of nil who can ap preciate these wonderful manifestations of our spiri tual nature. I. have requested her to describe the condition of patients whom she had never seen, and havo found her descriptions remarkably correct. All skeptics will now have an opportunity of test ing the truth of tho science of Clairvoyance, at n very cheap rate, by calling upon her. Abhitju>. —Mrs-Coo, a lady or distinguished tal cuts, and an able champion or Women’s Rhghts, haß arrived in onr city. Sho is spohen ores an elo quent and fluent speaker, and will deliver her first lecture on Wednesday evening, atPlfilo Hall. Sab- ject: Woman—her business interests. Admission - . Tree. Doors open at 7. Lecture to commence at 7{. The lecture will be followed by throe others, !>■ - upon the education orwoman—her political rights —matrimonial inlelicity. snd its copses. Tickets to the course 60 cents. - Single lecture 25 cents.— Due hotice of the time will be given. Important PoiUTs—Mr. Cochran, a lawyer, yes* terdoy morning appeared before Judge McCluro and demanded that the fcourt should order hit admission to the jai), to sce-a client ta whora tao Sheriff had refused him access.- Tho Court reserved his final decision in the case until Saturday next, but in the meantime advised the Sheriff to give him access to hie client.’ Recovered.—lt will be remembered that some lime since, H. Klober was stopped in Bayardstown dad made to deliver up his valuable gold watch.- Fora long time no hopes were entertained of its recovery; but the vigilance ofthc police succeeded ad obtaining it on Sunday, from a mau who had purchased it without knowing that It had been stolen. The thief wc believe is yet at large. 62P John Mo ran,; a Watchman, was assaulted on .. Sunday, nigbt, on the Fourth street Road, in tbo most outrageous manner. He was knocked down , several limes, nod severely beaten. The individuals whoassaolied him were arrested yesterday, and held to bail For their appearance at Court. Barbarous.—loform&tton has been made before Aid, Steel by Borne barbers, that others following the eamo business havo bees profaning tbo Sabbath iy shaving on that day. They will have a hearing passed through (his city yesterday, en route to that conotry. PoucE.—Hts Honor-had nine customers bo fore him yesterday morning. They or in » Lmty’i Hook for April!' Graham's Mtijratina, ilo; Sarlnin’e ao do; Petoraon’s do dor Dictionary of Mechanlci' Engine Work and Engineer ' Part Sooond of Caroline of Branewlek:' The Warwiok Woodleißli-or.Thingi n» they were Twenty Year. Ago By Frank. Fore.ter-new edSon, revued and corrected, with flluitrmion. by the anthbr i ..Theßickioburglj.cntho Rhine—With a nretfaca fcn' : Kk"^"7n°= n eT S h i ,^r. n4Sratt ' 1 gtneer on theHndion Hiver Rnllroad tei? n?j™, era l> b ? r F - G- Bkinher-and a l““r on • 1 "On, Charffts E. Claris. Store °n the e city QYe are for Bale 111 the chea^ff fc A ThS^i?? OKB J HEW BOOKS I A Post Office* 4 terWy Depots Third Btrecl » °PP osito Ul ° Bertie. A humorous Novel—by George Seaworthy. Oregon and California; or, Sights in the Gold Region. BOQise La Valliero. By Alexander Damns; tijT on % e * 0, «y George Sand. Four volume* In ouw Price 50 cents. Lovengro, tne Scholar, the Gipsy, Uie Priest.’By (fco, Barrows. The Queens Necklace. By-Alexander Pumas, Reveries of an Old Maid —embracing Important Him* to Young Men, For sale also by McNamara, opposite the post offioo, Allegheny city. • ■ ; aariS New Boobs: New Boobs:: TDOREIGN Reminiscences, by Henry Richard Lord JC Holland, Edited by his son, Henry Edward Lord Holland. Jane Boavcrie; or Prosperity and Adversity, By Cath arine Sinclair, author of Sir Edward Graham,Holyday house, Ac. Moorland Cottage. By the author of Mary Barton. Lavejigro ; the Scholar—The Gipsy—The Priest By George Borrow, author of the “ Bible in Spain” and the “Gipsies of Spain” Volume Ist Hildreth’s History of the United Stales.— Second Senes. ' The above works just teceived aud for sale by R. C STOCKTON, Bookseller and Stationer, ntatlo. . corner Market and Third streets. TONES ON LAND OFFICETITLES-A syllabus of W - the Law of Land Office Titles in Pennsylvania, by Joel Jones; received and for sale by ■ R. C. STOCKTON, aarlC • No. 47 Market Si. NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS!-Wall, at his Peri odical Depot, 85 Fourth'street, has just received the following new BookB: Iconographic Encyclopedia, No. 17; Harpers’ and the international Magazines for March: Democratic Review for March; New York Journal ol Medicine for March; The British and Foreign Medico Chirnrgical fie view : Art Journal for February; The Moorland Conage. By the author of Maryßarton; Poor Richard’s Alumnae, as written by Dr. Franklin, for tho icars 1730,1737 and 1738. [mar7 BLANK BOOKS.—The largest stock of Blank Books, of every description, m all styles of bindery, is of iered for sale, at the lowest rates, at W.S HAVENS’BIank Book Store, comer of Market and Second streets. Merchants are requested to-call and examine our Me dium and Demi Blank Works, which are offered at loto cr prices than they have been sold iri this city. [mar7 Harper’s Magazine for march. H MINER A CO , No. 32 Smitb&eld street, have re • ceived the following new books. Harper’s Magazine for March. Tne International Magazine for March. A new supply of Burrow’s new work entitled Laven gro: the Scholar, the Gipsy, the Priest. No. 5 of the Nightingale, or Jenny Lind Songster. ASsop’s Fables, n new version, chiefly from original sources, by Rev. Thomas James, M. A.; with more than 50 illustrations. Together with the largest assortment of Cheap Publi cations in the City. • marfl New Books 1 New Books 11 RFXEIVED AT HENRY MINER & Co’s, No 32 Srallhfield street: Ihe Maternal Management of Children in Health and Disease, by Thomas Bull, M. D., member of the Royal College of Phymcinns. This work of Dr. Bull’s is one of rare mem; us plain, useful instructions to Mothers in the management of their children, is of the highest utility. 6 Blackwood’s Magazine, for February; London Quarterly, for January; No 31 Shakspeare, Boston edition; No 3 Appleton’s Mechanics Magazine; A new supply of Lavengo, by George Barrow. [marB New BoolTal New Bookat TXTALL, No. S 5 Fourth street, has Just received the Tv following new works: Consuelo. By George Sand. Cheap edition. Price w cents. This is universally admitted to be the master piece of one of the mort remarkable of living novelists. Boston Shakspeare. Nr 34. Contents: Pericles, Prince of Tyre. Horticulturist for March The Moorland Cottage. By the at a '*( Mary Barton. Cultivator for March. Knickerbocker for Match. Age—No. 350. [marts Now Music. “* POLKA DF. CONCERT, as performed by \J Franlem Stopcl wuh such distinguished applause, at the late Concerts,—composed by w. V. Wallace. Also, a groat variety of popular .compositions, by the same author. ' And all tbe new and popniar Music issued from the eastern publishers, received and for sate by , , , JOHN H. MELLOR, Agent for the sale of Chiekering’s Pianos for Western Pennsylvania, No. 61, Wood street. mar 3 New StoeU of Pianos. -rtr—-—MRS. C. BLUME would icspcei fejVl U invite the- attention ofthepub to her new and splendid stock of v—' just opened and ready for sale, among which arc the celebrated Hamburg Pianos, with the new improvement of the over-strings, the la test and most important improvement, invented solely by them and by no others. They have been tried to be copied in Oils country, but unsuccessfully. Also, one splendid 7 octave, double carved Piano, Loms XIV style, made by Baeon A Raven, New York. Three 7 octave Pianos , also made by Bacon A Raven, New York. Four G| octave Pianos, made by J. A. C. Fisher, late Naans A Fisher, New York; together with some of oar own manuf acmrn, with metalic frame. tja£B NEW fIIPSIC. WHERE are ilio Friends of my Youth* By G. Barker; • Pve Something Sweet to Tell You j . The Robin; I’m Thinking o'er the Days, Mary; My New England Home. New Song, dedicated to the Ladies of New England; She I Love is far away. Oh t Meet me on the Silver Shore; GoodNicht; My Home's on the Pratne Lea. By Woodbury, Lily Rhey. By S. C. Foster; I've left my Native Village. By G, Barker; The Spirit Dove; Fr>, hi, hi. The Black Shakers* Song and Polka; Would I were with Thee—for Guitar ; Lcs Adieu. ByHorr; An extensive collection of now Polkas, Waltzes, Variations, Ac. Ali»o, anew supply of "New Carolina Sacra,-' Can ticaLnudis, and an excellent newwork, called the uMt lodtity a. collection of popular and social tongs, harmo nized and a Ranged byG. S Webb and W. Mason considered one of the best works ever published. 11. KLEBER, Golden Has?, feblS No. 101 Third street. SUNDRIES— €0 sacks prime Kentucky Feaihors; 300 bus. Dned Peaches; Il7bhds. Sugar; 2SO bbls. Molasses ; 00 boxeß superior 6 s Tobacco; 150 bbls. Tar; 10 do Tanner's Oil; 15 do Clovereecd; For sale by CARSON A M’KNIGHT. mart 94 Water street. FISH— Mackerel, Nos. 1, 2 and 3; ‘ Shad, m whole and half barrels; 1 Herrings ui pickle; Cod Fisn in casks; For sale by febgl jALEXANDER KING. Tapscott’aGonerut Emigration office. REMlTTANCESandPassagetoand ,--to*- Great Britain and Ireland, by W.AJ&grjgW J.T. Tnenrolt, 70 South St., COrnerSKkiX ol Maiden Lane, N. Y.,and 06 Water loo Rood. Livorpool. The subscribers, having accepted the Agency of the above House, are now prepared to make arrangements on the most liberal terms with those desirous ofpaying the passage of their friends from tho Old Country; ana they flatter themselves their character and longstanding in business will give ample assurance that au their ar rangements will ho earned out fauhfhlly. Messrs. W. & J. T. Tapscott are long and favorably known forthesupenor class,accommodation, and sailing qualities of their Packet Ships, The QUEEN OF THE WEST, SHERIDAN, GARRICK, HOTTINGUER, ■ ROSCIUS. UYERPOOL, and SIDDONS, two of which leave each port monthly—from New York the 21st and 20th, andfrom Liverpool the Gib and llthi in addition to which they have arrangements with tho St. George and Union Lines of.-Liverpool Packets, to insure a departure from Liverpool every five days, being lima determined that their facilities shall keep pace with theirincreosing patronage: while Mr. W. Tapßcolt’s constant personal superintendence of the businessm Liverpool is an ttddil tional security that the comfort and accommodation o 7 the passengers will be particularly attended to. The subscribers being, as usual, extensively engaged in the Transportation Business between Pittsburgh and the Atlantic Cities, aretbereby enabled to take charge oi and forward passengers immediately on their landing, without a chance of disappointment or delay; and are, therefore, prepared to contract forpassage.from any sea port in Great Britain pr Ireland to this city, the nature oi the business they are engaged in giving them facilities for carrying passengers so far inland not otherwise ai] tamable, and will, if necessary, forward passengers fur ther West by the best mode or conveyance, without any additional charges for their trouble. Where persons sent ti>r decline coming out, the amount paid for passage .Will be refunded in full. REMITTANCES Tho subscribers sre also prepared to give drafts at Bight for any amount, payable at the principal cutes and •owns in England, Ireland* Scotland and Woles; thns af fording a safe and expeditious mode of remitting funds to those countries, whioh persons requiring such facili ties will find it to their interest to avail themselves of. <>f by Forwarding and Commission Merchants, n"ys7-d&w-ly. • Philadelphia., 3 d- * jobs HAFT, in. J. D. WlkbUllß « CO,) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FAMILY GROCERS, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, Anil Do filers in COUHTHY PBODVCB -AND PITTSBITBOH HAjnnrACTTJB£S,,. Gamer of I food, tfid Fifth atrettS) i. • 1 L' ■; ; j-'[ it v .>> ■ •■■■; ' :v. i.: 1 .♦> » * '4* M - floroitjnml anir JHiiamial. n *»y Rotlbw of tne Wbolcaale nartteu office op the"morning post, > ... Tduday, Maroli 18,-1851. $ Tho weMhor yesterday was wot anil di«agK>rnt>lo ( which somewhat checked out door butlnosi. FLOUR—-Wo noto, sales of 340 bills, varying Irom $3,31 (0 3,35; also 190 bbls a, 03,25 j several email lota or oatra sold at $3,41 from stores j sales at $3,60(33,66 by tho dray load, GRAIN— Wo noto sales of prime Wheat at 74, Rye 60(361. Oats 33, POTATOES, —Sales of 80 bbls at 83,00 bbl, SUGAR—SaIes of 20 hhds at 6} Tor good (air, several other lots 6}o6j. MOLASSES—We have aalcß ol 40 bbls, oak cooperage, at 34. CORN—We note a salo o( 300 bags at 40 eta, on tlmo, from first hands. BUTTER—Further sales at 10011. BEANS—SaIes of 7 bbls email .whito at 81,40 » bushel. • APPLES—SaIes or 85 bbls from tho Wharf at 81,15 bbl. 5 VKBT;O IHCHBS ST.TSR IN 7HS I’IUNIIL „ ARRIVED: Steamer. Michigan No. 2, Boies. Beaver. ‘‘ Atlantic, Parkinson,Brownsville. “ . J. M’Kee.Hendrickson, McKeesport. w Beaver. Gordon,, Beaver. “ Fashion No. 2, Peebles, Elizabeth. “ Thomas Shriver, Bailey. West Newton. u Redstone* Woodward, Brownsville. Hibernia No. 2, Batchelor, Cincinnati. “ "Malta, Dexter, ZonesUle.. ‘ Jenny Lind, Hard, Zanesville. ‘ Genesee, Moore,St. Louis. ‘ J. Nelson, Moore, Wheeling. , DEBAR rED: “ Redstone, Woodward, Brownsville. “ Atlantic, Parkinson, do “ J.M’Kee, Hendrlokson, McKeesport. “ Michigan No. 2,Boies,Beaver. ** Beaver, Gordon, Beaver. “ Thomas Shriver, Bailey. West Newton. “ Fashion, Peebles, Elizabeth. u Keystone State/Stone, Cincinnati. “ Reveille, Dale, -wellsville. “ Diurnal, Conwell, Wheeling. “ Wellsville, Young, Wbcoling* 14 Pilot No. 2, Shank, Hockingport. “ Julia Dean, Gallagher, Zauesvile. _For Marietta and Hocltfngport, Tbs fine steamerPAClFlC,ZanourMab* 6alsflillgilflTS»» will leave for the above and intermedi ate ports every THURSDAY) at 4 o’clock, P. M. For freight or passage, apply on board, or to - - .T. WOODS A SON, marlO No. 61 Water st., and 63 Front st. ANNNAMARIA KUHN,t In the Conn .of Com by heT next friend, Jko. ! mon Pleas of Allegheny * Ea, » vt - f County,Pcnusylvanin.of 4 Gorrpaan KtmN. J October T. 1850. No. 74. _ Libcl in Divorce a Vinculo Matrimonii. . . Ajcd Now, to wit; February ,20th, 1851, onmotion of Sliker A Heslcp, proof hav been made that a subpeena and alias issued in the above case and re* ■g||Bgpiy turned according to law, and that the de- fendant, - Gottfried Kuhn, in said case. - ;*** could not be found i» the County of Alle gheny, it is ordered that the High Sheriff of said County shall cause notice to be published in the w Daily Morn ing Post,” In the CUy of Pittsburgh, in said County, for four weeks successively prior to the fourth Monday, being the twenty-fourth day in March, 1851, requiring the said defendant to appear on the said day, to answer 1 to the said complaint. By the Court. To GortLSia Kuhs, Respondent ‘above named .—You are hereby required to appear before the sold Court on the fourth Monday of March next, 1651, to answer the complaint of above named libelleat.. feb27:ltaw4w C. CURTIS, Sheriff, February 20, laSt. Administration of joiin means.—on mdtlon to discharge C. C. Seely, Administrator of John Means, from his administration of said estate, the Or phans* Court of Allegheny County direct this notice of said application. O. C. SEELY, maro:dlaw3w Administrator. - fltOthe Honorable the Judges of the Court of General A Quarter Sessions of the Peace In and for the County of Allegheny. The petition of George Beale, of tho First Ward,Pitts burgh, in the County aforesaid, humbly shewetb, That your petitioner bath provided himself with materials for (he accommodation of travelers and others, at bis dwell ing house in the Ward aforesaid, and prays that your Honors will be pleased to grant him a license to keep a public house of entertainment. And yo.»r peti tioner, as in duty bound, will pay. GEORGE BEALE. We,.the subscribers, citizens of the W a rd afore said, do certify that the above petitioner is of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with house room and conveniences for the accommodation and lodging of strangers and travelers, and that said tavern is necessary. James Gray. (Fourth street,) Allen Cordell, Henry Earle, R C Stockton, D 8 Scully, John “Seottn, James Cassilly, Beuben Hope. W C Walt. A Nardi, George Beale, jr~, John Boll.— • Chronicle." [roar 13 fJEW SPRING GOODS t Marknstrut r No. 75, between Fourth si.4* the Diamond. THE subscriber is now receiving from the Eastern cities a beautiful, choice and desirable stock of the newest fabrics and destgu* from the London and Peris Markets. SPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS , Purchased in the New York and Philadelphia Markets at the lowest cash prices. Embracing every variety of the newest and richest styles, and latest importations of French, English and German Goods: among the leading articles will be foand.the following: Paris printed Berage de Laines, from I£| cents to the finest quality. French and English Lawns, from PJJ cents to the finest quality manufactured. Superior bleached Muslins, from 0* to 12J cents yd. French Work Collars, new style, from IV cents to the best article imported. French and English Ginghams, from 12* cents to the best quality in the market. English and American Chintzes, from 0* io LSI cents (P’yard. Rich Paris printed and embroidered Muslins and Or gandies; new style plain and figured. English Poplins; French Berages, rich styles; super black Gro de Rhine Silks; fancy figured Silks; super changeable Silks and Satin do Chicns; Lapin’s block Bombazines, and a beau tiful assortment of black and colored Alpaccan- and French Thibet Cloths. SHAWLS. Chameleon bilk and Turk Satin Shawls: superior Her nanna Silk Tissue and Berage Shawls; Cashmere, Thibet, Brosha and Mous de Lame Shawls. FANCY AND VARIETY GOODS. French work Capes and Collars; new style Bonnet Ribbons; Linen Cambnc Hdkfs and Cravats; black and colored Kid Gloves; Lisle Thread; Mohair and Twisted Silk Gloves-and Milts; Silk, Worsted and Cotton Hose; together wnh a large and complete assortment of Para sols and Umbrellas. GENTLEMEN'S GOODS.. French ond English Cloths, Casstmcres and Vestings; Silt Shirts and Drawers; Fancy Cravats; Linen Cam bnc and Silk lldkfs;. together with a splendid assort ment of Gloves, Hosiory and Sosnenders. DOMESTIC AND STAPLE GOODS. Russia Diaper and Crash; Irish Linennnd Linen Lawns; Cassineus and Kentucky Jeans, Cottonodes; Bed Tick ings , Cheeks; Domestic Ginghams; Red, White and Yellow Flannels; Canton Flannels, Ac. Tho customers of tho house and all cash buyers, aro requested to call and givo tho above goods anrarly ex amination. The stock is large and complete tn even' variety and style, all of the latest importations, and wifi be sold at the very lowest hauxekt voices. Agency for Different Lines of Paeket Ships. PASSENGER OFFICE. SgjT 305. LIBERTY ST., PITTSBDBOH. X&mK For P. W.BYRNES& C0.,83 South street, New York 30 Waterloo Road, Liverpool; and 65 Grower street Nets Orleans, HAS A LINE OF PACKETS sailing overy five days from Liverpool to New York { *Line of Packets from Liverpool to Philadelphia, on the IBth of each month; a Line of packets to Baltimoro on the 20th o each month. Also—a Line of Packets on the Bth. and 24th of each month from London and Portsmouth to New York. ALSO—Draftsal sight alwayson hand, for any amount, at the lowest rates of discount; and ell information given concerning passengers, that can be given, with pleasure, by their Agent. • JOHN THOMPSON, JaQ 20S Liberty st.v Pittsburgh- TO the Honorable IUo Judges of the Couri oi ueneral Quarter Sessions of the Peace m and for the Countv of Allegheny: * The petition of n. Miller, of the Township of Oh io m the Coomy aforesaid, humbly nheweth, That your peutjoner hath provided himeolf with material for the accommodation of travelers and others at his dwelling house, inthe Township aforesaid, and nravs that your Honors will be pleased to grant him a licenso to keep a public house of entertainment. And your no* tittoner, as in duty bound, will pray. • , •• R. MILLER. We, the subscribers, citizens of the township aforesaid do certify, Inal the above petitioner is of good repute tor honesty and temperance, and is well provided with bouse room and conveniences for the accommodation and lodging of strangers and travelers, and that said tavern ib necessary. S HJChev, AJlamillomJ Gillelaml R M'Clinton. D H»mlIlon,l)Boloy,p H i,ul7, Knoderer, H Thomp-on, Jnmei Crawford, JL Henman, F M Htjichison marlS:3t r |iu me Honorable the Judges of the Court or General 4- Q?**ter Sessions of the reace, in and for t|ie Coun ty of Allegheny; > - The petmop of E. Coates, of the Third Ward,Pittas uurgh City, in the County, aforesaid, humbly shewctb; That your petitioner hath provided himself with mate rials ipr the accommodation of travelers and oilier*, at his dwelling house in the Ward aforesaid, and pray>? that your Honors will be pleased to grant him a license o keep a public house of entertainment. Aud your petitioner, as m duty bound, will pray* .. . . • . ESBORN COATES We, the subscribers, citizens ot aforesaid Ward, do certify that the. above , petitioner is of good repute for honesty, and temperance, and ib well provided with house room-and conveniences lor the accommodation and lodging of strangers and travelers, and that said tavern is necessary. ' ’ t Joh^ ?J ,G * re l,r ' V;:. y- ' 1.-*-.’ i f*.'V " -~ ' V V K . ___ , *» -\ * * C t r ;.; S PORT OB' PITTSBURGH. ABSALOM MORRIS, 75 Market Btreci vv' 1 / Banker* anD ANKERB AND ISXC tIAN()E BRofeftS, and Dea- JL> lerr in Nolen, Drafta, Acceptances, Gold. Silver and Bank Notes. Kiclmnee on tlm Eaetern and Western cltiea constantly .for sale. Collectlona made in all the cities ihrdugbant the Uni ted Slates. Deposites receives in parfnhds or oarrent paper, No. 07 Market street, between Third and Fourth ’ streets. ' ■ angtßMy. Domestic and foreign Exchange, Bank Notit .Gottiand Sfit-er, Bought.So.land Exchanged ’ ■ . ATTtra . liIXOHANGIC AND BANKING HOUSE Williams a/Mill & Co.. . S 4 Wood Street, - ’ PITTSBURGH. (D* lOT Stt KBT * LLOWBD O S TIMF. t) EFO3IIB. taUg‘’B fiLLZft JLB&KBE. ■ fit) Winn uittM KRAUER & RAiiS. ■ BanktrsandExchange Broker. », Beaters in foreign and Domestic Bills, Bills of Exchange, Certificates efßtoos it, Bank Notes, and Coin, ; Comer of Third and Wood .sis., directly opposite the. St Charles Hotel. may2B BANK IN G UO5 BK, : JESSE CAROTHERS & CO NO. 15, WOOD-STREET, PITTSBURGH Current money received on deposit. Collections made ofi'nli theprincipal cities of the Uni led.Slates. faugitly PATRICKS & FRIENDT - ~ ■ BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, No. 85, coasaa Wood asd Diamosd sirbbts, . Pittsburgh, Pa, , (mayl lAS. S.HOUtt. THOS. SARGSnT. HOON -a. SARGENT, ■ BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, .. N. E. Corner of Wood and Sixth streets ' Pittsburgh. Pa DEALERS in Coin, Bank Notes,-Time Bills, foreien nnd Domestic Erchango,Cerli6eatosofDenosit Ac EXCHANGE on all the principal Cities of the Union and Europe, for sale in snms to suiipnrcha’sers CURRENT and par funds received ondeposite COLLECTIONS mndcon all parts of the Union, ntthc lowest rates. sepll-Iy CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA BANKINGUOUSE BRYAN, GLEIBI & CO, WTOTES, Draftß, Checks, Ac. collected, and Rrmit. It tances made upon favorable terms. May I-. ISSO. R ' BRYAN ' Cashier. Mechanic* Bftnlt. DUSKfi’s BUILDING,FOURTH ABOV'BSf'J&tET STttEBT rpms BANK is now prepared to do business. Open A from 9A.M. to 3 P. M. 1 intarestpaid on Speuial.DcpOHts. augH THOMPSON BELL,Cushier G. W. TAYLOR, “~- 1153 SECOND STREET 'COMMISSIONER AND BILL-BROKER STRICT attention will be giyeniio all businea* en trusted to his care. Pittsburgh manufactured art! cles always on hand, or procured on short **o»ice Notes, Bonds, Mortgages, fee., negotiated on favora ble terms. Advances made if required. >: t oct22:!f RAFTS ON BAN PRAiVOISCO, California, Tor x? 1 Banking House of PATRICKS & fiuEND, N 0.95 Woofl st. • foctl9 Dr. Fitch’* AbdominalSupporter* THIS instrument U used In nil the Eastern cities with unparalleled success.: The effects produced by it ate truly wonderful.m all those cases; where abdomi nal sopporiia needed, from weakness of the-abdominal muscles. It is n sure earo. for falling: of the womb, and the long list of diseases which attend ibni-complaint. For 6ale by KEYSEK A; M’DOWELL. tnarB 140 Wood st Bounty hand and other Business. WILLIAM FLTNN offers hi» services to tran*af' business with ihe Executive Departments Congress, as an agent. He will attend to alb business relauve to pensions and boauty land, Charge# mode rate. Address William Fiinu, Washington, D. C January 23,1851. Mr. Fhnn was several years a clerk in the office of the Second Comptroller of. the Treasury. His knowl edge of transacting business at the Departments will render hts services, as agent, particularly useful to all who may employ him at the seat of Government ALBION K. FARRIS, . feo* Late Second Comptroller. Private Disease*. DR, BROWN, No. 41 DIAMOND A LLE Y i—Dfivora his entire attention to an offic’t * practice. His i ustness is mostly confined to fnvau or Ytneual J?»V«,<«,and such pain* / ful aufclioris, oa' by imprudence youthful indulgence and excess - Syphilis, Syphiliiic Eruptions, Co.torr . hea. Gleet, Stricture, UreUrral Imparity of the Blood, with all. diseases o. «he venereal origiD. Skiu Diseases. Scorbutic Eruptionr., Tetter, Ringworm, Mercuriul Diseases,Seminal Weakness. Im potency, Files, Ulicmutii-m, Female Weakueaa, AMonth lySuppresjioas. DUca ies of tlus. Joints, Fisiukt in Ano- Nervoun Affections, Pcinsin the Back and Loins, Irma, tious of the Bladder and Kidar v*i, sueressfunr treated Cure guaranteed. - ' Fourteen years’ ia tlii# oilytehabhu l)p Brown toofler asaaranees of 3peedy cure to nil who may come under his care. 7 Office and private consulting rooms, 66 Diamond ay fp* Charges moderate. m>vS:d&wi v Kn.UhlAllSflt,— Dr, Urown t newiy utscovred rrtn edyfor Ilheumaii>.ntiir nspeedy andceuaiureinedv forthotpainfultrocMe. Itncver f.uls. 7 ? , . ld Private. Consultation Reams No. fis, DIA MOND, Pittsburgh, Pcu»i»t. The Doctor itf always at omf> Unie-ilawif A Scientific Hair Tonic Restorer ANDBKAUTIFJER. Trial bottles 37* cents. Those whohave u>cd Jones’ Coral Hair Rc«torative know it* exoellem qualities—iliove who have not, we assore iuoposse*a tue. following qualities ft will force the hair to prow on any pan where nature intended hair to prow, stop »t falling off, care scurf or dandruff, and make light, red or grey-hair grew dark. For dressing Uie hair soft and silky, nothing eon exceed 4113—it makes it truly beautiful and-keep* it so. It is, indeed, the most economical, yet superior article for the hair. Boid.only at WM.JACKSON’S Store,24o Liberty st head of Wood, Pittsburg. Price 37* cents, 50 cents and 81 -00. ; _ fdec2o Jones’ litljr WhUeV ” LA DICS are cautioned against using common arena* red Chalk. They areuotawarc how frightfully injurious it is to the skin! how coarse, how rough,how sallow, yellow and unhealthy the skin appears alter using prepared Chalk » Besides, it is injurious, contain ing ainrgequantity of Lead! We have prepared a beautiful vegetable article, which we call JONES’ SPANISH ULYtVHITE It is perfectly innocent, being purified of all deleteri ous qualities; and it imparts to the skin a natural, healthy, alabaster, clear, living white; at the same umo acting as cosmetic on the skin, making it soft and smooth. Sold by the Agent, WM. JACKSON, SO Liber ty street, head ot Wood, Pittsburgh, Price 25 cents doc2o:dawty (Gazette copy.) HUAI) OF ALL,I EXTRACT OF AMERICAN OIL. Prepared and sold by jno. young son, 209, Liberty street. This powerfullyconcentrated pre paration; the medical virtues of which are found to be eight times the strength of the original American Oil It te put up in bottles at 25 and 27* cents, each, with full directions forits use. In every disease where the origi nal American Oil has been found at all efficacious, and st so far exceeds the original in power, us to render ntha CHEAPEST MEDICINE IPTTHE WORLD Callud Wit v- ' . . JOHN YOUNGSON. N.B. The original Oil m its natural state us taken from the bowels of the earth, can be had as above—and will be found genuine, notwithstanding a certain firm claims to be the only Proprietors. ' ‘ 1 Y dJbw*tf DUFF *5 [l|ll [liiim mcri cn n Accountant ami Wester* btearaboat Accountant; Professor of Book- Keeping and the Commercial Sciences. N, B. Hatch, Esq., of the Pittsburgh Bar. Professor of Mercantile Law. 3 . John D. Wiluams, Professor of Ornamental and Mer cantile Penmanship. Persons desirousof obtaining a tiioroughMeicantile Education,can rely upon obtaining m this Institution every thing that is advertised f here is no advertising of the names of lnsiructors and Lec turers who will neither teach nor' lecture in tho place; nor no humbugging the public withpiec>s of engravings, with the engraver’s name suppressed, and a name affixed pretending to have “ executed » them witha pen. • Ladies’ Writing Class meet? in a separate apartment, from 10 to 12 A. M. ‘ Gentlemen’s Glass from Biu the morning 'till 10 at gJ« hl - . _ imarl . Steele & Officer’s BOX (FACTORY AND JOBBING SHOP Rtan’s Builpino, Virgin alley, ihirdssory, between Wood and •Liberty streets,- Boxes of all descriptions made and de livered at the shortest notice. £feblo-ly Landscape Fainting. JASPER U. LAWMAN, Landscape I' aimer. Rooms, Fourth street, Odeon Buildings, second story Spo cimens muy.be seen by the patrons of the Art.’at the above place. Rrftrmees—JohnK. IfolmeSj Esq./Wm.C. Wall,T A Richard Cowan, Esq., AUuhew Wilson, Jr J -Gillespie, Ilonas. Jones, L. Harper v febiB ItHE LEASE OF THE NEW"YOR'k DRY GOODS smalt stock of Fancy und Staple Dry Goods, to be sold at abaraain. Any person Wishing to commence busi ness on Market street, the above old established busi ness stand, one of the best on the street, «an be had on favorabla terms, if application is made immediately to theisnbscnher.whd wishes to changehls business. ■ ■Ji?JL WM. Ii GARRARD. WEGNER, BUECHNEtt & MUELLKR\S ” Seyr Lithographic ISstabliohmem, so Market iltul, beta'cen Bourth, T K r ,s ady 10 fu s nish eTe 7 Hod of Lithographic MaS pJL^ e T Bt / le,!an V Bls, i c > s oeh as Shorn bilb, ’ Brt heath, and La -0 ln >colors, Ac. nisnS e «^ me < p,ace Meissrs * Moeser A Helmle have Rnil cx<:CMe on orderDrafis b euceurso2 ’ f ‘, 0<:! ' Monumcn ' 8 i *«■> w ‘lh all possi- : jalidy 1000 At-REhiOf’L AND in deliercoii county for he officeYf EsJe ' rSftHte of THOMPSON BELL at: ne onto of [fcblV A. WILKINS * c 6. - m. •pSk*'- '• * ■•} I*'-Y ?.£ = '“‘*.' .',.■ ■ .r*- l ■■■*•• <.*•,, l' Reported Expressly far the Daily liming Post Noon.] New York, March 17. Flour. .New Orleaoa, 4,6804,80 ; common weat ern and State, ;t \ Corn;.Yeliow is leuff active al sss. ? Pork. .Doll; old Mesa, ; new; 14,37; prime old, 10,00. Lard..7f, Lead.. Quiet ; 5,00 for Galena. Whiskey,. 23*024. ? i : cvewiwo.J . New Yobk, March 17. Owing tol the disagreeable weather,-nothing of consequence has been done. Cotton.. Declined *. * . ' - Flour. .Heavy, V* Corn, Pork and Lard, are declining. f, , -PaaADEtFHiA, March 17. Flourf.Standard brands 4,44; sumption 4/44(34,66*; select brands 4,60. Bye Flour 3,37*. Corn Meal. .Declined 6*. Wheal.. White 1,02; red 95^97. . Rye.. 65. • Corn..Yeliow6o.: Whiskey.. 23 in bble; 21021* in hhds. Hemp. .Dew rotted Western sr ton. Molaaaea..N. Orleans 32. * ‘ Seeds. . Clover 6,12*05,37*. . ; Bulter— Western 7*olo*. Balthiob*, March. 17. Bed Catlie.. 300 offered and.29o ao!d at 3,120 4,25 on hoof, equal to 6,2503,50 neu, aVeranintr 3,68 gross. • • .. .. • r - , b • • , CIBCIBHATJ, March T 7. The river has risen 3 feet. Heavy rains the last 24 hours. ; Flour. .3,40. Coffee.. Rio, to .arrive, at 11*. Whiskey*.lB*. Sugar. .6c. - Molnsse3. .31*032. Young Men’s Mercantile library Aaso. ; .elation... EMERSON’S LECTURESA—Tbe dislinguiahed Lec turer Prof. RALPH WALDO EMERSON, of Maas has beenprocured by the above Institute to deliver to its members.aad the citizens of Pittsburgh generally, a series very lately prepared, and upon iute resting subjects. The course will comprise six lectures on the •* Conduct of Lift? 1 embracing the following to- I. Introductory. Laws of Success : ‘ 11. Wealth; 1 HL Economy; ' ; IV. Power; V. Callurcj VI. Worship. 1 The lectures will'be given on Tuesdays,Tharsdays ana Saturdays, successively—commencing on Thursday March 20th. The place and times of meeting will be hereafter specified. Tickets formembers single, or for the course can be obtained by the Librarian, or of Wilkins and M’Kuight, committee. Tickets for citizens-single, or for the course, lobe pro cured at all the principal book stores, at J. B. M’Fad dein H. Richardson and F. 11. Eaton’s. jriar7 tAI Philadelphia Carriages for Sale, just received from Philadelphia his spring stock ol C ARRf- AGES, and will keep constantly on hand “"at his Carriage Repository, near Alex. M’Farland’s Tavern, on the Pittsburgh and Steuben ville Turnpike, 13 miles west of Pittsburgh, a large assortment of VEHICLES of all kinds, which he will sell at prices mueh lower than they can be bought else where. From the experience which he has In'the,business, and the general satisfaction rendered heretofore, to those who hnve fivored him with their patronage, lie feels assured in faying that he can offer an assortment to compete with any ia market, both' as regards quality and price. Persons wishing to purchase are referred to two Carriages sold’by him last season. The subscriber, expecting to continue in the business of buying anil selling Carriages, keeps on hand none but custom-made Carriages. JOSEPH WHITE. N. B.—For any farther infortnaiion, : apply'at John Rogers’ Tea and Queenawcre Store, Diamond alley. mar4:6mw PERSONS who have either, are honorably assured that if their breath is ever so foul, or their TEETH DECAYED, DARK Olt YELLOW, and encrusted with tartar, that a 25 cent boxof Jonev Amber Tooth Paste will make the teeth white as snow and the breath odiferously sweet. Sold only at JACKSON’S Store, ,240 Liberty stree, head of Wood. ‘ldec2o Literary Noiice. THE ANNUAL CONTEST between the PHILO and FRANKLIN LITERARY SOCIETIES of Jefferson College will take place in PROVIDENCE BALL, on tks evening of the *2orft of March, instant. The question tor ,discussion i»: Da Moral Causa effect a greater Influ ; tn the formation of National Character-than Physical? The public are respectfully invited to attend J. H. FRITZ, S. E. M’KEG, R R. CAMPBELL, . CanomburgthlsuchO. W.W. MILLER, marlS: l tdAStw, ...... , ~ Committee. Administrators* Notice* LETTERS of Administration on the estate ofNANCY W., Al’FAßLAND,'dcc’d., late of Wilkins town ship, Allegheny countjyPa., having been grartted to the subscriber, all person* indebted to said estate are re quested to call at tho reaidtfhce ol the 'nubscriberand settle ;• and all periona holding clsims said restate, will present them duly autheutieated for sctUement. JAMES H. ROBB, Adm’r,; marU:6tw» : Upper .St. Cldir tatenship. ' Coal liand ror Sole* SITUATED on the "waters of Little Saw Mill Rnn, Lower St. Clair township Allegheny County, two and one-balf miles from the Ohio river, and three miles from Pittsburgh; containing sixty acres—fifty of Which is Coalof thehest quality. The improvements consist of a Frame pyrellinc House; a large Frame Bam, with Stabling underneath; spring, smoke,' coal houses,Ac. There .is also an_ excellent young orchard of Fruit Trees. The land is in a high state of cultivation. For terms enquire.of Oliver Blackburn A Co., Water street, Pittsburgh/ or of the subscriber, on the premises mar7:3tw» ‘ \VM. PATTON. NOTICE h hereby given that Letters of Administra tion have been granted to the subscribers on the estate of P. DELANV, deceased. VAU persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay ment; and all having claims ta present them properly authenticated for settlement. Persona will please pre sent their claims to Thomas Gcbbs, at No. 190 Liberty Street.v . SUSAN DELANY, Adrrix mar7s»-6t . B. FLANIGAN, Adm't. TO the Honorable the Judges of the Court of General QnarterSessions of the Peace in and forthe County of Allegheny: The petition of Sarah Happer, of the Sixth Ward, in the Countv aforc*aid, humbly aheweth—That your peti tioner hath provided herself with materials for the ac-. commodation of travelers and others, at her dwelling house, m the Word aforesaid, and prays that your Honors will be pleased to grant her a license to keep a public house of entertainment And your petitioner, us in duty bound, will pray. SARAH HAPPER. . We;the subscribers,citizens of the Ward aforesaid, do certify that the above petitioner is of good repute for honesty and temperance,and is well provided wuh housc room and conveniences forthe accommodation and lodg ing of strangers and travelers, and that said tavern Is necessary. David Jones, Janes Moore, Robert Scon, John Bell Felix Boyle, James M’Laughlia, Michael M»Kelvy,Jno Stewart, Michael Nellis, Robert Miller, Thomas Cun ningham, Wm S Skeen. , fmarlidawS*! TO the Honorable the Judges of the. Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace in and for the County of Allegheuy The-petition of R. Turner; of the Filth Ward, Pitts burgh, m the County aforesaid, humbly skeweihThat your petitioner hath provided himself with materials for the accommodation of travelers and others, at his dwelling house, in the aforesaid Ward, and prays that your Honors will be pleased to grant him alicense to keep a public house of enterlninment. And your pe titioner,as in duty bound, will pray. -' - RICHARD TURNER. We, the subscribers, citizens of aforesaid Ward, do certify, that the above petitioner is of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with house, room and conveniences for the accommodation and lodging of straugers and travelers, and that said tavern is necessary. Daniel GilliSjJamca Watson,Thomas Phillips, James M’Lean, J W Taylor, E Reis, Jacob Gerwig, William Siehert,..Tames Burning, M Leahy, J Jones, tSJ Stew ard __ • ' • '' __ lfeb*2s:3tdaw* LETTERS o f Administration on the estate of Thomas Woozley, late of Mifflin township, dec’d., have been granted to the undersigned. All persons owing the estate wIU make payment to the undersigned, ana those having claims against it will present them, prop erly authenticated. R-M. BLACKBURN,Adm’r,.; feb2l:€tw . <• • . Mifflin township... fTU> the heirs and legal representatives of Samuel . J Sunderland, late ot Wayne township, deceased. \Vhereas, an inquest wag duly awarded by the Orph ans' Court of Mifflin county, and a. partition and valua tion of the said Samuel Sunderland, has been madofttie report of which was duly made and confirmed by the Court aforesaid, at the January Term, 185 i.— AVhereforej you, and each of you, are hereby command •’ ed and cited to bo and appear at the next general Orph ans’ Court, to be held at Lewistown, in and for said; coanty of Mifflin, on the Ist Monday of April nexty 1851, if you think proper to acceptor refuse the said pre mises at the valuation and appraisement, or'price, as fixed by the inquest as aforesaid. D. M’K.CONTNER,SAmy. ‘ ; - SnußtreV; Officb, ) .''- • - • Xetgiitoton;Feb;-gQ ) IBSI.S • Admlniitratorislfotlcei LETTERS of Administration on the estateof James Hare, 'deceased/ late of East Deer tp M Allegheny county, Pa., having been granted to the subscriber, all persons indebted :to said estate are requested to call at the residence of the subscriber and Bettie the sdme; and dll person* holding claims against saidestate,will present fflem duly authenticated for . - -. ROBERT HARlvAdin’r. mari:w6t* - v - \Tarentum. . Bafile Marble Works) (ESTABLISHED 1832) by EDISIIND WILKIKS, Ho lB4 Liberty strut, head ' - - S’.V-rh ’ « * ~ •» . r *« r MEM M=El=2MlitM TELEGRAPH. etattvm bt ttaamunh-ramm' sr ntite. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. Pearly White Yeet h and Breath, TO BK HAD FOR 25 CENTS; • Administrators* Notice. Admlnfstratoris Notice, notice* . * S. •: !* -T ' . ■■■ •• t/- , ISEESMI , fflwieUampjia. A Card to Business m«n« A YOUNG, active bofiiness man. a native of Pitt*. burgh,‘with on extensive acquaintance! who can command acaghcapltaldf from 0 to SS.OOO.ia anxiona to makean inveatmc rjt, and tievotebis time to business as a partner, ifl PittsbargfcOr vicinity, . feb*2o ; - . Please address Phi* OJlcs+EozNo. 395: COBtfEa or 'MASL£CT AHD THraD fITBCTTa. /CHARTERED A. D. 1850; the only; chartered Inati* Volution of-the kind in Pennsylvania- Faculty.~ Johk : FuhnMo; principal Instructor in thcscienceofAecouhtt. O. E. Chambsblis, Professor o P~ a property possessed; in equal power.by no other medicine of like nature, now before the ptiblio.'' ~ CIRCULARS, &C , • ; . As no ordinary sized advertisement can fully ' the nature and meritsof this article, the Proprietors have published uncw Circular , giving the history of this Medi ans; the description , nature. its princfpaUngredi ents; the effect they arc designed to have upon the Lungs and Liver, and acopiot£,reference to the persons tehohatc been cured.by ft—giving their names hbd resi dences, even to the street and the number. Thosewbo are troubled with- a Cough, hr whose Lungs are in the least affected, are earnestly desired to call upon-the -Agents named below; and procure one. of.these Pam phlets. It can be badgratii, and wiliwell repay aperasal. The “ Hxnts on Health," and’“ About taking. may be worth to yourself arid family, . .... HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS, 1 in the shape of Doctors’ Bills saved, besides beinr the means of. prolonging many a valuable life. WARRANTY : ; Sucbispnr ..confidence in its virtues, that.we are will, me to warrant this Medicine in every case of recent Cold ' (where nsed aecordirig to the directions-on nafee 7th or the pamphlet, inside the wrapper of.each bottle), and .where ; the person; is not satisfied that he indenting benefit from it, by 'returning the bottle within twenty four hours* time,' .t - -/ themoNey -w • , will .be returned.- ID** See page 3d of thepamphletin side the wrapper of each bottle. 10* Be adre to ask tor Dr. i Sogers l Syrup of LIV ERWORT, TAR, and CANCHALAGUA, and let ho other bepohned on to,,yon. ' >• - : CAUTION,— None there is on the buff wrapper,a note o/'Aond,signed'with l a jpen,bv A.L. scovill a co. ’ ' Cough and Dictate Seovill sCa.~l Ue re with forward to you a Certificate qf a Cure, effected by yonr Compound Syrup of Liverwort, Tar and Canchaiagua. The Cough, and expectoration was of fourteen months suxndingy and had baffled the skill of several of oar eminent physicians in New York, Albany.and Cooperstown. lam the person in whom the cure was effected, and as I had previously no faith in patent medicines, I have since tried it on others,'and have become, satisfied ol its value. Mine was ,ns great a cure as was eyer performed,]** f had, during my sickness, bes& given up twice by tny physicians. I have now commenced my business, offer taking, I think, about rigftt touZer. v, .- ■ > Yoarsjrespectfullv, THOS.C.FAULDER. BLEEDING AT THE LUNGS CURED. ' SB* HOW PROMPTLY It. ACTS. : •; Sioi&nentif Afr. A, Baker v pio. 383 Pearl itreety *Y.Y>-A few days before last Chris bias, I was taken unwell, and soon commenced bleeding freely at the Lungs. I colled in a Homccopaihic physician, bat hia medicine did not seem to help rat I read your advert* isement, and thought I would try Dr. Sagers'* Syrup of Xtcerwort, Zbrana Candiafagua... B forcl hid taken upthe xAmtfcouk, my bleeding had slopped,: my Cough teas gone, and I felt as well as usual. My health is now good. I consider it a most excellent medicine; and cor dially recommend it to my friends. t This statement was made to the Frepmtors, March .. y ; fp* This whole paper-might be filled with letters si milar to the aboye,/TOi* tho&tpho have ieen cured. FOR SALE, wholesale ana retail. by;A.L. SCOVILL A Proprietors at their Princtpal JDepoLGOTHIC HALL, No. 310 Broadway, NeW York, to whom all or ders for the Medicine, aru letters relating" to Agencies, should be addressed, post-paid.' ■ ■■-■ ALSO, for sale.by R. E. Seilers, No. 57 Wood street. Wholesale Agent for Pittsburgh and vicinity; D. M. Carry and H.Jt\Schwartz, Allegheny City; Tdwnsend, Ct EE,£,S? >Manchester; A. Patterson, Birmingham. ; PRICE—Ia large bottle, 81,00 y or six bottlesfrot 85,00 ON THURSDAY, a sumof money, in Bank Notes— which the owner can have by calling at the Btoredf . JOHN B.M»PADDEN & CO., , feb22af ... , . No. 95 Market street, SUNDRIES— 400bbls.FamilyFiour; 50 do No. 3 Mackerel j 1 75 do Tar; - ; 05 do Rosin; . ■ - , - • 100 do prime Neshanhock Potatoes; 50 do Red Potatoes ; ■ > 40 do Green Apples; . 509 bushels Cob Com; 300 do Shorts; • - •• •■■ 50 do Oats; » • ■ For sale by T. WOODS fc 80N, . marlO . : r r No*. 61 Water st. Ladies* dress goods— ' : .15 pcs. plain all wool high col’d de laines'; u: • 5 pcs.:. do do black do; | r “ 25 pcs. newand splendidstyle barege devalues: ■ 10pc«.choiceganadlnes. Just opened at ’ mar 4 . r , A. MASON 00*5. ■ spanto belbction. —I will be .JL:. received by. first canal arrivals; a new,and choice assortment of French and Eastern Paper Hangtem-in gold, damask, boquetand plain-patterns, together with a large lot of cheap aatinandcommonpariers.; • jaarT , •■•Tv *’ J '.*<•■':. i • ■:. •■'" ". ■' ,' r ' '■".•■ ■• *■- ' " • • • ", K - ■•':'• *■ , '' ’** '■'a* 1 -w- r . r - V. ::■•■■ - . *•' ** rf. _ v* • f ■ .*‘ ' f;.* '• . ; •' .• Vvt*' »" k ~ r>> '■ ' ■*’• •-' • --*■••" - i ■ Vxv : - ‘i ; 4 ' . - * PITTSBGBGH Found. ■ ■.... -V* ...... ’ . - t - ,-, 1 " ■C-J f 1 • ',?**' —\- fflxsteUatwsm. . „ H 1 * | m£ rov « a Vtoptxlsr tor Sal ct A VALUABLE PROPERTY, oTwo acres* gif tt&ieu igL jrttrdsf/otri the city limits f ia tbe Scream Ward, havto/t a lore® front on both sides of Bedford «t These iols are desirable for ditddinff S.CDTHBEi&.GcnUAdenty , rslnuthfield street. IS*S^IS^SSSW£: to diseattin thoVolmp!^n?o r fJ^‘^ ,, ” lllcb ‘“ 4 train 6f nervous ills, to which sa^tirar,^ 0 ?.!? a numerous . '- ■ - Wood at m Wew Patent Trnaui, been known, m many Instance*. to e&ctaspeedV cS» For sale by ~ KEYSER k M»DOV?ECI!™ marB ■•■■.■ •••>-.- 140.W00d at Bummer Arransemantßi nasi ,ssl - «ia. • VIA THE NEW PENHSYI.VANIA HAItROAD. ■ Only 36 'Jffottn to PhitadelsAia^- ISsSS^ISS® JB3S!9Mm&Sa i S ** «oo .N. B.—-The only office for tie above Elites under the St. Charles Hotel,'No.4o Wood street, Pm'bureh : mart! W. B. MOOfeaEAD, Agent. W”lJlt^Ak\^^TOD^ftC b now being made m the front of tty store, customer* will find me in the rear and on the second atom with a lam and excellent stock of all goods in my line, and prices unusually low. - Watch repairing continued as usuaUn the shops in second story. . ,;.;V ,W. W. WILSON, , mar 7 • , : comer of Marketand Fourth *t*J " '.rHooS.Street.' N -''.' j . c ;. JUIg. FOR RENT— A new three story brick Bwxs* “ tl ‘’“ n, "LiNo House,rituole on Ross; above Hfih street; arranged with a halL two parlors, kitchen,.wash house, cellar. 4 bed rooms, and finished jrarrdtj bakeoven. &e»: alUncomipleteorder, -Rent S2OG .; Possession ok'the lstof April. S. CUTHBER i EGea>l Atfi. ,&»&■ .•»•••■ - i -7g;Bmithfield street- rgj Spring Fashion rot-18511 Lm. THIS beanuAil style of HATS received and for . JAMES WILSON, mar 7 cometdf.Wbod st. and Diamond alley. ,n&rbet Oardeii fdr Sile, A DESIRABLE PROPERTY, well situated either \J%. for a family residence or amarketgasden. having L n ,vT»il oUage tfo “ 8e > * well of good water, stable, with three acres of Land la tire hiahestetate of cultiva tion—having above an acre of Strawberries, a largo grassery, peaches, plums, anples and peats,.with other fruits—all of the best qualities; a largaFlower Garden, of every vnriety: The wholeis inaEealihy condition and good order, situate on ( Troy lull;near the residence of Judge Lowne. The whole will be sold fat 82500. • Immediate possession. S.CDTHBE&TvGea’IAah.. , - . - 769mlthaeld street. The Great Remedy for Consumption of the Lungs, A fit « , ftons of the Asthma, Bronchitis, Pains or TFrsi- : - : nest of the Breast or Lungs, anA.other qffecHont of the ' ■ Breast or Lungs. ... lITISTAR’S BALSAM OP WILD -CHERRY is a TV\ fine herbal medicine, cbmposed chiefly of Wttn Chebet Babk and the geniuine Icstarm Moss (the latter ' for this purpose,) the rare.medical. virtues of which are also combined »y,a new chemiott I - process wait the extrabtoftar, thus rendering the wholo ’compound the most certain and efficacious remedy aver discovered for CONSUMPTION OF THE LUNGS. .INTERESTING CORRESPONDENCE. •■’,pr*Wm. Y. Banks, of Xenia, Ohio, ahighly respect* able Drnggistih thatdeUghtfai viilQge. hoa informed us that the sale of Wista ria Balsam of Wild Cherry is un paralleled... The demand for it is so great that no can scarcely keep himself supplied wdth ivHe has had in his store medicines for lung affections. , Some or these T were esteemed good and some gave temporary relief/—- But sihoe he has had Wistaria Balsam of Wild Cherry a number of the most serious cases were corapietelYcw red by its use, “I never sold a medicine*” says the doe . tor, “in which I had that entire confidcm-c thaiJhadis this.” . • .. Ix ctruEsi Wherever Wistariaßalsara'of WRdCher-^ ry is introduced, ii at once attains that bfghrepotmlou it so nchly desciyes.. What can prevem-its sale when on every hand can be witnessed its wonderful curesT The worst.case of Asthma, recent and .dangerous Cough* (and also'those that are of long, standing,)- Bronchitis or Consumption (in its early stages) arc always cured bv this remarkable medicine.-. HEREDITARY CONSUMPTION 1: Cored toy Wlstar>a Balaam of WUcI Ctooirry. 5 • Px-BAHahT Bidob, HamiUon c0.,0,, Sep. 97, IS50; •" ; tbeUberty-of advising - the benefit that I have derived from the ttsaS Dr. Wistaria Balsam of Wild I wisT)rostrated by that terrible scourge, Conntmption,iaMaria*t Thu auack was truly terrain* to me, forfive of my family, . (my.brpthereaad|ister3,y.liaddiedofCdasminption. I was ofthe worst features ofths dueake: : l . had a distressing cough ahd expeetonted a ’ great deal of blood, hectic fever, severe paihsta the side ana chest, cold chills, alternating with flushes nf i,®— •' andcapiouanigbtßweau. { 1 : v ■ ■ ■ ■■■ . I was under the care bf a skiUed phy afelan from U» tune I was taken sick until about six weeks sinee, being then akonthelpless, and my friends considering mV cue boneless, oral least beyond the reach of OnrphysieimAr skill, advised the use orWlstai’s Balsam of Wild Cher ry. • m - I have taken four bottles of the medihine, and now consider myself perfectly well:'; I make* this statement to induce others that are afflicted aa l have beeD to make triat of Wlstar’i Balsam of Wild Cherry, willch remedyhas,tmdertheblessingof Providence, restored my health... : . JEREMIAH ISGRIGG. v Cncnvß Poixr, Imlreco, Is-,Jtme15,1813. J. H. Porir—Dear Sir: As I have a deep commissera uoh for the afflicted, permit me to give yon a brief hlsto ry of my afflictions, and the benefits derived from the use of “Dr. Wistar’s Balsam olWUdtSherry.” IflJhly 1644,1 was attacked with a fever of a typhoid character. whiohileft me in a very debilitated staid, when in the following winter I was taken with a severe cold, which redneed me to sach an extent as to give me the appear ance of a confirmed : consumptive, I labored under a severe.cough, expsetorated a great deal; and was trou bled with cold feet and night sweats. I also frequently raised blood from my longs. I cominned iri this state, gradually sinking under the disease,until Jannary, 1847’ until 1 was again attacked with fever. Myexirermtiea. especially my feet, were constantly cold, and almost lost their reeling. Under these circumstances it may bo triily said that I was a living skeletohl’ ’ I finally deter mined to quit takingmedieine prescribed byphysicians and try Dr, Wistiir’a Balsam of Wild CHeriV: and front Ike first week that I commenced taking itxcaa date a gradual recovery:' I comiiiued its use sixmohths, atie end of which time Twos cured, und have enjoyed good health ever since, and cheerfully recommend the Bal sam to alt those afflicted with diseasesof the lungs, and would say to those:commencing its use not tobedis couraged, if twoorthree boulesuo noteffoctacure,but persevere as r have done, and I have no doubt but nine cases out of tea will be blessed with renewed health as 1 have been. , JOSEPH JACKSON ImfnUmt to title Affliati twiih Dfrraia qf a* Lttngt •Will miracles never-cease ? More evidence of Its surpassing hcalthrestoraUvo virtues! • [From Dr. Baker, Springfield, Washlninonco., Kyi „>■ ' c . SpeiKaruxn, Ky-. May if, 18 i2 . Masrs. Sanford (■ Pori: I take thur opportunity o informing; you of a most remarkable cure performed oa• me by the use of Ur. Wmar’s Balsam of Wild Cherry In the year 1840 I was talten .-with the inflammation of the bowels, whtch' I labored under lor six week*, when I gradually recovered. In. the (Ml of 18411 veal attacked with a severe cold, which seated iiself snon my lungs,and for the space of three years I was com fined to my bed; ,1 tried all kinds of medicines and eve* 3 variety of aid -without benefit; erd 'Dras 1 wearied onguntUthe winteronS4s, wsenlhcardofDr.Wie* tat’s Balsam of Wild Cherry. ; My friends persuaded me to give it a trial, though I had given up ell hopes of recovery, and trad prepared myself for the change of another world. - Through theis solicitations I was indaced to mate use of the genuine Wirlar’s Balsam if TVild Cherry. The effect was nuly astonishing. Afierfive years of sifiictlanahd suffering, ’ ■ and after having spent four or five hundred dollars toco purpose, uni the best and most respectable physicians had proved unavailing, 1 was soon restored to entire health by tho blessinspf God, and the aseoPßr. Wii* tar's Balsam of WildCbcrr*. May the Messing of God rest upon the proprietors o f so valuable a medicine as Wisinfs-galsam of Wild Cherry. Yours, respectfully, ' vv.H. BAKER. Thegonuine “Wistar’sßalsamot Wild Cherry” has a facsimile of the signature of Henry Wiatar.M. D- Philadelphia, and “• Sanford - A Park "on* finely eze* ented steel engraved wrapper. Mo oilier can be genu* ice. ■ -•-1 f .V-if .Sold by I. U. PARK, (successor to Sanfotd A Park,! Cincinnati, Ohlp.Gcne£l Agentto thoßouihand Wcst, to wliomaii orcent&Qftt be addressed. : ■ ■■■■. ■/ \ ■ 1 Kidd A Co, Pmibareh i I, WUeor,Jr,corner Market street and the Diamond ; B A Fahnestock A Co, Pitta* : burgh; IA Jones, Pittsburgh; Bee A Beekbsa,Al!e* gheny Cityj LT Rnssell, Washington ; W H J-ambcr ton, Franklin;; X> B Bowie, Udoniawn; HWelty, Greensburgh; ■; S Koumz, Somerset f Seem A Gilmore, Bedford iffeed A Son, Huntingdon; Mrs. Orr.HoMdaya burgh; Hildebrand A Co, Indiana; / ningn Kvana A Co,,Brootviire;^A ( ,JWlson Cl^Son, Wayaesburgh; M’jSrlsnd A,Co,N. Callender, Mead- > Ville • Barton A Co, Erie; Henry, Forker, Mercer; Jas Kelly A COyßatler; S Smnh, Bearej;} D Summerton, Warren; F E.A CS Jones,.Conderspon; P Crooker, , Jt.., Brownsville. ■ : " W Jones’ BMutlon of dst, ■ liquid HUMAN HAIR DYE for the changing of A-white, red or grey hair to a beamital brown or (at idaek color,id a few minutes. Price fiilcentzand SI4XI. ° byjV'.'MCKSON.MO ICbeny sfrectj PlUsbureb. ehadoCWoad, • v [decSS V „. _ • '.TSi' ..1 : - : 1 t, ' ' - : -'S . r --y • ;■ ■ ■ . ..-Hy.'. - ... . ' . . ■ -.V -i -’*« , . 3 -.1 - y •• *' V feMj;