'"V f '■-W >nrz'' \ ’ .Vvis-V 1 1 ■ v \'' - 51 ’. T . • :’. - , ; <■” * •■*'•■ **• -T’*!- *"h'> .- .. * V. >, -,t-, !■ I" ’ k «v . * ■ ’ >. > t v • . ' \ \ '• NA/J? '■ **, ■ V -< *• % V>M- j"?-'' " '‘v 1 1 «V*C;’ .-s*' f~t- » >l ~ , ’ _.»■*' \ ?■" to ” '■ v *** .“ ■■ f ■,* ■■( a •’«!» <•'■■'■•. 1 • %_ - • ■ {,l Y : BX'. : . .fY.?*Sw . £, . . . r. 1* , , - ** v? X,. '- , , i***.u: u* *v* •» t v - «s * r * T 1 *'v *.,« ‘».*■*,*.,* *, *> 4 , x K - * v . ..* i- ; :. '•.•* *> v;-f^ J :■•.^ ;;; i; ■ ■.’:?i%v:*l- ;j;..:,. -v ■ ■ . f-V-'s^^^^’*';,'.^>.‘2■ V.V* ' i: ; ; vN|r JJ \ -■'" 1 : ; i.v;tV y <:\ '$:C '.. '• ,- vC-,v *Vs »V l.'i* v j%r.'lV r -tT»‘;] -\~r, •.* '' '• . *l-b 1 t« :Vi'; "(■•***'>.'’t ;-? **';**« >S>..iS. it- . ;: 1.-;- A ‘^. ,w% rv t. ' ■ • ftwC Vi Vp\" j -\ i c;YY':’*;£\Y 'J j* f i -v* fW/Wa fS^jriefe^^^,vs&e>si rf*"a .':i/ 1 *‘i .-v *y* *- ■”'« v 'v • »'•**.£**S’*V -.r •!“'v-':.' *.««&'ccV*Vi' * vA* i! %As-"’* fr'*V” -%t \CiV r ;'A f 4 Mgn l®gfaBßs#»a I si MmMi ->« K a**W*-Sf=“ 'T" 4C --^IfWaSSfPS? .- .. '. ::. . ' . :.' ' ' . ■'''•■ - v :ur ’‘ r -<&&■ : ■ ; -$x ■■'■> * :.8- k :c •,.,, \ . **!&&&■ '’ y • • r\ * «:,vi /* •», <- -.“/ .*. • » fltf/i 'A'Brtek lloapo; Ourden, &c.»on Vluu street.—SI jO. , 4 u - s CUT«BERT,OencrilAp.ai* . . ;. ?uSmtth(leM ftiteet. ~'7.lnsfa. r v.^..;i • -a ?A“' t V.v s .: ; ; •.•: FbrUeat. ■■ .■ . • * -5-''-"-cfr!HE®KICK TAVKITN STAND IN WILKINS >•••. JZZZ- *i-Jb‘sBORG-~»ft>en miles fmti Pittsburgh, occupied_uow ■ :.'.c r Apt Ur-, '% : V 1851- Apply to II oi, j. p.iiorbach, i .-.marl-ivy , 107 Liberty si. I'nlsburgh. .»v ■ - ” ’--To Kent, la the HmtU-Wnfil, .*• A ; TWO-STOBV- DWELLING DOUSE; of i—*. XjE foiff"roOln^JlT"kitchen and good cellar,{SaSg , - , baheeven j yrash boose j copl htniae, fowlhotl.i-, BFlka. f.. - witkuWge gardea, having twenty peach trees, in t. ,“ 1 }icarliigordcr, nlsol o large stable The whole will be reulcd\orS9o,or,w..l,Wllies.»Me;«^ i , HAß(!nii c xnacS “ 7»> Smuhfitild street - foi* llents . fIIHB riaOOß AND BASIiMRVr, THL " jk-JtfiSaV/C--i«IX;TXKH Stutex The first floor ic «■»-* 1 The first floor i* sub divided into ttvo Store Room**, 1 frdnt, 2D by GO feet, am! will he very desirable for Fancy Stores. Two Rooms back, tor Olfices—access s' " to which is bv a wide Moll, running through the centre of the building The basement will be finished in n - n«at manner, and will btfsattoblo for Retail Variety i Stores, Trunk and JJ&mers makers &c 1 The whole wiU-be ready by the April.' - Enquire of JAMES W. MAILMAN, „ febfiO- —' ——— • Walgr street. A FARM OP: 100 ACRES FOR SALEWA vam-; J\; able FARM,‘.2O: mile v. from tkeCuy, near the *; ■ ; FranklmHoadyand sir miles from the Railroad and the Ohitfßiver, at Freedom; 6ft acres arctrell improved and va’--- <■ -Vgdod soil \ a large Garden, and Orchard of 250 Fruit y .. Trees, of choice qualities, and m good order; 44 acres . :flf wood landy with itrimo. timber; a new taro story ;; house, .with parlor, dming.roorajkitchen and cellar, two haUsand chambersj-also, a good barn and farce stable, granary* Ac,, gpod wateranain a good neighborhood, . -Price immediate possession—coula be di vided into two Farms. 9.CUTIIBERT, General Agent, ■ 70 Simihfield street. ,'v r *A s* M.. .To JLet*—Aiwo story BRICK HOUSE, with double back buildings, situated on Wylie* near nvumnfftpn street. <3as light in front of. the bouse. '• "-Enquire of . JOUNTJAJuR, Aldenuau, - - feb27*lw ’ cor. Wylie and Washington &ta« . r::> For Rent. . .. That laugh dwelling house, w>ti. #sa» 'extensive Grounds for Garden anAbtabtcsjßSiL attached—the Residence or the late Wnt. J, Tolled, • Cliff street- Possession Riven on the Ist of March. _ ‘ - For terms, apply to D. It. M v^BOYj. Guardian, or R ' c To‘S!miWortViliWorU [MIS -■■ ■' - excellent Budnes* to impose of ' xrt ALLEGHENY —ln consequence of Ihe dls'Dln > I lion of Pannejship between MORRIS £ IIA WORTH* they offer tor sale their* business, situate on Federal sire©v nCar th e Market, Allegheny City. It t* .•;fr -nceless commenting upon the excellence of the. bland, or .the amount, ot business we have donees both are -well knownv all sve shall say is, that it is a tir»t-rnte chance-tor any one wishiug to embark m a similar trade. 'Rie stock consists oi Paints, AC., Groceries, Wines andTailuora, to betaken at market value. Apply A 4 ' MORRIS A .HAWORTH, Diamond,••Pittsburgh.- • ...... .. ... For Ilent. t v*. 'SMALL■.■•FOAMEiCOTTAGR, wttfc lour.tea “-A; rooms an ihtrtiret floor; dining-room Ma -fwrt Viinheambasement; two srnftUtOoms in Int -'ffaneU with a large garden and several fruit Uces~a •, •• vctYdeairable residence tat a small tannly. v ' nearMiaersville. ; Possession givcnimmcdiuiely. Alscs'saveral small Tenements for rent. -Al'yjffoT sale, eleven Lots fronting on Hancock street, ; arid three bottling on Penn street. Terms ensy. ' : “ Anolvio JOHN,HERRON,or •• 1 . H. P. CAIN, corner Market - r nnd FifiH_EUoi;\“._ -.V ~fV. *Uo I»eti 4. TYVQ STORY BRICK HOUsU,. .situated r ' /v near Charlleis Creek, four miles from Jhefil|aL. CUjyfimHs very desirable coantrv residence. ’lhcre. •f:/ ten acres, well iniprovt-u. 0011- /«iame •Vruil trees. 1- or particulars ; - .r ; fia&ienaa r apply to M-. D. I’A'FTuN, dll Liberty st., or v>:^;''.;i < -.^X^;BONISfe'r > oaihttpt r emi‘>es.; •• Ifeb* CeKtrc Atreane,-4u)d'Ttt«nins t>*ck 266 feet i totwo streeti.. ttn tlic. loi ts erected a large Brick *• Dwelling Honse. nearly new and well iinished. The lot * is planted with ibe best.selectdd. Print and Shrubbery ..the aflbrd. • IfappUcation be made soon, the property will be )>otdiita fair price and terms. Enquire at the office of WM. C. FRIEND, „■•••■ ’ - Attorney. Fourth street, ' feblT'lf between Wood and Smilhfield For Kent In lXirmlugtoum. ONE NSW THREE ffrORY BRICK HOUSE, ffewk -'Wilh alore 100 ms and cellar, favorably aii»‘.feasfl. ateforalargeOroceryandl’rodncobuainesft. Posju^r ion may be bad immediately, with a low rent, to a good bunneasmau; . . ALSO—One- large Bnck—occupied as a boarding - bouse, and inn.: • ■ ; , . new three story Brick Houses—some jdSl fittisbsd; possession gtvotx immediately.. '•Omenon : the Ist April. : v ; v-. One- Frame Uoasc. a»ul several np stairs .? rooms.- ;•• ■ - -ALSO—Omi Brick Yard, iind hiia to burn in. ALSO—One LumberYar-.f, with space to pot a targe <• i Amount—nnd one ofthe .best points abont the city lor ■ W TjSqrSALE OR LEASM—Ono large lot, favorably eildated for a Foundry an t Engine bbnp or other uianu*, facturingj having deoi water m trout, {a harbor,) tor < fitting out and repairing steamboats, &c. ALSO, FOR SALE—I&U,WU Uriilr, m lots, and «old • low; if not sold before T they ivilt bc sold on Tuesday, •;ihe-35thof March nextjOtl2©’clock,ftL*.nrca*diorap • proved paper. •. ■ : : ALSO—Lots on lease, to bntld oo.E , * Apply to the subaertber, at his ,oluce in Birmingham, near the Hollins Mill, from IQ to 2—or at the Ware-room ‘ - of-HOST, Matthews A*Co., No. 2d Water street,—or through the Piitsbnrgh Post Office, by pc^le. u «.^_. r Very Valuable City Prdperiy for Sale. rrUETuudersigued, Administrators., 01 (he e&ialc of, a •■. -I • fhomas Famnan, deceased , offer for s&lu (he cnhrt^ feiil estate Of the *ald Thomas Foirraan. consisting of o 20 feci lot fronting on'Liberty street, running hack '9B feel 5 inches to aIU feet alley. .. . ~ Also; the tavern stand known as the Mansion House, : ' fronUmrouLlberty strcetSt feci 6 inches, and on Cherry incucs, running hack 90 feet to an alley, * "with ih© grounds and stable connected, fronting on r luni * '• alley, thirty three .ieet Tour inches. , • - Al#o .three lots fronting on Cherry al ey,,eaen eight een feel front, and running buck Cu feet parallel wiui ‘ Flam alley. All of \vhich property will be sold at pn-> -*ate«ale, by application lo :nc subscribers; or if not sold ' before the 23th of March, will be offered at auction to theblghest bidders. .. • . , "Also, the Tavern stand is offered to rent. Apply to R. FAIRMAN, or R. CAMPBELL, 151 Liberty street. r ' penu Street Property for Sate. Ort FKET on Penn street by 110 leeldecp to an alley, «5U iust below St. Clair street, ntuladjoining Mut ..; thews’Livery Stable.. Enquire of TUompton BelKut j n <>» A.-WlLKlftS tXQ.a, r Oheap ConDtry Residence. A LOT on Nunnery UiMomaimug four acres, will ■ A bo sold very low to any one wishing to build Uiere cn;l Tbo access will be.easy,and the; iot command*-a :■ .raosltcamiful View- [QCU»L| THOMPSON HELL. ■ .....: .- For Ztentf • I HANDSOME STORE, on Market street, between ■ : A Third and Fourth streets; at present occupied by • ’ Mr. Thomas While, as a Dry Goods Slorci .■ - AMO—A large well Crushed ROOM in the * e £!? 11 T V 1 : story, next door to Mr. Duff’s Mercantile College, Fhu ' M ' Room is well calculated and suitable for a Musical ba f • loon or Academy, ot could be conveniently arranged as 1 omee, Third Poj} Office^ Goal JUanidTon Yougnlogheny. l Afl ACRES cm llicnror, jusl above the 2nd Bam IUU there is opitopene4 and-railroad prcpan.il for putting coal *0 boats., tocl2l] THOMIbUN libLL. •• ~ r T~. 1 : : ■ — : '"To Let* , M A'TWO STORY BRICK HOUSE, on Bank Lane, Allegheny,between the Hoad streetbndgc and Aqueduct. Ennmre ot H. \V. Fish, Keal Litaie Broker* confer of-Sui and Sauihficld streets* [ocl-J "A' Farm tot Sale. mHE subscriber offers ibr sale a FAIIiVLOF LAND, J . 1 containing 100 acres—loo of which arc cleared.— The farm lies directly on the road from Middletown to • Jefferson; it is well-watered ; with a bearing-orchard, and peach and pear trees; and a Coat bank. . the • buildings consist of a hewed log House and Darn i• - cabling. For further particulars apply to the suuscti* • her.bn the nremises, in Allegheny county. Id miles from e.usbttfgh. NATIIXNIh'UM’CLfNrON. Moon coianrtip, October 23—tf • - • 1 “For Sale* k. LOT OF GROUND, containing tty Acres, situate A one mile below the town of BeaveT, Beaver coun ty, on which there is erected a new Brick, House, b> 40feet,li stones lugh, with u basement. The house has heen well buitt and well Gulshed, and contains 1,3 rooms. It is within'jUOy mds of the Uhto river, and commands a fine viewni i, and is bounded on liic Norlli west by the State rood leading to New Lisbon, Ohio. Tins pro • perty would he desirable for u country residence, or for a garden, or summer boarding house. Alot of 5 acrcß adjoiniiiKU will be sold with il, if desired by the pur chaser. Tlie terras are so moderate, that it will be a bar-gam to the purchaser. Kuquireof ■ 1 N.' F. &G. IT: B. FISTTKRMAN, Teb23:tf Attorneys at Law, Fourth su ; ; For Sals,... ' 1 A HoUSEANDLOTjSiluatedonPikcßirect,between A Walnut and Factory streets,;Fim» Ward. The Lot is 23 feet front and 100 feet deep, on aiicb there are • two small "Frame Tenements. Tcnnsea y f —Title good. For particulars, enquire of Alderman. PARKIPibON, l . . ■ Penn street. Fifth Ward. ■ • ; ninyOnf . Land Cor Sale. THU Chattier’* Coal Company will sell some erry rfe sirdblt puezi of LAND t situated on and near the Stdibenville Turnpike, and near the southern terminus of-their railroad. The Land will be divided, into quantities to suit pur ' chasers,and the terms of payment:will be very easy. ’ "Enquire of Z W REMINGTON, »bd4 . ; j Manager. brnsr and. Prescription Store for Sale. ‘ A uftjaandPBESCHIPriON.bIORE, located in A a flourishing and improving part oi the city, which Is- doing ® jjro/SM&fe.6HSiuew,i,s ottered for sale upon •giY terms-. • Fofr further particulars, apply at this office. nnv'ASli— lso casks Soda Ash.fineu quality, for ffeluM] ALESaN PKR KtNli IICTMAN’S JOURNAL OF ARTS ANI> SJCitiNciJ —Five dollars per aanmn,--free of. postage. Sub* ,C S»rt nSTeCeITe^EDUCATioN|S£ C BE^OSITO?iY** *l' - i * < % ’ rj ’ f* * * . -4, jj i -h i ' •V J " Sot Sale, & So Jikt. -. Real K»tal« Sn«e. • TN-accordance with the provisions* -of ilie will oi.iue.. -i-'likte Samuel Thompson, E&q.ahe lollowjnc vaUiuble :f>robeny bg fiord‘at the. Warehouse of ii;Vm43t. » r • ■ , tTljc vuluablc Warehouse and Lot on Wood street, .now. occupiedby Mr. Georeo Breed. ! ■ ■..• ■ . - 'At«o; u vfliuahle Tioi on Markot-.stroStron wbich l htf? i:'Greeted three Store bonsesjU buck tenemeiit and Stable, l in posaesidoirof-Me*sra. ; JohnSSbdayGi:Yeafrer}'n l>- Thoiupson and Wm Struble.. JVD*-w!Lt»l AMS, ■ 1 MARY THOMPSON, ■Surviving JRzecuiors. I —marcel - ~Real Estate for Sale,! mill? undcrfclgneU'fcffefs -foy/sate a largo number of I. valuable bunding lots, and some very desirable sites jbe borougli of Barmin gUamilaca-. led near the uew.Pubhd School House anil Knghsh Lu- theran Ghtuclu ;' - - j? . growth-of (Birmingham m. population and m&mi&cnuuut wealth) and the reasonable prices at which Ipt&wiu X>£ £old*w)U reader them a safe and pro fitable-mvisuncuw Title pefiecu Terms favorable For parucuitita and terms enquire of the tmdcreigucd, at thfcoflius qf Geo. T on, knmt street, between 3d. and 4ih stitelsyoi ofWilliant Svtomes'*ahd I'J. nt thoir offices m BirnungbW _ MOJUE^F_EATOtf_ For Bale* t „ . WHE «üb*CTlbefMoilginff to the estate of ;\Vm, J..TorxßN r: decea»ed,-i8 oaer , flglff ed for.rcnt or lease. It is muated On Fourtli atj, :B g .fl g _l tt«»twe»n Fcrrv and Liberty streets, and hasl>een newiy pape red and painted * h it uowoccapied byM r_. Vejner. Beni, 8250 vper annum.-. to myself, or Bosket C.-Totten* aithn.works of Knap,«t>o. Njssessioa givenonihelstof Aprd. Guardian. additional sale of . forty Town Lois In £*&Bt LlvorpooL v* THK recent unprecedented sale of I*ots in the above thriving Town having nearly exhausted those pre viously-laid out, and the demand still continuing:, the undersignedhasbeeninduced to lay out a portion ot his property in town lots as above, and offers them for sale at pncca aud terms that cannot fail to meet the views of those wishing to purchase*. It is needless to i pay any thing of the location of the town and prospeets. I (it having been sufficiently described in recent advert isements,) other than that over one hundred lots hove rece*-'’2y changed hands, ami been purchased by those wishing to procure a desirable home. ..... , ; The above lota are among the most el ‘gjhle andl desi I rablcintheplace,and arc principally located mthacen rue of those recently sold. . i For information apply to the Proprietor n Inverpool, or to Jam-. Blolely, I>, . “kO.S . Vast Liverpool. Fob. 2nd, ISSI. . IfibltMaw f Orphans’ Conrt Sale*. BY Virtue of an orderof iho Orphans 1 Court of A lie qlitUiy County > dated Gih day ot lcliv,A.l>. Iwl, will lie exposed 10 public sale, ai the Court V 1". Citv of Viiuburgh, on the second Monday Clhe lUih day) of lintel, ncrdf-il 1« o'clock A M , all - wafner and , Jacob. Fainter, of the one pan, and the said I raneis , M’Kcimai or die other pan, died, seized, vis .-All ilml certain loi or pieee of ground situate in die said'> I Allegheny, llale the Itcserue tract, Boss piisite the Northern Liberties of Pittsburgh,) heirig lot No. two hundred and forty-three 213) in the plan ol lots laid out by G; K. Warner, Jacob Fainter and b- Lomas, containing in.ironl on Maui street twenty-three feet a d .■rian'iiie back to Carpenter alley, having crccieil on the. from thereof a two story lmrk budding, about i leclf rout by thirty feet in depth, and on dn rear a dim ble two story frame building, Homing on Carpenter alley. Terms ft mt Condilwni of .Sale—One-hull ft! the pur chase money lo be paid m band, and the tmlance to be paid in two equal annual pay-meals—beann,; lawlul teresti and to be secured by bond and mortgage on die properly. For rurther particulars, enquire ol noun. MitchelA. Palmer, Attorneys and counsellors nr l.aw, No 12a Fourth street, of Francis M’Kennu, decrnset). fHis£tUaiitou9 WINTER Ollj—12»0 (falls. bleached Winter Whale YV Oil. in itore nud ror sale by n , rt ,:„.n-'iw ,*, T t MILLKR & RICKISr&OV 10 eupenor .J* jjl quiet ami- Irout, for *ale by roai;J CONSTANTLY receiving nl regular penoria, Iresh ;Butter and Eggs,from.AVashineton.'V tsUnorelaiid, Beaver and Armstrong comities; sold wholesali! and re taiKby imartl 11. C KKU.t. /a. " For Sale* fffigr A first rat* SORREL MARE—trots well /\ 31 .harnfepa or under the saddle. f R. A. FAHNESTOCK A CO, Jcb23 corner of First and Wood BKLLOWty— Five pair tsecoml hand Bellows jor mlc by ffebl9l SCAlFi'n ATKINSON &. OUI-.L\ . LAHD-J5 packages No. I Lard Tor Aale by le bttt_ ii*r ► ACON—Hamjs.nnd Shoui ► icti'AJ i> (' 'II,OVER SKKU—IOO bills. ;übl receiving and lor sab j bv - &TUARI A. Ml.lj. ! „■ 1-21 AVooil sireei. (TRAB CIDER—IO bills. prime in rloi-c nnil for jnle. J mail STUART A «»-t. POTATOES— lbO bbis. In store ami for sale by marl STUART A SIM.. CfORN —-10 bills- shelled m store nnd for sale by ! marl _&"rU A RT A SILK. nGBACCO—CO boxes S'» in slore and for sale by L nmr4 STUART A MU,. HICKORY NUTS—leu bags in smresjul for sale by marl STUART AJSIM^ fIVKA—IO lintf diesis Yonug Hyson i I io do extra fine do^ 10 Jo Imperial and Ounpowder, 10 do Checlan and Oolong; 40 catty boxes various styles ; For sale by J. D. WILLIAMS 4 CO., mar s corner of Woodland Mfihjsts, rriOBACCO—IS boxes S’* Ho*cy Dew; X 15 do 6V do do; 19 do lß* extra do; no do 4fo do do; For sale by m ars __ J. D. WILLIAMS &, CO. ZINC WASfI BOARDS—I2S doz. . Holmes’ Fate n for sale ntmanulacturcr’a prices by , ni us J.D. WILLIAMS & CO. .Q UUAK—IO hluls. prime New Orleww i ft 20 bbla. assorted LonL 10 do Crushed and Pulverized; for sale by J. D. WILLIAMS Sc CO. MOLASSISS— 75 bbls. New Orleans; 13 "do'SugarHome; 5 do Golden Syrup: for sale by J. Di WILLIAMS 4. CO Su NURIES— WO doz. super Corn ttrooma *. • 4 bbla< Hickory Nutsj . 10 casks I’otaeli; lllbxs.Saleratus; . 50-000 Common SegaT? i 2.000 Bjs. Dccr Hair; 20 bxs. Fox’s Starch j 10 bxs. Wood’s Pearl-fetarch; 3 cases super Rice Flour; for sale n J. D- WILLIAMS It CO, FISH— lOtmlfliOK No. 3 Mockarelj 15 qr. do do 1 doj 15 kills do 1. do j . Ulibls. No.'lSalmoti; forsnlo by J l). WILMAMS A CO mITG : | />cr GUO,SS BONNI3T IJOARIW-Jusl received ami 10t) for sale by ... J.t«. SllhL*. conior of l*eno iiiullfwln fits. XSyZ. REAMS KUL.EI) CAl’ WRITIM) PAl’EH.for 0/0 Bale low by ' ..ImarSl J. L. SIILI.. gfj BBLS. Kino Fire prool Pawl forunle by igltEE | j DOZ. TUBS for sale by /£i*J inarC . jjUMirU-BbbU 'M'car-” gSTSinnny, JX r '’ C '' Lred nT,d f ° r ”‘ e NO goi L.b.Ayiw’.l jjoi.l uuri'EU—gooa,Koii B^Sfi-'nYEn 11 IjILOUIt— 1 1 • 50 do Fine } 10 Y I.K- T»OTATOKS—»I bhlu.Ury mealy'reds lor »alr by IT mart ■ WM.DVIsB, IRISH— Herring, Mackerel, While 1 irh.tlocl Ho. I Herring, &c 7, for sale low. (mtirC] >V M. PV EH. CLOVEEfIEKH—yS bbls. choice seed ipr sale low by more ■■ WM, m*.K. PACKED TliAtf— lS chcslflfin© Young !•>«»» » .'ihalf chepts Dlack j for sule low in one*fourih pound packages, toy fcti‘22 |ORN BROOMS—2OO ilnz rce’it ami lori.ale|jy ) fcbl'l SAMUIM, P-SIIKIVKIi. G OFFICE— aiOhaes Rio UolTec, oilliand mid lor sole lebHl ALKXANPF.K. MNG. FRA 4'Ht.R£i—hu sacks prune Feathers* lor sale by. (.■b-ji .. . Alexander king- HUFb —15 bates Ist sort Western'£iew York Hops ill store and for sale by ; I mart MILLER & RIGKETSON, ■■ - •. >' * -•; ft ‘ .*r.\r ’ ' . -K t-T.j?..,. ■* ‘ ;-."v ,t . \ T*- '‘-'/it?’ ' •*’ '* \ ’ . ' wX . t » * * « rt N \ 1 » * «* 7 * * «*» « 1 H r'*” 4 ’* H?**-X. “ -** * - -**• K ©rugs anb fHtlfumes. Congtn and Colilt'Cnred in 13 Uouiit £3NCK the iqtfoductTonof thi&new compound, Coughs O ond colds me cured m n very short tinted—Wo will warrant-Dr. heyser’s Pectoral Syrup to.>cpre Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Laigugitm, m less tune' and at a cheaper ratoilmn any offlar medicine jcvetdiscov*: Cr rr‘ HAS AN ENTIRELY NEW ACTIpN-Tho old GqiighAledicmcs always,Sicken the stomach and pro* dope nausea which ismorc disagreeable thtyi the Cough itself.'; "TMa t« aUtfaxcd in thifrniifcrarc; for jtisapie&s ant soothing article and u will cursor At trumty wiKfle refunded!' The' evidence I :in favor of this jmeOicijte; in' 1 our city, from our own ciuieus,-should couvuicc any one i of Us efficacy. Itis the prescription of a regular physl- 1 cian, and hasheen used oy him in his own practice ior i -anumherof year«,with themoslhcr()td success. ••! CONSUMPTION~A lady from Steubenville wnics, i tlihtlier daughter had been afflicted: with vt Cough and j cxpepioratiQU, uigfil sweats, hectic fever, jbikl alt the ; distressing symptoms of consumption, and ihulafter tu- 1 king two lihtileff she wad eritirely cured. A gentleman i m Washington county, who had suflerud.wuh Asthma i nnd Chrome Cough for eight years, has heed entirely re- j Uuvcd and the cougu removed bythe usd of hulf ado* zen of JioUicsof the Pectoral Syrup. Ageoileman from. Peorifti Illinois, writes that “ he knows UiciPectojatSy-, •nip ro dc a good aruJe.for he has used it m his own case aud m UioCpses of membcrs'of his family with the i most perfect success . . ; It is one OP THE CHEAPEST MEDtCINEd NO.W.KKfIW:. —lt is pul up m half pml bottles at 50 cents each, orsix hollies for SA SO • ~ <■. 'Country Stouekekpeks would do well id keep ft sup ply of this medicine on baud all the ume, as it is one 01. the most perfect and efficacious remedies ever discover ed for all coughs and diseases of the lungs nmUucipient Consumption • - CAUTION EXTRA —Many persons will try.'do. get yoa to buy some one of the variou3'no3iraihs, but do not heed them. If you want lo get well, buy. {Dr. KotsEß’b, Pectoral Svacr, and take no other; this will cure you. ItliaS in it some of the most valuable plants and . herbs of the materia medica, and is compounded by a person, ekiiledln Therecau be no deception m this medicine. * It la prepared in ySuir the proprietor lias numorouajcerttficales, utlCßting its val Ur. able properties,wbicKwillbe. shown to any person de sirous or seeing them. ii' . ,r : ’AoKiiTs'Wanted throughout the United States to sell Uiis medicine. Large discounts will be made to those who will take an interest in the medicine.: It will pay a large profit to.all agents; besides, they wilfbe doing siu foQitg humanity a service bv placing tu thetr hands the greatest medicine forLuug diseases the world has ever For sale, wholesale and retail, by KE"V SER & M’- DOWELL, Druggists,l4o Wood street, Pittsburgh, Fa.* to whom all letters for agencies mußt be addressed.— Also, for sale by D. M. Carry city; I*. Brocks ej jr-, Brownsville i George Baird, Washington ;.Jobn IT J Buchanan, Hickory ; George Keyser, M’Kectport; J D Voweli, Cnnonaburgh; and by merchants and druggists generally. _ • teL-g— public Att«r»ttou Is respectfully tnviUtl to the following truths, SfJ forth tn f flatten toons of the most important Rantaxts of mod ern ,imt p ETROLEUM 0R ROCK OIL J IT is not more tlmn one year ago since this great rem-1 cdy was brought before the public, for the relief atid I cure of disease. lit* great powers to heal, have, since j then, become fully appreciated by the community, and j we allege that the longer.it is tried the more certain will j Us creat fame spread* It is not the remedy of a day, I eouro for the solo purpose ofmakiug money; but, one, | which we conceive, wilt continue to be used when all j nostrums have beer, forgotten. ’ The PETROLEUM i 9 1 p Natural Remedy, elaborated in the depths of the eartu j by a power and agencythat laughs to scorn alt human I competition. It Is oar duty, when we write about a J medicine, that we write ratrrn—that we- say nothing j calculated to doceivethose who may mist our word -or j pul confidence in our statements. The nick-are very j uptto catch at any thing that promises relief from dts-j ea*e- A story can hnrdiv be too highly wrought to an- j swer the object of gullingor humbugging some of them. ] | Now, wc do not desire to do this ; we are anxious only 1 I that the truth in relation to our Remedy should be told, J in order to secure tor it a reputation far exceeding any single article of the materia mtdka. Plain, unvarnished I I fact*—facts that may be ascertained in our owneuynnu 1 neighborhood hear ample testimony in lavor 01 the Pc-1 I uoie.inn. „ I I Within the past two months, two of our own eiltzenv | who were totally blinds have been restored to sight. [ I Several cases ot blindness, m the State Ot Ohio, uaye.j. been cured. And, also,the case of a gentleman in Jb*a-; | 1 ver county- There are others ; but these cases are near I home, and inoy be referred to by any persons who mas' | hove doubts on the subject. These eases were cured at-. I ter they had bred abandoned by physicians as hope icse- 1 The Petroleum will cure, when used according to three,j j tioita— Diarrltcsa, Dysentery, Piles, Rheumatism, Lout, j Neuralgia* Itatptßms on the Skin; Pimples on the face 1 Chronic Sore' Lyes, Ringworm, Tetter, Scald Head j pains in the bones and joints, old sores,Ulcer*, Wens, j I Tumors-Srrotola, Cancer,Spinal'irritation, Fever and I Ague,Chronic Coughs, Asthma, Bronchitis, andail Pul* | monary affections of a chronic nature, tending to pro- I duce CONSUMPTION. • 1 I • Burns und tfcalds,diseasea of the Bladder and kid- I neys. Chapped Hands, Excoriated Nipples, Corns and Bunion*- In fact, it is 3GCKat ortiveiu-ALaxMEtiT,*and I has been tried in most of the above disear.es within the 1 pasi year with the roost perfect success. Certificates I that will astonish are in the hands of the proprietor, who. j will take blensarc in showing them to the adlieted ox. their frntiior.. ~ Whatever others may say about their mrdicine*, Jhfr I Petroleum is ihe greMeM Remedy of the age. Pliy-v j sician? - of high slamling in the profession are beginning I to u'-e it in thrir practice. Those who at first looked on I with doubt and uncertainty, ore willing to awurd.ildue j praise and consideration. Before another yeur rolls round, all will be compelled to -acknowledge ibatthr ' | Priroieurn is ihe greatest medicine ever diitcuv'ffrt-l . I For tale, Wholesale und Retail, by - UEYSER A M’DOWRLL, j HO Wood Klreet. Alro—R- Iv S 7 Wood street; 0. M. Curry. J>. I A Elliott- Joseph liongla««, Allegheny City- Also, by - J the Proprietor, i*. M- KIF.R, Cunal Basin, »l!i ,-tiep;. Pittsburgh. lie. KKLLY-. ANOTHER SCIENTIFIC WONDER PEPSIN! THE TRUK A GREAT DYSPEPSIA CVRER, PRFPARED from Rennet, or ihc fourth stomach-of the Ox. after directions by Baron Litem, the groat Physiological Chemist, by J. S. HOUGHTON, ftl.l) ,No. 11. North Eighth street, Philadelphia, kT This is a truly wonderful remedy for INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA , JAUNDICE. CONSTIPATION , LIVER COMPLAINT, and DEBILITY, Nature's own method, by Nature’s own agent, the Gastric Jaice. Ilnlf a leuppoonfull of this Fluid, infused in water, will digest or dissolve Fivs Pousd* or Roast Bexp ih a boot two nouns, out of the stomach. SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE! !<• by WM.DYKR. Baron Lixnifl,in higcclebrated work on Animal Chem i«try, says: An artificial Digestive Fluid, analogous 40 the Gastric Juice,may be readily prepared from the mu cous membrane of the slomaeh ot the calf, in which vu- j rious nmole* of food, as meat end eggs, will be so rsoft eued, changed aiid digested, just in the same mnnncras they would be in the human stomach.” | l)r PutttnßA. iu his famous treatise on “ Food and Di eL”nublishcd by Fowiars A Wells, New \orfe, page 35. stales the same great fact, and describes the method of | prcpnjauon- There are few higher authorities than Dr. 1 DrCoMQS, in his valuable writings on the “ Physiolo- J gy of Digestion,” observes that *» a diminution of the duo quantity of the Gastric Juice is a prominent and all-pre vailing cause of Dyspepsia;” and he stales that “ a dis tinguished professor of medicine in London, who was severely utllicted with this complaint, finding everything else to fail, had recourse to the Gastric Juice, obtained from the stomach of liviug animals, which proved com- I pleiely successful.” .... . I Dr Graham, author of the famous works on “ Vegeta- ] hie Diet,” suys: “ It is a remarkable fact in physiology,; that the stomachs of animals, macerated in water, im parl to the fluid the property of dissolving various arti cles of food, mid of effecting a kind of artificial diges ! lion of them iu no wise different from the natural digest 1 IV i)r. r SnaoK’B great work, the “ Chemistry of Man,” (Lea [ k Dluncbard,Phila., 1616. pp.3UI-2) says: “Thediscov« cry of PEPSIN forma anew era in the chemical history of Digestion. From fecqnt experiments we know that food is dissolved as rapidly in an artificial digestive fluid, prepared from Pepsin, as it is in the natural Gas- I uric Juice itself.” - . I Professor Dungusoh, of the Joffcrson College. Plula- I delphia,in his great work ou Human Physiology, devotes I more than fifty pnges to au examination of this subject.' I ilia experiments with Dr. Beaumout, on the Gastric I Juice, obtained from the living human stomach und from I animals,urc wollknown. “In all cases,” he says, “di- I gestion occurred as perfectly in the artificial as in the I natural digestions.” AS A DYSPEPSIA CURRR, Dr. llougiitos’s preparation of PEPSIN ha* produced the most marvelous effects, curing coses of Debility, Emaciation, Nervous Decline,and Dyspeptic Consump tion,supposed to be on the very verge of the grave. Il l is irapo«ible to give thd details of cases in the limits ofl this advertisement—but authenticated certificates have I been given of more than TWO HUNDRED REMARK ABLE CUKES, in Philadelphia, Now York, and Boston j alone These were ncarly all desperate eases, and the ! cures were not only rapid and wonderful, but perma- j nC IUB a great NERVOUS ANTIDOTE, and particularly useful for tendency to bilious disorder, Liver Complaint. _Fcver und Ague, or badly treated Fever und Ague, and the evil effects of Quinine, other drugs oponlbe Digestive organs, after along sickness. ADo, for excess in eating, and me too free use of ardent spir its It also reconciles Hearth with lutemperance. OLD STOMACH COMPLAINTS. There is no form of OLD STOMACH COMPLAINTS which it doe* not seein to reach and remove at once.— No mutter how bad they may be, it GIVES INSTANT RELIEF ! A single dose removes all the-unpUasanisymp toms, and it only needs to be repeated, for a. lime, to make these good effects permanent. PUKUY OF BLOOD and VIGOR OF BODY, follow at onee. it 1$ particularly excellent in cases of Nausea, Vomiting, Cramp*, Soreness of the pit of the Slomaeh, distress af ter euUng, low, cold state of the.Blood T I leUviness, Low j ness of Spirits, Despondency, Emaciation, Weakness, I tendency to Insanity, Suicide, Ac. 1..., price, ONE DOLLAR per bottle. One bottle wtll of- I ten effect a lasting cure. , _ „ I * Every bottle bears the written signature ot J. S. I HOUGHTON, M.D., Sole Proprietor. 1 Sold by agents in every town in the United Stales, mid bV respectable dealers in Medicines generally.. Agents for Pittsburgh, KEVSER »V. McDOWKLL, 141 supplied at Proprietor's prices. [nv2ory Also, for sale by K. B. SELLERS, 57 Woi d street. J. L.9UEE. ‘bull’s SarsapaYlUa ami tUe Cholera, UTOr-n-eiitPle man»woraan or child has died of the IV niOLEft-A’or any of its symptoms who used this invaluable preparation.; Look at the city of Louisville, where this sarsaparilla !S TO»le, ami where from 100 to St bottle. ore retailed dor®, bur lew isolated cases of ChotaraUove'occurred, they were either persons from boms or those who For sale by KEYSER & M’iK>\VKLL,I4O Wood st Pittsburgh, wVre the genuine article, may always be faluned. , l,niy ** WM.DVKR. PETROLEUM— A certain cure lor inAnxlH .1. ■ -ii. .i'I*''* 1 *''* •DIGESTIVE FLUID Or Gastric Juice ! * < A* ;••• 7* EOM 1 *• JKisallautona. BOOK A TSm JOB PRINTING. Hi XV. Corner of WOoil aniFifth Streets. /llllEPrnprictoror.ihe-SlOBsrae J’osT np<] ; Mttcinn JL an» Mandfactuseu, respectfully informs U.s friends nnd tite.pairOQSflfihesewfc>ert,UM}t faajuft a large as eopimeul ofJOßTV’l’tf AN W ALUOI IILR MAII : «RIAL necessary to a JpU PHttUnc-lMTiccrUnu.tnal no is pre pared lolcxecuto '■•/■■■■ ■.■. v UXTLEti .©ESCBIWIOk* Boots.' .. : JSt/is o/iaitng,- - Circulars, - 4landbill& x ... • • • y » of Blanker Staff c» Su.ainltoat j Boat Bills, withappropriate cuts, printed on the shortest notice and mas: reasonable terms. ... _v . a v lie respcotfnliy uskfl the patronage of and ■ the public generally, m this btancUoflua bU^^ rß ,WP»* . ■— JAIIKS W. WOBBWBMi, fll • ■ 0-A-Bl»e.T rs£&&rnvTTi>ivi r ninF.MA'Sl!FACTUU.Eßiil l {\ : Ware-rooms 97 and. 09. Third »lreet. JW. W reiprctfullynlformsliisfrlenila anaciuloin » ers lhallie bus now coiuptsted ' llo 5 men mooV or houiehold ■nimuare f'ff ,P®. ro l® l .'jV. e ,' ! J J Ilns city,ms lie is Uelormilieil tu uphold - well'seasoneil ninieriuls, best workmanship, and «owwt iomer« ! interest with his owu, in .quality atld :kecp* always on.lmnd.the greatestvariety .cripuon of-furmture, from the clieapest.tuiJ plainest, to -the most elegant and.costly, that J liousu,. r -W r one,maybc famished from his laanufactured expressly id,order.' He iherefore .solicUa on *nspeclwn, that the advantages of his establtshineni knowii. -Tiie following articles co n s wi, inp ar t,of mssk, wh icH ;for richness of stylo and firusb, cannot he surpassed in any bt the Eastern cities: . . parlor, drawing,, din >"• ing, and bedroom . chairs, of every variety, consisting of. rosewooodj ina* ■ hogany atid. waiuut I* 1 1 zab c then> .. Conservatoire nnd-ISasy Chair 3, of € V«ry ; • description; Couches, Sofas,Tete-a-tete and Di vans of the latest French and American patterns; Tashuea, What-Nots, and ladies’ i aripr Writing. Desks of various, kinds; Work Tab es and, fancy inlaid stands, .music elands, and holders, marble top, ma hogany, rosewood and walnut ceutre and sofa,ta bles, extension dining table* * all sizes of the . most improved, and decidedly the best kind made; card, Pembroke hall and pier tables, wardrobes, bedsteads and washstauds of • each a large assortment}. gothic hall ' and parlor reception chairs, ottomans amt stools, secretary aud book cases, 'side hoards, lire scroens, towel tacks, hat stands,. and music stools, cribs and cots for children; paper mache, table and lea poys, m«- hoeany, rosewood, and imam pearl Tables, &cf Ac. Ac. , Alarge assortment of COMMON FURNITURE olid WINDSOR CHAIRS. Cabinet makkbs supplied with all articles m their line , , STEAMBOATS and HOTELS, furnished at the shori est notice. All order's ►rompUy anended to CHAIRS IKD FtBIUITDIiK. JVa QSThirdstrcctfbttwcen Marlettand (Food, Sjvth sift*. e* Ws have now-on hand a targe and /*qTn~TJ a. splendid stock rtf-rcKry variejy oICaAIKsMBT • IOSandCABINIM’.FimNITUBfci which we / *g tare confident cannot be iurpos a e d, tißggsaa equalled. in this City,or in the Went, m style and finish. Those who are ill wantol Furniture are respectfully invited loculi and niaraine (or themselves, try* Steamboats furnished on the shortest nsltce. tty Alt orders promptly attended to, lobllhtr irI'ON'NCU.. MtII.LF.N A CO. leurnliureaad Clralr Ware Uoomo. T' U. YOUNti & CO., eorner of XAirdey|. . / TT t " I if SmithfitldM opposite fro mn’s /foni,WL_ rßL_i'irn6urgi,7’a. I keep constantly on hand R 9 W»MHW«».I-m , akf. to order, nt the lowest .prices. l l l HOUSKHOLU and STEAMBOAT FURNITURE, and CHAIRS, of the'best workmahskip aud most approved suytes. K|bls_ ' "7 Ste auihOßU, A boy! I fTSK, The subscribers tender their acf?\ the favors eit Upon them by their Steamboat mends, and fin would respectfully remind-them arid others, nite- « rented in Imitdinc boats, that they are at all times pre pared to furnish, on the most reasonable terms, every description of Cabin Furniture ondClmusot the bee niatenalnnd workmanship. T B\OUM* A. UO,, Comer Third and bnmhketd streets. fehlS opposite ‘‘‘Broyn's Hotel." 0. 0. IIAMMKft. , / * Hammer A Darner, CABINET WAHKROOMjKMITUbnKLDSTREET, Between Sex'.mttntreet and SiraisbiTry alley, Puinburg.Fa. HAMMER & DAULER keep constantly onhanil WL a variety of cxrcUt-ni and fashionable I‘urnUure, . warranted equal to any in the city, and sold on as : * term* as can be obtained at any similar entablement in .be U’est. They have now ou.ltand an unusually exteosivestoek, embracing all kinds ol Furni ture,from tbe cUeapest and plainest to the most costly and eli*Jtunt, All orders promptly attended to. mrdl:bin . AVAL K. STEVENSON continues to raanu ''fmmu'nrfafilure.CAVlUM?-WARB of .every de?crip •• ry imii 'Bi uis otJ stand, corner'd Ltbeny and 'ElliilHlSSeveath streets. CNDKItTAKING attended to, m ult itabranchtriv _ tnaylt Kxtre Faintly Flour. convenience of the citizens, the proprietors oflltc “FITTSIU-HtGH CITY MILLS,” have placed txacstbrtUe reception of orders, atthe followiDg places: y Sc. R Floyd's *toce»corner of Wood and (Ub sis.; • M May wood’* Shoe stove, comer Liberty and Market A- Beelejfs store, Cd street; L Wilcox, Jr., Druggist, cor. 4th and Smithfieid; I SoiitU’s store, cor. High and Wyhe streets j . Telegram Otlicc, Fourth street; H. O. Kelly,enl in Uie city. deeU3:3m ■ THOMAS RKDPATH. A. MlbblKES & CO., . - ‘ HAVE ON HANDattheir extensive CABINET and CHAIR MANUPACTORV, No.U4 Smillifieid ,1 alnt»e iMsortmenl of fancy miaplmn .Furniture, winch I hey will sell 15 per cent, helow customary rules. tctitib—cash only. 1 . tdecg7:ly Dlß*olutlon. rilifF, Co-Pnrtnersliiphcretoioie elisling lietwecn the under ihc firm ol J. h. BONNRI & Co., iEnins day dissolved by rauiualcousent. Ember partner Hind \isi* tht* name of the concern m settlement, nmynsc me name on. JE rqmE S. BONNET. MATTIIGWD. PATTON. Pittsburgh, April lsty 1855. try? Having sold my entire interest m the firm of i. S. Bonhbt Sl Co lo M n: Patton, my Into partner, and in retiring front Uueiness, 1 late great pleasunyn recom mending him to the confidence of my friends and the public. [ap3)‘ J. S. BONNET. Removal* fT'UP Biihscribet wishes U> inform the citizens of Pitts- I hA.S his CAtLPEX STORE {torn Nos. fit and 03 Wood street, to the Apollo Buildhiga, on Fourth etreel, recently occu pied by the Museum, and ha« connected therewith the adjoitung rooms, formerly used as the l.hromeje Printing Othce-which, ill connection with bt, old room, makes the most spacious Carpel ectablishment in the country; and his advantages so taratupass any house in this city, for space; arrangement and good light, that he is certain of-suiting every person who may favor him with a call. His stock is complete in every utttcle in his line, and great pains will be taken al all times to show goods to persons wishing 10 look or buy. ' ortll ~ •• : ! W. Ll NI). n. C. Stockton, BOOKSELLER AND STAZTOiVEii, No.47,cohneb or Mamet AND Tumn siuvsts, HAS crm-laiiily on hand for sale—Wrmng, Lelier, Ptinting and Tea PAPER; Bonnet, Binder.,', Fal lers' and Trunk BOARDS; Book and Newspaper PRINTING LNK—which he will sell iu the lowest cash pzikesj Oria exchange ft? Bags and Ttui&on 1 ScTAps< **-'y.-y V-.*- Winter Clothing Selllug Low Jor Cnsli. T) BELANY, 190 ‘J.ibtiUj struti PimfrurgA, has on X ♦ Jiand a large assortment of thu latest style of Winter Coats, of colors-. Also, Tunis, Vests and till oilier articles in the clothing line; Wholesale purchasers wiUTthd a' most 'desirable stoclc: to select from; and will be sold low tor cash,; ■ : .Idgeltf MERCHA KT..T.A I L OH, _ INFORMS his frieilds and customers thaliie htiß-ondn ed a CLOTHING STORE, at No. 65 hmtUifieMet., where they can bo suited at tiff limen Aviihi diiyu»iug bis itncy'madein.tlieaitost finished style and workman like manner. Ills Goods arq. all of be3t ®nu most fitsbionabltf material, and no punis will be sparcii toallord the greatest' decree of nL pat rons. A good stock of Ueudy Made CLCTriUNG always, on baud fdecK* MERCHANT TAILOR, l-T' SmxlhfUld-’&tTCtt, Pittsburgh)..Pa. y J .. :■ TT AS-XUST-RECEIVED'PROM THEfKAST—a'In rgc • XX and. caiefuUy.: selectml-.:stottk -of Prchch.,Englioh. Anuincun CLOTHS, CAS9LMEUUS; nftd VLST rINGSr-of .the. most approved color* ami styles; which he tsjircpured to make to order iu the very best manner and on the mosl reasonable terrmu ‘'' :rv. r ’ • JLfc has always oirban&i* good assortmeat of gentle; then's' sUde'- ; CLOTIHNG{Shirts, CollarsyCravatsj'UaakenrhieiSyGiovch, Suspenders, 3;c. nov3o:3m ... .v.. ; . CJOttUngX Clothing • THREE BIG DOORS* . r vJOHN M’OLOSKEY, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Clothing) 151 Liberty it. . • • Pittsburgh) Pa. . .... ; - MY:Btbck of Falland Water Clothing is now.rcady,, amountingio upwards of 8100,000. which 1 think will be fottfld to by one of the choicest seiectioua oi g ar» menu ever got up in this or any other city in the AV’est ern country. My having been all made early, I have therefore avoided the lata advances made in ulinost all descriptions of Woollen; Goods, aud ura Uiereforeena bled to offermy stock at unusually, lowprtccs. I, have this season paid more than usual attention to the manufacturing and style of my garments, so that the very lowest priced as well as the.ntiesl are got up. in u style and elegance not to be surpassed. Ilundreda of new customers, both wholesale and. retail, have been attracted as much by Uie superior make of the clothing as by the lowness oi my prices. : . : - The proprietor would pariicularly call the altentioii of all dealers m Clothing to his present stocky believing that upon examination of*lhe quality and :pnces of his Goods they will be induced to purchase at his establish; ment.-.The wholesale room now contums upwards of ‘4,000 garments, from the finest iii quality to the lowestm I .price.- t • > .' 1 The proprietor is now determined to make ihift depart- I menta pomt of great attraction, and with Uiis view has I constantly on hand a large quantity, of goods suited lo I. every section of the United Slates. I In the cutting deparimeutwillalways ba found a very [.large selection of all the. choicest Cloths, Cas; I flimere's and Silks, to be found in this or eastern markets. | - He is prepared to make cloths to order in the shortest | notice in the latest and most fashionable styles, j lie respectfully invites his old friends and customers, j -as well as Uie public in general, to cali and examine for l hemselves.... . :.. ,• t - -.[oollll, Great Inducemeuts to JBny Clotlxtng X' WHITE OAK FORKS CLOTHING STORE 1 : JV0.319 ÜBERTT, AND 53 JHWIX STREETS. riill E subscriber wishing to sell bis entire stock of x CfrOTHING, offers his EXTENSIVE: ASSORT MENT'OF— • •• NKW AND FASmONABLE GOODS . . at VERY LOW BRICES. Persons wishing to purchase will save money by calling on him. sepSl W. J. JJAVITT, Proprietor. AGENCY OF .. Helnesh’s Celebrated Patent Shear*. aMIE undersignedha^been appointedby Mr. Heinesh, ■ of New York, sole Agent for the sale of his justly ceiebraledpatentTailoTs’»hear«. lie offers these zshearfi no wat manufacturer’s prices. Having a complete as sottmemdf these Shears, from Ciic.up to’Sli a piece, he calls the attention of Lidics, Milliners bersand Tailors, to his establishinenl, the FRANKLIN CLOTHING STORE, i7Jf Liberty street, 4th door troro St.Ciair,and respectfully solicits a share ot the public P DS?S^ hichU,is arlicle 50 WIUVEKOTmV EMBROIDERIES'.’. —Received per express, a large assortment of the following Goods: • Ladies* book, jaconet, and mualiu French wrought cuffsaud collars; Kossuth euffs and collars; Valenci ennes und Louis Napoleon do do; Louis Napoleon Ma«‘ line, Brussels, and Applique.capes and sleeves; chemi xciiesj Mack Chanutla uad love veils; Jadtes’.break fast caps ;.infants’ saps and waists; "embroidered linen cambric handkerchiefs; English ihrepd laces and edg* *ngs; jnconet and Swiss edgings and insertings ; to gether with a general ussortmeiuof French embroider eilflud lace goods. *. co ;, Nos. Ci and G 4 Market street ; JI. UAUUCH WILL eortiraeiieo •on Moxdat, December.so,-Isjjtf and continue through the month of. Jauuary. On this occasion, the whole of their immense establishment wiH he thrown open for Retail Trade, and their exten sive Mock, amounting to one Hundred and-Thirty Thousand Dollar?, will be offered at Retail, at fully one-, fourth less than usual prices. .. - ■ _ The notice of their Semi-Annual Sale to any one. of the thousands who anended the sale of dust year, will he suihrient guarantee for acall this reason. They will however meptioh a few of the Goods and Trices, for the benefit of who have never.attended their Sales— • Rich Cashmeres,-- - - 75 c. Usual price St,oo 500 ps. Cotton and WooL Cashmeres, ?Sc.; usual pr»?e 371c.* Isw) r p. Cotton and Wool Delaines. 15, lrfc. Usual.: price 2tt and 25c; , • . . • 50 ps. High Colored PlamDeLames, 45c. Usual price. G2Jc. 50psi Striped and Figured Silks, 50c. Usual .price 75c.; 50 ps. Black Silks. Reduced 25 percent.; n j Kit) ps. French. Merinoes, SI ,00. Usual price St,37j; OUOps. Tarantellas and Lyonesc Cloths. Reduced 33 2500 Long Square Shawls, which will be sold at from SI to 35 less than the usual prices.; 3000 yds. Bonnet Ribbons; at 3 and Idc. Usual price 13 end 25c * •- Fast Colored Calicoes, CJo. Usual price oc.| lOOcuseaEngiish.and American Calicoe?,3 ami 10c Usual price 10 audT24c.; '• Hocuses Bleached Muslins. ReduccuSc.per yard; 200 bales Brown Muslin—all grad^sj Also—Laces, .Embroideries; Trimmings, Hosiery and Gloves, Linens, Checks, Cloths, Cassirteres, Cassineis and Jeans. * ■ . • ■ ' ,i Together with an immense variety of other Goods, all of which will bemarked down to lower prices thuu any of their previous sales . • • . - They invite an early call, as. many . of luetr choicest Goods willsoou bo sold, / . • ' The lowestprice named at first. % _.* A A. A. MASON & CO;, Nob. 02 and 64 Mnrketstreet. - THL'. underirigued is now receiving from the Eastern cities by Express,,a splendid assortment of Fancy, and Staple Dry Uo'ods, purchased exclusively, for Cash* from the imporiers’nnd manufacturers,at least Tiecniy &vzser cent, below tfie cost of those who made lbe*r pur-, chases earlier In the season, and will be sold Wholesale and Retail for cash at EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS. % * v * * v ? • r'-v-v .■ * .. ■ ... . .... -ip. l •*'• '■ . ■ j t^.1 ;•■•• • ■. -•.»» • «**/, * 'vN'?. - • •*->. ‘a?- »~r:. €Lotl)tug. ; It. 91* ARGUfeT, ' M i 33)ra ©ooits. SEVENTH GRKAT SKMI-ANNUAL. OF DRY GOOD Si ATTUK . One Price Store of A. A. 31ASON & CO. JV'or-o'2 ■■ind 04 Martel strtel. Kreiti Arrival—NcAr Goods J NO. 75 MaHKET STUKKT, irp'BETWEBN FOURTH STREET AND THE DIAMOND. «jQJ FRENCH, ENGLISH AND. AMERICAN* WINTER DRY GOODS! 50 pieces Lupm’a French Mcriuoes, Clierryj Scarlet, Pink, Green, Maroon, Black, Mazarine Blue and Mode colored, from S7sc. up to the finest quality, manufactured under the French. Republic. 15 Pieces Superior Bombazines, Lupin’s manufacture —at unprecedented low prices. 150 pieces Black and Colored' Alpacas, from 13$ cents per yard up to the fittest Silk Warp and Molmir Lustres manufactured. : 125 pieces T&ibet, Paramelia and Coburg Cloths, all colots and qualities, and cheaper than ever before o tier ed in this city. . 350 pieces American and British Prints, superior quale* ty, und will be sold at extremely low.pcices. 450 SHAWLS.: Superior Bay Stale and Waterloo Long Shawls, Ghanifliou, Silk und Turk Satin De Chela and all Wool Broeha Shawls, Black and Colored huir broidered Cloth Slmwis, Plain and Embroidered. Black and Colored Silk Fringe, Thibet aud. Alous De Lain . * ""* * ~ * - r- .*„**.. 350pauems Superior Dress Ckamelion- Silk and Satin Dc Chein, Wide Black Gro DcKbiue. Silks, Flam and Fancy Figured Black Plaid Gro De Armour Silks. " . 150 pieces Cloths, Cassimeresifend 'vestings, superior quality, and will be sold nt a great redacUoiurora lorm er prices. DOMESTIC AND STATER GOODS. 500 pieces Bleached Muslin, good quality, all widths, fromo} to liii cenu per yard. - COU pieces heavy yaTd wide Brown Muslin, From GJo. tolhe best article manufactured. ' , : 200 pieces Red, While and Yellow Flannels,from 18$ penis per yard up to the finest Silk Warp ami. Welch Gauze Flannelimported. . • .. lUO pieces Irish Linen, warranted made of Flax yarn, .round thread, wire twist,hand spun und grass bleached.; 125 pieces Checks, superiorma-e,.from 8 to 18$ cents per yard,-together with a large assortment of : pamask Table I,tneil and Table Cloths, -Russia Diaper; and Crash,' Cassiitelts, Keutueby Jeaits, Beil licking, Do mestic; Ginghams. Colored .Cambrics,- Plain Liijsey.s, Canton Flannels, Jcc. . - ~ ‘ 350 dozenLadiesaad Gentlemen’s Glovesand Hosiery —including every variety and quality, which will bo gold at extremely low priees. -The eustoraers of the house and all cash buyers are requested to call and examine the goods, aud t.ecure a bargain, as they will bo offered Wholesale and Re. ail a very low prices. |Tjf* No. 75 Marketstrert, Puts burgh . novlO g ‘ ABSALOM MORRIS; , Cloth* 1 Cloths t Ciotbs I i T EASTERN JOBBING iPRiCES.—IIS pieces A...810ck and Fancy colored French arid English CLOTHS;-Pilot, Cloaking and Drab Cloths. Justopenedal A. A.hIASON ACO.’S, dec2 . Nos. and 04 Market street.. ; Important to Tailors. TUST RECEIVED—G Dot. aseoridl Tailors’ Patent V Shearsyfrom No< 10down to N0..2. - At*SO-rti Doz. Barbers’ Patent Scissors, direct from the manufacturers, and for sale at •, - BOWN & TETLEY’S, 136 AVootl s t M - dooTs below Virgin alley. r\RY APPLIES—II:I sacks Dried Apples; J_/ 111 bbts. '-'do;-For sale by • •j&8 . , f.. S. VVATKRM AN A HONS. Notice* \ LUpersons indebted lathe late firm of Johnston k xV. Siocktoh» vnll please call and senle immo Jistely and save coils. £feb3j JOHN FtiEMINGj Atfi. , V*WV '- . <1 :• *«* “ T ’*-* T 'V’.-v*', l ’ - *-r .*/ k v^VV'.', . _■*■ . •” ’ ■ ...• -■■».. *■-• • +> . ■■■' * ■ -> • •v;v-".- r . v-. f ;yr^;*;.^vUv./r; ■ :Jf_ - -L ~. - t j_t. ■’ * Aj>- • ... .'•» ■■ «• Snider*®” "Wine Store. ■Tto* J Wja-mtV STREKTy PHILADELPHIA, . mif R UN RIVALLED PLACE for obtaining all Wines, I Liquor®,dec.,J3QoD,aiylCllEAP. | r liiiely--incon&equcuceof ihe nnmtr ou v luTre sales made by lam to Consumeri-becnofcflißcd lareely tp replenishJrfaSlock tyfredumportaijons, and ] ltd lias how Alie' satisfaction Of offering some of the ben Wines and Llqnors ever imported "by,him* He would refer to some Invoices is . . , r - DUFF, GORDON tCO-SUISRiUES-rembtacingdeli cate Pole at very low; puces, rare ofd.and some very, , choice MANRANILLAj all .ondjaugbt.by P« f£»S? in v A lso*r axis pld da)icalq AAIONTiLLAPPiJn * gallons specially selected for consumers..Jjopie,r*A. i K-a AMONTILLADO In bottles, pul up tu Europe,which be .thaUenqts aS equal <6 any that cun be produced, r . V The MANZANIIiLA and AMONTILLADO Shcr hea arc peculiarly adapted to convalescents, pi they strengthen'without sumaioting, and hive not the/acidoi many other Wines. , ;I .. -v ■ PORT'WINKS —prlucipaUy ppeclaUy 'selected for ] bis sales to Conkanlers from the slock of** Bbpat&sTß&’ti, - at Oporto, and imported direct. . ; .. j; These Wmes are fruity and. delicate, andlhavc been highly approved by his customers, because of their maniicst superiority over- all other Ports and Re«J Wines palmed off uasuch. . /. . ... They are of vanons sons and prices, in bottled anatm. gallonvorwholesale bythecfcsk* Among, them is some rare delicate WHITE rORI* and MALhfv SKY PORT • ; •-•Persons suffering with chronic nffcctionof the bow elsbnnnot be too careful m their PORT. : ‘ 'MADEIRA WINES of various sorts, dry and nob, Sou(h’ Side; old East and West India. Sercial, fcc., Ac. on draught* m boitles and by casks. . ■ Asiotlic SPARKLED WINES of the subscriber, it iste fknown UmttheMOET EXTRA CHAMPAGNE foTito"pIISdTdSPARKLING MOSELLE .mporled i by hi mare superior to any ,othor-.V. in ®s*? n I J f .^? fl B ?.J“ iat prices as low us most or the inferior winds.uow in. the -market winch ure put upon buyers as jvtsl class. , He has also CHAMPAGNE WINES of vanousbrands, and qualities, at very low pricesvretatl orWholeeale. In the arliele ot J CLARET WlNES, getteinlly, the subscri ber bolds himself to baa judge, and he offers Utoliuesl slock here, from ibo very lowest price, by tlie single do zen. to the first class or 4 *pm»*£rcm ■ of rnEPoc. _ Of BURGUNDY WINES hehns a largcslocfc andean assure customers tliat he can present to tltm, from on» vaults, as good aboitle of Burgundy, as France affords. SAUTKKNEandBARSACaIwayBOU hundiaboilles. His selection of RHINE And MOSELLE WINES, Irora the cellars of Messrs. Duniiabd &. J.OBi>AN»of Co bleuB,are extensive, aud number mauy Still Hocks and Moselle, from the cheapest sorts to the very choicest vintages of the • “STEINBERG,” winch is the best growth of the Rhine. . ■ . _ . lathe articles of COGNAC and other BRANDIES ho ha* now-ti hue stock, embracing some very old extra of 1800, of OTAnu, -Dcpby A Co., ana some celebrated “CLAVIERof 1821,"in eighth casks,and 1812mhhds. und.“DUBOUCHE,” lSll,mhhds. on consignment which 'also-IRISIL SCOTCH and AIONONG AIIELA WHIS KEY, JAMAICA SPIRITS, PRESERVING URANDY and all other WincsTand Liquors, including all ot the above, SOLI) liy RETAIL TO CONSUMERS in any quantity desired.'• . ' \j__ _ A constant assorted stock of HAVANA SEGARS. %*Alt Goods deUvcTCdyWithin one day’s reach ofFhila* dclphia, fheiqht i*alU. Orders will be promptly execa icd if sent by matl or telegraph _ / • ■ Address, ■ JACOB SNIDER,JR., . Cheap Wine Store, : . nov ig 70 Walnut Street, Phila. ■ J, v; Deeper, "Wootlwartl & Co., / Builder* and Erectors of Lightning Rods, on . : SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES. ORDERS left at this'office or tbeTostOffice ; and for personal interview ed t be seen -on. Fourth street, residence of Dr. Hunt, between Wood ana Ferry.: .• Rtfcrencf^ ProfesEor Silliinan, Editor of SUlmian’s 'Journal; Professor O. M. Mitchell, of the Cincinnati Observatory Professor Robert Peter, of Transylvania: University, Kentucky; Professor Cltester Dewey, M. D., New York; Professor J. L Cassel, Clearland University* Ohio.- In Fithburgh—A. W. Loomis, John Harper, Wilson M’Onndlesa, Mr. Childs, Col. Morgan, Rev. Mr, Sparss, J. D. Williams, Major Harding, U. S._ Arsenal; John Ewing & Sfons , L. Harper, D. N. -White, WVA. Mar shall, John Sampson, Major Davis ana Jonu u Sboenber* j, er • ■ . - ’ ■ vs..- f InovlSstf MEDICAL DEPARTMENT.—ThereguIor courseof Lectures will commence on ihe first of Novpnoer ami continue until the last®! February. The Anaiomi-. cat Department will be opened and ready to receive by the first of October. The MedicalDepart mentwitl be under the direction of the following. , PB OF ESSo A 3: Z- Freeman, M. Professor ol Anatomy. R. S. Nkwton. M. D-t Proiessor of Surgery- ■ . .*• if J fJoLCSjM- D.,Professor of Theory and Practice p Medicine. . • W IJvrd PowELt,M. D , Professor of Phyaiojogy, Pa - tholouy, Mineralogy and Geology, *** 3 Kino, Si. 1)., Professor oi Materia Medica,Therapeu ’ tics and Medical Jurisprudence, j Milton Sanders, M. D., Proiessor of Chemistry and Pharmacy. , J A Wilson, M. D., Professor of. Obstetrics and D.a ca«=es 01 Women and»Childien. CMSIQUB LECTURES. i AUdmne —Prou H. J. llulcc. Hmztry— Prof. K. S. Newton. 7 I , 'keehan ) M- D., Anatomical Demonstrator The tee* tor a full course amount loSH’u. Eaaii J'rofes&or’s 5. Malnoulalor’sSS. De monvtraior’aFee»slO.. t«raduauout,Sao. TUov* deflirutgmrthPTinformalion,willi>le»sesadres* ihfic ieit*r*iawipa*di to ibe.ihwn;. aud.s»mdenw>M«: vino in the cny wdl nteatie call on him at the Ooramer* ci fjlolH B & NEWTON, AJ IU _ De&nol thel-aculiv. jan EWM King, Prof. oi'lVeory and Practice of Law Jno Dem field, Esq,Prbf of Commercial Jurisprudence. Totto—per session.. ... Allcommumcuttonspertainmßtothisdepaumenimnst • be addressed to h>. W. M. KINIJ, Esq. l . Jfr?/ipA»j,2V«n.,March,lSsD. . i The Faculiie-s, tor intellectual abilities, moral worth and professional acquirements, willcomparetavorably witUiheinosidi9tingui3hedinourc6umty. TlieMedical Faculty constimies an anomaly in this or any other country—all of them are-able- Lecturers and the best of Teachers. •’ • •. . . ... - Those who willcontemplateourgeograptucalposiUon, and the extent of oar population, can havo no doubt as u> the eligibility of onr.wiuation Jibr an enterprise of tue kind. As to.heallh, including all seasons of the year, we deny that any othercitij has more. The fimelass-oftheLaw and Medical DepartmenlsO. this Institute were small. but tho gentlemen composing them are talented and in tue highest degree respectable— a favorable omen for the future prosperity of the Institute. That the public may be satisfied of the permanency of this school,weieel itourduty to state,that the Trustees and Faculty form a tmitin action,which augurs well fot its future success; and that the peculiar internal organi zation which conuects them, caunot beintcrupted. E.*W.-N. KINO, apl President of the Memphis Institute. Sliver Forics, Spooua, WE keep constantly on hand a large assortment c silver Forks, Spoons, Ladles,-Ao., of our.-ow; manufacture, of standard silver. ; JOHN B.JH*FADDEN t CO , 95;Morket street. MagnifyingGlasses* OFoue.two and three g asses, suited for detecting counterfeit bank notes, and other purposes, for »ale by . [ocmi JOHN B.M’FaDDEN & CO. To the Citizen* of AUegheuy City. - ' AI3OX tor the reception of Orders for CITY MILLS FMHJR U left at the store of Mercer & Robinson. Federal street. Such Orders will supplied ooffiO ; WILMARTH k NOBLE, ■*oo Men Wanted Immetllateljr, AT TUB CIIARTIERS RAILROAD.—'The wages arc 80 per.day;, anil we charge 5t,75 per week for boarding. Apply at the office, on the Sleaben*. viUe road, near M’Oanaid’s lavern—4 miles froirfPms huSh.- -fiwiaasan-: BURNSIDE. lIANNEY & CO. ~ SALE OF VALUABLE - IRON WORKS, KEGROES, DIDLES, Ac. IN pursuance’of a decree of the Chancery Court in Clarksville, at the October term; 1350,1 will sell at the Louisa Furnace, in Montgomery County, Slate of- Tennessee, on the 9th: day of April, 1851, the Furnace known as the Louisa Furnace and the Mount Vernon Furnace, wiilt all thelands attached and adjoining there to,-amounting to ‘some 20,000 acres. At the same lime and place I willsel! a valuable negro mauyJonii Carter, r a Founder,'and his wife and children, on aoredii oil, 2, and 3 y ears,’ The real estate on a credit of 1,2,3 and a llth of April, 1651, Iwiil also sell, at the late residence of Robt. Baxter, iu Montgomery Co., Teim .y the IRON PROPERTY 1 , known as the. Tennessee Fur nace and the Water Forge, on Barton’s Creek, with all the lands adjoining and attached thereto, consisting of several thousand acres, on a credit of 1,2, Oaod 4 years. Sumner Cbunty Lands near Qallaiin. I will also sell, on theSGih of March, 1851, inthe town of Gailhtin, at the Court House, 320 acres of land lying in said Coanty, known as the Preston tract oflaind, on a credit of 1,2 and 3 yeais. . „ .. House and IjOt in N . Ssprtuff Stock of.CJ*rp*W» milE subscriber having. |he Ea^en i JL cities, isitovv receiviugiuj^pr , J!a i^’ 0C . J r . Rug* Door :-^ r,, £S et '-* . jj oJ - w jij C h have been se- Covers,Watnng-. dt ,-, t)B n ndbest rannuftcio- Jected from lh r acle°to tbc interest ofiris custo rics. Wnh sne>'e s vof wild a call v great met a, and oilk en l 0 show Goods to persons patD.usat o a jj pnd.examine the Block, w t ßhinK l?> h? k foumUhe latest and beat styles of the where can I d |j, p rtce „ andquahues to salt above named uoous, » |j. w t«VND, all- Lyml’s Carpet Emporium, Apollo Boilfltng, Fourth street. runnffSH-lO drums Cod fish m alore and for -sale. C°mii MIUJiR fc HICKEXSON. I,iV, r- i/s , -i. v/,'V'. r i‘ IS. i *!•■• r.v.. ■ . * * flUsullaneotts. MEMPHIS INSTITUTE. X* AW department. MAUI .. ... - '■. - , . _. .... ■:.■: $:,-■ -■ 'i ;=:•;•>:■ .*■■:■■ •. “•:■. ■;■ i-i ■i*' >\ *■ •■■; •.• i ■.• '■■.■.■■. .■•..■•• ■:., ..•■•. ••■•"■ •••■ ■-■ t- - *, • i +* ' H}r'- Unmtantt (tongatfoa. nessmaaassgagw ■ ; ■ •‘iftsoitKWCß^airaw :»•«;?”&&*» ’ community*; is. the unparalleled tf ‘ whicUbas been done—pavingissped , cieH-in-ar ; Hule"ihorer' , ihaft ; aaalng o^ei*7ojooocapitnltoihccompany-7/TUcXMTCCtwsftW ,4 proud lo say, tbtii nearly all the properly * nstt £l® b-.- .xhfliafesv kind.ln ouioU nfks,oud’a > 1 g and grcailyimproved sya* <- - temtbf Classification. ~ofßisks, excluding all special }«■ • hazaWsVinsunne'bnly' a limited amount in any one lo- -v "• ihe frequency and occurrence of % : large fires, and also, onboiUtbe Stoclcnnd Mutual plan, \< ■ Unotonlypossesses the cheapness and accommodation a - . 'of both methods, btu entitles the insured to a participa* lion in the profits. ’ » ; It is under the control of the fotlowmg Directors: —*• • F; Rutherford. AvJvOilleti, John U. Paeker, Samuel T. t . Jones, Alonzo A.Camer, Philo C.. Sedgwick, Robert *■ Klotz. v JA. KUTHRRFORO, Vretft. |i .. A* J. GILLETT, Sec’y* _ *; [ja27:y n•. :A. A. C&nmra, Acta; Penn Olataal lilfc lasnirftiicrQotf k AGENT IN Pm'SBDRGH.W. H;t>AVi3,-(»ice I. .p J\. Finney,Jr.,deceased,) No.3B3%H>eriy street.. $- • Foftfcebetter convenience of persona resnlingin the lower part of the citff-the ngeut may also be found daily, from eleven to twelve aud two ioiliree o'clock* 1| at the counting room af -J. SchGonputker A Ca., No. S« 3;. Wood Ettee{, Whera aH'ncceBBary infornjaUon will be .'given* and : communications promptly attended to.— | Pamphlets explaining the principles and benefits .of Life. f. ' Insurance, and blank fotma tarnished irtiOppUeation. '•[- Capital stockover and constantly increasing.-g ■ Profits divided annanUy^amongstthose insured for life- ' nttsburekj Feb. l,lSsf—2W . ' > ‘ UarineyFlre and. Transportation f . ibshhaugk. ; . : • li-.. TfUIE INSURANCE COMPANYOF NORTH XAIER* K' I ICAfPhiladelnhia,chartered J7W, capitalssoo,* k : .’V 000* assett Jamviir? 13,1851, $1,001,856 60* will * ' •;?“ make insurance unbuilding* and their contents in this ■< » city and vicinity- Also, bn property of fivory descrip- J T * >, liou, on steamboats and other, vessels, either uy Inland «' transportation or bn the neas.' .. V- ; •DIRECTORS; .. Arthur G. Coffin, Pres’i.,, Jacob M. Thomas, .:• Samuel W. Jones, • John lUNeff, Edward Smith, • .Richard D. Wood, John A- Brown, William Welsh* 1 Surauel F. Smith* ' Franci* Haskins, Samuel Brooks, S. Austin Allibone, Charles Taylor, • . , William E. Bowen, , Ambrose While, . - George W. Aspinvrall, i Tboiaas'P. Cope,. James N-Dickson, »*;-*•- ST; Morris, Waler, ' 11. D.SherTerd,Sec»y. - This is iheolilest InsurunceCompaay in the United States, and from Us high standing, long experience, am- .4 7J pie means, nnd avonhug atl.nsta of an extra hazard-£ 1 ....... J, ous character, may : be. considered* ag^oflenng-ample.se .f,:/ curity to thepohlic; ; . ,-WltfyP. JONES, Agent, s IT r ja24 ! . No; 141 Front street. r - • 'k $ * - 1 HAtETY, PEHPETUITY AND SECURITY.* THE NATIONAL LOAN FUND i ' " MKE.mErCttABiCK SOCIICTV LONDON AND NEW-YORK. t Capital, £500,000— Kquol to @3,500,000.^ WITH a large surplus of profits. A’potuon of both* r % capital and surplus invested inU. S. Government: • Stocks, and othersecurilies in theCilyof New York.. Policies held in this Country over6,ob(k, Persons in- ■*. participate in the proflts.ofjhe Company. >. v California riste taken at rtduetii rates.. ' Among the advantages of a ‘PoHcy ia this Company *•••:. are the followings— ■; .i, A paxty insured for the wliole'term of life may at any. s time borrow orw-Aat/ iiie amount of.annual premium,: * * without note or aeenmy, of deposit of policy, andis en-j *.\ tilled to division of profits; t . • , lletDayatany,titoe surrenderhU policy,and receivq}. back as value tnereof one-hiilf the gross sum paid ttys him iuannuoj common premiums.•, * t A party already insured for whole life may, on pay-*? meal of a smallsurd, convert his insurance into a ntw[ * policy upon the loan system now introduced* Partieai’aircady! insured and-entitled to a ueo-thiri • • :loan,arenot shuloutfrom said two-third loan,if.lht' prefer it,upon the terms stated in the Society’s pamph- . / . A paity may, at a moderate annual insau for life, and he survive to reach the age of 60 years, tA*t ■full sum insured tip/0515.000,tm/f 6e jxrid TO.HM: or it j he dies before reaching,that age, the lull sum. insured; * wiU be paid m his family otlegai rcnresehtauvefi. t j Ithashecome customary in Ihe AUamtc citiesfOTCOn-| 1 gregations to insure the lives of their. Pastors, and on; - Christmas or New Vent’s day to make the family, a pre : f . sentof thepolicy, This is cettairily an excellent way?* of showing their regard for tbeitMinister, whoac'salajyj in very many cases is scarcely equal to his immediatar wants; To the man of family, at his' death, it is a con-1 , solution beyond expression -to know.that his -helpless;. . - tittle ones areiimS provided for. • Churches invoTPvnT, Wtraßfo irwrtr tmiird fre IBs IW a of one or more of the trustees, -at; whose demise : the:*, • amount would bo applied to liquidate the debt. - ■ » - > Explanatory pamphJetaaud information given gravv at the Hanking lionscbt:-.iWJU.ArlllLl# &CO,> ■ ;• . «0v23 ' Wood st,second dcor above Fourth. THE DEjiAWARE hIUTUAL SAFETY INSUR > ' A.NCECOMPANY.—Office.NoTth Room of the>Bx;;:t change, Third street; Philadelphia. : ’ ' - . \i Fieb Iksujukcb.—Buildings, Merchandjze ; and othei; property in twn'aha'eovniry, insured against loss oil' damage by fire aub§ lowest rate of premium. S'; Mxmne fRBUttANCB.—They .also insure Vessels; Car goes and freights, foreign.or. coastwise, under open oij. special policies, as the assured may dcstre. j , iNUtwuTaAKspoßTAtiox—They also iusureraerchan-.s dize transported: by Wagons,'Railroad Cars. Canallt Boats and Steam Boats, on riven and takes, on the moalp liberal terms. ’ i? . DIRECTORS^—Joseph 11. Sdal, Edmund A. Sonder 1} John C. Davis. Robert Burton, John RvPenrose, E4wards,<*eo» G.Leiper, EdwardDarlihgton, Isaac ; Davis,AVllUam Folwfill,JohnNewlin,Dr. R. M. Husioh,'.' James'C.HandjTheophilus Paulding,ll. Jones Brooks,:? Henry SloanyllogbCralg, George Serrill. Spencer ItvftinfCharles Kclly v JtG. Johnson, William Uny, Dr £ S. Thomas, John Sellers; AVm, Eyre, Jr. . k • DIRECTORS ATPITTSBURGH. —D. T. Morgan/- Hugh Craig,^wStIAMMABTIN, President. ; Thos. C. lUnp, Vice President. - £ Joseph :\V.'CoWAU,Secrclary>. * TE7* Office of the Company, No; 42Water street, Pitts-; burgh; ‘ (jelOrdtf) \- P. A.MAPBIRA* Agent. Fire and nasiae lntunmeei raillE OFFICEof the InsuTdnceCe.ojNoTth Amerua' X has been ™mtfr«fto'ibc Warebouse ofHajdy, Jonea'; & C0.,N0. J4l Front street, third'housd East of street.whcre tUe snbscribcr willissue Policies ou Build*; ings aud.their contents, and on Shipments by Steamboats j and other vessels; : tor the above old ana responsible} Company. '- (ap3) - - WM. P. | Life and Health insurance, fIAHE MUTUAL LIFE AND HEALTH INSURANCE'. . X U QMPA 2VY,‘ ~of ' Philadelphia,- Incorporated by the; Legislature of Pennsylvania, March,lB4s; Charter Per-4 : peluai; Capital 8100,000. Jlata{owtrihanixny t-anio Company, and fall 20 per cent, lower lhau tha;- usuul rates 6f Life lusatance, as the,following cotopari-;, eon will show. Tliua a person ortbe age of atf insuring!, forSlOO for life; must.pay in lite Girard $2,30, PennayP vonia $&3O, Penn Mutual Equitable 82,04, New*: England 82,3 G, Albion 82,48, New: York Life 82,36, Lift : and Health, Philadelphia, sLflL> - " f. ' BxaEcxOßS—SaiimelDOrrick; Charles D HalLjWm Fj? Boone; Robert P King, Charles,P Hayes, MAV Baldwin,u Chas O B Campbell, Al M Reeve.Miß.jLewisCooper,.’? J Rodman Barker, E H Butler, Edwin U Cope. dm*, Samuel DOrrick; Vice Pwsiifsni, Robert P. King £■ Strnuay, Franca Biackburrie. Applications will be received and every Information ; given by SAMUEL; Agent. Owica; ; '; Commercial Rooms, corner, of Third and Wood Pittsburgh.oct29:y *£ 1N DESINITY. - Tho Franklin Firs lunrance Companp;| :, - - or pnruo)Bu-HU. - . *•- • n DIRECTORS;— ' f Charles W. Banckor, George \V. Richards, a ThomaaHart, . Mordecai D. Lewis, i Tobias Wagner, Adolpbi E. Boric, J . SamuelGrani.. Dayia:S.Browne, Jacob JLSmith, , Morris Patterson. ■ 4 . . CHAS, AV. BANCKKR, Pres’l. t Cius. G. BANcxtR, Secretary. ; v • ,27" Continue to make:lnsurance» Perpetual or limited * ; on every description of property in town and country. | The Company have reserved d large Contingent Fund which, with their Capitol and Premiums; safely invested J afford ample protection to the assured. - t ~ :T.he Assets.Of the Company, on January Ist, 1849, ass published ugreeably lo an Act of Assembly, were as fol-J lows, viz:—. l . Mortgages l Real Estate •••••—— •*' 04,724 83 i. Temporary Loans —r--' a 9»9£l£*!' j Stocks *7— ~5 -j : : Cash,icc.*— *•* —**"r*»—*r-rr“ 33,8ftl 37 .. f., 7i . v incorporation, a period of 19 years, they* have paid upwards of Oua Million Four Hundred -Thou-' sand DoHdrSy losses by fire, thereby affording evidence J of the advantages of Insurance, as wellas tbe ability and [ disposition j Office N. E. comer Wood and Ud m £ srir* nd Horn** insurance, v j THE lusaradee'Corapany of North America, of Pliila. i delpbia>through ilsduiyonthonzed Agent,the aab-f »criber,oK«sto mokepermanent and limited Inenranca i on pfo|>cny»‘» tbi*city and its vicinity,and on elnpmeo i hv the canal and rivers. • -}. "y“ ~ IHBECTOB3:. . 1 Arthur <3-Coffin, Prevt. • Samuel Brooks, { Alex. Henry, . - Charles Taylor, ! Samuel W-Jones, Samuel W; Smithy • > Edward Smith* . • Ambrosd White, ? • John A.Browu, Jacob M/Fhomaa 1 JohnWhitftv John IL Neff, [ Thomas P. Cope,, Richard 0.-Wbod, 4 - /WnuWelsh,: . Uenry fit Shermd; Set% This »s the oldest Insurance Company in the United ;• States,haying been charteredih. 1734. nsrharterisper- 1 petoal, and from its high standing; long experience, am- l: pie means, and avoiding all risks of an extra hazardous' character, it may be considered as offering ample seenri- ; ly to the public.- WJTXIAM P. JONES. -.. At Counting Room of Atvrogd, Jones & Co,, Water and Front sis., Pittsburgh ' * i_ ll__- inay4y ./? SHAWLS.— Received this «aorniiiff,per express, 400>! Btoohe, Bay Suite and Long SHAWLS—very Bupe- j ?ior styles and Qualities. For sale low. - . ■ .. ■ AV A. MASON A Cfo. 1 novl __ _ _ slrbei I i niMTA'l'igN AlflLASiK^—2o'bafreh new crop? \ Mola»sa« jUH icceiwl and for sale by ? MILLER fc RICKETSON. ? Nos. 241 and 223 Liberty 6L , t i ’ ( / "' f J ' .. l.'f;* * y / i ....... _• INSUHANCKi. V*v\\ : '£r'V; \ ■■■■■■.'•'s;:: 'i s f'*" =r