The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, March 11, 1851, Image 3

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itisgsas .
BT&TlcBt Home Meeting.
>v "X indotinff of tho‘ ratixens of the Sixth, Seventh
■and Eighth Ward., and all who were in. fever of
'" erecting a Market Honae in tho new Ward., was
held in the Sixth Word School House, on Saturday
■■■ ‘evening, Sth inst. .. . ■■ . .
■ On motion, Dr. A. G, M'Candlera was called to
‘ the Chair. i.Ai Dickson and T.M. little appointed
'Secretarial.-, - . , .
On motion, a committee of three wa. appointed to
draft a Preamble nnd Retiolntionß expreß.ixe of the
-: sense of ihe-ineeting. Messra, John Little, William
' Moorhead and George Cheater were appointed .aid
committee, who, after a short absence, reported tho
following Preamble and Resolution, for the conaid
cratlOD of tbemeetlag:
Beiiexing that it la due time th.t some measures
•;■ ahonld be taken to provide * convenient'Market
' Placo for the accommodation of the new Wards.
"Further, we boliexrf onr growing population re
auirei it. We would also recommend the purchase
.of a piebo or ground, eart ot togan street, m the
Sixth Ward, lor the erection of a Market House
thereon as .oon a. possible. ; , , :
' Rttolved, Thattncre be a committee or eight ep»
■ bointed bj the mebling to .elicit, the signatures of
•'.Those.ciUiens ofithe Sixth, Seventh and; Eighth
Ward, of the City of Pittsburgh who aro favorable
to the erection of said Market House, to be present*
-ed totheSelect and Common Councils of this City,:
• allheir firittneeting hereafter,
RaoMtd, That it would be more beneficial for the
■ cilixens than the erection of the Central Market
Houxa nn the site fixed upon by the former meeting
• in this hbnee. . - „ , . ,
'iJetofeedi That the members of the Select and
Common Council a of.the new Wards be respectfully
yet earnestly requested .to use their influence nod
votes hr favor ol the: measure contemplated in our
. hIcBBTB. Wm. Moorhead, C. H, Armstrong, H*
"Marshall, Wm. Wilson, Hi Rea, George Seilx,
■ r Geoige Moore, J. Chester, were appointed a com
mittee "id accordance with tho first resolution.
The following is a petition to be presented to the
- Select and Common’ Council:
•■The undersigned citixens of Pittsburgh moat
respectfully, yet earnestly, ask your Honorable Bo
dies to take ouch meaaures aB your wißdom may dt
rccl for procuring a site and erecting a Market House
thereon, in the Sixth Ward, east of togan street, Tor
the accommodation of the citixens of tho new Wat dsj
aOd'ht the earno time weaek your Honorable Bodies
t o take stick action ns la necessary tor the improve
men! of the old Diamond Market House. This we
ask, confidently hoping our petition will be beard,
-and answered,{believing that the rapid ion
'-and fast increasing population of the new Wards res
quire the first new Market Honse j and all the cir
cumstances and associations thrown around :the
Diamond demand its improvement; and as in doty
your petitioners wiH ever hold in grateful remem
b^anc©n,., - • »
Addresses were 'delivered, from the. Cbainnao,
• Black, Woodwell, Dawsoe, Btuce, Moorhead and
.. others. •
Staolvei,Thil the proceedings of this meeting be
published in: tho Post and Gaactte.
On motion adjourned.
. - ,/
3. M. DicKsorr, ) &
i Little, f W
A. G. McCANDEESS, Prcs’t.
‘ District CotraT— Monday, March 10. Before
Hon. Judge Hepbarn.
'Sheriff Curtis elr. This is an
action on the case for money expended by tho plain-
tiff in-thesoppression of the rolling mill riots hero
list spring. AH are familiar with the facts, no
doubt, as at that time it created a great deal of ex-
citement, and it became necessary lor the preserva-
tion of-property, and the restoration of order, thai
the'Sheriff ahoiild call dot the military. Ho called
out Bse companies, and in so doing paid ent of his
own pocket some @1,015 which the County Commis
sionera refused to- refund. him.
Messrs. Thos, Williams, Robb and JMcConne]
appeared: for . plaintiff ,; .and A..W. Loomis, C. B.
Smith and Todd for the County,
Mr. Williams opened to the jury oo behalf of the
plalntiff, and said that this was an action ofaasump*
ait against, the Commissioners, to recover upwards
ofsl,ooo, expended by the Sheriff-ib suppressing
the riots which occurred about a year Bince. He
wonld not trouble the jnry with a minute account of
the difficulties of that period, as they formed a part
of the local history of Pittsburgh. «
Til the year 1841 or ’43, the Legislature found it
necessary, owing to the riots in Philadelphia, to Id-
tcrfere lot the protection of the community, end
passed an net for that purpose, by which the person
whose property was destroyed, by a mob, could
bring bis action against the county, and recoier
damages; be, how over, was prevented from recov
ering unless he bad first given notice to the Mayor
<rr Sheriff of the intended danger. .
The man who pays tales is entitled to protection,
that was the consideration for which he paid
hem. There was no doubt that before the passage
Of this act the Sheriff would bad a right, in case of
o lilt, to suppress it j but since the passage of this
*eS*it was his duty to lake every precaotion against
*n fcsjesded riot, on the: principle that an ounce of
prevention was worth a pound ,or core—and it was
uado tbo duty of every citiien, in danger, to in.
form the Sheriff of an intended rising, on peril of
losing all the benefits or the law. Tho jury were
•well aware that the mill owners had good reason to
entertain well grounded fears of irreparable mil*
chief-—they came forward to the Sheriff and told
him what had occurred—tho utter inefficiency of the
Police had been seen before that; and it was ne
ceesaty that he should take every precaution against
.the threatened danger. He could not summon the
poJM COsiffafuv except in case of an actual rising,
and therefore he wont and called in the aid of the
voldntoers—thus, at gresl expense, preventing, prob
ably, the mostjrerious results.
Considering this money paid for the benefit of the
county, he applied to the Commissioners for remu
neration j but they, fearful of the consequences, ro
tated to pay it. There was no doubtas to tho j us
tice of the claims but the Couoty Commiaaionere
priferred that it should be legally adjudicated be*
fore they paid it. . . ■
Thedcarned gentleman proceeded at considerable
length to point out the equity of the claim. If Jus
client did hot succeed, ho warned the jury that tho
wealth of a Stephen Girsrd could not pay the dam*
ngea wblcb'wonld result from it.
In .Philadelphia, square after square had been j
turned down and blood had been shed, end if the
Sheris' was not authorized to employ the military,
or if be were compelled to pay their expenses him
self, his office would be a ruinous one. The manu
facturers themselves had paid more than three or
four times the amount claimed by the Sheriff in tho
preservation of public order, but all he asked was
that the Commisaioners should pay the amount
claimed, with lawful interest.
> The Declaration, containing four counts, was then
xead; to the three first of which defendants demnr
red, A juror was withdrawn, and the case ordered
opon the argument list.
If the demurrer be unstained, there is an end to
' tho earn; but if overruled, a Jury will then assess
the damages.
B3T Louise la VaIHEUE, or tbo second series
’and conclusion of the “ Iron Meek,” by Aleiandre
’Domae, with illustrations, haß been received at
IHolmes 1 Literary Depot, Third etieet, Opposite the
Post Office. Albo, California and Oregon, or Sights
io lhe Gold Region and Scenes by the Way, by T,
T. Johnston, with a map and illnstrations ; Littell’a
Living Age, No. 350.
Piasrr Go®s.—McFaden & Covode received a
aeVegripbic despatch that goods which they shipped
<br Philadelphia, on the 6th, reached their desti
nation yesterday. This is quick work, and are the
first goods we believe that have went clear through,
this season.
Temvehabce Meetiho.—There will be a Tem
perance Meeting, this evening, in Swift’s Church,
City, when the meeting will be addressed
by-abio speakers.
CouOTE&mTEU Arrxbtxd.— Aid.Major haahtd
information for moro than a month, tbroogh the in
defatigable Giertiooß of officer Fox, the efficient
Jailor and late Chief of the Independent Police, that
a gang were engaged in the City in manufacturing
end passing counterfeit; money* The ..matter Was
permitted to sleep ontil a snrb thing cbnld be made
of It t but daring this time the vigilance of Pox was
wide awake. Yenterday he. thought It sufficiently
ripe to break it, and accordingly went down toMre.
Gardiner’s house, on the corner of Redoubt alley
. and Third street, accompanied by Messrs. Boyd and
Thompson of the Independent Police, and Messrs.
Adams and Snea of the Allegheny Police, where
they arrested her and'a man who refused to give his.
name, but stated that he was a land agent. Aid.
Major christened him Brown, and so committed him
along with her.
A man by the name of Edward Loder, who it ap.
pearß rents the house,-waa also committed on sospl
They found on the. premises some money, a part
of which was counterfeit ; and apparently locom«
pleto the whole thing, a box which hod just arrived
by-Adams & Co.’s Express from New York, directed
to one of the inmates of the house, and which con
tained three plates and a large number of Jenny
Lind likenesses. There was a Sid plate on the
State Bank of Connecticut, a 85 on the same Bank,
and a 82 on the State Bank ofitnjtaos, which were
pronounced by a Broker in this City to be most ad
mirably executed, and well calculated to .deceive.
The parties were committed for a further bearing
The Bobbera Arrested.— ltwillboremembered
that some time since, the Board pile of Gray, Beeves
& Co., in the Fifth ward, was horned, and at which,
some man came near losing his life. It appears
that we are again indebted to the vigilance ofOfficer
Fox in ferreting the matter out and bringing the of
fenders, Henry Johnson and James MeCutcheon, to
John Duffy yesterday mado information before
Aid. Major, and swears that he left the Sur
Spangled Banner House, in Fifth street,about 10
o’clock on the night of the sth of January .last, in
company with —-*■-» and that they proceeded to the
house of McCutcheon, on Prospect street, where
defendants were in the cellar, pouring Spirits of Tur
pentine on two balls of cotton wickiog; he asked
them what they were doing, and they replied that
they were going to glim a board pile—-that a good
crowd would be there and that they might steal two
or three gold watches. He advised them not to do
it, bat they left the house, when Daffy and —■ fol
lowed them without being perceived and caw them
put the balls ander the board pile and then
put matches to them,—afterwards met them again
and asked them if they had dono anything,' but they
said not.
This arrest may probably lead to the detection of
others who have for some time past been firing the
houses of our cilixens.
E2T W.C. Wall, 85 Fourth street, has received
volume l of “ Louise La VaUiere,” or the second
series and conclusion of the Iron Mask—by Alexan
der Damas. H. Mioer Sc Co., Smiihfield street,
have also received the same work.
|gy Oar readers will not forget the sale of the
Grocery Store, No. 31, Smiihfield tueet, second
door from the corner of Second street, this morn
,og , at 10 o’clock.
Arrived?— U. P* Glass, Esq., of this City, has
arrived at New York, from California, where he has
been.engaged in business,and we have no doubt
brings with him a “ pocket full of rocka,”
fclTTho Warblers are still drawing full houses by
their melody.
Cgy*The Panorama ofCalifornis, at tho Atheneonx,
is still doing a fine business. •
- Orand Clmrity Concert*
MRS. HOFFMANN will give aarand concert at La
fayette Hall, on Ttusdap Afcnr* ISSI,
for the benefit of the ALLEGHENY LADIES REIJEr
SOCIETY, on which occasion she will be assisted oy
some of the best artists in the city.
Ticxera twentt-Wve cart*. To be had at all the
music stores. [mlfclw
Lafayette Ilell-For One Ntflbt OnjY <
BY the request of the citizen?. HERB KRAUSZ, the
celebrated Huugariaa Vocalist, begs to announre
to the Ladles and Gentlemen of Pittsburgh, tbit he will
give a Grand Vocal and Instrumental 2Sut\eal Foi Four*
n Concert (In 18 different and the fim part
will be sung in English,) on”ruESDAY EVENING,
March 11- He will be assisted by the celebrated Vio
linist, Herr B. H. Lattomak, and the Pianist. Herr Notu.
Tickets ft) cents each. To be had a* the Matte tstorea
and Hotels, and at the door. Boors open at 7 o’clock—
to commence at half-past?. mareiut
CoctweU’t Great Panorama off tlfela I
California and ttie Itthmaß off Oartenl j
THIS magnificent Panorama is now open at the
a foil and complote rpereseniation of the Cities, YUlaget,
Bays, Rivers. Valleys, Mines, Mission* t pastes di
rectly through San Francises, exhibiting the Public |
BnUdingSjinterior of Gambling Saloons in Panama, eld i
Ruin*.Churches, Convents, Religious Procertiont, Holi
day Peats, Interior of Churches, crossing the Isthmus,
Chacrce River, with its betuuful scenery, formiDg. alto
geiher, the most instructive and interesting exhibition
The public may rest assured that every sketch In this
Panorama was taken on the spot it represents; and as
a work of art it has no equal.
. Admission 25 cents; children under 10 years halt
Open every eveniog during the week, commencing at
74 precisely. Doors open at 01. _ . .
fry* Exhibition ever? Wednesday and Saturday of
ternoons—commencing at a o’clock.
ment will be mode with school.; children «hould !ioe
ihi« pleasing andedlfylng exhibition. Imata.u
Dancing Soliooi*
TTENRY MEYER, or New York, respectfully inarms
I the citizens of Pittsburgh that he wi.l open his
DANCING SCHOOL about the Ist of April, when he
will introduce the latest stvle of Coulbons, Ail, late
from Paris. - treUjM:u
/~iOD LIVER OlL—Warranted pore on draught,
V Knßhbon.Clarke*^_
tCor Firai & Wood als
T v^fs D PIIX
-pUEN-3 P^TER^-L.r^andsgaMor glgff
SUGARS— N«*w Orleans Sugar ;
St. Louis Powdered Sugar,
do Crushed do;
do Clarified do;
do Loaf do; in store andfor
OL.ABSES New Oilcans Molawes;
St. Louie eugar-honee Syrup;
St. James do do; ,
Battle Ground do do: tor sale
o°^S K — P ' Fime 1110
EAS. —Voting II) eon. Gunpowder, Imperial and
Black Teas, in original packages, and packed in y
P “' tagC9 ’ tor,t “ by KlNO A MOORHEAD.
rnOBAUCU—Of the toUowine brand.: Ra.iotlAKob;
I in.on’a; W H Grant’s; \VWier«’; Richard King »,
WH Hair’.; Barrow’. SO VSrV MOORHEAD
sale by [mart) KING fc MOORHEAD.
UNDKIES —assorted size*; Hon and Nail*;
White Lead i Com Brooms t Beaver Buckets and
Tubs, for saie by (mar6} KING & MOORHEAD.
—HiED APPLES—IO bbls. super Dried Apples;
IS sacks do do do;
d UuAR HOUSE MOLASSES — 40 bbls. 8. H. Molobe
SSne ß . Refinery, E M»ON.
/viL MBAlr-OI our ° D
0 hand and V, oppo“uo |*C^»_Ho.=l.
& c qr N
■fg^ sg:^»sii r! li igS!& l Z ALCORN.
ULbEO own monumcwre, con
siantly on hond,and for &
jn»r7 ■ J
:^lPJpsUigfte 3 h g>°^SpE3IALCO^ 0
TJREMIUM MUSTABD-Of our .own manufacture
constanUy no hand and & A LCOBN.
B" rtft) infltore ftJid for isle by
S wM.pY£a,*ffl4b*rty«*
■* *•* t
i ~- \’tv»;j'?a;
(Sommmtalanii Jinatuial.
TO A. HILL, 5 Comkitikk run FEBnuAirr.
C.ZDG, 5
Dally Review of toe Barkett.
Tuesday, March 11,1851. J
The weather yesterday was delightful for pot door
transactions. Bosiness generally, was .very brisk.
Oar Canal is now in fall operation, the break at Gir
ty’s Rnn'haviog been repaired.
Nora—ln mast be borne in mind Ihal Uie quotations in
our review are the wholesale prices, unless otherwise
specified. In filling small orders ..our merchants ask a
shade more. •
FLOUR—Salna at tha wharf at 83,35 to 3,40.
Sales are made at 83,60 to 8,66 by the dray load. .
GRAIN—We aee no change in this article einco
our last, therefore omit quotations.
SUGAR—SaIes of 34 hhda. fair at 6*.
MOLASSEB—We heard of one aalo of 70 bble. at
34c., 4 moa.
COFFEE—Wo note Bales of 45 bgs at 121,4 uios.
RlCE—Sales of 10 tea. at 4).
VENISON—SaIes of 40 hams at 9c.
BUTTER—SaIes of2o hegs at 7c.
APPLES—Wo note sales or 70 bble. at the wharf
at 81,12; from stores 1,25.
POTATOES—We note sales of 40 blilß. pink eye
and Neahannock, at 92 per bbl.
DRIED FRUIT—We ha*e oo Bales to report, hot
quote at former rate5:81,3701,50 for peaches, and
75 to 80 for apples.
LAKE FlSH—Salesof 15 bble at 87,60.
TIMOTHY SEED—Wo note sales of 22 bnßhcls
at 92,25.
WHITE LEAD—Sales of2oo kegs at $2 per keg,
also 1,60 No 1 at 81,80.
OILS—Wo have roported sales of 15 bblß. Lin
seed at 98c; tard, No. 1,5 S to 60.
BACON—This article continues firm, without any
change in price.
0 rear 0 incuts wains is ms oun.isl
Steamer Michigan No. 2, Boies, Reaver.
11 Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville.
*• J, M’Kec, Hendrickson, McKeesport.
“ Beaver, Gordon, Beaver.
“ Fashion No. 2, Peebles, fclirabelb.
** Thomas Shriver, Bailey, West Newton.
“ Redstone, Wool ward, Brownsville.
“ J. Nelson, Moore, Wheeling.
Hibernia No. 2, Batchelor. Cincinnati.
1 ■ Washington^Maitiiv^Loolsville.;
“ Redstone. Woodward, Brownsville.
“ Atlantic, Parkinson, do
<■ J. M’Kee, Hendrickson. McKeesport
“ Michigan No. 2, Boies,Beaver.
“ Beaver, Gordon, Beaver.
Thomas Shriver, Bailey. West Newtao.
“ Fashion,Peebles, Elisabeth.
Keystone State,-Stone, Cincinnati.
“ Pilot No. 2, Shook, Hockingpott.
“ Wellsviite, Yeung, WhcfiUug"
** Diurnal, Conwolt, Wheeling.
Reveille, Dale, Wellsvitte.
“ Fort Pill, Miller, Nashville.
and Hocktngport.
l .fa Tittfine atearaer PACIFIC, Zakocb Ma.B'
will leave for the above and tautmeat
ffffomwry THURSDAY, at4 o’clock,P.H..
For freight or pac.agc, “PP l^ O WOOK?& 80N,
No. <5l Water si. ? and 63 Front at
ounß Clen’a mercantile Library As»o
-* elation.
r-IUERSQN’S LECTURES.—The disungoisbed Lec-
Et«erP™fßAhPH WALDO EMERSON, of Ma-u,
his been procured by the above Insumie Jo deliver to
its members and the ciiitcns of Pittsburgh generally. a
series of Lectures very lately prepared, and uponiote
resting subjects. The course will comprise sut lectures
on the Conduct cf Lift,” embracing the following to
p,C*' _ i. Introductory. Lawsol Success;
11. Wealth;
111. Economy;
IV. Power;
V. -Culture;
VI. Worship.- .
Hie lectures will be given on Tuesdays, 1 hursday*
andSalurdaya,sttcce»*toely—commencingon rhureday
evening, Hamit Stub. The place and tunes ol meeting
will be hereafter specified. Tickets for members single,
or lor the course can be obtained by ihe Libratian,or of
Messrs. Hcrsh, Wilkins and M’Knigbt, committee.
Tickets for citiient single, or for the coarse, to be pro
cured at nil the principal book stores, at J.jß. M Pad
den, H. Sicbardßon ana F- II- Eaton**. mor7nAi
MILITAiIV GOODS, AC —During ihe alteration
now being made in the front of my «tore, couioiner* will
find me in the rear and on the *ccond story. wtihalarge
aqdczeeilenl stock of all goods in my line, and prices
unUfttaHylow. Watch repairing commuedasusuaim
the shoosin second story. w. v>, \viLSOiVt
• cornet of Market and Fourth sis*
jMt Ron Street.
MM? FOR RENT—A. new three story brick Dwr.u-
JMingq HobsKfidtuatoon Ross, above liflh street;
a l 0 n r C A °„^ IC,C 0nl "- S.CUTHBERT'Gen'?Ag",
mirf 76 Smuhfield street
aSDrtncr Fashion for 18511
•THIS nenautiil style of HATS received and fo.
ma ,7 comer of Wood si. end Diamond alley.
Tgtaey for Different Lines of Paeket Ships.
905 Ltatrrr sT. f ?imßcaoH.
For P. W. BYRNES & C 0.,& South street, New York
30 Waterloo Road, Liverpool; and 05 Graei/r ttrt/i
New Orleans.
HAS A LINE OP PACKETS every five Jays
from Liverpool to New York; a Xine of Packed
from Liverpool to Philadelphia, on the lath of each
month; a Line or Pocketato Baltimore on the JOIU o.
eachraontb. Alw>-a Linoof Packet*ion the eth and
94th of each month from London and Portsmouth to
N sight atwaysonimud, fur any amount,
at the lowest rotes of discount; and all Information
given concerning passengers, with
i pleasure, by their Agent. JOHN THOMPSON,
P ja« 205 Liberty «u Pittsburgh.
ON THURSDAY, a sum of money, ia Bank Note*-
which the o—r grn *£#«sss TcX' °
No. D 5 Market #irr«rt.
A Card to Bailnen fllen,
A YOUNG, active business man. a native of Pius
bnrali, wilt nn extensive acquaintance ; who can
command a cash capital of fromfi to 63,MM, u anxious
to make an investment, and devote hie time to business
as a partner, in Plusborcti or vicinity.
febdO Please atfdress Past Office,JfexJVa. tie.'.
' SiMiTftoiaoe»u
Btmmixo, Pitkin aOci/.Mrdsuty.lniaunWtiedmd
I iAbntv metis. Bores of oil descriptions made and de
livered at the shortest notice. tfcuin.iy
Landscape Fainting.
JASPER U. LAWMAN, Landscape Paint kb, Rooms, |
Fourth street, Odeon Buildings, second story Spe
cimen! may be seen by the patron! of the Art, at tho
ab |SrmeL-John K. Holmes, Esq., Wffl. C Wsll.T A
Utllier, Richard Cowan, Esq., Matthew Wilson. J.J.
Gillespie. ilon. S. Jones, L. Harper __ _j£r!r-
STORE, No. 69 Market street, with Firturea. aud a
small stock of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, to be sold
at a bargain. Any person wishing to commence busi
ness on Market street, the above old established
ness stand, ortC, of thebeston the street, aan be had on
favorable terms, if application is made immediately to
wbhu .0
■ I> ltMß> B* • S
Accounlant; Professor of Book
Keeping and the Commercial Sciences.
N. BrHaTCH. Esq ,of the Pittsburgh Bar, Professor
of Mercantile Law. _ _ ' , ...
Jolts D. Wiluams, Professor of Ornamental and Mer
cantile Penmanship. Persons desirous of obtaining a
thorough Meicamito Education,can rely upon obtaining
in this Institulkmevery thing that is advertised. rhere
is no advertising of the names of Instructors and Lec
turers who will neither teach nor lecture in the placo;
nornoAum&tiggirtgtAe jw&K« wthpiten of engravings,
with the engraver’s name suppressed, and a name aflixeu
nretending to hove “ executed n them with u pon.
Ladies’ Writing Class meets in a separate apartment
Class from 8 in ihe morning ti*
Jones’ Solution o t Jet,
Ar.IOUID HUMAN HA IB DYE fortho changing ol
wWie. red or grey hair to a beautiful brown or lei
It color, in a few minutes. Price 60 cents and 91,00.
"‘Sold by W. JACKSON,2IO Liberty street, Pniaburch.
head of Wood. l°ecu
PREPARED and sold by JNO. YOUNG9ON, 209
Liberty sveet. This powerfully concentrated pre
paration} the medical virtues of which are found to be
elghttimesthe strength of the original Yj|;
It u put up in bottles at 25 and 27$ cents, each, with full
directions for its use. In every disease where the origi
nal American Oil has been found at all efficacious, and
it ca far exceeds the original in power, as to render itthe
N B The original Oil In its natural state as taken
from the bowelnof the earth, can be had as above-Mil
will bo found genuine. notwithstanding a certain finn
claims to be the only Proprietors. '• *•
dfcw-tf : : ' - ■-
Hew iatt»og»apMc HatoMUtament,
00 Market strut, between Third. 4 Fourth,
IS NOW ready to famish every tanf of Lithographic
work in the most elegant alyle, such as SAow Mils,
Mapi, Portrait], Landscapes, Cards, BUI heads, and La.
6tij,printedin gold, colors, Ac.
At the eame place Messrs. Moeser A Helmle have
opened a Duwtno Sosooi, and execute on order Drafts
of Machinery, Edifices, Monuments, Ac., with all poMi
bleaccttraoyandeleganco, jalstly
y... . ’;.'• - ; ':. -.,‘.vKV .M :■■ -/ ■?;■:** A
P. M. DA.VIB, Auctioneer.
- - . Landoa BooIU.
A N extensive, rare and valuable cullection,including
manyunique works on Antiquities, Theological.
History. Poetry; •Art*, the Picturesque, Ac, Ac., Ac.j—r
many of them spleuaidly colored engra
vings; To he sold '.vilr.out reserve, by catalogue, on
Saturday and Monday evenings; March 15th and 17th,
at the Commercial Sales : Rooms, corner of Fifth and
Wood streets.
A.monglhem will be found—Ackerman's Necrrsm or :
London, 3 vols.; ni:.'irto,’be.'ni'.;fhl cloreii plates; Hemp
touts universal history of Ihe Bible, folio i Bowyer’s 11-.
lustratcd Tecord of Important events in Europe, colored
plates, folio; Camden’s Brcuania,2 vo!s, folio plates;
Lord Herbert’s life Of Henry VIII, folio; History of
Scotland, by David Scott,l volt folio; Kennett’s history
of England, 3 vols. folio, many plntesi History of the
wars in Ireland during- the reign of Elizabeth, 3 vols, 8
VO; Fort’s book of Martyrs j early and rare edition, 1 vol.
folio plates; complete works ol Cicero, A vols, 4 to.;
Rushwonh’a historical Collections, 8 vols. folio; Graphic
Illustrations of Iho French .Capital, (incline engravings;
Churchcll’s collections of voyages and travels, 6 vols.
folio, several hundred engravings; Lucnn’s Pharsolia,
translated by Rowe.folio; Grifhih’s'deecrlpuve account
of Cheltenham, 10D fine plates, quarto; M’Phor on’s se
cret history of Great Britain, 2 vols, quarto; Curtis’ Bo
tanical Magazine, 8 vols., several hundred colored
Mules Baklr’s ch’routcle oi-.thc Kings of England, 1
vol. folio, rare; Latham’s history of Birds, several hun
dred plates,3 vols. quarto; Bihle-with notes and com
ments. by Rev. W. Rider, fine plates,3 vols.-folio;
■ Works of Hogarth, 143 fine line angravlngs; Hosier's
travels in Brazil, numerous colored plates, quarto; Bio
graphical Dictionary,!!. vols-:S,ttt.;,Doda!ey’s. Annual
Register, complete, from tho commencement, 1.53 to
S C 7 ’vols 8 vo.i Stanley’s History of Philosophy,,.
1 voii folio; Monroe’s stroctafbnmlphysiology of Push--
es'.44Dlntesfolio; Pinkerton’sinouernAllas,fidcolorcd
mips, atlas, folio ; Rnsscll’s'Hismry of England, 103
copper plates, l vol. folio; Harwny’s travclsin Persia,
2 vols. 4t0., plates and maps;.i Philosophical works of
i Dr. Hutchison, 12 vols .plates tßell’s composition from
morning and evening Prayer, JWCtig., 4to ; Valerian<m
Hieroglyphics, folio plates;. lligtpry oF London, many
' colored plates'; Guthrie’s Historical and Geographical
Grammar,2 vols quarto; Native jpjcturcsqqe views tit
■ Parts, quarto fine plates; Carieatdrris by Howland Rich
atdson; Ac., folio colored; Beblia Sacra, 2 vols. folio,
. Vuleato; Echard’s History- ofEdglund,3 vols. folio;
Feddes’ Life of Cardinal WoUey,-Fyol. folio; Heyleus’
History-of tho World, 1 vol- folio; Pictorial illustrailons
of New Zealand,7o fine plates;-iVorks-of Jacob Beh
men, 3 vols, 4 to; charaetern of Theophrastus, nume
rous portraits, Ac., Ac., Ac. . , , ,
Full particulars In Catalogues, which can he obtained
at the Auction Store. . - P. M. DAVIS,
inarltl Anctioneer
SHIRTS AND CLOTHING ordurfieiL—On Tuesday
morning, Hth iust, in 10 o’clock, at the Commercial
Sale* Uoomti» corner of Wood etd. tifiu Mrecu,
“Old on O credit of 9D days, on sums over 8100, for ap
proved paper, 50 dozen new. alyls fancy Shim; sQdoz
hickory Shirts;. 20 doz Denim Overalls; 80 super while
Shirta. linen bosoms, Ac.; a targe assortment of season
able Clothing; also, French antf English broad cloths;
black and Taney cassimcres; samnets; vestings; serges;
linings., &c.« &c.~ [tnarlOl 1- -DAVIS, Aoetr.
V cbeny city Tuesday evening, March
at 8 o’clock, at the Commercial Sale* .Rooms, cor
net of Woodland Fifih streets) will be sold by order of
the Administrator of John Fmdcy, Jr, deceased, that
very valuable Lot of Ground, -having a front of 72 feet
on BagalcyS Lane, aud extending back 120 feet to Fay
ette street, (adjoiniftgresidenecvof David Fitzsimmons,
Esq ,) on which is erected a very desirable Two Story
brick Dwelling Uooso, with all- the modem convenient
ccs.rceentfy Sued upin a superior manner. The grounds
are tastefully laid ouL, having,Shrubbery, Fruit, Trees,
Ac., of choice description*, and m Pump of excellent
xerncr. Tcm:i,one*siith cash; remainder in five eqaal
annual payments, without inierept. .Possession given
immediately, (marlO) ‘ /*«~M» DAVIS, Auet‘r.
J ABIES McKERNA* Auctioneer.
March 10th, at 1° o’clock ; m the forenoon, will be
commenced, the sate of iha entire stock of Boots and
Shoe*. Ac., of.B: S. aUuod,.ai hw store, wuluu two
doors of the corner of Markeiftr.d Liberty xttecu.
• The assortment is very extensive, and was selected
particularly for customer trade. Among/which are
men an! women’s wear of every;description, Also,
Tranks,Caps, Carpet Bug*, Ac. The articles will he
sold in lots to suit ail classes or purchasers. Sale con
tinued day.and nigh', aMil al 1 are di• P? rcd o!.
mailt JAMErI M'KENNA,AueTr.
w. a, m»CASITI«EY, Auctioneer.
commenced on Tuesday 100 cioeft
A. M„tbe sal* of ihe Fnncj' fltfsiffiipw Store* No 31
Smith field street, second door frowTiapsorner oF Second
street, and continued day and night until a|i are fo.d —
Araoag the article* are o Jariie lot of Foreign and Do
mestic Staple. Dry Goods and fancy ar*'
only been purchased nfhofMimcin
for cseh, arid roe*t be to tin
bidder, aa the owners are quilting the
tha articles may-be mentioned in. pat
English broad cloths; ratted color?;
caasineus, tweeds, piaidiMttttucte, d
merino*, cashmere®, £inchum*» cai
uckmjr, mmkeena, blcaclicd and -ut
drilling, Irish l
cravats, suspenders, paicitrihread,•
buttons, kid and silk glovee. ladies’ i
lam and cans, edgings and inserting?
fancy articles usually .ihe i)i
Those in want of exay tirs4MC*MU that
i glecl ti> attend the sate, as baxgaiu? .
i The sate will be po* tive. .
| mar 6 \V. G. M'CARTNEY, Auet’f.
ffIBESE Trasses are most confidently recommended
I to i tie afflicted for the radical cure of Hernia or Bup’
turt. They retain the rupture perfectly, and may be
worn with ease and comfort by the patient, and have
been known, in many instance*, to effect a speedy care.
For «>ale by KFABER M’JDOwKLL,
mar 3 140 Wood >t
Stonpea Shoulders.
SHOULDER BBACES.-' r hesa Braces are essential-
It adapted to those whose professions in bfc render
the inclined posture neeesisry. To tile consumptive,
the sedentary, and all those who, in their daily pursuits,
have contracted th* habit of stooping, this Shoulder
Brace Is inestimable. It prevent; the shoulders from
falling forward ou the chest, expands tho dimensions of
the,chamber in which the Lungs and Heart are con
tained. and give* buoyancy in the whole name; thus, in
it« action, counteracting the principal causes which lent!
to disease in tboie important organs, and to a numerous
train of nervous HI,, to which < io "’■V'V arostibirci.
For sale by KEYfeER A M’DOWfcLL,
n-.arn )do Wood si
Dr. Fitch’* Abdominal Supporter.
ffMUs iostrument is used in all the Eastern cities, with
I unparalleled racers.. The effects produced by it
aro truly wonderful, in all those cases where abdomi
nal support Is needed, from weakness ol the. abdominal
musclcfc It is a sure cure for falling of the womb, and
the long list of diseases which .mend that comp lain,.
For sale by HFA SLB A M
Afd’fcrtfiwfi No. 75, fourth si. $ th« Diamond.
THE fQbfcriber is now receiving from the Eastern
ciiics a beautiful, choice und desirable stock of the
newest fabric? and designs from the London and Faria
M ” rk 'h ? PfiLY(; AND SOMMER Dll V HOODS,
Purchased in the New York and Philadelphia Market*
at the lowest cash price?. Emi'ractngcvcry variety of
the newest ami richest styles, and luteal importations of
French. English and German Goods : among the leading |
article* will be found thei following: !
Paris printed Borage do Lames, from Iff cunts to the
finest quality- . \
French and English Lawns, from t2j cent?, to the
finest Quality manufactured.
Superior bleached Muslins, iromejio 121 cents {?■ yd.
French Work Cellar*, new style, from JO cents to the
beat article imported. .....
French and Enj&ah Ginghams, from 12J cents io ihe
best quality in the market.
English and American Cnintzcs,riom to 12$ cents
& yard.
Rich Paris printed and embroidered Muslins and Or
gandies 1 new style plain and figured English Poplins;
French Borages, rich styles; super black Gro do Hhina
Silks; fancy figured Silks ; super changeable Silks nnd
Satin do Chiens; Lupin’s black Bombasines, and a beau
tiful assortment of black and..colored Alpaccas, and
French Thibet Cloths.
Chameleon Silk ami Turk Satin Shawls; superior Her
nanna Silk Tissue ami Borage Shawls; Cashmere,
Thibet, Brosha anti Mous d* UaincSh n\v)s.
French work Capes ami Collars; now style Bonnet
Ribbons; Linen Cambric Rdkfs nml Cravats; black and
colored Kid Glove»; Lisle Thread; Mohair and Twisted
Silk Gloves and Milts; Silk, Worsted nod Cotton Hose \
together with alnrge a»d;compleic assortment of Para*
noiß and Umbrellas. : -
French and English Clolho, Cassimetes ami Vesting#*;
Sila Shirta and Drawers;■ Fancy Cravats; Linen Cam
bric aud Silk lldkfs; together with a splendid assor
mentof Glove*, Hosiery and Suspenders,
Russia Diaper ami Crash; Irish Linen and Linen Lawns;
Cassinettn and Keniucky Jeans, Oottonades; Bed Tick
ings: Checks; Domestic Ginghams; Red, White and
Yellow Flannels; Canton Flannels, Ac.
Tho customers of the boose and all cash buyers, arc
Requested to call and give the above goods an early ex*
animation. The stock is large and complete in every
variety and style, all of Ute latest imporutions, and will
be sold at the very lowest msrxekt pricks.
75 Market street
PRINTING PAPER.—-a superior lot of double me*
dium Printing Paper, 27x37; and imperial, 22x32,
for sale by W. S. HAVEN,
Blank Book aud Paper Dealer, cor Market A 2nd sts
DRESS SILKS-Just received, 20 pieces assorted
styles spring Dress Silks, at
marl A: A. MASON A CO’S.
Notice. * '
Clkvbland A Pittsburgh Railroad Office, )
Rocenna, Feb. 24, 1851, \
THE STOCKHOLDERS of the “Cleveland and Pitts
burgh Railroad Company,” are hereby notified to
meet at the office of the Company, in Ravcuna, on Fri
day, the l4lh day of March, instant, at 10 o’clock, A.
M„ lo take into consideration the amendments to their
Charter, passed February 19th, 185 L authorizing the
construction of the Akron Branch, and for other purposes,
maid CYRUS PRENTISS, Pres’t.
WOODEN TYPE.—Wooden Type, from the manu
factory of Wells A Webb, furnished at short no*
ice. PY IfebSOJ W, S. HAVEN.
I i opened this morning, Poplins, Tissues. Barege De
Laines, Mous De Latnea, Lawns, Ac,, Ac., choice spring
stylos, and very desirable patterns.
tebs* a. a. Mason &aco.
; 14 cases super aud super extra Long Shawls
i 3 do do do ; Irish Linens ',
Of the most approved manufacture just openedtat
feb24 . . A. A. MASON A COJ3.
t >* Q ■# i
New Patent Truisee.
X.'. ■>'' 4
■ ■■■ >•«?■» 1
_ t
sorted Nzpretily for the Daily Morning Pott
Cihciwhati, March 10.
The question was taken lo*nighl on the adoption
of the new Cohetitution and carried—yeas 79, nays
14. There were 123 Whig* voted in the affirmative.
Washutotob, March 10.
Senate.— The appointments of Ogden Hiffman,
JK, Dial. Judge: of California, and.T. Batter King
Collector at San Francisco, were confirmed to-day.
By the law of 1860 the mileage of the members o(
CaUlornia ia limited to the nearest 7pnte within; the
U. B.—the House botwithstandiug has allowed mile
age for the Jale session by the Panama route. ,
Senator Gwin submittedtie case to the Judiciary
Committee, and it is understood they will report
gainst the Panama route and against constructive
mileage for the eilra session, otherwise Gwin
would be entitled to $ll,OOO for mileage since De
cember. ; . _ '*
Mr. Ritchie’s case goes over to the next session.
Mr. Casa defended himself against an editorial In
this morning’s Republic, in relation to, his letter to
Kellogg relative to the River, and Harbor Bill. !
Mr. Rhett defended South .Carolina fromfalae and'
erroneous statements contained in Houston’s letter
to Gen. Hamilton, published in yesterday’s Union.
This gave rise to an exciting debate between Rhett,
Houston and Butler, which was terminated by a joke
from Hale. * .' ' : !
A communication was received from Gales and
Seaton declining to publish, after, this session, the
dally debates of the Senate—referred.
The judiciary reported adversely toaU
lowing mileage to California Senators by the Panama
The executive session adjooroed
Philadelphia, March ;IQ.
Hon. H. Clay arrived in this city on Saturday and
left this morning for N. York. He isespected lost*
tend a grand Clay Ball at Niblo’e, this evening, and
to sail on Thursday for Havana in the Steamship
.The Annual Commencement of the University of
Maryland took place to-day, when a largo number
The National Intelligencer of this morning says
(bat the rumor of Ewbaok having been appointed
Commissioner of Patents is unfounded.
New Yoak, March ID.
The Georgia arrived on Saturday night, from
Chagres, with $500,000 and 320 passengers. <
evekrio.] New Yobs, March 10.
Cotton.. Advancing; sales of middling uplands at
Flour. .Steady at 4,4404,50 for common western
and Slate; New Orleans, 4,6204,81 ; round hoop
Ohio, 4,7604,93,
Grain. .Nothing doing in wheat; yellow c0rn,651
<366. •
Pork..old mess, 12,87; new, 13,60; prime old,
10,00; new, 11,26.
Tobacco..ln demand ; Ky, 10012.
Hemp.. Very firm at 135 for American dew rotted.
Lead.. Firm ; for Galena, 5k Is asked.
Linseed Oil*.More firm at 76.
Whiskey. .2310241.
Coffee.. Steady at Uj for Rio.
Phicabelehia, March 10.
Colton..Demand limited.
F10ur.,4,60 for city consumption ; prices ranging
from 4,50 to 6,00 for common and extra brands;
fancy lot* at higher rates. -
Grain.. Red wheat, 1,00 ; rye, 65 ; yellow com,
59* ; cats 431. •
Whiskey. .Bbls 24 ; hhda 211022.
Baltkiobe, March 10.
Flour.. Dull at 4,37.
Grain*.Wheat: 953398 for red,and 1,0001,12 for
while. Corn : white and yellow, 68055. Oats, 40
042. Rye, 68.
-Provisions. .Firm ; old mess pork, 12,87; new
Bolter. *BOl2.
Coffee.. Rio, 101011.
Whiskey. .24025.
Cihcinhati, March 10*
The river has fallen 2 feet and is now stationary.
Flour.. Receipts light and prices firm; sales at
Whtekey, .Dull at 20 ; prices declining.
Clover Seed.. Advancing : sales at 5,50.
Provisions. .Quiet but firm. Bacon shoulders; 5|
eidea, deliverable in May, al7l.
Lard. .No 1, Bc.
CAME io the premises of the subscriber, in the Third
Ward, Pittsburgh, on or about the 9th of December,
1850, a black and white spotted Sow, with five Pigs.—
The owner is requested to ccrae forward, prove proper
ty, pay charges iind take them away.
. mai9:3t L. W. SMITH.
PAPER HANGINGS—sparao sblsctios.— Will he
received by first canal arrivals, a new and choice
assortment of French and Eastern Paper Hangings in
gold, damask, boquet and plain patterns, together with
a large lot of cheap satin and common paper*,
mar? W. P. MARSHALL, 85 Wood st.
SUN DRIES— GO sacks prime Kentucky Feathers;
300 has. Dried Peaches ;
117hhds. Sugar;
230 bbls. Molasses ;
SO boxes superior S's Tobaccoj
150 bbls.'Tnr;
10 do Tanner’s Oil;
15 do Cloverseed;
94 Water street.
For sale by
mar 7
ISH—Mackerel, No*. 1, 2 and 3;
?had, in whole «ui<Hialf barrel*;
Herrings in picltle;
CodFisn in casks; For sale by
feb2l '.ALEXANDER KING. 1 ?
POTATOES— CO bbls. first-rate reds, dry, mealy and
sound, for [marTl WM. DYER.
TTAtJT "SATURN AVISiE—IS hhds. Haul: Saturn
XJL Wine; 30half do do;
In etorc and for sale by
mo LET—A Warehouse. situate between Wood and
JL Market* and running intongh from Front to Second
meet, recently occupied by Scaife & Atkinson.
No. 119 Front sf.
ECONOMY CRAB CIDER—2O bbU. Economy Cider
in store and for pale by
EG BUTTER—U keg* Butter just rfceived andfoi
. sale by [mat4l MILLER A RICKETSON.
PALM OIL—I,OOO Bh. Palm Oil in store and forsate
C'lL.vßtrr WINE—I 4 lihda. Bordeaux Claret Wine
> 20 boxes do do Nedoc
Summer Arrangements.
iJiH 1851.
Onlv 36 ifotlrs to Philadelphia' -
It 0 f splendid new Troy buUt Coaches Tor Bellidays
birt. and from thence 243 m Je* by the New Pennsylva
nia Rauroad. to Philadelphia, Hew York and Baltimore!
TVoie lArough only 3d hours. Coaehei i totU leave ream mor
nine at 8 o’clock, A. M.. 1 o’clock,?. M. and 8 o’clock,
P M Extras—lo leave at any lime, always in read-.
This is the most direct, comfortable and exped -
t one route to the Eastern cities. Passengers for Balti
more take the New Railroad at Harnsburgh direct on
the arrival of the Care at that place.
N R—The only office for the above Lines under the
fit Charles Hotel, No. 40 Wood street, Pittsburgh,
mart ’ W. R. MOORHEAD, Agent.
T _ ~.Tf tTIMS • •- JOHN HAFT, JB.«.um o. wit.uifl.nig & co.,
Forwarding and Commission Merchants,
And- Dealers in
i ‘ Corner cf TTood and Fifth sir«ta,
mitts Pittsburgh.
B LANK BOOKS.—The largest stock of Blank Books,
of every description, In all styles of bindery, is of
fered for sale, at the lowest rates, at. '* :
ler “ ' W.S HAVENS' Blank Book Sioto,
cornerof Market and Second streets.
Merchants ore requested to call and examine our Me
dium and Demi Blank Works, whioh ate offered at low
rrpricci than they have been sold in tMscity. Imar?
Nos, galand 833 Liberty street.
Qs? lfo^ in ™“tSp a l Instructor in
Professor of Pen-WV, Mercan
,ilSPH at WAW», Esq, Lecturer on Corrimercial
L Those wishing to obtain a complete knowledge of
Reference to any of the city merchants. ■ tieclO
• ''' ' . •; • '•. '-J .//!• : >’-',l V ‘ ? i -'"
-'•■'.v.'...'..•• ’h--v....
•£. % H *{■’’■'.''■_■■ ■ lr ,v *v '•*
V.' ■ ■■ »■' ,? ».*
-! \ t J,T. *'
V> -i. ' , c :
n.J-i-, white
e .t°To S “white a, .aow
and the breath odiferously sweet, 0 «a t SK-rtv street
Sold only at JACKSON’S Store, MO Libertysiree.
head of Wood. ' . ■ - ■ - L ° -
Dr. Rogers’ Syrap of JLlverwort and T“
For ths complete cure of. Coughs t Colds, Influenza , Asthma ,
Bronchitis* Spitting<fßlood,and all other Lung ■
Coinplatntstendtngio CONSUMPTION. -
Tfcla syrap contains no Op\um, Calomel, or any.mlnera!
whatever, but is composed entirely, of .those Roots,
Herbs, and vegetable substances which nave a specific
influence upon theXungs,and their connected organs.
.Its immediate effect is to allay ail irritation, and gently,
remove the phlegm and other morbid secretions from the
Throatand Air-Passages; thus relieving the Cough, by
subduing the inflammation and other causes which give
rise toil. It also stimulates and imparts a healthy tone
to the Lungs themselves, thereby enabling them more
thoroughly to remove - from, the blood those impurities
and diseased particles, which, if retained, do so much
mischief fn the system, and lay the foundation for incu
rable CONSUMPTION. It also exerts a decided action
upon the skin, and assists natuT&in expelling, through
the Exhalentsj much of that morbid matter which would
otherwise be thrown backnpon theXangßfthusrelieving
. - them of a port of their work, and rendering the system
I pare and healthy. When tubercles areforming, it checks
I their development and furtherprogress-; or if ulceration
| has tafcen pfacoi it assists the Xungsin throwing off the
corrupted matter, sootheathe irritation, healsthe nicer
ated cavities, and restores them again to healthy action.
This Medicine, therefore, is : hot a pafltafiM merely,
which only relieves for the time.betng, but is a thorough
curative t as it strikes at the very tootof the disease, and
by removing it, removes at once all its remote and at
tendant consequences, Tius is its distinguishing char
ortrrvtw—a property possessed, in equal power, by no
1 other medicine of like nature, now before the public;
1 As no ordinary sized advertisement can fully explain
I the nature and meritsof this article; the Proprietors hive
I published a new Circular, giving \he kistory of tkis Medi
-1 cine the nature, sc n of its principal Ingredt-
I entsivthe cflect they are -designed to have upon the
I Lungs andXiver, and a copiotJA reference to the \ persons
j whonave been cured bytt—giving their names and
i dences, even to the street and the number. Those who
1 are troubled with a Cough, or whose Xunga are in-the
} least affected.arc earnestly desired. to- call upon ithe
1 Agents named below, and procure one of these’Pam
phlets. Itcanbe bad gratis,and will well repay apertisal.
[..The ** Suits on HcaUhl r and.“ About taking’Cola?' may
! be worth to yourself and family
I jo the shape of Doctors’. Bills saved, besides being the
j means of life. " i
Baltikobe, March 10.
Sachisour confidence in its'virtues, that we are will}
injr to tearrufllthiflMedicine in every case ofnuruOold
(where used according to the directions on page 7ih of
the pamphlet, inside the wrapper of each .pottle), and
where the person is not satisfied that he is deriving
benefit from it, by retaining the bottle within twenty
four hoars’time, : :
vill be retained, E7* See page 3d of the pamphletm
tide the wrapper ofeach bottle. . . > :
ID* Be sure to ask for Dr. A. Jiugarr’ Syrup of hvf-:
ERWORT, TAR, and.CANCiJALAGUAj and. lot no
other be palmed on-to. you. , . . v . i .
CACTION.— Non* genuine, unless there is on the bus
wrapper, a note qf handy signed with a Pen t by A, L.
Cough:and Diseau of fourteen months standing Civrcd
After being given op twice by eminent Physicians!
Alb/Utt, Jone9th,lB49. ]
Messrs. A»JL Ecovill £ Co.—l herewith forward to' you ;
a Certificate of a Cure, effected by yoor Compound Syrup
Of Liverwort, Tar and Canchaiagua. The CougK and
expectoration was of fourteen months standing, ana, had
baffled the skill of several of our eminent physicians in
New York, Albany and Cooperate wn r Tam the person
in whom the cure was effected, and aa I.had previously
no faith in patent medicine« r I have eince.uned/iton
others, and have become satisfied ot its value. Mine
was as great a cure as was ever performed,-as I had,
duringmy sickness, been givenvp tvnee by my physicians.
I have. now. commenced my business, oner taking, /
think, abonteigAtbcpki..-. •
■ ' *“r* -
■V-'* ••« •
•"\ ~v .
•.■*• '• : f •'•••-• ..•” 4 V ‘ t’■ it. V. t f> %•.*.
\VS w
fi-. ■.
K X -\r-', t i. */'*.<
• 4-
Btatanint of Mr. A Lang, Baker, No. 388 Pearl street,
N. y.—A few days before fast Christmas, I was taken
unwell, and soon commenced bleeding freely at the
Langs, leaded in a Hommopathic physician, but bis
medicine did not aecni to help me. I read your advert
isement, and thought I would try Dr. Bogm’ Syrup of
Ltcmoon, Tar ana Canthdlagwr. Before I had taken
up the third haul*, my bleeding had stopped, my Cough
war gone, aitdJ/elt os well as>ual. aly health ia now
food. I consider it a moat excellent medicine, ana cor
iaJly recommenditto my friends. IT&u -atatement teas
madttoiha PfOvriiUir3 l Marefit2th i lßSo.'\ . : ' j - :
J 3* This whole paper might be filled with letters si
ar lo the above, /torn iha& who have bun
FOR SALE.whofeaale and retail* by A: L. SCOVJLL
t CO., Proprietor* at their Principal Depot, GOTHIC
HALL. No.3lsJßroadway, New York, to whom ail or
i ders for;thc Medicine, ani-letters relating to Agencies,
should be addressed, postpaid. • . t . . r
ALSO, for sale by R. E. Sellers, No. 57 WoQd street,
Wholesale Agent foT Pittsburghand vicinity rO* M-
Carry and H. P. Behwartz, Allegheny. City, Townsend,
I Carr A Co., Mfl&ehaster; A. Patterson, BlnninghMa.:*•«
large bottle, 81,00, or six bottles for 55,00.
Tin Rooflagi
mHEkffl&criberstake this method to inform property
I Uouse*bullderß, and all others interested,
that they still continue the business of Tin Roofing, .in j
all its branches. Tfaeirekill and experience in thlspart
of the business, bas hitherto enabled them to five enure
satisfaction. And they-hope, tharby conunningjbe
same policy of rising the best materials, tmd emptojrmg
skillful workmen* to keep up this favorable impression.
If the question of Tin Hoofing was hew, or-jast brought
before the notice of this community for the first time,
we would consider that the importance of the subject
would justify us in extending our views oq its superior
advantages. This, however, is not the case. We shall
therefore, confine ourselves to a few remarks. On the
6th day of June, 1844Joearly seven year* ago,) we fin
ished our first job of Tin Roofing iu this place. .From
that up to the present time, we have covered with tin
the roofs of the finest and most costly buildings that,
have been erected in this county, we have given our
views on a previous occasion on the superior advantage
ot Tin over iron, as a covering for houses. And tune,
the great tester of all things, has but too clearly.proven
the correctness of our opinion.
Again, if we place Tin in juxta-posiuon, with Slate as
a covering for houses, we think that tin will bear a favo
rable comparison, with some decided advantages.-
These advantages are, that when tin is used the roof can.
be made ranch flatter—thereby saving materials, in the.
length of rafters, brick in the gable ends—making the |
house easy of access in case of a fire, and showing a
better finish and appearance. Also, when un is used
the gutters are worked la, thereby saying the extra and
heavy expense for copper gutters, copper flashings, Ac.,
things indispensible on slate roofs. If further reasons
were deemed necessary, we coold offer the experience
of our eastern cities in proof what has been ad vanced,
as it is a well known feet that New York and othereasi
ern citiesvery generally prefer even tin
costly and splendid buildings, notwithstanding they have
afiilfsupplyof slate attheirdoors. With these remarks
we will leave the subject with those interesiea, add will
take pleasure in giving farther informaUon when called
corner Market and Second sta.
Private Diiewti. • r > _
Devotes, his entire attention to an omc»
©practice. His t dsiness ismostly confinedtc
Prinow or Venereal Diseases, and sueh pain*
ful affections, brought on by imprudence
youthful indulgence and excess. ;
' Syphilis, Syphilitic Eruptions, Gonon
hea.Gleetf Stricture, Urethral Discharges,
Imtmritv ol Ihe Blood, with ail diseases o._ the venereal
potency, Piles, Rheumatism, Female Weakness, Month-
Fy Srapresiions, Diseases of the Joints, Fistula in Ano-
Nervo u sAffe c lio n s, pains in the Back and Lornsilrnla.
lions of the Bladder and Kidneys, successfully Seated
° Fourteen years’ practicejlfour in this city! enables Dr*
Brown toofferassorances of speedy cure to all who may
come under his caie. •. •
Office and private consulting rooms, 66 Diamond ay. ,
fTr* Charges moderate. novold&wly
ThEUMATISM.—Dr. Brown s newly aiscovrea rem
frv cdy for Rheumausmls a speedy andcertainfemedjf
for that painfuHrcmble. It never fails. ■. _ : ■ r ■
ROffice and Private Consnltanonßooms No. 65, DIA
MOND, Pittsburgh, Penna. The ;Doctor is always «
home. ; ■-■■■l lantß-dawir
■ "tho Baman Body must Porsplre, .
. . (so bays NAguand - w .
And nersonawho do not perspire are liable to the most
Buy ft, and the reador is again assured, Fwould not
cruelly sell it forthe above, unless I knew it to be all I
state Those who ate liable to
will find this not only a core, but a preventive; and I
can now only add; that any one affyeied with, any of
the above; or similar diseases, will find this sill and even
more (admirablein its propertied than laiaw- . .
decSO - .
APS OP PENNSYLVANIA. —Received on coa
for .al. »ingljr,.at uMaaU f riea
tTnH m corner of Mattel and Foarthstg.
—nnn ACRES OF LAND in Jeffowon county for
000 salT Enquire of THOMPSON BELL, at
,Of - ffebfe A. WILKINS fc C&.
a scientific Hair Tonic Kentorer ~ I
. NDBEAUTIFIER. Trial bottles 371 cents: Those I
A_ who have used Jones’ Coral Hair Restorative know 1
itsexoeUeni who have not, we assure 1
it to possess the following qualities. It wul force the
hair to grow on any part where nature intended hair to
mow, Slop it falling oil, cure scurf ordapdrufl; and make !
fight; red or grey hair grow dark. For dressing thehair
softahd silly , nothing can exceed makesit
trnly beautiful and 'keeps it so. It Is, indeed, the most
i economical, yet snperior article for,the hair, ;- —
Sold only at WM. JACKSON’S Store,2lo Liberty sty
head of 'Wood, Pittsburg. Price 37i centa, SQ cents and
1 91,00. .. , ■ -■
. >.> -it- iJli-i",^i r ,.*r. ■ .>-.'• V ■>..•. ••
r .i' ; •: -v, £■{. • '
TXTB have associated.!. Gabsirss Coviur.'with as in
V? the Exchange and Banking bnslaess. - : • •
• f * WM. H, WILLIAMS & CO.
Pittsburgh* Jan’y.l^SSl.—
wm. n. 'wiluams.• •*j. b. h?vay.V *•'* •«• -x. o.cow a
wia; h. wiuuns
ALL transactions made on liberal terms, and collec
tions promptly attendedto. (]aWsm
• 7*a No. 67 iUarfert doors tdtow old Hand,
N.-HOIiMES * 80NS,_
ri lere in Notes, DreftSi Acceptances, Gold, Silver end
Aii the cities ilironghoiitihoUni-.
atreeia, - ■■':,••- ; -;r :••■ - ' '■■'■- r,
Domestic and foreign Exchange, ,
William A. Mill & ©©.,
64 Wood Street,
fly iMiEßgirsJAowep ett rout pgposna.. [etigtta
iixirn ruittSß. . - ■ .. . ■ tnwean aAiai.
• KRAMBB. RAHM. ; - .
BariAettand Brokers, **; Foreign ana
. BomestießOk, Bitts of-Exchange Certificate* if Dtpot*
, itfßankNotcSjUnd Coin. ; ' a .
Comer of Tbirt and’Wood »tßi,diiecilyoppofiito,ino bJ
Charles Hotel; _ . . _ 1 may 29
„iHKI H O a oTtrSß'.
Cnrceht money receiveddn deposit. , j, .
Collections made on alTtheptmoipai muetoftna Cm
tod Stales. [anglily
No. D 5, cobker Wood .Ajro'DiiHono 67BKKt0j' .
■ ’ . • ... PimbuTCh. Pa. tm»yt
BANKEBS and exchangf. brokebs,
and Europe, for sale in surasto soiipurchaaera.
CUBRENTAnd parftuidsrecetted budepowo. •
COLLECTIONS madeonaUpartt of the Union, attho
• lowest rates.'- wpll-ly
V ot-Em &00, j „
XTOTE3, Drafts, Checks, &c. collected, asd tUfflil*
l\ tancestnide upon favorable tends. - - ■ . ■.
may22:tf •-Hi £L BRYAN,- Cashier. :
ffn&t^ya&ttrgA,.May 18,1850/! - v.i .-. . : r-.._
Blecliaatcs Banlt.
‘-gmiBra>aßgTLDms t gOTOm ABOVEMAEXST STBSttt. '
THlSBANKisaowbfcpared to do business. Open
from, 0 A. M. to 3 ,r. hi. ■
SPy^ff p^kBELL , Casbler .
STRICT attention will be given to all business on*
trusted to his caro. Pittsburgh manufactured artt
cles always on Hand, or procured onahort rotfee.
Notes, Bonds, Mortgages, .AC., negotiated on .favortu
ble terms. . Advances made if required. ' toetZfctf
• sale at the Banking House of PATRICKS &
FRIEND, No. 95 Wood st. ■ : , focaD
2 Tu Great Btmedufcr Consumption of At Lung), Aff *
lima of At Liver, Asthma, Brmehitis, Fobuor Weak
non cf At Breast or Ltmgt*and other ofiistum* qfAe
W toe herbal'medlciaf, composed WttD .
CssßßTß&Bxand the genioinolcsLAi® MOSS (tae latter
imported expressly for ibis purpose,) the rare medical
virtues of -which are also combined by a new; chemical
process with the ertractof tar,thus Tendenng; mewaole;
compound the most certain and efficacious remedy over
“discovered for CONSUMPTION'OF^ri&^OTOS.
Dr. Wra. Y. Banks, Of Xenia, Ohio, a highly respect'
able Drugeist in that delightful us
thht the«ue of'Wiatat’s Balsam ,of wild Cherry is un*
| paraneled. Thbdenmnd"£6r it thathe caa :
scarcely keep himself supplied with it: He
his r ßtoV>»'tnedicineB for lung affections. Some ofmesh
were esteemed good and some gave mmponuyrtuef.- .
But since he has had’ Wistaria Birisamof Wild Cherry
a number of the moat serious cases were complete* ea
red by its use, “I never sold a medicae;” says the doc
tor, “in which I had that entire confidence that I had In
cukes ! 'Wherever Wistaria Balsam of Wild Cher
ry is inttoducedyit at once attains that tnghreputation it
so richly deserves. What can prevent its sale whenon
every hand can be witnessed Us wonderful cures! The
worst case of Asthma, recent and dangerous iCougn,
(and also those that are of long standing,! Bronchitis
or Consumption Un its early,stHges) are always cured
bv this remarkable medicine. : ■
PLslaAirr Ridge, Hamilton cd.. 0., Sep. 27,1850.
J.l>. Park-Star Sir: I take the liberty of advising
von of the benefit that T have derived from the use <2 —..
Dr. Wistaris Balsam of Wild CheiTy. ,I was prostrated
by that terrible Bcourge,Consumption,in Maylast. The
attack was truly horrifying to me, for five of my. family,
(my brothers and sisters,) had died of Consumption.: I
was afflicted with nearly all t»f the worst featurea of the
disease: 4 had a distressing cough and expeetOiated a
rteat deal of blood, hectic fever, severe painsinthealdo
and chest, cold chills, alternating wiihfluahe.s /of heat
and copious night sweats, • -V i; '
I was under ihc care of-a skilled physician from the
time I was taken sick until about six weeks kince, being
then about helpless, and mv friends considering ray case
hopeless, or at least beyond the reach of oar physician’s
skill, advised the use of Wistaria Balsam of Wild Cher
ry. •v • * . r .*. . * • .
• I have-taken four bottles of >the medicine,' and now
consider myself perfectly well. I make this statement
to induce others that are: afflicted as I havebeen, to
make trial of Wistaris Balsam of Wild Cherry, which
1 »r un<ier
f. Crows Ponrr, Lakeco, la., June 15,1849.
J. D Sir: As l .have aaeCp commisseTa
tionfor the afflicted, permitme to give you a:brief histo
ry of mv afflictions, and the benefits derived from tbq
2e of “Dr. Wistaria BaUam of-Wild' Cherryln July,
1844.1 was attacked with a fever of a typhoid character t
which left me in a very debilitated state,; when In the
following winter I was taken with a severe cold, which
redaced me to such an extent as to give mo the appear
ance of A confirmed' consumptive; Ilabored tinder a
severe cough, expectorated a great deal, 'and was trou
bled with cold feet and night sweats. I also frequently
raised blood from my X continued in this state,
gradually siukitig under the disease, until January, 1847,
until I was again attacked with fever.. Myextrcmities,
especially my feet, : were 'constantly cold, .and'almost
losttheir feeling. Under these circumstances it may be
truly Baid that I was a livmgAfceleton. _I finally aeter*
mined to quit taking medicine prescribed by physicians
and try Dr. Wistaris Balsam of Wild.Cherm una from
the firet week that I commenced taking it I can date a
gradual recovery.: I continued its use sixmonths, at the
end of which time l was cured, and have enjoyedgood
health ever aincA and cheerfully racpmipepd'theßal
sam to all those afflicted with diseases of the lungs,end
would say to-those commencing its-Use not tribe dis
couraged, if two or three bottles ao notcffect a cure, but
persevere aa I have done, and I have no,doabt but nine
cases out of ten vrillbe blessed with renewed health aa
I have been. \ JOSEPH JACKSON.
Important to theft AJ/iicud faith Duatses tho Zxtngs
and 2?r«wi .
Will miracles -never cease! .More, evidence of Its,
surpassing health restorative virtues! ■. ■,
Messrs. Sanford 4* Park :; I tafco ibis opportunity of
informing you of a most remarkable euro peabrmod on
me bV the use of Dr. Wistaris, Balsam of. wild Cherry.
- Inthe year 1840 1 was taken with the inflammation,
of the bowels, which I labored under tOr six; weeks,
when I gradually recovered. In the fall of 18411 was
attacked with a severe cold, which seated Usetf upon
mv lungs, and for, the space of three years I waa con*
fined to my bed. I trifed alt kind* of medicines and ove
-3 variety of aid without benefit ; and thus I; wearied
ong unulthe winter of l&4s,when I heapd ofDr. Wia
tar’s Balsam of Wild Cherry.
My friends persuaded me to give it a trial, though I
had given up all hopes of recovery, and had prepared
myself for the change of another world. Throughthelt
solicitations I was inducedto make use of the genuine
Wiitaris JBaisam of 'Wild Cherry. The effect was truly
astonishing. After five years of affllction and suffering!
and after having spent four or five hundred,dollars to no .
purpose, ana the best and most respectable physicians
had proved unavailing, I was soon rostored to emir©
•healm by theblessingof God, and the. u*e of Dr. Wit
tar’s Balsamof .Wild Cherry. . - ~
May the blessing of God rest upon the proprietors of
so valuable a medicine as Wistaria-Haham of Wild
Cherry. YcuiSjjespectfony; 'W.H.BAKER;
; TOe genuine Wistaris Batsaja of Wild-Cherry w has '
a fhc simile of the signature of-Hebry Wiatar, M. D*
Philadelphia, and “ Sanford & Park ” on a finely exe
cntedateel. engraved wrapper. ; No other can bo genu-
In©, ' ..
Sold by J.D. PARR, (successor to SanfordA Park,}
Fourth and Walnut streets,;;Cincinnati, Ohio, General
Agent to the South and West, to wbom. all order* mast
beaddressed. ,_ r ...
- J Kidd & Co, Pittsburgh; I. Wilcox, Jr, corner Market
street and the Diamond; B A Fahuesiock 4;Co, rttis
burgh; XA PittSDurgh,
gheny CUy; L T aassell, Wajhington i W H Lrabir
ion 3 Franklmj L B; Bowie; Umontown *
Greensburgh;' S Kbtinix,, Somersetr
Bedford; Reed & Son, Huntingdon; lira.
bnrgh; Hildebrand&Co, Indiana; -l- :
ninli Evdns & Co, Brdokville; A W/ISDO & _oon»
,\V§nesbaigb; MTatland & M , JaUe»ieij (
villei Botton t Co, Erie; Henry Folk;t Mercer, JM.
Veiiv * Co. BoUer; S Smith, Beaver j J . J> Sommcrwn,
WanebVF U;* C S Jones, '.ConderepoO, P
iraiaH—Nos. 1 and 3 Mackerel; Cod FbVJvMW Fich
j? lad Hertingi fsr sale by - [feb23];WW* PVBE,
, h -* *
.. . -
V % i «r ta - f
; *\V: *• >-*Y-. ,1
‘„ ■ i
{..'Jr /'
. I * . '
IDrttgs anil' iHeMrims.
. r ' <u:
. r l