The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, February 25, 1851, Image 1

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    v*'\S» X * * ■>V ' , *^-* v .S.** X,vi• , % -■ *■ , - vivsis 7N>,
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■iliftilSp 18111111# WiKSiSp^Klsiij.
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■ txmud)
■ B * I<* HAEPSBI' >
n r ,7' aoa *** jmtlL ‘ntm
* w W^iEMS#* ssle a ‘ lte conn “ r
r; vi:.i u:
bb P'J'l >oaay3«p?fac-
by ths money, gr sau&racioryrcfereSce lu itus
siRJSSsaar w •^•sssisiss
, ■■ Jone insertion ——..—*B *5O
■ ‘' it eachadditionalinsertion ~ ......... ■ ■25
£ one week .. .. lis
a, « ‘?o weeks ROD
„ " weeks ..... 400'
■ ic Oneraomh.... sqo
. . .. <t . .twowonihs... .7 001
three months ...’.a. -0 00
« t f°tir momlis 10 uo
. “ '‘one>ear- —: ! ... is 00
.. . manning Card,sir luies or less, per annum • 10 00
OUXBaoMB-AT KUmti . 1
1 U jS,?is“[®>P. <! . ir . , tt'ttuln l (etcltisive of the paper,)- 25 00
?nai ■■.Moore, inserted over one month,
sqohfe inserted under ihe yeaiiy
“ bc Charg * i ,I,e
nesimatted on the copy for a specified
I "^^TS n l X. comla "^ ll «»&■ -
£?l>udSSS g 10 tllelr regularbusine nsagreed
comMSJSS^ 6 . 1 ’ 1 * charitable lasitmnous, fire i
' ward .! township and oitier pohlic mtteUnffa,
£*£*“*» be charged balfprice, paj BWeßT«tcn,T
lo he charged 50 Cents. i
oaniedliv?int.M?- ~:r - M * lllloul charge, antes* neeoin-!
when so^S^ r »i 1 ? v ! lau ? 118 or .obitaaty noiieevnud I
R»L»?.^ C .. C .. OWr!mie ‘ l ito he paid for. . “
eatidi£nr reJn Bt^ arg,ami al 'otherssendine coinmani
■ P(dSS^iJ?!HS u * g holmes designed to ealfauentioa to
: ■'WAeSrifivSt!! B * GoDCerts, or any- pnbli o-e u lertairuneqts,
PnSSe ZSS* S" m,ulc iOT
- .ieirln,v *“cct*Hons—es-ery noiise designed to’call at
protamcindr^d 6 calculatetfoi intended to
iSkS^ne?^, l ? lerrst > c^n be inserted with the.
edtobaimSS.Wthe-»«tne«.» be paid for. If intend
, ctooredbf l r he Jo F a * column, the same wilt be
. n!a.„,yj~sJ?. t t. of .°°t less than leg cent* per line.
‘ r L oU ! :c . s,ol ’ echs price. -
• ! L*J^^»f^ P f uu ? ns ’^ w caeh., '
fnIUmCM? d hledicn! Advertisements lobe charged at
■ noftoboi^^ 111 ) Auctioneers’,Advertisement*
> early rams, but to be allowed a
aSS of bills rU - a * d coc-thtrd per cent, from the
yae tlirec iu&enionB>«~. 50
• • a insertu>n*'*»oeV..'..wu 0 37
OnetS^Mn 4 ’r Ml ‘v iTS IN -WEEKLY PAPER.
waesaa^re,(lo,Jines 7 )one iiiacruon**** M ..<. M go so
t eac “ *KuUuoaa! insertiono 25
. * v v. l ‘i-*!® vQ., Gazette. :
m.?SA Co -*
grofcssioual darlia.
I*o Java*
[AMVEL . W. ASliAife j Xrt w—Oflica on 4Ui
‘ gtreet, near Grant, Pt:t»bgrgti. ■ - -'< ocISS
C Office 4tl* ;
0 BL, Above wood. 3nfy4-y
3051 AS Ailomtu at Lata.-Mtiir*.
umnc** BaridLnga, Fonnh au • Mn7-ty
88. CARNAHAN, Attorney ax Low—Officcon Fourth
* Bt.,betwegn Cherry alley and Grant at. Ije2-r
OFFICE, No. 65, Diamond aUejr, near l
rrOOO Street* : .
JN. &TCL»OWttY, Attorney ami Counsellor at Late.—
je39tf7ly ia Ba - Cl ' e **’ s ßwldingson Grant street.
X FounJa ai., uve dour* we«t ot Mar-
V» reL Ail work warranted, and if not penealJr sat
isfactory no charges will be made- . r^W
-pEMOVAWDr. KobcrtSnyder, bus removed his
M) oftce to Fourth street, lietweea Wood and Smilh
, field streets, , maris-iy
S! iUßa&uu, Aiumuu at itxu>—Office in Batewell’s
• iJutlamgs, on Grant- street, opposite the Court
use..- ■ . ieflj.l.
XOHN BARTON* Aitfrnty atLaiP —Office, North sute
V of Fifth street, between Wood and SmithfiehMntfae
( ante building with Alderman Morrow .. £cp3o*iy
.< /TjEOROE Fi OILLMOttU, Attorney and C'autueUerat
‘, V Office removed to the 2d door below Grant st^
on Fonrth, to the office lafely occupied by Alderman Mil
■■ ■. . I**' ' ■'• ■■-■•••■ : ■ .: . • ' <BOl30•/'
"RJ iBUCKMASTEB, Alderman— Office : Fourth -street
XI * third door above SmithfieW,Boath side.-
Conveyancingof aUfcinds dens-wlth the greatest care
ana legal accuracy, > :
Titles lo&ealKstate examined, Ac. ; nxjvlS
T) BIDDLE BOQERTii. iliotntj ai Law, Usce Ho.
Jlw* 132 Southfield street, between Filth and Sixth-
Collections carefully attended' to—special attenuo
given to Conveyancing. (deathly
a-'-■ - Hofoan. •
OMCEOPATHIC PHVSICIAN, has removed ■ hia Penn street, N 0.251,.251, (between Hand street
*nd Gamson alley). . . ' fdcc3o
> } _ g * ***?.•. jF. gTsga - - h* c. M'Dowai.
• McDowell, {successors to -klub &
• JCow Ketskb,) Wholesale and Retail Drug and Prescription
. l 'JStoTt)toi >tr of Wood street and Virgin alley. Phy&l-
Hfdaas pre. snptions carefully compoonded nsght and j ,
*day._ _ o<.t3 if j '*
-T JTOHW. A. PARKJNSON, Aldennan t 'Fifth Ward,Penn
v at. between. Walnut and O’Hara sta., where be may
.v. ibefoond at all times. ThoseliavinghoaseporotUerprop*
-cm to sell or rent, can have the same punctually attend*
«aiO} debts collected, and all tbo Uaues of an Alderman
swll receive proqapt attention.-. > , oc27*p
’CpENRY W, WILLIAMS, Attorney and Counsellor at
JEX (successor to Lowne A Williams,)' Office at
the M stand, Fourth st., above Smith£o(d/ • <
_THE Pwinerstapieratofore existing between Henry t
W. Gsq.y the practice ofthe law. J *
wu dissolved by mutual consent on the 20th uluand the I w
tTO&mess will hereafter be. continued by H3nry w. Wil-' ”
aaiU9j whomtl most cheerfully recommend to all for
whom. I have .the honor, to do & gentleman
every way worthy,of their confidence. ,%
dee!B-ly WALTER f|. LOWRiE
Samuel P, Roii, " -
A TTORNEYJAT LAW—-Office in Fourth street*hear
A urant, in Lamartine Buildings. marguiw
-~iohn i.mrciixie-——-suroio, pauibb.
StltcKiAl & Palmers
a ttorneys and counsellors at laKv—
ft Qfla on Fourth tutu, a few doors below SmilMUld
i All business entrusted to their cure,promptly attended to.
» Collections made and Conveyancing executedon model
i rate terms. febllnf
. J. 1). Penning*. : ■ r—
iOr'fiee, liowne’s Buildings, Fourth-street, between
Smuhfield and Grant. . apg
JUr- ocorge McCook
HAS selected Pittsburgh as his permanent residence.
He has taken the house lately occupied by Alder
man Miller, on Fourth street, near Grant, immediately
adpiiningthe “Lamartine House.” His Office is attach
ed to his residence, where he will constantly be found,
- unless absent on professional duty. Office hours from 7
o’clocka u. to P o’clock a.M-,and from tip. u. toi7 p.
; '■•••• ■ '*■ ■ t : . ■ ~.■ noys
•v R# F» A a, Lt B#.Fetterman)
■ A TTORNEYS AT LAW—-Office on.Foarth streeLbe-
X&. twefeaWoodand Smnkfield, ; janCssy
. - • W.W.DaUm, i
, A TTORNEY AT LAW—Office i second story Wil-
XA-bins HalLv ~ janMdy..:
■ Br«jfainfli Ktne,T! ' \ - '•
fYvo CB ON POURfII STREET, one door West of
V/Weaver's Hotel: . - BUglO-Sm'
* ' fißa®gKSSfaaa-sff.
MM' DAUupHbOTYF^gooHsTßSiiir^rsr
JSI inn, FoUTthstmt.— HoOgh t AbThoity '
tT»J»t« from the Eawem ciue», wonld call nIJ
tie inhabitants of Pittsborgh, ami the neighbonSr t nt?r^ f
to their Daguerreotype of citizens and o tilers m £.52?"“'
i lhtfthlrdamry of
- Personstvislung picture*taken may rest aigarn!
lie pains aholl be spared to produce them lh'the k'ulfi.!
perfection of the art. OarmstrnmenUareof tliemostnms
J erfnl kind, enabfing-ua to- execote pictures ddsnn)n«>u>e
• forhlghfinish end tnnhfnlness to nntnre. : thepuKif are
r solicited to call and examine. ■?■■■•■
■ Persons sitting for pictures are neither reqnirred or et
: P^S 6 ®, 10 take them unless perfect satisfaction griven
adSche^aJ* 11018 wil * t * us a & 001 * dopot for mock
CT'lnmntctuns given in the art, containing the more
_«cent Improvements. ’ "^7
. ft*
M /
'iX'Ji ~:iv-.'ir,iT i ;:•
/n.- .
J ;j• Jl
E, XX.
"' '' " "' s '^' *'' V ‘' 'i "' " ‘‘t, l ~' M ' I * i .• - '
Business (Sarto.
ASSffliaswMfc •**-» as™,
Agent. All Haraieß’etCD.!*
■TfVrt r. -^ ,wfthat WQQd.-:feU -
*&&yi:FatkumabU£R6tlaag SOT&
ij *> ?
' ■ BOUSES & SON, SvtitrttndSttUt^'
A and JBrtus
Btr6et, fotettreiib Market gjuffforry street
lOTUR SCBJtiAj Statia&tt <
-fifth Btreett*etweeo Wood »*«1 Mfcrltet
OSSCEVTaifttaßiMi CictbitfiiAi
Virgin nUcy,aoflih tide
C° Sd" Wowl •<««.
tola well
~ . . . ... ■ . feMG- ■.'
WlrfMaS Unfzr. Commiuxaa Mmian i
“in uJlf” "* p ‘ >fCTan * *»s*.«ra« ftSSfift
'—-■ ■ ■ ■ i jaH
mnJiuo n>!rr ,- and -p TOdure
JA..MWOT,Wo..a? Wooa B( t ee t ,'Piu a i Intffl*
ESSSSsrS gjgSs
Wood and Market * * rt 17 **** Birccx > ***weea
“* • * fitfblQ, i
«|L C ri^tr,' ,pr ' P S°
WkoUiultt and lUiaifijtd’tilm
’^n^vJw^iT^t' io^cbwl ?«]“■
ru Liberty %"x, U * m ‘l;J!°-
CoffinSTaktu and Fur.
v. j.tEoru. ~ r r - —r—l
- SC S TT v «ittf Rcza&'l juferfo
hSi»h^3I ar ‘s;' , ' Jaereiaao > Mattel tlrcei
S ' V ' n “
m. paztrnot Brand*., wWin"sSm”’£SJ
p“ ‘‘ 4 ‘ cor " rro< liberty «nd Irwin jtfc?t“l>iuWrsT,
Sr e®'tWMiUy onhimi oil ktuiltofJU^'rUbS
E2t?a ? P * 1 if"**: £S&s'o3[
tiles* Pmit* i J^J^ ur PcUUn«} Window Uls**, ofalj
° fthg *■» Hiffl
-TjklfiMlli Smuli btW ii r-
L&s. mtA!su,Es -
v*rnoLraAus , AN5 r tor.
. , K.C. Stockton," : ■' ■
I & Siocklon, BOOKSELLER ST\-
JL( •nO.VER.pjUMTt'R and lil.NDKli.eornn or M.,.
kol unJTtafU itrcru, Pituburgi, p» J
__ J»m«* F. iisrlTubr
'orcign and Domestic Jftna, Liquors. dears, Af„
„„ j*®: IS7I - it,cr >5' »l- corner of Barker's allcf,
noYl9 > Pouiu.A Pa.
a.o. i-ATxds, r— —
10 J BOHSST * Co.)
Wholesale Grour, BceUiying DUtlller,
. Ajgii t* •
; lfc)l4t)enystfeet. PittßtjHfgh. ipa
Jou» n. iMsmr. fL:H. lUsLtrrT
, ec s s ,? os> *o Knr*** 4. Kiox.4
ff ww l if‘*' tlUta } t JP ,aUr,m Wordier, Jcwtlry, Silver
nH r Sl e k' Fa ? ev r «ruty Goods, Btutto, Comet, *c
fnirnZ •“■“iw Diamond.
S> A Sun^ a r^ eWCliy I,eally rtrpa,red '
RffTAtt, !S r o. 75 TF«k/ ttrtei, Pituburgh, Pa. ; Con
stantly oa hand, ttgeneral-and «xicasive assortmentof
.ALLXiTOsofIJRUsJIKh. altiju lowest Enatcrn price*.
• N» u.—jtfacuine 13rQsbes T &c., made to order ai tlie
snortem notice,, . -v; mar3ov
B, %VITS4jtAR. • • • H. H. WATKU&Ltn. ► • •'W- B- WIYBBWA*
W„ Si Watermaa & Sons* -
HOLtiSALG GROCERS, Conusisuoa and 1 1 : or*
- w .?Ku?5 Dealers in all kind* of Pro-
Articles, and Agents
for sale of Richmond and Lynchburg manatacfurcu To«
baeco _ mars
lOSIIVA BIIOUSD, • .nmm p A lihll CTZ
Nutl, Spiea, Confectionary, Sugart, C'igart,i-c.,fc.
cusmsoiuM*—....... ..
Ot «..»«», 1,,,»,n nruevu
PUtibureb Cltr Qlaii Wbrkii
scamrvACTimcns op >
A r o. 20 Market struts between First and Saand.
n '-. „ , . Pittsburgh, Pa. .
„ ID". Particular atiemum paid to odd sizes. ; Also,
Dealers m Flint Class, Vials, Bottles, Ac. Uy&My
£. J. STUABT."• *TtIOMAS B httl'
STUART & SlLfc,‘
Grocers, ard Produce Commission Mercuanto,
B. . . Tfo. 118 Wood strett, Pittsburgh. Pd. ' *'
IN .GROCERIES, FloS,’Wheat,- Rye,
a £l at^lCof^l '*l^sHi? y, Bactm, Bmrtri luurt!
Qn i <l f,lar Seeds; Iron, Nails*
ofW^mPr’od^ee P “ I “ llerUion pald ,0 ,5 “ * a#
ji Ilemptonjbmllh & Co., King A: Moorbead,McGills
PfUsbemh; Former ti MacMillan,
.Mmillon; Joi,Bi Morrison,gsq., St,Louie ■; tepiM
Waiter P. SlnrahnU,
,„»'_ ucc ° 8 * or to Samnel C. Hill.) •
iuFonxu *ro auuamirßEinm Ann VurniriTi
aiS2av° . s(lo *>/ Fm-Board Frtnti, ic ’&t
Al«o_Wriun s , Frintingand Wrapping Paper, ;
bctareaaFoarih and D,amo°J
• • ••• — ■ ■ > • * r J rUUburgh, Pa
No. BTgggr, pittsbuboii-
.WHOLESALE oc£ n '
V' JLKD PRIME* nt PrmßtTßaiT SUSOTAOrnirim«v and 132 biamd it.,bn V em m&Std&ifiSjieU,
) al tf „ Piiuburgh.
Instrument fllamitfactuier*, . ■ .
No. 140 ..W00d strjsst t pear .Vnwm -au« ,
TITE bavfc removed out atore ; and Manufactory fcom
If jLiberiy street to the;above named place* ror; the
purpose of having morecoavemenceformanafacturin?
which we Intend going into, extensively* All ciders m
oaf line wUlbeouendeato wilh punctuality anddupatch.
Jobbing and Repairingneatly- dona and promptly exe
cuted. . .. iV::.* i
Agencraia&sortmentofjfcrrftearfand Cutlery we will
always keep on hand, and. sell it gt prices.—.
We have just received a fine lot of Chmsy Pulok and
£«>o|perj,Tailors-and Hair Dressers' SAiarx, andother
uoooa generally kept in:Hardware Store*. -i Tinner*,
romers^Hauer* and Saddlers’ Zbob-inade to orders
Pen Blsdes'pUtui, Ac.p
Uuns-andPiatols repaid, *c, Ac. •
TruEs es .ndS‘ppi? t r er a , ltenllon p “ d 10 ““gggjjF
... ... •
;?-r. jt/r '-'
No. 49Hb-
I »<a>l
l-K comer of
& Btruttri'
?ny street
iM-wwl Wing. faUm
°“ 4 «•“»« m«W«m of llie
2@£S/SS£ ; h?t* : “«»
*Mr«i,?ws££’ a ’ tdwU ‘crmunu t ,ne 3 H, l ui!ntbciJ, , um .
"hi“e' U,,> ' ’ o ‘‘ C ‘ l ' a an<l w *» <* «»' 4 ■» tin*
AMU SmnJ “™<, ttni
- - _ UJva-'w.iy
ThB o ,f?JT irlnUn ff ttstantuhiavnt.
■*SE*<"' "' e
W «*“« "SS-r of
' ifST- W*.*Mw o »mt' l»a* mtuScy, No.iQ TL.rJ
I . > --r’— •’.' .*,!•■■ l'r~***Lj ; j, .■. .■- _ _...,_ •:• ' ' HOVIO
n. c. stock row,
tue, undo of ibo OwMUmer «nS h2Xi*£?{'< ofe,c '>'
««J Vuitacc'urdif eic'f ka*i»e««
*"» Prinies *u Colon,’ ofiT'.A 1 ' f' 0 1f'
coaU, teMrcen ?}? *u*«J,»o-», Sr
taplpued«o^e<bi*oliUMwS^ho Wlil
lOTciar^iiihevcrr v«i=irl!r iSl*’.£* 1I * n * , »**•, *«.,
osclumiy/ to«, SV™ ™ dß , et!< ’ 3 “f <htt«.o in
Ua uijuiltiuMnp - *'«“eoap°iiuoa csabc b»j „r
“ d •*yl«' l iS«Bu»*ili».**b.'
■ w ‘ e^*f.«?r»Jt«tw4
ffifjjlPiSS^SßflSSt; „ W Xw‘.XAN'lll;R t |i()^ s
haMMHMJWI £?”'* *»s Fc*sa«i3a
IfTOCtTHm, ewnrr cj
mtv 1 wwr ,^- < y n "» i ».>y^ U iutt«
twnWliwmn—&aL»" a “» fug gnu n tnn it, t £-
tbe public, that iheV rri **<»» *»«
QU(ri*li, ud itaii pnc M • trekceu SJinmfiw ,cl^ e ‘
kwf Wt hare u a^H'i:A < l(iS !l L'!,’r“'' “1
s,'lf m-* m? te£f, l “ P >,?'
Wilt* pTOßpi.punciual..«fmfe**onilt,ic’
Tbf <JNO.NUAIiJ;LA piTT^--- —
ifX ««»*»'»~-*'
i ani.ycTm i7wr-sl2^* - c 7{.
cn (, l "ncJ on on ' or bolU
wo“V, 00 ° n,,m,1M0 “ 1<1,,1 « , * ofc » cr yac««, r i,o nt m,d {
< ®!‘“F*y ,r W»* l « tmo brio of John hbctia * Co I
_ and AiANUrAntaims
« Brax F>ihu; Sfroni-fcuil Gu
liiiiiiWBll«HlM 1 ochi, wlUi all Ihf varioim B jiielca
IF"" m J h « ‘’J-umuino bum!
?w" , ,-■. N.Ess,No>. .187 mid 188 Fir.uireci
rvi I■,'•*?,.of# 1 ■,'•*?,.of# bow l>rep»fcd lo.msuufaalurc whUcVd
toiuianily on hand oycfy.variety of Ullage and Sie»m
Uochi, »ncli u ore mod by bnfiine buiidrt* and Piumh-
Hpe, Ac ’ &<?*&? tmlld ' !l ‘ i:M ' UraiikiUj Oa» ..I
■ : ZSational Xlottl. Pitiattareh.
deutauncdtt useovery eierilotxln Ilia iiowif C |s m'Ji,*!
TahlewfM h4tiV** l lhintf P ,o l’ er 10 with him.
choice., WIII b ° ‘ UPPIIU *"> «** Ke»« .«a
hei to the house Is n good HahLe, otleaiinl bv a
g2Si »<>.«!»• . JAMES KEA’MKIt “on* *
BBOWH’SHOTKIf eamtw ’>
CORNER OF SElTHFfEl.lj'ANtiltlllßJ) STS .
• FUiSI/Vfsh, P&.-- ...... . r 1
J*_—6ood Stabhng attached to tiie houw ■
UttEKISSBCaan HOtJkjl.. i
. (IUttBACOH’s OtD Su.«D.)
rpiCE •übionbar Uavlni; !ea»ed Die above well know
(it U c . nl «>tfbfliiUinem, l» now prepared t'u en
ertalnti* friend, and ihe traveling ppblic generally ,1n
'W- e !irSP!f 57 V! d on fbemoelreaionablerermTr’
ills TABLL Will at till lime* be
delicacy of the.sea.on j and bl.Bor wuhibe beaiof L&
Hi. .tabling I. very extensive; pud. every orraWe.
tnentha# been indde for tb,e accommodation 5f flrXr.
angiMi , WM.CLAWSoH.
- Hott»e. V~
to Johs Yroosl
jaAla.pppjxlar «iabUahmen»,-announces to
.Ws.fn«n**nd the public gencrally/that h*
will us 9 ms besi eflortsta keepup ihe welUanied utid
lon*.enjoyed reputauou of iha boose, • -
Jfe wUI .cpiistoMlf, on bond evpry delicocfc of
me BO&JSDQ, Gams, Shell and ean -OisTßKS,ic., and his
Baß will at supplied, with the Choices* Li-
[dcclfrly-I : WvC.GALLAGHKR.
HELL OVSTEBS ANJ> GAME received datll at
,Cf,V.p.iJa Hocss,” j?jamonjd alley. •
nr rtr HftU, Oftpl «ld fflal&t r
yj Hgpd«.,eomfr Xhamond atfrjr,iS*a»ui mrfy;
-f’Sj vFf£RS his customers midlhe pubiicJffgs&fc,'
entirely ncwand. fresh slock <o t • Hats, uHgral
; 7 a ™&vapB and Muffs,in great-vanetjvinami-.
factureu and selected with much care- hi reference
■pnee, style and quality, in New Yprt cUyjandWi
c iMr simie,of preacni to p«sg
/H NO '«f«."i w iS ,):D siauET. ask*'
Jem - . FAlila FASHIONS l ''-fIHSL'
rr?csnriw el ?iS l .i' ho t o^D;st4mi *> c G - W.WfSSv
leso. inosein wanitff.airfood.Hat of Can, at a small
advange abate cost for call at No’lo3
east sulo,third ioorb?lS?r‘Kff ß 'See?i
■KTdua — r t -
N large asrorlment of our own ' raaL^coiutanSvlm
h &Tiy ,omerSHIRTS madolo ° rd " s p ise L
. Pimßt&a
Jgsitltga -ffiarfo j
■ ttfiAli BBTATEi. BKOKEtt’. ■
W» citr Md^Ss.* 1 ! e ani ***"*« *«< £»*
WU>***w •jjnine«*>lie liopea to
lino JhuUM?&> &,or ”™ Jn iheir
rtasbnabfe? j«j-mi,' PhvSpfnn^fA^v^ B * t o^l, ***• 4oo34
offi-esbßndgWMl PEHFU-1
— - » i dccTa
tjotcls, &c.
' *■ - *•
* 1 ’ s* ,
' * v * c *
•• 4 • , ■-#•■. i.
r* n j *
• 1- I- ■ . i •*•>•- ■
, y, Jlmigrttttow
: . BAJbt LIMB
fBBBHnSaI AVO7 &te strat, near SmitkfieM
rjttjK Hnuerwgned:wkeft thi* ; raeiUod of iWorrain* ].u
remit money ,n sums of© 4„d upward. p« Sble i?
W S nle»'' ‘°' V " m En *t ui1 ’ Ireland, Scotland and
■ • | 8 also prepares to4>ring out passenger* /w«in t ■
erpool to-nny port. In tie VmtedSS Bemr
peeled,witlt.ahouse .ofinch;long *ttndini>i»“BiarSi
Messrs. Boche,,Broiherg d; andhis airin
attention to bu.indse, the rubjenbe, ?ra,ti howili
the,confidence of .llioio who.ojcy favor him wilii their 1
, P l™?K particular., pI.J 0 cell cube eL m
Hon Office oftheundersigneC/ARcnt ■
—> . 1N0.G7 Fifuiel., near tsmiliilielil. Pii'.sbnrJb
W/erenco-Hon John 'b Bmhrio. Mayorof&,«
? l 2, ke| l r ’ Hsi John J. Mltebel,
;H<m.,W:.Porler > AMermim B£lv. tewij.Officha bf t?c'
Chronicle, Post, and PnuhnrghCa^oiic?
iginey for Different Hats of Packet Ships?
308 UJttTT «Tt >imtpnan ' SaEO
k Fu'.tih urn: y ea York
l>rmo%%°nt iOad, £n " r “" ( ' Cj Crautr ,tr«i
HAS A LINE OP PACKETS eaiUnj every five'diy.
from -Liverpool to New *»rkj a line of PiekeM
10 Pbiladeiphia, on Ihe IBih df each
ooniii i a Line of Packets!# Baltimore oii ihe siOih n
si"i h, " OD,h Al«o—aline of Packet* on the Bih and
New York'* raomh ftoln f-OTdon and Portsmouth to
AlbO-DtafteM el jbt alwaytonhand, for any aaonnii
aiil e io»e»i. rate* of dlseoaiui and ell information
(liven concerning passenger*, that ean be given with
pleasnte, by ttieir Agent JOHN THOMPSON, “
-i?!L_ Jljl.ihcny gi, Pmsbureli
, , in ,Arrangna'e«> •
.evr ,arrangeiocnt». ' '
jta&g&v MNE-.OJ! .PACKETS
anBK» phh^Jelphia.;
m,\v BHIP,— —-,&soiojl*.~ ..Isih Feb.
:-;sf t 'S“ft,®* ** *pp*wed node!* &r swifmts*, combined
»«P«» v comfort of pa*-
r corf >mandera are atn of known aMUiv
AftSSUEi lale «“»
?. hipil ’ aill,l S Wf'kl)- (rata Uvmjkwl to New Or-
C *"*' l U,,1! “- « h «l’ ,h ™ u * h
I 01- lenat of Sci-eud Oalun nod Bima« paiiae<> on
pi) 10 or aUJrci* hy letter lporJ*p4iU>, 5 ; 5 P
P>W. UYftNK*fcCO. t
Near York ;
•** ,>> atrrioo Itocu! < Liverpool:
COS Libatty ftieru P4Ubar*}». i
SaUrnffim Uv„ r oc! <rn ti, FgiiraV, of tad, UcoJ,
*/?3S" ™ p l ,ne »>• «lfcU«n,Cjpt Chilli, :\ov. H
«§3Q& t> J*nr»C«.w„, cmti Dec IS
timßak £■•'.. fao»<l4r T ■.. ■ •** Baiiiow* ion- iw.
! iititrS I '' fdJ P * lb « Vf*H ri<a ThoACcomm^
i uxtiona for Mcowd c&bta «it 4 M*era-p uatteuerr* ntr
££!££?Sii^T,f n ’" J u ‘ c ,!a> * m «* hn * w>u
noKmt/jr*. Apply 10 . UAVII) M. UAHUUL'It,
aUohn Wdnft •
.« r VX ,ra ®' jril upanfte cl»Sr Uukin*
tffißpaaj’ ond Unuiehra, ihc Uoyal Dint of Ireland or
t-pootirr, Anr ood a A Co., Utoierf, iioadon. lnli»Jp;3ai
.is kin PAiisauKti vmc*K< : '
Slue AilQYl rPSr
7 lIAaSfOES & VO.,
a, V^??5 b *’ r Aseal
**?*■«; * ******
I<ctUnrl-'7ieod*«i< to have Usrir
J2.*?£ wanting to the nn> Preeftiw ta»,
Jiiit?<?,l "• ,, ' t''. , wi Wrest* Uinjcricd;
■Tfatf folhieriug it tii; 1 lit:, srifariling to law r
i ,f» £•&**<». S X lSi. IW or Port.
I *'«•». , ; i pint Vuicjar,
! a - J » fa. Sircar*
I i* piw! " * “ **)3»Wc»,-.
i ; 0 v;^' ,u ’ n ' nr ' v * u *' >* r «»5 «o«ci«m p
* !h! (W the are'or Paa
* rf> ‘ “ r J'‘i'i-oTrr. Every attrtmon will be
fttJUtoprttmehvihf t r heaiibAiiU cctufoit,
°‘“ s Furfir “ K «<'«s* p“ r -
P««»n«. A*, Ac., colifCicJ, and
rojuca oMV il|« procured, with rtcry other batliwu «>n
netted Wtifc ail lairopt-au AMnl.
Xosiuia Kow.Nso.y,
~, 'iPott Uiiildim;.. turner
** *®* ITT A SU* {£
|i\fi(,ANU, HU-LAND,
hCOTJ.ANIV WaliS3* <
17 , : titIRAJANV.
To auy amount, by , ' •
_ ■’ Jotbuct ltobfasoa. \
EurßptgnA fmi, Vast DutUin{jt,tjr f\/j\ Qr< j Uj
SdS£- - #«w Istnc ~ r ,jn*r
r~ • r acukt k. ' -mWr
7b&.U ftmnmWffi* w. U. 18/A, and Ao*n i.fcrtpMl
enierStliAorrsrAnuaui. f
SiU» WtLUAX Px.V», 1,000 toss
“ ilumu, Ijso <•
“ Pitruißlo.i'au, 1,100 **
11 Kalamasooo 1,000 >■■
-andl&Toner Buildings,Liverpool- ? ' ; q •
RICHARDSON, WATSON A, 00 , A*ems No. e
Chcsuiin sired, Philadelphia . A«enu,,no. «
rpilK subscribers, Affems for ike above Line ofitnlon.
f l did new Paeket Ship, lit ibu Clt
furmth poMAge ecniCcaiea to parties rendini in ibis
No. HI Liberty siren, Pittsburgh,
t.»i* p'e nco a b a' itn 1 ' “*“■
(Uitu J.S.Sriua««»&Co i, ’
Sanufaetnrm oi Pbsoix Fire Proof SiifM
*««»■* itmi,iaaan Kbaf ana Snrithfuld “*
Tuesday eftcmomt, July as, 184 s, the undersigned
the door of the Safe was closed and the lire klhdled at u
.quarter pasts o’clock, and me short lime the Safe we«
red kot.audcontmucdullhalf past® o’clock'beirM-'Shnni
four and a half hours, wheu the cbnmhtee ex?r?S
their sanslhcuou thauho time occupied with nlSi
was sufficient, . The furnace was then puK dowi' Safe
cooled, and door opened—the books,naners nnJmiJSS
safe, i’hc heat was so ffreat as te’ melt o V^A r S
mountings. Wo therefore lake pleasure in reoTSimlne
lugtlie e Sales to the public, asViiS m ±
entirely lire proof. JARVIS k TttABIJF J - fftnei ' t ’
isaac cßorna KTLR »;
I am engaged in the foundry business, and know
something about furnaces and teat. I wit n «!e.JV «t!l
burning of the above Safe, and cairfreely aav'ihem no.
no jiiuakug about u, and with pleasure,
IJroof 6 PU “ h ° bCI “ B ’ la lny Jull S moi »' r aniirely Or?
■> lu calling upon the.'above gentlemen
taros, tliey p II spoke in the highest terms of the fa?
of the test, aud their toll confidence of tha^nfio* l^® 88
eniirelyfire-proof. Wehave constuitij'ontendtiiijfrib
saieAfull assortment oftheabove Safes •
nmt3l - „ , . HELL^&Tp.nn^
i- WHoluaU uid lUtair
XV form his friends and the public {ashest*
hat he c ontinaes to occupy that large and com' cPnia '
%&7&o Bam ° R ° beS ’ WWl>B
• He also keeps constantly on hand, and; -*
larm hto order allkmdsof Riveted Hose mLw&ed
of the bestmaterial.andm a .tylaof workmtutah : n»— -■
cheaper 8 ' 8 " 1 milnllf “ C ' Urell arucle ’ anii Scape? cent
Country lltrehantt aniFamm woalddo well •<> --it
and examine h .took herons purchasing el ™h- „
l» to.«?H first rate artiole. at very low
!D* Don’t-ftsrgei the place, No. 88. eorne- or w„ -
Met and Diamond Alley. _ ’ ' r of a '”> a o ‘ l
J BW the: above work are recervcd Tad °L d v
de febl?'’ at Vall ' 3 Per< ° aiClll No 65 Fourth
gold and velvet matched border for Drawingr„'J„
—for sale by [febiq W. p! M4RS ( f ALI ”
■■. t 1 >•* .Av -Tj v- ■,::■■ .--
U . Sv
•***"7 V;
v -. '.'.(■ ■: -- •*: :
! ( ;
.*• v--'V.v.-.-' ■■ V. ■ <
* ,~f- r V * ‘
■ ■■■•■■ - TTT3 -.. ~T : ;:
1851. ;gfeMgL
James O’Connor!* cq, '
.v**> a „..*.■« • » . D «poi*i Broad and. Cherry ate:; -
, Nd. 3 South Fourth it., between'Marlfet an(2V >
. Ohesnu! sis.,'Philadelphia :.
mSrrtrT eQ^ 6 i° a °- B ? ®W® u ffero2S*! wwill
Canai/ in^nr^o^-^ 6 optning of the Pennsylvania
ifto>?Wn= »nrf fnnn? Bold,
uville % KS hla ’York.Boston,CincmnW.Lou.
1 t«Sf Uu » an ? ,he EW« arid West, at lower
■Sfie*’ - more despatch and caro than dhy 'oUfef
insuredwtev 4 *»••" Line covered by
to owner)!, a: protection j
Acent»°HArp C * I ?'n 10 oumelves ot onr
fu“%VP L A nJj?,i,£‘.? c i nn!ll, > E WEBB, Loura
pronjjitaiteMMee SBO “ Slt ’ bl , ‘ ool3 > w ' ll w “l>
rmiZblgtiZV??? o cpcccction whateVer with the
ABU *<£“ * Transportation Lihoof’At-'
1 rfhlo .
• —— - . ____ • i .|ICU|y .S
1851.' JBfcjfiL
Elevebama’ Transportation' z,lne
aa. M’AybiTY. tf vo., ■ >
Canal Basin, <lo3Penn any Pittsburgh
W_ Central Bluet Road si., PliUada.
b ar« prepared to receive a large amount orMer-1
chandtze and Produce, to ship, oirihe openltivi d[
uie s.anal, to Philadelphia and a!) intermediate placet,
ton Ir,f an * m *“* tnvir, than in any previous sea
,, N- B ~The increased number of. Tracks prOviSed" bv
i Co ? mi . s ,? 10ncra (or carrying boats Over the.’
ri? ulro !?’,^ ,i P ,event aaypotSlWliiy of delay at
Jonestown, llollldaysbargfi or Columbia, thisttearon
"Ci A'M’ANI/LTY, -
Canal Basin.
■frnn D ? ,,rlVßn ] a Uallroad Company
YVfi'J* ysff sn«.« t ?».T/ fttts P oM 'MERCHANDIZE
..•X-if? a “ £( u A ,o PITTSBURGH in an-:
pe i“' n? of ,h<! Ea»iern J Divi«bn of the
CT<f at PPHof, I VSi;- * a r ° n ,““‘ s «n*>‘ *<>» twenti
n»« • » al V* e f°^®wmgrates,viz:
F iLrfii , SlSif’"£ f ?- <JO “ U » Hul 't Boots mid Show,
s V u,one^*< s*» 5 *» *.•»—*3l per looft*.
F »JdJoiV*^Yhi7* #,^‘ieen ‘ warc,Groe * rle,l^|,llinl
priiii!’ pSr * * *?’' ? l ****~' '&* cents per 100 flu.
For M Class-Coffee, Leaf Tobaceo, frou. Gqauoilh
con, Beef, Pork) Ac., at^soeents tier IGO&a'
; f l ' cb * R^Ul * A*hos* Marble, Pig
Iron, Bucks, ft*, at SOceuu per 1002 a.
_ . • '; H, 11. HOUSTON,
... Ascot, Henna. Roiirdad Co.
. m m ««*-«?4*?murarkotStree»i Philadelphia.
•iii'ii'7r d 0 bjr our Road should be con'-'
signed to McPADEN & COVODE,' *
P» P «*i pX?- NIK **ItROAD COMPANY®^'■
winnS,?.? A . ,NS bctw '«> PHILADELPHIA
St I "' aT « Phtladslpbin Daily at S A.
V P ' Al ’ Lc!,re PHubargh Daily at's,
~iL?SL PaKsngcr Ajjent.
30 lieu,, U
Good intent; and fxprp<w
link SPAUr' COMPANY. Si "itW
new Coaches, for Holhdayeburg.&ndihence bv the new
SShiiore rUa Iliu!ro *‘ i lo Plulaoelphla.'NewWrk Md
Danny the ,a»pen,ion of Canal navigation, *ix dailv
WUJ 1«« Mr Holliday®,ilirg: anatom
«■ Ph?iir»!Sju e s. Fwln . ,^vanI * SaJroad, fiM mUcS
tePhliadsinh!,. Ttmsthrough34hoar,. •
: -.-Suta
Parstoßalmaore .........i.....'.....'.finm '
wili ieave every marrUnff at
c»dy,«!rr nijhi hr'the j£££ £
iSS ThKlfthenSotf
•cSS&fSS?!?? «wtf to, Iho tbafcrn
_ J*awcngcrs for lJalunaortf tofce -the hew Raifrn»iT*7
ite’’ I ?.'*' direc| . «■> Cie ofrivol of tbs <S?j
place, :
or in J V P iinPJfSi Hotel,
deci3° rt ° i P HOIaUKS, fiJoaongahel* Hotuc.
Tn!-rJttj*" lc " tTE5 ' r tmi ‘ :
rmms shgiver, m
fnTTr V&ti&'ffifalS
F ** r <“'Uirr information enquire of
p. . "» «. M. HARTOV,
r*if Mger Agent, Slononjaliela House:
, , JAC4|B .SMITH *
t reiglij Aglint.Whtltffiaa
} \ Pitab'UTgh. \ !
'*, ,K l>***},P*W i poVr open the proprietor* Of this
lo hff established Line are os usual auheiroldsuinda
Tccnvue and forwaWlnf Morofaantliae ani P««rucc ai
iow ratc«, Aitu wuh Ihe promptness* certainty and safety
peculiar u> tueir svfftem and inode orTranspdrtation,
wnrre intermediate transhipment is.avoided,: svhh its
consequent delays and probability ofdaraage. -
„vr er Produce shipped East or West, and
imLof Lading forwarded tree ofebarge for commission,
advancing or storage. ■'llavmg'noialeWst direeilyorin
ujretilj m.RtcamhoaUtlhatoi the owners Is solely con-
HUUen when shipping their goods-
AUcommanlcationiio thoibHowinifAgcnupromDtlv
allendedto: THOMAS BGRIHDOE, F • v y
No. 378 Market suPhiladeipllfaj; „
• . TAAFPB &. O'CONNOR. “^pjwtars..
Cor. Venn and Wayoo sib., Pittsburgh; -
~ & C0.,0a North n. } Bali!; fc
U. Burke A. Co., ii* Dosne st,, Boston; \V. & J T Tan
cinciuoaS'’ 60 8o " ai NuW Vo 'k; Ja4. Wheelwright,
Houuty lißnd Warrant!.
SUBSCRIBER, who was in Michigan, 'tVi-con-
JL sin, Illinois null the Fall of IM9; with
too vietwof cxaoming,iho Public .Lands, end Witlie
months of March or April nexi, will revisit those States
and also lowa,and flom the knowledge he has acquired,’
bo enabled to.multe the most favorable locations for per
sons holding Land Warrants.: Ilia charges Will bb mo
de rate to ony.person: who may be ploased to employ him"
It by letter, (post-paid,) 10 LUKE COCKSHOOT, .
_ J 7 Diamond alley, Pittsburgh
. Rurasuoss-Capt. Robert Potter, Attorney, Firth’sr:
■JohnTaylor, Pension AgencyiHd st.; EdwarilShowddn
Attorney, Fourth st.: J. B. Guthrie, Agent,. Fourth si.
Capt. John ■Herron, Penn at.; John Cartwright,Cutler
Woodst.; ’D. T. Morgan & Co.; turd J.D. Morgan! Drug
gist, Wood street. : ’ fnovlWm
_ _ Bounty Lands.
fIAST* No.-163 Third street, cOmrr 'of
\J Cheny alley, having mode.arnuitrcmeiua ai Wash,
ngton for the purpose, will procure Bounty Landsfbr the
officers wd so^ienvtheir tvidovMFftnd.children, unde?
the Bounty Laad.BiJl, passed September £3th,1850;.-
QctoboflO. -a \ir*• • ' -
tana—Soldlen? Cl<uma.~ . .
asr ’’tear’^i
Missionary in ihViinidom
of tiurman, dated Sandojvay Arracan. Fehrnnrv : fain -
Philadelphia- My Dei are
CAn ,^flKATrvß n,a “" : r™pa™Tns.Yom
OAnMlNAflVfc BALSAM is an Invaluable Medicine
in th s Bowel Complaints, andlina heen used
In all our Missions with the most gratifying success. I
SAN ATI V? ‘pit ?*s ny 01508 i a e Wm ‘“am- YCur
•Hatfii *£ JJW 8 "£ ; W.'Bheei Anohor. Theibest
?u«» r C i ao * or “VXwer Complaint-andpaih-m' the aide,
uiat I have ever used. They are in &reat demand) ana
wo are entirely out of them. We need five hundred
boxes, ot them. -. Bra .Beecher say* we oonfd usca
thousand bakes yearly among our people to great ad
vantage.. I haveused'vaurTONlC VERMIKUGEas a
Tome in INTERMITTENT FEVER* with the most
complete success. , I think It wosonce the-means of sa
vingrayown son. - Boring ray tmvelsamong the church
es the past season*! found a whole villageisuffenngnn*
der a prevailing Influenza, attended'with Coughs-of.a
tnosi violentcharacter. Loften regretted Ihad-nothad
a dozen or two of YOUR EXPECTORANT to admin
inter to ihem;for I believe from what I have seed of its
effects, that it would have been jusi ihe .-thing ibc those
poor pcovle...l presume you have, not-hnherlo hail an
idea to wnut an extent your mcdtcinea are used' in'all
our Missions, i Affectionately ydurs* ;EL<li; ABBOTT *•■
For sale at the.Pokm Tea Store, 33. Fifth st- [ndvli3
AILAMtS’ TRIMMINGS—Received arid opeiied this
Jay-Cunvii., Padding., Sclicias,:(wii,t, s at in and
lasting Vest and Coat Buttons. Boner, metal and irican
tied Pant and Strap Buttons. Horn and black bona isus
pender Buttousy&c.[febS] u A.-A..MAJBON'& COt T
\T£W-:CROP; T£iAS.*ttJji){ rccnivMt nt *h4-
JN Pekin Store, 33 Fiflli Bireet, a JoV of new‘ cnp
Oolong Black Teas, by the ship fc? sale
wholesale to the traue at reduced prices ’ •
N- S‘~ Th » above ,’ reas are direct from Canton, and
the ladm all sag they are not scented with English
Brandy, Cln and Rum. ffebl4j A. JAYnS, Fifths
.» j*’- i. i .-•* , t < . ‘
« * ~nf
' ' 'V. ;■* :_■. *< / V; > '*
RY 25, 1851” ' *
‘ ffttittporfotion 'Cint!
i Transportation
PKMtmrgti Porto WeSowTiaMe. -1
Bouutg Canto.
■ tv •»:;» *■
-;‘.f 'i,; .
.«• tj *■ _r - '
-H, -
- ■T I n&twlaij^?6h !,^e * p**,?d«^*OTm’*Fur
>i.TteGSnjl < !in(ji i '>#Formsh!ilgDepitiihem'lliplijjiaral.,i
;W> l i:J^Tpraty i Qf sopeSr&'tand tdelfed'tily'i
TOiggnt articles o( dress. Tho variety igenlirely too
CT|ai_ ; iowtmmert(eiiii:tt ifloderate-spaeSj* we ntjisu i
' A?*?*? I'* 1 '* PoWic to. an investigation of tire i
'«kfSr ,lde *£t" xv'ecaa sayin thisconnecupnige
i***i-VV&Fj ta W lB !W nt *J>esentieineJCotiaate can le i
aa ? ? r^ c, °in oar line.mamifeinared out-!
raaienais aud by;the-most experienced
jg*y ye. solicit an ’of .on*.“took ; |T
coraposeiafrarieprwhleachaUenges'conipßHson. : •
itoA^ISS! 1% i®PM«34 *#Wifcf- J’anep i
SM£tj and self adjusting Ctasaa /!•' Gloves jwi Bonenr •
o/f v ar#9«4j(iotbi andin fact every srlitrlc of comfort or
W?.3Sv 8 6'ntlemenof>oWe wouMfincy
VVe sohwra «aare of puHieWroaaM? * !
'AV. ; v? v,: - v
■ No.SOApoSoßdSinssFilrthßt
vff* &&&******:
Wuu&u&vifimmrt f? r purpose,will.
‘ScTt!*f»*y*sVlNe{fajm|doY'dttd divifliftjiatfd
s- ®»d making. Plana and'
:£SSSsEs!““S|5!' ! @-
I'h» 1 ' h » a ° j
tecled 1
-_*g"? lg _~ “. - •*•> • , 44TVatersireet r'•;
Ohio and TennrtlvomtTßnflroad Pitf..
ha»sh, unul TimrafeTf the ■ MUt of: MattS be«
cordawje wilh lho printed forms, and - flddreßßetßtrtiie^
L 8 FOR EBECTIM? a wipp Quanu»r
Jr SION BHIDGEoyer flu f AlleghcS?“ ?SSSfe
street,jii UmtRIUl Wall of
burglim place of ih&atniclure jacenUy destroyed bv
jEkh be re vived arSn oa£l o 7 f
bWh rk ®°-J ij6 «ny »t.. ftijlil tta ISU» day of
. B>* order of tbe DirecioM. .
,eM:ld _ FREDERICK LOREN 2 Pree’l. V
SSTf* Tea and Pamlljr Or»eetv'sti>M r
rpitß fine ii qualifies of Grein andßlaefe TEAS • Mo
-1 Cha, Java and Bio COFFEES: R?
fined and Crashed SUOABS; JWlorleaM®st EiSfi
BeSnedflnd Ha?an&do;brsMidnch &AlSlN&•(Citron
M I« ?rufie»i:Datea, &C 4 for sale bs> ;
No-gQ Fifths: reel-! -
blttiognpMe Katabltahmetit.'
“'s*r^’4«wr«i ; aSittf/i' •FehnA.rr.
T S J:, 0 f«alsh eyenr kit# Sr UihogVaphic
X workirt the most elegant style, tdeh asSiote&E*
Matf,Psrtrmuy Eondrenpa,Cord*; Bi7i htads?*nil£,.
bth, printed in gold, colon, itc.
■AI the same place Messrs. Moeser & Helmle have
M Cd >.“ Ua^’”s?- Sctto “^,endexecute on order Drafts,
PittobuxqtJ Ctosar efc Cabinet w*w*i<U{Ul<
■ Kaastoekevee before seeninthiaciry, the greatest;
/ " ,*»*n e 'jr Of styes, the finest finished, made'orthe
best seasoned matenalsyand by the best workmen to
the western country t-ali ofwhieh they are determined
lo seli os low, as any other manufacturing establishment
intheeuy. Our stoclt'U all bur own manufacturer no
importations. ~ . ' v““
Sieandioais and Hotels fnntished at the shorest notice, i
Allotdera promptly attended to. 1 ial7 :.
Allefjtaeay Piunng llllil,
T *MDtiuos sTaim, l !iEoa2:i T crrr, racial
H L B i bscri^, r wotttd respectfully inform Jus friends
geireraUjr, ihai hneinsr eontpleted-Bs
jiciv Fiaiung Mill, amf having now in Operation two
new- > astern made Planing Mhbhiiies, (Wbodworih
patent,! end soretal circular-ondopright Saws, : fia ts
{"P*'?!! promptly and at redncedrates,
Inmber of every descriptions 1 ,
attention, oi steamboat joiners, carpeniers njfd
badder?, is particularly called to the above establish
j™ ber V° f d *£ e re n ‘ «kn esses, suitable-for shipplnb
60* making, taonse, steamboat work, 4c., can be round
Also. luraber planed or sawed \o order, with Dfomnt-
despatch, - > JOHN A. bLoomlb, V.
■. ' ■ uu»olutlon. ! . i-.-.-'-v • -
nn.HE parutershtp or Beynolds A; Shee.watrrdissolved:
Aby mnfoaJ .oon s ent pntae lM inst. The business of
me finn will be aettled by either of thepifrtiM,tffeii^ie
of the firm to be used for that purpose. ' - ’ ’ ■
- J. LuSHSE./- j
_On teUring from'thp bosiness of .Heyoo&s ; & Shee, I
wouW recommend Mr J. 1.. Shee'to ray friend s and tie
former customers of the home.
It>jaM,t-,U .... ■ ■ Si O. REYNOLDS; V
:;c ***«esa of PlUabarr*li
UovVKyoli all heard Bow cheap CiAvBBOWNis
i&-«&?#&.•.?W* of fine Gold JEWELRY f :If yoa
. have not, then know that he is selling a very lieu and
JMhroaable assorttdenr iof Gold WATCHES and-JEW
ELBJ at net nstonishliigTdw prices that alt who have
called toaco hi» assortment add prlcesiexclaim,—(his,
certainly, Is something new for Pittsburgh. ®Whaf! Bhe.
gold Jewelry aelUng at hair the nsnal price ! How cdd r
unsbe? telfyou the secret;
we have maife such arrangements with the tnatrafiuSdli
rereamoeastyand afsdj-wlth lliei Wateh ; maou&iSi
reraof Europe, that ,we are geningt ail-on» eoods ni the
lowest possible, prices, and then, haying fowyentsHS, enable.ds ! toseH
ata vety smail profit upojv.feit cost;and thereJore a‘
• . Removal*
•fTPJffiE'PEEJN TEA. STORE baibeeo removed 'from
• E ccfvmg 'tup fall stock of GREEN' AND BLACK TEAS,
diflensntflayorsXnd grades of-Ten brought lotheAtaeri
canmatket, and wtll bo . sold .wholesale, and retail, at
pneds lower than any dther'hoiise id Pittsburgh. 1
Kelail Grocers are invited to nail and get samples;
and learn ourpnees for Teas packed in i and fib pack
ages, of by the ualf chest;- 1 H •
"• Cgyra—Mocha,Java anilEioCoffee. ■' ■
■ ■■:■ CAooilatt—Baker’s Broma, Cocoa, Chocolate ahd Co
coa Shells. ;• ' • , •• •
- crashed and pulverised‘and New
Orleans Sugar. , V: ’ . .
< Haisinsj Prunes, &C 1 4 1 A. JAVNES.
■lac l4 a 1 38tTfthst : ~
" TotheLadlee. ~.t
FWISHEOidfS dozeit of Ladies’
TV. fineAladfcreal Lambi Wool STOCKINGS. WWeit
are softettn the wooliand'inore durable inms color than
any we have heretofore made. Every article inihte
Sock; Undershirts and
.underclothing,inadeto.order with pnnetaaiitv.
The OMEstSbhihed Stacking Manufactory, Fifth S C
■radcCttiiv W.DAf.V fr qo. (’>:
. rForeign astunMurs. 1 ___j_
fTIHE snltsdriKhr-is huthdriief to ’ receiJ^sihscrtp.
, A .uonofor «inthh,:LondijaJßaiiy,:Wcekiyiaffd Tfc-
Weekly papers; Birmingham, Bristol, Halil Leeds
. ' Europeaji'Ageiit. : ’
jeB »l, near Wood-
.ilUfl-HSi. caasiMEßßi* ANt* VESTINGS ha.
o]cei»e4anaop?nedlhlvday,elghlca«es;asfoli0 ] cei»e4anaop ? n e dlhlvday,elghlca«es;asfolio > Tii
and Green Broadcloihs.of Simo
. m’s superior fabric. < : •• . .. :
'StmonPssaperior blacfcDoesSftiB.'‘ • “
. England ;:;T i
AclcTn’s Grand Ry. , do." "' ;
S- bN / cot “ er . ot Market and Second siT
htt, fttr-safe, a lartt-<md- Varledi assbShfif
.fine blank books, paper of. all qualilies • anrt I&fiii.?-
“•———:— [novas.:
fcairatieaisbUielCTea: -w. :- T .
tai %£&
]»at.. Fot «alehy • :■ -CARBQN&! M I KNioHT.
LA.RO— 16. bbls. No. 1;
65 Vega do; For sale by
ia3 A SONS,
Water and €2 Front streets:
» , •' t* , .
y 'C - «(,“*■
\ -V' ; -fj
.When mjr jmotiejfwpaXgJifl, some nw
mqrebegamtosteal throughthetflwn where
i jiy.edj about: something laying gone
■M!' ,Mra. : Wharton i. t fi»r if Mrs.
w hartonwag not; towns-
Respected bvso
, fPthat- ; it was realty; -no; tyifle when
dSffi‘ S ® e W l ? ,w . brow,
-P.- pmched look,abogt/the nose that
W.“ alwm. or
m Nobody
-'W pp. matter. If ■
. P k6d sl >e wojild; say.she .was.jwpll. ff er
sons; *?»,
apectable, and suffiraep,tiy J p fl )ap ?wus .
“VSrT^-t 6 fto do “ bt P*«HMbe health,
! unmarrieddaughteriiyloliy^withher.
Ber own and gey though
<WA i tegf»jyaS ( epQHgh i W&t
could it be that made. her-, suddenly 'so si.
ffey 5 was jupt
the same as ana
lous about the change, hfcherd mother. ‘lt
jpifcfcw&jthat the cler
gyroen had nothmg to say sub
i d 'PPP, JWdedtusheadjand at
OR l W?a «£ %3,, i .looks and
to the other, as heßtood before tteifire with
teMpd hifUrf
.?s?# that
tgat/,asiar a 3 he
A“P%fejp^n‘s,e«ergal ; a|gaa were
.?s**??%#?; *9 r d^ a . c
slf the
mmd did not entitle her to peacf,j?ithin, he
rWX whispered if
f. shouldigpeizing
he, @Utmey,of
■ besShpfdd have
™ o J^ i riWq^,thtng !Iwae(g>^fcappre
vßßPMri.: d 4 s . «ffi os fit pfimdsgemion went
~§iMieyed .she suffered-: flcca^gg^y ; but
she did not herself admit even ttiy Dr
mm fluid,tumbled
M? “4igestujn.o ? wj.otjigr
,er:whqt ! mptter.*Qnfepr two
R&f ?4 fflr»_Gttropy, ,had o i)aatl!R very
. not
gnow : of any.trpubre being op IMfffoWhar.
appeared: tocame ovar the daughter; but
JJO,,diMsjera.epuy- be dispo,yered : *j have®ed.., ;No ; disease, no 'money losses,
no family anxieties wereheardjOftiahd, by
fl«gfS«Sr..hathr Ihe ladies /recovered nearly
their former cheerfulness 3jjd'ease o£man
:ner^rnMrly,,.but;;ijot;fal«ightbe4.. They „
®nceand ; bearing;,afld,tbey;bep.t,na9lemn
M?nne-when wesanaused of
; Which often turn uphy the .Christmas fire- '
explained. by
aiftt limei Temayefl -iCrptnrtor/flmoky
native hjfighhst.eiiyim the
She:used to.tgH up -
the,stary : ofjMr3,; ; Wharton, apd,iwhat she
endured; and. wft.nosld, if,been
Ashamed, if we
.hM b 9An^tfe ; cbildron,?fitell'Ua% fl ip-»--.
.Wbeft : we . . inteihte Worth to
visit our grandparents, it was'all'ygfj well
to tell -ua of,coal Whgoa?.,: should
;laui;,down w4he.:ro S d3. feft pd ofiOie k^lmen
; yowing, Ahpir. keeHmaJ?. ,in hbq (Hyejc find all
.#pnce,fecluDg,pp.ihehrarighr!fega 3 .fehin(i
* fee Jopg and
ol the glass-houses m the town/.witl fire
high chin*.
! j£P«
th, ef die onai r pi}%; wfere .blue and
am all
yetywell -
but we thought much,
..°?d house* and perhaps in
dpciag .My^%rney, ; thi!p]l hla.way,
, the, story .wehad.sq.oaeq^^oth-
Kj |aa^?4i^^ii f , w l's-sd
One niidsummer . inoi'nuig(,itoi|sghar k
ton absent at jbjeabfast that her
daughter found; all nttempta-atxonveraa
tion to be in vainV : So filled do, and in the middle-o’f the ; fore
nooa ordered dinner, ; -which she' ftfutfd her
mother had alsoforgotten. 'The^.iadjust
such a breakfasting throe tihffla -oharedur
. ing the ’ next fortnfehu *. 'Ml«q
Wharton grossing. Uie.hallj'sKej'piet; her
mother .in bonnet and abcßi- to go
out, so early as half past hiKei ; cu
cumstance would not have.: remarked,
but for the .mother's- cohfhsedianSabashed
way of accounting, for m She
® b °"! d . «<?t begone long-. a
little call to make, and so, Pm.; jh® cpU was
on Mr. Gurney- had, his
breakfast; when hevwas- tbld'tKai-Mrs.-
Wharton wmhed to speak Vafe
i. When he entered the atudyhMisu '.\slhar
ton seemed to be as unready withhef Woris
as himaelfi Red when He shookhams.with
ner,ne,observed:that her handiwaacold.
ohe- said she was - well; howet'eri'i'-Then ,
camp a pause, during which'the gpid, pas
tor was shifting from one.foot to. the other, .
on the hearth rug, with" his . hands hshind
him; though there grate ■
but,: shavings. Mra.jWl«uto%,inewtthne,
was puttiug her veil up and dowhjeand her .
gloves ohand ofii'iti
ed and. painM smile, flhe said'thati'sh’e wi#3
irealiy aslmmed toaay what, htert tsutoe to
say, but she must say- ItI}* 1 }* she
and hoped that Mr. Guerney had known
her long enough to be aware that she was
* i' •
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-. s!jr Jpaltg IPost.
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