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'f, : y S-r^ v v;*- • -'. •• ..V •'• tT t ri V s rf tr -v n • x v- f ( r ~ -t h*■ f*# -f « *jy v ->>- j f v w *a £-** \ ,?►><.?< *%*.** »r “*- y-^% tv s*^? k ‘ r >rv ;*> % r„ y v > >C.Xf.y ' W "• '*v*7 I II / i% < ~ -V>i\ f , i; 4 •>*,*' - - -tj ,***£ »< - -A. ■ ■ '■-",■ Pitf ■ •iv"*?-: ■* :5.:,i'4T-:i;ii; ( >j «;•,• ‘ ■> v ■ ■ >'■’; t , 7*V, ~c-r Jbr Sale ®0 £*L - • GaitLlbcrty property Tor Sale* . A PROPERTY of 3D /cet front on. .the.-Turnpike at. ArTa6 f XiUtfTty. by 0t deep on asirecno alley, having abrick Cottage Honse'ahd Cellar under the House- a garden and valuabTe Fruit Trees or various kinds Possession on'the Ist'of April.* PriceStOO.— Terms, S2OO in hand ; balance at SlOO a year. * 8 CUTUBERT General Agent, febl _ 70 SmithfieM street. " : HFoiTTcteat in Btrmlngnnpi. ONE NEW THREE STORY BRICK HOUSE, with store '.oomaand cellar,favorab)y-aua-..MIJiEsL ate for n large Grocery and Produce business. . Possess ion may be had immediately, with a low rent, 10 .a good busiuesf tdanv . ALTiO—One.. large • Bnck—occupied. as a boarding hou'6 and inti ALSO—Meven new ihrce story Brick Houseß—some just finished; possession given immediately. Oihersrn the Ist April. ALSO—One Frame .lunse. and several np stairs rooms. . ■ .* ALSO—.)ne Brick Yard, and Kiln to burn in. : - ALSO—One Lumber V ar>L wnh space »o pul a largo, amouut—and one of the best points about the city tor sale.*.: . .. ;■ „ FOR SALE OR LEASE-One large lot, favorably eitualcdfora Foundry and Engine Shop or other manu facturing, having, deep water in from,.(a. harbor,).lor fitting Out ami repairing steamboats, Ac. . ALSO, FOR saLFi—lso,ooo Brick, in lots, and sold ' lowrJf not :-old before,they will bn sold on Tuesday, the goth of March uext,»t 12 o clock, M ,forca«h or op* proved paper. ALSO—Lots on lease, to build on. Apply to the subscriber, at his office in Birmingham, near the Rolling Mill, from 10 to 2—or at the Warcroom of Rum, Matthews A Co., No. S 3 Water street,—or through the Pittsburgh Post Office, by paid letter. feb? JOHN RHEY. i. Coal Hill Property Tor Sale. A VALUABLE PROPERTY of thrce-fourihs of an. acre, having a from of 111 feet on High street, by 60 deep on Kirkpatrick, street to Herman alley, with a comfortable. Dwelling House of 6. large rooms, a non i in front and good cellar, a. well of Sue water, coal shed and oiuerout buildings. This property is pleasantly lo cated. having a fine view of our three rivers and two cities. .Price slstio. Terms 5575 la band ; balance in 1 a,3 and 4 years. S. CLTHBfciRT, General Agent, . febl . - . r .76 Smilhfield street. LawrencevlUe Property* T7OR SALE—A valuable property of feet front oa Butler street by 107 on Prospect street* with u new brick Honee, of five rooms,-and alaxgefcwA Storefiltedun and doiug a good businessan jjfiH : excellent Cellar and Bake Oven,Stable, Garden* 1 “!™n" Ac. .Alio, a Steam Engine,arranged for turning two lathes; three. Grindstones; und two small Mills, for grinding Barley, Corn Meal, Feed, Ac.; two wells of water; pram and meat tjnbs, and many other fixtures. Price SvOOO. Or the Kenl Estate will to sold without the Engine, Ac. The ownens going West, which is the only reason for offering so great a bargain. . s. t.'UTHBERT, General Agent, . 76'Mnulifielifstreet.. Very' Valuable City Property for Sale* THE undersigned, Administrators of the estate-of Thomas Fanman. deceased, offer for sale the entire real estate of the raid Thomas Fairman, consisting of :one 20 feet lot fronting on Libert; street, running back to alO feet alley. Also, the tavern stand known as the Mansion House, with the grounds and stable connected, fronting on Plain alley, thirty three feet tour inches. Alsp, three lots fronting on Cherry al ey,each eight' een met front, and running back GO feet-parallcl with Plain alley. Allot which property will be -sold at pri vate sale, by application to tie subsenbersjor if not sold before thesiSth of March, will be. offered at auction to the highest bidders. Also, the Tavern stand is offered to rent. Apply to - R. FAIRMAN, or R; CAMPBELL, 161 Liberty street. ja3(htinr&s A LL that portion of ray nver bottom, lying between 4\, the Pittsburgh and Braddock’a Fiold Plank road and the river, supposed to contain about fifty acres, to which will be attached a two story Frame House, with an excellent cellar underneath, an Orchard a Stable and Bctifcl Uisin a high slate ofculuvahon, and would be wellmajculated tor Dairy or Gardening purposes.-' The facilities of getting to market are equal to any in the county, as the occupantwiii have his choice of the river, plank road or railroad for his accommodation. No per* •on need apply unless he can. come well recommended for honesty, industry and sobriety. JaS&tw* WM. G HAWKINS, Real Estate for Sale. fTtHE undersigned offers for sale a large number of X valuable building lots, and some very desirable sites for manufactories^in the borough of Birmingham, loca ted near the new Public School House and English Lu theran Church. • .' The rapid growth of Birmingham in population and manufacturing wealth, and the reasonable prices at which lots will be sold;.will render them a safe and pro* Stable investment. Title perfect. Terms favorable. For particulars and terms enquire of the ondersigued, at the office of Geo. F~ Gilmore, Esq., on Grant street, Pittsburgh, between 3d and 4th streets, or of William •Ssmmes and N. Patterson, Esq’rs, ai their offices in Birmingham. • [ian27} MOSES F.-EATON. SHE subscriber offers for sale a large and well built BRICK HOUSE, with live or more acrcsof ground, iated on the Fourth street Road, within ihreo miles of this city. Possession given on the Ist of April next— Also, a veiy desirable lot of ground, containing over FOUR ACRES, with a spring of excellent water there on, situated near the above. Also, a lotof ground 48 'feet II inches by 120 feet, adjoining the residence ot Mr. A. .Toner, near the city,opposite the 7th Ward, on Pennsylvania Avenue. Potsesnou given immediately. It is now ceruun that the Plank Road will be completed pastthe above property early in the coming summer.— For further information apply to DAVID Bfc»ELER,4th street Road, near the first described property, {ja&btf Sammer Boarding Uouce to let* mtib AlausHjn on ftouuery llill, with oat Buildings, X Orchard, onrubbery,&c., including aoout tea acres oi gTuumJ, will J>e let to a good tenant, who wishes to keep a h«use tor the reception of visitors. . i oe jiersra renting may become an Agent for the sale O’ sonir tie udjoi dug ground, ind,if successful .in more tuanp + v the rent. Tho. location is brantt), ana uas man* . mciime» making it pirucuiarly desircvt.io .tMunmer reirea- . brtqoire ot Thompson it 11. at me office ol A- WiLKINS & CO., . ju&2 ' corns. fhiru and fllamet sis. Valuable Property Tor Rent* • • ' • a lore- slory BttlCh. HOUSE, belonging to eslulc of VVm. ■-Torrßrr, deceased, is oifer iaai!ei* f uT rcnt or i'-oae. It is situated on Fourth st., Ferry and Liberty streets, and has been newiy papered and painted; it is now occupied by Mrs. Venter. Rent, 8250 per annum. Apply to myself, or Robsat C. Torres, at the works of Knap &Co. Possession given on 1 Removal, . SMIK subscriber wishes toinform.the citizens of.Pttts* burgh arid the public generally, that be hffSTemoved CARPET STORE Aom Noi. 01 and 03 Wood street, t$ the Apollo Buildings, on Fourth street, recently occu pied \>y the Museum, and hits connected therewith the adjoining rootaa, formerly used as the Chronicle Printing offioe—which,iti-connccliQii: with lus old room, makes Ipettost spacious Carpet cstablishmentraiheconatry; and his advantages so tar surpass any house in this city fprspacc, arrangement and good light, ih&the la certain of euiungcvery person who may favor him withacalj. His stock is complete in every: article inliis line,and great pains will be taken at all times to show, trows 10 persons wishing to look or buy. | ocffl E. W. LYND. i Philosophy- or Br&ndreth’fl VsffstatilT i ' ■■ ■ ■ • ■■ Pills. -YITHEN the theory of the circulation of the blood Tf was established,, the secret springs of vitality verc then partmlly exposed to our view We saw and indtrsiood that the food we eat,* was converted into lloqd, which repaired the waste of-ihe animal machine; he food is fuel, which keeps at a life heal the internal fires ihat warm and invigorate our inner man: The blood is an clcctnc fluid which carries thisheatto every ramification of the body, even to the extremities of the hair and horny nail, while the blood is thus the seat of Jtfc, tlu aLo-thc seaLof disease. Food gives the body Btrengthi Brandreth’s pills give blood power to throw out from itself all impurities, thuaren- Ueringtho stream of life pure and healthy. If men were pore sincere, thero would be fewer religious creeds; and If they kept close to nature’s laws la the management pf their bodies, they would require little medicine. As men grow miclithgent they will become wiser and hap bier; even now, their wisdom is proved by the fact that, when sickness assails them, they usfe Brandrolh’s Vege table UniveralPills, which soon restore themio health. They are peculiarly adapted to the climate, and require ioextra care whcaJbey are used, ta either fliet or cloth ng. They should be always in the house, so that upon he first indication of sickness they may be used. One lose in the beginning is more potent for good, than a cozen after the sickness is fixed in the system. Id colds, houghs, asthma, rheumatism, cosuvenesa, fevers, and In ill acute, heavy or deep-seated pains, their effects .will le found oeyond oil praise. Three or five will act like i charm, ofien curing a dangerous malady at once, sa ving months of sickness and the evils thereunto attend ng. Remember, Brandreth’s Pills are a known and Ufly tested medicine, one that is used by hundreds of housandsin this country and throughout the civilized world. .They aro quietly superseding all other medi cines. They take outoniy that from the blood which it he cause of weakness and p&m, leaving strength and lealth ; they produce healthy sleep at mghi, ana an ap petite tnatrehshes uil kinds of food. i Sold at No. 29 Diamond alley—the only place in Pitts burgh where the genuine Brandreth Pills aro kept for sale —the undersigned is the omy agent in the city. i dec23:3m THOMAS REDPATH. i**/“IHAMPAGNE COGNAC ’’ vintage, 1823, pale, in * V/ bottles,“for sale by [ja29] M. D. PATTON. iTTOLLAND GIN—3 pipes, high flavor, Anchor and JJL Star brand, for sale by jjaUU] M.D.PATTON. UjYIISU WHISKEY—2 puncheons “Suan’s” Vubnn L genuine malt Whiskey, for sale by ja29 M.D. PATTON. 8 bbis. New England~aud Jamaica Rum, for JX sale by [Journal copy.] M. D. PATTON; A SUPERIOR lot oi Scotch Ale nnd Brown Stout for sale by [ja24] JAMES P. HORBACfI. FLuUR— SObblt.frae Flour, just rac’d and f rsale by octlB 3HRIVER A BARNES. PRINTING PAPER—A fail supply of ah the different sizes on hand anil made to order. • feb2o REYNOLDS A SHEE. Wfttrt > bbls/for sale by dec27 KING A MOORHEAD. COLT’S REVOLVERS^-Receivedby express, an ad ditional supply of these peace makers,” and, ai this ume, iu our city, necessary “self-protcciors.” W. W. WILSON, Watch Maker. ja2s . Corner Market and Fourth sis. Brandy and wines, m.battles; Old Scotcb Whiskey; • - “ Irish u u Pale nnd Dark Brandies; Jamaica Rum; Champagne Wine; Madeira . “ CherTy u LoodonDock Port Wine; Claret and Germaa do; For tale by JAMES P. HORBACH, ja24 197 Liberty street” 2nnfl HAVANA oranges; .UUU 40 boxes Malaga Figs; 150 drums do. do 1501 do do do For sale by • JOSHUA RHODES A CO., ja‘24 No AiblNS—6oo boxes M. R. Raisins; Xv 250 half do do; 40 casks Currants; 40 boxes Citron; locates, fancy boxes, Prunes; JOSHUA RHODES A CO., No. C Wood street JUST RECEIVED and for sale a new supply oi fine PERFUMERY, including— Jenny Lind Pomades; Queen of Flowers' Hair Oil; Porecme Soap; Jenny Lind Extract; ftouseel’a Amandiet; COULTER & HACKE, corner of Woodand 3d street»._ / V5-PARTNfcRSHI P.—‘The an bacriherVnave eniereß ; \j into Co-Partnership under the firm of Scaivb, At-; jftNSon A Oxely. WM. B. SCAIFE, JAMES ATKINSON, ja3t JOHN M. OKELY. HEATING BUILDINGS.—We arc prepaid to fur nish and erect apparatus for heating large or small buildings, by steam or hot water, and have engaged D H. Williams, from the east, to superintend its construc tion. ,ja3l] SCAIFfi, ATKINSON A OKELY. Oft BARRELS prune N. O. Molasses, per steamer QO Messenger. [dcclO) CARSON A M’KNIO IIT. • Molasses and sugar -62 bbls.N.O. Molasses; lGhhds. do Sugar Landing from steamer Keystone State, and (or sale. jaS CARSON A AI’KNIGHT,94 Waters!. IfTRAPFINU AND PRINTING PAPER fo sale, If largo or small qaanuues, by JaU * W.P. MARSHALL. PLANTATION uhds. prime plantation Sugar (old crop.) on consignment and for sale by: declO MILLER A RICKKTSON. . French and German Wine for sale by J? Ja24 ; JAMES P. HOKBACI PLANTAUENET GUARD ttAZORS_~“ The only safe und perfect Razor manufactured.” Just re-; ceived. per express, another lot of those truly valaeblo and arnquoßazors. [jalS] W. W. WILSON. 1 (COUNTRY KNIT SOQKS—4O doz. on hand and for j sale low to close consignment. t.k:m’KNIGHT a bros , ja29;lw 117 Wood street. ailiE best place in Pittsburgh to buy real good Tee. is at MORRIS A HAWORTH’S Tea Store, east side of the Diamond—soc., 75c., and 81,00 All srllcily genuine Teas. The Black Teas at7sc., and the Green Teas at $l,OO, arottio very best Teas imported into the United States, 'Central Tea Store* TUST RECEIVED a full and fresh assortment of tl Green and Black Teas, which will be sold on the most favorable terms, wholesale and. retail, cither from the original packages or in metallic packs, to sail custo* mere. All Teas warranted fresh—packedor loose. ja29 • H.C. KELLY, Fifth street. OLD HUNTrNG“WATOHES—Just received am \JT for sale at reduced prices, twelve splendid,, fai jewelled gold hunting patent lever Watches—assorted sizes for gentlemen ana ladies. > Also, six very fine - twenty jewelled, real Johnson, Gold patent lever Watches. • ; Also, twelve ladies’ gold Watches, of fine qaallty and assorted sizes and patterns—all warranted. • W. VV. WILSON, Watch Maker, ia2s corner of Market and Fourth sta; ; H IT ,„ _A. AKILLIKEN & CO., AVE ON HANDatthcir extensive CABINET and CHAIR MANUFACTORY, No. 04 gmithfield it a large assortment of fancy and plain Furniture, which they will sell 15 percent, below customary rales* Terms—cash only. • (deeply 1 irresolution. > f PiHE Co-Partnership heretofore existing between the X subscribers, under thefirra of J.B. BONNET A Co;, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Either partner may use the name of the concern in settlement JEROME 8. BONNET* MATTHEW D. PATTON FtKJ&tifgft, April Ist, 1850. fC?* Having sold my entire interest in the firm of J S Bokkxt A Co. to M. 0. Patton, my late partner, and in retiring from business, I take great pleasure in recom mending him to the confidence of my friends and the publm. [ap3] J. 8. BONNET. Gravel Hoofing. THE subscribers respectfully inform the citizens of Pittsburgh and vicinity, that they are now fully pre pared to fill orders for GRAVEL ROOFING, in a man ner not to be surpassed in this city or elsewhere, From their experience in business, they feel confident that they will render satisfactions all those who may give them work. The superiority of Gravel Roofs over any other kind, particularly m case offire,is too well known to requite any argument in its favor- To tiidbc who are unacquainted with our work, we beg leave to refer them to Messrs. Thomas Liggett. Sr., John F. Perry, Rody Patterson. Al. Kane, Jr., and others,for whamwehave i done work. Orders thankfully received and promptly I attended to. .We will be found on Wylie street, be •ween High and Tunnel streets. MATTHEW McGOVERN, JOHNBKINNIN- .A ■ • . ■■■; . 'tty Printer*. ■ qrtHE subscnbor would call th© auenuon of Printers to JL hia improved I nnt»ng Inks, of various kinds and colors, which he offers for sale at the lowest nta'r&et prices, and warrants to be of the very first quality. JOHN D. M’CREARY, 1 Printing Ink ManufactQTer, * No. 371. and 333 Stanton st., New York . His agents in Pittsburgh are—Mr. R. C. Stockton an Mr. Win. S. Haven. This paper is printed with his Newslink, foetts i - k. c. stocftton ( I BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, • i No. 47, co&rfKß oy Maoket aito Thikd stbebts, HAS constantly on hand for sale—Writing. Letter. Printing and Tea PAPER; Bonnet, Binders’, FoJ lers’ and Tronk BOARDS; Book and Newspaper PRINTING INK—which he will sell at the lowest cash in exchange for Rags and Tanners 1 8crapa. f tOBACCO.—6O boxes prime rs just received and for » » aie b y ball- - 3TUART A SILL. »T E nM4 RSO ” UUUN TY IMUD—I,OOO acres for saio U ocl4 THOMPSON BELL. ]t;. *V-’‘ • 1 1 f ' 4 : j'v* .t- . Coughs and Colds C ared In 48 Hou rg. the introduction of-this- new compound. Coughs O tuid colds are cured m a vory snort ume. we will warrant Dr. Keysets Pecioral Syrup to -cure cases of Coughs;Co!ds* Bij9nckiti9,X«*ugugiUs, in less time and ala cheaper rate than ariy'oiher medicine ever dlscoy ered ■ IT< UAS AN ENTIRELY NEW ACTION—The old Cough Medicines always sicken the stomach and pro dace nausea which is more disagreeable than the Cough This tsobviated m.lhismixture, for ltipapjeas .antsoothingjirUcle and it will cure, or the money loillbe rtfundtdi :The evidence in favor of this , medicmo in oarcUy, from our own citizens, should convince nnv one of its efficacy. It is the prescription of a regular physi cian; and has been used by him In his own practice for a number of years, with the most heroic success. CONSUMPTION— ludy from Steubenville writes, hat her daughter had been afflicted with a Cough and ixpectoration, night sweats, hectic fever, and all the distressing qymptdm* of consumption, and that after ta caurtwo'ooules she was entirely cured* A gentleman n Washington county, who had suffered with Asthma md Chronic Congh for eight years, has been entirely re lieved and the cough removed by the use of half a.do acnof bottlesof the Pectoral Syrup, Ago tleman from Peoria. Illinois, writes that “ he knows the Pectoral Sy rup to oe a good article, for he has used it in his own pose and in the cases of membets of his fa&ily With the tnost perfect success/ v . . ■ ■ ■-, ’ lx IS OKS OS THE CHEiPEST MEDICINES NOW KNOWN. —lt is put up in half pint bottles at 50 cents each, or six bouiesfors4,6o. . - . Counts! Storekeepers would do well to keep a sup ply of this medicine on-hand all the time, as it is one Of the most perfect and efficacions remedies ever discover ed for all coughs and diseases of the lungs and incipient Consumption; \ “ CAUTION 3XTRA— Many persons will try to get Von to buy someone of the various nostrums, but do not heed them. If yon want to get well, buy Dr, Kbtsbu’s Pectobax Stbvp, and take no other; this will cure you. it has In it some of the most valuable plants and herbs of thematena inctUca, and is compounded by a person Skilled in the healing art. There can be no deception in this medicine. It is prepared in your own city, and the proprietor has numeroua»certlficates, attesting its valu able properties, which will be shown to any person de sirous of seeing them: F Agents Wanted throughout the United States to sell this medicine. Large discounts will be made to those who will take an interest in the medicine. It will pay a largo profit to all agents; besides, they will bo doing suf fering humanity a service by placing in their hands the greatest medicine for Lung diseases the world has ever produced. ' - f For sale, wholesale and retail, by KBYSER A M’- DOWELL, Druggists, 140 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa., to whom allletters for agencies must be addressed.— Also, for sale by D.M.Curry, Allegheny city i-P. Brock* ter, jr.,Brownsville; George Bairo, Waohingion j John H Buchanan, Hickory’; George Keyser, M’Keesport, J. D. Vowelt, Canonsbargh; and by merchants and druggists generally. ■. [jn&> •7s respectfully invued to the folloiotng trutliS, set forth in relation to one of the most important Bemeaies of mod' ern times! PETROLEUM OR ROCK OIL; IT is not more than one year ago since this great rem edy was brought before the public,-for the relief and ‘cure of disease, Its great powers to heal, have, since then, become fully appreciated by the community, and : we allege that the longer it is tried the more certain will 'its great fame spread. It is not the remedy of a day, got up for the sole purpose of making money; but, one. which we conceive, will continue to be used when all nostrums have been forgotten. The PETROLEUM is a Natural Remedy, elaborated m the depths of the earth by a power and agency that laughs to scorn all human competition. It Is-our duty; when we write about a medicine, that we write tbctu— that we say nothing calculated to deceive those who may trust our word or pat confidence in our statements. The sick are very api to catch at any thing that promises relief from disr ease. A story can hardly be too highly wrought to an swer the object of gallmgor humbugging some of. them. Now, we do not desire to do tins; wo are anxious only that the truth in relation to our Remedy should be tolu, uforder to secure for it a reputation far exceeding any single article of tlic materia meixea. Plain, unvarnished facia—facts that may be ascertained in our own city and neighborhood, bear ample testimony in favor of the Pe troleum. Within the past two months* two of our own citizens* who wero totally Mind,.have been restored to sight. Several cases or blindness, in the State of Ohio, have been cured. And, also, thecase of a gentleman in Sea* rer countv. There ar&others \ but these cases are near botne, anu may bo referred to by any persons who may havedoabtson the subject. These cases were cured ut ter they had been abandoned by physicians as hopeless- The Petroleum will cure, when used according to three, lions—Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Piles, Rheumatism, Gout Neuralgia, Eruptions on the Skin, Pimples on the face Chrome Sore Eyes, Ringworm, Tetter, Scald Head.- pains in the bones and joints, old sores. Ulcers, Wens. Tumors. Scrofula, Cancer, Spinal irritation, Fever nml Ague, Chrome Coughs, Asthma, Uronchilia, and nil Pul monary affections of a chronic nature, lending to pro duce CONSUMPTION. Burns and Scalds, diseases of the Bladder and Kid neys, Chapped Uaods,Excoriated Nipples, Corns and Bunions. In fact, it is aoaasT ukivk&sal&rueoy, and has been tried in mostof the above diseases within the past year wub the most perfect success. Certificates that Will astonish are in the hands ot the proprietor, who will take pteaaure m showing them to the afflicted or their fnenus. Whatever others may say abont their medicine's, the Petroleum is the greatest Remedy of the age. i*hy* sicians of high standing in the profession are bcgmoing to use it in theirpraeucp. Those whoat first looked on with doubt and uncertainty, are wiUiug to awatd it due praise, and consideration. Befdre another year rolls round,all will bo compelled u> .acknowledge thuiihe Petroleum is the greatest medicine ever discovered. For sale, Wholesale and Retail, by - KEYBF.R A M'DOWEU., Also—R. E. Sellers, 67 Wood street; D. M- Curry, D. A. Elliott, Joseph Douglass, Allegheny City. Also, by the Proprietor, 9. M. KIER, Canal Basin, 7ih street, Pittsburgh. [jati THE TRUE DIGESTIVE FLUID PREPARED from Rennet, or the fourth stomach of the Ox, after directions by Baron Liebig, the great Fnysiological.Cbemist, by J. 9. HOUGHTON, M.D., No. U, North Eighth street, Philadelphia, Pa. This is a truly wonderful remedy for INDIGESTION, 'DYSPEPSIA , JAUNDICE, CONSTIPATION . LIVEII COMPLAINT ; and DEBILITY , curing;aller Nature’s own method, by Nature's own agent, the Gastric Juice. Haifa teajpoouful! of tins bloid, infused in wuter, will digest or dissolve Five Pounds or Roast Beef in about rwo hours, out of the stomach. ■ SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE 1 Baron Lixaio, in hiscelcbrated work on Animal Chom Utry, says: “An artificial Digestive Fluid, analogous uo ‘the Gasmc Juice,may be readily prepared from the mu cous aembraue of the stomach of the calf, in which vn* nous articles of food; as meat and eggs, will be so soft ened, changed and digested, just in the same manner as they woula be in the human stomach.” Dr. Psaxiua, in his famous treatise on “ Food and Di et,” published by Fowlers A Wells, New V ork, page 35, states the same great fact, and describes the method or prepeiation. There arc few higher authorities than Dr. rcreira. Dr. Combe, in his valuable wnungs on the “ Physiolo gy of Digesuou,” observes that “ a diminution of the due quantity of the Gastric Jmceis a prominent and ail-pre vailing conse of Dyspepua;” and be states that “adis ungutshedjirofessor or medicine m London, who was severely afflicted wuh.ihis complaint, Gnding everything else to roil, had recourse to the Gastnc Juice, obtained from the stomach of living animals, which proved com pletely sncccssfal.” Dr. Goahas, author of the famous works on u Vegeta ble Diet,’.’.says: “ It is a remarkable fact in physiology, that the stomachs of animals, macerated in water, im part to the fluid the property of dissolving various arti cles of food, and of effecting a kind of artificial diges tioa of them in no wise different from the natural digest ive process,” Dr. Simos 1 # great work, the “Chemistry of Man, 7, (Lea A Blanchard. Phila.,TB4B,pp 321-2) says: “Thediscov ery of PEPSIN forms a now era m the chemical history of Digestion. From recent experiments we know that food is.dissolved as rapidly in an artificial digestive fluid, prepared from Pepsin, as it is in the natural Gas tric Juice itself.” Professor Dunglison, of the Jefferson College. Phila delphia, in his great work on Human Physiology,devotes more than fifty pages to on examination of this subject. l His experiments with Dr. Beaumont, on the Gastric Juice, ontnined from the living human atomuch and from amm&ls, are well known. “In all cases.” he says, “di gestion occurred as perfectly in the artificial as m the natural digestions.” A 8 A DYSPEPSIA CUEER, Dr. Houghton’s preparation of PEPSIN has produced the most marvelous effects, curing cases of Debility, Emaciation, Nervous*Decline,and Dyspeptic Consump tion, supposed to be on the very verge of the grave. It is impossible to give the details of cases in the limits of this advertisement—but authenticated certificates have been given of more than TWOHUNDRKD REMARK* ABLE CURES, in Philadelphia, New York, and Boston alone. These were nearly all desperate cases, and the cures were not only rapid and wonderful, but perma nent. ~ It Is a great NERVOUS ANTIDOTE, and particularly Useful for tendenoy to biliousdisorder, Liver Complaint, Fever, and Ague, or badly treated Fever and Ague, and the evil effects of Quiame, Mercury,* and other drugs upon the Digestive organs, after a long sickness. Also, for excess in eating, and the too free use of ardent spir its. It also reconciles Health with Intemperance. OLD STOMACH COMPLAINTS. There is no form of OLD STOMACH COMPLAINTS which u docs not seem to reach and remove at once.— No matter how bad they may be, it GIVES INSTANT RELIEF! A single dose.removes allthe unpleasant symp toms, and it only needs to be repealed; for a short mac, to make these good effects permanent. PURITY OF and ViGOR OF BODY, follow at onco. It is particularly, excellent in cases ot Nausea, Vomiting, Cramps, Soreness of the pit of the Stomach, distress al ter eating, low, cold state of theßlood. Heaviness, Low ness of Spirits, Despondency, Emaciation, Weakness, tendency to Insanity, Suicide, Ac. Price, ONE DOLLAR per bottle. One bottle will oi ten effect a lasting cure. - Every bottle bears the written signature of J. S. HOUGHTON*M.D,, Sole Proprietor. Sold by agents in every town in the United States; and by respectable dealers in Medicines generally. - Agents for Pittsburgh, KEYSER AMe IK) WELL, 141 Wood street. Retail dealers supplied at Proprietor’s prices. [nv2o:y Also, for sale by E, SELLERS, S 7 wot d street. _ Ball’s SareaparUla ana the Cholera, IWYOT a single man, woman or child has died of the J.TI CHOLERA or any of ns symptoms who used this invaluable preparation. Look at the city of Louisville, where this salsapanlla is made, and where from 150 to 200 bottles are retailed daily, but few isolated cases of Cholera have occurred, and they-were cither persons from boats or those Who disregarded our advice. [CtntmnaJi CAroniefr, For sale by KEYSER A M’DOWF.LL, 140 Wood sb Pittsburgh,where the genuine article may always be btainef b (lalyST- PETROLEUM— A certain cure lor DIAKxiIKEA, a disease very prevalent this hot . weather—the fore runner of Cholera. Try it 1 Foraaleby jvfi KEYSER A McPOWELL, 140 Wood at V. * Shags an&.. fHetorints. Public Attentlou ANOTHER SCIENTIFIC WONDER! PEPSI N t Or Gastric Juice I A CHEAT DYSPEPSIA Cl/RER, HITE WAX—SOO Bis. for sole by dec S . BJ A.FAHNESTOCK 4CO, •V...- V- '■V i:-. - :/ .»■ *2 »* , » „ , JHwcdlantoos. ; BOQK AND JOB PRINTING. -W •Corner of Wool and FifthStreetSi TpHE Proprietor ortho -Pol and Msacirai' JL- ANBMAHDrACTimE2,reBpec:fuUy informatdsiriend* ,Mia uiepairoasofthflsepaperStUat fae.Has a .large as ' aOrtmem ofJOB TYPE AND ALL OTHER MATERIAL necessap*: t 6 a Job . Priming'Office, and that he is pre* Pfered to execute .. . < . . • "1 fcSTXEB PRESS PBmTiNa 07 SVKRT DESCRIPTION: o 0 • Bills of . Ctrculars f "BiUltcadi, Cards, kinds ofßlanks, .Stage, Steamboat and Canal ooai Buis, withrapprppnate cats, printed on the shortest notiec and mos: reasonable terms. : asks the patronage of his friends and the pnbbc generally, m lids branch ofhis business. . Uep22.; : . : .; J V ;L.HARPER> . S JAMES W. WOODWEEE, gi CABINET; - FURNITURE nUNimCTURER,,IY\, •roomi 97 and 09; Third street* jt W.'W. respectfully informs his friends and cuaiom y * era that he has now completed the largest arid fi ttest slock of household furniture ever before seen in thrscity, as he ia determined to uphold the quality with well-seasoned materials, best workmanship, and newest designsj and from the extent of his orders and facility: in mat ufocturlng, he is enabled to produce warranted fufnitarej at the Towea; prices. V fHe ttasv.adoptedthe principle,of identifying the out-, romers’ interest with his own, in quality and price, and, keeps always on hand the greatest variety of every des cription of furniture, from the cheapest and plainest, to U\e most elegant and costly, ihat a house, or any part of one, may be furnished from his stock, or manufactured Expressly to order. He therefore solicits an inspection, thanhe advantages of his establishment may bo Known* The following articles consist,in part, ofhis stock, which foyrichness of style and finish, cannot be surpassed in any ot the Eastern cities: ; ; • ' • Parlor, " ' ■ drawing, din ing, and bedroom 1 chairs, of every variety, consisting of roaewoood, raa- ; 1 hogany and walnut Elizabethen, > Conseivatoire and Easy Chairs, of xvery ~ description; Couches, T3olas t Tete-a;tete and Di ; vans of the latest French ana American patterns; Tashaes, Wbat*Nots, and ladies’ f arlor Writing Desks ;of various kinds; Work. Tables and fancy inlaid i stands, music ► lands, and holders, marble top,' ma : - hogany, rosewood and walnut centre andsota,tn hies, extension .dining table,-; all sizes of the 5 * 'most improved, and decidedly the best kind . made; card, Pembroke hall and pier tables, wardrobes, bedsteads aiid waslistands oU each a large assortment ; gothic hall and parlor reception chairs,-ottomans and stools, secretary and book i' cases, side boards, fire screens, towel racks, hat stands, . and music stools, cribs and cots for children; paper mache, table and tea poys, mi* : hoganyy rosewood, and inlaid pearl Tables, ■ &C. *Ci &c. _• • A large assortment of COMMON FURNITURE and WINDSOR CHAIRS. Cabinet makers supplied with nil articles in their lino ! STEAMBOATS and HOTELS, famished at the short esiaotice.' All order* promptly attended to CHAIRS JLSO FCRISITDRE. kVa. 93 Third atntt, bilieitn Marktt and Wood, South aide. c\ We have now on hand a large Mid ytesajga- Wl splendid stock of every variety of FURNITURE.whichwe~7A7_ I * T( lore confident cannot be.su r p a s s e d r -ifragggisßg= Equalled, in this City,on i tl.e West, in style and finish, i Those who are in wauiot Furniture are respectfully invited to call and examinefot themselves. i Steamboats furnished onUt.' shortest nstice. ; ID* All orders promptly attended to. j 'xebUfcif ofooNNELL. MULLEN & CO. ! Furniture anil Chair Ware Koonu> T. 8.. YOUNG i CO., corner of Third** •fawgjysar and BrviPn* Hotel, \jJL keep constantly on hand fSS| j&allillsiand make to order, ui the lowest prices, * 4 I •HOUSEHOLD and STEAMBOAT FURNITURE, and [CHAIRS.of the best workmanship and most approved ‘styles.' ’ • ; • ' ‘ . _ • teblS . - - - sic a mboaiii t Ai»oy X ; I ;Tuk subscribers tender their actf?\ for ihe favors bestow jed upon them by their Steamboat friends, afldlTpj (would respectfully remind them aijd others inte- ■ - ;resied in buihiing boats, that at ail limes pre pared id furnish, on ihe moat reasonable terms, every •description of Cabin Furniture and Chairs ot the bey material and workmanship. 1 B YOUNG & CO., Corner Thud and Southfield streets. fcblS . opposite u Urown’a Hotel.” u 7 hauler 0. V. iSAMUKR. * iititocen SitniihUfut and Strawberry alley, FiUsbury, Fa. ' fry JIAMMFJI & DAiUjEilkeepconstantly unhand IMLa variety of excellent and fashionable Furniture, ! F|p|warTantedequallouny in the city, and sold on as ! * *1 » favorable terras as c-an be obtained at any similar establishment in -he West. They have now on hand an : unusually exteusive stock, embracing all kinds of Furni ture, trout the cheapest and plainest to the most costly and elegant. All orders promptly attended to. rar.'i^ro 'VM. k. STEVENSON commuesio manu (acUu&CAßlN£T ALLEGHENY. riililS SCHOOL, under the direction of Air. A Mrs. N. 'X W. MrrcaLr, will bo Re-Opened inColonnade Row,” Federal street, on MONDAY) Septemberlid. A primary department, and & number of optional branch es, have been added, and a corps of teachers secured, so that Instructions .will now be given to scholars of ail ages and attainments. For jJorlicuiais see circulars, which may be had- at the book stores—-or consaU the Principals, at their dwelling, on Federal street. Allegheny, Aug. 3. ; angSnf - U>K. Williams A Co.’s Store, corner of Wood and Fifth streets. Rev. Witt.D. Howaab, Hon. Walteb U. Low&ib, “ Dr. Elliott, J. D. McCobo, Ksu., *» Dr McGill, J.D. Williams. fiy22rtf First Arrival of Foil Stock of Carpus* . f|U!E subscriber having lust relumed from the East, is X now receiving and opening a splendid stock of goods, consisting in cart of very rich style Carpets, viz: Brussels, Ta?estry Brussels and Velvets, imported expressly lor this market. Also, Imperial 3 ply, superfine £ ply, with & heavy stock ot all the lower priced grades; together with a large variety of Hearth Rugs, Door Mats, Stair .Rods, White, Green, Bine and Scarlet figured Baize, frotnj to 3 yards wide. A superior article of French Table and Piano Covers. Oil Cloth, from tto eight yards wide, Ac., Ac., ’ . Ail the above named articles having been selected with great care, and purchased at such pr ces os to ena ble him to sell cheaper than any house west of the mountains. Citizens and persons from the country ore requested' to call and examine the stock alLynd’s Carpet Emporium, No. 80 Fourth street, and No. C 3 Wood street. augfl* K.W. LYNP. S.\ JUST RECEIVED,d cases of Fancy STRA W Miami CHIP BONNETS. Ladies' Riding HATS , Children's and Misses' BonnstSt Boys' Hals, $o. — Those wanting lkmnets will please give her a call be fore purchasing elsewhere. All orders promptly attend ed to, at No 9 Fifth, su [taylOnf] MltS. A. LEECH, I'DISSOLUTION.— T rhe partnership of Mubput A Las JLf is this day dissolved, by mutual consent. The bu siness of the firm will be settled by H. Lee. ' J. R. MURPHY,. PittstargA, 30th Jam, 1949. H.LEE. NOTICE.—The undersigned will continue the Wool business and attend lb the-sale of Woolen Goods, at the oldplace. H.LEE. njP“ In retiring from the Idtefirm of Murphy A Lee. I take great pleasure in recommending Mr. u.Lee to the confidence of my friends and to the public. jnn3o . J. R. MURPHY, , . Notice* AN application will be made ai the nextmeetiug of the Legislature of Pennsylvania, to incorporate a Book to be called the Mechanics Baok.of Pittsburgh, to be located in the City of Pittsburgh, and to have a capi* talnot exceeding two hundred thousand dollars. . JulyltOm e THOMPSON BELL. . Extra Family Flour* XftOß the convenience of the citizens, the proprietors JC of the “PITTSBURGH CITYMILIS,” heve placed boxes for the receptionof orders, at the following places: J. A R. Floyd’s store, comer of Wood and 6tu sis.; . M, Haywood’s Shoe store,corner Liberty and Market A. Beelen’s store,3d street; ... L. Wilcox, Jr., Druggist, cor. 4tb and Smtthfield;. John t Smith’s store, cof. High uud Wylie streets j Telegrami Office, Fourth street; ' H. 0. Kelly, Grocer, cor.Sth st. and Market alley; M. Grass’s sine, 9th Ward. . The Flour wacr'us wili doll twice or thrice daily,’ for orders, and the Flo 4 r, deUvered promply either in barrels or sacks, (sack Flour is preferable for family use,) without charge for cartage. It ia plain that no accounts can be allowed,and that drivers can have no permission to leave Flour without payment. We hope that the public will be pleased.with ibis arrangement, ns we shall endeavor to do rAem just ce. imayJd) . WILMARTH A NOBLE. HOI FOR CALIFORNIA. f JUIE subscriber has been authorized to receive Pack- X ages to be forwarded to Sun Francisco by the house Of CORWINNE, BROTHER * CO., Panama, and to engage Passage.in first class sailing Vessels from Panama to San Francisco. Every information given, bnApplication to JOSHUA ROBINSON, ap!3 Post Buildings, Fifth BU near Wood. /CHEAPEST SUMMER GOODS IN TOWN.—Light \J Cloths, all wooL'Cashmarettes, Scotch Plaids, Linen Drills and Ducks,witb every variety of Mur ; aeilles and other Vestings and Trimmings, by ' _ . jeß JOSHUA ROBINSON. ' The “Pittsburgh Brewery.” HAVING taken aleaseof mis well known Brewery, and having it how in Tull operntionv lam now pre pared to furnish my friends and the public with a supe rior article of ALES and BAVARIAN BEER, in any quantity. Call and see, utllie corner of Penn street and Barkers alley. .‘.: w (jand) A. BENIT2. 'T : ' Window ShadOp Batmiri, PAINTING ANDSTAINING, warranted to vX wash, at No. 10» ST; Clair sTaßET,PrrTSßtra Fresco pointing executed tn superior style, with Ameri can and Foreign designs. S. SIMMS WATSON; ■ ; jefctf . EDWARD R. KEENAN * l . / :•»-»* :• *.•>•■ • .■'•V * ** ** ** -J> * VV- ~v Hammer 4 Dauler, —hoter to— ' : ’'V;v ; 'v:-/--^r r iC’;-V - r-'--"~ w -- ‘- •** ' r k 't 4 4 ■■•'V.S'.fc. •; - <£lotl)tttg. Winter ClotlUng Selling Low for Gaoh. *E> l9O Liberty street, Piiu&urgft, has on X;*~tiffnd--a.:largo.:3issDrtnrent orihe iatest stylo- of Winter Coats, afiashloaablecolors. Also, Pant*, Vests and all other articles in the’.clothing line,. Wholesale : Purchasers will find a most desirable ,stock .to-select x?omj and-wHl.be sold low for flash’,- 7 v VldeclO - B. 91. &ftDC9T, MERCHANT. TAILOR, INFORMS his friends and customers th at be hflß open ed a CLOTHING. STOR% nt:No. 85 Sraithfield si., wnere. they can he suited at all limes .with anything in ins line, made in the most finished ttyle and workman like manner/ His Goods are, all fresh, of the best tuid 0 ! 1 *©!© material, and no .pains will be spared toafiord the greatest degree of satisfaction lb his pat- ; tpns. A good stock of Ready Made CLOTHING always on hand*. , [dtclQ ! . '. ;,M. KfiiiLT, MERCHANT TAILOR, • Sjnufi/ield strut, Pittsburgh. Pa., XTAS JUST RECEIVED FK&M THEEAST—a large 4JL and carefully selected stock of French. English ?si<£™5 r, f an CLOTHS, CASSIMERES and VEST approved colon tmd styles; yytiich „^„ pr^ dec2 ‘ Nos. 62 and WMarkct street.- " TTJST .RECEI Driz. asEorted Tailora’ Tateut tl Shears, from NoirlO down-to No. 2. t : 1 . ALSO—3 Doz. Barbera’ Patent Scissors, direct from the manufacturers, and for sale At > irom „ B°WN Aj TETLEY’S,.I3O Wood xt.,' I W aa : ■ ■ Stdoorabelow Viigm alley." •' ~ . V;7 V - ’ ' ' V > \ j-i. .'V’» *^ 1f - ■ ‘ * '• ' * x * * *■ ' *'+ ?• * * * ~J? _ v 4 VV V*» *■>?♦/ * * r V, 1 * , ■.**.«£'• ' "^s^isaiigss^ AGENCY OF v :.". u .y' s . . ' , -j fiUetellaneoao. (( 6nldef*iM. > Wtne'ltiore« I T 6 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. THE UNRIVALLEP PLACE Tot oblninini? all Wines. Liquors, Ac.,' GOOD and CHEAP. e 1 “SNIDLR V has lately—inconsequence of the numer« : ou3 large salesmade by him toconsumers—been obliged largely to replenish bis stock by fresh impoiiaiions,- and .hei has now the satisfacuonof-offeruig.sonxe;of the best Wines and Liquors ever imported by»lunL He would refer to-somo invoices as follows—viz; , DUFF, GORDON & Co.BUERRlE3—embracing deli cate Pale at very low prices, rare old, and some very choice MANRANILLA, all on draught by the gallon.— Also, rare old delicate AMONTILLADO, in casks of i 6 gallons specially selected for Consumers.SotaeEXTßA AMONTILL ADO in boltles/piit npin Europe, 'which he challenges a*equal to any.that ciiti bo produced. y; ’' ’ ; V The MANZANILLA And AMONTILLADO Sher ries are peculiarly .adaptedtOconvaleisceniß/as" they strengibeii wiibbut aiiraulatihg,ahd have not theacid of many 'other Wihes; '! ' -V' •.7.•. ‘ '- PORT-WlNES.—principally, specially selected ifdr his sales tO'C.Onsanten from the rnnulc Of«> » 'at Oporto,and imported - : ' These->Vine» are fruity ans delicate', am! lhave been highly,approved by :his; customers,’ becanse/d/ their manifestsuperiority over alloiher Pons and Red Wines palmed off assuch: ;r : iC i'- r ,‘-Vv •• . They areof various sorts and pricea>in boulesand on 'draughtby.the gallon, or wholesale by thecask, Among them is some rare delicate WHITE PORT and MALM* , SEY PORT. , , . %*Persons suffering with chronic affection of the bow-, els cannot bejoo careful intboir PORT. ; MADEIRA WINES of various sorts, dry and rich, South Side, dld Eastand Weßtlndja. -Sercialj Ac., Ac. ondraught, in bottleVdndby u ; As to the SPARKLED WINES of.lhe subscriber, it is well known and the splendid SPARKLING MOSELLE* imported by him are superior to ,-any 'Other rWinesj : and are sold at prices ai.low as most pt the inferior vyineanow in the market which are put'upon buyers sa first class*' He has also CHAMPAGNE WINES ofvariousbninds and qualities, at veiy ; low prices, retailorwbolesale. In the Article oF CLARET. WlNE3,geueraliy, the subsen ber ho|d_s. himself to be ajudge, and he otfersthefinesl stock here, jrqm the very lowest pripe,by, thesingledd xen. to the first clash or “premier cru” of Mkuop. . :Of BURGUNDY.WINE9 hehas alargcstock andean' assure-dustomers-thathe can presenvio-them,from. his. vaultBat the EDUCATIONAL BOOK STORE, ~ coritlarket and Fourth ats. . Flour Reduced. WILMARTH &.NORI.E will sell their Extra Flour-, delivered on-and after the Ist November, at 52.25 ¥ 100 Superfine at lOO fits. .A liberal dis eoum to-retailers'. ■ jiovl MEMPHIS INSTITUTE. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT.—The regular course of Lectures will commence on \he first of SYovctmer amt continue until the last of February. ' The. Anatomi cal Department-will be opened and ready to receive Students by the first of October. The Medical Depart* inent will be Under the direction of the following ~ PIOrKISOBS: ;Z. Freeman, M.'D.j'Professorof Anatomy. ;R. S. Newton, M. Jjl» Professor of Surgery. " r 11. J;' HULCEf'M.D. \ Professor of Theory Arid Practice o Medicine. ‘ W. Bran Foweil, JSL D , Professorof Physiology, Pa- andtieology. J. Kino, m. Dy Professor of Materia Medica,Therapea*: lies and Medical Jurisprudence. !J. Milton Sanokus, M. D., Professor of Chemistry and , "Pharmacy. ' J. A. Wilson, M. p;, Professor of Obstetrics and Dis eases of Women arid Children.- CLINKJOE LECTURES. ATrdictns—Prof. 11. J. HtiLcs. Surgery—Prof. R- S. Newton. Z Fbeksun, M.D., Anatomical Demonstrator, r The fees for a liill course amount to SI U 5, ; Each Professor’s Ticket,3ls. Mairiculator’s £5. De* monstrator’sFeCjSlO. Graduation, 820. -* | Tiiosedesiringiunherinformauoo, will please address ithelr letters (postpaid! to the Dean;, and Students arri ving in the city will please call on him at the Commer cial Hotel. R. S. jNKWTON, M, D., . . v DeanafUieFaculty. LAW DEPARTMENT. • Hon BWM Kino, Prof, of Theory and Practice of Law :JnoDelatxelp, Esq, Prof of Commercial Jurisprudence. ZVrwu—B6o pet-session. AH communications pertaining to this department must be addressed to E. W. M. KING, Esq. Zf .;•-•;•, . .. No. IC4 Second street. T I!E JfANTAGENET GUARD RAZORS can be used in bedj iu the dark, and by persons, with trerau*- ‘ous band, with ease,safety, and in half the ufual time, Without the possibility of cutting the skin. Thisis er lected by meaHa of tbe patent Guard, which is adjusted m the razor, with the greatest nicety and simplicity.— Every Razor is made of the finest .tempered steel, and warranted. . They have been extensively osed in England,find prondanccd-Uie inofit perfect and safe razor manufac tured.- ■ , . : " • ' - ; “The new nivcouon may he used riiib perfect saie ty.”—London Posh ... . r! ..“Thisjrazor is a splendid iuventiori, and of great use tomanypersonsjjespecially for people with unsteady h&dt. n -? Chamberj > Edinburgh Journal. , For safe at tho-Watch.and Jewelry Store of. de<£3 " W; W, WILSON. . - «. , -jVv. , ! -. - V-’^' : '•; vC^v’ ; '':r •- ' ’ * r ~ •' '■*+ ' . ..'o .1 >V . •• .t siiiliiSiiftl marine, Fire and lnland VrlßlfPltuioa - - IHStJBADICE).* ■ ' -l/ _ nPHE INSimiNCFCOJIFAOTOFNORTn AMER. 1. ICAvPltlfodelpfim; ißttnered YW4' L ca)>iiaHWOO*« - 000, asset! January 13,1651,91,001,585ff0, will <;. make insurance on buildings and their contents in this dtp and vicinity. Alio, on property ofevery de«crip_-" uon,cn.sleemhoaui and ether vessels, cither by inland , ,transportation oron the eeae. . ' , ' DIRECTORS: Arthur G. Collin, Pres’t., Jacob M. Thomas, , Samuel W, Jones, John R. Neff. Edward Smith, / ■ ' ffiehartl D-iWoodji: ,n t•' John A. Brown,, . William Welsh, ... ~ ~ Samuel F. Smith, Pruada Haskins, Samndßrooka,. - S. Austin Alliboney , . ChatleaToylor, . William E.Bowen, b i OSO nt hl,e ' George W?ArpluwEll, ■' ■i .TtomaaP.Xtme,. James NuDickson, S. Morns, Waler, H. D.Sherrenl, See'y. , loifl is the Oldest Insurance Company Inthd > United Stales, and from its bighstanding,long experience. ora* - ■pie means, and avoiding all ziaka of an extrahazard-’ ,ouir character, may be considered omplo-ae**.-; curity, to the public. • WM, P.JONES&AgenV: - j 024 JM0.141 Front street, - ” BAPETY, PERPETUITY AND SECURIT Y. ‘ ■ THE NATIONAL,' LOAN FUND - . i LIPB IHSOUASCE SOCIETY . . , C-.« ♦. >; t2l> :: LONDON AND:NEW-YOKE. , Capital, £SOO,OOO~B . California nskt taken at ' ' ' 4 ■' ‘ fAfiwng theadvantagts of ft Pottcy ln thi* Company V* are the .followings- : ..... . . ......, 5/. • , for thewholc termof Hferdayototty ‘ the amount of annual premium*,/ £*?“** «fc . .He may at any tta* surrender iuapoUoy, and receiyp. 7 back as value ; thereof otre*fcalf.the cross sum paid oy bimm annual commonpxemiamu. ‘ ' “ 1 > •-n -.' A party already, insured fa? wholes life, may, on pay* ••• ojent of asmall sum, convert hi* insurance into a new policy upon the loansystem now introduced. 1 • v> Parties already insured and entitled to a loan, are not shut out from said two-thlirdiban, if the * prefer it', upon the terms stated in the Society*- : '<■ A party may, at amoderate annual premium. mSuri ' " for life, ahd he survive to reach the age of €0 yehrii the full twn insured yp to 815.000, tcW be paid tO HUd; or if • ■he dies before reaching: that age,'the toll suminsured ~- willbe paid lobisfamify orlegnl represedatives.; ’ Ithas become customary in the Atlantic cities forcon- ' gregailons to insure the lives' of. their PastorB, ttnd on 1 Christmas or New Year’s day to make the family a pry* sent of the policy. .This is ceitainly an excellent way 'of showing their regard for their Minister/whoso salary in very many cases is scarcely equal lotus immediate wants.: To the man of family, at his death, irisacDJl- solauon beyond expression to his helpless.. hule ones are thus proytded for. ‘ '. - . r '‘ v ' cCburehe&Tnvolved. woald do weU lo insure the lives. <1 of oile or more pf the trustees.: at .whose demise the . ; amount would be applied iblidutdate the debt. ; :‘ r Explanatory pamphlets and information given gratis, ■ ■ at Urn Banking-House of , / : WM-AHULL A CO., nov29 y Wood st,Second dcor above Fourth; President Fillmore Has taken insurance m his life for*; @4,000, in the Connecticut Mutual Life Insu rance Company, of Hartford, Conbeeticnt. ' The following-are the Joint Stock ; rates of Premium r , of other Life Insurance Companies compared with the r&tes.of .Hartford Life and Health Insurance Company Annual payment for Policy of one thousand dsUars.. » a l ®-d ; - p ts< * 1 Nizrm of Company. . .. V. .“£1 “£ ' nartfardLife&H.lns.Co.- 'lOiJO JEtda Life Insurance Co- vli.7oUfi.Bo 2150 59;50 {O4O ; OharterOakUfe Ins.Co.-vU.7015*80 21.30 2940 40GO . United States Life IU9.Cor-1440.19.00 25.30 34.70 53.00 Pennsylvania Life Ins. Co* *1440i20.40|2740|3740 50.60 NationaLLoan Fond Co:.- . U4.80'19.5»[tf 4Dj»7O 5060 It will be seen hytfce above table : thhi the rates for in auraQceiwithoutpafiicipationinpfofitfljinthisCompany f are more than ner, cent. lower than any Joint Stock Compatiy in this uoantry- dr the World, anit they■ have been adopted after a full investigation oflhe whole . dubjeet. . • ■ >• . . -* ■ Those wishing to insure in either the Conn; Mutual - -• or the Hartford Life and Health Co. will apply to , C. A. COLTON, fleet ■ : Comer of4thand\Vood streets, up stairs. Bead Thtsl s \. . To Farmers and those wishing. TO INSURE DETACHED PROPERTY. THE New York ( f Washington-County Mutual Insu rance Company” is the company for them toinsurc' in. Jt is the only Farmers'.Mutual Insurance Company that has run through five-year* without taxing, thetr note. It is the largest company of the kindin the world, numbering over-111,000 members,,-It ; does uqi insure f Steam Mills, Carpenter or Cooper shops, or anything ' ho2ardousorextra-hazardous. - : Ojtly Houses, Bants ana their contents,anfl hut 82,000 bit:oiie'risk; Churches, Academics and School Ilonses, and but each; > - A certificate can be seen from one of.the first, men in Pittsburgh, to show that the Compaiiydoes pay its loss eapromptly. 1 CA.CULTON, tien’L Agent, novl cor. ot 4thand Wppd st3 H up stairs. THE DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSUE ANCE COMPANY*—-Office', North Room of the Ex* Change',Third street, Philadelphia. -'.a'-- ■. ! -Fiza lssiijuncb.—Buildings, Merchandize andothej property in town and country, insured against Joss Of - paraage byiire ar thelowestrme of ■ . • ; Marine Insurance.— They, also insure Vessels, Car goes and freights, foreign or coastwise, under open oi' special policies, as the assured bay^esjsc, • Inland Transportation— They also Insure raerchaii* dize transported by Wagons,. Hailroad Caxs. Canal Boats and Steam Boats,on riyersand lakes, on me most' libera) terms: : . - WILMAHXH & NOBLE. DIRECTORS—Joseph' H.£ed),Edmund AwSoader • John C.Davis. Robert £urton,Jolm R. Penrose.SamUet - Edwards,Geo,G.LeiperiEdward Dariingtornlaaac R. Davis, William Fblwell*John Ne'v»Hn;Drt B. M. Huston, Janies C, Hand/Theophilus Pauldjng, JI. Jones Brooks. Henry. Sloan; Hugh Craig. GeorgeSerriU. Spencer Mc- Uvain, Charles Kelly, J. ' Jacob R. Smith, • • Moms Patterson, :■ ■ « CHAB. W BANCKER, Pres’t. Chas. G.Bancxhb, Secretary. ; hr Continue to makolnsnrance, perpctualor limited °n every descriptionbf property in town and country. , The Company have reserved a large Contingent Fund. ■which, with their Capital and Premiums; safelyinvested afiOTd ample protetuontcf the assured. • The Assets of the Company, on January Ist, 1849,- as published agreeably to an Act of Assembly, were as fob lows, viz r Mortgages ——-81,047,433 41 Real Estate M,724 83 Temporary BB>ool 85 •' Slocks . 51,023 25 Cash,Ac. • 33,801 37 «13£WP2 7l have paid upwards of Ont million jFout-Hundred- Thou sand bettors, Josses by-firei thereby affording evidence ofthe advantages of Insurance,aswUas the ability and disposition to miet with promptness, all liabilities. - J. GARDINER Office N. £. corner Wood and 3d sts FLro mxdßZerlne insurance. THE Insurance Company of North America, of Phila delphia,through its duly authorized Agenwthe sub scriber, offers lo raako permartcht and limited Insurance ob property > in this cityand its vicinity,and on shipmeu. l by the canal and rivers. * • <. ■ * DIRECTORS: ArthuTO-CoffiniPreaH. ■ Bamuel Brooks, Alex. Henry, . Charles Taylor, » ; .» Samuel W. Jones; ! - SomuerW. Smith/- ' Edward Smith, Ambrose White* •; John A; Brown, ' Jacob M. Thomat ... .. John White, John R. NeSV; : • -. • : ThoraasP. Cope, ” Richard D.-Wood,. - Wm. Welsh, : • Henry p/Sherrard,Bec>. Thlaisthe oldest Insurance Company in tlm united. States, haying been chartered in 17M. Its charter is per petual,and from its high standing, long .expftiience,am ple means, arid avoiding all rista of an extra/naaardons b»r y ‘"‘""wSpife 7 At Counting Boom of Atwood, Jones A Co., Water and Fronl Bts.,Pittsbargh mtt J 4 T &3M****'' co, 02 and 64 JUaxket »trc»t' ,r ■■■'•.,-. .. •, V * » . ’ ' v^^V' . ,v, .* ■■ : H;. / - -V : *' - •''• •/ > v-v : - r ' ■ r " . :...'•-: i : ;:. ; t ■ .fr.'-.'AV’ " :• ■ «» .u* . v r* i Jnenrcfna^Compamfis. '•V : 'J. ."i •. •■.■■■ • v:- - ■■■• ... • \+-•, ' •„ ..., 4v \ >. \ - “ V V-~ Li - r* 7 i \i:.;Ly r yy/bX i? *• «*; v, • ■ f •.■ ■ V ■■ -L ■ ’t.