/*S*W*ts ' **-v-' V; >'* :, .? - V.-/: < % \ ,\‘.V *\. * r ’ \ ~ B!«il*i»iSffiaßJlß‘:S:,.., |§1,,... ||j bb:;/;;;;;:: •'• , . ,■ ■?'■ HBEWS! , , =•■ »r.a. s ,„.«^,„„ vm „,j sf« sum,. »ju-«Si.V«S*BME. zske?* ..“sssss^Ji * I«g«« has armed. ThO _ . . - . .pUwrup.cOßlwnsni'tJjritt^'Bj^^ sssns--* !SSfSSi?il« f-^}t'.^ti't.^f':.^ f t^: i .- \ BIS.:.- r! mmSZ, B,lory »Wbeen- .. ]v 0 **e*iomff popularity and ?"* ftjfaSS&i Ja2d° ! ?££“ '"P to 7 M»rand trade is “to tnnp tteffl^?U.OTt,“^*l 1 ' masy - * ■ SIS§SS&SC£¥ 1 t f ?fe , »’f^F' <> S.''‘t oSrC6Bing favorably. Money ■: ~nbto.CONSDM&IOI/^.,ital«y%£S« >::TiT uh \ tch ™« e t t*>- vounu,. which • otherwise!*thrown backupoutheinS tincnt is more it/ Rvorof 0^ a i ra^ oC SfJ r work >* ad^^ i0 h ,a ( , EOOd ’- bot hacked byl «SS™^ifelXSSSS£?faSSSte ,? /'V&VffiH V/ Jf 5* 1 CqUOD market ut tiser • W-restore»:them^fSS? V/\ * vJ*V : * -.< > i-ySi ThiAMedicme/ tUcrcfoie, ia aof-i” 10 Chester, a „d many .-_- gg?lSlSKtfS?^“!f .mcssonul after the men,^ - Mle3 ° fTur pe «7.- cißcuLAks,* , AA- >SiO9S - AmencanSecurmes ♦frfe^a^sgy.’t«*I fa .*felt.VS. i C- , bat sales not Wire} U. Si 6»s onei^Bdaeriptim,«aatn,^ol £UV^C^fTA 1 *! '■• i, V-tilV|Cry i; 7, 00, tuofaytuts, . Lungs anil Liver, nnil a copious re SsSSsiS® as^"—“ SpSisS^* |i* H 5, »op the colbmbhs. ,5. ktbesbape ffl ' b lbu8 ‘ Capl ’ 6fcCcwe ». «•«. arrived om tifC, P DoI - » is h«,ng, Such iso nr ciriuSfSXi? rfi-7 ; , from Llrcrpool, suffered so todsh ingro ttammtthisMedielneir i‘i 0 * ,h “ Bh ° wm ° b, ' fied *° p« *-«• ; ?ss« id reploniah her «or«s. She left t@fertt.p^dV-«!SeS{/jSvt < i ' I ® f Jannsry, at which timo nothing four hours’time,- ■ * or‘he steamship AtlMfCi this wo. will be returned. ns^£** > Atlant’C hadsailed .from Liverpool,’ —= - side tho wrapper orceehbr on of many would hayo afforded her ***£&'& to, havo made :,that port, after :any ••— ——u —■». . —' r. other be palmed onto you machmory that may havo occnrr J. w?a“^d“ in h bopM “« Bbo - C *£^L^™ fica ha 9 not yet heen signalled. .8 ■ . t M ‘T T fla ™,V d j” a,CrO - The r°™^^ r oot a, fmm Liverpool, bound to California, - baffled ihc.skill ofseve f| in at Payal, in condition;she Kmih’e^^ cuing ,q , long. 40, pi* ,men from the no fai:h in patent me sabella of Dundee from Shields, bound ‘ ' t'^auc.-'" eß * Ti »« Captain and eight mo dof the dnringmy sickness, bt r ° -‘P I °" rboa ' d b r ‘ b ® •«, ftn the ■■■- ■■■ = !hXaM; uary C. The brig Main from Liverpool . Yonrs,te S iM. IS* ad also put into Payal . for repairs when ■ BLEEDING ml of the Steamship Africa. ~ ££«*,£? JSK Wk2\Z%& Xem ! “ Tbo Athnlk Safe J!. I i. . J.niedfcine did not L •••• —h"■■■'■■ V .:■•■■ ~r ,;:• isomehwandthonp .. „ , NEW W Yobl ““r 15. r^irirs^r ,brioea ,hoJayrul • rp^ ;: , “ tlentlc erpenceced .aoTCre weather. Sho te4V^^^iV^ S v3>«TV. ‘ f ■ ,\ r 8 » bart « of b »' b ««'*• a hurricane. Z° .• 1 paddle boxes being carried away, ab'o was ' —— -i IS? SALE, w 'I isabled. After ,la daysbeating’Westward t \ ; j 'V l \* put back and reached Cork at Bp. m.y on ‘vji i’l’h • 8d lb ® TP&. W?c| atytaip.ed .no rALSO.fora? ’’ -w' bo3,ond ,h ,V ab “' c , ' la ‘ cd • Tho c,oßr and SSfSITB^ ' ! er * »«w •» won, and a Card was published Carr& Co., M • bj tb n e - pi rT ßera lbe Ail “ Blie ' 1 5S jslimotif of iho great streogth and power of —---v ip In contending nine days against an.almost D^ofuie/ ' y. 3 ' ro P*' d gale* of great seventy,- and dmirable condnct under saifs in reinrning 1800 1~11 ' = - ■ 1 '• ... T hoy.»wari high ptaiso toCapL West for • -nowidgrt f ,cat “ crfion »> , “ ld “ oro particularly a. his S^™‘ offic "* *■ W - Sbaftl ‘r «» S*k at tho time.— ln & , to Mr. Rogers, the Chief Engineer. - . he Engineers, also; write o card: of thanlis to medloinc «• W ?« Bw b >*kindness and attention. && h 0 Carnbria ,cr ‘ lirorpool for Cork on the 271 b, .Ihjks o , was to leave thero.on the 4tb, with nothing but -Sp * cargo of the Atlantic. .. : msntuii'Aitr uujisuwphon!: ■ ; coraple ‘ B>» feared.that it will tako months to repair the Ooreaby WUtar’s Balsam.or Wltd Cherry, vingm mage done .to tho Atlanticrp machinery. Her J.Tk g*) *'’ Lotton has declined ,fo i, middling Orleans 7i; byihattCTnble sconrge t Coasumpuoa,mMay last. :The ister ’Bw®lwSSS®K® ! sP f^w^fli!k, fSsshE>* *a»i®= plead 7J | M obilo 7J. More firmness at tho sail- atinck was truly horruyins io me,for five of my fhnuly, effee »3*iSsBs»W^»?o w l«**:*M*Ptl&s4r4a&-«*sSr„r ,h„ ‘ {my brathen wtd sutenj bod died of ConsmitpUon.- 1 poor ng of the Steamer, waa afflieicd with nearly all orihe worst 'features of the idea tia??Mi !, «©W.^S^S^wPtiyiß , Wa?»»*S»; Grain doll. Corn6d lower. : . . disease-. 1 hod ndistressingcough andeipdcloraied n onr Provisions steadv Pino I nnl 4« greatdealofblood,hecueioyer,-severe paioslatheside' :-F r fe. &£%%&:■-? Pino, fid tower y ' t,no - ar ?'V . B’ andchest, cold ehills.alienmtingwiih'flushes of heat r“ hlour bd lower. ... / nnd copious night sweats. fSS tK* Tobacco doll, but firm. . . I was under the cate of-a skilled physician from: the Coffee dull and declininn. ■ ■; •:. time I was takeasick until about sir weeks since, beine Z. ~-~ —' then about helpless, and my friends considering my case Ai ‘ . T ., consider myself perfectly Welh ::1 make this stntcmem ' ’■J’y. to; induce others that,are afflicted as I have been, to KiATp'i')B* make trial'Of .Wistnr’j.Balsam of Wild Cherry, wllich remedy has, under the blessing of Providence.- restored my health.', V’.:;''.iteREMIAII- ISGRIGG. -s.-r:--- : -i > ”Cnowu Poikt, LakocO; la., fiiae'l9,-ISf9.’ , te's'ra , J , ff|i . Jr.D.Pari—Ztror Sir: Aslhave adeep^eommissera- ' »• uou for tho afflicted, permit me to givo.you a briefhisio r ry of-my afificuoas, and the benefits derived from the *V^ f tl aeo of “Jjr. Wistar’sßaliam ot Jn July, > 1844,1 xtob attacked with a fever of a typhoid character. - ' ‘ - .. - - • - - which left me in a very deWUtated state, when iq the following winter I was taken with a severe cold, whici .# .reduced me to such an extent as to give me the appear hiv* ance of a. confirmed consurapitvo. rlabored under £S»’ .severe coagh, expectorated a great deal, and was troi • .• •:■> •■.■.■'- —-j- — bled with cola fectnndnight sweats. I also frequent ?xl ■ •. -• , r;:.. , ! raised blood from my lnngs. 1 continued in this ala 1 v ’ •eradttallysinkicgtinder.thedisease J uniilJanuary,:B rtv street ‘ -nntil I-wumgam attackcd with fever. ; My exucmiu *-* 17 u -r ©‘pecia'lly;tny-feet, wens constantly cold,.andalre * • ■ —"*•■ —■■-"■■ . 'r :■•■:■:. • Josttheir feehuff. Under these circnmstances it mai r> Bowow, February 15 • truly said that! was a hymg skeletbn.. 1 finally d* a i ' v ••,• -ri' «• f*• • • Vi • mined to quit takmg medicine prescribed by Dhvsic iugitivo slave named Frederick Wilkins was ' and Wiatar’s Balsam of Wild and »cd this morning and taken, borore tho G. S the first weck ihaulcommencedtakingnicamd rV . -v, •.:■■ *'■>:»•■ : '-Vr B W •■ V 1 * °*. .> 'gndusttccovery;'.t.continued'itausesUmonthSv ' oaor i CorUs,. in the U. S.« Court room»-The ' ■ en< i of which ume t was cured j and have enjoyed 3 was poslponed UM Tuesday. • • ever. iecoramcnd-th tnn '•• . ■' « ,-*■ •• :; -*Am.toall those afflicted,with.discasosof the lung negroes stormed (ho Court room. woald.say tQ thosc coraracncmg'ususa not lh" ho officers • carriod nff »KWr««iaY.Y •■'■■-.»' >*W**&mt d 7 ct ho.omcers carnoa oif the fugitive >. ~ persevere asl have dona, and’l have no doubr b hroea .were armed; bat rro’oiie "• ' ■ casesoutof ten wiUbe bleased.with renewed h> 'd thoMflTflhhl>fl«»» ; - Y - ' Ihave-becn. , v - • .>.AJOBBPH^aCB '-'•'•'•••* i * a;;; '- ,: ' GshntiKß'&Arii ill surpassing-health resiorativo virtuesf • ' —*.;•'••: '/SoCHRAN, M’BBlim A £o; successors tof Eich- A !«?? 'PH - ■ • l_i baum. M’Kendry & Co.; Warehouse; fftrmerly oc* t j* Ui 7* m * a ?\ford $ Pa.k. I take this.oppo i copied by Win. Noble,).;No. 137 Front Street, orwdoor JnfffihSn«^#»f-fv* i • ?•. .West of AVood air,Pittsburgh,-Manufacturers of Ooaa- vUH ?Lsr IS ff van’simprovcdpatontCookingatoves, Cooking Ranges,, of 'c. for Coil aau Wood Stoves, Fancy Stoves Plain ar.dPV.acy » h en I r.i?^r mffltom - ommim § #?;> -’aonomlßovWomt of every description. ' So^SSm^^.-“is^wh^ThJir thzxyg Mp'sSxij ■SdmdSAtw . tar’s Balsam of Wild Cherry. ’*' BB; >O’ -BBC *'ai r ~?'< r r r£S£iA .“B” V'-i'B SALE;—A Lot of .Ground having: a.frontiof 6# -My friends persuaded me to givo- it ah -n Centre Avenue, and .-ritnnliig-backgfiQ feet ihndgtven np nil hopes of recovery, and ’ts. Om th6‘lot IS' erected B: ilarge . Brick- myself-fortho change of another world.: '•»A^'ftwftrL^tfTl»^3kw4a**‘K i S'6^Ka ! ’Stt, nearly new nnd well finished.- -iThelpt. .solicttaUonsLwastndncetMomake'Use i 'ho besiselccted.'Fruit.and.-Shrnhbeiy' ;iyirtar’a,£abat»;qf-fft/ij: Cherry. - The e ’’ordu IfappUcnuonbejnndesoon,ihe; astonishing. . Afterfivmyeatsof offlictio «W®*fen®SSaraSf®«%S < }»MriV» tot ft-au price and terms.;: s - • .and after having spent four or fivchnndt “/'ftX-WrSg of • ’■ .WM.:O..FRJBND,;- B-i pmposefanathe bcBtnndmosi--respccti Attorney, Foarthntreev; *■■■■■;.. bait proved ;unayniltng, I was -coou 'it veonWoodandSimihfield.: Jealthby.ihe blc&stogof G.od,and the ’ '’ Yb:fd spleadid assortmept-of I£ Hr„^, a .L Sar >liC^ 1 i C^^I cr^’.'' -iV:ST,ttv:;;.'£'&.hMjet^^.W^'^v.-£gt f ®- s Bafinmof-: .^aaaiaKfßfeiß^^Ea^^P- 1 MUIKMIVMi •• .oT,a«:sign»tnro.-of:Heir T ::.,, Philaoelphla,aha:.‘ : saaftril.A Park OODSi-rrA;.- cuted.steel engraved wrapper. Nor ods, of -Sold-byJ.D,PARR, (successor t 1 Fourth, aiid Wnfdot streets, Cioci. 's'y' \'§ v r -' ■ 'r,. Agctt| to the South tind Wesi,-to >v f.fesg-e-.'' J KtJd & Co, Pittsburgh: L Wilci *reet and the Diamond: ii A .Fnl tk! xA Jones.-piltsWh fLc •Cityi'L'T.Russell.-Wnshin ’tikiin'i: Bowie.BUi SlfißiSiSSlfe- : W 'iff"• • --^?•• -\- .:•-. r< -V ■-t t** fT'i •Hl'- <• -' ■.- - ; •»* LOCAL-MATTERS. ifgVj■ -■. - 1 ■ ■ - ■ 1 . ■ *-,’{.o'rSirrH;Wi«x> TotalAaJTnrcitcs Society.—This vSofcietywaaoTjamted OBFndayevenlogjFcbraary ■ T:.-!n7tb*atid n Committee was appointed at that meeting : - ” «* draft e Constitution and Bye-Eawa Tor the gov. . ernment of the Society. TifuCommiltoe reporicd a Constitution and Byo btwaitn meeting m tho School House of the Sixth ■ . fiiday; l4th inst. Their report era (race eptetl, and the Constitution' and Bye*Laws : adoptedr .-Thia Society* -being the' first one ...Orgaafted eicce tho great excitetnenfcommenced t is novrfuliyonder Way. persons.werechosen officers! . J-Verfdmf—L. R, Livingston, h .. Tfc* JPraUmt—Tlr.&.G. McCandless -v , Sscrrthry—Wm. Geliy, TVeamrcr—George Armor. Stablest Committee— Thorotißon, G. Lam- Sournß and John Scott. . ' ■ The Society wifi hold a meeting on Thhrsday . nnxt/SOth mat., when a Lecture will be delivered - bylheßev. Samnel Williams. All the friends of are invited to attend. Place of meo ing* Sixth: Ward School room. I Th4aisx.—Mr. McDonough’s benefit on Saturday * wa* truly, flattering.lo. him-moverwas the' , l 0“" taore «owdcd, and he was-greeted with the moat rapturous applause: ■■>"■ ■ Afte r the first piece was over he was called out in front 0 r the curtain, when he rotorned his thanks *? audience for their marked end ftcWappro bation. ' t " ' _ * friend then, as the representative of a ponton ..■■■■■ of McDonough’* many admirers* presented to him nheantilhl gold watch and chain, as a testimonial ' . "of iheit regafd for him as an actor, and their esteem .;- cihr him at ,a gentleman. To which Mr. McDonough replied in a very graceful speech. 1 . ' : ®3T Dr. Hollick commences his senes ofLecturca to gentlemen this evening, and thoso who wish to .r;: 5 heat them, should attend early and procure a ticket. . . Pit Friday evening the audience to'the introductory lecture was. a perfect jam, and several hundreds v. .went away, unable to gain admission. The Ladies . are invitbd (free) this afternoon.-- -I, '.: .Benefit, ought to draw a crowded - house. Ho is a; clever actors an.able stage mans. . • lg«r and a good follows To-night the •« Mysterious ' Knocking*” willbo etplmned, and Mr. Richardson, Die celebrated tragedian, will perform bis groat part of Richard 111. Let all patrona of the Drama nit* . .. ness this rich treat! Old Allegheny Bridge, we deem it proper to Bay, is sot tbo person whoso name was alluded to'in our paper of Saturday, as being concerned in the many .. highway, robberies .which are daily occurring inour .City. Watchman Smith is an honest, orderly,ire . spectablc citizen. .• ■ Tns For, the jaiior, is making some -Tory important in this building.' ■ The thi«l, story is being fitted up .so that the females . l ‘W®f k « r tfill occupy it delusively, and when out 9®^ B > os they may bo all .the time, they will be entirely separated from the males. Boschollo and -.. MtiloStaple will give s concert nt Wilkins Hall artiste* of the highest, order. Madame '. ;B.>a vocal powers aro not deeded by any in the ... :.9h>ri4i *svb. Jenny : Lind. Wo hopo that our oli" * : : not fail to attedd this rich musical treat. RoBSEUV.— Yesterday.morning about 8 o’cioek, •. While the boarders ot tho Monongshcla House ivero .‘i hreakrait, several of their . trunks were broken* open and a lof,of,jewelry taken out. There is.no . hate passed through our Poat Office STORE-Tho auhscnber &“«» ! teo r f‘ es of '« «>° TcaMartei! MSffllaasaKKarfiK assgg^iSaiss-g- ,* , .ADDITIONAL BALB OP Forty Town b«u In Eo« tlTerpool, O. ; ,fpHßtefienißnpreceaenred »aj6of Lotii : ' "l'«hrirtD S ToWn hivingnortj Si£?£ te ’S &.fn ™ '/■ “ Stoutly laid out;uni tha-demand uUll"ghuauh» - 'Undersigned has been induced to layo'ulSA Wa JOTperty lnlown lota as übovc, and oiTcra P them to mecTthl I swwiotlhosowiahmg to-purchase. It W needle.* t» 1 m^,J5? th L nsof of the town and prospect's JSSSSS.V? h "j , 5 an J llM °™t one hundred lota have hands, ntid been purchased by those wuhmgtoprocnre a desirable home - ■■■■• ■■■■■.■■■ .■.■■ “ -iSJo.nhovo JoU are among the most eligible and deal- rejd. P, ‘ nC,pally I#C “ ted “ ,to *“• P»Prtetor-iarlivetpDoI f ,:rjM j?**®«*.Blakely, Koq.i Fourth street. PittsbnrirU; * Od. lfl - , „ , JOHN S BLAKELY. ' •-naamvetpo WM oyer tblStrsnuiH while juai r? yy for gale 1»y . Ifebl3i 4lim ttPtl * - v Cl; bblß. rec’d and for «ale bv ' ~ «FV ' - SAMUEL P.SHRIVRR - SJ P. febl » SAMUEL r.SaHiVER -T'fr’SL o** 0 ** BLACK TEAS—Juat received at the ■' -BitUr itrebt: «lor of new ’crop £"> »7 *•«« «wp “ Architect,-- and fox ZZ .'wiioietaleto the trade'at reduced prices. .nInSZZ WII . aiio^S Teaa direct from Canton, and UAmua «dl tap they are not scented with EneiiBh J3lOldjr t Gut and Rom. [fcbldj A. JAYNESjFmheL “ t ?»%, i * v4‘, - ■ ' £ : - , <,* ■* r ••■-■ i TIIBATttKi JOSEPH FOSTER. -.Lessee; and: Makac** Admittance —FirsiTteruod Parqaette'.CD'ccni*'- Boors opon nt Cj o'clock, Qnnam rise j ai7 o'clock. |C7! Bepcfifor Mr PHILLIPS KVLNL\G r February l?i!i lfir,! will i „ Irtescn.ea for the las, of ’ ‘§»B. MyaiEßlous SoSm’ol"”" £??BKaKP«“ Oy.Mr., J. E. MURPQCH £i)l»hr Bt YVHUins Han I : BD«phbi r IWWWiWwT 17,1851, MAD. hr»,!?v I + I ' Er , {slslCT< > f W.Vmceni 'tvallaco, the of “? M’lle STOPEL, have (he honor °ih 11 Jr?., 1 .,. e cluxena of Pittsburgh, that they CONCERT at Wilkins Hall, on the.above named evening.- . •. 18 *uioxi»etof a lelter frOm W. Vrt ■-£? !o Mr. John H. MeUor,of. this city;: Aladjune BiwckeUc, as a Vocalist, after Jenny- iiind, "ffsno. equal in this country, and she 13 well worthy of fi AV:Wieniioa shown her. - - . r , accompanying her, Fraaiem Sloped is one of I ll ® greatest Pianists in the world.. You may belintme f have heard every body in Europe; and the Piano,yon are-perhaps aware, has been my constant study for years, buluever havalheard a lady play os she does Be assured, that, in ;introducing these Ladies to the i publ|e t yoa confer a favor on the ; lovers of music in* -PtUsbUrgh.- I February 10,1851* ..Tickets of odmusion SOc.j: to be had at the Music Stores, the Moaongahela House, and af the door. SUirtum Sales. P« .21* DAVIS) Auctioneer* TC\nR U p :0 n!?T? AL ? OF “PVSEOOLD FCRNl iftiuiAsr^r? n v T — r .“.anting,February 20th,at i°*?fi!?£*CPLr - C : c? oW i- b X • ** E. Arthurs; Esq., CiXecutor of Aire. .Sarah Fc&rns,. deceased, at hot late corner of Third and. Gram streets, all her valuable Household and Kitchen Furniture, wh\ch have .onlyheen a.short time in use, and kept in excellent or* dcr,comprising™ pari: Superior hair, spring seat M ar L ? UD £ e /£ n £ Chair V Mahogany Pier mid iablcs : splendid Mahogany high post Bedstead : dressing and plain Bureaus; enclosed and plain Wash elands* Windsor and common Chairs;,rocking Chairs: ; {ugh tuidJow post Bedsteads; Feather Beds and Pit. r?% 8 . ? 'i,^ r *Jj aa k and Straw Maltroases; superior OuiUs, Marseilles Counterpanes and Bed Linen: Cham fer ™rnmue, Looking Glasses; Parlor, Dining and Bcdjpoin Carpets, Hearth Rugs; Firo Irons and stand; £“?? la Fonaer» and Ash para; Dining and Breatfaat J.doles.able Linen, China, and QQeeusware: Ifni* lams t Knives.onuForhs, Kitchen tnnutare ; Cooking *«•»*«. • F.M.DAVIS, ■yALWABr —HE HOUSEHOLD. FURNITURE AT Aoc. ,«, Tim.—On Saturday morning, February S2d, st 10 o'clock, nt toe residence of J: V. DiUcr. No. 25 Wood’* Row, Marbury slreei, will bo sold the entire Household and Ritclicn Furniture, as he la declining Housekeeping o‘. superior quality, and only a short time in use, among* which are—Mnho s any Dressing Bureau, Superior Mn- SfSi T , H „“l! S t at S°S“«« 9 hair *> Superior Mahogany marble top Centre Table, Mahogany Card Tabic, Dining and Brcißcfoat Tables, Fancy and Common Chairs, ri 9 Cheirr, Crib, Superior Ingrain Parlor ami «^ b S r V, arp ?"> Cradle, Heart Rugs, Fenders and P«t Bcdstoads.Spnng and Straw MaitruMes, Bedding, Wash stands, Work stands, Halt and Stair Carpcii , Kruve* and Forks, Kuchen Furniture, So. tar and Hall Lamps, Cooking Utensils, *c-.&e febl7 ' ' P. M. DAVI3. Am-iV. W. G.JU’CAaTISEY, Auctioneer. SECOM) hand carriages at auction.— , Y be Mia on Wednesday non, February 10th, at so clock in the afternoon, in firoat of M’Caruicy’s Anc uon No. 185 Wood street, one second hand Car • lu ' :lri Y ,;?w > will; smodmi* Uij>; iron mJe : toll able for eitlicr one or two scan; made to order a thort . W.«. M’CARTNEY, ,eM4 ' Auctioneer. A LAR(»L xiscorimeut ot Cloths, Cassirneres. Ca«si« A liens, Flannel*, &e , at Auction.—Will be sold on Monday liext, frebraary l?ih,ot 10 o’clock m the fore noon, ai ftrcariney * Auction House, No. 185 Wood at-, S? e .i°j£ from Ilie corner of Fifth,® large assortment of t oUis.Cajsimerej, Gatsmeis, Flannels, Tweed*. &c •the following in pari comprise the assortment-about fifty pieces French, English and American Broad Cloths.; twenty pieces French Cassimeres; ten pieces Cassi oetls, sir pteecs Tweeds. Also, Flannels,Ginghams Ajpaccas.Moas de Lames. Calicoes, Patent Thread Sewing Silk, Black Italian Cravats, Silk Pocket Hand, kerchiefs, baUnVesuugjSilk Velvet, Cords, Suspenders, Buttons, Table Wadding. Also, Ready Made Clolhintr- And at early gas light, same erening, Dry Goods, Fancy and \ anety articles, Gold and Silver Watches/ftc. * fcbia W. G. MOAUTNKY, Aucrt*. OP THE NEW YORK DRY OOOD3 STORE,No. 69MarteI street, with Fixtures, and a sutttll stockof Faneyand Staple Dry Goods, to {resold at a bargain. Any person wishing to commence busi ncis on Marl-el,street, the above Old established busi ness stand, one of ihcbesion the street, .an be had on Javortrtloterms, if application is mode immediately to th esnbscrtber, who wishes to change his business. J a3 ° : . . ~ . WM. H. OABBABP. \K} EODINGS. ftc.-SOOWeddinit Cake Baxes; ; if SOO Cornelian Ring*; Ik doz. assorted Gold Pens; 12 do. da Spectacles; , . : *do do Razors&Sfrans Just received at the Watch and Jewelry Store of w. tv. VvrLsoN. earner of Market and Fourth sts- H I S TO & G O»’S fRNISHING STOREj t* Fourth street, gtgn of the . - GENTLEMEN'S FVI NO. bO, Apollo Bulldiaes. Bee Hive. 'Linen Shirts, . i Cotton do PHk Undershirt*, ' Linen Collars, Fancy Colored Collar*,' Fancy Cravat*, • Plain and Fancy Stock*, Shirt Bosoms; Neck Ties, Cravat Buckles, - Lamb’s Wool Drawers, Cotton - do Linen, * do Silk ■ do • ‘ Cotton Half Hosiery, Lamb’s Wool Half Hosiery, Merino d'l do Country Knu Socks, SilkPooket Handkerchiefs, Linen do do Colton do- - do Lisle Threadtiloveg, Silk: do • • do Woollen do : Black Kid . do White do do Boys arid Men’s Suspend*! •era, ' G Carpel Bags, Life Preservers, Combs and Brushes, ■ Perfumery, Letter Envelopes, * • Rough and Read y Coats, for businessmen, Fancy Parses, Buckskin Purses. Tobacco Bores, Fancy, Hickory Canes, Whale Bono Canes, Fancy Mounted Canes, Twig Whips, Hunting whips, Lady’s do Ivory Handled Silver raoun ted Whips, Gems Covered Whale Bone Whips. Trotting Whips. Pocket Book., Bank Note Books; Fancy Shaving Soap, - do Washing do , A fine assortment of Odd Mlows’llegalia constantly on hand. (febll . . JFOR SALE. M.BOLLAIAN being about to decline business on ._ • account of.ill health, lusVmegar, Distillery and Drug Store will be sold either together or separate, on moderate terms. Apply lo , U. KJLEBER, . Third etreot, sign of Goulcn Harp, febs . . ... , or t Diberty street, No. 315. Law Partnership. • : . . rpHE subscribers harp associated Uiemselvcs in the X practice of Law, under the firm of Br jlck &, Wash ikgtos. . One or the other of them, when hot engaged in Court* can be found at ail times in the office, on Fourth street, Pittsburgh, now occupied by Mr. Black; SAMUEL. W. BLACK, *: READE WASHINGTON- A Small Farm for Sale, QF 40 acres, 35 of which is ucucr fence and in a high slate of cultivation, two fine springs and a well o i good water auhehouse; large garden paled io ; a fine orchard eni Hr?,n^' CB n con . nec ' etl w ‘>h the regalsnccession l ShVWe Strickland. A few of the Tn v SSv‘. J iif ' cc f‘!, eiiand for sale by R. O. STQCK ffijt“et, 4 Stationer, corner of and ■ V«S7-. STOLEN-A small, browtr and white spaniel DOG, from 57 Hand street. Who tfisss&a«ever.wiU return the same, shall be reward ■ cd.lor tnetr trouble liaBs] H. WOODWARD Election. : ~ A PUBLIC. MEETlNGofthc Stockholders of “the Company.for crecung a Budge over the Allegheny Sm'n’ p ‘' 19 Wv‘? ‘he Conn ty of Allegficny/l will be hplden tn the Tsl House, on MONDAVy the 3d day or March next, at two o’clock, P.M., for tite par. poso of choosing officers for the. eusutttgiyear, and the determination ot any question affecting the interests of sal ,J““Pnn y . JOHN HARPER, feb3-dawlm .Treasurer . T _ .. .. ~ • /Notice, 1 - ■• ••••• ■—> A l3 samuel p. shriveb. £ v . .V. t 1 . < i* '* *T- i. ■: ■ r Commercial anis, Jinanciali the PITTSBURGH BOABDOFTtIA nit AND MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE “ FREDERICK LORENZ, > C ZDG HII ‘ L ' ( Committee toe Febboaht. Bally Rtirliw of tbe Otazssets. OFFICE OF THE MORNING POST, > 1 ' . Mowdat, February 17, 1851; J - The , weather has again changed—cold and stormy. Busiacsi on Saturday, generally dull.— Receipts by riser continue light, notwithstanding the good stage of water in our rivers. FLOUR—The receipts for several days past have improved—mostly to g 0 east. Some sales on the Wharf at #3,40 to 3,46; the former prices may bo given, however, as tho ruling rate. No change from stores ; by the. dray load at 83,60 to 3,66; extra, 83,75 to 3,87. RYE FLOUR—S3,2S. BULK MEAT— Wo have no change to note in this article. Sales are made at 61 to 6J, as in cut and quality. LARD—lngood demand at former rates; 7y to , 71c in kegs and bbis. .'.This.article is not quito so firm iq tbe eastern markets GREASE—SaIes of 40 kegs at 6|; also, 65 bbls at 61, 4 months. COFFEE—Wo have no. change to notice ; very liUle domg io Iblsertiolo | tvo quote fit 12} to .SUGAR AND .MOLASSES—Firm, with sales at former quotations, 6106 J, by the bhd; Molasses 33. : SPICES—SaIes of Peppor by tho bsg at 9K39i, Pimento at 16317. GRAIN—We have no change to note; sales of Wheat at 70076; some Bales of primo at a shade higher.. BACON—Wo still quote at Bto 81 for Hams; 6* to 7 for Sides; 6 to 61 for Shoulders. DRIED FRUIT—Not so much enquiry, for this article; sales or Apples at 70 to 7S. Peaches 81.36 to 1,30. ’ STARCH-Sales of 50 boxes (City; at 6J, TOBACCO—This nmole maintains its firmness; sales or somo 40 boxes reported to us at from 25 to 31, according to quality. The Tobacco markets East are firm, with an upward tendency. iDflr otf Tuesday, POUT OF PITTSBURGH. 15 razT 0 inches wirtu in tub cnsssiL .. ARRIVED: Sleamer Michigan N 0.2,.2, Boies, Beaver. L Parkinson, Brownsville, ii a K ee, Hendrickson, McKeesport. " Beaver, Gordon, Bearer Fashion No,?, Peebles, Elizabeth. „ Thomas Shnver, Bailey West Newion. • Redstone, Woof ward, Brownsville . Roystone State, Stone. Cincinnat. „ Editor, Meson, New Orleans. ' ‘ Nio.2, Shuttle, Hochmeport ‘ Reveille, Dale, Wellsville. Jeoerson, Johnston, Louisville. Fort Pm, Miller, Nashville. ■ Diurnal, Conwell, Wheclinjr. . , BEPAUfKD: Atlantic, Parkinson, do « Hendrickson, McKeesport. • Michigan No. 2,Boies,Beaver. . Beaver, Gordon, Beaver. Thomas Sbnver, Bailey West Newton. - ! Peebles, EU«W Bedstone, Woodward, Brownsville. ; Messenger N 0.3, Fisher, Cincinnati. u - Dean, Cincinnati. “. *=>. J. Nelson, Moore, Wheeling. “ U? ne » ■■■.■■ yCmcmnau. ‘ ' Hectwood, Conley, Cincinnati . r.uscarora/Mnrdock, Cincinnati- Petamaninip, * 1 no lime, for many years has there been such un scrupulous trickery practised upon lie nubUc about penmanship, as at present. Pieces of envravine aretircalated.ihrough the town and countrv, wuh ihc en graver's ntune suppressed, in order to induce the Isno. rant to believe item to be penmanship. Persons ucsl tons of becoming rapid andeleirant penmen, will do well to call at DbFFS MERCANTILE COLLEGE,and ex. amine the handwriting of some of the best penmen In the city,who have been ipstrncled in this Institution.’ uec«7;uat? House of Refuge, THfj* Managers of the House of Kefuge want to pur chase n lot of ground suitable for the location of tm» tnstunuon, containing from leu to fifty acres, well supplied with water, and situated upon one of the rivers, plank roads.or railroads, within five mile* of the Court House, healed proDosals, stating description, price and terms, will le received until Monday, the ttiih instant, by the Committee. JAMES ANDERSON, THOS, BAKEWELL, JAS. CHAMBERS, -- IVM. EXCHBAUM, ; CHAS. IH&ISEN. fcbG:dawtF24 Oonntr Land and other Business. TITILLIAM FLINN offer* hi* services, to transaf f T business with the. Eiecntive Departments and Congress, as an agent. He will attend to all business relative to pension* and bounty land. Charae* mode rate. -Address Vt tlltam Minn, Washington. D.' C January 23,135 L. 11 1 Air. Fltnn was several year*, a clerk in the office of the Second Comptroller or the Treasury. His knowl edge of transacting bnstnes* at the Departments will render his services.ns agent, particularly asefal to all who may employ him at the seat of Government. ALBION ,K. PARRIS, • fetJ l - - Xar> Second Comptroller . Howe’s CoEigta Csiimdy. by n.Smyscr, Joel Mohler, Ogden & JC Snowden, Coulter fc llaeke, Wm. Jackson, and KeyserAU’DowCU, Pittsburgh; W.'R. Al’Ololland, Man chesler - ■ ■ _ _ ■ ■. _ . _ 1n0v29 OLD SCOTCH WHISKEY; Irish ■ ■ do; Jamaica Rum, In bottle*. Foiaaleby J.P.HOHBACH, 197 Liberty alrcet. i nry buls. family flour ; —’ —— IUU 50 bags Coffee: ’ . SO hbls. No. 3 Mackerel; 75 bMs. Tar; ■ ..... 100 bags Saltpetre; Forsale by _ . „ , , T. WOODS * SON, - Produce Dealers and Commission Merchants, IP IO • . No. 01 Water street- .T U !l'i,^, CI i I , V^ D ’ a »««•> «nppiy or Dr. S.'S. Fitch's W valuable Medicines, among which are remedies for Consumption, Coughs and Dyspepsia. Also, Abdominal Supporters, Shoulder Braces, Inhaling Tubes, and Lee tures on the Ureatmentand Cure of Consumption, Ac ' For sale by COULTER k HACKE, Druggists™ ‘ ocls comer of Wood and Third streets BRANOIhS-SO quarter and half pipes, of different yimages, of the following celebrated brandß Y. « n^ ey " “ Dapay & Co,; u ♦* A- Seiir neyey * P-inei,. Castiilon & C 0.,” . u Jean Louis.” For sale jq lota lo suit purchasers. M. D-PATTON ; . __ _.. ■ .211 Liberty atre vIO BBLS.NO. 1 ROSIN, just received and for sale B * A ‘ FAHNESTOCK Jt CO., comar Ut ond Front streets T.*® Schauta and ftannfactnreriT be i a wan i of ACCOUNTANTS or SALESMEN) can hear of several young men, in whosoi qnaliGcaUonß and ability, as Accountants, they con place the most implicit reliance, by applyin* nt .MERCHANT’S COLLEGE, cornerofl'Lrd and. Market streets. N. R—No Accountant, recommended from- this Insti tution during tie last ten years, has failed to give per fect satisfaction tohis employers. - [feblS THh Ladies all say, “ If you want real good Tea, iro to Mourns k Hawomn’s Tea Store, In the Diamond, .forll.”, TheTeathej sell atSOcenls a pound, is really very good, and those sold at7s cents and 81,00 are deli cious. Low,priced, damaged or inferior Teas are never kept at this establishment, and they retail all their Teas direct from the original cheats, baring proved that Tea will not keep m email packages. The metallic wrap- Sera they ore put up In is ns poruaas a lady’s veil* which y .holding uplothe light yon will see. ■ • • . {febll TIIE Stockholders of the Birmingham and Elizabeth town Turnpike Road. Company are hereby notified •tbit on eleouon will be hold at-the house of Daniel Bhawhan,in Birmingham, on Monday, the 4th day of March next, to elect* a President, Treasurer, Secretory and sizManagers, for the ensuing year. Election opened at 12 o’clock, Ai M. M- H. WEST, fob!4:3tw . TYeasunr. LETTERS Testamentary have ‘been granted to the anderugned, on the estate of Wm.Ji Nicholson, late of} Birmingham, AHegbonyCo.,dec , d. Persons having claims against said estate are heroby notified to present them duly authenticated for settlement j and an those ■ knowing themselves indebted will makeimroediito pay ment to the undersigned. - r. F.NIGHOLSON, febMrOtw ■ Executor. • : sotle«< - rpilß undersigned have formed a limited partnership X under the name of B. C/ Shachlstt & Cq.* for the purchase and sale ofDfy Goods in ;tbe city of Pitta? burgh* Tbe stud-partnership to commence at and after the registering of the certificate thereof in the office of the Recorder of Deeds in- and for Allegheny couhty, Pennsylvania, ondtp terminate on the Ist dayofJaua ary, 1854. The general partners-are, Benjamin C. Shackled, of the Guy of Pittsburgh, merchant; William Payncj Of the Guy of Allegheny, merchant J.aad the. limited or special -partner is Benjamin Clyde, of the City of Allegheny' late merchant, whohas. contributed and,actually pmd to the common stock of said firm ten thousand dollars in cash. B.C. SHACKLETT,, • WM PAYNE, BENJAMIN GLYDE. febl2:6lw Wanted to Charter. I -fflfiU&l A STERN WHEEL STEAMBOAT, of tsSESSS&Iigtil dmPKhL Apply to : SCAIFE 4 ATKINSON, First SV between Wood and-Martcl sis. —O.bbla; ia£iorft and for sale by" .■; .■'■« - f f° l3 SAMUEL P. SHRtVEft. °r bbls. prime rec’d and tor sale by febl3 , SAMUEL B. SHHIVEU. rriAL.ijU w—m bbtu.saeep and 3 bills. Beel Tallow -*■ iebl3 BAMUEL P.SHRIVEE riOEN BROI \J f«hl3 . * v A . •*- i : ■* Notice. Executor’s Notice* lOMS—2OQ doz.rec’d and for sale by SAMCEI* p. SHBtVEB. ' 1 *»» " - ».~ *■ * * BY TELEGItABH. Reported Expritthj far the Daily Corning Poet. i ut moktuiko—MisTan. EUROPEAN NEWS! ARRIVAL OF THE CITY OF GLASGOW. New Ymuej February 16. Tho propeller City of Glssgow.has arrived. Tho weather on the Britiab coaßtbaS bcenvcryjtormy, and many vessels were obliged to put back; - PARIS. ; A second batch.of transitory Ministers hive* been .appointed. Tho Executive n galoingtpopuliirUj hid strength. The rente aro bp to 76j49 r and trade is improving. GERMANY. . - ■■■■• Political affairs are progressing favorably. Money ' is easy and rather oioro plentiful. 1 No further change l in tho rateof Bank discounts, which aro 3 p cent. Exchange on the Continent is' more itf Ihvor'of England. Tho Manchester trade is good,but checked by tho anomalous state of the Cotton. market nt Liver pool. The Btoeks aro email in Manchester, and many refrain from active business euulaftor the meet leg of Parliament, on the 4ih of February; ! ; Naval stores quiet; tales of Turpentine at 7. Rosin 2293 d. 1 Consols steady at 961098*1, American Securities eontinuo very steady, but sales not'large} 0. Si 6»s of *62,10210103 ; >6B, 108101081;' .:: The chief nations in Eurbpo are preparing to send their products to the World’s Fair. The report is royived that tbo.Topo is about to abdicate and retire to a Monastery. : ARRIVAL OP THE COLUMBUS. ;: : . PraLacurmA, ‘February 15. The Ship Columbus, Capt. hljCcwen, has arrived at Newv York, from Liverpool; via Fayal, having, when 30 days out from Liverpool, suffered sotnush damage Tram a gale, that she was obliged to put into 1 Faya! to refit and replenish her Mores. She'lelt 1 Faya! on the 22d of Jannary, at which timo nothing I had been heard of the steamshtpAtlastiCj this wan 25 days after the Atlantic had nailed from Liverpool,' and id the opinion of many would have afforded her sufficient time to havo made .that port, after any damage to her machinery that may havo occurred. The intelligence makes ua look more ehiionaly than ever for the Africa, in hopes that ebo may bring tidings of tho Atlantic having returned to a British port. Tho Africa has not yet heen signalled. Capt. MeCowen reports several disasters. The Ship Antarctic, from Liverpool, bound to California, had also put in at Faya!, in a- leaky condition; sho reported rescuing in . long. 40, aix .men from the British brig Isabella of Dundee^ from Shields,' bound 1 to New Haven. The Captain and eight men of the Isabella wero swept overboard by the sea; on tho night of January S. The brig Main from Liverpool to Roston had also put into Fayat for repairs when 40 days out. ■. Arrival of the Steamship Africa, Good Newsl-The Atlantic Safe!! New Yobs, February 13. The Africa, which has armed, brings lhc joyful tidings of the Atlantic's safely. Tho Atlantic experienced seme weather. Sho broke the abatis, of both engines during a horxicane and her paddle boiea being. carricd away, sho wan totally diaablod. After six days beating Westward she finally put back and reached Cork at 8 p, m.‘, on Wednesday, the 22d. Th? vessel attained no damago boyond that above. statcd.Tho crow and passengers wore all well, aed a Card was published at Cork by the.passengers of the Atlantic, bearing' high testimony of the great strength and power of iho ship in contending oina days against on almost umolorruptcd westerly gale* of great severity, and her admirable conduct coder salts in retnrning 1800 miles. Thoy award high ptaiso to Caph West for his great exertions, aad more particularly a* his first officer, 3. W, Shufelt, was. sick atthotimo.— Also, to Mr. Rogers, tho Chief Engineer. 1 The Engineers also; write- a card: of thanks to Capt; West for hit kindness and attention: ' - The Cambria left Liverpool for Cork on the 271 h and was to leave thero.on tho 4tb, with nothing but tbn cargo of the Atlantic. It ia feared.that it will taka months to repair the damage done :to the Atlantic’s machinery. Her mailt came by tho Africa, and nlso her passengers. Cotton has declined i to i ; middling Orleans 7J; Upland 7j [ Mobile7l. More firmness at tho Bail ing of tho Slcomor, - Grain dull. Corn6d lower. : . . 1 Provisions steady. Fine Lard 42. .1 Flour 6d lower. Tobacco doll, bnt firm. -I Codec dull and declining. IXXlat OOSGaBSBnSECONO SESSION. Wasiobotor, February 15. > Houbc.—The House held a secret session'last evening, to enable members to make'speeches on the Rivor and Harbor bill. The Honse resolved itself into committee of tho whole on tho state of,tho Union, and took up the River and Harbor bill.- Mr. Weathcrstone spoke in opposition to tho bill, ■ Mr. Clmgman gave his views in regard to the southern policy, and tho ability , of,that people to lake earo of themselves; Ho said tho system ol in ternal improvement was liable la gross abase. ' Berate.—Several executive documents’ were laid before the Senate, and ordered to bn printed. . Bosrotr, February 15. A fugitive slaro named Frederick Wilkins was arrested this morning and taken before the U. S. Commisatoner, Carlio.in the U. S, Court room. The examination eras postponed till Tuesday. A mob of 300.negroes stormed (ho Court room and in despite ofthoofficerscarriod off the fugitive in triumph. ...The negroes .were armed; bat no' obe eras hurt. Tho mob need the Marshal’s own'sword which was .hanging in tho court room, to keop off the officers. There is great etc itement throughout the city. , . . MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH eyewno BEvonr.J New Yon*, February 15 Cotton,.More activo, and sales at 12|013|c ’f or middling to fair uplond, and 13£ to Isc. for middlinn to fair Orleans and Mobile. - n i. Flour,.Active and (Heady ..at 4i6804;94'4br* In d,"na i o , d „ M ioh«an,and 4,7204,94 Tor common Onto; 5,13 t 05,31 for, f«icy ; Ohio.; 5,5005.62 for extra. * * wt G rpio.. Wheat dull. Corn lower- yellow south ern 65c. afloat, and 66£c. . Pork.. Firm! old Mena 12,37012,44 j prime 9,3l ©9*44; new,Ohio Moss held at 13,69, • * oeoo er “ sie3ti?! Mcss B'soo’ 8 ' 500 ’ 0 * 75 ; pftno 5,90 Lard,.Firmi new and old-at 850Sje. Whisfeoy.oQQiot at 25c. Hemp.'kMore active. Linseed thL.ln fair demand at 90c, ' > ; v Jlice..Sales at 3,60. l Sngara.*Quiet; Molawes firm—N. 0.30 c. . Coffee.. Unchanged- • < * r, , „ _ BAW«o 9 sr, Pehruary 15. 04^o a «'d JldSj 0 . b ' B ' HoWlrd alrcc ‘ a,4 ’ 0(> In Other articles there ia nothing doing. Spring: Stock of Carpets mHB : subscriber having relumed from- ti« ’ Eastern rTtwHv*' »noW' recwEn » his Springs tnck df CdrDets ® md °w. S htule s, Stair Rods, - Hearth I?um : .Draggcl.Stsur Gcashvr TbLtp and' Pmno f.rTr.’ifr^Vh^’f"’ 4 *- AIL havcbeen se° " ÜBa - “PMMWB* land bestinamifacto-' nos. With an eye single lb the-imereßt ofhiT cSsio! mets, and all, ssho may. favor: him with a cull,: ere a< pains • f rt P£ ok ? 1 Wcw Book*l ’WT'^Mr l •.?•?*'* Fourth street, hasiust received the Tf following'sew works: '.-.v' ■■ R?:3“®. r Cb No. of Graham 1 * Magazine. The lllusira tjpns mtiiiS number are.Tealiy superb ,‘and the reading, matter Is of unurualinteregt.. it hag a lanrenmnber of. pTiipnal irrticlesi .aiMns whieh. jt' a'life of John‘Kan dolpbi and a now,tale t entitled, the Heroine of Bloom* imrdafe * ? Life and Adventures of Guy -Fawkes, tueXhicrof the Ganpowder.Trcason.' r , The, Convictjor the Conspirator 2 *' Victim. A'Novel, wntieii m prison by Ned JQuntline: J ' • * - - The AVomen of lirael... By Grace Agmlar. : w«» e, d Jplßcljlinef.a.talo or the Annats of ttnrieary.— By Talvi ■ ‘ 1 ■, - ■ ■* - .•••; ~ ARcyicw;of the Attempt to Tar Religion, and on An swerto the Attack on Churches/. By Senox~ [febB . • HiSSS?*®? 11 !* nagaaltte tar Merck* MINEB &. CO. have reccived-.the above. lt Is • . truly in size a double number/ . .. v • . Harpers’New Monthly for mim ber yet out, m matter and embelhshtnents ' v litera^bati^es^ 011^1^""1101 exce^ by. any other in So£» 0 r of Gb7 Fawte,> ° hief ° f lsrael—m two volumes. By. Grace Uy , Talvc lS °' PllIll> "®f ihe Annate of Hungary. ftbG"' ?Wof tilo atlem P l 10 T « Religion, BySenex- dMITHAKKK.™.!*, ~7.,k l -si a Eicuonary of Greek and Roman tuocraphy, rr* d F co S r onhy, portly abased upon: lue Oie fiv L"ir n nd "°® a « biography and mythology. ®S' S.-m'b, Ltp, editor of the Greet and Roman ait uquides, and of .Greet,and Roman bioaranbyand mv- Jholpgy.-Revised, xvjth.numerous corrections and adi?i tions, by Charles Ambon, LtiD.j professor or the Greet end I,aim languages in Columbia col logo. ~7 J JPGr* ®bd: C9rrcapondenco.of Robert Southey, edit .bis, ion, the, Rev. -Charles Cnthbert Soathek HI- A,xurato of Plnmbland, Cnmborland. -Fall -bound cloth,svithportreit ~ No.CoftheLife ondCorrespondenceofßolitSomhey. uvea of tho Queens of Scotland and English Prim cesses connected wlth tlio.regal succession of G'eat Bmain. ■. ByAgnea Strickland, author of the “ Lives of the QnehnsOf England-”' Vol- l; ' - ■ ~mIPS olule t ot ™‘ l,,er f and 118 Causes; on ! address delivered in the Tabernacle, oa Wednesday ‘cvenina January 15,1851. By Rev N Jlnttny” & ihe opove books jusi refi£ivea«nd for bale by jgM R:O;STOCKTON:47 Market Street :' : ..Dufl^SieamDoalßook-keeping: w Blacks for the above works, Jnsi received, a larjr© supper, and for.sale by JOHN H. MELLOR* g J-5£ . 81 Wood si J*A?DEN— a celobrated Duett from the Xj opera of Jcssondn. -By Spbor; - • v-> “ ot jss* l ? ,,rt;fiuthf ‘ lllome * '••A'new'ioiigbyS,'o.' SweeUy sl/c sleepy my Alice fair. By S. C/Foster; Pd offer thee tins bnmfofmine; - Come, MaidenSjCorac—or TVancatfctfa; VV - C St a Lwk * haJ>Py y ° f * Ft ° m Ocean Burial. . A favorite and touching ballad : Thoß liajl woMded the spirit that lov’aihce. . .. 80.1, or don't you remember sweet Alice : Soiree Polka. ' By S. C.'Foster;- * The celebrated Polka dances;' • . Jeneattc A Jcanolt—complete; •gain? Quadrilles. By Mm. Ernest: • Fashion-Polka: - : Betty Polfcu. By BunrinulJer; ; Ciut Chat Polka; h ’ ’ - Batchelor’s Polka; . Siliy Quadrilles-very easy nnd pretty ; - Rose Quadrilles; ■* • - RossfrnOlPolra; -> ! Allegheny Cotillions; - ' • ae, ? 4 , ca |UO»> pf-Hmuer's Instrucfions forPianoi m ..TH 'r« B rapes of new .Lessons Clark’s Catechism for the Yiano; • \ Burrow’s Pianoforte Primer; ■'* ■■ Received lo*day~by . VK *. JOHN H. MELLOR, 81 Wood street. V n i«Mtf& Vcfy ,a K? of new. Pianos arriving and will be open and for sale this week. - fja3L S" ; ■ ri i,;isp le , n4w ssw Pianos* - i ' "■ ttLbtihH takes pleasure.in announcing that hc , has just-opened a lot of choice Pianos of the rated make of Nunns & Cube and Dothuh, Now vote, which, with those, on hind, from the most elegant, varied andeiteiuivc atoek ever-oSeredintlla city? • ■ p-,^, o,l A C V l 'v, ,^ no ”S>lendid 7 octave double carved Eland, Lotus XIV style, with the new improvement of the over strings, the latest andmost important improve ment, to be found only on Nunns* Clark's Pianos; Also, two superb JEolian Attachment Pianoi ; ■ 10 l N«w Music,.embracing Jenny Lind’s, and. the choicest* new. Bones; Polkas, SIGN OF THE GOLDEN 3 HARP. J a2a ; No. lot Third street , MRS. C. BLUME would tespeet -42311 SASafcafall, invito the attention ofthepub- H.teT ” ew und splendid stock of , .. .V-rtfcarPIANOS, just opened and ready for sale, among wmekure the celebrated Hamburg Fionas, with the new improvement of the over-strings, the la test and most .importaat improvement,: invented solely by them and oy no others.- They have been tried to bo copied in thiß countm bat unsaccessfaliy. -■ ■■ Also, one splendid 7 octave, double carved Piano, Lotus jwIV style, made by Bacon A Raven, New York. : Three 7.octave Pianos, also made by Bacon ARnven. New York; - :. ’ FonrCl octave PianoB>made by J. A. C. Fisher, lata Nunns A Fisher, New York; together with-some or our own manufacture, with metallc frame. • . -&a29 . Plano Fortes* ; ‘ ; JOHN H. MELLOR* No. 81 Wood street, has receiv ed and now offers for sale a large ond well selected stock of C t 6J, 6f and 7 Octave Piano Fortes, from iho manufactory ofCstcKßiairo, Boston, to which he invites the attention of purchasers. These Pianos ate inVari-' ably sold at, Boston prices, without an extra chahre for transportation or risk, and in all cases warranted V - Ola Pianos taken in part payment at their fall valae V . John- HiMBLLOR, * ■Agent for the sale of Chickerlng’s Pianos for western Pennsylvania, No. 81, Wood street. : - - feb4 CO&NEB or lIABkBT . Ain> TBX&3) 6T&CETS. : /CHARTERER 'A. D. 1S50; the only chartered InsU- V/tutlon of the kind m Pennsylvania. . t . Faculty.— Jons Fleming, principal Instructor in the scienceof-Acecunu. • K. CeamdehliNj Professor of Penmanshrp. Mercan tile computation, Ac. Alex. M.- Watson, Esq-, Lecturer on Commercial Law. > -Those.wishing td obtain' a complete knowledge of Bookkeeping and its application to every branch or bu siness, also, a rapid ana elegant h&nd writing,' are Invi ted to call and examine the arrangements; v V... - Lecture on Commercial Law every. Monday evening. Reference-to any of the city mercnants. fdeclO JAMES COQIIBAX, GEQEGBBeALB, JE.> ! VVm. F: M’Bbidk, . C; J.AowiW. r j /"10CHRAN, M'BRIGE & Ct>., successors la Eick- V/ baum, M J Kendry & Co.» Warehouse; (formerly oc» cupied by Wni»Noble 3 ),No. 137 Front Street} otwdoor ! West of vVood stVPmsburahj'Manafacturers of Dona-'. | vap’fl improved patentCookingfiloves, Cooking Ranges*. I Coal and Wood Stoves, Fancy Stoves, Plain and'Fruicy I Grates. Hollow .Ware; Wagon Boxes, Sugar Hetties,:i .Tea. Kettles, Sad Irons, Bog. Irons,- Bough Castings, - i ThreshlngMachmes, Mill Gearing, Pipe Castings, Ac. - Also— Vaults, Vault Doqss, leonßmung; and W&ouauxl&oH Woek of every description. I v . ja2B:lmds:4tw . 1 ?TCOR SALE.—A Lot ofGround havmgafrontof 60 - fecton Centre Avenue* and -runniag'bttck£6Q /eel to two streets. On the lot is erected a-Jarge . Bnck Dwelling House, nearly new and well finished.* rTfaelpt is planted with the best selected.' Fruit, and. Shrubbery Iho country- eanafiordu Ifapplication bejimdfr soon,the property will be-Bold at ofair pnce and terms. - . Enquire ‘at the ofllce of ' WhLO.:FRSBND,':r Attorney, Fourtlmreel, , febllnf v. v •-betweoaWoodandSatuhfi^ld.f : TVE LAINE3—A laigcyand splendid assorimefuof XJ Gold Medal, Hamilton ond Froneh De L&mes and Casbmeres,froral2to2sc.per yard: ' .* .< .• I . : French all woo) ‘Be Lames and'Casliffleree,at ex* tferaelylow prices. - A; A. MASON A: CO* ;Jeb3 c... C2tmd,'o4 Marketsls. T INEN AND HOUSE FUftNISBIN& GOODSirrrA; JLi A. A Cd.< Nos. C2ind 61 Market street,fceep onfmud a large ogsonment of lbo foHowing*Good?i of the beat manufacture: * , * ' ; Table Cloths ; .PamoilCAna ,Diaper,rNap.ktns,; Over?: laysDozlies, Towe!Ml«i*ao*CiP«per> Da? mask, Ac { Diapers, Russia, Scotch ana Bird eve; Linen Down and Linen. Cambric j.Fioor aiuiLuieaJhimnsks, •all’widths; Linen-Camlme Handkerchiefs flO} Allen i dale Sheetings; lOi Coslon Sheetings; o±Atlanuc Sheel inga; 40 inch Pillow Casing, fee*, tec,.Debß i■ !■ c:’ - . TfTE have this day assoclated-withfUß inithe GOAL' tyV 'fiDSINESS; Robt/D:Thompsos. .',Tite%tyi§ -will -be known as before. ".v-v;... < , ... ;: rfeb7--2tv' ANDREW.LEECH, JR. & CO- “- fpAIUOHS''TBIMMLNOSrrKecciYed-ona openea thi» i Paddings, geliflma; nvim,6aUii and Insanjp Vesuittd CoavßaUdnS,-: Boao, melal and jdran* nuiT Pant mid snap Kullijns.'llonj auti black bond *[!',- pendtr BaltDW, &Cj. . A IfebS] "A; A-M&SOK’.&■ COi"; • A. 'W. Foster, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW; OFFICE, NO. 1M FOURTH STREET, near dnmt Strut, Puabvrgk, Pa. . novlSidaWly ’■ -C". '•■ t .‘‘ ■ .’ ;' ■; .t, *■ >' * ■k‘ - i i* ■ JiTeo) Books, Mask, sst: FITTSBUaOIt - Hope Foundry, ,{JV' ■i ‘' t:'/a',*.". • *- t * r „* t **■ Banters ans Gtidiangt Brokers. Nolle*. TKjTEAave associate! i, Gabmkkb. Cows with us m *.f, the Exchange and Banking business;: WM. 1{ WILLIAMS & CO ISSI.—jaS Im vna. 11. • -j-3. mVay.- o. Corel." _ Wn.Hi WIZ.LIA.OIS <£> CO., BANKERS AND exchange brokers, • NOffTiISAST COuTfStt OP WOOD AtfD THIUP STHE2TB. ' A "H Uanßaflitohs maUe Oft hberal terms, and coiiec-i XX. tions promptly attended to. • 1 • r- : • gfjafcffm . ■ Removal. -nii™ JJ’ hoI, MKS tt BOSS j. . ■ B4B “»o Atro-sxcnijiaK- omc. : d 7 Market.street, Jeyr door* beJotf old stand. BANKIH6 HOITs'eT ' JESSE CABOTHERS & CO., NO. 15, WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH ‘Current moneyxeceivcdon deposit: • =.• .• ■> - - Collections made on all the principal cities of the Uni ted Stales {auglsly , JA*.B.nOOJT., ; ■JntJS.SABGBST;' HOON uISABQEST. .. bankehs anp exchange;Brokers/ £i-E ponwo/ WoQd and Sutth stmts , Pittsburgh. Pjt :TT\EALERfi£iii; Coin, Bank Notes, Time Bills. Foreign •*?Wsr.r2Jß.^ c Lrchango.Certificaie* ofUeposU,&c .. IEXCIiANGE on aUibc principal CitiCH of the Union and tope, for sale in soma to suitpufcfcaseis.v g^?:.a - dparfqndBrecet7edQnined.bya_new. chemical process .with the extract of utr x thas Tendering the whole compound the most-certain and efficacious remedyever discovered for CONSUMPTION OF THE LUNG&. , INTERESTING CORRESPONDENCE ' - _Dr. Wm. Y. Banks, ofXema, Ohio, a highly respect able Druggist in that delfghtful village, has informed ns that the sale of Wistar’s Balsam of wild Cherry is un paralleled. The demand for it is so great that hd can scarcely keep himself supplied with it: He has had in his store medicines for lung affections. -Some of these were esteemed good and some gave temporary relief.— Buieince.he has had. Wistor’s Balsam of Wild Cherry a number of the most serious cases were completely cu red by ns use, K I never sold u-tnedicmc, 5 ’ says the doc tor, u in which I hadlhat enure confldenee that ! hadin this» ' h ; . It cubes !Wherever Wistar’a Balsam of Wild Cher ry Is introduced, it at once attains that high reputation it -so nchly deserves. What can prevent its sale when on, every hand can be witnessed its wondertul cures? . The .worst case or Asthma,-recent and dangerous Coughs (and,also those that arc of long standing.) Bronchitis or Consumption (m its ear)ysiagcs)are always cured bv this remarkable medicine. HEREDITARY CONSUMPTION ‘ Carty WUtarVßaltanxor Wild Cherry. Pleasant Rtogb, Hamilton co.*o.y Sep; 27,1850. J.O. Part—Dear Sir; I take the liberty of i arising you of the benefit that Ihuve derived from the use Ofi Dr. AVistar’s Balsam of Wild Cherry. I xvas prostrated ! by that temblesconrge*Coasumpuoa,mMay last. :The i attack was ttuly horrifying to me, for five of my ftnnily, 'i (my brothers and sisters,) had died of Consumption- I was afflicted with nearly all ofthe worst features of the ! disease. 1 had a distressing cough .and expectorated a' great deal of blood, hecuc icVer,’severe pains intheside" and chest, cold chills, alternating wuh flushes of heat and copious night sweats. 1 was under the care of-a. skilled physician from: the time I was tokeasick until about six weeks sirtce,b?ing then about helpless, and my friends considering my cose hopeless, or at least bnyona the reachofour physician’s rskilL advised the use of Wlstor’s Balsam or wild Cher ry, • ****••**• thave taken, four .bottles of the medicine, and now consider myself perfectly-WeU.. I make this statement to induce other* that.are, Afflicted as I have been, to make mal of Wistar’Sißalsani of Wild Cherry, which remedy has, under the blessing of Providence.- restored my health. f JEREMIAH ISGRIGG. -Cnowa Point, June 15,1340- v J.-D, Park—Dear Sit ; Aa I have a uonfor the afflicted, permit roe to give you abriefkisio ry of-my afflictions, and the benefits derived from the aso.of "4>r. Wistar’s Balsam of Wild-Cherry.”. Jn July,. 1844,1 wob attacked with a fever of atyphoidcharacter, which left me m a very debilitated stole, when m the following winter I was taken with a severe cold, which .reduced me to sach an extent as to give roe the appear ance of a. confirmed consumptive; Xlabored under a severe coagh. expectorated a great deal, and was trou bled with cola feetandnighi sweats. I also frequently raised blood from my tangs, lconunued in this state, gradually smkieg underthe disease, until January, 1847, until {-wasagain auackcd with fever.: My extremtue?, o«pecia'lly; tny"feet, were constantly cold, and almost Josttheir feehug. Under these circumstances lltnaybe truly said that X was -a hvmg skeleton. 1 finally deter mined to quit taking medicine prescribed by physicians and Iry Dr. Wistnr’s Balsam of Wild Cherry,' and from the first weck that.-I commenced taking n I cau date a gradualyecovery;'-! continued its use six months, fit the end or which -Ume X was cured; and have enjoyed hood he&lifrever since* and chedrfaHy iecoramendtheJinl -f.ant-to' all those afflicted .with diseases of the lungs* and would.say ta-thosir commencing its.usa notihoodis , two or threo bottles: do- noteffect a-curd, but persevere as Lh&ve done, and {have no doubt hut nine cases out of ten will be blessed with renewed health as I have-bccn. JOSEPH JACKSON important to those *JJfhcted -with Diseases of the Lungs an d BnasL 1 . .Will miracles never cease"?' More evidence df its surpassing health restorative virtues?'- - < ..(FromlJr. Baker,Spring&eld, Washington ccr.,Ky.] . - . SPHmasißLp, Ky., May 14,1845- Musts. Sanford £al3atfr&f.Wiici : The effect was truly : astonishing. .After ave yearsot ollbction and suffering, .and after having spent four or. fivekundred dollars tono. | purpose, ana the bestimdmoai-.respcciable. physician* hod: proved ;unavailing,! was-soou ’restored to enure i hcMih by.thcblc&sLagQf'Godvaud the a%e.tif.Pr« Wis*. tar’s Balsam of WiliCheir*. , k May tho blessing of God rest ppon the proprietors of so vaiuable.'a medicine &i Wisiot’s Balsam of VVitd Cherry::. VYonrs,respccUhlly, W. H,BAKER. - The genuine AYtstar’s Balsam of Wild Cherry has a fhc simile of ihc'fjgnatore of. Henry Wistar, M. D n rrhiloaelphia, and.‘’.SanfordPark’l.ona finely-exe louted.steel engraved wrapper. No other, can be geim* SoIdbyJ.D.PARR* (successor to Sanford A Pprir,) < i Fourth. and Walnut streets, Cincinnati, Ohio, General i Agcnyto the South and West,-to whom all orders frmiat be addressed. i. J Kidd & Co, Pittsburgh; L Wilcox, Jr, cornCrMarkel ■ i street ofld the. Diamond;-B A .Fahnestock i& Co, Puts* i-bargh; J A Jones, Pittsburgh; Lee A Beckhara, Alie ! gheny City; L T. RusseiU'Washtngton ; W H Lartber l tort, Franklin ;: L B Bowie, ‘ Uniontown; II Welty, 1 Greenshurgh; -S Koiimz* Somerset; Scottv& Gilmore.- 1 Bedford; Reed & Son,.Huntingdon; Mrs. Ofr, HpiUdays* i burgh; Hildebrand flsCck: Indiana; ‘J R Wright, ! Ktuhn nfug: Kvans t Co, Efrooljville-, -A Wftaoit & Soil, Waync-burgh; SrPatlaad t Co,N CaUcnJtr, Mead! vil c; Ballon tc Co, Ene; Henry Forker, Mercer; Jn 3 & Co, BuilcriS smiih, Beaver, J D Summe'non, 1 Warren; F U i CS Jones, Condersport; P'Cropker. Jr, Browns? die. ,f e ft o ; Ur JOttC# 7 S^OlUtlOQitfCJCt* ' v f , A t\WB HUMAN HAIR BYTE for th*lmmj,g „1 /jl TOutGjreu or grey hair to & beantifulbrownor jet blackcoloftia a few inmates. Price 50 cents and 31,00, '34o 6tree ‘ 1 Pl [aeSf’ \«Jc *> " * ,*»V. ./* " * Z*r r « / • *„ >: ;•■ ■ •: '; . "■■. ■ : 4 ,/ ** • »s- * • ■ • •:■*■■ >:v.y 0i,"... .r*V*«S . U '-C '•; . vl;"j - -.■• Dr » B,°S«M r Syrop or Llrerwort ftnd Tar OASeHAIiAGDAi For the cornpUKeutß pf Coughs, CotdsJnXusnxaSJ&hanA **as ss^s&sgMgsjfr* Herbs, and vegetable substances which nawfiSSs..’ influence upon the Lungs, and their connected VaSEf I lavnmcdvtte eflcct is to allay «U £rritaUoa, - remove the phlegm and other morbid Throatnnd AirrPsssogea; thasrelievinif tlioTSmvh *5 ■ subduing tht inflammation and other causes WMcfiaivS rise ton. It also slimiilatesand imparts a healthy Km* to the Longa themselves, thereby enabliagiham mote thoroughly toremovo from the Wood thou IrnmnSles , and diseased particles, which, Jf retairtod, do 1 eo' taaeh I •.“WMrmwe-system.;and lay the fdhiSdaiioiirdr Then. ' mile CONSUMPTION. It al imezetu a dSdedVS ; upoailicskiD, *uul. assists nature m expeUinsv'thrbaffi me bzbaienu. much ofthal mozburmattefwnicfrvfrHiid •' ksss SI flSSff’fh’SSS? * g * ,n »iw*S?iSSSL euroftre, as itstnkes atlue very“S?&shf dtaiSKTSFa jugsas&m&z&SSacs asssKss'sasSSr” CIRCULARS, AC. As no ordinary ' t i thenatureandmerilgof this articJeiiha PmStL.• published a new Circular, giving ewe; the dacnption, nac aw, *e* oC itsprta«§DamS?r cats; the ; efiectithei(ibre' ; deshnied^r<«"haS?^ l^e ? t *'' ■ Dongs and Liver, and sffsSnm who have -besrt cured by ffielFniiniM ’ dunces, even to the slreetifd the.nuSbw TtaffllSin ‘ are troubled with a Cough, or whose least affected, are eamesUy desirefrto.eaU men ikJ - Agents, named below, and procure oncoC iheS- 0 pJSS ' phlets. ItcaitbehaderntUiapd will sraUlamnimSi' ffhe “ mats on BeadSf be worthdo yoarsell and family. » r”?I> “»y ... HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS, ' ." in the shape of Doctors’ Bills saved, besiiee bein* the ■ •neonsofprslongingmany^vTionHc Ufa. . ,5. , . Such isomr confldcneeniiis virtues,thatvibarß will }“S‘° ’rurraulLhis Medici:: c in every cate of recant Cold . ihe i nsmnt, < i?, a^<0 - 1 !? 111, 5 10 directions onpago7lh of Sa&TJ? 1 ’ m6lde , \! 10 wrapper of each Joule),and h*!Sm, fe- not satisfied'tlmf he -Is' flerlvS* four hmrs” tc,omln S ,he b ° ,lle within reread ~ , , WE MONEY ' • , outer .bepalmed on to you. ' ‘r. 1 u *V-». genuine, unless therels on tfctihnfr scovui?*' Big " od with a fen, by A. h. :CougA and:Disease of fourteen months'itan&inU Cured - .: Ailer bemg given up twice by eminent * AT• jc. v» • Aldast, June 0tb.184&. . n a - C7o, ~; 1 . here with forwardto yoa ~rr; % Cu r£j ejected by yoorCompound Svrau of Liverwoit, Tar and Canchalaguai' The C&agh?at&‘ • \wviSt ,l i l i , i :Df;^-e , r 2J of oar eraiwntphysitinnsia '&*Si'XS^£ , ai ? n i |ned icine« 7 'lihaTc;siiica : tt&d Uoo others, and have, become: satisfied at\ na palnai - Minr ' 7nWnfml r f?, L t ' r ff!£ my Bicknc «s,4tfenfipw up twice by my Aysiciatul lh.nk!abom4?S“ m 1 b “ smess > allcr Yours,tespcclfnlly, THOS.C.FAULDER. * BLEEDING AT Tiffi' LUNGS CURED.' '■'■iX tii' ■- era now paostpitT xr acts. ' Smtcmml cf Mr. A. Lang. Baktr, JVo. 388 Pearl stiut beforeidstChnsUnas, Iwas taken i.unwell, and soore commenccd .bleedingi freely ;at the Lungs.: called in. a HoDKEopaihlc phveicijm'-hnf )>{« . medteinedldnotsecinto help me isemcnt, and thought I »nuli,try. Vr.KagmXSumoVf LtvtnooTt, Tar and Canthalagua.. Before'l had'tSim - np the thirdbottlp tay, bleeding had stopped,; Mg Cough ■was gone, aqd l ieh as well as asaal. ” My healtfris mw good. Iconsjderit nmost excelieni menicine, and cor* - diaijy recommend it to my friends. £ZSu statement tone madetothc,Ptopntuns,Marehl!hk T Ss>sft 1 . ' v , £ole PdP=r •night be; filled with letters si iSrsa? 'wytoofuitohuct been cured, ion' n - i® - ,a " l!l,| !' eltll tbyA.L.SCOVlLL wi'rfc-nl?' 3' llleiT Pmnnpul DrpoI,GOTHIC HALL,No. 316Aroodjeay,New Yorlr, to wham all or- - Su’l fni^'b e Medreirfe, and letters relating to Agencies,' should be addressed. B?ie i,y g B; Sellers, No 57 too* sweat , Cn«ybmiVr| C S t i?r^ .vPUtsbnrgh and Vicinityj D.M. Curry anu H.P.Schwartz,- Allegheny City i Towriftend ■ " t ‘ Ca p^?3-i r M f nch ” ,l< tn.‘A.Raitercon,Burrtihg!ilua. a ’ 1 dec»'d rnlaree ’ o ’ t e> or si* bottles fdrS^OO- D B V JA r r ? K ’f FAMILY MB DTClNE#—Extract ofaletlcr from the Her E L. ABBOTT.'amTlt ipSr 1 SfBM/e»iesmod5 f BM/e»ie$mod Missionary in of Burmah, dated Sandoway Amiran, ■ i>r. p. Jayne, Philadelphia; ;My Dear Sir—’We kio SANATIVF p‘r? St" 1 ™Youi Y E • w V^' o £■'W*' ShMl ■^«h«- ;s tK^ H r c i«*^ ,l ' my Ll^ er Complaint'and- pain in tho side. w? l JrJ^J?f® v ? r ascdk ; r foy are in terest demand,anrf g£fjsy vaa%Te ,he™\^d%“°T?.Nr C P vTR 1 wi^E l afa Tovc m USTERMITfrar FEVER, ™if thfmos? complete success, I think it was once the menhs-af *a« vineiny own son. • Durlhg my travels among the church* pait Mason,! found a whole nttended wuh' a Violent characicr. • I often regretted Than not had a dozen or two of YOOR EXPECTORANT to rtmm. cffect\°Sant f wm.» 1 l!' Ve ? oin ' vl,a, l ? have-Eesoofita SSx?f* ,1 .-ywra-Jittvo been just the thin* forihose Fd A r tn°S e ; FPTCSUIM yoa have sot hitherto had°an *i ar - *n your medicines are used in all Affectionately yours, E. L. ABBOTT t or sale at the JPekin Tea Store, 53 inov23 The Human Body mast Perspire. And'■o r °Ah |4^v A ]VrP>*iJpsK3’.ltalum Cbema:ai Soap' free perspiration, ami si thesmne time mollifies, softens the ■“Ojiivinpitthetekinreitndbcanty; of an infant's. SCURVY, SALT RHEUM AND SOKE?' 1 * are soon not only hepled. lmt cured by its a«e! ; aa ai least sceon physicians in New York knOw.-who uje*t in such cases,and find it tmiojllua—as alsOiW PI AISLES, BLOTCHES, FREQkLeS, . or any othorslrm disease,.'The reader U tueuted tbit this is no uselesspnffed nosirtun, as one trial wUlniore. 1 °.'ii> d J :n .?,'? e 5 u 5. nI least 60 Persons cured Of P 'Miwua EF D ’ BRACKED, 0b chapped flesh, wtll find tin:, not- only-a cure,'butapr'evemivO-and t ■ fhr,Z* onlr adl ?> ,h j‘ l any one afllfoTed wifiTaSSVf diseases, wiliind thlardlnnd eMn v ”irMS?! a ' I “’i eIn its properties) than I state 1 /v onsk a 'ho.stores are flooded WiLhiautauone.* and,he sure you ash for dotta’liuliaa Chemical Soap— ; and huy it only of WAI ; JACKSON, only.Agent'in 1 i lsb “n r6h ’ 210 Llberl f street,Prusburyitf UradSfiVYood. ' MCkU .-.I ±;i : i-ra'.A-.-lSeioSI-vV _ Jones* illy Whltel" I ■"PjESarccautionedagainstusingnommbn-prepa- - ThoyarenoiawarehowrngWMiyiiiiarioaiitis i . lotlie skinbaw conrso, how jtnieß.hoto ■■■•’ sallow, yellow and nnhcalthyuhe Min’>i uppeatstiGetosingprcpaied Chalk' r ‘ Besides, it is .ipjanoas, contaln , ingQlnrgoqpanmypfiieadl - lUs perfectly innocent,'; being purified-ofaJldeieteri* uua qualities, aad.it to the skin a naturals ■■■•-'■ :alAlWMer,‘:-riettr, . Jiving/,.wbli*j m'tlfc-aame • timeacung;aß jco9meJlcQn:UiC‘ekiiif.iDakiilff .ÜBpft and fffloqtt*, ' Sold by tjber- ' ty si^couhcadoCHocKiiPmsbargb.^^ncoisiceats. KVhi AT-ISM*-“-rDr- Brown's ncwiy. aiacovrcsi rena iiV.«dyf(Q?'RhenmaUsini» a speedy nndeertijnremedy for that painful trouble;' It never fails. ■ • Office and Private Consultation Rooms .No, 65, BfA* MONIV Pittsburgh, Penna* The Doctor U always at oms/ twafrdawtf Y. "• • V ■. ' X ~ ■ i >1 l t . - • ■ * ■ a > ■ ■ ■U -43 ■ ' V e 4)**- V ' ■ v-*' * .-7 J i ( :-r ri:'. l sf * ■rr’iKrL-ytrf. s)raga onb Meirtnnwr. t BOFB£T£B< ■■ WONDERFUL -CURESIf ’v'. .V H ' \ .. -v? . \ I m , /