- v *H* -**f * * «-■•-»« f I ' > •JV ***' > v.;^'.. 1 * ■is'ff» , *.<- . •(,■ * ■»;-' ■».' ■ ■,. •n * l' -•*» •• : *■. r:, ■.: ■ %>. :•»,•*?. V •#. i^. J», ■: '”*:*& %" &:.•^i** - k'. ?w»l> *••* ;. • ■•..’•■ j* v:i .»,*•; *< ■ ■ -i.:..-. •*. ■ v;r * f'-: &*"■' ,*v* « k-w.* '. *t -»*<> •V'L * .f* AiV **«■»«. , .*- * »%i. ; -» t r ' * *v*-Vt *-i «* J I*l** * 1 v ~>V. ■*■ .: * *' y \ ‘ v 14.,' • z : “V” 1 ’ >y ', ’ , _ 2%. % ■%, ■* J*«« “* V * \ *> ‘ 1 i » * w a ♦ . s « ,» - ■» » * * < ,tv. ■•■ ■ •■» ;■**, * ~, r -* . -V' 1 - * ’ ‘ ’ '‘f*’ h , , ;r’ ? :- ’’ V:"-!;U; 4 V ( \^*. -- - • ?'i . V:: **; . ‘ ■ ■r f j * ■’<' ; : V;v 4;* -• -, -’V t *' • t •■ “ 4 . ! W /'•• ?* i ' * *k s <’ ■’'.' r- V-^vt-r?«Si-’ -4 ’“•! !►'( %v’ /t'-st: XthS-vA >•■ V s;-’' J l i IiMM "* orau -:;,.. t ■ "“ r ' do “ : " Pi -r n, b '-“w m§os^so>, 00; 2^^t:ool‘M r >ko ;' • -: Mmmmm o‘':ii’’ol'|^l Wr Tbwe arc 135 persona in jail, ami tho Burn* Ws&mssnsi; "• ' , “" c -» »“•• Water Care by a Waler Paiieul. . R*S^^^i^&*2s®v*’^*^?GSi , fisS i, s2^S?S^'»“» , ' w sv ! «5 “°°H-ifydropathy, wiih £ilcen en«ravc(] U - lecr Importam aabjects. By KdwarJ Jolmslon, z y Practice of Hydropathy.' ; By the laie H; a*S Clto ** trans^ frow the German by Robert Baiki* Tho above .work* for sale by I^EB^Stes^^^Sg§SSi;^|^4w , - c -" o,,,c,,,^agaaai3«Bga.. i^aomcicir , -T055. . j.f^S'' l *"' ll h ? v ' f ?, n ?, eii 11 limiled panaerehip •, “> d 'rihe name or a C. Sbacklstt k Co., for the ® rD »7 o«> d * in tlie oily of Pius. rSii.iS?4!?!.f?f rt,ler^? p 10 commence al and utter « r ‘acate Uiereof in the office of °„ f „i^ tdB *? nlul for Allegheny counly, IV ia« nl !lk ßnd 10 temunale on lie let day of Jnnn- Ss®BiST«4^^J>.^i^C^Ot^6^l l c /IJe eenerai partners are r Benjamin C. aßßpa^^fe^gaja^^a»aBasag dSiS2 d i t 0 lb ® c '~ ’-'^•f,'-^.'''- 1 ■■ •, - ■ ’-' ■■.- , * , j ■ 'c > s, : * t *%i&:tl '-S'AV * ? h *»v!v ; *r i -•* ' » *■ ,- , v *• ,t^ -c--: * ;- ~ :•.> •■ : • - :f\ * ' - - V't \ b'k;;. •-.. 4 .■4 ; /--- • -. '::•;- -f "■; '"■ LOCAL MATTERS. ; Bjße We understand that there are petitions afloat for the release oTSims, who is now in the Peniten tiary, saiferingjhojnst. penalty ol the Jaw for com. milting’ crimes which most make every refiecling mind shudder ot.their .enormity; He not only laid waste the property of our citizens," but put hie innocent vietimrin jeopardy of a most.horrid death. Do the petitioners want.to see our city devastated ft Is there not nlreadv a sufficient number of each vil-1 lains prowling upon our community, and: nightly I .committing the most desperate outrages! Who can J say, under the present state of affairs, when ho re-1 tires to. repose at. night, that when he wakes—il I ever-rlhat his home will not be enveloped id flamed | by the hand of the incendiary t: Do they want to I furnish this gang a proficient-leader, that they ask I the release of Sims t - • 1 We sincerely hopo that their effort -to release him will (kit. We cannot believe'that such it hum* her of signatures , can be procured in Pittsburgh as to induce the Governor to pardon him.' New Mabket House.—Therewill be ameeling -of tho citizens, this evening, in'the Sixth Wart School Honse, for the puipoße of taking the approi pnxlo steps for (he erection of a new Market Home in a more central position in the city. Tho necessity of tnch a botiaing in a central location, must bo op parent to all; the extent and; rapid growth of our ■ c ‘‘y requires it, and we hope that the purpose orl this meeting.will be accomplished with little difS-l enlty, and as speedily aa possible. '■■■ ■9* The sale of Valentines at H. Miner & Co.’s, on Southfield street, has been unprecedented this t year. To the immense stock and endless-variety of | AmorlcanValentines, they hare added-a large lot from England—making their assortment unequalled in this city. • I . ABRSsTEp.ron.HroHWAT Roßncar.—The Police yesterday arrested John Lutz, Michael' Murphy. Jerry Lnlz and Wm. Caranaugh, on: a charge of knocking .down John O’Neal, a leather dealer in Allegheny city, and robbing him or $30,00 in mo. I ney,and a. duo bill,for $lOO. It appears that ho : waa in company with Jerry Lutz and Cavanaugh— he waa-between them, locked arms—when on Hand 1 street, opposite ; Su Andrew’s Church, the -others came up, and oneof them ran hishand-into O’Neal’s I pocket, and robbed him. Ho then fled, and was pursued by O’Neal, Cavanaugh following alter, and tney . had gone but a ahort distance when O’Neal I was knocked down. ; > i; - , . [ They.wore committed by tho Mayor for a farther bearings. • , *®\Wr. Gough will deliver his farewell lecture thia ercningiiD the Rot. Mr. McLarco’s Church, 6ib street. Tickets can be had at the penal place#, price 10 cents.' “ * . No one should fail to hear thia wonderful orator, and those desirous of.embracing the present opporl tunily had better aecuro their seats early, as bis f“ we .™ or attraction are so great that no room io tbec.iycoald contain the immense crowds that have to bis .enchanting strain. nr?!^?^@ irf u m ' a, ' on C or rint wos made against rR l hy ’ > cs,crai y. Samuel Duobir, be. . tor®steel, and a commitment made out for his i“ n -tP A *hort time since wh^ Dnnbar .was, taking some unfortunate individual 1 tl°^’hbL rat ll er S]r 0!e v lng hcr from lho insults of '?"•* Mur Pby, m company with others, her from him and dragged her away. Buubatiow Otpice.—lt will be seen by oar ad -0l?n> o n? > lh! l t T- B - McConloaue, at the CaUiojre Book Store, has been appointed Agent-for Blue of Stoattera plyug between ibis country and Europe. Those wishing to send money or engage pasaage ror tlieir friends, pan find him at 67 Fifth .J??L A , yonngm:lnby ' hc n!Unc of McKee was ,nTpI,.H 6 r e^ D,De “ nd P“ ( in ,he house Km..,. d; , , be "’, g “ pa,l f concerned m these ‘mysterious knockings » that have beenorsnch ircqncnt occurrence m'our city oflate. r„u o i? aL ? S ?'~ 7h ~ o were several attempts to com. l rre ".°, n Tnnnel l,lreel > on Tuesday nighl |isst, bnt the rallains wcrc rooted in every instance i»?^l r i Tn B , 8:i i ,c '2 t lhc , Exchange Hotel this morn* ,0 t °’elDek, Will commence with the Parlor ana Chamber Furniture. I®" Remember that , this evening Dr. Hollick gives the first of bis new course of Lectures to gen* tinmen. All arc invited, free. . v Bekctit. Mr. McDonough, a good octet and a clever gentleman, lakes a boncGl at the Theatre on Saturday night. 'eatber still : continues fine and pleas* oar-The int. ■ ►VITEK—- 3 bbls. packed-, * lO.ltegs do j . for sale low by WAIDYER. bbiB, JUst *ec’d and for sale by .. ■ \ -■■■• WfILDVER- |UNI2 FLOUR—SO bbls. rn . store iind for *&le very ] [febi3J Will DYER, kiUED PEACHES—IOO fans prime Halves for sale tfebl3] WM DYER. DER VINEGAR—6Q bbls> for sale at a bargain.. febl3 WM DYER. HTXE BEANB-HJ bbls. small white just rec’dond for sale by : ffebl3j WM.DYKR. bbls. rec’d and tot wlc by.. • «- febl3 *. SAMUEL JVSHRIVER. ibash. received -and lorsaic by -J* bia SAMUEL P SHRIVER /EAOHES-200 busil.fecM and for sale b' fcbl3 SAMUEL P. Si lORN BRGI i f«bl3 doz. rec’d. and for s&lebv SAMUEL P. SHRIVER- ®5£H. a OIL—G bUs. mslore mid for sale by . _ _ SAMUEL P.aHRfVRR OJj-'TprftK—i ‘JMs.pnmerec’d rail lor sale by ,eM ' J - SAMUEL, P.SIIBIVER, 1A VM3 ' ~ IU tjl,l »- i’becpandu bbla. 800 l Tallow. —: __ 9AHUEL P. SHRIVER Notice. k persons indebted lo the late firm of JonKjro-i k V Stockto!t i 'wiUplease-c&IL■ and Kcule"immf'diftti'l' d .ave co»u. tfet>3j JOHN Ag'i L Lecture on pSriioiouv |kH. IIOLLICK Will deliver o Free pi,,..' t ijJS B7 ™ 1 * ‘l^ ,alo Malign Friday! Feliru- Sr 14th. Klratratea by hit Models and FatafijiusFor euUetpeu at 7t i;foi Ladies at 3. ulgs ‘ tor Punng hi* stay Dr. H. mil rccciye professional call- at the Monongahcla Uousc ■aafSßSSaag?. s~- rers, Malting, A’,] nf S vi/t,; I , and Piano led from the latest importations' anaHw^®^ 6 ? Be ' i With an eye single mthe »»muialtelo. ■S, and ail who may fayor hiur w!fl^£ f r!!?i cnsl °* ns is at all umes taken to shcw Oiwib in“ L’. B ““' hingto look or hny. Call and ciainiS rrecaa. be found the latest and b«t Styles Vnr’ we named Goods, with pneca and qualities taTsuit . Lynd’s Carpet Empor’inm. 512 Apollo Building, Fourth streeL ' HE Ladies all say, If you want real good Tea, ca to Morao & lUwoBTH’a Tea Store, ln.ihe Diamond, ll ’ j e * ea lhej.seU esl assortment of superior Gold antf mounLln. * c > ever oflered east of the I SS 0 } 11 *’ cous l!iting of Ladies’ and Gents’ rich Tur-1 Piasler and; Box. Set and Stone f/! I”’l,7°°° 1 ”’ 1,7°°° Gold Rings, of the latest and most fashion able styles, and finest sets. 1.000 Gold and Silver Pen b’unit Gold Pens; Gold Lockets | Gnerd, Vest and Job Chains, Locket Keys and Seals: Silver Forks and Spoons, 600 pairs Gold Ear Rings, best styles, 4c, Ac. . Also, Gold and Silver Watches—comp mine Pat- Dctaelicd Lever, L’Epine, Ancre Escapement Watches, and Eng ish.ot the most colebrated make I .Sale continued till all are sold; The public are Lnvi. I leduo examine this choice assortment. I J° bl 3 P.M. DAVIS. Aunt’r. I T EASE OFBRIOK HOUSES AND LOT AT A no i JLi TICW.—On Saturday evening: Febrnnrv <* o’clock, a: the Commercial Saieß Wood and Fifth streets, wilt be sSld. Oie f fic/ Bu'ld’ 00 Is erected a Jsto^bri?f JAMEB BtcKESSA, Auctioneer. I^c N a,^n C e B x«f ° F £ a £ Cehl3 ■ JAMES M'KENNA. Auei’r.; • W. G. M’OARTSES, Auctioneer. HAND ir CARRIAGES AT AUCTION Jh’i'in" Wcdne «l a y «cit, February 19th, al in la® afternoon,in front orAPCartnev’* aiic. SS^SSl'l" 0 - 185 wr one second hand Car rmffe,nearly new, with Handing ton: iron axle: suit- Ume one 0r ,wo l V Fnrts» o AT<^?r,^S£, I ‘ E ‘ op UNREDEEMED 1 EbUGES AT AUCTION Will be sold mi q.ltlrl lslh, at 7 o'clock, at M’- Cartney’s Auction House, No: 125 Wood street a I™, assomneat of Gold and Silver Uevcr Watches Jew -01 ?*® eome very fine Gold Watches T l Gi dd ™si°T, ! l. ap!lrl 0 / the njjorunent— * sin L c nd e Bii?: de by a - T Ca "“> N “- 3 do do do do Nos 40,183, 40,184 and 2410; 2 do do do and 1337 § l do Lepme No 22240; 2 do do • Jr Noa 5302 and 2740; 4 do do do 11 n»nr 1 Nos 7071,203,1810 ando4ol; 1 do do do 2173- Ido ifSiJ* iztr t%Z'F P ° i«&j' 4“H e " "• “”»«« vssr&wfi ' d ° cUr <*>’ eicnunauon on Saturday tnemtag ?„d dan„| 1 1 nn^ D i at r Cartney’s Auction House, No-123 Wood si !E i S?“ .Piece. French Casstmercs; ten piecea Cas«i. dWe Battens, Table Wadding Also! -sw!fvi“? y ® as ls lt ;, sa[ne evening,Dry Goode FancV ' fcbw" y arUcle ”’ Go ' J ,?" d !i>vei 'Vatch? d , &c y I . feM3 AV’.O. firCARTNEY, AuctV ’I yl PUBLIC MEETING of lhc btockholdcrs of u the jOL Company for erecting a Bridre over ihe Si Jn’.WT* P ‘£ tsb S. r s?> '* l,lo Soun ly orAUcrtfcnv” win be bolden in ibe Toll House, on MONDa s ISS “fis&sis:"' Treasurer. ? kvv york unv ooous ”U b O »eS ?«„™W one °‘ *'«">« Ihesireetfeon beha^on iS T 0 lel .? rm *» V application is made immediuielv id »h wubsor.ber.wbo wishes 10 change l«s basing 5 10 —j aJU ; >VM. H* GAHRARi) \W} LUDINGSs Ae^—3oo Weddm* Cake Boxes* : " . M 200 Cornelian Rings r - 12 doz. assorted Gold Pens; 12 d° do Spectacles; Jas, scceuci si .he wjh J Wife? S"** W.W. WILSON, comer of Market and Fourth *V ■ hintob • GENTLEMEN'S FV Apollo Buildiugi ±ji Bee Hive. - Linen Sturt*, Couon* do ' Silk Undershirts, Linen Collars, *; Fancy Colored Collars, Fancy Cravats, Plain nnd-Fancy Stocks, Shin Bosoms, Neck Ties, • Cravatßucklcs, Lamb’s Wool Drawers. Colton do Linen, ao &lk do Cottonlfnlf Hosiery, Lamb’s Wool Half Hosiery, Merino do do Country Knit Socks, Silk Pocket Handkerchiefs, Linen do do Colton do do 1 Ltsle Thread Gloves. Silk .do - do i Woollen do Black Kid do 3*bue do do Boys : aneee„- East Liverpool, Feb. 2nd, ig} 1 ® S ‘ B jfctf T*TKAPPING and Printing Paper for sale by '~ V hl , W.P. MARSHALL, febl2 SSWood street ’JEAP WALL PAPER— from (Ti’ io'Us cenis—a large assortment for sale by • - leMa w P MARSHALL. HSSS® r The connected with tmr RftT®«SSils vlns been partially destroyed by fins on •“'tfiPJ 1 In *tant, we sive notice, that-wo ire now tore ‘ pared to execme orders asnsnah for Foundmvork nnd ■‘wmsP ■ ?> S , '/ Vorlc, > TOll Plciiso correct; North jM Wcrl,, Fcb’y lt-Jt ‘ KNAP ACO or the Journal -across the G?e at Wes^>n nmpBanUhngravfngs Nt By I Josi^f?; Co, ''*^H^*® t ®^^Ui SSa =*SjS .... tfebll TOO Ihe Honorable the Judies of iha i\,„m e.; — ofA^gh"n}1 etS, ° n 5 ° f ‘ he ace l ™'* the Coun?y • pfiUuon .of. W.Jolinston.of-ihe ffth -TVyina nt.' • Tfflir Honors will bo' pleased lo erani litai a ihSE?.??*' teep a public bouse o‘f entertainment Tad tionerj asm daly bound, will pray >out psll ' ■loLd, ?®.? üb *s r,blSr? ' ® iuzens ol the Ward aforesaid lbe Bboye Petitioner is of good' rcpSefor wS. S 5 ? n! * temperance, and is well provided with hni!«a Ini*- conveniences (or the accommodation and lorV ' and travelers,andlhaisLd °av“|: er/H Boyi" 1 John Mackln,FSley..: John Taylo’s N Barnes M’Lean. Ktever.- • ’ ■ tJnihnger, A M’Oollom. Hoben^btM ' ' (feblddltdaw I ‘jlenuelvM. in the street, PiUstmrgh, no^U™L7^Vffact° n *««* ftlS BLACK, eeade Washington •I ■ j: A ' - • .v. if-V-V-'-' «• CO.'S 7 "" NISBING STORE, Founb street, sign of tbs Carpet Bags, . . Life Preservers, Combs and Brushes, Perfumery* Letter Envelopes, Hough and .Ready Coats- for _ business men;. • Fancy Parses, Buckskin Purses, Tobacco Boxes, Fancy, Hickory Canes, Whale Bone Canes, FancyMoumed Canes, Twig .Whips, Hunting Whips, Lady's do n^C^^^VCr raoun ‘ Gents Covered Whale Boue Whips, • i TrotUng Whips, j Pocketißooks, • i Bank Note Books’ Fancy Sharing Soap. . . I do Washing- do ■ . I ~ A lino assortment of Odd ! rcHows Regaha constantly i on hand. Tfcbll | 4 Small carm tor Sale. ~ 0 .lawofciluvaU^^^^'pgVaKVen^ Wwa-MSSgggg a front of 60 iotwo'etrcetan„ A 7i°P“®> *»pd tunning back2oo feel iiiJ»ir” u 1 ° n t,l# lot i* erected a larae Brick ..ssssaraMa'ssij&g Enquire al the office of ■ WM, C; FRIEND - ; ' 'AHorncy.Foiirthßireei, ’ between VVood arid SmithOelJ. ant * splendid astortraent of .Gold-Medal, Hamiltonend French Do Lainei and ■.wigameree, frotn 12 to 25c. per yard- ' ' • an • i *H-'wool.j)c Lame# and Cashmeroß.ni ex ttemely low prices. a. A. MASON k £o\ ■. let?a _• -• 62 and 04 Market sis. LI?Eg AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS-A* A. Alasoit ft Co., No«,C2 ami 01 Market street, keen ° fthe fOUOWin ff & Dl H na and . Diaper Napkins: Over- DozUeg,ftc., &Cj, Towels, Iluckabac, Diaper, Da- SfrftVtSG nJ, R S" a> §£ oloh aud B ‘«l «yej Linen I ;*#H l ? en °M*neFloor and Linen Damasks; J nil widths; Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs; 101 Alien* i fifiS■»** ®p to ? Sh £ cUn £*; Oi Atlantic Sheet ingsj 40 inch Pillow Casing, ftc M ftc. [febS •, •■ ' ■ : A* !W« Vostor* '■ . . ■ r ■“ ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW fvmCR NO 104 FOURTH STREEr/ near Oram ttrtsti PitUkWTgh, pg, . - ; . novis;dawly Howe’s CoiigliCffliady. ■pOR SALE, by H.Smyser, Joel“!Uoh!er, Ogden A J- Snowden, Coulter & Hacke. tfm. Jackson,' and Koyaer x M’Dowell, Pittsburgh i W.‘R;M.’Clellnndi Man chestef - [novii9: , m 1 'E«nm*a»&ip. A T no time for many yenra has there beon such un -fIL scrupulous trickery practised upon the public apont penmanship, as at present.. Pieces of engravina are circulated,!]! rough the town and country, wttn the en graver shmne suppressed, ,n order to Induce theigno rant to believe them to be penmanship. Persons dcst* ssgggsfJSS J.IS.SSS.S MBnSSSr In OLD SCOTCH WHIBKEY; • Irwh. .■ ;■ do: . : Jamaica Hum, bottles. For sale' by - J. P. liORB&CH, 107 .Liberty atreot. inn "HI'S;FAMILY FLOUR'i 60ban Coffee: f® {’}>{»• No-3,-elackerel j : >....... , ;75 bbl».Tar J . : r . ; ■■ ' ■■■■■- 100 WB* Saltpetrej. ; ,:,; Fot (ale by UcalcrernidfemS^SM^rchamß, " No.dt Water street «P» S n™pSrftoS a 67 , 1ta?a V “ [r 2?, d 'w'll eaiorthclr troublo, TVood^TbT^ Reported 'Expreuly for tht Bailg Morning Post. :®I!D 'Hr Usimnss— 7UßTHD •; . EouiaviilE, February 13. | The river has fallen founnchci.' Thoreare coven i feel nine inches in the canal. It: hae been' raining -nil day, and has not yet ceased. ■ ■ - : The steamer Emily, fromTennessee* for this port, 1 struck a snag and sank in seven feet water* below New. Albany,; this evening. The cabin fixtures machinery end cargo, Wilt bo raised. The latter consists principally ol cotton, tobacco and iron. : The steamers Empire State and Moro CastJo passed up this morniog.- The Belie Key brings Mew Orleans dates to the 6th. No important news. Gov. Letcher was a paaaangof. . - The Europe broke her cylinder head, at Big Blacir lalaod, on the Bih jnsianl. The Wabash River, on the 13tb, had sixteen feet water, and large quantities of freight are it all the Shipping points, waiting shipments to the South The schooner Gold Hunter, bound for Mobile, passed over the Falls. yesterday. XXXI “ ®ONGIiHSs—SECOND SESSION, a • • WAaauioTotr, -February 13. tinn nf A .^.‘~ A J 01 ? t r" solu,fon * au,borizi,l g the crea tion of thoraok of Lieutenant Generali's tho Afml waspassed-yeas3l; nays 16, ■-> ; ' ' moto < LU> »«k® up the bill <4 amend rejected! Th ° rao,toD, aftor Rebate, tr«« Mr. Halo’s resolution, dlrectinff ecquirv into the ZZTZ 0 ' a "r ,a « lhe mteoNav, To The 01 ' “ ® or e con »> was adopted. r „? "® Senate then took up the bill regulating the e . a >. IO 7T 0 a i o^ -Clerks, Marshal, and AtternesS C ‘ rC 1 U and I>islr(ct Coi ' ,to - ' adfooreed. onßC ' eral amendments the,Senate I ■«. l ,oDra '-~Mr. Hayly, from the committee of wavs and moans, reported a bill >aking ipproprlaSms , for the support of the Army for the yesr 1861 “ “ statVoMho'union! co w ! lh inJ,ruc *'ons to enquire and re* port Whether Ritchie has executed tho- priatine— regard 1° the quality 0 r»ho work end Iho l’ n « g h e °v 10 ,bo Conlraci > ond what aum he has lost by his contract; i who?A lh6 j * en ‘ into committee or thel hili m,’i, d procoe Illmoiaiown to Vieceanea. tJ2S'b -I te 8*??? ,ho PMific, Hannibal aea'Stv . •• * - New Oaleak®, February 11. J ho ln ,!l ® Con - Henderson case could nol agrcO| and were discharged, ■ - MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH, New Yonr, February 13. ETCNtiro.] Cotton.. Dull, .omT n - b®?ol°4 ( 7sM>“ ot"' 1 M ‘ Ch,gln ’ 4 - 7525 - 00 ’ firm « 67 fof i 9 M £*is!** Bced A ,2 - 37 <0 12,00 J prime, Bell 9 p£i new Ohio mess, 13,60; prime, 12,5al 0 00 • iirim 'floJch”' 8,50 ,0 8,76 > P ,lme . 0,00 (a s r 6 5 ,m ’ aro 10 den » nd41 *• Tobacco.,More active: K?.* 11 to 13 • AM ; ?i Lmsccd Oil.. Firm ; ab.bS. 'so. * B u .,ne ra I n o,o a c tl ™! LAD * U '^,*' F ° brU,,r > r ,3 ' Flour*. Sale* at 4,50. ■ ■•■■■ i Grain.. Unchanged. i Pork*.Now mew, 13,75. 1 ■j. al, i e »;|»2oo Bcc?ea,26o cowa and calves 600 1 od lamb> wata i“ market this' morning. Beeves ha,o been in stead; rennest anil Cows’eell a“7oo'‘ n^i,“ l 0" B * 6 *°°® 7 * <1 » per cwtt ■ B °l* boga ore in good demand and prices slightly improved; sales at 6.0006 2s' Der cw j ir otl f e ** and * anlba! 1,10 former at 1,5004 00 and the latter at 1,6004,60 each. •‘• OU ‘ OT >«O, Wo news of importance. Flour. .Sates of ,3 ' No change m Grain. g) Bacon..S,de. Bjc.; Shoulder. 7<37jc.; Bulk H.m« Lard.,No. I, to keg«, 9c.,cub, and bbla. B}c. Nsw OiUEaiu, February Jl. Cotton. .Quiel- FJodN.Ohio Corn. »65£fti8c; Bacon Sides. .Scarce at Bfc. Pork..Mcesl4,JB j prime 12,60, Wbisko;..26ic. ' ■ Molasses,.Advanced to 2Cc. Tobacco. .No sales. iTkanQES ! OKANUES !-40 "boxes SicilvOTaives JUSI received and for sale by y wanges, JOSHUA RHODES, ■ No. 0 Wood street- -/• i*. • •* ;■ ( 'J£» THEPITTSBCRPH BOAIU>or?»»„- AND MERCHANTS* EXCHANfip 1 Frederick lorenz,) C%% j COM,<, "« «» OFFICE OF THE MORNING POST ) ■ FHID4T, Febrnary I4j IBsi r _ The weather the past week has been pleasant Oar rivers are in good, navigable order. Bmincaa erally* I*’ 1 *’ W ™ a P ros P cct of an improvement gen* c^?^ ES .~Y ery ,m, cut —all on time- Wo have one sale sir city trimmed reported at 6j. , BLOOMB—Sales of Juniata at $60062. ■ BROOMB—The few sales made are at former ouo tatioos—figures take a wide range according to the 1 9“»l‘tyofthe arlielo, say 31,2502,60 per doz. I BUTTER—SaIes of a good quality packed at 70 . ’in? ns is eraW , s , a " mn £. Some lots of Roll sold 1 at 1U to 12, and dull. BEANS—We quote at 31 for mixed ; $1,37 D cr per bushel for small white. y CLOVER SEED—This article has declined m all markets cast and west since our last report. Salos wore made last week at 55,75 to 6,25; now we quote it dull at 55,00 to 6,12 ; the stock is largo. Last week sales were madore Louisville at 86,25 • ? ®oe it down to 35,25; we quoto timothy’ seed at $2,25 to 3,50. There is still a good dci “ o ?, ,ard » a “ d S3 jy!!' be paid for Brown ; 53,60 for Yellow. : .CHEESE—Moderate eupphes; sales of Cream at6107c.; Common at sjo6c. « ream (?ORN MEAX«—4O to SOc. Sales of ingots at 19020 c,; sheet at 24 .CANDLES—SaIes of Pittsburgh Mould at 10c • g£S3K. # * ,o,oc - ; s,ar at 22023 c-: *«■"? COAL—Regular sales at 4J{S>sj. .The following arc the card prices of Manilla Rope, by Coil, - 14,. „®° „ do - when-cut, IDc White Rope, by C0i1,.. lie _Do oo . when cut, ij c \ Ta®d do by Coil, 10c .uo do when cut, lie Packing Yarn, fine, -j c Do do common, 8c Jlauilla Bed C0rd5,.....31,87(32,8103,75»dor. Do do .per roil,. He *P dB u ... 1v60(2R},26ia3,00l v 60(2R},26ia3,00 pdoi. it t r percbii,. 10«fl> Manilla Plough Lines,...... §7} doi. »®!sp do. « CRACKERS. .Tlie regulargalcat© the trade are at thoTollowingratcsi \ j • Water Crackers^---...;.54005>- bbt Butter, do. i, Pdotßrcad*----.. 4QO 4 , . -Sugar and Soda Crackers* >•»>.;. •• • -4s* » i*» . -COTTON YARNS—Ad adrance of one cent per b has taken place to each No., aa will be seen bv ne following cord. . FOUND TASKS. - N 0.6, clspor 8......20 No. 13 eta perß> 23 “ 6. **• “......20 « H i< it ' 04 1 ' “ .......20 “ 15 “ « 25 f» (< “......21 “ 10 ti it 05 >i “ “ .21 « 17 11 27 >1 “ “......21 « 18 “ a 23 > “ “......22 “ 19 ■ it 29 '> “ “.....,22 « 20 11 it 30 ■■ DOZEN TASK. ■ ■ No. 500, els per O.., 101 No. 800,ctsperdoz,.8l « 600, “ «.j..9l ‘<, 900. “ «..«{ “ 700, “ «.J..B} “ 1000, “ 1 “...iU Carpet Chain,. •., ... .22 Candfcwicki..... ,v. iq Coverlet Yarn, 22 Bag Tmiiig, 19 Twin0,...25 Baiting... No; 1,18 to2o Cotton Warp.. 13 12 11 | No. 2 and 3,10 to 17. DRUGS—The following is a list of prices ofsonie of tho most prominent articles under ibis head • Aloor, lbs 15018 Brimstone,{pEj. ...40 1 . •*••••31® 4 Camph0r,ref,.....35040 Asafistida,lbs....lBo2s Chloride 1ime,“....70 0 1 Arrow Root, “... 12014 Cochineal, “ 1,3001,50 1 Aqucfortis, “...10011 Copperas, “...l}@ 8 Litharge, “...51001 Liquorice rt.“..\.70 9 : Madder Umbro,Bal2ol3 “ ball “.....20021 1 Castor Oil, bbis.. .31,65 Sal Soda 4043 [ Quinine 0z.84,2503,30 Gluc.com. HOl2 .-DRIED BEEP—Sales of now at‘B to Sj. i FLOUR—The receipts have been erceedingiy l “got for the past week, and but few transactions from first hands. The prices have not changed any 1 since our lastreviow. We quote as before at 33,40 to 3,40 from river; from wagons, 83,60 is asked • i “pm stores, by dray load, at 83,60 to 3,62. Family Floor, in a retail way, at 4,00 to 4,25. FEED—Sales ofßran from first hands atl 1012 c., Middlings, 30; Shorts, 16 to 20. ’ FlSH—Sales ol No. 3 Mackerel at 87,7608,00, at which holders are firm. No aaieeof other Noe. ££&£? E B? — ‘ ialcs from fir6t “nods at 33036 c. _FRUIT—We give oar tabio corrected; White R. Candy,l6ol7c.; Raisins 8unch,2,5002,'75 YoIlow“ “ ..14016c. do Cluster, .2,7503,00 Red “ “ ..18020c. Zsnte Currants,....sjc. Liquorice...... 18020 c. Filberts,. 7108 c. Refined“ ■ • ■•,35037c. Walnuts,... 7*oBc. Jujube Paste,.. .27028 c. Cream Nuts;,.. ..6107c. Date5,...........809c. A1m0nd5,..... ,16023 c Lem0n5,......;..,.a-- H. Shell “.....lOol2ici Oranges, <••...»• ««««■■* .Shelled'•**-,.• .*26027eV Dried Apple*,.. *75080 Dried Peaches.. ■ GROCERIES—SaIes of coffee at 121013) market Cr l?' °l Sugar at 6‘ to 6i in hhds. Molasses soils at 32034 c, Rlce at 61c.; , GRAlN—Receipts moderatqv Wheat: Mediter. ranean, 72 per bushel t Red, 76) White, 78- Rye: moderate demand at 60. Oats, 35}; Barley,’ 76 to 65. : GUNPOWDER—SaIes are regular at the follow lug rates :■ W 5,60 | Eagle do. in pa* •EogleC* &*.. 0 3,00 pet9>..,..:.. no, FKido-?«“0®,oo°i" * Bockrowder : 3 ' M @ W HOPS—Regular tales at 40c. „ doing 5 some sales reported at 4 > 00uj5,60 per bbl« • ■ ■■■ ■ to I w y “ RCCe ‘ PtS ra0l!or!lto tsalesat scales st 314 _ HIDES—We hear or some transactions of green nlnea; sales generally to city tanners at 4c. In Western Dried Hides nothing has been doing, be cause there have been no receipts j the stock is light*, : Nominal prices i 1012 c. IRON & NAILS,.Tho following is -a corrected list of the prices of the various sizes and descrlb lions of Pitubnrgh manufactured Iron/ We irive the Outside rango of prices t ■ Inoir—Flat bar ; .2fos*c. u Round and square bar..k...;; J2|(35 ■ <;*■••• “ 8and..,.. ;.2|o3ic. )! # °P 3«361c. ■ Hhfiet.. ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5 Smses—Cut, 3tu 4 j inch 4,00 *c i “ • Cut,-6 to 6 Inch. 4,60 01c P >• 1 ‘ “ No l 13icp “ ■Altother sizes 01c. & fii, - LUMBER—The following table of Dry: Lumber is correct: Clear# M* 022,00 Fibonilgl do 19,00320.00 Common do ; . 011,00 Common Ido '• ' Clear li, do . • : O£LOO Oak V ’ ' 024,00 Common If do; ; 010,00 Pine Shingles ' Clears do ; „ 44,00 #.lOOO- . :2,5002a,0 Common 2do ; >22,00 Lathfl.eaw’d. . 2,00^2,00 . LEATHER—The following prices wilt ho fonnd cartel t New York,. lb. 171030 Baltimore,. ..« . .21032 ■ Slaughter,«... 20c. Upper Leather .f*d0z.......525,00030,00 Calf Skins,. *>d0z......., .24,00028,00 ■Phi1’a.d0.,..',... .p doz. i. 30,00036,00 Harness Leather,........frfl) ~jBo2oc. Skirting,. ..d0,................ .21023 Br ‘ v ■>. ... i- 1 Weefcly. Review or. tHe Jaaricete. -v.''-V *-■' 9^fp R ??T* ep6l S lB '^ ht 5 ea,M »«moO. N - 1 or 01 *“'«*"* at 823026; •.„ f 0 ’ r A' r °ES—Sales at from $l,OO to 1,25 & bw and ut 40 to 75 per bushel •.• • • • 2?£™r Salo3 3t 93,00 <° 3 > 25 $> i>bi. ■•fS^SsS^ao"' 7 llUledemanU ~ pr,ce3 nom '- . SALT—Salcaatsl,2o. firs/hamfo PELTS ‘ • S3le3 01 25 ®76c. a piece, from STARCH—SaIes at 6jo7c. TtB L( ?!;' 6j Jv of mutton tallowat 6{, beef do TAR. .Safes of Ifc'C. at $4,0004:26. i- j.^^ATE..There isa brisk bnsincss abide in llf Kahf 9 b ° X ’ Wi ‘ h “ diSC ° Unf n i^k^S~ Flr . m .’ and prices maintained ; We give the: table &s before. RnsseH'& Robison’s6’s.nine..... ' . “ , Grant’* « « Springer’* Eitra 6>a.'p1ng...... 32033 c." Endcr* « .. 28029 c. Hares ■ d^ atd > Brown " vili ' Brilliant Grace,Cincinnati. .. Arena,■K.nncy, Liverpool. • J. Nelson, Moore, Wheeling. Isaac Newton, Hemphill, Bt. Louis 4iSifl»§se f I.iberiy meet, Pitfeburgh, House or Refaoe. rpMEM»nagcrs or the House or&ruge want to our , thos. baketvell,’ MS. CHAMBERS. /ebU-daoriPnl - . WM. EICHBAUM....; . CHAS.IHMSEN:’ - V Hnonn/ P , Ir i E ,, f ' LOC,R i 100,000 teet, trail seasoned, for sale cheap bv e ' feb4 JOHN. Av BLOOMER, -- - i Allegheny Plan!"- TPsTHECfalvtiO, a ireah : r^ brCO S?SSg;: BRANDIES— 20 quarter and half nines -Af v.otages, of the followine celebraied ••Hennesey,** «Olard,” "Dunur A?i » «i.*T • “ Pinet, postilion & Co./’ /‘ Jean : iouit» S p£ Sae o" '■ Come» - anJ **»* * ilpasiguol Polsa; : Allegheny Cotilltons; A *ii o Jl?mf; Hui ] (flr,;s *astruc(lon»..for;piano, r> Bi s pages of new Lessons: Clark s Catechism for the Piano: • Burrow’* Pianoforte Primer; Received io*day by. *> n .. • JOHN IL fiIELLOR. 81 -Wood street. stock of new . Pianos arriving and wit! be open and for sale this week*. r .. . (ja3t * H •in*Snoßnbing ; that lie YortHrtl Dur“At?N™ ose Pa hand)from the mostelegam,; t^ Itenslv ® * !0 , ?, ver offered in:this city. . Among others, oue spieiuiU 7 octave double carved/ ■Ss ,^. u ? i f “W* with the ora-'iriprovcmcM Of the over strings, the latest and most important improve- Nunn, * Cia?t" pia„os Also, two superb Attachment Pianos. elle T. V w C l 0! of New Music, unbracing bind’s, and. the choicest new Sonus. Polkas Walae, ) 4c, SIGN OF THE (GOLDWIiARP ' , *r > -:■ Nq-ioi Thin! ,trcct. ' Hew stock of PUuoii - - MRS. C. BLtJME Wotild respect* BftlljJUSMgfitojfaHy:mT«e the attention ofihepab- T* S | ~ etQ ■” e|l n"» ; n f 5Si justopened and ready for Bale, ain o ng which are ihe celebrated Hamburg Pianos, : with the new improvement of the over-sirinw, the la test aad most .important improvement, invented solely by them and by no others. -They have been tned lobe copted m this country, but unsuccessfully.- t a «Oi one splendid 7 octave, double' carved Piano. Loms Xl made by Bacon * Raven, New York. .. lAr ® e 7 octave Pianos, also made by Bacon & Raveii. ftow. York.. ■*’ . Fonr 6, ociaveJPianos, made by 1:16. C: Fisher, late Nuans & Fisher. New York j together with some of our own manufacture, with metalic frame. • JOHN 11. MELLOR, No, 81 Wood street, has receiv ek of i^ns 0 «s off "? f°“ ale a large and well selected m.Err ?* aai 7 Octave Ptano Fortes, from the manufactory of CaicKSHtsS, Bostos, to which to invites , h h a “ ue |'’" , i' of purchasers. These Pianos are invari uoty sola at -Boston prices,without an extra charge for transportation ur risk, and in ait cases warranted.- ' OUUPianOs taken in part payment at their Tull value . . , JOHN H.MELLOR, Agent for the sole of Chtcketing’s Pianos for Western Pennsylvania. No. 81. Wood street.' . -... febd ' ’ - ' Si. ValcßMne’B Par, r ~ l4lh» Threethoasandand fifty-six dif ferent kinds of Valentines.. We have-now receiv edamLoffer for pale, either wholesale or retail, the lanr* estussorunodt of Valentines ever offered In this city, ranging in price from six cants to ten dollars. Bookseller* anddealers in fancy goods,:\vho\vish us 50 supplyihemwith -Valentinee,wilTplease order them immediately, so as.to get them in season, r - < Send, by all means, to thecheapbook, newspaper and magazine establishment of „ ;_> ;jd33 HENRY MINER & CO. No 32 Smith Geld gt;, Piuaborgh. IconographtoEucyclopoedla, T X)‘ C. WALL; No. 85 Fourth «reet,Tiusburgh,hay. V f, • infcbeenduly appointed agent for 'tkftWendid work of Science, Literature arid Art, published m Ger many and translated into English, is prepared to supply subscribers at. publishers* terms* Each number will" coulain iweiityfine Steel Plates, of the most costly de scription, and eighty pages of loiter press. ; It will be published in lwent3®ive numbers, at 81 00 each, and.appears semi-monthly. The fourteenth mim ber is nowpublished.; ' ' Subscribers who wish, can have the work from ihn commencement. , - Te;m^-Ca»h r payab!e on [ho delivory of earl, num ber. No subscriptions \v,ltbe taken on any btherterms Lover* of the an and persons of taale will please call and examme : *pccimens.. . W.C. WALL ■'' \ • Periodical Office, ' ' -- No* 85 Fourth street. . New Book* 1 New Boolci! QMITH’3 CLASSICAL DICTIONARY—^.*new cla°- O sieal picUonory of Greek and Romatt bioffraphr; mythology Md: geography, partly based upon the die* f r» nd raan l) iogmphy and mythology. ]?«,« S h*lAß: Je , ditor ?C. lhe Greek and Roman an- JBSSS**- n«vi£? re -% an - biography and ray dtunerons correctionsand addi~‘ V n»^i« ar ea Anthon, LLD,, professor of the'Greek lanffuagea in Columbiacollege.. , The Life end Correspondenceofßobert Somhey.edi ted M>* his. son, the Rev. Charles. Cathberi Southey. M; A., corate ot. Piumbland,; Cumberland. - Full bound cloth, with portrait. u« U u No. O of the Life and Correspondence of RobtSomhev. Lives of the Queens of Scotland, and English Prin cesses connected, with the -regal succession of Gi-eaf Bntutn; 3y Agnes Strickland, author .of the “ Lives of the Queens ofilngfahd” Vol. l. • • 01 The Recline of Jopery,and, its. Causes; an address delivered 'jn the Tabcmacle, on Wednesday, evening January. 15,155 i. • By Rev;N;Murray,B, D* mg> Theabove books just receivedaml foriale bv" feb3„ - RrC. STOCKTON. 47 Markei g trert Diifl’a Steamboat Book-keeping • Blanks for the above wotfcn. Jssi received nl»,„ rnpplv-, an J for sate by JOHN H. MELl’or, ja23 aWooftt V * V 5 ' "•*“* t - . -kT -"'-'V v - : v .. _ ra»^V: L -*>. ’« : :v.;v „ - * **-*-*_ ness.-vf thrJSrtast iko/JcAiri*, Pains or.Wealc^ SreastofLungst - *£# ott ' r ilWliH'f l*» S^SSSfwi imported expresslyfoSiHiSSJS*?®} l ** 4 (* cla,te t virtues of w&ch are fflstfeSmbiSed ! process with tar ih«« J!?.?' alchemical cpmpouudxhe most cef4ln“nci:^oSJis?liied^ tlole discoveredfor CONSUMPTiON OF THP r!rSiio 0r [c #^^ B a a4gss^B^fSS“ tup stpremedtoineir forliing affections.' SomeoflheJe esteemed goodsndsolne_gave temporary relief.— - I But Mnc« hehus had Wistaria Balsam : Of Wiid Cherry fed bV b !t« ,“ f ! he m osl B f T,0n ,5 ca “»'werecompletely cm Ih? '.L*l?? B f ■■•} " c^l r 80ld . a medicine,” says the'doc- Jhfs „ 1 wbl<:h I hadlbnt entire confidence that I had In rvilfS,- 'Y , ‘. ereTßr Want’s Balsam of Wild Cher. ■K JJ 1 J ’ ll al r?, ace at| mns that high reputation if e“efr b hande^h S ‘? harc f? I,rayen ‘' it ” aiß ' W heno n ‘ wor2 ne3sed Ilam ! hderf “ ret “ eB? The' bv^TSTkab'lfS^ always eared - C.„ r ,a CONSUMPTION' I byjhattU^SSSii^^te •tav ? bhsiS l ™ l y,‘>°'*yiag to me, forfivfof my iMy 6 , and copious night swlaS " n ® :nall, flnßh. sl ” c^iS nIJ . cheertallyreeoinmehd-the-BiU -ff“ la , a Uthoseafflietedw'lth diseases.ofthe longs, and •would say-to thosei Commencing its use not lobe dfs couraged, if uvo or three bottles do not efiect a chre, but persevere us I have done, and I have no doubt but nine lcn wi “ be wilh renewed heal that Jhave beeri. JOSEPH JA'OOTnS Jaipur loot to_thsse Afflicted' with Zhsiases of the Lunas and Breast. • will, miracles never:cease'' More evidence of irs snroassing health re stofative'Virtues i [Prom Dr. Baker, Springfield, Washington co., Ky.l Sffs^ ‘whielTH* 1 ' 3 j wil !" th9 inflammation SbSf Is,which I labored auder ror: six: weeks 22?® v |tf , **“By-.recovered;- In the fall of 1841I'was attacked with a severe cold, Which seated "itself noon' my.lungs, and for the space, of three vfars I was w fined lomy bed. I tried all kinds ofraedicines and ove ry. variety of aid wilhouv benefit] and .tluis I wearied ?i°i ng b u ? n * T 0f "*545, when I beard of Dr. Wis *a ot Wild Cherry. - . me xo givo it a trial, thonitliT had, given ap all hopes of recovery, and hai Dre Dared !° r ‘“v change of another world. ThronSftheir sohcitauonsl was indaced to make use or tKefSmine 7:^i^ aha ?r,° f ) Vili Cien y- The eflhcf wffSmy . Aflcr five yearsof affliction and suffering, nSmn^^„{ I ,v, 8: i pentfc l. ar or £ve hundreddollirs toim P a J p ““>°!! <1 'he best and mostfrespeciable. physicians uunvQihng, 1 was : soon restored to entire health by Ihe.ble6smgof God, anduthe u=eof Dr Wls. taps Balsam of AVild Cherry. f f . ■ - lll9 blessii>g.of God rest .upon the proprietors,of V i , w “« a *'> Balsam of Wifd Cterry-j Yours, respectfolly, W. H. BAKER... . The genume;‘cWistar’s Balsam of a fa4T Binule of xhe sisliatur<* ’of Henrv' XVJi'mr »r r» • Philaaelphia, and ‘• sfnford t Parko7n finirJnfe-’ ■ emed sieel engraved wrapper. No other can be g^S Fm,ni b Li' (successor to Sanford 4 Part,) A^?. h , “, h d „ S ? UI s j J^ u ' C ‘ ncl,,na,i ' Ohlo-Geaewl be S addres;ed S U and Wvs, ‘ 10 whOID all orders must . £ Kidd & Co, PiUabnrgfi jX Wilcox, Jr, corner MhtVm hirah iam ° nd i ß A Fahnestock & Go, Pitta » FA Jones, Pitts Wgh> tee &v Beckham* Alle-' t - T T R J«»ep»'washit i gt o h.i;W,ff Lamber- JO(t, Franklin; Boirie,: Ucionto\vn; H . Weitv, i S o Eon n 2 ’ Street rScoit 'A 'Gilmore: Bedford, Reed A Son, Huntingdon; Mrs. Otr, Hollidavs burgh; Hildebrand* Co, Indfonaj’ 1 R Wrigit,Kinan- K? si Brpotyille; A Wilsm?'arson \Vaynestairgh; M'Farland A Co, N. Callender,, Mead’ villc; Button A Co, Ene Henry florter, Mercer' Jas Belly A Co, Butlert SSmtUi, Beaver; 3 b Snmmerton, vcon ' er,po? ' ; p i ®°- Par meralUp, , ' *» »o *»• COAL ■■ f r . BUSINESS, RoSx. D. Thompson... The style will t>fi.known aa bcifijre..-' J L feb7:2w^ TAILORS’ TRIMMINGS--Received and opened this .^ a >^7 Cailv » ! s. Pa d d ingß,’Schcias, tw«t, satin and Vesi imd Coal Buttons, Bone, metal and japan ned Pant and Simp Buttons. Horn'and blaelr bone sus pender Buttons, Ac, tfebSl A/A. MASON & CO. ATWO;|STORY BRICK HOUSE, sitdatedfefl, -iJk. nearXhartjers Creek, four, iniFes. frorntkejiiisjl. Uly, and « avery desirable coufltry reahlence’. *riiere is a new cample house, stable, and pood, water on the' groQndß r which comprise ten acres; well improved* con minjngavarieiypfchoie.e.Fmit trees. For particiilats t fS l vi?£Pn ly ,0 f- D - PATTON, 311 Liberty at.: of J. S. BQNNbf, on the promises. : JfebB * ; 2TZ^ E ’ IB ' nOO'IRAN fti-BRIDE & CO., sLcssor! m Eicl>- M’Kcndn- ACo . Warehouse, (formerly oc- No. 137 Front Street, one door' JnnS- s,i ’ Pdtsburnh, Manufacturers of Dona r^lo,?i’w TC o P J nentC ?. okin « Sloves * Coo!!in ? B '™ses, G?oL ? . n 'VS?*” 3 ves ’^?? cy Sieves, Kata andFaScy’ urates. Hollow L W.nre v Wagon Boxes, Snear Kettles. Sad Irons, Dog Irons,, ThreshingMnchmes, Mill,Gearing, Pipe Castings,&c? __ Also Vaui-ts, - Vault Doors, Iron Raiijuo and lhon.VVorkof every:deseriptiom ja3B:lmd&4m ■ ;• *.. ' ! . - I’OU SAIiJE. ■ “. —- T. M- BOLLMAN being abonl io decline business on* V-/» account of ill .he&Ythihis-Vinccars r>ieiiU»>rTr nn A Drug Store will be: sold ciibcr loo e ,hfr or fenaSe on moderate lenns. Apply to * HKi;Fm?p’ > ..Third.street,'sign of Goklen Harn, ° I’* or, NAtof. . TyTLLUM.FLINN ofc s . iSSiIiP febi . ' ALBION K. PARRIS, • -J-m-Sana 't&mpMßat e. cobheh oriiAitKiT ahd Turnn itbeets; HARTEIIEB A. P. 1830 ; the only chartered Insti tution oj the kind in Pennsylvania •: faculty -,-Johk Fj-mureo, principal Instructor in me science ofiAcctnints. - CiiitißETiuji, Professor of Penmanship. Mercan tile % -rTt **?• l*«u«r on Commercial * complete knowledge 'of Bookkeeping And its application- to every branch of bu smeea, also, a rapid and elegant hand wnunr, arc invi teoto call ana examine the arrangements EccttUQ on Commercial Law every Monday evening. Ketprcnpe to any of the city merchants. fdcelO i. ; v * _ V * ». . ' V* •V-- ANDREW LEECH, JB. & CO. To i«et» Hope Foundry* PITTSBCRGH ■ : v. f ‘. • '* .T V * ' : ' C O- V'.-, ; : ‘ L e-v-M*. ; -v' c ; : ■ • ■: -“-r .<■ V. ■* ’V^i, 1 * * ' '-fj 1 Drags anit iEeiilritraa. WONDER-PUL CURES!! Dr - aoBers • w .»« T „ Fat thl -jn-fkte cJl/leA't' CowFAi ■ ' ' :■ Herbs,and vegetablesubstances vrt&hliS?* 4 ItaiM,-.-.- •- &#?•»*« PP m i he “n 4 f**® lB ® ’ i «moTe.ftep^jnaadoihcrmotbil»SSHiJ?/iE ,, ?J r •' . Throat and Air-Passage.; ihrSlieSgtefiSS . nsetoit. It also ■ time later ondimparts a 1 i to lie Ltujga themself esribbrebr oriatoißfS2,™ *' ond disaaod pgrncl* s, whlehy, if retataeff, - *f and assists naWreinetpeilte.ditoairlt IMHOK ; .BSBsasaaKig@®B>sfflrf-- ■ jsssrjgte2ag§ousssts: .• “"“■“■■lsiSrS*"*” ••• axeiroubkd toi&M be wonh lo yourself and faniil^ m!tai3 ’ :? Cati/i juy - , ,HUNDREDS OP DOLLAR a ,: ■ ■■ mtheabape of "U6cidrs>-'Sinn siividii- J» . f « means of f r»longin^ma^r n oyjnabfellfe‘ ietb<;iaglte^ ' of topmuaAti-l ‘ i^i^^Vs& B stettggr r > *>. ,of Liverwoil,' ' New Yorfc.AlbwSd^bone^tSJ ne ? lph J? 1 ! I * toa j»J' - rthmij about eight bojtlrs. B>a,,er 8 > a,,er tehiag.f i, BLEEDING AT THE LUNGS CURED.• fffc« ; :£®iS*pt®MS3Bs«i®- -“as- •:, in 0.. Homc2obathic 7)lrPEifclfln' btrt’Kti r,;ri »"' • medicine did not seem to help,meT rfcad B SlS«? ‘ , Pnpruan, AfareA 12JA.18504 - . .' _IU' Tlus wholepapermigbt be filled wilh i ’■ . I - SffiiW? itiligsa(£* V ffe 10!t e * Sl>oo " or ' -V ‘ '" ' ” " ’W* ■& J/.i FAMILY meDI CINES.--Extrac[ 1 of aletter from the Rev.ELL -AHRnT*T» .* SANATtVEpit?£ ny casesraaci.lilti a, charm,. Your'.-: isiiipgspi , !m ,? Inftwnaa, ••attended with ConSa of a- - - - ES€Sfs‘§s*'®*sas , SS : : *i l tSKL'ESS&SSI . ouHvnoTtn? 1 *“ “ten l TO” medJcine» are used id all ■' Affectionately yours, Ei L,ABBOTT■ _£or Sjlo at the Pelrin Tea rath > r V T "f **?“«» Bony mast,Pet»pire~~“; , M ’ '£’:V '* . :-■•■ “ p®SS^^g^JIBSBJ&i f -,- --* * o°,?J?i5 l i?s? e s“® a: least 80 persons cured of U * loTe ' j_' .'. 1 «““* “ I ■;-. ? .T ■ t ,tt.SS5.--u^ Y 4nipc-^ , ? n r e,, ’ f ,u y, White ' Ju nd Chauf cauUonea ' a S nlnBr using common prep*-' ; , Theyareiioiawttfp ho w friglnfull j-injurltni* if ft" > * *'W' - * ,? A I km ‘..tow .como, how .rdugh,how - A ' aai{ow T yellow and unhealthy: thc : edia ; >'s - *•' . , appemafter using prepared Chalk* ,i . V • Besides, v» r * ’ tagaiargttqnamitybTtiead! * w^i b 1 y 0 c iJ«^sH&^& cfe ? it is perfectly innocent, being purified of aHs ? 8I i c ou *h® BKJn, making it soft and* \y. - *7? -iPS&ygff&t-af A S C S) f ACKSO«.B» U toft ,• > {' * Tonic ttettorer ~ * A bottles 37i eenu. Those i^xodHelShn.’r,?/ 0110 .?’ Hsir HeVoniiTOtapw -, those who liavo noL -wa Aisrira. .{* possess trie 'following qualities. If will - (atth »h« :; 1 • ■■ii ■&.SBT«^ T l miSUft*- A' scaif p rdapdruff,«(id|Sie . .- ila ’lnd * TOW datt »'or dresMgTfcfiSK *- tapeno? amclc f or s,'e halr ’ & P < .! s * . riiix: {decs# - - i Pearly White Teetu ana. Breach, ■ T° BE HAD FOR 25 CENTS " ha T e eitfief, are honorably .assured. '. • breath is ever so fouls or Uiffir' ’ .•>•• .v TEETH DECAYED, DARK OH YEDBOW, '' ' and encrosted with tanar, ihat a 25 cell bos of Jones' ' ,V A®bei Tojtb RafftOTviH mate ihe reeth whtesasenow, ‘i," and the breath odiferousiy sweet *. „ . o&ly at JACKSON’S Store, 540 iabeny. street, neaq pf\Vood. • (dec2ft 7 _ ■ FmateSUtueii - DR,.BROWN, No *1 DIAMOND AIrLEY', - ~ in ii' ■% Btnat.hu entire attention to An o!&&' : ag=SJ.%Praeuce. Hislusuieaslsmostly confinedto «; ymaiai Eutait, and such pate- ' ‘ CMwSiM f “* brought on ty taptndenea «» "SyplnUs, RrtWUUc.ErnpUohsrOVnnar-V..' ■ r *ea.Gieci,Rtrietnre, Breilwat D&tharges,- • Impnnty_ofUie_Blood, with alt. mseaswo^tie^efefeaf,' Hbtgyrorm|Mercnrial Dtoeases, Sernlmd weakness,lm’ > ■ potency,Filee^Bhenintiunn, Eemale.Weakness! Month' i Iy Suppressions, Diseases of the idinU, Flnnla in Ano- Nervono Affections, Pains in the Back andl*>Hii,irnaw * w- .. 'tions of the Bladder and Kidaeya>«fiecessflilJF«caKfd ' ,; t Cure guaranteed. -• w. ? •a-•* ' Fourteeriyears' piactice*o‘our in ihit-eity* enables Dr. A Brown tooubr assurances of speedy cure lo oil wcomeyT. ivmt..-: come under his care. . • n> ’ "J >’ , ■ Oficennd private consulting.nrodrit WPiaxnoaday. .•... .J-i? - fij?»CiargC9 moderate.: novs:d&wly ,, X> EUMATISMv~*i)r. Brown's nowiy aiscovrod sTten- r- • • - Xw' edyTor .Rheirinatlsrair a speedy anacerttunrSClcdp ';'- " V 4o^t^tp^unfliltrflllb]e-4:lrlleVel‘^a^l^,. , ~ ■* = -Dfiice,nnd Private -Consulratidn Hpdias.No; 65, S)IA-. “ J MONO, Tbs-Boe xot ia alwsy* at ’ emo- ...••. . •• .■ •;• y .. .lnx£js-&ivtif .••■; AQ BBltS. NOr l ftOSIN, iast rece tvedand for aala *4O by B. A. FAHNESTOCK & CO.; fcbG . corrar to &nd Front streets. •;••-: i■. ■ ■.. - vr> •» ••’•i. •••■,*• ' r-.'V'.J *- J)'. y. ' v ‘ "■ -. air.. ~ .y-vifiC *vV: • 1 * hope taraai . ... T .•£■'.• - ~ '• -mm