V 1 <=«' , \ < ■?> *v * V4** vV M-iiftr- > rr' 1 j, 4- * .%• * i >v* >., - _v4*„ l:'% I - s?,' K'k£*‘kv k*‘.-''k -.w- ,• ■>f, -, , /,». - •'=./. -?„ ■-- '<. ’■ * ■ ' ’?#L ~ ' -:r .- ■ r^.; M&u? >; ‘ k :,\cj, : ,v. *4 •< * < vet'-^Ar.,*,'•••■ “*'t i ’ il'l '<-,, *’ :l\‘: f**X^spi«v^'.‘>>.f;«4'k*k" 1 Vf*^rvt a i» ** h t * + * 71 *“ ►, 7 r - - t . *>*■?'*»*» R r-.-esc. - -■-' \'?: I •--*.T-y.- ;/■ --1- r r r„-''. r^v.V-, l „-t’?'- t- fcT.T'WmV'a<' t ''ft •,.,■■►''; if- ■•’' ■■*>■■.i: -i:-,-V'«V <-. * 5 ,v 1* -*-■ ■ J ‘-- •:r" ■ : ■ .- ■■ :’. . ■-, -?>, >\'rff7. >*v - J”; p > **. .. flSpr'fsr '/, *■• -ct* *A&jfr*Fy?* tr 4; *rX%'f} ‘v*''t - : .■.' ., > '-- /r* '■*“-•>* }--*■• ' - ... /.; "r- -. j-< . “•.‘-ffA-f f^ '- }4{ l kS^‘ !j v^ c *4 ;4<' ~;r •' : Fkee Fibbt.—On Webster-street, os Monday * social gathering of: both sexes, of ■lrish, ata house where.all of them were: not only maths! friends, bat. relatives. The evemegy 'until : about'l J o’cloch, glided away in the sweetest her. today of social intercourse-all were merry—and suny a goblot of « positively..one day old to-mor row,” wee imbibed, making the tonguo glib, and poltiogtheniia good humor for obit ofurow, by way of variety.. About tbe hour above named at it they went, men, women and children, —the freest . fight.on .record—and bloody noses,-blackened eyes and eracked heads-wora numerous, : A number of the,women were pulling one of the men through, I trheb he sung out, “ Ladies and Gmtlemon—l'm i . notv standing , in .a Toul position, and if yoes wait till UHmcfrrdw I'li bid defiance to the whoio ofyecs.” But they couldn’t wait—foe. amusement was too ■gdod,and he was brought down to the floor, 1 to revel yrith other of hia friends who had received a] aimirar fate to the meaie of groans and imprecations. iT£? B ,$ o *ph rt lasted untila late hour, to tho great ) . annoyance of tho neighborhood. | :: InewiDiAaiaa inn RoBBEM.-On Monday'night, about 13 o’clock, the Iron Storo or James Wood & Co., on the bank .of the river, near the Monongahe. laflouae, was set fire to on the inside, and nearly all destroyed. . .. ■ T be 7 u i ß ‘ nß *>ad first broken open the Safa and taken the money it contained, abont 9300. The damage will be aovere, aa the hooka and papers of the house are consumed. But with that persevering | .v and . PPliriog induatry—that go-a-hcaiiativenoos J which character tzo the business men of Pittsburgh, Messrs. W. Si Co. havo immediately setloworktoj ft fix up,” that they may retrieve their loss as soon | ns possible. We understand that tho insurance will j coyer all the damages. - The- merchandize was in- ] anred to the amount of 330,000, in the North J American, of Philadelphia, and the building we { are.informcd is insured for 52.500, in what office j we cooldn’t learn. I BS9" This month, and especially the 14th day agreeably to tho predictions of onr ancient old firfend St. Valentine—produces more happy osenia to the youth of both eeiea, than the whole balance of the year. Notwithstanding the unotnal dispo sition of onr community to extend their friendship, by presenting a rich and be antifbl valentine to their friends,—which has already produced very eaten, eive sates—we are authorized to say that the large end varied assortment ofsentimeotal, aa also comic, 1 of H. Miner & Co., Smilhfield Btreet, is still com-1 {dote. BboYal Assault.— Wa learn Trom the Tribune ..^ a V ® .hardware merchant of this city, while re turning from church in Allegheny in company with hia family, was brutally assaulted by six ruffians, ou Anderson street, near the canal bridge. They knocked him down with a colt and infiicted aesere wounds on hia head and face, one or Mb front teeth being broken in the affray. The attack waa made Wilhont provocation, the wretches probably having miataken him for another person. KP* Lize Brown and her posse had a hearing yes terday before the Mayor, on-the charge of stealing - 8300 and a' watch trom a man by the name of Clay, who bad lodged in her den. He waa a stranger in the City. The watch was recovered, bat aa yet there has been no revelations in regard to tho money.— . Ellen fleverns and Jane Davidson were committed on two charges, larceny and keeping a bawdy honae; Margaret Botbweil, larceny. Lize wilt have another hearing to-day, before hia Honor. . Attbbct To PiBE TBB Post Ort lCE.— There waa evidently ae attempt made, on Monday night, to - fire the Post Office building.. The room of one of the clerks on the third story,-above foe Post Ofiico, -waa entered, a candle lighted and the panel of a door, loading into Johnson's, (the Engraver) cat out, where they lighted the gas nod turned it against the - wall; butfiodiog that iho partition waa brhSi, and' perhaps befog dlatnrbed, they dbcampod. It ap pears they Carried nothing away with them. Bo*lt wsaa retnark of a « celebrated Roman oolnral” that Street-Commiaaionera eoon forgot all the promises made by them before being elected.— Rowley, who pretends to guard the interests of the 2d District, has sol been seen but once within foe laat month! We can giso him some informa tion that will be of great aervice to him, if be will only ahow himself. Mr. Rowset, where are yon t ,<■ Silveb Goblet.— We saw, last evening, a beauti. - fnl silver goblet, which, will be presented this evee* W r * Cbarlea Foster, by A. McCalmont, Eaq., -on behalf of the friends, of the recipient. It has ; on it a beautiful picture of Mizeppa, with the in scription—" presented to Mr. Chaa. Foster by his ■friends.” It can be eeeo, during the day, in Mc» Fadden’a window. B3T The Fair last evoniog at Wilkies Hail for the benefit of Mr. Passavaut’s Hospital, waa a perfect .jam. ’ We were rejoiced to Bee so largo a number of persons present, as it evinces the high spprccia xion in whi eh this noble Institution is held. Every Thing passed off, wo beliovo, to tho entire aatisfac tiou of all. B3f*Capt. JohnHdrtan, who served his country in the lato war with Crest Britain, and is about 70 years of age, yesterday took onto himself a partner to share hisglory—MiasWaryJane Bicharcaon, shoot,SO years or age, young and beautifol.' Aid. Parkinson pronounced the magic words that welded two loving hearts into one. ' I] Bijnssi'.—The Coroner held ani oquest yesterday, on the body of John Marshall, ip toner St. Clair township. Ho was found lying dead in Wm. Nbble’a iime-atoao quarry. The jury roiuroed a verdict of u . Vlsitaiioa-of Providence.’* He had some articles on his which .are In the posacaaion of the Coroner. * . ■ ' , ®®* An m*opl was mads on Sonday night to fire the Foundry 0 r Marshall & McGeary, in tho Fifth Ward. Tho Watchman who. stays in tho bnUding was knocked down with a .lung sho}, and ho fired a pistol st bis assailant, who csesped.' Dfc.Hontctt.-It will bo acea by hia advertise anent that thipgentleman haa returned to .this City, end will commeuco hia lectures on Phyaiology again, on Friday ncrt-when the admlaaion will bo SxaaiTattD.—A man by the nameorUiller, while ■eating hia supper at Porter's tavern, on tho Greens bnrgh turnpike, last Saturday, was strangled to death by a piece of meatsticking in his throat. - Hxaioay of PeitDEirora, No. 8, which concludes thia excellent work, by W. M. Thackeray; and tho Queen's Necklsco, by Alexander Dumas, are for •sale at Holmes’, opposite the Post Office. ■ —A horse attached to a dray loaded with battels, ran away yesterday on Wood street.— . . .One ol llio wheels came off, but tho horse still con , .tinned to run, until he wascaugbt near the wharf. 3. R. Jambdm, a celebrated artist; has pre uented an oil portrait of Judge Marshall, Of hia own painting, to tho-Youog Men’s" Mercantile Li brary. . ■ B®* The steamship Martin Hoffman, which clear ed from ibis port a short time since, whore sho was built, has arrived at Now York via New Orleans. B3T Chaa. Foster’s benefit comes off this evening. He appears as Mazeppa, in the thrilling and inters eating Drama of that name. Let no one beabaeot; WF" Tho Sale will be continued at ■ tho Store on Market between Fifth and Liberty, this morn ing, at 10 o’clock. ..’6®vA very cohvomeat two atory frame dwelling, ion Pndo atreet, in tho Eighth Ward, will bo aoldon ithe pnnnlscs, this afternoon, at 3 o’clock. L .The.axle prDiy Goods will be coDttuned thic morning, at M’JCenna’e Auction House, at 10 o’clock. ‘ “ ' B®*A colored mdn by the name of Eaton Kent waa. yesterday committed by Mayor Guthrie, for atealiog moat in tho market. There was also an attempt made on Sunday night to fire the Fifth Ward School Honae. ■ : OS' Bnaieess on tho wharf a nd-in the streets ia rather dull. Gar* The weather yesterday waa rather cool, with disposition to snow. State arrived tn port yesterday. JOSEPH FOSTER-.•......... -Lessee aiu> ManaGas Parcneite.SO cents; Sec ond and Third Tiers, SS cents; Colored Gallery,SS cents; Pnvaie Boxes, each, 81,00. ’ ’ Doors open at 6{ o’clock, Curtain rises at 7 o'clock. Iff"Benefit of Mr. CHAs. FOSTER. ■ WEDNESDAY EVENING; February 12,1851, will be presented the great Equestrian Drama of JIAZEPPA. After which, Song,Hen Pecked Hnsband, Mr. Phillips. Double Dance, .- - Mr. Caliadine . The whole to cone hide with 1 ■ : ■ : THE RIVAL CAPTAINS. Ths Brcand Annual Soiree : f\F THE GOOD WILL FIRE COMPANY will csbp U Off at Wilkins Hall, on Friday, FehSir^W H “J ne ' wilh “MSclent Police, teen gaged io preserve qroer. Auction Sales. H. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. Lol > in *ko Blh Word, (feh S! On, Wednesday afternoon, February I wai-r’.ki “ ? ®*ock, will be soldi ®n the premises, that I 0 Ground* having afrontof 21 feel on i Btreet«-withm C feet of Forbes street aadexiend ceflen^r wluch >» e«?«d S «- lwo a .¥* r J r fr* lo ® dwelling boußO with five room* “d in l £ e yard < 0 ad stable onback Mr Andiw h f aa b ! e *amined by calling on indisputable. SWCen^1 wh ° reB,de * o[ > 'he Premises. *llO win^n 513 '' 9 a ? b * April Ist. when possession will he given and the residue in two years, with interest ! LI __ P. M. DAVIS, Auct. S F _. GOij D WATCHES AND'JEW AT AUCTION.—On Thursday,Fnday and t v fJ? ln S?> February 13th, 14th Ltd 14th, nt 7 Comtaerclul Sales Rooms, corner of S?rich?«i olf?! Btrcet *’ Wll be so!d without reserve, ffif—, largest nasornnent of superior Gold antf | tch ®‘>, Ac., ever offered cast 0/ the I mountains, consisting of Ladies’ and Genu’ rich Tur-1 &V°‘ se c,n,,er »nd Box Set and Slone I G“id Rings, of the latest and most fashion-1 •hie styles, and finest sots 1,000 Gold and Silver Peh-1 ail , C p'?*?, nd Go, d Pens [ Gold Lockets; Guard, Veit | and Fob Chains , Locket beys and Seals; Silver Forks I fiOOpatrsGold Ear Rings, best styles, Ac., | Ac. Also, Gold and SilverlWalebes—comnriiinaPst. 1 tvLSS?. De l, ba ? f th rugs, 1 large iron fire proof ‘ af s>ha”, moss, bosk and straw matlrasacs,china ware gle^Ac^Ac 1 atcasds * b oaoelicntcooking *tove,lmait. j ■ l l,«h. l S!f l im7 lUbe - “'"‘'“"ad m handbill,. The fea u be weighed and carpels measured before «a e, for Ihe accommodation or purchaser*. Terms at sale. f,a31l JAMES M’KRNiu*. Aael’r. About. 80,000 worth op dry goods or every qaaluy and description, lobe sold without aa freserve whaleyer. Sole to commence on Toesday next, Febroary llih, at 10 o’clock ia ihe forenoon, and caniinumg onui oo’eioek in lbo afternoou,each day, un m all are disposed of, at M’Kcimu’s large AuclionHootc M OnTO rffrk.-m F-OongaarML Cujaeetle Dry Goods Will comprise almost overy kind and Style of ar deles in the Dry Goods line, and may be eksmlnrd ibe doyprcvmnsto sale. A great porUou belongs to ihe [i'psrinseni. -Also.TluTora’ Trimmings, Satin, a r*ri‘!ea. Valencias and olher Vesting-, Amenoau ami w 1 SswingßdktPateatThread, a large lot of super- w C i^ ? iT enC a d Broad Cloths aod Casslmeres, ? ad Domeilic Flannels, a splendid • varloty of r reach fancy Goods. All of which will be put qp m *ucb lon as to suit all classes of Darcbdsers, llAROI&IAN, Agent. - lebB JAMES M’KENNA. Auei’r. W, O. M’CAELTtVEiF, Auctioneer. "POSITI VE SALE of Cloths, Casuracrci, Cujsinrli,, ?#‘S oes >.. Mon » de Laloes, at Auction! IViUbe ioWon Wednesday next, February 12tb. at 10 S! elo ,~Sr ,he / oronooo ’ Bl M’Cartney’s Auction Home, No. 125 Wotyl street, one door from tbe corner of Fifth, an assortment of Dry Goods. Among the tot maybe mentioned in pan, about twenty pieces Brood Cloths, various colors; TO pieces Cosaimeres; 20 pieces Caui» nett. Also, Ginghams, Calicoes. Moss de Lames, Cash* meres. Long Shawls, Black Italian Cravats, Patent Thread, Combs, Musllos.tterinoes.&c, The Goods arc now ready for examination. WM. G. M’CARTNEYj febll . .. Auctioneer. P A WNBKOKEIt'S 8 ALU OF UNREDEEMED _ PLEDGES AT AUCTION —Will be sold on Saior dny evening, neit, February 15tli, at-7 o’clock,atM’- Carmey’s Auction Home. No. ISS Wood street, a large assortment of Gold and Stiver Lever Watches and Jew-, elry. Among the lot are some very fine Gold Watches. The following comprise a part of the assortment— -4 Gold Lever watches, made by E. T. Calam Nos. 8117.8118,8113 and BUS; 3do do do do Nos 40,183, 40,184 and 2410 j 2 do do do do Nos 1333 and 1337 1 1 do Lepine No 82340 : 3do do Watches, plain, Nos 6302 and274o ; 4 do do do II Deal, Nos 7071.203,1810 andtHOl; Idodo do 2173; 1 do Unm -1,0 P laln > No 4507; Idodo do do 5 PNo 1407; 1 do HDeai.plamlever.da No 121; 1 do doS P d 06259 12 silver lever watches, assorted; 5 lepine do do; 7doz assorted gold Pencils; 3 cluster breast, pins,No I: *2 Toiouoise do No 2; 0 fine imported topas pins, No 3: 3 . 2 0 with tassels; Ido cluster do! 12 finger rings; o pair hoop car rings. The watches were made by the most celebrated ma* hers xn London and Liverpool. They will be ready for examination on Saturday morning and during the day, when the ciU2entf are invited to call onu-examinetbetn. , fcb7 "W. G. M’CARTNISY, Auctioneer. An Ordinance Repeating an Ordinance entitled “An Ordinance Regu lating the drawing of Warrants on the City Treasurer, for the.paymentof money. ■ (SECTION I. Be it ordainedand enabled by the culzeus 0 of Pittsburgh, in Select and Common Councils as sembled : Thai the Ordinance entitled “ An Ordinance regelating the drawing of warrants on the City Treasu* rer, for the payment-of .money,” passed the Thirtieth Day of October, Anno Domini, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty, beand the same is hereby repealed. SECTION H. Be it ordained, Ac., That fio-tauch or any Ordinance or Ordinances as was repealed by the Ordinance of theTMrtieth Day of October, Anno Domi ni. One Thousand Eight Hundred and Fitly, emitledr •* An. Ordinance reguTaiing-ibe drawing of.warrants on J the City Treasurer, fbrthe payment or money,” be and the same is hereby ro-enacieu.. -r-^v _ Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils, this Foarth Day of. Febrn try, Anno Domini, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Filly-One. ROBERTM’KNIGHT, ■■ • President of Common Coancil. i Attest—M. Wi Luwts, . Clerk of Common Council. JA&IES B. MURRAY, ■ . „ ■ > ■■ • President of Select Council. Attest—Robert Mobbow, . Clerk of Select Council Foreign Bowspapere, FTUIE subscriber .is. authorized to receive subscript ,* lion* tor ell the London Daily, Weekly and Tri- Weekly papers; -Birmingham, Bristol, Hull, Leeds, Manchester, Newcastle, Sheffield, and other Provin oiat pipers; Irish papers of Dublin, Doric, Belfast, t 2 l Ao-i Scotch papers of Edin burgh,. Aberdeen, Glasgow, Dundee, ac,; Preach and German papers. JOSHUA ROBINSON, „ „ ~ European Agent, i eH Post Buildings, sth st., near Wood. NEW YORK DRY GOODS .moll o' 69MaT !“ t street, wlth-Fixtures, and a anoy Bnd Sta pi= Dry Goods, to bo' sold ' v,a hing to commence busi ng St^. G J’ L he above old established busi r«evrt..i?n^,oone thebesj on the street, onn be had :ou .frojabls terms, if application is made immediately- to t.oo rlber >' who Wl3lie > «o change his bniiness. -I* 3o TO H. GARRARD Boue orßtfagd TgiHEnlanagera of the House of Keftige want to piif l ,* chased lot of ground suitable for the location of i .inis Institution, containing from ten to fifty acres, well supplied with water, and situated upon one of the rivers' plank roads, or railroads, wilhin five miles of the Court House. Sealed proposals;slating description, price and terms,will be received until Monday, the 24th instant i by the Committee. JAMES ANDERSON. ’ THOS; BAKE WELL,' JAS.CHAMBERS, WM.EICHBAUM, CHAB.IHMSEN. febQ:dawtF24 XTkLLOW PINE FLOOH BOARDS-a new art® X 100,000 feel, well seasoned, for sale cheap by ; . JOHN A. BLOOMER, febl Allegheny Planing Mills, Vtu STOLEN—A small, brows and wbuo spaniel DOG, from 57 Hand street., Who *£sas3s&»over wll return the some, shall-be reward «d rpnsar trouble* tia2s] H. WOODWARD. Vf/' THK PITTBBDKOH board op trade AND MITRC.HANTS’ EXCHANGE ™ederkjk lorenz,, C ”ug HU ‘ L| { Commiiti* von Febbuabt. OFFICE OF THE MORNING POST, > Wedhesday, February 12,1851. J We bare had quite a change in the weather since Monday; yesterday nan cold and rather unploasant. Our Rivers are high, and w«. anticipate a.high flood, which it is to be hoped .wilt improve busmesa gene • rally. We noticed several rnnall lots of Sugar and Molasses on the Levee yesterday, and hear of large lots on the way to this market. We have no ohango to ootico iQ our Market. FLOUR—The receipts and sales are unusually fight; the receipts, however, about equal to the de mand. Prices have been stationary for some time past. We continue our quotations 83,40 to 3,46 at the wharf, and $3,45 to out of wagons. Sajea from stores at $3,66 (o 3,65 for ouperfine; 83,75 to 1 3,87 for Extra, by the dray load. RYE FLOUR—Sales reported at $3,26 to 3,37. BACON—We oontinue our quotationß. Sales are being mado at 8 to 8i for hams; 7 for sides and 6 to 61 lor shoulders, VINEGAR Sales of 80 bbls at Bc, with pay for barrels. • FRUIT—Sales of dried apples at 75 in lots; 31,25 to 1,30 for pcachoa. CORN BROOMS—SaIes of 170 dozen al 31,25 » dozen. SUGAR—Bovoral email lots sold at 6}, cash. Sales of molasses at 33. : FlSH—Balca mostly conGned to the city trade at C 7,60 to 7,75 tor No. 3 ; not much doing in Noa. I and 2. We notice a alight decline, in mackerel, in the Baltimore market. GRAlN—'Transactions light. We can hear orno change in prices. i COFFEE—The transactions are limited; princi* 1 pally confined to the city trade ; p ,i ccB well main, tamed. We see, by the last advicca from Europe a alight decline in the coffee market ’ APPLES We quote atS|,l2 to 1,25 at the river TOBACCO—SaIes of 40 boxes—2o boxes at 30' and. 20 do at 26, 4 months. Tobacco remains firm in the eastern markets. MS-Silei of 30 dozen, tow on d cotton, at 93,75. RAGS-Wo havo reported sales at 2j to 3, as in quality. = tAßD—Saloa of 32 feegs.No. 2, at 61 ; sales of No. 1 at 7l to 7l; soino holders ask more. We have not heard of sales at higher figures than | quoted. 1 RlCE—Sales made at 4{ to 4$ | European CaSTee Blarfect. Baring’* London Circular of Jsnosry 17 osys— The market was very unsoulcd In (he early part ol the woeh, and a reduction of 3iols wa* submitted to in sercral Instances ;-but thero ha ß been rather more bus,ness since, and the sates of yesterday and to-day hare gone off Is better; the transactions “ m C ™ e 40 ? half bale* Mocha, B| t ®?3. 6d; 230 cart*, 400 bags Plantation Ceylon, from 53s Tor fine ordinary tip to 64« for good middling * 1000 oagt Costa Rica op tocret terms, and about 6000 Na tiro at 49a3S0s, chiefly the latter rate. From the near Continental ports adrices are not encouraging, pricn* hiring declined and very little demand nrc vailiog; and for floating cargoes of Brati), several or which have arrived on. the coast, there are no boyew at the tpoment. The aloefc-oo hand, on the lit tost., m Great Britain and other European non#, amounted to 115,000,000 tbi. 1 . * * AjjsTcnDAß.—Coffcc is lower in consequence ol advice® from Java, where a large crop i« ejpecled. Good ordinary Java c<29i. r Haddueou.—Coffeo is qoict, in consequence of Urt accounts from Uollacd. Wo have only to report the sale of 1600 bags Brazil at 41 to 64. I ’ PEST 0 tnCHEa tVAftS 1 N Tim CUAViCI _ ARKIVRD: Steamer Michigan Beaver . v- Baltic. Jacoby Urownaviltv* ** Atlantic, Paiklnwn, Brownsville *' J/M’Kee, lleudnckaon, McKceaport ‘ Beaver. Gordon, Heaver. Pjt&bion No.*J, Peebles, t-hzabeth V Thoiuau Simver, Undey, West Newton * J- Nelson, Moore, WhcHing “ Fleetwood, Conley, Cincinnati. “ Uncinnau, Birmingham, Cincinnati “ Brilliant, Grace. Cincinnati. . OBPA'ttrKD: *' Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville 4 ‘ Atlantic, Parkinson, do ‘ l , cn i ri “ l “ 0! ', McKeesport. Mlcbiguu No, 2, Bole*,Beaver Beaver, Gordon, Beaver £b°“! a » Shfiy/i Brnley. Wert Newton. F«,hlon,l I VeMej, Lhzaneih. Hibernia No. 2, Buiehelor, Cincinnati. “ J. Nelson. Moore. Wbeeliric “ Pilot No. & Sbunk, Hocking port ' ArenaJKtnney, Liverpool. FOR SALE—A large lot ot 50 teet front, on Coving tonatreet,l.avvrtnoevlle,by lot) deep toon alley, with o Brick Dwelling House mmejtctl, wiili kitchen and cellar; ana six room?, neatly papered,' and suitable grates; and a complete kitchen range; good water, with pump; wide porches; puved yard; coal shed; Ruble garden; grapery; with fruit and shade trees. All under good fence and in excellent order. Pleasantly situated pear the Allegheny river. An omnibus will pass evorv half hour. v i Price—slBoo. Terms easy. 8 CUTHBERT, (Jencral Agent, 7Q Sraithfield street. JTtAILOHS TRIQIMINGS—Received and opened thie X day—Canvas, Paddings,, adieus, twist, satin mid lasung Vest aud Loat Buttons. Bone, metal and iardn* ned Pant and Strap Button*. Horn nod black Done sus* Pender Buttons, Ac, [febb] A. A. MASON A 00. A TWO .STORY BRICK HOUSE, situated &W& •near Charlie™ Creek, four miles from the Ejhq City, and u a very desirable country residence. There is a new carriage house, stable, and good water on the grounds, which comprise ten acres, well improved, con taining a variety, of choice Fruit trees. For particulars ! T»7?wV?lL p J y 10 f L »v?XTTON, Sll Liberty pi.'or J. 8. BONNET, on the premises- (fchS c , ( S! , , atK i Geobokßkaie, jb:, W«. F. M’Bates, C:J. Aonsw. 1 COCHRAN, M’BHIDE Ac CO., successors to ]j('li bcll in, M Kendry A Co,, Warehouse, (formerly oe cupied byWm. Noble,) No. 137 Front Street, one door Weslof :V\ood,Bt., Pittsburgh, Manufacturers of Doha* yun’s improved potent Cooking Stoves, Cooking Ranges, Coal and Wood Stoves, Fancy Stoves, Plain arid Fancy Grates, Hollow Ware, Wagon Boxes, Sugar Kettles, Tea Kettles, Soil Irons Dog Irons, I'ongTi Castings .Tbreshtpg Machines, Mill Gearing, Pipe Castings, fcq Also — Vaults. Vault Doors,. IttoN Rail™ Jnd Wrought Iron Work of every description i jaB3:lgid&4tw > Pearly White Teeth and Breath', TO BE HAD FOR 25 CENTS. FERSONS who have either, are* honorably a«sufred that if their breath isever so foul, or their . TEETH DECAYED, DARK OR YELLOW, f and encrusted with tartar, that a 25 cent box of J oiie» 1 Amber Tooth Paste will make the teeth white os snc>w, and the breath odiferously nwciii. Sold only at JACKSON’S Store, 240 Liberty *-’V ■* , * -V » » v", -, l V - •'.?'< '• • * = 1 ... *• i 1 i* . ». . ‘ ;♦. BY TELEGRAPH. USCSrTKD BT UOHTHtHO—PJUHTK) HI SXKUt XXXUt OONGRESB—SECOHO ' SESSION. . WASBisaToir, February 11. Sesate.—Mr. Seward offered a resolution to on* quire into the expediency of reducing the weight of silver coin. The deficiency bill, which was ordered to be en grossed yesterday, was talen up and passed. ■ The Senate took up the bill granting 10,000,000 acres of the public lands totho several States of the Union, for the benefit of the indigent and insane.— After debate, the bill was ordered to be engrossed for a third reading. Adjourned. - House. —The bill to establish a Board of Accounts was; taken up, and the question was on ngreeiog to the substitute. A report was received from the committee of the whole on tho stale of the Union for permitting ag grieved claimants to sue tho United States by a bill in equity in the Court of tho United States, with the right of appeal to the Supremo Court. The eubsti. tuto was lost—yoßS 80, nays 109. After several ineffectual attempts to defeat the bill, a motion was made to day on the table, which was rejected—yeas 9S, naye 107. • The bill was then rejected—yeas ; 99, nays 107. A motion was made to reconsider, butdisagreed to. Subsequently the vote by which the bill was rejected was ro-considercd—yeaa 109, nays 94, Mr. Duer moved to reconsider tho vote by which the bill was ordered to be engrossed for a third reading, and on motion of Mr. Inge tho motion was laid on the table; Tho question recurred on tho passage of the bill, when, os motion of Mr. Inge, it was laid on the table—yeas 100, nays, 98. Adjourned. .Louisviue, February 11. The weather is cold and pleasant—wind, south west. A slight snow last evening. WasnuraTOß, February 11—9 a. jyj.. The thermometer is ot 32—wind, N. W. Cotuunus, February 11,7—A.M. Wind north west and clear, Thermomoter 47. Tbscbhba, Ala., Feb. 11—9 a. M: The weather is clear and pleasant, but cold.— There is a strong wind from the north. Mercurv 421. :■■■■ touisvttLE, February 11. 'The river has risen 4 inches within tho last 24 hours. There are 8i feet in canal. Tho weather is cool and disagreeable. The etoamera Gladiator and Penha. passed up. . MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. BOOH.] Colton*,Declined $, Flour.,ln fsir demand at 4,8105,00 for Indiana and Michigan j 4,8104,87 for common Ohio. Wheat.. Quiet; corn i« scarce, and bold at 68 Pork... Firm ; moss, 12,12; prime; 9,12|09,25. i« anchanged ; prime mess, 16,000 Lard. .Scarce at B}o9. Tallow,. 8}» Whiekejr. .Firm at25025|. Closer Seed.. Sales of 300 buabefs now at 8 00 Linseed Oil.. Firm at 9009!. EvcKiiro,] New-Yont, February u. Cotton has declined Flour. ►Quiet and firm;calea of 3000 bbta at 4,81 to 4,87 for common Ohio j 4,8! to 5,00 for Mi* chiffan and Indiana; fancy and extra Ohio 6,07 to 5,76. ' * Grain.. Demand good ; tale* 0 f 6000 bus Soulb ern Wheat at 1,05. Coro eeirco; new held at 67 to 63. Port,, Old better; now unchanged ; ei|e« of sles» at 12,12; Prune 6 to 6. Lard, .Advanced ; sales of old and new at 81081. Hogs, .Saleable - at Of. quiet at the eamo price. Butter, .Dull at 9 to 12. Cheese.. Ohio 0 to 7. Whiskey., Uncnangcd ; 25} to 2(J. . fc>u ea;-New Orlcaaa &H 6 6. Mobs** in.fair dDTOsnd. 4i) t . v< ,r Rio at 11.' v Tobacco.. Unchanged? fcy 9 to ifg ; p« «pd leal loj, ■ r Lioseed Od. .Firm sod scarco at SO to 91. Load. •G.lonaqulcc awl Kirco; none Belling un ner 5,00. ° , Piiilaprupuia, February IK No new. of interest.. The market is quiet, ci. ccpung LarJ, winch baa advanced ; a sale of old Western at 9. Tbe Stock market is unsettled; 7000 Cincinnati o*s .sold at 9?}. OawmoßE, February 11. flour.. Sales of 6eo bbl., Howard Rtro.l, at 4,50. Nothing doing in City Milla. Grain.. Prune wbont, 1.0091,02; red, 1,05: corn' white, tGO67 : yellow, 69060; oils, 42045, Whiskey..No change. _ . . Cihcibmati, February 11. Hour..ln fair demand, with sales of 1,200 bb!a ot 3,4203,44, and 600 at 3,50, delivered. Whiskey.. Largo sales at 22}. Clover Seed.. Further decline ; rates at 5,25. In other articles there ja no change. The river is at a stand. Private Diseases. OR. RHOWN, No. *1 DIAMOND ALLEY, vsnsmjk. Übvotbs his entire attention to an office Ufjj&ssfapntiice'- Jl» l usincss tsmostly confined to "*«“* of , Ytn*tal Dineases, and such pain '•■wSkimtiX ,u * ofiecllons, brought.on by-imprudence' youtbfuHnuulgence ami excess. . Sypbib*, Syphilitic, Eruptions, Goaorr hea. Gleet, Stricture, UreUrrorDischarfces, Imparity of the Blood, with all diseases o. the venereal origin. , Skin Diseases, Scorbutic Eruptions, Tetter, Ringworm,MercuriuJ Diseases,Seminal Weakness ,Im potency, Piles, Rheumatism, Female Weakness, Month ly Suppressions, Diseases of the Joints, Fisluki in Aho- Nervoaa Affections, Puins in the Back and Loins, Irma* tious of the Bladder and Kidneys, successfully treated Oure guaranteed. Fourteen years* pracuce'(four In this city* enables Dr. Brown to offer assurances of speedy cure to all who may come under his care. Office and private consulting rooms, 65 Diamond ay H7* Charges moderate. : - DovS:d&wly REUMATISM.—Dr. Brown's newly mseovred rem edy for Rheumatism!* a speedy andeertainremedv for that painfultrouhle. llhever falls. ' EjOflice. and Private Consultation Dooms No 65, DIA MOND, Pittsburgh, Pcnna, Tiro porter is always al oroe ~ ■. . /*• ianlB-dawtr ORANGES 1 ORANGES^—4O hoies Sicily Oranges, ■ )U3t received and for sale by 1 v:./t JOSHUA RHODES, _(cbl • . .. No. 0 Wood street. u&iftu Body mugt Perspire. " •«. (SO HATS IfATVns,) . TO HA YE A HEALTHY APPEARANCE, . And persons wfio do noi perspire arc liable to the mom DISGUSTING SRiN DISEASES. - VTO\V,,I ones> Italian Chemical Soap causes a ftce Xi perspirauon,and at.lhe same time mollifies, soAehß the akin, giving it.the texture ondbeauty of an infants SCURVY, SALT RHEUM AND SORE3~ ' ' are soon not only healed, but cured by its u*e! as at least seven physicians in New York know, who use it in such cases, and find it unfailing—os also, in PIftIPUSSuy it only of WU, JACKSON, only Agent in •Pittsburgh, 240 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, head ofWood dccSO ■ JouearLllyWhlte. LADIES are cautloned.agamst using common prepa red Chalki •/ < • . They arenotawarehowfnghlfuUy iiyarious iiis to the skmf iiaw coarse, bow rough, how sallow,.yeHow.and unhealthy, the a*in appears alter using prepared Chalk* 4 , Besides, n is injurious, Contain* log a lame quanuty of Lead! We have prepared a oeautifnl vegetable article, wliicb we call JONES* SPANISH WHITE. It ia perfectly innocent, being purified of all delcteri* ous qualities i and it imparts to tho'akm a natural, healthy, alabaster, clear, living white; at the-same time acting as cosmetic on the Rkm, making it soft and smooth. : Sold by the Agent, WM, JACKSON; 89 Liber ty street; head of Wood, Pittsburgh. .Prieei¢s; dcc2o:flawly: ~ (uaaette copy.) -y . ' l»# EDDINCiS.ic,—3UO Wedding Cakeßoxas; fV ‘JOOCoinelmn Rita; '•• • ItfdOz.aasonedGold-Pens; • . 12 do do = Spectacles; 4 .do do Razors&Sffaps Just received at tho'Watch and Jewelry Store of ; W.W.WILSON, ; : . corner on Market and Fourth sts. BRANDIES —20qu4rter and half p»pes>ofdifferent vintages, of the/blfomnff celebrated brands : “Hennosey,” u oupuy Avlsetg-. nelie,” ** Pmet, CaatUlon&Co- 44 Jeaa"Louis. s,l For sale in lots to suit purchasers. I>- PATTONj, ..ji2o, r ail Liberty street, • ' . i' ■••- • . * V tJ* > » • fj* - -u , •. , ••. »■ • *.■ 1 u *V\> - . . .-.. ,;v .■•>".’V-a*K* , V.:' ■* ■ ’V ~:t. .. ■ ' THE WEATHER. New Yonir, February 11, \r. *< * * St . *$ t I ’ flitm Books, jgafltt, stt. Sew Book.l » tw nooli.i ~~ 7 the matterls of unuMarinteraßt'lt hM a’ rtS?h nal a . n ‘ cle3 i among which, ist a Ure ff Johh Ban- GOlph.and anew tale; enuiled the ’Heroine,of Bloom-’ ■ • .’TiePictorial Life and Adventures of Guy Fawken the Chief of the Qunpowder Tre&son. • 7 The Convict,or the Conspirator’s-Victim. A Novel written in prison by Ned Buatline. 5 The Women of Israel. By Grace Aguilar. _ Life’s Discipline; a tale of the Annals of Hungary;— - AEevicw of the Attempt toTax Religion, andan An swer to the Attack on Churches. By Senox; : ffebS ILI MINER A.CO. have , received the above. It is AX« - truly in size.a double number. -.-Harpers’New Monthly for February—the best li’um ber yet out, in matter and embellishments J Monthly—not excelled by any other in Anew illuMratail ediuon of Gay Fawkes, the chief of the Gunpowder Treason. • -TheWomen oflsrael—in two voloraes By Grace Aguilar.- ByTaly? i ’ Cipline—aTal 5 of lhe Annuls of Htingnry: ftb6° Vi ° WOf lho attenJ P t l 0 Tal Religion. By Senex. /vntfnn,-,^s w Book* I-New Books r ££.£!si Ihcu J ° nar y of Greek and Roman biozraphv, “ ad geography, partly based nponthedic- n and Homan biography and myihology. Uo y m^es S wif%fv Uor i’C, the Gl s e l E and Roma » Sn pd ?iP re< r, 1 ! and Ronmn biography and my- Re ™ed>with numerouscorrections'and addi- India,Tn wf A “l>“o,LLD 7 pfofe B sorofthoGreek In Colombiacollege. nve«°i f ,E. I ‘K eandCo f , 2^ ,,n ' 3en «°fHobtSoaihey. Lives of the Queens of Scotland and Ecirliah Prin- Bri\ain C °fiflt€ a W J! h - ft 6 «** successiSHf frSat fheQaee ® y or A &nd n ” Vol’ 6f ' he “ Li ™ s ° f .Tim feline of Horary and its Causes; an address dehvered in iho TabernaclOj'on Wednesday evenihy January W.iesi. By Hey. rf. Murray, D D. g ’ The aboye books just received and for sale by feb3 Hr CrSTOCKTON. 47 Market glri-.t : W" 0 c^Book!k?e 0 ?n K '- KEEWNOI ' _!Uu ' I ’ S C “™ e '- Dafi’s S'.camDoat Book-keeping; ....hTr I above works. Just received, a large, supply, and for sale by JOHN H. MELLOR, K iag3 - i -■• V V'.. ‘ ■•• • m Wood si •*-«««.. _ s *‘ Valentine** Pay. and fifty-six dif* •r~r'is/S^o*^*i- nda °S Valentines. We have now receiv ea and oflei' for sale, tuber Wholesale or retail, the larg est essortmeat of Valentines ever offered in this city; ranging in pnee from sixcents to ten dollars. - t/» r 8 dealers in fancy goods, who wish us ImSXii&Jfc” 1 Valentines,. will please, order them unmediatelytso aa to get them in season. by alijneans, to the cheap book, newspaper and magazine establishment of - . p in« •••• ' w, ■''nEW?-miner a co.; Ja2B No 32 Southfield st-, Pittsburgh.: ni- /?%s???*£*}£% Bncyciopcedla. VV • Fourth street, Pittsbnrgh. hair- JLL* .*o** n appointed agent for this splendid work ot Science, Literature and Art, published in Ger ,rans^al6din!o English, is prepared to supply subscribers at publishers’ terms. Each , number win contain twenty fine Bteel Plates, of the most costly de senpnon,and eighty pagesof letterpress. • It wiU be published in tweutfiive numbers, at SI .00 each, and appears semi monthly. The fourteenth num ber is now published. “. Subscribers who wish, can have the work from the commencement. . . “ < - Terms—Cash—payable on the delivery of each naih- A oer. No subscriptions will be taken on any other terms Lover* of the art and persona of taste will please call and examine specimens. W. C. WALL, .■*. • . • • Periodical Office, : No. 85 Fourth streets; rar- NEW HUJiiIC, T ONELY MAIDEN—a celebrated Dueit from the -Li opera o/ Xeisouda. BySpborj Mother, thou’rt faithful to me. A new song by S. C Foster;. • •• Sweetly she sleeps, my Alice fair. By S. C. Foster; Id offer thee this hand of mine j' ‘ * Come, Maidens, Come—or Trantadtllo; . We happy .yet From the Daughters ;ol Ocean Burial. A favorite and touching ballad : ihouhast wounded the spiritihat iQv’dthee. ' gen Boa, or don’t you remember sweet Alice : ’• Soiree Polka By S.C. Foster; •*' ! The celebrated Polka dances; Jeneatic A Jeaoott—complete : Fairy Quadrilles. By Mrs. Ernest; 1 Fashion Polka: BuifimnUcr? ClutChat Polka j Batchelor’s Polka; : &lly Quadrilles- very easy and pretty: •Rose Quadrilles; 17 Rossipnol Polta ; Allegheny Cotillions; Ane^,* :a l^ on J ®f Huuteris lusUucpons. fortPiafto. * ,x pages of new Lessons: f Clark’s Catechism for the Piano: : Barrow’s Pianoforte Primer; » .... Received to-day by - «tu» wTn £ _iarge stock of new Pianos arriving U&U Win bo open and lor sale this week. fia3l TT ... ~ n £|? , . , “ a, ‘* *«w Plano.. Jrf I l ' l . la * rs pleasure.in uuuouncine that he J )" sl “pento a lot of choice Pianos of the eetebnied make ofNoiras 4 Cuu ood Dcskah, New yatk.wltieli, with those on hand.frora the thostelegant, varied anil extensive stock erer offered in ibis cm ? ; Among Others, one splendid 7 octave doitble carved PianOt Loais XIV etyle, with the new improVementiof firings, the fatest and most important improve ment, to be found only on Nunns 4 Clark’s Pianos : Also, two superb .Solian Attachment Pianos. N. B.—An ckiensive lot of New Music, embracing {$r n W k'ld’i nndtje choicest new Songs, Polkas, SION OP THE O'OLDEN HARP. - . ’ No, 101 Third street ff«v Stock of PlAaoi, ; sQjy; MRS, C. BLUME Would respect pigtlrnvitethe atieniion ofUiepdb to her new arid splendid stock of w XiS'WPIANOS, just opened and ready for sale, among which are the celebrated Bamburg Pianos, with the new improvement of the over-strings, the la test and most important improvement, invented solely by them and by no other*. They have been tried to be copied in tbit country, but unsuccessfully;.. Also, one splendid 7 octave, double carved Piano, LonU XIV style, made by Bacon & Raven, New York. Three 7 octave Pianos, also made by Bacon & Raven, New. York. .. ; Four 6| octave Pianos, made by J. &.C. Fisher, late Nunns A Fisher, New York; together with some of our own manufacture, with meulic frame. • C]ft2» Plano Fortes*- ‘ JOHN H. MGLLOR, No. 81 Wood, street, has-jeceiv* ed and now offers for sale a large and well selected stock of 6,6), 6} and ? Octave Piano Fortes, from [he manufactory of CmcßSßuro, Boston to whichhe invites the attention of purchasers. These Pianos are invari ably sold at Bostonprices, without an extra charge for transportation or risk, and in all.cases warranted. ‘ Old Pianos taken in pan payment at their full valhe. . . . , JOHN H.MELLOR. T Agent for the sale of Chiekering’s Pianos for Western Pennsylvania, No; 81,-Wood street. ; • f e b* SALE OF VALUABLE ! iron works, negrobB, hi;les. 46» IN pursuance of a decree of the Chancery Court in Clarksville, at the October term, 1850,1 will sell at the Louisa Furnace, in Montgomery County, State of Tennessee, on: the 90i day of April, 1851: theFurnbce known as the Louisa Furnace and the Mount Vernoft Furnace, with all the lands attached and adjoining there to, amounting to some 20,000 acres. Atthe same time" and place I will sell a valuable negro mad, John Carter, a Founder, and his wife and children, on a credit of 1,2, •and 3 years. The real estate on a credit of 1, 2.3 aria 4 -years. . ■ ; ; * • Onthh 11th of April, 1851 , T will also sell,' at the late residence of Robt; Baxter, in Montgomery Co.,Tenn., the IRON PROPERTY,kriowri aB'theTennegseo Fur nace andthe Wat er Forge; on B arton’* Creek, with-all the lands adjoining and attached thereto, consisting of several thousand acres, on a credit of 1,2, 3 and 4 years. ' Sumner County'Lands near Gallatin. I I will also sell, on the 26th of March, 1851, iuthe town of Gallatin, at the Court House, 320 acres-of landing in said County, known as the Preston tract of land; on a creditof l v 2and 3years.-:. ; • Ifouse and Lot in Nashville. . ; ; . I will also sell, on the 28th of March, 1851, a valuable Housearid Lot in Nashville, at the Market House, known' as Lot No. 64, situated'on Highs!.,on a credit ofl, 2 and 3 years. Bond and approved Eecuritywillbereijui ved of the purchaser arid a lien retained on the real es tate in all cases. P. PRIESTLEY, C. & M. Sale of iSiulcs, Wagons, &c. I will, os the AdriPr of Robt. Baxter,_sell at theLou* isa Furnace, in Montgomery Qonnty, Tenn , onthe9ih day of Aprii,lBsl, alfthe personal property of the Said Root. Baxter, belonging to said Furnace, consisting or 75 Mules, Wagons; Scrap Metal, ond Stock on hand; on a credit of twelve months;. o v -a I will also sell, on the llth day of April, 1851, at! the late residence.of Robert Baxter, in Montgomery county, Tennessee,' about3o Mules, Horses;*Cattle, Household and Kitchen Furniture, together with all personal prop erty of said Robert Baxter; on a credit or VJmontlis Bond and security.: will be' required on aIL-sams over 810. The sale will be continued at each place fromaay to day, till all the property iasold. Bee. 17,1850. ROBERT BAXTERyAdratr.- C7* Each paper will acrid the Office of ibe Clark ’and Masterthe paperscoritaining'the advertisements, with the amount of the fee stated. Published till day of last 'sale.-.' ' ' :-,v j ■ ■ The Nashville.Union.and True Whig; the Louisyilla Journal; the Cincinnati Commercial, and live Pittsburgh Post, will publish ihe aboveadvertisementtwice a week until dayof salej arid forward accounts to the Clerk’and Master foraeUlemehtf..;:..'-.'''.";.;.' v- . dec23:towts . . —ClarlavUle Jeffersonian. . . ' > • • liond for Sale. rpHE subscribeT- is autiiorized to sell the following .1 described piece of land; situated in Robinson town ship, Allegheny county. Pa;, adjoiningiands-of Geo. M. Evans, Heirs of James iNl’EJherron, Robert Bunting,' and - the heirs of John S Seniley, on “Cbartier’s Creek, 73 four miles from the city of Pittsburgh, and one-half mile below Baldwin’s bridge; containing about 75.-acre3, more or less.- This laud is of an excellent-quality for 'gardening purposes—being located in a- warm bend of the cree£, and having a hrst-Vato bottomythat never fails to tiring an excellent crop. The buildings consist ot a vefycorafortablefrarae Dwelling House arid frame. Bam, and an Orchard of 50 bearing Apple Trees, with o' variety of other Fruit. ■' Tor farther particulars, enquire of James M’Cov.or rhe-underatgned. . • „ JAMES O.HICHBV..’ Eob«Wffnip.,-Jan. 28,1651. • iaSIS™ 3 ;' 1 ’ 7 ond Price m,d " a,c - ■ '-T^ 1 —, jV~ " -r". -■ r;:»- - ~ , ■’’ ' ■ ' ■' . '' . .' '' ( ' ' ■' '“r % ' ■i *, v j*. v _ 4 ..*» * .tr*".:' '***'- •" rV* *. • w?-'V.t v-: v • •■:*>/ V v: , .4 Bankers ani> (Exchange Brokers. • lioUiCe« ■■■* \Jif B havo associated J. Gabdi.yes- Cofew with ns in fTtheExchangoandßankingbusiness; WAL iL WILLIAMS & CO. . Pimbur&hkSxin'y. I.lSsL—jaO:lm . , WM, H. WfLITAMS.. b i .. -. B. MVaT. •!. O. COFFIN IVM. H» WILLIAOIS A CO«i BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, soaxn EAST COR?tKA or WOOD AND TBIED STREETS. A LL transactions made on liberal terms, and coUcc- X\. tions promptly attended to. fja6:gm _ 4trw N» HOLMB9 6 SONS* ■ tasm bahkino asd jlzczzakge office io **o. Q 7 Market four doon below old iland. ®mk ■ Acceptances, Gold, Silver and tei°Sme» o %^£ a } 1 c !, li ? 3 »>n>ughodl the Dai mwAtteSSsteffl ••. —u-. ••-- •■• •?"-•• :aagSB4y„ DomesUcandPorngn Exchange, Bank Notes Gold and Silver, Bought, Sol land Exchanged, * EXCHANGE AND BANKISG HOUSE '■■ 07 ■ William A. Mill & Co., 64 Wood Street, *’ PITTSBURGH, iLr XNTBRtSX ALLOWED OM TIME DEPOSITS ; -ALL*!*lBilOlli i : Mwtp aiBM . o&J}*6tsand Exchange Brokers?;.Dialers Foreien and Pjmuticßilh, Bills of Ezchangt, Ctrtifieaus if Dcpos .u.BrmkNain.and. Coin. ■ s * Corner of Thira nnd Wood s'.B., directiy opposite l he St. ■ UnarleaHotel. ■. . may2B „S,£, N KIN «* ■** O 8'987~ ~T ... JESSE CAROTHERS & CO., NO. IS, WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH.; Current money received on deposit. ; Collections made on all theprincipalciiies of the Uni teg States. ■', . [anglUy: ,XS „ B °^l* ooh gs’sAßOßST*’?™- w exchange BROKERS, TnSjiv’SS'o-f *s°? a 2. t Six,h «««».» PitubUT£h, Pa TV E^l'n HS * n panic Notes, Time Bills, Foreien UC^fianffe > Ce . rfi Hieclxantefl iianlc ' Interest paid on Special Deposits ' -SK* 1 . THOMPSON BELL, Cashier. G. W. TAYLOR, — r'. 113 SECOND STREET mIss ? ONER AND EILIs-BROKER. STRICT altennon wiii be given to.all business en- IkJ. trnsteatohis care.' Pittsburgh manufactured artl cies always on.fcand, or procured on short roiice- Hoi!’ .2 Sj Mor, s»geB, on favora ble terms. Advances made if teqaired. ioct22:tf DRAPTd-UJJI SAN FRANCISCO,. California,'for « 1 n t ?f^ Bl,nkm s Hoase of Patricks a rtuEND».No.9s\Yooa st. £dctl9 I' t ,. . Correction* : - j s iM a^^ ,e uncal M for balances of the Bank ° f PiUsbuigh, according to law, in December last, a SJP/Jgi b ?o^- ng 10 Jesse Doughty; made-. November Sisj T was erroneouslyprinted KTe'ese Domrh h?I y hnTon h f *! arls \} nt , e ? eBled . will take notice that unless his balance is cal ed tor within, the time stipulated in. the Act of Assembly, it wilh-escbeat to'the Common* JOHN SNYDER, 'Cashier. feb7.3tda4tw [Gazette and Journal copy.] " FOE SALE. • CiM. BOLLMAN being about to decline business on lU •I 1 hl3 Dislillery and "rug Store will be sold either together or separate* on moderate terras- Apply to - H; KLEBER, Third street,sigh of GoMen Horn, . ■[. ; febs ; y ~ . or. Liberty street, No. 215. ELEA-ZEH H. li£ASTtTIO9.> •**«....... . ; CHRISTIAN PILEISEit ... Hcaatlncs tfc Preiser. { ENGINEERS AND LAND SURVEYORS, having associated themselves for that nnrooce will >° 3UKVOTJNG,-laying on. anTdFSg ’tod intciiots, ievchng.drnughling and raakimr Plans and smfs ! ;L!f > ’y' i? o o .‘!| l ’ m Ui ‘!! S superintending the con .traction of fiatl, Planlr, M’Adam ami olher roads, bridges, Ac., on iavorable terms. inr Office No- 109 Hoys street,.head, of Fifth, nearthe Courthouse, Pittsburgh, Pa. . . tfebSai ' Klre and Unrine Insurance^ fpHE INSURANCE CO. OF NORTH AMERICA Will 1 permanent and limited Insurance on Probettv m this Ciiv-nnd vicinity,and on shipments by Canals Rivers,Lakeland by Sea. The properties oftht* Com? -panyare wellmvestcd and furnish unavailable fund for xi&cnnrplejndemmty oT all pereons wi.o desiretobe nr o . tected by Insurance. *- TO p;"JONES;* Avent maylß : -; V' *- 44 Water street. lS'mnty Lain) and other Buelneae. “ ■ FUNS ./services to tnin,.ur 1 hosmess with. ttio Executive Departmejiis tuiJ- Congress.Bs an agent, Ua mil attend to all buaineas relative to penaloua and bounty land. Cliarjre's ■ mode* rate. Address WilliamFhnh, Washington D C January SS, lilt. 5.0,-, . 0.. m-SilßjLwM'ieveraJ .years- a clerk in the office of the Second Comptroller ol the Treasury. His know), edge of transacting business-nt .-the-Departments will render his services, as agent, particularly useful to a t who may employ him at the- seat of Government. ... Ai.BION K. PARRIS, letl * i' Lata. Second Comptroller. PITTSBURGH COHNER OP BIAakST ARD THIOD STHEETfI. ..A’. O.. 185 0; the only chartered Insti tution of the kind in Pennsylvania. v FactfZfy.--John Ptssaso, .principal'lnstructor -in the sciencaof Accounts.. . ; - - O. Ki CHAMBBHLtN, Profeasor of PgnmansAip. Merc an.* ule computation, &c. ' AtEX. RI. Watsos, Esq., Lecturer on Commercial Law. •. _ T hdse wishing: to obtain a complete^knowledge;of Bookkeeping and its application to.evcrybranch of bu siness, also, a'rapid and elegant hand writing, are invi ted to call and examine the’arrangements. ' Lecture on Commercial Law every Monday evening. Reference to any of the city merchants. (declO- State Slutna! .Pipe tniurance. Cetnpany, BRANCH OFFICE, 54 SiirrHjTELD sr., Pmsßcnon, THEbestevidenceof the success of in “STATE MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE. COMPANY’I meet ihe wants' of the community, is the unparalleled" amount of . business which has been done-shaving issued nearly 4,000 Poli icies in a little, more than seven months; and adding over 870,000 capital to the company.- The Directors ate proud to say, that nearly all the property insured is of -tho safest. kind, in. small rieksi and a large proportion insured for only one year. . . Number of-Policies issued •-••• 3 v 9p3 Amountofproperty ■. 84,073,508:00 * Araounlbfgttaraineepremiuras-845,490 33 Amount of cashpreraiums--- 24,631,60 - -Amount of guarantee stock-S 70,123 18 Amountbf losses - s 3.800 00 • To he dedactcd from the above the incidental expen ses of the office.' . ; - - - ; To city or country merchants, and owners of dwell ings, and isolated or country property, it is believed this company,affords advantages in point of cheapness, safety andsecumy, inferior to noTnsurance Comnanv in this country . Conducted on the equitable end greatly improved sys tem ■ of Classificauec of-Risks, excluding albepeeial hazards, insuring only , s te&sesihe cheapness and accommodation or;both,methods,but entitles the insured lo a participa- : tion in the profits. ■ 1 ■' 1 t. l i i „ s ,S n i er J he . ? ? ri s:?,l of the'/ollowiiis Directors ji-J ?'• A- Jc Gill;tt,_iohn B. Packer, Samuel T. Jones, Alonzo A, Carrier, Philo C.: Sedgwick, -Robert Klotz. J A. RUTHERFORD, Presk. . . 'A: J. GILLETT, Sec’y. ■ A. A, Cabbies, Actuary. . - Ija27:y OLD SCOTCH WHISKEY: ~ Irish . do; • Jamaica Rom, in’bottles. For sale by ' J. P. 397 Liberty stree LadUß* Writing ana Drawlne etnas. .A PRIVATE CLASS ROOM, exclusively for Ladies -CjL is now opeiun connection with Duff's Mercantile College,in tberoom opposite Mr. Nelson’s Daßuerrean The class will be under ihi dircctioaof HI. J. Onninloclu from New i ork, an experienced teacher and author of a new.antl elegant style 01 engraved copy lines for, la classes. -.AfixHnieiic,Drawinfr, and the » cco '"P.li3limEm or plain and omomcn. rnat> U 1 •*£***» for Sole. . : ■ er °% r £ for sftfejiho fallowingdescribed iApnlh?r! B \n pl if CCof — A^&>aitualcli inNonh Fayette' county, Fa., U miles frora-Pms-" *>f Amos !sSl}2?n*w Ce - a? » ed *-c Mr * Wallace and James Sturgeon, .containing : eigluy.ftve acres,.more orles*; on. which -in79l» a frame Dwelling Housed wo stories win’n? 0 ? Cl , ong 1, y :20 5 finished m modern style; a j**J2 f 1 -exceUeni:water, witn-pamp, at the door ; spring ihpusevWash house, coal and.wood house; Also, anew. fkii? 116 !, n^ -Barn, 6Q feet long by 40, with Stabling under inn • ?*•' n ru,l t a sfollows-*BO bearing Apple Trees; T°P«^ e t ann / Pcac H ,^ lda variety of other Fruit: This vand is pf an excellent quality, and in a high state of fjddwauon—bejMg.under good fence; and -water irt ail L a « • elds; tyith^abundance of coal and limestone,'and ddpfVbank, opened on the premises. This Farm is very f aa 7 ei V? ntl ?‘ ioC l ale S -l e nme! *C, Richey, Agent; ftobhisou tp., or the subscriber,-on the premises; b - • . ; ■ m u -r, i „ SAMUEL THOMPSON. “.J* F'^ rin ’ v -k ' ' t; i. ■n . . :yvV - Removal* i* * * b.- = r.- 7 - n,k-- y- ; ft ft'. ' "■& ftftftA 7 ' ft ;; ftftft/: ; ft. ! ft •; •-'■•^...j.jrVft;,•;•"•;• ‘A-‘.C'.s-->V■.';= -••• > /-ft'’* '..•ft-vft'"i--.> t ' ft ft:ftv>'»ft‘-ft.W •y {Drags anS iHeiojrints. HOPES EVER, WONDERFUL CORES!) Dr. Rogers’ Byrap or Liverwort and Tor OASeHiltOßt ipfc , Ccmp&U^gloCdNsnS^TmN* r Its immciiaU'ffcct is lo allav all frf,S„ tCd J < ” l[tn , a ' remora the phUgm on a other morbid aeoi»nAs?r W®|!T nibdutng the inflammation and other caises wh?,?£ i.l Ji rise ton. It also sumulatesaud imparts a 5 to the Langs themselves, thereby enabling thearnf/f™ MMsrasrfeAtsS Si^{tmsr&!z*sssssi£ upon the skin, and assistsnature iaexpdlinavthroo*h the Exhalents. much of that morbid matterwmch.wmiid otherwise be thrown baclcapon(heLanjr«.thiisreUevinS them of a pan of theirwork, and rendering the system pure and healthy. WheniubereJeaareforming.itcheck* their development and fartherprogress rorualceration has taken place, it assists theLungain thro wing off the corrupted matter, soothes the irritation, heals tho ttfcer eayiues, and restore* them again toheaitby action. therefore, is-not a ©affiaaV# tnerely. ? el |f v u es fort & e time being, burls atAorougA veryrbotof the dlsease.and !l«J en l ovll '£'**» removes at once all its rotnoto and ; at' *.**** advertisement can fully ernldin thenatare andmentsof this article, the ProorietorsharS whohatt been cured by it—zivina their names H*id-¥**{«» dences, oven to the street and the number; Those'who or whose Long* ore- in lhe earne s tl >' desired to coll upon tho Agent* named beiow,and procure one of these pam fen^ be worth to yourself and family, ’ ' . ,1, hundreds of dollars, lOithe shape of Doctors* Bills saved, besides being the means of prolonging many a valuable lifo. WARRANTY. s “ch is our confidence in its virtues, that we are wiM tag to learromthts Medictneinevery case of riant CMt (whereused according to the-directions on naae 7iv tit the pamphlet, inside the wrapper of each boule). and where the-person is not satisfied that he is derlv&g *'u£S£!%&p r retninißS ,he bo,oe within ' ’ THE MONEY I will be returned. KT See page 3d of the pamphlet in side the wrapper oreach bottle. '^%^t^ss4S^Ss! t ‘ * of fourteen months standing, and had teSf v?t B i l U! se v *L r s, l oi oar eminent physidansm v£,’ A kuny and Cooperstown. 7 lam the person ?u . re 7*a*. effected,*nd as I had previous!? i? aten J: ® e^lcmc, J * have since tried iton .others, and have become sausßed ot its value. Mine • was as great-a.core as was ever performed, as T had lUhif^.mrI U hif^. mr slckac,s i 6 “ n Sjwntijp. HOIK by my physician* ■ .Stoss b ~ve i/'«n those loho have btln cured. ' *-V?r Sf^.wltoieeale land retail, by A. L; SCOVILL New-Yorir, to- whom all or tfsn fayltiie Medicine, nui letleis relating to Agencies, should be addressed, post-paid: ;—. p ■ ■■■■•*** _AMO, foFeale by H/E. SelienhNo.-WiWaoa'eJreet.- % h r o^u% e %\ f ° r P * U H? “d vicinity; D. Curry_and H.P.Schwartz, Allegheny City; Townsend. ° 3 p»p°‘ i J i an k 5 1 er t’ 4 , Palferson » Birmingham. * . PKICE—in large bottle, 31,00; or six bottles Yorss 00 . Notice to Gontracton< > '< I ’XUJO.AKD PENNSYLVANIA EMLROAD.-Seal «uproposals wiU;be received, at the office of the and ; JPennsylvania-Itailroad Company, in Pitis ■ burghjimiil Thursday, the 20th day of March next, for l«yjn ? the tract from fcitsburgh to;f,la=smon a dbUace Spec.‘Oeuuonsandlotn,,, of (iropasuismay be oWined ut the ofitce m ITU. burgh, for two weeks ' - U ‘ E ’ on ispplicnuon to Solomon W? Koberts, Chief Engineer, The proposals mas lbe in ac cordance-with the printed forms, nnd addressed to tho President of the Company. Wit. ROBINSON, JB Pittsburgh, Feb. 0,1851. ’ RffiS"fS°f? A S eric S’ P5 w Yorlt Tribune, American* Railroad Journal, publish four times.(febBdd eII.OTHS, CASSISIERES AND VESTINGS He ' T Ccl ' o « COAL Fbomfsoh. The atylowiii ;-feb7.-2w ANDREW LEECH, JR. 4 CO. T ,° h U ‘ SVUjLE bbls - l°r sale low to cloio ■*-* »T [febsJ WM. DYER fl HESNUXS—ISO bus. (oTsalc low by ' r ' ' fe! ‘ 3 W.M'. DYER. FLOUR—-50 bbls. for sale low by ■. ... W&IIDYEIL "OLASSES—SO bbis. prime plantation Molasses for . sale by tfebs] . WM DYER. OMINY—IC bbls. pure White for sale by - ; • febg WMwDYER. A bbls ' '"g®. Bound Rooanlits for A sale by .. rfebS] W.M. DYER. ,Rl£D PEACHES—-IUO baa. prime Halves for sal®. Py V [febsl ' WM.OYER. and 3 in -bbU., halves am* in hhi!? aitei ?n * u and halves y ßerrios bbls., and Cod Fish loose* JfebßJ WM. OYER.' SUGAR CURED HAlUS—Uncanvas«ed.> warranted prime, for sale by ■ " ffebs] WAT; DYER. iACON SHOULDERS—IO,OOO &5. just out of sruokc house,for sale by . {febs] - WAT. DYER !r R and fo r^bby 3 ' -19 bbls recei ’? e,, > in Prime order, i«2B SAMUEL P. SHHIVER- ARD~I& bbls.Wo. 1 j I 65 kegs do; For sale bv' ■ 1 • ,s l'-S-WATERMAN & SONS, ia ' 31 Water aodCB Front Mreau: . 3AK IMITATION.-pPaper Hangings, grmaedln in tation of oak» and varni3hcd> for sale by • • > jan2s WALTER P. MARSHALL, PLANTATION MOLASSES —UU barrels new crop Molaisas just received and for sale bV v> ■ w ' ■* MILLER & niCKETSON; yos,22t and 20 Liberty st. IMNEPaIe and Dark Cognac Brandies forsnie-bv ' ia24 JASIBS R HORBACK. beepers would do wclltolry.our PrfmpPaU Brandtjf at ihc above prices, before pnrchaßicjr elw where. MORRIS * 11AWORTU, ••_ ja2B •'; y In the Diamond i UGAU HOUSE MOLASSES— -1 Ground and St James brands,'m stbrc and; for sale [feb6] . KiNG&MOORHEAP. •UTTER—IQ kegsforsale by - - » fcb6 , ■ , : KING & MOORHEAD. ‘I NEGAR—2O bbls. Cider Vinegar far sale by fcb6 KING A MOORHEAD. TOROrOSALS FOR ERECTING A WIRE SDSPEN* X! SION BRIDGEover the Allegheny river, opposite street, ia the Fifth’Vyaro.of the Ciiyof Piltt* burgh, in place of the structure recently destroyed'by fire. Sealed,proposals will bo received., at the office o Jacob Painter & Co., Liberty street, until the isvdayo March next, for} the erection 'of the above-described Bridge, fho pattern thereof to be th&s&me as the Mo* nongnhela bridge, with such alterations as bidders may suggest, and the Directors approve. By order of the Directors. ; . : febtstd ', FREDERICK LORENZ, P/ea’!. Central Tea and FamllyGrocery Slore. Tlf E finest qtrafilies of Green and.JHaek TEAS; Blo chs, Java and Rio COFFEES; Lovering’a V. Be fined-and Crushed SUGARS; New OrleSns,St. Louis’ Refined and Havana do; bost uuncii RAISINS j. Citron, Lemon Peel, Prunes,'Dates, Ac;, for sale by • H.C. KELLY, No. m Fifth street/ VTIT S- HAVEN, corner of Market and Second sts.* yf - has for safe, a largo and varied assortment or fine blank books, paper, of all. qualities; and'-English, French* German and American fancy ; arid/.staple stfl ;ionery. ’’ .. Penn mutual Life Insurance- Coti Plill'a A GENT IN PITTSBURGH, W. H DAVIS, (vice J. .A. Finney, Jr., deceased,) No 353 Liberty street. / V For the belter convenience of persons residing in tho lower, pan of the. agent may also-be • found daily, from eleven to twelve and two no three o'clock. mu the equating room of J. Schoonmaker,4 Co.yNo. 24 Wood street,.\vhere. oil-necessar)'.iuform'niion will be given.- and communications promptly .attended Pamphlets explainingthe principles, andbenefits of Life Insurance, and blank forms furnished on application. • The nett profits of the . Company, which for the past two years havebeeu ; eighiy per cent, per annum, are divided among the holders of the life-policies,, ■ Pittsburgh, Tib. 1,1351—2 W 1/m BULB.FAMILY Fi»uif.; ~ IUU. 50 bags Coffees- • -.-.■■■ st) bbfs. No. 3 -Mackerel,. ; - 75bbIs.Tar; • it>o bags Saltpetre; ; Forsafe hv': ” ' ... T. WOODS .&;§ON, Produce Dealers and Commission Merchants. • jalG ■ * No. Cl Wftterstrcet. - -i W ' “"V. ,!*' ■y^>- ■v