The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, February 07, 1851, Image 2

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    _ Written for (he Morning Posl.
Edith vernon.
“So you mean I shall be idle wMle'vou't!
£ lean > Rutfr,” said her uncfe
Boaz"®’ P6rhaps you ma ? with another
p,“ f P iere .' s no danger of that, unde," renlied
' e’lTtl'e 8 Wuahin *> “ Ruti > was beautilulj
While lam so pl aln lhat no person con|d love >
C °r J bay ® put that into y°“ r
plain.” ; UnC ' e: “ you are far
sai * was > uncle.”
one did not speak the truth n
a* did pot love Ruth for heHeaaMj k°'
™ Jollr, ’e help, who, like most of bis race
: : and rnArfe B t be ero | US, i Edith orron ® eil 'be two rooms'
acdtnade themlook as neat as possible.
: ,, . W1 L *be a sad change for my poor uncle to
live tn those small rooms, after being so rich - I
am Elraid he Will he lonesome, too, when I am
nway at school,” thought she, as she looked round
. to see if all was right.
«I am much obliged to you, Mrs. Banks,” she
said_to John’s wife, who had been helping her..
You are welcome,” replied Mrs. Banks, “to
oaythmgwecaudo, Miss Edith, for you or your
The next day as they were about to go, M r
X Morns said, “1 think we will not leave the house
without firatbidding your aunt and cousins fare
“ Certainly, uncle y? said Edith, “ but I am
: ?Cmd yon can’t walk to our rooms, you are so
“I must try to,however,” said Mr. Morris, “for
•'poor aopt will not let us stay here.”
i,. U l c6uld hire a carnage," thought Ed
iin, “puti nave no money.”
. ■ “ Susan,” said Mr. Morris," will yon please tell
Mrs. Miner we wish to see her.”
K„ a » m 7ir IS \T®' ad to , see you out of y° ar room,
better'nofgoj” ln6r W * ? co ' d 7°“ i you had
"Perhaps she- will be Sony for her conduct
- How we are leaving her,” said Mr. Morris ’
Mr S M a ” ■!' ot>k , her head ’ aad told Mrs. Miner of
Mr. Morris wishing to see. her. -
• “ISH’him'to come here,” said that lady “this
. Jif^ssasssitasia
- y ct no one ofTered him a cha.r, and-Agustus said
%:j?£:r paltrseeiycb! ' i '-‘ he
JatiTj da “ uncle; you are too weak to
hereflf 3 SCeoe '” said Sasan to
*“ Mrs. Miner is dreadfu^mart 56 a°v.‘ he key hole i
j ran Q „„ n is areaalul mad, and her sweet chil
a£ -SK*? Cau “ ,he y ,ost the fortune, that
Mrs. Miner “it’s
- ess, I suppose.” S Sto y° ur he ir>
‘•X intend that she shall,” renlied Mr at •
tinder these
bo^>gwi.h^ockr« h picr. S nar/t a he
tHda,” turningTo hfs sisfer' ‘ to °’ Ma ‘ !
heaves .<iet hed dee l’ 1 * and ,ha teara
hand o7bifa r r Ie ” ■ heWh "'
Xe°£T g '
ris eternly!"stend\«k h j r o^g en m ” r '.“° D r d ‘
Afustns, alarmed at the look or ’ d
dar y o; «
me see yourfaces again ” f y °“’ and never «<*
accnsedme oSvingZ’ I y ° U hava
myself T pome *, Syoiif I wish first to clear
ffiV /L « h here T a BtraD^r * earnest ly
me le Md Y H n itch'd h 0
w“ Yo “. ma y “>•*« ter heiress of your rags ” said
rival into iort^mtoMyr/*
your pretended affection whiL?? een tljat of
This young lady, sir” turning ls ‘ ndeed ™ygain.
you mocked 1C
heiress, is wealthy beyond yoaf lma?'^ log an
«m glad I found her, for
feS”? 10 7°° H I noS
to describe the feelings of th
atne-setf party, as, too astonished to' speak thev
remained silent, gazing at Mr. Morris P The «
exclamation Dt ‘° her fee!l "S B1 ° the. above
“Oh, brother, dear brother” fimM TM™ lur
«ling« V hi“fcteeTbefore Mr Jlwh ’
; *?■« ss
r n '„ ° h “"?■«»«
iUve of ; >i^'^ makin jF ? fair
but here comes John T * an heiress j
-s s'™s,“‘.re™" wi Mi
Sajgftfjt »*»•«■*•.»«ta“”, e
Miner's still kneeling on the floor Thet ‘ ®r» b
handed into a cha S rin > Edith
drove off. e best hotels. The carriage
she wrong herhanfa aaid Mrs. Miner, as
the delight of Sasan, who aloml, mucll to
- place ar the door. “ had retQrne d to her
• ■''•** she koesy it -nn A a *» .■
might have had the fortune '? e
fe? violently, “and now
Matilda took refuge in a fit of hysteria * .
wa« obliged to be carried screaming to hern™
. ro0 ®; mneh to Snean’s vexation,; “That mi" 71
squalling thing,”, muttered she, «to begin such’
M oprear just when- 1 ti?aa. nicely
door.rujd wonld have heard everything t,.„ h
fin. thing Miss Edith’s so rich,” to Ma!
'WM'M.; 1
T . T ®«- Bigler.
ItiM B,: nCaSt Btates that Col - WIL
votes of 133 tb • earfielti ‘ Wil( have at leaBt 100
1 vei: sz*™ :;? h r Bh the l r7 Con
Prised if be bad 125 Th „ !° UM not be 3ur '
dented unanimity, have
the Gubernatorial candidate! and £ S t. t ““ "
vention will have nothing to do but C °“"
the mere form of placing bim in nomination 0 ”® 11
ZSVSr***"™* mtx
~XI J m be SUBtained the P»»P»n.i.e
wasohaoged S 0 o n m^r e ’ ,be ” of *»•**.paper
flee hi» ”! that subject, he refused to saeri.
convictions of duty, and withdrew.
®wnsn, ? f Venaont, died a«
district in Congress. » Mr. Everett represented his
i':' K-’
nl\o eTrun ao far severed
Morris Theylre going t 0 board till Mr.
l. v stroDger v and then tbey aregoinsto
f . - k°ase built, arid she-is to choose all
:a b the John
f Don't mention her name,” [sobbed the diaan
t“Trea a t him { and b^, a,ld then y ou ’ a know how
° hlm > live and learn, Miss.”
tilda .“rnTefr 6 ' ,hing ’” Baid ,he “gry Ma
“i • 1 j g 1 n,an, n>a to turn you off.”
Edith'will to e°. an y how, Miss; maybe Miss
Edith w.ll want me now.” Nor wi!s she rnistak
“°‘ e soon . came 10 Susan from Mr. Mor
[h ’ ° ‘ 9lnl , n £ an hundred dollar bill,'and savin- j
glad ?o reta n m hV '*? MrS ' Miner he Bhou W be
S". retaln her services for his nitce Edith
so far asToTbow'he 6 ' 1 th ' S ,hat she even weDt
da, and ask them tffLZ fJ 0 AgQatUß ®“d Matil
much of tbeNabob’s h m y onet n a'nT Sh I?® 7 had “
so enraged Agustus that hJ„’ P roc eeding which
to dos° kn “ ck . faerd 7n' Sn?an n caimly n told Wm
to do so and she would have the law h “ . “
Piece of information which seemed greatly ’to
tranguihze the mind of the young gflntl«rm£
ba mada T,. far,l l er warlike d' moXii ™ a B a e!
fore Mrs. Miner had well recovered from her de
feat, she began, like a good general, to try and re
cover the ground she had lost. Her plan now
was to marry her sod to the heiress; bat in vain
was one note sent after another. Mr. Morris sent
one rep y saying, that he forgave her, but as she
had said that she never wished to see them again
h 7“? bu ‘" 7,n S to give her her wish g
, Arthur DrdinCourt, finding who was the real
heiress, paid con;t to Edith, but was refused £
her. Agustus received "the same answer when
he ( 7 rot l f Ed , lth > offering his once despised cons
“ hand - the course of time Edith mat
ned one who was every way worthy of her and
who loved her before he wai aware of her great
'A&&I2SS&, St Sr
<El)c ittorning post.
Unum am n rL cease to ale em the
, and Cjuul
Williamsporrconveniioi, ’ lBsl ' as fi “<» <>? the
■nS?f , SS2SS,*SigSf ■ : r °>•«■»»* b BSF s, on a.
State Central Committee. U ™Ptlar aeuon of the
: To Advertlaera.
3nbacription' , p4pM o^bhslied a m e p'M r h ttla B on J an an >’
nes S menjtagbrdVa„ el «|u„; n m P i^ b “ r * l >- To bu.t
and being ibe onlv ‘Dp™*!.™?- 111 rae< * Ja . m for Advertising
ny county, it goes h£?ih?}£lS?*f "T* in Alle s be ‘
reached by no other naSJ aa* of a cla * s of waders
enough to bear this inmmd. AdveniseTS mII be good
Committee or Correapondence.
«ss“:r~ -
L- Habpeb, Sccraary. A ®. UHKE '
F'truanj 5,1641. Chatman.
A. Burke,
Dr. A. Black,
Charles Barnett,
Robert Woods,
L. Harper,
Charles Kent,
John Coyle,
■D- Lynch,
Gen. James or Rhode Hand.
Tbe Lancaster Intelligencer says ; “ Gen. James,
who has just been elected to the U. S.. Senate, is
the same gentleman who erected tbe Cotton Mills
■n this city, and is well and favorably known to
most of onr citizens. He is a first-rate Democrat
and we congratulate hi, numerous friends in this
region on his election.”
The Pittsburgh American is terribly distressed
about the election of Gen. -Ws, and abuse, the
Wh,gs of the Rhode Island Legislature sans stint
for voting for him. The truth is the Whigs in
that State are in about the same unfortunate con,
dition as the Democrats of Missouri-d. Wed
and the result in the former State must be as moi
ffying to the Whigs as the result in the latter is
to (be Democracy.
T T '° a n 1 ® &mon B th « Fork Wklg..
It mil be seen (says the New York Journal of
C—,) that a Whig Cancus, held a, Albany
last evemng, nominated Ha M iL T „s Fish for U
IS Senator,," p , ace of Mr . Drcxixeos, whose
term of service expires on the 4th of next month
jT hv f ,r rS r d 58 Asßein Wymen (not a
onty of either branch,) were in attendance 5
g Set" L Whig A “* mb, 7”« ab»
The course of*. Union Whigs, i„ refusing to
go mto caucus under etristingcircumstsnces, (adds
IndSZ ° lB h,gh,y * commended;
. S7perBevere ‘"their separate action a
4Tthe !l Cannot eleCted ' 11 “ t 0 be toped
tat the elec,ton will be postponed until the next
Ohio, ~ B ® o- 184950.
Indiana, IS|* 653,745
Illinois, .V. “2,497 416,675
Mississippi, ” lfii nS? 215,800
Cumberland Valley ‘ ifo’onn 225,000
Ky., (Louisvillo & Maysvilie) 205*414 30°i'000
1,322,867 1,625,220
iefieioDcy ,ber,.. -
- in number, 32n , sa
7ct a ereal ma ny points in Missouri, I]
ino.s and lowa to hear from. *
’ V ; . K,
Pittsburgh and Isle Rova]
Adventure 7 _
Ohio Trap Rock ,
o, Stocks.—Tbe of
the week have not been a. large as usual, owing ,o
the general indtapoaition of holders to pan with
them eoless a, very high rate,. Som „ de , P criptloD .
or Stocks are in great demand. The following arc
the "tiles reported on the book, of the Board of
Brokers during the last few days-
Pe n b 3 !r-?' eS 10n /^ r «Rii f c Copper stock- -8 5,50
*< « *t 0,1 U C°Op. Phlla. »< . . gn eft i
4 14 50 u h£ b * n * C Dlnk ' “"-oSsI
Alle. Savings Bank, •• .. 153,00
Cbited States More at PeicancLr h.a -The
coinage of gold during the past month ba. been
greatly diminished, in consequence of a suspension
b! ir£ s“‘"g 5 “‘"g operation, from the 30th of Deccm.
ber, 1860, to the 20th of January, 1851. This
P>rtly , ° *bo melter
sod refiner to settle his account under the law
which require, htm, for that purpose, annually , 0 ’
deliver all the bullion in his hands to the Treasurer
partly, to afford an opportunity to prosecoto certain
improvements, note complete, whereby the capTd*
of the Mtnt .. enlarged to meet the demand, of the
depositors and the public. ,n 0
105,801 Do G ,rE;r oE -T ißv .,
101,560 QuarterEtJla.’' ' ' ® 2 *ii®’? 2o
251,046 Gold Dollars, 25f’od6
Dr- John Pollock,
Wm G. Hawkins.
Dr. James Power.
John Dann,
H- S. Magraw,
John D. Miller,
Abraham Hays.
458,407 Pieces, <« „
78,000 Half Dolla L ,? R ,b2 °’ 966
164,000 Half Dimes,. „ 2 f- 750
V0.,343 C ° PPEB ' 2o °
53,794 Haifcent.,:;::;;;;;;; al , u , e ;;;; 97 '°^ 3 «
1,752,044 Pieces,.
i«Iu g .°ive PO ’“ od ' r ° m 10 3, «> 1851.
Of which from California,
From other sources,
OFFICE OF 88,000,000
1860 Dec. 3,, B,l»„ T c^ SURE . R .°. F
51, Jan. i,Rec’s-Customs, 393,824 10 ° 8
Post Office, 19,157 71
Miecollsn’e, 2,462 93
Bbahch Miht at New OELEAss.-Tho following
!” statement or deposit, and coinage at the Branch
Mint of the United States, at Now Orleans, doring
the year 1860: ’ g
Description qf Bullion.
California gold
Other gold .
Foreign silvor coins and bu11i0n,....
Silver extracted from California gold,
Total of silver deposits,.....
Amount of gold deposits,
Amount of silver deposits,
Doobl e Eagles,
57,600 Eagles,
2 aartor Eagles*
14,000 Gold dollars,...
96 ’sH«r? Ce * T ° tal S ° ld coina 8 e > 3,619,000 00
40,000 Dollars,...
2,466,000 Half dollars.'''
sirwSn S Uarter dollar*,!
510,000 Dime 5,...,..
690,000 Half dimes,...,
4,108,000 *W-Tbul silver c„i„ageMs6,6oo 00
4,404,600 pieces, equal ,o
Pbice of Specie. Tho following are the „ uota .
lions for specie is New York :
Per cent. ~ ,
Amer. gold old-.. 1005106 Carolus dollarslOO® i“&
B.tral? new lo °, Rve francs. . X
Half dollars-• • ••1030103J Doubloons ••.
Ponugue g01d..-100®100i do patriot 16 4f)®in ™
Spanish dollars.‘Uo6®lo7 Sovereigns... 4 65®S'm
quarters. 1000101 do light....4S 2’K
Mexican dollars-1040104* Heavy guinea.s 000 ’!?
quarters-1000101 Nopoleons-— 3,83® 334
The New York Evening Post or ihe 3d ibst says :
gav but i l a „, bCU ° r feel ' ng in the " ock raark °t to.
bSve™ .hr h ?. at « re l‘ acll,i ‘y- Thero *™ more
h™ M- ,h •“ !? ® ra ' The most active stocks have
been Morns Canal and Reading. . ®
PivM *.* ■* ,^ ow an ®d»ance of * in. Indiana State I
Fl ™* * “ Pennsylvania Five.; *in Farmed, |
mosey market,
, Omcs or the Morning Post, v. 1
I Pittsbuhoh, February 7, 1851. j
General Remarks.—There Is a eingalar-anoma
•y in the Money Market here at the present timo.—
While there is a considerable demand for money on
Roal Estate Security, for which largo premiams
are offered, and a difficulty found In negotiating such
loana, there is at the aame...time an unprecedented
demand lor Corporation Stocka, at a high advance
over their par value, and .iheiupply but limited—
We can only account for thin state of things, "bv
tracing them to the ehormon. taxation which is at
present pressing So’heavily on all landed estate—
The tnxes on Bank Stocks are evaded by most per
sons; an tinder the law of last winter they will be
sooo entirely tree from local taxation the State
hjLving taken care to secure the lion’s share lo her.
«elf, which is to be directly paid on tbe eelire capi
tali For prices of Stocks we refer to <pr tables,
which are as neat correct os it is possible for as lo
arrive at. The Backs are doing about their osual
bu.ioes. for the season, add eo great demand being
made open them by the trainees community. In fac!
here .. no, moch stringency in money manors Iml
there are few cause. m operation to produce anv
great change in the present state of affairs. *■
United States «>■ P< aim U m
*s, ‘Sfcg
do coupon 6's “5,00,
do 88,00 9500
Pittsburgh city 6’s 85,00 9100
Philadoinra n 6 : 8 ’ Pa . yab,ein SB,w
Jgheny City 6’s
PhiladeW n . 6 '‘.« )^ b !'!"
_ . , STOCKS.
Bank of Pmsbarvfa
Merchants and mannfactnrofs , >
Exchange Bank
Menongahela Bridge-.
Sl Clair sirect do® -.
Hand street do
N. Liberties do •.
western insurance Co
Citizens’ do do
Associated Firomen’s do--
Pittsburgh, Cincinnati and Lou
Lake* Krie Line* • •
Pittsburgh Gas-Works
Monongahela Sl&ekwater
Voughiogheny do
Pennsylvania Railroad -.
Penna. and Ohio do
Cleveland and Pittsb’h do-
Payette Manufacturing Co
Erie Canal Bonds, oUf- - -
00 do do new
No^ !g A h m a c n r lc B ;„ s,on . <C ' ,[rMme:
North West
North Western
Iron City
** Paymoots—Treasury,
? r “ ft *' 318 > 367 78
KO. Warrants, 35,780 65
Int. on Loans,
Coppons, Peon.,
to -» >81,083 11
*327,137 61
E. C. DALE, Trcaeerer.
••• 4,647,314 74
Id deposits,..
gold and silver deposits, 5,952.728 37
• • ■ ■ #2,820,000 00
•••. 675,000 00
210,000 00
14,000 00
Trust, |i D Morris Canal, 2} in Reading, t in Erie
Kulroad, | in Harlem, | in -Norwich and‘Worces
ter, i Erie 2d. mortgage bonds’; If in Long Inland t
Tin Portsmouth Dry Dork ; Ohio 6’s 1860 have de
clined i j and Erie Income bonds:l, owing to the
forced sales of some hypothecations.
The market closes stronger, and is likely to be
come more steady since the recent explosion on
fancy stocks.
Time is nothing doing yet in foreign exchange.
The inquiry is even limited (or Wednesday’s steam
er fo" i 8 ' )uoted al and Prance 5f 10
Wot 12. , Money is in fair request, and the supply
is toge, without change in rides. " y
The Farmers’ and Mechanics’ Bank, of Carroll
county, Maryland, located at Westminister, with a
capital 0f*300,000, commenced business last Mon-
tho P°*»e««ion of the Sub Treasu.
184 61 P m ’ 00 ,he 21at n »» r y, was 8237,-
HiBHisBOHG, February 4, 1851.
fr n 'm he ,t, rePo . rt ° f MeflSrB ' BoDham and Brindle,
from the select committee to whom was referred
the subject of the Tariff, made yesterday in the
House, by Mr. Bonhamp is still the subject of
and report itself, when
published, will vindicate the good taste of those
Who now speak of it in terms of admiration
and it will include nearly all members of both
parties. I have heard many Whig members say
7, that the Democratic party may well feel
proud of that report. The Democrats of the pre
,oo sent 6eSs ' on a PP e ar to have something peculiarly
winning in their course of conduct and general
,50 Bearing, which wins over the Whigs to a perfect
.00 8U mi6slon and full acquiescence to all they wish •
on 10 aCt tbe gaseous fabric upon which the Whig
~6 organization has rested for a few years past, seems
almost to have evaporated, and left them looking
20,00 around for something to fall upon, in such a man
ioo h V 0 T B ,heir Mis,en “- Lotus devoutly
> hope that they may find soft aB ,he
$ I d ' an 'J'How-fine geese feathers on a huge flint
, 7S rock. Mr. Bonham’s report takes .the extreme
Democratic ground, and gives a foil history of the
Tariff measures since the organization of the Go
,oo vernment.
I Qi
48,00 4>
62,50 5|
46,00 4-
.W Mr - Pennuna °. from the same committee, eub
,°o m.tted a report of hie own, which takes the mid.
.00 tfT nd °V he 6UbjeCt ° f P rotec,ion ) and may
3,50 we be tertne d a kind of bctwunily.
30,00 * le6Srs ' A ‘ E - Bro «'o and J. W. Killiogef. tbe
50$ Z‘° kTr° a v°! the COmmittee ' made their report
through Mr. Killinger, which takes the fall Whie
%8 g 7" d> appears to be something iike' a C S
23,00 rected and revised edition of Mr. Penniman’s pro,
d “ ctJon - yOO Wl| l discover that we now have the
1,75 advantage of three distinct expositions on the
‘ JeCI 0f Sevtm * and Prol'clton from this single
7 cc ' mm ‘"oo of five persons-a fair type of the dil
treed state Pennsylvania feeLg "tZ
' g ' ea ‘ 7 10nal » üb i ec t. which i, well and positively
the nations, mind, e„d wii, not eoon be
40,00 35
6.00 j
JT? h ’ s t 7'L ma ‘ ie in ,be Senate «» »bol,
‘ ,he Baard of Re Commissioners, but
wT VV'I ab ' e a ” J elo<lUent of .Gen.
m. F. Packer favor of that Board, and i„ ex
position of the result, 0 ( their action, the project
was overwhelmingly defeated; ,„d the third tri,
ZTJT n ° l ' bat ' Vi " Cl,mmul ’ a - “>e
of the present month.
The discussion of the Tariff resolution,, em
bodying the sentiment, of the Whig, of that body
has occupied the Senate nearly ,be whole o. to-
Mr. Muhlenburg’s bill providing for the publi
canon of the general laws of each aesaion of ,h e
Legislature, as soon at may be after tbe adjonm
mem of the same, wilt become a law ,n a few
Jays. The following i, a copy 0 f .aid bill •
and disirlbnuon of the Vamnhlet 0 /, J?* publication
monwealth.” Pniei Laws of the Com*
retary bf
the adjournment of each Legislature to' t
acts and parts ol acts whichare of a ~ne T °
ture and applicable to the entire Steff i na '
one thousand cnpies thereof '" £
pamphlet form, as speedily as no«.ihl« b ' j bed m
in accnrdance with ftt tilf 1 '’ under ond
th. public printing "' m * Ja ' vs «P*l«i«e
as aforesaid,^he' ‘SrylLft'V ' b<!
one copy of the Z'&ff
assoctate Jodge, each prothoootary andMch Z*
trict attorney in the State end «../ ? ach rl ““
member of the Legislate
journed retaining such number, not exceeding
hundred, as may be deemed necessary lr ?! *
, of officers of Goyernmem * ““
.he Se:reUry h : t r;L 6h cl^n h "afth , L e H*
» e rm’rstb
ng. Provided, That said section be not itself sob.
ject to the payment of a tax under
Sect. 4. That it shall be lawful for thf Sfn»'
publ !® h and sell such additional numb ,
per Prlld a '-?b t T P 'J? he may dee “> P~*
P f romde < That no such sale shall be made
ered to L C s’” 68 PUb ' Uhed ‘° T ,he State a « <Miv*
ered to the Secretary and distributed.
nJt « C !'r s, ? aUbe 19th ficction o f an act enti
tied A further supplement to the several acts re
lating to auctions and auctioneers, and for other
purposes ’’ approved April Bth, 18 42, and «. much
° f any . ° ,her act of assembly as conflicts, or is
Repealed be and the same ifl hereby
epealed FRANKLIN
“ 82,706,193 40
416,444 74
*862,366 13
635,231 52
#4,674,062 21
73,252 63
SiDUCTiert abd Abduotiob.— On Friday, at Phil
adelphia, the police arrested quite a flashy individ
ual, named Andrew Crawford, on s charge of seduc.
tioo and abduction. Ho was held to bail in tho sum
of *lOOO for a lurther hearing, in default of which he
was committed. The facts of the case, as elicited
in the examination, were as follows:
1,284,699 01
20,714 62
1,305,413 63
4,647,314 74
1,305,413 63
It appears that the prisoner became acquainted
Wlth J 1 sJ'o 11 ”’ y0 “ n 8 ,at ty of respectable family
named McCoskor.) at the Red Bank Hotel, foot oI
Southfstrect. He effected hie object under a proms
lee of marriage, and lived with her at a house in
Buttonwood street for about two months prior to his
arrest. He sported a gold watch ho got from her
and when arrested, affected a most gentlemanly non!
chalance, said he was used to these matters &c
fhe female is not sixteen years of age. * "
Appointments by Canal Commissioners
Habbibbubo, Feb, 2.—The following additional
appointments have been made by the Canal Commit
eionera:— >
Weigkmatters —Easton, Melchoir Horn ; Phila
delphia, Georgo W. Scofield j Lancaster, Dan-
L a P> Columbia, Thomas Welsh; Portsmouth, D
ShaefforiJohnemw l , Scales, E.B. Cotter; Johnstown
Weigh Lock, W. B. Clark; Hollidayeburg, Robert
Wllhams; Pittsburgh, William Earns; Northumber.
a d n* B I own ; BeachlHaven, John Fruit; Junction
a. r. H. R. ond-Pennsylvania Railroad, H. S. Gras
State Agentt. —John Rankin, Philadelphia end
Columbia Railroad; J. Cunningham, do; Jamee Hub
‘e! d ,°l T. McMichael, do; C. Brady, do; Captain
Hambnght, do; L. Frank, do; Isaac Waterbary, do-
Oscar Hammond, do; A. P. R. Roads, Portage
Railroad; James Mclntyre, do; B. Ruff do; V. Phelns
do’-W^r 6 ' B?"’ do 1 c - B.Soly, do; James ;Rb?y'
Ra'iim Plp<!r > d0 ’ Eagen Donnel >y. Boat Slips,
Hollidayeburg; Charles Goodman, do, Johnstown! *
Taxiho up heb Residence^— An advertisement
appears in the want column of a New York paper
tor a house for Jenny Lind,, either in New York or
Brooklyn, suitable as a residence. The house is
wanted for two months or longer from the first of
April, and must be suitable for five persons.: This
does not look like going to the world’s fair.
r f .
*' **
* ~ a-3 ? ,4£ fvf v* 4"^aff:ar»i"»*“-J..>^„ /; '•, ••■■.’ \". : '•• : .■ . . ■>
rninft 0 lo . w *-—A discovery of a valuable lead
minehasjust been made near Dubuque, lowa which
S de. oflbßd ina Ictlarf nfl roHows-? °The7h’aft r„.
ters a large cave, from twelve to fifteen feet high
is onc” 08 ' co , m P letel V covereilwith mineral. There
rL, ? P lece ’lying along the north wall, forty eight
feet ong and, without exaggeration, I Would
«ha, ,t is three fee, square. On ndr,rsM» {
the top, there is one of the finest sights I ever Saw *
There is an immense body in square blockl „i
or nine inches square. This cavo h> oil,
dred fee, long, bit the
entire length. There is one more nlace Wh !i, h T °
must speak of. There are two sheelehamriuc a b *
from the cap, about six feet ten or iwelveMnrh” 11
thick, and sixty feet long. The/*-,, '"ehea
snow. The cave about K iiftehnTe % ? 9
most places is completely covered bntlnm i j ? m
with the precious stuff. '° P ’ :
thousand dollars’ worth a day fer Tw-mc 0 ,?" 10 " 6
succession. * or daya.jD
- ••■••■.. ■ i v : \ .:: ; : ~'■ >■• - ■ •■. ■• .1"-. -o >• c v-. :r -’■■^~3,: 5 *
Smfablings aitb Copings.
•;v7 -We-leant from iho Louisville
Irtmsvlilo and Frank fo.t Hail-ftoad j,^"° r *■* »•
fifty ibreo mile*. The cars run within 12 plclcd
fort. The Company wtil
rails tn that city in the tlintelioS or the ? Ule
■ - Y l .', The Louisville Courier learns-thnt iv- . •-
John Adams, that sunk in the Mississippi last we'eVhad
a large Jot of railroad iron on her. This, no .doubn was
the canse of her sinking so quick.
There is to bo a Whig meeting at Indianapolis
ior the purpose of presenting the name of Gen. Scott to
the consideration of the Whigs of the Union, ns a can
didate for the next Presidency^:'
“ 11 is Blat °J ihat five hundred guineas have been
offered for the privilege of advertising on the last page
of the catalogue of the London Exhibition. This beats
wenin or Dodge!
on ,lellry OWside ». alias Henry Bee, who arrived
on the steamship City of Glasgow, was arrested at Phil
!ttoo o„“’“h” Charged wilh forging a draft of
at Liverpool 0 ” 56 e ' d8 ’ Eng '’ a " d Whi ° U was cashed
is th A A w fi le fi n a Baltimore paper says that this year
Lata for the appearance of: the seventeen year io
casts, particularly in the Slates of Maryland, Virginia,
Pennsylvania and Delaware. They will begin lo leave
the ground about the 20ib of May.'
B , ?* ve / a nalQral fountains o? great beauty exist
at fond du Lao, in Wisconsin, one of which discharges
« gallons of the:purest water permimite. Ii is eeid that
by boring m the earth almost anywhere abont the place
water willflow out. ’
“l* 1 Washington Republic denies the statement
dent f* r Erd R , eddlß has been appointed by the Presi
dent as General Agent at the World’s Fair-he not hav
ng power. No such agent has been appointed.
Jenny Lind’s concerls, on her return to the tr. S.,
' Wlll be on “ much more grand and imposing
scale than any heretofore gi.en in America.
A forged check, in the name of William E.Lev
erish, was presented at the counter of the Bank of Lou
isiana, at New Orleans, on the 17th nit., for 85,078, and
cashed without discovery.
Frederika Bremer left Mobile la6t week for New
Orleans, whence she proceeds to Havana. She will
then return to Charleston and proceed to Maine, Ver
mont and New Hampshire, the only States, according to
the Mobile papers, that she has not visited.
It is propose3>by certain parties in New York to
erect a large hoteHTihe upper part of that city, which
ts designed to surpass in dimensions and architectural
eanty any similar edifite in this country. The site has
been selected, and abont 5165,000 raised. The whole
cost is not to exceed 5250,000.
the vJ^Yso P T° n \ e keepCroflhe a* Boston,for
the year 1650, shows the startling fact that of 5,000 per
sons committed, mostly for crime in 1850, 3 194 were
oretgners, while Only 1,815 were native, of this coum
try, thus giving 1.376 more foreign criminals than na
Miss LetitialDonlap, 82 years old, and the richest
p rson i n the 7ih ward, N. V., was burnt to death on Fri
day night by her clothe, taking fire from the grate. She
leaves property amooniing to hundreds of thousands to
tier widowed sister, aged F 6. '
V l , H . enry Toll and, a member of the Board at New
York, ’,ta regular standing,” pleaded inability on Fri-
Pa |a nces against him, and retired from
lae street “a lain* duck.”
_ , ~M r' , Jam '* Whitehead was instantly killed on
Saturday las,, i„ Norfolk, Mas,., by the bursting o/Y
f" ads^ M ’ W ‘ ule sr ‘ ndin? ‘cythes in a scythe mantifuc
lyTway Dpp " pa " 01 h “ head "'a* carried eompiete-
. When the Inquisition was thrown open in 1620.
by me order ol the Cortes of Madrid, 21 prisoner, were
onnd in tt, not one of whom knew the name of the city
in which ire was confined. Not a single prisoner knew
of what cmuo he was accused.
. .'' ficalleman, in Boaion, who ha, relative, on
auil'd V °’" W ’ h “ ° a ' red “ contribute one thou,
and dollar, toward, ihe immediate fining om a
steamer to proceed to the Azores ia search of her-
Thus lutficteutly indicates the great anxiety respecting
, 7~ Tbe ba «“« "-c Bank of France i. at present
•o intensive lhat the Utreetors have jast decided that 42
clerks, Who had been taken on temporarily, shall be
commaedpermanemly frem the beginning of this year.
wu “ a raimmura salary of fiOGOf. a year.
P ~A ‘““rr f ro n ‘ " urzburg announces the death of
Frau tarolmc Jaunt, which took place on the 10th. She
wa, o w-Jow, and .he eldest.daughter of Ihogrrat Schil- i
, *' ” P'enrtng, a. a token of the respect In which
Oermany holds her noblest poet, to see that her death
created no little sensation, I
* ha „„ b “ * “V* 11 finami.y of tar, supposed to
. . ' C ‘‘ Ml where the I.rneliics jnuhid Ihejr .cuts
,Z., ’ . * , btmb raade ,D point the “sign, 0 f the
co\er the roof ot his museum, with it.
J hu young who is n, Ju it at Peters
hna i m’ negro mun from North Caro
iemwas nm S ' , A l ’* 1 " !b “'e Pnper think, her Oh
io obTain "ft S ° “T C °‘,"' ey “ ,lne 10 n free "me a,
lootitain license for herself/ 1
At Foclie»'.,-r N. Y , a young clerk embexzled
$6OO, was detected, and therefore discarded by one of
the fairest and wealthiest girl. i„ city, ,0 w hom he ,
was about to have been married.
~ Tl ’ 6 bod f °r Miss Esther Allen, who left herfa
part'ai "? le ’ ‘ W ° m ° mbs »>•«. « » state of
Pondon ‘‘ ™“- ,
C ro Do f T 'r„‘ Ne "' ° rlCanS PriCe Currcnt «tootes th
rop of cotton at two and a half millions of bales .
A New Exseouve Missiee.-A Yankee is now at
Washington exhibiting . now explosive shot for a
l7k? C h n” tW ° fMI l0n? ' Wi,h a he ‘ d "hsped
like a bomb, which burst, as soon ss It strikes a hard
substance, and, passing through the air, a number
blade, open from a stock, and spread out seas to
increase its destructive power.
Pesihstevan.a Railuoad. This work.-, begin
-0 oof oY'T't 1,16 < “ ,enli °" ofr ° ro 'B n capitalists, in
proof of which, the Philadelphia North Amettoan
meuttona that an English gentleman, who had pro
ritual, aobscr.bod for over 100 shares, sent bytho
Tra'ftTT" ° rder f ° r 200 m ° r0 * accom P»i)ied by
draft for the total amoaol, of their snbscriptioo. *
Vebdict fob Libel. In the Supreme Court, at
Boaton, on Saturday, Bernard 8. Trainer obtained a
verdict of $l,BOO against Pat’k Donnahue, editor of
the Boston Pilot, for damages for libel. The libel
consisted of the following:
J^hr/so^^tir^i l’Tn
..a C .ere’nt ,n ,rr e e d ffe^^ h rre h ( p , }a r in{; 1 «?;H b Wi,,;
kicked out of the Journeyman Taj?ors> , r„Jl d been
Society; that by hi. poCra
comfortably quartered him.elfnpon the seamstresses
of Boston, with charges that he and his a asocial.
the McGee meeting were Orangemen and Infidel, 0
as they were opposed to the temporal now „ a’
Pope and Cardinals. The amount sued L f ‘ hß
810,000. Theplaintiff introduced evidence m
that he was not kicked out of the Taflora’ h?
lion, but Is still a member. It was also nmtfa T'
the Bee Hive, or Female Co-operati?!-
oty was not an imposition, but an organivod SoCl '
elation; in a flourishing condition The defeud" 0 !
contended tba, he did 8 no, tyrimlhe alLed 7boi
ous article, and that it was published only as abni"
leaqoe account of the meeting, and not ftf injure t>-e"
feelings, reputation or business of the plaintiff or
with any malicious or unfriendly intentions.” °
P FL A . u rac^" ff 01 buquesne fire com
.heV„n„l <,^ondasr evening, February 3rd, 1851,
Uie lollowmif officer* were duly elected for the ensuing
n ’ •' J ° 4l > T - Whitten.
Su, e ZT‘ n, i ohn M - Irwin.
w - *
1« t?!? 'Yi l,l ’ a ms.
■jo* *?o lffl^ l li'NeiVhou,e
-3rd (ZnOiiW^LoWe.
4,4 S
J&« StrateS"?!* J W»ns.
Plug ffttafdj..J en i c ; n PA • . '■ - .
Axemen-. WilliamThoiSu J S cob Wilt.>..
, Elution V
houßeard E. Matthews* nr *KSiU, lames E. New-
Fin tTontou.. William Barn., si
McClelland. James ffi C. Hill, David
The following resolution was oflbred amT”' .
ly adopted-and ordered to be published
cecding»: .... ynlh ttepro-
B«oie«f, That the thanks of this Company beoes
are hereby tendered to Capt. Joan J P R„r n is. d the y
manner in which he has performed the dudi. f^ r rl he
office during the Dost vear nml <h a *® oT his
manifested Ijy the Welfare of the^Comptmy.
feb7 '
J. W. Downes, Stc'y,
rr-p.™. .. Ga * tr *o Juice or Pepslu.
Baron remed y, prepared after directions of
9Honriio b n ? of h p^^F t J* , °- ogica , lehemi « l " b I' Dr - J
diseases of^iie,inmiv P j I 'li 18 w .° Tkm g wonders in nil
one of wSI “ h ®nd digestive organs. Itis truly
ence° Cures of d “? oTeries medi '* l 6C *- i
have been eM cases of indigestion
fewld by cffijSn ,’h» which-the afflicted can be re
another column? advertisement in
feb3 KEiraa t M'Dowbel,Agents,
_l_. ■ J
Doubt la Passing Away.
tfi F a e m”Svmn 10 ‘he great fact
guo is the specific, the ONLYISPECIFIC o fhr J? nc^aia ~
a Consumptive tendency TheS£° ra ',‘““ of
2tpmp"!“ d| 3S' For minnibjmafion
“he?“fumn also appeared an-
% c J°' ant ’ wlli ch always reUevesa cough or
the chest or throat, orthe difficnlty orbr«kS?ni ne
a. Tobe had at the Pekin Tea!
ja3l '
rr-s-TM Another Wonder!
Ih?Wi of name 'ofYeury %?* boase “
not be restored to right; and was diiehnS!n' o : d coa,d
!p^ , sssa , »jsisss j .-“?sss|
ri'leSemaYf,? timYl may d be o ealleCon 0 s f omd abt>V n'
some of my neighbor, ' aud
R ood^flt
ja3l Canal Baaiu. Seventh st.?Piu ß b^ h I
hu* hV“ on'n“ 11S Soc ' lTT .cf Pitts
■''Svl 00 '" a< P ''c» d aifou a e’!Mu ! rke, n s d , MDn< ' ayol
Jong Vonsg, jr., Secretary.
, u ~ Temperance Convention '
P feh7fd'wl"^ borch > Pil,rtur Sb ; feeCHANAN“ d
CT P SUTTORLAND°wi??opS?|^HOoP ,, ' , ‘; T
, f'S" ,mc - a SCT'ibert; °"
<«SmhhGe!<l street. j
TWn „,,. . Correction*
wealth. 1 ° f n
-n..., .. Oo.p«rtn«nhlD.
W BUsll^sl^^rTnoi 8 T!i lflC f° AL
be known as before Tompson. The style will
I S ™ Boos,l
W b « J™ received 0..
I «tail."^^ r f ®S%Sf“STf«' -m. Ulu.ira
rawteri, 01 - iinatoal "te^ F ,?& ? nd llle
onrinttj article, .m7 s “U?. ,‘ , ?, n r t t r of
GiVowdf&Tn 8 ° f G ° y F “ W *»- |
"ffiffi&W'SlSSifiS? Victim. A Novel,
B^P^^fefengar ,_
Mohomahsui Bbedoe, )
,Ss^^ateffl4ffl6|j; s S : v®
3r ? S£ %" b > nei ti at 3 o’clock! p°M^‘ 0n Monda^lhe
-- b :w3t JOH’n THAW 7V
X chase a lot of ground suitable *9 pw*
lias institution. containing from ten intuit locauon of
supplied with water, and aminiM ° fifty ? c « s t well
Plank roads,orrailroad 8) Sn fiv P e mn!: eo^,, !. e “««>
br.he.C« IHl U«er , " fl ™ , -^4»gfa S ji.«,
feb(j:dawiF2t ® ggg. |
attend to g S SURVEYING^
cJBftoSZ. i lreel ’ head of Fifth, ntarthe
XT MIN a EH a “cO^^«?e?vfd^h? a i rCl,#
H # Ua }V n size a doa ble^mmb e d r h bove> ll
Harpers’Kewr Monthly for FebrnaVv «>,« ».
ber yet out, in matter and iest num '
Internationa! Monthly— not excelled hv on »
literary interest. ceiled by any other, in
iha ° n ° f Guy Fawk «> «ta chief of
As!“ of Israel—in „vo vo tae , By Gracc
„f the Annals „f Hnns ' ar) ,
A Rev.ewof ihe altetapt fi T«r Religion. By Seael
U fibQ R ~ IU kegB,or 6ale by -
'~ O bblS - CWer ?;Sf,? ar7^Kby
corner),, and Front B fr?e’ ls .
bunmW on
febS Th,rd “ ,ree ‘. 4n or GoMen Harp,*’
or >X.iberty street. N 0.215.
—i- [febsT ; WAL T ,' clj >*«3
— xIYER. 3
INKFLOUH-5U bbls. for bqld
M sale opianiation Molasses for
i—£--.•■ - WM.PYEB.
4SSl bb,s - so &‘r e - so " nd^ ro & Sr
Mj>r! P^o ‘'^7 t,na ' prime
Vparo white for aale by
CUSH—Macterel iVo7l and 3’ in bBIs —h^;^,,
.■T Quarters; WhiteFiahin bblrand halvp<f-*f 8 ®
10 fab ' J -- and ioi loose ” fftba gfei
, A 2£r la iegs 800 bbl> - for sale by
' “* • WM.DYEJU
Special Jfotws.
War. F. M’Bbids. : (iEORa K Bbalb/je., :
Cochran, M’bride & co .5L J * Ao”*w
baum, M’Kendry &Co WnwhS 65 ??” to Eich- •
copied by Wm,Nobler Nn i\?p“ OD . 8 S* (Mannerly oc- *
West of Wood si., Piusborßh^tn^S? 1 ? ,reel> °“* do °r
van’s improved Dotpnt i yMuf&ciDiert .of Dons*
Co a I amt Wood n f t'™ e 3 ’ £?°W«rKang4 i-
Mar: %7»n::
Irish do:
Jamaica Hum, in hollies. For sale by
197 Liberty strMt.
Lessee asd Masuoii
ondSffilW‘I iera , n ‘ !^“eUo.s(l cent.; Sec-
Private BtoxM® J?i i 8i C S‘ #!ColoredGa!ler s'.««„t, 1
Door, open at 6* o'clock, Curtain at 1 o'clock.
FRID*'f h pvpntV/ Mr.NEAFJE.
* • ~ - feb4
2tofiion o a i es .
jambs ai<Tg^gHia7^vnctlonaer7
Goods. etBlr ' e, > a sWck of Poncjfand Staple Do?
fob 7 JAMES M’KENNa,
Dinner R“{lSj China Breakfast
Stove, Mangle, IrotiiS * Kl, S. hen “tonsils, Cooking
•tUAuetion,-. * ; n Bafe i,*«-i of ike Exchange Hoto? ®
n< ’?"i will be comment?bv'nnMi 10^ to’clock in the fore
.without any reserve whatevL P n5 ic S n «ion, positively,
drag, *C., of the Exchange ilv^'“'“UreFtlputura.Boil-'
St. Clair streets, tyhich “osi ,3?it o°J£? r °/ Penn and
have been in use only about ttoe? 18,00010 furnis b> and
eies were made to orderby theifi?,, s,eara ' Ail the urti
workmen in this or any otoer city n r n ,^ n “Jf c - , " rera "b 1
and have been kept in the best- off United States,
rectton of the popnlar proprietorunder the di -
tensive sale of Splendid second hSd £ lh< ? ®ost e*-
held in Putaburgo, or oerbaßn ever
mountains, and fs we if wo?lhy jhe attontto' 4^^0111 ?
keepers, private families, and others whf'i. - hot ? 1
aamenuonedabove, that *m.'B&-%SjZ2S'$
safe, hair, husk and I TOaw I bi»ttff.. I, “ n fi e proof
»ri e e n atensih ‘ : 1
WTw. a’OAtti'u wv, Auctioneer.
day evebinjr. nert be sold on Satur-
Carlo ey'sAncUonironstN^Ws'wood M ’"
assortment of Gold and B?lver Lew *’ l , aj S e ;
elry. Amonethelotnr* 0 ./*™- ever ( .v atebca and Jew- •
Thi followinf dooprfse a nan If 7a fine Go,d Watches.
4 Gold Levpr C? pn °/ aasoriment—
. 8U7.8118 J*l3 and &U 5 ■ Cby E * T * CaJam Nos *
do No o ,'.®? ««»fr i *U do do ■
Watches, plain, Nofssoo and^fe"^'a 0 ? 22 * 0 * 2 ioia
Nos fo7l!&,i&ieand«w"iS2ii d ° do H. Deal,
tng do do plain, No 45G7 • l do do a£ “!i 0 do Hunt
do HDeaf-plai, A 0 ] 467 !' 1 !
>2 silver lever watches, assorted l -’ o , d<> . do ? ?,do 6259
assorted gold Pencils • 3 p,ap 4.° :do : 7 dor
Totqgoise do No 2: 0 fi„t i '““L". > eosl p ‘ as > No 1i 2
do do (lo with lassels ;t do cfu-Ver 8 ’ N ?, 3; 3
« pair hoop ear rings. * “ B!er “o, 13 finger rings;
4f f
Goninlodi, $
ft new and elegant te ?*^ er author of r ?
diea , writUigcSse». t^Ari4miMi? V n^L C oPforla* X
and fashionable aceomDl^Wn? T 1 5 ,?r V - Pff * f4
tal card writing, iouirli?in : X^ihW® ~1j ? °nuunen- y-s
Hours, lOtoiaS! perfection. Ll -
Up2S f, ■;
A. guuare, have jaat been received h? fe Vio L ips ? nd
These strings are from th« wXS.. lv »P? u>e stxbsnber.
Italy; they are four Srea^^d^nn^^^u^^ l7 -
-beamy of tone and dorSiSt* airtrttnriJftfTll? ll^? 14 f 2 r •
.he kind «^ro C L e^rS ! ot^ Pen °' ■
SkSS :•
SS52t -i
burgh,, Aberdeen,Glrnt 1& E ape £ of Edin- hi
German papers. ° "iwil&SSfcM-*- ?
stock of 0, OJ, 0} ana 7 Octave Pm™ F„£t V elect f d
f=*' «a£&>HW f
fined and Crushed SIJfJA n<a***r^ l D.fie* *
No. SO Fifth street.
j AKD— Iff bbls. Wo. 1 ;
" 05 kegg do; For sale by ' ‘
. 31 Water and 62 Front streets.'
Mot, gat and 323 Libeng «.
'"iS 4 a,e on<l " arlt "pos.nac ii randies for 6alo"br
- - -JAMES p.jiOßßArfo
ieepers would Jo well folrTonrPr^ V #?
s S’ , “‘“-’ :p !S^Tkf^p
' =■— la amnnrt
Pwy are weUISSdS f^e™P oflhis Coro'; £
the ample indenuiityof all DeranSi S° variable fond y
W®Lul‘f F^^Yu S^l^‘“^i^ C '
-Add»™ w”fi and T , b °un<y land! Cb. n a i^ Dsin '” '
-'ofttle- 1 J'tiooffleo of
who may employ him at the seat”usefoito all
ALE If Government
A r, iiN K. PARRIS,
jMtt Steen* • Comptroller.
Hope r / oan fl f y i