priori ’ '!-P ■" J I' v : VOLUME- IX- , DAILY; MORHISG POST. ; Printed ami friNtriUii ttitry Mamin# {Sundays extepU&J f- ihiryi* iVa «oETfi : W*ST’'ctfßSßS c d»'WOOD *SD FIFTH STRKSTBI jjy 2 £ RMS.—Five; Dollar* a- year* pjiyaWs strictly • Bqllars ; vriir invariably bereqmfcduf 4 not paid within Ike year- -r- ’r.- : vr- .:,V -. fly’Suigle eobieß at attheOffice^anu^ythbWowßßoye, .. .. \ . «gHE!S ATURPAt MORNING POST- "-; I*publisheU‘flratn the sa&e office,' tram : ctx* «hebC,‘ afTWO’ DOLLARS year/in einicte'cojucs vive.cests. ‘7//' '..,./;/ '•','Y~V~,y -• ftT'Nopatjer wni'be'discOnUnued-tttnlaeß aiWe jJiar creuon of the propf ietpM aniilaltarreafages are paid;/:. R3* No attention will 6e T paints any Order uulcfs »<*♦; eonpanietl by the money.or satisfactory reference iitUu* triLViW'£riaWisA«*ni of the Morning JPestisoti*'t>f**-. • ..-t? •- ——***• }9 gf. Siandiflg Card 4 siX'i(nesor'lesa,per annum»—~ w W CHAIfCCttSBLK.'Ar PUUfftmai I ‘ v x One square, bet annum,(exclusive of thepaper-)* For each additional hoiiare« inserted ove r one and farench additional squareinserted anderthe yearly rates* hhlf price.' ..:. i 'V ■ ,w. * FuoHsherS not accountable for legal advertisements beyandthe amount charged for their publication. ■ ; , fQr office .to he ‘Charged. Ulp } . •ame.hsoifiex'adEextisemehti.~ Advertisements notjnarked.oq the copyfora specin?o number of iasertfon’s,will be ; cowinaeQ. tillJorbtdj- ana • P will pc- confined rigidlrttttheirrcgmar business, and dltoiher adyeruse-; meats not pertaimngm* as agreed' )or,to W jjiitid'iiitnu'v'' '"" i- AU ’advertisements "for' fehorltable iusUtutfonso fire: companies,'ward* toWhship ahd other public maeilngs, and aueblike;ib:Decnarged half ay ab lesT rTcilyj « ADyAKpa'r/i'tvH-i'^v.. - ••' *•• Marriage charged SG cents, ■<. . Death-notice* inserted-without charge* unless aceom pautedbyfttheralluViihtidflfe’bp bbttuary.motfcesf hnd wheiisOßCCdiiirtuiie'djtdbe'paid^br. • Beguiar advertisers, and alloihets sell3ing communi cations) or requiring notices designed to palPattenlibn to‘ 1 Fair** Coacfrtsjbjf nhy-public,cute whcTeiCtmigeß afejiiudeTor admluince—all notiecapt pri vata.aisoci AiiOni-Heveiy -notice: 4esighed r to caU'^a.- icaUou4ffpmft«; enterprises promote individual interest in&eried wiih. the understanding thanheßanie is to lfTntCn dcd to beinserted ln.liie. E&cal column, the* same will be charged at therale of. botless than len cpnts per line. : BUbopsorFiSt Noueesto be chargedtrlple price.. , Tavern LiceaBc£etitiQa8 I &2,00 each. ■;. Legal and Medical Advertisements to be charged a! • ■ ‘ - Beal Ksiate r Agent toolto miQcryearlyrates, batto be allowed a . discOtuuoi .thirty-three .and"bne«lbiru percent. from aroounVoi'iilis. - . : ... . WEEKLT;pa:TRt-\VEEStV IN T>AtLY i'AI'ETLS. Ojxeaqaarajlitee —'vSl 60 tJo. - Cacb addinonal insertion 0 AVDBWnSEMKNTS IN tWBRKbY PAPER- •. One square; (10 Unes } vctntf nisertlou- .*.♦** -*;si) 110. . -each additionalinsertion-----***"-** 0 1 AU iT&nsieTHadrenisffrfie'nl* t? W paiiUn advutu'e.' • ' WUH'B A>oo.,LE, Journal. '' JAMI-iS'P.'BARR A Co./Chronicle, v.' *' FOSTEKAiJiROTHEK, UUpalcU. : • ' Dec.l,lSl9.] JAhli^S : Wv3ippLß s Amene«'ini- • fjh-ofwswttal €ari)s. : "OliN K. LARGE, Attorney di Loiff,.Fuouh. Street, tulaz : Qpitthiicld* .V’ '.■:■■■-s'-' ■ " ••=.--Ciar3Q D. JENNINGS, a: Law, Fount st., above ♦ Wood. , ““.t 10 :" x*nfßi.air:-iieiAi&,JSimmJ7»ty. v •' - - : T SCQT‘V, Dtnifst; i?OTiX\h si.j live doOrs west of War- V * Xetnui Ail worir Ayurranted, and if not perfectly sau isfactory no charges will be .made..- . . • • . feblQ iVeMO^AX..—-l>r. Robbrl Snyder, has removed his XL office to Fourih street,; between WoodandSmith- Seld streets. 0“ DA RRAGH, Attorney a« inUak'eweU’s * Bmldihgsi oil Grant street*, opposite the Court '- v •' ’ ■■ iV'-V'Y ’ TOHLY JJARTON, JiuonUy at Nortli side «S x>f-Fi&h^treei Wood iiudsmiUifield»ia.Uie. / *me building with Aldnrman Morrow. : , ecpaa-ly . E’ —OKW AKl> &. SWARTZ AUorn; - F. UlGliMOitE* ASiornW. and CaujiseUor at \TTLaie*—Office removed to the Sd'iloo* below GraiU|t., -•n Fourth* to the office lafety occupied by Alderman Mil der. ; • v:~ r "- M • mar3o ' -yr ASTKK; KoutiU *\teci n|« third door above SmillifieldfSouih aide. i>f all kinds deu* vyi til llic greatestcaie and lelw accuracy. • ’ , ■. • Tntea to HeaUEstate examwed, JOHN: COYLE,' Notary and Gonwancrr.—Office m. '• Metcalf*'Bauding, fourth sired, near .snntlificld, Pittsburgh. Deeds,Bonds,Mortgages, Article*of meat, and. all other insirumenUof writing drawn Up witbr accuracy and. dispatch. Wes io Real Estate examined. ' ' ap&G&ariy • •" na. o. H. KBTSKB *. ....-E.C.M DOWELL. TT'EYBER & McDOWELL, (succiiSsoßS to Kkbb & K KST3SB,) WholadU and tUiaUX>rugandPracription surf,£& ~»• of Wood street jtiid Virgin alley. Pttyw vslao* pro .ripliona carefully, compomided night^aiid. ■day,, : •• ‘ OHN A. PARKINSON, Alderman, Fifth Ward,Penn •u between Watnnrnnd O’Hnitislß., -where he may bo foondaiall times: Those havinghoiiscs or other prop eilv to sell or rent,can have the same punctually at'.rmi . eil tOtdetlscoUectedjtmd all the duties of anlAlderman ' will receive prompt •attention. : ocei-p i-TKNRV W. WILLIAMS, Attonuj/ and t'ounsiitof'at H • (successor .to Lowrie & JVilUums,) '.Uicold atapfl,F6ar>-,above Srmthacia-. . - THE PuVtyebliipTieretofore existing between Henry %W, Williams. Esq-jund myself,ialite practiceofthe law, twos dissolved by mutual consent SbusiaesswiUberettfterTjc.couunuedUj.lleniiVf.Wil jajnE, wkoid J. most cheerfully .recommend to all for. v tvboia t'MvciKe TiOttb'r So a (fentlemuii ev d^|^^l r ."m&; ii. LOWRIE. tiamnet P. Ross, a ’iTOKNEY. AT I.AW—Office in Fourth street, near Ja. Grant, in Lamartine BuiidiQiTS. mar-J:w, hllTCliUn• -~• - ■ SAXL'KI. fAXiinit. junsi - .^ l juteneiefcPalmer, m _ i 'TTOBHEYS AMD COUNSELLORS AT LAW— A nMeton Savnk Mreri, o fetcjUars Utow.SmiMitld. t&tr atendeato cilhretoa made and Conveyanciag eaecuted ougode ralelctms. VrORNEY 'ijW COUNSEL&)k AT hkVt-Of- A Fourih EUccl, t, C weea JO, «■ gnl |.nmtit. VI: —.EE" Smithfieu:? rr^- i)>T tfeorse nicuoon I Ub wli cpastaDily be fouad, “trtuiy. -OffieffWiitsiraraT • »nrf from 5 P. tt. to ?•*> . npyfi •> •TjASeelecieu/. -£l. He taa lake^. ! mm MUlwyon Foui. • sqoiaipgtf&'i&amartii. - * ed lo his residence,where - unless absent 'dn'professixjaa*. . 'o’clocti.; '*?: •••• ' • /. V : Si'V.aOil/rBVfeW* 1 . H WOKNEVS AT LJ^y—Office O,IK tween- T «7ood and_9xmtiifie*di_i___i. —— *. '. . rr " rr "' \v.W. ’ ■ A TTOBjsIEY AT LAW-Officet secona -tf utX kiiw/Hall- ■■■■'■■■ ■■ - U W caver’s Hotel: .. /“ n T^y h ' ■ +Je''-\ Btreat* opposite the P^ e> * " ~" * TTORUKV Jr fiStfK' docket * ad;e S^ B ff^anaoUhem o6 tre^naWcPric» ° ' ' ' '■’ " - f:^ s ■‘•a i* f. ~i‘* «T --. {-■ .•. *_ :S * 1 '■ :- * 1 * * ' - *;" .* ,i * ; 'g|j]ji , j j» ;>2<• i * .’ * |»tj§ -^«^a HP - :..Y ! ffttghtfcgfl (Sttttig. Li T.’RX ATtfOßg JAYNES. P*fr'rt Tea Slotif ,ii 3 Fifth, k. street, . ■ ■,•.. - - r. «" fe!bi iOSHUA >»oBlsiSoNi;Agent for Uarqden fc .Co.’a Fifth a;., one doorbelow Wootl. febl .--g;>'ri- foul fr?NGIj*ISH & EtiLXbTT,£ooij«aerj andSmtivittniNa. b&iweenThird'and’Foqnhr' : 1 - ‘ y DEL4NY, \Faahimayt piolMng Sort, Xo- M Üb-: fierty ttreW" t" r ft" l " ' fc SAitGENX, li-E comet of VVofiilamiSirt) [MTfiUO IMEa&SQlSy&nktntmtßakTwFxttomSf -JN » Crin;niuUlankMui,ho--& Matltgi street ,lebl , £ 0- FUli’rONiißitf MfliTßrtUSFounder, N 6.70 Secon* 'J‘X/»Virect > bctwofeflTuarkei and Ferry streeta. febl. ( v'a McNu£tV& F<7ru?anttn*‘ a7l< * C<7?n»iWJTdn Jt 'Merdian g,gafftß6Sm« > ! ■'_ ' , ..' , ;_^^ra ««rAI DYER, , Qroctr ana Froduce JHaltTy -No^lSS W Liberiy streetVgittsb'arKU. ' , mart. 7 'YOHNAPCLOSKEY* Taiiotand £7ZciAier,Liberty.streel tfbciwech Sixth : acpXO,: ■* V McSTEINV Brdsi JTimatferaud Gas] Fitter, 1 Smith* jf betweeaDltuAond ttitey'gnaTftftfrist.; & O’CONNOR, Proprietors oitne PsUfburgk. 1 portable •Boat;Store-.< corner of:Pcnn and Wayac sis. •; TYUEVt MATTHEWS& Co., WftoteJdJr Grrisrs, Com*? Merchants, andAgentslor YarnB, ^,; WateT st., Phtsbtirg. [ap2 - GOOLEY t LAIRD. Merchant ; Tailors i Wood' street, ,seconddo6r ftom AVaier r wmkfcep constantly on toad a well selected lot of .Clothing. - marltky. yTLEE. tsuccessor to'Mtmrirr at Lsg.l WoolDcalcx v ~ FI. . - and pommission MeicKdnty fur the sale :cif'Ameri can' Woolen Goodst-v / ; ;: .: v .*._ .•- : f feblO - TOHN XhMQßQ&B i )rfotaaUand Retail Druggist, No. ; V: 93i, Wood street, one door south ofDiamond alley. v wivr !V-' : j;fcbi mT GrroctK,Commission Merchant, tl * and dmfcr.m i Paper and Rags, comer Pena and lx -Win streets* * v; .. jaw.-; 1 MOORHEAD,‘IF?ioi«a/aGf£H?erj and Produce !tv Dealers* No. 27W00d street, Pittsburgh-' (fnySS . ... f OSEPtt WOOD\VELL>ij7jporJ«7an4 For eign and Domestic'Hardware^ coYrierorSecond and -Woodstreets.,, '-r-.' >. .ocS9 JOSEPH idAJOK, Boat- Store j Ship Chandlery and: Agency Of the Futsimrglr Lard Oil Factory, No 4, >blaticetstreet; PiaabnTgh^- ■ ?.•■. .ijnld JAMES MAY,- Wholesale Grocer* Forwarding and Com* ihtsiMnilfettAarth'Wiabrßtreet.belween Market add ..Ferry;"* * -•• ; fcbl - 4 IILL A CURRY. Eantgrj cfkf Exchange Brokers,N o JU, CSAYdod'street, iliird doorbelow Foarth, west side { , ...>.....;vfebr 'LMtAMERA KHAAI> Bankers and Exchange.. Brokersy XV.coruerofThirU. aud-Wood .streets* opposite the,St; CbwlesHoteb iVr; . ' lelilr ;it> AVFAHNESTOCK & CO;, WAotuale Drug Wan :JXi/ioiise,comer bf Pirn and. Wood streets, and corner O r : ;'/ - rfobt f U AMUKL MORIIOW, Manufacturer -.of-Tta, Copper J3. : aftd‘ Sheet Iron Ware, No. 17 Fifth street,-between Wood’and\MarkeL , ; •■: 'I - feblO •• \Jtrm GLENN, comer Qi 'rftiril airAWaod YY abuve' C.U; Kuy; where lieis prepared to .•do cVety. Uet.criptToa.orruling aad binding."- „ ,, JOHN H. MhiLLOK, , ; and RjUtiiDcaUr in Music and MusUallnsirtirh£i}is t Piniiop,'6ii\iQO\ Rooks, and Stationery, No. Wood street; janl ; JlUlYJilt i -HectiJymg:DistiU*t,UaA Wfiolesale Healer •in. Foreign aud Oomestre ..Wines ami Liquors,:No, 114 Liberty street,andDiamond alley. , •«.jydl - L r |NU scFiWi\iiV, Age for ibe Ddaumre Mutual . IV Insurance Ciwtpanry, of PhUadelpUis, nt tbe Ware hou?e of King'd: Holmes, Water street, near Market ■ ‘ tebt- ■ \ \fM. ALEXANDER A SONS. C irony NaUg;Cotton Yarns, &c.;constauUy on hand. CTM’KiNLEY, ■Jftouuj-Skn »»d Ornamental Pointtr, O* and dealer in PAINTS, No. 41 .St. Clair st., Pitts burgh, frn« constantly ou hand ail kinds of Paints, either bry bt Mired; Japan and Copal Varnish* Linseed Oil; Boiled Oil \ /Spirits Turpentine} Window Ulass, of all sizes; Patty, Paint Brushes, 4c0., all of the best quality* and ter sale at reasonable prices. * e Pl* Isaac WUllama, •Jt/TERCHANT TAILOR, StnilUfield street,No. ItLbe- JJfX. twrtth Ist and dd v stteets. aply: -aiorrU A Haworth, mKA DEALERS ASH IMPORTERS OF -WiNES I :AND BRANDIES. • £asf siiU;of Jht Diamond Pittsburgh. j Utay*dl ■ .1 J. A. CODLXEB- Coxiller Hackc, YrniOLKSALK AND ItKTAID DRUGGISTS, cor .¥* uer of Wood and Third sexets, under Si. Charles Hotel, .I’iDshatgh, Pa. - : : may! figftßY LEAD£tt.v— ~ *GKOROR 'f HICK KB. Leader 4 Trickery ttrHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, Comniia ifY ■ sion Merchants, and Dealers in Produce; corner Diamond and Diamond alley. .. • nmyl - a Daniel Vouogaon, 4 ttouse, sign, and ornamental painter, AA Liberty, street; opposite Hand. All work neatly executed. Orders pnncmally attended to: tmarA^y Liquor ami Grocery Store, B STERN A BRO., Wholesale and Retailersof Liquor ,of all kinds. Flour,, Bacon, Ac., constantly on hand. No. iao Liberty street, between Huh ond-bL Cloir.streeta. - . raarSkOra fieUftnger,'Wells & Co. „ ' Manufacturers of green glass ware, No. 27 AZdrfel street,. Pittsburgh; fa. t keep eoMtaal ly on hand and make to ! ordeTyaU kinds of. Vials, Bottles, Ac.; Porter and Mineral Water Bottles,of JWperioTtjaal ity. Particular attention paid to private moulds, favstky }.-*.• ..i-v.t Emigration Lines. TAMES BLAKELY; Agent for ill® Black: Ball and tl Black Star Lines* Liverpool and New York Packets, and for the Philadelphia and Liverpool .Packet Snips, Penn street, PiUsbargft. • - ••••••■ tebb A'- : . (Stfccssßoa.xd.^S v Bomnbt,& Co.) Wholesale Grocer, Reeiuying DlstlUcri i ■ .-t ‘u \ • aNIIDEALEBTjM -• -• FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC' WINES r < ; 'L/QUOfiSj CIGARS, 2&VITS 162 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. ap3 - i'-v:- v< GeorgeßeaJ e, Jr.» j? hi X aNUPACTUBEIToF BRUSHES, Wholesale aot iiVI Retail, No-75 Wood 'Pimburghj Pa. Con- Btantly dn hand, a general and extensive assortment of all ktods of BRUSHEB;atthe lowest Eastern prices, i N. B.—Machine Brushes, Ac., made to order at the shortest notice.' - -- - ’ - • - _mardunr;_ tL. 8. WAXBKMAN.vB. N.WATERHAN- • -W. E. WATSEMAK •t ' L. Si Waterman JOSHUA"attODBSi • -« r * alfaed ASSHOXZ; l 7 — 4 ™osntrA dk CO., I WHOLESALE DEALERS WFOREIGN FRUITS; NutsVSpice*; CpTtfectianary; Sugars, Cigars, *c,y*u. • 1 STOAHT *•—«••••■«• ‘TKO&t^si'B. SILL, I ■■STIJARX Sllflit .... I GaocEß3, 4HD TaoDUCE CoHHitJaioN Mebchants, No. lid Wood street, FiUiburgfh-Pa, w " • DEAIiEBB !N ; GROCERIES, Flour, Wheat, Rye, Oats, Con»,:Barley,‘ Po^.; Bacon, Butter, LanJ, and- rlax Seeds; Iron, Nalls, Particular attention paid to the sale : of Western Produced. •< “j.- . s tlluntexyßobt* jU alxetl ; vC/i., Htunpton,Sjniih& Co., King &. Moorhead,McGills Jt, ■» .■ •’oe, James MayyPiitsbcrgh; Fenner: &McMillan &±u - Jos.S. Morrison, Esq„ St. Louis . sep2u fttassiu - TrciT n -rmonr , " >arlh stweiiPe janifry WalterP.iaarsUan, , . y . »«R«qr to SQmuel C . jtnil,) • - (SUCC-IN TRENDS Ain) AMERICAN . AND BORDERS, •' • PAPER ”/. Fire Board' Print » r &c. ■ WuidCtxo. Snaa«K *,„* on d Wrapping/P.aper, Atu-o— Prmu N 0.85 .Wobdstreei. .'S- - i-*.«'« n A-I?i*® o ® d 'ftß e y»^cn,swei between FoutiT? st. an , fim6urgft, Pa. ja9 - —.. WOODS eRODUCE DBiLERS . „ Nd. 61 WITEB STBKET, gimBOaBH. --jaiaf- ~ , - . i.„v , ... Uuahuaa (ttaribs. j' - ;■ a*o« StM&toUi ' ‘ . 1* ATE Johnston & Stockton, BOOKSELLER, STA r i TIONER, PAINTER and BINDER, corner of Mar* koianJ Tatrd slteetl,Tittsb u rsb, Pa/ * ■ u : (KENNEDY A HASLEFIV ’ „ I - 'TO; Rx trs&Y ■&, K.n o • . .. WhoUsal* Wilh&m Ward, * * ■ Thos ? ; Howard, : ■, .W.O. Leslie, {sepl^iy ; v: jrotottvni* (Townsend, t TVRUGGIST-AND-APOTHECARY,' No;'45 r Maikeu JL/ street,threedoorsaboveThird,PittiburglijTvdibave *onsSntiyrder* Trill be.' promptly attended io,and soppplied trith' anicles ihey mayrely upon as getmino. 1 i* - * - pt'escripuons'WtUbe accurately and neatly preparedfromthe bestmatetials, at any hour of the day or night.: J u c -V V; AlsO. for sale,alargc stock of fresh and good PERFU MERY. - V*> - f dec3>. - ~ ' -..17/......- CUNNINGHAM’-—*** ••—•••• .......Q.DUNC4.S, Di CUNNINGHAMIHWBEN. i Pittsburgh CUy Glass Works. ' i w. Cunningham: a co., " . MAKUVACTUS&B9 07 WINDOW GLASS, • . No. 28 Market strttijittiocen First and Second, . , • Pittsburgh, Pa'- Y Particulai aiteation pnld to odd sizes. Also, Dealers iu Flint Glass* Vials* Bottles, Ac/ liy&hly -B^»WHV&: : TSSTIrEY»'',vr PRACTICAL AND DENIAL w w AUbASrBU _ InttramentManufacturer*, 1 ■ ;N'o. 140 WOOD STBEET, IfEAH ViBSIN AU,EI\ '\%Y fci have rerabved oar Manufactory from - f f .Liberty street to the above named place>ior the purpose of havihgtabre convenience for manufacturing, Vw?hich we intend goinginto extensively.' All ordefs.m . oar line wiU beattendeu to withpunctuality and dispatch. 'Jobbingand Kepairing'neaUy done and promptly exe cuted. J - r' J- Agenerul assortment of hardware and CutTerg wo will always keep on, band,-and aellitat the Idioat prices.— We have just revived a fine lot of Girru 1 , Putols and. JUtalvitt) Tailors and Hair Dressers' SArarr, arid other Goods generally kept in. Hardware Smres. - Tinners, Farriers, Hauers and Saddlers’ Tools • made. to order j .Razors Ground'-and Handled, pen Blades put in, Ac.; Guns arid Pistols repaired,’&e M Ac.' tN./Bi—Particular paid to manufacturing .Trusses arid Supporters. : ~ • - ; • decS7:ly Kigl, Slua Wotlu> JOSKfHD. ABKtL, usrrcjACTOEEa a* queen olasswausj vials, dottles and Flasks; Porter,: Scot A AU, Mineral Water, Patent 1 Medicine anCtWine Botilu, dejrnpnon ;. . I AIso—WINDOW GLASS-' . /‘Keeps constantly on hand a general assortment ofthc above-articles.. • - -i,-, I ■jfT' As the -other Greers Glass Factories are.all stopped, as is the custom in summer, < ’ an4'a great variety of oilier .Stoves for Coal or Wood. Fancy PARLOR STOVES, of the. richest and. most beautiful designs. Eoo und Pime Am.u SrovEs; together with a general assortment of Hollow Ware’,— all from new andimproved pattern*. -Ground Wagon and Buggy Irons* Dog Irons, fancy Fire Grates and Fender.-, and every thing In the house building line, always ou baud or made to order.— Purchasers are respectfully invited to call and examine our stock before buying elsewhere, at the old siaud, for cer Seventh tuul Liberty street:-:, Pittsburgh. : marlG - . . QUiNN, McBtCiDE & CD. w TfiW UAGUIiKKEOTYkfK KOOftlß, £urir«’J Muiid ings t Fourth strut,— ‘ Hough & Anthony, D3guerreo ivpists from the Eastern cities, would calliheattenUon of too inhabitants of Pittsburgh, and the neighboring towns, in their Daguerreotype of citizens and others, at room's in the third &joti of Burke’s building, 4ih st: Persons wishing pictures taken .may rest assured that ue pains shall he spared to produce them in the highest perfection of the art. Our instruments are of the most pow erful kind, enabling us to execute pictures udsurpassed for high finish and truthfulness to nature. The public are solicited to call and examine. : Persona Bitting for pictures anr netthcT requined or ex pected to lake them unless perfect satisfaction igiveu. N. B. Operators 'will find this a good depot for stock and chemicals. |J~?*lnatracuonß given in the art, containing the more recent Improvements. jun 7 A FULTON,JfrR and Brass Founder, has rebuilt and * cormncncetl business ai tan old stand. No. 70, Se cond,'between Market and Ferry streets, wuere hti will be pleased to see his old customers uud friends.. . Church, steamboat, and bells, of every, size, from 10 to 10,000 pounds, cast from patterns of the most approved models, and warranted to be of the best materials. : Miueral Water Pumps, Counters, Railings, Ac., Ac., together with eve ry variety of Brass Castings, if requir ed,turned and finished in the neatest manner; , . _ &. F. is The sole agent for Babbitt's Anti-Attraction Me tal, so justly celebrated, for Um reduction of machinery. The boxes and corapositiou cah be hadol him at all times.' novl3:y ■v.N. «. HACKS. WILLIAM TROVILLO, Undertaker, Fifth street, im mediately opposite the Theatre, xespecrfully iu formshis friends and the public in general, that he-has resumed his business os a Furnishing U.ndartaker. He is supplied with and always keeps on hand Collins of all sizes arid kinds,Shrouds,and till other articles necessary on such occasions. . , • . . Silver plates,ice boxes, aud leaden bofiihß wlltbs sup plied Inofder. A Hue hearseand'cairiagealwaysready to attend funerals.' . : v Bep29;ly ALEXANDER* SONS XfoVNN MaXKES AMD FOKHISHIKO corner of Penn arid filair su, apposite ths Exchange : W\7 ’j i" . V/ifdr SHoUIL Entrance an Penn st % rcs •^““"iTf^T^-hTpectfully.inform their friends and. the imbiiCjdhatdh'By,''are-prepared to furhish.antf attend to everything in the Hrifr : of .Unuenaieia, ns they have Quit the business of Cabinet Making, .aud tbeir attention will be devoted altogether to the' above business keep a large assortmentof COFFINS made and finished,cover ed. and lined in the neatest manner j -with a rvarieiy ,o. materials, and at all prices; wc keep SHROUDS ready made, of all sizes,.of Flannel, Cambric,- andMu6lin, al all prices, and made in the eastern style, and all other articles necessary for dressing , the dead, andfufrtishm funerals, of quality and price to suiuSILVER PLATE: or engraving the -utune and age ; ICE CASES for laying the body in ice, by those who wish to keep their friends any length ol ume, and have ZINC FANS to pat ice in of laying on the body;.LEADEN Cornns always on land. We have a splendid new HEARSE and a pair ot fine horses, and any number of . the best carnages, etc., etc*, and. will be'-prompt, punctual, aild:reasouable. aoglß-y . ill yrONONGAHELA PLANING JVIILL>4x3IS3 MstL JV| tnosn would respectfully inform his friends and the public, that his new establishment is now in fullopera iion, and that he is prepared to furnish Boat Cabins, and fill all orders for Planed Lumber, with promptitude,and ■at the lowest rates. i Board and Plank, planed on one or both sides, con Uiamlyonh&rd. . , j, ; Sash, Doors and Mouldings,ofevery description,made ‘lo order. ’ - Builders and Carpenters Would find it to their advan tage to give him’a call, as he can now furnish them with ■planked siuff.suUaklc foTevcry dcscriptionof work. National Hotel, Pittatourfflu < Situaud on WaUr Streetf 'opposiU the Landing of ihe 1 BratonsvUUSteam Packets. . . , rrtHIS House having undergone a thorough repairing '£' and fitting up,both inside and out, the subscriber is determined to use every exoriiontin nis power to make all comfortable that think proper to-calJ with him, The Table will be always supplied with the best the market ■affords. 1 The Bar will be supplied with the best and •choicestliquors. - , ' i Attached to the house Is a good stable, attended by a IgoodHostfor. jiMES REAMER. iV2O ; iiTTti« nsiiws \ - iW.,C. !*“ ™ BBOWS’S HOTBIs,.. ■V: i CORNER OFBEiTHFIELDANIi THIRD STS., \ Fiasburghjßa. \ BROWN * CONNELLY, PROPRIETORS. :• N. B Stabling attached toftiehouse, ~ , . QfIEEHSBURGH ROT Eli. : (Hxrbscoh’s Ow Staisu.) -g, L " rriHE subscriber bavins leased the above well know -1 and cxccUentestabUfihmeutyis now-prepared to en tertain his friends and the traveling public generally,in the best manner And on the mostßeasonable terms. ilia TABLE will stall lieies be anppUtJd everv delicacy of, Uie season; aud.lus Bat with .the oestof L*> siabling la very extensive 1 and every, arrange : meal baa been made for me accomttodauona^Droveiß. ?X AS>-Jart received, a splendid assortment of Gas t X ChahdoUets, fouiy two and one burneralso, Baskets,“single nnd double; Solar Lard Lamps,- for Parlors, Cbarches, Halls, .Steamboats, and Stores, m {aree- variety.. of Cornelius & Co’a. uartvaUed matei also, globes, cblttmies and wlck,^ ■ cor Market * Fourth its i l\, -■■S-lil: U'iV v’tvsStfSsV S£S'j*v PITTSBURGH, .ft i-.'iiv.T/ SATURDAY, JStm Baohe, iJlasu, s?£.- Wciv BOOti» New'Book*t . - A T- HOLMESvLiterary Depot,;ThlrdUUfcCJ,opposite; Beaty SmcaMni'a. Jacobite Story of the Reign of George I.' By G. P. lOames, Esq; ' '•> ~ *rho Ihjchciß: or Woman’s Love and Wtfraap’sHato ""Shaniiondalcc! anoveli pyM«,Somhworibi : - Olivia ija novel.’Bv the ttuthor of .*‘ The Ogilvios j”.: A Home i lh'flacnce*; : a..Tßlafor Dau^Jerp; By Grata Agallarj-*- •; banker’s Magazine for January; -• > - ••'. •’^v .Whig Almanac Tor 1851; \ - ',k‘' No. l of the American tUuramuted eainon.ot.the W*. yerlynovelgi. ...• .• »•» * .. I NOW: Booltai New Bopbot WTTALh, No. 8J Fourth struct, has ju r >'. receivod.lhe •f V following new works s , L, .J Bell Btandon; or the Withered Fig Tree. *• The Ftire Novel, for whlchrhe emn of three hundred doUart.sras , P! Shom)ondalfc-,'By Mrs.Southworth—authorofttelrt' f tuition; , . i, , , 1 Deserted WlfeJefG. 1 , . . . > Henry Smeaton; A Story of the reign ' of George the First. By-G. P. R, Janies, Esq.; 1 - 'a : The Woman’s Love andjHaio j; ..v - The Blscls Tulip; By Alexander Dumas; , Self Deception, or tho History of .the Human Heart. By Mrs. ElltV. ' '■ : Boston ShaVspeire, Nos. St) and St■ ■ 1 ‘‘--y Living Age, MS-j ’ t Democranoißeview.fot Jannary,; , : :* ■/ • ■. i Greeley’S Whig Almanac for MSI i . ■ ■, • Life and Exploits of-Bristolßill,, the notorious..bur glar. _"' y ■- v ■-■■■■ t]«3p’• i". MnSaa'neaforß'oljirtiary, - ‘--j: - TTENRYMtNERftCO.vNd.'S-JSarOiieldatreetJfll)- Xl pasite Brown’s Hotel, tmve received the following Magazines for - ■ - . Godey’a Lady’s Graham’s .Magazine}. Sanalri’s Union Magazine ; ': i Peterson?* Ladies’ j*-j ; A new volonisor all tliealiOToiattgazuies conuaeitatw HENRY MINER fc CO- ; SMWtUIMIC* T-~ i rriHE NEW OARMINA SACRA, of Boston: CoUeev A lion of Church Music, composing the most popttlar Pstfm. dhdHymu tunes ingeneral use. together with a great wariety.of newiune&i Channts, MowUa.ami An ihems;■ ifao wbole.being-one;of ike caost ooEDpletc'coU. lceiions .of .rausip../or- choirs* .congregations, singing schools and societies, extant By Lojyan. A supply of the above received and fo* aaldjbf n2o ' • ♦ * > JOHN B. MBfXPß^SUWoqdiid. Musical liUUrttmfctii# ana .. - • THK OLD ESTABDISHEB PIANO iraggjgggsa nv.por, - c. ■ BLVME. late p. Blttmc,'Wood stxeelcPtiUburgbfßarina, 11 S,| if »two door? above Fifth,sole Agent fortbe celebrated,flambi?g Pianos; felt-covered hammers, producing .1 rail, Mk and mellovr tme, ana nollihble to wear boru;ttl3o,Planosundsfo* lodeoas.ftom the most celebrated eastern manufacturers, of warranted'hinds, .alwa/a-oa ■ hand. on bond, a largo assortment ot Music and Musical, rnstro meata, each as Violios, Accordeohs,Guitars, .Bafties, Tamborines; Flutes, Fifes, Drems,,Fl3gcolens, ClanOt etu. Brass Instruments of every description; Violin Or Guitar Cates; Strings- for nil mstnunenav Of .the best kmdlrfingtr boards, eastinetts, metronomes, in struction - booty, for all instruments, Seconii.hand r l ' anos takeitin pari pay for new ones fatso, rented to per sons who can give satisfaction for payment. A large-tot of Boxwood on hand, which) will b 6 sold ■ - - iOCftii , R. C. STOI • ■■■‘■(taleJahiislon'Stockwi,} BooKsellcr, Stationer#: Printer &• KSlndet# “ITrOULD/respectruHy invite the attention of, ftler- W Chtmia and others, to bia. large. and supettor stock of BL ANK BOOKS, consisting o f Pay Books, Journals, Ledgers, Invoice,Cash, Order and Letter Books, ot every size; made of ike best pttpet,ottd;bound-*ttthe mosvdtr rable manner, which be offers at prices that cannot fail to give satisfaction. Blank'Books ruled and bo nod to any given pattern. Printing orovery descrlption.oxe; euteu with neatness and dispatch. No 47 Markcvst.. i a * ■if'' •• ~ Hew Stock of Planoii ; : . .JOHNU.MBX i LOB,No,ia Wood et.. received a new, and splendid of.PIANOS, now open'and ready Ft W IPjH* for sale. ' • - -detgl^ ■ '.TT jtoraim Seringa* '•• y"-' '" J A LOT ofgwutneROMANSTRiNGS for viahns.ant; A Ruitais,have just bceu received by,the subsrihqr. These strings :nre from-the most celebrated Tactory tn ft |y; they are four threads ond four lengtbsvnna for bcautyof loaeanddprebUityarenniiyaUcd-.’ Thtsttb scriber’sagent caving purchased the above for utnr at the Faeiory , they are warranted snperior t0 T a ££ “ll ngol the fcindeveroffered in this country. U. . Golden Harp, No. ipl Third ®jreeu N, B.—Now opening a sploydid new lot ol Nunn * Clarkes and Dunham's Celebrated Pianos. - . Foreign Newspapers. TUB subscriber is aulhorvrccl 10 receive subseili>- lions (or all ilio London Dail>>'\*okly and Tti-, Weekly papers; Birmingham, Bristol*.flciH, Leeds, Manchester, Newcastle, Sheffield, and other Provin cial pipers; Irish papers of Duuhn, Corky Belfast. Limerick, Londonderry, 4c-; Scotch papers of Kdjn- European Agent, j C $ ; . Post Buildings, Sihsu, near Wood,. Hats, Cops and ClnOTfl. 03 Wood sr, tomer cf Diamond alley,‘Bteond siOTy. n>. OFFER 3 his customers and the Public /jlj an entirely new and fresh stock ol 'Hats, and Mafia, In great ruanu-^rr facturcd and selected with rnacb euro in reference to price, style and quality,in New York' city, and will he. offered at the lowest rates of present low prices, YN bole* *ale and Retail. ‘ ' " locttgof Spring Fashion Hats. 8 This beautiful style-of HATS for Spring ami Summer wear will-be mtroducrd tats hay at 102 .Wood street, third door below Fifth se feba&fm' . ..glassoowv tSHNO.' 108■ "WOO'D. S : FASHIONS 1 fcgi&-- fctia Received at tb© OLD stand of G. • W.• • * vu».- Beebe Co.’s Full style of Hals for 1850 • Tiros© in want of a pood Hal or Cap, at u small advance übo?e cost for Cosli. will please call *ii Wo. 108 JWood streel, cast side,third door below Fifth street. ' : aug3l:4m , Public Attention tl respectfully xr.vited to the foUttaing truths, set forth in relation to onto/ the most' important Remedies of mod tr" , swer the object of gulling or humbugging some of them. NoWr we do not desire to do.this; wo arc anxious only that the truth in relation to our Remedy should be told, in order to secure for it a reputation far exceeding any single article oflhedSttriarlWdica.-'.Plain,unvarnished facts—facts that may be ascertained in oar own city nnd neighborhood, bear ample testimony iu favor of the Pe troleum. ".. « - Within the pasttwo months, two of onrown citizens,' ; who were totally blind, have been restored to sight. Sevcralcaseso! blindness, in the State of Ohio, have been pared.' And, also,the case of Agentlemajiin Bea ver county. There are others; but these cases are near home, and may be referred .to] by any persons who may have doubts on the subject.. These co&eswerp cured ajf- ; tcrtbey had been abandoned by physicians as hopeless ' Tho Petroleum will cute, when used according to direc, i lions—Diarrhmai Dysentery, Pues, Rheumatism, ; Gont, 'Neuralgia, Eruptions onthe.Skm, Pimples on'the face \ Chronic Sore -Eyes, lU.ngwqim, Tetter, Scald- Heed. : pains in the bones : Tamora, Scrofula, Cancer, Spinal irritation,.Fever ana. • Ague. Chronic Coughs > Asthma,-Brpnchitis, and all Pttl-, chrotuc nature, tending io pro 'd°Burnsahd *caXds, diseases of the Bladder and Kid i nevs. Chopped- Hands, Excoriated Nipples, Corns' Und„ ■ Bunions. 'ld fact; ;htts beewiried in most Of the, above diseases whhlu|rtie ‘past year with the most perfect success; Certificated ‘that will astonish ure in the hands, or the proprietdr.Vrlio 'willtakejfleasure in showing them fothe.'a'ffiifeted'or i may sajr fcbout their tnediclhisVthe' : Petroleum U ; the greatest Retaedy of the'agei Phy ? sicians' of high standing in the profession. are.p'eginnftig: ’to use it m their practice: Those who at first tooked-on \ with doUbrarid uncenaintyj are willing to award it dud praise and - consideration/ Before another ycar rolls iroundrall will be 1 corapeHed to acknowledge ihatlhe iPetroleum is the greatest medicine .ever discovered. ‘ Forsale, Wholesale and Retail] by 1 ‘ - > <• ,KEYSER,A M’DOWELL, ... / r ;.; r ' ‘ ;7 :'I4Q Wood street. •: Also—R’. E. Sellers, 57 Wood street} D. M: Carry, D. * A.EUiott, Joseph Dauglassi Allegheny City, Also, by. ;the Proprietor} S. ,M. KIERj Canal Basin, 7th street, ; !Pittsburgh.; r 7 •• ‘ .7. . . . -7 . . {jaß - ; ~ Ground Feed, •• • .... ••• I'TTTJS ato inow .consiantly grinding feed for" horned * YV Canle nnd Horses, and assure .Milkmen, Livery r Stable meannd Feeders generally * that we ; can supply ’ themad article oT { rcbop? ? : wluch tbev-.will find better arid ’cheaper than ariy;.ijung eff tbe.kmd.'ever of* • fered in this .market before. Wo haye ‘‘putup**’ the ;beat setof machinery for the above purpose ever seen “Westof,the Mountains,” and bave made'arrangemeats for'a supply of Griuri that will enable. us to furnish the' manufactured, article lu.abundance and at low Prices. ' , >Ye have - also.constantly on haridj of OUR OWitf MANUFACTURE, 'Oil Meal. *Com Meat; Oat Meal. Hull’d Barley, Flour, Roasted Coffee,' Mustard,* Ground CinnamorivdbClevee, do-Allspice, do Pepper, Atl.thfl abovearticles we war* rant. RHODES &. ALCORN, V >' jail • -3d st 3 opposite the St. Charles Hotel. FEBRUARY 1, 1851. dgeney for Different Unra' of Pacfeet rShips. - jjßK>A£ Efe'ibF.ip.i.h'n'.’^r' fir ibtftjUviftffiT = : ALSO—Drafts at sight altvayßoahandj/or any amoyru, -ai the lowest ratea'of discount; and.all information '. 'jab , , ■ , . , . gOdLih.erff suPmshgrgh... , j " JgsvT t XINE QE:EAcKK : T 5.... WMMii' •^■ux^mhstS&jnoA. ayyir'-MTO BAIL. FROM LIVERPOOL JAME 3 lOOfflOM - -tBUfDec.- 1 GONJDAB. St.a.ißarsuw.CSQ Mns ..'.••«:•■ T-lSthJAiu-i 'NEW. SHIP,,—-..spoons- -V. V ■:• -.-. •.• • -18ibFeb, ,j : | The above ships are tmillof ;Jlic lieslraalerials ter thclpos: approved models for swiftness, pprabmed. . with' thd modern improvements Tor thb comfort .of t as*. sengere; - Their commandetsare men of known : abilny.» : i These packets will take advantage of steams. tow boat?up the Delaware. • ; Aleo,'6Hi ps sailing'weekly from Liverpool to-NewOr i Ifeans, Pas3engem>ct«j get the winter. „ :? . .... . \.. , •. i For terms’of Second Cabin and Steerage passage, kpv - i ■.■ it - street, New York; :v. RoadjLiverpoolj' or to JOHN THOMPSON,;:, 205 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. * novi4:3m | Llverpool aad PhJladelp!i|aj l £ , acketflj , Sailing from 'Liverpool on Vie j£}ghheitfhqf^aehTiffnVx. ' >'' Ship Jaiie H. GHdact Capt.CJiiid,'" NoV. lg.' d&Bßk‘ 'JtUU'Bt&me',- ■> “'Child:' Dec. 18. 11 Gondar, “ Bar3tow, Jan.4B^ m&MSS* u - ne ’ W( “ Glidden,, Feb. 16. I Tbes&Sbip* are of thelarriest clwtf/'Tlte occoinmd dations -fdr second •cabin and steerage ipaisebgETs ure unsurpassedfpr comfort jand thedays of-sailingwm R® punctually adhered io. ‘ _ • Price of steerage passage 820. CeruGcatcs gopd folr 13. ntbuth*, at the money. refunded if the passengers do not erobane...Applyjo .- : DAVIDjM.BARBOyp, i ' ' ‘ at John Watt A Co.’s, , m *035 street: ‘ v Drafts for any amount given upon the Ulster Banking Company -and Branches, the. Royal- Bank of-Ireland, or Spooner,Atwoods 'Sc. Co. t Brokers, Ifondon. [novlOdhn ? .FOREIGN O.IPEICBn-;, l-jjar-: . ABQX!. ; gUggfr WHO COMMANDS? EjggJ3 -u:~ Waft baveappointed the subscriber-Agent for theLruiui vailed Line's of Ships fromLiyerpool toNew York phila'delpidaartd Boston;' 1 "•' ? Let th© Friends of Emigrants be careful to havctteir. arrangements made according to ihe tuv PrmisiaJifc&Wy and take no man’s receipt; without having innsertea.} otherwise they will have topayin Livcrpool.beforelh6y f*. following is the law; Si lbs. Bread, " 3 .2 &srßeef,or Pork, , ‘ i “- Floaty " IfcihfVinegfcl'y 4 * ’ 5 .“.Oatmeal,; 3 i fc. Sugar, 2 “ Rice, 4 . £ iit Molasses, . ’ a >* i ' Potatoes; < ' 1 w- 2;oz:Tcar; i ' : T - ' With-three quarts of Water per day; and sufficient r tbr.Cooking;* ; .v*.n. - s •;.* eu ■ ■ The caboose-and cooking-rangcs for the-use of rns aengere, are kept undercover* Every attention will be paid lopromote their health and comfort-' ' ‘ J Bank of England Notes and-Foreign Elchange pur chased atc&nont rates; : ;•" L ',y -■■■ ■. r -' : -, v Debts, Legacies, Pensions, &c«, &c., collected* and copies of W/llsprocured, with every other, bust ness con a«c,ed with an kuropean Ronivgov; ; - . 1 - Europeart Agent, ' : • apis} Postßnlidings, corner ofFiftli and Wood sts.) beeiittakces " : •"SSSXjfB;-;”:" IRELAND, ;!* :. and To any mnoam,by . . •- .-* C'-‘ ' ' Joshua Eoblnsont £u^op< > Fosl Building*-, cor, fifth and iFooasfc vjaij- . . ScwijUie ; ■’6SK ■' gtjlgVoß LIVERPOOL AND I tg ” a « a£ ,.--‘ .. packets, - -: .....JSSirfSc afc Sail front PhiladtlpMatm the i2tA,and ftp™. Lnftycol . onikt'JSlhof tathtjwntA.,' Saik'WniiisiPmra.l.OODToxj. . - ' “ Hihshsu, I,'lso - - i- . “ Pim.asa.ruia, 1,400 •' KiLaaaioo, - I,IXIO . ; RICHARDSON.BfIOTHERS A CO ,Agenis,Noe. l 2 : and 13 Tower Buildings;Liverpool. ! RICHARDSON, WAfSON fc' 00., Agents, No. 0 Chestnut street; Philadelphia ■ '- - ni.: *. •■/ . fIIHE subscribe re; Agentsdor the above Line of. spleu- I did new Packet. Ships at this City,, are prepared to rurtush passage, certificates, to parties:redding.ln.lais country ■who may be desiroasof aendingdor their friends, ro comb out by either df the above Ships. Tlioy arc also prepared to remit raoAoy to any part of tin, Oiu Country by sight drafts on the Bankof Ireland and Branches,and on Messrs. Richardson Brothers & Co,, Liverp.iol. .For particulars, apply io or address . ■ ii, ■ ■ BROWN 4: KIRKPATRICK; No. 144" Liberty street, 1 PiUsbuighr joas?u urPKNcorr. 9i WllM 4* Mi* • •“»' **** • • **■ I«ijePfiNCQTT.&BAiUi* v (LATS J.S.STIUCKfcEB&CO.) . .. , . S&Qnlactmen ot Phcenix Fire Proof Sates, Second sireiijbeivf&n Wood and Smith field. ONTuesduy afternoon, July 25, 1848, the undersigned were called upouby Messrs. Lip’f eneptt&Barr; to witness an honestahdfair lest of one oi thefr PhcenlX 'Same. .The fumacebeingpxeparedjtae Sale wovplaced inside thereof) with books* papers andsomemonev; whea tlie dbor of the Safa was closed and Ihe fire kindled at fa. iqtxafler'pasVS o?eio6k)'and in a short time the. Safe was. 'red kot,and’eontinaedliinmlfpasiB'e’cloeir,being'abbui four and a half hours, wlien-.thc oommittee : expressed their satisfaction that the time occupied withsuuh heaU was sufficient. The furnace was then pulled;down J 3pi'e cooled, and door opened—the books, paper&and money safe. The hear was so'gteat aS to meltoff mountings. VVo therefore take pleasure inTecominend ink these Sates to the public, as being, in our judgment, entirely fireproof. JARYTS ATRABUE,' .■ , i • NOCK & RAWSON,<: - - CORNWALL & BROTHER, . : " BRANNON&THATCHER, • i BENEDICT & CARTER/- *• .I. : ; • : r ISAAC OROMIE*: • I am engaged in the .foundry business, and know something about furnaces had heat. I witnessed \he burning of the above Safe, and qari freelyijay there*wa? no humbug about it, and with pleasure recommend them to the public as being,; in my judgment* entirely firer. proof, 4 '. AVIiIi KAV’E. / ‘ in,calling upon the Above gentlemen for their signa- they rllspoke in the bighestlerras of the fairness of the test, aud their full confidence of the SofeVbemi' entirelTfire-pioof. Wehaveconetmtiyonhami amifoi -sale a full assortment of the,above Safes. ■>,)■. * ; marat ■ , ; BELL &. TERRY. The Old Printlng KfltahllDhmcnt. I .(L*IKJOHKSrO»,A9TQCXTOa , Bdf..b i ;','f s ' Andßtank.Book and Stationery-, wiarekoiue, =. * tttt S. prepared to execute eve. y style of yV » --Legal, Commercial, Canal and, Steamboat-Job Printing and Book- Binding'; ;ati « Printing Office and Book .Bindery, No, 50, Third. Bteet. ’ : ' ' 1 f ‘ , '.uovlO : Wholesale And Retail. SADDLE, HARNESS AND TRUNKMANUFACTORY TkOBERTH.HARTLEY, bfegs leavetorn-, ; JSiTorni hie friends, andthe Public generally^'.Hllßjfr i hntheconunucs to occupy, that large andcom- nodious Store Room, formerly occupied by sstock & Co*, No. BQ,corner:of Diamond alley and Wood afreet, where he keeps a Urke and generar assortment Saddles, Bridies, Harness, Trunks, Carpetßags.Sadfllr Bags.ValisesVßaffalo Robes* Whips, and all otheriarti cles iivhislinei' * r,r - He also keepa constantly on hand, ana iurnishfo order, allkindßof RivetedHose,manufactured of the bestmalerialjand in a style of workmanship eauM id the eastern 1 manufacture d article, and at fif kent. ffTc^ams J^an7,er3 would do well to call and examine hisntockzbeforo purchasing elsewhere, aa heisdetenained toseßfirstrate,axticlefl.atveryi, ow , Don’t forget the place, No. 80, corner of Wood ; trcet andDiamOnd Alley. • - 1 . 1 . . , - •, ,■««» h/.tweef. Wood and Market Sts: j D o-pnT taeraitlp* ; r.- Saxtt' P dHRIVERaudCHAS. BARNES‘have this sinwrak Bi*(*E9j foriWe>'tran*ap«?“ of'«he Whole- Produce and Commission: Business,, nl 1 Nm. Second, .stwtjb-OWeAn .W^,,flnd —sni.c ■a? i l-l' l f rhi V* ; ; ,it; Wj i&i* UAJLI b-IU-A' '•3 :v ; f -v -> V : ;: - ; For'ftitiUef information 'enquire of I*.-**! «. M. HARTON, »* - Freight Agent. Wharf Boa. decgOtfm . - t GREAT CENTRAL HOJJTJfi 11 ; , THE ’ Nf ; .Through ih&DaysiaThiladtlphia \KTE- like plc&aure.ifi .announcing to f jfc®.Merchant*: ;W the Western BasiflcMCOtoho-' . him Jtbnt on and after, #fruioy f the i J.6tfrs«|>t«nfajv wo 'Vsrili receive had forward goods' via- the Central Rail roftdf hitd "bb' lor :I^ V 1 - i! Oar extensive stock, of Cars pad Boats, enable .us to. Offerthe^bbve-'eipediUbttff r irome‘t6toe J ]mblic, whilst’ ' westill codtian? jour. ;usupl f Columbia* Merchants wishing good a brought from the East with certainty and dispatch,at low rates, or'{pro*-' duce shipped there; are invited to calbon. . ; - ■" - O’CONNOR/ ATKINS & C£h, Pittsburgh, :r , ATIONS L p’CoNNofl ( ACo.,Fhiladel ? n n -: Proprietors qrVUPUliburgh'Trixnspariatioh Zine. ; OitheifoUosnti&iAgantt^hv .O’Connor A Co., 70 North strebt, Baltimore. ' E- 6 Battery'PlaceyNewYork. : EiUoU&yo'ang,l4Doanesueet,Boston. , .j sepi3tf M< ' J ~ *- v-; / FltUbtiirgh ; PoTi*hle Bdat line* f Merchant 1 * Transportation, ?TJtOR the Transportation aua PROPtrcK • -from Pittnburgh;io Philadelphia and.-Balfimoro} (via and Railroad,) xcithoia re-shippingr—Wme, Ift days. Halts of Freight always a* low as any\oiktrrespdntibU' ■.in* . - , C,A,M S ANULTY,&Co,Proprietor** '*■ ' ’*' ' ; Caiial Basin', Pittsburgh.! ' ' '. _ .i KOSE MERRILU&Co.vITaItf t j AGK - Nri, jt:ur,.'. Philad’a. - Mercbant's Way*Pwight . • , .. EXCLUSIVELY for the accommodation oT llie Wa* • Btamsssi between -Pittsburgh, ;BlairsiriUe, ; Joims-- iewn, HoiHdayaburgh, Water street, Pa.; and all inter mediate places. - v- ; , -Shippcrsby.thisLine can always depend upon having, tieir goods promptly forwarded and delivered'at ‘any point on the Canal or Railroad, at fair rates for. freight. • JOHN MILLER, Proprietor... t R. IL CANANidohnstown. • *- AcBNXb (JOHN MILLER, Hollidaysburg. (C. A: M»ANULTY &Cd M Pms. Roasting jPotUeJacUa. , XHB subscribers hare received Another small Ibl bf superior Bottle. Jacks, direct. from s war-. ; ranted to'wbrk'wklll In. preßemmg this'ntlicld'to the •noticeH3f : the public, the subscribers deem it necessary ito remark, that during the last five years they have-sold Several dozen, and as faras ,we have been able to asccr ; tain they have given : entire satisfaction J To-sffkhas do ;not' understand ,wbpt is; meant.i by a ifiojitlc.-jgekif we? ( would explain that it is machinery, resembling clock ■:workf but much'ntbre' r powerfulv 'enclosed in'a 1 brass ireme, and worked by. a strong steel spring* that itsac tion is alternate, and regulatedby a horizontal fly wheel, to-which is saspended the Joirt af beef, or any Other ibing to be.roasted; that the machine wheu r tuHy, i woun i d (up will continue'in motion for twoorlhrechours.; The Jackh ategeneraUy used with ik'sereen or a-largo tlnr • reflector. whictigteatly accelerates. Vhe jjroof of roast-- intrV Eor sale,'with'or'without screens/* * * . .!.■! • ... JOHN DUNLAP & CO., • , doedd cotn*r of .Market and Second ais. New England Live Stock Inratance Co, !■ Invariant D Formas] Dairymen and oiA'rs. ■ /barmen, llilltmen, keepers of, Liver,.Stafilesj and 1/ aU oihers owning live siock, can have their lives in sured for ihe’ smdU'preimtirn of froaf'Bflji eenuro tvre dollars each. .- ■ . . -■ ■ ■ . ■ -.■ The costio insure Cows owned b, milkmen, for one year', ! will : be abOul thlrty.fiva cents -'Wha milchoan owning.rwentl CoWB Wonld not give seven dollars to have them insured foroneyenr. . ■ C. A. COLTON, Agent, , , At the General Insurance Agency, oct2l •" ! * v " “ ddr'dth'and AVood sts., tip stalls. Bounty hand Wa™?** 1 „ THE. SUBSCBIBEH, who whs m sln; linndis niSd Missouri, in rhe.Falt of 1848,'With tlm view-ofeMimnms itherPnblip.Laiids^nndiUiTthe: months of March or AP.rUhekt.(W'iUyevis‘};tn<>ne: s V» t e» and aLo lowa, and from the knowledgehe has acoiured, beeUabledxo make the mosi favorable locationsfoyper- Sbns hbldlngLnhf'WnrranU: ' His ehafges willihhnio-- deratelo anyperson who may be pieasca tx> employ If by leueMpon.paid,) lo %UllE COCKSHfiof, ; Retebrsces— Capt.Bobert Borter, Attorney, Fifth, at* John Taylor, Pchsida'AgducyV'Sdai.,*E2hyard Attoriifey, ; hbuTtti ’Jv B. ’Guthrie; Agents Fourth Capti John -Herron* Fean at^^John 'Cartwright^Catiarv Wood su; D. T. Morgan A Co., and J. D. Morgan,Drug-, gist, WoQd-strceu 4i . r •..... '■ .1n0,v15'.3m. BountyXonclß. ’ :i '" NAYLOR, Ji0.t163 Thirds street, corner of i Vi/:Chaf>y allcyi having rnads Wash-: I ngton for toe purpose, \yill procure Bounty Lauds for ■ the officers and soldiers, their widows and ctutdreny.under ihe'Botthty lidadL Hill, passed September29t!r, 1850. ' • ■ Pittsburgh, October 10. • • * Bdunty ljcmtlß. . , ... "k :jfcßA&GtijlKNTSliavi»ff been made betweefr ibo .A. undersigned and E. B, GaAYson, Esq., of Wash*' inetori City, (late of the Treasury Bepartuuait,) for; the nutpose, thoituidotaigned wilFprocuto Botmty Eanda, for the officers and so|diera, their wfd«ws,aud children,, under the Bounty Band Btll,;passed, September SSth? 1850 • JAMES F. KERIi. Ati'y. at Law, oci22 • dtii st- bet. BmlthSeld and Cherry alley- - Bounty X*anfl--Soiaier»’ Claims. " fflEundorsiiriicdiontihties'thehhsmess WAgitient 'SeWiOT’ and tßdowj’ Ciaimsfof Bimn(plEo)td;and Pensions. Office On Fourth street, opposite theMnyot’s ■ toceMtlml , : jOHS.B. GOTOKtE. Scotoli Whiskey, • ■nTABBANTED PURE—Price SBjSS per VV Cl'Jc. per quart. . For sale by MORRIS A HA WORTH, iatheUiatnond. , [decs James L*. Horboch, - ■: - RECTIFYING DISTIEEER, ; ■-■ ASi» SEALEB-ra; :'( ' V‘; -.f: - ■ ' Foreign and Domestic Wince, Liquors, Cigars, tyc., No: 107T.lherty.iit. comer oC.Bsrkei’iuMlty, ,TiovlOl , ~. . .... fuuburgh, Pa. OKBIS A-HAWOtH’H, !«>■ ca ?, l ■thß »i»mond.3,:TEj„lhe« 5Uc. Tni ’<»*«><& ffftfld. . l ucl V._ . ; UIDULJvHUBERTS, Mivmty alZaw OUico rto. V 132 SmiMcld str«eS beraecn I'llih and Siith.. . atlondcd to—spocml auenlio giveiyloCtinYeyaueiPi;. ' [uecjay s3>ri»teWP«w«M» *'£ cxoclloat'orlteio' of book and new. liki auo, ml,.blue.and from Dm manufactory 01 , H c ■'■■■■■ Printer, Booksellcxanil Stationer, ; ■ , -*tiov3t>] , cnmen'of Martffttnd Secondsts. •¥» OLf. jßOTi’liK—a bbjejfrnslt lor aalc-by,: • Jt decs ... _.i r .. , WM..DYER.. rcr>(.'-s^ L-ita ■ Cltfzeno 6t Pitiiwriwgp *' Have you sit Maa Mw.ehe:w><£A.BHovmu> gelling hia slockof-fipe Gold JK^VCI-RV?.^ . . toe'iibVpieß '. called to see Iris uasortaient andpficelSjCXOluiuin—lMa, ,l»Mi WebyisolUnsiM bsJf -: 4B» bo? ; Stop u womonv wu me too maJoaucltotMAegiegJ»wii_Ui«_mMUftcta rew at the east, »w Of Eujope, liaf out g°2°i** “® and tartejialWyrtUbfeba* joattot; OWm& •Ji2?B£SS 5 ' H an*’ ■v sn 'J OKC&L»rloa ' /OMCEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, tua.wtatfTf* P* - i. office td Pina Btreel, No.2Bl,tb«Weea Hai£*a*ot * Ind-OartUori ui sn;.i!'J-;g:“:3T-3.tWw»!; i T : s^RSafAtojß'W>'l‘mo!vthscatateofA«>lioaT<. l i i Bcelen, dec’d., (ate of Pittsburgh* bsvlus been granted to thcfiubscribqr, oil persons ’Utoebted : tosaiu " ejtttoajeieqneswdPßiakouiimedUtto psynwntitoei; „ ther of us; and all persons holding cialips against sola - estate will present themy dnly'.atit&eTiticatcu foe BCttlo*,, ment. oc*«pie4JiyisSl.44niho. . 1 ny Beelen, No.BffThirdalrteC ‘ ‘ . : .ANNirMiBEELKN, JUBitoistmtiit.''' ‘dccSStlm E.D.QA22AM, JUntintitratar. m-i**.-*'*' Central Tea oria i FSMany i tK*eeryo t ' }ro IHE finest saaliuea of Orgyrirf., BUekTßt§j. Mo cha, Jiva.aod Rio COFFEES , LbVeiingTrD. fit- : , BaSnejl and Hayapa4o fbe«tßnnc!i«i@Wa iftlioiii 1 i:■; N Se?— * Warerly Honie. ■„. «- TtTT i'lii ftliY.||i|lMllftßL 1 jttjawd*iwfr*#:*s!Big t will nsi his best efforw to keep op the well earned *od ih^S^^iPa^SS^S&SS&^ i vßenevtli ”j . ’ :■. :•: fpHE EEKEI. TEA, STORE has.beea ttmdTiad Uoa- i •1,. Fourth street toJNo ftSi-lflb. street,oao dooreast of ihßEicfiahic 'Bwilr, sdbwnbct a-ro«J*w ceivinghiiMaU Mock of ■ *' .v S ; and Hjo Coffee. >7 , , ‘ CAoioZab—Baker's BrumayCocoa, Chocolata'antlCo-'-’ / tonBheil3ii‘ t •t •' / '-k-.--, >\i -} Suj-ar—-Epvering’s crashed and pulverised, ana New Orieitils'SQffax. f " • ~v - '■.••' i Raisins,rrunc3, &q. A-JAYNES,,... .. ■ dec!4 ' -V 39 Fifth «V . ] «Cold Feet.” :■•• • /• .. ’TYrE respectfully inform our friends and tbe:pfibiic v •;Vf whosuffor from “coldfeet,’* thutvrohavejwprk-.--: ed up some vex? fine real Lambs ffpoZ Yam. into 'men’s Soeks,~which we aro satisfied will prove xnosrdurdbfe . and comfortable lo the wearer. /*■ i supply, of Under3hins.andDrawer* t of •• every qonlUy . >'• . / The Old Established Stoddng'Madafactory, Flfin st. 1 dec6 . - W.PALY&'COI* ; tT ’ %7- -”r\ To ttxc JLadles* ’ -■■..*■ 'V- \■ M irtrE HAVEISOtV FINISIIEO 2S dbVeii of :VV -fine black .Mfianiba WooI'STOOKJNuS. are softer in the wool aud-moredurabiela the tolorthan-- any .we have ,herelofore.4nade.'i;Every.iartieipi in thp ! Sock, Undershirts and JJrawfrsy.ladieslnnd. Drtdercloibiug, made to order with PUhctaaUty*u.W- The Oid fistablUhed StoekVng WahttfactdryiTinh afc : i -• . -■ lorn* MA.FFKIT• • r* • ..... J... • BX A P'JF ICT T ;,,y ; ' • 1 (Successors to the iaie firm of Jolrn Sherin A J: i 1 ' BELL AND BRASS - ..... ~ ANDMANCFAtOTREfts T - | r- - ,- •of Brass Tauctts, Steaa'and Gas i f^-L^V/^rFt-.-irTiiUocks,wuhailthe^arirnia 1 Article*•< i used m lhe .P L U MBINQ BpSI-, i S'! 1 ‘ NESSjNo'u 127 ; aridl^£imslreet ri $ ThrabtrVfj arc now : constantly on every variety of .Gnage and, Bieam Cocks, shehWare used bjr Engine bmlaersomlFlumb*- 1 iew} Gay..ChaudeliciSjuFeftdeniaj ;Pipe,Ac., Ac. t &c. . , [ttov2g Removal. ■-milE subscribers have removed from No, 57 yf£lti bv ' X occnfritfdby'JataicsMay ;No'. a 3 Watgr sl. ~ frnyS] RALE YyMATTHEWS& CP/ 1 Bown a paryii -.*•« •■_•' HAVIN G-' ! taTcetf lo- th«s Taislnctesr Of'-Mi; r£eajsmia r . Bown, WioleBaie.Gr9cerjifraiictand.CoAfootloi)“ et, would respectfully 'eoUcl: a cpuUrinance of toe pa- » iirohoge so Jibcrally bellowed •and woiUdOaHlhoatteMfon of ih« -poMic Jn.genfttal ro'- iite aiocfcof goods lcept s Equality carinqtbaenrpnsaediqthe* city. ,*•*# v^WaK t ConrccUbnary*-/P4Ckteff,. spicevm ~ f*etVesJ oila 3 Ad:, form bait orttrefratock ■now;on handjana'aU of theabovo-imicleß ■bavo , ''be6a ;, iaeieciedfroniibe . ■■_ >■ •. goodai&Atjeaboye.line,n:odaily,^rri:.^ Ea& ft? ItoUieiradvkgtagfeto giye ns a.eallf . r ■•' • rtoctl8 ~>. ' S -V. ■'■ tITTM: DALY& Co.Tlnve far sale, at IheOLD ESYAB -1 W IJSUED STOCKING MANUFACTORY, Fiili'' itreeri-beWoeh-WtXJd'BJliJUlbrlcEt s;.i- I 600 dozens of. men's i underahiris(aU wool) nil 83,00..: ■ f l 4eo a -.« . “ merino 1,00, f «•'•:- •$ >' ■ -1000' of fleecy Chamois and far lined buds*V ..f. lambs wool and silk gloves of every ai» quality, at' ■, eolor, well ndojited-lor winter weai«..; :r »■ ! dOO dozenbf ladiesblaeklambs wool .stockings, made, of lino American aha merino ‘wool, with three threads in kbels and 'feet. ; y : 'A ! MOTdozensofcKUd ten’s plaid and nov»ifanqy dtylM of wmelaalic.iops.r ’I /ewfeSfrSb £■■■.. : 75doieno£ childrens poliaSj|ack«iB,roasUU«3,iaa£&,i vjctorineaj.naitera.and boota. An inunenae .variety? of. 'the above itootfd liavelteei (ntinulacniied and *elected> iwiih ; cttte;®rdcifownliradejfiJ(id ; WiUb«rSold‘ijtt'prices 1 ;which will defy all competition: (Joarnaicopy.) ±vv i • : Central Tea Btore,' - i ■ : Comer cf aiid ATalkel Altey: f ' : . I TUST EECEM EL>, a iacgt and well seletted- lst(M!fc of: f BESU TEAS from the Inipoiiere,, coropiisißd,Uio ; jvery beat qualities of Green .and-BJacltTeasa which, ;wiu be sold on the most fcavotfamfe wholesale ettd 'retaii.' i l^B : dttennoEt r bfFainiHft3'fat < &^e'ctfiiiry , itotheaßSOftmbht. r ■[riovflj>^HENߥ r O, jjdstiU¥;/-~- • -= *'■'- T HE FALL SESSION ofthis coflT« v menee on WedncBd&y,.QpiobeT.3o»lBsQ.. ForTernu. •Ac., please Mr v Wood ‘street,and Mr: „.. :. -In-addiUoaiothetuoroagliCTKemofiJistnjctfcni-piii [sued by the Principal, as^a.cneiforby.Gpy^JohnßWa land BwHops Upfold Seniiiaufy-^Teisenie* Iconsideyauonß ■ ,ic the limited nomfaer ot ns' iroardingPupils, ; retiredaimaiioo,andespeclaily,itff fconlign . fhrofew days, and' will-be happy to'srilit on those deal ring id spb htoiniefenincbiW thstjetopl. *-. » , i in .Tns CrtT—Hon. Charles .Shaler; .John, iH.Shoenbefget.'Esq'.; Col:WilshhSnMndless; . . ’ ‘ •■ PituWfSh,'OchlerlO. ' i: ; .-j..- i - ; 6yttefc^Witfn I 'nttiS?'<3b l i^bttiiiSSlry ; i(!, i ;;‘ *:• i mHEraijacAbw hit Mends’ aid. ! 1 UiepablicythKTlls hairenwvcdw N0,38j St.Clair' iwUl'keepnltvayif'biinahtrcveTy*article ■in altr line of: bnsinessj fresK end' sweet. OyjKl*' screedsjtiln l ihi! ' shell, stewed or fried,: to salt all tastes. AljsKpn handy,. MOBRIS '&HAWQHTH»in : faanf. jn«/ rseceiYeditroßLtho .Old Country, and orar fine *ale.’> iow\for-Casb-“C-.'T i'f;• J Tii>Xj l ? ; ■•’■"■ ‘" English'? ad dingßaisins} „• ...- w , > ’ ■•'' -’Cdndied Grange and Lemon FeeTj ;r ' J * J • ' .v,v,.! nv:EngUah-M«sintd.i* »{V • «**- m'-vu , Fine-Apple Hum;., •■•<■ ‘ London Gin J 7 ' - Irish-Whiskey'/”- ;*» Also from,WejsJTo^rr, .CookinK.HaiflinaandCtirrwUij ‘•*s ’’ - Citron'Pe'eli ;v : RichGrapo Jaicoj ’ * * * 1 Cocoa and Chocolato-HM Kind*;. .: Gfoond Spfeesi .... * :< wines arid'Brandies of overyqti&lltyi fp2o r - T7RENCH POWSHINQ.PASTJEWThfi t}c>t camppsi tJT tioa Tor cleamngond removing spot* from'House Kurmtore of esrery description; v-The BppHcauwi ki «*■*»■. caedinglysimple, nndrtlie effect isJ&siaataaeoos lasting.. poll direcUonß for pse.on each.bpx, ;..*• :, : For sale at lheUnigSlore of • ‘ “ * : . t- COULTER &:jTACtfE, r "* corner of Wood *nd Third sttv: ■ rjETROLEUM—A euro 101 OPXAtUtfTCEA)*-: XT disease veryprevalent-ihis hot (br s of Cholera." Try it I For sale ky,j •, •.• • jvO KKYBEBfchTftI>OWELL;HOWdoa»I. liOßt«>A Pocket flooki - BETWEEN Diamond atfey and 108 liberty struct, with papers in it xhhi ore of aty-pnbbto Jtho owner.'-The ficder wiU recede] a f sof,h^ow^'s ° •ityrC C-'.'.'C- -•./; ,; f '-y\ : NO. " tvtf.'P? f ‘ \