VOLUME 7 DAILY MORNING POST. _ - -„ - . - • Jitiftit eindPi4blishict (iffy Aforning i (Sipsdayi szeeptict.) It, le.;-"LUA:R.P 134:-• MIDRITE-WM CORMIER or WOOD 'ARID 11ITT/115IRRLIS. , • try. mama—rive, Dollars a year, payable strictly n advao Six' Dollars will invariably be recital - ea if not ppaid w ithintbe year. Single copies TWO casts.-for sale at the Conner at-ttis 'Office, and bythe Newts Boys: .• .• Tar: SA.T . DAPIAN IIORNING POST • 4pnlilislied from the same office, on a large blanket size sheet, - at. TWO DOLLARS a - year; in ativance , single eopies vtva. CENTS: - . - *„ . ~,- I rr..No. p aper..will be tliscOntintted (unties at the' Ails. ..nretton ithe proprietor,) until alt erre &rage s are paid. ij No attention will be paid , to any' order : unless ae.- osapanted by the money. or satisfactory reference in this Conned with the Ettakitshment of the - Morning Pose it one crifte2argery Job Printing Ogees in the city whereall kinds qf work is dons ore Vie shortest not i ce, and RATES OF. ADVERTISING AGREED UPON- BY TEES PITTSBURGH PRESS. One &Mare, one insertion. 50 each additional insertion 25 ;,one week I'7s ' " • one-.m0nth...., 500 " two months. ..... •.. • • --.••-- • 7217 •t. three months. . .. . . 0 - 00 .fohr months • 10 00 sir months • • • 12 - 0 D • one ear • • Standing Card - , six lines or leis; per annum-- 10.00 ond Ream, per annum, (exclusive ,of The paper,). '23 VD - For each additional square, inserted over one month, and for each additional square: inserted under the rates hailprice. Publishers not accountable for legal advertisements beyond the amount charged for their publication Announting candidates - for:office _to be charged the same as other advertise ments. ' - _Advertisements not marked on . the - copy for: specified irurtabee irf insertions, will be continued till forbid, and 'payment exacted accordingly. Tha privileges of yearlyadvertis' ems mill be confined rigidly to.their regular business, and all other advertise mentsnot pertaining to.theit regalnrhusiness as;agreed • tor,to be paid extra. • ' _ Ail: -Advertisements for charitable insiliatiOns, tire companies, ward ; township' and tither public mietings, and such like, to be charged half price, parable sTRICTLY . -Marriage notices to be charged 50‘centi. Death notices Inserted ivithont charge, unless accom panted falters! invitations or: obituary notices, and when so accomrithied,lo . be paid for. Reg ulafadverrusers, and all others sending communi cations, or inquiring notices designed to call attention to - Fajta:SoireesConcerts; or any . pablik entertainments,. where. charges are made for admittance—all notieel Of - privatS" associ.ttions—every notice designed to call at tention to pnvine enterprises calcraated . aplyt Morris eit Ilaworth, TEd DEALERS AND IMPORTERS OF WINEST . AND IIRANDIES. East side of the Diamond Pittsburgh. J. A. COULTEit•••-•••-• • Coulter dr.-Ilacke, TITHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, cot , nee of Wood and 'third sweets, under S. Charles ititel, Pittsburgh, Pa. amyl Loesder Q. 'Acker, IarDOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS ; Commis slon.3l.erchunts, and Dealers in Produce ; corner Diamond and Diamond alley. mayl Daniel Youngman, urousE, SIGN, D ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, AA, Liberty street, opposite Hand. All work neatly eleeuted. ,Orders punctually attended to. [lnarda:y - Liquor and Grocery Store, -- BSTERN ec BRO.,Wholciale and Retailers Of Liquor sof all kinds. Flour, Bacon, C.OIIDUMUY on .band. No. URI . Liberty street, between Fifth anti St, Cluirstreets. . untr22;6m -z. C. 11.elslnger, Wells 41, Co. OF GREEN GLASS WARE, .I,TJL Pio. 27Markes strea, Pist.sburg/t . , Pa., keep constant ly on hand and make to order, all kinds of. Vials, lkittles, tee.; Porter and Mineral Water f3ottl es, of supertor.qual lay. Particular attention paid to private moulds. [nv2oty •ldmlggration I.IIIC a. TAMES BLAKELY, Agent for the Black Ball and ltr Black Star Lines,Liverpool and New York Packets, and for the Philadelphia and Liverpool Packet Ships, Penn street, Pittsburgh. fehn • DI. D. PATT.ON, (Soccessos: To J. S. Borissi S Co.) Wholesale Grocer. Rectifying pi/tiller, ' sum DEAlua ' FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS CIGARS, F UITS WINES , UT , ,S, 1&z Liberty street; Pittsburgh. • ap3 , George Boole, Jr., AirANUFACTURER OF BRUSHES, Virtiouxum nrro LU. Bsra.m, No. 75 _Wood soca, Pitiaburgh, Po: Con stantly on hand, a general and extensive assortment of Am.llNnsof BRUSNES, at the lowest Eastern prices. N. B.—Machineßrushes, &c., made to order at the shortest notice. . • - mar3o:y L. 5. WATEIOLLSI.• rf • WA:1E10E11C • • • W. 8.. WATERMAN •,-13AMCIEL FALMER irS; . iheitteln garbs. OSHUA ROBINSON, Agent for Hamden , Co.'s Litte of Paratti, - Fllth st., one door below Wood. febt ILL 4 ASS JAWC.SON J Patent Medicine Depot' 89 Lib arty street, head of Wood. . febl, DELANY, Fashionable Meting Store, No, 49 Lib t.erty. street, - - febl 00N , la SA.RGE T, N-E corner of Wood and data Hoe AIRS '& SON; Bankers and Beak:sue Exchange Coin and Bank Notes, No. 65 Market street. tcbl ICTOR , SCRIBA, Bookselter,=:Stationer, oak -*mks, Fin street, between Weed and Market. -,tan7 L.. S. Waterman elr, Song, "V[7IIOLESALE GROCERS, Commission and Por i! I warding Merchants, Dealers in all kinds of Pro duce and Pittsburgh Manufactured Articles, and Agents for sale of Richmond and Lynchburg manufactured To rnar4 705/113. B.110DES• -• • •-• • -•-• •• • •-• A.NSUUTZ • 'JOSHUA atiooms & WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FOREIGN FRUITS, Nuts, Spica, Cayce:km(ln,, Sugars, Cigars, , 4 1 -c., 4(c. N 0.6 WOOD. MIGHT, EAST OWE, READ WATER, Stall PITTSBURGH. CARL A. Z. STUAIIT THOMAS U. SILL. ST VART ift,TBILL, . GROCERS; AND PRODUCE CORDISINON MERCHANTS, No. US Wood street, Pitisburgh t Pa.- DEALERS IN GROCERIES, Flour,, Wheat, Rye Oats, - Corn, Barley, Pork, Bacon, Butter Lard; Cheese;•Clover Timothy and Fax Seeds; Iron: &a. Particular attention paid to the sale of Western Produce. Rzemuncts-rtlessrs.Myers':& Ranter, Robt. Dalea & Cti,Earaptott,§mith & Co., King & bloorhend,McGills & Roe, James May, Pittsburgh; Fenner & Massillon; Jos. S. Morrison, Esq., Et. Louis sep26 _ Walter P.• Marshall, (Successor to Samuel C. 1111 F,) utiiarsa AND DEALER IN YIIITCH-AND,_ADIENICAII. PAPER HANGINGS AND BORDERS, Window - Shades, Fire Board Prints, Re. Atro—Writing, Printing and Wrapping Paper, No. 8d Wood street between Fourth et. and Diamond alley, west side, jai* Yettsbnrgh,Pa. .7110DIAS WOODS. SAMUEL WOODS 1 , ..w000s & SON, • ,PRODUCE DEALERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS; 1810 ' No. 61 WATER , ST= k.T, FOTSIIO Egli: • • . - • SAMUEL P.- SURIVEM.- WROLTESALB G R . O C:E R; PRODUCE' AND' COMMISSION MERCHANT, , , ._Asto maim as rrrrustrusat asarrosacrinip Airriu4s, .p5.•130 and 1.32 Semler at., barsofin,s Woolf and Smitlifickt Pittsburgh., - ' ' 13V. Sitliektoti; )LiATE Johiteton 'Ecr Siackicin, BOOPLSRLT.qa, ATA • - • TIONER;PRIN. TER and BINDER; corner of Mar• et end 'Phtni streets, Pittsburgh, Pa.- • - = - /Y:ttlf JoIIN 3.•TINIOMDT. , '•-- t ' .2‘. , KENNEDY-`& H LETP , Strocsseous TO TORT to KHOX. Wholesale and. Retail .Deatereirt, - Watehes, Teinary, Ware,Fancy and vc ',Tiers( mock Baskets, Combs, 4.e. N 0.94 Market streev between sth st. and the Diamond. ire" Clocks, Watches and Jewelry,neatly repaired. - Yittsbnoth, August 20,-19511. 11,EILL_Z/Vl 4 .lll.'S'lr. atto.KEa.-- - • . FLENAY, W... FISH' ' - - ' HAS ' j iiiiitritn Office at the corner of Smithfield and ri iitreeta, 'Pittsburgh, known as the ' “Great Bargain eR el' "and . will devoe his entire time and at-- tentionto 6 . i9c ar e, Sate and Ezchange of - Real M -3414'111 city and ccontry. - ;. ', - From Ms aeoritUtritance c iiith the ' bu s iness , he hopes to satisfy all who tiny favor hinswitli Agencies in their line of business: = '.. . . _ . Thompson Bell, • ' Ira B. Berney, H./LAl , Callough, John P. Perry, • Geo: P. - Gillmore, . Wilwarth, .T. K.. Bloorhead, • Capt. William Ward, Thos. Howard, , . NV. O. Lanlie. - • EleplUty. . , Jonss.lll.,Tersonsosidr • • TVLUGGIST :AND APOTHECARY,' N0.,45, tilasket Ay street, three doors above Third,Pituiburgh,will - have -constantly On hand a well selected nssertment of thebest and freshest Medicines, which: he will sell on the most reasonable .terms. • Physicians sending orders will be promptly attended to, and suppplied with articles they may rely . upon as genuine. . • t• Physicians 'prescnptionsyrill be accurately and neatly prepared from thei best materials, at any hour of the day or night. ' - also, for sale,a large stock of fresh and good FEIIE-11- !SERI ' . • dean ... . Q. !PINGS!, CNNNINGIIAZ • .4 Pittsburgh City - Giuss Works. " W. CUNNINGHAM /z CO, IVINDOW GLASS, No. 26 Market stria, betwitn First and sccaru 11W- Pittsburgh, Pa.' Partici:der attention paid to odd sizes. Also, Dealers in Flint Glass, Vials, Bottles, Ur 2:ly BOWX & TETLEY, PRACTICAL CUTLERS, SURGICAL AND UENITAL Instrutnewt atom trfacturera, N 0.140 Noon !rmine, Imam Vutom &Mit. lITE have removedour store and Manufactory from Irlf Liberty street to the above carried place, for the purpose ofhaving more convenience for manafacturing, which we intend going into extensirely. 'orders In our line will be attended to witlipunttuaiity and dispatch. lobbing and Rnpairing neatly done and promptly CV,. • A'gfide" of Hardwast and Culfrro we will always' reWind,, and sell it at tbo &war prices,— We a ped a find lot of Gaiu,•Pubsti and Reinater:r, saull - Hair Dressers , Siware,and otber Coed, nn Hardware Stout. Timers, rurricra,llatteriand.Saddlens' Toots made to order; Rerdrs Gronpd and.Handicil, Pea Hinder - pot in, fr.e.; Guns and Pistols repaired,ftce.,4o. - N. ILL. Partieular attention paid to manufacturing Trusat itSti 'porters. deellni • - igatt s k f or' . OS E - 2,11 D..ABELL, ,atanathimamt °aim= ar.aaserattr.; mate, torti-iat -and Alinerat Wait,. Patent ;• moioarnsd,Trbte gado, szt tray thrseriptioo; 4 . Also--WINDOW GLASS-- • ' i Xeepscanataattyna hand a general assortment of the , aboveardeles.. • fa" ..11S the other. titeeu raetoTies are all stopped, as is the east= in suinutei., tail Fargrry lOW in full sper:alusn, and wilt cantinas snoptrasian 6atit slues- Ortientli2okftilly iittd will be ftliedat the shonest notice. - IYankaust, N 0.112 Seven I attea, between ;nod anti Stul4ful l 4 unite. • JOILN QclAir• • • • • yrs. T. ar 111101 - ...la. G. TaJAT. UWE undersigned again beg leave to inform the citi nests of Pittsburgh and the public in general, that MeV have now on band and aro constantly manufacturloa, from entirely new and improved patterns, comprising- in part the lutes; improved PRElillUbl COOK 'STOVES, for Call and likewise Obt Wood; four sizes of the EN TERPRISE COOK STOVE, and font sizes or that rele• brated Coal. Cook Stove called the STAR OF TEE WEST, and a great variety or other Stoves for Coal or Wood. Fancy PARLOR STOVES. of the rich; rt and ma.st ticantinil design-s. Fun and Pfau Arms Stair;; together with a general assortment of hollow Wpm ; rat from neer and improved pattern*. Ground Wri-on and Buggy Bozos, Sad Irons„. faag4t,ra Grates and Fender, doff' hvery thing 41. the , house building line, always on hand or made 16 ardsr,— Purclub:e pi arc respectfully invited to Can and examine oar stock before buying elieirtieen, at the aid atdiW, vat• err iiii-veath and Litieny atraet.i, mad CEIJECV. IdeURIDHE a. CO . fk; tmuumuttarrvii7: ituobisTiJurtms veZt- A 3 lags, Fourth atrra—Ftocsn t Armory, Daguetterc typists tram the Eastern cities, - would call the sac talon of the inhabitant s of Pittsburgh, and the neighbonog towns, to their Daguerreotype of cittzetis and others, at founts in the third a tail , of flurke's building, 4th st., Persona 'wishing pieturet taken mu) rest assured that no pains shall be spared to produce them in the highest perfection of the art: Ourinstruments are of the ittost poor. erful kind, enabling us to execute picture* udsurpaAnied for high finish and truthfulness to nature. The public are solicited to cell and extuntne, Persona dining for picture's a rs neither renuirre.l or es • pected to take them unless pmt astisiaction N. U. Operators will find till+ a pod poll tot stock and chemicals. 1.1:r Instructions given in the sit, containing the more recent Improvements. jan7 _ . AFULTON, Bel and Eras,: bonder, has rebuilt and • commenced business at his old stand, No. 70, Se cond, between Market and Ferry streets, where he will be pleased to see his ohl customers and friends. Church, steamboat, and bells of every slip, from 10 to 10,000 pounds, cast froth. patterns of the roost approved inottels,wrul warranted to be of the best materials. Mineral Water Pump . ; Counters, Railings, &c., together with every variety of I.frass Castings, if requir td, turned and 'finished in the neatest manner: A. F. is the sole agen t for L'abbitrs Anti-rlaraction Mo w, so jaWy celebrated for the reductioa of friction in machinery. The boxes and composition eau bo bud of him at all times. novl3:y =I! AITILLIAM THUVILLO, Undertaker, Fifth street, tra mediately opposite the Theatre, respecrfully in forms his friends and the public in general, that he has resumed his business as a Furnishing Undertaker, 110 is supplied with and always keeps on hand Collins of all sizes and kinds, Shrouds, and ail other article* necessary on such occasions. Silver plates,ice boles, and leaden coffins will be sup plied in order. A fine hearse and cal riage always toady to attend funerals. sepdthly WM. ALEXANDER lc SONS. ..Caring .01/1 Faantsruna Alsinzurszzas, corner of Penn and „ Sr. astir ste, opposiu Exchange • .l l , • " 1 :` Hoist, Entrance on Fenn tr., res. pectfully inform their (ricotta and the public, hat they arc prepared to furnish and attend to everything in the line of Undertakers, as they have quit the business of Cabinet Making, and their attention will be devoted altogether to the above business, keep a large assortment of COFFINS made lend finished, cover ed, and lined in the neatest manner, with a variety o. materials, and at all prices; wo keep SHROUDS ready made, of all sizes, of Flannel, Cambrie, and Muslin, at till prices, and made in the eastern style, and all other articles necessary for dressing the dead, and furnishing funeralli, of quality and price to suit •, SILVER PLATES or engraving the name and age; ICE CASES for laying the body in ice, by those who wish to keep their frlends any length of time, and have ZINC PANS to put lee in for laying on the body; LEADEN Coffins always, on hand. We have a splendid new REMISE and a pair of fine horses,,and any number of the best carriages, etc., etc., and will be prompt, punctual. and reasonable, augl9-y AirONONGAHELA PLANING mu.L.—Jazus 13l utoma would respectfully inform his friends and the public, that his now establishment is now in full opera tion, and that he is prepared to furnish Boat Cabins, and fill all orders for Planed Lumber, with promptitude,and nt the lowest rates. Board and Plank, planed on one or both sides, eon stonily on hard. Sash, Doors and Mouldings, o !every description, made to order. kluilders and Carpenters would find it to their advan tage to give him a call, as he can now furnish them wit' plonked - stuff:suitable for every description of work. National Hotel, Pittsburgh. Situated on Water Street, opposite the Landing of the Brownsville Steam Packets.- THIS House having undergone a thorough repairidg and fitting up, both inside and out, the subscriber. is determined to use every exertions ni his power to make all comfortable that think proper to call with him. The Table will be always supplied with the best the market affords. The Bar will be supplied with the best and choicest liquors: Attached to the house is a good stable, attended by a good Hostler. JAMES REAMER. Jy2l) Ala.= DROWN. • W. C. COMULLY. BROWN'S HOTEL' , CORNER OF REITHEIELD AND IRD STS., Pittsburgh, Pa. BROWN to CONNELLY, PROPRIETORS. N. B —Good Stabling attached to the twine. HOTE - b. TARR/OA:11N OLD STAND.) m rp subleri et having leased the above well know and excellent establistment, is now prepared to en terrain his friends and the traveling public generdlly,in the best manner and on the most reasonable terms. His TABLE will at all times be supplied with every delicacy of the session and his Bar with the best of Li quors. llis stabling;is - very extentive i.and every arrange ment has been made for the"accommodation of Drovers. WM. CLAWSON. SAPERA II3B-20 boxes prime in store. • nov2l, ' . STUART & SILL fl AS.—Just.receivr-d, a splendid assortment ofGae 113 r; Chandeliers,.four* two , and one 'burner; also,. Brackets, single-and double; . Solar Lard Lamps, for Parlors,Churches L galls,- Steamboats :and Stores in large' vaziety. of Cornelius & - Co's'unrivalled .make, also, globes, chbuttie 5 and Nially gams or dozen. .'- ' - _W . W, wn,sorr, - cor Martin to Four* ate' s - ... -rir•~t:,>'. ' t ]'::.. - :;IiITT'SBITROI.t;',:'...::TU:,R§I:4I.(; . _';':-'::,'.T:A.V - 44T 1 '.::::*.;. 1 , -. 1.5.41 - ;.:: ilaineys,tarps.- Nov Books, kstr; _VW 00 VW Books• • , A T HOLMES' Literary Dept, Third, street, opposite 'Jest, the PoetOtHca- Henry &neaten; a:Jacobite:Story of :the Reign of George I. By G. P. IL JamestY4cl.; - . - 12 , The Duchess : 'or Wontan'e Love and Woman's Hate —a novel; 4 ' • - • __ - 7. Shannondale : a novel. ' By qrs. Southwards ;• ' Olivia 'a novel: Oa the anther of " The Ogilvies;" Home Influence: &Tale for -Mothers -and Daughtem: By Grace Aguilar r. , 'filetherhs Reeompenie. °ince Aguilar ; Banker's 'Hagar:me (O'r J11.13114*:; - . ' Whig Almanac for 1851; N0.,1 of the American lllitmitiaied edition of the \Va.! verly novels. - . Rew Books! BCW -Soaks „ . , WALL; No. BS Fourth street, has just received the •ifollowing.riew works -•- • : L• /tell Brandeft; or the Withere4l Pig Tree. "The Prize. °Vol, for which the Sum of three hundred dollars was Shannondale. By Mrs. SotilhWorth--author of Retri bution; Deserted , Wife; etc.; - • - - Denry_Stneaton; A Story of the reign of Georges the First, up G. P. IL/times, t" - • The Duohess, or NVoman'is Love Mid Rate ; ' The BitakTulip. By Alexander Dumas; Self Deception, or the Ifistory . of the Human'Heart. By Mr:1;011s, , • ; Boston Shatspearel Nos. 300431; Livinge, 341 ii • - • • ' Democratic 'Review for January; Greeley's Whig. Almanac for znat Life and Ezplotts of Bristol Bill, - the notorious bur lir ZVI _ t ° r...NRY MINER ar CO.; filts,o2 Southfield Street: street: posit* Brown's Hotel, have received the following games for February , Godey's Lady's Boot ; •_!,* G raham's Magazine ; - - Sartain's' Union Magazine Peterson's Ladies' National Magazine. A new volume of all the above magazines commenced with the January number; and - ohs advise those desiring :to sUbStribelo eat at cure nriho Cheap Publication Stale of ijal.9l, lIRI4RY MINER te CO: liworea =mite. - - MEM NEW CARMINA SACRA,•or 'Boston Collec t tioa of Church glusicickoMtlitAS - ing the most popular Psalm and Hymn tunes to general nee, together with ,41 great variety of new tunes, Chattrits, Alaims and An thetas; the whole being one of most complete col lections of mole for choirs, congregations, singing schools and eacietles Chant: By supply of Oho above receive-44nd for sale by n2O JOHN H. 141.14L0ft," St, Wood st. . Bl.clakCal Instruments and Blaules - oft " . . - THE OLD ESTABLISHED PIANO Duo?. C. i3LattE, haw F. , .lllatue, rio HY Wood street, Pittsburgh, Palma, • - tWO debts above Fifth sole Agent for the celebrated Hamburg-Pianos, unequalled by any, with felt-covered hammers, producing a full, rich and mellow tone; Intl not liable to wear hard i 'idso,'Planot and Ale lodeons,tiom the most celebrated eastern inanufsciat era, of warranted kinds always, on lisind. Constantly on tiand,a largo iiiisdrtineat of Musk: iota -illarldkl !nitro- Enema, suet as Violins, AeoarcloOns, Guitars, noales, Tamborines, Flutes, Wes, Druaik,Fliigeololts, Clarioi.- cue. Uritss instruments of every, description; Violin or Guitar Cases; Siting* for all instrameats, of the best kind; finger boards. smarter's, frietr,:matars i in struction books for all instruments , cleCoud band Pi anos taken in part pay . for new truest aim, rented to per who can ghee satnfichon forpay mem. . A large lot of Bora*ciod on hard, wluelt will be surd cheap. - R. C. STOCKIIIO, .. . - it.fg.• .11ituton 4. gmel-fon.) _. tt, DOOltilillftr, 6 tatiODOr‘ Printer It tilliot, olyouLD tespettfalby milt* its nueition . of - Aler chants con:lorhern. to bin lam and scot nor stock fLANK tiflOrt4,toOlirriort. 0 f tritY //ooktdonarils, !J0:1g0r...1 wrote t,eattr,r3rdet . laid Lorry Book.. of tt cry rite, midi of the tPe53 piper, cud bound in tilercost du !able cannot!, ribitb be offers fa rtiCe a tut cannot fail to ere nattrinction. Maui Boot!. toted aid bound.to nay - given partici. Printicg: of oven' dercriptiou tie. eaten itich MT auxrut sad throat - eh, -i No-47 Market rt. 411 , 3 rcr Stoctr. or Ploaaoit. foili otiN n. MELLOR, N 0,16 W&Ni tt. has Imo are r ived A nv.v sind gplE:lditi tat of PIANOS, ndw urtrn and ready far Icale. : . dec3l tionsian Stelae*. A LOT or ratnq ROMAN STniN(irl for rioricri at,, b:•-vr just lirru 217z:iced try t t rubtrairr. craigs *Tr from tba =wit althre44 turlary ih thole are lout thread.: arallnit iraltilb t orbil for titarily• Or lzirtil *rt. rot, toriber's agent haring purrlivird ibr abor,'• lar 'hit* at the Forloryi, thq• ara WarnirliCA Li!rriOf any thing of the kind ever edereti in thin eetairs , . it. Mite (turd,'; 'bap. ?.. lUI Third Wert. Ni..171---•Niorr *peeing n rpictidist *ere lot eit Nunn & I.lturli't 4114 Duraturu', Lti . . VorrlgnNAwsp ape w . • rimr,rubreribtr 4": aultalStittcl is tr.relve mll,,crip• Hoax !at all it,!, I.ltt h n Tiallii,Vicekly and, 'fu Weakly paprra;l:4l.l.A. flail, Lersll, Manciwattr, Netweastl, i'itteatel.l,•and 11.1nvin , oal pipets', Itith p).prqs at autAtT., Cock, BeEiaal, Lienerwt, t 4 .2ateh paper+ ar tlain bargb, mws.leen. fila•r,ave, Eteti:h and German pi41 ,, t4 J071117:t ROMNSON, I'.ittOrtill , l Ag 4 .411. ;CS l'c"t near tVi..0.1, fiat*, Cops and Ittrarn. cansLliatn.)nd auy, SNUTIJ story. 14 °PM:Ks hui cuinuniera an.l :Lc pabliz au entirely new. and freAli .tock i3l Hata, Caps and Micini,in great variety, inami• - facture:4 'lad sttected Lamb cars refervilett Itt price, ttyle and quality, in Niew York city. nail will tie eared at thalowtat rates al . prcirrit low prices:Wilt - kit:- vale and Rawl. (tied:lnt _____ _ • ____ Spring Wastilon Lints. ___ ir Tuts beautiful style of lIATS for Spring and i `Summer WeIIT Will by introduced VIM DAT at Un '..°l Wood street, third door below Fifili ,t. futabini G. W. (11,AS'SSOW. NO. Ina WOOD STRCHT. **ALL FASDIIONS Deceived at the OLD stand of G.W. 1 5% DI.ASSGOW. Beebe x Cola 75111 ai) le of Ital. far. I9L'O. TllO3O in want of a good Hat or Cap,at tinail advonge abote cost (or CaPli, will please cal at N 0.1013 Wood street, eat( side, third door below Pia!, irrcer. oug'4l:4nt Public Attentlosa It respectfully tnritut to the lollatrinrmiths, art forth in relation to one of tho moot important Iternooics of mod orn times PETROLEUM OR ROCK OIL T is not more than one year ago since this great rem edy WAs brought before the public, for the relief and cure of disease. Its great powers to heal, have, since then, become fully appreciated by the community, and we allege that the longer it is tried the mare certain will its great fame spread. It is not the remedy of a. day, got up for the role purpose of making money • but, one, which we conceive, will continue to be need when all nostrums have -beer. forgotten. The PETROLEUM Is n Natural Remedy, elaborated in the depths of the earth by wpower and agency that laughs to scorn all human competition. It Is our duty, when we write about a methelne, that we write , 'cairns—that we say nothing calculated to deceive those who may trust our-word or put confidence in oar statements. The sick are very apt to catch at any thing that promises relief from dis ease. A story can hardly be too highly wrought to an. ewer the object of Olinger humbugging some of them. Now, we do not desire to do this; we are anxious only that the truth in relation to our Remedy should be told, in order to secure for it a reputation far exceeding, any single article of the materia nudica. Plain, unvarnished facts—facts that may he ascertained in our own city and neighborhood, bear ample testimbny in favor of the Pe troleum. Within the past two months, two of oar osvn citizens, who were array blind, have been restored to sight. Several cases or blindness, in the State of Ohio, have been cured. And, also,the ease of agentleman In Bea ver county. There are others ; but these cases are near home, and may be referred to by any persons who may have double on the subject. These casessvero Cured af ter they had been abandoned by physicians as hopeless- The Petroleum will cure, when used according to dlrec, tions;—Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Piles, Rheumatism, Gout, Neuralgia, Eruptions on the Skin, Pimples on the face -Chronic Sore Eyes, Ringworm, Totter, Scald Bead. pains in the bones and joints, old sores. Ulcers, Wens, Tumors, Scrofula, Cancer, Spinal irritation, Fever and Ague , Chronic! Coughs, Asthma, Bronchitis; andel{ Pul monary affections of a chrome nature, tending to pro duce CONSUMPTION.: Burns and. Scalds, diseases of the Bladder and Rid._ nays, Chapped Hands, Excoriated Nipples, Corns and Bunions. I n fact, iris a MUT UNIVERSAL REMEDY, and has been tried in most of the aboVe diseases within the past year with the most perfect Success. Certificates them to the afflicted or that will astonish are In the hands of the proprietor, who will take pleasure in showing their Mends. - Whatever others may say Omit their medicines, the Petroleum is the 'greatest Remedy of the age: Phy sicians of high standing in the profession are beginning to use It in their practice. Those who at first looked on with doubt and uncertainty, are willing 10 . award it due praise and consideration. Before another year rolls round, all will be- compelled to acknowledge that the Petroleum is the greatest medicine over discovered, - - For sale, Wholesale and Retail, by . - KEYSER & M'DOWELL, . -140-Wood street. Also—R. E. Sellers, 57 Wood, street; D. M. Curry, D: A. Elliott, Joseph Douglass, Allegheny City. Also, by the Proprietor, S. M, KIER, Canal Basin, 7th street; Pittsburgh. • - Ground Feed. 'Vr are now constantly grinding teed for horned Cattle and Horses, and- assure • Milkmen, Lively Sta le men and Feeders generally, that we can supply them with an article of " Chop " which they will find better and cheaper than -any - thing •of the kind everof• 'fared in, this market before. We have " put up" the best set of machinery, for.the above purpose ever keen %Vesta the Mountains," And have made arrangements for a supply, of Grain that will enable us to furnish the manufactured article in abandance and at low prices. We have also constantly -Ort'qtand,' of - OUR OWN •MANUFACTURE, Oil Meek Coro 'Meal, Oat Meal, MUM Barley, Rice Flour, oasted Coffee. Mustard, Ground Cinnamon, do Cloves, do 'Allspice, do Pepper, doGinger, do Cayenne. All the above articles we war-. rant. RHODES IVALCORN, Safi 3d st..; opposite the St. Charles Hotel. tinigr(ition r- s I Agenty IliffetooC,Lines of Packet Ships. 1) PASSENGER OF:F10E, ,A • • '4,4' 1 205 ranur ,rr prrrantrtcau. Far P. Ir. BYRNES 4- CO, 83 Saughltriet, New York; 36 Waterloo . Road, Liverpool; and 65, U!avier street, -J ew:Orleanq ;- .--. • ' - 1101rAS..A. LINHOPPACtr:EPS sallineiVeiVfivedays. from. Liverpool•to New York.'; a .ILin&of:Packets from Liverpool to Philadelphia, on the...HIM of each month; aLitteof Padkeis to flaltimbre on. 114 gOth o. eneirfinonet , Also=ma Line:of Packertst on theeth and 94th of each month from London and Portsmchath to New York, . • ALSO.-Drafts at eight alwiyisontand, for any - amount, at the; lowest . ,rates ,of discount And' 'given COncernms passengers, that -can be given with PleaSnrern their Agent; JOHN THOMPSON, iat} • WSLibertrif.; Pittsburgh. • la.toaciArrattgaratuts.. LINE OF : PACKETS ' piaLADELF , HIA. • . • • • . 4 TO SAIL FROM LIVERPOOL Cis ihir 'Eighteenth day of terry 'Month. JANE H. , GLIDDEN, kribmse Child, 700 tons•lsth Nov , . JAMES BROWNE, Arthur Chad; 1000 ton s• •18th Dec. GONDAR, J . , 0. #a mow, 650 •tone— ... •. • —lBlll-Jan. NEW SHIP; —, 850 tone—. • •• • • ••• • •.• .4.BthFeb; 'O. lO aibovrt ships are built of the.best mitterialcand af ter the most tipProv.Pl:model4. , for swiftness, ,combined with titemodern improvements for the comfort of pas se ege rsi •I'hole commanders are datnia known ability. These_ packets will take advantage stf steam tow booth tip thtfikslaware. - •Also ships , astilitig weellq lion! Liver Pool to ticer Or leans. Passengers can got uplink river cheap through For terms'et Second Cabin end Steerage isaesage, ply to or address by letter (post-paid), • • -- P. w. BYRNES &CO, • " ' 83 South etreet,New 'fink - , 38 Waterloo Mean , Liverl'e° l 4 or to 'JOHN VIIONIPSON, • - . nee t;.l:3rn 203 . ,Liberty street, Pittsburgh;. Liverpool and ,Philadelphio.reicßets, Sctttin 1 from Ltrevoci on -the Eighteintitof tacit Month. Ship Jane H. Glidden, Capt. Child, Nov, 18. " James Browne, Child. Dec. 18. ." Gondar, " Barstow, Jan. 18. u new, Glidden, Feb,lb. 'These ships are Of the largest cites. 'rho accommo dations- for second'dabin and steerage Passengers are unsurpassed for comfort, and the days of sailing wilt be punctually adhered to, Prim:rt.-steerage Passage 823..- Certifientcs good for 13 months, or the money refunded if the-passengers do not enabark, Apply to DAVIDIIL.IS2,4IJOUR-,, - at John Watt & Co.'s,Ld liberty stied. Drafts for any iinlocitli given upon the Ulster -Banking Company and Branches, the itoyal Bank of Ireland. or Spooner, &moods Urokers,'Ltandon. Inovt9f3in Ponzsow PASSUNCirdi OPFICE. ISUTP AHD I4'lso.com . 34AND.v. 4 it A g.t: o dr; C Waal:are appointed the trthwerileer Atentlier their unri walled Linea a :ships from tiivetpool to New -York Philadelphia and Boston. . Let thy Friends of n01p2.11111 be careful to have their arraugernenta mailo according ta the row Prortriorriate, and takeno mane receipt, Without haying inserted otbetwiro they will have to pay In Liverpooi,be fore they , 1 he following ie tht list, according to law: I} fir, Bread, K 6s. Ilea or Pork, ‘. Flour, al pint Vittagltr, " Oatmeal, - 112.1 , ugarc o lime. I Molasses, 6`- “ Palliqi", - .; 4 - !Z Olt. Y., _.,. With three quart. of Water per day, and sanzetena for Cooking. - The "eabonee and rooting ranges for the'ose of Pas se.ntera, ere kept undercover. flyer"' natation will be paid to prottow their health an/comfort flank of I:4l*nd Notes nod Entrtgti Exchange par closed at,ourrtot rates. •Dettlx, Legafic.". Penriorss, &c., &c, collected, and eoples of Will?: p roeured, as ,Ilt :very nth:er tiu.ti fm 3l can neeted with rut European Ageot_ . . \- . ."' - itt3llllA fIOiIiNSON", 1- • , . - .Eeroptun -Agent,- np I Pot!: Bulldio F;F. . cornexof Fifth and WOO4llO. -----------..----m--- - -11.50 ' ItEIMITTANCES :-• :.."--- c ' - en - ,! .7'.441 As , .. ", ~ ANIL - "' ' iRFSAWD, • 300 - I.LAND, • - WALES, ?NANCE, and . .., - ttERNIAbiI - , To a‘. -- ,v amount,. t,y. . Joshua lloblisisou, rteopeats Agent, Post Buatctings.cor. Effs-dx clad fraud vs tw OVE.ItrOOI. AND I'IIII.ALPA . -•%;,•ao Ti; °.4il 01* tsrh , and Pool tiverpost ors rAt 26.* of sa-i4 mons', sittrs AV RAJA Id F'W.0.14 1,00010,14 " Ilthattais, ',tart c Put LatialeUie. ../14 0 0 " KALAX4.IOO, 1.000 111CHARDSON nitantr.A...s C. eck, Agent-. Nos. It! and 13 Tower Uall4in Liverpool. 111011ARDSON, WATSON... S'O., Agerai. No, Chestnut street, Philadelphia sulmeribers, Agents tar the above lone of did new Packet Ships at this City, or.: prepared to, furnish passage- eritifientes iii . patues remains in tits. C.)111111,1 .ho 111 ay be desirous or sending for their friends, 10 cult out hy either oil the above Ships.. They hre ritso prepared to Truitt money to uny part 01 the Old Country by sight drafts on the Malik of lreland and Branches, and Cu Alessi'. itieliardsooTirothers d;-Co., Liverpool. For prirlientars, apply W. or address BROWN nov2 No. 114 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. iaSrrli tirrosecrrx. wst. c. lisrlioNfilOOTT fS BARR, • (liarit.J.S'.Sramssaa& co.) •• Aluminium of Film& Fire Proof Solee, &and ttrtst, Otnaten Woad and Smidificlil. AN Tuesday afternoon, July 24, le4h., the undersigned were culled upon by Messrs. Ltpr cncott k Barr, to VeIIUCKII au honest and late test of one (3, their Phoenix Safes. The furnace being prepared, tee Sale vita, placed inside thereof, with hooks, papers and some money; when the doo r of the Saffa was closed and the fire kindled at:. quarter past X o'clock, and in a short' time the Safe was red pot, and continued till half past 6 . o'clock, being about (our awl a half hours, when the committee expressed their salisfaction that the time occupied with such-heat was sufficient The furnace war then pulled down,Safe cooled and door opened—the books, papers and money safe: The heat was so great as to melt oa,the brass mountings. Wo therefore take pleasure in recommend , : ing these Sates to the public, as being,in oar _ judgment, entirely firc proof. - JARVIS & TRABUE, N &RAWSON, CORNWALL &BROTHER, BRANNON HATCHER, BENEDICT &CARTER, .. ISAAC CROIDIE. • • • • . , I am engaged in' the foundry . business, and. know something about furnates and heat. .I witnessed the bunting of the above Safe, and can freely saylhere was no humbug about it, and with pleasure' reeommend'ihem to the public as being, us my judgment:eutirely fire proof, WII. KAYE. in calling upon the above gentleiaen for their signa tures, they Pll spoke in the highest terms of the iltirness of the test, and their full confidence of the Safe's being entirely fire-proof. We have constantly on hand and foi sale a full assortment of the above Safes. mar3l • . BELL & TERRY.. The Old Printing Establishment. OATS 1011:13TON & STOCLTOVS,) , , And B/ank Boa' and AStalionery ifrareheuts. WS. HAVEN iiprepared to execute cant) , style of Legal, Cornmerelal, Canal and Steamboat Job Printing and Book Binding; and furnish every article in;the ,Blank Book, Paper and Stationery line; at the shorteit notice and on, the most reasonable terms. Blank Book'and. Stationery Warehouse,: comer' of Market and and Second streets.. IL:r Stinting Office and 'Book Bindery, No. SO Third • - Whole - vials 'mind Ramall. _ SADDLE, HARNESS AND TRUNK MANUFACTORY oßsetr B. BARTLEY, begs leave to In- 116, it , form his, friitndi and the • public generally; hat hecon dimes to occupy that largo,andcom. medians Store Room; formerly occupied by SaMile n. estock lc C0.,N0. SO, corner of Diamond alley and Wood street, where he keeps a large and general assortment of . Saddles, Dales, Harness, Trunks, Carpet Rage, Saddle Bags,Valises,Buttalo Robes; Whips, - and 'all other aril cles in his Has He also keepaconstently on hand, and is prepared to furnish to order, all kinds of' Riveted Rosa,manutectured. of the bestmatorlal, and inn style of workmanship equal to the eastern mannfaeturell article, and at 66 per cent. CountryAferchoots and Farinsrs would do well to call and exa mi ne his stock before purchasing elsewhere, us he is determined to cell first rate articles at .very low prices irr Don't 'forget the place, 'No. 86 corner or WOOd tract audDiamond Alley. • • ,:-. - • • apWr New Light . - TOTE have received a loi - of - LAMPSof various sizes VT 'and,kinds of alnew' construction that is quite simple andcomplete—some ornamental. Alsci, the _ article to n V burn in them,alle , BURNING FLUID, ,, or taIfERIAL 0114; 7 It has rare qualites which reconlitendit to the attention of Steamboat men Hotel Keepers 'and Iforshkeepers. For clertnliness economy - and , brilhancy,it'surpassedanything portabl Terence who ,please to call on gm ro llibe - ehown_rha: peOtillatitiee of the new compound '-ustgnt supply of the Fluid and Lampe kept c by SCAIFE-& ATKINS N 7 - -Ist.between:Wood nntillarket eta. -: *". . ' AML.-P. SKRIVER aud'efLAS, .13A1Li4ES have ibis any associatedthemsoltrini together_ under - the .firm of Surtyrni Zo-ftsun - us, for the transaction of the Whole Bale Grocery,' Produce and `Commission Business, at floe. lao .aad 132 Second streett between_ Wood ,and Phasburgb, August 1, iB3O eranspomithm tines PEMINSYL ViLN IL A RAILROAns WLIT " AIIIIA4GEILMNT 36 Hours to Phitookkhia.u.-04,3 triles I{aflrod 92 oon INTENT, /TELE', 41 AND' EIPRESS LINE. STAGE COMPANY. Six daily Hues or new Coaches, for Hollidaysburg, and thence by the new Pennsylvania Hallread to New York and . -During.-the suspension of Canal navigation; . six daily lines of Coaches wilt leave for Rollldaysburg, andlrom thence - by the New•PennaylVania Railroad, (243 miles,) to Philadelphia. Time through 36 hours. . Fare to Philadelphia • •••• 811,00 . ...,Pare to Ralik:2ore ••• •-•'• • •-• •• ;•••• • 10,00 Coaches will leave every morning at 8 ceolock.pre.' oisely, and every night at the -same :hour. Extras to leave many time, always in readiness. This is the most &feet, =violable and expeditious route to the Eastern Paiiengers for Baltimore take the dew Railroad.at Harrisburg, (Brain, on the arrival bf the cars at that place. Par p l :T r. sl i ie f i ii c iS t irmutip p ri;4lrZy to. , • .oz to J. P. HOLMES; MOncmgahela House. TOOGIIIOGEMNIC ELOUTIO,2,- TWItNtY•TrnBBB MILES. Ting SHORTEST EOITE ~TO I3ALTIMORE 'AND -, PHILADELPHIA!. 41i0i. The steamer THOMAS SIIRIVER, BAILU, Master, leaves PittebUrgh,from her vr a oat, above the - Monongahela bridge, daily, at 4 and WestNeivton at 8 A. hi, running In connection ;with ; a daily lirte splendid ' Troy - built conches to Rumberland, and Railroad thence to. Raid. more and Philadelphia. ' • Por farther information enquire of Passenger Agent, Moruangahela House; or, Capt:.TACOB SMITH, dee2thant - Freight Agent; Wharf Boa, , CIEGISTP 751 GREAT. ENTS47J ROUTH, 1 l'irE PIONEERS OF THE NEW RAILROAD: I Thrtargis in 4k Daps la Phiicalsifihia. and Braeirnars.' MITE take - pleasure in announcing -to the Merchants Vl' of Pittsburgh - and the Western Business comma nityethat on and after Monday, the 14th September, we receive and forward goods via-the Central Ralf road,and guarantee them so be through in 4 days. Oar extensive stock of Bars and Boats.enable as to offer the above expeditious route to the, public, whilst we still continue our usual Lines via !famishing and Columbia. Merchants wishing goods brought from the East with' certainty and dispatch, at low sates, or pro• duce shipped there, are invited to call on - O'CONNOR, - ATKINS & CO, Pittsburgh, ATKINS t O'CONNOR & ech, PbileudePa., Nopriares Pittsburgh Tharispartation Lint. • • Or the tollowing Agents-- O'Connor & 02,40 North street, Baltimore. E.l3locki 6 Battery Plice, New York. Voting, 14 Mont street. BOsurn. Plttsbuigh Portal)la Boat lane.,- _ tatiat lBso •NaM I`.lll:llltTlLiatirPaittilliriol/ 11111:10#tb Aitli nom . .. .. .. - - PIPMBRUZI, - PPEILADELPHLA; BALTLIIIO,BI7 ; N RSV YOR-bi, uosTorki,..te. 'masa.% BOREIDGE,/ . ...., I TAA FRE /c CPCONNOR, i Philadelphia. j Pittsburgh. nn.: Canal being now open the proprietors of this j„. long established Line areas cranial theirold stands, receiving and forwarding Illeroliandize and Produce at low rates, and with the prouiptness, certainty and-safety peculiar to their system and mode.of Transportation, wbere inter mediate transhipment is avoided, with its cowsequent delays and probability of damage. +,-- Merchandise and Produce shipped East or Ti 7 eat, and Bills of Lading forwarded free of charge for ecantrussion, advancing or storage- Having noimerest directly or in directly in steamboats, that of the owners is solely can. suited when shipping their goods.. .-. Alt communications to the following Agents promptly I attended to,: THOMAS 130ftilIDGE ) - No. 419 Market st. Philadelphia; . Pros ebn . ' TA &PPE & O'CONNOR, - • Cor. Penn rind Wayne eta., Pilishatglii . Arils - Ts—John lilVtillogh k C0.,03 North st„ Ralt.; P. 8.-Burke $e Co- 2;. Doane at., Boston; W .&J. T , 'Pip semi &. Co., S 6 South t - t., New-York; Jas.Wheetweight, Cinefinian. ' - - • - - malls 18,50.1 Itlerchanitts Trzaaportaiton lane. -. LlOR,thit Transportatiou of Maisons:roma and Pao nes. from Pittsburgh to Philadelphia and Baltimore, (via Canal and Railroadjwiniout re-shipping—time,lo days Rates of Freight always as 1.310 as any rid= 7sponstbls C AI'ANULTY•tr„ C0., - piriprretors, - Canal Bustin Pittsburgh.. • • . t RUSE MEIIRM.t.e. - tc. Co., Bait. - ^ "" r. / qAYISTOR, trieretketalt , a Wny.Frelght 11 - 21X.C1.1:191VELY far the accommodation ofwax betWOGII Pittsburgh, Blairsvale, Johns town, flollidaysburgh, Water street, Pa.; and all inter mediate places. Stuppe.rs try this. Lilac can always depend upon having their goods promptly forwarded and de/veered B.l , any point on the Cans/ or Railroad at fair rates for freight. JOHN ILLER, Proprie tor. 11. ff. CANAN, johnstown. .s• An ears{JOHN MILLER, Hollidaysburg. mit C. A. INPAIVELTV st, Co., Pitts. Roasting Bottle Jacks. - .• . tillitl:iurbseribers have received another small lot of j superior Bottle Jacks, -direct from Sheffield, war ranted to work welt la presenting this article to the notice of the public, the subscribers deem it necessary to rernark y that clue.ng the last five years they have sold several dozen, and as fares we i have been able to ascer tain they have given entire satisfaction To such as do not understand what is meant by u bottle jack, we would explain that it is machinery resembling clock work,• but much more powerful, enclosed in a 'brass !tante, rind worked hy, a - strong steel spring ; that its ac tion ie alternate, and regulated by a horizontal fly wheel, to which is suspended the joirt of beef, or any other thing to he, roasted; that the machine when fully-wound up wilt continue in motion (or two or three hours. The Jacks are generally used with a screen or a large tin reflector, which, greatly accelerates the proof of roast ing. For sale, with or without screens. JOHN DUNLAP k corner of Market and Second sts.• New England Live Stoeix Insiosamee Co. • Important (a Farmers, Dairymen and others. irt &R N, Milkmea l keepers of Livery Stables, and 1.1 all others owning hire pock, caphaverheir flues in sured for the small preuaitun of from fifty cams tri - tarc dolless each- . 2, . • , The cost to insure Cows owned .LY milkmen, for one year, - will be about thirty-five cents a head. Wha milchman owning twenty COWS would not give seven dollars to have them insurad for one year. . C. A. COLTON, Agent, At the General Insurance Agency, octal con 4th and Wood sts., up stews.. 'Bounty Land.Weirranta. ' IHF. SUBSeftIBER, who was in Michigan, Wiscon -11 sin, Illinois and Missouri, in the Fall of 1849, with the view of examming the Public Lands, anti in the months of March or April next, will revisit States and also lowa, and from the knowledge he has acquired; be enabled to make the most favorable locations for per sons holding Land Warrants. Ills charges will be mo derate to any person who may be pleased - 10 employ him: if by letter, (post-paid,) to LUKE COCKSHOOT, • 37 Diamond alley; Pittsburgh Itsseasxcxe—Capt. Robert Porter, Attorney, Fifth it; John Taylor, Pension Agency, 2d 54 Edward Snowden, Attorney, Fourth st.; J. B. riuthrie, Agent;-Fourth - st.; Capt. John Herron, Penn st 4 John Cartwright, Cutler, Wood st.; D.l'. Morgan to Co., and J. D. Morgan, Drug. gist, Wood street. ' Novls:2m Bounty Lando. nAPT. `NAYLOR,' Ntr. 163 Third; Street, corner 'of Cherry alley, having made arrangements at Waih ngton for thn purpose, will procure Bounty Lands for the officers and soldiers, their widows and children under the Bounty Land Bill, passed September 29th,1853. Pittsburgh, Octoberlo. ' " ' Boruity RRANGERIENTS having been made between Ihe undersigned and E. B. ti BATSON; Esq., of Wash ington City, (tate of the Treasury Department,) for the purpose, the undersigned will . procure Bounty 'Lands for the officers and soldiers, dims widows and children, under the Bounty Land Bill, passed Septeraber 29th, 1800. - JAMES F. K.SRR. AWy. at Law, ceffi2 4th st.,_ bet. Smithfield and Cherry alley. • Bounty Lana-.Boldterat Ciutmia,- MHE undersigned continues the business of agent for Soldiers' and Widows , Cerium tor Bounty Land and Pengo7l3. Office on Fourth street, opposite the Mayor's office. ' joct2s:llnl JOHN B. GUTHRIE. Irish and Scotch W.hiskeys, lATARRAN'PED PURE—Price 62,Z. perg - allone . r lii=sd F . or sale by MORRIS k tdecs James P. Elorbach l ' RECTIFY IN G _DISTILLER I=l Foreign and Derrustic Winer, Liquor:a, Qig ara,4c N 0.197 Litierty in. corner or Barker's velelBl ' • • Pittsburgh. Pa. N/FORRIS & HAWORTII,*Test beetersi east side df the' Diamond. Try their 50c. Tea 3 118 really 13 BIDDLE IWBERTS, Attorney at Law. - Office No Smithfield street, between Finh and Sixth. Collections carefully attended to—special attentio "given to Conveyancing. (dee.lty Printer's Cards TEST RECEIVED a supply of Printer's Cards' ivgry ; Er surfaced, satin surfaced, satin enamelled, India and People's colored Cards. " „. - Always on band, an excellent article of book, and news Ink; also, red, blue and green inks ; from: the m anufactory of J. D. ArCreary, New York:: ' S. • • Printer, Bookseller and Stationer, nov3o - • • corner of Market and-Second sta.', 'DULL U'rTEE--3 bbls. fresh for sale by_ it, deep WM. DYER. EME Citizens of Ppitalburgli,- - - . ;• • - 11011rAVII yen all heard • now cheap C. A:BROWN is la veiling Ihr Stack of fate Gold JEWELBY f If Ton have not, then know that hats salting •11 - MAI rialt , and fashionable. assortmentoctlol &WATCHES and JEW ELRY at each astonishing lowprices that all who have called to see his assortment andpriees,excia certainly, is something new for Pmtsburgh."..' Mutt t fine gold Jewelry selling at half the =maple el 'Bowe= this be? Stop a moment, we „will tel yea, the: seven ; M we have made such arrangements with e Mialulfietti tors at the east, and also, with the Watch mahafactu rers of Europe, that we am getting - ell ourNetals at the lowest possible prices, and then, having low' rent, to pay, and other anatutescalto;cheap, enables uo to call at a very small profit upon Wit 'cost, and therefore, wholesale price will ,answer. .Theretorey.lo,;pricas and large sales will be our motto: Please call at 11l Market street,' seCond 'door from ,Llberty street. ' (dentin ~ C ; A. BROWN. •. Charles liciftnain c 4. • - trOPREOP:PaIIIC 'PHYSICIAN, has removed Ma XL office to Penn street, N 0.281, (batvreed Hand street and Garrison alloy). fdec3o • Adnunistraursti LETTEIRO Admlnixtratlonorr the estpsof Anthony - Beelen, deed., late of Pittsburgh, having „been granted to the anbsenbisr, all persons Indebted' . to said esate are requested to make lannedlate payment to, ei ther of rut; and all persons bedding claims asitinsi said' estate will present them, dultrinthOsetto.Ciof settle. ment, at the Warehouse latety oeettlaed bY;aald 40: 41 3 0- ny Beelen, No. $3 Thlntstreet: • - ANNA fd.-BERLEN, Admieirosoix. deaCclat • • B....o.ClAZZAhlkktmitsfilfater. • Central Tea and Feudlsr• Graboii Etore HE Surest qualities of Oman and-0 11 ek4E413.1 , bfo cha, Java and'Hio• COFFEES ; I,ovenries D. Re ed tiad embed SUGARS; Nencr-Orleids,St. Loads Refined and Havana do; beat Bunch RAIS1,1 , 0;;, ql;rop, Lemon Peel, ?nines; Datee;ite.; for sale by • FL C. KELLY," No. 20 Fifth street Queen City Shirt Stove. "VT0.251 St. Clair 'street', (near ite bridge,}..4 WI large assortment °tour own make banaluillrob nand. Customer SHLEtr4 made re nyder pron_tyilyie-q • dee2;:ly ' • . : 8 . 4 tg 4 -A• 11 4. . tea,' r-• ..• . Waverly Etostae.: z." • THE undenugard having saceeededhir,Jose YllOlOlll, in this popular establishmeattanueuaapro. • his friends sad the public generally:ohs . les will us s his best efforts to keep st o p ' the well..? . tnei lor it r e e lill l ge T p eP c n o ta n i t i s fIY h b 6 lu i ri ' eva4 delis* y AI - tll6 season, Outs, Sasmc and Cus Ossrkosofse., and hie BLS will at all tunes be sopplied with the Citotersi Li Quoits. [deel7:l4.] W. C. GALLAOHHR: • - . . nemoingl o - • - • Tlit PEKIN TEA STORE has .bcca.rentovedirono 'Fourth street to No 38 Mb street, one dont east of the Exchanges Bank', where the subscriber isisoW're celving his fall stock of GREEN e It.ND,RIACR - TERT, selected with great care, and purchased direct Inonther Imparters in New York. The stock conaistio of all this different flavors and grades'of Tea brought tothe ;Stied: can market, and will be cold ..wh01e5......412d - rentil; at prices lower than any . other house in Pittsburgh. Retail Grocers are tavited tes call and ~get samPlei;' and learn our prices for Teas packedio and pack ages, or by the nalf chest.._- . • . - , . Coffee—Mocha, Java and Rio Coate , , ts-^ Cemeolazo--Baker's'l3roma, Cocoa, Chocolate piid d 4); cos Shells. Sugar—Lora:it:les crashed and prdrerisedi rleaaf Sager. • Cold Peit.” -7 " . respectfully inform our frierida'iirgilliettliiir ifi! ' who suffer from " cold fee ;" ;larva !lois driz• c acme very-fine real lam'". Week Yank,. PPP rmEnl.7 Socks, which we are satisfied "will . pj . ovO most durable and comfortable to the wearer: . - Also—A large , supply of Vadeilliihs tuftlnirvers of every quality. The told Established Stoeki4 Num . /factor/Pi - la st..i dee6 W. DAL.Yrih , CO-- dR.CQ..<•'. To the Ladles. WE'HAVE' NOW*FINISIIED doieit fine blaekssal Lambs Wool STOCElNo2i*hiatti are softer in the wool and more durable in the coot than any. we have heretofore . made. Evert. article , id the . : Sock, Undershirts and Primers, ladies' and children's : ~ underclothing, wade toot-dee with punctaality: ' " The Old Established electing ManufaetnFiltlinst"..../ . . . snail/W=lT ' • lAA= oiD • •DI AFFE .T WI. ID. • (thiceessors to the late arm etf John Sherbk" at Co.) a • e • • • BELL AND BRASS FOUNDER • • • • ' AND mANuFActuitpts....• -of Bran Faucets, ..Ettarci Mid • _Cooks, with all the various arint;ea r• :used in the P LH AIRING SUSI . NESS,Not. 127, and LOFliaterrrnt,• The above are now prepared to mannfactnre and keep, ~ constantly On hand every 'variety of Gunge ancl . Btetant .00eInt; each as are rived by Engtge builder! tutd.P.latah- : '.i • On ;• &bpi' Gas' Chandeliers; rendeuts, - Dracket4 Pipe, &c: - .,fr.c..,•&c. • • ,_ •:7 • Removal. • . MILE anbseribers have removed from Nc. 57 Water at „ 4 .1, to the Warehmtiereecntly_aceapielantentay• N 0.29 Water st. (at7l2) RHEY, MATTIMWEtt CO• w. r soma .. • " " Wll. • • .11olva ar. Pciry* '"; ._%.r'• •• - •• HAVING Wren to the business of- Mr...,Beniainin. .. Bows, Wholesale Grocer,Tralter and C.olifeetlon: cr, would respectfully solicit a continuance cif.thq-sms - :.;2 troarigc so liberally bestowed' upon their predecessor, and would call the attention of the public In general The stock of goods item in theirestablishment.svhichfer, quality cannot be surpassed lathe city. • " . Foreign Fruits, Confectionary, - Picktes, Spices, Pre serves, Sardines, Oils, fr.c., fo=vart otthelr mock now' on band, and all of the above articles he liemgl: - us selected from the best eastern hoes. • ' • ••. • • A new stock of gotidipin the above line - a:e ,71'. via g N.H.—Retailers and country storekeeper's:Will fin 4 ft"— to their advantage to give as a call. . joettit, Hosiery t 131.nallea7 t Hontery TITM. DALY & Co. have far,itale at the OLD EST' 11 LISDED STOCKING BIANUNIgrORYpEIfth fi t street, between Wood and Matitet.•" • . • . GOD dozens of men's undenthittiitant 400 " •". " main° r , A) " 160 • " - "• • ..: drawerallk • -s ',"•- ' I • • 320 " . " • " _ 1000 o f fleecy Cann:tali *ad tuntnea train, • lambs wool and silk gloves • of every. 'size mrialio tore color, well adapted tor winter wears. • . 000 dozen of ladies black lambs wool Stockings, kaaii.n . of fine American and Merino. wool with. three : Canada'l in keels and feet. ' • • 1000 dozens of children's plaid ands newilbtley stybri 0/45 gumelastio tops. 75 dozen of aluldrens polkas, jackets, batintillas; . mirk victoriaea, gaiters and boots. An immense vanety the above goods have bee 3 manufactured and selected" with care, tor oar own trade, and - will be Bold at prim which ~ will defy all competition..- 41. Central Tes4•Store,...; : COTTICT of Wth Sing and Ilfarkei AUey. , A TUST RECEIVEIka large and well selected stock of 0 FRESH TEAS from the Importers, - comprising Ihe , -z very beat qualities of Green and Black Teas,,which - will be sold on the most favorable terms, wholesale and retail. The attention of Families is respectfully Invited to the assortment. loov9l. HENRY C, KELLY. .. Rev. Dr. Kllllkellett Pesetalte SecrOlatatt-g KITTANNING, PA. • THE FALL SESSION of this institution wllrelanLi mules on Wednesday, October 301850. For Tetroa.,, ac., please see : Circulars at Mr. lifellor'is'al Wood — • street, and Mr. Georgelt. White's, Market sireet. In addition to the thorough system of instruction put.. sued by the Principal, avronehed for by Gov. Jahston and Bishops Unfold. and. Potter, the Sentintiry z presenta.,:: considernuona which may be deemed of some moment in the limited number of its bolutling:Pupils, retired situation, and especially, its not betng . coutlgn-, one to any College or School for boys. ' Dr. Killikelly may be found at the Monongahela Boutin for a few days, and will be happy to wait on . those dusi : „.. ring to see him ut reference to the school: • - ' Itaysaseca Vi THE CITY—Hon. Charles Shale/I. Jolla T.:. H. Shoenberget, Esq:; Col. Wilson llVCandlesa. Pittsburgh, Otitibei 10. - - - • . ' •••• Oyster Baleen and Confectionary t HE Tsubscriber respectfully informa his friends and: the . public, that he has removed to NO: Sa; St. Mill,: street, one door from Penn, where ha hirokopenedV.Ar, CONFECTIONARY AND. OYSTER' SAIMON,:sedm will keep always on land every. article, inlits hue business, fresh and sweet. Oysters served up in the shell, stewed or fried, to suit all tastes. 'Also, on hithlo a supply of Fruits of all kinds, Picklei, Re., or • senfty • - HARRISON ORAIIABW,',S Xi ORRIS re IIAWORTII, In the Diamond, haws jast' s 1111, 'received Rom tho Old Country, end offer. for gala love for cash— English Padding Raisins • • . ; ;- Candled Orange and Lemon ' . Peel; ' • .. • English Mustard; Pine Apgla Rum; , , ••••••-f' London Irish Whiskey. ; • • ,‘•• • • Mao from New York— •• • „: Cooking Raisins and Currants; • .•. Cliron Peel ; • Rich Grape Juice '— • • •••• • Cocoa and Ctocolate—ell kinds ;- • Ground Spices; , Wince and Brandies of every 911E1114.. [ago. -; IIIENCH POLISHING-PASTE—The bait cortiffOtilz - don for ciettning end, removing spots- Irons ilsrate" - Furniture of every detteriptiOn. The rterilicatiogicext, ceedingly end the effect is iheutntatfecus tytti lasting. Fell directions for nae wietielfbox. For sale at the Din Store of . . • - COULTER. &BACKE:: corner:of Wood and Third war, ET are 401xu2 — t clar agter- t 6B.o,pirUent this bat mthe tbl maner of Moiety. Try It I For sale by: KExsEa& MeDOWELL,I46WootVE., Lost—ft Pocket Doak's) • Diamond alley and 199 Libe r ty stzez4 , B wit 'E papersln it that are of no use to tiny ono : btu the owner. The,finder will be rewarded and receive ' the thanks of tbsrwner, on leaving A at 199 Liberty jan3 h. S. MAIISLAND: NO: 168. 'Ertl:4l6mm:- fr.:- MMN 'runes, !to 0