The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, January 29, 1851, Image 4

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    . - • •
Pittsbniu4 Business Direitorg.
Bankers . and. Earhange Brokers.
Wm. Larimer, Pittsburgh Bank.
Holm* Sargent, cOrner-Woodandßixth streets.
Hair D Milk; FonithstreMroplutaitc M Ba t tik% :
W A. Hill 4 , C0...G4 wood:street, a - doer - MU:we Butirth-
B Joitea cornetl-V fr
oad and Fourth s,
Hill 4 Curry, - 6.5, Wood street. :Id door below Fourth.„
J W. 'Robertson :corner N - Voiel - and Third Etreeta.
Kramer 4-.R.ahrh, corner Woeunuid.Third'streetie.
m H -Co., corner Wood rend Third
Cook 44Harris, corner Market and - Fifth streets':
N tioiraes4,serts. , - 55-IVarket - st., between 3d and 4th. i . '
. • Ifatilt. Makiii and Jewellers..
w w Wilson, corner Alarketruni Fourdv streets-
H Richardson, 71 Market street, near the Diamond
John B: McFadden & Co, 85 Market street, near Fifth
Beads &Heineman, 7 Fifth street, near Market
Siedie & Bartborger, Sixth' street near. Grant - •
Who/mak Grocers Comhiissio-n % Produce Dialers.
Strunk& Sill, 110-"Witod Street, above Falb. , =
Ale 211. Liberty street, opposite Rand.- - •
R. Bruce; Jr., 19_Comnterotalitow, Liberty street,. • '-
11 A Cristinttlittin, U Commereial.Rew, Liberty street.
SCaorge & Co., 215 Liberty street, opponite.7lb. •
JohriGner,2Z. l Libertyatreet..
0rm1y,21.0 Liberty, street, opposite Eagle Hotel.
Myers - 5: Hunter, 105 Liberty street. .
S Met:turban &Da., 142 Liberty street. ,
Carsen hlcKnight, Sixth, between Wood and.,Li6erry.
& R Floyd, Liberty, Wood and Stith Streets.
Lambert-WShiptria;Dl 3 and 155 Wood street.-
Wm Dyer,lsBLiberry.ittrect, oppotilte 6tti.
W.4B•ll.MoCuteheon, No. 150 Liberty street- '
Brown Eilßrkpatrickf444 Liberty street.
English _Beatiett 37- Wood st-20PPositelt3t.....Charles.
Tassey &.13est, 35 ' Wood street, opposite St. Charles.
S Dilworth & Co., 21_ Wood, between Ist arid 2d sts. -
Wra Bagaley & Nos. 18 s nit 20 Wood street.'
.:Wick & McCandless, earner, Mood and Water sta.
Wm bletratercorair Wood and Front streets. --
Darbridge, Wilson & Witter; bet. Woad and Sinith'd;
CenrelyCarothers & Co., Water and Front streets.
Reis & Berger, corner Smithfield and Second streets.
Canitains-k Smith,ASmitheteld street, near Water.
James Benney, Jr., corner Water and Smithfield streets.
C H Gnu:l44i Water; between Market and Wood.
W BRelmee& Bro., 37. Water, bet, Wood and Market.
L S Watonitha, 31-Watertind fit:First street. -
James Dairen, 24 Water and 94 Front street. -
Jelta F Ferry,c erne liatteoOlr st. and Duquesne Way.
King* noorlteadi 07 Wood _street.
Alley Matthews& - Co. Water bet. Market and Ferry.
Camentsszon -Pnaiirttee and - Forwarding Merchant&
Sellern&Nicols,l3Commertial Row, Liberty street.. `
David Fimmonnons te, Son, 133 Wood street.
Georto Cochran, No. 2S _Wood street. '
Sls W ttarbitegit,SSWater andl.o4 Front street.
A Vomlirk & Son, Smithaeld street, near :Water -
Robertson & Reopen, No. 103 Second street.
Armstrong & Coaxer, 25 Market et., between Ist and 2d
Breyfogle & Clukeilo3 Second street, above Wood.
Wholesale, Grocers and Dealers itt Liquors.
It Watson, corner Liberty and Wayne streets.
Jno McDevitt & Bros., 13 Commercial Row, Liberty st.
Jam Yattort r lr., N 0.17 Commercial Row j Liberty street.
Biyari N 0.114 Liberty EerCet, and 53 Diamond alley.
TJ &Jackson Duncan, Liberty street..
Robert Moore, 11Coatmercial Row, Liberty street.
Robert Bell, Liberty street opposite Wood.
Wiietuner &Co., Liberty street.
\V & blitcheltree, 16D Liberty street. '
Jacob Weaver, Jr:, earner Market and Front streets,
Saddle, Harness and firunle'Makers;
T hI °Hier, Liberty, opposite Seventh street.
A Holstein, 125 Weocl sueet, near Virgin alley.
J P Smith,l42 Wood street.
Rahauser & Dcuff,ls6 ho id of Wood street.
\V A Gildenfettney, WO Wood st., third doorbeloor Fifth.
RA, W Mackey, %I - Woodsi., bet. sth and Diamond alley.
Samuel Illcelurkrth,96Wood, bet. sth and Diamond aPy.
R H Hartley; 88 Wood st. eor. Diamond alley.
Looking Glasses and Varieties:
J J Gillespie & 76 Wood_St., between 3d and Ath.
Kennedy &Sawyer, 82, corner Wood end Fourth sts
s Kennelly, Fifth street, near Weed.
entware and Chnut.
George Breed, 44 Wbod street.
111 Hodkinson, 56 Wood, between :Al and 4th streets
Henry Higby.l2.s Wood street; 2 doors above Fifth
Kay & Co, corner of Wood and Tkird streets.
J Batkofen 2 l37 Liberty, street..—German Books.
Victor Scriba ‘ Fifth street, between Wood and Market.
J 11 Mellor 81 Wood st.--Sehool Books and Stationery.
Lnkeiroocess,.Agh, 69 Wood st.--Sehool - Books, Stat'ry:
& English, 79 Wood street.
Johnston h Stockton, corner Market and Third its.'
R 11 Beeson SO Market st„ 211 door from Diamond.
H sBostvorth& Co, Fourth street, near Market.
Patent' Medicine.
Wm Jack son, corner Liberty and Wood streets.
Sheptierd , e Medicine Depoto34 timitbfaald street,
Kano &.Morgan, 123 LibertY st, 4 doors above Virgin ny.
E hrowenfaid &• Bros., Atheneum, Liberty street.
J E Dovrideg i. 2l.sLiberty street.
W A &L C McMullen, 230 Liberty, COL. Garrison
Boobyer & Oribble, 251 Liberty at., 3 doors above Irwin.
W J 1/avitt, Corner Liberty and Irwin streets. •
Johrik Hopewell,
.122 Liberty st:, near St. Clair.
R S Mitraland, 45 Liberty st., corner Virgin alley. •
Y Delany, 45• Liberty street. • -
Argust & Bernard,l49 Liberty street •
J McCloskey 161 - Liberty street..
11 Chigneil, 143 Liberty street. - • •
Lawrence Saitchel,l6.6.Liberty street.
W Leonard, 23 oo strec t, bet. 4th and Diamond alloy
Schroeder, Ilage W man d &
C0.,67 Wood, 1 door below 4th
Ililderbrand & Ca,; tQ Wood street, near Watt r.
Robert Chester, - 75 Smithfield st.; bet. 4th and I)iam'Al
Parker Pc'Lowe,66 Smithfield street, near 4th.
Morgenstern &8i05.," Oak Hall," 46 Liberty street.
R Straw, minter Market and Second streets.
11 Barker,3l 51arket et. between 2,1 and 3d.
. - -
GU= and Pistols.
W 0 Metartney,c orner Liberty and Smithfield streets.
-. John White . , Filth st., between Market and Liberty.
Joseph Craig, Wayne st., opposite Canal Basin.
J Cartwright, 83 Wood st., i door below Diamond alley
Merchant Teikra. - •
A McFarland, Smithfield st., bet. 4th and Diamond alley.
Siumiel Gray, Exchange Btuldings, St. Clair street.
Chtap 'Publications.
Ili ichUner. Smithfield st:-,opposite Ittaiva's II ote L .
ALP Norse, 85 Fourth street.
Holmes' Literary Depot, Third st., opposite Post Othee
Dry Goads Merchants.
W & P Bogus, corner Market and Fifth streets.
D It Fralith,lo9 Market street; near Fifth-
J Shea, 108 Market street, between Fifth and Liberty.
Mants,ll4 Market street, near Liberty.
S . & BF McConnell, earner Market and Fuftll street..
S V Duller, B.E. corner Market and Fourth streets.
Wm H Garrard, New. York Store, 79 Market street.
ESpence,39 Market street, between 2d add 3d.
E Mentzer & C0.,151 Market st., bet. Sib and Diamond.
Alexander & Day; 75, N. W. con. Market and Diamond
. Absalom Morris: J - 65 Market st., bet. 4th. and Diamond.
George R Whitt, 51 Market st., between 3d and 4tk.
Wm L Russell, 62 Market st., near Fourth street.
W. R. Murphy, corner Market and Fourth streets
Shacklett 4- White, 99 Wood street. -
A A sLason tr. Co., GO Market st., between ad and 4th.
Murphy, Wilson 4- C0.,49 Wood et., 2d door above M.
itatapton,Batith ¢ C0.,54 Wood st., between 3d and 4th
- • .
Aldermen -and Justices of the Peace
N Backwater, Fourth street, above Smithfield.
A 6 Reinhart, Irwin street, near Liberty.
Boots and - Shoes.
Win Jackson, corner Liberty and Wood streets.
.1 S Adams 219 Liberty street, next Eagle Tavern.
Samuel Dahell, L'el Wood street, above Fifth
S Keys, d Fifth street, near Market.
A Olm s ted, Market and Liberty e
James R0bb,.99 Market and 41 Liberty stree
Joseph Piamtnerilo9 Wood streehtear
George Albrce,7l,.corner Wood and Fourth streets. -
McCurdy 4. Loomis, 59 Wood sh, between 3d and 4th.
B o rt e dge,66 Wood street, third door above Fourth.
F W Ilisyward, comer Market and Liberty,streets
T 11 Graham,lio. 105 Third street,
James Miller,Smithfieldstreet, near Diamond alley:
John Taggart, Smithfield street, near Fourth.
J Bates,corner Smithfield and Fifth streets.
troth 4. Scott, corner Smithfield and Fourth streets.
Wm Adair, Smithfield street, four doors above 3d.
Wm Pmettler, Smithfield street, near Brown's Hotel.
John Campbellrtz,, corner Smithfield and Second stre T ets.
Schme tn Smithfield, between Front A
Ilinton.4 St. Clair street, near Libe F rty. and 2d sts
T Thompson, St. Clair st., between Penn and Bridge.
II Perry, 75-Fourth street near Wood.
Brennan 4. Williams, Fifth street, near Market. -
SHarbanghs3 Water and 10.1 Front streets.
Valiam Barker, Smithfield st., bet. 401 and Diamond ay
Hugh Lee, corner Liberty street and Cecil's alley.
Planing Mills- find Sash. - .Factory:
Thomas Meat, Penn street, near the Point
D A Kelly, Seventh street, above the cane
Walter F Fahnestock, IE4 Liberty street.
Leech, Jr. ,133 Wood street, above Fifth.
Bays .4. Getty., 71 Market street, near Fourth.
Weld 4. Lane. corner Liberty and St. Clair streets., .-,
R. Minion, Jr. 01 . Market street, neer Fifth.
Huber Laufmaros wood st.,bet.4th and Dientonday
j Qutwiight, Wood Ist:, l door be.::”.v Diamond alley
John Waler,Ss. Wood st., streetieme'. alley and 4th at
Cooper it Lavely,.s9 Wood ,2d door below Fourth.
Whinnore Wold, 50 Wood st., between 3d and 4th.
Joseph Wriodwell, corner Wood and Second streets,
Sown 4. Teti er, 199 Wood street, near Virgin alley_
.. .
..• . ' " - Leather &ores,
Wilkinsortds Dell, No 163 Liberty' street, opposite Sixth.
Waltelßyant,l6:l Liberty st, opposite head of Wood
Wai "Young 4- C0.,143 Liberty street, near. St. Clair.
Samuel McClaint9s Wood and corner Diamond alley
inc .,- Hen i ma nori n.d. o
VITo 3
treet. •.1 door below Diamond alit;
chard-B=l,lol Wood s _ . , •
-W William Irwin, pito:toad alley. • . . . r
James Ivin, DJ &mond . alley, near Diamond.
-. . .
' . Drags and Medicines. : .
geyser 4 , breDowell, corner Woodst. and Virgin alley
11. ESellensA S 7 Wood st., between 3d and 4th. - . •
L Wilear,4r., COT. Market street-and tho Diamond and
L. WilcoX,'Jr!,corner 4th and streets.
Dr. 11 Smyser, corner Market and Third '.
.1' A Jones.* Co., corner. Walnut and Penn streets. • ..
J A Jones, corner nand and Penn streets. . • _ _
BTOXiii 4 , Reiter, corner;Liberty, and St. Clair streets; -
Edward Fenderich,e orrierganongahela House.
ItAFahnesuielcA• Coidliiner Wood and First streeti.
John %Morgan, corner WoridsLand _Diamond Alley, ":
Joel-Mohler, °ogler Wend and Fifth - streets. : -
, ..-
- . . ..
- -
t - A 4 '
714:2 4... 4. :444 4e 'ir: ``'
Brx,T,:selters and Stationers
Clothing' .qtores
Wholesale Dry Goode
Wool Merchants
Hardwari and Cutlery
Thosh IliWien, cornet Liberty and Stltillifield ats, and
Idanufaclu - ror of 'Writing fluid and Inca
'Wnragitilarmli' 4") . ktfeit - -
-Wholesale...Cloth Stare;
I'DStuart St Co. Nal22 Worn! street.
~.Erats,SayS:4o4l Furs.,
Wm FleMing, 30-AVood street, corner Virgin.alley.: ,
Wilkesok4 ,- McMaster, OG Market st, 1 door from Fifth.
L I.tlotgee,42 Smithfield at, betw.een 2d and'and
tames. Wilson, Smithfield st, deor. from Fourth.._-
C W Glasszon , ,l4.n. Wood stilltircldoor belowW
Douglas,?Woeal street, fourth door above Fourth.
S Moore, - 7.5 -P Wood,d, third door abovcFourth: -
Chartesaul son, 73 Wood street .
near Fourth. --
McCord .1- Co,corner Wood and rifUt streets. - 4
John A Grarey,l43 Wood r.t. : 0p.1 st'y'resb4tnritni Church
Cabinet and Chair Makers.
Wm Stevenson, 3 Fetterman'sßovvil,tberty and ith at
'Splane 4- Son, corner Smithfield and Fifth streets,
T B Yonnut Co, Smithfield street
,t lietvreen tld
Hazlett 4- Frew, Smithfield, near Fourth street.
Insufance Companies -
'National .baan Fund and Life Ins. Co, 64 Wood street:
Delaware Mutual Safety,93 Water street
Western Insurance Co. of Pittsburgh - , N0..09 Water st.
Protection Insurance Co, Office 1:l7 Wood Street.. .
Franklin Fire Insnratiee , Co, corner Wood and :Id sts.
_Wall Paper and Bordering "
W P bllrshnll (Successor - to S C 87 Wood ntree
limes 'Howard 4. Co, ea Wood It, 2 doors below I)ia. a
3Shidle, Smithfield street, near Fourth.
Thomas Palmer,47 Market st, between 3d and 4111*-
•75.nners and. Copper Smiths.
!1I Doer - Singer, Wood street opprisite IstPree. Church
dq Cupples, corner Liberty and Smithfield streets.
1 Shrom,.Atheneum Building, Liberty street.
G G Bnekofen, VA-Wood street. •
J Maradollar, 129 Wood street. . •
SMerrow,l.7 Fifth st, between Wood and Market.
_.1211 Dentmler t 80 Liberty ritret, near Market. •
k Shirk, No. S Market street, near Water.
Kelly 4. Sixth, between Wood undLiberty streets
James TKinenid Front and 2tl streets, near Market.
Gold Beaters.
John B Bunten . , 132 Third at ; bat Wood and Smithfie
Emigrant Lines.
Blakely k. Co., Penn street, (Canal Basin-)
P. W Byrnes .¢ Co, 205 Liberty st.; Jno Thompson, Ag't
Liverpool and Pluladolphia Packet Lino, Brown -Kirk
,ptuncic, 144 Liberty street.
' . Hotels and Taverns.
Brown's llotel,S,rattlifield at.; between Second and Third.
Virginia House, corner Water and Ferry streets.
Farmers' inn; J. Little, corner Fourth and Ferry streets
Wm. Tell Hotel, Water street, above Smithfield
Eagle, J'Aleftlaster, Jr, Ag't, Libe rty.stre et.
St. Charles, corner Wood and. Third streets.
National Hotel, Water street, above Smithfield.
Perry Route, corner Hancock st and Duquesne Way.
Burnt Districtilotel, corner:Smithfield and Second sts.
Monongahela notate, corner Smithfield and. Water sts.
"Exchange:H.llo, corner Penn and St. Clair streets.
- Foundrg Warehouus.
Quinn, Mcßride Co, corner 7th and Liberty streets.
Nicholson ar.Payne,lBlLiherty street, head of Wood
Wmlrnrin, Atheneum Building, Liberty street.
rennock, 111.itchell C 0,160 Liberty street.
Alex Bradley, (sign Gilt Stove,) No. Wood street.
John Anderson 4. Son. corner 'Water and Grant sta.
Bakers and „Confeetianers
A Andrews, " Eagle," 52. Diamond alley
R Reany, R. Read, earner Wylie and Tunnel streets.
P:11 Fifth street, near Alert Set.
A /VP Se heldee ker," Star," 42 Diamond alley.
-Morris Bann, Smithfield et, bet. Fifth itud Diamond alley
E Rown,r"Vition," Smithfield st, bet.3d - and 4th.
Milliners and Mantua 'Mcikers
Mrs. Daff,lo St Clair street, betweeri Fenn and bridge
hirs Leech. SI Fifth street, between Wood and Market.
hlrs R Morrison, No. S St. Clair street.
Mrs Parker,.No. 4 Patterson's Row, St. Clair street.
Miss Rain, corner Penn and St. Chur streets.
Fancy and Variety Goods.
T K IMacknigh 4 Bros, 117 Wood street, near Fifth.
McCandless 4. Campbell, 1.17 Wood street.
Geo W Kuhn,72 Wood tureet;sign Gat Comb.
Marie& Atbhnot, cor-Wood street and Diamond alley
Knaffman 4- Boyle, SO Wood st, 1 door above 1/amid ay
Zebulon Ktusey, 67 Market street, near Diamond.
Kinsey 4 Knox, 82 Market street, near Flab.
- Cotton Marzufcreturcr
Grier 4. lionaghan,22").Libcrty street.
Boat Stores.
II A. Weaver, Wayne street, opposite Caual Basin.
John Hannan, 6.9 Water st. bet Wood and Smithfield.
J runes Kerr, Jr. f Co, 36 Water street, near Market.
Joseph :Valor, No. 4 Market street., near Water.
hicCummon 4. Stevens, 7 and 9 Market st, near Water
Thomas Oliver, S. B. Bakery, '2S. Water street.
Brush Manufacturers.
Blatt 4- Co,1:2O Wood streetf . ubove
I K cuite . dy Wood street, worth dour above Fourth
Family Groceries.
A-B Getty, corner Wylie had Washington *treks
William Wilson, coruer Second and Ross
George Humbert, corner Perth and Darn or). streets
Thomas Applebe,eorner Wylie and 'runnel streets
George Arthurs, corner and Fourth tit.
Hugh Garvey, 143 Liberty street, opposite Fifth.
Donaldson, corner 13t. Cluir Milli Fenn Etrcent.
J S Al Young 4- Co, corner Fourth and Ferry streets.
R Paid corner Seventh ,
b and ix rain street
Cyrus itlack, Diamond, back of OM Court House.
W Buchanan, corner Wyte and Chatham streets.
ilitoevelcr, Wylie st,tieva - eim Funnel and Chatham
II C Kelly, corner Fifth street and Market alley.
Thomas Woods, Liberty street, near Waxer.
7'riniming, Hosiery and Varidy.
W Daly h Co., Manufacturers and Importers, Filth st-
F li Eaton 4. Co, ti 2. Fourth it, Oct Wood and ,Market.
Wm M Hersh, cornet Third and Market streets.
lohri"Orr 4- Ca, Market street', near Finn:
Joseph Horne 4- Ca, C,3 Market st.., bet. 4th and Diamond
Tabora°, Snuff and Cigars.
.IFuliertod,l46%ood street, near Sixth.
J McCollister, 10 Filth st, between Wood and Marart.
Daniel Day, 49 Wood street, between :id and 4th.
J Stein, St. Charles Hotel, Wood street.
George Sheller, 167 Smithfield street, near Fifth.
W¢ U Itinehart.lrwin st, between Liberty and Penn.
J A l'ilasurie,ltl Hand ittreet,betcsreen Liberty and Pena
Extract of Coffee.
John Mattin;EZlT:iot cf Coffee Manufacturer,
mend Alley, between Wood and emithuold wtreeta
Glass Manufacturtrs.
- McCully 4. Co. 130 Wood street.
Cho:uteri, Agnew 4. Co, 0 Wood, berWater and IAL At.
13akewell, !'eats 4 . co, corner wood and thl streets.
Curling, Robertson 4. co, corner Wood and Front Ats.
Simpson 4. Co, •2•2 Wood Ntrect.,llClA Bagaley 4- Co
Music Stores.
John II Mellor, SI Wood strcet—Chicktrine's Pianos
Lumber Merchants.
William Dilworth, Grant street, neat' Scvcath.
Rowan 4- Dawson, Birth Ftreet,ncar Grant.
Thomas r_lcou, PCIIII at., bet Burke Vs alley and Irwin st.
Soap and Candle Manufactories.
A Wilson CO, Ross street, between 3d and 4th
Wilson& Gorman, Fonrth street near Ross
C Sawyer 4. 50n,49 Wood st:opposite St. Charles
Fruits and Candies.
Jas C Andersod 15 Smithfield sty between Ist and '_2d.
.1 Hunker, Ca Wood et., between 6th and Diamond alley
Joshua Rhodes, 6 Wood street, near Water.
Plough Ma nufactories.
Robert lion, No. 147 Liberty street. •
Hall ¢ speer, Penn street, corner Cecil's alley
hitatard and Spices
John B Bell, corner Liberty and Ferry streets.
Rhodes ¢ Aleorn;3o Fifth st, opposite Post Buildings
Tea Stores.
3 p
i t lk s
b i
. I Tg 'o
h un , f e t
s e too i r
r e t
ja r s Fourth t,bell a v a o ti oa Fe a r n r a y streets.arket
Win A Ward, Dentist, Penn street, 3 doors above Hand
HE Co-Partnership heretofore existing between the
Tsubscribers, und fi
er the nS.
riof 3.. BONNET & Co.,
is this day dassolved by mutual consent. Either partner
may use the name of the concern in settlement.
Pittsburgh, April let, 19.50.
Ug" Having sold my entire interest in the firm of J. S.
Boman to Co. to M. D. Pawing, my late partner, and in
retiring from business, I take great pleasure in recom
mending him to the confidence of my friends `and the
public. - [ap3] J. S. BONNET.
Gravel Roofing.
ritHE subscribers respectfully inform the citizens of
j Pittsburgh and vicinity, that they are now fully pre
pared to fill orders for GRAVEL ROOFING, in n man
ner not to be sarpassod in this city or elsewhere. From
their experience in business, they feel confident that
they.will render satisfaction to all those who muy give
them work. The superiority ot Gravel Roofs over any
other kind,-particularlyin case of fire, is too well known
to require any argument in its favor. - To those who are
: unacquainted with our work, we beg leave to referthem
to Messrs. Thomas Liggett,
whoa Sr., John F.'Perry, Rody
Patterson M. Kane, Jr., and others, for who we have
done work. Orders thankfully received and promptly
attended to We will be found on Wylie street be
.wcen High and Tunnel streets TT . -
subscriber would Caii the attention of Printers to
J. his improved rrinting Inks, of various kinds and
colors, which he offers for sale at the lowest market
pricesi and warrants to be of the very first quality.
Printing Ink Manufacturer,
No. 331 mid :133 Stanton st., New York.
His agents m Pittsburgh are—Mr. R. C. Stockuht
Itlr. Wm. S. Haven.
paper is printed with his News-Ink. rents
- .
: . K. C. StOCKton,
No. 47, COMM or Arrica.ETlAliD Titian mums,
13" AS constantly oa Wind for sale—Writing, Letter,
LL Printing and Tea PAPER; Bonnet, Binders', Ful
lers' and Trunk - BOARDS; Book and :Newspaper
PRINTING INK-which he straiten at the lorveSt cash
prices, or in exchange for Rags and Tanners' Scraps.
ToßAcpo.--so bolas prime 5' jast received and for
'-sale by: Uall - 3TUART & SILL.
A stew _articlefor Coughs, Co lds, Jfactriertess; Bronchitis.
Whooping-Catigh4 - Arthina . rind , rhe various Di Suarcs
the I.w:if's:vier, P . ulSitsvUrgaas
friIiSiMEDIBINE has - inlictinitln,affections of th
Ptilinettary listens entirely differentloin any ofthe
Expectontat and Conglißernediesnow in use. It is one.
of-the inobt speedy as welltis-the most- pleas:tat, medi
einesnoin - use. It doesnot opeu •the,pores and ex
pose to a kasmt eau. .One or two doses frequently- al
lays all irritation and tickling sensation produced by a
harassing cough.'' Singers, public speakers, and those
who are required to use the vocal organs to a greater
tent; will find in this Pectoral Syrup a'sure and-instant
remedy :for hoarseness. and laryngeal irritation. - -It
clears the.throtifperferatly: of - all collections of mucous,
and gives tone and clearness tathe'volce. • '
SY'iIIPTOIIIS---The symptoms which usually usher in
a Cough-di-Cold _may be."enumerated as follows: This
disease inthe books 'is caller' catarrh, andis preceded by
an inereased discharge from the nose, tangos's:lld bron
chia; there is a feeling of lassitude over the whole
liody, and very often cold shiverings are felt; at least
Abe body is more than usually . sensitive-to - the urban of
.the air :the pulse increases in frequency, and there Is
generally more or less fevep. ,Thesertymptontsare soon
tollowed with hoarseness and a:sells - 0 of roughness and.
soreness in the windpipe and vocal, organs, together,' ,
with dilliculty of breathing antra senile of donatnetior:
of the chest. There is also -attending a 'doll pain and
sense of weight In the-forehead :as well as a. heaviness
in moving the eyes. • These feelings, sometimes, at the,
very beginning of the disease, and' always sotto after,
are attended with a distillation front the nose and some
times from the-eyes, of a thin acid fluid, which frets and
irritates-the'parts over which it•passes. The cough is
at first usually dry; but-as the disease progresses there
is an expectoration of thin mucous, which gradually
becomes thicker and more copioutfiand having some ap--
These are the leading symptoms of whit is termeri"a
cold,' which, if neglected, are likely to result in irre•
parable injury to the Lungs, and . CONSUMPTION.
Price 50 cents per bottle.
For proof of- the above read the. following 'eertifi-'
eates7,-- „ .
Da..Karsart:- - We take pleasure in certifying, for the
benefit of other sufferers, , to the- efficacy of, your PEC
TORAL, COUGH SYRUP, In our case. During the
use of two bottles purchased of you wewere cured of
a hoarseness amounting to an entire loss of voice; and
effectually relieved of a severe cough, which threaten
ed permanent injury to the lungs.' , •
At the Banking Soave of Win. A. liill4. Co. Pittsburgh.
Da. KETSalt.:—You have asked me the effects of your .
Pectoral Syrup in my own case. I had a very bail
cough during part of last winter. It began with a feel
ing.ef fullness to the bead; increased secretion and suf
fusion of tears; together with hoarseness, pain in the
breast, and the other accompaniments of what has been
denominated " Tyler Grippe." I took two bottles , of
your Pectoral Syrup, according to the directions on the
bottle ; and I am now, and have been ever since, entire
ly free front any of the unpleasant symptoms enumera
ted above. Yon have my permission to publish this for
the good of your sales, as well as the. Public, if you de. ,
sire to do so. Very respectfully, yours. ace.
Prepared by Dr. Geo. 11. Keyser, and sold by _
.K.EYS.ER AvDoPitra..L;
140 Wood st., corner of Virgin alley.
To whom all orders must be addressed. inov9.o
To Printers.
Ue.ysees Pcote'rat
Or Greaterlo
PREPARED from Rennet, or the fourth stomach, of
the Ox, after directions by Baron Loma. the great
PnytiologiAl Chemist, by 3.5, HOUGErroN;m.D., Na.
11, North Eighth Street, Philadelphia, Pa,
This is a truly wonderful remedy for INDIGESTION,
COMPLAINT,. and DEBILITY, curing:alter Nature's
own tncthod,by Nature's own agent, the Gastric Juice.
Half a teaspoonful' of this hltild, infused la- water,
will digest or dissolve Emu Pocans us ROAST DEC? Iri
AULT TWO 11017104 out of the stomach.
Baron Erma in hiseelebtated work ou Animal Chem
fairy, says : "An artificial Digestive Fluid, analogous rho
the Gastric Julee,may be readily prepared from analogous
cous membrane of the stomach ot-the calf, in which va
rious articles of food, as Meatllnd eggs, will be so soft
ened, changed and digested, just in the same manner as,
they would be in the human stomach."
Dr. PEttatfte, in his famous treatise on" Food nerd Di
, published by-Fowlers le Wells, New York, page 35,
states the same great fact, and describes the method of '
preparation. There are few higher authorities than Dr.
Dr. Cones, in his valuable writings on the " Physiolo
Digestion,"observes that -it diminution of the due
Atfautity of the Gastric Juicers a prominent and all-pre
vailing cause of Dyspepsia;' and he slams that "a dia.
tingutsned professor of medicine in London, who was
severely aMicted with this complaint,auding everything
else to fail, bad recourse to the Gastric Juice, obtained
from the stomach of living animals, which proved com
pletely successfuLn
Dr. GRAHAM, author of the famous works on" Vegeta
ble Diet," says: "It is a reinarkablotact physiology;
that the stomachs of animals, 'macerated in water- tat
part to the fluid the property of ditaolving varions'erti
cies of food, and of effecting a kind of artificial
tioa of them In no wise different from the natural digest
ive process."
Dr. Sixos`s great work, the " Cher - Miley of .51an.'" (Lea
A. Blanchard, Plata , pp. 3'll 2l says: The titteov.
ery of PEPSIN farms a new era m the chemical history
of Digestion. Prom recent experiments we know that
food is dissolved as ridly in an artificial digestive
fluid, prepared from ap
as it is in the mitatal Gas
ine Juice itself."
Pmfeess r Desomeoa, of the Jefferson College. Phila
delphia' in his greet work en It Physiology,devotes
attirethanfifty pages to an excumnation of this salute:.
lant experimeats with Dr. Beaumont, on the Gastric
J met, obtained from the living human stomach and from
animate, arc well known. "In ail eases." be says, "di
gestion occurred as perfectly in the artificial as in the
natural digestions."
Dr. HOUGlrroa'S preparation of PEPSIN has ,produced
the most marvelous effects, curing cases of DerniitY,
Emacianon, Nervous Dectitte.and Dyspeptic Consump
tion, supposed to he on the very verge of the grave. It
is itapo,thle to give the details of casts in Om limits of
this advertiseineut--but anthenucated certificates have
been given of more than - TWO ItUNDRED REMARK
ABLE CURES. in-Philadelphia, New York, and Boston
alone. There were nearly all desperate eases, and the
cures were not only rapid and wonderful, but perma
It Is a groat NERVOUS A,NTIDOTF., and particularly
ueefut for tendency to bilious disorder, Liver Complaint,
'ever and Ague, or badly treated Fever and Ague, and
toe evil effects of Quinine, Mercury, and other drugs
upon the Digestive organs, after a long sickness. Alit),
for excess In eating, and the too free use Of 'ardent spir
its. Balsa reconciles Heath with Intemperance.
which it does not scent to reach and remove at once.—
No matter how bad they may be, it GIVES INSTANT
RELIEF! A single dale remora ant he uriplearantymp•
toms, and it only need., to he repeated, fur a short time.
to mike these good effects permanent. PURITY OF
BLOOD and VIGOR OF BODY, follow at once. It Is
particularly excellent in cases of Nausea., Vomiting,
Cramps, Soreness of the pit of the Stomach, distress af
ter eating, low, cold state of the Blood, Ileavineee, Low
ness of Spirits, Despondency, Emaciation, 'Weakness,
tendency to Insanity, Suicide, Ac.
Price, ONE DOLLAR per bottle. One bottle will of
ten effect a lasting cure.
Every bottle bears the written signature of J. S.
fIOUGITTON, M.D., Sole Proprietor.
Sold by agents in every town in the 'United States,
unit by retmeetarde dealers in Medicines generally.
Agents for Pittsburgh, KEYSER McDOWELL. 141
Wood street.
Retail dealers supplied at Proprietor's prices. Invfithy
Also, for sale by K. E. SELLERS, fi Wood street.
Philosophy of UPS randrethls Vegetable
WIIEN the theory of the circulation of the blood
was established, the secret springs of vitality
were then partially exposed to our view. We saw and
understood that the food we cat was converted into ;
blood, which repaired the waste of the animal machine;
the food is fuel, which keeps at a life heat the Internal
fires that warm and invigorate oar inner man. The
blood is an electric fluid which carries this heat to every
ramification of the body, even to the extremities of the
hair and horny naiL While the blood is thus the seat of
life, it is also the seat of disease. Food gives the body
strength; Brandretlfs pills give blood the necessary
power to throw out from itself ail impurities, thus ren
dering the stream of life pure and healthy. If men were
more sincere, there would be fewer religious creeds;
and If they kept close to nature's laws is the management
of their bodies, they would require little medicine. As
men grow intelilligent they will become sviser and hap.
pier; evennovv, their wisdom is proved by the fact that,
when sickness assails them '
they use Brandreth's Vega
table Untveral Pills, which soon restore themto health.
They ore peculiarly adapted to the climate, and require
no extra care vvhen they arc used, in either diet or cloth
ing. They shoald be always in the house - , so that upon
the first indication of sickness theymay be used. One
dose in the beginning is more potent for good, than a
dozen after the sickness is fixed in the system. In colds,
coughs, asthma, rheumatism. costiveness, fevers, and in
all acute, heavy or deep-seaied 'pains, their effects will
be fouud beyond all praise. Three or five will act like
a charm, often curing a dangerous malady at once, sa
ving months of sickness and the evils thercunto attend
ing. Remember:, /3randreth's Pills are a known and
fully tested medicine, one that is used by hundreds of
thousands in this country and throughout the civilized
world. They are quietly superseding all other medi
cines. They take out only that from the blood which is
the cause of weakness and pain, leaving strength and
health ; th ey produce healthy sleep at night, and - an ap
petite that relishes all kinds of food."
Sold at No. Diamond alley—the only Place in Pitts
burgh where the genuine Brandreth rinser° kept for sale
—the undersigned is the oniy agent in the city.
dee2.3;3m THOATAB B.E.DPATH.
Bull's Sarsaparilla and the cholera.
OT a single man, woman or child has died of the
CROLERA:or any of its symptoms who used this
invaluable preparation. Look at the city of Louisville,
whore this Sarsaparilla is made, and where from NO 1 0
Cholera are retailed daily, but few isolated eases of
have occurred, and they. were either persons
from boats or those who disregarded our advice.
[Cincinnati Chronic's,
For sale by KEYSER to IiPDOWELIO.4O Wood et.
Pittsburgh, where the genuine article may always be
Warted. ll
gettef for Cramps.
V i r the Inostapproved English patterns, furnished and
recommended by Thomas Bakewell, Esq., and a number
of eminent Physicians, being a most convenient appara
tus for the application of warm or hat water to the bow.
els,ln ense of cramps in Cholera. As every person is
subject to sudden attacks, no family should be without—
at least without one. For sale by
ie6 Flrst street, between Wood and Market sts.
JUST RECEIVED, a fresh supply of Dr. S. S. Fitch's
valuable Medicines, among which are remedies for
Consumption ,Coughs and Dyspepsia. Also, Abdominal
Supporters, Shoulder Braces_, Inhaling Tobes , and Lec
tures on the Treatment and darn of Consumption, Ac.
For sale by COULTER dr: HACKE,Dr_uggists, -• •
unls corner of Wood; and Third streets
1:Z 4 ..f;,t it,xl7,-44p1,0,-7,iq,4'.;+).-z,,,,71,..; ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .3.,;:v •,4=
_ _ _
Ns W Dhra}Cg of Wood,h St ree ts..
rtl'rolmiettir thtltitraniNi: - Folsj_ Magma
-AND:MANIVILCITIUM, re spec:fully informs h friends
and. thepatrompoithese papers, tont he has a large asp
nedessary to ri,lob Printing Office, and that he is, pre•
pared to execute, - - .
VEMI.IratBS YRlnals4 or uvula nnsaittryon:
I3ooks, Bills of Lading, Circutars,
Pamphiari - : -Bar yfertzu, -, - Cards„
Youfbitir , - ;Blanks, • • -•- Eat TiPS,%
iirrititkiirdS of Minks,- Stagoi Steamboat atiti ,, C anal
Boat Bills r witliappreirriate eats, printed an the shortest
notiae.and mos: reasonable terms.
Ile respectfully asks the patronage of his friends and
the public geriendlyi ibis branch of his-business. - -
sep22 - - • -1,. HARPER.
a, 1 74,p JA 91E9
- -
Ware:rOdmifarid- 99, trylrd - sit/rect.
T -NY...W.1134m ctfully.rtforms Ids friends and.custom- .
t/ • era that' he has now completed, the. -iargest and ft
nest,,stoek, of household farruture ever before seen in
this city; as determined to uphold , the quality with
bestWorkariship, and newest,
'desigus; and
,frora. the extent - of his orders and facility
in manrdPOturing, be is enabled to ,produce warranted
furniture,at the lowest 'Prices- • --' -
Ho has adopted the principle of identifying, the cus-
waters' interest with his own, in quality and price, and
keeps always on hand the greatest variety of every des.
cripuon, of furniture, from the cheast and plainest,to
the most, elegant and costly, that a h pe ouse, or any part of
one, may be furnished from his stock, or manufactured
expressly to order. He-therefore:solicits an inspection,
that the advantages of his establishment utay be }mown.
The following articles consist, in part, of his stook, which
for richness of style and finish, cannot be surpassed. In
any of the Eastern . • •
• '
drawing, ilin- •
- • ing, and bed room
chairs,, of every variety,
consisting of - -rOsewortodr. ma•
liogany and walnut Eli za lib the n,
Conservatoire-And Easy Chairs, PI every •
• _description; Couches, Solas,Tete-attete and DI : -
vans of tho latest - French and American patterns.;
Tashaes; What-Nots, and ladies , r calor, "Wnting Tlesks
of various kinds; Work Tables and fancy ; inlaid
stands, 'music Annds, and holders, marble top, ma
, hogany, rose Wood and walnut centre and so in,ta
hies, extension dining tablet.; all sizes of she
most improved, and- decidedly the best kind'
made; card, Pembroke hall and pier tables,
wardrobes, bedsteads - and washstands of
.each , a large assortment; gothic hull •
and parlor reception chairs, ottomans
and. stools, . secretary and hook
cases, side boards, fire screens,
towel racks, hat stands, and
'music- stools, cribs and cots
for children; paper mache,
table and tea pays, me
- hogany, rosewood, and
inlaid pearl Tables,
&c. e. &c.
A large assortment of COMMON FURNITURE and
WIND...sOR CHAIRS. Cammor atasens supplied with
all articles in their lino
STEAAIROATS and. HOTELS, famished at the 'boll
est notice:- r" .
All orders promptly attended to
N 0.96 Thsrdstrea, bettauss Alaska and Woad, asuet olds.
, Wn have now on hand a large and
t 3 splendid stock of every variety ot Uttauts
are confident cannot be seep as s e d,ll
is quailed, in this City, or 11. the West, in style and finish.
Those who are tu want°, Furniture are respectfully
Invited toestll and examine tot themselves.
OW' 'Steamboats ft:moist:let:loath 1 shortest notice.
Orr '
till orders promptly attended to.
tehlletf O'DONNLI.L.IIULLM I & C 0:....
_ ---
Furniture end Chair Ware Roans,.
Ai . 13. YOUNG & CO., cornr of Thud
41 " "f le• mu T g
Sy:Witt:di:J., cwasite Bro e
wn't Hold,
~,,, Pittsburgh, Pa., keep constantly on hand
00,044 ** anti make to order, at the lowest prtees,
coffins, of the best workmanship and most approved
styles. ttbls
Steamboats, Ahoy I
Tut subscribers tender their an
..serdritsAtnowledgatents for the favors bestow
c upon tern by their Steamboat friends,. and
would respectfully remind them and others Inte
rested in 'building boats, that they are at all times pre
pared to furnish, on the rea.l reasonable terms, every
description of Cabin Furniture and Chairs of the bee
material and workmanship. 1 13 YOUNG & CO.,
Corner Th ird and Smith fi eld streets,
" o posite "Brown's Hatch',
0. C. 11.101.31511.
/110.1211310 r dt. Mauler,
cAlliN ET wAutmoom,smiTsinrA , onfalET ,
Batcten Sreenthr won and Strawberry alics,Pius6u rg, ra.
11.AAIMillt & DAL' ithlll keep eonetantly unhand
a variety of emeellent and fashionabie 1 urniture,
warranted equal to way in tbe city, and bold on as
favorable terms ax can be obtained at any similar
ritablitintnent in An WC4I. They have now on hand an
nab - molly extensive 'toe k.. embracing 01l kindle! Fainttura', Tiara the cheapest and plainc.t to the most costly'
and elegant. All onlers promptly a iter.dcd to. cr.e.:l:Cm
-‘,.7, WM. F.. IiTEVENtiON Cartatlllefl o mann.
facture CILBINF:T•ir4I3.6" of evcry Alcg.crip-
Lion, at his old stand. corner of Liberty and
.I , evesith strrolo. VNI/IIitTAK - 11S0 attended
to, in ult its branches..—. ritayll
ton:don aluatvati.
1)1J1tE Londeo Barbara Mosmrd, tbo keg - , for
_ safe hy (oeraiat 1- JaslitJA frOIti.NSON.
df.t.E'llifEN Y.
tiC 11064" UilliCr OM three twit of Alt. A. Mrs. N.
W. :11rreszar, veil! be Re-Oor.ned iu "Colonnade
ilea,' Federal street, oa MONDAY, SeptemurrlM. A
primary ..leparunent, and a number opuonal month
es, have been added, and a corps of teachers secured,
xe that tkAntur.4ont , anti now be given to scholars or ail
ages achd a:tail:rue tit s•
rOT reirbeotais ICC cir.uSaaa,which may be had at
the boot: stores — , or ceas“it tue Pr=tpals, at their
claret/int:4oa Federal street.
Aiiirtmg, Aug. art.44:tf
L. 14. %Villains,
Tn.... Joptu a , CLAStiIeAt , and HNISLISH SCHOOL
au the irt tranday gf Strualbor nat. ROOM, ()Ter
J. I. W lawns Co: sr ttsztec ornet of Wood anti Fifth
strvits. _ . _
Rev. Wst.D. Ilowsao, lion. W.C..sta ii. Lovitda,
ErAdotr, .1. I).ittu. rsq.,
" J. D. Wu. *s thr2l:ll
Ffsll Out , ll.C.rtOor having just returned (Writhe East., Is
now {teeming and opening a splendid stock. of goods,
tolonsinff fa Nat of very rich style Carpets, viz:
Brussem., 'ra-estry Biassels and Velvets, imported
expressly fur this market.
Also, Imperial 3 ply, superfine 2 ply, with a heavy
stool. 0 ati the tower priced grades; together with a
large variety al Hearin Bugs, Door Mats. 6tair Bads,
WOoo,..vreco, Blue and Seat/et figured Baize, (coin is to
3 yards wide. A superior article. of French fable and
Piano Corers. Oil Cloth, from g t eight yards setae,
All the above named articles having been selected
with great care, and purchased at such pr ces as to ena
ble him to sell cheaper than any house west of the
C,llLeur , and persons (rota the country are requested to
call and examine the stock tit .I..iynd's l l..'arpet Emporium.
No. MI Fourth street, and No. 6J Wood stree W.
E. . LYND.
JU:st Rtiett;lVLiU,d casts of Fancy STKA IV
and CHIP BOIVIVETB, Lodi& Riding HATS,
Children's and Mines' Bonnets, Bays' Eats, 4.0.
Those wanting connote will please give her a coil be
fore purchasing elsewhere. Alt order* promptly attend
ed to, at No If Kith. st. A/a
- rtAiLtatt.nti.—Tho partnership orliiiinit a lilts
s this day dissolved, by mutual consent. The bu
siness of the tam will be settled by 11. Lee.
fituburgh, 30th Jan.,1649
NOTICE.—The undersigned will continue the Wool
business and attend to the *ale of NVoolen °odds, et the
old place. H. LEE.
IG In retiring from the late firm of Murphy de Lee, I
take great pleasure in reconunentling Mr. I . Lee to the
confidence of my friends and to the pubdo.
Notice. •
A N application will be made at the next meeting of
XL. the Legislature of PCllll.6ylVattia, to incorporate a
Bank to be called the Mechanics Bank of Pittsburgh, to
be located in the City of Pittsourgh, and to have a card.
talnot exceeding two hundred thousand dollars.
Extra Family Flour.
OR.the convenience of the _citizens, the proprietors
of the "PITTSBURGH CITY MILLSP hove placed
ones for the reception of orders, at the followiug places:
J.& It. Floyd's store, corner of Wood aud Gat Its; A.
M.Haywood's Shoe store, comer Liberty and Markii
A. Beelen's store, thl street;
L. Wilcox, Jr., Druggist, cor. 4th and Smithfield;
John k" Smith's store, cor. High and Wylie Streets ;
Telegrat.i. Office, Fourth street;
li. C. Kelly, Grocer, cor.Gth st. and Market alley ;
M. Grass's IT.ita,Oth Ward.
The Flour watt' , es will call twice or thrice daily, for
orders, and the Flog, &c. delivered promply either in
barrels or sacks, (sock Flour is prctorabla for family .
use,) without charge for cartage. •
It is ()fain that no accounts can be allowed, and that
drivers can have no permission to leave Flour without
payment. We hope that the public will be pleased with
this arrangement, as we shall endeavor to do them Just
ce. Lraarld) %MM./MTH 'lt• NOBLE.
THE f o rwardsubscrieen authorized to
ages to beed to San Francisco by the house
of CORWINNE, BRoviER & CO, at Panama and
to engage Passage in first class sailing Vessels ' from
Panama to San Francisco. Every information given,
on application to JOSHUA BSON,
apla Post Buildings, Filth ROBINS Wood.
l e i Cloths, all wool, Cashmarettes, Scotch Plaids,
Linen Drills and Dacksovith every, variety of Mar
seilles and other Vestings and Trimmings, by
The 41Pittsburgb. Brewory.”
HAVING taken a lease of this Well Iraown Brewery,
. and having it now in full operation, I am now pre
pared to furnishiny_friends and the public with a supe•
nor article. of ALES- and BAVARIAN BMA; in any
quantity.. Call and see, atthe corner of Penn street and
Barker's alley. - • WM] • A. BENITZ.
Window Shades. Banners,
' wash at No, .I.oi ST.CLuatrassr, Prrnannton.
For - specimens, call at Wilkins Dail , Walker's Ex
change, Smithfield !Street j and Keevirs Hal Store; Wood
Masonic and I. 0.0. F. , s. Aprons and Badges , Painted .
in a iniperiormauner.
Fresco painting executed In sUperior Style,withAnteri
can and Foreign designs,. S. SIMMS 1,17/LTSON:"
jet:if . EDWARD' R. REIMAN
Winter. - tiothlizig Selling:Low-tor Cash.
D DELANY 190'Liberty street,'Pitubtirgfi has on
iehund a' large - mssorunent_of the, of
Winter Conti ; of fasbionabrecoiori. Pants, Veils
:and all other attieles "in the'•clothlmr line. "Wholesale
,:purehasersAvill find a most desirable stoalr - to select
ftbm.. and wilt be sold lovr 'for cash. - adeel9
B.' DI. ARO - 17ST, .
M E-R Oti ANT , T A 0 •
NFORMS his friends and cIUIXI
tOerath at he has op en
edd a CLOTHING STORE, nt No. 85Sraillifield
where, thaP s ' with ' anything in
his line, made in the most finished style and workman
. file manner: . His Goods -fresh, of she best'and
most fashionable material, and po pains wilt be spared
toga:ford the .greatesf degree of satisfaction to his pat
.ions. A good stock of Ready Made CLOTHING always
. • No. 17 Smithfield stria, Pimburgh,
..LJL and carefully selected stock of French. English.
and :American CLOTHS; CASSIMERES and..VEST
INGS—of the most approved colors and 'styles; 'which
he is prepared so make to ordeal's the very manner
and o;. the most reasonable terms.
Ho has Always orr hand a.. good assortment oft gehtle
men's. Fashionable READY Idit.DE CLOTHING, Shirts,
'Collars' Cravats; Hank erehie k Oloves;Suspe nders,
'Clothing! Clothing
wholesak and Retai/ Dealer in Cloth-big, 151 Liberty st.
Pittsburgh, Pa. -
IIiTY stock of Fall and Winter Clothing is naw reedy,
al, amounting- to Onwards of 6100,000, which I. think
will be found to by . one of the choicest selections ot ar
meats ever got up in this or any other city in the West-
My purchases having hien all Made early 4 have
thereforeavoided the lam advances made in almost all
descriptions of Woollen Goods, and am therefore ena
bled to offer my stock at unusually low prices. .
I have this season paid more than usual attention to
the manufacturing and style of my garments, 50 that the
very lowest priced as well as the finest are got up in a
style and:elegance not to be surpassed. Hundreds"- of
new customers, both wholesale and re l ail v have been
attracted as 'Mich by the superior make of the clothing
as by the lowness of my prices. • •
The proprietor would particularly , call the attention of
all dealers in Clothing to his present stock, believing
that upon examination of the quality and prices of his.
Goods they will be Induced to purchase at his establish
ment. The wholesale room now contains upwards of
2,000 garments, front the finest in quality to the lowestin
The proprietor is now deter Mined tomake this depart
meat a point of great attraction, and with this view has,
constantly on hand a large quantity of gOods suited to
every section of the' United States, ' • • •
In the cutting department wiltalways found a very
Marge selection of all the choicest makes of Cloths, Car
sumeres and Silks, to be found hitt& or eastern markets.
He is prepared to make cloth* to order in the shortest
Notice in the latest and most fashionable styles. '
He respectfully invites hisold Wends and elastomers,
as well as the public ia general, to call and examine Cot
hemselves.: • IocUS
. ,
it Great Indweetnenta to flay Clothing!
. TlHlE'subscribei wishing to sell 'his entire stock of
ai VERY LOW PRICES. ' Persons wishing to purchase
will save money by calling on him...
.sepf.l4 ti W. S. DAVITT, Noprator.
Ile!mesh's Celebrated Patent Shears.
SE undersigned has been appointed by Mr. Heine,
of New York, sole Agent for the 'sale of his justly
ea lebrated pate nt Tailors , Shears. Be offers these Shears
now at manufacturer's prices. complete as
sortment of these Shearsi lutm 69.10. up to 619 a piece,
he calls the attention of L,adies, Milliners and Dressma
kers and Tailors, to his establishment, the -FRANKLIN
CLOTHING STORE. 179 Liberty street, 4th door from
St. Clair, and respectfully solicits a share of the public
patronage, which this arncle so justly deserver ,
oc t3l: ma* HAVEKOTTE.
rJrn Gods.
1311.1 i" (OOD . B•
One Price Store or A. A. DIASON CO.,
/Vas,C2 and C 4 Atarkci street.
MriLan t.
this occasion, the wboie of their immenscestablishrnent
will be thrown opep for Retail Trade, and their exten
sive stork. amounting to One Hundred and Thirty
Thousand Dollars, will be offered at Iletall, at fully one
fourth less than ulna/ paces-
The notice ot title Semi-Annual Sale to any one of
Inc mousands who attended the title of last year, wilt
be sufficient guarantee for a cull this reason. They will
however mention a few of the Goods and Prices, for ihe
benefit of thtra who have never aueuded their Sales—
Rich Cashmeres, - c. - Usual price Sl,llO
Stxl ps. Gerson and Wool Cashmeres, t:.4c.; 116[1.111pri re
371 e.;
tato tR. Conon and Wool Behalnes - , 15,. 101 c: Usual
;nice YO and e;
high Colored Plain fteLtsines. 43e. Usual price
ritt ps. Striped and Figured Silks, 50e. Usual ,price
ps. Black Silks. Reduced ta - por eent.;
Ina psi. Emmen hlerittoes,Sl, o o. Usual Vie!. Bl i nk:
It ps. Paramettas and Lyonere Cloths. Reduced lib
I;t:A.ll)LongSnmat"Bitawlar which will be sold at from
St to BS less than the U. 11341 prices.;
ation yea. Bonnet Ribbons, at e and 10c. 'Usual ;nice
18 and etc.;
Fast Colored calicoes, Cie • Usual pile
roses Ec-lish and American Calicoes, e and 10:.
Urea! price leand 121 e.; .
00 cases Bleached hinsluts. Ranee,' 2a. per yard;
t:C.r) bales Brown Muslin—ail genitor;
Also—Laces, Embroideries, - Crimmings, 'Hosiery . and
G love I, Linens, Checks, Cloths, Cassimeres, Cassineti
and Jeans.
Together with an Immense variety of .other Goods, all
of which will 1•t marked down to lower' priers than any
of their previous sales
They invite an early call, as many of their choicest
Gonda wtlisnou be field.
The lowest price named at first.
A- et. MASON &
Nos -Ott and St Murketstreta.
No. 73 Xarket, war Fourth street,
11AVil.tult received and otter for sale ut Wholesale
and emit
Bonnet Ribbons and Flowers; Florence silk; Velvets
and Plumes; Embrohlered Collars ; Currs and Chcmi.
zetts ; Lines Cambric Umtata:able& ; Embrolue red and
Ilevie'd Cashmere; alpaca,merino and silk Hose;
ehildren's plain wool and Tartan nose ; ;children's
Hoods, Gatte re and Jenny Lind Coats; kid, merino and
fleeced silk Gloves; gents. Harlin, buck and kid Gloves;
gents. suprr silk Shirts and Drawers; gents, Saxony
and merino Shirts and Drawers - , Suspenders ;Collarsi
fancy Cravats; Comforts; Scarfs; Zephyr Work and
Canvass; Carpet Rags; Umbrellas; Yarns; Curtain
Fringes; Combs; Buttons,&c,, Zee. '
(JD" Hay State and imported long and square Shawls
of every quality. (oct2sr2in
Fresh Arrival... New Goods •
tllll undersigned is now receiving from the Eastern
cities by Express, a splendid assortment of Fancy
and Stopie Dry Goods, purchased exclusively for Cash,
from the importers awl manufacturers, at least Zoo:g
-hee po cent. Wow the east of those who made the.r. par
chatois curlier Indic season, and will be sold Wholesale
and Retail for cash at
50 pieces Lupin's French Iderinoes,,Cherry, Scarlet,
Pink, G reen, Maroon, Black, Mazarine Blue and Mode
colored, from 671 e. a 9 to the finest quality, manufactured
under the French Republic,
15 Pieces Superior Bombazines, Lupin's manufacture
—at unprecedented low prices.
150 pieces black and Colored Alpacas, from 10 cents
pet yard up to the finest Silk Warp and Mohair Lustres
125 pieces Tkibei, Parametta and Coburg Cloths all
colors and qualities, aud cheaper than ever before alter
ed in this city.
350 pieces American and British Prints, superior quali
ty, and will be sold at extremely low prices. '
450 SHAWLS: Superior Bay State and Waterloo
Long Shawls, Charnelion, Silk and Turk Satin De Chein
and all Wool Ilroeha Shawls, Black and Colored' Em
broidered Cloth Shawls, Plain and Embroidered Black
and Colored Silk Fringe, Thibet and . Mous De . Lain
350 patterns Superior Dress Silks: Plain Chanieliort
Silk and Satin De Choin, Wide Black Gro De Rhine
Silks, Plain and Fancy Figured Silks, and Black . Plaid
Gro De Armour Silks. •
- 150 pieces Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestlagi, superior
quality, and *ill be sold at a great reduction item torm
or prices. •
500 pieces Bleached - Muslin, good quality, all widths,
from Of to 121 cents per yard.
' 600 pieces heavy :yard wide Brown Muslin, from Gle.
to the best article manufactured. •
200 pieces Red, Whitei and Yelio - w Flannels, from 181
rents per yard up to the finest Silk : Warp VIM , Weleh
Gauze Flannel Imported.
100 pieces Irish - Linen, warranted made of. Flax yarn,
round thread,' wire twist,handaptin and grass bleached.
125 pieces Cheeks, superior raa- e; from 8 to 181 cents
per yard together with a. U
large' assortment of Damask
Fable Linen and Table Cloths, Russia Diaper and
.Cassinetts, Kentucky Jeans, Bed Ticking, Do
mestic Gingham, Colored. Cambrics, ?lain Linsey's
Canton Flannels, Ac.- • .
350 dozen Ladies and Gentlemen's Gloves and Hosiery
—including every variety and quality, which will be
sold at extremely low prices,
The customers of the house and all cash buyers axe
requested to call and examine the goods;
bargain, as they wilt be offered Wholesale and Re .wilt u
very low prices. frr pro. 75 Market street,-Prtts bur&
novl6 - . - •- - ABSALOM' MORRIS..
Clothst Clothoi Cloths
Black and Fancy coloted French and English
CLOTHS; Pilot, Cloaking and Drab. Cloths.
Just opened at.
_-. ALLSON& -
dec2 . Dios. 62 and 64 Market street.
Iraportnilt to Tailors.
TUST RECEIVED.;-:6 Doz. aiSorted. Tailors' Patent
Shears, from No; 1.0 down to No. 2.. '
A[4o-3 Doz.-Barbers' Patent Scissors, direct front
the raanufacturers; and for sale at
IiDWN & TETLEY , S,I36 Wood st.,
2.doOrit below Virgin alley.
, .
f; Snidegsa IVlltte - Gtore , „ -
" UNRIVALLEDVLACE for obtaining - ell - Mites,
Liquors, &c., GOOD and:CHEAP. . • .
"SNIDER' , ha slately,L-in - tonsequence4f - the
ons large sales made by hinttoconsumerdr-Asen obliged
Itirgely to replenish hisstock fresh iMpottations,'and
he has - now the satisfaction of offeringsome of the best
Wines and Liquors ever, imported by. hint. Ho 'would
rtifer %caw invoices us follows—vm: '•
cate Palent very - low •piteesi rare old, and - some vety
choice MANRANILLA, all on draught by the gallon...
AlRO,rale old delicate- AftIONTILLADD, in casksof 16
gallons spraaily - seketed for consul:nets."' fIame:EXTRA
AMONTILLADO in bottles, put up in Europe,which he'
roallesset us equal to any that can be produced. '
ties are pecaliarlY*.adaPted ni convalescents, as they
strengthen without stimalating, and have not the acid' f
:PORT WlNrl—principutly sPeciallY ,seleeted for"
his sales teonsuniers cram the stock of- , Bumninmsta's,
at Oporto, and imparted direct. • - •
These Wines are fruity ' and delicate;andlhaVe been ,
highly appioved by his eustornerS, because or their
manifest superthrity over:all other - Ports andlyed Wined'
palmed oft: es Bubb.
Timytirehr.,:y snot's sorts and prices;in bottles and on
draught by the gollonior wholesale Ity - the cask. Among
them is, some rare delicate WHITE' PORT and MA . -.
-tePeritint; suffering:with chi-mile - affection of the boor"
- els cannot be too careful in'tbeir-PORT.
MADEIRA WINES 'of various sorts, dry - rind 'rich,
South Side. oh:l.:East and West India? Bertha, A,c.
oh draught, in bottles and casks.
ihs to the' SPARKLED WINE.S' by
of the •
is well known that the MOEN:EXTRA CHAMPAGNE'
,and the splendid 'SPARKLING imported
by him are superior to. any other , Wines; imuLare sold
at prices as low as most of theinferiovonnes now in the
market -which are put upon. buyers asstfi attn. ..-
He has also CHAMPAGNE WINES rio brands
and qualities, at very low.pricestretail sir wholesale. In
the-article of CLARET WlNES,geratiallY. the subscri
ber holds himself t o be a judge, and he.offers the finest
stock here, from the. very lowest price, by the single do
zen, to the flTSVeltisfr or premier eru o of Mreoc.
.Of BURGUNDY WINES lie has alarge stock and can
assure customers that he con present. to Item; from_it
vaults, asgood,a bottle of Burrndy:as France. affordd- ,
'SAUTERNEandBARSAC viays onhand is bottled;
" selection of RHINE rutthItIOSELLE -- AVINM I,
from the cellars of Messrs. Deirlelarill & JORDAN, Of Co..
Mena, are extensive ; and number many Still Hooksett&
Aloselle,from the cheapest sorts to tne very . choicest
vintages of the °S.FEINBERG,O. which is the best
growth of the Rhine. - -• • - .
In the articles of COGNAC. and other BRANDIES he
has now a fine stock, embracing some very oldeztra - of
1800, Or OTAILII, - Dopey Ile CO., one some :_celebrated
CLAVIER of legt , 0 In eighth casks, and 1612 in hhds. -
an duDlJßOUCHE, o l644,thhhdvenconsignm ent ; which
will be sold low • - - • -
and all:other Wipes:and Liquors, incliMing' all of the,
A constant assorted snick of lI&VANA;SF.GARS. -
* * *All Goods ddtrered, Within one day's twitof PhiIa
deria,7II:EIGIITTAID. •Or(lerS will be promptly
te if sent by mail or telegraph _ -
Address, , _ JACOB-SNIDER, JR.,
_ .Cheap Wine Store, .
• 76 ViTridnut street, Phila.
J. T. Drooker;.,Wooaw & Co., • 1
Builders and Erectors of Melding Rods, on
ORDERS left at this office or the Post Office and for
personal intervir.w. ca be,rmen on fourili. street,
residence of Dr. Hoot, between. Wood and Ferry..
lirjerences--Profasbor . Editor of Silliman's
Journal ; Professor 0. 11. Mitchell; of the. Cincinnati .
Observatory ; Professor Robert Peter, of Transylvania
University, Kentucky ; Professor Chester .I ewey, D.D.,
81. D., New Fork' Professor Cassel, Cleasland
University. Ohio. • - - - • '
In Pittsburgh—A. W. L6OOllll, John Harp er, Wilson
Ill'Candless, Mr. Childs, Col. Morgan, Rev. Mr. Spares,
J: D. Williams, Major Dardlng,U. S. Arsenal; John
Ewing & Sons., L. Harper, D. N. White, W. A.. Mar
s hall, John Sampson, Major Davis and John H Shoeuber
• ' triovl63l
-- -
0111111110 . naps. ..
.1 - being introduced into all the leading schools its:
New England and New York. • We have obtained the
agency for them in -Pittsburgh, and invite teachers - and.
school committees to call and examine them:
No. i—Map of the Western Hemisphere, 82x82 inches.
No. 2— do Eastern do . do .
Isio.l- . - do North America, 70x64
No. 4 do United States, 70x52
No.s Go Europe, . 70x
No. 6 do Asia,7ox79
No. 7— do • S. AOtiCO. a Africa, .70X.:4
Price of the series, with key,S2s; or the first two
Hemisphere Maps, with key, SW.
These Maps are unrivalled in accuracy, beauty and
cheapness, and adopted to the wants of the primary,
grammar and high schools of the United States.
For sale at publisher's prices, withoat addition of
. reight charges,at the
cor Market and Fourth mi.
Flour lioduced.
VITILMAILTH & NOBLE will sell their Extra Flour,
TV delivered on and alter the let November at 52;25
F 6e.; Saperfinaot 82,00 100 ell. • A liberal du
rountto retailers
itAremant. DEPARTMENT , :-The regular coarse of '
.111. Lectures will commence on the flute /Y=o 2l = 2
and root/one until the i 33/ et February. The Anatomi 4
cal Department will be opened and ready to receive
Students by the first of October.. The Medical Depart
ment will be under the direction of the following
Z. FULLEST, M. D. Profe.ssor of Anatomy.
R. S. Nrwrox, Jl. D., Professor of Surgery .
IL J. HrLca,NL D., Professor of Theory and Practice o
W. Dian Powata, M. D, Professor of Physiology, Ph-.
thology„Mineralogy and Geology.
J. KUM, M. Professor of Almeria aledica,Therapta-,
tics and Medical Jurisprudence.
J. MlLrox Serimas, MI. D.; Professor of Chemistry and
J. A. Wtt-soN. M. D., Professor of Obstetrics and Die.
easels of Women and Children.
Redid:it—Prof. 11. J. Utica.
Surgery—Prot NESTTON. •
Z ERWLESS, M. D., Anatomical Detnonstrator.
The fees for a fall course amount to sll+s.
Each Prates sor'sTicket.Bls. Matrictdators 85. De
monstrator's Fee, $lO. Graduation, £C2O..
Those desiring [drifter information, will please address
their letters (post paid} to the Dean; and Students arri
ving in the city will please call on him at the Commee.
Mai Hotel. R. S. NEWTON, M. D.
Dean of the Faculty.
lion EMT rI KING, Prof. of Theory and Practice of Law
J so DsLfisist.n,Esq, Prof of Commercial Jurisprudence. -
Trrrr.s---450 per SCSSIO:I.
All communications pertaining to this department must
be addressed to h. W. M. ICING, Esq
Monphis, Ters.,_hlarch,ll3so.
The. Faculties, ;or iatellectual abilities, moral worth
and professional acquirements, will compare favorably,
with the most distinguished in onr country. The Medical
Faculty constitutes an anomaly in this or any other
country—all of, them are able Lecturers and the best of
Teachers. - -
Those who will contemplate oar geograpMcalposition,
and the extent of our
the eligibility of our situation for an enterprise of the
kind. ' As to health, including all seasons of the year,we
deny that any odur thy - has more.
The first class of the Law and Medical Departments°.
this Institute were small, but thu gentlemen composing
theca are talented aud in the highest degree respectable—
a favorable ome3 for the future prosperity o f the Institute.
That the public may be satisfied of the permanency of
this school,we teel it our state, that the Trustees
and Faculty form iv unit in action, which augurs well Cot
its future success; and that the peculiar internal organi
zation which connects them, cannot be interupted.
• - FA. W. M. XING,
President of the Memphis Institute.
Sliver Fgrks, Spoons, Vic.
WE keep constantly on hand a large assortment of
silver Forks, Spoons, Ladles, eze., of our OWLS
manufacture, of standard silver.
JOHN B. 31.1 7 ,ADDEN & CO,
93 Market street.
. znagntrying istiasseg,
(( IF one, two and three g cusses, suited for detecting .
X.J cdunterfeit bank notes; and other purposes, for sale
b - 10ct241 . JOHN IL M'FADDEN dc , CO. .
To the Citizens of Allegheny City. 7
BOX for the reception of Orders for CITY MILLS
11 FLOUR is left at the store of Mercer & Robinson.
Federal street. Such Orders will be promptly supplied
SOO Plan Wanted Immediately,
jog. are 80 cents per day; and we charge $1,75 per
week for boarding._ Apply at tho office, on Steuben
ville road,. near bPDonaliPistaveru-4..miles from Pius
burgh. Unne2.s3f] 11URNSIDE, }JANNEY tk. CO.
IgseAKEWS BROM.; . -Ifeckees Farina;
P Polishing Pony ; . Starch Polish;
Pure Bay Rum, received and for sale by
corner of Wood and Third streets,
.DALLr MON just received from the Plitsburgh.and Isle
Royal Copper Mining Company. These Fish far excel
in fine flavor and fatness any caught in the lower Lakes,
'and are put up expressly for family use.HEtvRY . C: KELLY,
novld corner of 'Fifth street andlitaxket alley.
, . .
. . IL Flesithy Locistion..
Thi l l.:RE is no place MOTO favorably situated than sun , :
nary hill. It is heal th y, and commands a most de:.
lig , I view. Pecsons wishing a lot, can get 'ono to
please them, containing from one to five acres -
T WO well .finished offices ; in Post Office Buildings,
A long, roan:y.2l'lrd story; entrance filar
ket street, between Third and Fourth streets. ,
Also,. a small brick house,in Pitt township, near Penh-, sylvattia - Avonue. Inquire•or. - E. I). GAZZA.fiI,
oet9 • ' • No. 164 Second street.
T _ . .. .
used in bed, in the dark, and by persons with tremu
lous hand, with ease, safety, and in half the usual time,
without the possibility of cutting the skin. This is .st
'fected by menus of the pamnt Guard, which is adjusted
to the razor with the greatest nicety and simplicity.--
Every Razor is made nf the finest tempered steel. and
warranted.- -
They have-. been extensively used in Englzund, and
pronounted'the most perfect and safe razor manures -
" The new invention may he used with perfect sate
ty."—London Pest.
"This razor is a splendid invention, Orld of great use
to many persons, especially for people with unsteady
handsP—Clnnbers, Edinburgh Journal: . .
For sale at the Watch and Jew e 1 ,7 ttore et. . -
184.1•ETY;:PSRPLPTrIrlr AND HEOMIllty.
, :
..tsortidoo—s.quat to 80,600,000:.
AgErrrifil: large)rarp/us of profits. lepentlen '0 both
Oita" mei surplus investedin U t 3 Hoverepent
StOCILII, and other securities in the Oily of New York. •
iFolicies held ittthls doantrY over 0,140, Persons in
:sexing participatein the - profits - of ' the.GoteptptY,- ?,
' California risks taken at
rates. •
Among the advantages of a ;Policy irr Vas ueelPertlr
mottle following , . - ,
A.Party insured firrtheWhole term' of literals) , 'ea °eV'
time barrow ;one-hitlf the amount -of annual prentinte,.
Withoutnoto,or seourity, or deposit of polloy, tutd is en-
titled to!division of profits. • -, • •
Be may at any time surrenderine policy, and receive , •
' .back as -value- thereof one-half the gross sum paid, by .
• ',Mtn in annual cominort prottioritit.' •••
IA-PertY already insured for-whole lifi) may, onpSY
Pent:of a small sum, convert his insurance into a nett'
policy uptm• the loan systent now infrodeceU • -
- Tarties, already„.insured and - entitled te r & ewe-awl,
:loan, 'ate not shut out from said two-third loan; if the. •
refer it upon the terms stated in the Society's pamph---
fete: 'paity May, at a moderate animal Premium, insier
for:JOIN andhe- survive, to reach:the age or 60. pears, the=
, - or if
flitiii,;7T7,l;;trui i;iii.iiiiti;iiibe - paid TO iirst : or ..
he dies before reaching that age, the tall rum insured
will be paidtohis family, or legal reorose:Jatives.
It has become castontary in the Atlantic eities for con-
' igg i l s t uo tio us n 9
r eilit e inrr w e4 i t e h a e es lil a e y s .g•. m tli k ti e r
t r e all a to m r4s a nd pr d e n , : •
sent of the policy. This is certainly an excellent way r
' of showing their regard for their Ministeriwboso salary': '
in very many cases is scarcely equal to hls,immedlate .., 0 :
wants. To the man of family, at hls death. it fern Con 2 - ' t.
solution beyond impression' to know :that • his •helplottf . - li.
little ones are thus provided. for. ••,.. ti
Churches involved would do well to insure the liiel"' 1,•.
of one or more of die trustees, at whose demise' the !i
amount would be applied to liquidate the debt. ' , . ri
Explanatory pamphlets and information given gratis, -
at the Banking lionise rd . - .., . • wm.A. HILL & CO., •• . r i
nov29 . Wood it, second %icor above Fourth. •
. • President Ft Ilruore
JUL 84,000, in the Denneetient, Mutual , Life Insu- • A •
'ranee Company, of Hartford, Connecticut. ' '•
The following are the Joint Snick 'rates of Premiuth . ' r,.•
of other Life Insurance Companies compared with the ~,:-
rates Of Hertfot3 Life and Health. insurance Company ii, - -•-•
itenua l PaymenVer Policy of out thousand dottart, , . ~ ". '',. . , •
.. • ~•• • .- .-r.P.v 4 12 .5..5 .. i...'''
rut/ T. t tt: ' . E 3% , P-• -
Naves of Company., •• • ~4 ai
. •„4 'O , le , . :4 P.. 'Of ....• : ' 1......
Hartford Life It f1.1a5.Cq...111.03,1 3 . 6 t .40 24.90 3..60 ~. '1 , ......
,Etna Life insurance Co-11.70115.80 21.20 29.60 4090 ' ' V. ,
Charter Oak Life 1n5.:Cai...21„7205, 1 8,;30 25.5 v 6.00 .. , ~
- United States Life Inv. Co. 4429 19,0025.30 34.70 3360 fi ' :
Pennsylvania Life Ins. Co. •14.49, 20.40 .27.50 3720 5620 i :
. National Loan Fund C 0... • -14.86,4929 25:50 3410 52,80-'.I,
It will be seen by the above table that the rates for in- ,'.....'
sarance (without participation in profirs)in thi a C 11150110.137 . :,. ;
UM more than fifteen pet neat: lower their any Joint i' , , .
Sleek Company in this. Country or the World, and they. i .',
have been adopted after a full luvestigatior of the whole' f .
Those wi;biog to insure in either the Conn. Mutual
or the Hartford Life and Health Co. will apply to''' ~s,
C. A. COLTON,. ..
. .
.dee4 Corner of 4th and Wood streets, up stairs. ir,'-•
• -- -
Read This t
To Farmers and those withing z . •
TIIE Yorle " Washington County Mutual Insti
ranee Company ", i 5 the company for them to hums
in. It is the only, Farmers' Mutual Insurance Company
_that . linrun through five years without titling their '-
note.- Itls the largest company of the kind iu the world, .
numbering over 111,000 members. It does not insure
Steam - Mills, Carpenter or Cooper shops, .Or • anything
'hazardous or extra-hazardous. Only gouses,Barns and
their contents, and bat 132,000 on one risk; Churches, ;
Academies and School Houses, and but 81,1)00 on each: •
A certificate can be seen from one of the first men in
Pittsburgh, to show that the Company does pay its loss
ea promptly. C CuLTON,Senil Agent,
.uovt • cot; col 4th and Wood sts:, up stairs.
For Rent.
-INSUILANOE. .•. .., -•-• •it - ..• ; ;
T •
ANCE COMPANY,--(XECO.North Room of lite Es. 'i:
change, Third street, Philadelphia. - •-• ' - • - . .
- Pm Insvaarics—Baildlngs, Merchandize and other
property in town and eouiury, Insured against loss or
damage by by fire at the lowest rate of premium. - ... - . I.'
• .marts
Insuaance.—They also i nsure. Vessels, Car
goes and freights, foreign or coastwise under open or `t ,
special policies,as the assured may desire.
'Nunn Tainsroirrenos....--They also illbitio'merehan
din transported by Wagons, Railroad . CaSti, Canal •i:
Boats and Steam Boats, en rivers and lakes, on litc most i l '
liberal terms: • ' • • i
DIBECTORS—Joseph 11. Seal, Edmund A. Souders
John C. Davis. Robert Burton, Yohnit. Penrose Samuel f•
Edwards, Geo. G. Leiper, Edward Darlington, Isaac It. ".'
Davis,Wllliam Folvrell,John - Newlin,Dr. R. M. 'lesion,
James C. Handi Theoplulus Paulding, IL Jones Brooks, :.
Henry Sloan, Hugh:Craig. George:Berri% Spencer Mc- '
Ilvain, Charles Kelly, J. Johnson, William Nay, Dr. '. l
S. Thomas, John Sellers,
__Wra. Eyre, Jr:. - • • • .;
Hugh Craig, Jno. T. Loran. ..• !-- :-. • • - .
WILLIAM MARTIN; President. . .
Vice President. • . ". :-'- .• ' .
Turn. C. MOD, . ....
' . .Tosern W. Cowan, Secretary.. ' .. •-,
11:7" Office of the Company N 0.42 Water street, Pitts-
burgh. Ciel6;dll) I'. A. MADEIRA, Ag ems.
New England, Live Stook. Insurance Co.
PERSONS desirous of insuring - I.llth Animals - will i
learn from the following' by taw of the Company,
that the terms of life insurance on stock is very different
from insurance on human life. The insured are entitled
to pay where the animal breaks a leg, beconteallind,
.A.mricza x. Indio event of accident or Manisa — of sack—
a riatare as to cause permanent injury, though deadi may
not ensue, they will be liable for the damage done to the
animal not exceeding the amount insured.
G. A. COLTON, Agent,
cor of Fourth andJ&hod sta.. up strum.
• Ely. and Marine Inearaaorii-i .
HE OFFICE of the Instaana vi.-IVonleAwurnee .'9
7 has heen rowed to the Warehouse of llardy,Jones
No. 141 Front street, third - house East of Wood
itreet.where the sobseribecwillissee Policies on Build
into and their co ntennhand on Sh Ipments by Steamboats
and ether vessels, for the veald 'and responsible : 7
Company. - a abo
p3l . . . JONES„ agent. r
Life nnii Sealeh " lnnisrartce. '
"COMPANY, - orPhilariciphia," Incorporated by the
Legislature or Pernayivnuia,Marchill+4B; Charter Per.
petual; Capital $100,000.. <Bates lower throe any Pcnnspl-- ,.
cania' Company, and full 2A per cent. lower than Rte.' 't
usual Cates of late Insurance, as the following erimputi.
son will tib.ow. Time a person,ox the. age 'of 3e insuring:
for 8100 for life, must pay In the Girard 82,30, Petit" 1
vania 52,"30, Penn Mutual' Evnable
England 8•2,' .36, Albion $1,48, New 2.ork Life _ -
and Freda, Phikutdpkia, VAIL :
Entlacrows—Sarattel D.Onack - ,_Charles Halt, Wm FL
Boone RobertP King, Charles PHayes,hl.
Chas 0 B Campbell MAI Reeve, M.D..; Lewis Cooper„
.3 Rodman Barker , , Butler, Edwin R Cope., Presi•
dent, Samuel D Orrick ; Vice President, Robert- P. King
Secretary, Francis Blackburne, . , ,
Applications will be received and evercinforintilltin
given. by
. :
Commercial Rooms, corner of Third and - Wood streets
.The Franklin Fire Insurance COmpussy •
11 Charles W. Boucher, George W.-Biehards; t; -
Thomas Hart, - hlord cell 11Levois,.
Tobias Wagner, - Adolphi B;
Samuel Grant, • - David S. Browne , - ..
Jacob R. Smith; • Morris Patterson.
Cuss. G. Bstc-son., Secretary.
Continue to make Insurance; perpetual or limited
on every. description of property in-town anti country. •
The CoMpany have reserved a large Contingent Fund.-_
- which, with their Capital end Premiums; sa fel y invested,
chord ample protection to the assured. :- • . .
The Assets of the Company. on JanuarYlBl,-,18.19, as )
published agreeably to-an Act of Assembly, were us fol..
hlong t ages • ----$1,61.7,4in
. Real state -•••••-i-..--• • 04,724 g
Temporary Loans
cash, &e,— = ' 33,E0; 37.
• -
Sinter their incorporation, a period "of Ig yenta; they
have paid upwards. of One /ffillion'iour :Hundred Than
sand Dollars, losses by dee, thereby affording - evidence
oldie ad vantages of Insurance ns well as the-abilityand
disposttion to meeterithprorliness, all
- • J.GARDI gil COFFIN,Agenh;
Office N. E. corner Wood and ddsts
Fire stud Bleirline Iliautattee..
MBE Insurance Company of North Amerien,. of Phlla
delphia, through - , its duly authorized Agent, the • sub
scriber, offers to Make permanent and . limited'lnsuranco
on property, in this city and its vicinity, and Sn BLIP mettle*,
by the canal and rivers. - - - -
DIRECTORS: : *' ; • ..* * -
Arthur G. Coffin, Pres't. Samuel Brooks,
Alex. Henry - Charles Taylor,
Samuel:W. Jones, • Samuel W. Smith . ;
Edward Smith, ' Ambrose White,
John A. Brown, • Jaeob. M. Thomas,JohnWbite
Johti R. Neff, - •
Thomas P'usPei - .-Richard D Wood f :
Wm. Welsh- • - Henry P. Sherrard,
This is the oldest Insurance Company in. , the . United
States; having beetichartered in 1.794. Its charter is per
petual, and from its high standing, long-experience, am-,
pier:amine, and avoiding all risks of an extra hazardous
character; it may be considered as offering ample secari'..
ty /he, gable . W1.1.4.AAA1 - P. JONES..
At Counting Room or .tstwoO,Jones tr. Co.,Water and
Front Pittsburgh ' Marli
In Fire ,ant sr ne n
li arnaiae.
' make permanert'und Limited Insurance on Property,
in this City and vicinity, and on. shipments . by Canals,.
gisers,Lniest and py Sea. Thu properties Millis Com, _
puny are Weil invested and furnish au available fund .
Mo ample indemnity of all persons vim desire to
'meted by Insurance, , synt - . P. JOINIES,•4Agont, •
subscriber wishes to informahe zens of Pitts. ,
'burgh and the public generally, that he has removed
his CARPET STORE:flora Nos. 61. and 63 Wood street,
to the Apollo Buildings, on Fourth street, recently occu
pied by the Museum, and, as connected therewith the,
adjoining rooms, formerly used as the Chronicle Printing
office--whlch, in connection with his old 'NOM," makes
the Most spacious Carpet establishment in the country;
'and his advantages so fax surpass any lions° in this city,
for space, arrangement and good light, that he is contain:
of suiting everyperson who may favor him with a call.
Nis stock as complete, In every article labia line, nod'
great pains .is,
be taken at all times to show goods to
persons wishing to look or buy. , • •
SliiiWLB.—Received this znornite_per s e . ! ores% I
Broths., Bny State and Long f 3 .iely
riot lee and quati!l”. F 4 F I +BIZ a sixt ar : o
62 and 64 Mitekatsteeet..