The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, January 27, 1851, Image 4

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    ...... _
Vittok - tig -- rikaimg - WadOw-.0
Banliaffidelit.:Etthangf, r- BrakeYZ:
Wm.ripil,V.dulih ac.`.Lrinitador t 6 Pitilibiligh Bank.
Hoop ,sft,erni earner Wood end Sixth streets. ,
yourthst , ”•t,
W A gilt* Co, 64 Wood street, 24 door nbaveSoutth.
13 Jones 004 Si W. ermiebWood and Fourth me.
tau 4. Curry, 63 Wood street, 2d door below Fourth,
J Robertson, eornerWood and Third streets. ..
Kramerßabin, corner Woad and Tbird Streets. ,
wag G Waitrons 4 6 Co, corner. Woad taldtrbitd ate,
Cookilltilsmis, corner Market, and FAttli =esti ,
N fiabapStAlos, 55 Marltetst., between 3d and
• Witch Makin'astrr iti:Dori.-
..iimrwilson r couterntatkei:narodtthqiree'ta
Bitichiadson, -alSakeitriset, near tile Diamond
'Joint 13.1lIcraddes dt
_SA Market street, near Firth
Sands-&-Retnemart,.7.Mh streca r nitaz Market
Stedle & Barthergor s Sittli.Mitat,mearGrant • . •
Trisoluale Groare;.C,Mntbissjar, 4-Produce:Dealers.
. . .. .
Stuart& Stu 118 Woodytteettabove Firm.
itbertyatreat„opposite Rand:
R. Bruce, Jr,' Contateicial Rot!, Liberty street.
R A Canniugham,s Conaniereita Libert; stfiet ,
George &Co. 21G Ltheny strd , et . ,ap , poslle7T I •Ci
JohnGmar, t 24 Lib etty StrY et, ,'
Win hi Gonaly,2lo Ltbe rty street, oppaidte, motel.
Myers & Hunter, leS Litrerty enact.• - • • • ,
5 SlcClurkan & Co, 142 Liberty street -I: , . .
Carson & McKnight, Sixth, berWeen Vireo 'and
J R Fleyd,laberty, Wood end Sixth stream, , '
• • •
• Lambert& Shipton, l r end 13$ Wood street. H .
Wm Dyer, 158 Liberty street, opposite fltb... .. • •
we t . s4mecotcheti,ll6,4s2 Liberty street. • ,
Brown &Kirkpatriek7l44Liberty street;
Eugllshr& - Bennettn ' 37 - Wood - st„epporite SCCharle
Tosser & Hest, ciEel-steett - , appetite St, - s.
.1 S Dilworth &.Co., 27W00d, between Ist' and 2d ets.
WM Bartley teCe.,'Noi. 18 and 20 Wood Street.
Wick & AleCandless.,corner,Wood and Water sts. •
Wiii.McKee,sorner.Wood an ro
d Fnt treets.
Sub ridge% Wilson & Co„,Water,bet.WoOd and - SteitlV 4 -
Caurch, Carothers & Co.,.Watet aud Front, streets,
7 .l4ent& Sergar.corner statue(' and Seco d stfeets.
\Cummins & Smith,, 3 Smithfield street, near Water. ,
„. James Denney, jr., corner Water and Smithfield streetS.
H Otani, 41 Water, between Market and Wood. - .•_. •
W Holmes-. 1 Iltro_37 - Water"_bet. Wood and Matket t
:LB Waterman;3l;Water And 52 First street/ '• •' '•
Jatontatalsoli,`.24 Water and 44 Front street..' t •
F Petry, coriter Dumont stand DuquesneWay: ,
King le;eiteeme•ad, 27 Wood street
Rher;Alnttliews - &. - Co.; Water, bet. Market and Fern'.
I.?asitati4uils,-i'iociais,. anti Forwarding Merchants.
SeUetnii. Nicals„l6 Comuteralal Row, Liberty itireet: •
David-Fitzsmunoni&Son,_l3s Wood street
. George Cochran; N 0.20 wood street. • .. it.
•• & W Haibaugh, 63 Water - and 104 Front street.,
A Viuildrk Smithueld street, near Water -
VS Robertson &Rappers, N 0.103 Second street. •
• ArmAreng &Crow; 25 Market at., between lst'and 2d.
Rteyfogler& Clarke, 109 Second street, above Wood.
iihaietait Grocers and. Dealers in Lipari.
- .
...AS 4 ,ila . it
R Watson, corner Liberty and Wayne streets.
Jno McDevitt & 8r05.,13 Commercial . Row, Liberty st,
Jas Pump, Jr., N 0.17 Cciminercial Row, Liberty street.
I Bryn , Pio. 114 Liberty street, and .53Diamond alley.
T.l &Jackson Daneeta,=l Liberty street.'
Robert Moore 11 °Mame rcial Row, Liberty street.
Itobart Itell,laberky stmet,opposite Wood. •
W-Lelunt.t-&.Co.,180 Liberty street. •
W& M Mitcheltree,l44 Liberty. Street. •
Jacob Weaver, oorner Market and Front streets.
— & - taki Barnes/ ',and Tr unk Makers.
T Maiver,Liberty, opposite Seventh street.
A 1101.stein,122 Weod street, near Virgin alley. •
'llrEtalth,l4.sriVoisl - street.
Rahanser.& Da11,154 head of Wood etre c ' •
W Gildenterme y;100 Woodit., dad door below
R &W Mackey; 90 Wood it, bet. sth and Diamond alley.
SamaelricCiarkan,96 Wood, bet. sth and Diamond aPy. -
R liiiselley i ftS Wood at., car. Diamond alley.
Maus and Varieties. ' • .
I .IGillespie &Co., i 6 Wood et., between 3d and 4th.
KennedSr, &Sawyer, 42, corner Wood and Fount' sts.
S 'Kennedy, Fifth street, near Wood.
geseennottre and China. •
Geongelinsed, 94 Wood street.
bi Hotikinson, 56. Wood, between 3d and 4th streets.
Henry Rigby. L% Wood street, 2 doers above Filth.
• .
. .
BOokSellers and
itstkle.l36., coinei ot Wood and Third streets.
J 013aeltojen, 137 Liberty street.—German Books.
Victer Sentra; Filth street, between-Wood and Market.
J l Mellor, 81 Wood st.--School Books and Stationery.
Lake Loomis, Ag't,B9 Wood st..—ffichool Books, 81at'ry.
Elliott & English - ,79 Wood street. - •• , • -
Johnston & Stockton, corner Market and Third sts.
EL Beeson & Co., 80 Market 5t.,24 door from Diamond.
.B.Efaissavorth &Co,Ftuath street; near Market. .•
, •j , • • . Patent Medicine.
Waif Siekion; corner Liberty and Wood streets.
Stlystibierttshledtenur Depot; 64 Smithfield street.
- •
Clothing arts.
Kane &Morgan, 192 Liberty's!, 4 dimes above Virgin ay.
E.FroWeideld & Bros., Atheneum, Liberty street. , ;,,„ _ _ •
J S Downing,6lBLiberty street. .
& L C McMullen ,V.lO Liberty, cor. Harrison alley.
Boobyer & Otibble,2sl Liberty 5t.,3 doors above Irwin.
W J Davits, corner Liberty and Irwin streets.
Johnl".llopewell,l39 Liberty at, near St. Clair.
R 9 Idaraland,43 Liberty at., Corner Virgin alley.
E.Delrlayi 46:Liberty street. •
-arm.; 4•411•eamr3,4 - 44 1 Likragly etroet. •
J McCloskey , 161 Libertystreet:
B Chigneli 163 . Liberty street. - • • •
Lhwrenee Mitchel,l66 Liberty itreet. • • -
W LeontudiS2 Wood street, bet. 4th and Diamond alley
Schroeder, Baseman & Co, 67 Wood,l door below 4th
Hilderbrand &Co ,10 Wood street, near Water. •
RebersChe.sler;7sSatithfield st„bet. srul Diam'd ay
Parker& Lowe, 66 Smithfield street, near 4.M. •
Moupszatern,& Bros., ” Oak Hall," 46 Liberty street.
R Straw , corner Market and Second streets.
R Barker, 31 Merkel st., between 29 and 3d. s•
Gam and Pistols.
WO.brceitimey, coinerLibeny and Smisbleld srreets.
Jolasi-White,Fißbist.., between MarkeisuadLibecty:"..
Joseph Craig, Wayne fa., opposite Canal - Basin.
„I Cartwright, Wood 63 et- 7 1 door- below Diamond alley
Arerchilit- Tailors.,
A fleFarlandi Sinithfieldat.ibet 4M and Diamond alley
Suiruararay, Exchange Buildings, St Clair street. .
TAlA,Mmer,,Bantbfie - opposite Browns Bole.. -
hi P Morse, 85 l'oirth street.
Holmes , Literary Dor, Third si., oappsite Post (temp
--- •
Dry Goods lifirchiiiits.
44eorneilLuket and Elfth.streets. '
WlLTfalle 100 Marketstrest;netteFilth.
Sbesi-ked histrkefstrees, between Fifthand Liberty,
43 Manta' I.l4sDukot stree_y near Liberty,
&BF MeConneil.ettrnerMarket and-Filtit streets.
J V Diller, 9.E. corner Market and Foarth streets.
Wm Garrard, Near York Store, n Market street. -
.B A rep3S Marketatteet, between 2d and 31
E btErlL - Co:;81 - Market at , . bet. sth and Diamond.
extittder eetts,y, W..'
N.cor. bracket and Diamond
Vass3arallionds, 65 Market at., bet:4th and Diamond.
George 51-Market 61.,betiveen 3d and 4th.
Wm L Attest.% 62 Market st l itear Fourth street.
W.ll...Marphy, corner - Market and Pronth streets •
-.':.-1 7 /7ialerak Dry Goods. . .
Shaekletz 4 White, 99:Viroci4 street. - •
'Alt Mason& Co a 0 Marketbetween 34 and 4th.
Iklnzphy,.Wiloon C0.,051%r05ti,24. door above 3d.
Han4noniSnlith C0.,64LW00d et., between 3d and 4th
tdlickeriess- and Justices of the Peace.
N Backaurster, Farad/ street, aboire Smithfield.
o.lteiuttan,Trorin - sueetoiear Liberty.
/300ta:wtdShou. •
Wriartakion4orner Liberty and; ood stream
Adams ,finiabett_y street; neat Eagle Tavern.
Samuel-Datnell, DM Wood street, above Filth .
S Heys,a fifth street n ear Market. • --
D.4l.ollmste4,,Mitner Market and Liberti E
Jane-Saab; Willarket and 41 Liberty scree
Joseph Plammer,loo Wood street, near Fifta
George-Stibree,.7l4 - vortier Wood and Fourth streets.-
MECtitlylf Loomic39 Wood st., between - 3d and 4th.
ituttedge4o l 3 %rod street, third door Woke Fourth.
P Wwarit i eornet Market and Liberty streets
T - B Graham, Pict: VA Third street, ' •
James Milier;fitmithfield street, near Diamond alley;
.rehhlsoFtnifitelilield street,_netr Fourth:
Ibuesicorner Smithfield andFillit streets.
Dash* Scott, - corner Smithfield and Fourth streets.
Wm Adair- Smithfield street, four doors above 3d.
Win Bus hier, Smithfield street, near Brown's Hotel.;
jobwangpbell, corner Smithfield and Second streets.'
W B - Schmertr 2 4 4 Smithfield, between Rout and 24 sts.
T A Minton:4 St. Clair , street, near Liberty.
T.Thompson, St. Clair sa, between Penn and Bridge.
HiFerry, - 715 -Font* street,nsar Wood. -
Brennen-4. Williams, rifth street, near Market.
Woo!: Meteitnate . '
S W Intanah,s3 Water and 104 Front streets.
am Barker, Smithfield st.; bet. 4th andiliamond. ay.
- Hugh 1.4e,-corner Liberty street and Cecil's alley.
Planing Mills and Sash Factory
ThOtioss - filoffitt, Penn street, near the Point
lijAkitiajtigair, Seventh street, aboive the Canal.
; Hardware . and .6ttitery .
Walter V Valuiestockil B4 Liberty street_.
11-T-iliechiJa,l33 Wood street, above Fifth
Hays kAetty, - 01 Market street, nearftirtir.- - ,'
Wait ti,,tine, corner Liberty and St. Clair streets. • =
ILDtilap,, -- Jr4tilittniketatreet , neer
Reef* Leufessni7B Wood st.,bet.4th and Diamond ay
,I;Cartrolgtd,B3 Wood A, 1 - door be:, - "or Ditunond 'may.
Jolat-WitiktiriBs Wood'at. Damon,. alley and 4th st.
Comerif-Lavely,fiit Wood-stree Wild-door below Fourth.
WMtmore 'Vlirollf,aoWoodet:, between 3d and 4th.
Joieph-Wocidwell, corner Wood and Second streets.
antra A.:Tetley44o Witadatreet;nearlrugin alley.
Ne:lo9Littertis;reMPoilla Sixth.
Iraltet'Brlmr3;l B3 Liberty - A.,opposite -heal of Wood.
w is or i lmung* co., 1.4•3 Liberty street, near St. Clair
.flatittei MeChtin, 03 Wood and corner Diamond - alley. -
roes tlefdatan;o34tVoect. 3,1d00r below Diamond alle
Wetod 'street .Diamondalley.- • - .
William.•.'-' • •
James Itattit, Diamond alley, neat : .
and -Afeikints.
Ke~yyser hreljetwelloorner Wood at. anti Virgin alley.
seuels7:s7Nrairsr;rierikeen 3d and 4t.h.
L Wilcox, Ir., cor:Maraet 'street arid the Diationd. and
L. Wilton, jr, corner 4th arid Smithfield Meets:
-01.11.8myser,;eorner 'Market, pied Third-streets.
I corn= Walnut and perm streets.
.1-,b,..tones,conter Hantland.P.extit, streets.
;Smart Rdtei, comer 'Liberty iind4St.-Clilestreets - ..„
EdwanlFeodench,CetnerbligionitdPaa-Hotise.' • i
earner Wood and First streets.
Dig. organ, corner Wood at. and Diamond alley.
Joel 111 W -et, corner Wood end Filth suers.
. . 1103bert t ecittier Liberty and Smithfield sts., and
Manufacturer of Writing Fluid - nnd Inc.s
ln•Deftderion;26 s Liborty street. • •
- . . • :
• • ";; Wlttriciafe: Cloth Store.
4 D Stuart &Co No 122 Wood Street. • •
. .
Wm FLeming, - .30 WooAstreet,coruer
Wilkesong 4- Molidiuner,9o Market st, 1 door from Fifth.
C L Magee,42 Smithfield at, betweetrild road and.3d..;
lames Wilson, Smithfield st;Rd door front Fourlh. • •
D - W - Glassgow; 102 Wood it third door below Fifth.
W Douglas,77 Wood street,' fourth door above Fourth.
B Moore, 75 Wood, third door above Fourth.
Charles R Panlson,7:3 Wood street bear Fourth: -
hit:Cord * Co; corner Wood and -Filth streets.. • .
John A 0gr0y,"443 Wood st.,op.lst Presb4terian Chitrett.
: Cabinet - Phair %Makers. .
Wm t Stevenson, Fettennan's Roof Llb e rtitlind ?tin
f3plahe 4- Son, corner Smithfield and Fifth streets.
olc•BYoungk Co, Smithfield Street, bey:Seen 2d and ad. •
Hazlett 4. Frew, Smithfield, near Fourth silent.'
11.11/radice onsoanwil,
Nauonal Loan Fund and Life Ins. Ca, 64 Wood street.
Oalsware . idnural Safety, 42 Water street
Western Insurance Co. of Pittsburgb;No. 39 Water 'et.
Protectk)O,Punitedtce Co, Office 127 - Wood street.
Franklin Fire hytucance Co, comer Wood end 3d sts.
' • Wall Paper, and Bordering..
W P (Suedeator to S C :Bt Wood' street
3ataesliowand ¢ Co,lie Wood s,t doors below Dia. ay
3 Shidle, Smithfield street,Meatiounh. •
TbOnnin Palme 4.47 Market at; between 3d JuuL4th*
t ringers
_ L and .Copper Szra; .. • . •
UDoertinger, Wood street oppositalst Pres . Church..,
A Coppice, corner Libem and Satithfield streets.
I. Shrum, Atheneum Liberty.street. •
CI 13 Backoren,l24 Wood street. •
I Barndollar, I.W 'Wood street.-
S Morrow, 17 Filth st, between Wood and htnritet.
.1 H Denunler, GU Liberty street * near Market.
Sheriff CShirk 7 No. 8 Market street, near Water.
Kelitt r zro., Bath, between Wood and Liberty streets
James Kincaid, Front and Sd streets, near Market.
Gold 13ealen
John D Dunlevy, 1311 Third st, bet Wood and Smithfield
Emigrant, Liars. .
;Blakely & on. Penn street, ACanal Basin.)
P W Byrnes tt-C0,103 Liberty St.; Jno Tborkpsoo,__
Liverpool and Pluladelptia Packet Llne,Brcrwa e Kirk
pattick,l44 Liberty street. :
Holds and Taverns
Brown's Hotel, ftmlibfield st, between Second and Third.
Virginia Honse_, corner Water and Ferry streets
Farmers' Inn, Little, corner Fourth and Ferry streets
Wm. - TellHotel,Water Mite t, above SabiMeld
Eagle,J Itlehlaster, - Jr, Ag't, Liberty street.
St.halles, corner Wood - and Third streets." ,
National Hotel, Water street, above Smithfield.
Perry Honve, corner Hancock st and Duquesne Way.
Burnt District Hotel, corner Smithfield and Second sts.
Affonongabela House, corner Smithfield and Water am
:Exchange H net, corner Penn and Bt. Clair streets.
Foundry Warehouses
2dcßnde ¢ Co, comer 7th and Liberty streets.
Nicholson te Payne, Liberty street, head of Wood
Wm:Litwin, Atheneum Building, Liberty race t.
Pennock, bLitchell C 0,160 Liberty street.
Alex Bradley,(sign Gilt Stove,) No. IV Wood street.
Jahn Anderson 4. Bon.comer Water and Grant sts.
Bakers and. ConfictiOners,
A Andrews, Eagle t " . 62 Diamond. alley
Eileany, R. Iroad comer Wylie and Tunnel streets.
P.ll blanker, FiCh ' street, near Market.
A At P Seheldeek ,er "Star," 42 Diamond alley.
Morris Kunz, Smithfield at, bet. RCM and Diamond alloy
Wm E Boorn n " Union," Smithfield at, bet. 3d and 4th.
, Maur' and Mantua Makers
Mut Duff, 10 St Clair street , between Petro and bridge
Mrs Leech, 0 Fifth street, between Wood and Market.
Mrs E Morrison i _No. 8 St. Clair street
Mrs Parker, No. 4 - Patterson's Row, St. Clair street
Miss Kain, corner Penn and St. Clair atreets.
Fumy aryl Variety Goods. „ .
T K htieknigh # Bros, 117 Woad stria, near Fifth.
hleCandless 4.. Campbell; 97 Wood street.
Geo W Kuhn, 72 Wood street, sign Gat Comb.
Charles Arbu th not, cos. Wood suet-land Diamond alley
Kauffman # Boylt, 88 Woad st..l door above Diam'd ay
Zebnlon Kinsey, 67 Market street, near Diamond.
Kinsey 4. Knox, 92 Market street, near Fifth.
Cotton /Watts; petit/CS
Grier* Monaghan,222Liberty street.
Boat Store.
B A Weaver, Wayne street, opposite Canal Basin.
John Hannan, 69 Water st, bet Wood and Smithfield.
James Kerr, Ir.# Co, 99 Water street, near Market.
Joseph Major, No. 4 Market street, near Water.
AleCammon Stevens, 7 adid 9 Market et, near Water.
Thomas Oliver, S. B. Bakery, 29 Water street. -
Brush Manufacturers.
Bleu 4 , Co, 120 Wood street, above Filth.
A Kerueedy,69 Wood street, fourth door above Fourth
Family Groceries.
A 8 Getty, corner Wylie and Washington streets.
William Wilson, corner Second and Ross streets.
George Humbert, corner Pena and Marbury streets
Thomas Applebe, corner WV:maid:Funnel streets
George Arthur*, corner Smithfield and Fourth its.
Hugh Garvey, 143 Liberty street, opposite Fifth. -
.5 Donaldson, corner Si. Clair and Penn streets. •
JS M youn g 4. Co, corner Fourth end Ferry streets.
R Peal, corner Seventh and Grant streets. •
Cyrus Black, Diamond, back of Old Conrt House.
W Buchanan, corner Wylie and Chatham streets.
If Lioevelet, Wylie st, between Tunnel and Chatham
fi Cliellyleorner Fifth street and Market alley: .
Mollies Woods, Liberty street, near Water.
- Trimming, Hosiery and Variety..
W Daly k Co., litannfhernrersand Importeri, Fifth et.'
F 13 Eaton_ 4; Co, 62 Fourth st, bet Wood and Market.
Wm P.l. Edith, corner Third and Market streets. ,
John Orr .1- Co, Market street; near Fifth.
losepti Horne 4. Co 63 Market st. bet, 4th and 'Diamond
Tobacco 4 - Situff and . Cigars.
J Fullerton, 146 Wood istree t, dear Sixth. .
J MaCollister,l9 Fifth at, between Wood and Market.
Gimlet Day, 49 Wood street, between 3sl and 4th. .
J Stein, St. Charles Hotel, Wood street. '
George Shelller, 167 Smithfield street, near Falb-
W ¢ - 15 Rinehart, Irwin at, between Liberty and Penn.
,hlazurie,33 Rand street, between Liberty and Perin
,Extract of Ctf.
fd •
/ohn anin,Extraot et Coffee declarer, 61 Dia
mond'Alley between Wood and Smithfield streets,
Mass Manufacturers.
Wm McCuily 4..C0, 139 Wood.streeL.
Chambers, Agnew K Co,ll Wood be Wafts and Ist su
Bake well, Fears 4- Co l corner. Wood and 24 streets.
Robertson 4 Co corner Wood and Front sta.
Simplon 4. Co, 72 . E ood 'street, next Bagaley 4- Co .
:Music Stars
John Ft Mellor, Eal Wood street—Chidaring's Pionos
, Lumber itfirr.haatts.
William, Dilworth, Grant street, near Seventh.
Ito Wan 4. Dawson, Sixth street, near Grant.
Thomas - Scott, Penn St., In ?Barker's alley and Irwin et.
Soap and..Canclie Manuf actor les.
A. Wilson & Co., Ross street, between .Irl and 4th.
Wilsontr. Gorman, Fourth street, near Ron
B CSawyer 41 Son, 49 Wood id, opposite St. Charles.
• - Fruit, .and Candies.
/as C AndersOAAs /Smithfield at, between Ist and.24l. •
I Hanke_ r 92W00d sr:, between sth and Diamond alley
Joshua R hodes, 111 Wood street, near Water.
. .
Plough Manufactories.
Roben Hall, N 0.147 Liberty street.
Hall 4. Speer, Penn street, comer Cecil's alley
Autard and Bpsc• -
Jolla B Bell, comer Liberty and Ferry streets.
Rhodes it Alcorn, 30 Fifth st, opposite Post Buildings
Tea Btosa.
38 ISS . Yourtir 4. Co, elver Fourth and Ferry streets
Pittsburgh Tea Star Wift'h st, bet Wood and Marke
Wm A Ward, Daudet, Penn street, a dtions above Hand
?rim Co-Partnership heretofore. existing be ivr'een the
1 subscribers, under t.he firm of.i. S. BONNET & Co.,
is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Either partner
may use the name of the concernin Settlement. ,
Piftrsbarga" April Ist, 1850. -
. •
ECr Having sold my entire interest In the flan of J: 8.
Hownrr & Co. to M. D. PA TlO3. my late partner, and in
retiring from business, I take , great pleasure in recom
mending him to the confidence of my friends and the
public. (spa) BONNET.
Gravel Rooting. - -
TlTHlE.subscribers respectfully infortif the citizens of
Pittsburgh and vicinity, that they Pally pre
pared to MI orders for GRAVEL ROOFING, in a man..
ner not to be surpassed in this city or elsewhere: From
their, experience in business, they feel confident that
they will render satisfaction to all those who may give
them work. : The superiority ot Gravel Roofs over any
other kind, particularly in case of fire, is too welt known,
to require any argument in its favor: To those who are
.unacquainted with oar work, we beg leave to referthem
to Messrs. Thomas Liggett, Sr., John, F. Perry, Body,
Patterson, M. Kane, Jr., and others, for whom we have
done work. Orders thankfully received and promptlY.
attended .to We will be ,found .on Virylie street, be
tureen High and Tunnel streets. .
MBE subsoriber would call the attention of 'Printers to
1 1 his improved l'rinting Inks,of various kinds and
colors, which he offers for sale at the.lowest market
prices, and warrants to be of the very_fast quality.
Printing Ink Manufacturer,
• • • No. TH and =Stanton et; New York,
His agents in Pittsburgh are-111r. R. C. Stockton an
Mr.Wm.S. Haven- '
= 117. This paper is
iintidm'ith News-Ink. toettB.
B.'v. Stockton
- Nir.47i comma or Itarix.ra , Arco Tr= arraarrs,
I 8 ow laud for sale—Writing, Lettor t
'Printing and Tea PAPER; Bonnet,- Binders', Fal
ler& , and Trunk BOARDS i Book and. NeorrPaPer
- .PRINTING INK—whieh. ha mill soli otthe , lowest 43 ash
prioaa,,.orinl.Tpk#go , forßaga and Tanners peraps;
TOBACCO. -50 boxes prime S'e just received and for
sale by Ijall STUART & SILL.
IDic act cbwnta
'''. - fteiliritra Peettigil lifkrtitti"
A netrostitjeldt Voutts, OtActr4Ersznisnessi - Bronshins,
-.. irtuililitg-etrugh4 Asthma and the various -Diseases" of
:the Lutlas:anit Pulmonary _ :
. Organs • ' .
111911EDICINE has ari action ifi=affeetions of th
- X
Ptilinounryfts sues entirely different from any of the,
- ectoriuftand Couglatemediesnow,in ruse. ft Is one
ef this - Most Speedy, as.vrelins tliemost pleasant, medi-
Fiaealla.Vritiate... It domnot open .the pores and ex=:
posatoazziligt eoLis.., Orient two dose's frequently' al
lays allitritnthonmid tinkling sensation produced by:a
baraS44 - 401igtf.'. Singers; pablic.!speakenii, and those
Wholitraliequired Orase 'eta:Natal:it:germ to a Vaal al"-
teativWiadta this PeciaralSyrup.a.sure,and instant
remedy_ for- and - . larrageal irritation; It
Cleats diethinat perfectly of all collections of mucous,
and gives tone and clearness to the voice.
SY:AIPTOMS--The symptoms which usually usher in
nConghorCold may be -enumerated - as 'follows - 1 This
disease in the boolcs is tulle catarrh, andis preceded by '
en ineresseddischarge from the nese, fences and bros.
this ,• there is, a feeling of lassitude over the Whole
body, and verroften cold- shiverings are felt; at least
the body istnord than':tistially_ matt - dice to die-action' of
flae.air : the pulse increases in frequency, and there is
generally more or less fever. These symmomsare soon
followed 'with hoarseness and a sense otrotighnets and
soreness. la the Windpipe -and vocal , organs, together
Vritita.difflenitref breathing and a sente ofeortsrrtetion
of the chest. There is also attending a deli pain . end
:senses of weight in the forehead, , as well as a, heaviness
in autoring dui eYes: ?These feelings,seinetimes-itt -the
very beginning of the-disease; and- always_ soon after,
are attended with a distillatitilf from the note and some-
Slams front the eyes, of a thin acid fluid; which frets and
irritates the partstiver whit:lb it_ passes. The cough is
at fi rst usually dry ; but as the disease, progresses there
Is ati. expectoration of thin nineties; which gradually,
becomes thiaker and more copious, and having same aP-1
tlearance ot pus- . . - . ' .-
_ - Ttie:lBo - tirelbe leading 'symptoms' of whit ii termed "a
add? , which,. if neglected; sre likely to. result. in , irre.
parable injury to the Luna,. and Cassummon. .
• Price 512 t cents per bottle.' . - • - . . - • - •
', For proof of the . above read the following certifi
' Da. Karaite:-We take pleastire in certifying, for the
benefitot other soarers, to the efficacy of your :PEC
TORAL COUGH SYRUP, hi our case. Daring the
use of two bottles purchased of you we were'cured of
;a hoarseness amounting to aft enure loss of voice; and
'effectually relieved of a severe cough, which threaten
ed permanent injury -to the lungs. - ' , .
As Ma Bankiisg Rawls qf Wm. A. MI 4- es. Piusburgh. '
Da. Karma :—You have asked me the effects of your.
Pectoral Syrup in my own case. I had a very bad
'cough daring pan of last winter.";-It began with a feel.
.log of tallness in the head; increased secretion and suf
fusion of tears ; together with hoarseness, pain in the
breast. Rath° other aceoratiraltiments of what has - been
denominated ".Tyler grippe...! I took Awn bottles of
your Pectoral izyrap, according lathe directions on the
bottle ; and I am now, and have been ever since, entire
ly free, from any, of the unpleasant symptoms enumera
ted above.' You have my permission to publish this for
the good of your sales, as. well as-the Public, if you de
sire to do so. Very . respectfullyl i ours, he.
Prepared by Dt: Gem' H.-Repro r, and sold by
140 Wood st., corner of Virgin alley,
To whom all ordersamst be addressed. ' 100v2.0
Or Gastric Juice 'I
PREPARED item' Rennet, or the fourth stomach of
the Ox, after directions by Baron Ltrato, the great
Physiological Chemist, by J. S. HOUGHTON, NO.
i 1 North Eighth street r Philadelphia, Pa.
This is a truly wonderful remedy for INDIGESTION,
COLTPLAINT, and DEBILITY, curing:after Nature's
own method, by Nature's own agent, the Gastric Juice.
Half a teaspoonrall of this Plaid, infused in water,
will digest or dissolve From POMOM or Rosar Bare m
A.130171' TWO ROOD; out o f the stoinach.
- -
Baron Mote, in his celebrated workon Animal Chem
istry, salTt `
,':An artificial Digestive Flaid, analogous 40 the Gastric Juice , may be readily prepared fitim the mu
cone membrane of the stomach-of. the calf, in which va
rious articles of food, as meat and eggs, will be so soft
ened, changed and digested, just in the same manner as
they would be in the human stomach."
Dr. Pumas, in his famous treatise on " Food and
et," published by Fowlers & Wells, New 1 ork, page 3.5,
states the same great fact, and describes the method of
p_repination. There are few higher authorities than .Dr.
' Dr. Comm; in his valuable writings on the "Physiolo
gy of Digestion "observes that " a diminution of the due
quantity of theigastric Juice is a prominent and all-pre
vailing cause of Dyspepsia;" and he states that a diS•
tinguisned professor of medicine in London, who was
severely aMicted with this complain; finding everything
else to fall, had recourse - to the Gastrin Juice, obtained
from the stomach of living animals, which proved com
pletely successful."
• Dr. G SUMAS:4 author of the famous works on" Vegeta
ble Diet,",sayst "It is a remarkable fact in phyliology,
that the stomachs of Deimos, macerated in water,
part to the fluid the property of dissolving various arti
cles of food, end of effecting a kind of artificial diges
tion of .them in no wise different from the natural digest
ive process,"
Dr. Snion'sgreat work, the " Chemistry of Man," (Lea
Blanchard Phila., 1846. pp. 32142) says: "The discov
ery of PEPSIN forms anew era in the chemical history
of Digestion. From recent experiments we know that
food is dissolved as rapidly ta an artificial digestive
fluid, prepared from Pepsin, as it is In the natural Gas
trie Juice itself."
Professor Dortomson, of the Jefferson College.'Phila
delphia, in his great work onDuman Physiology,devotes
more than fifty pages man examination of this subject.
His experiments with Dr. Beaumont, on the Gastric
Juice, obtained from the living human stomach and from
animals, are well known. "In all cases." he says, "di..
gestion occurred as perfectly in the artificial as in the
natural digestions." -
Dr. Houorrrosdspreparation of PEPSIN has produced
the most marvelous effects, coring cases of Debility,
Emaciation, Nervous Decline,and Dyspeptic Consump
tion, supposed to be on the very verge of the grave. it
is impossible to give the details of cases in the- limits of
this advertisement--but authenticated certificates have
been given of more than. Tw.o HUNDRED REMARK
ABLE CURES, id Philadelphia, New York, and Boston
alone. These were nearly all desperate cases, and the
cures were not only rapid and wonderful, but pe.rma
nem. . ,
It Is a great NERVOUS ANTIDOTE, and particularly
useful for tendency to bilious disorder, Liver Complaint,
Fever and Ague, or badly treated Fever and Ague, and
the evil effects of quinine, Mercury, and other drugs
upon the Digestive organs, after a long sickness. Also,
for excess in eating, and, the too free use of ardent spir
its. it also reconciles Health with Intemperance.
There is no form of OLD STOMACH COMPLAINTS
which it does not seem to reach and remove at once.,—.
No-matter how bad they may be, it GIVES INSTANT
RELIEF t A single doss removes aug he unptsasantsymp
frmts, and it only needs to be repeated, for a.short time,
to make these good effects permanent. - PURITY OF
BLOOD and VIGOR OF'BODY, follow at since. It is
particularly excellent in cases of Nausea, Vomiting,
Cramtis„ Soreness of the pit of the Stomach, distress af
ter eating low, cold ' tate of theßiciod, ileaviness, Low
ness ot Spirits, Despondency, Emaciation, Weakness,
tendency to Insanity, Suicide, &c.
Price, ONE DOLLAR per bottle. One bottle will of.
tetreffect a lasting cure.
Every bottle bears the written signature of J. S.
HOUGHTON, DI.D., Sale Proprietor.
Sold by agents-in every town in the United States,
and by respectable dealers in Medicinestenerally..
Agents for Pittsburgh, KEYSER, to MeDOWELL,I4I
Wood street. :
Retail dealers sunplred at Preprietor'sprices. flv2(hy
Also, for sale by R. E. SM.LERS, 57Woodstreet.
Philosophy of lirandrethis Vagotable
WREN the theory of the - circulation of the blood
was established, the secret springs of 'vitality
Were then partially exposed to our View. We saw and
understood that the food we eat was converted into
blood, which repaired the waste or the animal machine;
the food is fuel, which keeps at a life heat the Internal
fires that warm and invigorate our inner man. The
blood is an electric fluid which carriefithisheat to every
ramification of the body, even to the e.xlitrmities of the
hair and horny nail.. While the blood is thus the seat of
life, it is also the seat of disease. Food gives the body
strength; Einindreth's pills giVe blood the necessary
power to throw out from itself all impurities, thus ten
dering the stream of life pare and healthy. If men were
more sincere, there would be fewer religions creeds;
and if they kept close to nature's laws is the management
of their bodies, they would require little medicine. As
men grow
even now,
they will beterne wiser and hap
pier; evennow, their wisdom is proved by the fact that,
when sickness assails them, they use Brandt - o M's Vege
table Univeral Pills, which ' soon restore them to health.
Theyare peculiarly adapted to the climate, and require
no extra care when they aro used, iu either diet oroloth
ing. They should be always lathes house, so that upon
the first indication of ,sickness they may be used. One
dose-in the beginning to more potent for good, than a
dozen atter the sickness fixed in the system. In colds,
coughs, asthma, rheumatism, costiveness, fevers, and in
allocate, heavy or deep-seated pains, their effects will
be found beyond all - amuse: .Three or film will act like
a chum, often curing 'a . dangerous malady at once, sa
ving months of sickness and the evils thereunto attend
ing. Remember, BAuldreth"l Pills are a known and
fully tested medicine,- one that is used by hundreds of
thousands in this country and throughout the Civilized
world. They are quietly superseding all other medi-
They take oaten!) , that from the blood which is
the cause of weakness and pain, leaving strength and
health ; they produce healthy sleep at night, and' an ap
petite thhtrellshes till kinds of food. •
Sold at No. 29 Diamond alley—the only place in Pitts
burgh where the genuine Braudrfith Pills are kept for sale
—the undersigned le the only agent in the oily:,
die23:3in ' THOMAS REIRATH.
Bull's Barsorparllla.and the Cholera.
singl,WoMttil or child has died of the
CHOLERA or any of its symptoms who used "this
valuable preparation. Look at theelty of Louisville,
where this Sarsaparilla is made, and where , from 150 to
200 bottles are retailed daily, but few isolated cases of
Cholera have occurred, and - they were' either persons
frolnlonts orthocewho disregarded our advice.
For sale by 11EYSER h DITOWELL,I4O Wood st.
Pittsbu e rt where. ;he aelluble article maY olwoYs be
• ' 'j elief for. Crompa_. - _
HAVE ABDOMINAL WARMERS, mad, from Taa mostapProved.Engllsh'patterns , furnished and
recommended by Thrones BWcevrell, Beg., and a number
otemineat Physicians, being a Most convenient app era.
tus for the application Or warm or hot Watt? to the bow
eht, in - ease of cramps is Cholera.: -As every person is
subject to sadden aunekihno family shoultlbe 'without—
at least without one.- For stlely '; : • I
- - - • BOA.IFE to ATKINSON,. •
• First street. between Wool:land Market sic:
.RECEIVED,W fresh h apply _of Dr. S:9. Pitch's
znaluablo Medletue.a, oblong which are remedies for
Consumptum,Coughti and Dyepepaia. Also,Abdotainal
,SuPaortens, Shoulder [traces, Inhaling Tubas, imp:Lec
tures On the Treatment and Cara of DonsuraptioNac... ,
For sale by COULTER & FLaClEE;Drugguas,
0015 corner of Wood and Third streets
.r _FT y`.A' -'
Bdb a n ros rx i ar6."
eVinei oiwood Faith
TH. Proprieior the , Montano Pear and Disionai.
Ann IdarrtnrACTlMEl4Tespecifolly infortna„ta friends
and.the patrons ofthese papers, tnat he has a iSrge_
necessary to Sob Printing Mee, and that he is pre
pared to:ere.ciete' '< l,, - ' - •- -
tartan sanruntros iiiainEncarsnote,;..
Book,: - Bilis of Lading, . Circulars,
Tampains,- - • BillHafght, - - Card, -
"Skinks,' - , s••Efor'/Spi.
All kinds ofSlanks, Stage, Sieamboat and anal
Boat Elifis, , with appropriate ontft, printed on thesitortesi
stotiee.oadmos - reasonable terms. •-•
Bereapeetfelly asks thapatronage of his friends and
the pubhe 'generally,tn ;his branch of his business.
Z a JAMES w. woopvirEtt,
Ware.roomi anti 99 - Ttard street,
T. W. W. respectfully informs his friends andcastomt
ft.). ars,that.he has now completed, the largest andfi
nest stock of household.furnitare ever :before seen: in,
this city, as be is determined to uphold the quality -with
well-seasoned materials, best workmanship ) and newest'
designs; and from the extent of his orders and facial
in manufacturing, he is enabled to produce warranted
furniture, at the lowest prices. - - -
- He has adopted the principle or identifying the cut:-
tracers , interest with hi oWn, - to quality-and price, and
keepe always :intend the greatest randy every des;
miptimr of furniture, from the cheapest and.lainest, us
the most elegant and costly, that a house, or 'any part of
one; may be tarnished from his stock; or manufactured
expreasty to order. He therefore solicits - an inspection;
kthat the advantages:or his establishment may be known.
The foil owiniarticles consist s in part, of his stock, which
for richness of style and finish, canuot be surpassed in.
any of the Eastern cities:.:
drawing, din-
' • . . . Mg, end . bed. room
r • • chairs, of every variety, _
• • consisting -of rosewoood,
_ma- -
hogany .and walnut Eli zabe then, ,
Conservatoire and Easy, Chairs, of: every
description; Couches, Solas,Teps-a-tem andDi- „ •
vans of the latest . French .and American .patterne ;
l'ashaes„ What-Note, and ladies' r arlpt Writing Desks
of various kinds; ,Work Tables and fancy , inlaid
stands, music stands, and holders, marble top, ma- .
hogany,tosewood andwalmit centre and sota,ta
hies, extension
-dining tables; all sizes of the
most improved, and decidedly, the best kind
made; card, Pembroke hall and pier tables,
wardrobes, bedsteads and washstands of
each, a large assortment.;:gothic hall
and parlor reception chairs, ottomans .
and stools, secretary and book
• , cases, side hoards,: Ere- scree-as, _
towel racks, ' bat 'stands, and
music stools, cribs and cots
for children; paper mache,
table and tea , pays, ms- . •
- bogtuty, rosewood, and • .
lilted pearl Tables, • '
- . •
A large astortment of COMMON FURNITURE and
WINDSOR CHAIRS. Mud= stomas supplied with
all articles in their line
- STEAMBOATS and HOTELS, furnished atthe short-
All orders promptly:attended to ' Lnov29.
- ' IMAMS 'AND VIURNITURIS.:.. - ‘ I - -
N0.98.7%1rd sweat, between Market and Wood, 13 outh ads;
ytit_ -- Wv. have now on hand a large and--
splendid stoekotevery varietyot Cams
are confident cannot be 'layout' a e 41, it
equalled, in this City; or rt the West, in style and finish.
Those who are la vranto I Furniture are respectfully
invited to call and examine tot themselves. - .
FchnSteamboats furnished on th..t shortest maim
Alt orders prompilyattended to. _ _ _
- -- -
Furniture and Unalr Ware Rooms.
XT. B. YOUNG' tr. CO., corm'? of Third
'and &mit/Ott/4ft., opposite Brown's Had,
' ' - Pia:Surge, Pa., keep eonstanUy on hand
and make to order, at the lowest price_ ,s
CHAIRS, of the best workmanship and moat approved
styles: ...L__
____ _ rebid
_ ts,
Steamboa Ahoy t
Tut subscribers tender their ae
owledgments for the favors bestow
e upon em by their Steamboat friends, and
would respectfully remind them and others inte
rested in beading boats, that they are at all times pre
pared to furnish, on the most reasonable puns, every
description of Cabin Furniture and Chairs of the bee
material and workmanship. T B YOUNG & CO.,
Corner Third and Smithfield streets,
opposite "Brown's Hote l"
r. . . ~... .... .
Harnmer lt.' Dustier,
Bataan &souks:rot soul Strawberry aUsp,Pittsburg,Pa.
yi sit
HAMMER & DAULER keep constantly on hand
a variety of excellent and fashionable Furniture,
warranted egaal to any in the city, and sold on as
favorable terms as can be obtained at any similar
establishment in ite West. They havenow on hand an
unusually extensive stock,embracang all kinds of Frtnti.
Ittre, from the cheapest and plainest to the moat costly
and elegant . ' All orders promptly attended to. mrt.n:Om
WM. E. STEVENSON continuesto menu.
facture CABINET-WARE of every descrip•
ti 011; at hit old stand - corner of Liberty and
Seventh streett.. ONDERTMUNG auended
to, in all its branches- - Inapt t
London Bletstarth , -
DUBE London and Huth= hiustar‘by the keg, for
sale by roet3lntj ; JOSHUA ROBINSON.
1 HIS SCHOOL, under the direction of Mr. & Mrs. N.
j. W. Itisrcatr, will be Be-Opened in "Colonnade
Bow, "Federal street, on MONDAY, September 'AL A
prinniry department, and a number of optional branch
es, have been added, and a corps of teaehers secured,
in) that instructions wilt now be overt to scholars of all
ages and attainments.
For see circulars, which may he hall at
the book stores —or consult the Principals, at their
dwelling, on Federal street .
Allsghosy, Aug. 3.
rir E. Williams,
on the tat Monday cf Sepamb47 mem Boom, over
J. D. Williams & Co.'s Store, comer of Wood and Fifth
Rov. Wht.D. Howaao, Ron. W•vran H. Lowats,
Dr. Duarrr, J. D. McCoup, Esq.,
" Dr Itlctiu.x,, Wtia.Lusa. D3'2ttf
!first Are Mal of Foil Stock of Carpets.
THE subscriber having just returned from the East, is
now receiving and opening , a splendid stock ofgoods,
consistinE4 T n_h art of very rich style Carpets, viz,:
Brusse aeestry Brussels and Velvets , ,imported
expressly or this market..
Also, imperial 3 ply, superfine 8 ply, with a 'heavy
stock o t all the lower priced grades i together with' a
large variety of Hearth Rugs, Door Mats; Stair _Rods,
Wfilte,oreen, Blue and Scarlet figured Baize, Born k to
3 yards wide. A superior article of French Table and
Piano Covers. Oil Cloth, from kt a eight yards wide,
All the -above named articles having been selected
with great care, and purchased at such pr ces as to ens
ble him to sell cheaper than any house west of the
Citizens and persons front the country are requested'to
call and examine the stock at Lyndts Carpet Emporium,
No. 80 Fourth street, and No. 63 Wood street.
angled E.' W. LYND.
, J CRT RECEIVED, 2 cases of Fancy STRA W
• and CHIP BONNETS, Ladies' , Biding HATS,
Children's and Misses , Bonnsa, Boy? Eats, 4. a.—
Those wanting Bonnets will please give her a call be
fore purchasing elsewhere. All orders promptly attend
ed to at No FURL st. turtylo2fl MRS. A. LEECH.
TILSSOLUTION , —The partnershipf Muitvav &Jam
Jjj to this day dissolved, by mutual consent. The bu
siness of the firm will bo settled by H. Leo. •
Piulburgh, 30th Jan.,1840.
NOTICE.—The undersigned will continue the Wool
business and attend to the sale of Woolen Goods;at the
oliMate. ' H. EE.
In retiring from the late firm of Murphy & Lee, I
take pleasure ht recommending Mr. H. Lee, to the
confidence of my friends and to the pubtle.
:IN application will be made at the next meeting of
the Legislature of Pennsylvania, to incorporate a
Bank. to be called the Mechanics Bank of Pittsburgh,to
be located in the City of Pittsburgh, and to have a capi•
admit exceeding two hundred - thousand dollars.
Extra. leamtly Flour.
Fon. the convenience of the citizens, the proprietors
of the "PITTSBURGH CITYMILLS," have placed
ogee for the reception of orders, at the following places:
J. & R. Floyd's store, corner of Wood and oth ate.;
M.Haywood's Shoe store, corner Liberty and Market
A. Bcelea's store, 3d street;'
L. Wilcox, Jr., Druggist, cot. 4th" and Smithfield;
JohnY Smith's store, car. High and Wylie streets ;
Telegram Office, Fourtit'street; -
C. KeliV. Oroeet,cor.3th et. and Market alley ;
M. Grass's st3te, Oth Ward.
The Flour warnus will call twice or thrice daily; for
orders, and the Flo tr, &c. delivered 'promptly either in
barrels or sacks, (sack Flour is preferable for family
use,) without charge for cartage. : •
It la plain that no accounts can be alloWed, and that
drivers can have no permission to leave Flour without
payment. We hope that the public"willbe pleased Willi
ibis arrangement, as we shall endeavor to do them just
ce._ imaygol WILMARTH & NOBLE.
FIE subscriber has been authcirized to receive Pack
by the hone
of diNtVPIPIeNfEirIaIIIN to
a n ee r' Sq l i t l irPariunta, and,
to upgage Passage in. first class mining Vessels .frorn
Panama to San Franalseo. Every information giyat4:
on application to JOSHUA ROBINSON , -
a.IS Post Buildings Fifth st.', near Wej,4.
Clothe, all wool, Cashniarettes, Botch Plaid;
Linen Drills and Ducks, with every,;
varlety of Mar.:
seines and other Veetings and Trimounge, by
The di Fittlibliran Birewerv.”
XL.A.VING taken a lease of . &ivarell known Brewery
and having it now in full operation -I Urn now pre
pared to furnish my friends and the public with a supe
nor article of ALES and , BAYABIA.DIZEgB, in any
quantity. Call and see, atthe corner of I'enn street and
Barkers alley, . tjaa4l) A. BBSITZ.
• 'Window Facades, Banners,
‘..g wash, at No. 10, SVOLitII.9THKETA
For specimens,' call at Wilkins Walker's Ex
change, Smithfield street; and Ee_oviPs Hat Store; Wood
Masonic and I Q. 0. L's, Aprons ftl4B4gesoiinted
in a superior mariner.
Fresco paiptiag executed m Superior style, witlameri-
Min and Foreign designs. S. SIMMS WATSON -
r ' ..(:~ ~i- - ?IFS SI~ !' VT~'"yy r.~t
~Ii:ATF~-lX "2 ili h?r'Y ).. ~'~y'R'•~t o .~,. ll Y, ::.: 5 - rT K ':.
ffdthu g a
Winter - 'Clothing Selling `'t em Visiih.
VELANY, 190 Liberty tstreet, l'imblinth, hits ah
•• hand - a: large assortment. ot the: style VinterCotits, of fashiona bl e cOlorC - : lAlsoiiPtibts, Vests
and all other articles. in ,thet,olothintr-line. Wholesale
purchasers wif fintt it: mind ,destrat4.#toelt .to, select
from; and twill be sold Inividy.r.ail. .1 Neap
s pt..Anatrwr,
THFORldalds-frihridiand enstoine - rathai he has oyen-
L STORE, at -No. K. , Sraithfield.st4
where they can be suited at an tithes wA tit anything. in
his lineonatle Most' &ma' hadatylw and workman - -
like manner. His Goads- are. all. fresh„nf, the best, and
most fashionable Material,.and no pains spared .
O&Bdrdihe greatest degree ofaatutfaatlon , to futt-plit
tout;geed stock of Heady : Nada own-Alma aiwaya
on band. ' [dtelfi
14Elt:CHAN'T 2 'TAILOR;_--
No. 17 Smit/ffield strut, Nusburgh,
and caraftilly selected stank - or French: English
approv,ed colors and, styles; which
..h0 is PrePared Make to order in the very' best manner'
:and or, Ine'Moitrresionsble - terms;
He has always on hand a good. assortment Of gentler
!nten's Fashionable' Anent rains- - CLOTHING,' Shirts;
;Collars Cravats, flankerchiefs,GlotteU,Saspetiders,dcm
nov3ti:3m b.
. .
Clothingt Clothing
Whohisay. and Remit Dealer in Plothing,lsl ,Libn* it.
' • • " • Pitts brirgh; Pa.'
lain , stook of Fall and Winter . Clothing is now ready,.
, D.ll, amounting to upwards of 810000, which I think,
:will be found to by .. one of the choicest selections ot'gar- ,
;meats ever got up in this or city in the:West
- My purchaties having been all snide -early,l have,
„therefore avoided the late advances made. in almost all.
'descriptions of Woollen Goods, and am therefore'ens.V
bled troffer my stocratnnusually loviciricesz
I have tills season paid. more than usual attention to
the manufacturing and style of my garmentsiso that - the'
very lowest priced as well as the finest - are got lap in
,style and elegance not to be suxpassed. Hundreds, of
'new Monomers; both - wholesale and retailOnive'been
attracted as much by the saperior make of the vitiating
as by, the lowness of my prices. . ' •
- The proprietor would particularly calftheattatition'of
:all dealers in Clothing to Lis liresent stOckct believing
that upon examination of the quality 01 . d prices of his
Goods theyWillte induced to pa - rause - at his—establish
ment. The wholesale room now contains ttpwai4l of
2,000 garments, from the finest En quality,to the lowest in
• The proprietor isnow determined to make this deposit
• meat a point of great attraction, and with th is view has
constantly on haridn large - quantity of goods suited to
every section of the United States. • - • •
In the cutting department will always bt found a very
large selection of all the choicest makes of Cloths, Cas
simeres and Silks, to be foundinthis or eastern markets.
He is prepared to , make cloths to order In the shortest
notice In the latest and most fashionable styles:
• He respectfully Invites.bis old iriends and custothers,
as well as the pantie in •
general; to call and examine for
hemselves. ' - • toctl3
Great Indtteomehts to Hog . Clothing 2
subStriber , viistung torsall 'his entire 'stock-of
at VERY LOW PRICES. Person-swishing to purchase
will save moxiey, by calling on him.
sep24 - W. J. DAVITT, Propristor.
lielnerhPa Celebrated Patorit Shear'.
HE undersigned hasbeen appointedbylftr, Heinesh,
of New. York, sole Agent for„ the sale of his justly
celebrated patent Tailor s, Shears. lie offers.these Shears
now akmanufieturer's prices. —Having a complete As
aortmentof these Shears, from - 621-6. up - to Slit a - pleee,
he eallsthe attention of Ladies, Milliners and Dresstaa
kersand Tailors, to his establishment, the FRANKLIN
CLOTHING STORE, 179 Liberty street,4th door from
SLCIale, Rust respectfully isolicit's a bar of the public
patronage, which this - article so justly deserves.
oct3l:tm• 1, F. HAVEROTT.F.
One Price Store of A. A.IIIASON G CO.,
• Pica. 62 and 64 Marks! mad.
ra L commence on MONDAY, DeCember 30,
1850 -
nd continue through the mouth of January. On
s occasion, the whole of their immense establishment
will be thrown open for Retell Trade ' and their exten
sive mock, amounting' to 'One Hundred- and Thirty
Thousand Dollars, will be offered at Retail at fully one
fourth less than usual prices. -•--- •
The notice of tteir elemi-Annual Bale - to any one of
the thousands who attended the sale of last year, -- will
be sufficient guarantee for a call this' season. - They will
howaverniention a few of the Goods - and Prices,for the
benefit of thase who have never attended their Sales—
Bich cashmeres, - - 76 - -e. Usual price elm
500 pa. Cotton and Wool Cashmeres., 25c.; usual prize
- 1600 rr. Cotton and Wool Delaines,_ls; Idle. Usual
price 20 and 25c
50 psi. High Col'ored Plain DeLaines; 45e. • Usual price
62i •
11.. ttatriatt
50 ps. Striped and- Figured' Saki 50c. 'Usualptiee
'SO ps. Black Silks. Reduced 2.5 per cent.;
lOU ps. French Meritioesl.E, Usual price 51,371;
300 st Paraniettas and LfoneFeelotEK --- Reluced 33
26110 Long Square Shawls, which will ham:Yid at from
$1 'to Sri Teas than the usual prices.;
3000 yda.--Bonnet Ribbons, at 8 and 10c./Usual price
Fast Colored Calicoes, 61c. Usual price 9c.;
IVO cases English and American Calicoes,B and 10c.
Usual price 1U and 121 e.; -
00 cases Bleached Muslims. " Reduced 3c. per yard;
tXit bates Brown Muslin—all grades;
Also—Laces, Embroideries, Trimmings, Hosiery and
Gloves,-Liuens, Checks, Cloths, Cassimeres, Cassinets
and leans..
'Together with an imnaenso variety of other Goods;all
of which will be marked down to lower prices dian any
of their previout sales
They invite an early call, as many of their choicest
Goods willso'on be sold. - • -
The lowest price named at first.
4k. a. MASON 1 co.,
Nos. 62 and 61 hltirkeistreet.
NO. 73 goal, Ittar Fourth - ttreet -
ErAve. received ehd carer for sale at Wholesale
and Retail—
Bonnet Ribbons and Flowers • Florence Silk; Velvets
and Plumes Embroidered' Viillars; Cuffs' and Mend.
zeta; Linen Cambric. Handkerchiefs; Embroiaered and
Reviled Cashmere ; alpaca, Merino and silk Hose;
children's plain wool and :Tartan Hose • children's
Hoods, Gaiters and J enny Lind Coat kid :Merino and
fleece silk Gloves ; gents . Berlin, bud and kid Gloves;
gents, super 'ilk Shirts and Drawers; gents. Saxony
and merino Shirts and Drawers; Suspenders ; Collara;
fancy Dravats ; Comforts Scarfs ; Zephyr Work and
Canvass; Ca et Bags; Umbrellas;" , Yarns;Curtain
„Fringes ; -C.... ; Buttons, ealte.
Er Bay State and imported long and square Shiwls
of every quality.:::..- f.octfl3:2m
. ,
Rees's Goods '
fr/IE undersigned- is now receiving from -the - Eastern
1. cities by Express, a-splendid assortment of Fancy
and Staple Dry Goods, purchased exclusively for Cash,
from the importers and manufacturers, at least Twenty
/WO& cent. below the cost of those who made their pur
chases earlier in the season, and will be sold Wholesale
and Retail for cash at -
50 plicerLopin's -- French Meirinoes, Cherry, Scarlet,
Pink, Green, Maroon, Black, Mazarine Blue and Mode
colored,frora 871 e. up to the finest quality, manufactured
wider the French Republic..
15 Pieces. Superior Bombazines, Lupin's manufacture
—at unprecedented low prices. - •
150 pieces clack and Colored Alpacas,
_from 18} cents
per yard up to the finest Silk Warp and Mohair Luatres -
125 pieces Tkibet, Parametta and Coburg, Clothr,_ all
colors and qualities, and cheaper than ever before oller
ed in this city '
350 plec es American and British Prints, superior quali
ty, and will be sold at extretnely low prices:
450 SHAWLS r . Superior Bay State and Waterloo
Long Shawls, Chame li onfSilk and Turk Satin De Chen
and all Wool. Brocha Shawls, Black and Colored Em
broidered Cloth Shawls, Plain and Embroidered • Black
and Colored Bilk Fringe, Thibet and Mous •De Lain
Shawls. "
350 patterns Superior Dress-Saks ; Plain :Chamelion
Silk and Satin De Chein, Wide Black Gro De. Rhine
Silks, Plain and Fancy Figured:Silks, and ' Black. Plaid
Gro Do ArmaourSilks_ • . •
150 pieces Cloths, CaSl3llllotel and Vestings, superior
quality, and will be sold at agree reduction trona torm
500 pieces Bleached Muslin, good quality, all widths,
fronl6-} to 12} cents per yard.
GOO pieces heavy yard wide Brown Muslin, from Ole.
to thebost article manufactured.
200 pieces Rod; White and Yellow Flannels, from 18}
*coati per yard Up to the finest Silk Warp" :and Welch
Gauze Flannel Imported. - •
100 pieces WO Linen, warrantedtnade of Flax yarn,
%round, thread -wire twlshltand spun and grass blenched.
125 pieces Cheeks, superior ma e, from Bto 18} cents
per yard, together with a large assortment of Damask
Table Linen: and. Table Cloths,< Russia Diaper and
Crash, Cassiuetts, Kentucky Jeans, Bed • Ticking, Do.
mastic 45linghsms Colored Cambncs, Plain :Lbuleys,
Canton Flannels , ftc.:: .
; ~250 dostmLadies and Gentlemen's Gloves and Hosiery
—including , every variety and quatity, which will be
sold at extremely tow pricei - • , '
The customers of the house and all easlr.linyers are
requested to call and examine the goods, and secure
bargain, as they will be oared Wholesale and Re.otil
very low prices. 117 No. 75 Afarkststrest,Prtts burgh.
novla . • • . ABSALOM MORRIS.
IA; Black. , and Fancy'. colored' , French. and , English
CLOTHS; Paoli - Cloaking and Drab Clothe. .
Just opened at - A. A, MASON ik.00, 1 8,
- Nes:624nd 64 Market street.:
Important to !Ratters. - -
TIJST RECEIYED.-0 Doz. assorted Tailors , Patent
0 -Shears, from No.-10 dovnt-to No. 2. - -
ALSO-3 Dow.liarbers l Pattmt.Salssors, direef Craps
thelattratfaatartsm. atutfor sale at
fIOWN & TETLEY'S, 138 Wood st.,
may 22 2 doors below Virgin alloy.
Eirp Goatm
Cloths! Cloths
4i •"i'• ts-? I • mit • • • '
• er • etetatoreii : 11
MILEUNRLVALLEfPI ACEfor obtaining Wines, ,
.I;:.Liquorulcr.oo.oDgiadleßEAP: - ..'; ,
‘LSNlD.N.RPhat•lately-r,-.ip consemtenceet theoutnert ,7
out large:sales made by lum toconsuniers.,been obliged-:
lueltelytoreplenishhis - smekhy freskimportadontys and,
.he has not* the SauliftLeaoll , o cgering some. or the
wines and ILinnobs. ever-imported byhim. &lewould r
referto some invitices
-DUPP,43OEDON&COARIERRIES-0-..e. mbraeillEdttlii-
rate Pole at'very tlevirlmees, ransold,and , soratt , yery --
ehoineIdANRANILLA , alb on dranakaL•by: the ga110n...-.!
AlluF;Tlere - oldde measks oHS
gallons specially seleeturlbr censubiers. Eome EWE?:
teMONTILLA.uO, la bottles, put up in,Enrepe, which lnr-
Ma/tinge& as equatto•any.that can
ries aret:. Peculiarly - .adapted in monvaleseents4 as ' l llo'
strerigthertrwithontstiondadog, andlukre not the acidof
'many other,Wines... -
PORT:WINES 1--prhicipally specially seleinedffcir
his saleate consumers from theistock pis Buerearrart's,":
at Oporto, andirriported direct : - - "•• •
Theta Wines are'frnity and delicnte, arid Waite been,
highlY,,anprirreit by his customers, ; because' of their
Manlfeitannitlifority dyer all other pone and ltedWints
palmed off as such - . • : •••• • -.•-
They nrirof,varionif Sorts and ' prices; in - bottles indite:
dritoghtbY the gallon. or wholesale bytheeask.- Amonk
them is some rare delleateWillTE POET and num.
etisPeisrinittafreiiinwith Chronic affection of thebow
els cannot betocrearefUtiethelr PORT. - - • ,-.
MADRIRA MINES a_vtuiona sorts, dry- and:Slob,
South Side. old East arnbliVestindia.- Sercial,*.c., tic."
'on draught, in.bottles and by.cirsket "t• ,• • •
-As to the SPARKLED:WINES oftthe,subseriber, it
is well known that the MOST EKTRA•CHAMPAONW
'and the splendid SPAREIaING • AIOSELLEOmported
by hint are superior to: any .other: Winen and am pal.
at prices as lox asmost of the inferlorwinee now intim:
niarketsabicluare put upon bnye_resorfitat as
He has also CHAMPAONEWlPMS:of.variousbrands
-and ottalities,ntmery.los_v 2 pricest retail or : wholesale, In
4hts nrticle of-CLARET INlNE£s;general/y, the subsea.
':bar holds himself tribe a judge, and lie offers the Ttnest
Istria here,•froarthe verylowest-price,by the!
,zen, to thefast class. or ",‘.lrs•nrier,rwrr, Burpc- -
Of .iIIiftOIIND.Y.WI, N tWz ihns larkistnelf and can
~cnstenterethat he can present to ttem, - Torm his
vaultsas oOd„rthottleof Burgandins Praitee•efferds.
• SA , And BARBAC rilwayer - hand in:bottles.
• ' HIS - selection- RHINE of. a nd Mr - E-WINESi
• front the cellarsof Resets; Ds:oqt. - • /klonniti; of Co
blerts; are extenalve, and numbe! Stiliglocks and
Moselle,Troaithe - Cheapest se" e verr,choicest
vintages, of the- "ISTEINIT ,"-which is - the best
• groWth of the Rhine.. ' • •
. thearticles of.COdl'."and other BBAND,w,er_ho
rhos now. a Soestock,.e sing some very old extra of
1800, of -.Osumi. Duper Co., runt -some celebrated
u•CLAVIER of 3.821, 11 in eighth casks, and . . 1042 in hhds.
and"DUßOUCHE; o 4B44,tolduls..on turcutierhtelt.
will be sold low -
and all other Nifiner and LiquortiOneluding: all ot the
abovey SOLD-by .RET.p., TO CONSUMERS — in any
ettanuty desired: • - • ' 1- , • '
____._— _ _ .
. .
A tonitentassorted stock of IiAVANA.SEGARS.
Goods delivered, isithiri one day's reach of Pharr
delphis, vsztorrr PAID. Orders will be prsmptly execu
ted if sent by'rnail or telegraph ' •
Address, JACOB
Cheap Wine Store,
' " - 76-Walnat street, Pfdli.
J._ T., Decker, Woodward.. er r .04h,
Builders- and Erector tit :Lightning • Rods, on
IMRDERS left at this ogee or the Post Office; and for
personal• interview ca i•be seen on Fourth street,
residence Of Dr. Ham, between Wood and Ferry— • •
Retrenecs—Frofesbor Stillman, Editor of Billiman's
Journal; Professor 0. M. Mitchell, of the Cincinnati
Observatory', Professor Robert Peter, of• Transylvania
University, Kentneky Professor Chester tewey, D.l)
M. D., New York; Professor J. L. Cassel, Clearlund
University. Ohio.
In Pittsburg/4—A. W. Loomis, John Harper, Wilson
Weandleas, Mr. Childs, Col. Morgan, Rev. Mr. Spares,
J. D. Williams, Major Harding, U. 8. Arsenal; John
Ewing & Sons , L. limper, D. N. White, W. A. Map
shal l,John -
ger. lnovi s:if
Outline Slaps.
being introduced Into all the leading schools in
New England and New York. We have obtained the
agency for them in Pittsburgh, and invite teachers and
school committees to call and examine them:
No. I.—Map of the Western Hemisphere, 82z82 inches.
No. 2-- do ' Eastern do do '
N 0.3- do North America, 70x84
No. 4— do United States,7Ox22
No. 5 co - Europe, . -
No. 6 do . Asia, 70x79
N0..7 do S. America & Africa, 70x84
Price of the series, with key, $25, or the first two
Hemisphere Maps, with key, $lO. •
' These Maps arc unrivalled in accuracy, beauty and
cheapness, and adapted to the wants of the primary,
grammar and high schools of the United States.
For sale at publisher's prices, without addition of
freight charges, at the
cor Market and Fourthsts.
Flour Reduced. - -
.fiTILIIIARTII & NOBLE will sell their Entlk Flour;
y -delivered on and after the let November, at S2X
' 100 lbs.; Superfine at 62,00 100 lbs. - A liberal &a.
count to retailers.
. - 11 - EDICAL DEPARTMENT. - -The regular Cowie of
Lectures ,will couunence on the /true Noremocr
and continue until the last at February. The Anatomi
cal Department will be opened and ready to receive
Students by the first of October. The Medical Depart
ment will be under the direction of the following
Z. Faitskan, M. D.; 'Professor of Anniaray..,
H.S. N wam's, M. - Professor of Surgery,:
H. J. fluLsa, R 7 ,Professor of Theory and .Practice o
W. BTati Pcmesiti M. D., Professor of. Physiology, pa
tholO Mineralogy and Geology. .
f. gy, D
t . Professor . of Materiel bledica,TheraPett - -
tics and Medical Jurisprudence.
hinaost SANDERS, M P., Professor of Chemistry and
A. WiLsoir, M.- 0., Professor of Obstetrics and Dis
miss of Women' and Children.
- .CI.I7IIQU'S.I.ECrie Rea.
,Afediririer--Prof. H. J. fines_
Singery-LTrof. IL S. Distrron.
Pam:slap M.D. Anatomical Demonstrator.
The FeeaTor a full aoiuse amonaita
Each Professor's Ticket,sls. Alatriculator's $5. De
monstrator's Fee, SIO. Graduation,S2o.
Those desiring turther Information, will pleas e address
their letters (post paid) to the Dean;
. and Students arri
ving in the city wril please call on turn at the Commer
cial Hotel... . E. S. NEWTON, IS.-
__Depp of the Faculty,
Hon E W M Kmo,Prof.ef Theoryand Practice of Law
Jeri Draastram, Esq, Prof of. Commercial Jurisprudence.
Term4,4:6o per session:
All communications pe running to this department lutist
be addressed to - - 11: W. M. KING, Esq.
Mempkis, Tittits.incith;lEZO. • -
'The Alculties„ for intellectual abilities, moral worth
and professional acatfirements, will compare favorably
with the nicistdistingiushed 'norm country. 'The Medical
Faculty 'constitutes an anomaly in. this or any other
country-allot them are able Leeturers and the best of
Those who will contemplate our geographicalposition,
and the extent of our pcpulation, can have undoubt as to
the eligibility of our situation for an enterprise 'or the
kind: ' As to health, including seasons of the year,we
denythat cintrotAirefty hai - - - -
The first class of the Law and Medieal Departmentso.
this Institute - were small; hat Ms gentlemen- compoSirtg
them are talented's:Lad inthehighest degree respectable
a favorable omen for the future prosperity ofthe Institate.
That the public maybe satisfied of the permanency of
this school,we feel it on: duty to stiste,that the Trustees
and Facultyform a unitin action, which augurewcilfai
its future success; and that the peculiar internal organ
' union which conthern, cannot be interupted.
' -E. W. M. KING, •
a.l . President of the Memphis Institute.
• 'Silver. Forks, Spoons, gco:
11r7Ekeep constantly on hand a large rutsortment of
VT silver Forks; Spoons; /Audits, &C., of our own
manufacture, of standard silver. -
OS Market street:'-
gatiping Glasses,
irano,Asso and three g asses, suited for deteating
1 1„.) , counterfeit bank notes, and other purposes, for sale
h • . oct24 .JOIN. II DII.F.A.DMN
Tp the Citizens of .B.llegheny_c_lty..
BOX for the reception of Orders for CM' MILLS
21. FLOUR is left nt the, store of Mercer &Robinson.
Federal street. Such Orders will be promptly suplied
sesta - - WILNARTH promptly_
200 rtitat : Wsuste4 lltauteidistelir; F .
It?7/3E - CHATI.TLEItS RAILROAD;—The wages
•Itre 80 cents per day; and we charge 8475 pet
wee/tier boarding. Apply at the effm e, on dm Steuben
vine lead, near BPDonald's tavern-4 miles from Pitts
burgh. bune2.s4 BURNSEDE. /JANNEY ar. CO.
- -
DA.KrsIPS 8R0M..A.; . Alecker , s'Farirta; •
-LP Polishing PuttY ; • .Paarcltliolish;
Pore Bay Rum; received and for sale by'
• • -
colic - lof Wood and Third streets,
MON Just received from the Pittsburgh and Isle
Royal Copper Mining Company... These Fiat far: excel
in fine flavor and fatness any caught - la the lower Lakes,
and are put up expressly. for famdy use.
nnvld corner of Fifth`street and Market
T hu. I t i f EH v E le ta w n . l o k , p i p l lt e r: Bo eln n thl a o i r th e y fit tb troinb: a c iLst u lai n tii than
a ino Non-
u n a
.nery,Hill. It
Preassdittiem, conta i ning will
l° " tin gel one to
augi2 from one to five - acres
• , For -Rout. - -
filWaywell-fiuished offices Post Office Building',
3. Third street."' ' ' • • .* '
A long, yvell-lighted - riicint, third 'story ; entrance Mar
ket street, between Third' and Fourth streets.. - -
Also, a small brick honse,in Pitt township, near l'Elll
- Avenue. Inquire of ' -,
cote:: - • N 0.104 Second street;.
- used in bed; in the dark, an 4 by persons withtreurn.
lons hand t With ease, safety, and In half the usuattirae,
without- the.pinsibility: of cutting the skin. This is et
fe.ote:d bY Means of the paient Guardorthich Is adjusted
to the razor with tbe greatest nicety and simplicity.—
EVery-tazor is made of the finest tempered: steel. and
••They have been extensively used in England;sua
pronounced the most perfect and safe razor rummies)
The new invention may be used with "perfectsate
-14 This razor Is a sPlendid Invention, -and of great use
to mo Orperstinst - especially for people with unsteady
hands.-Chambers3 Edinburgh Journal.
For sale at the Watch and Jewelry Store of
meloussom 8001.111 TV
- - 07 • ' ; ..7
eagittai, 1000 000.46141 ml "ir8,80(40.800.
"VVITIOrge surplus 0( profits. A'parti......"^ of bollE-
I and surplus invested in 1.1. S. GavernBB,B4 ll
Blocks, and othertsecurities in th e City of New YOrx.
Policies held in this country over 13,000. PersOns
sirrititrvertlaipate in the profits of ,tne Company.. - ;
: California risks taxa tw reduced voter.
. Among the advintages of a Policy In this Conapany
ore tbe following:— -,,. • • .
.4% patty insured for the whole term of lire May at oily
time (sorrow otvii•lialf the 'amount' of annual premitimt'
'without note or seenray, or.deposit of policy and is en
'titled to division of prate. • ,
• 'He may at any time surrender his polity, and receive'
back as value thereof one-half the gross. stun paid ' by
him in annual common premiums. • •-• •
A party already insured for. whole- wanton pay-
Meat of a email sum, convert his insurance into a new
policy upon the loan systemnow introdueed:••• • '
'Parties already, insured, and entitled to a
loan, are not shut ont from said two-thirst foslll, 11 the -'
refer it, nponthe terms stated in the Society's parnisiW
A party may, nt a mi./erste *Omnit premium". insar4 •
for life, and he survive to reach the age of 80 yealwitilwr
fLil ru nt insured PP Wlls,ooooDiii be paid so ant: ; pe if . •
be dies before reaching thatpe, the Lull matt • :
will be paid to his family ot 'representatives.-
-Ithas become customary in e'Atlantic clue, for con,. .
gregntions tolniure the 'lives of their Pastors; and 'Bat" •
Chnstrntis or New Year's day to mithethe fatally a pre-, , ,
sent of the Dailey. This 13 cettainty an excellent way
of showing their regard kit. their Minister, whine salary'
in very many cases is Scarcely equal to ids inunediets
:wants. To the man of family, at , his death, it Is a con- *.
solitude beyond expression to ititovr that his helpless .
little ones &retinas provided for.
Churches Involved, would do.well to Insure the live& . •
oT one or more of the trustees, at Whose demise - 41 W
amount would be applied tollooldste the debt.
Explanatory pamphlets and information_ given_g_cldis;
at the Bankinglionse of it. CO. :
nov29 Wood st, second dcor above Fou rth.
Pres!anat. Fillmore
$4,000. in-the Connecticut Mutual, Life , Insu-
Twice Company, of ilartford,Connecticut.
' The following ate the Joint Smelt rates of Premium .,
'of other Life Insurance Companies compared with the,
rate. of Hartford Life and Health Insurance Company
sinnutii Payment/or Policy Qf one thousand doilars.'
ra ;Is
Name of Company. m t 4
P. mT
Hartford Lite tz.11.1na.C0... -10 13.6 IMO 2,41 N .60
Atari Life Insurance C0...1141580 91.30 2210 46.60
Im:Cherter Oak Life l. Co• • • .11. 15.60 21.30 2940 40.611.
United Statea.Llfe Co • . x 14.4019.00 25.30 3170 53 60
Pennsylvania Life Ins. Co••14A0 20.40 27.60 17,30 50.80
National Loan Fend C0...44.80 19.30 2530 170 59.80,
It will be seen by the above table that the rates for in- .
surance (withoutpartlcipation in profits) in this Comp any
are mote than fifteen per cent. lower than any Joint
Stock Company in this Country or the World, and they
have been adopted niter a fall investigation oldie whole
subieet. • • • .
Those" wishing to insure in either {he Conn. blab:int
or the Hartford Life and Health Co. will apply to
. • A. COLTON, • •
.dect • Corner of 41.11 and Wood streets, up stairs.
Road TDlat
To Fanners and thantsvishing
PRE New York " Washington County Mutual lams
". rand.: Company" Is the company for them to insurd
in. lila the only Emmert' Mutual Insurance Company
that has ran through five years without taxing their
note. ' Itis the largest company of the k India the world,
numbering over 'lll,OOO lambent. It does not Insure,
Steam Mills, Carpenter or Cooper 'hops, or anything
hazardous or extm•hazardous. onlyßouses, RAMS and
their contents, and but 52,000 on one risk • Churches,
Academies and School Houses, and but $l,OOO OA each.
. A certificate can bis seen' from one of thellrst men
Pittsburgh, to show that the Company does pay lut
es promptly. C, COLTON, Gen'l Agent,
soul coi; or 4th and-Wood ats i np Maas.
THET- • -
ANCE COMPANY.—Office. North Room of the Ex
change, Third strcet,Philadelphia.
Fres Islamism's --Buildings, Merchandise and other
property in town and country, insured against loss or
by fire at the lowest rate of premium; • -• •
Maserslnsvasncs.—They also inelare. Vessels, Car
goes and freights, foreign or coastwise, under open or
special policies, as the assured may . deuce. •
Ins= Taalisrowriasomo--They also insure merchan
dise transponed by. Wagons,. Railroad Cart, Canal
Boats and Steam Boats, en rivers and lakes, on the melt
liberal terms: . •
.••• •
DIRECTORS—Joseph . H. Seal, Edmund - A. Hodder;
John C. Davis. Robert Barton, John R. Penrose Samnah
Edward__,Ll Geo. G. Lelpor i Edward Dulingon i lic i alo IL.
Davis, William Folwell,John Newlin,Dr. ft. ustoni,
James C. Band, Theoplulas Paulding, H. Jones liroolts4
Henry Sloan, Hugh Craig, George Scrrill, Spencer Mc...
[Loeb:4 Charles Kelly, J . G. Johnson, William Hay, DV.:
S. Thomas, John Sellers Ww. Eyre, Sr.
Hugh Craig, Jno. T. Logan.
• WILLIAM MARTIN, President.
TWO. C. HAND, Vice President. • •
' Joarra W. Cowan, Secretary.
liEr Office of the Comp any,No. 42 Water stre et, Pato;
burgh. tiel6:dtf) . P. A. MADEIRA,Agent. .
xviLtr&wru & NOBLE.
tteltri:Mte '*" •
New England Live Stook Isuinranoe
PPERSONSdesirous of insuring their •Animals will
learn from the fallowing - by law.-of theri CoMParcr,
that the terms of life insurance on stock lavediffereat
from insurance on human llfe. The insured are entitled
to pay where the. animal breaks n leg,,becomas blind,
Aancia x. In the event of accident or disease of such
a nature nem cause permanent injury, though death may
not ensue, they will be liable for the damage done to the
ammol not exceeding the amount insured. •
O.A. COLTON, Aget4,
cor of Fsbatilkiend Wood sts., up stairs.
Sire and feloattins Ittatoesztots. ,
rliflE OFFICE of the Zortirdois CI O/ Nardi4nrius
1. has been to nand to the Warr-house. of Hardy 4 Jones
to Co., No. 141 Front street, third , house East of Wood
street...where the subeetiberwill issue
Inge and their coulee ta,and 011Bh1Ornenta by Steamboats..
and other veaseLs, for the above old and responsiblet
Conipany. , " - fapOr WM. P. JONES, Agent: t.
Life and I.letath lnesstransio
COMPANY,. Philadelphia, Ineorporated by the
gislatnre of Pennsylvania; March 1838, Charter Per
penntl; Capital 1000,000. Rased know than any,Pennsmil•
vania Company, and full 20 per teat. 'lower tliari the
usual rates of Life Instating e,ds the following comptist,
son will show. Those person 41 the age Of ;30 insuring
for $lOO for life, must pay in. the Girard $2,36, Pennsyl. - .
vania. G 2,30. Penn Mensal - F4intrible'll2,o4, New
England $2,30, AlbionEMS, New. York Life $2,30, We'
and Health, Philadeipfort; 81 , 91 -
LortMorosaSattinel'D Orrick, Chlitlei
Boone,Rohert P King, Charles P Hayes, Id W Baldwin,
Chas B M Reeve ; HI. D. Lewis Cooper,
'J 'Rodman Barker, .E Butler, Isdwin Oope; ;; Pres s = ;
- dent, Samuel D Orrick • Vice PrtOdens, Robert Ring
Secretary, Francis Blackhrune. -
Applications will be 'received and every inforsitalion,
given by . SAISUEL FAHNESTOCK, Agent. Osince:.
Commercial Rooms, corner of Third , and - Wood
Pittshargh. , 0ct29:r..; •
The 'Fire , linsixivacs Couspairsp7
:-- - , •
- Charles W. Hawker,' George Si
Thomas Hart, Mordecai D. Leona,
Tobias Wagner, , Adolphi
Samuel Gnln ,t David S. B ro wn e„
Jacob Smith, - Morris Pattersora.
Cuss. G. Bincerat, - Secretary.
- Continue to make Insurance, perpetual - or mat/►.
on every description of property in town and COlalltrr
The Company have reserved a hirge Contingetit 7 ; o Aa
which, with their Capital and Premiums; safely37. 4 ,, atedi
afford ample protection intim assured: •
The Assets of the Company. on January , 41 ,, i480, as
published agreeably to an Aot Of A . 1381411' 43 Were eafok
tows t viz
mi t i a g r-41 "
Real state • •••••-!" 94,724 ea
'Temporary 960 , 0 y es : .
&WES 61,82* 25
Cash, tr• 38,804 37.
$13,318,482 91
sthee:their - tacorr n oraiion, a . period 'of ID yeatrir,they
have PaidnP , M4 ll2 ' of One ll aim Four Eimired Mos-
Sand - Po.liarri le ;es by fire, thereby , affording evidence
of the navemyges of Insurance, as roll as the ability and
disposition 3° ,1 - me et with promptness; all liabilities.
OfficeN.E. corner Wood and 3d sin:
• Fire and Marius bararsusee,
int:lE Insurance Company Of North America, of Phila
-.), delphia,througlx its duly - authorized Afrent, the - Sub
scriber, offers to make pennanent and limited Insurance
on property,in this city and Its vicinity, end on'sbipments
by,the canal and rivers.: _
Arthar G. Coffin, Preset:'-, Samuel Stooks,. - _-
Alex. - Henry - _Cheese Taylor,.
Samuel W. Jones, • _Samuel W. South,
Edward Smith ) - Ambrose 'White,
John A. Brown; Jacob hl.Thomaa,,
John White, - - /an IL Neff,_
Thomas Cope, - : Richard. D. Wotsd, , '', ,
Wat.sWelsh, , Henry AX:Siterrardsßen'Y.
%lisle the Wein' insurance„ Company. In the Milted
States, having been chartered/417Pd. Ito charter loper
petard, and fnalostiglistsulding, long-experience, am
pia mosos;and avoiding all Atka of an extra h'azarditato
character, it max ,t;honsidered es °Tering. topple seouri.
ti to vie , pu b l ic . , : ' WILLIAM P. JONES.
At Counting Attiood; 'Dace & co.; Water arid,
Prontats.,ri. b h • =
Biro arid marina, Insurancea., - -
I make permanent and limltedimatmuce on Proparty
in thir City and vicinity, and on shipments try Qua's,
Rivers,les t and by Sea. The properties of this Cora
p„yaweu inverted-and furnish an Ardilablo fond for
the amplo Indemnitypt parsons yrbo desire tote ptck
meted by Inantante. WM P..JONEB, Agent,
maylla . 44 Water aunet.
rraßsubseriber Wishes to inform ifieeitizentofPitts
.b.firglA and the public generally; that he has removed
itat.Q.IMPET STCIKEfIom Non. 131: and 63 Woodstreet,
tottlurapollo Buildings, on Fourth, street; recently coca
piedlry. the Museum, and has connected therewith the
adjoining romne;f4rmerly used as the Chronicle Printing
o itc connection with his old - room, makes- -
the most spacious Carpet establishment Lathe country;;
and his advantages so ter n urpass surbentoin this city
for space, arrangement and good light, that he le certain,
of salting every person who may favor Atintwithasall.
His stock is complete. in every article in his lirie,andl
great pains wilt be taken at all theca bralloiv goods - to.
persons wishing to look or bay. --
oct3l - . _ - - E. AV. LYDIA.
HAWI.9;=-11ectived thio taarnlngps.t -express •CI
_.l_l3zotteiPAY Stott!' and Lang allavaS — Tfxr 4 4e. -
riailiti.les and quaTdica:. For sale low.
A...MASON & 00.,
nairt 6210164 klazket street:.