-LOCAL nITERS, . QuAierrar-Ssstotra,--TVerinirday, January 22. On the Bench, sedgee McClure, KerrUnd Junes •:The pry-intim case. or she Cam:-ot._Jas. -trot the murder of Jas. Cox in • prison, ',came into OotS.ittiiii, Morning, after being out all night, 'and lurked vibe discharged, as they could not agree. The Court refused to grant their request, and sent thembanki and in a short time they returned with a verdict of,MIIRDER IN THE SECOND DEGREE. ThelurY*.was discharged, and the prisoner remanded • - Corn. ut. Wm. - Stewart, charged with stealing a horse from Moses Vance, which be gold to Joseph %lacks:lsar) for VO. Vance; recovered his horse; and the bora father returned the money - to Jackman. Defendant acknowledged to several witnesses that he bad taken 'the horse,'' 2 Defence rely on priaoneris unaoundness of mind, which`they endeavored to make apparent. Jones opined to the jail on 'behalf of the defence. The Jury returned a verdict of “guilty.”' Sen tence, for the present, deterred. .Corn. vs. Justus Baker and Nary Smittp—fornica. than. The parties- reside in East - Lana, Allegheny city, and the:thread of the story ia, that about .9 year ago, the wife of Baker thought proper to leave her lawful husband. He then,took . Mary Smith to keep house toiisim, • whe is atilt -with him. The wife; hating:time for reflection, has concleded to 'returo*to herfirst - choice, and takes tide method of renting her rival from his . affections. The jury returned a verdict of 6 .ficit- guilty, , ? but defendants'pay the coats. A FastaisOrcirinca.---Police officer Boyd suc ceeded on Tuesday in capturing a damsel by the name of Minei7a - Ann Johnston, on . a charge of pasaingconnterfeit money. She put off $lO on C. Atmotrong, gioceri corner of Pennsylvania Ave,. Ilan and Fulton 'street, on the tfith instant, and has, are informed, been figuring ; somewhat nsten lively in this business.' She was brought before Aid. Major and committed for trial. . . . or An attempt was made on' Tuesday, by Some daring ineendiar,y, to fire the house of Mrs. Totten, a widow lady ih the Seventh Ward.. Some one, passing disc9vered.the fire in thecellar, which he made known to the inmates; and 1t wag immediv ateli quenched, Within the lest few weeks there has been several attempts to burn this building. Ler - Two boys . ori-Tuesday' were arrested in Al , legteoy city, and brought hefore the Mayor, for raisingn muss in front of the Beaver street Church 'on. the - Sdoday Firevioui. ...They were fined 45,00 ear chat, Brown, a Clerk in the employ of & Maltby, received by telegraph, yesterday, the sad news that his father bad been cut in two by a thou= lainawin a mill near Cunkberlaud, Maryland. . - .Etdf'Frederick Mixes, a sterekeeper.in Manches ter, yesterday mado information against Minerva Ann Johnston for passing counterfeit money on him. She is, now in jail on a similar charge. Flitc..--Lnat night about ff o'clock a - frame house, on theCOrper of, Webster and Enoch streets, in the Seventh Ward, occupied . hy . colored people, took fire - and was entirety consumed. The exertions of the firemen saved the buildings around it. ear There were about a scare of women in the Court feate9l4, witnesses in an interesting case, • Mir Currison was brotight to jail no Tnesilay night, from Ross, township, charged With passing - counterfeit Valf 'doll ara: Cstrnanatia."-L- . -There was not a single cato before the Mayor, yesterday morning lr-Tbe weather yesterday. wan rathei promising a fair business for the medical profession. DaitlltsiNE BALL,—The Duquesne Soiree unities off at Wilkins Hall on Friday, the 7th or March. For Sale. A T AGREAT BARGAIN. a two story BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, on Pennsylvania Avenue, Mk Ward; modern finish; having ten Irni rooms; doable parlors ; dining room and ki then on the Brat floor.' The lot is twenty-four by, ninety.lour feet; a wide alley in the. tear: This' properly cost $3500, and wilt be sold forS27CG—In payments of $OOO down. 8200 I none year, and the balance in two years. . Engtdre of T. Howard, Attorney at Law, Fourth st , between Smithfield and Grant streets. Call to the morn ing before 9 Velockv, ' THOS. HOWARD. .(Gazette and Dispatch copy It.), Norris dr. Willis' Home Journstl. Pc LtiltaD - Evart SATINIDAT, IN THE CliT OP :NEW-Ttilit, At Two Dollars a year, payable en sal cases in Advance. - • - VOMMISSION OF AGENCY, • • . Ormuz or THE Holm Jorrarax, I.OT Ficltonsti 24, . 11). al: whom is may Cointrn • frifilSraay Cettlfy that J.ll. ffoz.mis is duly authorized to act.as Agent for "MORRIS & WILLIS' 110 MP, JOURNAL" and that all 'receiptsgived by him in pay. meat for stud _paper will lie 'duly acknowledged by us at the Office of-Publication; and it is expressly agreed and understood, that all subscriptious are payable one year in advance. - - and that no name will be inserted on the Books ull the money for the same is paid- The new volume will commence on the Sept of Janu ary.. -Subscriptions received by J. Et-Holmes. Third st, opposite the Post Office. MORRIS & WILLIS, ' decal • ' - - Editors and Proprietary. BU tit. AND CLOVERSEED-6 bbls; Roll Rutter. wr 8 94.13: Clover seed. For sale by deer!) CARSON 44. /WKNIGIIT, 94 Water st. Pearly White "reeth and Breath, -TO-EE HAD FOR 25 CENTS. - •• - - DERSONS who have' either, are honorably• assured • ,that tr their breath is ever so foal, or their " • TEETH DECAYED, DARK OR YELLOW, and-encrusted with tartar, - that a 25 cent box of Jones' Amber Tooth. Paste . will make the teeth white as snow, and the breath odiferoasly sweet. - Said only at JACKSON'S, Store, 240 Liberty street, head ofWood., ' . . ((lea° Tar"lei:KV& General Emigration 0011ce. • OsRESIITFA.NCES and Passage to and from Great Britain and Ireland, by W. & J.T.-Tapscott, 75 South et., corner 'tt`lWie. , . of Maiden Lane, N. Y.;and 96 Water loo •HOod, Liverpool. • -The subscribers,- having accepted the Agency of the above House, are now prepared to make arrangements on the most liberal terms with - those desirous orpaying the passage of their friends from the Old Country; and they flatter themselves their chlaracterund long standing In business will give ample assurance/ that all their ar rangements will becarried oat faithfully. Messrs. W. tc.../. T. Tapscott are long and favorably knownforthesuperior class accommodation and sailing Aualities oftheir Packet Ships. The QUEEN OF TIIE WEST, - -SHERIDAN, GARRICK', HOTTINGUER, R.OSCIUS, LIVERPOOL, and SR/DONS, two of which leave each port monthly--from Now York the 91st and ..thlthy and from Liverpool the 6th and 11th; in addition to which they have arrangements with the St. George and (lUnion Lines of Liverpool Packets, to insure a departure from Liverpool' every five days, being thus determined *hit their facilities shall 'keep pace with their increasing' patrounge: while Mr. W. Tapscott's constantpersonal supenntendance of the business in Liverpool is an addil Canal security that the comfort and accommodation o f the passengers will be particularly attended to. The • Subscribers being, as usual, extensively engaged fa; the Transportation Business between Pittsburgh and the Atlantic Cities, are thereby enabled to take charge of and 'forward passengers immediately on their landing, without A chance of ditiappoirement or delay; and are, therefore,-;Ptep arc d to contract for passage:from any sea port in Great Britain or Ireland to this city, the nature of the business they are eigagedin giving them facilities for carrying passengers so far inland not otherwise at; minable; and will, if necessary, forward passengers fur ther West by the best mode of conveyance, without any additional .charges for their trouble. WHere persons sent for decline coming out, the amount paid for passage will be'refanded in full. REMITTANCES. The snbseribers are Also preppared to give drafts at eight for any amount, payable at the principal cities and lownsin Eugland,lreland Scotland and Wales; thus af fording-. a safe , and expeditious mode of remitting funds to, those countries, which persons requiring Such facili ties will find It to their interest to avail themselveiof. Application (if lette.r,post-paia) will be prcimptlytat-, tended to.:.TAASTE & CeCoNNoll, . • • retWariling and Conunission Marabouts ' Philadelphia. SOLDIRRS-.DR THE AMERICAN - 'WARS • TI THO have served either against the British -or• In. TV 'titans singe the yearl7oo, are entitled, by a late law of Congress, to u donation of land. - • The undersigned offers to you his - services to procure year Land Warrants from the GoVernruent. flaying been engaged extensively- , during • the past three years in that business, for the - soldiers of the Mexican-War, and the heirs of those who died, and during that period of time prepared and settled in the different departments at WAishinKtorkupwards of five hundred claims, consist ing (V Land -Warrants, Pensions, three months' extra pay, and arrearages of pay due to the deceased, the ha mess at.thellitrerent offices in Washington is now fa miliar and easy to me, and can be transacted: for those claimants at a distance b v a correspondence through the Post Offices. - Charges moderate. . . . Office at the former stand, in Baltewell's Building, - Grant street, near the New Court Route. ' • • rk.-FOSTER: - Pittsburgh, Oct 15; ~ .50:-:.d&w2ra tcromiNy-4 bbls. white Pearl Hominy Au Ido yellow do ; Just received and for sale by deco YEA, - - ~j - E tlaflcUnL Magazines tOr'Febrtiary. l & CO No:,T2 Smithfield street :op • !: H ENRY mite Brown's Hotel, have received the 'following' Magazines for February -GodeVa Lady's Book _ •Graham's Magazine ;• - ' Sartain's Union Magazine ; ' • Peterson's Ladies' National Magazine. Anew volume of all the above magazines commenced with the January number; and we advise those desiring to subssribe to call at once at Cheap Publication Starve! ••• LialB)*: HENRY MINER tr. CO. A. Cheap Farm and Willa for Sate -.EXCLIANGE.—A good Farm of 88 "acres in Meigs 'county; seven miles - frOrn Pomeroy,- the county seat; and about two -hundred" and 'filly miles from Pittsburgh ; - in the State a oitto. There is about thirty-five acres cleared; with a good apple and peach i orchard and a garden on t. Also, a Bttist arid Saw Mill, with two run of Burrs; the Mill is on a creek that runs into Shade River;'"and all ihe Lumber and Flour is boated on the, creek and river; the neighborhood is good, and the Mills; kc. have a goon run of custom— runningnine months in the year.. Therein a good large frame Barn and a small frame dwelling house on it; garden and other, improvements on it. It will be sold cheap for part .eash` and pun' credit. It will be ex changed for a Frani in this neighborhood. For farther particulars, please enquire at ISAAC HARMS' jaIG ' 'Agency and Intelligence Office, Fifth st. WEGNER Br. HUECHNER. 2 B - • 'New: Lithographic, . Eatifibltahmen • ' 60 .16arket street, between Third 4- Fourth, TH NOW ready to furnish every kind of Lithographic 1 work M the 'most elegant style, such -as Show bills, Maps, Portraits, Landscapes, Cards , Bill heads, and La bels, printed in gold, milers, Ac. • At the same place Messrs. Moeser & Helmle have opened 11-DRAWING Salton., and execute on order Drafts of Machinery, Edifices, Monuments, &c., with all posed ble accuracy and elegance. - -jals:ly roux a'aoaria.t. • ••• • A. L: zet vtaaa, W a BUNTER O'DONNELL, MULLiZT Sc CO. Plttstipig..h Chair it. Chbinet ware Rooms, - lfo. 98 Third Street, South Side. O'D. M. &Co. respectfully inform their friends and customers ?hat they have, if not the largest stock ever before, seen an this city, the greatest variety of A styles, the finest finished, made of the bestseasoned materials, end by the best workmen in the western country—all of which they are determined to sell as low as any other manufacturing eitablishment in the city. Our stock I: all our own manufacture ; no importations. • Steamboats and Hotels furnished at the shorest notice. Allorders promptly, attended to. jai: • .T he. Heat .Place to Uny Too. It/I - ORRIS & HAWORTH'S Tea Store, East side of ty.L. the Diamond. Good flavored Teas .50C k 7. ; the finer kind 75c ;,the best imported 81,00 Old country people , who use Black Tea, will find ours exactly to their tasitc. - We have just received a lot di. reel from England, and the same kind-of Teas ersynot be boughtar any other Stare in Pittsburgh. -"Strange, but tree." EXLIGE3 - N. r.. Corner of Third andldar . Replf:lgnifilit re, streets r 7 established in , _ ism The course of instruction and practice pursued in this establishment includes every branch requisite for a per• feet mercantile education. The whole process has been matured mid perfected by nearly,eleven years practice in teaching, and about fifteen years previous exrerience in extensive domestic and shipping business; and those who aspire to the highest rank as accountants win had on consulting any resident city merehant,thaethis is the only establishment of the kind in the city in which the mercantile community have any confidence. They will bear in mind " that alt the pompous noise we now hear about " trustees," "charters," examining comtninees," &c., add nothing to the ability or experience of teachers. - aeon:dew Allegheny Planing Mill, atamisoN sTaria. atz.sommv ern - , vs:ma. 91111 E subscriber would respectfully inform his friends A. and the public generally, that having completed his new. Planing Mill, and ?laving now in operation two new Eastem•made Planing. Machines,(Woodworth patent.) and several circular and upright Saws, he is now prepared to furnish promptly and at reduced rates, planed and sawed lumber of every description. The attention of steamboat 4:titers, carpenters' and builders, is particularly called to' tbe abovo establish ment, where ti !ergs assortment of planed and rough lumber, of different thicknesses. suitable for shipping. box maidag, house, steamboat work, Se., can be tound at all limes. Also, lumber planed or sawed to order. will prompt ness and despatch. JOUN A BLOWIER, jaIG . Proprietor. N. B.—All orders directed to Pittsburgh wilt receive prompt attention. Penmanship. A T no time for tinny years has there been such en scrupulous 11kt:cry practised upon the public about penmanship, as at present. Pieces of engraving are eirculated ‘ through the town and country, with the eu. gravers name suppressed, in order to induce the igno rant to believe them to be penmanship. Persons desi rous of becoming rapid and ciegant penmen, w,ll do well to call at DUPE'S MERCANTILE COLLEGE, and ex amine the handwriting el come of the best penmen in the city, who have been instructed to this Institution. dec27:daw Preslt Teas. 11JS.T RECEIVED at the CENTRAL Tea Erotic, a tine assortment of .Teno:ix : Best strong F4glithD:aelt , do Extra fire ()oolong; do English Breakfast; do Chulan -do Congor ; GREEN TEAF-' Extra Silver Leaf Young Upon ; do Gunpowder; do Old tlyron ; do superior Young ligeont jai° U.C.C. ELLY, Fifth +street. 100 85011;SagsFI''..ofir"''?. FLOUR; SO blit 2... iNo. e & Mackerel ; 7.5 bbls. Tar ; . 110 bags Saltpetre; For sale by T. WOODS & SON, Produce Dealer' and Commission Merchants, jail)' No. GI Water street_ lILACK TEA—Same kind an used in England—small leaf, fine flavor and strong. and free from all berby taste. Price 75c t, ro ; for sale by Morris and Haworth, in the Diamond, and no where else in Pittsburgh. ,ml 4 ..... __ WINDOW SASH of all itylei for sale by 11. C. hELLI, jalo . - Agent for religion Sash Factory. SC YTHES.-75 doz best quality Grass Scythes - ; GO do do Cradle do; 10 do common do ; on consignment and for sale by L. S. SVA CERNIAN S., SONS. jaijal3 Nov SO & SI Water, .IV. 62 Front et EXTRA FAMILY FLovif—ls bblA. Extru Family Flour for sale by fislin IL C. Kr.i.Lle". D/videud. OFFICP. OP PLITABCPUFI GAS CO., January 13, Infd. HE .Tiustees of the Pittsburgh Gus Comp3ny hove T this day declared a Dividend of five # et., oat or the profits of the last six monthe. on the capital stock paid in, payable to stockholders, or their legal repre sentatives, forthwith, at the office of the Works. jal4:d2w JAMES M. CHRISTY, Trealr. Ufvf lend. MBE President and Directors of the Hand street Bridge Company have this day declared a dividend Two Dollars per share out of the profits of the last six Months, payable forthwith. WAI. LARIAIER, Jr., jano Treasurer. F INE TEAS-251nd( Chests tine Young_llyson; '' 15 an in ; and i 113: packages . 5 do fate Black; 20 do do; in -I, 0 oz. and IRI In store and for sale by packages deer;KING & MOORHEAD. WHITE HAVANA SUGAR-2U boxes White Ha vana Sugar, - just received and for sale by decl9 , MILLER & RICKETSON. JUST RECEIVED and for sale a new supply or:fine PERFUMERY, including— Jenny Lind Pomades; Queenof Flowers' Hair Oil; .Porecine Soap; Jenny Lind Extract; , . Roussel's Amandies • 'COULTER & IIACKE,. dec24 • corner of Wood and 3d streets. by STUART & SILL. flUr ER.-40 li - op and 10 bbls. to close consign meat. Dal) STUART & SILL.- 1 - 1, NTH& FAMILY-FLOUR-59 bble. Augela & No .12,4 ble's make, in store and fors ale by deelß • ' STUART & SILL, K EG BUTTER-5 1 g Iv: to cj o ose out d c o onsignment; deelB STUART & SILL TEA -17 half chests Young Hysou in store. nov2l STUART & SILL ULOUR-180 bbls. wine superfine hi store and-tor elle by .(deelB3 STUART & SILL. AKrEDDINGS. Isc,--300 Wedding Cake Boxes; ' ' ' 200 Comelian Rings; LI doz. molted Gold Pens; 12 do do Spectacles; 4 do do Razors es Straps Just received at the Watch and Jewelry Store of W. W. WILSON, deaf) corner of Market and Fourth sts. FRENCII MERINOS, &c., &c.— 20 pieces black French Merino; - 50 do colored;do; • 100 do parametta Cloths, all colors; 189 Coburg ' do do; • SOO do . Alpaca. Just received at A. A. MASON & CO.'S., decl7 Nos. 02 and 64 Market street AP3INS--500 boxes M. R. Raisins ; IA, • 250 ball do - do ; •. • 40 casks' Currants; • • . -- 40 boxes Citron ; • 10 eases, coney boxes, Prunes; - •_ • . JOSHUA: RHODES•tc CO., deer/ awe's Cough Candy. OR SALE by IL Hinyser, Joel !Mohler, Ogden &. F Snowden; Coulter. & .Hacke, - %Vm. Jackson• ' and Keyser & Pittsburgh; W. R. IH , Clelland, Man- WlLLims.i E., ••• —PINE U'VADDEN. .111CGLEY dt tvrAnDe , s; ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Cororat. OF GRANT STREET. AND DIAMOND. ALLEY, . (Opposite the Court House.) • . , Pituburgh„Pa. 13:7 - We, hope; by close attention ,to the .business of our- profession, to deserve-a share of the patronage of our friene- "die. - _ -1/vw dB and tha pub) ._ . . AiroLTSSES — AIVD SUGAR—- filar- N. O. Molasses; 16 hhds. do Sugar x jas Landi Landing from steamer Keystone State, and for sale CARSON 1t MENIGHT . , 94 Water at. -• . • B=EM Illonntertiat anb: TEE' 10 PIT TSEitrROll BOARD OIRTRADE AND ERC.HANTS , ExcitArz GE, BARKER, COMMFFM FOR JAMTART. JESSE CAROTHERS. Daily Review of the Markets. OFFICE OF TEE - MORNING POST, PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY, lan. 28, 1851. f Weather mild and cloudy, with affair prospect for rain. - Engine/8 generally inactive.' Receipts by river light. The receipts of Sugar and Molasses are increasing, some of our merchants receiving their supplies. , PIG METAL—We report a sale of '76 tons H II cold blast, at 627,60,.6 mos. BLOOMS—SaIes of2o tons at $62,60, 6 mos. FLOUR—Sales or about 500 bble were made at from $3,45 to 3,60, in iota. Buyers not anxious to purchase. GRAIN Wheat has declined slightly, selling at 74076. Rye, 60. Corn, 40045. Oats, 35. SEEDS—Clover lila- advanced,.and demand acts ive ; sales at 85,21505,54 and. very scarce; pried. pally bought for shipping west. Timothy, $2,500 2,76. Flax, 1,5601,56. SUGAR—A alight advance hae taken place; sales reported at 6361. MOLASSES—SaIes being made from 31 to 33. RICE-10 cake reported at b. DRIED FRUIT—Sales of 200 bue Peaches et 91,30, with pay for sks., We have reported sales of 100 bus Apples at 78. GREEN APPLES—SaIes readily at 51,75 bi bbl. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR-50 alts reported at $1 ;tak. BATTINGS-60 bales No 3 sold at 15. TOBACCO—SaIes of 24 bur throughout the city yesterday, various brands, ranging from 24_to 32c. Holders adhere firmly to these prices. FEATHERS—Sates reported of 1600 Ms at 34. CREFSE—Prime Cream at Wini ; Common, 51 66. 7 VEST 0 INC/IIG9 WATXU IN SOS C/IVINIL Steamer Michigan N 0.2, Boies, Beaver. Baltic. Jaeobs,,Brownsville. • Atlantic, Parkinson, do J. M'Kee, Hendrickson, McKeesport.-. • Beaver. Gordon, nearer. 44 Thomas E 4 hriver, Raney, West Newton. • Diurnal, Convrell, Wheeling. • Brilliant, Grace,Cinelimaii. Cumberland No. l, Miller, Nashville. DEPA it FED: • Michigan No. d Boies,l3eaver. Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville. " Atlantic. Parkinson, Brownsville. • J. M'Kec, Hendrickson, Ale Keespart. • Beaver, Gordon, Beaver. Thotnnsb`priver, Bailey, WCF4 Newton " Cincinnati, lliriningballl. Cincinnati. Diurnal, Conwell, Wheeling. Reveille. Dale, Wellsville. - '• Jefferson,Johnston, Louisville. 0. A STli WIWI% STEANIIIO . AT of ',gilt draught- Apply to SehIFII it ATKINSON. Fast st- . betwreu Wood and Slat:et For Cluctunait. Tito safe,cotnfortatito and swift (UR* .4 -.. 4 -• fling steamer ALIA:6I4INY 111:LLE. No. 9, r........, . .4;1.1b,-;,. —.l Wu. MANN., Mule:. Will leave for eiricit‘nati regularly every TiffIRSDAY rnyning. at 10 o'clock. For freight or ['assay., apply on board. an Y: A. MILLIKEN tt. CO.. . HAVE ON HAND at tnrir eventivc CAtIINET and. CHAIR MANUFACTORY., No- 6d ot. large assortment of fancy and plain Farniturr,lxhich :hey will tell 15 per cent below cootoluary . Terms--cash only. BEST PLACE IN PITTSBURGH TO BUY 1, REAL, GOOD TEAS Is at AI ORR IS S II A WO p.,T S Tea Store. in ter. Manton .1. If you Lay Teas at this establishment once, you ate sore to buy them there again, as they sc:l none but sekat we strictly genuine. Excellent family Teta LOc 4 b. The very Geer Teat =potted 73e... and fillQo Jane/04.11y White. AIMS arc eaulloard saarast u‘lug coalman preps' Lred Chalk. The y are not aware how frtg lit fully injurious it to the skin! bow coarse, bow rough, bow sallow, yellow on. on'aealthr , the *till appears otter using preparediCnalk : etsitles, it is itijatinue, contain ing a large quantity of Lead: Wo have prepared a beautiful vegetable ankle, which 1/Vr SPANISII LILA NAME. It is perfectly innocent. being purified of all delr.lett ous gaatitiesi and it impart. to the skin a itaAtitai. lir y, a:niitster, cleat, living whiter at I.lm same UMW ascosmetic on tbe 'kin, ntaking it soil and smonto. ;told by the Agent, \y M. JACK!'ON. arcet, head of Wood, Pittsburgh. rrice cents. dem.'o:tiawly tGage tic copy.) Prime Ulaok Tea, from England. ORRIS tr.. HA WORTH, in the Diamond, have Ong day received tier" packet .hip Devouthirr," from London. libOtalte) Vine.S.trong od Roach Fin 'cored IPact TEAS—the very tit‘t that could hr par• Om, ed in 11 c market. Price, 60 and mast , lb. Therca Market. in the rheniu !,“moat tide.” pati The Human Body must Perspire, AO twit romalty TO HATS A IfF.ALTEIV APPEARANCE, And pert ons who do not pevpire arts liable to the roost DISGUSTING SKIN DISEASES 'VOW, 0:co' Italian Chemiell Soap causes- u free perspirutlon, and at the same limo rnolliries, ' , often a the skin, ai yin?, it the teltnre and beauty of an to(kni K. suuttwe,t4ALT ruirxm AND SORES, are soon not only healed, but cured ity its use, as at Iran seven physicians in New York know, who oar it in inch eaAek, and God it aritailiog--as also, in PIAIPLES, BLOTCHES, FRECKLE:4S or any other Kkin disease. The reader is [l.sllTtli that this ti, nu useless pUtred 110AttlACII. ait one trial wilt prove. I could enumerate at least rA peraons cured of SORE HEAD, SORE LEGS AND SORE BEARD. Bay it, and the reader is again assured, I would not cruelly sell it for the above, unless I knew it to be all I mate. Those who are liable to _ . CHAFED, CRACKED, OH (MANTA FLESH, will find this not only a cure,Vint a preventive; and can now only add, that any olte afflicted with any of the above, or similar dißerises, wilt find this all and even more' (admirable in its properties) thu.n I state. !Ur But, realer, the stores are flooded with imitations, and be sure you ask for JONV%' Italian Chemical Soap— and buy it only of Writ. JACKSON, only Agent In Pitithurgb,2 , 4o Liberty street, Pittsburgh, brad 01 Wood. selling off at less than Cost, to quit the theetneus. S} wa Shirts s ! SHIRTS!! SHIRTS!!!—The Sh and Gelds. Furnishing, at No. 60 Fourth street, sign el the golden lice Hive, atm Oil SOLD by the 2Uth of Janu ary. Call soon, as they um senil; at 5U and 75 cl• less than the usual) prices, and far lens than Ors% cost. or c:tl J. 11. I,AWMAN. ID - " The Store to let and the fixtures l'or sale THE BEST OF \VINES AND BRANDIES, suite. We for medicinal purpose*, for sale by the quart or bottle, by Hal4l hIORRIS & HAWORTII. tIrRAPPING AND PRINTING PAPER Co sale, in TV. large or small quantities, by jal4 W. P. AURSIIALL. PAPSR HANGINGS —French and American Paper for sale b Hang W. ings and Borders; frorn MARSHAL. P. ta'32,00 Vs pL, iece, ja.1.4 y B5 Wood it WATiffiEs,JEIWELRY, ace.—Now in store, a largo and rich stock of fine Watches, Jewelry and Fancy Goods. . IV. W. WILSON, dee93 corner of Market and Fourth sta. . ~onr~~z~zc~ aG~olee~e CORNER OT MARKET AND THIRD STREETS rIIiARTERED A. D. 1850; the only chartered Insti. tution of the kind in Pennsylvania. Faculty. —Jonn Funutto, principal Instructor in the science of ACCOUIat. . - - - O. K. Cnatearamn, Professor of Pentnaruhip, Mclean. tile computation, &c. ALEX. M. WATSON, Esq., Lecturer on Commercial Law. _ Those wishing to obtain a complete knowledge of Bookkeeping and its application to every branch of bu *Mess, also, a rapid and eleganthand writing, are invi ted to call and examine the arrangeMenta. .Lecture on Commercial Law every lilonday evening. Reference to any of the city merchants. [death AS.—Just received, a splendid assortment of Gas Chandaliers, four, two and one " burner; also, Brackets, single and double; Solar Lard Lamps, for Parlors; Churches, Halle, Steamboats and Stores, in large variety. of Cornelius & Co's. unrivalled make; also, globes, eh:ironies and wick, by gross or dozen. W. W. WILSON, jal4 cor Market & Fourth ma I'IIIEAP FRUIT.—New DI. R. BUNCH RAISINS,— V.) 121 c. v . Ib., 10 ib. for 81,00, or 152,25 by MORRIS & HAWORTH, in the Diamond. fdec27 • Soap Stone Griddle's, frilE subscribers have just received a few dozen sil -1 perior Soap Stone GRIDDLES, direct front the manufaetory.' As these Griddles are used without grease of any kind, they are entirely free from the gas and offensive odor that attends the use athe common iron Griddles, and which makes them so objectionable. For sale by JOHN DUNLAP , declo ' ear Market and Second sts- MBE best piece in Pittsburgh to bu r y real good Tea, is at MORRIS & IIAWORTIPS - .Tea Store,eufslde of the Diamond-50c., 75c., and SIM filb. All sructly genuine 'Peas. . . The Black Teas at 75c., and the Oreen Teas at 51,00, are the very best Teas imported , : into the - United States. deel.7 _ . - TIDLAN TA M TIO -MOLASSES-20 barrels new Trap 'l4.icileissiii just received and for sale by MILLER & RIMETSON, Nos. 221 and 223 Liberty st. decl9 . PORT OF PITTSBURG El. AIiRIVED Wanted to Charter. PITTSBURGH Reported: Expressly - j& the paily Morning . Post, RYCRIVICD DT LiGHTNiNG--PIIINTED :ET sTLM •XXXIat CONORESOnSKOOND SESSION. WASHINGTON, ientiary.22 Serra= .—Mr. Seward presented several petit ions praying the repeal of the fugitive slave law--laid on the table. Mr. Foote, from the committee on foreign rela- Clone, reported a bill for the reorganization of the Mate department... Mr* Clara resolution, to provide effectual mean. urea far the suppression Of the African . glove trade, was taken up. - Mr. Hale offered a resolution, and alluded to a paper aigned by savant members of Congress de• daring they would vote for no person,for office who wan in favor of disturbing the compromise acts of laat Basilan. Mr. Clay replied, and avowed himself one of the signers of that paper, Mr. Foote defended the paper, and said ,he wait one of the signors. After a long debate the resolu. tine was agreed to--yeas, 45; pays, 9.: The French spoliation bill was taken up, and Mr, Rusk moved to amend by inierting that no payment should be made under this act to any assignee or insurer. After long debate ibis wag rejected—yeas, 25 ; nays, 30. Adjourned. Mon.—No business of importance transacted. At at early bone, the 'Houma went into committee of the whole, and took up the bill to supply deficien- Mee in the public expenditures for the fiscal 'year, ending lune 30, MI. Mr. Robinson gave notice of an amendment he intended to offer, to pay the calla Clarke in the Third_ Auditor , . and Pension office, engaged in h, eilitating the bounty land business. Mr. Hampton, of Pa., mite a speech on the tar. Ur, in favor of modifications recommended by the President in hie annual message. The committee rose, when, •on motion of Mr. Bayly, a resolution was adopted to close the debate tmtuorrow at 3 o'clock. Adjourned. NEW OALEAEO, January 211-41 P. -M The Gre commenced on the roof_of the St. Charier, which wait too high for the eeginet to reach. In a rnir h.tur the cupola woe wrapped in Ramer, and in a abort time fell with a terribie craah. The fire then caught the spire or ClapritChurch, ifijoieing, Which was entirely consumed, a nd sparks failing on the Methodist Church. n square od . , took fire and was consumed. The adjoining buildings were ranch- injured. The Telegraph office at one time swan in great danger, but escaped without inn jury. A bout WO borders in the St. Charles lintel lost most of their baggage. The loss of property .te-, it estimated at about SCOO,OOO- Steps have been taken to rebuild the St. Charles. The leasers for the larvatot have taken the St. Louis Ilettf, Jnony Lind in exprctsd hasty lA shout tern wee:n. and many persrart had enraged tams at the St. Charles on her account. . PROM CA LI PORNIA. New Osti.tiat..lstusrp 21 Tho county Philadelphia, from Chafrea, with no pastengers, arrived hero to day. Sho brings very tittle gold dust; and her netts from California, which islaro week; later, is or no iCltteal- Jenny Lind has beta :tondo's - 011v anterseal in her coacerts at Ilitanz. Ths steamers raspy -I:4•lnitli aril o:cum isit this overtiag for Louissine. MILiSACHUsF.TTS LPALSLATUrtp, 81LT111011C. January The Nenllo/ voted viva vary for li. 9, Senator to day ; 23 for Chu. Sumner; 14 Whigs and I Demo- Cflt for Winthrop. Beach. of Hampden, for Henry W. Bishop of Lonna —2 democrats, and II voted tor Sumner. It iv thought it will have no etlect on the House, The Pacific sailed for Lirerpool with 35 paasen• gets lad 8224,(X)0 in conic. OHrO LEGISLATURE. Cows:lus t January . 4 j2. A reitolutiOn to go r into ao t election for U. S. Sena tor, and other officers, was lost again in tho Senate by the vote of both Whig, and Dorootrate.— They hare now got all their candidates nominated. Nmr OnLEArta, January 21 Tho following aro the arrivals at this port today: "Fdrili , ,Kentucky ; bark Breeder, from Boston, and bark Freedom, from N. Y. ARKETs BY TELEGRAPH NEW Yotur. January 22, Catt1e.,,1450 Beeves offered; 800 southern, the rest of this State. 750 Sheep and Lambs; sale* at 2,0033,75 and 5,50, which is a fraction higher; 100 left over. Cotton.. Quiet and steady. Flour—Steady ; dales of 400 hbl• at 4,9425,00 ; good and round hoop Ohio, 6,25x5,60; fancy Ohio, 5,6235,75; extra do, 5,75a5,87. Pork—Moog, 12,121 ; prime, 9,25. Grain.. Wheat unchanged; Ohio held at 1,00 00. Corn scarce; new yellow, 67. Beef.. Unchanged ; prime mess more active; sales n two days of 250 tcs western at 15,00. • Lard—ln good request and scarce ; sales of old at and 100 kgs at Si. Whiskey.. Quiet sales at 26i. Seed.. Firm. Lead.. Galena held at 4,87. Linseed Oil..Advaricing; sales of 2500 at 90. Other wicks quiet. • NEW Yong, January 22—P. M. Cotton..Unchtieged; waiting Artie's news. Flour..ln fair demand at 4,94 for good round hoop Ohio; 5,2E4;15,50 for fancy do.; 5,13.205,75 for extra do. Grain..Vitheat quiet; sales of 1000 Genesee prime at 1,25. Coro scarce at 670671 for new Southern. Pork.. Steady ; Mess 12,121; Prime 9,25. • Beef.. More active ; Mess at 801011 Prime 60 6; Prime Mesa: sales of 100 llamas at 15. Lard.. Buoyant at S. Butter.. Ohio In active request at 9312. Whiskey.. Steady, with sales at 26. Linseed Off.. Better • sales of 15,000 at 90092. Groceries.. Quiet ; Sugar:Oilcans 61; Coffee: Rio 1103111. Tobacco.. Quiet ; Kentucky 99111. Pumannx.Puts, January 22. No news of The weather is unfavors able for business. Cotton.. Firm. Flour.. Quiet ; good and standard are held at 4,521(44,68,. Grain.. Corn in demand at 62. Coffee.. Rio, 1110111. Sugar..N 0,61067 r. • Whiskey.. Sales at 24025. Pork.. The stock' of old mesa is unusually light and confined to small lots, at 13,00; prime, 9,00. No now western yet arrived. Mesa 8eef..12,25. Bacon..ficarce ' and prices Well maintained.— Rams range froraB9lok ; shoulders, 7; bulk aides, a sale at 7, and ahouldeta at 6. Lard.. Old in kegs held at 8t ; a 'sale of new western at 81 , - Cheese..2ales of Ohio at 6i(a6l. Seeds.. Sales of 100 hit& new crop clover at 4,60 034,75 for fair, and 4,87/036,00 for prime. CuserwsrAn, January 22 .; Provialons..Advaneing ; 400 Ms -dear Pork sold • Lard. Sales ef 200 hbls and 800 kgs pritne at 7i. Thi number of hogs packed in Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky, as far as heard front s is 938f,000, against 1,175,000 last year. Slim! Ohmura - , January 21—P. M.' _ o Ca!tOu Sales today of barely 2,000 bales ; rather IVlolaeaes..Dull ; we quote prime at 23, Flour.. Sales of 7,000 bbls at 4,25. for Ohio, and 4,40 for Illinois. . C0rn..67070. Lard.. Advanced ; sales of 700 kegs at 9c; a prime article is worth 9i. Coffee... Prime Rio 11c. , Whiskey..27l to 28. BALT/MORE, January 22. Flour..Salea of SOO Ibis, Howard Street brands, at 8,55013,561; market-closed with more buyers than sellers. Grain..tattiet; wheaf: &lee): nominal at 1,009 1,04; corn white, 69 to 64; °ate, 47 to 49 ; rye, Coffeti,.Sinali ealea'of Rio at 11 to lit Whiakey..Dull at 25 to 26, in bhda. it isteilcutious: posAcca-- . so boxes superior 5' Tobacco 5 eases, 9 boxes each, nectar do; 10 boxes 16's Tobacco For sale by CARSON to'N'KNIORT. .2 • 94 Water street TEA -50 half chests black Tea '1 55 do Young Ryson and Gunpowder ; 100 do - Candl3ffi.bows do; _ ja2l. Folaale by CARSON & 1111 NIGHT t EA HES A D FEATHE 600 bosh. Dried Peaches; 4,000 tbs. Prime Kentucky Feathers. For sale by CARSON & MT:NIGHT. ND COFFEE- QUOAR, MOLASSES Al 4., 24 hbds. Salta? ; 150 bbls. Molasses ; 260 bags Rio Coffee ; 5 do Java do. For sale by ia2l . CARSON es M7KNIGHT. S NORMS -2 laid s. Ombro Madder ; - 3 moons Indigo; 20 bags Pepper; 5 do,_ Aleroce; 20 bbls. Alum ; 2 bales Cinnamon; 5 casks Epsom Salts; 15 do &detains ; 175 bbls. N. C. Tar' 10 do Tanner's Oil. For sale by a2l CARSON 11110INIGHT 00 BOXES RAISINS; 150 half do ; 2 20 roots seedless Raisins ; 25 casks Currants, in store and for sale by L RHODES A. CO., - ' No 8 Wood st FOOASES SICILY LIQUORICE; 2 do Calbrii do; ' 10 boxes Repuea do •, 50 do Lemons, in store and for safe by in2o JOSHUA RHODES & CO F. BASKETS 'SALA 0 1., quarts; s." 20 do . do do pints; 110 doz assorted Pickle's; 10 do Captsup, in store'and for sale by ja..°o T JOSHUA RHODES &CO 40S 1 MAT ICA A ONDS ; !X bags Filberts; id do Cream !Vats; 1000 Cocoa Nuts, In store and for sate by • • add JOSHUA RHODES' re CO 1 T 10E- 4 . 1 .-1.50 doz best cast steel Ross; 11 ti do do Garden do, on consiencrt and Cot sale by lial9 L. S. WATERMAN. & SONS FORKS. -9S dot beat quality cast steel Hay Forks; :10 do do German do; 40 do best cast steel 4 pronged Manure Forks, on consignment and for Sails by lulu L. S. WATERMAN & SONS. QCYT HE SNEATRS.—sltradoz, best quality., patent IS , Seyihn Sneattut, an consignment and for sole by fiats b. S. WASTEFOLAN& SONS. . . XTAILS AND SPIRES...4'D kega Nalls and Spikes I.`l tor sale by jaii:i L. S. 'WATERMAN te SONS tWAVIT - titiff:. - -12Fiairp - Pliiil - ATiiiro - ry .1 - MIS L ti. WATERMAN & SONS. 111111-10 APPLE:S.-WO bushels in stare and for *ale by Lir j3I:OSTUART ft. SRA.. rIIACW-40 bole"; pane, ba blow, aut, by sTuaux 1 SELL ID MA, lIUTTER.-10 MA,. prime, for able err Kt faro zsiVnIIT fr.- SILL TARWED YLE.S.-- 15 Lt gat rtectverlund For gait. 1J DM STV&RT le SILL. 131100MS—ZAI tloz- in 'lore omit far tale jjr • STUART & SILL DCGIi baLtT,Vl3,tO3 no, I* *rave, DPI JW:O STUART A SILL triciiint NUTS.-IM/ but_ is sore and for sale b 7 -LA Ja4/9 STUART tr SILL. 4TVART & SILL. 70 do Estra Family in store and for sale Lir Littol STUART it SILL, MESiI BEEF —56 to arrive. for rate by STUART A. SIM. '4O stave. for .att. by STUART A MU., laV , / 114 WOl4 of ( iit.LS CORN; -11.1 tnit) bui. Oats; kFtatria; For sale by T. WOOrid & LION. Prolate rcaa Cararaosioa Me re halo., )010N0..01. Water creel. 1i , N0r..1110 IN' 'A - NV - CAW - 3 AaiiitAT,' - iftmr, ioi Ea whole 4310 or reoil, by ali MOREII4 & HAWORTH. J) - 8n FLOOR BOAUDS--- 44,W) fret, well 6e3 , F.5..31,: 'anti , and F,ood qaulitr, fur sale cheap by JODN A. DLOOMIII. Yeti.' Allegheny - Planing Alills. ______ 64 -5 box Bum{ _.--.. IAZ kei different iniikrtersen, tor 1) sale by 101 IN A. DLooMER, pan Allegbeny Planing ?dills. __.... __ . LACift.,: , ;--= nackr Dried Pea Ches ; 1! tibia do; Fa-sale by, jai L. S. WATERMAN & SONS barse and mai* bamas for talc 11. A111-4° pal' ITRMAN & SONS. by (jai) . 81.577E31-15 idittoftemb !toll iSuitcr; ci do 'packed do; 10 ketrol do for 131113b1 ja9 L S WATERMAN te SONS rpY APPI.KS--011 smote, pried Apßles; 10 tails, do; I•or sate by )nS 1.. S. W.A.TEHMAN.!.. ttfeliollV „LI 110iAV T F.',IISIAN & SONS 1112‘. taut t„: WW2); jJ Camile Soap Sulphate Or qUiIIUIC Chrome Green deell iltik:EsE—ipo boxes tV• R. Cheese in store and for ‘,./ sale by ' WMI MILLER k HICERTSON. ~ttItACCS : s I axes tr. Robinaoa's; 9.5 do W. H. Grant's; 10 do Haris'; 10 do King's. ror sale by deol7 KING & MOORHEAD. fr DLABSES--.19 bblo. Ink. packages.) plantation .0.1. Molasses. received per steamer Caledonta; and for sale by Idee2oj '• KING & MOORHEAD. ITERY SUPERIOR FRENCE BRANDY just reed. and for sale by the bottle, quart orgallon. by MORRIS & dead in the Diamond. NJ 0,1 L5llOl-5 beta. No, 1 Lard; 5 keg a do do; Just received and for sale by MILLED & DICKENSON, - dee24 Nos. wt and fel Liberty wt. EcoliotnyUi7a Jet Cider in store and (or sale by deettl MILLER t RICKETSON. rIOFFEE-40 bags prime putt now crop, mew %) lug and for solo by (n0vA.261 WM. DYER. 0 for PANlS galo by ( H CIGAR— 20 S ,000 Reg TUART aling and & . Princpi SILLes S.A l) B UI r rER-10 bbis. prime7Roll; 12 keg" do packed ; for MOO sale by ICI c NG & RHEAD. BEANS--4 bbla. for sale by Vl' dco27 . KING A. fdOORREAD -'rkRIED APPLES-20 bus. for sale by , IJ dectr7 ' fr. MOORHEAD. liNTal--,Clno of Mitohell's Butte Maps of Penn sylvania. Apply at No.s4 . Bmithfield street. aylv.. 'ULM.% WARM:ad-4 tow J apanned Plate Warm• era, very neatly got np, on hand and for tale by . JOIIN DUNLAP & deed ' cor Market and Second sts: 5011 BUSH. SHORTS in stole and for sale by dee3l. .% RHODES & ALCORN, BRA —lOO bush. in store y and for se b dec3l RFIODES. e fs .ALCORN 100 B d U e S c g. MIDDLINGS RODS. fo_r_ AWORN CORN -335 bush. Corn, in the ear, in store and for ki sale by [des3l] - RHODES dr..ALCORN,_ GROUND I — TEE7O:— . O . II hand and for saleiTy— . (Jun3l ' RHODES dc ALCORN• nom MEAL - On hand and for sale by V deal. ' RHODES & ALCORN -T_TOMINY-3 bbls. White, in store.and for sale by. AUL dee.% , KING & MOORHEAD. 1101UCKWHEAT FLOUR-800 sacks, 50 lbs. each, for D. sale. Diec2B] WM.:DYER. TAMED Arr4ES- 16 aucks just rec'd and for so le :11—.1 WIT DYER CttEsmuTs—so bus. in store and fur sale by dee-28 WM.DYER. LIEESE-300 boxes and loose Cheese for 'Sale by "kJ dee2B - . WM. DYER. MleaatEL—Nos.l and 3 in whale, Vilkajailimil.rds CODFISH -2 casks large fine Codfish for sale. dee2B WM. DYER, FE4THERS..-500Entbos,;2perilme Geese Feathers, rtlitts.t_le CRANBERRIES- 6 bble. jnat reed and for DYER. sale by dec9 WM. CHESTNUTS -60 bus. in store and for fals.byyEß. deal - - WM. D KEIELY will sell Teas of all qualuies,:whole- H. • sale and retail; lower- than any. other house on Pitth street: - Sign Central Tea Store.'. r--•<: ,(deel.4 - Vi. CP.:F a r b E r.. - aga j cit - TUART — er:Sll.l,l WHITEWAX — . SOO WAX—.SOOB . for sale by dees B. L.FAHNESTOCK &CO, 6 rran STORE ROO5l, No. 65 Market strut, recently occupied by Messrs. N. Rotates &Sons' Banking and Exchange Officc. Possesiron given on the Ist of Feb ruary, if required..' This room is located in the most central and best bu; siness point in the city, and well' adapted for an insu rance office, a Snaking and Exchange Office,'or for a Store. A splendid new front, with English plAte Glass, will be put in ilia few weeks. . Enquire of ' • W. W. NVILSON, a 7 • Ilorner of Market and" eourth sts. ALOT OF GROUND situated. in the Sixth Ward, having a front 42 feet on Fulton street by 100 feet deep to an alley on which is erected two - story Brick houses; a one story -Frame, and other inirove• meats. The above property,' if application be made won, will be sold t.'a great bargain, and 'offers irrare chance. For particulars apply to H. B. MAGILL, • jan6:l w' 144 Fulton street. ".° THE three story. DWELLING,•No. 16 re • I Hay street, Snyder's Row.. Price S2OlO. Time —9500 cash ; 6500 in one year and 82000 in five years. To be secured by mortgage on the premises. Clear of all incumbrance, and title indisputable. Apply to • WILLIAM DIGBY, '- No. 181 Liberty street. Valuable Property for Rent.. A A three story BRICK ROUSE, belonging to 2 the estate of Wra. J. Tovrate, deceased, is otfer ed for rent or lease. It is situated on Fourth st., between Ferry and Liberty sue ets,and has been newly papered and painted ; . it is now occupied by liirs Varner. Rent, $250-per annum. 'Apply - to myself or Itormar C. Tat-ran, at the works of Hoop - A. Co. , Possession given on theist of April. L. R.IiI'ABOY Guardian. _ . Valuable Coal Land for Sale, Adjoining the Baraugh of Freeport, •Armsitong Co,,Pa.,- BETWEEN 45 and '5O ,acres of LAND, together with .1.) 100 acres of COAL. The above described Land is bounded on the east by Buffalo creek;.on the west and north by the old -Pitts burgh road; on the south by the Allegheny river. The Pennsylvania canal passes through the entire tract, which, together with the river will afford a facility to the Fittsburgh market at any tirisc almost in the seasOus. The soil is gebd ; the coal is of excellent quality, and superior to that used at the Mtianning or Franklin Iron Works. There is also an abundance of Lune under the, coal. The above property will be !sold r 0 a , , either in whale or in part, to any person or persons who willestablish a Rolling Brill on the same. It has been pronounced Iby one of the oldest and most experienced iron masters in this conatry,) to be one of the-best locations for a A6ll ing Mill west of the Allegheny Mountains.. - • ' For furthe r particulars, enquire of Wm. M. Fish Esq.; General Land Agent, an at the corner of sth and Smit hfield streets, James 0. Fullerton, Esq.,Williaris Trilby Ezg , Freeport; or to the'subeeriber. - decl9:lm ALEXANDER SCOTT. • _ Liverpool Property for Sale: P 75 BUILDING LOTS for gall in the town of East LiverpooL Ohio, at low pnces and on favorable terms-5125 for corner lots and 4100 for inlots--cach be ing 60feet front by - 130 feet deep. Liverpool is located on the Ohieliver, 45 miles below this .. etty i midway be , tween Pittsburgh and Wheeling, four mica front Glas4 gem and Little Beaver, and the. same distance' from Wellsville and Calcutta. - It is situate in a healthy and beautiful part of Ohio, has lgoo inhabitants, and ornx ONE caretetatt. EIGHT ES7ABLISIIMENTS for the manufacture of Rockingham and 'Queensware; • several hotels, dry good and groeerreteres and mechanics of variant kinds, four churches, and public schools-At the recent sale of lots Six were purchased by manufactarers who design erecting daring the coming season: poneries and other manufacturing estallitshments—tatieennwara of a pure white, addition to Rockingham and yellow ware, having been manufactured in this terwa, it is ma; seeable to expect that it will rapidly imprevs,-Personi desirous of viewing the property can do so any day, by - a few hours' sail unto Pittsburgh, steamers leaving .our wharves every day for Liverpool, 'Wellsville and ins - - Terms of payment--Otte-fourdi in hand and the ball seer in three espial annual payments, with interest. - - N IL I will dispose of a nomberef fats for carpenter work, brick laying, plastering, and painting, to be 'done at Liverpool, duting the next spring and summer, also for Ltuni,er and Frick. Apply to• Sanford Liverpool, or to the subscriber at the office of Messrs. Mitchel es Palmer, Attorneys at Law, No. l'Forirth st. dee 3 • - -JAMES BLAKELY: • A Vann for Sale. TIME lail,Feriber offers for_sale a FARM OF LAND, j, containing DA acres-403 of which are cleared.re The farm Iles directly on the road from Middletown to Jefferson ; it is well watered ; with a bearipg orotund, and peach and pear trees; and a. Coal bank. The building* consist of a hewed log House and Barn ;with Stabling. For farther partient irs apply to the 'sultan ra. her, on the premiscson Auegiu,ny- rotary, 1.2 miles from Pittsburgh NATHANIE.A L .PCLINTON. - Moon town; hip, Octol,lr M--tf For Sale or Exchanges. rlftil.E. undersigned offers for sale the following de. seribcn REAL F.STAT4,situsted in the Sill Wardi rat Two Lots of around, frontlitsr on Piste street, each sZli fart front by GI feet deep; on which is erected two 11 story from, li:selling Douses, with brick basements, each containing six rooms besides, kitchens and cellars. Arso, one Lot adjoining the above ,on which is erect ed three neat and comfcrrtab le two story brick Dwelling Houses. Also, three L 01.4 of Ground, fronting on Loenst street e tell tot i 9 test front by 61 feet deep; on which Isere-et , S five two Atllty Frame I.3wciling Ranges. _ The above property, lying 'together / forms a bloek of 60 feet front on I street try 1111 feet deep to Locust street , and will be gold reparate or altogether. It is rented to good tenon:a, and rents for VDO per annum. Vacant Lota in the businegg portaf the oily, or Land within 3 or 4 miles, would he taxen in exchange. Apply to HENRI W. FISH, r cc tt: At the 4te2i Bargain Corner. A Lor OF GROUND, containing •.:11 Acres, situate one mile below the town of Bearer, Heaver emu-. ty,an which there is erected a new Brick Honse, 46 ad reer,l# stories high, with 2 basement. The house has' been well built and well firtiched, and containsl3 rooms.: It is within WO y s: di of the Ohio ricer. and commands a fine view • and is bounded on the North west by, the Stutz rand leading to New Lishon,Ohio. This pro perty Would be desirable fora country residence, or for a garden, or summer boarding house. A lot of 5 acres' adjoining it will be sold with it, if desired hy . the pur chaser. The terms are so moderate, that it will be a bargain to the purchaser. Enquire of PE st G. L. IL FErralekLa±i, Attorneys at Law, Fourth st. total ti A HOUSE AND LOT, situated on Pike siren t,betcree n A Walnut and FaerotT streets, Fifth Ward. The to: ti 2:41 . feet front and NO feet deep, on srs:eh there urn MCI small Frame Tcneruents. Terms es. 3--Title good. For particulars, enquire of Altiermun PXRKINnON, Penn street, Fifth Ward. mayOnf. 1~ 1 1 4 TILE DWULLING (LOUSE, No. S 8 Second st., tie Meta Woad nod !Stuart strew , nor; occupyrO by r tobscriber—rent F.llCrO per outman. Posen gtrrn on tor Ft. November, next. oct9 JNO. 111ELLOR,S1 Wood et. Cheap Country geatiaersce. A LOT oh rtianttery Ilitl, containing four acres, will be sold - tery low to any one wistang to build there on. 'rue access will be easy, and the lot commands a most heanutolview. foct2ll T110:11PSON /JELL'. COULTER st EMCEE A 11ANDSOME STORE, on Market street, between 'Miro and Fourth streets-, at present occupied by Mr. Thomas White, sts a Dry • Goods Store. Atso—A large well finished ROOM in the second story, next dour to Mr. Dot's Mercantile College. This. Room is well c alculatcd and suitable for a Musical Sa loon or Academy, or could be conveniently arranged as double offices. E. D. GAZZAM, aplnf Office, Third st., over the Post Office. Coal Lana on Toiagnlogtieny. ACRES on the river, just above the Stal Dam there is a pit opened and railroad prepared for putting coal in boats_ [octgl] THOMPSON, BELL. To Los. S.A TWO STORY BRICK ROUSE, on Bank Lane, Allegheny, between the Hand street bridge. and Aquenuct. kmquire of R. W. Fish, Real Estate Broker, corner Of sth and Smithfield streets. .1 (oct`..n - "`"VILLA PROPERTY.—A lot containing abont 3 acres, and commanding a beautiful view, of the rivera and surrounding scenery, situate • on• Nunnery Hill, will be sold low to any one wishing to build there on fowl] TTIOAIPSON BELL. FOR RENT — Several Houses iu different parts oftha city. Enquire at the Real Estate Office at the cor ner of Fin and Smithfield streets. ' HENRY W. FISH'. (10AL LANDS POR SALE OR LEASE.—AbOixt 100 ‘,..r acres on the Youghiogheny,-just above the second dam. The coal is very good, and a pit already opened, with a railroad of about 10 yards, which throws the coal in boats.. This property will be sold altogether, or in lots of about 25 tierCEl: [Goal THOMPSON BELL. A Healthy Location. K HERE is no place snore favorablysitnated than Nun nery Hill. It is healthy, And commands a most de lig tful view. Persons wishing a lot, can get. one to pleasco from hem, containing fro one to five acres augl2 • THOMPSON BELL. Land for Sale. rr HE Chartier's Coal Company will sell some very de. sirable peeeee of LAND, situated on and near the Steubenville Turnpike; and near the southern terminus of their railroad.' The Land will be divided, into quantities to-suiipur chasers, and the terms of payment will be.very easy. Enquire of Z %V REMINGTON wo well•finished offices in Post thrice I3uildings T Third street. - A long - , well...lighted room, third story ; entrance Mar Yet street, between Third and Fourth streets. Also, ,a small brick housc,tu Pitt township, near Penn eylvanta Avenue. Inquire of GAZZAM, netS - No. 164 Second street. JEiryy.ttsuri COUNTY 'LAND-1,000 acrestot sale oct4 , - I'iIOMPSON BELL. rpRE PLANTAGENET GUARD RAZORS can be 11 used In bed, In the dark, and bypersons withiremn lons hand, with easeisafety, and in half the usual time, without the possibility-Of cutting the skin. 'Phis Is et fected by means of the potent Guard, which la adjusted to the razor with the greatest nicety and simplicity.— Every Razor is made of the finest tempered steel. and warranted. • They have been extensively used in England, and pronounced the most perfect and safe razor manufac " The new invention may be used with perfect sate ty.'=London Porn. - 'This razor is a splendid invention, and.:of great use to many persons, especially_ for peep: :with unsteady_ hands.'?—Chembere , ,Edinburgh Journal: -:- For sale , at theNitoh and Jewelf3tore dee.W ' W. W. WILSON, ' ,i . :6;..:: - Oati. , *:: -. 'i4.) . ;i.' . ..:1 - ef',. To Let. IaMECEiI 12311221 For Sale. E:23131 For Bent, =12:31 UT-S:llANEN;eitliner aflfarket and7sootitritS74 n fosaleot .1n : 110 and varied ' assortment of firic blank ` books; paper of all qualities; and - English; French, Canaan and American fancy and staple sta tionery. (nov2s Balthusaitb Afxbattge - Nrolters• . _ WE have associiiicd J:64111711.1113/ COPAN within in Ty the Exchange undlaanking basiscaa. • •• •• "• - WM; ILWILLIAgi Piltwardik Jan's , : 1, 1851.--jae:lm • ' was. n. mauls/. r. 3. --- -- Ch" M r. WM. Et. WiLLIARIB & BANKERS AND ENCHANOE'sitogrAs, :COME LOT COMM Or WOOD A= 211:122) A LL transactions mule on liberal terms, and coiled tionss promptly attended to. - Helm- Removal. G SONS, HATS SEDIOVIED TB= aro:mum Am> nxtuatot onla To No. 67 Marta strest,four door, L►low akt stand. N. HOLMES & SONS, B _ ANKERS AND EXCrIANGE BROKERS, andflea lers in Notes, Dra ft s, Acceptances, Gold, Silver and Bank Notes. Exchange on the Eastern and Western cities constantly for sale. •-• ' ' - Collections made in All the cities throe boat tha Mal ted States. Deposites redeived in pat fends °reactant paper, No.' 67 Market street, between Third and Fourth streets. ang 26.1 y.• Domestic and Poreigii Excilonge Bank Notes,, Gold andSaver,Bought,sol.lanlEzekanged, ' AT rah EXCHANGE AND BANKING 11011 SE Of William A. Hill COI Wood Street, PITTSBURGH'. ICJ- INTEILIST /MUM= 0:4 TIME DEPOSITS. ItiUR2 9 ALLIIII ADWAID .kA • liallillEtt & italiflli • • - Banker:and Ezchange Brokers, Dealers in - Foreign and /kmussießiUs,BiUsof Ezehange, Cerrificidu tf Depts . is, Bani Notes, and Cain. • . . Comer of Third and Wood sta., dire edy opposite the St . Charles Hotel.. ' • . • tany29 : SantNANG. JESSE ..CAROTHERS & CO., N 0.15, WOOD STREET PITTSBURGH.. Current money received on deposit. • • L. Collections made on an the principal cities or the Ur& ted States. • langltly JAIL 11.110011. THOS. 511tOICIVI. MOON s SARGENT. - BANXERS AND EXCHANGE I3ROKERB,".. . N. B. Corner of Wood and Sixth :tract., Pittsburgh, pa DEALERS in Coin, Bank Notes, Time Dills, Fare= and Domestic Exchange, Certificates of - Deposit,dte EXCHANGE on all the principal Cities of the llnlon and Enron ,e for sale in sums to snit purchasers. . • • CURRENT and parfands received on deplane... COLLECTIONS made on allparm of the Urnon,fittba lowest rates. sepll4y CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA BANEINO go g sF.„ BRYAN, aLsint d. COQ • ll. Drafts, Checks, &a. collected, an*V. 11. lances made upon favorable terms. may2lll • ' • R: B. BRYAN,. Calliork Irollidaysburgh, Mar 151.10.50. PATRICICS & FRIEND, HANKERS &ND EXC/Lieriremuncnrsui . i, No. 95, coa.w.a Wan aan Maim Mattlif - Fituburgh, Pa . Losayl'" Mechanic a Dania- . VOILDINO,VOURTII ADOVR KARL= RZAKYS. THIS RANK isatmr pr_epared to do bulthess. Open from%) A. M. to 3 P.M. . ' • • ••.-• Interest paid on Special Deposits • ; • • augll • THOMPSONDELL,Cashittr. , • • 115 SECOND STREET • -•.-• • • coanzismonsa AND BILL.DROI -' R.- , STRICT attention will be given to 'all 'b Mse en. trusted to his care. Pittsburgh mumfacimed aril' des always on baud, or procured on abort roller. • Notes, Bonds,- Mortgages, ac., negotiated on; favora ble terms. Advances made if required. ; •-• ioct22:tt Ti RAFTS ON SAN FRANCISCO,• Callford.; fel' j.. 1 sale at the Banking - Rouse of PATRICKS '& FRIEND, N0.93W00d st. . local) ROPE EVER. WONDERFUL CUB;ESII Dr. Rogers , Syrup of Liverwort : and Tar; ' • CANCHALAGIIA. Foe the eompleu euie of Coughs, Colelt, Influenza Asthma Broncltu,S7itting of .b'loo. ril l oil other Lung.. Complaints tending to CONSUMPTION. • This syrup contains no Opium, Catowel, °tiny mialia whatever,. but Is composed entirely of th oso Root - Herbs, and vegetable substances which nave a specific! Influence upon the Lungs, and their connected organs. Its immediate effert is to allay all irritation, and gently remove the phlegm and other morbid secretions from the Throat and Air-Passagts; thus relieving ,the Cough t try subduing the inflammatton. and other causes which give rise to it. It also stimulates and Imparts a healthy tone to the Lungs thernselves,theraby enabling them more thoroughly to remove from the blood those impurities and diseased particles, which, if retained, da so mach mischief In the system, end lay the foundation for then. rabic CONSUMPTION. It also exerts& decided action upon the skin, and assists - nature: is expelling, through the Exhalent', much of that morbid matter which would otherwise be thrown back nylon theiLungs;thas relieving them of a part of their work, and rendering the system pare and healthy. Wheambetalesareforaiutg r it cheeks their dm elopment and feather progresa ; or ilulceration has taken place, it assists the Lungs In throwing off the corrupted matter, soothes the irritation, heals the ulcer ated cavities, and restores them again to healthy action. This Medicine therefore, 13 not a palliative 'merely , which only relieve!, for the time being, bat is a thorough curative, of it 'Mike& at the very root of the intense, and by removi: g it, reuterves at once all its remota and at tendant consequences. This is its distinguishing char antra:it—a properly possessed, in equal power, by no other medicine of like nature, now before the prthlie:, CIRCULARS, &C., . As no ordinary sized advertisement can 11illy explain • the notate and merits o f this article, the Proprietors have • published a new Circular, giving the history of this Medi sins ; the descriptive, nature, ite., of its pnacipaltngredi ents; the effect they are designed to have nye& the - Lungs and Liver, and a copious reference to 'the 'twins • who - hare been cured by it—giving. their names and reg. (cores even to the street and the number. Those who are trrnibled with a Cough, or whose Lungs are in the least affected, are earnestly desired to call upon .the Agents named below, and- procure one of these l'atd• phlets. It can be had aratis,and will well repay a perusal. The * 75Fults on Health," and "About taking Cold:" may be worth to yourself and family, HUNDREDS OF .DOLLARS, la the shape of Doctors ' Bills saved, besides being the means of prolonging many a vslnable life; - VirialtßANTY. Such is our confidence in its virtues,that Wei are will ing to warrant this Medicine in every ears of teems Cold, (where used according to the directions on page 7th of . the pamphlet, inside the wrapper of each bottle), sad where the person is not satisfied that he is demist; benefit from it, by returning the bottle within twenty. roar hours' nine, THE MONEY will be returned. 11:r• See page 3d of she pamphlet side the wrapper ot each bottle. fry- Be sure to ask for Dr. A. Bogen' Syrup of LIV ERWORT, TAR, and CANCH.ALAGUA,ansi let, no other be palmed on to you: - - • CAUTION.—None genuine, unless there is on the bff wrapper,a note of hand, signed wtth u... Peri, by A:. L - . SCOVILL & CO. - Cough and Disease ef fourteen somas standing Cured, After being given up twice by eminent Physicians!, , ALBLIV4 June 911411343. Meires. A. L.ScooM 4 , co.—l herewith .forward to you a Certiftewegf a Cure, effected by. your Compound Syrup of Liverwort, Tar and Canchaingua: 'Me Cough and «perforation was of fourteen trnznats standing, and had. bodied the skill of several of our eminent physieians in - New York,Albany and Cooperstown. - I run the - person in whom the cure was effected, and as I had previously no fait in patent medicines, I have since tried_ it on others, and have become sautfied .01 its value. Mine •-• was as great a tare as was ever - performed, as I had, during my aickness,bangthertup twice by my-physicians. I have now *commenced, my business, after taltinga think, about eight bottles. . - , Youra,reaPectfully,- - Tgos. C:FAULDER, BLEEDING AT. TEM 'LUNGS CURED. sax now samarrtx tr ACTS. • Statement of Mr. A. - Lang Baker, N 0.366 Peat I Era; N. Y.-aA. few days before last Christmas, I.vrot- talon unwell, and soon commenced bleeding freely'at ,the Lungs. I called in a Homccopathic physician, but his medicine did not seem to help me. I read your advert isement, and thought I would try Dr- Bogert' SFruir of Liverwort, Tar add Cane/Wags:a, Befdre I had taken up the third bottle.; my bleeding - had stopped, my Cough was gone, and I felt as wel an - usual. health Is now good h.. 1 consider it a moat extellent mcaleine,- and cor dially recommend into my friends.. (This statement-was modem the Proprietor:, Mardr.l2lh, 1850.1 - • '.• ED — This whole paper might be filled with letters Si milar to the abova,flons those who-haus been cured.. FOR SALE, wholesale and retail, by A.L. SCOVILL & CO., Proprietors at- their Prinapal Depot,GCYDRIO HALL, N 0.316 Broadway,' New York, to whom-AIL - Or , den for the Medicine, and letters relating to Agencies, should be addressed, post-paid: ALSO, tor sale by H. E. Sellers, No. 57 Wood sr!reer, Wholesale -Agent for Pittsburgh and vicinity ; D. M. Curry and H. 1". Schwartz, Allegheny City;•Townsend, Carr & Co., Manehi,ster ; A. Patterson, Birmingham. PRICE—Ia large bottle, $1,06; or six bottles for $5,66 Private Mummies. DR. BROWN, No. 41 DIAMOND ALLEY I, Devi:ass his entire. attention to en office practice. Hislusinessismostly confine:di° ) Private or Ventree, Diseases; and stieh Pala -. . ~o > o ' ful :affections, brenght •on :hrimprizdenct gik , ." - youthful indulgence and excess.: ' , -- • ' .....-e , ,- Syphilis, Syphilitic Eruptioni, Oirnorx eXe . hea,Olcet, Stricture, Urethral , DLscharges - , Impurity of the Bloat, with all diseases 0. , the venereal origin. Skin Diseaies t Scorbutic Eruptions,' Totter, Ring*orm,Mercurial Diseases, Seminal Weaknest,lM, poteneyi Piles, 'Rheumatism, Female Wcakness,Month ly Suppressions, Diseases of the Joints, Fistula in - Ant- Nervous Affecuons, Pains in the Back and Leine; Itrita. Mons of the Bladder and Kidneys, successfully treated Cure guaranteed. Fourteen y ears' practiceVour in this city% enables Dr. Brown to oiler assurances of speedy cure to all 'stomp Office and, private consulting rooms, eg Diamand ay. ID - Charges moderate._ ' • novS:d/iWly,-- To EUMATISM—Dr. Btuwive newly atscoureo sera edy for Rheumatism is a speed* and certain reined* for that painfultrouble. Dieser fails. - -- ; - 7 - . -- OHlce and Private Conenlmtion Rodirp No 6S, DIA. MOND, Pittsburgh, Perna: _' The Doctor alwaya: at" b orne . _ . - lartle•darrit AL;ANCEE3 which • hays been uq- changed fox three years and .tilwirards; in • lisisilry„ ! change _ Bartiof, Pittsburgh:- - Aug, William Davis, residence unknown, a. -F _, Spencer Manley, Zanesville, Ohio, Bor. - ASV' - 44 I certify that the foregoing,. haleness .eMiesr.itilitir due to the persons named or their legal:representativeac cording to the Books of this-Bank_ _ • . T UPW L . Car Swtirnto and stibscribed before me, ;his 28M- day o December,lB.sl,2. • - W. Prisms?, 7 , decSterm ' Aga Pubiie ANARY SEED-10 bbla. for sale by lJ doco B. A: FAHNESTOCH. &CO