The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, January 23, 1851, Image 1

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p‘inud and Pubtithsd shirr iltiinitig,(Stindapi aireptsdi
' • 'll tilt p•sig
• - Tor ER/DB:—Fiie Dollars a year,, , pa yable strictly
nadvarme. Si: Dollars will invariably be 'required `if
not paid within tbe.yeat. •
Dingle ,coples-two risra—for sale at the connter,
at the•Offtee, and. y the.,Newa Boys, • -
Itepabliihed irons the 'tante otEce; o n a large. blanket
:sixes/tett; at TWO DOLLARS a. year, in advance—
sine. coptenYttns alas:
No paper well be diseoatitined Innbia's at the .die
-cretin; altos proprietor) until all arreantges are paid.;
R No artenrion,will be paid to any order 'artless ae
compulled by the money. er satisfactory reference in this
Connected with the: Establishment of the Morning
pest re , shir largest .Tob . Printing Office:in the city
stniere kinds ' ' work is done on ere, shoves; notice, and
rradcreeuentshie terms, ; ; -- • -; • -..
• Tim taints tronissMm,,iia LESS:
One square, oneinsertien --- • —• • • 050
eaeltadditional insertion ••••••—•
-" " - • one week--• • • 175
" " two weeks • •-•--',•••• •-• 300
, ", • - three weeks - ' - - 4.00
• • " one month • - ;500
'"••• two months - • . 7 .9
`‘ - three - months• . _
" - . four months ••• • •
'six months .—. 18'00
" - one year.. 19 00
fttan4ing Card, six lines or lesaiper anniimr— 10 00
One square, per annum„(exclasive of Me paper,). 25 00
: For each additional squa,lnserted over one month,
and for each additional square inserted under the yearly
ratess,, hair price.
Publishers not accountable for legal advertisements
'beyond the . amount charged for their publication •
. Announc in g candidates for office to be charged the
same as other Advertisewerits. = '
Advertisements not marked on the copy for a specified
number of. Insertions, will he continued till forbid, and
payment exacted accordingly.
1h privileges of yearlyadvertisers will be confined
rigidlr,to their regular business, and all other advertise
ments not pertaining to their regular business as agreed
tor,tcrhe paid extra : . • •
Ail 'advertisements for charitable institutions, fire
companies; ward, township and other public msenngs,
and such like, to be charged half price,payable arnicrtor
• • •
Marriage notices to be Charged 50 cents-
Death notices inserted without charge, unless accom
' panted by funeral invitations or obituary notices, and
when so accornranied, to be paid for, • -
llegularadvertisers, and all others sending, contantini-
Calietlaiar requiring notices designed to call attention to
,Faimßoireer, Concerts, or any public entertainments,
where charges are made ' or admittarice—all notices of
_private associations—Mrery notice , designed to call at
* tention to private. enterprises calculated of intended to
promote individualinterest i can only be inserted with the'
atiderstandingzhatthe same is in be paid for. If intend
ed to be inserted in the local column, the same will be
charged at the rate of, not less-than tea r.e nts per line.
Bishoproor Fist'Notices to be chiugedtriple price.
' Tavern License Petitions,S:l;oo each.
Legal and Medical 'Advertisements to be charged at
fullpricea .'
•Hettl - Elsrate Agent and Auctioneers , Advertisements
not - to be classed under yearly rates, bat to be allowed a
discauntof thirty-three and one-third per cent. front the
amount of bills.
One square, three ingenious 50
Do. ..each each additional insertion 0 37
One snare, (10 lines.) one insertion- •• • ....... 50
. • D 0.,; each additional insertion —• • 005
. All transient advertisements to DO paid in advance.
WHIPS d CO., Gazette.
. BORT. M.RIDDLE; Journal.
- JAMES P. BARR '2c, Co., Chronicle.
.FOSTER & BROTHER, Dispatch.
Dee.l 1519.1 JAMS W. BlDDLE,Anterican.
flroitssbutal (garbs.
TOUN IL-LARGE, Attorney atlato,Fottrth street, near
-Bmithfiela• -mar:3o
+D. JENNINGS, Attorney at Law, Fourth St., above
ANGEL auernesi ar,Liste—Office on 4th
meet, near Grant, Pittsburgh. nett;
ORLANDO-LOWELS 7 - Aurrys' ry at Lava.-office 4th
IJ. et, above Wood. - jaly4.y
rrtIIOAIAS AL MAASHALL, dUarney at Lam.—Office,
I.or rib's Buildizizs, Fourth at. jan7-ly
10, - lI.CARNAHAN,Aitornry at Law—Office oa Fourth
jai.: st, between Charry alley and Grant at. • [je2-7
R. BROWN'S OFFICE, N 0.65, Diamond alley, near
Wood atreeL _ febl
JDi. Di'CLOWICY, Atiornsg and Counsellor at Law.—
• 401Tien in itaketrell's Buildings on Grant street.
•••• IJ7-Iy.
SCUFF-Dentirr, Fourth st, five doors west of Max
. . -kat. -A ll work warranted, and if not perfectly sat-
Uthetoryste charges will be made. - fablO
£hTOVAL.—Dr. Robert Snyder, ban removed his
office to` Fourth street, between Wood .and Smith
field. streets.- maxls-ly
CDAIia&GH, Attorney at Lata--OtEtee in Ilakewell's
Otallings, on. Grant street, opposite the Court
you.:l BARTON, Attorney at Law.-Office, North side
.of Filth sweat, between Woad and Smithfield, in the
I sme bußding with Alderman Morrow. sep3o4y
110RWARD & SWARTZ WELDER, Attorneys at Law.
JL" Office on Fourth' street, between Wood and Smith
field, opposite Patterson's Livery Stable. • op7-y
et_EORGE GILLMORE, Attorney and Counaellar at
removed to the,2d door below Grantet.,
)n Fourtb, to the °dice lafely occupied by Alderman-Mil-
11UCKMAST.E.11, Alderman—thlice . : Fourth street
third door above SmithfieldiSouth side.
.Conveyancing of all kinds den . with the greatest olre
and legal accuracy.
. Titles to Real Esutte examilied,&e,
RR COYLE, /*ars and Conveyancer.--Office in .
Metcalfe Budding, Fourtbrstreet, near,Stnithfield,
Pittsburgh. Deeds,yonds, Mortgagee, Aniclea of Agree
ment, and all other, ins truments of writing drawn up with
accuraf a y and dispatch. Titles to Real Estate examined.
DZ. O. lI:IMTSER • •-••••••••• •• • • ......... •• • •E. C. N0D0W4.1,..
12"EYSER k MCDOWELL, (succmsous TO KIM &
'iESTSI34) Wholesale and Retail Drug and Prescription
Stamm ar of Wood street and Virgin alley : Physi
cians pro _siphons carefully compounded night and
day. ocatf
-TORN A. PARKINSON, dtdermon, Fifth Ward, Penn
between Walnut and O'Hara sts., where he may
be found at all times: "Those having houses or other prop
city to sell or'rent, earl have the same punctually attend
ed to; debts collected, and all the duties ()fan Alderman
will receive prompt attention. ' 0c27-p
Y CV. WILLIAMS, Attorney and Counsellor at
31 Law, (successor to Lowrie & Office :at
the old stand, Fourth et., above Smithfield.
- THE Partnership heretofore existing between Henry
W. Williams. Esq., and myself,in the practice of the law,
was dissolved by mutual consent on the 26th ult., and the
business will hereafter be continued by Henry W. Wil-
Atom, Whom ~I most cheerfully recommend to all for
whom I have the honor to do business-as . a gentlemah
every - way worthy of their confidence.=
_ _ Samuel P. Ross i . .
A TTOGNEY /LT LAW—Office in Fourth street, near
joi. Grant, in Lutheran° Buildings. mar29rcv
Mitchel A i Palmer, -
-1,11. COW 071 Fourth street, a few doors , betoto Smithfield.
All business entrusted to their care, p romptlyzuended to.
Collections madeand Conveyancing ezecuted on mode
rate 'terms. - feblluf
J.' D. Jennings,
fice Lowrie's Buildings, Fourth street, between
Smithfield arid Gnibt. - aps
Dr. Geor.
IIXAS selected Pittsburg. Be his permanent residence.
JUL He has taken the house lately occupied by Alder
man Miller, on Fourth street, near Grant, hfunediately
adjoining the " Lamhrtine Honse;" 'llls Office is attach
ed to his residence, where he 'will 'constantly be found,
unless absent on professional duty. Office hours from
o'clock& m. to - t o'clock A. and from SP. SI. to 77.
N. P. & G. L. - 13: Patti - ratan,
TTORNEYS.B.T LAW—Oac, on Fourth street,be
. tween W... . • janys:y
- - W W Dallas,
A kins Ha AT:fatWirl.ce'r':,sec."!d story
OFFICE ON FOURTH EMMET, one door Weat of
Weaver's Hotel nuglo:3m
_ Wm. AP . tioblmoom
• A TTORNEY AT LAW:- Office No. 99, on Fourth
Li street op le the MayorisOffice. Ittug3l:y
J. S. Hamilton,
A TTORNEY AT LAW, has removed to the otEce in
,bIL:PiRIL greet; between Wood and Smithfield streets,
formerly occupied by Thos. Hamilton, Esq., deed, and
will attend to the b name se remaining unfinished upon his
Leithographlo .Estobiloturnont. of
vußn•tnisucr,..orrosrrs TILE POST-OFFICE, P137311780/L
litirAPS; Landscapes, Bill-heads, Show-bills, Label.s,
Architectural and Machine Drawings, Business
and Visiting Cards;etc., Engraved or Drawn on Stone,
and Printed in. Colors, Gold, Bronze or Black, In the
most aSg i roved style and at the most reasonable , prices
WM:3MR GIN—For eale by the ettert, gallon or bar
rcl . latty 24] , MORRIS & RAWORTIPS.
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ROBINSON, Agent for kitunden:& Co.'s
Line of Packets, Filth at., one door below Wood. febl
urn.' 4 A ra JACKSON,Patens Medicine Depot, BO Lib
'', arty street, head of Wood. febl
MINOLISH it ELLIOTT, Book:akar mut Stationers, No.
JUSG, Market at. between Third and Fourth: febl
p DELANT, rashionou Clothing 3forit: No. 5181.1b
1400 N ft SARGENT, N- corner of - Wood and re tth
NHOLMES& SON Bankers and Derarrsin Fachange
• Coin Elnd Dank Notes, N 0.65 Market street. Jebl.
A - Boil and Bran Founder, No: 70 Second
-a., 'street, betsvcea Market-and Ferry streets. - febl.
Cc SANE, Forteardmg a no toconwason
.121. -, iderchanti, No. 124 Second st., Pittsburgh, Pa. (Etta
VICTOR BCRIBA., Bookieller, stationer' arid Bituttn
ifth - street, between Wood and Market; jnia .
n A. • cNULTy co, t Forwarding and •
• /fferchants, Canal Dunn. - mar 3
DYER, grocer ono Produce •Deater, No. 168
Ty Liberty: street,Pittsburgh. marl?
JOHN M'CLOSKEY,_Ttritor and Ciatltisr,Liberty street
between Sixth and Virgin *ley, smith side. seplo
111eSTE41% Bran Fouader ancrOaa - !wet, Smith
"- field street, between Diamond alley and Fifth at.
riIAAFFE-dcO'CONNOR, Proprietors woe Pittsburgh
Portable Bow Store corner of Penn and Wayne ins.
IrVEY, MATTIiEWS ?r, Co., Wholesale Grocers, Com
mission and Forwarding Merchants, and Agents for
Brighton Cotton Yarns, 57 Water at., Pittsburg. [np2
TIOOLEY te. LAIRD, Merchant Zak/re, Wood street,
ia second door from - Water, will keep constantly on
hand a well selected lot of Clothing. mari.:y
ty LEE, (Isuccessor to MtraPttr & Lau,) Wool //mkt
.1.1:e• and Commission Merchant, for the sale of Ameri
can Woolen Goods; febl6
TORN D. blOßGAN,lneierala and !Wail Druggist, No
ON, Weed street, one door south ot'Diamond alley.
• -
T L. :MEE, -Whotesate Grocer, Commission Merchant,
o - and dealerin Paper and Rags, corner Penn and Ir
-win ttreete:, - - • jal4
"TING& MOORHEAD, Maks - ale Grocers and Product
jon L . Dealers. No. 27 Wood street, Pittsburgh. tray 23
rOS EPli WOODWELJ.,lmponerand !Staler in. For efgn and Domenic Hardware, corner of Second and
Wood etreets.
MAJOR, Boat Bore, Ship Chatdiery and
-Agency of the Pittsburgh Lard Oil Factory, No 4,
Marker street , Pittsburgh- int 2
.11N. MAY, Who lesaie Grocer, Forwarding wed Com
-0 2ttirchant, Water street, between Market and
DULL. & CURRY, Bankers and Bzchange Brokers, N o
.1.1. 65 Wood street, third door below Fourth, west side
it RAMER to 8.11/01, Bankers and Ezdange Brokers,
JELeorner of Third and %Vood streets, opposite the St.
Charles HoteL febl.
14 A. FALINESTOOK k. CO., If7wkaalt 'hug Waii
-1-14 house; corner of First and Wood streets, and corner
of Wood and Sixth. relit
AMUEL MORROW, Manufacturer of Tin,Copper and Sheet Iron Ware, NO, 17 Fifth street, between
Wood and Market. febtO
GLENN, Bookbinder, corner ot Third and Wood
TT Erects, above C. H. Kay, where he is prepared to
do every ddseription of ruling and binding. peu2
fatiri H. MELLOR, Wholcsale and Beta. Dealer in
Music and Musieatinsirovienu,Piano3,Schocil Hooka,
and Stationery, No. 121. Wood street. janl
Jy BRIAR., Ratifying Distil ler, and Wholesale Dealer
.inForeign and Domestic Wines and Liquo ra
, No.
11.4 Liberty street, and 5J Diarttoud alley.
- -
- VINO & FINNE V, Agents for the Delaware Mutual
Insurance Company, of Philadelphia, at the Ware
house of Bing &ftoiMe.3 2 Water street, near Alarket
VirAL.A.LESLANDEIt Zs. SUNS. Coffin Makers and Fur
y,' nishing Under - gal-v.. 1 ., corner of Penn and St. Clair
streets, opposite the Exchange. Entrance on Penn sreet.
W. 3. TROTH. , T. V.SCOTT.
'MOTH Lc SCOTT, Whoiesate and Retail rkalca in
X Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Carpet Bag:, *e., 9. W. corner
of Fourth and Smithfield eta., Ptttshurgh, Pa. [mrPhy
SCAIFE & ATKINSON, Mankfaczurers of COT.
per and Sheet Iron Ware. They also ezecnte every
description of Blacksmith Work, First street, between
Wood and Market, Pittsburgh. oettlity
Joan McDsvrrs. • • Issas Mel Wss. iticDavms
TORN McDETITT & BROS., ID7w/era/s Grocers, Deal-.
ere in Produce, Plitsburgla Manufactures, and Mer
chandise generally, No. 13 Commercial Row, Liberty
Jour( A. Crum late of New Lisbon, 0,• • W. S. Scission.
CRAIG &SKINNER, blenerald gerity;Comm Wien and
Forwarding Merchants, N 0.211 Market street, Pitts
burgh, Pa. Prompt attention given to the purchase and
sale 01 all kinds of produce. sepl2
WM. 3111.LE8, PRILADA. WM. succurson, en - Minton.
7i/rILLEII & RIMEL - I'BON, Wholesale Grocers, and irn.
ILL porters of Brandies, Wines and Segars ; N 05.172
find corner of Liberty and Irwin streets, Pittsburgh,
Iron, Nails, Cotton Yarns,.te., constantly on hand.
Q INVICINLBY, anat, Sian and Ornamental Painter,
Oa and dealer in PAINTS, No. 44 Clair st., Pitts
burgh, has constantly on hand all kinds of Etna's, either
Dry or Mixed; Japan and Copal Varnish; Linseed Oil;
Boiled Oil; Spirits Turpentine; Window Glass, of all
sizes,• Putty, Paint Brushes, Ito ., all of the best quality,
and far sale at reasonable Driers. sepll
Isaac Williams,
MTRCHANT TAILOR, Smithfield street, No. 12 . , be
meen Ist and 2d streets. spay:
Blorrts & Haworth,
AND URA.NDIES. East aids of the Diamond
Peisburgh. mar4l.
I. A. COIILTER•••-•-- N. U. lIACILS.
Coulter lEL. Backe,
tier of Wood and Third sweets, under St. Charles
/41tel, Pittsburgh, Pa. mayl
HEMET LEADER.• --•-• • • • • --•-• GEORGE TRICKER.
Leader ea Tricker,
y Merchants, and Dealers in Produce; corner
Diamond and Diamond alley. . mayl
Daniel TOUlllgion,
jj. Liberty street, opposite Hand. All work neatly
executed. Orders puuctnplly attended to. [mar ;2:y
Liquor and Grocery Store.
BSTERN A.8R0., Wholesale and Retailers of Liquor
• of all kinds. • Flour, Bacon, .kc., constantly on
hand. No. LW Liberty street, between Fifth and St.
Clair.strects.` mar.N.-Una
',singer, Wells es 0o;
IYo. taMarket street, Pittsburgh, Pa., keep constant
y on hand and make to order, all kinds of Vials 4 Bottles,
loc.; Porter and Mineral Water Bottles, of superior qual
ity. Particular attention paid to private moulds. [nv2o:y
Emigration Linea.
TeMES"BLAKELY,. Agent for the Black Ball and
U Black Star Lines,Ltverpool and New York Packets,
and for the Philadelphia and Liverpool Packet Ships,
Penn street, Pittsburgh. febe
Wh S I U e C sa E e S G OR oc O
rJ, .
& D is C t O il . l
.162 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. . ap3
George Beale. Jr.,
1111. Rlmu., No. 7.5 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Con.
stantly on hand, a general and extensive assortment of
ALL Amos of BRUSHES at the lowest Eastern prices.
N. B.—Machine Brushes, &v., made to order at the•
shortest notice. mar3o:y
*58.1411EL PALMER
S. IN storms:in. er, Sono,
TATHOLESALE GROCERS, Commission and For-
VT waiding Merchants, Dealers in all kinds of Pro
duce and Pittsburgh Manufactured Articles, and Agents
for sale of Richmond and Lynchburg manufactured To
bacco mart
Nuts, Sptees,Corifeettonary Sugari, Cigars, ¢e., ¢e
No. 118 Wood lout, Pittshawk, Pa.
rtEALERS IN GROCERIES, Flour, Wheat, Rye,
JJ Oats Corn,Barley, Pork, Bacon, Butter, Lard,
Cheese; Clove Timothy and ..Flax Seeds; Iron - , Nails,
Glass, .Itc.,&e., &e. Particular attention paid to the sale
of Western Produce. - •
- Rxesaracms—Messrs. Myers &-linnter, flobt. Dalzell
&Co., Hamptort,Smith & Co., King& Moorhead,MeGills
Zs Roe, James May, Pittsburgh; Fenner & MeMiihm,
Massillon; Ina. S. Morrison, Esq., St. Louis .eP26
' Walter P. Marshall,
(Successor to - Samuel C. Hill ' )
Window ,Shariu Fire Board Prim, 4-e., 4.r.
Also—writing, Printing and Wrappiwf Paper,
ood street
• between Fourth st. end Diamond alley,west side,
. Pittsburgh; Pa
THOMAS W00D8.,.-
S A 1tUE14.1 3 . igHaivic
. - WROL.081“ GROCER,
Nos. 130 and= Strand rt. 2 hawsers Wood andiSatukfiskl ;
jalnf . - Pittsburgh.
~nzinth QarDs:
LEX&NDER7AYNES, Pekin Tea Sr,t 38 Fifth
strew, near
•-•••13f8XD P. AI4BLIUTZ
BusWeso garbs.
y ATE Johnston & Binckion,.BOOKSEl-INR, BTA.
TIONEB,PRLNTER'and BINDER, corner of Mar
ket and Third streets, Pittsbingh, Pa - ' 1P!.4
701 IN 8.
Strcolesso NN as2o Y
Wheksale and Retail &Akre' in Wasehes,'..tetpary, ;Sneer
Ware, Fancy and- Variety Doods, Barbra, Carnes, ke.
.N 0.94 Market street,,between sth st. andlke Diamond;
Err — Clocks, Watches and Jewelry neatly repaired.
ittsburgh, August 26, •
.• • • - •
tgrAs openedan Office at the corner of Smithfield and
Filth streets, Pittsburgh, lingvrn as the.," Gat
Bargain corner," and will devote his entire time and at.
tel3lloll to the Purehass,,Sras'and , ,Exch a n ge 42 , Es •
tate, in city,and country. - •
From his acquaintance with the busineekhe hopes to:
satisfY all who may favor him with Agencies in their
line orbesiness. . -
Thompson Bell, Ira B, 'Hersey,
H. B.llPCullongh,. John F. Perry,
tie°. P. Gillmore,_ Lyman Wilmarth,
J. , K.Moorhead, .. Capt: William Ward,
Thos. Howard,, , W. 0. Leslie. (se9l.2tY
angle Marble Works,
(Esr.unasurs 1832)
No. 184 Liberty siroa, !lead sf Wood shies, Pittsburg h. ANONUMEN Burial Vaults, Tombs, . ' Head Stones,
ac.; Mantel Pieces, Centre and Pier Tops, always
on hand and made to order. - -
N. 8.-4 choice selection of Drawing's on hand. [nvl4
John. DU Townsend,
street, three doors above Third,Pittsburgh, will have
constantly on hand a well selected assortment ofthebesl
and freshest Medicines, which he will sell on the most
reasonable terms. Physicians.sending,ordera will be
promptly attended to, and suppplied with articles they
may rely ; upon as genuine.
Physicians prescriptions willbe accurately and neatly
prepared from the best materials, at any hoar of the day
or night.
Also for sale, a large stock of fresh and good P.ERFU•
ruitf deal
D. to a rtirif GIMLISI• • •-•-•-• • •-• •-•-• ••• ..... • • •-•-• D. lIIMEN.
Pittsburgh City-Glosi Works:
- rzammtortantatt'Op
W 1 ND 0 W 'G L ASS .
No. 20 Market arra, betwert First mid Second,
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Dr - Particular attention paid to odd sizes. Also,
Dealers in Mint Glass, Vials, Bottles, &c. lly2.tly
Instrument Ellesitztacturorms
No. 140 Woos ST 4.8}1T OUR MUM , ALPCT.
have W E Liberty r s em troevte d o o
s a o broev and
mMeadn pufaace, r f y o f o th n
purpose of having more convenience, far manufacturing,
which we intend going into extensively. All orders in
'our be attended to with punctuality and dispatch.
Jobbing and Repairing neatly done and promptly exe
Ageneral assortment of Hardware and Cutler, we will
always keep on hand, and sell it , at the knees: prices.—
We have just received a fine lot of Guns, Pubis and
Recalrers,Tallora and'llair Dressers' Mears, and other
Goods generally kept lu Hardware Stores. Tinners,
Furriers, - Hatters and Saddlers' Teas made to order;
Razors Ground and Handled, Pen Blades put in, ac.;
Guns and Pistols repaired; &c., ace.
N. B.— Particular attention paid to manufacturing
Trusses and Supporters. dec2.7:ly
iGngi. Okass Works.
and Final; Pour_ , &auk Al., Mineral Water. Patent Medici's, and Wine Bottles, 0' trot; description;
Keeps constantly on hand a general assortment of the
above articles.
ar As the other Green Glass Factories are all
stopped, as is the custom in ssurunef, this Factory is now
in fail operation, and ttrtll con sinus in operation bog SUM
MIT and winter.
Orders thankfully solicited And will be billed at the
shortest notice.
Wandoase, N 0.112 Stahl street, between Woad and
Smettoield strew. ya b-W:ly
JOHN QUINN S. IndiansD. Lt. TOOstv.
THE undersigned'again beg-leave t inform the cid.
A zens of Pittsburgh and thepublic in senora! Lila they
have now on hand and are constantly intutufacturing,
from entirely new and improved patterns comprising In
part the latest improved PREMLUIU COOK STOVES,
WrCOal' and likewlse'lbf Wood; four sizes of the EN
TERPRISE COOK STOVE, and four sizes of that ce le.
brated Coal Cook Stove called the STAR OF THE
WEST, and a great variety of other Stoves for Coal or
Wood. Fancy PARLOR STOVES, of the richest and
most beautiful designs. Eon and Pt= APRA tirovris;
together with a general assortment of Hollow Ware;—
all from new and improved patterns. Ground Wagon
and Buggy Boxes, Sad Irons, Dog Irons, common and
fancy Fire Grates and Fenders, and every thing iu the
house building line, always on hand or made to rder.—
Purchasers are respectfully invited to call and examine
our stock before buying elsewhere, at the old stand, col ,
cer Seventh and Liberty streets, Pittsburgh.
multi QUINN, bIcBRIDE tr. CO.
- sngi, Fourth strut.—Homau & Azrrnorrr, Dagueneo
ists from the Eastern cities, would call theauention of
t inhabitants of Pittsburgh, and the neighboring towns,
to their Daguerreotype of citizens and others, at rooms In
the third sAi 1 , of Burke's building; 4th et.
Persons wishing pictures taken may rest assured that
us pains shall be spared to produce them in the highest
perfection of the art. Our instruments are of the most pow
erful kind, enabling us to execute pictures udsurpassed
for high finish and trutittithiess to nature. The public are
solicited to call and examine.
Persons sitting for pictures a re neither reciuirred or ex
pected to take them unless perfect satisfaction 'given.
N. B. Operators will find this a good depot for stock
and chemicals.
Irrlnstructions given In the art, containing the mote
recent inaprevethents
AFULTON, Bell and Brass Foundcr,has rebuilt and
• commenced business at his old stand, N 0.70, Se
cond, between Market and Ferry streets,. where he will
be pleased to see his old customers and fnends.
Church, steamboat, and bells of every size, from 10 to
10,000 pounds, past from patterns of the most approved
models, and warranted to be of the best materials.
Mineral Water Pumps, Counters, Railings, Am., U.,
together with every variety of Brass Castings, if regal/.
ed,turned and finished in the neatest manner: •
A. F. is the sole agent for
thenßbitt's Anti-Attraction AU
tai, so justly celebrated for reduction of friction in
machinery. The boxes and composition can be had of
him at all times. novlaty
INTILLIAM TROVILLO, Undertaker, Filth street, im
mediately opposite the Theatre, tespecrfully in
forms his friends and the public in general, that he has
resumed his business as a Furnishing Undertaker. He
is supplied with and always keeps on hand Coffins of all
sizes and kinds, Shrouds, and all other articles necessary
on inch occasions.
Silver plates, fee boxes, and leaden coffins will be sup
plied in order. A fine hearse and carriage always ready
he attend funerals.
UNDZILTAALZILS, cornerg 'Penn and
St.•Cfair , oppcuile Ezdange
Houl, Entrance on Penn U. tee
- °equity inform their- friends and
the public , they arc preparedto' furnish and attend
to everything in the line of Undertakers, as they ' have
quit the business of Cabinet Making, and their attention
will' be devotedhltogether to the above business keep a
large assortment of COFFINS made and finlehed, cover
ed, and lined In the neatest manner, with a variety o.
materials, 'and - at - all prices; we keep:SHROUDS ready
made, of all sizes, of Flannel, Cambric, and Muslin, at
all pnces, and made in , the eastern style, and all other
articles necessary for dressing the dead, and furnishing
funerals, of quality and price to suit; SILVER PLATES
or engraving the name and age ICE CASES for laying
the body in Ice, by those who wishio keep ,their friends
any length mimic, and have ZINC PANS M a rt lee in
for laying on the body; LEADEN Coffins ways:on
hand. We have a splendid new HEARSE and a pair ot
fine horses, and any namber of the best carriages, etc.,
etc., and will be prompt, punctual. and reasonable.
.LUL, puma would respectfully inform his friends and the
public, that his new establishment is now in full opera
tion, and that he is prepared to furnish Boat Cabins, and
fill all orders for Planed Lumber, with promptitude,and
at the lowest rates.
- - . • -- • .
Board and Plank, planed on one or both sides, con
*candy on hard.
Bash, Doors and Mouldings,of every description, made
to order.
Builders .and Carpenters would. find it to their advan-
tage to give him a call, as he can now furnish then' With
planked stu ff. suitable for every deserietlen orunirlt
• National Hateit Plitt.sb_nrgh.
Situated on Mtn Strut, opposite - di Landing of the
Brownsville Steam Psekets.
Tetins House having undergone A,thorough repairing
aud fitting up, both inside and out, the subscriber is
ermined toast every exertions in his power to make
all comfortable that think proper to call with him. The
Table will be always supplied with the best the market
affords. The Bar will
-be supplied with the best and
choicest liquors.
Attached to the house is a good stable, attended by a
good Hostler. JAMES REAMER., „IVA,
Pittspink, Pa. .
N. B —Good Stabling attached - to the house.. - .
(limossnon's OLD STAND.)
riaffE subscriber having leased the above well know;
.1. and excellent„estabGshment ; is now prepared -to en
tertain his friends and the travelmg.publie generally; in
the best manner and on the most reasonable terms..
His TABLE will at all times .be -supplied with .every
delicacy of the season; and his Bar.with the best of Li
llis stabling le very extensive; and-every arrange.
ment has been made for the accommodation of Drovers.
augthtf • . WM.. CLAWSON.
QALEBATUS--30 boxes prime in store.
nov2i . , STUART ei SILL:
New Bookg, 11Cus c, Vic.
New Booka t Wow
- nr:rhliNEß. -- tt .00.,`NceM Smithfieldstreet, have re
ceived the following new books. t
- NO. ed Dittionary fpf Mehanlest Baena Work and
Engineeringi, - -
N 0.1.0 Pictorial Field Book of the Revolation,,•
This 'excellent work, issued teuti-hunFy, will . be
complete in about rwartrr eon ming
eightlarge octavo pages, etich;J:tiud adeic iptive record
of. ar journey recently performed to the ttloSt import
ant historical the 4Pnrrictos Elution. The
plan IS Unique and uttraatiyp, embrncing: character.
lades of a book of travel and a history.--
. To Love .and to Be Loved t. aStaryi. by A. S. Roe,
atnhorof"Jamesbiontiox,o4Dve.heer Thinking").
The Ladder
-of Gold; an"Lnglish - itory % by Robert
hlaraton of 'Darwran :-. a tale ;
Olive: a novel. , 'By the 'author 'Of The Vgilries.
We have also on hand.and for sale a largelassortment.
of Annuals, Albums and Children's Books , suitable for
the holidays. • .._ •.• IdecitS
New Books! New Books*. •
WALL, 85 Fourth street, halt : lust received . the Lid
der of Gold; an Englh sterr, bv Robert gen.
10 Love and to be, loved, a:story, by A. 0. Rose;
The Forrest - Rose, tale of the Frontier, by Emerson
Sennett; ,
Leni Leoti; or Adventures in the Vet West, a. sequel
to the Prairie Flower, by Ementon'llennett
. Temptation; or the Watch. Tower of Roarven ;-
Olive, a novel, by the wither of "The Ogilvies;"
singletonYcmtectay,R. N.t by bniea Elnunah, autltot
of sketches in" Ultra-Marine."
• The Romisb Confessional; or' the Auricular Confes
sion, its hitt ery, consequene es, and pnliey of the Jesuits,
by !,I Alieulet;
Western Scenery on land and river, hUi and dale, in
lbe, Mississippi Valley, by Win. Wells; fbr. sale as
above. and at, Berford's Federal street ;Allegheny
dee3l '
Nett Mastic
' • -
R.•Soiree Polka. , Ilya C. Potter;
Scotch Polka; . , 1
Coquette do; . .;
Jenny Lind's Bird Song; . '
dodo_ Herdsman Song;
—Costa Diva as sung by Jenny Lind;
The Dew is on the Blossom ;
• Jenny Gray.
, I have something sweet to say;
I ain Dreaming, of thee;
0, would I were a boy again; ' • •
Blanch AI • -
Ben Bolt, for P iano or Guitar; .
Coructacker Cotillions ;-
Louisiana Belle, with variations;
Love Not. Quickstep;
Thou halt wounded the spirit that lovod thee;
Jeanett and Jcanott ;
Shower orPearls. Waltz;
Silver Lake Polka.
Received by J. U. mELLOR,-
deal 81 Wotid street. •
N. large stock of sew. Pianos to arrive this
Sacred Matto.
THE NEW CARMINe, SACRA, or postai Callen
lion of Chureb Musk, comprising the moat popular
Psalm and Hymn tunes In general use . together with a
great - Variety of new tunes , Chain:its, hlotegt and An'
theme; the whole being one of the most coMplete
lcetions of ur. , sic for choirs. congregations, singing
schools and societies, extant. By Lows .x nixes.
A supply of the above received and for sale by •
n2O JOHN H. hiLLLOR, SI, Wood st.
Dittateal Instruments and Itlaitc.
sti g i p ow
DEPOT. C. BLUME, late P. Blaine,
'No HS Wood street, Pittsburgh, Panna,
two doors above Fifth, sole Agent for the
celebrated Hamburg Pianos, unequalled by any, with
felt.eovered hammers, producing a full, rich arid mellow
tone, and not liable to wear hard; also, Pianos and 1f le.
lode° risfi om the most celebrated eastern manufactasers,
of warranted kinds always on hand. Constantly on
band, a large assortMentiot ?antic and Minima Instru
ments, such, as . Violins, Accrodeons,Vattuul, 'Banjos,
Tamborlhes, Fluter Fifes, Drams,,Fageolcus,Clarior.
etas. Brass bawl:meats-of every 'description; Violin
or Guitar Cates; Strings for all instruments, of the,
best kind; finger boatts, castinetts.„ metroitomes, in
struction books for all Instruments. 'Segontbhand FI.;
anos taken in part pay for hew ones; al , o, rented to per.
sans who can give satisfactimi for payment. -
A large lot of Boxwood on heed, which will be sold
)SfINER & CO., SmitbGete stieet.;:hase receiveti
lA.. the Demos Ler number g Strip ger & Toornisemrs
International Miscellany. It is nnosually large, and the
contents are of great interest. . •
Dr. Layard's It :cent Gifjtc,Stonirtitocitl 7 :,itit . ttozi
Wild Sports in Algeria, by Jules Gerard.
Alton Locke, Tabor and Poet; an Autobiography--
This wort• is remarkable in its character, showing the
hardships, sufferings and miseries ofa large moss of out
fellow men.
The Divoteeti Wife, by T. 8. Arthur—a nowt.,
A Lecture by the Rev. Joseph S. Berg, 1). D., in an
swer to Bishop Hughes, on the " Beeline of Protestant
Gamblers' Tricks with Cards Exposed and Explained,
by J. U Green, the EMl:limed Gambler.
Every Dody"s Almanac I: lind Diary for IESI-I:publisli
e d by Appleton, Pbiladelphia., de 04
(Lots Johnston 4. Stockton,)
Etookteller,-StatlOtter, Printer .t
WOULD respectfully invite the attention of Mer
oTAchants and others, to his large and superior stock
LA NE BOOKS, consisting o f Day Books, Journals,'
Ledgers, Invoice, Cash, Order and Letter Books, of every
size, made of the best paper, and bound in the most du•
sable manner, which he offers at prices mat cannot fail
to give satiSfattlott, Blank Books ruled and bound to
any given pattern. Printing of every deseriptiormize
cuteu with 'neatness and dispatch. No. 47 Market 2 st.
New Stock of Pianos,
MINJOHN H. MELIVR , No, IS Wood st.,
has jast reeelvetra .new and splendid,
. lot of .PIANOS, now open and ready
far sale. deal
XIRNOLD'S, Hibbert's, Hogan & Thompson's and
Harrison's black, red,scarlet and carmine Inks.
Faber's, Gontais, Brookman & Langdon's, Jackson &
Monroe's black and red Lead Pencils.
Int:stands of every description; Gillian's, Cohen's,
Pratt's, Levy's, Kelly's, Leinun's and other manufac
tures of Steel Pens; G.A. E. bl.Sinith's (successor to A.
0. Bagley & Co.) celebrated Cold' Pena, with gold and
silver cases.
Wheatinan's English Drawing Paper—antiquarian—
doubletephant,.atlas, Columbia, super royal,royal and
elephant, bawl boards, cap demi and medium.
Perforated boards, fancy box paper, plain gold and sil
ver, embossed gold, silver and fancy colored puper,gold
and colored strips and corners, and lithographs for fancy
boxes; prepared parchment of all sizes, suitable for
deeds, charters and diplomas; French note paper, al
ways on hand, the most desirable styles, sizes and pat
terns; plain, gilt, embossed and .silvered, suitable for
balls, parties, weddings and mourning.
French note envelopes, plain end embossed; letter
envelopes, brown, white and blue ; laid and plain adhe
sive envelopes; bk, bike and white.
Wafers, wafer cups, various patterns; writing sand;
brass, tin, cocoa and Tarkey boxwood sand boxes;
,copying s, inks, brashes,French and English copy+
ing boas, and oil paper ; tissue paper of all colors; red
and white blotting paper; pen knifes,!zo.
The above, with all other articles in. the Stationery
line, both fancy and staple,
together with a large assort
ment of blank books andmemorandum boots of all
common forms of ruling, in every style of binding, and
paper of all sizes and qualities, for sale at reduced - ratei
on the most reasonable terms, at ,W. S. HAVEN'S
Elqpk and Stationery Warehouse
novta . ; corklarket and Second' sup.
Roman. Strings.
A • LOT of genuine ROMAN STRINGS for 'violins ani
11. gaiters, have Just been received by the subsrtber.
These strings are from the mom celebrated factory in
Hay ; they are tour threads and. four lengthy, and for
beauty of tone and durability arc gnrivalled. The sub
scriber's ligentlaving purchased - the above for him at
the Factory, they are warranted superior to any thing of
the kind ever offered in this country. A. KLEBER,
Golden Harp, Third street.
N. B.—Now opening a splendid new lot of Nunn tr.
Clark's and Dunham's celebrated Pianos. [novl2
Foreign Nevripaperk. -
THE subscriber is authorized to roceive subscrip
tions for all the London Daily, Weekly and Tri-
A. eckly papers Birmingham, Bristol, Hull, Leeds,
Manchester, - Newcastle, Sheffield, and other Provin
cial pipers; Irish papers of Dublin, Cork, Belfast-
Limeriek,_Londonderry, ecc.; Scotch papers of Edin
burgh, Aberdeen, Glasgow, Dundee, Ac„• French and
German papers. . JOSHUA ROBINSON, ,
European Agent,
Se - Post Buildings, sth st., near Wood.
Huta~ Cape and..llllitra.
• ..-
.05 Food U. corer, of Diamond alley, Serend , stery.
.OFFERS his customers and the public
an entirely new and fresh stock of-Hats;
Caps and Muffs, in great variety, m enu _ilit,
factured and selected with much care In reference 'to
price, style and quality, in New York city; md will be
peered at the lowest rates of present low prices, Whole.
sale and Retail .. ' • • footLttf
.Spring Failtdon Hate.
al• 'hue — beautiful style of HATS for Spring and
Summer wear. will be introduced 27119 DAY at 102
Wood street, third, door below Fifth st.
feb23:4mc G. IV. GLASSGOW. '
Received at tho' OLD. stand of G. W.
GLASSGOW. 'Beebe ls - Co.'ls 'Pall style of Hata for
1850.. Those in want of a good Hat or Cap, at a small
adeange above cost for Cash, will please call at No.loB
Wood streets Oast side, third door below Fifth street.
aug3l:4m - -
'kb Steamboat Owners, Capinlna eau Clerho
S. H&yEN is prepared - to furnish steamboats
y .'.with every
article, in the book and sultionery
line on the most reasonable terms. Freight bOoks, pa
Sage books, registers; journals, ledgers, wood and gene •
ralveceipt books, crew registers r hand ledgers, receiv
ing and discharging memorandum book ink, lead pen
.4il92 quills, steel pens, sand, wafers, India rubber, tr.e.,
lee. Steamboat bills, deck. passage receipts, .freight
bills, manifestheads, notices to consignees, /to., on the
shortest notice. llookstore ' on the cornerof Market and
Elsecrad streets. • , • Inev2s
• ' •
-•••- • '
• • • -- . . - • - • • , , , .- ,"
- - • ". ' '
' ^ -
gutiltatitat OWL
Age tot Diffeicnt Lines of Piteket
205 LIBBBTY ST:; Firrasyriton:
Far TV. SYRNES ¢ CO, 83 South :strati New York ;
38 Waterlog Road, Livrr.4nroi.,: and 65 Oravier. street,
._, , „
'Er 4. 4 3, - A:•LiNE OF PACKETS galling ever , five days
_ll from Liverpool to New York; a Line of Packets
from Liverpool to Thiladelphia, on the, 18th of each
month; a Line of Packets to Baltimore on the ,
each month. :Also—a Lino of .Packets on the Bth and'
94th of each month from London and Portsmouth to
ALSl:Drafts at sight always on hand, for any amount,
at the lowest•
„rates-Air discount ; And all; information
given concerning passengera r that can be .. given, with,
pleasure, by their Agent. JOHN 'THOMPSON,
- ' Jaa 205 Liberty si, Pittsburgh.
New arrangements.
N . ;n il - ' l 7 l, F AD ' EL P : lA.. K .
. 7 S
. • YO
• - - On the Eighteenth" day of every /ffenth
JANE H. GLlDDE,NiAmbrese Ohado 7 00 lath! .lo th Non
JAMES BROVVNE, Arthur. Child, 1000 tone -lath Dec:
GONDAV; - J: O. Barstow; 650 lona `lBth Jan.
NEVV:. SHIP:- aso •—••• .../ o iii Feb.
. • ,
The above ships are built-of the best Mater a s and af
ter the most apprOved• models foi swittnema,'t =bitted .
with theruodern immoyententslor the comfort ,of.pas
sengers. Their commanders are men of ,known ability.
These packets will take advantage of 'steam tor
botorup the Delaware. : • • , • --
Also, ships selling- weekly from. Liverpool to . New. O
rleans. Passengers can get up the river.ehesp, througli
For terms of Second Cabin and Steerage passage, ap
ply to or address byletter (post-paid),
. fillSontb, street,• Near York ;
36 Waterloo Road ,Liempool;
noviklni _ 205 Liberty street, Pittsburgh:
LlireriCiol..o.nd..L.lctladelphla;Packete t
S42iiingfran; , Livelpooi on iirs Eighteenthe fackaknih.
Ship Jane B. Glidden, Capt. Child,
1E1 ;44, " James Browne ,. : " Child _: :-Dec. 18.
" Gondar, . " Barstow, Jan. 18.
•--;nevv, ' _
These 'Mips. are of' thertargisist class.- The Accommo
dations for aecond cabin and, steerage passengers Are
unsurpassed for comfort, and,tite days of sailing will be. panomaflyadhered to..
Price of steerage, passage 820. Certificates good for
la inondts, or the money refunded if the passengers do
not embark. Apply to _ DAVIDM.BARBOUR,
at John Watt I •
• 261 Liberty street.
Drafts for any amount given upon the Ulster Banking
Company and Branches, the Royalßank of Ireland, or
Spooner, Aturoods & Co••,•Brokers, London. tuovltkam
4 , 4 WHO COMMANDS? 14;f le.
Wno ]rave appointed the subscriber Agent for their nun
valled Lines 4.1%-,Ships from:Liverpool to • New- York,
Philadelphia and Boston.
Let the Friends of Emigrants be careful to have their
arrangements made according to the new ProtisionLerw,
and take no man's receipt, without having it inserted;
otherwise they will have to pay in Liverpoot,be fore they
following She is the list, according to law:
lbs. Brea, i 7,1 2 lbs. Beef or Pork,
1. " Flour d , a f pint Vinegar,
5 " Oatmeal, E lb. Sugar, •
.2 " Rice, Molasses,
"'Potatoes, 2 oz. Tea,
With three quarts of Water per day, and sufficient 1 •
for Cooking. . .
The' caboose and cooking-ranges for the use of Pas
nengets, are kept under cover. Every attention will be
paid tapromote their health and comfort. ,
flank of England Mites and Foreign Ezehhnge put
ihaied,at current rates. • • •
Dpbtsi Legacies, Pensions, tee:, colleeted4 and
copies of Wills procured, with every other business con
nected with an European Agent. •
_ Buildings,
..* • , • •• EuroperuhAgenty
uP ,9 I. Tom C corner of Fifth and Wood sts,
To any amount, by
Joshua Robinson
European Agent, Pan Sue/dings, ern Fifa and
New Lane.
.To Saii from PAdaddpkia on the =Ph and frwl Lty s7 Por. l
on ths2Othr of:rack month,
SII/PS Mutsu Pock, 1,000 Tons.
11thgants t r ?..50
Parcartstaixiti: 1,400 t. •
RICHARDSON BROTHE . RS k CO., Agents, Non. 1.2
and 13 Tower Buildings, Liverpool.
RICHARDSON, WATSON k CO., Agent - , No. 6
Chestnut street, Philadelphia •
MICE subscribers, Agents for the above Dine of splen
did new Packet Ships at this City, are prepared to
furnish passage: certificates to parties residing in thin
country who may be desirous of sending for their friends,
to come out by either of tbe above Ships. They are also
prepared to remit money-to any part of,the Old Country
by sight drafts on the Bank of Ireland and Branches, and
Messrs. Richardson Brothers & Co, Liverpool. For
particulars, apply to or address
No. 144 Liberty street, Pittsburgh
/03N.P/1 Limn:ulcer?.' c.
(Lan: J. S.Sriucuza& Co.)
Mannheim% at Phenix Piro Proof Safes,
Second strat,bettoten Wood and Smithfield.,
N Tuesday afternoon, July ^.3,1815, the undersigned
I,J were called upon by Messrs. lapt encott & Barr, to
witness an honest and fair test of one b, their Phainix
Safes.. The furnace being prepared,tao Sate 'it placed
inside thereof,with books, papers andiome money . , when
the door of the Safe was closed and the fire kindled at
quarter past 2 o'clock, and in d short time the Safe was
red kot, and continued till half past 6 o'cloek - , being about
four and a half hours, when the committee expressed
their saiisfactipn that the time occupied with each beat
was sufficient.. The furnace was then pulled dawn,Safe
cooled, and door opened—the books, papers and money
safe. The heat was so great ak to melt off the brass
mountings. We therefore take pleasure In recommend
ing these Sates to the public, as being, in our judgment,
entirely fire proof. JARVIS &TRABUE,
' - C N
I am engaged "in the found!y business, and know
something about furnaces and heat. I - Witnessed the
burning or the above Safe,and can freely say there was
no humbug about it, and with pleasure recommend them
to the public as being, in my judgment, entirely fire
proof. • ' Whl. NAME.
In calling upon the above gentlemen for *hell' signa
tures, they e II spoke in the highest terms of the fairness
of the test,, and their fan confidence of the' Safe's being
entirely fire-proof. We have constantly on hand and fot
sale a full assortment of the above Safes.
mar3l BELL & TERRY.
The Old Printing. Establishment.
A -
nd Blank Book and Stationery Warehouse.
'Err S. HAVEN is piepared to execute eve y . style of
yy; Legal, Coinmercial, Canal and' Steamboat Job
Printing and Book Binding;. and tarnish' every article
in the Blank Book, - Paper.and Stationery line, at the
shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms.:
Blank Book and Stationery Warehouse, corner of
Market and and Second streets.
f1:7" Printing Office and. Book' Bindery, plc. Third
a teet. novl6'
Wholesale 'awl. Retail.
OBERT R. HARTLEY, begs leavd to ilil
form; his friends and-the Public acceicliY,
hat he continues to occupy thatlarge and com-
mod ions Store Room, formerly occupied by &mac F
estock & Co., N 0.66, corner of Diamond alley and Wood
street, where he keeps a large and general assortment of
Saddles, BridlOhHarness Trunks, Carpet Bags, Saddle
Bags,Valises, Buffalo Robes , Whips, and all other art'.
ales to his lino.
lid also keeps constantly on hand, mid prepared .to
furnish to order, all kinds of Riveted Rose,manufactured
of the , best =ltalia!, and in a style of workmanship equal
to the eastern manufactured article, arid at 66 per cent.
Country Iferchanits and Farnurs would do well to call
and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere, as
he is determined to sell first rate articles at very low
prices. • -
Er Don't forget the place, No. Si,corner of Wood
(root and Diamond Alley. • . ttri2o
New Lig L ht: —,
TiirvyE have received a lot of AMPS of various sizes
_and kinds, of a new construction , that is quite
simple and complete—some ornamental. • •
Also, the article to burn in ' them, called "BURNING
FLUID," or " ETHERIAL OIL." li has rare quttlities
which recommend it to the attention of Steamboat men
Hotel Keepers and Housekeepers. For cleanliness
economy and brilliancy, it surpasses anything portable
nowin use.
Persons who please to call on us will be shown the
peculiarities of the new compound •
• sultan' supply of the Fluid and Lamps kept by
I st, between 'Wood and.hlarket sts.
day associated themselves together nailer. the firm
of Srtarynn& BAINES, forthe transainett of the ,'Wbbl,e
sale Greeetr, .Produce and' - Commission tlnsindletvat
Nos. 130 nadaTd• Second strocr, between Weed and
Smithfield streets. , . .
Pittsbingii,Atignit iplB4o,
. .
~lransportatwn inW -.
r•itagaq%6 iatikenorairarr
MY Hours to PhdaddOttial-243: /llHei:ll4ritadL4ol-
LINE STAGE COMPANY. Six daily lines: of
new Coachek.nn Hollidaysburg, and thence by the new
Pennsylvania Railroad to Philadelphia, New York. and
Baltimore.' • •
During tbeenspension of an ‘1 daily
lines of Coaches will leave fat Hollidaysburg, and ham
thence by the New Pennsylvania Railroad, (42 miles,)
to Philadelphia. Time througkatrfiatira.- .
Fare to Philadelphia. • .... ..... . -..511,00
Fare to Baltimove .......... 10,00
Coaches will - leave every , ifirirning at 8 o'clock pre
cisely, and every night at the same: hout. ,Ettras to
leave at any time, always In readiness. This is the most
direct, =llona* and cepeditious route to the. Eastern
'Passengers for Baltimore take the now Railroad a
Harrisburg, direol,.oa . the , arrlval of the can at tha
place. For passage or information, applrto
W. R. MOORHEAD, St. Charles HMG!,
d or to J. P. HOLMES, Monongahela House.
rwmarrr , rnass am, urn inioarrsr aotrrn .
1 ' The iteamer THOMAS SHRIVER,
‘' • litsstai, Master; leavei Pittiburgh; from !her
w• ar oat, above the Monongahela bridge, daily, at 4
&chick; P. M. and West Newton al 8 A. M., runrung to
connection with' a daily line' of splendid Troy built
coaches to Cumberland, and Railroad, thence. to Bahl.
more and Philadelphia. .
For further information enquired' . • •
• G. M. RUSTON,:
Passenger Agent, Itionoagahela'House;
ur, Capt. JACOB•SMITfI, ,
Through in 4 - Days to Pill/eddy/Uzi and Baltimore. •
lE take pleasure In , anitouncing to the 'Merchants
ot Pittsburgh and the Western Business comma:
n ty, that on and after Monday, the 10th Sepumbsr_, we
will receive and :forward goods via 'the Central; Hall
road, and guarantee them to be through,in,4 ; days.
Oar .exterusivisstock of Cars and Boats enable us to
oiler the above expeditious route to the 'public, whilst
we still continue our usual Lines via Harrisburg 4nd
Columbia. Merchants wishing - goods brought from the
East with certainty aud , d4patchtau lows rarboycli . prii.
duce shipped there, are invited to callow , ,
CONNOR & CO, PhiladePa.,:..
Proprittors pt ihs Pittsburgh Dansportation Line.';
Or the following AgentsP- -
O'Connor & Co, 70 North street, Baltimore.
E. Block, a Battery Platte, New York.
Elliott & Young, 14 Doane street, Boston.
I t tib 4rfilk PO
rt.ftble. Born •.,
1860 . -aft=
NEW YORK, 130ST-ONi - ere. - - •
•- Pialburgh. !
THE Canal being now open the proprietors of this
long established Line are as usual at their old stands,
receiving and forwarding - Merehandize and Produce at
low rates, and with the promptness, certainty and safety
peculiar to their system and mode of Transportation,
where intermediate transhipmentis avoided, with its,
consequent delays and probability of damage.
/Merchandise and Produce shipped East or West, and
BIIIs Lading forwarded freed( charge for commission,.
advancing or storage. Raving no interest direct/y(4 in
directly in steamboats, that of the owners is !Melt 'con
sulted when shipping their goods.. •
All communications to the following Agents promptly
attended to: 'THOMAS BORBIDOR,
N 0.278 Market st.,Philadelphla• - '
TAAFFE & O'CONNOR, 'P'°Fnihns•
Cor. Penn and Wayne sta., Pittsburgh; ,
Aors - rs—John M'Callogh & Co., 63 honh et: , Ealt F.
B. Burke & Co., 2.5 Doane at., Boston W. & J. T. Tap
seott & Co., 66 South st, New Work,; Jaz: Wheelwrig l t
f ladMi 185 0 .
• • .:• .
mierch.nv s Trinkiportaticrim Jane* • -
FOR the Transportation of turd Peon=
from Pittsburgh to Philadelphia end Baltimore, (via
Canal and Railroad,) tort/taut re-shipping—time,lo days
Rates of Freight always as Law as any other responsible
Linn C. A. lIPANULTY it Co., Proprietors,
Canal Basin , Pittsburgh. •
AoRNIS ROBE IkiErtBILL & Co., Balt.
AYNOR, Philad7a.
. • • , ,
Merchant's Viray:Freight lariat
TUICLUSIVELY for the accommodation Of.lllo WAY
12j BUSINESS between Pittsburgh, Blairiville, intuits
tewn, Aollidaysburgh, Water street, Pa:; and all inter
mediate places.. •
Shippers by this Line can always depend upon having
their goods promptly forwarded and delivered at any
point on the Canal or Railroad, at fair rates for freight.
JOHN MILLER, Proprietor.
a. R. CANAN, Johnstown.
JOHN MlLLER,Hollidaysburg-.
inars C. A. APANULTY tr. Co Pius.
- -
' flattating Bottle Jactka. , '
MAE subscribers have received &tether small lot of I
superior Bottle Jacks, direct from Sheffield, war
ranted to worlewellf- In 'presenting this article , to the ,
notice of the public, the subscribers deem it, necessary
to remark;that dur:ng the last five years . they haVe sold
several dozen, and as far as we have been able to aseee=
tain they have given entire satisfaction To such as do
nor understand what. is meant by a bott/e 'jack, we
world explain that it is machinery , resembling clock
work; but much more powerful, enclosed in a brass
trams; and worked by a-strong steel spring; that Its ac
tion is alternate, and regulated by a horizontal fly wheel;
to which is suspended the joirt of beef, or any other
thing to be roasted; that the machine when fully , wound
up wilt continue in motion for two or three hours. The
Jacks are generally' used with a screen or a large tin
reflector, which greatly accelerates the proof . or roahts.
ing. For sale, with or without screens.
.deml3 corner of Market d Second sts.
Now.,Eugband Live Stook : lisuratieo Co,
Important to Farmers, Dairymen els: others.
CAIIAINN, Milkmen t 'keeperi of Livery Stables, and
all others owning live stock, can have their lives in.
s ured for the stnallitremiura of frora fifty cents to twc.
dollars each. -
The cost to insure Cows owned. by utillraten, -
year, will be about thirty-five cents a .head, AVha
unlchraaa owning twenty Cows would not give Seven
dollars to have them lusursd for one year.
C. A. COLTON, Agent,
At the General Insurance Agency . ;
octUt. cor Alth and - Wood ski., up struts.
Bounty. Land Warrants.
riIDE SUBSCRIBED, who was in Michigan, Wisnon
i sin, Illinois and Missduri;in the Fall of 1&19, with
the view of_examming the Public Lands, ond an *the,
months of March or April next, will revisit those States
and also lowa, and from the knowledge be ba&acquired,
be enabled to make the most favorable location& for per
sons holding Land Warrants. His charges will be mo
derate to any person who may be pleaseo to employ bim.
If by letter, (post-paid,) to LUKE COCKSHOOT.,
37 Diamond alley; Pittsburgh
ItmarAcis--.Capt. Robert Porter, Attorney, Fifth:it.;
John Taylor, Pension Agency,2d st 4 Edward Snowden,
Attorney, Fourth st.; J. B.:(itithrie, Agent,. Fourth st.;
Capt. John • Herron, Penn st 4 John Cartwnght, Caller,
Wood st.; D. Tatlorgan do Co„ and J. D. Morgan, Dnm
gist, Wood street. (novls:3m
Bounty Lando.
CAPT:-NAYLOR, No. 163 Third street, 'comer of
Cher .y alley, having made arrangements at.Wash
ngton for the purpose, wilt proem* Bounty Lands for the
officers and soldiers, their widows and , childreivunder
the Bounty Land Bill, passed SeptembertlBt6,lBs6. .
Pittsburgh, Oetobet 10.
Bounty .bands.-
A RR/Noma:lsms having beeii made le tivieti.the
XL. undersigned and E. B. GRAYSON, Esq , of `Naafi-
Sngton City, (late of the Treasury Deparune.nt,) for the
purpose, the undersigned will procure Bounty Landis
for the offseers and soldiers, their widows and : children;
under the Bounty Land Bill, passed September .28th,
1850. - - JAMES F. KERR: Attly. nr.La*; •-
oetW dth st., bet. Smithfield:lnd Cherry alley.'
Bounty Land—,Soldiers' Blatutp.
ml undersigned condnnes the business of Agent for
1. Soldiers' and Mantas , ektirrutor'Edunty Land and"
Pensions. Office on Fourth street, opposite the Mayor's
office. toct2 5 :1 ... JOHN B. GUTHRIE.
•• Irish and Scotch Ni7blilieyri' .
WARRANTED PURE—Price $2 J e; per gallon,:ox
62je. per quart Fr eate by MORRIS &ICA
TH in the Dimond.. • -.ftlees
James P. florlbsch, ,
AND /I Watt
- -
Foreign and Domestic Wbus, Liquots, Cigars; it,,
Di 0.107 Liberty at. corner or Barker's alley,
novl9l ,r Pittsbu , gh Pa.
A//FORM * & flAwokaft. Tea Localer3, east Aldo of,
in the Dian:fond. Try their .. 60c, Teal
13, RIDDLE ROBERTS, Attorney at Law. - Office'No
♦ 132 Smithfield street, between. Filth and Sixth.
Collections carefully, attended to—speclal attentio
given to Conveyancing. fdeelly
Printer''( Varga
JUST RECEIVED a supply of Printerli Cards ivory
surfaced, satin surfaced, satin enamelled, India and.
People's colored Cards. - _ • -
Always on hand, an excellent article Jo book and
news Ink ; also, red, blue and 'green Inks; front the
manufactory of J. D. At'CrePT, NeW York. •
. ,
Printer, Dookiellii and Stationer;
garner oflllatkat and Seminidttts.
R um. surrEtt- ! • 3 bbic treat torsalo.bk
011tifaUe of ' ittalsorgh ,,
sU'AVE yon all heard now cheap. C.A. BIiOWN is
JOU seHing ha stock of fine Hold JEWELRY? If you
have not, then. know Mat he Is selling a. end
fashionable as/ortmentpf Geld, WASICRES and JEW
mazy itt,such'l4lolsishlng low Prier's Mat all who have
Called his assOrtment and prices, eXclaltarkhls,
certalnli; is something new for Pittsburgh. What: flue
gold Jewelry selling at half the usual price! How can
this be? Stop te MoMent, 'will tell you the secret ;
we have made such arrangements with the' etanufactu
rers at the teat,' and also, with the WatCh mannfactal
rera of Europe, that we are getting ill our goods at the
lowest possible .ptices, and then, having low rents to
pay, and other expenses, alto " "
cheap, enables as to eel!.
at yltfl Opp ; prefix; tiposAro cost, and„theretore, a
wholesale price will
.answer. 'Therefore, low vices
and large sales will be oar menet:
Please call' at 11l Market street, second door from .
Liberty street. rdr..cl9l k C. A. BROWN.
. .
Dr. Olisurlea
HONGEOPAIVIC PHYPIOIAN, had •teontried his
officiate Penn street, - Ne.21314 (between Hand street
end Garrison . . rdee3o
Adailnlstratarts Notice:
El/11118 of Administration on the estate Of Anthony
dJ Beelen, dec'd., late of ,Piusburgh, having been
granted to the subscriber, all fieriest' Indebted to said
es:stelae requemed ta mike Immediate paytnefir to el
ther,of ua and all s i ezt n em i s holding claims; against satct
estate wilt present dulp,araltenticaterl for settle
ment, at the Warehouse ate!) , occupied by,:sald Antho
ny Beelen, No. 88 - Third 'street- '
dec2slm GAZZAbI„,
Central Tea sand •IPassitil/li. 0 . . r score
1111 E fuiest Qualities of Green am4•Blaele 'SEP D IA • No:
"cha,' Java and 'RIO 'M r ;
.I,Overisig , s : Re
ed t and Crushed SUGARS ; New Orleans, Orleans, Bt. Laois
Refined and Havana do; best eh:RAISINS ;.Citron,
Lemon. Peel, Prpnes,Dates, tec., far sale by; : . -
'•'.-.. ' - • - ' '
No. 20 nth atreet
,•:•• • , i • aeon , 011,) , ftturrlicara.
XTO.HSI. St. oAsie• •atreeit, Aug/n.4118 bridge,y—a
.L' large cisseitmecit of our own, make constantly. oa
Castomer SHIRTS made to orfierr promptly.
. • • • ""'211114.
W artier/7 Holism ' •
4 :;k iiiTe nE cede l d n' l n* ,.ki n g:P.t r aditafta
fY Inthispeopular establishmentAlinouneep to
••• this frlendsand the public g6nerally, that he
wilt as, hie best drone to keep up the well earned and
'long enioyei reputation of the house. . ,
-He wiltkeep constantly on hand every deliettcy of
the imager), GamiriSuletr. and 'CAM Orarass L &c.; and:his
Bart will small times be supp li ed with the cum mrs Lt
'woks. [deathly.] W. C. °AMAMI lIER.
fteniovali •
• .
'PRE PElLlirf TEA STORE has been removed liom
Fourth street to Np 98 Fifth street, onetlOtor cast of
the~lllschanggo Bank„ where the sobscriber Is new re•
celvuighlf, fall stock of GREEN 4LND BLACK •TEAS,
seleetedsrvith great care, add purchased direct froru,the
ItaperteraftnNew,Yorki , The snick consisui of all the
difiemut fivers'/end grsules of Tea brought lathe Ameri
can' market, and Will be sold .wholr_sale asutretall; at
Inlets loWer Man any other house in Pittsburgh. , •
. Retail Grocers are .invited to call 'and let:samples,
and learn our prices for Teas packed in -I and i • 8t pack
ages, or by tha nail chest. .„
Cures—Mocha, Java and Rio Coffee.
Chocolate—Baker's Brom, Cocoa, Chncolate and Co
coa Shells..
• Sugar.;-Lovering's crashed and pulverised, and New
Orleans Sugar.
. Raisins; Prunes, Arc.
• dect4
d‘ Cold Veet.” • • •
- uErE respeetfally inform oar friends and the public
VT who sailer from .` cotd feet?" that we have work
ed up some very fine real Lambs Wool Yam into men's
Socks, whica we axe satisfied will wove most durable
and comfortable to the wearer.
Also -A lure supply of Undershirts and"Dralers of
every quality_
. The. Old Establiihed Stocking Manufsztoryi Filth st.
' -deed W. DALY 4 CO. -
To the Ladles.
ne black - riot Lambe Woof STOCKIN ‘ i S, which
are 'softer in the wool sad more durable is the &Worthen
any we have heretofore made. -Every article in the
Sock, Undershirts and Orawerts, ladiee and cluldren's
underclothing, made to-order with punctuality. -
The Old Established Stocking Aleaufattory, Fiat:L.ld:
alga • W. DAL Y.•&:CO. •
nuts raustsrs• • ••••••••, -------- ‘ • •,••••• • .., -- • . '4asucelitr;
•' ' ' il' A: Vt . la TT . A . co,L, D
.-.., (Bisect Santa to late Erm of John Sherif & n.)
. . . . . _ . ..,
BELL 'AND . BR fk , S FOUN D ERS,. .. .
.• of Brass Paticets,.Stearn and. Gas
Cocks, irith all the'oaiious efrtielea
, . . . teed in the P L Chia ING •nusi
.- • .
•NESS,No.. 1.27 and US Eintstrect.
.• , .
The above are now prepared to manufacture and keep
constantly onltind every variety of Guile and Swam
Cocks, such as are used by - Engine builders and Plumb , .
ere; alto, Gas Chandeliers, Pendentl, -Brackets, Gait
Pipe, &c., &c., &c. ' .. . . '• • • Inov2ii.
Removal. HE ...
subsen Dere have remcryed from No 57"
totho Warehousereeentlq occupied by lime, May
No:23' Writor et; [mi2] REEY,PiIArrNEWS fr. •CCr,,
W„:- 1307 X, -• • ... ..... • .... .*. • "-• • •-•, c.l.4ltra;
Flown & Par7s,
AV IDTG' taken, to . the business of.PLIr- Benittn4d,
flown;Wholesale Grocer, Prolter and Confection
er, would respectfally solicit-a • continuance ••ot tbe Paj
tronage so liberally.bestowed upon •theirpredeeesser,
and would call the attention of the public in general to
the stock of goods kept in theirestablishment. which:for,
quality . cannot be surpassed in this city • • • •
Foreign Fruits, Confectionary, Picktes, Spaces, Pre-; serves, serves, Sardines, cps, &c., 2/43 form part of;their stock
now on hand,and all of the above articles have been
selected from. the best eastern houses,- '
A 'lle* stock of goods in the above line ate daily arti!
vir lst 8.- - .Retaiters and cothitty storekeepers willtrnd it
to their advantage to give ; a a call.- . . lobtLt
• .R.oallery.l Raillery' 'Haste try r
-Ix TA". DALY. & Co. have fer sale; at the OLD ESTAB- ,
streets between Wood and Market
,600dozems, men'a undershirts (all wool) at
400 r . " ," merino .
• 150 *‘' ' " drawers " 1,00
3do " • " '(alCtioel) ". 450 -
,1000 •of,.fleecy Chamois, and far lined hacksk ,
lambs wool and silk 6 10 Yes . 0( everY quality :;
color; adeptedier w intetwears.
600 dozen of ladies black lambs wool stockings; made'.
of. fine • Amerietui and. Merino wool,. with_ three threads'
1000 doze ns of children's plaid and neivfancy Styles of
gomelastle tops:
75 dozen of cluldrenSpolkas, jackets, uintillas t mnifs;
'victorines, 'gaiters and boots. An immense. variety. of
the above goods have beea manufactured ' and selected
. with care, for our own trade, and will be' sold at . prices'
which will defy all competition. (Journal copy.).
Central Tea Store r
• Col7ltrOf Fifik.Slroet and.ltrarkst Andy., .• ,
TUST 'RECEIVED, a large and well Selected clock of
ty.FRESII•TEAB from the Importers, comprising the .
.very b est.,qualities of Green and Black Teas, which:
Will be sold on the most favorable terms, wholesale .and.
retail. The attention of Families is respectfully Invited
to the assortment.. : . HENRY C, KELLY.
[eV.Dr, yya Pemale Beirttitsstek,
'-. • • '•
rpuE FALL. SESSION pi' this Institution will cony
1. meneeiin Wednesday, October 30,1850..P0r Tema,
ae:;; please - 'See Circulars at Mr. Melloes; 81 - Wood
street, and Mr. George R. White's, Market street.; ".;1•;;,•'''
In addition to the thorough systemor, insiruction.par,:
sued by thd Principal, as vouched for by Ciotr. , 4ohnstok
and Bishops Upcold Mod Pinter, the Semlnarrpreitents ,
considerations, which be deemed'of some moment,
in the limited number, ,01, its boarding rupi15,..(25,);" its.,
retired situation, and especially,. its not being coattal
ons to anf.e.ollege or Sclioolibr boys.' , • , L .-
pr. Rillikelly may,be found attheMonongehela House
for a few days;tnt will be happy to wait en those desb.
ri=seeitua trt'reference to the geldel.
suck at Triz Clkt—lion. Charles Shafer; 'Sohn
IT. Shoenbergeri,Esq.• Poi. Wilson M."Candless.... ' •
Oyster Saloon and confentlonstry
trillE subscriber respectfully infonna his friendlv
jj the public, that he has removed, to No.-.30,,5t. Clair
strto -one - door from Pean, where' lie bat opened a..
will kseP a 4 Ys on hond..eVel7 article In kaoline Oft
business, ft sh and sweet. Oysters. served op in the:'
shell; stewed or fried, to snit all tastes. Also ) on hand,. 7,
a supply of Bruits of all kinds, , Rickles;&c.., &e. - •
hi ORRIS & HAWaRTII, iu the Diamond, have Just
01 received from the Old Country, and'°Ter for sale
low for cash• • • - • . • • • ,
English Pudding Raisins;
Candled Orange and Lemon Peel p.
• ' - English ; ,
Pine Apple Rum;; • -
London flat,• •-• •
Irish 'Whiskey:
Also front New-York
- . Cooking Basins and Currants
Rich" Grape Juic e; • .
Cocoa and Otneolate---ail kinds;
Ground; Spices; •
_Wines and . Brandies of _every--
"GlitENCti-E9LISEING PASTE—The best Comptril'A
tion for cleaning and removing spots froar
Furniture orevery descriPtion. The apidication isT e
ceedingly simple, and the effect is instantaneoni andtasting -
Pull directions for use on each box.
For sale the Durg Store of
-- -. •
corner of Wood and Third - sm. '''"
L)ETROLtUM—it 'certain cure tot DISIStdrCgA t
disease-very - prevalent this hot weather the tore '1
ruoner of Cholera. Try it For gal by - - .-
jyfj KEyjw___ .x)vvE om
Loit... T a, Pocket .Book r 777
DETwEEN ,Diamond alley l9B 14Veity: street,
witft papentin It that are a n t) o nee' to D. 134 . 4 7 / 1 11 but
the owner. The - finderwill be rewarded and reetiTe
the thanks of the'owner, on leaybg it at 188 Liberty - at.
Jana 1t. 8..111.14m/iND.
t ` `Si
;: .
NO. 102.
33 Fgth st