The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, January 21, 1851, Image 1

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ommt; -nc.
..:iliAttl - .Mt.iit..l4oolosti.::'
Pawudintaiewispiakitit ittoptiii(Suid° *ze gad ' )
G' U.A4 rani,
.11outiioximet cuttrai br'itripon
:•, grritilVaA-Fiyet . Dollagi - a :sitilivbaflkhlib
• MOGI( Algthe l li ii rV i rrrAk+t 4 , lo4 .
Dar SingiA..endei Two ezNis-ftitiisii (thWCiPaler
thtlice an% by.jhe trews Bova. • •
t L; • a VpituAir atokurisa.V.ollll.,.","..
eblish 11 the larger*l" *'
* p e rtl• e sante office r :on a. an et
.81;4 steely at. TWO. DOLLARS a , year, to advade
• •,A rit copies nom came. -. • •••:.•••.• •. •
. ,No paper will be discontinued (=lass at the dis:
ere nof the proprietor ) antic all arresragea ere paid. i!
1:17" No attention will be paid to auy order naless aec•
easspaatedinstlie teener:lor satisTattsirii?refeteneelit this
alyt Connected with chit aiabilliteurst of the Morning
• Post is one of the largest Job PrirstistOffiertis-elie city
When all kinds of-work done trs.eite.sleoslett notice, and
. most fiiisonidas . •
' ^.' ' • • '
RATES OKAIXV-titil6fi4iii.;.l
• -- AGSM:a:UPON -4" ., 7•1t:f
sy rx,ETE Prftantraillt:Pidlis
IL, • • •• , • •
q • tine sqnare, oneAuserd 011:: 4•4;.'••••••••• • 513
, . - • •-• -ettelisulditionatitiwiion••*-4•--•••
. . " one week 75
• i. . .i• taro *netts .i . AOC
. three 'wee ..... 4 . ,
. , one month ••••••• •-• -•-• • ••"` " 00
• • .•''• • • two months,." ' ' •••••••" -' 7 „ . °° • „„
three months • 4 . 4 V L.:
.• • i , rime months. '..+•L-1000
nix months • • -•••-• • • • ^^ - •,••••' - '7.. :1 ° . '
- . i one IS 00
Standing.tlarrtisit• less,per ennum• -••••• 10 0 0
On e-square, per umlaut; (ex elusive of tho:Operl• 75 . 00
For each - additional square,lttSetted - over one month,
and for each additiongsquate inserted nnder.the yearly
rates; prin. • • •- • . • . •
not `accountable advertisements " beyond' e amount clusrged for their publication •,
Ammureitg candidates' tor 'office* to be charged . . the
. linens as :miter advertisentetus.. • - • -' •
Advertisements notmarked•on the copy iota speeibed
' number ot.insertiOns x wilkba,conttneett-til) ferbik and
pnyMent exacted accordingly:: • •
' • . The privileges of:yearlyadvertisers will hi.cortrined.
Xigidly:lo theu.regular business, and all other.adocelise
:. merits not pertaining to their. regular business ea agrees;
'tor, to be paid extra. - • - , •., .
All advertisements for chneinible institutions, doe
'edarpitnies:.ward, towarhipland. other public Dueling%
• : and such like,tiibceltargeilbnifptice,payablecrnicrut
Marti - nee tioricer4bet;eitrirgill ;50 . cents. • • •i• :
- .Destro:notices inserted without charge, =leer . ac earn
,ponied bylaneral invitations or obituary • notices, anit;
so_accormutied, to be anal - or. . ,
Regular advertisers, a rul all others sending tomm:ini,
'eations.or requirinrpoticesdeSigned to call anention to,
Faint, Soireer, tloncerts, or any public enteriainmente a
wlwre el'lrtrea M . Ol l lOllO for .admatanceall souses of
yri sate a sAa cLitionfr,-.-every notice designed call at
.. -tendon in rietsate - emeritelses.calculaded oi intended to
• promote midis Waal intcrest,ean'only beiitwrtedtvitb too:
understanding thatthe Same is to be paid for, -"If intend
ed to be inserted iq the local colmen,llie same
charged arthe retie of - ;not lest than ten tents•par line.
; :_itiobbpior Fist NOtices to be,chtu•gede.
• "'Tavern LieetiserPetitions,ft,oo'eueb.•-•:.4 - : 1 / 2 ;
Legal Mid Medical Advertisements toluroliitged. et.
Cult prices.
. Real Ferate Agent. and Anetionenrs , Advorticeteentir
.not to he tinueunder yearly rates, but to be allowed n
digetwn•oflitirtr-thret and one.thint percent from the
• nnurantot. WU'S: • - • -
..WEEKLIV4)R 'Vitt-meen.y . IN DAILY PAPI.:RS.
• Out esquhre,thren ' '
or 2...ttlich additional insertion:-.:t , .t. , 0 37
p i nes iiiiar4;ivirjfikeio truertion...• ;SO__
•- • 'each •additional insertiort.•e,••'••e«.. , '..." ,syza
A Ilintn•ient advertisements to rte paid
' I.7 tUItTE A CO., Gazette._ - •
T y : ; HARPIkai Peet, •'• Lt• ;
• • ,- .ROB'r, R DDLE", Yourrtal:
.. • _ '. JANES P. BARR & Ch"roniele.
' ";= - . 1 -FOSTEItreBROTEESIt; Diaantelt:
..13ec,1'41349:r4ADIES W. DIDDLE Amerman:
te. URGE, Auorioiltafliti,yonoti•griet;shea
. Wood; • st, above
: - ,SA'r'''' - 41 1 ` 4 t,li=.7`,"w` -4 )fficeocolit,r,
Cs'AELANDGL9I23IIS, duotas4oo.l4*--OfEce 4th
= V.,'.ll.tHiVeAVOOll. • . . • Jaly4-7
fiIIiOALILS AL MARSlULL;.Astarney a; Lm - Otsce r
Fox . • ilz7-17:.
41, - I'd:A' ' , • es to-0 "eeon a.
-'.• *Ls tkiiircePOWlTY*llCr andAigint st. DeZir
SROWITS OFF/CE4 Vir qoAs, Diamond alloy ? neat
eiod'aireet.. • ' • obi .
WC...AWRY, Attorney end Wail - dings on Omni street.
--T • SCOTT, Desalt, VOur th SI,Svo doors areal of Mar
: ,; All Work warranted, addif . .stost perfectly' am
! isfisztort nis charges will beltsdo: • • • • • feta°
. 110 4MOVAL;--Dr. ittit;er=Cuydd.r) . 1 1 11 s removed Ms
.otheect§ pourdi 'teem betvvees Wood and Smith
:te-.lil streets. • . matLs4y
IT L NARRAC/11, Attorney at Law—office inpayearespe
B,:ildings t . on iGnlnt street,' opposite .tho Coon
liotte..' • ; • iY24:17
BARIC6, Attorney at Law . -oEfice, North aide
• of y am ~,tr ez , t , between-Wood end Smititheld i le the
Ante _b u udi , with Alderman Morrow. sepiakly
- Ewa wA
ett :4.IiTZW MAIER, Attorney: at Law.
, 01Irce on Fourth iiilr between Wood and
'-BelOppoutte- Patterson'," MvarY Stable. • aP7-S
- -
F. CiII.,LMOR.. -, , , ABotllgt and courttetlor at
kX.Lerre.z:Otrico temp/idle" Otte 2d door below Chapter.,
arc.Fourtb the odtee T id4 b Y A/ O rman '‘\Til
116r 111 UC 101 4-STEllti,Xamnan!--4; 11 .t e1
tbird.doot ;above Smithfield* Sou:r.," .“ ` e ' -
Canmaciciag of nil kinils ;den with
. 4. 30 gstutest rure
" Iriticoto Real Es uite: izamined,
lOHN , 4:lonry Naar trand Ccnii•eyanetr.—:"olle° in
API - bictettlf , s - Beading, Fourth street, near Sa l i tilfiod,
- , tittalnirgit: Deeds, Bonds, Mortanges,Artiele r. ree•
'bent, and all otherin strurnenta of writing dntwn up 7 1 t4,,
ute=y and dispatch,. TitleS to Real Eitate exuraln.lFG.
• _big ; 0, H. Isms . .......... C. AV,DOWnI.L.
11rMER /a tdcDZAVELL-(anccaumouu To Knaa &
113.,'KuTNTB, ) 1Y/tatesole.6ll4 Radii Dr:wand Prescription
Motecok Tr of Wood.atniat and Viipa Papal
c,aratally compounded night dad
:11O_ /1N 4PARKINSON, - .odertnitts,-Fifth Word; Penn
2.1.: - betwata Walnut and O'Hare sus.; where he may
;ohm found at all ' Those htivinglonses tirother prop=
ea ty to sell or rent, can have the same punctoidly attend
-ed tai-debta collected, and all the duties of an Alderman.-- ...millreceivciyroutpt attention.' -• ' oc2F-p
. .
. • Irt 'MIRY .W. WILLIA.MB i Attoinev
_and Vaunsatei a
UL yaw, (successor to Lowrie fr.. 13trieo
Abe-old stand,-Fonnlrfit; above Smithfield. - •
• THE - Yartneiehip.beretofore existing between ilcury
0 W. Williams. Esq., and mystif,in the practice visite! aw, restitualcoruleut bathe fiCtb ult., and the
businces enll he matter , be co attune d.bp 4 fle n ry. Wit
... Runs, .whom Moss etmeriblly recominend - to all for
whom I iese..the honor to • do businoss—aa a'geritteman
every. way wonby or their confidence, • • .
•i• • • •••.. . • :WALTER , EL LOWRIE. .
•••-• • • • iSstane 1 . - •
TTORNEYIAT LAW-4).trice , in Fourth stfettcnear
Buildingi. . • triku:nr -
:•?•li!+.s .
1 4 8 calae - i -- ` , • , •••••••• • .0 ••••-.l•AKklia; reializga
- . • • • • Itiltelial4a. • Palmer• •
..offtcs-cts Fourvi street., (slew doses - halsie Suribtfield..l
All bleakness ethrusted to . their care j promptly attended to. '
Collectioas'made andpouseyane mg executed on mode- '
rata tersais. • . . febliqf
4a. er-ey 7..pwrio's BaUdlup, Fourth ' street,- between
• - .dmitnEleldand.Graisk • • eps •
' v. • • Dr. Georg* itloCoott
• ' 11011 - AS selected Pittsburgh las his permanent residence;
Ala lie Las taken lhe house latelroteopled by Alder
.man Miller', on•Pourth street; near Grant, ithmediately
a4loluiagens "Lamartihe House." Nis Office is attach.'
reSideace, where he will constantly be found,
• cadets absent on professional duty. -Office hours from 7
• • ..09/10011ra...,e1; to 9 eclook a. ie., and, from sr. ps•
no so
w 5 r.
-" • • .4. • •
S.- .•: N. P.- L. B. Fetterman' ' '
.A TTORNEYSIC LAW—Office on Fourth street, be
< .ItMeen WoOd and Smithfield. .a- • jamisi9
• , .
• W.W. Dallas, •
ITORNEY4y T.A.VV--oHice: - second story Ivi!
kids . . • janatly
a7l -- ' ---- intte king.
.roncEONTOSItTiI STREET, one door'West o
• ILjr 'Weaver's Motel ' ' ' alatlo:3m
' 7 M. OP iii.Obln/SOne
..A TTORNEY AT LAW. Mee No.OD, on Fourth .
4011, .otroor,op• , te. die Mayor's Office. inng3l:l
- • '.. • , •Ya. 8. llliamllton,
.!;;ILIPTDRNEYWrzLAW, tuts removed tri the 'office in
....,. •41W1hatrect t between Wood and Smithfield streets.
',!•;;• onossrlytoccupted by Thos. Hamilton, Esq., deed;and
_:. ,willattendrOthe business remaining unfinished upon his
, .dootet
. -
1 • • Lithographic iistabllahnient or
irrouri orrOiors ? n$ eon-omen; 'mammas.
-..iurAisiLankscapes Bill-beads Labels.,
DI 'Architectural' and i Madan° 'Drawingsrßasiness
and VisitingCards,ete., Engraved orDrawn on Stone,
and Printed in. Colors, •Gold,-Bronze or Black, in' the
most approved style and et the:inoet reasonable pder,s,
. . . • . . . • • •
UNGLISFIGIN- , -For sales by she'qiudiraii Jar bar:
WA :44 (may 31 4 ) MOMS.
. .
..,.......2.-c.41..--....•-•:-.,.t...••:-:',...... 4 ...; : ."--,• - - - ,.:.••• - m..t . : •• ••• : : , :' , .. - .X.•••••-,7•••••:••••.':•,---... 7 •••••••• " . *:-.•••••••• - ••••••••••••. r• - •-••••:- - . T. , .- - ••••••• - r- --- .Pt• - •"=" - •-•* - 4-- --: '.--:-. ^.1:4'. ,-- -••• •:•• •••••••-• --z, ••,--- ••••:•.-• • • ..--..--... ;:--------.... ' --•••-•,• ---------,•••-• -7- '''-' ''''' ''''"'•-•"••''',"'''''"-- ""- ----:••"--"'""--"*""?....".
,?, .
~,7..; '...;.. : ' -." •., :, =1: . / • •„k 1.. 4 : • - 4 )7 . .... , f• - . ' . .1; .r .' . . t . ...... 7, - i • , , ,L, c , !) -, ,.7,. '. * 'l-', Fr. - p:•:;.' t _ £: :-_, % t".!' .t:tr.l 7 . ,- . 1 - -, *I : c' '''' -', s ei i r %‘•-•• ‘ .4. 7 ' f r . l .
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, •
.' ll % 47 -' 74
. • • ! s' •
' l. 'Z''.:...P4.'4`4-r`
- - Batumi ,-(ltutits
54* 38 girth
ROBINSON, Agent for Hamden &
. ..eirisojSßackfitri Fifth st., one door below Wool. feta
3iITI4WAM JACKSON, Patens dkdfein, Ikpor, 89 Lib,
TV arty street, Intad onVood. febl
MINELISH &ELLIOTT, JAW=llers and Staaancrs,No
170 Malitet wbetartetr Third and Fooith. A febl
9•. , .
It 'Nit :0 ' -Ecornerof 0. , and ti r
:V. HOLMES & SON,Bankertand Dea basin Pre hangs
Al a Cain .and. Bank Wow, N 0.85 Market street. tebl
AUIaVN,-Bett and Brass Founcler,-No, 7P Beeped
. atteet,AetweeiiMerlfet and Ferry streets . . febi
.ILNAGULKS & SANE, Forwordnyr an 4 qommizsia'n
- 111ettolenste, No. 124 Second st., Pillsburgb, Pa. (opt
1/ICTOR 8CR1844 , Booklalieri 'Stationer aag Binder'
rrati.itieet, btanteen Wood and Market.' , jan7 .
CA. MeV ULTY &CO. Forwarding: and Cemmusion
. Van/win; Canal 84stn. • , . umr3
Mir - Fait; arTie:i. ana — . - Produii : Mato, ,No — . - 1 . 58
`VU' Libertrstreet, Pittsburgh. • . " marl 7
• TWIN WOLOSKEYabiIor and Maio., Libetty•otteet .
0 between Sittthhild Viitriniilley,sonth side. settlo •
9 AtaSTEIN, Sias Founder and Gal .Fstur
t...-field street, 0 t, . • t.
• - - -
1.6..exm & OVONNOR, Propne Lammas:p Pi:tarn rgA
.11: Portable Boat Sum earner of Penn tuni Wn ne
DHEY ,- MATTHEWS. & Co., W.toislitirthecers, Corn
trassion.vutd ForwatiliwirMerdharits, 1124 Agentelor
.100gMon cotton Yarns, 57. Water st.;.PiHsbarg.. Dapl.
y~OOLEY.dc LAIRD, Atefrharu 2hilptr; Wood ; meet,
~ i 'seeoitd 'Adair:trim Water, will keep •eadstantly on
hand mviellveleuedibtor Clothing-. ••• marlety
tr . IXErisuceeseor,io.lqukrus ft LET ,) Wool Deatel
ALL. and Ccorimission Merchant, for the sale of Amer ,. can - Woolen Goods: - ' - • i••• • -
Tom. D. MORGAN, Ti7totssais and RitairDrucgits, No
tl-931, Wood street, ono door soudfof Diamond alley.
tNtiA - MOORHEA' 11, tnettsale firdeeteanst Produce
.Ek. Dealers, No. 27 WOOd street, Mali et. h. [my t 7
USEPH WOOD%Velly-bnpertes'and- Dialer in For.
U eign and Darnesdel lardtaare, ' corner of..Seeund end
TOSSER MAJOR, - Soiu. &rote, Ship Maxillary- tut/
Sgeacy of the Attsbnsgh .Lard Oil FoctoryiNo 4,
Market street, Pittsburgh. • .111 1 3.'
• - • •
JAILIZ MAY inateratit Chaco'. Forwarding omit -Como.'
. snip lopk . 'lyayttstreet., betweeit i'il4ret and
_ . . . . , fcbl
acriLLi&C RIM, Banker, and Ezeilangd .Brokere,i'io
;EL 851Vood street, Ciird:dooe below Fourth, west side
. . .
jdritahlkiit & RHAbI, Bankers and - =rearm* 'Brokers,'
,MLeornes otThirgroand.%Voo4 dtrect , .., appositelibe St.
cOotletilotol. , :fob!.
•* , :ntIiNE,STOCK,t..OO4 WAoksok rri'
LP* APtillsleoruer.a. First sad Wood ',feels, and corner
- otWoodand : „au .
o.AMl. l l4....MCWWW;Vanufacturet of Tm, 4:oppef.
A 7 dad Sheet Iron,Nrare,pf . 0 .:17 Fifth street, between
_VI:00d 'and Market. • • ' feblo
W GLENN,Bookbinder, comer of Third and Wood
:": etreehkabove•C. il."Ear f Where he if prepared to
%do everrdetleriptioo rtitiogand binding. • yea
0. aruric.nna ausisal fesstrusunts,Pialtos,S shoot Books,
andStotiooery, 132. Wood street.* j3l4
T!RICAII, ireeniying Distil/87,mM tlitioleoale Dealer
.in Foreign and Domestic Winer and „Liquony, No:
3.11 Libenyatreet, and 53 Diamond alley. t Y2l
1114 NU & FIAiNEY, Agents for the Delateant Mutual
XL - InsimiAer Compaiiy, of PhiladeljAds, at theWare
htonse of King & Holmes, I.Vnter street, near Market.
ela. . . .
• A Ar AI. ALEXANDER & SONS. Crofin tilakers and Fur.
nisliing Undenzkers, tomer of l'eitu. slid St. Clair
streets, opposite th; , . Exchange. Entianco on Penn sleet.
113 ROT & , ;SCOTT,Wei' and 'Remit Ikea; in
litoteg.6 hots, Trunas,- Carpet Ba yr,' • e. S. W. canner
'at Earth and Smithfield sta.. Pan:hues [mrl2:y
.MattsefattuTen rin, Cop
"tr. and Sues/rem Wart. 'They else execute every
'description bf •Blacksmith - Work. Finit street; between
Wend and Market, Pittsburgh. 0e431:y
McStern.. • ',Wilma=DEvirr. W. McMinn
:•:10111 , 1MeDEVITT & SAOS,, Meade Grocers, Deal-:
tio • ere in . Produce,. ?Aubelyh I,Lannfaeletes, and Alet-
ebanliiee „generally, No. 13Conu . uerelal Row, Liberty,
o. surrsomm. • . , J. L. mum.
1100 .
II EYNOLDS SEE, Wheiiiitriefieti4Commission
Xis Merchants, and Dealers in Rags, Paper, ,te., corner
of 'Pennaad Irwin streets, Pitusburgh. Alt 21.2 C. Print
itairaßefeemstautly ou hand.. , _marl:: p
Jotc¢A.Casio !the of New Lisbon, -11 t. Et. Sams&
cl emu ..k.SdifiNhlS, GsnardAgency, Cm:mission and
1,1 .PoerearaingAlcreharar, No. Mt Market meet, Pitts
burgh, Pa.' Prompt attention given to the purchase and
sale or all kinds of produce. • septd
tvm rartama,miumana. " wm. awtattioN, rrrnowasn.
Irk TILLER it RICKETSO2II ) , Magmata Omura, and Im-
AM porton of Brandies, tones and &Tars ;. N0e.172
and 1..4; corner of Liberty and Irwin etreets,Pdtsburgb,
Iroihr!alls,Cotti?it Yarns, &c., coastaatly on hand
. - - --------- -
aOSHUA RHODES, Wholesale Fruiterer, Conjertioner
, and Dealer is Nut 4 and all kinds of Foreign Fruits,
Ho. 6 Wood.street, East side, between Water and Firs
threats, Pittsburgh, Pa.. AU orders in his line carefully
attended to. ' tnar.a)
Q bIIfINLEY, J:lousit, Sign and Ortatnental Painter,
s and dealer in PAINTSi No. 44 Jt-Cloir ter., Pitts
burgh, has constantly on hand all kinds of ['slurs, either
Dry or Mixed; Japan and Copal Varnish; Linseed Oil;
BOACd Oil; Bpirits-Toupentina • Window Glass, of all
sizes Putty, Paint Arnshes, Le., all of the best quality,
and fcr sale at reasonable prices. snot'.
. . . .
' •• , - Issac Williams,
VIT...IICHANT.TAILOR, Smithfield street, N 0.12, be
l— tweenlst mad 2d streets. : itp4r
• _ Dlloreir 4t. Haworth,
• AND., BRANDIES. Sant side of Mr Diamond
Stusburgh• .• : mar2L
=••t. it. RACIER.
• ' Voteltelit Hockey
WV ncr of Wood and Third sweets, ender SL Charles
Notel, Pittsburgh, amyl_
n EMIT • Litiapai:"."..." osoact c
• • Lisider. &Volcker,
,T. sion Verdian% and Dealers ui Produce p corner
Thamond and Diamond alloy. • may!
.UlsiksBl. oungiono. -
Libetty street,opposita work 'lenity
ezzeuted...Orders punctually ottendtd to. Imar.:27
W. lUarahall.
. .
Window Sliadee;F4a•Boaril Prime, aza.ealso,.Wriiing,
Penning and Wrapping Paper-,No 87 Wood sweet, bc
;wean *di at. and Diamond alle Pittaliargh, Pa. Vapid
.` Liquor 'toil Grocery Becire;' , -
B. 811,11111 &BRO;lVhelesale and Roadie riot Liquor
„ o f all ; Floer,, , Bucon,. &e., tonotuntly on
hand.. No, 120 Liberty. street, -between Eilth and St.
'"- • • ^ • mar em .
. • . aelalisFert Wells & co. •
.No . ;:l7Marker streeti Pitliblirgh, Pa., keep constant
iron'lland 'and'make to order, all kinds of Vials,Bottles;
ae.;Porterand Mineral Water Bottles, of dorlertor
Partientarattentioarild toprirate moulds. Inv:10:y
• . Emigration • • -
TAMES BLAILELi Agent for. the Black Bad and
tfr Blank Star Linen,Liverpool and New . York Packets,
and for the Philadelphia and Liverpool Packet Ships,
Penn sttealktittshigh. : .
trATI , TON, • • •
(51ic".iir.31.61::14...T: S. BONNET & CO*.)
.whOessAiteA:lsztert Reelfii!sig
, IN •
plierty.street, Pittsburgh. . up 3
' • )• 7 . • George 8ea1e...1r.,' .-•
AU: RidAn, No. 76 Wood area, Pittsburgh, Pe. Con
stantly on hind, a general and extensive assortment of
au/rime of BRUsli.}lB, at the lowest Eastern prises.
N. 1.1.L-hlaeldne Brushes, &0., made to order au the
shortest notice. . . =fay
- - .L.. 'eV istermass fr.; •
IXTIIOLESALS .GROCESS,,-Commission and For
-TT . warding blercluuna, Dealers in all kinds of Pro
duea and Pittsburgh Manufactured Articles, and Agpnto
for sale of Richmond . and Lynchburg manufactured.To,
Lance.- •• • . mail
aatar..y. !imam. • MILS. DASHES
' •
adp DZALXII3 'Prrrsistraoll NIAIitnTACTUBSD Arricrigi,
Nos. 130 and 132 &tont( sl., bnween Woodland Smil4fitlA
. aulaf• • • Pittsburgh. .
JOSILUA. 11.1.10DT3. • • -•••••••• & P. ,inst9rtz
• • -*JOSHUA 111113 DES &
Nuts, Spices, confectionary; Sagarsiffi ga rg,4. o .iee
WOOD prascr, t... 1211 Eqpt, PrILUI WATZ4I4_
• • • • •T•rstitmem
• • .i •
'L. .. . • ••-•
_ • • STUART & SILI., : 1. •; •
GnOculls ' ' AND Prlontrcz:Costruestote.illiacearrre;
• • ' No. 118 Wood street Pittsburgk . .
+ , ye,
'll Outs,-06ni, Barley, Pork, • Bacon, Butter, Lard,
Cheese; Clover,'rirnothy and Flax Seeder . Iron, Nan.
.Partiaular attention paid to tne saki
of Western ?seduce.. ' ' •
Rsdruttruscus-,alesere.Dly era Hinter, nob' , Mizell
& Hataptda,Sraith & Co.,Eiuger. broorhead,bleGill .
• & Iteo,'Jarnee•lday, Pittsburgh; Fanner
lifarkslgi4ll4oi;a4asgrlsalr Esi, at: Loma ;-• . ettp2l
1 .1,7:-
"; - , ii;O:Seoaktosi . L
T ATE - Tomato& &"'l3tookaa!),.'4looKBELLEK;' STA•P
±, =NEE, PRINTER aind BINDER, corner °Mats
~ket and Tatra streets, Pluolsoutic 41:1=4411
. • • •.,• .....16.44,,atAsuarr.••••
KENNEL/V .' ••
• StrectskOlfe•TO:lirr(ssT• to•-14 - ix.' • '
Wholuaidi artet Beakillkaterrirc WarehesiAmdm:Siteen
, Ware, Fancy and Variety Goods, Cost
N ,
o:1)4 Market 'arse i;betweenSli sl: AM the Diara
Clocks, Watches - and JeSvelry neriqy repuirca.•
• Pitiebareln ,A)1gu 4 49 1 3, 4450, •' • ••; .• • - •
- 'BEM, .ICS't ATE : :
lcrAs opened an Office at the corner:ofilititteldlaisd
ALL • Fifth streehr; Pitlisburgh, known sits the - " Great
Bargain corner." and.will dervote_his entire lime and i.f.?
,tenttort the...Purrhass, ;ale and RaZhangf 4/ Real Es
ln City and country.
From hfs nequaintance4ith thi•btisineu,he hopes' to
satisfy all who , may 'favor Mot vrittr Agenetes in their
line . of business. ..
Thompson Bell,' • *, .Ititli.:lldreer,•
• It„,H..6l'culloogh, . : " V. Perry,
• Geo. F. Gil[mor,e, :Amapa Wilmsfu h . • . .
J. • - "Ciptrlcillian . t fVsir
Thos. Howard,. • W.; O. Leslie.. • flap 0 2:y:
ffitalglis 111.emblo-*Toikai
, . , . :.• 4mSralttaattmliaTO •-• •••
ir 1i,D. 7 / 1 1111:4 D. NIE ItAlt.jiq S r •
-No:qB4.labiny streiu,'ZiusburgA'
KON,UALENTB,I3uriaI Vantts;Tombi, tread Blanes;.
AIL foci ffiantel Piepes,:eutreand Pier Topsoil ways
ott liand and made to order.
N. I.l.—kehoicO Selettion of Dinivingifint hand! . j
• • '.• Jobot'llll. Townsend' ''" ' '
IJRill:Win. AND APOTHECARY, No.-45, Mailer
s (Teel, three d dors !Moats Third, riushargli r will have
constantly on hand a welfselected assortment of the bCst
aad freshest Meilieines, whleli•hri will sell on The Moo
reasonable terms: phyeiciani oendlag:onlera will be
. promptly attended to, and suppplied with urticlos thcy :
Ilit!y rely upon as genuine: 1
: •Physicians preseriptiOns willbe accarately avid it4alll
prepared Irma the best materials, at any hour of the : day
or night. . • -
• - Also', for sale. a large stock of fresb anti good PCILVII.•
sv. ca~aidahri a•. Leo: DanCii`i
a, currsiticataat 0
Pittsburgh City.tilass
W .ND 0 ,• G •-•
olfarker, saw; barrow •Fint
. . • . . • . • Pittsbuyeb, .
- Paktiesilat 'paid Also;
Dealers in PUnt Glass; Vials, flosilee, /4. ' ' gjyttly'.
• •• •• '• BOYirsi 86 TETLEY,. • •
• Instrument•ziasitztacturees; v ::
AirE have removed our store and Manufactory from .
' TV - Liberty meet to the above named place, for (he
purpose of having more convenience for munufactnring,
which we intend going into ezteasively.. AlPordersin
our line.willbemtendato with punctuality nod dispatch..
Jobbing and Repairing neatly doui , and promptly est
- A general nisortment of farirwars and Cuairg we wilt.
always keep on- band, and"sell it at Itte atcso pri es.—
We have just received .a. Ilne lot of 'Guns, Enroll and
iimar e rs,Tailars and Hair Dretaers' Shears, and other
Hoods generally kept in . Hardware Stores. Tioners,
Furfiers, Hatters and Saddlers , Itrob made to order;
Razors Ground and .Handled, Pen Blades pat in, die.;
Guns and-Pistols repaired, tce.,ikt. • .• • • .
N. - a--; Particular mention paid • io manufacturing.
Trusses and Supporters. • - dectNity -
• • -• sale Aligns Work.. - • : ••••••• •
JOS.K PH D..ABELL, • :'.-
and "Ykselq; Peru?. Sands Misr, parrot
Maim, and Wins Balder, eivrer.ti deseriinion;
. AIso—WINDOW GList3S— , •
Keeps constantly on band a general assortment of the
above articles.
arlis. the other Green - Glass F:tetories aye, ult
: n. togl i d, a s ai l o
a cl4..lto w iti c u on ea fi en n m ui er 4
or thi:l 7c„ ,F i get e : r e V et t it 3LLOtl,
ma and onn
Orders thankfully solicited and-will be filled at the
sbottestnetice.-:, •• • ' -
Warehouse, N 0.112 Secami strut, banons.Wooal and
Se Wall. • • • ..:LArayilikAi
rai tuadcraigned again beg leaves° toren:colic titi;
I. tens of Pittsburgh and thepubliciugeueratthAt they
have now on land and are constantly' manunicinring,
from entirely new and improvedpatterns; comprising in
part the latest improved !REGALIA/. COOK STOVES,
for Coal and likewise tbr Wood; roar sizes of th e EN
TERPRISE COOK STOVE, and four hires of 'that cele
brated Coal Cook Stove • called the STAR OF• THE'
WEST, and a great Nariery of other Stoves for Coal or
Wood. Riney PARLOR STOVES, of the , richest land.
most beautiful desigus. 800 and Para 41.17Ln SIOVS3;
together with a general assortment of.licillow Were;—
alt from new and improved patterns. Ground. Wagon
and Rulgy.Bores, Sad Irons, Dog Irons, common and .
fancy Oro Grates and Fenders, and .every thing the
house building line, always on hand . or made to order...—
Purchasers are respectfully invited to call and examine
Out stock before baying elsewhere, at the old stand, cur.
cer Severn/lead Liberty streets' Pittsburgh.
marts .QUINN, & CO.
•fik,TEVI7 DAUUEIitEUTYPE Burtirs'Earkt
-19 iisp, - .Fourrhstrat.—llotran la Animas, Daguerreo
typists from the Eastern cities, would call the-attention tf
the inhabitants of Pittsburgh, and the neighboring towns,
to their. Daguerreotype Of citizens end others, at rooms in
the thirds of y Of Barke's building, 4th st.
Persons wishing pictures taken may rest assured that
to pains shall be spared to produce them Italie highest
perfection of the art. °arbitrament' are of the mos tpo w
erfal kind, enabling us to execute pictures tulsarpassed
for high finish stud truthfulness to nature.- Thcpnhiicare
solicited to call and crarabla.
Personisitting for pictures are neither reardried or ex
pected to tan theca unless perfect satisfaction SgiVell.
21. B. Operators will End this a good depot for stock
and chemicals. .
irrinatructionsgiverrin the art, containing' the room
recent Improvements. Jan? '
FULTTON,BIr i" - Tron Eir7t.itr' s
XL:* eomme need' business at her old 'stud, No. 'TO, Se-•
cond, between Market and' Ferry - streets,. where lie will
he pleased to sea his'old customers and frtends: • • ,
Church, steamboat, and bells of every size, front 10 to .
10,000 pounds, cast from patterns of the most approved
models, Mid warranted to he of the best materials.
Mineral Water Pampa, Counters, Bailingai
together with every variety of lirsiss Castings, if requir
ed,torned and fialshetlati the neatest manner: •
A. F. is the, sole agent for Bobbin's Anti-Artracrion Mt
tai, so justly celebrated for the' reduction .of friction in
machinery. The boxes' and composition can bo hnd of
him-'avail times. " • " ' uovithy
WILLIAM. TROVLl , Lo,:Undrriaker, Fifth .stree; un
rrrr mediate!). opposite the" Theatte, fekilecitully
forms his friends and tho public in general that he:has
resumed his busizieSS as a k'ninishing lie'
is, supplied with and always keeps on hand 'Coffins of till
sizes adirkinds,Shrouds,and all othe.rarticles necessary ,
on such occasions.
Silverplalea,!ineboxes; and leaden &aline ba *up . -
plied ja order.: 'A
-fine - hearse and eat kiage:always read y
10 .4 11 teluilanerale , ' ' • scp29:y--
e • • - IT r '
• ovine AIIRB AND •cßtrstillici
UNDEnto.llxBl l / 2. cener qf Peury and
Si. - Clair see, oppoaiis , E.teking •
- - Hole Bewares* on Fenn et•-
• pectfully. inform their friend's and
the poblici'that they are, prepared . to furnish and attend
to everything lalbc lino of Undertakers, as they have the basilicas of Cabinet :Caking, and their attention
will be devoted altogether to the above business, keep a
large assortment of. COFFINS made and finithedicover"
ed, and linettiu the neatest.manner, with. a variety. o.
materials, and at ullprieei; wo kee.pSIIROUDS ready
made,' 'of all hires,: of Flannel, cambric, and Muslin, ut
all prices, and made in thee - eastern style,. and all other
articles necessary: for dressing the dande and tarnishing
fturerals,lic ilintlity_and Price to' Suit SILVER. PLATE
or engraving the name. and age ICI: CASES ICI laying
the body Inlet, by those who - wish to- keep.their friends
any length of tune,and have -ZINC.PANSIo puttee in
for laying on the body; LEADEN Collins. always on
hand. We have a splendul tow .HEARSE and a patrol
fine horses, and any zumber.of the. best carriages, etc.,.
'etc . ,: and Will be :prompt, punctual. and reasonable. .. •
in INGEa would re . speotfullyripforia his,friends and the
public, that his new establishment is now in full opera
tion, and that he is prepared ra furnish ,Boat Cabins, •and
all orders for Planed ..I.,urithar, - with' promptitude; and
at the lowest rates. - • , •
Board and Piaui; pinned'on 'one...tir.poth sides. con
st ta tti srt, ° l l hard. .l l oorsrui d (everydescription, made,
' and Carpontcrs would. And it to their Julvan
taga to give him a al/Di - as hp can aow, futaish /ham whiz
Paudrad elatr. suitable far 0 , 70 rV dese notion wpric =
stionai Hotel, .Plttifittroh
Situated on Water Street, oppositUthe• Landoll , . at Ms
reteus House having.undergone & thorough repairing
aid fitting up, both inside and out, the subscriber is
mnined 40 use every exertions infils power to make
all comfortable that think.proper to eall with him. The
Table will be always supplied with the best the market
affords.' The Bar will-be supplied'with the best and
choicest liquors. - -
Attached to the house Is a good stable, attended brit
good Holder,' / ,
4 Vit " CO 6LLY
"EN:F11.°8?11. BRO*VISOi' not •
Piusbiffgh, Pa. • ' :
N. B --Good Stribling nttachedlo the house:..
Bail E 111.8 B V.B IBii-11 a" EJ.
' ••' 'WADlatrineft OLD SiIIID.). •
rrtlTEsiatscriber luiving , leased - the above well know-1
and - e.scellent eitablishment, is now prepared_ to en
tertain his friends and the traveling pdblic generally, iu
the best manner attiton the mps't'reasonnbin terms. ;
His TABLE will at till thrice be' supplied'With - every
delicaey. o, ilia Season.; and - his Barwith the hest of
-"-' • • -
ifts itahlingiir very e,rtettsive ; and every arrange- -
taent has beenrirade for the, accommodation of Drovers.
aug4te., : . ;
,V 47111. CLAWSON._
QALERATUS-40 boxes prima In store.
u0v2.1 - ' • ' OTUE.B.T.Ie, BILL
- ~ _ ...5..,y,..,~.i
nom. F a+r.:;~':
Nto :313010,% , Sr.c
• •
'. . ;: ariia..iiiiiiiiii - Nei '.: ItoirroW -7-- 7
IiarNINES .t . "oo7 ? Val 4:4 Srallbffertfittriiii i lloie re:
** *lei:Taloa the following new beaks: . tv.r , ... ~.... . ~.
,410.22 DiellOnarY iilf.fle94quic B ' P. ll .!inA..Work 'and
r , -, .. Engineering; . , .., , ;.. -,. __ : ~ ..,
No.lo*PlOtorial field Book or the Revolution ;-:* . ..
:-, Thi, isge e ibigir vork,:. issued. Atilmi-eouithly,- will be
complete:!' rthotO lontraTiontelips. conloieing forty
eight large octavo prigeer, each,:h ride deeet4ptive record
of a journey recently performed to all the moat impart.
.nut htstorlealtocallticeof she AMP , eCen 'attrigution. The
Van!, unique and potraetivo, embr., s aint,9e ., ch stra a ter ,
mica of a. book or travel bad n. bbitolt, ; . •• • .
'To Love and to Be Loved ::tr Bib ry)lsyb if
I, i to i.,
• • • ' author of "Janaeaidon l l o l : l l ft,V=abeesi7binkinll."
The Ladder of Gold k : an : Ea* tLylto JT(F r Oy. Robert
hfarston of Datioren: .11 titie ; i. > I , in. ql , : ,; !
l a
Olive : . a novel .:. By the audid .olvf.. Th eiggilivieii."'
. , We harem's° on, hand ond fof le'. siege amorofient
- at Arittattir„'Al bums OpdOlitldre *e:slo4lkijeditable for
the holidays. ' :. ,•• ._ .!,c. 0 : .. ,-:, , i. , ' ::". -Idec2B
. • 13rew Boowit' ?IP* Oaks t • '
.1 )ALL, 85 Fentrtli 'irreer, luta Snit received "the'Lnd..
der of Gold, an , Sitglial t!tor,ll.l)?•Babert Sell.
a Love and to be ,lowed, a ry,.4-4. SIROsa;
The Fo rre a r,ll ote ;.1 Ett Frbaubr, ' bp Enteraan
.Bennet[ ; • ' l( '' 3
',era Leoti; arii.drentateo tLe Fa'r7tr Ott a Se 991 1
to the
.Prtdrie flower, by •gmtruatllp.nncit ;. . " •
--' Temptation ; or the Watett.TaXer of I:pato/en ;
Otivein noveli by ilteidallaato7mTitti Ogilviev
Fontenby, Wry, byrd'amei
ot sketches in" VI trkbinrytte.'."l.%
The ROMISiI CbtlfebejamtlViteßbe - 'Aitrieuliir . to4SO4
•sion, Its Id , tory,tinttetAtnhuninlnd PatiObribas JesPit'!)
by. M. Itlieulftt •I 7; 4.' • • '
AVestern Scenery . o p 111114 mi dale,.
the nlinaisOppi Taney; tilt. Val? 'Willer : far Sala ..aa.
. above, and at P:l4. itertoWs. Eltliorat fueet;;Alleglifort
Revs' Vlittc.l : •• • •••`; ,
• Soiree Polki. By:S. if
•. • .
•• Seofeh Polka . ; • • -
•'.• Coquette dot. - ,
deony lt, , qual • . • • •
,do: y• ' Echo do • ' •
' • - do 2'Elkedsinuti'gring: ' •
• Casta•Diva, as sung]. ylletuty.L.iitd;
, . 'the Dew is on. l lte,alotecoll C.? -
Jenny Cray
• -• I have souteiblng•sweerto ka7 7 : 1 ".• - ' ' •
•:t ara Dreaming of thee 1.• , , •
, t.)„ would - were a buy eittitcy • • •
Olancb Alpen t; ' • -' • - • •
• lien Bolt, for Piano or Dither ts . • • ; .
• . • Cortioracker . • •
Louisiana Rolle, with.vartaitour•i • . •
• Love Not.' Quick stelri: • • ' ' • •
Thud hast Woudded thospirit that loved thee ;
- , Jeariettruulleanott ; . • • • - •
.• Shower of PCISTIS: %YR It; ; , . •
• • Silver Lakb:Polku: -• • •
Received by 7 ' : 11. AIRLLOR,
. . decal . ; ,• . • • • .$l. Wood street.
. 11.—A larg e .stioek of hew rialtos to *utTiVe .this
;nit New. CARASIII4; SACRA . or Boston Collec t
• thin of Church MUPIC . , coloprtring th e most popular
saint and Hymn titnesingeneral use. together with tt
Mat variety of Dew tastes; ttbnunts, 'lttotetrs and: An
(hems; the whole being MO e 1 the: most voraplete
leotiotts of tit said fur elblror congregations, slo4ing•
schools and societiesonteht "lir Lows= Stsso.V. • •
A supply of the above yeeeiebd and for stile by'. • 1,.
n2U • JOHN SILLLOR, :11.11 7 0011
llltuacal InsitiatoiratiionikaMullo. f
a l b DF.POT. • A': BLUME,. late P. Blame,
; ' it 4 Vi'Oodatteet;- Pittsburgh, Vannz,
- . two doorsabovo Fifth. ColeA gent for the.
celebrated Hamburg .rianos,,,wiequilled by - any, with
felt-covered harrunerz,Produetog a 1 11, rich aniline:low
tone, and notliable to wear burnt. al.o, Pianos nett ale
lodeons,fi out the most celebrated eastern manufacturers,
of warranted kinds, alwayir on hand. - Constantly on
band, a large assortment of Habig and Statical Insult- ,
merits, such ac Violins, Aciorderms, Outran, Banjos,
Taniboriaes, Fluter, Fifes, Mums, Prigeoletts, - Clatiot.-
ens. Brass . Instruments or every-description; Violin
or Guhar Cates; - Strings for all instruments, of
bent kind ,• Anger boards, eastinettir, metronomes, in.
Inaction books for all ,Instramonts. Anemic! hand. Fi•
altos taken in part pay for new ones ;alto. rented to per.;
sons who can give satisfaction for payment.
A lame lot of Oakwood oil hard, which' will be sold
chaa_ _ _
1:r filliiiEß: 'it' C 0: Sitithfield sticei,' hive received : ...,.;,.. -• . .; nig 53 ti o r i t .m.f tas . .; ,• •.•, ..
XL. the. Decen ber naniber of Stringer fc Towner lid's , . 0 . .. • . , ... -.•:•,_ .
Internatioual 51'sec:tatty. ',lt is yitt..: pally Jorge, and the , , , .
ccratents ore of great Interelt. -.. • •• '. A •••"" . - ' •
Dr. Layatil's•B:ceitt Gille - friani•Ntairoudnith two ' ' k..Nit.BAINDs•• . 3rn ' .... IRIBLAND A i - -
iunrtratlotu. .., . . .
'Wild Spoils in Atgiria; 't,i'ist.i.cesurct......: .. . - . - • ~IPBAs;ioOuld .- . 1 - EjLirdiNt
Alton Locke; Tailor and Poet: an Antobioirephy:- To any amoutif i 'br • -i' 1 i ...i , -i0. ,,, • .', •,- i.
This work la remarkable In ha 'Zharticter,,showiag the • Joshua fitadikllo_l?, - ; .
hardships, inferiors and miseries oft' tarp mass artier Buropren Acriti. Pori Bat:dines, tor: Filtrtand Weed its
fetiaw men.
The Divorced Wife. by T. B. Arthera covet.
A Lecture by. the Reo. Joseph-B. Berg, D.. 111 ,in an.
owe; to Bishop Hughes, on the ••• Decline of Protestant
Gamblers' Tricks with Cards Brposea and Eiblaincd,
by J. H. Green, the Reformed. Gamelcr.
F;rety Body's Alma:tack and Diary Mr I ctlt —publish
e dhy Appleton, Philadelphia. • ' dec4
(Late Johnaton Q‘ St,..v.V4m)
BOokselier. Stationer, Printer. & Insider,
WOULD respectfally, invite the attention of Mer
chants and others, to his large marl superior stock
of - BLANK BOOKS, consisting o Qty Books, Journals,
Ledge iv. Invoice. Cu sh, Or 4 er and Le tt et Books.
of every
sizetonado of the best paper, and bound in the most du ,
rabie manner, which he offers at prices that cannot fait
to give satisfaction. Blank Books ruled and hound to
any 'given . pattern. Printing of every description exe
cuted with neatness and dispatch. N 0.47 Market at.
New Stook of Pianos
_ JOHN 11. MELLOR, No, Id Wood ot.,
ham jun! received a new nplendid
lot of PIANOS, now open and ready
for mle.
RNOL.I.Y.S, litbbert'A. Horan 3, Thompson'', and
1. llarrison's black, redosearlet and earmitte tai.
Faber's, Gout:tin, Itrookman & Lana alt 4 ,t, Jackson 3..
Mrinroe'g black and red Lead Pencil*.
latistantitt at every deteription ; Coltenfs,
Pratt's, Levv's, li.esnan's and other manufac
tures of Steel Pens; (.. tr. E. rd. Smith's ofteressor to A.
G. Bagley & Co.) cr letirste4 Gold Pen., Wail gold and
silver names.
Wheatman's English Drawing . Paper —antiquariun-L
double elephant, atlas, Columbia, super royakray at and
elephant, bristot boards, cap demi medium. •
Perforatedb s, paper, plain gold and ail
ver embossed s old, *live r and fancy colored pot per, gold
and colored strips and earners, and lithographs for fancy'
boxes; prepared p.uchtuent of ail sizes, suitable for
deeds, charters andViliplomas ; French notepaper, al
ways on band, the moot desirable - styles, sizes and pat
terns; plain, gilt, embossed and - silvered; suitable for
balls, parties, weddings and mourning. ; • •
• French note envelopes, plaits and embossed; letter
envelopes, brown, white and blue; laid and plain n dhe.
sive envelopes, buff, blue and white. •• ."
•Wafers, wafer cups. various pasterns; writing sand ;
brass • tin cocas and Turkey boxwood sand Loxes;
copying presses,l aka, brusiteS,French and English'eopY
log books and oil paper; tissue paper of all colors; red
and white ' blotting paper; pen knitcs,Ae. .
The above, with all other articles in the Statioliery
line, bum fancy arid staple, together with a large assort
meat •of blank books and memorandum books of all
common forms of, ruling, in every style of binding, and
.paper of all sizes, and qualifies, for sala'at reduced rates
on the moat reas onable terms, at W. S. HAVEN'S r
. •
Blanc. Booltand Stationery Warehouse '
. •
'to y's . core Market and Secant - IRK .
Roman s trim an• •
, A T4OT of gentling ROMAN STRINGS for violin:4 ant,
guitars, have just beta' received by the. suhsrmer.
These , strings - are front the most celekrated factory. in
Italy; they, are tour .threads and four lengths. anti for
heauty of tone and durshility are unrivalled. The .sub.
scriber's agent having:purchased the above for him at
the Factory ; they arc warranted superior to any thing of
the kind ever offered inthis ammo% H. KLUGE%
aoldeti Harp, No. RH Third street:
N'..13.-;-No* opening ix' splendid , ' new lot of NUMI
Clark's end Danham.4 celebrated Pianos. [novlt!
• :„,foorogn NovrspaireTiii: - 7
rrnE subseriberrs authorized to receive subscrip-
I''UOLIES ler all the 'London, Daily i 'Weekl* and - Tn-
Weekly . papers Birmingham •Bristel, Hutt, Leeds,
Manchester, Nwcastle , Pheteeld, and other Provin
cial pipers ; Irlsh papers of Dublin, pork, Belfast.
Limerick, Londonderry, tte.; Beateli papers' of Edin
burgh, Aberdoeu,•Glasgow Dundee', &c,; French and
German paper.: : • - JOSHUA ROBINSON, _
European "igen(' • ' •
- • Post'Buildings,Sth near Wood: •
: .• . " ' , fiats, Caps and. Bluffs.
00 Wood st.. corner of Dicanand .a/kYr.4 4 cond vortl•
A o,F.,,shis customers anil,the public 4 , :t
' an entirely new and fresh stock ot lists,
Caps -and bitiffsitn great varletyonann- '
factured and selected.with much care In reference to
price, style cad quality, in 'New York city,. and will be'
eared at the lowest rates of present low prtees,Whole.
'sale and. Retail. , . : ' , . imittf,
Spring Paahlon Rats..
D E Tins beautiful
.tatyle of ;HATS for Sprang and
11 Summer wear wall be introduced Tins DAT at 102
• Wood street, third door below Fifth st. - ••
• •
r4AS, Received at the ' OLD stand of G. W. --I •C' 4 ** 4' ' ' ',. -
'6I...ASSGOW. Beebe & - COEI Fall style of Hats for
1810—V.:Lose in want of a good - Hat or Cap, awn small
'advarqe [those cost for Cash, will please call at N 0. 1 .08
Wood street, east sidertlitrd door below Fifth street:
atig . 3l:4ra ' - - .• . • . ; •
Stearriboat lltynevai Captains dr, Cleifit
Ws: HAVEN is-prepared to' furnish steamboats
rl with , eiery, Ameba. in the book and stationery
line oo the most. easonable terms. Freight books, pi s•
sage books' registers, journals; ledgers, wood and gene_
rat receipt books- crew' registers, hand ledgers, receiv
ing and discharging memorandum bookf t ink, lead ;pen.
oil s, quills, stem pens,. sand, wafers, India
' steamboat . bills, .deck passnge — receipti, -s freight
Ms, manifest heads, notices to consignees on Mei
shortest notice., Bookstore on the comer oelflarket and
,, .
Second streets.. -
• •
- -
. 4 75 4: •
• , - - •
=~migratiom ; .lineL
. : figeney for ;Different,..Linpsozflphk.,Ships:
4 4 4
P A S.S Zi cif:E
• .
••; 4:.4 " 9060 Lai** • •
Per TV.: iTYR*.H.91 . 634 bi s ßount starer, Ali .Yerkr.
36 Waterloo /Toad, atipeot; ',Ott 45,-.oy.apfeAsfrea,
New Orkanr,
1101rWS . A: . LIN trSF . PACTIIETaI eilliint?ireigtviSdnya
,LIL. from Liverpool•to NeW, Tod( j 111150 Padget*:
from Liverpool to Philadelphia, on th e lfith'ef etch
month; a Line of• Packets to . 11altirdord• ortillte;110Or o.
each month. Also—n Line of Packets on. Ike tltis'attd .
sath af-each month from London - and '
A LSCT=Dra aiiwafgh t itiway4oniand; for any tun Omni
it the . .Idcrest rams or discount ;•• and,.nit information
given concerningB passengers, that can be ggiven,ivith,
pleasure, tg theirApot. , JOHN THOMPSON; •
• AG • ~.-2DS Liberty elk Pittsburgh,
..60N-A;n:angottke4t?.. .
"LINE OF • A`.PlCtt
.`•:. ; 70 1 1
0, 32 SAIL FROMLIVERPO OL IDDEN,AIcoe cm41 4 ,17r egAdth Now.
'IAMEEI.EIROWNE, Arthur Chati, 100 'ton fnleat Dec
The h'ie th 6 t fie
' 0 IS p'S Ile 0 i! M . •
ter thdinovt Appeaved:eciodetslo
lvltlt the modern improvements .for.the noniron of Par*
rogers. Their rommander, are men o f known ability.
'Theme iiaekits • will take' advantage of efetim tow
, kbateap the Delaware. ••• ' - • •,shipassailing weekly, from Liverpool IP NeW Or*
learnt. Yaesengers ran get up the , river .cbcati throughthe winter.
Vat terms of Second Cabin and Steerage pustinge ap
ply to oraildresseylotter (post-paidi ...• •
I'. NV- "RYAN & CO., •
-*- " • ftlSonth atreet,Weviliork.;
• • • •- aa. Wa er 100 -R dad ) Li re rpb I i
or to - •• • -JOHN THOMPSON;
novi4:3in' ' 2651.iberty street.Pirtaborgh.
tdivorpool and PlAtlndelptilla;ranketa, •
, . , , .
Sailing fram Lirttpoot the'Bighteentkof s o c k Mena.
. ~, •
Ship Jane H. GliddeheipLlAllj;:'; NOY. is.
- " ' Janresl3rowne,+ Dec. 13.
‘ F J7 b .. 159 :
These chips ate of the largest plaiw. 'The accommo
dations for secomleabintud steetage"pasiettgers are.
unsurpassed for comfort, and therloy
punctually adhered to. .
Price of steerage parca - g6 • erilficaies good for
13 months. or the money refunded If. the passengers do
not embark.: Apply to
jain ti r a lv V a lp ac hi c .B a a. 4 4 , B9U ;
• ' ' '2G6 Liberty street.
- Draft,'lor traount gi reit upon the Ulster Banking .
Conipauk and Branches. the Royal. Bank of Ireldil, or
BpooneryAnyoods tc Co., Stokers; Loiidon., low:192ln
. . SUM IHO F:
. cors.jaNns?,...
• .ILO IL N „Elf W 15+16
. Wtoa have appointed the subrersher,Ageat for their earl
vaned Lines of t;hipo front Liverpool. to.lSecv . rdtit
'Philadelphia and Boston. " • ' ,
Lei the Friends or Etuigrants be viteiktrto .have *Pit.
:arrangements made according to thong* Pan'aien Lou,
and take no indn's receipt, without having:ltlaserted;:
otheriei se they will have to pay ititiferpeol,beforb they.
ship. . .
. • 'khe following is the lyt, according tolore:
2I the. Bread. . t +, 2 lbs. Beef or ;
•t " Flour, • pat Vlneger.. , • '
Oatmeal, • I 011, Bogart • •
2-" Rice " • • MotasseOf :
S Pot a ioes, : k 02.1re16
- With three quarto of Water pet daWaddengielent
Tor Cooking. .
The eahooso and coo hing-iareceslor. the aXitlit Pao , "
sengers, are kept ender clover.' LverrattentiOn *ill 'be,.
paidto promote their health and comfbrt; , .
Bank of England Notes:stud Foreign EFtlikoge. pg.l.
chased ut Current fetes.
. . .
Debt Leglicies, Fensioni,. tee.,. at., atleeted, 'ana
copies , of Willi ptoccuod, with every other business ten. ,
aected with en E.groPezu Amu- ..-: • : •
.. _,• • • " '
JOSHUA ROfiliVBo* % '
.. . . ~ - •
" •• • • • •• • . ntropeori Agent, '' •
apt.) .eost italhanco., career otriflliandlirood taw ...I.
(14 cni.i.av6tvoqi. ANtr,
4, ,t4ao
Sisa Min Pkaiadpkiei an 12thaiits jro i zdteriiip
•••on NI :Mk gFtaut taant4::: : • ! -
sous Wira.zam Pc,ne, 1,000 roxx, . • :•• t
".11xstimu, 1,:150
'a, PuuAnsuran., 1,12 " ' • '
ItittIIARDSON BROPIIBRS Co... Agents, Dios. Pi
and 11l Tower Buildings, Liverpool, . ,
"RICHARDSON, WAWON dr. Agent's No.
• Chestnut street, Philadelphia. •
TDR subscribers, Agents (or tho above Line : of;gilen
did new 'Pocket Ships at t3ia City, are prepared to
furnish prcisage certificates to parties-residing in this
country who may be ithsirousofsending tor their friends,
to come out by...either of the above, Ships. „They are also
prepared "to remit money to any ,part of the Old Country
by sighidraftsort the Banked - Ireland bud Brauettes, and
ou Messrit..Riehardsott Brothers de Cos Liverpool. 'For
particulars,F` apply to or address
novfi N. 144 Lilierry street, Pittsburgh;
ILV•Eint merxecorr.WEQ.C;
(Lsrc.l.S.Srrucxkra & Co.) •
illanfifectiuerg of Phenix Fire Proof Saes;
Szcand'strat,tittearen Hhailhitif Srnithfiekl.'
/AN Tuesday - afternoon, July , 2:5 184.8', thee - undereigned
Were, culled upon by Messrs. LIN encott tt Harr, to
witness anhonest and lair test of one O. their Phrenix
Safes. The furnace being pre=pared, tee Safe Ws • placed
th ereof, with btioks, pap ere and somamoneyy -- whc it
the door of the Safe WWI closed and the fin...kindled at
quarter past 2 o'clock, and in a short time the Safe was
red lot, and c ontinuedtill half past d o'clock; being about
four and a buli hours. When the. committee, expressed
their salisfuction that the time occupied with such, heat .
was sufficient. The furnace was then pulled ilbwit;Safe
cooled, and door opcned-f--the books, papers and money
safe. The heat was so great as to. ntelf
.offthe brass
mountings. Wo therefore take pleasure in recommend
lug these Sates to the public; ns being, In our judgment,
entirely fireproof ,. JAHVIS:fk.TRAREE,
rim engaged in the foitudrY buaineas, and' Enotd
something about .furnaees and heat. 1-tritneased the
burning of the above Safe, and .ctur freely say.there was
- no humbug - about it, and with pleashre recommend them
to the public as - hell*, in , myliidgment, entirely. fire
proof. , WM. KAVE. •-
. lit eniliiid upon the above gentlenuM for their signik4
tures, they r Dapple in the highest terms of the fairness
'of the rest; mid their Atli - confidence of2ihe Safea beitn,
,entirely fire-prool We have coasttattyon hand ia fot,
sale a fail assortmentthe,nboveSafea, • •
mar= ' BELE & TERRY.
The Old'Printing It rtpbllr4ruent.
; • (carri"rotrasrok srOCKrort's,l
Std. Blank7Book and Stalicmery -- Wdiehoast,
S. H kVEN is prepared to execatnevel , stytani
yy.. Legnt, COrntriere rat, Canal and. Steamboat Job
Printing - and BoOk Ilinding rand farniSki - ,eeery, article
in - the Blank 'Book-, Paper and - Stationery line', at the
/hottest - notice and on the most reasonable terms,
Blank Book and Stink:Merl A l l.erako.user. corner `of
Market and and - Second streets. • •
[CP' Printing Office and 'Book Bindery , No. SU Third
_ .
Wholesale artd - Reta11.... , "-• ,' .
T 'IIARTLEY, begs leave to in ! .
JR, form his friends and the public generally,"
hat he continues to occupy -that large atideola
modious Store Roornifonnerly occupied by Samue 'a up
e s t e e* & Co., No.Bo, corner of Diamond alley and Wood
Street, where helreepaaliirge and - general ossorttnent of
Saddles; Bridles, Harness, Trunki, - Carper Begs" Saddle
Sags,Valises, Buffalo llobes„Wkips,and .all odor uni
ties in ids line. . - , . ~_
He also keepi - constantly'on : hand, and'h jireptireil to
furnish to order, all kinds of Rivetedllose,tunufaetured•
of.the bestmaterial, and in_a styleef workuumship equal
to the eastern manufactured: article, and, at 86 per cent.
Counfrylferchrma,and Fainurs,would do well to call
and examine his stock before_ purchasing elsewhere, aS I
hers determined to sell; first., rate attielen ay very, tow
prices. - • •-•-- •. ' --.---
V" Dort't forget the place, No. 80; , corner of ' Wood'
treat and triamcnd Alley -; , - '• al'26
. ,
lccw Light
WEluxvo received a lot . of S of various*tizes
TV and kinds, e.ta. new construction that quite.
vinirile and coinplete , abineOrnanternat: - •
, Also the article to Ininvin them,c ailed ptiltNlNO
FLUID) , or F.THERIAIi OIL.n- It has, rare auaiities
. which recommend it to the, attention, of Steamboat men
Hotel' Xteptis and Housekeepers.' • For •Cleanliness .
economy and brilliancyi it surpasses anything Portable
Persons who pleue to call on, us .s outh the
Perolltiritleiof the new compound • - '
supply of the g F a l Ai nid F .
E an a d-Lar kept by: •
: ••• Ist :between Wood and Dlniket ALA.
ka.da.rnesocinteditlocnisetves logethergadenhe lirar
Ql.Sdamics. & Beo.Xce,l'ot the Icansocll9C+ of Whole.
,DA& Grocery, :Product. and Coniddaston — Busloese,
ISW, - 130Jand 1R: Second A !Meet, Iletweeti 'AVOCf:
Pttuhar&h ; Attgusi - •
- tier •-•
• I • •• - - t
' ' • • ssI:C•3. Wiraasi •
• ,L•-•;,.. r
_ .
'at! kroids to; Prated pet" ht'a!— . 2l42 0
• Setting; ' ". •
LINE, STACIE COMPANY.. SIX daily lines of
rietrir'Crtailics,•for Ifellfdaystiorgi 'aid thence by the pew
Temurylvama-Rallond to Thiladelphia,•New•Porlo and
'During the saisPeniien of Canal navigation; el:x * 4Blly
lines of Conches will leave for Hollidaysburg; and from
ehenceby,-the New p,enasylyanis. Railroad, (243 miles'„)
Tatiethrough'prl house.
• , `Farertro Philadelphia; • ' .... •
• Fere, trs' Baltitnom . .... • 10P3 .
Coaches will leave every morning atflcoo , ock pre
cisely, and every , night at the' gaups. hour. Extras to
leave at'aisf dole, alwayi in re tidiness: - Tbisle the moat
dints, mnphrtableartztaxpetticirrus route tortins 'Eastern
Paitiernmrslbitaltiniere 'tahi the new ROllrciail at,
Ilarrisbalg, druids, - crtilhe arrival 'etthe"cars 'at that
p4ee,,,,Forlsesuge or a - 4
• , MOORHEAD, St. !
• ' • of MX'. P: , HOLMES,ltionorigidielilknlse4 •.•
" Y 04.14310.101111,0 itorrhz i 1 .
. .
TVITERVIiI/1131 MILICO/131asotitnr soma ."!
BamaviAlaiier;leavel‘Pittabnigh, fromiher
cv at • oat, above the blonongahein bridgo,daily,'at 4
O'clock, P. fd., and Wein Newton at 8 A. hi, running to
connection -with..a daily. line of. •splendid Troy. built
caachea to Cumberlitodomd. thence• o Balti
more and Philadelphia. - •1 '
For futilieritilarmation enquire of
,-.: • • . BARTON,
Pes"...enger'Agent, Monongahela Hoagie ;
or, Capt. JACOB: SMIT/1,1
, IFreightligenaWliarf flow
4:413.E&T , 0 E34TRILIoIiOUTBII I
etoggb- ••• •
Thraughliit # pipe tetPhein defpkto and Bald:nor+
WE take pleasure in announcing to the klerehants .
at-Pittsburgh and the IVesteru 'Bustnets etc:ame
nity, that on and after- Monday, the l,Jth September,: we
will receive and -forward goods via the,Central Rail.
read, and guarantee theta to be'through i 4 days. ,
. Oar
.extensive mock" Of• Cars and Boats enable us to
offer the above expeditious route , to the public,. arbilst
sue ttill condinie our 'usual Lines IlarrLiburg hnd
Colombia., Alerehonts yvisbing..goods broughtilkone the
p.'ast 'midi certainty and dispatch,* lowjateii,Re Oro
duce hipped there ' are invited Weal/ on.. • ;
• . 'O'CONNOR; ATKINS. 're CO.;•PittibUrgki
• .• ATKINS, a.CONNOR - do CO.. Phi/rules- N
. Proprieto of the Pittsburgh Trawcolit .
Or the following Agents ' '
• • O'Connor It: Co.; 70 North satttifiaitinibir•'
Bkmk, a Battery . Places:Vow : i'
.• .. Elliott A: . Young, 14 Doane street, Boston- •
PittsbArgh Portitiatt:pakt r . • •:,
. . ,
' '' voi iiitaixsrogrssioricii•irgitdikr yo'iMolrmasi • • • •
• Pl7Tsbriatill_ i t PHILADELPHIA, . : . ,'
NEW , X 0 Rg.., p.O.S Ti.kl'ii_ ,&c , _ i
THOMAS BOR 81 .. 11GE L - , 1 TA A FFEk., OTONNO R,
•' - ' Thi?aitaphia:* "'', ‘.l' -- - Pittiburg&.•-• • ' '
'IIIIIE Canal 'being no wopen the proprietors of this
I. Ines estahlisked Lille are as usual at Melt old stands,
receiving and forwarding - hterohandize and Produce A 1.,,
- low rates, and with the p romp ttiess,"eertataty'and safety
peculiar to their system and mode of Transportation,
wherc intermediate. transhipment is ayoided,,:tyitli its
"elaiiscqtrent delays and' probability of damage. ' . •
IdeteltiMidize add Pro...lace; 'shipped EasrotWest, itnd.
am ofhailltig foratitdeil free of charge hart acamiaaton,
. ti p tgun i ng . Or ,g or a ge „ lul l ing . no interestdirectlyor fn
'directly in aietimboati, that of - the owners ls 'solely don
suited when shipping their gtiode . , , - ~' ,: - ',- • ;
~ ...Alf comattanikations to the following Agents Oramatly
atiendedto: . Tll,CpLifif BORBIDGE, . _ :•.• , , . !
No. 27EiBlarlief st...Plilladelphla; - • - ........
' ' • '' -; • ' '"I`JiAPPE &- O'CONNOR; • • ~ ra P r l
-Cow-Pena and:Waytteshm Piitsbargdr, : .-, . 1 .
~..dttiltsill—John Al'CaPagli It C0 . .,43 NO nh it-, Balt4 P.,
IL Parke.. Co. 25;poane st., Boiton; W. & J. T.; .Tpp,
seott & C0.,138 Sara - rt. S'eaa Voile;• Jtis:Whe r elivirtght,'
CiaCiallal...; . . t'7 .: ..1,1 r.,' -.. ^ . - i-i: ..•,.., I'
1 8 5. 0
lercbautea ranapoxtattola
10011 the Transportiulon of hlascusznius and - Psilinics
X-• from Pittsburgh to Philadelphia and Baltitnomi, (via
Canal and Railroad,) toff/unit re-seippirtp•mtrat, la days '
Rates of. Freight always. as tow es any other raponsalls
, C. A :WAN [MTV*. Co., Proprialors,!
• • • Canal Basin Plughtt2l:
AGLITI tat • 411.174 QR,.
' !lore banes "
XCLUBIVELY, for the accommodation of the WALT
BrEtriEll3 between Pitubargh t Blairsville, . Johns
tewn liollidayshargh, lWater strnet,Pa.; and all itner
med late places
9 hinters bythis Line eanalways depend upon having
t h e i r good% pp:04101X forwarded and delivered at any
point on the Canal or Railroad at 'fair rates for freight..
• • MlENER,Proprietor.
.. • . • • =ft.dr. CANAN• Johnstown.
Aomt - ri{JOHN: MlLLea ir liolliclayabiirg.
In:ITS •
- (C. 4: WAXI.ILT tr.. Co., Pitts.
Bonirang Bottler-agicke.
riIHE subscribers havereceiired another small, bat- f•
superior Battle Jacks, direct from Sheffield, War,
ranted to work well: - In, presenting this - article lathe
notice of the public,- the subscribers deem it neeestary .
to remark, that iliar*.nz the last five years they have told
several dozen, and as far as we have. been ablaut ascer
tain they have given enure 'sattsfaction each as do
nor underStand'What in meant by-a bottle jack, we
would. explain that it „is machinery-, resembling , clock
work, but much more powerful; enclosed la a. brass:
trams, and worked by a strong steel spring ;Allot its - ae,
rion, is alternate, andregolatedby,a horizontall3Y wheel . ;
to which is aiispended the Joirt of licef, - or any .other
ihingro be roasted; that the machine - when fully wound
up will continue in motion for two or three hours The
Jacks are generally used with. a , screen or, a large tin
reflector, which greatly accelerates the propf of roast
ing, For sale, with withoat•screens. -
, 4OHN, DUi LAP do CO
dee.23 • corner of blarketand Secondsts.
Now 'Englcinii Llire'Stock lastito.oce Vo.
/rirconant to .',' karnFarmers,Dairym en rrh thiira d te"
(IAIIIIIM, Milk Farmers,
of 'Livery Stables, and
all others owning bve stock, can have theirli*es in
sured for the small premium of from'fifty cents to rm .
dollars egeh.:-
,The cost to insure Cows_ owned by milkmen, for One
year, Willbe - about' thirty-five cents a 'head.: Who'
milehman owning twenty Cows *mild "not give seven'
dollars to have them inset. d for one vear,.
CrA. - COLTON, Agent,
-At the General:lnsurance Agency . ,
octdl cot dth and Wood eta, up stai r .
Botrany „Gantt. Warrant'', , .
TiTE SUBSCRIBER,. who was in - MieblgarirWlseOW ,
„sixt,illinals and Missouri in the Fall of 1849 i With
the, view of examining the Public Lands, and IN the.
Months of March or April next,'*ill revisit: those` States
and also lowa, rind from the:knowledge he has acquired,
be enabled to make the most favorable locations for liar-
suits holding Lanif 'Warrants. - His charges will be .mo
derate to any, person who maybe pleased toonaploybirn.;
If by leiter, (post-paid,) to. LUKE COCKSHOOTi
' • - Diturtonit alley,Pittsbirrgh.
Kanunstscss--Capt. Robert Porter, Attorney, Fi(th st;
John Taylor, Pension, /igen ey, st.; EdwUrd Snowden,
Attorney, Fourth 'B. Guthrie,-Agent,-Fourth st.;
CapCJOhn -Ilerron; Pend' M.; John. Cartwright, Cutler;
Wood st.; D. T. - Morgan & Ce:,ned../c;ll.3lorgpll,-Drrig , .
gist; Wooa street. - 'fnovis:3lll
. .
Bounty Lands.
el r • NAyLoa t No. led - Third siito,eoiner dt
Chet ty alley, havin;•matie attangementsdit Washl•
ngton BB the Plal2oBe,:m7llprocutoßoutity.Lnedsfot the
otlieers and lighters, their, widows and children,. - upder
the Boonty Lnrid' pnsetr Seoternber 23th, 1830. •
Pittiiburgh, - '
. .
AitiaNqEslPNTS"havin k beedmada beiweed the
undersigned and E Isasssox,, Esq ,of Avpsh•
inglotreity;7(lutd of the.Tle,:tsury Doptirtiutnt4 for the"
purpose, - the- undersignee will fprooure - Bounty Linda
for the ofFteess and soldiers, llietr,willouts'untt children,
under the Bounty. Land Sill, .passed September
-- JAMES F: hERR. July. at Law;
patt.l Cher6r alley.'
- ,
,-; „
~,.. -
Bctrinity. Land -, Cliktinir:i -
milt: unders!gned, continues , the.buainess of. 44fng for
SaldierP ondlridoiks , Claims' for .L'ouritli LOnd; and -
Pensions: .ofikee. on • Fourth , streelYaPposite 110 MaYDr's
office . , , 10ct%1 5 449 1. , , I ~. 401iN B.GT.TP4RAE:.'
. .
N leisliwad-Stotels Whiskey,: :: ./
IipRIIATED PU kW—Price 52,25 per gallop:or
62}e:* pet •quart:' F'
or Stile 'by' MORRIS Zh AA-,
NV RTI.I,Iu the Diamond, ,. .. :,. ~ ~ ittee6
.g.lameg, iflorbacA,
,A.XI3 DEAL= Tn.
Foreign and Doniiiiic . Wilits; 1,4 wars, Cigars;'44.;
-No;l97%ibOttyitiodnieebt Icarlreett'alloy,
novl9] . , Pittsburgh. Pa.
fisa Ilsolers „east Aide of
%at" the - Diamond. 'T6 , their 60c:-.Ten ;' , us•TOally .
j.I3IDDLbI. ROBERTS, Attorney. as Lau..., Office-No - .
- ..112 Smithfield' street' between Fitticand,
cnierallyt attended • to—special.AtteeabY
.0440116 Ceneeyanelng:. l,—,, ' ' , tifecur_.
• ' `Printer , * Clo.tdort
SLISTAMOEIVED a supply PrinteraCardatilrirry
serfaced f satin .eorfaced,x arl4
People's colored Cark. ,
Always on blind, an ezcellent article of tiook;and
news Aoki . Woe, red, blue:And- gren.inica ritow, - the
manufactory of J : 4 4ve q...",r 3 r) .. ./)qw w Y . _. s cikkii ivr4 Hi
;ea :I co ".. 6 lgo r 'a- o k li i h ei l l a er tk an d - C .- -a d fruSeCiftnelidi
I.)IULL bbilt:freshiorrigee by
Mf 4:s
......_ .
,i , 4lligetllantone. .
•,• , • •
af , Pljasistursh,_ -
you all heard hew cheak.g.. A:UROWN
H*selling Ids stock ofline Gold JEWELRY?' if yea
have not,lheir•lthow that he Is selling a very rich -and ,
fashionable. assortment o I Geld WtaCtIES and JEW
ELltY,atfacl astontshinglow prlies'thet, en *wh i m°
. .otatoit to see . bli assortment and talces,alelalut;—this, .
certainly, is something new for ?iamb:ugh: 3 What I fins
geld Jewelry selling-autalf the asualurice . Row atte
this be f SLOPA , ,TO 0 LOCD;Are will jell - you the_aeeres
wehave made such arrangements with , the.yr-armatettl ,
tens at the east, and also; with the Walth'iltanatieur
sets of Europe, that*, art getting afloat goods , at the. '
lowentitestibte-,,d than, biting , mita to
Pahang other ex p enses „ attatheap, enable* cal* sell
at a very small' profit' upon first cest, and therefore, a -
' , wholesale price ;will answer.: -Thatch:cm low , prices...
and huge,saleaWill be erar.matto.- . 1,.
Please call at ill Market'. ti*et; seeond OOor from
Liberty straw. [deel9l
Dr..oltuaries liefasamis-sba:l
II oSicErt!'4llllo l'U t ralAni has •
I • °See' Pend stieey, eta; (betitsen Bud street
1". . ,G atr i sou i . g it e j ); , r, .
-. .•NOttelsi ". • •
T :EWERS drAdminiatzatlottou the estatteof Anthony' -.:
Beelen, deed.,, late of PhMbargh, haying. beta
granted to'the subscriber, all ke t tle= in d ebted to eald •
esate ere sequestettnd stake mediate . parapet to et
thee of us iand all persons holding CiftigUl against old
estate will present theta, , ezajanyheatietted for settle-
ment f arthe Waithouse buoy Occupied by,tutiot
my OW etti No., 86 Third street. • 1- ,
• ANNA M BEELEN,..Admisferr t urae,
deellsam „ , E. P.GAZZAfd, Jecorieistrefon
:contra . ..VT.(2a erearallr• Gr uo
ammy Sre
7HE finest qualities of Green and.Rtitek T.EASI Mo
'ohs, JONA and Rio 4 7OFFEE;,..torpit‘gla Ror
ned and Crushed SUGARS r Neve Cfrieans.Ri—LoAts
Refined and Havana do; belt Ranch AMSINdy Citron,
London Pee,' Prunes; Datesote,; for tree by ‘..,
- 20, Magnum
• aeon any tR0g0. ! ?.,e,.
32Sc. Clair s tr eet ; (aeer. 40. , #640
4 large assortment of Out o'frit',Flalt
band. Customer SfilliTSanadrio.orotergrorty.'
. • ,Waverly Honse.• '
ak :um 'nndirsigned haiing
• T . 4) r 23 sueceededEli.Joaft
•-' /n Poßnialt cattltdigkulehlrannotuices
his friends and the pablie getteriNg, that he
will us', his tie st. etrorta va keep up thinTited and .
lo mr, onioyed repntatinn of Ma. house..
' He will' keep constantly on hand evety'delielierot
the season; Gaud, Snst .and CLl't Overas,3c.itad his
Hs a will at all times be supplied. with the Came= Lt- •
Oithits. • filecttly.) W. O:OALLAGRER. •
. friHE PEKIN. TEA STORE has , been rettioviit (tom
A. Fourth street ;o No 3t3 Flab .street, one door east of
the Exefrankc 'Bank; whierf.thentabecriber is I:LOW re
.ceiving.his full stock of GILMNAND•I3I,Ikers, TEAS,
lected with great. care, and purchaseddlrect,from the
'.lroperters in New York. The • stock . 001:16i111 of ail The
Afferent flavors and.grades,of Tea brought, lo the Amer/-
can' market, and wilt be sold wholesale and retail, at.
.prlees lower than'anyoTher.bouse
Itetail,Orocers, ate invited to call and, get -maples,
and learn our prices for Tens paolied in I and afpack
,ages.orlig the calf then. • .• " ' "
Cclfer- 7 3locba, Java and Rio Colfee..l. ~• • .
Chstoftite—ifilker's Drama; Coioa, Choeolafp arid Co- •
Sugar-,Lsiveil nes crushed and pulvetive , q, and New-
Orleans Saßcr: Raisins, ganef, tee: - A: JANNE9,
. •.n Oat* Warta" -
.11713 reipeothilly itifotokour friends pod-the publie
stint from "cold feet," thiCare have work
e up *erne very . 4eo rroi Lomas- Weekrolrni- item-imen's
Socks, which we are earisfied will prove most,darable
Anil comfortable to the wearer.- • • < '" • • -
A 1 o
.Alargesnpply,of kihderaltirta'astirDravreri of
every quality. • • , v •
The Uld-Emablialied Stocklnk Manufactory - , Fri& it..
dee; - •• - WI,DJILY.• A_ CO.
•To the * aidtpoi i ~ • f 7 .
WBNAVE NOW. FLNISUED ES dozen or Ladies.
fieeblaetrie) Lambe Wool STOCICINo 9, which
are toner the wool and_oore durable Joao celgx th an
soy we have 'aereteGoe w ore
livery article to the
Sock, Utulershirts Gad Drawers, ladies) and eloldrea's
underclothing, Itilde to order
The Old Evtabliahed Stocking M nth at.
it ; ? i • t
ints ors
t. Stl eie lluirstoi kkbite.tglecioat Ok e4 lrik o °')
4124 - 14
.t • • BrearreatcerivSietta, and Gas
t , ,lecks. wi th all the various article&
ased:le ilterLrraßlNG BUST
i;TAtkobove are-PoW Pl:PPared.O.putertratlmeafid keeP
y 0061104 on lifted every variety of Geese aria Steam
Cocks, each aaste esed bk,E.oput.hoilders tratiPlumb.
Ors v. also, Gas Chandeliers; Pecdenut, Brackets, Gas
Pipe, ac. Ettovi9
• • , „Removal.
Ireabsatibera harp removed @ea No: 57Water
a the•Waletmals6reglP4Pseeapiedjirjaattablay
0.29 Water st. [uky2l ~, ,mArrs* CO -
- W. 1% DOWN TART!.
Down d l , ,
IIin'AVING taken to the business of Mr. Benjamin
MIL flown, Wholesale Grocer, Fralterand Confection
3aTi would respectifthyvollcit4.chntionando or the pa.
ipertegc lICV liberally.bestosved ripect.thelf.Predeccssor,
and would call the auention of the public in general to
the stock of goods kept inshelrestabliahmez4.,which fors
can lor bo daroaased in the city.
: Fruits, Confectionary, 'Netter, Bpices,Tre•
:aeries, a,c town part-of their block
,pow on harA wash of the. above Articles:knave' been
Serected fromthe best ellatern houses.. ...
A new stock of goods in the above line ice &giant
--- Int.-,ltetahrrs and country• m
atatekeepereer And if
to their tuivantage to.give us* call. . , focal
noatery: Hosiery l nosier/ . •
larrbt DALY &Co hews for sale, at thlfOLD ESTA.B.•
between Wood and Market , •
WV dozens of menus undeishirla fan wndlf aitt,oo.
400 " " "", therbur " 0,00„
150 " " drawers "
II • - 11.11 . *0151)*'" - 4,5 q.
1000 , .of decoy Chapois and far lined buns/
lambi Ind 'silk' gloves of every, size vitality, a •
color, well adapted tor Winter aretira.".:ll. .• • -•
600 dozen of ladies black lanths wool atooklnn made
of fine American and Me . rino won!, witlt.threa•throads,
in keels and feet," • • , ' -• •
1000 dozens of children'aPlaidoad newyfency' styles of
. .
gnmelaedc tops.
.75 dozen of chddrettepentesijackets,boatilleslmark
victotines, - gaiter* and boots. JW bnzaenectivMetY of
the above goods have bees raanataetated end sekeotetl
with tire, foronaocto ttidefandwillte mild at prices
which wilt defy all competition . Jonntal co .37.1
~ : ..Central : C oine r of
Stortfr . -
'' Cotner or Fifth Siren and Market Allcy.
UST RECElVElnArlerge and well relented stock of
FIiESII.'EE4B frenz tbe 'imPertere vdtePrisielf theme
very beet outilities of Green • aud Bl ed Ten, which •
'will be: sold ott the moat fivoinble tenets; wholesale and
retail. -,Tbe attentlou of Families' z respectfully Invited
to the ausondient. tnioval HENRY KELLY.
. . . .
Bev,. Dr. ICilllkolltyft grenstsks grir
• • KITT A'N.N IND,, PA •'
TOctober HE FALL SESSION of th is Institution Will .cOza.
mence on Wednesday, a1it3.930, PorTorrne,
&c.; please see Circulars 'at 'Mr. Mellor's, 131 Wood
, street, and hlr.. George 11.• White's, Marked:attest:
In addition to thethorongltsystemof instruptlon put
ailed try the - Principal, as vonehed for by Coy. Johnston
and Bishops Upfold and Potter. the. SatalllarrliieSeall•S
onslderauobi which may, he ,deemedo f some moment,
in the lathed number or its' boareting'Pnp ijs; '(W,); lta
_refircii,situationowil especia ll y; its tiovheing iecintigu ,
bus to any College or School for boys. ,
Dr.BillikellymaY be found at th e Moliongtibilillonse
kir a lerdays,.fut d • sill be happy to Wait oirthicitte desi
nog to see him in reference to the school..
ItEssititfiat rrt YHt Crrs—'-ilori. Charles Shalsit'SOlM
d. Shoenberger, Bsq..; .Col. Wilson hreandlessi,
, Pinthurgli, October 10.
oyster Satcion- and COndireetlasairitit
subsriber•respeetftd Ittfotras his „
friends and
...j-,-the public s that he has. removod,to No. Ott, Si. Man
orset, one door from Penn, where ha lasned a
will keep always on lind,owurY..nrtiatt in h. 4tte of
business;•fierill' add' steter. Oysters served up u the
shelliedeveed or fried, to suit all tastes.- Also, on hand,
a supply of Fruits of all kinds, Pickles, -iftc*,_tcc.
• • sepfty '• ” - " HARRISON '43III.A.HAM.
IL/ ORRIS k HAWORTH, In the Diantond, have just
muL received from-the-01d Country, and offer for sale
low for cash-- - . • . .
Candied Orange and Lemon-Seel ;.
• English Mustard ;
Pineapple Rum; •
~ London Gin . '
Irish Whiskey.
• ' Also froni New - '•
~ ...,Cooking-Raisizuvand COMM* i"..
Citron Peel;
' •: Rich Grape Jnice;• • - ; ;
• . Cocoa and Choeolaje,r A Wo n
'-'Grinusd Spices* ' ' •
•,C Wines and Staildies orevete;*
.aoa..far, eiestaimgand removing flyer* (rota- HOU*
Euiniture of every description:: The:applleatiools ex
ceedingly simple, and ihe? dear iCrarmatemeous and
lasi ice; directions/et 11$50!%Pnktichl.
'For safti at theldrug Store of t - , • - . -
- , .001YLTER:iii RACK%
eomer of Wood mid Third em.
jETROZ I EMI4is; iensunsuro sor IDIdedBCCA, a
&sense req . prevalent Ctas hoC'tirkstbs fax 42,
tanner orebolerar; Try it t -For WO by • :
Iva KEYSFiRR rtIoDOWELL, itliVood
• Lostal*Milmillypitir , §4 t
'with - papers
Dlsmotte Jr:Atred,
with - papers id It itel'ostrgair one but
the owner. , • The. , tedePlitin feWtoderi `onifrde dire
.itus Winks oldte Malta, tutterrin_g itert.l93 latzt at.
OLEIC o • „
4 4i9 $:
_ i X~.:
RR.~` {~.
'~ ;, ii; ::;' i
•tiatity. !taw