Pittsbi4l) Burin= likatorp. Baehr% ned._Exdmutge Brawl. Wm. Lorimer, north st_,_next door to Pittsburgh Bank. :Roan Sargent, corner Wood sad Sixth streets. lapel D King, Fourth street, opposite hi & M Bank W A Hill To., 64 Worikatreelp2d4lotwaboxe, ta.,11. W. corner Wood and Fonith sts. •• • Mill Corm 65 Wood street,44 door below.Fgartle, W Robertson,' ciorner3Yoodanil Third streets. t ' Kramer Rehm, corner Woodand Thirdetreets.: t-Williams - 4-Crr n_erffe.l Wooratid Third stsi • Conk Harris, corker Market and Filth streets, , ft ohnetlf Sentlisldarket st:34weerMeand,4Ur.• , 7 2. iYalck itrakera.anti , ieuteUcts. W W Wilson,.corner.hfai.ket and Pi:4mb streets • liSiehardson, 71 Markel street, noir the Diamond ' John - St IlinFaddere& CoriMaillet street, near Mil - - Sandi & Eleinamin;" FaM street, neat Market Eliedla& - Rertherger, Stsi it sweet, near Grant Wholesale Ososess,teonattisso f - s ' PimEttot ilerferd: 'itorixt &Sid, 118 Wiloiletreet, above Filth. ! • Alextuider King, 211 Libeny street, opposite Hand.) " • • Bruce,•Jr., 12 Commercial RoW,-Libe_rty street. ; .;211, A curio inithms,6 COMMEIVIIII Row, L ib ert y lare4 l .- Geroge Co. , 210 Liberty Street, opposite 7th. • -. John Grier, alLiberw street. m 51Cormly,210Liberty street, Opposite Eagle Amt. & Ranter, 1118 Liberty street • ateClitato & Co., 142 Merl street. ' aliSol3 /G&W:nig - 1 , 4 Sixth, between Wood owl IdeeSty. J& R Floyd, Liberty, Wood and Sixth streets. - :Lambert 6:Shipton, 133 and 135 Wood street. • s Wor Dyer,ls2 Liberrt_street, opposite fah. , W..& hieCritclietin, No. 152 Liberty street. Brown & Kirkpatrick, 144 Liberty street. - - t Edinginh-k Bemtett, 37 . Wood st.,opposAe Cartes; ..Tassey lc Best, 35 cad etteet, opposite St. Charles; S Moretti' & 0°417 Wood, between let and 2d sts. Wm Bagaley,& Co., Nos.lB and 20 Wood street. 3 - 44riek & MoCattdleas, r ernes Wood and Water sts. Wm McKee corner Wood and Front streets. Bortitidge,',Wilsea it Co., WateraicittWood and Smith'd. Chart* : Oaroth.ent* 0o.; Water and Front streets. Reis & Berger, corner Smithfield and Second streets. ins Onnun es-Stau/4 a Smithfield street, nest Water. Jr.tcorner Water and Smithfield streets, Ertirerit, ft Water, between Market and Wood. W B Mame, &Bro., 37 Water, bet. Wood and . Market. Wale na an,3l - Water and 62 First street c..lamestiallel, 24 Water and 44 Front street. Jolla F Perryco fuer 'Hancock s t. and Ihutnesne Wel% King &Moorhead, 27 Wood street. ithel, Matthews A Co., Water, bet. Market and Ferry. _ _ Conardstasi; lirosbass,, and far/raiding ZiferchartlA' ' Renew & Orteols,l6Vozattontlal 84P7, Liberty street. • David Vitzsuamotta &80n.133 Wood street. • fleoThq Cocicrsa, Isich2o Woad street, - ' • &Wliarbangh, 63 Water and 104 Front street.. ---A-Watirk& Son; Bmithneld street;near. Water - -Robertson*. Happen, No.loo Second street. Armstrong & Cron r, 65 Market at., between Ist and ea. Breyfogle Clarke,lo6 Second street, above Wood. arociri and Dealers - iti. Ls 1lori;. R-Wationotorner Liberty and Waviest:ems. Jno IdoDesitt & Bros., 13 Commercial How, Liberty st. Jou Patton,. Jr.,N0.17 Commercial Raw, Liberty street. .J Briar, No. 114 Liberty street,and 63141amond alley.. - .T. 7 &Jaoirson Duncan, 228 Liberty street: •- • Robertnloore, 11 Commercial Row, - Liberty street. Robert Sell, Liberty street, opposite Wood. W Lehman & . C.ts, 190 Liberty -street. W:3,11 hliteboottree, 160 Liberty street. - Jacob Weaver, Jr., corner Marker and - PrOnt streets. ' Saddle, Barges: and filmic* Makin. • ' - 'l' . lft Oliver, Liberty, opposite Seventh street. .. A Holstein, =1 Weed street, near -Virgin alley.. J P Smith, 140 Wood street. Rahauser & Duff, 136 head of Wood street_ W-A Gildenfenney,loo Wood st.,thittr - doorbelow R & W Mackey, 90 Wood st-,bet..sdi and Diamond alley. Batumi kleClartan„OtTWood,bet. Sth and Diamond al'y. Bartley, 88 Wood at., cor. Diamond alley. Lookutg Musts anti Vane lies. .1 iGillespie & Co., 78 Wood a..,between ad and Ch. Kennedy & SaWyer,n, corner Wood and Fourth sts. S Kennedy, rink street, near Wood. - . . ereenswara and . Chinn. • George Breed, 94 Wood street. - 111 lissikinson, 6a Wood,between 3d and 4th streets. Henry Higby.l2s Wood street, 2 doors above Fdlit. • • ' ' Ka de Cot, p rofcorne ood and Third streets. Ja y Raeltofen, Liberty street.--Gerntan Books. Victor Ber th a, nth meet, between Wood and Market. I II Mellor 81 Wood st..—Setrool Books and Stationery. • Luke Looll]il, Art, 89 WOOd ay.—.School Books, &Wry. Elliott it:English, 72 Wood street. Johnston & tetocinon, COM= Market and Third ans. •8 H Beeson & Co., 80 Market st.,2d door from Diamond. H S Bosworth & Co., Fourth street, near Market. , Patna Medicine. • • ' Season, corner Liberty and Wood streets. Shepherd's Medicine Depot, 84 Smithfield street. Kane &. Idomani 192 LB:petty it, 4 doors above %relay. E brovrente.W & Bina, Atheneum.; t- Liberty stree • E Downing, 218 Liberty street. • ' WA&LC McMullen, WO liberty, e or:Garrison alley. Boobyer & Dribble, 251 L3srty 5t.,3 doors above W ',Davin, corner Liberty and Irwin streets. John P liopassell,l22 Liberty st., hoar St. Clair. R S Alanland,4s Liberty it., corner Virgin alley. r Delany 45 Liberty street. :Mthernardi Liberty street Closkery, 151 Liberty street - . " • 11 Chigoe],ls3 Liberty street. ' • Lamm= Mitchel, 165 Liberty street. • W Leonard, 62 Wood str set, bet ltb, and Diamond alley. Schroeder, Dagenbut &Co V Wood, 1 door below 4th. iftlderbrand & Co , 10 Wool street, pear Water. Robert Cbester, 76 Smithfield at, bet litb an Diam'd ay. Parker & Lowe s6 Smithfield street, near 411 i. bibtfr minatetu &111:5.5.i 44 Liberty street. .138aiRr, corner ffiarbracd Second streets. Rater, at filt at, betweba 24 sad 34. , W Merbstutey, corner Liberty and Smithfield enema Jam White , Fea t at., between Market and Liberty. Josepheraig, Wane ' at., opposite Canal Basin. 3 Cartwright, as ood door below Diamond alley . . .•. • , A McFarland, Smithfield ort i bet 4th and Diamond alley. El tunnel Gray, Exchange Badding', St. Clair tweet. ,Cheap Putolicatifts. M A tainer.l3mithaeld st., opposite Brown's Hotel. Id P Morse, 83 Fourth street - Holum' Litentry Depot, Third st., opposite Post Glace. Dry GMATitferehatits. - . W. AP Runs, corner Market and Fifth streets. • D Frallcht,loo Market urea; near Filth. J Shea, 10d Market Street, between Filth end Liberty. J G Idunnt,ll4 Markers:trees, teal Liberty: - - -J & BF McConnell, corner Mart and Fifth ateeetC• .1 V Diller, &B. comer Market and Fp_olthstreets. Wm H Garrard, New York Store , 49 At ,t street. E spenee.,.3l) Market street. between 24 and 3d. • E Mentzer A C0.,81 Market st., bet. 6th and Diamond. Alexander A Day, 75. N. W. Car.Arattort end Diamond. Absalom Moms, 63 Market st, bet. 411 t and Diamond. George R White, 61 Market st,betsreen ad and 4th. • Wm 1.. Bussed, 62 Market it., neat Fourth street . • W. B. Murphy, corner Market and.Feurth streets • Wholtude- Dry Gads. r.: • Shielded* White, 90 Wood street. • • A - it Mason&Co., 60 Market st., betweenad and 4th. Murphy, Wilson 4- Ce.,48 Woad at, 26 door above 3d. Hampton,Smidt ¢ 00.,54 Wood at ibetween 3d and 4th. • • ' " = ••• • Aldermen and histize 4. the Truce. N Buckmaiter t Founhatteet, above Smithfield. . A G•Reinhan, Irwin sweet, nett: Liberty. /kW — raisci:ffigia. c , Wm Jackmin, corner Liberty and Wood streets: •• - J 8 Adams, SIO Liberty street, - nest Eagle Tavern. Samuel Tanzall, 123 Wood street, above Fifth ' - S Kays, fifth street, near Market. • D• A Olnated-conter Market and Liberty a James Robb, 22 Market And 41 Liberty suet • Joseplr.Plunoner, 102 Wood ruse; near Fifth eingsAlbree,-7,1, corner Wood and Fourth evens. ' MOCardy ¢Loornis,4B.Wood st, between 3.1 and 4th. J Rutledge, 66 Wood street, third door above Fourth. • F W Hayward, corner Market and Liberty meets - T Praha"' No. 1W Third street, • , - • James !San, Smithfield street, near Disarond alley. John Taggart, Sculthfield street - near Fourth. -.J Bates, corner Smithfield and Fifth streets. . Troth Sean, corner Smithfield and Fourth etreeta. Win Adair, Smithfield street, four doors above 34. : W. 14 &tattler, Smithfield street, near Brown's Hotel. • . John Campbell, corner Smithfield and Second streets. W ESchmenr, 23 Smithfield, between Flynt and 211 sta. 'l' A Hinton. 4 St: Clair street, near Liberty: T Thonipson„St.'Cialr au, between Penn and Bridge: H Perry, 71 Forint strut, near Wood. Brennen 4. MAL= I, FLU street, near Market,. r Wool Merchants.; ! - . sAatßr abrte arg,h S s m 3 i t W hf a e t l e d r an , d b e oP th r aamdmltiniaxm an d ay Hugh bee, corner Liberty street and Cecil's alley. Mills and Hag Factont. Thorns Moffitt, Penn one; near the Point tt A Kelly, Seventh street, above the Canal - Hardware and Opitery. , Walter F Faldnistack, le4 Liberty street. - - - R T LeechrJr., 133 Wood street, above. Mi. Rays ¢ Dotty, 61 Market street, near Fourth. • " Wolf * Lane. corner Liberty and St. Clair streets. R Dunlap, Jr., 91 Market street, neer Fifth. - 'llaber Laufsaan,76 Wood et-, bet. Oth and Diamond ay J Canwrieht,B3 Wood st., 1 door be:ow Diamond alley. John Walker, 85 Wood et, bet: Diemen,. alley and 4tit st. Cooper. Lasely,69 Wood ineet,Bl door below Pciiirth. ' Whianore ¢ W01d,50 Wood at between 34 and 4th. Joseph Woodwell, corner Wood end Second streets. - Down • Tetley, HO Wood street, near:Vixen alley. • • —• . wewsw. - Wilkinsott . • - A-Bell, No 163 Liberty street, opposite Sixth. waliecßryant,lB3 Lawny st., opposite head of Wood. Wm y oung Cottir., 95 140 Liberty street, near fit. Malt. • Samuel m o u Wood and corner Diamond alley. • • ifenhean. a. Wood. 311 door below Diamond alto ••• Riclaird 13ard, in Wood street. . William Irwin, Diamond alley. , James Dwlrt,Dmond allgiar Diamond. • . edicvtes • Keyser 4.lilaDowell, corner Wood st. anfi 'nitre aney Sellelta,fi7Wood st., between ld and L Wilcox, Jr.,eor: Market street and the Diamond and L. Wilcox, Jr., corner 4th and Smithfield streets. Dr. II Smyser, corner Market and Third streets. J A.Jointes 4 , Do., corner Walnut and Penn streets. I A Jones, corner Hand and Penn Streets. -Braun + Reiter, corner Liberty and St.-Clair streets. -- - Edward Fenderich L eornereLa Muer_ .t 1 A Palmestoett Co.jecmser Wood sod First Wrens. - • John D Morgan, corner Wood st. and Usmonittlley. s• Jail !Sabha' Mazer Wood mai Magda.— - : ,!•4•4* •:.e.•.!. • 7'4 132=9 M:MMRNEE That B lllhbert, corner Liberty and Smithfield eta, and Manufacturer of Writing Fluid and lake. • Win Henderson, 205Libeny tweet. • Whotaale.eloth &are J D Stuart d. Co, No 122 Wood street. • Wrairloming,4o Wood sueet,corner Virgin alley. Wllkftan ALerdister; CO Market ar i l door from Fifth C L Makee,42 Smithfield it, between Ed and and 34. James Wilson, Smithfield et, frd door tram Fourlh. W Glasgow, Uhl Wood st, third doothelow Filth.. W. Douglas 77 Wood street, fourth door above Fourth. S M o ore, 75 Wood; third door above Fourth...... , Charles'il Paulson, 7J Wood street near Fourth,. 1 McCord * . Co,corner,Wood and MAIL streets./: • fotutiL figey 143W00d at,op.lst Frestolourian Church litniZikeirenson, 3 Fetteraran'iltow, Liberty and 'Mrs di Son, corner Smithfield and FM streets. owly,_4 Co, Smithfield atreet between 2d and 2d, algid trrewi §ltithAeldAear Fourth street. . . . . • , „ • flagrance :wawa. • •Natlawa, Una -Fund and Life 1tuk.C0,64 Wood street Delaware Mutual Safety, 42 Water street* Westerri Instinume Co. iif.Pialburgb, Nb. 9/Water-at. Protection Insurance Co, OW.ee 127 Woodstreet Franklin Fire insurance Co, canter Wood and 2d sts. .Paper and Bordering. W Paisesl4ll, iiioicessor to 8.0 87 Wood street. . James Rewind it-C0,82 Wood s 2 doors below Dia; ay. 4.8 Smithfield street. dent Fourth. • Thomas Palmer, 47 Market at, between ud - and 4th' ,Titmers and Copper Smiths. ittbateloger, Wood street opposite Ist Pm. Church 721"thapyiles, corner Liberty and Smithfield greets. L Stinsm,Athetiennt Building, Liberty Street 0 Bucket - at, 123 Wood *meet. • . 313undallas, 128 Wood street. Slderrow,l7 Firth at, between Wood and Market. Denunlet, 40 Liberty mut, near Market: • - Stiff 4EBturk, Pio. 8 Market suite% near 'tinter. Belly 4. 8r0.., Sixth, between Wood andLibetty streets James 4 1‘ Kincaid, Front and 2d streets, near Market • - . • Gold Beaters. • - John B Dadery , 13a Thiel at, bet Wood and Smithfield . . ••._ • • . &migrant Lino. - Blakely & Co ,•Penn street, (Canal Basin.) P W Byrnes 4.• Co, WS Liberty at.; Jno Thompson, Ago. Liverpool and Philadelphia Packet Line, Brown 4. Kirk -461tick, 144 Liberty street. Hotels and Taverns. • st., between Second and Third. Virginia House, corner Water and Perry atreeui Parmees , lan, J. Liulc, corner Fourth and Perry streets Wm. Tell Hotel,Water street, above Smithfield 'Eagle, J Maldasuer t lr, &a% Liberty insect. Si. Charlet, corner Wood and Third streets. National tiotel,Water street, above Smithfield. Perry Bonita, corner Hancock at and Duquesne Way. Bart DistactlLatel, comer Smithfield and Second atS. Monongahela Hiatus% corner Smithfield and Water eta. Exchange llstel, corner Penn and St. Clair streets. _ Foundry TVardoutrs. WinV in cillnde 4. Co, comer 7th and Liberty street& tam & Payne, let Libor,/street, head of 'Wood. Wm Irwin, Atheneum Building, Liberty street. Pennock, Michell Co, IGO Liberty street. Alex Bradley; (sign Gilt Stowt4 No. ID Wood street. Jobs Anderson 4 Son, corner Water and Grant sts. • .Bakers and Confretimutrr. A Andrews, " Eagle,"*lllMatend alley ft B. 'Road corner Wylie and Tunnel streets. P Dunker, Fildistreet, near Market. A* P Scheldecker,." Star," 42 Diamond alley. Mortis Kea:, Smith field et, bet. Fifth and Diamond alley. Wm E Bown,,'• Union," ft.nNs.blst, 'IGLU and 4th. platters and Mantua Mn. Dar, la St Clair street, between Penn and bridge Mrs Leech. 9 Filth street, between Wood and Market. Mrs M E hlorrison,No. 9 St. Clair street. Mrs Parker, No. 4 Patterson's Row, St. Clair street. Miss Hain, oorner Penn and St. Clear streets. • Fancy and Variety Coat.. . • T H htnekalgh 4 tiros, 1.17 Wood strew, near Fifth. McCandless • Campbell, 97 Wood street. Geo W Kahn, n Wood street,sigo Galt Comb. Charles Arbrohnot, cot. W oo d street and Diamond alley gantroaan 4 Bove, vi Wood st, I. door ribose Diam'd ay. Eeb aloe Kinsey, 67 Market street, near Diamond. fanny* Knox, 99 Market street, near Fifth. Calton Aransfactura One/ ¢ Monagluua,2= Liberty itreet. • Boat Stara. Et A Weaver, Wayne street, opposite Canal Ruin. John Brennan, 69 Water st, bet Wood and Smithfield. Jetties Kerr, C 0,35 Water street, near Market. Joseph Major No. 4 Market street, near Water. 'AleCamman 4. Stevens, 7 and 9 Market st, near Water. "Dumas Oliver, 8. B. Bakery, 23 Water street. Zinith ifanufaciuners. Blau it co, 120 Wood street, above Falb. Nannedy,69 Wood street, fourth door above Foote Fdaiily Gmeriers. A 8 Getty comer Wylie and Waidttnu streets. Milian, comer Second and i3aaa streets. George Humbert, corner Pena and Idarbary sumo Thais= Applebe, corner Wylia and Tu n nel streets George Anh, canter Ebnithflelta and FoalLb sta. Hugh Garvey, 143 Liberty street, opposite Filth. J Donaldson, corner SL Clair and Penn sweets. .1 Bld Youn g 4 Co, corner Fossil: and Ferry streets. IL Patti, corner Seventh and Grant streets. Cyrus Black, Diamond, bee% of Obi Conn House. W Bur.hinart, comer Wylie and Chatham streets. H Hoeveler, Wylie intbetweell F rl22lllC and Chatham H C corner Fifth street and Market alley. Thomas Woods, Liberty street, near Water. Trimming, Hosiery and Variety. W Daly A Co i. Matuanictarers and Itaironius, Fifth at. . F H Eaton 4 1..0, 62 Fourth it, bet Wood and Market. Wm M Harsh, corner Third and Market sueets. John On 4. Co, Market street, nes/Filth. 'Joseph Horne P Co, 63 Market at., bet. 4th snit Diamond Tobacco, Snsilf and Cigars. I Pallertoo, HS Wood 'drool, ntat Sixth. J McCollister, 19 Fifth at, between Wood sod Market. Daniel Day, 49 Wood street, between .11 and 4th. J Stein, St. Charles Hotel, Wood street Leo Sheller , IGT SmitikGeld street, near Fifth. Vira Rinehart, Irwin at, between LibetlY and Penn. J A Alazurie,33 Hand street, between Liberty and Penn. Extract of Co,ffes. John Martin, Bataan ef Coffee ADinufaentrer, 61 Dia- mond Alley, between Wood and Smithfield streets. • Glass Sanssfadurere. Wm McCully 4. co, 1.19 Wood street. Chambers, Agnew* C 0,9 Wood,bet Water and Isl et,. Bakewell, Pears 4. Co, corner Wood and .2d streets. Curling, Robertson 4 co, corner Wood and Front sta. .24mpson Co, 22 Waal street, neat Bagaley Co John if Mellor, PI Wood street—Chiekeines Pianos. Lumber Mere/tants. William Dilworth, Grant street, near Seventh. Rowan it Dawson, Stith street, near Grant. Throngs Scott, Penn et., bet Basket's alley and Irwin st Soap and Candle Manufactories. • Wilion & Co., Bou itoset, between 3d and4th. Wilson& Canaan, Fonnh street, near Boss B C Sawyer if 50n,42 Wood st, opposite Bt. Charles. - Fruits and Candid. Jas CrAnderson.ls Smithfield st, between Ist and ltd. J Hanker, PI Wood at., between sth and Diamond alley Joshua Rhodes, 0 Wood street, near Water. • • • Plough Miuusfictories. Hebert Hall, N 0.147 Liberty street. Hall 4. Speer, Penn street, comer alley. 2dustasq and Spices. John B Bell, corner Liberty and Ferry, streets. Rhodes ¢ Alcorn, 30 Fifth at, opposite Post Buildings. Tea Stores. • .1 Bpi YOIIII_g 4. Co,fikiinFonna_ead Ferry streets. Pitudnusb Tea Sto r at, b et Woodaad Martel. - --••••• . ' .:- • - • Dentists. Win A . Wiiii;DOatist, Pout street, 3'doors above Heal illHECo•Partzteraldp heretofore existing between the subscribers, under thefirm of J. B. BONNET fr. Co., this day dissolved by annual consent. Either partner may use the name of the concern In settlement. • . - • JEROME S. BONNET. - - MATTHEW D.PATTON. PlitrburgA, April 15t,1850. • ' MP Raving sold my entire interest in the firm of Somas & Co. to M. D. Panes, my late partner, and in retiring from b tusinesa, I take great pleasure in recom mending him to the confidence of my friends and the public. (ap3l - Gravel Rooth:qr.. trßE'aubaeribers respeotibily Worm' tie citizens of 1 • Pittsbinth and vicinity, that they are now fully pre pared to fill orders for GRAVEL ROOFING, In a man ner not to be surpassed In this city or elsewhere. From their experience in business, they feel confident that they will render satisfaction to all those who may give them work.' The superiority of Gravel Roof over any other kind, particularly In case of fire, is too well known to require any argument in its favor. To those who are unacquainted with our work, we beg leave to referthem to Passim. Thomas Liggett, fir., John F. Perry, Rudy Patterson, Kane, Jr., and others , for whom we have done work. Orders thankfully received and promptly attended to We will be found on Wylie street, be 'wean High and Tunnel streets. MATTHEW MCGOVERN. Isola JOAN SKRsININ. HE subscriber areal d call the attention of Printersto his imp:roved P ri nting Inks, of various kinds and co ors,whieh he offers for sale at the loweSt matket peens, and warrants to be of the veryfirltqualltr, • • . JOHN D. APCD.EARY, • • Printing Ink blanufheturer, . . No. 311 and:l33 Stanton Nets York. Ilis agents la Pittsburgh are—hir. R. C, Stockton an Mr:VJrn.S., Haven. - ECT Thls paper!' printed with his News•lnk. (eerie • _u. o. Stoollstoss BOOKSELLER AND 87.4770NER, • :• • Na. 47,cartzmit cw Masse Am TEnsu srartrrs, HAS constantly on bead for sale—Writing, Letter, Printing and TeaPAPER; .Rannet, Hinders', Fat -left,-and. Trank , BQA.RDS; Book and Newspaper PRINTING INK—which he will sell at the lowest cash plisear in exchange for Rags and Tanners , Scraps. -MILOIIR-443 b1;4.5.n0 Floor join rool and Gr solo by ....J L.':.• oari4d and elair Make» Muir Stone Dissolution: _. , wF. ~, -:;:-. Elms and filebitinte. Karnes Pectoral Elyiup A new arricl' for Coughs, Colds; Hoarier:as, Brat:Ala', 'moving-Cougts,Asthma anzr FAe carious InSeCtSe 3 . el - ArLutivrtfetcl• ,Fiantaruirk .Orkaitte THIS IdEHIVINR.Inas 413,0P1i0n in affections. of the Pulmotantysisoare entirely different from any of the ExpectorantandCoagUteirtediest now in nse. It /sone of Attel,MOgr ape ay,. as Well as the most; pleasant, medi cines:nov.lllrue,- It does not open the pores and ex - -Pose toeMOM cox: One 'or two doses frequently al- - laYs allirrilatlon and tickling sensation produced by a harassing cough. ,Singers, public spealreris,nad Those ‘Whelire required to use the-vocal organs to - a-frat ex- tent, will 6n4 in-this - Pectoral Syrup a sure • arid instant remedy for hoarseness Vend laryngeal - Irritatfon.: It , clears the throat perfectly of all collections oteTheous, and_opvestone and clearness to the voice. ' MIrT0111)3--The symptoms which usually usher in . .titoggh orCold May be enumerated as follows: This disease,in.theboolmis calla catarrh, and ispreceded br anincreased-aucharge from the nose, fence s and bran.' chls;;3here_ie.afeeling of lossiuide over the whole ,body,and very often-cold shiverings are felt ;- at least the body is more thattusually sensitive to ttle 1/Client of the air : the pulse increases in freoeney, and there is generally more or legalese?. These symptomsare soon hollowed with'hoarsenesittuad a sense,of roughness and _se:km=2B.in the Windpipe and vocal organs, together with a 41169M:thy of breathing ands sense, of conitnetion of the chest. There also attending a dull pain and - sense - of *eight In the forehead, aswell as a heaviness in moving the eyes. ' These feelings somenmeS at the very. beginningof the disease, and always -soon sifter, are attenaed with a distillation trom the nose and some dineefrara the eyes, of a thin acid Said, whieh , frets and .imitatesthe parts'over which it passes. The cough is atd.rst usually dry but as thelisease progresses there' e.t peen:nation of.thin mucous, which : grad pally. becomes thicker and more copious;and having some ne. These are the leading symptoms of what is termed ca/d," which, Al' neglected; are likely to result in it7o • ; Rarebits injury to the .Lungs, and Cossormon. - _ ,• -Price SO cents per bottle. • For proof of the abore read the eertifi ' rake ;demure in. cortifY#Fe tor the - benefit of other sufferers, to the efficacy of your:PEC TORAL, cOUGH. SYRUP, in our ease. 'During The - use of two bottles purchased of you we were cured of a hoarseness amounting to an entire loos of voice ; and effectually relieved of a severe cough, which threaten. edpermantat injury to the lane, . WU.. A. .titr.L, Ai the Zion , WM. A.../Ell4. Co. Pittsbergli. Feb. IFSO. Dn. Rtrtaant—You have asked me the effects of your Pectoral Syrup in my own case. 1 bad a very bad cough daring part of last winter.. J_t began with a - feel. ing . ef fullness in dm head ; increased secretion and slit Alston of tears;, together with hoarseness, pain in the breast. and the other accompaniments of whet has been denominated "Tyler Grippe." I molt two bottles or your Pectoral Syrup, according to the directions On the bottle ; and I am now, and have been ever Since, entire ly free from any of the unpleasant symptoms enumern• - ted above. You have my permission to publish this for the goad of your sales, as well as the Public, if you de sire to do so. Very respectfully, yours. &c. POLLANSSF,E. Prepared by Dr. Geo. ll.Keyser, and sold by . KEYSER & hPDOWELL, 140 Wood st., corner of virgiri, To whom all orders roust bettddressel. . Inov2o totara ea e sciFffr a f WONDER! THE TitUF. DIGESTIVE FLUID, Or, Oastilo Juice 1 CREAT DYSPEPSIA CURER, PREPARED from Rennet, or ihe fourth stomach of JL the Or, after directions by Baron Lamp, the great Physiological Chemist, by 3. S. HOUGHTON, ALD., No. 11 . , North Eighth street; Philadelphia, Pa. Phis is a truly wonderful tamely fovINDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, JAUNDICE, CO STIPATION, L/P,Efi COMPLAINT, and DEBILITY, caring after Nature's, awn method,by Natertor own agent, the Gastric/Mee, Half a tearpoonfall of this Ward," infused in 'water, willtigest or dissolvc Rya Porous or aoso Bust ts snort ruratraZUS, out or the stomach. SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE! • Baron Ideal*, in rib:celebrated work on Animal Chem istry, says t "An artificial Digestive Field. an:lir/goes to the Gasuie Juice, may be regally prepared from the Teti* cons membrane of the stomach or the calf, in which va rietal articles of food, as :neat and eggs, will be so loft. cued, changed and digested, Sun in tho same manner as the...Y would Im in the human stomach." .Dr. Paansa, in his famous treatise Fend and Di et,"published by Fowles h. Wells, New %ork, page 35, states the same great fact, and describes the method of preparation. There are few htgrier authorities that -Dr. Pereira. Dr. Corm, In his valuable writings an the "Pigs:eta gy of Digestion," observes that " a diminution of the duo qaaatity of trio panne Juices*" prominent and all-pre , trailing cause of Dyspepsia ;" and ha states that a dis tingunmedprofeasor or medicine in I.oadon, who was severely aMeted with this complaint, finding everything cite to fail, had recottrse to the Gastric Salto, obtained from the suunsch of living animals, which proved cont. pinery sneeesenL" Dr. Guars* author Grew famoasvrorks Veneta ble Diet,",says: "It is a remarkable fact in physiology, that the - stomachs of animals, macerated le water, tea pan to the told the prawn,: et dissolving various aril. cies of food, and of effecting a kind of aruilelat diges tion of them In no Wile different from the. Milling digest. lee process.", Sw.on's meat work, the "Chemistry of Ilan," Loa It Illanehard little ISIS. pp 33.1.4 says : "The diScov. cry of PEPSIN forms a new era in the chemical 111 , 11{17 Of Dige3l.lol2. From re=nt kocrav that food ts din-aired as rapidly in an artificial digestive Buhl, prepared from P‘miln, as it Ls in the natural ttfns trio .Itiice itself." Protester Destotasex, of the Jefferson College. Phila. delphitt, in hi* great work On if untati Ph yelology t de vete* more than fifty pages to an exagunation of this oubiret. ilia expecte:mate orith Dr. 'Beaumont, on the Gastric Juice, obtained from the Items bateau stomach and from animal*, ere well known. "le all C l / 1 14/1:" he says, "di gestion occurred as perfectly to Me iutiGetai as its the neutral digestions.n AS A DYSPEPSIA CURER, Dr. licreattroWs preparation of PEPPIN bat produced the mold marvelous elje-ets, eating care. of DebaitV, &whiten, Nervous Derline, stud Opp:vie Canguturt• don, supposed to be on the very verge of tt a grave, it is Impossible to give the details of easel in the limit, of this advenisenteet—but anthenthated certifies:tee have been Itiven at more than TWO HUNDRED fir,NIARK. ABLE Ctlitt„ in Philadelphia, Nero - York , snit &won ateoc- Th ese *ere nearly ail desperate cases, sna thy cures were not only rapid end VlOThigliti s but pciro.a. nent. 1.3 b O. great NERVOUS ANTIDOTE, and parocularly useful for tradenerta bilious disorder, Liver Cotopt,aint, rover and Apia, or badty treated Fever and Ague, and uta evil erects of Quinine Mercury, and other dr ugs , upon the Digestive organs a fter a long Stektlets. Also, for excess in eating, and • the too fire use of ardent *plc , It alga reconciles Health with Intemperance. OLD. STOMACH COMPLAINTS. - - There Is no form of OLD srobucil CObthLAINTS which It does not SCUM to reach and remove at once.— No twitter bow bed they may be, it GIVES INSTANT BELIEF:. A einglristest removes altsheunptcasantspolp tonv, and it only needs to be repeated, for a short limn, tort:ake these.good a - eels permanent, PURITY OF BUM and VIGOR OF BODY, follow at once, it is particularly excellent In eases of NCIUSIS3, Vomiting, Cramps, Soreness of the pit of the Stomach, distress ni ter eating, low, cold - state of the Blood, Heaviness, Low. nets of Spirits, Despondency, Emaciation, Weakness, tendency to Insanity, Suicide, &c. Price, ONE DOLLAR. per bottle. One bottle will of tea effect a lasting cure. Every _bottle bears the written signature of J. 8. HOUGHTON, MD., Sole Proprietor_ Sold- - by agents in every town in the United States, and by respectable dealers in Medicines generally. Agents for Ptushargb, KEYSER it McWWELL, 141 Wood street Retail dealers supplied et Proprlelor'ap_rices. inv2o:y Also, for sale by . R. E.ZELLIAS, Al Wood street.. Philosophy of Brandretles Vegetable WHEN the theory of the circulation of the blood was established, the secret springs of vitality were them partially exposed to our view. We saw and understood that, the food we eat was converted into blood, which repaired the waste of the animal the food is feel, ^which keeps at a life heat the internal fires that warm 'and - invigorate our inner man. The blood is an electric fluid which carries this heat to every ramification of the body; even to the exhemides of the hair and horny'nail. While the blood is thus the seat of life, it is also the seat of disease.. Food gives the body strength; limndreth's pills give blood the necessary power to throw out from itself all impurities, thus ren dering the enema of life pure and healthy. if men were More sincere, There would be fewer' religious creeds; and If they kept closet to-nature's towel* the management, of their bodies, they would-require little medicine. Air men grow intellUi,gent therwill become wiser and hap pier; even now,' their wisdom is proved by the fact that, when sickness assails them, they use Brandreth'e Vege table UniVeral Pilli, Which soon, restore them to health. They are peculiarly adapted to the climate,' and require no extra care when they are Used, to either diet or cloth ing. They should be always in the house, so that upon the first indication of sickness they maybe used. One dose in the beginning is more potent for good, than a dozen after the sickness is fixed in thosystem. In colds, coughs; asthma, rheumatism, costiveness, fevers, and in all acute, heavy or deep-seated pains, their effects will be found beyond all praise. Three or five will act like aphorist, often curing a dangerous malady at once, sa ving months of sickness and the evils thereunto attend ing. Remember, Brandrettes- Pills are a known and fatly tested medicine; one that is used by hundreds of thousands in this country and throughout the civilized world. They are Auietly . superseding ell other medi cines. They take out only that from the blood which is the cause of weakneas and pain, leaving strength and health ; they produce healthy sleep at night, and an ap petite that relishes all kinds of food. . Sold at N 0.29 Diamond alley—the only place An Pitts burgh where the genuine Brandre fh Pills are kept for sale mulersigr.ed is the only agent in the city. ilee23am THOMAS REDPATH. . 4 41 BiltrlbparAua Cata the .ohotera. a 14110 e manovormut or child has died of the CHOLERA or any of its symptoms who used this Invaluable preparation. Look at the city of Louisville, where this Sarsaparilla is made, and -wham from 150 to 200 bottles are attailed daily, but few isolated cases of Cholera have occurred, and they were either persons from boats or those who disregarded onr advice. For Sale by XEYSE.Wdz M , WELL, 140 Wood su pitArgh, where( the genuine artlele may , always be Italie( for Cram EVE PAVE ABDOMINAL WARMERS, inade froni TT thermost approved English patterns, furnished and recommended bynames Baltewell,Esq., and a number ofeminent 'Physicians, being a most convenient appara tus for the application of warm or hotwater to the bow.: els t in case of - cramps in Cholera. As every person is subject to sudden attacks; no family should be without. at least without one. For sale by . SCAIFE ATMENSON,— Sea First street, between Wood and Market - VIST RECEIVED, a trash stiPPLY of Dr. S. S. Fitch's '• valuable-Medicines, among wbirth are remedies for Contmmittlon,CoWis andiryspepsiu; Also, Abdominal Supporters, Shoulder Braces, Inhaling_Tubes,and Lee. tares on the Treatment and. Duro of, CimetunPldep,&o. For gala kir COULTER & RACRE,Dimpsta, . of 16 ' I:outer of-Wood atut .rd Mat" ••;-:;,ri.:•::-,.,s.i-lI4:,,:.: - .!..':iz. , ',.,..' , •_,t.:;:,-,..-.,';-..-.—;-,,-,-;: MMEM Eciox.AND JOB PEI TYBTG4,, Ns W. ( orrierofWooleisadEr t ifkla t3treatirc ProPrietor or the lgortanto Parr andMErtl 1 1 1 Mauna rrmseertraza, respectfully informs h:s f ends and the patrons °fames papers* Inez' he hus a larg .as.. Bestow% °NOB TYPE ANUALL; 0/11EIMATEPIA necessary 'ex a Job Printing OiFlce, and that he is; pre- Pared to:execute- "rmerart Paps sattrtrio 07 . 891.11 T nEscarryon: TPaon M * - B" of Lasting, ' -, Csraagrsi mpa/as p Btu Heads,' ' Cards. _. Blanks,- - Hat Tips. kinds of Blanks, Stage, Steiunboat and Canal 11011 t 81.10, with appropriate cats , prifiteden the shortest. .notice and 'nos: reasonable terms. He respectfully asks thepatronage of hie , friends! and the public generallyonibis brtutch of his twines's, th JAMES W. -WPODWELI.;.• -, e , •_"•••tv: C49ngi.t. -•- , • - lIIAT I FACVIRER; • .‘ WarestoOntk 97 :and 99: Third mitre.? t. W . W. respcetfullyMforias his friends and cesium. .t) are that he has now completed-the largest mill fi nest stock of household furmtare ever before - seen in - this city, as he is determined'to uphold the quality with well-seasoned materials, best workmanship, end harvest' designs; and from , the extent of bls ordero and facility in manufacturing, he is enabled . m . producerwarinitted reran - most the lowestpriem.- • _,••• He has adopted the principle of identifying the cus tomers' interest with its own, in quality and price, and keepa always on haitd the greatest variety of every des eription of furniture, from the cheapest and - plainest,m the most elegant and costly, that a house, orany.part of one, may he•furnished- from-hie stock; or - manufactured expressly to order. Ha therefore solicits an inspeetion, that the advantages otitis establishment may beknown. The folloWinganieles consiat,in part; of his stock, which for richness of style and finish, cannot be. surpassed In any of ther - P-astertt Cities i . Parinr drawing, 'din ing, and bed room , .. chairs, of every variety, : • Consisting of rosewoood, ma- , • begany and walnut Conservatoire and:-Easy.Chairs, of ever, • - description; Couches, Boitts,Tete-a-te to and Di vans of the -latest French and American patterns;. - Tashaes, iYhat•Nots, and ladies' I,urlor Writing Desks of various kinds;.Work Tables and, fancy inlaid stands, Wuxi° stands; and holders, marble top, ma hogany, rosewood and walnut centre arni sofa, ta bles, extension dining table.; all sizes of the most improved, and decidedly the best kind' • made; card, Pembroke hall and pier tables, • wardrobes, 'bedsteads and washstands each a large assortment; gothic • hall and parlor reception chairs, ottomans and stools; secretary and book cases, lido boards, Are screens, towel racks, hat stands, And • .• music /coals, cribs and cots for children; paper mantic,' - • - table and tea pops,ma hogany,' rosewood , inlaid pearl. Tables, • . A largo assortment of COMMON PUBS - MIME and WINDSOR CHAIRS. Csetur suJouts supplied• with ell articles le their line STEAMBOATS and HOTELS, furnished nt the short est notice. All orders prom , Call/SA.IAB AND 1 ui` 11. I air. N 0.96 Thirst straw, Paulen 'Markt: and Woad, S.nai stdt. A Wa have now on hand a luxe and 1-• spit ndid stock °revery variety ot mums and CABINET- FUENITURE,which we are confident cannot be a a r p as s e d, equallerl, is this City, or 11 iLe West, in style and Snub. Those who vein wanto, Furniture aro respectfully Invited to call and elan:tine, lel - then:sell/es. • - -Stettrnhotits furnished on tn., shot test nstic'e. tp"' All orders . promptly attended to. ' tent P:tt & CO, . -- Fara!taronod Chair War. ROOMS. gig T. . B. YOUNG /a CO., fermi of nint tout . I .4riavuksia.,orpareesnnfil'i , 1 1 PittsSioth; Pa., ketp constr.tly on n n and =Ye loonier, at the iotweti price ,t HOUSEHOLD and STEAMBOAT FUBIGTURE, and CHAIRS, of the best trotittaaathip an most 'pp roved Steam OWL/4 Ahoy ! Tito sabot 'these tender their at knowledge:ants for the favors bestow e upon them by th eir Steamboat friends, and V I L 0,114 teEPCCrriallY retniiht them etid other* Bite rewind in waling boat*, Wm they ere at all times pre pared tofu:nisi:4ot the most retisoneade terms , every dosetiption of Cabin For - mints and Choirs of the bet material and veorkmanohip. 7 B YOUNG tr. CO,, COMet Thstd and SznithEeld atifteti, teblll .opecitat tioteV' G. C. li&O.ILITIL. a. DAtLIIII Itatauter & Dattla .. ,r CABINET WAIIEROOM,SkIirriVIELD nut:l:A Brawn. Sterna strut: and Svosearrry altey, Pirtidurir, Bd. WilllA AM ER & DA It DER keep e011••kalitly or. hand a variety of excellent and fashionable turd:use, warranted equal to any in We otry,.sesi sold on al favorable friths as eon be iibialned at any similar establishment in Jae 'Wen. Thoy haat now on hand an unusually extensive sloth, embracing all kinds of Furni ture, worn the Cheapest and plainest to the most costly and elegant. All orders protcptly attended to. mrxiXta .w,- irs7 WM. E. ;Bit Vr.NistiN coniseuene 0 'MUM. facture CARIART-wAtua 01 tritely dr ntiP• 11011, as los il:4 stand corner of iiibertv and trereath streets, atisiDDIVTAKING attended to, in shits brat:rhea inapt,. Loudon Mustard. , Durtx! . ..cr...dos k und ILY , urbastl alwgistd, by tbr yeg, for A sal e Dl_ t0at31,..11 306GUA RGIGNStr.i. . YOUNG AWILDIE , SISEBIIIIMILIV, ALLF,OHEIY Y. VItB SCHOOL, =tiler the direction of Mr, tr„, Mrs.. N. 1 W. ,Mrrcats, wiH txa tta•Opetted to " Calm:mm.le Hoar," Federal street, nn MONDAV o Krptciuber LM.,, A primary dation:sten toad n turalrar of optional blanch e., hare bre-a aJded,, :Ltd a carps of tear hen ateured. ea tast iattruarlons will now be_ given to behrdara at an ages and attaiataents. Put tlarticulair, sat airetflart, wtheb may be had at the book stores—or courn:t rfia Priar;paist, at their dwelling, on Feder/Li *met. .4114q,174. Aug. J. It. V.. W 1.111 arms _ vveu at:LAKSICAL stud ENtit.,I7.4IStAIOOL 11 on the tit arufalycf Scptsralw next. !Waal. Dye? WVrltt n4k a.1:11.'113/1111'0, eoregq of Woad land littett Rcv. W.V. U. flowsso, Bort. Wavree it. LOTIMIV., - .' Dr. Et.i.torr, 1 U. Met:oats. J. D. Wita.usts. Viral Arrival of Vratt Stockof Carpet*. I , H F: subscriber bulling Jess returned front th e Cast„ is OWN receiving and opt twig usplemlid stock of goods. cOnsicidig in r art or very rich style Carpets, viz: Prursets, Tse-estry 'Brussels and Velvets, itripuned expressly iar this market. Also, Imperial 3 ply, superfine i ply, with u heavy stock 0 all the lower priced grades; together With u large variety of Hearth Hugo, Door Mktv. Stair Had., White,6 reel', Iliac atid&arlet.tigured Baize, (rota t to 3 yards wide. A superior urtlele of French Table and -Piano Covers. Ott Cloth, (roux ft, cigLrt yards +slab Ail the above 'Canted articles having been ticketed with great care, and purelated at such pr ees as to ena ble ban to sell cheaper than silty house west of the mountains. Ci tlzeus and person from the country are requested'to call and examine the stock at Lynd's Carpet Emporium, No. ho Founit street, and No. 63 Wood street. nog36 • , .• E. W. LYN"). .419 JUST RECEIVED. It cases of Fancy STRAW and caw BoNlYstS, Leaks' RisliZ HAM, Children's and -Miles , Bonners,Boys' Those wanting Bonnets will please give her a- call be fore purchasing e Isevehere. ordenopmptly attend ed to; at No Fifth st. Imylptlfl, MRS. A. LEECII.. TIVSSOLUTION.—The partnership of 111eitiiit ii; Luit jj is this day dissolved, by mutual consent. The bu siness of the firm will be settled by 11. Lee. • J. It. MURPHY, Pittsburgh, 39th Jan. 1849. LI. LEE. . • NOTICE.--The undersigned' will continuo , the Wool business and attend to the sale of Woolen Loads at the old place. • 11. LEE. jr,u- In retiring from the IMO firm of Murphy & Lee; I take great pleasure in recommending Mr. IL Leal° the confidence of my friends Mad to the pub Ale. • Jan3o • I. It. MURPHY: N application will be made at the next meeting of the Legislature of Pennsylvania, to incorporate a k to be called the Itlecharucs,Bank of Pittsburgh, to be located in the City of Pittsburgh, and to have a cdpi; talnot exceeding two hundred thousand dollars. - • • julylttim , THOMPSON BELL. Extra Varna) , Ftonr . FOR the convenience of the citizens, the proPrietors of the "PITTSBURGH OITYMILI49,”have placed boxes for the reception of orders, at the following places: .1. &. R. Floyd's store, corner of Wood and Odra/4 M. lfaywood's Shoe stare, corner . Liberty and Market Beelen , s store, lid street; L. Wilcox, Jr., Druggist, cor. 4th. and Smithfield - John Smith's store, cor. High and Wylie streets ; Telegrarb Office, Fourth street; • * • H. C. Kelly, Grocer, cot...Rh ist. and marcet alley ; -1 M. Gmes's s se, 0th _ Ward. . - The Flour wacnvs will call twice or thrlee daily, for orders, and the Flo tr, dm.„, delivered. promply either in barrels or sacks,.(sardr..Flour is preferable for:family use;) without charge for cartage. -It is plain that no neonate can be allowed, and that drivers can have no pennission to leave Flour without payment. We hope that thepabllo, will be pleased with this arrangement as we shall endeavor to do Mem Just ce imtarAl WILMARTH 4r. NOBLE. ' Hot FORS OALUMILMA. ..rPHE subscriber bas been authorized receive Puek= .1. ages to be forwarded to Sin Francisco by the house of: CORWINNE, BROTFIERdo CO., at Panama, and -to engage Passage in first Class* sailing Vessels from Panama to San Francisco. Every information gwen, on application to -. • 'JOSHUA 'ROBINSON, ani3 - • - Post Buildings, Fifth st., near Wood, CHEAPEST Sulinsa GOODS IN TOWN,—.Light Cloths, all wool,: Cashmarettes, scotch „Linen Drills and Ducks, with every, variety of Mar genies and other Insane and Trimmings, by jeb-7 .JOSILUYLODINSON. The - tt Pittsburgh Brewery:l . IIAPING taken a learn of this well known Brewery ) - and having it now in fulioperation, I am now pre— pared to furnialigny friends and th_epublie with a saps.. nor article of ALES and BAYARI" AN BEER, in any quantity. I and a e elitllorrerof Pnteepi: Barkers alley a4kal Window Otkades, 'Bonner*, .((`lt LABS PAINTING AND STAINING, warranted - to wash', at 'No. 10, ST. CL*lllSTlMST,Prrannonaa. For specimens, dell_ W at Wilkins Hallt,elker's. Et change, Smithfield street; and Kcevars 104 Store, Wood street. . . nr Aswan and I. O. O. I"s.Aprons and Badgea, painted in a' superior =lnner: • " • Fresco painting. executed inauperiar style; witliAPseri; canjett and Foreign designs. 8. 811018:WATSON:. fe OREM= -`4 BEVERM inizteltamw. pity attended to NOtiCa. , :ie .17::::;:;'.,:-;::-,i,,,-;., Winter Mottling -Selling Low for Cash. DgLANY,,L9oAijaly. , sOsel, - Rstsbutgili-hat-xm .:4Land !atilt 1- - -aiscretment - of - the latest style of Wiliam-coats ? et fa lahlintabiedairli; All3Dy P 11111. 87 Vesta' and all othet rticleg ii-Ilie , •elathins line. ••Wholesale =omen oat .fig 4 qAntOfir,lCSiMbie=ll6C it TO . Seleet frOlif ; 16 10011re soldiery for odshL - d e o 9 • _ _ • "• ' ' it'IsTT;T Ai. I, R -., IFtißxshlefcienai an& ettiiirod no th at ha half Wen -,ed a CLOTHING STORE, Sinithaeln st, where - they can be suited at,all times with anything in his !Me, made Wale mdst - finished styldand.woglonan likoritamet.: Hii Goods 'hid all-fresh, of the_hest: and -nowt fashlantiblertanmrial;andlan. v. ins Will b.e4p,ared afrotd:the' greatest 'dgree,' satiatattioia. hug pat ro n 8„..A good - sot k of-Heady Medd CLOT'HINO. always , cin hand:- • - =NI arg RCHANT TAILOR, iTrEerilVerid ttreet = Pittsburgh, Pay'• _ll-1:45 JUST RECEIVED FROM THE EAST —m large • and carefully- selected Mack - of French;* English . and American' cLurn§; CASSIATERES -and VEST. IN4S--tit the mosrapproyed - Coloriraint 41Vien; which in~iapreptired - to make to order tn Stayer; Lest 1118111ser • -and cri,-the most reasonable' He hag alerllVa'oA - tiaild a :good aiseiftnent gentle men's Fashionable - 2E4n trilrg CLOTHING, Shirts; Collarh Cravats; lianke relists, OloTes, Suspe adersi _Otoshinui : vothing • Ittr. BIG - DOOR S! JOHN Af.'CLOSICEY.- • ' Whetsicifs and Retail 'Dsaier in Clotlinigilsl•,Liberri srr Stoat of Fall and Wister.Clothing ready,: ILL auceunting, to upwards of 151,00i000 - , which think will be found to by one of the choicest selectlyrisel gar- Inertia ever-gait:min this or any other dry In the West ern country, • My purchases . having - been all- made early; I have, - therefore avoided ths Into advances model!: almost - all descriptions of 'Woollen Goods, and am therefore ena bled to offer my stock at unusually low prices. . • I have this season paid more - than usual attention to the manufactaring antrstyleof inyrrainfentii, sothat the very lowest priced.as wellms the fi nest are .got up 'la a style end elegance not to be surpassed: Hundreds of new customers i both wholesale and • retail, have been. attracted as much by the tape/for ,make of the as by the.lonrnest of my prices. • The proprietor would partioularly call the of all dealentin Clothing.to_Lis - present etock,belleving that upon examination . - of the 44ality.and prices of has : Goods they will be induced - to purchase at his establish- Went. Tito ,wholesale room now contains upwards' of, ..e,Minirments,:from the finest in qualityto the lovrestin price The proprictoris note determined to make this depart ment a point of great attraction, and with this - view has constantly Dahlia a large quantity of goods suited:to every teCtionolcho Hatted :States.. , ' • ' a. the gutting department will alwayi be found it very large selection of all the choicest makes of Cloths, Cas 'lmre' and Silks, to be found in this or eastern markets. He is prepared tOtatt4e 'Oolitic to order in the shortest mOtlee laths latest and most fashionable styles; Ile respectfully invites his old friends and customers ; as welt as the public in general, to call and examine for hentselves. - - - tocul Great laducamtifts to Ilay - Olothlag 1 WHITE'OAiI.FORKS CLOTHING: STOW?, N 0.210 .1../NO/111,ANO 02 rezWEV STELVEZ9. lIE otantoriber wisiOnir to sell tat entire. stuck of CLOTHING,' offers his, FiXTENSIVE ASSORT %MT OP . _ ItIRW 4 ND PASIDONABLt GOODS t as VERY LOW PRICE.. Nersonswialling toptlrchre will ;lave, monek by calling on him seA4 ; J.-Davrrr, Piostizeon Etelvicab,s Celebrated Patebt fitteuirs. undersigned has been appointed by Mr. ifeinesh, of Neer York, sole Agent for the bls illrtlY cett:bratedpatent`l'ailors' Shears. He offerlithese 3bears marrturtutottfacturees prices. Having u complete as tontines:tot these Sheers, 'from 621 c. up- to 812 apiece, he calls the suelltiou of Ladies, Milliners and Dressma kerir and Tailors, to his establishment, the VILI.NKLIfi CLOTILING STORE, V 79 Liberty streetolth doer from St Ciair, and respectfully gondol a share of the public' patronage, which this article so lastly deserves. • ott3l:tmv - J.F.HAVEJCOTTE. PrE Ooobs. scvenn GREAT SESiI•ANNUA.L SALE OF DG.I7 GOODS, • - Ono Price Store r :A. 2 A. 1 1 . 1 A 513 3 . &. NO. 62 Arid 04 Ittarka stria. • , • M r 1 11 h c ern ' tTnTe l t e hrt n egt r i * :e l'A m T eiti l tro c i .n lanuary„ l o n this oneission, the whole of their iurniance establishment will he thrown open for Retail Trade, and their eaten. sive stock, ansounthrg to Ono Handfed and ty Thousand Palma, will be offered at Itetait, at rally one fourth less then usual prices. The noticeot Iseirl timu.Arsarest Sale to any one of the thousands Who attended the talc of last year, will bo realle.ie hi guarantee for a eats this season. :They aril/ houvver mention a few of the Goods end Prieea, toe the bauttit of sho.-e Who have never attended their Saks-- Bich enahttromp, - 73 c. Usualprice $1.,00 ps.lJotlon 9a.1 Woot exohtnerea, :3c.; usual pri 37i e..; !:x4Ol P. Coon anJ Wool Delaines, la', Me. IJatual prirt f2O aasi '2se ; pa. tligbeoloraillqaiviDeLnine., 'Uual Priee LON. Striped and Figured Silks, S 0:•. treurttirrice Gtt Qa, Meek3i(ks. Rettacett tv pet teat.; • WO pi. Preach 51erittoett, liattitt price 41.,171; 3Uttps. l'arametta% and .I.yoneft Cloth*. --Reduced 33 woo Long 8440.2 - M SUVA Which Win be , -11411 .3( rtol.o St W a3 leu than the usual. priced,; - - W4O bonnet Ribbons, at S ant Luc. 1.14441 pike aud.xse ; . . Fast Colored Catreats, ine. Usual prirear: raoearer.gialliih and Ameritaa Caticrer,t; and Viral prier 10 and Nit; tlOcAtr* illeaetted htuslina: Kerb/real de.per yard ; 2& baler gtorra Musha—all gradrai - Alta.—Later, Eta ral , Srrire, 'Criuraausr,licrsiery and Mover, lAreni, ebeeks, Clutha, • Cartalraeres, earrineta - ToKober with an fain:lease variety of 011vo,.Goods, all of whlth Will Le marked down tirlower ptives than any. of their preelouo sale* - . They invite an early eall, as many of thOie. choieezi Goctila offilloon be folil. Tlfe lowetlt price ttamet) at !inn. =UM!i= ,11.131e;Pli HOTLINE dr. CO..' NO. 73 Market, near Fourth iireef • HAVE Just received and otTer for sale at Wholesale acid satsll NEWEST STYLES OF DRESS TIithIMINGS; -.- Bonnet Eatbontr and Flowers; Florence Silk; Velvets_ and Plutnes ; Embroidered Collars; CIIIN and Chem', soils; Linen Cambric ltantLkenchicti; Embroictered and. Bevreld 'Cashmere; alpaca, merino and silk 'foie; children's plain wool and Tartan Bose; . children's . Hoods; Gutters and Jenny Lind Coats; kid, merino and lieeced silk Cloves; gents. Berlin. buck and kid Gloves;' gents. super silk Shirts and Drawers; gents, Saxony and merino Shirts and Drawe.rs; - Suspender's ;Collars; fancy Cravats; Comforts; Scarfs; Zephyr Work and Canvass; Carpet Bags; 'Umbrellas; Yarns; Curtain Fringes; Combs; Buttons, itc.,Jce. re' Bap State and imported long and square Shawl; of every quality. . . (ocr-tar.tm Fresh Arrival... Sew Goode t • . 70 MAR,K.F,TSTREET,- Uxatnwsan FOURTH JAW= AND TUB DIAMOND.: ' FDElstott,ENoLisa AND AMERICAN . WINTER. DRY GOODS!' THE undersigned is now receiving from the - Eastern cities by Erprese, o splendid assortment of Fancy and Staple, Dry. itioods, purchased crclusively for CLIO, from the importers s and manufacturers, at least Twenty five per ecru. below the cost -of those who made'their put. Chases earlier in the season,-and will be sold Wholesale and Retail for cash at. - • - EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS:' 50 pieces Lupin's French Merinoes, Cherry, Searlei, Pink, Preen, Idaroon,.Black, Alazartne Blue and hiode colored, from 871 0• unto the finest quality, manufactured, under the French Republic. 15 Pieces Superior Bombazines Lupin's tnanuftieture —at unprecedented low. prices. ' • 550 pieces black and Colored Alpacas, from 181 cents per:yard up to the finest Silk Warp and Mohair Lustres 125 Pieces Thibet, Patna:mita and: Coburg Cloths all colons and qualities, and cheaper than ever befons ther m) in this eny.. • 3.sopleces American and British Prints; niperiot- (Mall• y, and wilt be gold at extremely lota prices. - 460 SHAWLS: Superior Bay State and Waterlcio Long Shawls, Chamaton, Silk and Turk Satin De Chain and all Wool Drochn Shawls, Black Ind Colored an broidered Cloth ShawlsyPlaio and Embroidered - Black - and :Colored Fringe, Thibet and -Mous Lain 850patterna,Supetior Dress PlainrChainelion Silk and Satin De sCheitt, Wide Black Gra De Rhine Silks i Flain and Fancy Figured - Silks; and• Black Plaid Gro Oa Armour Silks. 3. 150 pieces reloths, Cassimeres - aud Vestings,itmerfor quality, and will be sold at a great redaction ,trom lona yr prices. DOMESTIC -AND STA.F.LE GOODS.' • - 3500 pieces Bleached Muslin, good 'quality, all Wldiy,s, frontal. to 12k cenu per yard.. • - 3 - , 600 places heavy yard wide 73rbw!tr (rim*. to the best article manufactured. 3 2 r • 200.plecet 'Red, White and Yellow Flannels, from 18f cents per yard up to the finest-Silk Warp and Welch Gauze Flannel imparted. a.a 100 pieces Irish ,Ljnen, warranted made of. Flax gam,' round thread, wire twist, haulier= and grass- bleached.. 125 pieces Cheeks, superior ma - ei from 8 to . lBs'tents per yard, together with-a' large assortment of Damask". Table Lunn and_ Table. Clothe, Diaper and- Crash; Cassinetts, Kentucky Jeans; Bed: Ticking, Do.' trtesuc Ginghamsi Colored_ Cambries, LintieYS; canton Flannels, &a. ; ••. - dozenLodies and Gentlemen's Gloves mid Hosiery ••=including ; every. variety, and quality, width will be -sold at extremely low prices. The customers of the house and all cash' buyers' ais requested Sri call andaxamine the goods, and secure a -bargain, as they wilt be offeretlWhelesale and Re. all a _very lowprices.. No.7s.llfarkeistrea, Plitt burg/i. novtfr. . - -- , • . :ABSALOM MORRIS. . oatottukrolottui-tviottur T EASTERN JOBBING PRIBES:•4I6 plicoa'" Black and Fancy_ colored French and Engllkk cLonisi Pilot, Cloaking and Diab Clothe dust opened at - "A: - AadASONde. CO;lsi _,.. -•detil ,••• O. and 6.1 Market, meat .I.taportnat to Tanorm.= TUEEr RECEIVED-0 Doz. assorted Tailoref ratent Shears, from No. lOdown>to - No; • .ALSO-3Dez. Barbers' Pittent,'SqiocriLaife4t -I,hif manuficaturenti. and for sale at • , 130W"Et. TETLEIPS,I3B - WoOd zanis 9 doots,beloßt:Targutnllcy . - . i ,1 7 .. .i b •:' $- - ' • , 4 :1110t1)111g. A.. a. MA.so:si & rtos. 02 and ti 4 Market urtet Mattilanterns. . • .• ' • ,- AreTS%Trsffff arifSTßHlrr - PME.KDBLPHIA - , fit lIE DNRIVALLIrD EIACE for obutininroll Wines, 1: Vqdors, &414G00D rind CHEAP. mu large sales mad a t b e yhi - m in to e c c h o i mEs- o b f ehne namgeesd... largely to replenish his clock by fresh IMportatitinsi and he has now the satistactlottof.cdresing orate Of thi a bast Wines and -Litmus ever. hope/telt . by. hint - He aid refer to some invoices aa follows—vi • . DUFF, GORDON& CO. SHERRISII-F-emb fa °big d cote Pale at very low pnees, tare old, and some very .ehotee, IIANII NILLAi all. on titling& by thegalleni*, Also, hI rare old delica te AONTILLADO, in.easa of 16 Vlons lONTiLLADO in betties, put apin:Extrope,which he casglengo as equal to any that can be produced. - "e° The MANZANILLA-alia AMONTILLADO Sher ries are pecaliarly, adapted to minvaleilebbtaiaa they stiengthea without stimulating, Wham oat the acid of many other,Winea. „ .• • r • • - PORT WINES sited - allis "selected for his sales to consumers - from the stock of!')ltrastrorta's," at Oporto, and ImpOrted . dlrect. - • • These Wines a te fruity and detiesteiend Rafe/ teen apProved •by his customers, because of : their manifest superiority:over all Miter Pons and Red Wines palmed off as each. , - , TbeY are of various riortrand Prices; to borles 44 on dmught by Mo Sellou t ar wholesale by thatash. - Among them is some rare delinsin•WPlTA ?PRIM...MI/AP SEY PORT' • • . • v o •Persons mac ring svi.th ohronileileatiattorafeltiptw: 'ell, c annot be too carerzt in their POET._ c c ADEIRA WINES of various earts;:•dry dad ` South Side. old East End , Sercitd, on draught,. in bottler tindbY casks:' - • ' • As to the SPARKLED„WINBS of the sztbseorlbir;it is well kriown that the MOET EXTRA CHAMPAGNE . and the splendid SPARKLING' ItIOSELLE, - imported by him are superior to . any. other Wines;:and are sold at pricer as low as most of the inferior wines now in the• market watch are put upon buyers UPI, doss.. He has also CHAMPAGNE WINES of various brands, and qualities, at very tow prices:retail or whblesale. In, the article of CLARET WINES, geuerally, the subscri ber holds Mundt to be it . judge, and he offers the finest • stock here, from the very lowest price,bl,the single do- zen, to the first class or "premier nu" of M.lrooo. , . GC BURGUNDY WINES hehas a large stock end can assure customers that he can present ; to Ltemprfortt his vaults, as good a bottle of Burgundy as France affords, SAUTEFIN E and RARSAC always on hand in bottler. His selection or RHINE and MOSELLF. WINES, ; from the cellars of Messrs. Deisratn..tt Jornistriof Co-., blens, are extensive; and number many Still . Hocks and Moselle, fnam the cheapest aorta' to• the very • ehdicest I vintages of the ,"SMINSEItO,” which is.. tke.berr grOwilt of the Rhine. • , In the cuticles of•COGNACand othei BRANDIES to has no* a fine stock, embracing some very old amnia MO, of Orsin, Darkv- tr. Co., anst_seme calibrated " CLAVIER of 1921,” in eighth casks, and 1842 in hhda, and "DUI3O UC HE," IB44;utlihdr.oncensignount, which will be sold low.- . • - Also-IRISH SCOTCH andidONONGAIIELAVirIDS KEY, JAMAICA - SPIRITS, PRESERVING BRANDY ; and all other Winheand Liquors, including SU of the:! above, SOLD by. RETAIL TO.CONSUMERS• in any gentility desired. A constant assorted a inek of tavANti.EGARS. •ALI Gads rldirersd, withist mut dates read, of Nati- ' depia, IFIXIMIT PAID. - Orden will be promptly exeunt-' te if sent by mail or telegraph Address, • _sixths SNIDER, .111., Cheery - Wine Storp, VI Minot street, ME • novlB d. T• PooPier. ligroodarartEdr, , Co., • Braider* • and. Erectors If Lighltang 'Rods, al • SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES. • ORDERS left at thisoface or the Post Office • and for personal. interview ca t be-seen on Foul street, residence of Dr. Hunt, between Wood and Perry. Jo u rnal ; r Sillimiru, Editrir Silliman's Journal ; RrOfessor O. M. Mitchell, Of the Cincinnati 00,er/story ; Professor Robert Peter, of Transylvania University, Kentncky ; Profersor Chester esvey, D.D. M. D., New York; Pr:dorsi:lr J.- L. Cassel, Cfearlanti Unlvcraity, Ohio. . - " ' In PirtsburgA.—A. W.Loomis, John harper, Wilson kl , Candless, Mr. Childs, Col. Masan, Roo. Mr. Sparks, J. D. Williams, Major Harding, U. S. Arsenal; John Ewing & Soria , L. Harper, D. N. White, W. A. Mar. lib all, John Samptoo, Major Davis and JazutilShoenber ger. . ..• inovi &if Orange /Snips. DELTON'S SPLENDID OUTLINE MAPS are now being , introduced into all the leading schools in New England and New York: %Pe hate obtained the agency for theta In Pittsburgh, and invite teachers turd: sauna committees to call and examine them : . No. I—blirrof the IVestent Hemisphere, 521:82 itteh4. • No. S— do. ' . Eastern r 7 do. do No.a. do ,NorthiSmetica, • 11:484 No. 4— • do • baited• States, 7018 a e.o Euvope, - • . 70182 No 0— do • Asia, ' 70179 S. No. 7 do S. America ts Africa, 70181 Price of the series with key - ie.:2s;or the first two Hemisphere Maps, with key 810. These Maps are unrivalled in accuracy, beauty and cheapness, and adapted to the wants of the primary, grammar and hip schools of the United States. For sale at pablieher's prices, without addition of freight eharges,at the • • • EDUCATIONAL BOOK STORE, cot Market and FoOnb Flour Reatated. VITMARTO & NOBLE will sell their Extra MOUT. Jetirered on and after the Ist Ncrvember, at Sap $lOO Ilis.; Superfine at 6%00 V 100 De. A liberal dis count to retailers. - • • noel • ' WILMA - fall & NOBLE.. NEZIP/lIS INSTITUTE. FISCAL DEP.ARThiFdkiT.=The regulaicoarne of Lectures wilt commence on the Artie Novernocr and continue until the lasi tor February., The Annual cal Department will 'be opened and ready to receive Stedenta by the lira of October. The Medical Depart. inent will be under the direction of the following • ' _,taorasaoami - • 7.. Ficarcizi, D,rrofessorof Aninom. • .• R. S. Nawron3l: I),Profeasor of Surgery. - H. 3. RuCc 411:.R.Anotfossoi of Theory and Practice o W. Bran - Powiii3r. 0., Pnafesior Ilayslology, Pa thology: Muecalogy and GeolpeY t J. Ems, M. 0., Professor of AlgAina,Tberaiten• tics and Medical lasiaprndence.. ;: J. MlILL.tox St =las, ? 6 1.,.4agl.ofessat abbegoillul and Jr A. Wunoa, ar.l). - ,lir'Orasin of Obste.tries - ind Dir - colas of Women and Children: . - . tt. J. &fru%• • ; Settqlrp—Proe. EL S. Neutron. ` : 1 - FItEMAN, M. U. Atuatoatical Deunknatrinar.- Tiefecs fors . tiall&iiirso antoopt to SIPS. Each Prole ssol'aTicket,Bl.s. MatrioularuntS.V.l4., aroustratur's Fee, 810. Graduatlotti.S2p.: . ": .-= 'fliose desiring further latomtailort, tvillplease address their letters (postpaid) to the Dean; mad Students ant ving in the etty please call on atm air the Comuter cial Hotel. IL S. NEWTON, M. D.. • Dean elate Faculty. LAW DEPARTMENT. Hon E W Elmo, Prof. of Theory and Practice of USW !so Dtt.Ar !MD, Esq, Prof ofConnue trial Jurisprudence. • 'Terms —IWO per session. All communications pertaining talk's department must be addressed to h. W. Id. KING, Esq. Afrinphis, Vous., Marth,tBSD. • The Faculties, for intellectual abilitini, moral worth and professional iseqalrentents, will compare favorably with the most dildlOgalshed in our country. ' The Medical Faculty constitutes an anomaly to this or any other coantry—all of Ahem are able. Lecturers and the 'best of Teacher,. Those who willeontemplate Our geegraplacalposition, and the extent of ourpdpalaUon, can have no doubt as to the eligibility of our situation for an enterprise of the kind. As to health, including all seasons olthe year,we deny thatonyetisreiry dqr aim, • • •• • The first classof the Low and Medical Departments°. This Institute were small, but 'ha . gentlemen composing them are talented and In the highest degree relpe ctable-- a favorable omen for the &tura prospenty of the Institute. That the public maybe sallsßeil of the pennanency of this. eebool,we tent it our duty to state, that the Trustees end Faculty form a unit in action, which aeglin weitfoi its future success; and that the peculiar Internal organi zation which connects them, cannot be irderute N d. • apt President of the Memphis Institute, • Sliver Pork,, BiPoosis, 41ko. , • ' virrE keep constantly on hand a large assortment Of. VT silver frsorks, Spoons,- Ladles, &e, of our own inantztactiire, of Standard silver. • ' - ' JOHN B. ,SITADDEN it CO., ';* °cal • 93 Market strecc.- . tagulfylng Glemaeaj' - • %F one, two and three glasses, salted for detecting counterfeit bank notes and other palpates, ceramic by foct24l . JOHN - ID. WADDEN*. CO: To the' Citizens of . Alleglteny_Olty: • A BOX for th e reception of Orders for CITY MILLS 21,WFMR is left at the store of Mercer 41r, Robinson. , Federal street. - Such Orders.wlll he'erolaPtly . egylied stele • • • MUM/MTH & 200 Dieu Wsirited lzairiediatelz,. • • A T TilE CHARTIERS RAILROAD.-....The,wagea ja. are 80 cents per .day; and tre charge 81,75'per week for boarding. Apply atthe office, on the Stenbenz rille road, 'near tol'Donald's tavern - 4 Liles from Pitts. burgh. EjancaSarj 'BURNSTDEMANNEYit. CO. RACER'S BROMA; Freclrees Parina ; • Polishing Patty ; Starch Polish; • , Pam 147 Ram j received and for salc_py coutana a m.Actsie.,, ;xis . 'corner of Wood ar.d,Tbird atrettir. • BRAWLS.—Reeellrodt this monilaU L er totems; 4,00 . Broebe, Bay Stale and' Long SH v . et y pope:, nor styles and qaallties.' For sato A. A B 0 • itov4 ' . 132 and 84 Market street.' 3URISLS. LAKE .BUPRILIOR TROUT AND, tsAL, MON . just received from the Pittsburgh,And, we, Royal Copper Mining Company. These Elsa far excel in tine flavor and iatnese any caught In thaloiver Lakes, and are pot up expressly for famfly use. .• - ,lIENRY C. KELLY, noalit -- corner of Firth street and.hiarket • ING AP ER—A full supply of the dpienrat E; sizes ot, hand and made w order. , feh , 2o . . . . . REYNOLDS it SHER. '. , !rare nag Martine laturisztest. INSURANCE COOP NORTH AMERIOAoIII t make permanent and limited Insurance on Property . la this City and vicinity, and on shipments by Cana*, Rivers,Laltes mut by Sea. The properties ofthis Cora patty are well invested and furnialt an availableTtuntler the ample irulemnity of all persons who desire to be pro. tented by Insurance. WM. P. JONES, Agent, maylB 44 Water street,.': • - BlarnovaL , frilE subscriber wishes w inform the citizens of Pitts burgh and the public generally that he has removed his CARPET. STORE nom Nos. 61 and 133 Wood street, to the Apollo Buildings, on Fourth street,ntly rece occu pied by the Museum, and has connected therewith the adiainingsrootas, formerly used as the Chrenicle Printing, olEce—width;in connection with hls old room, makes: the Most spacious carpet establishment in the country; and his advantages so tar surpass nybotuus in this city ib ri p ace , arrangement and good light, that he toCertain of suiting every Penal - who tray favor him With a call His stook is complete in every article En his line, and peat pains will be taken at all time* to'shlrw goods to persons wishing to look:orbuy2., , • octal`E. W. LYND. . , Inil MEM ~:i.,:!;•ii. *.i.;',::.: •?.:."; ^.-: — ?.:• , :.s vr.f4 ••• • • • - •• _ _ •••• ,- , r # Lt. '•`• .4.1t.,.:,%.0prrn - • • • • . . . wamkgrigragiungrurri - ronitsEouarry. 'MN NATION/JA - LOAN FUND ri !clLlllrivialuzuksay;Espourry • .i.:441%; 1 . " N .: 7 ----1111111- 7 111sra-NEWLYOII I r: - osfiluiVzsuo,oool.ltifiiiaw 9910 00 , 000 .. aJargesiwptsesyf A'pOTtIOD of both vy capital aadrnrphis invested MU. B. Government Stocks, and other sec urftleti rA thecity of New York. Policies held in - thia country Otter 0,000; Petloll.ll in• surfeit participateln the profitir of the Company. COliforrif4 Yaks rakers at rediscal Yates: • • • Among the adraitners of a Polio:yin Ohs Company are the following A party insured. foithe whole, term °rigs may at any rims borrow ene•kalf The 'amcrout of aanual preadult, without note or security, "'Adept:lit of policy, and is en titled todivision of proßts.: • . • ' He may atpny dabs surrender ills policy, and receive ..back s value thereof one-half the :grass, sum - paid by himihannuai common premiums.. - . A party 101034 insured for whore life' may; on Pay' meat of a EMU suar,vonven his Insurance into a new policy upon. the lonbeysleld how intrfklaced,l,,. Pardee already ,insurect,and entitled to le &wain! loan, are not stint out (rem - Said two.third loan, if the ' prefer %warlike tetras elided In •t et Sticiefylrpamph lets. ." A party may; at a moderate ' annual premium, in.sarJ for. life, and he survive tb Venda the age of On years,Me full sum insured up to 1144gro,,w.iii be peel fro arm; or if ag be dies before reaching that e, the toll sato iasured rill' be paid to his fatal ly'or iota represe.itatives. Übe° betome custom:l in the fo =lf /ties for:on , :rheristagisliVesrurtithea% es of to makrrth=y e : pre! sent of the policy. Thia,is cenatnly as excellent way of showing their nerd for lheisAlinister,whoso salary In very many cases is seareely crititil to his immediate wants. To the intraorfamily, it his death,lt lea con 'eolation -beyond erpreslion to-know 'that his helpless little onesaretiresprosaled for.= Chtirches involved,. woolii do well to insure the lives. rOllO O. more of the trustees, m. whose demise the ,crone would be applied to. Ii ald ate the' debt. . Explanlittny.paraphlet s and information given gratis[ nt the Banking House-of. W2l. A. HILL. & co., . nov2il Wood 'Victoria door above Fourth...* - - Pre*talent Elliman) Tr, AS TAKEN INSURMICS ON: HIS .LIFE FOR . AUL e 4,000, in the Cdnaecticot - blatant Life Insn• ranee Company,. of7tlartknl;Conneetieru. The following are, the Joint' 'Stock rates of Premium of other Llfelasuraoce . Conipanies compared with the meta of Hartford Life and Wealth Instwance Company Annual Paymflitief,7olicy qr pm; thousand , dolour. bile mlO mu. 10. 'ga l " Of COMPOnY.. , Hanford Urn ft U.. trg. co..:10ao 19.40 ilk gEOO /Etna Life inserance C0...1L70.1520 61 . 3 01 0 29.60 46.60 Charter Oak Life Ins. Co , , ,11.711162 V2O 48.60 naked States Life Jar. C0... , 14,10.20. 25.30 31.70 53.60 PennsyWania Life Ins. Co-14.40 20.40 27.50,31.80 50.80 National-Loan Fend Co .14/55,111.30 2160134 70 52.80 3ttvtll be seen by the above 11E4e - that rates for In surance (withontpartitipation in pro fi ts) in this Company more thsh fi fteen e at—cent. lower than anyJolat Stock Company iarlditoanlty or the World, and they ' have been ailaPtrd after a Ildllatestigation the , wholo „Those atirdiing to ineare iu eliher rho Corm. Mutual or the Hartfata L.M :04 Health Co. will apply to •": • C. A. CO TTON, dee! Corner oteth sad Wood streets, a. stairs. :: 'Read Thltat To Banners .21114 :TO INSURE.MITACHO6,49 PROPER2V: . „ 'POE New Yerk - ",-Mrsishington, County Artanalinsu ,A ranee OomPani". is the company - for them to insure m: ' i Is the only timers' Mutual hut niance Company that has ran through Iva' years' without taxing . their note. Ills the largest company of the id cdin the world, numbering over XIS,OOO member*. It does not insure Steam Mills, Carpenter or Cooper shops, .or. anything lazatdowier extra-hazardous. Only Houser, Barns and their contents, and but 82,000.,0n.anti risk ; Churebes, Academies and School houses, and bat Sl,OOO on each: • A-certificate can be seen front Ode of-the fiat men In 'Pittsburgh, to shew that thoOompanydoes pay 113105 - ec promptly. COLTON, Genii Agent, tool , ' • cnr: . or'dth and 'Wend sus., up maim staterniatuas Size 'lnsutrausort Company .„ataaralmairs.PA. THE very liberal patronage-extended to this Comps:. L ay, having. issned-polieses ur the 'onon= of neat=. ,(hte and a Half briliicutof Dollars, during the fastens, months,' is sufficient' manifestation of, the estimation . : and tonEdence of thepublie in the .systettr of manage went onwhich its busmen ia consincte4.!. "., • 'Yo eity'or country merchants , and earnests of dwell. , Inge; abd isolated or eo'custry property; it" is believed this company arrests advantages.= palm of cheapness, safety andseeurity, inferior to no Insurance Cenipany in. this country. • - ' • Conducted on the equitable and greatly improved aye; • tcm of Chissilidatien: Of-WARN eselefflhg all special innard imardog only is limited tunount in any outs•fo.' cality dune precluding the frequency anti °nen:settee. OC lot ge free , and abloom both the Stock and Motu al Tann. it not only possesses the ehtopoess_and accimemodatien of butlitrunhods, but' entitles the Ixxisild to .s. pmtlelpa tio.n4ll ainturefill• - It is under tin. control of the following Directors P. Rutlierford, A. J:Giastr., Jobn D. Packer, Samuel T. Thnes, Alonzo' K. Carder, Philo C Sed_gwick, Robert Klotz. - . •-.1 A. RUTHERFORD, Preet. • . J. , GIELLVITiSee'y,: As A. CaAatrit, • I,Cr Brunch. Deice lor speCepri.,.PetinsVlstmLs, 641 inr.eet„ - refilatis - desiring tuna -ranee win - be farnbrAfd ... the Companyby calling at theicabli-- • • „ • • IDTIST/B.AJSCIL. MEE DELAWARE MUTUAL. SAPE* DISC , I:; , ANCE COMPANT.--Offiee.North Room of the Ex. „eturge Third street Philadelphia:. Pout oap—Buildings, hierehaidize and. other 'property in 4110 i and cestnrry, insured. agairtst lose Os 'damage by fire at the lowest rate of premium. - • Meares lastrAlart.-:-They also insure Vessels„.Catc! gects-and - freights, foreign or ettastWisi, ander opelf:o! special Polio/es, u the assulvd may deldoe:- n 4 ItamosTalespoirrastas.—The y_ also fauns merebtri dize trauponed by Wagons, Railroad - ;Cars, iZanal Boast Ited Steam Boats, en rivers andtakee,oathemoss liberal terms. • • • DISECTORS--.loseph 11. ;Sul, Ede:thud Eititidef John C. Davis. Robert Damn, John IL Penrose Samuel Edwards, Geo. G. Leiper, Edward Da/Harem, testae R. Davis, 'William **Owe lt,J,oha Newlist,Dr.E.Al.llnstorr, /mei `C. Rand, Theophdas Pardding,:fl:l4ines Stooks, Ileroyfßoan, Hata Craig. tieatige Serial; Speneer Itia• I Want, Charles. Kelly; SA. ',lobules% Viiillsost 'Bari Dr, S. Thotaae,_Joha Sellers, WM. Eyrii;in • ..• DIRECTORS AT PITTSEDLIGki,r.,D, %Wm, Sigh Cal ;Jtt67P . Logan ~Taos. C ,. Oa =r lf/se President-I • • Josue W. Cowatv;geossisis.,•: , " IDlrrOdlee of the Company,Np. 42 Water attreet.fatta; bnier. 1-f.': . l.ocmitr).' • P; A;FMADEIRAi • etas . • eve England Lave Stociclassirawoo , Cn.4 desirous:of insisting their - Animals: leard from the following by law of the Company r that the terms of life ituparancootx stock lsveryilldertint- tram insurance on human life. The irwared ere entitled ' to Parcetterraho animal breaks ,tt ies, e ,becoauts.btirtd,r Minas's; Lithe eyent of-accident ordiseasent such' naturdes to cause permanent injpprryy, though death rtiaY4 not'epine, they will be liable for thedamagedone to aid I an.mal not exceeding the itmoitntinsurid.• G. al.lCOt.TuNi Agent, 4 cot' of ionnlanntEWood et.s.,ilp stairs, Flker stud II as tile sigma nee. , _ IaPPICE of the Ins:grants Co. et- Nord Isassistr.. has been rroureed to the Warehouse of Handy,Jorres- Co.,lioatt4Pront streetollod loaseEast of %Wed.. street. where-tlos subscriber 1;6411i/10e Policies on Bead- - lag:land theisvontents, and on Shiva:tents hy Stearithonfif' and other "iesseli for Ae, above old .and responsible , ' Can . :tante": 143): Whr..P. JONES, Agent. , Life nustatailsio: TORE MUTUAL LIFE AND HEALTH INSURILNICL'' COMPANY, of PailadripAia, Incorporated, by the Legislattlie of,Pennsylvadla, Idarelt;lo4tf;'Charter Per petual; Capital 5100p0. Bata lower.tdart. anW,Painsg&• eania CoorPrinzi and fall per, eent. lower th an the usual rates of. fe Insurance; as the. followingrerimos son will show. Thos.* person ot•the nge of 001 flo rins for 8100 for life, must pay In the 'Girard Is: , 22s,,PnsyF. rune 52 Pean'Mutnal. Entntabfe 8..04, - New.. England WO, Albion B:44Bllsieste-.York Life • and Hrolds,Padadalphia,lMAL_,..• - • Dthaerints—SamnolD Ordele, Cbiailes D Ball a :Win F:1 • lloone, RobertPKing Cherie' P Hayes, B.f. W ' Chas 0 B Canipbelli M Reeve - , M. D.,• Lewis tdo'per,.., .1 Rodman. Barker, E. U Butler, Edwin R Cope: Prat.' Ana, Elamite' D Orrick • rust Frendent,. Reber& P.: Ring " Searrarp, Francis Bluelthurne. : , • • Applioanons be received toil every infOrrnation yen by SAMUEL FABIYES'JVCR,.Agent.' , . Onus: " rale Robins; etirner Of Third and .Wood streets Pinsburgb. • !" . oct29:y' Thi; - ) 4 r‘aniain Fire basurataci Ocnapasi , -.! • . Mules W. Banoier. - George AV-Ricbtudi r • Tho!naz Hart, s'ob atiftlififititis, Samuel Grant , :: Dav id &Brown's:v., laeob R. Rinithr , i" 'hforris rattersoft Rat 4 11 444PEsitit: 4 ° : . Cuas. 6. /lantana, tlecretary, lEf." Caudate tomato lasatimee;Peraelunliinpllted7 on evety.description of property in town and errantry: • . The Company have reserved a large Comingent-Boatd:'..,, which, with their Capital and Prensiamif, safely inirented;;:. I *ford ample PrateCUDa ;0 the . The Assets of the Company. on . JanualY Ulf 18 4. 9 01 a. ' • Published agreeably ft) an Act of Asseashly,isieattnaroV "' - lows,,s'•,' , • Martgligii •-•••-• ••••••-•-••• ....^4.4..;1•• .e.• •-••,111,617,438411 Real Eitate: • '. 4 .M,..."•;* • 94 , 7 24 . 83' Temporary !aeons-00,00/ : Rtocal a1,A23 Cash A.c.— , .- - • - ••••• • • 38„,604 , 37 • 4.• l3lnce;their.incorporstuon,,a, period of la' yetts, they lave paid upwards of One million Pout klundrag: iiand.ratiiaesr, fosse) by fire;-thereby afrotding evidence 'Of the advantages of Insurance, ga welinnthe nbility and , ; "Aaposttion to meet with oromomess alt . - . . • - . I . (OI2OI MR.L'OFFIN,'Ageiti, " Offtue rf.Z.emetter Woodantrid Ms. • : Piro and Marino issaturmato. • „frME Insurance Company of North Arainielof IPldla, ..I.' delPhins llloll o its dull'arithodzad• /wen the Iran; emitter, °trent to make pezmanent and BAUM =Manch on property in this city and its vicinity, and on 1)14 . nzwttil by the canal and riven. DIREOT ORB; Arthus O. Coffui,Presq. ' Brume Britoil:I I Alex. Henry, Charles Taylor, Samuel W. tones, Samuel W. Elmich.- ' Edward Smith, Ambrose White, • John A. Brown,, , • Jacob M. Thomas, John White, • ' John R. Ned Thomas P. Cope, Richard D.Woat,7 ' • Win. Welsh. , Henry Sherrard r Secs,. Md. ta the oldest Inanianeit C any In the United States, basing boon Chartered in t ; • -u charier Is par- petal, 410 4 frank its high standing, tong .egperience,atn. pie moans, and-avoiding all risks of an extra hazardous 17 ,1 ,4 , 1=1 , 41e .sideredivaamuaoffectomgryloaparl 1.., At Counting Roma of azarooo,toicei tzgonlYater and Front sts.,PinahMlix "'‘ ' • toady ' . z • 4c:•`‘, nal -,.:::: :.:,,,z.•;,-;...:. ME= ItUMW= gangatfiet r~: ~c~- 4:4M41A tVisu; =if ;215 MEE MISS