, i......;4 - 160 - 0;...'f1t - ATTERs.. »leetlon tOr 4 . 9O T I FACIArTers%:- .FIR a -vr.t. n estset VoliSetn.". • • • .`James T Riiinaid " ete cted Allen Cordell., &tin Willacki • and Pyrus Black were elected:- - E OND Isaac • . - ' s ,ziEc% loserelected.,; • wan= cowmen.. .* • - Archibald hlWarlaild; George Wilapa;and Abra , hard Garrison , . wer e elected. r 8. M. Kier, 893 Geo.- Pooiton,.. 3437 81MZ4T COUNCIL. _ • - . •. , _ - • , 1144 • Thee. 5e01t,.... - 299 Poltock, . 427 'Jae. T Shriottoo,. 362 John.Melloa, i 400 Ift. - Mcitioir6,4:. 348 Ilarper.:..;;. 287 A.: Cool ter;.. ; ;.; 248- : - Alex. 283 _377 Porter, ..•:-.,... 368 Jett...L. Lowrie, '-366. PSPITRT/IVARD.- Lorenz . : .imucyzer bouzim. F 273 J....oh.n....Bitrae:ll;..c?,"ll6°Al:437aulgrjohn 'l6B w w y in o ~ 2 18 FICrugh) t ;.314, A; F/FTEI WARD • •• eraser 00178CILt bir.‘Cieiel'ie erected:- • • - COVIRCIG. Meagre - . Scott, Gritiblit, McCortoey aod _Kay ore elected. , 1:;MIMI ti. atzzar cotrwat. D , D.-Druce,....-. 411 EL Wadi . „ caiuroit catarcir.. • Dealitsger lB3 Cann 352 .21rOstroiii . . .172. :310 . : Cummins r 166 Lowrey: Tbrcepiongb 166' EvNT,II 1Y A R.S.. E Sivect-covacii. • Cliirleskentd 8../krthu re .; -82 onuses cousiorr.. -Lewis Slwom•-.,..103 '. l Ss. l . l eGuiie;....;.‘ 83 .::103 •• • 85 • . - . - --- .r. 1 0.11,T1,1.1,11:A FED: . ELL'Cr . 4 :41.1PC17. - . . 8,, Morrow audJ.R.lrennedy.viere efecte„dr. ~. --- -:- ~ cosnow cons - cit.; W. D. : Wieighteitit-A; Thuile:Were elected .., . • - - " • - R. Ed Oisidx,r;;.."..::;* 4, b- . ravirdtt,-. PhflJp rinxi and Hugh Hatommid .ate eleeted . 4 - • Quart=_ Sz—nrerlosorkty,dantiary Bench . ,oMorra Aft h; Jud•ges-bleClorU, Tomcatted nett. iie•iniptnaoy' tan°. COM. ns:'' Walter Williams'Edward C,tllia m :,and • Jaa;Kittty. -The decendants are accused of to ccienterfeit,Money., -Connie!: Dernagband Brady I :- for Commiutinreelth ; Nayler and near' for defence. • • , noffepf — osiguj.-wair entered as to W.-J. Smith. . • • Atty.'Gen.Darregli opened the'case on the part of the'Gommonwialth. i t i t irvi. -- Xnew , defeidatasi in lho summer and fall of r 49-; witness was involvetE; - Wit: -Berne Raid wimid - put:me on e - plan to meet my • demands; Gilliam told:nie the,. same; I had., pre. rinuoly said !weed buy a lottery ticket: _Vifilliams said - he vitinlcl,:ir he was in my place,- fur would make - theScilonien go.” In 'October; of The same year, he thawed me some money, and *atilt was as goodmannygoingjent would Supply me for half what it svould„gtr for ; vine with Williams, one night when Kirby Was present,; Kirby took.olThirs bat, and took - out 4. large amount of money ';" don't rknow whether-it was connterfeit pi- not ; William - a said they settled the 1 / 1 19illess every Saturday sight. ~,An.' other time, now defendants together; Gilliam bad: fie been away, and said he meld have done any: thing' Pfeasedin the Phil/lel:4h money:; don't know if; ' they had any counterfeit money ;406113 of - the - notes were on_the _Exchange Bank of Va., Ind - sonic on 'the -nett/ohm); Bank I dealt .if 'they were' counterfeit; never saw, any . , Pi ,ttsburgh < counterfeit money in their:handl; sew -money tn••their -pollen sin at different times. A lot of money was shown to mi; sawPittaburgh Money in the handa of. Wit: liami and 'Kirby r, saw Gilliam with Ohio money; they preiaffed on me to' take someof the money; one ten dollar bill that! passed-on Tolm•Smitley, , I got from WaltefWilliatna; Williams and Gillian) said it was just as good as w,aa going, and men bet ter thith m patsed it ;ill the money , I ever riceir: ed came from the heads of Williams; _never seen ' the whole of the _defendants together but onto; hare teen Iwo or them together et once: 41roas examined.' , =-1 'residtt'in Temperanceville; have beet; in C/eveland-at the Medical College since November; have known defendants "some or 4 „ , _ • - • - - - , Judge. ZPOC ,, , , lohit_.Snyder, - L'ashier of the Phis burgh,Bank,...and Dr-. Deugy,Cash . ibe or the; Mnr: . chants , and Manufacturer, ' Bank, efamineif the notes and pioUounned them conuterfeit. . . • - , , •-. 4. . • ilobt.Dague, sioorn.7,Found ibis money in the bonse tiflitalterVilliame, under the staircase, iii en old tronsparent, Third street; Pittsburgh . ; search ed .ICirbynt licente,•but found nothing, and also Mr. 1 Gilliatutt shop uritti the . same reault. .._ - - - ! The Conamogivealtli tests here. Mr. Eitel, on 'helical of tlin 'ditendautir,. opened the case teilhe jury.' - -' - ' '., SameaLt'ortnellyi sioorn.---ifnow Wm. - J; Smith; his' character,. in the neighborhood for - truth and veracity is not good; would- net believe hint On - hiri oath where. be was interested ; - have known Wil liams for 16 years; "never heard Ile character Im peached b.ativre t lave know!, 'G,llliato:.fire years; /snow nothing against him. -Dr. Jot. McCiuilley, systn--Wittiertir fully cot: - . I rob - dated the above.- - - ' • Tao Smilldol testified 'to,aliout thesimething: • _ ~- Jelin Ch 4 sconoberated the otiose: • ,- ” Richardson, I,4iteph4h turern.—Know - Smith . his character is-not_good , io the neighborhood ; cattle' say that I would disbelitivii - him on oath; - hive known him tiptoe 7 years.; „„ .„ --, • •; . , ...-- , Jay. Tronie,-striort::--;Know Smith; he has two . strong Charieters ; a•portton of his neighbour-esmak well of Mit and another portion badly. ' i- - , Mr. 4yan testifived that he knew Mr. Smith, and that lieconLi•not believe hini hi bis oath,. whetehii laterestwasiai/Olved- . '. . Jas. Colvin corroborated e, the preceeding teatim - - - ny. Jas. Mclntim teatifiid thaTthe character "of Mr. s. Smith Was considerably mixed: • : - Jonathan P. ibile-festified that he • knew Smith about 8 - years, aid. from his reputation, *would have doubts about: believing ffitn"on'hle oath. _ kits:Gardner testified that be knew Smith about • 8 years; his character is inditrerent,'indab6 pi:Tido% beliewthina On oath. ••- • ; • Dr. Peacoat{ testifie&that-1 he would net like fo believe-him olaipath. A great dait.bfaireilar testimony , wassddlice4. Testimony was then • introduced, euataielsg, .qte efiaraCter of •defendants;':gr; Britly;'itittitsel for commoewealth, bad know* tor 20 yettiliand had never heard his character called in question. The defendants proved in excellent chantder,it ' 'stood un impea s ched. -. antil the Piesent charge was brought againat them, •-•- - .-• , • - Attorney Ge 3.; Da f t aghs'AdMitted- that defendants lprevioue character:could not , be attached by Coati monwitilth. - t • , . . The Cttutnoneilth then PiSceedid to introduce& abutting tiiiimony in regard to Smithoticharicier:. The•evidene& heie . c.loied. Mr. Darragh opened to the Jury ror the Common wealth, with hie Canal 0604. - • The Court adjeuried. ROBBIDIT AND-cAItIXES2c,--3110 Tr:3one Says:. a >eons man nanted,liihri Daffy was arrested:on Tams. lay night foe stealing a Watch from the poctter n otherjridneinan,:timed Bennett. - He bad bean eau in the evening, by Nf..l.:StewsricEiVs-Jll er A lleg he n y city, with:-a , pistol in bit and, wandering about, Milt with. mischievous use; kailpaira he aßerviards came trot :triPirts.. urgb, and committed the offence on Mr. Banner, bile in a crowd on Fourth street. A large dirk are, pistol and a paper of powder were taken from is past= H was committed by Ald..Terwla. THIRD: - 7HO'iri*..Pqtqro4'. ..,.; - For elnotnnatt. 4 „ • - The safa,contfortable and swi ft run r , ' ''' -.tang steamer, - - 2 ::.* . . ALr...EGfiE . NY BELLE, No, , 1173 C. Beim, Blaster , ' 2 ..' MB leave for Cincinnati regularly every Trhsi) ' riconi en boa ng r ~.at, 10 0'010ek,...,-For freight or p - assage, app jil ly Y d . an - Plivtltstror and Ellistrpsbugeb„pack et ,„ -T4E nnairslgned respectfully-announce to the citizens of .Pittsburgh, Allegheny-and. Sharpsbargh, that we have built andare raw g a .Stiamboat SaIIARPSBURGI-1 as a regular Packet or Ferry-between-the 'above named places. - Her landing at Pittsburgh will be at the foot of Irwin street, —and at the . Sharpsbargh public landing. Passengers taken, on and put off at any Intermediate point ' 'She will-leave Bharpsb th at 8 o'clock, A. Id., and 3 P, hi' ; -Pittsburgh art+ lA . and.qP:fd. . . r. Fare to Sharpstinrgh• 10 cents--either -Way ; Girty's ' run, or Lawrenceville,s cents. H. BUTTERFIELD .' Wednesday ac for.plllelllnatt. t : Turner , and fag - running , atearaer CIN LNNATI, Butzanconazt, Master, will depart regularly. every WaDzrzsa.tr. ray freight 'oryasaage, apply on board, or to serV -•- G 8 MILTENERGER. 4. - setenut Bair Tonle testorer A ND BEAUTIFIER... .Trial bottles 371 cents. Those ,41,. who have usedJones'.Coral Hair Restorraire.know its excellent qtmlhies—those who have not, we assure it to possess the following qualities. It wtil force the hair to grow on anyipart where nature Intended hair to grow, stop it falling off,e.ure scurf or dapdrnir, and make light, red or grey hair grow dark. For dressing the hair soft and suky, nothing can exceed thisit makes it truly beautiful 'and keeps it so. It is, indeed, the most economical, yet superior article for the hair. Sold only at WM. JACKSON'S Stere4,4o Liberty st., head of Wood, P ittsburg.: Price 37}cents, - 50 cents and 81,00. • , - rdec2o :Iv i Yearly White 'Teeth and Breath, ,- , ; L , - • ',- TO BE HAD FOR 23 CENTS. IadiERSONS who haver either, are honorabl . Y aisured that ir th eir breath is ever so foal, or their „-i TEETIi DECAYED, DARK' OR YELLOWS,‘ and encrusted_LwltittarttuV that a 2.5 cent bat of - Janet' Aniber : Tooth Paste-will make the teeth white as snow, and the breath odiferonsly sweet . _ . - . - hSold oply at ..I'AOKSON'S Store, .240 Liberty street, ead id Wtiod.. , - . - -,.. -~. :- - - [dec2o N. E. Comer ofThlrd and Diaz lIIIIIIIIFIII'i \ I rill I lIT et at r 0 e.lB,—eStablillhedlll .. il . ,II I. 61 Is. ~ •:. 18.40..- - ::. _' • . The.course.o . mat= on end practice pursued in this establishinent includes. every branch requisite for a per fect mercantile edneation. - i - ,The whole process has been matured and - p6rfected by nearly.eleven. years practice in teaching, and &theta hfwert years previous experience in extensive domestic and shumingtusiness; , and those ,who.nSpire to the highest rank as.accountants, will 'find en consulting any resident city merekaot,thatthis is the only establishment of the kind in the. °twin- which - the mercantile community have any confidencek :They will 4 bear Inialad 9 that all the pompous noise-we noW hear ,he: about ".trusteesp!, charters," ". examining committees,"' add deeEtdaw- not hing to the ability or experience of teachert‘ ' . 1 ____ • Dividend. pas President and Directors of the Hand street Brid_ge Company have this day declared a dividend of Two Dollars per tune out of the profits of th e lam Sir mon th s. Pitiable forthwith. gr..tericive-At the lateeleetieu, in the - borotmhci". Manchester, the Ritter/pm we re . e tniceeestal-eindigatear Burgess-.S.Perkinihr • Cotmeil..-Adatn Ilerellberier, Caimhey, Conradßlerieler, joke Catighey; Deine.f Ifugh Lee, 00l iiikArd--Wm. Wileoa , liid. W H. Peoll.. aiir,ll.; 8 Years ;lobe - Canghey, D.,1 year _ Overexert ,the Poor—lienry chnetead, Thomas reetran,`Dente. , ; . • Eireitan-41iza. Oieher, :- . l isjyttera--111. Johea, AV.; J E. Parke s W, • • Atressar--4obh Co*ae; lad: D.., Consteb/e-rSamael Paughentler, , . • - 6i Ain .gi, iog )ia,,,inckholders of thePtiyette, Manufacturing Company, held on the 15tiOnsi:s."-tVin:klial, Esq., me elected President B6 t . .Ntln John Rutherford," Ira !Jersey, ..:Hazlett;Jatiten Tali:lett, Hugh W . ightman and Wm.Aiffi ll ' ivertielect&l'Directors tor the ensuing Sear. Also, James Taney was--elected'Treaenrer and Secretary.'- • i llinstetrourza- liteltseacm.--,Chrietopher. Fox. cohylcted of eaanslaughtersioltillinka man named 13tiick‘i' vrie - yesterdziy iirong - ht into Conti and eon. teamed to five years and nine' months imprisonment in' the Penitonti*. . • • - -• • - Mirth' -Tuesday evening, about . 0 oQock, Plfr. hytguight, a drayaian, was knocked down by come person unknown, nod a' 'lamp quantity of money taken &GM him. He was : Ito badly-bun that , he is tot collected to racover. • o or Common Comsem.—The Council met list evening, Robt."l4icKaight in the Chair. MN feagOr,„orPolice Committee, made a report, which was adopted. A number'of resolutions and reports were read, but-nothing out of the •:ordinary: routine. • • JUIr R , Jeffriea and Mr.:Maguire were robbed_ of' their Wate.bes, and several other articles, io the crowd et Wi!kills Hall, on Tuesday night. RV" Ajet or Dutch be sold at BPRetma i sAuctiou Rouse at 2 o'clock to.day. 11EGIVET11 111313/GLOVED SLEEP BY 2 M BO P ErC,SCEIL itread the 'elnireli•ynrd's path alone Unseen to Vied the gushing tear; Tread oninany a mould'n ng stone . Fond records of the good and dear. My soul. iSMICH•iligh taint with fear, Where doubting rnalry.went to weep Andl,at Whatsweet repose is here— _ - " giveth his beloved sleep • --- - ' . _ . . .. _ . The world has beta feverish rest; To weary pilgrims sometimes given, When pleasure's cep hag lost as Zen, Here,- - softer than the dews of even Anclglory.'s hard.earned crown is riven Fall peaceful on the slumbering deep, Asleep to earth„ awake to heaven— ._ `4Je givethilis beloved sleep? , • Nes, on the grave's hard pillows rise No °tinkering' cares, no dream's of woe On earth we close our aching eyes, And heavenward all our visions grow. -The airs of Eden iWand us flow,: - - . And in their battik our slumbers weep. God:calls Ws chosen home., And so no giopthlis beloved sleep Pi . . .• Ate! vainly could the human voice, In this dull world of sin and folly, Telt how the sainted denitrrjoice In those high realms - where joy is holy Where no dim shade of melancholy Beclouds the rest which angels keep, Where, peace and bliss united wholly, : . " fie meth his beloved sleep .! If on_that brow-so fer, so young, • Ad:action truce an early furrow, • - ; If Gape's too - dear, delusive tongue - Eins broke its promise of tomorrow, Seek not the world again, to borrow The deatlifut prints its votaries reap. Idea gives his loved ones pain and sorrow, God u ziveth his beloved steep." — vistanattoltat itragazint - _ TheraSowing is the contribution of tit° Lion. Gen. Lulu, of ;Boston, (District Attorney U. S. for .111 - ass.,) to she *" noutoiial,n Hese-itt!s Testimonial, to the late . Mrs. Osgood,ltbe.pneteis. ..Hasusancrros,l.Cor. XV. 30. Oh trtjadge, that HE, who from the earth Created man, cannot his frame restore— :The scattered elements In= every shore Call back; clothe with a celestial birth ! See from its sheath 'the buried seed break forth, Blade, stalk, leaf, bud, and now The perfect Roarer Changing, and yet the - same ; and of His power A token each ! And art than counted worth Less than the meanest herb ! Changed from the daa And little lower than the Angels made! . More changed by sin,—to death itself betrayed— . Yet:heir of Heavea, by an immortal trust! Doubter unwise, in ref:Lynn's narrow school, . might the great Apostle say " Tho a Fool ! aommernai anb Itrucntial. HE PITTSBORGR BOARD OP TRADE AND MERCHANTS, EXCILANGE. N. B. CRAIG. .WALHAJIRER. Comortgic ron JANIJAiIY. JESSE CAROTHERS. : - ' . ' . .., ~ PORT OP P1VT511178.G.t7. WA7U IX TIM CIIANIIIL. ARRIVED: Steanier Atie'lligan N 0.2, Boics, Beaver. • "‘' Baltic. Jacobs, Brovrusville. Atlantic, Parkinson, do '" 'J. BPRee, Hendrickson, McKeesport. Beave,"Gordon, Deaver. . " Thomas Shaver,. Bailey, West Newton. " Brilliant, Grace,Cinempati--- " Z. Taylo ,r Lucas, Cincinnati. DEPABDED: Michigan N 0.2, Boies, Seaver. • " - Bulticilacobs, BrOWLLIIViIIe. " Atlantic., Parkinson, Brovrnsville. `,4 ltVliee, Hendrickson, McKeesport. •-" Beaver, Gordon, Heaver. ' Thomas Shrive?, Bailey, West Newton. Cincinnati, Birmingham, Cincinnati. " Diurnal, Conwell, Wheeling. Lowell, Force Cincinnati. Navigator Dean Louisville.. - _ _ - WO7nted to Otto j • Ioh,STERH WHEEL, STEAMBOAT of irght draught. Apply to - SCAIFE irtEDISON,Firat at, between Woad and Market so. , au-p-ers WZit 1421 Nre311ujrrer lar AVE ON RAND aftheir extensive CABINET and CHAIR MANUFACTORY, N 0.64 Smithfield st. a large assortment of fancyand plain Furniture, which :hey will 1181115 percent. below customary rates. ' Terms—aash only. ' Plee27:ly .• • One Vent Reward.' • - AN ewayfrom theuabseriber,on tha Sib instant' an indented apprentice; named JOHN. JONES. All persons are forbid harboring or trusting,hirn, as they will be dealt with according to law.ray' - • A. NYESTERVF;LT. VILOUR.-200 bbls Superfine and Extra, in st ro e 'and for sale by STUART d, SILL; Tjalt ' by , • 124 Wood sale BAC(10.--50 boies priple s'B jUSI 'received tot (jell STUART fit 'SILL 'W. Poster . - A rroitivi - am) co ONSELZOiI' r•LPFICE,' N0:164 FOURTH STREET, near +Grant Ur street, Pittsburgh, Pa. novl6:dawly CHconnEn otrkfittliixf Anti id= traderra. ARTERED 4..D ; 1850; the ,only chartered Insti- Union of the in Pennsylvania. Paetary.— Jams ..flumuto, principal Instructor in the octanes of „Arments. • • • O.K. Cnitsnanuart,•Professor, ofPalmoruhip, Moreau. tile computation, /cc. • • • • Law . Arax..ll...Viratiost, Esq., LeCtOtet on Commercial Those wishing to obtain a complete knowledge of Bookkeeping and its application to every branch Of brt _airless, also, a rapid and elegant hand writing, are invi te_ d to call and examine the arrangements. Lectnie on Commercial Law every Monday evening. Reference to anyof the city merchants. !dean Norris Willis , Rome Journal. rossusrmo EVERT aartranaT, tS rtirt CITr or, :Zartr-rOar, 4 Two Dollars a vtar, payee& in a/lease:ln &Stance. L'OfiIANSSION OF AGENCY, °soma or nut Maio Jacobus, No. 107 Fulton st., N. York,Dec. 24,1810. 2b all whom is may Conetrn : "'VMS may certify that J.B. Roza= is duly aathattrad .1.10 act as Agent for “ItIORRIS & WILLIS' HOME JoURNAL," paperat all receipts givers bylhim In pay ment tor scud_will be duly acknowledged by us at the Office of Publication ; and it is expressly agreed and understood, that all subscriptions are payable one year In advance, and that no name will be inserted on the Books till the money far the same is paid. The new volume will commence on the first of Janu ary. Subscriptions - received by J. B. Holmes, Third st., opposite the Post Office. MORRIS & WILLIS, eal) Editors and Proprietors. OUR HOUSE." SHELL OYSTERS AND - GAME received daily at Ova Llotat,” N 0.24 Diamond alley. WM. BENNETT. Allegheny County, as. _... The 'Commonwealth -of Pennsylvania ..:•,.. , l c: •. to the Sheriff or said :County, Greeting, 4' ••'. '.• , . • it Thomas Scott and Lucinda Scott, his F. ;.; ~ .J• wife, make you secure ,of proseenting, _,:. - 7,...... , their claim, then we command you that ..,.;,..- • you summon, by good and laWful sum - ' minters, IVilliant Reed and Mary Reed; his wife, so that they be and appear before oar Judges. &tour District Court, to be holden at Pittsburgh. in and for said county, on the first Monday ( 3rd) of March, next, to shcw wherefore, whereas they, the said Thomas Scott and wife, and the said William Reed and *re, to gether anti undiVided, do hold all that certain tract of land situate in blifilin township, Allegheny county, Mtn mencing at a stone near Carry's Run running thence S. 11 degrees west, ISt perches to a pin; . thence N. 67 degrees, W. 87 perches to a stone; thence N. 24 de grees E. ill perches to a hickory; thence S. 07 degrees, E. PT perches to place of beginning. Rounded by lands of E. dc J. Carry, James Snodgrass, John G. II ult and James Cutianighatti. containing ninety-nine acreraad one hundred and fifty-eight perches. Also, a Lot of Ground in APKeesport, Allegheny county, foaming on Water street, being lot No. 5.1.11 stud borough—the lam e William Reed and wife, partition thereof between them to be made according to the laws and centrals of this Commonwealth In such case made and provided, do gainsay, and the same to be done do not permit, very unjustly and against the same laws and customs, (as 'us said). And have you then and there the names of those sum moners andthis writ.- • -- ' • Witness the Hen. llopewell Hepburn, President of our said Court at Pittsburgh, the 4th day of January, A. D. 1551. fia7;fitwl GEO.I3.IIAYS, Prothly. In the District Court tor the County of Allegheny. Thomas Scott and Lucinda, las wife Summons in Paul Lion, William Reed and Mary, Rio. ti, lan'y Tenn, 1841. his wife: Alto nore,*to wit, January 4, 1851, the Court direct the summons in the , above case to issue, returnable the first Monday of March, next, and that notice thereof be given to the defendants, by publication for six weeks in the Pittsburgh Morning Post. From the Record. GEO. S. HAYS, Proth'y. Ta Trilli,on licur end Marv, las toffe; Lk/cm:fano zaora named.—You arc hereby notified to appear before the said Court, on the first Monday of March, next, in pur suance of the above writ and order of Court, to answer the complaint aforesaid. C. CURTIS, Sheriff. Sumurv's ernes, ) Pittsburgh,..ran'y 6,1851. ju76five 1 • 'Enpsoott , a General Emigration °Rice. REMITTANCES and Passage to and _. -1 4!* 4 from Great Britain and heisted, by W. „...e .'.•. tc J. T. Tapscon, 73 South et., corner • ' 4 - • of Malden Lane, N. V., and 66 Water loo Rood, Liverpool. The subscribers, having accepted the Agency of the above House, are now prepared to make arrangements on the most liberal terms with those desirous ofpaying the passage of their friends from the Old Country; and they flatter themselves their character and long standing in business will give amnia assurance that all their ar rangements Will be carried out faithfully. Messrs. W. & J. T. Tapscott are long and favorably known forthe sup_erior class,accommodaTh „on and OF qualities of their Packet Ships. The QUEEN OF THE WEST, SHERIDAN, GARRICK, HO'rEINGUER, ROSCIUS; LIVERPOOL, atid SIDDONS, two of which leave each port monthly—from New York th e 2 1st and 26th, and from Liverpool the 6th and Ilth; in addition to I which they hive arrangements with the St. George and Union Lines of Liverpool Packets, to iusnro a departure - from Liverpool every five lbws, being thus determined that their facilities shall keep pace with theirincreasing patronage: while. Mr. W. Tapscott's constant personal 'superintendence of the business in Liverpool is an add!" tional security that the comfort and accommodation of the passengers will be particularly attended to. The subscribers beign as usual, extensively engaged In the , Transportation Business be iwee n Pittsburgh and the Atlantic Cities, are th ereby enabled to take charge ot and forward • passengers immediately on their landing, without a chance of disappointment or delay; and are, therefore, prepared to contract fermi/sage:from any sea-. portin Great Britain or Ireland to this city, the nature of the business they are engaged in giving them facilities for carrying passengers eo far inland not otherwise at; tab:table; and will, if necessary , forward passengersfur thar. West by tha best mode of conveyanc__ ,e without any additional charges for their trouble, Where _persons sent for decline coming out„the amount paid forpassage will be refunded in full. REMITTANCES. The subscribers are , also. prepared to . give drafts at sight for any arnount,payable at the prin mai cities and morals in Eagland,lrcland, Scotland and Wales; thus af fording a safe and expeditious mode orreraitting funds to those countries, which persons requiring such facili ties will find it to theirinterest to avail themselves of. Application (if by lc tter+p:amd) will be prorriptlylat tended to. & O'CONNOR, Forwarding and Commission Mercluints, iy Philadelphia. HOMNY-I.btd)o nd le. ;tve lg o te w P e ar lo l l omn T ; Just received a for sale by • decll SALE OF VALUABLE 444:111/ NVORKS, NEGROES, AIIJLICS, a .c 114 pursuance of a decree of the Chancery Court in Clarksville, at the October term, 1850, I will sell at the Louisa Furnace, ia Montgomery County, State of Tennessee, on the Ink day of and th e Mount V er non . known as the Louisa Furnace and the Mount Vernon Furnace, with all the lands attached and adjoining there to, amounting to some 20,000 acres. At the same time and place I will sell a valuable negro man,John Cartel', a Founder, end his wife and children, on a credit of 1,2. and 3 years. The real estate on a credit of 1,2, 3 and 4 years. On the 11th of April, 1851,_1 will also sell, at the late residence of Robt. Baxter, in Montgomery Co., Tenn., the ,IRON PROPERTY, known as the-Tennessee Fur mice and the Water Forge, on _Barton's Creek, with all - the. lands adjoining and Lunched thereto, consisting of several thousand acres, on a credit of 1,2,_ , 3 and 4 years. _Sumner County Lanefe near Gaßatin. / will also sell, on the 26th of March, 1831, in' the town oti,Ga/latin, at the Court House, .21:0 acres of land lying In said Coanty, known as the Preston tract of land, on a credit of l l 2 and 3 years. House and Lot in Naahvilk. I will also sell, on the 28th of !lamb, 1851, a valuable .ROuse and Lot is Nashtille, at the Mar k et H oare, known as , Lot - No. 84, situated on /Ugh at., on a credit of 1, 2 and 3 years. Bond and approved security will be renal. red or - the purchaser and alien retained on the real es tate in all cases.. P. PRIESTLEY,' C. - & M. _ _ _ Sale of Mulch Wagoner Lwill, as the Adm'r of-Robt Baxter, sell at the Lou isafFurnace, in. Montgomery County, Tenn, : on the oth day of April,lBsl, all the personal property of the said Rol% Barter, belonging to said Furnace, consisting o 75 Mules, Wagona, Slenip btetal,and Stock on hand, on a cretlit of twelve months. • - I will 4 140_14e11, on the I.lth,day -of April,lBsl, et the late residence of Robert Baxter, in Montgomery county, Tennessee,- abbut3o Mules, Horses, Cattle, -household and Kitchen Farniture,together with all personal prop erty of said Robert - Baxter; one credit of I 2 months 'Rood and security- will be - required on all sums over sick , The sale will be continued at each place from day to day, till all the property is sold. • - Dec, 17,1850. ROBERT BAXTER, Adner. LIU' Each paper will Send the Offloe of the Clerk and Master the papers containittettha advertisements, with t sale he amount of the"fee stated. .Published till day of last The Nashville Union and True Whir,. the Louisville Journal ; the Cincinnati Commercial, and the Pittsburgh Post, will publish the above advertisement twice a week until day of iale, and forwent accounts to the Clerk and Mader for settlement-- dec2B:tamts.. Jecrsgnian. - - - - - - . . • 1111}IE besrpitioe in Pittsburgh to buy real good Tea is A *Lt MO.RRIS .t. U.AWORTIPS Tea Store, east. side - of .the ine Tee Dlaro s nd—Sde., 7511, and.smellyer,oo ;r lb. - „ful smelly genu' - - . -. TliaßrickTitil tir7de r - 4 nod ale i n t o Teas at e, are the very best Tea:imported into the iinited States. deal? LANTATIO Idol. • RSES 20 barras new arop Molasses . juatxeceived and for asla MILLER & EleiersoN Nos, 221 and ssa , Liberty, U.- Matag filiocellcrneons. x!lTTgistaoEt WM. DYER AISINS-500 boxes AL It: Raisins ; Al 250 half do - - do 40 casks CIIITIIIIISj 40 boxes Citron' 10 eases; fancy boxes, Prunes; JOSHUA RHODES ez co., No. 6 Wood street WAX--500 Bs for sale by y deco •B. A.FAtiNESTOCK &CO, nr,D secyrcift 3 , lm NiEv „- NJ Irish • do; Jamaielaßtun,in battles. _F3r sale by J• IlOrtB&C/I, 187 Liberty street. Q BOTCH SNUFF.-40 boxes, 4 olrpaelcoges, Bond's &rinds by r - SMART i SILL. to obis. No. 1; - It"— • - ' — L.13. - IVAT 65 kegs' do; - For sale b y SONS, - • ' 31-Water and 62 Front streets: - rlißy.Appried Apples; bbla. do; For sale by L. SAVATERAIAbI& SONS. TTALIIES-40 doz. padr horse andraute homes for sale 11 by Un9l L. S.WATERBTAN & SONS • taiMER--.lsbitter ; 0 5 do "packed do; ~ 10 kegs - do tor sale by L 8 iVATERALiN Zr. SONS. _____________ 12 - GLASSES AND email— :7;l 111210.42.101a,8r01nr..: Landing from stealing:li b A L'ilEznatoncia Sinta,ted4aßriaitoerr lad CARSON l FMlarge doublet Couatingß[ouse Desk in good older. CARSON & htwOORT, decla 04 'Water street. Cbirdigr /3,11ED-10VV IT I l g rro CR & CO. rcnlp for the - Daily Mornink Poet. xxTht WAarittrarort, hunuary 15. flocurc.—Soou after organizing the House went into committee of the whole, and took up the cheap postage bill. The committee rejected the amend ment agreed to yesterday, aharging 3 cents when prepaid, and 6 cents when not prepaid. The com mittee then adopted the 3 cents rate—yeas 71; nays 70. The second ' section of the bill, establishing post. age on newripapera, was road , and rejected. The committee ruse and the House adjourned. SEntrs.—Mr. Clay presented, petitions from per. sone residing, in Indiana, asking aid from Con. greet) for , the colonization of the free negroes. Al. so, one from Rhode Island, asking for a line of steamers to Africa. He spoke in favor of both me morials, which were referred to the committee OD commerce. Mr. Hale presented a petition from Montgomery, Pa., in favor of repealing the fugitive slave law.— A debate ensued in which Hale, FOote and Yulee took part. The petition was finally laid oh the table. Mr. Pearce presented a petition from the Mary. land Reform Convention, praying that a contract be entered into with Win. B. Clark for the transports• lion of the mails by steamers from Baltimore and Norfol, to some port in England.: - The bill to cede the public lands to the States In which they lie, was debated, and after executive session the Senate adjourned. DREADFUL ACCIDENT. New You, January IL. About I o'clock to-day, six new buildings, the mason work of which had just been completed, in Twenty•first street, fell with a terrific crash. The workmen hatrjust returned from their dinner, and froM 30 to 40 of there were buried in the ruins:— Up - to - 4 o'clock four dead bodies had been recover ed, and six severely injured. It is supposed that from fifteen to twenty htve been killed. The ap. pea ranee of the mortar used caused great excite. ment. It is said to be almost all sand. We under stand the builder's name is Spencer. INDIAN TREATY, Wasitteator, January 15. The Government agents hare recently affected treaties with the TC.T.i3O Indians, by which they promise the restitution of all stolen property and the prisoners in their possession. Some tribes were not represented in the councils, panicalarly the Cam, nachos, but the agents report strong hopes of shortly inducing them to enter into similar conditions, with a more faithful compliance in the future. Cinnamon, January lb. The enemata Lard Oil and Candle Factory ofGrops and'Oeitrinh, with the machinery and a large stock was totally destroyed by fire last night. There wail about I'oo,ooo bbl.. or Lard in the building. The total lose is about 6100,000titairittoured. Borrois, January 15. , The Mogard trailed at noon w ith 50 passenger, for Liverpool, $4,800 gold dust; 99,600 ie sovereigns and $lOO,OOO in silver, the latter front Canada. MASSACHUSETTS LEGISLATURE. BOSTOrf, January 15. The House refused, by 55 majority, to postpone the election of U. S. Senator, and are now balloting. The coalition still adheres to Sumner. New Onx.e.tais, January lb.• The Alabama brings news from the city of Mexi. co to the lst inst., to the effort that Yucatan has pronounced against the Supreme Government, and declared herself independent et-Mexico. A fire broke out in StausCresman, January 15; ga and Shays extene sugar curing barn hoe, bait g It was extinguished si beir fore any great damage was done. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH BALTIIIOII2, Janary 15. Plour..Sales of SOO bble Howard etreet u at 4,64 ; 620 uniform choice brands at 4,621 ; sales of 800 bble. City Mlle at 4,621. Cate.. 45046. Whiskey... 26 in bble. PHILADELPMA January 15 Business quiet. Flour.. Bales of 800 bble. Ohio at 4,75, and 1000 prime of 4,62. Coffee.. Held firmly. Provisions.. Arrive slowly ; sales of pickled hams at 8169 c.; shoulders 8; lard 8; butter and cheese dull.-. No news of interest NEW Wheat.. Ohio held at 1,04 toWatt 1,08., January 15. Bacon..Salm. 0f50,000 lbs long middles, city cut, at 7/- Turpentiae..Sales at 38. Tallow..Salea of 20,000 at 7. Linseed Oil.. Easier at 89 to 90. Whiskey.. Firm at 26. No change in other articles, New Yong, January 15: Cotton. - .At former rates. Flour.. Buoyant ; sales of .6000. including Ohio, good and round hoop at 4,94 to 5,00. Rye Floor—Steady at 3,87. Grain.. Wheat inactive; Rye dull; Corn quiet; sales at 70. - Pork.. Dull; Bales of 300 old mess at 12,121 to 12,25; new at 14,00. Beef.. Active. Lard. do better demand; new scarce; old at 71 ta 8; sated of 400 new at 81 to 9. Whiskey.. Steady; salea 1,50 bble. Coffee.. Sales of 300 bags. Rio at II; to It I. Sugar.. Firm ;' new crop at'6 to 61. . Molasses.-Steady ; Orleans at 31 to 32. Lard Oil..unehanged. ,1111ES-4115 sacks Dried Peaches; 11 bbis. da;' Forests by L. B. WATERMAN lc. SONS =BM 1 3 1 - 0011ta1 c ,w wsliforsale. dec2B • Whl, DYER. FEATREKS—Sei7 itt io !; , 0 11 !0GeesoFoathersl, for sale WhI,DY (IRAN BERR.IIZ-9 tibia. just reed and tbr sale by - 'Li dec9 , .WAL DYER. 7 iiik9TiqUTic-ifiiiii.-iiiitiiire-iiiaTOTiale-tif7 • V deal - • , WM. DYER. - D r C: KEL—LYVAII sollqualitiesof a I 1- qualiiresle - - ett, ,, sale and . retail, lower than any other house on 2 s;=C________________ N. U. ;I n t:LASS "— tct bbl . Neat 00 for sale - hy: [dee2sj SIIIDYERS/c.l arrive flifiPFEElZiibags fiiiintibi ._ --- 7 - ------7----L i,, deelß FINE TEAS--25 half Chests fine Yonng If yson ;, . 15 do in and }.b. :packages S do . " fine Black; 20 do . dci; On. and lib. In store and for Cale by: gp es. (lack es: ICING lc MOORHEAD. 40 BBLS. TALLOW received and to.. sale by deer() SORIVER BARNES. 25 BARRELS .- .N. o Molasses, per steamer Messenger. (dean . ] .CARSON et, AVICNIGHT. PLANTATION SUGAR—lrbbes:priTne planbition- Sugar (old crop s ) on consignment and for sale bpi dean/ • • I)IILLERIc RICKETSON. !) 1 , 1 nxs. TOBACCO:in store and for vale by , nov4 STUART. dc SILL. W.icitTfES,M•kt W EL,R in st ore , a lar g e g and rich stock of lino Watches t , Jewelry and Fancy Goods. • • • AV. W. WILSON,: dec23 • corner of Market and Fourth els. ticEZ4O Cases Liquorice ; 20 boxes Refined Pqnorice ; Receiving andlar sale by - novl2 ' JOSHUA:RHODES & Co. ODA ASR--80 easks Johns'en's Steel &Sons , braeds 1.0 landing and for,stde by CARSON & 111 , KNIORT, nov2s 84 Watee street. - 1110UTTERINI) eitOVERSEED- J.) 8 bbls. Clover seed. For sale by . deeto . CARSON & 1 1 FKNIGHT,94 Water et.- yRITE HAVANA SIMAS-20 boxes White Ha vana Sugar, just' received and for sale by • decl9 MILLER & SWARM SON. OfiAMPAGNE WINE-10 baskets celebrated Reid sac and La faarquettene brands, the best bruds ported in the United States. Received .ankfor at" the New Wine and Liquor Store of • JAMES PAIORBACH, .I.97.Liberty street.. 'T'UST RECEIVED and for sate a new aupply ot•fine . PERFUMERY, including— Jenny Lind Pomades; Queen of Flowers' Hair Oil ; Porecine Foap; . . " • ' . - Jenny Lind Eitrnct ; Roussel'a Arnandies r - • COULTER & BACKE, corner oP Wood and 3d -streets. dee.% CPFEt7=BBbagsforsale by jai' *STUA.R.Vac 6111. „ urrEß.—soTeo and JO'bbla., to close_.corollgn7, moot. [jot] _ -STUART•A owns; bezeaLernons; - 40 Rails Ivies Alraoids; 25 bags CietutiNuts 2,000 Cocoa NUM; 25b0;(111.Tujutre Paste 25 baskets Salad. Oil; -4 cases Sardines; &eases greenoble Walnuts;' , Just receiving. and tor sale by` deel7 - . JOSHUA. RHODES & 111DEACHES 7 -300 :dec2s • • SHHIVER:te TORPEDOES--:-ZIO, , 250 boies Fire 'Croakers; 25 - ,- do 'Jackson do ; - 50 gross. Pia Wheels;. - . ~.- so n C EISOII4 50 ' '• ' do - El h ornan Candle d; . - JOSIIVA RHODE & CO. XTRA - FAMILY FLOUR-59 bble..Augels EC NO .. ble.',9 - niake, in store and for sale by deel.B • • - - - STUART & SILL. TRIED APPLES,-200, bushels to arrive. deetB - - STUART Fe sru: BUTTER : 7SO kegs to close QUI. cotusigninent; , do . deelB 'STUART rpm--17tu t if r.hests Toting flynon in store: 1 nov2l, t-STUART-&.SILL, ['LOUR—iso bbic pricy - superfine ia'store and' for X ; Bile by ' fdeclfig - STUART A. SILL. lAD EDDINGS. 8c.—.300 Wedding Cake Boxes; -- TT 200 Corneliau'Ringe; • • 4 12 doz..assortedßOld rens; • • 12 'do'. - do Spectacles; a 4 'do RazortreaStrapa Just received at the Watch and Jewelry Store of • _ - V 44 W. WILSON, deelv. 7 .';':eariter riflVarkeittnd Fourth sta. IDRENCH MERINOS. et.o...„Ac,—. 1: 20 0 pieces black e Fr o h Merino; 6 do colr; 100 do parametta Cloth, all colors; 101 do -Coburg do do; 300 do Alpaca. - Jest received at. A. A: MASON & 62and 64 Market street. filialiaiterme BOLA ns Or Mfg 'AMERICAN wAns . wHo have nerved eitheragainstthe British or In:- diens since -the year 1700,. are entitled, bya late law Of Congressi to a donation of land:" „ • The anderligned offers to. you his serviced to Procure your Laud Warrants-from the 'Oovernitcilti , Baring been engaged extensively' during:the vast three • y_ears in that basun:Bso4r the naldiersef thc • •111e.sican War, oafn d i t a he Prepay of d those s ewtthleod d i i n ed ti : m an ddiffuerin4tg l e n n a tune r i t od / at Washington, epwardsof aye hundred clalms,-cintaist ing - of Land Warrants, .Pensions; three mouths* extra.' PAY, and arrearages of Pay due to the deceasetlithe btt mess at the different ofcesin Washington is now c a tme mlalimaanaeasyisoa nce and er b ap m n n enceth ro erh the Post Of ices. charges moderate. '• • -•-• fiffice at' hie 'former 'stand, in' Bakesielt'sßalldhrg, Grant street, near the New Contt Rouse. Pitaburgh l Oct 16, ,150--fit4v;2rti TAXTRACT OF LOTGWOOD.; S:ip u ilil ° o 2 4u - i n e; . Chrome Green dec24 RE"U— -HO boxes, W. R. Cheese la store and , for sale by .Ictec24,l MILLEM, ItICKETSON. TOBACCO -25 bo.te Rueaeii n , s7 25 do IV. EL Gratu'O '' - 10 do- Kim's_ , -For sale ' En% mo /MEAL/. ATOLAB9E,I3--19 bids. (oak packages) plantation Molasses, received par Steamer Caledonta, hod for, sale by [deo2o.l KING .4. MOORIMAD. ATE.RY SUPERIOR: FRENCH BRANDY - Jost- reo'a. nntifor Bale by the boule, A guart or gallon, la - p • • MORIS lIAWI.IIITH , in thoDuunon /0 Bdileglif HESTN UT'S received and for-sale_ SHRIVE& & BARNES. Tv 0.1 LARD-2 bola. No. 1 Lent ; N Slogs do "do; .. .kin received and for Sail! by - MILLER RICKETSON, dec24 N0t..221 and 223 Liberty Bt. rietINTFITTOR—A-13 ern EA Cider instore and for Bale by - dec2l 'MILLER ec RICKETSON, 1.000 Ei f yt3H al Etet SHORTS this day rasetred •: and dec24 SHRIVER. DARNER. C" F EE :4 ° "1 -5 leg and for sale by (zumffi. WILL DYER. LtGAR 15.=.20,(XX) I.3 w tor sale by pall' 8 ART & SILL. prime lion; L., • 'l2 kelp • do • docked; for tale tiy - • ii[NO & MOORHEAD. i v i r MyE IE4!LZIS-4 bbls.for sate by & AujoniTEAD, TwED APPL b sale bi - ' dec27 MOORHEAD.: bas. inst.rcedpTir.efOi rn e rl 0 and formal .:-by • _ SHRIVES A. BARNES, dens •. • iaoandl4 Second st: IXTANTED—ono of AlitehelPs Slate Alapa of Penn ja4 YV Frylvania. Apply at No.s4jsritaseid street:- LATE WARNE RS—A few Saptinned Plate Warm era, very neatly - got upotm hand and thr sale hq JOAN DUNLAP &TO - cor hlarket and Sedond eta. 10 JARS Burreß, for family use, for safe by dee2s SRRIVER A. BARNES. ► ji jai -- - STUART tc sad,. Vforitiri--tiThtrral s fOr scde- Up Jai STUART ac.SiLL. jat 'S-201 dozen, to close out, b 7 STUART as SILL AttD.-10 kegs just received by STUART & SILL_ . `lOlO , l.—W bbls. ja store and tor sale by ' jai STII.A.IiT,/r. SILL. jai STUART & SILL. . NAILS -300 k e " 'I d ' 'S store ' t nl 1 ;3 b 500 BUS H . SHORTS in !lora amfor sale bY - ee RHODES k ALCORN. IWAN—Ion one ti . in oq• LA decal ni RHODE! , & ALCORN. 10 W ------------- --in store and for seta by 6 ---- Bust"muN decal RHODES it ALCORN, CI - 0 - 11N—.T2.5 bash. Corn, in the ear, in stare , and for V sale by [decal' RHODES tc- ALCORN 1:1-RDONIntED=Orn rralil,T'.--- sjt - decal RHODES do ALCORN.. CIORN MEAL--On httn,l, ------- ind for sale by -----•—' X./ decal RHODES & ALCORN. , jiloMiivr—s. bbls. White, in sto — i - e" . • and for sale by dec2.9 . KING •& MOORHEAD. . RCKWHEAT FLOUR 20 sacts,so Ds. each, for sal [dec2S) - WU. DYER. rTfirgb APPLES ; —l6 aneks jeerrec'd Ind f evb ar zt e. d ;t{ 5E DYER HEsq•Nu LTS—.S Ets.in atom and for sale by HI:Ib:SE—MO bozo& loose Cheese for eby .WELDYER . A gee tft E s. i a l wamwb,half and b ls WU. DrEEL bb ck. 20 half " ; 20 bbla-No. 1; 10 halfs and 10 quartika.No. 1; For anlo.by =ZEME f s n COULTER "& LlV.expoorProperty' BVILDDI LHTS.: for sale in the town of - . Bast Liverpool. Ohio, us iota prices and on ftivorable terms-3125 for corner hits nod 8100 for mlots—each be ing 60feet front by 130'feet deep: Liverpool is located on the Ohio river, 40 miles below this'vity, - ulidwar be tween Pittsburgh. and Wheeling; four. miles Roof Dias cow nod Little Beaver,' and the same. distance: from Wallsville and Calcultit.' - It is eituate in a healthy and beautiful port of .ohiiii,thas 1200 itants oniforitlr oats PIIISICLIti, EIG IIT-ESTABLISEIHENTS- for' the . anufactute of Rockingham and Queensware, several hotels, dry good and grocery, stores and mechanic* of various kinds, four churches, and public scheelo—Al the I recent sale of tots Six were purchased by manufacturers who-design erecting,dariog die comiugsetison, potteries and other manufaclatitig establishment.s---Queensware of a pure White,. addition to fiockincham . and 2 yearn* ware, having been mantifactired in this town, it is rea sonable to expect that it will rapidly improve—Persoos desirous ofviewingthe property can so any,dey r thy a few hours , Sail trout Fittstrurgbolteamers /eating-our wharves everidayfor .'Perms of paym en t—One•fo iwth hind and 'the hol once in three aqualnunitl Paymente,-witie intetest;', N 8..1 will dispose of a lumberer - lotS for :cnipentei wink, brick lay inc, Mattering, and paintirig, to be done at Liverpool, during the next spring,. and summer; also for Lumber and Brick. - Apply Sanford C. Hill, Liverpool, or to the subscriber at: the office- of. Messrs. Mitchel ik Palmer, Attorneys at Law, N 0.128 Fourth at, dce 3 .• - - ' JAMES BLARELY.: _ acrArm for Sole: ri4lß subscriber °trent for -saisra- 1311-OP'LAND, - containing IGO wcres;44oo of. which are - ieleared;-4 The farm lies directly on the rash/ from lffiddletoWn Jefferson; it is well;watereck; with a bearing - orchard; and peach and pear- truest. and a Coal- banlc.' - ' The buildings consist of a hewed log House and Barn ;with Stabling. Forint:that artieularsapply to the subseri; tier, on the premises, in -Allegheny comity , in. /wins front Pittsburgh': NATRELNIBI, WC/ANTON: ; ' Moog totanskii,"October23—tf Ear sale or - Exchange. • T HE underrigned offers for Aale - the' following .de scriben REAL ESTATE, situated OrtheOth Warli viz; Two Lots of. Ground, fronting - on Pine street, each 20 feet front hp 61 feet deep; on which is erected two 2 story (mune welling Houses; with =brick basements; each containing Mk-rooms hesideulthettens and cellars:. Also, 47ne Lot adjoining the above, on which is erect.t e Houses. d three neat and comfortable two story brick Dwellieg" Also, three,Lots of Ground, rranting - on Locust street; e :eh lot 20 feet front bytit feet deep; on whichis ereet- - t4l fi ve two atoryTmate dwelling Haase& -•-• - r. 1 The above property, lying together, fonts a bloek 'Of CO feet front on Pine street by 132 feet -Ceep• to Locust' street, and will be sold- separate or altogether. It is I rented to good tenants, and tents for RICO per annum. Vacant Lots in the business part or the city, az Land'. within 3 or 4 mules; would he taken in exchange, .1., 'l Apply to .'.- ~ .. HENRY W,..FlSti f , octll ' . At ibe.Great Bargai n Corner. -. _...._ A LOT OP GROUND, - containing 2k Acres, situate .401. one mile below the town of Bearer, -Beaver coon ty, on which there is erected:a-new Brick-House, 46 lilt 40 feet, le stories high, with- a - basement: -The - house has been well built and well Emig bed, ancicontaingl2 rooms; It is within 200 y'14.10 of theGhto. riyer, and commands fine view t, amd,is:bnanded .on the Nardi-west-by the S;ate read leading to New Liehon,Ohio....,This p ro : petty would be desirable-for a country residence t er for a garden, or ammeter bean - ling, house. A lot of 5 acme adjoining it will be sold.with it, if desired by the pur. chaser. The terms are - ea moderate; that it will bargain to thepurchaser.' Enquire of Attorneys at Law, Fourth st. - For Sale~ - A ROUSE AND LOT, situated on Pike stitet,betiviert L. , Walnut and Factory streets, Fifth Ward.' The Lot is 25 feet- front and LOU feet- deep; on :which Aare are two small Frarne Tene meats . : =Terms ea yi—Title god& For partiaulars,T an9uire of ' Alderinan 'PARKINSON, Penn street, Fifth Ward. mayfatf b e T w lTED r lEl;LlN d G roo ll or fa t S e i sr , e f t o a : z r ow ie oc eo c ndi e t a by ,e sabseceribeV"rdert e glovecil"the t u, A LOT on Nunnery Rill, containing- four Acres, wit 13. be sold - verylow to b. ny one wislung to bail 4 there on. Theimeess will be eagy, and the lot nonungede 4 most beautiful view.' (oeV.l] TROAIPSON BELL: vor_xtent. , AHANDSOME STORE, on Marxet street, between Thine and Fourth _streets, at present occupied -by r. Thomas" White, as a Dry Goods . Store; At.se—A "large - well finished'ROOM ,iri, the 'seeded story, next door to Mr: Duff's Mereantile"Coltege. Ws" Room is well c alculated and suitable fora Musical Sa loon or Academy, or could be conveniently arranged as doable offices. • L., D. HAZZ-AN, aptef - _ °Mee; Third st.-„over the Pom Office: , _ _ Coal, Lana on Yongliteglip.n.y. 100 ACRES on the deer,' lust above the 2nd Dam there Is a pit opened -and railroad prepared. CciF putting coal in boats- , foot2ll ' 'THOMPSON BELL: rjF43, ~ kryit A TWO STORY BRICHOUSE, on Bank inl3 Lane, Allelhenyi between the Mad' street bridge and Aqueduct.- Enetutre ofH Nitfristylteal Estate Broker, corner of sth and Smithfield streets. toet29 PROPERrif:—A - ..10t conta[iiing..about ,uppi 3 , ticres, and commanding 'Ai - . beautiful vie* of rivets _and. anrnianding,.scenety,sittlate .Nunnery" Hill, will be sold low ;tinny onc.wiching to build there -oa, • toct4] - THOMPSON. toR RENT—Several Rouses in different parts of the city., Enquire at the Real.Esiatn'Orßee net of Fifilvand-Smithfield at;oets: - • sep2litf:. HENRY FISH. no A r LANDS - FOR SALKAIR LEASK—A bo.ut 10R. acres on the Youghiogheny, jest above the 'second dam. ; The coal is very good, and , a pit already-oppnetl;• with &railroad abbut 50 Yards, Which th4va Otenoal in boats.- This' - piopeTty'will.Nt sold' altogetfieivor in; Tots of about.os acres. toct4l .1T1101TP804:13.E1.4.;..-.. 7.4. 'Healthy .I.oessillon VI IUE . RE IS -116 place more favorably.sltooted Matt Nat. eery Hill. It is henittiy; conirrkands.a.moat-de.• fig tful view Persona wishing ti:lo4"ean get pne" , p, pleaSetakettl, containing from ohe to five'aeres,_'" 'angl2 - " :THOMPSON BEr.h. YIE irtier's Coal Company will Clu soli /time eery di: _sirable rift` LAND, situated on and hear •thg- StaubenvilteTarnpiVe, and:qear,:the southern terminus of their ne Land will pe,divoca, into quantities to Suit pnr chasers, -or arid the teirna of payment will be. very easy.; E nquire " - Z W ItEATINGTON., Twelt finished offices . , in Post Office Building-lc I Third street . A long, well lighted room; third story ; entrance „ Mai,: ket street-between'Thlrir and , Potirth streiti. Also, .11 ' small brick boase,in-Pitt township, near Penn;3.llvanta Avenue..; Inquiroof E., D. GAZZA.III, acid , - - Na. Ind Second street: -.- JI Et o tqatSt.7N - C0 . UP,1711 LAN.III,OIIO ttoteritaiTialo ; oct4 ' . THOMPSON BELL.. fENE PLAN7'AGENEj' GUARD RAZORS can be used in bed;in the dark, end by persons yrithtterrnit' ,leus hand, with ease, safety, and in half the nsaal time :without the possibility of cutting: 'theskitt,..:„Thielairt-=, lecied by means ofthe Itaient Guard, which is adjusted to the razor with: the greatest nicety and simplicity.— Every Razors made of the_ futest tea:altered' steel'innd' warranted - They - have been -eztensiveig tmethin, Englandiand Pronounced the most perfect and safC razor manufac tured.. -H Theitewinienion'may the used:Nrith:ne'rfeet sate -wy--London Post. "This razor isnsptendid- inventioni-amhot great use - to atany:pedOes "especiallY:Tor people with uttiteadr hands.,L"4l:ThrizabiliatErlinburgh 'Journal. For sale - at the Watch and Jewelq. Store of dead W. W. WILSON. Tir SalAvg -- ------- - •forise Market and Second sm., • has for 'sale, a large and varied assortment. or fine blank 'books, paper ofall qualities; and Englisb,, Frenh,German and American fancy and istrWa.] damn. ,:_',. ,,- ;' , ,•i;.'4r41'1_ . :...0ii1fr'L.'.,4.:: - 40 . 1:'.1E4 rpH& E' - STOR ROOM; Si:, W...Marii4strieltrenently IL accuoled by:Mdssie:-N,Rolrons&,..BousTankingand Eachange*Office:, PosSestoor given onl.the:DiebtFtb , ~. .., ruary t if required Tinaltrat ia located:fa diermast central arid lieu ba th:asap:drain-the city, and arell•adapted" for an insu rance office, a Banking " and Exchange Office, or for a . Store. ;11._aplendid new fron t ,. with - Easy:sit pjaieplass, lain be par „in a tam :weeks:, ..-., .. -..-... -, .•- f bnooire of . ;. :. • -W. W:11,1180Ni .Ja7_ .. . ~. . corner of., Marketnnd'roarth - als. .".. or Bale. A LOT OF GROUND situated. in the Sixth Ward, .11 having a front Or 42 feet ea - Fulton street by ; 100 feet deep to an alley , oitlrrhich la - ereCted two 2 ',story, Brick houses; a orbs story game, !Ind 'other improve. menus.' Thu above . property, if applie.ation be "nude soon, will.he told a:a greas bargain:and offers.ll rare chance. .FOr Darticularsnspply to MAGILL : • jauthlw No. 144 Fulton stre e t For sale. - • • - ' THEE-three story RHICk-DWELtiSIi3 •-• Haystreet, Saydet's Re Price $31M0.-!..Terms —B5OO cash LSSIXI in one year; and,44oo..tafuns To be secured bY mortgage on the'premises. Clear of all incumbiance, and titleindisputable.- Apply to • - IWLLtIiht•DIGEY N 0.291 Liberty street. . V A ° th in te ll e b st le cit y_7l3 ° R r P e e l r if t r ifoli r s l l, - b ell el t ott ; Itirt .l g to '-""- the estate of wet...LT=lra; deeettited,-ta offer: ed for rent or lease...lt intim nated on , urth et.'- between'ferry . and Liberty streets; and:has been new Tpapered and Panned ;lit'. now.occupied by.l4.rs. Verner. , Rent,42so• per AILUDIEI. - 4p ply to -.myself, or Ronzar C. Tarp.; at the. works of KnaplcZo.: - • Posseision given oa the lot of April. _ _ Valuable Coal Land for Sale, Adjoining the Borough of Freeport, Arnestnimg Co., Pi.; IDETWBEN4S and 60 acres of LAND, tsgmlusr with Al 100 Ceres or, caAL -., . The obeys described Land iSbounded onMe east by Buffalo creek; on the west and north by the old :Pius. , I burgh road ; on the south by the Allegheny river. The Pennsylvania canal - passes through the entire tract, which, together with' the' river, will &Tont a facility: o the Pittsburgh market at anY time almost;in the...; season. Theanil is good;lthe coal is Of exec/lent 4 0 n-ISY I Will superior to that used m Me - Rittruming or ,Franklia IrOn Works. -There is also art• abundance of - Lime under the coal .. The above property will be sold low either itt whale or in part,to any person or persons who will ittablislia Rolling Milton the - same.- It has been pronounced (by one of the oldest and. most experieneed iron masters in this couctry,) to be one of the beSt • locatiOns for;aßoll ing Will west of the:Allegheny Ilduntains;-, For furtherparticulam, esquire or Wm. 51. Fisb, Egli, General Land Agent, and at the corner of sth and Smith. field streets, James 13, Fullerton. Esq., William .-Trnby, Esq:,Treen R ort; or-to the Subscriber. ...•.: ,• -. , ! • - deaDgin - -- -- ALEXANDE- scow,' EMEEK=MEMEM Bankerstita,, e. WE have aTed J. Gawinda&Covitx with us in • - the 'Exchange_ end Banking business. • -, MAL & CO. Pizsbuto,Jan'74l-851.-410:1.xn ' . • 7 3 1711 .*,1 11 q , •• *. •• , 7.2(.:111 7 1 , 11 r.;.• • • 67, 0; CaPillf. , 13411 7 C RB /L E 7prirAnt AN aitivazii ,_ • coienut or WOOD Axor, nun erarent. A U.. irandaetions made on liberal terms, and collee -.13. tons Promptly attended to. . ktotuovat. .14,41•••:•41 , . fiCILEIJWO - 4 .603ra. - xlialnar: tEIIIIII nasumtro • AND Imo:Lamm osrsics .„ 'MO i:,,6lMarka street foto doors &dew okistand, N. FIOLIIIE3 SONB 13 ,-10 EnSAND6actiAZIOE BROKERS and Dee. lens In Notes, Drafte r ank Notes. Exchange on the Eastern and Western cities constantly (argue.::,. : • • • ' ' Colleetkuss nuntedgkalldkeecties throughoat the Vat ted States. Depearges keeeived in pat funds or ()arrant Papers No; 6 7 Milkket,atiner,between Third and Fourth apletik , • • • • ,nag .. _ gn Ezeolsnge, and. Natea, Gold dusdigarr, Bough; Sad and Eir/langed; : 113 .Tc11001g . ' sign unsittio uovElE ..:*11111iiii;:A. flt Co Stritet,• • - (17•IirrsaitrzuzatvieD cot/ 1 '121=4:41n. ( and BaiiketlandXtchange Broker 4.,Thesters in - ; p - Or o• sn and Domatie - sau, - Bat tat B zeA4lp,'COtWttc(.l ;f111?ott. kle:i Nous, and i Cornerof-niatiid W01d.,.. !. ~ dir oel6 oip9alj _ . "tt y t . ' Si % L. R. f.P.ABOV, „,,,GUatrtia7t; BA.SI ISB 110178121.. -• .-' ~,,'--, JESSE"- CAROTHE ftS -. ' Sr. - 00. - :, .. 1. , O. id; WOOD. STREET, viyfilliF)4pll. - . ' varrent mane) , received an , depont. - tedConectons made on an Ineprincipal eities:6lWilTni- Buttes•.:. —-' . • -:,. - • L.. , ____. . ZIA ILIEWOrt. - ' , 20001, 0,42ZZ02'. Roo 1 7 / -* .s. Erit. zt •= - BANKERS' AND EXCHANGE" EROKEEsi - DIN.E. - Cetneeortroeir and Gie.th strestr. k Pis:skit:J* 2 Pa LERB in Coin, Bank Notes ,Tuneltills,-Foreinm a id Domestic Exebange;CersideasekiifflepOsit.,Sse, EXCHANGE on anther pllnhipill Cities of" theynion and Eap:me, for sale in ammo snit Onrelmsesii., , -= :CURE twiT and par funds reeeised - oh deltas - Re - :7 COLLECTiONBlosateon altpasts - of the Union, nether lowest rates. ' ' - ' ..', 1 eP 1 147 CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA BeN N HOGB4. BELY-ANi OLIO= - R 1 7 VOTES, Dra ft s, Cheelcs,:ke: - collected, .and tanc es made upon favorable terms. may.ftSf_,„ . R. R: iiisaidesorbargh, Mao 155..1850., • , • ! PATRICK'S BA.N.I4RPLEIAND EMMA'S GE,BPICONZAS, N. 95, comma Woo*. AND DLtbko.lAt'Ararty' • • - - Pitt' gurgit s _a. *LIM tHll3trat WiiitrumntovorkrwAso . vg. artaluttr azart.e: S BANK nertypte_pazed tp baaitip.sa.::ppott from sii:111". to 2 ,- p. reat paid on Speolat - Dopos-ts nagll ~ TiiCIAUF . ,4ON P _ . - • '.. 1 1 2- 'SECOND - S TRME'T., COM.AUSB.tONER AND -.8.12.Z.,DR0iti1t.- TRICT attention will he given to alLbeeteeee en trasted to his - care.,-.:Pittsbumli 'manufactured f.tptl. dee always on hand, or-proem-a on Shortie -wide: Notes, Bonds,- Mortgages, Ac...,..fiegatircell riveta ble terme,, Advances neade it,,requited.-.-X:,tobt2Ztf dN ; f Aare , tiat-.ll,ptsilic-8-rwilchn s Lk 4 4 .1)gr8y: _ WOND • Dr, D ogerSirpftiige og lelversvogg shad-rPsie VAMPS AI A L AQUA i' ''' - - ' For rho cconflet it eau f Ceneglu, Cold:, Influenza, dub= Ilnotchee4, spitting of Blwl, and aitother Lung, Complainntendmg to CONSOMP22O.N: •' This Syrup contain' no Optum,Callenet, Oriurfintneral whatever, but is composed entirety of those Roots, influence: Rena, and vegetable substiumes which nave a specific ripen the Lunge, 8411 their conneeted. organs. Its immediate effect is to allay,oll. irritation, and •gently remove the plikgen and other Morbid secretions from the Throat and Air.gassagesi thmsrelieving Ito . . cough,s y rubdrithg Me.inficonmation and other causes which give rise to it - It a..U.0 stimulates and impanels. hatilihy tone to the Lungs themselves., thereby enabling therwmore thoroughly to remove from the blood those, impurities and diseased particles; whielt; . if retained,*do so mach mischief In the system, and lay the foundation. for bleu. cable CONSUMPTION. It alsa exenaa decided action von the skirt, and assists, nature in. cave/ling, throng& the Exhalents, macho( tha t matter.iiluch-wonid otherwise be thrown backnpan thelmit i te, thastelleving them of a part of their mork, and renaming the system pure and healthy: When tabereles are forming, it ettecka their develotimeat and faitherprogress • ar if olceratiOn has taken pface;ii assists' the Lungs in. throwing off the corrupted matter, swathes the irritation, heals the .ulcer ated cavi ties, mid restores them °gain to healthr much. , This :Medicine; 'therefore, is not a pedffedive•- merely, which only relievesfor the lime being, bads a thorough curative, as it stnkes at the very root of the disease, and - by removing it, removes at once all its remota and at. tendant consequences. This is 'its distinguishing air ciaenefic...-aproperty possessed, in equal power, by,teo: other medicine of like nature..now•before the public: ; • . . - ' ••• ' CIRCULARS, &C.;‘ ••• • - • --* ' As no ordinary sized advertisement can fully explain the nature and merits of this article; the Propnetora have published, a nem Ciretdor, giving Mehl:wryer this Zan: , • ant; the do w i p l i a n , ntintrekv..of its Plineltial Inetedi eau; the effect they are. designed to havo upon the • Lungs and Liver, and a copious reference to the persons who ham been curvet by is—giving their mimes.and real...) - dances; even to the street and the.. number... I'llosewitts.. are ntrubted with a Cough, oi• wboie :Lungs are, in this least 'a/fatted; iLltr , earnestly' desired' to call upon the Agents named below, and procure one of these Pant- phlets. hesitate hadgrti,andivilfwell repay a perusal. :The * Rintr . on HeaLA,9. and ".Douetaking flora; May' be worth to yourself andfamilyl• -'.. ' .•,• • , - , HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS, '• .• ; ~ t* in the shape of Doctore' Bills saved : besides being the ,•., means of prolonginigun7 a valuable 11th— • • • ..' Stich is oar confidence in its virtues, that 'We are will . . leg to marramnbis Medicine in every Cattle: KUM . Coid, -.- (where usetraecording to the directions on page' 7th of, the pamphlet, inside Aim wrapper. of each - bottle), and ,: 'where the perroa.is not satiafted• that he fa denvinr:, benefit fronts it,. by morning' the bottle, within terenty four hothrs time, -, • Will be returned. I Ti3E MONEY tr Bee page 3.1 of the pamphlet in. Ilipp• Be sure Side the wrapper to oak of f each bottle. • .....: t . ar Br. 4._,ltovn,- Syrup e LIV- EftWORT, TAR, and - CA.NCII.A.OU.a., Audslet no,' • other be ' Palmed on to you. - •.• .. ..• .-. ... ) CAUTiON. — Srae genuine, sinless there ii od t he buff. t. . wrapper' a noto• of hand, signed with is Pen, by A. L. SCOITU:L & co, , .... • .. .•• , Cough and Ditenee:Gef:joiererss intnishe minding; Punt!, , • ' After being iliveaupgideel,byeminent Physicians: - -) • 1 ••-• ,"') Alain, It/ at 9 5141.849.'' ..: Marta 4.• .Z. scoval . f co -4 hirewith forward to yea it Comfits:44j a Cure, erected by your Compound Syrup, of Liverwort, Tar, and Cauchalagna, 'The Cough. and-. expectoraripo was of fourteen tsar aterndirig,• and •had- c baffled the skill of several of our eminent physicians iti ' • New York, Albany and Cooperstown.. lam the person in whom the cure was.effeeted, and as I had previously:- i no faith in ,patent ntedicines, I have since tried' It ea' ' *them, and nave become satiafied of its value : : Mine LliVill as great a care as was ever performed / ail had; .! iiduringsny sickness, bens given rep nous by trip phssieirow . - .. It have now commenced my business, alter taking, I ...* .) ' ' , think, about eight Isola. , ' , • - ; 4 " - .• ' : • . Yount, respec 'fatly, THOS. C. FACLDRIt.).":„., , BLIZEDINO •AT TIM LUNGS CURED , :'t . -; f then nOw'raostrvvr. re ACM ..- . : - • , ; suganint of Mr... 4, Lang, Bahr; No , 369 Pearl Steen." . .-: •.. It Y.—.),• few days before fast Christmas, : I was taken... • naive'', and 40011 commenced bleeding freely at tha --/ •• ".- • Langs. I called in a Ilomre.epattue phyaiclan f Inik a l ,-. •.. medicine did not seem to help me. tread your advert-".., isement,- and thought I would - try Pe- Raven' SPIT Iqr, - 1: . 1 Licertoori, Mr and' Conehalogua. Before S hatt rums •t••" .:•.. up the gird bottle, my bleeding had stepped, ing.Coregik ' was gone, and I fah as well as usual. Afy health. Is nowt ; :,:. , ' good. I consider it a most excellent mealcum, and cot. • dially recommend it to my friends.. 12703 inetemmt - serei*.• . ..'.. • , modem the Proprieters, • 2llcorrltl2th, 18501 .' . .... ~.• , _ , This whole paper might be filed sirittleilghs - s - i. , ; .l. Miler to th e obi:We, yi con rhos, mho how bun ettink . -,- ' '• .....FOR SALE,:wholeeale and retail, by'A. L. - BCOVILL • . Ai CO., Propnetora at their - Prine' spat Depot, GOTHIC 'MALL, No. 316 Broadway,Nevo York, to 'whom aII'AID , tiers for the Medicine, mil: letter, relating to Agenciliei ..' should be addressed,,poolund. • - •• • .. . ~ .. ALSO, for sale by It. B. Seders, No. 67 Wood amett, Wholesale Agent for Pittsburgh and .vielniry i MM. Carry and ii. P. Schwartz, Allegheny City; Townsend, ' , Carr & Co., Manchester; .A. - Pattetle ,n Birmnigham. • *. • ; PRICE—In large bottle, SIP; or Ai bottles for 85,03 . decllniaw • . - . . ' I s sairatte Di DR. BR OW IT, - likii 41 DIAM ON Dlt. LT. EV; ; , ~, Dirvous hit entire attention to mittfice. , '- 1' placlice.llls t usinessis mostly confine dto - ',.. ... _ . Xtieale et' Venereal iHstareS,And and' Oda. ,„ :.% cl•se.... Jul ,strecticina, brought on.by invEntt eum , - • s, ,-,.4. youthful indulgence and excess, : -..- .. ..„: :.4.,,, Syphilis, Syphilitic EroptionsGcLunt.: • hes; Glee*, Stricture,.l.lretbral Discharges, Impurity of the Blood, with all diseases a. the venereal • . R Skin Diseases, Scorbutic Eruptions,., Teuerf;:v. .R.in prom, Me rcuriaT Dise Ames, Semln al Weakne ES ] illt ! .: • , i potency, Plies, IlheumatLsm, Female Weakness, Month- , Z'.-- .17 Suppressions, I:lateens of the "JointcFistukz in...lna - Nervous Wreath:mit t :Pains in the Back and Lohm'lritila, ' . Lions of the. Bladder-and Kidneys, successfully treated .." Cute guaranteed. Vol:mean years , practice:Om in thin "cityl enables 1.17.- Brown to offer assurances ofspeedy cure to all u•hoMaY • ' -- come under his case. -- • - Office and private consulting rdoms,AS Diiunond ay. . TI? Charges moderate . . g . . nov6:deatly . jEUM.A.IIS7tI.-Dr. Brown's newly anscoered Teal. • Air edy for Rheumatism I . a speedy end certain Leaned)! orenit painful trouble.' It never nub. - Office and Private, Consultation Rooms No.. Osi DIA MOND, Pittsburgh, Penna. ~The Dora' ls always at •-• - LANCES ON DEPOSIT, which have been un MO _changed for three years and tiptoes*, in sh e E x , - change Bonk of Pittsburgh: William Davis, residence unknown, Attg. 8,1845-: sa• Spencer Manley, Zanesville, Obto, Oct 27,1847• gs I certify that the foregoing balances appear to be due to dm parsons named or their leg-al representatives, ac• cording to the Books of this Bank. T. AT. HOWE Cashier. December Sworn to and subscribed before tee this 24 th day o ,1850. C. W. Ensues, dec3Celsa nascuy .Pukfic - , . • ;. ELOPE' MYER,- BE