11=MS Amin pot L. HARPER, EDITOR AND PROPIUBTOR-. PITTSBUItGIie TI3VBSDAY MORNING, JAN)JARY 16, 185 L " Ra- - dirierieanraslriatiliats sver arm la esteem-the ;.:11nsen the Psi qf a/2 Nessings. Disunion! God for- Net Na n d t* vet Insbern would rue the rashness of she trent: 4 ;4oartte. - • - IN G Sot tion4tatint.itindiaitte:s, for Govrenoti and - CAner. Co>a onasppo the 4th of, Jrnnei: 1 :51. es fixed by the - convention:: t AT 13_tfR 9 candidates for SurKorn BENCJEI, on the 11; es &fed • b 'the regular action of 'the ptte Centre! c.lntniiiee.- .;. ra To " dii.ortise 'cin'than " - •,--. ~.I.lri, A ei CirellkU ' b Bi 1. . u -:. - ~.,...- Pon • (th Ritts-1, • g; -mo__ , rshd Adyeru Fut ' ThZ `,.. • - •_'. ' ipiriniP ; imudiumfdr negue'l ~,......, -*pion P , • ex4ilen risme)! jt A .. ---:',ds° fisdkmd-Fa?' raliolnPe - - of readers ''• '2. i*STI oea - ottdY Delli9c beads a cl" 6 good .7.: auttrgth. unto thihti '". '-goes - Advertisers—, ,-,-_,-...'.ii-lipootr,. o'ther,paPer'i ,', ''''' bed by no . iiiiiiid. ''' reu fo betifilak, • ....-.. WO °" On Ueirrfabnig vorrogepondence;. ~s We bare - _eeetiret"-ttfe'servirey or air intelligent and tbbtbugingoie. Deiosisiit,„Wii;lll - 4oirespoad for'ffrigaysitg:Tost regularly from Harrisburg. He will keep our rea4ersettviurd 4 getirring rrireutal. at. our State Capital, in and out Or the Leg• stife.sithethiatiiMia opinions may alciays be relied upon byour-resdera. '• • ' Nitavhf, Papers Say or Captain - . esuon. , YoftleinfOrmition.br our readers of all pciliti-, tat partiet,Uatilitfro rAfuture • referenee i, we pnb. - - • Whit the_Whig papers of this city say in • tiVtO;tiveilleitiOn of Captain Gatratv., COM. meet is unnecessary., • From the Gamut., THE MAYOR'S ELECTION. By the Subjoined table our readers Will , perceiie t at .Tov*lf.Guritall; the Deiiiparatiquandie date;lcielected :Mayor. of, the_ city.. This result, arhieh haibein expected by cool and_ unprejudiced f!••;•"-ierecie - for some - dap . ban been brought aboutly a • - union of ti l arge'portion. of.tho friends of law and f'2""•:=H: ',4 4el . ; - .,cir both parties, upon Mr.' the beet representative of the sentiment they.. Wished to 'uphold atict - enforce - , 'of opposition to every species rowAyiecii," and .:lawlessness. : lawlessness. A large • number. of the'iriest nocoraprotaiaingand long tried, siiii fellient•Widge of. the cityinot only voted far Mr..Guthrief but :openly electioneered - for hire ; and • liis 2 eleettian can, under-nirlispeei, be claimed air a political victory,-and, we have reason to believe it • ;„sv7tnet be tlaimed•as sech ' byMr Gethrie and his friends A large number of Whigswere dismis. led witli;the mann,el.-of Mr. Roggenis nomination, -,• and ' With thealleged'..mode of. electioneering pur. sued, and.theydeemed it beat both for.the Whig par. Iy and Abe- city:l - that •he'ahould - not succeed ; and their'calm and unflinching saCtifice.of strong peliti uar•Teelitige. on the alter of:duty, proves them to • poesesa the big spirit. • The defeat of Barker, and the complete and final prostration of Barkerisn,le - a matter of sincere and • -•:• heartfelfgrataiationWlth every tree friend of Pitts burgh and her interests. -No man could feel that his property;Ufiarecter and person were safe under the , reign of misrule and lawlesaneaa trave jolt pass. ..ed through, which,haa inflicted a deep stain upon the character of theta,- -abroad, and has worked a ~great domination% or ainalii at tiered: trust this lesson pill lieirerlare to'ho 'repeated to - %Cotavincti , erureitizeits; that when they lay aside their nialtreiipter, and desecrate the sacred right of • euffisge, by voting ors such a person as Joe Barker, at the time expiating his Offences - in jail; they sow . the wind'only to reap the whirlwind. Lei us hope Viotti better'dap, and wiser counsels have dawned - upon the poopleof Pittsburgh. . * Front Journal. THE RESULT. - XnAhe result of yesterday's cosiest, our fears, not our lives; have been realized; 'Mr. Guthrie is elected. lltfayortiy:a_decjiiivp ,n3sFarity-eight hun ,' died votes— _over our candidate. Not less than sis 'lnairdred Whig votes were cast for Mr. Guterie ;and these were influenc ed both.by the determination to defeat. Barker, the `present incumbent, and by a feel.. thg of;difrgoutepi among the .Whigsi owing to im raid irregularities inlbe nomination of.lll Rog. IsSerlstrirhowever, Mr. Gqlbrieis indaebt% ..-edrci Whig votes for his election;;- , Ana ire:suppose Alm Democratic papers will have 111 1 3 - grime .10 cone fries the fact: flowerer We, may Motion to regard iteStiln - with - referince to its effect upon parties, intisiantial consolation in the cir. ',..renttuttanae,:that the successful - candidate is, in every teepettilielt qualified- for the office of Mayor, and Vfil - no doubt,indeed we aro confident he wilt, re. Weill - the city from-the-disgrace into which it , had faimear. This istlinatter over which we May sin. cerely'rejoice, despite the defeat of our friend Rog. gear the'rtitet in detail. pro.hlishes the result of-the —eleation,. witbont'apy Comp - cote, but it its said (hat .44101461 . ,141...Liaria W. - Buttnt, voted an open 'tiicritet:ftinro.pet . B. pi:manta.. .Ft . orn tht Trarucnix. THE RESULT OF'. THE MAYOR'S ELECTION. Teetenlay was ejection day, and'by the returns to tia found in-another cohort's, it will to teen that Job B, Ocithrie, a reek PreeTrade Locofoco, has been electedlefayirr. 'TM" remit was unexpected ,•; but from the, manner in the leading Whigs of each Ward and offica.holdera, exerted themaelvee tide. -fitartbis earididitiiief their party, O and tripported J. B. Gathne, St nit%ifccenited fon' , _. l "- - Thtirrestilt the cease of distracting the - Whig party„ infutiare ; and if ever a Candidate o . thatptrtyjehereafter elected it will be a miraote.f The auithera bevelled sufficient revenge, and will hereafter dad themselves in a very slim mittori. Sq.% Those whige who have pnivett recreant to their party walking reniembar the 14th day of January, 1851, which arfti cause teeny cheeks to blush with etthe reicallY and mean course pursued: We ptediet'for those who have-aided and abetted,in the election -of -Guthrie, 'it short' career In thepolitical Affairs otour city, and hope that the °Metre io pow. fir'will rerneie ;forthwith - than pretended Whigs ? held ing:oftco.. end eettia General Government. The mean and- contemptible course , pursued . by ; the Glizette, - (receivingthe Ginicrament patronage), mid the American, will Ling be retoembered by the, ~trisiority of the Whig party, and their faiihleasness ull 'With ehiserimarkii,weiviah Genoa°, Amen and Poet, '.the only Locofocollietils . ht'Alleghenj county, sifeceselethe electicrn of the • Preelmie.Locofoce Mayor, John It:Guthrie; Esq,; exiiVollecter. of:the Port o f Pittsburgh, Pension Agent, &C. Hurrah f for. Deacon White, Jim Biddle, and Leckey Harper, a glorious trio,,anci thy of carepaniiintbip. • . " Caar - se of Commorce: The London rime:, on ego:meeting on the nerve from California, thrown out the following iniggestieuse 'foribefienefit of iii umaey-inarket readers:. u.The fact, which notbing can novr do awl with; it that 200,000,0 r 400,000 Anglo-Saxons "are settling themselves on the abatis of the Priciflc. A utrw, world is before therii. . r- They- look acruca to China, 3)lpm:c a reful all the - lichee of. the Incline seas, and the use they will mike of . their 'opportunities mayße the best , inferred from what they havcal; -0 4 0 flacomPlfalfed t una from-the knotin aspirations which the PedPle Of-Me-United Staten have so long ellteeted;torverchathutregion. , Already the presence of &lye aurnherof_Cbinese is a tiletinetive..feature ofthe population of Sei - F 4 nal - acti; and_ already the Simdwietrlgands,Auitralia and. Southern and Con; tral - Ametica base been called;into a new life from tbitratfra that has been ranablished.' The Propheby of tfumbeldrtheCthe activity of commerce would be diriefliirOgiessjtTlY. frau% erafele Weal; in rapidly, Minimum offulfilment At piesent, however, there are fatesigne that even thly fact in appreciated in Eu rope, and that; he -thing to be - apprehended - is, that when, the course of few leers, the' successes arising from it shall have led to eicitement, cur peo ple, who are regardlen of it now, will then. rush fu riously to overdo.what should have been 'done mod erately and deliberately Irons theLfirst. - It is to pro. Yana foolish extremes of this rerf;thixfavery endea. tor should be made to familiarixerhu s inhfi e Av id ) t h e contemplation of tbooliangeS that:looming on, and to to n e ° the !spirit or enterprise.to adjotit_ittettitt the_noot. orderrof things hllo , it con rat i onally: end prolitively:do rio,snstesderwaiting to regain; by ti Intdderistitir ruellobe=opportunitie s that b{rte threugh : inattention. - t . ricts_l,Haapwalsz.--We . irititttiiibed a few day') Slane that *jostles of patriotic , Toaolutiona bad benti - ":ltdoitted- by the Herr liampahlwi State Convention,. to ono of which anainnntiinent, was moved in the - shape of a proviso that: tiothipg contained 'in uald resole. Lion%shoal& be - conatrued to. an approval of the .-'fagitive elavo law, or fiiiinglt inandrecl'. thousand =lE4)2lfree Anrritory and ten:millions or dollars to "Ulna' - Tbiii...ainendatent was outtaegOentlfr:_vined down by an . overwhelming majority,n yet* being 18 pies -, 1155 tutpi-i.tnitiority against it 137: Well -dans fox the Gianlte Sate. .-:=1 , ;',', , , Prom .iittrrtsbitra . . cOtßk o o atij n== Your readers Ms.doubtless "frinsiliar with a - no. table fizzle Which developed itself in the forum of the Nashville Convention. Anothel and scarcely less notable, one, was that Of the_st City 4e. Was, goio which came off in Philadelphia on Saturday last, and from which the members of both branches of the Legislature have just returned, looking rather. the worse for the trip. This great dinner was conceived by; narrow minds, and car tied out in a spirit ofiilliberality altogether char. acteristic-. It was a shallow attempt on the part of alew deaigning men'to effect some - gala! te. gistation, this - winter, in behalf of the city of Philadelphia. The rural mentern, (as they have been *dealt) calfa,)Junder the influence of the genteel bribe, tendered in the form of, an invitation to .a public dinner, the privilege of a free, ride to the city'and back, and of " seeing sights" there, • are now ekpecteil to torget the prejudices which, - in the minds of the disinterested getters-up of this Last grest fizzle, appear to exist against, the in. terests - Philadelphia. The bare insinuation should, and. in fact has, aroused suspiclen. If -special, honest; legislation is wanted, why not pre sent it as honest claitnishould be. Are the urn. rat nuMbere so forgetful of the Interesurof the ,State at large; that any reasonable appropriation necessary to, advance them Might not be asked without first drenching them with champagne,and giving them a sight of the Philadelphia " phant 1" - Is it not a gross libel upon their bon _ esty and integrity ? "Wait a little longer," and ..we shall have the clue to the mystery. ," Wait a little longer," and the scheme will develope itself. 'As if to. retrieve lost time, and atone for remiss= ness in duty, the members are all at their posts this - morning, actively engaged. The Senatorial canvass-is the all absorbing, topic; and notwiths standing ; the close approach of the hour for the meeting of 'the Democratic Caucus, all is yet volved in a maze of doubt and uncertainty. The mist that enshrouds the whole affair . is yet too dense to - be penetrated by the vision of an "out. sider," - and the "knowing ones" are too close , moutned to permit any thing calculated to throw light upon the vexed question to escape them. Cameron is here, with all his forces marshalled, and well provided with the ammunition he has hitherto. found so effectual in:perfecting his schemes. How any Legislator can tolerate the , approaches of his creatures is a source of surprise to me, and'should be to every honest man. Were it worth the trouble, I could give you a brief his. tory of the•career of these hirelingaLfit tools in the hands of a man who, to promote, his own ne farious scheme; would curse the party be designs to - represent. Representativesfrom the Williams port Bribery Case ate her; laboring with all the assiduity that a liberal docent of Midriktouns Bank Notes could be supposed. Coproduce. Is it not an overwhelming shame that the name of such a man should be permitted to be placed in nomination for the highest-honor in the gift of the Legisla. "tura ot Pennsylvania, in competition with such men as Black; Woodward, Poster, Sturgeon, Pin mer, and others 1- Nor does the disgrace attach alone to the Democrats who support him. The Whigs are keen tomanifest their appreciation of his merits by giving him their, almost entire vote. A few hours, ho - wever, will determine the matter; and as the Telegraph will announce the result be fore this reaches you, I forbear further comment. If the:deep and damning disgrace of having Penn. sylvania represented in the Senate of the United States by an intriguing, unscropulous speculator, is to fall upon -us, (which, by the way, I do not dread,) God forbid that I should be the first to an nounce it. STATE CAPITOL. tglr• Agreeable to public notice, a large and re. spectable meeting or thenitizens of Allegheny and Washington counties, was held on the 14th instant, at School House No. 7, Snowden township, to take into consideration the propriety at a Plank Road, from Findleyville, in Washington county, to Jones' Ferry, in Allegheny county. The meeting was organized by calling JOSEPH filminn, Esq., to the Chair ; and appointing H. H. Phillips and T. P. Adems.Secretaries. After:the object of the meeting had been stated by the Chair, on motion, Col. Heitz, Edward Riggs, John. V. Rowland, William Smith and. Robert Kee,' were appointed committee to draft resole. tions expressive of the sense of the meeting, and to preparo a memorial to the Legislature. During the absence or the committee, the meeting *as ably and'eloquently addrensed by Rev. Dr. Ee. tep, and Esq. Ingalls. • 'The committee returned and reliorted the follow ing resolations,which, after amendment,were tweak morally adopted. Pending the adoption of the reso lutions, the meeting was ably addressed by Roy. Dr. EstepfEaci. Ingalls, Edwaid Riggs, J. V. Rowland and_ Hirain Bultz. .Wounces, It is believed that a Plank Road from Pindleyville, in Washington county, to Jones' Ferry, in Allegheny county, will be beneficial to the inhabi tanta in die vicinity of the contemplated road, in affording a ready facility in the transportation of country produce to markets, &c. Therefore, Resolved, That this meeting petition - the Legisla ture for an Act or Assembly to incorporate a com. pony to Currey, lay oat, construct and make a Plank Road, from Findleyville, in Washington county, by way of Baptist Chnrcli, Thomas Williams, Hiram Hultz, Cracow' Tanyard, Pollock's Mill, and Bogg's burnt Mill, by the nearest and best route to Jones Ferry, in Allegheriy county. Resolved, That, the proceedings of this meeting be published in the Pittsburgh Gazette and Post, and that a'copy be cent to - each member of the Senate and House of Representatives from this county. On motion, the meeting adjourned. JOSEPH MILLER, Esq., Preen. H. H. Pleill44, Secretaries. T. P. Adams, iLLISLPOIS G L ovzinoWs rilEsimm—Go v. French sent a message to the Illinois Legislature on the Bth N- I slant. He presents the,. accruing revenue as more than sufricient to meet the cit non t demands of the treasury.. The public debt or the State and the ca nal debt make, the entire debt 915 0327,509. The ..unsold canal lands a re expecteff to realize 64,000,000. He is in Slyer of homestead exemption ; = declares against ail bank charters ; secommends ihe accept ance of Holbrook Lit Co.'s conditional surrender of the charier pa build the Central railroad, and Its dies posal to the company that offers the best terms. He speaks favorably of the Coin Promise measures, and 'lpo that they will be faithfully observed and obey mod, as the. only meantof restoring and preaerving lbarmony,br the people aflllinols. ?MAT IS WATCH.-A magnificent watch, ; ichly set With diamonds,snd valued at 810,000, has been-recently exhibited' in several of the Southern Cities. • The owner, tbok it-to-Now Orleans, and has .4.een endeavoring tW dispose of it by raffle. OaTuas. day last one of the revenue ollicera there received a fielegraphic message ;Vona New York, informing him 'that this splendid toy bad been smuggled through the' 'O'ustomdionse at Now 'fait, as a part of a gentle., titan's private apparel. - - The officer .immediately called at 'the jewelry al ore where it Wan exhibited, and del:fired-to see tt. The, clerk, thinking lie Wishedlo "takes chance," blinded it to him; when he immediately fobbed it as a: lawful prize. "The beet and most conelasiVe reason for an ef-, fq:et, that I everxemember to have heard," writes a wee tqcn eerTeepondent, "swim ode given by an 'one idea , Itehertut, in replylo_a_triend.Who remarked,' Why: MUM, /PI haye the meat feminine eait of oonnlenanee L Itiave ever seen' 'Oh, yaw? was the reply, know do mason ror dat—cruse =der oar a woman!) • , _ _ - • ' ' ' , 4; - . - . DECISIONS. IN TUE DISTRICT COURT Off:'ALLEGEMPT COUNTY. - - - Elizabeth. Tarclayva.Tacob Weavir,:Tr To hold an eadoraar f where - there wae'no PrOyer,de- - ,1 Mind osnoticelfle not , ' . csiuietent,l6 - -protrefj)t Oral testimony • that;:f4teitta" Oath' qf .e ndoisenicif t, Tit-Was "agreed thet . the note-should not be demanded at matari, Th - e Act of sth April 1849, dispensing with demand and - notice-under certainclicumstances, doett-natiliplt ; - to contracts made before the passage of the Act, and if it did, it would benneonatituttohal. ,t• . The Legialatureliae-nO power to alter tlie'.'commels• of parties, nor to take away any claim or defence- 1 whtah they:may:have thereby' and thereto. •• - Action of assumpsit on a promissory note of $l . OOO, endorsed by the defendant. The defence tiiat the defendant had 'not dtie - notice of its dishonor On the trial of the eatisebefore JUtiga Lowrie, the plaintiff called a witness who testified that at the time the note was given — and endorsed, it was Tweed between the maker ' endorser mad holder, that payment should not be demanded at the ma tutity of the note, nor for some two or three months later. The judge, therefore, instructed the jury that, if they believed the evidence, they should find for the plaintiff; and reserved the question whether this evidence dispensed with the necessity of de.. mand and notice at the maturity of the note.. The plaintiff further proved that ott the 22d May, 1849, ten months after the bote fell due, payment of the note was d _emanded'of the maker, and notice of its dishonor was then given to the endorser,. and claimed a right to recover under the Act of Assembly of sth April, 1849. This ques tion was also reserved, and there was a verdict for the plaintiff. Mr. Sheler for the plaintiff. Cites, 1 Harris 298 ; Story on Prom. Notes 314, &c. • Mr. M'Candless for the defendant. Fdr the better understanding of the question, arising on the several reserved points, we copy the 'principal sections of . the Act of sth Aptil, 1849, frornthe .Laws, p. 426. Samson 1. From and after the passage of this act, in all cases where suit is brought in any of the Corms of this Commontvealth, upon or for the- recovery of the amount due on any promissory note, post note. note of lumd, dem bill, bill of exchange, draft, order, cheek, "or other instrument of writing in the naturethereof, no plea shall be held available, and no defence stuill be made or taken by the defendant for want of proper and timely. demand of payment or acceptance, or proper and timely protest, and notice of son-acceptance or non-payinent of the same, unless the respective places where such demand is to be made, and where such no tice in to be served or given, or the names and residen• cm or places of business of the respective parties thereto sheathe legibly and distinctly set forth thereon. Brnmon H. When such places of demand and notice, or such names, resider ces or places of business are omit ted to be set forth demand of acceptance, as welt ss protest for and notice of non•accepinnee, may be'made or given at anytime , before the maturity of such Instru ments as require acceptance, sad demand of payment as well as protest for and notice of nonpayment.of the same, at any time elle, the maturity thereof, and before suit is brought thereon. Below we give the judgment of the Court on the reserved points. OPINION. Lowars, J.—The first reserved question is, may a party prove, by oral testimony, that, at the time of the endorsement of a promissory , note, it was agreed that the endorser should be abSolutely bound for the payment of it, without demand being made of the maker at its maturity, and without no tics to the endorsor of its dishonor? To admit such evidence is to contradict the terms and principles of the contract, and therefore this question has often been very properly decided in the negative. Story on Bills, s. 317, n.• 8 Taunt. 92; 3 B. & Ald. 233; 1 Stark. It. 381; 3 Camp. 57; 6 Pet. 51; 11 Pick. 417; 5 id. 506. Indeed if oral testimony is to be admitted to change the effect of the written note, as to the time of payment, I know not why it should not be admitted to change the amount, or to prove that it was not to be paid at all. -This case is only an instance unler the general rule, that, where parties put their agreement into writing, the law presumes that the writing truly and fully expresses the contract by which they mean to be bound. We know very well that this presumption is not always in accordance with ex. isting facts; for parties do sometimes leave part of their agreement out of the writing. But the courts regard the written agreement as the only evidence of the contract of the parties, unless the omission arise from mistake or fraud, and this be so clearly proved that the court would be able to amend the written agreement. And I know of no rule of evidence or of con. tracts that is more important than the one we are now considering. It is no 'arbitrary rule; for it accords with the natural order of things to ex. pect that where partiet put their contract into writing, they intend the writing to stand as the evidence of their contract. It is much better that they should occasionally suffer from their carelessness in. expressing their agreement, than that a rule so plainly just and important should be set aside. Honest men will perform their whole agree. ment; even though the whole of it be not in the wri ting, audit is better that rogues should occasion. ly escape, thin that an exception should be made, which would make' all.• written contracts uncer. tain, where rogues are parties to them. Besides this, the law would tend to make men rogues,' if it, tempted them , to procure evidence of this sort, to alter their contracts. Much as I should Byrn. pathize with this plaintiff, if she should lose her debt under such circumstances, I have no regrets that the law is as I have declared it. The next question is, is the defendant liable uns der the Act of Assembly, of sth April, 1849, by reason of a demand and notice made and given ten months after the note fell due, and which was due when the Act passed I The substance of the relevant provisions is that, where the parties do not set forth their residence upon the note, this shall be treated as a waiver of the necessity of demand and notice at the matu rity of the note; and it is insisted that this new principle of the law of bills and notes shall be applied to this note, which was due before the passage of the Act. In other words, it is insisted, for this would be the result,,that the Legislature has power to alter the contracts of parties, to declare a contract to be of absolute obligation when the parties made it contingent, and that a contract is still of bind• ing force, which, by its terms and principles, has been discharged. Such Acts are not within the range of legisla tive competency. Common honesty requires that parties shall, perform the very contract which they made, and forbids any authority from interfering to relieve either party from the terms which he has properly Imposed upon himself, or to increase the duty which he has undertaken. The Constitutions of the United States, and of this State, forbid such an Act; for it would "im pair the obligation" of this contract, by die% charging the holder of the note from the contract duty upon which alone the contingent liability of the endorser can become absolute. It is a viola. tion, of the spirit at least, of the prohibition against passing ez post facto laws, and of a cardi nal rule of legislation, that no statute should have a retroactive effect so as to take away a remedy or:defence to which the party was entitled before the passage of the Act. 2 Lev. 227. The very few cases.wherein particular justice is obtained by the enactment of retrospective laws, furnish but a small compensation for the general evils arising.from such violation of cardinal rules. The construction contended for is a violation of the constitutional guaranty that for all injuries everyman - "shall have remedy. by due course of law, and right and justice shall be administered without sale, denial or delay." If the defendant had a valid defence-before the passage of the_ant, by - reason of want of proper demand and notice, it would be:a.denial of right and justice, and a refusal of remedy by due course of law, to pre vent him from setting it up. If at any time he• had a legal defence to the claim, that defence is his remedy, and'he is entitled - to present it and have the benefit of it in some form, and the law will not. have its due course if he is. prevented.— Open Courts, the.right to sue, to present a claiin for every legal injury, to set up=:every ", legal de. fence, and to have the claim or defence tried-by. due course of law, are rights declared by, the pen. ple.themselvesi and are paramount to all other legislation. •• , - But I cannot think that the Legislature intended . that this act should receive the construction con. '4'f*'ktVi'i••: , 7'*... 4,, l ,. T' , , - tended for by the plaintiff. It fOrue,that the act is to take effect from its passage 4tit this efface can be „giVen to it without at all affecting or al— tering contracts alieady made, and a regard for_ Afie',conitittition - requires us to presume that no:: other effeet Was intended. It is also - true that it is mode applicable to " all cases where-suit brought;" but this is scarcely an inaccuracy; and we find - the same expression in' - the next section, evidently used ,in 'a future'sense. Though sops iipiessions - in the 'act viroulegraminatically lead us to think of a present effect.upon existing con tracts, yet the expression,;:" unless the.residences shall be distinctly set forth," would just as pm, rustically lead us to think, of future contracts. We are bound to'preintria that. • the Le ,, islature do not intend to evade or set aside the.rules of the tonstttution, nor- to alter the contracts of parties so as to give one an uncontracteti advantage over another. It impossible, and would be &res• pectful to the Legislature, to adopt a different con struction, unless it inevitably flows from the lan guage used; and then we should be compelled to• say that the constitution declares a higher law, which forbids such, legislation. Judgment for defendant. • • ,Stribblings anb tlippinge --- Miss . Beulah Conies, who delivers lectures to la• "dies exchutively,_is holding forth at Wheeling. She May be expected hare soon., , •. Howard.Dlabict thltr.) Advocate says that the Sykesville Factory, owned by James Sykes, Esq., coMmencedio tint full time on the 2d inst. The Cecil (Md.) Democrat says that eomo togs and Cattle is Elk. Neck were bitten het week by mad dogs, and Mr. Joseph Reed and wife, at Gravelly Hill, wore bitten on Wednesday the Ist init., by a dog sup posed to be rabid. Count Ferdinand de Lasteryie and family, of France, and Gen. Herrera and son, of Chili, arrived in Washington, on Friday, and took lodgings at the Irving Hotel. • The Whig members of the Pennsylvania Legis lature met lu caucus at Harrisburgh, on Thursday, and nominated Gov. Vim. F. Johnston for United Stites Sen ator. Rumors arc afloat or a new weekly Union paper to Wailtington, supporting Mr. 'Webster for the Pres!. decoy. John Bolt; who Wasia the Baal °jail on a charge of beating a lady co Severely as to nearly cause her death, committed suicide by hanging himself on Friday evening. Addison Gilmore, President - of the Western . 2211 Road, fell dead at a ball-room at Watertown, Mass., on - Friday night, of disease of the heart. He bad been danc ing bate few minutes before his death. His age was about 50. Paper from tow is said to have been invented and made at Berlin, so difficult, if not impossible, tole coon terfeited, that it will supersede all other fabrics for bank, notes, stamps, &o Au analysts of air. taken from Jars which had been buriod for seventeen centuries in the rains of Pom peii, was found to be, atom for atom, identical with the airwe breathe. --- An English paper says of the voice of Cats : "Suelax l vas the torrent of sound she emitted at one mo ment, that the glass globules, pendant from the central Chandelier, were powerfully agitated and sfruck against each other. - - - -- 7 ; The first attempt to establish a private banking company in Paris since the revolution of February has jut been made by the formation of the firm of Latina 'cheri, .4kuguin &Co- The revieral Of suck enterprise is hailed as a eign of returning confidence. -- 11 is apprehended by some of theWestem New York farmers, that the great depth of the stow there will have en unfavorable effect on the wheat crop, by excluding the air, keeping the plant too warm and el:teth ering it. We guess not. The brig Vandalia has arrived at Charleston, 4utving on board the officers, crew and passengers of the ship Toronto; which vessel was. totally lost on Munauillii Reef, on the 2d instant. The sufferers had been on the wreck forty hours when they were taken off: The jury of inquest upon the ease of Daniel Coughlin, at Manchester, N. D., have retUrned a ver dict, that said Coughlin came to his death on the &ot January, 1951, front blows inflicted by Thomas Welch, in a quarrel, and without any previous intention of kill ing. him. - • Hon. Thomas Spaulding died at his residence in Ale[mesh county, Geo., on the 29th ult., at a very advan ced age. He was one of the eldest and most respectable citizens of Georgia, and President of the late State Con -vention. A sleigh was - dashed to pieces at Derby, on Wed" nesday last, and a Mr. Booth, aged 73, so injured that he died next day. A Mr. Wooster ..vas also seriously inju red. Fonbtanque, in the Examiner, says of the two Napoleons: "There is little diflnrenee between the un cle and nephew—one gained the hearts of the army by his Compriim and, - the other by his Champagne for Napoleon's battles, Loais substitutes battier." "tay lad," void a young lady to ,0 boy carrying nu empty mail bag," are you the mail boy r , Ye doz en't#ink !'se a female boy, duz ye ?" and on he tod dled. The New York Express says : The ladies are wearing searce:y anything else this winter for garments butirelvet, and the style is ceitaMly.so neat and beautiful, that nothing could be conceived more' de.- sirable " More trotible , cominn” .ssid Mrs. Partington laying down the paperOt there's the State of Affairs; I suppose it'll soon be applying for admission into the Un ion," and the old lady resumed her darning with a look of patriotic anxiety. —• A correspondent of the Courier des Etats Unis in a letter dated Paris, `4th November, says that Jenny Lind is going to that city as soon as her Americnn tour is over, under the charge of Mr. Benedict. —A late Paris letter says thitt Gen. Changarnier has gained popularityjn proportion as Louis Napoleon has lost it, and it is already confidently stated that the successful soldier will be the next President of the French Republic. DEATH us A &race. Coscrt.—On-fruesday evening last, as one of the coaches of the National - Road Line was descending Winding . Rill, about five miles east of Smithfield, One of the patisengers was and. deal' , seized apparently with a fainting fit. When taken out ethos coach, however, ho was found to be dead. Upon an examination of his papers it was discovered that the unfortunate gentleman was Mr. John E. Saunders, of Londoun county,- Va. He sapped at Cumberland on his way West the same evening, and was apparently in good health. Els body was brought to this place last night,'where his friends are expected to moot it.--Comb. Mtm. Itresorr, flWanny Forrester?) the widow of the late Dr. Judson, the Missionary, writes home to a friend, under date of September, 1850, that it was the wish of her late husband that she should return to America,.collect his ;mattered family, and assume the guardianship of his children ; batehe C.onceivea that she might remain at blaulmain *a few years longer without diaregarding• his wishes, if God should preserve her health, so that she Might be useful. Allegheny Planingltllll, 41.NDIESSOIS aix.rmtnalk CITY, PENTII.4 , rjtHE subscriber would respectfully . triform his friends 1. and the public generally, that having completed his new Planing Mill; and having now in operation two new h astern made 'Planing Machines, (Woodworth patent,) and several circular and upright Saws, he is now prepared to furnish promptlyand at reduced rates. planed and sewed lumber of every description. The, attention. of steamboat Joiners, carpenters and builders, is particularly "called to the 'above establish ment, where a lugs 'assortment of planed and rough: lumber, of different thicknesses, suitable. for, shipping, box making,house, steamboat work, &e., can be found at all times.. Also, lumber, planed or sawed to order, with prompt ness and despatch. , JOHN A. BLOOMER, - Jais Proprietor. • N. B.—All orders diretifed to Pittsburgh willreceive prompt attention. - . - ACheap Valens and ':M ills for Safe. OR EXOHANGE.—A good Farm of 80 acres in Meige County seven miles from Pomeroy,-the county seat; and. about: WO hundred and filly miles from Pittsburgh; in the State of Ohio. There is about thirty-five acres cleared; with a good apple and peach orchard and a garden on it. Also, a Grist and Saw Mill, with two run of Burrs; the Mill is on'a creek that runs into' Shade 'River; .and all the Lumber and Flour is boated on the - creek and river; the neighborhood is good, and-.the Mills, he., have a goon run of custom— running.nlne, months in the year. There is agoodlarge frame Bern and - a Small frame dwelling house on it garden and other improvements on . It. it will be sold cheap for-part ieash and part credit. It, will be ex- changed for *Fannin this neighborhood. • - For further particulars, please enquire at 7aIOISAAC RRI' Agency and Intelligence Office, HA Fifth S ht. I'ARESSED FLOOR BOARDS- 50 , 000 feel, well sea' ..1" 'toned, and good qiudity, for sale cheap hy JOHN A. BLOOMER, . jal6 ' Allegheny Planing Mills. OX BOAR DS - 25 UpO . feerdiderettt ckaesaen, for sale by - JOAN A. BLOOMER, .:IMO • . Allegheny Planing Mills ...'WEGNER BURCIIN.EIVS Inetssteltehnteliii' 60 Markel-stray:between Third 4- Fourth, S _NOW. readylo furnlib overylind of - Lithcigraphic work in ,the most _elegtutt. style, such asiShina bats, / 1 1aps,'PorirOils,:louldreapixi,Vardsi - Bili heads , *and La bels, printed in gold, colors, &c:' _ . At the same place Messrs. Moeser & Helrale lase 'opened a Driswixo Scriool., and execute on OrderDrafis of Machinery, Edifices, Monuments, &a., with all possi ble accuracy and'elegance. - Jalsly GAS -Jost received, n splendid assortment of Gas &kr, two and one Varner; also, Dribkeis, 'single and double; Solar Lard Lamps, for Parlors, Churches, Halls, Steamboats and Stores, in large variety, of Cornelius & Co's -unrivalled make; also, globes,.chituniei and W ick, 1 , 7 %r i ps or dozen. WILSON, jalk- cor Market & Fourth stsi 110LANTAGENET GUARD RAZORS.—" The only sate and perfect- Razor- manufactured,".; Just "re ceived, per express, another lot of these truly valuable and unique Razors. tjals3 W. W. WILSON. • To Let. LARGE CELLAR, suitable for. storing. Posselt goo given immediately.. For terms, apply to Geo Weyman, or , _ GEORGE HURLEY, _ jallut _ N 0.150 Water street, T• Dasolutton:: THE parthership bf l Reynolds En Shea was dissolved by mutual consent on the Ist iPS/.. The businesiof the firm willba settled by eit,her of theyarties, the name of the firm to he used for that purpose. • • • . • ; • - S. 0. REYNOLDS, , J. L. SLIER. , • . On retiring from the business. of Reynolds Shee, I would recommend Mr. J. L. Shee to my friends and the former customers of the house. - jald • S. 0. REYNOLDS, . JL. SIIEE, •Whoiesale Orates, Commission Merchant, ' and dealer in Paper and Rags, cornet Penn and Ir win streets.. • School for Young Ladies. " J.BAREWELL respict filly informs his friends V 'and the public, that there is no foundation for the report that he intends to leave Pittsburgh. Lie also takes this opportunity of stating that his system of in. struetion in no respect interferes with the religions sen timents of an y of his pupils. . l]0 , 1" School Room in Smithfield 'street, between Fifth Auld Sixth.. • ' ' 11114:data Dividend. °erica or Ptrrsausou Gas Co . f January 13, 184.. frIEE TflltitCCS of the Pittsburgh, Gas. Company have , this day declared -a Dividend of five Jo out of the profits of the last six months, on the capital stock paid in, payable to stockholders, or their legal-repre sentatives, forthwith, at the office of the Works. Jal4:ll2av JAMES M. CHRISTY, Trea'r. The. Best Place to guy. Ten. vionats iuworaws Tf 4 Store, East .side of UM the Diamond. Good flavored Teas 60c ,gP lb; the finer kind 7So the beet imported $l,OO Old country people, who use Black Tea, will find oars exactly to their taste. We have Jost received a lot di reel from England, and -the same kind qf Tear cannot be &ought ex any other Store in Piesburkh. 'f:Strunge, but ENaGalLehlloTesaleTrpreta°lDb;jAMAlCA RUAI, for . jal.4 • .146R1H9 & HAWORTH. HB .pE51 , 792? WINES AND BRANDIES, suita bold; purposes, elcarAWOWti." IOpLACK TEA—Same kind as toted in Engltutd--small JUI leaf, One flavor and - strong and free from all herby taste. Price 75e fr• lb ; for sale 'by Morris and liaworth, in the biumond, and no where else in Pittsburgh. lial4 INTRAPPING AND PRINTING PAPER fo . sale, in VT large or small quantities, by luta - W. P. bIARSHALL. P. - - 1 AYER BAN CiINGS --French and'merican Paper Hangings and norderi, front 6lc to 62,00 47' piece, for sale by W. P. IiAItSIIALL, jal4 85 Wood st For 'Sate. AT A GREAT BARGAIN, alma story BRICK -DWELLING HOUSE, on Pennsylvania ga Avenue, 6th Ward - ; modern finish; having ten rooms; double piiiiors ; dining room and ki.citen on the first floor. The lot is twenty-four by ninety-tour. feet ,• a wide alley in the rear. This property cost i 33500, and will be sold fin 82700—in payments of 8900 d0wn,6:2 0 0 in one year, and the - balance in two years. ' Enquire of T. Howard, Attorney at Law, Fourth et., between Smithfield and Grant streets. Call in the morn ing before 9 o'clock: THOS. HOWARD. jal3 (Gazette and Dispatch copy 3t.) wu.x.t 13.1iTaLSY-•-••••::. ..... .21./11.1 U. WV/LODEN. l EGLEY 'At,. Mr WA UDEN, ATTORNLTS AT LAW, coriven or GIANT grazer ARTY DIAMOSII _ALL'S; {Opposite the Court House.). Pitrib outs, Pa. cr We hope, by close attention• to the business of out profession, to deserve u share of the patronage of our friends and the public. ilYur 'IL'ffOUR-75 Mils. fondly Flour rec'd and for sale by SFIRIVER BARNSS, N 05.13 0 tad 132 Second st. BUTTER --200 bids. prime roll just ree'd and fora ale ial3 SHRIYBR k,BARFiES. r'kitY A.PrLte—su bus. rec'd for sale by 1J lal3 SEIRIVEFL Jo- BARNES WHITE BEANS-4 bills. ree 7 d and for saloby TY jal3 BARNES.'' ..1 •30k •, N e' and for sale jal3 ' BARNES. rPIMOT'RY•SEED-4 bbls. reed trod for sale In JL jat3 - .SIIRIVER & BARNES CIHESPNUTS-60 bus. rec'd and for sale by ittl3 SHRIVER h BARNES YGACFLES-300 bus. ree'd aria for sate by jal3 S VER BARNES lt/rOLASSES--50 bbla. new crop recd and for sale IVA ial3 SHRINER Zz. BARNES Walter P. illaraha — it (Successor to 5411(11:Lel C. /1111,) IMPORTER ANDDEALER PRENCII ANTLA?IERICXI7 PATER HANGINGS AND BOHDIDIS; Window Shades, Fire. Beard Prinz', Also—Writing, Printing and Wrapping Paper, N 0.65 Wood street, between yoardt at. and Diamond alley, west Ade, jab Piusburgh, Pa. n a ITOKODNNOTST--6 - LL jaB L.S. WATERAIAN & SONS. For Rent. , . . A.DWELLENG HOUSE,'orith len or, eleven €1114.4 rooms, in good repair, and with large yard, on oral street, Alleghenf. Rent, $(75 per annum. Also—A STORE on Marketsireet, Pittsburgh a long Warehouse, on Third s+reet, and several Rooms in Post Office Buildings. E. D. GAZZAM, jall:d2w Ground Feed. NY-E are now constantly grinding teed for horned Cattici' and Horses, and assure Milkmen, Livery Elta le men and Feeders generally, that we' can supply them with an article of "Chop " which they - will find better and cheaper than any thing of the hind' ver of fered is this..market before. We have "put up "-the` best set of machinery for the above purpose over seen' " 'West of the Mountains," and have made arrangements for a supply of Grain that will enable us to furnish the manufactured article in abundance and at low prices. We have also constantly on hand, of OUR OWN MANUFACTURE:, Oil Meal, Corn Meal, Oat .Meal, Thad Barley, Rice Flour, Roasted Coffee, Mustard, Ground Cinnamon, do Cloves. do Allspice, do Pepper, do Ginger, do Cayenne. All the:those articles we war rant. RHODES & ALCORN, 3d et, opposite.tha St. Chltr/OS.IIOi6L THOMAS WOODS SAMUEL WOODS T. WOODS it SON, • PRODUCE DEALERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, jalo N 0.61 WATER STREET, PITTSBURGH:. • Fresh Teas. - 1 UST RECEIVED at the Csontsx. Tea S - rorta, a fine ty assortment of Tea viz : Best strong Etglish Black; do Extra fine °oolong ; 'do English Breakfast; • - - do Congor - GREEN TEfiS.- Extra Sliver Leaf YoUng•Hyson ;. do- - Gunpowder; do Old Bryson ; do superior Young Hvson • jalo . B. C. I{ELLY, Fifth street. EMMA FAMILY FLOUR-18 bbls. Eitra Family Floar for sale by Bale) H. U. KELLY. W INDOW DASH o all styles for sate jet° ". • • • t • • • • • y /.00-Bsloittl.rak e y FLOW?.; • 80 b ble.. N 0.3 ilackerel ; 75 bbl.s. Tar - ; 160 bags Saltpetre; For sale by T. WOODS to SON, Produce Dealers and Commission Itlercliants, lal.o . N 0.61 Water street: 200 Vti,C.O..R.l'd. ; Shorts; For sate by- T. WOODS & SON; Produce and Commission Merchants, jalo ' - No„ 01 Water street. Soiling off at loss than Coat, to quititlio Business. SHIRTS ! SHIRTS!! SHIRTS II I—The Shirts and Gents; Furnishing, at No. 80 Fourth street, sign. ol the golden Bee Hive, MUNI' as soul by the 40th of Janu ary. Call soon; as they. are - selling at 50 and 75 et. less than the usual; prices, and far less than first cost. acchl . . • J. 11: - LAWATAN. Irr The Store to let and the fixtures for sale. .J. Prime BlaOk Teal from England. XS - ORRIS to HAWORTH, ia the Diamond t have this 1.11 day received per "packet ship Devonshire, " from London. about 'Stab& of Fine, Strong aad Rough Fla. vored Black TEAS-the-very best that could be pur chased in the English market. Price, 60 and 78 cents lb. The Tea Market, in the Diamond, " east side." paB INSEED 011 4 -5 ntns. reo'd and for note bp • - ,14 den2s - • - SHRIVER k BARNES JOlll.ll , Solution' or 'Jet, • - ALIQUID 111141 AN HAT DrE for the changing' Of white; red Dr grey' hair to' a beautiful brown orjet black color In a few minutes. Price 50 cent' and 81, 0 0- Sold by)V. JACKSON,24ol.dberty stroetipitieburgh, head °Mood: - fdec2o Jones' Lily . White. . . L ADIES are cautioned agannit using common pretia: 7 They are notaware how frightfully injurious it is - to the skin how coarse, haw rough, how -. •.' sallow, yellow and unhealthy the Slin appears after using prepared Chalk! Besides, it is injurious, contain ing alarge quantity of Lead i ' • We have p repttred a beautiful vegetable article, which we call JONES' SPANISH LILY WHITE. - - It is perfectly - innocent, being parifted- of all deleteri ous qualities; and it _imparts to the skin a± natural; healthy,. alabaster, clear, living whites t at the same time acting as cosmetic on the skin, making it soft and smooth. Sold by the try WM. JACKSON, 29 Liber ty street, head of Viro Pittsburgh. Price 25 cents. dec2o:dawly ( Butte copy.) ev*,ft t • t • 14'7" ' & pctiaL Nolud: The • theLataiga." . El 7" These 'delicate organs afe.allways Inpent, and life is in peril when they do not properly perform their functions. If inflammation interferes with their regular action, the blood is imperfectly purified, the etrculaUen Is irregular, and the whole system suffers. In the com bined •tonic,-expectorant, and healing properties of Dr. Roger's Syrup of Liomoort, Tar and Canehakmuo„ lies the reme_dy for all this mischief. DELAY IS DAN GERous. While the patient is considering,.tuberelea may be forma& or, worse gall, may be bursting in the Lungs. But if this reedy' be romptly applied, the Cough, Cold. or Catarrh i s at onc eremoved, and to use the words of Daniel Webster, the satTerer "breathes fryer and deeper? , - The only thing - required, is pormpti tudc See pamphlet in the hands of - Agents, and adver- Moment In another column. . • ' . . IL? European Agency..: Tnu subscriber intends visiting the principal c idea of Greht Britain, France and Germany, during the months of April, May and June, next—leaving Pittsburgh oi, March 17th, —and Will be pleased to attend to any agencies of a business charecter which may be confided to his cue. [ja7:tidl7) JOHN D. DAVIS. Lumber Yard to Rent. E7A large LUMBER YARD ; situated on Duquesne near the Point; ruffielent room to hold. eighteen hundred thousand feetof Lumber to rent on along lease. Enquire of REYNOLDS & SORE. dec2s corner of Penn and Irwin streets. Coasamorsof wines are ranted Intend iriaaother comma the'card of Micah Snider. - Jr. , s cheap wine store 87 Walnut street, Philadelphia. ' , Gsbl4:dlY _ . I Dr. Jayneta Fastally IlledlerUblisomEx. tract of a letter from the Rev. E. L. ABBOTT. n. well knewn and highly esteemed Missionary In the kingdom of Burmah, dated Sandoway Armcan, February, 1246: Dr. D. JaYne,-Philadelphia: My Dear Bir—We are now In great want of your Medical Preparations. Your CARMINATIVE BALSAM is an invaluable Medicine in this country in Bowel Complaints, gad has been used InAll our Missions with the most gratifying success. I have known it In many cases to act like a charm. Your SANATIVE PILLS are my Sheet Anchor. The best medicine for my Liver Complaint and pain in the side, that I have ever used. They are in :great demand, and we are entirely out of them. We need .five hundred bimes of them. Bro. Beecher says we could use a thousand boxes yearly among our people to : great ad vantage. I have need your TONIC VERMIFUGE as s Tome in INTERMITTENT FEVER, with the most complete success. I think it was once the means of sa ving my own son. Daring my travels among the church es the past season, I found a whole village sufferingua der a prevailing Influenza, attended with Coughs of a most violent character. I often regretted I had not had a dozen or two of YOUR EXPECTORANT to admin ister to them for I believe from what I have seen of its i effects, that t would have been just the thing for those poor peoyle. I presume yolkhave not hitherto hid an idea to what an extent your medicines are used in all our Missions. Affectionately yours, E. L. ABBOTT For sate at the Pekin Tea Store, 39 Fifth at. [nov23 Dr. S. D. Dowry SHAKER SARSAPARILLA, IN QUART BOTTLES, Look Here, My Friend I STOP, AND LET US REASON TOGETHER Are you a father, laboring for the support of a family, and suffering from general debility and low spirits, so that life almost seems a burden, use Dr. S. D..gowe, Shaba Sarsaparrl a. , • Asa TOO A ?BOTHER, seeding from diseases to which females are generally =Mem. use Dr.* S. D. Howe's .Shaker Sarsaparilla—it will certainly cure yon. Male or female, old or young, ets. and every family should have this =diens Family. Medicine by them.— .Call at our. Depot, or on one of one. Agents, and get a pamphlet, graus, where you. find FACTS! FACTS! FACTS! Thai can be substantiated by thousands of living witness es to this eityandeounty,tm: that the • S/LdICER SABSAPA.RILLA, An prepared by Dr. S. D. HOWE, has been the means of permanently curing more diseases to which toe ha man family are continually subtect, than any other pre paration of Sarsaparilla ever yet brought before the public. The purity and efficacy of the Shaker preparation is well-known, and requires no long list of CettifiCateellad cures to introduced ; its increased demand for the past twelve years, twits best recommendation. This medicine has established its high reputation throughout New York and New Hampshire, and the Eastern States generally, by its numerous and welt at tested cares • and also, by the recommendation and ap proval of th e fi rst phythetans, who now use it in their private practice. , This ss the only Sarsaparilla that ant in the Liver, Kid• neys and Blood, at the same time, which renders it allogalt• tr,llO7C valuable to every one, panicularly Females. Dr..Alustey ,Professor in the Ohio Medical College, says the Shaker preparat ions are truly valuable, tundra:int:mends them to the No Mtracrav—ao hltstram.—no Potsosous Drugs in the Shaker Sanaparilla. • lemessace, it.o warranted to be purely and entirely regulable, and as a Female and Family medicine ilk's no equal.' . Ile eure you enquire for Dr. S. D. Hows's Shaker Sarsaparilla. • Price /51 per bottle, and six bottles for S. Dr. S. D. HOWE &CO., • Proprietors, No.l College Hall, Cincinnati, to- whom all orders must be add res‘ed. For sale lry our Agents, J. Seitoomusließ k. Co., IL W. Alztrts,A. Brack, Jost blontru, M.TowasEsro, \Pr/lava Jetasos and J. A. Jotits, Pittsburgh; D. A. ,Estiorv, Alleghen ; .V. R. AleCtstusn, Itlanchester P. Cratoissa, Brownsville; 'and Druggists generally. Also, by HONE & C0.,-Pro prietors, No. I College Hall. Cineutnati.Ohio. joet.24 Remarkab/e Cane. EVIDENCE In OUR MIDST /ffe. Kier:—Sir; I cheerfally comply with your re. quest,that I would give you an account of the almost miraculous cure of my little daughter's eye,by the ale of your •' PErROLEUM.” She was attacked with a very sore eye,in February or March last, when I immediately applied to best me dical aid in the city, by whom it was pronounced very bail eye;" and all gave - me no hope of doing her any good. After which .1 took her into the country to an old lady, who had been .very suceessful to curing eyes. Sae told me that her case was hopeless, as :she would ), that one,- but; also) Mai the other would follow—it beings scrofulous affection of the blood. And I do certify; that at_the time , My father (.T. D. Vashon,) came to thecouctusln that we had bet.' ter try your Petroleumr shames eniii ely blind of one eye. It is now about two months since she begart its use,: and she can now see with both eyes as good asahe ever did ; and, as far -a's Teen tell,'l believe sue has.'nrith the - blessingorthe Almighty, been cured by petroleum." Yawls, respectfully; • - - _ •• Extaacss VAsnos Comma. Pittsburgh, Sept . - • • go — For sale -by Keyser &•• McDowell 140 Woad' st., Sellers, 07 'Wood st.; D. M. Curry, Allegheny City; D:A. Elliott, Allegheny; Joseph Douglas.s, Allegheny; also, by the proprietor;' ' -S. M.: Elba; Canal Seventh st.,Pittsburgh. • Q7'l: 0. of 0. P.—Place of Meeting; Washington ciall,"Wood street, between stheta Virgin • Prrrocraan Loess, No. 3.3o—Dieeis every Taesday Itizßciavrms.}l..xcamPnnorr, No. 87—hleets Ist and 34 Friday of each Inouth. - • • mat2.s—lY • , fry - An geron ct'L odge, 1. 0, of O . P.... The An gerona Lodge, No. 28.9, 1. O. of 0.F., meets every Wed nesday evening in 'Washington Ilan, Wodd at ' iatly 111. A. O. D....HILL OftOVE, NO. 21 of tho United Antient Order .ft}' Druids, meets on every Mon day evening; at the Halt .corner of Third. and Wood streets, above. Kramer Rohm's. - ma y . . (71MT CUUIZENSP. INSURANCE/ CODIPANItsr . . . C. G. HUSSEY. Prest, - • • • MARKS.'geo'v Office—No. 41. Treart st„ t irs Placehoieseqf C,ff. Grant. 0-7.3 Company is now prepared to insure alt kinds of risks, on Houses, Manulactories, Goods,- Aterchan dize in Store, and in Transits Vessels, Ace. - - An ample guaranty for the ability and integrity of the Institution, is afforded in the character of the Directors, who are all citizens of-Pittsburgh, welt and _favorably known to the community for their prudence, intelligence and integrity. Dcaccroas—C. G. Hussey, Wm. - Ent:o°y, Wm. Latl mer;7r. Walter Bryant, Hugh D. King, Edward Heazol on. Z. Kinsey, S:Harbatigh, S. Kier. - inarL2:tf • Associated Firemen's inisureaace Comps,: sty orthe City of Pittsburgh. CAPITAL, gooci,cloo. . J. K, MOORELIR&D, i Preet.—W. W. DALLAS, See'y . T.HE Company s now prepared to insure against FIRE and hIARINE RISKS of ail kinds.- Office in lifoncmgahela House, Nos. 124. and 125 , Water J. K. Moorehead, Rody Patterson, Wm. .a.. Hill, R. H. IRartley, R. D. Simpson, Joshua Rhodes, Wm. Ed _gar, Edward Gregg, A. I`. - Arisittaz; Ntirra.*Collingwook, C: Sawyer ,Chas. Kent,Wm.G Orman. ' augltly INSIJRA.NCE irr The National loan : Fund Arsur anot Company of London and New York, are now to king Risks on the lives of persons between the ages o 15 and 60 years, at the Banking_lionse of ' sepia ' W.I. A. HILL & Co. solit• , stoT,te-eriddles, • THE subscribers have received a few dozen 1311 parlor Soap "Stone GRIDDLES, direct from the manufactory. As these-Griddles are used without grease of any.kind, they are entirely free from the`gas and offensive odor that - attends the use of Ahe common iron Griddles; and 'which makes them so objectionable. For sale by . - -.JOHN DUNLAP & CO., • deal° • cothlaticet and Second sts 0111Nitio the Stocking Store, on Fifth street, a Porte atone', contai'niag Ten Dollarss and some silver: The _owner caa hove tt by Optical/on to Witl. - DALY & CO.; Fitth street. - - [decal A T within for many sears has there been such -un scrupulous trickery practised , upon the public about penmanship, as at present. Pieces.of engraving are eirculated.thirough the towaatremunry,with tke graver's name suppressed, , in order - to induce .the igno rant to believe them to be penmanship. Persons des': MU of becoming rapid and elegant penmen, will do well to call si,DUFP,3,IMCANTILE COLLEGE, and ex- - inning the handwriting - of some of the, best penmen in the city, who have been instructed in this institution: • - c a°-, OWe9 c ough Candy: FcaBAtgty H. S x Y sdr si °e t motle] Ogden dSnwdentC;4tlt—wackvm. JackUn an keyeer/ADowl,iiitsburgh; R fl'Clellandtdan cheater. Inoc4 BROOMS -200 doz. in atom - declB STUART Zt SILL 2imusemetite. • w JOSEPH F6STER -111134119111 11%gz A;n:1 Haman Ansurranca—First Tier and Parquette,so cents; Sec nd and Third Tiers 25 cents; Colored Ottlier9, 2 - 5 .Private Boxes, each, Doors open at 0{ o'clock, Curtain rises at" o'clock. WEDNESDAY EVENING, i6the performance will commence with a new play entitled. - THE HUSBAND OF NY lIEART. To conclude with the . grand National ,Egnestrian . Drama, entitled • • THE 8 WABIR FOX . . THE LAST WEEK!! - Lecture Room, - ATEEREUZIT BUILDINGS,-LIBERTY STREET. WILL POSITIVELY CLOSE ON SATURDAY EVENING,IBth JANUARY. - Bsyssetat Celebratetl Series or Panoramas, ENTITLED •A VOYAGE TO EUROPEV Embracing magnificent views of Boston, the Har bor, Halifax, the Atlantic, Liverpool, London, from the Thames, passing under the Bridges, andending with e view of the THAMES TUNNEL, brilliantly illumine ted,and both banks of the beautiful RIVER RHINE. An exhibition every Wednesday and Saturday after noon, at 3 o'clook. Admission 25 cents. Children under 12 years of ago, lii cents. - • • • • • • Doors open at 61 o'clock. Plton= to commence moving at 7i o'clock. " • Ilal3 Vigilant Soiree. • lIIHE members of the VIGILANT FIRE COMPANY I would respectfully inform their numerous friends and the citizens generally, that they will give their Fifth Annual Soiree on Friday Evening, Jani t cary 31, 1851, it the Lafayette Assembly Rooms. The Sapper on this occasion will be prepared by the Firemen's reveille caterer, Rum JOIIII3ON, Es q. 2iution Balm I;Ez.;jl:l:!myt,l‘7!. , TRY GOODS STORE AT Aitcv:ort..—On MONDAY / NEXT,lanuary 20th, at 10 o'clock, will dockl at 151 , Kenna's Auction House, the balance of of a city Dry Goods Stan, as the owner is declining thatbu. sine's. Among the lot is Broad Cloths, Casslmerr4 Cali. cats, •Maslins, Mous Latins, Aipaca. ennaes, :fancy- Shawls and Handkerchiefs, Sewing Slikipatent Thread, Spool Cotton, Suspenders, Muffs,' Gingham', Lawns, &c. . At 2 o'clock-3 Iro'n Safes. - • , , • • On Saturday evening next, 15111 instant, of early gas light, a large lot of Law Books, . • • • • jai/3 - JAMES 15PRENNA;Auct'r. ____. . ~ UTtEI FLOWER 'ROOTS' ar periox,—THlS P,DAX, Januaiy lath. at 2 •o'cloak t an ll:malacca( tall Flower Roots, at AVllienntes ,Auction floneo--411 in good order. • JAMES - WRENN/L i _ j ai° ' • ' 'Auctiqnear. - 'DANDY AND. STAPLE DRY. GOODS at Auction.— On Thursday next,January lath, at glr o'clock, at hrlientfa's Auction House,:ihe stock of a city dorgoods store, comprising every vas iety of articles in that line. jal4 . • • JAMES ISIIKENNA..AttetI: , Real Eirtate'and Brick Dwellings. AT AUCTlOPL—Onlifonday, Juninuy_•2othansl, 3 o'clock', will be sold on the premises, Centre Ave. nue, near Laceybi charch, a LOT OF:GROUND. the second from the corner of Robert street, fronting fikfeet on Centre Avenue, and extending back.l. 00 feet to an alley; on which is erected two br ick Dwelling Houses, —well finished. ' They will be sold separate or together. dec2o • . JAMES IitiKENNA, Aunt's. • P. M. DAVIS, &net4oneer. Hardware and Cutlery -at Atterfen.... .11N RATITRDAY MOUNING,IBth instant, at 10 • co , - clock, at the Sales . Rooms, corner of Wood .and' Fifth streets, will besold, a gonersl assortment of Hard ware and. Cutlery. coraprlsing—poor, Cupboard and Till Locks; Pad Locks; • Latches; 'Bolts ;"...Scievnt ; Rings; Knobs; Hooks; Pliers ; "Gimleti; ' Planes; Braces and Bias; Files; Scissors; Patty 'Knives ;. Pea Knives ,• Buck, Bone and Cocoa handled Knives and Forks; Panics; Screw drivers; Compasses, /be.,'kc, lila • P. M. DAVIS,:2sue t'r 110 . 00/ES BY CATALOGUE AT Auviiint.-On :SAT 4LP URDAY EVENING,IBth instant; at 61 b'elock; at the Sales Roorcus,.corner of Wood rind Inilh streets, Mill bo sold ea extensive assortment of choice and valuable Uncdcr, .embracirt—Colonial 'Maury or United States, 2 volt ; Aiken & Frost's British Poets, 3 vols; Water loo Catimnigns; Letters and Speeches -of Oliver Croat. well, 2 vols.; Marshall's •Washington, 2 *ols.:' Nichol son's carpenters'. nemGaide ' 'Thiera and Louis China's French Revolutions: Life of Sterling; Wandering Jew, SOU engravings; Joiephus - Wraxall's Memoirs, 2 vols.; Poetical Worka of Milton, Young, Pope, Rogers, Camp. bell. Lamb, &e. _Poll particulars in Cntulagues. /ate P. N. DAVIS; AtietYr. VRAME ROUSE AND LOT .IN THE 'EIGHT!. .1 - • WARD AT AUCTION.—On Thursday evening. January 16, at're'cvelock, at the Sales. Rooms, cornet of Wood and Fifth streets, will be sold—tbut voluble lot of ground near the Observatory, having -a front Of 20, feet 6 inches on Locust strect, and extending' . hick 130 feet to Gibbon street, on whichis erected a good two story frame dwelling, with four rooms undttellin sub ject to an annual ground rent of 523. • c • • :1 , 103 - . P. ZII:DAYPS'AUPPI,e, .°- Pabltd ` Atteattan Is tape effutly,tntrited to the ,toUttailzetnalii, set ioitkin relation to trnle the - most 4mpona l it Ben:eager of, mod-. PETtIOLEUM 'OR :ROCK OIL TT is not more than one ' - year agonince this great refil -1 edy was brobght before the public, fortbeteliefmad care. of disease. Its great powers to heat, have, ainee then, become fully appreciated by the commttoity,-and we allege thatihe longer it is tried die niore•certamWill its great fame spread. It -id not the remedy - orb, - day, got up for the sole purpose of making money ;hat - ,-_one, -which we conceive,. will continuo to- be used. when all nostrums have beet , forgotten. The . P.ETROLEMI4B a Natural Remedy, elaborated lathe deptliaof thee:it* by a power and agency that laughs to scorn nil human competition. It is our - duty,when we:write 'obtutt medicine, that wit write - rstrrn—that we say nothing calculated to deceive those who may trust our word. Or put confidence in OUT statements. The - sick are very apt to catch at any thing that promisca relief froM. did ease. A story can hardly be too bighly. wrought swer the , objector galling or humbugging some of: them.- Now, - we do not desire to do this;; we are 'anzions only .that The truth in relation to our Remedy abottid be told, in order to secure for itardputatiott far eicheding-arry single article of the =feria milica. -, Plain, - antrarnished facts—facts that may be ascertained in hut own thy . and neighborhood, bear ample testimony iii.favOruflhe Within the Onst two months; two Of our Own cifil;n.% who-were totally Una, have been restored ;tcr. aigbfi Several cases or blindness, in, the State of Ohio, have he ea eared. And, also, the case Otageitltenlatiliikii. vet. county. There are where flint, these ceins erotical . home, and may be referred to by any Persons who may have doubts on the subject: These cases were eurel ler May had been abandoned by physicianans loipetess% The Petroleum will cure, when userLaccordin g•todirce• ilons—Diarrhosa,pysentery, Piles,' IlhoutentismiGenit.. Neura!gia, Eruptions on the Skin, Pimples otithelnees Chrome Sore Eyes, Riugworm,Tetter Scald Readi pains the bones and .. .mints, old sores:Uleers,.Wensf Tumors, Scrofula , Cancer. Spinal irritation, Fever and , Ague, Chronic Coughs,Astlima, Bronchitis,. and ell. Pa l laeCtiollll of a-chronic Astute, tending', 'to ,P duce ONSUMPTION. Barns and Scalds, diseases of the Bladder and Kitt. treys, Chopped Rands, Excoriated. Nipples, Corns'SOSl- Bunions.' In fact, it is a miner Ivaiimusst klanstor, and, has been tried in nurst Of the above diseases within the past' year with the most perfect Cernficates that will astonish are in the hands of the proprietoriwho will take, sleasure themin showing- to the afflicted tie. Whatever others may, say about their medicines; the - Petroleum is the greatest Remedy -of the age: : Phy sicians of high standing us the profession. aro bealaraut to ate it in their practice. Those who at first looaed on with doubt and uncertainty, arc willing to award it dud. praise and consideration. - Before 'another year rolls round, all will be_compelled 'to acknowledge "that the Petroleum is the Demost medicine ever discovered. For sale, Wholesale end Retail, by ' - . KEYSER & bI,DOW ELL, Also—R E . ' Sellers, 57 Wood street; D. - Cu rry, D. A. Elliott,loseph Douglass, Allegheny City." tr the. Proprietor, S. M. KIER, Canal Basin, 7th street, Pittsburgh. - - ' `EitiB . _ . BIG BOOT; jt- BIG BOOT. - • 240 LIBERT STREET s DYAD OF WOOD. Z STREEPITTSEIVIRGH. TM. JACKSON informs the public -Mat he haa on band and is recetyingakienaive =I prime as-:. seminal of. BOOTS and SHOES, suitable for the .n 4 -, and:Winter trade, maw rem, cum , • - N.H. Home work made in variety: , • - PERPETUAL .GLOSS.:—METALEIC RUBBER OVER-SHOES, • A large assortment of perpetual - grassi metallic Ant.tr ber Over-Shoes, of the newest and most. approved Pat terns, tor.Ladlea Gentlemen, Misses; Boys and rails wear.. Also,. a 'splendid variety of Ladles Misses Lined Buskins and Boots. These Shoes wi be found- to be unsurpassed by any in - 'lltte. market foi neatness, durability and beauty of workmanship. , . Ca TRAVELING TRUNKS AND CARPET BAGS, -Norma—The BIG BOOT stands in the doer-way, No 24.0 Liberty street, bead of Wood. [sepft3n3. Thc-Humon. Body must YoMplrs,„ . . _ (so sales uaitrax,) - TO Ben' A HEALTRY APPEARANCE,' And persons who do not perspire are liable to the most DISGUSTING. SKIN DISEASES.. NW wow Italian Chemical - Soap elitists ,II free, persp!ration, and at the same time mollifies, the skin, eivuig it the texture and.beauty of an total:Ws. • - SCURVY; SALT RHEUAE AND sonEs„ • are soon, not only healed ; but eared by ita , usei as at least:seven physicians in.. New York knoso . who tam it: in such case and Slid it uniailing--aa also, to PIMPLESiBLOTCLIES,TRECKLES; • - ' orally-other skin - disease. The reader is assured that this is no uselesspuffed nostrum, as one trial will prove. I could enumerate at least-SD' persons eured'of - - - SORE HEAD, SORE LEGS AND SORE BEARD); I. uy it, and the 'reader is again assured, I be dwoul'nor- cruelly sell it for the above, unless I' knew it tO all: I state. Those who are liable to . ' • - CHAFED,CRACILED, Oft CHAPPED PLESii, will find this not only a tura, but &preventive ; and I can now only add, that anyone afflicted with any of the above, or similar - diseases, will find' this alt Mid even - 'more (admirable In its Properties) than Istate., IJ But, reader, the stores arelloode d with imitations, . an be sure 'Jolt as for Jorneslltalian - Cheatical Soap— and bay it only of WAS: 'JACKSON, only Agent to Pittsburgh, 240 Liberty street , Pittsburgh, head of Wood. dec2ll - • ' - BBLS. TALLOW rec'd and for sale by • .. dec2s , _ ,-stituvra,&lmutszps. • • I ARD-20 blite. and 15 kegs 81 Lard received and for Le sale by [deo.sl SHRINER & BARNES. CREAr FRUIT.—New 1 1L R. BUNCH 121 c. fP tb i lo lb. for 81,00, or IY2#s{o boxf—for gala by MORRIS HAWORTH, in the Diamond: Plea?