The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, January 14, 1851, Image 4

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    Bart Uri• inid-Eschartge-J3rakera.
- LaHiner, pext.dpor to Pittsburgh Hank.
Bonn *,Sargent, corner-IVOndlaio Binh atteste r
Hugh I> Ring, F_OUrth itreet; onpdsheMlrell.Bank
- A Gill Go 64 - IVded street f 2d 'doer atonic Vonstb:,
S Jones* comer.Virood mad Fourth sta..
Hil 1* Carry, 45 Wood sucht.iia dook below Fourth.
J tVMdbertsott,c.ornerlVooll and 'Third streets. - ?:
Kramer 4._ Raltrri. - e eirnerlVcied and
' tt m 41 cOrnerWood And Third eta.' .,
Conk 4" Ittllrth, notner Marketend Firthstreets.
- N Holmes ono,-55Market std between 3d and 4th...
Witchvim?- jetvelkrz.
W W •Wileon, corner Market cad Fourth streets -
H Richardson, 71Idarket street, neap. thc Diamond
,t,Co,szi . Musket . strcei, neacyifth
Sands .Rei ncinan, 7 Fifth streknettiMar)set
Siedle - 4la Ranherg - sr, Sixth street, ocateGrant
•—, . -
tritilartgle;GrOrerry Canon isikara/6., Prance Dealer*:
Stuart6Ut,lt9`Wood`stteet above`Finh
Alexander King; 211 Liberti; street, opposite Ilarid.'"
.11, Urece, Jr., 19 Commercial Row Liberty:street. --
-11'.8„ Cunningham ; 0 Comtnereial Bow, Liberty' street.
S fieerge,?ltCo. Liberty'Streer,Opposite 7th. -"
John Grier,l22 Liberty
it rp,M_Cormli s gteLiberty street, opposite Eagle Hotel.-
- Myers re-tinnier, 183 Libertystrect.
8 itivelurkan. &5t10,;11.2 Liberty. street.
Carson tc Mekinight, Sixth, between Wood end Liberty.
Rfloyd,-Liberty, - Wood and-Sixth streets,
Lambert & Shlpton,l3.o And 135 Wood street.
Wm DYer,l B9 Liberty street, opposite Gty.
IV & K bleCutchcon, N 0.1.52 Libertylitieet.:
Brown &.Kirkpatrickil44"Liberrsi streeL ,
English & Bennett, 37 Wood st.,oppostte St. Charles.
.Tasserk Best, 3.5 Woad. street - opposite St. Charles,'.
J S &1171;2rWood, lit:tween lit and 2d its.
Wm. Bagaley & Co.ipioa.•lB and 20 Wood street-
Wick A McCanaless,corner, WOod ant Water sta. . •
Writ Magee, corner AVeled"tiaiLFiont streets. • -
Bartiridge, Wiliod&Co.,AVatcr,lict.Wood and Smith'il;
Cnurch, Carothers & Co., Water and Front streets.
'Reis & - Ben4er, earner Smithfield and Second streets.
Cittaminste Smith, 3 Smithfield street ' near'Water.
James Bewley, Jr.,norster yirater and Smithfield streets.
- C ti Grant, 4t Water., between Market and Wood.
W B Holmes & 8r0.1P7 Water, bet. Wood sand Market.
L. S.. Waterman; 31 Water and 62 - First street '
Jalllitt Dairen, 24 Water and 44 Front street.
John. F Perl 7; center Hancock st."anitDurtnesneW97-
Kingkfifoorticad, 27. Wood street.
Tilley, Matthews* Co. Water - bet. Market and:retlY.
Ccinntsaton, Produce,' and Forwardtog hfcrchards. .
Seller" &I‘ileolis,lsCOmmereltil flew, Liberty street.
David Fitzsitarrions 50n,135...W0cal street.
George.Cocistan, N 0.316 Woo d s treet.
S & W Derbaugli, 53 Water and 104 Front street..
.A. , Vankirk & Son,Sinithneld street, near Water
Robeltson,& - Reppert, N 0.103 Seeond street.
Armstrong CCOZEr, 25 Marker st , between Ist stud
Dreyasgbs - &..Clarke,lo9 Second Street, above Wood. -
I'VhOlsare :Grocers and -.Thaler* i, Liguori.
R. Watson, corner Liberty and Wayne streets. .- .• -
Sao McDevitt & Bros., 13 Ciminero al Rowi Liberty at
Jos l'ation;jr,No.l7 Commercial Row Liberty street
.1 Bryar,„No. 114 Liberty street,and 53 Disinond alley..
Ti to Jackson Duncart,t.t Liberty street.
Robertilloore. l ll.Cottunerr-int,Row Liberty street.
Robert De.lliLtberty Svc - et; opposite .Wood
Vs' Lthmee& Co, 150 Liberty st.roet.. " •
W & Mdfacheltree,l6o Liberty street..
Jacob Weaver, Jr. corner histiret and Front streets.
saatdl6:Fiantess' and' 'Dunk' Makers. "
1' M. Oliver, Lnierty, opposite Seventh street.
A Holstein, 1N Weod street, near Virgin alley.
.1 P.Smith,l l l2.Wood:streeu
Rahaaser A Dail; 156 iteid of "Woodetreet.
W A liildentetiney,ACO,Wood st.,llinidoor below Fifth
It ti W Mackey,oo Wool] st.,bet.sth and Diamorid alley
Samhel hicelortnn,9s Wood, be I:sth and Diamond al , y
H•ltitrtrey esiviiod sc., cor. Diamond alley. •
. . _
: :;Leaking Grasses 'and Vrieties.
J J 4filespie Co.,:d Wood st.,:biween 31 and ddi.
Kennedy & Sawyer, Q 2, corner Wood and Fourth Es.
S K.errnedyififth street; near Wood.
, ,iibeenswars and- Chintz.
6eorge Breed, 84 Wcidatreet.
AI flodkirson, 50 Wcati, between ad and 4th streets
Henry. Higby. 1.25 - WoOd street,42 doors abbre Fifth
Bookteihrs.and -Stationers. --
Kay & Co., corner of , Wood And Third streets.
Bazkoferb in Lib ertp.street—;•German. Books.
VietorSeritya, Fifth street; between _Wood and Market.
J H Alellor,SA...AVooci r st-L-Schoot Books and Stationery.
Luke Loomis, AO, S 9 Wood st.. -.Sehool Books, Stat'ry.
& - _,Entilish, Hi Wood street. - •
Johnston tubtoekton, corner Market and Third sts. ,
R II Beeson & Co., 80 Market st.,2d door from DitllnOtid.
119 Bosworth '& Co., Fourth street, near. Market:
- -- - • ' - - Patent Medicine. -
Wril Ikkion;conter Liberty andWoodEta:et&
Shepherds Medicine Depot, 64 - Smithfield ittree
Clothing Stores
Kane &Morgan - , In Liberty it, 4 doors above Virgin ay.,
1S krovrenfeid Athenenin; Liberty street. •
- J E Dowiting,_fitiS Liberty street. . . •
hilehlalte it, 230 Lib erty 4 cor.Harrison
• .....11MA Gribble,Lls 3 =tz st.,3doors above Irwin.
uariti, corner
John. P Hopewell 133 Liberty st., near St. Clair.
It S Maraland,ta Liberty st., corner Virgin alley.-
- t" DeLtny,4s Liberty street. - • - - -
Argast & Bernard, 148 Liberty street - . -
.1 McCloskey, 151 Liberty street.
H Cbignell, 153 Liberty street. .
Lawrence litehel,l6s Liberty street.
Leonard,S2 Wood strect,bet.4th and Diamond alley.
Schruedcr, - 11ageman Co. - , 67 Wood, 1. door below 4th.
Hilderbrand•to Co y le Wood streetinear Water. -
Robert Chester, iudmithfield st.,bet. 4th and Maned rry.
Parker fr. Lowe, 56 Smithfield street, near 4th. - -
51organsteru k. Bros., " Oak Hely , 48 Liberty street.
‘ll. Straw, corner Market and Second streets.
It Barker, 31 Market st., between-•3d and 3d.
Guns and Pistols
Meettritiey, - earner Liberty and Smithfield etreets.
lehtt Whits ; Fifdrst., between Market and Liberty.
Joseph °mg, Wayne st..; opposite Canal Basis:
'Cartwright'it t Wood st.,l door below Diamond alley
lifircha,iit. Tailors
A. Dicriiianl, - Smithfteld sli t her. 4th and Diamond alley.
Samuel Dray r klintiange Saildings t St. Clair street.
• -
Chimp Publications. • .
M A Muer. Smithfield it., opposite Brown's Hotel.
M P Morse, 85 Fourth street. - - '
'Holmes , Literary DepotiTaird fit., opposite Post Office
. .
IV& Corner Market and Fifth streeti.
11.:Fralicli, WO Market street, near Fifth. _
• J Shea,:loB Market street, between Fifth and Liberty.
J G_Maritt, I.l4.Market street, near Liberty.
J d, it F.DleGonnell, corner Market and Fifth sweets.
J V Diller, S. E. corner Market and Fourth streets.
Win fl parrard, New York Store, 79 Market street.
H Speace,29 Market street, between Yd and 3d;
F. Mentzer & C0.,a1 Market at, bet. sth and Diamond.
Aleviiider &Day, 75, N. Vr.'cor. Market and Diamond
Absalom Morris, i. 5 hlarket st., bet: 4th and Diamond.
George S White, 51 Market st-, between ad and 4th.
Russell, 62 Market st., near Fourth - street.
W.ll. Idurphy,"cornei Market and Fourth streets
Shacklett 4 , Wltite,.o9 Wood street.
A &Mason ta-Ca.,..b0 Market st.., between .3d and 4th.
• Murphy,' Wilson .t.C.0.,44 Woad at.,.2d door above 3d. •
ilatatitoniSmith 4- C0.,54 Wood st., between 34 and 4th.
' •‘. ~,:, 2clertnert.a.rid . fustiest of the Peace: •
N F4riirth - street, above Smithfiehl. • -
A. G:Reinharti .fr . n street, near Liberty..
duolS and Shoes.
Win hike - son, Corner:Liberty. mid Wood streeti.
SAtitutut;24ftLiberty street„ next Eagle-Tavern. •
SannieLDalzell,l2.l Wood street, above Fi(th, ..
• S KeY. ll , B Fifth street, near Market.
D A Olmsted; corner Market and Liberty 6
James Robb; 09 Market and 41 Liberty twee
`Joieph Plummer,lo9 Wood.street, near.Fifto
George. Albree, 71, Corner -Wood and Fourth•streets. - -
ItleCurdy - 4..Loomis,fiEr. Wood st., between 3d and 4th.
J'itutted,ge, OE Wood street, third door Fourth. •
F -W thirmanl,norner Marketruad Liberty streets
T-E Graham) 1i0.105 - Third street,
James Miller,.Smithfield street, neat Diamond alley...
John Ts4gari, - Smitlifleld street,near Fourth.
J Dates, corner ' mithfield and Fiftli streets.
Trolls 4. Seen., corner Smithfield and Fourth streets.
Wm-Adair t Sraitlifield street, four doom above 3d.
'Win-Rturnter,.Smithfield street, near Brawn's Hotel. •
John Campbell, corner Smithfield and Second'atreets.
.WESchluert.te23.Smithfield, between Front and 2d alb
T A Itintost.4 St. Clair street, near Liberty.
ThranntoutSt.Clairst.ibetween Penman& Bridge..
H - Perry,7s Fourth street,hear•Wood.—
Brennen, 4 , .Williants, - FifUt street,ne Merket,
Wool ifferchants
S Virllarininitt, s 3 Water and 104 Front streets. •
Wlllitim-Dasker;Smithfield st., bet. 4th and Diamond ay,
liege Leche.oraer Liberty street and Cecil's alley.
. .
Planing - Mitts and Bash . 'Fact ory
.Thomas Moffitt,-Pena street, near the Point
Kelly, Seventh street, above the Canal.
- .
.',Fiardtnare and C'ntlery.
WilteiFlcituxeitock:,lB4 Liberty street. , -
JUT Leeeb;-.15.,_1. 313 ood street, above. Fifth. - ' •
lisps ¢ Getty, A3l. Market street, near Youth.
- Wolff 4 , ..Lattc. corner Liberty and St. Clair streets.
R Dunlap, re
91 Marketoteti neer Mi.-
Helier t. Lanufman,7B Wood at.,bet.4th and Diamond ay
Cartwright, S 3 'Wood at., I door bc:zw.. Diamond alley.
. J , itha Walker,E4 Wood st., bet. Diamom. alley and 4th et:
Cooper,l(../aveiy, 39 Wood.street,Yd door below Fourth.
'Wlattoere 4_Wold, 50. Wood at . , between 3d.andAth.
j o uph.LWoodwell, corner Wood and. Second. streets. -
Tetley,l9o Wood street, near . Virgin alley. =.
,Leather. a`torea
& Sell, No 10$ Llbe-rty street, oppo'siterSixth
• r.
AVa]ter-Bryant,lB3 Liberty st., opposite head of Wood.
Wa t YOung e t r y n o.4 l s .V o b d we c tre r near St. Char....
.. 1 8 1-WAi e , l ,4l4,lriVrriodTnd - deor Q b Off./ ite r t ' ot an o 4 nra le ir;
' -ItiOhard Bard,lol. Wood street William . -
Irwin, Diamond alloy.
j „ ei , r tw .i4,,Dtanioncl ally, near pimmofid.. .
' - Orig., and Malthus - .
• ,
itreDovrenieoluer Wood st.ttnit-Virgin alley
ii.--S,Selfers.'s7 Wood it., between 3d and 4th. •
,ini‘rlraTitafintdrestitttevrigeiaire Di and
W o 4...„:;.CprlSCrATirketlihtifidristreets.D r
estChi•Orter 'Tableland Penn streets' • -
jNjon itorter Hand and Penn ,etreets.- - .. •
"thvereltat,torner Liberty and' St:Clair streets.
L l d ra w
_ ai ndetteh, corneflilortongattela abase::
aAVilmelitPek 4' Co., coiner Wood std First streets..
Snhn to-Morgan, earner Woodat.atid DiarnortdaAey:
J o el xaktet,,crraer Wood and l fth streets.. - - -
~- ~,,,, -,-,..- -:7,:,-,..
.....ii,,,-,- ' - i ,..'' 4; iT.-:X - ,',.;: , 4i-2. , , ,
- i,. ,:.,••,•...::':.,'.',',,u.-.W.:-,7•,..,-.;,_
MOB r b aiitre r r eif quud ‘igifatiara StS.,and
lilrumfacturervr Writing Finid and Inks.
Wm tienderson4osl,lberiPgreet.--
4 - Who !nate Plaili„Store.
D Stutut &to, rco Ila Wood ttreci , : .. • •
taps and Furs.
Wm Fleming,
_3O Wood street, corner Virgin alley
Wilke/dm filahltutter,DO Maiket 81;1 door fro'm Fifth.
CI-liilagee,4n Smithfield at, between. thi undand 3i.
James WilsOni Smithfield at, 2ildoot from FOurlh.
G WGlaaagow, Itt2 Wood et, third door below Fifth. -
NY Douglas 77 Wood street, fourth doer above Fourth.
SJiloore',7s Wood, third door above Fourth. •••
Charles /I Paulsoni 73 Wood street near Fourth. •
McCord 4. Co, cornet' Wood.und Fifth streets:
John .A.pareit; X 43 Woop st. l op.lst Freebterian Church
, . Cfcbtnet an i-
IYaiE Stevenson,3Fettermartis Rovr, Liberty and 7th st.
Splutte 4. Son, corner Smithfield end Fifth-streets, -
Tl 3 Young 4. el:1j Smithfield street, between tld and 3d.
-Hazlett *Frevi; Sitith fie l d, mar Founla street. • -
• insurance; Companta.
NationalLonit Fundand Life Ins. Co, 6.1 Wood street.
I.Yelownie Manua Safety; CI Water street "
- - Weatera Insuraace .C.O. of Pittiburgh, No. 39 Water st.
Protection Insurance:Co, Office 7i'7 AVood street. -
Franklin Fire Insurance Co, corner Wood. and 3d • ate:
Wait ;Paper: and Bordering. •
W P Marettstil, (Snepessor to 8 C iiill,l 87 Wood - itreet
James Howard* C 0,62 Wood`et, 2 dente below Dia. us
Stadle,SmithSeld street, nearTourtli.'
Thomna Palmero7 Mutat et . , between 3d end 4th*
, • - • Ti raters and evict - &tithe. '
iloculiilliei;WoOd'street oppositelst Pres. brach
.A.Copples, corner Liberty and Smithfield streets.
L 9hrotn Atherieron Banding, Liberty street.
Backeten, ta Wood street.
J Hanidollarl2B Wood street.
S Morrow, i 3 fifth st, between Wood and Market.
J H Dm:ander; 20 Liberty,near Market. -
SheritLtShitk, No. 8 Market street, near Water. •
Kelly 4. Bro., Sixth, between Wood and Liberty streets
James T Kincaid, Front and 2d streets, near Market.
• Gold Beater.
John B Dahlevy;l22 Third et, bet Wood and Smithfield
A:mtigratit Lines.
Blakely Is Co ll Penn street, (Camel Beam)
P W Bynies 4. Co, VA Liberty M.; Jno Thompson, Ag't
Livemaal end Philadelphia Packet Line, Brown 4 Kirk
patnck, 144 Liberty street.
Hotels and Tavern,.
Brown:a Ilotel,Smithfield tn., between Second and Third.
Virginia House, corner Water and Ferry streets
'Fanners , Inn, J. Little, corner Fourth and Ferry streets
Wm. Tell Hotel, Water street, above Smithfield
Eagle, J bleblaster,Jr, !let, Liberty street.
St. Charles, corner •Wood and Third streets.
National Hotel, Water street, above Smithfield.
Perry 'louse, corner Hancock at and Duquesne Way.
Burnt District Hotel, corner Smithfield and Second sts.
Monongahela liouse,corner 'Smithfield and Water sts.
'Exchange H corner Penn and_St. Clair streets.
Found, Warehouses.
caunadaelludo. Co, cornerlth and Liberty streets.
icholson. & Payne, 191. Liberty street, head of Wood
Winlrwin,Atheneuna Building, Liberty street.
Fen/fuck, Mitchell 4. Co, 160 Liberty street.
Alez Bradt°.is (sign Gilt Stove) No. 19 Wood street.
lehn Anderson 4- Son. cornet 'Water and Brant sts.
- . Bakers and Confettionas.
A Andrews, Eagle,"s2 Diamond alley
R Reany, R. Road, comer Wylie and'runnel street'.
P /1 Hanker, Fifth street,- neat Mutat.
A 4. PScholdeeker„"Star," CI Diamond alley.
orris Kura,Smithaeld et, bet. EMU and Diamond alley
Wm E. Boron,; , Union," Smithfield at, bet. 34 and 4th.
Mantra and Mantua Makers.
Mrs: Duff, 10 St Clair suecybetween Penis and bridge
Mrs Leech. 9 Fifth Iktreet, between Wood and Market.
Mrs al E Morrison, No. 8 St. Clair street.
MriParker, N 0.4 Pattersoa's Row, St. Clair street.
Miss Rain, corner Penn and St. Clair streets.
Fancy and ' Variety Goods-.
T fi brooking' 11 . '4. Brias i .ll7 Wood *trees, near Fifth.
McCandless 4. Campbetl,97 Wood street.
Geo W Knhn, 72 Wood street, sign Gilt Comb.
Charles Arbuthnot, cor, Wood street and Diamond alley
'Kauffman ¢ Gayle, BS Wood st, 1 door above Diam'd ay
Zelaulon &user, 67 Market street, near Diamond.
Kinsey ¢ Knox, 92 Market street, near Fifth.
Cotton Manufactures
Grier 4. Monaghan, t•'s Liberty Street.
H A Weaver, Wayne street, OPpOSite Clllllll
John Ilanaan, 59 Water at, bet. Wood and Smithfield.
James Kerr, Jr. 4 , Co, Mt Water street, near Market.
Joseph Major, No. 4 Market strecy near Water.
McCammon Stecens,7 and 0 Matkerat, near Water.
Titoraus Oliver, S. H. Dakerr, IS Water street.
-. Brush Manufaclurers.
Blau-.4. Co, 1.20 Wood street, above Fifth.
lienzedy,os Wood street, worth door above Fourth
Family Grocariu.
A Stietty,corner Wylie and Washington streets.
William Witson, corner Second and Ross streets.
George Humbert, corner Penn and tarbury streets
Thomas Applebe, corner Wylie and Tunnel streets
George Animus, corner Smithfield and Fourth sts.
.liagh Garvey, Ha Liberty street, opposite Mb.
.1 Donaldson , corner St. Clair and Penn streets.
S 5.1. Young 4- Co, corner Fourth, and Ferry streets.
R Pant corner Seventh and Grant streets.
Cyrus Black, Diamond,
_back of Old Chart House.
W Buchanan, corner Wylie and Chatham streets.
Hoeveler, ‘Vylie at, between Tunnel and Chatham
C Kellyy -corner Fifth street and Market alley.
Thomas %- oods, Liberty street, near Water.
Trimming, Hosiery and Variety.
W Daly &Co Manufacturers and Importers, Fifth st.
F H Eaton ,. Co, 82 Fourth st, bet Wood and. Market.
Wm M Hersh, corner Third and Market streets.
John Orr 4. Co, Market street, near Fifth.
Josephiforne 4 Co, &I Market st_, bet. 4th and Diamond
Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars.
J Fullertoa, 146 Wood street, near Sixth.
J McCollister, 19 Filth at, between Wood and Market.
Daniel Day, 49 Wood street, between 11 and 4th.
J. Stein, St. Charles Hotel, Wood street.
George Shaer, 197 Smithfield street, near Fifth.
INr ¢ D Rinehart, Irwin at, between Liberty and Penn.
A Mazurie,33 Hsnd street, between Liberty and Penn
Extract of Coffee.
Jan Martin, Eztraot cf Coffee Manufacturer, 51 Dia
mood Alley, between Wood and Smithfield street%.
Glass Manufacturers.
Wm hlcCally 4 , Co, 139 Wood street.
Chambers, Agnew 4- Co,
c 9 Wood,bet Wale' and Ist ma
-Sakeweli r rears 4- Co, corner Wood sod 2d streets.
Curling, Robertson 4- o, corner Wood.and Front ets
Simpson ¢ Co, 22 Wood street, null Bagaley ¢ Co
John II Mellor, ?t Wood street—Chinkr.ringos Piano
Lumber Merchants.
William Dilworth; Grant street, near Seventh.
Rowan t Davison, Sixth street, near Grant.
Thomas Scott, Penn st., het Barker's alley and Irwin st
Soap and Candle Manujactoriee.
A Wilson &Co., Ross Street, between ad and 4th.
Wilson& Gorman, Fourth sue et, near Ross
B C Sawyer 4- 50n,49 Wood at, opposite St. Charles
• Fntits and Candies.
Jas C Anderson, 15 .9mithfield id, between Ist anddd.
Hunker, 02 Wnod et., between sth and Diamond 'alley
Joshua Rhodes, 6 Wood street, near Water.
Plough. Ilanufadories.
Robert Hull, No. 147 Liberrystreet.
Hall 4. Speer, Penn etreet,cerner Cecil's alley
Mustard and oSpices.
John 13 Bell, corner Liberty and Ferry streets.
Rhodes 4. Alcorn, 30 Fifth et, opposite Foct I,lnilding4
Ted Stores.
ISMYoung ¢ Co, corner Fourth and Ferry streets
Pittsburgh Tea Store, Fifth st, bet Wood and hlarke
Wm A Ward, Dentist, Penn street, 3 doors above Hand
TIRE Co-Partiterihip heretofore existing between the
subscribers, under the firm ofJ.S. BONNET k Co.,
Is this day dissolved by_mutual consent. Either parmer
may use the name.of the'concern in settlement.
Pittsburgh, April Ist, 1850.
)17. Having soldmy entire interest in the firm of J. S.
Homan Jr Co. to M. DI Perrot; my late partner, and in
retiring from bu.siness, I take great pleasure In recorn,
trending him to the confidence of my friends and the
public. • [ap3 . l • S. 8. BONNET.
Gravel Roofing.
TIRE 'subscribers respectfully Inform the citizens of
JL Pittsburgh and vicinity, that they are now fully pre
pared to fill orders for GRAVEL ROOFING, in a man
ner not to be stirpassed in this city or elsewhere. • From
their, experience in business, they feel confident that
they-will render satisfaction to all those who may - give
them work. The superiority or , Gravel Roofs over any
other kind, particularlyin ease of fire, Is too well 'mown
to require any argument in its favor. To those who are
unacquainted with our work, we beg leave to referthem
to Messrs. Thomas-Liggett, Sr., John F. Perry, Rody
Patterson; M. Kane, Jr., dad others, for whom we have
done work. Orders thankfully received and promptly
attended 10 - ' We will be .found on Wylie street, be
*Amen High and Tunnel streets.
.. .
HE subscriber would call the attentithrof Printers to
- his: improved. Priming Inks, of various .kinds and
colors, winch he offers foe_ sale at. the 10W(Idt market
prices, and warrantato be of the very first quality.
. -__ . , . : JOHN D. tirCktEARY,
. . .
printing Ink Mcumfacturer,_
No. 371 and ' i33 btanton st., New York.
His agents to Pittsburgh are—Mr. R. C.Stockonn an.
Mr. Win. S. Haven. • .
trio This paper is printed with his Mcin.s.lnk. foetid
NO. 47, cosrota or Mum= an .Tanta srazart,
AS constantly ort hand for sale--Writingi Leiter,
Zia Printing and Tea PAPER; Bonnet, Binders', Fal
ters' and , Trunk BOARDS; hook and NeWspaper
PRINTING INK—which he will sell at the lowest cash
Prices, or in exchange for Ravi and Tanners' Scraps;
, ,
IGII.OUR—AO bblz.fake *louriust rec'd and Gr sato by .
0008 • & BARNES. -
• • •
: .
hex /
:4? .4., ;•,•#;
, •
?.?`"A. 4 , •
Boat Sims
Music Stares
R. 0. StoeMon,
_ .
EfseyseF?a reeXotral Sprit's;
A new article for Coughs, Cords,f Roarseniss, SrOriehifis.
' • Wilartping-Vough, Asthma and the' Carious, Diseases of
the Ltsinstrand Putmenaty Organs: -
rINHIS MEDICINE has an action in affections of tit
I. Pulmonary tissues entirely different from any of the
Expectorant and Cough Remedies now in use, It is one
of the most speedy, ae well as the molt pleasant, medi-.
.eine,„„JtAoes not open the pores and ex-,..
ole to a nem COLD. One or two doses frequently al-
Pays all Irritation and tickling sensation - produced by a
harassing cough. Singers, public Speakers, and those
who are required to use the vocal organs to a great e.X.- I
tent, will find in this Pectoral Syrup wsure and instant
remedy for hoarsene.ssi and 'laryngeal irritation. It .l
clears the throat perfectly of all collections of mucous,
' and gives tone and elearnessto , the voice.
SYMPTOMS—The'sympinma which 'usually usher in - I
a Cough or Cold may be enumerated follows : This
disease in.the books is culla catarrh, und is preceded by
an increased discharge from the nose, lances and brow %
chia ; there is a feeling of lassitude over the Whole -1
body, and very often cold ibiverings are ;at least
the body is more than 'usually aensnive to tho action of
the air : the pulse Increases is frequency, and there iS
generally more or less fever. These symptomsare loom
followed with hoarseness and a sense of roughness and
soreness in the windpipe and,listen], organs, together i
with a difficulty of breathing and a sense of constriction
of the chest.. There is also. attending a dull pain and
sense of weight in the forehead,
,rts well as a heaviness
in moving.the 'eyes. These feelings;.sometimes at the
very beginning of the disease, and
_alwayssoon after, I
are attenned with a distillation from the nose and some
times from the eyesof thin acid fluid, which frets and
irritates the parts over which, it passes: The couch is
-at first usually dry; but as the disease progresses Mere'
is an expectoration of thin mucous, which gradually ,
becomes thicker and more copious, and having - sorno
pearance of pus- • .
These are the leading symptoms of what is termed "d
c01d, ,, which, if neglected, are likely to result in irre
parable injury to the Lunge, and Coasesuivion.
Price CO cents per bottle.
For proof of the above 'real the following mall
, rates:—
Da Erman take pleasure in certifying, for the
benefit of other sufferers. to the efficacy of your PEC
TORAL COUGH SYRUP, in our case. During the
sass of two bottles purchased of you we were cured Of
a hoarseness amounting to an entire loss - of voice ; and
effectually relieved of a severe cough, which threaten
ed permanent injury to the longs
Whi. A. HILL,
• At the Banking Rows of Win. A. Hilt 4 , Co. Pinshurgh•
- • Feb. I€so.
Da. KEYSER :—Vou have asked me the effects of your
Pectoml Syrup in my Own case. I had a very bad
cough during part of last winter. It began with a feel•
iug of fullness in the head ; increased accretion and suf
fusion of tears; together with hoarseness, pain in the
breast. and the other accompaniments of what has been
denominated "Tyler. Grippe." I took two bottles of
your Pectoral Syrup, according to the directions on the
bottle ; and I am now, and have been ever since. entire
ly free front any off the unpleasant symptoms enumera
ted above. You have my permission to publish this for
the good of your sales, as well as the Public, if you de
nte to do so. Very respecantly, yours, kc.
Prepared by Dr. Geo. 11. Keyser, and sold by
KEYSER ar.- 1'4'1)0 WELL,
140 Wood st., corner of .Virgin alley.
To whom all orders must be addressed. . [nov2o
Or Gastric Juice!
PREPARED from Rennet, or the fourth stomach of
the Ox, after directions by Baton LIMO, the great
Phyglotogietit Chemist, bY J. S. ROUGHTON, M.D., No.
11, North Eighth street, - Philadelphitt, Pa.
This is a truly wonderful remedy for INDIGESTION,
CODIELAINT, and .DEBILITY, curing:atter Nature's
own method,by Nature's own agent, the Gastric Juice.
Haifa teaspoonful' of this Fluid, infused in water,
will digest or dtssolve Five Potrens or Roast HEIM In
A. 130172 two HOWLS; out of the stomach.
- - -
Baron Ltsino,in his Celebrated work on Animal Cheat
jury, says : " An artifieial Digestive Fluid; snalogous
the Gastric Juiee,may be readily prepared from the mu
cons membrane of the stomach of the calf, in which va
rious articles of food, asticat and eggs, will be so soft
ened, changed and digested, just in the same manner as
they would be in the human stomach,"
Dr. Palmas, In his famous treatise on" Food and Di
et," published by Fowles folitells, New f o it, page to,
states the same great fact, and describes the method of
preparation. There are few higher authorities than Dr.
Dr. Crouse, in his valuable writings on the Physiolo
gy of Digestion," observes that" a diminution of the due
quantity of the Gastric Juice's a prominent and all.prc
vailiag cause of Dyspepsia and tie states that "a din;
tinguished professor of medicine in London, who was
severely afflicted with this cemplaint, finding everything
else to fail, had recourse to the Gastric Juice, obtained
from the stomach of living animals, which proved com
pletely sneeessfel."
Dr. Geatism, author of the famous works on" Vegeta
ble Diet,",sayst " It is a remarkable fuet in physioiogy,
that the stomachs of animals, macerated in water, im
part to the fluid the property of dissolving various arti
cles of food, and of effecting a kind of artificial. diges
tion of them in no wine different freni the nataral digest
ive process.
Dr. Stuoa'sgreat work, the " Chemistry of Man," (Lea
Blanchard, , 1846. pp 321-2) says : " The discov
ery of PEPSIN, forms anew era in the chemical history
of Digestion. From recent experiments we know that
food is dissolved as rapidly in an artificial digestive
fluid, prepared front Pepsin, as it is in thO natural Gas
tric Juice itself."
Professor Duaouscs, of the Jefferson College. Phila.
el phis, in his great work on Human Physiology, devotes
more than fifty pages to an examination this subject.
His experiments with Dr. Beaumont, on the Gastric
Juice, obtained from the living human stomach and from
animals, are well known. "in aft cases." he says, "di
gestion occurred as perfectly in the artificial as In the
natural digestions."
- - -
Dr. HOUGIITO:06 preparation of PEPSIN has produced
the most marvelous effects, curing cases of Debility,
Emaciation, Nervous Deeline,and Dyspeptic Consump
tion, supposed to be on the very verge of the grave. It
is impossible to give the details of eases in the limits of
this advertisement—but authenticated certificates have
beeniven of more than TWO HUNDRED REMARK
ABLE CURES, in Philadelphia New York, and Boston
alone. These were nearly all desperate cases, and the
cures were not only rapid and wonderful, but perma
It Is a great NERVOUS ANTIDOTE, and particularly
useful for tendency to bilious disorder, Liver Complaint,
Fever and Ague, or badly treated Fever and Agne, and
inc evil effects of Quinine, Mercury, and other drugs
upon the Digestive organs, after a long sickness. Also,
for excess In eating, and the too free use of ardent spir
its. It also reconciles Health with Intemperance.
There is no form of OLD srom ACH COMPLAINTS
`which it does not seem to reach and remove at once.—
No matter how bad they may be, it GIVES. INSTANT
RELIEF 1 A single dose removes aUthe unpleasant symp
toms, and it only needs to be repeated, for a short time,
to make these good effects permanent. PURITY OF
BLOOD and VIGOR OF BODY, follow at once. It is
particularly excellent in cases of Nausea, Vomiting,
Cramps, Soreness of the pit of the Stomach, distress -af
ter eating , low, cold state ofthe Blood, kleavipess, Low
ness of Spirits, Despondency, Emaciation, Weakness,
tendency' to Insanity, Suicide, ike.
Price, ONE DOLLAR per bottle. One bottle will of
ten effect a lasting cure.
_bottle bears the written signature of J. S.
BOUGHTON, M.D., Sole Proprietor.
Sold by agents in in the United States,
and by respectable dealers in Medicines generally.
Agents for Pittsburgh, KEYSER k McDOWELL, 141
Wood street.
Retail dealers supplied at Proprietor's prices. ins:2l4
Also, for sale by R. E. SELLERS, 57 I Nood street..
Philosophy of Brantireth's Vegetable
WHEN the theory of the circulation of the blood
was established, the secret springs of vitality ,
were then.partially our view. We saw and
understood• that the food we eat, was converted into
blood, which repaired the waste of the animal machine;
the food is fuel, which keeps at a life heat the internal'
fires that. warm. arid. invigorate our inner man. The
blood is an electric ila Which carries this heat to every
ramification of the body,: even to the extremities of the
hair and horny nail. While the blood is thus the seat of
life, it is also the sent of disease. Food gives the body
strength; Dnandreth's pills give blood the
. necessary
power to throw out from itself all impurities, thus ren
dering the stream of life pure and healthy. ir men were
more smcere, there would be fewer religious creeds;
and If they kept close to nature's laws in themanagement
of their bodies,they would require little medicine.' As
men grow intelilligent they will become wiser and hap; ,
pier; even now, their wisdom is proved by the fact that,
when sickness assails them, they use - Drandreth's Vege
table Untveral - Pills, which soon restore them to health.
Tinware peculiarly adapted to the climate, and require
no extra care when they are used, in either diet or cloth
ing. They should be always in the house; so that upon
the first indication of sickness they may be used. One
dose in the beginning is more potent for good, than a
dozen after the sickness is fixed to the system. In colds,
coughs, asthma, rheumatism, costiveness, fevers, and in
all acute, heavy or deep-seated pains, their abets will
be found beyond ail praise. Three or five will act like
a charm, often curing a dangerous malady at once, sa
ving months of sickness and the evils therennto-attend
ing. Remember, prandretti's Pills are -a knOwn. and
fully tested medicine, one that is. used by hundreds of
thousands in this country and throughout -the: civilized
world. They are quietly - superseding all other medi
cines. They take out only that from the blood which is
the causeof weakness and pain, leaving strength and
health ; they produce healthy sleep at night, and an ap
petite that relishes all kinds of food. -
s, Sold at N 0.29 Diamond alley—the only. place in Pitti
burgh where the genuine DrandrethPills are kept for sale
.—the undersigned is the only agent in the city.
nullte flareaparilla and, the Cholera.
IkTOT a single man, woman. or child has died of the
CHOLERA or any of its symptoms who used this
nvaluable preparation. Look at the city of Louisville,
Where thisfaarsapatille is made, and where _from 150. to
MO bottles are retailed daily, but few isolated cases - of
Cholera have occurred, and they were either persona
from - boats orthosewho disregarded - our advice:
• - jeincirtnati - aroma
_ For sale by KEYSER tr. TIFDOWELL,I4O Wood st.- ,
Pittsburgh, where the genuine - article ••may always b e
btalned. lialY27
'tenor for. crsinApp_
VV most approvedßuglish patterns, furnishe4nnd
recommemded by 'Thomas Otikeyvell,Esq., and a number
oteminentil'hysicians, being a most convenient appara
tus tor the applicationor warraimhotwater to thebow
els, in case of crampeiti Cholera. . Att every person is
subiectto sudden attacks, no family should bowithont—
at least without one.. For sale-by_
lee First street. between Wood and Market its.
TUST SPASM - 14 a fresh supra) , of Dr. S. S. intch's
ti valuable Medicines, among which are remedies for
Consamptitm,Cought and Dystsapsia.—Also, Abdominal
Supporters, Shoulder Braces, Inhaling.Tubesiand Lee.
tures on the Treatment and Curs of Consumption, Zee.
,Fotaaleby . . - :COULTER & HACKE,Dniggists,
0e1.5 eoroes_df Wood dndTluritstreeto
15 11iTCO*TkilV fif. Wool tind*Virth , Streels.
THE Proprietor or the MonMaii , Pose and - MXREERT
MTh 151AmmAcruazu, re.spealully inform" :h:s friends
and the, patrons of these papera. tont he has a 'large as
necessary to a Job Printing . .. Office, and that he is pre
Basks, . • Bills of Lading, - Curators,
pamp4Uti, Bill kr ea d r , •• • - Cards,
. Blanks, . . Hat Tips:
jr,rAllltinds ofßlanks, Stage, Steamboat and Canal
Boat Bide, with appropriate cam, printed on the shortest
totice and maw:reasonable terms..
itle reapectfully asks the pattonsLge, of his friends' and
,the public generally. Ohis branch °rids business;
_ . .
CABINET '..• •
Ware.brooms 07. and .09, Third- street.
T W. %V. respectfully informs hls friends and custom
ers that he had now completed' this, largest and fi
nest stock of household, furniture. ever before seen .in
this city, nu he is deterinineß to' aphiold the quality• With
well-seasoned materials, best Workmanship, and newest
designs; and from the extent of his orders and facility
in manufacturing, he is enabled to Produce warranted
furniture, at the lowest prices.... • . - - •
Ile has adopted the principle of identifying the Cll3-
tamer* , interest with his ovim,-In vitality and price,.and
keeps always on hand the greatest wariety of every : des. •
eription of furniture, from the cheapest and plainest, to
• the most elegant and costly, that a house, or any part of
one, may be furnished ,from his stork, or ;manufactured
expressly to order. tie therefore solicits an inspection,
that the advantages of his•e Stablishment may be known.
Tne following articles consist, in part, of his stock, which
for richness- of style and finish, cannot be 'surpassed in
any of the Eastern cities:.
Parlor, '
drawing, din-
ing, and bed room
• chairs, of every variety, •
consisting of rosevroood,. 11:111- - ,
hoganY and walnut - Eliza b e th e n,
Conservatoire and Fatty Chairs, of- every
description; Conches,,Sotas,Tete-a-tete and Ai- ,.
vans of the latest French and American patterns;
Tashaes, What-Nets, and ladies' r arlorr Writing Desks
of various kinds; Work Tables and fancy inlaid
stands, music stands, and molders; marble top, ma
hogany, rosewood and walnut centre and rota, to
hies, extension dining table"; all sizes of the
most improved, and decidedly the best kind
made; card, Pembroke ball and pier tables,
wardrobes, bedsteads and washstands, of. .
each a large assortment ; gothic hall
and parlor reception chairs,.ottoman , - •
and stook, secretary and book
cases, side boards, fire screens,
. towel racks, hat stands, and
music stools, cribs and cots
for children; paper mselie, • •
;Mile and• tea pops., ms- •
finally, rosewood, and
inlaid pearl . -Tables, .
A Large assurtincia of COMMON FURNITURE and
WINDSOR CHAIRS. Cast:arc ataxsas supplied with
all articles in their line
STEAMBOATS and HOTELS., furnished at the short
est notice.
All orders
C11A.111.13 PrilD 10 - 11.1'1.111.N.
.N 0.93 Thud strict, bettnern Markel and Wood, Snah, side
fillWa have now on hand a larigc.und ......,,. •
splendid MAC i; of every variety otilltraus
are confident cannot be * u rya see d,J;
etivallcd, in this City, or rt ii .e West, in style and finish.
F ose who are in wansot Furniture are respectfully
invited to call and examine lot themselves.
tE(T' .
Steamboats furnished oath . shortest notice.
Wry' All orders promptly' attended to., . . . •
• teblhaf O'DONNELL, IdULLEIY be CO.
Furniture and Chair Ware ROOMS.
T. B. YOUNG in - CO, corner of Third
and Smidtfurdsts., oppants Brow/tillage-1,
_• Pittsburg/4 Pa., keep constantly on hand
0 1091 awhot and make to order, at the lowest prices,
GRAMS, of the best workmanship and moat approved
Myles. febls
Steamboats, Alloy
1111/ subscribers tender their at
knowledge:tents for the favors bestow
ed upon t tem by their Steamboat frieudS, and
would respectfully remind them and others inte.
rested In building boats, that they ate at all time pre•
pared to furnish, on the most reasonabie terms,
description of Cabin Furniture and Chairs al tee Les
material anti workmanship. 7 B YOUNG& CO.,
Corner Third and Smithfield stream,
opposite "Brown's Betel."
[laminar ito Mauler,
Betwern Screw/tumor and &row berry mail, Piusburg,l a.
kIAAMER & v AuLra keep constantly onhand
a variety of excellent and fashionable: laminae,
warranted equal to nay in the city, and sold on as
favorable terms as can be. obtained at any simile!.
establishment in .he 'West, They have new on hand an
Unas unity e atm:sive mock, embracing all hinds of Furui•
taro, trout the cheapest and plainen to the most costly
and elegant. All orders promptly attended to. mriilifira
~ , t a.c;,- . %Val. tirEviolsoN contasucti.o clomp
' facture city:NET-WARE et .very des-trip
• tinn, at his old etand l corner of Liberty rate
Reyeatn streets. UNDERTAKING attended
to,in all its branches. inapt!
Loudon Illusto.rd. -
- DUDE Loudon anti Durham Aluaterd, by the keg-, for
P sate by tootalntj JOSHUA. ROBINSUN.
rgilllS SCHOOL, under, the direction of Sir. & Airs. N
-1 W. Naivete . , will be Re-Opened iu ".Colonnade
Ito w;' Federal street, on MONDAY, September .2d. A
primary department and a number of optional branch
es,have been added
atm nd ft corps of teachers secured,
so instructionswill now be given to scholars of all
ages and attainments.
For particulais `see circular, which may be hail at
the book stores —or consult. trts Principals, at their
dwelling, on Federal street,
Allegheny, Aug. 3.
• tt.. Its WHilestina,
on t h e Ls! Monday of September nat. Room, over
I. D. & CO:6 Store, corner of Wood and Vila!
Rev. Wm. D. Hownuo, Hon. 11. Lowiu.
Dr. Eillorr, McColl!). E.
" Dr McGua., J. D. WILLIAtais• iIYZa:II.
tarsi. Arrival of Pall Stock of Carpets'.
11111 E. Futiscriber having just returned from the Fast, Is
now receiving and opening 0. splendid stock of goods,
consisting in Fartof very rich style Carpets, viz:
Brussels, Troestry Brussels and Velvets, imported
expressly for this market. .
Also, Imperial 3 ply, superfine 2 ply, with it heavy
stock o t all the lower priced grades ; together with is
large variety of Hearth Rugs, Door Mots, Stair, Rods,
White, t..reen, Blue, and Scarlet figured Baize, from f to
3 yards wide. A superior article of Freheh Table and
Piano Covers, thl Cloth, from t o eight yards wide,
All die above named articles having been selected
with great care, and purchased at such pr Can' as to ena
ble him to sell cibeaper Than any house west of the
mountains. ' •
Citizens and persons from the country aro requested'to
call and examine the stock at LyniPs Carpet Emporium.
Nu. Ell) Fourth street, and No. 63 Wood street.
aug29 E. W. LAMB.
JUS'Y RECEIVED, Y cases of FancyfiT/L4 "
and CHIP BONNETS, Ladies" Riding HATS
Childrrn's and Mimes , Bouners,.Boyst -Hats, 4.0.
Those wanting Bonnets will please glee her a call be
fore purchasiug elsewhere.. MI orders promptly attend
ed to, at Nog Fifth sr. [mylOttfl AIRS. A. LEECH.
itISSOLUTION.—The parmershipof htesettv tr. Las
is this day dissolved, by mutual consent. The bu
siness of the firm will be settled by 11. Lee.
11. LEE.
kquaburgh, 30th Jan., iso,
NOTICE.—The undersigned will continue the Wool
business and attend . uo the sale of Woolen Goodsat the
old place. 11. LEE.
In retiring from the late firm of Murphy & Lee, I
cake great pleasure in recommending Mr. IL Lee to the
confidence of my friends and to the pubtle.
jan3o - '. . '''J. R. rauRPHY,
A N application will he made at the next meeting of
.21. the Legislature of Pennsylvania, to ineorporate. - a
Hank to be called the Illechisnics Bank of Pittsburgh, to
be located in the City of Pittsbitrgh, and to have a card,
talnot exceeding two hundred thousand dollars.
inlyitam . . THOMPSONI.IELL..
r .
Exzirsamili Flour: :
EOR the conpvenience of the citizens, the proprietori
of the "PITTSBURGH CITY MILLS," have placed
boxes for the reception of orders, as the folloiwing places:
J. & It. Floyd's store, corner of. Wood and Ot sts.;
M. Haywood'aShoe store, corner Liberty and Market
A. Beek n's store, 3d etreet ;-..
L. Wilcox, Jr., Druggist, cor. 4th and Smithfield;
John I Smith's store, cot. High and 'streets ;
Telegrioii Office, Fourth street;
H. C. Kelly, Grocer, cor.sth st. and Market alley;
M. Grass'sei ue,Oth Ward.
The Flour wan- us will call twice or thrice daily,'or
orders, and the Flo tr. &c., delivered prdmply either in
barrels or sacks, (suck . Flour is preferable for family
use,) without charge for 'cartage.
Ills plain that no accounts can be allowed; and that
pdrivers ca have no to leave 'Flour without
ayment. We hopepermi that the publicssion
with will be pleased
thisarraugement, as we shall endeavor to do them just
ce tmay2ol WILMARTH./k. NOBLE.
TliE subscriber has been authorized to receive`Pack
ages to be forwarded to San Francisco by the house
of CORWINNE,BROTHER & C 0.., at`Parraina and
to engage 'Passage. in -first , class sailing Nessdle!from
Panama-to San Francisco. Every information viven,
on application to JOSHUA 'ROBINSON, •
apla Post Buildings, Fifth st, near Wood.
r.thIDAPEST SUMMED °PODS lli.T.OWl4.—Light
Cloths, all `robot, Cashmarettes,' Scotch 'Plaids,
Linen Drills and Ducks, with every . Nariety 'or•Mar ,,
seilles and other Vestings and VI-tunings, by
The 44 Pittsburg Brewery." . - -
101 - AVING taken a lease of this well known Bresseth,
„Ja.. and having it now in full operation, I am now pre
pared to furnish my friends and the public with a supe
rior article of ALES,and•BAVARIAN BEER, in any
quantity. Call and See,attle corner of Penn street and
Barker's alley • ilnn4l T A. RENITZ. •
Window Shades,.-Bannors,
It.jr, wash, at No. 10, Sr. srarkartrrastrasil.
For , speeimens, call `at Withins Hall; Walker's 'Ex
Change, Smithfield street; and KeeviPs HatStore,Wood
Masonic and I. 0. 0: F.'s. AProns and Badges, painted
m a superior manner.
Fresco painting executed in superior style, withAmek..
Can and Foreign design:. S. SIMMS WATSON: -
Winter. Clothing. Isow - - for Oasis.
PDEGANY,.I99 ibartA.Wt $ Xiatbusgh, has on
band a large assortment of the- laical., style of
Winter Con_tsof fashionable colors;
and nil'other articles' in 'the 'a lothlng line. '
purehaseriamill find a meat dealiable lock seleet
from; and - will he sold low for eash'. OeeKe •
/tl,- ARON ST rip r
INFORMS his friends and'custornerstltathe hna open
ed a CLOTHING STORE, at No:,
8.5 Smithfield. at,
wherothey can be suitedat all times with anything ,in
his line; made in-the Malt finished style-and-vvorkmitnl..
like manner.,. His. Goods. are all fresh, of -the best and
most fashionable material, and no pains wilt be spared'
to afford the:greatest -degree of satisfaction to his pat-:.
rtins. A. good stock ofileady,b_lade CLOTHING : alwayS
oh hand. •.--. . r, -
Nr . E.RC
No. 17 StnitAftsfa -neat, Tilt:burgh; Pa,
AU...andarcfally .sefectedf smell FrenCh.fEnglish
and American CLOTH, CiASSINEHES =mid ,7i/ErSTi.
I NOS—of the most approved colors and; styles; :which
he is Prepared to make order in the very -best menhir!
and or" the moat reasoriablelerma.
fie has always on heed a goad assortment . of`gentle- -
area's, Fashionable aveav MADE CLOTHING, Shine,
Collars C ravatt, .flankc rchiefs,G loves, Suspenders, &c.
Clothing l Clothing.
THREE .B 'Ditt3RSr
Wholesale and Retail Dealer Ciothiisg;lsl:Liderzy sr.
ICY stock of Fait andWiater Clothing iknow ready,'
I.llj amounting to upwards of 8100,000, which think
will be found to by one of the choicestselectionsotiter.
merits ever got up in this or any other city in the st•
!Sy purchases having been all made early, I have
, therefore avoided the lista advances made in almost'all
descriptions of Woollen -.Goods, and - am therefore ewe.
bled to offer my stock at unusually low prices. .
I haVentis season paid more than usual attention to
the manufacturing and style of my garments,. 60 that the
- very, lowest priced es well as the finest . are got up in a
style and elegance not to , be , surpassed. - tiondreds of
new customers, both wholesale •and . retail, bave been
attracted as much by the superior make of the clothing
as by the lowness of my prices.
The proprietor would particularly call the attention of
all dealers in Clothing to Ws present stock, believing.
that upon czantinntion of the quality and prices of his
Goods they will - be induced to purchase at-bicestablish
merit. • The wholesale room now_ contains upwards of,
P,OOO garments, from the finest io quality to the lowesiin
The proprietor is now deteimi opt to snake this depart::
ment a point of great attraction, and with this View has
constantly 4:111 band a large quantity of. goodssaited to
every section of the nited sates. . .
in the cutting:department will always bt found a very
large selection of all the choicest makes Of Cloths, Cos.
alma re s'and 'Silks, to be found in tb is or eastern markets:
lie is prepared to make clothsto order in the shortest
notice in the latest and most fashionable styles.
lie respectfully invites his old friends and enstoiners,
as wall as the public in general, to call, and examine for
hemselves. : [octia
Great Inducements .to clothlngl
. N 0.219 I.IDRIZTY, AND 52 111147 N srau,Ers.
Tr. subscriber *Oiling to sell his entire stock o
.111ENT OF--
, .
at VE111" LOW PRICES. b'erzonawieblng parch : use
will save money by Balling on him " -
septO W. J. DAVIT?, Preptieree.
LletnesbPa Celebrated Patent Elbenret.
HE undersigned has been appointed by Mr. Heinesh;
of New York, sole A,, ,, ern. for the Sale of his jufftlY
celebrated patent Tailors' Shears. He offers these Shears'
now at manufacturer's prices: Having a -complete as--
sottmentof these Shears j from Mc. up to $l2 a piece,
be calls the attention of Ladies, Milliners and Dressma
kers and Tailors; to his establisinment, then FRANKLIN
CLOTHING STORE, 179 ,Liberty. strecti dthdoor from
St. Clair, and respcettully solicits a share of the public
patronage, which this article so , justly deserves. /
oct3l:tme 11ANEKOTTE.
Drp Gads
Daft GOODS, • -
One Price Store of 41...11.111A50N ci GO.,
- Nod. 62 and 64 Marks sand.
virmt. corumenco on MONDAY, December 1.850.
IV and continuo through the month of January. Oa
this occasion, the whole of their i Mmense establishment
will be thrown open for Retail Trade, and their exten
sive stock, amounting to- One hundred and Thirty
Thousand Dolfaff,`Wilt he offered at Retail, at rally one
fourth less than astral price.s. . ' • • ,
The notice of their I:Semi-Annual. Sale to any one of
the theOnds who attended th'e sate oflast year, will
be F ffattpat guarantee for scull this season. They will
however mention a few of the Goods and Prices, for the
benefitof those Who have never attended their
Rich Crislosaeres, • .F 73 e; Usual price 61,00
• 500 pal Cotton and Wool Cashmeres, 25c.; utast'
3tic l3o ' o Ye Cotton tuid Wool Detains's,. 15, 181 c. floral
price 20 and 25c ::
ps. High Colored Plats Del.:dues, 4,5c.Us ia! place
50 ps. Striped and Figured Silks, SOO:. IlauelpriUe
75c O' ps. Black Silks. Reduced 23 - per Cent;
100 ps:,French illerinoes. 81,00. - Usual puce:Bl,37k;
' 300 ps.'Vuramettas and. Lyonese Cloths. Reduced
2500 Long Square Shawls, which will bersOld . of froth -
Sit* Ss teas than the usual prices.; - -•• -••
• 3000 yds. Bonnet Ribbons, at 8 and 10c. Usual pricO
18 and 25c.;
Fast Colored Calicoes, 61c. Usual price 9e.;
100 eases English and American Calicoes,B and 10e:
Usual price 10 and 121 e.; -• :
90 cases Bleached 111nalins. Reduced 20. per Yard
260 bales Brown Muslin—all grudosi
. Also—Laces, Embroideries, Triramtugs, - licisiery, and,
Gloves, Linens, Checks,-Clothe, Cashmeres, Utasinets
and Jeans._
. Together withal' immense variety of other Goods;
of which:will be marked down to lower prices than any
of their previous sales. ,
They invite an early call, as many of their choicest
Goods will soon be sold.
The lowest - price ruuned at first.
...A.. A. MASON
Nens. 62 and 64 fit nrket street.
No. 73 Market, near Fourth street,
HAVE Just received and otter for cafe at 'Wholesale
and Retail,— .., • •
Bonnet Ribbons and Flowers; Florence Silk; Velvets
and Pia MeS •'
Embroidered Collars ; Cuffs dnd Chain
tts ; Line aCa nab ri c Handkerchiefs; Embrolored and
Revie'd Cashmere; alpaca, merino and silk , Hose ;
children's plain wool and Tartan Hose; children's
Hoods, Gaiters and Jenny Lind Coats; kid, merino and
fleeced silk Gloves; gents. Be rlin, buck and kid Gloves;
gents. super silk Shirts and Drawers;. gents. Saxony
and merino Shirts and Drawers; Suspenders' Collara;
fancy Cravats ; Comforts; Scarfs ; ZePhyr Work and
Canvass; Carpet Bags; Umbrellas ; Yarns ; Curtain
'Fringes ; Combs; Buttons, &a., &0. , ' r • •
Bay State and imported long and square Shawls
of every, qtrality. joettirmim '
Fresh Arrival... Now; G oo d s .
MILE undersigned is now receiving from the Eastern
1 cities by Express, a splendid assortment'of Fancy
and Staple. Dry Goods, purchased etcluidvely for Cash,
from the importers and manufacturers, at-least Twenty.
five per ant. below the ems of those who made - their pur
chases earlier in the season, and wtll be sold Wholesale
and Retail for cash
50 pieces Lupin's French - Merinocs, Cherry, Scarlet,
Pink, Green, Maroon, Black, Mazarine Blue and 'Mode
colored, from 81c. tra to the finest quality mantifactured
• under the French Republic: • -
15 Pieces Superior Bombazines, Lupin's manufactare
—at unprecedented low prices.
150 pieces clack and Colored Alpacas. from IE4 cents
per yard op to the fittest Silk Warp and Mohair Lustres
1.25. pieces Thiber, Pararnetti and Coburg. Cloths; all
colors and qualities, and cheaper than ever before odercd is this -.
=pieces American and British Prints, superior quali
ty, and will be sold at extremely low prices.
450 SHAWLS: Superior Bay State and' Waterier; 1
Long Shawls, Chamelion,Silk and Turk Satin De Chein
and all Wool Brochtt Shawls, Black and Colored Em
broidered Cloth Shawls, Plain and, Embroidered Bier*
and Colored Silk Fringe, Thibet ,and Mons Be Lam'
350 patterns Superior Dress Silks : 'Plair'Cb4bielion
Silk and Satin De Chain, Wide :Black Gro Be Rhine
Silks, Plain and Fancy Figured Silks, and Black Plaid.
Gro De Armour Silks. - - .
150 pieces Cloths, Cassimares and Vestings, suPerior
quality, anti will be sold at a great reduction nom torm
er prices.
500 pieces. Bleached Muslin, good quality, all widths,.
from Of to 12} cents per yard.
600 pieces heavy, yard wide Brown, Muslin, front GO.
to the best article manufactured. •
200 piecer Red, White and Yellow Flannels; from 161
-'eats per yard rip' . to thc fittest Silk Warp and Welch
Gauze Flannelimperted. ' ' ' •
100 pieces Irish Liners; warranted made of. Flax ,are;'
round thread, wire twist, hand sputi and grass bleached.'
125 pieces Checks,_superior Ma e, from 8 to 18/ cents
per yardtogether - with a large' assortment of Damas k ruble Linen and 'Table Cloths, Russia - Diaper ; and.
Crask, Cassinetts, Kentucky Jeans, Bed Ticking, Do*:'
mesuc Guighams, Colored Cambria, Plain. LinseYs,
Canton Flennels,Ae. • ,
350 dozen Ladies and Gentlemen's Gloves and Hosiery
—including every 'variety and quality, which, will be
sold Sit extremely low prices. = " . •
The customers of the house and all casit.bayers , are
requested to call and" examine the goods; and repare a
bargain, as they wilt be offered Wholesale and Re. all"a
very low prices. 1D No.l.s.slarkeistrerr, - pa L i bi o o s ;
Clothe/ Utetha3 0./otha • , ,
Black and Fancy colored'French and English
CLOTHS; Pilot, Cloaking and Drab Cloths.
Just opened at . -.A. A; MASON lc
dec2 - - .NOl3. 62 and 64 Market street,
, . Important to Tottora.
TIIST RECEIVED -6 Doz. assorted Tatlon , Patent
le Shears, from No. la down to- No;2. - •
Dsa'Eathers' 'Patent Scissors, direct from
the manufacturers, and for sale at .. -
DOWN do TETLEY'S, 120 WOod
2 doora below Vitra nay.
• 44 861'10AP" Whits Stidito4
• VG': Itit. Tarr STR 11111',"/T/LADRLPRIA1 1 "
rpHE UNRIVALLED PLACE for oblainiattidlEWtaits,
Liquors. U.; GOOD and CHEAP.
StILDh.R" has lately—in eobsequeace Of; tho minter!
ohs - large sales Made byhicci to ca summers...beeit obliged
largely to. replenish his stock by fresh Importations, and
he has now the satisfaction of offering some of the best
Wines and - -LiqUdrs 'aver imported by-bitn. :118 'Would
• refer to some invoices as follows—viz ;
DUFF, GORDON & CO.SIIERRIES-ciiembra c leg dell
eate Pide at very', !Ow ipnces, rata old ; and some very
choice MANRANILLA, all dad ta_ tightly the: ghlion.—
Also, rare old delieate AMONTIL LADO, to tasks if f 111
gallons specialty selected for constnera. Some EXTRA ,
AMONTILLADO In bottles, put up in-Eitrope,which.lie
challenger as equal to any that can bei produced. •
Is.,* 'lke' M AN ZANILLA and AMONT/
lies are peculiarly adapted to convaleseentt,ltelber
strengthen without stimulating, and have not
Many. other Wines.
IPORT WINES--L-Prlrthlpally s speibilit
. his saleste cOnentmers from the stock off! ingamintOs i t'
at Oporto, and Imported direct. , ,
These-lc/nee 'are fruity and delicate, and Deal
; highly approvetj . by. his customers, because of. their,
Manifest superiority river all other Ports and Red Wines ;
planted off =Such.. •• • • - •
They areal' , various soris-and prices, in boalesand on
draugpt by the gallon, or wholesale by th e cask. Arnang
die is rare delicath WHITE-PORT and DIATAT-.
:•,,,•Perions suffering with ehionqaffeetioggif [bellow•
els cannot be too carefialln theirf ORT. ; • ;
f MADEIRA WINES of various sorts, dry . and. riih,
Smith Side:old East and West India.' 8MW 3 144 &et
casks.- 7 : •
As to the SPARKLED WINES of the anbamiber s
l well kgown that the MOET EXTRA CHAMPAGNE
and the splendid SPARKLING IOSELLE, imported
by him are superior to . any other Wines; and arc sold
at prices as low as,most Or the Wendt winerinadi lathe
-Market which are put upon buyers as first class. •
• He has also CHAMPAGNE WINES of various brands
Auld qualities, at very low prleeir, retail or wholesale. In
the artiolaoCCLaltET WINES, gezierallY; the'entbsCri
,ber holds himself to be a judge, and he offers - the; finest
stock here, from the very lowest price, by the sirigie
deli. to the fira{class or "premier errs" of lagoon. '
. Of BITROUNDVIVINESI he has alargeelock and can
assure costumers this he can present to Item, from his
,vatilts, as good a bottle of Burgundy as France affords.
,SAUTERNE and BARSAC always ea hand in bottles.
ills selection' of RHINE add MOSELLE WINES,
from the cellars nf Messrs.'Jogualt, of Co.
blens, are calm:mire. and number tnithY Stilt Hocks and
Moselle. from the cheapest sorts to the - meg choicest
vintages of the "STEINBERG," which is the best
grovith of the Rhine. • ' ' ••
In the articles of COGNAC and other EANDIF.S be
has now a fine stock, embracing some very old extra of
HIM, of OrAliD, DOPOT & Co., ana some -celebrated
"GLAVIER of 1821," eighth casks, and 1842 ill bhds.
and ~D usp limn LS44, in bhde- on amsignmenr,which
will be sold low.
and aft other Wines' and fainorth inch/dimly all of the
above . , SOLD by, RETAIL :KO CONSUAIb-RS in any.
quarady desired. •
A constant assorted stock of HAVANA. SEOARS. •
• *ex/ Gordo delirered, within ono day's' read, of Philo;
dflphio, ram= PAW; Ordertiwill be promptly execu
ted If sent by mailer telegraph. , • • • _ .
• Address,' : JACOB
Cheap Wine Store ,
.76 Wahlaistreet t .
J. T. Deetceir, Wootlivstrill da.Coni. • •
,guilders and Erectors ~of Lightning Radii -o4 ;,
• • •
• .
ORDERS left at this office or this Post Office , ; and for
personal Interview be seen on Fourth street,
residence of Dr. Haut, between Wood and Ferry. .• -
Jl(ferenres—Professor Silllman. Editor of Sillintann
Journal ; . Protestor 9. DI. Mitchel:. of the, Cincinnati
Observatory,' Professor Robert Pcier, of Transylvania
University, Rentnelry ; Professor Chester i zwey, D.D.,
M.D., New York; Professor J. L. Cassel, Clearland
University. Ohio. . • • •
In .Pittiburea-,A. W. Loomis, John Harper, Wilson
PVCandless, Mr: Childs, Col. Morgan, Rev. Mr. Sparta,
J. D. Williams, Major Harding. U. S. 'Arsenal; John
Ewing & Sons ,' L. Harper, D. N. White, W. A. Mar:
shall, John S amps on i fda.; or Paris and Joan H Eihnienb
• "'" °against. 5..• .
• being- introduced into all the lending schools in ;
New England and New York. We have obtained the
agency for them In Pittsburgh, and Invite teachers and
school committees to call and examine them ;
No. t—Ahp of the Western Hemisphere, 62r32 inches:
•-do, 'Eastern do - do .. ,
No. do . . North America, 70384. ,
No. 4.4 di United States, 70z82
No. 5 • CO ' Europt, - 70182 "
No. 6.., do Asia • ' ' 70'79
No. 7 do .• S. A merica & Africa, 70x64 .
Price of the series, with key, cc the first two
Hemisphere Maps, with key, .
These Maps arc tuirivalled Itt accuracy, beauty and
cheapness, and adapted - to the - wants' of the primary,
grammar and high schools of- the United States. •
For sale at publisher's prices, without addition of
'reight charges,st. the • . • • . -
cos Market and FOOrthalw .
Flour Reduced._.
TyJLMARTH & NOBLE will sell thett:Exita
delivered on and after the Ist November, at 82;fi
JY 100 Cis.; Superfine at 52,0131/100 - ts.' A liberal as
country retailers.
- - -
MEfICAL DEPASTMENT.--The regular course of
ectures will commence on the first of Nat eIITOCT
and continue until the last of February. The Anatomi
cal Department will be opened and ready to receive
Students by the first of October. The Medical Depart•
meat will be ander the direction of the following
Z. FILIEZAN, M. D., Professor of Anatomy.
R. S. Numrots, DI. D. Professor of Sawn%
11. J. Hubs; at. D.,Professor of Theory and Practice o
Medicine. -
W. Bray Potteicts, AI. D., Professor of Physiology, Pa
thology, Mineralogy and Geology.
Al; D, Professor of Almeria - Medica,Theropen
tics and Itledical Jurisprudence. • •
J. Alu.yos: SA:mmts, M. D., Professor; of Chemistry and
• •
A. Wu.scm, M. D., Professor of Obsteiries and Dis
eases of Women and Children.
Afedicine—Prof. H. J. Qetcl .
' Raton/I—Prof. R. S. Nuctrost.
Z FRIED:UN M. D. Anatomical Demonstrator.
The fees for a'hall coiimelattioant to •
• Each Profeisor'sTicket,StS. Matrictilatgris Do•
monstrubm's Fee,Blo..•'Graduation; 5...0.• -
Those desiring ttrrther information, will please a:dares'
their letters cpost galdl to the Dean ; and•Stadents arri
'ving in Me city will plcage call on him at the Cottuner
Mal Hotel. . • . • R..S...NEWTON, Al./D..
_Dean Mete Faculty.
- -
lion E. N 111,Etno, Prof. of Theory and,Practice of Law
Jan glib Prefer Commercial Jurispradence
Terrns-55i3 pet session. •
• All communications petteJning ft) this department mast
be addressed to , -• L. N. M. KING, Esq.
Memphis, Tenn., March, IEISO.
The -Facultiee' •
for intellectual abilities, moral worth
and professional •acqt?iteriaents, will compare favorably
with the most distingtusbed In our country. The Medical
Faculty constitutes an anomaly in this- or any other
country—ail of them are able Lecturers and the best of
Those who will coniemplate our geo,graphicalPositiett,
and the extent of our pnpulation, can have no doubt &SAO
the eligibility of our situation for an enterpriie ot :the.
kind. A 3 to health, including all seaeonsof theleur s We
deny that any othercity has snare. . •
The first class of the Law and Medical Deparunents 0.
this institute wegA smell, but tha gentlemen ; omposing
them are talented and in the highest degree respectable—
a favomble.omea for the future prosperity of the Institute.
• That the public may be satisfied of the permanency of
scbool,we teal it our duty to state, that theTrwitees
And Faculty form a•unit in ac lion, which augurs well fin
its future success; and that the peculiar internal organl•
tation which connects them, cannot be interupted.
a .1 President of the Memphis institute,
r Silver Forks, Spoons, dcm....
IE keep constantly on band a large assortment of
silver • Forks, Spoons.. Ladles, de., of our own
Manufacture, of standard silver. .
93 Market strecU '
Magnifying. -
tyone, Iwo and nava ,p.noiles, suited - far detecting
. counterfeit bank. notch_
_and other pinwses, for eine
b • Loatin MWADDiaI. ft. CO.
•, To she -Cll.lsens of Allegheny City.
BOX . for the , reception of Orders far CITY, MILLS
FLOUR Is leR at the store of Mercer Robinson.&:
Federal street. Such Orders will be promptly supplied
200 Dien Wanted Immediately, • •
are 80 cents per day; and'are charge 131,75 per
week for boarding.. Apply. at the o ffi ce, on the Steuben
ville road, near fit'Donald's utvem-4 miles from Pits =
burgh. jjane2.s:ol HURNSIMMIANNEY ik CO.
BAKEWS.BRONIA; 'fieeker's Farina;
Polishing Pon) , . Starch' ;• .
Pure, tidy Rani ; received and for vale by
earner of Wood azd Third idceeta
0 lAWLS.—fieceived this morning; EPA' eigieettes i 4oo,Say State and Long SHAWL4•4ltemirope.
rine styles and qualities. For sale . •
62 and 04 Markel Itreet:.
MON just receivetLfrom the Pittsburgh =I DM
Royal Copper Mining Company.. These Fish far extol
in hue flavor andtatness any caught in theirses, LIONsi
and are pot up expressly Ihrfatmly - .; • •
, • . • . lIENRF CAECLY;•
coiner of rifth street andOlaiker slletr;
LNG APER—Alaltaapplyof *Who Mem
Psimian band and made to other.
• Ire and Dlnrtne Insurance.
make permanent and limited !amnia ee on Properly
in this City and and' on shipmepts b,y,,_Can com et
bro perues or
li ßi arY n are 'L .Vr a t eal ll invested and furnish an: a bo vill sirn ibl_e ( and (or
woe pro
the ample indemnity of all g,r zt rrobiLs, Offel3l,
Meted Di Insurance.:; : • d4-Water sweet.
1:11E subscriber wishes to inform the kititens of Pitts
. burgh and the public generally, that he woomoved
CARPET STeEE ftons No 6 L an 63 street,
to the Apollo Buildings, on Fourth street, recently occu
pied b r the Aroma, and has connected therewith the
again ng rooms, formerly deed as the Chronicle Printing
olnce—whiehtin connection with his old room, makes
the most spacious Carpet establishment in the connuy
and his advantages so tar surpass
bons° in this city
ib r s pace, arrangement and - good light, that he is certain
of sortingiNClY Penal) WhO Mll7 WM' him with a calL
His stock is complete in every article Hails line,oruk
great pains will he taken at all times to show goods t o
perscms wishing to look or bay.
• - .
. •
• r ~;1• 41‘
' -•----- 1 "fi 'At i rr.r i t.......
.i amteryi -PEamuri7.--Arip , sEctlitrrY! ---
~.!, hitt -THF.NATIONAL-LOAN,rUND ~,-r,:,,.',./.f.-.......,..;
LIVE tamvaixscin sOoisllt. . . --,
. •.: LI3DIDON,AND.NEW-YORIC:,- .• ..-,P` .
dopttah .t500,000-dicquou to 02iP0.90r 4 ?•:.:, :-. •
1111 1 T/1 a large nopltirof profits. A:portion of . f ., .
et' eanbal and surphie invested in U: B. Ocilenuttent ..
Busckv,.and other aeo.urities in,the City of New Yore: 0; ' .
. Policies held in this country over 0,0430. ", Persona. it,.•,. ) , ' ',.. •• ..
sunny ipartidpate in the profits of the Company. -• •
Cottforefa mks taken at minced . r0ta:.... , ;., -.1 • , •. - ..'i ..,
Among the advantages of a Policy , in thls CorapanY '•
ar y th e ronorying.: : ._ _.. . - . • . e ;
.F . ) , P.. r , titr.D insured for the vihoLe . term of ilfri, min) , at and ; ,,
time borrow Gni-kW the amount...of anneal premidm; . ..
without note. or seturny, or depositetpalirl; and is:enc.ri
titled to dlvisionof profits. . _.. •
.....,-.., ~.. ..., ' .' i•
Be may at any time surrender hispolicy,add - rechtve : .
back as .vaine thereof one•balf thelloss:eln? 1 •1 0 10 - .P1r •'. l
hire in:annual common prendrunst; - • ..'. i. ; •.,
~, ... • . ~
• A party already insuredfin whole'lifis itety;einiiirj." 4 ,•,--
'Meat bf. 2 smell cauti r convenhileinsprauce Meta . treYtti,l .: -
policy upon the loan system now Intrridnced,..;... '• .. ' l: .-.-
.PartievnireadY *lnsured and 'entitled to 'a! rent.third : "
laaersll l A9t.•. ll hllt out - fro:I: said two -1 1 1bAloctur-il .l /K,? : :s! l'.
pnner Nepenthe terms Mated .in lib° , Society's parapa- . .
Lets! y- , .-:• . ..1.r.c.... - . • ..,•••••' •-; 07 .es. ,-t. :..v-,;!1 :,. • ,
A party may, ai stmoderate annual'. premium; Men' ~...-,,,, it
for life and he survive to reach the age of GO yearsilke. - 4
fall sum irueret up to Sth,44o, win ts paid TO mamoi if? .
he dies before re a ch i ng .thet age, the full auto 11/61131C, i' •
will be paid to bls famil or legal reorese. - aadves.. - --.
ltbal become ounomary in the Annette citietifomeen- ".',
previews* to insure the lives of their Pastors, and on • "..
Chrunmas or New Year'i day lo make tlie family a pre.. °I
seat of the policy. This la certainty an excelleht.way:,;) L L . . .
of showing their regard fortheir Minister, whose eaten' F ;
nt •
inve teeny cases 10 scarcely"equat to his immediate , j. . .
wants.- -To the than of. family, at his Scant. it Is a con.
solantin beyond expression to know that his helplesi.i. •
little ones aretbus provided ibn. , • - ', • '.. - - '• •t ~ ...
Churches Involved, svould do welyto insure Vas !Mas i ., /: • -,
of one or more of the *mattes, at whose - demiselho ••
amount worldbei applied to lintudabh the debt..
r, ip la n al o ry pamphlets and information gtarn gratis,. ?,
at um Banking . ll ous e of ' WM. A. MU. &CO ' ' .. r , .
. ntiv29:::..::': .Woodist,hedondtror abbve Pena.; 1 , 2-
-..r.c!:o:',;Preoldent , VilLintree —, N..s:. : • • •, .. . -
i-4•ER . .',
H'gamoo,. in - the Connectieut Mun& M qiint.. 4 . l, . r.
ranee Cempnityi.of Linutford,Cotanuclictint 4-0 ,::;,;,..t. ~ -, •
The following are the Joint' Stock rates of Preadomm.,." :
of other Life Insurlnce Companies . . compared with Ibit ' "... •1
;ate, of Hartford Life and Health:- LUALLUMCO COMpallr,, ~......
Annual paymen t for. Policy of ant thcarand tb,10ara...,... , '''',
" 4 . 41 4 -lel4Z 2.1 ' om ' f '
Nears of Company . t. , V t. g ' , a ;...' . 4 . too • .,/ .
...0 P^ ~ q c .e, P . . .cP• .• r:
Hartford Life & 0./ns.Co.-10.20 13.6 13.4(4249D39.60: '
Mari Life Insurance Co. • • 11.1 0
13.6012130,.50 1C.60 ;'''
Charter Oak Life I n.s. C0,.'•:.1.1.7 , 15.20 21.30,99.5 t; 4620' '.; t
United Stales Life In. Co-14.2919. 2520134.70 53.60 t: „
Pennsylvania Life 1n5..C0...44.4012cri0 17.50;37.30158 eo
19.30 -..
National Loan Fund C 0.... .14. 8 0 ps 70 52.80 . . ... :
„Ii will be seen by th e above table that the rates for in-
Entance ;without panic Madan in profits) in this Company • !;
are more .than- fifteen per cent, lower • than any Joint • , -,'
Stock Company in this Country or the World; and they:
'hail beenitdopted afteVaTull investignqoa of the wbolco ..
sake t.
~,,,, , , . • „ , . .
• • Those mailing to insure in either the Conn. fantail)
OT the. Hertford Life and Health• Co. -will VI to: .'. ' r i
• diet' '' ' Coinerof 4th and Wood stfeets, up stairs.
To-Farmos and those :Dishing . ; . . •
BE New Yok Washington County , firutrud
ranee Company , lathe company for them to insure 6. 1:3
in. It is the only Fawners , Mutual lase:mice Company
that bus run through five years without ta:rint their .`.%{-:
note.. Iris the largest company of , the kioditt the world,
numbring over 111,000 members. It' doe: not insore
Steam Mills, Carpenter or Cooper sheps,'or anything:.
hazardous or extra-hazardous. Only 'louses, Dams and
;their contents i and but. 152,000 on one risk: Churches;
Academies and School "louses, and but 131,0000 n each.
. A:certificate can be seen from one of the first- Mervin'
, Pittsburgh, to show that the Company does pay its loss
es promptly. CA. CU TON, 6en'l.Agenr, ;
' novl • cor.'ol 4th and , Wood stv,uprataint •.;
'Si**. ffltattmak Fire Dastsrassoo Vozapazy.:•.•.l.l
ireryiiberal, patroliage extended to this. Corrapn:'
1.• ny, having issued policies•to the amount of near,
One and a Balt 'Million of Dollars „during the last three -
months, is sufficient manifestation of -the. estimation' '
and confidence of the public in the system, of•manage-,.; - •
meat on Which its business is conducted.,
•l To city or country Merchants, and owners of dwell- , '
ings, and isolated or country - property, it is believed,:
this company affords advantages In point of cheapness, •
safety .and scearity,,inferior to, no Insurance Company
ir.this country
Conducted on tlro equitable and great' y improved aye , - •.•
tem of Chusificatisr. of Rises, excluding all special
hazards, insuring only a limited timonntin any one to- ••;
wilily. '
thus precluding the frequency find occurrence of
Jingo fires and also, on both the Stock and Alma al plan, •
it not onlypossesses the chest's eso and accommodation
of both methods, but entitles the ineixed to a paniaipa
• don in the profits.
kis under the control - of tho folloWinelirectors:--4 •-••,•
P. Rutherford. A. J. Gillett, John IM: Packer, Samuel'.., -
Jones, Alonzo A. Conic!, Phild C. Sag - wick, Robert Z••
Klotz. I A. RIITHERFORD, Pres't. :-• -,"
• A. J. GILLETT, Sec`y,
Branch Office for Western s Perinsylitattiai j
• Smithfield saner, Pittsburgh. • Persons desiring Mini- •
ranee will be furnished with books of the: Company • b y.
calling at the office • . foct=m
.ANCE GUMPANEr-Office. North BOOM of Melia.. _ I
tinge, Third street Philadelphia- • . -
Fran Ittunsmtca.—ftildlrigs,-Memlutridtzc i and tither ..' i
damage in town and country, insured soainst loss or, :,!.
by fire at the 'sneeze rate of . wanton. ~
Mutt= lesciascs.—They Mato Insure Vessilti; Car
goes and freights, foreign or coastwise, under open or
special policies, as the assured may desne. , :•
Imam Tasssrowrazioni.—They also Lnsuss machete ;
dize transported by Wagons, Railroad . . Cari, Canal , ..
Boats and Stens Boats, an rivers and laks, on the Mint' , .',
liberal terms. • .
DIRECTORS --Joseph H. Seal, Edmund K. Sender
John C. _Davis. Rob ert.Burton f John H. Pe n tore, Bennet
fdwards,Geo.D.Lelpper Edward Darlington, Isaac g.
Davis; William Folvvelli Johg Nerrlln,Dr.ll.lll.llnston,"
James C. Haw4Theophilus Pauldiug,•ll. Jones Brooks,.
Henry Sloan, Hugh Cmig i George Serritl, Spencer Mc..
Uvula, Charles J. tr. Johnsen, William Hay, Dr ",
S. Thomas, John Sellers,Wra. Syre, It.; • •
DIRECTI;ORS Pi tt 31M0)1, T / Morgan, 4 ,
ELIO - • ' • • •
• • • • .•:•17.M.TaAhl,h1A.RW, rcesideol; . -
6, WO); VIO President •
• ..rosm W. Cowan, Secretary.
Oak* of the Company, N 0.41 Water street ,
burgh: . MAGEIHA, Agent,
Now lillogiond Live Stock Insurance Ctessi
desircrati of insuring their itnintala Will t P.
Icanb irons the following by law of,the. Compungoq i.
that the terms of life insurance on stock is:very diff - erent
from thsumuce on human life. The itrsureattre'entitled
to pay where the animal breaks leg,„becomea blind,. , *L.
. Agrtccs z. In the event of accident niditeas.e of inch •
a nature as to rause permanent injory, thoesh de nth may
not entue, they hill be liable for the dams ge IMO to the '
anmal not.egeeeding the amount insured. - L. : ; •
!• • • - COLTON;4Iketdt; ' •
aolrla :COr - Lof Eonnh and I l lirded sta.,opArtnlve.:
Flre spainsuesmsoe. si
2[IIIE, OFFICE of the ..buirminis Ca. ef. Nonfi d irlsiente '
beinirerizoesdt&the-Warehouse yJones" ,
Co., No. 14 Fronk street, third house East of : Wood
siseet.wheie the soliierilier will issue Polities on Build -"
Inge Amid their co ntents,ond o n Shipments by Steamboats
end other vessels; for'4he above 'old unit responsitle
c om o nn y; isp3l, Writ. P. BONES. Agent; i en
• :: , T..l4B'iliid'illesitlellsilitealsevi: •,• •
1 COMPANY, of 'Philadelphia' Incorporated, by the
Legislature of Pesnrylvania, Marc ti,l3ld ; Charter Put- -
petaal ; Capital 8100,000. Raw lower than any . Panuyls,
caul , : Company, and full till per' cent: lower Aim the
usual rates of Life lusurance,as the following coma rt
sou will shoW. :Thus 4 person or the age of '3O Insuring
for 8100 for Lief mast pay in. the Girart 82,36, Pensinyi.
via 82,30. Perin Mutual 82,36, Equitable. 32,04, New .
England 52,00, Albion 82,48, New York LiteiBVo7/iffi"
and Heald*, Philadelphia, •
Dragcroas 4 —Samuel D Orrick, Charles D
Boone, Robert P King, Charles P Bayer, M W
Chas 0 D Campbell, MDI Reeve, D.; Lewis Cooper,
EadMall 'Barter, E . BatleA Edwin it Cope: ''Presls.,..
dens, Saniael D Orrick:VT/4S Presiderti,Robert
Secretary, Francis Blakkbarne. . .
Applications will be received:and
given by:SAMUEL•PAIINLIITOCEr Agent:. -otrotekt ,•
commorotot.Roosto, c,orner of-Third, Wood Street,
Pittsburgh. ' , '• • . ociZ:y
• 11.1 DE NIT tr,•,' ' • .
'Vb. Franklin Flza Inatiranee Company
riutmartas.: -
TRECTOSS.-•: ' • '
U .* ' • • •••-# t -
• • Charles W. Smoker, - "George W. Siehilid
" Thomas Ban; • . Mordecai el: Lewis; •
. Tobitusl,Vagner, • Adolph! B. Uorie,
Samuel Grant,, . David S. Browne, '
Jacob R. Smith ' ' Mortis Peuterxon. •
: 'CIIAS:I9.fIANCFCER;I•restr.,
• Casa. 0. Banr.res, Soiretary. ' • • ' •
ID- continuo to mike insuralice In - '
i perpetual or limited
on every description of Property town 'and country.' ' •
The Company have reserved a large Contingent l'unil
which; with their Capital and Premiums,ingely. Invested;
sirova ample protection to the assured. -
The Assets of the Company. on Januity ftliD, ny
!published agreeably to en Act of Assembly, were is fol.
OWS • •
Moves • —•••-• —• •-•-•—•-• • --.8 1',047,47.8 41'
Real mte , • • 44,724'13.7
TenTrory Loony •• • • —..--••—•• 00,041'85 -
Cosb, •-• • _.r._ • 38,804 . 37 :..
slacir-their nicorpontuon, a petiod of 19 years; they ;
have pad upwards of Ons Million Four Ifunduct Tadu. '
sand Delia?", losses by Lie, thereby affording evidence
of the advantages of In taconite.; as well as the ability and
dispoindon to meet with prom tness,:all liabilities:
J. 0 EA COFFIN,Agent;
', Office comer Wood and Jd'sui
: • • Piro 112kalarano insuranee. -, ; • •
TlgTuserance Company of North Amenicol Pblre
etoiaArougb Ate duly imtborizea Agentobn Bab:
'weber, often to make permanent and lingled insaranen";
on property in city and Its ty, and on shipments
by the canal and rivera..._ -
Artimr G. Coftla,Preet.. Samuel Brooks, •
' Alex. Henry,- “ • Charles Taylor,
Samuel W. Scats, , Samuel W. Smith,
; Edorard Smith,. • Ambrose White, ,
John Asßrown, . Jacob Itt.Thormis, , t ..
johavibiro, . lo . hn R' Neff, ~ -. • - ~.
Thomas P. Cope, • Richard D. Wood, ': .-. .-
.., ~
Wm. Welsh, - -Henry D. Sherrard,^,.,
This is the oidest Insurance • Company in the • Vaited......
States, having been charm:ad ial7a4.. Its charter japer.
petaal, ands us high
risks'standin long rgperienee,ara-
pie moans, voiding all of an eftra- hazardous
:character, it aunt he consiclered as offering ample Bench-
tyro tb o '9lbkc WILLIAM m PONE)
At Counting i Mof AtWOO I I olt3 a o , w tter arid:. .
Fronrsts., - Pinalt!rgh : - . - --- '.7' ' 'IZATIII
• ' - . - • ,
. .. ......