The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, January 14, 1851, Image 1

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Psi Pad and Published BV "Y b nil l i n gl( s ".t4t tr -' 4 l ePta)
- tt aP its a,
Novag-ronft corqinuor WOOD LW inmt
Er 2 88,143.--Frve Dollars a year, payable. strictly ,
,nadvnn a Six Dollars will invariably be'Vequired
notpaid within the year.
Single. copies Two crainni---for sale ht the
at the Office, and py the - News Boys: - -*
is - published 'ftiain the qtamo mtrioe, "ila a' large blanket
size -sheet, am- TWO_ DOLLARS. a; yeari - in. advance—
ingle copies vit CENTS., : •
"?,./ n U.rittper will be discontinued (maims at the (Hi.
eretion Ofthe proprietor,) until all arrearages ate paid.
tE - ...N0- attention will be paid taunt 'Order nnless'ad
compainiecibY the money. ar satLsfactairy re ference in this
. .. .. . . . .
117. Conflated w ith. Ms Establishment of the, Atoning
-Pass is on< - RI .0.4 largest 40b.-Prituittg Offwain in-du wily
Oldie alai - nets of work .i.:!. done an Ow shortest make, and
17:4:11 - riazonabto sorms.:;-" Li.:.....::: r
One !.. , que.terane.troartion 0 .50
. .each atAditioual
- tvro• weeks ' 4 00
IL •• -1 -.three 'weeks. -- • --- * - 5 00
one month
• . 111611 S • ••• -- '''''' ' ••
months • - 10 00
'sir tnonills +-x'12•00
" -- -:Dee rear, . •
• •••••••.,.... . 1$ 00
SMinling Card, SIX Niles or Jess, per annum , — 10 00
One kin are, per annum, texcl mire of the paper& .15 Mt
• For each additional square, inserted over one month,
and for each additional square inserted ander the yearly
rates; half price: - "
Publishers not actOrtutable for fetal' advertisements
beyond the asuounrcharged for 'their publication .
Aunottneing candidates 'foil:dice to be charted 'the
-,. - • •
Adkertisetaerits not marked on the copy for a specified
ntutibkr of irisertions, will be continued till forbid, and
PaiMelifczatted Accordingly.
umeprivilegesof yearly Advertisers will be 'confined
rigidly their regblar business, and all other advertise-
Ments.not pertaining to-their regular businesi as agreed
iorito,be paid extra. . • ' .
All advertisements' - for okaritable institations; ire
cotiapaitiei:ward, township and other public mvetings,
and Stlee like, to be charged b alf price, payablerstalertor
Man .0
ingeotices to be charged 50 ,
• Death notices inserted without charge, unless accom
panied by funeral invitations or obituaty, notices, and
when so tmeonlrunied, to be paid for.
• Restrict advertisers, and all others sending conininni
eations„ or requiring:notices designed to call attention
Fairs,Snimer, Concerts, or- any public entertainments,
where et-erles are mule for admittance—all notices of
private, ass° ei.giona---evory notice -designed to call
tention to private enterprises - calculated or intended to
protnote individ nalintereit,c an only be inserted with the
underatondbag that the same is to be paid for. -. lf•• intend
ed to beinserted in the local column, the same - will be
chhrgedat Me rate - of not less than ten cents per line.
Bishops or Fist Notices to be charged triple price.
Tavern License Petitions,S2,oo each. •
Legal and Medical. Adfertisanients to be charged at
• -
Real Estate Agent- and Auctioneers' Adiertisementi
not to be classed under yearly rates, bat to be allowed a
discount of-thirty-three and one-third Per cent. from' the
-•- . .
Oneaquare, three insertions • —St 50
• Do.. each additional insertion • 0
One sliare,,(lo lin ca.) alio lase rtiou ••.• • ...... 501
Do. each cdchtionalinsermon .. —• •0 25
AU transient advertisements to oe paid in advance.
-'• WHITE & CO., Gaiette.
' L. HARPER; Post.
ROBT. M. RIDDLE, Jour,nal.
• = JAMES P. BARR A Co., Chronicle. .
FOSTER. & BROTHER, Diapatch.
Dea 101.9.3 J.AMES W.I2IDDLE, Avaerican.
ptafessional Garb.
JOTIN fiLLAltat, Attornegat Laar,,,Foarat street, near
'Smithfield. : mar3o
jr ,.o-4ENNLNGS,-Aworney of Low, Fourth at., above
QAATTIEL VV: BLAUft, 'Attorney arLati.--Offiee on 4th
area, Meal' Grant, Pittaburgh. oct3s
rt. ORLANDO Looms, "Attornryiu Law.. , -Officer 4th
ll•'Et.;- , tayorp Wood. -
afIROMAS:NL AtAKSHALL, Attorney at Lam—Office,
j. Lowrie's Beildlnp, - Pourth st. . jaa7-1y
BiCAßNAHAN,dnornclunLaw—Ofdee oil Fourth
jai. in., hetnvaa Cherry alley and Grant id. (jed-y
DR. BROWN'S OFFICE, N 0.65, Diamond alley. near
T N.III.'quOWAY, Attorney and Counsellor at Law
Office Bakewell's Buildings on Grant street.
JSCOTT, Dentist, Fourth st., five doors west of Mar- .
'.'ket. All work warranted, and if not perfectly sat
isfactory nd charges will be made.- feblo
"DEMOVAL.—Dr. Robert Snyder, has removed his
XV office to Fourth street, between Wood and Smith
field streets. —, marls-ly
fl DARRAGH, Attorney at Laut—Office in Bakewell's
lie -Buildings, on Grant street, opposite the Court
Howie. ' .jy24:ty
yon.N . ,BARTON, 'Ammo at Imm—Cllfiee, North side
of. Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield, lathe
sine building with,Alderman Morrow,. • Bepao-ip
TORWARD & SWARTZ WELDER, Attorneys a cLa tn.
Office on Fourth street, between Wood and Smith=
field, opposite Patterson 7 s Livery .Stable. ap7-y
GEORGE F. GELLMORE, Attorney and Counsellor at
Law:-offiee removed to the 2d door below Oront et.,
in Porn/I s ta the othee Inlay occupied. by Alderman Mil-
BUCKMAS'rER, Alderman—Office: Fourth street
xhird door above Smithfield,South side.
Convi r rneing of all kinds den s with the greatest care
aisd lc
-Titles to Real Estate examined, ere. novls
'COYLE,: Murry and Conveyancer.-office in
U Metcalf's' Building, Fourth street, near,Sruithfield,
Pittsburgh: • Deeds, Bonds,Mortgages,Artieles at Agree
ment, and all other instruments of writing drawn up with
accuracy Wad dispatch. Titles to Real Estate exammed.
DP.. G. 11. KRUM( E. C. SeDOWSLL.
EYBER. &, MCDOWELL, lancet:nous -ro Kama fr
rarzmi,) Wholesale mod Retail Drug and Prescription
Store,ccu ~ 74 of Wood street, and Virgin alley : - Physi
cians pre _riptions carefully compounded night -and
TOHN,.A. PARKINSON, Aldi;man, Fifth Ward, Penn
tP at.. between 'Walnut and 011ara,sts., where he may
be found at all timet. - Those having houses - of other prop
et sell or rent,can have the same punctually attend
ed to; debts collected, and all the duties of an Alderman
will receive, prompt attention.. 0c27-p
RN' AV: WILLIAMS, Agerney and Counselor at
(successor to Lowrie & Williams,)•Office as
the old stand, Fourth td., above Smithfield,
THE Partnership heretofore existing between Henry
W. Williams. Esq., and myself - yin the p ruc tic eo f the law,
was dissolved by mutual consent on the .28th ult.. and the
business will hereafter be continued by Henry W. Wil
.iams,, whom,l most cheerfully, recommend to• all for
whops Ijiave .the honor to do business—as a gentleman
every vimy'w'orthy orlbeir confidence. ••••i.
, • NitMlitti P. Ross.
A TTORNEY,AT LAW—Office in Fourth street near
A Lamartine Buildings. marOtw
101111. T. utters:L.-- • • - --•mtatoXt. PALMEIL
ltlttchel'EL Palmer,
041 u on Retath street, a few doors' below Smitlifield
All bvusutem enttnatedtd their care,prOmptt y attended to
Colleetionemadc and• Conveyancing executed on mode
rate terms. ' feblinf
J. Di Jennings,
X 3,. fiee, Cowrie's Buildings; Fourth street, between
Smithfield and Grant: aPS
Dr. George McCook,
lll,9selected Pittsburgh as his permanent residence.
He has taken the house lately occupied by'Alder
man Miller, ori Fourth street,.near Grant, immediately
adjoining the "Lantartine House." His Office is attach
ed4o his residence; where he will constantly be found,
unless absent on professional duty, . Office hours from 7
o'clock*: st. to 9 o'clock - a— ts., and from 7 P.
R. P. & tt. L. B. Fetterman,
ATrORNEYS AT LAW—Office on Fourth stroe . be
tureen Wood.and Smithfield. , id112.5:Y
• W.W. Dallas,
ArrorusTEN AT,LAW--oEdce; second story - Wi
tins Hall - • jan24:l7
- - kir:James King. •
rkFFICE ON FOURTH STREET; one dpoi West o
Ur Weaver's Hotel. - • auglo:3na
Wm. wa. Robinson
TTORISTES AT LAW: Office N 0.99, on Fourth
lA. street, op ...ha the hayor's Otrlce.
. . J. S. Unintitoss,
TTORNEY AT LAAV, has removed to the office in ,
Ftl'M sunny between Wood and Smithfield streets,
formerly meowed by Thos. Hamilton, Esq, - deed,and
will atiendto the b mimosa remnining Unfinished upon. his
Lithographic 'Establishment or
' Turn gram, colours THE -eosvornez..arersmsit
lurials, Landscapes, Show-bills, Labels,
Architectural and Machine Drawings, 1in51115511
and Visiting Cards, etc., Engraved ,or Prawn on Stone,
and Printed in Colons,. Gold, "Bronze . or Black, in the
most app atilcand at the most reasouable prices
t'NOLISH. GIN—For sale by Ole quart, gallon &bal
=l at [may 311 , MORRIS IS , HAWORTH'S.
. ...1.1.. 1. - ... ' _ -.',.; :.:..'....'-.• ', .', . ' - - .. .
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3Onso tubs.•
A- LEXANDErt JAYNES,Tat - Start, • 33 Fiftlt
.11 street, near Wood, febl
OSHIJA , ROBINSON, , .fir - Hamden. tr. Co.'s
Linsof Foam, Filth at., one door below Wood. febV
I OMNI ACKSON, Patent erg, 11 }'•
city street, head of Wood. fcbl
ENGLISii& ELLrow, Booksellers and Stathwurs Na
56,111arket st. between Third and Fourth. fe'bi
DELANY,Far.ttiortobk Clothing Eton, No. 49 Lib.
.e • knot. . • febi
HOLATZS tr., SON, Bankers and Deaters in Fax/tang!
111 Coin awl Sank Notes, No. 65 Market street febt
FULTON, BsR and Brass Founder, No. 70,Seeond
11.: street, liettreen s!Stant and Ferry streets. febt
It AtiUME et. BANE, ParscarclOsg and Commission
Merchants, No. VA Second et., Pittsburgh, Pa. (apt
t * I• i :00 erg • - •rger' •• • : in. ell
Eitlif.eunet, between Wood and hriiket. • jan7
r t .a. - MoNULTY &CO., Forwarding and C
ki • Merchants CanalOa.stn. ' • .
— , --
Ai. DVER., ar — iter ana Protium Deoler, No. 148
Vl' Liberty street, Pittsburgh: marl 7
JOHN Tailara2ut C/oLidee,Liberty street
between Siztti and Virgin alley,south side. seplo
AlcaTElli, Brass Palauler and Gas Fitter"' Smith. :
fkeld street, between Diamond alley and. Fifth st- •
' • +N " ropnetora *aim PSwbur gh
Tottabli Boat Son corner of Penn and Wayne sts-
RHIW 2 , MATTHEWS ec. Witatssate Greens, Cont.
taisston and FoKtrardingMerehants, and Agents tor
Brighton cotton Yarns, 57 Water et, Pittsburg. iar2
COOLEY 4t. LAIRD , Merchant. Tailors, . Wood Street,
second dwar from Water, will keep constantly' on
hood a Well selected lot of Climbing. • 'in:irk:p
LEE,lsacceszor to Mrapirt . & L13:4 Wool' Dealer
11. and Commission Merchant, for the sale of Ameri
can Woolen Goods, - febid
JTORN D. MORGAN, Ti7tousaie and Retail Druggist, No.
.9:s, Woed street, one door south orDitunond
ING b.IIIOORHrA.D, 117udesale Grocer: and Produce
Tkalen, No; 27 'Wood stre t,Piltsb argh. Garen
I 041:1P.11 AVOODWELL., importer and Dealer in For
s) sign and Demeitic Mardwars, corner of Second and
Wood Streets. ' - oeZi.
TOSEPO , MAJOR, .Beat Stere;Shin .Char.dlery and
ck Agency of the. Putsbitrgh Lard Oil Factory, MiS
Market street, Pittsburgh.. Jar.:
Tiktdk. MAY, Who/slats timeer, Forwarding. hind Cam
rsissisn Aferehanr, Alritter street .betrreeh blarket and
Ir6st. at, CURRY; Bankers andr Ezthangs Brokers, Di 0
Wood street third door below Fourth, west side
R,IAIIMA.4I.IIAAI,-Bankara and 6.r.r,hecngs BrokeTs,
XL,corngr of Third' and Wood streets, opposite the St.
Charles/fatal. . • febl.
_ _
..:CFAttNESTOCE: tlO., Who:oak Drugl art-
D. house, coiner of First and 'Wood streets, and, comer
of Wood and Sixth. - febl
AlORROW ) .Alanufacturer of Tin,. t=oppero'. and Sheet Iron Ware, No„ 17 Fifth street, between
.Wood and Motet.. ' - feblo .
WAL CiLElsiNollookdindey, corner orrturdattd Woott
Ty streets, shave C. EL Kay, where he is prepared to
do every description of ruling and binding. peed:
JI WIN 11. IslBLl;Cit,'
Musk and Musiesainstruinenss,Pianos,Seliool .Books,
and Stationery, No. Itld. Wood fitreet. jant
VAIL RectOrying and Watnesale Dealer
J.inForeign and Domestic Wiues and Liquors, No.
113 Liberty street, and 4%1 Diamond alley. . jy2l
Ltiti & FfNNEY, Agents for the Dr/aware Atlanta
_lP„.lnSttrance Company, of - Philadelphia, at the Ware
house of King &Holmes, Water street, near Market
WAl ni t it L ig htANXEOn
k K e: . et i rn N el . o e f o Ve n nt a ln k id Pal;
StrettS, opposite the Exchange. Entrance on Penns - met.
1.7. 1. Tatrra. T. I SCOTT.
IlitoTil m SCOTT, Whoresale and &tail Dealer •in
Boots, Shoes, Truals, Carpe,t Bags, te., S. W. corner
of "Fourth and Snaitirfietd sta., Pitt4iturgh, Pa. [mrth,
'WM. O. !WAIST- - • ' /6=5 ATICINSOM
. & ATKINSON, - Manufacturers of Tits, CO-
O per and Skeet Iron Ware. They also execute every
description of 131ackscriith Work. First street, between
Wood and Market, Pittsburgh: octin:y
JOUN alcfle.trer. 3wws areDavrrr.
TolLti IlleDEvrrr 3 !MOS. Wholesale Grocers, Deal;.:
11 ere In Produce, Pitteaurgh ' Manufacturee, and bier.
chandize generally, No, 14 Commercial Row, Liberty
Weer. • - mar-21:y
EYNOLESJC iritotes ale Giocer, Commission
AIL, Merchants, and Dealers in Rags, Paper, ,Sr.c., corner
of Penn and limn -Streets, Pittsburgh. All sizes Print- -
Mg - Paper constantly on hand. marl7:y
Joan A. Casio, late of New Lisbon, 0, .W. S. Sz.orrint.
rIRAIG &SKINNER, Gineral Agency; Commiu ion and
31.,) Forwarding /Errehants, No. an .slarket street, Pitts
burgh, Pa. Prompt aveuiton giveu to the purchase and
sale ot all kinds of produce. *mat:
KILLER, P1.11L611.1.. V 731. HICYtIIO/5, PITTSRORGII.,
%KILLER s RICKETSON, Wholesale Grocer:, and lat•
jli porters of Brandies, Wines and Begat's; N 05.172
and 174, corner of Liberty and Irwin streets, Pittsburgh,
Iron, Nails t ßotton Yarns, d c., constantly on hand:
JOSIIUA RHODES, Wholesale Fruiterer Conj . ertionn
and Dealer In Nuts and all kinds of Fruiterer,
No:6 Wood street, East side, between Water nail Firs
streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. All orders in his line carefully
.attended to.. . mar2o
Q DPKlNLEY,:iflatise, Sign and Ornamental Painter,
Os and dealer in PAINTS, No. 44 Clair at., Pitts
burgh, has constantly on hand all kinds of Pains, either
Dry or slixed; Japan and Copal Varnish; Linseed Oil;
Boiled Oil; Spirits Turpentine; Window Glass, of all
sizes,• Putty, Paint Brushes, &c., all of the best quality,
and far sale at reasonable prices. sepll
Isaac Williams,
VrERCHANT TAILOR, Smit4field street, N 0.12, be
ll& tween Ist and ttd streets. . - ap4r
ttlorria Ck. Hat►orth,
AND .DRANDIE3. East side of the Diamond
Pittsburgh.. may:D.
7. A. COULTER. •••••-•
Coulter et. Placke t
if V
tier of Wood and 'fillet tweets, under tit. Charter
Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pa. mayl
111:tate tr.A.Dkz.-•—•-•••:•—•-• GEOHOC
"Leader. Cc Tricker,
sion Merchants, and Dealers in Produce; corner
Diamond and Diamond alley. may
Daniel If oungson,
Liberty street, opposite !laud. All work neatly
- executed. Orders puttetturtly attended to. ituaraty
W. Itlarahan.
Window Shades, Fire-Board Prints, &c., 4 a150, Writing,
Printing and Wrapping Paper—No d 7 Wood street, be
tween 4th st. stud Diamond alley, Pittsburgh, Pa. (feat::
Ltquor and Grocery Store.
BSTERN to BRO.,Wholesale and Beira/OM of Liquor
. of all 'kinds. Flour, Bacon, &c., constantly on
hand. No..tdd Liberty street, between Fifth and St.
Gluiest reels. mord...dim
neislugert Wells 'es Co.
in. No. Ti Market street, Pittsburgh, Pa i .keep constant
ly on hand and make to order, all kinds of Vials,Bottles,
'Ac.; Putter and Mineral Water Bottles, of superior qual
ity. Particular attention paid to private moulds. invt:o4
Emigration Lines. '-
ChAES BLAKELY, Agent . for the Black Ball and
ißlack Star Lines, Liverpool and New York Packets,
and for the Philadelphia and Liverpool Packet Ships,
Penn street, Pittsburgh. febe
Wholesale - Groter, Rectifying Distiller,
LIQUORS, CIGARS; 1 7 uirs, NUTS, 4.c
162 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. up 3
George Beale. Jr.,
RErs.tx, No. 75 Wood Vita, Pittsburgh, Pa. Con
stantly on hand, a general and extensive assortment of
am. RINDS of BRUsHES, antic lowest Eastern prices.
N. B.—Machine Brushes, &c., -made to order at the
Shortest notice. mur3thy
. .
8. 'Waterman & Sonar
ItiOLESALE GROCERS, Commission and For
warding Merchants, Dealers in all kinds of Pro
duce and Pittsburgh Manufactured Articles; and Agoras
Tor sale of Richmond and Lynchburg manufactured To
bacco. mart
SAML. P.I4IIILIVSEt •-•-• • ..... • • • • •-•-•CIL/18. BARNES
Nat:l3o and . ad Second ay between Wood and Smithfield,
Ralf • Pittsburgh.
Nuts, Spices, Cogreettonary, Sugars, Cigars, 4-c ~¢e
No, 118 Wood street Pittsburgh, Pa. I
; Oats, Corn, Barley, • Pork, . Baron, .Butter, Lard,
Cheese; Clover'riehothy and lat Seeds; 11913 1 Nails,
Glass,&c.,Sce., L c. Particular auention paid torhe sale
- of Western Produce: " •
Rtermannema—Messrs.MY era & Hunter, Robt:Hiliell
&C 0.,. Hampton, Smith & Co., King & Moorhea_ j d
&Roe,- James' May, Pittsbesgh; Fenner & Newman,
Missilie Jos. S..Alorrison Esq St. Louis sop2O
•.- . .
E. corner-of Wood and Sixth
: : , TUESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1851.
Bushius Carbs.
- C. Stoakt.oni •
bATE Johnston k.:Stockton . -BOOKSELLER, STA
.TIONER, PRI:WEIL-arid BINDER, corner of Mar
et and - Third wont& Pittsburgh, Pa'
• - •
Strecassons Try - KINSEY &
Wholesale and Retail Deakre sts Mathes, jewelry; Silver
Ware, Fancy and rariay Goods, Baskets,' Combs, 4 , e.
N 0.94 Market street, between Sth Bt. and the Diamond.
tar Cloektr, Watches and Jewelry neatly repaired.
Yinsbarah, August 2G, ISM. •
. .
HAS opened an Office at the corner of Smithfield and
Fifth streets, Pittsburgh; 'MlOwit as the "Groat
Bargain corner," and will devote his entire time nod at
tention to the Purchase, Sale and Exchanke of Real .Es.
Mee, in city and country:
From his acquaintance with the business, he hopes to
satisfy all who may favor him with Agencies in their
line of business..
Thompson Bell, Ira B. Hersey,
H. H. hPeallough, -•- 'John P. Perry,
Geo. F. Gillmore, Lyman Wilmanh,
; J. K. Moorhead. Caps. William Ward,
Thos-Howard, . - W. a Leslie. [septthy
• Eagle Marble-Mocks,
No. 194 Liberty strtel t Arad of Wood meet, Pittsburgh.
NONUMENTS, Banal Vattlus, Tombs, Mead Stones,
dcryilldantel.Pleces, Centre and PieTTops, always
on hand and made to order.
.111,11..—A choice selection of Drawirt
Jolla .111..Wownscad,
j../.'street, three doors above Third,Pittsburgh, will have
constantly on hand a well selected assortment of the best
sad freshest Medicines, which- he will sell on the most
reasonable terms, Physicians sending orders will be
promptly attended to, and suppplied with attitles they
may rely upon as genuine.
Physicians prescriptions will be accurately and neatly
prepared from the best materials, at any hour of the day
or .rught,
Also = for sale, a large mock of freshand good PERPI.I
COSININDFLAX • ••••••• • • •-•r ...... •-• •• ..... .0. DUNCAN,
Pitt/ bUlFgh, City Glass Works , .
Na. 4 Itfaiket strut, between. First and Second,
ED"' Partitular attention Bottlers .to odd sizes. Also.
Dealers i aFlint -Glass, Vials, s,
Iniirnmetit ra j
NO. 140 WOO,D slits-x.l, NEAR VIRGIN ALLAY. .
WE have removed oar store and Manufactory from
Liberty street to the above named place,lor Me
purpose of having more c onvenience for manufacturiny„
which we intend going - tutu extensively. All ordertin
praline will be attended to with punctuality and dispatch.
Jobbing and Repairing neatly dono and promptly exe
A general assortment or Hardware rind Cutlery we vntl
always keep p on hand, and sell it at the lama prices.—
We have just received a fine lot or Duns, Pubis and
ilevoleers,Tallors and Hair Dressers , &tear:, and other
Goods generally. kept is Hardware Stores. Tinners,
Furriers, Hatters and Saddlers' Tools made to order;
Razors Ground and Handled, Pen Wades put iit,"4,c-i
Guns and Pistols _repaired, Au., &a.
N. 13, Particular attention paid to manufacturing
,Tnisses and Supporters. • decirity
kaitere — ifiliss
and Flasks; Porter, Stead. die, Mineral Winer, Patent
ADdienut and Wins &mks, Id ' every deteriylton;
Keeps constantly ou baud a general asdortment of the
above articled.
. _
ID' As the other Green Glass Fee:cries ate all
. steyped i asls the custom in stannic!, this Factory is now
fn fula operation, and seat Can thine in operation both sum-
My and winter.
Orders thankfully solicited and will he filled - at the
shiniest notice.
Waratoure, 2tio. Sat.& L ststet,bettattrt Wood a/111-
.s=loBkt struts. Ur - 1. , :;011y
tc'sti.tur D. ts. T 0041".
- .
1 111; andendlned again beg (cave to intone the eta
- rens of Pittsburgh and the public in general that they,
have now on hand nod are constantly manufacturing,
from entirely new . andirup cored patterns, comprising - in
part the latest impravell•VittlAltUtd COOK ittrTOVES,
for Coal and likewise Sir Wood; roar sizes of the EN.
TIatriLLSE(X/Oli. arid fourtiXelf of that Cele
brated Coal Cook Steve called the STAR OF 111 E
WEST, and, a great variety of other Stoves for Coal-or
Wood. Fancy eAttiA)g sTOVIE.'.4, or the richest and
Most beautiful designs- Le3G and' AseLe tirovi.;
together with a general assortment or !follow Ware ;
nil from new and improved patterns. Ground Wagon
and Baggy 'loxes, Sad Irons, Dog Irons, carumtin and
Gluey Fire Grates and Fenders, and every thing in the
house building line, always on hand or made to o titer.—
Purchasers arc respectfully invited to call and examine
our stock before buying elsewhere, at Weald stand, car
eer Seventh and Lawny streets, Putsbargit.
marl 6 CO.
ILTEW Etritnil., Bur kg's
in's, Four:Aso - rel.—Horan AN - nroxr, Deguerreci.
typists from the Eastern Cities, would cull the mite lama of
the inhabitants of Pittsburgh, and the neighboring towns,
to their Daguerreotype of muus and others, at rooms an
the third s of v of Burke'ii building, 4th SL
Persons wishing - pictures taken may rest assured that
ne pains shall be s pared to produce them In the Itigheet
perfection of the art. Otu instruments are of the most pow.
erful kind, enabling us to execute pictures udsurpassed
for high finish and truthfulness to nature. The public are
solicited to call and examine.
Persons sluing for pictures a re neither requirred or es.
peeled to take them utiles% perfect satisfaction screen.
N. B. Operators will find this a good depot (or stork
and chemicals.
13:rInsOnetions given In the Art, containing the more
recent Imprevements. Jan:
FULTON, Be2l and .13110 J Founder, has rebuilt and
.401„ e .commenced business at his old stand, N 0.70, Se
cond, between Markel and Ferry streets, where,be will
be pleased to see his old customers and friends.'
Church, steamboat, ands bcll,4•of every size, Craw 1n to
10,000 pounds, east from patterns of the most approved
models, and warranted to be of the best materials.
Mineral Water Pumps, Counters, Railings,
together with every vatiety oC Brans Castings, if requir.
eti, turned and finished in the neatest manner.
A. F. is the sole agent for .133bbiu'a Anti•Aurarrion flfo
raj, so justly celebrated for the reduction of friction in
machinery. The boxes and composition con be had of
him nt all rimes. navlly
WILLIAM TROVILLO, Undertmter, Pitch street, im
mediately opposite the Theatre, respectfully in
forms his friends and the public in general, that he has
resumed his business as a Furnishing Undertaker. Ile
is supplied with and always keeps on hand Coffins of all
sires and kiuds,Shrouds,und till other articles necessary
on such occasions.
Silver plates,ice boles, and leaden coffins will be Sup
ped in order. A fine hearse and cal Tinge al ways ready
to attend funerals. septlinly
UNDS.RTAILERS, corner of Penn and
. Ciairstr, oppoiiit the Exehanee
7-1 / 1 S - • 1. 6 Boni, t Entronee on Penn at., res
pectfully inform their friends and
the public, that they are prepared to furnish and attend
to everything in the line of Undertakers, as they have
quit the business of Cabinet 'Malang, and their attention
will be devoted altogether to the above business, keep u
large assortment of COFFINS made and fi ulsheikcover
ed, and lined in the neatest manner, witins variety o.
materials, and at all prices; we keep SHROUDS ready
made, of all sizes, of Flannel, Cambric, and Muslin, at
all prtces, and made in the eastern style, and all other
articles necessary for dressing the dead, and furnishing
funerals, of quality and price to suit; SILVER PLATE.,
or engraving the name and age' ICE CASES for laying
the body in ice, by those who wish to keep their friends
any length 01 time, and have ZINC PANS to put Ice in
for laying on the body; LEADEN-Collins always on
hand. We have a splendid new HEARSE and a pair 01
fine horses, and any number of the best carriages, etc.,
etc, and will be prompt, punctual. and reasonable,
In Mona would respectfully inform his friends and the
publio, that his new establishment is now in full opera
tion, and that he is prepared to furnish Boat Cabins, and
fill all orders for Planed Lumber, with promptitude,and
at the lowest rates.
Board and Plank, planed on one or both , sides, con
stantly on hard.
Sash, Doors and Mouldings, of every description, made
to order.
Builders and Carpenters would find it to their advan
tage to give him a call, as he can now furnish them with
planked mu ff. suitable for every description nt work
National - Hotel, Pittsburgh.
Situatecron Water Street, opposite the Landtitg of the
Brownsville Steam Packets.
THIS House having undergone a thorough_ repaioring
and fitting up, both inside and out, the subscriber is
ermined to use every exertions in his power to make
all comfortable that think proper to call with him. The
Table will be always supplied with the hcat*the market
affords. The Bar will be supplied with the best and
choicest liquors.
Attached to the house is a good stable, attended by a
good Hostler. JAMES REAMER. jy2O
Pittsburgh, Pd.;
N. B —Good Stabling attached to the house.
ackTELT ---
(Hertasuon , s OLD STAND.)
Yr HE subscriber having leased the above well know-
I, and excellent establishment, Is now prepared to en
terrain his friends and the traveling public generally, in
the best manner and on the most reasonable terms.
His TABLE will mall times be supplied with `every
delicacy, of the season ;_ and his Bar with the best of Li
His itabling, is very extensive t, and every -arrange
-meat haS been made for the accommodation or Drovers.
angttf,. . WM. CLAWSON.
ALEILATUS-30 boxes prima in store. ' -
trov2l: STUART & SILL:
Tr MINER & CO„ N0..32 Smithfield street, have re
ceived iliefollOwing new books.
N0.112 - Dietionary ;of Mechanics' Engine Work and
- Engineering; -
No.lo Pictorial Meld Book of the Revolution;
, This excellent work,. issned semimonthly, will be
completeclhollt =MT NUMBEIIS. containing forty
eight Large Dater° pages, each, and a defteriptlve record
-of a - journey recently performed to all the most Import.
ant historical localities of the American Revolution. The
plan is unique and attractive, embracing the character.
{stint of o book of travel and a history. • •
To Love and to Be Loved : a Story ; by A. S. Roc.,
author of "JSOISSMontjoy, or. I've been Thinking."
The Ladder of Gold; an English story, by Robert
Bell t~
Marston of Dunoran: a tale ;
Olivet a novel. By the author of" The Ogilvics, "
We havo.also on band and far sale alarge assortment
of Annuals, Albums and Children's Hooks, suitable for
the holidays. ltiec4B
VoALL, 85 Fourth street, has just received the Lad.
der of Gold, an English - story, by Robert Bell.
Love and to be loved, a story, by A. S. Bose;
The . Forrest Rose, tale - of the Frontier, by Emerson
Lent Limit ; or WAVOittlres In the Far West, a sequel
to the Prairie Flower, by Emerson Bennett ;
Temptation; or the Watch Tower of Koat•ven -
Olive, a novel, by tbit author of "The Ogilvies;"
Singleton Fontencryift. by James Hannah, author
of sketches in" intra-Alarine."
The Rom's!' Confessional; or the Auricular Conies=
sign: its hlitory;consequences, and policy of the Jesuits,
by K.
Western Scenery On land and river, bill and dale,in
the fills.sissippi Valley, by Wm. Wells; for eels as
above, and at P. 3, Berford's. Federal street, Allegheny.
pan hand. [avid
, 2troso awn° t
Scarce Polka. fly S. C, Poem;
Sealth Polka
Coquette do;
Jenny Lind's Bird .'Aong;
do do Echo do;
do do . Herdsman Soog •
Carta Hive; As sang •.• y Jenny ;
The Dew is on the Blo.s.00; ;
Jenny Gray;
'have something sweet to say ;
I am Doe arning - of thee ;
th would 1 were a boy deem ,
Blanch Alper;
Den - Bolt, for Plaid. or ;
Cornersteker Collllione
Louisiana With variations;
Love Not. Quick step;
Thou hair wounded the spirt thus loved thee
Jeanett and leanot ;
Shower of Pearls. Waltz;
Stiver Lake Polka.
Received by J. H. MELLOR.
deal 81 W , ,od street.
N.B.—A large siodk . ef sew Pianos to arrive this
Nacres:l Metric.
tion of Church Music, Cblapr•ing the most popular
Psalm and Hymn tames to general use. together with a
great variety of new tunes, Chounts, Motens and An
themsi the whole being' one of tke most complete col
leetions of on•• sir for choirs. congregations, singing
schools and societies. extant. Hy Lowr.i. MASO,I,
A sopply of the above received and for sate by
net) JOHN 41, Wood se.
nualco.l Instruct:lents ana Itivite.
DEPOT. C. late F. Blame,
I ll9 Wood street. Pittsburgh. Parson,
two doors above Fifth. solo Agent for the
celebrated Hamburg Pianos, unequalled by any, with
felt-covered hammers, producing a full, rich and mellow
tone, and not liable to wear haw; also,. Pianos and Me
lodeons,fi ma the most celebrated vasty /a ma nufacturers,
of warranted toads, always on hand. Constantly on
hand, a largo assortment of 51usie and Musical Instru
ments, such as Violins, itecordeons, Guitars, Banjos,
TarattorMes, Fluter, Fifes, Drums,- F'ageoletts, Clartot
ens. Brass Instruments of every description; Violin
or Guitar Cases; Strin„..s. for al/ instrttmente, of the
best kind , finger boards, eastlnettr. metronomes, in ,
sttuction books for all instruments. Second band Pi
linos taken in part pay for new ones.; also, rettted to per
sons who ran ewe entisfac4lon for payment. .
A large lot of aoxwo o d on h. 04, which will be sold,
cheap. - -loet3l
Vf/oi ci"—s
XntININFI2 & CO, Stnilhaeld S;rect, have receives!
the IYecen her number of Stringer & Ttr.ensend , o
ernational Miscellany. It is USIIIMI.2Oy large, and the
contents are of great itacrtsi. ' .
Dr. Layard's 11.. cent Gbbi-from Nintroittl—with two
Wild sports in Algeria, by Jules Gerard.
Alton Locke. Tailor and Poet: an Autobiography
This work Is remarkable in its character. showilic the
hanlships. talier;tige and tniserms of a large lIMAR of our
fellow men.
The Viewed Wife. by T. S. Arthur—a navel.
A Lecture by the Bev. Joseph S. Berg, .Ik. 13., in an•
serer to Bishop Hughes. on the "Ike line of Protestant
Gamblers' Tricks with Cards Expo<ed and Es :gained,
by J. 11. Green, the Brimmed Gambier.
Every Uotty's Alm:1 , 111cl and Diary for 1l
e dby Appleton. Philadelphia. deed
(Late 'Johnston 4- Stockton,)
tiookselter, SLatlorter, Printer dr. Binder,
TOULD respectfully invite the attention of Mer
chants and others, to his large and superior stock
of BLANK. BOOKS, consisting o Pay Books, Journals,
Ledgers, I nvotee,Cu sh, Order awl Letter Books. of every
site, made of the best payer, and bound in the most du•
ruble manner, which be offers at pri [`VII that cannot fail
to give satisfaction. Blank Hooks ruled and hound to
any given pattern. Printing of every description exe
cuted with neatness and dispatch. N 0.47 Market at.
47‘17 Stuck of Planes.
JOIIN 11, MELLOR, No, Id Wood St.,
~.......•••••7•:::4l r 'f, MIS jII.OII received a new and splendid
lot or PIANOS, now open and ready
for vale, deal
ARNOLD'S. Ilibbert*e. Hogan & Thompton's and
liarrison's Mack, ted,rearlet and carmine Inks,
Faber., Gontais, Brookroan & Langdoe,, Jackson .4.
hlonroe's black and red Lead Panells.
Inkstands of every de.scription;lliota'3. Cohen's,
Pratt's, Levy's, Leman's and other manacle
tureg or Steel Pena; G. it H M.Santli'l (successor to A.
Cs. Bagley &CO.) celebrated Gold Pens, - with gold and
silver Gaees. . .
Wheatinates English Itravrtng Paper—antiquarian--
double etephant, ailas,Colurnhia. super royal,.royal and
elephant, bristol boards, cap demi and medium.
Perforated hoards, fancy box paper, plain gold and sil.
ver, embossed cold, silver and fancy colored paper, gold
and colored strips and corners, and lithographs for fancy
boxes; prepared parchment of ail niece, Euitable for
deeds, charters and diplomas; French note paper, al
way,,s on band, the most desiralile styles, sloes and pat
ternr; plain, gilt, embossed and silvered. suitable for
halts, parties, wadings and mourning.
Planet/ note envelopt-s, plain and embossed; letter
envelopes, brown, white and blue; laid and plain/adhe
sive envelopes. buir, blue and white,
Wafers, wafer cups. various patterns; writing sand;
brass., tin, cocoa. and Ttirkey boxwood sand boxes;
copying presses, inks, brashes,Freneh and English copy•
ing books, and oil paper; tissue paper of all colors; red
and white blotting paper; pen knites,Ac.
The above, with all other articles 111 the Stationery
line, both fancy and staple, together with u large assort
ment of blank books and memorandum books of all
common forms of ruling, in every style of binning, and
paper or all sixes and qualities, for sale at reduced rates
on the most reasonable terms, ut W. S. HAVEN'S
Blanc Book and Stationery Warehouse,
cor Market and Second sta.
Roman Strings.
'l-:)LOT of genuine ROATAN STRINGS for violins ant
guitars, have just bare received by the subsriber.
e . se strings aro from the most celebrated factory in
Itslyi they are lour threads and four lengths, on for
beauty of.tone and durability are unrivalled. The sub.;
scriber's agent having purcitaled the above far him at
the Factory, they are warranted superior to any thing of
the kind ever offered in this country. H. RLEBER,
Golden Harp, Po' . 101 Third street.
N. B.—Now opening a splendid new lot of Nunn &
Clark's and Dunham's celebrated Pianos. inovlff
Fore!ga Newspapers.
THE subscriber is authorized to receive subscrip-
HMIS tor all the London Daily, Weekly and Til
papers; Birmingham, Bristol, Hull, Leeds,
Manchester, Newcastle, Sheffield, and othor Provin
cial pipers; Irish papers of Dublin, Cork,- Belfast.
Limerick, Londonderry, ?GC.; Scotch papers of Edin
burgh, Aberdeen, Glasgow„Dundee, &c.; French and
German papers. JOSHUA ROBINSON,
European Agent,'
jeti Pont Buildings, sth at., near Wood.
- --_ _
Rail, Clapp and Bluffs.
OS Wood st., corner q /' Diamond alley, Second awry.
44 OFFERS his customers and the public e s
an entirely new and fresh stock of flats,
Caps . and Huffs, In great variety, manu
factured and selected with much taro In reference to
price, style and quality, in New York city, and will be
offered at the lowest rates of present low prices Whole
sale and Retail. f tootl2af
Spring Fashion Hats.
ATuts beautiO style of HATS for Spring and
Summer wear will be introduced TIIIS DAY at 102
Wood street,.thlrd door below Fifth st.
feb23:4m . G. .W. GLASSOOW.
/ - 13 — N 0 5 . 1 0 - 81 W lil ofa ST R E F., T. f e z
Received at the OLD stood of G. NV.
GLASSGOW, Beebe .14 Co.'s' Pall style of Hats for
1850. Those in want of a good Rat or Cap, at a small
advange above cost for Cash will please call at N 0.109
Wood street, east side, thinilloor below Fifth street.
To Steamboat owners, Captatns tt. Clerks
IV S. HAVEN is prepared to .furnish steamboats
. with every article in the book and stationery
line on the most reasonable terms. Freight booke, pn s•
sage books, registers, Journals, ledgers, wood and gene
cal receipt books ; clew registers, an ledgers, receiv
ing and discharging memorandum books; ink, lead pen
cils, quills, steel pens, sand, wafers, India rubber, &e.,
/cc. Steamboat bills, deck' passage receipts, freight
bills, Aanifest heads, notices 40.cousignees, itei t on the
shortest notice. •Bookstore on earner of Market and.
Second streets. frisiv2s
New - Book); Music, 454%
NewiThokai New Nooks!
New Hooke; New Book. I
-. ~ ;_- ~-
r r e > r~
x:~q_`~._~.,..._. _ ~,
etnigration Lines.
Agency for Differept of Packet'S)ilps.
1, PASSENGi rt OF.E`iCE,
. 206 'LIDEATI• et., Plrfßoinoll;
For F•YliivEs 4.. 00,83 Saudi aria, New .Yark ;
IVaniloa Road, Liverpool; and 11.5 Charier street
New Orleans.
48 A-LINE OP PACw.E . P'S iryilinggeveTyfivedayo
from Liverpool so Netv-Pork; a ldne of. Packets
front Liverpool to Philatielpbia. on tiso Ifith of each
month; a Line of eltOiCelS to Baltimoie on' the 20th o.
each month. Also—tt Lino or Packets on the Bth , aud
'.4tl; of each month from London and Portsmouth 10
ALSO—Drafts at sight always °Miami, for any amount,
at the lowest rates or discount,* and all information
given concerning paaiengers, that can be given, with
pleasure, by thei r A gent. JOHN TIlOlll NON,
IA Ws Liberty 44 Plusburgh,
New Arrangements.
44 .
On she Eighuenth day of ettry Month
JANE H. GLADDEN, iltnsTost Ohi/d 4 -700 tens. , lFtb Nov
JAMES BROWNE, Arthur Child. 1000 soul. •letti Du.
GONDAR; 0.-Barstato,egO to;ts , 19th Jan.
NEW SHIP, ---, e:"40 twin. • • 18th Feb.
The above ahips arc built of the best materials and al
ter the most approved models for swiftness, combined
with the modern•improvements for the-Comfort of. pas
sengers. Their commanders are men of .known ability.
Ties* packets will take 'advantage of Steam' tow
boat uo the . Delaware.,
Also, ships milling weekly from Li_Ye . rponi to New Or
leans. Passengers can get up the ifver cheep through
the winter.
For terms or Second Cabin and Steerage; passage, ap.
ply to or address by lettertpost-paidt.
V. W.. BYKNES & CO.,
' e 3 South street, New York
3 Wruerlbo Road , Liverpool ;
205 Liberty Street. Pittsburgh.
tavorpool and PhilatlelphlayackCts,
Batting. from Liretpaal on th'i _Eighteenth of task 2.lfonth.
Ship'Jane ft:Glidden, Capt. Child, 0.19.
Ol t James Browne, Child. Dee. 19.
Gondar, Barstal,v, Jan. IS.
, 4 Glidden, Feb, I'.
These ships are of the largest Ci4EN. The accommo,
dations for second cabin end steerage pacsengers arc
unsurpassed for comfort, end the days of,sailing will be
punctually adhered to.
Price of steerage pas,age C.V. Certificates good for
11 months, or the money refunded it the passengcre do
not ernbara. Apply to DAVID N1.13A11.13011R,
at John Watt ;
:20 Liberty street.
Drafts fur any amount given upon the lister Bautaug
Company and Branches, the 'Royal Bank. of Ireland, or
Spooner, Atwood§ rr Co., Brokers, Loudon. Inovt9:3m
`td I
Wno have appointed the subscriber Agent for their unri
called Lines of Ships. from. Liverpool:to. New York
Philadelphia and Boston.
Let the Friends of Emigrants be careful .to have their
arraugeme nts matte aceordingto the new PnreiSialt Law,
and take no man's receipt, without having it inserted;
otherwise they will have to pay itt Liverpool,before dirt'
The following is the list, according to law
24 lbs. Bread. • '; , 4 Ihs. Bee or Pork,
1 " Flour, a h pint Vinegar,
5 " Oatmeal. ."Z . 415. Sugar,
2 " Rice, " Molasses,
". Potatoes. 2or. Tea*
With three quarts of Water per day, and mu:totem:l. •
for Cooking.
The caboose and cooking-ranges for - the use of Pas
senors, are kept under cover. Every attention will be
paid to promote their health and comfort. ,
Bank of England Notes and Foreign 'Faclitinv -put ,
chased at current met. • -
Debts,.Legacies, Pensions, &c., Arc.; collected, and .
copies of. Wills procured, with every: other bus in eiis con
nected with an European Agent.
European Agent,
npS Foal Baildin2A; canter of Fifth and
ILE :111 TT A. 1% C
. '
EILANC E., and ciitorANN
To auy afaounk, by,
Joshua Robinson, .
~Ruropiart Avat, ToJi t'r. Fifrk and Wood xr.l
•V' Blew Line
To Sail from Philadelphia on the 12th, and from Lictri..3l
on the 20:h of earh. month. ,
' Sines IVILLIss PEas,l,ooo•roNs
Iltaaoms, 1,00
Pattramnruu., 1,400
1,000 -4
and Pt Tower Building?, Liverpool.
RICHARDSON, WATsON & CO., Agentu. No. 6
Chestnut street, Philadelphia
r FIE subscribers, Agents for the above Line of splen-
L did sew Packet Ships at this City., are prepared to
furnish passage certificates to parties residing in this
country who may be desirous of sending for their friends,
to come out by either of the above Ships. They - are also
prepared to remit money to any parrot' the Old Country
by sight drafts on the Bank of Ireland and Branches, and
on Messrs. Richardson Brothers & Co., Liverpool. For
particulars, apply to or address
No. 144 Liberty street, Pittsburgh.
Manufaetnrers of Phenix Fire Proof Safes,
Secon;l street,batoten Ina and Smith field.
I N Tuesday afternoon, July. t 1,5, IS4B, the undersigned
J were called upon by Messra. Ltrir fatten & Barr, to
witneas an hellcat and tair test of one o. their PIC:Cad
Safes. The furnace being prepared, tae Bale plated
inside thereof, with books, papers and tome mourn; when
the door of the Safe was closed and the fire kindled at
quarter past 'd o'clock, and in a short, time the Safe was
red km, and continued till half past d o'clock, being about
four and a half hours, when the committee expressed
their Satl6f3ettoll that the time occupied with such heat
was sufficient. The furnace was then pulled down,Safe
cooled. and door opened—the books, papers and money
safe. The heat was so great as to auelt off the brass
mountings. We therefore take pleasure in recommend
ing these Sates to the public, as being, in our judgment,
entirely fire prooo JARVIS & TRABUE,
N )Cl{ & RAWSON,
I tun engaged in the foundry business, and ialOW
something about Annexes and heat. I witnessed the
burning of the above Safe, and can freely say there was
no humbug about it, and with pleasure recommend them
to the public as being, in my lodgment, entirely fire
proof. WM. KAYR.
In calling upon the above gentlemen for their signa.
tures, they e.ilspoke in the highest terms of the fairness
of Merest, and their full confidence of the Safe's beim
entirely fireproof. We have constintly on hand and Mt
sale a tail assortment of the above Safes.
mar3l BELL tt TERRY.
The Old Printing iiiitablishment
.61tui Wank Book and Stationery Warehouse.
s. HAVEN Is prepared to execute eve y style of
11 • Legal, Commercial, Canal and Steamboat Joh
Printing and Book Binding; and furnish every ;article
in the Blank Book, Paper and Stationery line, at the
shortest notice and on the. most reasonable terms.
Blank Book, and Stationery Warehouse, corner of
Market and and Second streets.
(Er Printing Office and Book Bindery, No. SO Third
s teet. novlo
Wholesale and Retail.
IND OB RT H. HARTLEY, begs leave to in-
form his friends and the public generally;
hat he continues to occupy that large andcom.
modious Store Room, formerly occupied by Samuel Fahn
estock &Co., No. 86, corner of Diamond alley and Wood
street, where be keeps a large and general assortment of
Saddlesißritlies, Harness, Trunks r parpet Bags, Saddle
Dags,Valises, Buffalo Robes,, Whips, and all other arti
cles in his line, ,
He also keeps constantly on hand, mud As prepared to
furnish to order, all kinds of Riveted Hose,manufactured
of the bestranterial, and in a style of workmanship equal
to the eastern manufactured article, and at 68 per cent.
cheaper. -
CatentryAfereleants and Farmers would do well to cal[
and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere, as
he is detennined to sell first rate' articles at very low
11:7" Don't forget the place, No. 80, corner of Wood
treat and Diamond Alley. ap2O
New Light .
'UTE have received a - lot of LAMPS of various sizes
rk and kinds, of n new construction that is quite
simple and complete—some ornamental. .
Also, the article to burn in them, called "BURNING
FLUID," or " KTHERIAL OIL" It has rare qualities
which recommend it to the iittentioh of Steamboat men
Hotel Keepers and Housekeepers. For cleanliness
economy and brilliancy, it surpasses anything portable.
now in use.
Persons who please to call on us will be shown the
peculiarities of the new compound . • .-. •
svicvnt supply of the Fluid andloimps kept. by
lat.between Wend and Market ate.
AltiL. P. SI-GUVER and CHAS. BARNES have this.
0' day associated tlietinteltmts together under the firm
of Salami& Rums; for the transaction of the Whole
sale Grocery, Produce and Commission -13estness, at
Nos. 130 and 131 Second street, hetween Wood-.and
Smithfield streets.
Pittsburgh, /sweat 1,1850 . .
- -
•- • ‘,,V"
'36 Bourn Thiktdelphut. , -243 'ATMs :Railioad , =9sif
.1,3" LINE STAGE COMPANY. Six daily lines of
now Coaches , ! or H iro e aii llid t a o y ku ur ade g, ati lp d hi t a l TN nc eiv y
ebyth ot e k n a em nd
Daring'the'eospendonofdanal navigation, six dell*
lines of Coaches win leave fot Hollidayibiirg; and ruins
thence by the New Penitsylvarda Railroad, P 243 mlles i )
to Philadelphia; Tinte through 3F hours- ,
Fare to Philadelphia ::: . .... ••• •• • .••-i , ••5t1.,00
Fare to Baltimore ,10,00
Coaches will leave every morning at 8 o'e'ock pre:
eisely, and every night at the same hear. Extras`id
leave at any time, always in readiness.,This is the most
'direct; convbileible and expeditious route to the Eesterti
Paseengers for 'Baltapse, : take the. new Railroad at
Harrisburg, direct, on the arrival of 'the cars at that
place. Fox passage or information, applr to
W. R. MOORHEAD, St. Charles
. or to I. P. 'HOLMES; Monongahela Houth.
iy.- The steamer TROMM4 SURIVER,
4.;•-:. DmEr, Master, !eaves Pittsburgh, (ram her,
wear boat, above the Monongahela . bridge; daily, at 4
o'cloCk, P. M., and West Newton 919 A. hi., running in
connection with a•daily line -of splendid Tray built.
coaches to Climb crland, and 'Railroad thence vol3n11.1•
more and Philadelphia.
For bather information mama:roof
G. fitifiTON, '
PM'S anFer Agent, Monongahela Housa ;
- or, Capt. JACOB SMITH,
Freight Agent. ',Wharf .Boa.
d c£o Cca
Through in 4 Days to Philadelphia anctDaitimerre.
"(Irk: take pleasure in announcing to the /Here .- Mains
Vy of Pittsburgh and she Western 'Business commu
nity, that an and after Monday, the 10th &climb-v., we
trill receive and forward gos - via the Central Rail
road, and guarantee them to be through its 4 daps...
Out extensive stock of Cars and Boats enable uFrto
offer the above expeditious route to the .publie; V711115i
we still continue our usual Lines s - ia Harrisburg, and
.Columbia. Merchants, wishing goods brought from the
East with certainty and dispatch, at low rates; or pro
dere shipped there, are invited to call on
O'CONNOR, ATKINS & CO.i•Pittsburgh.
ATKINS, O'CONNOR & CO., Philndel'a.,
Proprietors of the Pittsburgh Transportation Line.
Or the following Agents— -
O'Connor & Co., 70 North street, Baltimore
E„ Block, dna; terY Place, New York. - ' .
Elliott & S'otmg.l4Dodne street. Boston.
.• • .
... • • ,
1850. .:-•vn_
TOR THE TRANSPaitTATION 07 earaonvro An1i:A.1101
• „.
Philadelphia. _Pittsburgh.
risilE Canal being now open the proprietors of this
long established Line are as usual at their oldstands,
receiving and forwarding Merthandize and - Produce at
low rates, and with the promptness, certainty and safety'
peculiar to their sestem and mode of Transportation,
where intermediate transhipment is *avoided, with its
consequent delays and probability of damage , - -
Merclimndizo and Produce shipped Eist or West, and
Bills of aiding forwarded free of charge for daktmi i on,
advancing or storage. flaying no interest directly or in
directly in steamboats, that of the owner; is solely con
sulted when shipping , their goods.
All communications to the following Agents promptly
attended to: TIIOAL&S BORBIDGE. ,•. -
No. 'I. 8 Market st.. Philadelphia;
Cor. Penn and IVayne ats., Pittsburgh;) '
Aoss-rs—John APCullogh & C0.,69 North at., Dal
B. Burke & Doane st, Boston W. & ;rap
scan Co.,SG New York; Jas. Wheelwright,,
Cincinnati. - • • • Anar2s
b 4 s
Merchant's 'l'ranipartatton Mateo
WOR the Transportation of Mancnimiza and Pi:cilium
from Pitts:par& ib Philadelphialand BaltirnerreAvin
Canal and Rail road,)soithotturs-shipping--tinus; PI dap;
Rates of Freight always as low as any abler resprmstatt
C. A. AvAriutair de. Co., proprietori,
Canal Basin, Pittsburgh..
. • AI.NOR, PhilaiVa.
Alerehant , a War -Freight Mae, .-
EcLuSIVELY for the accommodation of the WAY
Busts - ass between' Pittsburgh, Blairsville, Johns
te wn, Hollidaysburgh, Water street, Pa.; and all inter-
Shippers by this Line can always depend upon having
their goods promptly - forwarded and delivered._ at any
point on the Canal or Railroad, at fair rates for freight.
. JOHN MILLER, Proprietor.
R. IL CANAAN, Johnstown.
Aosters JOHN MILLER, licillidaYsliurg.
mars C. 'A. VAN ULTV & Co., Nue.
- - - -
Roasting Bottle Jacks. . -
MEM subscribers have received another email lot of
superior Bottle 'Jacks, direct from SheXeld, 'war
ranted to work well. In , presenting this article to the
notice of the public, the subscribers deem it •necessary
to remark; that during the lasefive years they have sold
several dozen, and as fares we have been able to aster
rain they have given entire Satisfaction To such as do
not understand what is, meant by, a. bottle - jack., we
would explain that it is machinery resenablmg clock
work, but much more pewerfal, enclosed in a brass
frame, anitworked by a strong steel'apting ; that Its ac
tion is alternate,and regulated by a .iorizontal fly wheel,
to which is sttspended the_ joirt of .teef, - or any other
- Ming to be roasted ; that the machine when fully wound
up will continue in moat:inlet two or three boom 'The
Jacks are generally used with a screen or a large is
reflector, which greatly accelerates the proof of roast
ing. For sale, with or without screens.
dee23 it
corner of Market rutitSeconli sts.
Now England Live•Stook Inattrau6ti
Tnsportant to Farmers, fildirynien and oeftersi.
CCIARMF.N, Milkmen, keepers of Livery Stables, and
all others owning live stock, can'have their lives in
sured for the small premium of froen. fifty cents to tivc
dollars each. ..
The cost to insure Cows owned by milkmen; for one
year, will be about thirty-five cents' a head. Whs.
machman owning twenty (lowa would not give seven
dollarz to have them ins.urid for one year.
TIE SUBSCRIBEH,.whowas in Michigan, Wiscon
sin, Illinois and, Missouri, in the Fall of 'ISO,. with
the view of ekaraminethe Public Lands; and m 'the
months of Mare's or April next, will revisit those States
and also lowa, and from the, knowledge he has acquired,
be enabled to make the most favorable locations for per
sons holding Land Warrants. His charges will be mo
derato to any persOn WhO may be pleased to employ bim.
If by letter, (poet-paid,l' to LUKE COCKSHOOT,'
37 Diamondalley, Pittsburgh-. •
likray.Excan—Capt. Robert Porter, Attorney, Fifth at.;
John Taylor, Pension Agency,‘2,l st.; Edward Snowden;
Attorney, Fourth st S. H, Guthrie,: Agent, -Fourth-et,;
Capt. John Herron, Pend st.; John Cartwright, Cutler,.
Wood st.i.D.T. Morgan ez Co., and J. 131.3 Morgan', Drag
gist, Woos street, [novlfarri
Enmity Lands.
G AM'. NAYLOR, No, 163 rilrlyd - street,- corneri of
Cher,} alley, , having wade arrangements at:Wash!
ag ton for the purpose, will procure Bounty Landsfor the
officers and soldiers, their widows and children, under
the Bounty Land Bill, passed September23th, 1650:
Pittsburgh, Oc tober 10.
ARR:kW> EMENTS having been made between the
undersigned and E. B. GRAYSON Esq , of Wash
ington City, (late of the Treasury Deiartiiiemt,) fot the
purpose, the undersigned will . procure ,Bounty Lauda
for die officera and soldlets;thetruiltlows - and children,
tinder the Bounty Land Bill, passed September P.Bth,
1 hat JAMES F. KERR Att'y. at Law,
°ea.: 4th at., bet. Smithfield and Cherry alley.
TitE undersigned Continues the business of Agent for
Soldiers' and Widows' C/itims for Bounty Land and
Pensions. Office on Fourth street, opposite-the Mayor's
office. foct2s;llnl ' - JOHN 13:GUTHRIE:
Irish and. Scotch Vithishey,
' I INTAItRANTITD PURE—Pnce 8525 per_gallon:or
Vir 6210. 'per 'quart. For sale by. MORRIS& KA
WORTiI, in the Diamond. [decs
rorri nermsa fl
Foreign and Domestic Wines, Lipors, Cigars, Ac.,
No. 197 Llbirty it. corner of Barker's alloy,
a ovl9l • Pittsburgh Per.
ORRIS .5r HAWORTH. Tra. Dealer', east Bide eif
the Diamond. .Try their 50e. Tee; 11. r.. =any .
- -- -
BIDDLE ROBERTS, Anorney at Lau. 'll)ffictl No.
_ELL. V 3 .2 Smithfield street, between Filth and,Sixtb
'Collections carefully attended to—special attentio
given to Conveyancing'.
Printer's Cards..- ,
J UST BECEIVSD a fnai.ply of. Printer's Cards': ivory
surfaced, satin surfaced, satin.enanselled. Judiaond
People's colored Cards. • - • -
Always ou band, an excellent, article °thank and
news Ink; also, red, blue and green Inks; - frefn the
man ufactory Of .J. D. ItVereary; New York.- ,-- •
w. S. RAVEN,
Prin4r, Bookseller and Stationet;'• '
corner of Market and Second Ito.
7 - IL/Lt. BU' 'E.H.-3 fresh toT i_ale by,
dec9 - • - VPAL DYE'S.
ilTx(lll9;:cortafu3i ICiitto.
TOUGH;OGilliltir 13.0VT0
Pittaturgh Poriabli Baal Lint;.
• C. A. COLTON, Agent,..
Atthe General Insurance Agency,
cot 4th and Wood eta., up staiTS
Bounty Land Warrants.
. _
Bounty ',ands.
James P. Roraima,
~. ~
Cltigetla . or PltrobTrrigit T- 1
HAVE you all heardtbaw', cheap O. st.BßOwn da
selling his stock of fine :Cold JEWELRY ?/C 7 04
have not, then knot p that he ta'aellhig rich sad
fashionable assorttnent of Gold WATCHES atid4EIIV
ELRY at such astonishing lOorpricesstwit.allwbeibave
called to see his assortment atiil• prices, exelaline.thts,
certainly, is something new tot Pittsburgh. What! one -
gold Jewelry selling at half the usnalorteer , How oau
this ht.' Ste p& moment, we will ten , you..tha. *inset ;
WO have made such urrangements.with the tzafkarttetb
rers at the east, and also, with' the' Watch manufactu
rers of Eatope, that we are getting ail cursed' at the .
lowest possible- prices, and then, baying low Tanta to '
pay, and other expenses, also, it he ap, .attablea as do 1011
at a very small profit . upon first.. cost, pad ; tteratote,it
wholesale . prtce will answer. Therefore, low islets
and large:sales will be OW Mell4; ' •
Please nail irt ill Market direct, almond do:What=
Liberty street. - [dead' c. 44. BROWN.
..- • Dr. 0 ttlirlev•
rrOAICEOPATHIO PEEYSUSIANy has temttratt;nll
J9l. office to Peon Pio,Stal,Lbzween fiandstreet
sad Garrison - alley . - , Noc3o
. .
;.....,,A4zatntstratoestlloool4.:.., n‘Fr
ETPf. of Ad Mt a*ation on th
O estato Of Antlibsrlf
13eeletr; deed:,: late of Prttabiugb,baving been
granted to tho subscriber, all persons indebted , 10 Mad
esate are requested to make itornediate Payment' £0 el
tber of us L and .all peinocut botOlagelabne-ogatont.4eld
eitirtd'atill Ofil them , dnt the, - duly intiteritieited TO battle
merry at Aar Warehowe'Jrcety-oeeopted•by. sold Antho
ny Beelen, No. es whird *treat, .. • • .
' ANNA bi EIVELM rAtlntfitiorneNz.
Central Ten'aladV.V.agtl y OrealPfltSkil_re
IHE finest qualities of enemata 13111eIrTEASI:Nrir
cha, Java ancl:Rlo COFFEES; Lwrerinrs V. Re
ed and Crushed UGAAS ;•NearMtleinsi2ul/0 1 313
Refined and Hanna do; best Handl HALEILN4i, pylon,
Lanett Peel,' Prunes; tbues,&.e., for Sale by •
• No. RO Fifth street,'
• Queock city : eittLre elt.ore.
A L TO. 29 St. Clair Atreeti, (aim' itie.,brisigej.—e
111 large aszortatent of oeicirrit bete iseastamly „ on,
bend. Calomel' SHIRTS made to order*Oreerri4
dee23:ir SAS. .7.0.1//.;
. Wu:treaty aortae., • • .
THE undersigned , haTing*OND l
T ) 4 311eceeded Biz. Joirx. Yahosis
in this popular , , esfahlislapienti annotates to
his (glands and the . puha gentraillolathe
w ill us his best efforts tq k,eep hp the well earned end
long enjoyed reputatien Of the tease. .
He wilt keep constantly on-hand esiiiy'dilleicir-it
the season , GA.II; '4azta, and atir-OTICISIM aVi Ws
BAR will , at all times be supplied, with the CHOWS= Lt.
.20089. ' (decl7il.y.]* - • C. GALLACifiEIt:
• " • nee nsoisit:
HE PEKIN TEA sroicd , trom
fourth' sweetie No 23.1ifitratietit; one dolt tilt% of
e Exchange Beaky, where. the -subscriber is now re.
ceivitighis fall stock of GREEN 'AND .BLACKIKA..9,
selected with Streit care; Odd Plafitiated direct from the
'inserters to New. Toth. The stock conslstsAl all the
different davors.and grades otTen brought to the-Atnetil.-
can maiket, 'and oritt:bCdOt4 ,who:csals and retell, at
prices lower than shy heath in Pittsburgh.
Retail Grocers. are-invited :to can and.gat nrainples,
and leant our prices for Teas packed in and /lb pack.
ages, or by the salt chest.
Coffee—Aloctifylideidaltio'Coffigi, '
Ckaeolaskfr.'s Brows, Co.c!)3 4 chieealaw Co
cos rauti.t.,!, .
Sugar —Love6.lo c . riihr.i4rapoiFtesi44l, Awl ) trs
Saisint, tqpnel ;Ito- • • • 4" 4 . 1
decl4 iltp '
ICColdFeet.”- .•
IV E , respe c tfully Inform Oar 'friends' , iiietbiepatblie
who saffer fioat " caltLfecti" tba ,t wohavisworks
.e very fleeted: Zwmhs' Wool Tam iiito 'men's
Socks,, which we are satisfied
,wiLl'plare Mast iioable
and comfortable to tha !wearer.
. -Also— . of thideithittlidd brilliant of
every quality. •. I
The d Established Stacking Matiuractory:triith at.
dee; ,•-. • : ; Mr:4 DALY.A.
• • 'ro• the /444115eig.,•. •„:
yE El AVE ,NOW 'FINISIIED 25 dozen of Ladies' -
lae black real Latiahs.Wool.sroctsirass,v p rfachl
are ,ofier lathe wool and more durable kit the,.colorait, -
any we have heretofore multe.r-Eveiy *ruck:, In' the
Sock, Underrhirtm and Prarrersi.lotligelarldaehdhirelN .
an rOlothlnm wade to and,
altYponetaallry. • .
The Old. KnablisAM Stocking. lanutactorfiriftY2t;,-
roan stoviarr" " JAME7;4O.,
.oaccessera to the late rion 05 . J . ,0bn§1404 es . VO4'4. •
AU& 110 . Iw/its koinstprAkc'
-_-___ • . AND,MANDFACTIIIir i ftS 7 , , ,
'airbus .
Palmeri; SieariCaudGisii'
, i „ woks. with virtiorri!attleleE
used in the Pl. Uril BING .BUBII.,
•. .• ; . • NESS,Not.l27lo.ndl29Fristrateetl ,
The above are now, prepared to manufacture and icers i
constantly orihatid'every variati* Gtlliki. add: Strain
Cocks, each as are used brEnstuabaiMent and nimbi-%
ors; also, Gus Chandeliers, Pendems, Bracket% Garr
Pipe, &c.,tre.„&e., - • : t••lnscvtg •
. .
: . •
SE subscribers have ram:cab**
1 to the Warehouse reeentitoccog_cd lor..hunesMar ,— ;
N 0.23 Water st. rmy2J RAEY, DLMETEWS lk. CO. - • '
Down G Parrot
trAVING t ithed to' the lica - ness' of bir. • Bitijarnln' .
Bowe, Wholesale9roeer, Fruiter aadCorrfactiorpt , ...,
Cr, would respectfully solicit a continnatea of the pa-
tronage en liberally bestowed upon their_ predeceseor„ , . - :
arid would call the attention of the public in geperal
the stock of goods rept in thetreatablisttment.whichfort
quality . cannot be surpassed in the city, , ,
Foreign Fruits Confectionary, Pickles, Spiesis, Pre ,
serves, Sardines: formpart of their stock .:%
now on band, and all of the above articles have been
selected [root the berteastenattouses..i :
A new stock of goods in the above line cedailyarri• •
• N. B.—Retailers and country storekeepecs
to their advantage to give as a' call:" -
- urrm..pALv &c,o have loviudetltt thaOLDIESItA.I3: =
street; between Wood' and Musket • •
• 600 dozens of men's undarshlrm ( all 1ana011,111161100 , 44
400 "- •."•'• " ' ' merino' "" 1 CC •
- 150 . . „".• 4ravvota, • ! •••,! .5 • ;
. ."
360 ' : " tall wool). 1 ..:1,,5500
1000 !` • . of. de eey.Chattioias and faz lined Ifiek" . ! ,
lambs wool anti silk gloves of every,. slza zinalAtE ,;,
color welradepted tor-winter- wear s : . ' •
600 dozen of ladles black lambs wool stacking", nada:
of fine American' and Merino wool, with three thr,eatie •
in keels and feau• .• ;.. ...• .•
'1001) dozens of child7n's plaid and novr:fattetel*a
garnelastio tops: • •-!• ••• "•• • • .
• .75 dozen of cialdtens polkos, jackets ) mantill 01, rpp
gaitem and boots. An Mime:lse variety
the above goods hay.o attuiatactniedl . and gefeezed•
with care, for oar own trade, and willbe sold at , price*: ,t
which will defy' all'eoppetiflon. (Joarnat to py.)'
. . .., Camerae , Tca Storey-.' •
Corner of FirdiStrenand Ms rho '
TEST "RECEIVED, - a large and well selected stitch of
ti FRESH:TEAS from the Iniportefs, comprising the ,
very hest qualities of Green and Black Tess,. which
will be mold on thh most favorable terms,-wholestio and'
retail. The attention of Families is respectildlylnvited . .
to thelfssortment. inovill • HENRYT, KELI.Y.
RelillrclEllitlessilyta Sethlri Airy—
.riMIE FALL SESSION of this !wain:Rion cam.
raence on Wednesday, October 30,1650. Tot
'de., please see Circalars at Mr. hlelloos, 81...W00d .
street; and come lit: - Wblies;hlattet'street: '
In addition to the thorough.systent of insteuCtiorrygpli;
rued by the Principal; as 'twitched foi by Owe. Johnston
and Bishops Upfold. and Eotterobw Seminary Orients "'
considemtiohs which may be- deemed of tome moment,.
in the limited number',otits hoarding Bnplisi ISIS,j;
retired situation, and especlolly, its not . being. icool4o- -,•
one to any College or School for boys.
Dr..Eillikelly may be found lathe hfonongabela House .
for a few days, and will be happy to wait on those desi. ! ,
ring to see him in refetenee:to the scht i ,)l,, . • . • rah ClTY—lion.,Charles Sheer
ll.Shoeaberger,Esq.; Esq.; Col . :Wilson - .WCandless.
Piatburgh, October 10., • .
Oyerd Saloo n . and' confaCtioxiarrt.,,.
L .
m sulisCriber respectfully Infaims Ida frionda_and
the pabho , Hint lie•has removed to No :' 3l,.St. Utak
strcel, one door . from Penn, where nib bacopentd• cif
will keel! WHIMS, on hand,every, article:ld Militia of .
business, fresh and sweet. Oysters the_ ;
shell, stewed or flied, to snit all tastes. 'ALIO; ott-htiadi
a supply, of Fruits of:all kinds, Pleltles,./5e.,8640:! , • 1,
xi ORRIS & HAWOR'rit. tu me Aliemidnetrve just
received ;tom Magid Country, asokagoglocode
low for cash:-- • • '•
„English:Padding ilidrinsv: • ,S).!
tit •
Candied Orange and Lemon Petit,
. English. Musts:it ; ' ” • •
Pine Apple Ram;
• London Gin;
Irish Whiskey, • •
Also from New York-- „
Cooking( Raisins and Carrants':'
Citron Peel; • •
Rich Grope Juice ; •
Cocoa and, ocolate—all kinds t.
- Ground S ces;
Wines an Brandies of every quality. (020
RENCEi POLIIIING PASTE-The best'componl-
JO ikon for clenalrigand , rtmcnring - spout ibint House
F.arniture of every description. The applictettort lo ItY
ceedingly simple, ' and 'the'efect is litstantaneons and,
lasting. L direetiorut for uie oitoocltZox.t.t. . 1
For sale at the Dtug Store of- •
: • COULTEIet: io'ht:ACICE;
corner of Wood ond.Tbi rd
PETROLEUtit- , A ceruun curs mar A441,110EA;.%
tliseasli '" rP prevalent thia hot - weather:4e' fore.
raiinavof Cholera:-Try it For sale by .r
sire- KEYSE.It MeDoWELL,
t •A 1.;05t..611. - Piattlaet
TaETWEEN - Almond .allty and 193 l4 b blt y' stife4
Jjl with papers Irt it that art of no use to any one but
the owner.... The fonder will' be -rrwitstled ruld'receivo
the thanks of the Rwaat z otr i latoring it at ltd Liberty it.
.12339 h. S. ALMISI...a.N.D.
..c.:. :.n a +~, -.'7 rte_:.. •E -,
~ ~. .
f, ~~ ~-"F
,::<+ .~;~ ~?~ ~ _,fib,