The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, January 04, 1851, Image 3

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    77 7 .00WM.1%'115. 7 . 7 =
01 rPt Mao TtartufF -6 7 4 anjus 7 1 1-3 . -- Ja
Clure s anai&i. on ILa bench_
Comeas. Daoro MeckeY. l . Gr...the: `. Mil of
..• .
Dr:Robb, sworn wee called ;p' at .
hoorah - I'4o the -- 16th of.Septeraber.• Mackey we's'
the Orel min I he - wee tied and :appeared to
b e thi cu sible; he was.lyirig outside the door; , I or
dered that be ahead he taken to the stable; knew that he had killed three-pereons.
He raid no, but. that he , keen" he had killed one;,
asked him if lie kneW that he 'would behanged for
it. bletidid he did** knew - abont that; that he
would have to gut a Wain Court, and that if. the
Jury there:eonvieted hirathey could hang, hius,,al4l
that's all they . could do with him. Ho - said :he
was lent tode it, and _added that _he - was seat into
this.Vroridto - Maffei; lip aiapnared . to, tit- eetisible
enough, betvratt very badly lindjed. ItWas Anat. -
half an h oar after the - affair occuritd when I-got
there; _there, was niathing about (lie appearance to
indicate lan:iibberrallen of - mind ; evarniried `the
woods of thadeceased, next day ; they wore such.
as to cause death. • , . , -
Nathaniel' Bash; stoorm—Sometima' in Septem
ber) doo't recollect the_ day; leiertordt the priso.-
ner on the old Coat Hill .road, Reappeared ." to-be
very_sick. with the agae ; -asked-him if - he wouldn't.
ride by wagon a piece;" begot'into my wagert.
'There 'was another one 'in with' me,, - who :asked
Mackey where be was Irmo.. He said Jithustove,;
he said the reaeon he did Otsstop in - Pittsburgb- was -
that he had no''money, and that- he would bet., hit
way, ' to wy t hing;ori ; said 'he 'hid friendi-theret I
he Lode a quarter .of' a mile. Stopped My' }rinses at
Sawmill Run. to water them ; he got off, and said he
. could - Justify himself better to walk v - went - to the
:tollgate and asked 'for a, drink of water.- I again
overtook him about, 300 yards ' from ' the toll-gate
he wati..eittiuu on. the side of - the - road"; the man
that was in. With me- tatted-him if be wouldn't dde
a little further;: he didn't' get in Ihaviot.ssen - hisn.
sincotanttl yesterday' morning Was about a Mile
Ibis side of Relizhciovei's, betweeli - ode and two''
o' the - day.'
Wrn..McElrey, sworn..--Bad:sonte conversation.
with Mackey the4 - 4BCifi; - went:to - see him because
thotightl - mtglitrkpoWilici. - : Said he remained in
Johnstown only about tWO hours. Said. he didn't_
knOW anyone ; this. cohnty: "Said-Alsi, Wait . in hie
senses on. ,thievenieg •he committed .the murder;
said--he""'wet acting - in • selPdefence.. Said her had
- heard them in the bar roam making a plot to take
his life; said he' was perfectly satisfied that there
was auch a conversation In the, bar room. Said that
Win.Beltzhotiver didn't do anything when he - came
uir , staire, but that he-was on the look ant.. Said he
had no recollection" nfter he had stibek the two
BeltilioConie; - that be' hair beeri knocked down,
and could remember nothing oiler flt is four et five
weeks age sinch t Ira this conversatiterz , with the
prisoner. • . ,
Onyx cramiriett..!-I reside in Lower. St. CIO" Tp.
Kee* Beltztoovera tcel4 --
WM* Arthure;itgorn.--Testified that he hi.d an
ingtieneoll the benty'of Melchoir Beltzhooverr the
16ihsof Se ember - -
The Cricanouvroalth here .reats.'
Ke 1 1. 11 .94, 4in the pt ' Ol Ple qtence ,
madea very beautiful f approprjateand earner pen
tug -to the jury= P' ll o he dislllayed much bthty
and evinced a thorough-knowledge of his case Mr.
K. llequitt . ed himself very creditably, and
teded to svith groat attention. tie is a young .an,
and has very happily broken around fora sung:ski
. ,
. . . . . . .
carecr. - '- ' . - 2 • i
. . ,
Dr. J. W. Shaw, stoorn.—Am the prison bysi
ciati.' . Saw . the prisorier first,' On the 17th i Sep.
tembert.fOund him very much prostrated vritlfever,
his hair. ned.Clothis were covered with blitli ; he
WAS , linable. to -ins?: er, intelligibly, any cestion
that I , tusked him i • lie was . apparently dolions - ;
thought his fever was symptomatic from the #tiries
ho had.recetted ;the - next day; 1- found - thane bad
a bilious remittent fever; but -it had not lin .in
ducedbyliis injuriest he was sick 10 dayilaefore
ho began toet better: Would think the f r had'
e ii
been on, him :several days before the 17 after
which timehe . appeired delirious for tiev daye.
The, delirium, in such fevers, is very . 'lent at
times. The probability; is, that he was deities for
several days previous to the 17th; the glaaf Wh iii
key and pepper . Weald: increase his fever ; I was a
week, perhaps; before 1 could intellfale an
swer from him; the cams tyg!'et...ettell a.-'Clifte that
I; called: in easistanee ; the a atr very
feeble physical wr
v conformation ;
,oaldn , appose
that he bad been a drinking man ;
told I that be
, . had ,Committed the - deed in self defenebe said
they were plotting, down stairs; to to is life ;
helAeard them ' digging his grave; he' th lit - that
Wm.-13elethoover came up stairs to execathe plel;•
he was afraid to get up and leave the lion, -when
he heart there talking this wax, fox fear i 7 would
i kllr bi 4; Inal_Watalteritiliai when tlipah'earrie
up stairs, to have the first blow,; 1 told la that he
had been laboring ender a delusion ;hhe said he
was well convinced that they intended , take his •
! - life ; since his' recovery, 1 find him to btmild man,
; with a:geed dispositiot4 he appears • tor religions
; ly,educaterlf he is al Presbyterian - ;-hie to this
country, last: May; - he is sane and ratirlitow.
.• Cross-eimnined.-•;-It 'Was ' about 6 15 - o 'clock in
the ..evening, when be was delirio.7caa't say
whether the delirium would obliteratie reasoning
powers; it may exist without deatroy them ; the
impression of the delirium or the nada the - mind'
resulting from it ; does not remain ote mind as a
fixed filet, but rather like a dreantt, Ma seVere
case of fever when accompanied by fIUM a per
sob would aot be able to travel thirr, forty mites
a .
- while laboring under this fever; s i hitsrecovery
t he has
,"repeated' to me that they;'e.elotting hie
death; -a person might travel-in titervals of-rti-
T raittent fever.'. In-the commenceasof the disease,-.
or while the patient has' moat phil strength, the
delirium is not active. - J •
Dr. Shaw -
.. Dr: Pollock, sweris.—Was call
e ta by
to see the prisoner on the - er of the 20th Of
Sept. 1 visited hirrici n the more :and-evening
• . 21st and:.-224 ; found: him labg louder ri sevee
paroxysm 'of fever ; he was una‘ In aneWat iltlesa
Mils ; Abe morning of - the 22d fed a remission ;
'he. was then able to answer ; -In the evening it
-was about the same, as the meg previous; the
next morning the remission waent distinct, este
%dishing the nature of the dim; saw him• that
evening and not Since till -inltt — the fever`was
r. , not the resurt of,hin injuries p. 'delirium accom
panying this fever is aometiattery violent in the
mint of the disease; he prety had the disease
earlier than the 16th of Septef ; the excited state
- would' take place la the e
' fig in this particular
.ramined.:-.-I.lad nr
- ia
versation - with the
Crosx-e e
prisoner on any Other su bishan his disease; he
was rationalin the morninge the evenings there
was a total .abyence of hiraltoeing ImWers — the
disease on an average' !about 14daye—at. the
onset efthe disease the petits more liable tomove
about; he sometimes will lin hallucination—there
is one peculiar form of tlaPase that may be tic.
' • ' c° 1:1 1 7 3 . 4 1 3 je z a z3 W in i i th sw d o e r 4i n. gi — on TilliOus • Or remittent fe.
vet may or may not distui3Omind of the patient ;
% it often, however,. does a' the brain, and conse
quently disturbs the ininTbe , disturbance of the
' 1 mind is manifested in darn ; sometimes the per.
• '. . coil so affected will reaverY-marrectil from false
7" , p r emises, a nd s ome times( the!reverse .from cot.
feet data; The terideor this delirium is some
, tirries suicidaVend veinier homicidal , It is;net
i uncommon to-find l_pit lit:iring under this die
- 1 case endenvoiingto ee from the -building. It is
often., attended ,with lion, , which takes every
phase„,lia fevers of find therels an abatement
in the morning and unease. in. the 'eyening. The
•erect of - a` glass °Okay, and pepper in come
caters vvottldintreasel delirium,- A: mma who-is
courageous in healt .be Very timid in disease.
Theitaarilfestations- fever' on the same person
. are not always noir he:deliriumnsually leaves
with the fever: • Th e individual may be delii-
I n
- ions eon part of-th d rational the other.
';_.l Dr-Dilworth, co ated • the testimony of Dr.
... .
Geszani. • ,
fence. - .
147.1t0bb : w a s ;r d 7, the. pree99! ten ? And
said that on eof the lailt the. of September,
between.B and 9'o ,' be.feittlie pulse of Mack
ey; *Melt %las nst'high, about. St ;' , .the average
The:'eviddotiflplosed, and Mr. Wealmont
openedto the jur,, was followed on the part of
the defence by Cayier.' Attorney: qen. bar.,
'jig& concleded:.,
:' , llo7:The" i'erke Gemlo ls the title; of til
.new . taper, devo!tho' bj c a t its name ' dtcateF.
It is published b Mpany of Sons ef temper..
4 .*Ce:i a// d 144 may leeet with That EitiCi.& ,B .
..... which" it-merits. typography, and mechaniCal;
executfon of iii.. r,, very goed—neat,,and
fully sustsins,the arried reputation
. of Messrs.
- 'Sbryock & Flack ''-',' '.. , - , .
- -
car The els Unions miachinf, naticed a
_few days since,_ naprorniaed yesterday, by do•
!andante paying daniago they had dene:and
coati o! &vestal • _
' ' ' -,"•••
.4111` Tlrelbllnwittg- pereons-lisite_boon -planet!: in.
nomination by the Detnociptaltl tbePißh'Ward :
any - zittn rotteett..,,,A;laction-Gribbin, Andrew
Scott, Samuel AltiCelyy* Weill_ Lotion.
Adv.°, Xteettora.—Wm:lNC,Cague•
laspactor.—A.Z. Sell, Jr.. ' • - ' '
A anger
Constable... - 7 .0. Kelly. . •
Sava Directors.--3. P. Glass, and Jno. Ralston.
dges Mcs
. -
liagne, arrested tt short time since, ,
nharged with hiving Sobbed 'a jewelrY store in But.
ler, was take.i back to that place, to-day, by pollee
officer Higne, to await his trial.
, -
ear Ald.Parkinton, yesterday, committed Wm
Swab, on jho information of Lie wife
[Cr Notioe.-.The metnbersof the Niagara F re
Company_• are - requested lo attend ag' at meeting their
Hall of Tuesday evening, the 7thinst.; at 7 .o'clock.—
renewal attendance is requested: By order of
3tt4 '" - ' S. ISITILWAINE, Seey:
IMF. BEST PLACE P171'313E11011 T'l) 3U
W OET lI'S - Tea - Store. in the. Diamond.; If you buy .
Teas at this establishment ouce, you . are• sure to buy.
"heather° again as they'sett none bat what are strictly
'Excellent family 'l'esssoc..Vlh._ •
The very best Teas imported 75c. and $l,OO. ftlees7
. . _
,ALL, 85 Fourth street, has just received Corroline
• of Brunswick ; the conclusion 'of the Mysteries
o the Court of London, by G. W. Reynolds; Mary Ma
turin, a story ; Social Distinctions, by the author of St.
Giles and St. James 4.c.; Light - and Darkness, or the-
Mysteries •of Life, -b ? " Mrs. Catharine Crowe,*, Boston
.Shulepeare, No. 29; rue Divorced Wife ,by I'. S. Ar
thur. - The first No. or the American illuminated edition
'of the Waverly Novels is also received. Every adint
rdr of the great " Wizard of; the North' should avail
-himself of, the preFent opportunity to, obtain a copy of
this standard work- -for sale as above and at P.S. tier
ford's, 'Federal street. Allegheny. . tilec3o
ICIALAISICE3 ON DEPOSIT, which have been mi
l) changed 'for three years and upwards, in the
change Bantrof Pittsburgh:
William Davis, residence unknown, Aug. 9,1045 —IMO.
Spencer Manley, Zanesville, Ohio, tact 21, 1547. - 45
I - certify that, the foregoing' balances dppear to be due
to the persons named or their legal, representatives, ac
- cording to the Books of this Bank:' ' -
- • - • : 110WE,•Cashier.
Sworn to and Subscribed before me this 29th day' of-
December,l - C. W. Emmy.
dec39:lm Notary
• :• norrla dt. Willis' Boma Journal.
PUBLISTLED - EVERY. 5ATT13D.1,3,41T TUB CITY OT ssw-tons.,
At Two Dollars a year payable in all eases in. Atleaner..
- : °gains vuz .Hosta..Totraura,
N 0.107 Fulton st., Y0rk,Dee.24,1850. j
710 all tohorn lit may Conant :
IBIS may certify.that J.B. Relass is dilly authorized
to act as Agent for "MORRIS WILLIS' HOME
JOURNAL." and that all receipts given by him in pay
ment tar said jiaper will be duly acknowledged by us at
the o,ffice of Publication; and it is - expressly agreed and
understood, that all subscription§ are payable one year
in advance, and that no name will be inserted ott the -
Books nil the money for the stunt Is paid ,
The new Volume will commence ott the first of Janu
ary. Subscriptions received by J. B. Holmes. 'Third's*,
opposite tke Post Office. MORRIS to WILLIS,
declo . • Editors and Proprietors.
Waverly . House.
‘4O . THE Andersigned :having
succeededblr..lotec Yalta=
in this popular- establishment, announces to
. his friends and . the public generally, that he
Will us :his best - eforts to keep up the well earned and
lone ertioye-1 reputation of the house. . •
Ile will_ keep constantly on band every delicacy. ot
the season; Garr, SU F.A.S. and Cats Orsvans, &a., and his
Ban will at all times be supplied: with the Cuotcam Lt•
Qum*: .16. C. GALLAGHER.
_ .
. • Vlimeets eltY.l6 hart Store.
N°- 2 5 l St. ettilr street, (near rho bridgej—a
largo aseortment - of our overt make constantly on
hand. •Cuutomer SHIRTS made to order promptly.
decttitlY " • • - S. er. N. AUL.
es, Fourth strect, has jest received , the Lad-
der of ,Gold, an English story, by Robert Bell.
and to be loved, a story, by A. S. Bose;
The Forrest Rote, late of the Frontier, by Emerson
Benacit ; ,
Laud Leoti; or Adventures in-the Far West, o sequel
aolhe.Erairie Flower, by Emerson Bennett;
Temptation ; e:W
or the Tower bf Kets•ven -
Olive, a novel, by the author of "The Ogilvies;"
Singleton Fontettop, R. N., brJantes Hannah, author
.of sketches in" Ultra-Marine."
. . .
..The Romtsb Confessional; or the Auricular Confer
Rion, its hiuory, consequences, and policy of the Jesuits,
'by M. Miculet;
Western' Scenery on land and river, hill and dale, in
'the Mississippi Valley, by Win. Wells; for sale as
above ,and; at P. it. Belford's, Federal street, AlleghenY.
rj - MINER*. CO , No. a:2 Smithfield street, have re-
JAL: celled the following new books. • •
Nortd Dictionary of Mechanics , Engine Work and
Engineering ;
No.lo Pictorial Field Rook of the. Revolution ;
This excellent work, itsned semi-monthly, will he
complete in about xmairrr arnmaris, containing forty.
eight large octavo pages, each, and a descriptive record
ot a journey recently performed to all , the most import
ant historical localities of the Asnrrican Revolution. 'The
plan is unique and attractive, embracing the character.
• :sties of a nook of travel and a history.
-To Love and to Ge Loved : a Story; by A- S. Roe,
author of "James Mont joy, or, I've been Thinking,
The. Ladder „of Gold.; an Englosh .story, by Robert
lifarston Zf Danoran: a tale ; -
Olive a'novel. • 13y the author of a The Ogilvies.?'
We have also on hand and for sale a large assortment
of Annuals„ Albuina End Children's Books, suitable for
the - . Idec2.3
Alt wzizo.
cs rl 42xes AILRATIOCII6I
36 Hours to PM/adeip . Tual . .,-2 . 'P Miles Railroad—Wl
Miles Bowing.
new Coacher,. for Hollidaysburg, imd thence by the new
Pennsylvania Railroad to New York and
'During the suspension ol*Canal navigation, six daily
lines of Coaches will leave for Hollidaysburg, and from
thence by'the New Pennsylvania Railroad, (1143 miles,)
to Philadelphia. Time through 30 houre.
Fate to Philadelphia
Fare to Baltimore
qit'on Op part or the .de-
Nevi"' Books I Drew Books
New Books I New Books t
IS el* Books! 'Nev' Booluirl
- - ,
Coaches will leave every morning ate o'c'ock pre
cisely; and every alight at the same hot''. Extras to
leave at any time, always in readiness. _This is the most
direct, coinforiabie and c4editivus route to 'the Eastern
. .
Fassengers for Baltimore take the now Railroad at
Itarrisburg, , threet,. on . the arrival of the ears at that
;ilace.'. For pissage or information, apply to ,
W. R. MOORHEAD; St.ettarlas 110101,
or to J. P. HOLMES Monongahela" Hauge
H The- -- Seise of the West.”
A SMALL, - lot of the "Sallie Ward" brand chewing
tobacco, manufactured by Warwick Sr Otey, is of
fered for sale by the.undersigned.
It is confidently , recommended to: Mose wishing a
Choice. article. -• MAGUIRE & BANE, -
Agents of Manufacturers,
124 Second st.
"LlUli SALE;---A large double Countingli_ouse Desk,
in good order. - CARBON k. MKNIGHT,
deela - 04 Water street.
T OSACCO-0 boxes igringerls extra .s's ;
•For ante by " IdeclSl STUART & SILL
. - Country Knit Book,. - -
AXTE. have just received a choice lot of country km
yy SOCKS, of fine, soft, lambs , wool. .
W. DALY tr. CO.,
. .
Stocking Manufactory, Filth, street.
decfit (Journal copy.) -
JUST RECEIVED and tor sale a. new supply of fine
' PERFUMERY including-..
Jenny Lind Pomades ;
Queen of Flowers' Hair Oil;
Porecine Soap •
Jenny Lind Extract;:- ,
Roussel's Amandies •
'couvrEft & NACRE,
corner of Wand and fid streets.
. LOGUI000; .• ' • '
B'll/ P hat° ' 111)4111 u /11 c ;
, Chrome Green. ' - • ,
dec24 - . - ' COULTER & HAMM
HEESE-160 boxes W. IL Cheese in store and for
. sale .by Ided 2 4 rart.LER aE RIEKETSON.
tilleCectio;obliiiiii.. - Fron 3 o •
. :N } TaG . riinos;
10 do
~ 10 - do_ King's. For sale by
decl7 • - , . KING tc;fS.IOORHEAI)..
MOLARSES--19 (oak packages ) plantatioa
Molstsoca, 'received per steamer Caledonia, and
sale by •-• • - (dec,2oj -- RING & MOORHEAD.
. . Prrreacaoa, December 17,1850.
UTE certify that...instalments amounting to forty-t*o
Tr thousand five. hundred dollars have been. pal.' in
cash on the stock of the l'ennsylvania Salt Illanufactu:
ring Company . , and thatthe debts due and unpaid were
:nine hundred dollars;ron the 30th of November last.
- - - . • GEORGE .!1 . 11911113 0 N, n 'Sie'y. , ,
CgAitisl:4alliglfe t Free*. ' ; . - ,and Trecuure
AtErrnedta and subscribed . .
this 17th day of December,lBso.
N. Ducassaarsta, Alderman. deelB:2wo!
warm -WAX-400 tbs. for sale by.
decti - • - ; ' B. AL.FALINESTOCK 4r; AV,
- .
Erdal unb-fillaitciat,
; GEO. - •
SOSHITh: HANNI; • 'con/411788 MI. DEC satBB P.
Daily neview of the 11Arkets.
,1 PrzTimiiss, tiliavaDAT, Jan 1851;
The weather - yesterday was Moderate and pleasant
for outdoor business, bat We could hear of but few
transactions. We find merchants allbusy in makin g
settlethents, and little disposed as yet to, make any
operation& Our Rivers are failing fast, but there is
sufficient water fousteamboat navigation:
ASHES—SaIes of Soda at 31, cash. Sales of Sal
arcane at wof not rmich Ael I INT; however.
BUTTER--10 bble Roll reported at 12k; 3 bblit
extra at lb:. Keg doll; one sale of a few kegs re.
ported at SF.
CHEESE--The demand good and stocks (Iselin%
jag: Sales of 35 has Cream at 7; also a lot of 175
big Common at fit: The stock, on first hands very
- - -
DRIED FRIIIT--There is Dot so much demand
for Apples. as a few weeks ago; but are readily taken
at ?b. Peaches are sellieg at 1,27a1,37, from first
FEED—There is not , much, change. . Bran, from
first bands, 1010111 i. Shorte d J 6020. Middlings,
24 8 31, as in quality.
CORN—Sales of a small lot reported to US at 43c •
FLOUR—This article is, not so firm as it was see
eral days ago,ahhough the receipts are light. Sales
reported to us at the river-at p rices varyjcg from
3,56,3,62330, according to the - quality and brand•
From stores, by the dray load, 3,8593,87.
COFFEE—Not, much doing in this article. Sa lea
. .
to the country in a regular way at 121013.
SUGAR AND'MOLASSES—Receipta increaaing.
The stock at prevent is good. We hear of vales of
50 hbla Molasses at 32c, 4 months. Salmi of Sugar
made at 6c for new. .
Steamer Michigan N 0.2, Braes, Beaver
" Baltic, Jamas, Brownsville.
• Atlantic, Parkinson, do
.1. MiKee, Hendrickson, McKeesport.
" Beaver, Gordon, Beaver.
Thomas . Shriver, - litailey, %Vest Newton.
" Messenger N0;.2, Fisher, Cincinnati..
" Milton, tfays,Louidville.
" Michigan No. 2 Boies,Beaver.
Battie,Saeobs„ Brownsville.
• Atlantic, Parkinson,Brownsville.
M.iKee, Hendrickson, McKeesport.
" Beaver, Gordon, Beaver.
" Thomas Shriver, West Newton
" Clipper N 0.2, Duvol, Cicinnati.
"a Diurnal, Conwell, Wheeling.
MaYlkwer, Williams, Wabash River.
Wanted to Chestier.
light draught Apply to
between Wood and Market eta.
For Cirictrmatl.
The safe,comfortable and swift run
ning steamer '
Wsi. lieoutA, Master,
Will leave for Cincinnati regularly every THURSDAY
morning, at 10 &clock. For freight or pi:wings, apply
on board. augt.l
Wednesday Packet for Cincinnati.
Tim new and fast running steamer CIN
INNATI, Bias= GUAM, Master, will depart
regularly - every WEDNESDAY.
rOr freight or passage, apply on board, or to
iv eDDINGs......-300 Wedding Cake !loxes;
200 Cottlelian Rings;
12 doz. nes°, tedOold Pens ;
12 do do Spectacles;
4 do do Razors &Straps
Just received 4. thoat......^h and Jewelry Store of
corner of Market and Fourth sts.
ii N pursuance of a decree of the Chancery Court in
Clarksville, at the October term. 1950, I will sell at
the Louisa Furnace,i in Montgomery County'', Suite of
Tennessee, on the oth day of April, 1951. the Furnace
known as the Louisa Furnace and the Mount Vernon
Furnace, with all the lands attached and adjoining there
to, amounting to some 20,000 acres. At the same time
and place I svill sellm valtuthle negro man, Joint Carter,
II Founder, and his wife and children. on a errtlit of 1,2.
and 3 years. The real tstate on a creditor 1,2;3 and 4
Orithe 11th of April, 1E41,4 will also tell, at the late
reeidence of Robt. Baxter, in Montgomery Co., Tenn.,
the IRON PROPERTY, known as the Tennessee Far
nace and the Water Forge, on Barton's Creek, with all
the lands adjoining and Ltmehed thereto, consisting of
several thousand acres, on a credit of 1.2,3 and 4 years.
Sumner County Lands near Gallatin.
_I will also sell, on the 1.050t0r March, 1831, in the town
of Gallatin, at the Coon Howe, 320 acres of land lying
in said County, kit two as the Creston tract of land; on a
credit of 1, 2 and 3 years.
House and Let in Tin:i:We.
I will also sell, on the _Bth of Starch, Mil, a valuable
Houseand Lorin Nashville, at the Market Route, known
as Lot No. Ctl, Sit , tated on High sl., on a credit of I,
and 3 years. Bond and approved teetnity will be requi
red of the purchaser and a hen retained on the real cs•
tate in all eases. P. PRIESTLEY, C. It M.
Sale Of.lllales, wagons, &e.
I will, ns the Adrn'r of Robt. Baxter, sell at the Lon ,
isa Furnace. in Montgomery County, Tenn, on-the Adi
day of April, 1851, all the personal property of the said
Robt. Baxter, belonging to said Farnace, consisting o
75 Moles, 'Wagons, Scrap Metal, and Stock on band, on
a credit or tivelve months.
I will also'sell. on the 11th day of April, 1`"451, at the
late residence of Robert Baxter, in Montgomery county,
Tennessee about 30 Mules. Horses, Cattle, Household
and RitchCo Furniture, together with ail personal prop.
erty of said Robert Baxter; on tt credit of 12 months
Bond and security will be required on all sums over
5111. The sale KM be continued at each place front day
to'day, till all the property lariold.
Dec. 17, Hat ROBERT BAXTER, Adrift.
lU" Each paper will send the °dice of the Clerk and
Master the papers containing the ad - vertisements, with
the amount of the fee stated. Published till day of last
The Nashville Union and True Whig ; the Louisville
Journal.; the Cincinnati Commercial, and the Pittsburgh
Post, will publish the abovendveritsement twice a w eetY
until day of sale, and forward accounts to the Clerk and
Master for settlement. dect.elaawts
—Clark:rale Jrffersontan.
N 0.1 bole. tTo7I
5 kegs do do;
Juri received and for sobs by
Nov. 221 and 2a Liberty v
EcoNorki V cues ctiAlt=sro Economy Crab
Cider in store and for pale by
1..000 BUSHELS SHORTS th is day received and
for sale by
IOFFER-40 bugs prirne Rio, pun pew crop, recciv
ing and for snlo by- Inov2Gl Wfd..UYER.
WOUIII6-130 doz. Loney tur
Brooms, for sole by
VTARCti-110 boxes superior Pearl Starch, en eon
sigement and will be sold low to elose,by
ECttitilli - K.BS . ANDgI:B . BVP;VOULBS-4,1d10 lbs.
of various sizes Crow Bars and Sledge Moulds, for
'name by Idea) L. S. WATERMAN & SONS.
WILO'I I ,INO PAPER—Brown medium and, do
brown straw Wrapping Paper, ble
for sale by
N 0.85 Wood at.
fUr rER-10 bble. fresh Rolf Batter;
3do packed do;
5 keips' do for sale by
B UTTER -10 tibis. prime ;Roll;
12 loge do packed ; for tale
VITHITE BEANS- I bbls. for sale by
y y 'dec27 - • KING tr, hIOORIMAD
yvtlear AP.1.4.4:11---VO pus. for sale by
HOR'i S-1,000 bua. just rec'dper steamer levy Lind
, and for naLi, by - SURLVER & BARNES,
ded2s 10 and 10'2 Second at.
50 BBLS. TALLOW Oe'd and for sale by
AR.D-20 bbls. and 15 kegs S 1 Lard received and for
sale b • fdac.2sl 1310.1VER. & BARNES.
11010EACHES—*00 bus. prime reo'd and for sato by
T .INSEED OIL-5 bbbs: rec'd and for sate by
„Li ' r decEs SURIVER & BARNES
BUTTER -6 bbls. prima roll just lac and for sa a
. dec2s • SIMIVER es BARNES!.
rI I HE Annual Meeting , of the. Stockholders and elec
.!. lion of Directors for the Ohio and Pennsylvania
Railroad Company will SO told at the office of the Com
pany, on the 9th of .Tanunry,lB3l, between the hours of
11 M: and 3 P. M. ' .7..1 BROOKES,
TILT S. HAVEN, corner of Market and Second tits.,
. has for sale, a large and varied asiortment of
fine blank hooka, paper of all, qualities ;. and English,
French, Darman and American fancy and staple sta.
Cooking Wines and Brandies.
"VOR SALE by the quart at Morris & : Haworth's, earl
JL: side of the Diamond.
Lisboa Wine, 25 cents per quart;
Raisin Wine 25 . •
Muscat do 08 • !, -
Pure Grape Juice 00 c.
Brandy from . 20 to 50 ..
I IANARY' SPBII-••,40 bbls. for sale byy
deefl : B. A.; r TOOK& CO,
Reported Expressly for the Ptak !dotting Post
SENkre.—The Speaker laid before the Senate a
report from the War Department, giving a statement
of the expenses for arms tor the last fiscal year. It
was ordered to be printed. .
The resolution of Mr. Fitch ordering the printing
of a:Digest of the Land laWs, and instructions of
Secretaries, and pith° Attorney General in relation to
the:Land titles, was taken up, and . afler debate the
subject was postponed.
Houss.—Mr. Disney introduced a bill for the ad
justment of accounts between the old and new States,
growlng out of the 3 per cent. fund.
Mr. Mason introduced a bill giving lands to cer.
fain Railroad companies in Kentucky and Tennesee !
Mr. White offered a resolution calling for inform
tion relative 'to- "Frauds of the Revenue. It was
adopted. The Roose then went jnto committee of
the whole, and took . up the private calendar. '
Gowan= , January '3.
River receding, with 8 feet ,3 inches in .canal. The
weather is cloudy and moderate.
Intelligence from Cairo has reached here that the
steamer Saladin, from St. Louis, bound for this
place, struck a tog at Dog Tooth Bend, in the NIP
sissippi, on Wednesday night, 'and sunk in 8 feet
water. She had little freight, moat of which; with
the machinery and furniture, was saved. No person
was injured. •
The steamer Mary Stephens °ram-against a snag at
Big Eddy, which tore °firer entire larboard guard
and damaged the wheelhouse. She telt Cairo for
The ice is running in the Mississippi.
The Cumberland river is falling rapidly, with 6
feet 3 inches on shoals.
The Legislature met on Monday - andelected Dem
ocretic officers.
The Governor delivered his message in person on
The House yesterday agreed to elect a U. S, Sens
ator on the Bth of January, but, the Senate laid, the
resolution on tho table. Dar. Petit' prospects for
Senators are said to be favorable.
After twenty.two ballotings - in Legislature, Wat
kins; Whig, was elected chlerCierk ; Senrotary, W.
Houston, Anti Benton ; door-keeper, R. B. Jackson,
Anti-Benton; Assistant Clerk, tV. B. Macracken,
Pnrcarimettra, January 3.
Robert Cannon committed suicide by jumping Mr
he Market street bridge.
GMin..Wheat is unaltered ; Rye: steady at 75 ;
Corn : firm ; sales of 7,000 bushels of new white
and yellow at 65266.
Fork.. Firm • sale* of 100 bbis mess at 12,37;
prime, 8,8708,04.
Dressed lings..lield at 6;.
Lard.. Prime at 7033.
Butter..Fitm at 10014 for Ohio.
Wtilskey..lower; 263201
Clover Seed.. Sales of 250 h515,:.a1 81.
. ,
Linseed Oil.. Steady.
Tobacco—Unchanged. The stock on. handy the
first of January is 6,374 hbdv, of which only two
Win wore Ohio.
BALTIIIOt4E, January 3.
Flour... Bales of 500 bbl;. Howard street at 4,6 G ;
400 bbla. City Mills at 4,50, but generally bold 6rm
at 4,66.
Corn Neal.. Sa leßof 1900 bbls. City M Ills at 2,57;;
40 puncheons at 14,50.
Grain.. Wheat unchanged. Corn : yellow fig,es9;
white isast. Oata advanced ; sale; at 45 30.
Bacon.. Sides S to 81; Shouldent7 to 71; Hama 10.
Pork—Old Meta 13,00 ; sales of 150 hhda Prime
nt 01.
Beef... No. 1 10,00 to 11,00.
Lard..llnoyant; allot or 500 keg. at 81.
ColTec..Salea of Rio at 101,
Phmr.. Held in moderate request, but generally
very firm ; sales of 830 bbls at 3,70, and 350 at
Whiakey—lieavy ; and has declined to 25c, in
consequence of iacretsed receipt.
Groceries—Steady and firm, at tic fur sugar; 111
for coffee, and 28 for mot:macs.
Linseed Oil—Sates at 94395.
Hogs..tialett of 1,700 at 4,1004,28.
Pork.. Sales of 1,200 bbla of time at 10,75.
Larif..tiales of 90 tierces of gut Lard at
MCI. Beef. -Balesof twenty tierces at 8,00.
The river is receding. Weather mild, with some
indications of rain.
Hoge unchanged; sales today of 1700 head at
4,05 to 9,25. The arrivals are chiefly in swall lota,
but the quality of Hogs generally geed ; market
sell eapplied. 200,000 Ib4 dry salted meat sold at
No reMiipta from the upper riven.
434,T 2f; for good and.choice coun
when 80562. Prime add choice Corn: nothing
doing. Oats Sales at 670, eaCke included; on ad
vance. .
Previalone..No change. Mesa Pork 10,50010,75.
Prime 7 ,750 8 1 00 1
Lard.. No. l, in bble, 6108 i.
Bacon.. City cured Shoulders 6.
Several Packing houses are about closing business
Car the seasonl no sales of Hogs during the past
two days. .
The river is full or floating ice. Weateer mild.
Sr. Lova, January 3
Ntw Yong,, Jamul , 3
Cotton..Firna ; sales orno bales.
Flour..Uacbanged ; ;Lulea of 1600 bblg.
Rvt Flour..l3etter.
Prittututtrula, Jsowy 3
linginets 4ull ; no dingo in puce..
CtxrtturiArs, Sitmary 3
Pork.. Mess 10,75. Hog round 12,00
Lard.. Firm at 71.
Sr. LOVIN, January 3
COMMA 07 ISAR/Cl7 AND THIRD 117077116
CHARTERED A. D. 1850; the only chartered Mini
teflon of the kind in Pennsylvania.
Faculty.— Jour; Fix:Natio, principal Instructor in
the science of Accounts.
0. K. Crunsintattrr, Professor of Penmanship, hiercan •
tile computation, &c., .
Max. M. Waysox, Esq.' Lecturer en Commercial
Those wishing to obtain a complete knowledge of
Bookkeeping and its application to everytranch of bu
siness,Xdso, a rapid and elegant hand writing, are invi
ted to call and examine the arrangements.
..Lecture on Commercial Law every Monday' evening.
Reference to any , of the city merchants. tdeclo
N.B. Comer of Third and Mar
,N Irate treats stabllshed in TIV Pill-FPI:
The course o mstrucuon andvractiee pursued in this
establishment includes every branch requisite for a per.
fact mercantile education. rho whole processhasbeen
matured and perfected by nearly eleven years practice
In teaching, and about fifteen.years previous experience
in extensive domestic and shipping business; and those
who aspire to the highest rankas accountants, will Mad
on consultingg any resident city merehant,that this is the
Only-establishment of the kind in The city in which the
mercantile community have any confidence. They will
bear In mind" that all the pompous noise we now hear
about" trustees? "charters,' "examining committees,"
&c., mid nothing to the ability or experienceet teachers.
decEhdaw •
Inter • Clothtsiti , i; Low for Vaah.
DELANYO.AP. Liberty. saw, liaatturgh; has. on
• hand a large assortment of the-latest style - of
Winter emits, of fashionable colors.' • Also, Pants, Vests
and all other articles:ln the .elothint line. Wholesale',
purchatara will find 'a_ mast - desirable stoek to select
frOm and will be sold low for cosh:" I dean
Mt6ll7ST '
NFORMS his friends and customers thathe has open
edd a CLOTHING STORE; at No. 85 Smithfield et:, '
where they can be suitedat all times with anything in
his line, made in the most finished style and workman--
like manner. His Gonda aro all freeh, of the best and
most fashionable material, and no pains will be spared
to afford the greatest degree of satisfaction to his pat
rons. A gooditock of Ready Made CLOTHING always
on hand.
• No. 17 Smithfield street, Pinsburilt ; Pay
11. and carefully selected stock of French. English
INGS—of the Most approved colors and. styles; which
he is prepared to make to order in the very best scanner
and o ithe most reasonable terms.
He has always on hand a- good assortment Of gentle
men's Fasbionable READT.MAJJE CLOTHING; - Shirts,
Collars Cravat* liankerchiefs,Gloves, &Spenders, &c.
, ,
Great Induremente - to Buy Clethlng
IILE subscriber wishing to sell his entire stock of
at VERY LOW PRICES. Persons wishing to purchame
will save money by calling on blot: •
se .24 . W. J. DAVITT, Propretor.
clothing s clothing
Who Wale and Retail Berger in Clothing, 151 Liberty st.
Pittsburgh, Pa.
M - .
Y stock of Fall and Winter Clothing is now ready, -
amounting _to upwards of 3100,000, 'which I think
will be found to by one of the choicest selections oils:-
menus ever got up in this or any other city in the West
ern country.
my purchases having been all made early, I have
theiuforeavoided the lato advances made in almost all
descriptions of Woollen Goods, and am. therefore ena
bled to offer my stock at Inds unit y low prices, '
I havethis season paid- more than usual attention to
the manufacturing and style of my garments, so thatMe
very lowest priced as well as the - finest are got up in n
style and elegance not to be surpassed. Hundreds of
new customers,botb wholesale and retail, have been
attracted as much by the superior make of the clothing
as by the lowness of my prices. i
The proprietor the attention of
all dealers m Clothing to Lis present stock, believing
upon examination of the quality and prices of his
Goods they will be induced to purchase at his establish
ment. The whillesale room now contains upwards of,
2,000 garments, from the finest in quality to the lowestin
price. -
The proprietor is now determined to make this depart
meat a. polar of great attraction, and with this view has
constantly on hand a large quantity .of goods suited to
every section of the United States. .
• In the cutting department will always b • found a very
large selection of all the choicest makes of Cloths, Cas
simeres and Silks, to be found in this or eastern markets.
He is prepared to make cloths to order in the shortest
mice to the latest and most fashionable styles.
lie respectfully invites his old friends and customers.
as well as the public in general, to call and examine for
hemselves. toctl3
One Prtce Store of A. A. MASON • tr, CO..
Nat 62 and 64 Market sttiet.
commence on _Mommv, December 30,1850
and continue through the month of January. On
this occasion, the whole of their immense establishment
will be thrown open for Retail Trade, and their exten
sive stock, amounting to One Hundred and Thirty
Thousand Dollars, will be offered at Retail, at fully one
fourth less than usual prices.
The notice of their Semi• Annual Sale to any one, of
the thousands who attended the sale of Last year, will
he sufficient guarantee for a call this reason. They will
however mention a few of the Goods and Prices, for the
benefit of thwe who have never attended their Sales--
viz:— •
Rich Cashmeres, - - 7:5 .c. Usual price BL,OO
509 pa. Cotton and Wool Cashmeres, 2.5 c, usual pri:e
371 re.;
1500 t. s. Cotton and Wool Delaines, 15, 184 e. Usual
price 20 and 25e ;„
621e.50 ps. /Ugh Colored Flail DeLninas, 45c. Usual price
50 ps. Striped and Figured Bilks, 50c. Usual price
LO ps. Black Silks. Reduced 25 per cent.;
400 ps. Fre ach Menaces, 81,00. Usual price 51,371
400 pa. Parataeltas aad Lyonese Cloths. Reduced a
per cent;
2500 Long Square Shawls, which will be sold at from
St to S 5 less than the annul prices:;
3200 yds. Bonne Ribbons, at 8 and 10e. Usual price
18 and 45' e.;
Fan Colored Calicoes,.6lc. Usual price oc.;
100 cases Engliah and American Calicoes; 8 and 10e.
Usual price 10 and 12ic.;
9 Ocases Bleached PS callus. Reduced 2e. pe r yard;
200 bales Brown Muslin—all grades
Also—Laces, Embroideries, Trimuungs,-Hosiery and
Gloves, Linens, Checks, Cloths, Cassimereo t Castanett;
and Jeans. •
Together with an immense variety of 'other. Gnat, all
of which will be marked down to lower prices thou any
,lent:mit previous Wes.
j• They. invite an early. as moos of lkeir choicest
; Goods will soon be sold.
The lowest price named at fast.
A. n. MASON :.CO.,
Nos. 63 and 64 Market street.
swarirr , rnann antra Ins WORT= aorta
Tho steamer TBOMAS SHRIVE% M.
BAILICT, Mlliter. leaves Pittsburgh, from hex
wharf oat, above tho Monongahela hridgo,dnily, at 4
o'cloek, P.M., and Wert Newton at 9 A . M., running in
connection with a dad!) , line of splendid Troy built
coaches to Cumberland, and Railroad thence to Baia.
more and Philadelphia—.
For further information enquire of
Passenger Agent, Monongahela House;
or, Capt. JACOB SMITH,
Freight Agent, Wharf Boat:
dre , 2o - 6nt
The nomad' Body must Perspire,
(no saga :wren')
And persons w ho do not perspire are liable to the most
11.,T0W,1 Oaks' Italian Chemical, Soap causes free
pe rsOrstion, and at the saindtime mollifies. edemas
toe skin , mink . it the texture andlieauty of auinfant'p.
are soon •not only healed. but cured by its use, as .51
least seven physicians in Now York know, who use it
in such cases, and find it un tailing—Vs also, in
or any other skin disease. c reader is assured that
this is no uselesspuffed nostrum. as one trial wiliprove.
I could enumerate at least 5D Persons cured of
Buy it, and the reader is again aastired,l' would not
cruelty sell it for the above, unless Lknew it to be all I
state. Those who are liable to -
will and this not only n cure, but a preventive and I
eon now only
. add, that any one afflicted with any of
the above, or similar diseases, will find this all and even
more trulmirabla in its , properties) than I state.
(Mr 'Bat, render, the stores are flooded with imitations,
and be sure you ask for Jonsts*lthlian Chemical Soap—
and buy it only of WM. JACKSON, only Agent In
Pittsburgh, 240 Libeny street, Pittsburgh, head of Wood.
JonesP Solution of Jet,
ALIQUID HUMAN HAIR DYE for the changing
. o
white, red or grey hair to a beautiful brown or let
black color. in, a few whiniest._ price Go cent/ nod $l,OO.
-Sold by W.IACKSON,I4O Liberiy_strect, Pitisburgh,
head of Wood.
Jaties , l.lly White.
are cautionettagitinst using common prepa-
I 4 red Chalk.
They u re not aware how frightfully iniuticius it is
to the skin ! how coarse, how rough, how
sallow, yellow and unhealthy the &tin
appeara after using mepared Chalk !
Besides, it Is injunous. contain
large quantity of Lead!
We have prepared a beautlftd vegetable article, which
It is perfectly innocent, being parifted oe all deleteft
ous qualities; and it Imparts to the skin a natural.
healthy, alabaster, clear, living white; at the same
time acting as cosmetic on the skin, making it soft and
month- Sold by the agent, Wltl. - JACKSON, &5 Libel ,
ty street, head of Wood, Pittsburgh. ,Price 25 cents.
‘ltcc2o:dnarly (Gazette copy.
A Salentine Hair Tonto Restorer
A ND BEAUTIFIER. Trial bottles 31i t cents. These,
whobave lived Jones' Coral Hair Restorative know
its excellent quallties—thoso who have not, vve Assure
it to possess the following qualities. It will force the
hair to grow on any part where nature, intended hair to
grow, stop it falling WI, care scarf or dardruff, and make
light, red or grey hair grow dark. For dressing the hair
soft and silky, nothing can exceed this—it makes it
trttly - beautlful and keeps it so. It is, Indeed, the most
economical, yet superior article for the hair.
Sold only at WM. JACKSON'S Store,24o Liberty st.,
head of - Wood, Pittsburg. Price . 37/cents, LO cents and
used in bed, &the dark, and by persons with tremu
lous hand, with ease, safety, and in half the:,usual time,
without the possibility of 'cutting the skin. This is er•
footed by means of the patent Guard, which is adjusted
to the razor with the greatest nicety and simplicity.—
Every Razor is made of the finest tempered steel. and
They have been' extensively used in England, and
pronounced the must perfect and safe razor menaces
" The new invention-may be used with perfect sate
ty."—London Pon.
"This razor is a splendid invention, and of great use
to many persons, -especially for people with unsteady
hands."—Chantbens' Edinburgh . ;mime:.
• For Side at the Watch and. Jlecvelry Store of
deas - W. W. WILSON. •
Soap Stone erlddles,
MAE subscribers have just received a few dozen art-
J.. perlor Soap stone GRIDDLES, direct from the
manufactory. = As these Griddles are used without
grease of any, kind, they are entirely free from the gas
and offensive odor that attends. The use of the common
iron Griddles, and which makes them so .objectionuble:
For sale by JOHN DUNLAP to. CO:,
dean cor Market and Second sts
A. W. Foster,
riFFICE, NO: 122 , FOURTH STRE.ET, opposit e vira..
kilts Hatt, Pittsburgh; Pa. . novls•dawlg •
.A.„ ,6.04.:..0z.-gio„-::git
. valuable 'Property tor. Bent, •
• A three story BRICE ROUS.22,lrelonaing to
' the estate of -Wit.J..Terzarr, - deceased, is oder
,P" ed for rent it is situated on Fourth st.,
between Ferry and Liberty streets, and has been
new y papered and painted ; itis now onoupied by ' M.
Verner. Rent, $2.50 per annum: 4pply to ninth'''. or
ROBERT C. Taman, at the Works of Snap. Co.,
Possession given on theist of April. R.
The - Exchange Hotel 'ter Rent.
I THIE term of the Nailer'+ lessee expiring on the Ist of
April next;the.proprietor atlas extensive and well
known Hotel is abont to put 'tin a:state of thorough and
complete repair, and offers it for rent on liberal terms.
Enquire of W. OHL ROBINSON, Att'y et Law.
• dec2o:d2w 99 'Fourth street,.
Valuable Cloal-Lagsd for. Sale,
Adjoining the Borough,qf Freeport, Artustrotsg Pa;
BETWEEN 45 and 50 acres of LAND, together .with
100 acresof COAL.
, The above described Lind is bounded on tile east
Buffalo creek; on the west and north by the old Pitts
burgh road; on the south by the Allegheny river. The
Pennsylvania canal passes through the entire tract,
which, together with the rivey, will afford a facility,to
the Pittsburgh market at any time almost in the season.
.The soil is good; the, coal is of excellent quality, and
superior to that used at the Milani:ling or Franklin Iron -
Works. Tl,ere is also an abundance ofLtme uuder the
coal. .
The above property will be sold low, eithet in whale
or in part, to any person or persons - who will establish-a
Rolling Mill on the same. it has-been pronounced (by
onetof the oldest and moat experienced iron masters in
this cotieti7,) to be one of the best locationx for a Roll
in Mill west of the Allegheny Albumins.
For further particulars, enquire of Wrn.M. Fish, F,sq.,
general Land Agent, and at the corner of sth and Smith
field streets; James B. Fullerton, Esq,, William Trnby,
Esq., Freeport ;or to the subscriber. • ••
- ' Liverpool Property for Sale...
BUILDING LOTS for sale in the town of East
' Liverpool:. Ohio, at, low prices and on favorable
terms—Sl2:l for corner lots and 8100 for tnlots=enchbe
iug 00 feet front by 130 feet. deep. Liverpool is located
on the Ohio river, -15 miles below this city, midway be- ,
tween Pittsburgh and-Wheeling, four miles front Gies
Ow and Little-Beaver, and the same distance from
IVellsville and Calcutta. .It is situate in a healthy and
beautirul part - of Ohio, - has 1100 inhabitants, and ONLY
manufacture of Rockingham and Queensware, several
hotels, dry good- and 'groeery stores and mechanics of
various kinds, four churches; and public schools—At the
recent sale of lots Six were purchasedby manufaCtureri
who design erecting,during the coming season potteries
and other manufacturing establishments—Queensware
of a pure white, addition -to Rockingham and yellow
ware, having been manufactured in this town, it is rea
sonable to expect that it will rapidly improve—Persons
desirous of viewing the property. can do so any day, by
a few hours' sail tram Pittsburgh, steamers leaving our
wharves every day for Liverpool, Wellsville and Wheel
' ICerms of payment--One--fourth in ,hand and the bal
ance in three equal Annual payments, with interest.
N B. I will dispose of a number of lots for. carpenter
work, brick laying, plastering, and painting, to be done
at Liverpool, during the • next spring and 'summer; also
for Lumber and Brick. Apply to Sanford C. Hill,Esq.
Liverpool, or to the subscriber at the office of Messrs.
Mitchel & Palmer, Attorneys at ,Law,N0.1.29 Fourth st.
dee 3 , . JAbrEs BLAKELY-.
A LOT OP GROUND fronting 135 feet on the Corne
ll. tery road, running back 95 teet, will be divided into
22 feet lots, or sold all.toge ther, to suitpurehaserr. This
is one of the best pieces of property in the borough.—
There is a two story brick House, and also, a frame
house. Enquire of R. S. Marsland,l9B Liberty stre et, or
Mr. Agen, at the Recorder's Office. ,
ILTand for Sale
THE subscriber is authorized to sell one hundted aeres
of Land, situate in Moon township. Allegheny co.,
Penn'a., 12 miles from Pittsburgh, adjoining lands of
Ebbed Wilson,heirs of lames Carr, dee'd., and Joseph
Tis lanai's of- an excellent qaality for farming purpo
ses, well watered ind timbered, and is supposed to con
tain an inexhaustible mine of Cannel Coal.- For farther
pardculars enquire of Joseph McFadden, on the prerni.
see, Robert Wilson, or the subseriber.
Robinson Township, Dec 14 ,
OTTFor Sale--A convenient two s tory-brick
DWELLING HOUSE and LOT in Aligeheny,
situated on the north Common, north side, fourth:lot west
of Sandusky street. The house is in good order, with
hydrant,pnmp, &c. Possession given on theist of April
The above property will be sold on favorable terms—
as the owner must sell. s
For farther particulars, exgaire on the premises, or of
Thomas 11. Rabe, at the Exchange Office of %V. If. Wil
liams & Co., corner of Wood and,Third streets.
A Great. Bargain,
ALOT OF GROUND in Allegheny City, Fitt:Wed on
the south sido:of Chestnut strect,near Liberty, with
a TWO STORY BRICK HOUSE-21 feet front ; 1.6 feet
deep; with back building and store ;own in front; an
alley 2 feet wide, running from Chestnut street to back
end of lot. size fn of lot, feet front and 5.1 feet deep—
and rents for ' S72. per annum.
TERM—One-half cash; balance in two annual pay
menta, with interest. Price $l,Ol/0.
For further particulars enquire at the Real Estate
Office, at the corner of Filth and Smithfield streets.
deelo:2w. HENRY W. FISH.
A Farm for Sale.
IjtliE subseriberaffers for sale a FA RM OF LAND,
I containing 160 acres-100 of which are- - eleareil.—
The farm ties difectly on the road fromMiddletoien to
Jefferson ; it is well-watered ; with a beating' orchard;
and peach and pear trees; and a Coal bank. The
bnildtngs consist of a hewed.log House and Bain; with
Stabling. For further particulars apply to the Subscri
lier, on the premises, Allegteeny cottaty,l6 miles
from Pittsburgh. NA.THANILL M'CLINTON. '
Arson township; October
For Sale or Flzorusago.
TIIE undersigned offers for sale the following de
scribed REAL; ESTATE, situated in thststb Ward;
viz: Two Lots of pround, fronting on Pine street, each
20 feet front by a feet beep ; ott which is erected two 2
story frame Dwelling Housesovith brick basements,
each containing sin rooms besides kitchens and cellars.
Also, one Lot adjoining the above ,o 0 which is -erect
ed three neat and: comfortable two story brick Dwelling
Also, three Lots of Ground, fronting on Locast street;
etch lot 20 feet front by 61 feet deep on which is erect
d five two story Frame Owelling Houses..'
' The above property, .tying together, forms a block of
CO feet front on Pine street by 122 feet deep, to Locust
street, and will be sold separate or altogether. It is
rented to good tenants. and remit for 5491.1 per annum.
Vacant Lots in the business pan of the city, or Land
within 3 or 4 miles, would be taken in exehange.
Apply to , HENRY W. FISH,
oct2 At the Great Bargati Corner.
For Sale.
A ,
LOT OF GROUND, containing 01 Acres, situate ,
one mile below the town of Beaver, Beaver corm
ty,on which there is erected a new Brick House, 46 lit
40 feet,ll stories high, with a basement. The housa has
been well built and or al finished, and contains 13 rooms.
It is within YOU yu tis of the Ohio river, and commands
a fine view o , 1, and is bounded on the North west by
the State mud leading to New Lisbon, Ohio. This pro
perty would be desirable for a country residence, or tor
a garden, or summer boarding house. A 101 of 5-acres
adjoining it will be sold with it, if desired 6y the par.
chaser. The watts are so moderate, that it will be a
bargain to the purchaser. Enquire of
febdil:tf Attorneys at Law, Fourth at. .
For Sole,
AHOUSE AND LOT, Situated on Pike street,hetween
Walnut and Factory streets, Filth Ward. The Lot
Lw Y:. feet front. and 109 feet deep, on sr - sich there are
two small Frame Tenements. Terms ea yi—Titlegood.
For particulars, ett9uire of Alilermr.n; PA R KINSON,
Penn street, Fifth ard. . may9af
To Let.
„„, THE DWELLING HOUSE, No. 88 Second tit:,
1 between Wood and Market strtets, now occupied
by the subsetiber--rent St.'oo per annum. -Possesston
given on the Ist November, next. -.
oc MO. 11. MELLOR, 81 Wood st.
Citienp Countryliiiiidenee.
ALOT oit,Nunnery Hill, containing four acme, wi.
be sold very low to any one wishing to build there.
on. The access:will be easy, and the lot commands a
most beautiful. view. [octitil THOMPSON BELL.
o e• t
A lIANDSOME STORE, on Market street, between
ilk. Third and Fourth - streets ut present occupied by
Mr. Mr. Thomas White, as a Dry deeds Store.
ALso—A large well finished ROOM in the second .
story, next door to Mr. Dud's Mercantile College. This
Room is well c alculated and, suitable for a Musical Sa
loon or Academy, or could be conveniently arranged a's
doable offices. E. D.-GAZZAfiI,
-• apt:tf -- Office, Third st., over tbe Post Office.
Coal Land on Yougtilogheny.
river,just_bove , tho 2nd Dam
100 Verße E is S m
api t t h o c penedaud railroad prepared far
putting coal in boats. [oetUt] THONIPSOIst DELL
Lane, Allegheny, between the Hand street bridge
and Aqueduct. Enqutre of H. W. Fish, Real -Estate
Broker, cerner.of sta and Smithfield streets.• roeM
BENVILLA PROPERTY. —A lot containing about
3 acres, and 'commanding a beautiful' view of the',
rivers and surrounding scenery, situate on Nunnery
Hill, will be, sold low to atty onc wishing to build 'there
OR RENT—Severat !louses in different parts of the
. city. Enquire at the Real Estate Otfiv.e at the cor
ner of Fifth and Smithfield streets.
scp2l:ff - kiENRY -W. NSW'
‘,/ acres on the Youghiogheny, just above the second
dam. The coal is very good, and a pit - already opened,
with a railroad of about 50 yards, which throws the coal
in boats. This property will be sold altogp_ther,. or in
lots of about 25 acres. foct4ll . THOMPSON BELL.
, A. Itiealtlty Location.
THERE is no place more favorably illtuntid ail= Min
i :tory Ilia. It is benlihy, and eon:mien - cis a , most - de...
llghtful view. Persons wishing a lot, can get one to.
Pleneetthom, containing from one to live acres.
Load for Sale.
HE Ehartieris.Coal Company will sell some very ds.'.
.1- aircatte puns of .LAND, situated as and near the
Steubenville Turnpike, and near the southern terminus
of their railroad.
The Land will be divided into quantities to suit pur
chasers, and the terms of payment will be very easy.
Enquire of . Z REDIINGTON, ,
. For netts. -
rirrivo well-ftnished offices in Post Office Buildings,'
Third street. -
A long, wcil•lighted room, third story ; 'entrauen hiar
ket street, between Third and Fourth streets.
Also,, a aniall brink house , Pitt tcrwnship,lloll? Fenn ,
sy Nmae Avenue. Inquire of E. D:GAZZAII,
oetB ' No: 164 Second street.
LFFEKSON C i UNTY LAND-1 I I acretilbr -aas
tt - *ea' - . TED N
Ilankern anblanSc *oleo
- -
• iff.ll4Thnigalfr 81078 iii •
al9B 811310 VIED 1831188 8.11881188 . 4Aa 11=74114.821' 081181*
ib No. 87 Narks sow, Aar &onWltts idetattd.
less in Notes, Drafts, Acceptano4ll,Geld• Ilver *nd
Bank Notta. Exchange on the Eastern and Western
cities constantly for sale. '
Collections made in all - the titles thronikont tne;Eni
ted States. Deposites received in par fundS or eurrent
paper, No. 67 Market street,between Third and Fourth,
streets. ang-294.y.
Domestic and Paragri Esc*lnge Bank Notts,.
Gehl and Siloefk:Bßught, So all;l4o.rtged,- -
£T zrts
RAC nA:Dictio Asp_ nAracure. nopsu i
. .
WYtlliara & C0. ,- '
do& Wood. Street,
K ]IER.a sesna.
Bankersand Exchange Brokers, ilatkra in :Foreign and
- Domestic Bils,Biasof .Szehango, CritQfcrates if Duos..
it, Bank NoW i and Coin. - , , „
Corner of Third and Wood its „, directl y opposite the , Si',
Charles Hotel. - , . , . sasy29 .
_ .
Current money received ou deposit. ,
Collections made on all the principal - cities Of the Uttl
ted States. - • Losigtily
s.rsen. - • . woe. ISAJWINTr
N.E. corner of ;rood and Siza strati., PitteluriptiPi
IrriEALERS in Coin, Hank Noteei•Timc 'Foreign-
J.J and DomesticExchange,Certificates - ofDeposit,Sso
EXCHANGE on all the pturcipal Cities of the Union
and Enron°, for sale in enzas to snit purchasers.
CURRENT and par fonds received on deposhe. -
COLLECTIONS made on all parts of the Union, attha
lowest rates. • - • Scpll;ls,.
WOTES, Drafts, Checks ) Ae. colleoted, arid Relatt
XI 'muses made upon favorable terms. .
ma y 2231 . R. R. BRYAN, Cashier..
, Ifollidaysburgh, blifay-13, ISSO. . , 1
Pa. - [matt
DI eche'
amuses aummao,rotrarn ABOVE - KARI= 621/2E2.
rillits BANK is now ppreppared to do business. :Open
fromPA.U.to3 P.M.
, .
Interepaid on SpeeialDeiosits .*
attg . ll . - WHOupsON BELL:Cashier—
O. W. TAYLOR, -.
STRICT attention will be given.. to all brialneisi ; en , .
0 trusted to lds care. Pittsburgh. manufactured ..arlt•
el es always on hand, or procured on short rodeo,.
Notes, Bonds, Mortgages, .k.c.; negotiated, on Cavare.-
ble tends. Advances mule IC required. toct?..f.f,.
I. , sale at the Banking House of PATRICKS
FRIEND, N 0.95 Wood st. • • toctlfl•
W anted.
TrHE notes bf the Bank - of
,Norwalk, °Barter which
the highest price will be paid, If presented soon.
N 0.95 Weed_
Street "
Dr. Rogers' Syrup or.Liirerworf. and Tar
. , .
ANGEL AG1711,..
For ths eomz7lete cure Of Coughs, Colds . , Mit tgenza. Astrinzei,,
Bronthstis. 6"piuing of Blood. and all other
Coihplaints tendtnf to C0N5.r111.1.P.770N.
This syrup contains no Opium; Cater:el; or any mineral _
whatever, but is ,composed entirely of_- thoset , Roots,-..,.
Herbs, and vegetable substances which nave al specific
influence upon the Lungs, and their connected organs.
Its immediate effect is to allay, all irritatiorn, and. gently
remove the ph leg m and other morbid secretions from the.
Throat and Air-Passages; thud relieving the Cough, by
subduing the inflammation and other eanr,es.which give
rise to it. It also stimalatesand imparts a healthy tone
to the Lungs thenitelves, thereby enabling them MOM
thoroughly to remove from`the blood. those impurities
and diseased particles, which, if so mach '.
mischief lathe 'system and lay the:foundation for Inert; •
sable CONSIMIP'IION.: It also exerts a decided action'.
oporithe skin, and [wrists nature in expelling, through;.
the Exhalent... mucker that morbid matter which would,:
otherwise be thrown back upon the Lunge, thus relieving
'them of a part of their work, and rendering the system
pure and healthy. When taborr.les are romung,it check*
their developthent and furtherprogress ". or if ulemutlon
has taken place; it assists the Lungs in'throwing off the
corrupted matter, soothes the irritation, heals the ulcer
ated cavities,and restores them again to healthy action.
This :ItTedieme, 'therefore, is not a partiativs merely,
which on's...relieves for the time being, bat is a' thorough.
eureuire, as itstnkes at the very root of the disease i _ttruL.
by removing it,removes at once all its remote'
tcndant consequences. - d
This is - its;
°tarmac—sr property possessed, in equal power, by ,no•
other medicine of like nature, now before the pnblie.
As no ordinary sized advertisement can fully, explain. -
the nature and merits of ibis - article, the Proprietors have
published a stew Circular, giving the history or this
eine; the description, nature, 4w., of its principal Lagredis,
eats; the effect they ore designed to have upon, the •
Lungs and Liver, and a copious reference to the persons
sato - hare bun Cured. by it—livin,gtheirrtames aratrestit
dances, even to the street and the number.- Those who,:
are troubled :wish a Cough, or whbse Lungs are in the
least affected, are earnestly ,desired - ,eall upon the;
Agents named below, and: procure one of these.rem- ,
phlebs. It can be had rratis,andwill well repaysperitsal
The " Riess on Health," and ... , ,Abtria taking-C o ld, may,
be worth to yourself and family. •
in the shape , of Doctors' Dills saved, beetles beincthe
'means or prolonging many a vtluable life: - ,
. ,
Such is o or confide nce in its virtues, that we are %till %
ing to warrant this Medicine in every case of !runt Cold,
(where used according to the directions on page 7th of
the pamphlet, inside the japer of each ,bottle) ! and
wherethe person . ii no shed that he - is deriving'
benefit from it, by ictorni the bottle within twenty
four hours' time,.
will be returned.. MI" See page 3d of the pamphlet inz•
side the wrapper of each bottle. • . • . • • •
317° Be sure to ask for Dr. A. Anne Syrup of LIP, •
other be palmed on to you. •
CAUTION.--/Vmse genuine, unless there Is on disbud'
wrapper, a note of hand, signed with a Pen,by A: L.
SCOVILL hs (30. • •• - • •
Cough and Disease of fourteen months 'standing Cum!,
After being given up twice by eminent Physicians!
ALBANY, June, 914,1849.•
. Messrs. A. L. Scoria Co.-1 herevrith forvvant to -you
&Certifies/4qt a Cure, effected by your Compound Syrup
of Liverwort, Tar Sod Canchatagna. The Cities and
(*perforation was of fourteen atentke standing, and ha/-
baffled the sltill'of. several of our emicemphyslcitiris in
New YorkiAlbany•and Cooperstown. I ant the *ticrion
in whom - the cure was effected, and as' had proviottsly
no fail(' in patent medicines, 'shave since tried . it on
others, and ease become satisfied of its value. Mine
was as great n cure - as was ever. performed as I had,
daringrny sickness, bins glom up Matt by my physicians.
I have now commenced my business, after taklinr, I
think, about eight bottles. • .
Yours,respectfully, THOS. C. i'euLDEll...-..
sea slow PecnIPTLY IT ACTS:
Statement'of Mr. A. Lang, Bakst', N 0.239 Fear; sweet,
N. Y.—A few days before lust Christmas, I was, taken
unwell, and soon commenced bleeding freely at JIM
Lunge. 1 called in a. Homampathic physician, but his
medicine did hot seem to help me. I read your advert ,
isement. and thought I would try Rogers' Syrup of
Liverwort, The and Canchalagua. Before I had taken
op the third Donk, my bleeding lad stopited, my Cough
was gone, suds felt as well as usual. My health Is now
good. 1 consider it a. most excellent medicine, and ear,
dirtily recommend it to my friends. (This statement was
made to the Proprietors, March 12th ‘ 18.50.1 ." . '
(J This whole paper might be filled with letters sit
miler to the above,flom those who hate been eured._ -- -
FOR SALA .. .wholesale and retall t bg•A.L.SCOVlLL'''
tr. CO.; Proprietors at their.„Prinetpai Depot,(IOTIIIC
HALL, Na. 316 Broadway, New York; to. whore all'of• •
dens for the Medicine, and letters relating to , Agencies, -
should be addressed, pmt.paid. ; . • • •
ALSO, for sale by It. E. Sellers, Nti.37,WOod 'aireet,
Wholesale Agent for, Pittsburgh and vicinity: D. M.
Carry and H. P. Schwartz, Allegheny Clip; Townsend,
Can A Co., hlanehoster ; A. Patterson, Ilirtninghant.-_
PRICE-Inlarge bottle, 81,00 ; : or sl.kbottles forsS,oo.
lorlWato Diseases. , , •
Dsvormi his entire attention to aril:dee
•;,(___, L at,Tha.; practice. His L asincssismostiy warmed to
'waft Private or Venereal Diseases, and such pain.
e> 1/ youthful tion, broug ant by imprudent.:
'"„••fik indulgence excess. _ .
41 . :`f; Syphilis,Syphilitic Eruptions . , Goaort
*I. s ''' . heir, 6 lett Stricture, Urethral Discharges,
Import y of the Blood, with all diseases o. the venere kl
origin. Skin Disease-a, Scorbutic Eruptions, Tester,
Ringworm, Mercurial Disease!i,Seminal Weakness, Ira
potency, Piles, Rheumatism, Female Weaknessfillonth
ly Suppressions, Diseases of the Joints, Fistula in Auto
Nervous Affections, Pains in the Back and Loins, Irrita•
dons of the Bladder and Kidneys, successfully treated
Cure guaranteed.
Fourteen scars' practice:(four in this city) enables Dr.
Brown to offer assurances ofspeedy care to qv:homily
come under his care.• - ' '
Office and private consulting rooms, fa Diniacrad ay.
[Cr Charges moderate. • nova:dam',
EUMATIBAL—Dr. browns newly ameovrea rem
edyy for Rheumatism iv &speedy and certain rem ay
for thatpatnfal trouble.- It neverietts. .
Office and Private. Consultation Rooms No: 65, DIA
MOND, Pittsburgh, Penns: ,The Doctor is always. et
home.. fanlB..dainrf
filiowe's Cough Candy.
EOR SALE by H. Srayser, Joel blobler,: Ogden' &
Snowden, Coulter & Hook ,e Wrn...Jaelteoni - ind
spial( ' brDowell, Pittsburgh; W.R. AVglelland, Mato
cheater. Inovidt..•
Numbering Rouses 'Mond Pittebtirgbt:!;
silizeotory, r:
ALL persons indebted to the subscriber for bathe,-
ing houses or Pittsburgh Directory, will please cell
at the rooms, of the • Board of Trade, corner of Wood
end Third streets, between the boors of 9 end 2 o'clock,
and settle their bills. Subscribers and those wishing to
purchase the Pittsburgh Directory, will 'dapples/ e
CIGARS -A very superior lot •' 1413 tree Corollas,
Regalia Cigars, and other favorite brands, 47417LMS
id imperud. For sale by MAGUIRE.& BANE,
. - -
nov9 .. - I. 2 4 l 3econdit
• - - .- - -
.. , .