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Dollanu.wittlnitiriabints re t quizedAr nolpltid within the yediV, h didte Single copies TWO X=lls-{Ol l a! a r the Other, and by the News Heys. - Tull AT FRDAY 2a/B*IING2POST Published from the same - office, .0n...a :lame :blanket ile• sheet a at TWO DOLIARS...Ienr, to advance— . mgla topics silts elms- ....; ' - ~. •• ' • - - lir No paper will be . disContintted (initisiiii•the - als.: ration of the proprietor) until all an•earaker are paid. ".' ! No' itilolllloll.Wilt be paid-to any order unless ae .mpanied•bY thirmougy. or imtiefitotogyreforenceln this city • .•,-...::. • '• •• •• 4 .": . ~,, .-, t .;.,4.7 1. - • T EAOI R13' .... '071:ADVERTT544143.: • 'Mu 'QUASI. olli • vorzt.srit LINEA *4); :ISM! •ne Insertion,. i • •,•••••140 AO One M0mb,.,44 . ..”4114.60.. -o ' do . • • ...••••!..1 1 f ..13 . 75, Two • •do, . r...... , •. 6 00 three do• - • ... •• • ...,...• ~ 1 OQ Three do;:•• • •••••l ;• • ••••• 7'oo / •ne Week, .... • •••'•• •'•••• *l' 50 Pour do , :';;••••: ••'• ...--' B'oo wo do".'..•i•.'. ; : ."...• : 1 9 go six; -• g5..t'... , ...• —• .. -10 00 . hreo dos • , - '•,3 . 00 o a s yeaz,.. ........:. • 15•01! YEARLY,AD VRII.T.I,SEMEN,TO :. -...• .. Charserabtc ar Ilegrurs.. • ........ ..... , On, iflumu!.. • _s_gUro *Maas. .' •:. 'x Months,' $l5 00 I sit Monthri.,••i - • 820•00 no ic'eari 00 00 I One Year,- , - •••• ••4 .30.00. Larger advertisements 'in proportiOn. ~ ..., ,_.:., --,.... E - Can:Lief FOUR LINES, Fins Zhillcusu , Ygur . .„ .; .. cuts will not Iminserted unless . an, e11p,,1•044 e paid. :** Oti - st . rubes of i ila! Advertisements upon which n 11101. ions is not marked, will be inserted-And charged min . nlered out • %"; ::;, .;:: :.. ..-,:.••:i: l:-. : Iproaniintal.tat*.-' I,.cililactri._„ .. ma f itoN, , '. ont y ! . '"dgviali:i.tr-u 64 s' on Four th she et, nearly opposite the Maybes Offalt Ina 17 . 0,- .: - '.. , .n.:', - ...- -. ---1--- -- :" ~--,..,:.--,--:- . • -- - --- D . JENNINUS, Asoniat•Lio, Foui • t h : sc4 er 11bve. I 'Woocl , . ; :ky.,"; ri EL AV: ULAua,-,Anornev l iu Law--thlice on 4 sweet,-ear Graaf, Viltiburgh • roct2S R. d W,OLIVEII,- PAyrirtai►,sNdApiiro,i:=umce No 8, St. Clair street, Yittabiugh, • - nag2l.-y• - H. JOHN . oHANFOlONAitsmAise.fit.. • CliifaitiVOl opposite tbis Huh aUgLO-y 1. - ORLANDO. /00A 1 / 1 4 ..NLass.7l:Milee 4,4! se.) above. Wood. 4 , t. : - ittlY 4 4 .. . • . • . 1111 0 BIAS- Ale MANI DULL, ' etnornoy as Law—Office, Loorrieholktihilms, Fourth at.: • !,,; Aun7elv. OHN -H.:N/LMILTON, Atuono at •LatoLOthei on' 3 Youth itreet,hetweenWoott arid Sitti . qtfietd, Plat: ih&littintrint, Ituornsv Lars—Ottiee in Bakoweit's .. Buildings on , Gratit street, opposite thO" Court' raj • , • 4,` • •••• • t • o..—Deice an •e• V s same building with Alderman ArAtaster, rim at, ClWeell Woodtand Sznitafteld Sta. ' sagl74hat. • of Flll/i limey &viewq iuid.Smithfitild, in the, Imo building 'with Aldeiatita Noriow: „ iteigtßy EUiLOE W.LAY/Vll;Alartruittuut Cosaustkir ai Law. and Nola,* Piadic.-:-OtEtauttha cosaerof Ath and, Voad its; aterSibbat &Jones' Exchanka gado: unlit I • Street, bet*een Wood and Smithfield; Pittsburgh. 11 , .'I PI 3 ,. .:C.: A i t rI7 s and I ' •len at lam.--01 Ree on Fourth v., opposite R. &.E. . illiteracies Livery Stable,Plitsburgh. veld(hY OR ‘VARD & SWARTZ WELDER, Attorneys as Last , . Officer 'iniTisarth Itreet; . between 'Wood 'and: Smith eld,-opposite Pattersoiei.Live rg Stable; !'• ap7-7 &MOE F. ULLIAMOILE; Attorney and Counsellor as • • Late.—Othee removeden the tad door below Grant it., 0 Faulk la ;beak* Way, oteepiell by Alderman et- : . txnuall .111 , C1701VRY, digericy and,Counsliqrai Lato.--; Office in BakewellWßutidings cin,Grant street. .8C a rrj.Lko4ist, Feurth ea., five doors' West of Mer ket. All work wammted, and if nerperfeetty eta factory no charges will be mode. feblo Dr. Greirge'WCook. 1 FF/Cryin . Fourtartrat.arar Grant, immediately op .posite Mr; Bakeirell'a, in the room lately occupied an omen by ilderman Xfile'r. He may be found, at ght; No.ll St. .Charles. , • - • • my2t4lys= , : . :0' A: A • • •• 4 EMOVALie—Dr...flobert Snyder . , has removed I office Mt Foerill greet; betwecteiVoat add ;Sad EhiOVAL.--JOHN:/AfITC • 1. L., Attorney at Law has removed to Fourth at, next sloorSo the Wane o RICK*-1.40,UU8, Birmingtamilnr• Bale by npna • • • . - ROBY, MATTHEWS CO-. . BUGKAMMER: - 41detanan:-;01:fleer - Fourth ttreet . thiradoor above Smithfield, South 'aide.' ' Conveytuiclatof all Walden* with the greatest care ad 144 _ Thies ta RetilEatate eilln11116 . 1; &e. A: 'Glary • onvegartme.—thnee i. Metcalf% B thug, Fourth, /street, mear smithfiel. ittebtutt. Deettittonds,Mortgarms,AstielesotAgs ant, and all other instrument/of wntingdnsonteP wt eentaey and disputa.- Titles to Real Estate examined. ara-dtcwly , , ' A- PA R KlNSOZW.acknnan, Fifth Ward, Fenn st.. betweealtrahminad *Mamma, where he may found atratimea. -- Thosetamiaghatmeaor other pmrp• rlyto sell otrent,ean Mwe the *axe P.adada ll Y attend ' d deldkeolleeled,ro4 an Me &Mei; elan Aldeimah will ncellippl'ontrt'attent*i. ' ae27LP A ,TrORNEY and COMIRELLOICat LAW; Office in 1 Auk ldelkesl3nildings, comer of Wylie and PM meets east side df•theCourtliousc_ . Oar Collecting, Conveyancing, examinations of Ho cords, Oro.; promptly lind accurately attended to. myl3 FOR 13ALE, , Your Losr--Boanded by keno, Liberty 'andltay sta., tech lot hating 24 feet-front, and ex tending back Ito feet.' Two of them are corner lots, and bevointioniefthe whole property le one of the moat ad ventagcousltethecity Toi thither information apiily to • 1 -- - - •'..'fill.-SWARTZWELDEtt, Fourth at:, between. Wood and Smithfield. RUIT4V4BITUTS--11:10 half licaes 111.11:Itaisitta, '2O F easta_Zate . Curiaatis,fi boxes , CitiOns; 600:bru5hele Terua. - Pea Nets, bble."..Texat Pelicans; 10 bake. Bor deaux Alradridii,' 10'dO. 7 ,13trelialt Wall:m*10 di:t Filberts , 10 do. Cream Nate; 40 do. .I.ed - "Peaelota,Z do. Dried Apples. For:ealti,by: .0 0 8) BoNNEr • RYWILLI/004 Atawng_tout, Opunsellor at (itteeeasor to T..ovrne fr. Williamaj Office at the old , standiFourthahja/tave Smithfield. ', • - , . THE beretoforeetietime between Henry W. Williams. Eng, and sayself„ixt the practise ofthe law, WWI dissolved by mawal cansent nn.the 20th Mb, and the business Win hereafter bet ontbuted.by Renty_W. liana, whom most cheerftdlyreetitaraend , to all for whem Iltaire the 10 . 0102' to dtfbusiaess—as tendemak every warstorthy Afitheir confidence.. - .„ decll3-ly' : WALTER .11.. LOWRIE. George K. conwerineter. 0 FFICR I t g a Ai:cry ROT; FM street,'ntioielimithfield, Dzinosllforrosemrlkommiszwrs,Rounih-Bllf ulftiS and oler instruments of writingi dr:ONO - with neatness, legal accuracy dlapntch. • He will also attend to drawing andsling firecrientes. /. - wni;Accounrr efExcentori,Admin armors; 4.c.; ExOnining fides to 'l;eal . Barare, Searching Rerm•isfotuirt44.;44•F: r• • • From his long expenenoe; and intimate acquaintance with the =mot of, keeping the' reeordi, he ex pects to give satisfaction tothois Whomnp entreat their Gushiest to - his care.' ' = • decls • Auctton.Sotto ?PM inobseriber bus paldinto the Treasivy of the 'Coral' monwerdth, the amount of Odense reucured by rave lie has goon the regularly. approved; security, and taken out a centrals - gen Of thelrat class; as ir e AtiCtionear of, the city of : Pittsburgh, and. rented that ipacions warei. room belonging to' lifylvantisLinhrop;Esq.,No. 114.Virtnid street, three doors from Fillh,whereille is prepared to at tend to the sale of every kindof Merchandise,,Fitrniture r Real Einate, fitocks„.Shipping, ikc. t either Milos Auction Rooms or on the premises, and wFlltn all'eases exert him self to the atmostfor rite beneftt or hi. emo l o y mn , on the. most reasonable terms; he will ' ell exclusively and ordk on commistioni. neither _purchasing' .nor having any in. terestadnamaer Ong ds in the store, but riterelythe com soisslenfor sellhigoliereby giving. all owners a falrclumee without partiality of having , thereinvroperty disposed of to the best advantage. , .. • . • , , Sales will be promptly settled when - Advances, will be igyen -at any on the most accommodating. terms... erchants-will not beeharged for advences.. . Regular sale t Mondays and Thursday's,. of Dry Goods, Oreceries, - Faruitnie, tr.43.4:.and every evening, Hard Vutleryi Watches, Guns, Pistols,' and Fancy Articles:: ks on Saturday:evenings.. • • ap24. -,,TABLES Vir O:4ODD, Would saispictfirlltinform the mar- Xis chants otthis , city and our customers general. 44 that we have removed - our itockof Shirts and GenttPur nishing Goode to - tbe corner.of Filth and Market streets, Rd story over W. &P: Hugely entrance , on , Fifth street,' where we intend to keep on hand a large stock of Shins, of our own manuftuitute,with tutsortment of •Gende, seeps' , Famishing GoodsinsOallykspt by Eastern Whole /tale rtunishlng Stores., t' Whig wen , dtankfal for the kind patronage bestowed on as for the paw year, we:wbuld be happy to receive;, calla, front Our old - eustrimers and. merchants: irentrally, and would inform them .that we intend nothing on our: part shill 'indeed-them) to look further; as we expect to add lazpiy,mour stock,,and diminish our prices. Merehants and 'deniers- are 'solicited: to examine our stock of Geode. , • ' aplo-tf, EMOYAL:-4:itt epeoent out pent trrroorketittitd: tidemandlor vegetablesetaide, - Thave • beetocoar' pelted - to.reratere , mr Brew' Stand tattle opposite side'of Market street ir!front Alexander & Day's Dry Ociotte Store, w herel - 11144! Pe gltidoitio my (mut customers: ly12•!.•• - r • ' 4DHN - StLEPHARD: 13A00.iir340 IdiT Osiris' ' ,'; :LP 71 30 P:g 1 4-S4imigPli: teed zuidloi Ate' • 444. P I'ATMI,I.;R:. f`. 'r '. •';:..Z , -,:,•.,'.. ',•':-'-,','f,-'Y' , ;''!-',; `!. ;; ,-;- ?,;4 :,' ,- ? -; ;T:'..1• ,--- -s'-' ::,•,:.::t,,,r;;..,.'.',. -. r,'f,r s NMI IMRE =BEIM ==M9 `.} =ZEE 1/11011Z1 ~:.:,„, 2-:i - :: , ..iV:': -','-t=.1:!±.:','..,,A•5;.•1 . • • I r .: . ':::Y . Y', =EI • . .. , . . . . • - --.., ,i s .:.1 4 ; •,—,..,.. : .0.'.:. - . ~. ~, -,, :,- et. ~,,, . ~ ~ '`,.._' ',;-...'"..,:',.' '7' •---"- '''''•"-^r'flAtetll64( .' * ' ..'. *Ett*W". - ' ... '.... " 1. ';'''''. l...... '''''''''''. ". • ' • 4....2.\ ' ‘. -.... . • 1L'6"..r.""1.-? • .--' -. ' .-..".... t.' ''''n-;.*/"... d."'"•''.s '•‘•E•ll4r.*.'' ''''''..-.14.15. ..."A*l74. ........."P".. . ..' 1 ' ".‘.... .. , . '..C.7.*),1t' ...17' '' ' n' '' ':''. .' '- z's ...,.- .A-AzkAte'ixdit" " x -;• . - . -..7,4-',-,4-.,-,--v----.-- --..".••••-•WP•40,,....ig , .. . ..., ."., . - ---- -- . - _T. : ". ': -- ''. - ' '`. . ' : ''' .. l, .. : ' : -.2 '. • ' .. • - .. .. •__ , - -.....,...., . -f --.„.*. ... .:-.` ~-.- • .".„, .. .. . ... 4 ... . ... ". . ~ ..„ 04 : . 1 : - . • • • ~. ..''' ;:f • . :1 1 Lt. • - '. . —. . . ' ...el' - ,I* . i--- IF l- 4 ... t,. - . ..i, . , VVV .r. -... ;,.,..1 11 z .:. , ~„...,. ,?.,..,.. ....,_,_, ....,..0...:, .....„....... ...f,..„.. ......,.,..z ~..,. .. . ._.......... ~.:. . ......... Fl' .„.„...,,::..,. ............ ...,:. ..,... .....;.i... ,_..... ~.„..,....,.....! ~•-•:' s"(' ' ,' :,.- - ',' . ;.;'' '•, ' ' ,ni . .... ,; Fp '. iP_.:.i k liatt;tll4=4 270 410 ti . Vint ' it ., / rilg4r l ., !4 . '; ' d " l'' '.. ' ' . .V.! ;' • . '"5" I , ' ''' "• % '.q;.'"' 'OA ... .. ei, r • -....... , 1 ":'• 'IV " . I . .. •.. - . . . .„„#I 4 UF/ 10 : 1 _ CARD. FLITABT.•,,• •' •s, •• • ....... - • ..... • •11151 • ; , tyrxietvr & SILL, .ux?Ouzs;.-AilD •Paorrecr. tomsteuoN , MEACHAßia, I" ; No. 118 Weed.strat,Piasbutehr , P o o.'.l ' -EILLEILS IN OROOEMES . Flour .Wheat, Bye, DAnEs Barley, Port, i ßaeoa:,Bußer, Lard, cheese. Cloier(ricatnlty.aild :Raiz Beenlroa,Nalle, gr-s A 0 ,,, T ani° 04e.11 1 1011:Prkid ;0 the 50 0 of Western Pcoduce. - /licrazalicsa+4ledira:3*.)qrs & atudeil &Cu., Hamptpik, Badth &Co, Bing &Moorhead, Meal' la A fe , lloe, James fatty; PitiaborgA; Fenner & blorri4oa, Esq.,l3t. tords; OLD .wr. , ouium.tra , KoTrarpl:t4 5 WM. CRAWFORD, Pamatazob "w . .4.2Ti#, BETWEEN TENN .AND-LIBEETT :552=7;7'40-174,4.7..; - • "...1.55,P244 .AB, BrefililitSiFassumais,T,Alunsajdrt at, nesr Wood-Bt. Chines Buildings. IsePIB-y 4 - 0 - 4315ittettliar u dew% N 0.114 Wockstreet.:- : • 4ka.B..o7l4lCMXV`Ther, tr... Fancy , and .4el2Wvanings,Nolirrgtatkerstxtet ,- :feta ' • • • A LEXANDER JAYNka, Rain" Tea Sae% 72 'Third .461Linne8 near Wood. -, . -febl. (1. , 4AT0C3 OSKBY, Imo' OW CZ)ViOst Storc,'NO:.lT2, ,1 4,j;Liberty stoset,Oppo . site tins Mouth of M ttet. t • febl • OSRVA ROBINS 1 N;,::dirent foe.' litiriden le Co.'s '4O Untie Paekett, Filth eV one doorbelime Wood: febl 101711. 1 . 1 A krjACKSON,_' PittetU at itihs Depqt, 85/ Lib- IT- lefty - streist;lead ' • - febi I OLLSII tr. ELLlOTrißookteberx and ficaftenersiette Minket Ift. between Thin!' raid Fourth. febl. - DELANY ) Peatirritabla ClssAirst Store; No. 49 Lib street. 3 •:. • • •-•: - .• t . febl • uON AP.,.154.4 N-Ecnef of Wood anctfebl 11kr- 1101241E8 er. SON; Beatktri and Ikakra in Fteliango 'l.l'. Cain 11.041BankNoia, No, 85.1441arket street. , to b 1 andrviar • • o. ' econ • ' - .114.1 'Mid, between Markel' Teriy'streets. ' febl fIPOWNSEND, OMEN &al t . -Coach tuut Wasn't Makers, 5115C..434dr street, near ;tut tindge;- - - • - • - febl BROWN'S OFF :„:Wocul street. 1.4).135 ' Diammd alleY -t nefti ' " • wig .• ' ..... WEENElSkaifts . .ragiarsabte Clothing Exabl#lminu, W e rut t... 5 Liberty street " mr24 leasiiiertabir 2ttitor, Viilb street, near 0, NV. • • 0 , , • heater:dee of ate Rost. . - num', Ail - SSPRANT TAILOR, Smithfield street, No; 12; be JAIL tsreen Isl and 24 strews. 12‘94/*: AItai.ULTY &CU,. S'RrWariling and. Coodniulon %./ • Narita ,Canal Basta; ward 4 - 01 IN C SlCE' a rt, atet and Ckalier;Libitreet between Sizth and Virgin alley, south ado. seplO 111ORRY, fdAWREWO Mem, W•tobsas efaxerr, Coni- WI; miastonauld Foradadirtglilerehantai and ;against°, brighton Conn Yana,s7 Water at i yinalng. -IiATOI.; A. WARD, „Dentin, - Penn street, three doors :abovialland area:. Oftico hours, from: rdhe fixe, : • • . • . - autaltY. .(7QOLEVA.LA.llll),..3.ferchani raiiprs, Wood street, V second . door • from Water Will keep constantly on handa well selected lot of Clinking. • marry t" — cid.MISLAND, , Cioap Whaksale.and Cot/ Store, No. 43 ,Liberty street, corner of Virgin tilles-Potsbnrgh: • • • • • fetakty _ _ F 4. s gfrzits= l° MersAa bluu ru, n! le t i th .Lrx 'e sal ) eWol.tunieri :gear :Wooten Goods. , rebid ' fril•W B KERiteofiterrostr ist lettoolftee removed to. • .1 Fourth street; tretireth ‘smithfield and Gnitn streets rittalimrlo4: • lor/3:3M: ;kliAllikForwordtur .aria. cammussor!, dferekorus Deakiiin Pnertir4 No. 3 Smithfieldst opposite the iitenangehela House.: • - • • je11)... iVHND Alliati4l , 4 Waacicaocula ltagOt Onsirsigt, No lOC Wood street, one door sou* of Diamond alley. ' fad • ir It hiIIORHEAD, }Thalcsatcand awe= j 3, and Produce Dealers, comer of Vie Diamond and E 7 °D". Car Gentkmen's Punt= Good, tis • eardisinrunr, comer of Alrukell end streets. *up states; entrance on. Filth street. = gnYi3' s • mottalsOnotagde :wuttlezzia Biwa in Fancy and Staple Dry Goads, OS Market street, be tween Fourth end Gm Dimond: mr.l I. t I ' N. 'rc, • : 1, ‘O. and Gold:Leaf, Deanna' roll, Oct. constantly oil hand and tnaanfactizzed to order. cny23 -,BLUM.E t Piano Ports dfanafacturer, and dealer is 4:Swam!lnstruments, No. Mt Wood stmt, near MILL • ' • • • novlo 1 OSEPH WOODWb.:LL, Importer ant healer inFor 'eign n stre and Domestic Hardwary, corner o( Second arid OA/09d et.. Q • AGWEL AUCLUSKAN & CO., Agemi for Carlisle kalinclltippard's Regular Lints of PreJcief Ships, from 'New York to Liverpool, No. In Liberty it. febl TOSEPHMAJOBTBoat -Store, Biulehendletcy and 144 :Agency of the ThrosharOt .U 44 Factory, No 4, 'Market street, Pittsburgh'. jnl2 If tA&PFE &O'CONNOR, Proprietors oldie Pittsburgh A Parkthit Bops &ors corner,of Penn and Wayne etc febl I AMES MAY, Witaksate GIi7C4T, Forwarding and Coas t" mission Merchant, Water street, between Market and Ferry. fcbl ..123111. it , CURRY, Bankers and Exchange Brokers,N 0 jj., 65 Wood street., third door below Fourth, west Bide febl IiRABLE4' ticlikLlol,..fitsthers azut Ezdtangs Bracts, comer of Tbird and Wood streets, opposite the $4. Charles Hotel. febl TOIMISONIc STOCKTON,Boolcseiters,StarknursZ,Prin -0 are and PuNishers, corner of Market and Third its.: taros. SC • s g , Fifth etteet, between Wood and Market. • Jan? bIeSTE.IbI,-Brass . Fouatkr and [Tits Finer, Smilh ti.. • field street,. between Diamond alley and Ftfihat. - deetr SEVEN SIG DOORS CLOTHING STORE,NO. 5, Sixth nee; near Liberty. ' JOHN PARRAN nov24 . . -Proprietor; Removal. . r29anbaeribera have removed from No. 57 Water ai. the Warehouse recently:occaliied by lames May 0,. Water at. inty2l RHEY, MRITHEWS .5. CO. - - FAHNESTOCK do CO., TVitsiesais Drug Were- B. Am% cortievof First and IVoad streets,and Corner of Wocultunfifixth. fat HE SUMHWEBB vespeetfliliTaform the pnbtri T that they have comxneneedßrewing for the ensuing season, at their Brewery, foot of PHhaven. A street, and constafilsniiplrof fine'new - ALE, Fresh YEABT, - &e. Juistazcznizo:-.23 bales first sort (i 848) Western New . York HOPS, which they onn-leltiow. sepZ • - .GE.O:W..BISIITH'I4 CO. 'lr 5.4/ YOUNG. -• • • _... J. Q. A. 1013'40. TS.! fer , YOUNG . / 4 CoTtiOk444k a nd Retail Family , (Racers and Dealer's in ?Wag, N. 15r.,conier.of Fourth and Verry and S. W. corner of Third and 8051. atreeta, Rittaburgb, . . mar3l;y TOSHUA RHODES, Waoksals, Fruiterer, Confectioner !!and 'busier in Nuts ward' kludeof Foreign Fruits, Nit. 6 Wood street, East side,,between Water and Fin streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. Alt orders In' his 'line carefully -attended to;. • • - • . mar2o Jona McDrzotrr. Jouts Molkortre. Wat..lll.cDsetrr TOHNMCDEVITT &BROS., Wholeiate arixers, Debi, 0 'ere In Produce, Pittsburgh MaituractumS, and Mex. elunidize generally, 50..13 Commercial Row, Liberty *ocean mar4:y AVril. ALEXANDER & EONS. Cain Maker/ and Pur i', sighing finder/akin, corner of Penn and St. Clair erreeta, opposite the Exchange: Entrance on• Penn greet. febl yourr IL• MELLOR, Insiesrits, aruk ,Rekti/ Dreier in Music tirici Musitalinstrunteno,PlnnoVehroot Bonk', and Siatimurry, N 0.122 'Mind street. join "1 - Argim3TATTF.RsoN., J r. I corner of First and Ferry AarOels, malertfacturet , of Locke, ilingelf,' mid" Bolts ; Tobacco, Fuller, Mill andl runger Bettors, Houiten .ScrOvestor Bolling Mille ko. • • • ' ' ' •seglo' ftlair444.ftectiVzoist*,,,ana aier:Lie Deal = Foreiga arid amide Ulnae; and Lignons,.No. )44.7.4barty street; and 53 Diarnand ir2i "EtICIEBIANG HOTEL, •Exclutitge Plaee t Baltimore. Daatory,,Proprietor. ' , Coaches will be in remllnees at allltitalaudinge m convey passengers, free' of chart vir LNG ta FINNEY;Agea far the j1e ... /apare Df fe u b tu z ai Tait/kilned 'Cazapansr, of Philidalphfit at the Wari boas" of King pk..11014,,aea, Wiitefistrae4 near Market. &-AlcX.NlCHlT,**salt: (meets anzt Cam; ictiniithalfferthSixth etreet.; betweenf Wood. and ".' : : .fitookbhulericonterolf.fidrd and Wood VTs tree to, &levee.a. Mix, where be is prepared to do ovorY deseTiatiartbf Jg aid binding- . __pec2 bitrAPTATWiiilesaie ~. .,.DRYGOODS, MOW eaareorner of Market. and Fourth ate— • . - Z-J • - ' • § ll ) l . c° 4 i g r oat mid Market. - " - " et? Leblo TROTH. It SCOTT,. jfilsai:iaii - gin! Baton Dealer in '.5 • Boalt,'lShoo,Theiske, CaiptiAlagh-¢e.,13.3V • cornerFouktuul Smithfield sts.,plaiburgh;Tll-:.:lnir-,Y /aurora luau /Avon.wiLetaxmaaatraz 11 ".:.HAltakt1.01-14 conmibrio n ..anzi"Farisiaraing pa 4 . , dfachanisond dealers in Fnnr,nool. and - hodupei. fit - W4 l ori:Vid!lo4 Vront street; betwe Weird lidd, Badthheld streets, Ditutiurgh: - os2o:y. - - tip/CH.ARD .34 - LEECH,. 4r. - 'lmparser; and drain in, I•Fortkre.and ittineatic,Balt/' erbakadmire, and Car. ,, - riagt .Tthrestings, of all duteriptione, No. 133 Wood st., , Phtahurghkaeveadooraabove Fifth, and one door above H. obit& CpArShPerStOTO;;,' : • , 714,24, 7 , maff*.suvolallt i (late Zdartin tc Smithy) Whetende 13; finteerrißrodues and _Cannzissian .liferac..ilAt,sB Wood street, Pittabttritb.;_alits, Aetaigned Savants, entetid,into partnergitgiltliiet the abbve.atyle, respeetrully ask the c~nage or the frjonda the late firth, p.yand'of the pu chasers phiefally:: • Thes,lciel warranted in,piontielog - thialltherearViT ilhritra4(fAe.-:aatvlie - may by of then), or confide hominess la theircare. - At - BIN I ISII. t • 4 2., , ,_- RUOS!• DROOP. 11--JoEWorLaa, Druggist and D AP:Ascary, rnorth-wein corner of Wood and Fifth meets, Pittsburgh, will keep constantly on hand Drags, Pallas, Oils, Dye-Stulfs, &e. • S. El.—Physicians' Presciip dons carefully compound ed from the beat materials,-at any hoot; of the day or night. Also, an assorunent of Perfumery Erne tooth, .hair, and clothes' Brushes, &C &c., which will be sold low !Or cub. apkOrry NffLABI . TROVILLO, Undertaker, Fifth street, inv. ne ' diately opposite the Theatre, respectfully in termit his friends and the publie in general, that he has resumed his business ai a Punishing Undertaker. He is supplied with and always keeps on head Corms of all siren andlciruis,Shronds,and all other articles necessary on such occasions. Silver plates, lee boxes, and leaden coffins will be 'ap plied in order. & fine hearse and eiurriage alwars ready to attend tanerala. • sep29:ly John M. Townsend, lIRUGGIST AND APCYPIESCARY, No. 45, Musket LF street, three doors above Third, Pittsburgh, will have constantly on hand a well selected assortment of the best and freshest Medicines, which he will sell on the most reasonable twins. Physician's sending orders will be promptly attended to, and suppplied with article, they tria_y rely upon as genuine. Physicians prescriptions with. accurately and neatly Prepared from the best materials, at any hour of the day or night. ME Also /IV for sale, a large stock of fresh and good PE dee3DRFU . . H. OALLAGHSit. S. A. i.ONO. I. H. MLLE' GALLAGSEIIs LONG & No. Ke Fran K between Wood 'and Smiskfidd Smuts. 11L/ANUPACTURERS of Bells of all sites, double and .17.1; single action Pores Pumps, Counter Railing, Min eral Water Pumps, fittings of all kinds for Gas, Water, Steam, &c., Brass Castings for Machinery and aliti-artrt ton metal for same. Particular attention paid to Gas Fixtures, and a well assorted stock of Plain and Orna mental Pendants, Burners, Chandeliers, &c.,&c., con stantly on hand. oet.9 Lams itacrttrnenno LILMOXL C11.021a- A RMSTAO N O k cßortat, Commiutan Mtrthalw, ..L]. No. 2t Market street, Plusburgli, Pa., will attend promptly to the sale of every description of Western Produce, and o th er articles entrusted to theirenre. HnraiTo—Hanna, Hussey C 0,,& Piusbnrghi Hanna, Graham ex Co New Lisbon, 04 Meretuotta FenetraliZ, Wellsville, 0. ?Rhodes & Oglebyßridgepon, o.i A. . Richardson & Bro, Cincinnati; J. F. Bosomed, Louisville, liy.; Balk & Dorwort, St. Lonis; H. Boyles, Steuben ville. decfky ALLAN SIOWN. AFULTON, Bell and Brass Founder, has rebuilt and . commenced business at his old stand, No. 70, Se tond, between Marker and Ferry streets, where. ho will be pleased to see his old customers and friends. Church, steamboat, and bells of every size, from 10 to 10,000 pounds, cast from patterns of the most approved models, and warranted to be of the best materials. Mineral Water Pumps, Counters, Railings, &u., tether with every variety of Brass Castings, if requir editurned and finished in the neatest manner. A. F. is the sole agent for Babbitt's Anti-Attroetion Me ad, so lastly celebrated rot the reduction of friction do machinery. The boxes and composition can be had of him at all limes. n0v13.7 ATEWLY INVENTED PATENT BLOCK SPRING .1.11 TRUSS, fqr the immediate relief and permanent cure of Hernia and Militant (Suited to all suns.) The superior claims of this Trues consist in the comparative ease with which it may be worn. The pad of wood be ing neatly balanced on springs, yields to the pressure of any part of it, and durroughly adapts itself to any move merit made by the wearer. It can be worn without any intermission, until a cure is affected The subscribers have made an-angements for the manufacture of these -valuable Triries,in a superiorstyte, in Philadelphia, and have them now for isle at their office, No. 77 Smithfield street, near Sixth, Pittsburgh. GEORGE WATT. jyl D. W. KAUFFMAN. • N-EW DRUGSTOR.E..--ronn V. bloacisn, WhafT. sole and Rail Druggist, No. Wood street. one door south of Diamond alley, Pittsburgh.—The subscriber has jest received from the eastern cities, and is nowtopening at the above stand, n full assortment of articles in his line, consisting of Drugs of nil kinds, Dye littalb, Paints and Garnishes, Chemicals, &e., together with all each articles as are usually kept for sale at a Wholesale and retail drug store. His stock is entirely new, and has been selected with eras. He is confident that his articles, both as to quality and price, will please such us may favor him with n call. 31 ONONGARELA PLANINO Mina, masa would respeetfully.inform his friends antlthe pu Uri that his new establishment is now in full opeya tion,and that he it prepared to furnish Boat Cabins, and 411 all orders for Planed Lumber F with promptitude, and at the lowest rate's. - . Board and Plank, planed on one or both sides, con stonily on bard. Sash, D(10111 and Mouldings, of every dese ription, made to order. .Anilders and Carpenters would find it to their advan tage to give him a call, as he can now furnish them with planked s tuff suitable for every description of work. . dec.34 VirILL remain open for visiters until the let January, 1850. Oltneene and other refreshments suited to the season will be kept. The Greenhouse, contalning.a large collection of rare and eholce'Plants, *lll be open to visiters. - Botinets ' neatly -put: up :at .short notice throughout the season. An. Omnibus leaves the. Alle gheny end of the St. Clair street Bridge every half hoar during the day, running to the Garden,' and the Ferry Boat, Captain Walker, runs from the Point, lauding a 'short distance above the Garden. Parties wishing lb spend the evening,will be accommodated with a return Omnibps, at 10 o'clock r. m. Kept on Temperance prin ciples, and closed on Sunday. r [geoid) J bleKAlld. Welt Point Works. TORESTON tr: WABNEB., Engine Builders, have corn • .L" menced baldness cid Penn , st., near the Point, at the -eshablishmern tenderly carried on - by'Stiolthouse.A Nel son. PersOns Wishing to purchase Steam Engines for .Boats, or for other purposes? will please favor us with a call, as we flatter ourselves to be able to furnish them on as favorable terms as any other establishment in the city. Also, rolling mill and castings of every description can be had at the shortest notice. . - - Rahrssumeas—Capt. Robert Beer, Thomas Scott, Esq. Church, Carothers, & Co., H. - Denny, &Al, M. Allen &Co' CYPRIAN PRESTON, 1 4 1 2 2 ENOCH WAGNER- 4.ImEAP BONNETS.-- , W. R. MURPHY is selling oft his relnainittg stock of BONNETS at greatly redu ced prices. Bonnets of last winter's' shapes at from 25 cents to 81,00. Cheap Laums.—A lot of Dress Lawns reduced to 12i coats per yard. Whirs Goods for Dresses.—A supply just received, and offered very' Dark ffinghams,—ltialt.dark styles orGinghams. Also, Mtinchester.and Domestiet do., of choice patterns. Mantua Rfbitens.—An assorttnent just received in the -wh o l ege de Rooms, ga story, and offered low by the piece. Also, White and Colored Satin do. .Fronts and .Itfuelatts.4;An excellent stock on band, from lc: per yd. pp to tlMfine4 qualities. arAtthemerth4eui - corner of Fourth Oriel Market streets. l arturiei te b r et e t • er e th h a o a l th er e a sm P e r u e o v f 1 11 Cavrtaled SW'S have been nip er ' jam " pronounced 'flag thefddrigin y%ll who ' ve'smoked them—_pleasant and; mild; Made from pure Bivann Tobacco easant dear. • Tryllm . m.. and , " n : e :to : hmay LEE m. WA sc ß i : th &d ia n to d re n . ot -Market/it three t doors (iota Water, --- . R..gAHNEs ... ' TOcK& co., Dt3 , SARSAPARILLA-40 doz., in quart bottles, S justreo'd d r o! 4 / 1 ' 167 , ; 1 ap2s Vornelrlat and Wood ins. 2nripti: • ELS VERY FIN CO ' • MEAL—Rood v‘J and for solo by (ja3) C 1 S d SMITE 4 ' t. ' • I,` - ' - f ' : . ... --- ..,.'',-.."-.. .....•:.....,,.T..-,TF:;.•..f.-,,,.', SEEM qr.t:u ." t,•%, . EMEIMEN • I 11, WEDNESDAY - OMB • Eniiritse tarbs.- :Urn 'DYER, @veer ans produce Dealer ? No. ltgii ..Libeny street, Pittsburgh. , marl 7 . L. 0. PARNOLDIL •VjEYNCILDS MEE; Aohis ate . Grocers, Commission ,[l, ,Ll 6 Ideretnuits, and Dealers Inatniga,iPapari /cc.; comer Of 'Penn and Irwin meets, Pittsbumh,...M.l ,Bizes Print. ink Raper constantly on hand. inarl7:y Tiartz§ PATIN:DOI-4 tvh Gioce,aiiii Rectifying u Disiiiter, and Dealer jaVorcign,eindroamoade Wine/ and Liquora, - Floar, , Cheasep.fiae.da,.9rain, &c, No. 17 Liberty street, Pittabt • Tama r • •a ' 01121ff11011, — HOUSE,D OM AND OMANI DWITAL PAINTER, Liberty street, opposite Dead, .All . yrork-neutly executed. Orders ponetuallYntientiedlo. [nint22:3' ; .. George Beale, Jr., . AirAralFA4' OP SMARM, Witoisaux AND :AL .attAlc N. 761;10nd 'sixes, Piusburgh, Pa. - Con stantbr tin hand, a in si ier i al and extensive assortment of 'am instal of DRYS ni the lowestE,astem prices. ' N.,8.-i-lifanhiner Btu! as; dci•.; madn'tcl order at the 'itiOrtest notion. -: , • . i • , , . , • '',; mar3thy •".' A. 13 :4PRINGSTEIN. •• — 140*.Wood . strat, lienken Pifth and Virgin grieg• 01,E9ALE•and. Retail Deal , ar itt Cedar ware, . Fanny Ware, Wooden Ware, of every description; WIUOW Mare, foretan And tilomestiq, Matta of all Mager:Pattint Rtitary Chants, said& fat sutfiltss any now in. awe. in'the United Stales. For' sale at tbe lowest .11VGANDLE81l:da CABIPISEILL, D 7. Woad nreaoutet Arm. to* Diamond adev, Wm/mats - Dsalmts to Valuer( atm Day Goons, AEE how in daily receipt of all the articles In their line of boatness—purchased at the lowest prices in the. East; to which they invite the attention of contart coe rc Mints:and others ; add which they flatter themkelves they can dispose of at the lowest prices and an. the MOS/ Aim:42l4e terms. lasso IIVICINLEY4 House, Sirs and Orrannental Paints?, Q. and dealer-in P 414111116, No. 44 St. Clair st, Pitts burgh; Mu; constantly on hap all kinds of Psorns, either Dry or:Mixed; - Japan and Copal Varnish; Linseed Oil ; Boiled . ; Spirits Turpentine Window Glass, of all Putty,•Pititit. Brushes, an., all orthe best quality, and fzr sale at reasonable prices. • seal] • ' • ' • '—; . H.'•GERBIIRDING, •Drialer in Imported and Domeatie Segnes,tilnutr and Tobacco, Wholestde . nnd Retail, Liberty street, six • . doors above Smithfield, Pittsburgh, Pa. •457 - Alloideri from country fiterchanti willbc promp y auendadtCW' '• • ' - IValkty • WY; ICALPL JA NINA ATKINSON. QC/LIFE - to ATKINSON, Manufacturrr, of Tin, Cep -10 per and Mae Inns Ware. They also execute every description of Blacksmith Work. First street,between Wood and Market, Pittsburgh. oc w. C. COUELLY, HROW IPS HOTEL, CORNER OF SEITHPIELD AND THIRD STS., Pittsburgh, Pa. BROWN lc CONNELLY, PROPRIETORS. N. EL—Good Stabling attached to the house. Greenwood Garden - .-.• , . • , • : f .. P• 4. 'N.-. • lj••':‘T " • ' • ,•:: ,z'..; ;. ~ • •' .tit` 4, , .• ;4. t'r+, 14r, 1 11 "... 4 f , V;..'q •J • - .4- ±.. - -,..V .. ::, 'C =EN firtatellaieotts. ;. Tin subscribers, most respectfully aanotmee to their ' , L fellow-cit i zen s that they have perfected their at gement la carry on the' business of Till Roofing on an +extensive - ' - - ltie nowelose on four years since we firer introduced tin roofingla this city, During that time we have cover ed over fifty thousand square feet of roofs with tinplate, and in all cases we believe we have given the baoen tire satisfaction; This kind of roof has' been applied to the very best' building!, in this city, including,. among a large number of others, the two s aperb buildings on Penn stre,et, owned by John 1.. Shoenberric and J ohn Bisset, Esqrs. That,tin roofing (when skillfully laid ottrii both permanent and durable, there can be nd doubt ; proof of this, we can refer to the almost tutivenal application of th is land of roofing hi the large cities on the sea-board during the last twenty years; and from enquiring on the subject, we have yet to learn of any Due of those roofs having been worn out. The roofs covered with tin in our own eitytire open to the exaMination of all who take an interest m the matter. - We have also• prepared a miniature planer roofs, which may be seen at our estab lishment, where any other information will be given with pleasure. JOHN DUNLAP ac CO.. Corner !dirket and Second streets. • •• ' • Tho Areomoter. pm?•AITENTION OF THE PGHLrc is respeethily 11 called to the following certificates :-=.• • ML S. Esints—Having tested a quantity of Gold weighed by your A.reom eter, I find the result proves your instrument correct; and recommend the use of n to those-going to Caliktrnin, as the best method for obtain ing the real value of Gold. Rests. yours,' J. B. DUNLEVT, f'ituburgh,lSlareb 9,19. Gold Beater. T• ITIIISTIOH, March 7,1819.21 Ms. Eitanse--DcarStr: Having ezammed the "Areom cter,” manufactured at your rooms, I do not hesitate to commend it to the ale dump gentlemen who are about removing to California, In search of Gold. •It gives. a close approximation to the specific gravity of metals, and will certainly enable the adventurer to as certain when blaplacer is yielding . main Yours, resp , y, IiPCLINTOCK. Head Quarters for Hoots and Ohopa, CORXEII TOMMY AtrD lISMMINILD nrksavann, IL. TROTH a SCOTT having.commeneed i i ii ma the'general BOOT and SNOB business, wholesale and retail, would respectfully invite the attention of their friends and the public gene rally, to their splendid new hock, consisting of Men's, Women's, Boys', Misses' and Children's wear, of every variety, suitable for the season, and at prices to salt the times. Also, a - splendid snide of home-made work, such as Gentlemen's fine Boot*. and Ladles' Muses'and Children's fine work. Please call and examine for yourielva. N. B.—Traveling Trunks, Carpet 'Bags, se., el ways on hand and for sale low for cash. V" Country Merchants would find it to their inters , ' togive us a call, when visiting the CilY TROTiI do SCOTT, marl 4 Corner Ith and Smithfield atm.' Public Notice to Memnon,'lots, j,Tott subscriber, being desirous 'of changing his business. has determined to clod out the balance of his stook of BOOTS, SHOES AND TRUNKS, AT COST. , They will be sold in lots, to suit purchasers. front ONE PAIR TO A THOUSAND Country Merehante are invited to call at EATEN, CORNER SMITHFIELD AND FIFTH STS., Opposite tho Pittsburgh Foundry. where they can buy to their satisfaction, for the stock must be eloseilook peon. 100 cases Boots on band, 515, 818, Sll, s2l_per ease. mar; L'HATitg. - WAGONS, W ORS. THOMAS ILIRMSON, MAN UFACTUBER OF Wagonso - Drays, Curti, So., PrCIIITLVAIIII. A UAL .111311/.IIDX Tilt CIML7 1.101131 L THE proprietor of catablisb4nenthavbig always on hand a supply of euperior, well "canned Lum ber, is prepared to It orders of every description In his branch of manufacturing, with as short notice and on as favorable tertturaa any other workman In the West. A newly invented Patent Tip Wagon, for hauling brick, is built at the above plane. Also, Repairing at tended to. Orders from a distance will receive prompt attention. Rsrearxmoi—Geo. W. Smith, James McCully, Jonas M'Clintock.ettaeS4m _ . . . Bare&o &ad Betlitead faefory. RS.& W. ht. HANNAFORD respectfully inform the . citizens and the public generally tluitthey have re moved their Warerooms to - Smithfield street, between Diamond alley and Fifth street, sign of the 131gBedstead, where they are prepared to sell, wholesale or retail, rery cheap for cash, the following aracies;--Bureaus, Bed stead., with Gassam's Iron Feuitenings, and alto the best quality of Screw Bedsteads, Tables, Stands,.&e. And they wish it partkalarly understood, as there is ito much prejudice agtunrt machine made wort, that they:current their work to give satisfaction, and if not well made, the money shall be returned. nuirtGam A GENTS WANTED.—Two or three Agents eta Bad A desirablesituntions to canvass and take alliseribers in this County for n calunble work, htgbly reccnigra.niled by numerous persons distigaished alike for theirleashing and religions indnenee in this and Eastern Cities, by ap plying in person to EDWARD TODD & CO., may( Corner of Fifth and krarket at.., op Milli. ==U3 11111 E subscriber will sell, at private sate, that valizable Property, on the Fourth street road, adjoining his, present residence, and giviipossesslan ituniediately.— There ore about TEN ACRES OF OROICE LAND, in a high SUM of cultivation- The improvements are a large, and- well liniatied BRICK DWELLING ROUSE. a su perb Barn,and otherout-buildings. Adjoining the Dwelt mg is a running Fountain and a good Pump, which fur nish a constant supply of excellent water. There is a variety of Fruit Trees and Shrubbery on the ptemisea,— If the above described property is norsold soon, it will be rented for a time.- Also, for sale, a large LOT, on Pciusylvania Avenue, at the end of the board-walk. biqutre.of Inuir3l:3ra2 DAVID REELER, DAPER HANGINGS-75,000pieces of tite latest Fall L style or Satin, Glazed and Common Paper Hang , inga, now receiving from New York, Philadelphia and Balumore. The undersigned having carefully selected the newest patterns from to of the largest manufacturing establish ments to the Eastern Cities, Is no•.v prepared to sell to those haying housei to paper. country merchants and Whom at prices ranging from 10 cents to $.1.00 per piece. sepal S. C. lIILI, S 7 Wood CI. TiNuow PAPER-50W pieces of plain Green and Ratobowed Window Paper.comprising many new select patterns, on hand and receiving. For sale by sep2s S. C. HILL, ta Wood to. Na 115 oing tolove. CHINA, GLASS G AND QUEENSWARE SELLING OFF—Cst.t. •sto Samar TIAZGAMI—The undersign ed being about to remove, in the coming month, to N 0.05 Wood street, is desirous of closing oat the greater part of his Stock at REDUCED PRICES.- He would call your particular attention to his large and splendid assort ment of CHINA, GLASS and (tHEENSWARE, Glom doles, Lamps, Britannia,Ten Ware, Castors , French and English Mantel Orramenta, and Tea Sena, of the newest styles and patterns, all of which he offers at a small adgfallte above cost. , Remember the place, No. 115 Who ti sr. Kfeb27l HODRINSON. Hats. Caps t surtd.Rlul6. ilk Ti m subscriber is now receiving from the city of New York 4 choice assortment of Hats Caps and hlufs, Latest Fashions, in great va riety, and very cuss', wholesale and retail. J AWN WILSON, nov Il Smithfield street, 4d door South of 4th PALL P — AT9RToN HATS POR 11114 & CO., (late 111,1 Cord &Mug ' ) WILL introduce, on Saturday,Aug. 20, the FALL STYLE OF II .11: 1 1" 8 just received fmm New York. Those in wantof a neatand beautiful HAT, are invited to call at their store, corner of Fifth and Wood streets. aug24 New Hat and Oap Store. JAMES WILSON, hot Mantrfacturallt b (formerly of the corner of Diamond, alley and 'Wood strecitlhegs leave reppeatibily • to inform his old custourrs, - friends, and 'the public, that he has opened te NEW STORE., on Smithfield ete where' a choice assortment of. HATS, CAPS, and LADIES , _FURS, (ns,goott, neat, fashionable and OREAP. as any in. the city,) may be had. J. W. very cordially invites his (needs and the public to remember hls new location and establishment, and give bite a callus heartras he intends to welcome them. marSl.ly Fashionable flat and Cap Mannaletterp. GEORGE S. ANSHIITZ, - Agenkrespectfally i llb informs his friends - and the public general ly, that he has commenced the manufacture Qt.k. Hats and Caps, at No. 33 Wood strict, one door from the corner of Second, where be has now on hand a fine as sortment of Hats and Caps of his own numnfaemre,tchich he will dispose of, wholesale or retail, on the most , rea sonable terms, for cosh or city acceptance. Hats made to order at the shortest notice. apt9-3m- Clinton 'Paper MIL THE CLINTON PAPER MILL , situated at Stenben . ville,Ohio, having,beenenlarged and improved, and of a very great expense added new and the most im proved kind of machinery, is aow prepared to manufac ture all kinds of Writing,Printing, Wrapping and Cotton Yarn Papers, Bonnet. Boards, Ike., equal to any in the Eastern or Western country. The undersigned having the Agency of the above Mill, will keep constantly on hand a large supplyofthe differ ent kinds of Paper, and will have any size made to order at short notice. S. C. HILL, 87 Wood street. Saw BUM THE subscribers havlng taken the Sawmill above the Fifth Ward Bridge, tormerly run by Mr. John Cham bers,. and having a good stock of Timber on hand, would solicit the patronage of the public. Orders thankfully received and punctually attended to. SAVARY k SPAULDING. The undersigned having sold his interest in the above Mill to Messrs. Savory & Spaulding,would recommend them to his forrnercustomers and the community, asbeing well qualified to give satisfaction to all who_ nay deal *ith thorn• oan.22:tf) JOHN CHAWERS. , A Country Seat.- LOT OF GROUND, containing nearly Olte Acre, on Nunnery Hill, located so as to command a view of the Ohio and Allegheny rivers, will be sold low and on time to any one who will band a house thereon, during the next summer. Enquire of - THOMPSON HELL, At Mechanics' Bank. 1 rrcH-5o barrels, for sale by JOHN F. PERRY, uPTJ) Next door Perry Rouge, Allegheny Wharf. ,1,',7 -. ..:3 ,. .. , -! . :.*7. , ;: , " , 1:",. : :. „ ;- . • notate for •.., !. Y'r•- Biagi .; iva. . • neunaker ~ Dania* % 'CABINET WA REROOM, , :111P11 STREET, Bestows Serenthstrea and.% . wberryeitleihPillibierg, Pa. lilt. 11AMIEFE lb DAVLUR keep eonsumtly on and , . ay> ._9f ,e- !Ilk ' -nd..faelbiacu!pj, Fatnit , d, • I poGted. • His stock of Purnitant is equal to any in e• city, both in style and workmship, and We assortment complete.. i ALF,X an 4NDrilt ArCURDY; Puraitare RoomsTbivi et., ' Next . door ^- lre,Pittsbnigh;itank.• • mart 3 -. akun.. ..._. _ -- Jau — ii — os' 107•TM10 Hil — ii ---- "lvreir . • MODERN AND ANTEiaI/E FURNITURE. No. 83 TOtto SitUarr.Pgrrloulloll-• 4l.A.LAstus and sPlendid EaMertitient or Pdrntrure, suitable for Ste aMboats, Biotels, and Private Dwe ll Inge, eattuantlyan_hand. and wiloq 40 Pr.der" e present Stook on hand cannot be exceeded by any trUutUfactOry in the Western cOohlrr. Persons wishing to purchase, would . dd Well to' gave me a eall;aii C am de. terintheg atyptiees shall plea*. Parlor theBtock don. sista in— • . • ' Tote a Tete' : . Liget Elluilelel Louis XIV. Chairs; leen ElizobelD'ebeirs; Tea iPoyse ; • tat Tables L. ' Toilet Table.; • I, Ws XV: Comartider. Preach MalLotrany Bedsteads; Piano Stools ; 50 Soffit, witli plush and bar cloth covers ; 60 Mahogany Rocking Chairs; . 40 dozer' Parlor-. do. 20 ,‘ Fancy do. 22 Centre Table e ; 1 40 pair Divanapt pair Plerfables ; Iti marble top likening Bulesus ; • 8 Wardto boa; it•Secretatipsapttßoot Cases; 20 nitride lop WothSianttr it • 4 pith. Ottomans, - ..:. BPali ralgylVbrlE Standil. • • • - A ay lige' anorinent of common Chairs and other Purnium, too Amer:nu to inerOdo. • ITSIAArABoati fornished co the shortest notice, and on e Moot Irelllonoble terms. 1 febo . owl, ass . ere. ' PARRY Ima invented a tt i phiiii fOrwashing Gold, Hs fer which he has made a llead tt oulor - patent.— , They: are now offered for SR at the. Wareh o use ;of PARRY, SCOTT: & Co., No. 1 W ood st.,,Pittsbargh._ . 1 AdventureratO Calif:unlit - *lied to call and e*- 1 amine ' these labor-savtug mead e s, ;They are )1141061a In t r their canstrtintiOn, : eddy tett - on•me beak of mules'or horses; weighing VI permits each, and can be put operation in lieff an ha-m-. -They-can be. Mil with protrWons... It.la the ropiAon ,of .thottl who ,have seed the trial of one of these ; tail OY twiddles( eizeii' that two men will wail) : the min ral froiiilBo bashes' of sand or earth in a day, without e. losi'or a patticlauf, the mineral. • They can be inereaaedinsdteamittrorked by water or mule power„ if exrsditmt_ .....TbP operators without galng - into.the- WO r.Or t tteicg,expirsell 10 water.= wet , wad .consequent ! , without endangering • their Ilea th They will require iltut a small stream or water, and can be used the witoltilserisOn,tuld can be - Put into operation where there is not anffielienswalecto wash in the usual way, a • - Price of mealiest size WS. Cy d ers from abroad; se companied by cash, will be pro m y filled. 11. PARRN , at _u_rry, Scott & Co.'s, feb7aitf 1 ' N 0.103 Wood st.., Pittsburgh. MI Siff THIS Llia - r4R.--dWati be:without a baza r .131, ail head of hair, when they an have one foe three shillings? Twenty ye ars' loss o hair and wonderful restoration! : iii ” Bars, J uly 17,1847 "Dear si—The wonderful teat of 5 - ones , Coral Hair Restorative has been de divitly named in the ca ses of several respectable dikedof the town, who, on account of your selling three shift trial battles, try it without-fear. On e instapce, whit attracted 'ladle alico ular attention, is the case of a ge , einan who had little or no hair for twenty years; he h - tried numerous pre parations In vain; and ultimately had his head shaved and wore a wig. At my 'recommend - ,he tried tins Re storative, and alter usiag it act or acc ordi ng to the direction for a short time, the young hair op a re _ 7 ,t 1 !tad halms oda'? as fi ne a head of hair as aligner dtßallintorii: • ' Yours, &c. , JOE, "KILYCNOTON." . Amu It causes eyebrows to grod,pfavents the hair from turning grelf , and the first application causes it to earl beautifully, frees it from emir!, ante, stops it from fel li ng t Itold with fall directions at 8:1 gild= st•tLY- and by Wm. Jacksoo,...Agent,.BB Liberty Pittsburgh: isktalt SpringScsaniciiiirlin4 inWcrips. , fir. Tile aOsarilier will introduity, this day . I , Mara e 1,1840, dia.Springtrgle of RATS arafCAPS;wlitelt liwnealne and dam' bility cannot be itinpaseed—the style being such that cannot help. Cram smug the arearray entire etultinctiom He is "also daily expectlptthe pupal of an extensive easortment of California 'Hats, of varlana Colors ; all of which will be Clippie& of et hird old unusually low prices. Country Meretuints ara Matted to caltand ex, amine his assortmenct Ci. W-XiLASSOOW, 402 Wood street, 3d door below J. D. Divie Auelion Rooms, rittabt. entendm' litiaticiVitEr ---' -- • Moved bud 'Wholes° e °meaty I u Store ' to the corner hi" of Hancock fincet and Allegheny arf, nextdoor to the Perry Hoare._ _ . _ marfl JA HN . P. PERRY. GOorge Aratoe, ABIRIONABLE TAILOR, Na. Flt 3, Market street.— : F Havinemoved his Tailoring ..I . sintilialtuient in, the rooms on rket in-, lately . occupt , as a Bookstore, by Bosworth & 0., the undersigned Is repared to till all or, den in his line which may be en led to his care by his old friends and customers, and the thibllegenerally. His /bud exPeriellee in the business Mid the success with wbtch be has prosecuted (tin Pittsblsrgh, emboldens him to hope for a liberal share of patronage. Ile will make all descriptions of Clothing in the best manner, and most fashionable - style, FOR OjtSR. ap2S-ly WNSEND, CARR it CO., Soo i Dors tote old of C. Townsend & Co., and ,rr & Rowland, beg leave to announce to their friends rd to the public gen erally, that they are now prepare to execute all kinds of work In the Coach and Wagon :l t:taking business, at the shortest notice, and Warranted m be ofthe beat quali ty. The very large quantity of se&soned Timber with which they are prepared and their Onititiesfor business, tlit enables theutio insure the public are t they prepared to carry on tro extensive, and pre yt business in their line, nod they _ respectfully solicit continuance of the liberal patronage bestowed noon dal' Java firms. Beni - Ms Giulio EE FIRM of Acheson & Daggii this day dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. Jos. IS Ong having dentin. minent muumuu of 11l heal% has disposed of his interest to Jas. C. Acheson. The Waxiness hereafter will be conducted in the name of W. a . . 0. Acheson. 'NM. ACHESON, Pis. T. DAGO. Pitt/thumb, J lay , 1848 r In withdrawing from the firit of Acheson*. Dagg, I lair plealure recommending my surrealism to my friends and the public generally. JAS. T. DAM. July 29, 1949—ang DISSOLUTION.—The Partuertship heretofore exist lug between the subscribers, sander the firm of J. Jr. J. ItPDsvrrr, was dissolvedon the 7th inst. Either party is authorized to use the name of the firm, in settlement. .IipHNAVDEVITT_, IVPD,EVITT. March 10. try - CO-PARTNERSHlP.—Thr!undervigned have this day .formed a Co-partnership tier the firth of JOHN f4P DEVITT &BROTHERS, for th transaction of a 0 ro eau and Produce busigeca. J 0 1; AVDEVITT— JA ' March 7,1849.-imrlY WI JAM M'BEVITT. H ollKBPATlllCBOOKB.—Juicreceivedou the Book , D lth store:cif:the subscriber, la et., near Market, Materia Atedira,pura, by Samna 'Hehnenuni,transiated rind edited by,Charlee Salina Ile el,lll. D. 4 volt. lihrtotanlrAtinit Moen, by Iletnprel, vol. I. Homeeptithie Domestic bledleine,by S. Loatrie, enlarg ed and intinvivei by A. 3.. Hall,llE D. Jahr's New Mamie', vo1.1; No*l and 3. 1111 rings Domestic Physician. BooninshatiselPeThetnycetic Pificket took, for flame pathistai by Dr. Okie. liabetnatile Chronic Diseases, veil. 3. Togetherwitit btedicine Chest* of different sizes and prienv fatme; -i VICTOR SCRIBA I) ,1$ IcUTIO portnern.'p of Alecirny & Kr is thlo thirdiscolved, by Mu cal concern. The bu ciness of the firm win be settled Fdy H. Lee. c H.R. MURPHY, H LEE. Pittsburgh, nth Jun., 1842 ' NOTICE The Will continue the Wool business and attend to the sale of Woolen Goods, at the • o a lpece. IL LEE. 1a retiring front the late dm of Murphy & Lee, 1 e great pleasure in recommending Mr. H. Lee to the confidence of ray friends and to the pubtic. lan3o R. MURPHY. 00-Paitnersltiii Notice.. JOHN FUMING /WINDIINL►P. JOHN DUNLAP having, on th e lm inst., associated with him in his business 44tar Ramiro; they will ereafter carry on their importing . f Honse , Purnishinif Hardware, and hinnufnuMring,busTess, under the name and style of John Dunlap & Co. a business of the old establishment he closed by senior Partner of the present' firm, at their Warehouse corner of Market and Second streets (land J* FIN DUNLAP & CO. I BMWS 1 1 M1.•••••••4.1.1•••11.0•Mev . MI . NIG TSU 7 1 A Iltrimage, by Fredriko Bremer; translated by MarOlowett. Just received andfor sale by N & STOCKTON, Cor '.r Market and 3d sts. CEESE-2000 tut large .ChOise, for sale for. County Scrip, by Wu DYE% ap2B , , 0 159 .Liberty street. IS oaqtrmsslan io es; F Just reed by 4013.01k7M 1 S . Be - CABELL; * myt • • • - 97W00d stteet - - O ATS. 300 bushere,,prime 'tqttlity,.lust received pet steamer Wellnville, Cos an by - , - • • ' i - .. . ..„.1011N F. •PERRY, ap2ol, .Nezt.door In Pe . II - ae, Allegheny Wharf. I, l l.ol l lt—labarrtao, MSI recott wad fornale by t „C qql3 • A & SINCLAIR '? ps i ~ ,~ ~, ~'' ~~~~' F~~?~: • = •'=-4 EPIEBI 7,1 -14: 1 2g 1, 1,, , , , ..., - ;: . ..ja11if..:•. - ; , : : 4 •: , ...:.,:!,.. , ii7l3'.:;si :J:,1.-.•:,.'ll',''''';-.Z.. MEE EMI 849. F=l aoszra LappsOßlN. C. Wan. BE Citki - Mtilt , BA AAA, „ (Lore .T.S.Hrractttitm& Co. • Dianifaetim ,off flainit:PlierMoof Safes, , . Second area, baideiViroa 'eta &MONO-. UN Tuesday afternoon, litly B,7;lB4BAtta undersigned were called upon, try'Kessuppprtearqb,Haty l ,,,to ess an honest end faii.'kelOr cwt.°. the " ' lite ' Hates., ,The furnace beingepar trieSiilcltvitif placed rrisidelhareof,with books, pet/ and scinieMcnidtWlieh the door of the Safe was closed Sad:lite.-ftretindled at n. past 2 o'clock, and in a sUrt. amp:the Safe was red kot,..andeontimtethill haitplikte'oV.Wt,liedngnholu, - feat add' a half hours, when iht , ,,..A.A4ttee , expressed theireatiefaction that the tiMe.,occupied 59141 such heat , was sufficient The terinfee' Was than pffilddcdoww, Sale f 'cooled 'and door opened—the bunks, pQbri-itad money - safe The heat was so greaton ,tp.,po z .sdr.the brass mod :Mina, therefore Mice.pi,pasurelp,teeommend . ingthese , Safes to the pablic; - tia - titin 'fit birr'judgertent," entirely fire proof. JAMS ibT .HOOK &41.AWSONw._ CORNWALL - tr. BROTHER; " HRANN tH izrEnifrr_a_CAlMß, Blid.00LIOWIE:: • "I -sin engaged in the thandri'hnsidens; and • knew something about furnaces and i earv4 witnessed the burning of the above cßafe;and-caer freely sap there 3v.fta no humbug about it, and with pleepre. recommend them to the public us being, in my 4.4tticrit.entitely fire proof: • • • - In. calling upon the above r gentiercimfor their signs tnres,ther ell spoke in the highe ',relegate fairness of the tett, and their 'felt' oiinddeiate - - a the - Safes being entirely fi re-proof . We have consirn Mitand and for• sale-d fu assortment of the abewk,Safes., mar= ' ',lll.E4,l::ffi TERRY. ... -- Paper Hang e ., AVlNG•lntrnhnsed of t -tbalemest Factories Ja in the East, (Kew 'Fork, more,ya large assortment tiFtheiteriii — teritiarnost ha proved styles of PAPER RANGINGS BORDERS, ic., and made renapiernents_by . whichll wrlF , lie enabled to proem', all new Pa tt erns, shniftgrieetti N;lrith their ap pearance In the Eastern tcarker,l-21d invite- the et tentlmi of those desiringlr taro:their house& papered with thalatest etylea of paper, to- eA4 and ,examine my stook, intim porchasing elservlicrn: have:now on Our wry frotsilui'atit,"2o,oool pieces Gold Bran Glazed and conunhn Paw . -Ranging j a which I can IMO a; pricekranging . frotril2t cents: to IP-Jr-Piece ratan HILL, 87 - Wood et • ITALOABL PROPERTY iIitRWA - Eleven Lots T" in dui thlt Whig; Pittilitt44 . - 20fent , grata on Carson' street by 120 tent to Panel - mm.ls Jinni? - • - • • - Onstot on Liberty street, olfeatlty t loo to Spring al- Any. between Carson street stralit,presesAille. Six ant ti In the tesait4 tintteAllegiteny City • and Manchester containing aboutuittai Antes each—Nos} 220, 2M,197 i , ISO, 192, 120. Easmitnaf. - lhh24 INTCAL DARLINGTON: limp/Lys! ROL I AYStrePha' . inlispribem are just bpening a 'splendid eafileetion of Toys and-fine Fancy Goods or every description ..satiable for Christ- Ines and New Year's Prenrattlteufinstingl.u_pan, viz I-. ,Jiivieliyand Watches; Work, - Dresiligind Fancy Gldsi Dozes; Card Cases ; Pearl, ShIll; 0)0i - did Velvet Card 'Gaskets; Steed Bead Purses; Grotafist i lralliatßags ; Ate-. ate Dozes; Chess Men ; Domillee.V.Ae.; with a thousand othersrlieles, too numerous to nienitont The above Oomis wawill sett ettremettrlbw, previous 'lb the lel February,lB49, as we intetbAmPthrg_Lionle um- Wrist alterations in oar store end Uniiast,`.. We invite all to - edit - who Want bergainGtir Market iirreeybe: tween Fifth and Diamond. tr dee23 HOGAN-4- CANTWELL. 2:10 PLANING MILL-41cbscntivreattrid .Waterfans, (along Chartierst.,)Flrst%Pa Allegheny city, near bester.--GEORGE DltAßM'vthg maimed bu shiest, has enacted the neeeliatit - thirkblnely Rube above place; for turning out all workin hj.Tdiae,andisprepared to rake boards to his mill and ailiveFtheidl6 customers onseasonable terms. :.Dressed flooring boarde, sidkistAp..., always on hand A large quantity of dried lloosniglonaber on hand.: Orden; from Western Lutaernese . hants procePtlY ez ecated. - twat: VANCY FANS-it dos.fir totyscork Fans; 45 u feaPeTr'd 6 assorted common" ROGAN a ; CANTWEIA marl Ed market stree; Take Notines. Aperuins knowing , themselves Indebted to Arthurs, Nicholson & Co„ (Eagle Toandry,) are requested to call at their old Warehouse, on tabertratreeL All unpaid am:lnnis will be„Esuptluu the hands of a Justice of the Peace, on 'hetet ray 'nett. May 10 . ARTHUR% AUDOOLSON; & Co. ID' A general assortment of Mallow Ware, ira., at the lowest market rates. Libem st:f head 'Of Wood at. nual ( 3 6011 11, •:. • . i'UST RECEIVED, by ' Pleielawit not. bl'k Cloth, suitable for Gentett's.Cloaks, which- I will make to order cheap... TD V 4 ULHEtPr,: Also, one Mee° le short-nap, a fly desirable zing ele for Ladies' Clo aks. Aden wile:a/RM. Allsit,,,a good aisortment fine ProncliCtudthiere Vesilhge together with a good assortment of fancy and black Can. 'mares, for Pants., which wilibeinadoro order ascheap and as well as litany other establishtkent in the city. McGIIIRE, Tailor ? dec29 Third street,,4t.Dltarles BIRMINGHAIII. PHOPEEPIT , FOB,SALE--'Tirree 2 Hairy Brick Rouses, with el , large: Lot o 1 feet front on Franklin street by 671 dirp o- . 4 Washington at.; the cornet building is fined up for a Store and Dwelling Roush. Pride, for the whole, V..„000..2-' . Arno`—Three Building Lots of Wart front, adjoining the above. Price of each, 3250. /Liao—A large Lot of 20 feet feint al Harmony street by 671 deep, with good Frame lionse eitd Stable. Frier 550 dollars. L+ Atso—Three Building Lots of 20 fekt front, adjoining the above. Price $250 each. Terms.'hcconunodating. S. CUTHBWtflen , l-AgenL .Spaithfield street ADESIRABLE COUNTRY 11 , ESIDE NC E FUR SALK—A valuable property of , * Acrea, situated on the Eastern Road, half a mile beyond East Liberty, having a well built Family filansiou;, , iionvenietuly 'ars ranged, with wide hall, parlor, alit* ,1130.131 : kitchen, good cellar, three bed room and finisped garret. stable and carriage house, and other out houses ; good water with pump, large garden with fruit's of 'choice quality.— Also, a Frame Dwelling House, with three rooms and kitchen, all in good repair. The;simation is pleasant and healthy. Price 53,5011; tertus.raVerable. .. CUTHBERT, Oen. Agent, out • . • Smithfield otre.et. GEO. ARMOR. New Books I Algturi BOOks t - J - UST RECEIVEDAT At. A. 1111 NEWS, RS EXPRESS— LY Sartain's Union Magazine, for'oete s her. The Poetical Works of Lord Dyson--illustraied. No. 1 of the newond elegant illostrt led editton.of thi Dramatic Works of Shakspeare. To lr issued in num bers, al 25 cents each. N05.,1 and 2 of the Historrof Pendkutis, his Fortunes and hlisfonnnes, hts Friends and his .ilreatest Enemy,; by W. AL Thaekeray. History of the French Revolution of 1549, by A. De [amortise. Part.first. Love in klgb Life, a story of the lioper Ten'—by T. S. Arthur. Price 25 cents. Dombey and Daughter. Price 25 cuts. Ada and Elfine, or the Two Nieces; by Mrs. Grey. 5,000 Almanacs, far next year. try- Smithfield et,. o p posito Brciwit , s Hotel. sepl9 New Invention r witmait %QM! PARISH - LIQUID BLACI , JNO„ THE boot is an all important thaturo in the costume. Therefore, all well-dressedmeripatronize this Wank ing above ail others, it instantly' givea_a flexibility and brilliancy to the leathe, never before Squalled, is per fectly clean in using it, a sponge bru t attached to the cork, to lay the liquid on the brush:iambus, moment you can polish your boots without soiling, your fingers. Manufactured and sold; wholesale . and retail - by the inventor, on Penn street, near . Walnut,' Pittsburgh, and by shoemakers generally ihreughout the , United , States: A liberal discount *allowed to wholesala dealers. Price 20 cents per horde, which' still laato ie Man tr - yekr. augVq-I in. HAVE yotta bad complexion, caarse, dark, yellow, or callow! yoo b eve, you will by asitig a, Cake, ot, Jones' Italian'Chernidal Soap, a week-se two, your:akin becomes clear,white and- smooth. If , :on have any tease of the Head, Face or Bean l-a u'h as Ringworm, Scald Head, Scurvy, Erysipelas, Salt Rheum, Barber's ltch—you can' be cured:`foil have soesi persons who had filthy skin diseases for years, and Liter trying everY thing in vain, have been cured by 'Tasting the part with Jones' Italian Chemical Roo, and cars. emusmenlietudy. offer it for any of the above complaints, whichT would hot do, unless knew it: to be all I. stet.. If yon.have Sun Spots, Freckles, hforphsw,,Tan s n Burn or disfig• urements of any kind, it will dispel dual and make the skin beautilid—ieiis a sure antidote mid cure for the bites of mosquitoes, bugs, tem mr Beware of counterfeits. Partictlatly cheap ants . —ask for Jones' Soap, and see that the name of '1 Jones is on each cake. Persons from or in the Maith'and other warm climates, would find ihis nar o* for themselves;: but it is a never-failing. remedy for chaps anti chafes is infante. Arid now, reader, by giving Otis one trial, you Will find it all or even more than we hive stated above: Sold , 402 Chatham etteetyNilL anff-,by WM. Jackson. agent,Bo Liberty street, Pittsburgh. 21 sep2o HAVING AND 4A/BIRESSINR§SLOQN—BLAcir,-. O. PotavritX; Tonnifitil Neweri,:baye fitted up . the saloon on the corner of Cherry am/Mater at, near the National Hotel„ formerly:oectrpied by Clement Archer, and are prepared te wait an geoemen at once, with ease, tomfort,rtnd politeness. t In connection wait their - saloon, thehave fitted up in excellent shower bath, where persons tan hove shower bathe at all hours of the day. • • They still' continue to serve their Oustowers also t their Old Stand, corner of the Diattionni and Union at. Mew Books ffIRECILObICA.L LECTURES of the Rev. DAVID Boons, D. D., edited by the Rev. Joseph Samuel C. Frey,:D, A , Second edition. ' 4 Scenes where the Tempter has Triuniphed; by the an• thor of the " - Jail Chaplain." , . Morning among the Jeeutte at Roma; being - notes of convene:moo held - with. certain Jesuit& on the subject at Religion, in the City of Rome, by tbeJtev- AL 110biirt Seymour, hi. Ai Vesugea of the Nature) flistorpot Creation. . Part 2 of Pendetuus • bry "Thacke.ray.o Just received . by JOHNSTON' &STOCKTON, sepl7 COL Third:and Market ate . .. . .. „ . . . __ .. , _ „....... ~. ,-,..„5„..„-,;t„..„4:.,,,,,,,...--t-,---, -----,..--- :-..,,,--,,,- - - ..,..e---, -,, ~- ~ , „ f , ,0 ,, ,,— , ~..., - ..,,- ' . '7--.i ~..1',,q2"1,,.---...4•1.0,.";,--..-.,,,4.--7-11,.z, ,r,,,:t.ii:o '-'' 1 " 11 ::' I L''": 4 -t - * - F,P*' 4 : , ,1rb'4,''.4,,Y,--7- 4. - .• , ,,;1 4 ,, - ` , ..%P. , :'•,- - ... - , , ,:,w4 ,- , ,, . 'l,;,- -,,' ,-,?,',T44,1.2ti-I-NRAT:4,.'.\'-'Akta, ''', `, ', t • - . '_*,' ;--',, ''''', ,' '.' L ' ';',,,, ' ''" -.;' - '7:•:Li-775--.. , ?- 3 / 4 , g,t4Vt:::44,4 •.„ , -,,, -7 - - , ~, ~, - ! . k '. ~ : ~>, ' : ',.'. " 1., •- ~..2 ~ „'?"',,cP.J.'„,o2l.', r kft -'l,- ~ . .....-.:, . '.--k-,, •-•..1: , q ',•.' , . - Trii:' ,. :-..' 7 • - •:'-' , '...-!: 7 ';'4'XL .l, :..;'; t ::; -- -:, - .& :-. '; i i. t i' : Vt. , .:',..:'- 4 ' ,-: ' ''''''''';.."."--'- •"'• ''''''- , .:.,,, , illistePat*us. `` F ÜBE ~... f ~•.' ; ; - :::!. .: ' , [' r : '?4 . - ; :..r ; ;. . .i,p':','.‘., : . 7 ,.'',1, : ' ,.;',,: , '-'; ‘• . ' :. .' ,.,,-:,;. .i;' , = - . * .. 1 . ,•- i': . 1 . f , "::;:' ,! : : ;•'.fi„ . '.1: : .';..',' , :.';;:'. : : r '';'•-•:::',:.P::!::..:,....‘,;.•..,,:,'-'4......;,.:-:, ; 2: i' - MEE= eu•""~'~"~~ IMEZE .. . . . .. . ... , ,-..:'..:4'..-:..t..25-L.:-...,---.,.....,;i1-...:...7 .~~ MISECIEMM BOOK 41.141:40)V THvoiner - drwatiwazta Firth StrtlCti. - E Pt P„,,..,.' ' . le tq rX4 144. fkrea,wro•Ton,sinAdasitozat li, arruana,.tespeettblly "ink a nns frialtdo mut the"pbtrani b rbessitanetsilliatlitt 7 sa..'llrLet:att- • aorta:tent o [JOB TYPE ANDALY., • gaseevntrY to a Job Priatidir_Otreoi; ha. la pre-. . ated to:execute. • C. 4:. • ZaMinll433 jUT/ Tair i i ri4 i!Pr.P. 1 :;1 '1 BOOkr ; Stale igertUrea.. • Pampas:, , BaH ons eatitr,4 •: Handfrats: M, •", , IL kha. hralattko, t4t l e,ihishlhaat 'and 47aha1' Boar DWI, with 4 ProPllatatarta, printed On the thoneat notioe.ona mos: reasonable terms. - . . Hpnalreaketfolly aika 1118 eilnintli al as and blio generallyon ibis branch otitis bashing: - aap42 Rena, , hlaaren Arm; valeatati, umui, eerarrPena and, Is, 10;048 ate Rielialige nines: trm Pons*St....-rert-l! inform their frtea4s and , atred 'fltiiilah'and.'ittend ' endenakeri,.. as then have will he dd tld 4 matlng, and their attention .; alma!, et to tile tibeve bagartla, keep a• - • . large atiortment of.coFl 7 /IV,S made and finished, cover ed, and Lined in the nealeat s manner, a, variety o: materiale, -andel all prices , - .We keep 11/ 1 / 1 01.1DS ready • ; made, °flail idles, of Flannel, Cambric, and-Malin ) , at all prides, and made in the eastern style ,: and: all other .„ articles necessary :for dressing the dead, \and faimialfdng • ;" fanende,;,of andpdeeto.idt =yr:x.ll43ms Lat. ensrartngthe rierne•rind age; ICE CASE§ for laying _ . • the tedy'in ire, :by date who wish to - keep:their: friends' any length or time, and have ZINC PANSro.pet;en_ for:lay/al on :he body; LEADEN' limp! • hand. We have aajdendid gIITIN - AELRBE ands pair or fine horses, and any number 4/...the'hest_terriageVeicNC.•C ete..,,and; will be prompt, panetnaLand reasonable. - . anglAy n etttea Bies tata stoat Airms.„, HE otabseribers.wmild: testtectfolly.sumonace that they have.mado arrangements midillle Proprietors" of the Olearroodarass Millsotsblettglvesys the etintrtli • for the sale of their Brass Kattles , turd, Sheer Brass for this section of...country, surpassed The. prodactlon of.theseqdrßS:, are not surpassed in`,qualltYby,any other estah 41shmout in she United Brims. - We Wilt 'always keep a heavy stock of these goods pn hand;whieh we will be' • pleased to sell at each prices as walnut will sneer %hal views of Wholesale buyers . Hardware , merchants and other dealers in these goods w a i t ress* se +macs/i t • apaS : Corner Allirketiuld Seetaidirtriseta" ' L aso 'Citifies liotatte, 1, ,-„- -- ,' ..., , urr., comma or Yarartt 'en elLilla,Ml24": 2 7 l7 4i g nktL , ::-• .- ', 1111 HE subscriber tilspecttWit'announcee' that be 'bee, .1 now, opened this newrand excellent/iota for ilia ac-- —', conutladautut of srarelev, buarders, and the public :gren;- orally. The notice Ind. manure ere enticeirneWl and : -.• ' no pains or execute liege been spared !o midst f t,9tte ;of the twat coneortableand Pleasant Hotels la,the city. • ~..,,,.,..., The sybsetter t alitetesntinedrodeierveiand tbereforei ~ '.,. ,:. solidi*, alibeZe*Wdalle patronage; '-',', ' '•""• ' '" ' '''.: --.... owl/4Y, •,, o u ti t'i ,.l TJAOLl . HOUGH, , Proprietor:- :," ''.:., .._.._ _ ._ IVEwwork.v t------.-----,_-____,___AL ABLE WORIL-Niestah, and t'''. '. ..''' ...11. Beatafaspwith all Recount of a Irish CO the Chaldean '''' - " Chriklana of iterdlanin, and tha:Yagedla, or Devil , War- i: , ' , 1:%.. thlppers, and an lawny) , IMO the manners *Ad agti-Of tile acmithtlAstryitrifibributen ffeary_Layanl,Eaq ~ D.,.C-: ....",..,,,:. D. Jastreeelyed and-for male by - - .. .. , .- •$, ,' , f , • JOHNSTON • & STOCKTON, . ' - . ..Cor.of Market =dad Ant 5 " • A A. :.11,1 AWN:k..€0.,•No. CO . /Harker sheer. are con " •LCL? the. J ooo lPt or Rich -BIifiBROIDERMT- We nave on hand the fitllowing Goode, vii Ibs delietthYMuslin Capes, (nun elta 410 GOO ; . • 850 ambit: realted Muslin Collazi.: ' I 10 P O •.7 crotchet. • • to' 75: 360 lace • . ' • ' 8 to in 150 Jenny.4 ll A • 4 . • .r. rvo Itat 130 erebtO lina9t Habits, " SO} o .1,50 590pairit,'AL' " tO.Y°I ./ AISO, MOUnliarconan, in_peat vsztotY.' s- • Call soon at the cheap One slice Cash Sune,lllr war • ' rgIREMAYNOSTAHLEOF POSTOPJFICES;containk7„ . in an alphaberdcal list of Post -Offices . thitingliout the United States; .dietances from Washington,. State and TeeTitOrilli respectively ; biting the Pint Mee each State, na well nil County. with an appendixorthe United Summand British .; CJust received by JOHNSTON STOCKTON; ' • maTl6. Comer 3dazullifultefeti. ONOR OWTMlAcco—se s! " itunip•CTobacco Jam receiv ed !: and (or Well . . • robit ificgrrsom : ,•,: marl ',' 4 'N0a.172 and in Liberty Street-- INDEP and • L Lts, !or; A- O. REIN [lath! ) , Aldermen and Pelleeliiiila . #ate. Wanes Oltirratr, ClLLMCanatable.. • • -• • imam fiannot.rn, Meg . Err Will gttelPi efent...„... r et 'OtcuES, while nautinerit late. futalie adds re veryapt to bruise and- llutuelheeiselves in ' many ways They are ofteardieeldedesaw to be useless for a 'long dune . f Uriediatecuse-.4 could- be‘tnrit/t4k:4, Fahnesteeir le ed.'s Rubeficient,andaha. brai lUte. sed parl well saturated, and the rentedyspbbeil in, It y j ontigkin z relief, ease the pale:. - WO fainter should' beseurotiltfult:,, celebrated medicine as Uisall. - hestlingro'nurwor ber . Prepared and ?old by , - • a P te ncg:, . Corner of Wood .and Flrat r magi> Corner 'firth and-Woo4 W j yESV lt060"-Just Meeived M. A. 1 4 - 4 1 rEWS.--- , Aristomey, 'or Life amonkthe " Uppe.r Tent" true Noveb, founded on theßnsluonatqe Society of isbU adelphiit—by Joseph A. Nunes, a me - tube/of the.Pfdia. 'deiphia teats ;au the Fiord,story of Norway:— by-Harriet illartitteall:' Pride, 26' cants. . . Chandysial Information Mr the Pepple, Nkr26l Kit Susan, the Princeof,tliVold Iffutitersorthe Ad- • .iezttureraistihei Saeranierito ; tali of ihenew El DO reqo, founded -cut aetuaLfams-r-by !Charles , K Price, 25 cents. Life in Califoinii, or the Treisiti r eSeeleeis' Expedition; Sequel. to Kit Carson. Price,. 25 cents, ID - Smithfield et., opposite BrowVa Hotel. [sep6 Eby E E4 , 4 ,..„" - .1011 N Ii AIFJALOR, IQ: al M N:darn& tciil • 'sill thee - following new and second band PIANOS; fort,ittstiiirir, • or Allegheny Countkikrip, pan one neW Rosewood oc.tayeßiano, made by.Bacmi . - - ..1 ,, & oven, SOW Toik; price One. do do -do "'do" ''' • One_Rosewoodi 8 octave, Gale & Co. •-........, W0G- ' 'One do do do do ' - One MnbedanY,4 ocinve, nearly leu', Gale . Co,Rd Y ~ d oii One do do Lord & Biotherat $:425 - •' . One do •Si ..ftwienbantri • slop -()ne . Gerinan Piono,d octaves— ..... . • '•••• ' One old Piano ,5 octaves ••••••• • • • • . ..... •• • • One MOHlganifillBo. ri W. mane. X9o e ITtliE undersigned have this day received, by Express, X direct from the mannfacturera i nne orthe hugest end atoll complete um:gimp:asp!' JEWELRY. ever offered,W. in this market, comPtisintall ihe - Most "modem and improved styleaGold and Meer !Marches; ikc,"&e.‘ ' T, $. . - = N6 115 IVOcti street Atalianght Brcia4 N O. 115 mien ,STRENT, have Jusrreneiveita , nitie - ea elegant isionment of FALL -8113°C(N.S. eLo V Rs, susPENDERs;,LAcEst:; 'coraps,..n9,''.. szEity. Constanfly''cin'llaild, a general assarnnent,of . Varfery- , Gpods, ,vvhicir we• offer- to purrlasera-theaaibri'llberil Payette Blankets. TUST RECEI__ ,VE.D from y ; from auperior U PAWL BLAIrnrETS. ,FOr:sale akEttatemprieetr, , • tt the Warehouse of the FATCrilt Afarterat No 4 11 2 Seealia it 4 hiPittatrClEittelatrigte-', lit.tiesuctuan Delooa ^ aiid Bathiag Ett4b.'„', . . , .. . i.l' al bm en z t . tl64RDltga bithe-any aeik.-.. i,di:•ii-s-Ai.t4.‘ a i i •.i po urs -,. -D servedup3a theine'Ole:, ,Yoacl4iy : ). , ceved by elprapAv#ry evepin l , Cr oct2 - iiciiifieli_ .. ; . .- -..- ~ ~,,,-„.„.• LL 3bmboutUigh - Atte% Oroan4 Clialarfrancr-ShiritblibC'e' TH aaPSONAg , 4.441444 W t irrostasraltaanelo;l33 , W4 Mr. Thomas If Your Writing_Pluid we , find twin a &stride attlele itiall!reimeeta. Its - color is a beautiful black-I-flaws free from - the peitc-Welava use! Arnold's,but prefer yours pu itsown merits, apart - from one being it foreila antt otitera'PittsbUrgirinatt-, nfactl4rtglarnele, Yourcres sv ro Ev eet Eri fullp i k • ~ F or sale by B. F.MINESTixtIi-dt Co., Pittsburgh; H. P. '!§CtiWAll4TZ,oll.legheny,City,and.,by the : itiLetk..! • .', lecturer; THOMAS K. HIBBKRT Druggist and Chem. : • la, corner of Liberty, and SrOlddietditreets,,-Pittsbr aepaty • • . . - ,AWASIV •• •i• frO. PINEGAN.has taken and, refitted.gbeilacittse,fsir,. inerly'ltllClV27l ihe , Western Eichanzo;olukrod' on iliorofieldarprerlinrAtingAheSOlDnolll:':•,:,^.l' lie keeps eonsumui on ;hand j..bluors of t h e ,. ,e4 , 4 , 0 „ .. brand 113ame arLkindir, Oysters in 4f the etc. obort, WM keep...all,an4emeeyeacirppetsdis, Ingle a raapectabla ind taahhinable restaurant. • LUNCH at 10} o'clock, daily. . • ' 'Litho i .A.NY.QUAN I PMYOPLIIM fir die vary beat hull wilt be furnished on reasonable tams, n n t a" o nse,ll_applyinsto tli_e•r . nbreriber at klaStOt9e,Sgau°lllOlni':% ute lllol, 9.ng Bridge , South Pittsburgh.- - mayllu2wd ,JAMES BLACKU • • ORE., , yht lOC, just received acid for *ale by• x t B , h'; ,, PAANESTOCW-leeo4-1- i=s; .- m*3ll . ~ .CoraerietatutWood our TIRJRE CIDERA7I/ . IIFGAR--.lobbje. pain Cider Yalu e• "..1. 'gar Tor'sale. ''' J AMES ' &TAW - • Wiatiglreei`i•l',..::7:l ,INTIVJUUOT -Mr.._ki2°o 70P Try ' Spikes; l'Orlioorihrildere trie; for salt setail • ILEYixA -. Cte,;- Cheete, fot - flee) j B zommr TAMES P. go, vvell'aVOlPkveiGilar roreet,' - '4ll a,. It L' , .*".. 1.:„,1 •b. . • ' • , MEM .'-''',.j . .':':".q.',.':- . i . :: ,;-.- ' - '. -. i'.... ,.: ,:',...',,,':-.,.-. . .- -.. •=.',...'., , t-.'',.......)1.:., - ;... - .- ,, ..' . ....:'-. -.. ..t - ::..... , ":'• ..-:,.:, .;;' ..'.'. MEM N ME RIME =HMO EIMI .-r '`i,,'...-'", " 'Z'• °flY: 3._,.:ii , :',•. , .: . Y , • 4,,* .:'','';''':',' ....-.:.'!".!','-;1--'-'''fil:V]:•:,.,i1 V ?--:t.' -,',.•':'i::'?4, 3*li':!:' - • . ; , :' ~'.,.',;i:.:.i;.--?.,`.',',...',4: :;' "::' - . -,- j ~:.,,...:..:.;:„T"if-.',1:,•