_ s ~ • • 'so last3lT~~[ IZ-theneetivith.i4h, ltarite (reek the bowele a nt = • - Ahite;nrt:YellawsATlPeark,c4lar , vidt:whireattitesnu ' standing trsheritux These-sgelyelt.deintitted'ati Tice - tennerenectuniott*-I', nitialintleadinxt tez' • theeneitacansda"-tnn-tgltautnifntlaldeiin&;7 l7 heArork - JUDO; ustoi3f4ceotaptutied - *hit:great nneastnesstani : pain? t-IhnetnntatUtutd,bewell'.' , .l-tatongne bud bre are nettiejletipeetentanattetieral - IY elightil:coatedt- :the ' , eke treetimedilvesk and hnekir; - ':- erdnx,pftind speemd ortlitiluble; legs end body - am mnr , - a4d.liiinfalserraptinna.U . The akin isehriveled nua ef pampettanOu3Olen beaninis seak - and ftennent, and -In the eellipsentageentitely toistattheythet; thehreath, sing labored andluxtied:t l'hesei-egtoptataeueaally etto eeedeaeliotheai:the meet' tinted hi'DOWEWS CIIOLEILVISTLXU `- . e lixt Ote le prepared . from the presenplfone la pt,..A.;. Iti,Dowisli; orrittsbnigh . : In hit erten' , - sive piltetine; he bad needikaritheattnAatifeneeeseinthe , epidenue , of 1833 imdl.thb prOatat:49ason." -- ' Susiunboat in ert havi,glyen it tnntanypeeeerigenf-Wholtext , heem attankhOwnlithe diectutothezpresent isettion;eidia. eve •••• ry, ease edented nipeedrente-Atfatithay had been pto nouneakinann4ile hy,phystelane cn lcoard.l 4 Prepatidl colotyhy.theproprletot.,_- • fett,ll 31arke1weet;Pittsblirgb;Pa:_si Seliaf tar Cramps. &BDOMINAL WAELOLP.X,4i Matti - tiaik , ~ , knivratist approved-L . 4)1141i paiteinn; fornigted taut, reconmicatied by.tiltotriasßajtewcl.4 . F.sq l on4;a Sininner: of cantina Physician's inking.* most convenient:noun-1 tas (oz:ata application of warm or hot water to .thenOWq: ioOase :of smogs Ara cboleia. ; Aq cviry person is subject to sodden attablic,-noistaily aimuld at least withoui one. For safely - -.• SCAIFE & ATKINSON, jen street, betvieOn Wood and Market ate , EVlPBOORE,.4latiPilmerat, by Hants. ,• • LaYird'O-Ninevah'ano its 'Remains. • • ; IFfie..ClergY America.'•-•••== •••••,•'. • ~ • The Czar; Ala Conn aruiPeopie:' •,; • •- • ' I,Woixten of the Revolution- • • NVorlisilieVivedittbri. E.,%.-.lLife , aid Corresponeeneeof John Foster. •• • . Poems. - Dq fooilFOrkti,eoriiplete ;- 20 vols. Suntra - Workii,uomplete - 2 volt, - , Fielding and Sznolleu k.c.timidetc: The Progress of Antenna t 2 Valk cola r For:sale by 1-1: - .81,BOSAVORTJI 7.:4th sweet, near 14Orket... ICP Clergymen and - atztutgers nre,biontedto.eulf„attho Boot Store . of IV 8. Bosworth & Co.; on Fourth 'etreeti near Sfarkiicidire..alV,O:joundlinreditior l9 °f - fu' I PT raretutd-trajnahleiworka. , . • . ~D eath - • T'r is:tt7tioterionsfactlfitit ofalievils, none are hrhMn such abhorrence as thoseof Rata, Mice, Roachespad lied-Bogs, anal° tivashettiertenninated, is the wish and desire of all. A preparation has, been discovered by whlcli•thase who - I:eigh t may become rid. of, this evili whlclrit fe slim:no - or leas every bruise intlds city. Thai pniparationtas move-been in use; itiaermanYr abbutstriVin.learsi (add in she Unitedatates far,theiastl five,yraid4 by every ane -who, has given it•si been: pronsunded did beat remedy they nava ever usedifot terminating-tats, Mica, Bect-Bngs, RoacheifAc..-- c - - The articles composing this' composition are In Mein-, sclvds:.vcry ithment, and contain u§i A:partidet of•pel seal but combuied; - creates".a gas which explodes the:atoutach,..and coasequently destroys life irua low hoary-.:.as soon as it tuts offectenthe stomach, the articles become neutralised; - and , trill - alrecnnothieg thereaderi. so thattlientitan.be no danger in itsasei,under anlr car cumatatteeD.• This - Mita humbug- - Fewallwarrautitto . rid houses of all the Rats, itrice, Tbeitchesidte.ittas la-, feststherli.- shoia4 it> not do news sayttha.mormy.. eta be ref - tailed:- - • .1, S. MaYoUNG jess•:::; NV:cornerof and . ferry suf., Pittsburg... F/iet.Cory for Ha!eV' N SUOMSFU, OP,FRATION, manufacturing Fria-; I Type - egid ; Raised kietters'hy ehinerY,;."Flter,iraeltinery' 'adreirably.:renited r for all' carving purposes t 'llii vytuch'iliparteru can be made froM the finest engnirbig:to',AeadrY cornice 'Should.' the bV velllorrlWlP:Nernt,Sirigetiobtatri n:pritenf'.for the in= centio or any;,Uro npven:mitt theiebn;,the :eat& patent n , ifi scoured by deed to the anbieribert for. the . terni of seven years in th0 , R4 , 4 Finited.:States and for ever in Alle gheny Co,Pit r Or, a VAtiTNAR-IVANTED, capable of nitinagiag the above business, and *Ming to take an interest of at least one-fourth in the capital stock. • For particulars; apply (posi.pai4k ; , :ScH9LY„ & ARYAN,., , P,tfabnrgb,' Pa find Fron t ihe'.loieg:oing Nofice of I. fit_Strtora; we at.the',Fatent . has landed; and :for procit ar , otre claim, see -records of ourileeli in Patent Office, at ash= - bigton,D , C. -- , lel4, SCEIOLY fr. RYA 'W N. bIILLiI ERT AND DRESS DUEING.ESTABLZSRLIENX: MRS DUPE' has ridetillyreceived the latest designs ; • ofDreisieii cardinals; and evety , attiele.inherline • of Ousinenni andis ptuyttivii to execute idl indent lathe ettorte" st nonce. ' - hte rant= ordering Cardinals or Visites made,pay:rtifitpon : bbialniti . gAVOTki in every respect equal to . that obtained •froth' the easv 'Head..Dresses, Multi pps, Capea,•Collitta, l i ne"; •11.1bbons, 'Rowels, • Frinyes,,ama;Lidies , aaka.;Ac , "iihrulg on hand at )el3 • str - • A GENTLEMAN of Pittsburgh, who had Tadao into XL an open ',cellar, oiler the " Great Fire," sprained his anele,soseverely that he virtta unable to refrauffrora crying rmt With dui pain. ; ..kfriand who had been using Bl A.Zatutusizek A. Co'sgetibisAcient and been eared or Rheontadera, gave hint what 'in the bottle, and although hislimhtwas greatly swollen, ho was com pletely restored, tolieulth.faiweive, boors and feted from paia.. This is but ona,of a gi4tatitaber of cases which have come trader the observation of the proprielors.— Prepar_ed.andsolti.by , FAHNESTOCK & CO. notneslst =AMpod itts4;trisp,cor.-tith and Wood , . •., _ , -` City' Drug Store fer Sale. TEirtatook and fixtures of a wholesale and retail rlrot Storeo l luiving welt selected stock, andlloing a good business, is itt h" good • locatien, and - at a• tease of iwo ye are fiont last Aplit.' Theltbove will be 'sold -at a bar. gran. The otvner having other engttgetheV!eannotgi7, u bisitermaidattetttioh. , - • , • 9 CUTHBERT, General Ageht, , .1 , Smithfield et. • MR. DUFF'S GENTLEMEN AND LA DIES' BOOLDIESLIGPING & WRITING ILOONIN, roams= orsos autumn. . - MlLD:has Ms new - Class Rooms .now . thonnighly re Paired =dialed op. Ladies will find his new sys tem of Single Entry . Book-keeping an agreeable study,. an altalhable acqturement. Gentlemen going.through. his entire , course •of -walning on Double. Entry Boos keePilagi. will not oety be quabled to take charge of Books upon 'any system in , use, but they will.find them selves raMter °fall those ituricate Operations:connected With Parmerehip settlements; cif which .scratany praed cal bookl.keepers, of acknowledged ability are ignorant. Several of-the meet extensive firms in the city have re cently-ptdCuketrßook-keepers from-this Institution.— Merchante iindlteamboatproprietors can always/earn et Bookzkeepemthoroughlyqualifted for their profession;` no others are ever recommended: hours: 10 to 12, 2to 4, - and7 . may 4 mi. ' • Notice,. . . ". old , customers, strangers .visiting-Jhe city, and others wishing to provide themselves with a hand some DRESSCOAT, PANTS, VEST; or any other anti- die in the line, can do so, by leaving their orders with ,•.,.--.. : - JAMES Id'GUIRE, Tailor, , ap9l .•...,....•., , Thirdstreet, St. Charles Building. 131 - EADLEY 2 B NEW, WORK—The Adirouback, or Lite..in,the Woods, by-.J. T. Headley, author of. Wtuthingtoti end his Generate &e. Life :suut,Writings,of De - Wiu Clinum, by W. W: CaraPbel4authorofitordei - Warfare, 'Re. Just received, by. JOHNSTON Er. STOCKTON, 1/ 0 - 8 - - - ,Cor: ad tuid Market rts. - - TAVERN - §TAND ` 3T 8110USTOWN; FOR .11,a1:1:,,,=deamrpodiote; andwellfinishesiTavern enfliin the village Of Shousetown, famished iii modem good Stelliug singe -het; It Will be leasedfor,a2terotof ycare. Abbess 'Ann r, P. !MOUSE, Shousetown.. • viantzek. kSEErof above Goods, 3-4,44 and 9-8 wide, fancy nd donble.Parble, forvale by . . 'maz29.lttit- . ItIMPTON, WITI3I tc Ca WIRE RAILING.. EIRCRICRIr - Br:LETVER)3 PATENT. PUBLIC ATTENTION scilieited to an entire new aftlele:.:ol,RULThiti;',4nad‘orwiniight iron , hars, and sat ahnealednad4rWite,and'axgrearly'designed • foi enehising - cottairea t Cemetitiei;Baleonies, Public Gtoutpi,:fee.int litteeevaiyintfront 50.tentato53,00the • rannin&cer4.;_lt is' made In panne); ofNationalengthiy 21 to 4 k. - 004Ligh *kat - Ira:ought Aron posts hickaquatty . . at intervenMgtnnanees cif to JO feet: desired, the, ' plianele'estif beiitade of any'height, in continuous spans or 50 vo,l3ofeet,vvith or vrithout poets. No termcharge for pos greatitiength and Antabil ityt of the MIRE NM* INU, the beauty of its varied or . An?netnid.designlPilOgetherynth.the,extretaely low price at winch ler.o l d; erd.'asheinglt3O supersede the Cast ton Bailing, .whatever their tompnrative meths have peen tea.teL;.•'.E!ar farther particulate address ' ,-,'.4 . 4.O3.#ALT:7;I6AROTREALO, 7;ineliteTer'Patentees, PitinendalleY'aear Seitthfieldat:-Pttahntr fig" virterei , llsl2tlesirii3 Mary. , &.c. TOIII4VVALKER.,/inporor4te4 Dtaterin Foreign and: Dmieffic=Hardware;:psspectfutly , annouriccA to his friends dlidlthe: pablit trenerallyithat he is 'now reedy... lug his Spring supply of Hardware, Cutlery, Saddlery, &e l ., at his Mend - , islop 85 Wood street, which:he will die ' postuot the' tnoitreusonable terme.. He. willetintinually bp - receiving fresh'eupplies,.direet _front tire'-'4iituttfantarers , Europe and this- option, which WilLetinble.hinijogompetewithany house, Eas t • sr Virest. ,, " • • •• • He'particularly invites the attention of customers to his exdellenfassditinent of Table anciSpring .Cutlery, wEehriii4l , fohitniablepatierns and - from' the , roost popular*lin • • litatturets. lea Ate etoeit'el•Verpentertargools is largefand or excel !: • qf general'g:#44l , il4 - . 0 . .., tier) , variety_ of Stud°. - . • - %Vesternsferchsnta ithdlealeis,:generally, arel In vltid tenet and extunliiebis.sunk:;,-.i. -margfhthit .. ~ •,,,4.-.z.;.P,144pt1i„, a f i g i n t l i g e t uL l' iu . -- faeture rs, i ' u lli d , rAm lioNtr4C'eivlOgiinrSe4 ~..a i dn urei ,a itirge , .. 1 New-TOrlkniladO/P4I-arletir, 'mei' .au most well selected ~,.....‘ , a _ ,G ingtort :slim prayed etyre , r:or Salipt Glazed -- r‘ -frieNoir,i9§,-19511un of— r;:i i , c i si.- i- ri 10,000 O lec , e t , ci . P Ball arl° l. " Sohlrea '). - - . ' • et 10 , 00 °- '', ir ' D' -reeta,thatriberinaeffieePoil . 94 1 000 ; nidna =July 44rite the attention of those Whlck.w4 ' Paper ; to call attd exaMiqi,L,t--"t., having iloneee . lo t Paper Warehous et s. 8.7 c. wmcirm , !Ea.._ maroo . Blmie s2alrto t g T0DDDWA8.6:_14 . ,..P0,. Co., air plai; I.ox.if,alial;BiliaTUßEß'rsifittve received from their awry' gest r aiiirge :And desifable stack orSWIMS, which w e PlaPdati la 0110. to dealers at the lowest New - York prices, on stilisfitetorylitrms, ' Our staelt,'acirolsts . /n ! part; of 300.:402,, all ntialitles, • varyinit'jirotYle;.-- wi de aka 11111 TOW plait . , Byron and standingpollars 'Manufactured expressly for City trade, and intended f o r - • By afrating„ - dialerti ourlOoods at low prices, and all,?%marrati-Bhltts tarecomatend'thamsalVes is style or mattafaVala r fte.;#9pe to be !dile to pliase all out cus tomers. , - - Der wefercem,oorner of Ftilit'andiVlriskot streets,ap stairs. 1-7. - ..,-.- 1' - ; - -P- 7 .4 - • -,-, ~„.-....-1. • , - z , ~ • ,:: ''' ' f ~, I.l ' r y, ''' 7X.t''''''!l‘:,‘,'' '.l. '.,, i 4 ~ , 1 ,:-...,:.' -:.:.,' :' n ': y- V :2 ‘, : - ' .-- t ' ';''',?",, 's''', 11: .;:if ' I. ' ,'"' -:•,..; ,•- ,.: 1"•, > , : 2 '.:''' -, ... '.. ...,•,. ..". ,:: ,7 4 ; . 4 -'4 - N,' , 4 - .1; . ,V....c.:7, , ` , -'I ..,, ,- , .., -._ - ~..". , ,',,..- ~, --, , • , - . " , ' - ;,., ; ;L r: ; 1 ; , ~;:i;::: ~,i.t. ' . ..;, q ~..:,,"'.. - i';'L;r , ,". ~-,' tt ' ::. '". •' .` , . 17 : 1 <'•„ . %l''' ~ .C...:. :':ii4.* 7 ''' - ' '`, l , t!''",,," ',, q ‘:,_: 't, ? ' ~,..,, :.. '` if 5 ., : .., '-: i:, , , ,„,1,3r•fy.,„':?;,_ . 1 -5- 1-'' 1,-. ... - ,- ,l , f ., .., , r, . r i , .. , .,' '. 1.5 Y''•- , ' ..-''• ' , : • - I. ~' ... El3 ll.j #V ' ''';'';'°* ;'' ''', 4 Z ' 4 4- ;;,3. 4 1 ,-, ,'. , ;:' , '', , —.: ,i, , • - - ,•. ~, .. ' • ,t, '; " il ''' 1 14.1 fi'l ,, •rt' - ,'4: , - .:4 , --;-=-' fl4- - -.'„ , 17,••.,,-' .., , 4t' . 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V , z'''' 1 t - I. -',-, , -.. 4 .' t,., l rd 1, . s , • r -'----s.si--',--15,------,•,,r—sr-'-,--:-:-.s—t:zs,772;-,rvz•-•,.."--,;:-...V,.7.7sr,t';37,7T-•rif-•;;I:F"----77:,:::;147..•,--q7----;' -.4z , -; , ..5.,„%!..1- ,, 105•, --, -s ••: _ - s•-ckt•-.4•:1-,,,A, 4., p a5....5.,b..- z -,,,,, 5 .,- ; . .. - ' ,L- . - x -•••- , - ,, :l.tU,r-,:• 4 1" , ..'-',1-Ti:.-- , 1-;•7r.g`f --;"- ~,- ,-1 :4' , .: 7:i - 3.,:; - .1f , t4 , , .• '" ' 104 . , . 4sfrlirlitiit - NilW Eike : lAteldtifitrinslaerGOtta 1. 4 , FIit 3 OI I :WABL , E-H.E.6-UQUERTE,RS3;.: nett..49l4.ltatitialtse tatcartanoaaaatonterenibrrnil 18 ~-.. ... __ ~. ~..74 PECTFULLY inform a :hie- friends . and ibe,pablia-y -,' iingeeriera4 [hal ha ltacreceivadrmarylama:autildr ,at - e eitoieeet SPRING- andiSUMNEEL,GOODS, ever pee in Pityibumg4seleeted 1;0410=01f ipgc...gpat; cone t 01,013 ..of Zagnib;Ttredetrand:ltetkiaa,,Clinhe,,,i3asiii :Xaerf s , -, -Yvstinip3 ll : Cuba:wenn, *er r at alValiades and _colora r tnd 0 :I e lateq , :aeck /pat ; tleeirable patterns,. - `4413 , 'Will be mac 4P. lO ' ll l: 4 leA ra...l4orkor:mle, and_ ,pt very Inederate prices.: ' , - , Hp. has also an handlx , Verylarte , atonk of Ready AIWA clathint; 4 4e#letiViVliellirerylovi. , .. ap22:ly .. . ~. _ .... 1 0, 11 . ZSER,ALIN NEW YORK CLO'PLUNO STORE, " - .1K0'430 atm'Stet street. :1011r1ANIN0 received (nintreceiving.tveekly)my Spring ,1141, tutd Sumter. Goode,. I =prepared to offer . to the citizens and public in general, abetter lot of ready made Ciothmg,than bases/sr been °Cored before : in Pittsburgh, .and tit prices 2.5 pereent.cheaperrhom canbe purchased in./thy-other Clothing establishment imtbie city. - 'Don't forgetto a 1 1,1 0 .2 6. rn E. PITZGERALD. --" _I - . GOLD! GOLD I OLD!, 43 cp P E' olio T it i ii 114. 1 4 7/1P0,011111: .1 l its, ~ROGERS respectfully , informs And f s.-tha public that lie has opened hie - SioneCarrordo Oro 'N0..27, Market Street , between Front and Beeond, ~wlieSe he wg • l keep constant ly on kmAd a large anitsape rioressortment ofelothing, imitable forthe present seanin. .., Hiving -just returned-from ,the. East with ti new.and ,spleheid assortment of Cloths, CassinteieetimlNestlngs, mf , the -Most , desirably patterns,Whietrwill be made up . 'an the shortest .noilee and in the most instdonitble . *vie, t on the One prieeash systemins`low-as can be had at an/451hereeitablishment in' 'Pittsburgh. - Don't fomet the_plaee, but mill et the CLOTHING ,EILIPORHIM, No. 7 , Market st„' Pittsburgh. fmr3l:3m Thei.fir - Asket.Sprlng and Summer Stock of READY-MATIE -CLOTHING AT - T HE , vitaskainapoorts, "susTHS BIBSIENT 1YEA80N,...11/S• =TEE BEEN BIVALVED EINN by the Celebrated Rstabiishment itself liniE UNPRECEDENTED rATRONAGE bestowed 1;1 inp on " the enterprise; of-the proprietor, has eLabled lbl.ta;to purchase an his Goothiatinich prices as will allow .hint` to•sellrWholesale-and - Retail, LOWER than any btfidr House,East or West. ld'CLOSlLEY, , Mintbialterer 'of Readroad• . Claque% Nol - 151;LibertY street, Pittsburgh, Pa i lms just !complete& hie Stock; :and has new on hand, ready for ealgtlieta /detonable out varied sosertmasu • - FACT-MADE CLOTHING ever otleted in the United • ;States; of whick.haVelseen: made'under his imam— ' ,dlatie inspection , ialtdikityl - i t'Patella tutvratrar OBTAIN J. nituramogethervathisne••of the ehilleest•selee tient of Impoited fine El Ride; Brotvn; Olive and Drab Piexeliaielgian.and English CLOTHS, that has !civet been brought to this city.: Also, fine fancy VIi3T INGS ;on:very - descripeatch as .Cashmeres, Mar tseilles, rich RUks,Cane .fitt ,All the now `test ;styles saucy GASS , of every description ; all Of which will be made up to order at the shortest no tice, in Malaita and most fashionable style. The , proprietorinfoims the that the principle .upon which he will do butiness, will be upon. the basis Of HONESTY and PAIR DEALING; and in onierto es :tablish a confulencein the buyers, I am determined to ad- herd to my original motto,. 'lna Saks and Small Pm ?' and also make the buyer his own salesman, by I autrkingthe lowest price on each article, in plain figures, ..so that each customer, can .select front no immense and exabisitely assorted stock,the articles he requires, attke lowest price tt can possibly,be bought for. Blueness shall continue to be transacted at my exteen iims establishment, which has long sines 'obtained the ehalacter of being,theirnat Tailoring Establishment in - ' • • • mann • BMW. GOODB_A T DEIItANTIS, • 49 ListitiV mixer, trrrasunou.. , TUST RECEIVED, -an extensive and varied assort !! went of Goons adapted to - the 'present and-approach season, such tut Blank; Brown' and Drab, Mixed, 'Piluierston's Beaver-Clothe, a superior article for Bud 'nets, Frock and•otherr Coats. Also, n great Variety .of Blankets and Felting', the riboye mentioned colors; superfine French black, brotim, olive, green, claret, and all other desirablecolored.CLOTßS;„fteneb, English and Amer ican plain and fancrAltzatsmars,. of enUrely new pat terns and , verydeldrahle colors, to which we call the at 'Marion ofitboseln rant oPn handsome pair of Pants.— :Vim:Lies: The 'assortment of 'Vestings is nnr9nally handsome, comprising the newest and most approved styles for fall and 'winter wear. All of which will be ;made to order at abort notice and on reasolusble terms. Nfew GOATS on hand, of entire onto tryity,, to which we would invite.the auottion of those who desire to .*Lite ease. elegance, comfort and convenience in these 4V.:eNogS-tsT-to aneb , - we o notice,uslidngelecyulareoll recommend abine 'fif the beauty of.' the over-coat with the comfort and conve• Mierke of the sack coat Ageneral assortment of Rsaily•rnruls Clothing on hand, in the present Fall fashion, and will be , sold wholesale or retail .at the lowest cash • rices. aeon' IGMPIHE cLOTHING swon,E, - s , E. No.iSaLIBERTYSTREST. 110prENRY CIIIGNEL would respectfully invite the Ja attention of his friends and The public to his stock - of Fa,thiamtla and sod! made CLOTHING, as the above stand. Those who prefer their Garments made to order, will 01WeirStelei a semi assortment of Goods to select from. Paw will attend to the cutting de paruuent, which ' is-a guarantee of a well cut and goad fitting garment.' . No effort will be spared to giVe sans. faction in the style and finish of ottr. Goods. Every ex. ettion shall be made to pleaseour customers. f sepl7:lm utOOTS AWOTSIFICAP.S. p'TKMn LEEWARD 'S CELEBRATED LEATHER , Preserving Blacking. 'A COMPOSITION of Nests-foot Oil and Ivory Black, fotneurishing and vegeta/mg all kindlier Boot and Shoe Leather, renderingu salt and pliable, and producing the most brilliant jetblack,"equal toriarent Leather, without communicating alibi or spot to clothing. Lsswssn & Third strut, near Medi} to calling the attention of gentlemen to this beautiful Black ing.desire-Mmaly be elate its peculiar composition and elicits on the Leather. It is composed of nears-foot oil and pure ivory black and renders the leather at once soft and pliable, thereby preventing the boots and shoes from cracking. With ,one-fourth the labor usually em ployed in the application of the ordinary blacking, it produces the most brilliant jet Mack - polish imaginable, equal in every respect to patent leither, and nerer nibs oron thuantaloons. Gentlemen are invited to' -call at our Store, No. SO Third street, near Wood, and have the blacking tried on their boots, and where they can sea upwards of 5,000 CERTIFICATES, 'Prom the tnost distinguished individ oats in the U. States, all of whom recommend It as being, for beauty of polish, preserving the leather, and facility of application, the most beautiful ever Offered to the public, LEEWARD do CO., PO Third street, near Wool.. mayll:tf Terrible nevolution—Staire Tritunpbsusti lattGAN & CANTWELL, (sign of the •*•;) No. 88 ~ .11a Market street, would respectfully beg leave to call the attention of the public to their new stock of Goods, just teeeived and opening from manufacturers and im porters, of which they feel confident that price and gual iSay t ks a nd Small. Profits." wilve entire satisfachon, as our motto is—" Quick Our stock consists, partly, of the following articiesiViat Ladies' and Gentlemen's - Breast Pins, late styles ; Guard and Vest Chains; Bracelets, Clasps and Lockets ; -Fin ger and Ear Ringst Tencils and Pens; Slfdesand Studs f Steel Buckles, -for Ladlesr Haul Dresses; Madalon's Card Cases, shell, pearl nod velvet; Coral Beads ,• Ala baster Bores , fine Rosewood and Ebony Shaving Cases, futtusfied; Sliver Spectacles; Silver Spoons -all. rinds ; German Silver Spoons,,all kinds; Silk Steel' Bead Bags and Parses; - Cotton Begs and Parses; Hair, Tooth, Nail And Cloth Brushes; : Violins , Accordeons, Flutes and -Fifes; fine Penknives sad Scissors • Globes and Paper 'fielders Shen Dress and Side COmbs, latest styles; Chide Yakt, Pratt Baskets, Agate and Glass Vases, Maga, and Cologne Bottles; Tables, Chessman and Sackgammon Boards; .811 k Tapestry; Brussels and in train Carpet Bags ' , Wi ll ow, Market and Side Baskets ; Chairs, Wagons, &edits, &c., with a large assort ment of Twos and Fancy( Articles, teo numerous to men doe [sepl9 Chsurebtill en ;Stanley, ISANUFACTURERS OF - FINE RICH JEWELRY EDWARD TODD & Co” Agents, N.' E.! corner AVM and Market 'all., (up. staffs ) Pturburvh: WE have on itand, and are daily receiving from the y - manufacturers, &large 'stock of GaAs, which we. are-prepared to otter to Dealers only, at the manufac- Utress' lowest wholesale prices. Cluster and _Real Stone Set Breast-pins; Engraved, Plain Hoop-StOtd Set Eat and Finger Rings; Plain Gold, Engraved and Stone Set Studs; Siides,Watch Keys, &c, Am. * a p prove can be , found some of the most de. tab/a andpd styles ot Stone &els now In use,. ' Ruby r Turgois, Topaz, Anathyst, Gainey 'Brilliants, fcle.,&e: • • Detiert,-PUrchtuliegrme Jewelry, will find it for their : advantage to examine oar stock. Bard Snider! a ,bar .Ptemium Gokt Fens, with and without cases, he °Teri for sate at the idwest New York Ftivea (WS} :EDWARD TODD & CO. J. T. DECkEIH. dr, ROBINSON, nottommi, ;urn zatetons or LIGHTNING RODS, ON A SCIENTIFIC 'PRINCIPLE. Orders left at the Post Mfftce, or at Mrs. Eamtes, Fourth street, between Market and Ferryl will _reply* • prompt attention. Ronsarffeas.—Prof. Horace Webster, Geneva,"N. Y.; Prof. Chester , Dewey, D. D., M. D. Rochester, N. Y:; J. L. Cassels, and Hanulton L. Smith, Cleveland; O. ; G. K. Shoenberger, J. Hawihorn,-"Michael Jones, J. C. Wil liams and Capt Gots:P.-Cincinnati. - la Prrrantractu-' , John H. Shoettherger, Wilson Mc- Candless, A. W. Loonds, O. Metcalf, Win - . J. •Totten, John Harper,Mr. MeCutcheon, - Mr. Childs, Oakland ; Col. Moman, Mrs. Collins, Rev. Mr. Spa*, J.;.ll,Wil hams; Major Harding, U. S. Arsenal; John jiwin Sons ; Allegheny : D. N. White, W. A. Marekatl: John . Stup a pson ; Major Davis and Mt. - Newton, East liberty. ' New Light: l'lrg have Meeived a lot of ItAMPSiof varionS sizes . • and kinds, of a new consfraMtalr that simple and complete—some ornamental. " • • Also the article to barn in them,j,ealled - "A . URI4ING "MUDD," or " ETHERLAL OIL.. rate .which recommend it to the attention of SteamboatOlen,' 'Hotel" Keepers and Housekeepers. For Meal:illness, ecoficany and btillianey; surpasses- anything portable IiOW fn 1013. ' • reli3ollB who please to call on-us will-be shown the pectdiaritieaof the new coirmoand; ..Aconstantsupply of the fluid and Lamps kept by • . SCAIFE, & ATKINSON, , : t iok • •-• • Ist. between Wood and Market sts. ' - -NOW York Bair Manufactory. ti*, undersigned 'hail mil returned from New Yore ; splendid and well selected assortment „polo. die ALlfAilt; of every kind. Re invitee Ladies cal and examine the new and most , betunihal Article :of El:mezn PARTINaI3 for Banda, 'Mtge and.lialliWigs,overinvented. -They ere so m uc h like the nalyritipttrtingsj and fit so arose' gal-easy ; that they oannot,ae' distinguished from the natural hair on 'elosemspectiom• - . ' SoAternixoNsw.rhelietillateriet'itint antral:if:wiz the lttliculty, and mast supereede 'ail a ors for' Gentle -men Wigs and Teepee's' it bears equally on every part or the head, without 'stiffness or-wants! appearaneet. lin these it unlike the old;) itahOWS the forebeatteatial , to the natural hair. Wig wearers are particularly invited to Call and-ex aminethe articles for themselves. J, caraioN, No. 9 Third near Wo N. B.—Remember the New York Hair Manufactory - , rattyLaniattiftwan =EEO • k ii3amPoirisigiSt ITTSB RUH ?BMW=PHIA T BALTIMO-Af o 7 1 • N R,W , Y.0R:14 11 - 0 ST TRODIA EIORRIDGE,3 Taa PPE O'CONNPR, Una being.nowin fall °pa"! '9fin, • I.the-PlPPrietors an:prepared, with theisusual e/ s ve arrangements, to,forward merchaturtze,.proihate, ttaand (requite above. ports, on libernitenns, with the 'regularity, dispatch•and, safety, peculiar - us their mode of arausportatam, so. obvious when transhipment on the way is -avoided. • -• • • • All consignments byand forth is Liue re ce ived,ohnrges Paid, and - fonvarded an anysesuired directions,• free of chajge for commission, OdVa/Clllg or storage. NO interest, directly, or indirectly, in steamboats. All communications promptly attended to, on applies'. tign'to he fatlOwjngligents' THOMAScanc.tiIDGE, WS - Market street, Philadelphia. TaAPFE - & O'CONNOR, Canallitasin Pittsburgh. O'CONNE/RA CO.,' No 'B4Balthnore. 1 ??-t -,-.1 4' • -- 1- 1 S 49 -. iNg.3• aerobe&lnt, Transportation/dne ,VI PENNSYLVANIA - -CANALAND RAIL ROADS - Tin Canals and Rail 'Roads being now Open, and in good order, we are prepared to forward' all kinds of mer chatidize and produce to..PhrladelPtia-and Baltimore, •ai p mesa and despatch, and on as sid'terms ns an . other e. ' - C.A. MeANBLTY & Co., • Canireasi ,n Penn Street, Pittsburgh. AfrarresCHARLEE5 RAYNOR, Philadelphia, A p ace R OSE MORIRLIAL 0., &C Baltimore. fmrl7 IS 4 9 MteVehant , s Way Frelligltt. Line, ,"k" , Bidirattille, Jahlistatoth Holliday:6u*, dnd all ' inter/natant places. Tins Line will continue to carry all Way Goods with their usual dispatch, and at lair rates of freight. Aosarrs—C. A. MeANULTY & Co., Pittsburgh. ; B. WA REFIFLD, Johnstown: _ , JOHN MILLER, flollidaysburgh. - Rprzsanotes.-4 , .. ames Joreora, Stith & Sinclair, Dr. P. flinbergerWin, Ft, Moore, J,olna-Parker, S. F--Yen Bairn * t 'fr. Co., . Leh:seer & Co., Jno. WDevin & 'Pit burgh; John Ivory, Surely Malhollaa &„. Ray .Gralf& Co., Blairsville. marl 7 (Gazette and Journal only copy.] ToOR' , OP;PIA.NOS. qw stook of .riano celebrated manufacturers:— One Rosewood 7 oct.,earved in the style of Louie XIV. One de. 7do do do do One do 7do round corners. plain carving. 'One do 7do plain round corners, One do 61 do 'elegantly carved. One do eir do plain round corners. One do 63d0.: do do do One 'do .0 do 'carved furniture. , One do Gdo plain round corner. One do do . do do do One. do 6do plane square. Mille above are from the celebrated manufactory of Chlekering, Boston, and are warranted in all cases, and , the purthase money refunded If found defective in any particular. The prices aro the same as charged at the manufactory, and are as low as those of inferior quality from other makers. -Amp It=eIVICD Seven Rosewood 6 octs.; from Bacon & Raven, N. Y. One do 0 do do H. Worcester, N: Y. Twp do do Bacon tc. Raven, N. V. One do 0 do do Oates A. Co., N. Y. All the above Piano Fortes warranted in every res. pect, being made expressly to order, and are such as can be relied on for durability; even In touch, and of supe rior tone. JOHN 11. 111ELLOR, Sole Agent for sale of Chickering's Piano Pones, septa for Western Pennsylvania GAOLE FOUSDILY. ions SICUOLSON, O. W. 0. PATNI:. VIIE undersigned, successors to Arthur* & Nicholson, Leg leave to Inform the citizens of Pittsburgh and the public _g'enerally, that they have re-built the 'EAGLE FOUNDRY at d are now in fall operation, and have part of their patterns ready for the market —amongst which are Cooking Stoves, Coal and Wood Stoves, with a splendid air-tight Coal Stove, which is now superceding, in other cities, the common round Stove Also, a cheap eon! Cooking Stove. well adapted for small families, with a lull assortment of common and mantel Orates. We would particularly invite the attention of persons build ing to call at our warehouse before purchasing. and ex amine a splendid article of enammelled Grates, finished in fine style—entirely new In this market Warehouse, No. 181 Liberty st.., opposite Wood street. sepedy NICHOLSON & PAYNE Pall Fashions Haig and Caps. . G. W. GLASSGOW will introduce the M Fall style HATS andCAYS, on Saturday. August the ?.Sib 1859. Those in want of a neat and durable HAT, wiltplease call and examine bit aasortment, at No. 102 Wood street, third door below Fifth street. N.D.—His Silk fiats are warranted water proof—the bodies being prepared with Outta Pereha, which makes them elastic and pleasant to the wearer, and perfectly water proof. O. W.II.II.ASSPOW, aagt.o4m Ifr2, Wood street Great Bargain Corner, • ' ANUTIIVITLD AND Pa, Is the most popular of all BOOT and SHOE Es tablistiments in the West. This place has gained its reputation by its proprietor keeping the very beat Boots and Shoes, winch are made expressly ta order for this market, and be is not satisfied only by keeping the best assorted stock of BOOTS and SHOES In the 'Western countryy, but he Is enabled and deter mined to sell his GOODS lower than any other house possibly can, he cares not what facilities they boast of having for offering great inducements. to the.public. It ;is impossible to set forth all the advantages and facilities is an advertisement, that the Great Bargain Corner has over others which enables its proprietor to sell Boots and Shoes of the very best qualities andistyles a tfrom 10 to 2 per cent. lower titan any other store In the city. The way to test the matter's for all who intend purchas ing BOOTS and SHOES, to call at BATES' GREAT BARGAIN CORNER, examine thestock and prices, and all will be satisfied that the anal Bargain Corner, Smith fieldi and Fifth streets, is the place for the public, one and a, to get good Boots and Shoes cheap, for cash. deal J. BATES. N' OLAISTEAD & SONS cormit GILT SPIN ,, _o DLEfr FOR THE TIPS OF', LIGHTNING RODS The subscribers being 'appointed by the manufacturers, Agents for the sale of the above article, have received, and will keep constantly on hand a large supply, to which we-invite the attention of those wishing to protect buildings from lightning, as being the latest and best ar tido for the purpose. Sec Professor Olmstead's certifi cate below. JOHN B. APF&DDEN & CO. I-have examined a specimen of Messrs. N. Olmstead kSon'egopper Gilt Eipihdles; - fOr the tips oflightning rcsllsoind am of the opinion that they are exceedingly well ;adapted for the purpose designed being Bahama tally such Mt were recommended to the French Govern menrhy a commission composed of several distinguished philosophers of France. - DENISON OLMSTEAD Yale College,Aug. 11, 1845. je3o B : MVP 0 7 T H • AND AT WORK!!! W egon Dlanufactory. THE subscriber having- enlarged hie Shop, lately do ‘j elroyad by .flre; inTomts his mends and the public generally that he is now prepared to manufacture Wu gonsoCarts, Drays, TiMber Wheels, Trucks and Wheel harraws at his Shop, on SM.:dram, between Wood and Smithfield streets; where ha keeps on hand a large stock, ar makes to order any amount of work, of the best ma terials and by experienced 'workmen, and at prices to suit the times. . Sodtheru =tuitions and - furnace men are requested to, Call andiexamine;before purchasing elsewhere. maMato . , Will. AIeKEE. • Removal ofkeewarit's SOgin; Store, ' Fx.cott TROD • TO ar., 3 DOonS Imola THE Rivas. Nratave golan article of. SEGARS that offer with' - confidence to my -friends and citizens, oF every va ety andprice. Our imported range from , 3 to sc. at - retail. To those who dorNt want to pay 4 and ac. for a 'Segni, I offer the .Segars of ettr•own Wake with confi dence. For beauty -of Inake; delightful fragrance, and every thing appertaining to a trulygood Seger, they will be found equal to any imported. These Cigars range from 1. to 3 cents. Of Tobacco for Smoking and Che w ing, we have all the celebrated brands. Our French and Verman friends," whose great delight is snuff," will find at our Store " all their anticipations realized." Priende Sad Citizens—We solidi yodr patronage free ly; we feel a confidence in ourselves and in our ability to suit you—our constant and unceasing efforts always 'being directed to the one great end," to please." VAWARD & CO., 1e25 Market street near the river. Glrcost.rWoatorn , ./iii. .__,o it ARNESS,TRUNR AND 19111(P MANUFACTORY. r litHE sidiserilier-takes -this method of informing ,his friends- and the 'public in general, that he has the largest stock .of the following named artlelek; of his on manutacwreiin this city—Saddles, liarness, Trunks and b Wh ip M s a ; all a of , awnhd c b h he h ew beat warrant t n o i e b u e i ma A d l e e Alle g h eny fh y county. Being determined to sell his manufactures something lower:thauhas been heretofore sold in the city, he would invite petscins in needmf- the .abrive named ar ticles, to hit-Warehouse, No. 044 Liberty street, oppo site Seventh. Also, bands intsde..ro order for machinery octal G. KERBY. ' .' Wholeirile . and 'Retail. AMA ESS AND TRETNIIMANUFACTODy. ROB H. BARTLEY, begs leave-to in , ~,. •. _ form his friends and the public generally; 4, , het he continues la ciccupy that largo? and eom- median s StoreltooM, formerly occupied by Samoa kII n attock 8c.C04 N 0.86, comer of Diamond alley and-Wood street, where.he.keepan large and general assortment of Saddles, Bridlesi Harness, Trunks, Carpet Bugs, Saddle Bags Valises, Hanle/lobes, Whips, and all other artl-1 eles in his line. Re also keeps constaotly on _hand, and is prepared to furnish to order, all kinds of Riveted Bose manufactured of the bestmatecial, and in a style of workmanship' equal to the eastern manufactured article, and at 68 per cent. :Cheaper. Country Merchants and Farmers would tie went° call and eXairdne his stockhefore .purchasing elsewhere, as bele dire:n(oo to sell first rate articles at very low prietel — 2.. Erikail forget - the place, No. 86, corner of Wood street andrliamand Alley. ap2B .WOMMI - ftigrab* -- Fll4. - • ,,, =- 14- 1111.1151.151DEIN:4U4 k 0,48—.— FOREIGN PIifiIEIEHOEff'SOPPIO 'US? f ....,-- 3fiB..oaldr , ..On*Mr, - , .-- ..... 0 ... 6 ~-; !Wm 4fii:-.lfearthiswri. iifirkii:o4. -, :. ~-=.• ,:-.4., - !.T.W . THEFRIENDHOPEAHOHANTSII,4 canard Hi, r "3.4 havetheirrartidgemertiminddejaccordidoo Ole dice' . ..."PrisienLate,rni4aktirm fadetil6ceipt,withouthaving, 4tiriserted iotherwisetheyyrill aseicipayiALiverpcol, liiforc..they li mp; ; .---....-:,. -.,,,' s , -.`, '''''t•'' ~..,:: - 1 - , .‘ - H.,....ft.. fat s„„„ig. _pa.,„ taming% 'Jr n: Etptojmi .4 ptgi 2g ed sis'Amirica,rtitantitisesta of ' B4 T B qf .14.41iNDER •4- Co.iYuril t ,beftwitishedlailli •to foirotofng t n rot ision s,o r Merequitialentnatiar ' fflesequkityg o ad ' eeActofCtsgresa,lllol74o44r •• Thiaplanisillpreverssicknesi aboard. H e r etofor e when • ,' passengers found themselveS in-Provist,ons,'Many of them:mune Mt board entirely destitutei•fhich often caused-muchsickness and death :- . :7 - 35 **Bread, 10 Wilke,- 10 His Oatmeal, ' 10 lbsPlour, - 10 ths - Beans and Peas, . ' 35 IhSPotatoes, - I pint-Vinegar, , .... 60 pitons Water, ..., 10 tbsfialted Pork, free tiroli Bone ;- „ Al l' i. g o od iaalitY, and one-tentti bf the Provisions fur niched, will ne - detivered toted' Passingeriiverymeek with a sufficient anppry , of &WM cooking. it Each ship in this lice will tiriXoperly ve fitilated,- and a good louse- over the passage*try leadinpto - this , Pas , sengers'. apartment. Thestabobrie -and codking-ranges for the meat Paiiieniers," are kept wider caver. Every attention will be paid to promo ,'their health grad comfort. Remittances made as usuul,Ptornptly, andat moderate rates. 'Hank of rd;giand.Noiertutd.iPlsreign EXthinige pur chased at cuneut rates.,- i'• Debts, Legacies, Pemions, 6ce., , km., , cullected, and copies of Wills procured,writh'eve ry offierhusineas con nected with an European Agent. ; l'' ii -JOSHUA. ROBII •-• ~' . Euripea corner Of PHD/ eel mug Post Butldin ' - New CommWellsl - lane E. W. Knatiatr. - & - Do., 1 Jlicsarti Rrafairl?‘ Co.; 134 wan se..; New-York, 5 • i Liverpoo.4 England' ..,„, . . Rxwerrrittniv in tor their friends' and the ~f.4.- ; i public, - that they. have, commenced the gene-' "cp . Yea 'Bhippinr.nnd Commission fustmets, to. Ali 4 i''gether with the - 06kral 'Passeng e r Etainear,' .. t•,,,- grantingteitiaatet of paesage po r t dau, i t - ' -. . -L-er-- .. ,-; LiVerpOol,Dablia,-Belast, or a port 'f the Old ceeen l 7 to New York , Boston and P ' adelphia, an the most reasonable terms. • .11! •I" ' Drafts and Bills otExcbange, from .f.l te2any amount on the Royal Bank efirelandll and its branichca, and ott Liverpool....--;,, ; The days of sailing of the Regular Line of Liverpool Packetty as fixed upon, are tbe.lat, 6th, 11th, 16th, 61st and 26th of eveirmontb. ~4 1 . These Ships nre all of,the largest class, and are cam. mended by men of character and experience. The :Cabin accommodations aro all that can he desired in ,phint of splendor and convenience. They are furnished with every deacriptionof stores Of the hest kind. Punc tuality in the days of aallingtvill be strictly adhered to. ' Packet Ships ROSeitis,Siddoesl'iliberidaniand Garrick, are vessels of the largest class'' and those desirous to bring out their friends,cannoteelect finer or safer Ships. Passage can be secured at the lowest rater'. New Orleans Linn of Packetssail weekls , . For pass age or freight, apply as aboveoii to JOSEPH SNOWD EN or EDBMND SNO DEI4, , deal] Corner 4th and Gralihneld sts-Pittaburg . 15 • , ' The Franklin Fire Use : prance Panspany OD lIIIILAIISLITELA. DIRFAYTORS:;- Clutriel W. }lonelier, 0 • George W. Mallards, ThomnoHart Mordecai D. Lewis, Tobias Wavier, Adoiphi Bone, Samuel Grant, David S. Browne, Jacob R. Smith, • Morris Potterson. CHASi: W. BANCIMR, Pres't. -- Cum. G. Boacrza, Secretary.' [l7 - Continue to make Insurance, perpettjpl of limited, on every description of property '}Fn wont as dd country. • The Company have reserveilO largeCtintillgent Fund, which, with their Capital and P i rerninms,pllyinvesteff, afford ample protection to the Itstnned. • The Assets of tho'Compattrz:on huntarylat, 1849, as published agreeably to an Act of Assernblyiworo nofol ows, viz (Y: E - • IFMortgages ' 111,047,435. 41 ". teal 'Estate 04,724 'Et - Temporary Loans • ,E• - •' 14,001 SI Stocks 01,523 25 Cash, &e. J AE94 37 613,30,492 71 since:their incorporation, a period of ip years, they have paid upwards of One Million Pour Hurufred 'Thou sand Dollars, looses by fire, theteby afford'aig evidence of the advantages of lusurnnce,ai well as the ability and disposition to meet with promptness, all dandlities. J. GARDENER COFFIN, Agent, Office N. G corner Wood load 3d ate Piro and Marino lixmoranie. rim E Insurance Company of North America , of Phila. I delphia, through its duly authbrized Again the cab scriber, otters to make permanent and limiteal Insurance on property, in this city and its vicinity, and op shipments by the canal and rivers. , DIRECTORS: Arthur O. Coffin, Preiet. Samuel Brooks, Alex. Henry, Charles Tayloo t Samuel W. Jones, Samuel W. Smith, Edward Smith, Ambrose Whits, John A. Brown, Jacob M. Thomas, John White, John R. Neff, Thomas P. Cope, Richard D. I ,Vtad, ' Wm. Welsh, Hem D. Sheelard,Sec'y. This is the oldest Insurance clompany in ithe United States, haring bean chartered InAM. itB chtlrer is per petual, and from its high standing, long expel/lance, em plo incans,naluvoldiugail Habra. an rstratthaxardous. character, it may be considered he offering oiuple mead. ty to the public. WILLIAM - P.ti ONES, At Counting Room of Atwood,lones Zoco.,Vatet end Front stn., Pittsburgh , mayfly . • INEVELANVE. trim DELAWARE lIIUTPAL SAPEI9 INSUR -1 ANCE COMPANY.---Othee,,.NOrth Roomr . of the Ex change, Third street, Philadelphia.' FIFER laseasses.—Buildings, tderchandize ind other property In anent and country, itirieued against loss OT damage by fire al the lowest ratelif prennum. MARL= I NRUlPAsca.—Therttleo ihsure - Vesitels, Cilr- Koes and freights, foreign or conittpriseundeg open or special policies, an the assured May desire. • I suss TassEPORTAIIOIC—They also insure imerchan dire transported by Wagons, Railroad Cats, Canal Boats and Steam Boats, on riverentui lakes, orthe moat liberal terms. DIRECTORS—Joseph 11. Sealj Edmund A. 4. Bonder John C. Davis. Robert Burton, John R. RenrosC Samna ElSevards, Geo. 0. Leiper Edarark Darliamonolsane R Davis, William Folwell, John Newlin, Dr.T- Pit Huston, James C. Hand, Theophilas Paulding, D. Jone*Rroololi Henry Sloan, Hugh Craig. George,Serrill, Spencer Me- Ilvain, Charles Kelly, J. G. Johnson, William May, Dr. S. Thomas, John Sellers, Wm.-Eyre, Jr. DIRECTORS AT PITTSBURGH, D. T. Olorgan, Wm. Bagaley, Jno. T. Logan. WILLIAM MARTIN, Pretddent. Rrc us RD S. NEWBOLD, Secretary:. la' Office or the Company, No. 40 Water sirens,Pitts burgh. z , Ijeln:dtf) A.MADEIRA, Ageni Visa and Maxine Ilatanatizaca. THE INSURANCE 00.431 F 'NORTH AMERICA will make permanent and limited Run:Kenna on Pyoperty in this Cltr and vicinity, add on altipMents by iCanals, Riven, Lakes and by Sen. The ptap6rthis of This Com pany are wall invested and furnish tiut available fimd for the ample indemaity of allpersons who desire tato pro tected by Insurance. P.4ONES, AtAnt, mayld • ' 44 Water Oita. No. 35, Market street. Olgara, Banff and i'FoOttoco.__. . T JACOB McCOELISMVS, 88% street, N0:19.-- -, Regalia; Washington Lanorma; ~ , , , ~ ' La Rosa; haste Bans; ' p, ,:. Plantation; - [I, ,- Halt Spanish,Dlalay and,Commoo; , Together with'a variety of other brand& Auto—An extensive assortment oir OILEWIN9 TO BACCO, of the most celebrated brands, Among which are the Luziona Luxury, P. Robinsoras Pound:knmp, Grant & Willituns' t ruid AWN /hands C l*" wan "' Frye Lamp. All orders well attended to. "iontry.blelumts would do well to call and examine m stock utno pun. chasing elsewhere: L 3 Cuba 'Wrapper and Filler Leaf for ae. ~ .g trr Sign of the Indian Chief ' NOICI Dissolution Of Dartiltriship. THE PARTNERSHIP hdretefore zisting between `• REHR th KEYSER,.wat'dilsolvto tin the letkinst., tiy Mutual eonsetit.• The•booki tinsinlhe hands off). H; Kenna, who is duly authorized to colteet mono due this firm. Those having olulms against the firm aria re quested to present them for settlementP : • .tWr4 EMUS, Pittsburgh, July 00th, 1840. OED.D.KYSEFii EQ•PARTNERSHIT.—The businesterill hereaft4r be conducted by G. H. Kars= and E. C. Pdcßow=couuder the style of KEYSER k facHOWFsLL ;who will give their individual attention to thtt Drug Business in tt.l its branches. They would mast respeetfully,eall the mien. lion of dealers to their Stock of Drugs , ' 3 ° p ains r ill be spared to give entire - satisfaction. 1 1' ommit. ICYSER,G Pittsburgh, July 30,18 , 49. E. C. ItlpowELt,. TG - in retiring from the late lirrn bf ,RE &KEW I take pleasure in recomatentding Jay sticcessors, SEE & McDOWELL, to the cputamed patrons . 8 0f . 30 friends. PittubPrlth, July no, 1849. [au. OTARTNERSHIP.--The subscribers hove thig4:47 C formed a Co-PartnenrAip , and wilt continue The WHOLESALE GROCERY, igaDucEilacttron AND FRUIT BUSINESS, at the,old•etand, Libefly street, under the style of .1. SAIONNEEit ?CO. JEROME S. BONNET_ , MATTHEW D. PATTOM . . Pittsburgh, July IHRONIR 6. BONNET _ J. S. BONNE/NAV. CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS, REGTIPYING -DISTIL LERS, IMPORTERS AND DEA,LERS Foreign and Domestic Wines, LigVirs, , t!fgars, Fresh! Nun, ft: . Uy9) 10'2 lAberty , swea4 Pittsburgh. fiIHE undersigned hav C in Ali g be . en app . ciit4e li lri igenlof th 4 Meet. Seam Isattasztauezeealyr k ill the place of John Pinney, Jr., resignen, respectfuliy forms the public and the friends and eas.poliers of tho ,Ceminuty, that he is prepared to tat o AUtnne . and. Piro risks, on liberal terms,,at their race', No. Water street. [mylo] P. A. AVM. •BnflhmitaCoy ,P OTTLERS, AND . 11L1:911PAC11311468 M -11-/ %Vivra, Sarsaparilla,Porter, Ale, Cider, Root Beer,l -Mead and Pop, No. 18 Market street, andi.loo street. corner of Cecil's alley,Tittsburah. mar 23: f Ginghamit. ALARGE and handsome assortment of nOesstetylety particularly adapted to City trade, inst.reeelved by mardaam HAMM° SMITE & CO. CUSSION CA • 8- 11. 0:Ntl. Percussion Caps Jest reed by bIeC&NDLESS & CAlll93tl.,L ds plyl 97 Wired street. ~~ "'3' N, ..' d ' }'s, ^' ~ i "tai ~: ~ 1~. ,y,~,~.yj" • - tlx,_ Jztorance exlmpg. manatalw s.earrox% . . • AL - 11.1VIASOS:&404No:Canstka:bovrerl'hii4onti ;a t .. Fourilt.sliestr,.Pittsburgii,Yd4cummovr.openiagond 'VAR beoceiVingthroagliout timisettson,fa:splendid and extensive stocirorNßW'r ANGTAIgn STAPLEDRN GOOD.TeonsistingPtinare-iltan,FtileinTilitadredeases and Packages, , orthe riobestantinmatlkabionable styles, widah will be pirated, atm[stiiitil iolvhdeefinialdatnifite- Mixers' and Imp:Were; 'from ovhalesaleriadventit plarchatesii is taitieglysiblicited. Bich Dress silks: . 500 pieces bitiektnid fancy Silks, of thew and elegtititetYletii*.Alio,:floYeticel oral} qualities. &marls, Shawls t:l'ilorerttailinooo•LongiSimare, Gash :mere, Woolen, Silk - aildmanyiitheibibawis. - 400 pieces :French - Marinas, and3•Al --pacas. Also, Dombazillit;Cmnpli AC. 1000 pieces Muslin ditcLaines turd Cashmeres; of every variety. • • Ribbons, Laces antlErabtiddeirieS-4 - eottiplete escort meat.. A large stock Of tiliiinery s artialas. „:WititatindLineri Goods, in great variety.' - Clanks, VizetteiSapins, RC. Gloves - alid -- lioniery, Gimps and Fringes;Cittilits, - Blankets and 'Fianint 111,aglisly' and- American', all , - • • Tweeds . .reatto i Vest ' Elotbs,.eniiimefea,:9Tr-ie!2., . .. 1 Housekeeping and Donietrtieoods.- ' G 7,„,__ great , - • Parehaseti coif always depend, f8:0 P,P , 9 1° _•• 1 facilities of this establishment, in' . finding : p e ir __Q . , ig tat gest assortments in the'eountryi-tri . air _ b r i r:;ar _ the latest and frost fashieinahle gooy ,st , ..feltlt e l e f e the eintied in originalPac4r2 by res i d ent re nt. B9 ti C afn n irge'Pablic East, of mannfaeturerti taP I0 11!. --, „,..... o r o,attlett. the 701E4; affbrdl l et4lh° ;o.-,.. rale 16 pro Pl ret, _nem XOlO-23, PP: jobbers ormtho esale de --,7--, . A: fillooN -& CO., ..i_': ce ee ra ts _—_, 4 ::: , ":l ., _ : : .1'7.. ' o " ne : in - e A. e,Sto - re; 60 Market stria N — IFILIT GOODS t tTNEW,76OODB Dila GAINS 1-BABRIAINB NEW FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS: At the Sign of the DIG, BEE-HIVE N0 . :02 Markt( itrcMhettoteit Writ and.nurth,Tittgblitg4. - , _lVlV.l.lTlTSSEtr4Vm62ll.laticetst:.Tietween Third nnui Fourth; sign MAC:Golden Bee r iliire, -- • Misjust; nointneficed receiving end - Opening-the lifizesureheapestintid nicisraplendhl Stook Of - Atli and'll7inter.,Orp Goods ever offered. by any _tondos in .. - Pittsburgh. ' Alt of his Foreign . - GoOdellaYe been Par clutieffor. the Importer Per ' 150 last stetuners from Ea ropel and for richness of. style undbeauty pfdesign arc .unsurpassed in Mis or any other market. The Domestic and Stapl:Deparunernivilt elsobe fOund complete, and cheaper 1. n any. houserin this city. The subscriber wiiuldresueetfully cult anentlon of his morons customers and who wish to buy new: and cheap Goods, to the priess, which will no doubt astonish `them, being determinedto sell eifeaperthanthe cherspot 'Good:dark Crilicos; tinlyArents per ' Best qualitydark Calicos; fast colors, B tolo ,1:4 British purple Prints; fast colors, Btolo ; -4- Hearylted 'ricking, from 8 to 10; • Bleached Muslim, good quality, sto Best:quality Pleached Mueltns Std IQ; , Newry yard *l4B Unbleached 111!;!slit!,Sto 6r 470011 red_ Fitunfel, limn 15 to, SON 4.ooodentlas Good yellow Flannel, 15 to 25;„”' • Good black Alpacas, from 15 to 23; Frebeh GiughaMs3fromlo to 15; Irish Linens at prices - from 25c. to $1,25 ; Beldame and Reatticky Jeans; from in to 50; Cloakings and Limeys, from 1.21 to 31; • tient Dontestie - Gingbams,lo to 12} • Heavy Shirting Cheeki and Stripes, I 0 t 0 1214 Crash and Diapers, all prices and qualities: A splendid assonmentof &lithe newest styles 0ri; ‘ ,..,, ," LADIES ' DRESS' GOODS. Thibel:CaSbmeres fn high colors=iich goods; Luplals French Thibet Merinos, the best Impbrted; Rich Chameleon Silks, in all colors and qualities ;- Black Azmares, best quality,. plaid and striped; , • Black.GrOs do Ehise,all widths and qualities; ' Lupin's fine blackßorabasines, beautiful goods; • best French Merinos, black' and colored ; n • - " in high colors; " ' fine Freneh Be -Lahtes;4ll icool,iiigh colors Rich figured Casbineres, beautiful - goods; very Cheap Dotted Swiss Iguanas, for evening dresses; Bloc haThihet Scarts; late importation 'Best quality 'Preach Rid Gloves, ail eidors ; - hßntruing Cashrneres and De Label', all prices ; Ladiel , embroidered Neck Ties, splendid - goods; Ladies' finest quality French Linen Hdkfet.; - Belting Ribbons, a fall assortment; • Worked Capes, Collate and Culls; in greatiariety , • BJack and colored - Crapes', all i-C• Brocadelmtafts itcall Maoris and vaalines BroeddeCamelloil 3 0018 , French-Cloakings, superb goods, high colorst , Also, blaek•Brussels Mar i an widths and prices; Brack Fridges Wide and heavy, best mutlity,ll Together with a large stockaf White Goods, Swiss,' Jaconet and Mull Dimities, Ribbons, a very large and sa..• perb stocked' Fall Bonnet Ribbons of the latest imporia,7 don and most' fashionable styles, - Many of the above Goods hair(' lam arrived per the last steamers from Europe, and are worthy the attention of the ladles. SHAWLS, SHAWLS. ' A splendid assortment of. Shawls . - Super. extra size French Long Shawli, ben imposed, Super. extra size Long Ilnacheillnest quality; Superb quality Lopg Plaid Shawls, rich cotora; Best quality Square Plaid !Sae wool Shawls Rich and heavy extra size black Silk Shawls; Rich etunellon changeable Silk Shawls Super black and white, all wool, balm S hawls; Super. extra size Long and Square Mourning Shawls; Paris printed Cashmere Shawls, in great variety; • , I " Terkeri " all prices and quarts Mode embed Thibet " heavy silk fringe;,.:..; . Black " • " Black and mode colored heavy cloth Shawls; White emb'd Thibet Shawls, beautiful goods; Highland Plaid Lang and Square Shawls, very cheap; Mounting Shawls and Scarfs, in.great variety. Also, a large lot of Plaid Blanket 'Shawls from 75 em. to 53,00. Together with a full supply of Glove - 4111in* and nallie, ry with all ustieles usually kept itr a Wholesale - and tail Dry Goods of which will Its sold , at prices to defy competition. - • • • 11;71' Remember the:store, Market street, be tween Third and Fourth, sign °film Air where bargains can at anilines be bad. sepol 'al and Winter . r • • -• GR. WHITE, No, at Moan surer, -is now openin g his Fall und.W inter Fashions, consisting of Ladies' Silk Velvet:Faletots; French,Menno Cloaks ,• Cloth and Silk Cloaks; " Silk Mantillas. These articles arc of the latest and most fashionable Styles. Mao, French Embroideries; •6-4 Satin de Chine, fOr ladies' dresses • Spun Silk and Silk and Wool Hosiery; Gent's and Ladies' Silk Vests son Drawers; Children's /Merino Vests; huge assortment of Black and Fenix Silks; Satin 'F ork s for ladies' dresses; Broeint,'lThibet and Woolen Long Shawls ; Barnsley Sheatlagat.Tabla. Linen t and Napkins. - Alsa t irish Linens, imported by himself, direct. oetStim GREAT ATTRACTION!. ' NEW FILIAL, AND WINTER DRY DODDS CHEAPER MAN ...21173- CIER4PEST2I: • No. 63 hiALIMILT St., asnacaa Foram ST. AND DIA*OND. THE UndOrsiXlled is now receiving one of the largest and toost extensive assorttnents of NEW GOODS, ' which he has ever before olrered in this City ; comprising every variety, of ityleand fabric that the Eastern MOT, lots can sapply,tinci he is - determined - to sell them at UNPRECEPENTED BARGAINS. _ 4 4 Brawn Muslin, only 4 cts.; Bean Brown Artisan. from 64. to 8 - center Bleuhed Muslin only 3 cents;44, Bleached Muslin from - % to 121 cents Bed Tieking olitY • 61 cents; 4-4 Double Purple Calico 1 21 cents ; Zone de Latinos 1.11- beats; 4-4 Blue British Chintz .12/ Cetitsj- French Work Collarxsonly 10 cents; Prints, - Merrimack patterns ; di cents; Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs 10c4' White Cotton flosel.% cents; Satin stripe Mons de Lathes 23 cents ; - Furrittare Chintz of cents; Plaid Jeep:. net Muslin 10 cents.. ' . LADIES' DRESS GOODS. Satin Plaid Armour; Silks, wide black pro. do Rhine Silks, ChrunelimeStocode ilka, Chamelioii Satin de: Chico Silks, wide black - Mantilla Silks, Persian corded: Silk Stripes Turk Satin'de Chien French Thibet Cloth all c 016, 3; LtiPin'a - French Merinos, all colors;;Saba; stripe French 'Cashnteres, Paris printed Lamartitte - Cashmeres, Alpacas and -lioness'Cloths,'high lustre,' Lupin's black Bombazines, Paris printed Mouse ;de - Lanes, Chartieleon Dress Gingharas. FANCY GOODS. -French Work Capes, Collars and Cuffs ; new style Bonnet Ribbons, black and colored Kid Gloves, Lisle Thread and Silk Gloves, black Silk Fringes - 1 and GiMpi - ,'htnll. Swiss and Saconetr.dgings and Insert.' ingt ; Silk Searle and CrltTittp, white and black. Silt Mose, Alptiea 7 Cashmere, Moravian and Cotton'Hose; black and wium Silk SHAWLS - BRAWLS !!---Trirk „Satin ShaVvls,-blaek Silk Shawls, Chameleon Brocade - Shawlis - Plai d' . Long Shawhy.fine - fill - woof Brosha 'Shawls, black and mode coloveil„cloth - Shawls, embroideredelath Cashmere and Terkerri Shawls, and plain and, eirdirot; dared black and colored silk fringe Shawls, GENTLEMEN'S - GOODS.—I have justreceivedn Site cosmonaut of French and' English Cloths "and Cassr• metes, new style fancy. Silk and Cashmere 'Vesting% Scarfs, Cravats, Silk and Linen liandlierelrieN silk and Woolen Undershirts' and Drawers; together with a vii,• w vie of Gloves, Hosiery and Suspenders. ' DOMESTIC-AND STAPLE GOODS.-Bleached and Brown MuslintOaniask Table Linens and Table Cloths, Russia Diaper and Crash; kith Linenand Linen Lawns > , Cassinets - mid' 'Kentucky Jeans; red,_ while and yellow Flannels; Red, Ticking*, Domestic and Scotch Ging hams; Clidekit,' blown, beached mad Colored Drillings; and a splendid assortment of superfine (ribbon boundr Blankets, at all prices • - - The customers of the house and - :the public getterillY are requested to tall and give the above Goods an early' examination, as they will - be sold as prices that fail to please all who with' to secure a Great Bargain: ABSALOM MORRIS,. • No. 64 Market - street, Pittsburgh. ' -To Grocers...9Tel*. Toon' E. DI, TOUNO & CO., N. W. corner -of 4th andTer..' , areas, are now . receiving -toy Canal;4o, cbcsts of Superior Packed TEAS, fa t, nnH lb.‘pack. I ages, comprising a full assortment of Young Hymn,/m.. lim a; ettnyowder, Hyson and Maui: Teas, at prices poling from 37} to 81,50 periiL, They will wholesale . : their lOas to- retailers at fairer Inices.thaii any Minh' house, andr allowing them a• bettor pragt: '. 'call , is' so. honed previous to purr-fuming eliewhere. • ocal •' I.P.n.jper.ltruzglncs. ItifESiSRS. JAB. 11110.W.44114t. VII, Ho. 82 Wood sires!, An would cull the attintiok of. the ;public:to their present stock Of .Paper Eangings,"whick . for -- variety, , beefily offiPiSk epploiteapness, taunt:reams, e d by arty eautfillstunentArt the Union.' • • - Besides a large and fall Assortment of Paper: of 'their own mtumfacture, - they are not* receiving a direct Um-. partition of Trench and English styles of Paper riang- Ingsilurcinond by Mr. Levi. Howard, one of the firm, 11*w/a Europe, consisting of: Parisian manufacture, ..... • —lo,6oopiecetr. London do.;-, •• • • 5,000 do. Of their own manufacture, they have 100,000 pieces- Wall Paper, and 12,000 *owl Satin Glazed Window Blinds, kn. hlesisre. James Howard Co.,have spared neither ex kale nor labor in; - their'eUdotivorit to'rfial 'the Eastern Wall Paper establishments; both in quality of raanufac- Lure and - variety of pattern,- and "they ore warranted in assuringthe public that they - have succeeded. The hesortmeny foreign and home manufacture will b i e • offered on' terms as Low as them' of, Easter, manufacturers and". importers . .mar27n 'ACE—A ptitae article onliand and for Web , / . ' RHODES & ALCQRN, 30 Fifib at raifierdakl—,ts boxes fialumore No.; Cho;I' s :G e l Tar sale by Isepol , S, PONNET Zc CR • ~~i ~~c~"'?~~:ri • ' ' rn 777 . 7 ' • '''%4:•-fetr.iisic.:4 . 5 1.U.-1111U?: m ... - ' iiiiiiiii .— •"-:- -7 '-='' • -,--.. streosita .„,.,-, -.•-,„ ICHALLENGETRE7WORLYrtit 11th - thidliatati"; ; pne single. instande,':!‘Pailtik's„ Mogi "Pintr;;EX-.' tractoir" that /lila iniyiberprinnire•brise e.liiisigniCe: its first introduction by me la 1R39, up_bithisperitid,Over tailed to cure the-worst formiorDuassrand seithusi , P IiWEI PE Rl: 7 ,li.W Or FUL CASE S CALD: -- ' ' -',' • . •.• '. 17.cit011i,4114Niagtiiic0&•; N T•it. - , - . - - •- • -'' • ''''• ' • FebraaryA VAS. ')* _, Illa.-Dsture-4:thar SiO:'.While my, son, 15 y . earioldi' was at Work in the , shingle* manufactory of-L. P " Rose, he bud the Misfortune .to slip and fall 'LIAO a „largo ync, I used for the purpose of boilirtglithekspreparStory tamit-; - ting. The blocks liad-jtistimen rcmOvedarOnr theca!, i containinga largd ciaantityOf boilirigoiater.:;',lo fell for ward, Scalding bothliands and arinsihil One sideiand one leg badly, and the other partially.-. The scalds were .so bad On Ms arena and leg.thatmost of. the fiesh.esime off with his gimnehts, and la lifewas despaired 1:i!' by both his physicians and friends: - • -.- v . ,: " '`. -,'• - --- , -Dalleyls Pain Extractor wartjwocarednit's/talfrarw-'. l &Rile (witiCh . was ih about ell Imam and altplied; and' which relieved him from all'pain, prevetitinginflamnia-' tion anti swelling, and in a few 'days eofmnencedhialhig . his sores. There appeared a . genend improvement, so much so, that in three weeks be Wits removed to his father's lionise, distant about one mile and tkhalf. We continued th e tuse-Of the above medicine about two montll.4, and we believe it was the means, under Provi dence,iof saving -his Weil and we would cheerfalty re comma ndit in all similar cases arasafe and invalttable remedy: . With Sentiments of respect,' reamin,dearsir; your most obedient and bumble servant. :- • -,-.: ....• ....'. : - • SUSANNAH CIARR,•• _ . -C.E. CLARK,' *- •, •', • , • We, the undersigned, being personallynequalntedwith. _the caseof Mr. Cfark , eson; believe the above staternent• substantially correct :•• - - • -"--- - - - '- - ...!•• --'• -. • '••• --- M. Dewey, Louisa Dewey .J -S. Eeiseyi,fiettry.l3..i `Pearce Wm. Evan si E.Clark,L. P. Roseyim Newnnuk I Win. Newman ; Illiiry-J: Rose.:. , ..".. - i. 1 CLUTION. , •••••-_- ,• - '• 117' Coranzinnsrsi—Countofeiu Obatindl,--The-Pith-' -.lie is cautioned against their deleterious and dangerous -effects; and I do hereby distinctly declare that I resit not. hold myself responsible , for the effect or anyEztractori: -unless proc tired ht my emir Dseor,4lsDnoxxiroxiPlEW, Your, or from My anthoriiedAgenut. - - ~ '.. •i ' ---'• . . - - ..„ . • , _ That distressmg and debilitating distnie, halneirer yes resisted tkis.monderful:proy e rties of the-adman:tr. Dailey's EXLMCIOW ' For particular of.esuee, and genial peetfa ll y refer to 'my printedsamphlet. All testimonials:: therelnyablished aregenpme,andfor the utithof whiek 1 bold myself responoble- . HENRY M=2; " -• • 415 Braidway, New -York. - JOHN D. BlORGA.N_LPiunburglt,DenezzlDnp?p, 'HENRY P. SOWARTZ; Agent, Allegheny. " • . • J. SANER, Agent, Wheeling, Va. • • JAMES W. JOHNSTON, Agent, SSayeviiteyßy, c . F. fdEßßYWEAT,HEß,Tytcdut:rti;o49en;Depol: je12.... ' . Itosetinle atirtlern., • •Liii2. ski.. 5:: 7. Tim Proprietorship of this . beautiful Birrammi him made 'every arrangerrierit 'for •eimertnin3ng visiters during we warm season. The steamer ArehY on leaves the foot of Pitt street every after= noon thrOuth 'the tveelt t for the Garden —commencing half-past .I,delock,nuiking a trip, every howl:m.4loi o'clock, v. ar. On Sundays, she leaves first trip. it . o'clock the morning; lee Cream, Stratvberiies; Der and Supper famished to order. Also, Rooms for Co- N. B.—The Boat having b'eari titoinu6iy repi;ired - ex- - pressly for this trade, and being...ll4 , lmm Co oped Spit Sundays, the owner hopes to_gain patronage,. jai bIEALEY-Propristor. • Fr:olefinlee? • • THE Stock Shane and goad-wilryea splendidretail GROCERY, STORE, now doinga'brounesSoi 011 r. 000 yer year, hieligible location,nod one of tlui most basmess parts ef the city. .Also, the• lease Of the 'Storer , being for two years,Trota thairat of lost any person or persons possessing. a cosh F44)04483,300 or, 3,000 alreuer cheap° arms never .Offered.for,roi-inyest -meot, the. present . accepant would.not sell (ander Onil ottieroircarostaaces) his stock, was It not on account: :of sickness add severe iadiSPoS44pu...reir---runbfr -41m:tiara apply aittai office. • •". ' _ ' -. • tgLHOUSE AND LOT. FOR 56.50.—Foalitimer A. to mt. two story Dtoelling iloawivellarrangeditutwag n ail and twopariora.two bed marmot Urge kitchen and cellar.. The': rooms mre .well papered, and ell in good; order. • The back pan , of .the . property :ia.pleasantly.. shaded with Imre to fail bearing and some peach trees. The Lot is 18 feet front on Ann street, Allegheny; by 55 deep. 8550 is belcrw,the value,oftbis property t bat thd owner le going to bis property inLtbe.west... dint* poueettoa, if required- • Terma nemilamoctaiing:'•• S. -CUTIIBERT, , . GelcialAgent, Suidafield atieet., FOR: - SALEI—TIVO 'LABOR •LOTS.-oe, GROUNTI, plonsantlY situate chore South •Pittabaigh, on Coal Hill, having a front of 14feet-on a wide street, and to. goiter 370 ket deep Ls a SO feet street, commanding. a fine view:of the elver, up and down, as also.of this city . and Allegheny. For a henthyresidence, fewilotations are superior to the above.. They will be .soldat. a bar• . gain and on accommodating tenon. • S. CUTHBERTBen'I Agent, Smithrteld street. ',- Deafness RR&D the following editorial from the Saturday Even, ing Post : • CURE FOR DEAFNESS.—We hare liennl-mach. lately of the efficacy of &Ripe's Oil, in cares•of Deaf-. nest: and astonishing curee by this mtnedrhave been unvestionatily performed. ari the editor-of a• journal, circulating extensively throughout the country, we deem it our duty,to call public attention to this - ape, ciSc. Phose.nftlicted.wittithis malady will Gad Scailia'A . Oil for Deafness well worthy atrial. . .•si fe • ~P rice Sl,OO per bottle. . • • • For sale arthe Pekin Tea Store, Fanob.saceet, Pitts• burgh. ••;•••• anglo - . WIII.REAS. Letteis Testamentary , to the estatOor MOSES DITNLAV Joie- of Allegfiteny County;: dec d, have been granted - to the - subiseribe a il perenntl: indebted to said estate, are requested himaket immediate payment ; and those having claims agninettkisatilP-11Till. yreseut them tittlY authenticated for settlentent,..to . JOHN COYLE, Excel:Har i Offiee Cl' street., near Smithfield. angle N - BwitT - J0,7„ Trazlife on /14nd-raelzag, compnoang three original systems of.applying the tituntncl or string in drawing the facet 1110111 db of Geometrical, }dip-. Beal and Spiral Handrails; also, an original' systerifo( applying thelips of the moulds to the edge of the : ph:mkt an original system of cylindrical sections; and anorigi nal theory of resting points—attended with an introduc tory course of Geometry, Ratios and Proponionsi, ex emplified by nil( and complete detisonstrations, end Illus 7, 'rated by twenty Votes. By G. E. Reynolds, Architect. Just rec'd by JOHNSTON &..STOCKTON, scp B Cor. 3d and Market sta. House and Sign Painting. • T D. PlTFlRLD.Wooldrertfullyinforatthe citizens of Pittsburgh and idle any that he ispepand to do all kinds of Pittsburg h PAINTDIG,- such as Rlmitation , of Wood and*Stone _ all orders left •with J. olussoul, Filtropenn Agent, will . ber strictly attended to. 2000 Premium Blinds: - •Mil J. WILLLARS;No. Borth' Sixth etreel;Pfill add = LP. phis, Venetian Ittatut and Windt:no" SitadeManieftur, rarer, (awarded the first and highest AIM& t`the Net!: York, Baltimore and Philadelphie,Exhibifinne; nape nority of bin BLINDS , with confirmed confidelleditr his manufacture,) asks the attention of purchaiers to hie inssortment of ft* Blinds of narrate andwide Arm, Nri fir , 'fancy and plain Trimmingsof new styles and colors.—, Ales, a 'Mops and general' assarunent.of Terimparent , WinAoto Shades, all of wtdch he will. sell at' the lowest Old Blinds palmed and trimmed to iook equal to new.. Dnaszas supplied on liberal term's. The citizens of Allegheay:'Coitoty:ore respectfully in vited to call; before purchasing olsewhero-•confident of -. 'EU" °Pat* • • ' . To Country DI erollante. ,, l- Air RODEO:Mr:3ON would remind yoathattOitanuovi seaura-China, %us, - Qualm/Jam 4*.7airsuch prices never ratereanintofi'erad at: •," ;Remember, 115 Woadlareet.3 doon belovrttli:" 'VIEW MUSIC:ast received' a farther ani)plY• of the' AN; So f •r• of . the'' az ngs or the, Lana:, , •. "Belind Ito the loved ones at hostii.". " NeUy. nits a Lady it by S. C..Ypster. s- "Row thy boat lightry." "Speak gently:" "Ben Bon." : • • ; • . " Virginia Rose-bud." . • - - - , And a variety of other popular mnsio. • • • • • " JOHN li. MELLOR," St :Wood street,. ' 1111116 • WORKS.OF , WASHINGTON 1RV1N?3:. , -The History of New Nork, ,- frtim :tho , hoginelng of - the world to , the end 'of the' Dutch - Dynasty ino.,• cloth,' 81,114; The Sketch -Book •of Geoffrey CrayOn: Gents' :LI , .mo., cloth, 8145 . Bratiebridge 11:111,`or the litunoriiti, a' Medley: 12 am, c10th,;134,251 _Tales' of ciTraveler, 12. too., Crotty 81,25; The Crayon ' t 12 rao;; 81,25; Oliver Goldsmith, a Biography: 12 Mo.,'cloth, 81,253 Lite of Colltrnbus;B vols., 12 zoo ., SIM; detneitz: too, 8450; Capt. Bonne Me's - Arise arares,l2 ra0.,61. 2 % , a Life of - Goldsmith, .12 nict.4ll*.. — Porittdoly • • sep4 8.:BWORT11 . 0i tfth..se- • "Steam Brisk .orks for -• HE subscribe!. o ffe rs . lot Sale 'the' STEAMItitICK : IV $ F A 110 VIC L'Orat.Nciortt.LE, cocaprisinit, rt tea= Engirt*, 2 Bollers6-11 Mould Machmesi capable. -of-ituuttzfactueibg• 'thouititut - ,Ftetise 4 BriOket: ,o 6C, drsr'clay, with 3' Acted of - Lind ort the Allegbilly, river; on Nvhittk Arss and 'sheds, humilitie s and--,clay . Sheds,: wheelbuntimitybrucks, shovels,' spades, &e.-,—eserything regulate to cattuninice bestitese'at 'cur hoor's 'notice:— 'Price, including the-Latent tight. to •the - sad- mobil* 871300. , Terms •of . payment -mais -easy.- •Witheut Ithe- For particuluts,_uddress hug} id u ':; ' 1 0 . pa . NEur bAGVEROOTYIt Iowa; Bias's-Snail. inge, Pourthstrea.- 7 11600n ,AkTuawrikoreerreo typtate from tke Eastern cqa, would'eeiltheattentiotitlf , tU intuit:44l:as ef Tittaba end the aetahboring tet nur , tketr Paggerreotype uzena a/ dolma, at rooms in . theltard a tory of Btuktee bnildlne,-dth Te,rsons svushingpleturia taken unmet. asatued..ttuti tte paina 0114 be ;Pored to Produce utoul 311 the Wettest • ection of the art. 'Onrinatnunente are of themostpow arta! kind, enabling nv to-execute plenum; udaurpaseed • for high fuuatt and ttothfaness to nature. The public Are !Welted to tall slid-examine. • Tenons sitting for fauturetec" neither tEa~rted of eY peeled to take teem tudeaa perfect aatisfaeutin • • egivett.:, . ..N. B. 0 re wi ll - find - We •a_ good' depot'for, stoat nt crimurnetitnui given in the'art, etnneining; *FI4 asce Impeeventeum • • • • liutf • ' Ora"veratitikirstf. ~*. 'THEsubscribers respactftilly,infonn the:citizens. ot rittsburrtit and viciany, that the are are n ow form pared to fill orders for ONorEl, mootTilft,4n ordeal ner not to be surprusSed fa this city fir elsownere. From their experience an busiAugs they act Cion4dent that they willrender sulisfactiort to nit those theta wort. The eapenority int Grave . ' ,17.00fs over any other kind, particultqly cane of fire, is too well known to require , any a rganterti in its favor. TO ihone who are' unacquainted with our work, we beg leave to referthetu AO Messrs. Thermos. Liggett, Sr.,. John F. Perry„.Rody Patterson, M. Kane ; Jr., and °there; fur whorkwe pave done work. Orders thaalifally recotyd and. Promptly ;Attended to. lye wilt bo found on Wylia street, he Men and Tunnel streets. - • • .-• • •- +pl9 MATTHEW ~.. MeGbytE N -. ' lIEI 'e *2 • ' ‘' \ • • " w 4 4.)".s • • " •s; 21:4,,k; • 1!::Z.4., k‘' .%#. -•••' :"' ‘.• • " ^ ‘t• • • r„. ;.; - # H-EUhtft_TL9lsl; ti 11, respectable gentleman -called 'at , ouroffice, - asf he said, to inform us that he had been atilieted'lbrts: yearn Ithemnatisai beGorit, and ocetudrinally. With 7be 'Doloretti; that: he had' been frequently conned to his I room for 'months together and Often 'suffered the Moirtink tense and eizerncutungpl=,.,but that lately be bed. ming laynes distraks, frommhich he found the.most nal and unexpected relief. He says he, found the. * adt very... --1 eine ve pleasant and effeetive; and that '' he iv:tor con- • `• sidens himself perfectly enied.-7P . hqatifrMhia North .do - tsy? -. t • A Pict *Olall Kuowrita.—A gentleman of Seivfaloasi habit, from indiscretion in his younger. days, bee-v=llo l fected 'with Ulcerations in the Throat and Nose and. a disagreeable eruption of the Skin. . Weed; his whole system bore the' marks•of being saturated -with (lamer." One hand and wrist were so =tett-affected that- he Audi lost the use of the hand, every part being.eovered.mtittr,:•..4 • deep; painful, and offensive ulcers,. mid were =holism . and porous as an honepeomb; -It was atthis stage of his •complainl, , wheudeatb appeared inevitable from aloallt • some disease that he Commenced the tweet - flaysiteo AI.: iorative, and laving taketivitteen bottle -14 is n ote perfecttc • : .The Alterative,operates . thrOuiy . th . e';circtiinclOn, nab Dbrige's the blood and eradicates disease fresathe:System,. whereierlocated; and ate' riinnehins -cures if tam' peti",.' formed , in diseases - f.of We skin, caticeroieroftda,lont, tivercrtiplaint i dyspepsiis putt =tee:elm:into truly- tistonlidtingi—Sptrit of the Tin= - lla. For Bale to Piusburgh,aithOPENPlN.TE4-SPAtt Jstraex , amtly). , fterttoinen „:- ..TA ..10 R. KS: COOK, Piqua, Ohio, orrites t -lgarch, WWI I/ a Lhave used yew., Fermi:fury_ Catanutariee and Ezpretarial,in.mypractice - far thalastaree vary- •,-;••• and have ; been exceedingly well pleased with theta, - and :••••• 7,1 never, as yet, Oa my. : tecollection, failed - or teething: mr: 4 . fullest expectation- bk - thelr curative.propertles., :Your r• - : other medicines reanittitspeali or from experience:ft, bat, j editing front thine Iltave, used,. I rioubt:notbut that thay"-T-7;' churn and ere entitled•to,l4l the..confidence.reposetVin--,7- them,' by those • who . have used tnem.-_ I ens fornierly-;!•:4 very partial volDVl,Velifeimiage, beenmendquain "••:•;-7 tedwith yount,lltiOh . lins my decided prerentruerto*!, other 111)W in nagoi c s...• - • . • • : • ••••-•••-,..-•'-'•••,_ Ressecttidly, - .9,17 eo6-girs.m.7.t. Er For, snistifirilltsbargi the Peklit TO , / SW% "i; Fourth st TESTutniSly (or Dr. )Villard'aDamllyilledli ernes.—The un d e railned,cluxens of Piwleorgh, hay; ''•••••, • mg personally used Dr. ..Willants..Oriental leortgii•DEk • lure, and ciperienced int beneficial effects, domostntuter. • ally -roeommend, it as- Ina and etkernal,-in all cases. 7.- •••••', •••Speakuiefrorn experience, we-believe thatit.hna no•sre.: a.l prt eort.nnkwitubi recommend its use tenl3 ". • •'• • ---.1•••• • • - ••••. • .CRADLES•LEWIS;:. • - •• • • NI7III:7EhiELNS .: 15ib, 1.64 e. - . Schoonmaket Co., Jelinileytilatnee,.,‘,ll - Jones; J. H. Coistel;,Tolui • P. Scott, :F.L....9nerardeas;gi.,,t, , Mohler, Ogden:as Snowden.:.. • • VITSOF COUGHING-113AM- night art very' unable -' '' ': I! a Aroma .' They break in upon the hours of - renal° and •-•-• i; exhasultsheretreugth or the atifferer: ));.A. : Fahnegfeah - 4 J....cos:con:lH SALS4ol.hara been eminently eateetivr, , ::: r- " . ' ~,, :110 ideating : end curing tbese unpleasant - spells. - 1r rp.` ' "1 .tf 'Oetturflia:roilmed in the night by a *spalmi.of coughing,. i i - 1 . termagant of the Cough Balsam svillieothe it; gave harna'... . , talte a and,anit ia palatablei leaves Itovalplemtatit Ms t e.' fe . ''',4 behind. 11.017163'112Eeti,it Will take ceprebea.:Xairet all 5' . .:....., lathers, as n - remedy for coughayaral .V- - a. 'al al na • : ..i.:y, 'I! 'Prepared and.'nold.btli. X. F.A 'TellUk...-C0.. ,, .:r.vil . ' earner let and Waa4.atreetai,nad ei,tvi_ar,(lt ' anud - .llirohda;: - .Vrri • i :greats: .. : .. " - - ..: dia40:,:. , -.:',lf Ds. RALPH'S' Craannikrza Virecrarit.a'dfthavtaffrntr:44. 1,7 sate; Wholesale natt i raltailiarthe .; - • - ~- ,:- :cazie v ia . 64 . .•,.f, '-..,.g.nAilagraisOVlncl4',.ifaov.ed.iAl • ;a . --, . , :-:- 'r... - . -. .v°,',:- ;'No:6%.Smiria* fielkali)L'rT44o' Also, by . \VIII: Cali, talleepty city:.r. G.. 5mit14.41,06:-0 • nungbanu.tohnNoC!ltoear Penn meet, Filth Ward:r.orlittioi. ° REOFP ' S TONICAND'ADITI-DYSPE.PTIOPIL.LS The zonate.' pmpertiesof these Pills . are•garttifnat.l' tme, Purgative ; and Tonic. , In the oominee'lliiOrtlerst arising . frote.intptudenee in dirt. Ae.';'snclins siekti'esi , ;:and eettrness of-the stomach; heartburn,'headaehea,/w4, where..a medicine is.- requiredithLs• preparation ie sapplja able, for: Its z earininatiVO .or:zoothlng !acute r. almoit iMulediate relief; when nattiea or elelatievii us purgative operation, upon the. sheneett'und'howdlals: tgeutla anti .etre .. iuut its ionie-piophilies strength lathe engetruse• ergs% titerelkyanabling - Aese organs to perform their.proper'Uteetions with &trier and tragnlatity, .The price has been , rel Weed item' 50:10 ' e, .wholesale end retail," by IL Aft:lt.nme , .,,'t t: - - TOCK &Co,;_eerltee, Front Wood streets , ' Agents for. Pittsburgh.' jel4 rioNstirarricw "sakes lecz.malrictiatti,7;ii,ari.T.:l,. Nit. disease - in•Aut • co u n ta,_ ' ",./h°3,Lr- IttoohhAlte4,l4, be4tifui and 'garotte, 0.1.:.a.04211.,,A,t0 irk tatUAllAt, rramttges,nnd Immix mimetic , . che.,!.k., ,ais.tmen impp Q g e d tprgop 3 with Ilte-gletc o f il k __ e alth.,..; .Bui every cant'ctiio,..Mat nzbigresima, Califintd a-coug'."-iertip.c..deetneti uttironnk-e,.'n' 9 ratteutiall...Ut_fiVir,an._,d '' ) %ily . met -vital remedies: When"- 474 1' too.httm ',-.%valea .4.,....",ii: fyccE,toras.with. icalousceater.:4% and swate - ,u llll . ~,, ediat,fiise ti rthe:Cougkilatettm orEciA—'l4 l • PalnFatocwF, •4`.. Z w llich:li7 l ll6estait4k; check its further;.,:it4.4 aclio PrO g rglt O z u:Teitnre ills inadmegignra*sjo a beaalifult:,.*' nc ~' "! .. —:•:.. l'.‘, •-• ---..-----_—,., ' 7 -•:,..:;iir:V-:7' For itiliZ,i;74l:•& imuslintE rli ,t c.o: , ii..;-:-.T--,..: . . ~,,, • • .., , 110 '1 . 1VOCH1 CS.; tiillo' 00411erP,4{1417.1141.1i- :dett .- - TUP.;.jiartnerihici heretrifore,existing between Santini. '-• I). itashfield and-WilMama- Ha Y s i t Yntliug under tha' tarot 111:1SkIFTELD,'& HAYSilas:thlti day been Ws- . ' polvefi by Millie= ,S, 'lays. ttelhng his entire interest in: 'T • • the fi im to S. B. anishfield. .All aeionnts. Almeria firm will he collected by S. B:Suebfielli. and all debts dtle)?1 - ' , ' 5: - '' l, the late firm to be paid by tbesante,,,, • ,• : --t, ,., . - Pi lILMIELD.:' tigesfri;June •W 31 8 ,19.. ", ....' W 11. 4 14 1 ,8- . „ - •.. .. .„... v : -.„ • . • ....:--,:,,,:••!, z,.c.- •••,-- -.— ••• -. : ••••• !,.-4300iiitrpiERSIiici;11,11Bisiiiitit.Atiiving. thi4 ' ' --• 1 difsfsbeikted. with hnihelelll4lli.Lo'n;formerlyof ' •'' . 'Betifor4Pa., and-recently orgiallotleinat•ilotekEitteV '' burgh, 'will' coati/toe the • bumuest ander the , Tfirra' of- • - • 111/SFlFlEWA'•;wpgitc, at -- the obi stand. - No.: , 4cb .* Likerty's",mer. • • . . .- . (ttstltli / StneWll' -. .S. I .. I iSiFI E -L ,1, ~3 ILLEADF4L- Ha*g.. ' .. ~ retired him the formechnsittass, I tak e pr e e,•:•, - - kmo.lll mcotitmencling my stet6s4;ons to the PlP.Nßaage Or MY Mardi:tier:in* the pabikeitemlly:- - • • ..‘..,...... ... • 1. ...+E.4 re,w.,, law Cy : whey's. Common :,,Place • ; VI edited by his son•iii law John !food ifaiten_,D„. ro Abbots. Nieto ry ofJulio3 Cteasr, With al:wavig'', Juqz oelvad • • - • JOIIIII S T ODA&STOCititoN*.- • ~tok.Alarket- ondThini au. .. , • 1 y2O TAMES , NEW NOVEL.—The Woodman tri4aliePor thOmes. 4 4#icbar4 111,,by . G; jam - , EqtaiLinsr reienretby JOHNSTON er, STONCTON, • " • car Atarkot and Iltirdats, rEWIZI v gul L rIPUO"--,__ DrPATEMPINSULItTEII PO • . rimat 021 offer en-aretto anis country or Eurepe for medical purposes, azd lathe, .1 Wilk one ve firemento-to an,bywhic hthegalyt 'Wedeln enabecOnveyed la thetaihaneyeithe:earAhe bunts;txr.,; , . anTreator the bodY, Other externtatorirtferamlY:7' nn nite,gentle strewn, withord shoeh.wor_pato taco ft i erfeettigifery---andortervoriti . 'the' etteeta.", - .;" TWA bpportent appatataii is ntlIV - 4. 1 43 , u~pioceyl of by nutay of the moat eolinenfpliysie lute orterd.aoluttrP-- h o ul 'Earope,..to.whom.the.efibetedluiff.rsthers.whotri.n.f., tatty be. referred Refereneelvtlt_ alsobe'''' givolt to raanYThlEhly'respenieble.,eitizeae;.Nrii I can eared, bra:leans of thuintoitiralanblooppertiuti;of / -01 nO: , ,nftbe..vgatttlinveteniteAtenrone. djeordersowlueb, - ; . 1 2011101 40t 13 0,1:C6101e d arty other knotrarriegarr._ ArriortsivonouebthemAt has been proved to be atigt"arn-,: Ably adapted for the Milt 46( iho nerrorta headache,and other disordenof the brain, ILIs :with this:apparatus alone that the operator ans.onfrey.,i, the galvanic fluid with-ease annnatety.to the eye, to re- . s(6 re eight, or ears ant anrosasi to - the:ear toreesere hear"' big; to ther.tongua °tether Organai loVeatcire speech itand to the varigmtsparteof..tho' body, for the =ire - of-chronic rbetnnatisra, asthma, nentalgi a, or tintelearetrar, punt!: leir.palsy,. gent, chorea or Ovitints , dtunnepitepayi. ness fronrer =hut, some • dieeapee -Peealtar to -• nialet, - conttectiogiof thelirabet;b)eklawcite.ostii. 4 3‘4 Rights for innoundlng counties or Western Pt..,and '• Mivnegde, with - The .finurionent,inay haltyribagied,' turd,. testea far theettre illeenees: ' 'Pali inetractione'-will be given foithe. vtirientseheirth•-. cats tole:nen forigarioas dieeasetcandthe bestmeaner,r , "-• for op.erating - fer theetue - of thenevniseaseeiwill also be tinily explained to the - patellas - m.ond ill'appbletPtitleta.,. 7 " Itie hands e;Piettely-forlbegogliniponett,,Osti*ollly-Pre'r,' pared bythe patentee.- . itreet novld ADS are 'cantionerlaganut -using CotRIZMOII , Prepti- 7 .-- Ted Chalk: They are not aware haw frightfully lulu rions itii wilts skin hovveoarsethevrioughthowsallow,-.'., yellow t and unhealthy the skin appears after using pre-' • - pared chalkl - :..llesid es it is ininnous,Contalnlng n=large quantity of lead! - "We' have. prepared a betuatitul vege. table ardole, which we call 'Jones , Spanish. Lilly White • It is 'perfectly innocent, being purified okall deleterious. • • qualities, and it imparts to' the skin :tt natural,: healthy, -:. -alabaster,elent, livelyWhitef. at thesame time tuner. the neosmetic on the skin; tanking it soft and smooth. • : ' Dr Jemes.Audersion, Practical chemist er•Messeehe•;- ietta t ithys 1 0 .4iter finalysinetioneeSpanisklillyWldte, - --- 1.• find itpostesses"themost - beautiful and natural,thrtd ht•:„ the inure time innocent; :white'l over naw I certainly' - can usrumientiously recommend its use to all.whose skin • restalresbeanfifyirtg.e PribeW. cents a box.' Direction's thp best :way tri apply Lilly White, - isWith soft leather • or wool-,the former is preferable: . ' . • A. sreor savior •-•Tusn'tt you '25; - Mcr . l%.--,White , breath, healthylamsi..YelloWnnd ottthettlthy,theth i ':: alter being coca twice Cleaned :with Jones ' Amber;ll Tooth Paste; have the appearance;Of..the meat ; krotit and, at the stunt! time It is so : . PerfPcdt.lntrocent, , , thrthesnenutelY. fine, that iti catustantdatty. rise is highly ,• Advantage-oas t even to:these teeth thht are in ge 6 d death' tion, giving - there hi:4OlW .pollsh, Arid - preventing - n premature decay. Those • already decayed ; it prevents from becoming twintlitti so fastmis such as b contains '1 loose, and by perseverance it will reader the foulest teeth . „ 'delicately *lute; and makethe breath:deliciously sweet.. , ?rice 25 or,37l.centitt bor t ; All the alioveare4old only at 82 Chatham stt signet Me American Eaglet NetViTork t • and by the appointed Agents Whose. anacp ‘ uppeAtia-tlo War. TOUISLIMT, end gala fecal..Jour forrone,! , let beautiful,.elear: tart •Is it white? ;el(uot, it can lie made so even thoughlr ha yet. .-- lowi'disfikored, santount, tanned. and freckled. • Thous. Ands have been made Urns mho. have 'washed once:or ••-•..! twiceivithJonas'ltalian Chemical Soap.. The rQdct is glorious.and magnilLeent.:•ltut be rarer:op get :the sena., • - L. , . I the Jones , Soapiatthe sign:of the American Wei 82 Cbnthsmslecet. Ring-worm, Salt-rheum; tlearvOnpyttipuilait,liiTher's'i- Itchtate. often cured by Jones , Italian "Chemical Soap, when every .kind - of rentedy,lons , failed.` ,, That -IV - Cures pimplesdyeckles, arid , clears the skin; aliknoW. Sold' at the Amencan. Eagle, BS•chattuunstreet: hilnd, reader, this seldom or never •- - • ! PrittertinAl' l i atZtatsorfaniberty a; head. of:Wood; Sim QC. of tge:Bit ROL.: . .novi4ll.' e. OALT.RHEUIIr, SCURVY, OLD SORES, ERYSIPSt: l , kASi . l3arhees4tch, , Charti ; Sore ../Ifordf . ,::-.gtheyies. .Tl4u:n.sed'wmany_phyalciantifti this eitruo'cannithO',..`•' 'abovq-and would not codseiencionsly . sell unless Nyel lain* trio be all we. .state; . , .. 1 - .1 Asa cosmetic; the true JONES' .S . SOAP la perhapalhe.. , -' only; article. ever known. nuts removed':jmpuritles, mat cleared ..beautiftell-thiCakin, making 11 -enft,'elear,. ! innooth'ind'othluezoi on ittfantaThatiniati4t rail at ... fht Chatham 1 1 .4Y.innti by; • • • • — twa7 , JA:CitSON, , A6iii, , • 89•Llber*eareeti malls •. le; ••;,„4. ka tee, .. ,1 t 7 t*...t..? Avfk. • - ".fit.:.'. ~ ~''. ... " ':' '''''.....''''''-'7:-Z.,....r,''-i`;:'.:-........ '''.•:.::, ‘7::'‘.: , 4- '• .. . MINIM L~R'.