The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, October 18, 1849, Image 3

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,1 7 Sri • Adversiiiia nrcregutimitio hand in LI eirinaori Wirt*
toklock7 M Vail/tuteei sureter tout
, Igo sissaton.•• i annplukt
• • - .. .
'•••• .-- - . .- . .-)Ibit#14:1Proit ..iirib.'ilnnfing .okt
i f
:" • - .• - GT: Having added to otrr Establishment, it . aplendid
.tean-Poiver Print* Machine, we are prepared:lo do
...'• II kindlier rAterepaper and Dook'work inn style et un
- - . arpused beanryL
_and neatness, - and upon the' piriSt'rea•
. - • eassighterrns_. i -WA respectfully solicit, theptartinage'ot
-.- • • -. b iintilidlittbaline of our business
WIC BALL; will be' giVerl• on Wednesday - evening,
tober 31st, (Hollow Rve.) at tbeieefayette Assembly
owns, by /3)1'03.'5 Brass Rand., - AT3od Sapper will be
tepared for the occasion. :Tickets can be had of the
Ir Fatritt . went Ballow:11e ciLizecli are reapeot
. y informed that the VArexperrr- Pox Correa= will
re a BALL, on FwDLT aventair; November 9th, at the
• aver Assembly Baku, : The Managers have e 'aged
r_ hlAteea pied frq the occasion.. • sepMt4-
it GIEVir.:BIDIILK, Derattat—"Berico to. a
sew Wee story Brick on Bstrruznamirr one door be
ow f3lzdt sheet. T H INSERTED,7front one to a
whole sett, by'Atmos herir. Pressure, with a bruatithl
iepresentation °trite arena Gois, restoria the Fees to i
r.g g lxit. o =7:z . T H a-Zrmanentli sa . v ih et i t iu b l ; .
onto, preirettun rior.protli-acire, wkich is moch bar, ,
r than coringit,tnno_ ri atimild he done In five attn.'
es, or even instantly,. . • ' apnlttl y, ..
11:7`odit Ireuiwivionau,ltiteon Builds,,;, Fourth ,
between Wood'andrSeniAfteta rrirar. , —Pittaburgh
eampment, No . S,' : :or ofirtald Tuesdays *Coach
. .. .„....•, . . • • ,
rittebargh Degree ; , No. 4, meets 2d and 4th.
fdeehant*. Lodge, i d.. 10, -Meets every Thursday
Western Star Lodge'
__ . .
_ --4103; No. 21, meets every Wedneaday
menhir. • 7
Iron City,Lodge i No.llB:l, moots every Monday giving.
Blount .llTotish 'l,,cotle, No. FO, meets every Pridrii
!veining. ;. , . maYMIY
130n.-o:.:Oir•o44l4llsCe ot hleetliti;Wathington
RaßiWoitd.stileybetvireen sth an 6 ;Virgoo..dlley. ,
kPrman , ToniLoy=3*4-Hgeets e very_ Tuesday .
eening.:': - • • •
natcallitisyes ' ; No: 87h1eete let and sa
Priday oreahh #huith:l ' nutelts.-47.
... ''. is .0. of Oal. w;AtratOnitny LODON, - No:40
!sts.;lsylbe - .Hall, to r;of Wood street 'and Virgin
ilersarY 7bursday ventog, at 5 o'clor.l.
F ie
min . ' °Emma Butterr,l3e!'y:
illar i Ataritro Crhaumbe or obtaining a superfine HAT
r - OAP eqnal to any ditit can, be manufactured, is 110W'
tiered, as ram determined to sell of My present stock
*greatly redceed prices, in order to make room for my
stock: ' If. yoa Would secure a bargain call soon.
.. . .
• WTI. FL..1%11N0, .
‘•• 130 d at., corner r f Virgin alley.
Irrbltternatfon•-.1 Ci z LEIZT a,6.ItHER, binactrairr
' !xton, - /Vo:3l.2Ltarker sTd and • Th ird-rareti,
- - burgb.—Canstantly n band, a largo and general as
! ortment a( PASEUONAILLit RZLOT-X.LIDE Cranium. •
Particular nttentlon liald to- the ' Caning of Custom
• ' ortostbiett will:be mnde in•the mist faebionable man
er r /Ltd:on reanonabletercae. - mayB
. . -
Natio e reilus JoonstianatTsztons Socurrj, f Pins
olgh sad Aliegheny f nieets on the second .Monday of
very_tnonth at achoch.leiters, in the Diamond. aa6 •
.• : . -I J 01171:7011110 T.? SC ore
. ,
NotictufsThe lonzanymen SaddlersOilmen
k• • Tankers , Society - meets the first Saturday of
rerv.month, at Vann ;Hall s corner of Smithfield and
thhstreets. (maylitan• •W. C. GaiLamat.
Cult or A. Surr .IK,trzn Joirrr of long standing,
y the use of the trim:ll-AMERICAN OIL, procured
war a well near Brookiville, KentaCky, 185 feet be.
ow the earth's - surf4e, 170 Ject of which:Si n s
hrough a solid rock;
The following, comtounicated by Wilsoe.a.Cet.,
oral Gay street, Agents for the sale of the Oil hi
emote; the patient not wishing his name .made .
uown . • 4 , .
wThis is to certify tliat about two years past I had
, een afflicted fora long time. with a stiff knee joint
bad used the most renowned remedies for-such
es, but without effeci; et length a friend who bad
• zed the American Oil for Ethumatiinn, to his perfect
tisfaction,.prevatled upon me to try the Oil in' my
e. I - did so, .and the effect was astoniabing to
..yselfand all . who knew my !ritualise. In a few
pplications of the Oil my knee was as supple as it
-ver was; since which time! kayo not had the alight•
at return.. I have 41E4 used the American Oil for
at distressing complakof the Tiles, with equal sue
a. I have flother usbd it for paella the back, and
eve known others tolure the Oil, and in no one
nuance bevel heard of,its failing. Baltimore, July
5, 1849;
Sold wholesale and retail by Wm. Jackson, the
.roprietoes sole and only agent for western Penn.
Ayala's, Western Virginia ' and. Northern Ohio, No.
:9, Liberty street., beactiof Wood street, Pittsburgh.
'rice 50 cts. perbottle.;
;.'..' .. i: . .
BEiVAEL or NllNExtoils coutrrEarcrrs.—None is
•:enuina but what has the name and address of Wm.
ackson, No. SS Liberty street, Pittsburgh, on the
libel, and in this pimiphlet in which each bottle is
nelosed. — WM lames Of the prop rietor, , DI Hall
Co.;etticky; is alto
printed in the pamphlet.
. bother way or detecting the counterfeits, is
• iffereoce in price. The genuine is sold invariably
t 60 eta. per bottle, and no less; while some of the
onoterfelts are sold at ration, prices raider. Sold
•tail by sub agents id almost every town in the
trove Districts. ' • 'act 10:dtcw
~t::- .:.
IDU Teem-acids; 'Tsedair Germs, Bari Buttimr Arm
Rom :T" By the Usti of Wheeler's celebrated
. -berry_Tooth-Was l lc e nh-ache eau be efectualty
tued. :...Uder and d. Gums made firm and
.ehTftly. 'Sad' Breath ut lr improved, and the Teeth
reed from Autar * and made beautifully white. Price, 50
ants per bottle. • Thisar(icle is patronized by the elite
• society-4s highly condentmed, and will make one
•intofthe Wash,
`Sold wholesale sad. retitith_y_WAL JACKSON, at his
ocit and Shoe Store,
_ 7 " Ski BOOT," 89 Liberty. street,
ead'of Wood street. ikburgh. ..ap27:Bmdfris
. ,
NEW GOODS t NEW' 000nszt
Sign qf the Gekten , ,Elee lace, No.WI Lib erty street, three
_____-.., doors abate fruits street,
WOULD take thissuethod of 'prorating their custom
era and the citizen generally, that they have just
,received vita car the largest and best selected stocks of
GOODS ever .orrerred'intp i s city. conitisting in part* of
super.-EngUsh and French Black Cloths, French and
English Bluei:Browni °teen and Olive ; extra quality
black French - -Silver . Clath ; Brown and Green. Castor
do.; Gentinella .do; Blul and Black Felt do.; s u p er French...Black. Doeskin assinieres ; .English do do.;
FancrFashionable.Cassi eresia endless variety; best
quality Black Satin, that cannot be. surpassed ; splendid
- . d entirely new iitylai - id" Cassiracre, Caehutere, Valet'-,
. andBlllcArestingt.Wotren Undershirts and Drawers;
a good. cisiortraent .of.,white Shirts,-9 enders; Fancy
and Black,Silk Oravtas s aad Pocket Ildkrl.—all or which
Goods we are prepared toloffer at such prices as will in-
Sara inulefacdoa. We edutinae as usual, to .mtnurac
tare cattail": weak on ate altartesepossible notice,. without
disappointment to costasaffni -and in a s ty le not to be sur
passed In th ei'i.i;y, Eseplo3 'BOOBYER&GBD3BLE.
Rope Clothing Eihporium";
Xs 27 bfa>tet' street„ baufeen Prong and Second areas.
THE rtruiereigned would respectfully inform his friends
and customers that he has just received a splendid
assortment of_ CLOTHS,I CesSLMERES and VEST
INGSi of - the' latest and Moat 'desirablo patterns, and is
now prep ared
. to all orders in his line. His long ex
perience an the business efiables him to hope for a liberal
share of patronage.' Be ',Will make all descriptions of
Clothing - id the best manner and moat fashionable style,
for rash.' ' [oet2l EC J. ROGERS.
overarm STOVES. .
ImuMgranivo Housaamignas Ann Swim Drumm.
ntrINNAPIIRIDE,Ic CO. hav e on Maids and - are eon-
Ice steady aim:Mitten:rind from-.dew and improved pat
terns the beet Cooking atoyes that ever have been latro-..
(laced into thismarket, among which ere four. sizes of
that eelebritted -;Cooking - IStovo: called. the STAR OF
THE WEST," four sizes of the. ENTERPRISE COOK
ING STOVE, PREMIUM STOVES; alt sizes • and a va
riety Miters for coal:ort wood. Parlottr S toves, Egg
and Piitit - ApPlikStovee t a genomt assortment of Hollow
Virare together with every thing in - .the house-building
line, gavrll . ,nn.handser made to order at the , National
Fonndlyi Warehonw, , corner of Seventh and Liberty-
DuITO COM!lllllllllAlitlllll4.l"lr4=4WF
mEticwrii, ....`4 ll D'ST.Effni .OATBOOK-KEEP•
iNG,tanght enettnnaannez : Lna tamtaJify:theatte•
dent for keepingbiMkeiminediatelron•leaeing.the Class'
fito-Pcninanthip, taught in 'the
most. effective : reanner, -'Upwards of nine-hundred eta
Including ninny thetirettneinhanta the•
lavebeen , Penmenthiti:and Book , Keeping
sn thisinantation, - -alrording the Meet anipleeeterenee far
the, ifEeleney •or-Me: D. , tutns.triction; .faerehants and
Steamer's. , Boake:optited 'and ehnied. :13alatte ahem,
Eta, made ism; ~ E Oll.lll 40 - to 12,•^2 . t0 4 . and 7 till to. loa d
Wane , Wool: n 'er.alitrta and Drawers. •
yirE Makhig PidellihirtS.and Drawers of a fine
• -. atdViesture, and wilt Bell them retail for a small
ranee on - the - castor manufacturing. These Goode are
warranted not tci shrink - fa crtushing.
, ..„ • --.
ob.l, , established Stoekinir Manufactory, -
oet3 , , ' , nth at., between Wood and Ma rke
'1 •
W. A. Ss L. C;lVlctillatialg,
No. 230 Liberty. Soget,',corner of Garrison Alley,'
"DESPECTFULLY announce to their customers and
JUS, dealers_ generally that they have in store a
and select stock, of CLOT. US,
,cAsszarsass i AND,
VESTINGS, and are =now prepared to fin all orders'in
their line; and, experience' 'the basiness enables us to
hope fora Thera sharogtronage. Persona wish
ing to have.o i rig, - e to order, cannot foil to be
singed. .READP DWG RING of all deseriptione
kept constantly on hand. Also, Gesticuten's Furnishing
goods, Such net - Shirts, Sass, enders and Cravats.
Call end examine before purchasing . elsewhere ; .as,we
dste,deterntinedto sell cheap 'far cash. oct9
Variety end• Dry , Goetia.
McCANDLESS. 'CAMPBELL, 97 wood street,
& Ara. steztdoof above Diaimmd rdley,Wilontitiszar•Dxst,
sae ire Darr Goons Arm Fascrlls itimmi; beg leave to a ny
to their elastomers and all country merchants and tra de
deale, that 'their stock is most complete. They have
devot.ed considerable time to the selection of their „FALL
STOCK, andleelwarrantedla saying that they can offer
Goods which wilt compete in quality and price.With:nrrY
house in the city.. • - -
Merchants_ waiting the city,. call and
Ali orders promptly -attended to septtdtsw
: . ;'4 ,. :'.'.:'. 1 ::.';!;' , .' , ! . •.',-E' '1• 7 4..:;'
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PITTaBVneU Boowcwmt.o.prs....
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• 8. F;:vonr.sorerli.Oks.i. c"474'
DENNY • • • -•• • • •
Steamboat PacketLine,leavosdall foiCincinnati,nlias:
Peasenger 'Packet, via 'llaltimora,a , nd
Mind elphia, a a. ar, and Cr. as:- ••
Mall Coac h Lino, dirt:l9 to* thileidelphia; lad 121
Weatirri and Soatheniidali Coach Line,
North•Weatern,lia Cleveland, deily,lo a. N. •
( Erie and Western New:York., daily, 9A: 71.." • •
Nortirpisternilo - ?hiiadelphin,daily, xFsp;
. ,
Altlitriti.t9'.o7oDEl AIMIRE OF EIAILS:
Eours Mail duel i. ts:, closes LI
Western Mail,,Vin. and Lowy., dne P.' c loses 5
Bouth.via Belt.anaWasbington,dne 8 P. EL. c lose a 5 A. at.
North-Wesrnvinclevelcuididite 10 A. st., closes A. Bt.
Erie and ,Weetetn.Ne* , York, due 8 P.'ll. closes 8 A.itt
• .
•_ Par vales. „diked. Offend
Bank of 850,00'550.00 WACO
• Excha 7 29 , Ban k • ••••.• --- • • .50,00 47,00 40,00
Merchants' and hl. , Emit ..... - 50 00 , 51,00 60,00
Partners' Deßerit.Bank. •- • Ncrne in market.
lEfend Street Bridge 50,00 60,00 49,00
Northern LilMrties Eddie 60,00 35,00
016 Allegheny - Hedge, • 25,00 36,00 35,00
Connellskille B. 12.8tock, paid on
—itharms,ll2,6o.- 6,00 1,43
City Bonds 16 co emit& • 92,00
Modongehelaßritige. 25,00 16,50
Gee Stock. ---- . 50,00
Penna:Vs, quoted in Philadelphia 91
Penna. O's, " . 101
New issue Treasufy Notes, IPs, quoted In Philada• •117 k
Dolly Review ot t.tte Markets.
PIGIIETAL.".There base been some sales which
we have not yet reported. Bales of about 1400 tens
No. I Allegbeny, at 825, tinie. Of Hingiog Rock,
there base been sales at $29030. There — are stilt
Tome lots in market. The Metal is not yet all do•vo.
FLOUR..Bales from wagon yesterday at $4,620
.4,65. From etoie at $4,75. We beard of but one
*lra on the whorl; it was a small lot, sold to a ro•
tiller, at. 54,75.
ofso bbls and kegs at 7c.
' of 23 bble and 28 kegs at 9c; one
other sale of bbls at 810.
CHEESE..SaIe ofloo bxa W. R. 61c; common
'at 61(a6tc. .
Yesterday was not very brisk. The river is Still
low, and was not benefited by therain. But the
weather. is still lowering, and there will assuredly
be high'ivater. . -
AUCTION 8AL145 9 •
No. 114 Woon Brawn. Tana boots 'mom Frrrn
sday, October 30th, tit 10 o'clock in the forenoon, will
be gelid, Positively,withmit reserve; at the cabinet ware-
TOO 112 of. Philip Weise, Penn street, second door from
Walnut street, sth Wan!, his entire stock of splendid
Furniture, as be is declining that business: All the gni
cies me made in' the best manner, exclusively for cus
tomer. trade.' ifinutekeepers and others will find It their
edema/we to attend, as bargains may be expected.—
Antoattlie ankles are, in part—mahogany dressing bu
reaus, 'mahogany and cherry plain bureaus, 'mahogAnY
secretaries- and beak-cases, curd tables, centre tables,
side tables, dining and breakfast tables, fancy sewing
- Stands, wash stands, wnwrobes, high and low post bed
wads, fancy.and common ; chairs, settees, together with
Agreat variety of every kind of Parni not twee tuuiry
to mention [cietß]: . - JAMES Melt A, Anat.
Pacgaoas or . RIZEION Dar' Goons at AUCTION /LT ,
AcHENNA2S.—The subscriber has' received Invoices
and bills'of lading of 60 packages and eases of Foreign
Dry Goods, direct from one of the most extensive foreign
agencies in . New York, with positive unlimited instruy
tions as to pricesonid peremptory orders. to have them
sold on Mondayi October 284 by catalogue, sale com
mencing as JO o'clock—and if not closed, continued next
day .• The greater part is composed of English, German
and Franck stmerfuto Dread Clothe. his the best chance
ever offered to merchant tailors in this city. Catalogues
will be ready three days before the sale.
°cid JAMES McKENNA Auct.
other articles, 1 German Rifle, I Guitar, tic., to pay
boarding and other charges, at AUCTION.On Monday
evening, November stb, at 8 o'clock precisely, I will
cause to be sold at McKenna's Auction Rooms, in the
City of Pittsburgh, to the highest and best Gadder, to pay
a certain amount of boarding and other charges, the
.contests of 4 conks containing Books. The greater
porton, very valuable works on chemistry, an the Ger
man language. Also, a lot of second-hand clothing, I
guitar, l.Gertunn ride, said to be an excellent article.—
Ebe owner of the above mentioned property or his agent
will take notice that said goods and 'uncles described in
thiamin-nisei:tient, will be sold at the date and hoar men
tioned therein , unless redeemed before, by paying all
charges and costs. ANNE MURRAY.'
octs JAMES McKENNA Anct'r.
V' AL 11 L PRIVATE LIBRARY or A li seellaneons
and Law Books, a few fine Peone h and
graving" at AUCTlON .— on urd s Erlgiteh En•
October 9:11k, at t . arly"gas be l/g_ht,alwifinY ev ening
e co e ldby e: xt te:
loges, at Meßenaa's Ancti g o t a he ßow ty nta c t p lo ri g r e t s e w L i i l b l ta b ;
r ri ead or y a o ge n
_nd . e . man leavin
rriday• JAMES kick - ENNA,
octl7 Auctioneer.
- -
TUST RECEIVED and for sale by SAML. MeCLEAN,
pJ N 0.95 Wood street and corner of Diamond alley
-700 sides New York Sole Leather;
600 " Baltimore "
500 '? New York and Baltimore Sole Leather, to ar
rive in a few days ;
35 dozen Morocco. Cameos, and Meal mass Sid;
6 " French Morocco;
65 " Pink Linings;
10 " White
6 " Kip Skins;
600 ths. Shoe Threads, Green and White ;
500 " 'Eastern SpluVesi
550 " Pittsburgh
Axso—A lot of Philadelphia and French Calf Skins,
together with a large assortment of Philadelphia Lasts,
Findings, At., suitable for Shoemakers—all of which
having been purchased pretty early in the season, before
the late advance in Leather took place in the East, 1 can
afford to sell as low as the same articles can be pur
chased:for Mmh in the etty. ,Merchants and others who
marwant such articles, would find it to their advantage
to call, rind, examine my stock, before purchasing else
where:, ~
. .10ci1571401 SAMUEL bIeCLAIN.
containing parlor, bed room and kitchen, with good
cellar, new arutin complete order; with 3Acres of Land
of on excellentguality and tinder good fence ; situate at
about 4 miles from the city, and near to Cooper's Steam
MU on the Franklin • Road. The lOCIIIIO/1 is pleasant
and stealthy. Price 8300. Immediate possession can be
had. S. CUTEIBERTiGen. Agony,
octllit Smithfteld- street.
SALII--A -voidable, property of 254 feet front on
shington street at liboutlso from the Common, by 75
deep; having a Dwelling Home in complete order and
arrangement, with wide hall, parlor, dizung-room and
kitchen,4 bed-rocens.all neatly papered, with closets
and eiches-presses, and finished garret, wash hernia,
out oven, he. The above presents an qportnnity to
those wanting a Comfortable and convenient residence
Inn central locution for either cities. Price low i terms
accommodating, with Immediate possession, if required.'
S. CUTHEERTi Den. Agent,
- Smithfield street.
111 HE subscriber has just received, at the Pekin Ten
Store, 70 Fourth street, a , very large and well select
ed ,ptock of *pure GREEN AND BLACK TEAS, from N
York, all of which has been received in this country
since the let of February, last, consisting of the different
grades grown in the Celestial Empire. Oar stock being.
among the largest igthe. West,we are prepared to whole.
.sale ..on beter terms than any other house in the city.—
We invite retail grocers to call and examine our stock
and - prthes. They can have, it packed 411 j, k and 1 lb.
packages,,sl i. tout caunisters, or by ha chests, to suit
their converdeuce.
. Out retail prices vary for Oolong , Black Teas from 50
cts. to elfin ?p ng Yo i nwiSouctiong, cts.; Con
aoso, and English B ealcfas ,W,,Yo7,sßyson,Gunimrr
der and Imperial, from 3ncents wet iv. lb.
• Pontilies are requested to send an gat samples of oar
Teas, and try them; bedire purchating;
myillidtcar A,. TANNES, 70, Fourth et.
. .
/111000 LATE, COCOA AND BBOATA—Baker'sl3ro
'V,mo,llo. 1 Chocolate and Cocoa; also, Stihraitz , sweet
:Spiced Chocolate, Nit rec'd and for tale at the PERIN
I'EASTORE: 20 Fourth street. may 24
Mr S i ll e G A ßS.—if"cring
c 's Loa f Crushed and
'bbl; or scull all g e a lkitaV i t nair.Enit the
FCOFFEEB- 4, -Aldoeha r 'African, Java,' Lakstyra,
*JC St. Detain' iro an&RisiCtilrees,inst reed and for sale
at the RpgNTE/s,STORB.7O Fgarth st sottr.4
lf,xeCutai , e: Notice.
UTELEREta,./Atteis Testamentaryto - the Estate '
Bernard Kane, de e'd; late,cif the City of Pittsburg,
have been granted to tho subs criber, all persons know
ing themselves indebted to the said estate are requested
to make immediate Payment,'and those having claims .
against the same will 'present Mena duly autheraeated,
for settlement to John -T.' Mitchel, Esq.. Anoiney at
" tsk is'alisw • - '.Executor.
A Pleasant Residpncte - lA,Aillefithen7
DOR SALE,--A valuable property of 254 fent front on
' , X Washington street, at about 150 feet from 'the Com
-mon, by 76 deep, halting a Dwelling House in complete
order and arrangement, with. wide. hall, parlor; dining
.zoom and kitchen, 4 bed rooms alt neatly papered, with
closets and clothes presses and finished garret, wash
house, oat oven, &c. The a bove presents an opportunity
:to' those wanting a comfortable and convenient resi
dence in a central location for either cities. Price low
and terms ar,eommodatingovith immediatepossession;if
required. S. CUTHBERT,
ocag General Agent. Smithfield at.
Uritikiss hereby gismo, that uppuenu oi , w i ll be , ux im
II at the next sesstortof the. Legislature fora chatter for
a bank to be- located' in the city of Pittsburgh, to be
soled she Western Itarik of Pennsylvania, with a card- .
tolof one million Ordolltirs; and to have all the privi
leges of discount and bane; such as is comutonlygranted
tolbankingirtatluttionsin this State.
Pltbsbargh Sane 29,1849. iys
VetitsTarit BLANKETS.--4 aniAttat receiving my
usual Fall supply, addeltivrill 'be sold at a sma ll ad.
Vance an aitinalactarefii prices.. (oval J. SHEA.
1 •
• r. 1
<1 ~.. .. .. ~. ..
ST ( X' f IVS.
TIV7IISDAT Mommo, Octabn 18 1849.4
Lestber , Storo.
- SlPhpf;g4- •,• - • -
1 • •
.:K . L .
j . • :
. 11 4 2 9 X) ,nolll.oellCi - 2. ' ,:,
irscr warn nt'ithe CzAnnx..
. • . , •
SteAtiter.Like,ErieiGOrden, bent)
Vie-1141Ln 216.2,'011i0n, Beaver.
• a• - Louis At'Lane t Bennett, Brownsville.
" • Atlantic; Parkinson, ' do.
‘• Ptidip Doddridge,
R. Wighunan, --, Elizabeth.
a Peyton Hendrickson; McKeesport.
Beaver,Clarke„ We ll sville.
" Nels on, - Moore, Wheeling.
Peru, Calhoun, Cincinnati.
a Columbia;Denn,Cinclitnati.
" American Star, Hanna, Louisville.
Steamer Michigan No. 2, Gilson, Beaver.
" Lake Erie, Gordon, Beaver.
" Louis M'Lane, Bennett, Brownsville.
IL WlghtOlan • El ivalxnh.
r Phillp DWdridge, Brownsville.
" Peytona, Hendrickson, McKeesport.
Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville,
" New England No. 2;Dean Cincinnati
Nominee, Smith, SULOIlle:";
" Elite, Bowerv„Zincinnati. •
" Citizenjacobs r St Lai's: •
" J. Nelson, Moore, Wheeling.-.
" ..`Caleb Cope, Murtiock. Welfsvilli.
• PilotNo.2. Shruik„.Hockingport.
, •
• ,
EUS.lndeperident'Llne of st eamers Is now, composed
of the largest, swiftest, Un fi nished and 'famished,
and most powerful boats on the waters of the West. The
highestwagos are paid forth', services of the best and.
most experienced men engaged in the river banness.—.;.
The lute has been in operation for six years • harcanied .
nearly into millions of people, without doinithri slightest
injurrto their persons. The proprietors challengecom
portion with any passenger line in the Union for safety,
regularity, and speed. Air. that Money can procure has
been provided for the safety, comfort andconvenience of
passengers. The boats leave for Cincinnati as follows:
MONDd PRA Clt/iT.—The Mortastotarzu,Capt.Sions,
willleave Pittsburgh every Monday morning allOo'clocki
Wheeling every Monday evening at 10 r. x.
=RSA! Y PAC/CRT—The Me:ma No. 2, Capt.
Jno. /Ninestier, will leave Pituiburgh every Tuesday
morning at 10 o'clock Wheeling every Tuesday evening
at 10 r. M.
WE INYBSDA Y P de KET.—The Nino EnowniNo.
2, Oapt S. Dean, will leave Pittsburgh ovary Wednesday
morning at lOo'c look ; Wlreelizig eve ry Wednesday even,
ing et le. at.
THURSDAY PACKET—The Blimmarri, Capt. R. 1.
Grace, will leave Pittsburgh every Thursday morning at
10 o'clock ; Wheeling every Thursday evening at 10 r. x.
FRIDAY PAC BST. The Curl= N 0.2, Capt. Crooks,
will leave Pittsburgh every Friday morning at 10 o'clock;.
Wheeling every Friday evening at 10 r. u.
SATURDAY PACKET-7'1143 litinguntou No. 2, Capt.
I. C. Woodward, will leave Pittsburgh every Saturday
morning at 0 o'clock; Wheeling every Saturday evening
at 10 r. Y.
SUNDAY PACKET.— The Wan Morton, Capt. P.
Demi, wilt leave Pitudnugh every Banday morning at
10 o'clock; Meeting every Bandar evening at 10
Oct S.
_ ouzo tax&
It=Malt fisinaDali Pantlry.--The A
No lfineand fastpassenger steam Pat. ,
ket TELEGRAPH, J. Hezlap„ Com
mander, will leave Puttsburg for Wheel
ing, Cincinnati and Louisville, and all intermediate Ports,
every Satardar, at 10 o'clock precisely. •
Forfreight orpassage apply on board, or to
The Teltgr aph hasF ORSYTH
been built expressly far , a
Packet, and with a view. entirely to the comfort of pas
sengers; the accommodations are inferior to no boat on
the western waters. The Telegraph will run in connex
ion with the Ben Franklin No 6 and Pike No 9, to Sant-
Itronis—timethrough.mvu ran- oetikly
1648. 1848.
Pittsburgh and Brownsville Daily Packet
PE2I/10•IIY 151,1848. Line. FaillatTAßT 1.1,1848.
The following new boats complete the fine
for the present season: ATLA.PrFIC, Capt,
James Parkinson' ; BALTIC, Cept. A. Jacobs,
and LOUIS M'LANE, Capt. E. Bennett. Th e boats are
entirely new, and axe fitted up without regard to expense.
Every comfort that money can procure has been midi.
ded. The boats will leave the Monongahela 'Wharf Boat,
at the foot of Rose st. Passengers will be punctual on
board, as the boats will certainly leave at the advertised
hours. °eta
Salaam YANKEE. Capt. ItteKas, leaves
vary Satarday, at 2 o'clock, s. se.
teamer ENNY LIND, Captain GALI.IOIIZI, leaves I
every Tuesday, at g °block. r.
For freight or passage apply to
W. B. WHEELER. Agent.
°eta Corner of Water and Smithfield sts.
RegoJar Packet for Slttish.
lr:7 THE fine steamer IVELLSVILLE, Capt.
Bazars, will leave for the above and inter
e • tate ports on Iridneadays and Saturdays
ror freight or passage apply on board, or to
For Beaver. sad Wellrvine.
kardTag now and sptendid passenger steamer
CALEB COPE, A. Itttranocx, blaster, will
leave for the above and all intermediate porta
every Timaday, Thursday, and Saturday.
For freight or passage,- having superior seeommoda
ttons, apply on board. (min
' evr Arrangement,
Tur steamer BEAVER., Coss. E. CLsata,
Master,. will leave this city every Monday,
nes ay and 'Friday, at 10 A. M.
has a boat at the landing, between Wood st. and
the Bridge ; prepared to receive freight at any time. (on°
Wm. B. Wheeler,
STEAMBOAT AGENT, can be found at Wesley
Crier's Counting Room, corner of Water and Smith
field streets, Pitisburgh. vete
For Olnoinnati--Rogrdar Packet.
- The fine steamer MT. VERNON, HIRAM
10,7,ar5, Master, will leave for the above and
nterme. tale ports, regularly, every Saturday evening.
For freight or passage, apply on board, or to
Franklin Packet.
The fast packet ALLEGLIENY BELLE,
Capt. W. Harms, will run regularly be
tween ma urgh and Franklin, on the Allegheny River.
Leaves Pittsburgh each Monday and Thursday, al 4
r..ta. For freight 'or passage, apply onboard.
- IT is with pleasure that the subscribers in
form the citizens of Pittsburgh and vicinity
—that they have completed arrangements with
Messrs. J. C. Jenkins az C0.,0f Philadelphia,
. to receive their superior -
2 . ; • And will hereafter be kept constantly on
'hand. They are neatly and securely put up
in 'metallic packs of 1,1 and 1 lb each, with
their printed card—showing the kind of Tea,
pr e, name of the concern and depot in Philadelphia
with en invitation to return the Tea, if not liked, •
1 1 Gluipowder 64 75 1,00 1,25 1,50
Imperial •• • • •••••••50 75 1,00 1,25 1,50
al Hyson
eY. Iff son 50 132* 75 1,00 1,25
50 62} 75 1,00 1,25 1,50
Black • • • • .......... • • .37i 50
B " CIL Fine and Extra Fine ••• 75 1,00 1,25 1 50 ,
We will warrant all the TEAS we sell to be equal to,
if not superior to any sold in this City, and should they
not prove acceptable to the taste, they can be returned,
and the money will be refunded, as it Is only with that
understandiag we sell.
We ask a fair trial, that the public may be able to
judge between our Teas and those heretofore sold by
other companies in this city.
All lovers of rich, delicious and good flavored TEAS,
should give us a call. Dealers can he 'supplied. on the
most reasonable terms
For sale by . SOS. S. M. YOUNG k CO.,
N, W. corner 4th and Form streets and
S. W. corner 3d and Ross streets.
11iift. B. VOGEL, Paorzason or. Music en the Violin
01 and Rotortealo, has arrived la this city from Ger
many, and Will give Lessons to those who may wish to
avail themselves of his services, in the room now in the
occupancy of Mr. Westeoll;nezt door to the Red. Lion
Hotel, on Rt. Clair street.
Mr. Vomarwishes to obtain IL situation as Musician in
the American Theatre of this city. He may he consult
ed at Mr. Wostcoll'i, at any time, octls:dlw•
A. Card.
rpm PARTNERSHIP - Ititelyformed between LANE
I HOGAN & CANTWELL le this day &evolved by
mutual consent. The business will be eonditeted by Mr.
eitrrwma., who will be happy to see his friends at No.
86 Market street.
October 6,1.840.--(oetlity
ATARI= 430 • b$
V Capos,Collars,Cravats and Stook kept
constantly on band at No. 88 Market street.
ootl2 PANTIVEI,L & CO.
Presbyterian Book Rooms,
No. 79 Wood streetosp
111 THERE will be found- for sale an assortment of yrii ,
' V uable RELIGIOUS BOORS and TRACTS, cola
-prised in a series of about four hundred different publi
eationst(of which catalogues can be bad orapplication,)
embracing imany standard works in Theology; Biogra-
VitY, .kc.,&c.,seleeted and published by the Presbyterian
Board of Publication, in Philadelphia; and well adapted
for Sabbath School, Congregational, IllEinister's and Pri
vate Libraries.
Persons wishing to purchase such Books, are invited
to enll and examine the assortment.
'The Depository of the Pennsylvania Bible Society Is
'kept at these rooms. octs:d&w3m
National Hotel, .Pittsburgh.
Situated on Wesur Streekopposite the ben di ng of the
iliontstill6 Steam .Paekese.
T11:18 House having undergone a thorough repairing.
awl SilingPl4llPSl inside and out, the subscriber is
determi n ed mustsevery exertions-in his power to make
all cam - finial° that think proper to call with hint. The
Table will be-always supplied - with the best the market
afford,. The Bar will he stipPlitid with the best and
choicest liquors.
Attached to the house is a good 'stable attended by a
good Bowler JAMES REAMER ir2o
~~~ -~
, „
. , .
f' 4
• 4 ;
" k• ~
• ~' ~ .t
v ';. 1 . 1 .'. •
,t 0
, • 7 41 , „„
I ' l ' l ' 6l
"t ' . • iN N, 4:" .4
s• , • •:„.
. ,
,•••• •-•. 7 L,
= .-',^ '
IpHE AITITIMN SESSION of Chs Institution will emu
menceun the. Sur Monday in . Remain
on Pedeml street, In . .!Colcutide Row, " door Irma the
RATlC9Coivrotno * PK@ liigliOlortltrvz moms:
'English Pepanmetit, including Reading, Orthographyaml Denning, Wrning, English Grammar, Rhetoric,
Logic. English Cbmpos hien and Critic ism, G eography,
History, Anthmetio and the higherbranches of Mathe
matics, Natural Philosophy,,Chennstry, Astronomy,
Botany, Physiology, Geology, Intellectual and Morn!
Science, and all other brunehes requisite to a 'thorough
English Education. - - 820 00
Classical. Department, including the' Latin and Greek
Languages, each , . - - 80 OD
French - - - 810 00
German - - - - - 810 OD
The services of competent teachers are secured for
such as desire instruction in French and Getman, and
also in Drawing, Painting and Music.
Iris desirable that pupils enter at the commencement
of the Seuion ;••yet they are received at any time, and
are charged at the above rates from the time of entrance.
- re
deduction made ( or absences, except in eases of
protracted illness.
Further information may, be ob mineD,and ap_plications
made by calling upon the Pammess, at his Rooms on
Federal street, or at his lodgings ln " Row," Lib
erty street Pittsburgh, between ad and 4th streets; or by
addressing a note through the Pittsburgh Post Office. to
the Principal. . •N. W. hIETCALP.
Allegheny, Angnst 7,1810.. . . • faugO:dtf
Lithographic Establishment of
77118 D 578KET, 0PP051715 SHE PODS-arnor. 5 7 17118374217.
i r APS, Landscapes, Bill-heads, Show-bills Labels,
Architectural 'and Machine Drawings, Business
and Visiting Cards, etc., Engraved or Drawn on Stone,
and Printed in Colors, Gold, Bronze or Black, in the
most approved style and at the most seasonable prices.
Faseramk t October
firlflE , findef 111:1C/CLIN & BItYDEN being dissolved,
1. the undersigned will continuo the Ponvarding and
Commission _ b twine sn, at the Steamb ontLandlng, Frank
lin, and respectfully informs his friends that he has gone
tho expense of a heavy Insurance on the Warehouse
and contents for several years, and trusts he will give
entire satisfaction to all who may patronise Mtn. He
will receive freight at the lower Landing. . .
. .
4 T. B. YOUNG & CO. have removed from No. B
Commercial Row, Liberty street,•to the comer of
Third and Smithfield streets, opposite *oven's Ho
to —would respeetfaltrinform their old enstomersode a m
boat friends and the citizens generally, thot they will
keep constantly on hand a aupertor stock of CABINET
WARE, made of the bent materials and by the most ex
perienced workmen. Private d wettings, lite arab° ats and
hotels, famished on the most reasonable terms, and all
work warranted equal to theta anyother establishment.
l UNDERTAKING promptly attended to in all its
branches. pap
Wood street, near Bt. Charles Hotel, Pittsburgh_
rrHE subscriber has constantly on hand the best and
handsomest stock of the above articles to be found
an any establishment East or West, and has Just opened
some new styles of his own importation, not found in any
other store.'
Bola s stand, bangi ng and siddlamps;
Flui and 'camp me do.
Girondales, Candelabras, French and English Mantel
Ornaments; Britannia Ware, Waiters, &e., &c., which
will be sold low, in large and small lota, to salt pur
Merchants and families are invited to call as it is
worth looking at at any time. (0012) N . RODKINSON.
Groceries. Willa., Liquor*, .o.
THE subscribers are now receiving their Pallstock of
Goods, and offer (or sa.e the following, on accom
modating terms:
3SO cas ks MusEiratt's Soda Ash, ED per cent-,
20 Bleaching Powder;
12 hbds. prime N. 0. Sugar;
203 bbls. prime Molasses, In oak bbls ;
17 .‘ Loaf Sugar;
153 bags prim:alio Coffeel
30 half chests V. Epson Ten;
100 boxes V. H., O. P. and lsnp'l Tea ;
20 " Virginia Tobacco, S. &o•
50 bbls. and half bbls. No. 2 and 3 Mackerel;
lire) lbs. Indigo ,•
300 bbl. Recti fied and Old Mon'a Whiskey.
17 half pipes brandy," Otani," " Duptry,”&e.
2 pipes Holland Oin
20 cask. Port Wine, various brands ;
" Madeira and Sherry Wine.;
33 " Sweet Malaga
5 " White
I " N. E. Rain.
Tpgethar with an assonateot of Domestic Liquors,
Cordial., Alcohol, Spices, Soap, Candles, Starch, &c. !
. .
oottgetw No. 160 Liberty street. •
Athenaeum Saloon
OYSTERS JUST BECE/PB/lt—The propnetors
are bow prepared to serve up Meals at all hours. in con'
motion with Boarding by the day or week.
septi4 AVFALLS N Proprietors.
John Dunlap It Co - .,
ARE now receivng their Fall and Winter Stock of
Goods, direct from the manufactories and workshops of
Birmingham, Sbeffuld, and Wolverhampton. We have
already in Wareionse 72 Casks and Cases of Goods,
covering the hallowing articles:
Tinned Saucepans, Ronnd Pots and Oval Kettles;
Enameled Saucepans and Muslin Kettles;
Fine Trays in *ens; Common Trays and Waiters;
Fite Irons in setts and pairs, over 50 patterns.
Fire Iron Standards, with Marble and Bronzes Iron
basis ;
Short handle Frying Pans; Bread Pans, oval and end;
Bracket, Chamber and Gothic Brass Candlesticks;
Tinned Wrought Iron Ten•kettles;
Tinned Basting Spoons, Table Spoons, ke ;
Tinned Flesh Forks, Skimmers and Ladles ;
Roasting Jacks; Box Iron s, with Heaters;
Commode Knobs, Coffee Mills,Lanterns, kit. ; Fine Britannia Ware, in setts ;
Communion Ware, Swing Ten-kettles. &c.:
Planished Ceafing Dishes, Urns, Oyster Stewers, &e.;
Cruet Frames, with cut glass and common Bottles ,
Brass flattery Kettles, Bell Metal Kettles, &c.
Table Matta, Toilet setts, Seals, kc.;
Pillar, Urn and Helmet pattern Coal Fusee.
ALIO, a large stock of Copper, plain Tin and Japan. '
ned Ware, Premed Goods, kc., to which we would in
vita the attention of Jobbers, wholesale buyers and
others. JOHN DUNLAP & CO.,
serds Corner Market and Second streets.
TIN PLATE-200 boxes Tin Plate, choice brands, in
store and for sale by JOHN DUNLAP &CO .
sep24 Corner Market and Second streets.
NEW BOOKS! !—Tie I,lWe Savage, by Captain Mar.
No. 3 of Pendennis, by " Thaekeray."
Part 2d of the Cantons, by Bulwer—complete.
No. 7 of Cbatmer'e Posthumous Works.
Combe's Phrenology; new edition. Just received by
Corner &d and Market us.
1' : 6 - 06 JOHN THOMPSON,- l 4 4
Carpet Alanstthotarer,
No. 130 l,mssrt Sins= Prersacann. •
Is also appointed Agent for P. W. Byrne n& Co's New
York Line of Ships, for bringing Ernignints from and
rem i tt i ng m oney to England, Ireland, Scotland and
11:7 - Sums from five dollars to any amount remitted
with despatch. at the lowest rates of discount. yl3
A Bleautthil white for Loallea.
..TXTARELANTED not to injure, but on the contrary to
TV improve the texture of the Skin, and make it soft,
smooth, and give the Face, Neck, and Brow of Ladies, a,
prise, life - like whiteness. Such is the qualities of Jones;
Swinish Lilly White—but mind you get the genuine.—
Ask for Jones' Spanish Lilly White.
Sold by the Agent, Wm. Jackson, 89 Liberty Street,
Pittsburgh. Price 25 cis. aogady.
Are requested to reit% and learn the virtues of an arti
cle that will make them the most lovely and
Hwas discovered by an Italian Chemist, and it has the
moat astonishing power of rendering coarse, dark, yel
low or sallow skin, clear, white, soft, smooth, and is
perfectly innocent being composed of rare plants.
Together with every, kind of emotion, are cured by its
use, and at least thirty physicians in New York use it—
the genuine
1? YOUR TEETH are ever so dark, yellow, discol
ored and dirty, or your breath ever so foul and timid,
by purchasing h 2s China Box of JONES' ANDER
TOOTH PASTE, this I assure you, though you need not
take my word, but then you cannot doubt that of that
famous and scientific Dentist i — Dr, E. N. FIELD, of New
York, who says:
"I have both-used and unalised this beautiful and Un
palatable article, (Jones' Amber Tooth Paste) and can
recommend it as possessing all the qualities claimed for
Sold by the agent, Wm. Jackson, t 39 Liberty Street,
Pittsburgh. Price 25 eta aug3dy
lIIHE CROWNING ORNAMENT, it is to the scalp — a .
I. Guano is to the. Earth, In making); fruitful.
It is as certain in its Miaow as to-morrow or next year.
Now, reader s these respecmble citizens certify that
Jones's Coral Hair Restorative will have the following
effect without will force the hurnauffair to grow
on the head; it will stop it falling, cure scurf or dandruff;
and make red, gray, and light hair grow dark.
Mr. W. Tompkins, tel King .51. New York.
Mrs. Matilda Reeves, Myrtle A.venue, Brooklyn.
Mr. James Power, grocer, Fulton at. Brooklyn.
Mr. Thomas Jackson, Montour's Island, near Pitts.
bu irfe h ciry E.Culleu, barber on board the South America.
But the beautiful, the gloribus effect it has in dressing
and beautifying the hair, making it soil, dark, silky, and
keeping thrice as long as any other article made._
Besides it Is so economical and cheap, and the public
arc conscientiously and honestly assured that the above
exalts real and true qualities.
Be careful and get the genuine. Ask for Jones's Coral
Hair Restorative, and take no other,
Sold by the agent, WM. JACKSON, 89 Liberty Street,
Price 37{, 50 cts.. and one dollar.
- -
LAS, SALT RHEUM, tec., and it has the best effect in
curing any similar diseases. As a proof of its innocent
effect, it can be usedwith.the most perfect satety for
Chafes and Chaps' in info.'" making their skin smooth,
soft, healthy. Sce, but as a cosmeac,
Will find it has a Charming effect in making the skin
smooth, soft, white, and delicate, removing freckles,
vninkles, disfigurements, &c. In fact, Jones' Italian
Chemical Soap is the mostbcautiful, yet wonderful work
of science. _
°Sold by the agent, WM. JACKSON, sf si Liberty street
Pittsburgh. RuOdY •
rIORN BROOMS-100 dozen Corn Brooms just reed
and for sale by KING fc MOORIMAD,
oetl3 Diamond.
.:•,,.,: i , - , -
;.4:::',1..--.!,441"k14 ":
--t;•,?.:'' , .-.;"-.7 - .,- -- ;' ,- ..
.r: p . F~.
em oval.
E ; rrr:+ ~ -r:rr.•~
fi_ ..a.
a: - .-`
.7' L. ; :: t -
', lli V:::: ,, ,,c ,,, ,; , ,
..,,,,,,_ AND , :,,c6343,1
A. 'tie
111 81 VREiltr..-
, irky Goodin
-, A,F.soevera • . roomirsiiitable fc4L'Plideirl'Or'..drilius`
456—MeV litiblic Parlor,6diriiribly calculated for
- a Ladies' Serra. ant and Ice Cream Saloon. , From ite'
sizetelegantlinitih, and central location,beingln-theint
mediate neiglibdritood of the lashionable ;dry goads
storiei•and adletabag.Philo !fall, - this room-would afford'
rt Pdrmanent sitind -every- -way- detirablai mtd'in -the
handset A person qualified to conduct the. above basi
l:web in Eastern Myle, would supply a want`much feltby •
strengersnisiting , Pittsburgh, and ladies residing , in the •
vicinity of the city. To such an occupant it would se
cure a large, genteel and proatabla. custom: , The•epti.
Moe, end well !Weed basement of the -building will be
rentediwith the Saloon, with which it is convenientlyp
condected. For terms, which are mciderans, apply to •
soli .I-: E. D. GAZZAAL
ll:linished rind completely - ' farideted
- u-Naticetiitreeti-bidnvi goodinandlor
• - • -.
, For Rent.
g 7 . barge stitire on Market at., between ard and 4th
!Li LI Ns, welli-liniabed, , an bandsomely fitted up for
goods, being igood stand for that business.
once Std it . r.ter PbDo 110--Office hottra from 010:
12 , 4 AL jo.g.
FOR S '1 Wl* r . : : i st`
, imitable for a Factory or Brewery, situate on 4th
it near Smithfield street. It is on a lease of 7
Tear,. and sold low. There is also in the Build
trig a Steam Engine and Shafting, which will be sold
with the building, for separate.
Fonterms, applz to II B. RYAN & CO"
8 949 No. 27 Fifth street. Pittsburgh, Pa.
atah copy one month.)
For Sale, • •
twins...Me 64. e hone from Penn tnreet t irt Sap.;
:/lOve; on Hay mmediata_Tosseeslori-Will.
be give 4. Require of DAVID RITCHIE, Attorney qt
Law 4 LOffice on Fararth street, between Cherry alley and
Grant; street. ie2o:cla
Fe • T BOON—A new Brick Homo on
Vine streequear Fourth street Road; a good,
healthy location. I will rent 'vamp to a good
man. Apply to L 111'0U1BE, Tailor,
sePi.7 - Third street...
Loolttste.Glastses, Clocks tfa. 1300(10:
trim subscriber tias lust received Ms Fall usiormient
J. of CLOCKS sad FANCY GOODS, which, with a
large 'assortment of LOOKING -GLASSES ofhis own
manufacture, he Will offer at very reduced prices, for
cash. T. A. HILLIER,
104 Wood Street, near Fifth.
P. IL—Merchan supplied at lowest rates, and pack
ing carefully atte nd ed to. octl2
- -
ECEIVED daily from Dakiraoro,-FRE'SirSFEELL
octts:3 rDiamondaloy..
talus A.; tom... i •••••••• ••• .. .:4 - - , ••••••••-••• • • U. 'automata.
7111 E Undersigned have 'opined a NEW DRUG and
Row, corner of Peen and streets . , Pitlh Werd,
with au entire newt tool of. Drugs, Mediemes' Mid Per
fumery, where the are prepared to furnish all articles
kept in ; Drug an Family Medicine Store. Having a
good Boa,und being acquainted with the business from
a pmetieal experience of several years, they respect
fully solicit a share; of public patronage. -
N. R.—Physicians , prescriptions accurately com
pounded et all hours of the day and night.
ACKEBEI.,- - bbls., N 0.3, for sale by
C"'FIR-100 br(p prune Rio, for rule by
octlS swat te, SINCLAIR;
ITG BU'ITER-40 kegs and I bbL, for sale by
SEG4ftS.-4 csis4 - Cruz & Sons' Principes; 411,000 other
impotied Ci -of various brands; 20,(00 Half Sp,
Cigars; for sale y;, (octiSj SMITH & SINCLAIR.
SALgRATUS.-29 boxes prime , or gaiety -
00115 c SMITH & SINCLAIR. • ,
PIOZOFFEE—:NO bags prime Um Coffee for sato ty
RI 3B—Five tieraca 8 C. Rice,in store and for sale by
dcOs 4 -, J. 8. BONNET & CO.
'iNS AD boie l ll - .ltruitinilanding and (or
saJe by (Gaud] J. 5. BONNM & co.
CURRANTSO ;auks Zante Currants recd and for
sale by
_[oaddi ] . S. BON I'iETT & CO.
BUTTER—.I3 ke — VNo. 1 Batter for sale by '
oetta , J. S. BONNETT & CO.
EPlll.4 — PialitriNVßrillEtVlTOUß—Always
on head. :- CUMMINS & SMITH,
oetl3 ,- No. 3 Smithfield et_
BARRELS POTATOES—Read and for sate br
& SMITH. l -
A SMALL LOT - 11, - VE POUR—IIecM and for sale by
co/4%2-10,00i) Napoleonßem - alai;
Norma Wasiungtons •
3000 La-Anliquedad " Habana;"
4500 4800 Progiames;
1000 $I pallid;
1000 Leon-de-Ciro Regains;
1000 Eres'd Regalia";
500 Fdtnerald Tams;
In store and for able cheap by
0r..110 STUART & SILL, No.llB Wood at
VINE GOODS AND CHEAP.—Genthmen Who study
...0 'Hammy still itontinue to make their
J. hrGUIRE, Tailor,
e4orl tvarraniod. (oct10) Third street.
EN YS LEMONS-40 boxes Lemons just received
soil Ihr sale bps [omit] JOSHUA REIODES.c"
BAGS BRA7II. SUGAR—Just received and for
No. 6 Wood at.
00p 0 2 0 Z. b r y EPirt SAUCEr os .fgrc il e ll ivaittliTi
oew No. 6 Wood et.
5 kegs Tarnarsinds,• just rec'd and for sale by
oct9 • JOSHUA RHODES, No 6 Wood st.
1"./JOI) bags Tatsagom Almonds; 1135 t recd and for
sale by loet9J JOSHUA RHODES, No.B Wood st.
IS Verauteillal iast reed and for sale by
ICLES,Prei, Siiidiii — , Olive OilP,
&c., on babd and for sal e e l by
oct9 JOSHUA RHODES, No 8 Wood at.
OAIW Paper.
tJUlhoo ro w n imi 8 7"76WRAPPING ;
500 " able Crown" U . ' 7
500 " IBeditun Rag
s ° ° " *town 64
300 " tited'm Tea Blue and Nre. "
300 " Itlannilla Li 44
300 " *toe Paper, assorted colors;
50 groat Rolled B onnet Boards.
For Sale at redaeq prices, by S. C. HILL,
87 Weed street.
riIRUNK PAPE-Re-SMM pieces of the latest styles'of
Trank Paper jut received and for sale by
Gen I S. C. HILL, ISIo. 67 Wood street.
G Loyl6--30 do , r,, Ladies' Kid Gloves ;
100 ' - 61.1eecy and ebansy hued Berlin do.
received and for sale low by
115 Wood street.
'ACS-1060Arnerican,and German Almanacs
received and far sale low by
115 Wood street.
t OOLEN 000t)S-300 doz. Woolen Comforts;
50 " German Hoods; -
,:. 100 " Tartan Shawls.
Received and (or li
115 Wood street,
i 888 FOR Sile Bay Hone, au yea
old. Enquire fir
97 Wood atieet.
. _ .
$— _
100 doz _______
OUNTRY SOCE. country Socks, on con
k,sight:sent and foY sale by
97 Wood street.
INC lIAMS-5 cases French Ging ants, just opened
and for sale byi:
97 Wood street.
kLACKING-3 e :'.ks Mason's Challenge Blacking
Just received and for sale by
' 97 Wood street.
i6Att.4; Ci(ar
4,r-15,000Barnos 'move Cigani ,
• 11,000 Star do do
10,000 Stetunligat do do
• 8 000 Para do do
000Nepptttna Regalia do
12,000 La Palma do do
6,000 Wanda do
15,000 La Norma do
3,000 Washington Imp'l do
• 15,000 Havana . do
Just received aail for sale by
seplo .
eJ 1 ,u Nuunege;
1 hf. " Maser just received and fot sale by
sepia JOSHUA RHODES, No. 6 Wood et.
TOBACCO -44 Mixes of the most popular brands, on
baud and for salt by KING & MOORHE&D,
oct3 Diamond.
CHEF E-100bozos Croam Cheese, b do. Pine Apple,
on laid and for Ode by
S PIC4B-10 bags pimento ;
, 15 " Popper;
,8 tibiaQloves;
1 50 matte Clo3lsift •
2 bbls frpot Gi nger; just rec'd and for sale
by lue l3 ) r: KING & MOORHEAD.
C ANOL bores Ws and Ws;
50 Dipped" in store and tor
SOAPB-60boxes Rosin; •
,! , ,:Ao' " Variegated; .
P-.. 4' " Castile; vt store and (or sale , by
oet3 ,1 ;
LASS.-100 bone ^assorted brands and sizes,in *bard
ancuby sale by Annul) KING & MOORHEAD.
-1W kegn wawa Na ils , in
• toet3 KING & MOORHVAD..
Olt/kill:1B YEEL-41.5 ibs., Just received and for sale
by :, B. A. FAIMESTOCIi & CO,
sept 9 . -. Comer lst WO Wood olo.
RIII.4ARB ROOTe-200 Las., just rec.'d and forests, by
OCHEW-- 20 kblityellow,lust ree'd - atd Tor sale by
se ti 29 • 'k- B. A.: PAHNESTOCK & CO.
- - -
U kr BU PHU , --1300 ..a. ouch, Jun ran and
for talc by (sepp9] 8. - A. FAIINESTOCK & CO.
iZ`B 111. POT.IIIO--ealb ju t recd and for
sala by [sep29l B. A. FAB I NESTCK & CO.
;.fit, _ 4.l;..waia
:~. G
.µ ~.~-~
- •
t k :4v " 1 yC z t 4
_ .._
i,.'•,:: . : ; ,•, 1 2 -,, :.:• - ,.- , ;- , ' E'.'. - :?,':'!
:• , te:i: i: , :•"• , --:..;:.:. - i•, - .;'.!_ , .:i;,:r!', ,, s . : , .: ---- 1 - ..;,.•::. ,- :.: -
4 4'.- ., •4.:..:,• , c-- , ,'".';','.•'.c' , .•: . :.:?', 7 i:i .7.'Z!..!1,
~j,. sfis
siiikaitat at,
23anonand Exchange, Broken, Deakrs Pmekn and
-Donwrk.Bias,Billtqf .Ezehange, Certifitares'lf "al!
is,BanleN ,otes and Coin. ''
Corner of Third and Wood'ete., directly opprnidte t tflt:
Charlestitotel. t - - - may2El
.N. 1101.11111118 CZ BON,__ . : ~:
Banker; and, Amgen in EzrAangs Coin and Bank Notes
No. 55 Markerstrest,ls6 burgh. '" ,
New York ,* pr Cincinnati[
Philadelphia. * a Louisville
Baltimore i * " Bt. Louis
' Buying:kw
County do City ord'u i
Relief Notes ' - I
PennitylviniaCo.' - '
New York - ' 1
Maryland -' I
New Orleans
JAL 11.1t.00N. THO 9. 8.4.7108 NT, .
SOON , 4211.8.ILGENT:
B. Corner Wood arid "Sixth streeq" Piustdifet t Fa:
-TNEALERSto Cain i liank Noma, Time Bills, Foreign
2,,,,and Domestic Exchange ; - Certificates or DeP oB l4ace
EXCHANGE on all the pruiciPal.Citimi of-th e ' Union
and Europe, for sale in Mims to snit pttithasers.
CURRENT and par funds received deposite.„
COLLECTIONS made on altparta artho Union;at the
lowest rates, - ,
• J. H. O aaldag
B'DILL - BROKER, dealer in time - Notes, Drafts,. slseep.
toners, Ste., dtc. Office, (up stalial-Pio: 20 Wood
street Pittsbrgh. ; octlB -
- NAILLga & RIME - MON, Wholesale liroceny and Im-
AIL porters of Brandies, Wines and Segarsj N 05,172
and 174, corner of Liberty-and Irseiastreets,Pittsburgh,
JonaA.Cana,-faie of New Lisbon, O. .W. - S. SUMNER
CRAIG & SlLlTlNER,'Generafilgerieg, Commissior siand
PonoardingWerdiarifl, No. MS Market street, Pitts
burgh, Pa. Prompt attention given to the purchase and
solo of all kinds of produce
sepl2 •
Benjamin Brown,
A TTORNEN AT LAW, Washington Ody, A C., will
A 1 prosecute claims before the Departments and Con
gress. Dimness left with C. O. Loons,-Esq.; of Pitts
burgh, will reeeiveprompt attention. - sep4
DB- 0.11.-XSTSIM c.rencroretz..
EYSER & McDOWELL, (summons so Huns di
Aft: YErses,) 147tokanZe and Befall Dru-g and Preserfpfieri
Brom, corner of Wood street and Virgin alley. Pnysi
clans prescriptions carefully compounded night and
- ae.l2:lf
tILEANSiNGLAQUIL.t, for removing Point and Grease
C Spots from Clothing, Carpets, tse. • Also, for remov,
ing Dandruff from the Hair. For sale by .
°eta --.. KEYSER &RUDD
ROSE HAIR OIL, finely perthined, kind tench better
tluut the. Usual heir oils. For sale by .
PURE ESSENCE OF GINGER, pat up in half pint
bottles. For sale by
iiv rtriDow GLASS—MS boxes Bxlo Glass;
275 " 10x12 "
50 " 9xt2
105 10x14
85 " 7x
10 " 1/xl4 "
25 " 10x15
20 " 10x10' "• '
Of Smith & Herron' manufacture, which we will war
rant equal to city brands. For sale at the lowest market
All Milani for larger size Glass and for Sheet Glass, left
with the subscribers; shall have prompt attention.
• • is Water at., Agents for Smith'tc Herons.
WROUGHT `SPIKES.-.- 200 kegs improve . Wrought
Spikes, various sizes. for safe low by
calf; 2B Water street.
QCMICIIINGS—SO casks, prime quality for sale by
'octB /MEV, MA VS* Ca,
SODA ASH-24 casks kluspmus &Sone; • •
" Steel & Sons; over 60 114 test;
for sale by (octS) HUEY, MATTHEWS & CO.
CrgUGAR-100 bitds., prime, per steamer Planter )
for sale by (oed') REMY, MATTHEWS& CO.
Pirp METAL-400 tons cold b
PIG LEAD-350 pigs Lead, to arrive; for sale by -
(we'd • RHEA', MATTHEWS & CO..
WHITE MUSTARD SF 0-100 buslielain storeand
for sale by • RHODE'S ALCOI
oeP No. 30 Firth street.
'MARLEY-1000 bushels of good Batley urAlknwo by
.11 • oct2 RHODES & ALCORN;2O Fifth at
OPICIM OF ALL KINDS, ground and unpround, for
sep2l • 30 Fifth street.
TOOLEN COMFORTS—An assortment of Ltdlee,
Gentlemen's and Children's Woolen Comforts,jnst
received by McCANDLESS & CAMPBELL, ,
octs 9: Wood street.,.;
LARD-30 kegs No. 1 Lard !net ree'd; in store and for
Bale by., S. W. HARBAUGH,
oet3 53 Water and 04 Front street.
MIOSIN SOAP-100 boxes No 1 Rosin Soap,in stare and f or sale by l'ocal S. &W. HAELBAUGH:
_ .
LOUR -7I bbls. Extra Family 'lcier, ree'd , and for
kale by feepXsl S. & W. HA REAUGH.
MCICEREL-:410 bbla. No. 3 MI s& hispecricr, for
sale by (sep27] SMITH ZSSINCLAIR.
UOAR--45 Nada. N. 0. Sugar for sale by
Neu.*---Itoo kega, - assorted sizes for wile by
eeP2 7
LOAF SUGAR-50 barrels, .assorted numbers, for
sale by - fsep2il SMITH & 'SINCLAIR. •
/11013ACCO—t15 - boxesituelcer's ;Fs; , •
15 " Ryland & layers' s's; . .
Stases Myers' superior; with a variety ,
of other brands. Ear sale by
separr . - stain &
SHINGLES -40 M. Shingles on consignment and for
sale by MILLEft td HIONSIsON,
sep2s 1.72 and 174 Liberty st..
.' 10014bds.yrime N. 0. Biwa,
300 bbla. N..o.lllolazies ,• in afore and' or sale by
P 25 ..7, Nas. 172 and'l74 Melly afloat.:
I • COI4 4 ' ICU bags 'o Coffee;
30 Java, . in store and fir
31114Eft & ItIORM'ON,
17 and 174 Libeny IL
Quq&a, HOUSE NOLAtOSE..9--EV bbls.'Stjtunes
gar Bongo Aloyteses; in store 'and Ter ealeby
sep2s - - 172-and 174 Liberty st..
1 E-1.0 emus* , cm, just ree ye. Jut. Corselet br.
sep2s Ll: . ; WIZ k.
' •
19 eaaea'Nos. 1,2 and 3 Praz.&Sone Prineipe Cigars
. .
10 M." Uguen" Regalia
5 M." La Esmaraida" Regalia
11 M. Eagle
In !store and for isalts by MILLER &' RICKETSON,
4 e02 5 172 and 174 Liberty - at.
tANTED --A limited amount of Allegheny, city and
, County SCRIP, for which the highest rate. will be
allowed In i' aura's. J. H. CASIDAY,.
sent]. Bill Broker, WI NV.oodet,
OTS FOR , SALE IN HEINVILLA, (Nunnarsorffati
1.4 AUeghany.}.—Several small Lonr;and.pue 'of Three
tree—all of which will be sold Cheap. and on time.
seal THOMPSON BELL, Mechanics' Bank
rigsubscriber has on band, consigned direct from
a mannftteturers, as follows;
2 tallos GroTblized Blankets;
ase " " Beaver Cloth'
4 easesA', .‘ Blanket Coating;
1 case cases_
Tweeds' -; -
, .
• Gold Mix .
1 bale Drakrilanket. Coniing;— '
2 casco Family. Bed Blankets, (white ' ) ribbon !tonna
1 Case Steam Boat Blankets.
All atmanufnatureetgrices.Tcrmseas
NO; 100 Liberty Street'
Tr LEE rue itszamnro OtTics to the first floor of
JUL. WarehouseNo.-100.Libertp street, corner Cecil's
WOOL SACKS—On hand and for sale by
aep2l., . H. LEE.
90L—The hipitst price in cash paid for Wool, by
geP 2 t H. LEE, Liberty st.
COUNTRY SEAT - FOR SALE—A decidable location
, far a country residence. THOMPSON BELL,
• auz , ...?, - . - Wreebanics' Bank. .
pki STREET PROPERTY-3(lfeet on Penn, jut
below St. Clair street—will be sold cheap.
nark-3 At Mecbrtnier t , Bank%
S HINGLES—A lot of tannins for sale; :enqtare of
sopa 'tea, between Wood and Market streets.
G RAIN -75 bushel. prime W ern
130 " Oats; just received and for
.N 0.17 Liberty street.
~..,.,:. •
:-...1-.••-:1'.',/,.:-.5',::,.-?:•r•-•=•',i... ' ,,,•Fk : , :• ,-, :: - ' ..- •:f‘- . ,',: - •=•-!:,..:5-,:,.., :• ; - ' ,:.!
-,..':'•;-:',,:',:i,:!•,:;:);!.",:4-;:,i,•.'.-..;,:A,:. -i.,::::;4:..;,;'•••.:,-•'.',:r;;,.:.-,-.4,..
1',...!ii-::1•-•;:-.ri.:'1--'::: . ;,:1.1' • '::::' i:: . ;i -f- : .4 .'.. , •.i.Fil':',. - -; • ; •-.' ;',.. ••
'-".f.';;::'-iL•-....1.!---;%.4.,.:' . 1 ; -.--f t... : ::::•:! . . - :: . .. , ,T..; . - .:',-1 . " ;. S,,:;:',..- • , : .
r e
, ." ''.2.:.::'-'-':•:,, ~';
J.: !::, i' •z... , . ! : : ,, v . - - .i . f'7,: . '-: - i• - • , ,,,- -- ,'•::.;;:,7,,,,: ' ,,.." 1: L :
..... - .... . . . - ~.
. . . .. .... , -
Doniestieanit IforergiV.Exchatigi,,Bank IVoter, -, AF
aold and SUveri,BasidikSaidand Xzehtg 4 6*. '
ir.xortiNai Aso. NKiNG-,iiousz'
- &‘..git).;r .
64- Wood i Street, •
mr. I'M - ZEST ALLOWED - Olt 11112 DEPO9tr9:-
• Mtchainies Bank: '
ntrumnin,ioncen ABOVE 201.1ESET
gnus BANK 1.8 now prepared to do balances. Open
j from DA. M. to 3..p.ra,
Interest paidon'SpeciaLEteposita
....THOMPSON-,BEILL - Cdsider
. .
N. ES coiner of TMrd•aad:-Wood=streets: -
lt-HT andl'ime "Billwof Exchruige, Bank Notes an
la foreign and riontestio. Coin bought:anti sold on in
most favorable - • -
Collar 4onsmade.inaUtheprineipaleiries ofthe Union
at the lot Sit tate& - -jel2
Ohio Buying' rater' ' ;
Indiarut . , I
.4 "
Kentucky I "
Wheeling • I
Tennessee, ' 3 -"
=l9- •
Iron, Nails, Cotton Yarns, ece., constantly on hand.
augl.4y •
t, charcoal, forsale by
_OW eet Extra Safety ses'for
23 Water street
ANTED-4000 bushels heavy Potato Oats, by
oct2 RHODES & ALCORN, 30 Flfth st
T N YARN--3000 Ibs., o. 6to 10, for sale by
ERSE-40 boxes Cream Chteae • •
60 " •Common .-" in more .and for
172 and 17.4 Liberty at.
American Woollen Goods.
-;!l';'..;' - ',!::' , ,L - .i'
~- _ N
1. `"
••••-;-. • • -•
os - .Diamond Alley , ran bei!entamlted in all:
fi cases ofa primus orpiiecterneeriine.ideute r.
. to the
_human (none..
and its corisognottees,:togethar:eith all
. „
• treaser i imparitieeofthe blood o withell diseases ol• - I
araercolorigin,skin diaeasesovithstricnnes4lentoartihrt.
Theamatisulifentale. weaktieral diseases 'of:the
monthly suppreisiorti;4lse rises •Of..the
.irdnuf, kings
anoi nervous atlections&aina iliac 'back cad loins,
- tations orthe•neak • of the budder and kidneYs;scorbutict
eruptions; tetter;: Mercurial diseases,
: • FOURTLEN , YEA.II,9'. PRACTICE' ' - • -
Eiclasivelydevirted to the Andy tindtrcatment of itue--
real disorders,: and :Maas Mitring -tram yonthfdereessen •
laietYr climate, or. brapuritiee of the blood s *lremby thrt•-•':
*Mattawan MaY4tive•beettetta eb led,enables.Dr-Broivn ,
: tooled assurances or ineedyreiief to all whcitney • •
themselves underAis care.. • .• "••••*" • '•'• '•'• •
I * . .Dt• Brawn's :offices are dotiVenientiyartiurged into ger; -:.•-
arate apartments. Patiennteen visit Dr. - B. withcmt feu;
af ekpostire te;otheruisltarri: • ' lt • • •-•
is of ini gonanteto . martyperitaintinaiedefmedicai :•-•
aid, to obtain goad suleicepmmtely.ind proMptly:: To ell.: •• •
such, Dr. BrowiPs ready - skill. in.removing venereal dfs• ' • •
saucy intheir various forms and. taages,otteiaindacements • - •
orhien can rarely beequalled: , Strangers are hereby •
!prised that Dr. BrOwn- has been regularly educated In
livery branch of Medicine ; and for the last twelve years
waned - hiMself exclusively to the treatment :at those . . .
. .
Dr. Brown's the only regularly educated surgeon In ..
Tittsbargh who 'gives hit •wholuettention to those corn 7
plaints. .• • • ..• . • •
.....- . lD"Certain,safeami tmeedluttrea will, in all eases; be
.`"l.lecentcaseiriirsiriguitie:die:aikhatime,atititoat tater:: , .•
ruPtioti • • • "• 1
Ur — Hernia or Bujetese&;Dr;:lirowli. else Invites per, ,
eons • 'filleted withseyialocall,asbebaapacdpertica-. •
lad attention to thatdiseireel,„--•-•.- • • ••. • • • •
• Letters from a distance,anictill advice, tunal contain: si"
•fee, or they will not be ettefidedio... •• . ' • • • .
ijagr•OtEce on Diamond' lley, a few do* fratitsvood. -,'.•
street, towards the market. Consultations tl yconD
stnriria axtv
DRUMATIPAL—Dr. Brown's newly rdlseoveed sem
JUllo ody for Itheamstiesi Is %speedy aadeerfala remedy
, foe that paidild trouble.; It never fa ls. - :
...:Oikee and Private Cozunsdadon Rooms No. 65, Dia
.montPalloy,Pittaldugh, Pa. The Doctor is always at.
licy , a aLagloal• Pain AUXS.raClor...
-[14:0 THE PUBLIC.—This is to certify dust I have found
%Dalky's Magical Pain-Extractor to prove a cure fo
t !
the Chronic Rheumatism, which / have been atflieled
with for ten years, in my- Ilia joint& . • • "
Acquackanock, N. Y, April 8;1348. _ ,
Ha. H. Dataxv—gir: I have - been troubled with the
Piles for eight months, and - maid get no relief.: - Year .
Magical Tarn , Extractor having - been recommended ,tc
tne, I applied it but twice; obtained Instant rellef,and is
a short time was, perfectly cured!. :Could-I:not get any —
Moie of it, I would , not take a - hundred :dollars forth
• balance of my box.- .• • ~.f:svuaszan e,
97 North Moore str e et, Netv - Torkature 19,1847'.•
•—• CAUTION,--Dal/ey'x mly.Depot Dithcs rug qf Noe .
York, and where : mutts& Orriero CM- be obtained 4.
wholesale and retail, is at SO Illioadtvay.. „
, •1G Drams la the inventor of MI. Mail tattle Coral,
• pod, and be never Itas and netw.ww coPiannieste the- •
secret of tie preparation -to ACT ilving;, and, there. , -
fore, no other person ever has made, 01,171 re rem' make,
gram of it-himself. • . ;-• • •- •
Counterfeits abound! - .Every. truly valuable articia"4" -r•
subject to be depredated upon by counterfeilaii and
;tasters; am:lambdas, that we know of, luut more
'lively experienced that fact than Magic arrain
ACTEsrThe genuine ; in cases -- cif the severest
,Scalds,Piles, w ill" afford instans retie/ and -
produce atone acoolingand Soothingeffect--eXtructfog
pain in and from oat to 'fifteen minis! but be adze,
ways, apply icon linen-never on cotton eloth.7 . - •
krul now mark the derrenert-70ormterfettExtnictors,
no matter under what name theymay appeaTior4qw sp.
plied, always irritate and inmate thepatts: • -
Pamphlets, containkg certificates of curee,may be had"--r
gratis, on application to JOHN D. IdOIbOAN, , ,"-
Daflees Yininial Galvanic
Poi Hoiaby p'attlo, &c, cruet; spavin, Cuittor, greue,
poll.eores, gotta and bruises. Pamphlets containink
ceras of re epentabte parties; may. be had on imph.
eatiatita . ' JOHN D.' hIORGANi ...-
- 00/thaa7 Agent. Piusbutglr,.,
144 Wood street:
• . APALltatesto AllidideatiStag,Mlntsment: . .
c,QNTAINING,IVO MERCURY_ F orisibir IdineraL It
- has the power to caulks:all EXTERNAL SOARS;
scaornovs ikriarcas,4lLTl V .1118.E1BRS;
SONO US WOUNDS to discharga their...putrid Matters,
nnd'tben heals them .-...:
Ids rightly termed ALL-HEALING, forlbere Is scilicet',
ly at disease external or internal, that it:will not benefit:
1 beim used it for the last sixte,en years. for all distaste ,
of the chest, involving ; tbkutmost danger and - mom&
bdity, and I declans before heaven and matt, that not in . '' •
one ease has it failed to benefit, when the patient
the reach of mortal means. • •
I have hoid phyisiaiaiss learned in the professiOn4
have ministers of the gospel, judges' of the bench, older
men, lawyers, gentlemen of Me highest erudition ;: an&
mulfitudes of the poor use it ill every variety of way, and
there has been but one voic6—ene - rinivertial voice, says_ •
RREOMATISM.—It removes alamst immediately the ,
inflammation and swellingg, when the pain ceases. (Read -••• : • ;
the directions around the - box.l • •.-
HE&IXACHE --The salve ha s Mired persons of the • .
bead-ache Of twerVe years standing, pad who'had it reg..
alai every week so that vomiting took plaee. Earsdar . .
Thoth - -ic4ei and APIs in she' Face,:ife lielpe4 with like' -
SCALD DEAD: —.We hnve, aimed Mutes Shat - ectua4
defied every thing lutown,eivreats the ability - offifteen •
twenty doctors. One man'ioldMs. he had spent $3OO
on his eltildren without any beliells;ioeti.a - Tewboretrot
Olimment cured them.
. .
• '• TELTER—There is, nothing, better for the cure of
• B BURNS.—It is one of the best things in the world foi, _ -
pmEs.:..L.Thpasenas eie.:yearly,oored,bi;uthis•Oint
tuit It mama fade-in givuigvelief.fOr tie es.
• P. Around the box are directions for.using AVAlliste.Vi. • •
Ointment for &nada, Liver•ComplaintLE4SliFelaa,
Tatter, Chilblain, Scald Bead, Sore.Eyes,Ainingy, Sore-,
Throat, Bronchitis. Nervous Afections PALOS, Duiesike, .
of Um Spine, Hend.ache 'Asthma, Deafness, Ear-Ache,
Barns Corns, all Diseases of the Skin ,-Sore LiPs,Diml- •
plesoic.; Sores, Rheumatism , Piles, Croup, BsreUed or
Broken Breast, Tooth-ache Agne in the Pace, &e., •:._
If .110THEBS and Nußsles knew its value is easel:. -.
of ;Swelled or SON Breen., they would always apply it..-- • •
in such cases, if used freely, and according to the direc
tions around each box, it gives relief in afwyfew lams.
CO.RNS;-.ocenaional use of the Oiutmentwill alway a
keep Corns front growing. People need never tie trou
bled with them, if they use it frequently,.
This Ointment isgood for any part of the bodyArlimba
when inflamed. In some cases it should be adplied often.
CAUTION. —.No Ointment will be genuine unless the
name of JAMES AIcALLISTER is written with a pen
on every label
For sale by my Agents in nll the principal cities and
towns in the United Renee. •
• Sole Proprietor of th e above medicine.
Principal Office ,No. iS North Third st,Philadelphia.. ,
PRICE' 25 CENTS PER BOX.- - • . •
Sold at Wholesale and Retail in PittstrurghbylliAUN
& REJTER, copier Liberty_ ands St: Clair. 'greets; - •
WILCOX, Jr., comer of Market street and the Diamond;
_corner of Fourth and Smithfield -greets;
JACkSON, N. Eft Liberty street ' and'at the Boot Store •
in Smithfield et.,Thind door from Second Street; and •
Allegheny. by /I_, ,P. Schwartz and J. Sargent 3 and by A ' •
C. Smith, 13irmingliam t• 0, Nngley„ - East Liberty . ; ,
Rowland, McKeesport and Elizabeth; J: Alexander •& .
Son, biononpahila City; N.B. BoVviztan de.
villa; J. T. Rogers, Budge_port - Jehn Barclay, Beaver; • •
Jamas Duncan, Fallston; D. Wiltson'tc-Co.; New Castle
and S. P. Weaver, Freeport.. _ =Wit:deed/my •
eltilblt;Sk; HAM ttithlUd—As • tantemeas .anicto tor •
growth, beauty; Ind resunntion - br the-Hair. This
Cream, when once known, will roopercede all otherartl-_
ales of the kind .riaitt - in use.- Where the hair is dead;
harsh) thin) unbealthY,&or ,turninggrey, a few - -
lions will make the !Air aotl and dark, and Kiva. it a bean,.
appearance;tifpl i lively and Will
• alsit maim it maintain-, •
its liveliness .aud healthy colot, twice a, long us all the' _ ;'
- preparations that are generally med.: - - Moro the hair is
thin, or has fallen, oIT it, restored by.using the
Cirtup.- Every lady and, gentleman' who is in the. habit
using oils on their at Oncepurchase &bottle/WC
the Chinese.HairCrtont,nailiseacomposedthatitwill ,
not inure the•hair,lika the otherpreparations, but Wilr
beautify it, ,tuid , givo..pelfect isatuifactiokbk-AWWT,
For, bestint:oily to Its veryanperioi gaolitles , ta 6t6e fol
letter Gym Aka Bev.. Mr. Caldwell.
Bendershott tr, Stretch; Nashfille, geueralaiptistikftwthe -
Southern States:, . ' , • ' - •
Letter gfthaitett:4: - C.itiateell'.P.trterbfthiPrOi 'tinier&
• : • - Mauch, 'lUkuhf.., . • -
Mtetsus.'nwroilinoyr k Bastacst Uggrnntans... t.• It th e
p.catroro in addingvny,testimony In favor of the excellent • -
prep:air:ion callet .&...Pariski China. Hair Crean; for,
about two„years.egii ray hairWaaverydly, bristly, and ,
disposed to come out; bat !owing procured a bottle of the .
Cream, and used it according: to the prase:intim:.
elaztic , 3 ' soft, and firm :to the head.- Many b stnd
oils were applied, each leaving my hair in a worse state •
than before. This Cream, however, has met royal:pea:,
As an articlaforthe toilet , my wtfa gives it:prefer - cite - a"
over all others, being delicately perfumed and not dl3-
posed to rancidity. ..The ladies, eapeoially, will Erni the
Chinese Cream to be &desideratum in their Preltaraticalli
for the toilet. • --- Requoctfully, do. - • -
rt. bel.;nwELL:
Pulaski, January 7,1847. _
ErsSold Wholes:4e. and -Moil, in. Pittsburgh, by John ~ •
ZilTownsend, 4S/dm:kat:ly anti Joel Mohler,comer
Wood and Fifihsto . ItolfedtkllNlV •
• Wall Paper WaialiouseA . , •
ESPEZITFULLY announces to his friends and cas
tomors,, that he has had at no past period so exten , .
. eve a Stock as he line at preactit. - lie can Offer to por•
clamors, ,on otry _moderate terms , tlur otliertabhshrl:.
'ramd On lfirrket steed, almost every 'wilder - in hie line
• including coantinplooni:ltedcbaaktgeridiaing•timin t par
lot and Paper.., Wi th llordenr;landecapeN:
board Printa, - Paper .041'Tratisparent" Window "%idea, • :J . 1 -
Bonnet and M inders . Donate; I Yrithis, - -Wrapping, and' =
Tea Papor ; be to °bondman supplied, and veckneats''''
merchants and honeekeeperapieall and emunine
Rap- and Tanners' Scraps taken in'trado,.at the WO:
cal price: mar 1,3-rl&alra
AIIEAIII, Azitz' • • •
EXTRACT OF - - • •
REPABED and - sold by , /NO. I'OCNO.SON,
PtabeztV street.''This .powerfully concentrated '
peratiOnt.thernedical virtues of which are. foand•to be •••
eight timeathe, strength of the" original American 011:' •••
It is put'up in bottles at 25 and 271. cents; each, with Rl!' -"-"'
directions for its uee. .In every disease where the origi• ' -7 •-•
nal..Anterican Oil has beep found:at all efficatioaa, and
it so far exceeds the original td pottfer. as to render tithe
try it. ' JOHN'YOUNGSON. - ' •
N. B. The original 011. in its
,natural 'slate: WI :tajtea'`
from thebowele of the•earth; . ean be bad•as above-rand . ' • •
wilt be found genuine. not withstanding a certain •• Brea' • --••":
damns to be the Daly Proprietent; • -
, •
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