The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, September 07, 1849, Image 4

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01r.drocirral 9 c chafilleViaAniat...utlre,
SYllii r rOldnasiktr- , Tidasdeflallart , 4 oo ..M'
Menees with watery discharget,Mam thelowels,W
u whittiWyellitir/oLlMlSlTASagriCrini r .YrkitOpef
standing a short time: These remixed aeseiibe wee
water evaenatioplwOr°' 411.4=Var":11
these evadulktM•hs,ifert laririoa sa , Watt
icing is usually accomptatied - atilltffte.blallaaain,T4 a 2
pain in tlie stomach and bovg 101 gne w a.
are imenglithe tongupa so zgauxoo, - 0.1 1 1„, 7
ly sligtitly - edated; - tWeiqembeeclard*•.Yr ody e r et i . "
cramps and spasms of 1-11b..aradOPIF:74ultritiannii
eral and &fad! eyraprhata."Vtal. 4 fit d '
a purple. ha e ; The liaise bent:ands week - ail etquent
in the collapse stage entirely, los Itradth.
mg labored and buried. . - "laaPr , UPPtina"sttiluY 4 qs 4 '
reed eaetrotheetlrtherotder Mama.'
hitDOWELLS C HOLERA - hinalatE: - - •
This mature is prepared , franc thei pretetiptionsof: the;
late Dr. A. N. 111. 1 Dovrell, : a Pittsburgh: Ara,hitc.exten
n, ve practicei.he bad used rtwith compleumetessin
epiaemre o f ina3 and the-present 11411110. M. idietapibettj,
men hove given it to many panseagept who,ltairplbognl
attacked with the dLseasettepreseutiseasogoutd,smicact ,
ry ease effected a speedy cure—after they.haiiblagnAK
nuanced incurable by pbysieinne. on board: ,PraParea, -
..olely by the pidpriatqr.... VlORN,ltriirg. int,
ret.m , lailtaalge4CPlitaillerill: Pa.
- llellsr.Kor,4Brompokir2i?
the'mostapproved , Eaglisb pauernsaprokotied,aa
recotamentkd by Thomas Baktfwell, Esq., nii.4.a..44400, , ,
of eminent Phyittlop-Beipmippropisironlentrnr•
los for,thopm**lol-9(1v04:41M.-b6rdietAk al!
cis, in ease or damps Chobtli:,.. u s s.
gabteCt.tosuddso attacks, no-conkily-shciuld
at least arilboitt one, For.oMelit„
jes ..
nist strect,.b.ciatien Wood and MOrke - f sof:
EW BOOKS--Man Priereval,tryiMarris.
Layard's - Nirtevah and its Remains.
The Clergy of America:
The Czar, his CotirtandlF.eoPie•
Womenof the Boy°Lotion. •
irving's Works; new edition.
Life and Corresponeetice of John Foster.
Holmes' Poems. •
De Foe's Works complete; 20 vols.
SSOVi r ti - Mirorria, complete; 2vols. _ _
Meld ng audLilintolletiuopplete.,
rosTerk Amer - tow g Mick yds:
For sale by. IiOSIVORTH - kiCO4".,
117--CiergYmen asa-atreligete azejavited.lo eillaither
Book Store of li B , Bosworth tk Bci;On Fotitat •oEteiti;,,
near Market, wheici
rare and vajuable rorkt. . :,• :,"*.".'” •
_Deaztracb . alas lioata.;: , . ,
IT is a notorious fact that of all evils" none era, heft in,
such abhorrence asthose ofßals,,Mice,-Rtmehel .
Bedatigs,' and have'thein ‘eiterminated'ibt 3110 , Mlaa
and desire of all. A preparation has heen.discoy.ered
by which those who wish, may become rid of this isiri4:
whichisfeatsmore.or less every hoase_in this city,
This - preparmionThas.nowbeen in, use in Germ` any
about seven yeasan,.(and in the_tinitpd.Bititheftit(the
tivej and - by every one who , has a.. trtal,4Cettt
pronmanced th e best remedy they have ever used
te r minating Rats, Mice, Bed-Bugs, Roaches, ihe. -
The articleacomposing this composition are to theett7'.
selves very innocent, and contain not a particle Ofptiff . ,
son ; but when combed, creates a gas . which explodes
the stomach, and eriniesiehily'aestroya lire in . . a few
houre- 7 as soorilia Mins 'OCM:et thibinonlatitnaitiaStieres
Leconte neutralized,', and' ill Greet'nothibuthereatteril
se that Mete can be no 'danger - i' itk r
utie, linder;a4 ctb 1
etunstatices. This is no hanging •.:_'.Vrevvillsartirrattlitte..l
rid houses •of 1111 the Rats, Miceigtinclicit;a4 that. lit ,
tests them:' Should it not dia as we say, the
be refunded. e 41100417:
jets •N. W. earaerof and refry ate.;
N SUCCESSFUL OPERATlONitilatiUfailitrod .
era , Wood Type and Uaieed Sign lienaraFty !kW .
chinery, The 'machinery ht-adiniratilf-aaitedilos:All
carving Warposes, for which a pattern-can-be made from
the finest engraving to heavy cornice, Should the In-
ventor, Isaac Aferrit Singer, obtain.a_patent far &hal&
vendee or any improvement thereon, the said patent in
secured by-deed to the stibscribeh for the termof seven
years in the whole Coiled Stales, and for ever in AlliS
gbeity Ca, Pit_
Or, a PARTNER *ANTED, capable of managing the,
above business ' and wilting to take an Mister of ad
least one-fourth In the "capital stock. FFkor •partionlase,
apply (post paid) to SCHOLY & RYAN - 2,
Ouubordhi Yq. ~
a' From the foregoing Notice of r fit'Sttifidele; W 0
find that the Patent has- issued, and for_proor of 'nat
e taint, : aee records of.oar deed in Patent °Mee, at• Wash.
tughany'D. C. (led) SCHOLY & RYAN. ,2
IktS. DUFF nem receittly,raceived, late* designs
of Dresses, Cardinals; and e've'r y article 'libertine
of Ousineea, and is Preparedltrelictue all'orders intim
sbonptnuUce. ,Mereitards ordering Cardinals or Visites
made rosy rely upon obtaining work iu every respect
ended' to that obtained from the mum Headt Dresses,
Dress Cap?, Capes, .criltarsi Laces, Ribbons, Flowers,
Fringes, tlimph, Ladies' lidkfet, ece., always on band at
jehynits. DUFF'S, 10 SL Clair at,
MAN of Piciabargr4,-who had fallen into ,
XL an. open cellar after the , Great Pim" sprained{
Ins !mete se severely that'he-was unable to refrain from
crying mit with the pain. A friend who had been using
A....Pahnestoch si Co's Renbafinient Cur been cured
of Rheurnatism,.gave him what inniairMd in itiplinule;
and although his jinni was greatl y swollen, he
i cra% com
pletely restored to health n 'twelve hoiire undlitidt: cOl4
pain. This is but one of a great nuniberof easertirillOW
have come under the observation of Me proprietors:—
Prepared and sold by FAEINBSTOCKA:PQ:7
corner tut and Wood ate ; also, cor. 601 and Wood *t,.,
City Drug Store for Male. •
T if E stock and fixtures of a wholesale and retail =
r io
I Store, having° well selected stock, and doing
tdain'ests, ni us a good location, and at a briale, 9 ,two
years from mat The above will by sold at dtir.
galls. The owner having other engagements cannoi gi
it his personal auention.
S. CUTHBERT, General Agent,`
Smithfield at.,
',iff R. D. has his new Class Rooms now thOroProff
174 paired and fitted up. Ladies will find his nea - sy3- -
tam Entry Book-keeping an agreeable- study,
and a saleable acquirement. - Gentlemen going - through..
his entire course of training on Double Entry Mar.-
keep4s will not only be qualified to take eharge , of..
Hooka upon any System in use, but.they will finittheat-:
seltes'master of all those intricate operations connected
with'ltrtnership settlements, of,which so many,pracii, of acknowledged ability, are yruocoot.
heveral or the most extensive firms the city hare . yg-,i
cently. procured Book-keepers from This Instimtlon.- ,,,
Merchants and Steamboat proprietors ban always team
of Buortiepers thoroughly qualifiedfor their profession;
to othecsare eeerrecommended. flouts : to to 12,2t0 .
4, unit Ito io. marl
Notice. •
M V old customers, Strangers visiting the city, and'.
others wishing to provide themselves with a hand
some Dit.ESS COAT. PANTS, VEST; or any . °Wirt
in the line. eon do so, by leaving their ortlets with'
apa• Third street, St. Charles. Hu ildiug.
I..X.EADLEY'S NEW WORK—The' Adironbaek, or
I.[ Life An the Woods, by J. T. Headley, batboy of
%Vtishingion and his Generals; he.
Life and Writings of De - Wirt - Climoniby
Campbell, aulliorof Border _Warfare, Just_reeeiy,
me cor. 3d and Market sta.
. . - . .
ItENT,„—A aomtnixhotis and vrell fintslielnlera.
tam!, in the village of.Stioneetown,turnish in
modem style, with good 'Stabling attached. 'llia he-
leaseilfor a term of years Address • - . ail
jentg , 4 :-.. P. 8401LISFORgiase - tovin, - 1
. . .
Hor Chlnitakest—
nA:sEs of abcii•e trocidif, 3:4,4-4.4tud 9:8 wide, fancy
V and doable Parblejor sate- - •,• • • •P
, ELAI •
IDUBLIC ATTENTION is solicited' to tui
L article of RAILING, made of wrought iron barb,
and eibli annealed rode, or wire, and expresslrdesignett,
for enclosing Cottages Cemeteries, Balconies Public
Grounds, B : c., at pnces varying from tsoe ents to Balconies,
running foot. It is made in
wrought iropi?nist it Itufeli square?,
at intervening distances of 6-to 10 eet: 'lf desired, the
pannehican bo mane of tiny hinght, in continuum spans
of 56 Aq - 06 feet, %ilia or
. votthootlTar . G: "NO extra Charge:
for posts" • -
The comparative lightness, greapitrengdi an durabil
ity of the. NYIRE BAILING, the beauty of its varied or- t
namental designs., together with the,exi*titilar,loWVltce,
at which it Witold, are causing it to supersede 'diePast,
Iron [tailing, wherever their comparative- roo - riui hive
ocen•testertiL , For farther panicalarst address . • .....
Agerna for.Eatentemit.h..,
turg7:3m) Diamond alley , near erolittkideriir4trburr ,
• •
. &SAWOutlery,_Elastilleryr&c.. ;
TM -WALK&R,./mpover and,Deatel ro.rgetfPuf
Dona* , hardware, feWpeettallj•:iirtitodtief:s to till
friends Atut,ihe public generally,littiatofddinClidetra ,
tug 13:1011:04 st ppJy'of Hardwartti•Ontleryi , Saddleg, ,
ko. t titidis iitandiro. Bs Wood street, which disr
pose of igt-the most reasonable terms.
Hit;;Fttl doitiltitistlp-bdreceiving. fresh:Alen. ttireet
frontAtetilittufstotarers in Europe and s country','
which will eriOrflailac.ompete with-any .bouso,-East
Sr wen ., „, _ A
He particularly invites the attention , of customers to . ,
tue excellgatvisattraertEtof-Triblit arid apring , Cutlery,
ke pop ., c wh ier l ouL elile ut :o rge r r t ini me, al t e . n . a.h leytialternyand from the most
111.4 Modk of Carpentees Toole,islargoiood of
lent quality: . ;
Of general Hardware stock, tie inta - every vqrlety . of
Western'iderchards. and dealers, generally, are , In ,- nail and examine his stock. maeoGla
• raperlia.ssajlis oh.
AM now racetviag dirges irom the manufautuiers
NeW Yoik, Philadelphia and Baltimore, a large and
well selected: assortment or all the latest and most ina ,
proved or Satin, Glazed and common PAPER.
HANGINGS, consisting of
-1.0,000 pieces of ,Parlor and Fresco;
10,000 a 'Hall and Coiainn ;
20,000, Bining-room, chamber and office Paper
Which Timid particuiarly in vite the attention of those
having. Houses to.. Paper, to call and exarnine, at the
Paper Warettottatilf ' ,S.
i11 4113 G . . ood
Flue Shirtil I
rDWARD TODD & CO., fltartrAcrilmits OF Pima
Liam A.ZID FANCY SHIJITS, WM` received from their
mtory, Ettsyz,
t, large and desirable stock of SHIRTS,
wkio,,.,y - e, t - popo 'to offer to dealers at theloWr:St New
York-Priaaajorissitisrm.tory terms
Our atria Leninists in pan of 300 doz., all qtialities,
varying,7wlde ann narrow plait, Byron and
standing collars, manufactured expressly for City trade,
and Intended for ibis market.
By ioffsdag- dealcot our. Goods at low prices, and I
allowing our Shirts to recommend themselves in stile fir
mamditeture, we trope to be able to please all our cus,
Trarerocon. corner of Fifth and Market street soap
•r mayle
111:ktv ,41,1
,Arrly'llialriMktatr&la t ilithitair °cf.
1. -
.28,),,pgr.3.grrzeimpipcoltn-worinozo fri,,apfnprrni,
- - 11 : 4 •WititintitSVII4
t iote ESPEOT POßirnie - ttits.teleintefetfd',thetntblie
ill genet,*pthat hn . hanien elm ii ' very l ift er supply
of the eh*, a .Itilbo'antt- SUMMER GOODS ever
"en bx Weettetiy..himselllin the_Enat,sonl'l
fisting, of gdislish, Freneh , eutdeßeitginn Cloths, Damn
mer h ir,c,Ve ettft*'Veshenntsegei4e4-oP•nit Idtades4and'
c 0 . 1 . 4
.m;ertaw A - $:4E1141,4 raw - mosuiriaiiiibt4 'patterniy
whlty ymirtibVta 4l 6_o4o43riter•-in'4=aulieriorittyle, end
nufCl - hietzlefiDecteriden. ',-''' ,1 : 1 - , l' . -
r ' ii*llo4o , fitful 4t,:'neerlargrelittnek of Ready
e z ettatiVvbiebtaawill self vary tow. - ntaadY
' v •' 4 clor FITZGLEJLAZD
-- ! ..-: -.4 NEViNVOIRAICIAITHINO , REf- , :
1 7 ~:.,-. ~.. '4r-o.ldB Market.
AWN° received (and receiving.ineekiying ipring
. iind - Sainnter Goods,7l - 17 e rePlir n
o io " CT l ' fr r l ie
V . Z e lgig d lpft l 44qtret r Aeitirt r 3fOrelt r g=rE4 '-.
-and etrpriteer2Stisireent.:ebriarnseinar elnibelonrcltased
In any other Pleitinteinliblistanenrin'tidireltp.
..' k Erironiforaiew.c,nli at N 0.20.
m a ft4-49.,. .. ~ ~...:,: .. i. , E. ;FITZGERALD.
I ; •"" .' GOLD: .4301.11-4_6CLD! ..
llnt .!.straCKlEllB..resTreerfallp *bums. hilt itj_ends and ,
- J[12,..-,ehe,publio.that ha IlaCoPttlle.kle2MWourousa
:Ston,,No-ifkAtarketistme4between ProntaecOd;
&ter& ha iTlittaapittntstarnfir.son hood a tine and supe
-1104810 .-v,!gulottllciellatlifouotableforthe present season..
having returned from the Bost wall a now,und ,
'sit ondid - assortment•of-cloths; Cassimeres and Vestings,
of Big most ; desirable illifleins, which will be mado up
On leohdr(eatfaa,leexitd iti:the,iitest flOttionableatyle c
•on fte'brreitileadaskVatitir, delotOilis•Vtl be had tit2l
„ii.....,...,,,,„,„„... this -CUMIN° I
an other isiiiablishlldet4ih rfi t ibiii t fa f •v• ' ' ' .
Erfillanwpro.lirllatliiispt4Pittibtrixti. - inttattam
ThelSprissiti'ltscd Summer -
Elatsik ;or
; 4. vit s, r. MIMES 11;11104.4;s0913,14 . . . .
vol ; tran4rt_ssacmatstsox, .ruo.:seak.rante
atroLtsb_l the Celebrated Esiablishmentitie .. MAE UNMEOEDENTED-PATRONAGEI esiewed
1 4 upon itterenterpose-of the, proprietor, has enabled
him to purehase alltieratirttfa at sitelrtilices as will allow
kith :totetti,VerhOlettile :and',getall; LID:TER, thee any'
other. HIM* ;East er Wentf• ' ' ','" -- - - - •
•.. JOHNIIPCLOSHgy ii "htaftufeiturer er Reedy-mad
211pthing, No. 1.51,-41eyty strear;Pluiburgh,.Pa., has lest
lachrtplobaldasEltoek, and has now on hand, ready for
lale2lhelatfetrut_ faShiongibiseiui.varied.onertmeet of
154.1i Rtielf ; If oi -MAD ttirwir o c loz lo -mx iili cti en. ver trind orr e are ud d d i e u rb h i e s U n ited inna
Otte inspection, inlets city; IT ttICIS TEAS Incur °tame
. A tainniadosca—ingealuer suds one , of the. choicest se lea
tione-tif Imported 'fate, Black; Slue, Brown, Olive and
Nab French, Belgian and English CLOTHS,. that has
;ever been brought to this - atty... Also, line fancy VEST-
vistrar - every description, each - as Cashmeres, Mar
seilles, - Helf Sllks,fatie .210.144,8e1., &c.,411 the new
est styles-fancy C Pli-, of every deictlption ;
11 of yet,ichwdl be shortest so-
=fiee,,lxttholikluiind raaat . X.shtonahlis style. .
',. The- proprietor Intently thefpablie that the principle
Jmaitarttehtie will do basil_ ,teri - Nifillte von the basis
of H4II,E4TY- and VAlll.Tiushigm G ; and in order toes
tetwlisit i eonfideinceittlhe l?hy era. KIM deterralned tea&
tuire to my orqinalottii, %quick Sales tied smail pro-
Jib; -ttad , alek tzi matto., the buyer e Ids mint lazionan> br
marking the lbwest pr i ce ' on eactitirdele,kl plain fibdresi
ao that each .Castemer- L eart Aeleestroui att:lmmerunt Ana
exquisitely 'aliened steeltaihrfietethe,reantres, stele
jotabstialca Keil& Opoidit be bought for.
i 4itanetialialVdcuttilvie be _transacted at my sateen
jive eitabliitatient, add& has long since obtained the
character ~of. being,she First „Mitering fistatairAmenr in
Pitabeirgh• • ' mar 24
Pug a IffftliworOraTWOWSTA iiiieincliM
ACOMPOSITIONOf Neats:foot - Oil and Ivory Black.
for nourishing and preservittgallithids of Boot and
thoe Leather, rendering n soft and pliable, and producing
the most brillisuitietblack, squat aspafestaartilsr, without
• communicating stain or spat to clothing.
La:erase & Ca.4(Ara: 86 Third serest, sitar Ilroix/,) In
calling taoattention ofgentlenteu 10 this beautiful Black
ing. desirclumplyM state Its peculiar composition and
elrectaitailhalikather;,,lt. la composed of 11C41.5-(1)0I
,and pure IvOrY black ' - aatCrentlericthe leather ST miss
, soPiand phobia, theaby'ptekletitlintilie boots and shoes
&ma cractizor.. ,W one-fourth the labor - banally
ployZd the iwilleation of the ordinary breaking, it
' ;seduces .tho post brilliant Jet black palish lumginable,
ifual in every reaped; to patent leathe'r, and utter rubs
Ors titapoutOadta.
Gehtlemett ariainvited to - esti; et our Store, No. RI
-Third street, near . Wiiiid,nita have the blacking tried on
their boots,antl Witetethey can see tAe s trds at
From, thointuddiathlgathediadittktbals that. States,
allof reeitonnettait as being;'far beauty °foolish,
preserving the, leather, and facility of application, the
most bcautiful caeredgoritt to the übl c
•WARD & CO.,
; so - Tittaannet; near Wood.
-41 41 - 1 7 13.1144 1 11-811,10 ,11.1jEs.”
OCIAN &•CIANT.WELtIi-are just opening, at No. 66
Market streetand Elthe new front on the Norte
east side of the, Didmond. a splendid assortment of Fash
ionable Bonnets, Leghorn Matti...Broast-pins. Ear and
KulgarAings,..Black.atudFaiey SDI Craws, with an in
oximerablecollection ;of Variety 0 0 0d , ,.whiCh can mid
will belkdd ;to cliestpeat i rces..
• apt) : : (NUN & CANTWELL.
Terrible Itevolmtides---Stare TrinmpbauTtt
IL e OGAN Sk4ANTPUTILL,ttsign DVS:m.. l .'4 No. ba
' Market street, would respectfully beg leave to call
' t attention of - the public to their um. stork of Goods,
lastVeceived and opening .from nutunfecuuers and Du
porters, of which they feel confident thniprice and qual
ity will entire 6111iNiantalli as one motto is-" Quick
Sala seed Small_Frofts.' l ,
Our meek conststs, partly ,of the following artieles,viz:
Lather and Gentlemen's Breast Pins,late ?ales, Guard
and Vest Chains ; Bracelets, Claims and Lacketoi rut
ger and Ear Binger; Pencils and Pens; Slidesundattudst
Steel Buckles, for Ladies' Head Dresses • altulalon7s
Card Caere, shell, pearl and velvet; Coral . Beads; Ala
baster Bores . ; fine Rosewood and Ebony Shavingcuses,
furnished ; aver Spectacles; Sliver 'Spoons, all kinds;
German Silver -Spoons, all liads ; Silk Steel Bead Bags
and. Furies' ' Cotton Bags and Purses; flair, Tobth, Nail
and Cloth Brushes; Violicis t Accordeons, Flutes and
Fifes; fine Peuknlvei and &mots ; Globe% and Paper
Bolden, Shell, Dress and slide Combs, late,' styles;
Clilda Vases, Fruit Baskets, Agate and Glass Vases,
AIM% and Cologne Bottles; 'fables, Chessman and
Flaytganutton Boards? Silk Tapestry; tinalsels and In
grtun Caipet Hags; Willow, Market and tilde Baskets;
Chain, lVagons, Cradles, ite., lee, with a large assort
ment of Tees and Raney (tildes, leo_maestros to men
_ ( . I `ei l9 -
' ----' - -- te fiiiiitlitlir7Cliffibia - e - Ty - -
DOW AlUlt TODD db Co., ifigettites
WS. corner Fifth and Darker sin.. (up tunas ' ) Pittsburgh.
have on hind, and are daily receiving from the
kaufazturezat a large stock of Bootle, which we
die prepared to offerrio Dealers onlyi at the tennufae
toren' lOwest whillesale paces,- Cluster and Real
Stone Set Breastpins ;Engraved, Plata Hoop Suisse Set
Sar and Finger Rings; Plata-Gold, Engraved and Stone
et Studs; Slides, WateltiCey a, de., ke.
, Among Der Goods can be fouud some of the most-de
sirable andapProVed styles ot Stone Sets now hi -use,
Vii:,,-Opa), 'Ruby, Turkolv, Topaz, Astathyst, Barnet,
flatlands; titte,ite , •
Desdersantrehaiing Kite Jewelry, will find It for their
advantage to ezeuntne oar stock. -
Beni' 41- Broflites' ben Premium Gold Pony -
_with and
without cases, heelers for sale at_the lowest New York
~." (apt?) - EDIVARD TODD it CO. .
Batltaelig 'rubs.
T$ subsoribe re. havoOn'hitne a large stock of -Ha tb
tag Tubs, consist* of *be following k linig :
I : Plupg Balli.l'ab, large a ze ;
7,lop gli p o ll u kou ti
ig n B 4? "111.1) ; -
- • HangurgShower Tub; .
' ' . children 'e. Bath Tabs;
- ~ud Hamer „Botha;
Stomach fleatere4tc.
!.,Theee-,Ttilte, are zutrie of good m aterials and neatly
!eponym& , •,...,•
..• ~ JOHN DUNLAP & CO.,
i jo2l - . bornerAirket and Second "streets.
..__,_` ' 1 6On'grieos itioitori .
.; .ADlESiSiiianting something eirlierior, both for look
i.. d
- rind com Tort,, to anything Mery , kave ever worn, will
valise, call avid examine them. These Boots have no
swings:to rle and Arnie, natd dangle about the ankle;—
they arectioroulr muen'handsomer, but display . the foot
and ankle to a much better advantage thaeany. other
'Pool or Shoe:made. _ Yoh will also save time add trou
ble. lijan'nOetured by S. KEYS.
mar 29 - No. .8 Filth street.
i- Jouluta . Maeda!,
i.OOOER, N. A Wood.sticii—
• .:. imesosangeo l .-. 500 cans Sardines;
220 --"—:Lerlionsi . ' 800 Id."
ISCldtlterilierdon, Syrup; • 1611 qr."• "
daturail.... s ;,..- • 400 boxes Herring ;
0001,XI'Rais shin layers; 2000 Cocoa Nuts;
160 htlita. ~'
.. 1 811cure011Uncearont;
ilaqe, , F. , 41 ,, ,,, ,:r p -;, k 8 I ',,•`.i. , 7 Vonnaellla ;
ZS traffigerrJea'Abaander,..2.s ciuseeass , d Pickles, •
`OO kites'. seelleo -, ; " ' ' lO - cake - Currants ;
a baleslier4pare:. ll 100 lbs. ant Tissue ,Paper ;
ilO . ' 4.4 ": 111tilaga '.. 00 rms. white Hiss Paper;
3 . paper shed '. '45 east-slimes ;
3' " hard " " 10.autts - Dales i
42 bags Filberts; .4 eases Liquorice ;
.40 4. Walnuts; - - - 10 tbs: Vartellaßeaas•
. 00 4 " - Ciean . 1 NaleT;' •, •' 20 btrA-Nol Ro'h Candy;
i42-.. , i,Feears; ..t7ir,.. 4 .. .. 00 ‘.,arlite and.yel.. R. "
10 WOLK , r.'-'..t; • ~.•:, , 4 ,!.- '. 8 casein Floroace.9il; ' ,
Jut mewed a:rei tar gde by
. mum : - • - • JOSHUA RHODES.
P . 416 4 lianitinglk
E Bl3ll244 . B ; ool %Witrialb.Eo,No 82 WOO tie ii Wiatlit Ilia:But attention of the pulifid to . their
pre. -an stockist& Paper tlialligthgt, which,, for variety
I '
d by
. any estabiithirietttlatha Union.
Besides a large walla!! attainment of Paper of their
wn manufactarei therire now receiving a direct im
mortattarht preahltantrEatliah styles of Paper Hang.
ags, plitChatedltYlitelmvi Howard, one of the firm
'bow in Europe; corbibiting of—
Parisian manufacture, to,ooopieces.
Loudon 8,000 do.
11.0 f their- own manufacture, they have 100,000 piece.
Vail Tattiiiiiiifuri....puo 'pieces Satin Glazed Window
;Blain% &X."' -' ' T- ' •
blestiri.laineaHOWitidi , co.,beYe spared neither er
,pansenor labor intheir endeavors to rival the Easter,
i Wall Paper establishments, both in quality of inanufae-
, tare and variety of poiteten, and they are warranted i
I assuring the public that they have succeeded.
Ii he whole u=sortment, foreign and home manufactur
will be offered on tunas us' tow 'lts those of Easter
Imanufacturers and
importers,,, mar 27
1 -11odkinaonra china Store lteinoted.
111)1 Tan subscriber respectfully informs the ,• of Pittsburgheltileglieny and vicinity, that heft:
moved to a murecommothous house, No. 58 W • • •
?street, near the St. Charles Hotel, where he has opened
lI and is openingso9 packages of Dresden, Berlin, @tench
and English C ULNA and QUEENSVq A RE. Please cal
and see them—for to describe them is imports ii '.. Th.
i stock embraces everything in the business, use: . r or
' nirmentai tap 111) 01. HODKINRON.
ltif ACE—A prime article on hand and (or Fait ni
In: Je4 RHODES Is ALCORN, at F, lib sii
It. "ranspor#asaonlifigto•
Pittsburgh Portable isai*vra!le• -
iron : Tick inaleag'"ikiaitort or aBErrsIL 0 alit - Mat
THOMAS .RORRIDGE, lTAA..r.tac•trikroymyg h. P...lfadelphia.
v 4 arrangements
established Line being-now in.fult.ppq
Ilia ProPTlalorafilloi reParodi With
dl'li'il' . forward metelniadtleoitatitite„
,Le., to and from theaboge porta, oti liberal terms,iv is
Ebet regularity, ablation 4 1 4 OVA,
made, f tranisportation f .ea Oilman* when IranaulP/Peat.
441 ' the ' e "Y auOided. • „
• •• •eignmente by and for thisliiie,remilueil, el . :Orden
and. rorwmded in nay reaulreil ditee: ll4 :4 s l. reae of,
charge fotemonnasiiin, advancing or
Na interest, directly, or indireelif,ln.aleannottia,'
All eciminaineationa promptly 1i0an,464 tco on. appilen:
'lion to he following Agents: •
078 Market street. Philadelphia.,
Canal Basin,
'Nottlist. Baltimore.
• I 8 4 9
Merchant's Transportation Line,
, • '• PitTLAtiffLPHri AND 3314111088,
Tint Canals and , Rall 'Roads being now open, and in
good otder, we Mt •prepared to forward all kindedf mer
, chandite -and - produce to 'Philadelphia and Baltimore,
kotih promptness and despatch, and owns good tetitut•sa
tiny other Edna,. C. AiIdeANEILTY-&-co. •
, • • - Canal Basin, Penn street,Pittsburih—
Amorts;;-CHARLI RAYNOR, Philadelphia.:
' • 'ROSE MORRELL & Co., Baltimore. '
18 4 9 a I
Merchant , ' Way Freight Liar,
'E'er Blair/miffs, ialtnatown, , Hollidayalnirtk,. and, 4347
inunnutiata placer. . . •
Tins Line will continue to carry all Way{inoda-ailli•
their usual disinuch, and at lair rates of freight.
Actintra--C. A. iIICANULTY & Co, Pillitkilrgit
AVAKEFIna Johnstown.,.
JOHN MILLER, Ifollidaysburgh.
ibrinntmtosi-James.Joreint, Smith .t Sinclair, tir.P.
Sboenbergerclt„ hloons,John Parker, &.P., Von Bonn
horst Zr Co.„ Wm. Lehner & Co, J no. AilDeviu, At Bros.,
Pittsburgh ; John Ivory, Suntit,Mulhollan & Ray, John
Gruff &Co, Blairsville. • marl:
Marotta:and Journal only copy.)
Removal...Grocer/el s 46e.
fciciHE subscribers having removed from No. 170 is Nos.
172 and 174 Liberty street, offer for wale Goods,, as
lows, in store and now landm o rr, viz:
350 bags prime Rio Coffee, new. crop;'
40 . Old Government Java Coffee ;
160 hhds. prime New Orleans Sugar;
520 bbls. Plantation hiatuses:,
100 " SL James Sugar-house Molasses;
100 hf. eh. Young Hyson Tea;
40 " " Gunpowder and Imperial Tea ; new
40 " " Chelan Powchong (crop.
'Beatty boxes Y. 11. and Gunpowder Tea;
100 bags white Brazil Sugar;
60 boxes white Havana Sugar;
40 bags Pepper;
20 Allspice;
100 boxes_bluslard, in I and 4 lb. cam'
100 Malaga Bunch Raisins
30 4.4 44 44 44
50 qr." "
20 cask. Sante Currants ;
10 bales Sicily Almonds;
100 boxes Richmond Tobacco ;
60 baskets Bordeaux and Marseilles Olive Oil;
200 bbls.and 100 hf. Ws. No. 3 large.Mackeral;
0 barrels Honey;
15550 ls. Cheese I
2000 galls. Winter and Spring Sperm Oil
1000 " Bleached North-west Whale Oil;
1000 " Crude "
300,000 Cruz & Sons' ser.'r Principe Cigars ;
30,000 Havana Se Ai
^ 20 half pipes Cognac Brandy, of various vintages;
puncheons Jamaica Spiritaq
3 pipes Holland GO:
20 qr casks sap. Teneritro Winn;
10 Madeira Wine;
20 • Lisbon
40 " Oporto '' •
50 u Sweet Malaga Wine ;
12 Indian barrels " "
15 hhds. Claret;
20 qr. casks Haut Sauterne
40 cases imp's Bordeaux Claret
30 baskets Chempagae
Wine s -
doz. sup'r Stomach Bitters
200 bbls. pure Rye Whiskev Dar' 'toll vele» cid.
_ .MILLEB.'& 111C1{MON
_ . . _ ... . . .. ~ ....
Oreiiillergigiiiii. Corner..
jls the most popular of all and SHOE E.*.
tablistunents in the West. This place-has gained
its reputation by its proprietor keeping the very
best 80011 anal Shoes, which are made ex p ressl y
to order for this market, and he as not satisfied only by
keeping the best assorted stock of BOOTS and SHOES
in the Western country', but be is enabled and deter
tilineito sell his GOODS lower than any other house
Po' , can, he titres not
_what fatiiitiecthey boast or
h is
for altering great hanteertimits to 'the public. It
is fmpossible to set forthall die advantages and tacltitieti
in an advertisement, that the Great Bargain Corner has
over others, which enables its proprietor to sell Boots
and Shoes of the very best qualities and styles at frourt°
' to 25 per cent. lower than any other store in the city.
' The way to test the matter is for all who intend purchas•
Mg BOQI'S and SIIOES, to call at BATES' GREAT
BARGAIN CORNER, examine the stock aml prices, and
all will he satisfied that the Great Sartain Corrser,•Snrete ,
Jirldrtad Fifth streets, Is the place far the public, one and
all toank,good Boot. and Shoes cheap, for rash
dere,- .1. BATES.
The subscribers being appointed by the manufacturers,
Agents for the sale of the above artiste, have received,
and will keep constantly on hand a large supply, to
which we invite the attention of those wishing to protect
buildings from lightning, as being the latest end best Sr
ficie for the purpose See Professor Olmstead'. certifi
cate below . JOHN B. ATPADDEN & CO
have examined a specimen of Messrs. N Oiritstead
& Son's 'Copper Gilt Spindles, for the ups of beitning
rods, and um °film opinion that they are exceedingly
well adapted for the purpose designed, being =Wan.
holly such as were recommended to the French Govern.
merit by el eommissiomcomposed of several distinguished
pittlosopliers of Francs,. . -
Vale College,Aug. 11,1615.'
Wagon Inlntalioltory.
pug subscriber having enlarged his Shop, lately de
stroyed by fire, infanta his [steads and the public
generally that her is now prepared to ouraufaentre Wa
gons, Cans, Drays, Timber Wheels, Tracks and Wheel
barrows, at his Shop. on Fifth street, between Wood and
Southfield str.ets; where he keeps on hand a large stock,
or makes to order any amount of work, of the Lest ma
terials and by experienced workmen, and at prices to
gait the times.
- .
St:Where merchants and furnace wen are requested to
call and *Saralee, before purchasing elsewhere
may2hthe WM. AIeKEE.
Monuments and Mural Tables, adapted to rural
Cemeteries, Church-Yards, Churches, Chapelle; with a
preliminary Essay cat-tha.tayingcan, planting and man
of Cemeteries, and on the improvement of Church
4rards. For the basis, Loudon's Work. By J. Joy,
Smith, one of tdb founders of Laurel Hill Cemetery. In
two ontnbers,siJas; received and for gale by
tjel eopy4 . • KAY tt. CO
New Liht..
liVrßhave received a lot of - LAMPS of various sires
and er a new construction that Is quite
simple and coMple te , .—sotne ornamental.
Also, the ankle to burn In - them, called " BURNING
FLUID," or " ETHERIAL It has rare qualities,
which recommend it to the attention of Steamboat men,
Hotel Keepers and Housekeepers. For cleanliness,
economy and brilliancy, it surpasses anything portable
now In use.
Femora who please to call on us will be shown the
peculiarities of the new compound.
A constant supply of the Fluid and Lamps kept by
Je-21 Lot, between Wood and Market me.
Removal of -Leeward's Seger Store,
Faux TRTRD TO Wan= sr., 3 DOORS rams rim Wyss.
WEhave got an article of SEGARS that I offer with
coafidence to my
. friends and citizens, of every
variety and /glee. Oar imported range front 3 to e - at
retail. To t "Mae who don't want to pay 4 and Sc. or a
Seger, I offer the Begets of out own make with confi
dence.-For beauty of make,delightful fragrance, and
every think appertainhm to istrulygood:Segar, they will
be found equal to any - imported. These Cigars range
from tto 3 tests. Of Tobacco foraztoking and.Cliew
ing, we have all the celebrated brands. Out French and
German friends, awhose great delight is snu ff ," Will find
at our Store " titbit anticipations realized."
Friends and Citizens—We aolicityotte patronage &eat.
ly ; we feel a confidence in onus:dyes end in our ability
to suit you ,, -' our eonidant and tincesiaine efforts always
being directed to-the one great end, ". to please."
fe2s • Markit-street4 near the river.
- .
Great Western Saddle,
ruill3 subscriber takes this method of informing his
friends and the: - public -in general, that he has the
largest stock of the following named articles, °this own
manufacture, In this city--Saddlett„flaritess,Trunks and
Whips; all of whichlte *ilr virurnint to tiemade of the
best material, and by the best mechanics in Allegheny
county. Being determined to sell -his - .manufactures
something lower:thankas been heretofore sold ingitt . dtitt"
he would invite, persons in need of the above napidiihr-
Soles, to his Warehouse, No. 244 Liberty street,i*o
she Seventh. Also, bands made to order for machinery
'Wholesale and Retail: - #.4 -
ROH. HAWI'LEY, begs leave to in . - x
, form his friends and the Public getterally,
bat he contiarmieta occupy that large and cont- • -
modicrusStore RoomArmerly eve upied by Satiate n
, amok dnICO4O. 86, corner of Diamond alley atidWood
street, Wil keeps a large and general assortment of
Saddles,l3ri s, Harness, 'Pranks, Carpet gap, Saddle
BagsValises,,Bidfalo Robes, Whips, and all other arti
cles in his line. - .
He also keeps constantl y on hand, and is prepared to
famish to order, all kinds of Riveted Hose, mantdaetured
of the bestmateriaiand in a style Lewin/imam** equal
to the eastern manufactured article, aturat,liel per cent.
Country Me/chants and Farmers would do well to dull
and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere, as
be is determined to sell first rate articles at very low
10- Don't forget the place, No. Ed, corner of Wood
street andpiamond Alley. ap2d
pRINTING PAPER— A ruperior article of Printing
and Book Paper, of-various sizes, constantly on
and and for sale. C. HILL,
apl4 £7 Wood street.
itAßNintivirdr - C-. '4llOlO/ .
• Its edit AntileCT
Fai` ' the'RealVianerriii' this etip.'
2.e have their arrangetrientismildisatcording to the new
Provision Law, and tette no, tortilla recciPls - svfxbunlhaTing
1 - Dinserted ; otherwise th - erivillimvetopayla 'dyer-pout,
Before they ship.
kHereafter all Steerage Paseeners: lowing frees Europe,
!engaged in America, to cope'-overall either,of. the, Ships or
.lIARNDEN co., wilt be , furnislia with the following
'provisions, orileireettfiedlentbrorkeretrefetei egsso4y good.—
'lgoe Act of Coignssitting 17,1842. •
' This platy - Witt prevent sills - nese- on board. Heretofore
'when passengers found themselves- in.Provistons, many
of them came on board entirely destitute, which often
caused much sickness - and death
15 the Bread,
• 10 tbs Oatmeal; '
10 Vas flour ,
10 His Beam:and Pens,
35 Ihs Potatoes,
. I pint Vine'litry! • ' ."
- 00-gollons ' •
10 is Salted-Porlr e (ree from Bone;
All of Bobd onto-tenth of"the provisions fur
plated; willrbe - delivered - match- Passenger everydveek
wt W d.sulfifyientinipplraf fuel for cooking.-
.• HOOD ship talfibleilne will be properlY'ventila . tek-luld
a goOdlititlateoverittellassa=y2leading.49, rise-.
sengereepartment.-- The • Und conking-ranges
for the motif Passengers , are kept-udder -EVell
attentionwilltos paid toprontote their health and comfort.
Rettlitrancedrmade' as usual, promptly, and at modetate
Bank of England Notes and Foreign. Exchange pur
chased at entrant 'fates, • ' • -
Debts, -Legacies ; Pensions, &c., kc,, conected,:ond
copies of 111 ills procured. with every other busbies-aeon
net ted with on European Agent. •
- - Eropean Agent,
- Post Itundin , ,, cornet of Bath and Wood .
Maur -Commaintrotak• Lines, _ • t.
E. W Entextx - ik Co:, iDurnrui,litanum,its. Co.,
84 \Toll - et; NetO-Pork, ' • • • LioesTs ool ,Enlttadt,
' -• • itssecoestusr i °rm. their friends sod me
•••public, that they have conimenced the-.oene
, and •Commission .Busiatess, to
A s • I: gethar with. the Herten Paurager Burin s: i s ,
gnintitsgenifteistet of passage from London,,
ittestpoOLattblM,Lßelfan, or any port of the.
Old atidatii.3o•:Nisitt fiork, Bostenprid. rtitadeiphitsion
thomon reasonable terms..•
limits and Bills - oi.Exchange,. from .to any amount:
MS the Sorel Bank:of Ireland and its branches, and me
Liverpool. •
The ,doys of sailing of the Regular Elne•of LioerPotd
Packets, as fixed upon. are Che tat, 6Ch, Ifith,
and Sillth of every mouth. '
These Shill:San 41l of the hugest clan, and are eetn
matuled by men of character and experience. The
Cabin accommodations are. ail shot can - be desired in
point ot.splandor and convenience. They are furnished'
Midi 'every description of stores 'of tho best kind. Punc
tuality in the days of Mailing will be strictly adhered to.
Ships Bonin, Siddeats;Sheddan and Ganiek;
ate ;vessels' of the targ n l clan; and - those desirous to
isting'eut Melt friends, cannot select finer or safer Ships.
Passage cat, he secured at the lowest rates,
New Orleans Litie of Packets eat! weekly. For pass
age or *eight, apply as above. or to •
decill 'Corner 4th and Smithaeld its.. Pittsbur ,
In laiiers,
-" • - t - N:bt
The Frei*lin Vire lisuraraneor Company
05 71M.A.DIMPULt.
Charier W."Banelter, George W. Richards,
Thom* Ban, • Mordecai D. Lewis,
Tobias Wagner, Adolpbi it Bone s
• tilamueltiraM David FL Bromine, '
Jacob B. Brain, Morris Patterson.
CHAS. G. Bassos, Secretary.
133 - Contime to make lantran perpetual or limited,
en every description of property In town and country.
The Company hare reserved a large Contingent Fund,
Which, with their Capital and Premiums, safely invested,
afford ample protection to the assured. .
The Assets of the Compaoy. on January lit, 1641), as
published agreeably to anArt of Assembly, were as
Moarr ga es te
Temporary Loans
Stocks ••
Cosh. tre.
111,047,438 41
• 04,721 93
• own BS
• 51,523 23
• 3%804 37
einco;tiicia incorporation 'L a period of 1.9 Yoniallte* paid upwards of One &Wien Faur itursdreit nou
land , W , 44ris lasses by Aro, thereby affording evidence
of the advantages carlosurauce, as well u the ability and
ill-position to roectswithp mess, all liabilities.
3. GARD COFFIN, Agent, '
°Mee E, corner Wood and 3d eta
Piro aas Blacrine Iszsatris
THE Insurance Company of North America, of Phila
delphia, through its duly authorized Agent, the sub.
scriber, offers to-snake permanent and limited Insurance
on property, in this city and its vicinity, and on shipments
by the canal and rivers.
Arthur 0. Coffm, Pres'i. Samuel Brooks, ..
Alex. Henry, Charles Taylor,
Samuel W. Jones, Samuel W. Smith.
Edward Smith, Ambrose White,
John A. Drown, Jacob M. Mounts,
John White, John R. Neff.
Thomas P. Cope, Richard D. Wood,' "
Wm. Welsh. Henry D. Sherrard,Seey.
This is the oldest insurance Company in the United
Suites, having been chartered in Ind. Its charter Is per
petual, and tram its high standing, long experience, am
ple means ' and avoiding all risks of an extra hazardons
eluumeter,it may he considered as offering arnple securi
ty to the public. WILLIAM P. 30p7E14,
. .
At Counting Boom of Atwood, Jones tr. Co., Water and
Front ets., Pitt burgh may 4
ANCE COMPANY.- Oftee. North Room or the Ex
change, Third street. Philadelphia.
Pm* I,I3VILANCIL —Buildings, Merchandise and other
property in town and counirg, insured again.; loss or
damage by fire at the lowest rate of premium.
AtAatior Inseasace.—They also illtUre VCISCIX, Car
goci and freights, foreign or coastwise. under open or
special policies, as the twinned may desire.
Taasseorririox —They also insure merehait
dere transported by Wagons, Railroad Cara. Canal
Mints and Steam Roam on rivem and lakes, on the moat
liberal terms.
No. Market sircci.
DIRECTORS—Joseph H. Seal, Edmund A. Souder,
John C. Davis . Robert Horton, John Penrose. Samuel
Edwards, Geo. G. Leiner, hi'lwanl Darlington, /sane R.
Davis, William Poi vrell. John Newlin, Dr. R. M. Huston,
Jame. C. Hand Theopihihrs Paulding, H, Jones Brooks ,
Henry Sloan, l Augh Craig. George Serrili, Spencer Me
vain, Charles Kelly, J. G. Johnson, With= HUT, Dr.
S. Thomas, John Sellers, Wm. Ejre_ . Jr.
Wm. Bagaley, Jno. T. Logan.
fcr Office of the Company, No. 42 Water street, Pitts,
burgh. (jol6:dtf )
P. '
andlartna Inexresoes-
ptTmaie.,4ndiZ, insu rance
in this City and vicinity, and on shipments by Canals,
Rivers, Lalrea, and by Sea-
_The s, of this Com
pany are well invested and furnisher' available fund for
the ample indemnity of all persons whodesire pro
tected try Insurance. W M. . P. JONES, Agent,
mayle • 44 Water street.
A T JACOB hIcCOLLISTER'S, Fifth street, No. 19.
.LI. Rella; Washington Lanorma ;
La Rosa; Justo Sant ; •
Halt Spanish, Malay and Common
Together with a variety of other brands.
ALso--An extensive assortment of CHEWING TO
BACCO, of the most celebrated brands, emeng-,-,
are the Luxious Luxury, P. Robinson's Pc"/"..0.4u"T•
Grant & Williams', and &rated Thomas Giallo ,
Five Lump.
All orders promptly attended to. Country Meraiants
would do We to call and examine my stock before pur
chasing elsewhere.
Cuha Wrapper pnd Filler Leif for sale.
lry — Sign of the Indian Chief [myle
Dissolution of IPortuarship. '
PRE PARTNERSHIP, heretofore existing between
KERR ik KEYSER, Was dissolved - on the 10th inst.,
by mutual consent. The books are in the bands of G. H,
KETSIB, who is duly authorized to collect all money due
this firm. Those having elaims against the firm are re
quested to present thorn for settlement. '
Pittsburgh, July 30th, 1840
CO - PABNERSIBP-:—The business will hereafter be
conducted by G. H. Xirrska and 8.0. hieDerwstz., tinder
the style of ItEYSER MCDOWELL ; who will awe
their utdividual attention to the Drug Business in all its
branthes. They would most iespectfally call the atten
tion of dealers to their Stock of Drags, no no Path , will
be spared to give entire satisfaction.
Pittsburgh, July 10, IMO. • E. Co McDOVVELL.
11:71n retiring from the late firm of KERR & KRYEIER
I take pleasure in recommending mg nneeneginrgi
MR & hid:SOWELL, to the continued patronage of. mg
friends.. WM.
Pittsburgh. July 39,1649. Nue
0 0- P4RTNERERTP.— , The stibsoribers have this'day
farnied a Co-Partnership, and will continue • the
FRUIT BUSINEEIS, at the old stand - NQ, i 62 Liberty
strtret, under the style of J. I3ONNEr & CO.
Pittsburgh, July 6.
Foreig n and Domestic Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Fruits
Nretv, kr. 0 .9 ) 162 Liberty street, Pittsburgh.
THE undersigned having been appointed Agent of the
the place of John Finney, Jr., resigned, respectfully in
forms the public and the friends and easterners of the
Comnany, that he is prepared to take Marlis, Inland
and Fire risks, on liberal terms, at their (Ace, No. 37
Water street. [myla] P. A. MAMMA. Agent.
minim & 43 0 , 0
WATEII, SillAllPEtTilhPorter, Alevelder;ROot Beer,
Mead and Pop, No. 18 Market street, and 100 Liberty
street, corner of Cecil's alley, Piltliburgb . MarS2:.
114AROE and aandismite 00lowest styles,
...panie alarly adapted to City trate, itist Teeeived by
mar29: . 2ai nowTON, SMITH & CO.
BRCUSSION CAPS— 200 ht. S.: B. Percuisaion Cap
100,bL .11.
Just reed by McCANDLESS L 2 BSf.I
myl lilt Wood civet.
elliiic - *J1.4: 131 q.e,
Infmrante *lmpauks.
MkA, Agent.
I liiitrit-4Shobs
--.- -- - - - -
ll , ' 1-1%-x ,, GiviA.T-iflObili.OF GOODS
AiT: 'rag o . N a' .Vlll 40 AG 413-,T 0 Art k ,
xit Al . , , za blit aitu r oley rk e k: 0 11 01 7:-i. o r min r9741: 1 4.*: RxET , o iXft e i Li s 41 0 5 . talit ffie jriv i l i t i t .
did ir rek On'Fiforsly,lunelie,Mut cotittit*AirifilityiC
drt g which time the whole of theirimirierrseestablicilbL ,
~iie t -(including their five wholesale ;Moms) willibe;.
i wn . open for retail trade, and for the dieplarof one ,
of ie largest matt moviffashionlibleassoirMectror•Fallor
mot Staple GoOds In the country, which have atitidemi
mofkerf term, without regard to east. =Forty thbusaull'i
&gars of2thetr:ritocir;of theft 'latest ttn4 richest style*,
have been' recently purchased at th..lorge peremptory
puldie safes in Near York,ar immeeseteacrifices, and
wiltbe found, ojt examination, to bee.
nearly one-half less
th turtitallPrictiitc alley invite attentioß to. a 101 l rtlonWi
the r Goods et t um erated,helowt•wial- , theiz P ri P e4 ft 2 P 7 + i
nexedt••-f, ! .r' • • , • , ' , • .
• ' " .'
-": :, ...4 $ , i
2000 yards French ; tsickse; ,
20 ; O t 4) ' " !•PWI I9 1510 . 6011 A, 10 012. 050:
4000 • " Moos de - Laines,
Ar u A l Padall; ;`'-; lei/
Pine Bereges, 10-1005 c - .17050e.4
10,000 " Merrimac Calicoes, 8 gt. Or. 1211:4'
" fast cord " Ot; ' '
.4000;* "' =o as, e
2 0 peratlessrhan usual prices • f -
100,000 yardaMeacted Muslirbtfil prices; ,„
marked dnxvnlota;3l:lper cr.
100 pleceslionnet 12i; 25 ei
450 Wronght ,, Dollnts, 10 out, 25c.
800 3l 050 c. 750100
' 300 Ladies) Cravats
12c. *6a.
100 French Wrnhght Capes,. si v soosa,oo 6305,00
144 Lace Caps, 37*050c. 750.1,00
700 LinenDandkercbiefs, 12e.
300 Standing cellars,
I 130 Chendietts, . I MO3lc, - 5(107i.e.
Ressibeis EistasoiSie.; leans for 45c:
A large stock of Bonnets, reduces about. .
New style gebs Goods, Gk. 57.01,00.
Wbite,Litle%.} . 25031 c. 37050 c.
Together with the largest stock Spike, Shawls, and flue`
Dress Goads' to be fohildhithis elly, with as immeitselinv
„sissy of "othtr Goods--,Mfording to 'retail pugebastra
a rare opportunity ofMktaitiing the boat Goods nt Oath
to6o.per cent. less than regularPtf,ces. They . invite an
earl call, tla many of their choicest goods will soon Ike
No dhviation from the esarked;price.
'illay3l. 60 hlarket.,street,hetWeea 3 ll;a 1 :41;,1 1 4. ,
MAW GOODSI NEW 00008.1 1
Err No.
isBl3 Market Street.
lig-subscriber noir receiving, from the rrts
itrisi:PAßacidphia tharken, Ids second supply of 81131-'
R; DRY GOODS, purchased from the Imporu-rs nun:
great saerifice., and in deter Mined to sell them at
greatest Bargains ever otrered.before in this City.
A (colic( the Goods wi I be enitmermed below, viz:—
Enghsh Lawns, only Id cents; former price 1.81 eta.'
French Orralidy Lawns , Itt cents ; " " .25'ete.
,4.4 Scotch Dawns Only 18p cents; " cis,
French Jaconett I:aurns,lki cents ; . 37*
French Cobabines, only 37} cents; a, 621, CU:
MOWS De .42inea„only1,2} cent . ; I eta.
French Gingham, only 121 cents"; Of*:
Prints; Metrimank Patterns, Of cents; fast colors. • • .
New style English Prints. 12f.ets.; former price 184 ere,
I have also received a flne.nssortmeut of Green Fig::
ured Mons De Lain, Plain Green Berage Satin Plaid
Green Berage, new style Fancy Figured Berage; to-'
gather With w large stock of Foreign and Domestic
Goods, of all descriptions.
An early call is requested from all who,With loonouro
a Bargain. .AOSALOM MORR I S.
. - . ,
Wholesale aiutieta.ll Dealer in . Drfdood s,
- ' No. e. 5 Market-street,
Nenh-can earner of Fount% and.litsrkes aereep, $
%WE undersigned revectfally informs his customers
that ha hasinst - relan'ed from the Raiterti atiee,und
is now receiving a large and beautiful atuek'of ' " •
Containing a choice and elegant assortment of all lilt,
Dearest and most fashionable styles and fabrics imported
this season, and embracing a complete variety of every
article belonging to his hue of business; all of which
will be offered at from 10 to 50 per cent, below early
spring prices.
The customers of the house, and purchasers generalfsi,
are respectfidlyinvited to give these Goods en early UY-
&laving matte arrangements to dispose of several that
sand dollars of Pittsbnrgh, Allegheny City and Alle/bo
ny County Scrip, be wilt for a short ume receive that de
scription or money AT PAR for-any ankle in hit more
lEJ Call loon and secure a Bargain.
jets Wholenale and Detail Dealer is Dry ,Gsiodi
At No. D 6 tarket stree t.
Tab undersigned naving determined :‘
Vto decline his presentbasinessand claim
up on or before the Ist July next, wilt
from this day sell MT for co:nand Catania& his
entire stock of TRIALIVING AINTD'FANC'i'
GOODS, embracing a general assortment of Goods in the
above line, viz:—Fringes, Laces. Edgings and Insert
ing., of every description; French Worked Capes, Col
lars, Cuffs and Sleeves; Cotton and Silk Hose, all colors
and qualities; Children's do ; Linen Handkerchiefs. Bead
Hags and Purses, Steel Beads, Clasps and SteetTritti
mings. Bonnet Ribbons, Mantua do.; Belt do., Cord and -
Tassels, tilled Silks, Sewing Silk, Coates' Spool Cotton,
Spool Silk, Linen and Cotton Bobbins, Worsted and
Cotton Bindings and Cords, Silk and Linen lia:mrs,
block, white and colored Kid Gloves, of the best quality.
Silt, Lisle Thread and Cotton Gloves; Lace tiloVea and
AtittaiSilk Floss: Antes and German l'usp; Hair Pins;
Leather Belts.
Every variety and Blade of Parasol', of this Spring' s
purchase ; nm, of the moat beautiful and rich patterns,
all fresh and new; Ladies' Traveling Bags ; dindiee'Spun
Silk and Merino Vests; Buffalo Tuck Combs; Card
Crises; Belt Slides ; Farley French Hair Brushes, Read
ing and Fine Tooth Perfumery, of the fincetquitl-
Ries ; Fine Soaps, Pearl, Ivory and ;Porcelain Button.;
Clothe., Brushes, he c.
A large and complete assortment of Goods in the above
line, consisting in part of Fine 'Shirts, Standing and Byron
Collars, latest styles; Silk Undendurts and Drawers;
(inure, Cotton and Merino do. do.. Brown and 11,7hite
Linen Drawers • White Drilling do., made in superior
style; bl'k Ita lian, Barnthea and Amer. Cravats; new
styles of rich silk Cravats, all patterns, a splendtdriss,
sortment ; red and imitation Madras Cravats; Lawn and
(Anemia do.; Satin, Bombazine and Hair Stocks - 030ga
and - Fancy Ties; Silk and 'Satin fi gured and plain Scarfs+
Shirt Bosoms and Collars-; super. Lisle Thread Under
shirts and Drawers ; Eng.and German Half Hoser.Lisel
Half Hose; Silk do.; a splendid assortment of Ebony and.
other Canes ; Silk and Gresham Umbrellas, Carpet Bap,
Dressing Gowns, Silrand Linen Handkerchiefs, black
and colored Kid GlottO, Silk and Lisle Tdread , do.,
Shoulder Braces, of the ntost approved patterns; hloney ,
Belts, Russia Belts, French Embroidered Smoking Caps,
Oiled Silk Bathing Cass,- Razors, Brushes, Wallets, Bus. ,
panders of every description, &c.
The entire stock wilrbe sold for cost, and carriage'
added. which will bring prices down 50 per cent. lower
than the same descrtrnmr, of Goads have ever been
offered in this city. B. F. STERETT, , .
No. 56 Market street, near 'Medal..
N. B.—The Store for rent, and Fixtures for salerfrom
the lit July.
ma &V
Fine Shirts, Spring Styles. -
DDWA.RDTODD a, CO., are now receiving trom their
XS Factory East, a large stock of fine and mediate vial ,.
,ny ISHIRTt.4, which, for durability and style of manu
facture., are not surpassed in this or any other market=
The trade will be supplied at lowest New York prices.
Woreroom, corner Fifth and.hiarket streets, on
rs. ap9
-Manufacturer of Linen and Fancy Skirts, Boa= and
Collars, Abbess and Wkolcsaie .Dea lers in
Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods,
riciarmassr comma save sun suns= are. (or scams,)
41 HE subscribers beg leave to call the attention of .
A. merchants and dealers in gentlemen's wearing
goods, to our large stock of fresh Spring Goods, -flour
opening; among which are to be found some of the rich , -
est and mostadmirable styles of Spring Goods ever offin t
ed in this market. One of our firm is engaged at our
. factory in the East, where we flatter ourselves' we are
manufacturing some of the best and most durable styles
slid qualities of Shirts, now called for in any market,—
. Being very thanklUtthr the-kind favors bestowed on us
. dbring the last_yestr, we hope to have there tiontitmed, as
vile intend to offer our goods at exceedingly low Prices,
and accommodate oat customers with pleasing terms
- We are confident we can oiler Shirts at as low prices as
they-can be found in the Eastern markets;' from the fact
tithe our advantages in manufacturing are complete
Please_give__us a...Calk and be .convineed-01:the.ftROMP
..out I
.We are selling, previous to receiving our.fiatturier
Grads, at greatly reduced prices, a large artil;kokied
sp/plant Of Fancy anti Varioty.Goods,Trioneing*Alnt
nets, Parasols Dau
twith a fine. collection-ktfßteritie.
ruen'a furnishing 'a lee; Carpet Sacks, Willow-mud
French Bbaketa, Mats, &c. rOspectifully iintitelthe
;attention of those in want of these Goods, tr. our house—
&J Market and ;Biome/It,
'spkgragry kr t et
cgtrr g liirkle i &to. ;
TdST received. Straw Bonnets, 'Caps, rich
Silks, Fashionable Ribbona,Sneat Frenclr Flowers,.
iCords, Fringes, Trimmings , Ac.. Straw Bonnets, cleaned ,
and uttered to the. Sprang fashions, by one •of Mei:test'
;Straw Milliners inithe erty.,t Silk Bonnets, Cardinals,
.Dresses, and every 'article in the Millinery and Dress
making business, wade Up b , ..theo best hands, at
maK4 MRS. DUFF'S,IO St. Clair - street. `;
Mot Okra s „
Think**, near Wood; respectlay informs
11 his austomertand the public that has just rersiv.-
oil from the Ernst a,Weliselected assortnient of SPRING
•COOBS,.which he will make to order in the best manner,
pal 3
11° BOUBB:oam.rE RS attivra.osiiJoitatertmeo.—The
• subscriber has, received and now' on band, a largeassortmentOf l lon k e keeping,GOode,eoptprising, in ,part,
.as follows: • -
1-4 , 6 : 4 1 1 q7 4 ,1 2 4.81'd Cottop Sheetings; '
1.0.4,12.4 Bait, Sheatiags ;
Pthloar-einie Linen, MOslin - Ticking ;
Marseilles Quilts, B iiaikets
Plain,.and embroidered Table Covers piano. do.;
Windsor Hrnpary„ Turkey Red Chintz Bn
Windsor Rolland, Loren Table Clothsi,
Datritsk Table laden, all widths ,
DialsituiC &c.; which will
Atli sold at lowest Times, at
nuttn , No. 1.10 Market st.;g deals train Liberty.,
WIGAN & CAN I FIfF..L• L, have lust receiver}, at Nd;
86 Market street, an unrivalled selection of.-
Bead Reticules and Parses;
Fans and C01:11173 ;
' China Sets, Accordeons,lec.
marSIS ciworray,
- - ...-
':A . ...
4418rh alr fte fr - ifibiLeali :—. i
VW. No 'I , '.
Rai7A ----.
.• one single instance . "Da ll eyis : liglIMS4l.:.
t'tractaC=airlietoqurritte.umututhe . , .
, tits Introduction br nie I'l4lB3kt a p 0,0,411,40 ,titcy•
tatado to cure the
.waisti . l 0(161 " gan a'a AI "
-r Wataiitsztr,Aafita,To444Yii A .l
~ ! :t... •!,7:`t.:,:( Febrdary.s2,l6l9.
.'lia. DuLLsv—Dear Sir: Whit& my.soa,ls , yeart44l9i .
I was it work .iir *bash:Wei Insinetnetory af..L: IL .Bgeea
:Lie had the misfonune to slip. and fall Into a large vats l
• aged for the parpOsii oTlxfillagbloakitireparatoryermaiz,
tiog. The bloc ka - had jolt 4teen - -ritmovettrmitaa Intl • 1
•eantaining. a large Cunntitykif boding watarc.:ll6 fell for,
lwaitkdcald:Cog:bloth , hantillunktkruntilill - thaeitida,andl
L goc4leg badly, and the other partially. The scalds wera,
'Ia:1 bad on his arms and • leg that most of•thiitiesh Came
1 watt hilLSAilnelgit=lli. CPI- 3 S- 1 410190.f1t. 4 i95 - hY.,:
, t ! !alas pbyairtanatia 1.. a.. tLf ta:stltirro • ii,'W . , .1;.
~• lialley's Pain Ealractor;wata proc pepa 4 410onlaa_pp . af
i Bible ( which was in .44 0 PLPil 5 0 415/ . 0 4 e,
, whiciaelleved him from 011.paia,, Ron tlog
.. tattittitei :
alms and swelling; wad ; to slew daysaoramenced battling '
his; sores. There appeared a general Iraproverrient,'lto
:much so that In three "
weeks he was removed to his
. father , ' house. distant abour-calemile elmitehalf.
Watt:intim:4l6e ascot the above medicine about two
1 -monthiriand we believe if was the Means; ander:Pprh
' tile nee; of saving_ his life;and • we would elect - I'44 s rei4 ;
t coanbehit it ill'allaimilar.casea as a ice karail4kiblAk,
remedy.," Withsentimeius of respect,lLrettkalooleprAkrk, .
your tnot ottilieni and humble servant..,.. t, t t ft ' .. , - ;_:,.. i,..,
ADI46.E'ICLARIC,f' .... •
•1, •, ; -,, 7;t. ~ , SUSANNAH C4.44 1 ):4 !
... :. CzEI:CLANIP,',•:.,t—•.:;,-1•
We, the undersigned, being pe rsinially amp tint - 4 4914
the case of Mr. Clark's son, believe.theabovastategaial
substantially correct :•••s •".- -.1.....--,V. , - - ,, - .4,•-...,
AL Dewey, Lonistx-Ilaway, J. S. Keitisey,'lleory.. - 4".
Pearce, Wm. Evans, E. Clark,ls..E.Rose,:lraNawMaps
NY= Newmim, Mary J. Rose. •
1)7 Coawrzargrrsi—Counteitsiu_abolini i li
fie is cautioned against theff - deteLerioni and dangerous.
effects; and I "doberab'y dildtietlyalealareahari.tvzit Pot,
hold myself responsible for the -effect of any Extraaor,
unless` irocured at coy ovateDitebTALSrallOADIVAT, NIM
Voss, or from ray authorized Agarits.v , 71r,
• ' , ,„ ,- ~, . PLLES: .• ~, - , - ...37-1;5:.*:
:. That distressing and debilitatiniclahasT, itoinevet . I
et resistedlha - -wonderful • propertles:atAbalOosinol4
Fo e r r p n rt A ic t u r l e r u of cu res , dad - gene
pectfally refet to my •printedpamphlei.,:tatestiaaanfole
therein published are genuine, and for the truth of whieb
I hold myself responsible. ' HENRY DAELEYit ' t`)
415 Broadway,,.New lig& t,
: JOHN D. AlORGAN,Pittaburgtt,,peneralVelem. .
HENRI?' P:SCWART4 - Agent,"-Aile'gkelty. - 121;11H;
J.BAKER,rAgeni,Mbeeling,Vg V:
~, e. .. r • ': .!)e
JAWS W. - JutINSTON, Agent, ALI : . -
,/ P. MERRY WEATHER ; einetonatilCalarn; egotta.
. •
_pot , • ant ILO : • eft ans . • onsP•
Mbar: I'VelfdtrOarfigitfroailltOOverithe:t"
3.illeo f the Harlemitailtoid/3!ableos.--....:c,
New Yore. JulyIS;1114&
have tried' OALLIMS ANIMAL G&L-.
MANIC CURE-ALL, emit noweertitY IMO 1 has/Voogd
it the most estmordinal and resat& remedy ere? puf
upon a' 'Nona, hod'arottlil - norbe • withobt it !for any
money. .11 cures _bard'aud;ePavi!tlum E r, aii *. i Se rn P /
the collar, saddle, br..c.,as by magic '. au on MI
• the eilve imortlMebllttreatet make a' sore. • hoover=
do harm. . JOHN Y.AN youtus,—..
Overlear Harlem Railroad Stabled.
For sale tfithr Dead of .the Proprietar,.; •• ~ • • ,••••...
. . H.. imi t Lty,,,
415 Himenwit,chrner
N. B.—Mri Von Vorlils his , beeti-engaged.for.minyr.
years in Meals& Moore's Stables, Coltmtbas, 0, gating
up horses for mike:, and has 'taw So:Metal bandied'
horses under Msehargoas*OverseeS...c• t.. 0,. ; ,-,
. , JOHN D..510R0 AN, Agent" Plitsbargh.
jai RENRYP:SCW&B.TZ,"AgVAIIegheIoy':!
1104CII •. Asa.
Genbraritlgssor 010040 .. 1 43.
AT ruz CAerr.u. coy , cry. 8.
Nonweetidett tHotetersollitittrisiands—Holdeta of 1.
. Mint* inetepatineu. and all gerions dmir
our of Tu r thating State Landeuyith '• - •
•rundersigned would respectfully infistm the pUbile
hat they have eitablished in thiscitYthe capital Of
e State of Illinoie.-et JiAbilland .OEVERAL AGM::
CYOFFICE, for the transaatiOn of all business tipper
tenting thereto within the limits of the Slate.
All creturamitins relative to thelpmeheae - and , ttalerof
lands, examininglandaaad rep
.oresig-tbSirsterallOni ad
vantages and value.pa3ing laz es redeeming land sold'
for taxes; investigating titles; tic; tidying selling all
descriptions of State Indebtedness; this and every other
description of business attached to a General land.
Agency, on the mon•extended;seale, will bs promptly.
and faithfully attended to. •
In regard to location, we have. atanY-adaaalaJlea:ol9r
al I-othet agencies in thelitatey being at the Capita I,nea r
the centre of the Stele, and atths very fountain-headir
all information in relation to matters ettnnerted . With
lands, track:arid Suite in de titediteit, through - 1h eterdinto
of the government and executive offides. • LIT addlihnuo
this beporninrailoantage, the strata partner Air. Ask..
has oceopled, for ieveral years, the positional principal.
Clerk intho Surto Auditor?* otsze,ao hairilig bade/serge
of the books and State laud in said nitre; bui
obtained a thorough keoWledge oriel! subjbetsconheett
ed with this agency; ahifweareoliertibreyettabledsicill
times to'give correct and prompt information, mach in
advanee.qt any other @gear) , in the Slate, .. Pot location
ts also important to nou-resadeins wishing to paytaxelf,
as our acquaintance with the collectortiof the revenue is
sueli that we run obtain the tax Iteeipts • thickish tie
mail, and the motley paid directly into the' Suite •treasta
ry, thereby avoiding the risk of remitting. funds toy:mail.
We also beg leave to inform persons wishing to pur
chase State lands, that oarntrangements are suc h, that
we can, nt all times, furnish State ponds ; scrip , or indelit- •
Nines. in any amount. and at loss rates thin tiny. other
other in the :gate.
In conOuition, we take pride in referring torlte chir
amer and slamling of the gentlemen who have bnrn kind
enomrh to permit an to use Weir 11/111i1C11 a 3 reGsrennes, and
with a eiticere desire to please , hacked by fidelity
. induh
try and promptitude in all our Maine's transactions, to
merit the confidence of all who may entrust their, hurl
near, to our bands. ASH lk D11.1.4gH.
Springfiehl,3l•reli do. IS-IL
Hon. Daniel Sturgeon,. ........ a Senate.
Hon James Coope • da.
Col. Samuel W. 81ae11t,....r.•-• •Pittsbungh, Pa.
J. Vognii Diller,., do.
Gen ttoben •
Pattersop, , Phiadelphia.
Geo. Adorn - Diller. ' - -
Joseph Chester, • ; ••• • • • do.
Messrs. Wadsworth & Sheldon, Neiv orlr City
Messrs, Hill, hlel.,ean & C 0.,• •—Neiv Orleans.
Messral A. ' , Dowdy & Lenistil le. -.
John hl.
James Calhoun, b.s.g.,
His F.x:tior. A. C. Prench,.., • - . 'Springfield; lir.
lion. Thomas H. Campbell,- • • - •• do.
Hon. S. H. Treat - 'do: • •
City Scrip..
In conformity kith the 2.1 Section 'of the Ordinabee,
of the 18th of April, MA directing ditsitidersigubd , "
negotiate for owl" SCRIP, the Bonds"and hfortgegerof
ind ivi dealt heabylhe tny.for property soldsunotmt tog.
notice Is hereby given, that the said obligntioni will nak.
be disOnted •of for the Corporate Issues of the Cara
Pittsburgh, of the dettominationa of One, Two and Three
Dollar*. t.• • •
Further Notice is hereby given. t h at. City . Htindst
jag ituarlat firm..theleth, day of April t Dl4?,. eV the rate
of per horn. per annum, will .at
any time.h oStehiler
issued to the holder or htildent of City Scrip; it; ndme of
One Hundred Dollars' and upwards,• aecbtdjas le**
provisions of the above date: S. IL JOHNS:WI
ap2l , . .
House and Sign Palniting...“ioji
lr D. PITFICELD croulerespeetfullyinfortuthealgistes
el of Pittsburgh and Allegheny that he is prepittoi to
do ' all kinds of - ORNAMENTAL PAINTING, : suet as
imitation of Wood and Stone. AK orders lelVetith I.
Rotnnson, European Agent, will be strictly attended to
2000 Premium IBLndf..
BJ. WILLIAAIS,No.I2 North Sixth street, Phi!add-,
~,,phis, Venetian Blind arid Window Sfiads /Ifant/jot
turn, (awarded the first and highest 'Bedell' at the Near
Will Bahian:mm.lmi' Philadelphia- Erh - bitiOnsi Ibx Uto'
supenothrof his BLINDS, wittreonfinnedivnedttniteln
his illitlitifaxinies) asks Ban artention.of. purehaserS Wide'
assoninento(2ooo Blipdp ofncirrow and wide slats, vOlk
fancy and plant .Trimmings or, new stylns and iolora,
Alin, a large and . genera l' 'assortment or Val Inia s egtr
Winddri/ Shades; all of which he; at the lowdsr
. .
. .
;Cu Blinds painted and trimmed to looliattatil to caw
Drains supplied on liberal terms. .
The Citizens of Allegheny County, pse reapnottillig..
vited to call, before purthasing elsestere- - -eohild,o
ID. Open in the ersnint-
• To daunt,* Enbretilattii. ,
L 1 HODECINSONwobId fenllnd you that yon can now
1.U.• secure Mina,' Glass, Queen ware t a.t.each
.prices as never were heretoforeotTered at.
_Remember, lIS.Wood . stree4r doors below3th, Ara 17
aabscriber•inforros the- public” getigrailpi and
J, Housekeepers and Hayti] Grocisrs particularly; that ,
he is discontinuing the Qdlbusware business, and will
sell oIT hirpresent stock at reduced prices. • Thom who
. wish to Obtain China, Queentutorr, or:Olau;mlll Sad this
a rare, Opportunity for getUng such articles as they wants
mach cheaper Limn the usual rates.
Remember the pIace,'CIIINA HALT . Woad
street, near the:Ruction store. • ' • • • • • •
twill dispose of my whole stook to any person
wishing:to buy it,,at a bargain., - . : 1_ •
jazeif. - . „ M.N. OEII7.
ings, Peurthx/ree,p—lionotilc Atrznosdri Dam:erre°,
typOtiiftm, ilteXastentoiries, the.a4endort
the mhaltitants of Pittsburgh ,and the neigitimringOtwps,
to their NsnemmotyperVeuirests arid ethers, atioelf4 in
the:Able:l story of Burke , s building, 4tleari-' ,,
• Persona - wishing pictures takezmity-ress,nuttred -that
nn!Sainesball be.aPanidlo Pg/dacra them In Ikeritigheat
peifectiqn !alike 4 0 ,0=inst omaenMareot th en*Wcpcnat•
er.rid kind, enabling, us to execute udierpaesed
linisliandvialdninelo: o eftinTl: -Th el i n bu t v ra
solicited to call and examine- -
Persons eating , forlactures are neithek-kingdfex
pected to take them imless perfect satisfaction : tgiyen.
a operators will funktilit4 tlt good depot far slack
irrlnstructimus giyen the ar emiudnhnit , the :input
recent traprevereents: '
-;" 4
••• -
TllE subscribers respectfully inform the eitizear..o!
•Plllthatr t h and,yreinit e y that they i/M - IIOW•filOr. Pre
pard' 811,9rderir air GRAITEV.ROOFING, &Awl,
net' tirairtlielidifikied in thiireitrorkisi3where. - 'Front
their eiperie,nee in badness, they feel confidein'irttit
tfleSt - Will render eatisbredon to all those wbririnity give
them Work.- The superiority irt - Gravel Eldora over any
other kind, partleularlyin.easeof fin, is too well known.
to regnire attratgantent in its favor. To those;,reur ar:
unacquainted without work, we beg leave to refert/tbia
to Mesarsi-Thomaalaggett E .Sr., John P. Perry; Rodp,
Patterson, M. Kane, Jriand others, for whoitt'yre Wye.
done , o , olk. Orders th.nkfally received and prartiPitie
attended to We will he lound On , street, be
tween High and Tunnel str mi eeta rr .
To en
'- I, iffiII:FPETENT-trvouwa-......---,;--... , ---;••,, —_.
IF9R , IRLSMTMW_Inftr" art= rmusansThis iikiheztolYtz
anitradiat Otthir itimi that halt own beet - t Mzettrz% t.
a tide tudatry-Vit apti for medical parascatel - 1 2 o,• yv,,
only, one ever known to man,by which I e galvlsnia aid;; • , ,
eau litiged to tea sletitterearythebraut, or
o any, pant! Innlys - )beer rAei melt y:o :into rod I IY, : •
rutaide int, gentle streaun,Withoulehoehlorpaitt , 'With:
per cisafrity--antoftelii , Withzlte happleat effttN.z
Li. - It;larPOrireat apstutazins is AIM highly -Optlrri..Ott ior-,':•;
„big bf. titan:lost aminart physicirms, of 34 11 ;coltotrY
tape,.-tO:ittonitheraigletnteutilatthers whom- it
v ratty cent-env e siVbe , re leered, itAiOTAOAO-wfi IC Ailta , ba:,.pos
givert , anittany , :highly;rezpecutble citizens, who , hitvis-„,
:been eared, byttuaans °Cults moarvaluable appall:nest : oG . ' ~i
same or the
,molt ineeterata nerrons- disorders, which *.
.cou4d , not be ymactotd•bromy cater huotrameartt . :...? • ',`,3
Among - voliani </theta, it•hat beerrynterCed , terlicallath , iL,:t t
ably adapted fa the cure of the-fallairiugatiseaseo, vir,i.a..l
nervous headache and other disorders of the brain. Ititli...
with V ila impatiths , alortiathittherOperatnr canicansey4,l
. the galvanic gold with ease and safety lathe eye, 1
store sight, or care amstorosal;t6the ear. toyestore heaZt..
itlii ta the leogattear Other b tgausmibstereepeenh pint :',
to k various partrof the r tiodyi teethe! earn of , ehrania •.: ..,
rbetunatjani,astlnirajneutalght;airrtiii dolottresturizatralft I: ,
yais, or palay, -- 04`elittiOiroi St Vitus' dance, epilepsy,, , m
weataeal fronza k raltuf , latms , disensmirerdier to ft
-,z,Colurtietlon 'oir 114 I lath i;locir-jirai, eteVitte:: ; "fa
.- ZfirWSbil for Ferfoi4Alog:ekrtnitieW,ie Weitern , Rs4 Idittn
. 3nl teges,,yos the. inatruttent; Marta putehased,
' . tested Jhr the - etre' et - 1211414e5. • ,"( "•• • •go •
: itirsai,instractinna.vrillAscgerenrorZheyariorts
,eitla robe used:for trazlnetttd initims, and the best raunturt4t , . -
for SortelOns 0 3 4 1 tcOPIP , 14,1baeiii,d 1 8°44d g; wilt Mee tne .n4/4
(ally el*Plaille4P4lo,PorellettOrtArla.O..v:amoldepatitty9,,....stl
bin bands ..espmaiii -4 sr - -thesc:Purßorq-CAr.e`ndlY P t 7 fr i t- - •
4 1 !tri'd bY gtePflogtOlo?':•'Enetere of '*, . . :.
•i • , ..,-,1,-• ,;,: , ,,i{ .. ...,R,IVILLIAhIE,Vine street,
~.. Ill:Aria - : : aear4that: Road, PitirdPg.
.T . AMES rtiCztaniticAelfhiritanstaslng'comnion .
;;IA 'red clhalk. • Vlwt lOT , c.of !t ruth hoYritighttallii- • ' -
noes ills to Ma skirt} hottcoareNt( rough, ha* sallofrt
yellow and anhealthyAhlaskin,appettie atter tuthig pre+ , •
paratlchalki-, Beside" alnittluctOtpr,cOntairting a large- i
quitutityritleadt We hiiirepieparetja' beautiful Vase." •
table ardelit,whielZwetalL.Tortes' Spaniel filly Whi te
ft in perfectir innecent,thetinglanatestflf;ll4 deleterious
- mutinies, and it Ammeter to, the-Artn a. ottttuo4 bo'illiArr"-•
alabaster, ctettr, • brell'fa , bite4..of - OM s a me . lime ' aC T I W'
al a.coinneue oaths-stun, meting It soft and smOoth. _ .—: •._
Dr. James -Arolereon, f'ractical _Chemist of blassache- s _
;lens, saga; `.-4.-gell inalYo4/opea'SpaninlliiilYNV/Lito;
A find iSpostaesemt. the most M•sulifal eaknaterat, and at ".
the sinno•time innocent,. white, I ever sawL, J. certainly . -
can einseientionsly recommend its rise to aid whoa*. Ala
erzinlrelbeautifying." Price 25 cents a box, „Directiona .
"•;--the best way to apply Lilly White, is with sett leather
ar wool••=the fonnerza pleat:ol.g ' , .-rsi.,, , 3, .. ~+y - , , .1
- . A. 'irararaf -or - Tanen roar to "cratii.,-White. teeth'', .
Wail 'breath, healthy' atuna....yellawandanhealthy teelh,,.: • i
after being once or twice cleaned with Jones' Amber.,. ..
Tooth Paste, , have the aPpearanca of the; most beautiful,
Ivory, and, at the Bruno time it is AO perfecily innocent ei •
'foal exquisitely Lne, that:its sdn stat i daily. ass. it/highly ,
.advantageous, even to those wait that are in good condk,,,,
lion, giving-thenr a-beautiful : polishi , and:preventing, at
premature decay. Those already decayed it prevents.,
,from becontisigWrirto.-it alio fastena such ails becoming!,
toast, ' and by pe rseverancel t will renderthe foulest teeth.;
'delicately whoa, mid.make the breath deliciously sweet. •
. Price 25 m . an cents A bor. Jkli , the WAWA are sold only
eta Mahlon St., mignon/to American Eagle, New Weir,
•andby the ippideteditgeras whose names - appear in the
NVlts.kotr stakatand get a rich husband, lady!. I"crur•
face..ill your fortune Is't.behtltlfal, clear, - fair? lit• lt
ishifet' rt
If 116 i eau. betitade eVeri , thougltlrbi
dist3gartd, sanbtfrnt,•4ll need:and , freekle4. Thous—
*ads have -beta made ,thas. , orho Artve svashed i lince
vaisewl4.l4ltteal.ltalbsa Chemical Sitp- The "effect 1s
glonous aud magniBcetut „Bathe ears yotfget the germ-
Jettes' %Sap, at the; sigh of . the ditutriacut Eagle, 82
Chathanzaireet.-- - • , • •
Bing-werm, Balt-theraff, Scum)+, Erysipelas,azbar , s,
Itch, are often cared by .Jorres',ltitlias Chemical Soap,
when every kfad of remedy hasfelled That it cares
pimples, freckles, end cle p tp u t in faltfu, au know. -Sold tit
LtkAmetricaly y.agitt,_' 85 , streee , leader,
this Seldom or orst .
rf.i.; 4 . p . w. ) :4l , llllElLEWLL_ •% .Patterson."4.
Soldatiatztoaktalas i nT i u : ibl ia A 6 ("Wgmd , Si g n
'of the Big' 800 t... . , , -• ' : nov4,
ALT AHFratrti,scuury, , pLDKW. EßYSlPE.
0, LAS, Barber's cOggism,
Ilia lensed by. Man y. p yam wer
above, and we would not dinweirieterdalrsell Unless we
krievr tile be off wa stale •
,Asa coszneticytha UIIO . IIOINEVASOAPA perhaps the.
only. ashele , ever„known , that .settorxlimparities, , anff
viewed and beautified, the sltip;_tnaloot it bolt, cleat,
.smootkand.white 'a* au isfainc soltrtit 62
Ch?tbumst.,N 7.4thd by
kMAII23 V , 11) 4 ,1 ES' 4. 4 l ) 4 l #44 l atael t ituk WO"
jElltii - Tlo4.l3lolTri, ANE - TAIC .INILOELROX - =
A reapsclabYtigebtkman.c.nfled at on: efffice;AS he
said, to infarnt as -that Imbed been afflicted for Id years -
Iltheinnatismoe - Gout, Mad. occasionally with Tic
Dolther . rthat. he 'had 'been frequently eonfin.d to hht
.room" for months mgethar, and often maemd the most le.
tense mid exatuctaung pan; but that lately be had been.
sting -TagesthAtteratire, from whir:Mae thund the most sig
nal. and. unexpected refer. llc ,ithys 'he - found - the medi
cine ve pleasant and effectiVe, and that lie nbw
alders blamed( perfectlytured.—Phtlaffelphib North &nor-
A Rut Warta Kso wnra—A,•L e ptfem,.aof filernfulobs
babit,fnmrindiscretion in his. yoargis: days, beesnielaf
fecthd with Vleerzitioni in' the Throar andNose ' anita
diabiemeable eruption the:Skim Indeed, his whole
system brire the , marks or being saturated with disease.
One hand and wrist were so mach affected that he had
lost the use of the hand,- every-part-being covered with
deep,. painfal, , and.,orensire 'ulresufmnd were as bollcrw
and porops as an bonny-comb—lt this stage of his
, cOmplaint, when death appeared inevitable. frOm °loath
some disease, that he cOwmpriced.lbt use , of Arms's' A/ .
te naive • and baying - taken sixteen - bottles, Is now perllct
ly cured.
The Alterative operates through the.-eircalnithn, end
parqies the blood and eradicates disease ham the system; -
wherever locatde, 'and s . the Aumerons' cures it hos Per
formed in 'diseased of the skit), mincer; scrofula, gout %
liver complaint, dyspepaiiiiptat other ehrobiediseasebos
imi!rastoniatung.—Spwit .toe TtMCI.
For 'n}letla Pitisborgkat the PEKINTEASTOTLE
72 ongb atreel- . •
aynest. ihualltrate,dlistisee.f,
Ds, S . s.. CMG, kitipi, -OW wedett ll 47h4,je.4o:
/ have used your ernrifisgs, Vann - malram,
and Nxpecrorasts, Many, practice, 'Mr Jhelum three . years,
and have been exceedtngly well pleased With them,: and
never as yet,. to my - nreolleiti - on - , , failetUnif real - riot my
thltesi orpeetationt in their ..curative Pro/mrdes, Your
other Olvdtclues J vamMtarteakof_from experience; m
judging from thousthous l have osed,l doubt mittjtiq that they
claim, and rife entitled Id all' ite Conadenee• 'resdd - in
them," by those who have 'used/ram:it ••1. - liiiaifo po ritterly
very tmor/ to Vertinruge, nntil becometelaulan
other now is led with yours, which has my decided preform° to any
Resmetfally t your_klte:. . !icijohOlVira.
nrt I:l7!For 4 iiale.ithr . iPtusbuslit gpierPelferet BMW, 7 2 - -
MORE TESTIMONY Ipr Dr. Willard's Fttailrrus..
tinds.—The undersigned, eitiurnsitfAltlstrongbt,hav
ing personalty used Dr. Orient,l , Congir
tun, and exporiene ed.4t, benodcial effibr,, do Mos er
(idly kecommend it "art. safe rind :effectual, cases:
Opeaking from inperiondevitte'beliete'llutt ittbalattrat
perior; and would regommendltrasa'sdallsire'aftlidred.
• Pittsbusgh, !direr' idib, 181.
I. Schoonmater f Co" Jolinatiy4:Jikiime
A. Jones, J. H. Cainieli7olin Hc : o4; . r.L..llllnowden, J.
Mahler: Oirdea ii•fitiosgtreti.
VTPS Op CO WHIN Gviu.the night areyysy,:trenble
a"...stune. They break 14 nponiiiebotrts or L minie f arid
exhattsithe str x ecitk.of the sufferer.' 'B.A. nestoCk
it .
.Co.'a COUG H ALSAIS brurbeen s endtiently sucCess..
easing. tor caring Weis unpleasant •spelts.-.lf a
person is roused in" the nighl. by a spar= of cougintls
tea spoonful of the Cough= Balsam 'seethe Itigftist i ea
pellet, Radom it bspalsuable, lemma no utpleavantkasle
behind.' If once. usekit. rake *preterlettee!ffireetil,
tubers, aircremedy feetbakbsi :talOker.c.
Prepared arid sold. by B. A. FAMIEB2fCX4 Co.,
corner Ist and Wood lunsera, arylcorner.elb and Wood
primp., •
DR.Irl R. FLAXM,Er3,,egumatazoiyaarsuc, P ‘ rut . i . iimfor
ItOciefhellisple end setall,at the - '- - ,_
!-- .. ....., ~ , R34l,Thithibri7ir,
~ -.., 1ie.60,1/mithEe d at.
. ,
Nee, by Wei. Cleie,,...iilt4liehrett .T'. 0: Smith; 'Blr-
Attotuall;lohrt gqcnlcken, Peary iqefsPUOVird•
The'general ProLtertietioetheeie s Pills ere •Ctirmina.!
use; Pergatise and:Panic...4u the common. disorders
arising from-imprudence in diet, &cowed as sickness
=a sourness of thostomsch, heartburn, eesdarbesike,
;where .a medicine is required, this preparation - is,,rery.
Applicable, for itstcaluduative or soothing.edectslivo•
:almost immediate when noses or steguess exist
. ita - mgaliveopstution upotiftie ammach and bowels la
Sonde - and ellhoutali . and fts tonic, pmpefties, ilwart
'strength to - the digestive Arms, thereby.enattling Uese
lorgans to perform theirproper functions *id" order;and
regularity. The price has been redueed 16 . .25
'cents a box. . •
• .. • • . .
For sale, wholesale and rAtail_k_by.:.4,`A:pAirNEs
iTOCK & corner Front •tultd, Wood,. and pi - AM end
Wood streets, Agents for Pittsburgh , jild
ifIONSUWTION seizes more trictimartion.any-other
j disease* in, oar tonntry, The youug,.• the rod, the
!beatttifhl tuid gay,. are all Wile - subject to its invidious
,ravages, and' any a beetle cheek has e been sopped to
bloam with tho glow of keal th . But.everytuse ,origi
notes in a cold and a cough—perhaps deemed tuiprolthY
of attention at firtit—aud only mcf with- remedics.when
too late, Watch the first symptoms with Jealous care,
and make Immediate use'"of the Cough* Balsam all: A.
Fahriesteick tc Co., which wikeeitalulyekeek WI further
protreas, and restore the inflamed organs to a hemnifut
For sale* 1J IiAIINESTOCK /k. Co., corner it.
and Wood sum also, corner tith add Wood. deoll
panocribir heretofore existing . betwetm Baron e
r 3?.. ahi eld and.'Nilliant 11:Rayjatrading under the
rut of BUSH FfELD 'RAT% has this day been dis
solved-11Y lirtlliatu'lLHAVl selling Itig entire intereit au
tbifinn• to B,IIL-Busitifield. All accounts due-the Arm'
will be cotleetwi by S.B. Bashfield, end ail debts due by
the! !Me fitm 10 be paid by the same•
, . •• 4 ; r •rS. It BUSIWIFXD.
PirobnsgA. ,
Floc •?, ASO. , :--"'W,••1!:31'14%"3.•
- ••••
CO-pAKT.NERSuiP;---s.4lHosninirp l asting this •
day associated with himself 'Harsrlissamiformerty of
Bedibrd, PL, And recently of Me Notional. Kota -Pitts.
harsh, will continue the business Mulorzi.ber.firm 'of
BUSLWIELD & .LEADER, at the; old stand No. '4l)- •
Liberty street. • ,• 8. a. 811911F1E41. •
PintrOurpti June 22,04 9 . PKADF.EL!•!.• •
Having retired from the former imaiuessiTeskoi plea -
sure in recommending my onecemors to• the Bitty sage
of my cuitomers and the public , generally., -,•••
.ie29 NV. 13.-Wkirs..
.Tlace" Doak,
3TEZed by soct-i 1300118. n i ti e r, s a John Hood Haven; D;' D.
Abbots History of.Jullus C2r.aoro"rth Just
receiveo at
iy2o. ' cot:At/site& and Tiara iits.
OTANKS' -NEW N OVEL , - The WoOduutal no.
m:lnca of the dazes of {flatted ill, by G. Pac..! ft esx.
.ErNi. Jul received by. • •
'olNm:ix& suntrap;
! I • F. .