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' - . , :.- - ,..- -,- ., , :.-;-... , :e . .... - y - .....:4:.i, 71 ' , ..:. r:, - ...-`..:: - ,;,..... , - . ...,.;. .•-,.;.:.---,'---,--,,,;.Ttit.,r'i;r.,;,,i,-•' ~,,;,;-.4,.;;;,•;:::!..1.,!'•-.','--,'-.'..:i..;:;:.1.,...'i*:-::;=--5.:.-:-.-....1,-.:-F-,,,,'-j-_-,.•:.-...4; :.•:, yya . ... ._ ... .. ..... - - .._ ...._ .... ..,.. .. ... . ... .. .... _ . . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. ... . ... .. , .. . INE • <: = EOM ''''"itt'"''''''' . '''' ''' ~.; :;.::stili;.,::.•_ l o rM U g ..:„.",„..,....:„..,•,,„.„,,.:„..•_.„.:,._.L...._,.•.„„••._,•_. __,• . MEE ■ tfCliculation Igo() Daily. ME -De--ooratio . . . pRINARY - MEETINGS. P.ursnggf t 6 notice, a meeting of the DEMOCRAT: le - COMMITTEE' OF CORRESPONDENCE for the COUNTY of ALLEGHENY; watt h eld at the house of 614: Ditsiel Fick ieson on-Wednesday the 16th inst.,:dheti vrattfonanimously . ... Racked,: That the Democrats of Allegheny Comi ty, are 'retreated to:` meet at the usual places, on ✓ dig; the lst day of. Sept.. - to elect:Deleitoea to the County Convention, to meet at the Etititt flOutte on the following Wedge.. 'dab:Sept...6th, to nominate a Democratic County Ticket .; Tl:aineetings in the Townships to be held between - the-hours 0f . 4 and 6 P. M., and in the Ward* tind Boroaltha at 7 o'clock, P.M. - JOHN B. GUTHRIE, Preen, pro tam. ! latann-y4racor, Secretary. the wbig ranks in Pennsylvania. We charge that the same opposition that was manifested tornado Mr. Forward by Gov. Johnston, Moses Hampton and Samuel Roseburg, .was also exhibited towards the Editor of one of the leading whig papers in this city, and had the effect of de feating, lor a long time, his claims for a share of the public printing. If the Whigs doubt t h at ts.O.,*ifizsd any thing against Gov.Aoh4stoqi ^idampTa and Samuel Roseburg, that n 'iNt:i.eptible of being proven, we can satisfy thena:ZaCany moment they may chniiieStaaatt upon tit,:jiassv.an rdar,,yoMMl f - FC'ryr reaprct the aboxo Worthies - after be is 3rladde '; ve. etittite'd V ;caption to some Morning .rospsatijOhe propos - Sr . -444 ` .. 2ol.osidapt - Tayloi aidtagO? to tbianityiliar .'queatinning our'" good histe, ,, ';s.in relation to this matter, the Journal asks: i t: NU EN Enin 1 -, , ' - \ From the Gottysburgh. Compiler, Edited by Henry J. Stable, Esq., a Delegate to the Democratic State - Convei.tion The Tariff Resolutt on. The Pittsburgh Morning Post is PERFECTLY at oar in declaring—in reply to those Federalists there who are attempting to send the opinion abroad that the, Resolution in favor of the existing Revenue Laws vote not Curly and honeatly adopted by the Democratic State Convention—that "at the time the resolution was introduced by Mr. Mercer, the Con . ventlon was quite as full as at any former stage of Its proceedinga"—that it was red in a loud and clear voice, and understood by every one present—and that Its passage unanimously was follower: with en thusiastic cheers. These facts will not allow of the shadow of contradiction. And further, when .the chairmen, Judge Pettit, announced the adop tine of She resolution, a delegate called for the yeas and nays, stating that be had heard it suggested that possibly some delegates might be opposed to the resolution; bat the chairman decided that it was en• tirely unnecessary thus to consume the time of the Convention, as the twit was unanimous. These were the facts as wo observed them, and bear out the -Partin every particular. What folly, then, to pretend that the delegates did not know what they we're doing.! KM , ill '', '1 1121 511=111 ME - • = .::,',i:..'1 . : - : , ,s.:',..:L'il'-;".-.••I' - .4.'.'.. ,--,-.,.„.. ... ...,. fi'j,. '-.,.:.!:-!.;'.tT:.'i::.:' DOM I 4 ,EDITtIR OD:PROPRIETOR PATTSBUFIGH: TRIUNV. - -51011NING; AUGUST' 17, 1849 -VOR CANAL COMMISSIONER. 4011-N:A. GAMBLE, •or LYCOMING cornar. Tivaorkeir3r to Walter Forward: A BIT OF SECRET HISTORY. laishnown to most of our citizens that the Hon. Witzwx-Fonwilp,wasan applicant for an appoint meet wider the presentiadministrution, but was an. successful. The elements of opposition arrayed against him were numerous, and as the sequel shows. were successful. Few persons, however, ironware of the manner in which Mr. Ps. claims WertiXitislde by Gen. Taylor and Ws Cabinet. We therefore conceive -it to be our duty to draw aside The curtain, and exhibit the machinery in all its parts.' We shall state nothing but the facts. W,e)betefoyo charge, in the first place, that Wm. F. Johnston,Governor of Pennsylvania, directed and controlled the appointments for this State. We charge that Gov. Johnston used all hie influ ence (and successfully it seems) to defeat Mr. For ward's nomination. We Charge that Moses Hampton, the M. C. from this Distr.ct, co-operated and conspired with Gov. Johnston, in effecting the defeat of Mr. Forward's claims. We charge th at Samuel Roseburg, Post Master in this city, wrote to Gov. Johnston and Moses Hamp ton, priyate letters, for the purpose not only of de feating Mr. Forward, hot blasting his political repu tation. We charge that Samuel Roseburg wrote letters to Washington and Harrisburg, giving judgment in fa. vor of Mr. Hampton against Mr. Forward, and speaking , ,lightly of the political influence of the lat. ter in this Congressional district. We charge that the above representations had the effect of defeating Mr. Forward, who is one of the most intelligent, high-minded and patriotic men in " Will h e permit es to contract his course on the present occasion with that of Whig papers on the oc casion of Vice Presideet Dallas , shut to Pittsburgh, on the 10th September, 1847 Certainly, sir, we have not the least objection. We admit that the Journal did treat Mr. DALLAS with some degree of reaped'; bat the Gazette and American abased him in the most shameful manner; and even indulged in course and indecent jests about the Vice-President's "white tat." However, if the treatment of the whigs towards Mr. Der.l.ss had been ever so disrespectful, that would not induce ths - Hditer of the Part, or a single Democrat in this county, to show similar disrespect towards President TAYLOR. We have constantly advised the Democrats to call upon the President of the United States, %%bile in this city, and treat him WWI every kindness and re spect; although we have been, and still are, oppo sed to a grand procession and display, gotten up, as we verily believe, for the benefit of Gov. Johnston and ilia whigs of Pennsylvania, who know that they are destined to meet with overwhelming defeat In October, unless a little fictitious " enthusiasm" can be infused into their broken columns. Tennant Trembling in the Wind We learn, with some surprise, says the Union, that the leaffens of federalism are alarmed at their pros pecui even In Vermont. Tho Postmaster General, CciHamer, has gone home to arouse the faithful to action, and even the tremendous eloquence of Hor ace Gately has been enlisted in the desperate cause of Vermont Taylorism. eis to speak at Wood itsfaVon the 22d Inst. We trust our friends there will heal all their dif f erences. Let them correct the sufipos4 errors of their last State Convention an 'Mbar year; 1l is important that triNggery should repel - re a death bkze in the Green Mountain state. 'Two small chifdrea of Mr.' Leaning were drowned to the Morrie canal, at .Port Colden, on the let instant—the little girl falling in while trying to &err water and drawing a younger brother after her. uar,Pd trick- Flynn, the Irishman who broke into -the COnydnl of the Sisters of Mercy, corner Of Trlnitrittirl-ren6t4atreete, N. Y., on the 2let ult., ,airtYistasttltti4Aftt Mon Ica, one of the sisterhood, siriik r cialrfrfaykientenced to ten years service at hard isihti'Stnte Privet', ^..- =EN ,_' ~ ' ME EWE = "t c,:~ BM .• /, .... , ::'.. : ''' ,7 .:cP" -- :" . ;:. - :'4,'-'- ''' .- ' . "'' ,,- ' ,. 4...,.,"=:' ,. f . :5':.`,.-:';-- - An tiiitiatfircosta Mammal e. The following aornmardeatiod wati.braded to yesterday, by o niatheatOstOspectibleicitisexiabf Allegheny city, wha crosses 840:bridge daily, and-Oerefore'fallylcOninted*ith`ttle ing and out regent's has this antennae bectime of late, that many respectable ladies avoid crossing the bridges, not wishing to be insulted by the indecent exposure and obscene language of the little scoundrels ano are constantly swimming in the Allegheny. There ore certainly:Uwe against bathing in public places; and we have police officers who are sworn to se, that the lawanre faithfully executed. But the affairs of the two cities are now so wretchedly managed, that the people may look in vain for any wholesome reform until there is a change of rulers: Ma. Heruma:—Will you not call the attention of the Police and Directors of the Hand Street Bridge, of the daily and hourly scenes of the abominable practice of bathing by young men and boys. It has become intolerable by the hourly practice of those boys and men who go there for the purpose of an noying and insulting by exposure of their persons to ladies who may happen to cross. They frequently insult ladies by drawing their attention through abuse and blackguarding them. Only yesterday three ladies while,erossing were assailed by these blackguard men and insulted. How long are we to suffer this intolerable nuisance? Will not our city fathers see to it? Already several families have quit crossing this bridge and now cross the St. Clair bridge. Why is it that there is nothing of the kind at this bridge? If something Is not done soon, we would suggest the citizens to call a meeting, and take the matter into consideration, We are glad to see enrolled amongst the members of the Bar, our young friend Salmon J. R. Me. Mat ., LICN. As clerk of the Quarter Sessions, be. was a universal favorite, being a skillful, obliging and faithful officer. Few persona have more knowledge of practice than Mr. McMillen; and we are much deceived it his elementary attainments are not of the highest order. We consider him in all respects an acquisition to the Bar, and trust his success may be equal to his merits. The defeats which the reactionary or liconserva tiro" parties of this country and Europe have re certify suffered in the States of the South end Weld, and in Hungary nre Indeed cheering to the friends of freedom. In Europe the barbaric hordes of Rue• sia and Austria, fighting for the cause of "law and order" there, have been defeated by the noble and immortal Magyars, and the prospect is that they will be overthrown and annihilated. The drooping cause of liberty in Europe revives, and republican. ism again holds up its head. The glorious spirit of liberty may yet reanimate the people of France, rouse them to a contemplation of the degradation and disgrace to which her reactionary conservatives have brought upon her, and stimulate them to arrest the treason of her betrayers before it is too late, and before France again shall have been manacled to in the fetters of despotism. In ths same way is the patriotic cause reviving in this country. The reactionary conservatives, call ing themselves whims, bat who are real tortes and monarchists, are suffering defeat and disaster from the brave defenders of freedom here. In almost every election their mercenary legions are scattered or overwhelmed. Here, like their prototypes in Eu rope, they have been guilty of duplicity and treach ery. They gained the confidence of the people by false promises, which, after they bad obtained pow er, they shamelessly violated, treating the people as though they were ffuji . e:fics.eho could not detect de ceit and fall_,OP94l l2 s l ,~t 33t 11 tnVi* auk ofbooi PllP.:**ll*o - 30.4 1 alticou9814*094 1, "*IiikW oire f ..4 . b! ! .#toti3o*titrure'ettai!iftere U. ,441,, lie4o , * l 4o ll 4o 4 ol4h i rfitter'M u t° fit:outiotitiet v . , I iic°"ai'd icttirr tiitr iaors—ootil De T r: operatic pasty of America and Europe shall rise trioinphant over their foes who are the friends of conservatism, aristocracy and monarchy, whether they fight under the Whig banner of dm country, or the Austro-Rua. son in Hungary.—Wash. Union. Removal of Gen. Joseph Lane, of Indiana. This veteran soldier, appointed Governor of Ore gon, by President POLK, and unanimously confirmed by the Senate, has been removed by Gen. TAYLOR, and a Mr. Martatteit, of Indiana, appointed in his place. This caps the climax of infamy. General LANE was emphatically " the MARION of the war," and scarcely less distinguished than Taylor himself. What a spectacle ! While the traitor Cou.surs, who voted for the resolution that sought to cover our arms with disgrace, by recalling our troops before the war was over, is holding a place at the right hand of General Taylor—while HUDSON, the desper ate author of that resolution, is reaping his thousands in a lucrative office, also conferred by Gen. TAYLOR —the brave and weather beaten LANE; in the far-off wilds of Oregon, is removed, and branded with the brand of this infamous anmtnistration Wby did Gen. TAYLOR omit to announce this de testable act until the Indiana election had taken place ? He showed little of the soldierly this timid and shrinking delay. As it is, be rimy console him self that Indiana has done her duty to the country, by rebuking his administration, without being Insti gated to it by the removal of her most cherished son. Gen. Lititz will be vindicated in good time by those woo scorn the ingratitude of the present contempti ble regency.—Pennsylvanian. Ciir We hear it stated that the Whigs are endea voring to get Mr. Fonwann to make the reception speech to-morrow. Alter the developments of base treachery towards Mr. F., which we publish else where, we cannat for a moment believe that he will su for (none all self-respect as to take a leading part in any demonstration that might honor Win. F. Jourrwrote,—a man whose low cunning and mean ness were exerted to crash and destroy Mr. Fon- WARD'S political reputation. MR. HARPER:—Yon will oblige many Democrats of Allegheny County, by publishing the following names as a Democratic ticket to be made at, and subject to :be decision of the Democratic County Convention : Assembly.-1. R. McClintock, of Peebles Town ship; Col. Scott, Elisabeth; L. B. Patterson, Mifflin{ Col. Gibson, Pine. Sheri/I.—James &limberly, Birmingham. Prottuinotary.—Wm. Bryan, Allegheny City. Treasurer.—John C. Devitt, Pittsburgh. Commissioner.—R. G. Brooks, Pittsburgh. Auditor.—Nathaniel Patterson, Birmingham. Coronor.—Lenox Rea, Pittsburgh. MANY DEMOCRATS. THE FLORIDA ImatArrs--Mi/Ilary hievements.— The National Intelligencer, in announcingthat Gen. Twiggy has been appointed to the command of the military detachments ordered to Florida, adds : Two companies of the 9th artillery, recently sta tioned at Pascagoula, have been ordered to Tampa Bay, and also the 7th infantry, recently stationed at Jefferson Barracks. In addition to the above, one 'ompany of the 2d artillery, stationed at Savannah, and use stationed at Charleston,, been ordered to St. Augustine, the arrival of the latter having al ready been communicated to the Department. One company of the 2d artillery, recently stationed at the Angusta arsenal; has also received orders to pro. ceed to nuke. BM" The Winchester Virginian, states that Messrs. A. J. & G. R. Griffith, of the Brookland Factory, two miles from Winchester, sent of by railroad on Wednesday last, two hundred and forty seven rolls of woollen fabrics, weighing seven thousand and thirty pounds, and valued at upwards of $5,000. - -- _; i MSS MI MN INE ....' ,,- ,'' , ..T..i.:', - .:•.i• , '.. , t. - 3- ~:';.,,,.;7:,^.--,-7:.,-E-`-_:., =I . 4 . ,-- " , " , "*..#1r- ,,, Z:_ t f e 'Lr• For the Morning Post. Admitted. Freedom's Came Reviving. For the Morning Post Er= ISE MEM . - 5.' , :i .- ...;,7'., - f! ,- ; i`•' - ::'.. !. . : : , .. e, Ei INNIM EINEEI -!.Cottespondenee of the Daily DiornlnF Post. t7EN.TAYLOICAVIIVICASTE 4 ; L• 30.1.1311114 4ugust 1 ilk, 1849. Editor of the Post.—Thm greet-Reception o , bizt. - - Taylor has passedi - atidrour City, this evening. is comparatively qiiief. Ort Friday evening at 7i, o'clock, the cannon announced the approach of the special train which bore Gen. Taylor, Gover"• nor Johnston, and the Lancaster Committee of Reception. An escort was in waiting at the point wherP the Columbia Railroad crosses the upper ut town, under the command of Gen. Ford, as Chief Marshal, and a number of aids. Carria ges were provided for their Excellencies and the Committee of Reception. The procession was led by a band of music, followed by the mounted es cort; tb-n followed a four horsed carriage, in which were Gen. Taylor and the Hon.. Thaddeus Stevens; Governor Johnston followed in a tsro horsed carriage; then a large number of citizens in carriages and on horseback. The procession proceeded through North Queen street to the Swan Hotel. Gen. Taylor stood uncovered in the car riage, and bowed smilingly from side to aide in acknowledgment of the loud greetingaof the men and the wavings of the ladies. A vast crowd had collected in this street. When he reached his quarters, the crowd was so dense that be could hardly reach the inner part of the Hotel. After fairly in the door way, he was introduced to the assemblage by a short address from the Hon. Thaddeus Stevens; to which he replied in a fevi words, in a low tone, expressing his gratitude for the Reception. The public not being satisfied, and vs many per sons had not seen or heard him, he was called for thereafter in the most vociferous manner. Finally he appeared at a window on the second story, and after being loudly greeted bowed and stepped aside, giving place to Governor Johnston, who acted as the month piece of his Excellency. What an humbling spectacle this was—the President of our great nation not abk to address the people, but -compelled to stand by and listen to another giving forth his views and intentions. Governor John ston's address was a most lame and disjointed af fair; so much so, that many whige present de. dared that he was not himself, or that a too great flow of spirits had o'ertopped his reason. Hr sta ted that it-gave him pleesure to address the peo. pie on this occasion of a common greeting of the President of the United States, that there were men present of all parties; but it was not long before he exhibited the cloven foot, and hinted very strongly at the tariff policy of the Whigs, and as serted that Gen. Taylor's object in traveling Ha& a portion of the State was that he might become acquainted with her agricultural and mineral re sources, and so legislate as would best promote the interests of the people. Query : Can Gen. Taylor gain any information at all from the hurried tour through a portion of the State, which be had marked out for himself?) Governor Johnson having concluded his politi cal speech, himself and the General retired from the window, and with the Committee of Recep tion partook of a sumptuous supper provided for the occasion. On the following morning he arose at 5 o'clock, and took a stroll through the market, but being instantly surrounded by a vast crowd of persons, he quietly retreated to his Hotel. At 8 o'clock, he commenced receiving his company, The ladies from 8 until 9 ; large numbers of la., dies flocked upon, him, and it is said that e#l l -thenl: ll 4clt, 1 4k.i# 0 -04* - 0 11 ei*n. 4136 ' 40 0 7 . zJ . yeniVot they- *.ouluiyittirki*luiso!Alo:: -! 3 5.,0 1111 A , 41:ilit they grasped is hand as ;r With a vice, and performed an upward and downward motion with the whole arm, as if they had hold of a pump handle! Nu wonder the friends of the President requested a discontinuance of the practice. The reception over, the President was called upon for an address preparatory for his departure. He spoke but for a few moments, and :hen so bung. Jingly, that many persons not overaled with whig enthusiasm, blushed for the honor of the Republic The following is the most choice palagraph of the speech, and pretty much the sum-total of the whole address:— I consider the majority of the people the sover eigns of our country, and their wish I shall always carry out, be them Whigs or be them democrats, with the greatest of pleasure. I have given it as it is said to have been deliv ered, verbatim. I could not get near enough to distinguish his words myself, but it is my impres sion that my informant is precisely correct, Um., much as he noted the paragraph on paper at the My impression is, that Gen. Taylor's tour has been arranged altogether for political effect. It is presumed that it will operate favorably on the coming election in this State, by the Whig plotters of the tt Presidential Tour." As far as his trip here is concerned, it will have a contrary effect. At 12 o'clock, the President departed in care of the Harrisburgh Committee, in an extra car, pro vided for the occasion. Ramo for a Husband Such is the heading affixed to a paragraph in the Fomen of Barcelonta. It says scheme has been protected by a poor but talented young man here, anxious to form a matrimonial alliance with a lady, likewise without fortune, which has for its aim the assurance of competence to the contracting par ties. For this purpose the would-be bridegroom proposes to make a raffle of himself, and with this view has issued 6000 tickets, at a dollar each. The female who shall draw the prise, no matter what her position may be, will be entitled to full informa tion respecting the physical and moral qualities of the gentleman, who, on his side, will also be afford ed the same advantages. If both agree to conclude the projected alliance, they will possess a capital of $6OOO to support the charges incident on matrimo ny; but should either object, the money is to be di •ided equally between them, each being thus fur nished wits a dowry to enable them to make a choice in which chance shall take no part. The p lan is an ingenious one, though its accomplish ment is beset with difficulties. To what a pitch has calculation and speculation reached ! The Charlotte (N. C.) Journal states that Gold Bul lion to the value of $223,251 88 hoe been deposited in the Branch Mint of that place from January 1, to June 1,1849—an increase of $31,544 17 over the amount received for the same time lout year. The Mint coined in the half year $189,405. The Mint coined in the half year $189,405. Der The Wheeling Gazelle of the 9th says, the first iron cable of the ‘S. heeling Suspension bridge, was suspended across the river, from tower to tow er, a span of 1010 feet, the afternoon before. It is the small cable which is to guard the course of that giant pathway through the air, and above the snob .tructed river which rolls beneath. car The Albany Journal says, that Albany is not the place for rogu es. On Tuesday, one of a gang or New York thieves came u p on the Manhattan, robbed an emigrant during the night, was arrested by officer Whalen in the morning and sentenced to iii months in the penitentiary in the afternoon. Mir The city of Hanover, Penna., and that neigh borhood, are renewing their efforts to raise funds sufficient for the construction of a railroad from Hanover to some point on the Baltimore end Sus. quehanna railroad. ; - 3 ',;.• • ' , • MIN ,;:i ‘,.!-41'.-.;:-.''': v:;2.,,- :.':.; - :. , ;'.'• .;:-.,-;.' ' .. i. : „.t '. -,- .'%• - i -- . - • - - - • - -'•;.•.' •.:I:''' - . -t,,,1,.., =l3 MIE " . :7'' '', : ', :; , ; , : ' .. ' :it'_ , ,* .ii' ;' ,i ' •i't • 4' '' ' =MI ~+, ~ y. - t . ,~., ~;_ - ,= t ,, ~~= .. -~''~~ ~ " ' • • 7 - • •;, S. • . • z - -1, - .• •:`•!q 1. ' ' ~. _ ~ ~ ~ a r t h 1•' • ' ME Rem and Nine •-• Mr A letteriti:thit Itgmadournal :titates ,the - cars on the ,- Erie Itailoaad are::litted with reclining couches, ingeniously Arrangedfor.:idneping4n two attitudes, eit'that theiliesengers may steep 7 sMindly from ,fludaon to the Susquehanna, after placing their tickets io their hat bands, or pinning them on the sleeves, so that the conductor may not wake them up. SW Lorenzo Draper, Esq., the recently appoint ed Consul for Havre, sailed - from New York on Wed nesday in the steamer Europa. On the same day, Edward Kent, Esq., Consul of the United States for the port of Rio Janeiro, sailed from the same port for the scene of his official duties. DIY' The 3t. Louts Republican states the loss by the burning of the steamers Mary, Ban Francisco, Algona; Phcenix and Dubnke, at $71,000 loss bycar goes. $77,000; total lose $148,000. The total in surance stated at 130,000. Sir Philip Dimm, an old and respectable citizen of Delaware township, Northumberland county, committed suicide on Friday night last by hanging himsell. He was upwards of 70 years old. Ditis The Pope gave Col. Niel, the Frenchman who brought him the keys of Rome," &magnificent chaplet for his pious wife," and "insignia of the order of St Gregory for the brave soldier." ter It is a fact worthy of note, says the New York Erpress that among all the numerous guests, boarders, and servants, at the largest hotels In the city, not a single case of cholera has occurred. tar It is proved that a pair of sparrows during the time they have their young to feed, destroy, on an average, every week, 3,360 caterpillars. This calculation is founded upon actual observation. Ca In 1835, only thirteen years ago, there were not 5,000 white inhabitants between Lake Michigan and the Pacific ocean. Now there are nearly 1,000- 000. Iter Col. Jacob Cramer, who commanded a regi ment a t the battle of Bladenburg, died at Frederico, Md., a few days ago, in the 82d year of his age. DM` Colonel Benton it is said, has written to his personal friends, that he has the greatest confidence in his success in Missouri before the people. IMir The Canada Punch says that much of the the milk consumed in the metropolis is brought from the chalk cliffs of Dover, though the cockneys thick it comes from Cowes. DXr "My brethren," maid Swift in a sermon "there are three aorta of pride—of birth, of riches and of talents. I shall not speak of the latter none of yea being liable to that abominable vice.) (J Attention Irish Greens.... You will meet at the (Ximory) Quitman House, on Saturday the lath to join in the reception of the President of the Uni ted States and the Hero of Buena Vista. augl7 RORT. PORTER, Captain. Attention Irish Greon..—An election will be held at the Quitman House on the 20th inst-, to elect one Captain, ono let Lieutenant and 2nd Lieutenant of said Company. Sergt. George Dougherty will superin tend the election. angl7 ROET PORTER. Captain. setremens ilasoetattcrn....The Firemen Association will hold n Special bleating tomorrow at 12 o'clock, M., at the Neptune Engine House, ou business of importance. R. BIDDLE' ROBERTS, augl7 President. To Contractors HE School Directors of Versaules Township, All 3- 1 gheny County, Pa., will receive Sealed Proposals or the building of a School House in the town of Port Perry (Lock %o. th Menongahela improvement,) until the let day of September next. A plan and specifications may be seen at the Mime of Herron, Morrison & Co Fifth street, Pittsburgh WM. J. MORRISON, JOHN SHAW, Committee, - Prrrsnuaou, July 26, 1546. THOS. J. KEENAN, ESQ., EVSOPEAN AGF7.I.P"Pin,*I Hotel, Pittsburgh, 171E&P•NRIVOltite;FaitilliA";i 1 Abiritsiitg:Tou :- . et#ll)*Ocil t i g it #editt - - ( tPoo4 4o. Aziurt ol 4 n ri: - onatistero4,lt testl4lllz.VsFt;profettioptt_ slimpkitri=l#lllFeglltY - ;-vWer,Aot Wen:v o 3A eltmee4- EktitOckHa for S i xu*Nezython.HOrii Loge . .; sTi. at-over 10=# Dighl4.l4llTralo''' . pt promptly, • - ct • , ..riatter Ledo ixr 101 r7rove, can with confidlnco pnrl candor,, recatt•' Aok.Arigtib , VotattAtithflit sYSA#4O.Otst:IVVAITP.V6t/ in enntitit vOyagerliettits ten' in I' Veldt travels, We remain, Truly yours, Much oblired friends, W M. CRE4,, HUGH CREA,. _ The Gein.., „„ THE undersigned bogs )oiivotrlttittertfiiike.thillxibhc: that the first number of THE GEM will be ready for sale Ibis afternoon at 3 o'clock,l4 the different Periodical offices. Newsboys and carritrs'will be supplied at the office of the County Joel. Persons wishing to shbseribe will be furnished at the rate 4(81,50 per dllllllllll. Persons having Prospectusts *ill please hand them in to-day. ',GEORGE YOUNOSON Vaderarrlteee Hale. Rug 1731 . _ //AN Tuesday next, August — 2lst, at 10 o'clock, A. M., VI will he sold at M'Kenna's Auction Rooms, 011 ac count of LT iiderwriters : xl pieces Superfine Bleacked Muslins. 44 do do Drown do Some of which were slightly damtind on Railroad. au 17 J AMES YPKEN NA, Auctioneer. ONMonday, sepiem er td ai.2 o'c , .., will e sold to the highest and beat bidder, at 14.1 , Kenna , s Auction Rooms. No. 114 Wood street, the following Vlll dry articles to pay charges, unless redeemed before that date and hour, with expense or advertising added—the owner of which, or their agents, will take notice of this advertisement. The following Aro the articles I Silver Patent Lever Wititch l il 3 Trunks of Clothing, and seoral CarpetSigs. JOHM-,1401AS Jr. TERS, augt7 JA4,II , KEINNA, Agetiorteen Slonres Horse Coir.ent 'and CondiriolV or, 41 ! C 4braba zur ; C4l'l'l ,- 1 Po .. A.§.VE become POPU .ii PhYSiCi•POPltlid other men of Selene. ibrabiE dap or COWILTiAbn. sea which afflict HORSE PiartcE tkilltarttelarlki';' ally, and such are the intr . l lidtiiiiigtgai4tßit chief,' that when once used th-ig4lghtleitiedientielges a character folly equal to th r remitirciebdatibtiti li:rSeis Agents' name at theitiat otHlotura Column. For further particulars aapelihiptinia/s, get pbasaphlete of agents. ri..fl',, I_,IINE EDI LIONS OF 81,450 h ,.. 4tie Wavertrietiva at Boston edition, 27 vela. 'V Amadeus, illustrated, I.4rodat: Don Quixotte, do dO Oil Blass, do to Oalliver's Travels, illustrated; London. Manon Leacant, • fdo do Pictorial History of Engirt Pictorial History of Germ Drake's Shakspeare and s 'Merl—large paper. H. B. BOS WOR T & CO., Fourth street, near Market. Books lbe.Wcat• BARNETT'S Notes od!thil Niirth"Wastern TerritOrT. Bradford's Notes oil !hit North West The Welt and its Cisranieretriby Hall. Saphan.Ps' Wlsecatlin r California and Oregorilrail.. Life In California. , The Indian and his;•virkwalnlby Sehoolerall. Western ClearingsibrMrs. WU/and. What I savv•in by Bryant. • BOSWORTH & CO., Forirth at near Market. THE EDI E Rit/NETHELS, WOULD tender thei4rifre thankshikthbuitisensot Pittsburgh for their v arra Iditt:illllor4aliteMit past SIX WEEK'S, an beg - Idavn 'anneratita they willggive another of, their . POPULAR ENTER. TA INMENTS, at V APOLXO HALL. ou FRIDAY EVF.NINO, August 1,0 occasion they will intioduce NEW SONGS, BURLESQUES, DANCES, &c., &c Doors open at 71. Klock. Concert to continence at 6 Tickets 25 cents: augl7 Public Sale of Real Estate. THE subscriber will offel for sale on Thursday the 13th dey of September, 1849, at 10 o'clock, A. M., on the premises, that valuable TRACT 01. LAND, situated on Robinson's Ron* Robinson Township, Allegheny County, Pa., on the State Road leading from Pittsburgh to Noblestown, i mile from Maj. [sato Wu'kers' Mille. CONTAININO QNE HUNDRED AND SIX ACRES. On which there is erected a new Frame Dwelling House, 2 stories high, 30 by 16 feet. with (Tame kitchen attached, one large log Dwelling, one Cabin House, and a barge ,abin Ba)n. The land is in a high state of cultivation and well adapted to farmittg and gardening purr"ses.containlng an inexhausubleMlre of Coal and Limeetone. There is a number of never failing springs of water, so that every field can be watered from the Springs. This is in a desirable situation for any person in the city wishing toilet a plen.sant country seat or farm, being only one houredtivwfrem the City; and agreeable neigh. borhood—and the dbntetnplated Railroad from Pittsburgh to Steubenville bah•been surveyed right alongside the I premises. ~, For fur - dial:particulars enquire of JAMES WALKER, on the premt or of JAMES C. RICHEY, Agent. An indisputable tie and possession given on the let day of APril, A. . ' 50. 4s, Terms MdiE known at Sale. r - JAMES WALKER. Robinson , awnship, August dud, 1849. angl6:3td,EStws Notice. HERA6S. 'Letters Testamentary, to the estate of MOSES DUNLAVY, late ...of Allegheny County, dec d, have been granted to the subscriber; al/ persons indebted to said estate, are requested to make immediate payment ; abd those having claims against the same, will present them duly authenticated for settlement„to N COYLE, Exetutor, Office 4th street, near Smithfield. •ugle , ii2::r.~w- +-+-s .. . . .. . .. . . , .f . • ; ;; '.- . „ IH. - .„. , 4. ~,.-,,,-,,, ,;.,'-:;..•..,‘,:, ..,..:,,,‘7::,i.,:';,.`.A..',.,".'i -?.!,.:-"-,::-:--i,.,`,..-.-,i'r.i'+*-F.'-.--i,',F--...,:i"-!'•,.?-t4Y-'4"..-..,':','.--.0".,-='.'i:' ..!,_...-3,,,,,,,,..i,i,.•..,.,..:1.-;!;:i,...7.7.-!..,,,,,..11-1..,..;.i.f.,':,,,,.;:,,1.14;',;,,',:::,:-74,%:.5-7-,Fj,:t.4,';..i,.7*-.-t.r.13.4..,,Zi.'..,:4,.4.•.•,:i.-4'.r, f -- - ' C Fi i Mi , r' MEM - ~r%:. . . • • Cnot.T4.—We leans Bole goid authority: that the Cholera:lestiWfearfolly on the:lnertias° ityßinoing.: ham. Illnce i gongsiincitOret(4fret - everlwitierr.. , dred intuit:4lkm, principally germans, there have been sietelbrty deaths. The locality to which the diatom has been confined is the back part of the town immediateltat the foot of the hill; the offal fiam the slatighter honaes above together with the mine, have formed a pond, the Miasma arising from which is sufficient to breed cot in the whole neighborhood. The Councils of the Borough held a meeting on Wednesday night and appoint:el:la - Sanitary Committee, and we think the conduct:of the authorities, to say the least, will be highly mini- Mal if they do not at once aticipt measures to have this pond of death that has been spreading canto. gion through the town, drained_ and filled with earth, an as to prevent the water from collecting there in future. Tar. Eatuara. , —These popular nod highly accom plished Minstrels give anothel of their superb Con- , marts at Apollo Hall to-night.; We perceive from the programme that Mr. Baket, one of the first mu-. sicians and composers in the Country, will execute one of his much admired 'fanikaies on-the 'piano.— Taunt and Gardner will sing sexes oftheir beit songs; Palmer and Meraoge will draw the ',bow on their "sweet sounding rials,w.Snyd'or isdouirtfor his uni que and_ laughable Do aBo o oblipto; H*rich: will bring music from the bones, and the African Siamese twins, Cool White anti Dick Sliter will "do " such deeds" as will make Hibbard, the gentlemanly agent, cry for'wiinarterew at tLe • door.. lirrauge penis have been made to preient accident. In case the people should make too great a rush to °bra* admittance. TEE WEWERN PEANIALMANIA Hosnicer..--The cellar walls : of this immense building are, neatly built. The stone are brought: in wagons ftom the hills back of Allegheny, whith, from the distance, most be attended withgreat expense to the masons. We are told the first story will be up before winter. Those who have curiosity to visit the site of the Hospital, will find it in the North Ward on the, bill side above Croghansville. on which x;= , ' fit , • -•-•;* '•• d.; ‘l. .!' MEE MEE WEIMI P.-:,-: . _1,,: -, ,:c.':-. EMI tiOCAV nglEltS-? Mons. Anair.n.--This gre4t Necromancer appears to be as succeasful in drawing crowded houseatur he is in the performance of his )nagic feats. NO hold's' forth at Philo Hail again to-night when he will agar° exhibit his Megasconwna or dissolving views, having had prepared a number of nepv scenes, making it one of the most wonderful and pleasing exhibitions ever witnessed. Ranum.—Toro young gentlemen engaged horses yesterday to take a trip to porkers for the purpose of indulging in one of his delicious frog suppers.— They however smiled so freely that they mistook the road to East Liberty and n4er discovered the mis. take until arri ring a t Squirrel Hill. Gentlemen who wish to take pleasure excuralons should not indulge too freely in juleps before starting. Loom Cluv.—Weunderstakid that a notorious thief named Jack Caten, lately liberated from one of the Eastern Penitentiaries, is uow lurking around the city, doubtless making arvaitigements with some or his coves for a descent on some dwelling house or store. We would advise ale officers to be on the I ook out. F:NOIZIE Hocsa.—The Elliptic, House fur the new Water Works is in progres*of erection. But every thing proceeds slowly. The new Wards are suffer ing from want of water, and-of course blaming some body. That dilatory gentle Man certainly deserves a dpc44.14994.4iad - ,bc! , will , )m4:thifigthettldgyi . . :41.*4000104010:1Z7- Who • 11114 Vail Rotten; #sgueteyesumtiy, av4.-itipla to batl to the earn of `Arqrtialii*-1611i6r!'i::fiY416440-044*_tee1; Foe-Bier trxiplo act - arCottrt. Igorß;Seaa riptle been made to "float Free , ' from "ihnilorite lir the new Coni s illniine A new staff raised yeaterdiy afternoon and we ez. pent the Stare and Stripes Will be "unfurled to the Breeze" this morning. enema or STATE —Aki. Steel officiated ae Chief Magistrate of the city yeaterday.. He filled the Chair of State with dignity and his official acts seem tempered with mercy., St:cm:ann.—The Firtane Committee we under stand have been very Emcee:Baru' in raising funds to defray the expel:area of the city Guesta expected to morrow. Wax. anvil/ea' flu CLes4s.—Dr. Jaeltyckt(ip.eddk:. to lay hia claimatiefore Zach. satisfied with aluaoat tattyitpoiatment. • I" Music.—The ringioW i the .o _uktion bells-oppo• site our office niapiiriiVniiiki*k so*. but sFo•.*iintri' prefer hearing an cimntuer,piny:on-Ifie Mix sr. Tituts-r•14:0:10,:kai1:UAls a4puiplisheil f:44gghter, '-joarniag in: tubber. - POLICC Tombs yt ed with di MAILING Otiszavritogra.+Thethieveawalk around the city during the day s. tq Bee what they can pick up at night. GOINO TO MITT firta.—A. great number of people are making arrangements go to the county line to . meet the President on eitturday. BAltres Si;arrms,4rt itold that a great number - or persons are sojourning tit Bailey's Springs attirpi; sent. Arrr.rrnottli.r. Chine .5 94he. up mush and milk atll-41Altt..this taernitt cows have all been shinifcritW - : Corrors.—We observe Sou! rough M;fins.-On'the _ way to the Cemetery at owl .timejosterday. PAVING .—Workmen arel Ogled paying Cherry Alley from Diamond StreeAto-gmAiy_er, Wzammt.—Yesterday:arae, warmer than ;thaw. been rora l s,"." 41 - lI'Vf.tYPTA*I427, afaitilihnitirOnovir and benniduiry Lrst.eY.—Robert PattersOn has the finest kind of a stock of carriages, baggiee, and fast riding horses. Stcx.—Mayor Herron was indisposed yesterday PHIL9I HALL Exhibition every evening week, M at 8 osekock T . BE WONDERFUL EX ITION of the great a. giclan ADILIE . This exhibition is divided in 3 parts, and composed each night of a great variety Of novelties. See toe Small Bills :, ATRENac..:~x """.,w" ,- -11,-11R'1!1---::1-,,-,1-.,--,:, --,"---.7i,-,-..,-;:-"":-.•.,;-%-,'-= .t.,,,,.,,,,,,,FF..„.,_,-,.. -. . ,,, f r;re';'?". , '' 2' ,,s'l '- -- , -,". ''..:4,--:" ',.-'l'-''S-i'-'4'-?-'-',:f',:Z,14,7.,,r-t'.;•--,''..,"':',, ',2.:`... - :_' ,',. 4 ,.A . :.- - ` l ", - -; if,ii,-. '-''''-•_';','-'.'-_,Q;P';'!C;'''_,""''..',.--'4-:-.,:5.,:, _ , ~ , - _,,, - ,7,- . _ i',.. ^;,5,;;,,-,,-.1'.-1. 4.,'-'-'O,PI ''.--'' ' . 4 :' * ,' , , , ,i'- tt',..., - , -; .',...,C .- .4:1 - t .,, ~4.5, - .„.! ::. -..'-. --' ' :,,,,'''... t.,L,2-,ief. - ' ,. .,.. - ' - f" . . j4l :r :' , ',-, ,, ...;•,.2, '-,;-;,'.5.2,:,..-z.f!'.,,,-,-,4-,-,,i:-, :-:,. ,;,...,-,,:,,:,,,:.„`„;,.,„;15, . ',„,,',1:,•,7„,...,:,•,•7-':,;.. i .,,-,:- ' , .: :: , ,... e5.i . ..• - ,i-,..- , ,-. , :: : -1 - !.-"., , ,,,- 1. ' , - , ..:= ‘ , .. --- i_.,- , _ , .:.": -, - -•..' s ~---- •,--,,,-,,,-,i-.5,„_*,3,,-,:,--:,,..-,..,,,,,,,,?...:,;*.j'..1.,-.::..„.71_,1,r,i„..-,,,,,,-,,,,1.; ~,,,.,....,,:: -,, ‘E,. - ' -- -,. .:,i - : , , , ',,;. -- f,.," , - ; .-. ,--;',,,, '--,!" --- •",,VL,;.1,1,1,•:1='-..,, •• •• . -,2, ..:, ,- `i , ' . ":;_- -,,,- i,;'_ . • ; ::: ; ,- .1`71, •.-.%,.." 4 : ''',.;.' 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DULL PEEN VICTORIA GONE TION, OF PARLIAMENT-HUNGARY.-GLOB.: lOUSVCCESSES BEM; DEMBINSKI AND GORGEF: ,IN COMM MUNICA.TION..-RUMORS OF AIISTRULNDIS.. POSITION TO. NEGOTIATE- FOR:, TEACE- . VICTORY OF 'DEMBINSKI' ;OVER T'ASE . ..EI• WITCHBATTLE., WAITZEN-- AND DE FEAT OF 'THE 'RUSSIANS :13Y GORGE . X.= CHANGE IN - AHSTRI*;UABINET; FRANCE4ARVEST THE TOPE NOT RETURNED': TO ROME=' AUSTRO. ITALTDEA'THOF RING CHARLES ALBERT4URNISH - ARMY . O RDERED,; TO THE HUNGARIAN • FRON,TIER-4USSIA-- CONSPIRACY 'AGAINST THE ' EAIPEROR-.1. DESIGN T0,,-V3TAKISH A -REPUBLIC-A. AI ERICAN STDCRS•IN ENGLAND. The Hibernia's news began 'coming over the' wires at 12 o'clock last night. The news Express from Halifax to Johns, was detained 20 hours on the 'route by fogs. While we were receiving the news, the steamer came up to her wharf at-Bestonolittle after mid. Trade continues quiet , but steady,. • Cotton blur experienced 'a-moderate demand. The prospects of the harvest generally, are of the most favorabla character. The Ntetat market harrbeenchruacter; ized by . a frdr business throughout the Money stilt continues abundant, and Call be dai•_ ly attained on the terms of integest reported per, that steamer. Ccerros.—The demand has been more 'limited this week than it has been for some time past. The sales of the week foot up 42,200 bales, ,of which only 4,300 were taken by speculators and 5,700 for export. The following are the quotations of the Ameri can descriptions sold Upland 4f953d.; New Or• leans 407 d ; Alabama and Mobile 4105/d. The :weather continues fine, and is forcing oh the grain crops to maturity. The harvest has already commenced in the Southern Districts of England, and the appearance of all the grain crops give promise of a very fibula• dant yield. The price of grain however, remains unchanged. Adviees from Havre of August 2d, state that the excitement created in the Cotton market there on Wednesday, by the American accounts, via. Liverpool, came to a complete stand on the foli, lowing day, and the sales only reached 300 bales. Prices were firm at id. advance. BIZEADSTIMJIL—Under the prospect of a good ~... harvest, breadstuffs ofall descriptions are depressed, particularly.a indiark.cornsYth&qt - -P:Atigo4ol4 :it twosotbu ors. Sound rind good Y?kmene{ 4es . C4iilti4;4erft !tm etit n (3l 4 k 25a. pet barrel, !ihite)(ll-501. funds this week have been rather less buoyant. On Thursday last consols opened at a decline oft per cent, and only partially rocovered, iitiving . hirtrr 92109.2N , .;`Yosterday - Aftey.:-eloiett.^.4 921a931- per cent: The Queen having quitted Osborne EfoOse for Ire land, on the Jot instant. • Parliament !v . a. - prorodued by commission. The Royal speech delivered at this close of the - session contained nothing very novel. The inhabitants of Cork, Dublin and Belfast are milking the most active preparations to give a loyal and enthusiastic reception to the Queen. Political feelings are almost forgotten. The Hungarians continue eucccosful• They had defeated and out•mancenvered tho enemy, and placed the Austrians in great peril cutting off the Russians (rpm ;ttitir hase,-ef operations, • The three great Generals of the Hungarian cause, tem, Dotoiniski, and Gorgey are now in oetninuni catioi,ifith eachc4eincl ready. to act together 114:TtiPPeriv,"'' Their respective poeticise arg ‘ reni.lerc secure by the.F.barticter, of the countryitivvhlch they amines -114, while ou the-othet. 'lend, there is nOling.to preveitsheir imeMing from Mei! fastti*whenever: occasion presents The whole population serve them withS. 4 lloart SO, hand,, ,, bring them r004, - hoyme, telligotme of the enemy's movements in Att;:, bFlth thatt.2l The London nova of .August 3d bas datesAio Vienna ofinly2Bth. The news that Gorge staving` ; beaten tho Rainfans at ; Japoe entered Kaitibau'if -, creased the Phelan had alreay' - tetiebedVienna:. 'Tbokwere rumors - at yienna of intentions "elite?` ` taineclito negotiate peace4tb Hungary. ' Leiniirar is...reported to - bate earreaderedtarthe ung . , . Cretin (jellachA) was continuing his 4R l (44VlA l at4o l oA sta J n iflL-- y llt?tb ' Atiodift cd is victor aver the 4 - 43 n theaO , . Inal :aria;*AVrl44o - 40`; quilts iov - biit iii,cohquerrikaittretialiori'at enemi--4illitui and Anguatus;;;..l..,e-i7+,.. , ,,. - • Lefters from Cracow , efthe 0:36441.4 . iit*-00: the Ruasian troops -whO'we*liSi-the:point , :er , :leai.,„ ing-thbt city . for Huntext-had received coniteitrit -4gittir*Al4.l,oo, =filled-withA4ml Ititarrkiagriti** =riedntir of ,Crawco.- ' 4th inst., we learn that accounts from titingaryi4U C been received, through Paris, Vienna, and Cologne, which concur in announcing another battle in Hun. pry. It appears that the troops of Demhenski and Prince Paakewitch came to an engagement, which ended in the defeat of the Maisano. Paakiewitch is cut off from his line of communi cation, while Dembinski, Hem, and Gorgey are in full communimition. Gen. Haynau (the Austrian commander) is repre• rented to be in a most perilous situation, the Mag. yar Generals being masters of the whole line from Razek to Assomba, facilitating their communications with Belgrade and the Turkish Provinces:- The Cabinet of Vienna is absolutely in a state of alarm. A peremptory had been issued by the Government prohibiting the purchase of Foreign stocks, the ob• ject being, it is supposed, to prevent money from being sent out of the country. On the lfith ofJuly a desperate battle was fought at Waitzen, between the Russian force under Par kiewitch and the Hungarians under the brave Gor gey. The Russians were defeated. Gorgera army had broken through the lines, and marched north, affecting a junction with the Hunga rian main army. A letter from the seat of war sayer--" The attack of the Hougarians upon PaskieWiteh's division was tremendous. The Russians were borne down in ME 4 %. ' ~3 . '" ' Offl ME NM . .... ... ~..... . ..... y. . A. :,....' ,- 6.'....;.;-4.........,! . .' 21-`..:W1ri1..::::..: 1 ' ';;!',...:c;....'...i:i;.: - ... , f...... ,. ..' , .. 7 :•: -. . ,-.. i.07 1-- .. ,7 ' , '' Y . .4 .' -,,,';--;',7,-, ? . , .': .: 1 - `'...: ,. ..-, - ;'.z:i:,':','',.,,,,i- ',.-;,'1.-IJif.,:;:3•-t;:,::!,,''-"'..'"- : ';;:',. : ?i',:i•.i ; .`!;4..=',9'l,': ' ',.--;;f1 , '4..1• , ;,:...5..•.i...,- , , ,..,,,, i,:.;,-:',',.'.!•-',_'.'-'-',' ~., . ..t,.- , ..'- P ",' •i •:::.; .- :: - ..';! - ' ,... .i -, --. ...•7q-,.,;',,,,?;,...'.:!y 7..; .- t;-',.: . :.•:.,-, , ,•';i:ii.(,:f. -.":-;',:-i•:;'i..:!..:..:,,',.i'.:',:.:..•:..;,,. •,• . • ;,.'.,:..!:;;!.:...,,,,-.:!::;'::, ';' --. '--.i..:::,::.:i',.:'. ' I= MEE Emma PfuLA]rmparA, 4ugust 16th, 1849. LxvgnpooL, Salur&q, August 4 LIVERPOOL, August 4th HUNGARY BEM 4 - - ".' =EMI 3," t~~-s~~ =EMI SIM MEN MEN MIMI • ,12 1 . .1 -' , , ux;.r_. . BM 11211 :.j.,i . .;f ; .' : ',•-': ''.;-t..;- EMI v: ,, r..:=t.i . i.r,'..... , 0 , '. , t , t... , , , ,,,-- , 77.-..i:..,;-.,•:q;:.',...,.,-,f;.,', 4 .:: :: !-5. 7 ..,, : i,:,: ~ ,,,.. ...i. , , ,- . . .::.:- . .:-.‘,-'.::::;-;'.:',.....,...f.:.VY.7..-.,:.- i i:','. .1":.:.:,:._:.;,:,!:1":4I.:0;'"g'F'''' Mil= Maas andcompelled to retire before the terrific on. 'slaught of the Hungarian., whS fought with ones: ampted courage and daring."-...:. - .... , Another leiter describes the retreat of ! the Des mans to Danakees as "a most disorderly Hight before_ Dembinakits busters," and states that theDuseities were only saved from annihilation by the . arrival . or Gen. - Remberg: - : - --It War iidioitted;rit:Nitinna -r ne ace - 20th July, that the gtiegariaVirethryj'elltar* had been complete. ' ' " `"' ' - - FILANCE."-::- - -= ; , v- -----s-,,:;-" • The President bUtp been e 1 Ctiloeto lbeASSthri...- Oa hie return to Patio he is 31;p:review the whole ato... 4 -,i i . ' .. mynf,the - Siiint,:nroeunting tik - fit , o;aia*iii.. - : There seetai to be every prospect of a Uittjtrabiii-, - ; f,,,,,,, -- dant haiveif:thronghiiit. - kiiinen..,4lt-somt;rol . -4hti---. 1: -. I L PeP!lmint! the !YAP?! - cF9P;44:4O*-2.01 nailer: CIO ineei fhvOintile"cireuristanceZ ,-, .'.. - , "; - 13,.. , ,- - e::;: - '' - -,: - . ., , :5 .. ---. Th qFCia_o c h•f4Pdg-arC 111860 P-..._ 41 0 - iii17 40 1.. : -. .1.1z‘ :::•: - :'-','''.l - 1 The Pres ide nt to s til l .idapecteig , tattiluit:•..at an "!;-_,-5:;:,-;-...'",i imperial crown,, , - ; ,_ ‘ :..: .;. - .. r , ',- 1- .vP;' , "; :: .- ..- . :1, - :::: c ,,',.-",4- - c - ?:,. • The Litcrio9 llo Kl3al AiLYIS'OiO ,si l icaiipeiptCs4l' ".]•-;..,..-;:,..-_-:. in the Provinces during his tour Which- dhi - nit em ' .;: ; ; '.' 7;;; - ',.. 1 .; ' ' [ q o ;i4 l4 idithili i iieihelitehlitiiiicAt - Orheiliirte : ' , ' elected for ten lam," - - ,., ,~ .. l' .''.• ITAlit ''i 0 -- -': 4 :"%i - - - :- '''' 1.: .. 3 -- ...' ' " - Although ttioTreich have"restored he Govent f .: I, 3 jr- - ", :•• meat of the Popp of Rome, they have Doi pu:tstiadO#lt- ~:-.:,,!---' ' the Pontiff to return to the Vatican .- - 1 1: ,- General Oudin ot--Itad beenhitnatif rte . Gaetiitrihk,:i. tbe hope. of modifying the intention sr:hie-Helium on this psiat. With what effect'epoitbn - lierinse or ,thePgjt, the Visit lies attendedi - has not yet &Oa , announced. - - -- '' . . The Piedmont Treaty - hi - net atAina have expressed a determination to make'‘ nct concea l .; Eon, and is said tintfireider Grain elinOirOdaireon;,. • Sardinia - hmidenntuadmitthe support of , grange The Milan geeetle:Pr the 25d40.95 - tilaJea diat a rumor was current in the Nespolitian frontiers ' , that. Garibaldi had embarked for-America; tinder favor of a dieitaee.: ' ' It in added that the bands of anemia in the' ipa perinea Merely pass op his unmans lattort to success , • : '4l Charles Alberi;:ez•Kinief bon on the , 28tb'orJaiyi , TURKEY Advieesfrom COxisfaMitiople etntee that as atipy, soimilaka l iteeirmritered,treasai**lin the ngarisif ftootier, beicitena'Gionatiettir LeMiini' - .to protect the turbid, territory aif,.illairtW,Sll,l4hci_ may be drive° across. the frontier., The Polis h , PaPeri state that th e Republican con epiracy had been discovered in Russlaagrit.nuniers , Gus arrests or - -kinpl icated Petiteaa Iran :tioen made. The whole scheme w e e .'divulged bi,toe Secretary of the Count - of Orleans. .206:---persontr , had been'l arrested.' Officers with Letters lle Cacheihad`beee. sent to Masco w and other,citiewto arrest members of the conspiracy. The arm Of the conspirators ' to overthrow'the dynasty if theFairpertii2Nicholas. and establish a Republic.. . AMERICAN STOCKS. The Circular alba Mtizare. Baring.for thin - atom : : er, quote Pennsylvania 5 per cents-et. 806131# per cent. Kentucky Ws nominal nt-956190.00-'nent,." LATE FROM SANTATE AND. CHIHUAHUA A coMpany of traders from Santa Fe, beaded'-bi. Thos. A. Slaughter, arrived list evening, bringing specie to the amount or . They left Santa Fe, on the 7th ofJuly, and brought a large -Mail rrt•ft-ta:ltile s ,e ierninpaitanta. TheFSogtbttTkic Texas and want of Watot. ~•• • • it ve5 . 77,&411Etiat,- . 4.i*AlAe head 0f 25 Amen • nr . ttrnen4O)ag - Opanarii,. , simians.valte.cpntracteo isAwo hundred Dollars; and 'for othera $l5O. Far prisoners, they ale , to Tit; .. - ?j ceive $2OO each. All . the captured arrivals to . be retained by the captors. Maj.. Cheval ill.and party : had already made an ex.Z ;.. 'pedition, and When lifit.sberjb - yrNr.•StatglitiOWnitt."• . " returning to Chilinaluia."'They,h4lakeniftitnic4a and foueiritioneti, uhtlsiod_ ca pture& Dates fratictititrare up to the 9th of July, states that the Indiatiii'wele committing depreditioni. On•the Sth of July two Americans and two cans had been murderep, 25 miles from Santrt,FO. Lieut. Thomas had encountered a hinly of Caman ches, near Sangre Christie placer', and had killed 17. Trade was dull. There had been no Cholera. NEw Tonx, Ang. 16. The Conventions of the Democratic /arty, Ilan ..,,ker and Barnburver,assembleriat Rome yesterday, i4d it appears that there is but aslighr prebabllitt itriteir to heal - the brtlitth'eliging39l=: twee!) them'. In the Thinher Convention Ex• Governor 14/Cy wae appointed Chairman of a committee of eight confer With a similar committee from the -, otheiCon vention. A message was, reteired. from `the ltiraintrner Convention defining their positiorf-fallf,' - and recog ;eking the right of.Coogress toinolutofthe Witension - of Slavery in new, Territories; and to abelish it in . the Diatrict of Coln-mina.. The Free-Soil Convention was *organized . by the 7- ..ltiplipictiment of a Preakkent and f34Creyelii6 7 ,l ,FAjeiter was resit froMlobit Van - Boren escnetag:. rem non-attendince,andadVisintte-nithni:': 1.' . /k committee wan was appointed-to confer with =the Hanker Convention and a reaoh;tiniipaniitt strieting the -Elmer ortheConvenUon. The Colman 'Awn than took a recess. 'TROUBLE IN CANADA. • NEw Avele: 14eiltrial has again been thrown into a state of gre4esplteiaitit, owing it is ;apprsed tathe'recent lioverrific..4sitesuuol - peraons implicated in the late OurVispaichis represent the city at, present Alipst.Fatystate of siege. • test Right a riot took place in Whielc:firetaiins ‘ wer ' iiatted and one man killed. •.• - ,r7- , -.IIMORE OF THE BANK BORBERY. ~• . _ ST Lors - Aug- lilathaniel Childs was yesterdai required to give hail in $BO,OOO . for hie appearance berarei the cries Inal Ginn ‘, • • , -'' Eli resigned the Tellership"in April laah r ba!",had', since been acting as Teller during the sickness of that officer. • • - He has had a female friend for-node tiraCkliaat on whom he has lavished immense eutne'Of money. PARDOVriOF -BALDWIN; Gov. King, of Mienouti, hes pardoned Gardwin, the .marderer of hie brother,in.law; fdatibelee t has effected to be jape!! ;•• he hell been eentetica to imptisontitedifeifife ' .• • 2 • . CH6LERAINVINCINNA.TI. Clocurzrar,.Auk. The interments from choleralor the lait , s day were 18; from other diseisei 9D. CHOLERA. N.F.Vy YORK. NE‘y Ycomt There were 91 cases ofcbolera; 29- detail ...0/ the city to-day. CHOLERA IN, PIIILADELPHIA. Purtenniarts, Aut Id. Three cases stellate's to•day and tiro - ileathila this city. , Bonner, Aug. 16. There ware 18 deaths for the 24 horn ending noon to-day. ~. , .. .1 ' • ~, Q . 'i , i . :fr.. 7- ;;; .- .1 - 4:!: 7 ;'f' , :.: ".': , : t. ... , .. :-;". , i-_ , :.: - ;':) - - 7 .:: , ..'r. - i';,,I . ,: . :,i'._ , - -. .,:. , •— , ? .. ..', - , ,, ,;'::* - L7';',et -- ;:' , . ,, -,t,"•.'. , P , - . tW . t-: ,. .; ,,, ' , ' , At'1 - i:' , ..:; - '7 , ::;f:,ti - ,-.;': : ;...•,:i .. - - -- '7::t) y , ,".:..;',:;',='... , :'i ,7 ... , !: -, t . '..i''. ,, A -. 1 - `" , -• -'''' -'-': -'• " . MEE OM = MOVE ME ,; ,;:: • `. - 4 . „ '•; l ftat - • 4 ••• • ES . ~. ~....,.,,,,,_,.,..,:, ',,1'i,.::,.-,.1--:'i.,:::-.:_:.-.-,:-,. MIE AUSTIUB: ;'r: ME RUSSIA SE. Lomb,. Atiglist THE CONVENTIONS. Sr. Lotus, Auguirkb: CLIOLERA IN BOSTON.- EN - • MEM ,_ , • - • - . ',,;:,,,11,-.1"-,:, ..i , •'':: ,'-• . .1T-r...,'; . ,.EZ , 1": ,--- . - k , , , .. - M lIN = '- ~ ' ; . P . 1i7 , •..•:11: . _...„_.... ??%i' , .: - ,7 , .: ,.. ,?2? , _'• 1 ::'; - 4., -,, '',..4,:2.:..f.7:,_17..'.:,i.:,';-2'...,:.,•:-'.-I' Effin IM - - MMI • --. ~-,.. ' ''., . . ?,;.• .. 1 ~1~c«=.-kC_« . 4 7 _OP 'rte =I NE EMS SE === ERE , , • •,• v< ~. ~~~ ". ~.. ~~-