The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, July 12, 1849, Image 4

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iOnit e fiiim
- bOW
ry pensunis
yy be withorit
between Wood and idarket
f litiedT OIIT, • '
"LTi...ALIFD.. AT :W .ORS!!!
iigow Itanutactiir " •
ter imving.enlargod his Shosi;lately de.
fan, iniormt his Islands and the public
ismow prepared to manufacture Wa
rs, Timber Wheels, 'frocks and Wheel
alloy, on Fifth street, between Mod and.
where he keeps on hand &large stock,
Isr.any amount of work, of the best ma
txperienced workmen; and at prices to
cpaats and lurnuce men are requested to
ur 3 before purchasing elsewhere.
IRS—Man Primeval, bY Barris.
\Nineveh and.its Remains.
• of America.
Is Court and Poop iu.
orks; new edition.
orresponeence of John Foster.
, •
Yorks, complete ; 40 vols.
aka, complete; 2. vols.
td Smallett; . complete. , •
the of. Aatenca ; 2 thick vols.
4th street., near Market.
:nand strangers are invited to eall at the
LEI. Bosworth & Co., on Fourth street,
re will be foandfinsi . editions of many
taworks..• • •
(swattu ,- t i• for' June. •
't.T bt. A. MINER'S.— Graham's Maga
ne.' ' ' " -
on Magp q azine, for June. •
ifs Moir, - .::u - "
Vtikage Thither; by Herman Melville._
i' Curate, a Novel; by the author of the
,stry,&c., &e. -' - ,
~. Preacher; by Goorge Lippard.
- 3,-, ~- 2-W iztal;defiti the Fallen Angel; a new Novel, by
".."'" - .:Al&titit4re Daum- • ' •
~'''.A, ' ,- , -"._.ftitilyr Fallings ra' new Novel, by the author of the
2m i 2
Husband, &e., &e:.
4 'l ;',.-•,:•'''''' linnsinalfamMond • it' Novel, by the author of My
V.,44:!;, , ,, , ,Petri/ViUstn,lte. - ,& - c- = • , - . •
%....1-... ti - --"= : - - ItieCtirson;ther Prince of Gold Hunters; by Charles
~..e•,.VI -1. : ”="fht;-," - L tutimbeisl• Informa ti o n for the People; new
ite" '''- ri,-to be completed In 16 numbers:
t -- . '' '' '- ii ., ''' - ‘ '' ', ....: - WrWitMeldist., opPosite Brown's Hotel. [may2l
b‘,..:45e.v..44..- - . .
"..-.- -..--, ' - De ath tothe Etats
- 7,-...'"' , -... -- - - " -- :•-•-• - . •
~_0.,_, : •:_,1 1 ...,.. el notations fact that : of all evils,none are held in
..., ?4: -,--,„"N.,....,: rnribuce as (t hem of Rats;ftlice, Roaches itnd
4' 4 . '''';''',"`- -- ialeilltiki and In 'have'exterminated, is she-wish
74-'l?- - ', 1 :_,.--.4111Vdeirire of all.. A preparation has-been discovered
„„,.ihrttritielithcise--whe wish, may become rid of this evil,
MW , -•':- - 'fSshiehirfestiimorb or less every house in this city
-,."•'Titiri.preparation has. now .- been in use in 'Germany
110attietrenyears, (and in the United States for the last
~ tite,lari.d_loy. every one ; who has • given it a trial, been
''&':.• - Pronounced dm best rentedy they have ever used for ex
,7-7-ti-i-'?reitiiiinating Rats, Mice, Bed-Bugs, Rouches,&c.
' ~,,..13.5.- A -,... The articles 'composing this composttion are in them
'''.(r:'"; ttielteasteryinnocent, land contain not a particle of per
'' .
-":.,--:;trie 140ti.bat when. combined, creates a gee-which explodes
t , -
'''' - '-! -, . : ; , ..f,.' . ." - Allet.ittottlacii - ,, and consequently destrs life in aew
••''-'-'."-"'• ' , "- - rbettrius soon as it hasaffected te stom oy ach, the arti c les
-4 4,',-.,,,•:_,,,, .
betiOnintneutraltzed, and will affect nothing thereafter;
,;•••t;;;;'./p(i.thsx there carrhe- no danger funs tise,.under any
'(4`'", - ".ettatstattees. This is no humbug.. We will - warrant it to
rte.2iF.F.:::: , l4lid Wakes of all, the Rats, Mice, Roaches, Ice., that in
-41/4,f,.;•fcittellteat- - Should tt, not do as we say, the money will
t-i'f;.' - 's - Alcuttoulied. ..- _ - -... , ~J. S. M.-YHUNG &CO.,
,t,.. ;4•'' . -'''' t ,•,.-.- ilte''''• :, N. 511. c m -tier of 4th and Ferry e ta , Pittsburg'.
t . • NORT.H
P- .lll is his new atlas RoOms. now thoroughly re-
AuLp. and fined up, Ladies wjll find his new sys
-tX11,.....0:e5.!pui of Ingle Entry. Book-keeptng an agreeable shady,
and' AValitable Acquiremebt Gentlemen going through
entire .coarse of training on Doable Entry Book
v,Aeoping, will not only be qualified to take charm,, of
oirs upon, °zip system in use, bat they will find them
401Vaa muter of all those uttrie ate- ope rations connected
with„partmership settlements, of which so many
ad book-keepers, of acknowledged ability, are tgnotant.
'Seteral of the most extensive firms in the city have re
r, sepal Book - keepers from this Institution.—
Merchants and Steamboat proprietors can always le.arn
It.e.'•rolamskzkeeppts thoroughly qualified for their profession;
tither& are ever recommended. Hours.: 10 to 12,2 to
...r• - •••- , : 4 'And 7 1010 mny4
t -r Iquitos.
1 1•
'%V.'•i - -14 . old customers, straners visiting the city, and
'others vrialung to provi de themselves with a han-d
--•,•,,,f;i7%..-sefsts DRESS COAT, PANTS, VEST , or any other ani
- the line, can do, so, by leaving their orders with
• JAMES M'GUIRE, Tailor,
1. •, / • - 'l.. • • Third street, Sr. Charles Building.
$r 11rt...-VELDLEY'S NEW WORE—The Adironbaek, or
• 7^ ''.Lifet.. in the Woods; by 7: T. Harialey,- author of
ashington and his Generals, &c. •
Life and :Writings of De Witt Clinton, by W. W.
,o , 2oCSltapbell, Mahar of Border Warfare, Ac;• Just received
: . Cor. 3d andNarket its.
'`'l , ;'..,.: , " 4 llll u T a t t ill.EßN STAND AT SHOUSTOWN, FOR
ENT..-A commodious and well futishedTavern
d, in the village of Shonsetown, furnished in
raodein style, with good. Stabling, attached. It wilt 'be
V.f,f , ". - • leased for a term of years. Address
ianlll.• I • • : . P. SHOUSE, Shousetowu.
• • licrylers Chintzes. •
cl/sSES otabove Ooodi, 3-4, 4.4 and 11-9 wide, fancy
rINF • - 71.-1. : "•%. , / and doubl e
. Pueblo, for sate b
V. , ritieigan • • SMITH kCO
1317DL10 ATTENTION is solicited to Si entire new
' - article 0f RAILING,- made of wrought iron bars,
and soft annealed rids, or wire, and expressly designed
•:•/- .• for enclosing' Cottages,
: Cemeteries, Balconies, Public
'..l3roands, &e., at prices varying from 50 cents to 53,00 the
.ennning foot. It is made tit pelmets of various lengths,
• 21464 feethigh, with wrought iron posts II inch square,
at interveniniy distances of 6to IC feet. • If desired, the
• ,'" pannels can be made of any height, in continuous spans
•of . GO to GO feet, with or without posts. No cure charge
sober ' .-Th nt_prinuivelightuess, great strength and dumbil
. ity4f. the WIRE RAILING, the beauty of its varied or.
• .narnental designs, together with the extremely low price
atwhich is sold, are canting it to supersede the Cast
Iron .Railiog, wherever their comparative merits !lave
been tested. For farther particulars 'address
Agents for Patentees,
.mr37:3ntj Diamond alley, near Smithfield st,P,ttsburg.
Hardware, clattery, Saddlery, da es.
Importer and Dealer in Foreign and
2 Watneniellardwate respectfully a n nounces
Elena' arid - ihet publioietteially,thit li.etnowreteoebiirs
t!".,...;,;',:intliii-Sprinesupply of Hardware, Cutlery, Saddlery',
,Z.t. ,- .F,'24k , C.,.arhits stand, No:85 Wood street, which he will dia.
t of orithe mostreasonable terms.
continually-be receiving ftesh supplies, direct
tlia''MattufaCturers in- Europe and this country,
Iwill'ermble him to compete with any house, East
- • •
invites. the attention of customers to
isle excellent assortment of -Table and Spring Cutlery,
ut u t: c f t a u tt r h e t r o s nable patterns and from the most
o "nrar
• I , e t li tii til s tia sto u c ty k : ol Carpenter's Tools is large, end of excel
-Of general Hardware stock, he tins Ovary variety of
• -Merchants and dealers,
generally, are in
viVelito tall and examine his stock. mar29:Gm
,-tSir•-•- -- .-: t. —Japer lElaitiglisgs..
i'• •• • ,, .`,• r " : . - ‘-;;; - - t .?. , ABlntswtentiving, direct from the manufacturers in
' • •-,.....•• New York, Philadelphia and , Baltimore, a large 'and
•• lc- '•,!,'..,' well sileptitUaefoxtment of all this- latest and moat int
[Li.:4'':::.• .7 Enttstpd stples•OVSatin, Glaied and common PAPER
HANGINGS, consisting of—
-I•S:'...'.' •••• 10,0itOpieces of Pthlor and Fresco ;
r,! - •::''.1- ';.,: ' 10,000 ''' - liallvand Colanin • •
;•••'---. WAN*. " llining-rooth, chamber and otheeTaper
_,,,....;...,--,,,, 7. Which I would particularly invite the attention of those
-F . ,•
... . '--' having•Flotues- to Paper,- to call .and examine at the
..,..- • ...--
Paper Waretionee of . , - S. C. RILL,
J..::: , .....p.,, -, :. msaa . 67 Wood st.
- Fine Shirts
MIDEAR.D_TODD tr. CO., Alsrirrscronsas or Fuca
• - r • Artgcriaßnag!e r e ceived
e ltor aetndde desirable' of from their
which -we propose to offer to dealers at the lowest - Near York prices, 'on satisfactory terms •
a e rs df ur sto i c ri k s e t c y rls vir tsi , t i n e p a a nii rt o n f em. 3oo .w doz il all s q r u o a i l l itie n s ti
, - standing collirs,Manufactored expressly fo t t City trnde,
and intended for this market.
Ey offering "dealers our Goods at tow prices, and
• allowing - cm Shirts to recommend themselves in style of
tattettfactate, we hope to be able to- please all Our ens
totters:- -
• • 117'"a r arerooni;corner of Fifth and Market streets,
- GAD. ..
Inn undersigned having' been appointed Agent of the
.11.-2D/I4aSVAILZ-All3l - trAL SAJMirr Irmussrica COMPANY', in
• me:P*oo( John-Finney, Jr., resigned,. respectfully in
fcardsthe public and the friends and customers of the
• Comoanyohat.lm is prepared to take Marine, Inland
and Fire risks,.eel liberal, terrasi at their office, No. 37
• WisterStrelq. , • IntyLO] P. A. A gent '
- 7 Giugnei
oandsome so m roxi ih eac or nes; e t
t panic
L ada „
r ote ,
Ha to aS Ch m tllAlik, j ust rece i ved by
ago P pape dP Ell
or yenor an/ ' ele T o li f Printing
= - andlazifersale. of-various eit,ily,C.Onatantly .
apl4- - * ; 1 5; o• KiLL; . 7
, , r Wood street, -
^ .'1 4 61
r_9eas. .:av,+.•wwavaiai~ •R. ra a:..~ , :•u:^.wcr_v~
.... ,
Arriliral Zew'spiartg; rib Summer Glacttill
ito:SistAscsr slimy. sec ow; n pox tinow sp:o . n. name:
: • ERN . E.BURG, • ,
- TrbEspEbtpuLLYinforng, his Inends and (be public'. R general, that h. has 121! cived n.vciy largi) supply.
of the choicest SPRING art-SUMMER GOODS ever
-seen in Pittsburgh, selected by himself in the East. con;
tasting of English, French and Belgian Cloths, .Cassi
metes, Vesting' Cashmartits &c., of all eliades,and
colors, and of the latest and ' inast desirable . patterns,
which will be made up tc. order inn superioestyle, and
at very moderate prices: - • • . • .-.
Be has • also on hand a very large stock of Ready
made Clothing, vhieh he will self levy low. • • ufality
,egegerallyeetn ,
Wlll.e bowels, of
v;villiteltakea on
It and breath
Ji; general
asand lanky:
notly, are gen
tivele_d anti el
frequent, and
t i ate broad.-
usually sue
ipuona of the
In ins eaten
nieces' in the
k have been
, and in ear
tad been pro—
:d. Prepared
Dregvss. •
stmuBb, ra•
lIAVING received:Mind receiving weekly)my Spring
and Summer Goods, I am prepared to.ofer to the
t.zens and public in gisnerni, a better lot of ready. made
Clothing than has eyer.been offered before in Pittsburgh,
and at prices 25 percent. chospeithan can be purchased.
in any other Clothing establishment in this city.
ire Don't forget to call at N 0.26.
• asiarl4—ly .• E. FITZGERALD.
HOPE 0 1.0 44111P1 G ERIP OR I OM
lar J. ROGERS , respectfully informs his friends and
All. the public that be has opened hie atm CIAOHL'fia
boom; N 0.27, Market street, between Front and Second,
where he will keep constantly on hand a large and sttpe.
rior assortment ofclothlng, amiable for the present season_-
Having just returned from the East with a, new
'splendid assortment of Cloats,.Cassimeresand!Yestings,
of the most .desirable patterns, which mill bo aludo up
on the shortest and in the most fashionable style ;
on the one price cash syptenh as low, as scati - 00,,bad,
any.other establishment An. ritts4areti:
Don!' forget, the. place, • but.csl aklite,clO*UNG
EMPORIUM, fico SI Dhaka it.,Plttsbaigh.....(llnOlt3m
The Spelnfututa•Suninseelaeek. or •••
POE Tat.I.IIhtSIDIT lIAS =PRA Bash itotte,LLym
Eters by the Celebrated _Establishment itself.
upon the enterprise of the proprietor, has et.abled
bun to purchase all his Goods at such prices as will allow
him to sell, Wholesale and Retail, LOWER than any
other House, East or West.
JOHN M'CLOSKEY , Manufacturer q( Ready-mad
Clashing, No. 151 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa., has just
completed his Stock, and has now on hand, ready for
sale., the largest, mats faehsonable and varied anal-anent qr.
READY-MADE CLOTHING ever offered iu the United
States; all of which have bees made under his imme
diate inspection, in this city, AT PILICES TEAT MUST OBTAIN'
s'eaturzazsca--together with one of the choicest selec
tions of Imported fine Black, Blue, Brown, Olive and
Drab French, Belgian and English CLOT H S, that has
ever been brought to alifl city. Also, fine fancy TEST
INGS of every descriptioh, such es Cashmeres, Mar- .
seilles, rich - Silks, fancy Satins, ike., &c... All the new
est styles fancy CASSIMERE;, of every description;
all of which will be made up to order at the shortest no
tice, in the latest and most fashionable style.
The proprietor informs the public that the principle
upon which he will do business, will be upon the basis
of. HONEST-Y and FAIR DEALING; and in orde rto es
tablish a confidence in the buyers, I am determined toad
here to my original motto , " Quick Sales and Small Pro
fits and also make the buyer his own salesman, by
marking the lowest price on each article, in plain figures,
so that each customer can select from an immense and
; exquisitely assorted stock,the articles he requires, Rabe
low set price it can possibly be bought for.
Business shall continue to tweeted at my esteen
sive establialUnent, which.has .sinots obtained the
character of being the First *ng Establishes/7u iss
Rlitburg f. naar29
sham. 1 0 a BOOTS AND SHOES.
P *ling Blacking.
COMPOSITION of Neats.fiiot Oil and.lvory Black
, for nourishing and preserving all kinds of Boot and
Shoe Leather renderingssoft and pliable, and producing
the most brilliant jet black, equal ropatent ' learher, without
communicating stain or spot to clothing.
LEEWARD h Co.„ L (No. 86 Third street, near Wood,) in
calling the attention of gentlemen to this beautifin Black
ing. desire simply to state its peculiar composition and
effects on the Leather. It is composed of nears-foot oil
and pure ivory black, and renders the leather at once
soft and pliable, thereby preventing the boots and shoes
from cracking. With one-fourth the labor usually cm.
ployed in the application of the ordinary blacking, it
produces the most brilliant jet black polish imaginable,
equal in every respect to patent leather, and never rubs
off on the pantaloons .
Gentlemen arc incited to call at our Store, No. 66
Third Street, near Wood, and have the blacking tried on
their boots, and where they can see upwards of
From the most distinguished individuals in the U. States,
all of whom recommend it as being, for beauty of polish,
preserving the leather, and facilay of application, the
most beautiful ever offered to the public.
6 f Scrip Slightlde Up..
HOGAN & CANTWELL are just opeuing, at No. Sa
Market street and at the new front ou the North
east side of the Diamond, a splendid assortment of Fash
ionable Bonnets, Leghorn Hats, Breast-pins, Ear and
Fingci•ftisigs, Black and Fancy Silk Crave's, with an in- ,
numerable collection of Variety Goods, which can and
will be sold at the cheapest prices.
419 , • • HOOAN Si. CANTWELL.
Terrible Ravialsitlon—Stetes Trlumphauast
HOCIAN 're CANTWELL, (sign of the ..b,) No. 66
Market street, would respectfully beg leave to call.
the attention of .the public to their new stock of Goods,
just teceived and opening from manufacturers and im
potteis, of which they feel confident that price and qual
ity will give entire satisfaction, as our motto is—" Quiet
Sales and &marl Pres u
Our stock consists, partly, of the following articles, viz:
Ladies' and Geudeme u's Breast Pins, late styles; Guard
and Vest Chains; Bracelets, Clasps and LockctS ;
ger and Ear Rings; Pencils and Pens; Slides and Studs;
Steel Buckles, for Ladies' Head Dresses; Mansion's
Card Cases, shell, pearl and velvet; Coral Beads ; Ala
baster Boxes ; fine Rosewood and Ebony ShavingGases,'
furnished; Slyer Spectacles; Silver Spoons, all kinds;
German Silver Spoons, all kiuds; Silk Steel Bead Bags
and Purses; Cotton Bags and Purses; Hair, Tooth, Nail
and Cloth Brushes; Violins, Accordeons, Flutes and
Fifes; fine Penkuives and Scissors; Globes and Paper
Holders,Shel A l Dress and Side Combs, latest styles;
Chide Snate, Fru! Baskets, Agate and Glass Vases,
Mugs, and Cologne Bottles; 'fables, Chessman and
Backgamuion Boards; Silk Tapestry; Brussels and In
grain Carpet Bags; Willow,Market and Side Baskets ;
Chairs, 'Wagons, Cradles, h e., &e., with a large assort
ment of Toys and Fancy Aractcs, teo numerous to men
don. • (sepl9
-- - Churchill itt, Stanley,
EDWARD TODD & Co., Agents
N. E. corner FVM and Market stn., (up stairs,)Pin:burgh.
txrE hare on hand, and are daily receiving from the
TV manufacturers, a large stoclrof Goods, which we
are prepared to offer to Dealers only, at the manufac
turers' lowest wholesale prices. Cluster and Real
Stout Set Breast-pins; Engraved, Plain Hoop Stone Set
Ear and Finger Rings; Plain Gold, Engraved and Stone
Set Studs; Slides, Watch Keys, &.c.,
Among our Goode cau , be found some of the most de
sirable and approved styles of Stone Sets now in use,
viz:—Opal, Hurry, Turkois, Topaz, Anathyst, Garnet,
Brilliants, dc., &c.
Dealers, purchasing Fine Jevrelry, will find it for their
advantage to examine our stock. .•
Bard 4- Brother's best Premium Gold POO, Kith and
without cases, he offers for sale at the lowest New• York
priaes. (app) EDWARD TODD & CO.
- •
Congress Goiters.
LADIES, wanting something superior, both for. look
and comfort, to anything they have evor worn, will
pieasc call and examine them. These Boots have no
stringy t tie and with! and dangle about the ankle ;
they are not only mucilhaudsomer, but diaplay.the foot
end. ankle to a much better advantage than any other
Boot or Shoe made: You will also save time sad two ,
ble. Manufactured by S. KEYS.
mar2B No. d Filth street.
Joshua" Rhodes,
ER, N 0.6 Wood street— • -
38U boxes Oranges; 500 cans Sardines;
225 " Lemons; SOU hf. " •• 180 dozen Lemon Syrup; 16U qr."
1000 drums Figs; - .400 boxes Herring ;
200 bxa Raisins, in layers i . thßTJeocoalluts;..
150 hf. bxs. " : 011 oxes 111ncearoni;
100 qr. " " 8 " Vermacilla ;
75 trails Iraica Almonds; 25 cases ass'd Pickles ,
100 boxes shelled ••' 40 casks Currants;
8 bales Hordenaz " 160 lbs. cut Tissue Paper;
10 " Malaga " 50 rms . white Kiss Paper;
3 paper shel'd • - 15 cases Prunes ;
3 " hard " 10 runts Dates;
40 bag's-Filberts; 4 cases Liquorice;
30 ••• Walnuts; 10 the Venetia Beans;
50 " Cream Nuts; 20 brit ANo 1 Ro'k Candy;
40 " Pecans; 20 " wh'e and yet. R. "
10 bble. - 8 eases Florence On;
Just received and for sale by
.mut.l2 . JOSHUA RHODES.
Yager Hangings.
IUrESSRS. JAS. HOWARD & CO., No. 82 Wood strict,
In would call the . attention of the public to their
Inertia Cock or . Paper Hangings, which, for variety,
beat.ty of finish, durability and cheapness, is unsurpass
ed by any establishruentin the Union.
Besides a large and full assortment of Paper of their
own manufacture, they are now receiving a direct in 2 _
portation of French and English styles of Paper Hang
ings, purchaied by Sir. Levi 'Howard, one of the firm,
now in Europe, consisting of
-Parisian manufacture, 10,000 pieces.
• London do. 5,000 do.
Of their own manufacture, they have 100.000 pieces
Wall Paper, and 1.2,000 pieces satin Glazed Window
Blinds, Sex. '
Messrs. James Howard & Co., have spared neither ex
pense nor labor in their endeavors to rival the Eastern
Wall Paper establishments, both in quality of manufac
ture and variety of pattern, and they are warranted im
assuring the public that they have succeeded.
The whole assortment, foreign and home manufacture
will be offered on terms as Low as those of Easter,
manufacturers and importers. - marl%
'Strain Boat. Ownoris and Hotel Keepers.
,LIE .°tiered !us the best Cooking Stove in Market, having
a new:principle applied for beating the oven, that bread,
Meats, or %lay article creating steam or vapor, can be
baked and retain its Savor the same as when baked in a
brick oven or reflector •,also, in point of removing, i
saving time and Wel. The'public are invited to examm
the Stove. . ,
.. ,
_ For sale a
only l. N 0.112 Second street ° sign of the Gil!
f. , tovey where refereneemny be had to fa/gibes who hay :
them in use. Alen, thirty different pattZrna, of Cookin '
*loves, plain and fancy Grate s, °trice and Parlor Stove.
rte., &a. tap4:d3m) - .A. &C. BRADLEY. I
ROdkiosents Chin* Store Removed.
Tun subscriber respectfully informs the Laili •
of Pittsburgh, Allegheny and vicinity, that be h
moved to a morecoramoilioujihonse, No. 56 W...
titres% near the Bt. Charles Hotel; where he has open , .
And la opening 500 packages of Dresden, Berlin, Fran
and EnglisliCHlNA and QUEENS WARE. Please c
And sce - thans—for to describe item
stock embraces - everything-lit-the bounces o
namentaL [ sPl 6 ]" ' HoDICINSON.
IkArACE—A prang article on band and for sale by •
je4 & ALCORN 30 MU st
~ _ _
fOrhird street. neur Wood
_. _ ..
... .~. ..,_.. p.'~~r
'• , •
Pirr4TVItoir,_: . ,PHIT.A4.EL,PIII2I-'l3 - AVIIMOR.O.
- ; • BoST ON.; 4,4'.* • •--
Tl-I . olHAR:Boßtripap; 9WFPR4r. O'CONNOR, -
: l' ,4 4,lMOlifira. — 1 • Tit:share': • ' • '
fillEß4 old establUtliedLine beingliewin fullep,eratiohi'
ilniAkaPriam a ereprepared, with iliPirlisaal erten
sive arrangehicata,!'io, forward' mercaandize, product;
Ake:, 19 , ritid froMtheillawd,ports,.on liberal terms;' with
the regtilosilyOli,spateli. and 'safety, peculiai their.
.mode ortraasportation; MS obvious when transhipment
on the way ianvoided. • ' • '
A7leonsiggnmente by cunt fee tb is Line received, charges
'paid; and fdt*Eifdird 'any required' directions, free of
yibiltS'foetoritiiii4kiditindvafretng or stbr!tge.. - •
No Merest,. direc4, orindikectty; in meataboalt, -• • '
All C onitattnieitains protap:ly,'atteadeli to; on iipplic4-
lion ttv he'folloWing• - A gents - • ' ' • '
• ' ' •1 *VS Market street, Philadelphia. -
Canal Basin, Pittsburgh. ,
North et.',Haltimore.
4 9 iMini
- lElreiohe.ain2traziitportatton..b.b24h
Tau Canals,and. Rail Roads: being- now open, and in
good order, we.are prepared to forward all kinds of mer
chandise and produce to Philadelphia and Baltimore,
irpromptness and despatch, and.oa en good terms as
any other Line. ; C. A. MoANULTY & Co.,
• ,
Canal Basin, Penn street, Pittsburgh.
Acricris--CHARLE.S.RAYNOR; Philadelphia,
- 'Co; - , Baltimore. [null
,4 1 111 ile - 1 . 8 49
Merchant 7 ll Way FretWit'l.lll4,'" , :,
Tins Line will continue to carry all Way Goixls with
their usual dispatch, and at fair totes of freight.
hearivta—C. A. McANULTY &Co., Pittsburgh.
D. B. WAKEFIFLD, Johnstown.
JOHN MILLER, Hollidaysliurgh.
RrersaascEs—James Areon,Smittl' & Sinclair, Dr. F.
'Shoenberger, R, Moore, Jam Parker, S. P. Von Bonn
hark '& Co. ' Wm. Lehmer & Co., Jno. 11PDevitt & Bros.,
'Pittsburgh iJohn Ivory, Surat; Mulhollan & Ray, John
Graff tr. Co., Blairsville. marl 7
(Gazette and Journal only copy.]
Great Bargellit Corner,
f JI
‘. : IS the most popular of all BOOT and SHOE .Es;
tablishments m the West. "This place has gained
itsSeptitation by its proprietor keeping the very
best Boots and bhoes, which are made expressly
tont . e t for this market, and heis not satisfied:only by
keeping the best assorted, itcick of BOOTS arid . S.HOES
in the Western country ' but he is enabled and deter
:mined to sell his GOODS lower than any other house
'possibly can, he cares not what facilities they boast of
having for offering great inducements to the public. It
is impossible to set forth ail the advantages and facilities
in an advertisement, that the Great Bargain Corner has
over others, which enables its proprietor to sell Boots
, and Shoes of the very best qualities and styles at frornlo
'to', 25 per cent. 'lower than any other store in the city.
The way pa test the matter is for all who intend purchas
ing BOOTS and SHOES, to call at BATES' GREAT
BARGAIN.C9RNER, examine the stock and prices and
all wlll be satisfied that the Greatßargain Corner, Smith
field and Fifth 'streets, is the - place for the public, one and
all, to get good Boots and Shoes cheap, for cash.
decg J. BATES.
New Spring and Summer. Dry Goods now opening at the
Sign qf the BIG BEE HIVE, on Marko :street,
between Third and Fourth areal.
Whl. L. RUSSELL, No. 62 Market street, be
tween Third and Fourth streets, sign of the Big
olden Bee.iftve. has no* commenced receiving
a very large and splendid stock of Spring and
SamrherDßY GOODS, which he is enabled to offer to his
•namerons customers and the public generally, at prices
far below those of any former season. 'These Goods
have ell been selected with the greatest care, and will be
`found tole one of the largest and most splendid stocks
of Spring and Summer Goode ever offered in this city.—
As many of these Goods have been purchased of the Im
porters, per the latest arrivalsfrom Europe, the subscri
ber is confident that be can offer to his customers the
very newest styles of Ladies Dress Goods, comprising
English, French, Swiss, Irish and ScoichGoods,togethet
with a full assortment of American manufacture, and
cheaper than eau be found elsewhere.
Rich Chameleon Silks, extremely low;
• Rich Brocade do. beautiful goods;
. Rich Grenadines, plain and figured ;
Glace Silk, rich goods;
Poen de Sole, fashionable and late importations ;
Black Armures, plaid and striped;
Brocade Lustres, new styles;
Mohair Chamsleon figured, (very cheap ;1
Silk Tissues, all co lors ;
'Balzarines, in great variety;
Paris dotted Lawns, for evening dresses;
New style rich Mourning Lawns;
" - Organdie Lawns, beautiful article ;
Black Gros de. Rhine, all widths and qualities ;
Black ltornbazines, of most approved makes ;
Paris printed Bareges,extremely low;
Pat is printed Lawns. In great variety ;
drapes and Crepes.Lisse, a fall assortment of colors and
Together with a large supply of De Lainesand Alpacas
..some as low as 121 cents per yard. In addition to the
above will he found a beautiful assortment of Black
Brussels Lace,fortrimming dresses, mantillas and capes.
Also, French worked Capes, Collars and Cuffs, latest
styles. Also. Victoria Lawns and Spotted Robes, very
cheap; Swiss Mull Jaconet and Book Muslins ; donne t
Ribbon; Belting R ibbon; Cravats; Scarfs; Artificial;;
'Gloves; Mitts, and Hosiery.
Grenadine Shawls; plain and figured ;
Crape d' Chine, do. a. new article ;
Rich changeable Glace Shawls, high lustre;
Mode Erali'd Thibet do. extremely low ,
Black Emb'd Thibet do. very cheap ;
Black Silk do. best quality
Black Nett do. low prices;
White Canton Crepe do. splendid goods;
Chameleon Silk do. late importations;
Printed Cashmere do. cheapest in the city
White Emb'd Thibet do. a beautiful article.
The largest, cheapest and.bestassortment in the City.
Parasols from the lowest to the most splendid, rich nod
costly article, of the newest styles and colors, can
always be found at the Bigßee-Rive. between Third and
Fourth sts., N 0.62. [mar2S) WM. L. RUSSELL.
Domestic and Staple Goods, Cheapest Yet I
ALARGE STOCK OF CALICO, from 3 cents to 10
cents per yard; Bleached and unbleached Muslins,
from 3 cents upward ; Bed Pickings and Checks, a full
supply of all qualities and prices; Irish Linens ; Table
Damask, Russia and Scotch Diapers; Napkins; Table
Diapers; Crash and Bowles; Scotch and Manchester
Gingluuns; Sattinetts; Kentucky Jean, and Blue Drills;
all of which will be sold off at prices that cannot fall to
p lease, and without fear of competition.
ar Remember the Big Bee - Hive, Market street, be
tween Third and Fourth streets—No. 62.
mur2l WM. L. RUSSELL.
Great Western Saddle,
rtILIE subscriber takes this method of informing his
friends and the public in general, that he has the
largest stock of the following named articles, of his own
manufacture in this city—Saddles, Harness,Trunks and
.Whips; all of which be will warrant to be made of the
best material, and by the hest mechanics in Allegheny
county. Being determined to sell his manufactures
somethinglowerthauhas been heretofore sold in the city,
he would invite persons in need of the above named ar
ticles, to his Warehouse, No. 244 Liberty street, oppo
site Seventh. Also, bands made to order for machinery
oct3l G. KERBS'.
Steel and File Manufactory.
THE subscribers have enlarged their Steel and File
ItLanufactory, on the corner of O'Hara street and
Spring alley, Fifth Ward, Pittsburgh, by erecting a con
verting furnace, a melting furnace and a tilt hammer.—
Their Steel, now being of a superior quality, and having
engaged • )Ipeten t
: i t arra red tofir;nies (feveryes ptiott will prepared
the best imported article i and being
. determlned to make
it the interest of all who use Files in. any way, to pur
chase from them, they will sell their Files at reduced
prices, for Cash.- They will also re-cut Files, and pur
chase those which are worn and broken. Public pat ron
agge is respedfullyinvited, nov7) J. ANKRIM a CO.
JOHN FORSYTH, Mancass^r TAILOR,has removed to
No. 34 Market st., one door from Second East side.
Thankful for past favors, he respectfully solicits a con
tinuance of the patronage of his former customers, and
likewise of as many new ones as are of theright stripe.
Orders in the Tailoring line executed in the mostfash
ionable manner and with despatch.
.• Also, a Fashionable assortment of READY-MADE
CLOTHING. Cheap for cash, of course.
Gentlemen's Formatting Goods, in all their varieties,
always on hand—such as Shirts, Bosoms, Collars, Cra
vats, Stocks, Scarfs, Hosiery, Suspenders, Pocket Kdkfs,
Gloves, Drawers, Umbrellas, &c., &c., &c. Imy2s:lm
Bigelow'. Carrlage'Manufactory,
Diamond alley, between Wood and Smithfield streets.
E. M. BIGELOW would respectfully
inform the public, that at - his 'Factory can
at all times be found a large supply of
Frunily .Carxiagea, Barouclmer, Buggies,
and all Lads of Fancy Carrteg'eg,etlual ill-elegance and
neatness to any found iu the Ekst. ,COntracts for any
number of Carriages, Buggies and Wagons, -will be
promptly filled. All work of his own Manufacture will
be warranted.
Rartranticss—Col. R. Patterson, R. H. Patterson, E. IL
Gazzam, Esq., Robert Robb, Esq.,. C. L. Magee, and
Alderman Steel.. [feb27M3An
WhOlestele and Retail.
OBERT,H:HARTLEY, begs leave to in- •
formhislriends and the public generally,
hat he condones to occupy that large and coin
modic," &b r e ROOM, tonnerly occupied by Samue a n
tstoek & CCo., NO. SG, corner of Diamond alley and Wood
street, %Area he keeps a large and general assortment of
Saddles,Bridles, Harness, Trunks, Carpet Bags, Saddle
Bags,Valises, Buffalo Robes, Whips, and all other arti
cles in his line.
Ile also keeps constantly on hand,and is prepared to
furnish to order, all kinds of Riveted Hose, manufactured
of the bestmatenal,andin a style of workmanship equal
to the eastern manufactured article, and at 66 per cent.
co un/ry me rc h an t ! and Farmers would do well to call
and examine his stock, before pStrehusing elsewhere, as
he is determined to sell first -rate articles at very low
jrr. Don't, forget the place, No. 86, corner of Wood
streetand Diamond Alley. - ap2B
Buenas its 0 she
.13 Warn, Sarsaparilla, Porter, Cider, Root Beer,
Meld and Pop, No. 18 Market street, awl 100 Liberty
street, corner of Ceara alley, Pittsburgh. uttu23:
vuzz Ss .-0„„„ZA,V1 0- 're^ 4 41:"-I"lr 4 '**.cd aaa
- • * • '•• - • • • -"•
- . .
mnt r - m ~s
1 , For the . 'Real Owners in this City.
'ave their arrangements madhhectlfilitigtiiihefiteni
"Provision Law, and take no men's receipt, w ith oufhavirtg ,
it inserted ; otherwise they willhave tb pay in
coming , .
gereajler all Steerage Paseingers nir from Europe,
..engaged in Americo ; to cone over in either of the Ships of:
114RNDEN will be furnished with...the followlnF ,
pretrision.r,orrheirequirakntin other articles
, kuetllytodet: 4 -1
See Act or Congress, May . 17;1648. - •
This plan will preyent sickness onboard. Heretofore'
;when Passengers found themselves in Prov istons, many .
- of kliem came ciii — barild enurelf6e - Minite,..Whiehaften
eitimed much sickness tinddeath
35 Pis Broad,
, 10 /be Rice -
10 .lbs Oatmeal,
. Ills Flour
10 lbs Beans and Peas,
85 Ms Potatoes,
1 pint Vin.war,ao ons
ow e Salted Porte free from 13one ;
'All of gbod quality, and "one-tenth of the pro Visions
niched, will be-delivered to each Patseriger esery Week'
with a ',efficient supply of fuel fotcdokine -
Each - ship in this line will be properly - ventilateCund
a good house over the prosage-way leading to the Pas
sengers' ppiiiiment. 'The caboose and cooking-ranges
for the use of Passengers; are kept under cover.. Every
attention will be paid topromote their health and comfort.
Iterielifitnces made as usual, piontiall, and at moderate
rates. . .
. .
33ank of England Notes and Foreign Eiebinge' pur
°hissed tantalum rates.
.. . . .. .. . . . .
Debts, Legacies, 'Pensions, tsc.,. tra:, collected, and
copies of 'Wills procured . , with every other. btusiness con
nected with an European Agent, . i ' .. - ~
Earepeitn Agent,
my 9, Post Buildin s, corner of Fift.h.and,Wood sts
New Commercial L•lne•
E.: W. Kiarnsw.. & Co., S DUNKIN, KIMBALL &Zo.,
84 Wall at., New-York, S Liverpool, England,
RESPICCTKIILLT inform their friends s.nd the
1 public, that they have commenced the Gene
rat Shipping and Commission Business, to
, k-gether with the General Passenger En:linear,
grantingcertifieates of passage - from London,
Liverpool. Dublin, Belfast, or any port of the
0 Country to New York, Boston nnd Philadelphia, on
the moat reasonable terms.
„ .
Drafts and Bills of Exchange, from to any amount
on the Royal Bank, of Ireland and its branches, and.on
The days of sailing of the Regular-Line of Liverpool
Packets, as fixed upon, are the let, Sth, 11th, 16th, list
and 26th of every month.
These Ships are all of the largest elass,and are com
manded by men of character and experience. The
Cabin accommodations are all that can be desired in
point of splendor and convenience. They.are furnished
with every description of stores of the best kind. PtlXlC
tuality in the days of sailing wilt be; strictly adhered to.
Packet. Ships Roseins , Siddone, Sheridan and Garrick,
are vessels of the largest class; and those desirous to
bring out their friends, cannot se lect or safer Ships.'
Passage can be secured at the lowest rates.
:New Orleans Line of Pack:Os - sail weekly. For p ass.
age or freight, apply as above, Or
dean Corner 4th and Sultihneld.sti., - Pinsbne :
immrana glom auies
The Franklin Fire Insurance Company
Charles W. Banker, George W. Richards,
Thomas Hart, . Mordecai-D. Lewis.
Tobias Wagner, Adolphi E. Soria,
Samuel Grant, David S. Browne,
Jacob R. Smith, Morris Patterson.
Chas. G. amnia, Searstary.
- na• Continue to make Insurance, perpetual or limited,
on every description of property in town and country.
The Company have reserved a large Contingent Fluid:
which, with their Capital and 'Premiums, safely invested,
afford ample proteetton to the assured.
The Assets of the Company. on January Ist, 1849, as
published agreeably to an Ael of Assembly, were as fol
Red o i ri Vta e a te
Temporary Loans
Stacks •
Cash, &c
$13,318,492 71
Since:their incorporation, a period of 19 years, they
have paid upwards of One Million Four Hundred 77tou
sand Dollars, losses by fire, thereby affording evidence
of the advantages of In surance,as well as the ability and
disposition to meet with promptness, all liabilities.
Office N. E. cornet Wood andi3d sue
Fire and Maxine Inismutee.
THE Insurance Company of North America, of Phila
delphia, through • Its duly authorized Agent, the sob
scriber, offers to make peimanent and limited Inatitame,
OR property, in this city and ita and on shipmente
by the canal and rivers. -
Arthur G. Coffin, Pres't. Samuel Brooks,
Alex. Henry, Charles Taylor,
Samuel W. Jones, Samuel W. Smith, -
Edward Smith, Ambrose White,
John A. Brown, Jacob M.ThomaS,
John White, , John R: Neff,
Thomas P. Coe, Ftichard Wood, -
Wm. Welsh, Henty Sherrard, Seep.
This is the oldest Insurance Company 'in the United
States, having been chartered in 1791. Its charter is per
petual, and front its high standing, long experience, am
ple means, and avoiding all risks of an extra hazardous
character, it may be consider& nn offering ample securi
ty to the public. WILLIASI P. JONES.
At Counting Room of Atwood, Jones A. CO., Water and
Front xis. Pittsburgh . may4y
riIHE subscribers having removed from No. 170 to Nos.
172 and 174 Liberty street, offer for sale Goods, as
in store and now landing, viz:
3. 5 0 bags prime Rio Coffee, new crop ;"
40 " Old Government Java Coffee ;
150 tilids. prime'New Orleans Sugar;
520 bbls. Plantation Molasses;
100 " St. James Sugar-house Mcdasses ;
100 lif. ch. Young Ilyson Ten;
. 40 Gunpowder and Imperial Tea;
40 Chubut Powchong
79 catty boxes Y. H. and Gunpowder Tea
100 bags white BrazitSugar;
80 boxes white Havana Sugar;
40 bags Pepper;
Allspice ;
1.00 boxes Mustard in if and 1 lb. cans ;
100 " Malaga Bunch Raisins;
30 " " " in layers;
50 hf. " "
50 qr." " " "
20 casks Zante Currants ;
10 bales Sicily Almonds;
100 boxes Richmond Tobacco;
50 baskets Bordeaux and Marseilles Olive Oil ,
200 bbls. and 100 hf. bbls. No. 2 large .Idack - eral;
9 barrels Honey;
1500 - tbs. Cheese ;
2000 galls. Winter and Spring Sperm Oil;
1000 " Bleached North-west Whale Oil ;
1000 " Crude..
300,000 Cruz A Sons' sup'r Principe Cigars ;
30,000 Havana Segars ;
20 half pipes Cognac Brandy, of various- vintages
2 puncheons Jamaica Spirits;
3 pipes Holland Gin;
20 qr. casks sup. Teneriffe Wine ;
10 " Madeira Wine ;
" Lisbon "
40 " Oporto "
50 " Sweet Malaga Wine; . •
15 Indian barrels "
15 lihds. Claret;
20 qr. casks Haut Sauterne;
40 cases sup'r Bordeaux Claret ;
30 oaskets Champagne Wine;
2 doz. sup`r Stomach/jitters ;
200 bbls. pure Rye Whiskey, from 1 to 5 years cfti.
CIGARS, CIGARS, CIGARS—Four cases . , containing;
12000 St. Bt Yara Principe Cigars;
8000 Batzas Imp'd do do
4000 dela Cruz Cube do do
3 . .250 La Norma Hay. Regalia do
4000 Primera Hay's do do
3000 La Luna do do
25250 La Minerva do
Just received and for sale by JOSHUA RHODES,
apt/. No. 8 Wood street.
FOR SALE--. 4 Brick House, and Lot of 18 feet frog
on Clay alley by 50 deep towards Wylie street, near
to Washington street. The House is well arranged a n d
in good repair. Price, 81003-8400 in hand, 61100 at, one
year, 8200 at two years, $OOO ip three years, ,or sop in
Scrip in hand. This property talented at 81251.
• S. CUTHBERT, Gen. Agent,
Smithfield street.
For Sale.
to A VALUABLE PROPERTY . ' situated in the City of
t[d'li^ Steubenville, Jefferson County, Ohio, viz:—One
' of 60 feet front on Third street, by 160 feet to an
alley, and on which there is a large Two Story BRICK
HOUSE, containing several rooms or apartments, which'
has been mostly-occupied as a Tavern these lest seven
or eight years, and is now occupied as a Tavern, by Mr.
Crane. There is also a large Stable on the same Lot.
ALSO, part of a Lot of Ground, adjoining the above4le•
scribed property, somewhere about 27 feet front on Third
street by 180 feet to an alley, oa which there is -a T aro
Story House, containing 2 rooms on the first f100r,3 rot us
an the second floor; also, a garret and a kitchen. 7 is
'}loose was formerly occupied asthe Post Office and now
occupied as a Bakery. There aloe. a: Stable on the
same Lot of Ground.
Both of the above Houses front on Third -street, nee!
Market street and nearly opposite the Court House. I
will sell both these Lots and Houses together, or each
House and Lot separately. Terms;.—One-half of the
purchase money to be paid at time of sale, and the other
half payable one 3 ear after the sale, with-the usual int.O. ,
rest—the balance to be secured by bond . and-mortgage'
on the same property. Title indisputable, without any
encumbrance. A warranted deed given. Possession
Riven at the Ist of April after it would be sold. For-fur--
thee information, enquire of the undeisigned, by letter or
otherwise. SAMUELMCCLAN,
Pittsburgh, April 23,'40-3m No. 05 Wood at.
. .
21, Godey's Ladyls Magazine, for May.
National Magazine, tor May.
Grahact's ' 4
Memoirs of my Youth ; by A. De Limutrtine
Life and Letters of Carohne Fry.
The Waverly Novels, by Sir Walter Scott; complete
in five volumes.
Bowdler's Family Sbakspeare, from the sizth London
Outlines of a New System of Physiognomy; illus
trated ;byJ. W. Redfield, M. D. , - -
LittelPs Living Age, No. 258. • .
Our stock now comprises the largest aud most com-
Plete assortment in Me West. • •
('.Smithfield street, third door above aTV 4
CRAB Caira-211 barrels Tor sale by. ' •
may 2 ' MATTH EWS & co.
A:T TifiE ONE PalkaS , / , 0 itfr.,
A. MASON & CO. inforni:their pinions - end the pub., :
Ad, lie'that they will corrtmencitheoulti of theiroplen
did stock on Friday-, June let, and thirty days
during which time the whole, of their Immense establish
ment (including their Ave-where - sale rooms) will be
thiown open for retail trade; and for the display-at:ens
'of the largest andinoid fashionable ash:Malcom of Fancy
and Staple Goods in 'the tcounry,Whiehltalin all been.
marked down ; without regard to .enst„ Forty 'thoustuad
dollars of their Stoat, tif.-theit latest and -holiest styles,-
- haire been reeently/ pitrohnised at the' latge.ttietenintorl
public sales in'-New - York, iyimmonse - sacrificea, - andL
_will be found, on exatninatbitt, to be tidarly one.half less
than usual prices.- 'They invite ttheittlonlio of
their Goods enumerated below, ,, viilli - , - ituticpricer an-
2000 yards French Ging'
20,000 " blitsUrts, - ' 10®12}:' 26e.
4000 " Marti del t tritieti '•• • 121 . • -. 266 -
1500 Alpacas; , : 184 "31c.
3000 , 4 FSan.Bereges 18432 6 0- 310606,1 1
- 10,000 " Merrinktir Calicoesr -:.8 4H Ho. • 1240 c,
20,000 , • - . • ' 6 1. /21 c; 1
25,000 all graded, - •
20 per et.-less Malt usual prices.
100 , 0 0 0 yerdriBleachldbiuslin,a11,prices;
Marked downe,lo to 30 per ct. 100 - pbrces Bonnet Ribbon, , -
460 .Wrought. Collars, 10.012 i. 25c..
31. ft6oe. - . 7 . 501 00
300 Ladies Cravats, l2c. - 22 c.:,
100 French; Wrought Capes, 31,5003,00.53405,00
144,Lace, Caps, . . 3 . 71.4bWe:,_72,01.00.
7 0 01inenHandkerahiefs,12c.
300 Standing Collars,. 50e, 1,00
120 Chemizetts, . 25031. c. 0007 5 0.
Cassinets as low Jeans for 16e..
A large stock of,Elonnets,redueett about
37} per'ottni." • - • ' ' '
'New style Dress Goods, 60e. KM 00
White Linea, - '• • _ 2 5 031 e. 37056 e-
Together with the largest stock Bilks, Shawls, and fine
Dress Goods to be found in this city, w ith au immense vu=
rimy of 'ether Goods affording to retail purchasers
a rare - opportunity of obtaining the best Goods at firanB,9
to 50 per cent. less than- regular prices. They invite an
early call, as many of their enomestgoods will Boon be ;
sold. -
[Er No deviatioa from the marked.'brice.
• may3l 60 Market street, between 3d and
no No. 05 ?Dirket. Street...AM
TE subscriber is now receiving, from the4fsto York
and, his second supply of SUM.
MER DRY GOODS, purchased from the Importers at a
great sacrifice,. and . is dew:mined. to sell them - ,, at the
greatest Bargains ever offered before in thiltity.
A few of the Goods wi lbe enumerated below, viz :
44 English Lawns, only 10 coats ; former price ISt cts.
French Organdy Lawns, 12} cents ; " 25 ,cts.
4-4 Scotch Dawns_,'onty.lBk cents ; '" " MIL
25 *
French Jaconett Lawns, cents; " " 37} cm.
French Cobaltines,pnly 37} cents; " " 621 eta.
-Mons Di Imines, only 121 cents; , " 14 - ets.
French Ginghains, on IyArk cents; 25
Prints, Merrimack Patierm4,6l dents; fast *. • •
New style English Priiits,l2l.cum-foinier price IR ets•
I have also received sene „ assortment of Green Fig
ured Moos De Lain ; ;l'lein Green 'Berage - Satin . Plaid
Green Berage, new style Fancy' Figured Berage; to•
tether with a large. stock' of, Foreign and Domestic
Goode, of all descriptions.
An early call is requested from all - whowiskto Secure
a Bargain.. = ABSALOM MORRIS -
Wholesale and retail Dealer in Dry Gos,
jet No. 65 Market Street.
North-east corner - , z r Fourth and Market itreits,
PITT ff 111711.011.
FiE undersigned respectfully interims hie cnitonters
that he has Just returned from the Eastern Cities, and
is now receiving a large and beautiful stock of
Containing a choice- and elegant assortment of all the
newest and most fashionable styles and fabrics imported
this season, and ,emlirticinga complete variety of every
article belonging to his line of business; all of which
will be oared at from 10 to 50 per nent. below early
spring prices. •
The customers of the house, and purchasers generally,
are respectfully invited to give these Goods an early ex
51,047;438 41
• 94,724 83
• 90,001 85
• '51,523 25
• 38,804 37
. . _
Havingmade arrangements to dispose of several thou
sand dollars of Pittsburgh, Allegheny City arid .Alleglic
ny County Scrip, he will for a short tame receive that de
ecnption of money AT PAR for any article in his store
117' Call soon and sectue a Bargain.
Jel2 Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Dry plaids.
At No. 56 Niairket street. '
Taa undersigned naving determined ........-,..
„Vsto decline his present business and close ' , '
up on or before the let July next, will lu , •
from this day sell off-for cove and csransoa., - .'s
entire stock, of TRIMMING AND FANCY
GOODS, embracing a general assortment of G oods in the'
above line, 'Viz:—Fringes, Laces, Edgings and Insert
bags, of every description; French Worked Capes, Col
lars, Cuffs and Sleeves ; Cotton and Silk Hose, all colors
`and qualities; Children's do.; Linen Handkerchiefs; Bead
Bags and Purses Steel Beads, Cleans-and Steel Trim
mings. Bonnet Ribbons, Mantua do.; Belt de., Cord and
Tassels, Oiled Silks, Sewing Silk, Coates' Spool Cotton,
Spool Silk, Linen and. Cotton Bobbins, V. orated and
Cotton Efindiugs and Cords Silk and - Linen Lusters,
black, white and colored Rid Glove s ., of the best quality , :
Silk, Lisle Thread and Cotton Gloves; Lace Gloves and
Mitts; Silk Floss; Ansel and German Pins; Hair Pins;
Leather Belts.
Every variety and shin* of Parasols, of this Spring's
purchase ; Fans, of the most beautiful and rich patterns,
all fresh and new; Ladies' Traveling Bags•,.Ladies"Spun
Silk and Merino Vests; Buffalo 'Puck Combs; Card
Cases ,• Belt Slides, Fancy Frenchßair Brushes, Read
ing and Fine. Tooth Combs, Perfiimery, of the finest qual
ities; Fine Soaps, Pearl, ivory and Porcelain Buttons;
Clothes Brushes, &c., die.
A large and complete assortment of Goods in the above
line, consisting in part of Fine Shiria,Standing and Byron
Collars, latest styles; Silk Undershirts and Drawers;
Gauze, Cotton and , Merino do. do.. Brown and White
Linen Drawers; White Drilling do., made in superior
style ; bl'k Italian,Harathea and Amer. Cravats ; new
styles of rich silk Cravats, all panernsi, a splendid as
sortment; red and imitation Madras Cravats; Lawn and
Gingham do.; Satin, Bombazine and Hair Stocks - , Satin
and Fancy Ties; Silk and Satin figured and plain Scarfs;
Shirt Bosoms and Collars; super. Lisle Thread Under
shirts and Drawers; Eng. and German Half Hose; Lisel
Half Hose ; Silk do.; a splendid assortment of Ebony and
other Canes; Silk and Gingham Umbrellas, Carpet Bags,
Dressing Gowns '
Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, black
and colored Rid Gloves, Silk and Lisle Thread do.,
Shoulder Braces, of the most approved patterns; Money
Belts, Russia Belts, French Embroidered Smoking Caps,
Oiled Silk Bathing Cats, Razors, Brushes, Wallets, Sue.
penders of every descnption,&c.
The entire stock 'will be sold for cost, and carriage
added. which will bring prices 50 per cent. lower
than the same descripirm of Goads have ever been
offered in this city. B. F. STERETT,
No. 56 Market street, near Third st.
N. B.—The Store for rent, and Fixtures for sale, from
the Ist • 3:tf
Slue Shirts, Spring Styles.
EDWARDTODD & CO., are now receiving from their
Factory East, a large stock of fine and medium qual
ity !SHIRTS, which, for durability and style of manu
facture, are not surpassed in this or any other market.—
The trade will be supplied at lowest New York prices.
Wareroom, corner Fifth and,Market streets, um
stairs. ap4
llianrifacturer of Linen and Fancy, Shirts, Bosoms and
Cotlars, Jobbers and Wholesale Deal ers in
Gentlemen's .Fumishing Goods,
TITE subscribers beg leave to call the attention of
merchants and dealers in gentlemen's wearing
goods, to our large stock of fresh Spring Goods, now
opening; among which are to be found some of the rich
eat and most admirable styles of Spring Goods ever °fret
ed in this market. One of oar firm is engaged at our
factory in the East, where we tatter ourselves we are
manufacturing some of the best and most durable styles
and qualities of Shirts, now called for in any market.—
Being very thankful for the kind favors bestowed. on us
during the last year, we hope to have them continued, as
we intend to offer gar goods at , exceedingly low prices,
and accommodate our customers with' pleasing terms.—
We are confident we can offer Shirts at as low prices as
they can be found in the Eastern markets, from the fact
that our advantages in manufacturing are complete
Please give us a call, and be convinced El the above
facts. myl
1.31 .We are selling, previous to receiving our Summer
Goods, at greatly reduced prices, a large and varied as
sortment of Fancy and Variety Goods, Trimmings, Bon
nets, Parasols, Hats; with a fine collection of Gentle
men's furnishing articles • Carpet Sacks, Willow and
French Baskets, Mats, &c: We 'respectfully invite the
attention of those in want of these Goods, to onrhouse
-86 Market and-Diamond.
. ng 'as 3 Ong "0 finery
Cardinals, ito.
TUST received Sur,' Bonnets, Caps, rich Cardinal
Silks, Fashionable Ribbons, finest French Flowers,
Cords, Fringes, Trimmings, fir c. Straw Bonnets cleaned
and altered to the Spring fashions by one of the best
Straw Milliners in the city. Silk Bonnets, Cardinals,
Dresies, and every article in the Millinery and. Dress-
Makingbusiness, made up by the best bands, at
nmrl4 MRS..DIWPS, 10 St. Clair street.
, Jas.. Guise,
rrAmoß, Third street; near - Wood, - respectrally Informs
his customers and the public that be haajust receiv
ad from the Enst a well selected assortment of SPRING
GOODS, which he will to order in the best.manner,
Cheap for Cash. ' pal 3
MO HOUSE-KEEPERS AITD TllO5ll :3oassuritcrsta.—The
subscriber has received and now on band, a large
assortment of Housekeeping Goctds, comprising, in part,
as follows: -
3A, 6.4, 10-4, 12-4 Brd Cotton Sheetings;
104412-4 Barnsley Sheetings ;
Pillow-case Linen, and Muslin Ticking;
Marseilles Quilts, Blariketei
Plain and embroidered Table Covers
Do. do. ' • Piano ' do.;
Windsor Drapery, Turkey Red Chintz;
Baff Windsor Holland, Linen Table Cloths;
Damask• Table Linen, all widths ;
Napkins, Doilies,Diaper Crash, &c., &c.; which will
be sold at lowest prieea, at
No.. Iliitlarket 5t.,3 doors from Liberty.
MI - COGAN & CANTWELL, have - joat received, at No.
Market street, au satrivalled actection . of—
Bead Retiettes and Purees
Pima aid Combs' '
China Seta, Accoraeoni,:&c.
- ~
ItsceLtaneouL - -;;=
T OHALLENDE THH WORLD to : grove, that in;auy.
„I„ one`single , instanee, Millers Magical ' Paiti „Ex.
tree tor , —that is to say the umnnioc urtlele= hat, tunee
its fiT4t ildradaction by me in Ink ujito this period, ever
tailed to care the worst forms of Busss aud ScAzui!
_ • I ,Vuzuvutin, Niagara Co, N. Yv
lint,--Dear Siei. While my , son, la• years'old,
was at work in the shingle manufactory of L, P. Rose,
lue had the misfortune to' slip and. fall into a large vat ' ,
used for the purpose of boiling blocks preparatory to cut-
ting. The blocks had just been removed trout the vatic
containing a large quantity of boiling water. He (oilier
ward, scalding both hands and arms, all arm side,and
one leg badly, and the other partially. The, sealds were
so bad on his arms and leg that most of the flesh came
off with his garments, and his life was despaired of by
both his physi ci ans and friends. •., •
Dalleys Pain Extractor was prepared as soon as pas
sible-(which wAs_in about six hears) and auLled, and
which relieved.him from all , pain, preventing milamma
don and swelling, and in .a few days commenced healing
his sores. There appeared a general improvement, so
much so that in three weeks he was removed to his
father's house. distant about one mile and a half.
We continued the use of the above medicine about two
.months, and we believe it wad the means, under Provi
dence, of=savirigg his life; and we would cheerfully re
commend it in'All similar cases as a safe and invaluable
remedy: With sentiments of respect, I remain,denr,
your most obedient and hmnble servant. -
ADLAE man,
We, the undersigned, being personally acquainted with
the case of Mr. Clark's son, believe the above statement ,
substantially correct: . Henry.M. Dewey, Louisa Dewey, J. S. Kelsey, nB.
Pearce, Wm. Evans, E. Clark, L. P. Rose, Ira Newman,
Wm. Newman, Mary J. Rose.'
117 - CObnanltasi,sl—Dotteurrfsiu aboun d' The Pub
lie is cautioned against their deleterious and dangerous
dints; and I do hereby distirietly - declare that I will net
hold myself itisponsible for -the effectof dlig,Ezuzater,
unless procured at my own Direar,4ls BROADWAY, Navy'
Foltz, or Dom my nwhotired Agents.
. .
, That distressing and debilitatingdiSeSSU, has neveras
yet resisted the wonderfil properties of the "Genuine
Dalley'S Extractor. -•-
For particulars of cures, and general directions,i. res
pectfully refer to my printed pamphlet. All testintoniali
therein published are genuine, andfor the truth of which
hold. myself responsible. HENRY-HALLEY,
415 - Brotidway, New 'York::
JOHN D. MORGAN, Pittsburgh, General Dep0t.....,
HENRY P. SC WARTZ, Agent, Allegheny-
J. BARER, Wheeling, Va.' • • •
JAMES W.: JOHNSTON, Agent, Maysville,
F. MERRYWEATHER, Cincinnati, 0., Gen. Depot.
Do Yon Want to Cure Your:Borge:
et iA c...‘ Eisen : Thefollowing is from the Overseer
of the Harlettfßailroad•Stablest ' • -
Haw Yowl. July 14,1848.
have tried DeILLEY'S ANIMAL GAL-
ArtillteljUßE-ALL, andl now certifyiltitrhairafonnd
it the most 'extraordinary 'and valuable remedy ever put
upon a Horse, and would not be without it for anY
money. It cures hard and spaviu lumps, arising. from
4110 collar, Saddle, -Sm., ashy magic Rub on a little of
the salve and the collar can't matte a sore. It neverettn
do harin
Overseer;Harlemßailroad Stables."
For sale at the Depot of theFroprietor; - '
415 BROADWAY corner Lispenard st.
N. B--Mr. Van Vorhin hint been engaged - rot many
yearn in Neale& Moores SlableeiWumbws, 4 ;:ko Etettini4
up horses for market, : and luis now several' hundred
horses under his clues - 01U Overseer.. . . , .
JOHN D. DIORGAN, Agent , Pittsburgh.
HENDY.P. SCWARTZ, Ag't, Alleghenyt
Land and General Agency Office,
'To Non-tisidont Holdtis . of Land4-,Holders of
Minas indehteitrass, and'aU persons &sir-
ow qf priclioaing' State Lands With
nois scrip or .bonds.
rpRE undersigned would respect fi illylnfoim the public'
1. that they have established. in this - city—the capital of
the State of Illinois--a LAND and GENERAL AGEN
CYOFFICE, for the, transaction of all business apper
taining therettawithin the limits of the State.
All transactions relative to the,,purchase and sale of
lands, examining lands and reporting, their location, ad
vantages and value, paying taxes, redeeming land - sold
foriaxeainvestlgating titles, &a., buying and selling all
descriptions of State indebtedness; this and everry other.
description of business attached to a General Land
Agency, on the most extended scale, will be promptly
and. faithfully attended to,
In regard to location, we have many advantages over
all other agencies in the State, being at the Capital, near ,
the centre of the State, and at the very fountain - head o• .
all information relation 'to matters connected with
lands, taxes, and State i nd eine dness, through thamediinn
of the government and executive offices. In addition to,
this important advantage, the senior partner, Mr. Ash;
has occupied , for several years, the posttion of principal.
Clerk in the State Auditors office, and having had charge
'of the books and State land depa rtment in said office,lies
obtained a thorough knowledge on all subjects connect',
ed with this agency; and we are, therefore, enabled at all'
times to give correct and prompt information, much in
advance of any otheragency in the State. Our location
lb also important to .non-residents wishing to pay taxes,
as our aequatntance with the collectors of the revenue is
such that we can obtain the tax receipts through the.
mail, and the money paid directly into the Statetreasn- -
ry, thereby avoiding the risk of remitting funds by . mail.
We also beg teave to inform persons wishing to pur
chase State lands, that our arrangements ate such, that
we can; at all times, furnish State bonds, scrip,or indebt—
edness to any amount, and at lest rates than any other'
office in the State.
In conclusion, we take pride in referring to the char
and standing of the gentlemen who have been kind
enough to permit us toluse their names as references, and
with a. sincere desire to please, backed by fidelity, indus
trySnd promptitude in all our business transactional° ,
merit the confidence of all who may entrust their busk
fleas to our hands. ASH & DILLER.
Springfiltd, March 20,1849. ."
Hon. Daniel Sturgeon, ..... • - • -U.S. Senate.
Hon. James Cooper,. . do.
Col. Samuel W. Black, Pittsburgh, Pa.
J. Vogan Diller, do.
Gen. Robert Patterson, Philadelphia. .
Gen. Adam Diller. .
Joseph L. Chester, do.
Messrs. Wadsworth & Sheldon, New S ork City.
Messrs. 11111, McLean & C 0.,. • • •New Orleans.
Messrs. A. Gowdy & Co., • • • •-•-
John AI. Wymer Esq., St. Louis.
James Calhoun, ksqL. , , Cincinnati.
His Ex. Gov. A . C. 1. ranch,. -Springfield, 111.
Hoo. ThMilas If. Campbell,' - do.
Hon. S. H. Treat do. (aps:3m
City Scrip.
In Conformity with the 2d Section of the Ordinance
of the 18th of April, 1849, directing the undersigned "to
nepatiate for CITY SCRIP; the Bond* and Mortgages of
individuals held by the City for property sol d, amounting
notice is hereby given, that the said obligations will now
be'-disposed or for the Corporate issues of the City• of
Pittsburgh,' of the denominations of One, Two and Three
Dollars. • - ' •
Further Noticeis hereby given, that City Bonds, bear
ing interest from . the 18th day of April, 1840, at the rate
of 0 per cent. per annum, will et any time hereafter be
issued to the holder or holders of City Scrip,in learns of
One Flundred Dollars and upwards, according to the
provisions of the above date.. S. RAOHNSTOPi,
ap2t - City Treasurer.
House and Sign Painting.
r D. PITFIELD would respectfully inform the citizens
Ifo o of uf gaNdA .that he
tiPCZl:enrcelli:at to
imitation of Wood` and Stone. ALl'ordera left with J.
ROBINSON,' European Agent, will be strictly attended to.
J. WILLIAMB,No. 12 North Sixth street,Phihulel
phia, Vetiaiait .B/indand Windotoo Shade Manufae ,
surer, (awarded the Brit and highest Medals - at the New
York, Baltimore and Philadelphia Exhibitions; 'for the
superiority of his - BLENDS, with confirmed confidence lit
his manufacture,) asks the attentiotrof nurchasers to his
assortment of 2000 Blinds of narrow and wide - slats, with
fancy and plain Print' mings, of new styles and.colOrs.—
Also, a large andgeneral assortment of Transparent
Window Shades, all of which he will sell at the lOweit
Old Blinds painted and trimmed to look equal to new.
Dzspirts supplied on liberal terms: ' •••
The citizens of Allegheny . Coristy are respectfully in
vited to cell ; before purchasing elsewhere—confident of
Err Open in the evening:
To Country-Mercha nts.. HODKLNSONwould remind youthat
on can now
w. secure China, - Glass, Queensmare, kc., at such
prices as never were Iteretofcite offered at. .
Remember, 115 Wood street,3 doors below sth. Infl7
No / ors to t a 'ot to._
HE sabscriber informs the public.
,iinersily, and
Housekeepers. and Retail Grocers particularly, that
he is discontinuing . the Queen.sware, business. and Will.
sell off his present stock atredaced price's. Those' who
wish to obtain China, cluesnissare, or Glatt, will End this
a rare opportunity for getting such articlesar. they want,
much cheaper than the usual rates.: • .
Remember the place, CHINA...HALL, No. 118 Wood
street, near the Auction store.
P. I will dispose of my whole stock to any person
wishing to buy it, at a bargain.
ings, Fourth streer.—Hcrtroink ANTHONY, Daguerreo
typists front the'Eastern cities mould call theattention of
the inhabitantS of Pittsburgh, and the neighboring towns,
to their Daguerreotype of citizens and others, at rooms to
the third story of Burkett braiding, 4th at. -
Persons wishingpictures taken may rest assured that
no pains shall be•spared to produce them in the - highest
perfection of the art. Our instruments are of the Most pow
erfnl kind, enabling us to - execute pictures tvitrutpassed
for high Anish'and trathfidness to nature. ThePublieare
solicited tonall and examine.
Persons sitting for pictures are neither reguirred orox-,
pected to take them urdess perfect satisfaction sgiyen.
N. B. 'Operators will find this a good depot for stock
a7lnstruction given in the art, containing M e more
reeentlmprevemeots. - • jarer
Gravel )Iloollng.
T HE: subacribers respectfully inform the citizens of
that they are now folly pre.
paretto fill orders Tor GR.AVEL - ROOPING, in a man
ner not to be sarprptsed in this city 'or elsewhere. • From
their ttsperience in business, they feel confident that
they will render satisfactiotto all - Mote who auLy give
them walk: The superiority m Gravel Roofs over any
other kind, Qartieglarly in case of fits, is too'well knotm
to require - any argument znits favor. -To„those who are'
anamptainted With oar work, we beg leave to refer them
to Messrs : Thomas Liggrott,• Sr., Jam F: Perry, Body
Patterson;M Kane, Jr , and others, for whom we have
done, Wirt. - Orders thankfully received and promptly
interided - to'We Will be 'found on Wylie street, be'
tween liigh and Tunnel streets'. • - • ' •
PI I.Es-t
- nuac: Dizmet.
2000 Premium Blinds.
..3r,.. ?C €d .
~ b.. ,
. ;;~-~lia~q~auD,ellicine~
Vasidt'apateux graduated galyan altiCterp
)E 'Arta ornmetraposcst,,-This is the only
instrument of th Aatha
e kluds ever been presented
ut this country or Europe for medical purpoies, and isthe
only uncover knowstici man, btwitlcitthegatvanicliende ; ., - r
can be conveyed to thrifittroatteleitthe-cartihnktatniiit....,..
o any part of theliotly,eiter - externany,orinternaity; - :-
at a delinite,gentle itrehM;Withiinitsbnckakit pain with
perfect Sitfetyi4andmftensfith the happie st effects.
-This-iraPOrt.itot aPparaMsis now highlyapproced of
by many of the eminent Ohystaiiinti of thinetannty',
and EteroPt4lto. whin:lllle lifillgtedAndAlthgro-who= It
may concern can be referred. Reference wilt hhid.Lbe '
Lgivett- to many highly respectable' eitiiens; whfflatiris',s s
bedit cure dfby Metall of this most MdtlableAP.Pitub 64 .•
some of the most inveterate ,neratituirs;' hick
coulditin be removed byttny other known ittettum'l ,
Among venous others, it has been p,roced to be tadmir
ably adapted for the cure sif,thitlellowinediteases,'vit':':'' - '
nervous headache andatlier disordemof thit Ititt
-with this apparatus alone that thq opera:6r, can convey
the!galvarue fluid With . Case and 'safety to the' ye, to re
,_state sight, ovntliatuntrarosas ; to the car to restore hear- the.tongue or other, ogios,to restore speech; and
to tneviitious,piiiis of thebody, foithe nitre afebatutie
rheumatism; asthma,neutingia, or tie dolcattequx.,patal,
yais or palsy,,gout, chorea or St. Vitus , dance, opiletity;-.
weakness 'front ir some dbie aseti-"pee Mkt:in iit
males, contraction of: he. limbs; Jock - jawilzgOirelee.
Ytights for surrounding counties of Western
aiiVileges with the instrument, may be purchased, tnd , ri
aisoteeted forthe care of diseases. . .
:Full instructions will be. given for thetriitionx: ahead
ealsitit e used for venous -diseases, and the beat-Manner
for_pperatingfor the cure of, these diseases, will also, be
fully explained to the ptirchaser;and npamphlin put tate' . '
his. hands expressly for 'these puiposes, carefially:pre-
Fated 4Y:the patentee. ,Enquire of , ,
S. "WII.LIAMS,' Vine street, -
near 9th at. Road, FittsWg.... •
ADIES are cautioned against' naing•Corrimon Preps r , ' ;
j red Chalk::They are not aware hew frightfully trim
nousitis to the skin! how coarse, how rough, h'owsallow,"
yellow,",ind unhealthy the skin' appears after using ;.krer . .- -, ';
patedchalk! Besides , it is iniunous,containing a large -
quantity of lend ! have prepared a beautiful vege
table article which we call •Tones' Spanish Lilly White.
It is perfecti innocent, bein,g purified,of all deleterious '
qualities, bit it imparts to the skin a natural, healthy,
alabaster, clear, lively white • at the same time acting
as a cosmetic on the ikin, making it soft and Smooth.
Dr. James - Anderson, Practical Chemist of blaisschtt..
setts, says : "After analysing Tones' Spanish Lilly White,.
I find it possesses, thamostloeautiful and natural,'Mulat
the same time innocent, white I ever saw. I certainly
can conscientiously recommend its - use to all whose skin
requireltbenufifiring.'?. Price : 2s cents a box. Directions
the beat way , to apply Lilly,White, is with soft leather
or woolthe formeris preferable. .' ,
'' A rim aim 07 Twit sou '25 morra.--White. teeth,, -
foul breath, healthy gums. Yellow and unhealthy teeth, 7 -
After being once - or twice cleaned :with Tone& Amber,
Tooth Paste, have the appearance of the most beautiful ,
ivory, and, at the same time it is so perfecilY Innocent'
and exquisitely fine, that itsconstant daily, use la highly.,
adynntageons, even to those teeth thatare in good condi- .
lion, giving them a beautiful polish, and preventing - a ~-
! premature . decay. , Those already decayed it pteventit
' from becomin,gworse—it also fastens ouches is bepouting
loasii;andby perseverance it will render the fordestleeth
delicately white, and make the breath deliciously sweet.
Price 25 or 371centsa box. All the above are sold only
at 82 Chatham et, sign of the American Eagle,New York,
and by the appointed Agents whose "tunes appear in the
next column, . • .
WILL YOtr MAXEY, and get a rich husband, lady? "Your
face is your fortune:" ' Is% beautiful,. clear,-fair? Is it
white ? If not,lt can be made so even though it be yel
low, disfigured, sunburnt, tanned and freckled; Thous
ands have, been made thus who have washed once or
twice with Jones? Italian Chemical Soap. - Igro, elTect is
glorious and ma,gnificent. But be sure you get the genu
ine Jones' Soap; at the riga of the American Eagle, SS
--.. . . .
Ring-worm, Salt-rhernit, Sctrrvey,Erysipetas . , Barber's
Itch, are often cured by Jones' Italian Chemical Soap,
when every kind of , remedy has failed. That it cures
pimples, freckles, and clears the skin, aUknow. Sold at
the Anterican Eagle, 85 Chatham street. Mind, reader,
this seldom or never fails. • - .
C. INGLIS, Jr:_ Patterson.
Sold at JACESOR'S 89 Liberty st., head of Wood, Sign o
of the Big Boot. n0v214.
k LAB, Barber's Bch,
Chaps, Bars Beards, TOOles.—
This biased by many physicians in this city i n c nrmgthe
above,• and we would not conscienelausly sell unless, we
knew it to be all we state. ,
As a coametitithe true JONES'S SOAP is perhape the
only article ever , known. that removed impurities, and
'cleared and beautified the skin, making it soft, clear,
smooth and white as an infants. But mind, it is sold at.B9
Chatham et., N. Y., andby • . • • • . -
WM. JACKSON, 'Agent,
89 Liberty street, Pittsburgh:
A respectable gentleman called at our office, as he
said, to inform us that he had been afflicted for 15 years
With Rheumatism or Gout, and occasionally with Tie
Doloreuxi,that he bad been frequently confined to his
room for months together, and often suffered the moitinj ,
tense and excruciating pain, but that lately he had been
using Tayne's Alterative, from which lie found then:Lost sig
naland unexpected relief. Re says he found the medi
eine very pleasant and effective, and that he now con
siders himself perfectly NorthAm ir
A F'Acr Worm Kriowniux.L-A gentleman' of Screfidons'
habit, from indiscretion in his younger days; becama
fected with Ulcerations in the Throat and Nose, and a -
disagreeable eruption of the Skin.' Indeed, his' whole
sYstem bore the- multi of being saturated with diabase...
One hand and wrist were so much affected:ilia; he bad
lost the use of the hand, every part being' covered 'with
deep, - Painful, and offensive ulcers, and were as billow
and porous as ; an bioney-comb. It was at this stage of his
complain; when death appeared inevitable from a loath'
some disease, that he commenced the use of Jayne's Al
terarbil.and havingtaken sixteen bottles, is now perfect
The 'Alterative operates through' the circulation, sad
purifies the blood and eradicates disease from the system,-
wherever, located, and the numerods cures it has per
formed in diseases of the skin, cancer, acrofula, - goutr
liver complaint, dyspepsia pnd other chronic diseases, is
truly astonishing.—Synrit vf the Timer,
• trr For sale in Pittelnagh,atthe PEKINTEA STORE
JaynesP‘Pamilly Me dleines.. ` -
DR,B."S. "COOK, five, Ohio, writes t -Matph,.laid:
"I have used your Vermicage, Carmwridir aisans,
and Experamint,inatiy - piactice, for the last three years
and have beenexceedffigly well plewted withthem,' and
never, as yet, to my - . recollection,. failed -of realizing-:rity
fullest expectation m;-;Your
other medicines I cannot speak of from experience; btkt r. -
judging from. those 1 have used 4 doubt' not but that they
chum, and are entitled to all the confidence - reposed - 111-
them, by those who have used tnem. 1:tonal - bitterly
very partial to It‘cmVennifuge, becameadquaut
ted with yours, which has my decided prefereneto_any
• -
Ressentfully, yours, &c., S. S. CgOK,lll'. ,
•For, sale to Pittsburgh stile Pekin Tett Store, 72
Fourth st. • • ; febls
TESTIMONY tier Dr. 'Willard's Family Medi
ill eines.—Theunderslocd,citizenacfPirrsburgh,hav
ing personally used Pr. Willard's (trietira/ C*oo Mix
tare, and experienced its beneficial etreeta,domost cheer
fully recommend ",if l sae and eiteemal, in all cases.
Speaking from experience, cce laslieVelber it beano su
perior ; and would recommend its nse tea the afflicted;
.Pittsburgh, March 15th i. 1848. - „
il7!Sold. by_ J. Schoonmaker,& Co., John Haya ; laines
A. Jones, J. IL Cassel,-John P.'Scoa, P. L. Snowderx,
Mohler, Oaden &Snowden: ap22"./
MIFFS OF COUGHING in the night are very trouble
X 'some.' They break in upon the houricof repose and
exhaust the strength of the sufferer. • B. A. Fahnustock.
& Co.'s COUGH BALSAM has been 'eminently success
ful in, easing and cant these 'unpleasant spells: If a
person is roused in the tuKht by u 'spasm of a
tea spoonful of the Cbugh Balsam willseothe it, give Ida
.relief, and, as - it is palatable, loaves no .unglensant large
behind.. if own used, it will takelorecedenen oirei,
others, as a remedy for coughs, colds; &e.
Prepared and sold by B. A. FAHNESTOCK
corner Ist and Wood streets, and corner Gth and Wood
• streets. ! - . . nov3o
riIt.'RALPIPS Csdatartaran Vsorrantht Pitts ate Fol.
ALP sale, wholesale and retail, at the'
Patsr, Es•raTEl OPPICS,
Ne. 50, Smithfield st. -
Also, by Wm. Cole, Allegheny Orr3. - G. Smith, Bit
mintham;lohn MeCiaekon, Penn - street, roil Ward.
The general properties of these Tillarize Carmine f
rive t Purgative and Tonic.. - In 'the common .dilordeirt
arising from imprudence in diet, ke. s .such as. sicknets
and sourness of the stomach, heartburn, headaehes i .k.c.,
where a medicine is reguired, this preparation, is very
applfeable; for its.carminative or. soothing effectegitio
almost immediate rebel; when nausea or sickness axlat t
its purgative operation: upon the'stomach• and bowels is,
gentle and ..effectnali and its. tonic properties import
strength to:the digesuoe organs, theieby enabling - these
organs to perform their proper. fenictions with order and.
regularity. 'The price 'has been redneeit from :50 to
For sale; wholesale - end retail, by B: .41.FATINES.
TOCK Zo:Cii, corner Front'and Wood 'and Sixth. rnd'
Wodd smear, Agents forPitteburgh. ' "'
CONSUMPTION seizes more victims than any other
disease in oar country. The young, -the.btd L the
beautiful and gay, are all alike subject - to 'int invidloas''
ravages; and many a hectic cheek has been supposed to'•
bloom with the glow of health; But euerrease origi—
nates in adold and a cough—perhaps deemed unworthy.
of attention at firetz;•-and only met with remedies when
too late. Watch the first symptoms svithjealoni case,
and Make immediate use of the Cough Balsam of B. A..
Fahnestock &Co., which will certainly check its further
nrogressi abd-restore the inflamed - organs to - a beautiful
For-sale by R PAHNESTOCH. & Co, Comer Ist
and Wood its.; also, corner 6th andWoOd. . decll
; A. MASON & CO., No. 60 Manx= srammr, nave
this day received, per "Fast Line, , the,follosiing
named Goods, viz :—Satin , stripe, black and blue black
plain and printed Enrages, all wool M. de Laines, em
broidered Thibet Shawls black, white and pearl Silk
Hose; spun Silk Hose ; kitd, silk and lislethread Gloves;
linen, bobbin, cambric an muslin Edgings; inseitings
blicleailk lace Edgings; bonnet Ribbons; embroidered
- muslin Capes, new patterns and rich goods.' 'ma,22
alma •le 'roperty or Soler of • , Acres,
SITUATED of a mile from the Cemetery and oppo
site the residence of COL erb2haltiPresentilia front
of 1.200 feet, containing a new cottage honse, wi in,
centre and 4 rooms, 4 bed rooms and good cellars, he
A tenant house. barn, stables, garden, ail under,
good fence. This desirablo property is suitable for or: •
dening purposes, or country retudences,tui several proM-
Went and beautiful locations can easily he improved for
that purpose. Price, 8200 aosicre.
S. cuTHBERT, Gen. Agent,
Smithfield street .
a p2O
ZEAL ESTATE FOR SCRIP. Foveale, a:valuta:de
Lot of 20 feet f ron t on nenVer, street, Allegheny, by
117 feet to a 17feet alley, hleflng, a - ifaanTraineCottaze
Dwelling Rouse, with atlierimproinmenai, p t i ce ,..w o
in Pittsburgh and - Alleghet_i_Loit and County Scrip, 41
par . WIFHBERT; Pen..agent,. •
TIERGUSSION CAPS--200 13.13, Perea ". l:oll:U ' O,p3
/00 M. G. D. do -
Jostree'dby MoCANDLESS/F
07 1 SI7 Wood 'tacit
. , . _