MSDowells Chi:deco. ltlzßure menceiswiiltateiy,dischargen front the bowels, of a white, t yellow - Oar pearl midor,Aiiili white .flakes on •ri-se are welideseribed as fier y ~ .- t hirse-avacitationsibut- i tol-"aninctifiuNdpne.l,The. v om"- "- Sting isonnally-acmanfpnined with great,unettiiindss and - _ pain in the stomachiind bowebs, _Ttiapf k od e an db reat h ioy cold; tlte.tongue is: sometimes cleap',,,hat gancral-' ;13' sligatir , coatedi the Tnice. becomes weaklifin heskyi ",,cixinws.andapaarns of the arms, legs and body - are gen andpenstlartiymptoitni:- The skin is - shriveled and et iapairple :hue ;Ltbe;pulise becomed weak and frequent, and in the collapse tinge entirelYthit at the wrist ; the breath- Jatiolmi and hurried - .These symptoms usually sac . ceeil anal 'other In'tie"ciriletatated; • - APDOWELL,',3 caoLERA ATTXTURE: ,Tliiiinsixtare is prePared front the prescription's of the tater-lk:,4i.:lll2lPDoteall,- of Pittsburgh: In his estert slue had nsed.itttwith complete success in the .epiclemicof"-I ibe 'Present season.- Steamboat WenlittinS. MI given it to IZlnny.PASkengerS *hi:llama been. -,- ._:finneketrwith the AliBCaStime present season; and in eve." -;--,ry case-ideated a speedy eare—after theyliad beenpro flounced incurable by physichuni ori "hoard: '-Prepared vilely by pr proprietor. THORN, jettl-tf . No. 43 Market street, Pillsbtirg •. a 154 flurrE HAVE ABDOMINAL WABALERB, made from y y .ra,=E ils!trus,furnished andrecomz n d:g bpra g mvnea n d tnum b":ofeainearlhymcians, beingtmosZ cOmnleut appara ttts fot the application. of warnt or hot water to the noW•- ._ . in'-cuss - -of =amps iu Cholera. As every Person is - imbject to suddenattacks, no:family should be withont— ,-, lit least withoutonet i For sale . • • - ••• , :.S First street; between-Wood and Market sta IM Btrarirp ottgr, - RE-RUILT, AND AT' - WORK! , ! • . -. - - wagon. mannfactorY• - rpHEsubscriber, having enlarged his Shop, lately de -stroyed by'fire, informs his friends and' the:public keuerally that he is now prepared. -to manufacture- Wa gouts, Carts, Drays, Timber Wheels, Tracks and ,Wheel - barrows at his Stop, on Pillh streetibetween Wood and streetai.where be keeps on hands large stocle, -. or makes* to order-any amount of - work, of:she beit lei - late - and by ekpenenced- wOrkmez, and at prices to suit the dines. - Southern meraltants and furnace men are requested to call and extunine, before purchasing- eliewhere. I \TEW - BOORS--ManPrirneval,by Harris. ' JA - Layard's Nineveh and, its Remains. The Clergy_of America. _ The Czar, his Coart and Peopie...._ • Women of the Revolution: ' • Irving's Works ;.new Life and Corresponeence of, John. Foster. Holmes' Poems. , - . . .De Fob's Works, complete; 20 vols. , Swift's Works, complete ;2 vols. . Fielding and Smollett; - complete. • • , The Progress of America; 2 thick vols. For sale by ILS..BOSWORTH & CO.,' , . 4th street near Market.' ..117 , Clergymen and strangers are invited to - eallat the Book Store of H. S. Bosworth & Co.; on Fourth street, near Market, where will be found hue editions.of many rare and valuable works: agazinea !b; June RECEIFED Al M. A. .MINER'§:— Graham's-Maga zincr June. Sartain's Union Maiazine, for June. - Godey's Lady's Book, Mardi, ond'a Voyage Thither; by Herman Melville. My- Uncle the Curate, a Nove4 bythe author of the , • Bachelor of Albany, &c., &c. Membirs of a Preacher; by Goorge .I.4ppaYir Fenlande or the Fallen Angel"- A new Novel,' by Alexandre lsumae. Family Failing.' ;• a new Novel, - by the author of the ... Hen-pecked Husband, f3eorgitia Hammond; a 'Novel, by the atuhbr of My Boor Cousin, fcc., - . • ..Carson, the Prince of Gold Hunters; byCharles No. 1 Chttmbers'' Information for the People; new edition, to be completed in IA numbers. - d oPposine - Brovrn's,Hotel. imay2l TT is a - notorious fact that of all evils, none are held in -1 such abhorrence as those of Rats, Mice, Roaches and lied-Bags, and to have them exterminated, is the wish - and destre of all. A preparation has been discovered by which those who wish, may beeping rid - of - this evil, which infests more or lest every house in this city. _This preparation has now been in St a t e in-Germany about seven years, (and in the United s for the lest five,' and' by every one who has given it a trial, been prononaced the best remedy they have ever used for ex . • terminating Rats, Mice, Bed-Bugs, Roaches, &e. • - - The articles composing this composition. are in-them -. - selves ,very innocent, and contain not a particle of poi __ - sun; but when combined, creates a gas which explodes the stomach, and 'consequently destroys life in a few licittree-as soon as it has affected the stomach, the articles become neutralized, and will -affect nothing thereafter; so that there can be no. danger in its Use, under any cir cumstances. This ino humbug . We- ill warrant it to rid houses of all. the Reis; Mice, Roaches, &c., that in feats them. Should it not do as we say, the money will -lig . refunded. - J. 43. M. YOUNG & CO., • 1e6.. N. W. corner of 4th and Ferry Ins., Pittsburg. - .hIR. DUFF'S GENTLEMEN AND LADIES> BOO.X.ECEEPING & WRITING .Rooll£l, ItTR. D. has his new Class Rooms now thoroughly:re irlpaired and . fmed up. Ladies will find his new sys tem of Single Entry Book-keeping an agreeable study, and a valuable acquirement. Gentlemen going through his 'entire, course of training. on Doable EMIT Baok keeping, iwill not only be qualified to take charge of pooh.. upon any system in use, but they will findiheni selves master of all those intricate operations- connected with partnership settlements, of Which so many practi cal book,keepers, of aaknowledged ability are ignorant. Several of the most extensive firms in Me city have re newly; procured Book-keepers from this Lastitution.— Merchants and Steamboat proprietors can always learn of Book-keepers thoroughly qualified for their profession; no'othere are ever - recommended. Hours : 10 4 .to 12, 2 to , and 7 to 10. mny4 11L/lrY Notice. jjjothe d swishing er t s o p s r an i g e er th s evmissietling iwheit h c iaty and 101i DRESS COAT, _PANTS, VEST, or any other arti 'Cie in the line, can do rio, by leaving theirorders' With JAMES AVGUIRE, Tailor, Third street, St. Charles Building. • • : LEY'S NEW WORK—The 'Adironback, or - Life in the Woods, by J. T. Headley, author "of Washington and his Generals, Sce. Life and Writings of De 'Witt Clinton, by W. W. Campbell, authorof Border Warfare, Ice. Just received bx• • - . JOHNSTON'S:: STOCKTON; jeS - " • Con ad and:Market sts. ..111.. 5 . TAVERN, STAND AT SHOLISTOWN' FOR RENT.—A. commodious and Well finished Tavern tend, in the village of Shousetown, furnished, in Modern st*le, with good Stabling attached - , It will be Jeesed fain term of years. Addtesa Janl2' P. SI:MUSE, Shotisetown. - Hoyle's Chtntzes:' rIA.,SES of Goods, 3-4,4-4 and 9-S *He, - finey 11,_ , -) and doable, Parble, for sale by ' mer292m. HAMPTON, - SMITH Ic CO WIRE RAILING. SECURED BY LETTERS ,PATENT.. - 1115BLIC ATTENTION is solicited to as entire new article. of RAILING, made of wrought iron bars, and soft annealed rods, or wire, and expressly designed for enclosing Cottages, Cemeteries, Balconies Public - Grenada; &e., at prices varying from 50 cents to 83,00 the running fcrot. • It is made in panels of various lengths, 2}'to 4 feet high, with wrought iron posts It inch square, at intervening distances of 6to 10 feet. If desired, the Palinels can be made of any height, in continuous spans of 50 to 60 fret, with or without posts. No extra charge the comparative lightness, great strength and durabil ity of the MIRE RAILING, the beauty of its varied or ' namental designs, together with the extremely low price at which it is sold, are causin comparative ede the Cast Iron -Railing, wherever their . merits have been tested. For further particulars address MARSHALL & BROTHERS,. Agents for Patentees, mr27:3m].Diamond alley, near Smithfield st.,Pitusburg. Hardware, Cutlery, Saddlery, dr,c. TWIN WALKER, Importer and Dealer in Foreign and DOMatie Hardware, respectfully announces to his friendsand 'the public generally, that he is now reeeiv hilt Spriag sappily of Hardware, Cutlery, Saddlery, An, at his stand, No. 85 Wood street; which he will dis ' pose of on the most reasonable norms. - He will continually be receiving fresh enmities, direct from the manufacturers in Europe and this country, which will enable hfitito compete with any, house, East or Wet. - He Particularly invites the attention of customers_ to. his ;excellentassortment of Table and Spring. Cutlery, itc., which is of fashionable patterns and from-the most popular. taanufactarers. • . lent quality. His stock Ol;Carpenter's Tools is large, anti nf excel- Of general Hardware stoek, he has eeveryvariety . of 'F'Veatera .I!trerebtuita and dealers, generally, are in- . vited to call and examine his stock._ raarMarn j— - • Paper Hangings. AM now, direct from the manufaCturers in - New-York; Philadelphia and Etaltiinore, is large and well eelected-asiortment of all the latest and most im- - proved Styles of:Satin, Glazed and common ,PAPER RANGlNGR,,cfmaisting of 10,1X/Ctpieces-ef Parlor and Fresco - - • . 10'000'. Column;' 20,000 ' • -Din -room, chamber and office Paper Wore:hi wieuldimrticularly invite_the attention of those having. houses to, Paper, •lo and- examine, at the Paper Warehottneof: • S. C. HILL, • Fine Shirts - 1' IGIDWAR.O ' TODD & CO., litaistrasnt maim - , cur , Puts Lrasit Lien FAncr curs ' ~have received from their. Fantail' East a large And 'desirable stbak.of.SHIRTS, which , we propeste• to offer to dealers` 'tube lowest blew York-prices;-on satisfactory terms - "-. Our stuck eonsists in part of SOO' all - qindities, vtifying in - style—wide ann narrow, plan, Byron - and standing collars, manafactured eapressty fin:City trade,' and intended for this market. , By Offering dealers our Goods: at low prices 'and ' allowing our Shirts to recommend themselves in ityle,ef mannyacture; we hope to be able to please-all citizens _ , flzwareinem,cprnet of:Fifth end Market streetsorp T"MHdethigned haying been appointed Agent of • , Th i aawanslnrusi:SAnstir InsultAwcs Coupes; in tbd.Plithe Litlntim Finney, Jr., resigned,:respectfully, forms . the,iirtplic and the friends and - nostamers of the „cow:wilt, thichei IS :prepare:4-15-takeltlarine and - Fife • risits,,on' liberal tenth! •fir - their office, Inland- Wa,NO: ter street. - CMY/P.T P. A. ALADSfRA;Agent . . GI pAßGEttrid,nandsome assortment ofnelweet stijes; z partieularlrculapted Ciiarade, Just FeeOlved by 11 Altfel'ON, SMITH - & ed.: PRINTING -PAPER : and Itoo foraals( k Paper; cq'yartouS sizresi constantlytthog #suittand ;.. - • SMoodaticat; :=o=l Arrival of New S_paring &Summer Goothil, F.A.SRIONABLED QUARTERS,' ^-- ra,' sTREar, racconn Hong BELOW sacotruasraatir. TIESPEDTPUILY informs his friends - and the public of Ari o gene riditchoicest-SPRlhat h N e ha anreceivedS every lazge eupply the G-d UMMER seen In Dittsbrntk selected by , himielfin GOODS ever'the 'East. can sitting of English, French" and Belgian Cloths, Cassi Vestings, Cashartaretts . &c., of.•all shades and colors, andsoi the latest anal most desirable - patterns, which 'will be made up to order in a superior style, and at very .inoderato prices. ' Ht has also on hand a very large stock of Ready made Clothing,' vhich he willsell very low. apaly • - PiLTZGERALD, NEW YORE - CLOTHING STORE, • - N 0.26 fllar4ot ata: - pee. trAVING received,(and teething weekly) my Spring ill and Summer Goods, I am prepared to offer to the ci l tizens and public in general, a better lot of ready made Clothing than has ever been offered before in Pittsburgh, and at prices R 5 per cent. cheaper than cnnbe purchased in any other Clothingestablisfunent In this city. Q Don't forgot to tali at N 0.26. mari4—ty. E. FITZGERALD. "GOLD! GOLD ! GCLD! HOPE CLOTHINQ Emporti UM. la 3. ROGERS respectfully informs his friends an,. .; the public that he has opened his NSW 0/AIMING Orear4No. - Tt Market street, between Front and Second, wherehe will'keep eonstaatly on hand a large and, cape tier assortment ofclothing, suitable fertile present season. Having juat returned front the East with - nee, and splendid assortment of Clothe, Cassimeretiand.Vestings, of the most desirable patterns, which Will be, made up _on the,shortest nodee and in the Most fashionable style, on the one price cash system . , as low na can be had at any other establishment in. Pittsburgh.- - Dou'r-forket the 'place, but - call at the CLOTHING EAI , PORTUfi s -No. AT M arketat.,Fittsburgh. [mr3l:3m The:Spring :aid 'Summer Stocie of. READY -MADE' - CLOTHING AT THE ..T4343.E.R. 'llig- . 000H,5, • SOH ami Paisusr.. eEiCSON, 1/.IB.JCSVESI seasEQIILLLED . - Even hi/The-CelebratedTllE . Rnablishment itself. IIWE -UNPO.4CEDENTED PATRONAGE bestowed • upon, the enterprise. if the proprietor, has et.abled him to purchase all Lis Goods at such prices as will allow • him...ta sell, Whaleaale and Retail, LOWER than any :other House,Enat or West. 'JOHN 11 VCLOSKEY , Manufacturer of Ready-mad Clothing, No. /SI Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa., has just completed- his - • Stock,• and has now on hand, ready for - sale, the ktrgest,monfashionabk and varied assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING ever offered in the United States:;: nil of which, have been amde under his inane • client inspection, in this city, AT PRICED AT MUST OBTAIN -4• Fitarnanaux-together with ono of the choicest selec _liens of Imported .fine Black, Blue, Brown, Olive and_ Drab French, Belgian and English' CLOTHS, that. has , ,seer beenbrouget to this city. Also, fine fancy VEST- •INGS' of every description, - such as Cashmeres, Mar- , , seilles,•rich Silks,' fancy_Sanns, '&c., &c. All the new- est .stylcs fancy .CASSIfiWaRES, of every description; .all of which will be made up to order at die shortest no tice , in the latest and most fashionable style. ' Thegroprietor informs the public that the principle , upon which he will do business, will be upon the basis ' of HONESTY and FAIR DEALIN'G'; and in orderto es 1 • tablish a confidence in the buyer& I am deferral ned to ad here to my original "Quick Sales and Small Fro- f in," and also , make the buyer his own saksmats, by marMngthe lowest price on each article, in plain figures, so that each customer can select front an immense and ' , exquisitely assorted stock; The articles he requires, at the , low.ustprice it can possibly be bought for. Basioess shall continue to be transacted at my exteen sirei establishment, which has long since obtained the character of being the First Tailoring Establishment in Pittsburgh.. mar2B P 113.1 Ig-g-airjr-. Bffi OTS pI~D 6H m,3. ~ -- LEEWARD'S CELEBRATED LEATHER. 1 ' Preserving Blacking. A COMPOSITION of Neafs-foot Oil and Ivory Black, 1,1„ for nourishing and preserving all kinds of Boot and Shoe Leather, rendering naafi and pliable, and producing the most brilliant jetblack, equal to parent leather, without communicating stain or spot to clothing. LEEWAIZD & CO,,VNO. 88 Third siren, near Wood,) in calling the attention of gentlemen to this beautiful Black mg. desire simply to state its peculiar composition and Greets on the Leather. It is composed of nests-foot oil and pure ivory black, and renders the leather at once ain't and pliable, thereby preventing the boots and shoes , from cracking.' With one-fourth the labor usually em ployed in .the application of the ordinary blacking, it produces the most brilliant jet black polish irnaginabk, , equal in every respect to patent leather, and never rubs , off on the-pantaloons. Gentlemen are invited to call at oar Store, No. Bf, Third street, near Wood, and have the blacking tried on • their boots, and where they can see upwards of -5,000 CERTIFICATES, • ' From the most distinguished individuals in the U. States, all of whom recommend it as being, forbeauty of polish, preserving the leather, and facility of application, the most beautiful ever offered to the publie. LEEW mayllAßD & CO., af , ea Third street, near Wood. iiii f ila p — AiliTicgidiil --- 5 , 164 ---- HOGAN & CANTWELL are Sufi opening, at No. 88 Market street and at the new front on the North east aide of the Diamond, a splendid assortment,of Fash ionable Bonnets, Leghorn Hats, Breast-pins, Ear and Finger Rings, Black and Fancy Silk Crave's, with an in numerable collection of Variety Goods, which can and will be Soldat the cheapest prices. aplO . . . . HOGAN & CANTWELL. Terrible Revolution -Mara Triumphant • lair OGAN & CANTWELL, (sign of the •,„•,) No. i _Li. Market street, would respectfully beg leave to call the attention of the public to their new stock of Goods, just 'received and opening from manufacturers and art ranters, of which they feel confident that price and qual ity will give entire satisfaction, as our motto is--" QuiA,k . Sales and Small Prqfittp - 1 Our stoek consists, partly, of the following articies,v4: Ladies' and Gentlemen's Breast Pins, Cate styles; Ottani and Vest Chains; Bracelets, Clasps and Lockets; Phi gSteeer and Ear Rings; Pencils and Peas; Slides and Studsl,; •l Buckles, for Ladies' velvet; Dreases; Marlaloni Card. Cases, shell, pearl and baster Boxes . ; fine Rosewood mad Ebony Shaving Cases,' furnished t Sorer Spectacles; Silver Spoons, all kinds l German Silver Spoons, all kinds; Silk Steel Bead Bags and Purses; Cotton Bags and Purses • Hair, Tooth, Nail and Cloth Brushes; Violins, Acconleons, Flutes and Fifes; : fine Penknives and Scissors; Globes and Paper Holders, Shell, Dress and Side Combs, latest styles; Chide. Vases, Fink Baskets, Agate and Glass Vases, Mugs, and Cologne Bottles; Tables, Chessman mid Backgammon Boards; Silk Tapestry; Brussels and In grain Carpet Bags; Willow, Market and Side Baskets; Chairs, Wimons, Cradles, &c.,&c., with a large assort ment of 2bys and Fancy Ankles, too numerous to men ion. [seine C hurclitkldc Stan ley, MANUFACTURERS OF FINE RICH JEWELRY EDWARD TODD it. Co., Agents, MR. corner Fifth and Ilfarket us., (up strand Pittsburgh. I[ATE have on hand, and are daily receiving from the y manufactures, a large stock of Goods, which we are prepared to offer to Dealers only, at the manufae turers, lowest wholesale prices. —Cluster and Real Stone Set Breast-pins i Engraved, Plain Hoop Stone Set Ear arid Finger Rings; Plain Gold, Engraved and Stone Set Stads; Slides, Watch Keys, &c., &c. Among our Goods can be found some of the most de arable and approved styles of Stone Sets now in use, viz r—Opal, Ruby, Turkois, Topaz, Anathyst, Garnet, Brillialms,r&c.„&c. Dealers, purchaising_Duc Jewelry, will find it for their advantage to examine our stock. Bard 4- -Broll s a i ir but Premium Gold Pens, with and without cases, he offers for sale at the lowest New York . . prices. - (apt __) EDWARD TODD & CO. _________________ L • - •co ngr. ADIES, wanting something superior, both for look and comfort, to anything they have ever worn, will please call and examme them. These Boots have no strings to tie and umie, and dangle about the ankle;— and are not only much handsomer, but thsplay„the foot ankle to a mach better advantage than any other Boot or Shoe made. Yon will also save time and trou ble. - Manufactured by S. RINS. No. 8 Fifth street. _ ./foslkria Rhodes, TATH_9_LESALE FRUITERER AND CONFECTION 1 y -w., No. 6 Wood street -380 boxes Oranges; 500 cans Sardines; 225.. " Lemons; 800 lif. " " IEO dozen Lemon Syrup; 150 qr." Figs; 400 boxes Herring; 200 bxs Raisins, in layers ; 2000 Cocoa Nuts ; hi bait, " 100 qr.. "- «8 boxes klaccaroni; 8 " Vermacilla ; 7.strails Irides Almonds; 25 cases ass 'd Pickles , 100 boxes shelled ,` 40 casks Currants. 8 bales Bordeaux " 100 &Lent Tissue Paper ; 10 .". _Malaga " 5 rms. white Kiss Paper; 3. " paper 8 11CI'd " 15 cases Prunes ; 3' " ' bard "' " 1 rams ates; 40 bags Filberts; 4 cases Liquorice 30 " ' Walnuts; 10 the. Vanella Beans t 50 " .Cream Nuts; 20 bxs ANo 1 Rok Candy; 40 " Pecans; 20 " wh'e and yel. R. " 10 Mils. " 8 eases Florence Oil ; • . Just received and for sale by JOSHUA RHODES. . ~ .__..__....._.__._..-._...__._,_.._.__________ • . Lugs. itirEssas.•rAs. noWARD fr. CO., No. 82 Wood street, • jyl wmild call the attention of the public to their • present stock of Paper Hangings, which, for variety, beauty of finish, durability and cheapness, is unsurpass ed tqie.ay establishment the• Union. Bedsides a large - and full assortment of Paper of their own .monnfacture, they -are now receiving a direct int ,pottatioant French and English styles of Paper Hang now ings, Pur Earbpebised by Mi. Levi Howard, one of the firm, in e, consisting of— . Parisian manufacture, 10,000 pieces. London - do. 5,000 do. Of their own manufatture, they . have 100,005 feces Wall Paper; end 12,000 pieces Hatin Glazed Window' Blinds, Am. hlessta.-lames Howard & Co., have spared neither ex pense nor tither in their endeavors to rival the Eastern Wall Paper establishments, both in quality of manufac ture. and variety-of pattern, and they are warranted in assuring the public that they have succeeded. The whole assortment, foreign and home manufacture will he . offered on derma as LOW as those of Easter, manufacturers and importers. mar27n. JAIPORTANT TO HOUSEKEEPERS, Steam Boat Owners and hotel Keepers. - AkTORTOAPS'UNIVERSAL COOKING STOVES are IN. offered as the test Cooking Stove in Market, having a new. principle for heating the oven, that bread, mentsiormny article creating steam or vapor, can be baked , and retain its flavor the same as when baked in a brick oven or reflector; also, in point of removing, in saving time and Mel. The public are invited to examine the Stove. . . For sale -610 -at N 0.112 beeSnd street, sign of the Gilt 'Stovei'wherereference may had to famihes who have them Janne: r.illso,:thirty different patterns of Cooking Stoves, plain' and Riney Grates, Office and Parlor Stoves, &c.„ &c. .-- - rap4:d3m) A. &C. BRADLEY. _ ...... . ......... . _. - : ,Rodk s - Cillinion , ina Store Removed. Tix subscri subscriber respectfully informs the Ladies of hltsbargh, - Alleghcay and vicinity, that he has moved to , a. more commodious house, Na. 58 Wood strum near the St, Charles -Hotel, where he has .opened , Stbd is opening 500 paekag - es of Dresden, Berlin, French and English CHINA and QUEENSWARE. ;Please call .and see theta-for to describe then' . Di impossible. The sitielc'eMbraees everything iu thelinsinese„useful or or- Emmental. _. rapt6lhutioDitiNsorc ACE4Pii,ilie. attic' ye 4 , .; D 2 hand andfor. sale by ALC ORDOOTifth it • -qr.l Pittiart kkgiv-Portsibti.: Bbitt 't Intr. iialb=l : l - 8 -, 44 , :d2121M .„_ . 7if OR lira TstinneoirrArtdifos raznintvapid 7'/TTSBOIRCII, PHILADELPII,I4 4 '841 , 27310:RE I!TEW Y OR E., TIIOMAA DORBIDGE, , t. TAA FRE & O'CONNOR; P , Aculefp/ibs. Pittsburgh. T HIS old established Line being - now in fall operation,: the. prtiprietors are prepared, with their usual eifen siv A4 e 'le arra n ngements, .to forward merchandise, produce, ; Sid from the bboire4)orts, on 'liberal terms, with the regularity, dispatch and safety, peculiar to their mode of transportation, so obvious when transhipment on the way is avoided. All consignments by and for this Line receivedieharges paid, and forwarded in any required directions, free of charge for commission, advancing .or . storage. • No interest, directlyy or indirectly,-,in steamboats. All communications promptitattended to, on applica tion to he following Agents_,:- " -THOS BORBG - P7B Market MA street. Philad lD elphi E, a. • sTAAFFE & O'CONNOR, - Canal Basin f Pittsburgh. O'CONNOR *- CO., North at., Bit/timbre., -.4 41 n1' 1849 Me= aleirobanVa Tranaportriftion Lines VIA PENNSVLVANIA CANAL AND RAIL ROADa zei'intatdirmtents 415 - 15 ai.r.trzcorm' Tim Oanalit and Rail Rohde being 'now open, and in good order, we. are.prepared tafarward all kmds of mer ehandize and' produce ta .Philadelphia and Baltimore, with promptness and despatch, and on as good terms as any other Line. - .C. A. IIicANULTY Se Co., Canal Basin, Penn street, Pittsburgh. Auto-re--CHARLES RAYNOR, Philadelphia, ROSE MORRILL & Co.. Baltimore. [mrl7 MU= IS 4 9 .112a= llierehanit's Way Freight. Line r For, Blairsville, Johnstow?) Hollidaysburgh, and all intermedtate places. - Tam Line will continue to carry all Way Goods with their usual dispatch, and at tair rates or freight. Aumrrs—C. A. MeANULTY & Co., Pittsburgh. D. B. WAKEFTFLD, Johnstown. JOHN MILLER, Hollidaysburgh. RarrmaNces—James Jordon: Smith & Dr. P. Shoenberger. R, Moore, John Parker, S. P. Von Bonn horst & Co., Wm. Lehner & Co, Jno. 11PDevin &. Bros., Pittsburgh; John Ivory, Sumit,Mulhollan. & Ray, John Graff & Co., Blairsville. (Gazette and marl 7 Journal only copy] Great Bargain Corner, SMITHFIELD AHD FIFTH ISMIERTS, PITTSBURGH, PA., jis the mostpopular of all BOOT and SOE Es' tablishments in the West. This place has gained . its re putation _ by its proprietor keeping the very best Boots and Shoes,. which are made expressly to order for this market, and he is not satisfied only by keeping the best assorted stock of BOOTS and SHOES in the Western country but he is enabletkand deter mined to sell his GOOD'S lower than any other house possibly can, he cares not what facilities they boast of having for offering great inducements to the public. It is impossible to set forth all the advantages and facilities in an advertisement, that the Great Bargain Corner has over others, which enables its prorietor to sel Boots and Shoes of the very best qualities p and styles at l from 10 to 05 per cent. lower than any -other store in the city. The way to test the matter is for aall whointend purchas ing BOOTS and SHOE S , to call .et ,BATES' GREAT BARGAIN CORNER, examine the stack and prices, and all will be satisfied that the. Greatßeergain Corner, Smith _fieid and Ffith Streets, is the place for the public, one and all, to get good Boole and Shoes cheap, forcash. dee!) _ , J. BATES. NEW GO ODS . ..BARGAINS !, BARGAINS, TRE• BIG GOLDEN BEE-HIVE AGAIN. Nem 'Sprint and Suarmer Dry Goods now opening at as Sign, er the BIG BEE - 4IIM, on Marks now, . . between flint and Fourth. struts.. e- , WAL. L. RUSSELL, No. 62 Market street, be .tV{,ien Third and Fourth" streets„ . sign of the Big Golden Bee-Rive.hairnow commenced receiving very large and splendid stock of Spring and Summer DRY GOODS; whlchhe is enabled to offer to his nurnerous customers and the public generally, nt prices far below those of any former season. These Goods have all been selected with the greatest tare, and will be found to benne of the tamest and most splendid stocks of Spring and . Summer Goods ever offered in this city.-- As runny of these Goods have been purchased of the im porters, per the Ituest.artivals frotn E‘urope, the subscri ber is confident he can offer to hi. customers the very newest styles of Ladles Dress Goods, comprising English, French, Swiss, Irish and Scotch Goods. together with a full assortment of American maaufactnre, and cheaper thancan be found elsewhere. LIE' DRS GODS. Rich Chameleon D Silks S , extremely l o w; Rich Brocade do. beautiful goods; Rich Grenadines, plain and figured ; Glace Silk, rich goods ; Pauli de Sole, fashionable and late importations ; Black Armures, plaid and striped; Brocade Lastres, new styles; Mohair Chameleon , figured, very cheap;) Silk Tissues, all colors; Balzarines, in great variety ; Paris dotted Lawns, for evening dresses; New style rich Mourning Lawns; Organdie Lawns, a beautiful artic le; Black Gros de Rhine, all widths, and qualities ; Black Bombazines, of most approved makes ; Paris printed Bareges,e.xtremely low; Paris printed Lawns_ in great variety ; Drapes and Crepes Lissa, a full assortment of colors and ,„ qualities; Together with a large supply of De LaMes and Alpacas some as low as 12} cents per yard. In addition to the above Will ha found a beautiful assortment of Bleck Brussels Lace,for trimming dresses, mantillas and capes. Also, French worked Capes, Collars and Cuffs, latest ;styles. Also. Vittoria Lawns and Spotted Robes, very Icheap ;Swiss, Mull, Jaconet and Book Muslims; ennet 'Ribbon; 'Belting Ribbon; Cravat.; Scarfs; Artificial& ; , Gloves; Mitts, and Hosiery. SHAWLS! SHAWLS !! Grenadine Shawls, plain and figured ; Crape d' Chine, do. a new article ; Rich changeable Glace Shawls, high lustre; Mode Elrali'd Thibet do. extremely low ; Black Silk Black-Emb'd Thibet do. very cheap ; Black Net do. beet quality t do. low prices; White Canton Crape do. splendid goods ; Chameleon Silk do. late importatiomi; Printed Cashmere do. cheapest in the city White Emb'd Thibet do. a beautiful article. PARASOS ! PASLS!! The largest , cheapest L and best ßA asso O rtment in the City. Parasol' from the lowest to the moat splendid, rich and costly article, of the newest styles and colors, can always be found at the Big Bee-Hive. between Third and Fourth eta., Pio. 62. [mar2Bl WM. L. RUSSELL. Domestic and Staple Goods, Cheapest Yet I ALARGE STOCK OF CALICO, from 3 cents to 10 cents per yard; Bleached and unbleached Alualins, from 3 cents upward ; Bed Tickings and Checks, a full supply of all qualities and prices; Irish Linens; Table Damask, Russia and Scotch Diapers • Napkins; Table Diapers; Crash and Dowlas ; Scotch ' and Manchester Gingham s; Sattinetts; Kentucky Jean, and Blue Drills; all of which will be sold off at prices that cannot fail to please, and without (ear of competition. fl Remember the Big Bee Hive, Market street, be tween Third and Fourth streets--No 42. rnar' WM. L. RUSSELL. Great *astern Hi:fine, HARN'ESH, TRUNK AND WHIP MANUFACTORY. HE subscriber takes this method of informing his j friends and the pablic in general, that be has the largest stock of the following named articles, of his own manufacture, in this city—Saddles, Harness, Trunks and Whips; all of which be will *arrant to be made of the beat material, and by the best mechanics in Allegheny county. Being determined to sell his manufactures something lower:thanhas been heretofore sold in the city, be would invite persons in need of the above named at-- tides, to his Warehouse!, No. 244 Liberty street, oppo. site Seventh. Also, bands made to orderfor machinery 0ct.31.: G. KERBY. THEsubscribers mno . have enlarged their Steel and File Manufactory, on the corner of O'Hara street and Spring alley, Fifth Ward, Pittsburgh, by erecting a con verting furnace, a melting furnace and a tilt hammer.— Their Steel, now being of a superior quality, and having engaged competent operatives, are rearedtof lr; ni so f cvery z criptio d ,ttwill c L parewit the best imported article ; and being determined to make it the interest of all who use Files in any way, to pur chase from them, they will sell their Files at reduced prices, for Cash. They will also re-cut Files, and pur chase those which are worn and broken. Public patron agge is respectfullyinvited, nor 7). J. ANKRiril 4, CO. RERIOVAL. J OHN FORSYTH, MERCHANT Tsztoa,has removed to No. 34 Market et., one door from Second, East side. Thankful for past favors, he respectfully solicits a con tinuance of the patronage of his former customers, and likewise of as many new ones as are of the right stripe. Orders in the Tailoring line executed in the most fash ionable manner, and with despatch. Also, a Fashionable t o of READY-MADE 40THING. Cheap for cash, of course. Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, in all their varieties, always on hand—such as Shirts, Bosoms, Collars, Cra vats, Stocks, Searle, Hosiery, Suspenders, Pocket Kdkfs, Gloves, Drawers, Umbrellas, &c., &c., &a. (my2.s:lm Bigelow's Carriage Manufactory, Diamond a/ley, between Wood and Stnit/tfiehl streets. E. M. BIGELOW would respectfully inform the public, that at his Factory can at all times be found a large supply of Family Carriages, Barouches, Buggies, and kinds of Fancy Carriages, equal in elegance and neatness to . any found in the East. Contracts for any number of Carriages, Buggies and Wagons, will be Promptly filled. All work of his own manufacture will be warranted. REtassem.—Col. R. Patterson, R. H. Patterson, E. D. Gatzam, Esq., Robert Robb, Esq., C. L. Magee, and Alderman Steel. (feb27:dam Wholesale and Retail.- ADDLE, HARNESS AND TRUNK MANUFACTORY. DOBERT H. HARTLEY, begs leave to in n, form his friends and the public generally, let he continues to occupy that large and com modious Store Room, formerly occupied by Semite estock & 86, corner of Diamond alley and Wood street, where he keeps a large and general assortment of Saddles, Bridles, Harness, Trunks, Carpet Bags, Saddle BagaiVaruses,'Buffulo Robes, Whips, and all other ani cies in his line. He also keeps.coustantly on hand, and is prepared to furnish to order, all kinds of Riveted Hose manufactured of the best material, and in a style of workmanship equal to the eastern manufactured article, and at 66 per cent. cheaper. Country Merchants and. Farmers would do well to call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere, as he is determined to sell first rate articles at very low prices. 1] Don't forget the place, No. 86, corner of Wood street.and Diamond Alley. ap26 6h Co., BOTTLERS, WADMII Sarsaparilla, Porter, Ale, Cider, Root Beer, Mead and Pop, No, 19 Market street, and 100 Liberty give; cozier of Cecil's Igley, Pittsburgh, utariN: ME `l,Nr4rA,.-t,r"lt s if 4 4 4 P O RMOVASSENGER OFFICE. . For the lista Owners. in this . ONLY AOBYCY T:ETVIIE 'FRIENDS OF EMIGRANTS. be areful to -1-11107e'lheit arrangements - Mode aceordhig to the flies Prookion Lauri and take 'lid man's receipt, Without hiving it inserted ;otherwise they will have to pay in Liverpool, before they ship. rttgaged geresoer An Sturive. l'asetngess emering - from Europe, 'in zerita,o trivia over i , t eithir bf die Ships of it- Co., writ be furnished wita the, ft/Roaring jireiiisiMU,orthsissedietgentsti othei-hrtideleCuallyeried.— See Act of Congress, May 17, InS. This plan will prevent mime ss on board. Heretofore when passengers found themselves in Provisrons, many of them came on board entirely destitute, which often caused much sickness and death 35 ibs Bread, 10 ihs Rice, • •- - 10 be °anneal., 10. Rs Flour, Rai Deans and Peas, 35 Rs .Potatoes, 1 pint Vinegar, 60 gallons Water; - 10 Ms tialted.Pork, free from Done; All of good quality, and one-tenth of tha,prorisions fur • nished, will be delivered to each Passenger every week with a sufficient supply of fuel for cooking. Each ship in this hne will be properly ventilated, and lagood house over the pail-nage-way leading to the' Pas sengers' apartment. The Caboose and cooking-ranges for the rise of Passengers,ure kept under cover. Every attention willtie.paid to promote their health land comfort. . Renuttances made as usual, pt amply, and at moderate rates. Bank of England Notes anti Foreign 'Exchange per chased- at current rates. Debts; Legacies, Pensions, &e, .collected, and copies of Wills procured, with every other business con nected with an European Agent. - JOSIIHA ROBINSON, European Agent, a, corner of Fifth and Wood eta New Comas:mire*al Utile., E. W. KIMBALL & Co.,Z S•Domizoti Kixotarz & - Co., 5 84 Wall st., New-York, ? Liverpool, England, Rasexersinzx inform their friends Led the ' e d '... Public,. that they have commenced the Gene t tea aspiring and Commission Engines!, to , r i, A i gather with the General Passaiger.Btanness, 4 ......... granting certificates' of passage from London, ---- Liverpool, Dublin, Belfast, or any port of the. OK Country to New York, Boston an d ' Philadelphia, ou the most reasonable terms. 'Drafts and Bills of Exchange, tram .£1 to any amount on the Royal Bank of Ireland and its branches, and on Liverpool. •The days of sailing of the Regular Line of Liverpool Packets, tie fixed upon, are the lst,l3th, 41th, lath, 21st and 2fith of every month. These Ships are all of the largest class, and are com manded by men'of character and experience.. The Cabin accommodations are all that can be - desired in point of splendor and convenience. They are furnished with every deeeription of stores of the beat kind. Punc tuality in the days of sailing will be strictly adhered to. Packet Ships Roseius, Siddons, Sheridan and Garrick, are vessels of the largest -class- and those desirous to bring out their friends, cannot select finer or safer Ships. Passage can be secured at the lowest rates. New Orleans Line of Packets Sail-weekly. For p_ an s. or freight, apply as above, or to u"" . JOSEPH SNOWDEN, o r EDMUND SNOVIIDEN, decll] Corner 4th and Smithueld sta.. Pittsburg .' . „ INDEMNITY. The Fran Win Piro Insurance Company OP PUIL.I.DELPHLt. D IRECTORS:— Charles W. Bancker, George W. Richards, Thomas Flan, Mordecai D. Lewis, Tobias Wagner, Adolphi E. Rorie, Samuel Grant, David S . Browse, Jacob R. Smith, 1 , Monis Patterson. W. Cues. G. BANCIEU, Secretary. BANCKER, Pres't. [Cr Continue to make insurance, perpetual or limited, on every description of property in town and country. The Company have reserved a large Contingent Fund, which, with their Capital and Premiums, safely invested, afford ample protection to the assured. The Assets of the Company. on January Ist, 1.849, as published agreeably to an Act of Assembly, were as fol ows, viz. Mortgages Real Estate Temporary Loans Stocks Cash, 8443 1 Since:thelr incorporation, al . period of 1 ,39 pears they have pant upwards of Otte Militon Four Hundred Thou sand Dollars, losses by fire, thereby affording evidence of the advantages of Insurance, as well as the abilityand disposition to meet with promptness, all liabilities. - T. GAILDMR COFFIN, Agent, Office N. E.. corner Wood and 3d eta Fire and Illarina Insurance. riIAE Insurance Company of North America, of Phila delphia, through its duly authorized Agent, th e sub scriber, offers to make permanent and limited Insurance on property, in thiscity and its vicinity, and on shipments by the canal and rivers. DIRECTORS: Arthur G. Coffin, Presl. Samuel Brooks, Alex. Henry, Charles Taylor. Samuel W. Jones, Samuel W. Smith, Edward Smith, Ambrose White, John A. Brown, Jacob M. Thomas, John White, John R. Neff, Thomas P. Cope, Richard D. Wood, Win. Welsh Henry D. Sherrard, Seoy. This la the oldest Insuranee Company In the United Slates, having been chartered in 1794. Da charter is per petual, and from its high standing,. long experience, am ple means, and avoiding all risks of an extra hazardous character, it may be considered as offering ample securi ty to the public. WILLLSAI P. JONES. At Counting Boom of Atwood, & Co., Water and Pront sta., Pittsburgh mayfly Itesztowal..oroeerles • dpo: THEsubscribers having removed from No. 170 to Nos. 172 and 174 Liberty street, offer for sale Goode,- • follows in store and now landing, viz : 350 , bags prime Rio Coffee," new crop ;" 40 Old Government Java Cofiee ; 150 Wide. prime New Orleans Sugar; 520 bbls. Plantation Molasses; 100 " St. James Sugar-house Molasses ; 100 hf. eh. Young HysonTea ; 40 •. " Gunpowder and Imperial Tea; . new 40 " Chelan Powr.hong crop. 79 catty boxes Y. H. and Gunpowder Tea; 100 bags white Brazil Sugar; 60 boxes white Havana Sugar; • 40 bags Pepper; 20 Allspice; 100 boxes Mustard, in and lb. cans ; 100 " Malaga Bunch Raisins; 30 " in layers; SO 50 qr." 20 casks Zante Currants; 10 bales Sicily Almonds ; 100 boxes Richmond Tobacco; 50 baskets Bordeaux and Marseilles Olive Oi I ; 200 bble. and 100 hf. bble. No. 3 large Mackerel; 0 barrels Honey; 1500 lbs. Cheese ; 2000 galls. Winter and Spring Sperm Oil 1000 " Bleached North-west Whale Oil; 1000 " Crud 1.46 • 300,000 Cruz & Sons' sup'r Principe Cigars ; 30,000 Havana Segura ; 20 half punch eo pipe, Cognac Bra intsndy,; of various. vintages 2 ns • • 3 pipes Holland Gin; 29 qr. casks sup. Teneriffe Wine ; 10 " Madeira Wine; 20 " Lisbon 40 " Oporto " 50 " Sweet Malaga Wine ; 15 Indian barrels ` " 15 hhde. Claret; 20 qr. casks Haut Sauterne; 40 cases sup'r Bordeaux Claret; 30 baskets Champagne Wine; 2 doz. sup'r Stomach Bitters; 200 bbla. pure Rye Whiskey, frOm Ito s_years cld, spit HILLER & RICKETSON: _ _ CIGARS, CIGARS, CIGARS—Four cases, containing: 12000 St. Bt Yara Principe Cr 8000 Banes Imp'd do 4000 de la Cruz Cuba do do 3250 La Norma Hay. Regalia do 4000 Primera Hav'a do do . . 3000 La Luna do do 25250 La Minervado Just received and for sale by JOSHUA RHODES, apl2 No. 0 Wood street. "DOH SALE—.4Brick House, and Lot nf 18 feet fro., on Clay alley by 50 deep towards Wylie street, ne n , to Washington street. The House is well arranged a n d in good repair. Price, 81000—S400 in hand, 8200 at one year, 8200 at two years, $2OO in three years, or $BOO Scrip in hand, This property is rented at $125. S. CUTHBERT, Gcn. Agent, Smithfield street. may 3 For Sale. ,pcm A rsiostuar Pitosamiv, situated in the City of WD Steubenville, Jefferson County, Ohio viz:—One 0 . of 60 feet front , on Third street, by 180 feet to an alley, and on winch there is a large Two Story BRICK HOUSE, containing several rooms or apartments, which has been mostly occupied as a Tavern these last seven or eight years, and is now occupied as a Tavern, by Mr. Crane., There is also a large Stable oath(' same Lot. Atso, part of a Lot of Ground, adjoining the above tle scribed property, somewhere about 27 feet front on Ttf'.rd street by 180 feet to an alley, on which there is a T oo Story House, containing -2 rooms on the first Door, 3 roc- -as on the second floor; also, a garret and a kitchen. T House was formerly occupied as the Post Office and now occupied as a Bakery. There is also a Stable on the same Lot of Ground. Both of the above Houses front on Third street, near Market street,and nearly opposite the Conn House. I will sell both these Lots and Houses together, or each House and Lot , separately. Terms:—One-half of the Purchase money to be paid at time of sale, and the other half payable one year after the sale; with the usual inte rest—the balance to be secured by bond and mortgage on the same property. Title' indisputablii, without any encumbrance. A warranted deed gwen. Possession given at the Ist of April after it would be sold. Po? fur ther information, enquire of the undersigned; by letter or otherwise. SAMUEL McCLAIN, Pittsburgh, April 23,49 , 3 m No. 05 Wood at. A 1 , MAGAZINES ItEC'D AT M. A. hIINETS.— Goders Lady's Magazine, for May. National hlagazine, tor May. Graham's Memoirs of my Youth; by A. De Lamartine. Life and Letters of Caroline Fry W . The Waverly Novels, by Sir alter Scott; complete In five volumes. Rowdier's Family Shakspeare, from the sixth London edition. - . Outlines of a New System of 'Physiognomy; illus. crated ; by J. W. Redfield, M. D. .Littell's Living Age, No. 258. Out stock now comprises the largest and most com plete assortment in the West. trT - Smithfield street, third door above 2d. ap24 B CID R-94 ,barrels for rale by sna7 2 , MATTHEWEI & CO, ~„~,: • - M. • • it*, Yi_ mmE ration uiCB '9 Post Buildin Inanrance (Companies. INEE ; ------- 7-- --attEA--T-.-.8A1.i.E41F-coons,---•----,,‘'..- V"rierin .osm!Pitre.r.. turolt.ev, A A: ItTASG/44i.. CO. iMartn theirpatrons and the pub lA. e lle Ilia t theyilleomirtericeare sale oftheir Wertz did stock Mr FildraY,...Tune let, and continue thirty days, during which time the whole of their immense 'establish ment One/tiding their five:- Wholesale , rooms) will be thrown open for retail trade, and for the display of one of the largest and most fashionable assortments of Fancy 'and Staple Goodedn .the country, which have all boen marked down, 'without regard to cost; FoFty thousand dollars of their stock, of their latest. and richest styles, have been recently purchased at the -large_ peremptory, public sales in At:cm - York, at immense sacrifices, and will be found, on examination, , to be nearly one-half less than usual prices: They invite attention Ma portion of their Goods enumerated below, with their prices an- . . i . , . . , . , . 2000 yards French Gingharns,• 12*J-04025i -20,000 " Lawns and hlttslins, _ 10 pi2k,, . 25c. - 000 -'4 Monkrde_Liffricej• :.- _ - ,1 2 e. 25 0. 1500' "• • Alpacisti, - •'''. . •• • . 104 , 3 / 0. 3000, " . ...Fine Bereges, '18R1P250;37050e. 10,000. :". Merrimac Calicoes, 8 0..9c: : - -121 c. 20,000 "..... fast col 7 d - - ~. ~. ••••• - 0.9. , . :/ 2 1o= 25,000 " Brown Muslin, all grades, ' -- - 20 per c t., less than usual prices. 100,000 yardsßleach'dMaslin, all-prices; .. marked doWnlo lo 30 'Pei ct. - - • - .100 pieces Bonnet F.ibban, - ... . - 121. - ..:* 2dt• ' Wronght Collars, : . .. -, 10 01.21, - . ' , 2 0 0" 300 ',-,. -. at asoe„ 7igit,oa:. 300 Ladies Cravats, : • . . 12c._ 26c. • 10(1 French Wrought Capes, • 51,5003,00'8305,00 144 Lace Caps, 37i.050e. 75611.00 700 Linen Handkerchiefs, . ~..c.i• /2o• 300 Standing Collars • _._ _...... . ...._.....___, . z. 1.30 Chemizetts,• . • s°° 1,00 75e ' Cassinets RH lOW 181 0 .; /Mins for 15e. ' . A large stOck'of Bonnets; reduced abou t 37i per cent- ~- , New style Dress Goods, '- ' - . • ' 50c. Erzoi,oo wbite•Lilien i - ~ -. '. 2.5031 c. 37050 c: Together with the largest stock Bilks, Shawls 'end hie Dress Goode to be found in this city, with an inutiense va riety of other Goods—affording to retail" purchasers 4 rare opportunity of Obtainingithe best Geode at frotte2s toso per' cent: less than regtdar prices. ' They invite an early call, as many of their chozceit goods will soon be 137- .No deviation limn the marked price. A. A. MASON-Is:CO, GO Ararket street, betvreen 3d arid 4th, ~Tew GREATEST BARGAINS OF 'THE SEASON,-AT ir -- - No. 65 Market Street.. HE subscriber is now receiving, from the New York 1 1 and Philadelphia markets, his second supply of SUM ER DRY GOODS, purchased from the Importera at a great sacrifice„ and ts determined to sell theui at the greatest Bargains ever otTered before in this City. A few of the Goods wi I be enumerated below, viz :- 4-4 English 'Lawns, only 10 cents; former price 18} cis. French Organdy Lawns, 12} cents; •` "25 els. la/ cents 4-4 Scotch Dawns, only ; " "25 et a. s. .French Jaconett Lawns, cents; " . 37f et- French Cobaltines, 0n1y.37k cents; - " 62} eta. Mous De Laines, only 1.2 k cents; - • " 114 eta. French Ginghams, only 12} cents; " to' 25 cis. Prints, Merrimack patterns, I 4 cents; fast colors. New style English Prints, 12k ets.; former price 18. cts. I have also received fine assortment of Green Fig Mous De Lain, Plain Green. Berage, Satin Plaid Green Berage, new style Fancly Figured Berage; td• gether with a large stock of Forelgn- and Domestic Goods, of all descriptions.. An early call is requested from all who wish to secure a Bargain. ABSALOMMORRIS, Wholesale and retail Dealer in Dry Goods, , No. 65 Market street. NEW GOODS,-NEW GOODS! GREAT ARRIVAL AT NUMBER 50. North-east" corner , of Fourth and Market streets, /TIRE undersigned respectfully informs his customers' 1. that he has Just returned from the Eastern Cities, and is now receiving a large and beautiful stock of SUALMER DRY GOODS, Containing a choice and elegant assortment of all the newest and most fashionable styles and fabrics imported this season, and embracing a complete variety of every article belonging to his line of business • all of which will be offered at from 10 to -50 percent, ' below early spring prices. The customers of the house, and purchasers generally, are respectfully invited to give these Goods an carry ex- amination. 61,047,438 41 • 04,724 83 - 06,001 85 51,523 25 38,804 37 SCRIP RECEIVED! Having made arrangements to dispose of several thou sand dollars of Pittsburgh, Allegheny City and Alleghe ny County Scrip, he will for a short time receive that de scription of money AT PAR for any article in his store AT THE LOWEST CASH PRICES. fJ7 Call soon and secure a Bargain- PHILIP ROSS, jeLP. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Dry Goods. BZL.R.G.FIARGAINIS I t I SELLING OFF AT COST , TO CLOSE UP, • At No. 56 Mai•lset street.. Tug undenngned caving determined ..1 - .4,..... to decline his present business and close fr o upbefore the lst next, will m this - d4 , sell of for cosr July and C.LaRLIFANCYIIIIG.S., ~ his, entire s of TRIMMING AND GOODS, embracingtoc ak general tumortmeut of Goodsin the above line, viz:--Fringes, Laces, Edgings_ and Insert ings, of every description; French Worked Capes, Col lars, Cuffs and Sleeves; Cotton and Silk Hoie, all colors and qualities; Childreies do.; Linen Handkerchiefs; Bead Bags and Purses ; Steel Beacts,'Clasps.ind Steel Trim mings. Bonnet Ribbons, Mantua do.; Belt do., Cord and Tassels, Oiled Silks, Sewing Silk, Coates' Spool Cotton, Spool Silk, Linen and Cotton Bobbins, Worsted and Cotton ,Bindiugs and Cords,Silk and Linen Lacers, black,.white and colored KiGloves, of the best quality. Silk, Lisle Thread and Cotton Gloves; Lace Gloves and Mitts; Silk Floss; Alm and German Pins; Hair Pins; Leather Belts. PARASOLS, SUNSHADES, AND FANS! EVeri variety and shade of Parasols, of this Spring's purchase; Fans„ of the moat beautiful and rich patterns, all fresh and new; Ladles' Traveling Bags ;Ladies'Spun Silk and Merino Vests; Buffalo Tuck Combs; _Card Case,; Belt Slides, Fancy French Hair Brushes, Bead ing and Fine Tooth Combs, Perfumery, of thelinestqual- Ries ; Fine Soaps, Pearl, Ivory and Porcelain Buttons; Clothes Brushes, /ie., tic. . GENTLEhIEN'S FURNISHING GOODS ! . A large and complete assortment of Goodsin the above line, consisting in part of Fine Shirts, Suinding mid Byron Collars, latest styles; Silk Undershirts and Drawers; Gauze, Cotton and Merino. do. do.. Brown and. White ,Linen - DriAverl; White Drilling do., made in superior .style; .bl'k Italian, Barathea and .Amer. Cravats; new styles of - rich silk Cravats, all patterns, a splendid as-. tn - uncut ; red and imitaticin.Madras Cravats; Lawn and Gingham d 0.,• Satin, Bombazine and Heir Stocks; Satin and Fancy Ties; Silk and Satin figured and plain Scarfs; Shirt Bosoms and Collars; super. Lisle Thread Under shirts and Drawers; Eng. and German Half Hose; Lisel Half Hose; Silk do.; a splendid assortment of Ebony and other Canes; Silk and Gingham Umbrellas, Carpet Bags, Dressing Gowns ' Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, black and colored Kid Gloves, Silk and Lisle Thread do., - Shoulder Braces, of the most approvednatterns; Money Belts Russia Belts, French Embroidered Smoking Caps, Oiled Silk Bathing Cads, Razors, Brushes, Wallets, Sus penders of every description, die. The entire stock will be sold for cost, and carriage added. which will bring prices down 50 per cent. lower than the same descripun of Goads have ever been offered in this_ city. B. F. STERETT, '. No. 56 Market street, near Third st. N. 8.--The Store for rent, and Fixtures for sale, from the Ist July. may3nf Fine Shirts, Spring Sty/es. MIDWARDTOI/D6c CO., are now receiving from their Factory East, a large stock of ane and medium qual ity (SHIRTS, winch, for durability and_style of manu facture, are not surpassed in this or any other market.— The trade will be supplied at lowest New York prices, 117- Warerocan, corner Fifth and ,Market streets, tin stairs. ap9 tgasm iD TODD 6L . Manufacturer of Linen and Fancy Shirts, /moms and Collars Jobbers and Whokstdc Dealers in dentlemen's Furnishing Goods) NORTH-EAST CORNER 515 Th AND NARK= 5Th. (TS OAnts,) PITTSBURGH, ,PA. T HE subscribe rs beg leave to call the attention of merchants and dealers in gentlemen's wearing goods, to ear large stock of fresh Spring Goods, now opening; among which are to be found some of the rich est and most admirable styles of Spring Goode ever olfes ed in this market. One of our firm is engaged at our factory in the East, where we flatter ourselves we are manufacturing SOMA of the best and most durable styles and qualities of Shirts, now called for in any market.— Being very.thankful for the kind favors bestowed on us during the last year., we hope to have them continued, as we intend to offer our goods .at exceedingly low prices, and accommodate our customers with.pleasing terms:— We are confident we can offer - Shirts at as low prices as they can be found in the Eastern markets, from the fact that our advantages in manufacturing are complete Please give us .a call, and be convinced of the above facts.myt At Cost /71 BEAT BARGAINS AT HOGAN &CANTWELL'S, Ur We are selling, previous to receiving our Summer Goods. at greatly reduced prices, a largo and varied as sortment of Fancy and Variety Goods,Trimmings, Bon nets, Parasols Hats; with a fine collection of Gentle men's furnishing articles; Carpet Sacks, Willow and Preach Baskets, Mats, &c. We respectfully invite the attention of those inwant of these Goods,m outhouse-- 66 Market and Diamond. je6 • eltorlictan ti Cardinals, etc. . , TUST received Straw Bonnets Caps, rich Cardinal kr Silks, Fashionable Ribbons,finest French Flowers. ; Cords, Fringes, Trimmings, ,to. 'Straw Bonnets cleaned and altered to the Spring fashions by one of the best Straw Milliners in the city. Silk Bonnets, Cardinals, Dresses, and every article in the Millinery and Dress making business, made uplTfite best hands, at meat MRS. DUFF'S, 10 St. Clair street. Jas. . 11 tIcGuirei , T AILOR, Third street, near Wood, respectfcaly informs his customers and the public that he has just renal', ad from the East a well selected assortment of SPRING GOODS, which he will make to order iii the bestmatuier, Cheap for Cash. T o RER OUSBIKEEPE aKn rnosr o pal 3 subieriber has received and now-onbaannda large assortment of Housekeeping Goads, comprising, in part, as follows:- 5-4, 0-4,10.4 12-4 BPd, Cotton Sheetings ; 0-4, 10-4, 12-4 Barnsley Sheetittp ; Pillow-case Linen, and Muslin Ticking; Marseilles Quilts, Blankets ; Plain and embroidered Table Covers Do. do. Piano do.; Windsor Drapery, Turkey Red Chintz; Buff Windsor Holland, Lmen - Table Cloths; Damask Table Linen, all widths ; Napkins Doilies,Diaper Crash, &c., Re.; which will be sold at lowest prices, at ROBT. D. TIiOMPSON'S, No. 1.10 Market it., 3 doors from Liberty_ ■ boAN & CANT{VF,LL, have just received, at No. ■ 86 Market street, an unrivalled selection of— Bead Reticules and Purses • Fans and Combs; China Sets, Accordeons,'&c. mait3 Ii AN a CANTWELL. =MS ROGAN At CANTWELL farniel Roofing. ' 1 71 H E subscribers reapsctfully inform the -citizens of j Pittsburgh and vicinity, that the y are now fully pre pared_to fill orders-for GRAVEL ROOFING, in a man ner not to be surpassed in this city or - elsewhere. From their experience in. hnsiness, they feel confident that they will tender, satisfaction to all those who' may give them work.- The superiority ot ,GraveL , Robfs over any . other kind, particuhulyin case of fire - is too well known to require anynrgument in its' laver. To those who are unacquainted with out work, webeg leave to refer them to hre.sars. Thomas ,Liggett, Sr., John F. Pry,. Rody. Patterson; .31 . . Eanear, and others, for whom we have done work., Orders thankfully received:and promptly attended to We will be' found on, Wylie street, be , ween. High and Tunnel streets. • • ~ , -•*. • _ /Rit.TTREW NcGOVERN. ' fORNSKINNIN. ' ) !Lvi s— PtriAiwelbvits.w ArAat., . BORNS T DRALLESGE THE -WORLD tn,prove;that hiany 'one single instance, "Dailey's Alngical Pain sines tractorthat- is to-say Uternmmtszmrucle---Inut,sinc i tt tilirstluothiction by thein ISM up so tbis - pariod,evpr failed to-care the worst fonus of !Bunn and Seams! ;• , • • LIFE SAVEDILLAWFUL CARE OF SCALD! WirearsrmniNiagara Co., N. February 29, tE4B. Nit. _Mum—Dear Sir: While my Son, 15 years old, was'at work In ihe shingle manufactory. of L. E. , Rose, he bad- the misfortune to - slip- and. fall-into a large vat, used for the purpose of boiling blocks preparatery to cut:. Ong.- The - blocks had: just- been removed nom the vat; containing a large quantity of boiling water. lie fell for ward, scalding both hands -and arms; all'one side, arid one leg badly, and the-other partially. The scalds were so bad on Mir arms and-legthat most of- the Resit. ceine of-with- his garments,. and his life- as despaired of by both his physicians and friends. . • - , Dailey a Pain Extractor was p,rocnred as soon as p , sible (which' was in• about 'air hoursj• and applied, and• wide]: relievediiim from all paih,! preventing it:flume , tion end:swelling, and in alowdays itimmenced healing - his sines; 'There appeared a general iinprovernent, so , much so that in' Ikea 'weeks he waif removed to, his. 'father's housi. distant abbut one mile and' a half. • We continued the use of the above medicine about two` months, and we believe it was the means, under Provi , -dence, of saving- his life; and we would cheerfully re-' commend it in ttllsimiini cases as a safe and inValuable reinedy. •- With sentiments of respe7et,rietcritin,ilecir, sir, your most obedient- and humble servant. • _ ... . , . .4k.DLAE cLARK, ' ' ' ' ,„... C. E. Cla ... d .i.h , . We, the andersigned, being' rierebnalty adwitun cu te te z e i dt the case of liir: Clark's aon,netieve:4le,above. substantially comet i'' "-- .... • ._ .51. Dewey, Loulia ' Den*ey,..3' , ...,5 . ....... K s e e ls , e_y ra ,' __R a e w nz a tt n .; .Pearee, Wm. Evans, D. ancK)L , r . lio i l ‘4 ' Wm. Newntani - Mitry, T. Ros e, , ... . - 1:11c' C c uniiimi ._ , rit l--: ‘Counterfeiti r abbitntlf='.-The Pub lic is cautioned, against their deleterious and danterous effeia; and I do hereby distinctly declare that I unit not liold - tnyaelf - regitmaible - for the, effect :of - any:Extractor, unless procured at, my otort - Dascr_r,4ISBROADW4T, Nsw Tons, °in-OM:MY authorized Akeultg PILES: That distressing and debilitating disease, has never Mt yet resisted,:the wonderful 'properties of the, Genuine: Valley's Extractor. . : For particulars of cares, and general ebiections,l-res pectfully refer to my printed pamphlet. . All testimonials therein published are genuine, and for the truth - of which I hold myielf responsible.•: - HENRY DALLEY, 415 Broadway,: Aavr York. JOHN D..MORGAN Pittsburgh, General Depot. - - HENRY P. SCWARTZ, Agent; Allegheny. _ J BAKER; Agent; Wheeling, Ya. TAMES'W. JOHNSTON, Agent, Maysville, Kk. ' F. MERRYWEATHER,'Cincifinati, Q. Gen, Depot. . . Do on • a= to . Cure. liPourHorse,-, .1 ,.. . ' Rain: The following is from theOye reeer 21 • of MO Harlem Railroad Stables -i— -... ~. ' ' - •'.. '...... .'.l , :avi. Vane. 1it1Y1.4,18.48. I triedS,DALLEPS ANIMAL ,GAL VANIC CURE-ALL,' I'and iiiv dertitY • that I have found • it the most 'citraerctinary and 'ialuabie remedy ever put upon' a' horse, and , would not be without' it' for any • money: It cures hard .and'Spavin luinns, 'arising from - the collar, saddle, &c., as by magic "f ' Rub on a itttle of the •salve and thooollar:canq make a'sore.: - Ithitvet can. do harm: • ' ' - .:' JOHN VAN.VOREITS;." Oversee i Harkin Railroad Stables. For sale at iite Depot of the Proprietor '' . ' ' 415 BROADWAY, corner Lispenard st. • . .. . . N. R---Itlr. Van Vedas - has been engaged for many Imam in Neals & MooreNt Stablest Columbus, o.,*getting up h orses for Market, and has now several hundred horses under his charge as Overseer: • - ' • - " .'JOHN &MORGAN, Agent, PittsbOrgh- jell ' HENRY P. SCWARTZ, Ag't, Allegheny. . .. HORACE P. AMC ISAAC 21.. DILLER. Land and - General Agency Odice, AT THE CAPITAL OF ILLINOIS, CITY,OP SkTinsOPIELO, To NO7l•ferident Holders of Illinois Lauds—Holifeys of Illinois • indebtedness. and all persons desir • ous of purchasing State Lands mite , /TILE undersigned would respectfullyinform the public that they have established in this city—the capital of the State of Illinois.-••-a. LAND and GENERAL AG C YOPPICE, for the transaction 'of all business EN4 ap taining thereta,withinthe limits of the State: per- - All transactions relative to the purchase and sale of hinds, examining lands mad reporting •their location, ad vantages end-redue i paying taxea; redeeming land rold for taxea,investigating a.. &, buying and selling all descriptions of State indebtedness; this and-Ciery other description of business attached to a - General Lind Agency - , on the most extended scale, will be promptly and faithfully. suendetto. • • In regard to location, we hhve many advantages over all other agencies in the State, being at Capital, near the centre of the State, and at the very fountain-head or all information in relation to matters connected with. lands, taxes, and State indeetedness, through the medium of the go vernment and exec atiVe °theca: • in addition to: . this important adVantage, the senior, pariner,'Mr. Ash "has) occupied, for several years, the position of principal Clerk- in the Auditor's office, and having hadcharge of the books and State land departmentin stud officeihas I obtained a thorough knowledge on all subjects connect ed with this agency; and we are, thereforei enabled at all times to give correct and prompt information, much in advance of any other agency in the State: Oar location is also important to non-residents wishing to pay taxes, as our acquaintance with the collectors of the revenue is such that we can obtain the tax receipts through the mail, and the money paid directly into the State treasu ry, thereby'avoiding the risk of remitting funds by mail. We also beg leave to inform, perstms wishing to pur chase State lands, that our arrangements are such; that we can, at all times, furnish State bonds, scrip, or indebt-, eduess antamouat;:and at less rates than any other: office in - the s tate. In conclusion, we take pride in referringto the char rioter and standing of the gentle men,who have been kind enough to permit us tease their names as-refeiencea,and with s, sincere desire to please, backed by fidelity, indus try and promptitude in all our business transactions, to merit the confidence 'of all who may entrust their busi nesa to our hands. • ASH - -& DILLER. Sprinmilld, March 20, 1849. , • • ' - - • Hon. Daniel Sturg , eon •-• •• • • • • •IT. S• Hog. James Cooper, S. Senate. • Col. - Semuel W. Black, " Pittsburgh, Pa. J. Vogan Diller, . •• - • •• 1 , do.- Gen. Robert Patterson", Philadelphia.- • Gen. Adam Diller. ........ •.. . • . do• • JosepliL..Chester, . • Meura. Wadsworth& Sheldon, New S ork ty... Messrs. Hill McLean &Co.,r- -.New Orleans. Messrs. A. dowdy &Go., Louisville... John M. Wymer, Esq., • • - • -• ...St. Louis. James Calhoun, Esq., .... • •Cincinnati. His Gov. A. C. French;• •Springfield, Ill.' - Hon. Thomai H. Campbell,• • •, do.. . • - Hon. Si IL Treat .... . • ...... • . do. , [aps:3m . . . . ... ~. City Scrip, , "Vat/ Ct, TO THE HOLD,EthI OF PITTSECTOIOIiCrTYSC*- 11l In conformity with the 2d Section 'of the Ordinanee ' of the 18th. of April, I_ 849 directing the undersigned ?'topegotiate for CITY SCRIP, the Bonds and Mortgages of individuals held the City for property sold; amounting to TWENTY-EIGHT THOUSAND DOLLARS." Public notice is hereby given, that the said obligations will now be disposed of• for the Corporate issues. of the City of Pittsburgh; of the denominations of One t Two and Three Further Notice is hereby given, that City Bonds, bear ing interest from. the - 18th day of April, 1849, at the rate of 6 per cent. per annum, will anytime anyme hereafter be issued to the holder or holders of City Scrip, in sums of One Hundred• Dollars; and upwards, according to the provisions of the above date. • S. R. I O.EINSYON, • ' up% ; . . * , City Treasurer. House an. -------------- i 1 !pa Paintin g . JD. P/TETELD wouldjesp eetfully inform the citizens s of .:Patsburgh and gAlle heny that he ill prepared to do all kinds of oßramEsi TAE . PAINTING such as imitation of Wood and*Stone. All orders lett with•L a R ontsscncEtiropean - Agent, will be - strictly attended to. . 9000 Premium Blinds.' D J. WILLIAMS,No. 12 North Sixth Street,Philadel .l.ll• phia, Venetian Bland and,Windato Shde lliatinf tires, (awarded the first'andhighest Medal a s let the New York, Baltimore and -Philadelphia Exhibiticrns; for _the . superiority of his BLINDS, with confirmed confidence in his rnanufacture,) asks the attention otpurehaiers Idhis assortment of 2000 Blinds of narrow and wide slats, with fancy and plain Trimmingic,of new stYles and colors.— Alse, a large and general - assortment of Transparent Window, Shades, all of which he will sell at the loWest CASH PRICES. Old Blinds painted and trimmed to look equal to new. DBAZERS supplied on - liberal terms.- - - The citizens of Allegheny Coutity ate respectfully in vited to call, before purchasing e lsewhere—confidant of pleasing all. " • • I:7' Open in the evening. To Countrylnerohunts. LIODKIZISQN would remind y ou that you can now ~ secure Chig4;"Glaze, Quesnsware, such prices as never were heretofore offered at. • . Remember, 115 Ilrdod street, 3 doors,beloW rml7.. ii snbscriber infoints.the .public generally, and T Elonsekeppers and Retail. Grocers partieularly, that lie is discontuming the. Queensware business and will sell off his present stock at reduced prices. Those who wish to obtain c'hitta, Quernatvare, or Mew, will find this a rare opportunity for getting such articles as they want, much cheaper than the usual rates. Remember the pIace;CRINA. HALL No. 118 Wood. street, near the Auction storm; - - P. S. j buyispose of my whole stock to . any person: wishing - tit ,tar a I:argaia.' • • janEhtf , • - " GET'iy. STEW DAGUERREOTyPE ROOMS, Surke's "Build .ol lags, Fourth sereet.=-Rotroa & Orrraosrr, Dagnerreo typists from the Easteni cities, would call theattention of the inhabitants-of Pittsburgh, and the neighboring towns; to their Daguerreotype of citizens and others, at ratans in the third story of ,Rurkeiii building, ilth sr:' • - ' - . Persons wishing pictures taken may rest assured• that no pains'shalibe spared to produce them in the , highest pedhctiop of the art.' Ouriastnimenta are of the most pow. I 'erfal kind, enablingiis to 'execute pictures _udsurpassed: for high finish and truthfulnessto nature. 1, The public are solicited to call and exaMine- - - Persons sitting for - p ictures-are nisi:filer retinirred or ex pected to take them unlese - perfect sathifacnon "sgisen.. N. D. Oyeiatora *ill And this a load' depot for _stock _ . and Chen:lleitis.. • - 't .- .-• - 117 - Inatmationa giieif fa 4Lei art, - containing the 'mere., resentlmprovements.- -- ---.- . - - - Ara' ' OE ____________ ADIII3 are cautioned agaanst using Common Prepa -4./. red Chalk: They are notaware - hewfrightfully iniu. nousit is to the skin ! how coarse; how rough, how sallow, yellow, and unhealthy the skin appeara eller - using pre pared chalk! Besides it is injurious, containing a large quantity of lend I --We have prepared a beautiful. vege-. table article, which we call - .Tones' Spanish Lilly White. .It is perfectly innocent, being purified of ell. deleterious .qualities, andit imparts to the skin a natural, healthy; - alabaliter, clear,. lively - White; at the.same time acting as a cosmetic on the skin, making it soft and smooth:-, Dr. James Anderson, Practical Chemist of latitssachn setts, soya: "After analysing lones'Spanishlilly ?Milts, I' find it possesses - the most beautiful and natural,, and at the same time innocent, white - I over saw. I, tertainly can conscientiously recommend its use to all whase skin equirea beautifying." Price 25 cents a box. Directions':. Me best way to apply Lillynhne, is withSo leather' or, wool=the former is preferable. A =4B BED OD Tsamu pan 25 CH.1013.-- . 481140 teeth, foul breath, healthy gums. Yellow and unhealthy tenth, after being once or twice cleaned with-Jones' Amber Tooth Paste, have the appearance of the - Most beautiful ivory, and, at the same time it is so perfectly Innocent and exquisitely fine, that its constantdally use is highly adv-antageoue, even to those teeth-thatare iagaod condi tion, giving them a beautiful polish, anti -- preventing a ham be • premature decay. Those already decayed it preVepts . ecening worse—it also fastens such as is becoming loose, and byperseveranceit will renderthe foulestteetfi • delicately white, and make the breath : deliciously sweet. Pride 25 or 371 cents a box. All the above are sold only at 82 Chatham Bt., sighof the Ameriean;Eagle,New 'York, and by the appointed Agents whose names appear in the : next column. Was. TOVICABII; mad get a rich husband; lady ? "Your face is your fortune." Is't beautiful, clear, fair? Is it white'? If taor, it can be made so even -though it be yel low, disfigured, sunburnt, tamed and freckled. Thom ands have been made thus who bave - washed once or twice with :tones , Italian Chemical Soap. The- egret la glorious and rriagnificent. But be sure you get the genu- - me Yonea' Soap, at the sign of the American - Eagle,,S2 • Ring-worm, Salt- - rheum, Scurvey, Erysipelas, Barber's Itch, n ara often cured by Jones' Italian Chemlcal Soap, whe - every kind of remedy has failed. That 'it cares pimples, freckles, arid clears the skin, all know. Sold at the American Eagle, 85 Chatham street.. Mind, reader, thisaeldom or never fails. . • • • . . • Sold ni.r.a.easox'a 89Li. C. INGLIS, Jr, .I!atterson• of the Big 800 t... • bertket, head of : Wood, Sign o Q ALT ILEIEUEI, SCURVY, OLD SORES, — S, - ER — Y — SE-IP - i LAS, Barber's Itch, Chaps, Sore Bearels, -, Pimp/ea.:— This is used by many physicians In this, city in. curing the above, and we would not consciencionily sell Unless we knew it to be all we state. , • - • •-, As a cosmetic, the true JONES'S SOAP is perhaps the only article ever known.that removed impurities„ - and cleared and beadtifieet the skin, making it soil, clear, smooth and white as an infants. But mind, it is sold at £e Chatham et . , N. Y., and by _ - • - - -,' et, ' WM. .lA.CRSON, Agent,' tanr2s • . 89 Liberty street; Pittsburgh. IiffetISIA—TIT, ANDILX,--• TIC DOLORE A respectable gentleman called at our cape; as he said, to inform nattier he had been afflicted for - IS years with Rheumatism - Or Gout, and occasionally with Tic Doloreux p that he had been frequently confined to his room for months together, and often suffered the most in tense and excruciating pain, but that lately he had been usidgjaYnes Alterative, from which he found the most sig nal and unexpected relief. He says he found the. raedi. - eine very, pleasant and effective, and that he now..con eiders himself perfectly cared.—Phikelelphia Nora Amer -A FACT WOnT7lKkarnio.—A gentleman oiScrofalans habit, front indiscretion in his youngerdays,. became all: reeled with Ulcerations in the Throat and Nose, and a disagreeable eruption of the-Skin. Indeed, his whole - syatem bore the marks of being saturated with disease. One hand and wrist were so much affected. that .he had lost the nee of the hand, every part being ;covered with deep, painful, and offensive ulcers, and were as hollow ,and poroui as an honey-comb. It was at this stage of Ms complaint, when death appeared inevitable (roma loath some disease, that he commenced the use of Jayne's Al terative and having taken sixteen bottles, lanow perfect- The - Alterative operates thiough the cirealation, and phrifies the blood and eradicates disease front the system, wherever located, and the numerous cares it has per- - formed in diseases .of the skin; cancer , scrofula, goat, liver complaint, dyspepsia pnil other chronic diseases, Is truly astnnishinx...—Spins of the...Timis. -••• • . - ' . .111. W, For tale in Pittsburgh, at the PEKIN TEASTORE 72 Fourth sire et. - .. ', - . . _. Jayszea9 Fsmid,yr dltadtollzses.. --.- . - rtkß.. S. - S. COOK, Pigno r . Ohio, writes, March IMO; ..II„, .‘ I have used your Ye= 'Ow; Cornttaative balsam; and ..Expeitorimt, in,m practice, for the lost three yeara, and have hien exceedingly well pleased with them, an d never, as yet, to my recollection, failed.Of renlizing•_my fullest expoctation• in their curative. properties. - Your other medicines 1 cannot speak of from. experience; hat, judging twin those 'I - have used I doubt not but that they obtain and are entitled to .the - confidence reposed in, them,' by2those who have used tnem.' I Was formerly very partial to **luta_ Vermifuge, until I becameacquein: - ottier now use ted with yours, which has my decided preferene to any Reasect For sale fillly ~ yotul t tec., Sr S. COOK, 111. D.,t , For in, Pittsburgh at the 'Pekin Tea Store, 72 111( 43 FET - Egfiltio moy. ea: . 21, roes.--The undersigned, citizens of Pittsburgh,hay., tug personally used Dr, Willard'a--Oriental Cough Mix-; true, and experienced ha beneficialieffacti;domost cheer fully-recommend it -as:Safe and effeoruali in all oases. '. Speaking from axperiengs, we believe that it haleno du , .J. pertori. and would- reconnund its use to - all the afflicted. . • . -, • . . .. , ... ;.• -._ - . ' : CHARLES 'LEWIS Pittsburgh, March 15th, 1819. IVII. JE.DIKI-DIS.• . ". - •,, Ersou by 1 Schoonmaker & Co., John 11-nyi,qarnee .6..J0ne5,:1. IL - .Cassel, John P. Scott, .F. L. Snowden,: J.. Mohler, Ogden fr Snowden. :• ap.. 'DITS O.F. COL/GM G in the night are very tumble ..Ik/ aome. .They.break in ppon the hours of rePOse - and' exhaust the strength of the sufferer. B. A. Fahnestoek. A. Co.'s compaBALSA.M. hati been . eminently success " fid in easing. and caring these unpleasant spells. , Its , person is roueedin the n ight by a spasm of coughing, a tea spoonful oldie Cougb Balsam will soothe it, give him relief, and, as it ia palatable, leaves no unpleasant testa behiad.. If once used, it will take, precedence over all others, as a:remedy for coughs, colds, Ice. ~. .. -.. • . Prepared and sold.. bY B. A. B S by lc Co corner tat and Wood streets, and comer 6th and ' Woo d' , . street D R. RALPIVS Cimenesamn VEGETA/me Pima are for sale, wholesale and retail, at the . , • - 50, Smithfield et. Also by - Wm. Cole, Allegheny city: .T.a. Smith, mingamt.Tohn-htleCreeken, ?enn - etreet, Fifth Wait.' D . it.EOFFISTONICAND ANTI - DYSPEPT/CPILL,S The general properties of these Pills areCarmlna4 live, Purgative and Tonic. In the' common disorders Arising from. imprudence in diet, Zen.,'such ni sickness and sourness of the stomach, heartburn, headaches, Fee:,', "wheti a medicine is required, this preparation is, very Applicable, for its or - soothing.efects give 'almost immediate relief,when the or Meknes& exist: its purgutive operation upon . the stomach, and bowels i. gentle - and effectual; and _its tonic properties „impart strength to the digestive -organs, thereby enabling - , these organs to perform their proper functions with Ordet and, regularity. The price has been reduced-,from ;50 lo 25 cents a box._ -' - ' ..' .. . • .. • For sale, wholesale and retailkby.'Et .'fi: VANNES TOOK ,de Co., corner Front and Wood- and, Sixth and- Wood streets;Agents for Pittsburgh: -, r jell -,- inarl9imeod GONSUMPTIOisi seizes more-victims than any otber. disease in our coantry. - The 'Faring, ' the- old, - :the beantiful and gay; are all alike subject to its invidious': ravages, and many a hectic cheek tato been supposed to bloom with the glow -of -health. But evbry case.origt. Oates in a cold and a aough-‘-perhami deemed Unworthy Of attention at first--;-and only met with' remedies when too later.-- -. Watch'the first symptoms with irolofia care; and make immediate use of the Cough . Balsam of B. "A... Faltnestrick - & Co., which willrertainly check its further' progress, and 'restore the inflamed organs to-A beautiful For sale by B. A: FAR STOCK &.do., corner Ist. . and -Wood sta.; also, corner oth and Wood. dealt _____ 'A , A 'll.lA.St,. b : slum= Tau; have . s' Go o d'rec eived , y. per "Fast Line 2 . the following' -.. named!, tut stripe, b' and blue black plain and printed, Berages, all. wool Kilda Laines, em broidered. Thibet Shawls, black, white and pearl Silk Rose; Spun Slik.Rose ; kid, silk and lisle thread Gloves; • linen, bobbin, =ramie bobbin, and muslin Edgings; Insertings ;• ' - . black silk lace Edgings; bonnet Ribbons; embroidered . muslin Capes, new pattern's goods. - mar2Z- . . 'linable • roper[) for Sale, of• • Acres, IaTUATED I of- a mile from the 'Cemetery and • oppo , site the residence of Col. Croghtmipresonting• a front of 1200 feet, containing a new cottage:house, with‘halliii centre and 4 room, 4 bed rooms and good cellars, fec:—., A tenant house. barn,- stables, gardcni Bc. all - under good fence.. This desirable property is suitable for or: dening purposes. or country easily'reside as several proni , bent and beautiful locations can he improved for that purpose. Price, $2OO an acre. Terms easy. •- , - 8 CUTHBERT, gen. Agent, • DEAL ESTATE FOR SCRIP:;--For,sale_,.a. valuable .Lot of 20 feet front on' Beavei street, 14 . 1 k t -beak, try, 117 feet to al7 feat alloy, having ; a - small frame Cottage Dwelling ',louse, with other improvement& Price 86010, , 1n , Pittsburgh and Allegheny C_lq. and County Scrip i jat par, ; S.'CUTHIMERT,Gen.Agen; apo0" Smithfield atreet, _ . pERcut3T---777-----------10N CAPS -L. 200 11Y.S gercusion Vbpa 10011I'G. D. ec'd by .McgCANISS &Cenircitaay Joskr - . 97Wsoclatmet. _____.,......._............,_...._......_.........,..._..._,..„- ccustiarst, adttatect wawa "lirsiteery - AND PATENT INSULATED-POLES, VOA - Nantes L:anti arnsa suakosatic—This is thionly -I:kg_trUlnent _Of the kind. Mathes averteenpresentod • inc h ii counnyor Euroyefor medical PUrparecttritt lathe enlyiine ever known to nitiu r hy' Which the galvanie fluid can be conveyed to the human eye, the ear,•the brain, or oatry part otthe body, 'either 'externally 'or-internally, :a a deonite, gentle stream, withoutshocksor pain—with perfect safety-;and often , witlethe happiest effects. • :-.This i mportant.apparatus is noW highly appro v ed of by' inanYmf 'the Most eminent p h ysiciansartniseouittry . .and_Europe, to whom the afflicted and others: whom it tit47oneetlf can be 'referred.. - Reference: Will Ciao be given re inanY. highly respee faille. e itizens,.lwWhaver been'cured,, by means of this most valuable aPparalua,a I setae - of the ranat inveterate pervotift - ditorderk, Icluch - could not be removed byaay otherknowauteans. - . ' Among Wirious others, it has Velm proved to be adadr ably adapted for, the' cure of the follovviug•diseaies, viz : y)fnervous headaeheand otherdisorderaof thebrain, .Tt is - this appiirataii. alobe ;hat the operator ; can convoy galvarue Enid - With. ease and safety:MA° eye,to,re• 'store sight, or curiaminioitatriio the car,to restorehear jog; to the. to xipe of otherioan as, torestore speech ; and ID the various parts of Ilieebbtly; for the Cure of chronic rheaniatism,astbma, neuralgia, or lie dolourettux4taral yids, or palsy, gant;altorea or St: Vitae datics,Mpilepsy, winkinese from sirains, - sonie;. diseases peculiar - to • fe- Males, contraetionof the limbsilock-jawinte., me. -- - - Rights for surroundiMg countice Of Western-Ea., and ctivileges, with:the instrument, may be purchased, and 11;5o tested for the cure of diseases. FUN instnacticms will be mv en for the-Vallee:a .eh emi vats to be used for various diseases, and the best mariner . for operating for the mire of Mein, diseases, will also be ful aly and explained to the purchaser, and aliamphlet put into Id hs expressly for these purposes, carefully pre pared by the patentee.: Efigui_re of S. - NWI , LIA.TfS, Vine street, : - • ' near 4th at, ReadiPittab,g:. ;i, , it:74'Ft'',7'.il" . ::.''':