srx;: - 31t4t Dalig Morning Vast. irr Advertisers drereiretetudidhand in theirfavors6effite 4 o'clock, I', iet. This must be complied with., in order to en, etre an etuertean. When . itispossilde,an eisrlierhourtooutd . , Morning ; poet Job 'Printing Mtg. CORNEHOF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS. nr Having lidded to our Entablishtnent,' a splendid 'Steam-Power Printing Machine - , we tire prepared to do all kindeof Newspaper and:Book work in a style of nn;.: atomised beauty and neatness,- and upon the most rea , , sonable terms. We respeetfallxnoliett the patronage of he ptiblieinthislineof our blueness . Haariza - r—Yon will please 'announce Airnasw . e3triF. Totuesiort, as a candidate for Coroner,'subjeet to the deeision of tb.e Democratic County Convention.. He is aurae Democrat, and no mistake. EU., Magazines :'for Jelly... Godey's Lady's liook, Graham's, Sartain's and Peterson's (Ladies' NU- Magazmes for July, and a general assortment of Cheap Publications, for sald nt the Literary .Emporiuta on Third street, opposite the Post Office. - je.2l - : : Worts. &Harms& MR.Enrroni—Please announce the name of R. G. BROOKS ? of,the Second. Ward of the City of Pittsburg, in the*Dail and Weekly Pittsburgh Post, - as a suitable candidate for the office of Cowry, t'ommissioner subject to the decision of the Democratic County Convention. MI. Dumas,. having. pyoved himself an unwavering Democrat, it nominated, receive the most warm and hearty support of the Democratic party. • • • *22 Mara JErricasozelext Dsmocamrs. , 11:r.V0r.0Mer....1 offer what's left of me to the.Dem oeratle County a candidate for Coroner. - 4'l have any friends, I want- them to leg tor me now, • - . Laser Ralt, . nay.Z.Z . DAM of Molino del Rey. - . , _ Darr-Sunday' Trips to Beaver... The steamer BEAVER - will leave the Wharf,. opposite the Mononga hela House, avert', Sunday morning, at '9 o'cloak, for Beaver. Returning, will leave Deaver at lo'clock, turd arrive : at 4 o'clock, r. st. . r- Notice... The Journeymen Saddlers, Harness and Trunk Makers' Society meets the,.first Saturday of every month, In - Union Hall, corner - of Smithfield -mid Fhb. streets. (timyl9:ly) ,W. O. tarmus.ninx, Sec'y. itr - •1r.e.0n0my...;.1f you ii.tsh to save your money afiehay a superfine RAT or CAP, calf at FLEMING'S. HAT STORE, where you will find a complete assortment of the latest Fashions, CHEAP FOR CASH. mar4:ll 130 Wood comer ,r f Virgin alley.; O. of 0. F.Pltice ot Meeting, Washington Hall, Wood street, between sth and Virgin Alley. Pram:mutt Lonna, No. 335-:-Meets artery Tuesday Rizacannia Encamps: mu, N¢./87—m - pots let and 3.1 Friday of each month. ' \ mar9.s-1y _ iry- I. O. or O• ALLEGE - MY LODGE, NO. , t;ti meets lit the Hall. collier Uf Wood street and Virgin Alley, every Thursday evening, at 8 o'clock. maY l : 6 nr - • - Gsonimßessiter,See , y. . . - Er G. W. MIDDLE, Dentlit—..RamovEn si new .three story Brick, on. Smart - 111:Ln sr.; one door btl loar Sixth. street. ' TEETH INSERTED, front one :to a vvhole sett,. byAtmospherie Pressure, vvith a 'beautiful represrutanon'of the Natural Guns, restoring the Fars to its original. shape. TEETH EXTRACTED, ,with llttiie or no .pani. DECASED Team permanently saVttd by nt.uannto; preventing - the Tooth-ache; which is much !me ter than curing it, though it should be done in five min utes, or even Instantly. .a ap2l:ly , irr Aitesotton.--ROBERT BARKER. Moacasirr Taman, No.M. Market, betteeen Second and 'third struts, .Pirtsburgh.—Constantly on band, a large and general as sortment of FAIIITIONAELE REIDY-MADE C1.017.11.5G. Particular attention paid to the Cutting of Custom Work, which will be made in the most fashionable 11:11141. ner, =eon reasonable terms. . - mayB grOdd Fellows's Ital 4, Odeon..Building, Fourth Senn, between Weed and Smitlifidd errata.--Ptusburght Encampment, 10.2, meet. Ist and 3d Tuesdays of enclt Pittsburgh Degree Lodge, No. 4, meets id and 4th. Tuesdays. Mechanics' Lodge, No. 9, meets. every- Thursday evening. Western Star Lodge, No. 24, meets every Wednesday evening. Iron City_Ledge,'No.lB2, meets every Monday ev'ng.: Mount !Josiah Lodge,. No. 300, meets every Friday evening.raay%tly • Drinkable Country Residence "LIORSALE-8. valuable - property of B acres, having „L' a - front of 170 feet on Fourth street road; and an ave nue front of 20 feet on the Turnpike, at East Liberty, , family Mansion in the centre of the property, with spa-; cirrus halls, parlors, - bed-rooms, dining room and kitchen,. dry cellar under the whole house, front and back porches, stable and carriage house, wash house, tool house, and every other convenience, surrounded with choice shrub bery and grape vines in abundance; large garden abounding to fruits and flowers ; fine meadow. The whole is well arranged for convenience and comfort-; is in good repair, and a lragain at Sl3OOO for which it will by sold; vnth immediate possession. '! t erms liberal. S. CUTHBERT. '1 . 92 . General Agent; Smithfield'st. SanitaryNotlee. TAE SANITARYCOhIBILITEE desirous of promoting the health of the City, would notify the owners of all vacant lots, eppecially ia the burnt district, where filth can be dein:oted, to have them so fenced as to prevent the accumulation of victim:Ls Matter, otherwise they will be under the necessity of returning them as nuisances. $31`..31 JOHN hIPGILL, Cbm'n. CIREAM .CHEESE---.A. large lot of splendid Cre tint Chase, received and for safe by _ S. M. YOUNG & CO. - N. W. cor. Ferry and Fourth sus N THE COURT OF. COMMON FLEAS of Alleghenyl County, at Oct. Term 1848—No 35. Ix the matter of ,the voluntaryar.sign , 4 - 1 , , \ went of Warrick Martin &Co. to Sp ringer '( .. 3/ . ilarbaugh and W. S. Courtney. tom.-ri ,V,.: And now i June 23d, b 1549, notice having .„.., been given n the Pittsurgh Chums" • icle, and .......,.. Mercury, of the filing of Assigner is" acet, tor three weeks, and no exceptioi as having been Med thereto— on motion of W. S. Court ney, Esq., the account la confirmed absolutely, and W. E. Austin, Esq., appointed Auditor to audit and adjust t1 , ,,s accounts of the creditors and make distribution among them. From the Record. 111 RAM HULVZ, Fmth'y. 1 will attend to the duties of the above. appointment at my office in Fittsbutgb on the 17th dny of July, A D. 1549, at 2 o'clock P. M. WA. E. AUSTIN, je27:3vvd Auditor. .European Agency. TllOB. 1. HEENAN, Agent, has again ar rived in New York, on his annual tour, and will be in this city in a couple of weeks time. Persons having business to transact in the O'id Country, will then have an opportunity of seeing him. at Brown's Hotel, Smith field street.. - ' 3e21 I\T OLMSTEAD & SONS COPPER GILT SPIN DLES POR THE TIPS OSLIGHTNLNG RODS— The subscribers being appointed by, the manufactarers, Agehts for the sale of the above article, have received, and will keep constmitly on hand a large supply, to which we invite the attention of those wishing to puitoct buildings from lightaing, - as being the latest and best ar tide for the purpose. See Professor Olmstead's certifi "catebelovr; JOHN -B. M'FADDEN do CO. • No. 35, Market street. I have examined a. appcimen of 111essra. N. Olmstead do Son's' Copper Gill. Spindles,' for the tips of lightning rods and am of the- opinion that they are exceedingly well adapted . for the purpose designed, being substan tially such as were recommended to the French Govern ment bye commission composed of several distinguished philosophers of France. DENISON OLMSTEAD. Yale College, Ans. 11, 1545. . jean. BUSINESS TAX FOR CITY PURPOSE.—In parsu• _Ultima of" An Ordinance providing for an increase of Revenue of this City," passed the 16th April, 184.6, notice is hereby given, that the City Assessor has left in my office, for examination by all - persons interested, a list of the persons doing •business in the city, in conformity with said Ordinance. • 13sc. 4. If, upon examination of said list , any penman abaft think themselves aggrievitd. by the sa id assessment, they shall state the same in aa affidavit, which affidavit shall also contain a statement of the true amount of their sales, as near as. can: be asceryiined; said affidavit is to be mans and left *with the City Treasurer within two weeks from the date of the first „publication of the notice Sc.E 6. That no appeal shall be taken but by the affida vit of the perscin or . firm aggrieved; said affidavit to be conclusive evidence of the Acts stated in relation to the amount of sales. , . ...... S, H JOHNSTOM: City Treasnrer. rcr Office on Third street, next .door to the Third Presbyterian Church. ' je3o-2m. FOB. SALE—Two desirable, Building Lots, laving each 21 feet front on Prospect or Bedford street, by 127 'deep to a 25 feet alley. . Also, two Lots, each 21 feet fronton Webster street by 127 deep to a 25 feet alley. Price,. SHOO a Lot. Terms: 850 ill hand of City or County Scrip; balance in seven equal yearly payments. S. CUTHBERT, _ Geit. Agetit, Smithfield street. NEW GOODS.—Just received—Fine Capes and La ces, Collars, Edgings and Inserting's; Ladles' fine black and colored Silk and Cotton Gloves. All kinds of Military Goods, at HOGAN CANTWET.r, , s, - 66, Market street. Ren°Vl or Leeward's Segar Store, Fame Tarati vu Meal= St, 3 DOORS'iaOtS 2138 Rtvm "CITE have got an article of SEGARS that I offer with V confidence to my . fiends and citizens, of every ' , ninety and price. Our imported range from 3 to be. at retail. To those who don't want to pay - 4 and sc. for a Sens,' offer the Segars of our own make with confi dence. For beauty of make, delightful fragrance; and every thing appertaining to a truly good Seger, they will be found' equal to any imported. - These Cigars range from Ito 3.cests. Of. Tobacco for Smoking and Chew ing, we have all the celebrated braads. Our French and German friends," whose great delight tit snuff," will find at our Store " kit their anticipations realized." Friends and Citizens—We solieityour patronage free ly; we feel a confidence in ourselves and in our ability to suit you—our constant and unceasing 'efforts always being directed to the one great end," "to please." LEEWARD 3 CO, je2.5 Market street, near the...river. 50 DOLLARS • WARD.—The store of the Bab striber was opened on Saturday i night, and rob bed of Jewelry and other goodalorhe value of about $250,00, as nearly as can be ascertained. I will pay the above - reward 0(850 for the recovery of the goods, or for nth information, us will lead to. the apprehension of the , burglars.. S K.E.MiEDY, je 25 tf Zo. Fifth street ARrys pENNA.REPORTWVennsylvanist. Statel Reportsrol. 8, by IL Al. Barr, State Reporter. reeetietfluid for sale _by KAY & CO.; BoOksellers, jeB7 - ' Corner of Wood and Third streets. BOSOMS AND COLLARS-80d0z., - latest styles and ',radons qualities, reel this day and for sale low by jag - IDW , D TODD & CO. I==e, ntrh i_"ant" jinancial PITTSBURGH_ BOARD TRADE. JNO. McFADEN, 5 , dobtbu'rraz via Juts. PASSENGER ARRANGEMENTS FOR 1848. SteamboatraeketLine,leavesdailyterCineinnatiOaa K. Palma:ger Packet; .via Brownsville, to Baltimore and Philadelphia, 8 A. M., and 6 P.ll. , 010.11 Coach Line; direct to Plailitdelphia,,S a. x., and 12i Western and Southern Mail Coach Line, 6 ♦. st: North-Western, Via Cleveland t daily,lo Erie and Western New YorkixiaillY 9 a. a. North-Eastern,to Philadelphia, daily, exceptSundays,4 - . AitRIV.A.EB ANDIDEI—MITRE OF MAILS. Eastern Mail. via l'hilhdelpkia, 4rie 3 A. 14 closes - 12 st. Western Mail, Cin. and Loom., doe 8 r. m., close 85 a. M. SOUth.ViA BalLandWashiagWu,dhe 8 P. li.,closee s A. m. North-WestemoiaCleveland, due 10 A.. closes 9 A.M. Erie and Western New Yor k, due Br. sr closes 8 *AI sir°° llB .P ar d Offered 850 00 850 00 850,00 Onnlc or Pittsburgh- ^• " . ''" '' ' 50,00 47;00 46,00 Exchange Bank .... 50 00 -50,00 49,50 Hersihiuda' and .... FarmeralDepositHank None in arket. 50,00 50,00 49,00 Hand Stieet Bridge ' Northern' Liberileaßridga• • •••• • 25030 56 , D0 .. 60 Olt 35, 3 5 , 0 7 Old Allegheny Br:dge • - • • • Cdnnellsvilla R. R.Stock,paid on 5 00 shitina,p 1 ,43 , 82,50 ........ • • • • OftiTiads'(6 tcati l • Monongahela Bridge • - Gas Stock 92,0060.00 Penna. Fs, quoted in 'Philadelphia 91 Penna. 6% 4, ' 1011 New issue Tie - Usury Notei, es, quoted in Philada-1171 Rates of IDiocottitt Datne of citoino. •• ' CORRECTED BY WM. LARIMER, JR. E.T.chango Blokes., 68 Fourth st. adjoining Bank Piti,tburgh . PBNIVSYITABLI Pittsburghßankr• • •-•--- •pa Phikidelpkiaßanks pa Gertnantoson . pa Chutercounty • - • ••-• pa Delaware county , par Atontgrntteryonenty par Northumberland county. Col. Bank 4. Bridge Co.. •pa Reading. par Lancaster 4 , Doyle:tows pa Eamon par Betas county pa roast-ilk pa Washington I ' Brownsoilk. 'Pa :York t ChanWenburgh . i Gettysburg , Middletown , I Carlisle. - Harriebugh $ Honesdale. • - I Lebanon. ' ' . 4 Lewistown Slaw Bank andbranehes...f 1 Cineinnatißanks. L. I Circleville (Lawrence) I Coitstnbus Bank k (Xenia I . as,n77on. k Sandusky Geauga } Norwalk. iNeto Lisbon Wooster. 75 I ariesta. CASScathe Cleveland I &iota Lancaster. . amikon. 10 Canton. 20 Urbana 50 Grancille 50 ILLINOIS. State Bank and Branches 45_ Bank ofplinois.. 1 MICHIGAN. IRiaisin 70 Insurance Company- •• • 5 State Bank 5 Oakland county 10 Farm. "and Mech. Bank. • 10 St. Clair no sale Wyotning Erse West Branch:. • • - Waynesburg Suquekanna county .3 Lehigh county U.States Bank 29 Relief Nates City and County Scrii• • -- /ND/A.NA. State Bank TENNESSEE. AB banks 5 EASTERN EXCHANGE. Nem York (prem.) Phikutelph ia. • ", Baltimore State Bank and branches. • State Scrip .K.RiVTUCIC r. All Banks V7RGINL4 Easternßanks Wheeling , • 33ranehes Biunck . Morgantown • • 4 VALUE - OF COINS. Amer. Go ld (prem.) Okt• • • -do••• -do 5 Guineas 5.5 00 Sovereigns 4 83 Prederakdors 7 80 Ten Thaters 7 80 Ten Guilders-•• •••••• 3 90 Lottisd'ors 4 20 Napoleons 3 60 Doubloon,Spanish. • • •16 05 Do. Patriot 15 50 Ducats 120 _ MARYLAND. isimore city pa Coun4ryßanks 1 NEW YORE City banks. pa Count. Banks 1 Iva: Tr ENGLAND. All sole, 71 t banks W .TE RSE Y. Pletbtfia. nasal CONTINUATION OF THE GREAT SALE AT A. A. MIA ON &CO , ONE PRICE STORE. 877 a, GREATER REDUCED PRICES! AA N desirous of reducing and closing stock.preparatory to receiving their A'rui Fall Goods,will °fres greater inducements than ever. Their recent large purchases at the New York sales, made at such immense sacrifice from cost, will all be closed out at the same ruinous prices. Amongst the articles re cently.opened, they mention II cases Fast Coiored Lawn.. at - cents. 9 .1/ Marlins nt - Sa9 cents. A large stock of SILKS, SHAWLS and VIZETTS, very low. • A. large stock of 55 cents M. De Lain at 12 cents. LI LI. Bereses at ONE RALF PRICE. 25 cent Gingham at 12 cents. Embroideries, very cheap. BONNETS AT HALF PRICE. Hosiery, Gloves, Laces, Trimmings, /Cc. 7 cases Merino Callcosat 8 cents. 5 " 121 cents Calica of 61 cents. 20 and bales, Bleached and Brown Muslims, very cheap. Irish Linens at 16 cents; Linen Ginghams, 12 cents. Bonnet Ribbon SalU cents. Gloves at 91 cents ; with an immense variety of other goods, all of which will prove a saving to purchasers of from 25 to 50 per cent. The Store wall be closed one day, for marking down and preparing the Stock for the safe. jy2 A. A.' MASON fr. CO. _ Mengel Bonne, Bedford, Pa. rrius numb is situate on the main road leading to I. the Mineral Springs, and has been newly and hand somely fitted up for the accommodation of Vninnas and the traveling community generally. The Bed Rooms are large, well ventilated, and neatly furnished with the best beds that can be procured. The Table and Bar will be attended to with great care, and every exertion will be made to add to the comfort of all who honor this House with a call. The Mosirrt. Werra will be kept in the House at all hours, fresh from the Spring—and Hacks will be in r .adiness to convey Vistters to and from the Springs as often as they may desire. Having an elegant new Stable and Carriage House, those who travel m their own conveyancer can be accommodated in a manner that cannot fail to meet their approbation je29:2w* ISAAC MBNGLE. Orphans' Court Sale. DT virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of Alle gheny County, will be exposed to Public Sale, on the premises, on SATURDAY, the fourteenth day of Jm.r. at 3 o'clock, P. m., all those FOUR CERTAIN LOTS OF GROUND situate in the Seventh Ward (late City Dis trict) of Pittsburgh, being marked and numbered in a plan of Lotslaid out by Alexander Miller, and recorded to the Office for Recording Deeds, fre., Nos. thirty-one, thirty-two, thirty-three and thirty-four--the said Lots, Nos. 31, 32, 33 and 34, being contiguous, and being each twenty-four feet front on De Villiers street in said plan, and running back, preserving the same width, a distance of one hundred and, four feet. icr Terms liberal, and will be made known at sale. JAMES BLAKELY, Administrator of Bernard Til'Cabe, deed. jell:dtd JOHN D. DAVIS, Auct, Greenwood Garden TRAWBERRIES, rasa FROM rmt Vunts, are now 1, served up in this BUMMER RETREAT, with alt the (niter good and wholesome refreshments nature and art can produce. l3oquets of choice Flowers, tastefully pot up. "irea every evening at 6 o'clock. I'he Steamboat Taos. Scorr leaves the foot of Pitt street the beginning of each hour, from 8 o'clock A. M. until 9 P.M., landing at the Garden gate. Closed on Sunday, and conducted on Temperance principles. (Gazette and Dispatch copy.] jell BOOBYER & GRIBBLE, BEE HIVE CLOTHING STO MEMBER 151 LIBERTY STREET, THESE DOOBS ABOVE HMTN STIIKET, ROE OF THE GOLDEN BEE HIVE. SRS. G. & B. would respectfully inform the pub . al lie that they can at all times find at the above place a. splendid assortment of CLOTHING AND CLOTHS, tuitablefor Custom Work. It being our intention to do a Cash business, we shall endeavor to sell - all articles in the C lothing line at the lowest possible rates, and there can be • no doubt that our friends and the public generally w.,uld find it their interest to favor us with a share of the dr patronage. BOOBYER & GAMBLE. B.—Particular attention paid to the fitting of Clothes B. & O. ./17"No, 251 Liberty street, three doors above Irwin 114411 . 0 f the Bee Moe. ap2s siy i iiNimerea I Ten RECEIVED,AT , PEIE BEE-HIVE CLOTHING STORE, a fresh soppily of plain and fancy Cassi /KIIMS, good quality and &shim: , able patterns, which we aliall be happy to dispose of at low rates* 8008 ER er DRIBBLE, may3J N 0.251 Liberty at., sign of the Bee Hive. • By Express. TUST RECEIVED, AT Ta il nma-litvz Siv" sttpte splendid Maeda restingt and Ca. vimarts,of the in latest styles. - Those desirous of procuring anYibing. our line, are respectfully solicited to call a . 41 examine our snack. BOOEYEE et GRIDDLE. c) PRlNTERS.—Printingint, from' the raan.lfactorY T off J. D. McCreary, New York; in Cans and Xe,5 11 , from I. lb. upwards, nnd tram 25 cents to 81 lb. fin Red, Olue, Green and Yellow Inks; in Cans off lb. tbs. constantly for sale. Raving used Mr. McCreary's' Ink 'in our office for nine months past, we warrant it equal ID any that is made at any other manufectory.__l'erms Cash. JOHNSTON & STOCON, jab Corner 3d and Market sta. NEW WORK ON CEMETERIES.— Designs for Monuments and Mural Tables, .adapted to rural Cemeteries, Church Yards, Churches, Chapels; With a preliminary Essay on the laying out, planting and man ciriA o . f Cemeteries , cLrie t f L a i zdto o n a tLe n i , m s improvement Church By sa Smith, ono of the founders of Laurel Hill Cemetery. In wo numbers. -Just received and for sale by ijel. [Journal copy.) . RAY & CO. FRUIT .ANI3 NUTS-200 half boxes M. R. Raisins, 20 casks Zante 'Currants,s boxes Citrons, 600 bushels Tenn. Pea Nuts, 25'bbls. Texas Fear-ens, 10 bags Bor deaux Almonds, 10 do. English Walnnts,l.o do. Filberts, 10 do. Cream Nuts, 40 do. Dried . Peaches, 25 do. Dried Apples. Per sale by . (jeB) 1. 8. BONNET. RAistris AND FIGS.-200 eihth boxes prime Rail sins, and 50 small drums fres h Figs, lutist received and for sale at the PEKIN TEA STORE, 70 Fourth street. may 24 CtIOCOLATE, COCOA. AND DBOMA—Baker's Bro ma, No. 1 Chocolate and Cocoa; also, Schmitz' same t spiced Chocolate, Ijust rec'd and for sale at the PEKIN TEA STORE, 70 Youth sawn. mayS4 Steamer Lake Erie,Sholes,Beaver. " Michigan N 0.2, Gilson, Beaver. " Baltic t jacobs,Brownsville Atlantic; Parkinson, do. Consignee, McKinley, Cincinnati. " Beaver, Clarke, 'Wellsville. " Peru, Calhonn, Wheeling. DEPARTED, Steamer hlichigan N 0.2, Gilson, Beaver. Lake Erie, Sboles. Beaver. Baltic, Jacobs, BrOwnsville " Atlantic, Parkinson, do. Lydia Collins, Hunter, Louisville. Caleb Cope, Murdock, Wellsville " Cashier,'Damson, Cincinnati. Pilot N 0.2, Shank, Hockingport. .• • roe Cincinnati and I;oniavillle. • Alta Tun light draught and swift running steam er MARY ANN, A. McGowut, Master, will ea-for Cincinnati and. Lonisvill; on' Wednesday morning, at 10 o'clock. For - freight or passage, apply on board. . Li m .iit NEW ARRANGEMMENT.—The steamer THOS. SCOTT will com mence on Monday, May 7th, to rune ..carol d Greenwood Landing, foot of Pitt street, to 'the Gordon, leaving at 8 o'clock A. M., and at each even hour until - 9 o'clock P.. ra.; last trip from the Garden at 10 P. DS. - The Saloons are supplied with all the delicacies of the season. Tea at 6 o'clock. The Garden ' with ,a large collection of Greenhouse Plants, Dahlias , Annual Flow er Plants and Shrubbery. The comfortable wharf boat, Greenwood, will bo placed at the Pitt et. landing. leay4 WELLSVILE PACKETS. For Beaver and Wellsville. Tux new and splendid passenger steamer CALEB COPE, A. Mnanocit, Master, will leave for the above and all intermediate ports every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. For freight or passage, having superior accommoda tions, apply on hoard. may 4 TIIS steamer BEAVER, CFAS. E. CLARKE, Master, will leave this city every Monday, e es ay and Friday, at 10 A. M. has a boat at the landing, between Wood st. and the Bridge, prepared to receive freight at any time. (my 4 Wm. B. Wheeler, STEAMBOAT AGENT, can be found at Wesley Grier's Counting Room, corner of Water and Smith field streets, Pitisbargh. mar 27 For 6f: Lonfa. Tug fine new passenger steamer AARON HART, W. J. Ronwrz, Master, will leave for e a ove and intermediate ports, THIS DA Y. For freight or passage, apply on board. jy3-1.1 VALUABLE WORKS ON MANUFACTURES, MA CHINERY, &c.—Scott's Engineer and Machinist Assistant, being a series of plans, sections and evolu tions of Steam Engines, Spinning Machines, Mills for Grinding Tools, kc.; in 2 folio vole. Practical Mechanic and Engineers' Magazine; v015.;.4t0. Carpentry and Joinery : A comprehensive guide book for carpentry and joinery, with rules for every part of work about building, and numerous plates; 2 vols., 4to. Cressy's kncyclopedio of Civil Engineering, in one thick vol., 8 vo. Scott's Cotton Spinner arid Manufacturer ; 8 vo. Tredgold on the Strength of Cast Iron : new ed. by Hodglandon, in 2 vols., 8 vo. The Steam Engine, by the Artizr n Club ; I vol., Ito. bindle's Surveyor, , Ergineer , and Architect. Mingles' Mechanical Drawing Book; Bvo. Holtzapffel's Turning and Mechanical Manipulation; 2 vol., Svo. Bourne on Steam Engine - , 12mo. Craddock's Lectures on Steam Engine; Svo. Alban High Pressure Steam Engine 2 vols., Bvo. Hann Theoretical and Practical Mechanics ; Bvo. Tomlinson Rudimentary Mechanics. Dobson Rudiments of the Art of Building. Swindell Rudimentary Treatise on Well Digging, Boring, etc. Just received and for sale by JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, je23 63 Wood street. MISSOURI. New Light. have received a lot of LAMPS of various sizes and kinds, of a new construction that is quite simple and complete—some ornamental. Also, the article to burn in them, called ‘• BURNING FLUIO,” or ‘• ETHERIAL OIL." It has rare qualities, which recommend it to the attention of Steamboat men, Hotel Keepers and Housekeepers. For cleanliness, economy and brilliancy, it surpasses anything portable now in use. Femora who please to call on us will be 'shown the peculiarities of the new compound A constant supply of the Fluid and Lamps kept by SCAIFE & ATKINSON, je2l. Ist. between Wood and Market ate. IHE FAR WEST—Life in the Far West, by George Frederic Ruxton, author of " Ad venturea in Mexico and the Rocky Mountains," etc. Dante's Divine Comedy, the Inferno a literal prose translation, with the text of the original collated from the beet editions, and explanatory tines ; by J. A. Car lyle M. D. JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, Corner ad and Market eta. CHEAP BUILDING LOT FOR SALE.—A valuable Building Lot, in a good location in the 7th Ward, havinc, a front of 20 feet on Rebecca street. near Lacy ville Church, by 100 deep—will be sold for 5250, each. S. CUTHBERT, Gen. Agent, je22 Smithfield street. Magazines for July, ItECEIVED AT M. A. MlNER'S—Godey's Lady's Book, Graham's Magazine, Sartain's Union Nlaga zinc and National Magazine, for July. The American Angler's. Guide, with numerous illus trations. • Nineveh and its Remains—hy Layord. The Old London Bridge ; or, The Days of Henry VIII ; by C. Herbert Rodwell. Grace Dudley; or, Arnold at Saratoga—by Charles J. Peterson. Second No. of the Personal History and Experience of David Copperfield—by Charles Dickens. Facts for the People ; or, Things Worth Knowing : Book of Receipts. Fresh supply. The Crimes of Paris—a Record of Scenes and Events of Every Day Occurrence—by Robert F. Grithey. trr Smithfield street, opposite Brown's Hotel. [jell Bathing Tuba. rr HE subscribers have on hand a large stock of Bath ing' Tubs, consisting of the following kinds Plung Bath Tub, large size : Ottoman Bath Tub ; Sponging " " Hanging Shower Tub ; Children's Bath Tubs; Hand Shower Baths, Leg Stomach Heaters, &c. These Tubs are made of good materials and neatly Japanned. JOHN DUNLAP di CO., re2l. Corner Market and Second streets. NEW BOOKS—lrving—The Crayon Miscellany comprising, The Prairie, Abbotsford, Newatead Abbey. Complete in one volume—elegantly printed. Curzon—The Monasteries of the Levant. Post, 8 vo.; illustrated. ••- - . A volume of more than ordinary interest, relating a series of moot curious and often amusing adventure. • • • The field occupied by the volume is almost entire ly new.—Commercial Advertiser. A book of gentlemanly, liberal, scholarly interest, which reminds us not a little of Beckford's Spanish Ex cursions, or the vivid eastern reminiscences of Eothen Literary World. Cooper--Olew edition of early works.)—The Spy, re vised, kc., with new introduction and notes. Complete in 1 vol. Uniform with Irving's works. 81,25. The Spy and the. Sketch-Book were the first American books which were universally acknowledged to contain a performance as well as a promise. We well remem ber the enthusiasm with which they were received, and the proud expectations which they awakened among the liberal minded abroad and the patriotic at home. Irving was soon allowed a seat by the side of Goldsmith and Addison, and Cooper was translated in every country of the continent where any interest was felt to a foreign literature.—Literary World. For sale by • J. D. LOCKIVOOD, jels 63 Wood street. No. 122 Liberty street, (four doors below St. Ciairstrees,) MANUFACTURE ALL KINDS OF WIRE CLOTH, from No. 2 to No. 60; Brass and Iron Wire RID DLES and SIFTERS, from No. 2 to No. 60. Every No. Wire Cloth in PAPER CYLINDERS. All kinds of HAND WORK, Screens, Bird Cages, Fenders, &c. RIVETS—BIack, Tinned, Copper and Brass, of every size, on hand or mane to order. WlEtE—lron, Brass, Copper and Steel of every size. BROOM WIRE, Sheer. Brass,Japanned andErirannin Ware. •. Orders for any kind of the above articles will be promptly filled. Purchasers will find it to their ridvan age to call and examine our stock. jeo:3rit MACKEREL-INbble. largelll,l3.? to " " 2; 20 bf. bbls., Noa. 1 and 2, Maas. ins'n Landing and for sale by ZOLLER & RICICETSON, je4 Nos. 172 and 174 Liuerty street. For Sale, 40VERY VALUABLE BUILDING LOTS, in the Town of New Troy, a short distance above the Allegheny City Water Works. Also, TWO LOTS in Allegheny City, near the Diamond. Title indisputable. Terms of - payment, one-fifth on delivery of deed; the balance in four equal annual payments. For further in formation, please call on the subscriber at the ware- Oom of Edward Todd & Co., corner of Fifth and M,rke m oms, Pittsburgh. SILVESTER SRYPIOUR. posburgh, June 8, I.s46.—dim<w ... — :,7 ,— ...vC BOOKS. —A History of Wonderful Inventions, .I . IC - i thig :rated with numerous engravings on wood.- 1 vol.; mus:n• or Pictures of the Virgin and her The /nears 42644, •11 Beecher, Fort Wayne, Indiana ; with an Son, by Chark say, by Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe. Introductory , Es JOHNSTON & STOCRTON, Just received b,' je7 Cor. 3d and Martel ate. Si Su simmer Goods." Net Express, a small assortment of JUST RECEIVED, i two pieces white Marseilles f./ Summer Coating; ai..l° t will be made LO orde h ' SO, beautiful patterns ; a LAS. McGUIRE, Tailor, la° Third street. F OR SALE-7 half chests " L leaa__" Tea, and I cask Madder, Low , for City or Con. ' ll 9 =TIP , at _ CASIDA moyal. N - 0.26 Wood strew ir colliers; OILS -5 bb}a . American, suitable i. 5 ...No.l Lard; in store a nd for sale by ie6 ,kiadEs PATTON, J 2rin MILS. N.O. MOLkeiSES—Ia sto 're hld for sale VLF by JOHN.p . Baos., m 7 0.13 L iber ty street. 'River 3ttleiligntt PORT OF PITTABLFRIM 6. Pi= WATER IN Vol' Greenwood Gorden,: New Arrangement - • • •JOHN 8. TAIMOS, J. R. Taylor & 011i=Mil .E .. X.1 - :E . -N -. S'I::VE WILD BEASTS, BIRDS AND REPTILES, , EVER BEFORE EXHIBITED, IN THE UNITED STATES. . . TN PITTSBURGH an Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, July 2, 4 and 5, for three days only, at the MANSION HOUSE YARD, Liberty street. TIME OF EXHIBITION: On Tuesday, July 3d, Afternoon from S toy o'clock—ln the Evening from 7 to 10 o'clock. On Wednesday, July 4th, there will be four distinct Exhibitions, viz :—Morning, from 8 to 11 o'clock, and from Ili to 1 P. id.; Afternoon, from 2 to 5 o'clock; and Evening, from 7 wlO o'clock. On Thursday, July sth—Morning, from 9 to'l2; Afternoon, from 2 toy;and Evening, from 7 to 10. Among the most conspicuous features of this interesting Exhibition, is. the RHINOCEROS, OR UNICORN OF HOLY WRIT. The Only One in America since 1836. The great difficulty of capturing this huge and savage creature, together with the almost impossibility of keeping him alive in a climate so uncongenial to his habits and constitution, renders the exhibition of a LIVING RHIPIO CEROIS in the United States, the greatest curiosity in the Animal Kingdom. Foremost in interest, novelty and attraction, are the bold and original performances of HERM. DRIESBACIIi THE EMPEROR OF ALL THE LIONS,. IN THE DENS OF WILD BEASTS. His performances differ from all others, not only in the skill and grace which ha displays in his exercises with the TERRIFIC GROUP OF LIONS, TIGERS, LEOPARDS, COUGARS, PANTHERS, fee. ,, but in the matchless and almost superhuman command with which he exacts the obedience of these fiercest and most remorseless tenants of the desert, the forest and the jungle. HERR DRIESBACH MAY. HAVE MANY IMITATORS, bat HE HAS NO EQUAL—HE IS HIMSELF ALONE, The LIST embraces all the finest Living Specimens of ... WILD ANIMALS! That the great experience, enterprise and resources of the proprietors have enabled therm to bring together in one LARGE AND SPLENDID COLLECTION. A full description of the Animals contained in the Exhibition , will be * found in Pamphlets and Bills at the principal Hotels, previous to the arrival of the Company. 111 ADMISSION, 25 CENTS. CHILDREN, UNDER TEN YEARS, 15 CENTS. je2o Dr. George M'Clook. (AFFICE, in Founhstrert, near Grant, immediately op posite Mr. Bakewell , s, to the room lately occupied as an office by Alderman Miller. De' may be found, at night, in No. 71 St. Charles. my 20,1 yo TYRANTS AS WELL ASMONOPOLIES MUST FA LL: SO MUST PRICES; WHICH fact will be proveabfcalling at lileCtrratt's Fashionable Tailoring Establishmen t,Third street, St. Charles Building, Morro: Srruzi. profits and quick sates:, VARIETY: Fresh and rood. may W'M. 'MILLER PIULADA . WM. alcsirrsox, PITTSULMMI. MILLER & EICKETSON, Wholesale Grocers, and Im porters of Brandies, Wines and Segars ; Nos. 172 and 174, coiner of Liberty and Irwin streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. Isaac Williams, ERCHANT TAILOR, Smithfield street, No. 12. be tween Ist and 2d streets. ap4y: Itß. CARNAHAN, Attorney at Law —Meeod Fourth . at. between Cherry alley. and Grant et. (jet-y AA. MASON & CO., 60 Mat - tart szamer, are (actin,- . their stock of Silks, Shawls, Vizettes, Lawns and Muslins at still greater reduced prices. Yard wide bl'k Silks, beet make at 12c., Summer Shawls nt 75c. and $4; most fashionable Vizettes at $5 and S 6; Lawns end Misfit's at 9 and 10 cents; best Merrimack Prints at ftc., usually 12tc.; Calicoes at64-c ; wrought Collars 8 cents; wrought Capes $1 and $2: Florence Braid Bonnets 62 and 75c.; Gloves at 4 cents—together with a general as sortment of other Goods at nearly one-half the regular rates. ielo M. TO LET—The large Three Story Brick Ware house, No. 112 Second street. Possession given Ist of July. Enquire of (je6) A. BRADLEY. Rosedale Garden. te TEEN Proprietorship of this beautiful RETILEAT, .4.a has made every arrangement for entertaining ' visitors during tne warm season. The steamer Archy Mason leaves the foot of Pitt street every after noon through the week, for the garden—commencing half-past 1 o'clock, making a trip every hour until WI o'clock, e. se. On Sundays, ,:te leaves first trip at o'clock in the morning. Ice Cream, Strawberries. Die ner and Supper furnished to order. Also, Rooms for Co tillion Parties at all times. N. 11.—The Boat having been thoroughly repaired ex pressly for this trade, and being the first to open it on Sundays, the owner hopes to gam a liberal patronage. je9t J. W. MEALEY Proprietor. WASHINGTON HOTEL, BEDFORD, itiE undersigned, having fitted up this large and corn. Z modious Hotel in elegant style, is prepared to ac commodate VISITERS TO THE BEDFORD SPRINGS in a manner that cannot fail to give satisfaction. The House is beautifully located in the very centre of the town, and contains Chambers equal to any Hotel in the State. He deems it unnecessary- to multiply promises. but pledges himself to .use every exertion to render comfortable all oho visit his house. . . . . Boarders will be taken to the Springs in pleasant hacks, at all tunes, and the water can always be had fresh in the house. (je2.l.,2ty*) SAMUEL. DAVIS. Greenwood Gardens. -- ADELIGHTFUL SUMMER RETREAT, two miles below the City, on the Ohio river, occupying be tween three and four acres of ground, - well shaded with fruit and ornamental trees, and a large collection of choice shrubbery. Also, an extensive Green-house, con taining the finest varieties of exotic ilauts. Commo dious Saloons are erected for the reception of visiters.— Ice Creams, Pastry, Fruit, Nuts , Cakes, and all the deli cacies of the, season, are kept for sale; and all Kinds of Plants, both native and exotic. Briquets tastefully put up at all seasons of the year. Tea every evening at 6 o'clock. A comfortable Steamboat leaves the foot of Pitt street every hour during the day and evening, landing at the Garden gate. fl 7 Kept on Temperance principles, and closed on Sunday. [Journal and Gazette copy.) my 26 TEAS I TEAS I I TEAS I I I Ir is with pleasure that the subscribers In form the citizens of Pittsburgh and vicinity that they have completed arrangements with Messrs. J. C. Jenkins A. Co., of Philadelphia. to receive their superior PACKED TEAS, And will hereafter be kept constantly on hand. They are neatly and securely put up in metallic packs of 1, i and 1 lb each, with heir printed card—showing the kind of Tea, price, name of the concern and depot in Philadelphia, with an invitation to return the Tea, if not liked. 0 Gunpowder 62} 75 1,00 1,25 1,50 al Imperial 50 75 1,00 1,25 1,50 1 41 Hylton _5O 62} 75 1.00 1.25 o i Y. Tlack 37} 50 . on B 60 62} 75 1,00 1:25 1,50 BLACKS. Fine and Extra Fine ••• 75 1,00 1,25 1,50 We will warrant all the TEAS we sell to be equal to, if not superior to any sold in this City, and should they not prove acceptable to the taste, they can he returned, and the money will be refunded, as it is only with that understanding we sell. We ask a lair trial, that the public may be able to judge between our Teas and those heretofore sold by other companies in this city. All lovers of rich, delicious and good flavored TEAS, should give us a call. Dealers can be supplied on the most reasonable terms _ . For sale by JOS. S. M. YOUNG & CO., N, W. corner 4th and Ferry streets, and E. YOUNG & SON, ap [6 S. W. corner 3d and Ross streets Fire and Marine Insurance. PRE INSURANCE CO. OF NORTH AMERICA will make permanent and limited Insurance on Property in this City and vicinity, and on shipments by Canals, Rivers, Lakes, and by Sea. The properties of this Com pany are well invested and furnish an available fund for the ample indemnityof all persons who desire to be pro tected by Insurance. M. P. JONES, Agent, maylB 44 Water street Factory for Sale, TN SUCCESSFUL OPERATION, manufacturing Print ' ers' Wood Type and Raised Sign Letters by Ma chinery. The machinery is admirably 'suited for all carving purposes, for which a pattern can be made from the finest engraving to heavy cornice. Should the in ventor, Isaac Merrit Singer, obtain a patent fot the in vention or any improvement thereon, the said patent is secured by deed to the subscribers for the term of seven years in thu whole United States, and for ever in Alle gheny Co., Pa. Or, a PARTNER WANTED, capable of managing the above business, and willing to take an interest of at least one-fourth in the capital stock. For particulars, apply (post paid) to SCHOLY & RYAN, Pittsburgh, Pa. 1.1:7- From the foregoing Notice of I. M. Stanza, we find that the Patent has issued, and for proof of our claim, see records of our deed in Patent Office, at Wash ington, D. C. (ie6) SCHOLY & RYAN. Cigars, Snuff and Tobacco, AT JACOB McCOLLISTER'S, Fi ft h street, N 0.19.— Regalia; Washington Lanorma ; Laßosa ; Susie Sant ; Plantation; Halt Spanish, Malay and Common; Together with a vanety of other brands. Arco—An extensive assortment of CHEWING TO BACCO, of the most celebrated brands, among which are the Lnxious Luxury, P. Robinson's Pound Lump, Grant & Williams', and Arch'd Thomas Grape Brand, Five Lump. All orders promptly - attended to. Country Merchants would do well to call and examine my stock before pur chasing elsewhere. Cuba Wrapper and Filler Leaf for 8 - ale. Er Sign of the Indian Chief. [my 16 MBE UNEXPIRED PART OF A LEASE of a CONTE& Housa, in a pleasant location in the City of Pitts burgh, with all the Bar Fixtures and Furniture ; together with two Ten-pin Alleys , Balls and Pin, in good order; Rooms and Cellar ;lit wi Erigutreth-Gas. of ARTHUR NICHOLSON, or jeß:tf JACOB BOSTON BRANDy,lllaru.ll Cognac Brandy; .1, J. Dupay's . Bordeaux do; A Seigriette: RochelPs do.; - Cognac do.; in store and for sale by (leg) J. S. BONNET. FAXSSED -4 casks, laudmg from steturter Cumber land, and for sale by je7 B. A. FAHNESTOCK & CO. F " ',r ' lr7 WW rr U T'r Cl. T ." Mn' • a • •S. • • BEING THE LARGEST, RAREST COLLECTION OF Business Card OXIMIMIZE .UZI;=. I MIN:A:GE - R - I:Etl SPALDING & ROGERS' Admission. 25 Cents, Only. THE characteristic features of this great estaolish ment,which appear to have absorbed the most of the novelty and recherche entertainment extant, can be only. briefly enumerated in the limits of an advertisement. • The Arom..oxicobr, by far the most stupendous musical'. project of the age, composed of over 1000 distinct musi cal instruments, more powerful than a band of fifty mu • sic inns. and drawn byforty Horses in procession,will con stitute the Orchestra during the entertainment. An entire and effective Dramatic Company, under the direction of 11. F. !streams, Proprietor of the Adelphi Theatre, Washington, D. C., is attached to the Troupe, for the purpose of getting up every _ night the grand He roic and Patriotic Spectacles of , GEN. WASHINGTON, "OLD PUT," AND "MAD ANTHONY`WAYNC!" reviving reminiscences of those "times that tried men's souls," commemorating some of the most stirring and in teresting Revolutionary incidents, the gallant .deeds of rite He roes of '76, and concluding with a grand National Tableaux of G en. WASHINGTON mounted on a noble charger, borne on the shou2ders of his brave Continentals! The accession of the CARLO TROUPE, under the charge of the great Julian Trick Clown, Signor Faux CARLO, known throughout Europe as the Man of 11100 Tricks, and more renowned probably than any artiste that has ever perambulated the country ;.aud e. singularly talented Troupe of Equestrians, in every derailment of the business, viz : Messrs. C. J. konzas, W. W. NICHOLS, G. 0 Knapp, T. Tosco, &e., &c.; Masters Gammas CAR LO, PERRY, CLARENCE, &C. ; Mesdames H. F. N1C1101.5, KNAPP, PERRY; Minn DELSMORE, &C., &C.; altogether ren dering this Double Company as much in advance of all other establishments in the numbers and talents of the Troupe, as in the extent and elegance of the outfit Wilt perform in PITTSBURGH, iu front of the AMER ICAN HOTEL, Penn street, out the 2d, 2d, 4th and sth of July. FOUR PERFORMANCES ON THE FOURTH OF JULY, viz :—At 10 A. at.; and at I, 4 and 8 O'ClOCI ; P. 12.. RD RISRION • 25 cents. je26 501 BUSH CORN—in store and for sale by 111 je29 RHODES & ALCO RN 1000 BUSH. PRIME YELLOW CORN—To arrive per steamer Lowell on Friday, and for sale by j RHODES & ALLORN, 30 Fifth st. IF ANYBODY WANTS Oat Meal, Corn Meal, Rye Meal, Wheat Meal, and Barley Meal, they can find it fresh from the mill daily and nicely sifted at jet?) RHODES & ALCORN'S, 30 Fifth at. Q TEAM BOATS, HOTELS AND GROCERS can at all 1. - 1 times obtain a supply of fresh Yellow Corn Meal at RHODES & ALCORN'S, te29 IChronicle copy.) 30 Fifth street. Rev. Dr. tiprold. THE A G ED CH RISTIAN , S COMPANION, containing a vuriety of Essays, adapted to the improvement, consolation and encouragement of persons advanced in life. fly the Rev. John Stanford, D. D.. with a memoir of the author, by Rev. George Upfold, D. D., Pastor of Trinity Church, Pittsburgh. in one vol., 8 vo. Just received and for sale by JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, je27 63 Wood street. BWOKS OF THE EkISUOVAL CHURCH .— JAMD. LOCKWOOD has for sale the various Publications of the Protestant Episcopal Press, and those of Stanford tr. Swords, New-York. JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, 63 Wood street, For many years connected with Messrs. Wiley do Put nam, and late John Wiley, N. York and London. rie2.o For Sale, , A THREE STORLED DWELLING HOUSE, E being the second house from Penn street, in Sny der's ow, on Hay street. Immediate possession will be given. Enquire of DAVID RIPCMF.., Attorney at Law--Oftice on Fourth street, between Cherry alley and Grant street je2o:dtf ALA. MASON & CO. are offering 1 yard wide Brown . Muslin at 44 cents, Bleached do. 41, and very fine nt 8 cents; Summer Stuffs of every variety; metre Cali coes at 61.; Lawns, 9 cents, fastcolors, warranted; fine pereges 1S and more Wrought Collars, 8 and 10c.; Chemizettes 25c.; Ac., &c. je2.l INSURANCE MIIE DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSUR ANCE. COMPANY —Office, North Room of the Ex change, Third street, Philadelphia. Flag Nsertxxca.—Buildings, Merchandize and other property in town and country, insured against loss or damage by fire at the lowest rate of premises. MARINE Ismansxcn.—They also insure Vessels, Car goes and freights, foreign or coastwise, under open or special policies, as the assured may desire. lxxsam TRAMPORTATIOr.4.—They also insure merchan dize transported by Wagons, Railroad Cars, Canal Boats and Steam Boats, on rivers and lakes, on the most liberal terms. DIRECTORS—Joseph FL Seal, Edmund A. Souder, John C. Davis. Robert Burton, John R. Penrose, Samuel Edwards, Geo. G. Leiper, Edward Darlington, Isaac-R. Davis, William Folwell t John Newlin, Dr. R.M. Huston, James C. Hand, Theophilus Paulding, H. Jones Brooks, Henry Sloan, Hugh Craig, George Serrill, Spencer Mc- Uvula, Charles Kelly, J. G. Johnson, William Hay, Dr. S. Thomas, John Sellers, Wm. Eyre, Jr. DIRECTORS AT PITTSBURGH.— D. T. Morgan, ‘Vm. Bagaley, Jno. T. Cogan. WILLIAM MARTIN, President. RICHARD S. Nswomm, Secretary. Mr Office of the Coropany,No. 42 Water street, Pius. burgh. (jel6:dtf ) P. A. MADEIRA, Agent. OTICE.—The Stockholders of the Farmer a DepOs; N ite Bank of Pittsburgh intend making application to the next Legislature, for such alteration of their Charier as will give them flanking privileges; or, if deem,. d ex pedient, will ask to be incorporated as a new Bank,-. By 'order of the Board of Directors. jel4:tmL JOHN hIAGOFFIN, Cashier. Harrisburg Telegraph copy till Legislature meets, ann send bill to this office. PLEASANT RESIDENCE FOR SALE—A large and convenient property, situate in Lawrenceville, at about five minutes walk from the omnibus stand,.having a new and comfortable dwelling house, stable., &o. The garden, fruit trees and shrubbery are all in complete or, der. The lot is 100 feet front on Ewalt by 140 deep on Washington street to aO4 feet alley. This property will be sold at a bargain. Terms easy, and immediate. pos session given. S. CUTHBERT, Gen. Agent, icul - Smithfield street. OATS -1600 bushels, received and for sale by JAMES PATTON, Jr., je6 N 0. 17 Liberty st RYE FLOUR-27 barrels, rec'd and for sale by je6 JAMES PATTON, Jr kr O. MODASSES-50 bbla, in store and for sole by .04 jed JAMES PATTON, Jr. UGAR HOUSE MOLASSES— - OD bbla. Sugar House Molasses,St. James Refinery 10 do do do do Louisiana do In store and for sale by MILLER & RICRETSON, mayls 17d and.l74 Liberty st,_ CATHERS— 8 sacks; Prime, landing-from steamer F Cumberland, arid for sale by B. A. FAHNESTOCK A CD„, je7 Corner Ist arid Wood atm. C8.EA.51 AND W. R. CHEESE-135 boxes prime Cheese, for sale by tie9l.'' J. S. BONNET. LINSEINSEED OIL-10 bbla, ree'd - on consignment and for ED sale by KING & MOORHEAD, jel2 Diamond. Bankzi-s a . ntt Ofiii)af4le Brokers • , • . • • • '• E GE AND -11A•NICINIT OFFICE . N. E. corner of Third, pad. Wood streets. , SIOIIT. and Time. Bills of Exchange, Bank Votes 'an foreign. and domestic Coin bought and sold on th most favorable terms. • Collections made in all the principal cities of the Union at the lowest rates. . ALUM fALICert. • 1DW.11.11.11 team. liSAMER At. RABBI. Bankers and Exchange Brokers, Dealers in Foreign and Exchange, Certificates tf Depos. it, Bank Notes, and Coin. Cornet of Third isnd Wood sts.; dire c tly opposite the St. . .. . Cherles Hotel. .' ntay2S N. 1101.1ILES dr, SOX, - • iitankui and Dealers in Exchange Cain and Bank Notes, N0:55 Ittatketotreat, Pittsburgh. . - stradduiS ILATIC SXCILINGE. - • BUYING! RA.III . New York .pr Cincinnati - Philadelphia f " Louisville • f Baltimore ' . ," St Louis • : . , ~ . mot ircrints.- , ' , Eti‘viisi nun 1 dia. ,County & City orcra I t " Relief Notes * i " Pannsylvaniabo. t " New York , * * " !Wayland .. * 3 " New Orleans Ohioßullring rases Indiana Kentucky Virginia Wheeling Tennessee anl9-y. lAA, O.IIOON. _ THOS. sananrr. ttoori_dt SARGENT. ' BANKERS AND'. EXCHANGE DECKERS, _ /Y. B. Corner of Wood.and Sixth streets Tattrburga,-Fet. -r k plA Tansin Coin, Bank Notes, Tale Foreign jJ aad Domestic xcliangeiCertificates of Deposit, Ite EXCHANGE_on'aII the principal Cities' of the Union and Europe,'forsale in some to snit purchasers. %, CURRENT and par fundsiteeivedon cieposite. COLLECTIONS made on all karla of the Union, at the lowest rates. - seplbly JNEWMAN CASIDIgY, literehandize thug Pro . duce Broker—Mee, (up stairs) No. PS Wood street ritusbrgt. - Aiti acx.rat, Ao. Large; tor a ‘ .:le bux ' 6-2u b(je/r. tu . spurn e. SINCLAI/L VACON-5000 - 11?s. litteun Barns, Sides and Shoulders, tor sale by dead) Sturm & SIN ilLaUtt. ► RIES 'PEibilkalolitititiii7DitatFetienei for JJ sale by ' (je29) SMITH & SLINCLAIR. rsKtED AYYLES-- , 40 bushels' Dried - reaebes, ter sale ..JJ by Uese)- • 'SMITE & 40 13,131.5. PTIESH GROUND.. - RYE B. EYE FLOU--Reel bud roe sale by (mad) . CUMMINS &SMITH_ A SACKS FATRA. TABLE - SALT--lize'd and for `ti.J B ale Ly - tIC;a) _ CUMMINS & BUSHELS CORN M_ I.—To ariive, and for sale VV by - 'Ue2d)' UMMEN.I6 - A, warn AL" OF CREAMCRERSE—'-Ree'd and for sale by le*.M CUMMINS & smtra. CiIBL.C. EGOS, AND WOOL-- • 5 casks " Peach tilosecann Pot-Ash ; • 1111 boxes W. K. Cream Cheese ; 4 boxes and 2 bbis. Eggs; _ •• • 3 sacks Wool; received and for sale by je2s J. ..itivoltrr, Liberty et USUNtib, FiLLiB'll4 AND ENGLISH WALNUTS. ± 47 glass jars Jitallua 11JC Prunes.; " rings Ettgltsh Walnuts; 111 Fituarts; oa coustgament and for gale low by tie:46) " J. H. HuNiNer. katttleill-2.311 bozos No. 1 zcuictl stop! 1.1. and nn/c, e2C) J, S..LSOL‘CL uATS,(Et prime tteticle,)ia btore' , and V , 1.1 Bute by AUL/DES& 41,Cult.N, jc_u• :11.11t/ith street. 500 BOSH. RYE-1t clore ant for sale6y jezti ALCUKIS,3u Fifth st. RUSH. ‘l. HITE AND. YtiLLOW CORN, In UV store and for sale Ie.2I;RH.ORES do ALCORN. • iftiOlThl...ll , llE.l)--4,:hop'd itye,tlhop'd Cern Ulat Oats, X /Salley strau and bitorts, cunstautly oa hams sett for sole fly Rkitllit.;b• Cs MA:URN, tA I 7 t7L Ite a a l tM j;:a:. e , (tar Eye-a nd-lntsan cutituntly on band by jb:!‘i RHODES & ALCOEN, EMOISt sy itu I'LE :SU gross on halal and for elitc by ktklOphS Ia.COHN, • all Filth street- t A tUALATO-50 doz., oar baud and tor We by je26 [Chronicle eopy.)- & ALCURN. _3lll.6CHltll:: N_l 15U uag - a ttro Col Tee :5 pkgs. Y. H., lulp-1, G. P. and Powehoug Teas; 400 unrrels N. U. Audasses; • 110 Loaf Sugar, No: 4 to 9; tirith a general assortment of Grucenes, air awe .by • . lertz Rai; Y, MATTHEWS & CO. q 10.13ACCO--15 kegs No.l Six Twist 'tobacco, South - gate's brand, ter sale by HUEY ALATTLIEWSIi CO. VEANS-15 bells. %White Beaus, for sale by jefta RUE v,ra.arniEws & co LEMONS AND FIGS-IM, boxes Lemons; dud drums Fibre; just received uuu fotaale by /e 22 rliASlid PRUNES, Ili jars; U 4 - " NOXell ' • just received told for dale by JUdtlll.d. RHODES, jar.: - No. ti Wood at. libL itte ' r LED ALI , 4IOAIDS; 5V lu 1001.1 Cocoa Nuts j just received and for sale by jet Jo:Retie. eskit/LbS, No. B Wood it barAei t sasi? r ur tiEws AIACKIT:EI,--10 11bls. I\2. new; le halt biolsZNio. juin landing. For sale by ije2U/ WM. JJ ER. L I.;(lAit 'SI.OLASSES-15 barrels, superior k,] quality, tor sale by ' WM. I.Pitlat, teat No. 15$ Liberty street rt 11XESE-70 boxes, for sale low NJ :Jeal L L,fluN6-1:0 boxes, Just inucled ; for salO by WM. DYER, , Jels N 0.158 Liberty street. dui tot. which wilt be sold sorry low. Jels:tw • It. 11.8.14111, N 0.27 Fifth el. - Du r asa--ricasies " reach bloseum rot...Aath . ," reed road tor sale by J. IS. 111.Vireer, Jel2 • Liberty et. SHOULDERS—Weasks,e.xpected daily by Ben Weat 6 - In store and tor sale by Joie NV hi.A.IY BR,. iNo.'lsBl.4berty et. 6 - wiARROTME MOLASSES—st fe:w bbls, St. Jame 0 Refinery, a first rate article, tor sale by J .I, -WM DYER . jl.i.nim caste bacon Harris, Just received - per Highlander tor gALIC by Vela) WM. DYER. VI.WeLE-.41./ bags, Jost =carving; tor sale low. jel.2 WM. DYER ttRUOMS -39 dozen, jest received and for sale by ict2 WM. Inhat STAR CANDLES-20 boxes, CrumtorVs, in store Said for sale by (jet 2 ) 2c,BIAItAIHFIAI). La (LIMA ••--5u boxes, halves, Tamers awl eighths, in AA, prime order and sor sale by )el2 KING & * I_loTd. 11—. A few casks, on consignment and rat a by Uel2) KING tr. biIIJORILELLD. °SHEN CI3EEEK-8 casks v izurt rec'd and or solo ki by (1e12) KING kIdOORHEAI). Re.A. tatt.t' ..'St;—lt)o boxes, m store ado for sale by jet: KLNG MOORkFRA.D. PEACH BRANDY, Irish Whiskey, Jamaica !Bun, Holland Gin, in tots to suit purchasers, for sale at "Celestite prices, ky (jetii) BONNET L Liberty st. SUGAR-56bi - gs,liTsioni - ttid for sale by .1.3 ice • . J. S. BONNET, Liberty at. /11A.BLE SALT-100 bags Hope Mills Table Salt, in store and for sale by (jee) J. B...BONNET: %IL—XS baskets Salad Oil, rce'd and for sale by jeß J. S. BONNET: - I_, - ThSll-100bb — ls:No. 3 large Maekend, 450 boxes No.l Scaled Herring, to arrive and for sale ;by jeS J. B.IsONNET; A irthatlCAN PINS-1 case i 8., 4, A nn t irican Pins Just received and for sale by - McCANDI.P4S &CAMPBELL, je9 97 Wood street. RYE FLOUR-41 bbls. Rye Flour,tee'd and for sale by [nly3o3 S. & HAMMER:IIi- PARASOLS—Cotton, Silk and Gingham Parasols, a fine assorment for sale by I • tIeC.A.NDI.R4S lc CAMPBELL," ieS 97 wood street. 7At1188 , 3 BOOK-KEEPING.--1114tots forteaching this JUP eyitem, with the author's directions, to teachers, printed on the covers. A'new supply;fmm New York Just Yee'd and for sale by JOHN H. MELLOR; jel3 • • • • 81 Wood street. CUTLERT=T- cask superlorKruves and Forks, Pocket end Fen-knives, Butcher Knives, Shoe Knives, Sets - sore &c. justopened by • . >7 MeGANDLESS ac CAIIPBELii, - ieS FRHE OGNAC BRANDIES-27 half pipes, various vintages, of our own importation for commerce," from llordeau4, just received arid for sale b MILLPft. & RIC . N, je4 Nos. 172 and .174 Liberty street. N PROVED PUNPS, that wilt not maze - up' ill the I cotaasr weather, for sale by • SCAIFE A ATKINSON, mays beirwean Woad and Market sta- IDEill BLANKETS-1. case (50•prdr) Bed Blankets, 88 _ IDI by 04, 0 ihs,, ribbon bound, received this day; on consignment from the manufactrirer,.suid for sale by ap7 .' !Liberty, opposite Fifth street 2 40:1 BALES BROWN MUSLIN, at 4f andso. may 22 A.A. MASON & CO. TI REED APPLES-275 bushels Drie. Apple!, reed 11 and for sale by Dny3o lc HARBAUGH„ D ktika) Isbnlp-2 tierces . Prime Driedl3eet rec'd and for sale by [my3ol S. &AV. HAEaAUGH. • I ARD OIL — A. few bb le., just recelved.and ler sale by my 39 FIARI3AUGH. • GLASS -375 boxes" Markell'a" asserted sizes Glass. just received and for sale by . s .m .,,. 730 -8, &W. 13.&11BNUOR. ri 1 i EESE-110 boxes new Cream Cheese just reel and A..) for sale by ( m y3ol - S. fr.W. - AllOll. - - - - - - - . cz . ODA ASH-30 casks of _Ste,le & Co.'. superior Scat Ash; just received and for salaby ]ny3o - B. & W:HARR&UOIL - - - • Voo 1 00,iki*or " winted_tly ' 'may3o . • B:'A HARBAutar.' IaroLASSE9-100 bbls. N. O. !Animates reeM and for J3l. sale by Dnyss) & AUGH. SMOLASSES-5 bbls., BattlaOnnind,ititnans and s for sibs by 6* JAMBS PA N, Jr A 8 try. , „„ o . Diamond Alley, can be consulted fatal 4_W i g eases of a pricals ddicerenatursincidenta s - r 7 S; to the human frame, • Sybilmatul Syphilitic engnions,gotiorrhces and its consequences, together with all es, nem • • weater,impuritles of the blood, with all disci:MS of renereatorigin, skin diseasesmithstrictures,glect,urethral discharges, seminal weaknessand impotency; also, piles, rheumatism, female weakness, diseases of the womb, monthly suppressions, diseases of the Joints, fistula in, ano, nervous erections, pains intho back and loins, irri tations of the neck of the bladder and kidneys, scorbutic. eruptions totter ringworm, mercurial diseases, Ece,, Exeltisively devoted bathe study andtreaunent of vane real disorders, and those arising trom youthfal excesses' gaiety, climate, or impurities of the blood, whereby the consUtuiton may have been enfeebled,enablesDr.Brciwa to offer assurances of speedy relief to all who may place themielves under his care. . - • - • . Dr. Brown's offices are convenientlyamanged into se, state apartments. Patients can visit Dr. B. without fear of exposure to other visitoie. It Is of importance to many persons in need eine:client aid, to obtain good advice privately and promptly.: - -To all such, pr. Brown's ready skill in removingosnereaidir rests, in their various fonas and stages, otters inducements which can rarely be equalled. Strangers are hereby prised that. Dr. Brown- has been regularly educated In every branch , of medicine, and for the last twelve fears confined himself exclusively to the treatment of those diseases. Dr. Brawn is the only regularly educated surgeon In Pittsburgh who gives his whole attention to those corn!' 77Certain, safe and speedy cures will, in all oases,be guaranteed. Recent cases are relieved in a shorttitne, without inter.. ruption from business. • • isW - Hernia or Rupture.—Dr. Biown also invites per sons afflicted with Heroism call, as he has paid particu lar attention to that disease. ' Letters from-a distance, asking advice, mist contain a fee, or they will not be attended to.- • Office on Diamond Alley, a few doors from Wood street, towards the market. Consultations st=onli dential. nn EUITATISSL—Dr. 8r9W11•3 newly discovred rem• edy for Rheumatism it a speedy and certain remedy for that painful trouble. It never (ails. - - - Office and Private Consultation. Rooms No. ,65, Dia mond alley, Pittsburgh, Pa. The Doctor is always ,at natters agtoal Pala Eixtrtiollor. TO THE PUBLIC. This is to certify that I have found T Dailey 7 s /tragical Pain Extractor to prove -a cute fa! the Chronic Rheumatism, which I have been satiated with for tea years, in my hip/pinta. _ • ABRAHAM R. V RXErdasat. Acquackanoek, N. Y., April 8,1348. Ha H. Dozier-ser: I have been troubled with the Piles for eight months, and could , get no relief. Your Magical Pain Extractor having been recommended to me, I applied it but twice, obtained Instant relief, and in a short time 'was perfectly cured Could I not. get. any more of it, I would not take a hundred dollars for the balance of my box. WILLIAM: HALL. 97 North Moore atreet,NcwYork, June 19,1847. 1/7" CAUTlON.—Daikyts onl L2Tot in the city of Nets York, and where the genuine a rticle can be obtained, wholesale and retail, is at 415 Broadway..* H. DAIS= is the inventor of this truly invaluable corn pound, and he never has, and never will communicate the secret of its. preparation to any man living; and, there fore no other person ever has made, et ever can make. a grainof. it himself " Countofeiu abound! Every truly valinible. article is subject to be depredated upon by counterfeiters and im posters • and nothing, that we know of, has more exten sively posters; that fact thau Dalley4 Magical Pain Extractor! A Tim—The genuine Dailey, in cases of the. seibrest - Burns,Scalds, Piles, dcc., wilt afford instant relief, and produce at once a coolingand Soothing effect—extracting pain in and from one to Eileen minutes! but be stare, al ways, apply it on linen—never on cotton cloth. And now mark the difference t—Connterfeit Extinct:ls, no matter under what name they - may nypear,or how ap plied, always irritate and increase thepasn ! Pamphlets, containing certificates of cures, may be had gratis, on application to JOHN B. MORGAN, Western Depot, Pitutiurgli. M=M licyta An amal Galvanic Cure-All, For Horses, Cattle, An., cures spavin, grater, grease. poll-evil,;aores, galls and bruises. Pamphlets containing certificates of respectable partied thay, be had on appli cation to JOITN D. MORGAN,. oct18:d&-wy Agent, Pittsburgh. From Bee. Ant Shinn, of the Protestant Methodist Church HE undersigned, having been afflicted during the past T winter, with a disease lathe stomach,someumeaprci clueing great pain in the stomach for ten or twelve hours without intermission, and having tried various remedies with litft effect, was furnished with a bottle of Dr. Yaynes , Carminative Baum' This he used accoidina to the directions, and forind invariably. that this medicine caused the pain to abate in three or four minutes ; 'and In fifteen or twenty minutes, every uneasy sensation Was entirely quieted: The medicine was afterwards used wheneverindications of the approach of pain ware per ceived, and the pain was thereby prevented. He continu ed-to use the medicine every evening, and sometimes in. the morning; and in a- few. weeks health was so far re-.. stored that the sufferer was relieved from a large anitottff of oppressive pain. From experience, therefore, he can confidently- recommend Dr. D. Jaynes' Carminative Bal sam as a salutary medicine for diseases of the stomach - Allegheny City, July 16, 1843. . L. • . Er For sale at - the PERIN TEA STORE, 70 'Fourth street, near Wood. ' ring7-4110ar. JU I:it3;L titiODEs, No. U Wood st rifiLNESE HAIR CREAM—A matchless arum° "for . 4../ growth, beauty, and restoration of the' Hair: This Cream, when once known, will supercede all other arti cles of the kind now in • use. Where the hair is dead, harsh, thin, unhealthy, nor turniaggrey, a few applies. tons will make the hair soft and dark, and give It a beau. tiful, lively .appearance; and will also make it Miirltaill its liveliness and healthy color, twice as long u all the preparations that are generally used. Where the bailie thin, or - has fallen off, it may be restored Vl' using this Cream. Every lady and gentleman who is in the habit of using oils on their hair should at once purehaacta bottle et the Chinese Hair Cream, as it is so composed that it will not injure the hair like the other preparations, but will beautify it, and give perfect satisfaction in every lni k Wor testimony to its very superior qualities, see the tot! lowing letter from the Rev. Ur. Caldwell to 151eurs. Hendershott & Stretch, Nashville, general agents for the Southern States: WILL DYER. . Lister ofths 800. R. Cakischdl, Pastor Vas Presbyteri an Okurch, Pulaski. - tifatssaL Hrroxiontorr dc Sraxrcor GErrtaststn-1 take p.eamme in adding my testimony in favor of the excellent prep:iv:don called Dr. Parish's Chinese Hair Creams for, about two years ago my hair was very du, bristly, and disposed to come 004 but having procured a bottle of the Cream, and used it according to the prescription; it is now elastic, soft, and firm ,to the head. Many balsams sad oils were applied, each leaving my hairin a worse state thanbefore• Cram, however, has met my expo*. tattoos. • • Aa an article for the toilet, my *wife gives It prefereacs over all, others, being delicately - perfumed and not dis• posed to rancidity. The ladies, especially, rill And the. Chinese Creams° be a deslderatton in their preparations for the toilet. Respectfully, ic., CALDWIII4,. Pulaski, January 7,1847. , IrpoSold wholesale and retail, in. Pittsburgh, by John M. Townse_nd, 45 Market st, corner of Wood and Fiftbito . • jelEmika,:iy• rpHE partnership heretofore existing between aMtle _L B. Bushfield and Vililliam B. klays,trading under the firm of BUSIfYIELD & HAYS, has this day been die soltredbyWillisun B. Hays selling his entire interest in the firm to S. B. Bushfield. All accounts duo the firm will be collected by S.B. Enshfield, and all debts due by . The late firm to be paid by the same: S. E. BUSHPIELD.: - Pittsburg/A, Tune 22, 1849. W. 13. /LAYS. . ,HO-PARTNERSHIP.--8. B. Boammtus having this do.y associated with himself Bay Licansin,formerly of Heavy's - Ph., and recently of the National Hotel, Pitts bureh, will nonfinite the business under the firm of BUSEIFIELD & .LEADER, at the old -stand No. 4'o Liberty street. - S. B. BUSHEIELD. Pittsburgh, June Z 1,1849. t . H. LEADER. • - Having . retired from the farmer business, I take plea sure in recommending my successors to t his patronage of my customers and the public generally. .• , je 2d , W. B. HAYS:„ New IFlardvrare Score, SIGN OF THE PLANE AND SAW, No. 78 Wood otrut, Pittsburg*. • rER & LAUFMAN, importers and Dealer; in Fo= eign and Domestic Hardware, in all its varieties, are now prepared to sell as _low and on as reasonable terms as can be purchased eliewheie. !Wa solicit our friends, and the public generally, to call and exantina our stock, which consists in part of Knives and "Foria, Pocket and Pen-Knives, Scissors, Shears, Baronr House Trimmings, such a s Locks, Latches', Hinge s and Solemn, together with every other axtiele usually kept in Hard. ward Stores. We invite the attention'of Caxpenter and mechanics generally to our assortment of Tools; which :have been selected with plat care; and which we are determined,to cell so as to give satisfaction:. [aptdlcw A T THE SION OF THE PLANE AND SAW, a f• • assortment of " Cincinnati 'COOPERS , TOOIS.', p i -tr- sale by HUBER fc LAUFAIRM n.tayl& - No. Woodstrtat. ' - ",cItESH SUPPLY OF COOPERS' 'TOOLS— us* re J . ' calved and tor eale by HUBER le/AUFMAN, ma y .9 No-78 Wood 'street, FRESH SUPPLY OF TIM LATEST - r. • Vestlnkle• Valgametes, Summer GoOdi t oLOTUSt &o• P DELArt " i i, 49 Liberty street, respectfully calls the attention. of his friends and the_ public to his An*. Inr „A„, of son e .noble Goods. such as the latest egle of pi r n e Some ; ca , thmani. toy dra wb bted il Fr e a e n n d ch ß la w bi n t C g lo tt tle sai s ia l na tall e lti ,. er Cloths, D rlk .li a' and Fancy French, English' end America Clot Cloths ano a Cassiniercs; and all othe.r articles suitable foe canna= Trade. Absoa. larze - and ;general assortment of READY, DE CLGTH/iNG, mace tip the moat f as hi ona bl e nu , 'rater, and will bo gold low For P. DELANY. AT&L,uABLE LOT OF IROUND.—The subscribers V offer for aate all r i my. aluti o b r lelr a t .d of ßo G s ro s cui stre d unte on Second street, betwee. n,m brainy, (Tw o b e i ng , (the propertp of the late Jame. five feet d„ p. i rne vmenty-fonr fUet" front by eighty, . pr i vate res i dence. _ cation IS admirably _adapted fors & cAm p BELL, .13nquire of McCANDLESS " Wood stress. , Pittsburgh norticultursi. l _ B ,„,"',ey, z i.,: IY4L hold their Summer Exhibition .`" 44 41 , 9 itai‘ ' Vegetables, Plants, Flowers, yYcornerifall. Mt 'Thursday, the 13th and 14th of JUNE, W 2 premiums will be awarded for the best and second bests:L(4mb Ye, riety of articles exhibited for competition. TO? =tat tlers, arid all who feel an interest in Horticulture. +/ram gpestedto bring their pteductiona forward to the Whibi:; - Concert, &ream, subscriber having taken the Pleasure Garcionsjet the Ninth Ward, known as the CONCERT ak. RNS, would inform the citizens of Pittsburgh that he has had the Gardens and Saloons fined up in gi nple zuj manner, and they are now ready for the reception of iters: Refreshments of all kinds will be served up to ?b -iters on the shortest notice. LEOPOLD NEON ,ER, jeillvnlawtf rzolguitat. VO. . " - ` 7. . .4"14;;Z:1r...,' •.• • . ....p . ..40, - 40. 'l.4oitigc.-_:i':_-!:: IUILIO/3