Mit .041 g illoriati pet Dar — Advertints arstiquaudtokandinthilrfavorab e folp 4 eciotk p - This mut be complied wish, in order to in• 'Uri aninierSlMS. WktnitiSPOSSibU,alt sariisrhoUrWouid lops/arra. • .• . . Moth IR Vast._Jub prhoilu3 @met. CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS. 117',11avint .added to our Establishment, a splendid Steam Tower Printing Machine, we are prepared to do all kinds of Newspaper and Book work in a style of un surpassed beauty and neatness, and upon the most rea sonable terms. We respectfully solicit the patronage of he public in dila line of our business litoXicte...The Sons • of Temperance in Alleghe-• ny County are hereby requested to meet at their Hall, corner of Third and Wood , streets, on Wednesday even. in& the Flth inst , to make arrangements for extending a cordial - reception to Father ?Ursa. ~ o u his contem plated arrival In Pittsburgh. By order of the - . Mr A meeting of all who are in favor. of the free nav , 'Kama of the OLIO riVer, will be heldin. he Board of Trade Rooms of Pinsburgh, at half past 7 o'clock on the morning of TEVICIDLY, the 29th inst., to take into consid- eration Me obstruction about to be created by thaerec tion of a Bridge at Wheeling ; and to determine what measures ought to be adopted in orde r to preventthe gen eralrights of trade and commerce being sacrificed- for thebencfit of private corporation and local - interests -Lorenz, Sterling dc Co., Capt. J. C. Woodward, Clarke & Thaw, •• ". John Klinefelter • Wm. P. Yormg, " David Caldwell, Parbridge,Wilson Co„ " Standish Peppard, Lippencott & Co., - 2 " Saint. Dean. Chnteh, Carothers dr. Co., " Pies. H. Devol, W.Sutch, " Sarni. J. Reno, D stone, " J. - Grace, Bakevrell, Pears & Co., " It. C. Gray, B,A.Fahnestock & Co., " James Holmes, Bagaiey It Smith, Spring & C 0.,. H. Coulter er. CO, A. & W. Ninuck, Simpson & Co.; - S. Hemphill, Ming Pennock & Co., James A. Hutchinson & Co., Walli ,. nztord & Co , Baile . y, Brown & Co., & Wm. Holmes Co., LevraDalrell &Co., D. Leech & Co., Wood,Edwanls dr.WKnight, P.Malvany, •' George H. Parry, L. S. Waterman,' ' Singer. Nicholson & Co., J. B. Guthrie; Robinson & Henry. Woods R. Townsend& Co., ' • Jno. Caldwell, Forsyth & Co., • 0.-&T.H.Shoenberger &Co, R. N. Waterman, • Livingston, Roggen & Co., Wm. J. Howard, Vddr'Violett,of St Lotus; J. K.-Hersh, Hardy,Jonew& Co., . Geo. R. Massey, G. M. Harlon,. P. McCormick, Moorhead, Copeland & Co., Cuddy, Jones & Co., Jones dr Qaigg Lyon, Shorb & Co.. C. pc:ascii. • . le2S:td lICIrr - Brig. Gen. JoianraAN Lasos will be a candidate or Major General. (je2snd) M.urr °means. Magisstraes, for- July... Goders Lady's Book, Graham's, Sartain's and Peterson's (Ladies' Na tional) Megaiines for July, and a general asso rt ment of Cheap Publications, for: sale at the Literary Emporium on Tltird street, opposite the. Post Office. • j e 2l. . Wai &-HOLDIES. - - - ED- . Fire 'Works I Fire Works 2-- - 400,000 Torpedoes' ' 300 boxes FireCraekers • '• 10 cases, containing 800 ' 0 packs Clackers; -• ' . -• -20 boxes Jackson Crackers; : 010 doz. 1,11, 3,4 oz. Rockets; • • , 2 cases, conVg 200 Chinese Rockets; 70 piss Pin Wheels ; 00 Serpents; '' 4 -" Roman Candies, G balls; • 10 ," - " g " : 10 4 i -.FlolYer Pots; 58 " Chasers; 10 " 3 and 4 inch Triangles ; -• :CS " 'Grass-hoppers; : " -Port Fires; 25 " Blue Lights; ' 40 " Scrolls, Nos. 1,2 and 3. Jtmt rec'.d and for sale by • -JOSHUA RHODES, jel2.tjy4 - - N 0.6 Wood street. - 1:17 REG. Guru J. R. WATSON will be supported for Major General, at ths , ensuing eleelion. Toss L~ttaac. ' Elizabeth, June 13, 1E49.--(let4sltcwtd) DT" Mit Ennott:—Please announce the name of R. G. Dif001113 . 7 of the Second Ward of the City of Pittstrurg, lathe Daily and Weekly Pittsburgh Post, as a suitable candidate for the office of Coutyy, Commissioner subject to the decision of the Democratic County Convention. Mr- Baooss, having proved himself an unwavering Deficocut, will, if nominated, receive, the most warm and hearty support of the Democratic party. ja2 Mar: JsTrzesomArr DiadocnAcs. --- MrMaor Goneral.....The Conamislioned Offirs ce of the Ist Brigade 15th Division Penna. Volunteers will meet as the New Cotrt Haase; in the City of Pittsburgh, on the Ist Monday (2d day t of July, at 11 o'clock, for the purpose of electing one Major General. ' Jona H. McEumars", jeltikdatle • Brigade Inspector. Er- Hand Street Bridge.-.An Election will be 'held at,the-Rooms, North end of said Bridge, on the lat Monday of July near, for one President, ten Managers; one Treasuger, and one Secretary, to manage the affairs of said Bridge for the ensuing year. 'lel2 Wm. MOIMISOM,Pres't. ID" Coroner... 4 olrer what's left at meta the Dem ocratic County Convention as a candidate for Coroner If I have any friends, I want them m tor me now. Ltawz Rai, my 22 'Late of l Molino del Rey. 17fliajor Cikereemil....Hon. Samerzt Iowa:will be *l9:Totted tor.blajoe General, by, te6:te [Journal copy.] Mast -Ma - Sunday Trips - to Beaver.... The steamer BEisVElt willleave the Wharf, opposite the Mononga hela House, every Sunday morning, at 9 o'clock, for Beaver. Rettimung, will leave Beaver at ligglock and arrive at 4 o'clock,T. ffi. "Iv Fare, TwEelry-rnni criers. toy 24 argNottee...The Journeymen Saddlers, Harness ruzik Makers' Society meets the first Saturday of every month, at Union Hall, corner of Smithfield and Fifth streets. (mayl9:ly) W. C. G.A.L.trza, Sec'y. ,"- • Economy.-.llyon mutt to save your money and boy a sfine HAT or CAP, call at FLEMING'S HAT STO RE, where you will find a complete assortment of the_ latest Fashions, CHEAP FOR CASH. . - WE. FLEMING, mar23:y] lBO Wood it.. corner r f Virgin alley. . - OWL. 0. of 0. F.-Place of Maeting, Washington BaL,.Wood street, between sth and Virgin Alley. Ptrrssoaoit LODOli n No. 336--Aleets every Toesday voenin' g. bliatmorrma Excmannatcr, No. 87—Meets lst and 341 Friday of each , month.. . 'Er 1. O. of O. F;' , ...&12.7[0111:NY LODGE, No. 4sp meets at theßait corner of Wood street and Virgin Alley, every Thursday evening, at 8 o'clock. mayl:Gm GEozosBAISSETT,See'y. 'Era. W. BiDDLE, Densiot..asmovzo to a new three story Brick, on SICTIMELD sr., one door be low Sixth street. TEETH INSERTED, from one to a whole sett, by Atmospheric: Pressnre, with a beautiful representation of the Natural Goss, restoring the Fara to its original shape. TEETH EXTRACTED, with little or , no pain. DWASIED Tsirrn permanently saved by ntroortro, preventing the Tooth.ache, which is much bet ter than curing it, though it should be done in Ave min utes, or even instantly. apQL:ly 121:7" Ait tent! on ...ROBERT BARKER, IffsecitArr "Piazoa, N 0.31 Market, luswern Second and Third streets, Pdisburgh.—Constantly on hand, a large and general as sortment of Putman= Etasur-manz CLOTELEW. Particular attention - paid to the Cutting of Custom Work, which will be made in the most fashionable man ner, and on reasonable terms. mayS • L[rOdd Fellows+ Hall, Odeon Buildinc, Fourth street, between Wood. and Sinrt' hfirkl areas—Pittsburgh Encampment, No. tloneets let and 3d Tuesdays or each month. Pittsburgh Degree Lodge, No: 4, meets 2d and 4th . . Tuesdays. • Mechanics' Lodge, No. 9, meets every Thursday evening. Western Star Lodge, No. 24, meets every Wednesday evening, Iron City Lodge, No. 122,_meets -every Monday ev'ng. Blount Moriah Lodge, No. 360, meets every Friday evening. ' ranY23: l Y • 01Cr - DEA= &los A 'swam COLD.—By neglecting those salutary precautions ,which common sense dictates, many, very many fall Victims to their imprudence. We have seen.the young bride, blooming as it were, as the bird of paradise and the fair flower of hope, the pride of her father and the joy of her mother—her cheek flushed with anticipations and her eye beaming with the.soft ex pression of love--the gay dreams of life dancing on her fancy, with the rich and variegated tints of the riunbow's promise. We have seeriall this changed—aye, thewed ding garment for a shroud, and the bridal chamber for this sepulchre of the dead ; and all this from neglecting& common Cold. Now,be fore it is too late, use Dr. Rum' Liverwort and Tar, whiCh gives immediate relief, as thousands of our moat intelligent families now adult of its most extriundituiry cures. The gay, the beautifulend the young, speak forth its praise, and will, so It makes positive cures, and cheera•the despairing family fireside. Dr. .Rogore Liverwort and Tar not only makes remark able cures'of Consumption but it is 'warranted to break up the most distressing Cough in a few hours ume, or the money will be cheerfully refunded. Fbrsale by ' J. KIDD & Wholesale Druggists, No. 60 Wood at. Also,by. KNE ELAND k HARDIN ; ie26:6mdtew Grantatreet. BiliOus Fever. . generally begins with yawning, stretching, pain in the bones,langtior i giddiness a swell ing about the region of the stomach; biliousvomiting, and other unpleasant symptoms. Wright's •Indian Vegetable Pills are one of the best. of medicines for the cure of Fevers, because they purge from the body those morbid humors which are the cause of every Malady incident to man. ' • In cases of fever, from four tcteiglit of Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills should be 'taken. every night; or, if the symptoms are violent; night and morning. Thisirian, if properly carried out, will, .in a short time, sub ue•the .most violent attack offever,; at the same time, the digest ive organs Will be restored to a healthy tone, and health and Yager given to the whole frame. - ' - ..• Beware et/ .Countafrits and Imitations.—Remember that the `Original and Only Genuine Indian Vegetable Pills have the written signature of \Valuta Wmatrren the top label of each box. Remember, - also, that H. Smyser,' corner of Market and Third streets, is not an agent for thin medi, cine and we cannot guarantee as . genuine that offered by him for sale. . .; : - The genuine is for sale a Dr. Wright 4 Principal Office, 189 - Race street, Phi.adelphia; and-by JOHN THOMPSON,' 158 Liberty street, Pittsbu rgh ; Pik4 who tosole agent for this city, by.whouidealers can be slip plied at the wholesilerate., . let* 200 BBL. b N. O. MRII N ESER—Ie star WDEVIIT t tid for sale rasy29 N 0.13 Liberty street. , _.. , __ . ,.. ,,,4,4ii.,4 . ~..• 4 _ ,i‘4..,,b,,.. , e „. ... 4 . ,. ,._. ...,-,4:.-- •- ~ -' •-- --: ,-...,....:7:•:::•::.-;•1-;•,-fo-,±,•t;ii•=!:4-.4,1::1;:.:!4:!,,,:',.--..-5-:-:,.;:t.'::•,,i,,,:., mittretql. anb Sinandat. -PITTSBURGH HOARD OF: TRADE. N. B. CRAFG, - • . J. CARMERS, CORIROVIRE VOR lONE. PASSENGER rautANGEmENTs FOR 1648. SteamboatPacketLine,leavesdnilifOr Cincinniti,lo sm. Passenger Packet, via Brownsville, to Baltimore and . Philadelphia, 8 A. M., and 6 P. Y. Ball Coach Line, direct to Philadelphia, 9 . w: M., and 121, Western and Southern Mail Coach Line, 0 a M. North-Western, via Cleveland, diily,lo Erie and Western New York,-daily, 9 A. U. North-Rastern,to Philadelphta,datly, except SundaVs,4 ARttIVALS AND' DEI - ..utTURE OF. MAILS. Eastern Mall via Philadelphia, due 3a. closes 12 m. Western Mail, Chi. and Losusv., due BP.m., closes 5 A.M. South. viaßalt. and Washington due 8 k..M.,close s 5 North-Westein vie: Clevelaud, dna 10 a. rs,cloSes 9 A. m. 'Erie and Westeru_.New York due 8 c.,m.; closes 8 a.m STOCKS . . -Piir, value. Atkid. Offered 850,00 $50.00 _ . „ 1550,00 50,00 47,00.. , 40,00 509 in . 50,00 ” 49 None market. 50 00'50 00 49,00 50,00 35,00 25,00 36,00 35,00 Bank of Pittsburgh-, Eichangeßank ...... -• Merchants' and M. Bank Farmers+ Deposit Bank • Hand Street Bridge.— -• • Northern Libertiesßridge•- • Old Allegheny Bridge Connellsville R. R.Stock,paid on shares, $2,50 . . City Bonds (6 P 6661 n. —•— .. Monongahela Bridge ...... .. —•— 25,00 Gas Stock 50,00 , Penna. d's, quoted in Philadelphia bk .Penna. Gs., " " CI . LOU New issue Treasury Notes, 6's, quoted in Philad a • • ill} Daily Review or the Markets; OFFICE OF THE POST, Wzmustur ?ammo, hunt 27, 1399. FLOUR—There was no perceptible change in the market yesterday. ,SHINGLES—Were selling at 111',75032 per thou land. BUTTER*-Fredi roll was bringing 121 c in the market yesterday evening. HAY—Good Hay is worth $lO per ton. WEHSKEY—CoMmon is held at: 161017. Rec tified is selling for IS(iil9e. NEW ORLEANS MARKET ' CatzaterT Omer., Saturday Morning, June 16, 18494 COTTON The foreign advice& by the Niagara and Europa at the date of our last report bad ren dered our market heavy, prices haviag fallen off a full .1 of a cent from the higheat point ofthe previous week. As factors, however, showed more willing ness to sell, on Saturday a larger business was done, the transactions - of that and the three following days embracing 9500 hales, at rates still easier for pur chasers. On' Thursday and yesterday the upward tendency in freights had its effect in checking the inquiry, and only some 1000 bales.changed hands, making a total for the week Of 10,500 bales taken mainly for the North and England. We fin d it ne cessary again to reduce our quotations slightly. At all the United States ports the receipts now show an increase of 445,610 bales, while at this port there is a decrease of 73,613 bales. Pirw ORLEANS CLASSIFICATION Inferior 5:0 5 1. Middling Fair....7latil Ordinary titan Fair Ste% Middling 6107} Good Fair .81419 Good Middling ..7;(al} Good and Fine...loa-- SUGAR.—The demand for Sugar has been of very limited character and rot over 900 hhda. base found purchasers, without any marked alteration in prices, which may still be quoted—lnferior and cam. moo, 21031; Fair, 3ial; Prime and choice elatic fr MOLASSE.N.—The molasses market has been quite dull again, with sales daring the week of some 1400 Ulla. only. In prices, however, we perceive little irony change, and quote saioe for inferior, 11015 Sat Ordinary to Prime, and 16101 Se if gallon for re. boiled. FLOUR.—The Flour market has undergone very little alteration for a %eel; back, as far as regards prices, which have been pretty well maintained for all descriptions. The entire sales comprise about 6000 bbls. at $4 4r, for Ohio and common Il linois, 4 80691 621 for Extra, and 4 25(35, and oc casionally 5 121 per bbt. for favorite bakers , brands. The largest sale )eaterday was 100 bbls. Faun St. Louis at 95 25, Ohio being Ii rely offered at 4 25. Week's receipt* 14,091 blits. I::zports 10,693 bbls. AUCTION SALES, • BY JAMES 2U'NENNA, AUCTIONEER, No. tt4 Moo STREFt, taus pools sittom Fare SCRIP 2 SCRIP 2 ! CARRIAGES, DAROUCIIFS, BUGGIES, he.. AT PUBLIC AUCTION, on Trizartar, the 3d day of JUL; at 10 o'clock, a. at.. at the Carriage filtunifactory of the subscriber, in Diamond alley, between Wood and Smithfield streets, Pitt:antralf. - Splendid Chimer for a Bargain, and to rids in your own Carriage. In order to close up my spring sales, I will sell at the time and place above stated, all my finished stock of Ve hicles, which arc done up In the latest styles and of the best material. It consists in part as follows : 6 Fancy top Buggies ; Comruon Buggies, without tops • 2 Handsome ..rouches, suitable ' for 1 or? horses ; I Splendid Dickey -scat Carriage; I do Family Carriage, with 3 %eats ; I Standing top Barouche. Sale positive. Torras--4 months, with approved endorsed paper, or Pittsburgh, Allegheny City or County Scrip, in equal portions. All accounts doe by me, will be taken in pay ment E. ht. BIOLOW, Pittsburgh. lel 6:ul JOHN D. DAVIS, Arlen. LOST—A GOLD CHAIN, with n Cross attached,— supposed to have been dropped in Sixth street, or in the vicini y of Allegheny. Any person having found the above, will picnic to Mime it with te2621 MRS. MITCHELL. Sixth A. Noll ce _ TS hereby Riven, that Somas M. Wnrrz, of the City of Pittsburgh, Merchant Tailor, has assigned to me all his property and erects, for the benefit of his creditors. All persons indebted to said White will make payment to me, without delay ; and all persons havin claims, will present them to me. D. A. OL MSTED, je26:3td Assignee. Concert Garden. WIRE subscribei having taken the Pleasure Gardens, in the Ninth Ward, known as the CONCERT GAR DENS, would inform the citizens of Pittsburgh that he has bad the Gardens and Saloons fitted up in a splendid manner, and they are now ready for the reception of vis itant. Refreshments of all kindswill be served up to vis itant on the shortest notice. LEOPOLD HEGN 'ER, jetdawd&wtf . Pro rietor. Where Cholera Prevails, NOTHINO is better than the smell of Camphor. Liu:- WARD'S Camphorated Segars have been pronounced i• just the thing " , by all who ' ve smoked them—pleasant and mild; made from pore Havana Tobacco, and not dear. Try them. LEEWARD & CO., Market st., three doors from Water, ie2s and next to Lehmay_er's Clothing Store. Mercer street REAL ESTATEFbIiSAVE,' -A very desirable Property, having a front of 112 feet on street by 122, bounded by a 20 feet alley and . Webster street; being in a healthx,and plensint loca tion • haying a comfortable Dwelling House, well ar ranged and front and back porch; large Garden of fruits and flowers, shade trees, ace. The whole is in good or. der. Price low, and terms accommodating. S. CUTHBERT, Gen. Agent, je2o Smithfield street. Orphans' Court Salo. BY virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of Alle gheny County, will be exposed to Public Sale, on the premises, on bissuatinv, the fourteenth day of ;VIM. at 3 o'clock, y. se., all those FOUR CERTAIN LOTS OP GROUND situate in the Seventh Ward (late City Dis trict) of Pittsburgh, being marked and numbered in a plan of Lots laid out by Alexander Miller, and recorded in the Office for Recording Deeds, /cc., Nos. thirty-one, thirty-two, thirty-three and thirty-four--the said Lots, Nos. 31, 32,33 and 34, being contiguous, and being each twenty-four feet front on De Villiers street in said plan, and running back, preserving the same width, a distance of one hundred anaTourfeet. A rr Terms liberal, and will be made known at sale. . JAMES BLAKELY, Administrator of Bernard ATCabe, deed. je23:dtd JOHN D. DAVIS. Auct. ELILLIN.ERY AND DRESS MARINO ESTADLISHAfENT. 1/1118. DUFF has reeently received the latest designs 01. of Dresses, Cardinals, and every article in her line of business, and is prepared to execute all orders at the shortest notice. hferchants ordering Cardinolsor Visites made ' may rely upon obtaining work - in every respect equal to that obtained front the east. Head Dresses, Dress Caps, Capes, Collars, Laces, Ribbons, Flowers. Fringes, Gimps, Ladies , ildkfs., Ice., always on band at jel3 MRS. DUFF'S, 10 St. Clair et, New Hardware Store, SIGN OF — TWE PLANE AND SAW, No. 78 Wood street, Pittsburgh. IVER & LAUFMANimorters and .Drakrs in Po. e l ign and Domestic re, in all its varieties, are now prepared to sell a g lowand on as reasonable terms as can be purchased-elsewhere. We solicit our friends, and the public generally, to call and examine oar stock, which consists in part of Knives and Forks, Pocket and. Pat•Kniers, , Scissors, Shears, cons; Nouse Trimmings, such as Looks, Latches, Hinges and Screws, together with every other article usually kept in Hard ward Stores.' We invite the attention of Carpenter and mechanics generally to our assortment of Tools, .which have been selected with great care, and which we are determined to tell so as to give satisfaction. A T •L'HE 1310 OF TSB FLANE AND SAW, a . I ja. assortment of " Cincinnati COOPERS , TOOLS.n, For sale by HI I BER & LAUFBIAN, . maylB N 0.78 Wooderat ......... ......... _.____ A FRESH SUPPLY OF COOFE : I TCH - XS—Jost ye. .A4l. ceived and for sale by HUBER. & LAUFMAN, No. 78 Wood street. Spiting Goods. •.E Undersigned are now in receipt of their second TTsuppiy FRESH SPRING GOODS. They reg. Rectfully - ask - the attention of. Merchants and Dealers generally to an examination °lithely stock, feeling ['S pired that they can offer Goods melte most favorable terms and t h, most masonable prices. Their stock embraces every article in the - Variety and Fancy Dry Goals line, together With Brown and. Bleached Mushns, Drillings, Ginghams, Lamm Printa,lickings, &c., &c. IffeCADWLESS & CAMPftELL, N 0.97 Wood street, next door to Diamond alley ulayls4l&-rr . . - • , • " • • - • • ' '• • - -• • - • ' , - ' . -::;•••-:•-.."- • : , - 14.'*-OW. :ii. -- ~,.;7.:::.7.i,i-,,.:•..-.1,_.--,:.74. tilli:== Sintr 31MtIligem. PORT OF PITTSBURGIII. 3 num wvriia IN TITS CHANNEL. ARRIVED. Steamer Lake Erie, Sho Beaver. • " Michigan No:2; Gilson, Beaver. Baltic,./acobs,,Brownsville Atlantic, - ParJanson', Camden: - Hendrickson, McKeesport Cinderella, Calhoucifyirheeling. " Genesee Reno, Cincinnati. '1 EPARTED, Steamer Michigan No.'2, Gilson,. Beaver. " Lake Erie, Shole it : Heaver. " Battle, Jacobs, Brownsville Atlantic, Parkinstni : do. " Camden, Hendrickson McKeesport " Pilot No. 2, Shank, Hocling po rI. Wellsville, McNeely, Wheeling. Caleb Cope, Murdock , Allgheny Clipper, Abram, Beaver. Cinderella, Calhoun, Wheeling : " Shenandoah, Bowman, S. t. Louis. For Cincinnati and Louisville. - Tom light draught and swift running steam er MARY ANN, A. hicflowits, Master, will nave. forincinnati and Louisville on Wednesday morning, at.lo o'clock. , For freight or passage, .appi For Greenwood Gardens. NEW ARILANGEMMENT.—The steamer THOS. SCOTT will com once on Monday, May l'th, to ranliti from the old Greenwood Landing, foot of Pitt street, to the Garden, leaving at El o'clock A. IL, and at each even hour - unta- . 9 P. at.; iaat trip from the Garden at 5,00 1,43 91,00 ' The Saloons are supplied with all the delicaCiesef the season. Tea 'at 6 o'clock. The Garden, with a large collection of Greenhouse Plants, Dahlias,Annual Plow er Plants and Shrubbery. The comfortable wharf boat. Greenwood, willbe placed at the Pitt et. landing. (tort WELLSVILE PACKETS. Par Beaver and Wellsville. Tsui new and splendid passenger steamer CALEB COPE, A. Maroons, Master, will leave for the above and all intermediate ports every 'Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday . . For freight or passage, having superior accommoda tions, apply on board. may 4 ~AiTins steamer BEAVER. Cuss. E. CLARIZ, aster, will leave this city every Monday, P 3 nes ay and F riday, at 10 1. M. She has a boat at the lending, between Wood E. and the Bridge, prepared to receive freight at anytime. luirl •- • Nirms.4ll Wheeler, STEAMBOAT •AGEN , can be found at Wesley 4,7 Grier's Counting R , corner of Water and Smith field streets, Pltishrirgh. mar 27 — For ..Tna fine new passenger larllMet AARON HART, W. .tioctwz, Id - aster, will leave for e a ova and intermediate ports, regularly. For freight or passage,ap_ply on board. _ may 3 ITALIJABLE WORK.24IS.NIirKKUP - Alffilli CHLNERY, &c.—Scotra Engineer and Machinist Assistant, being a series ofplatte. sections and evolu tions of Steam Engines, Spinning Machines, Mills for Grinding Tools, kr.; in 2 (Olio vols. Preen - cal Mechanic and Engineers' Magazine; 6 vols.; "to. Carpentry and Joinery; A comprehensive guide book for carpentry and Joinery, with rules for every part of work about building, and numerous plates; 2 vols., dto. Cressy's' Lneyelopedio or Civil Engineering, In one thick vol., y vu Scott's Cotton Spinner and Manufacturer ; s vo. Tredgold on the Strength of Cast Iron new ed. by Reclaim:Mon, in 2 vols-, Ft vo. The Steam Engine, by the Artizen Chili , I vol., lto, Mudie'a Surveyor, - Engineer, and Architect. :Bindles' Mechanical Drawing Mick:ern. Holtrapffel's Turning and Mechanical Manipulation; 2 vol., ?so. Bourne on Steam Engler ; ithato. Craddock's Lectures on Steam Engine; Eve. Alban High Pressure Steam Engine it vole., r, - • vo. Hann Theoretical and Practical Mochas les Tomlinson Rudimentary Mechanics_ Dobson Redrawn:a of the Art of Dailding Swindell Rudimentary Treatise on Wed Digging, Boring, etc. Just received end for sale by /AMES D. LOCKWOOD, je.ll. . 63 Wood WE have received a tot or LaMPS of various sires and kinds, ef a new -construction that is cede simple and complete—some ornamental. Also, the article to burn In them, called ' - BURNING FLUID," or F:THERIAL OIL." it has tare qualities. which recommend it to the attention of Steamboat awn, Hotel Keepers and Housekeeper:. For cleanliness. economy and brilliancy, it anything portable now .m nee. Femora who please to call on us will be shown the peculiarities of the new compound A constant supply of the nava and Lamps kept by SCAIFE k A.TKINSAIN. )ell ist,bmween Wood and :Market its . r 1 Frederic Ruston, author of Adreistarcs to Meatro and the Rocky Ittountnint," etc: Dante's Divine Comeay, the Iniettin —a literal prole translation, with the teas of the oriainal collated from the best edaialt*, and explanstory lirte • by J. A. Car lyle, M. D. JOHNSTON ' sTocicrolv_ je2l Corner :at and Market stn IQ Building Lot, in a good toe-luau in the 7th Ward, bevies a front of do fret on Rebecca sweet. near Lary.. vide Church. by lab deep-will be sold for 15230, club S CUTHBERT, nee. Agent, j F gJ Smithfield sheet. 81 7 s ht.7 6 mfgg s P_Iic.7, —":- ;;; :- R E LZ E O::2III,IIAIIeA Abia;iBt, Satinufi U e ctioli Hag ' s! nine and National Magame .. . for July. li re American Angie e Guide, with numerous Wet more:a. Nineveh and its Remaine—by Lay - oral . 'rite Old London Bridge ; or. The Days of Henry VIII ; by C. Herbert Rodwed. Grace Dudley or. Arnold at Saratoga--by Charles J. Peterson. 'Second No. of the Personal iliiinoty and Experience of David Copperfield—by Charles Dickens. • Fame for the People; or, Things. %Vont, Knowing . a Book of Receipts. Fresh supply. The Crimes of Paris—a Record of Serum' and Events of Every Day Occurrence—by Robert F. Onthey. Jur- Smithfield street, opposite Brown's Hotel. I je2l I athing Taibir. TIME subscriber* have on hand a large .toe* of Bath " ing Tubs, ronsisting of the (allowing kinds Flung Bash Tub. large aryr, Ottoman Bath Tub ; Sponging - Dangling Shower Tub ; • Children's Bath Tubs , Hand Shower Baths; Leg Stomach Heater., he. These Tubs are made of good weren't+ and neatly Japanned JOHN DUNLAP tr. CO., je2l Corner Market and Second !MOW XTEW BOOKS—lrving—The Crayon Miscellany comprising, The Prairie, Abbotsford, Newetead Abbey. Complete. in one volume--elegaraly printed. Curzon—The Monasteries of the Levant. Post, e Co.; illummted. A volume of more than ordinary interest, relating a series of most runny., and often amusing adventure. • * • The field occupied by the volume is almost entire -ly new.—Commerriai Aderniser. • A book of gentlemanly, liberal. scholarly Interest, which reminde us not a little of Beckfonrs Spanish Ex cursions, or the vivid e astern reminiscences of Eothen Literary World. Cooper—(New edition of early worke)—The Spy, re vised, ke., with new introduction and notes. Complete in I vol. Uniform with Irving's works. 81,23. The Spy and the Sketch. Book were the first American hooks which were universally acknowledged to contain a performance an well as a promise. We well remem ber the enthusiasm with which they were received, and the proud expectations which they uwakeued among the liberal minded abroad and die patriotic at home. Irving was soon allowed a seat by the aide of Goldsmith and Addison, and Cooper was translated in every country . of the continent where any interest was felt is a foreign literature.—Literary World. For sale by J. D. LOCKWOOD, jeiS • 63 Wood street. Allan TATUM • • •- • • •/01111 fi. zsvt.ort, J. R. Taylor Az Co,. No. 192 Liberty street, (four dorm below St. Clay sovez,) ANUFACTURE ALL KINDS OF WIRE CLCYIII, from No. 9 to No. Go; Brass and Iron Wire 1111). LES and SIFTERS, from N 0.9 to No. 60. Every No. Wire Cloth In PAPER CYLINDERS. All kinds of HAND WORK, Screens, Bird Cages, Fenders, &e. • RI VETS—Black, Tinned, Copper and Bross, of every size, on hand or mane to order. WlRE—lron, Brass, Copper and Steel at every size . BROOM WIRE, Slice , Brass, Japanned and Britannia {Yore, Orders for any kind of the above articles will he promptly filled. Purchasers will find it to their advan age to call and examine our stock. te9:3m MACKEREL -100 Lb!. large No. 3; 10 ; 10 " 2 ; 20 bf. bbls.;Nos. 1 and!', Maps. ins'n Landiag and for sale by MILLER de. RICKETSON, je4 Nos. 172 and 174 Lioerty street. For Salo, 40VERY VALUABLE BUILDING LOTS, In the Town of New Troy a short distance above the Allegheny City Water Works. Also, TWO LOTS in Allegheny City, near the Diamond. Title indisputable. Terms of payment, one-fllth on delivery of deed ; the balance in four equal annual payments. For further in. formation, please call on the subscriber, at the ware room of Edward Todd & Co., corner of Fifth and !Alike streets, Pittsburgh. SILVESTER SEYMOUR. Pittsburgh, Juno B,lB46.—dlra<w jw BOOKS..—A History of Wonderful Invention 3, illustrated with numerous engravings on" wood.- 1 vot.; muslin , The Incarnation, or Pictures of the Virgin and her Son, by Charles Beecher, Fort Wayne, Indiana; with an Introductory Essay, by Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe. Just received by JOHNSTON & STO.CRTON; je7 Cor. 3d and Mnritet sts. • 6 Stammer Goods." JUST RECEIVED, per Express, a small assortment of Summer Coating; also, two pieces white Marseilles, tig'd, beautiful patterns ; and will be made to order cheep. JAS. McGUIRE, Tailor, Third street. A. BIASON & CO. axe offering 1 yard wide Brown A, Almslin at di cents, Bleached do. 41, and very fine at 8 cents; Summer Stuffs of every variety ; more Cali coes at 01; Lawns, 9 cents, fast colors, warranted ; fine Beregcs 181 and 25c.; more Wrought Collars, 8 and Inc.; Chenuzettes 2.5 c.; &c., &c. left , • APPINO P) • 'P"i reams. large Size, intended expressly for use of Shirt Manufacturers. For sale by tjel.2) EDW'D TODD & CO. y on board Seer Arrangement. :at =MEE -E:'-.Xl'-.E. , ,Nr: . :1' . -$:'...:1 - V . : - :E4': -. :;"'.:: - IltE.IN..:'A.,'G': -- E . ;ki:E•-...!;i:.:1 BEING THE:LARGEST' RAREST COLLECTION OF WILD BEASTS, BIRDS. AND REPTILES., EVER' BEFORE EXHIBITED IN THE UNITED STATES. TN PITTSBURGH on Tuesday, Wednesday and ThurrdaP, July 3,4 and 5, for three days only, at the MANSION I. HOUSE YARD, Liberty street. TIME OF EXHIBITION: Oa Tuesday, July 3d, Afternoon from it to 5 o'clock-1n the Evening from 7to 10 o'clock. On Wednesday, July 4th, there - will be four distinct Exhibitions, viz :—Morning, from 9 to 11 o'clock, and from Eli to lr.x.; Afternoon, from 2 toll o'clock ; and Evening, from 7to 10 o'clock. Oa Thursday,July 5t6 Morning, from!) to 1:1 . ; Afternoon, from 2to 5; and Evening, from 7to 10. Among the most conspicuous features.of this ;interesting Exhibition, is the RHINOCEROS, OR UNICORN OF HOLY WRIT. The Only One in America since 1830. The great difficulty of capturing this huge and savage creature, together with the almost impossibility of keeping him alive in a climate s o uncongenial to his habits and constitution, renders the exhibition of a LIVING RHINO. CEROS in the United States, the greatest curiosity in the Animal Kingdom. Foremost In interest, novelty and attraction, are the bold and original performances of DRIKSBACH, THE EMPEROR OF ALL THE LIONS, IN THE DENS OF WILD BEASTS. His performances differ from all others, not only in the skill and grace which he displays in his exercises with the TERRIFIC GROUP OF LIONS TIGERS LEOPARDS, COUGARS, PANTHERS, &c,, but in the matchless and almost superlmalan command with which lie exacts the obedience of these fiercest and moat remorseless tenants of the desert the forest and the jungle. HERR DRIESBACII MAY HAVE MANY IMITATORS, but HE HAS NO EQUAL-HE IS HIMSELF ALONE. The LIST embraces all the finest Living Speci L mens of WILD ANIMALS! That the great experience, enterprise mild resources of the proprietors have enabled them to bring together in one LARGE AND SPLENDID COLLECTION. A fall description of the Animals contained in the Exhibition, will be found in Pamphlets and Bills at the principal Hotels, previous to the arrival of the Company. ivatssioN, -, 45 CENTS. CHILDREN,EINDER TEN YEARS, lb cßivr.9. je2o Dr. George M'Coo k. OrricE, in Foin , tt sore; near ("rani, itantedimely op poetic Mr. Haliewelra, in the recut lately occupied Main °thee by Alderman Miller. He may be found, at Men, in No.-71 St. ethnic*. myan3y• Business Card: TYRANTS Af. WELL AS NO NOPOLIES MUST FALL: SO MUST PRICES; vErnica fact ntit be proven by callin g at kietitrtrea FaibionsbleTailonag Establtaluaa nt,Tbird erect, St, Cherie', !twitting, Morro: Smas.praft and pick soh" vAtortv: Fruit aryl rood. WU. MILLSII, litricArahrx, ttl - MICXOII. Al" Im itteßrsiraflft.tilaV..',"'.„.V.,,",'-..7.4V. WA lA:Cotner al Lltscrt; and Irwin sitervt,ht . tsbu - r;b., Ca- turn:y T 1,1 rpm A N CASIDA't", Bra. AtereJiattdite and Prate e.l • d'art Rroker—Olltce, (up stater tic( *.te, Wood street 12=11 Isaac Wl/llams, ATERCRANT TAILOR, Smithfield street, NO-. 12, be ill Mewl Ist arid st 4 ftreets. B.CAR.'KALLAti Ahern ti as Lase--odlera on ralints sl...l.EtSireeil Cherry ally' sad Urine st. AA. A1A....0N A, co-.6a Alitaxtr invert, are 1.4 olferixig . their sloes of Silks, Itawts. Visettes. Lawns arid Afassns at still grocer reduced priers, Vasil wide brk SAM*, beg mato at Ide., Simmer Shawls at ne. and 111, most fashionable Vixens% in SS and ed ; Lawns end Muslin* at St and 10 cents, hest Merstasack Prints at 9e., DilaUlty We.; Calicoes at efe srminght Collars d cents; wionrcht Capes 111 and 12; norenee Braid Bonnets and :Se.; fibres at 4 cents—narether with a general at , sorb:Went or other Ono& at swath' one-hsif Terallat tatr r- 1410 I s TO LKT—The large Three story Mick Ware. ! boast!. H 2 Second tweet. thoeuesion given Into! Juiy J:lt4trt re af LIRA ------- 114tattdatet Gardffia. Tits Proprteuttatop altar+ beettuhrt Harates, i hoe matte every amulet:nem for enterrainmg vititittt du flat toe wa•ot etwou. The atetrourt Maxon leaves the. foot of Poi 'oxen every aAer noon through the 'W.f. k,fixt the Garden— eontruencolf umi-p7ll I o'clock, rashreot a trip *very droar 11;n111 foe o'th:tea , r. x (ra. tivadsts. 4-arri 6/31 trip at n , b'r:nrt is the =ormolu Ire Cream. S , lnianwrar.o,D4 - 1. nit and Sor,o,r furitivited to outer Kt,o. Rooms core*. , ulhoo Pittatt 04 tsi N --17, Baal baring beers thorottettly repaired ex pte..ty for the, trade, erni herug toe first to open :t on Simday4, lbr omen taxprel 4, on a cavern! paitskstare yea J. W. MRALEN Proprietor. W AftIMINGTON HOTEL,. 13F:DFOR 0, NA. >Vitt! andemspod, 6%04 up thn :urge ~tea tam ' mothoutt Hotel in elegant elyic. itc, prepared to ac. rommonate VIM - TF:10 8 . TLS THE ISEIWORI) t4PRINGS to* manner that council fail to ace. tuottafaction. The House is beautifully totaled mthe very of the town, and eumaina Chlallh•trl, equal to uoy Hotel in the 4t , . Ile derma it tronecesaare to multtply prorni•el. but rylvilgva ittatirvit to use every exertion 10 rentier comfortable all who visit his belay. Boarder• will t.c taken to the Spring* to pleasant hackt, at all wars, and tha avatar can always he had tr"h i" th< house. 0c2112 3 ..) SAVVEI. Davis.. Greenwood Giirdine. REEtuirrrEE stlmuEß RETREAT, two mile* 11 below the City, on the Client river, occurring be tween three and four acres of ground, well *hailed wine frint and ornamental trt-Vl. and a large rollection of choice shrubbery. Also. an extensive Green house. eon. Wising the fillV4l varieties of *lone plants. Commo dious Saloon* are erected far the reception of vlsiters.— lee Creams, Pastry, Fruit Nuts, Cates, and all the deli , caries of the season, are kept for sale ; and ail kinds of Plants, toth native and exotic. Eloquent tastefully pat tip en all seasons of the year Tea every evening at oelock. A comfortable Steandioat !eaves the foul of Pm street every hour during the day and es - twilit landing at the Garden/rote. Err kept on Temperance principles. and closed on Sunday. (Journal and handle copy. j myl9 TEAS! TEAS 11 TEAS I 11 Ii IT it with pleasure that the subscribers in - form the elisions of Pittsburgh end vicinity that they have completed arranretnents with Messrs. J. C. Jenkins ote. Co.. of Philadelphia, to receive their superior PACKED TEAS, Arid will hereafter be kept constantly on I i They ate neatly and securely pat up ll metallic packs of 1, 1 and 1 lb task, with heir prinmd card—showing the kind of Tea, Price, .name. of the concern and depot to Philadelphia, with art invitation to return the Tea., if not liked. =l=l { .0, Gunpowder 021 73 1,00 1,25 1,50 Imperial. • • •-------- G 50 , 75 1,00 1,25 1,50 Dyson •50 475 1,00 1:25 oIL . Ilrou 50 69175 1,00 1,25 1.50 BLAco Black 371 5I) ' Pine and Extra Fine • • •75 1.00 1,25 1,50 We will warrant all the TEAS we self to be equal to, if not superior to any sold in this City, and should they not prove acceptable to the taste, they can bo returned, and the money will be refunded, as It is only with that understanding we sell. We ask a lair trial, that the public may be able to judge between oar Teas and those heretofore sold by other companies In this city. All lovers of rich, delicious and good flavored TEAS. should give as a call. Dealers can he supplied on the most reasonable terms- For sale by JOS. S. ht. YOUNG it.C4l., N, W. corner 4th and Ferry streets, and E. Ir 011.7Ng A. SON, S. IV. corner 34 and Rosa streets. Fire and ryinE INSURANCE CO. OP NORTH AMERICA will I make permanent and limited Insurance on Property in this City and vicinity, and on shipments by Canals, ' Rivers, Lakes, and by Sea. The properties of this Com panyare well invested and fbrnish an !mailable fund for the ample indemnity of all persons who desire to ba pro tected h y t atettcacc e„. WM. P. JONES, Agent, mayle 44 Water street. Pete tory for Bale, TN SUCCESSFUL OPERATlON,mannfacturing Print- I era' Wood Type and Raised Sign Letters by Ma chinery. The machinery is admirably suited for all carving purposes, for which a pattern can be made from the finest engraving to heavy cornice. Should the in ventor, Isaac !Werth Singer, obtain a patent fot the in vention or any improvement thereon, the said patent is secured by deed to the subscribers for the term of seven years in tha whole United States, and for ever in Alle gheny Co., Pa. Or, a PARTNER WANTED, capable of managing the above business, and willing to take an interest of at least one-fourth in the capital stock. For particulate , apply (post paid) to SCHOLY h toraN, Pittsburgh, Pa. From the foregoing Notice of 1. M. Smote, we fins that the Patent has issued, and for proof of our claim, see records of our deed in Patent Office, at Wash ington, D. C. ( ieG) SCHOLY do RYAN. Cigars, Snuff and Tobacco, AT JACOB McCOLLISTER'S, Fifth street, No. 19. Regalia; Washington Lanorma ; La Rosa; Justo Sans ; Plantation; Halt Spardshi.Malay and Common; Together with a variety of other brands, - ALso—An extensive assortment of CHEWING TO BACCO, of the moat celebrated brands, among which are the Luxions Luxury, P. Robinson's Pound Lump, Grant & Williams', and Arch'd Thomas Grape Brunk Five Lump. All orders promptly attended to. Country Merchants would do well to call and examine my stock before pm , chasing elsewhere. Cuba Wrapper and Filler Leaf for sale. ILP Sign of the Indian Oiler. THE UNEXPIRED PARTOF A LEASE of a Coma House, in a pleasant location in the City of Pitts burgh, with all the Bar Fixtures and Furniture ; togethei with two Alleys, Balls and Pine, in good order i Rooms and Cellar ; lit with Gas. Enquire ot ARTHUR NICHOLSON, or JACOB BOSTON. BRANDY—Martell Cognac Brandy J. J. Dupuy's Bordeaux do.; A. Seignotte, RochelPe do.; Coosa do.; in store and for sale by (jO) 3. B. BONNET. tffe9M % •)k i• • lir" 4 aK_ OWL • = SPALDING & ROGERS' Adss.lesion, 25 Cents, Only. THE characteristic features of this great ettsoluth 1. meet, which appear to have sheathed the most of the nueelty sad trtattrkt eutertainment extant, eau be only briefly enumerated to the haws of as adeertiument. The .470540:11C0N, by far the roost stwodotts musical project or the age, composed of over IWO distinct :nosi est instruments, more posectfo/ than a band of fifty mu sic tans. and drown Oyfero /loft es in pr cr sion, coo• attune the Orchestra during the entertainment. An enure and effective Dramatis Company, under the direction of H NtrUnte, Proprietor of the Adelphi Theatres Washington, D. C., is enriched to the Troupe, for the purpose of retina op every night the grand He roic and Patriotic Sprctsatea of OI WASHINGTON, OLD PDT." AND " MAD ANTHONY WAVNE", eel-venlig n-mutitice ores of those "risen ties surd meets seeds.' coinmeourrating worn of the most *limitg and in retesting Revolutionary incidents, the gallant deeds of the Heroes of •:15, and eoncluding with • grand National Tableau, of Gen. Weenmaron mounted on a noble ChM gx . r. Horn en ike slow/44 , 1e Ai3 brave Conzinfracas! The areession of the CAHLO TROUPE, under the charge of the great Italian Tusk Clasen, Signor Faun Canto. linemen throughout Europe as the kiln of 1000 Ti irks, and more renowned probably thou any ,artiste that has ever perambulated the country; and a singularly talented Troupe of Equestrians, in every department of the hut incts, vn : Messrs. C. J. Rocomm, W. W. Pinnintei G 0 Rase', T. VOT2N , t, tic, &e...; Masters Ovum& CAR. 1.0, Pmts. Cfratscr., fee.; Mesdames H. F. Kure, Paint ;Miss I.lst..mtuat. &e, 4Le.; altogether ren dering 062 Doubk Compapy as tuuctirs advance of all other establishments in thb numbers and talents of the Troupe, es in the extent and elegance a( the outfit %Vitt perform to PITTSBURGH, to front of the AMER , MAN norm, Penn street, on the 24,3 d, 4th and Bth of July. FOUR PERFORMANCE. 24 ON THE FOURTH OF JULY, via --At 10 a. M. 4 and at 1, 4 and e. o'clock, P. n. Ansstsenoa, 23 cram. A TEXT BOOK OFdECHANICALDRAWING, for XL '3W-instruction and for the use of S.chools, contain ing in A aeries of progressive practical problems in Geometry, with full explanations, couched in plain and simple terms; showing also the construction of the Par ent) Ruler. Plans Scales and Protractor. 2d. FAam- Oes tor drawing Plans* Sections and Elevations of Buildings and Machinery, the • mode of drawing eleva tions nom ClMUitlf and Polygonal plans, and the Draw ing of Roman and Grecian Mouldings. 3d. An intro duction to Isomeincal Dressing. 4th. A treatise on Linear Perspective, with numerous examples and full explanations, rendering the study of the art easy and agreeable. 6th. Examples for the projection of shadows. The whole illustrated with fifty-six steel plates. contain ing over two hundred diagrams. By Wm. Minifie. Ar chitect, and Teacher of Drawing in the Central High School of Baltimore. Price, 63,00. "It is the best work on Drawing that we have ever seen; no young Mechanic, such as a Maelttnist, neer, Cabinet Maker, Millwright or Carpenter, should be without it.. , --{New ork Scienufic American. , For sale by JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, tele 63 Wood street. GRATE APRONS .- new and beautiful, for the Ladies Just received, front New York, a few superbly finished Grate Aprons and Cut Tisane Paper for Looking -Glasses. For sale I. D. LOCKWOOD, lel 0 63 Wood street. Irati OP THE El' Ie3COPAL OUVRCH..--luto D. Locavroon has for sale the various Publications of the Protestant Episcopal Press. and those of Stanford & etwords, New• York. JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, 63 Wood street, For many years connected with Mauro. Wiley ar. Put nam, and late John Wiley, N. York and London. Dan For Male, PkaA THREE STORIED DNVELLING HOUSE, being the second house from Penn street in Say. er w e an Hay street. Immediate possession will be given. Enquire of DAVID RUCHIE, Attorney at Law--01bee on Fourth street, between Cherry alley and Grant street. Jeadtf -- 1 - Witriritit oz. rpm DELAWARE MUTCAL SAFETY INSUR .I ANCE COMPANY —Office, North Room of the Ex change, Third street, Philadelphia. Fins Inscitaxer..—Duildings, Merchandise and other propertY :in town and country, insured against loss or damage by Ste at the lowest rate of premium. Mmiasta Issnitan cx.—They also insure Vessels, Car goes and freights, foreign or coastwise, under open or special policies, as the assured may desire. Durso TEAXSPONTATION.—They also insure merchan dise transported by Wagons, Ttailroad Cara, Canal Boats and Steam Boats, on rivers and lakes, on the most liberal terms. DIRECTORS—Joseph H. Seal, Edmund A.. Solider, John C. Davis. Robert Burton, John R. Penrose Samuel Edwards, Geo. G. Leiper Edward Darlington, Isaac R. Wi Davis, lliam Folwell,John Newlin, Dr. R.M.Httston, James C. Hand . , Theophtlus Paulding, H. Jones Brooks, H Henry Sloan, ugh Craig. Geosse Serrill, Spencer 151 c ., Ilvain, Charles Kelly, J. G. Johnson, William Hay, Dr. S. Thomas, John Sellers, Wm. Eyre; Jr. DIRECTORS AT PITTSBURGH.--D. T. Morgan, Wm. Dagsley, Joe. T. Logan. WILLIAM MARTIN, President. Rteninn S. Nrwitotm, Secretary. 7 Office or the Company, No. 42 Water street, Pitts burgh. (je163111) P. q. MADEIRA, Agent. NOTICE.—The Stockholders of the Farmer a Irepos. ite Bank of Pittsburgh intend making application to the next Legislature, for such alteration of their Charter as will give them Banking privileges ; or, if deem d ex. pedient, will ask to be Incorporated as a new Bank. By order of the Board of Directors. jel4:tmL JOHN ALACIOFFIN, Cashier. irr Harrisburg Telegraph copy till Legislature meets, and send bill to this office. tEABANT RESIDENCE FOR BALE—A large and P convenient property, situate in Lawrenceville, at about five minutes walk hom the omnibus stand, having a new and comfortable dwelling house, stable, &c. The garden, fruit trees and shrubbery ate all in complete or der. The lot is 100 feet front on Ewalt by 140 deep on Washington street to a 44 feet alley, This property will be sold at a bargain. Terms easy, and immediate. pos. session given. B. CUTHBERT, Gen... Agent, le2l Smithfield,street. nATS--1600 bushels, received and for sale by ion JAMES PATTON, Jr-, No. 17 Liberty et R' FLOUR-27 barrels, roe'd and for sale by_ jcB JAMES PATTON, Jr. Or MODASSES--80 bble., in afore and for fobs b; • lea JAMES PATTON, Jr. jDitlArd AND W. R. CHERSE-1 ,35 boxes .priale Cheese, for sale by pa) J. S. SONNET. LEMON SY • AYP--50boxes Lemon Syrup, female T. by je9 J. S. BONNE • LAND—About 600 Ames of fine Timber Land for sale in Jefferson County, by CABIDAY, may2s Wood street No. 26 • BACON -4000 Hams 7000 The. Shoulders' reeM - and for sale by .UP je6 JAMES PATTQN, Jr. 0 ILS-s.bbls. Americas, J gni 'le Or colliers; ‘' No. I Lard in tore and for selleby AN= PATTON, Jr, ~~i ~:.~;~; M=M Bankers anb elstliangt Bickers was. as. EXCHANGE AND BANKING OFFICE co of, Third and . . Wood streets.. IGHT and Time Bills of raeliangei Bank Notes an 1.3 foreign and domestic Coin . bought and - sold,on most favorable terms. Collections made in allthe principal cities of the Unizin at the lowest rates. j elg Bankers and Exchange Brokers, Dealers in Foreign and. Domestic Bills, Billsqf Exchange, Certificates tf Berets. it, Hank Notes, and Coin. Corner of Third and Wood sta., directly opposite the St. Charles Hotel. mayt!S Bankers and Dealers in Exchange Coin and Bank Notes, N 0.55 Marketstreet, Pittsburgh. SELLING RATS. 'unitarian.. New York } pr Cincinnati Philadelphia I. " Louisville Baltimore * " St. Louis _ BASS 210TES, Buying raw Ohio II die Indiana I u Kentucky I 4 t Virginia i L 4 Wheeling k u Tennessee 3 ~ aul9-y UAL 11.110011, BOON * SARGENT. BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, N. E. Corner of Wood and Sixth strum, , Pittsburgh, Pa. in Coin, Bank Notes, Timeßills, Foreign .1,/ and Domestic Exchange t Ceruilcates of Deposit, Ac EXCHANGE on all the principal Cities of the Union' and Europe, for sale in sums to suit purchasers. CURRENT and par funds received on deposite. • COLLECTIONS made on all parts of the Union, at the lowest rates. - • sepll-1y 3000 'S". OATS,(a prime article,} in store and sale by RHODES& ALCORN, je2O . 30 Fifth street. 500 Bf e r. RY R E l iglAtf s re ic ana flga z ie by Fifth st. 1000 BUSH. WHITE AND YELLOW CORN, in store and for sale by. _ _ GROUND NEED--Chop'd Rye, Chop'd Corn and Oats, Barley Meal, Bran and SbartS, constantly on hand and for sale by RHODES & ALCORN, je26, 30 Fifth street. litifla;Ziarn Meal, Wheat lireitl,W"'(:'rithi'm Bread,") and Rye Meal, (for Rye-aud.lndhut ltread,) constantly on hand by ' ' RHODES is; ALCORN, EMON 6 H P • 01"PLE6-30 gross, on hand Inv for sale byf RBODh.S & &WORN, )e , 23 30 Filth street. r fIOMATO CAT2Ur-60 doz., on band and for sa!a by Je26 [Chronicle copy.] RHODES & ALCORN. if-j.ROCERIES -150 bags Rio Coffee ; 75 pkgs. Y. H., G. P. and Powchong Teas; 400 Dowels N. (3.41101.235eS 11.4 `• Loaf Shlise, No. 4to 8; with a general assortment of Groceries, for sate by pita SHEY, MATTHEWS & CO. 1110BACCO-15 kegeNo. 1 Six Twist Tobacco, South gate's brand, (or sale by Jetta MET, MATirIIEWS & CO. BFANS-45 bbls. Beans for sale by lee! RILEY, itArr.tiEws & co. LEMONS AND FIGS-100 boxet Lemons; 300 drains Figs ;rust received JOSHUA RHODES, No. 6 Wood st. and for cafe by F,„ CASEbS PRUNES,-in jars; 4 .‘ boxes; just received and for sale byJOSHUA RHODES, • je2l No. 6 Wood st. AA BOX t.'S SHELLED AL.,,IONDS; "Ivir 10 - Rater 1000 Cocoa Nati j ust received and for pale by JOH JO aHUA RHODES, N 0.6 Wood at Coact'.ll , l64,—dit barrels,, for sale by jeW - - RILEY MATTHEWS & CO For tale by SVOAR HOVSE MOLASSES-15 barrels superior quality, for sale by WPI. DYES, ;ore No. 158 Liberty street: CIILMSE-70 boxes, for sale low jete LELHUNS-20 boxes, rust landed i for sale by WM. DYER, tel.s N 0.1.58 Liberty street. Ar E - SIP t*k ,,- i -- liiiiiii - er - ceif;Tiorro - rkcaTpTiri -. V did tot, vrbleb will be sold very low. tel&tw H. H. RYAN, No, 27 nth si. A BOXES BACON-Received and tor sale by `t 015 CUMMINS k SMITH. 3113ACKS BY APPLE'S—Reed and fat sale by int 3 260 ISCSNELS CORN—Ree'd and far sale by lels CUMMINS &SMITH. LTicRE.I) 0114-10 bols., reed on consignment and tot Lain by KING s MODDIDEAD, .rel 2 .. ; Diamond. intiird,SH-5 casks Peach Blossom PobAsh.,"_ rec'd awl for sake by J. S.. IJONN, )el2 Liberty st. I:I6eLDIMS-10casks,expected dally by Ben West 6 In store and for Stile by Jell W3l. DYER, , No. ISS Liberty st. StWAR irdiTik - iiOLASSES—A few bbla,, St. lame Refinery, a firat rate article, for auk by icit 'WM- DYER 3 casks Bacon Hams, Jost received per nig : blander ; for sale by oell) Wlll. DYEIt lUefilk,l--10 bags, just receiving; for sale tow. jei2 WM. DYER ROOMS-39 dozen, jtust received and for sale by jel2 DYER. STAR CANDLES-20 boxes,•Crumton's, iu store and for sale by (jel2) KING & MOORHEAD. 1)APAN...4.-40 boxes, halves, quarters and eighths, in fel l.ta prime order and for sale by KING & MOORHEAD. lajtirAHH—A few casks, on consignment and for sale by (le12) SINN a MOORHEAD. EgE=-6 - Cso — ilieTinsr reo'd and for aalo by 003) HI ND k MOORHEAD. CREAM ettpinE—lSXl boxes in atom and for sale by' jell KING & MOORHEAD. PEACH BILtSG - Y, Irish Whin key, Jamaica Rolland GLa, in lots to suit purehasers,for sale at wholesale priceg Ity LteS4 J. S. BONNET ) Liberty st. ItAZILISITO AR-50 bags, in store and for sale by 1:10 Jed J. S. BONNET, Liberty sL TABLE SALT-100 bags Hope Mills Table Sal t _ r in store and for sale by (jet!) J.S. BONNET. Ugill;::WiurnitetsOil, Salad recd and formai° by _J. S. BONNET. FHBH—HXIbbts. Ns. 3 lariTilre nekeral,4so boxes No.l Scaled Herring, to amen and for sale by Jed J.S. BONNET. A MERICAN PINS-1 cue 11., 4, Americanl. " • 4, Suet received and for sale by bIeCANDLMS & CAMPBELL, . jeB 97 Wood street Do YE FLOUR-41 Mils. Rye Flour reek' and for nle AL by tmy3o] S. & HARBAUOR. PARASOLS—Cotton, Silk and Gingham Parasols, a fine assorment, for sale by McCANDLESS I CAMPBELL, jen 97 Wood street- TIUFes lit.toK-K.EXPlNti.—l3cstur3 for teaching tins Jl,l system, Wi th the author's directions to mullein, printed on the covers. A new supply, from New York pat ree'd and for sale by JOHN H. MELLOR, jel3 81 Wood street.' CUTLERY -I cask superior Knives and Forks, Pocket and Pen-knives, Butcher Knives, Shoe Knives, Scis sors, Au., just opened by MeCANDLESS h CAMPBELL, je9 87 Wood street. VINE COGNAC BRANDIES-47 half pipes, various rintagesosf our own importation for " commerce," from Bordeaux, lust received . and for sale by MILLER & RICKIITSON. Nos. 172 and 174 Liberty street. IMPROVED I'UhIPS, that will not ruaza tIP in the COLDEST weather, for sale by - SCALFE & ATKINSON, may2s Fir . et, between Wood and Market its. B44LANK.ETB-1 ease (60 pair) Bed Blankets, 88 JO by 64, 0 lbs., ribbon bound, received this day, on consignment from the manufacturer, and for sale by H. LEE, ap7 :Liberty, opposite Filth street: 40 B m A ti LIN4 BROWN M"SLAN & CO D"AITLES-515 bushed* Dried Apple_ e ree'd end for Bele by [any3ol s. & W. LIARRA UGH. IE BEEF-2 uerees rime Dn • • zee an toi sale by [my3o] S. & W.ILARBAUGH. LARD OIL—A few bbls.,Just re ceiv ed and HARBAU. for sale GH by my 39 S. & W. CI_LASS-37 5 boxes " Marken's" assorted sizes Glass lir lust received and for sale by my3o B. & W. HARBAUGH. CH SE.--30 boxes new Cream Cheese,.hmt ree'd and for sale by (roy3o) S. &W. HA 'RHACOH. 0 ODA ASH-30 casks of Steele & Co.'s saperior-Soes 00 Ash,Sust received and for sale by ny3 S..& W. HAHHAUGH. 00 —lOO,OOO pounds of 00l wants by may 3& , S. & W. HARE/CUSH. GLASSES -100 bble. N. o—Molasses, rec'd aa I foi sale by [tay3ol S. & HARBAUGH. LI LAMS HOUSE OLASS ' • .100 bbls. Sugar House. Molasses, St. James Refinery 10 do do do do Louisiana. do In store and for solo by MILLER & RICKETSON, ma lb IT2 and 174 Liberty at._ FEATHERS -8 Backs, Primo, lending from steamer Cumberland, and for sale by _ B. A. FAHIsMSTOCIC & je7 I Corner Ist and Wood sta. LAXBBEO • eas a, landing roux steamer ni F land, and for sale by ie7 B. FABNI*3TOCK & CO. BATS-500 bushels to arrive (in a few days) and for NJP sale tiy. C. a k..ItIeANPLTY 8c CO. t rnity3l Canal rtUININN-150 ounces, Parr's, just we'd and for sale kg, by pail IL A. FAHNESTOCK RECEIVEITT, - AYTNE - ONE PRICE STORE, 60 0 Market street,lo,ooo yards of Printed Lawns, at the low price of cents. [my2t] A. A. MASON & CO. DRIED APPLES-10 0 bus. for We by. may3l S?UTH & SINCLAIR. TRIED PEACHES-160 bushels.,•_for salsty - . J rmay3l • SMITH & SINCLAIR C O.— —lOO bushettreont, to arrive - for sole by may3l. ' • _.. . Krtmana & RAIIR "" I'4" N. 110/41NE8 & SON, 313YING RAIN * - I Buying rams County k City ord's Relief Notes Pennsylvania Co. New York ' it Maryland * New Orleans 'RHODES & ALCORN IO Ws. No. 3, flaw 10 10 half bb la., NO. 2 ; just landing. 0.120,1 : VITAL WM. DYER Etrogz anbzilLebitint# - ' PRIVATE DLSEASEK BS Diamond Alley, can be icensolisd is tut , cases of apricats or delicurstutturshusbilatetti - r, • it; to the bun= frarne: SyhilliandSyphiliticernptions,genorrhira and Its consequences, togetber -wittnu oe ts • incases, impurities of the blood, withal' diseases venerealorlgin,slandiSeases,withstrictures,gieetiurettinu : iiiseharges, seminal 'weakness and impotency; also, rheumatism, female weakness, diseases .of, the: wciMPI monthly suppressions, ;diseases of the joints, llstele . :ln ano; nervous affections, pains in the back and loins, irrt-, tations of the neck of the bladder andkidneys , scerbutic eruptions, t S visr& etter Worm, mercurial diseases, YEAR' PRACTICE , 'Exclusively devated tothe study and treatment ofvene real disorders, and those arising from youthful excesses gaiety, climate, or impurities of the blood, whereby tlic constitaiton may have been enfeebled,enablesDr.Brown to offer assurances of , speedy relief to all who IllaYPlnge tbeniselves under his care. - - Dr. Brown's offices are convenientlyrirranged into se* elate apartments. Patients canmisit Dr. B. without fear of exposure to other visitors. • It is of importance to mani'persorat in need ofmadiral aid, to obtain good advice prrvate_ly and promptly. To all suet, Dr. Brown's ready skill m removingyearreal eases, in their various forms and stagei,oftersinducements which can rarely be Strangers are hereby ap prised that Dr. Brown has been regularly educated In ever .branch of medicine, atid for the last twelve years confined - himself exclusively to the treatment of those Dr.itrewn is the only regularlY educated surgeon in' Pittsburgh who gives . Ids whole attention to those cow 137•Certainottie and speedy cures will, in all cases, he guaranteed. Decent cases are relieved in a short time, without inter- IvitPlier°ll'l business. . —Dr: BroWn. also invites Per. , sons afflicted with Hernia to call, as helms paid particu lar attention to that disease:-- . Letters from a distance, askingruivice, mast contain fee, or they will not be attended to. . • larrOffice on Diamond Alley, a few doors from Wood street, towards the market. Consultations s=l confi BUIVLATISM.— I . Brown% newsy discovre rein: edy for Rheumatism is a speedy and certain remedy for that painful trouble. It never fads. Office and Private Consultation Rooms No. 85, Dia mond •alley, Pittsburgh, Pa. The Doctor is always at - DV/titillates. , • All.floaltag Otzstmonso - CONTAINING NOMERCURY, or other Mineral. It E. has the nower to cause all EXTERNAL SORES SCROPULOI7S /17/11f0.13.5 . , DISEASES, SONOUS WOUNDS to discharge their putrid matters, aed then heals them. - . _ It is rightly, termed ALL-HEALING for there is scarce ly a disease external or internal, that it Mill not benefit. I have used it for the last sixteen. years for all diaeases of the chest, involving the utmost danger and responsi bulity, and I declare beforeheriven and, ma's that not in one case has it failed to benefit , when the patient was in the reach of mortal means. - I have had physiciams learned in the • profession, I have ministers of the., gospel, judges of the bench, alder. men,. lawyers, gentlemen.of the highest erudition, and Multitudes of the poor lase it in every variety 'away, and there has been but one voice—one universal voice, say , WALLISTER, YOUR OINTMENT IS GOOD 1". RHEUMATISAL—It removes almost immediately the inflammation and invelling, when the - pain ceases. (Read, the directions around the box.) . • • 11:EALLACHE.—The salve btu; cured persons of the head-ache or twelve yenta standing, and 'tvlio had it rer Mar every week so that vomiting took place. Ear-Acker, 2both-Ache, and Ague in the Face, are helped with like success. SCALD HEAD.—We have cured cases that actually defied every Wag known, as well as the ability of fifteen to twenty doctors. One man told us he hid spent S3OO on his children without any benefit, wltejt s few boxes of Ointment cared them. The—There is nothing bolter for; the cure of Teller. Mitia==iG== PlLES.—Thousands are yearly cared by this Oint ment. It aevaa fails in giving relief for the Piles. Around the box are directions for using •WAllisterla Ointment for Serofiala, Liver Complaint, Erysipelas,. Tetter, Chilblaui t Ssald Bead, Sore Eyes, Sturic.y, Sore, Throat, Bronchitis, Nervous Affections, Pains, Disease of the Spine, Head-ache, Asthma, Deafness, Earache, Burns, Corns, all Diseases of the Skin, Sore Lips, Pim ples, &e.; Sores, Etherommism,_Piles, Croup, Swelled or Broken Breast, Tooth-ache, Ague in the Face, &c., &c. If. MOTHERS and NURSES.knew its value in eases of Smelled or Sore Breast, they would - always apply it.— In such cases, if used freely, and according to the direc tions around each box, it gives relief in a ceryfew lumrs. CORNS.--Occasional use of the Ointment will always keep Corns from growing. People need never be trou bled with them, if they use iffrequemly. This Ointment is good for any pallor the body or limbs whenlintlamed. In some cases it should be adplied often. CAUTION. —No Ointment will be genuine unless the name of JAMES .?deALLISTER is written svith, a pen' on every label. For sale by my Agents in all the principal cities and towns in the United States. JAMES LT AsTErt; , Sole Proprietor of the above medicine. Principal office No. 28 North Third st. Philadelphia. PRICE 25 , CENTS PER BOX.- Sold at.holesale and Retail in Pittsbargbby- BRAUN & REITER, corner Liberty and St, Chem streets; L.• WILCOX. Jr., corner of Market streetd the Di amondi , also, earner of Fourth and lapritbfi greets JACKSON, No. S 9 Liberty street ; and at the Book Store . in Smithfield et-, third door from Second street; and ha' Allexheny by H. P. Schwartz and J. Sargent; arid by A C. Smith, Birmingham; D. • Nagley, East Liberty;; H. Rowland,•McKeesport and Elizabeth; J. Alexander .&.: Son, Mononaahsla City; N. B. Bowman & Co.,.Browns• Qille; J. T. Rogers. Bridgeport; John Barclay, Beaver_; James Ittmcan,Tallston ; D. Watson & Co., New Castle; and- S.F. Weaver, Freeport. - • mayllaitiod&wy • Duller. Magical Pain Extrtustor. TO THE PUBLIC.—This Is to certify that I have found Dances Magical Pain Extractor to prove a cure 'tor the Chronic Rheumatism, which - 1 have been enlicted with for ten years, in my hip joints. ABRAHAM R. VREELAND. - - - - - -- Aeiztatelanoek, N. Y. April 9, 1349. ' • Ma. H. Diaxxv—Sir: I have been troubled with the Piles for eight months, and could get' no relief. Yonx Magical Pam Extractor having been recommended M - me ,1 applied it but twice, obtained instant relief, and in • a short time was perfectly cured ! Could I not get any more of it, I would not take a hundred dollars for the balance of my box. - WILLIAM HALL. 97 North Moore street, New York, Jane ;19,1847. CAUTION.--Dalleyes only Depot in the city of Herb , pa, and where the genuine anti* can be obtained; wholesale and retail, is at 415 Broadway% H.Dsmarr is the inventor of , this truly invaluable coral pound, and he never /see, and never will communicate the secret of its preparation to any man living; and, there fore no other person ever has made, or ever can make..a . Counterfeits abound! Every truly valuable article fr. subject to be depredated upon by counterfeiters and posters - and nothing, that we-know of, has more extol:L amely eiriTr i enced that fact than Pulley's Magical Pain A Thee—The genuine Dailey, in cases of the severest Burns, Scalds, Piles, eket., will afford instant relief, and produce at once a coolmgand soothing effect—extracting pain in and from one to fifteen minutes! but be o sure, a - ways, apply it on Linen—never on cotton cloth, And now mark the difereneer—Counterfeitlialeuctors, no matter under:what name theymay appear, or howap plied,always irritate and increase thepatrir Pamphlets, containingcertifwates of oures,Maybe had . gratis, on application to JOHN. D. MORGAN, W 412171. Depot, Pittsburgh. , DaGera Animal Galvanic Csinellli For Horses, Cattle, dtc., cares spavin, quitter, grease.. poll-evil,:soles, grate and - bruises. Pamphletscontaining certificates of respectable parties, may -be had on appli cation to JOHN D. MORGAN, ottlildeivry Agent, Pittsburgh. F rom R ev . A s. Vann, of the Pre:imam Methodist Church Pundersigned k having been afflicted during the past ater, wim a disease in the stomach, someurnes pro- • acing great pain in the stomach for ten or twelve hours without internassion, and having tried various remedies with little effect, was furnished with a bottle of Dr. 2). Aimee Carminatire Bakcon. This he used according:to -• the directions., and found invariably that this medicine fkaused the pain to abate in three or four minutei; mind fifteen or twenty minutes, every uneasy sensation was entirely quieted. The medicine' was afterwards used whenever indications of the'approach of pain were per CCiVed, and the pain was thereby prevented. He contmu- ed to use the medicine every evening, and somethhes itt the morning; and in a few weeks health was so far re-' • stared that the sufferer was relieved from a.large anibunt: of oppressive pain. From experience, therefore, he can confidently reconmend Dr. D. Jaynes' Carminative Bal-' slam, as a salutary medicine for diseases of the stomach and bowels. A. SHINN. ' Afiegkeny City, Ju1y113,1643. B - 3- For sale at the PEEK/ N TEA STORE, 70 :Fourth street, near Wood. ' ,au,g7-d&w / selibiESE HAIR CREAM—A matchless article for ‘,../ growth, beauty .and restoration of the' Hair. This; Cream, when once known, will stmercede all other arti cles of the kind now in use. I , ere,the hair is dead, harsh, thin, unhealthy . , nor mrning grey, a few applies tient will make the hau soft and dark; and give it a beau. tiful, lively appearance . ; ancl will also make itmaintain its liveliness and healthy calor;.twicess.loug asan the - preparations that are generally . used. Where , the hairla thin, or has fallen off, it may be ?mitered by using this • Cream. Every lady and gentleman who is lathe habit of using oils on their hair should atoncepurchase a boubi of the Chinese Flair Cream, as it is so °imposed that it will . not injure the hair like the other preparations, but will beautify it, and give .perfect_ satisfaction in every in stance. • - 1; For testimony to its very saneriorquilities,Seeihe foil lowing • letter from the Rev. Mr. Caldwell to Mearrs: . Randal:hon . & Stretch, Nashville, general agents for the Southern States: , . • "Liner Ohs Rea: R. Cokhaill i kkiruir . ofthe.prafrywriori . Merck Pulaski.- •. • , Massas.llininannorr & smorrcit:- GURU:V=I-4 take. p.easure in adding my testimony in favor of the excellent preparation called Dr. Parish's Chinas Hair Criumr; for; - about two years ago my hair was very dry; bristly; and 'disposed to come our, but having. procured a bottle cite Cream, and used it according tot eprescription, it it now • elastic,' so ft , and firm to the head; Many balsams and = oils were applied, each leaving my hair in a worse state - . than before. • This Cream, however , has met my expee- - tenons. - • . . As an article for the toilet, my wife gives it preference' over all others being delicately perfumed and not die. • posed to rancid ity ' .. The ladies, especially, will find the Mitiere Cream robe a:desideratum • ui their preparations for the toilet. Respectfully, /sc., ... • .. . Ft. CALDWEI,I;. Pulaski, Janina* , 7,1841. • • , 11,rSold - wholesale and retail, in Pittihovi,*j o li n , lii..Towrtsend,4s Market st., and .Joel Molder corner of Wood and Fifth's:J. - •iCtS.d tiw Ip, -- • sae lity - 7 - 7 . rEa., bold their Summer Exhibition of Early • Vegetables, Plants; Flowers k.c on we/es:day tin Thursday, 'the 13th and 14th ofJ UN E, and penniturns will be awarded for; the best and second best of each vs riety of articles exhibited-for competition. The 'mein' bars, and all who feel an intermit in Horticulture are re,;• quested to bring their prodttotions forwardlo the Ekbibi H.M0L41313E5-sbble.., Bank Ground, lit store and S. • for sale by 00) 101:14$ PA N; Jr.