The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, June 19, 1849, Image 1

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    . . • • . : • • •
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`,TD. • •
Pri.tiea and I , tbdthed eanit.afornin_g,E9gndai ersepte,R
trintis-Nrignb own= or. WOOD ' AND rams - antilop& -
2 T . RlllS.—Five , Dollersit year, payable strictly
inatlVauee:.3tx Dollers*:erip .4aVitiiatilthrrrequifre!fif
sot aid within the year; •-•
ingle .eopies Tar& at the celtniii
the 0115ce, and by the •
-....,,TELE-13ATTIRDAY-14:01tILifiaPOST •
tiie• Wimps, 'On a latrAiientat TYPO DO a . year n advance
singasecoptes PIO CONTI.
• IOP - papar will be discontirivaliinuiiii it 41e
credon of the proprietor ),until all *mango arc paid.
No artention.will be Paid to aziy order unless ac:.
eonapasied by the Innkw. or liana - actors , Me relies: in this!
TER" •
__ . . .
- ra M s .b.O‘' . ADMER.TI9I.Nti v
~ .- alita aquas. or TWILVE , Lam _ •
One InserUon,-• •.•-, 40 dO Ono Month, Si 0 0
Two • do
Tliree do • .1 9
'OO Tw
Thr o 6
esAo . - 7 0000.
.43 0 n Week, . --•• .1. 00 Four do • - 800
Two do . . - 2 50 Six do. 10 00
Three CIO ~.a IV on. year, • 15 00
Sri Afouths," . , $l5 00 I Six Months,. .; • • 4;20 130-
Ons' Year,. -..... •• • • 20 094 One Tear,..• • •-•-••• •' • 3000
. 'Larairsivertliemenrs in proportion. ' ' • • '''- ''''
licsidr ter FOO7l LINES, Fivi.Dollow rs-Year: ' *
dins will not he . itusertsChnless rux arias pries
•1D Advairlsementi s itiPotividtlikailitilanberot biter-.
lions Is •not marked; will bd Inserted' tidt2 'ehneged .nntli
Q HANNON SHANNON, Axorsupat Late',-Oilice
A7;.oa FlitOth sued; *pastrolispbsito theAkieiyaf.s
• . • • -
. I Dt 2 artill,Nelti Attorney at Zang, Foorthirt,- above
SAIIIUEL •W. .111..AL:a i .arzointerArLixesp-;-90iee on 4th
.greet, near Grant. Pirtabinitt. • - ectp
? FAXES FsCMl47.ettior — Witu .I,ave; inkrake - -
U arell'iSaildings, Grant. tuna.- : .120214m
lrAIL. A. W. OLIVEit, Patyrigieui and Surgron,—Otlice
JEAN" 11, st. =or street, rinaburgh:..:..,tiara-T...:
CRAWFORD i _otrica sl:2,9lair lute!,
app o site tbd . Exchange. - -
.C4' ORLANDO L(N3.IILS, 4ztorne9 - a1 istw.-01 Ewe 4th
7‘ , 4 - It, above WOO& .. • - . . 7u194-7.
2pHOINLA3 24. AIARSLIALL, , Auomor as lam .- 0156 2, "Lowrie , ' Buildlogs, Fourth/it. 41 1 04 T •
Amatcatia, ittormi lf at Late--Ogide iu if yrowell's
W• Buildings, on GnFit.:4lr!ptilmilOtiteAtis..eourt
Howse: • ni bfterneitlaarzat
....same building with Aldenunn:llol4olnallr4:
between Wood and Smithfield sta. : TAIns
;TORN BARTON, Attorney as ..Lato..—Ornee,Narth side
1./ of Filth street, between Wood and Smithfield, In tLe
siiiaboltding withltiderman ',Morrow. . seool-I.y.
Ay. LA. YN O;Atttorney and Coons War at Law
VI and I)4l,.pride_—thßee Aube corner - O . IAM sand
Woo dats., sibbet &Jones' Exchange office; 0004
EDMUND 11Nb Ag orner l a c Law._thhe, in
Neale building ( 111 Norqt Eau comer ofrourth GAO
7D, MORROW, dMorclen north side of Fifth
j.lh• gireelt betwten Smithfield Pitteliargh.
..!'eP 1 . 13 7.Y . • •
•.. FCANDLESS & AVCLUILE, datlya,3o and c ount a.
tors at L -4naw.-Ytee on Fourth sts , oppm ft_ i te & a
• •
. ' Yattenon's Livery Stable, Fatal:largo., sew.
- •
it tiORWARD &SWARTZWELVER; tip ai La to.
....' Oflke oa Four th street; between . W d smith.
• it, opposite 'Patterson - a Livery- Stahl% . s py - 7
rIY.OII.GE F. GILLMOILE, lillarruy and Couna - 7 - . 43 ,
‘...W Laic—Office removid to the nailoor below G • ,
on Fourth , to the °Mee lately occupied by Alderman . ',
arr. • '
r N. bred.OWRY, ducuasy and Counsellor. atlain.---
11, ...Office in Bakewell's Buildings nos Grunt street.'
- T• StN3TT, Bettis; Fourth at., live doers west of-Alar
ti All work warranted, and it net perfectly ant=
istitetorrno charges will be made. . feblo
• J N.' t tr. ' •bent buy r,. has rerttoved his
°thee lb Peurth street, between Wood and 'Smith
tieastreitu.-_ • • 'atartily
"at EMOVA.L.-- , .a.. Heston/ma Tamoved his commission
AA, and forwarding business from the Canal Basin so his
1115 W warehormo, on Third street,. nearly' opposite the Post
may 364
EaIOVAL.-,-413HP1 J. MITCIIEL,auomey Law,
Jar has removed to Fourth at, ne.tidoor to the °Mee of
.Alderman Steel. - ", : aP7
BRICK -140,000, in Binningham:for solo by -*
11U DUCKMASTEEL-Alderman—Office: Fcrarth street
thlidlloor above Smithfield, South side.
• Caliveyancing of all kinds dono with the greaten care
and legal accuracy. •
lit/eu to Real Estate examined, tr.c. nocIS
.1 COYLE, Notary and Conreganew..—tphee
tt,/ MeteaLt's Fourth !area', near Smithfield,
Yittalnalh. Deeda,Sonds, Mortgagee, Article it of Agree
m i
eat, pad all other netramento of orntiug drawn up with
accuracy and &patch. Tales to Real Eittlte examined.
- IrOHN. PARKIN3ON, Alderman, Fifth Ward, Penn
t.,P ist. between Walnut runlLyilara am, whe're be may
be found at all times. Those having images prettier prop- -
arty to sell or fent, can have the same punctually attend
ed to; debts collected, and all the duties of au Alderman
will receive prompt attention. 0c27-p
• • T. mic.LLos,
job, 'Atellon's Building!, corner of Wylie caul Filth ateeta
east aide of the Court Hope.; •
. .
Collecting, Conveycutelig, - extuninatiOns of Ito'
contudhe..promptly and accurately attended to. myle
raRY scivicaurs, duorney and Counsellor
Lam, (successor :to Lowrie
.& %Vint:dna) Office at
the old stand,laurth st,aboattScuithfiuld.,
THE Partnership heretofore existing between He n ry'
W. Williams. Esq., and myself, in the pmetice of the law,
Wed dissolved hymuteal consent on the Zith tilt., mid the.
business will hereafter be continued by Henry W. Wit=
liams, whom I most cheerfully recommend to. ail for
whorls t
I have theonor to do business—as a tientleumu
every waymortlty of their confidence.
gemg.iy . AVALTgR 11.. LOWRIE.
_ _George 11.. Riddle, Conweriancer. .
O FFICE in Averyl3ovr, Fifth street, above Smithfieldj,
Duns, Alonroauss,Aattinritivia,licritati, lisusastut, ,and
other instruments of writing, drawn with neatness legal
accuzacy and dispatch. Be will 'also attend to drkyring
and filing Mechanics , Liene, &mom of Ezecniors4dmics•
istraiors, 4-c. _Examining' tutu 'to Beni Estate, &arcking
From his long experience, and intimate acquaintance
with the manner of keeping the public records, be ex*
peels to giveaatistacrion to those who may entrust their
easiness to trio care. ' " • declS
subscriber has paid into the Trecuirciiof ilia Coat-
monwealth, the amount of license requ ired bylaw:
He has given the regularly approved security, and taken
bit a commission of *helm class, as an Auctioneer of ,
the' city of Pittsburgh, and Tented that spacious ware;
room belonging to Sylvanus Lothrop, £49.,N0. 114 Woad
:street, three docizi from Firth .where he 'scored to at,
kipdof Mcrehan Purnitale"
tend to the sale of every
:Real Estate, Stocks, Sillipptug . , &c.' either at e Auction
Jicoms onthe premises, end easeitexert Wm:
...self to the:utmost for. the benefit of his employers, on tMte .
most reasondile terms; he will sell exclusively and only:
commission; neither purchasing nor hiving any in:
. terestvvintever on goods in theaters:, but merelythe COM
adssionfor twilling, tierebygiving all owner a fairduince
. withintt partiality of having thereiripropetty disposed of
.ito the best advantage. , • - • -• • • ;••
Sales will be promptly settled when made. - I.A.dohnees
wilt be .given at any time, ou the most riecommodating
tertas. Merchants will not be charged for'advances.
Regular sale dayi: Mondays and Thursdays, of Dry.
1, groceries, Furniture, '&a.; and every evening,
Hardware,Cuilery, Watches,,thins,' Pistols, and iFitney,f
Books papaw:tr . :lay everungs ' • • ' z
Ur TODit•woulld respectfully inforM the vier'
jal, chants of this city and our :customers generally',
that we have removed our stock of Shirrs andgetits Fur,.
diking Goods, to the' corner of Filth and Minket streets,
2d story over & P. lingua entrance on street, -
where we intend to keep on hand a large stock of Shirts;
of our own manufacture, with :an assortment of Gentles
Fumistung(Joods,usuill!Vfp!hy Eastera Whole('
sale Parnishiug Sone?, • - • ' • •
' Being very thankid for• the Ilnd'rildreinage besunviid
on us for the past year, we would be happy to,receiSti
Calls.from our .old customers and, merchants genetilly;
anewoald, inGainfl.thetn that We intend notiongon our
part shall induce ;them to look further,. at 'wei exPectth
add largely to our stock; and 'diminish onr prices.
• Merchants and dealers ore: solicited - 'to examine tail
OTREL: AND FILE MAN liFikgrOß .-r-The subset*:
bars, having enlarged.theirestablishmentfortheman4
ufacture of Smat. and Faits—on the co,inct °Watt
and Liberty streets, Pittsburgh -- are, prepared to runtish
Files of oTetY desotiPtioni ot the best quality; and befog,
determined to make at the interest of consumers to pun,
chase Files from them; rasps:oll4 invite thei patreusigei
or all who use tho.artielo:
mari&T :'• • -;"
Elllol, Of ode Pent VP Market; MA .
Xis, a. dentanirfor segetable'standigr lt twri benn , ear&
pelted lo xembve kiread•Stelid &the opposite Oide of
blarkot anen t hi fr ont of Afexandee4 Day's Dry Goods
Store wherelahalf be former customers . ?
jyl2 : • . ..1011N-1311E.PHARD.
87%.:0,_.p0ur-Lou un
poded by eon, Libotty
and fay sts., 60.1.10 f having 24 feet front, end ex
tending back lto feet. TWeaf.them ate corner lots, and
he position of the, whole propertY iitme of the most ad
lliinlegeont in the cittyy For (twiner information apply to
• •AL `SWARTZWELDI3II, Fourth st.,• • •
: : between Wend and Smithfield. :
M UTTON hhd. 1414u2a . tjam s „oncc!risigii.: .
. 111164 d. rqz g!lle pfiLLtiß & iticirerAorz;
• Nos. riiiiiid.l74:l4 . , •
- ,-•
'•a - _
• " • ' - - •". ' • ".
• • - -- , "- ~* - , • - _ '
•-• • "'- • .;*
1,4(14_4: -
'. 4 • - • .;•-• . -• . - .
, ~ , • ,
• • •
c .
. • -
. .
• _
us ss tatbs
_ .
ARMSTRONG it. ttltOZlat;':Cikiinabsibn. liferehanis
'AM MtairsteProdt*itc.--Blidaniclet atr dc6
IALL *MUSA rooms=
_TAIMM!..7OII. gni near
e , leept&y.
Margatser - enur vonniznon
thank. No . ill Wiwi argot; _ . febl. •
EBlLLOWgaigr — r Denler n 'Fancy (loads •
TrinioningsMo.o7 Blake% iltreet feta
'A• .tiP NUER 'third
.drai.etiettl;- tidariWood: • . .• :" fibs
r•* s i Agent or I •e 4 • 0.1.
Lin* of Aukas, st.,•one doitrbelovriVanr. fent
'WI `. wens t• 4 p
erty street; head ofWauct. -
&ELZIOTTi 800/stiles otur Staub/ars, No
Motet st..botereen Third and Fourth. fold.
prajoiYi.F.#4/40 . 1u#1,CifitAing Stony
_No. 49 Lib:
• ert striev'T" . • ' • 4 • feu
tani comer of Wood. au.
.N. 21014L1Z 0?.I, lic*ere mut Dcakrs in.Fseitangs
• • von. and Ittsne'Netai 6511Erkeilitteetll lebl
AA FULTO.Naterketnd Atria FeundrrNo.YuSecond
.4011.4 street, bertl eetahlarket.aast Ferry streets. ,
I vow Ns ro Quilt tr. co., CdatA 444 Wagon Maken s
St. Clair inlraeynear the bridga. - • • • (obi"::
V1.1311.0VN11 OFFICE; No.6s,:Diainoud alley, new
IJ. Wood, etteet: - , febl
-•- -
14.0 1 . Libeny inree4 m 124
• ;Figgie:tabu -ratio, Pink streoti neat
site tkd office of the. Yost..
.: : . toy 23
AN ILLEtt & Rica. ON, Wholesale Oro=lst
snitsiorillferdsanis, corneeof Liberty: asisllearlit:isti:
- A: MCN ULTY &w 1 Foririp . ding cuiel.,anission
. 1 1."..Aterchanir, Cauca
JOHN M'OLOHHEYv Terilorgind Clothier, Libeny street
-betwten Sixth iind alley, tiotith - adde. sepl.o
kluv.„ =swat: w.s a-co, inotsuae Grow „coin.
iii.*ren and Fonstirding Merchants, endAgenril tot
brichton Cotton Yarns, 57 %Valet it.. Pittsburg. .1
- -WhL J*: -WARD; :Douai, roan • street, art., doori
• : above, kinrul street. Office, hours, from nine till
TICS:MET A /Ifircheent . Taaori, - Wood street,
vl./ second door from Water, constantly on
hand a .well 'selected lot of A:loll:dog. nualtny.
uu T. R. Inoksals and Retail Cloth
- • 'ln/ Sore, No. 45 Liberty
.streot„ . corne; di Virgin
allay; Pituburgh. fe125:1 •
'ILLEE's IsYcctssor - to tdoards Lar y ) Wool finder
. and Conantmini Merchant, for the sate of Ameri.
Odd Woolen Goods. 101;16
Y & CO., Booksellers, Stationers, and Paper /Staters,
corner %Yood and Third streets, Pittsburgh, Pa.
k•biading and Printing done to order. . !ebb)
AM S F: KERR, &oentgen Leto—OA:ea removed to
ta Fourth street, between Smithfield and Grant streets
. Pittabargh, •. _ • ' • ienrlthrt
• XAFMULLEIN & DOWNING, Fa:Monate Mating
:Am Story N 0.218 Liberty street, oppositeSevebth
ranithllNS&SSUTTiTkorwardtne. and Commugon
11., Merman& and ikakron .Plocrupe, No. a Smithfield ,
"poetic tire Motiongattela House; ' . •:..: laid
& 6100E1LEAD, Wroduude and - alai -greeds
~JCIL and Pnlduas Deem, darner of .sbe Diamond and
Dnanon4 alley.
my 23
110 TODD - &
CO, gastkusrres 'Furnigtins goods Es
eablisAnunt,comer of Matket and FIAII streets. up
staln, ern ranee on Fifth street.. . myi3
A 11SAL011 MOURiS, What/rate and Huai! Draw vs
Fahey and Staple Drp Gado, OS Marker street' be
preen Fourth and it. Diamond. • Antra
;.TOHN 11. Qstd Beazer, No. 120 W pod a
Gold Leaf, DenUsia'Foil.. Conatantly on hand and
tsnanurnetaredto order. • ••
11/WHY & LEG, Mot Dealers and Cominitsion
..aref tdrinis, far the sale ofiunerienn Woolen Goods,
Cotner of labetsrmrsit and Cecil's alloy, novlo
BLAIMP.,..Pione Forte Manufacturer, and dealer is
Idasjeallreetrumenta, No. 112 Wood street, near
• novl9 .
EP 1 1 1 WOODWELL. faironerand Dearer in For
mr 'Ero andmestie Ha:ohm:re, corner of Secoud and
.o.eatu tu .
0 and Ri cCLURICAIs. & CO., Agents for Carlisle
y o . k ,4d's Regain:Una of Packet Skips, from
Neer osci iixerpool,..No. 149 Liberty st. .- . felt'
J Agency Ofaef Bo '4 " lSlorei ShiP Chandlery • and
mirk., street; pauttabargb Lam Oil .Frictory,ltlo 4,
T AAV p or m E gn otu .24°'C Llty, Proprietors citrus .Patatonth
b s r of Penn and Wayne sts
___,... • e.
1 4311* :_...... 1" .......,_ Y ' in " " 44 , iv n ,_ G eeer,.Fenearaing. and Corr
T. , in .wr•'!" .-.. " ...... ' . 'r ath% 4etweett Maricet and
Ferry.' •
• • ' I'6l .
VRlLlia aap ' ---"-------
Irilix-i-a , hs andZl,hange Broken, V 0
AG ; es Wood str!es., th i r btfoiOvQurth, west Ant&
• lad
.13.. corner of Third and ilr, l wee ,.
the st.
Cuarles !iota . febl
TOii.N.SON lt.STOCKTONA k , di.isiathnuT .
AY Sol and /*litho.; corner egarket ozd Third
paws scaltsA, Boobrtt ci—
V Fifth street, between %Vootl :a.7
'hIe.S'YEIN, - .Brass Founder ak,_
fieldsmen; between Ditunonoi;
dean '
.1' it J. MoDEVIrr, Wholesale C,cre\,,_,....
V :slice and Pittsburgh mattureenne o. iri a .l ":;7"
opposite 7th st. • .
10EVEN 810 DOORS cl.orku.Nuers i , 5 sixth
sleet,near Litie l .9; " "°m Nitl a tAk,
'" °Or". -** • "'" I `roprietor. -
TWIN D. blOßlSANiirdiderate and Rai
t,P MS, -Wood ste
ret; one, door south of Disqs '"
"X Dealers in Booze and Siam, No. leo Liberty
posite Wood. ,• . •
11)1 Wholesale Drul r
D. house, corner al . Finn 'Kod-Wo6d street-3,11114i".
ti( Woodand SizUL -.1 . •
1.5. X TOITICO.--• • ... . %•••••‘.. 1A.,. T.
JS. hi: YOUNG & Co Cfria&rate and . Retail P.
• Groan - and De4Ten in produce, N . w. cora
YOurib and Ferry and S. W. coruer of Third and R
etreeta,Pittiburgh: -• raer3l.:y
JostiuA RHODES; Wholaahr•Pnainyti Confectioner'
and Dealer In Nuts and an:kinds of koreign Fruits,
No. 6 Wood. street, Emit side, between . Water and Fin
wee tit; Pittsburgh; P tt. Allordera in his 'ltnere are fatly
Jana McPzvrrr.- 'Jamas - .CVs. McDivrrr
TOEEN MeDEVITT tk.)3ROS., Trikpluale °roars, Deal-.
It/ era in Produee, Pittsburgh filanufautures, and Met
ehandiin gener a lly, Na. 1.? Commercial Row,.Libegti
_ .
rM. A LEXANDER fiON'S..Cdtra Makers arut Fro , '
V nishing thiekrtaker4.copece of Peen . St.' Char'
streets, opposite the ,Exchange. Eatireeee on ; Peen SMOG'
. .
. ,
.TOHN 11.. MEDLOR; W7s; 4 •l^ , • ;Wad 'Retail Ds/ski-its-
Emir' 414.4futicsibistrurnerstr,l'Isues,8ehool Books,
Itta Stittiouery,Nei..l22 Weed street tont
Tam.Es re'rrEasoN, Jr., corner of .Finn and Ferry
idretts t manufacturer of Locke, Hints, and .Bolts;
Tolracco, AEU and 'timber Screws, . tioneen
'Screws for Rolling MIN ' sepia
BRYAR, iteciffying Dirtillsriand Wholesale Dealer
I) .in fore ign. and Domestic Wines'and Liquors N o.
1.16 Liberty street, and 53 Diamond alley. -
• CHANGE HOTEL, Exchange Place; Baltimore-
Donne, Tioprletor. Coaches, will be In rendincee
acall.the landinga . to convey pnesengen, free of chtffei
ING & FLYNEY, Agents for the Delaware AlutuaZ
iittsitattr4 . Comp cz. ns of:2ltilad phia the Wart
ease of 14ng klialmes, Water !street, near Market.
• • • • • • febl
CARSON & MoKNIGIELT; Whoksedd Ulmer; and Com
odarion Mot isantsAizth street; between Wood and
:lATAL GLENN, ,Rookbinder, corner ol'faird and Wood
Ty - streets', above C:H, Kay, when he is prepared to
evorrdeseription or ruling and binding. • •, pec9. -
Tilnisfesais and Retail I)eitic7riti
DRY GOODS, North eastcorner of Market and
rdurrhats: .• • • " • • np2o:y•
,0./LNUELA MORROW,..Alannfoonner oLTinf Copper
L., and Sheet Lron'SFaro,.Noi 7 lZ Fll .. l.l . caree!,..betyveon ,
Wood'inniMarket ". • foMO. .
& SCOTT;: ifhotereat . * tnt) Attoa r De L o l fer 4Y i n rrl
• .Bootr; Sloes, u n k CatpaSats, ,Th
Fourtliwia Binitbsild PltubOrtfi c , em c rl ° 2:
, R ! s o gx "Lump a ,••• r• • • o • • •'' . kiIISAVGII.
§ 44; W.4lB.lo3AUallt,,Cornmatron and. Forwarding'
• lkferchina, dettlent tit Flou r Wool and Produce,
Waterd 164 FrOot stFeet, .)etsreeti Wood and
Smithfield streets. tstrur .h. *, mat: • ;
.411si ICHAE s EEC • r, orporser,,and dealer sn
Foreign' and Doinestie Sadlerrh Horstslian, and Cai ,
64 0 Tthmninet; of- WI - 4escripSlOsuls st,
Pinsbnsgh, seven doors above Frab 7 o4qeedoor above
co.le Silo° 13tore,,t
lITLI & SINCLAIR, Otte Martin & Stank) Wholesale
0 - romm,Preduer Cam:Manor' IMirrhantr;sl3 Wood
,tureec, Pittshbrgh. The undersigned bavingenteredinto
. pertnership under the above atyle;respectfully. ark •the
satronage of the friend' of the letefirm, and of the par;
chaser; generally. , • They
.fred.vrairauted•Ln prottuaing'
'that they can give eatisfaction•to-• - all who may : buy, of
*hea, or confide business to their care. •• • ' -
mar - 26 "• - W. M. SINCLAnt.
rrewNSEND; CARE lc CO., Successord to the old fine
of C. ToWnsead:lc% Co., - and Carr & Rowbind,•beg
leave to aunnunee to their friends and to the public gen.
orally, .that they are nowprepared ' to exec ute all kindif.
of work' in the Coach tindd liVagort-nuthingblisiness,-at.
the ithortest nod ca, and warranted to be piths, best quali
ty. -The *try large quantity of, seasoned. Timber with
which they are prepared, and theirfaoilitiesforbusinesa,
enables them to insure the pabliC thatthey are prepared
to carry oh en "erterusitio and prarnytibasiness in their"-
line, and they; rpspectfully a continuapee of the
Dona patronage bestowed upon thelate Amis. sept,:-.'
"DYER4::titiferr and Prelate Zicaler;;No.-168
Liberty street . ;Pittabragb. , unirlL7
1,..0.821710LD.5. - 1: IlltlE.
ItEYNOLDS & SHEE Trhoterr4iSnicers,t`orrimitalon
• .Merchanta,arl Dealers in Raga, Paper; 46., terrier
of aria and Irwin 'itriata, Pittsburgh. then Print-
Papet eonasantly on hand. : • • • '
T/04'0XPAITON,Ir., Whoietair
*Dirtillayantl Dealer iu Forei t yt'aidDetnesdo Wines
and Liquore,Flopr, Cheeee, Seeds, Graie, &e,. - 110.17
'Liberty street, Pittaburtrh; '. • •'• gruffly
. . :ThinteL ouil livrati, •
:IX Liberty street,. opposite liand: All work neatly
executed.- Orderapunctually entendetrto.• itnart-hy
: ~. George BealleeJr:.:
AirmityrnartntEß or BRUSHES . _ i'VPricniniaiiiin
.411: Arran, No. ,93 Wood urea; rulioutrli,.Pa...Gort.,
annuly on hand, a w esiL taral and eatenglatkaaaortmeat-of
aLL lINDsof BRUS ar ch i Wiedsz':
. 8.-41achlue Bina ea; &r., taada : to order at th e
shortest notice. - - ' • • inar3oy .
lre. 140 Wockt sreta,4irttoren. and' Virgin 444!y.. irEIOLESALE- and Retail ,licaler Cedar Ware,
Pa ncy War"e; Wooden Ware, of every description;
Wi low Ware, foreign and domestic; gaits of all
kinds; Patent Roaty.Chirns, which farsurpars any rum
in use in tbelUnited,Staics.... For sale at the Icrwest
prices.' " " - mat26-31120
- • ' • • •S. BONSEty
'.forrigvi am;EDoniertie Wines t Liquort,
mardhtl -102 Liberty street, Pansburgh.'
. _
No. 97 Wood street ; nect doov to .Diamoaut alley, • .
~Vttot cuts. DZALLILII Vim An DRY Goon,
A RE now in daily receipt of aH the articles In their
11 lino of htuiness-,•pnrchased at the lowest prices in
the East; to which they invite the attention of country
merchants and others 4 and which they flatlet themselves
they can dispose of at the lowest prices and on the most
favorable terms. • • mare
APKINLEY,Aare, Sin and Ornamental raffia?,
la. and dealer,ln PAIN, No. 44 St. Clair st., Pitts
burgh, has constantly on hand all kinds of rusts, either
Dry or Allred; Japan and Copal Varnish; Linseed Oil;
Boded Oil; Spirits Turpentine • Window Wass, of all
aissin Putty ; Paint Brushes, &c., all of the best•quallty ;
pad fcr rale at roasonable trirca ' senll
GERBERDING, Dealer in Imported
and Doniestie Sigars,Sanff and Tobacco,
holesale - and RetaiL Libeny Credit, itT
doors above Smithfield, Pittsburgh, Pa.
grAtt orders from country Merchants mill be promp
y attended to. iv:2o:ly •
_ .
Q Cain:h ATKINSON, lilankrattursis qf
1,3 pre and Shea Iran Ware- Theralso execute every
description of Black smith-Work. First street, be t we en
Wool and l'ilarket, Pittsbunth- oct3l:y
TIRTArbrUGS I !—Jos. Ma Dneggii, and
if.prehcosly, north•west - corner of Wood and Fifth
streets, Pittsburgh, will keep constantly on hand Drugs,
Patens, Oils, Dyer-Stairs, -
N. B.—Physician* , Prescriptions carefully compound
ed from the best materials, at any boor of the day or
night. Also, aroassonment of Ferflimery; fine tooth,
hate, and clothes , Brushes, de , which will be
sold low for cash. . . • . • WWI
1917/LLLfthl TROVILLO, Irrufataker, Fifth street, im
mediately opposite the Theatre, respeerfall7 in
forms his friends and tha public in general, that he has
• resumed his business as a Furnishing Undertaker. lie
is supplied with and always keeps on hand Coffins of all
sizes and kinds, Shrouds, andall other articles necessary
on such OCCII4IOIIN. • .
Silverplates,ieo boxes, and leaden eoffitts will beano.
- plied Warder. A fine hearse and cariageallarays ready
to au end .sepra:iy
John. DI. Townsend, • •
.15 street, three doors above Thirti,Pittsburgh, will have
constantly on hand a well selected assortment of Ocher!
and freshest Medicines, which he will sell on the most
- reasonable. terms.. Physicians sending orders will be
promptly attended to, and sappplied with articles they
may rely upon as genuine.
Physicians prnscnptious will be accurately and neatly
prepared front the best materials, at any hour of the day
or night. -
Afoo t for sale, a large noel of fresh and good . PERFII.
• decd .
. •
tr. ostaaatesa: • ' 11, &WM. r. U. artiLER
'No. ll Frvat at, baireen Wood and. Sr:4lodd 1ht415..
VrANUFACTURERB of Bells of all nixes, double and
M. single action Force Pumps. Counter Railing. Bin.- .
'stet %Crater Pumps; fittings of all kinds for Gas, Water,
Stem, Le., Brass Castings for Machinery nod
ton metal for same. Particular attention paid to Gas
Fixtures, and a well assorted stock of Plain and Onia- I
Mental Pendants, Burners, Chandeliers, &c i ao., eau- I
dandy on hand. octi
macs sinorraosoi • •- PAX= CkO2.lM.
A RhISTRANG & CROZER. Comniissiim Ahrchatur„
..bIL 22• Market street, - Piashargh, Pa.. will attend
promptly to the sale of .efery descripihra.of Western
Produce, and other articles entrusted to their.cara.
• Ittran'eo—Hanna, Hassey k Co., Pittsburgh; Hanna,
Graham & Co., New .I.ilsbo ,a O. Merchants generallir,
Wellsville, 04 IthodenAt•Claleby, Bridgeport. 04 A. 4.
Richardson & Bro., Cinciattati; J. P. Howard, Louisville,.
Ky.; Guile & Dorwort, Bt. Louis; H . Ballet , 6,euben
vale. derthy
41.121 2t aaWIt n - 110%V . Ira
N. 11.—Good Stabling attached to the house.
APiJi7toN , - s e - bran' 7ttuneer. has an`d
' commenced business at hie old stolid, No. 70, Se
cond, between Alarket and Ferry Streets, where ho will
be pleased to see his old customers and friends. '
Church, steamboat, and bell* of every else, from 10 to
10,000 pounds, cast from patients of the mast approved
models, awl. warranted tote of the best materials.
Mineral Water. Primzs. Counters; Railings,
hym n ther with every vety of Brasi Castings, if requir
ed - , turned and finished in the neatest manner.
A. F. is the solo agent for Babb' . It's Anti-dttrortion dfo
tal, so justly celebrated for the reduction of friction-in
machinery. The boxes and composition con be bad of
him at all times. • novia:y
and immediate relief and
° permanent
cure of Hernia Suptursi (Salted to ell sizes.) The -
Superior claims of this Tress consist in the comparative
ease with which It.rttar be worn. The pad of 'weed be.
ing neatly balanced on springs, yields to the pressure of
any part of it, and thoroughly adapts itself to any move.
pent made by the wearer. It can ha worn without any
tormisslon, until • cure Is affected The subscribers
ye made arrangements for the manufacture of these
able Trasses,m n impethar style, in Philadelphia, and
a therp now for sale at their °Cie ,e No. I'l Smithfield
near Sixth, Pittsburgh. - GEORGE - WATT
TUG EiTORE.--Josis.D, Meacisis t Who 17i,
one and Retail Druggist, No. 9.7 i, Wood street,
att h ial south of Diamond alley, Pittsburgh .— Th e .
• urnaw‘haajastsreceived from the eastern cities; and
an i a t e intng at the above stand, a full assortment of
s t a g , sine, consisting of Drugs of all kinds, Dy e .
w i t h a ll and Garnishes, Chemicals, &.c., together
w h a l eaa t articles as are usually kept for sale at a
Hi e sax retail drug store. .. . - . •
tare..: He i fleetly new, and has herb selected with
and price. dent that his articles, both as to'quality
ase such as may favor him with a call.
_. ONG
public,' that his PeetKally inform hia friends and tho
tion and'thatlO * establishment Is 410 W In fultopera
fill all orders for Stparea to furnishi'lloat Cabins, and
at the lowest ratecO Lumber, with prcunpdtlule, and
• Board and Plank; •.. • • .. - .
itnntly on hard. d on ono or Wis . :loes, coo
... - '
Sash, Doors and Mo ' ..
to order. s, of every deseripatin, utade.
.. Builders and Carpents, ' • • ,'• •
tags to g i ve hi m a call, amuld And it to theirastivan; -
planked . stulf, suitable for &In now furnish them with
...; Aec34f. •
... :. . \doscription of work,.
7 ,--- •. '; Welt Polse..:-..,.;......___% ...
TIREZTON/c.WAGNER., - 4rorks. . -.. ~..
, x7, mence d - b u yil l e s . on perm* Builders, have . cOm•
establishment formerly '
carried dear the Point, at the
son.; Persons - wishing to parch \ Stackhouse & Net.
Boats, , or for other purposes, wilt team Engines for
call, as we flatter ourselves to be tie favor us with a
aslavorable terms at any. other esup furnish them otk
• ,Also ) rolling mill and castings orelrnent in tho city,
be had at the shortest notice, if escription can.
liavatummm—Capt. Robert Beer, rb, - -
'Chafed, Carothers, & Co., H.Denny, als Scott, Est f.;•
. - -- • •.• : • • - • CYPFUA Allen &Co'
1;1102 ,'• •-• I. ' -• •• .' •••• •• •- _ ENOCR. STON,
•1L,,/ his remaining stock of:BONNETS at ening oft Ced prices. Iliiimata of last winter's shsp ly redn
cants to $1,00. - . •••,,...,, •-,••••:,••_ - - -'.from 25
Cheap Lawns.A lof_of.Dress . Lawns rtdk
cents per yard. • • .
.- : •• •• ' • -, ,to 12i;
White Goods for. Drum . — just reek
offered very low. ) • --• , . and .
Dark' Gtnghtuns,—Rlch darkstyla - or Claphams,
Man Chester and Domestic do.','of choice patterte.l3o)
Mantua Ribbons : —An assn , ••ent just received),
! •Wheleisale Roams itastor • • offered low by the p
! Also' White and Volored -• Undo., - • , .
; - Bylnat and fifuslino.-- bxceltent stoc,kon iiand;t
4c: per Yth Up tb the 5 • 1 Offalities.- • . ~. ...
'.:l3)?."At dienora-e• - #l. Peurni and Markets :••
. • •
joint are ' i DA nt ETEIVAIVe iuurp*Lip .
Spam v . pg patehasedthe eat/ reinterest and
. tr t Jo ho W.Dlalr, begiloave to infortn
a . tock ,„
_i_n trLde
dndsaod the public that they have this
day:aate.".`"•"___7l',4opat_inership under the firm and style of
rclu „ . r the manufacture of Brusdies of every
, .' ess • . l l ...)ts
...• tag practical workmen; they will Make
' a sp,
4 r . t . Pt. urt i
.o ff ' thermost durable material,. ondin the
n ..
stv ei n ll keefkon band, forsale, at their siOret
• N„.120 . W . s treet.) a Yell' large assortment of eve ry't
Intsg in theofe-of.l.Lnoasth. est—which) with their exlen-t
sive s tet t au -E'e taStrsa Fishing Tackle, Pen and
~a, r)to s , ~2 Uaqt7 and Variety Geode, they
Will le g Ptiva tessueand retail. • - . ,
~_„ , _ - hes made to order, with despatch, • .
.".The _ em em and patronade of theirfriends and
- ;Tin, nt a e =: a t tlYioticlted,"an iviit be thankfully re , .
t c h eiTs 1 ) .. b ,
..,......oe_., BLAIR & CO:, •
;FA a 4) 4411(11 ' Mia 't ") - /90 Weed tt . ..
,-. obanabjjust.received and for sale b "
-. , ,
• - • 1.- _ ,, Steldif & RINOLAiji,
. •
'• •
_..r .a:~~h"?!'k:. .si 5.._v.,~:.: t..a,~c~tik:~tG -..t~~~, _Y ~•'
1'1.41111y 11111!!..7 . — : Lueras cm,
ifCEPATHICHOCHCH.:-4iiitreeeied.aithe Hook,
Mre of the subscriber,' in Fifth et., near Market i
~„-,. Ilfedica,pstra. byHarnael Hahnenum, translated
',".'" dby Charles Julius Hempel, M.D. 4 vols.
Ho" zra
io Domestic hiedicine r _by J. Lowrie, mama
n'it Aetna Disease, ' by Pr. HemPrel, vol:l.
id . M ., M ,
"''. 1.13 so Manuel, v01...1. ; Nos.i.and 3i . • . ' • _
Her' Mesita Physician. • .
roved by A: I . Hall, Id. D. -
; p ' a a.,.." 10 ' en's Therapcetic Pocket Hook, foi . Matti-,
gusAlli r.Dkie.-- ' -, ',; .. ••' i 7 " -...:.• '. ~.
nau gmartChtoni6 Dhseasesi 01. 3,. „-• !.- _
'Medicine CIT . ' f.Mfthinhiiiihilabg.
1 F l ieell , "•: . . - qaplftj %L.* - ''' .: WON ACELBA. - 'I .
''''' : ' ' '''c '''.`- ; :::'.-: '''',- - ~, •:,.„. .
''' - - '•' a -,. --'l, - - -- -i7: - .... , . - j-. , . . - :::.. 1: -,-,
‘,.....:: .-' -.:-..;!...\ . -:" . • .: i. .:.-
...:.fii - 4 7, -. -, ::, , : : :.;3':-.; - -:: -., '.- - :7 • . J,,..,....4'
.:Citt:'•:•'l.V . ...Z . ‘ '....hs ..;-. ''•- '''''''''o, •• . ' - '. .' .
• A. 7Z..9”..10. :.!..“....... ,
p:..4.,.. - .T.V" , g5PAY.:. , ;....
• ELoctitzsg. • . ,
1111 IF subscribers most respectfully auntiurice to their
:';11:1ellow-citiicas that they, have perflicted their ar-
Lpsngement totem , on the harness of Tin Rbofing op to
`b=lengive cea he ...
' - 'his now elcise on four yearn sines ,
we fiist introduced
nroofin this city: During , that time wiehave cover.
od over fifty thousand square feet of work with tin plate,
and in all cases we believe We have givewthe most en
fire satisfaction, -.This kind of roof has bean applied to
the very best buildings in this city, including, among a
large number of others, the two superb bnildings un'Penn
street; owned by John - L:Shoenberger and Jan • Bissel,
Esqrs. That tin roofing (whoa - skillthlly laid on) is both
permanent and durable, therecan be no doubt; in proof
of ibis, are can refer Isl the W 0204 universal ;application
of this kind of roofing in tho la rgecities on the sea-board
dtiring'tho lest twenty:years; and from enquiring On the
subject,- we. have yet to learn of any,orte of, those roofs
having been worn out. The roofs covered with tin in
our own city ate open to the examination of alt who take.
an interest in the matter. W have .niso prepared a
miniature plan of reefs, which may be $O6O at our °stab
filament, where any other informal ionwill be given with
pleasure.: . JOHN DUNDAPadc CO..
. ' . Corner Market and Second streets.
•rt • ' • • The Areometer.
,srATTENTION OF THL PUBLIC bs respectfully
called to the foPowing cortiGcates
.8. Essms—flaving ••tested a• quantity of Gold
,areighed by yontliSeome ter, I Gad the resell proves your
urstrament cor re ct' . : and recommend the use of it to
those going to CaWrornia, as, the best method for obtain.
lug the real valatfot.Gold. 41471011111.
Piruburgh,l l / a veliO r gg. Goldßeater.
1.• •
, • Pmanorton„ March 7.18.49.
11 in:Exama—:Derir Sir! Having examlned the "Arcom
eter," raanafactured at your rooms, I do 'not hesitate to
commend It to the use of thosu gentlemen who arc about
removing to California, in search of Gold.
It gives a close approximation to the specific gravity
of metals, bad will cenoinlyenable thaadventurer to
certain when big
placer is y ielding
mrlol Yours, rasp , y, .1. U. M'CLINTOCK.
-- -
Head quarters for floats. and Shock,
s eOENZEI F0L1.711 ako astrrirrisso STRUM, TITTSDNIOII, ('A.
' TROTIT TT & SCO having commented
the general BOOT and SHOE businets,4llMia
wholesale and retail, would respectfully invite
' th e attention of their friends andllie public gene;
rally, to their splendid new stock, consisting of hlen's,
Women's,.Boyit, Aliases , and Cbildmn's wear, of every
varlety,inutable for the season, and at prices 'ta suit the
tines. AllO,- ill splendid article of home-made work,
such as Gettifersen't Line Boots, and Ladies' MiNTS' and
Children's fine work.
Please call and examine for yourselves.
N. lit.—Trav cling Trunks, Carpet Bags, &c., &e., al
ways on hand andd - for sale low for cash.
Country Merchants would find it to their Interest
to give us a call, when visiting the city. . .
Corner 4th and Smithfield sta.
. ,
7 7 7— P ub I c Notice to Economists. •
'iTun - subscriber, being desirous of
changing his . business. has deternxined
t& close out the balance of his stock of BOOTS,
be sold in lots, to suit purchasers. from
Country Merchants are invited to call at
Opposite thoPstatturgh Foundry, where they can boy to
their iatisfactiou, for the stock must bit closed out soon.
cases Boots on Band, Sts, sie, 521, CH per case.
mall. .1. HATES.
- - •
W A 1303111, W A:002118.
Wagons, Drays, Carts, elZoy
PrINSTLVAXIS, awaxmaszs }llLa rl/WY VII Cora? 11CMIE.
riMM proprietor of this establishment baring always
cin band a supply of superior, well seasoned Lum
' ber, is prepared to fill orders of every description in big
branch of.manufacturing, with as short notice and on as
favorable lemmas any other workman la the West.
A newly invented Patent Tip %Vagon, for hauling
briek, Ls built et thcabove plate. Also, &liaising at
tended to. Orders from a dfstance will receive prompt
Iliorrausete—Oco. W. ,sreith, James McCully, Jonas
• • •
Itureassii4 Bedstead Vastory.
S.& W. M. RAPINAFORD respectfully inform . % the
JCL. citizens and the public generally that they have re
moved their iVareroonis to elmithfibld ,heel between
Diamond alley and Falb street, signor the Blg Bedstead,
where tbcy are prepared to sell, wholesale or retail, IMP/
cheap for cash, the following arttelesi—lloreaus, Bed
steade, with Gazzam's Iron Fosteniaga-and also the best
quality of Screw Bedsteads, 1 shies, Stands, in. And
they wish it particularly understood, as there Is tromuch
prejudice against machine outdo work, that they warrant
their work to give satisfaction, and if not well made, the
money shall be returned. • marleam
TOIIN 8. lIAM/LTON, Attorney of Law— Office on
tl Fourth meet, between Wood and Smithfield. Pitts:
burgh. apll6:ly
• 4 GENTS WANTED.—Tao or three Agents can find
.401. deolmble sltuationtio canoes. and take oubiteribera
In this County foe a valsiible "nut, highly recommended
by numerous persons disugolotted alike fin their leartung
and religious influence In this and Eastern Cidcs, by ap
plying in perms to EDWARD TODD& CO.,
may • Corner of Pit% and Marker sue, up males.
Valuable 'teal notate ts'e Vie.
rpHE subscriber will sell, at pirate sale, that valuable
I properly, on the Fourth street road, adjoining his
present residence. and give possession inunediately.—
rue re are about TEN ACRES OF CHOICE LAND, In a
high suite of cultivation. The improvements are &large
and well finished DEICE DWELLING HOUSE, a su.
perb Barn, and other out-baildings. Adjoining the Dwell
mg is a running Fountain and a good Pump, which fur
nish a constant supply of excellent water. Them Is a
variety of Fruit Trees and Shrubbery on the premises:—
If the above described property is not sold soon, it will
be rented for a time. Also, for sale, a large LOT, on .
Pen.isylvania Avenue, at the end of the board -walk.
Inquire of . (marlli3ml DAVID HEELER.
No. 4 IS %Vona n.
Going to Move.
OPP—CatAerm Sweat Rseusnes.—Tbe undersign
ed being about to rrmove, in the coming month, to N 0.65
Wood street, is desirous of closing out the greater part
of his Stock at REDUCED PRICES. Ile would call
your particular attention told, large and splendid assort..reetit of CHINA, GLASS and (MI - AWARE, °lrak-
Lamps, Britannic, Tee Ware, Castors, French
and English kismet Ornumeuts, end Tea Setts, of the
newest styles and patterns, all of which be oder; at a
small advance *bore cost. Remember the place, No.
125 Weeper. ffeb77l AL H 0010 NSON.
.• Commerel now Cabinet areroone
T. a YOUNG a Co.._
__ --- , 1 •••••..
Tffi - AVE removed their CABINET
• AIM WARE-BOOMS biConunercial Raw, Liberty
street, opposite the head of Smithfield, where they will
keep constantly on hand an ostensive assortment of So
fas, Tattles, Wardrobes, Bureaus, Bedsteads, Chaim and
every article in their line or business.
a... Undertaking promptly attended 'to it reasonable
Ices s . • • may27
Wats, Caps,. and Blurs.
• imb'THE subsber is now receiving from the
city of New F ork a choice assortment of Hats
Caps and hiutTs, Latest Fashions, in grent,va
fluty, and very angst., wholesale and retail:
' • -
novl l Smithfield straet:fid door Smith of 4tb at.
--- 7 4 artr" - SHIOhI OF. HATlrnifcrii;f4l7,7 -
111TOR.D Ik; 00, (late *Mord & I{.lng,)
WILL introduce, on Saturday, Aair:Z3, the FALL
STYLE-OF HAT S v Just received from New
York. Those in want of a neat and beautiful HAT,
are illYited • to call at their SICITC, corner of Fifth and
Wood streets. ug24
New Hat- and on,p Store.
4 JAMES WLLSON, Hat. Montt/adorer,>•••
(formerly of the comer of Diamond alley
and-Wood streets.) tags leave.repeetfully
to infortn his Old easto ners, friends and the public, that
he Palk °ported a NEV' STORE, on ' Smitheeld st., wham
a choice assortment of HATS, CAPS, and Loa's!
FURS, (na good, neat, fashionable and ca ZAP as any in
AIM city,) may be had.. J, W. very cordially invites his
Mends and the public to remember his new location and
astabliahment; and give him a call he hearty 'as he Intend&
to welcome them. . :
Fashionable.' Heat and Cap Manufactory.
EOROg S:•ANSHDTZ, Agent, respectfally
i p L
G. informs his friends and the picplio general-
: ly, that he h.. 'commenced the manufacture of
Hats and Cape, tuNci.-33 Wood striae; one door from the
corner of Second, wham he ham paw on hand a fine as
sortment of Huts and Cuts of Ms dwnznartufactare; which
he will dispose of, wholesale or retail, on the most rea-.
ecianble terms, for caeh or city acceptance. Hats made
to tho !shortest notice.' . .apl9.3m
• ..01tatoll Pc.t,per:•1111111.
THE' CLINTON PAPER MILL, situated at Steuben
vine, Ohio, having bosh enlarged. and improved, and
at a very great expense added nowitind the most im
proved kind of machlherMinow p repared to manufac
tura all:kinds. of Wiitinv . P.iintieg,lVrapping and Cotton
Yarn Pape__,ts -Bonnet, Boards, &c., equal to tiny in the
"Eastern. or Western country.. • -' • .
The undersigned,havin o figeacy, of tke aboye Mill,
routkeep constantly on b and a large supply of the differ-.
kinds - Of Paper, and *ill' have any sire made to
order at abort notice. . • •• " 8.• C.' HILL,
Ann . • 87 Wood street..
mami 2
. -
THE subsoribete having taken theE Saw-mill above the
Fifth Ward Bridge, iormerly run by Mr. John Cham
ber, au havinro, good etoek'Of Timber on hand, would
allele the patronage of. thetpnblie: Orders thankfully
v•eeived and punctually attended to.
-- • . . .
e undereigned having sold hie interest 111 the above
, to Meier& Slivery do Spaulding, mould recommend
Whim forinerenstomere and the eommtmity, as being
wi guaufied to give satisfaction to' all eho may deal'.
torn.• . • Oani.L•4ll-: . - - -JOHN OHAbiIiERS...
. . ..
19,. 1849.
..• c. 1.1 ,, , , rim. - _.5. , n,..:fV . X. 4 i.: . ', r. :..'. • ' L , Datrutif
,• r , Untiirierdr, Dau '
ber, - : ....
Buteem Serentharreet and StrawberrsioNey,Pituburg,To.
g i
. . - HAMNER & DAULER keep constanqy on hand
. a variety of excellent and' fashionable F.urniture,
warranted equal to any In the city, and sold on as
favorable terms as can be obtained at any similar
establishment in he West. - *They halm now ontand an
unasnallytxrensive stock.embraciog all kinds* , Furni•
tare, irom the cheapest and plainest to the most costly
and elegant: All orders promptly attended to. .mr2l:finl
''. 4112 Al ab 1 c rib er, 'wishing to. nedacts - his present
~ ''-stock of Furniture, yi Fu
will, film this date until fur,
• ,
they notice, sell all ankles in his line at eost, being ll
. determined tcr lessen the amount of stock . on baud:
Those persons who may call on •hlca with the intention
at ,getUng a "good- penny's worth ,". will not be disaF
pointed. His stock of Furniture is equal to any in the
city, both in style and workmanship, - and the assortment
complete. . • ALEXANDER .111.CURDY, . •
..• Furniture Rooms Third Bt.
Next door above Pittsburgh Bank.
- . . Jame* W. W — ood — well/
• . 'No; 193 , Taxan Bram, Prrreamaon. '
A Latina sad splendid • assortment. of. Firniture,
suitable for Steamboats, Hotels, and Private Dwell
ings, constantly on hand, and made to order•
tar present Stock on hand cannot be exceeded by any
manufactory in the Western couutry. Persons wishing
to purchase, would do well to give me a call, aal not de
termined my prices shall please. Part o f the Stock con
' sista in— • .
Tete a Tete; Buffet Etaqele ; ,
Louis XIV. Chairs; Queen Elizabeth Chairs;
• Tea Poyse; Fruit Tables;
Toilet Tables; - 'Louis XV. Commoder.
French Mahogany Bedsteads; Piano Stools;
' 50 Sofas, ivikplusb acid hair cloth covers ;
50 Maho gany Rocking Chairs; -
90 dozen Parlor . do. . •
30 " Fancy: . : do.
25 Centre Tables . 1' • •
20 pair Divans' 4 wilt Pier Tables ;
, .
15 marble top biassing Buenos ; ..
8 IVardrobes; 8 Secretaries and Book Cases;
. - 20 marble top NVash Stands; •
4 pair Ottomans; . .
8 pair Fancy Work Stands.
A vrey large assorment of common Chairs and other
Furniture; too numerous to mention. ' '
v' Steam Boats furnished on the shortest notice; and'
atone mostreasonible terms. feba.
• Gold .Wannersi.
1011 r PARRY Jos invented a machine. for washing Gold,
for which he has made application for a patent.—
They are now offered for sale. at thes..Warehouse •of
PARRY, SCOTT & Co. , N 0.103 Wood at., Pittsburgh.
Adventurers to California are invited to call and ex
amine these labor-saving mu/tints. They are simple in
their construction, easily. transported on the back of
mules or horses, weighing eighty pounde each, and can
be pat in ope ninon 4n half an hour. They can be filled
with provisions. It is the opinion of those who have
aeon the trial of one of these machines of smallest size,
that two men will wash the mineral from ISO bushels of
sand or earth In a day, without the lon of a particle of
the mineral. They can be increased in size and worked
by water or mule power, if expedient. The operators
work without going into the vrater or being exposed to.
water or wet. anif consequently without endangering
their boa tb. They will require but a small stream ot
water, and can be used the whole season, and can be put
itno operation where there Is tot sufficient water to wash
in the usual way.
Price of smallest size 1105. Orders from abroad, ac-*
companied by club, will beymmptly filled.
11. PARRS, at Parry, Scott & Co.'s,
feb7:dtf No. 11:0 Wood at., Pittsburgh.
13 SAD THIS Ll ' Pl'B6.-Who will be without a beau
.Ll tits! head of hair, when they can have one fbr three.
shillings!. Twenty years' loss ot hair and wonderful
"Bat:name, July 17, 1347.
"Dear Sir—The wonderful elects of Jones' Coral Hair
Restorative has been decisively demonstrated in the Ca
ses of several respectable citizens of the town, who, on
account of your selling three shilling trial bottles, try it
without fear. One instance, which has attracted panic- .
Guar attention, is the case of a gentleman who bad little
or no hair for twenty years; be bad tried numerous pre
paration, invent, and ultimately bad his head shared and
wore a wig. At my reCOMllleriditlloo, be tried the Re
storative, and after using it, according to the direction
(or a short Uwe, the young hair appeared and be has now
fine a head of hair as any person in Baltimore - .
" Yours, to. /01131 KILYINGTON.”
It causes eyebrows to grqw. prevents the hair from
turning grey, and the first application causes it to earl
beautifully, frees it from scurf, and stops it from falling
Sold with fall directions at Eel Chatham st.N.Y. and by
Wm. Jackson, Agent, SO Liberty at. Pittsbutgh..teep2o
.13pillsigivaistitaiii 1114 i -i t -LA clips. . Ts= subscriber will introduce, this dimilik h,
March ad. 1348 the Spring style or RATS
and CAPS, which fbr neatness and ctara
bUiry cannot be surpassed - the style . being such that
cannot help from giving the wearer entire satisfaction.
He is also daily expecting the arrival of
assortment of California Hitit; of various ; all or
'which will be disposed of at his old unusually low
prices. Country Merchants are invited to call and ex
=hie his assortment. G. W. OLASSGOW,
3d door brow J. D. Davis' Auctionll7.llVood
Rooms, Pittsb'g.
ripirE subscriber has l r t emoved his Wholesale Grocery
I Store to the corner of Hancock street and Allegheny
'Wharf, next door to the Perry House.
ma r 7 JOHN F, PERRY,. .
George Armor,
"EVISIII in ONABLE g TAILOR, No. 4i, Market street.—
Hav removed his Tailoring Establishment in the
rooms on Market...l., lately occupied as a Bookstore by
Bosworth & Co., the undersigned is prepared to fill *I
dens in his line which may be entrusted to his care by his
old friends and customers, and the publicgenerally. His
long experience in the busineu and the success with
which tto has prosecuted it in Pittsburgh, emboldens him
to hope for a liberal share of patronage. Be' will make
all deseriptimis of Clothing In the best manner, and most
fashionable style, FOR CASH.
npl3-ly GEO. ARMOR.
_ _
THE subscriber respectfully announces to his custom.
era, and to the gentlemen of Pituburgh and vicinity,
generally, that he has received his usual ass.runent of
Spring Goods, forieutlemeu's wear, to which be invites
their attention. His stock . comprises fine Broad Cloths of
all colors; Cusimeres; rich Vestings, of plikin and fancy
patterns; all of which be la prepared to manufacture in
the best and most fashionable style. Also, Children's
Clothing kept constantly on hand and made to order.
• • •VVM. B. SHAFFER,, a d door above Natimtal Hotel.
• Faslaionoble . Clothing gt.ore,
rrHE Sabscribers respectfully inform their friends and
1. the public generally, That they have Just received,
a new supply of French and English Cloths, and ClLll3i
mere!,—Vestings of all styles and Quality — Ready-made
Clothing of all descriptions, neck and pocket Handker
chiefs, Shirts; In short, every article usually kept in
Clothing Stores, ooninantly on band. •
Gentlemen wishing to have Clothes made to order, In
a fashionable style, will find it to their advantage to call
and examine our stock beforetoing elsewhere.
Dissolution. ' •
THE FIRM of Acheson & Dan is this day dissolved
by mutual consent, Mr. Jas.T.
Juiving declitt
ed business on account ant health, has disposed of his
interest to Jas. C. Acheson. The business hereniter
be conducted in the name of W. & J. C. Acheson.
Pittsbzuzbi JalyklBlB
. • • ••• •• '
. Mr In valthdrawingfroin the firm ofAcheson & Dagg,
I take , pleasure in recommending my anecesssor to my
friends and the public generally. • JAS. T. DACQ. •
July 29, l.34&—aug • . • .
pMISSOLUTION.—The Partnership heretoforexist
ing between the subseribers, under the firm of J. &
~ D itvrrr, was dissolved on the 7th inst. Either party
la authorized to ;Me the name of the firm, in settlement.
Afarch 10.
11y`00-PARTNERSHIP.—The undersigned have this
day formed a Co-partnership under the firm of JOHN
hi'DEVITT & BROTHERS, for the transaction of a G ro
cery and Prodice basins& JOHN m.DEvtrr.
'March 7, 1849.-(mrl4)
TAISSOLUTION.—The partnership of Mtwara & Ltui
.1.7 is this day dissolved, by mutual consent. The bu
siness of the firm will settled by IL. Lee .
Pitttburgh, 30th Jsui., 1849.
. .
NOTlCE.—Thecurulerslgned will continue the Wool
business and attend to the sale of Woolen Goods" at the
olpLace. ---.- • .H. LEE. .'
. lu retiring from the late firm of Murphy & Lee,
to a great pleasure in recommending Mr. H. Lee to the
confidence of my friends and to the public. • - .1
inn3o " . - .. . ..... .
.......R. MURIIRY.
• • . Co... Partnership Notice. •
/Olin DUNLAP. • • /0 1 1.11,PLIMING •
JORN DUNLAP having, on the let inst. associated
with him •in hit buainesa Joint Piatirntn, they - will
ereifter carry on their Impartingf Hoene Formishinx
Hardware, and Manufacturing bue n ees, under the name
and 'style of John Dunlap & Co. The business of the old
establishment will be by the rieniorTartner of the
:pretent Tun, al their warehouse, corner-of Market and
Second streets (jan6). JOHN DUNLAP & CO.
?FINE MIDNIGHT SUN—A Pilgrimage, by Fredric&
Bremer; franshited by nary Howett. Just receive&
andfor Sale by' • JOHNSTON & STOCKTON,
••• •• . • r Market and .3d.ste.
rifitiESE-‘2OOO tbs:lfirge - Cheeileifor Sale for .County ,
Scrip, by. • • • WAI. DYER,
. aP 2B *Oki Liberty street.
LlNESt4iCallelt Bet Gram Lanes; .
• • Vivo. Linen " do. "
• . • 10 • n''.Conon de..
.T.taat reed 14, . facCANPLEBB & CAMPBELL,
myi . _ O7 Woad •streett
/IA ,300.buthels, prime,quality,Jost received per
.for 'sate by • • • •
' 'JOHN 7, p.gaay, ,
-, T , tNoxidoor to Tennaonn, AllegbOn 'Wharf.
I arapextEcii")r PATOrdaise. ftk
C . . .... J
'- ~w-"-~
or s, —,,•~~,
ZOSZPII Rieder... •• . -•••• ....... s•wea. - e:
(LArs J. 8: STlllOl=l4. Co.) •
Ithionfoeturtis Pheertir Fire. Proof Safes,
Seeirml-itreet t butween iroodalutEinisltfreld,' '
INTuerday afternoon, July t 24; ISO, the uxleritigneff.
V Were called upon by Aleasre. cncoWit Benito,
Valles* An•bouest and fair test of one o. their Shamix
Seca. The furnace being prepared; tae . Sate w • -Intact&
'budgie thereof, with book", papers and some money; when:
- the door of the Salts was closed and.the.firiii kindred
quitter past 2 o'clock,. and btu a bort time I/10.84(6-w".
red t of, and continued till half past 6.o'clock, being about
Lear arid n half hours, when..the committee expressed
theirayisfaction that the time occUpied with such heat
was suAlcieut. The furnace was then pulled down, Safe
cocirednad' door opened—the hoeing, papers and money.
sire. , The' heat was so' to .melt -of this brass
mountings. .Watherellne take pleasure in recommend
ingthese Safes to the as be/am - bloat juAlgment,
entsre/X fire ptoot . JAR VLS
N iCK &RAVIt3ON; . •
. • . - BENEDICT At CARTEE4 , .
, . . . .
am eaga,ged .in •the bash:less, and' know
something about furnaces and heat. I .witnessed the
burning of the above Safe, and can freely . any there was
no humbug about it, and with pleasure recommend them
to the public as being, in my'ladgment, entirely fire
proof. Whl. KAYE.
In calling upon the above gentlemen for their signa
tures, they all spoke in the highest terms of the fairness
of the test, and their fall confidence of the Safe's being
entirely fire-proof. We have constantly on hand and for
sale a full assortment olthe above Safes. - -
in f irm, • • •• BELL & TERRY,
1 -- — filonnllen dr. Downing,
arra, oppoJila Seven th , beg leave to call the (then
.lion of their austomen and the public generally
to an examination .of the stock o: GOODS they
are now in receipt of, comprising, in part, fine French;
Belgian, Englbeh and 'American Cloths, all colors;
French, English and American Cassimeres, of allshadea
. and textures; Summer Cloths, in endless variety; Vest
ing., do. • Clothing made to order in the best and latest
style. They have also on hand a large and well ,thsort
ed stock of_READY-MADE CLOTHLNG, to which they
invite the attention of theti friends and 'customers. ItbrA
• - J.V.P. - Smlt_ illi --- r-- - 7. •
Louis, Mo., will give particular attention to the Col
lection of Claims, and all money received, shall be re
mitted without delay. •
'—Hon. R. Coulter, Supreme Bench, Pa.;
Menem. Lyon,Sborb & Co., St. LOUIS; Means.' Wood. 1
Abbott -.& Co, Mr. Charles H. N Veiling, Philadelphia; 1
Messrs. Eno, Mahoney & Co., Me3/111 , Chinender, Bliss
& Co., New York; Messrs.Baughc t & Orendortf, Messrs.
W. P. & A. Martloch,'ldessrs. Love r ithlurtin & C 0 .., Mr.
John Falconer, Baltimore ; Messrs. Lorenz, ster li ng &
Messrs. Forsythe &Co, Meagre. Hampton, Smith & Co.,
and Mr. L. B. iVaterthan, Pittsburgh. marYbutm
Rare Standard. Wants..
HERMAN'S SPEECHES. —The Speeches of the
k) Right Hon. Richard Brinsley Sheridan, with a Sketch
of his Life' edited by a Conatitational friend-3 vols..
•Stertses Work:L.-11a Works of Lawrence Sterne, in
one v01.,' with a Life of tko Author, by himself; illus
trated by Harley. 1 vol., .
arta Hoak—The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon,
DaAnthem's, revised, edition, with Illustrations by
leeraes Astoria, or Anecdotes of an Enterprise beyond
the Moumains ; , by Washington Irving..
111 anti, or a Voyare.Tltither,-A new work in two VOLi;
12 mo., by Herman Melville, e•
Tabtsfirr Critics, or a Glance at a few of our Litera
ry Progenies, in a series of jok es, by a amaeful Quiz.
For sale by ' •KAYrtz CO.,
may 3 Corner of Wood and Third streets. .
(Dispatch copy.) • •
Paper Hangings. •
AVlNGpatebased at three of the largest Factorial
, in the•East,lNew York, Philadelphia and Bald:
more,) a large assortment of the newest and most im=
proved styles of PAPER HANGING S,BORDERS, &c., and made arrangements by which I will be enabled to
procure all new Patterns, simultaneous with their up.
pealance in the Eastern market, I 'Would invite the at
tention of those desiring to have their houses papered
with the latest styles of pap er , to call and examine my
stook, before purchasing e lsewhere.
I have now on the way from the. East, 20,000 pieces of
Gold, Satin Glazed and common Paper Hangings, which
can sell at prices ranging from 12e cents to 82 Ppiece.
marl 2 . S. C. HILL, 87 Woodsy
in the 9th Ward, Pittsburgh, 21 feet front on Canton
street bc.L2O feet to Patterson 's line.
One Lot on Liberty street, 24 feet by 100 to Spring al
ien between Carson street and B. Ftel , oll
Six out Lots in the reserve, near Allegheny City and
Manchester, containing about ten Acres erieb—Nosi
4=o, 991,19 1,190, 195,194. Enquire of •
_ .
1:10LIDAYS: HOIADAYSI:=iith subscribers. are
ji.j. lust opening a splendid collectio n of Toys and fine
Fancy Goods of everydescription, suitable for Christ
mas and New Year's presents L consisting in part, vix :
Jewelry and Watches ;Work . Dressing and Fancy Glass
. Boxes ;Part! Cases ; Pearl, Shell, Ivory and Velvet Card
Baskets; Steel Head Purit4kCrotchet'Velvet Bags; Mu
sic, Boxes; Chess Men; Dominoes, &c.; with a thousand
other articles, too numerous to mention.
The above Goods'we will sell extremely low, previous
to the Ist February,lB43, as we intend malting some ma
terial alterationsin onratore and business. IVe invite
all to call who want bargains, at 80 Market street, be
tween Filth and Diamond.
dec23 HOGAN & CAN nv LIZ.
/iCiIHIO PLANING KlLL—Rebecca 'wetland Water/one,
(along Chattier st.,) First Ward,,Allegbeny city, near
uchester.--GEOHGE DRAUER having resumed 611-
'lll6u, has erected the neceuary machinery at the above
plate, for turning out all workin his line, and is prepared
.to take boards to his mill and deliver them to customers
on reasonable terms.
Dressed flooring boards,• aiding, &a., always on hand'
A large quantity of dried flooring lumber on band.
Orden from Western Lumber Merchants promptly ex
ecuted. • ma.304.t
ANCY PANS--12 doz. fine ivory work Fans;
12 " " bone "
3 u u pe w it
6 " assorted common"
66 Market street.
Take Notice.'
LL persona knowing themselvesindebted to Artis an, ,n..• Nicholson & Co., (Eagle Foundry,) are reqUested
call at their old Warehouse, on Liberty Street.
••All unpaid accounts will be placed in the bands of a
Justice of the Peace, on the Ist July next.
IrrA general assortment of Hollow Ware,s. c., at the
lowest market rates. Liberty. at., bead of W ood at.
11000 TS, SHOES, TRUNKS, &c.—Fiiaalubet 4- Ray
.Ull rood, Wholesale and Retail Boot, Shoe and Taunt.'
Store, No. 186 Liberty !street, nearly opposite th e head of
Wood. F. &H. have in store and axe receiving their
Fall and Winter stock of BOOTS and SHOES, cons isting
ofthe largest stock theylave ever been able to bring to
this market. We also have constantly on hand a eplen
did:stoek of Hayward's Natalie Gum Elutio Shoes, both
for ladies and gentlemen's wear, the most beautiful arti
cle ever manufactured. We would solicit an examina
tion of our stock of goods, by all who wish to parchase
either at wholesale or retail, as wa will sell al a small
advance above cost. Country merchants , will End it to
their interest to can and examine our stock beforo pur
aug2l 130 Liberty et.
_ New Goods.
TUST RECEIVED, by Express, one piece shortna
ey WI Cloth; suitable Mr Gentiemen , s Cloaks, which •I
will make to order, cheap. • ItIcGUIRE, Tailor.
Also, one piece . bght abort nap, a very deiurable arti
cle for , Ladies , Clonits.- Colors Jacinto:led.
Also, a good alsortmentfine French Cashmere Vesting*
together with &good assortment of fancrand black Cas
anneres, for Pants., which will ba made to orders, cheap
and as well as at ray ptlter establishment in the. city.
, • . bIeOCIRE, Tailor,
Third street, St. Charles Building.
- lENAVE you a bad eocapiamon, coarse, dark, yellow, oi
All sallow ? If you have, You will by using y o ur
Jones' Italian Chemical Soap, a week or two,
becomes clear, white and smooth. !fiat' have. any di-.
sease of the Head, Face or Beard—ouch as Ringworm; .
Scald Head, Scurvy, Erysipelas, Salt Rheum, Barber's
Itch—you can be cured: for I hays seen persona Who
had filthy skin diseases for years, and attar trying emery
thing in vain, have been 'curnd by washing the part with
Jones' Italian Chemical Soap, and can conscientiously
offer it far -nay of the above complaints, which I would
not do, unless I knew it to be till I state. If you have
Sun Spots, Freckles, Morpheiv, Tan, Sun Burn or diallg-•
Moments of any kind, It wxll. dispel than and makes the
akin beatttifhl—it Is a sure antidote , and cure for the , bites
of musouitoes, bugs, &e. •
137- Beware of counterfeits. Particularly•cheap ones
—ask - for Jones Soap, and see that the name of T. Jones
is on each cake. Persons from or in the Goads and other
warm climates, would find this not 'only for themselves,
but it is a never-failing remedy•fm'chaps and chafes
infanta. .And now, reader, by giving this one trial. yob
will find it all or even more than we have suited abovC;
' Sold at 82 Chatham _street, N. Y.:and by Wm.:ltickson.:
ammt.B9 Liberty' street, Pittsburgh. ' sep2o
• . Rmoal.
THE subMablis have removed from No. 57 Water st.
to the Watchcase recently occupied by James May
No. 29 Water et. [mpg] Rimy, hUTTLIEWS te CO. '
of Architects and-Designers, &a., &c;, from original de
signs,' and from selections made -from every nectssible
sonree, American and European. By 'Thomas WI-Wal
terjArcbitect of Girard College, and J. J.' Smith
'above for isle by ' ' KAY fi e q .,
feb27 Cornet Of Wood and Third sit.
SON tr Forewr,m, Tonsorial Preesson, have Sued op'
the. saloon on the corner of Cherry alley and Water at.,
near the National Hotel, formerly occupied by CleMent:
Archer, and are prepared to wait on gentlertiea
with ease, comfort, andpoliteneas. •
•In connection with 'Mei faaloen, h ave fitted up an
reicelleht showetbathiWboreperamte eao have shower
*oohs at all /tours of the day. • • , - „
They Id - continuo to tervLs . tAsis.entiOiiers alroat
•thele Old Stand, corner oc-tlto-ThanceadAno Union at
. .
_ _ .
- - _
A f t
7 .. .
.;,. ,
~,,,,,, ;:":';'-:.l'l'`‘:,;
,',-,' . dri:44.'`,"§;-T- . -...,;, - 7,i,, '`',,--....,,..
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. - 74 , -... 3 , c, 7 , , ~. - -
• ,, , , ;•-; 7 777
- ...e.7.- ' , ....7 ,-,,' ' • • tr.
facility st-iiiiisrianicitTe •
Vir/ Ul Etr i gi ke tte, are *nada - - 'Wag- '44'4lP-'si., Vi-t!*te.,:
useful for all irurpiciles 70 : 70 4 . 010 .
„ or a.,,_ At l i , 17 4" , :"1 " -•••
steataktur or resselskto;looool*,,,-._ , TB t• ' . 1.- 4 .7 , -1 ?-7.:
pumpint der holds, &S., 6:03,1tif.: L'''`.4 - #1 , .." . .., ~r,:,,,,1,1k5„,,,..t.
For Mines and' klydrailliee.
quirct lest power la do uteaanwitramtplofivitnt7aMis' '
less bo's'n to get - our:of repair than atty,ptuap,
w i t
.;.'" „t::.
foe invented. 'lt throwCitti/g4tiolialstramalralt74-,X, ,t.4,-,--_ •
wallow the use of..ltwAlkihtzdtllfo 7 . os ,q l PL l _C a uN" ' 2- '-:',','
doubledeting appazattik.-,.. •,..;,.
~•'E. a . i i•....-. .. ~ ~....', ......,
As n,Fire Engine, not dile - ftlf.. „
~ rettle ,lancv,4,‘ , t, -
required as upon themtrchmee *Or, atm cad,. k.... , -..,::1
work a much - longer timelisltfiptll fittliphoiAll itt,ilte,.!,
:, .--,,..,
manner of the application-af,lliePfilvTiPiedtVr.b .” IK. ' 7 ''. ' --;''''
, 3 4 ,
or capstan. '
~-i. r), - , . - ,t ~..'t •. '
As re Rotaryfirldon En If '
,tilFilthallay,,Lle4.7 •7.:.
that gatliesidenittursattiontienfi/Jcincoptits ,/,„..- '".....,
ing a constant rotary action;
,00,01/0. /* At' , %li r ', 4 ""•,,
applied 10 practical Puri) • 4' '' 4 '• , %„,_.___,... '
~ t „ ,
An a Vintifaterfor Atinev tfTtiasse„ Ova auass---,,,, ,:-..,.:75'k.
for Furnaces, stip easily an effiel p lied. '''' > •..' - ` .P l.ti.i, :.1
As a Mon wad, warkfdir dig Arr yr c,p;l - rthir. ri d ic
-.,,, ~
' ering water, it is sordething enthelyturyiendettiliftift '-6•1,•V
Lseful. It canbe swedes to °Wrists knialarthereacykojie "•
it nlayiog fotradafions of naillttY eijoitto- ,- fit.....0.0. 1 4,,, ,- ,1:-
.., .- • s - 4 .. 1..„ „.. --:,-„.• 4 , • - t „...-,.>4.ti,:n.5..'4
One of die Maeraterelek.aesteenandsorosintr ROI'
,l - .. ,s,
plications•tested. by evrif i k i re.,,u Fornot --, -- :
' Fifth and Smithfield street.s.; .. ‘ " Ws° . 5t 7, 7"L.,•_ _.: . 5 .,...
I Rights for individuals, Co sigke ii a:
of Pennsylvania, can book:eV ,
_of . • hireable; e, ~ - _ %::
above, and any informatideirel milk_ ' • I 'gt, :-., ...:• ..
• • TR . . ' • .......L. lit,. ' -474
c r t
ap27:lro, ' - ---` .?. 1).7 : - ixe ... _ tizt,""ti, - 1.. , fr. r k:
V rO r ILVII I II . ELL:O *—' • Ir.
4:'' '
-:".- 4
'v.'• .
.. . -
will sell defoliated '• auk • • ' V . 'V"'
hand PIANO - •,• ' •. 4 .` . ",:i70,"
I or AlleluniyousimHol • - eakiiatst -- 7 4.- - -.,..'0., -•
One neW,lii.sewood-0/ pettivellemik . - .4. 3 ,1,11,- . 1,,-.,i,- . t
& Haven, New Yor"inicis •--,,,,............w0 .„ :2 y
One do do -.' do-'=, dtr- - iii , i7fte,,_,,,,,..,:s‘cdt billir k ,„
OOne Rosewood, a octave,'Halate,.ey„,„„.oPrf. .: les.-
ne do - to- -- 71tr - ”` 'VC
..--,,t1:74,,t..7-44; ~.1. ••••.....-
One l'ilahogarty,t octavitotearly.ante _ ,
. 1 * I r
One do do - ' letint&T it lsYlkiit,,c,r„;:e.,
One do ' _ Sit do Rieterot, i5 , : ,, ,a.5.,1100/./..± e .
One Germon Piasto,o octayediv. •1'.,...,:t ....0414v;„;,,tsisflyezie,.A,
Ono old .Thato6 oetavisi:e:acl - Je:a' a' -4,?:;04-2thei".4101"- • -.ietit",_,
One M ahogany Piano, Si clettlirell4oolk;‘,97,2.llratrd ::-.,•• 1::*',:
mass - ';',..`.."75-!'";:-..J.,,,,..i..4
Brass Kettles etassißlalsaki H.
;„ t"re,:7•;„:tqZ.
THE subscribes wotild, rdafitdir, ' 07107 erie7 2 , 7 • - • -, t ,
1 they have Made arran ,', erns lit*. ",_%.';&'•,
of the GlenwoodErass l'iLll -`whicklir.istits-ille prepr • , - ",_•77.-
- for the sale of the Brain ,
~a7Ul' Sheet k e.,.....,,,,:,,
this section oftry • • "• • • dalrit ... lei '''-'.,..;,?
are not surpassed in quality . A.. 4, . - •,4 ' eillq `,..' ---. ..:- . 1
lishment in she United Ste 'A er, .., !,:t - x j." .:" , z
Leavy stock of these goods., , 'ti• . • ,
~,,„ - I lie, ~ a ,_.
pleased 'to sell at mach -priced. • r • MU' •-'•'... P,_: ,li rt L i i 4,.. '
views of wholesale -Iniyers. `Pardwarit mere • terifvenual
other deniers in these goods Will z idease gyre tor a 212:44... ~....,,;,•,,,,,,,
JOH DUD1L.6.P.6c4W.,,,,,,,,,...,-,•,...;er.e.
Corner Market and Socelkeitt,t,i7,7 , 2 ...:: - ,-'
Lamartlna .lEllo ;ID .6.:; , .K..,LF: zj-` , • '
coasza or sourru-asn Guar • T
IEIE. subscriber respectfully n anouktattellet lacks,
now opened this new and exce ll ent'Hotel for the ac- " • -,. '
eommodatibn of travetlarr.; boarders, and :Id- publie4cir
erally. The house and faranurivare eintirelynenst i and . - ...,
the most,comfortable have beeesparetto /bailer itabeot - • ;"
no pains or expensennd pleasant Hotel* La:the Ctty.' l, ,., ' +
The subserber is determined to iloserrtiptad en f- _. i
solicits, ashore of public rtin:nitrite- 4... . 4: i:
locUltly • • JACOIFHORGII,*.pIietoi ' "., •."
k . "TEW AND v,edunz woRR..;--tik:le --- "Tact_ i: •
~. , Remains, with an aceenordf a vistifto Ilititvacanfitsta
Chnsuans of Kurdistan, And the Yi gedidi'brDetilliPil r•
shippers, aud an inqiury into themanuart andectis Man ' - '
ancient Asap:tans; by Austen Hen.rylaiy nli„Epik il, CS
IL Just received and for sale by, ,_ -- 1 - .-.._•• -it. J . I, , • -,'
' 30iiNSTOW/Y. ~ ;-- . --- ~
• • Cor. of Mark - "'"' - i
To Use Public...Malang/Atilt, kr•-• -,::-
THE Commissioners of Alleghenreoelt,oollla.
1 selves of the earliest opporttinnylut nisnike. ,• - -,' ."
era of County Scrip, Martha Boatthaveltirdehapisi
talon the tuloptionofineasurestrridtninmpl,lvdenstken
of every dollar of Scripissuedhert 9kire'lksnitYeiptlon,,,."-_ -,,,
_,•,-- .
of clams against maid County,. a nd „ the• - Cortladdottnert_-= 4
now give assarancethat, in the centeanf a l'ertv'data,rhef 5
resolves of the Board for the speedy,„.arkfallre4emptfehts-
of the County 6crip now in el scabs uno:asil l i fid,joattife 1k ... ": , :t" , .... -
esubjectd to relieve the anxiety of the.,ppbansdnvinadtde
The credit 'of Allegheny Coinity,,tiart e nbt,4firtY 44:
momentary interroPtion Of r VC 6 CUM.l4Pettrlit IMP "
' • '
upon do andoubted solvenby of she.nehe_s illittl. 6 P -• ; , 1
01011 c-_POPlllation of the Slate. By *Met - diltbe BON
ap2l JAMES BCHAllLLEilfugledt.: '
' •
.I Lime 1 Lbas
.A." QUANTITY-OFLIMA orate vmystiesuptehtf, - •
will be furnished on reasonable tenwent abort ttg• ' •
uce, by apply/04°0e aubscribentit hiskloieiHdinkend
of de Idonong la Dridge, Sdnilt..Pittabsirill -,4'. ,, e ,
rnayll.2ad JAhIP ,SLACK.MaIii:.
aux. cia 1 5,c . , E ,,_ .250 it4ftui,..T_ust dand &
orahieV : • '
B. A -FAHNESTOCK CO4 • .. - -
mt ...... 1y1l . - e' ' Corner lie sail Wikskinli._
A A. MASON & CO., No. BO .aserlat rotii aid...on ,
4.n.• straitly in the receipt of Rich Rll4l /40./RXRTRS - • .
•We have on hand the followiug,Goods, viz :"' • :I - -*"..
166 rich emb'd Muslin. Capes, from Illitklla 40 -'
"' '' •,..- .-
860 embrolderedfiltuilinCollalku u !..3_,lfttr/80-,-- 1' -- • ''',"
sou crotchet ~ '' .."......<,,“ '.16-t0:46 -2. . 1
3.50 lace -'' t " ire *,,s :tem, ~ .: -• i
700 giMPare ": '' ~ ,t . ... ;4409'.4 . 1.W...?
.., ,
160 Jenny Lind •• 7 .." -t`-,J07.• ~ .“...N0 ,0 46:r1,00. " ," . ' 7
- 130 embroiseredMaslinllabila, ' 4 ' 'AO /OAP '' i '.
690 Pain; i " ..' -." j..',,CUEI . Py- " s 4strloi,sl'
Alta; treat variety- -
...„ , 2 , •'''''',. ''..." -
kCall sootritt daHlteaptHatt•Pridel'Cith Sdrise-140,Lar'• "... 1 - -
et street. .1:1- . .- ; . -...,...inay12. '"'",.. -,...,-
THEAI s . a YINI PSTABLEOF P TOFFlCRl3,containX ' :,
,J,:ing, un- alphabetical fist or Nat offloifig,"thichn......" • '
iht, linkled:Statel; illstance rinuti . VltalaPVl 4 l"." C. -., , 1
State and Territonat,C7lPoo/B"77loe.coimari . axb i'. "'.
,bilingtliti Post Ofiees its eaeb - Siste,as well, ns" CODnlif. '
with ad appandixef th e• United Stamp an4-EnuehTvegi.....,-,..
jest received-by .-JOHNSTOV4, STOCKTON,
.mare, . . '',, • • Comer Wand - Market rdsk
riIjNORESS"TOBideO-24 hole's'. Russel l& - gobin z _
1, ~.„ . r 4.
~,f. son's" "Ye -Lamp Congress' Tobacco, Ito& tiseeqs4,-,., -
and Or sale by..
. 7 .. MILLER * RICKHgliw . .i. ,"
pan is , ...... Nos, 171 and i 74 Ltbe e l k•erreol••' ' ,
I, and Invin street,. ' •
A. C. RELNIIARTe; Aldertnim'ezd'rollaNalliWn"'
Ticoxas o , Barazt, Chief : •: • : • -
Joacru RANDOLPI4 Aill's • , db.!". • - ' • .1. 1 - • _
(Cr Wlll attend at axiy,l'otu,diii:ot nigtti.whe4. .;
• .
. Clone
w . ' •• ••• ' •
IprORSES, w hile running rim; Irt ibe' r • • •
very apt to bruise alai ituatte. ifiearlrelves In 'Mau '•
•ways. .They nre•oftea disabled' SO Stiii) till' useless rutile , :-
long, time .z •If immediate use could bb Inlide'vfli".:7V - - • -
Fahnestoek• to. Col's ..Rabefseletta tad: We
well tealtaltletl).# 3l6 4 ll6 remedy pabbed,iiirjt•N‘vajd
'relief; ease Oa pits. No.fattaer sttad, itithOta
`.l. 4 ektbOttPtilliatairuS,asirisolt;Etsiling•*t o triittr ca. beet
ißrerotteptad.salet • • • • - • • • •
Wood andlloraneoutpascr, •
. , _ Corner Sixth anoi• Wood,.
1.7 at re - ct' 4 arla PI br.
• • • - H. A', FatpmauticK it2do 1 _
; 4 ~ .13couteilst" Nr4304
Wror sac !)VAliza)- 9 1 MMIN5 & SALMI:
s • 4';. ,
'i. , :'•
tinart bot