The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, June 16, 1849, Image 4

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    - - - -
.. sesocmoorrasassassasase
"Ore ' . 2. ' I,* • TEAS' P'Ai t E
. H - T
'-.-.20-131.16•ArT,BUON II:fool - cited - to an entire nee
P=article,- of - RAILIHG,' made of wrought iron. bars;
- a0 foil - unpealed rods, or wire, and. expiessiy - desighed
• .. ~ I for. enclosing Omuipes,'Cemetertes.'llaleontes,- PUNK
.-.Prottrida,, atprices. va ryingfromoo centsitckS3;oo the
limning, foot. It: Is raadeln pannels of' various lengths,
Rl* 4 Teei.highoxi th Avitought iron poem li-inch - square,
athitervening - M f 6 stances o 1,510 feet- ,If desired, the
panels can be made of any height. Meontirieons spans
.0t.5010 00 feet,-withor,without postm - -- Naextra charge
far posts
- -- .7 - .The comparative lightness, great mrenmit anddarabil
, ityof the WIRE RAILING, the beauty of its varied or-.
namental dasigns:logether;Wltlithe extremely lowprice
atwhicii it is sold; are - ceasing it to supersede' the Cast
Iron Railing; wherever their comparative merits have
-- been tested. Eor farther particulars address
-- '- " - 'lll-ABSEIALL & BROTHERS, ,
Agents forTatemees,
T.liainond alley; netii Smith fiel d st• , I"; ttsburg. !
Ellardware ; cutlery, Sisddiery t -
TOHN WALKER, impor*and brake*: Foreign-and ,
'DO77I4IIiC Hardware, respectfully annotinces le - his
friends and'the public generally, that he is now receiv
,-i* his Spring , suppty.of Hardware, Cutlery; Saddlery,
&a., at his stand, No. 55 Wood street, which he will dis 7
pose of on the most reasonable terms.•
11 - e will continually he receiving fresh Bupplies.,direct
_ from _the manufacturers 'id Europe and this country,-
' Which wilt. enable him to compete with any house, East
• - Hepartieularly invites the attention of cnitomers to
-. his excellent assortment of . Table and Spiing _Cutlery,
tre., which is of fashionable patterns and from the most,
popular manufacturer&
stock of Carpenter's Tools is large, and of exc'el
- lent qUality.. :• -•-• = - -
Of. eneral Hardware stock he has-every . Variety of
Western -Merchlinie and deniers, generally, are in
-. *lied to call and examinehis stock. • rriar49:6m
I Paper Hangings.
A3l now remiiving, direct . from maitofactarersin
New - York, Philadelphia and Saltimorp, a large and
well Selected assortment of all the latest and Most im
proved styles of Satin, Glazed and common PAPER
_HANGINGS, consisting of— '
••••, • 10,000 piecenof Parhar and Prescot . .
4000 • Hall and Column; • , • ,
; - 2 0,0 0 0: -" •- chamberand`ofEce Paper
Which I would particularly invite the atteution•of those
; having Houses to. Paper, to call and examine, at the
Paper Warehouse of -
.S-C„. HILL,
- - ,IVIESSRS. JAS. HOWARD & CO., No. 82 Wood stritt.
Call the attention of: the - public to their
-preterit stock of Paper Hangings, - which for variety,
beat.ty of . finish, durability and'elteapnesa,isunsurpass
._. by any eetablishrnentut the:Union.
Besides a large and full assortment of Paper of their
-own manufacture, they are now receiving - u direct int
. IrnaulnlrFrnclYd ?::nglish - styles of Paper
'.4 ang-
gs,p„asebyg' •
thefirn'now in Europe, consisting of
Parisian manufacture, 10,000 piecei.L '
Of their own manufacture, 'they have 100.000 Pieces
Wall Paper, and -12,000 'pieces Satin•Olazed WindoW
Blinds, &c.
M . Jaines-essrs H
owar & Co., have spared neither ee
pease not - labor in theirondeavors to rival the Eastern
Wail ranee. establishments/both in quality of manufac
- ?tate anclvafiety of, pattern, and they are warranted in
assuring the public Mat they have succeeded.
whole assortment, foreign and home manufacture,
will be offered on , terms as Low as those of Eastern
inanufliOurere and importers. ' mar 27
_ Joshua. /Modes,
ER,-N0.6 Wood street—
boxes Oranges;', ...500 cans Sardines; •
'.225 " Lemons; 800 hf. " "
'4BO dozen Lemon Syrup• 150 qr." "
1000 drums Figs; .. 400 boxes Herring'
200 bxs Raisins, n layers ;2000 Cocoa Nuts; •
150 hf, bxs:" .• . . .8 boxes Maccarani;
,100 qr. ,"- " " Vermacilla ;
75 traUsiraica Almonds ; 25,cases nas'd Pickles, ,
• 1100 boxes shelled " 40 casks Currants c'
8 balesßordeaux c'• 100 Be. cut Tisane Paper ;•
..10 Malaga ", - ^5O - rms. - white Kiss Paper;
3 " papershelkl " 15 cases Prunes;
-3. " hard " 16 mats Dates;
• 40 bags Filberts ;, 4 cases Liquorice;
30 " AVainuts; 10 lbs. Vanella Beans;
502",.,Cratnii Nuts; 20 bxs A Nol Ro'k Candy;
40 Pecans; 20 "wh'e and yet. IL
10 bblsl r t 0 8 cases Florence Oil ;:
, ••• • lust rebeired and for sale by
Mar29'" ' • JOSHUA. RHODES.
Cheap Groperlias.
rftRE undersigned most respectfully inform - the chi
--A:, atilt Of .Pittsbargh and vicinity that they have open
ed a'NEW GROCERY; matt PRODUCE STORE, at the
S,'W.oorner of Third and Ross streets,which will be in
Connexion with par Old Stand, N. W. corner of Fourth
and Ferry 'streets. •
Riving unfurled our banner, with " Quirk Sales and
Small Profits" as its mono; we ask a share of Pahlio pa.
tronage. - • •
' Annexed we given list of our Retail Cash prices
'Best Rio Coffee, 8 cents V lb.; 13 tbs. for $1,90-
N. 0. Sugar, (old) si ip lb.; 18 tbs. for $l,OO.
N.'o.Sugar(iiew) 5 " " " 20 " "
RB,BB Soap 5 212
" Mould Candies, 121 " " 91- "
Dipped " 10 " " " 11 " "
11:Molasses, 12i on e ; 48 cis. gallon:
N. 0. It 8 30 It
Country 89 .
" Box s, (new)l2}c. e.
Ricer it ims. Sir 51,00, or 41 for 25 (vents; Young liTsort,
traperialpunpowder and Black Teas, from 50 cents to
S I ;3OV lb. Baker's Chocolate, Schmitz' Sweet Spiced
• do.; Baker's Owns, Crushed and Pulverized Loaf Sugar,
Kentucky Mustard, Java Coffee, OliVe Oil, ke.
Spices of all kinds, in every - variety. • •
Our goods are new, our stock complete; end our prices
`irreproachable: We most respectfully ask a call front
the heads of families, that they may judge our goods and
'prices: Thaakful for past favors, we elk ti continuance
of the same. J. S. M. YOUNG At CO.,
N. W. corner of Fourth and Ferry,
- (apG And S. W. 'Corner of Third and, Ross streets.
Steam Boat Owners and Hotel Keepers.
.11 offered as the best Cooking Stove in Market, havingg
_ a new;principle applied for heating the oven, that bread,
- ;rneats, or any:article creating ,steam or vapor, can be
bakeritind retain its flavor the same as when baked in a
brick' oven-or reflector; also, in point , of removing, in
'saving limeand lea The public are Writedto examine
• the Stave:-
' For:Sale only at N 0.112 Second street, sign of the,Oilt
Ettave, where reference may be had to families who have
- them:M use. Also, thirty different patterns of Cooking
. .Stoves plain and fancy Grates, Office and Parlor Stoves,
AC., fli.C.
. • _...........
odkluson's China Store ReinArad.
Tut{ anbacriber respectfully informs the Ladies
ofTittsburgh, Allegheny and vicinity, that he has
..rmoved to a more commodious house, No. 50 Wood
street, near the st. Charles Hotel, where he has opened
and is opening 500 packages of Dresden, Berlin, French
and English CHINA and QUEENSWARE. Please call
and see-them—for to describe them is 'impossible. The
stock embraces everything in - the business, useful or or
namemat. [apl6]!AL HODKINSON.
_ .
• Chiliehlll ilk Stanley,
TODD & Co., Axone'',
corner Pink and su., (up stairs, ) Pittsburgh.
arb.litive on hand, and are daily reheiving from the
Y y _manufacturers, a large stock of Goods, which we
are prepared :to offer to Dealers only, at the manor-Re
. turere' , .lowest wholesale prices. Cluster and Real
SWIM Set Breast-pins; Engraved, Plain Hoop Stone Set
Ear tied Finger Rings; Plain Gold,.Engraved apd Stone
Set Stads; Slides, Watch Keys, &e., /Se.
• Atm* oar Goodd can be found some of the moat de
sirable and approved styles of Stode Sets now in 114 e,
vie:—Opal, Ruby, Turkois, Topaz, Anathyst, Garnet,
Elrilliants,Ate., Am.
- Dealers, purchasing Mite Jewelry, will find it for their
advantage to.egariatto our stock.
• ',Hard,* Ziother's but Premium Gold Pens, with and
without cases, he offers for sale at the lowest New York
prides'.-' ._(apl3; EDWARD TODD A CO.
hilerip Right Side Up. 9,
11OrtiGAN & CANTWELL axe just opening, at No. 86
. Market: street and at the new front on the North-
east side of the Diainond, a splendid assortment of Fash
ionable Bonnets, Leghorn Hats,Breast-pins, Ear and
Finger Rings., Black and Fancy S ilk Cravats, with an in
numerable colleetion of 'Variety Goods, which can anti
_will be soktat the cheapest prices.
'erzible Revolution—Stars - Triumphantl
OE/AN & CANTW %IPA ELL, (sign of the No..'Sa
Market street, would respectfully begleave to call
the attention of the public to their new stock of Goods,
juitreceitied and. opening from manufacturers and im
porters, Of which they feel confident that price andqual
ity will, give entire satisfaction, as our motto is—" Quick
Saks and Small ?refits."
Our stock consists, partly, of the following a rtieles,ViZ:
Ladies' and Gentlemen's Breast Pins, late styles ; Guard
and Vest" Chains Bracelets, Clasps and Lockets Fin
ger and Ear Rings; Pencils and Pens; Slides and Studs;
Steel Buckles, for Ladies' Head Dresses*, Mtulalon's
Card Cases, shell, pearl and velvet; Coral - Beads ; Ala- .
buster Boxes ; fine Rosewood and Ebony Shaving Cases,
furnished; Steer Spectacles; Silver Spoons, all kinds;
Gextatin.Silirer Spoons, all kinds; Silk Steel Bead Bags
and Purses - Cotton Bags and Purses; Hair, Tooth, Nail
and Cloth 'Brushes; Violins,Accordeons, Flutes and
Fifes; ,fitie Penknives , and- Scissors; Globes and Paper
Holders Shell Dress and Side Combs, latest style';
Chida•Vases,.Fnelt, Baskets; Agate and Glass Vases,
RE 'and , Cologne "Bottles; l'aides, Chessman and
Bac on Boards; Site Tapestry ; Brussels and In
train.Cst)3ags; Willow, Market and. Side Baskets ;
killaititi - Witipas, Cradles, &e., dcc., with a large assort
mentot-Ibifs and - Fanep Articles, teo numerous to men
20' 130 RIP WANTED—In exchange (or
, 77 Gold Watches;
110 Silber assorted Watches ;
50 dozen Razors, assorted
350, ." Globes, kid, silk, lisle thread and cotton ;
150' '" Stockings,,Assortmi ;
100 . ," Gum Suspenders;
;175 Freitch Accordeous ;
. 3501311 k Parasols ;„. , •
400 thisbrellas ;
50 His. Sewing Silk;
215 doz. Fans, assorted;
" Spool Thread; assorted ;
lb qt.: Ross Pear) Buttons;
100 gibes Gaming, assorted;
400 -Rooks and F r y es;
50- .Baske.tWagoll4l
With a Large of 4ewelry and Fancy Goods,
French Baskets .Steel and Silk _Bags, Bilk Parses Steel
Bead, new -Pocket looks , Fancy- Soaps,.style -Vases,
very ce;,4e4sors, Pen Muses; a large assortment of
CombsElf.'eserY descrintion ; with a large stock of Trim
mings. Themndensigned will be happy to - accommOdate
his; Irian - ea tuul the -public with any thing in his line for.
Allegheny City,A)legheny County—and. Pinsbtnth City
ktorharbred each—at 67 Market street,
._ .• ----, --..-- .r.Glz!gbisms. -
A LAltfiE aid bandsoraeasso.rtment of newest. styles,
- posticula,riredNiNd to City trade, last received by
raallaarre '-.. - - . - HAMPTI/N, SMITH & CO.
jEjRiNtiNG PAPER— A superior article of Printing
amt a ana ddatoo rat
, le a ' re r . ap . er, , ',:ir various
„ sie : s B ,..c e on e ista t z 4 tly , wt
eig -::- 571VOilstreer.
-- •, . . . . . _
, , _
. . . ,
Ali'iial ilf.rierwsprzli g .Z.Saitimercitt nt_
.:. ~ ,., .- . FASHIONABLE IIR&I.)- QUAR.TR.R.R; :",... '... -
m - a2B' ititatzr snarler. imam Doter Ints&ctranpop
IDVESOECTFULLY inforins hid frientlenhillhd pa lit.
4 .1,
.'l.llliin general, tbsule has receiiiedri miry limerip ply
-of the choicest. SPRING , arid , -SU.IIII4ER Goona- er .
nee a i ii.l'ittsburgh, selehleit hy - Maisel I' id the - East: - °rt . .'
,i,tiag .of English,. Preach''and 'Belgian 'Cloths, C std .
meres, , Vestingrw-Cablimaretts, &m, of r nll'alrades and
colors,. au& of the latest. and- most deilinible patterns,
which will be made np' to 'order In a Surietiorstyle, and.
itt very:moderate prices. .
• r. iit htis alsCi .on - hand 'a'' gm,' large - stack of Ready
made Clothing,- chich'L he will sell very tow. tip2.l:fy
- .
No. 20 Market street.i.. -
11101 - AVING received {and receiving weekly) my Spsing
-11 and. Sommer Goods,; Lam Prepared to Mier to !the
eitizens.and publicingerterid, a better lot of ready made
Clothing than has eyerbeeffeitered before. in Pittsbalf,
and sipriCes 2.5 per cent. cheaper flair can be ptirelaed
in any other Clothing establishment in this city.' - i
, . ra -- Don% forget to call ni No, - 26. . : I
martf—ly ' -
- .• , GOLD.V GOLD ! GCLI.): • '
. 13 . 0 P , E.01.0TH1.211 , 131 RIP'ORT
1011 - 3—ROGERS. respectfully informs his friends dud
JL/.. -the public that-he has opened his' NBW CLIMUNG
S't'ow, No. 27, Market street, between Front and Ser:opd,
- where he will keep constantly on hand ['large ittid supe
rior assortment °feted' ins, suitable for the presentseason.
Raving-just returned.trom the 'East - With 'a - new dad
-splendid assortment of Cloths, Casaimeres and - Vestings,
.of the most desirable patterns, which will be made np
: on.the,ice and in the most fashionable style,
on the one price cash - system, aslow as can be had at
any other establishment in Pittsburgh.
Don't forget the fpinee, bat crill' at -the -CLOTELING
EMPORIUM; No. 27 Market st.,-Pittsburgh. Etnrapot
• • The Spring 'and Sithimer Stock of
Rom by the Celebrated Establishment knit'. •
upon the - enterprise .of the proprietor, has et,abled
him to purchase all his Goods at emelt - prices as will allow
him' to sell, Wholesale and Retail, LOWER than, any .
other Ilouse,East or West..
JOHN M'CLOSKEY, Manufaeturee of Ready-mad'
Clothing, No. 151 Liberty street,'Pittsbrirgh, Pa., has just
completed his Stoek; and has new on hand, ready for
tale, the /argot mastfashlonable and varied assortment of
READY-MADE CLOTHING ever offeted in the United
States; all of which have been made under his imme
diate inspection, in this city, AT TRIMS THAT IduST OBTAIN
A PBSTERANClr—togetherNtittranc of the choicest selec
.tions of linported fine Black,'Blue, Brown, Olive and
Drab French; , Belgian and English;CLOTHS, , that has
ever been brought to this city. • ilSO r fine fancy VEST
INGS of every description, such as Cashmeres, Mar
seines, rich , Silks, fancy Satlnt.'&e..,Ae. All the new
est styles fancy CASSIMERES, of every description;
all of which will be made up to order at the shortest no
tice, ire the latest and most fashionable style.
The proprietor informs the public' that the principle
upon which he will do business',will be upon the basis
of HONESTY and FAIR DEALING; and in order toes
tablish a confidence i u the b uyers,l am•determined to ad
here to my original motto,.4lQuirli Saks and Small Pro
fits and. also make the'huyer his own salesman, by
markiagthe lowest price on each article, in plain figures,
so that each customer can select from an immense and
exquisitely assorted stock, the articles he requires,at the
loss , st priceAt can possibly be bought for.
Easiness shall continue to be transacted at my etteen
sive estahlishment, which has long since obtained the
character of being the First Tailoring Establishment in
• - Preserving olacking.
ACOMPOSITION of Neats-foot Oil and Ivory Black,
for nourishing-and preserving all kinds of Boot and
Shoe Leucite r, rendering lt soft rind pliable and p rod uei ng
the most brilliant jet black, equal topatenrEeather, without
communicating stain orspot o clothing.
LEEWARD & Co.,3(Ne. S 6 Third-street, near 'Mara in
calling the attention of gentlemen to this beautiful Black
ing. desire simply to state its peculiar composition and
effects on the• Leather. It is composed of nears-foot oil
and pure Ivory black, and renders the leather at once
soft and pliable, thereby preventing the boots and' hoes
front cracking. With one-fourth the labor usually em
ployed in the application of the ordinary blacking, it
produces the most brilliant jet black polish imaginable,
equal in every respect to patent leather, and never rubs
off on the pantaloons.
Gentlemen are • invited to call at oar Store, No. 86
Third street, near Wood, and have the blacking tried on
their boots, and where they can see upwards of
Prom the mostdistinguishedindividuals in the U. States,
all of whom recommend it as being, for beauty of polish,
preserving the leather, and facility of application, the
most beautiful ever offered to the public.
86 Third street, near Wood.
O 110USE-KETIPERS;AND THOSE cosirvetwca.--The
subscriber has received and now on band, a large
assortment of Housekeeping Goods, comprising, in part,
as follows:-
5-4, 6-4, 10-4, 12-4 BIM Cotton Sheetings ;
6-4, 10-4,12-4 'Hatitsley Sheetings ; Linen, and Muslin Ticking;
Marseilles Quilts, Blankets ;
Plain and embroidered Table Covers
Piano do.;
Windior 'Drapery, Tcirkey Red Chintz;
Buff' Windsor Holland, Linen Table Cloths;
Damask Table Linen, all widths;
Napkins, Doilies, Diaper Crash, he., he.; which will
be sold at lowest prices, at
No. 110 Market it., 3 doors from Liberty.
IIbGAN & CININVELL, have just receweu Lit
86 Market street, an unrivalled selection
Bead Reticules and Parses;
' Faits and Combs;
China Sets,'Accordecins,*&e.
New Goods, at Number Fitt vs.rsine t
GREAT BARGAINS:—The subscriber has just re ;
turned from the Eastern Cities, and is now reteiving
a vary extensive assortment of FANCY AND STAPVE
DRV . GOODS, adapted to the present season, and em
br .ing a stock for richness and variety not surpassed by
ate establishment in the West.
Very glossy black Silks; Cravats and Collars;
Handsome dress do. Black love Veils and lldkfs.;
Rich changeable do. iJaeonet and Camb. Muslins.
Rich changeable Satin derlaid and striped Muslim;
Chines; ;Handsome Ribbons;
Mode and high cold Frenclf i G loves, Hosiery, ke.;
?derides ; Cloths' for Cloaks;
Mode and high cord Muslin;Terkeri Shawls ;
de LaMets ; 'Cashmere do.
New style muslin de Laines; Plain Thibet Shawls, silk
Satin striped Cashmeres; j fringe; .
Fancy do. do. !flack Tnbet Shawls,
Black and colored Alpacasalack do. do.
Ptah! •Ginghams, bright co-'Silk do. do.
lors ; • Fine Drachm do.
New style Visettes; Cloth do.
Gala Plahls,bright colors; Plaid, Long an.
California Plaids; ILow Priced do,
Black Bombazines Plaid Chnkings.
His stock of Calicoes is very large; it has been se
lected with much care—with particular reference : AD
fastness of coloring, durability of fabric, and beauty of
design. These goods" are lower than they have ever
been before, and are worthy the pOrtieular attention of
The best Calicoes for 43; eta. ever offered ;
Double purple Calicoes, English, 12 1 cents ;
Oil Chintz; British Chintzes;
New style Merrimack Calicoes;
Blue do. do.
Blue and Orange do.
Furniture •
CHEAP DltEsspporis,
A large lot of low priced Muslin de !Mines, of the low
price of 12 cents per yard.
Also, Black AlpucaB for 121 cts. er yard.' Very, good
and very handsome dark and bright p colored Plaidng
hams, for 121 cents warranted fast colors.
Bleached AlM:dins, 93 to 12; -
Yard wide Unbleached, 63 to 9;
13cd'rieldngs, very cheap ;
.Cosinetts, Drillings, Kentucky Jeans;
Checks, Linsoys;
Domestic Ginghams, Mariners' Shillings;
Colored Cambrics;
Flannels, loWer than ever 'offered •
Canton Flannels.
Irish Linens, Linen ',aims ;
Damask Table Linen;
Do. do. Cloths;
Raisin Sheeting;
Do. Diapers;
Linen Drilling, Crash.
A large stock of Blankets, from coarse to very fine ,
hl so Blue and Drab Blankets, fine and very fine, for
; Fine and superfine Frenelfand English Meths and Cas-
Simeres,• Over-coatings; Silk and Linen Pocket Hand
kerchiefs and Cravats; Gloves; Suspenders; Silk and
Merino Under Garments; Merino and Cotton Half Hose,
etc.. etc. . .
tThe subscriber having_ made extraordinary prepara
ions for the Fall and. Winter trade, and having purchas
ed his Cooda under the advantage of markets unusually
depressed, can confidently promise his .customers the
best bargtuns he has ever been able, to oiler.
Customers of the house and purchasers generally, are
tespectfully invited to ca11.(n0v,20,1, PHILIP ROSS.
gyring Fashions or ltlillluery lloson — iiii -
Cardinals, ,
UST received Straw Bonnets, Caps, rich Cardinal
Silks, Fashionable Ribbons
finest French Flowers,
rds, Fringes, Trimming* &c. ,
Straw Bonnets cleaned
and altered to the Spring fashions by one of the best
Straw Milliners In the city, Silk Bonnets, Cardinals,
Dresses ' and 'every ve article in the Millinery and, Dress
iMtkingbusiness, made up by the best hands, at
marl 4 -_ MRS, DUFF'S, 10 St. Clair street.
New Com
Ar ZEBULON KINZEI,S,G7 hlsaairr sra
1/ doz. very high back Shell Tuck Combs;
3 .. me di um
. tt at 44 c,
2 low
ass d ;
I .11 narrow bearded top
50. fancy top Buffalo ‘•
10. , . %plain
20. gross com. Horn 6l
30.d0z. Shell Side Combs, assorted sizes;
no gross coma Horn Side Combs " •
j 3 doz. Shell Dressing Combs;
12 Bufalo
4 " imitation " "
50 " best linglish Horn.
6 " S. S. S. fine Ivory " extra large.
19 S. S." ' o ' tin bores
12 gross S.
1 " Comb Cleaners;
J pi Gri --------- ------------as. e re, ...
TAILOR, Third street, near Wood; respectfully infonns
• his - customers and the public that he.hris just Freelo
ad from the East a well selected assortment of SPRING
ir W
a C k he will make to orderjn the besknanner, jf
MILOUR-744 barrels Oast Family Flour, reed and tot
sale py ImaY2l WM DYER.
• -'''''' . ' f ," , '' l, lttaixiiiitl9lil6ll4,ol44*
12 RW YORK, „B.OSTO•Ni.&e. --, 1- - •
PViaffe!phici. • • , ,Pittsburgh..'
rr 111 $`610 . dt'itthliSlied Line, beihipiow in full operation,
_ll. the prolirietors are prepared, with their nuna4 exten
-sive itrmngements, to forward. merehandize, prodace,
- &c.; !wand from the above polls, on. liberal terms, With
the regularity,, dispatch and .safoly, peculiar to their
mode of transportation, so Obvious when tranehipnient
otvtlioWay is avoided. • •
All consignments by and for this Lineroc eived,pharges
Paid, and•forwarded 'in any:required directions, free of
charge for commission; advancing or storage. -
. 'No interest, directly; or indirectly, in steamboats. •
All communications promptly attended to, on applica
tion to he following "Aprils: •• •
278 Market street. Philadelphia.
Canal Basin, Pittsburgh.
North sh,Baltimore.
18 A 1111'
‘•-• 4,4
Merchant's Transportation Line, ,
-, • to.Platanzvems Aso akyrrecoss. ,
Tait Camila and Bail Reads being now open, and in
/clod order, we Areprepared to forward all lands of nier
chandize . and produce to, Philadelphia and Baltimore,
with proMptrfess and ,despatch, and on as good terms as
any other Line. C. A, IIIcANULTY,& Co.,
Canal Bashi. Penn street, Pittsburgh.
Acsmrs—CHARLES RAY - NOR, Philadelphia,
Dlerchant-s ay 'yr - eight Line, =
• Frii'lllairtiille, Johnstown, lio/ffdayiburgh, and all
' • ' snearnaltate'places.
' Tins Line will cOntinuera"carry . rdl Way Goods with
their usual dispatch, and at fair- rates of freight. -
Anziere,—. - .C. A. hIcANULTY & Co., Pittsburgh.
'D. B. NVAKRFIFLD, Johnstown.
JOHN MILLER, Hollidnysburgh.
ResEavress--Jamerr Jor?_ori, Smith & Sinclair, Dr.:F"..
Shoenberger, R, Moore, Sohn Parker, S. F. Von Bonn—
horst' & Co., Wm. Lehmer dc Co, Jno. M'Devitt & 8r05.4:
Pittsburgh; John Ivory, Sumit,Mtrlholltin & Ray, John
Graff & Co., Blairsville. marl 7
(Gazette and Journal only copy.)
Virea.t Bargain Corner,
Is the most popular of all BOOT and SH EEs
tablishments m the West. This place has-gaine d
its reputation by Its proprietor keepiug the very
bestßoots and Shoes, which are made expressly
to order for thiSmarket, and ho is not satisfied only by
keeping the best assorted stock- of BOOTS and SHOES
in the Western countrybut he is•enabled and deter
mined to .sell his GOOD S lower than any other house
possibly can. he cares not what facilities they boast of
having for offering great inducements to the public. It
is impossible to set forth allthe advantages and facilities . '
in un advertisement, that the. Great Bargain Corner has
over othersovhich enables its proprietor to sell. Boots
and Shoes of the very best qualities and styles at from 10
to 25 per cent. lower than any other store in the city.
The way to test the spatter is for all who intend purchas
ing BOOTS and SHOES, call. at BATES' GREAT
BARGAIN CORNER, examine the stock and prices, and
all will be satisfied that the Great Bargain Corner, Smith
field and Fifth streels r la the place for the public, one and
all, to get good. Boots and Shoes cheap, for cash.
dee° J. BATES.
4711rAVti 0 0 D A KG AI N ,
New Spring and Summer Dry- Goods now opening at the
Sign of the BIG. BEE HIVE, on Harks tweet,
between Third and Fourth streets.
.. • . WM. L. RUSSELL, No. 432 Market street, be
tween Third and Fourth streets, Sign of the Big
Golden Bee-Ilivethas now commenced receiving
a very large and splendid stock of Spring
to his an
Summer DRI GOODS, which be is enabled to offer
numerous customers and the public generally, at.prices
fat below those of any former season. These Goods
have all been selected with the greatest care, and will be
found to be one of the largest and most splendid stocks
of. Spring and Simmer Goods ever offered in this city.—
As many of these Goods have been purchased of the Im
porters, per the latest arrivals from Europe, the subscri
ber is confident that be can offer to his customers the
very newest styles of Ladies. Dress Goods, comprising
English, French, Swiss, Irish and Scotch Goods, togethet
with a full assortment of American manufacture, and
cheaper than can be found elsewhere.
Rich Chameleon Silks, e xtr emely low;;
Rich Brocade do. beautiful goods;
Rich Grenadines, plain and figured ;
Glace Silk, rich goods; •
Poult de Sole, fashionable and late importations;
Black Armures, plaid and striped;
Brocade Lustres, new styles; •
Mohair Chameleon, figured, (very cheap ;)
Silk Tissues, all'colors •
Balzarines, in great variety; •
Paris dotted Lawns, for evening dresses;
New style rich Mourning Lawns;
Organdie Lawns, a beautiful article ; . .
. .
Black Gros de Rhine, all widths and qualities ;
Black Bombazines, of most approved makes ;
Paris printed Bareges.extremely low;
Parisi printed Lawns. in great variety ;
Drapes and Crepes Lime, a full assortment of colors and
Together with a large supply of De Laines and Alpacas.
some as - low as 14 cents per yard. In addition to the
above will be found a beautiful assortment of Black
Brussels Lace,for trinuning dresses, mantillas and capes.
Also. French worked Capes, Collars and Cuffs, latest
styles. Also. Victoria Lawns and Spotted Robes, very
cheap ;Swiss, Mall, Saconet and Book Mastitis; Bonnet
Ribbon; Belting Ribbon; Cravats; Scarfs; Artificials ;
Gloves; Mitts, and Hosiery.
Grenadine Shawls, plain and figured ;
Crape d' Chine, de. a new article
Rich changeable Glace Shawls,high lustre;
Mode Emb'd Thibet do. extremely low ;
Black Emb'd Thibet do. very cheap;
Black Silk do. best quality
Black Nett do. low prices;
White Canton Crape do. splendid goods;
Chameleon Silk do. late importations;
Printed Cashmere do. cheapest in the city;
White Eruh`d Thibet do. a beautiful article.
The largest, cheapest and beet assortment in the City.
arasols from the lowest to the most splendid, rich and
istly article, of the newest styles and colors, ear
ways be found at the Bignee-flive.betaveen Third and
. unit sts., Na.Od. [mares] Wfti. L. RUSSELL.
Domestic and Staple Goods, Cheapest Yet
AA LARGE STOCK OF CALICO, from 3 cents to 10
/1 cents per yard; Bleached and unbleached Muslins,
from 3 cents upward; Bed Tickings and Cheeki, a full
supply of all qualities and prices; Irish Linens; Table
Damask, Russia end Scotch Diapers; Napkins; Table
Diapers; Crash and Bowles • Scotch and Manchester
Gingham; Sattinetts;,Kentudry Jean, and Blue Drills;
all of which will be sold off at prices that cannot fail to
please, and without fear of competition.
ii:l Remember the Big Bee Hive, Market street, be
tween Third and Fourth streets—No.62.
Great Western
THE subscriber takes this method of informing his
friends and the public in general, that he has the
largest stock of the following named articles, of his own
martufactme, in this city—Saddles, Harness,Trunks and
Whips; all of which he will warrant to be made of the
best material, and by the best mechanics in Allegheny
county. Being determined to sell his manufactures
somethinglower:thanhas beon heretofore sold in the city,
he would invite'persons in need of the above named ar
ticles, to his Warehouse, No. 244 Liberty street, oppo
cite Seventh., Also, bands Made to order for machinery
oct3l U. KERBY.
Steel and File - Ittanufaotory.
r/IHE subscribers hive enlarged their Steel and File
Marrufactory, on the corner. of O'Hara street and
spring alley, Fifth Ward, Pittsburgh, by erecting a con
verting furnace, a melting furnace and a lilt hammer.—
Their 'Steel, now being of a superior quality, and having
engaged Competent operatives, they are prepared to fur
nish Filea of every description, that will compare with
the hest imparted article ; and being determined to makeit the interest of all who use Files in any way, to pur
chase from their, they will sell their Files at reduced
prices, for Cash. They will also re-cut Files, and pur
chase those which are worn and broken. ..Publie patron
agge is resPectfallyinvited, nov7) ANKRBI & CO.
City Livery Stables.
Tax subscribers having purchased from
Charles Coleman the above Stables, and in
tending to increase their stock of Horses,
Carriages, Buggies, &c.,would respectfully
solicit.a share of - patronage from he public. Hones
Nept by the day, week. month or year, aW, additional
.talls era being erected, in the second story', er the ac
commodation of Canal stock.
febtn:ln ROGERS & OBEY.
LN retiring from the Livery husess I wleasure
(from a long acqUalatance) recomm in end ,
my successors to
the patronage of my friends and the public.
Bigelow's Carriage Manufactory,
Diamenut bitty, between Wood and SlM llodd streets.
E. M. BIGELOW would respectfully
inform the public, that nt his Factory can
at all times be bound a large supply of
Family. Carriages, Barouches, Buggies,
and all kinds of Fancy Carriages, equal in elegance and
neatness to any found in the Fast. Contracts for any
number of Carriages, Buggies and Wagons, will be
promptly filled. All work of his own manufacture will
be warranted.
Rarartsscas—Col. R. Patterson, R. H. Patterson, E. D.
Gazzam, Esq., Robert Robb, Esq., C. L. Magee, and
Alderman Steel.
liVhalestalle and Retail.
ROBERT H.LEY,begre leave to in
form his friends and the public generally,
hat he continues to occupy that large and cotur
modious Store Room, formerly occupied by Stunue n
estock & Co., No. 88, corner of Diamond alley and Wood'
Street, where he keeps a large and general assortment of,
Saddles, Bridles, Harness, Trunks, Carpet Bags, Saddle
Bags,Valises, Butralo Robes, Whips, and all other arti
cles in his line.
He also keeps constantly on hand; and Is prepared to
furnish to order, all kinds of Riveted Hose manufactured
of the best material, and in a style of workmanship equal
to theeastern Manufactured article, and at 68 per cent.,
Country Merchants and Farmers would do well to call
and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere, as
he is determined to sell first mte articles at very low
prices. I
Donit forget the place, No. 86, corner of Wood
street and Diamond Alley: aP26
Buffo= & C 0...
Wens., Sarsaparilla, l'orter,Ale, Cider, Root Beer,
Mead and Pop, C e ci l s Market stret, and 100 Liberty
Street, corner of a alley, Pittsburgh. mar 23:
. „....,
~ -. 1 .1 ,,: , , , ,. ...:1
. n kstit i :
~..,' I MARXDEN:4OCO OS • • .
t 0 4r-larg - PASSENGER OFFICE .'
- 111.111 *e. ' ' '- ',kite oarr AGE:ref-
- -•- For :Air Retsl'Ormeri in this' City.
.1.4 have theiiseirainrententille according to the new
Provision Law, and take no man's receipt, witiouthaVing
it inserted ; otherwise therwill have Liverpool; .
before they slopp - -- topayin Liverp,
Hereafter all Stferage Pa,leetikere riming from Europe,
engaged in Anterica, to tome over 'irl'either of Me Shipt If
HARNDEN 4. Co.Orn7l be furnished with . the follolorng
P ro visions,Sollisireguivaktitin other orgelems tquo ll ygood.—
See Act of - Congress;May 17;184ft;. - ' • -
• This ph:a:twill prevent atc ka ess onboard. Heretofore
When passengers found themeelvei in Provisions, many ,
of them came on board - entirely destitute, which often
caused much sickneis and death:—
~.„. 35 Sts Bread, . ' • i i
10 lbs Rice, '
10 Ms Oen:neat, • .
10 Rs Flour,
10 lbs Beans and Peas,
35 Rs Potatoes, -
:1 pint Vinegar, . ,
gallons Water, ' ''
10 the Salted 'Pork, free from Bone ;
i ft u l s l h o e f d f
.11 tr e ag e ir i , v an ere d:zo ;n te c ri t tli . o f the
r e=l;4:eek
with as ffiCien; supply.of fnel for cooking. .
Each . ri , in this rule will he.properly ventilated, and
a girod
.11 use over the passage-way leading to. the' Pas-,
sengers' ap,artment. The. • caboose : nd- cooking-ranges
for ilie.o e of•Passengersi are kept under Cover. Every,
nuentio will be , paid to promote theirhealth and.comfort.
, . Reknit nces made as usual, promptly, and at atoderate
rates. , .
. .
Bank of England Notei and Foreign Exchange pur
chuffed at current rates. -
Debts, Legacies, Pensions, &c., collected, and
copies of Willa, Procured, with every other business con
nected with an European. Agent. . - • "
, European Agent,
center. of Fifth and Wood els
m• 9 • post
1V414' Voxnmercial Line.
W. Kremsra.-k. Go., Burnam, Knoast.f. &
S 4 Wall st.,New-York, j Liverpool, England, '
- fissracrrums inform-their fnends and the
public, that they have commenced -the'Gene
.ro/ Sh i pping and Commission Busirlist, to
; ,t 14 1 'gether with the General Passenger Busimas
. -sgeertificates of passage from London,
Liverpool: Dublin, Belfast, or any port of the
014 Country to New York, Boston and Philadelphia, an
the most reasonable hymns. . . . .
Drafts and Bills of Exchange, from .£1 to any amount the - RoYal Batik of Ireland: and its branches, and on
The days of sailing of the. Regular Line of Liverpool
Packets, as fixed upon, are the Ist, 6th, 110, - 16th, - 21st
and 213th of every month, •
These Ships are all of the largest dais, and are , cent
mended by men of character and, experience. The
Cabin accommodations are all that - dun be desired in
point of splendor and convenience: They are furnished
with. verydescription of stores of the:best kind: ; Punc
tuality in the days of sailing will be strictly adhered to.'
Packet Ships Roscius, Siddons, Sheridan and Garrick,
are. vessels .of the largest class; and those desirous to,
bring out their friends, cannot select finer or safer Siups.
Passage can be secured at the lowest rates.
New Orleans Line of Packets sail weekly. For p a d
age or freight, apply as above, or to
declti Corner4th and Smithaeld sta..Pittsbur
Ithmrante dompatties.
The Franklin Fire Insurance Compahi,
. .......
LP Charles W. Butcher, George . W. Richards,
Thomasflart,, Monlecal D. Lewis,
Tobias- Wagner, Adel phi E . Boate l
Samuel Grant, DavidS. Boma°,
Jacob R. Smith, Morris Patteriion.
Cal.% G. Ilstirsza, Secretary.
117 - Continue to make Insurance, perpetual or limited,
on every description of. property in town and country.
The Company have reserved a large Contingent Feud,
which, with their Capital and Premiums, safely invested,
afford ample protection to the assured.
The Assets of the Company. on January let, 1849, as
published agreeably to an Act of Assembly, were as fol
lows, viz :
Real &State
Temporary Loans..
Cash, do
813,318,492 71
Since:their incorporation, a period of 19 years, they
have paid upwards of Ons Di - align Four Hundred Thou
sand Dollars, losses by fire, thereby affording evidence
of the advantages of Insurance, as well as the ability and
disposition to meet vrith promptness, all liabilities:
Office N. E. corner Wood and 3d sts
Vireo, sad Marine insurance.
THE Insurance Company of North America, of Phila
delphia, through its duly authorized Agent the sub
scriber, offers to make permanent and limited Insurance
os proPerty, in this city and its vicinity, and on shipments
by the canal mid rivers.
Arthur G. Coffin, Pres't. Samuel Brooks,
Alex. Henry, Charles Taylor,
Samuel W. Jones, Samuel W. Smith,
Edward Smith, ,Ambrose White,
John A. Brown, Jacob M. Thomas,
John White, John R. Neff,
Thomas P. Cope, ' Richard D. NVood,
Wm. Welsh , Henry D. Shermrd, Seyy.
This is the oldest insurance Company in the United
States, having been chartered in 1794. Its charter is per
petual, and from its high stunting, long experience, am
ple means, and avoiding all risks of an extra hazardous
character, it may be considered as offering ample securi
ty to the public. WILLLANI P. JONES.
At Counting Room of Atwood,Jones & Co., Water and
Front Sts., Pittsburgh mayfly
• OZELOV rose CS, • O.
THE subscribers having removed from N 0.170 to Non.
172 and 174 Liberty street, oiler for sale Goods, as
ollows, in store and now landing, viz:
3:41 bags prime Rio Coffee, "new crop ;"
40 a . Old Government Java Cofice ;
150 hbds. prime. New Orleans Sugar;
520 bbls. Plantation Molasses ;
100 " St. James Sugar-house Molasses;
100 hf. eh. Young Hyson Tea ;
40 " " Gunpowder aud Imperial Tea ; new
40 Chulan PowchonF crop.
79 catty boxes Y. H. and GrinpowderTea ;
100 bags white Brazil Sugar;
60 boxes white Havana Sugar;
40 bags Pepper;
20 " Allspice •
100 boxes Mustard, in I and lb. cans;
100 " Malaga Bunch Raisins;
30 t. " in layers;
, 56 hr" "
50 qr." " u lt •
20 casks Zante Currants;
10 bales Sicily Almonds';
100 boxes Richmond Tobacco ;
50 baskets Bordeaux and Marseilles Olive Oil;
200 bbls. and 100 hr. bbls. No. 3 large Mackerel;
barrels Honey;
1500 lbs. Cheese ;
2000 galls. Winter and Spring Sperm Oil ;
1000 " Bleached North-west Whale Oil;
" Crude "
300,000Craz & Sons' sup'r Principe Cigars ;
30,000 Havana Segura ;
20 half pipes Cognac Brandy, of various vintages;
2 puncheons Jamaica Spirits;
3 pipes Holland Gin;
20 qr. casks sup. Tenerille Wine ;
10 " Madeira Wine;
20 " Lisbon "
40 " Oporto
50 " Sweet Malaga Wine; -
15 Indian barrels " "
15 hhds. Claret;
20 cases Haut Sauterne;
40 p' Bordeaux Claret ;
30 naskets Champagne Wine ;
2 doz. sup'r Stomach Bitters ;
200 bbla. pure Rye Whiskey, from 1 to 5 years old.
CIGARS, CIGARS, CIGARS—Four cases, containing
12000 St. Bt Yara Principe Cigars;
6000 Burns IttipM do do
4000 dela Cruz Cuba do do
3250 La Norma Slay. Regaliado
4000 Primera Hay's do do
3000 La Luna do do
25250 La Minerva do
Just received and for sale by JOSHUA RHODES,
apl2 • No.B WoOti street.
FOR SALE--IGrielalonse, and Lot of 18 (eat fro,
on Clay alley by GO deep towards Wylie street, ne ar
to Washington street. The Rouse is wellmmuiged and
in good repair. Price, $lOOO--$4OO in hand; 'll2OO at one
g r af i; ? n 2la n aLtwiii l yi s ea p r: 4 ll2oo il s n u th n r i ee ed in t ajar SADO i n
S. e C r YTHSERT, Gen. Age n t,
i_m2y. • . Smithfield street.
t A vszvains Pitomorry, situated in the City of
Steubenville, Jefferson County, Ohio, viz:--One
of 60 feet front on Third street, by 180 feet-town
alley, and on which there is a large Two Story BRICK
HOUSE, containing several rooms or apartments, which
has been mostly occupied as a Tavern these last setrett
or eight years, and is now occupiad as a Tavern, by Mr:-
Crane. There is also a large Stable on the same Lot.
ALSO, part of a Lot of Ground, adjoining the above de-
scribed property, somewhere abont27 feet front on Third
street by 180. feet to an alley, on which there is a Twe
Story House, containing 2 rooms on the Ain ffoor,3 rooms
on the second floor; also, a garret and a kitchen. 'This
House was formerly occupied as the Post OtEce,and now
occupied as a Bakery. nitre is also a Stable on the'
same Lot of Ground.
Both of the above Houses [kohl on Third street, near
Market street, and nearly opposite the 'Court House. I
will sell both these Lots and Houses together, or each
House and Lot separately . Terms :— One-half of the
purchase money to be paid at time of sale, and the other
half payable one 3 ear alter the sale, with the usual inte
rest—the balance to be scoured by bond and mortgage
on the same property. Title indisputable, without any
encumbrance. A warranted deed 'given. Possession
given at the Ist of April alter it would be sold. For fur
ther information, enquire of the undersigned, by letteror
Otherwise. . SAMUEL,. McCLAIN,
Pittsburgh, April 23, , 494 m No. 95 Wood st.
Godey'a Lady's Magazine, for May.
National Magazine, tor May.
Graham's *,
Memoirs of my Youth; by A. De Lantartine .
Life and Letters of Caroline Fry. •
The Waverly Novels, by Sir Walter Scott; complete
in five volumes.
Bowdlees Family Shakspeare, from the sixth Leaden
Outlines of a New System of Physiognomy; illus
trued ; by J. W. Redfield; M. D.
Littell's Living Age, No. 212.
Our stock innv comprises the largest and most com
plete assertment in the. West. - • .•
ET . Smithfield street, third door above 2d. uP24
Ti - TiMTADER-24 Carrel! for sate- by
IV ; may 2 RH IY, MATTHEWS &CO.'
)- ..,',, -
f. , '27.;Vr:f l Y-1.-;`,. , tzt.::. - ...3.z. : ' 7
.......- ~ .j liiititio.ekiais,z 1 -0 - 11%044 . 141c0417 - 77. -- ,
- b.r.i.4.110;' , 10FF- AT 0 O'is:r.„--auct.uaz.l.UP..
iitaios a aiii*kiiisfreet.,
::-, .•,-.:-;: Totrandeirsignoriaving=detertnined
to decline his present business und close `7, -- "'
up ou,or before. the', lst:',4lyinixt, will . lill:
froni this day selrotrfor con and canarsorbia
entire stock of , TRIMMING AND FANCY ,
GOODS, embracing a general assortment of Goods ialele
above line, viz:- , --Fringes,-Lices,:rEdgingiamtd Insert
ing, of every 'description - F.renehlViarked.Capet!;Ool.l
!ars, Cuffs and Sleeves; CiittowandSilkilosei,oll colors
and qualities; Children's do.; Linen Ifandkerehte . fs; Bead
'Bags and 'Purseti;Ste,el Ifeads;Claspii and, Steel Trim,:
wings. Bonnet Ribbons, Mantua do.; Belt do., Cord tind
Tassels;Oiled Silks, Sewing Silk Coziles':Elpool Cotton'
„Spool Silk; Linen and Cotten - Bobbins,7Worsted,-and
Cotton Bindings and Cords, Silk, ond ,Lfrien Lacers, -
+lack, While andeolored Kid GloireS, - of the besiquality.-,
Silk, Lisle Thread and Cotton Gloves; Lace Gloves and
Mitts ;,Silk 'Floss; *net. and Ge 11 4 1 ?-Pitlii,iElfdr Nis i , '
Every variety and shade of Parasols,!of thisSptingla
• purchase Fins, of the most beautiful aad rich patterns,'
- all fresh'and new; Ladies' Tracelin? Bags ; Latlies'Spim.
Silk and • Merino Vests; - Buffalo fuCk. 'Coinbs ;"Curd .
Caseb ; Belt Slides, Fancy French Hitilltrnshes, Rea&L.
ing and Fine Tooth Ciambs, Peifumery, of the tin est nntil:
ities ; Fine Soaps, Pearl, Ivory and Porcelain. Buttons;
Clothes Brushes, &c., &o: • • '
A large and complete assortment of Goadsin the above ,
line, '
consisting in part of Fine Shirr', Standingand Byron.,
Collars latest styles; Silk "Undershirts an d Drawers;
Gauze, Cotton and • Merind da.• do,. Brown' and White-
Linen - Dravver; White Drilling do., made in superior
style; Italian, , Baratheti and' Amer; . Cravats;new.
styles of rich silk Cravats, all patterns, splendid as
sortment; red and imitation Madras Cravats; Levy - dead
Gingham do: Satin Bombazine and Hair Stocks; Satin
and Fancy Ties; - Salk and Satin figured and plain Scarfs;
Shirt Bosoms and Collars; super. Lisle Thread Under. , II
shirts and Drawers ;Eng. and GermanNall Hose; Litiel
Half Hose; Silk do.; a splendid assortment of Ebony and
other Canes; Silk and Gingham Umbrellas, Carpet Bags,
Dressing. Gowns, Silk and Linen: Handkerchiefs, black .
and colored Kid Gloves, Silk and Lisle. Thread do.;
Shoulder Brae es,nf themoist approved patterns; Money
Belts, Russia Belts, French Embroidered Smoking Caps,
Oiled Silk Bathing Ca?a, Razors, Brushes, Wallets, Bus
penders of every desorption, &c.
The entire stock will be sold for cost,' - and carriage
added, which will bring prices down 50 per, cent. lower
than the same deserts:mit of Goods have ever been
offered in this city.•. • i.• B:Y.;STERETT;
No. 56 Market street, near, hird et.
N. B.—The Store for rent, and'Fixtures for from
the let July. . • . • - • •_•
A. A.'BIASON'A:c. CO:, ' '
A A. MASON . & CO. having . considerably enlarged
21. their Store, for the _accommodation .of .their in
creasing. business, are now prepared to exhibit to their
Retail Trade the most extensive 'stock of rick and fash
ionable Imported and American GOODS.they have ever
offered in this city. Their large Shawl Saloon, together.
with another room, have been fitted np arid added to'their
Retail Department, thereby giving them .ample room for
the display of their immense stock.
Being constantly in the receipt of NEW , GOODS from
their House in New York,
..they are gnabledio rifler the'
newest, latest and mostilestrable Goods, and at prices as,
low all any house in the country.
. Their Stock consists in part of five hundred pieces bf
extra rich Bereges, lingues, Albannes, Delphines Auld,
hlarfpline, of new and splendid styles. Alga, Foil de'
:Cheats Fowlard Silks , Moan 'De Lathes, Grenadines;
Peking, Brazthennes, Broche, Toil . dir Nord, &c.,&c.—
:Six' hundred pieces of new and .rich,stYle.Jaeollete,
Lawns and Organdies,. splendid designs. Seven hun
dred pieces English and French Prints, Gingham's
. . SILKS_• • .
Three hundred pieces of rich plain, figured and ithange
able Silks, of entirely new styles. Also,Black.Silks for
Dresses, Visites, Mantillt &c., of superior high listre..
Cashmere, Thibet, Long and ontuire Shawls; Groslie
Rhins Poult De Sole, Canton Craps. Silk, Berage. SeW-.
ing Sok, Wool Plaid,Grenadine and Mitslinidel.aine.
Cambrics, Jacenets, - Victoria Lawns, Book and Swiss
Mullins Tarletansi Fancy 'Checks, Linen Lawns, Dot
ted Mullins, Mull and Neinsook do., &c.
. • Dan:tasks,' Covers, Napkins, Diapers, Hats French'
Linen:and Barnsby Sheetings, Swiss do., Irish-
Linens, best make and finish.
BONNETS. . • ,
A complete assortment of China Braid, Florence, Dan
stable, Rough and Ready, Straw, English ,Chip. FancY,'
-•-$1,047,438 41
• 04,724 al
••• • 90,001 85
• • • 51,523 25
•• • 38,804 37
125 boxes of Bonnet and Cap Ribbons or . the best
styles.: Also, black and colored Taffeta and Satin, best
quality. Also, Bonnet Silks, Linings and Artificials..
OY .
`Every descri H pti S o E n E o R f Ladies' and G l en 's Hose and
Gloves, Cravats, Scarfs, Hdkfs. Also Berege,Gauze,
Crape Minnie Veils, Black Lace, Demi Veils, Sze, - '
- • New Visites and, Masuilkts,
Of all the fashionable colors and styles. .
Lace Capes, Collars, Cuffs, - Standing Coneys, Chem!,
setts, Falencumes, French and English Edgings,'Cain.
brie :do., Inserting; Belt Ribbans,. ljnen.Catabric tuna
Lawn Ildkfs- Crapes, &c.,11.e.
More than Two Thousand Parasol" and .Parasolettes
of every variety, including the best make of fine Satir,
and. Chameleon.
CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, Vesting', Summer- Staff";
Couonades, Tweeds, Jeans. Also, Flannels, Checks;
More than two hundred muses of the best styles, and st(
every variety.
Skachoi and )317/Wri 's:.
Over one hundred cases of all hemtll known and api
proved makes of Bleached Muslins, 300 bales Brown.
orevery 4atiety - and price • - ' I
Parchaserzsmay always dep end (from the great facili
ties of this establishment ,) U On obtaining the choicest
Geode at the most reason le. prices— the system .of
LOW meets adopted by this establishment, as well as
their One Price "System having met with such essential
favor that the subscribers are enabled to offer still great
er inducements to purchasers. Every artralewill - theye-I . '
fore be marked at such low rates as cannot fail to give.
perfect satisfaction. - Merchants front all pane - of-the, -
country are invited to call. A- A. MASON & CO:, .
ap27 ,60 Market streeet, between 3d and 4tltuts:
New Spring- Gksod• 1
N°.65, MARKET' STREET, between Fourth .street
and the Diamond: Foreign and Domestic 'Dry,
Goods. The subscriber hasjust received his firsts - ripply,
of Fancy and staple' Dry Goods, adapted to: the Spring
Sales, consisting in part of the following:. ' • ,
4-4 English "Lawns. only 12} eta-, French Organdy ,
Lawns; 12} els., 4.4 Blue .Merimac Prints, 12} cts., 4-4
Double Purple Prints, 12} cts., Drab Mons de Lain, 12}.
ets., French Dress Ginghams, 121 etc., Brow n ins, from sto cts,, Ble ached Mus lins, c ts., 4-4 Bleach
ed Mashes, 61 to 121 cts., Prints, Merlmac Patterns,*
cts., 2d Mourning Fr. Giughams, 12}-cts ., French Work'
Collars, 121 cts.
Brocade Dharnelion Silks, Brosha Figured SilkstCha
melion Satin R hine r', Wide Black Plaid Silks, Wide
Black Gro. de Silks, Figured Foulard Silks, Plaid
Gro. d'Armour Silks, Madonna Silk Stripes, Wide Black
Mantilla Silks, Paris Printed. Lawns, English Printed
Lawns, French Dress Ginghams, Embroidered' Swiss
Mauling, Paris Printed Mous de Lains, Satin Plaid Bera
ges, Chaxnelion Plaid Granadines, Plaid Linen Lustres,
French Organdy Lawns.
New style Bonnet Ribbons, Ladies' Cravats,.Reirere
Bordered Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, French Work
Thread Collars, Black and C,oloand
,Gloves, Lisle
and Silk 'Gloves,' Mohair Worsted Mins,
Black Silk Fringes and Gimps; Mull; Swiss, Jack:melt and
Thread Edgings and Insertings, White and .Blaek Silk
Hose, Cashmere, Moravian, Black and White Conan
Hose, and Black and White Silk Demi Veils. ' '
AS: '
Embroidered White SH Cashm WL ere and Crape Shawls,
Plaid and -Black Silk Shawls, - Black and Colored Mons
de Lain Shawls, Satin Plaid Berage 'Shawls, French
Cashmere Shawbs, and Plain and Embroidered Black and
Colored Silk Fringe Tl,ibbet Shawls; '
Damask Table Linens and Table CIoMS, Raisin. Dia
per and Crash, Irish Linen and-Linen Lawns, Bleached
and Brown Mnslins, Casinetts, - Kentiteky Jeans, Bad
Ticking, ;Domestic Ginghams, Colornd Cambric/4 - ..ted
White and Yellow-Flannels, Welsh Plannelt,' Cation
Flannels, Brown; Bleached and Colored , '
GENTiEmakil§ .
French and English, Blue, Black and Brown' Cloths;
Black and Fancy, French Cassimeres; New Style Fanhy
Vesting* and Cravats; Silk Under Shins and Dthwers;
Linen Cambric and .Silk Handkerchiell, and.a. fine
sortmehtof Cloves, Hosiery and Suspenders.
I have just received a Splendid assortment a '
Style Plain and Fancy Silk Fringe Parasols, Tar
and Sun Shades.
-. . .
The above Goods have altbeen pourchased at the
est cash prices, and will be sold Wholesale and Retail, at
such rates us cannot fail to:please all who wish to buy
good Goods at low prices.
New Goods 1 New Goods I;
Fourtit .anct 'llfarket streets,!
Basottss!—The' undersigned respectfully informs. hill'
customers' Ma k he has just returned from ,the Eastern
cities; and is now receiving a large and beautiful stock
of FANCY and STAPLE' DRY GOODS, containin g
a choice and elegant assortment of all the newest and
Most fashionable styles tmd fabrics„ imported this season,
and embracing a complete variety of every, article be—
longing to his line of business, all of which will be offer
ed at 'prices which must prove satisfactory, to the pur-
oThe customers of the house, and purchasers generally
re respectfully invited to give these Goods an early ex..
Call soon and secure a Bargain! PHILIP ROSS,
apll Moletale and Retail Dealer in Dry Goods.
Fine Shirts, Spring. Styles.'
EDWARDTODD:k. CO., are now receiving from their
Factory East, a large stock of fine and medium gaaI
hyIKIIRTS, wbch, for durability= and style .Uf manu
facture, are not surpassed in this or any other-market.—
The trade will brvsupplied - at low Cat 'Wavy, York ,prices.
Wareroom, corner .Fifth and streets, w,
Manufacturer of Linen and Fancy. Shiro_ , Banana and
Coga, Jobbers and Ifluderale Dealers in
Gentlerneeps -Purnishiner3oods,
nORTII-EAET coRNErt Firra AIM ilea ST BIN. (up aratal9
subscribera beg leave to call the attention of
merchants and- dealers -in gentlemen's wearing
g to our
ng large stock of fresh Spring Goods; now
oroun; o which are to be found f the rich
e p st and - m a ost m admirable styles of Springsome
Goals 9 Over coffin
td in this market. One of our-firm is engaged at our
factory in the East, where:we flatter ourselvei where
manufacturing some of the beat and most durable styles
and qualitiei of Shirts, now called for in any market — 4 '
Being very thankful for gut kind fayors bestowed, on us
during the last year, we hope 10..haVe them continued, as
we intend to , offer, our goods at exceedinglyiow prices,
and accommodateour customers with pleasing ternui.--
We are confident We can offer Shirt:, at as low Prices aa
they found: in the Eastern markets, from the,fact.
that our advantages In Manufacturing are complete;
Please give us a call, and by convinced of the above
i,k,w,„twf.** •••
-----t-,:%'..-:q0144.-€A.T.43,--gft,-,A4p-leN., - • -
• .• - • 1 4 - "- 1
No. 35, Market P'ittsbi.t 'gh
- 11: 7 11:: SU AIS WON - E
Ta# eafitilf.annotuice to, t he Of
. :ANtle
P Pee TV days. ' His =metal lel lc dsu ce ass in the tr t-
Coleat ,a , faigs vssiorqtraf those. diseases which hive
ever been regarded al sneuralde by. the modern and muse
fashionable practice, haelndaiett blotto amid forth this
card to the afflicted portionef,maukl n d. tic hasi,tvithin
ilia 'puss •tivelve months, unpasted • insituations to hp
• wards of MA) citizens of Tenn ease e, Virginia; North and
South 'Carolina Kentucky and, In diana • . among thitm •
PhySicioat of high stanifing v and the) , all berirtestibriny '
of their entire satisfaction. He bus- abni • syceeededlin
pe nannent relief to tiebsly 3000 individuals, ninple ;
.proof of which he can tuldued. ; ••• • • ' •
It is not pretended that the concentration of the reunite
:of medical research emanates from one author, foi belie
ever so versed: in medical s o lence, he would come - fax;
-far 'short of herculean 'a task'. Dt. S. has been in ,
gaged, since 183t1 in selecting andpurchasing the pop
ulaz and secret ' reme d ies which could be obtained hi
:England, frolamliGsxmar.y and•the -United Statee, from
those persons who tyere eminently successful in cunhg
some of the folloOring diseases; viz t—RhOunitulani;Dys.
• PCPsia,Sick and Nervmm.lleadache, PainaorPeakness
• in Back dr Joints,' Paralysis, Neuralgia, Spinal AOC°.
• Lions .Epilepsy‘, - „Teiothrielie. Contractions ot , the Muscles;
Weak or Inflamed Eyes, Piles, Asthma, Cancer, Tetter,
;roost Bite:-Screfalai'lllceni, Mercurial Diseases of lohg
standing, Fomale Diseases, General Debility, tic. ';:
' ForAti instriusioni far the euro of all diseases
or. coating the tlemogenentef, the Nervottif
System, se; that those who receive instructions can act
witluequal efficiency as hill:waif, his *charge is call/ Ten
Er:l3:is furniPhed with certificates and icecaps/26i
:Uplift from the most in telligext'andrxespectable , Physi;
'mans of every place at which he has had the pleasure'of
vislting,Whielv. he will be' pleased to exhibit to the int. ,
ppection of any who, may desire it. . - ,• ,
• • The ingredients used are•althasbrzekusisilY regetable,
ceedingly song Ter, pud within ffiereadiff • • t
.• Persons utilicted With any -of the within named Die
easesi would do well to Wall upon Dr: S., ands! not eITCOV.
pally relieved, no reimmerauon will be reqctirodfoeltis;
'Services. His motto is; No Cure., No Pay. " ; •
remain during his stay at the ST. CHARLES
410BACR Y. 'MM. _ LSAAC a. .nrzxna.
Landiltakdffellatnntl Agency DifiCep`
AT. THE Cthrris l 4:ol/ . :41.91a!5, Crrr or Srunaarnma
To NorwesidenHoWniimr.l2linais ,Lands-,Holders.qt:
• irukbeisdness; and all persons desir
' . . PIP Ff no
osing State Lands Leith
scrip or , bonds.
rr HE undersigned would respe et full yinfOrin the pablic.
..11. that they have established in this city-41.R) capital bf
the State of Illinom—a LAND and GENERAL AGE* ,
ICTOFFICE, for the transaction of all business apper-;
.taming thereto,withirl the limits of the Suite. 1
;Ali transacuons Telative to the.prizehase. and sale of.
lands, examining lands and reporting their location, ad
„flatages and value, paying taxes, redeeming land sold
for taxes, investigating titles, Ac., buying and selling all
descriptions of State indebtedness; this and every other
'description of Mashies's - attached to a General -,Lesid”
gancy.„on the most extended Scale, will be pro m ptly faithfully attended to. ' ,
In regard to Ideation; we have many - tulvdrithaelibtriir
pU other agencies in the State, being at the Cdpital, twit
the centre of the State, and at the very fountainthead of
all 'information in relation 'to - matters tonnected With
,lands,taxes,and State indeotedneas, through the mediumof the go rernmentand executive offices. In addition to .
this important advantage, the senior partner, Mr. 'Ash,
has °equaled, for several y n ears, the positio of principal
Clerk its the State Auditor's office, and having had charge.
of the bookstand State land department in Bald office, has '
obtained a thorough knowledge on allnatijects,conneet
ed with this agency; and we are, therefore, enabled atall'.
times to give correct and - prompt infonzunion, much its
advance of any other agency in the State. ;Our location;
iit also important to non-residents wishing to pay taxer,
. as our acquaintance with the collectors of the revenue Is
such that we can obtain the tax receipts through the
- mail, and the money paid directly into the State treasa
ry, thereby avoiding the risk of remitting funds by mall..
We also beg leave to inform persona wishing to pur
chase State lands, that our arrangements are such, that
we can, t all time:kill:nisi' State bonds, scrip, or indebt,,l
edness in any runchmt, and at lees rates than any other
office in the State. '
_ .
In conclusion, we take pride in referring toihe cha&l
acter'and standing of the gentlemen who have been kind
enough to permit us tonse their names us references, and
with a sincere desire to please,backed by fidelity,. indus- .
try and pfomptitude in all our business transacttons, to
merit•the confidence of• all who may entrust their busi
ness to our hands. ASH & MLLE&
SprhfgJirid, March RA, 1849.. ,
Hort•DanitslSUageon, U.' S. Senate: . .
Hon. James Cooper,• •. do. ••
. Col: Samuel W. Black,. • . .• • • •Pitlburgh, Pa.
Gen. Robert Patterson, Philadelphia.
Gen: Adam . • • '
Joseph. L. Chester, ' do. • •
hlessrs. Wadsworth& Sheldon, New 1 ork City. . •
Messrs. Hill, McLean &C0.,-.;• New Orleans.
ss • .
Mers. A. dowdy & Co., Louisville. • ••
John M. Wymer Esq., St. Louis .
James Calhoun, hst:, ..... •-•; 4`loeinnati. • • .
His Es. Gov. A. C. French, • -• • Springfield, ill.
Hon. Thomas H. Campbell, - •
. Hon. S..H.Treas
• .."L •". City Scrip.'. " •
In conformity with the 2d Section of the Ordinance
of the Nth of April, 18414 - directing the undersigned .10
degoliale.for CITY SCRIP, the Bonds and Mongages of
individuals held by the City for property sold, amounting
notice is hereby given, that the said obligations will now
be disposed of for the CorporatT issues of the .Cjq• of
Pittsburgh, of the denominations of One, Two and Three
Further Notice is hereby given, that City Bonds, bear
ing interest, from , the, BM. day, of Apzilo.o49; at the rue
ore per cet. pet' annum, will at any.tne; hereafter be
issued to the holder or holders of City Sc n rip; in sums of •
One Hundred .Doftam and-upwards, accordhm to the
provisions of the above date....: , • S. R. JOHNSTON,
ay.& Sfign. Paihtlitv. •
11.47 TPIELD'would'respeetfullkinform the citizen
Of Pittsburgh and Akellteny that he la prepared to
do all kinda_of43llNAMPaW.AL PAINTINGi•each as
'planation - isf"Wonir ruidrattine ardent left :With J.
aOrtiSONlEltioimait Agent s will be. strictly auonded to.
TORS' SALE. of Dip - Goods," Clothing;-Paney - Arti.;
des, Toys, Hardware;- Gallery, Saddlery, Gold Watch;
&e., - -at AUCTION; by Catalogue.-Ip.r.cill he taken for
.1011180 f the Goodii-Cogunezteing on. THURSDAY nevi
May .1 lOth,'at 10 o'clock in the . forenoon, will - be sold,
without reserve, to the higheet and best bidder, by'order
of Myers Barker, Constable, and G. Rowell, W. IL
- Miskltill, - Assignees of Min. Waternituil tibia I'. Wilson,
Adrainisbator, and C. al,'Administmtrix of the fate
P. Palatal,' dee'd, the separate stocks - of three Retail
Stores, ,by ~ catalogne,.comptising; in - Part-eol'd oam
brine+, vesting,s, balzarmes, ging,harns,ctuinet, pruttaloow
stuffs,'eashrnarett, - broad cloths,' Worsted plaid, Preach'
cassitaeres,gtunbroon; etiating,.drilling, linen atul cotton
checks; chusam chintz sad. calt6oelbspleadid cashinera:
shawls, black Holland; summer ctleelmere!)- mops de! ,
laitiesOnalderglove IV hosiery, laces and edgmgs, groa d'
Naples silks, a large assortment of .ribbandklrce veils, ,
alpacas, - mennos, red flannel, lustre, and, dimity, a large,
assortment - of.
merino_ shawls,' braid, gimp, straw and:
lawn- hamlets-Ide laine and ,Celtart ahawlsi crape, era
"vati;tailk ' lidkfs.," reticules, a lot of clothing, hardware,,
cutlery,' taYs, - . French.tuid German - fancy goods; also,.
groceries, &c.. Cattoognes will be ready on-Saturday,:
and the goods arrangeotfor examination to-morrow. The'
Assignees have ,concluded to. take -, Scrip ni - liar for ,Ilieir
goods, which will be marked in catalogue. he Consta
ble's goods will; be. sold for par fcutdei, and the .Acluuttlis-
ttators for currency. - MYERB-BARKW Constable.G. BO
• . . • : ...- • .:;:- _ W. H. misKaiLL ;
• . Assignec eo f- T. S. Watman. ,
, Adin'r and Adnex of the late-P. Mintal, deckl. ,,.
may 3 -. - - -.FAMES McKENNA, Anct
. ...
BJ. wn.uxus,No, In North Sixth Street,Philadel
-4 phia, Venetian Blind anti/Wadi:no Shade Santifac
ewer, (awarded. the first and: highest Ildedale it the New
York Baltimore:and' Philadelphia..Exhibnione, for the
Superiority - fir his BLINDS, with confirmed confidencPin
his manufacture ' ) asks the attention of purchasers to his
assortment of 2000. Blinds-of narrow and Will e air, ,w4h
fancy and plain Trieuningisiof mew - stylea'and colors,—
Also, .a Ituge.,and general t assortruent.:of Thansparent
Window Shades, all of which he will sell at the fewest
. .
Blitidepainted and •
trimmed to look equal to new.
Dzerams supplied on Metal tennrk, •
'The'cithens of Allegheny • County are respectfully to call, before pareltatungelsewhont- , confident of
pleasing nil.
irr Open in the evening.
To country- Merchants; "•
iiirIIODKINSON would remind you that youeiiii now
AL. secure- China Marri_Queensteare; "hi such
prices as never werelieretoforeinre ted' at , •
Remember 116 Wood street; 3 doors belovr•Siti." fint7.
Notice lathe Pa - Itlle.
'III,IE sabscriber .informs the 'public" - generally; and
Housekeepers and Retail Grocers 'partictilarly;tltaf the - 4 2/neensware, businesA,And will
sell off his present stock at reduced prices: ' Those wlio•
wish to obtain'China, Queeninodtte, - or Gicas,wilt . find this,
A rare opportunity for getting . such articled as theywNit,
much cheaper than thqoasual , rates.• ' • '
' Remember the place, CHINA I:tax.; No. 118 Wood
street, near the AUCtion store: • •
P. S. I will dispose of my whole stoelr to any person
wishing to buy it, at a '''' • ' •
Janfibtf -
ings, Fourth strea ..-7-Honcru 44ritortl,Daguemto.:
typisutfrom the Eastern cities, would call theattention of
the inhabitants of pittsbnigh,ped the neighboring towns,
totheir Daguerreotype•of citizens and others, up:awns in.
the third story of Burke's build'iug, 4th . '
Persons wishing pictures taken may rest assnreethat
no pains shalt be spared to produce them in the highest
perfection of the art. Our instruments are of the mostpow
erful kind, enabling us to eieente pictures ndsurpassed
for high finish and trutlithineiss to nature: ,- Thepublic. are
solicited to call and examine.
. Persons sitting for picturee ire neither repirred or ex
pected to take them milessperfecreatisfitcuon -
N. B. Operators will find this a good depot for stock
and chemicals. • • .
ftrlnstructions given in the on; cOntaining , the - more
recent Impnsvemcats• - • • - Jan'?
Gravel lKooßngg- - •
T HE subseribers.respectfully inform the •citizetis,of
-Pittsburgh and vicinity,' that - they are now fully pre
pared to fill ordera fo r- OBAVAL•RIEKIFING, in:: a man
ner not to be surpassed iiithis city or elsetaheret From
their business, .they- feel :confident • that
they wilt render satisfaction to all those who may give
them work.., The, superiority -J:11. Mime' Roofs overlintY •
other kind, particularly in case'of fire, is too wall knownto
require anyy,argument in its favor.. To those who are
unacqoahtted with our work, we beg leave to referMeni
to Messrs, Thomas Liggett, Sr., John F. Perry, Roy
Patterson, Kane, ' Jr , and others, for whom welut d ve
done work,. Orders thankfully - received-and promptly
attended toa We will be, found - . on Wylie street,: be
bitten High and Tunnel streets. • - •
nkrr • imar meaovElasi..
JOHN - • •
OTTON,Mbiles, for sale by
ma :1111EYclgit
• .
::-,,~ -ti
_.. .':%
Jaynes, D'Amfly,•ll2.edtetnes TTß .
S. s..coos, Piatta,,Oldo,-vviitest-Marelt,4B44l:
_Li "I have used your • Fmnifude,. Carinsaatics dainPfl,
'and ExPectorant; inkniy practice, for : the - I itel three - years,
And h havele.en exceedingly. well plenSed.vvitlf them, and
'never, as yet, to my recollection, failed of realizing my
fullest expectation In , their curative properties. Your
_other medlcules I.cannotimealc of: from experience; bat,
judging from those I have used, I doubt not but thatthey
claim, and are entitled to alt the'cotifulenee 'reposed in
them, by those - -Vito have used menu was formerly
Very partial to $ 104 ".. Vermifuge, until I bectuneadquain
ted with yours, vt b ich has my decided pr Cretan° to link
.athernowinus e ßessentfully, yours ; &.c., S. S. COO - 1C., - M,D."
Fornale in Pittsburgh atthe P : ourth et, ekin Tea - Store; '7•'
iuroßE TESTRVIOHY for Dr. Willard's Family Medi
' cines.--Thenitderstgred;eitizens6fPittsblirghami
ing personally used Dr.- Willard's Oriental ,Cough•
-and experienced itsbeneflcial effects; domostebeer;
fully' reccimmend it as safe and effectual, in all cases.
.Speaking front experience, ive believe that it bet 'neon- •
perior ; and yrould recommen d its =eta all tits a/Dieted
Pittsburgh . , nlarchlAth; isle. JENICLrIS
ErSold byl:Fichcionmakei& Ca n aan Hags, janies
A....10ne5, J. iL Ca.ssol; John P. Scott, V. - L.:Snowden; Z.
Mohler, Ogden & Snowden.. • ao4
in the: - night are very p trouble
X some. They n upon the houts.orreoito and
exhaust the strength break
of the suffercr. , B. .A. ratmentrick
Co.'s'&COUGIT BALSAM ban been 'eminently success-
ful in easing and curing .these tinpleasauripelli: lin
person ia roused in the night bra...vasm congking, a
tett - spoonful Of the Bonet Baladm seothe it, give hint
relief, and, as itis palatable leaven no ar.pleasenttasta,..
behind.. If once used, it will take precedence over till
bthirs, - as remedy for soughs; colds, &c.
1..,1' II
repared and sold by.-B, A. PANESTOCK..& Co:
corner ISt Mul'Wood streets, and corner OM and Wood
TAIL RALPH'S Crt.oststro Vtorrintar Plias are , for
Jl.Aisaleimholestde and fe.taii; at tho • •
, • Rau. tsriri Orrice, No AO Sraithield ,
. ,
Also, by IVm. Cole, Allegheny. city: J. G. Smith, 111. r
minghauti John McCracken, Penn street, Filth Ward.
feb .
, -
jj The general properties of these Pills are Carminn I •
rive t Purgative and_ Tonic. in the common 'disorders i
arising - trent imprudence diet,Ac., such eV - sickness
and,sonmetis of the stomach, heurtbnut, he Winches,
where • medicine is: required, this preparation Is very,
tippliCableffor its carminative or seething effeets •git•e
almost immediate relief, when nauseam. sickness exist :.
its purgative operation upon the - roamed:l and bowels is
gentle and elfeetuali and its . tonic - properties impart
strength to the digestive organs; thereby enabling. thee*
organs to perform , their proper functions with order and
regularity,. The - price,' has been reduced from 50 to 25
cents a bat. • • - - ". • - •
For • sale, wholesale:and retaily'by B. A. PAIMES.
TOCIV& - Co, Comer Front and Wood' and 'SlYth cud
Wood streets, Agents for Pittsburgh. -•
riONSUAIPTION seizes more victims than any' other
disease a
in,nar Paeutry.-The 'Ycelagi thei old, the
beautiful and gay; are all ,able subject to its invidious
ravages; and many a hectic cheek has been supposed : to
bloom -with the glow. of health. -But-every. ease 6rigi
-1111/63ia a cold and a corigh-Perhaps deethed unworthy
of attention at first—and only -met with rethedlell when-
too late. Watch the first symptoms with jealous care,
and make immediate .use of the Cough „Balsam of B. A.
Fahnestoeic &to., which "willtertai y' Cheek its Milker
progress; and: restore , the inflamed organs to wbeautlful
. , . . .
Fes sale by B. A. FAIINESTOCK eck,nernei Ist
and Wood'ini4 also, earner eth aarlWoo&
, A A..MASON & CO4'No. 0' Musks azinarr,rniVo
thii day received, per." Fast Line, , •the following
named Goods, viz.:—Sava striPe, black and - bide - black
Islain'and striated Berages, -wool . M, do Laines;emi
bmidered 'lilies Shawls, black, white and pearl
Bose; spun Silk Bose kid, silk and lisle thread Cloven
linen; bobbin, cambric an d MusliriEdgings i,lnseitings;
black silk 'lace Edgingti; bonnet:Ribbons; mnbroldered
'muslin Capes, new patterns and.rielt goods.. - toar'M
_ _
. .
• slant:de • roperty:lfor.Sales,ol" "4017eski
;SITUATED .1 of a mile from the Cemetery and oppb-
IC site the residence of Cot. croghan,prcrenting-a front.
of 1200 feet, containing anew cottage hou¢e, wi& hairitt
Centre and 4 rooms, 4-bed rocims_MW good; kr
A . tenant 'louse, basl,- stables, gardcai .tc., all - , tndir
good fe ace. This desirable property is suitable Tor grits., ,, !:
deningpurposes..or country resulences,usepycralpr m _* . .
aliens and beautiful locations con easily ha =prayed for
that purpose. Price, 5200 an acre. Terra easy.r,
CUTHSERT; Gan. Agenti::' •
s; Smithfield ettem. •
EAL ESTATE FOR SCRIP .- For sale, a. valeWe
11 7 t of'2o feet front on Betove Mite f,'A by=
haviagta ;small frame ; Cottage
lieue; with-other intZtOliemehtii. -- I.Pneo 6uo;
D ll w 7 e f l ef in t g to a 17 feet alley,
l'imsburgh and Allegbe_ny -Lity and. Cduaty.Serip
ar ,
p. `‘. ' • - • MU4l3ERT,Gamitgenti
np20.7 - Smithfield `street.7--'
-...)AtpussioN CAf!"X- 7 200 WS. 13. yerc t " . " l" - - --- " -- -. ""'"
r: - 10081-0-D. do n
1! . ) !.. -- P-4 • 91k.ND/,'ESS.4 C 414,2 1: 1 01i , *
o(MudYsipatetitigu . nut ig_ vault watery
MTh...NT INSULAPOLE€ I .. ,OR Maws aXri mama urnmOtrias.—This is tne only,
instrument of the kind that has ever been presented
an this cotuury‘irEifropelbi medicajperpotes,e ad Italie
only ore "ever known to inett,by which the gafvanie fluid
can be conveyed to the 'humus eye; the ear, the brain, or
o aria Park ortheinslllithkr petrattlytd r lama rnal!y,
al debuite, gentle streanquithbul shttekre/ain—with
Prclect allfelY—and often wi th the:bappieste eels. -
This-important apparatus la now highly approved of
Ask nftiliy of thelllolll emment phySiciansrof this country
and Europe, to whom the afflicted and others whom II
'aMY concert; pin be teferred, Reference also be
given . to many 'highly reipeemble citizens, who have
'lfeea cured, by means of this most valuable apparatus, of
site of the. most inveterate nervous disorders, which
cot be removed by any other known means.
• ng vorioun Others, it lasi:tem prdved admir
al.; _i d spted for the cure of the following diseases, viz:
nervottehtrodache atberdireidersOf the brain. It is
with this apparatus alone that the operator can convey
the galvanie.fluid with ease Mid aia (Urns the eye, to re
storellght, or cure atriaurosatt ;JO Ilutt.eur to restore bear
mg; to,the tongue or other organs, to restore speech i and
the - various to parts of the body, for the cure of. chronic
rheumatism, asthma, netiraigirr, or tic doltatirettaxiparal-
Psi 9, or palsy, gout, chorea 0 Vitus l ,danc., epilepsy,
weakness from sr reins, some dlseases'pecultar to fe
males, connection of the linabs,loelc-jawidte..; etc.
brivile hts for
ges, with the instrumeht, may be
Rig surrounding counties of Western Pa., and
atso tested for the cure of, diseases.. • •
purchased, and
Pall instnsetions will be given for the various cheint
cals to be used for various diseases. and the best manner
for operating for.the cure of, th ree .diseasee,-will also be
fully'explained tote purchaser, and a pamphlet put into
his bands expressly for these purposes; carefully pre
pared by the patentee. Enqreui of .
• - S. WILLIAMS,yine striet, • ,
• novl2 - '; I.; 'near 4th st.litoad,'Plitstit.
TT ADIES are cautioned against nstag Common Vrepa-
Jj red Chalk: They are not dware hew frightiblly tau.
rioniiit hi to the akin! how , coa nse, how rough, how sallow,
yellow, and* unhealthy the Skin appears ruler ;sing OM.
paredchalkl Besides it is, injanous,containing a large
quantity of lead ! We have prepared a beautiful vege
tablesirticle,whiclrWe tiall-3oncer'SPanish Lilly White.
It it perfectly innocent, beingptuified of all deleterious
qualnies,and it iMparts to the skin a natural, healthy,
alabaster, clear, lively white ; at Me Same time acting
as a cosmetic on the skin, making it soft and smooth.
Dr.lameit Anderion; Practical Chemist of Alassaehn
setts, says: analysing Jones , SpiNsltLilly White,
1 bud it possesses the most beautiful and,tuttund, and at
the same time Innocent, white r over saw: I certainly
' can cenocien trols sly recommend its use to all whose skin
requiresbeauttfying." Price 115 cents a box. Directions
--the best way to apply Lilly White, is with soft leather
or wool---the former ispreferable.
Alms Err Or Term yea 25 mcws..—White teeth,
foal: breath, healthy guide. Yellow and tinhealtLY teeth,
after being once or twice cleaned with/ones' Amber .
Tooth Paste, have the appearance of the most beautiful
ivory, and, at the same. time it so perfectly innocent
and exquisitely bee, tlun its comtant daily use is highly
'advantageous, oven to 'those teeth that aro in good condi
.rioni giving them a 'beautiful polish, and pleventing a •
premature deeay. Those already decayed it prevents
, from becoming worse—lt also fastens sech tut i 3 becoming
' loose, and by perseverance It will render th e foulest tee th
I delicately white, and mike , the breath deliciously sweet
at Price 25 orDS cent' a box. All to "above are sold only
22 Chatham at., siggnn of the American Eagle,New York,
arid by the appointed Ageuts whose names appear In•tbe
next column.
Wus.loll hLtitti; and get a rich husband, lady? "Your.,
face is your fortune: , Is't beatnitial, clear s fall? le it
• white ?-If not, it can be made so even though It be yet
tow, disfigaredistuilmunt, tanned and , freckled. Thous
adds have been made that who have washed once or
twice with Jones' talian Chemical Soap. The effect M
glorious and inegniGeent... But be sure you get the see
the Jones' Soap, at the-sign of the American "Eagle, es
Chatham sweet. •
Bing-worm, Salt.rhetun, Seurvey,Erylipelas; Barber's
Itch, are often cared by Jones* Italian Chemical Soap, •
when every kind of remedy has failed: That it cares
pimples,„creckles, and clears the skin, all know. - Sold at
the Amenean Eagle, 85 Chatham street, NMI,. leader,
thiaseldom or never fails. - •
, O. INCILIS,-Jaj - Pattarsdat
laid at Iscciton'a 89 Liberty st 7 head of, Wine, Si v f3Lpf
0 LAS, Barber's Zeck ; attiy.3, .Sore •Stards . , Pimples—
Rhis biased by many physicians In.this city in outing the
above, and we would nnt. eoneclencionaly sellunlesa we.
anew it to be all we state. , .
onlya cosmetic, the ttne 'JONES'S SaAti itiftithdps the
only article ever known that , removed,inipaziliesi and
- eleared and beautified the akin, making. it soft,: clear
smooth and white as an infants. But mindfit ,
Chatham st,N.,Y., and by ' • .
' • . ftS , Liberiy.istfeeti:.Pittelonsigh: .•
A respectable gentleman. calle, our oifigo, as be
d, to inform us that he had been afflicted for• 1.5 years
with .Elicumettittmor Gout, and occasionally - with- Tic
• Doloreux ; that:he bud been• frequently. confined to, his
100137 for months together," . and Mien' suffered Me most in
tense and excruciating pair, but that laioly•he had • been
using Jayne's Alterariee,from which lin found thettloet sig
nal and uneirpettedielitl:' soya. be found. thermedi
eine very pleattin7it andAffective r and:that he' now ton
aid era bimself-Parfectly cureil..7—.F7tiferdaphitt Nerds dip ft.
A FAcr Wonia-Eiciltmc...4A gentleman cif Berretta true
habit, from indlieretion in his 4 - canker days; - bename of--. r es t e d with Dicerntirmiria . :Mc.Throat and Nose, end a .
disagreeable eruption-of the ' Indeed, his whole
system bore the math's of.being aatiirated• with. disease.
One hand and wrist were co mach affected that he had
lost the use of the hind,
,e'very part being, covered ;with.
deep, psinftd, end • offenarve.:tdeers;. and *arena holloW .
and porous as an honey-comb. It , was at this stage ofbia
complaint, when death appeared inevitable from a loath
some disease, that he count:lnce& the use of Japre'l7.Al-'
'tCrative - , and having taken sixteen bottles, is now perfect
ly cared.
, The Alterative operates thrtmg: h the. circulation, :and
purifies the blood and eradicates disease from the system,
wherever • located, and. the Ilan:Leroy cures if - harr Tier
formed in diseases. of the akin, cancere,scrotbla; goat,
livercomplaint, dyspepsia pod other chronic diseases, is
truly. astouishing,—Spwir • the 2Tmer... •• . ••- •
For !Aleut rittsburgh,atthePgglN:TFAqTODE