The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, June 15, 1849, Image 2

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    rze•-`.. 1
tea 4430>
411 4
-c . Your wit
Mt So sharp
- drew:: Then hit
..tnO ear Mine heart
Mine ear Mine - heart
To learn - To -love
Your tongne Your wit
mad tooth teach Doth'plove
liCe - Yoarloilgue OUt Wit
With-beams With sound . - • With art
Denkbanii.- both charm Both rule
Mineese Mine ear - Mine heart
. . . -•
&lite - - :-Mine ear : Mine heart "-
With life With:lope With skill
Your face , Yourtmlste': : :Your wit
Doth.feel, Doll' feast ' Doth fili
Withftowns Wi rettek'`' Widi~nlart
. Wrong not .Vet not • Wound not.
Mine eye- :Mina' ear Mine heart'
• .
This eya his ear Tait .heart -
Shall bend Shalt sweat
ofont face . - Your 'tongue YOui *it ."
To serve - : To trust ' ' 'To fear'
From the Verrasultoml Telegraph
, .
&Olt, in. this eountry, btu; been adopted only
to s - limited extent = -The“Zoatites,"'however,
a telitiotts.seet of, Geri:nine:located on the banks
of the Muskingumriver . ; in the Btate, of ,
Areepiheir cows almost constantly in their stalls
—,feesling•them on the - offal of the dairy, roots,
apples and hay i They are said to Observe great
care:and circumspection in the treatment ot their
animals - I and by them ate abundantly remunerated
lortheir-rottiar pains and care. Their Stalls are
thoroughly washed daily and the Water used for
this; purpose' is caret - ally, collected iu reservoirs
constructed expressly for the purpose, and'applied
syatematicayy, in the - form of liquid manure, to
their, hotlaouse and garden•products.
iu'a to the British Board of
Agriculture, it is stated that thirty one
'four calves, and five horses, were fed through the
summer from fifteen ;acres of clover, - sown the'
preceding -year: The labor:of two men end two
women was sufficient to tend - them; and the net
produce Of.' - the]seison in butter, from June to Oc
. *ober. Was £l9 -.los.,•nearlys9o - from each cow.
In Orb; country, where from the greater value of
labor, the expense of attending would be conside
. rably irroreased, the profitsof soiling would be ob
viously less; : but - there areievertheless situations
turd eircumstances of frequent oecurrerice, which
would render the" adoption of this system, on_ a
liniited'seale, an enterprise that would be attended
with the, moat gratifying results. Sowing corn
the contemn Indian, or the' southern horse-:tooth
•,variety, broadcast, and'feeding the crop, greep, to
stecir—:.especially to milch cows, during aPart of
the, season,; is a practice now hecoming (Mite Com.
men, , Animals in milch, so fed, will, if properly attended'to'in'other. respects, greatly increase the
qriantity,of their milch, while, at the same time, also elreeted„-as a natural 'consequence ,'a
corresponding ithprovement in its quality. This
subject is,'l think, eminently deserving.the atten
tion of -Birtners generally. AGRICOLA.
iateCr Asb/in, May 30,1849: • .
WI -Ga a
Horses which are subjected to:hard servicrire
Liable; to hSve wtitit: are called wihd-galls, on those
parts of the limbs which are most exposed, espc
cially about`the hook and upper pastern joints.—
The affection is ad` undue enlargement of little
bags or sacs which are situated in the parts named.
,By the straining of the, tendons;these sacs betome
injured, and'Sometimes take on inflammation, and
become hard. Youvrx says—" The fardera used
to suppose that they contained wind—lienie their
name windgalls; and hence the practice of open
inglhem by which dreadful inflammation has of
ten been produced and Many a valuable horse des
troyed." As to treatment, the author just refer
red' to "directs, "if the tumors - are numerous and
large;atta seem to impele the motion of the limb,
they may, be attacked first by bandage. The roller
should 'be of flannel, and sOft•pads on each siae of
, , rgements, and bound ,
the enlargements,.., down tightly upon
them.= The bandage may be wetted with a lotion
composed of 3 _parts vinegar to one of spirits'of
wine The- wind-gall will often diminish or dig:
appear hy,this treatment, but will too frequently
returnwhep the horse. again hardly worked.—
A: blister is a more effectual remedy, and Bing
still More certain, if the tumors be sufficientl,y
large and annoying to justify our having recourse
to measures so, severe. • In bad cases, the cautery
is.„the only cure, for it will not only freer the im
mediate • absoption of the fluid, and the reduction"
of the swelling 'But, by contracting the skin will
11Ct 2_44a premanent bandage, and therefore present
the-re-appearance,of the tumor;
Gems alboolr Richard.
The New York, Evening rim; hits seen a copy
of Dr, 'Franklin's Almanac of unbroken files for
twenty-five years, from which it Makes the follow-
Jeiulii the van, beggary brings up the
. . „ .
r Keep tlirshop,and thy shop will keep'thee.
God heals and the doctor.takes the fees.
Mary's :mouth costs her nothing, for she never
opens it but.-at Others' expense,
The . , worst wheel of the cart makes the . most
Tart words make no fiends; a spoonful-of hon.
sy-will catch more'llies than a gallon olvinegar.
Bewari: of little. expenses; a.small leak sink a
ik A Mob's a monster, heath( enough, but no brains.
Nothing humbler-thak ambitionwhen it isabout.
to climb. ,
When prosperity was well mounted, she let go
the bridle add'soon eametambling • Out of the sad.
- . change 'of fortune hurti'n wise man no more
than a change in the Moon, . •
A false friend and a shadow attend only while
the - sna shines. ' - • •
"if you Would ,not be-forgotten as soon as you
are dead and.rotten, either Write things worth rea
Iling or do something worth wilting.
""- Nothing dies sooner than a tear. . •
Kings and, bears often worry their keepers. '
He sa fool 'that slakes his doctor his heir.
..;Loye will, Whii well,
Hanger saw bad ' bread. •
- 'Great talkers; littl e doers. •
.The poor hare litfle—beggars li6ne- - .4he rich
too nauch 7 —etiough• not one. '
-Mankind are_ % , ery odd creatures. One half cen
sare'what ihey practice,• and the other half,prac
liceithat they censure.;_ The The rest , always say' and
do as.they ought.
Old hop have their playthings as welt as'young
ones; the differenCe is only in the price. -
The Alciandria-Gaiitte is indebted to Caleb S.
Hallowell, of ; that place, for the,follOwlng redirlis
"Ozone, which Dr Butl accredits the cholera,
was ctiseovered_byTrofesioeSchonliein. the. Inventor
of 41in:cotton, , It is 'generated by the passage of el
ectricity through the air, and is the cause of the pa..
curiae odor perceived' during the working-of an elec.:
Inci ...machine, 'or after_, a stroke of lightning. It
bleaches powerfully, and is in many respects analoo
gous to cholrine, , . •
gf(.7no* it is said, 'may readily-be generated by
egtesing common phosphorus_ to moist. air, and it is
probabtethepeauliar email Orphosphoms arises par t
tially orerholly from the' presence of this eubtancei
question has been 'asked what is ozone I JO
Mairei'weglye the nkerds I , We have
,St.the highly, important result; that
ozone aopeculiar element, nor any- tombinatitni
of , knotsif elements, but is oxygen gas peculiarly,
hati,assetted, that 'galvanized owing
toihe ozone IC-contains, *Can be use' advantiige
.tor bleaching, and 3e, in , fact; one of the tviostcfl . h.
tiire'bhiaching'agenta.knoWn.” ,
. geiterally. said that it is the Want ofelectricitq
which Induces cholera ; but according to the atMvis,
if we underutand it aright, the . More.we have ortbat
lienefiCial article the more too we wilt have of thC
ilualitlesafoozonti, :it; When doctors diffeihow.
decide - -
, .
:1/4117 000 l it
Not few of oie:oftedi:holdo3 removed by the
Present Ntitlonta'adtnidistrittiort have boasted of the
suniehasdneei- with viliich they •have submitted to
their-rdecapitation- Dot we have heard of none, who
could beat Ltip follovringt, Mr. 1-11. Diller, the Dem
ogratiatiotniiister at Springfield, (Illinois,) afler his
owasimilfrontolrice, continued to attach
to the , eel athitt.signatere. - On being retriiiided by
a, Trienit that be was no. longer an official, and'ac
cortlingly:had lost his claim- to
-the title of Post Mai
': t o; lie good humoredly explained his conduct by
remarkizig,;74!Dhi I not:continue this ancient 111..
.. 11k0 iii.loAcii:did; to indicate that I am a Pest-Ma,.
ter.-r•the letters now stand for Past lifortem.,,—Laix.
intelligencer. ,
-try- For Cotrunerelat-nnd R AverA " vi4
lee next Page..
Total ' 29 1921,154
Total value of goods ,
received by. mer.
chants, - 2446 Va1ae:.....5346,160
. ,
Dianufactures of'-W001... - .g7 -r, $ 14,170
do • - C0tt0u.119...-. ...... ....25;489
do .. .Silk... .10 3,306
do , F1aa...52 ' 7 774
„, . do Miscellaueoua.7. ' , 2,497
InPORTB • (iiNtw Yoitg—Tho . iiil4 of merchan
dise- imported,into:this district, (sap the New York
Journal of Commerce, eicepting ,that .sent. to the
warehouse; and the amount of duties received dur
ing the week ending on the.l3th inst., in each of the
four years is as annexed:
1847 • 1848. .1E49.
Free Goods 185,917 122,519 • 37,147 130,393
Dutiable Goods ..1,167,913 1,407,119 1,894, 794 1,353,714
'otal md'so • • .51,333,850
.4529,038 '1 . ,03 5 1 4 16 1,484,107
Specie 4.0 8 28,600
Cash received —391 17 ,847 358, 9 13 ~4 15346,597
Rates of duty. • • 33k • 13 3-7 - 23 *l3
,The Drafts on the Treasurer amount t 051,069,068 06
Renteieitig in the irealtiterlhe tretten7,l - ,202,111 06
The experts - of the week. eatotint....:
In his introductory letter, Mr. Hawes states
that this is one of:the most readable books that
has come in his way Rica longtime. "It is writ
ten in a style of slegant simplicity, excel
lent Christian- apirit„ and abounds iiith incidents
of thrilling and instructive interest"
c,:j'For sale by James D. Lockwood, No, 63
Wood street. ' ' •- • • . -
Oasis of Jupiter Amnon. By Boyle St. John,
This is an ,exceedingly jateresting descript ion
of a Journey made' by the author in 1847 through
the Lybitur Desert, thatierro ittrogmlatittnal - which
so much has been said, and so little.knOWti, 'The
stude atqbrookrathy especially young men, will
peruse thi•work.,with_pseuliar pleasure:
C.Por Sate hy . Tameib. Lockwood, No. 63,
Wood street:: • • • - -
"Oirustri or Tay . Nrw Tasony
applied to Hydropathy, showingthixt water is
the only trim remedy; with, observations on" the
errors committed in the practice of Hydropathy;
Notes on the cure of Cholera by- Cold Water,
and a critique on Priessniiz's mode 'of treat
merit. ;.By the late H. Fnap . cks," &c., &c.
The very formidable' title to this work wilt
doubtless, give the reader quite as good an idea of
its contents as any, thing we could say respecting
it. 'We observe that the author challenges all
the physician of Germany, or of Europe, to
controvert- his doctrine of pathology.
60 For sale by J. D.' * Lockwood, No. 63, Wood
Faorrs or TITS Marnowart; or, Conversations
respecting the Pilgrim Fathers. New York:
This is a small, but quite aninteresting volume,
arranged in vonversational style, and, is particu•
iarlp adapted for young beginners. •
Far sale by J. D. Lockwood, No. 63, Wood
. •
VsretrartStn;•the I r Mingerl • Dy-
Dickens. New York: John Wylie.",
The .simple Announcement g r a net work by
Dickens will be Anita . sufficient to create - a desire
to: read it. This appears to be the author'S last
pinduction,, end - has been , re-printed from proof
sheets received by special arrangement friim the
London „publishers. It * contains many fine illus
.. , .
trafonit on wood-
03•Fot laic by James Lt. Lockwood, No. 63,
Wood st
correspondent:of tlie Balti
more Bon, 'nudes tliskivis rumored that Mr. Clay 1138
written a ',cordial letter to Gen. Taylor, and halted
ppoiatment of bleep:timid law partner, James
Brown Clikv,nir a chargeof airtarea,. , Nyhich:request,
itlfbeihnifted will be readdiComplied With.
..-.l4lrTho Democratic cannty.conViatton pfOga,
have chose. ti George W;Btirr, diregite'tiiPittehtngh,
with 4astr uctions to support Gordon F. Braion ror
Caned Corn inialiOner.
Is, 1
Cie .,-. • ..,74ii4: -,luttrnlngivos
L. HARPER, E.pmcgt_
s` 8 ti - Ao kt Via:
'The 'Latest liesra, Market Reports, &c.,
will be found under Telegraphic 'Head.
- A.nterleisnliteeti,`
We have before na a circulat issued by. the Adi"
rondac Steel.Meaufacturing Company,lt Jeraey, -can
signed by D. B . l ' , Gitiooltv;.Preirideht, and DAVID
I:l=nnann, fleireliny. We have hereiocerci depandr
eil v apon England for the better quality of Steel ; and
we : therefore take pleasure in no ticingithn.fact,:that
our own countrymen have succeeded inmanufactur
ing ariarticle which, la evcry...respect E is 'qui', in
that imported :: The 'pricea will be less: than those
of foreign steels of-the same ritiality.
We have' exam ined !dyes:Meant:On:red by Mr:
on Wood street, from the steel dtihe
above company, and they are unqiinitionaliyvery
;fine; and tree from the slightest blernisil:-.lWe have
also examined ifiniber: % - d- pertifinstas;Wiliteri by
Pittsburgh mcohatilts,all- of whom speak favorably'
of this _Steel— Ilene; Mertypee & Co., say : "we
find it to boa very excellent article, and well fitted
fier all the parposee for Which we =eclat ateel."—
A.... 1. & N.B Miller,say 4 rwe -fine it to be of Ili
good a quality as , any now in use." .John Cartwright ~q ctrid it as good as any Other', Steel we:have,
ever tried for the =indenture of surgical and den
tal instruments. tried some Of it for fine
files, and it works adtnirably. -1 think it , will answer
every purpose thatngst steel is needed Air."'
Specimens of the Adironclac Company's steel 'may
he seen at ttie isnielioieeof Siziith& Sinclair, cor
ner of first and Wood streeto. • We understand that
an otßcci agency will Alertly' be.nandeliebeikin.
impoito Dryktgidd.'
The numbhr of packages itad traine of dry goods
imported and entered at the Cr : ratans liciuse at
city of New York, arid of dry -goods entered for
warehousing, oleo of dry goods withdtls!'4 r i. °r l !
warelmuse during the week ending on the 7th is"..
slant, is as anneied. We :copy frimthe icrainal of
Commerce c: - •
Manneactniers'pe Wool: : 247 pkge $74;b84
do- 102,637
do. F1ax.....201
.. . ..2367 'Value; ;$8246,006
, ,
varainumi , ranic WARM:I-0.'116E
Manufactores or Wool: ...21
do Cotton 15' „lASI
do , Silk 'l7 9,189
do • 'F1ax....15 " 2,673
do Miscellaneous 11 2,959
Our Book Table.
SPIRITUAL HEROXS; Or . Sketches a. the Puri-
tans, their character and times. By John
Stoughton; with an introductory letter, by Joel.
Hawes, D. D."
New Ytitit:Ven:P. Putnam
• '44.-
cholera Pia.einitoreemis.,• -:
veil of th e diseaseezion- difient,. -2 " : ,l4afr and :
.-- - g*Di'd,know a chap WhailiartimettiolOgetfacia--, -• • • 1.-„,•, ? ....f - -
lenterlite: the laudable business - orgettitig ofi•:#6l
.fights, that it is said he barida eferynightle Some curieeie atatiatint restienting the coulee:oldie
ax WaefilnitaNcartanoniveall* in 1832, are ithanbiffrotk:the report of a
5 , 1 14!, T ili t l man shouldftre-With ' itharri - orlirithiniseinferirecimiulide4Conlein Orthe
reOltogether. Get oli6yettbrote. French ; Government: -The Hew York . Post says";
Aar The Whigs in this State haafe not the slightest The commissioners seemed to have'examined y e .
pr os pe ct of sticce ss n i s i . r at [pitta;-post. rrthorougblp the -influtince.or.trad ea .and_employ.
True Mr. Post, their prospects. of success next Meets-Minn the pievalenceOf th - Fidiffeeife, and the
fall are verYfar font being the feslighteat."-7Wrisla. .sesUlte of their investigation are Wff4by o r imbit_opt:
Coin.'Widen it this UMW - -By the relieving tabled-it will'
, _ '• - 'tenor that employmeeta conducted in•
Just so. They have no prospects of success at of houses are leaa Debt te choledithan those
all. The jig is up ' whichinvolye exposure tkda pude or the open air.
Thus among e following profess i on cholera has
11141, - Thea . Lane t telligencer, in alludinute
t ea er
Made fewer victims than the ordintfry , dilemmas.
the Efollidayebtirgliti&dard's neniinatien ofeol. P..
W.lilttek gar Goiiirnor, amyl': "The party••might • 1 Deaths ,by „Demme or.
go further, and fare. worse. Col _Black combines in • - cholera. Binary aim. •
Weehrirecter all the elementa of a-Soldier, Orator •,,, . . - • ,
and_Petrtot. On the stump he is: eloquent and ett D rfraes"".
- Per 1666.-N6- ' - ' Per : ll)6°. '
,_ , .
rectiVe; beyond , _ Furnitureinerchanta..'",l6 . 8 - • 16 -20
• ' ' ;.. *, 76 ' 9:- - 106
Ibie•The Steubenville News of Tuesday, says: _ Wine meithanta
Threadead,needbillek.-25 - , - 14 30
highly respectable farmer living twyondßloorn- 68 3 2'67-••••-10
:field, on yesterday morning went out into his Imre ' . 43. , ' 4 %5 •
and heel : himself. There - ui - nklthowledge of - any BookieJlers; 19 20
- - - • ; -• • ' --
cause that could induce this fatal act . - Ilkwas an The Hardware
`following Cri ' 7 8 •
fisiianalaveilren an entirely
;industrious, intelligent Man; and Warded last fall., :'different result •
He entered - this spring into the possession of a farm "Inmkeepere, boarding • - •
be had boight, and it is probable that hie busineiur • • hellee-heePetsda lod. 123 -68 -
had affected hismitfd." • • • • 1 1 1 , I1 =t ri . e . - / 1 . 1 . 6 . !1• 1 . ,Y4r ... • 30:,.
Catirater..RearaakoThe• Janiata Register Vegetable dealers: 166: . . •91
a ry cetera.. _
Dintown, of the 9th Says: The laying ofth e track
. • _ •-- , Old clothes broket•a..".l4 ' AO
upon this duel : ha! been progressing in onr neignlMt - Crockery dealers,- china - • • -
hood for amine time: Some two -or' three miles'of • ware ....10 •••• 6 1 1
t he r oac h h as bee n • , • Pie deafere... - .: .22 ' -.12 - 4 ' 5
•., . • •
.1 • ' - Dealers - in clething;:. "15 8 .. _ 6
Kir Mro.. Fanny Kerable Butler says that she be. D ea l ers i n fe male cast 4 itt _ '7.
. •
heves there is a great deal of divinity in Shakapeare, .. 5 „ 8 5 5
- Refieshinebt dealers....ll 6
but not quite' enough to be - preached, in a, chetah..
- . b1arketmen...........21, - 11 3 3
Tue BIAIRLAWIREYEALVD.—The Senate' of Con- Fish dealers. • 4 4
necticut has passed a law' authorizing the' towns' to - Three Prefessienithat have: proportianally Want
• • • - bered a inuckgreeter - number sit .. deaths by cholera
regulate their own amuietrients so •thai henceforth •
• ' ases then by ordinary dise aire exercitred in thewpen
her people can occasionally have a Wrens or Bee a • • •- -•-• ' '
bear dance, or a monkey perform, without siking Washerwelbew.....;-.533. - ;•:- 2 7 7 - :33 • '
leave of the -
Legislatur. - " • - 24- • ,-140 16 :
..= . •
li 3 '
. :6 a ~ 2 3 ;•• kirltlisaidthat the Rev . Mr. Sewell of the Bel- And nine
nd nine professio n s, wjaich:Cresent resalt di.
*Macre M. E. Conferen ce, has been appointed to the rectlyepeeired . to the last , Mt exercised in the
Centinlship of St..lago de Cuba. '
'Mr. S. le now re- rint- °I habhatim l E
Jewelers and - . egret.- -
sidingatthet place
_faiths benefit of his health. . 141 •
,_lO 115 1 3
Tag MARYLAND IiOLD Mtraes.--Tli Rocknlle. Cabinetmakers 111 - 8 109. •12
Journalof Saturday, s a ys: We from
_: learn f a gentle '" 291 29 266 23
• - - . • ........ - -
man residing lathe neighborhood r., Ellicott.? e rs 459 32 344 3 5
Dreesmakere..66s 46 46' "_ 491 55
that the New York• Company has backed out of the Flower-maker5.........21, , 1 _ 24, _3 '
contract for : , the perches° 0'1'414 fd 'Shirt-tnakers......,;. .99.- • 7 • . 149- • 16
. go ern'. 'Th e ...
cause has not been abated to us, bat we suppose the
- Mdhnerr .
11 • - 275. 31
gentlemen composing the Coeval:l, could not raise , Two profeavioni hive had 'a smaller number or
the wind.' The gold is there; certain. • deaths by cholera than by ordinary diseases. •
' -P. " Coachmen . 140 - , 10- 104 -12 - -
WA:* Walker. has - been appointed postmaster gersants.;;;;;;_,: • :::616 4 , - ' 403'55.
at Florence, Washington county, in place of Jacob Fifteen professions present a different result (rem
litiffinan. John McClyinonds has been appointed the Preceeding One.
postmaster at Darlington, Beaver county ; James Street-aweePers 37 ' 3
Morrison at Frankfort Sprlnp;"Janes _McKinley at : 6
Kendall; John Elliot,. at EIIOII Valley; and John 1 - '4
Ferguson at Mount Jackion. ' Public porters •-• ••••• • 1341 ' 13
Cooks , r. . 295
Tan SECOND 'WAFILINGYONe.-A writer for the Clerks of the antuicets...4B 2
Washington Uniortaraya •.. Nnraes (for children)."22 . 3
We are informed bye friend that the coat of Wash- Navies (for nick trample) 77 • 5
ington 'was tried an by the junior during his visit to Male MuneSin nnsPils 38 - ' - ' 3
the Patent Office, and that the tails thereof dragged Per s o na s ! mitinll-b l ihes: ' - -
upon the ground: When Whined of tho fact, tie. day " " ....1171 80 558 66
turned to his Cabinet and remarked, with great sim- water-carrier -'''''' .89 6' ' 48 6
pitchy, "Wbata bad-shaped man Washington must Door-Ithepers.... - ....496 34 231 28
have been to have fitted such 'a coat:" - Knife - grinders. . 0 , 06 2 ' 1-;0 1 .
Laborers... . . 20 • 2
• , Two profemiens were entirely exempt from chol
era in Paris—hostel and restorateors.
The occurrence of Sundays arid- holidays aliays
increased the number of cases, a fact which WAS il
lustrated in this eltY by, the choterwreporta the day
after the Odd _Fellows' procession and , the Sabbath
which proceeded it. The number of-detiths was
thirty per cent. more than any daypredous.
In Paris, it was found that the number of a ' dmis;
done to the :hospitals On-Mondays was one-eighth
greater than upon other days of the week; 'a fact
which they very naturally attributed to the excesses
and-change of. habits incident to an idle Sunday pre
The Ides among the military in Franca was very
great. They "offered in proportion OE2B 08 tol,ooo,
while the lon among the 'civil• population was only
21 08 in 1,000.
This disproportion ix attributed - to the unwhole
some-and crowdtalquarters in whiek the military
are mostly-confines: {art of ene voltam* whose
lodging rooms had ceilingsand were well ventilated,
there was but one sick-out of 145:• In 'other bar
racks, with low, ceilings,ehaded from the sun and
light by a.high wall,damp; badly heated - and ven
tilated, 18 became sick out 0f135
'TIM Commissioners also remarked that the mor
tality among prisoners wail leinithan among other
classes of,a Parisian' Pope/mien;
It tabard to reconcile the • following statements
made by the Commissioners, ;with the -Prevailing
opinions respecting the influence of putrid odors
upon the health of those who are exposed to.them.
"During:all the time of the epidemic no-home
killer was taken sick:
At this period, out of 154 hands, male and female,
employed in the desiccation of human excrements,
only, one died of cholera. ;Teti' persons, men and
Women, Were obliged to, suspend their lakonr 'for
several days, on accOunt of a slight indisposition,
but they soon returned to their Work.
Oat of 30 - gut.workers employed in the middle of
the etivarrisaage yard,* and working Wine shops
where air is hot easily renewed -where reigns ha
bitually an effluvia offensive beyond deleription or
imagination—one alone died of cholera. One wo
inant.overwhelmed by fear at the sight of the many
funeral's sire in Paris, becamesick, but recever
°din a fear days:
Thitty gui•workers, working a , short distance.
at Mrs. Taxadwa, experienced do alteration in their
health during the whole period ' of Cholera.
The labor of these people, performed in the midst
of putrid matter, might-warrant the belief <that hab
it hart in them the' influence attributed, to
the deletriona emanations supposed to be pi eductive
of cholera incidents. Here_the following facts,
however, teat° prove that they"erei not iedebted
to that habit for their safety. --
Round the Voirie, and chiefly in lie equthisitage
yard, are, , placed numerous plaster kiles,•• which
gaVe employment at ' the time of the-
appearance of
cholera to 87 men, seieral were tak en sick 'during
the epidermic; three.had the cholera pretty severely,
tat one alone, died. , • • •
Again, the repairs of one of - those kilns having
renuirmiduring two months the labor of 17 reasons,
chase to the worst kept'yard led hi the:most infec
tious part of Montfaucon, the chided! attacked One
of them,
Who reamed bis work after ' six days' treat.
meat at , the hospital Saint foreman,
who never left Montta'ucon, alwaye . enjoyed 'good
health, but his wife, who lived in the central part of
Paris, died of cholera. , ' - - I
During the epidemic, 'the inhabitants residing
nearest the places where animal manure was depos
ited were not even attacked. Thetenantt of hone
es nearest-to the depot of these inatters r - who aro
liable to fever!, experienced no indisposition.
'An old man, who made-it -his inwinees .to
faimere animal 'Manure, Wes continually artiong large
howls in'reametitation, yet sulfated hot the least de
The tenants of some houses in the yards of which
- much or this manure had been clandestinely depoo
ited; were not incommoded by • • - •
Far from believing that this Antinere siesinsalu
brietta, the country people have been persuaded, far,
several years - put, that the - Mittel* kriptin fermen
:tenon, purified , the era . , ; :
The village of Nolay-le-Seclinit het I.2ent of 1000
inhabitants : a Army small proportion '•• - •
.--;...*Eguarrineuraerei men l ettipleyett r "-to take
apart the carcasses of hare* in ender tra:obtaitt from'
them various animal:peadocta,,manDie
ammoma, glue, skin, hairS hoof, Premien blue, gut
cords, fish-baits; 4 . c. - ---•fNote of thetranalator.l
6,I7LPHEB ClLkaco.A.L.—The Wisconsin . , Mil
waukee, thus .bears testimony to the virtue of-the
virtue of the new remedy; 44 We were yesterday es . -
mired-by a physician, that he had, the night previous
administered it to two patients, one of whom was
already in the vollaplied state, and the other rapidly
approximating it; with ttie,most gratifying results: ,
IMP The - Ohio Statesman says We doubt very .
,much if Gee. Taylor, at this moment, could get
one-fourth. of the votes in phio. He is looked upon
as a verVgreat mistakeandPretty unanimously set
down and cypher..! , ' ; "
flar`The Southport Telegraph publishes the'fol
lowing hn at those wha are running to find a place
where the cholera Will not come :
r‘liot.cholern rick nor cholemdead,..
But from feat of the chclera fled ;
They'd quick - return when choleren over,
If from fright they should recover?
BRUTAL MURDER.-.-The Hagerstown Herald says
that the body of a mai namecrGeorge Johnaou, late
of Easton, Pa., was found on Saturday night, a abort
distance above dam No. 6, on the Chesapeake and
Ohio Canal, in that county, with ids head almost lit
erally mashed to pieces. A fence rail, With' Which
the deed bad been perpetrated, was lying by his
aide, besmeared with blood and brains.
MR. Itancnorr.—The Amercian Minister and
Mrs. Bancroft entertained the Earl and Countess of
LOvelace, Viscount and Visernintsai Paltnerston,
Sir Henry Lytton Bulwer -and Lady -Bulaver, the
Right Hon. Henry and.Mra. Labouchere, and a _se
lect patty to dinner, on the evening - or , the 24th ult.,
at their residence in Be;grave street.
New Book .St ore.
Mr. James D. Lockwoed, for many years connec
ted with the celebrated house of Messnr. Wiley .tz
Putnam, in . New York, has receittliopened.a Book
Store,',at' No "63,, Wood street, immediately under
the Eagle Saloon, He has upon his shelves an ex
tensive variety dr English, French and German
Books. Hie cellection of standard works is very
large and Well selected. Mr. L. has,mide arrange-
Meets to receive- allthe new and valuable publica
tions of tho day, as soon as they are lined from the
press. We take, pleasure in calling the attention of
our citizens and-strangers in' the city to his stock,
which hai been' Considerably' increased within the
last few days.
Theatre-:...Mr. Porter , si Beziefit.
The.. Old Governer” tikes a benefit this evening,
and wtifeel confident that he' Will be greeted with
an overflowing house. During the period the Pitts
burgh Theet't.e has been under the management of
Mr. Porrza, ho has rendered satisfaction - to Our
play-going community; and they have on more than
oust occasion, signified their appreciation of his 'Mer
its and labors, by turning out en 'matte, whenever
hie - benefit has been announced. And we feel the
Most confident assurance that they will do so again.
We have before us a publication, signed , by all the
members of the Company, ladies and gentlemen„
offering their services without any remuneration, to
perform on the occasion of Mr. Porter's benefit.—
We also oltserve that Messrs. Wurrycy Dorm
have agreed to do the usual printing for that even
ing gratuitously. Mr: FARREL, also offers his ser
The following is Mr. PoRTEIVg - reply to all this
manifestation of kindness and,good-tvill : on,the part(
of:hisieoinpany • •• - • - ' •
Pittsburgh, June ,12, 1819.
W. Eitentse, Esq. •
Dear Crisp . ,' knin' favored -with the receipt of your
paliteletter. scar: to the Ladies and Gentlemeu
how highly gratified I,am hathe.assurance of their
kindly feelings.
'Wider it season of more then ordinary difficulties,
have stitiggled OD. nlywish is, c and ever bus been,
to see the members of the establishment happy and
accept, with sincere ideasure, the assistance
volunteered, and trust the ladies and gentlemen will
give : me Credit for deeper feelings than" my words
express. Yours, very truly,
For the Morning ;Pos:t.
Enrion nominating a ticket this rail,
- the Democracy in County Convention should be
careful to place men in nomination, who be a.
ble to
. get the entire vote of our party, antencroach
a•little on the Whigs: The
. selection of a. ticket
composed ofMach , men 'iVould insure to tut a tri
umphant victory.
wOuldilittrefore -rospectfully-but earnestly urge
,the Democracy, the'name or COL. Et- TKO
VILLO, ae a most.suitable candidate for the Sheriff.
ally. His nomination might betaken as equivalent
to an election. A. JACKSONIAN.
. . .
...... ,-7.'K.g 2?..,; - ;;;;S. : ;1',.:-.?;";":; -''.1`.'ii;,!...:.:-=',,,T,-1`"z,.....',,'..--.---,-..- :.:-'..,,. ',- -,..;.z.--0.1..;-'',...'-'f,„.."-X,-- ..,':^ V._,,:V..4;-.--..:,;';;;-_-1.4:4ii„w,-;iv.--..a,.., 0.42.4i,,.....-.-..-.
~.,.tv.,..-„,...,,4,-,,.;,,,,,,..i.-.1.:44,-,-,z.•-,,,i.--;.-.;., .. „.,-,,...,.,:•-,..h.,.., __ ,.. g .„ *.. „ ....;,.. , , ,,, ...... 1...1.. , .,../...., i7, , ,f3...,..-,,,.„ , *-0 ,, ..„5.„!- 4 ..„.... 0 ,,,,,, v ,„......„. w . . - ~-.!-. . r. . • .
. -. ..? , ..t , ,,--, , , ,, --.-r..--...,-. ii.,,,,-,..,„4„,,....--t„. ... -, ........ , 4 ,,,, t„,. , ..,..„4.i.„ N 4,-..,ir t ........4,..„. tr . A .. * „.-4... - • . . . -
, . , -•.
....... , . . ~ . . .
At. Oatland, on 'Wednetdarevening,l3th instant, by
the Rev, Dr. Riddle, DiWaytt:Litloadut,orLottievilleißy.,
to MARY JAN; daughter. or .lbseph'ColtrirtMati.
On Thursday morning, the 14th litindit, brthe Rev.
William Reeves, Mr...WILLIAM . Bthermu; to Mrs. MAR
GARET MOOIIii, all. of Oita City.
11, ;wife.of . Jarnet M Wellsag.ed 23 •Yearai
Utter a short but painful illnesi, , Whieh'ette 'bore -with ,
Chriauan fortitude..
The funeral will take plueifrotn her late , residence on
Penn, street, five doors below Pine, thiarlay,latWiriet., at'
10 o'clock precisely. The friends and relatives of the
tinnily are requested to attend Willioutfurthevuotiee.
Ea' The stock of
a Ciiy . c l i m bi ng sic t ie utill be sold at
Kennals Auction Rooms this morning 10 o'clock.
TENKERS—Just received,.ftomiNew Yotk: a oPien
did lot, which will be sold verrlow,
jels:le , "R: a RYAN, No. Fittit st•
BOX ERRA - COM=RinetiredMid 'Mr sale by
jels . CUMMINS tr,
30...1. 1 1.frpayApr b E s . 7 pied t .
200 B ie tiELS foralUtyriH
The foliewitig-biAhe t srd whtch C 1 7 .5 ,, 5c ;du
has defietthe-rolleSPrn:. acim°ll
is the Anther ofilto seaoluttgae agaiaetwfiic COL •
Benton has apobaledi
To Ms TenpleV , Hileatzinttf:aidellon- C'eterHst:
You have, aff, doubtless, soeti the resolutions re
lating tethe'Atiestion of;slavery, passed Ity the last
General Assembly -of this State, and the, instractio_ne_
given to our - &fluters in . Congress toe - bey them, -
Cidarietett has:eseepted to these resolutions and
appealed to the %people of the State. He charges
that:the Legislature have instructed lutri-to dissolve
the Union—that the resolutionattie Agfendatne' titsßy
throng,” and thithe will nOt ebb:l , lE4n. Nor does
be - stop here in his denunciations. :He chaxgeethat
the iesehtticinic are the`" efihpring-of 'the Callitniti
addresit, , o as-he calls 11, incLthat - Ibiiy have' been'
moulded and fashiened after ,that address, atut.for,
--these, titiblitittinicharges,lshould riot nevi Say'a
word; but -should have waited until -its 4, gni° hiS
Being the :nether of theie viioluttans, I should - at
/Mitt knoll', as much , ettheir:Origin and tfliternity as .
Col.T.Benion,:iir any o ne else. The charge made by
Col: Benton - that the 'resolutions are the , foffsOring
of the Calhoun address," is not only irateitens, but
it is sot- in; ftct, and is not made for the pur
pose of giving thepeople any correct information on
this exciting and ,
..important question, but to prejn-'
dice the public mind ageinsr the:resolutions, and to
create it &lee Witte:l introduced'thase'reeoletions
tn'fulfilment of pledges`and premises Made to'''you
last summer They contain the sentiments you all
then entertained, and all expressedg upon this ques
tion. -There was bat one opinion among you, and
that opinion was againstthe « ViriliaotProviso,” and
the doctrines of the Free Soil'', party: :These
resolutions do not squint at dissolution.- There are
no 'disunionisti - in Missouri, that ' : I haul 'of. The'
Union is in no danger. Theresoltitione,advoCate the
doctrine of non-interference, and stand byAhe
souri compromise. This is all they ask Col. Benton
to do, and yet hemitegei that he is metructed to dim-.
solve, the Union: J . , The'.Eiecutives of the nertheri
States,' their - Leitilattiren and 'their Senators and
Representatives may denouncethe Union ; they may
attack the rights of-the Souib, and because the peo•
pie of the South shall remonstrate against their ag
gressions, are they to he ditiouneed.aidhstinionista
Co!. Benton , aays- yes.. - ,
These regal uticina express the sentiments we all mai -
tertained upon this question during the last canvass;
and were tntroclued by. me in compliance
w ith
pledges publicly made to you repeatedly. Theyare
right in principle, and I stand ready , to defend them
whenever and by whomsoever they, may be attackedL
and 'I Twill only add in conclusion ' , that - .whenever
er the , people , - of this Senatorial district shall
change their opinions' on 'this subject, and :ehall'
call upon
_haft cm their Senator and servant, - to
carry, Out the opposing iioctrines of .Wilmot, Van .
Burerkand'”Free Soil , ' that moment I shall resign
thy, seat in the Senate, for I cannot consent to be
made the instrument by which such an - outraie Shall
be inflicted:upon the rights of the people -of tho
slaveholding 'States:
" . Very respectfully ' '
12 ' 10
49 61}
3 3
26 30
Fayette, May 24, 1849.
Now the canvassmill °eminence in every County
in that State. Luc!, all pitty wars; it is peculiarly
bitter. - , Benater 2 . Atchison is agaiastßentee.
five =robin. of Congreis from that'State have.Aot,
defined their position, but as they refused to sign the
Sciatbent Address,. itis therefore possible that'' they
will be found on his side, before the end'of the
straggle. • -
31 3.,
- 9' 1
153 17
4- 0:44
4 067
35 4
, Onrioaily,
An English paper state : that there.bas been ex
blhiting at the,Egyptien Hall, London,- a full ieugth
Miniature ofa female, discovered by Mr. Endes in a
tiocleafirMrblit which he was preparing for an obe 7
tiiicoverad perfect in itself. Viv.Eadea thus
describes it: • • t - =
, - 2 2..Thm unprecedented Amu: mean of human nature
is a mostmysterions and truly astonishing full-length
Miniature of a - lady three incheti in 'height, in_the
costume ofthe aristocracy:or the present time, pes.:
sassing the most accurate and plenaing featurei,
'graceful figure, beautifuttinglets. Upon the head
is'ian elegant cottage bonnet, to which is attached •a
superb veil. Under her arm she carries a .superb
muff, which has the appearaitee of one of the moat
recherche of the Hudson Bay Company. 'The in
onmii.orobto miniature bps been. examined , by several
eminent en tiquariena, scientific gentlemen, first rate
artists, and numerator - distioguishadladies arid'gen
, demen, who have unanimously pronouneed it to'he
the Lifest specimen ever: beheld; and'may be -chat
longed agatasythe:world—so perfectly. uniform in,
every particular combining grace and eleganc,.that'
it appears a prOduction' of. Mr. Martinla, -- or some
other'eminent artist :2
Lulea and Manager C. 3..Powr
&zing and stagy Managei.. .. -11,r iL Cater.
?mess Atenrissicnt:
Drams Circle and Paninetto....-
Family Circle or Second Tier
Err HENEfTT OP MIit , O , S;PORTHEI., on which oc
castor the ladies and gentlemen of the establishment
have unanimously volitnte'cred their services- Mr_ AV.:
H. CRISP in two..charecters. Mr; Fount& cm the'ldtick-
- .
THE HONEY Aranrs, Mr. Crisip Ro
lando Mr. Prior ; Balthaviri Mr. Archer; Mock D uke,
- Mr. Porter; "'lichens, Mrs. Aladisou, Valente, Miss
Cruise ; .Zamara; Mrs.. Prior. ' . ,
After Which, Mr. J . FAlißrittr will appear - end execute a'
Fantasia on the. Violin, having politelyr tendered
services:. Dance, by the Naiteri:Wood . -
To conclude with the popular Barletta or ' SOMEBODY
ELSE. .-Ilans Moritz, his original character;
IL Crisp ; ..Flitertnan, fiTr.-Venun Mini), with the tort
. ginal music, Miss Cruise ; Louise, Mrs. Prior.
Saturday, Mr. Roys' Benefit. . .
U 77 POOT4 open at half past 7; Curtain. will rise at S.
11 County,in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania ; No.
172 of June Term, 1849.
In re-application of the Masonic Fund
Society for the County . of Allegheny, fora.
Charter of Incorporation,
)1 • . And now, to 'wit, June 9 , 1649 , the Arti-
c os of Association,„of said Society pre
-,- • vented to the Court by Geo. W.,.Layng,
Esti:, and the Court order that the Same be
Med - in the offite of the Prothonotary, and-that notice of
'said application be given, by publication in one newspar
per printed In the County of Allegheny, least Three
weeks; and - that at the next term said Charter be
granted, if-nosulfcient reason beshown to the contrary.
By t h e coutt: HIRAM HULTZ,
jalenetai -"- - Prothonotary.
111,1-RW BOOKS—lrving—The Crayon .11U.scellany,.--
IN , comprising, The - Prairie,. Abbotsford,' Newstead
Abbey. Convict*, in one volume—elegantly printed. .
Current—The - Monasteries of the Levant. Pott, 8 vo.;
illustrated, • '
A volume 'br more - than ordinary interest, relating a
'series of most curious and often amusing adventure. ;.•
• • The field occupied by the volume is almost entire
ly now.—Commerciat Advertiser. - . • , .
A book of - gentlemanly, liberal, scholarly interest,
Which reminds us not a little - of Beckford's Spanish Ex-.
cursions, or the vivid eastern reminiscences of Eothen.—
Literary World -.::
. coo New edition or earty-.Works.)—Th
.vised,Ac... with new introduction and notes. Complete
in 1 vol. 'Uniform with Irving's works.
.The Spy and the Sketch-Book were the first Ainerican
book, which were universally acknowledged to, contain
:a performance as well as apromise.. We:well remem
ber the enthusiasm with.which they were received, and
the - proud expectations.which they awakened among.the
liberal minded abroad and the patriotic at home. Irving
was soon allowedll seat by the sida.of Goldsmith. and
'Addison and Cooper was translated in every country of
the cont i nent where any interest was felt it a: forelTl
literalure.—Literary World..
For sale by - J. D. LOCKWOOD,
• " ' - , 133 'Wood street.
4UAj3 D'l( AND GIN; to
a 1 Vv pay charges at AUCTION.-;-On Monday next,
Tune ISM, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, will be sold,
without reserye; at McKenna's -Adetion Rooms to pay
charges,, 6 quarter casks of Brandy, 71 do. 'do.Holland
Gin. JAMES McKENNA, Anct. '
LEDIONB--20 boxes, just lall
~, co_r 1 ; 01 . 4 . 5
6 . D b Yy ER, —._
N 0.158 lakerty qtr:eet. •
001 2 1+EE . --40 bags prime RicyJnl4.ll3ol und for sale by
Jels - • WIT DYER.. .
CREDBR— . , :73 boxes' W. D. Cheese,lei sale very low.
le/ 6 - -NM DYER.
, •.J , 114L$WffihW.8.
Gautlensenho 1134 arnlabLug:_Xinioiriltra
' • wriarzsLA - Lr. AND RETAIL;
NO. Ott 2!0,1113.TH STREET,,,If',OLLO UIL D IIVOS,
ILETW . ZErt vso9D .arrp , mariui*Ayt!ittriiii - •
Always on' hand, a !tips assaryaon
'Bosoms, Collars; CravAts, Gloves, liostery, , ,SliponOers
Under Shirts,. Dravreraoto.. ece, - - • mar2l
. . .
jr.R.S, DUFF hais recently received the latest designs
AIL or Dresses, Cardinals, and every article in her hne
of busineis t and is preparedto execute all orders it - the
ihortestuotice. Merchants ordering Cardinals or Visities
made, may rely,upon obtaining work in every respect
squat to that obtained_ from - the east. Head .Dresses,
Dress., Cups, Capes, Collars, Laces, Ribbons, Flowers,
Fringes; Gimps, Ladies , - Rdkfs., always on band at
- MRS. DUFF'S, 10 St. Clair st.
Boot arid Shoe \Warehouse.
. .
jHUGH M. ROBB having' removed to -
the spacious - building formerly occupieds
by Wallace, Lyon dc Co., No. -lie Wood street,
ttear Fifth, would re qiectfally invite the-attention
of the public generally to the large and fine .aasortmertt
of GOODS be is now °Tering Cheap for -Cash. . ...-
AllP l ' 2o / 16 .Nilsbieg O'durable and cheep article In the
SHOitline, are, invited to call and examine his stock.:
.....Also, a tot of fineLeithorn and Palm Leaf HATS. Wad"
a• good misortment or IRUNKS,Iiway 06.411d.1 7- - 4
~,11T,H.- L =Healso continues to manufacture. MI Ginierlf '
apl3:3lmdttor -
THE SHAVER SHAVEH:«4lolPi'lidnes'ilay morning
asstranger stopped at egg stf_the. numerous 'stands
where variety goods areeffereld . for eat . ° in the tiirti .
mond, and after bartering Mime time for a knife, at
last became suited and offered-the 'lender, in pay
ment ass note. The variety goads man, thinking
that the bill looked '
rather spurious, took it to a
broker who nt.once pronounced it good, and gave
11:tig! riAtne Litt 'etkapge. The small dealer went back
giva - thit purchaser the knife - and
hit 'change.' fete minute, the_broker came
out Ot breath, and ntaiqd,thntthe
counterfeit, and dem nadedioMt mon'ey
In inchange . for it. Here . wae a dileMM a—the Variety
goods mitilied giyen the trifle &nd change away and
soul' Matthink of luting the - five dellcini.himself, be-•
*idea litiolimirved that it' was thp shaver's brininess
.to detect the - note, and he.IS ita II y= swore that "he'd : '
be d—d if he was agoing to r edcem 'Theeceee
bet Ween tbe shaver,and merchant is viaid,.by those
who, eaw:it,.to . have been funny in _the exttonio. r •—
E ach wisbed,,to• fight,' anii dammed the other to
etrike 'first, butVOii the .tioye say, 'gone tyro ifratd
and the other darettit." • -
EarrEssivz Eiriaiiitiiitswavi.—'We ye sterday paid
'a visit to the very extensive spice Ostribliiihnientof
'Messrs. It . hodes & Alcorn, in'-Ryan: .bnildingti,
on Fifth' Street. A largo part-of these_ eitenolve
buildings are occupied by Meniri.' Rhoden pad, 4.1,
corn, in-their manuffintory- of Hulled : Barley, tvhich
is said tobe equal. if • not soperior
cooked, to Rice, Hominy, Ogt hdeal s landevoey
variety of spices. The Messrs. .11.11s . :4a„havo only
been in operation in this city for a eviip . lt:of years,
amilheir establishment has grown':ijKkone of the
most'mammoth ones of the kind in the country. We
most cheerfulty recommend them to the considera
of the public. - , •
ACottEr A rr.— young gentleman named /dotter,.
whckappeared to have been “ratiling ,, rather freely
for a person riding in a beggyj.tHiOptcd:to drive
his horse on to a . pile of scantling sin hint:i(rent
near Ferry, audit'. the 'titterer. weeprowir.ent . ot.
the buggy And landed bead foremost on the giant.
ling... His head waa frightfully cot and bruiser!, add
one of his fingers nearly 'cut- •He was carried
into the bouie of L. SeveteMee, Esq, :where every
attention was pdid him by the ladierriond his wormds
dressed by' Dr., Eichbauna. He weielterwarde ro
moved to the Virginia Hotel, vvherilie is at present
in a fair state of recovery. - - •
Poucr.:=There were only two offenders in the
tombs yesterday ;piquing. No. 1, was , , g Old Joe?
the ancient colored gentleman whose many virtual',
especially of “kicking up a hind afore;» the modem'.
Poet, have been “throwingthornselves away upon. 4.
. 4 Old Joe) was arrested for drunkenness ; and aril
appeared Item the statement of the watchman ; he
had no violable means of - oUppari or no home to go
to ; he was sent up for thirty - days. , "Don't cry, old
Joe . .” Ito. 2, was a young roan, a stranger in the,.
city ; and one who looked as if he had seen better
days. He wa s_urrested on suspicion of having
~n os;
money, but be accidentally found friends who palrt
his fine and provi4e4i . for him tor the present.
Asr Hirroatcat. Rossitstc.E.old London - Bridget
or the days of Hear] `the
Rodvrell, is the title of a most 'brilliant worltejtaq:
issued from the press, and for - sale at the literati
porium of Work & Holmes, Third street opposite'
the Poet Office. If any of our friends want a few
hours of pleasant and instructive reading, we advise
them to call at Messrs.. & 11 , 5. and get a copy,
mn.E.—We do not wish our readers is lariat
that to-night has been set apart for the Complitneui..
Lary Benefit of Manager, s. Porter: I±.lr. Porter'
has labored hard and successfully for yearn to place s
the drams:id its proper standing in this city, and' we
really Lope his friends and the friends of thergglegit
iinate” will not let his exertions go nitre - warded, bu t
give hirn to-night a benefit “as is a benefit". .
- ,
..X.esesemersost.--Tbe- friends'orWatra;Vti
cision of his benefit, on Wednetday night, present
ed to him a beautiful silver snuff box, lined with
gold. The present was kmunitteent one and well
merited. The box, on behalf of the donors, was
presented by N. B. BliCartby, Esq. The irgeeehei
were neat and appropriate..,
ISlrr YETTERDAT.—The committee on appesbi
from Water Assessment, mot at their Chamber In
the Old House yesterday, for ihe purpose of heating
the appeals of citizens of .the First, Second and
Eighth Weirds, To-day they , will atiend to . the
Third and Sixth, and to-morrow to the Fourth rand
1 . 11:XIICY 0! A POIITIIASFER.—The - Publisher of
tbf.Dermtm Courier received yeetorday a. returned
Paper from the Limestone P. 0., Pa., with the fol-
lowing remarks from the postmaster: “Let this Pa
per go to H—. The nearest route is diiectly west." !
etiOLEBA..—We understand that a youog manma
toed Smith, stopping at the Iron City Hotel, was at
tacked with Cholera yesterday;but is 'convalescent.
We have heard of several cases during the last two
days, but doubt the; truth of the'reports:
WEAntExt.—Yesterday was one of the moat idea
sant days of the season— persons could venture out
without either an overeoatror the leeitfeeeefbeing
melted, down in his boots. •
MO the Hondrable - the Judges of .the Court'. of Geneta
a Quarter Sessions of the Peace in and for the County
.of Allegheny:
The petition'of - Peter Eckert, of the - Township of. Re.
serve, m the County aforesaid, humbly. sheweth, That
your petitioner bath provided bilatielf with materials for
the accommodation of travelers and Others, alibis dwell.
'lag house,-in the Township aforesaid and prays that
your - Honors Will'be pleased to grunt him a license - to
keep a public-house of- eutertainumuL . And your, peti
tioner, as in duty hound, vrilipray.
:We, the subscribers;citizens of aforesaid Township,
,do certify, that the above petitioner is of good "re
pute for honesty and temperance, and is well provided
with house room and conveniences for the accommoda; -
lion of travelers and others, and that. said . tavern is tie- . '
ea j B l . Woods. ' Jr.,Jr
J. Jamests* ier; Wm. Casson. J. Von .
°plan, D. Guyer, R. Phillips, J. Woods, J. - .Seiffert, P.
Kroft, 11. Galloher, kl.Sciffert4.:Reisitherger, Jejel4*
1 . 110 thilionorable the Judge 4f the Court of, fie nein!
-I. Tarter Sessions of the - Peace in and for the County
The petinoa.of. Thomas Baruitii of the. Fifth *cud;
Pittsburgh, in the . County aforesaid, humbly_ sheweth,
That your petitioner hath provided - himself with riia!
tennis for the accommodation of travelers and others at
his : dwelling house, in the Ward aforesaid, add pr a ys
that your Honors ill be pleased to grant him a .ficenise
to keep a public house of entertainment. ind'yonr pe;
titloner, aarzt duty bmind will pray • •
We, the tmbscribers, citizens of thOe NI
Ward aforesaid,
do certify, that the above petitioner is of Rood•repute
-for honestyand temperance, and is well provided with
house room and conveniences for the accorathodation
and lodging of strangers and. travelers, and th at -said
tavern is necesstarl. ' •
J. ;W. Ta._ylar. - John Motiohtin, LeVriis;lll. Martini B.
Buerkle, Joseo Jeukinson,. Richa r d Turner, Daniel
Dougherty, T. ownes x 4. Wood,
,111. Sehwerer•Dahlek
McLane.- , —(Chitrn: -jelittald
Nk,v BOOKS.-3 , ......„ e winta, --- Fx - KRT7ts,,uu i '
illustrated .
. • illustrated with numerous engravings an WOnd , '-.
IL vol.; muslin:.:. • .. .. ....... ; • . •• r-•- '
• TAs.lncarnatiotiosr • Pictscres of the :Virgin and 10:
Son, - by Charles Beecher, Fort Wayne, Indiana; Villa*
Introductory-Essay; by Mrs: Harriet Beecher Stative.;---
-. -Just received by . JOHNSTON I - ISTOCBTON, ...,
ie.,' :'' , • - • Cor.3d and.hlaraetats.'
20 h f. bbl,., Nos. 1- 'and 2, Masi: ineYn
Laiding and for sale_b_y_ , .
• . Au- I,I, ER* RICK:MON:.
. Nos. 172 and 174 14ipertyjniripeit:
OA" . MEAL—Fresh: from th e aralcniver
price than before offered to families, and eqtral to
that recntifacturedfikOld Ireland . - : . • .
j e s [Chronicl copy.]..."RHODES &ALCOILN:.:'
• •
S AT ATION. On Thursday
` next, Janel4th, at 2 o'clock in the aftentoon , will
a soldi at McKenna's Auction: Rooms, 19 barrels Dried
Peaches of very superior quality and in OM order.--
They will be aold'l bbl., with the privilsge.-
jell: . ~.. , .... -:: JAIdn: bIeR.HUI NA;
. Auer. -
JRANBY—ttiarttll Cognics:prandi; - J: J. :Dapurs
43 Bordeaux do; .a....SeWAgis;iin C o
do.;irretore,aud.for eale - -by,.. : ;141411:,. J. S. 4oNNET.
_ _
' ONQUI: 5u.e4.1..3—000 Conqnd Shells just reek! and .
f. eby • tj JOSHUA RHO ) ' -
IiirrAtCRANT . TAILOR, StnithfiehtitrenTip; IA tie
teieen lst and 2a streets. • apty
ews by Telegraph!
Rep Anted for`tho Morning Post.
• PEILADELPELid, Judo 14, 1849.
The Halifax Express announces the arrival of tho
Cambria at tbat place at noon on Wednesday. Shtr
has sixty-nine passengers: on btiard, , pad• will ; be due
at Now. York on Fridayiliglit:v - . • '"'
Business .London had - improved: - -.lllSuatiy- Wati
.gdidiplif!wdiv quoted *A;4009010/9/ifi lhA
highest T1°641628 being eccoj t.. Eiliik"
closed et 1,9401;95„ •
Amerfcanreecnrillcited ck t s i 7T l 9 - r:
Flour svaa dull, Ind : 10111 Weeteruy _~iea. rat
.225. 611.(a230; 0hi0,23i; - 0014kr e 6d. TortlanCorn
elillsfreely at 42185;i:rj t. Woe 45037 hie Yellow
some :rtta!qslkre:has been on advarmo of
6rl.;salee 54:r tohf , • 'rather better request. Tireueleise
rates: sales of choice at 415.; irate' extra quality
at 40 lier.PVti•
itainl74oo !' nellel A l6; .: l t l o l oifilkiiither giv
log way in , valart to extent or'lsi.vr4tvt;
.01;erie:—.4tffejintineasdoieg." 4;tailyel ortatbet
'iif#ridr..reelized per ctvt.. .. . .
• :Beill.f4i**lol4l°i°ll*
.' Pork—Western prime mess pork ofordinary (les.
Options; being in tair demand at a ieductioriof2s
iias per bbl; bat n limited boeinies
. . . . -.. .
ARREST Pr-gg!r i TODVILG n E RS. •-.
Bern Loam Juno 14 18.49.
Lite account! from Fort - .lTeatney confirm tho
news of tie nrreai - of sevirarillesse! of the Pala
burgh..,Califiiipio, ,Enterprise company, upon the
chirgeof wantonly , and arithon t.- provocation, mur_ .
dering live 'kerma Indians, and wounding .•
They base been. arrested by the 11. S. Dragoons,:
and . taken to Pon fcii trial..
The Company is completely broken up: 1
Tho river is tieing rapidly, and ianear as t ! igt ) an
it was at the laat freshet. . •
• Nottromt, Juno- 14 ;",..i .
Twelve deaths for the week ending TuesditY..The ;
steamer Water-witch returned to, Partin:Lou th .
gieitt, with "twenty cases of nholora, having tirOkti,'
out on board after being a few days 111 sess Several
have since died; . • • •
Walton, the Treasurer of the Avon_ Theatie at
Norfolk, absconded with the proceeds of Monday . ..
Donovan's .Panorama of the battles in gesice,,',,
were destroyed by groin Richmond, on Wednesday.
The paintings were insured. to the nmount of ten
thousand dollars. - "
Cholera la Net York:: .:"'
NEvr. YaiuF,4imas.
Thirty easel; of cholera and • 15 4feithiliAhe city.
, -
hoteiu in 136403V414i .:
" • - • CINCITIINABI t .
. . .
: .
•. - e
-• . 4rd.-. '7.i ' l ' . 1 .1 b. now ob ) tain repo rd rt'
, f o'
/Cemeierice, and.4631351ite111 ! "yea . i .. a :.
' - •
choierit ta ;..
41*:..14iR5, June 14. '
Seven Cemeteries ropoilAlligiiiiinia,frOin
era, on Tuesday, and.l2.fronsutherdiseases...
OnSatinday there were - .20 'deaths from Ch . olera:;
on Sunday 37; and on Monday'. 90; frOm.thisit hp
pears that the epidemic is in creaeing - .,. me_
mints' during the last three days nninber:l29;;V£
these 103 were or Cholera.. •
. t..
_ . .
Duel at aulptisibe"' S. •" •• „
- • • tovireuLE June 14 :
Air. Giotto S' Gin's. 2114:11-
&if are final
first firo:
• - Fiteeranike, Kr., Juno
The d ecisiotrin theroiat !fidegraphea4e, tender:
ext . to-day in the United Staten.. Circuit Quirt, .is in
'l or of Oilteilly t' him.thileentacki
line, and declaring the invention of hainte bono
infriagetnent of the injunction obtained by Morse
last fall upon thi Colatobian instrument.
• -• Prm.a.purtat.s. Juno 14. • :
The eeneeneeteeetY4thbill4pices new., at Hall
lax this raornipg has chee!eil.all tramsactioria.
. .
_ = :; 'PartioripatA, Jona 14.
There bag been no cases of cholera. in the egyto:
. - . • .......7PIitLeDEL . P.4 Juno •„
Floo...Wsi have no Miamian to notice In; - the
market. • Holdera are firm, and the demand moder
ate, witiiittles of contreaff, stale andnaixeewestere
to tho extent of 2000 bbls; at 4,621: - The steanarty
• news Was received (opiate to have - any elfeatviiioa,:
the market. Buyers have temporally withdrAvoi•ll.l..
Grain.. Wheat is firmly. - The•sales;tirday : '
ioclude prime red at 1,0301,09; prime white e 1 - Corn is in good deriand, with sales of 8000 brie of
southern yellow iti'6o6l6l. Oat. - are 'dull at,3oe.
Provisions..We note sales of 95 hhda of - ,wesiatts
and city curedhams at 5a6 for shoulders, tudesfik.
Sugae.ciired Et. • - • . • • • .. • . •
Groderies.. The re is a ;good•Vletnand for toffee,
and prices are . fully • .•
Sogar—There is an improved feeling' inthe tear- •
• ket with purcbaso. „-
Rico—With a good demand tho prices are. very
dall at 3i." ' •' ' •- - • ;
kei, with mere deslro to purchase. •. • .
Fruit—Sales were made ofpoaches at 1,42.
Iroft..The market for Iron is dulli and prices un
changed. • • ' • "
•• Lead--Sales of Missouri Pig at 5.. • ' •
• Whiskery—is doll, with sales at 21c.
Money Market—The annimation at • the S • tock •
,Board today had an upward tendency of ptieetieoP.
Leiently attested the general faVor witli.Yebleblbe
news by the steamer. s regarded; Baler.;ot'3raitid:
Sixes (1868) at , $1,15 (1856)J2t 1,061 ( 186 441,; 12. 1
Sales Pennsylvania Fives at 89/05(. sal" ofogit'.
burghBixesllB6s) at 811.
. .
•' . ..-• CINCINNATI' Winn? •
Csirctariawrz,latie s .l4.%
derato stain weristitade at pre.
• '•Grain. The'market for Grain hi:without chaise,
hotline regards pricen 'and demand.
••••Whislsy..The demand is' fair; prices are an.
changcdrwith salegat..lsl(Bls;: - • -
Bacon..Salee of 200 hfids packadSides at•sl.; the
mice. mere principally' to fill Eastern contracts.—
Salo ettarivassed Barna, pecked, at The/sales
or• Lard compriso 1001) kegs atfi,6s IW• L'•
The riser rose two feet two :Mabee io.ilu t
Weather'iirelondy;with•the'apptiariticeorrain. ,
• - ' ...
itiin ii ,A ill
.c: r. * G
ü ß e l3 8 .
4- 0
# =,- e
.., . ~:
i S I2 4BER'2O.I . AL Vi T y,III7CSET; ~ ,-. • -,
.. ~zasiz.• Doosuiilsove .lairtit lertuts4 , eztatCor: ;nit .•
~. .... . a GIADVNIABIVIIivE.
Si O
t .& B. would reipectftelyitigiittilliiiittb
, she that they teed *it times fitbilartheplato .
,a rp aiieruFtisiorutieitt of -• ' - ':. ~ • ,•, .. . •
.StifutbteXoS C ustom -iir r ork/ It balm odt inie ulliatra a• •
Cash Magness, ant ahaltendeavor to sell all articles ill the
Clothinre at -tbelawela possible Mid th ere can
bit no doub t thar our friends and the public generally
would nd It their interest to favor-nitwit& a. sbare of
their patronage. BOOBYER:tt GRIDDLE.
• ' N. id.—Parucular attentioapairlto tba.liNatgar Clothes
'DICP 451• Liberty street, three rioorsibota Irwic
signor:the Bee Hire. . . ' • aP2s'
OR SALE-7 half chests Helena" Tea, and Intik
Madder; Low for City or County Suip; at : • • • •
undersigned having been. appointed Agent of the
ThiLANVAZZ Um:mu 8112,37 1:13171/ANCE COISPAStr,II3
the place of John Firmey, Jr, resiauedirespeetntllp. in.
to r n s the priblie and. the friends. and customers of the
ConunanY; that he le Flerued - to.take
mid Fire risks,"on:liberati terms, at their once,
Water street. [mglo]. " P. A:MADEIRA, Agent.
y‘ 4p7c65 Leib°ll Syrup. for. sale by
jc ; *. J. 8: BONNET.
(VIM A1134 . F.;
7 . ti Dried and Siltedfor sale hi the
ttaarM •I . I NVIL Dlta.