The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, June 14, 1849, Image 1

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114'.°P1111114. A. - 1:
Printed and Pubtialted everg Aromins, I Swula vs e4e.epte c t)
BY L. ErA.RP ER, - •
zeolcnr.wlar dolman or wool) Lan swot, araaurs.
1177, ; Dollars a_ year,
_payable strictly
to advance. 'Six Dollars will invariably be liana' ed if
not paid withirithe year. '
- Singbs - copieciero dictre..4br sale at the counter
the Office, and by . the News Boyd,
- •
published *front the same office, 011 , 8:large blanket
size *heat, at TWO DOLT.A.RS a yCar, in adVgillee7.
single comes lava ears:
"fEllrr No paper 6nll be . diseolitinnbiltuairls at the dis
:ereteintof the proprietor) arrearages are paid.
0:P"No attention WI be pant to any order artless ac
companled by the Meier, or ahtistatory re retence in this
Mt, KVA= `O7. OR L.
One.lasertlon, .. . 60 O n e ' Month , 84 00
, T , 0,0 • ... 070 Two do 600
- Three - do••- .•••••••. 100 Three do 7 00
One Week, 150 Pour. do••••••• 00
. ...... 2do six .. . • ...10 00
Three do 3 00 One Year, 15 00
C/ 92 , !ne.abk T.'4l.°lrt•-•
, squAni. Vivo SWAZIS.
51°n litif •SiS Oaf Six Months, 620 00
One Year, . 20 00 I.olte Year,••? - 30 00
Larger advertisements in proportion. -
11 caras qf FOUR LINN 8, Piot& Dalian a Yeas;
e cuts will not be inserted, unless an extra price
is psi
IL?" Advertisomeins uponWhieh ilia number of insei
tionala not marke4„ will be inserted and ehmliell•uelll
P. czasostoss sitAftsol. • our= Ettin,SON.
IinNNON SHANNON, Attorneys az Lecto.,--Office
1.3 on Fourth stieet, newly opposite the geyor'sZOthee.
D JENNINGS, Attorney at, Law, Fourth ot., above,
AMUEL- SLAVA ? iUMlarga4 Law.Gtifice-on 41n
trebh,ncar (irant. Pittenargn. -oci2s .
Law;Office in ,)Sake.ty. welPs.thuldinga, Grant street. - ' aitiy27-12n.
A. 014 VEX, Physician and Surgeoni—Otfice
No 8, St. Clair street, Pittsburgh'. ' aug2f-y
Tlft. JOHN , CRASITORW*fice on -Ss. Clair - stseet,
„Ur opposite the Exchange.
Cl ORLANDO LOOMS, Attorney at Laut—Othce 4th
at., above Wood. -
- - -
11Ht1M11.8. M. brARSLIALL, disarray as Law.--Office,
Lowrie's Buildings, Fourth at •
DARRACiii, Attorney at Law—Moe AO:Saki:weirs
1„.". Buildings, on Grant street, opposite the Court
lipase. 1124:ly
lr KENNEbY, Attorney est Laut.—Otfteelizita
ILL: same building with Alderman NM:luster, Filth st.,
between Wood and Smithfield au. augl7-6m5
TOLIMBARTON, AWN-no at Lam.--Olice, North aide
LP of Fifth street, Vetween. Wood and Smithfield, in the
tune building wi th Alderman Morrow. gop3O4y
ell1)1t013 Anornay and Coun.rettor Lauf
%Jr and Notary Pub/ie.—Office at the corner of 4th and
Wood sts., over Sibbet &Jonise Exchange office. oett4
xiD,, 4.IND SNOWDEN, ettiorney at Lau . —tJffice in
the building-on the North Emit corner of Fourth and
tinuthfield ate. -
-1D MORROW, Alderman.—Office north side of Fifth
Aldo - street,. between Wood and Smithfield, Pittsburgh.
AIiaCANDLES &LITRE, duornrys and . Counsel
/ors at Lam:—elftce on Foarth 4i., opposite R. &R...
ft. Tattersall's Livery Stable, Pittsburgh. septo.y
VORWARD & SWARTZ WELDER, Attornrys at Lam.
.Ls 'Office on Fourth street , between:Woad and Smith
field, opposite Pattertion's Livery Stable. ap7-y
'WADE F. GILLMOILE, Attorney and Counsellor at
kT'Lato.=-Office removed to the 2d door below G rant s t.,
an roarth, to the office lately occupied by Alderman Mil-
T N. WCLOWRIE", Attorney and Counsellor at Lam—
• -Office in Bakewe Bni'dings on Orant street.
- 13430TT, Dentist, Fourth it., five doors west of Mar
t/ • ket. All work warranted, and if net perfectly sat
isfactory no charges will be made. - febl.o.
IDEMOVAL.—Pr. Robert Snyder, has removed bus
Alto office to Fourth street' : between, 1 07o:di:ad Smith
field. streets. - mart.s-ty
• $ EntOVAL.—A. Beelen has removed his commisssion
t and forwarding business from the Canal Basin to his
- • • new warehouse, on Third street, nearly opposite the Post
rentOred to Fourth et, next door to the office of
Aldemtan . _ • ap7
110R.ICK-140,000,Biratinghom, for sale by
110: SUCKMAS'rEft, A/derman— . .oince: Fourth street
' door above Smithfield, South side.
eonveyancing of all kinds dons with the greatest care
arid legal accuracy.
75tles to Real Estate examined, novls
OHM COYLE, Notary and Coneeyaneer.—Office in
P v Metcalf 's Building, Fourth street, near grnithfield,
ittabturgh. DOEIII4Bo ads, Mertgage!,A niel of Agr ea-
Meta; and 'd i
i other nstrumentiof writing drawn up with
sec= and dispatch. Titles' to Real Estate einnuned.
OHN A. PARKINSON, Akiesman, nth Ward, Penn
at.. between Walnut and O'Hara sta, where he may
be found at all times. Those having houses or other prop
erty to sell or rent, can have the same punctually attend
lid to; debts collected; and all the duties of on Alderman
. 1 01 reeeiTe prompt attention. 0c27-p
AS. , Mellon's Bighting*, corner of Wylie and Fifth Meets
~eastaideof the Court House.
Collecting, Conveyancing, examinations of ' Ra
cords, &e.. promptly and accurately attended to. utylS
lErt SrnILLIA.MS, Amway and Counsellor at
:Late; (meoessor to Lowrie ts. Williams,) Office at
She old 'stand, Fourth at., above Smithfield.
TRH Partnership heretofore existing between Henry
W.; Williams. Esq., and myself,in the practice ofthe law,
. was dissolved by mutual consent on the 24th Mt., and the
basineas hereafter be continued by Henry
limns,: whom I most cheerfully recommend to all for
whom I haie the honor to do busincss—as a gentleman
every way worthy of their confidertm
• deel&ly . . • WALTER. IL LOWRIE,.
Georse R. Riddle, Conveyancer.
(CC uxAvery Row, Fifth street, above Smithfield,
other instruments of writing; drawn with neatness, legal
adeuracy and dispatch.. He will'also attend todmwing
and filing Medians& Liens, Actountrof Emeutora,Admin
israters, te., Examining tides to Ate Estate, Searching
Itecordsjor Liens, 4.c., 4.c.
• From kis long experience, and intimate acquaintance
with the manner of keeping - the public records, he ex.
pews to give satisfaction to those who may entrust their
mustn't*, to his care. —decls
Auction Notice.
THE subscriber has paid into the Treasti-y of the Com.
monwealth, the amount of license required .by law.
lie hasgiven the regularly approved security, and taken
out a commission of the first class, as an Auctioneer of
the city of Pittsburgh, and rented that spacious ware
zoom belonging to SylvannsLothrop,Esg.,No.ll4 Woad
street, three doors from Fifth, where he is prepared to at
tend to the sale of every kind of Merchandise Furniture,
Real. Estate, Stocks, Shipping, .4..,..either at the Auction
Rooms.or on the premises, and will in all cases exert him
self:to the utmost for the benefit of his employers, on the
most reasonable terms; - he will sell exclusively and only
on commission; neither purchasing nor having any In
terestwhateve r on goods in the store i but merely the com-
Mission for selling, thereby giving all owners a fair chance
without partiality of having therein property disposed of
to the beat advantage. -
• Sales will be promptly settled when made. Advances
will be given at any time, on the most accommodating
terms. Merchants will not be charged for advances.
Regular sale days: Mondays.and Thursdays, of Dry
Goods, Groceries, - Furniture, Ac.;-- and every eventog,
Hardware Cutlery, Watches, Guns, Pistols, and Fanny
Articles. Books on Saturday evenings.
ap24. JAMES WEENNA, duct.
& E. TODD would rcspeetfully inform the mer:.
Jae' chants of this city and our customers generally,
that we have removed our stocker Shins and Gents Fur
nishing-Goode, to the cornetor Flint and Market streets,
4d 'story over W. tc P. Hugus, etillence on Fifth street,
where we 'wadi° keep osdairindO large stock of
of our own nounifacture, :ffth an assortment of Gentle-
Mope Furnishing Goods, usually kept by Eastern Whole-I
Sale Furnishing Stores."'
Being very, thankful for the kind patronage bestowed
on us for the past year, we would be happy to receive
calls from our old customers _and merchants generally,
and , would' inform them that we intend nothing on our
pan shall induce them to look further, as we .
add largelylopur stock, arid diminish our prices.
Merchants- and dealers are solicited to examine our
stock of Goods. - - aPiptt
'tOTEM. AND PUP. MAN UFACTOKY.7-Theaub se ri
bers, having enlarged their establishineui for themact
ufgeture of Snit, and Fuss--on the corner of O'Hara
and Liberty streets, Pittaburgh—am prepared to furnish
Piles °revery description, of the best gtualityi.and being
determined to make it the interest of consumers to ,par
- chase Files from them, respectfully invite the. Putro4age
all who use the article. _
marl6-y I. ANKRIM rk; CO.
11) ENO V AL.-0 n account of our pent upinarket;and
tat a demand for vege tab l e stand s,
thehare been com-
Cale remove yApposi te side of
trapSl, ic z o ' n ' t of Alexander &Day. ry Goods
Store, latex* s halt be glad to eite my former customers.
..-IY I 2 •
.Lou—Bounded by. kernif Liberty
and Ha Y salt; each lot having-2.4 het .front, and ex
-tending-back .t te felt:. Two of them ace corner lots, and*
be position of the whole property is one of the most ad-
VanOgeoris IA the city.. -For further information apply to
' - v 3-- between Wood and Smithfield.
muzonrdwit:A! , 4-mutwan— , -P-4-
\ ~
: 4 ,
tauzEt. .t . RICIEETSON,
Nos. 174 and 174
. , 2 .
• b
- ,112124 r • -
- •
. .
. .
. .
%sings Cabs
kIIMSTRIMO & CROZER, Gatraision: Merchants
and Deakrs itsProduee, 221darket sc deo
pdeGUIRE, Fessuost.9.4 T A T1 . ,02., Third st.„ near
J Wood—St. Charles • [sep/S-y.
4. -- MargtateXlNNA, .thogiomer old .Cestaassion/ia: .
slums ! No. 114 Wood street. febt •
ERTILOgILINSE_ ,Y Dealer ' Flutes(
ZNo.67llbuket satin:
A•:-LF A
: 2 NDER JAYNES, - Pc . kin- 21gs Stel'il 72 ' Thud
.Monet, near Wood. !obi
Irma City Clothing Story, N 0.12.1,
N.:li Liberty street, opposite the mouth'othlstiter. , febl
OS CA ROBINSON, Agent as Hamden it Co.'s
bb eof Pad2ts, Fifth at, one door below Wood. febl
W i t r.IA M JACKSON, Patent Mectisine Depot, 89 Libt
arty street, head of Wood. • . 'fent
- 10NOLISH ELLlOTT,BoaktelJers Ana Stationers, No;
y„,lo' .o,lViarket st. between Third and Fourth., , fens
DELAN Y, Fashiettale - Clot/tine Store,
.No. 99 Lib
'arty street. : feel
UON a SARGENT, N-E earner °Mood and Wadi
111 treats. . febt
AI,- HOLMES & tION, Bankers and //takes its Fzutange,
-LT it - Coin and/tank .11 r oles, - N0.415 - Araikin rink tebl '
FULTON, Bail and - itrar Foundet; 71) Second
between Market and Ferry streets, febl
_ _
&ca t Coach aad Wagon Makers,
.2. Bt. Clair suentoesx the bridge. . (ebb
D IA...BROWN'S OFFICLE, Nbl6s, Diamond alloy, netii.
C ; ; WERNEBERG,Fashioncade Clos4ing Zstablishmtent,
• No. 25 Liberty'street. •• • , my 24
othv Cti
'Mood, 0
)•Fashionabla Tailor, 'UM stmet;near
tetke otrionpfithe Port. my :13
luir ILL ' • & RIC "TraalirWhalaalo Gram and Com
maticis Mgreguinti, - ciirter otLibany and Irwit
F'l A. !deli ULTY & CU z Forwarding and
• Diercluintr, Canal Bow
OLINIWOLOSKEY Taikor - and Clothier,.Li bettystree
AJP between Sixth 'and Virgin allep t soudi rade. sepl.o
• kotss• r •cers, om.
jtvgnission and Forwarding Merchants, and Agents tor
brightonCotton Yarns, 57 Water at, Pittsburg. feud
virm. A. WARD, Dentin, Penn street, three doors
yy above Hand street. Office hours from nine till
five. inert:ls:y
JIJOOLEY k LAlRD , Afirchwit Toi Ans, Wood strata ,
second door 'from' Water, will keep constantly on
nand a well selected lot of Cl othing. nutitty
US. AIAFISLAND, Cheap Ineksale and Retail Cloth.
■ ing. Sun* Nos 45 Liberty crest s corner of Virgin
alley, Pittsburgh. feb2B:ly
Ly LEE, (autotimer to Mtrapar Jt Lsh,) Wool /kat.
and Conunirsion Merchant, for the sale of Ameri
can Woolen Good& &bid
KAY & CO., ',Bendaakii., Slationell, and Paper newer,,
corner of Wood and Third streets, Pittantirglx, Pa.
rsook•binding mut Priutingdone to order. NMI+
KERB, Attorney at Law—Office removed to
VI Fourth street, between Smithfield and Grant streets
kittsbargh. jauttlho
lig MULLEN DOWNING, Fashionable Clothing
lull Sion, No. ~.18 Liberty street, opposite Seventh st.
• sep2ol
•riuhrmtNs&smrrii, Forwarding and Covonuston
N./ Merchants and Leaky:in Produor., No. 3 Smithfield st
opposite the Monongahela Halite. el 9
KING ttAtOGItHEILD, Wlsatesdle and Retail Grows'
and Produce Dears; corner of the Diamond and
Diamond alley. - rnyta
ETODD h CO., De a tionen's FurnisAing Goods Es
s rabliramoir, corner of Market and Fifth streets. up
stairs, entrance on Fifth street. ' rayi3
A BSALUM MORRIS, irtiolesaie ant Retail Dealer in
XX Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, OS Market street, be
tween Fourth and th. Diamond. my 23
TWIN B: DUNLSYY G Ad Beater, No. 120 W ood
Gold Leaf, Denusta'Fail, oce. conatandy on hand and
maa afac tared to order. my 23
/%/1 IMP/1Y tr. LEE; Wool Dealers and Commiuion
Merrhantr,lor the sale of American Woolen Goods,
cdraer of Liberty street and Cecil's alley. no vlO
1S BLUME, Piano Ports Afannfaeturtv, and dealer in
• Musical laostrernents, No. 112 Wood street, near
°SEM 1110011WEI,L, Importer and Dealer in For
t/ eign and DOMVIiit Hardeners, corner or Second and
Wood streets. oc2ll
SAMUEL facCLURKAN & CO., Agents for Carlisle
and Rippard's Regular Line of Packet Ships, from
New York to Liverpool, No. l&) Liberty st. febl
TOSSPH. MAJOR, Boar Stors, Ship Chandlery and
1./ Agency of the nusbnrgh Lard Oil Factory, No 4,
Market street, Pittsburgh. nl2
IIA/L.l'l , E O'COPiN OK, Proprietors of tho Pittsburgh
Passable Boat sore corner of Penn and Wayne sta r
I AMES MAY, If7tolatak Grow, Forwarding and Corn
el mission Merchant, Water street, between hlarket and
Ferry. fcbl
nILC& CURRY, Bankers and Exchange Brokers, N o
65 Wood street, third door below Fourth, west side
IT HAMER& fal&M, Bankers and Exchange Brokers,
jasomer of Third and Wood etreets, opposite the St.
Charles Hotel. febl
JOHNSON& STOCKTON,Bookrelleri,Stationers,;Prin
&Ts and Publishers, corner of Market and Third sts.;
ICTOR SCRIBA, /3aotreller, &wiener and' Binder,
Fifth street, between Wood and Market. jan7
bIaSTEJN, Bran Fouader and Gas Suter, &nigh
field street, between Diamond alley and Fifth at. .
declB '
&J. MeDEVITT, Who!male Graters, dealers in Pro
t/ • dace and Piusburga maanfaccares, No. 414 Liberty,
opposite 7th st. • lipid
steet, near Liberty. CIOLIN FARRAN,
nor 24 Proprietor.
TotiN D. DIOINIAN, oksale and &sail Druggui, No.
t,/ 93h Wood street, one door wadi of Diamond alley.
VOLLANSBEE & HAYWARD, W7wkards and Retail
Deo&rain Boon and Shoes, No. 188 Liberty street,
posits Wood. • febl
A. F I AIINESTOCK & CO., Whoksals Drug Ware
. house, corner of First and Wood streets, and corner
of Wood and Sixth. feta
13. ,ro man J. Q. A. TOIII , IB.
8. YOUNG &Co ~14quaetitle and Retail Family
tl • Grows and Deakes ut Produce, corner of
Fourth and Ferry and S. W. corner of Third and Ross
greets, Pittsburgh. mar3l:T
TOSHUA RHODES, Wholeusie Fruiterer, Ctmfectioner
CP and Dealer in Nuts and all kinds - of Foreign Fruits,
No. 6 Wood street, East aide, between Water and Firs
streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. Al! orders in his line carefully
attended to. mean
Jona McDavrer. JAMES hict.troirr. Wl. IdcDavirr
TORN MeDEVITT k BROS., Whoksak Grocers, Deal-.
ers in Produce, Pittsburgh hlzunfactures, and hler
cbandize generally, No. 13 Commercial Row, Liberty
Street. mar2l:
. .
INrlll. ALEXANDER/SONS. Coffin Makers and Arr.
y y nutting Undertakers corner of Penn and St. Clair
streets, opposite the Exchange. Entrance on Penn erect.
' fed.
TOHN H. MELLOR, .W7aokiale and ßetail Beater in
t 1 drusioand Musicallasinsinena,Pianos,School Books,
and Stationery, N 0.12) Wood street. Ant
J AMES PATTERSON, Jr., corner of Pirst and Ferry
streets, manufacturer of Locks, Hinges, and Bolts ;
Tobacco, Fidler, Mill and 'limber Screws, Hansen
Screws for Rolling Mills &c. seplo
•BRYA.R., &allying Dista ler, and Wholesale Dealer
.in Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors, No.
114 Libertystreet,and 53 Diamond alley.
"L7CHANGB HOTEt., Exchange Placei Baltimore.
n Doastr, Propnetor. Coaches will be in readiness
at;i• the landings to convey passengers, free of charge,.
to the Hotel.
ING it PINNEY, Agents for the Delaware Mutual
-Li Insurance Company, of Philadelphia, at the Ware
henna of King & HIAMCB, Water street, near Market.
CARSON &Mc OHT , Whoksale iterocers and Com
mission Merchants, Sixth street, between Wood and
AITAL GLENN, Bookbinder, corner of Third and Wood
Tr streets, above C. H. Kay, where he is prepared to
do ebeey.description of ruling and binding. peek
1/1T lEWlTRPE nTaeitire T —taltecarl De i — iii — tr lit
'y g • • DRY GOODS, North eastuorner.of Market and
Fourth ate.- . . .
AfrIVEL MORROW, Manufacturer of Mt ? Copper
'0 and Sheet frail Ware, 17, Filth street, tween
Wood And Market.
/FROTH & SCOTT, Wholesale and Retail Deakr in
13m:4 - Shoes, Trunb, Carpel Bags, dre., 8. W. corner
of Fourth and Smithfield eta., Pittsburgh, Pa. (mrl2:y
PEINGIZR 11.48111.17011.
& W. H AREAUGH 7 Commission and Forwarding
diferChaiddi and dealers In Flour, Wool and Produce,.
0. 6 3 - Water, and 411/4 Front street, between Wood and
Smithfield streets, iratiblugh. • • as2o:3,
1110101 CHARD T. 'LEECH, r Jr' ' Importer, -and denier in
4.11.1 Ferric* and Domenic - quditry, Hardwaes, and Car
nage Trimmings, of all desenplions, No. 133 Wood at.,
Pittsburgh, seven doom above, Fifth, end one door above
H. Chi ldi it Co 's Shoe Store. -
SKITH it SINCLAIRAinte Martin & Smithj_Hhokrate
Gmeers, Produce - and Come:Won Aferchame, & Wood
street,.Pittaburgh. The undersigned having entered into
partnership under the above' Style, reapectittlir, ask the
patronage of the tr,iends of the late firm, and of the pur
.chasers generally. They feel warranted in promising
.that they' 61 1 / 1 , give satiefaCtion to all who may buy of
them, or confide business to their care.
• rpowNSEND, CARR & CO., Successors to the old firm
of C. Townsend & C 0.,. and Carr & Rowland, beg _
leave to announce to their friends and to thepublic gen
erally, that they are now prepared to execute all .Ids
of w o rk inn
Vie Coach. and Wagon-making bushman,. at
the shortest notice; and warranted to of the best Olin
ty. The verylarge quantity , orgasm:Med Timber -with
which they : are prepared, and their facilities for brufiness,
enables them to insure the public thatthey are prepared
to carryon an extensive and promyt business In their
line, and they respectfully solicit 11l continuance of the
• 110 " 11 P 4m nIkribestclrda . SpenThe late firms. sopa
1117 M. 'DYER- Grocer dna - Produce Diaer, No 138
V V Liberty street, Pittsburgh. - mari7 •
REYNOLDS & SHEE; Wholesak timer*, Coitinission
Merchants, anti Damien inltags, Paper, &e., corner
of remand !min !tyrants, Pittsbnigh.- Alt:dies
114 Paper constantly on hand., , - nntrl7:7
• ,C
Le Ditiiiler, stod - DealeritrPoreign and Domeede Wines
nod Licitiors,, Mod t r . Cllllostii Seede r Cirain,Alte. # No. 17
Liberty streets:Pio/burgh. . „ inarg:
• e ' orange ' on -
J_L:Ltberty street, opyroaite,liand.
_All port neatly
executed.. ,Ordera putretuany...attenttea to. tmartkpi
George Beale. -
.Wirourraut Ado
ILL Bantu., No. 15 TV6hrratiett, ,Pitts fo rd, Fa. Con
moody on hand; a general and - eateiiiive assortment or.
ALL. Ii os of 13RUS1lES; at to lowest Fstaterof
N. B.;—Bisehlne Brushes,lke.,- atade , -to order audte
shortest notice. - mar3o:y
_ A. B. searsosTEsart. -
N 0.140 Wood inset, bowmen _Fifth andVrgin Xis y.
yk•HOLESALE and Retail' Dealer in Cedar Ware,
Taney. Ware, Woodsh Ware, of every description;
m Ware, foreign and domestic ; Malts f: o ati.
kinds; Patent RotaryChnras, which,far entwine. any now
in use in the
,§tittes. . For said at the ; lowest
prices. _ • - niar26--.3m0
J. S. BONNET,. ' -
• —23,tuts . '
Foreign and Domestic Winar t Liquors, .Pruit . s ; Nutt, ic.
marchB - 162 Liberty 'trent, Putsburgb.
RI P OAIRDLRISS & io.Ampair,LL, .
No, 07 Wood street, next door to Diamond alley,
IVuometaut DBALENS IN Yummy AND Day Goons,
ARE now - in daily receipt of all the articles in their
line of basiness—purchased at the lawert.ces In
the East; to which they invite the pri attention of country
merchants and othemand which they fiatterthemselves•
they can dispose of at the lowest: piece and tin the most
favorable terms... • matu
MMINLEY,.Mouss, Sign and Orruonental Paintrr,
1.7 in PA • and deaIerPAINTS No, 44 St. Clair st., Pitts
burgh, has Constantly on hand all kinds of Penns; eithek
Dry or Mixed; Japan and Copal Varnish; Linseed 041
Boded Oil ; Spirits Turpentine ; Window Glass, of all.
sizes; Putty, Paint Brushes, &e., all of the best quality,
and f."r sale at reasonable prices. , seal
H. OHRBERDING, Dealer in Imported
and Domestic Segall, Snuff and Tobacc . o,
Wholesale and Retail, Liberty street, ma
doors above SmithEeld, Pittabwrgh t Pa.
grAitorders from country Iderehanta_tvillbe promp
y attended to.
Q CAIFE k ATKINSON, Manufacture/7 of' Tin . , Cop
per and Shea /ion Ware. They also execute every
description of Blarksmith Work. Mitt street, between
Wood and Market, Pittsburgh. cocalty
Diill6B! DRUGS !!--4011:t. MOSIIXit. ' Druggist and
Apothecary, north-west corner of Wood and Fifth
streets, Pittsburgh, will keep constantly on band Drugs,
Paints, Oils, Dye-Staffs, abc.
N. B.—Physicians' Prescriptions carefully compound
ed from the best materials, at any boar of the day or
night. Also, an assortment of Perfumery; fine tooth,
hair, and clothes , Brushes, acc acc., An., which will be
sold low for cash.
TROVILLO, Undertaker, Fifth street, im
mediately opposite the Theatre, respectfully in
forias his friends and the public in general, that he has
Teounted his business as a Furnishing•Hndertaker. He
is supplied with and always keeps on hand Coffins of all
sizes and kinds, Shrouds, and all other articles necessary
on inch occasions.
Silver plates, ice boxes, and leaden coffins Frill ba sup+
plied in order. A fine hearse and cat riage always ready
to attend funerals. seratay
John M. Townsend , DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY, Na 45, Market
street, three doers above Third, Pittsburgh, will have
constantly on hand a well selected assortment of the best
and freshest Medicines, which he will sell on the most
reasonable terms. Physicians sending orders will be
promptly attended to, and suppplied with articles they
may rely upon as genuine.
Physicians prescriptions will be accunitely and neatly
Prepared from the best materials, at any hoar of the day
or night.
Also for sale, a large stock of fresh and good PERFtI.
R. GALLAGHER. A. Laita. 7. H. atILLIat
No. 109 Front st., between Wood and Seri44eid streets.
Alf ANIJFACTURERS of Bells of all sizes, double and
/XL singly action Force Pumps, Counter Railing, Min
eral Water Pumps, fittings of all kind, for Gas, Water,
Steam, tr.e., Brass Castings for Machinery and anti-altri
ton metal for same. Particular attention paid to Gas
Fixtures, and a well assorted stock of Plain and Orna
mental Pendanta, Burners , Chandeliers, con
stantly hand. oct9
A RMSTRONfi & CROZER, Con:minion Mershanta,
1-1 No. 22 Market street, Pittsburgh, - Pa., will attend
promptly to the sale of every description of Western
Produce, and other articles entrusted to their care.
Reran To—Hanna., Hussey & Co., Pittsburgh; Hanna,
Graham & Co., New Lisbon, O.; Merchants generally,
Wellsville, O.; Rhodes & Ogleby. Bridgeport, O. A. G.
Richardson & Bro., Cincinnati; .1. P. Howard, Louisville,
Ky.; Guile & Dorwort, St. Louie; H. Boyles, Steuben
ville. dec9:y
ND TMRD 82'S.,
Pittsburgh, Pa.
N. B.—Hood Stabling attached to the house.
APULTON, Deli.and Brass Founder, has ,
rebuilt and
. commenced business at his old stand No. 70, Se
cond, between Market and Perry streets, where be will
be pleased to see his old customers and friends.
Church, steamboat, and bells of every size, from 10 to
10,000 pounds, cast Brom patterns of the mast approved
models, and warranted to be of the best materials.
Mineral Water Pumps, Counters, Railings, &a., &e.,
turned wi atl every finie v d a i n n e t t ti r e o n f e a p t r e a s s t s m C a a nt gs, if
A. F. is the sole agent for Babbitt's Anti-Attraction Me
ta!, so justly celebrated for the reduction of friction In
machinery. The boxes and composition can be had of
him at all times. novl3:y
1.11 TRUSS, for the immediate relief and permanent
cure of Hernia and Reprever (Suited to all rises.) The
superior claims of this Truss consist in the comparative
cue with which it may be worn. The pad of wood be
ing neatly balanced on springs, yields to the pressure of
any part of it, and thoroughly adapts itself to any move
ment made by the wearer. It can he worn without any
intermission, mini a cure ie affected The subscribers
have made arrangements for the manufacture of these
valuable Trusses, in a superior style, in Philadelphia and
have them now for sale at their office, No. 77 Smithfield
street, near Sixth, Pittsburgh. GEORGE WATT,
W i RUG STORE.—Joan D. Woman., MeV
sale and Retail Druggist, No. 9311 Wood street,
one door smith of Diamond alley, Pittsburgh.—The
subscriber has just received from the eastern cities, clad
is now opening at the above stand, a full assortment:ot
articles in his line, consisting of Drugs of all kinds; 'Dye
Studs, Paints and Garnishes, • Chemicals, together
with all etch articles as are usually kept for - sale at a
wholesale and retail drug store.
His stock is entirely new, and has been selected with
care. He is confident.that hie articles, both as to quality
and price, will please may favor him with a call
- ------- -
IiKONONG.A.H.ELA PL./0411W MILL.--.Luszs Mau,
.1.111 =oda would respectfully inform his friends and the
public, that his new establishment is now in full opera
tion, and that he is prepared to runtish Boat Cabins, and
fill all orders for Planed Lumber, with promptitude, and
at the lowest rates.
Board and Plank, planed on one or both sides, coa
Kandy on hard.
Sash, Doors and Mouldings, of every description, made
to order.
BaiWen and Carp would find it to their advan
tage to'give him a call, enters
as he can now furnish them with
planked stuff, suitable for every description of work.
West Point. Works..
11041LESTON dc WAGNER, Engine Builders, have corn
_U • menced business on Penn at., near the Point, subs
establishment formerly carried on by•Stackhouse & Nel
son. Persons wishing to purchase them Engines for
Boats, or for other purposes, will please favor us with a
call, as we flatter ourselves to be able to furnish them on
as favorable terms as any odierestablishment in the city.
Also, rolling mill and castings of every description can
be had at the shortest notice. .
itsrmazocEs—Capt. Robert Beer, Thomas Scott, Esq.,
Church,-Carothero, & Co., H. Go 3 dwi t izilll it trp t it i4 C , o
- - -
nREAP BONNETS.—W. R.. MURPHY is selling o 2
4,,) his remaining stock of BONNETS at' greatly redu
ced prices. Bonnets of last winter's shapes at from 25
cents to $l,OO.
Cheap Lawns.—A lot of Dress Lawns reduced to 12}
cents per yard.. .
What Goods for Dresser.—A supply just received, and
offered very low.
.Dark einghamt.—Rich darketyles ofGhighants. Also,
Manchester and Domestic do., of choice patterns.
Mantua Ilibbons.-41u assortment just received in the"
Wholesale Rooms, 24 story, and offered low by the piece.
Also, White and Colored Satin do.
Prints and Mudins.—An excellent stock on hand, from
4c. per yd. up to the finestuualities.
fly Ag the north-east corner of Fourth and Market struts.
BPAHMAN having purchased the entire interestand
stock in trade of Mr. John W. Blair. beg leave to inform.
heir numerous friends and tinkpublic that they have this
day entered intoartnership under the firm and style of '
uer.aps " for the manufacture of Brushes of every
description. Being practical workmen, they will make
' up;everyarticle of the most durable material, and in the
first style; and will keep on hand, foriale,nt their store,
No.l2o'Wcati street, a very large assortment of even:,
thing in'their line of business-;-which, with their erten
,Shret stock - of Shoe Findings, Fishing Tackle, Pen and
Pocket/Calves, Powder, Shot,ond Variety Goods, they
will sell cheap, wholesa le and rata.
Machineßruthes made to order, with despatch.
The encOttragpMent aud patronage of their friends and
the public is earnestly selicited, and will. be thankfully re
vetoed. = Observe ! BLAIR k. CO.,
Pittsburgh, Oct. 28thi1848:(oc20) 120 Wood at.
- 1 - norjß.-25 bane% jIIIII received and for tale by_
-- zi2El3 - • • • AWE& IMPOLAIR
• . -'•
•• _ -
t en - Ca .
Mut: llamas.
' •-•- • Roofing.: -
r VHF saki:Tibet's most respectfully announce to their
t ello w-c n s that they haver. perfected their ar
rangement td eany.on thebusiness oli jn Roofin g ou au
. .
I now closer on four years since we first introduced
roofiv wadi) , Du th wilmatime we have cover
ed over Shouttand,antiare feet of roofs with tinplate,
and in all Claes we bolloi* we have given the most en- -
tire natisfactioi}: Thos of roof has been applied to
the very best bnildhigti lethle• city; including, among a
large number of othe:Wilittwo superrb buildings on Penn
eireeli owned Or 4. onnlnOenberger and John Bisset,
&qrs. That tin.reiorlag is hen laid on) is both
.permanent a nd durable, there can be no doubt ; in proof
of this -kind can
roofing te thd almost uniVersal • application
of of tdelarge cities on the sea-board
during.the last twenty yews; and from enqutring on the
subject, we have yet to laara_of any one of those roots
having been worn 0ut.4115 mote covered with tin in
oar own city are open to examination of all who take
an , intereit in - the, matter. : W,, have also prepared 'a
miniature PletkonoOfs, Which - maybe seen at our estab
lishment,where any, ethaTinformation will be given With.
pleasure.. JOHN DUNLAP & CO..
mar!' Corneatarket and Second streets.
' — The Aire° eter.
IriITENTIONOP:TUE PUBLIC 'is respectfully
calletlF to the foltaitrittisO:artificates
- ..Bautanim4litving tasted a quantity of Gold
. areighed hy.your danometera find the result proves your
instrument correct; and :recommend the nee of tt to
thosegoingdo California, slit the best method_ for obtain
ing the real value, of Res. y:..DUNLEVy,ours,
J. B: Pittsburghdgarch 0, , 49. T- . Gold Beater.
. , .
RavinorcMarch 7,1849.
hfa.EisinaDrar girt g examined the "Areom
eter"manufactured at pier rooms, rdo not hesitate to
commend it to the use of titotto gentlemen whoare about
- removing to-California,inaeaxch 003 0 11
-It gives a close apProxilloatton to the specific gravity
of metals, and will mm6474/finable the adventurer to as
certain when his placer iXyleiding Gobi •
mita; . Yours, rasp'," .. J. •R...WCLINTOCK.
Head' Quarters- foik 'Boots 'land Shoat',
CORNICE YOVECIL AND mwrentkum arnmeli, erreasusatt, ('a.
i- TROTH& /301YrEhaVitti"commeueed
the general BOOT and SHOE business,©
Wholesale and remit, would' respectfully invite
the attention'of their friends and the public gene
rally, to their splendid new stock, consisting•of bleu's,
tVomen's,'Eoys', , ldisuiselind:Children's wear, of every
variety, suitable for the season, and at prices to suit the
times. Also, a, splendid' article o f home-made work,
such as Gentlemen's fine'Boots,' and Ladies ' Moms' and
Children's fine work. ' , .
Please call aad Cuminaro/ yourselves:
- -N. R. ,.— Traveling'Trunki6.Carger,Bags, &e., id ,
ways on hand and for stilelowfor cash. , ,
57 . Country Merchants !farad find it to their interesi
to give us a call, when visiting thnelty.
TROTH it 8007 T,
r 4th and Smithfield sts.
. ..
Public, Nettle, is' Womanomiata.
iTax subscriber, -41eing - rdesirous of 1
changing his businasse has determined4l/N
,to close out the balance of his stock of .noors,
be fold in lots, mirth purchasers, from
Country Merehantratahaetted lace!! at
Opposite th e Pittsbargh Fpigiliy, where they can bUy to
their satisfaction, for the stock otatt be timed out soon.
100 cases Boots on hantklllls., me; $4l, WI per case.
mall '.. ' ~, ~,. 'i - J. BATES.
. OF
. Wagons.. Driartisi o„arts,
rrtHE proprietor of restablishment having always
on ba n d a
dsupply of saparior t .well searrned Ltun
her. is prere ordeti of avow...description in his
branch of manufacturing, with as short notice and on as
favorable terms se any other workman in the West. •
A newly invented Patent Tip' Wagon, for hauling
brick, is built at the abova . lolace. Also, Repairing tit
tended to. Orders from a afttance will receive prompt
.ttention. .
Barium : cm—Geo. W. Smith, lames McCully, Jonas
hitClintock. .
, s . . . mardam
Bureau and Bedstead Factory.
,10p B.& W. M. HANNAPORD respectfully Inform the
AV. citizens and the pablizerally that they have re
moved their Wareroomairi 'Meld street, between
Diamond alley and Fif th s sign of the Big Bedstead,.
where they. are prepared to sell,Whoiesale or retail,yeq .
cheap for cash, the folloirteg, artlCles : -- Bureaus,'Bed-,
steads, with Gazzam's ironFsstenings,"and dso the best
ri n
Quality of Screw Bedste Tables, Stands, &c. And
they wish it particularly erstood, as there is so much
preudice against machine tole work, th at they warrant
their work to give saddle ,tind if not welt made, the
money shall be returned. .., - . :marl6:2ol.
_ -
JOHN 9. ILAMIGTON, - ;Arrerorg at tato—Mee on
Fourth: - street, between WIJOd - and Smi th field, Pitts;
burgh. , ' . ap2B:ly
A GENTS WANTED.—Wei or three Agents can find
11 dasinible situallinuilooigssuis and tUre: Subsetibers
in nits County fora raluable - oraik,bighlfieeammended
by numerous persons distiguished alike for their learning
and religious iniluaire Wiliam44 Eastern ,Cities, by-ap
plying in person to EDWARD TODD &CO : , • .•
may( Corner of Filth and',lnirket sts., up stains.
Valuable Real-/Gab4leXer sale.
MBE subscriber will sell, at pitvidearala, that valuable
1, Property, on this Fourth street"tbad, adjoining his
present residence, and 's poisessiert immediately.—
The re are about TEN A CRES OPiCAQICE LAND, in a
high state of cultivation. en wnts an alvarge
and well finished BRICK D'ING HOUSE, en.
perb Sant, and other out-buildings: Adjoining the Dwell
ing is a running Fountain and a Ramp,' which far
nish a constant supply of excellent water. There is a
variety of Fruit Trees and Shrubbery on the pireatises.—
If the above described property is not sold soon, it will
be rented for a time. Also, An tla1), a large .LOT, on
Perttsylvania Avenue, at the erid:rif the boarditvalki
Inquire of jmarfilamj • - DAVID BEELER.
- -
N 0.115 Woos ar.
Going to glove.
OFF—Cara. axe Styr= lialnaraa--,The itedenign
being about to remove, in the comic! month., to .N 0.85
Wood street, is desirous of eloling out the greater part
of his Stock at REDUCED PRM'a: would call
your particular attention to his largaattersplendid assort
ment of CHINA, BLABS sad QUEENSIVARE, °Han - -
doles, Lamps, Britannia, Tea Ware, Castors, French
and. English Mantel Ornaments,. and Ten. Setts, of the
newest styler and patterns, all of Which be oars at a
small- advance above cost... Remember ..the place, No.
115 Woon err. cfeb27] DCHODKINSON.
Commere Row Catanet• . laretvOni
11 T. B. YOUNG & Co:.r!'!•"...-
HAVE removed their CABINET
WABF,RCKMIS to Commercitl vr; Liberty
street, opposite the head of BmitiffieK,Owbens 'the,' will
keep constantly on band an extensive assortment of So
fas, Tables, Wardrobes, Bureaus, Bedsteads, Chairs and
every article iatheit line of business. ; --
!,,,,,, Undertaking .promptly .attended to at reasonable
Ratio Caps,. and Mario.
THE subscriber is now , receiving from the
Capsf New York
Latest'oce assortment,of- Hats
11 1 1 11 i and Muffs, Vishiont, in great va
riety, and very ensue, wholesale and retail.
novll Smithfield street, 2d door South o( 4th at.
IifOORD & Co., (late 'Mord dr..lran WILL introduce, on Saturday, Aug: 28, the pg.
STYLE Orli AT 8. jtust received • from New
York. Those in wantof a neatand beautlfiti RAT,
are invited to call at their store, corner.of Fifth and!
Wood smelts.
; . - apg24
—New Het Assad Clap Stores
JAMES. WILSON, Hat Zen ufacterw r ft
(formerly of the corner of oiamond alleY
and Wood stream) begs leave reapectfulty
to inform his old enato.ners, tnendP, and the public,l that
he has opened.a NEW STORE, on Smithfield at., where
a choice assortment .)f HATS, CAPS, and' LADIES
FURS, (as good - , neat, fashionable and ettearas any in
the city,) may be had. J. W. very cordiallyinvites his
friends and the-public - to remember his DOW location and
establishment,and give him a cell as hearty as he intends
to welcome them. Mar3l4y
Fashionable Hot, and Cop Illanufsetory.
GEORGE S. ANSHUTZ, Agent,. respectfully
informs his friendi and the public general
Ip, that he has commenced the nianufactare'offt
ats and
Second, No. 33 Wood street, one door train. the
corner of where he has now on handta tine as
sortment of Hats awl Caps of his own manufacture, Which
he will dispose of, wholesale or retail, on the most rea
sonable terms, for cash or city acceptande. Hats made
to order at the shortest notice. 809.0,
Clinton Paper MU!.
THE. CLINTON PAPER MILL, situatedat Sieuhen
vine, Oltio,having Imen enlarged and improved, and
at a very great expense added. new and the most im
proved kind of machinery, is now. prepared to manufac
ture all kinds of Writing,Printing, Wrapping and Cotton
Yarn Papers, Bonnet Boards, Icc., equal to any in the
Eastern or Western country.
The andeisigned having the Agency of the above Mill,
will keep constantly 011 hand a large supply of the differ
ent kinds .qf Paper, and will have any size Made to
order at short notice. S. C. HILL,
87 Wood Street.
Saw Mlll.
BE subscribers having taken the Saw-mill above the
Fifth Ward Bridge, tormerly run by Mr. John cham
bers, and having a good stock of Timber on hand, would
solicit the patronage of the public. Orders thankfully
received and punctually attended to.
The tmderaigned having sold hie intEreat in the above
Mill to Messrs. Savory k Spaulding, would recommend
them to his former customers andthe cauumunity, Rd being
well 'apalitled to give a atisihction to all who'ma
w i t h t fi orn , oarattl, • JOHN CHAMBERS.
H . . .
store orate subscriber, in Fifth st. near Market
Mourns Iffediea,pusa. by Samuel aahnernan,txanalated
and edited,by Charles Julies Hempel; M: D. 4 vole:
Harmon , : dents Diseases, by Dr.liemprel, vol. 1.
Hotomptnhic Domestic Medicine,bY I.owrie, enlarg
ed and improved by A. 7: Hall; M. D. -
Jibe's New Manuel, vol. 1 ; N. 1 and. 3.
Herings Domestic Physicists. -
Booningbauseee Theraptatic Pocket Book, for Hamm
p,athi sw, by Dr: Oide.
Habeman , s Chronio - Diseases f voL
Together with Medicine Chesty of different sizes and
prises. • . • 4RP/ 6 1 s 371CTOR
NE 14, 1849,
Ilamater 411....D5ma1e,y . . .
Between &fiends:red and Strarobeiry ality,Pittsbure, Ai.
HAMMER & DAULERheep constantly unhand
fa n .
v y
o a r a
b r i e t i y a a t
o f
nn e x s c
a e
fi l e c n a t n a b n e d : b all o e n o sb !l l enn7nai similar t u
wananted equal to any in the city, and sold en as
establishment ln .he Went.' They have nott,on any
sl iv
nntisnalty extensive'stook,embrecing all Itinds.of Finui.
tore, mom the cheapest and plainest to the most costly
and elegant 'AU orders proMptly attended to. -mill Om
Tax subscriber, L nishing. it reduce, his present
stock of. Furniture, will, from this date until fur
ther notice, sell all article, in his line at cost, being
determined to lessen the amount of stock on hand - .
Those persons who may call on him - with the intention
A m,
, ofgetung a '-‘ good penny); worth," will not be disaP-•
pointed. Ills stock of Furniture'is equal to any in . the
city; both in style and workinanehitii_ind the assortment
complete. . AL‘EXANDLB, IiFOURDY; . ' •
Furniture' ooms Third at.,
mar2l Next door above Pittsburgh Bank.
, . A. r.saos and , splendid assortment of Furniture,.
suitable for Stearnboats,•Hotels, and Private Dwell
- ings, constantly on hand, and made to order; -
e present Stock on hand cannot be exceeded by any
manufactory In the Western touring: Pelson, ivisldng
to purchase, would do well to give me a call, as I am de.
termined my prices shall please. Part of the Stock ton sista in—
Tete a Tete; - Buffet Etaqele ;,
Louis XIV. Chairs; Queen Elizabeth Chairs;
Tea Poyse ; Fruit Tables; -.
Toilet Tables; Louis XV, Coritoder.
French Mahogany Bedsteads; Pilaw Stools
50 s, with i Sofadash and hair cloth covers;
40 -
50 Mahogany
Rocking Chairs ;
dozen Parlor •
30. - " Fancy do.
25 Centre Tables;
28 pairDivansi &pair Pier Tables;
15 marble top Dressing Bureaus;
8 Wardttbes; 8 Secretaries and Book Cases ;
:0 marble top Wash Stands; •
4 pair Ottomans; -
8 pair Fancy Work Stands. - - • -
A vrey large assormentof common Chairs and other
Furniture, too numerous to mention.. ' •
u - Steam Boats furnished on the shortest notice, and
on the most reasonable terms. febd
Gold Was/ter*,
HPARRY has invented a machine for washing Gold,.
4 far. which he has made application for a patent.—
They are -now offered farina* at the Warehouse ;of
PARRY,' SCOTT & Co., No. 103 Wood et:, Pittsburgh.
Adventurers to California are invited to. call, and ex
, amine these labor-saving machines. 'negate sldPie in
their construction, easily transpiated on the back of
mules or horses t weighing eighty peninis each; and can
be pit in opbration in half an hour.. They tan be filled
with provisions. It Is the opinion of those who have
seen the trial of one of these machines of smallest size,
that two men will wash the mineral from 150 bushels of
sand or earth In a day, without the loss of a particle. of
the mineral. They eambe inereaaed in size and worked
by water or mule pcwer, if expedient. The operators
work without going Into the' water or being exposed to
water or wet. and . consequently without endangering
their hes th They will require but a small stream at
water, and can be usetithe whole season, and can be put
into operation where there is not sufficient water to wash
In the usual way.
Price of smallest size $35. Orders from abroad, ac
companied by cash, will be promptly filled.
IL PARRY, at Parry, Scott & Co.'s,
N 0.103 Wood st., Pittsburgh.
DEAD THIS Lt ; 11, be without a beau-
XL, tiful head of hair, when they can have one for three
shillings! Twenty years' loss of hair and wonderful
" sisrmons, Slil 17, 1847.
"Dear Sir—The wonderful effects li of.lones' y
Coral Hair
Restorative hasbeen decisive ly demonstrated in the ca
ses of several respectable citizens of the town, who, on
account or your selling three shilling trial bottles, try it
without fear. One instance, which has unnamed partic
ular attention, is the case o f a gentleman who had little
or no hair for twenty years; he had tried numerous pre
parations in vain, and ultimately had his head shaved and
wore a wig: • At my recommendation, he tried the Re
storative, and after using it, according to the direction,
for a short time, the young hair appeared, and he has now
as fine a head of hair as any person in Baltimore.
It causes ATebrows to grovr,prevents the hair from
turning grey, and the first application canoes it to curl
beautifully, frees it from scurf, and stops it from falling
Sold with full directions at 82 Chatham stN.Y. and by
Wm. Jackson Agent, 89 Liberty st. Pittsburgh. IscP2o
-- Spring Fashions flat. and Caps. Fax subscriberwill introduce, this day 'd ift
March 2d, DM 9 the Spring style of HATS CAPS, which for neatness and dam - IRMIIIk
bility cannot be surpassed—the style being such that
cannot help from giving the wearer entire satisfaction.
He is also daily expecting the arrival of an extenstve
assonMent of California Hats, of various'eolors all of
which will be disposed of at his old unusually low
prices. Country Merchants are invited to call and ex
amine his assortment, G. W. GLASSGOW,
102 Wood street,
2,1 door below J. D. Davis' Auction Rooms, Pittsb'g.
. Removal.
MBE subscriber has removed his Wholesale Grocery
Store to the corner or Hancock street and Allegheny
Wharf, next door to the Perry House.
Georg!, Armor,
"L'IABITIONABLE TAILOR,, No. Ca, Market street.
JC Having removed his Tailoring Establishment in the
rooms on Market st., lately
,occupied as p
a Bookstore, by
Borwortli Co the undersigned is prepared tolll all oil
dens iu his line which may be entrusted to his care by his
old friende Cud customers, and the public generally. His
longexperience in-the business and the success with
which he has Firosecutedit id Pittsburgh, emboldens him
to hope for a liberal share of patrohage. He will make
all descriptions of Clothing in the best manner, and most
fashionable style, FOR CASH. . ' GEO. ARMOR. .
Merchant Tailor.
THE subscriberrespectfully announcea to his custom
ers, and to the gentlemen of Pittsburgh and vicinity,
generally; that be has received his usual - assurtment of
Spring Goods, forffendemen's wear, to which he invites
their attention. His stoektomprises &fie Broad Cloths of
all colors; Cassimeresi rich Vestinga, otplain and fancy
patterns; all of which hells prepared to manufactdre in
the best and moat fashionable style. Also, Children's
Clothifig kept constantly on band and made to order.
'Water st., 3d door above National Hotel.
Fashionable Clothing , store
riIHE Subscribers respectfully Inform their friends and
the public generally, that they have just received
a new supply of French and English Cloths, and mini
morex,—Vestings of MI styles andquality—Ready-mada
Clothing of all descriptions, neck and pocket Deadlier
chiefs,,Shirts ; is short, every article usually kept in
Clothing Stores constantly on hand.
Gentlemen wishing to have Clothes made to order, in
a Staltionable style, will find it to their advantage to call
and examine our stock before going elsewhere.
pm FIRM of Acheson . Dagg is this day dissolved
mutual consent.. • Mr. Jas. T. Rugg having declin
ed usiiiesS on account of ill health, has disposed of his
interest to Jaa. C. Acheson. The business hereafter will
be conducted in the name of W. & J. C. Acheson.
Pittsburgh, July, 1848
In withdrawing from the firm of Acheson & Dagg,
I take pleasure, in recommending my succesesor to my
friends and he public' enerally. JAS. T. DACG.
Jaly29,. 1348—aug
SSOLUTION.--The Partnership heretoforeist
ing between the subscribers, under the firm of J. &
J. Whoever, was dissolved on the 7th inst. Either party
is authorized to use the name of the firm in settlement.
March 10
- •
IrrCO-PAIRTNERSHIP.—The undersigned have this
day formed a Colartnership under the Arm of JOHN
TPDEVITT & BROTHERS,' for the transaction of a Gro-•
eery and Produce business. JOHN APDEVITT.
March 7, 1849.-(mrl9)
DLSSOLUTION.-4-The partnership of Allttumc & Lau
is this day dissolved, by mutual consent. The bu
siness of the firm will be settled by H. Lee.
Pittsburgh, 30th Jan., 1849
NOTICE.--The undersigned will continue the Wool
business and attend to the sale of Woolen Goods at the
old p lace : _. ' H. LEE.
In redringfrom the late firm of Murphyk Lee, I
ta e great pleasure in recommending- Mr: H. Lee to the
confidence of nay friends and to the prank.
jan3O J. R. MURPHY.
• Co.Partnershlp Nottee.
• 7011211 !MIMING
JOHN having, on the.lst last. associated
with him iu his buss J pu,,s Fureince, they will
treafter carry on their Imp ort ing ,f House Par/whiny
Hard Ware; and Manufacturing bueuess,mnder the name
and style of John Dunlap &Co. -The business of the old
establishment will be elosed.hy the senior Partner of the
present firm, et their warehouse, corner of Market and
second streets (jan6) JOHN DUNLAP & CO.
ikIE MIDNIGHT SDN—A. Pilgrimage, by Fredrika
Bremer; translated by Mary Hewett. Just received
andfor sale by JOHNSTON & srocrroN,
Corner Market and 3d sts.
C HEESE -2000 Rm. large Cheese, for sale for County Scrip, by WM. DYER,
ap2B N 0.158 Liberty street.
URINE/ LINES-2 cases Sea (Issas Lines;
3 gra. Linea dd
10 " Cotton do
Just rec'd by McCANDLESS & CAMPBELL,
myl 97 Wood streetl
OATS —zoo bushels, prime quality, j ust reoeiyed per
steamer Wellsville, for sale by
- "" 1 . Next door to Pally House, Allegheny Wharf..
PITCH -6U barren, (oriole by
R oo] N o v door NM Anegielly Whirr.
' - -
. .
- - 4 1:4 - aii.,4..z;h - ',;: -,--,;:--z-,•",, •-,-..“4,-,,,,,r-.1t44;.-;-='-g?'l,-kir•-•---r:•-ty:
• . •••-•r_. - . - .=.... - --......*: .4 4 , A''''''''"' -- "" - . - • ✓ " x--- - - --- 0 0 . . -•,'*'.... -_,,- ~,k,„•,;•,
. .
LippEriroorge& BARR,
. - (LATE J. S. Sertudataalc Co.) -
blanuisetarers of - Phcritt. Fire .Proof Safes;
Second :street, between Moil and Smithfield.
ptN Tuesday afternoon, July 25,1848, the undersigned
Were called ripen' by Me sirs.-Lippencotr & Barr; to
rtesiillA honest and fair test of one of ' their Phinnix
Safes. Th e furnace' being prepared, ute Site' was placeA
inside - thereof,With- books, papers and Mune money; when
the door_olthe Safe was closed and the fire kindled at 'a
,quarter past 2 o'clock, and in a short time the Safe' ea
red tot, and continued till half past G O'ClOd k,.behig about
fottr and - a half hours, when , the committee expressed
their stoisfaction that the time sccapled with such h - eat
was sufficient. - The furnace was then pulled down, Safe
cooled, and - door opened-.the: books; papers and money.
safe. The heat was so great. as to melt off the brats
mountings; 'We therefore pleasure fir recommend
ingthese Safeato the puQi ,o as being, in our: judgment,
entirely fire proof. JARVIS & 'fRABUE, _
' - N 'JCR & RAWSON_
I am engaged in, the teundry 'husinessi and -know
s Qmelklllg 'boat furnaces and heat. witnessed was
of the above •Safe,and can freely say there was
no humbug about it, and w ith Pleasure recommend them
to the public as being, •in my judgment, entirety fire
In calling upon the ibeie gentlemen for their signa
tures, they all spoke ln the highestterml of the fairneas
of the test, and their full confidence of the Safe's being
entirely fire-pronf. We have constantly on hand and for
sale a full assortment of, the above Safes. • • •
Bloriallen ,dr• Tioariang,
street, °nevi* Seventh, beg leave to calllhe atten
r on of theic eastetners and the public -generally
to - an. examination of the stock-or GOODS they
are now in 'receipt of, comprising, in part, fine French,
Belgiab,' English - and American Cloths, all colors;
French; Enghish- and American Cassitneres,of shactea
and textures; Sommer Cloths, in endless variety; Vett
inks, do: - Clothing madeto order in the bat and latest
style. They have. also on hand a large and well assort
ed stocker READY-MADE CLOTHING, to which they
invite 'the attention of theirfrietids and customers. Imrab
J. - :
Louis, Mo., will give' p artic alas attention to the Col
leetion• of Claims, and all money received, shalt he IV'
mitred without delay. •
Rassaucks—lion. R. Coulter, Suprentit'lltench,.Pa.;
Ilfessm.FLyoni Bborb & Co., Si. Lows ;; Messrs.. Wood,
Abbott & Co. Mr. Charles H. elling ;
, Philadelphia
'Messrs. Eno M ahoney W
&'Co;, Chittender, lilies
1c.C0., New : York; Messrs. Baather & Orendorff, Messrs.
W. F. & A. Murdoch, Messrs. Love, Martin & Co.; Mr.
John' Falconer, Baltimore; Messrs. Loren trterling &-
blessrs. Forsythe & Co., Mears . Hampton ; Smith & Co.,
and Mr. L. S. Waterman, Pittsburgh. -mar2B.l.2ta •
Mare .Standard Works. • •
HERIDAN'S -SPEECHES. —The Speeches ,bf the
• ).7 Eight Hon. RichatAßrinsley Sheridan, with Sketch
of his Lae ,• edited by a Constitution's.' frientl-3 Vole.. •
Steine's Works.==The Works of Lawrence :Sterne, in
one vol.,.with a Life ' of the Author, by himself; illes•
trated by Harley.- 1 vol., s vo." - • • •
• Mulch Book,—The Sketch BOok of Geoffrey Crayon,
Gent.. Authon's revised edition, with illastrations by .
frouies Astoria, or Anecdotes of in Entertain beyond
the Rocky by Washington Irving.: :
Mardi, or a Voyage thither.—A new work an two vole:,
14 mo., byMennanAtelville.
A Taliktiv Criric,r, or a,Glunce at a few of our Litera
ry Progentes, in a series of jok es, by a =aerial Quiz.
For sale by - -___ - • KAMA CO.,
amY3 • • Corner of Wood and Third streets. --
(Dispatch copy.) . I
Paper Hangings.
HAVING purchased at. three of the largest Factorica
in! the East, (New York, Philadelphia and Bald
more,) a large assortment of the. newest and most im
proved styles of PAPER HANGINGS, BORDERS, Ac.,
and made arrtuigements by which I will be enabled to
procure all new Patterns, simultaneous with their ap
pearance in the Eastern market, I - would invite - the at..
tendon'of those desiring to have their houses papered
with the latest styles of paper, to call and examine my
stook, befcire purchasing elsewhere."" ' -
I have now on the way from the East,-20,000 pieces - of
Gold,-Satin Glazed and common Paper Ilengings, which
I can sell at *prices ranging from 12k cents to 22 ?piece:
V mari9 - H. C. BILL, 87-Wood st.
in the 9th Ward, Pittsburgh, 24 feet front on Carson
street. by 120 feet to Patterson 's line.
One Lot on Liberty street; 24 feet by 100 to Spring al
leyt between Carson street and B. Frew's line.
Six out Lots In the reserve, near' Allegheny City and
Manchester, Containing about, ten Acres each—Nos;
.SZN), 821,107, 190, 105, 194. Enquire of
feb24* DAR , "'-
ABLIDAYS l HOLIDAYSI!—The imbscnbers are
just opening a splendid collection of Tolima fine
Fancy Goods 'of - every description,' suitable for Christ
mas and New Year's presents, consisting is part, viz:—
Jewelry and Watches ;Work. Dressing had Fancy Glass
Boxes; Card Cases; Feral, Shell, Ivory and Velvetßaskets; Steel Bead Purses; Crotchet Velvet Bags; Mu
sic Boxes ; Chess Men; Dominoes, &c.; with a thousand
other articles, too numerous to mention. ".
The above Goods we will sell extremely law, previous
to the Ist February,lB49, as we intend making some ma
terial alterations to our store and. business. We invite
all to call who want bargains, at 80 Market street, be
tween Fifth and Diamond.
HIO PLANING MlLL—Reba:ea sthrett and Wauvlanr,
Mauchong Chartier st,)PindWard,Allegheny city,zienr
ster.--GEORGE DELAHMI• having resumed bu
illness, has erected the necessarymachinery at the shrive
place, for turning out all work in his line, and is prepared
to take boards to his mill and deliver them to customers
on reasonable terms. ' • --, • • - •
Dressed flooring boards, siding, &c., always on hand
A large quantity of dried floonng lumber on hand: •
Orders from Western Lumber Merchants pr omptly ex
FANCY FANS.-12 biz fine ivo r y work Fpl;1I n
Pi pm! ac
25 " " paper ass 7 d
6 " " feather. "-
6 " assorted common "
to Market street.
• _ Take 'Nonce.
ii ix personsionowingthemselvesindebted to Arthurs,
Nicholson & Co., (Eagle Foundry,) are requested to
call at their old'Warebouse, on Liberty street.
All unpaid accounts will be placed in the hands of a
Justice of the Peace, on the Ist Jul y next.
M . A general assortment of Hollow Ware, &c., at the
loweitmarket rates. ' Liberty at. head of Wood st.
man- • • • ARTHUR-1r NICHOLSON.
ROOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS,' Ac.—Noaansbee 4- Hay.
ward, Wholesale and Retail Boot, Shoe and-Trani
Store, No. 188 Liberty street, nearly opposite the head 01
Wood: F. &;H. have in store and are receiving their .
Fall and Winter stock of BOOTS and SHOES, consisting
of the largest stock they have ever been able to bring to
this market. We also have conitantly on hand a splen
did:stock of Hayward's Natalie Gum Mastic Bhoese,, both
for ladies and gentlemen's wear, the most beautiful artit
cle ever manufactured. We would solicit an examine: ,
tion of our stock ofgoods,by all Who wish to purchase
either at wholesale or retail, as we will sell at a small
advance above cost. Country merchants will find it to
their interest to call and examine our stock before par.
saga 138 Liberty it.
New Goods. • •
IUST RECEIVED, by Express, one Piece abort nap
fl bl'k Cloth; suitable for Gentlemen's Cloaks,-which I
will make to orderetheap. ritcouiftp, Tailor.
Also, one piece light short nap; a very desirable aril.,
cle for Ladies , Cloats. Co/ors wartantrd:'
Also, ,a good assortment She French Cashmere Vestingtogether with a good assortment of fancy and Cas
ements; for Pants., which wil t be-made to °Mier as cheap
and as well as at any other establishment iti - the city.
AIcOUIRE, Tailors- '
Thirdstreet, St. Charles Building.
1011rAVE you a bad completion, coarse, dark, yellow, or .
.1.1. sallow If you have, you will by using a Cake of
Jones' Italian Chemical Soap, a week or two, your skin
becomes clear, white ; nd smooth. If you have any di
sease of the Head, Face or Beard—such as Etltrprorm,
Heald Head, scurvy, Erysipelas, Salt Rheum, Barber's
Itch—you can, be ;cured:.for have aeons persons who
had filthy skin diseases for years, and after trying every
thing in. vain, have been cured by washing thepart with
Jones' Italian Chemical Soap, and can conscientiously
offer it for any of the above complainia, which I would
not do r unleasl knew it to be. all I state. , If you have
Sun Spots, Freckles, Alorphew, Tan, Sun Burn or disfig
urements of any kind, it will dispel them and make the
skin,beautiful—it is a sure, antidote and cure for Ake bites
of MUSQuitoes, bugs, &c.
try. Beware of counterfeits.' Particularly cheap ones
—ask for Jones' Soap, and seeithat the name of T. Jones
is on each cake. Persons from or in the south and other
warm climates, would find this'not only for themselves,
but it is a never•falling remedy.for chaps sad chafes in
infants. : And now, reader, by giving this one trial, you
wilt find it all or even more than we have stated above.
Sold at 13.2 Chatham street, N. V. and by WM. Jackson.
agent.B9 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. septa
H. LEE. ,
THE siabscribers have remelted from No, 87-Water st.
. to the Warehouse recently occupied by James May
N 0.28 Water st. [mY2] RHEY MAVTREWS & CO.
GUIDE TO WONEEPS tx IdETAL ANI Stem?, :Or the, title
of Architects and Designers, &e., from original de
signs, and from selecuons made from every accessible
inane, American and European. ` B Thomas W. Wal
ter, Architect of Girard College, and. J. J. Smith. ' The
above for sale by KAY & CO.,'
feb27 Corner of Wood and Third stn.
-0 sox A Fourctan, abssmial , P , Rffuent) hsva fitted up
the saloon on the corner of Cherry alley and Water - . AL,
near the National Hotel, formerly Occupied by:Clement
Archer, and are prepared to watt on gentlemen at once,
with ease, comfort, and Politeness.
I n connection with their aaloon,they have fitted'up an
excellent shower bath, where Persons can have theism
baths at all honis of the day. : ..
They still continue • to. serve *sir .customers also at
their Old Bland, corner of the Diamond and Union st.
, -
‘;‘, " • •- . • , ,
U cLlaueous.
0 ~.t . ~ ~ . ~YI►S7H
.. • • . . . .
filioctUatteotit...H '. •' • .i-
• .•
Ns W. Varnersjpgilitoodsssad Filth - St' ..1_
THE Propriatorals.tha /rionnino Pear.111V 8 118:11C17311. :.•
A It
ND unnuarznise, resPeatfattgirtforini friends...,
and the patrons of these mark that he bili'a larger_ milli..
necessary to a Job Printing Offrce f andi thatheLla pre . ..11
pared to'axeentee ' • • • ..:,..,::+1 -• --71
Urnllat PRlMMirakta o.or EMIT DrieIIIPTION: ..." :; il
Books Ellis of Lading, —, ' Clitu_ faros -.- i
Pammikts, Bill H ask, • , (mirk,' '," .
Handbills, inanie e r, Hat Tips,. '. f. •
(CPAS kinds ofßlanks, Stage, Steamboat and 'Canal „tf
Boat Bills, with appropriate cuts, printed on the shorn:F . ll
notice and most reasonable terms, -'• . - -;•'')
He tesnectfally asks the patronage of bia :frielida.itid , '_,,,'
the public generally," in this branch arida 'business. . , .. '-',
sep .
, 22 • •-- L - HARPER 4?,
elttabnirgg.ti 0
Ootal IV usher. t.I --.,.'.
rrIRE subscriber has invented a machine for Washing
J. out GOLD, possessing the' following qualities .
weighs about twenty•five pounds; can be packed in ir /-
box 13 inches by 17; and 17 inches deep; will.wash out .1
a bushel of wet sand in about two miatnes—dry sand in . !
less time—leaving the Gold perfectly clear of-sand and
gravel. Those going to California are invited to call 0r.4
see its operation, at myresldence, hi Penn street. near'
Water street .. ' [niarsl _ _
_... ' C. EVANS.
_ ...._:. - _:...........:;...,- WAL- ALEXANDER...t SUITS .
a s cit—.., ',..-0f..../041 Comm( ALA= stn Finrilitninia, . •
, ii.f_t......,:. V.VIIKRTALTai, anner of Penn en,17 .. ..„:
........ , .'::::_misssinar Bt. ektir.sts, apposits: Errhangt
4 :41>W6 , Rotel, Bntranas- on-Penn rt., rea4. '..
pectfully inform their friends sad
ihe public, that they are prepared to Annish and attiMil , .
to everything in the line of Undertakers, as they have '
gait the business of Cabinet Making . , and their attention'
will be devoted altogether to the above business, keep a
large assortment of COFFINS made and finished, cover
ed, and. lined in the •neatest manner, tirith a .vonety.o..
materials, and at all prices; we keep SHROUDS ready
made ; of all sites, 'of Flannel, Cambric,' and Muslin, at
all pnces, and made in th e eastern style, and all other '
articles necessary for dressing the'dead, and furnishing . ..
funerals, ofquality and price to suit; SILVER PLATES .
or engraving the none and age; ICE CASES for !spiv : •...
the body in ice ; by. those who wish to seep their friends :.
any len,gth of nine, and hive ZINC PANS to put ice In ;
for laying. on the body; LEADEN Coffuut sdlgaYe ..nn S
hand. We have a splendid new HESASE and A pair of
fine horses, and any number of the ben coinages, eta.,
etc., and will be prompt, punctual. and reasonable.
lialePg Patent notary Ittuebtne, •1.
- - APPLICLIILK To timing& ur • . - • ."
Steam ' j Engine Vintikstor, and Water Whist.
T HIS remarkable achine -was invented bY &X.latte. '.t.
Halm, of New York, and bide fair to supersede, in i'
all its above applications, the machines now in use. It
has been visited by thousands, and tried in mattY . of its ..
applications, and Its succeu has outstripped everything
in the history of useful inventions. The compact form of
the machine, its simplicity 1
of coustraction and now op- .
plicationaf established principles, render it en object of
admiration to all who see it. - •..• . . ' . .f,
Al a comenon Pump, for Ms use of • familisos, its portabil- h.
it y and the facility with which it can be convened into a .
• Fire Engine are among its advantages. It is eqttalle,
useful for tdpurposes to which Pumps can be applied On
steamboats or senate, to supply boilers, washing of deck*, „
pumping the holds, &c., &c , &c.
for &lines and Hydra olio Works of-all kinds, it re. j
quires less power to do the same amount of work, and hi- •
less liable to get out of repair than any pump ever be, f
fore invented. It throws a continuous stream of wateei,:' .
without the use of an air chamber or any complicated:. C
double acting apparatus. .
As s Pin Engine, not one half the n umber of men are
required as upon the machine, now in use, and they can •
work a ranch longer time without fatigue, owing to the • 1
mariner of the application of the power—etther by crank ",
or. capstan. .
... .
' -
Ch As a'Rotary Sham Engine, this machine has supplied {',
in at great desideratum a mong scientific men, viz: abtain-
g p
a constant rotary action, which can be satisfaetorily ' c"
applied to practical purposes. . ..
As a Ventilatorforlkfincs, Wellsa and Vessels, or Blown i , .
for Furnaces, it is easily and efficiency applied. •
As a water Wheel, working either by departing or en- .
acing water, it is something entirely new and eminent!
.4. •
useful. It can be used as to obviate much of the expense •1 .
it nlaying foundations of mills, digging of wan:PC=llos
&C. &O
' One of the Machines can be seen and some of its ap•
plicalions tested, by calling at . 17nion Hatt,. corner of ' l
Fifth and Smithfield streets, entrance on Fifth et.- ;' 'I •
Rights for individuals, Counties, &c., within the State
of Pennsylvania, can be obtained of the subscribers, as .1 •
above, and any information relative to it chee Tinily given. . '..
D. H. WILLIAMS. • . C.. •
Moir Scrip, at Par. •
NANO• JOHN H 91ELLOR, No. 81 Wood stud,
will sell the following new and second
band PIANOS, for Pittsburg, Allegheny,
or Allegheny County Scrip, at par:—
One new Rosewood 6i octave Piano, made by Bacon
& Raven, New York; price
One do do do • do •
One Rosewood, 5 octave, Gale & Co
One do do do do 8.275
One Mahogany, t octave, nearly new, (sale & & Co. lin3o
One do do Lord & Brothers' -; .... • 8225 -
Ono do bf do Rosenbaum $lOO
One German Piano, a octaves
One-old Piano,s octaves
ClattAtahogany Piano, 54 octaves, R. &W. Minns% S9O
may 3
- Brass Kettles and Sheet Brass. •
friziE subscribers would respectfully announce that
1 they have made arrangements with the proprietors
of the Glenwood Brass Mils, which gives as the control
' for the sale 'of•their Brass Kettles and Sheet Brass for
this section of country The production of these Wills
are not surpassed - in 'quality by any other similar estab
lishment i she Uni We te States. will iliWant keep a
heav sto c k of these goods on hand, whi c h we will be
pleased to sell at such p ri ces as we tt will meet,
views of wholesale buyers. hardware merchants end
other dealers in these goods will please give us a call. -
•Corner Market and Second streets. • -
martin* douse, - , .. __
• MILE subscriber respectfully announces that he has
1 now opened this new and excellent Hotel for the ac-
cominodabon of travelers, boarders, and the publie gen
erally. The house and"furniture are entirely new; and '
the most DORD - Gflable have been spared to render it one of
no pains or expense and pleasant Hotels in the city.
l'he tubscrber is determined to deserve, and therefore
solicits, asbare of public patronage.
octll:ly % "JACOB ElOll6ll, Proprietor.
110EW AND VALUABLE WORK.--Niruvah, and ft
,Benutina, with an aceotun of a visit to the Chaldean
Chnatians of iturdisten,,and the .Ye or Devil War. ,
shippers, and an/notary into the manners and acts .of the
ancient Assyvo aas ; by Austen Henry Layand, Esq.; P. C.
D. Just received and for sale by -- .
Cor. of Market and ad eta.
Iris Übe Pulblicw•Counut y Scrip.
TIRE Commissioners of Allegheny County °Neil them.
I. selves of the earliest opportunity to Inform the hold
era of County Scrip, that the Boaid have under consider.
ation the intention of measures for the prompt redemption
of every dollarof Scrip issued heretotore in anticipation
of claims against said County, and the Commissioners
uow give assurance that, in the coarse of a few days, the
resolves of the Board for the speedy and fall redemption
of the County Serip now in circulation, will be publish
ed to relieve the - anxiety of the public mind on this
The credit of Allegheny County cannot suffer by a
momentary interruption of • circulating medium, - based
upon the undoubted solvency of the richest and most pa
triode population of the State.. By order of thei Board.
ap2l -
.1411 Es GORMLEY, Clerk.
Lime I Lime I Lime "1 . ,
A QUANTITY OF LIME, of the very best quality,
will be furnished on reasonable terms, on short no
tice, by spglying to the subscriber, at his Store, South end:
of the Monongahela Bridge, South Pittsburgh - -
UM O oAcx_ 2so ii-----------Rj usum c c i ve , ---- TT -- -------_, n d for
- • • Corner Ist and Wood strk.
'A. hlABOhl & CO., No. 60 Market : urea - are •on
A. etantly in the receipt of Rich EMBROIDERIES
We.have on hand the following Goods, viz:
185 rich emb'd Muslin Capes, from $lO t 65,00
500 crot
emb chet roidered Muslin Collars, ""•-• 37f to 1,00
" i.
350 lace , "
~ " 37 8
to to-
700 prepare 0.1.. to •
150 Jenny Lind " l,OO
130 e mbroisered Muslin Habits, " S oho 1,50
590 pairs -."-• ".• -- Cuffs, " 50
Also, Mourning Collars, In great varie ty, to 1,50
Call soon at the cheap One Price Cash Btoro, 60 Mar
ket street. . *. ' • ' *•••• maYlo'
rynTh.EAI4 I, W.E7STABLEop p.(:-----------7§OK7/ ESicontain•
Jl. , ing. an - alphabetical list of Post O ffi ces- throughout
the United States; distance's front ItVashar' tipon, B. C.;
•State and Territorial Capitals. respeetively i 'ttiso,ezhi.
biting the Mt Offices in each Btate, - as well' as County;
with an appendix of the United States and British Tarifa.
Just received by . .10/INSTON ,k„ sTOOKTOIst
ntay/5 • ' ' Corner 3d and Marketats.
C ONGRESS TOBACCO-20 boxes , p4 IE .--.. m , birk.
eon's" Vs Lump Congress TobaecO, lost 'received
and for sale by , MILLER & RICKETSON,
- mayid ' Nog. 172 an d 179 Ltberty.street.
j„ y
and /rutin streets; entratiat on Moir! street. '
A. O. REINHART, Alderman and Police bragistrate.
THOMAS O'BRYA2I, Chief Constable., .
(17 - Will attend at any boar, day or night,*hen m
, betre ------- iiii ------- - - mit
. , .
1:1" ORSEI3. while 'running at Inrge in the fie/4 are
.j.,j. very apt to braise and injure emselves in many
ways. They are often disabled so an - 4i be useleds for a
long time. If immediate use could .be made of B. A
Pahnestock & Co.'s Rubefacient, and the brtiised putt
Well'saturated; and the rentedy rubbed in, it would give
relief, ease the pain,. No farmer should be, Withoutthit.
celebrated medicine it is nil-healing to cams or beast:
Prepared and sold by
.. • - . .
Comer of I'Vood and Find arrows; also, - -
ol'r - Corner Sitth anti Wood
just reed alai for lately -
- - - B. A.'FARNESTOCK tc CO.,
pick BUSHELS VERY FINE CORN bLE,114...-}to '
and for sal* by agina). OtTAIMINS dr. SMITS °
. _ ,
NO ; XBl
^TL DI tO~.