The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, June 12, 1849, Image 4

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    Ot5 ,0111 5; 1 4 - ol iiidekitarying front CO:ciaottb — ea,ooole .
,; - , , ';: - .rtianing foot.' Its nmde In yianhels of 'sashimi lengths,'
-21. to 4 feet WO, with wrought Iron pOsts 'Winch" equarey
1f. , ._'... at lutervenitigdistance4of, 6to 10 feet. If. dnsired i lilt'
- .ls
annels can be made draity beight,iticantinuous space
-.•:, , • - of at to .60 Ceet;trlth or:irithoutgosts. :No extra charge
e eoniHa r ß E tive lid!tness, great stiength, and do rabil
ity of the. RA LNG, the beautrof its varied or
--- "nantentalduaigns, together with the extremely low price
1 : at *Welt iris sold, are: causing - Lit totsupersede the Cast
- . Iron Railinv.whertver their- comps:aura:Merits have
. been tested. For further p artieulars • address , , .
—• . . Agents for Patentees;.
: : . tarri:3m) Diamond alley, near Smithfield at., Pittsburg.
llardWarei Clattery, Saddlery, ae.
JOHN WALKER, Impanel . and Dealer in Foreign and
DointiSk Hardware, respectfully announces to-his
• fribridiand thepalib e generally, that he is now reed's , -
ing hie Spring supply of Hardware, Cutlery, Saddlery,
&c., at his , stand, he. 85 Wood street, which he will dis
• - of:on the most reasonable terms.
He will coutinp' ally be receiving,fresh supplies. iiirect
from the manufacturers in ,Europe and this country,
which will enable him to compete with any house,,raist
ar West_ . . .
- . lie particularly invites. the attention of misitonokis to •
his excellent assortment ofA'able and
. Spring Cutlery.
,;... which is of fashioruihte -patterns and from the most
popalarmanufacturers. - ' •
- His stock Cl Carpenter's ToOlsiilarge, and of excel
lent finality.
Of general,BardWare stock, he has, every variety of
Weatern Iderchadte and dealers, generally, tat in
vited to, call and examine his stock. ' mttrZham
--- Paper - ang
'TAU now - receiving, direct from tho manufacturers in
1 New - York; Philtuielphia - and Baltimore, a large and
well selected.- assortment of all the latest and moat im
proved - styles of Satin, Glazed and:common PAPER
HANGINGS, consisting of— .
• 10,000 pieces of Parlor and Presto.;.
1 - 0,000 . L Hail and Column;
20,1100 " Dining-romp, chamber and office Paper
Which I would partiCularly Invite the attention of those
hating Ifoasea to Paper, to call and examine at the
Paper Warehouse of - • ' 8. C. HILL,
tnatSo 87 Wood at.
HOWARD IIr & co , N 0.82 Tread sore;
.pre,su wo s a l l o t k r
c al f l p . t . h p e e a r attention of thA a tublic to their
= variety,
a bea b uty of finish, durability and clen w pness:is f Un r
d pity
ix establishmentin the Union. *as"
awa V a es aufi l m a t ir re, andfull assortment of Paper of their
theyare now receiving a direct im
, POrtatiOn of French and English styles of Paper Hang
- ingai yurChised by Mr. Levi Howard, one of the firm,
now to Eumpe, consisting of—
Parisian manufacture,London dlO,OOO pieces.
5,000 do.
_ _ a eu own manufacture, they have 100,000 pieces
g i a i l a i ya r ,
& per, and 12,000 pieces Satin Glazed Windin
Messrs. James Howard or. Co., have spared neither ex
anse nor labor in their endeavors to rival the Eastern
wall Paper establishments, both in quality of manufac
ture and Variety of pattern, and they are warranted in
assuring the public that they have succeeded.
whole assortment, foreign 111111 home manufacture,
- will__be offered'on terms as tow a# those of Eastern
manufacturers and importers. mar 27
• Joshua Rhodes;
£R; No. 13 Wood street—.
- boxes Oranges; 5OO cans Sardines;
225 • " Lemons; 800 hf. " " •••
180 dozen Lemon Syrup; 150 qr." A
1000 drums Figs ; 400 boxes Herring;
•-• 200 bxs Ralsnrs, in layers ;DM Cocoa Nuts; .
Bboxes hbiccaroni;
100-qr. " " • 8 " Nermacilla ;
.701 rails Iraica Almonds; 25 cases ass'd Pickles ,
..100 boxes shelled" 40 casks Currants;
bales Bordeaux " 100 tbs. cut Tissue-Planer;
10 ". Malaga" 50 rms. white"Riss Paper
papeishenl " 15 eases Pranes;
- hard " ' t 16 mats Dates •
45 b fif, 4 cases Liquorice ;
' ' .7" . . -S0 ' ' . - Walnuts; 10 tbs. Vanellu Beans;
'l:' - - .4o'' " ' Cream Nuts ; - 20 big A Nol Ro'k Candi";
•",. - '4O u Pecans; 20 " wh'e and yet. IL .
- 10 bbls.. " B cases Florence Oil;
! - Jast received and for sale by
' Cheap Groceries.
underaigned mcst respectfully inform the
. zens of Pittsburgh and vicinity that they have
"~ed a. NEW GROCERY and PRODUCE STORE ) at the
• - 3.19 - corner of Third and Ross streets,whieli will be in
connexion with our Old Stand N. IV. corner of Fourth
• • and Ferry streets.
Having nnfarled our banner with "Quick Sales and
_ Mall Prgfata" as its motto, wo Lk a shore of public pa
• Annexed we give list of oar Retail Cash.prices
Best Rio Coffee, 8 cents tk Po.; t 2 lbs. for 51,00.
" N. 0-Sugar, (old) 51 eta. p lb.; 10 tbs. for 91,0 -
" N.O.Sirgar(new) 5 " 20
• Rosin Soap, 5 44 l 4 :e2 464 la
hiould,Candlee,, 121 " 91 t<
S. ii. Molasses,
8 t, l: 4 3 8 0 ct!. P gallon.
. Country " a 0 90 " "
. _ " Box Raisin P., (ne*) 1 210 Lit
Rice, 18 the. forSl,oo,or for 25 Menu; Young Flyson,
'/Mnertial, Gunpowder and Black Teas, from 50 nears to
• • $450 - iti Maker's Chobolate, Schmitz , Sweet Spiced
- do.; Baker% Cocoa, Crushed and Pulverized Loaf Sugar,
lantilekildrismrd, Java Coffee, Olive Oil, &c.
• - _::Spices of all kinds, in every variety.
Our goods are new, our stock complete, andour prices
‘..irrsproachable. We most respectfully ask a call from
. V.: , • = 7 "- - 7:, the-heads of tainllles, that *bey, may judge our goods and
• • prices. Thankful for past rat'ors, we ask a continuance
• of the same . •J. S. Al. YOUNG & CO.,
_ •
N. W. corner of Fourth and Fetry,
• :•.X.IOPO And S. W. corner of Third and Ross streets.
4~;;yifdruliTANT TO HOUdEKEEPEI.2,
f - ..- . lllloolmt Boat Owners and Hotel Keepers.
~.-‘, l '. WI: Offered as the beet Cooking Stove in Market, baying
Ibnew principle applied for beating the oven, that bread,
or Ally article creating steam or vapor, can be
:.: baked and retain its flavor the same as when baked in a
, i'brildu oven or ieflector; also, in point of removing, in
• satinitime and fuel. The public are invited to examine
-• Ufa Stove.. • '
' - net sale only at N 0.112 Second Street, sip of the Gilt
Eralve . , - . where reference may be had to families who have
use. • -Also, thirty different patterns or Cooking
tttive plain. and fancy Grates, Office and Parlor Stoves,
am laptidilm) A- BRADLEY.
~ - 111odkinsou.s , China Store Removed.
Ter. subscriber respectfully biihriiis - the Ladies
of.-Tittsbitrgli, Allegheny and vicinity, that be bas
. , ~ molred uia more commodious house, No. 66 Wood
sstreet;neai the Bt. Charles Hotel, whew` he' has opened
alit is opening-500 packages of Dresden, Berlin, French
and,English CHINA and Q,UEENSWARE. Please call
and see lhetn—for to. describe them is impossible. • The
Meek embraces everything in the business, useful or or
sountrotal: - - tepid] ht. BODKINSON.
Churn an: in..• Stanley,
•_.* EDWARD TODD & Agents,
ffAL-'enreter Fifth and - Berke; rte., (up stairs ! ) Pittsburg*.
VETE have on hand, and are daily receiving from the
TT. manufacturers, a • large stock of Goods, which we
eZer. prepared to offer to Dealers only at the mannikin
'rarer*, lowest wholesale prices .— C luster and Real
Stone Set Bream-pins ; Engraved, Plain Hoop Stone Set
Eta and Finger Rings; Plain Gold, Engraved and Stone
Set Studs; Watch Keys, &c., &c:
• Asiong oar Goods ean be found some of the most de
sirable and approved styles of Stone. Sets now in use,
oft:-Opal ' Ruhy~ Turkois, Topaz, Amethyst, Garnet,
Brilliants, Ac., &c.
• Dealers; purchasing Fine Jewelry, will find it for their
advantagirto examine our stock.
-' Bard, Brother's best Premium Gold Pens with and
Without eases, he offers for sate M
aline lowest New York
prices: (apt 3) EDWARD. TODD & CO.
Scrip•ltlght Side 'Cp. , '
:11:1CgAN & CANT WELL are just opening, at No. PG
Market street andrstthe new front on the North
aiustaid e of the Diamond, a splendid assortment of Fash
ionable, Bonnets, Leghorn Hats, Breast-pins, Ear and
ruttier Slogs, Black and Fancy Silk Brava's . , with an in
tmmerable collection of Variety Goods, which can and
vill , be sold at the cheapest prices.
Terrible Revolsit.lon--Stars 'Priumphanti
lIOGAN & CANTWELL, (sign of the No. 80
Market street, would respectfully beg leave to call
theatlentlon of the public to their new stock of Goods,
jnet'secalved and opening from manufacturers and kn
portersol which they feel confident that price and (vial
sty_willgive entire satisfaction, as on/ motto is—" quirk
taut and Smsal.Profus."
Out Mock consists, partly, of the following articles,viz:
Ladiel!and Gentlemen's Breast Pins, late styles; Guard
and ; Vest Chains; Bracelets, Clasps and Lockets; Fin
ger and Ear Rings; Pencils and Pens; Slides and Studs ;
Iltset 2Buckles, for Ladies' Head Dresses; Madalon's
• Card Cases, shell, pearl and velvet; Coral Beads ; Ala
baster Boxes; fine Rosewood and Ebony Shaving Cases,
* farnishectl Steer Spectacles; Silver Spoons, all kinds;
German Silver . Spoons , - all kinds; Silk Steel' Bead Bags
and Parser Cotton Bags and Purses; Hair, Tooth, Nail
...- and Cloth. s; Violins, Accordeons, Flutes and
Flfital;firte Penknlves and Scissors; Globes and Paper
Holders, Shell, Dress and Side Combs, latest styles;
- Chid& Neses,Fruit Baskets, Agate and Glass Vases,
Mtich". , ; end. Cologne Bottles ; 'Fables, Chessman and
Rae. gammon Boards ;- Silk Tapestry ; Brussels and In
gram Carpet Bags; Willow, Market and Side Baskets ;
Chaivif;Wagons, Cradles, &e., &c.,. with a large assort
- mentor ills and Panty Articles, ter) numerous to menL
tion. [genii)
$2O -0 0 SCRLP WANTED— In exchtuige for
77 Gold Watches;
• 110 Silver assorted Watches;
54 1- dozen Razors, assorted
350 " Gloves, kid, silk, lisle thread and cotton ;
150 " assorted; Stockings,
100' '" • - •Gtun• Suspenders;
~z 175 French Accordeons ;
150 Silk Parasols;
• 400 Umbrellas •
. 50 UM. Sewing Salk ;
MIS doz. Fans, assorted;
1200 , 4 ;;:,,Spool Thread, assorted ;
-75 to. gross Pearl Buttons;
'lOO gross Lasting,assorted;
400 • Edoks stal Eyes;
• :• :AO Basket Wagons* • •
With a Large assortmentaf Jewelry and Fancy Goods,
Pierfah'Busk.etti, Steel and Silk Bags; Silk Purses, Steel
Pocket Books; Pitney Soaps, new style Vases,
Very Atiat--Sossors, Pen Knives; a large assortment of
Comhaal Wren , description; with a large stock Of Trim
mirtirsi-,Thh undersigned will be happy to accommodate
Diem:sand the public with anyt - 14 in his line for
Airegherty, Sityi-Allegheny County. and Pittsburgh City
gorirel portions of e ach—at67 Minket street.
, .
G ngnams.
A r Z,AßGEandaandenmeassortmentornsgstst styles,
JlL L particularly adapted to City trade , just received by
iwg'49:lol : HAMPTON, SMITH & CO.
rakdLNG „PAPER-- A superior article of Printing
.istid:Riook - ,Paper rsrious sizesi , constantly on
• and fo; sale 4. • . . .8.
'figt4" • street..
,eEOTFuLLlPinforrps. his ftienclactind pUblie.
xn that hobos received a.sery large supply
ay the Choicest SPRING innt , .SUMMER: GOODS lever
seen in Pittsburgh, selected,by.hinmelf. iri tfle. East, eon- ,
sisting ' of English, Frenoli and..Belgiart:Oloths, Casa
metes, :Vesting's, - Casbmarets, . of nil abodes. and.
colors, and of , the latest trtd•mose deiirable patterns,
which"wilt be mademp to , 01 - der, .11 superior style, and
at very moderate prices.' •-• • •- . . •
Hr has also on -band a very large stock of Ready
made. Clothing, - , , ebieb he 'Mil sell very low. . ap23dy
• 'Aro. 26.Alarket„ street.
fHAVING received (and receiving weekly) my Spring
and Sam:Met Goods, I am prepared to offer to the
citizens and publiain general, a better lot of ready made
- Clothing thanints ever beettoffered before in Fittsharlgh.
and at plum a4.3-iter cent. the aperthan can be : purchased
in anymberClothing estahli-hment in this city.
Don't 'forget to call at N 0.28. •
suarl4-1y E. 171T,ZGERALD. ,
' GOLD! cola)! °ea)! . .
HOPE -01.0 THIN G E111P0R1 . 117.11L..
HJ. ROGERS respectfully informs his - friends and
• the public that he has opened his dim Cr.drancd
STORE, No. 27, Market street, between Frontand Second,
where he will-keep constantly on hand a large andsupe
riorasiortmentofelothing, suitable for the present season.
Having just returned from the East with timier and
splendid assortment of Cloths, Passimeres and Vesting's,
of the , most desirable patterns, which will , be made up
-on the shorest nonce-and in the most fashionable 'style,
'on the one price chsh system as low as can be had at
any other establishment in Pittsburgh.. ..
Don't forget the place, but call-at the CLOTHING ,
EMPORIUM, No: SI 7 Market at., Pittsburgh. [mt3l:3to '
TOe Spring 'Summer Stook crf
Even by the:Celebrated Establishment ,
upon the enterprise of the proprietor, has 4abled
him to purchase all his Goods at such prices as trill allow
him to sell, Whalesale and Retail LOWER hit any
other House,East or West.
JOHN HFCLOSREY , Manufacturer oftedit-eiarl'
Clothing, No. 151. Liberty street, Pittsburgh a., has just
completed his Stock, and has now on held, ready for
sale, the largest, mattfadttonabia and oasis( 03 . 1 *re/tient 4/
READY-MADE CLOTHING ever offered in the United
States; nil of which' have been made Mder his Mime.
diateinspection, in this city, AT PRICES VAT stun CETAM
sitassrarsca—together with one of tin choicest selec
tions of Imported fine Black, Blue,iniwn, Olive and
Drab French, Belgian and English ,LOTHS, that has
ever been brought to this city. Alb ,fine fancy VEST
INGS of every description, suchen! Cashmeres, Mar-
Seines, rich Silks, fancy Satins 4e, Zee. All the new
est styles fancy CASSIMERptwor every description;
oil, of which will be made up toorder at the shortest no
tice in the latest and most fashonable style.
Tie proprietor informs the public that the principle
Upon which he will do busimiis_, will be upon the basis
Of HONESTY and FAIR DXA-LING; and in order to es
tablish a confidence in the Myers, I am determined to ad.
b ore to my ori g i na l motto•. quick Salm and Small Pro
fits ;" and also make tle buyer his own salesman, by
marking the lowest priel on each article, in plain figures,
to that each customer Jan select from an immense and
exquisitely assorted sock,the articles he requires, at the
loA ist price it can possibly be bought' for.
Business AU coditme to be transacted at my exteen
live establishment which has 'long Since obtained the
character of beitg the First Tailoring Establishment in
Pittsburgh. mar2B
P yang Blackihg.
A COMOSITION of Neats-foot Oil and Ivory Black
, for nntrishing and preserving all kinds of Boot and
Shoe Leather renderingtt soft and pliable, and producing
the mostbrilliant jet black, equal to patent feather, without
communicating stein-or spot to clothing.
torw:az It Co.,lk(No. 86 Third siren, near Wood,] in
eaing the attention of gentlemen to this beautiful Black
brig. desire simply to state its peculiar composition and
'Affects on thee Leather. It is composed of neats-foot oil
hind pure ivory black, and renders the leather at once
soft and pliable, thereby preventing the boots and shoes
from cracking. With one-fourth the labor usually em
ployed in the application of the ordinary blacking, it
produces the most brilliant jet black polish imaginable,
equal in every respect to patent leather, and never rubs
of on the pantaloons
Gentlemen are invited to call at our Store, No. SS
Third street, near Wood, and have the blacking tried on
their boots, and-where they can eee upwards of
• From the most disti ngui shedi adi video Is in the U. States,
all of whom recommend it as being, for beauty of polish,
:preserving the leather, and facilay of application, the
most beautiful ever offered to the publ i c.
E 6 Third street, Hear Wood
subscriber has received and now on band, a large
assortment of Housekeeping Goods, comprising, in part„
as follows:-
5-4, 6-4, 10-4, 124 BIM Cotton Shtetings;
6-4, 104, 124 Barnsley Sheetings ;
Pillow-ease Linen, and Muslin Ticking ;
Marseilles Quilts ! Blankets
Plain and embroidered Tab le Covers
Do. do. Piano do.;
Windsor Drapery, Turkey Red Chintz;
Buff Windsor Holland, Linen Table Cloths;
Damask Table Linen, all widths ;
Napkins, Doilies, Diaper Crash, tcc., ice.; which will
be sold at lowest prices, at
No. 110 Market at., 3 doors from Liberty.
HDOAN k CANTWELL, have just rectivea, at No
86 Market street, an unrivalled selection of
- Bead Reticules and Purses ;
'Fans and Combs;
China Sets, Accordeons;&c.
New Go. a, at umber lftylelaie I
AO REAT BARGAINS!—The subscriber hint just re ,
ky turned from the Eastern Cities and is now receiving
a vary extensive assortment of FANCY AND STAPLE
. :D8 , ." GOODS, adapted to the present season, and em
Ibr sing a stock for richness and variety not surpassed by
,at. establishment in the West.
Very glossy black Silks ; ',Cravats and Collars;
Handsome dress do. ',Black love Veils and Hdkfs.;
Rich changeable do. I...Taco:let and Camb. Muslin.
.Rich changeable Satin de!Plaid and striped Muslin;
Chines; 'Handsome Ribbons;
Mode and high col'd French Gloves, Hosiery, ie.;
Merinos •, Cloths for Cloaks;
Mode and high col'd MusliulTerkeri Shawls ;
I' de Laines ; Cashmere do.
New style muslin de Laines;;Plain Thibet Shawls, silk
Satin striped Cashmeres; I fringe ;
:Fancy do. do. IPlack Thibet Shawls,
'Black and colored Alpicas;'Black do. do.
Plaid Ginghams, bright col Silk do. do.
lore; • ' Fine Brochm do.
(:New style Vlsettes ; (Cloth do.
I '. Gala Plaids, bright colors ; „Plaid, Long so.
1. California Plaids; !Low Priced do.
• Black - Bombazines, I Plaid Cloakings.
• Ifis stock of Calicoes is very large; it has been se-
Jected with much care—with paructilar reference to
i fastness of coloring, durability - .of fabric, and beauty of
!design. These goods are lower than they have ever
been before, and are worthy the particular attention or
purchasers: -
The bestValicoes for 63 cis. ever offered;
. Double purple Calicoes, English,l2l cents;
Green do.
Oil Chintz; British Chintzes;
' New style 'Merrimack Calicoes;
Blue do. do.
Blue and Orange do.
Furniture do.
A large lot of low priced Muslin de Laines, of the low
.price of 12k cents per yard.
Also, Black Alpacas. for 12k cis. per yard. Very good
and very handsome dark and bright colored Plaid thug
,hams, for 121 cents warranted fast colors.
Bleached blushes, 61. to 12;
Yard wide Unbleached, Of to 6;
Bed Tickings ' very cheap ;
Casinetts, Drillings, Kentucky Jeans;
Checks Linseys ;
Domestic, Mariners' Skirtings;
Colored Cerebric.;
e Flannels, lower than ever offered ;
Canton Flannels.
Irish Linens, Linen Lawns ;
Damask Table Linen;
Do. do. Cloths;
Russia Sheeting;
Do. Diapers;
' Linen Drilling, Crash.
A large stock of Blankets, from coarse to very fine,
:also Blue and Drab Blankets, fine and very fine, for
i Fine and superfine French and English ClMhs end Cas
:simeres; Over-coatings; Silk and Linea Pocket Hand
drerchiefs and Cravats; Gloves; Suspenders ; Silk and
Merino Under Garments ; Merino and Cotton Half Hose,
- etc., etc.
The subscriber having made extraordinary prepare
lions (or the Fall and Winter trade, and having purchas
ed his Goods ander the advantage of markets unusually
depressed, can confidently promise his customers the
best bargains he has ever been able to oder.
'Customers of the house, and purchasers generally, are
. .res •°dull invited to call. (nov2ol PHILIP ROSS.
Bpr ng, fraehione or Millinery Bonnets
Cardinals, £c.
TUST 'received Straw Bonnets, Caps, rich Cardinal
EP Silks, Fashionable Ribbons, finest French Flowers,
Cords, Fringes, Trimmings, &c. Straw Bonnets cleaned
end altered to the Spring fashions by one of the best
,Straw Milliners in the city. Silk Bonnets, Cardinals,
Dresses, and every article in the Millinery and Dress
'making business, made up by the best hands, at
marl 4 MRS. DUFF'S, 10 St. Clair street.
New Combs,
, 14 doz. very high back Shell Tuck Combs;
ILL• 3 " medium " " " " amid
2 " low
" narrow bearded top
50 " fancy top Buffalo " ‘•
10 " plain
20 RTOSS com. Horn 0 0
30 doz. Shell Side Combs, assorted sizes;
30 gross corn. Horn Side Combs " "
.3 doz. Shell Dressing Combs;
12 " Buffalo ",
4 " imitation " "
50 " best English Horn'
0 " S. S. S. fine Ivory , " extra large ;
18 " S. S. " " tin boxes
12 gross S. LC
" Comb Cleaners; apt 6
Jas. McGuire,
TAiLort, TAird street, near Wopd;reepectfully informs
his customers and the publio that he has just receiv
ed from the East a well selected assortment of SPRING
GOODS, Which he will make to order in the beskmanner,
Cheap for. Cash. pal 3
FLORR,-.-41/barrels best Family Flour, recd and for
sale by tmaY2l WM. DYER.
c~ra~is►nrtatr mom.
roxtabli Boat L(
18 49.
~.P/14aB0B°1-23 -Prlirrt nELPLITA,
Ar OR K BOST° ' s ace
THOMASBoREIRGE,/s TA", E & cocoNrioA,
?PHIS old establiskedtme b e , i , owan hill operation,
I. the proprietors are prepare their.usual eaten
awe arrangements, lb forwor raerchandsze, produce,
tr.c., to and from the above p. on liberal,terms, wan
the regularity, dispatch sufely, peculiar. 10 Ikea
mode of tranr_portanon, s o r rbviour when translripment
on the way is avoided.
All comugnments by.alorthisLine received, c harps
paid, and farwarded us required directions, free of
charge fat'etnamissittovanolog or storage.
No interest, direct ,or inditeetty, in steamboats.
All commuincatigis promptly attended to, on applica.
1,0 4 to he ihnewhgAgents TßOMAS BORBIDGE,
/78 Market street. Philadelphia.
Canal Basin, Pittsburgh.
North st., Baltimore.
azuga• 18 4 9.
ffl erahaintsTrantportationidne,
Canals and Rail-Roads being now Mien, and -in
g md order, we are prepared to forward all kinds of mer
itandise and produce to PlilludelPhia and
th promptness and - despatch, and on: as good -terms as
y other Line. C. A. MCANULTYA Co.,
Canal Basin. Penn street, Pittsburgh.
AGE:as—CHARLES RAYNOR, Philadelphia,
• ROSE MORRILL & Co., Baltimore. [null
JIM= I 8 49
MereliantPit Way , Freight _ Line,
For 13kiirspilie, „tohnftotatt,' daystnirgh, and all
intermediate piaers. •
Tam Line will continue to carry all Way Goods with
their usual dispatch, and at lair rates or freight.
Aaaars—C. A. McANULTY,k Co., Pittsburgh.
D. B. WAKEFIFLD, JohnstoWn.
JOHN MILLER, Hollidaysburgh.
RanzaancEs—Janies Jordon, Smith & Sinclair, Dr. P.
Shoenberger, IL Moore, John Parker, S. F. Von Bonn-
Minst-& Co., Wm. Lehmer & Co., Jno. M2Devitt & Bros.,
Pittsburgh; John Ivory, Shmit,Mulhollan & Ray, John
Graff & Co., Blairsville. murl7
(Gazette and Journal only copy.]
Bargain Corner, •
8111711PILLD AND 'UTE arassrs, PITTSID3IGN, PA.,
jls the most popular of all BOOT and SHOE Es'
tablishments to the as West. This place h gained
its re . utatton by its proprietor keepiug the very
best t ..ts and Shoes, which are made expressly
to order for this market, and he is not satisfied only by
keeping the beat assorted stock of BOOTS and SHOES
in the - Western country, but he is enabled and deter
mined to sell his GOODS lower than any other house
possibly can, be cares not what facilities they boast of
having for offering great inducements to the public. It
is impossible to set forth all the advantages and facilities
in no advertisement, that the Great Bargain Corner has
over others, which enables its proprietor to sell Boots
and Shoes of the very best qualities and styles at from 10
to 25 per cent. lower than any other store in the city.
The way to test the matter is for all who intend purchas
ing BOOTS and SHOES, to call at BATES' GREAT
BARGAIN CORNER, examine the stock and prices, and
all will be satisfied that the Great Bargain Corner, Smith
field and Fifth streets, is the place for the public, one and
all, to get good Boots and Shoes cheap, for cash.
dec9 J. BATES.
NEW AINS 1 ttartairgli - 1
New Spring and Summer Dry Goods now opening at th.
Sign of the BIG BEE HIVE, oi,'Marke tstreet,
between Third and Fattrth etreets,
..... WM. L. RUSSELL, No. 62 Market street, be
tween Third and Fourth streets, sign of the Big
Golden Bee-Hive.has now commenced receiving
a Very large and splendid stock of Spring and
Summer DRY GOODS, wlnchhe is enabled to offer to his
numerous customers and the public generally-, at prices
far below those of any former season. These Goods
have all been selected with the greatest care, and will be
found to be one of the largest and-most splendid stocks
of Spring and Summer Goods ever offered in this city.—
As many of these Goods have been purchased of the Im
porters, per the latest arrivals from Europe, the subscri
ber is confident that ho can offer to his customers the
very newest styles of Ladies Dress Goods ' comprising
English, French, Swiss, Irish and Scotch Goods, together
with a full assortment of American manufacture, and
cheaper than can be found elsewhere.
Rich Chameleon Silks, extremely I ow;
Rich Brocade do. beautiful goods;
Rich Grenadines, plain and figured ;
it Silk, rich goods ;
Poult de Sole, fashionable and late importations ;
Black Amuses, plaid and striped;
Brocade Lustros, new styles
Mohair Chameleon, figured, (very cheap;)
Silk Tissues, ail colors;
Balzarines, in great variety ;
Paris dotted Lawns, for evening dresses;
New style rich Mourning Lawns ;
Organdie Lansus, a beautiful article ;
Black Gros de Rhine, ail widths and qualities ;
Black Bombazines, of most approved makes;
Paris printed Bareges.extremely low;
Paris printed ',SWIM in great variety ;
°rapes and Crepes Linse, a full assortment of colors and
qualities •
Together wit h a large supply of De Laines and Alpacas
some as low as 1.2 k cam& Tr•-m 7 -- Inr-sraerrtorrea—me
above will be found a beautiful assortment of Black
Brussels Lace,fortrtniming - dresses. mantillas and capes.
Also, French worked Capes, Collars and Cuffs, latest
styles. Also. Victoria Lawns aid Spotted Robes ' very
cheap ;Swiss, Mull. Jaeonet and Book Mullins; Bonnet
Ribbon; Belting Ribbon; Cravais ; Scarfs; Artificial& ;
Gloves; Mitts, and Hosiery.
Grenadine Shawls, plain and figured ;
Crape d' Chine, do. a new article ;
Rich changeable Glace Shawls, high lustre;
Mode F.mb'd Thibet do. extremely low;
Black Emb'd Thibet do. very cheap ;
Black Silk do. best quality
Black Nett do. low Prices;
Mate Canton Crape do. splendid g oods;
Chameleon Silk do. lute importations;
Printed Cashmere do. cheapest in the city;
White Emb'd Thibet do. a beautiful article.
The largest, cheapest and best assortment iu the City.
Parasols from the lowest to the 112Q9t splendid, rich and
costly article, of the newest styles and colors, can
always be found at the Big Bee-Hive, between Third and
Fourth sts., N 0.62. (mar2d] %VAL. 1.. RUSSELL.
Domestic and Staple Goods, Cheapest Vett
ALARGE STOCK OF CALICO, limn 3 cents to 10
cents per yard; Bleached and unbleached Muslin*,
from 3 cents upward ; Bed Ticking and Checks, a full
supply of all qualities and prices; Irish Linens; Table
Damask, Russia and Scotch Diapers; Napkins; Table
Diapers; Crash and Bowles ; Scotch and Manchester
Gingliams; Sattinetts; Kentucky Jean, and Blue Drills;
all of which will be sold off at prices that cannot fail to
please. and without fear of competition.
iD" Remember the Big Bee Rive, Market street, be
tween Third and Fourth streets—No.s2.
mar 29 WM. L. RUSSELL.
Great Western Saddle,
HE subscriber takes this method of informing his
friends and the public in general, that be has the
largest stock of the following named articles, of his own
manufacture, in this city—Saddles, Hartiess,Trunks and
Whips; all of which he will warrant to be made of the
best material, and by the best mechanics in Allegheny
county. Being determined to sell his manufactures
something lowerthan lins been heretofore sold in the city,
be would invite persons in need of the above named ar
ticles, to his Warehouse, No. ttti Liberty street, oppo
site Seventh. Also, bands made to order for machinery
octal G. KERBY.
Steel and File Manufactory.
riIHE subscribers have enlarged their Steel and File
blanufactory, on the corner of O'Hara street and
Spring alley, Fifth Ward, Pittsburgh, by erecting a con
verting furnace, a melting furnace and a tilt hammer.—
Their Steel, now being of a superior quality, and having
engaged competent operatives, they arc prepared to fur
nish Files of every description, that will compare with
the best imported article ; and being determined to make
it the interest of all who use Files in any way, to pur
chase from them, they will sell their Files at reduced
prices, for Cash. They will also re-cut Files, and pur
chase those which are worn and broken. Public pat ron
agge is respectfullyinvited, nov7) J. ANKRIM sa CO.
City Livery Stables.
Tux subscribers having purchased from
(45:c is
Charles Colentan'the above Stables, and in
tending to increase their stock of Horses,
Carriages, Buggies, &C., would respectfully
solicit a share of patronage from the public. Horses
'Wept by the day, week. month or year, and additional
Jails are being erected, in the, second story,:for the ac
commodation of Canal stock.
feb233m ROGERS k.. OBEY.
In retiring from the Livery business, I with pleasure
(from a loug acquaiatance) recommend my successors to
the patronage of my friends and the public:
Blgelow's Carriage Manufactory,
Diamond alley, between Wooa; and Smithfield streets.
E. M. BIGELOW would respectfully
r. ' Inform the public; that ethic Famory.can
RE all times be found a large supply of
amily Carriages, Barouehes, Buggies,
and all kinds of . Fancy Carriages, equal in elegance and ,
neatness to any found in the Bast. Contracts for any
number of Carriages, Buggies and Wagons, will be
promptly filled. All work of his own manufacture will
be warranted.
Rmrsassesi , —Col, R. Patterson, R. FI. Patterson, E. D.
Gazzam, Esq., Robert Robb, Esq., C. L. Magee, and
Alderman Steel. [feb27:d3m
Wholesale and Retail.
RBERT H. HARTLEY, begs leave to in
form his friends and the public generally,
hat he continues to occupy that large and com
modious Store Room, formerly occupied by Samue an
estock I Co., No. 86, corner of Diamond alley and Wood
street, where he keeps a large and general 'assortment of
Saddles, Bridles, Harness, Taunks, Carpet Bags Saddle
Bags,Valises, Buffalo Robes, Whips, and all other arti
cles in his line.
He also keeps constantly on hand,and is prepared to
furnish to order, all kinds of Riveted Hose manufactured
of the best material, andin a style of work manshipi equal
to the eastern manufactured article, and at tie per cent.
Country . Merehanu and Farmers would do well to call
and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere, as
lie is determined to sell :first rate articles at very low
jig - Don't forget the place, No. 88, corner of Wood
street and Diamond Alley. ap26
Buffo= & 00.,
JO Winne, Sarsaparilla, Porter, Ale, Cider, Root Beer,
Mead and Pop, No. 12 Market street, and 100 Liberty
street, corner of CeciPs , alley, Pittsburgh. mar 23:
. ,-:,,ii-fr.,?,,,,,,,,M,.;2:3.,i,,',Vi'',-,.
:.,,i4I-1%-,,, ;.,:,,,Lt.;-Ai.=.:!•,l:sk:?,F..t•'-,'...%:'.i,Y.7,,1-.-.:'•-•,',..--•:::•,,,-:-... -....::,'.:-,,:-,7----,,:,,
Rthl Owners in*, • - -I
-LJ "bavn ihniXOrrattgenieMis taae iiceataihg to the new,
Pronioninisnojand takelia,rdtiti'a receiptiWithOuthaving
itinsertedi otherwise havelopay in LiveTPOol,
iiforelhey, X.lll, • • • - -
Ifel'eafto ati StEtTagt . from, Bi , i o
.1 4 1
,ingage4 in America, to come over in either of ihe Ships of
RARND,EN a• Co., will" he famished toil hlhefollowing"
Ao*n.itione,Or their uaUy good.
See Ant Of Cortgress r May 1741848. r -
ifhis plan wilt : prevent-sickness onboard." Heretofore '
wen , passerigerefound themselves in Priovistons;many
O theta came on board - entirely - destimte, which ofbon•
caused Mach sickness and death:-
10 Ms •
10,Ihs Oatmeal,
10 sra Flour,
10 The Deans and "Pies,
36 The Potatoes,
I,pint yinegar,- „ •
60 gall Ons Water,
10 Ibs Salted York,,free from ;Bone •
All of good quality, and one-tenth of the progisidis fur
nished, will be delivered tcreach Passenger avail week
with a of-fuel for cooking.
Each ship in. this line will be properly ventilated, and,
-good house over the passage-way leading to the Pas"
sengerst apartment. The eiboose tad cooking-ranges
for the use:of .Passengers, tire,kept under cover. ,F.very
attention will be paid to prinnote,thir health and comfort.
Remittances made as usual, pimply, and at moderate
rites. -
Bank of England Notes and Foreign Exchange par
chased atemnenfrates. • -
Debts, Legacies; Pensions, dm, ern,. collectediand
copies of Wills procured, with every-other business con
nected with an European Agent. , .
. ' Eurspean,Agerit.,
my'? Post Buildings4eornerof Fifth and W - ood au
Now Co areisi Line.
E. W. K0mu..1.•& Co., •DUNVa, fLumuLts & Co.,
84 Wall' at„ New-York, Liverpool, - England
RoFftc7PITLLY inform their friends , Lnd the
Pilblic,.that they have commenced the Gene. -
. . rat Shipping and CoMmission Busiota, - to.
, t jik gether with the General Passenger Business,
grantingcertificaies Of passage from London,
Liverpool. Dublin, Belfast', or any port of the
Old Country to New York, Boston and Philadelphia, an
the most reasonable terms.
. . . .
Drafts and Dills of Exchange, from .£1 to any amount
on the Royal Bank of Ireland and its branches, and on
The days of sailing of the: Regular'Line of Liverpool
Packets, as fired upon. are ,the lst,6th, llth,.ll3th, 2lst
and 26th of every. month.
These Ships are all of the largest class, and are corn
*landed by men of character and experience. The
Cabin accommodations are all that can, be desired in
point of splendor and convenience. They are furnished
with every description of stores of the best kind. Punc
tuality in the days of sailing will be strictly adhered to.
Packet hips Rosciva, Siddons, Sheridan and Garrick,
are vessels of the largest class' and those desirous to
bring out their friends, cannot select finer or safer Ships.
Passage can be Secured at the lowest rates.
New Orleans Line of Packets sailmeekly. For p is age or freight, apply as above, or to
decll] Corner 4th and Smithaeld sts.. Pittsburg .
insnrante Companies.
The Franklin Fire , Inatirance Company
Charles W. Banker, George W. Richards
Thomas Hart, , Mordecai D. Lewis.
Tobias Wagner,. . Adolphi E. Bone,
Samuel Grant, David S. Browne,
Jacob R. Smith, . Morris Patterson.
CHAS. W. BA.NCKER, Pres't.
Cuss. G. Saslow, Secretary.
11:7 - Continue to make Insurance, perpetual or limited,
on every description of property. In town and country.
The Companyhave reserved a large Contingent Fund,
which, with their Capital and Premiums, safely invested,
ndord ample protection to the assured.
The Assets of the Company. on January Ist, 1849, as
published agreeably to an Act of Assembly, were as fol
ows, viz :
Mortgages ' 51„047,438 41
Real Estate 94,724 83
Temporary Loans 90,001 85
Stocks 51,523 25
Cash, &c . 38,804 37
. .
313,318,492 71
Since:thelt income - mit:Rl, a, period of 19 years, they
have paid upwards'of One Million Four Hundred_ Thou
sand Dollars, lollies by fire, thereby affording evidence
of the advantages of Insurance, as well as the ability and
disposition to meet withpromptness, all liabilities.
Of6ce N. E. corner Wood and 3d sts
Fire wag Marla& lissurwase.
I.BE Insurance Company of North America,' Of Ehilar
delphia,throngli its duly authorized .Agent, the sub.-
scriber, offers to make permanent and limited Insuranee
OR property, in this city and its vicinity, and on shipments
by the canal and rivers.
Arthur G. Coffin, Preet. Samuel Brooks,
Alex. Henry, Charles Taylor,
Samuel W. Jones, Samuel W. Smith,
Edward Sad* - - _ Ambgose
John A. Brown, Jacob M.Thomas,
John White John R. Neff,
Wm. Welsh r
enry effier-y - r
This is the oldest Insurance Company in the United
States, having been chartered in 1794- Its charter is poi
nciana, and from its high standing, long experience, am
ple means, and avoiding ell risk;ef an extra hazardous
character, it may bp considered as offering ample securi
ty to the public. WILLIAM P. JONES.
At Counting Room of Arwood, Jones A Co., Water and
Front su., Pittsburgh mayfly
rouser es, c.
rill , . subscribers having removed from N 0.170 to Nos.
1. 179 end 174 Liberty street, offer for sale Goods, as
follows. in store and now landing, viz:
:I` , o bap prime Rio Coffee, "new crop
40 " Old Government Java Coffee ;
150 hhds. prima New Orleans Sugar;
520 bbls. Plantation Molasses ;
100 St. Jame, Sugar-house Molasses;
100 hf. ch. Young Hyson Tea;
40 .. Gunpowder and Imperial Tea; new
40 " " Malan Powchona " crop.
79 catty boxes Y. 11. and Gunpowder Tea;
100 bags white Brazil Sugar;
60 boxes white Havana Sugar;
40 bags Pepper;
2D Allspice;
100 boxes Mustard in and 4 lb. cans ;
100 " Malaga Bunch Raisins;
30 " " in layers;
50 qr." "
20 casks Zante Currants;
10 bales Sicily Almonds;
100 boxes Richmond Tobacco;
50 baskets Bordeaux and Mar/Mille* Olive Oil ;
200 bobs. and 100 hf. bbla. N 0.3 large Mackerel;
0 barrels Honey;
1500 lbs. Cheese ;
2000 galls. Winter and Spring Spann 00;
1000 " Bleached North-west Whale Oil;
1000 " Crude •
300,000 Cruz & Sons' sup'rj'rincipe Cigars ;
30,000 Havana Sagan;
20 half pipes Cognac Brandy, of various vintages;
2 puncheons Jamaica Spirits;
3 pipes Holland Gin
2 0 0 qr. casks sup.
eriffWine Wine;
1 " Madeira e;
" •• Lisbon
40 " Oporto ,"
60 " Sweet Malaga Wine ;
15 Indian barrels " "
15 lihds. Claret;
20 qr. casks Haut Sauterne;
40 cases stip'r Bordeaux Claret ;
30 baskets Champagne Wine;
2 doz. sup'r Stomach Bitters
200 bbls. pure Rya Whiskey, from to 5 years c Id.
CIGARS, CIGARS, CIGARS—Four cases, containing:
12000 St. Bt Para Principe Cigars;
6000 lianas Imp'd do do
4000 de la Cruz Cuba do . do
3250 La Norma Hay.Regaliado
4000 Femora Hav'a do do
3000 La Luna do do
25250 La Minerva do
Just received and for sale by JOSHUA RHODES,
No. &Mood street.
FOR SALE —g Brick Haase, and Lot of 18 feet fro,'
on Clay alley by 60 deep towards Wylie street, ne n ,
to Washington street. The House is well arranged a n d
in good repair. Price, 81000—$400 in hand, 8200 at ono
year, $2OO at two years, $2OO la three years, or 8600 in
Scrip in hand. This property is rented at $125.
S. CUTHBERT, Gen. 011 t,
ma 3 Smithfield " street.
Foi Sale.
A VALUABLE Paoritarr, situated in the City of
BUB Steubenville, Jefferson County, Ohio, viz:—One
L s of GO feet front on Third street, by 160 feet to an
alley, and on which there is a large Two Story BRICK
HOUSE, containing several rooms or apartments, which
has been mostly occupied as a Tavern these last seven
or eight years, and is now occupied_ as a Tavern, by Mr.
Crane. There is also a large Stable on the same Lot.
ALSO, part of a Lot of Ground, adjoining the above de
scribed property, somewhere about 27 feet front on Third
street by ISO feet to an alley, on which there is a Two
Story House, containing 2 rooms on the first f100r,3 rooms
on the second floor; also, a garret and a kitchen. This
House was formerly occupied as the Post Office, and now
occupied as a Bakery. Thare is also a Stable on' the
same Lot of Ground.
Bath of the above Houses front on Third street, near
Market street, and nearly opposite the Court House. I
will dell both these Lots and Houses together, or each
House,- and Lot separately . Terms:—One-half of the
aurchade money to be paid at time of sale, and the other
half payable one year after the sale, with the usuaLinte
rest—the balance to be secured by bond and mortgage
on the same property. Title indisputable, without any
encumbrance. A warranted deed given. Possession
given at the' Ist of April after it would be sold. For fur
ther information, enquire of the undersigned by letter or
otherwise. _ - , SAMUEL Mc bLAIN,
Pittsburgh, April 23,'49-3m No. 95 Wood it.
Godey's Lady's Magazine, for May.
National Magazine, tor May.
Memoiss of my Youth ; by A. De Lamartine
Life and Letters of Caroline Fry.
The Waverly Novels, by Sir Walter Scott; complete
in five volumes.
Bowdler's Family Shakspeare, from the sixth London
.Outlines of a New System of Physiognoniy; illus
trated; by S. W. Redfield, lit D.
Littell's Living Age, No. 258.
Our stock now comprises the largest and most com
plete assortment in the West.
tl7" Smithfield street, third door above 2d. . gat
CRAS CLDER-24 bariels,for mashy
may 2 RILEY, MA HEWS & CO.
~~ , .:~3:;~,..^ , ::~x-~-~.? ~'_~:.w ~,>?x~eanz':?;'wit-~r:`~i?:::_w.
~, x - -
i, 1 .. 11: i'. l- i- 1 , !.;!.. oi3lt.lL:'.,:i-:.,:ii..1',.1
iSAILGAINS t 1 SARGAiIS*I rt - -7 - 77
At lio. 58 Market street. • ,
t - Tina undersigned navidg 'determined
. -F,,,ii ..
to decline his present business and close , 1
np on or before ilie'lst July next, will II i .
t , .
fromthis day sell off for cost and csitathot;tus
entire stock. of TRIMMING AND FANCY
GOODS, embracing ageneral assortment of Geodetin the
above lute, viz:-Fringes,' Laces, Edgings and Insert ,
logs, of every deseription ; Ftench Worked. Capes, Col
lars, Cuffs and Sleeves; Cotton and Silk Bose; alLeolors
and qualities; Children's de.;.Linen Handkerchiefs; Bead
,Bags and Purses, Steel Beads, Clasps and .Steel Trim
.nungs. Bonnet Ribbons, Mantua do.; Belt do., Cord and
Tassels Oiled Silks, Sewing Silk, Coates' Spool Conon,
'Spool Silk, Linen and . Cotton- Bobbins, Worsted • and
:Cotton Bindings -and Cords; Silk! and Linen Lacers,
black, white and colotedßidGlcrres,of the beet quality.
811 k, Lisle Thread and Cotton. Gloves; Lace ,Olove-.5 and
-Mine; Silk - FRISS; "Alnei and German Pius; Hair Pins;
'Every variety and ahadisof.Parasols, of this Spring's
purchase; Fans, of the most beautiful a.ndricla patterns,
all fresh and new; Ladies Traveling_Bag. a iLadieniSpun
Silk- and , Merino Nests; .Buiralo _Tuck „Combs.; , Card,
Cases ; Belt Slides, Fancy Ftench Hair Brushes, Read'
ing and Fine Tootli Cithibri, - Ferfruneiy, Of the. fine st qual
ities ; Fine Soaps , Pearl;.lyory , and PorOlain. Buttons;
Clothe:s Brushes. &C., &c. ' - ' - :'. -
!Inge and Complete iissartMent of GOIAS in thalibove
line ' consisting In part Of Fine Shins, Standingand Byron
Collars,latest ityles•, Silk *Underibirts and •Draurers;„
Gauze; Chtton and Merino do. do.. Brown' and' White
Linen Drawers; White . Drilling do., made in' superior
style; bP,k Italian., Barathea and Amer. Cravats ; new
styles of rich silk Cravats, all patterns, - a splendid, as
sortment ; red - and imitatio'n Madras Cravats; 'Lawn and
Gingßamdo.;Satin, Bembazin'e and Hair Stocks ; Satin
and Fancy Ties; Silk and Satin figured and plain Scarfs;
I Shirt Bosoms and Collars t , super.,Lisle.Thread Under
' shirts and Drawers; Eng. and German . Half Hose; ; Liael
Half Hose.; Silk do.; a splendid assortment of Ebony and,
other Canes ;-Silk and Gingham Umbrellas, Carpet Bags,
Dressing Gowns, Silk and Linen.Handkerchiefa, black
, and colored Kid Gloves, Silk and- Lisle Thread do.,
Shoulder Braces, of the most approved pattertht ; Money
Belts, Russia Belts, French Embroidered Smoking Caps,
Oiled Silk Bathing Cajs, Razors, Brushes, Wallets; Sus,
pend era of every description, Zza.• , • .
The entire stock will be sold for cost, and carriage.
added. bprhieh will bring prices down 50 per cent.. lower
than the same descrip.on of. Goads have eves been
offered in this , city- B. F.. STEREI'T, -
• 'No. 56 Market street, near Third et.
N. B.—The Store for rent, and Fixtures'for safe, from
the Ist July. may3tf
AA. MASON & CO. having considerablY 'enlarged
. their Store. for the accommodation of their in
creasing business, are now prepared to exhibit to their
Retail Trade the most extensive stock of rich and fash
ionable Imported and American GOODS they have ever
offered in this city. Their large Shawl Saloon, together
with another room, have been fitted up and added to their
Retail Department, thereby giving them ample room for
the display of their immense stock.
Being constantly in the receipt of NEW GOODS"from
Aheir Rouse in New York, they are enabled to offer' the
"newest, latest and most desirable Goods, and fit IniCeliali
low as any house in the country.
Their stock consists in part of five hundred 'pieces of
extra rich Bereges, Tissues; Albannes, Delpinnes and .
Marquise, of new and splendid styles. Also, Poll de
Cheare, Fowlard Silks, Mous De Lathes, Grenadines,
Braziliennes, Brodie, Toil du Nord, &e.; &c.—
Six hundred pieces at new and rich style Jaconets,
Lawns and 'Organdies, splendid designs. Seven hun
dred pieces English and French Prints, Gingharns,
Challies, dcc., &c.
Three hundred pieces of rich plain, figured and change
able Silks, of entirely new styles. Also; Black:Silks for'
Dresses, Visites, Mantilltu!,,,ot superior high lustre.
Cashmere, Thibet,-Long and equare Shawls, Gros De
Rhine, Poen De Sote, Canton Crape, Silk, Bernge, Sew.
ing Silk, Wool - Plail,Grenadine and Muslin de Leine.
Cambrics, Jaconets, Victoria Lawns, Book and Swiss
Moslins,.Tarletans, Fancy Checks, Linen - Laroni, Dot
ted hlnsims, Mull and Nainsook do., ke.
Damasks, Covers, Napkins, Diapers, Ildkfs . French
Linen:and Drills, Barnsby Sheetings, Swiss do., Irish
Linens, best make and finish.
A complete assortment of China Braid, Florence, Dun
stable, Rough and Ready, Straw, English Chip, Fancy
&c., ie.
125 boxes of Bonnet and . CaO Ribbons of the bets
styles. Also, black and colored 'Taffeta and Satin,,bes ,
quality. Also, Bonnet Silks,Linings and Artificials.
Every description.of Ladies' and Gent's Hose and
Gloves, Cravats, Scarfs, Hdkfs. Also, Berege, Gauze,
Crape Tissue Veils, Black Lace, Demi Veils, Ike., &c.
Neu, Visints and Mantillas.
Of all the fashionable colors and styles.
Lace Capes, Collars, Cuffs, Standing Collars, Chemi
setts, Falencumes, French and English Edgings, Cam
bric, do:, Inserting, Belt Ribbons, Linen Cambric and
Lawn Hdlifs- Crapes, &c &c.
More than Two Thousand Parasols and Parasolettes
of every variety, including tke best make of fine Satir.
and Chameleon.
CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, Vesting's, Summer StUIEs,
Couonades, Tweeds, Jeans. Also, Flannels, Cheeks,
. ..
Mare than two hundred eases of the best styles, and. of
. ".'.... ThUrSedrin -- rsu, •. . so Ls.
Over one hundred cases of all the well known and ap
proved makes of Bleached Mustins, 300 tales Brown
do., of every variety and price •
Purchasers may always depend (from the great facili
ties of this establishment,) upon obtaining the choicest
Goods at the most reasonable prices—the system of
Low eaters adopted by this establishment, as well as
their One Price System having met with such essential
favor that the subscribers are enabled to offer still great
er inducements to purchasers. Every article will there
fore be marked at such low rates as cannot fail to give
perfect satisfaction. Merchants from all parts of - the
country are invited to call. A. MASON & CO.,
a .37 60 Market streeet, between 3d and 4th sts.
New Spring Goods
IVIO. 6S, MARRET'STREOP, between Fourth street
.1.111 and the Diamond. Foreign and Domestic Dry
Goods. The subscriber has just received his first supply
of Fancy and staple Dry Goods, adapted to the Spring
Sales, consisting in part of the following: .
4-4 English Lawns. only 121 cts., French Organdy
Lawns; 121 ctn.. 4-4 Blue :Verlaine.- Prints, 121 cis., 4-4
Double Purple Prints, 12} cts., Drab Mims de Lain, 121
eta., French Dress Ginghams. 12 cts., 4-4 Brown Mus
ling, from 6to 8 eta., Bleached Mug eta . 4- Bleach
ed !Busting, 61 to 121 eta, Prints, Merlman 'Patterns, ei
eta, 2d Mourning Fr. Ginghams , 121 eta ., French Work
Collars, 121 cis.
Brocade Chumslion Silks, Brosha Figured Silks, Chit
melion Satin de Shiers, Wide Black Plaid Silks, Wide
Black Gro. de Rhino Silks, Figured Foulard Silks, Plaid
Oro. d'Armour Silks, Madonna Silk Stripes. Wide Black
Mantilla Silks, Paris Printed Lawns,English Printed
Lawns, French Dress Ginghams, E mbroidered Swiss
Muslins, Paris Printed Mous de Lame,Satin Plaidßera
ges, Chamelion Plaid Granadines, Plid Linen Lustres.
French Organdy Lawns.
New style Bonnet Ribbons, Ladies' Cravals,_Revere
Hordered Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, French Work
Capes and Collars, Black rind Colored Kid Gloves, Lisle
Thread and Silk Gloves, Mohair and Worsted Mittii
Black Silk Fringes add Gimps, Mull Swiss, .1 sconett and
Thread Edgings and Inserungs,.White and Black Silk
Hose, Cashmere, Moravian, Black and White Cotton
Hose, and. Black and White Silk Demi Veils.
Embroidered White. Cashmere and Crape Shawls,
Plaid and Black Silk Shawls, Black and Colored Mous
de Lain Shawls, Satin Plaid Beings Shawls, French
Cashmere Shawls, and Plain and Embroidered Black and
Colored Silk Fringe Thibbet Shawls.
Damask Table Linens and Table Cloths,,Russia Dia
per and Crash, Irish Linen and Linen Lawns Bleached
and Brown hlaslins, Caainetm, Kentucky Jeans, Bed
Ticking, Domestic Ginghams, Colored Cambries, _fed
White and Yellow Flannels, Welsh Flannels, Canton
Flannels, Brown, Bleached. and Colored Drillings.
French and English, Blue, Black and Brown Cloths;
Black' and Fancy French Cassimeres; New Style Fancy
Vestings and Cravats; Silk Under Shirts and Drawers;
Linen Cambric and Silk Handkerchiefs, and a fine '
sortment of Gloves, Hosiery and Suspende rs. PAßASOLS AND PARASOLETTS:
I have just received a Splenaid assortrne at o
Style Plain and Fancy Silk Fringe Parasols, Par
and Sun Shades.
Tho above Goods have all been purchased at the low
est cash prices, and will be sold Wholesale and Retail, at
such rates as cannot fail to please all who wish to buy
good Goods at low prices. _
New Goods 1 New Goods It
AT NUMBER' FIFTY-NINE, North-wean corner of
Fourth and Market streets, Pittsburgh.—Bszoetss:
13smisues!—The undersigned respectfully informs his
customers that he has just returned from the Eastern
cities, and is now receiving a large and beautiful stogk
of FANCY and STAPLE DRY GOODS, containing
a choice and elegant assortment of all the newest arid
most fashionable styles and fabrics, imported this season,
and embracing a complete variety of every arttale
longing to his line of business, all of which will be offer
ed at prices which must prove seisfactory to the pur
The customers of the house, and purchasers generally
are respectfully Invited to give these Goods an early ex
Call soon and secure a Bargain! PHILIP ROBB,
Roll Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Dry Goods
Fine Shirts; Spring Styles.
EDWARD TODD & CO., are now retelling from their
Facto East, a large stock of fine and me.dtum qual
ity [SHIRTS,
, which, for durability and style of manu
facture, are not surpassed in this or any other market.—
The trade will be supplied at lowest New York prices.
11:7' Wareroom, corner Fifth and Market streets, op
stairs. ap4
Manufacturer of Linen and Fancy Shirts, Bosoms and
Collars, Jobbers and Wholesale Dealers in
• Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods,
NORTH-MUM comma YIPTH &ND suinicar ars. (up srsaas,)
THE subscribers beg leave to call the attention of
merchants and dealers in gentlemen's wearing
goods, to our large stock of fresh Spring Goods, now
opening; among which are to be found some of the rich
eat and mostadmirable styles of Spring Goods ever offin
ed in this market. One of our firm is engaged at our
factory in the East, where we flatter ourselves we are
manufacturing some of the best and moat, durable styles
and qualities of Shirts, now called for i any market.—
Being very thankful for the kind favors bestowed on us
during the last year, we hope to have them continued, as
we intend to offer our goods at exceedingly low prices,
and accommodate our customers with pleasing terms.
We are confident we can offer Shirts at as low prices as
they can be found in the Enstern markets, from the feat
that our advantages in manufacturing are complete
Please give us a call, and be convinced ot tbet above .
facts. ta3l.
d`w sop£4~a r~i'fr3
.s2i ~ ~r... "kw ~ G"y~y*..Z ~pt~'"'s Y ...<r, -.~: "'. ~;.
V ~cuu....:.. _._
No. 65. Market et., Pittsburgh
ASP ntCUE. •
vi r utitti ..pectlial l y..announCe'',l 4 .llip'ed f r jn ie'ef
Pittsburgh and vicinity,'.that howilitemaurni this
place a-Yitaderyi. thiPtuallelledenceigs thertreat
ment of a large . majority. of those disease,'" Which have
ever been regarded asinviiraide by ihe mndern.andrnoie
fashionable prietice; has induced Itlntia:send• forth this
ettittin. the' afflicted pPition bi - mankind.
the 'past' tivelveinonths, imparted instructions
wards of .2000•citizems of Tennessee, Vliginia,North tind
Soulh•-entolinap iimmijr - theni
Physicians °thigh standing, and- they,all bear teatimony.
of their entire anrisfaction:... tuts areettticeeededin
giving permanent relie f to rearlY3oNindiVidenle, - ample
proof, of which hi can adduee. ' - • - - 71 -
Ifis ` not pretended' iet the concentration ofile resulte
of medical research emanates trom one author, for be-lie
ever so versed. ia medical science, he. world come far,
far short Of - so herculean alask . ... - De. hne-lieetten
gagedeincelB3olnseledtipgand Pure:ratingall the pop.
ulaf - andbecret . reniedien - which could ;be
England; fieland,,Gitrintirk,tintVitin;i7nited' States; from
tkofP fiersonii.wkrwere.ernmeittlrenc end - 1111'in curing",
some of the' fallow ing
pepsin, Sick and Nervotitilleadnene; Pains or Weakness
in Back or Joints, Paralysie,-Nettra:gia, Spinal Affec.
lions EpilepiY,.T,oothaehe,Dontractions of t he
Weak . or inflamed Eyek,.•Pilesi - Astluna,.Ctineer, Totter,'
Poostßite, Serofula;;Ulcers; - MerattialDiseases ciflong
stattdingg, Female Disemtes; General Debility,
;For J id: instructions for the 'craw of kill'deselseinrigi., or• carmine - the - . derangementot,'Oe ,Nervous
System; so that those yrho vecerve - instroctiona , caw act -
'with egual efficiency as himself, charge'Dionly, 21kt-
- S. is furnished with nertificates undreearamenda.
-lions from die most intelligent and . respectable.Phyni , '
Clads of every place ntwluchite•has - had•the pleasureof
visinag, which he kvill bee-pleased tir exhibit• to-'the In
specuon of any yilid may des - Wit. • • •
The ingredients icied "art - almost rsgtram, e -
ceedingly stmpie, awl within the reach of oil.
Persons' alibeted• with any of the within named Dis
, eases, would dO Wellto call upon. Dr: S., wide not effect
ually relieved, no remuneration will be required,: for.hill
services.. His motto is, No Cure, No Pay.
Dr. S. ill fent ain dunrigliis hta tivitte Si. DHABI:ES'
HOTEL, Room No. 73. . , a P ll.
' ,I "BAC,f i!s. at „ _ tma.c B.
Land and Mineral Agency Other
Non-res o ers of moss nds— o ers
Er id
Illinois indebtedness, and all persons dash ' •
ous of purchasing. State Lands with
'scrip or bonds. " • -
ffIHE undersigned would.respectfully - inform thapublie
1 that they, have established in this city-,the capital of
the State of Illinois=re LAND and 'GENERAL - AGEN
C YORFICE, for. the.transaction of nil .business, aPPer-.
taining thereto,within the limits of the State.
All transactions' relativeld• 'the ;Midwife and 'sail , of
lands, examiningjands aad rep,orting,theivlocationosP,'
vantages and value, paying taxes, redeemmg land sold
for taxes; investigating - titles ; ' &c., buying; and. nellingalr
descriptions of State indebtedness; thisnoti every other •
description of bosiness attached In' a 'General Lead`
Agency, on the most extended scale; willte promptly
and faithfully attended t0. : .--.
In regard telocation, we have many advantaget o'ver
allether agencies in the State,being atitur Capiml, near
the centre of the State, and at the very fountain-head o:
al information, in relation to matters connected - With
lands,mxes, and State indeotedness, through thernedium.
of the government and executive offices. In addition to
this important advantage, the senior partner, 'Mr.: Ash;
has occupied, fOr several years, thepositienofprincipa
Clerk in the State Auditor's office, and having had charge
of the books and State land department in said offiCe, has! ,
obtained a thorough knowledge on all subjects connect
ed with this agency; and we are,therefore, enabled at rill
times to give correct and-prompt information, much in
advance of any other agency in the State. Our location
is also important to non-residents wishing to pay, taxes,
as our acquaintance with the colleetorsoithe revenue is
such that-we can obtain vhe tax receipts through. the
mail, and the money paid directly into the' State' trensu
ry, thereby avoiding the risk of remitting, funds by mail.
We also beg, leave to inform persons wishing to pur
chase State lands;that our arrangements are such, that
we ean, at all times,' furnish State bonds, scriri,or indebt
eduess any amount, and at less rates than any , other
office in the State. -
In conclusion, we take 'pride in, referring toil:Le ehar
acter and standing of the gentlemedwho have been kind
enough to permit us tense their names'as refereneeSj and
with a sincere desire to please, backed by fidelitytindus
try, and promptitude in all our business transactions, to
merit the confidence of all who-may, entrust their, busi
ness to our hands. 'ASH & 'DILLER.
Sprinerekl, - March 29,1849. •
- - REVERE NC as: • • -
Hon. Daniel Sturgeon, 11. S. Senate.
Hon. James Cooper,
Col. Samuel W. Black, •• • ... • .Pittsburgh, Pa. -
J. Vogan Diller,
Gen. Robert Patterson, Philadelphia. •
Joseph L. Chester, do.
Messrs. Wadsworth & Sheldon, New I ork City-
Messrs. Hill, hlcLean & C 0.,. • • -Nevi Orleans. •
Messrs. A. Gowdy & Co., Louisville.
John iH. Wymer, Esq., St. Louis. •
James Calhoun, Esq., ' Cincinnati. • .
His Ex. Gov, A. C. French,• • - -Springfield, 111.
.Hon.Thontas H. Campbell,. • • - -
Hon: S. H. Treat do. japinin
City Scrip.
In conformity with the VA Section of the Ordinance
of the 18th of April, 1849, directing-the undersigned "to
negotiate for CITY SCRIP, the Bonds and Mortgages of
individuals held by the City for property sold, amounting
notice is hereby given, that the said obligations will now
be disposed or Inc the Corporate issues of the City of
Pittsburgh, of the, denominations of-One, Two and Three .
Dollars.- .
Further Notice is hertlh a y t
o 6.per tent. per annum, will at any time hereafter be
issued to.the holder or holders of City Scrip, in'aums of
One Hundred Dollars and upwards according to the
proviiions of - the above date: - R. JOHNSTON,-
ap:3l • . . City Treasurer.
Bonne and Sign Painting.
T D. VITFIELD would respectfully Inform the citizens
. of Titt.sburgh and - Allegheny that he is prepared to
do ill 'kinds of ORNAMEINTAL -PAINTING, , auch as
Rmitation' of Wciod and Stone .- All - orders left' with.J.
OBlXSON;Europ,ealiAgent, will be strictly attended to.
ap2s:dlm .
IJ TORS' SALE of Dry Goods, Clothing, Farley Arti ,
cies, Toys,. Hardware. Cutlery, Saddlery , Gold Watch,'
&c., at AUTION; by Catalogue —Scrip will be taken far
301724 of the Goale.—Commenclng on 'THURSDAY next,
May 10th, at 111 o'clock in the forenoon, will be sold,
without reserve, to the highest and best bidder, by order
of 'Myers Barker, Constable, and G. Reeled, W. H.
Molehill, Assignees of T. S. Waterman ; also _T. Wilson,
Administrator, and C. Mintal,'Administmtrix of the late
P. hlintal, dee'di the separate stocks of three Retail
Stores, by catalogue, comprising, in part--eol'd _cam
balzarines, ginghains, etnniet, pantaloon
stuffs, cashmarett, broad cloths; worsted plaid, French
cassimeres,gambrooti, coating drilling, linen and cotton
cheeks, chasm', chintz and calicoes, splendist cashmere
shawls, black Holland, summer cassinieres,. mores de
lames, braids, gloves, hosiery, laces and edglngs, pea&
Naples silks, a large assortment of ribbands t lrce
alpacas, merinos "red ' fl annel,-lustre and 'dimity, a large
assortment' of derino shawls,' braid; gnnp, straw and
lawn bonnets; de thine and cotton shawls, erape;era..
vats, silk hdkfs., reticules, a tor orelothing, hardware,
cutlery:, toYs,Trench and German fancy goods; also;
groceries, ace.Catalogues will be ready on Saturday,
and the goods arranged for examination to-morrow. The
Assignees have concluded to take' Scrip at par for their
goods, which will be marked In catalogue. The-Consta
ble's goods will be- sold for par funds. and the Admiais
raters' for currency. MI"ERS BARRER, Constable.
Assigneee of T. SAVatman.
Adm'r and. AdtrOx - of - the late P. Minter, dee'd.
may. 3 JAMES McKENNA, Anct
2000 Premium Minds.
BJ. W/LLIAMS,No, 12 North Sixth street;Philadel
. phia,
.Venetian Stew/And Window Shade Manufac
turer, (awarded the first and highest Medals It the New
York, Baltimore. and Philadelphia Exhibitions,. for the
superiority of his BLINDS; with confirmed confidence in
his manufacture,) asks the attention of purchasers to his
assortment of 2000 Blinds of narrow and wide slats, with
fancy and plain Trimmings, of new styles and colors.—
Also, a large. and general assortment of Transparent
Window Shades, all of which he will sell at the lowest
• Old Blinds painted and trimmed io look equal to new.
I: Warm supplied on liberal terms. • •
The citizens of Allegheny ConEty are respeetfallrin
vited to call, before purchasing elsewhere—confident of
pleasing all.
CrPot bras reciting.
ToC.ountry Elprohanta.
InHODICINSON would remind you that you can now
. secure China, Glass, Queensware, 4.e., at such
prices as never wereleretofore offered at.
Remember, 115 Wood street, :3 &ors below sth. [rul7
Nottce t o
THE sabscribef informs the . public generally, and
Housekeepers and Retail Grocers particularly, that
he is discontinuing the Queensware business, and will
sell off his present stock at reduced prices. Those who
wish to obtain China, Queensware, or Glass,,will find this
mare oppormnity.for getting such articles as they want,
much cheaper than the usual rates.
Remember the place, CHINA HALL, No. 118 Wood
street, near the Auction store. '
P. S. I will dispose of myWholty stock to any person
wishing to buy it, at a bargain
Fourthstrat.—Hotroa tb Arrratniv,/ragierreo
typists from the Eastern cities, would pall &canoed= of
the inhabitants of Pittsburgh ; iud the neighboring losing,
to their Daguerreotype of citizens and others, at roomein
the third story of Burke's building, 4th st..,
Persons wishing pictures taken may rest assured that
no pains shall be spared to produce them in ihe highest
perfection of the art. Wriest:mutants are of the mostpow.
erful kind, enabling us to execute pictures. nitriarpassed
foringh finish and truthfulness to nature.- .The public are
solicited to call mid examine.
Persons sitting for pictures are neither requirreifor ex
pected to take them unless perfect satisfaction 'rgiven.
N. B. Operators willsndthis a good depot for' tock
and chemicals. '
fl=f-lristructions given in the art, containing the more
recent Improvements. - lan7
:rave - Rooting.
THE subscribers rvspectfillty inform the citizen. of
Pittsbnigh and vicinity, that they are-now tally.pre
pared to fill orders for GRAYEL.ROOFiNG, in a man
ner not to be surpassed in this city or elsewhere. From
their experience in business, they feel confident that
they will render satisfaction to all those who may give
them work. The superiority of Gravel Roofs over any
other kind, particulaxly in case of fiza i ls too well known
to require any arguinenttn its feVor— To those who are
unacquainted with our work, we beg leave to referthem
to Messrs. Thomas Liggett,-Sr., John F. Perry, Rody
Pattersan, M. Kane, jr , and others,Tor whim we have
done' work. Orders thankfully received - and promptly
attended to , We will be found on -Wylie street, be
tweeti nigh and Tunnel streayL
. 419.
AOTTON ales, for sale by
maY2 }IRBY, mArrnews & car
'Llon-miptc.u - irlyantsu Praeossis-*This is the only
X instrument alba kit dihathatioverlieen.presented.- t ,
in this country ir Europe for medical purposes, and istlus ••••••
any one Byer :known to man i by which the_ galvanic fluid
c 0 4/ pt,cozrveyed toibe human ewe, the ear, the brain, or,
unypiireof thebectireither. eXternxilly . ot
in a dehnite,getitle streana i withoutshophser Paia — with
keifeet safatY-and Often. With the happiest effee.W.'
1 -- This In/Porta/a 'apparattui . is holy highly nPrnied of
1 4 4 , niarij , of the Most eniliientphysicians of thts country . .
an;tl Europe, '16. - whain'the afflicted and 'others Whom - It.
niapponcern itifle. referred.: Refertmce will also be
peen to Many - highly respeseWPg citizens, who have •
4:leen cured, by means of a1t0 , ,101;,...-oloable apparatits,,c/ '9
some of the mist invet *sw,.(is disorders, which
could not be removed . by awrOther Imircorl , ineans:'
Among it has-been proved to beriadmir ,, ,
- ably adepte&fol- the - enre of thefollowiurdiSeases, ~,.
nervoustetidifche and other disordersof the brain. It le
with this apparatus elan* that the operator can convey.-
the galvanic guid,with eastrandhafetrto the . eye, to re
store sight, Drente tundurosairto e eat tot-estate - hear- t -
Mg; to the toughs or other - organ/1 1 ; th re s tore speech and
to the various parts of die body; forthe'curret f Phrolile..
rheumatism, asthma, neuralgia, or tic doloureituraarra!
ysis or palsy; goat, ehorea or St. Vitnedariep,epiletaly
weariless item al rains, - some diseases peculiar-to fo ,,
males, contraction of'the limbs, loch -jaw, otc.; etc. ,
Rights for stulouniring . ,counties of Western Pa., and —.
privileges, with the. instroment,May putebasedi-and
aiso tested ter the cure of diseases..
Pall instructions will be given for thevanou c"'""" -
cols to be Used for various diseases; and the best manner -
forpperating for the cure.of_these,,diseases, willalso bo
explainedio the purchaser, and a pamphlet put into, • -
his_ hands expressly
. for these, purposes., caref u lly pre
pared by the patentee. .Enouire of • - , • ; • ,
8. WILLIAthS,-.Viiia etie ei
- near 4th at. Road: Pittsbi: '
AMES are cautioned 'against ruling Common Trope-
1,4 -red Chalk: They are not aware bow frightfully -
rions it is to theskin ! how coarse, how rough, how sallcrw,
yellOW; and unhealthy the skin appears after using, pre, ,
pared chalk! Besides it, is injurious, eontsining Ct large .
quantity of lead ! We have prepared a beautiful' vege
table article which, we. call. Jones' Spanish Lilly. White.
It is perfecti innocent, being purified of all deleterious
Artafines, an it imparts to the, skin a natural, healthy,-
•alabaster, clear; lively white; at. the same time eating
as a cosmetic on the skin, making it soft and smooth.
Dr. fameerAnderson, Practical Chemin - 1 of filassachtt-
setts, says : "After analysing Jones!SpanishLilly.White,
I. find itpossessea the mostfieentiful and natural, and at
the same time innocent, whitd I. ever saw.- I certainly
'can conscientiously - recommend its use to all whose skin
requiresbeautifying. , l Price 25' cents a box. Directions
•—i-the best way to apply Lilly White, is with soft leather
or woolthe"formerm preferable..
‘, A sm. smr. or Thrill son. 'cMcrii.—White teeth,
'foal- breath, healthy gums. Yellow and unhealthy teeth, •
after being once or twice cleaned with Jones' Amber,-
-ToothTaste, have the appearance of the most beautiful
ipory, and, at the same time it is so perfectly innocent .-
and exquisitely fine, that itsconstant daily . use is highly
advantageous, even to those teeth that are in good
giving them a beautiful polish, and preventing
premature decay,[-Those already: decayed it prevents
fromlecoming worse—it also fastens such as is becoming
loose, and by perseverance it will render the foulest teeth --
delicately white, acrd make the breath deliciously sweet.
Price 25 or 37} cents a box. ; All. the above are sold only
at a 2 Chatham st:, sign ofthe Ame ric Eagle,lslew
and by the appointed Agents whose names appear in the
. . ,
Wru. '4ol:ll:tuagr, and geta rich husband, ladi . ''Your
face:is your . fortune.” Is't beautiful, clear fair? jiti it
white?;.lf. not, it can -be made so even though ' it be yel
low, diagured, sunburnt, tanned and (reek led. Thous•
ands have been made : thus who hace.washed once or
twice-with Italian 'Chemical Soap. The effect is
glorious and mignillbent. , But be sure : you get the-genu
ine-Jones' Soap, tulle sign of the American: Eagle, 82,
Ring-woun, Sidt-rheum r Seurveyprysipelas, Barher , .‘
Itch, are - often cured by Jones , Italian Chemical -Scdtp,
when every -kind of-remedy has . failed., That it enles.:.
pimplesifreeklea, and clears the akin, all know. Sold at
the American Eagle t 85 Chatham street,' teadlir,
thiaiel4om ndvet
• ' - _ , INGLIS , ' Jr - Patterson.
• Bald at . .Ticasoir's 89 Liberty head,of IVoc.d, Sign or
of •
la LAS, Barbee Itch, • Chaps, Sore 'Beards,- Pfinyin.=-- .
This isnsed by many physicians in Wu' city rn,c figthie
above,. and we would not conscienciorusly sell unless : we
knew itterba all we state. • . -; ,
As Acoainetic,,the true JONES'S SOAP is partial's the
Only-article ever known that removed ingot:aides,
cleared and beautified , the akin, making it soft, clear,
smooth and white; ars an infants. But Mind, it is soil at 89 ,
Phathrun•st., N. Y.', and by'. • - - ;• • - • '
mar2s - - 89 Liberty strcet,l l / 2 418
'A respectable gentleman called at our- office, as he
said, to inform that he. had been afflicted for I.syears
with Rheumatism or Goat, and occardonally with Tic -,
Dolorenx; that he had been fre q ue n tly: Confined - to his'
room.for months together, and often'suffered the most in
tense:and excruciating pain, but that lately he had-been.
using .rstyris's Alteratrre, from which he found the most alg
ae! and unexpected relief He says .he found the medi,;•
eine very pleasant and effective, and - that hi now , con.'
reiders himself perfectly cured.—PAffadelphin North Ame-
A Fscr Wotan Knowmo.—A gentleman of Scrofulous
habit, from indiscretion in hie younger days; - became tif
fected with Ulcerations in the . Throat and Nose; and it'
disagreeable Brandon of the Skin. ladeed,' - his whole
system bore the marks of being saturated with 'disease,
One hand and wrist were so much 'affected that he' had
lost s the uee'of the band, every part being covered with,
deep, 'painful; and offensive - ulcers , and were .as hollow'
and porous as an honey-comb. It waaratthiti stage Orbit
• „ . .haldtath peared inevitable from a Walk'
terarive aad bayingen sateen ,
The Alterative operates through the • circulation, and,
parifies the hlood and eradicates disease from the system,
wherever - located, and the numerous cares It has-pei , : .
thrmed. in_diaeases
,of the , skin, cancer , surofula,,gotit, - ,
liver complaint, dyspepsia pad other chronic diseases; is'
truly asteinishing.—Sprit of the Timm. •
sr For -.ale in Pittsburgh, at the PERIN' STORS
9s -- itt~►~.~ibiciis
Jaynes*Family aladlatneai,
If S. - S. COOK, Piqua, Ohio, writes, Match; Ifi46:
-"I have used your
• Ftrmifuge, Camturatici BoLiski„ .
and Expectorant, ',limy practice; or the last three years, -
and have been exceedingly well pleased with them, and'
never, as yet, to my recollection, failed of realizing
;. my'
fullest expe ctation
. in their curative properties. Your
other medic ines I cannot speak of from experience; but,.
jthlging from those I have used; I doubt not bat thatthey::
claim, and are entitled to all the . confidence' repoied 'in:
them, by those Who have used them. I was formerly'
very.partial To Rifr Venniftige until l - bactuneacquain
ted with yours, which has my decided prefercne to any .
other now to use.
- Ressectfully, S. S. COOK, M: D"
For sale in Pittsburgh at the Pekin Tea Store;l2,
ITZTIMONY for Dr.,Willard's Family Medi.:
cines.—Thetmdersigned, citizens of Pitisburgb,hiiv lN
.ng personally used DT. Willard's Oriental 'Cough, Mu;
lure, and experienced its beneficialeffeas, doitiostelteei
fully recommend it as - safe and effectual, in ell catius,
Speaking - from experience, we believe that it hustnisa
parlor ; and would recommend its use to all the 'afflicted;
Pittsburgh, March 15t4, 1&!e.
4J:7"Sold by J. schoonmaker & Co., John Hays,'lsisien
A. Jones, J.H.Caßsol, John P. Scott, F. L. Snowden, J,
Mohler, .ocden & Snowden.• • . • ardi
FIT'S OF COUGHING in the:night are very trouble
some. They break in upon the hours of sropote and
exhaust the strength of the Sufferer. B. A.. Faestocre
& Co. , s COUGH BALSAM has-been eminently'saceese,
ful in easing and curing , these. unpleasant. spells.. If a
person is roused in the night by a spasm of coughingos
tea spoonful of the Cough Balsam will soothe it, gwejiim
relief, and, as it is palatable, leaves no-expleasturt taste
behind. If once used, it wilt take precedence over all
others, as a. remedy for coughs, colds, &c. . _ - -
Prepared and sold by B. A.. FAHNESTOCK.: &
corner Ist and Wood streets, arul‘corner 6th and Wo ad
sale, wholesale and retail, at the ,
Ne. 50 Smithfield at.'
Also, by . Win. Cole, Allegheny city: J . G. Sinith, Mr!
minghami John 11cCracken, Penn street, Fifth Want: "
feb 21
- . .
if The general properties of thalse Pills are ,Canninirl
tive, Purgative and Tonic. In the common disorders
arising, from, imprudence in diet,..ka, such' ai sickness
and sourness of the stomach, heartburn, heidachea64c.„
where a medicine is required, Ads, prepsrationeis very
apalicahle, for , its carunnative or noodling agants4tve
almost immediate relief, when nausea or sickness:end st :
its purgative operation upon the stomach and bowels is
gentle, and effectual!and its - tonic properties
strength to the digestive organs, thereby enabling these
organs to perform their proper functions with order and
regularity. The price has been reduced from SO to 245
For saleholesale and retail, try A. FAHNE.3 I
TOCKIc orner Frost- and Wood and Sixth and
Wood streets; Agents far Pittsburgh. ' ' • jel4
CONSUMPTION Seizes more victims than any other
disease oar • country. The young, the old, the,
beautiful and gay, are all alike subject to its invidious
ravages, and many a hectic.cheek has been supposed to
Weem with the glow Of , health._- But every case origi.
mites inla cold and a cough-perhaps deemed unertithy,
of attention at first--aud only, met with remedies when
too late. Watch the, first symptoms with jealous-care,
and make immediate use, of the Cough Balsa= of B. A.
Fahnestocie& Co., which will certainly check its further
progress, and restore the inflamed organs to a beautiful:
For sale by FAIINESTOCK /a Co, corner Ist
and Wood sta.; also, corner 6th and. W00d..: • don't
A A. MASON .& CO., No. 60 Mat= sranszr, nave
451.,a this day received, per "Fast Line, the followin,g"
named Goods, viz t...Satui stripe, black, and blue black.
plain and printed Berages, all wool IR. de Leine*, em
broidered Thibet Sba.wls, black,. white , and pearl Silk
Hose; spun Silk Hose; kid, silknnd Lisle thread Gloves;•
linen, bobbin, cambric and muslin Edgings; Insertings;
black /silk lace Edgings; bonnet Ribbons; embroidered
=ea) Capes, new patterns and rich. goods. ll:mei'
:mina *roperty for =ale# • ~ Aores,
SITUATED # of a mile from the Cemetery and oppo
site the residence:of:Col. Crdghan,presenthig a front
of 1200 feet, containing a new cottage house, with ball in
centre and. 4 rooms, 4 bed rooms and good cellars, ?ce.—
A tenant house, barn, stables, garden, Ir.c., all nude* .
plod fence.' This desirable property is Bailable for gar-,
dening purposes: or country residences, as severalprom,,
inent and beautiful locations can easily be improved r o i
that purpose: Price, 8200 an acre. - Terms easy..
S. CUTHBERT, Gen. Agent,
SmitMield twee
EAL ESTATE FOR SCRIP.— For sale, a valuable
AA, Lot of 20 feet fr onton Beaveuttreet,'Allegbeny, by
.117 feet to aTifeet'alleq, having a small frame Cottage
Dwelling Howe, with other improvements." Price 8800,
in Pittsburgh and Allegheny gay and Countyllcrip,- at
par. S. CLITI - LBERT, pen. Agent, -
a oly - Santhfield.streei.
F ERCUBSIPDICAPS--200 M. B. B:Percussion caps,
100 M. 41. D. do do
Jost reed by MeCANDLESS & CAMPBELL !