_ , „ . „ ' - ;•, • ' ' " " r"Aslegn6674 *.crietigitetitolandinpiefifarorsbefoi- Ceekkok- M. TAO must br • toukfri.ordaTtoiru otaningenws. Whosistsposts ,a nsadurhourwould • • ' • -- oriffite - lib:int - 1 4 post Job Printing . coRNEapP WOOD AND.ETFTII STIWETS. /17,` Maytag added toour Esuiblishment, .Splendid stetun-Posreerrititing Machine ' ; we are Prepared' to do all kinds of Newspaper and Book work in a styli Of un -, surpassed beauty and neatness, - and upon the most 'tea ; onable terms. :gores c Sy solicit the patronage ot o public itt this/ineofo amens. _ E:r coroner«. 4 Oiler wan left of me tO ocratic County . Convention as a candidate foiCoroner. If I hasp any friends, / want them to kg tor me now. my 211,• . . • Late of hlolino del Re . ~~j Soots I "Hooks 2.-Clement Latimer, or the itok with the. Iron Clasps • ; by Anglia Br.aeh Dermot-O'Brien, or the Taking of Tredage; aTale of 1613; by H. W. Herbert. The Crimes of Paris; by Robert F. Greeley. . • Martin, or the Foundling; by Eugene Sue , - --treih sap. ply. For sale by - WC= HOLNIES, 7e7 . Third street, opposite the Post Office. irr M odor Generia..--Eton. SaiktuaGJOysit will be supported tor Major General,by . • , je6:te (Journal copy.) Maar VOLUtrnmas. 11, , For Ph iladelphla..3peci a i Meetings of the Alkgheny . Ettgbde and Hose Company will beleld et Allegheny Rail, Fifth street, every Monday evening pre vions to staving for Philadelphia. Those interested. are respectfully invited to attend je4-3w • _llO-r Sundlirp , rrap i , tl---------"ti--------3,"er.... The steamer BEAVER will leave the Wharf, 'opposite the Mononga• hetet House,. every Sunday morning, at 9 'o'clock, for Beaver. Returning, will leave Beaver all o'clock, and arrive at 4 o'cldck, r. at. Fare, Twzreminvic cams. „ •,,, ED' illotkeie.....The Journeymen Saddlers, Harness BIM Trunk Makers' Society meets the first Saturday of every - mouth, at Union Hall, corner of Smithfield and Fifth streets.. (mayllkly) W. C. Gism.smul, . ler : conomy....lf you wish to BIM your mirney in barn superfine HAT or CAP, nail at FLEURNIG'S HAT STORE, where you will find a completuueortment of the latest Fa4hiona, CHEAP FOR CASH. lad Wood it, corner r f Virgin alley. . mat237l 1171. 0. or ot Aleetin,Trashington Roll, 'Wood street,' betiveen Sth tine Virgin Parton:man Lows, No. 333—Meets every Tuesday litelearrout Itcastexstvr, No. 87—Meets lat and 3d Friday; of each month. • znar2s—ly Er 1.. 0. of 0. 1 1 '.....AzizmurAy LOOM; No. Cr m a ts. at the Hall, corner of Wood street and Viten Alley, every Thursday everting, at 8 o'clock. mayl:Hin - GEozezßANarrr,Seciy. 'Greenwood Giaden. STRAWBERRIES, Miura raou rate Vuittc are now served up In-this SUMMER RETREAT with all the other good and ' wholesome refreshments' n a ture and art can produce. I3oquets of Flowers, maternity put op. . Tea every. evening at 6 o'clock. The Steamboat Taos. Pcorr leaves the foot of Pitt street the beiimiing of each hour, from 8 o'clock IL is until 9 P. N.,-Lauding at the Garden gate. Closed on Sunday, and. - conducted on TeMperance principles. [Gazette and Dispatch copy] jell FAWN SYRIIP--.50 boxes Lemon Syru for 'ale by je9 . J. 9: BONNET: ESAIPAGNE WINES— Grown and Anchorbrands, sale in quart and pint bottles, of recent importation, for by (169) J. S. BONNET, RANDY-15iarta p Cc7g. --- mwllitindy; J. J. Dupny's Bordeaux do.; A. f3eignette, Rochell's do.; Cognac do.; in store and for sale by (jet)) J. S. BONNUT • ELEDP.BACBP.S AT A.UCTll5N.—m is D next, June 14th, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. will be sold, at lifeKenntes - Auction Rooms, 19 barrels Dried Peaches of very superior quality and in ad They willbe sold 1 bbl j ell., with the privilege. g - order.-- • JAMES .11.1CKMNA,, Anet. 600 — 1" . " ------Just "mco on or awe b JOSHUA 'RHODES, N 0. 6 Wood st. Foi Sal THE UNEXPIRED PART OF A LEASE of a COMM I, Rows, in a pleatiant location in the City of. Pitts , 142/I ,4 Nvi o tihne a i r i e s a m eT d d p F i li n rn s Ira n re ;t0 00d gdtheerr. ROonts and Cellar; lit Alle y s ,s- th Gas. Elequille of jefeti ARTHUR NICHOLSON, or - JACOB BOSTON. 3.1111M1,141,YL0R. ••••.•• • • • •rorta ax - . J. R. Taylor & Co No. 122 Liberly arra, (four doom Sdour ' St. Clair strect,) IkirANUFACTURE ALL KINDS OF WIRE CLM'H, jjj. from No-2 to No. 60; Brass and Iron I'Vire RID DLES and SIFTERS, from No. 2 to No. 60. Every No. Wire Cloth in PAPER CYLINDERS. All kinds of HAND WORK, Screens, Bird Cages, Fenders_, !kn. RLVETS—' -Black, Tinned, Copper and Brass, of every Size DIRE--Irori, Brass, Copper and Steel or every size. BROOM WIRE, Sheetßross,Japanned and Bntannia Orders for any kind of the above articles will be Promptly filled. .Purchasers will find it to their advan tage to call and - examine our stock. je9:3m Fa s- RENCH, GE.A.MAN ADND ITALIAN DRY GOODS A.7E.3:wefry.7, fa, been received from the Im peders, New York , and will be sold at - private sale for a few days by the agent, who is along. The articles are very rare and splendid, .a great many of which are in the ladies line. (jeS) JAMES IiIeKENNA.-Anct. „,.AII PRIVATE DISEASES. _Dr :13raton . , No 65 Diamond Alley, can be consulted' in all cases of a private or delicate nature incidents t to the human frame. • • ,Syhilisand Syphiliiicemptions,gonorrhcen • • and its consequences, together with all rs -• • usfuss, impurities attire blood, with all diseases of orurssatongin,skin diseases,withstnetures,gleet,nrethral • discharges, seminal weakness and impotency; also, piles, rheumatism, female weakness, diseases or. the womb, monthly suppressions, diseases of the joints, fistula in ano, nervous affections, pains in the back and loins, Uri - tations of the neck of the bladder and.kidneys, scorbutic eruptions, Letterri .Vie: ~t worm mercurial diseases, tee. ' PCTICE ExclusiVely devoted to the study and RA treatment of vene real disorders, and those arising trom youthful excesses gaiety,• climate, or impurities of the blood, whereby the comentuiton may have been enfeebled,enableeDr.Brown tooter assurances of speedy relief to all who may plate themselves under his case. k Dr. Brown's offices are conveniently arranged into soil' arate apartment& Patients can visit Dr. B. without fear of exposure to other visitors. It is of importance to many persons in need ofmedical aidoo obtain good advice privately and promptly. To all such, Dr. Brown's ready skill in removing . ocoessat sans, In their various forms and stages, oilers inducements which can rarely be equalled. Strangers are hereby ap prised that Dr. Brown has .been regularly educated is everry branch of medicine, and for the last twelve years maned himself exclusively to the treatment of those diseases. Dr. Brown is the only regularly educated surgeon in p Pittsburgh who. gives his whole attention to those com mr Cetee d. rtain, safe and speedy cures will, in all cases, be guaran Recentcames arerelleved in a short time, without inter ruption from business. Ear Hernia or Rupture.—Dr. Brown also invites per sons afflicted-with Hemia to call, as he has paid particu lar attention to that disease. . Letters from a distance, asking advice, must contain a fee, or they will not be attended to. WOffice on Diamond Alley, a few doors from Wood street, towards the market. Consultations strictly naafi dentist. 0ct.25.4kw1y - 5 - ISIIMATISAL- 7 1 ewt y lacovre edy for Rheumathrm is a speedy and certain remedy for that painful trouble. It never fails. Office and Private Consultation Rooms No. 65, Dia mond alley, Pittsburgh, Pa. The Doctor Is always at fanll3-deatf IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS of Allegheny 1 County;.No. 1324une T.,1'49 . In the matter' of the application of the German Roman Catholic St. Philoma's A . Beneficial Society for a Charter of Dicer ' • poration. -And now t May 28,1449; the Constitution of said Society having been presented to the Court, and the Court having perused sidd.examined the - same as directed by law, direct it to bedded the of fi ce of the Prothonotary, and also direct notice to be I,,Ceited in one newspaper printed in the Comity, for at !mist three weeks, ming forth that this application has beeni-21ide; and that if no sufficient rea son is shown to the coati-ark Said Charter will be grant• ed at the next term of said.."9tirt* From ur,T the z ne , Froth p. • may29;dlawOw* h. ,R A Bf 0 --- r Ail - ir. o . 31 ql woN . PLEA S ~.,gig. —..egtuml ..g. Comity, Penna.; No. 193, Oct. Te l . 7„,„ -- „, - nr virtni. I _ In the matter of the Ac_i.. ' 4 "a'ff ey " . A -1,7--. Priyme, Assignee of liugh 1. of Th. f(' .lk' y . : Mar 1 2th, 1849, on motion wh .,, ab . ;'.. 1, - - 4 Howard, -Esq., Reade Washin, - 7,,d ~,.". •,----Qy . :).' ' pointed Andttor to audit , settle h -. ‘.N...... - ,e ' . -...... range the account. . . The Auditor will proceed to disehar:" the duties of his appointment on the 9th day of June, 1849, at his Mike in 4th street, Plush erg, at 2 o'clock P. IL mayl4:lawaw READE WASRINOTON, Auditor. _ Notice to OHIO AND PENNSYLVANLA RAIL ROAD CO, jr The Stockholders of herebyo and Pennsylvania Rail Road CompanEare otified to pay the first instalment of Pme Dollars per share, on or before the 15th day of July next. The Stockholders residing in Pennsylvania will the first instalment to the President of the Company, at the Exchange Bank of Pittsburgh; those in Columbiana cottnlyObio, to the Treasurer at Salem; and those in Stark, Wayne and Richland counties, to the Directors reaidmg•in.thosecounties. • •EY order of the Board of Directors. mayilldlaartjylsl r /OS. J. BROOKS, Treasurer. • _ __By Express. ITTisT RECK' via" i , AT TRU BFEC-BITX CLOTEITTG STORE, some splendid Tweeds . , restyles and Cassimeru, of the latest styles. Those-desirous of procuring anything in our line, are 'respectfully solicited to call and examine our stock. 'BOOBYER & GRIBBLE. —............_....____ TEST RECEIVED, AT THE BEE-HIVE CLOTHING tr STORE, a fresh supply of plain and fancy - Cass[- shall be haps, good quality and fashionable patterns, which we py to dispose of at low rate*. - BOOBYER A. GRIME,. may3l ' No. 251 Liberty at., sign of ihe Bee Hive. CARD. T HE undersigned having been appointed Agent of the ihmawsnalifutuar. INBI3ItAIIICE Comment' in the place of John: Finney, Sr., resigned, redspeotfully'in-' forms the public and the friends and customers of the Company, that belts prepared to take Marine, Inland and Fire risks" on liberal terms, at their office; No. 37 :Water 'street. Dnyl9l P. A. MADEIRA, Agent. "t4:41,11 , , 1'.1..-_,'!'.l -'.-4.:'.. ... , , • wicsi , jncL m)spi. QEALED PROP 0i n g Commit tee tWi .up t o th e w w ill I I W I Db ffi el S G ; r o v f e Jane, a b le 1 , h i e n s a t . n , il fe d ; &Meiling materials and creel bas the Western Pennsyl vania Hospital Buildings, asremible taplans and speci 6 - 186N:tato . be seen at the office of J. W. Kerr, Architect, F'unit street', after the Ilth instant. o Alders, In proposing for said work, will state the ag- Bb ‘Li mount forth° entire superstructure in a finished gregat. , „ tato . an Meeompany their bids with the names and pro „ l ', o f their respective undertakers or sab-contraetors E l e „.,„,,,y, departments of the buildings. The Cm:anti:tee will also receive separate proposals easarement, and bill of rates; in predicated in."tiS ulte i In, w hi c h mt e um': rs gni/ state the price of the stone ma son and cat stone work per perch and foot; brick work, per thousand iti the walls; slating per square; ph titoroLs . per 1 -aid; jambs and other lumber per thou sand feet, beam measure; carpenter work. painting, glazing, Ste., wi t h L ate per centage on their respective es- The work all to be L tablished Bills of Pr. `ces ' tone ander . the direction and spe cial inspection of, gene . TllSupenntendent appointed for the purpose by the Comm. fencing and enclosing the EL. Proposals will also be re (12 41ved, at the same time, for ' , Mud Grounds, according to the plan to be seen at Mi. IL. 'ri dow 's °ffice. JOHN GRAIL ---' JOHN BISSELL Building WM. J. TorrErt Committee. W. W. WALLAtiE, I - THOS. BAREWELL, ' At C ost 1 rIBEAT BARGAINS AT HOGAN & CAI IT kirWe areeelling, previous to receiving o. i'?'""° . ' Goods, at greatly reduced piices, a larg e and 'ailed Eq. - sortment of Fancy and Variety . Goods, Trimmin B 01. 2" nets, Parasols, Bats ; with a fine collection of ue. ntle men's furnishing articles; Carpet Sacks, Willow .and French Baskets, Mats, &c. We respectfully invi to hoe attention of those in want of these Goods, to our hoUtse-- 86 Market and Diainon& je ts HOGAN & CANTWELL.: _:; ~. ESII PITTEUrtraGuM AD MR:ORANA.'. .LV CAROTHERS; Comigarra voihnut. A• • PASSENGER ARRANGEMENTS FOR 11349. ' SteamboatPacketlAne,learesdallyfor Cineinnatl,loasr. Passenger Packet," via l3 rovrnavale, to Baltimore and Philaelphia. aL. X., and - 6 X. • Mail Coach Ida°, direct to Philadelphia, 9 .1..3E 4 and 121 Western and Southern Ma il Coach Line, 6a. It. North-WA - stern, Via Cleveland, dailq,lo A. at. Fade and Western Near York ) de_lly, 9 a. North-Eamernito Philadelplaus,daßy, except Sundays,4 m. .A.E.RIVALS AND DEk...IRTURE OF MALLS. Eastern Mail via Philadelp, dne a.. la closes 12 st. Western Mail,Cin. and Loam Ma :, due Bp . x., , closes 5 a.m. 8o nth. vl a Bel and Washin,gton, due 89. st.,e I ogee 5 x. North-Viresteru via Cleveland, due l° a. x., closes 9 x. Erie and Western New York, due 8 P. le. closes 8 a.st Bank,ot_.Pitts • Ras valets. Asked. Wired burgh• 850,00 5400 1150,00 Exchange Bank 60, 44; 'ltterahants' and M. Bank 6 OO OOO 60,0000 4043,60,00. Farmers , Deposititank None in market. Hand Street Bridge 50,00 60,00 40,00 Nerthern Liberties Bridge • +50,00 35,00 Old. Allegheny BrAge 25,00 4,00 35 00 Connellsville R. E. Stook, paid on ishares,l42,so 500 City Bonds # °rani) 9 0,00 Mcmongahela Bridge -- 25,00 Oas Stock.-- —. 50,00 s Daily Review of the Markets. OFFICE OF THE POET, TOILSOAT MERINO. luns 12, 184 v. We are notyet able to announce any change in the business of the city, every thing in the way of trade 'l'Mt appears dead, and the merchants complain of the! general dullness. The weather to-day has been ex tremely favorable. The rivers are in fair navigable order, but there are but few boats arriving and de. Parting. • FLOUR...The arrivalv to-day have been quite heavy, but were principally for shipment. The market has shown more animation today than for several days previous. We note transactions to some conaidemble extent at $3,6603,62 for prime. We heard of one transaction to the amount of 300 bbls. ofextra brand at $3,65; but this we think above the market price. Sales from store ip a reg ular way are making at $3,76. RYE FLOUR is not much in demand. Sales from store to a limited extent, are making at $2,75. GRAIN...Rye at the river is worth 456471 fVom store 60. There is no change from former prices in either Wheat or Oats. WHISKEY...The aemand for rectified is regular at 18c per gal. WOOL...The arrival■ yesterday were pretty fair, but principally for re-shipment. Therein no change in figures. FRUIT...Dried Apples 600 sod doll; Peach ,121. from first hands; from store 1,2601,31. Alail :4 49'Xi:44333A June 1 19. Cotton.. The proximity of the Niagara ' s acc B4 ounts, now nearly due by Telegraph, has a tendency to check temand for Cottn. The sales b ales sai d 3000 hed bale, including o a list of 1600 bales said y to have been closed late on Wednesday. - Prices are unchanged. 1 NEW olizetta CILAINTEICATION. Inferior MOM I Fair 6 /fa-- Ordinary 6 1a61 I Good Fair. .. . . .. 8169 Middling 7 1217* I Good and Fine..lo (3_ Good Middling .7107. Tenn. and N Ala Middling Fa ir....71539 Average lists.... viiPeil Tobacco.. Sales of 107 bhda were made, as fol low= 55 bbda, 39 A at 51, 16 R at 4;52 bhdir, 10 A „at 6,4 do at 51, 9doat 51 12 Rat 4, and 17 at 3{ gr T. Sugar and Molasses.. Sales of 200 hbda Sugar at previous rates, and 300 bbls Molasses at 10017 e per gallon. Flour.-The Flour market continues heavy, with sales of 400 bbls Illinois at —, 200 do St. Louis, at 4,75, 100 do choice Illinois at —, and some smaller lota. Ohio and ordinary Illinois cannot be quoted over 4,50041,62 f. Corn.. Prices lower, but the demand improved.— Sales of 6093 aka on the Levee (400, 109, 300,550, 700,600, 2500, and I000,)-all at 62c per bo. Provisions.. Some anall lots of Mess were sold at 9,40; also 100 bbls prime at 8,25, and 144 do— Rumps--(to closed at 7,00 per tail. The largest sate of Bacon was 44 casks shoulders at 4c. Sales of 38 bbls No 2 Lard at st, 80 kegs and 40 half bbls, W0u1..29 bales Mexican brought 81c per ib - Whiskey.. Over 9.50 bbls RectiSed were sold at 151316 c for large and small lota. AVIDTION BALES, BY lAMBS ArKENIYA, AUCTIONEER, No. 114 WOOD &RM. TDB= DODDS FROM FIRE( A MOURNED SALE .0P REAL ESTATE a x Arc- Vort.—The Gray Property is further adjourned anal Thursday next, et 3 o'clock in the ottoman, at hkEen na's Auction Rooms. JAMES hicKENNA, je7 Auctioneer. ;irk SACKS DRIED APPLES; till/ 3 " Feathers; foral by ARMSTRONG te CROZER. ink9LEY'S NEW WORK—The Adtronback, or e' in the Woods, by J. T. Headley, author of Visshrgton and his Generals, Re. Lifei and Writings of De Witt Clinton, by W. W. Campbell, author ofßorder Warfare, he . Just received byes • JOHNSTON STOCKTON, Cor. 3d and Market sts. FRUIT ANB N11T23-200 half boxes M. B. Raisins, 20 casks Zante Currants, 5 boxes Citrons, 600 bushels Tenn. Pea Nuts, 25 bbls. Texas Peaeans, 10 bags Bor deaux Almond s _, 10 do. English Walnuts, 10 do. Filberts, 10 do. Creens Nuts, 40 do. Dried Peaches, 25 do. Dried Apples. For sale by (jeB J. S. BONNET. E TE 81 Of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road, 2b Contractor's for Graduation and Masonty. 11101ROPOSALS are invited for the Graduation and Ma l. sonry of about 23 miles mare of this road, begin ning at a point some 64 miles west of Cumberland, and ending at point about 13 miles west of Cheat River, em bracing all the sections from No. 64 to No. 88, both in clasive. The Graduation on nearly allot these sections will be heavy, and will include one Tunnel of consider able length and three short ones. There will also be two Viaducts of medium size. Specifications and plans of the work will be ready for distribution to proposers by the 12111 of June, prox., at the Company's office in Cumberland. The proposals will be_addressed to the undersigned, and will be re ceived up to Saturday, July 7th, inclueive, at the same place. Proposers are earnestly requested to examine the line closely before bidding, and to avail themselves of the ample means of information of the value of the work, which will be furnished them, as contractors from a distance, accustomed to more diffic ul t excavations than those to be met with on this line, will otherwise be likely to make their estimates too high. The best testimonials will be required, and an energetic prosecution of the work will be necessary. The payments will be cash, with the usual reservation of one-fifth till the completion of the contract. By order of the President and Direct ors. BENJ. B. LATROBE, Baltimore, May 31, 1849. Chief Engineer. The Pittsburgh Morning Post will publish 3 times a week till 30 Jllll6, and send billsat once to this olfice.De7 EW 800K13.-4 Ristory of Wonderful inventions, N illustrated with numerous engravings on wood.- 1 vol.; muslin. The Incarnation or Beecher,ctures of the Virgin and her Son, by Charles , Port Wayne, Indiana; with an Introductory Essay, by Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe. Jai received by JOHNSTON b. STOCRTON, je7 Cor. 3d and Marzet its. itAatinpa. UTE HAVE ABDOMINAL WARMERS, made from TY the most approved English patterns, furnished and recommended by Thomas Balrewell, Esq., and a number of eminent Physicians, being a most convenient appara tus for the application of warm or hot water to the bow. ela, in case of cramps in Cholera. As every person is subject to sudden attacks, no family should be without.— at least without one. For sale by SCAIFE & ATKINSON First street , between Wood and Market its. STOOKS. --- IffeWWisiiiiiiiii-Ns-eircei.--' The new and splendid passenger steame Z. TAYLOR, M. E. Lucas, Master, will run aa a Regular Packet between Pittsburgh and O ill ei r l i Kaving this city every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at lb o'cloek, A. M., and Wheeling every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 8 o'clock, A. ts. For freight or passage, (having superior accommoda tions,) apply on board. The Z. Taylor is an entirely new boat, and for speed and accommodation is not surpaeaed by any boat on the river. (jan3o) ARMSTRONG & CROZER, Agit. Regular Packet for Yli --- uagilikt. . - 11101111 THE fine steamer WELLSVILLE, Capt. Basta s , will leave forthe above and inter me tate ports on Irednudays and Saturdays. For freight or passage apply on board, or to au2s GEO. B. MILTENBERGER, Agl. ARILThe new and splendid passenger ateamerJAMESNELSON, G. D. Moore Master, will run as a Relar Packs etween rgh Saturday, a this city every Tuesday,Pittsbu Thursday and and a 10 o'clock, A. at., and Wheeling every Monday, Wednes -day and Friday, at 10 o'clock, A. is. For freight or passage, (having superior accommoda Lions,) apply on board. The James Nelson is an entirely new boat, and for speed and accommodation is not surpassed by any boat on this river. AMSRTRONO k CROZER, decent'' Agents. _________ Franklin Pcket, 11144 The fast packet ALLEGHENY BELLE, Capt. Wis. Etssza, will run regularly be tween tits urgh and Franklin, on the Allegheny River. Leaves Pittsburgh each Monday and Thursday, at 4 o'clock, r. sr. For freight or passage, apply on board. dec27 • to •arg • itortionitural Society WILL hold their Summer Exhibition of Early Fruits, Vegetables, Plants, Flowers, ke., on Wednesday and Thursday, the 13th and 114th of JUNE, and premiums will be awarded for the best and second best of each va riety of articles exhibited for competition. The mem bers, and all who feel an interest in Horticulture, are re• guested to bring their productions forward to the Exhibi. ion. magi 1:d Akw "DOR SALE—A Brick House, well arranged, with good Cellar, a Hall, Parlor, Dining Room, Kitchen,and three Bed Rooms, all in good order. Price, 3800.00. Terms, 3400 in hand ; 3200 at one year, and 3200 at two years. Lot is 25 feet front on Rebecca street, Allegheny, by 100 deep--on perpetual lease of 633 a year. In the aboveproperty it is believtd there is a bargain of at least per cent. S. CUTHBERT, Can. Agent, ma 50y28 Smithfield street. HOUSE FURNISHING HARDWARE, &c.— The subscribers are receiving and opening a large stock of House-furnishing Hardware, Britannia and Japanned Ware. Also, on hand, a large stock of plain Tin and Copper Ware, of our own manufacture; Pressed Goods, &c., &c.—to which we would invite the attention to wholesale buyers and others. 000 COCOA NUJ'S : 20 bags Filberts; 20 " Walnuts. 20 " Cream Nuts ; 90 " Pecans ;just rec'd and for sale by JOSHUA RHODES, No. 0 Wood Rt. YE FLOUR-27 barrels, rec'd and for sale by jeo JAMES PATTON, Jr BACON • 000 tbs. Hams , 7000 tbs. Shoulders; rec'd and for sale by JAMES PATTON, Jr. LLS-5 bbls. American, suitable for colliers; 5 " No.l Lard in store and for sale by jeo JAMES PATTON, Jr. H. MOLASSES-5 bb Is., Battle Ground, in store and 0. for sale by °ea> JAMES PATTON, Jr. T HE SANATORY COMMITTER, desirous of obtain- Mg information in regard to the number of deaths that occur in the city weekly, the character of the dis eases, and the age of the persons, would respectfully re quest the Physicians to report to them at the Committee Room, Old Court House, on Friday evening of each week. [jeS] JOHN M'OILL, Ch'n. 7 AUE- 17 AFiiiieaitiao cnoand and for sale by Jed RHODES & ALCORN, 30 Filth ea. IVEACKE y 4AL-10 barrels No. 3, large s . p aleybilt, SHAD—t2O barrels No. 1 ; 30 hf. " " for sale by 200 BOXES SCACEIitiERRJNO-I for sale by 200 " No. 1 " just received and jel. JOSHUA RHODES, No 6 Wood street. WAGS FILBERTS 25 "E. Walnuts; just reel and for gala by jel JOSHUA RHODES, No. 6 Wood et_ IT or aale ICR OOO Conque Shells justree'd and fby Del) JOSHUA RHODES. O Ar MEAL— Push from the mill daily, at a lower price than before offered to families, and equal to that manufactured in Old Ireland. je4 [Chronicle copy.] RHODES k ALCORN. ou. BUTTER-9 cans Fresb Roll Batter, reo'd this day and sale by roty3l] cum - hr./4s & SMITH. 1D HANS —lO bbhs. Small White Beans, recd and for n sale by Imay3l) CUMMINS & SMITH. ABED PEACHES--.A &w sacks PA*KD Dry Peach• co for sale by Royal) SMITH & SINCLAIR. ' •-•? .• -7",- PORT:OF PITTSBULLOIL. _ 8 nacT wArirs TIIE 04. Steamer Michig ARRIVED " Lake E rie, San No. boles. 2; Gilso Beav n, Beaver, . er. " Baltic, Jacobs, Biownsville. Atlantic, Parkinson .do, " Camden, Hendrick;o n , McKeesport. Highlander; Force, Cincinnati. Peru, Calhoun; Sunfish " Caleb Cope, Murdock,.Wellsville. " Vermont, Hazlett, Louisville. 'DEPARTED, - Steamer Lake Erie, Sholes, Beaver. " " Michigan.N6.2, Gilson; Beaver. Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville " Atlantic, Parkinson, do. • .' " Camden, Hendrickson, McKeesport. Wellsville, Higgens, Sunfish. " Peru; Calhoun, Sunfish. " Beaver , — Clarke, Wellsville. " John J. Crittenden, Israel, St. Louis. Manaus, Reno, Louisville. "Rosedale 'Gardens.- TRH subscriber, having leased those beaul 4 tiful Gardens known as the ROS.EDALE GARDENS, takes pleasure in informing the ettizens o ittsburgh and Allegheny that they pre now open for visitets; thelluildings 'having been e n tirel y re fitted,' and the Grounds laid out in new and desirably pTatunit plans. Vilifiers furnished with 10E CREAM, RAWBERRIES and CREAM, and all the delicacies and refreshments in season. ' The steamer ARCRY" MASON will make regular trips every hour in the day, during the summer season, from 'the Allegheny Wharf, to Rosedale. je9:3mX W. MEALEY, Proprietor. ______ For Greenwood Gardens. NEW ARRANGEMMENT.—The steamer THOS.. SCOTT will com mence on Monday, May 7ih, to Inn* .from the old Greenwood Landing, foot of Pitt street, to the Garden, leaving at 8 o'clock A. , and at each even hour until t o'clock P. st.; last trip front the Garden at 10 P. M. The Saloons are supplied with all the delicacies of the season. Tea at 6 o'clock. The Garden, with a large collection of Greenhouse Plants, Dahlias, Annual Flow. er Plants and Shrubbery. The comfortable wharf boat, Greenwood, will be placed at the Pitt st. landing. imy4 WELESITILE PACKETS. For Beaver and Wellsville. Tun new and splendid passenger steamer liareitCALEß COPE, A. Moanocit, Master, will cave for tbe above and all in every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturdaytermediate ports . For freight or passage, having superior acoommoda tions, apply on board. may 4 Sew Arrangement. Tna steamer BEAVER., Cams. E. Cults; ster, will leave this city every Monday, e nes y and Aday, at 10 a. is. She has a lioat at the landing, between Wood st. and the Bridge, prepared to receive freight at anytime. inty4 _ _ Smai nate Wm. B. heeler, TEAMBOAT AGENT, ca n he found at Wesley Grier's Counting Room, corner of Water and Smith field streets, Pitishargh. mar 27 ' or ElCLirpti Tits fine new passenger steamer AARON HART, W. Kamer; Master, will leave for e a ve and intermediate ports, regularly. For freight or passage, apply on board. - For Olnainnatt--Regolar Pocket. The fine steamer.MT. VERNON, nterme late KM o s, a r ,M F. a e l s , a t r e l r y, , will n r l e y b a o Saturdays a v bo nvien gn d For orpasOagO. pphIILTENBERGER. Regular Zanesville Packets. Steamer YANKEE, Capt Mcßae, leaves very Saturday, at 2 o'clock, reamer ENNY LIND. Captain GALLIGHIM, leaves every Tuesday, at 2 cieloci, P. at. For freight or passage apply to W. B. WHEELER, Agent, ap3 Corner or Water and Smithfield-sm. LOUISVILLE PACKETS, FOR WHFRUNG, CINCINNATI k LOUISVILLE. OHIO LINH. lIRRITLAR SATCRDAY PAC/XT.—The A No 1 fine and fast passenger steam PRe ket TELEGRAPH, J. lietlep" Com mender, will leave Pittsburg for Wheel ing, Cincinnati arid Louisville,and all intermediate Ports, every Saturday, at 10 o'clock precisely. For freight or passme a rly onboard, or to YTFI er DIJCAN The Telegraph has been built express N ly for , _ a A gent reguls. ar Packet, and with a view entirely to the comfort of pas sengers; the accommodations are inferior to no boat on the western waters. The Telegraph will run in connex ion with the Ben Franklin No 6 and Pike Nog, to Sant- Louis—time throngh,stva oars.ap2l-ly 1848. 1848. Pittsburgh and Brownsville Daily Packet Line. PIZ/VARY 15t,1848. FaxillOSlT 151,1618. LEAVE DAILY' AT A. M. AND 4P. 111. The following new boats complete the line for the present season : ATLANTCapt.IC, Copt, James Parkin E. , A. Jacobs; and LOUIS M'LANE, Capt. E.BALTIC Bennett. The boats are entirely new, and are fitted up without ragard to expense. Eve mor fort that mtc_aii procure histAc a n n p i r e zt at the foot of Ross et. Passengers ows unctual board, as the boats will certainly leave at the advertiser hours. New Wheeling Packet. JOHN DUNLAP & Corner Market and Second streets MEM ari t a nerd .— rmtprOir, WELL AaIIONOPCILI:I3B4varpe r SO MUST PRICES;`.- - unixcH fact will be-pprienbicalling McGilies's TT . Fashidaable Tailoring Establilhment Third street, St. Charles Bulltliiiv" ' ' MOzTo quick VARterr : Fresh good. Mtumia_,a PIIZADA. Witt. ructirreort, crriaturaollt ILLER k RICKETSON, Whoksak Grocers, and Ira porters of Bratidiee, Wines and Segara ; N 05.172 and 174, coiner of Liberty and Irwin streets, Pitiaburgh, Pa..- NEW BOORS—Man Primeval, by Harris. Layard's Nineveh and its Remains. The Clergy of AMerica. The Czar, his Court and People. Women of the Revolution. Inring's Works; new edition. ' • Life and Corresponeence of John Foster. Holmes' Poems. De Foe's Works; complete • 20 vols. Swift's Works, complete; 2 vols. Fielding and Smidlett; complete. The Progresi of - America; g thick vols. For sale by g, S BOSWORTH & CO., 4th street % near Market. Clergymen arid strangers are invited to call at the Book Store of..E. S. Bosworth & CO, on Fourth street, near Market, where will be found fine editions of many rare and valuable works. TO LET—The large Three Story Brick Ware house, No. 112 Second street. Possession given Ist of July. Enquire of (ied) A. BRADLEY. Death to the Amts. TT is a notorious fact that of all evils, none are held in 1. such abhorrence as those of Rats, A les, Roaches and Red-Bugs, and to - have them exterminated, is the wish and desire of all. A preparation has been discovered by which those :who wish, may become rid of this evil, which is feats more or less every house in this city. This preparation has now bean in use in Germany about seven years, (and in the United States for the last five,) and by every one who has given it a trial, been pronounced the best remedy they have ever used for ex terminating Rate, Mice, Bed-Rugi, Roaches, ifee. The articles composing this composition are In them selves very inuocent, and contain not a particle of•poi son but when combined, creates a gas which explodes the stomach, and consequently destroys life in a few houre—as soon as it has affected the stomach. the articles become neutralized, and-will affect nothing thereafter; so that there can be no danger in its use, under any'cir cumstances. This is no humbug. We will warrant it to rid houses of all the Rats, Mice, Roaches, &c., that in fests them. Should it not do as we say, the money will be refunded. J. S. M. YOUNG & CO.; red N. W. corner of 4th and Ferry sta., Pittsburg. Greenwood Gardens. A DELIGHTFUL SUMMER RETREAT, two miles /IL below the City, on the Ohio river, occupying be tween three and four acres of ground, well shaded with fruit and ornamental trees, and a large collection of choice shrubbery. Airco, an extensive Green-house, con taining the finest 'varieties of exotic plants. Commo dious Saloons are erected bertha reception of visiters-- Ice Creams, Pastry, Fruit, Nuts, Cakes, and all the deli cacies of the season, are kept for sale; and all kinds of Plants, both math* and erotic. Emmet," tastefully pat up at all seasons of the year. Tea every evening at 0 o'clock. A comfortable Steamboat leaves the foot of Pitt street ae r z hour t e. during the day and evening, landing at the n [l[7- Kept on Temperance principles, and closed on Sunday. [Journal and Gazette copy,' my 29 - - Notice. A LL PERSONS knowing themselves indebted to A. A Surwarr, Liquor Merchant, are hereby notified that his books and accounts have been left with Alderman BLAKELY, for settlement. Alter the 151tt ofinne t suits will be brought on all the accounts unsettled. myalktd. 131 MINT OUT, RE-BUILT, AND AT WORK!!! Wagon Blannfactorp lIIHE subscriber having enlarged his Shop, latOly.dei j strayed by fire, informs his triende 'and thofpnblie generally that he is now prepared to manufnentre :We irtis,;wCsa,rtast, raa p Tirri on b Fi l i ti e l e s i :r he rg ek s e n rin v i o ‘' , 2 s ee n l 4 - Smithfield streets' witere Ito-keeps otitand a large stock, or makes to order any amount of evert, of the best ma terials and by experienced workmen, and at prices to suit ee. Southern merchants and furnace men are requested to call and examine,before purchasing elsewhere. may'em • WAL hIcKEE. - .. .. TEAS! TEAS II TEAS I!! ito IT is with pleasure that the subscribers in form the citizens of Pittsburgh and vicinity that they have completed arrangements with Messrs. J. C. Jenkins tr. Co., of Philadelphia, receive their superior PACKED TEAS, And will hereafter be kept constantly on hand. They are neatly and securely Inn up in metallic packs of I, i and 1 lb each, with eir printed card--showing the kind of Tea, price, 112101,5 of the concern and depot 113 Philadelphia, with an invitation to return the Tea, if not liked. Esi Gunpowder 621 75 1,00 1,25 1,50 1 Imperial 50 75 1,00 1,25 1,50 a l hymn son .50 621 75 1.00 1,25 0 Y. i Black LI 50 621 75 1,00 1,25 1,50 37 50 RC.'.... " Fine and Extra Fine • • •75 1,00 1,25 1 50 , We will warrant all the TEAS we sell to be equal to, •iforiHpliVA"MMlNg4?-41yri,nte*t%447a-t -bligiiiiia, and the money will be refunded,.as it is only with that understanding we sell. We ask a lair trial, that the public may be able to judge between our Teas and those heretofore sold by other companies in this city. All hovers of rich, delicious and good flavored TEAS, should give us a call. Dealers can he supplied on the most reasonable terms For sale by JOB. 8. IL YOUNG & CO., N, NV. corner 4th and Ferry streets. and E. lOUNG 80N. S. W. comer 24 and - Ross streets. ACiars, Snuff and Tobacco, T JACOBg McCOLLISTEWS, Fifth street, No. Regalia; Washington Lanorma; La Rosa; Juan) Sane; Plantation; Halt Spanish, Malay and Common; Together with* variety of other brands. Auto--An extensive assorttnent of CHEWING TO BACCO, of the most celebrated brands,'among which are the Lemons Luxury, P. Robinson's Pound Lump, Grant & and Arch'd Thomas Grape Brand, Five Lump. MI orders promptly attended to. Country Merchant* would do well to call and examine my stock before pur chasing elsewhere. tuba Wrapper and Filler Leaf for sale. (Er Sign of the Indian Chief. [tar° Cheap tiottiiiiifior Scrip. I HAVE just received from the East a well selected and fresh assortment of SPRING and SUMMER GOODS, including English and French Cloths, Cassimeres and Vesting*, all of superior manufacture, to which I woald respectfully invite the attention of In friends. Country Merchants and others visiting the city, who wish to provide themselves with a good article at a very ktv price, are respecthily invited to call on the sub scriber. All work warranted. F OR SALE—A. valuable FARM of 1130 Acres, four miles from the Ohio river at Shousetown, having a Dwelling House, Barn, Stable, its , and young Orchard,. with SO Acres in cultivation • well fenced, and in good condition. The who is well watered, and would make a first rate Stock Farm—or divide into two Farms. Tim ber and Soil of excellent quality. Price, 93,600. Terms accommodating. 9. CUTHBERT, Gen. Agent, may.%) Smithfield street. - J OHN FORSYTH, Mtracuarr Tattost,has removed to No. 34 Market at., one door from Second, East side. Thankful for past tavors, he respectfully solicits a con tinuance of the patronage of his former customers, and likewise of as many new ones as are of the right stripe. Orders In the Tailoring line executed in the most fash ionable manner, and with despatch. Also. a Fashionable assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING. Cheap for cash, of course. Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, in all their varieties, always on hand—inch as Shirts, Bosoms, Collars Cra vats, Stocks, Scarfs, Hosiery, Suspenders, Pocket * dkfs, Gloves, Drawers . Umbrellas, &c /ie., &c. Iny23:lm VARIETY AND FANCY GOODS, TRIMMINGS, &c , Selling at Bargains, at St 3 Marker rt.— We will sell, at greatly reduced prices, a fine and well selected stock of the above Goods, before receiving our new stock for the summer trade. We would most respectful ly call the attention of those who want Bargains, to the above. HOGAN & CANTWELL, mayal SO Market street L gres Gra ADIES, wanting s o m e t hing superior, both for look and comfort, to anything they have ever worn, will please call and examine them. These Boots have no stringa to tie and nolo, and dangle about the ankle ; they are not only mach handsomer, but dlsplarthe foot and ankle to a much better advantage than any other Boot or Shoe made. You will also save time and trou ble. Manufaetured by S. KEYS. mar2B No. 8 Fifth street. Notice. MY old customers, strangers visiting the city, and In others wishing to provide theniselves with a hand some DRESS COAT, PANTS, VEST, or any other arti cle in the line, can do so, by leaving their orders with JAMES M'OUIRE, Tailor, Third street, St. Charles Building. stTAVERN STAND AT SHOUSTOWN, FOR RENT.—A commodious and well finished Tavern Stand, in the village of Shousetown, furnished in modern style, with good Stablincattached. It will be leased for a term of years. Add' ass o Melt! P. SHOUSE, Shousetown. (TM A noroan or s e •je6 - JAMES PATTON, Jr. Y T AND—About 500 Acres of fine TirnberLand for sale AA in Jefferson County, by CASIDAY maw_ , ay2.5 Wood street No. 26 WM. DYER g ifiBLILS. N. abittitAtiktigl eiVosr.,sale ..111..11./ by may2B N 0.13 Liberty street. NURLAYS AND WOOLSAOKS On he 4 and fo: 13 sale by (mays) QCORCHINGS-43 casks, for iiiieTb—Y— RHEY, MATTHEWS kW , 5.15 Water street. DINE APPLES sale by may 24 FINE FLOUR-10 MAL ; for sale low iniy2B CORN MEAL— Kiln Dried and Sifted, for sate by the barrel. SEED-18 barrels, just received; for sale by RIMY, MATTHEWS & CO., 93 Water street. rasyo3 reoRNTIROOM des, jaide by 1 - 1 RHEY 'MATTHEWS C 0. ,& 28 Water street. ... . ~ 4:,7.;:.,.i.,q-,7.v.0-a.,sr-'„.g:-,,,1.-„-,-?..r,—.,-.„,,q,„-----,,,-----------A--,w..4vAttzk-v ' --* " --:-t- ' 4------ o ---ior.io---- ''' --N-- T - P'r: - " - ' - '' . ' - *''`'''''''vi*._7::''"''''''' : ' : 7 l: :' ft - 7:4' ... 4:i; . .....„,..„,_...,,,,,, ~.. , ..... ,,..-,.,..„- t , 5 ,4, —__ ,, 5 ,- . ,,, Af0...w*-r;:Aisk---o--R-4--#----N-:r5., e-- _ ... . . . .. . _ . MEE -tr9 5fM 3. 2 . 3r:77417:4 - ` -•-• -•••• ZY:' .‘., b etc i reezitle'retat 6 Y Giint 6 t •• .f. inFFlCE,kiFouVilitiiira."ftai.Gra,o4glity orczqz ponied ar „- "BalibmatilPs,in the roost Mater. Hem he foun d an'office .by Alderman , - insrafr,ly* as • No.T( SC; night, In ' Ll.'vi JAS. hIeGUIRE, Tailor Third a. near Wood Pitta 150 reo , d u pp es, d Co JOSHUA RHODES,No. Woodst. mrm• DYER TA • •aciable . the Stidgep of the CourtterGenera - Au. .e.i eks..torth.peo. e iii.i*tforibozouniy ThOper _of ...P., Toi4itici4;l6iWaid,AlleglnMY 1 ty t ta the -- W. ty.afejistid,-hturtbly-shearothiThatyour peaty:tie - flat 'provided hi mself.wittfinaenals for.the ; accoumuideli oftravelers -and others .at Liu dwelling inriherochip afo re - saLLand i lwityi• that your Honors will be ,PlOtefed at• grout llama cense to keep a to hintie Of entfttinment; - And -your petitioner, a e . duty bound, will Pay. - • P. TORRANCE. We,' the subscribert., citizens' of the Ward afore said, do certify; that the above petitioner is of good re pute for honesty and to above and is -wellprovided with house room and coaNdences for the accommoda tion and lodging of strangerstiad travelers, and tbat'said tavern is necessary. Robert Burnes, Samuel Wu ; C. Hasley, S. BPLarte Samuel P. Clark, H. E. Reehm,t. Ferguson, Jtul.-Clark: R. L. Melville, Arthur liPLane; toseph Edwards; Sand. Spence.Chroit. • - may= 1110 the Honorable the Judges of r,..e Cout-77----t,y of Quarter Sessions of the Peace instal for the County of Allegheny : The.petition of Jacob Rothfuels, of J..f.St, Clair Town ship, in the. County aforesaid, humblY.theweth, That your petitioner hatb provided himself witismaterials for the accommodation of travelers and others, at hi t dwell ing house, in the Township aforesaid, anoprays that your Honors will be pleated to grant him a lic ense t o keep a public house of entertainment. And our peti tioner, as in duty bound, will pray. JACOB HOTHFIsmis, We, the subseribets, ciiizens of aforesaid TOWy s tdp, do certify, that the above• petitioner is of. gout re pute for honesty and temperance, and is well prOVded with house room and conveniences for the accomtnota tion of travelers and others, and that said tavern is ta. citatory. , Thos. Bartley, Jacob Hartz, Sarni. Scholfield Thomas Caldwell, Thos. Davis, .0. , Allendenbrara, .L Taylor,' Thos. Taylor, N. Eiler, J. Osailan, H. Shepherd, J. .Bart ley. jcll:3tdo rilo the Honorable: the Judges of the Court of General I.natter Sessions of the Peace in and for the County of Allegheny: The petition thell Crawford. of the First Ward; ' Pittsburgh, in e County aforesaid, htunbly sheweth, That your petitioner bath provided himself with ma terials for the accommodation of travelers and others, at his dwelling house, in the Ward - aforesaid, and prays that your Honors will be pleased to grain him a license to keep a public house of entertainment. And your pe titioner, as in duty bound, will pray Whl. CRAWORD. 'We, the subscribers, citizens of the Ward af F oresaid, do certify, that the above petitioner is of, godd repute for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with house room and conveniences for the accommodation and lodging of strangers and travelers, And that said tavern is necessary. Thoa. Boland, P. McLaughlin, Arthur Niel/ olson,Thos. Hinton, F. Freyvogle, James C. Patton, Sand. Hoffman, Georgeßice, James Kennedy, James Nicholson, Saml. Stackhouse,lnmee Graey. WO the Honorable, the Judges of the Court of General I Quarter Sessions of the Peace in and for the county of Allegheny: - • ' The petition of Richard White, of the 4th Ward, City of Pitts hi:lmin the County aforesaid, humbly sheweth.That your petitioner bath provided himself with materials for theaccommOdation of travelers and others, at his dwel ling/house in the Ward aforealg, and prays that your Honors will be pleased to grant him a license to keep a public house of entertainment. And your petitioner as in duty bound, will pray. RICHARD WHITE. • Ward,We the subseribers, citizens petitionere aforesaid Fifth do certify, that the above is of good re pute for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with house room and convenincee for the accommoda tion and lodging of travelers add others, and that said tavern is necessary. Win. Atkinson, M. James 'a Jr John Dunn, A. C. Bell,*.T. H. Gibson, Geo. Warner, Jmes Laubie, Sr., Thomas Patterson, Geo. L. games, J. Horan, D. Olmstead, Thomas Smith. ie9:3tde - • - TO the Hcmomblelhe Judges of the Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace in and for the County of Allegheny : The petition of Valentine Schroeder, of the 4th Ward, City of Allegheny, in the . County aforesaid, humbly riheuri eth, ;That your petitioner bath providdd himself. with rna terudifor,the accommodation of traveler s told others, at :hhkd-weUkZgjtt:ttint t In the Wird aforesaid, and prays tknt ynitil3olls will be pleased to grant him a license house of entertainment. Ahd your pe 'Wiener, as in ditty bound, will pray. VALENTINE SCHROEDER. We, the subscribers , citizens of the aforesaid Ward, do certify, that the above petitioner is of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is wellprovided with house room and conveniences for the accommodation and lodg sing of travelers and others, and that said tavern is ne misery. Victor Scribe, A. Treser, I. Bulguer, W. Hoedly, H. Illueggy, H. Teuerman, John Becker, Francis X. Single, Louis Fisher,. George Deimling, Nicholas Zianneister Dominick Smith. , jeo,3td MR. DUFF'S GENTLEMEN AND LADIES' BOOMAKEMPING & winTiNa Rooms, If M OIITR SIDE OP THE DIAMOND. R. 1). has his new Class Rooms now thoroughly re paired and fitted up. Ladies will find his new sys tem of Single Entry Book-keeping an agreeable study. and a valuable acquirement. Gentlemen going through his entire course of training on Double Entry Book keeping, -will not only be qualified to take charge of Books upon any system in use, but they will find them selves master of all those intricate operations connected with partnership settlements, of which so many practi cal book-keepers, of acknowledged ability, are ignorant. Several of the most extensive firms in the city have re cently procured Book-keepers from this Institution,- Merchants and Steamboat proprietors can always learn of Book-keepers thoroughly qualified for their profession; no others are ever recommended. Hours: 10 to 12, 2to 4. and 7 to to. mny4 ISTAIL BAKERY. HE subscribers respectfully inform the citizens of Pittshargh and _vicinity, that they have purchased and "les Cream Sabon, sten " the Oelebrated &ran Hatamr" in Diamond alley, and are pre pared to serve the old customers of the establishment and the public generally with all kinds of Cakes, Confec tionary, Nuts, Fruit, dcc., dcc. Orders for Parties filled on the shortest nonce. 87'Tbe Ice Cream Saloon is now open day and night. rnaylBWtm A. & P. SCHILDECKEft. F For ORTI -SEVEN ACRES OF SaIe,LAND, being part of the Bishop Estate, situated about four and a half miles from Pittsburgh and two miles from the Arsenal. Six teen Acres are cleared, and the remainder is covered with excellent Timber. If the property is not disposed of at private sale before the 11th of June, it will be sold at AUCTION, on that day, at 3 o'clock, P. it., at the New . Court House, without reserve, to the highest and best bidder. For terms of sale and other particulars, enquire of DAVID D. BRUCE, Attorney at Law, Fifth street, next door to Alderman hfchlaster. rel:td Factory for Sale, TN 8 UCCES.SFUL OPERATION, manufacturing Print , ers' Wood machined Raised Sign Letters by Ma ! chinory. The is admirably suited for all carving purposes, for which a pattern can be made from the finest engraving to heavy cornice. Should the in ventor, Isaac Mernt Singer, obtain a patent tot the in vention or any improvement thereon, the said patent is secured by deed to the subscribers for the term of seven years in the whole United States, and for ever in Alle gheny Co., Pa. abovea PARTNER WANTED, capable of managing the business and willing to-take an interest of at least one-fottrth , in the capital stock. For particulars, apply (post paid) to SCHOLY & RYAN, Pittsburgh; Pa. NW' 'From the foregoing Notice of I. M. SINGER, we find that the Patent has Issued, and for proof of our claim, see records of our deed in Patent Office, at Wash ington, D. C. tied) SCHOLY k RYAN. Wall Paer Warehouse, NO. 47 MARKET STREET. PITTSBURGH, PENN'A. AS - 13ESPECTFULLYo THOM nnotinces to his his friends and curi al, tomer,. that be has had at no past period so exten sive a Stock as he has at present He can offer to pur chasers, on very moderate terms, at the old ettabluhed stand in Market street, almost every article in. his line— i act uding counting-room. bed chamber, dining-room, p ar lo r and hall Paper. With Borders, Landscapes, Fire booed Prints, Paper and Transparent Window Shades, Bonnet and Binders' Boards• Writing, Wrapping, and Tea Paper; he is abundantly Supplied, and requests merchants and housekeepers to call and examine his as sortment Rags and Tanners' Scraps taken In trade, at the high est prices. mar 13-d&w4m New York Make Montaractory. HE undersigned has just returned from New York, I with a large, splendid and well selected assortment of ORNAMENTAL HAIR, of every kind. lie invites Ladies and Gentlemen to call and examine the new and moat beautiful article of Pakten. PARTINGS for Rands, Wigs and Half Wigs, ever invented. They are so much like the natural partings, and fit so close and easy, that they cannot be distinguished from the natural hair on close inspection. Soso:rum Nxw.—The new Balance Spring surmounts the difficulty, and must supercede all others for Gentle men's Wigs and Taupees ; if bears equally on every part of the head, without stiffness or artificial appearance ; (in these it is unlike the old ;) it shows the forehead equal to the natural hair. Wig wearers are particularly invited to call and ex amine the articles lbr themselves. J. CAMERON, No. 89 Third st., near Wood. N. B.—Remember the New York Hair hlanufactory. mayls:dem&wfira FRESH SUPPLY 01."PHE LATEST AM) MOW' PAS.II.IONABLE ieettnga, Casa'mere., Summer Goods, CLOTHS, respectfully DELANY, 49 Liberty street, respectfully calls the P. attention of his friends and the public to his new supply of Seasonable Goods, such as the latest style of Summerashma, drabted French Habit Cloths, Italian Cloths, Drills, White and Brown Russm Duck, Summer Cloths, Plain and Fancy French, English and American Cloths and Cassinteres; and all other articles suitable for customer trade. Also, a largo and general assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING, made tip in the most fashionable manner, and will be sold low for cash. ljeLd&w) P. DELANY. Vire and Marine Insurance. THE INSURANCE CO. OF NORTH ABIERICA will make permanent and limited Insurance on Property in this City and vicinity, and on shipments by Canals, Rivers, Lakes, and by Sea. 'The properties of this Com pany are well invested and furnish an available fund for the ample indemnity of all persons who desire to be pro cte ted by Insurance. WM. P. JONES, Agent, 88 • 44. Water street. VOR BALE—A valuable property of an entire Island, pleasantly situated 40 miles below Pittsburgh, and the first above Liverpool, Ohio. The soil is of the best quality, and Is well suited for a gardner on a large scale. Filly Acres can readily' be- appropriated for such pur poses. There is a good Dwelling and other Houses, with a fine Orchard of choice fruits—a Cider Mill and Press in complete order. Persons desiring such property as the above, will find it well worthy their attention. S. CUTHBERT, Gen. Agent, Smithfield street. . j j H. LEE. ANEW WORK ON CEMETERIES.— Designs t'or Monuments and Mural Tables, adapted to rural Cemeteries, Church Yards, Churches, Chapels; with a preliminary Essay on the laying out, planting and man tling of Cemeteries, and on the improvement of Church lords. For the basis, Loudon's Work. By J. Jay, Smith,-onct of the founders of Laurel Hill Cemetery. In two timbers. Just received and for sale by jul [Journal copy.] RAY it CO. CREAM AND W. H. CHEESE - 135 boxes prime Cheese, for sale by Debi J. E. BONNET. ~.i..y,:-....i,P,.-,f.t-,,f,:tiii-Vi. ".4*14.40',',000- 4 14 ' ; ''. --;-af****,":4o,l6-.**fki. ,f7: - .!,--.-:- , :. !. f .- i i-2- A.',..' itAioN - &co - r - inTg.-t n tivtle .w... 8..