The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, June 12, 1849, Image 1

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voLumE vll
'r:hunt:end Pub lislad Wwylfortthsgiffende*r. Wte
oarr-witsr 'column be tWooo•etth rim "moires—
' 1 . 17•• TERMS.--Five Dollars a.,year,,paribleittrietly.
•in advance. Six Dollars will invariably be required if
paid within theleita %I •
117 Single .lopies:vmo caws—for sale-at the counter'
the Odice,'lunthy the News Soya.
Crow the amid" office, dn . ' it' large lanket
Size sheet, at TWO DOLLARS a year, in adianent—
single copies //VS -
No paPer will bedlifearditrand ::(undies at the dia.
bretion of the proprietor) : until alt arreareges are paid.
, No rittlehttOli Will be paid to any order unless ac= -
eampanied thimoner.,or gatieraetotrrefiereneeinihie
„_ '
--- ----,
j: E-KM u'r OF,A D V -SR 7! IS IN A .
o,lo ARSertlclpyr,-!--,..,•80 50 rne Month, 84 00
Two 'do ”
' ' 0 75 'Pm? do 000
Three •do:;“. - ..'..'-,..,-'.. - t 00' Three-do.- •-•-• - ... • •'.7 00
One "%Tank, 150 1 Four do 800
Two do.
.2 50 Six do 10 Oo
Three: do. ~.. i : . .....3 oo ont Near,. -•-••• • -15 00
' -
Changeable at Measure: • •
Siiliionths, . '
' .$l5 00 I Sirfilontis, , sal 0 0
One. - Year,' • • 20 00 I One Tear,- • • • •'' .. 5000
,Larger tulvertisements in proportion:.,_• , ..
j Oar: Cards of FOUR LENA'S, Five /Wars a Year.
ii, hard ! eats will not be inserted - an extra price
Ativertieements upon Which tbe number of inter-.
Lions is not marked, will be inserted and' charged until
firefegoional (garbs.
CZ HANNON A: SHANNON, Attar's, yr at Law.--Office
#J on Fourth - ismer, netirly opiiinnte - therMayor's Office.
T D. JENDIUSitiS, 4uornepat Law, kfoactit st. :drove W6od :
• '
OAhLUEI, W. alsitC 4 l -4 . o lnurti-Pl-Lats-70ffice on 4th
4,7 street, near Grant, Pittsburgh. 0ct2.5
TAlttitS A" -- !riiitic at it7; Uthce in Bake
Q. Builditigs, Grant street. . ,ipay274th.
D.s.s..W..GLIV.Ett-, _Physician and Surgroise—Office
Nei ill,. St: Clair street, Pittsburgh. atet-p
- -
DR.. JOHN' CRAWFORD,,othee on St. Clair street,
opposite: the.Exehatage.- - -; duslo-y
OKLANIX) LOOMIS, Attorney at Law.—plftee - 4th
V. st,aboce Wood. - july4-y
rixtioniAs MARSHALL, 'Attirtney La:v.—Office
X ittowrie's Suildtugs, Fourth at. jan7-ly
I . 'l DARRAGH, Attorney at Lato , —Qineena.i . ialtetwall'e
._Buildings, on °mit' street, opposite the Cotta
;jy34:ly -
Attorney at. law.—Alice
', I , tame building with Alderman Whiaster, Filth tn.,
between Wood.and Smithfield sts. augl7-ohe
TURN BARTON, dial-no as Labi.--thrice, North side
WI of Fifth scree[, between Wood and Sinithfield, in the
mite building with Alderman Morrow. seNC6ty.
EIEORGE W. LAY2iU, dueritexand Counseitor at Lau,
4,Jf and Notary Pub/ie.—Office at the Comer of 4th and
AVOod eta., over Sibbet & Jonas' Exchange office. octl4
--- • '
ADSLUND SNO%VDEV, .tlitorney at Low.--tinfice. in
the building on the North Ea st cornerof Fourth and
m !hi/bid eta. • - • • •• • • novtl-y
MORROW, 4.lderman.-01fico- north aide of 'Fifth
street,- between Wood and SanthfieldePittsburgh.
& nucLuitz, Attorneys and _Critturci
iors as Law.-491riee ou Fourth sLooppouite ILA f.
H. ratienon'ti Livery Stable, Pittsburgh. ..seplo.3r
OA WARD & SWARTZ WELDER, doorstep at Law.
Office on Pourth.street, between Wood and Smith
field, opposite Pattetson's Livery Stable. ap7,y
iLIieORGE P. (31.1,141110“.11,• Attorney and Courssellor ai
N.X lati:—Officeremoc'ed to the 2d door below Grant st 4
on Poarth;to . the office lafely decanted by Alderman hail_
-17 N; ZWCLOWRY, Attorney and Cow.teller at Law.
S- Office in BaJcewell's Buildings on Grant street
seorr; Dentist, Fourth in., live doors west of Ala,:
ket., All work warranted, and if not perfectly sat
utfitetory no charges will be made. feblo
- I)IOFMOVAI...—Dr. Robert Snyder, has removed his
office to Fourth street, between Wood and Smith
hetcristreets. marl.s-ly
EMOVAL.—A. Beelen has removedlus COtrintiSSSlOn
.I.lli and forwarding business frotrithe Canal Basin to hug
new warehouse, on Third street, nearly opposite thri Post
() Mee. may3o-ly
,_) Falo VAL.--JOHN J. AtITCH&L, Attorney at Law,.
JA. has removed to Fourth st next door to the office ot
Alderman /l3t,lzt,
I, m Birraiarihana, or sa e
BUCKMASTER: Aldernuus--(Mice:' niarth street
' third doorabove Smithfield, South side.
Ceinveyancing of all kinds. dons with the greatest care
and !age] accuracy. -
Titles to Real Estate examined, &c.
JOLIN CIOYLE, Notary and Cloneryancer"--Uthee in
MetcalPs Building, Fourth street, near Smithfield,
Pittsburgh. Deeds, Bonds, MertgageN Articles of Agree
ment, and all other instruments of writing drawn tip with
aeenraey and dispatch. Titles to Real .hatateexammed.
JOHN A. PARILD/SON, Alderman, Fifth Ward, Penn
4.. between- Walnut and (Mara sta., where he may
be found at all times. Those having houses °rather prop
ertyselLor rent, can have the same punctually attend
ed to'j debts collected, and all the duties of an Alderman
*lll receive prompt attention. -
.1% - 111ELLOS,
2.l.2tlelkars Hailclings, corner of Wylie and Fifth sleets
nostalgia of the Court 10 imam
. jam, Poll c.ti. !g, Conveyanaing,. examinations of no
cordl4.4tc4.promptly.itnd accurately attended to. myl.s
e,IIIIX W. WILLIAMS, Attorney and Cohn- Warr at
',Law, (successor to Lowrie & Willinms,) Office at
the old wand., Fourth st., above Smithfield.
THE Partnership heretofore existing between Henry
W. Williams. Esq., and myself; in the practice of the law,
was qisbolyed by mutual consent oil tha Mb ult. andthe
buckram ad/hereafter be 'continued by Henry W." Wit-
Remy whom I moat cheerfully recommend to all for
whom I have the honor to do business—as a gentleman
every way worthy of their confidenze.
dec,lB4.y. WALTER H. LOWRIE.
George 76.. Biddle, Conveyancer.
OFFICE in Avery Row, Fifth street, above Smithfield,
Pittsburgh. . .
other instruments of writing, drawn with neatness, legal
aceruhcy and dispatch. - He will also attend to drawing
land filing Meehantes , Lirns, detonate of Rieman", Admin.
isiroters, tr. Examining title to Beal Estate, Searching
Recoritsfor Lien; 4-e.
From his long experience, and intimate acquaintance
with the manner of keepini the public records, he ex
peetsTto give satisfaction to those who may entrust their
nuttiness to his care. decls
Atict.lou Notice.
Tsubscriber has paid into the Trees:3-y of the Com
monwealth, the amount of license required by law.
lie has given the regularly approved security, and taken
out a Commission of the first class, as an Auctioneer of
the city of Pittsburgh, and rented that spacious ware
room belonging to:
Sylvanus Lothrop,Esq.,No. 114 Wood
street; three doers from. Fifth, where he is prepared to at
tend tothe sale,ef every kladof-hlercbaudise, Furniture,
Real Estate , Stocks, Shipping, Ac.„ either at the Auction
Roomit or on thepremises, aud will tn all cases exert him
self to the utmost for the benefit his employers, on the
mootreasonable terms;_ he willaellAxelusively and only
on commission; neither purchasing nor having any in
.terest whatever oagoods in the store, but merely the com
soissioa for selling, thereby giving all owners a airchance
without partiality of . haying.therein property disposed of
to the beet advantage.
Sales will be promptly settled 'when made. Advances
will be given at any them, on the inostaccOmmodating
terms. Merchants will not be charged for advances.
Regular sale days 'Mondays and Thursdays, of •Dry
Goo q, Groceries, Furniture , dec.; end every evening,
Hardware, Cutlery, Watches, aunorPiatols, and Fancy
Articles: Books on Saturday evenings. - • • •
apt{ JAMES M'KENNA, Attet.
"Cr &E. TODD would respectfully inform the me/-
IX.! chants of this city and our cusunnera generally,
that we have removed bur stock of Shirts and Gents Fur
nishing Goods, to the Fifth and Market streets,
2d story . over W.le P. liagas, antra:me' On Fifth street,
where we intend to keep dn'hund a large stock of Shirts,
of our own manufacture, wilt cull geortmentof Gentle
mens'Yurnishing Goodi, utiii@lykept by Eastern Whole- w
Mile garnishing Storms
Being very 'thankful for the kind patronage bestowed
on us for the past year, we would be happy to receive
calls from our old custmotire and merchant!! generally,
and would inforin them that we intend nothing on our
part shall -them to look further, as we expect to
add largely to - our stock, and diminish our prises.
Merchants and' dealers are solicited to examine our
stock of Goods. . aplo-tf
-- • -
birs,havingcolargeded theirestablishmentfor the man
utanture of &run. arid - Fit4s--dri the - corner • - •of O'Haia
and Liberty streat,..Pittsburet—are, Prepared to furnish
Files df every . desinption,9lilke best quality r and being
determined to mate it the interest of . consumers to pur
chase Files !tom them, respectfully invite the patronage
of all who use the artic le.
gu i rin.y • J. ANKRIM et- CO.
EMOVAL.-,On account of our pent up market, and
Ale a demand for Vegetable stands, have been coin
pelted to reove my, Bread Stand to the opposite side of
Market street, in front of Alexander & Day's Dry kkoods
Snire, Where I shall be glad to see my former customers.
R. SALE, Four Lotr--Deended by lenn, Liber ty; F_and Hay ere, each lot having fee_l fro nt,and ea '
tending track 11.0 feet. Two of them are and,
he position of the, whole property is one,of the most mt.'
vantageous to the city. For further information apply to
M.- SWARTZWELDER, F.ottith st.,
o oXtf between Wool' and Sinith6eld.
VII - UTTON HAMS-1 hhd. Mutton Hama on conirign-
ILL meat add for sate by
-raavl6 Nos. In and 174 Liberty at.
„• V ' '
_”" -
••! .- f . ' - '" - r 41, - . ' '' .-- - ' t'n'' -'7 : '- ' '.• ' ' '''' 7- : - 7 ,- Y... - ,'.4.7., ' ---%- '' - 45 :,''''•'`/.•• --- -''-* -'"-','' 'i''.• ' ' _•--' ' '
I Illg .
. ... ..• ' , . , _, , . ...
, ,• • , ....
, .
, .
. , •
TRO fitROZER, ltritchana
andDadertin ?raffia, 4.c.—No, eta Man:aria. de&
AS.MeOVIRE, roman= Tamott, Third it, near
No, 114 Wood street:
!J i7I.OI~XXIPt9EY :; penter In A
r" • .; pi N 0.67 iricet etreet. • . • ..febl
LEXANDERJA YNES, Pekin Tea Sim, Third
street bear Wood.. . . febl
rt. bIeCLOSKEY, /roll City Clothing More, N 0.132,
A.;" . Lib eiti street;elptairite the Month °Market: febl
11"08Httd.',ROBINSONiAgent -for-'Hamden Ca. 2 a
Li n e q f pat . Fifth ei n olle.doorbelow Wood. febl
twat JACKSON, PosawsZed,iraw Depot, tr 9 Lib
yEnv street, head ofWood. ' • • &W.'
& ELLIOTT, BoOkulleratiind St ott No.
JU456, Market st. between Third and Fourth; „feta
13, DELANY, Fasiiiimatas Mothing.&ort, No. 49 Lib
uu cloN it SARGENT N-E corner of Wood and Siith
lysireetd.: _. = • febl
I . lol o b rli&BONt'BeistkertasuPDsakrsin in
Voin-asut.Bar&k.Nots, 65 Market stinet. jebl
FULTON, Zell tout Brass Founder, N0...70 Sewed
.11. street, e efts ret and Ferry streets - . 'febl
flowNsai ,OARR & coma aad Wagon Blabrs,
St... Matt ;street, acetate bndge. fabl
DIL EROWNI3.OFFICE, No.S4, Di!imonAalle)? e r b ir
Wood street.
WERNFIBERG,/ecuitionabie Mainz Essabilent,
A:Ai No. 25 Liberty street. _ • my 24
TORN CURRAN, FasAionabte Tailor, Fifth street, peer
Wood, opposite tke office of the Post. mra
3 'KRd ttlOlCETSON.inolesals *rows and Corn
miuionlifirchtustst comet of Libiity and liwin sta.
- - -
Ti A. IdeN eIiTY CO. i Forwarding and Cantmidion
Merthann r Canal Bum. • mar 3
A Fr" Vl' 0, . , 4 n ser, .arty siren
between Sixth and Virgin alleyosouth side.' sepia
-13 1 . sit • t •.. &.'• ~• • • r ro-
Xlesralasion and Forwarding Mareaarns, and Agents tor
Dragalon Cotcon Yarns,'s7 Water sr., Pittsburg'. tap 2
ATht: A. WARD, Dentist, Fenn street, three doors
above Hand street. Offieo.boors, from .nina tlt
five. reuer29:Y
_ .
(1001,Elt , & LAlRD,diferwlaris Marv, .WoodAtreet,
kJ second door from Water, will 'keep ion:ill - ally on
nand'a well selected lotof Clothing.. tomboy
- '§7SI,4RSLANtI, Cheap Wheksais stet Retail
Sgore, No. 45 Liberty street, corner of Virgin
oiler, P1035'61'0. • - ' ' febErcly
Dr LEE S (successor to - Mummy &...tato Wool ......
ja.., and .Carrarsirsien /demeans, for the sale of Ameri
coo Wooten„Go , . .
ods. fable
- --
& CO., Bookitflers, Statiimos, and Paper Demers,
L corner of Wood and Third etreets,:Pittsnargh, P.
look-binding and Printing done to order. teat)
- -
.T • mIRS F. KERR, Attorney at LagstrThee remover! to
ell Fourth street, between Smithttep acid Grant streets
Pittsburgh. • ' jata..3m
h t . i's •••
h., as gars • • • tAing Store, Pi0."218 Liberty atseat, oppoaita.Saveuth at.
fl TIM INS & SMITH, Forwarding and Contestsston
NJ Merchants and .Drairrsia . Pnxturs,Pio. 3 Smithfield at ,
opposite the Monongahela House. jell) •
, Lr inks & MOORDLCA.Di Whoteseds and 'Bond Grocers
and Produce Dealers, corner of the Diamond and
Diamond 'alley.; ; my 23
;rt TODD lc, CO., Gmakmen's Furnishing Good" Be.
tablishment, corner of Market and Fifth streets. up
suisre, entrance on Fifth street. my 3
A 119/7.1.,0M MORRIS, Whotetak ant Retail Dealer in
11 Fancy and Steeple Dry Goods, 65 Market street, be
tween Fourth and th. Diamond. mrtM
TORN B. DUNLZVY, Be,uer No. 1.20 ood
tf Gold Leaf, Denusts'Fail. fce. constantly on hand and
mannfaenrred so order. my2S
it LEE, Wool Diakrs ant Communion,LTA, Merchants, for the sale of Ainerictut Woolen Goods,
corner of Liberty street and Cecil's alley. nor lb
FBLUME, Piano Font Mannfacturer, and dealer in
. MUSicallastruments, No. 112 Wood street, near
-I US IR a WOODWIS.L.L., Losporur and Dealer in For
t" rim and Doxnatie Hardware, comer of Second and
Wood street& 0c29
QAMUELACCLURKAN & CO., Ascots, for Carlisle
1...) and Rippard's . Regular Lino of Packet Ships, from
Nti,vr York to Liverpool, No. 142 Liberty st. fetid
I °SERB MAJOR, Boer Storey Ship Chandlery and
tr Agency of the Pttraborgh Lard Oil Factory, No 4,
Market street. Pittsburgh. jabl
lIIAAPPE to O'CONNOR, Proprietors of the Piasburgh
Portable Boat Store corner of Penn and Wayne ors
2.3.1 77 • • , arms - ire amyl •,... •
• • feet
deRRY, /Pothers and Exchange Brokers, No
AUL 65 Wood street, third door helms Fourth, west side
If KAISER& EWAN, Bankers and H.reaancr Preis's,
Ja.corner of Third and Wood streets, opt.osite the St.
Charles Hotel. febl
TOHNSON k sToerroN,Bookwknr,SUrtioners,;Prin
et ten and Publishers, Corner of Market and Third sta.:
' : •
dIeSTEIN, brass Fournier and (ins Finer, Smith-
I. • field street, between Diamond alley and AIM at
deelB '
k.. 1„ hInDEVrrT, Who/male Greens, dealers in Pro
duce and Pittsburgh manufactures, No. 214 Liberty, OPPosite 7th . aple
)3 a tee t, near Liberty: CJOHN PARRAN,
nor 24 r Proprietor.
- roux 1). AlORClAN,Witoksale and Retail .Druggist, No.
EP 94, Wood street, one door south of Diamond alley.
- VOLLANSHIX & HAYWARD, WAoksah and gait
-11.: &aim in Roca and Shoe, No. 186 Liberty street,"iop
posit° Wood. febl
. _
is A. FAHNF.STOCK & CO., Whoksak Drue ware
ofWhouse, corner of First and Wood streets, and corner
ood and Sixth. febl
T S. ht. YOUNG & Co , irltotaals and Remit Family
Fou.Grocers and Dalian in Procluec, N. W. corner of
rth"and Ferry and S. W. corner of Third and Ross
streets, Pittsburgh. maraLy
JOSHUJRHODES,II4oIe — saIe Fruiterer a' Confer:lon
and. Dealer in Nuts and all kinds of Foreign Fruits,
No. 6 Wood street, East side, between 'Water and Firs
streets, Piusburgh, Pa. All orders in his line carefully
attended to. mar2o
Joan lilcDevrrr. Janata hicuairrrr. Wia-McDavirr
TORN AIeDEVTIT & BROS., Wholank Groan, Deal-.
Rl ers in Produce, Pittsburgh Manufactures, and Iller
ehandize generally, No. 13 Commercial Row, Liberty
street. mar2l:y
NUM. ALEXANDER 1 SONS. Coffin Makers and Fur
nishing Undertakers, corner of Penn and St. Clair
streets, opposite the Exchtange. Entrance on Penn sreet.
TORN IL nErzott., IF7wkrale and Retail Limier in
Music and Murierdhistrumeno,pionos,SchOol Books,
and Stationery, N0:122 Wood street. i /aril
TAMES PATTEasoN, Jr.. corner of Pint and Ferry
tI streets, manufacturer- et Locks, Hinges, and Bolts ;
Tobacco, Faller, Mill and - 'Timber Screws, Hansen
Screws for Rolling Mills .kc. sergO
BRYAN, Rectifying Distitter; and Wholesale Dealer
in Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors, 120.
114 Liberty street, and 53 Diamond , alley. ly2l
MIXCLIANGE HOTEL, Exchange Place. Baltimore.
..U/D. - ,Doximr, Proprietor. Coaches will be in readiness
acall the landings to convey passengers . , free of charge,
to Abe Hotel. dec.W
VINO & PINNEY,- Agents for the Delaware Afutuat
insurance Company, of Philadelphia, at the Ware -
bout" of King & Hoes, Water sweet, nearipultet. West Pettit Werke.
febl RESTON & WAGNER, Engine Builders have cam
"- menced business on Penn in., near the POint, at the
establishment formerly carried on by Stackhonse & Nel
son: Persons wishing to purchase Steam Engines for
Boats, or for other purposes, will please favor on with a
call, as we Batter ourselves to be able to furnish them on
as favorable terms as any otherestablishment in the city.
, Also, rolling mill and castings of every description can
be had at the shortest notice.
Rsraistscsa—Capt. Robert Beer, Thomas Scott, Esq.,
Church, Carothers, & Co., H. Benny, Esq, M. Allen & Co
CARSON & McK.N/Oki ,T Wholutale Grocers and Corn
mission Afire/14ms, Sixth menet, betw een Wood end
UTiII..GLENN, Bookbinder, corner oi Third and Wood
streets, above C. K. Kay, where he is prepared to
do every description of ruling and binding. pee 2
TAT...R.. MURPHY, Wholesale and . Retail Dealer In
e _DRY ROODS; North east corner of Market and
QAMUEL: MOB.ROW, Manufacturer of Tin, Copper
k, and. Sheat Iron Ware, No. 17 Fifth street, between
Wood and Market. • feblo
- -
.e . 7. =MI, T. W. SCOTT.
maoTH 1 SCOTT, Wholerale and .Ritait Dealer in
1. Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Carpet Bags, 4-0., S. W. corner
of Fount' and Smithfield etc, Pittsburgh, Pa. jrurl2.-y
Q&W. HihRBAUGH,,Oc*MI74II4II and Forwarding
kJMereJamb, and dealers in Flora, Wool andYroduce,
No. d 3 Water, mid 1 04 Front street, between Wood and
Smithfield streets, Fittsburgh. att2o:y
4%RICHARD T. LEECH, - Jr. irnporstr_ , and dealer .in
, Foreign and Ikrtnzatie Ekullery, Hardware, and Car
rioge Trim:run' gr,ed all desatiftlans,'No. 133 Wood st.,
Pittsburg seven doors above dad gate dad - above
H. Childs & Celts Shoe Store. , ' : 8 P 24 '
SMITH & SINCLAIR, (late Mean; & Smith ' ) Rhoksa
Produce and Coorndanot' t Iderthants, 54 Wood
street, Pittsburgh. The undersigned havingeutcred into
partnership under the above style, respectfully ask the
patronage of the friends of the late firm; and 'of the pur-,
chasers generally. They feel warranted in promising
that they can give satisfaction to all who may buy of
them, or confide business to their care.
rfIOWNSEND, CARR & CO., Successors Row lan d firm
.1; of C. Townsend & Co, and-Carr & beg
leave to announce to their friends and to the public gen
etallY, that they:are now prepared to execute all kinds
of work in the Coach And Wagon-making business, at
the shortest notice, and warranted to be of tbe best quali,
ty . The Very. large qutuatity of seasoned Timber with,
which they aro prepared, and theiramlltieartir
enables %mato insure ilia public that they ere pie parea
to carry on'an extensive and promyt btudneas: in. their'
line, and they respectfully solicit a enotineenee of the
liberal pato:male bestowed upon the late diem . ' 'PePtr.
urines Czbo
" fabl
good! and
- ' 't44: 4
. „ -
3 hulfinni,
Vii:' DYER, G 'ffierranci• Pnrdnee 'Dealer, N 0.7.15111
:-Liberty sneer; Pittsburgh. : • rnerl.7. ,
0., runtsotns. • • ' ' • -- • • 'J
L 7 sant.
REYNOLDS it SEEP, W7interaletheersCominission,
Alerchants r and Dealers in RagerEsperote, corner
~cd;•Penzi and Itwin streets, Pittsbrawit. AU sizes Print
ing Pa • v .- constant' • 'bit band. marlty .
TAMES PATTON, ,jr., Wholesale Gittef arid itei:tiftring
aid• Dealer in Faiaign arid Domearia Wines
and Liquors, Floar, Chnese r Seeds, Grain, An., Zia. 17
. .
Liberty greet, Pittarin • - marg.,
- -A 'sale '.
_LI Liberty street, opproaite Hand. All.or.orX,neatly
executed. Orderspunctuelly attended ' rmarZity
George Beale, Jr.,
in RETAIL, No. 75 Wood street, :Nl:shore, Pa: Con
stantly on hand ageneinl and extensive assortment of,
ALL awns of BlitfM•WS, at the imeest Eastern 'prices.
N. 0.--.Machtnet Brushes, km., made to .order at the'
shortest notice. !thump
. ... ,
' N 0.140 . WOO 4 street, between Fifth and Firiin.dkiei.
and Retail ' Dealer in Cedar W are,
.. Fancy Warei Wooden Ware, of every'd ascription;
i l NYare, foreign and 'domestic t Matta-of all
kinds; Patent Rotary Churns, which far surpass any now
In . useja the United States. For sale at, the lowest
prices. = • , ' ' ' tinsulino
Foreign and Dovustie Wina t Liguora„Fruits, Nub, tie.
=retie 162 Liberty street, Pittsburgh.
.111 , CAL9IDL EBB sir, eiILIIIPBEIL tr. -
NO. 97 Wood street, ne=t door o Diamond alley,
19norttssis Dasmuts tv VANTETT AND DIY Goons ,
ARE now in daily receipt of all the articles in their
line of btainess--purchased at-the lowest prices in
the East; to which-they, invite the attention of country
merchants and others.; and which they dotter themselves
they can dispose of at the lowest prices and on the most
favorable terms. • " mire
'APKINLBY, Heists Sign and Ornamental Painter,
L. and dealer in PAINTS, No. 44 St. Clair at., Pitts
burgh, has constantly on hand all kinds of Patna, either
Dry or Mixed; Japan and Copal Varnish; Linseed Oil;
Boiled Oil ; Spirits Turpentine ; Window Glass, of all
sizes; Putty, Paint Brushes, tze., all or the beat quality,
and for sale afreaStinable prices. sepll,
, • , 11.•GERBERDING, Dealer in Imported
alband Domestic Seger's .; Stuff and Tobacco,
Wholearßo:and Reuul, Liberty street, Mx
doors above Smithfield, Pittsburgh, Pa.
[l7"Alloniers from conetry Merchants vriltbc promp•
y attehded to. ir2o:ly
Wit. .11. lA=l ATZIIIIIO2I.
Q . C.6IPE & ATKINEgiN, Manufaattims of Tin, an).-
)...7 per and Sheerron Ware. They also execute every
description of Blacksmith Work. First street, between
Wood sad Market, Pittsburgh. 0c1,31.:
DRUGS! DRUGS! !—Joit. Montan. Druggist and
Apothecary, :north-west corner of Wood and Fifth
streets, Pittsburgh, will keep- constantly on hand Drugs,
Paints, Oils, Dye-Stuffs, &c.
N. B.—Physicians' Prescriptions carefully compound
ea from the hest materials, at any hour of the day or
night. Also, an assortment of Perfitmery; fine tooth,
hair, and clothes' Brushes, &c , he ., &a., which will be
sold low for cash. ap2o:ly
- -
TROVILLO, Undertaker, Fifth street; im
/ mediately opposite the Theatre, respeerfully in
forms his friends and the public in general, that he has
resumed his business as a Furnishing Undertaker. He
is supplied with and always ketpit on hand Coffins of all
sizes and kinds, Shronds,and another articles necessary
on such occasions.
Silver plates, ice boxes, and leaden coffins will be
plied in order. A fine hearse and eat riage always re ad y
to attend (totemic sep.Wily•
John 81. Townsend,
street, three doors above Third, Pi tub argh, sell I have
constantly on hand a well selected assortment of the best
and freshest Medicines, which he will sell on the most
reasonable terms. Physicians sending orders will be
promptly- attended to, and snppplied with articles they
may rely upon as genuine.
Physicians prescriptions will be accurately and neatly
prepared from the best materials, at any hour of the day
or night.
Also, for sale, a large stock of freih and good PERFU
MER:I. def 39
11. GALLAGIII2I. g, A. Y. 11. =Zia
No. 109 Front se, barna Wood and SmitMeld streets.
MANUFACTURERS of Bells of all sizes, double and
single action Force Pumps, Counter Railing, Min
eral Water Pinups, Attings of all kinds for Gas, Water,
Steam, he., Brass Castings for Machinery and anti-attri
ton metal for,
same. Particular attention paid to Gas
Fixtures, and n well assorteLatock,of -Plain and. mr.
. snootai.ixonaants, - Boruers, unandefiers, tee, con.
' l /1 11 n/rron band.
A SLIM sintnnono. sASUISI. CIO2II.
ARMSTRONG & CROZP.R, Commission Mackants,
No. 23 Market - street, Pittsburgh, Pa, ahea d
promptly to the sale of every deseription.of "Western
Produce, and other articles entrusted to their care.
Rome vo—llanna, Hussey & Co., fltuburgli; amm,
Graham Co., New Lisbon, 0.; Merchants generally,
0.; Rhodes & Cechy, Bridgeport, O. A. G.
Richardson & Bro., Cincinnati; J. P. Howard , Lontsville,
Ky.; Guile & Dorwort St. Louis; H. Boyles, Sunbelt ,
AL1.121 BROWN.
Pittsbarah, Pa.
N. B.—Good Stabling attached to the house.
A. IL;S, , : and Brass Founder, has rebuilt and
• commenced business at his old stand, No. 70, Se
cond, between Market and Ferry streets, where ho will
be pleased to see his old customers and friends.
Church, steamboat, and bells *revery size, fromlo to
10,000 pounds, cast from patterns of the must approved
models, and warranted to be of the best materials.
Mineral Water Pumps, Counters, Railings,
together with every variety of Brass Castings, if requir
ed-, turned and finished in the neatest manner.
A. F. is the sole agent for Babbitt? Anti-dureetfon Mo
tel, se justly celebrated for the reduction of friction in
machinery. The, boxes and composition can be had of
him at all times. novtly,.
TRUSS, for the immediate relief and permanent
cure of Hernia and,Rupturet (Suited tont' fixes.) The
superior claims of this Truss consist in the et:lmperative
ease with which it mny be worn. The pad - of wood be
ing neatly balanced on springs, yields to thit pressure of
any part of it, and thoroughly adapts itself to any move
ment made by the wearer. It can Ye worn without any
intermission, until a cure is afected The subscribers
have made arrangements for the manufacture of these
valuable Trusses,in superiority's, in Philadelphia and
have them now for sale at thee office, No. 77 Smithfield
street, near Sixth, Pittsburgh. GEORGE WATT,
171 D. %V. KAUFFMAN.
N EW DRUG STORE—JanaD. Mattoon, intok sate and Retail Druggist, N 0.931 Wood Meet,
one door south of Diamond alley, Pittsburgh.—The
subscriber has Just received from the eastern cities, and
is now opening at the above stand, a full assortment of
articles in his line, consisting of Drligs of all kinds, Dye
Stuffs, Paints and Garnishes,. Chemicals, kc., together
with all such articles as are usually kept for tale, at a
wholesale and retail drug store.
Ills stock Is entirely new, and haabeen seticted With
care. He is confident that his artieles,botb as to quidity
and price, will please such as only favor him with a call.
01. mita would respectfully inform his friends and the
public, that his new establishment isnow in full opera
don, and that he is prepared to furnish Boat Cabins, and
fill all orders for Planed Lumber, with promptitude, and
at the lowest rates.
Board and Plank, planed on one or both sides, con
'tautly on hard.
Bash, Doors and Mouldings,of every description, made
to order.
Builders anti Carpenters would find it to their advan
tage to give him a call, as he can now furnish them with
planked stuff; suitable for every description of work.
CHEAP BONNETS.—W. R. 51URPHY is selling MI
his remaining stock of BONNETS at greatly redu
ced prices. Bonnets of last winters shapes at from 25
cents to 81,00.
Cheap Laums.—A lot of Dress Lawns reduced to 1.24
cents per yard.
White Goads for . Dressat.—A supplyjust received, and
'offered very low.
Dark Ginghams.—Righ dark styles of Ginghtnati.2Also,
Blanchester and Domestic do., of choice patterns.
Mantua Rihbons.—An assortment just received in the
Wholesale Rooms, 2d story, and offered low by the piece.
Also, White and Colored Satin do.
?tints and Muslin.—An excellent stock qn hand, from
4c. per-yd. up to the finest qualities.
Mrdt thinorth-east earner qf Fourth and Market streets.
d !WARMAN, havingimurchased the entire interest and
stock hi trade Of Mr.'John W.l3lair, beg leave to inform
heir numerous friends and the public that they have this ,
d=red into . partnership under the firm and style of
t 6 C 0.,” for the manufacture of Brushes of- every
description. Being practical workmen, they will make
up every article of the most durable material, and in the
first style; and will keep en hand, formate, at their store,
N0..1.20 Wood street a very large assortment of ayery ,
thing in &entitle of busiaese—whicli, with their egten-,
l i ve stock of Shoe - Findings, Fishing Tackle, Pan and
Pocket Knives, Powder, Snot, and Variety Goods they
will sell cheep, wholesale and retail. ,
Thee!amßrushes made to order, with despatch:
curagement kndpatronage of theafrionds and.
the public is earnestlysolicited, and will be thankfully re
ceived, Observe!: - BL
en CO,
Pittsburgh, Oct. 2 8 th,1848:(oc30) 120 wood gt.
F LOUR—Whams:3, Just received aud for sale by
S f
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'Prltsßoo*.:. - 1 7 0.4:Y;,. , : ;;41j : NE.• • .m',.1840.:
Tin Rooting.
sabsdribers moat respectfinly announce to their
1 tellow-eltizens , that they have perfected their ar
rangetaent te carry on the business ofTin Roofing ou an
extensive scale. -
- Itis now akin on foci pearl Since we first introduced
lin - roofing In this city. Dunn that time We have cover
ed over fifty thoutand Square feet of roofs with tinplate,
- and in all eases we believe we have 'given the.most en
tire satiSfaction. , ..This kind of solar has been applied to
the very best 'buildings in :this 'city, including, a mong a
large number Of.others the two superb baildingson Penn
- street, owned by Shoeuberger and' John Bisset,
• paiiirs.:. That tin hoofing (when tikillfully'laid on) is both
- permanent and durable, there tan.beno doubt ; in proof
of this we can refer to the almost universal application
of- this kind of roofing in the large cities on the sea-board
"during the last twenty Years; and from euquiehig on the
subject, we • have 'yet to learn of any one'of those roofs
having been worn.ont. The 'roofs covered with-tin in
our own city are open to the examination of all who take
aa,Mterest in: ,the matter. We have also prepared a
miniature plan of roofs, which may be seen at our estab
lishment, where any other information will be given - with
pleasure. JOHN DUNLAP & CO.:.
mark Corner Market and Second streets.
A •he Areometer..
TF, NITER . / lON OF Tits PUBLIC is respectfully
called to thefollowing certificatea
fda. 8. Ealifica—liaving teited-at quantity of bold
weighed wpm; Axeomeger,l find the result proves your
icinma c ut collect; and recommend the use of it to
those going to'California; as the best method for obtain
ing the real value of quid. Reap. yoan•
Gold Beater.
Pjusburgh,retaich 9, '49.
. ,
Fran:la, h 7,1841 k
Mn. Eaatas-irecer Sir: Ha* y in m g examined t c he "Arcom
eter," manufactured at your rooms, I do not hesitate to
commend it to the use of thoso gent lemen whoare about
removing to California, in search of Gold.
It gives a close approximation to : the specific' grayity
of metals, and' eertoinly enable the adventurer was
certain when his placer is yielding Gold:1
mrlol Yours, resry, .R. - WOW N CK.
Bead Quarterkfot,ilOete and shoes,
TROTHiSCO having commenced,
the general BOOT and &EWE business,
wholesale and, retail, ; would respectfully invite
the attention of Their friends and the public gene
rally; to
their splendid new stock, consisting of Men's,
Women's, Boys', Misses and -Children's wear, of every
variety, suitable for the season, and at prices to suit the
limes.. Also, a splendid .article ; of home-made work,
such as Gentlemen 's fine Boots, and Ladies' Misses' and
Children's fine work. . .
Please call and examine for yourselves.
N. B.—Traveling Trunks, Carpet Bags, etc., tr.c., al
ways on hand and for sale low for cash.
fp' Country Merchants. would end i'; to their interest
to give us a call, when visiting the city.
Corner 4th and Smithfield ,
sts. 1
" Public Notice to Economists.
mil Tale subscriber, being desirous of.
changing his business, has determined
. to close out the balance of his stock of BOOTS,
"be sold in lots, to salt purchasers, from
Country Meretutnts are invited to call at
Opposite the Pittsburgh Foundry, where they can buy to
their satisfaction, (or the stock must be closed out soon.
100 cases Boots on band; SLS, EIS, 821, $24 per case.
mar'7 I. BATES.
Wagons, Drays, Carts, no.,
T" proprietor of this establishinent having always
on hand a supply of superior, well seasoned Lum
ber, is prepared to fill orders of every description in his
branch of manufacturing, willies short notice and on as
favorable terms ad any other workman In the West.
A newly invented Patent Tip Wagon. for hauling
brick, is built at the above Flare. Also, Repairing at
tended to. Orders from distance will receive prompt
Rssitairscas—Geo. W. Smith, James McCully, Jonas
hlolintock. ntarS-am
— Bureau and Dedsioad Factory. —
'D 9.1 W. M. HANNAFORD respectfully inform the
its citizens and the public generally that they bare re
moved their Warerooms to Smithfield street, between
Diamond alley and Fifth street, signer the Big Bedstead,
where they are prepared to sell, wholesale or retail, very
cheap for each, the following artleles:—Bureaus, Bed
steads, with Gazzam'slron Fsteningtiond also the best
quality of Screw Bedsteads, Tables, Stands, &e- And
they whit it particularly understood. at there Is so much
prejudice against machine made work, that they warrant
their work to give satisfaction, and if not well made, the
money shall be returned. . matl6:3m
TWIN S. HAIIIMON, Ackmsoy,Al Lazo-4Hk* on
0- Fourth street, between Wood and Smithfield, 'Pius :
bomb. ap26:ly
A GENTS IVANTED—Two or three Agents can find
Aat desirable situations to canvass and take subscribe=
in this County for a valuable.viork,hiprbly recommended
by numerous persons tUstiguisbed alike for Cluesearning
and religious influence in this ind Eastern ,by ap.
plying in person to EDWARD TODD & CO.,
mayi Corner of Fifth and Market its., up stairs.
Valuable Waal Estate for Sale.
MLLE subscriber will fel t pi irate sale, that •ratuabie
Property, on the T street road, adjoining his
present residenee, and give possessisint
Tette are about TEN ACRES OF CHOICE LAND. in a
high awe of cultivation. Tbe_ improvements are &large
and well finished HIUCIL DWELLING HOUSE, a an
pe rb Bun, and ottarroutbuildings. Adjoining the Hava
ntg is a running Fountain and a good Pump, which fur
nish a constant supply of excellent water. There is a
variety of Fruit Trees and Sbnabberima the premise : L—
I( the above :described property is not *old soon, it will
be rented - .7 . for n time. Also, for sale, large LOT, on
Ped4syltrarlia Avenue, at the end of the board-walk.
- Inquire of Lim-nal:3m) DAVID BEELER.
Going to novo.
OFF—Cit.z, stim Sigmas Reatosists.—The undersign
ed being about to remove,in cunning month, to No.O.
Wood street, is desirous of 'losing out the greater part
of his Stock at REDUCED PRICES. He would call
your particular attention to his largo and op lendid assort
ment .of CHINA, GLASS and QUEEIiSWARE, Giran.
doles, Lamps, Britannia, Tea .Ware, Castor', French
and English Mantel Ornaments, and_Ten Sens, of the
newest styles and patterns, all of Which he otrers at a
small advance above Vest. Remember the place. No.
115 Woootrr. ifeb27] _ hI. nomorsON.
- - -
Compaeristal Row Cabilatat. Wararoosa
& - T. IL YOUNG A Co. . ~,-..- ',7" - -.......
TarAVEremovedtheir OABINETrw
1.1. WARF,ROONS to Commercial Row, Liberty
street, opposite the head ef Smithfield, where they will
keep constantly on head an extensive assortment of So
las, Tables, Wardrobes, Banat*, Bedsteads, Chairs and
every article in their line *thalami&
1 .,, , i Undertaking promptly atteaded to at reasonable
ices marl'?
Hats, Caps, and Muffs.
dm Tut snbscriber Is now - receiving
11.10eity of New York a choke assorttn ent from
of Eats the
11Caps and Muffs, Latest Fashions, in great va
riety, and very CHEAP, wholesale and retail.
Smithfield street, 2d door South of 4th at.
!M 111
ORD & CO., (late , Cord & Magi)
4 mu, introduce_ ,on Saturday, Aug: the PALL
STYLE OF H T EV, just received from Now
York. Those in 'manta a neat and beautiful HAT,
are invited to call at their store, corner of Fifth and
Wood streets.
New Rat and Cup store.
4 01
JAMES WILSON, Hat Alanqrachirer,ft
(formerly of the corner of Diamond alley
and Wood streets.) begs leave respectfully
to inf orm hi s old costa:nem, friends, and the public, that
he has opened a NEW STOE_E.' on Smi th field st., where
a choice assortment of HATS, CAPS, and LADIES'
FURS, (as good, neat, ihshionable and caner as any in
the city,) may be had. -J. W. very cordially invites his
friends and the public to remember his new location and
establiihnient,and give him a call as hearty as he intends
to welcome them. mar3l-ty
Fashionable' Hat and Cap Manufactory.
GEORGE S. ANSHUTZ, Agent, respeetfullya
informs his friends and the public general
ly, that he has commenced the manufacture of
flats and Caps; at No. 33 Wood street, one door from the
corner of Second, where he has now on hand a fine as
sortment of Hatsand Cape of his own mannfacture,which
he will dispose of, wholesale or retail, on the most rea
sonable terms, (or cash or city acceptance. Hats made
to order at the shortest notice. aplB-3m
Clinton Paper Mill.
THE CLINTON PAPER Mfl.L, situated at Stenben
vine, Ohickhavingbeenenlarged and' improved, and
at a very great expense added new and the most im
proved kind of machinery, is now prepared to manufaa
ture,all kinds of Writing, Printing, Wrapping and Cotton
Yarn Papers, Bonnet Boards, fcc., equal to any in the
Eastern or Western country.
The undersigned having the Agency of the above Mill,
will keep constantly on hand a large supply of the differ
ent kinds of Paper, and will have any size made to
ot3ler at short notice. S. C. lIILL,
lanll 87 Wood street.
HE subscribers having taken the Saw-mill above the
Fifth Ward Bridge, formerly run by Mr. John Chain
bers,.and having a good stock of , Tinaber on hand, would
solicit the patronage of the public. Orders thankfully
received and punctually attended to.
The undersigned laving sold his interest in the above
ism to.meur a . Sayary lb Spaulding, would recommend
them to his formercusUnnept and the community, as being
well qtialilled to give satisfaction to all who may deal
withthom. ban22ll) JOHN CHAMBERS.
HONICEPATHICHOOKS.—Jastreetived,at the Book
store of the subscriber, in Fifth et., near Market :
Materia Medica,pura, by Samuel Halmeman,tnutslated
and edited by . Charles Julius Hempel, M.D. 4 vols.
Hartman's Acute Pileases, by Dr. Hemprel, vol. I.
Hommpatbie Domestic Me dicine by J. Lowrie, milarg
ed and improved by:A. J. Hall, M. D.
Jahr's New Manuel, vol. 1; 3.
Herings Domestic Physician.
HooninghaustmesThemptetic Pocket Book, for Homo"-
pattdstsi 5y Dr. Okie:
Habeinan's ChronieDiseases, vol. 3.
Together with Medicine Chests, of different sizes and
prises. (agit) VICTOR SCRIBA.
Woon n
Hammer Muller,
-Betwertn &Tenth arta andSfretto4 o lllaUellsPiltiburg, ia.
HAMNER & DAULEltteep constantlT on band
Avarietp.of excellent and thshionable Euraft ure ,
warranted wail to any in.tbe city, and sold on as
favorable terms as can be obtained at any similar
establishment in .be West,. Thep !dive-now art band as
unusually extensive steak, embracing all kinds of 'Fund.
tnre, trout thechaapest and plainest to the most costly
and elegant. Ali ordere piomptly attended to. mr2l3m
. . .
tiiii" Tus subsCriber wishing - to reduce ids prevent
- stoek.of Furnituris, will, .from this date until fur.
Cher notice, sell all articles in his line at cost, being
- detentined to leiseti the amount of stock on himd.
Those persons who may call on him. with the intention
ofgetung a "good penny's worth," will not be disap
pointed: His stock of Ftimiture is equal to Imp in the
city, both in style and workmanship, and the assortment
Furnitureßooms Thirilst., --
mar% , Next door, abnye .Pittsbrirgh „Bank.
James W• oodwell ~RE
N0..83 Taxan STRENr, 'PITISIWELGIL' ' . •
A r.s.acix and splendid assortment of Furniture,
Suitable for Stetunboats, Hotels, and'PriVate Dwell
ings, constantly on hand, and - made to order. •
• e present Stock•on hand cannot be exceeded by any
manufactory in the Western conittry. Persona wishing
to purchase, would do well to give me a call, as I am de
termined my prices shall please. Part of the Stock con
sists-in— . . .. .
Tete a Tete; Buffet Etagele; .
Louis XIV. Chairs ; Queen Elizabeth Chairs;
Tea Pose; • Fruit• Tables ;
Toilet Tables; Louis XV. Commoder.
French Mahogany Bedsteads; Piano Stools; '
50 Sofas, witk_plush and hair cloth covers;
50 Mahogany Rocking Chairs ;
40dozen Parlor '' do.
-" Fa do.
25 Centre T ables;
20 pair Divans,' 4 paif Pier Tables ;
15 marble top pressing Bureaus; -
8 Wardrobes ,• 8 Secretaries and Book Cises ;
20 marble top Wasli Stands;
4 pair Ottomans;
• 8 pair Fancy Work Stands.
A vrey large assorment of common Chairs and other
Furniture, too numerous to mention.
Er - Steam Boats furnished on the shortest notice, and
on the most reasonable terms. feb6
Gold Washer,. '
101 r PARRY has Invented a machine for washing Gold,
11... 'far which he has made application fora patent—
They sire now offered for' side at -the. Wanthouse of
PARRY, SCOW & Co., No. 103 Wood at., Pittsburgh.
Adventurers to California tire invited to call and ex
amine these labor-saving machines. They are simple
their construction, easily transported on the back of
mules or horses, we ighing eighty poutols each, and can
be pat in operation in hour. They can be filled
with provisions. It is the opiaion of those who have
seen the trial of one oithese machines of smallest size,
that two men will wash the mineral ftom ISO bushels of
sand or earth in a day, without the loss of a particle of
the . mineral. They can be increased in size and worked
by water or male power„ if expedient . The operators
work without going Into the water or being exposed to
water or wet, and consequently without endangering
their thea th They will requircthut a small stream or
water, and can be used the whole season, and can be pat
into operation where there is eotsufficient water to wash
in the usual way.
Price of smallest size 1135. Orders from abroad, ac
companied by cash, will be promptly filled. '
11. PARRY, at Parry, Scott &
feb7:dtf No. 103 Wood st., Pittsburgh.
RDEAD THIS LETrrat—Who will be without a be7th
tiful bead of hair, when they can have one for three
shillings? Twenty years' loss of hair and wonderful
" Baransolut, July 17, 1847.
" Dear Sir—The wonderful effects ofJones , Coral Hair
Restorative has been decisively demonstrated in the ca
ses ot several respectable citizens of the town, who, ou
account of your selling three shilling trial bottles, try it
without fear. One instance, which has attracted pa rtic
ular attention, is the case of a gentleman who bad little
or no hair for twenty years; he had tried numerous pre-'
parations in vain, and ultimately had his head shaved and..
wore a wig. At my recommendation, he tried the Re.:
iterative, and after using it, according to the direction,
far a short time, the young hair appeared, and he has now
as fine a head of hair as any person in Baltimore.
It ceases eyebrows to grow,. prevents the hair from
turning grey, and the first application causes it to curl
be-autuully, frees it from scurf, and stops it from falling
Sold with full directions at 82 Chatham st.N.Y. and by
Wm. Jackson,. Agent, eS Liberty st. Pittsburgh. [sep2o
Boring Fashions Bats and Caps. 'Pas subscriber will introduce, this day,
lartielt 1t349, the Spring style of HATS
and CAPS, winch for neatness and dura
bility cannot be rurpassed—the style being such*that
'eau= help from giving, the wearer entire satisfaction.
He ls also daily expecting the arrival of an extensive
assortment of California Hats, of various colors; all of
which will be disposed of at his old unusually , low
price'. Country Merchants are invited to call and ex.
amine his assortment. H. W. GLASSDOW
02 W stet,
3d door below J. D. Davis' Auct l ion lhooms, ood
P re ittslitg.
THE subscriber has removed his Mo!elude Grocery
Store to the corner or Hantock street and Allegheny
Wharf: next door to the yerry House.
mar 47 JOHN P. PERRY.
George Armor,
g NABLE TAILOR, No. 43, Market street.—
Bashived hisailoribg Establishment in the
rooms on Ma r a :,, latel y occupied as p a Bookstore, by
Bosworth & Co., the undersigned is preared to MI all oil
ders Ids tine which may be entrusted to his care by his
old friends and customer., and the public generally. His
long experience in the business and the success with
which he has prosecuted it in Pittsburgh, emboldens him
to hope for a liberal share of -patronage. He will make
all deseriptions of Clothing In the best manner, and most
fashionable style, FOR CASH. GEO. ARMOR.
Morohaat Tailor.
T HE sabscriber respectfully announces to his custom.
g - Le e r r Ar, that a.era:iierce
e m e e iv n e o d f h T s itts ms b ua uryb and ri v n i a c e in
opting Goods, for entlemen's wear, to which he invites
their attention. His stock comprises fine Broad Clodui of
all colon; Casainieres • rich Vestings, of plain and fancy
patterns; all of which ' be is prepared to manufacture in
the best and most fashionable style. Also, Children's
Clothing kept constantly on hand and made to order.
Water st., 34 door above National Hotel.
Vashidawible, Clothing Store
TmEanbscribeng respectfully inform their
f riends and
the public generally, - that they have Just received
a new supply of French and English Cloths, and cassi
mereri—Vestings of all styles and quality—Ready-made
Clothing of all descriptions, neck and pocket Handker
chiefs, - Shirts; in short, every article usually kept in
Clothing Stores, constantly on:band.
Gentlemen wlshing to have Clothes made to order, in
a fashionable style, will find It to their advantage to call
and examine our stock befom going elsewhere.
jytl-tf AP=LLEN & DOWNING.
rpHE FIRM of Acheson & Dagg is this day dissolved
I. by mutual consent. Mr. Jas. T. Dagg having declin
ed business on account of health, has disposed of his
interest to Jas. C. Acheson. The business hereafter will
be conducted in the name of W. & J. C. Acheson.
Pittsburgh, July, 1848.
to withdrawing from the firm of Acheson & Dagg,
I take pleasure in recommending my successsor to my
friends and the public generally. JAS. T. DACG.
July 29, I.94B—aug
ifiSOLpTION.--The Partnership heretoforexist
ingg between the subscribers, under the firm of J. &
J. hPDavrrr, was dissolvedon the 7tb inst. Either party
is aathorized to me the name of the firm, in settlement.
March 10
day E fo C rm O -ePdA aR T
Co- ER ner P—T uhnd un dtehefigm have this
!WHET= & BROTHERS, for the transaction of a Gro
cery and Produce business. JOHN HPDEVITT.
March 7, 1849.-(intl2)
DISSOLUrION.--The partnership of MURPHY & LEE
is this day dissolved, by mutual consent.. The bu
siness of the firm will be settled by H. Lee.
Pittsburgh, 30th Jan., 1849
NOTICE.—The undersigned will continue the Wool
business and attend to the sale of Woolen Goods, at the
old place. H. LEE.
Bar In retiring from the late firm of Murphy & Lee, I
take great pleasure in recommending Mr. H. Lee to the
confidence of my friends and to the public.
.181130 J. R. MURPHY.
Co-Partnership Notice.
JOHN DUNLAP having, on the Ist inst., associated!
with him in' his-business-Smut PLIDILDRO, they will
eyeliner carry on their Importing f House Funushinu
Hardware, and Manufacturing bul m ess,nader the name
and style of John Dunlap & Co. The huMness of the old
estabhshment will be closed by the senioePartnerof the
present firm, at their warehouse, corner of Market and
Second streets (land) JOHN DUNLAP & CO.
iHE MIDNIGHT SUN—A. Pilgrimage, by Fredrikii.
1 Bremer; translated by Mary Howett. Just received
andfor sale by JOHNSTON tc STOCKTON,
Corner Market and 3d sts.
CHEESE—,2OOO Sts. large Cheese, for sale for County
Scrip, by Wlll. DYER,
ap2B N 0.158 Liberty street.
bet rerecdd by MlO Cotton do
myl 97 Wood streets
/MATS— 300 bushels, prime quality, Just received per
I.J steamer 'Wellsville, for sale by
ap3o) Next door to Perry House, Allegheny Wharf.
pITCH-60 barrebsjor sale by
sp3o) Nezt door . Perry Rouse, Allegheny Wharf.
g k,
rasimersennarrr c.
(LA= LS. firincirma& Co.) • - -
Iffatufaetarerf of Pheetdx• Fire . Proof :Safes,
Seand - streez,betweets Wood cad : Snit/Odd.
914 noisy: afternoon, July 25,1846, the undersigned
Y*we Red npon by Messrs. LiPpenctitt & Barr, to
west nest and fair test,of theirPhremx
Safest. The furnace being prepared, tae Safe was tilaced
inside thereof, with books, papers and some monm when
the door of the. Safe was,closedand the fi re kindled at a
'quarter Past 2 o'clock , and in a short .time 'the Safe was
red tot, and continued till half pist 6 &cloak, being about
four and a half hours, when the committee expressed
their satisfaction that - the nine occupied with -with such heat
was sufficient. The furnace, was then pulled dawn, Safe
cooled had door opened—the books, paper's and money
safe. The heat was so great as to melt of the :braes
Mountings. We therefore take pleasure in recommend
ing these Safes to the patilici as being, in our jttdgment,
entirely fire proof. JARYLS-..k TRABIIE,*
, --
I am engaged in the foundii business,: and know
something about furnaces- and -heat. I. witnessed the
burning of the above Safe, and can freely say there was
no humbug about it, and with pleasure recommend them
to the public as being, in my judgment entirely fire
In calling upon.lhe above gentlemen. for their signs- .
cures, they all spoke in the highest terms of the fairness
of the test, uud their fall confidence of the Safe's being
entirely fire-proof. We have constantly on hand and for
sale a full assortment of the above Safes.
Do!Mullen dr. - Downing,
.1. , FASHIONABLE CLOTHIERS , N 0.218 Liberty
'strict, ichlinitir Seventh , beg leave to call the linen
,Awl of their anstomers and the public generally
to an examination' of, the stock ol GOODS they
are new ire receipt of toinprising, in part,- fine- Freutch;
Belgian, English and American Cloths, all colors;
French, English and American Cassimeres, of all shades
and textures pSummer Cloths, in endless variety; Vest
ing& do: Clothing'ruade to order in the best and latest
style.. They have also on hand's large and well asikort
ed stock of READY-IDADECLOTHMG,Io which-Mey .
invite the attentiod'of their friend's end customers Dir24'
•C. P. Sml - thi' - • •• " • •
Z.ottis; Aro., will giVe particular attentionto the'Col
lection of Claims, and all money received, shall , be re
mitted without delay. •. ."
Ravannete.--lion. R. Coulter, Supreme Bench Pa.;
`Messrs:'Lyon; Sborb k Co., St. Locus Messrs. Wood,
Abbott•' & Co., Mr. Charles IL Welling, Philadelphia;,
Messrs. Eno, Mahoney & Co., Messrs . Chdttender, Bliss'
1 Co., New ork; Messrs. Baugher & Orendorli , Messrs.
W. F. & A. Murdoch, Messrs. Love, Martin 1 C 0.,. Mr.
John Falconer, Baltimore ; Messrs . Lorenz, Sterhug
Messrs. Forsythe 1 Co., Messrs. Hampton, - Smith & Co.,
and Mr. L. S. Waterman, Pittsburgh. mar2B:2m
-Rare Standard Works.
ODERIDAN's SPEECHES. —The Speeches of the
Eight Hon:Richardltrinsley Sheridan, with a Sketch
of his Life ; edited by a Constitutional frjetl-3 vole.
Sterne: Worla.—The Works of Lawrence Sterne, in
one vol., with a.. Life of the Author, by himself; illus
trated by Harley. 1 vol., 8 vo.;
Sketeh Book—The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon,
Gent. Anthon's revised edition, with illustrations by
Irriagos Astoria, or Anecdotes of an Enterprise beyond
the Rocky Mountains; by Washington Irving.
Mardi, or a Voyage Thitiier.—A new work in two sold,
12 mo., by Herman Melville.
A Tablefor Critics, or a Glance at a few of our Litera
ry Progenies, in a series of jok es, by a amaeful Quiz.
For sal , F , by KAYr& CO.,
may 3 Corner of: Wood and Third streets.
(Dispatch copy.)
Paper Hangings.
AVING parchased at three of the largest Factories
AM in the East, (New York, Philadelphia and Balti
more) a large assortment of the newest and Most im
proved styles of PAPER HANGINGS, BORDERS, km.,
and made arrangements by which I will be enabled to
procure all new. Patterns, simultaneous with Their ap
peatiance in the Eastern market, I. would invite the at
leaven of those desiring to have their houses papered
with the latest styles of paper, to call and examine-My
stook, before purchising elsewhere.
I have now on the way from the East.lo,ooo pieces of
Gold, Stain Glazed and common Paper Dangings, which
I can sell at prices ranging from 121 cents to 82 r piece.
marl 2 S. D. HILL, 87 Wood at.
ein the fhb Ward, Pittsburgh, 24 feet-front on Carson
street by 120 feet to Patterson's line.
One Lot on Liberty street, 24 feet by 100 to Spring al
ley, between Casson street and B.' Frew'a line.
out Lets in the reserve, near Allegheny City and
Manchester, containing about ten Acres each—Nosy
279, 41, 197, 190, 195, 194. Enquire of
- - •
HOLIDAYS! HOLID&YS!!—The subscribers are
Just opening a splendid caller:thin of Toys and fine
Fancy Goods orevery description„suitable for Christ
mas and New Year% presents, consisting in part,
Jewelry and Watches; Work, Dressing and Fancy Glass
Boxes; Card Cases ; Pearl, Shell, Ivory and Velvet Card
Baskets; Steel Bead Purses ;Crotehet 'Velvet Bags ;Mu
sic Boxes; Chess Men; Dominoes, &c.; with is thousand
other articles, too numerous to mention.
The above Goods unt mill sell extremely low, previous
to the Ist February,lB49, as we intend making some ma
terial alterations in oar store and business. We invite
all to call who want bargains, at Se Market street, be
tween Fifth and Diamond.
dee23 uoo4isr & eArcrwria,.
OGTO PLANING MlLL—Ratio:astute-land Niue:km,
(along Chanter st.,)PsretWard,Alleghenycity,uear
hianehester.—GEOßGE DRALIER having resumed bit
siness, has erected the necessary machinery at the above
place, for turning out all work in his lice, and is prepared
to take boards to his mill and deliver them to customers
on reasonable terms.
Dressed flooring boards, siding, tee., always on hand
A large quantity of dried flooring lumber on band:
Orders from. Western Lumber Merchants promptly ex
canted. men-Li
FANCY FANS-12 doz. fine ivory work Fans;
12 " bone "
3 II t/ pear l It II
2 ; 5 3 e a pape r
er a d
" assorted common"
Eft Market street.
Take Notice.
A LL persona knowing themselves indebted to Arthurs,
Nicholson & Co, (Eagle Pimadry,) are requested to
call at their old Warebouse, on Liberty street.
All unpaid accounts will be placed In the hands of a
Justice of the peace - on the let July next..
ID- A general assortment of Hollow Ware; &c., at tbe
lowest market rates. Liberty at., bead of Wood at..
BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, &o,—Foinutsbes k Hay
word, Whole/Min and Retail - Boot, Shoe and Trani
Store, N 0.186 Liberty street, nearly opposite the head ot
Wood. F.& IL have in store and are receiving their
Fall and Winter stock.of BOOTS and SHOES, consisting
ofthe largest stock they have ever beeri able to bring to
this market. We also have constantly on bandit splen
did:sinck of Hayward's Metalic Qum Elastic Shoes, both
forladies and gentlemen's wear, the most beaudfiil urn
ale ever manufactured. We would solicit an examina
tion of our stock of goods, by all who wish to purchase
either at wholesale or retail, as we will sell at a small
advance above eon- Country merchants will find it to
their interest to call and examine our stock before pur
New Goodi.
TIIST RECEIVED,. by Express, one piece short na,,
kI MI Cloth, suitable for Gentlemen's Cloaks, which I
will make to order, cheap. - McGUIRE, Tailor.
Also, one piece ?is short nap, a very desirable arti
cle for Ladlea` Clo aks. Colors - warranted.
Also, a good assortment fine French Cashmere Vesting
together with a good assortment of fancy and black Cas
"mares, for Pmts., which will be made to order as cheap
and as well as at any other establishment in the city.
MCGUIRE, Tailor,
Third street, Bt. Charles Building.
AVE you a bad complexion, coarse, dark, yellow, or
AIL sallow ? If you have, you will by using a Cake of
Jones' Italian Chemical Soap, a week or two, your skin
becomes clear white and smooth. Ryon have any 'di
sease of the H ead, Face or Beardeuch as Ringworm,
Scald Read, Scurvy,. Erysipelas, Salt Rheum,'Barber's
Itch—you can be cured: for I have sees persona. whohad filthy, akin diseases for years,and after trying every
thing in vain, have been cured by washing the part with
Jones' Italian Chemical Soap, and can Conscientiously
offer it for any of the above complaints, which 'I would
not do, unless I knew it to be all :I state. If lop have
Sun Spots,Freckles, Idorphew, Tan, San Burn or disfig
urements of any kind, it will dispel them and make Abe
skin bettutiful:--it is a sure antidote and cure (or the bites
11i Beware Of counterfeits."' Particularly cheap ones
—ask, far Jones' Soap, and see that the name of T. Jones
is on each cake.' Persons from or in south and other
warm climates, would find this not only for thentselvee,
but it Is a never.failing remedy;far chap and chafes in
infants. And now, reader, by giving tins one trial. you
will find it all or even more than We have:stated above.
Sold at 82 Chatham street, N. Y', and by Wm. Jackson
agent.B2 Liberty street, Pittsburgh.: sepia
T r 7-
HE subscribers hare removed from No. 57 Water a
to the Warehouse reeelitly occupied by James May
No: 28Water at [my.2l RHEY, miernmws ACO
Owing To Won't:Bum METAL ARD Stoma, tor the use
of Architects and Designers, &c., &c., from original de
signs, and from selections made from every accessible
gonna, American and European. hiy Thomas W. Wal
ter, Architect of Girard College, and J. J.' Stnith. The
above for sale by . • KAYA CO.,
feb27 Comer of Waod and Third sts.
. 'sox &Fat:Tarrant, Tonsorial Plotexters, have fitted up
GI saloon on the corner of Cherry alley- and. Water st.,
near the National Hotel, ronoariY - oetaPied by Hlenient
Archer, and are prepared to waitOrk" maim:hen at once,
with ease, comfort, andpaliteness.
In connection with their saloon, they have fitted up an
excellent showorhath r where persons Can have shower
Oaths at all hours of the day.
They still continue to serve their - am i toi ne hrii k , , ,,, i
their Old Stassa, corner of the Diamond and Delon st.
- ~ ..., -. a,;
, .
1 -
`..1r*: 4 4,14v,r0 PRI:Lyn:ETC
SO9 .
ft. W. earitor'artirodd'aridVititi Szarecitat.,
'FHB Proprietoro,tba Illontnno -Posit. and BlintOm
.I._ vra MallplACroart, respectfully Intones frier*
and the patrons of these papers, that he has' • I gte
ito r t ment•ofJOßTYPEADill ALLOTIIBR ItiL&TMAL
necessary to a Job Printing Office, and that he ie pre. ,
pared tee.lecute - • •
• await Plana ranrrma OP 517=1f DitSparPrldart
,Bsfisof Lading, Circufari,
Hauls, 4:Avi
- _Cants • '
Bkolk • - ai '.
irrAll Ofßlaals, a,
Mega; Stetitelioat H find, Canal:
Boat Bills, with appropriate cuts, printed on . the s h ortest and most reasonable terms.
Be respectfully /take the patronage Of his fitieriai "and-
thepublic generally, in this branch of his bnalnens„
rstssiblargli Gem 7iitf ashe.
trRE Subscriber has invented a machine for Wadded'
1 -out ROLD, possessing the ,following qualities
weighs about twenty-five pounds,•can be packed Inti
box-13 Richer by 17, and 17 inches deep; will wash out , •
a bushel of wet sand in about two minutes—dry sand IP
less time-4eaving the Gold perfectly clear of sand and;
gravel.: Those going to California are invited to call acd
see its operation, at my'residence, in Penn, street. nears*.
Water Street' - - ' [Mardi - 'C. EVANS.' -•'.fet?,
Cessuf Ideirtrtut Mtn ,rourtrtarte
UNDMITAKIGLEI, corner of Pinn
• ter = St. Ckrir its, opparite rtw .Ezekarset.:- -,
411',....;u•7 Hold, Entrance on Penn et, res- •
pectfally - inform their friendkancr:
the ptiblic t that they are prepared to furnish and attend .
to everything in the line of Undertakers, As they have
quit the business of Cabinet Making, and their attentiOn'-'
will be devoted altogether to the above business, keop a
large asso rt ment of COFFINS made and finishe d, cover
ed, and lined in the neatest manner, - With' a vallety'o
materiali, and at all prices; we keep SHROUDS ready
made, of all sizes, of Flannel, Cerebric, and Muslin,
all prices, and made in the eastern style, and all: other
articles necessary for dressing the dead, and f urnishin g ..
funerols,:of quality and price • to suit; SILVER PLATES..
or engraving the name and ago ICE CASES for laying
the bodria ice, by those who wish to keep their friends
any lemplipf time , and have ZINC PANS to put ice in
laying on the body; LEADEN Coffins always en
-hand; We have a Splendid new HEARSE and a pair of •
fine horses, and any number of the best cartilages, etc.;••i`i
ate., and will be prompt, punctual. and reasonable. • -
• Male's ' Patent Rotary Machine,
• - Steam Engine, - Veritikirer, and Water Wheel, •
; -
rpgn remarkable Machine was invented by FlX2fat
L Reit; of New Ydrk, and bide fair to supersede, in
all its above applications, the machines now in use. :'lt
has been visited by thousands, and tried in many of.its
applications, and Its success has outstripped everything
in the history of useful inventions. The compact fonnof : : .
the machine, its simplicity of construction and new op- • -
lineation of established principles, render it an - object of. :
admiration to all who see it. .. . • 4
As a common Pump,for th e use iffaniilies, its Poitabl l -.
in and the - facility with.which it can be converted intoit , :
Fire Engine, are among its advantages. It Is_ equally
:nerd( for all purposes to which Pumps can be ariplidd On
steamboats or vasels, to supply boilers, washing of decks, -
; pumping the holds, leo., &c &c. • • • -
For Mines and Hydraulic Works of all kinds, it re- -----
quires - less power to do the same amount of work, and is
less liable to get oat of repair than any pump ever be-
fore invented. It thrown a continuous stream'of Water,
without the use of an air chamber or any complicated
double acting apparatus.
As a Fire Engine, not one bait the number of mortar*
required as upon the machines now in use, and they can
work a much longer time without fatigue, owing to the
manner of the application of the power—enher by crank.-
As a Rotary ;Steam Engine, this machine his supplied
that great desiderattimamong scientific men, viz: obtain-
trig a constant rotary action, which can be satisfactorily •
applied to practical purposes.
As a rentnasarter Mines, Welts and Vessels . , 'Or a Blamer
for Furnaces, it is easily and efficienly applied.
As a Water Wheel, working either by departing or en
eriog water, it is something entirely new and eminently
useful. It can he used as to Obviate mach of the - ezliense - -
it nlaying foundations of mills, digging of watercourses
etc. ete
One of the Machines can be seen and some OliTO OP.
plieatione tested, by Calling at" Delon Hi Tv," corner of -
for es, etc., within: the state •
of Pennsylvania' can be obtained of the subscribers,-as.
above, and any infonnation relative to it cheerfully, given.
D. R. WILLIAMS. •- - - .
Par Scrip, at Par. . '
.. .. .- .
JOHN H MELLOR, No. 81 Ma strut,
will sell the following new and second
hand PIANOS, for Pittabnrg, Allegheny,
or Allegheny county Senn, at par:— . ~
One new Rosewood 6. octave Piano, made by Bacon..
&Haven, New York; price ..... ' . • 8325
RossosvOe do . do - do
One db • , • $2OO
Ond, 0 octaviy Gale es Go. • • ....... r $275
•do do . do
One do
One Mabogany,t - octave, nearly new, Gale & & Ce-11900
- do
One do Lord & Braaten' .... •• • , $925
s -, .511 do Rosenbaunt— • • . flOO
One German Piano, 13 octaves
One 'old Piano; o oetaves " - - WO
One Mahogany Piano, 6} octaves , H. & W. Nturne $9O
Brass Stiattlea and Sheet Brass.
ripliE subscribers would respectfully announce that
J• they have made arrangements with • the proprietors
of the Glenwood Brass Mills which gives us the ,control
for the sale of their Brass l etties and' Sheet Drum for
this section of country_ The production of these Mills
are not stupassed in quality by tiny" other similar estalr
lishmenhe avystoc in she
of th United States- We - will always keep a
kthese goodson hand, which we will be
pleased to sell at sack prices as we trust will meet the
views of wholesale buyers. hardware merchitnts and
other dealers in these goods will please give as a call;
Corner Market and Second streets.
------- -----,--
-oarsixtine House,
THEcouncil OF NO Ann onsan snacers, nrrastradoz.
subscriber respectflilly announces that be hat
now opened this new and excellent Hotel for the ac
commodanon of travelers, botuders,.and the public gen
erally. The house and furniture are entirely new; and
the most comfortable have been spared to render It one of
no pains or expense and pleasant Hotels in the city. -
The 'absorber Is determined to deserve and therefore
solicits, ashare of public patronage: •.. • - - . - •
octl_ACOß HOUGH, Proprietor.
XTENV AND VALUABLE Vi r OßlL—Nifurorth, and Sr.
VI. Remains ; with an account:tit triisit to the Chtddean
Christians of Kurdistan, and skii Yegedis, or Devil War.
shippers, and an inquiry intoibp,rmanners and acts ofthe
ancient Assyrians; by Austen W4,:.ryLayard,Esg
D. Just received and forsake b ~ D. C•y ,• • - ,
• . Cor. of Market and Wats.
I.sel_ To the Publle..Coont 7 scrip.
s Commissioners of. Allegheny County. avail them
ves of the earliest opportunity to inform the hold
ers of County Scrip, that the Board have under consider
ation the adoption ofmeasuresfor the prompt redemption
of "every dollar of Scrip issued heretofor e in anticipation
of claims against said County, and the Conunissioners
sow give assurance that, in the coutse ore few days, this
resolves of the Board for the speedy and full redemption.
of the County Scrip now in circulation will be publish
ed, to
ect.relieve the anxiety of the public:mind on this
• The credit of Alleglietw County cannot suffer by a
momentary interrapuon of is circulating mediumibased
upon the undoubted solvency of the richest and most pa
triotic population of the State. By order of the Board.
mat • JAMES GORMLEY, Clerk:*
Lime I Lima 1 Lime l -
NY QUANTITY OP.LIME, of the very best quality,
will belurnished on 'reasonable terms, on abort no.
dee, by applying tothe subscriber, at Lis Store, South end
of the Monongiatela Bridge, South Pittsburgh. • -
.mayl.l4'wd • JAMES BLACIMORE.
marl . . FARNESTOCR & CO.;
Cornetist end Wood sets.
A A. bletiopt & C 0., ... 60 itratio a
ere. on
Zil e *tautly in the receipt of Rck Rfrudoringiema
We have on hand the fellowitig Goods,viz t•
185 rich embod Mualin Capes, from-451§0 to 5,00
850 embroidered Muslin Collar", ' " ,724 to 1,00 • .•
600 crotchet . Collar", u
3 7* to 75
350 lace , " , .", _ 8 , , to 12*
TOO ail:mare '',--- r ' ;- "r ' " "Otto 12*.
100 Jeuny . Lind
_"'" ••• " • 82*to 1,00 -
130 embroteered Muslin Habits, - " 50 to 1,50..
, 590 pair* - " " Cuffs, ' "50 to
Also, Mourning Conan. in great variety. , , -
ket street
Call Won at the 'Cheap One File.° Cash Store, aoblar.
. - • -"' ' ruayl2
ing an alphabetical - lisibf Post Offices Ahroughont
the I Tnited'States'; distances from I Vashington, 'C.;
and Territocial Capitals, respeciively also,axhi,
biting the Post Offices in each State; as well az Comity.
withan appendixof the United States and British Tariffs.
Just received by : JOHNSTON & STOCKTON,'
Corner 3d and . Market sta,..
CONGRESS - TatKC 20 boles ` Russel Idc I.
Li son's" Ws Lump Congress - Tobacco; just . - received
and for sale, by hIIL VER&RICKETSON; -
Ma ' Ndi..172 and 174 Liberty street.
corner tj
and Irwin streasuranea on Irwin sow.
-IL. G. REINHART, Alderman and Police
Tamara 011aYsir, Chief Constable.
JOSZPR Ftssrootsn, Ass't do. _ • .
ir , l7' Will attend at any hoar, day or night, whoa re
ibion •
llORb rq ES,while- running at large - in the fields;•are
ve t t b — and imure y the
ways.. They ar e a ofte g n e disabled so eita be y ttes:desit for it .
leng time .
.If immediate, use could be made. 0f,,8.-.A.
ralineatock & Co-ts Rubeficient; and the braieed part
well saturated, and the remedy rubbed in, it would give
relief, ease the pain. No farmer should .be without thim
Celebrated - Medicine, as it is to man or beast,
Prepared and sold . -
Cornered' Wood and First inreets; alter
Corner Sixth and Wobd.,.
SANDS' quartt,
just rec'd and for sale . ' ,
B..A.PABRIMIXIrfr. 01:,'
.Corne not.and Wood au.
Lt Ll mut for side by (jan3).oll/0/11,48 it SMITH:
NO: 279.:
7 . -