. '7" . - Real. cint.—)Ve give the folloWreiaXqllante I n 47 eases froia a forthcoming drama. They rpeak to tho'heart, and vvecriv - y not the boapm beneath wine); in tame ring chord will not vibrate . [Extracts front an unpublished Dramml • OVARDIANS.IIIIP. *. DT F.Ltolt. • • , To guard thee, illy svrceCcbild ! To wateh.o'er `As able . Is watch!. To look-within the depths race Of thy true .nattire,where a thousand treasures Gleam like bright gems beneath the lucid wave, And bring their wealth V. light! - To plant the seed • In thatlair garden ter perennial bloom! • • To build atnusourrof marble strength To %Meld ;hce from the storms . of draw off The lightning' from the tempest-ladeli cloud, ~ • . And be the Typlmm's =tame that shaft , Mairtever pierce bajoy of thine ! To be The seaward mole that fronts the breaking surge, • Aud to the sheltered nook it guards for thee Lets o'er no wave in drowning ! Had but Heaven In stich'a bundle bound all blessings up, To }leaven [done I had resigned the trust. Rut now, the hand that gave, resumes the gift, . • Nor leaves me even nature's right to mourn! • • . DEPARTURE. - • • - Not thus—l pray—notthus! Oh give= but . A breathing spacel I kn' wwe soon must part; I know this heart must quit its hold on life; But pluck it not abruptly this away • Bnatch not at once from me - the light wherewith . -•• ilfy radiant sun goesdown in hopeless gloom Slight comes not at one stride upon the clay ; Themild death-augelfolds hisicy.wing ' • • ' Till one by one the lamps of life are quenched ; -Thus feline loss thee ; thue, by slow degrees, Mist the dear magio of thy* voice, the jot That thrills me in MT presence—till the grief • Of that wronged, wild and sentient thing, the heart. Be mediclrted into sleep. • •. Beautiful Extract. God has written upon the flowers that sweeten the air, on the breeze that rocks the flowers on th stem, . upon the 'rain dropS that refreshed the ' sprig of moss that lifts its head in the desert, up on the ocean that rocks every swimmer in its deep chamber, upon every panelled shell that sleeps in the caverns of the deep, no less than upon the • mighty sun that warms and cheers millions of creatures' that lire in its light,—upon these he bas • Written, a none of us ticeth iiimscp'. And if we are wise enough to understand these vvorlis, we :shall 'find that there is nothing, from the cold stone in the earth, or the minatesecreature that breathes, which may not; in some way or other, minister to `the happinesi olsome-living creature. We admire.al4 praise the flower that best,an. • swers the end.' for which it was created, and: the tree which . beartifruit the most rich and abundant, the star that tithe mo , -t useful in the heaven s we admire the most. it is not reasonable that man, to whom the whole creation, from the flowers to the spangled heavens all minister, should live for. the noble end of living, not for himself, but others. .Tbikrnan - wbo is married fog mere•worldly mu - titteOcitholit a spark of affection on the woman's neiertheless get, in every worldly sense of.theivord, a. good wife—and while American Wornen continue to•be what, thank heaven they are, he is likely to . do so; but when a WOMSO is .married for the sakisof . fortune, the ease is altered, and the chances are Fi te hundred to one that she : marries a villain, cirlit least a scoundrel. • • To set about seeking a wife is like seeking one's • 44:Once, and the`probability of finding a good one tuiipch a quest is less, though poor enough, heaven .:Ituows, in both cases. • • The man who gets have because he is determined to marry, instead Of MarrYing . because he is in love, goes about to private parties and to public places in search of a ' wife;-and there he is attracted hy'a woman's ap pearance, and the figure Which she makes,in pub lic, not by her amiable deportritent, her domestic qualities and her good report. Watering places might with equal propriety be called _fishing pia. - ces, because they-are 'requited by female' aoglers, who arc in quest of such prey, the elder for their . . • daughters; the younger for themselves. But it is . . a dangerous sport for the lair Piseatair is- more, . likely ' to catch a bonito, or a sheep--head, than she is, to be caught by a shark. Kindness. • - The blessings which the weak and poor can scat ' Haire their on seasons,. 'Tis a little thing . • Talive ; a cup of water; vet its draught ....let ;Cool refrei,hdient, drairi'd by te%efillips, •,.. ' / Way girt" sbocit'of pie/mire to the frame More exquisite than 'when nectarean juice Renews the life of joy in happiest hours:.' It is a littlethiug to speak a phraze , . Of common comfort, which 17y tidily use Has boa Its sense • yet on the ear Of him who thought to die unmourned,•*tstill fall Like choicest music; till the glaring eye •. Witb,gentle-tears relax the knotted hand . • ! To know_ the bonds of.fellowshiji again; • And she d on the departing sold a sense •.>, More precious than the benison of friends . •• • .About the honored death bed of the rich, . :7. 1. TO him who else wire loue;y, that another Of the great familk.is near and feels. Vat/curd. . Gallantry. Iriehrnen are proverbial for their oil hand gal. laittry. Yankees we believe are equal to the: bust Scif tb em. A ease in point there tame to etur.eity, on a visit, averdaitt youth direct from _snow clad Green "fountain dOril. flit city comaec ,.. . tions are of an importance, anti it wzri ncd long ere he had an invitatton to an upper ten ; party. Dressed •in his "Stin , lay•go•to•mortinsf he was ushered into the parlor at an early hour. - Amon.. the company was , a very pretty and quite bewitch ing .Miss, to whom the_ yotith paid his special de : . r voirs. hhe is state petite—he fully a ~ s ia looter." When the company was invited from the parlor to partake of refreshments, the tall youth waited - on the pretty; petite Miss. They took a position back of tbe table, where the crowd was large and , 'room scarce. The youth invited his partner to step on a stair which led out into another apart ' meat. "Oh, no!" she returned, g , I should be Inn far abort you." "Not at he replied, casting a significant glante at her; "you are a little /owed Mangle angels." Ingenuity of the Germane... • •The following are some of the inventions which have originated in Gei many: - • A.D. • • 850 Saw Mills, •.* • *.'.• -898. Sun dials, -*•*;" "999 Fulling Mills, • •. • • Tillage of Hops;- • • ''• : ...".1.160 Wind Mills . Oil . •• • • 1270 •. Spectacles, • - - • • ••• . ..;.-';• . *-...,...1360 Paper of linen rags, • 1342 Organs, 1318. Gunpowder, , Cannons , ' ' • ••• ";;;. ; • 1350 Wire m aking ; F1at5,:'.....1300 . . 1579 Pius, * • . _ .1389 , 1123 Wootittigravinge, - • ~•,• • 1436 Printing.. 1439 • Printing •Presses,. . - 1444 * Copperplate Engravings, • , . 1460 • Printing ink, , z,. '• .. ••••• 1452 Cast typos • • • • P 197... Chiming of bells, • • • . 1500 • Watches, . . •Etcliing, - ' Letteriiisti,Cir mails, ; ' Boiling apparatus, .- • ..4„,; , ;••;• 1527 Gun Idcks, •! 1533 Spinning Wheels, .i • • . ••• 1546 Almanacs, • . ;•.: • Stoves, • • Sealing wait-, • • ••• 1490 Telescopes, 1638Thermometenr, ; .:: •• .1643 • Meizotint Engravings,' • .:‘• 1650 Air kuinps, 1651 . Electric machines; . • • .J 855 . Pendulum clocks,- • :•.:.1690 Clarionet, • • . • ..1 6 ,06*' ' W 4!, 1707 • . Prussian : - 1709 , • SlereotyPing„. •', ; • ~1715,' .Mercurial termoneter,. • ": •• -e ianci.Fints •'• •• J 738 • Solar rnicrosCotie,'.; :;*•• • - ' _:•.Litbogrephy. . . , There are. seyeral . German inven cr wtijete*ic.iannot ascertain the date— siitttiai iciallniehei.: . the*modern . screa, auger, and ' girirlet;- tbe Lcindle- for harvesting, &c. Surely :a whicti-heis made such contributions to the interests oflitersture -and the , nits, nitiet.ocenci'y a • filet: rank IniCtellect• 'and Ingenuity. Germany may truly be called the :brain of the world. _,.~, _ ._s r. , _— ice. -,~- _ ..-,-:-ITtle Lt4etti'lluatOnag'ot Sile.Dai'l V . Dur citizens. all'renienther . Doctor 'iOtirl , P t :Prn/7 .t ' des, the great Mail iretiher,-WlinWia'-',tiiedin't l 4.' City; found guiltytiadr,sont,to theilenitentiary,.an :, there died Be practiced isa-pliytilejati;Ja:'Vnttrit.'. tette, Pa., and suceeetteiViti - secaring:ina inameone' number of patients. R ;Vine a consumatn tine tivery ignorant and illiterate spetimeo of humanity. It was pinyon Ori thetrial thatliecould not,.write . his own name - Ths pretended Co-Cure every ill to which hereon flesh is subject,- - and.arnengst other :'• things'professed lo . eurti 'file Cholera.' His ~ Extract - of Lightning t" "'EI iloy " &c, about which so much - genuine humor was indulged in ',at the trial, were discovered tebenothinghtit Brandy! . It seams non , ' however . tliat same Yankee speculators era determined to carry out the villairmis imposture of Braddee, and hambug the people, by selling'"-Cato]- era Medicine? prepared front a recipe, said to have been "procured from the mother-in-law of the de , 'ceased Dr : Braddee, at great ixpense F!! - The f e llow. ing which we find in the Louisville Courier, we r .- .. presume is taken from a Uniontiawn . paper (From the ori -ittal reetptee the let Pr. .7:fle, P. Bradtteel - Crtotr-nA'Mrolcirm.—The reeipea tor this valua ble medicine has been procured from the mother-in law of, the deceased Dr. Dradtleh, atgreat expense. The many enffea. In ,which it has preset:l'olomi) , suc cessful during the contagion of ;1832, as wei r ' as.esf the prevent, induces unto put AM the hands •of the people, feeling an entire confiderice;in its:merits. Wo here give an ,extrant of a letter received from Me. Many, a California emigrant,,, to the.editersif the Pennsylvania Democrat ; 'as also an cditerial no- tics" from the came paper, which shows the astonish ing effects of this valuable"mcdiCine..... r" We publish to day, en interesting letter from one of our. California boys. 'The writer. mentions that sumo -eighteen persons were cured of cholera while passing, up the Missouri, on-board the Steam boat, by the use of Dr. Draddee's Cholera Medicine. The Doctor, in hie erosperons days. vended some re markable medicines, to which he assigned -curious names. -- We remember one he called the "Voroity poigaty,” others,“The.Extract of Lightnieg,"> "El Roy," ' , lndian Gutrifolla,r , &c.. There was'one kind that lie.thretted to be taken by the patient till it produced era hot perspiration of heat!" This per haps is the cholera medicine, or *t.The Extract of Lightning." ' " * . -- - ' It We understand that Itlrn.tollins, the mother-in law of the late Dr. Braddee," who lives some two miles from this place, has the receipt for making tho medicine mentioned by. Mr. Ilaekny---and it' it be - an infalliable remedy for cholera, as it would seem:; 'to be, from • the testimony of Mr. IL—no matter what it is made of, whether- it he thunder or light ning, or anything else, i 1 it -, F ill cure thi4 axial mgt. ady it should be in the hands of the afilieted. - "We have got this far 'without sickness or - neeli dent to ourselves or property - --but the bog that Mr. Ile.ifen and myself: came from .lit. Louis . to. Inde pendence on, had spine 20 cases of cholera aboard. There were two physicians on hoard, but they could not render any ant to the sick, but Nowelitellen had some of old Pennell's or - Braddeess rnarlimee. along, which be gave to ihem arid eured'them al most immediately. There were two cases hooescr, that did-not take the medicine, and both of them died.!' We do not deem it eecessary to ;uric fotthcr etc taleatex, as we feel assured that if the Mrdieine is taken properly, it will afford - immediate relief. "Ail orders addresacil to SKILES &MAW, Drug gist, Unioutown,,Payette ce.Po„ a.xemp st i e d with cash, Will receive prompt attecban. . . . Terms:s.4'A per bottle, or $40,00 per dna. , Asa matter et course, Odds the Courier,' this en termising old rotioee, this specimen of depravity, whose faculties were steeped atuldyed in ianuraace. was the very man to intent nostrum e.„. The Masi V.-110 was aide to out do Pemethees mid make an el. tracer.:' lightning wits JIM the matt fur iknilithillee s Anil i...t of teillittlinlY ei a Caltrornise emigrant la the *cry thing for gulls.- now rich in enor,,,, :r 4re ~t h e tae CARVE wise dill nottake the medicine and died, " Oit a. matter eremite 1 how gingerly Merwrs„:,:kae s a- Shaw Wk of the deceased friaddee!--Itew ten. rot, snosuct W. Dtrick. tierly ti.ty veil over the feet that his iirt lectnionted A r.otrespondent of the liellidaysburgh Standard., jo 4 PonitehltarY rot tobia,tit. • • ' ' . -.. 1 ir, however, the rear-. o ne , tie Pt. 3£-3 Brad. w . ~,,,,.. himself'" A F.:rim-Name Yellnteer.' dro „ ~b oilidt by 40 , th,tsce, ilia ; nor. friend 0-I.oe S. nominates our excellent friend Cot S. W. &sot, of I New York nibune oilers something trifidlitile so tt,-.: - this city, as the DelnottAth; cal tae;,' ilez - CretPtllin, e 4 it 4 Ti 3) "Un" Cr 1 " NV'''. II" vaYot • as the. nest Gubernaterial election in Pennsylvania. ' Cli ' ac " 4)113 t y ' , • -1 ? , . ~c olieotoll-1 Felitebt• Thd following is etc ‘13 btr, has - mad* up an amulet, whi , :h it nom op colutnuMeation 0 , /lu ded to t or , t h e peratni, 110 Isss.4 is c , ..... X.4; . - . :• . ,,-X4o : :.:4j..4it:;':i': f l)p:tol . '. P . F.Xi'4,ID 17r9R',;!1 . .N . D TAPPRrETML 'Pezioicroratte !State Cauventliour. iltAr An adjourned meeting of the Committee to make arrangements for the Democratic State Con vention, will be held at the office or the Morn- . ins . . Port, this evening, at S o'clock. Punctual at tendance is .requcAted. . The following gentlemen constitute the Commit• tee, viz: John B. Guthrie, Jeliii : Biriningham, John Lecky Harper, Alci..l:lleck;Jacoh McCo:lis• ter, J. R. MeClinteek, E...D..Glizzarri; - and IL S. Magraw. By order. JOHN B. - GUTHRIE, Chairman. . . We publish below, forth° information of our Debit ocratic friends, the names of those who have been mentioned for the various offices, to be filled in Al legheny county this fall, as far as we have heard • j REPRESEISTAT/VES Dr. Jemas R. fri'Clintock, Peebles. L. BA'atterson, 'Collister, City, Jacob— M • • Daniel W.earts, rr Major Black, Upper St. Clair. Jchn ROA, City: - Thomas Allegheny. J. Turbett, Snowden. • Joseph. Cociper, Moon. Jacob Whiteaell, Pine. • SIIERITT: William Kerr, Upper St. Clair. Jonathan Large, Jefferson. --- Elijah Trovillo, City. J. Salsbury, Biriniagham. tosittisstosnea t James Wallace, Baldwin. Joseph O'Brien, Manchester. James Gray, 4th street. James Barr, Birmingham. • John 1511ilaren, Indiana. - eriestomarttav ' James A. Gibson, Pine. licojantin t Elizabeth. TREASURER : John . C. Dacia, City. • CORORER: Lentil Rea, City. J. %V. Buhoup, Ailegheni. Dr. J. tt. McClintock. 'We take great pleasure in presenting to our read ers the following communication, recommending our friend Dr. Jaya! R. MeCianrock, to the favorable consideration ofthe Democratic Coda) Convention, art a candidate for the Legislature. A purer nod batter Democrat cannot be found in the country, and Isis unquestioned popularity, would secure for him, if nominated, the cordial support of the people: Ms. !JASPER :—1 have observed, In your creel-- leas paper, a number of communications, recom mending vanous worthy Democrats as candidates for the Legislature : Permit an old Jackton Decn oCratic Republicau, to add to the liar the lnote of oarmutual friend Dr. .1.- it. hleCtasroes, of Pee blF.i township. Ido not think it necessary to eulo- OS the Doctor, or set limb his claims land merits atilerigth. The niece mention of his name, 10 Col.. nection with the Asecmbly, adl bo suffictcnt to tu.: sure his nomination; and tf .nominated, I do not on tertain a single doubt of his triumphant election. • • ; VETO. a certain pretreattltte. Fbr the Signaled. i ottlinit c hoir s. The powders:anti:lard in the tito. A. Nochtataaacci.i.o.Vlto Second:Vs it I ales, if taken internally, Ws. otan a presentatie-= I However, thut may be, the - LW:tibiae tor cockroach:. Me ' r ' r ' rrua '..-111°.."4.it sail !'_''' - P r f m _ atm!' and . '• swe can Ct 'lffy, ire-Mae death tatlatiapetitifig-: t o : m an y a t m, oily re .order at Ty. 9 Itintr+titralVilga.r.l.__.tinin. standing. I, ono oCtlic nraitelre•—and a destine-rat born •Ou„„'' t Yost.* 3 revival of the old doctrine :Ct.. , Ki+tia. ••••431 the olcrKeyelone, e;ial.e,bcrelly 1 • solitary and 1 . _ w __, ___ __. i __ ",„ U. ~_.__ use: ~,.. slime," o ff er CVII. 1 :••• Cit.:LW:WIM ACK, uf Ali e. 1 IX / el "" n 7 e 7 o r t i t ' , P,,": l3 : l ls t.. ." a cl • ' 0 7 , 17 4 : .i . : . f0...yi,..,(f. con.tri , ,,iti , , f,, , h,.,,,,P.„ 6 „Pice r i c a tra f ,,, 4l : 1 ' :e.talit o , slip *erne of the mysiteriey of Fenner:an dilate ." '' ' ''ern"l.-1-- r-s- -4 ' --11 : - --- " ..- ' tnte the brain, arte'o3Cy Mr! CIPI!MjCIetI. by r4rEarr a . n o r i n ou r slate, • 1 wi4'litit at aillkleee A° 3 11 30 " - -.. (I' ' thanholism. Th msta it roe ' re CalllZlCraltoo lar.ifir Clairl3t Or' tiiattuti, or ; my ressons r 7°l '''' ~,TI Ln , c __,_ 4 ' ' Y , t hat la certain. for making such a move at this ttineclibt stake it lucurl "'' to say, that lic hat been tong enough before the bonene of them and sine:l I f the late w o our cou con yntr test with Meti, and identified as Earl! I had been atnliitioas, I shocid have sought 'o i o xico he an alliance with that powerful institution ;the at very emphatically told the enemies 0 1 1 ,, A CautarY Slate, Lank,) watch even now typlres to no divided who and what he was, end if a candidate in the nest empire. if I had been venal • l should hare sold gahernatorial contest, he will conytnee the all i es of myself to deck-signet had I preferred personal ease, Memo in this State. U. thoroughlr a. he did Santa to the pet:Am:lance of my arduous duty, I sltould Abn; at the siege of Puettla, Ittott•tieit not to be beat ec o . to mote,' it. in u m history o f congotro l iir ten. . A PENNSyLVAMA rOI.I2NTEER. and uturpers never, in 0 e tire ci youth, nor , in tho ...,......_ ....- -vigor of manhood, could '1 find an attraction to at. For the Morning. Ant. lure me from the path of duty; Drill flaw , I shall . Re. Bird's Cholera. Cure. tearcely find an inducement to ci.mmmace Ile-career . Ma. Ilanetti : 1 of ambition, whet' gray ilafra and a decayed frame, your paper of Saturday morning contain , an an I- tn,laccati o i f u t: o lv . iti o n i g o t , o ho t f oil v. a . : r d id t:tt w le 4er e e •ill c s o i c e t u n t •Lh i st , count of the late remarkable discovery of Dr. Bird, r c . cTr t e m to P he Itnnored, and ustir . pore espatial i c their act:imago, of a rctuedy Ir- Cholera. The reputation crime'. The only ambition I can feel, it to acquit of Dr. It. need. no Further endorsement from the I myself to llon,to whom I must.soon render an lic it) to Pellet my felloly-men hods id' an acquaintance who knows him well, as coons lino of r ru fle i rd 3 a r a d d 6h ho i ante l l in . Wt . :nowt, of my 11;:s discovery comes before the public with scientific country. nfo, the, ambition eitich lead, too on, is explanations For the remarkable results, fully endor- an notions desire, and lived determination to return sed by names not unknown to 'awe. Iltill s , the , fol. to the people, unimpaired, the tarred thin they have confided to my charge—to heal the wound, of lowing. tetifinionial from a gentleman..in ,Chicago, inflicts:to a ; friend in this city, will the constitution, and to preserve it from further-vie. serve to thew tattoo; to persuade my cotiotrymen to far 31 , I may. how the remedy in regarded there, and May prove of that a is not in a splendid government supported by • init.rest to your readers: ' ' powerful monopolies and aristocratic cstablivbroents, hat they will find happiiseiv, or their libertlet pro .l. The Cholera of late is considered of no more t t ected ; but in a plain sy‘ a• tem, void of pomp, pm consequeria than the measles, c tben.pos, Etc. Dr. tentin le g all, and granting favors to none ; du/pertain d Bird has:discovered a remedy that ht's proved sue ita btaings like the dews of Heaven, unseen an cessforlEa windier of cases in different stages of . u . nie u l t t e , s to a t r o w i i d i u t e li t e . frames* and beauty they en tiv thedfiffAite, and some of them really desperate. The fAttnrisiv Jneutort.' ~• rebedge4 nothing more priest than pills made ll '''' We recommend this beautiful extract to the Sit/Artii nod Cloircuar. 'The Doctor given it to the [ world for the . benefit or suffering humanity, and careful perusal of the little handful of conservatives daft/i no reward but the credit of tho discosery." , in this eit)_thepa„ioto t ,;h o d„ orted t h e D emoem _ il'foTe sir TIIC Ebr/Va.- We 31 ; 4 present to our cy and united with fives and Talmadge in the sup" -Yeadera to-morrow, no article front a scientifie gen- r that f Iniquity,United St te porta mower o ,the a it 'Altman of this city, on Ozone, which Dr. Dint alleg ... . Dank; who aftorwarda supported Harrison and Ty ,o to ha the Cholera poison. The substance has der; who oppmd the e l ect i on or C ut. sh un k ari d bit recently been discove.ed,a4d is evolved by elec. William B. Foster; and who are now advocating trinity. The natio is printed "Azone" in the Ga- whig measures, and libeling the purest and hest of vine, and some medical men supposed it to be azotc, Demo cra t s as ii agrarians," " loath:it? "ale-Imm 'or nitrogen. Ozone is derived from a fireck• word, politicans," lke.,litc.J Which signifies, to emelt, from the peculiar odor of the poison. If it combines with sulphur, as Dr. Bird satate!,*n it la at once - accounted for why Pittsburgh hasbot been visited with the Cholera; and it affords Os the cheering hope that our sal . pliumuti atmosphere is a protection against'that ter rible disease, which is filling. the grave -yards of the cities around tie. ' , Payette County Nonilnattons. ._ _ The Democracy of Fayette county held an elne• tine on the .22,1 of Jana, - tor the purpoan of nomina ting a - ticket to be supported in Ootoher. The return 'judges niet at Uniontown, on the . 4th inst., and upon .counting the ballots, announced the following result: As/tem/4.-Imm) P. DownerOciimph E. Griffin. Tieusurer.—Nattinniel Cgmrastioner.—Jacok Haldeman. • ' .:Auditor.—Dasid Doy Armun. Poor Rouse Directror.—Eve . rhart bierer. (if the toxemie of this ticket by a lirge majority there is no manner Lf doubt.. • Cowley. Convention. - in pursuance of the call of the Central Committee, the Return Judges and Central "Committee.-mon, 'elected In the several toivnships, met' at - the Court house, in Uniontown, on the 4th day of Juno. On -motion, JOHN FULLER was called tOthe Chair; and the Hon. ELI AIIIIAHR anil ,DAT/D WAREVIF.LD eltiosen Secretaries or the Convention. After the examination and report timin the returns from the difTerent-townships ; on motion, of John 1.. Dawson, Esq., Di. Slam FOr.t.r.a and 01. C. D. EICTIMIX, were elected Delegates to the State Con - vention, to ho held at Pittsburgh, on the 4th of July nett; William Y. Rdbirts, Esq., George Whiting, 'and W:111. Irwin, Esq., &ere also appointed Confer ees, to meet with. the Conferees from Greene ci . on. tyifor the purpose.of Choosing a_Senatorial deleg te; and were instroctedlo vote • fur Dr. John Patr clr. On motion, . • . ' Rooked, That:the Delegate's!to ihe State Convert. fiat); be instructed to support ihe nomination of JOHN A. GAMBLE, for the °Chen of Canal Commis bioner. I=Mllll . . MONDAY MORNING, JUNE II; 1899. Candidates for Nomination. From Mc thoiOntpwll. aValiS df Liberty. ' b i g -'" .L: 7:\ • :~ ti. '7 ;4474 •Zt I=l2ll=l For At Morning Post. :—The Whig Convention having met and put in nomination, persons to fill the various county offices, and also to represent this county In' the next Leginlatitre ; it now behooves the Democ racy to name a like number of persons, to be suppor ted by the party for the same offices. Ia nominating their candidates, they should bo carchil to select such persons as would represent fairly and honestly; all classes of the commutiity,and not the interest of one to the injui y of another; persons that know the wants of the peple, and will apply the proper rerun• thy to correct the evil. It is not my object to name persons for all the offices in the county, but simply nee, that I consider suitable to represent the city of Pittsbur g h in the next General Assembly. Without wishing to detract from the merits (Irony of the gentlemen already named, in connection with the office of representative, 1 would present the name .of MAJOR DANIEL WEARTS . , as one,' in every way qualified to fill that exalted station. Mr. Weans has been long known in this community, ae an hon. cut hard working mechanic, and as a morns and eon tlietela Democrat, and ono that has contributed no lade; to' the honor and tßlCCe!63 . 'l)i' the party.iit this Elate. He has- already worked an a private in .the links, seldom, if ever asking fbr office. His natal itation by -the Damorrptic convention would be Warmly stie.onded by.all who know him, and by none' more so-than A WORKINGMAN. • MR. BARPEII:- 1 .4011 'Oll please antionne'e !the name. of JO2isC. Dims.; ksq., as a enneithitnAP.P. County Treastarer,.. - anbject tu the Jecinkiin4fith4.' Democratic County Convention. ? • • -E MANY ANYDEMOCRATS of the Sixth Ward. ., • 1 . . . . . A willow is growing op in the . .Washingtun navy yard, which was brought from the tomb of Napoleon' on the island of St. Helena. . . . . . :••••••• • t` . •‘'n're.' , lztargr. -- ---.•--, ----,; ...,.:„ .........„..._ ~,,, _ .. '.• . . - /7..,t:•.:,..: 0 :• - •-_• , ..Y.4., „4::::• ,, , , ,..,...... a , ..1.4,;,. , , - ..: - •-.•-:• , . , •• -••••..__ ~\- - 7.,.-...--,-,- -.',...,.-,.---, , 7-• , ..-...:.••••••- ^r - 1.---4.; - , t--• , -+ •- - •-• • . -- : p ,- •• - `,4.....i.i.r.**, erre; '',....•••••••y0xi...,-....e.....: -*.,...-.- , 4.............. •. . .'• L.' • '.' ge''.., •" ..44f:14.-11 " ; A l ' - ^ 4 4lzif,Si*"..1‘t... , `- ....,;,*-' ''' l- ' , t.;, - 4 , i 4 -(1.:_•,,, , &- t -7. --io..t-r‘..g,:l ,:,•,;.-, t- i f,i 4 , '"4" . . Vw - i, r1. .r1ea....it - i` -1 -."1: t,, , e‘ A,54,11,5iec0vi4. 4 7 , --:. • ••• 77....aM.F4.471,4 , ..*:-I,t v... 47 f-•: ,- 7, :•- - - - - • • ''. •- . -,• . •• •,. .• • .•••• • . ~4-1. 1 .4 C•4 ,- ...N•t , X:,,<.•• '44^ 0-4...,,x1vi aa ,..0., ~,..,t . ..- 1 .,:,...a-,74 : .... , 1 4. ,, , ....f . , 4 ,,,,t r _ ~... - - • 14... - -.50•-•1' *';:." • .r. •.. C.;4 • z.;•• :- i ',:l , •,.i1it!,...,.. ~.., ~ • r . ••••.r.....r...C.:-....,i,... EMIMM EDzworclikL are`. The Westeheider Republican suggests the name of Simnel Holman of Illastisburgh, as a suit. able etindidate fcir Canal Coinniissioner. ~...*. T he St. losePh (fito.).Gazettet ail° 25th ult. . The Cholera has made its appearance among sayeraLof the Indian tribes on the opposite side of oe . river, and a late number have died. It is said -to be. raging to an alarming silent- nnaoug some of the tribes. Several haie also died with Small Pox." • b The Frontier , Journal, published at Weston, M?. 82Y8 We have been • vrithout a Postmaster at this place for some two months. We wish that the administration would fill the vacancy pretty soon, if it is With tothing but a 'Taylor man. , . thillr In Fairfield, S. C. a colored slave named Julius, had been kindly reared by his mistress, Alm Martha T. Hudson. His devotion to her was with out bounds. Recently, Mrs. Hudson died, where up-on Julius, overwhelmed with grief, seized a pis tol and shot himself through the head.. ers," It appears that the . population of France amounts to 36;950,000 inhabit ants.—Of this number, 2,412,000 live' exclusively tiPon public charity; in addition to whiCh-7,334.,600are inscribed upon the 1 poor lists. . 110 . .10hn W. Crafts, who has been on trial for some time, before the United Slates District Court at Boston charged ,with attempting to defraud Inert ranee Companies, by .canspiring with others, to de_ stray ship Franklin', lwas acquitted on Tuesday morning. The jury were out nine hours. 'Ca• • Robert Walsh E 'our Consul in Paris, is sq. . said to be pr e paring: . work on France and the French, which will' eintwari , 9 . history of the late revelution—of which ho was a witness—and sketches of the moo, prominent characters therein. His work, being written in France, will ho more inter. ebting and reliable. A magnificent 'Odd Fellows' procession took place on Monday last in New York, on the occasion attic consecration of the Odd Fellows' Ilan, corner of Crand and Centre streets. There were upwards of 6000 persons in the lido. Several original odes, written esprersly for the occasion, and an address by C. Edward Lcatri were delivered. A great fete also came off in the evening, which was numerous ly attended. There li• a Hood Time Coming. TUE Tunct GIICAT ETENT3 IN }:I:110rE.-.- Vitro gnat eventa claim, et the present moment, our chief attention-41)e advance of the Russian troops into Ifuogary, the approach of a French army to Rome, and•lastly, the prospect of a reri one contest between all the existing governments of lieimany. ond 1:117:0 fll3-1,C5 of the people al- Teariy pledged brisk everything in defence of na tional unity and Dinuictatic institutions. We be- Ilieve that, in thls.enuntry, these scent,. are unani monsty fer s anted. by men of all p.irties, with seri : ous apprehensions, and sincere regret. They bode !no good. to Europe. or to CAI times me live in. IThew menace the World 3. , 1!11 a conflict of extreme paftst._ as the tempest blacireas, day by day, it it impossible to deny that the chances of any rational coinpnunise or nejustment of these dil -1 tier:Ceg dimiaixh, Iltid they are left more and more' Ito the arbitration or the sword. Yet, even ahen this conflict ha been fought mid won. the victo . en rious,parry; mbithever it may be, wilt be alike nhartasseit to restore the tranquility of society, and tl,c•authoritjr:of goveintnent, tuber by the force of military 'despotism, or' by the license of May 10. The able :organ prhilege does not hesitate 1.1 adiML tfritt in the general crash of er- S. in the Old world, it -.wilt le bard for the Eng euiv.4/inelli.e stan-1 firm The -remit it j deplores