ESME ~fisteilattcons LVPTERS PA:TENT,. IDittll3l,lo. A.TTENnorz is solieiteil t o an entireness" , : article of RA1D111(.4.-ninde-of 'wrought iron. bars, and soft - tinfrettled rods, or wire, and expreitry.lesigned -10 r-enclosing Cottages;Cemeteries,- Balconies; • Public , Groundt, Ere., at pricetlritryingfrom,so centatOl33,6o the - running foot. , - It is made in pannels of oath: MS tenths, 2} to 4.feet high,,with wrought iron posts It inch' square, at Intervening distances of 6 to' If desired, the 'pi - noels canoe made of any - beiglit, in continuous spans - -of 6010.60. feet, with or without posts. No extracharge ' - The .comparative lightness, great strengthand durabil itY of the WIRE RAILING, the beauty of its varied or -min:mutat designs, together wititthe extremely low p rice _atwhich ills sold, arc causing itito,supersede the Casc _ Iron-Railing, wherever theix_comparauve raerits_have: been -tested_ For farther particulars addtiss -• • . htARSHALL .Sc BROTHE. , - . Agents for Patentees, lint27:3nal Diamond alley, near Sm___________ltficldst.Pttsburg. Hardware, 4.lestileer, Saddlery, eke.. 'TORN WALIIEIt, Imparter anal Dealer ill Foreign and -Dmestic" Hardware, respectfully announces ,to his :friends and the public generally, that he in now reeciv - tag his Spring supply of Hardware, Cutlery, Saddlery, &c., at his stand, No. E 5 Wood street, which he will dis . pose of on the tnott reasonable terms. He Will continually be receiving fresh supplies direct from the manufacturers in Europe and this country; wbieb will enable him to compete with any house, East orWest:He purlieularlf invites the attention" of customers to his excellent assortment of Table and Spring Cutlery, - Etc. - which is of fashionabte patterns-and from the most poinlar.manufacturers. • • His Mock of Carpenter's 'Pools is ;urge, and of excel ': s • Of general Hardware stock, he loan every variety .of Western Merchants and dealers, geneirrilly, are -,in vita to call and examine his stock.- are rtgi. .• ,AM now receiving, direct from the 'manufacturers in T I. New York, Philadelphia and Baltimoreos large and - well selected assormient of rill the latest and most-im proved ayles of Satin, Glazed and common rAPER. - HANGINGS, consisting-• .10,000 pieces of Parlor and Fresco ; .'- 10.000, . Hall and Column; - 20,000 : " Dining-room , chamber and office Paper Which I Would particularly invite the attention of those having Rouses to . Paper; to cull - and examine, at the. -Paper Warehouse of . - S. C. HILL, Paper Hangings. . mussu.s. JAS. HOWARD Co , Nose? Wood street, - would call the attention of the public to their pretest stock of Paper Hangings, wtich, for variety, bemty of finish, durability and cheapness,isunsurpass - ed b) any establishment at the Union. Besides a large and fad assortment of Paper , ot their own manufacturc,they are now receiving a direct im popanou of French and English 'Styles of Paper Hang ings,.purchased by Mr. Levi Howard, one of the firm, now in Europe, consisting Parieian manufacturel . r • 10,000 pieces. Of thetr,own manufacture, they have .100,b00 pieces Wall Paper, •mad 11.000 pieces Satin Glazed Window Messrs. James Howard& Cm, have spared neither ex pense Dor labor in their endeavors to rival the Eastern 'Wall Paper establishments, bath in quality of manufac ture and variety - of pattern, and they are warranted in assuring the public that they have succeeded. The whole assortment, foreign and borne manufacture, will he offered on terms as low as those ofEastern manufaCturers and importers. marl; Jostivta Rhodes, • X 157 11OLEbALI, Flll,lrEtsa AND CONFECTION . ER, NO. Woad street— . SSD boxes Oranges; . 500 cans Sardines; • , , e.. 15 " Lemons; 800 " I.Bodozen Lemon Syrup; 1504r." 1000 drums Figs;. - 400 boxes Harting; 9.00 bx.s Raisins, in layers; '2OOO Coo:lariats ; - 150 bd. lixs. - 8 boxes PaIICCUOrti; 100 " " , . Vermacilla ; 75 bails hairs Almonds ; 25eases ass'd Pickles, • - . 100 boxes shelled" 40 casks Currants; EtbalesUordeai `•x " 100 tbs. cut Tissue Paper; 10 4 "; Malaga ". 50 rma. white Kiss Paper; 3 " paper slici'd 15 eases Prunes ; ' 3 " hard 15 " 15Mats.Drites ; '• - . 41.1 bags Filtieris; 4 cases Liquorice ; 30 "• AValunts; 10 tbs. Vanella Beans; 50 " CreinaNuts ; 20 bas ANo Ro'h Candy; 40 Pecans; 20 stiee and yet. " 10 bids. " • 8 MACS Florence Oil; Just received and for sale by mar 29 JOSITUAIIIIOOES, m cheap . Groceries. . 7 1 ,d. zens of Pittsburgh and vicinity that they have a Open ed a NEW GROCERY and PRODUCE STORE, t the 'S. W. corner of Third and Ross streets, whichwdl be in connexion with our Old Stand, N: R,. corner of Fourth and Ferry streets.' ' Having ninurled onebartner, with " Quick' Sales and StOOl) Pirfits" as its motto, we ask a share of public pa tronage. Annexed we glie a Bit of our Retail Cash prides 'Bea Rio Coffee, 8 dents {3':h.; 15 tbs. for 411,00.' " N. O. Sugar, (old) 6,/ eta. p. b..; 18 Rai '. . for 91,00. "."'N.O.Surmr(new) 5 "" " Rosin Soap, 5 " " Mould Candles, 12/ " " 91 " " 'Dipped " 10 """ 11 " .. • «.S. 11.111olasres, 1.21. " " qtr; 49 cts. .gallon. • it- t.‘ 91) Box Raisin s. (new) T2ic. " Rice, 18 lbs. forSt r UO, or 4/ f0r23.. Ms; Young Hyson, . Gun Powder and Black Teas, from 50 cents to tb_ linker's Chocolate. Schmitz , Sweet Spiced "do,; Baker's Cocoa, Crushed and Palrerized Loaf Sugar, Kentucky ISTustard, Java Coffee, Olive 0.1, 3.e. Spices of all kinds, in r-itvry variety. " Our gobdi are new, our stock Complete, and oar prie es • irreproachable. We most 'respectfully ask -a can. from the heads of families, that they may judge our goods and prices. Thankful for past favors, we ask a continuance of the sa m e . S. hi. YOUNG & CO. • N. W. corner of Fotirth and Ferry, fatr3 And S, NV. corner of Third and Ross streets. imk•ORTANT TO HOLISKKEEPERS, Steam Boat Owner* mad Hotel ILeepera. ATORTON'S UNIVERSAL COOKI STOVES are ..I.` o l.- offered as the best Cooking Stove in Market, having a new principle applied for heating the oven, that bread, meats or any article creating steam or va p or , can be baked and retain its [laver the game as-when baked in a .britk'oven or reflector; also, in point of removing,. in saving time and hael. - The public are invited to examine .the Shave. - For sale only at N 0.112 Second street, sign of the Gilt .:tire, where reference may be had to families who have them in use. Also, thirty different patterns of Cooking Stoves, plain and fancy Grates, Office anttParlor Stoves, !cc., &c. larr4:d3m) A. & C. BRADLEY. Hodkinson''s China 9to ro THE subscriber respectful) y informs ihe Ladies , "... of Pittsburgh. Allegheny and vicinity. that he has l moved to a more commodious house, No. 50 Wood street, near the St. Charles Hotel, where he has opened 'and it opening 500 packages of Dresden, Berlin French and English CHINA and QUECNSWARP... Please call And see them—for to describe them is impossible... The stock embraces every thing in the business, useful or or namental: luplsl M. DODKINSON. • G-lii-XiititlTUtTrart ey, MANG FACT BRE RE OF FINE RICH JEWELRY; • .r.risvAßD TODD dr, Cal.,Aseints, N. E. corner Fifths and Market sic, {up strum) Pittsburgh. have on hand, and axe daily receiving from the r manufacturers. a large stock of Goods, whichwe .are prepared to offer to Dealers only, at the manatee ' wets' lowest wholesale prices.—bluster and Real 'Stone Set Breasi-pins; Engraved, Plain Heap Stone Set . Ear and Finger Rings; Plain Gold, Engraved and Stone Set Etsid; Slide=, Watch Heys, &c., &c. . • - .Ainong oar Goods can be found some of the most de sirable and approved styles of Stone Sets now , in use, viz Ruby, Tnrkciis, Topaz Anathyst; Garnet, &c., &c. - Dealers, purchasing Fine Jewel ry, will'End it for their advantage to examine our stock. Bard ¢ Brother's best Premium Gold Pens. with and without cases, he offers for sale at the lowest New York prices: (apl3). • EDWARD TODD & CO. .. 43 Scrip Right Bide Up." 110 GAN Sc. T CANWELL are, Just opening, at No. 00 Market stteet and at the new front oa the North east side of the tliamond, a splendid asisorttnent of nd Ea Fash ionable Bonnets; Leghorn Hats,: Breast-pins, r a Finger Rings, Black and Fancy Silk Gravy ss, with anon numerable collection of Variety Goods, which can and will;be sold at the cheapest prices. 6plo HOGAN & ciuirrwELL. Terrible ReVOIUtIOII--Stari Triumphant% HOGAN & CANT Wk.. 1,14, (sign of the +IVO No. SO Market street, would respectfully beg leave-to call the attention of the public to their new stock of Goods, teceived and opening from mtutufactureri - arid M . p orters , of which theyfeet confident that price and anal ' .='iry will give entire satisfaction, as our motto Quirk - Saies,aud Small Profits." . • • • Onr stockconsists, partly, of dm following srtieles,vizt Ladies' and Gentlemen's Breast Pine, late styles tGuard and Vest Chains; BraCCICI.IS, Clasps and Lockets; Fin _ ger and-Bar Rings; -Pencils and Pens; Slidesand Studs; Steel Buckles, for Ladies , Head Dresses; ISltulalon's Card Cases, shell, pearl and velvet; Coral Beads ; baster Botes ; fine Rosewood and Ebony Shaving Cases, furnished ; Slyer Spectacles; Silver Spoons, all kinds; : SANTA...Spoons, all kinds ;.Silk Steel Bead Bags , and Purses; Cotton Baca and Purses; Heir, Tooth, tail and Cloth Brushes; Violins, Accordeonz, Flutes and fine-Penknives and Scissors; Globes and Paper - "Chida -- lioldhrs , ases, Fruit Shell, Dress Bankets , and Si Agate And de Combs, latest Glass „Vases sUles; . V. , Mtg., and - Cologne Bottles; Tables, Chessman and BaagaMMOßTiaards; Silk Tapestry; Bruisels and In- Brit . !) Carpet Saga - Willow, Minket and Side Baskets.; 6airs,.\V agoras , - &e., &c., with a large nitwit ntent of nyr and Fancy Articles; teo numerous to men. $2O 000 5 4 W H" AA Gold Watches' 110 Silver assorted Watches; • • • 59 dozen Razors, assorted 350 " Gloves, kid, silk, lisle thread and cotton ; • -- :150 • Stockings; assorted ; ' 190 " Gent Suspenders; 'l7s.Ft:each Accordeons ; • 359911 k Parasols ; • 400 Umbrellas i . Silk ; • • 60 )bs. Serving :215 doa Sp .ns, assorted ; 1200 00l Thread, assorted ; • 75 gr.•grois Pearl Buttons; •:." 100 gross La-sting, assorted ; 400 "Sooks at.d By es; • ' 60 Basket Wagons ; . • 'With a large assortment of Jeivelry and . Fancy Goods, *Rena Baskets , - Steel and Silk Bags, Silk-Parses, Steel Beads, Pocket-Books, Fancy - Soaps, new style Vases. very fine Scissors, Pen 'Knives; a - large assortment of - Combi of every description; with a large stock of Trim; Mings. " The undetsigaed will be happy to itceommodate his frienet and the public Whlt'any,thing In his line for 'Allsgheny City, Allegheny County. and eittsburgh-:CitY Scrip—equal p or tions of citch--At :17 Marketstreet. Giing!l ms ALARGRanditandsonteasiortinent of newest styles, „,'particaltirlY adapted to City trade, tun received by sr pg . gAmeTopr, SMITlik Co. trP At — kk". . superior-Article of Printing 'and Paper, of vitrious sizes; constantly. on t S and and for sale. - - - -S. BILL, :"..4151 . • . - 'F.l;Wood_street. ' - , 1-r - - 4: .a 1 . ,... .11 , - ' - fr.,"" ''''" , ' - "F" , '":. 4 C'''''''" l "' - ''. 2,,..-- I" ,-- Vt -- ~----s. - " '.., , ,'-', ,t i"'. - .7-Vqi, = '`7:F:'' '' ' 4 ' . .; , 77 ,-- = -• '',,,.,,,, i_‘:.,4••, 4 ,,,1"....k. • - •' 4 '''' '• ---.- ' , :zr - ''-...., ' 1: - t :' ''' . 4 l7 'l , ; - C-7 1:% '3 --..." - 1 , 4 "7- -V, ' ": * 4 ' Ar - :"1 - 4;4.";.. , : V{ . - , 41 ,- :;-' 4, - ,1 : 5 -i - . -, tA..?".fe:z '''' -4 .' , V2 ,,, k,14 . Zi . „:-.\ ;''''. - ''''''-'4,114 r , 4 ' I'3 4124 . ..,,1i5,p,..:,1;Ti ir's,:r k, -4`0 . j ., ;,,, , , - V4eA‘ :"1 .- '7* -4 -VV I,="' 7 :: __%:' '? V:;;t; l4 ' , 'f 4- h;lAi'4. - :'" - , ''''" ''' ''' r**,....,. _.:;--re.P4P4444•14,i1tri,44*'....,„..4%;:r,,4.,...N,,Ak*.11114w., _,-,1 4 0:0,,,WTt4 .51 0,-,0,4,r,4 -, 7.5..F)et-. ::. 4 - , -: -4 i ''''' -,- -' l •ti4=l - .0. 1 . -- • , ir , ...4x-.01.4t1ift.t.,. 1, ,,, v,.._i_ e,- - ,, -,, -' -- ..'s, •,' • , , , •.. .. - • t - -1 , --- , e-, • e s ~ ,, . - - -, ,, '„sz;`:e.-*...54,, z ,7-4 . .5c--, " ,, ,,, -s e•-•• - : - 4 , .. - .IA-_ ,- * • 'T. , ' '-, ,--e - . ;:....„-- - .. _ . . . . MSM WEEI= 1171yal, of Igervv.Spring Sunpuer Gpo4a FASHIONAIII.F.TIEAD_Q UART . ERS, sm. 2S "a/mart trawar,iteritoDettfiligtoVSECONDiraErr.., WERNEBBRO, • EspEcTFula.V infoltra;his , friend*. and lhe . public - in general, that he ha's received n.Vtily large supply of the choicest SPRING,ard SUMMER GOODS ever seen in Pittsburgh, selected by himself-in the East.eo,n slating of English, Preach and _Belgian . Cloths, Cassi meres, Vestings, Crishmaretts. Zliei, of all shades and 'colors, and of the latest - iiii3:ntest desirable patterns, which ' willte Made up to order in a superior style, and _at very Moderate prices. • lit has also on hand a very - large stock ofßeady made Clothing; vhich he will tell very low. ap233y • 311;•fol4'ZGIERALDf.: • NEW YORK CLOTHING STORE; . • . No:26s.liirket street. HAYING received (and receiving weekly) my Spring . : and Slimmer Goods; I um prepared to offer to thc: citizens and public in general, abetter lot of ready.made Clothing than has ever been offered before in Pittsbutgh;: = and at prices 25per cent. cheaper ihan clothe purchased! Many other Clothing establishment in this city. - - • [Er Don't forget to call at N0;26. • 'marl4—ty - E, FITZGER/tLD. GOLD: GOLD! GaLDI O'OPB CLOTHING EMPORICUM.* g 7: ROGERS respectfully informs his friends and . the public that he ha , - opened. his Naar CLOTIONG Stead - No-2 7 , Market street, between Front and Second, where lie will keep constantly on hand a large and Rune xiorasiortment °ideating, suitable for thopreseut season: Having lust returned from the - Fast with new and splendid assortment of Clothe, Cassimereatuid 7estings, of ate most:desirable patterns; which-will _be made up ou the shortest no,ice and in the most fasltianable styld on the one price cash - a:rattle, as low as can be , had at any other establishmenv in Potsburgh, Don't forget the place, but:call -at the CLOTHING 1 EMPORIUM.; No. 27 Market st,,, Pittsburgh: --(mr3l:3m The' spring and Summer Stock of READY-MADE - CLOTHING AT. THE THREE BIG DOORS, son Tee rnrissxr SEASON % - I AS NEVEA . SEEN ScALLVD 'Even by the Celebrated Establishment itsr/J. - THE. 'UNPRECEDENTED PATRONAGE bestowed .upourthe enterprise of the proprietor, has al.abled him tornurthase all ilia Goods at such prices as will allow him to sell, Wholesale and Retail, LOWER. than any other Heruse,East or West. - -JOHN ITCLOSKEY, iliaarricseturrr of Ready-ina4 Mating, No. ISl.Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa.,has just completed his Stock. and has now on hard, ready for sale, the largest, •mostfaMsonabk.and Varied rtstortm rift of READY-'MADE CLOTHING weer offered in the-Voited Statei;' all of whichhave been made under his imme diate inspection, in this city,sx I.II.I.CIA.TUAT ?ACV DATAIN etrimaamecx,together with one of the choicest selec tions:of Imported .fine Black, le ,B Brown. Olive and g Drab French, Belgian - sent_ EnIishCLOTHS, that hits ever.beeit brought to this city. Also, fine fancy VEST of,every description, such as Cashmeres, Mar seilleS, rich Silks:fancy Satin'. &c. All the new ' eat .styles fancy CASSIMERR - 1 of every description; all of which will be made up to order at the shortest no tice, in the latest and most fashionable style. The proprietor informs the public that the pritiCiple upon which-he will do business. will be ppon the basis of HONESTY and FAIR DEALING; and in orderte es tablish a confidence in the buyers, I am determined to ad hero to my originaimotha,"Ouick Saks Wu, SMOn Pre. fits;" and also rtanke the buyer his own salesman, to: markingthe lowest price on each article, in plain figures, so that each customer can select front an immense and exquisitely assorted stock,the articles he requires, atthe loss sat price it cps possibly be bought for. Business shall continue to be transacted at my exteen site establishment, which has long since obtained the character of being the - First Tailoring Establishment in PittsbUrgh: PRESIARVErY OU O. BOOTS ANDJOIOE—S. -- - 11 exchange, for E=maimel :; `_~ r ~. LEEWARD'S CELEBRATED LEATHER -Preserving Blacking. COh IPOSITION of Neabt-foot Oil and Ivory Black, A' for nourishing aud preserving all kinds of Boot and Shoe Leather, rendering it soft and pliable, and producing the most brilliant jet black, rpm/ to pateruteather, without communicating stain or spot ID tiOthin. - LEEWARD EC Ccr.MNo. P 6 Third sired, -um? treed,) in : -calling the-attention of to this beautifial Black-. Me. desire simply to state its peculiar composition and effects on the Leather. It is composed of heats-foot olt and pure ivory black, and render* the leather AS bnee soft and pliable, thereby Preventing the boots and Aloes ft= cracking. With one-fourth the labor-usually em the application of the ordinary blocking it produces the Most brilliant jet black polish. Imaginable, equal in every , respect to patent leather. and nerfr rubs off ori the pantaloons. Gentlemen are invited to call nt oar Store, No. *6 Third street, near Wood, and heretic black ipg tried on their boots, and where they tan see um:Vat:l*ot l 5,000 CERTIFICAT,ay. 1 From the moedistinguishedindividuals in the U. Mates, I all of whom recommend it as being, for besuly of polish, preserving the leather, aud facilay of application, the I most beautiful ever offered to the public. LEEWARDA. CO., mayllaf. SG Third street. near Wood, MO HOUSE-KEEPERSASZ.."/VlOSX...7vaattoretno.—The ! subscriber has received and no' on hand, a fame assortment of Housekeeping Goods, comprising, in port, 54, 6.4,104, 124 111 - ,1 Cotton Sheeting, ' 6 -1, . 104,12-1 Barnsley Sheeting*: Pillow-case Linen. and Minlin Ticking ; Marseilles Quilts, flitoMets ; Plain and embroidered Table Covers, Do. do. Piano do.: Windsor Drapery, Turkey Red Chintz; Batt 'Windsor Holland. Linen Table Cloths; Damask Table Linert.ull widths; Napkins. Dollies, Diaper Crash. itr., he.; which will be sold at lowest prices. at ROUT. D. THOMPSON'S, Co. 1111 Market st.„ 3doors from Littertv. 1 .' .. i - Ll,, hp OGAN - A. CANTV. _ have Just _ _ is 3 Market street, an unrivalled se Isettoirn - oi— Be a d Boll4{llo , tuul Purses: Fans and Combs: - China Sets, A cernindeons, he. mataHOGAN A . CANTWEI.I.. New °Gods,.Wszarbeir CORNER Of YOrattl AXD !UMW DIALETII, rierssractr REAT BARGAINS !—The subscriber has itti I re k.7l tinned from the Eastern Cities:and is now receiving Dlvary exte e assortment of presentV AND STAPLE DFX GOODS. adaptsd to the season, and em hr sing a. stock for richuess and variety no% surpassed by ate establishment is the West. DRESS GOADS' Very glossy black Silks ; :Cravats and Collars; Itemised= dress do. ;Black love Veils rind ILlkfs.; Rich changeable do.aeonet and Camb. Mastitis. Rich changeable Satin de r Plaid and striped Mustier; Chines; 'Handsome Ribbons Mods and high cord French Gloves, Hosiery, te.c.; Iderinos ; :Cloths. for Cloaks Mode and high cord Muslin Terkeri Shawls ; de Lemnos; .Cashmere do. New style muslin deLaines; Plain Thibet Shawl*. silk Satin striped Cashmeres ' ; : fringe; -Fancy do. do. -Plack Thibet Shawls. Black and colored Alpacas:Allack do. do. Plaid Ginghams, bright co-4311k do. do. tors;. ' - Fine 'Drachm do. New style Visettes; !Cloth do. Gala Plaids. bright colors; ! Plaid.' Long so. California:Plaids; Low Priced do . Black Bombazines; . tPlaid Cloaking) CALICOES-GREAT REDUCTION His stock of Calicoes is very-large; it has been se lected with much care—?with particular reference to fastness of coloring, durability of fabric, and beauty of 'design. These goods are lower than they have ever been before, and ate worthy the particular litleMioll 01 purchasers:. The best Calicoes for cis. ever offered ; Double purple Calicoes, English, VII cents ; Green - do. Oil Chintz ; British Chintzes; New style Merrimack Calicoes; - Blue - do. do. Blue and Orange do. Furniture do. CHEAP DRESS GOODS. A large lot of ldw priced Alustin de Laines, of the low price of 121 cents per yard. Also, Black Alpacas for !filets. per yard: Very good and very handsome dark andbright colored Plaid Ging hams, f0r.121 cents, warranted fast colors. .DOMESTIC AND STAPLE GOODS. Bleached Muslins, 61 to 1:1. • Vent wide Untitenehed,fiito 9; Bed Tickings, very . cheap; .Casirtetts, Millings, Kentucky Jeans ; Cheeks, Linings, Plaid Linseys ; Doniestlc Ginghams, Mariners' Shirtings; • Colored Cirmbries; Flannels.lovrer than ever offered ; Canton Flannels LINEN GOOD'S! , Irish Linens, Linen Lawns Damask Table Linen; , - Dor.'‘ slot" 'Cloths; • Russia Sheeting!. Doi Diapers; Linen Drilbng,Crash: • BLANKETS! BLANKETS! • ' A large stock - of Blankets, from coarse to very' fine, also Dine and Drab Blankets, fine and very fine, for Overcoats. • "GOODS FOR :GENTLEMEN. Fine and superfine Fierichand English Cloths and Cris simeres; Over-coatings ; and Linen Pocket Hand kerchlefa -and - Cinvats ; Gloves; Suspenders • Silk and Merino Under Garments ; Merino and Cotton lialf Hose, etc: etc- . The-subscriber. having_made extraordinary' prepara tions for the Fall and Winter trade, and having purchas ed his Goods under the advantage of markets unusually depressed,ean confidently promise his customers the best bargains he has ever been able to oiler. - . Customers of the house, and purchasers generally, are respectfully invited to call. (nov29) PHILIP ROSS. 4P - Tititaritta_ ti , Cardinals,' da. JUST received Straw Bonnets, Caps, rich Cardinal Silks, Fashionable Ribbons,-finett French Flowefs, Fnnges, Trimmings, Sze. Straw Bonnets cleaned and.altered to' the Spring fashions by, one. of the best Straw -Milliners .in the city - . Silk ..Bininets, ;Cardinals, Dressesiand every article in the Millinery ands Dress ,nutking business, Wade - up by' the best hands,: at m a t i4, „AIRS. - DUFF'S,4O St. Clair street. ,New - COmba, AS ZEBITLONt.KINZErS, STIMET. doz.veryhigh back Shgll4 7 l? , h ec Co , v 4bs bearded top 1: •" narmw ;fanny t_OP,,_ Buffalo .. /0 tl. • plain rubs' assOrtediizs; 13Q1%);!":72.8SielitiDuClitk,SDIliretl°65rnill,0012.rri.:b.meb;4". " 4 tolata"nllorn` best }lnglis " eXtralarge • - " S• 1.7 t - p tin boxes - 12 gross S. t . - ." Comb Clcane Jas. 3iQAnfre! 'rrAILOR, Third street, hear Wood, respectfully infOrms 'hitccasiomeretutd the public that hehas just reedy ad :fraitt.lletattet a well selecred aisortuteht,of SPRING GOODS, Which he tvtll make re-eider inthtYbestemanner, :Cheap for Cash:: . . • pula , L' s ee Panels best Family'Flour, reo'd and for L' 'see '•-• 3 Anitl-921- WM: DYER. IMMO MR --.-.,, c . ' ' -. , !- -v ii. ,-;,-, —.,,- :,- ~,,''''—'s-tj'-',.• ~,..' ' fi t - ' ''''''' '•,-.'=, ~,:-....,..:',.:::.--,•!•-.-,,`..,•.i,i--,..-.. i i,:,.--i,i'. -, -, -,:f.:7':;',;',--:.•.:=„.-i,;.3 'E-,i, -,,,,.,-,'., ~..i-..:, ~.•.;,-,t-i -,h4--',l ..,.::, ,-. -'',.:.-. '' ''. ~.41N-'.,:'. '1; ''-. '--4"!ii'il-Z ,-.'1.4' j-'l,':'';',..!& ri4.' -':;r ,'--j. -'•:::' '4. : r'','..- iT ';l' ,7.-;.P..%',..'-'i -"1•::..%;,-..-:: ,-.-r: .;., ',,:.-.1-':' ',l' 1.+ ';'.74:-.-t 4,!..,':', 7,-, ''',.;:.;%-r '. • 4-- ..'.,'. ';•'. IL: .f 7....1;..' 17'; i,. f; -'5.t.-,-...4-4,q---tti.-.-t-i,-:•,:1,-.!:;i.,;-.:,i;;P4_., . - ,- ,,,A,- „, - s - - - - -.- - s--•- EMM, ..tanicportation ES:IM Pittsburgh Portable' Bout Line. 11 : 74....7* ---- ''' ,1 1 Q A Q r -r- , - - --- -- z". - -x077: 1 1-7 -- X V fOR Tat: 7:0AI1 srinithioN oa SICZTOUT Tb )01) VitOM PITTSBUR&II PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE YORK„BOSTON, &c• THOMAS - BORBIDGE; TAA FFE & O'CONNOR, Martel:Aim-Pittsdurgh. MI:113 old established Lute beingmovv in fall operation, lbe Proprietors are prepared,with their usual eiten- Mve 'arrangements; to• forward rnehandizb,' produce, &c,, to and from the._ above ports, 011 liberrillerms; with the regularity, dispatch and sail,ty, peculiar to their Mode of transportation, so obvious when transhipment oslhe way is avoided, 3 , All consignments by turd for this Lino received, charges paid, and forwarded in any required directions, Tree of .charge for, commission, advancuig or storage. , • -No - interest, directly, or indirectly, in steamboats. - All eommunications promptly attended to, on applica tion to he folloiving Agents: , AS • ' • THOM BORBIDOE 'l7B Market street. Philadelphia. TA AFFE, & , OCONNOR, Canal Basin, - Pittsburgh. O'CONNOR & CO., North,st.,Faltituore. .18,49 Blerotsantos Transportation Linos VIA PENNSYLVANIA CANAL AND RAIL ROADS, TO. struangLeFtlit 4ETI BALTIMORE Tits Canals and ,Rail Ronde being now open, nod ici good Order, we are prepared to forward all kinds °inner , chandize and produce to Philadelphia and Baltimore) with promptness and-deipateh, and on -aagood terms ns any other Ginc. " . C. A. it cANLILTY & Co., Canal Basin; Penn street,' Pittsburgh. Aots-rs--CHARLES RAYNOR, Philadelphia, ROSE MORRILL & Co.: Baltimore. Vail; aiidaa . 1349. E Al[eVehwnt7ll Way Freight -Liner For Btafrabfile, - .Johnstown, liellidaysburgh, - and all ibitermicliatt pldrts. - Tnia Line" Will continue to carry all Way Gocide , with their usual dispateli,.and at fair rates' of freight. • Kot•sra•--C. A. MeANULTVIS Co., Pittsburgh. -. • D. B. WAKEFIFI.D, Johnstown. JOHN MILLER; Hollidaysburgh. Ravrarscas—James Jore.on. Smith le, Sinclair, Dr. F. Shoenberger, R, Moore, John Parker, S. F. Von Bonn . hofst te Co., Wm. Lehmer Co.. Jr.o. bilDevitt ts Bros., Piusbutkh; John - Ivory, Sumit,Mulhollan t Ray, John Graff Blairsville.' - marl 7 (Gazette and Journal only --1-591 ' 1 .---- -- 2 , i -- -----(17---i-e-icifti-ielfi-ifii Cisiiiiii* - ' -'- • SiirillTilltn Aan intro mums, errraseaosi, es.. Is the wort popular of aItBOOT and SHOE FA: illtiblishmeuts in the West. This place'has gained its reputation by its proprietor keeping 'the very best:Boots and Shoes, which are made expressly . to' rder for this market, and he is not satisfied only by .keeping the best assorted stock of BOOTS and SHOES iii the Western country. but he is enabled and deter mined to sell his GOOD'S lower than. any other house possibly can. he cares not what facilities they boast ot having tor offering great inducements to the is impossible to set tortb all the advatitages and facilities its an advertisement, that the Great Bargain Corner has Over others, which enables its proprietor to sell Boots and Shoes of the very best qualities and styles at from 10 to '45 per cent. lower than any other store in the city. The way to test the muter is for all whoiatend purchas ing BOOTS and SHOES, to call at RATEs • GREAT BARGAIN " CORNER, examine the stock and prices,rind all will be satisfied that the Grearßiegain Corntr, Smith ..firLd and•Pifth stroro,is the pineo tar the public, one and all, to get spacid Boers and Shoes cheap, for cash. deer J. BATES. fiftVa—tribiiiiii:zeildiliXiiiiß rffAilittAllis i TIFF: BIG. GOLDEN. EtEr-itivE AGAIN., Now Spring and Sommer Dry Goods now Darning at rils Sign of ikr Bra ERR lIIVE., on Marks arras, batmen Third and Fauna struts. . .... WM.. L. RUSSELL. No. 0,1 Market street, ..,,,.. s• tureen Third and Fourth streets, sign of the Big Golden Bee-Itive.has now tommeneed receiving a very largo and splendid stock of Spring and 'Stammer DRN GOODS, which he is enabled loader mins numerous customers and the pladiclenerallf , at pricer far .helow those of any farmer season. These (jousts have all been secreted with the greatest care, and wilt be Mend to be one Of the largest and Waal splendid conks of spring and Summer Goods ever offered is this CAT...-. As many of these Goods have been purchased of Melte- 1 porters, per the latest arrivals from Et' trope, the subset,- i her is con fi dent that he rim offer to his customer' the .- • .P. 1.047,45 41 ,714 I I very newest styles of Ladies Dress Goods. comprising 96.00 s fts EnfrltilL Freneh, Swiss. Irish end .semeh Omni., tegethes 51 Ica L'S with a full allibrialent ot . American manufarture, and cheaper than caul , e fouad elsewhere. . 4 ....,54H 57 -----• i gilatis,492 71 LADIES' DRESS GOODS. Mich Characie on Siiks,estresnely Sow ; Sineetheir bummer:tom. e.- period of 10 years. they Itieh Brocade do. beautiful goods'. have r . upward. of Oar JifiLtion Fouellsosifred. Th eu - Rich Grenruhnes, plain and figured ; sand Wiers, losers by fire s thereby affording ev nce • Glare Silk, rich g,owilt ; , of the advantages of wells., the ability and Pouli de Sole, fashionable ende d; insporta non. ; i disposition to meet with promptness. all liabilities. Hawk Armours. plaid and strip J. a ARtnxER COFFIN, A 5.' ,1 i Brocade Lastrea, new styles; i atne.l) °Sea N. E. corner Wood ancLIA sir Mohair Chameleon. tigeired, icco - cheap:l Vire ling arit, Ilialarillielti na Stlk Tissues all colons* I rIPHE Inwarisnee Company of North America, of Phila. Balzarineti, in great varlet y ; , .I, delphta,tbramtlt itaduly amherired Agent, the..rab. Paris dotted Lewes, fur evening tiros:Y. 4. scriber, offers so make panuenent sad Swatted Insurance New 'style rich Mourning Lawns ;a 8 Ivntiterty, in thlu 414 and it..v icsnity, and on shipments Orgtonite Listaxna. a hestiti MI ai rtiele . • by Me rang' and Hems. Black Gros tic Shier. all widths and qualities i 1 Dtaterptis : Billet SlCenhalinei, elf most approved mates; 1 Arthur Iti. Coffin. Pre sa. Samael Brook., l'aifg printed Itareges.ertrernety tow; Alex.. Henry, Clesties Tayser, - Part/sprinted :Awns. in great variety ; Ski:Mimi %V, Janee, nittalel W. -I. , intills, aeape 41 and Crepes Lisse, n fall assortment of colors sled Fijyt lot Stuith, , Ambrose White, qualifies; .. - Jahn A. 11rOwn, Jacob M. Thomas', 1 Together wi a large *aply of De. ldiatei and Alpacas t John White. John 0,. Ice. some us lotus 14 rest, per yard... in adriniott to the 1 Thom** P. Cope, Richard D. Wood. above will be found a beautiful assortment of Black 1 Wes. Welsh. Henry H. stmrrard.Ser'y- Ho,e4torce,fortrirntonitt dre..lN mantillas and 0341 t 11, i t This is the oldest Insurance Company isi the Vatted Al t. French ta:orked Capes, Collars and Cuffs. latest 1 Siete*, Miring imeavlsartered tr. 17041. ttselierli - r SA per sly les. Also. Va.loraa Lawns aid Spotted Hone*, very I petard, and from its high standing. tong egretisngea um cheaa ; e , wina. iloll, 7 setnet alit Book Muslins: Bonnet 1 ' ple mean*, and avolding all risks ot an e luta har.ardous Ribbon; Belting Ribbon; Crustal; ; Sena.; A rutiesal. ; I -character, st may be ea:wade/ti W t lin odertng rumple seeuri ',totes ; Mitts, and Hosiery. ty to ate public. ILLIAM P, ,10N1:z. 4 . At et:touting Rostra of Atwood-Jones A. Co.- V. ste r and 1 Frobt xis, Pintbargh- malty ' - Itiernovii;;;:,fiii-ceeriliii; 411,. '— fillip; s als t erihers her mg fritawed float lit.. 170 4, N.V. i Erz and 11 t Liberty street, oiler for sale Goods. as (players, in store and now l tad nig , vit. 3Ht hags prime Rio Codes... new crop i" 40 •' Old Government Java Cofire . 1.50 Mids. Tirane New Orleans Sugar ; 50 Mils. l'tantstio ri Molasses ; 100 44 St. James fattnir-house Malasits i 100 lif. cli. Young Hyman Tea ; 40 " 4 , Gunpowder and Impanel Tea; 1 new 40 4. ". Chaim' Powehnits ferep 740 catty boxes Y. H. nod Otto ['mei - de t Tea: Rib nags white. Brazil Sugar , da holes while Meant :Aura?' ; 40 baCi Pl"pirr • nil n Allspice ; 100 bairn Mustard, In I and I th. cans , inn '• Malaga Moth Raisins , 44 4- in layers: at No. SHAWLS." SHAWL S .' Grenadine Shawl*, plain and figured ; Crape d' Chine, do. s newartiele ; Rich changeable Glace Shawls, high. lustre Mode Fn t d Thibet do. extremely ; Bieck Errib'd Thibet do. very cheap ; Black Silk do. best quality black Nett do. low prices , While Canton Crape do. splendid gtiods; Chameleon `Silk do. lure haportnuons Printed Cashmere do. cheapest in the tity; White Einb'd Thibet do. heintifid llff it It. rAnAsot.s. • PARASOLS', The large*t, eheaprot and best aXxertmeat in the City. Parawts from the lowest to the most epteudid, rich and c"mly article, of the nevrext *tyke' and colora..etot al.way* be found at the Hignee-Iftve.hetween Third and rootth sts., No G 2., 1,1na11.9) WM. 1.. nrst3Et.7.. Domestic and iltapie Goods,Chespest Yet 1 LARGE STOCK OF CALICO, from 3 CCM, to IC Il Cents per yard; Bleached rand unbleached Mashes, from 8 cents upward ;Bed Tiekitigi and Cheeks, a full supply of all qualities and prices: Irish Linens; Table Damask, Raisin and Scotch Matters; Napkins', Table Diapers; Crash and Doyens; Scotch and Manchester Oinghamii; Snnlitetts; Kentucky Jean, and Blue Drills; all of which will be sold off at prices that cannot fail to please and without fear of competition. Err'llemember the Big Bee Hive, Market Elect, be tween Third nod Fourth streets— N 0.62. niar2S WM. BUSSE-ILL. Dr ai Western Riddle --- r lIARNESS, TRUNK AND WHEY MANL FACTORY. ritHE subscriber takes this method of informing his 1 friends and the public in general, that be has the largest stock of the following named articles, of his own manufacture, in this city—Saddles, Harnesa,Trunks and Vlltipa; all of which he will warrant to be made of the best material, and by the best mechanics in Allegheny county. Being determined to sell his manufactures something lower,thanlias been heretofore told in the city, he would invite persons in need of the above named al.. tides, to his Warehouse, No. 211 Liberty street. oppo site Seventh. Also, bands made to order formachinery oct3l O. KERBY. Steel and File DI IlittlreiCtery. frill subscribers hare enlarged their Steel and File Manufactory, on the corner of 011itra street and Spring alley, Fifth Watd, Pittsburgh. by erecting a con y erting furnace, a melting furnace and a tilt hammer.— Their Steel, now being of a superior quality, and having engaged competent operatives, they pre prepared to fur nish Film' of every description, that will compare with the best imported article ; and being determined to make* it the interest of all who use Files in any way, to,par chase from them, they will sell their Piles at reduced prices, tot Cash. They will also re-cut Files .and pur chase those which am wornand broken. Public patron eggs is respeetfallyincited, nor 7) ANKRIN Ps. CO. City Livery Stables. Tag subscribers having purchased 'from Charles Coleman the above Btables,•tind in tending to Increase their stock . of Moms, Carriages, Buggies, V: would respectfully solicit a share ot patronage trout public. Horses ' , Apt by the day, week. month or year, end additional .ialls are being erected, in the second story,',for the au commodation of Canal stock. feb2.l3tu Is retiring from the Livery business, I with . pleasure (from a - long acquaiittanee) tecommenilmy aueeeesors to the patronage of my friends and the public. febt.l:lvr CHARLES COLEMAN• .. .. . .. --- i-T‘-:! ::::;i':'.',','!.,:'::.'-,-',,.::'",-,'. iT= iil 5 =I Btgelovv 9 s Carriage Alan actory, Diamond• alley, between Wood and Senialfitid 3LF,4qs• F. M. BIGELOWY, would respectfully r T e ' 1.- inform the public, that at his Factory eau at, all times be found a large supply of -...Ar5011t4 Fam i ly c arr i age ., Barnacles,Buggies, and all hinds of Fancy Carriages, equal in elegance Dud . neatness to any found in the East. Centime's for any number of Carriages, Buggies and Wagons, will be promptly filled. All work of his own manufacture will be warranted. Raranancss—Col. R. Patterson, ]t, . Patterson, E. I). Gazzam, Esq., Robert Robb,.Esq., c.. 1.,„ Magee, and Alderman Steel. , • • [feb27ulltn Wholesale and Retail. • ADDLE,I4ARN ESS &ND TRUbiIfW.ANV.PACTOR Y. ROBERT lIARTLEV,begit leave to 'MI form his friends and- the 'path° generally, ' eat he continues to occupy that large and COM s mod ioneStore Room, formerly committed by Sargon a it estock & Co, No. GO, corner of Diamond alley and - Wood street, where he keeps a large and general assortment of Saddlesq Bridles, Harness, 'hunks, Carpet -Bags, Saddle • Baga,Valises, Buffalo Robes, Whips, and all other , tiles in his line. lie also keeartnstantly on hand,and is prepared to furnish to ordBl,lll.lkrads of Riveted Hose,manufacuired of the bestmaterial, and in n style of workmanship equal tothe eastern manufactured article, and at GO per cent. cheaper. Country,Merchants arul•Formers - would do well to call and examine his stock before , mirchnsing elsewhere, as he is determinedto sell first rate articles at very low Don't.forget the place, No. 80 corner of Wood. street and Diamond Alley. . ROG • • , Darnall - . - ,•Se VOA., DOTTLEB,S, AND MANDWADVIIXERS OF htlignAL 11-11.Watart,tiarRaparillatrorlehAle'Xideri Root Beer, Mead and Pop, N0.,18 Mitiketerreek and 100 Liberty %treat, earner of CeeiVe alley, PLUBllurgh. m Mil MEM aext,NDF.N.6I. co.fs .PASSENGER ,OFFICE. ' tux.okt v,Ataxsc . • For the Real Owners in this City.. T ET THE FBLENDS OF EMIGRANTS - bectLOtal to ...L1 have their arrangements mirde according militarism TrorittionLatmtadlake no mnies receipt, wiflibuthaving it tueettwr.; otherviise they willhaVe - to puy in Liverpdol; before they . Horse/ter, an Steerage Parrengirs Coming from Earope, eniaged in America, to - tome over in either of the'Ships of liNDEN ¢¢ Vo., furnished With the following tavisions, or theiriguirafrntin other.aracies squatty goOd.--- See Act of Congress, May, 17,1845. • r• This plan will prevent sickness Onboard. Heretofore._ when passengers found themselves. in-Provisions, many, of them came on board - entirely 'destitute. which often caused much sickness add denth , :— • - 35 lbsEread, 10.1baltice, . . 10 Ste Otitmeatt. 10 Sts Flour, 10 55 .aelins and Pens, ' 35 Sts. Potatoes, pint Vineggar, 00 gallons Water,- 10 lbs Salted Pork ; free irons Bone; All good quality; and one-tenth of the provisions fur nished,will he delivered to each Passenger every week with a sufficient supply Of (Italia cooking.-. Eactishig bosroperly ventilated,. and a good house over the passage-way lending to the Pas sengers'..npartment. The ceboOre Ond.6oOkirikranges for ihe use of Passenger's, arc„kept under cover. Every attention willbepald to promote their health andeomfort. Remittances made as usurd,SierriPay, and at moderate - Bank of England Notes mid Foreign FActionge par chasedat current rates. v Vebts,.l..macdes,, Pensions; Ac.,..kc., collected, and copies of Willecrocure-d, with every other business con nected withlutEurripeat Agent: - JOSHUA ROBINSON, L • v - ' Edrepenn Agent, myo ' Post Buildings, corner ofFill.h. tied Wood sts Neve Cossurteretal Lillie. 24 W. Korastr. ,t, Co.,? 5 DetstOrt,Kninstt. Oero'., Wall 19.,Nersv-York, 8 , I .lAverPoot , Fateuttdi -. —_, RESPXCIIT:LLIT inform their friends Lnd the ."" public, that they have commenced ate Gene /r, ral Skipping and Commission Business, to , ,thi gra n ti ng ih the General tr am ss, ... t gr certificatetiof passage London, Liverpool, Dablin.Belfast, or any port of the Old Co:intern New York, Boston and Philadelphia, on the most reasonable terms. Drafts end Bills of Fachange, tram £1 to any amount on the Raps! Bank of Ireland and Its brunettes, and on Liverpool. The days of sidling of the Regular Line of Liverpool Packets, as fixed upon. are the lit,l3th„ 11th, 16th, 31st ' arid '2611i of every month. These. Ships are all of the largest class, end ate com manded by men of character and experience. The Cabin seem:mediations illre., all that eau be desired in point of splendor and convenience. They are famished with cverydeseription of - stores of the best kind. Punc tuality in the dayia,f sailingg will he strictly adhered to. Packet Ships Roseius, Siddons, Sheridan and Garrick, are; vessels of the largest clans; and doom &Pint , ' to bring oat their friends, cannot select fitter or safer Ships. Pas can be secured at the lowest rates. New sage Orleans Linn of 'Packers sell weekly. For p '' "e N. freight, apply as GTOPe. or to ,EPH srroirtiato, EDMUND SNOWDE..,i, • deelfl Corner 4th and Smithus id stn-Pittaburg tompasus. I k T The Franklin Fire Insurance 'Company run...seurett. DI RF..CTORS : e W. Richards, Charles W. Ranker, Georg Thomas. Alert, • Montero' D. Lewis. Tobias Wegner, fidolphi E. Boric, Samuel Grant, David 8. Browne, Jacob IL Smith, Morris Patterson. CHAS. IF, UJOICKER, Pres't, Ouse. G. Banters., SocretarY- E:r Continue to male Instrrance, perpetual or limited, on every description of property in town and count ond, ry. The Company taro reserved a large Cc' mungent F which, with tkteir Capital and Premiums, safely invested, afford ataplelatacction to the smeared. The Assets of the Company. on January t• 1. is o, puhlished agreeably to an Mt of Assembly, were rte fol. Mars, cis Mortgages •-• • • • Rest Estate Temporary loans Stocks • • Cash, &r , 50 hf. " " qr. .. 20 casks lance CUTtarllll; 10 bales Sicitp Almonds; 100 boxes Richmond Tobareo ; 50 baskets Bordeaux e nd Marseilles Oliva Oil ; 200 Ws_ and 100 hf. bias. No. 3 large idarkerstl; 9 barrels Roney: 1500 Rs. Cheese ;' 2000 grills. Winter and Spring Sperm Oil ; 1003 Bleached North-west 'Whale Oil ; • 1000 . Crude 300,000Crut k sous' *mph' Priue ipe Cigars ; :10001 Havana &gars ; 20 half pipes Cognac! Brandy. of various vintage s; 2 puncheons Jamaica Spifil4; 3 pipes Holland OM; qr, casks sup. Tenerifte Wine 10 Madeira Wine 1. - N) •-• Lisbon • 40 - Oporto " Street Malaga Wine ' 15 Indian barrels " 15 hhdit. Claret; 20 qr. casks Ilaut Sauterne; • 40 eases sup 't Bordeaux Claret ; 30 vasketsChatnpagneWine; 2 dos. sup'r Stomach Bitters ; 200 bids. pure Rye Whiskey. from 1 to 5 years cid. raitaxia. & BICKBTSON. _ IIGARS, CIGARS, CIGARS—Four eontainini V 111000 St. Bt Yam Principe Clam; 51001111urras lmp'd do o , 4000 de la Cruz Cubit do do 2260 La Norma Hay. Regalia do 4000 Primers: liven ' do' da 2000 La Luna do do 2 La and do Just 22 rece so ived tor sale by JOSHUA RHODES, apl2 No. 0 Wood street, ; t - rt 4 SALE--e. Brick House, and Lot of tIS tee fro, no Clay alley by 60 deep towards Wylie ttreet, ne ar to Washington street. -.Tite MAW) Is we t arranged and in good repair. Price, $lOOO-8400 in hand, SOO r 8 a 000 t ono yen!, 8 200 at two years, $2OO In three scare, oin Scrip in hand. This property is rented at $123. S. CUTHBERT, Gen. Agent, map Smithfield incest. _ For Sale. villa A VALUABLE Paorstrrs, s ituated in the City of DIV Steubenville, Jefferson County, Ohio, viz:—One LO of 00 feet front on Third stree ,t - by 150 feet to an alley, and on which there Is a large Two Story BRICK 'louse, containing several rooms or apartmentt, which has been mostly occupied' as a Tavern these last seven or eight years, and is now occupied as a Tavern, by Mr. Crane. - There is also a large Stable on the aurae Lot. part of a Lot of Ground, adjoining the above de peribed property, somew here about 27 feet front onThird street by 120 feet to an alley, on which there is a Two Story Ilouse, containing 2.roomt on dm fact t00r,3 rooms on the second floor; also, a garret and a kitchen. This House was formerly oetupted asthe Post Office and now occupied as. Bakery. There is alto a Stable on the same Lot of Ground. Market the aboie douses front on Third ,street, near Market street, and nearly opposite the .Court House. I will sell both these Lots and HOUSCS to f o of the Hous e' Terms; purehase money to be paid at time of sale, and the other half payable One )enr after,the sale, with the and usual in balance to, be secured y b talde, without any ond mortgage on the lame property.indi •b spu eiteunihrahee. A warranted . daed elven. id rotsetsion g v e e r i„lo t rM th t l l e o t n e , f e nAcruriirleaonfe?thet'uTelNlnrd . by re,trtefrtiorr , otherwise . Pittsburgh, April 23,,49--lin No. 9,?W00d et ROUERS& OBEY AY MAOAPINES Rh,6r) AT M. A, 'MINNS'S , — ~.L.Godey's Lady!' Magazine, for May. Nationallitaganne, tor May. - Graham's t, tt Memoirs of my Youtit ; hy A. IM Latdartine Life end Letters of Caroline Fry. • -The Waverly Novels, by Sir Walter Scott; complete in five volumes. Soivdier's Family Shakspenre, from the sixth London caltio'n. • Outlines of a New System of Physiognomy; illus trated; by 3. W. Redfield, M.D. Littell's Living Age; No. , Our itoek now. comprises the largest and most c orm ,pleta assortment in the West. trr Smithfield street, third door above C' CLDE —24 barres,loi.*** Y ; 122Y2 RHEY, mArromws & co OE MEM ‘;',',. '''.•';:','" ''.', .'• . ,..i. , ' ; ':} i-'7,..',::, . .. . ... .... = • : STIT-WAILII9--1 MS I If , SELLING OFF AT COST; CLOSE UP, - At"No. , 56 Market etreist: Tile undersigned nav ing -determined -ANNto decline his present bushiessand close. lip on or before the tat July next, ,'L . from this day sell off-for cosy and can't's:oc l h is entire stock, of .TRIMMING , AND FANCY GOODS, embracing a general assortment, of Goodi in thd above line,,vir.:7-FtingeS;;Laces, Edgings and Insert- Ingo; of every description; Frenc h Worked Capes, Col lars, Cuffs and Sleeves; Cotton and Silk Hose, all colors and qualities; Children's do.; Linen:Handkerchiefs; Beall • Bari and Pori-es, Steel Beadi, Clasps and Steel Trim mings.l3oiniet Ribbons; Mantua do.; Belt do, Cord and .TIAsSeII3. Oiled Silks, Sewing Silk,'Coates' Spool CO1.1011; Spool Silk, Linen and - Cotton :licibbins; Worsted -and Cotton Bindings and Cords+. Silk:. and Linen Liiii:ertf, black, white and colored - Kid Gloves, of best quality. Silk, LisidTbread and Cotton Gloves; Lace Gloves and . Mitts; Silk Flom; Ames and German Pins ;` Hair - Fins t. Leather Belts. PARASOLS, SUNSHADES, AND FANS! Every variety and shade of 'Parasols, of tide Spring'S purchase ;Fans, of the most beautiful and rich patterns, all fresh and new; Ladies' Traveling Bags; Ladies' Spun Silk And Merino Vests; Buffalo 'Tack. Combs; Card Case:, Belt .Slides, Fancy French Hair.Drushes, Read ing and Fine Tooth Combs Perfumery; of the 'finest goal ities; Fine Soaps, Yeast; Ivory and Porcelain Buttons; Cldiheeßiushea.`&c &o GENTLEMEI.I'S'FURNISHING GOODS! I A large and complete assortment of Goods intim above line ; eonsisting Fa partof Fine Shirts,Standingand Byron Collars, latest ' styles ; Silk .Undershirts-anil 'Drawers; I Gauze, Cotton and Merino do. do.. Brown 'and White Linen Drawers; White - Tfrilling do. Made in -suPerioi 'style;•liPirßarathea and-A m er . Craving; new I styles of rich, silk Italian,Cravats, all patterns, a splendid' as"- Sortment ; red - And imitation Madras Cravats; Lawn and Gingbatt dm; Satin, BotaharLue and Hair Stocks . , Satin and Fancy T 'Ties; Silk and Satin acid plain Scarfs' Shirt' Bottoms and Collard; sAger. Lisle Thread - Under 6-1 shirts And DraWers; Eng. and Ifiaif Hose; Lisel Half Hose t'tiilk do.; atiplendid assortment of Ebony and other Canes; Silk and Gingham Umbrellas, Carpet Bags, Dressing Gowns,- Silk And. Linen Handkerchiefs, black and: colored, Kid- Gloves, Silk and: Lisle Thread-do:, Shoulder Braces of the most approvedpatterns; Money Belt', Russia Be lts, French Ernbroidercd,..Rm_pking Caps, Oiled Silk Bathing Crigiii,Ragors, Brushes, Wallets, Sue- 1 pendem of every description,&c. - . • .• . The entire:stock sold for cost, and carriage added. which will bring prises down 50 per cent.'iower than' the Seine - descrlfhlot of Goads have ever been `offered in this city, B. F. STERETT, No. 56 Market street, near Third at N. 13.--.. This Store for rent, and Figtares for sate, front ' the tat July. . - '.ntayllllf SPLENIIII)•SINK3K OF NEW SPRINtiGOOM -1 A. A. IIIAROIS I dr, CO., ONE PRICE STORE--NO. CIO MARKET sznr.ET, WHOLESALE AND' itEpAipp A.ASON CO: having ` conaiderabiNettlarged A M ..their Store. for the accommodation' of 'their --in 'ereasing business, arc now prepared to exhibit' o their Retail Trade the most extrusive stock of rich and fash ionable Imported null American GOODS they have ever offered in this city. Their large Shawl Saloon, together Kith another room. Lave been fitted up and added to their Retail Depooment;.lliereby giving them ample rn roo for :the display of their immense stock '" Being constantly inure receipt of NEW GOODS from their !louse to New enabled to offer the nevrest latest and most desirable Goods, and at prices as low as any house in - tbe country. . - - Their stock consists in part .of five hundred - pieces of extra rieb Ilereges, Tissues, Albauncs, Dolphins and Marquise. of new and .splendid .styles. Also, Poil de Cheare, ,Fowlard Silks, Mous -De Leine', Grenadines, Peking, Braziliennes; kiroche, Toil du -- Nord; &c., Sig hundred pieces at new and rich style Jaeonets, Lawn* and Organdieg. splendid designs.. -Seven hun dred • pieces English "hind French Fruits, Ginghtuna, Challies, &c. 311.83. , redTbreebud pieces °frith plain. figured and chang_t able Silks.of entirely new style S s. Also. Black Silks tor Dresses, Visitts, 51E31111as, tro. of superior high lustre . - *Cashmere, Thiliet, Long and Agnate Shawls, Gros De Rhine, Paull Do Sole, Canton Crape. Silk, Berage. Sew ing Silk, Wool PlAtd,Grenatlinc and Muslin de Leine. wurrE Cambrics, /artiness, Victoria Lawn., Book and Swiss Mastins,Tarterans. Fancy Checks, Linen herons, Dot ted Muslims, Mull and •Nancisook do-. &e. I.IN , EN 11 0 ODS Darriaska,Covers. Napking, Diapers, Ifdlifs French LtnerCitnil Drills, Itarnsby Irish Linens, best make and fintsh. • O,ZiN F.TS. A complete assortment of China Braid, Florence. Don stable, Rough and Ready. Straw, Englitli Chip. Fancy Ac, An. - ;' ,1 ;'',:';::' , .'" ,, ,:..7-,.._.-.. :•:''... - .',,',-.:5. fir., -, ,r..:•;:', i•-•.i.•;,-,::-':,..:'7-.• RE - Bova= Itancess. 125' boxes of Bonnet and -CaP Ribbons of the heat styles. Also. black and colored Tatreut. and Satin, best quality_ Also, 10neMb 4ERV et SiIAND ks.Liniintsand S Artificials. -1: GI.GVE. Every description. of Ladies' and (tent's :nose and _Gloves. Cravats. Scarfs, dldkfs. Alan. Berege, Gauze, Crape Tissue Veils. Black Lace, Demi Vella. dre., dce. Nem Viltufs and Alantilies. . Of all the fashionable colors and styles , . Esseacansasn Lacks, Twaratans, b...c. Lace Capes, Collars. Coda, Standing -Collars, Chemi setts, Valenettraes. Preneti nail English - Edgings, Cam brie am. Insenial, Belt Ritibans, Linen Cambric and hewn Ildifs. Cranes. Ac.. ficc. Ph II AritiLdd AND PA BASGLETTES. More than Two 'rhousned Pa.rasola and Parasoleites of every variety, including the - best make of truce Sane and Chameleon. [ CLOTHS, CASsusiEnr.p. , v . ,...tings.. Summer Studs, C. 11041.1,4. TWeedr., deans Also, Flannels, Cheeks. Couriterpoutes. iGINGII ANIS, GUM - DZ. PRINTS. dte. More than two tit:ired eases of the heat styles, on,l of I every variety- laisr!:4l and Brawn ;(Litton. __Over one hurniced cases of I:t1 the well known and ap proved snakes of Ilkached Muslin:, id bales mown do , of every variety and price rarelmsers may always depend (from the great fecal- Gee of this einaldistunernd upon obtaining the choicest Goods at the most seasonable poxes , — the system of Low raicks adapted by this establishment. as well as their 04 : Price Sgvad,l hating met with such rear:Mal favor that the subscribers are enabled to offer still great es inilacements to purchasers. Every article will there fore tcumsrked at such low lams as cannot fail to give Perfect satisfaction_ Merchants from all parts CO.. 'the country am invited to call. ~.%; A. MASON Si CO.. art: BO Marko t aireect. b etween 24 and 4th. sta. jllssx Springo a i *TO. 6.'5, MARKET S' fItELT, betireen Fourth street 1.11 and the Diamond. Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods. Tim subscriber has-lust received his first supply of Fancy and staple Dry Goods. adapted to the Spring Saks, consisting to part of the fallowing: 4-4 English Lawns. only Ell its. French Organdy Lawns.; 14 eta, 4-4 Blue ISterittme Prints, Itli cis., 4-1 Double Purple Prints. 12.1 eta., Drab Mona de Lain, 12: eta., French PrePe(ilbebaing. 14 cis-.4-4 4-4 !hewn Man tin trout 5 to R c la., ille ached Muslim., 3 i c t%., 4-4 Bleach ed Marlins, th to 124 its:.. Prime, Merlinac Patterns, al eta. Al Mourning. Fr. Gingham*, Ell cu., French Work 1 Collar-2,12i OA. 1 LADIES' DRESS GOODS: Brocade Ctinmetiou Silks. Brosha Figured Silks, CUR melion Satin. de Salem, Wide Black Plaid Silks, Wide Black Gro. de Rhine Silks., Figured Foulard Silks, Plaid Co.e irArrnour Silks, Madonna Silk Stripes, Wide Black 1 Mantilla Sills, Paris =Printed Lawns, English. Printed Lawns, French Dress Gingham*, Embroidered Swiss Muslin:, Paris Prints tt Moos de Lains. Satin Plaid Bern. FChinni-lion Plaid Granadines. Plaid Linen Lustres, French.Orgendy I.awns. VARIETY GOODS: Nets;' style Bonnet Ribbons, Ladies , Cravats, Revere. Boole-red Linen Catubrie tlandkerchiefly French IVork Danes and Collars, Black arid Colored Kid Gloves, Lade Thread and Silk Gloves, Mohair and IVorsted Mitts, [ Black Silk Fringes and Gimps, Mull. SWilfg,/ticonett. and Thread Edgings and Inserting's White and Black Silk Hose, Cashmere, 'Moravian. Black and White Cotton Hose, and Black and White Silk Dead Veils. . SHAWLS: Entbroidered White Cashmere and Crape Sherrie, Plaid and Black Silk Shnwts. Black and Colored Mons de Lain Shawls, Satin Plaid Ilerage Shawls, French Cashmere Shawls, rind Plain and Embroidered Black and Colored Silk Fringe Thibbet Shawls. DOMESTIC AND STAPLE GOODS: Damask Table Linens, and Table Cloths, Russia Dia , l per and Crash. Irish Litien and Linen Lawns, Bleached and Brown Mediae, Casinetts. Kentucky Jeans, ilea 'ricking. Domestic Ging-hams. Colored Cambrics, .red White and Yellow Flauntla, Welsh Flannels. Carona Flannels, Brown, Bleached and Colored Drillings. GENTLEMEN'S GOODS : French and English, Blue, Black and Brown Cloths; Black and Fancy French Cassimeres; Now Style Fancy . Vesting* and Cravats; Silk Under Shirts and Drawers; Linen Cambric and Silk Handkerchiefs and a hue sortment of Gloves. Hoticand Suspenders. PARASOLS AN D PARASOLETTS: I have just received a Splenaid assortment o Style Plain and Fancy Silk Fringe Parasols, Par and Sun Shades. The above Goods have all been purchased at the law eat cash prices, and will be sold Wholesale nod Retail, at such rates as cannot fall to please all who wish to buy good Goods at low prices. ABSALOM MORRIS. No. 05. Market et.. Pittsburgh nOW Goods New Goods I AT NUMBER FIFTY-NINE, North-west corner of Fourth and Market spoors, PitabILIgh.—BARGAINS: DAILOAISIO—TII6 undersigned rospectfttlly informs his customers that he has just returned from the Eastern cities, and is now receiving a largo and beautiful stock of FANCY and STAPLE DRN GOODS, containing a choice and elegant assortment of all the nearest and most fashionable styles and fabrics, imported this season, and embracing a complete variety of every arttele be longing to his line of business, all of which wilt be offer ed at prices which MUM prove satisfactory to the pur chaser. The customers of the house, and purchasers generally are respectfully invited to give these Goods an early ex =Jarman. Call soon and secure a.Dargain! PHILIP. ROSS, apll Wholesale and Retail Dealer inDry Goods, Fine Shirts, Spring StVes. VDWARD TODD & CO., are now recetving from their L i Facts East, a large stock of fine and medium quail ity which, for durability and style of mane.. facture, are not surpassed in this or any other market.-- The trade will be supplied at lowest New York prices. • I Wareroorn, corner Fifth and . Market streets, an stairs. . apt) MDWAILD TODD dic. - CO., Alartufacturer of Linen and Fancy Shirts; Bosoms and Collars, Jobbers and TV7tolesalc Dealers in Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, • NOBTII-EAST Cole ren< MTH. AND. MAHVBT 5Th. (ITP SUMO PITTSBURGH, PA. HE. subscribers beg, leave *to- call the attention 'of T merchants and dealers in gentlemen's wearing goods, to our large stock -of dresh Sprmg Goods, now. opening; among which are to be found some of the rich„ est and most admirable styles'of Spring Goods ever offei ed in this market. One of Our firm-is engaged at our . factory in the East, where :we Saner ourselves we are manufacturing some of the best and moat durable styles mialities of Shirts, now called for in any market.— Being very thankful for the kind favors bestowed on Us - during the last year, we hope to have them et:podium:l,oS we interatto - offer our goods at exceedinglylovif.prices; and accommodate our customers with pleasingterms.--- • We are confident we can offer Shirts at as low prices as they lean be found in the Eastern markets, from the fact that Amu' advantages in manufacturing are complete Please give us a call, and be convinced or the above myl faits,- • 4 - ~.,-.,::,:-,...:.,......,,...;-...,,,,,,. '..-r".,7-110-Aq` : -e tj . :; - . , .. , ..::, - ; , , , ,-,-..•.- . ,: = ,' -.--",--':',-5,'...-,,,..•'..::::',,,, .. ,-. . ,-. : .:0- _:: . ..n.: , -..,.-.,....,,,:. ..,t-..";,;.--,'!,7-::::„-.I.-:.'iA:!..,•:,.. ,,- i: - ;/ - : 7 , ; ,- --•-'-,--Y.; ~xxn:"'-'l'*.'7:'-','-1j•.4,L''.,''!:1.-:-.. : ".--'.:' 2--,,-.-•:::'C',7--».',•.4..t;-7':.4::-_-:,,:' --.- ',;, ''....•-:,-,,t1,';',:i.• i,•-•,:....:: I.:%'''':''7;;l:-,' ; 1 i: ''' •- : , i , 4‘.i nf:,:'7,-.t:',7:'''''':--:,;-i.,:::.,,:71:FE:' -.--.',..`„..,v,..t......',.,,,., 4e r , , i , ;,.,,•;.'....,,1'7-4 ;.t:',,,-'_,,,__,•,...,,•:„.?4,.....;,_,•_4r,t .;•-:..........;.,.,„A,,,-,,,,:: ~,, -,;..., ir.,,,,,,,..1..,.<4 ,:',,-... ..:i.-....;:-„,ic.,...,.,, ~.,-5t1....),,,,,,:.,....:,;?:,,,,.i...Q.,-,,,,...' •- i , . •'-j '.,,%, 'i'. .,,...'-.',' ,-,'`,;7,..":•;;;',?'-.'.-7sN'.,:, ~,-..,,,,-.--:7,..,,,--',1;:;.,.;-,:;_,.,,..-_,,,,,:k.,,1,.:„„,,,-,..-.,f.-_,..,.... 4•,--,,.. ~,...,.7:,':-.4,',,, ~_ ,- :.-•....,•....,.7‘,..:.7,,,.i.,,.••4-.',.:,,,,1-. J.-7; ~,,:.:'.±-t..,-r,:'...•.'7,- --'•-•• lIITOULD'• re speinfuTly:ratinriblien ,- ttlhe Tr . -Pittsburgh suil;viciiiity,- i .place a fewalays. His Miparaffelleilauccessin the treat.; many- a a large majorify of-those - diseases which have', ewer been regarded as incurable by the-modern rind more ( fashionable practice, has induced him . to send 'fortlithia. card to the afflicted portion of mankind.— He has, within; the- past, twelve months, imparted instruCtions werdi of. - -2000 citizens of Tennessee,Virginia,North and; South Carolinai Kentucky:mid:lndiana ; among them: Physicians of high standing, und theyntlbeattestimony: of their entire satisfaction., He• has also litiCieeded givinguenininent relief io ne arly 3000 individuals; rintple proof'of-Which he can . addifCe. - . It nOrpretended Ilia the concentration Of the reluits' of 'medical resedich'elitanatda trim one author, forbif eve.reo . yersed in medical sciettea;ho walla come far,' , far short herculean — L tiisk. -Dr: S. hal" been_en gaged since 103 in selecting and parehasing theriop.., ular and:secret ,lemedieS which could be obtained - in England;lreltind;Girmany and the. UnitedStatea, from those persons who; weremlilently-Successful. in came, some folloWitig diseases, viz : -ahantriatisur, Dye:: pepsia,Sickand Nervous-Headache; Pains or Weakness lit Back or Joints, -Paralysis- Neuralgia, Spiralliffec-, lions 'Epilepsy, Toothache, &afflctions of the Muscles,: Weak - or Inflamed Eyes, Piles, Asthma; Carreer,'Tette,rt Foost Bite, Scrofula, Ulcers, Mercurial Diseases of long: . 'standing,' Female Diseases; GeheraiDebilift, tee. For full instructions for the cure of, all diseases otigi-: natipg hwor causing the derartgethent of, the Nervous System, so that - thrift who receive instructions caw act: with equal effitiency.whimself, his charge is onl4 Ten Dr. S; is furnished with ceitiemartei and recommends- - tionir from' th,e most intelligent and respectable Physi. cians of , every place atw/uch he has had the pleasure of visiting, ".which he will bepleased :to , exitibir loe the in-., spection of-any who may desire it. . „i The-ingredients used are alwal ezelasireli9egeiabie ,l = l. 'seedingly suniqe ~flud within the reach of all. Persona afflicted with any of the' within named Die.: eases, , Would do well"to erillarion Dr. S.,"and if not effect 'natty relieved - ,.210 reintineration willbe required for ins services.' - His motto is, floCure,Net „Pay . Dr. S. will remain duringhis,vtay at the Sr.CIIABLE* 11OTEL, Mom Np:73. • ' , - apt 7 • 11.011.Arti V. AWL .mends. DILLILIS. Land atidGeeleial'Agenoy Office, AT ills . Cirruz. oir 'rissole, CITY OF SPiCINGETZLD. To Non-resicant Eiddersaflitineis Lands—Holders of . . • Illinois : istdOtedness, and all, persons desk- • . ous of purchasing -Rude Lands with . , ' • - Illinois scrip -- Or . bonds. ' MHE undersigned would respeetfhlly:inforin capital- - - .1 that they have established in this city—the of the State of Illinois ---a , LAND and GENERAL AGEN. C Y OFFICE, for the transaction of all business-apper taining therelo,within the EMIT S of the State.' . ,• -- All transactions relative to the purchase anti sale of lands, examining lands sad reporting their I - Otani:ln, ad vantagetiand - value, paying -taxes,'redeeming land sold ier taleisinvestigattagditlea, &c., buying and selling . all descriptions of Staluindebtednettst_thivand every other description of business" 'notched _to a. General Land .Agency, on the most extended sattle,vrill be promptly aidfaithfully attended toi -,• • In regard to Theodor'we haie ntruty advantages over -1 all other agencies in the State, being at the Capital, near 'the centre of the State, and at the very Thuntainthead o.* all infoitnation in relation - In matters' Catinected with lands..tirxes, and State in ie otednisr. throngh the meditm of the gorernmentand executive offices,- In addition to • h a t i i s, s . 0 g i m o p o u p ri l e a d n: f o n r d s r e a v n e t i tg r a l c y , - e t te n i s , e the_i tir. p r o p . l a r ti o t n n e o r 1. h p l t r i n . c .A. si p h o , 1. Clerk la the Stale Auditor s other:and having had charge of the books and State land department in said office, has obtained a thorough knowledge on all subjects connect ed with this agency; andwe are, therefore, enabled at all times to give correct and prompt .informatiou, much in. advance of any other agency in the State. Our ,location is also important to norrresidents wishing,Thpay taxer, as our acquaintance with the collectors of the revenue is - such that we can obtain the tax receipts through the Mail. and the nanny paid directly into the. State treasu ry, thereby avoiding the risk of remitting funds by mail . We also beg leave to infenn-yersons wishing to pur chase State lands, that our arrangements'are such, that we can, at all times, famish State peed!, Scrip, or indebt ednessm any amount, and at less rates than any ether officein the State.: _ - In conclusion, we take yride in ,referring ,to the char acter and standing of the gentlemen whci have been kind -enough to permit us muse their names as references, and. with a sincere desire to please, backed by fidelity, indus try and promptitude in all 'our business transactions, to merit the confidence of, all who may entrust their bust . ness to our hands. . •, ASH & DILLER.' Springfi?l , l, March 20, IS-19. a IiVaIIEXCES: Hon. Daniel Sturgeon, - -- • -U.S. Senate.. Hon. James Cooper, .—; ... ••—• • do. Col.-Simnel W. Black, • - Pittsburgh, Pa. 1 J. Vegan Diller, Gen. Robert Patterson, Philade do. lphia- Gen. Adam Diller, , do. . - 1 Joseph L. Chester, , - • ' do. iMessrs. 'Wadsworth & Sheldon, New fork City... Messrs. Hid, McLean & Co.,- —,New Orleans. Messrs. A. Gowdy & Co., . LouisviVe. John M. Wyper, Esq.,, .. ...; -- •St,,,Leuis. , ... -Inues"ZaihdaltM i N., --- . 2 ... 'Cincinnati- ills Ex. Gov. A. C. French,. • -Springfield, 111. - Ileit.'Yhomas H. Campbell, do. I lion. S. IL Treat .• ; ....... ••• • - - do. rapfiThit I. City Scrip. ..... I_NOT ICE 1.4 Tut ItOLDlrlis Os PriTelirlratt CITY - 6CMP.— In conformity with the 2d Section of the Ordimuien of the 15th of April, 1549. directing the undersigned "to negotiate for CITY SCRIP, the Bonds Mid Mortgages of individuals held by the City for proper - ty sold, amounting to TWENTV-EIGHTTHOUSAIND-DOLLARS-17. Public notice is hereby given, that the said obligations will - now be disposed at for the Corporate issues dithe City of Pittsbareb. of the de eomiumions of One „Two and Three Further Notice is hereby given, that Chi' Ronda, hear ing interest from the lath day of Aprit.l649, at the rate , of 6 per eta. per annum will at any time hereafter be issued to the holder or lit , of City Scrip, in suite of One Hundred Dollars and upwards, accenting to the , provisions of the above date. S. R. JO HNSTON, ap.2l • • • ~. I City' Trollifilter; House and sign TP. riTFIELD would respectfully inform the:Citizens 01 of Pittsburgh and Allegheny that he is prepared to . do kinds of OIViAMENTAL PAINTING, such as imitation of Wood and Stone. All orders left ssith , d, ItonmoY, fXropean Agent, will be strictly attended to. _ CO.sTsti3l7E - s, ASSIGNI.:ES' nod ADMINISTRA TORS' SALE of Dry Goods, Clothing. Fancy Arti cles, - Toys. Hardware, Cutlery, Saddlery, Gpld Watch, lc., at AUCTION. by Catalogue .— Scrip will be rakeq. for some of the Goods. -• Cominencing on THURSDAY next, May 10th,. at ID o'clock in the forenoon, will be sold, without reserve, to the highest and best bidder. by order of Myers Barker, Constable. and G. Roeteil, W. H. Miekhill, Assignees of T. 5, Waterman ;alsoT. Wilson, Administrator, and C. Motel. Administratrix of the late P. Metal, deed, the separate stocks of three Retail Stores, by catalogue, comprising,- to part-cord cams (tries, vestings,baltralues, gingham', rennet pantaloon smth. eastimarmt, broad cloths, worsted Old, French cassimeres,gambroon, coating, drilling, linen and cotton etteeks, chosen. chintz and calicoes, splendid cashmere shawls, black Holland, summer eassimeres, mons -de lathes, braids, gloves, hosiery, laces; andedgings, gees d' Naples silks, a large assortment of ribbancts,lrce veils, alpacas, merinos, red flannel, lustre and dimity, a large assortment of merino shawls,' braid, gram, straw- and lawn bonnets; de lame and cotton shawls, crape, era. vats, silk Talk fs., reticules, a lot of clothing,. hardware s cutlery, toys, French and Gerrnatt fancy goods; also, groceries, Be. Catalogues will be ready on- Saturday, and the goods arranged - for examination tounorrow. 'the. Assignees have concluded to take -par for .their goods, which will be marked in catalogue. The Consta bles goods will be sold for p , ttr funds, and the Adatiat tramrs' for currency, MYI,,R3 BARKER, Co L nstable. G. HOF:TEL, _W. , Assigneee of T. S. Watman. T. WILSON, C. bIIN CAL, Adder nod Adm'x of the late P. Miutal,deckl. may 3 JAMES MeRENNA,Auct MEN ME 2000 Premium BsS. WILLIA etian AIS,No.II. North Sixth street,Philadel phia, Ven Mind andiVindeie,Shade Maniffae nary, (awarded the first and highest Medals s t the New York, Baltimore and Philadelphia Exhihitions, for the superiority of his BLINDS, with confirmedronfideuce in hikmiuniacture4 asks the attention Of purchasers to hits assortment of2ooo Blinds of narrow and wide slats, with fancy and plain Trimmings, of new Styles and colors.— Also, a large and general assortment of Transparent liindow Shades, all of which, he will sell at the lowest . . CAEIi MCI& Old Blindapainted and trimmed to look equal'to new. DXALFAS supplied on liberal terms.: The The citizens of Allegbeny:Coutty are respectfully, in , ailed to call, before purchasing elsewhere—..t.onfident of pleasing all. ' , ,ett in the evening. -To , Countrrnerottants. - 1 - tur •110DKINSON would remind °you that yon can now 'teouie Chinn Mass, Querniware, 4-c.,--at such, prices as never were'heretofore offered • • • Remember, 115 Wood street, 3 doors below 51h. -Drill TEM subscriber' informs the-public • generally land. Housekeepers' and Retail grocers particularly, that he is , discontinuing the queensware bustness, and will sell off his present stock nt. reduced prices. Those who wish to obtain China, .Que etisware,• Or• Glom, will find This atere opportunity forgetting such articles as theywatt , much cheaper than the usual rates.. • n • .• • Remember the place, CHINA. • HALL,No: 113 •IY.oodi street, near the Auction store.' • • • : • S. I.will dispose of my wkole stock to, any person wishing to buy it, at a bargain.. . •• • - Jangdf .• • OMIT. NESP DAGUERREOTYPE ROOMS, Burke's Build tiri tift'utFolltserthorlif °;,f to their Daguerreotype of citizens and whets, at rooms in the third. story of Burke's building, 4th st. Persons writhing pictures token rosy rest assured , that no pains shall be spared to produce them in the 'highest' perfection of the art. Our hustruraents are of the Most pow• erful chabliug us to execute pictures udsurpassed for high fudslizind truthfulness to nature. The public are' solicited to call and examine. Personi- sitting forpictures are neither reguirred or ex pected to take them unless perfect satisfaction 'given. N. R...o.perators will find this a good depot for stock and chemicals. • [Crlnstruct ions given in the arts Containing' more, recent improvements. - jan7 „ love Roofing. TE subscribers respectfully inform ' the citizens of : Pittsburgh;and Vicinity; that they are now fully pre pared to fill:orders for GRAVEL ROOFING, in . a man ner not to - be surpassed in this eity or elsewhere. Front. their. experience in business, they feel. confident .that; they Will.render 'satisfaction to all those Who give them Work,' The - superiority of Gravel- Roofs over•nny other kind; particularly in case of fire, is too well known to'recitire any argurnentin its favor, 'To those who are unacquainted with our work,W e beg leave to refer them to Messrs. T h omas idggett, Sr., John F. Perry, Rody Patteron, - M. Knee, Jr , and others, for whom we have done work: '.Orders thankfully received and promptly attended, to •• We will be found on • Wylie street; be tween:Mg,h and Tunnel streets. - • • : • ' -MATTHEW MeGOVERN, 'JOHN SKINNIN. • AOTT ayON2 — 9B bales forRHEY; sale by m UATMEWS & CO. . . - • irl::" ._i..i.;...(,ir; UM OinuPtsienti ;graduated icalvasslti Battery . . ..-- AND -PATENT.INSIILA FED POLES, - - utojt liiiielei L. A . ND ormsa r itraPosts.This is die only _ ..,,u uptrticael,t- of. the. kind. thin has ever been presented in this co id at ty or Europe for medical purposes, and isthe only oi.e ever known to muti, by which the galvanic fluid can be conveyed to the human eye, the car, the-brim, or • o an y.part of the body, - either 'extenially or internally, op a dennite,gentle stream, withoutithoeks:or paiu—with • perfect Safety—Land often with the happiest erects: - Thitv impc& - taitt apparatus is now highly approved of by many of the most eminent physicitnis of. this country and Europe, 4o whom the afflicted and others whom it may,cormem can be referred. Reference will also be given to many highly respectable citizens, who have . been cured, by means of this most valuable apparatmr,o t ~ come of the most inveterate nervous disorders, which could not be removed by any other known means..- , .&mong voriouh others, it has been proved to be adrair ahr 41cd for _ the-core of the following diseases, viz : at .44hzadache and other disorders of the brain.. It is wi this opparatos alone that the operator can convey . the galvanic. care. one and toothafety to the eye, to ie. store sight, or anus4jortil; unto restore hear ing; to the tongue or othe organs to restore speech; and to 'the various parts oft he body,.for the cure of chronic rheumatism, asthma, n r gin, or lie dolourisanni.Parni - Vas, orosany, gout, c ' .11 or St:Vitus' dance, epilepsy, x weakness from sic ."- soma diseases pores to fe males, contraction o • Zapanbs,lock-itiVrici°, Mc. .Rights ce-ge Tonalintreounues.ieLlatiteen - Pa-, and privilege:it, with the instnzm I' ,I,`";%.l•7.,:frchasesi,. and also tested for the cure of liken. Z. . - ._ Full instructions will be given -,;. • , e various chemi cals to be tined for.vatious diseases;:nd the best manner for operating for the cure of these diseases, will also be fully:explained to the purchaser, and a pamphlet out into his . hands expressly for these purposes,- carefully pre pared by the patentee. Enquire of . - . . . • • S. WILLIAMS, Vine .. near 4th St. Road; Ploshg. ADIES are cautioned against using Common Prea- • ' I red Chalk : They ate not aware how frightfallyuu p u- rions ilia to the skin ! how coarse, how rough, haw sallow, - - yillow, and unhealthy the skin appears . after using pre- • paredchalki• Besides it is injurious, containing a large ithainity of lend! We have prepared a beautiful vege table article; which we call Josses' Spanish Lilly White. . It is perfectly Innocent, being purified of all deleterious qualities, and it imparts to the skin a 'natural, healthy, alabaster, clear, lively white; at • the'same lime acting as it cosmetic on the skin, ranking it soft and smooth. . ' Dr. James Anderson, Practical - Chemist ofthlassachu- setts, says :'"Alter analysing Jones' Spanish Lilly White, I find it possesses the most beautiful and natural, and at . the same time innocent, white I over saw. I certainly can conscientiously recommend its use to all whose skin_ • requiresbeautifylng." Price 25 cents a box. Directions —the best way to apply Lilly White, is with soft leather or wool-4he former is preferable. • • A mg err or Trus s ea 25 =tn.—White teeth, • foal breath, healthy- gna. Yellow and unhealthy teeth, after being once or twice cleaned with Jones , Amber ‘ Tooth Paste, have the appearance of the most beautiful ivory, and, at -the same time it is so perfectly innocent and exquisitely fine, that its constant daily use -is highly advantageous, even to those teeth that are In good condi tion, giving them a beautiful eolish, and preventing a premature decay. Those already decayed -it prevents from becoming worse—it also fastens such as i s becoming loose, and by perseverance it will render the foulest teeth delicately salute, mid make the breath deliciously sweet. • Price 25 °On cents a box. All the above are sold only . at S 2 Chatham at., sign of the American Eagle, New York, and by the appointed Agents whose names appear in the next column.: • WILL TIM =art, and get a rich husband, lady? "Your face is your fortune.' Is't beautiful, clear, fair? Is it white? If -not it can be made so even though it be yel low, dis fi gured, sunburnt, tanned and freckled. Thous ands have . been made thus who have washed once or twice with Jones' Italian Chemical Soap. The effect is glorious and magnificent. But be sure you get the genu ine Jones' Soap, at the • sign of the American Eagle, 62• Chatham street. .. . Bing-worm, Salt-rheum, Smarm Erysipelas, Barber's Itch, are often cured by Jones' Itnlitus Chemical Soap,. when every kind of remedy has fulled. That it cures pimples, freckles, and cleats the skin, all Ithinv. Sold at the American Eagle, 65 Chatham street. Mind, reader, this seldom or never fails. • • . *C.: INGLIS, Jr., Patterson. Sold at Jac:sees SO Liberty st., head of Wood, Sign of of the' Big Boot. -- :, • ; • • • : nov23. ALT RHEUM, SCURVY, OLD SORES, BRIMS.- SLAS, Barber's Itch, Cbaps, •Birre . .Beards,•Pitelder. — This is used by many physicians in this city in cunngthe above t and we would not conscientiously sell unless we knew it to be all we state. . . As a cosmetic, the true JONES'S SOAP is perhaps the, only . nriiele ever known that removed impurities, and cleared and beautified the skin, making it soft, cleat, smooth and white as an infants. But mind, it is sold at S 2 Chatham et, N. Y., and by . . ... WM. JACKSON, Agent, mar 26 • 69 Liberty street, Pittiburgli. —__. ....... __. 1011 HEIRKATTI.SfiI, GOUT, AND TIC DOLE/KRUK.— ..EV A respectable gentleman called at our office, as he Paid, to inform as that he had been afflicted for 1.5 yeats 'with Rheumatism or Gout, and occasionally with Tic Doloreax ; that he had been frequently confined to his . room for months together, and often su ff ered the most hp , tense and excruciating pain, bet that lately he had been using Jayne's Alteratire, from which he found the most sig nal and unexpected relief. lle says he found the wed'. tine very pleasant and effective, and that he now con ' eiders himself perfectly cured,—PhitadelPhia North Arn2r - A FACT Woarn Rsowrico.—A gentleman of Scrofulous habit, from indiscretion in his younger days. became af fected with Ulcerations in the Throat and Nose, and a disagreeable eruption of the Skin. Indeed. his whole system bore the marks of being saturated with disease. One hand and wrist were so much affected that be bad lost the usoof the band, every part being covered with deep, pninful.'and offensive ulcers, and were as hollow and porous as an honey-comb. It was at this singe of his complaint, when death appeared inevitable from a loath some disease. that he commenced the use of Jayne's Al terative. and.httring taken sixteen bottles, is now perfect ly cured.. The Alterative 'operates throwgh. the circulation, and purifies the blood and eradicates disease from the system, wherever located, and the numerous cures it has per formed in diseases of the skin, cancer, scrofula, gout, liver complaint, dyspepsia pnd other chronic diseases, is tealstorushing.—Spini of the Times. For vale m Pittsburgh, Mille PEKIN TEA STORE Fourth street Jaynes , Family Dletllclnesr. - 11 k 1L. S. S. COOK, - Piqua, Ohio, writes, March, IMO: "I have used yourlr.rmifuge, Carmiaatire Balsam, and Erpretorruat, in my practice. 'for the last three years, and have been exceedingly well pleased with them, and never, nayet, tom) . recollection; failed. of realizing my fullest exl:ientation in their curative properties. =Your other medic-tries I cannot speak of from experience; but, judging from those I have used, I doubt not but that they claim and are entitled to all the confidence repoied in them,' by those who have used imps. I was formerly very partial to ••••• 00 l'ermifuge, anal beetimetiequain ted with years, which has zny decided prefereno to any other now-in use. Resseetfally, yours, Zee., 8, S. COOK, M. D.. Err For sale m Pittsburgh at the Pekin Tea . Store, Fmirth st.- feblS MORRTEAritiffiffira alinriard's Family-Medi en:ion—The andersignid, citizens of Pittsbingh.hav ing personally used Dr. Willard's Oriental Cough Mix ture, and experienced its beneficial effects, domost Cheer fully recommend it as safe and effectual, in-.all cases. Speaking from experience; we -believe that it has no If ct pent.? ; and would recommend its use to all the- afllieted. • CHARLES LEWIS. wm. JENKINS. Pittsburgh, March 15th, 184 EL • • • Eig-SolA by J. Sehoonmaker & Co, John Hays, James A. Jones, .1. H. Cassel, John P. Scott, F. L. Snowden, .1 Mohler, Ogden &Snowden. apS5 WITS OP COUtatING in the night are very trouble Is some. They break in upon the hohts of repose and exhaust the strength of the sufferer. •B. A. Pahnestock . & Co.'s COUGH BALSAM baa been eminently success fal in easing and euring . these unpleasant spells. If a person Is roused in the night by a spasm of coughing, a • tea skgsanfal of the Cough Balsam will soothe, it, give him rid iet, and, as it is palatable, leaves no unpleasant taste behind. If once used, it will take precedence over all • others, as a remedy for coughs, colds, &c. • Prepared and sold by B A. FAHNESTOCH is Co.. corner Ist and Wood streets, and corner oth and Wood streets. nov3o - DR. RALPH'S CSLISILATED VICOSZILSILIePaas OTC for sale, wholesale and retail,at the •• ' •• • • • Roar. Eneta.Orszet, • . No. 50,Staithfield st. Also, by Wm. Cole, Allegheny clop J. 13. I.4mith, Bir-, ming/Mtn; John McCracken, Penn street, Filth Ward. fob '2l DR EOFFS'PONIC AND AN'PI -DYSPBPPIC riLLs The generafproperties of these Pills are Carolina I lave, Purgative...and Tonic. .lutthe common disorders 'arising from imprudence in diet, &c., suet: as sickness and sourness of the stomach, heartburn, headaches, &c., where a medicine is required, his preparation is very applicable, for its carminative or soothing erects give almost immediate relief, when nausenor sickness exist : • its purgative operation upon the stomach and bowels is gentle and elfectuali and its tonic properties impart strength to the digestive organs, thereby enabling .these organs to perform their proper functions with order and regularity. The price has been reduced from 50 to 2G cents a box. For sale, wholesale tand retail, by B. A. FALINES• TOM: A. Co., corner Front and Wood and Sixth and Wood streets, Agents for Pittsburgh. . jel4 mad9:3meod CONSUIUTTION•seiIes more victims than any other disease in' oar country. The young, tile' old, the beautiful and gay, are all alike subject to its invidious ravages, and many a hectic check has been supposed to bloom with the glow of health. But every.caee origi mites in a cold and a cough—perhaps deemed unworthy of attention at first—and only met with remedies when too late. Watch the first symptoms with jealous care; and make immediate use of the Cough Balsam of B. A. • Falinestock & Co., which will ceruthfly check its farther progress, and restore the Inflamed organs to a beautiful action. For sale by B. A. FAHNESTOCK 'Zs Co., cermet lit and Wood eta; also, corner ettiaud Wood. 1 , dealt-.' • A: i v SON & CO., No. CO bLuturr arnairr, Dave A, ,this day received, per "Fast Line,' thd following named Goads, viz :--Sattu stripe, black and blue black •plain and printed Heroics, all wool Al. de Laines, OW. broidered 'Thibot Shawls, black, white and pearl Silk Hose;. spun Silk Hose; kid, silk and lisle thread Oloves;: linen, bobbin, cambric and muslin Edgings; Inserting!' black silk lace Edgings; bonnet Ribbons; embroidered; muslin Capes, new patterns and rich goods. meal ltatuatite Property for Sate, or Acres,Acres, SITUATED 4of a mile from the Cemetery and oppo site the residence of Col. Croghan, Presenting a trent of 1200 feat, containing a new cottage house, With hall in centre_ and 4 rooms, 4 lied rooms and good cellars, &c.— A tenant house. barn, stables, garden, &c., all under good fence. This desirable property is suitable for gar dening purposes. or country residences, as several prom inent and beautiful locations can easily. be improved for that purpose Price, 8200 an acre. Testae envy. . , . S. CDTHBERT,Gen. Agent, • .20 • • • Smithfield eveet FOR SCRIP.— For sale, a valuable Lot of 20 feet fymt on' Heaver. street, Allegheny, by 117 feet to a 17 feet alley, having a small frame Cottage Dwelling Hodse, with other improvements. Price Sono, in Pituiburgh and . Allegheny City and County Scrip, at . S CUTHBERT, G en. Agent, • pERCUSSION CAPS-200 M. S. B. Percussion caps • 100 M. G. D. Ile . de' 7astree'd by" MCCANDLESS & CAMPBELL, 97 Weed street. MI f:_._r,' iffil 11 I= I