The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, May 22, 1849, Image 1

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,it . Pryo4ald,Published eivn,
31 :411 , P•
... -ity-TERAmionve a: yeakpayablailiStily
in advance. Sir Dollars :will'-igv tia ly be tintalead
iint.paid within the Year: • ^
Ea.. Single eopiea vwo aims—coy sale at ,theircorintei'
• the 'Office, and 14. t h -a News 13hy .
!••• • ma E. 5A.T 11116 . 11 321110.41i1ANG • POSV- • •
' S iiiiblished•fnitaihe . :nnirth • o &-laide - lit an ket
Arise' .61trieb• of TWO" ; DOLLItttB a year s ; fn advance— .
sitencopwainvn •
No papac badiaepneuicled (unless at the dig:
ovum of the p ro prietar)' e paid.
attetitiaa,* paid to any order unleis ac
• iroinpaniediry the Manisa'. or satisfactory referenea iwthia
, : Tg RM t: - ..0-0.,A DIV: iitt:Cs t NG. '
Ailne Inisonton? • , ....»....,b1450 I Ode
Two 'Mouth, - 8.4 00
.• To . . ... ." • 600
~ •
• - ..3 w0 d hie 0 ,.;„( 1 0" -,' - . .075 t
•00 Thre do - - . 700
' - `.'ne weeki .. • ••• .. ...." 150 Four' do ' • '8 00
!.., Turd-. do.. i . .... •• .. 9:50 Six ' do- ... ' .''• •: 10 . 0 °
-...*Tltreis do. • :.., .......:. ,3 00 One Year, • _ 1 0 0
, .• .... YEARLY . . 6 .DVER..7I'ISEMENTI4:: •
• - 97ics . .Teutte at Vs./sure. • . -.
- ' Six Mouths, LSIS 00 I Six Itlbuttisi• —•,.. TWO 6Qcisi
4to 00
. • One: Yea* • .•- ... •e • .2o 001 One. Year,. •. • '......- 30. 00
- ' Larger tulvertinemenu in proportion . _ • ! . - . ! '.. '
„ -Cards of FOUR LINRSFiee Aarga:4 Wirear.O. : •
- .c* will no be.innenelt.uplessien,eitlip.:#lei
a ire
• :lI 'Advertisements 'upon widelitlee kilitibillrilit Inset-
Alan/ ,irnnt. marked, will be insefrteil And, tknOlged • Until
ri ordered ouc • ',. . .. ..: .'. 4-- - '',:' ;A•' • • • •
cnassorrox stwsso.x. oravta s. suimiwc.
RANNQN. SKANNON, Atiorncys at Lam—Office
. 922 Fourth *am!, near!) , opposite the Alappr's pffice.
1 1 ZD 7gI.7ININGSi Attorney at.Lote, Fourth At: above
•",. • t - • ' : m4r3Ori
.o.2lldUELoW:lSLaWd.jittionaryatllEce on 4ttt
streer; neat Glais_itaNittaborgki. • ••..• , ocbtf•
:Vatitk; 7 P7ii.llo37. - etitiiiii • at Liitor !Mee
Vt' well a Ituildingc:Gtautmeet. , •. tatty2T-am.•
ft. A. W. ULIVENi-Phyrioianinact'Surgien,—,Offieo
No 8, Bt. Clair sireet;:PittO!Lrgii..: aug2l-y •
C ORLANDO LOOlSLS,:Atairosy al Lato..7olllce 4th
above WOrid:.. - < ijaS•r: •
TLowrie's' Buildings, Pourth'si. • jant•ly
- DARRAtilii Attorney ea laett-=OMee .in ilakewelre
ou 'Grant 'street, opposiie 0011111.
'llla"fy23ly >.
• aala building. with 'Atderittasi Arldiuster,
• between AVood and Smithfield sts. • a1fg174.104 .
• • - 7 ..roinv BARTON;' Attorney at Late.—Otfiee, North 'side
U. of Fifth street, between Wood and Serdtbfield i in the
ilana'bttiliiing with Alderman :Sorrow. Jsepn-ly
tX)ROE W. LA l'Ar Lk, etuoiney and Caunsedat at La to
and Noisri Public—Office at the corner ot 4th and
' Wood str:, - over,Silibet A.Joites' Exchaageoffice. octl4 •
.. •
it. IOII N , CRAINFORD,pffiec St. :cluir:iireet,
• opposite the sitetigo' auglol..
LimiuxD SNOWJ.W N , 44«peney ata..fattin
~L4` the building on tho Ninth - Ea' tat cornatirsitfourth and
litnidifteld sta. • • • - • '," •• • f..
t, ftlO,ll4OW, ethicnnan.Offsee' no/Weide o 1 Fifth'
. street, between - Wood.'iattd
. .
ascu.NDLESS 11.2 , PCLURB, Attorneys and Counsel
il... loss est.Law.-rOinio on Fourth ea, opposite R.. R.
Pattemou's Livery Stable, 'Pittsburgh- sePLO-Y
TOR WARD ik SWARTZ t tarn rys at Law.
(Mee on Fourth street, between 'Wood and Smith
field, opposite Patterson's Livery Stable. np7-y
UkX)RfIE F. GILLAMOR, Attorney and Counsellor ot
Lata.—OLSce removed to the 2ddoor below Grant st.,
.on Fourth, to the off/midair occupied by Alderman hilt.
IN. brecoivay, Attorney and Counsellor at Luso.—
• Otfice in Bakeivell's Buildings on Grant street.
-T seorr, kourth st., doors west of Mar.
U • bet. A l l work et - oriented, and if not perfectly sat.
isfactory no charges will Le made. ' • feblo
RPAIOVAL..--Dr..itebert Snyder, has removed his
office to Fourth street, .between Wood and Smith
field streets.
iteeleu has removed his commissstou
and forwarding business from the Canal'Basin to his
now warehouse, On Third street, nearly opposite the Post
kato 1/AL.-30111V1. MITCHEL, Attorney at Lawl
1.1, has removed to Fourth itt.7 next door to the office of
Alderman Steel. sp7 •
1 3 RICK-140 ; 000, in BirunutthauL for sale by
SUCKALASTER, Aldernittirtee: Fourth street
third door above Smithfield, South side.
Conveyancing of all kinds done with the greatest care
and legal accuracy.
!fStles to Real Estate examined, &c. novIS
OHINI COYLE, Notary and Conveyancer.—Ottice in
LP Metes/ C I Budding, Fourth street, near Smithfield,
Pittsburgh. Deeds, Lkinde, hlortgrige!, ' Anicles of Agree
mem, and all other instruments of wntinF drawn up with
aceara7 and dispatch, Titles to Real Estate examined.
J OHN A. PARKINSON, Alderman, Fifth Ward; Penn
st.. betweee Walnut. and O'Hara - sta.,. where he may
be found at all times. Those baring houses or other prop
erty to sell or rent, can have the same punctually attend
ed to; debts collected, and all the duties of an Aldermati
will:receive prompt attention. , ,
T. MELLON, , .
jilL Mellon's Bail &tura, corner of Wylie and Fifth steer
east sideof the Court House. •
Collecting,. Conveyancing, . examinations of RP
promptly and accurately attended to. mylA
- EFENRY W. WXL - L&MS, Attorney and Counts/t al
„Eal , Law, (tmccessor to Lowrie & Williams,) thrice at
- the old stand, Fourth st, above Smithfield:
THE Partnership heretofore existing , between Henry
W. , Williarox Esq., and myself,in. the practice ofthelaw,
wait dissolved by mutual consent on thy 23th ult., and the
business will hereafter be continued by, Henry W. Wil
liams, Whom I most cheerfully reconuitend -to all for
whom I have the honor to do business—.as a gentleman
every way-worthy of their confidence &ly . -
- George R. IZhdldiq Conveyancer.
aFFICE in Avery Row, Fifth street, above Smithfield,
Damns, I llo arosers,dcancsasss,l3insati,Rnasion, and
other instruments of writing, drawn with neatness, legal
accumeymnd dispatch. He will also attend to drawing
and faingitfeekanice Liens,Accountsof Executors, kimin
istrators, 4.C. Examining tides to Real Estate, Searching
From his long experience, .and intimate acquaintance
With the manner of keeping the public recordsi he ex
pects-to give satisfaction to these who may entrust their
mildness to his care. decls
. . Auction . Notice.
HE snbscribbr has paid into the Treasn-y of the Com.
monwealth, the amount'of license required by law.
He has given the regularly approved security, and taken
out a commission of the first class, as au Auctioneer of
the city of Pittsburgh, and rented that spacious ware
room belonging to SylvtutusLothrop,Eag,No..l.l4 Wood
street, three doors from Fifth, where he 10 prepared to at
tend to thevale everpkind of Merchandise, Furniture,
RearEstaki ; Stocks, Shipping, tec. - either at the Auction
RocCnis or on the premises, and all cases exert hitn.j
self to the utmost for the beneftt-of his employers, on the
most reasonable terms; he will sell exclusively and only
on commission; neither purchasing nor having any in
' 'Wrest whatever ongoods to the store, but merely the com
missionforselling, thereby giving all owners a fair chance
without partiality of having therein property disposed of
to 'lushest advantage.
Sales will be promptly settled Wherisnade._ Advances
will be given at any time, on the most accommodating
%terms.. Merchants will not be charged for advances..
Regular sale days 7._Mondays and Thursdays, of Dip
Goods, Groceries, Furniture, &c.; and every evening, .
`Hardware, Cutlery, Watches, Guns, Pistols, and Fancy 1,
Articles., Books on Saturday evettineB.
0-- • -
&.E. TODD would respectfully informlliti.mer=
chnnts of this city and our customers generally;
that we have removed our stock of Shirts and Gents Fur
niShing Goods to`the corner of Fifth and Market streets;
2d story over W.A. P. Hugas, entrance on Fifth street,
where we intend to keep on hand alarge stock of Shins;
of our own manufacture, with an assortment of Gamic
mens' Furnishing Goods, u.suallykept by Eastern Whole
sale Furnishing Stores. "
Eeing.very thankful for the kind patronage bestofved
onus for the past year,.we would lie happy. to receive
froin our old customers and merchantirgenerally,
and; would inform them that - we intend nothing onour,
part shall induce them to look further, as we expect to
add largely to - our stock, and diminish our prices.
Merchants and dealers are solicited- to examine our
stock of Goods. aplo-tf
hers, having enlarged tbeirestablishmentfordialnau
niacture of gTEEL and Fuss--on the corner of O'llara
and Liberty,Strects ; yirtsbargit-;- e are ..prepared to furnish
Files of every descnption,"of the best quality: and being
determined toinake it dm interest of consumers to per
chase Flies from them, respectfully invite the patronage
if all who use the article.
merle -y;
EMOVAL.—On account of our pent up, market, and
"Jai a demand for vegetable stands, r hive been coin remove my, dread Stand to the_opposite side of
dfarket street; in front'of "Alexander /ic Day's Dry Goods
'Suite wherel shall-be glad to see my formaenstomers,
FOR Four Lots- 4 -13ounded.hy con, Liberty
and - liay sta., each lot having 24 feet front, mid .ex.
tending Pack 110 feet. Two of them are corner lots, and
he position of the whole property is one of.the most 'ad=
srantageous in 'the city. For further information apply to
, .111, StirMITZWELDER, Fourth st.,
,between Wond end Smith6pla
HAMS---1 bbd, Mutton Hems, on eonsign
ment add (or sale br -
ir.. ll loiZETii)l4", - '
tnayls'lsioti.'l7'2andl74Libetty et
r- •
''' ' .- '. ' • -...-. • , .
„.... -.1 t. 7 " , •••••.< 1 ;..n 7 " - ttt .-4- q• - t-tr. - -....r..r:-.---'...7-3 . :;•'''.:•tttf-A-...:-tAt-" ,, t . 4 . -7,, , t , --., t .,..•••i••• - , :-- , •:-..i:
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. . .
3tIIIIISTBONG di tROZER. t'stnnt Solon Merchants.
.. 11 and /kaki's in PraduariA4.—No.iN Market st. eisa
JAS. /11cOUIRE, FASIZIOUBLS. TAILCia a W4if,d 44_near
Wood. St : Onisiles Buildings fiteplßlei
plat Auetionta mid a
chant, No. /19 IVood street
ZEBULON KINSEY, Dealer /a &emir (loodr eoul
Trimming; N 0.67 Market street. • ' 'feta -:
t" A' LEXANDER . JAYNEIoPekin 21147 Sion, 72 Third
~nistreohnparWood..i - • • (bbl. .
C"BIeCLOSKEY, Trod City Clothing. Cors o No. AM;
• Liberty street, a • petite the mouth' of Market:. fhb/ u
JOSHUA'-ROBINSON, Agent 'fee • amain `/6", Co?'
Lingo Packets, Filth et., one door below.WoeitLletil.
iLLUtild - JAcgisoNv-etger44.edizinlDerosiso
Ty itty strait, head ofttrdod. • • rebl.
11NOL1811& ELLIOTT, Booksellers and Mationtre, No.
±,'456, Market et. bettered Third and:Foardi. • feel _ •
kIOWILIO & BON, Bankal and .fkakTs in Faxivanga
• eciin and Bank Nott.:, - No. UG Market streat. tabl
A FULTON, Bsil and Br= PO UtiaCT; . Second
-44.• streStitrarneen Marker end Ferry . streets.. , febl .
Inyw IsISEN 1.!,C ARA ItCA.N . CoaS apd Wagon dfakets,
81. Clair street, near the Undge.
• feta
'FI :cod R:BROWN'S . OFF/C1,4114:45, Dwnondslley am
lateet: - ~ 4 •• 4:+:1 ;r:•rit. obi
. WERNlMEACitFaskimabk Cloaing Butsbfishynenk
. N 0.2.5 Libeny meet. .< my2l
yowl- c URBAN; Pashiimqbte ettr-et, near
1/ , WOod..oPPeeitetke <Aosta( Ito Post. • - tny23
LLLER & RICKETSON, Wholesale (ispcers and Com
saissitin Ilfirthants, corner of Liberty and Irwin stn.
(I.: 41: tiIeNULTY & Forwarding mut Conte:Maw*
Na• Merchant:, Osumi Basin. • • mars
.TORS wcwsKEv, and Clothier, Liberty eine
U.beroreen Sixth and Virgin alley, routb:eide.., seplo.
-- DaNy t luerrkir; WS. & Co., Inagua&
miamoo&nd Forwarding blerchants, and dr:stator.
firtoMon Cotton Ynnw, 57 Water at.,, Pittsburg. • , faml
AfirM. A. WARD, Dana; Fenn street; three doors
Ty • above Hand meet. ' Mee hone' from alne till
COMET - LAIRD; Machant Tailors, Wood street,
VI second - door from Water, Will keep, constantly on •
nand a well selected lot of Clothing.- " • . marl.2:y
A tARZ- 41 a , NEFileitgaP Whalaok . eneße Cloth:
'S:ore,-No. 43 Liberty. - street, corner of Virgin
atteiiTittsburgh.... r feb2o:ty
itaarair &. Xi,)
Ay,. and commission 111frclianh for jibe . sole of Amen;
can Woolen 1360d5. ' ' • febl6
17•AY CO,Zookullers, Stational, and Paper Ikrurrs,
&V, corner of, Wood and ThirOtreglii, Pi il.b°lgh." P a.
it oolr;biOding 'Pun dog dope' to' rder. •te o
Ti ES ICEEIR, Attorney at Late—Cdfiee removed to
.Fourth. street, betweem.bmithfieltikad Want sueot t s
Vinsbargh. '..inartut ,
I. ErWeettLit p 2re4t- 47:41".`Crefirt-gr
••• .• • - • •
ÜBLVINS 1t S.illTH,..Porweintmg and Comment.*
C Merchants andDcaktsin Produte,L o. 3 Smithfield
...Povito the -Aloa ongnhe La House: lel9
I If VG.M 7l lo6.lllll7M — Witoksek and Retail Oscars
AlamtProdldcs .I:44kti, corner of the Diamond and
Diamond alley,. • • •. •
..Topiraz miukmao, FurnmArng Goods .0.
soaps/4mm, comer of Market and Milti stream
i up
.0111.1 ti. entrance on Fif th street. .. 3
.A DSAUSEL MORILIS, Melanie and /tenni iltakt in
_Gm. Panty and, Staple Dry Goads, 83 Market 'street, be.
tweet' Fourth and tai. Diamond. • oas23 -
1 - 0 1 FUNL.E3f1," Seater No. lin W nod a
tr - kn. coattimar . on hand and 1
murioratutredto . ' 132,Y74 I
Ur I. !BPHIL It I, ElE7troallkalers nct CiirWntsoen
MEL. Meeollenac, fat thecae or Anierie'nn Woolen Goods ,
corner of Liberty streetond Cecil's alley.
Fp.73LC:IIE, Plana 'Faith arisufaciurer, and dealer in
. lanaleal instruments, No. 11.1 Wood street, near
. . •
tt a p l: usz::.:ut e w e l°„tevikt,: r
crre....nd Lord-
1 . ;, 1 ,,,1,MCELA /MCMLLIN &CO,' Apar, for Carlisle
0 sod Ripparrs Regular' Lino of Pocket Ships, from
.New York to LOverpool, pick. /43 Liberty st. (obi
. F.OLISPH AliaJOßv ikku Store, Ship Gl' LaattlerTiseg
U Agency of the Pittsburgh. Larg Oil Factory, No. 9,
Market streak, Pittsburgh. jay
PmAWE & irC11:0;04t, Proprietors OW Pictsburg*
I.L.Ponabk Boas Ure corner of Penn and Wique ste
• • ' • febl
LAMM MAY, Whoiesate Glaitelcqoartrardint aid Com.
ortiasiowaYeralima, Water efititt,"between Market sad
Ferry.. . .
. s ; •
n r ILL CURRY, Bankers and Exchange Enc,
65W00d Meet s third door below Fount!, west side
it&ghat & ithlAtd, .Bankera and .E.renangf Inaba;
.X.Leorner of Third and Wood streets., opposite the St.
Chadea Hotel.
TOHNSON I c . STOOKTON,Boniseliern, Stan4m_ ,ersj.rin..
Sera owtruidithers, corner of :darker and Thirdits.{
foßHum s Bookiie Stationer sad Binder,
Fifth street, between Wood and Market. jan7
15 .7 1IGTEIN, Baas Pouader and Gar Pt !Smith
field street, beterecaDianreed alley awl - Fifth et.
- deelB '
T k. J. McDEVIrr, inolesais Grocers dealers in Pro
t/ duce and Pitisbargh pituturaettires,No. 214 Liberty,
`*welts 7th et.
{.3-ateet, near Li6erty. . CJOHN F AR RA k,
norig Proprietar.
D„ GAlNusile itesod , brudist s No.
Wood street, one door south of Diamond x alley.
15 .1 OLLAN5BEE tr. HAYWARD, Whaksali and Retail
Dialersin Boots and Shoo, N 0.166 Liberty etreet, op
tosito Wood.
B --- A:k r AlitivEslfidki,a3.7 - iviid aa k' Drug Ware
. house, corner of Firtit and Wood stream, and corner
of Wood and ixth. febl
_ __
J. 5. TOTING.• ,
T S. M. YOUNG &Co , I ..... Q . . y ou A s.
n tr oksa andßetai A l
• Grocers and Dealer., in Produce, N. W. corner of
F.ourth. 'and Perry and S. W. , corner of Third and Ross
streeta, Pittsburgh.
1 - c. C UTCAMDES, Who:crate Fruiterer Coufirtioner
I tVand , Dealer-ift Nuts dud all kinds of Foreign Fruits,
No. 6 Wood street, East side, between Water and Firs
streets, Pittshargh, .Pa. Al! orders in his luxe carefully.
attended-to. - ' • ' mnr2o
ious—McDzyn.r.. J.immillicbrvn-r. Wm. ArcDsvirr
BIeDEVITT & BROS., Wholesale Grocers', 'Deal-.
ta era in Produce, Pittsburgh ,I % , ...nrtfactures, aud iller
chandize generally, No. 13 Comniereial How, Liberty
_rm. ALEXANDER di §ONS.Caffinicamand Fur
nishing thidertakers earner of Penn dad St. Clair
reetc, oPPosite-the Exchange. Entrance on Penn erect.
TOHN H. 141.Ef.LOR, IVO/male and Retail neater in
ft./ 2Uusk a,ut dfu.Vad Listruments,Pin n os,S choo I Books,
and Stationery,„ No. it.? Wood strcet. Joni
.ON r Jr. corner of.
11 streets, maiiutite infer of Leeks, Hinges, and. Bolts ;
Tabun - co, Fullers, 111r111.-and - Timber - Screw., liensen
Screws tor Mills &e.lO
petite r
.in Foreign.uud Do
litLibertmestic Witten and: Liquors, No.
y strect i Mad NJ Diamond alley.: Iy2l
Exchange Mee Baltarlore.
, xID. DOWNY, Proprietor. Conches willhe tit readiness
st4all the
Hotel. landings to convey . passingers, free or charge,
to the
"If 7 & Ageiutei for , the Delatoars .11f utuat
zi„ unuice 'Company, of Philadelphia, nt the }1 ire_King &. Holmes, Water street, near lilnrkek--
tsMe.--fi'itotssctJ wilision"Mirchantr, Sixth street, between Wood and
Liierty • • • d eco
W.M. 'N, liookainder, corner of :
Third and-% ood
v r e. 6 4lfet rip b l73?, gi 7 te di h n e prevared 2 to
MUitiliii,7Wlio leirS i leialeittiri.Zl7rHi t
Ylr o . u 4 DRY u GOODS, North east coraer.crt Market and
• aP2D:Y
Ci.AI , III.IIL ,MORROSV, Montititeturer of Tin, Copper
*Sheet Iroa Wire, No. L 7 ,Fifth street, brioreen
Vralliirand Morket:',
rIPROTH & ROOTT, -- li7toksate and Relail Deßief in
Bois, Slides, 11.unki, Carpet Bags, ¢e., S. W. corner
of Fourth and Smithfield sts., Pittsburgh, Pa.- Lmxl2.
pnt:Cqsa luotamx
W: - .II.ILITUAtriiH, Commission and Forwarding
Jtfarihar,4, and dealers in Flour, iVool.and Frodua
No. Ga. Water, and 104'Front cruet, irtiieenwoodiapd
Ltntihfield streets,- .. . - .. '"as2o:y
17i1CitiCii 7 '. 'ir., Importer, and dealer in
1.11., Foreign and Dome tie Sadler,, Hardtaars t and Cor
rine'Trimmings., of nil detteripiteatc-Na;', /Pa Woad 51.
Patetatrgh, eleven doors above Fifth, and - One door above
Ca.'a Shoe Store :11P24
01 iffif&„ si NcLAittmtnanmks,mowa,
10 Grocers, Produreana Commisriert.-MrhMlqiM Waed
street; Pittsb urglt. - The undersigned aving Miteredluto
Partnership under the above style, repectrally.Ask the
patro/Re of the friendei of the late firm ; end orthefitil
cliasers,generally: - They feel warranted in , Promtsing
that they can give satisfaction to: all who may buy. of
them, or confide business to their care.
- '-Wllf. R. SMITH, --
- - IV. hi. SINCLAIR.
T CiWlCTSENl ls7,Bl7ctCi siirm
- of C. Townsend & Co, and, Carr & Rowland, beg
learie hiunnounce to 'their friends and to the
era*, ' that-they are tioW prepared - to eXecute all.ktade
of work in the Coach and Wagon,makitig busitiees, - at
the ahorteat notice, and warranted to he'cif the he stgual with ...Tbe very large quantity - of seasoned Timber with
which they are prepared,. and theiriboilitiee for buainens,
enables them to /mare .tho public _that theylarwprepand
to pawl' on an - extensive - and .I:twiny-rt-busmen in. their
line, and . they respectfully:ad - hilt a: continuance, iittfie
Übbralpitronige be u pon ito*ca:e the late firm a.;: Cel4-:
-" • '
-„- -
• • • • • ‘'.
. z • ••• • ,
ptiLakiY, Fashionable Ctothing Ssenhlio. CS,Lib?.
.en tweet..
relit' •
liLIN•& SABOecmq, ma s
.febr: •
• *lO.
IV A Llgte 7 i h Ma n ulZ".`"* l '`" k 'lt n l 7 lB
TIHEYNOLDSA SITEE, Stiabliiaiii4;a4;Comoilosion
,LlL , ,Merr.harua, and Dealers in Bays, Paper, &e., comer
.Penn and Irwin meets, Pittatrnrgh. 4.11 sizes. Print:.
ing - Papin. constantly an. hanit.-.' mart7:y,
• • ;
J AMES PA'ITON, W holesals.ehoessitus(auwg_ jeffinar
Disiilkr, and Dentei Poreigh andiron.. !if, u,o,...'wthei
und Liquors, Flog'', Eheese,!Secds,Vealw-gaigso.
Liberty street, Pittsburgh. •• • ...101110,
‘,•• ----- • planter I • •
MIL Mem. street, e p r osit. -Nand.- All work meetly
'executed. Orders puns iitterided to Diusrthy,
• " 'fleets. .
ANANUFACTURER OP BR VallEß,AVuorsasist min
RnAMY.R9.• 7 5 Tea street, IPistiburg4,, Pa. Coo
`artenttly on :hand, - d henerul extensive assortment of
::#u imps of BrklisNE,B, atthe lovrestEastern prices.
N. 13.:ATechine Brushes, &c., made to order at the
shoricst notice.
" inar3o:y
ws: • . APR' NG
N 0.146 Wear serer, eetweew Fejetrout
1 1 fOliESALF. - and . Rietair Dealer: . in' Cedar Wore,
Fancy Ware, Wooden Ware, oteirery of fi sh dese
Wi Ware, .foreign and domestic ;..ISiatia.
Cads; Patentßotar,Chnthe;Wldeh fat et:groan any now
in. use in the United . Stares. .For gala at. the 'lowest.
m e pi
and DOllleftie Wines, , L 411071; 11114 ii Nan; fie.
mtkrehe 162 Liberty nucatiPtusbargh.
11 1 , 0ANDLES6 & CAEIPBEI,L, •
No. 07. Wood street, acre door to Diamond alley,
\Vuotasal,a Daimyto tor VALEU= :tam Date Goons,
ARE now in daily receipt of all Rio, articles in their
line of basiness—iarchased at the lowest prices In
the East; to which they invite the-atteatioa of country
merchants and otherar and which they attar themselves
'the) , can'dispose of at the let Vest priest and on the most
favorable terms. : , morn
APICINLEY, House, Sign and6mo mensta.Pointee,
&J• And dealer•ln PAINTS, No. 44 St. Clair et, Pitts
burgh, bets constantly on hand all kinds of Penrrs, - eitber
Dry or Mixed; Japan and Copal Varnish; Linseed Oil;
Boiled Oil; 'Spirits Turpentine; Window Cliass, of all
sixes; Putty,Paint- Braibes, iorilta best quality,
and (r sale at rou.sonable.orioisa.....-• • ,". scull
gi H. GERIIERDLNO, Dealer . in Imported b
and Dome mit•• Sepias / Snuff and Tobacco,
Wbattale and Retail, Liberty titration;
dews ribove,Smithfield,Pittaburgb, Pa.
• Erittl orders from totintry Merchants will bc pronift ,
. attended to. •• .. •• - • ' • jatlO:iyi
W. bel JAY= ATxrceos.
SCAIFE 1 ATKINSON, .11.fuoufaeturers of .Tin, Cop
per and Shur Iran. Warr. They also execute every
demolition of .Bfacksmith Work. Flsslstreet, between
ili'bod and Market. Pittsburgh. • octal:
lriatVarlt litiuriii!!=-Jociltiouxxx.tas
aioatrauv, nonh.onvit corner of Wood.and fifth
street,., Pittsburgh. will keep constantly on hand Dings,
Taints. Oda, •
N. B.—Physicians , PreseriptiOns carefully eompound•
e d from the berg materiels, at any hour of the day or
night. Also, an assortment of Perfumery; fine tooth,
Wt., and clothes' Brushes, esc., dsc., which will be
sow low.for eash. - apply
VIITILLLAM TROVILLO, Undrytahr, Fifth Street, let
t'''. znediately opposite the Theatre, - respectfully in
forms his friends and the public an general, that be has
resumed his business as a Furnishing Undertaker. He
is supplied with and always keeps on baud Coffins of all
sizes and kinds, Shrouds, and all other articles necessary
on such occasions. - • • -
. Silver plates, ice boxes, and leaden coffins will ham'.
;plied in order. *A fine hearse and Cal rinse always ready
to attend funerals,. sep29:ly
... Jobs in. Townsend,
' 7 "
• isT &ND APOTHECARY, No. 43, Market
street, three doors a bore Tbi rd, Pi nab urgh; Will have
.constantly on hand a well/elected assortment of the best '
and freshest Medicine*, which be will sell on the most
reasonable terms. Physicians sending orders will be
promptly attended to, and suppplied with articles they
. marely upon as genuine.
hysicians prescriptions vill be accurately and neatly
prepared (rota the best materials, at any bout of the day
or ni.
Also, for sale, a large stock of fresh and good PERFU
OALLAGUERr L0N0•416. afittbroat
MI. /00 Front it., peltrae rood and Sinitfritsrld nreets.
AXANUFACTURERS of Bells of all sizes, double and
J.U. single action Force Pumps, Counter Reii, Min.
eral Wnter Pumps. fittings of all kinds for L as ater,
Steam, (kn., Braes Castings for Machinery cud ti anti
ion metal for same. Particular attention paid tai:Ons
Pstures. and a well assorted stork of Plain and Orna
mental Pendants, Burners, Chandeliers, &C... 1.4. con
stantly on head.
. .
4 RAISTRONG & CROZFR, Commission dreTrAtvus,
No. 72 Market street, Pittsburgh, Pa., will attend
promptly to the .sale of -every description of Welter' ,
Produce, and other snicks entrusted to their rant.
Rasta so--Ranna, Hassey & Co., Pittsburgh; Hanna,
Graham & Co., New Lisbon, 04 Merchants generally,
tV'ellseille, 0.; Rhodes & Ogleby, Bridgeport. o.i A. G.
Richardson & Dna.. Cincinnati; J. F. Howard, Louisville,
Ky 4 Guile & Dorvrort, St. Louis; H. Bayles, Steeliest..
vine. •
,*.117. C. CONNELLY.
Pittsburgh, Pa.
N. 11.—Good Stabling attached to the house.
Ar 6, . and Bran Founder, has rebuilt ata
commenced business at his old stand, No, 70, se
' cond, between Market and Ferry streets, where howill
be pleased to see his old easterners and frienda. • ' •
Church, steamboat , and bells of every size, from 10 to
10,000 pounds, cast from patterns of the mast approved
models, and warranted lo be of the best materials.
, Mineral Water Pumps, Counters, Railings,- &c., (se.,
together with
,every variety of Brass Castings, if requir
ed, turned and finished an the - neatestmanner.
A. F. is thosole agent for Bert,bitts AnskAzzreserionies
rat, se justly Celebrated for the reduction of friction in
machinery. The boxes and composition can be had of
hint at all times. , • novl3:y
IN TRUSS, for the immediate relief and permanent
cure of Hernia and Rupturet (Suited-to all sizes.) _:The
superior clalins of this Truss consist in the comparative
ease with which it may be worn. The pad of wood be- .
ing neatly balanced on springs, yields . o the pressure 01
any part of it, and thoroughly adapts itself to any move
ment made by the wearer. It can be worn without any
intermission, until a cure is affected The subscribers
have made arrangements for the manufacture of these
valuable Trusses,in a superiorstyle, in Philadelphia, and
have them now for sale at their
,otlice. No. 77 Smithfield
street, near Sixth, Pittsburgh. GEOROP. WATT.
NEWDRUO STORE.--„lonn DTlcioartsi, i t o
!Cad and Retail Druggist, No. D3l Wood street,
one door south of Diamond alley, Pittsburgh.—The
subscriber has just received from the eastern cities, and
is now opening at the above stand, a full assortment of
arthiles to his (hie, consisting of Drugs of all kinds, Dye
Stuffs, Paints and Garnishes, Chemicals, ,ke., together
with all such articles as are usually kept for sale at a
wholesale and retail drug store.
Die stock is entirely new, and line been selected with
care. He in confident that his articles, bath as to'
and price, wilt please sachets may favor him withrical.
.1111 INGER would respettfelly inform his friends and the
public, that his new establishment is now in fullopera
tlon, and that he is prepared to furnish Boat Cabins, and
fill all orders for Planed Lumber, with promptitudejund
at the lowest rates.
Board and Plank, planed on one or both sides, coil
stantly on . hard.
Sash, Doors and Mouldings, of every description, made
to order.
Builders and Carpenters would find it to their ad van.
tage to give him a call, as he can now furnish them with
planked stuff, suitable for every description of work.
latest P—oint ' • '
AESTON &WAGIVER, Engine Builders! have com
menced business on Penn st., clear tlao Point, at the
establishment formerly , carried on by Stackhouse &Nel
son. Persons wishing to purchase Steam Engines rot
Boats, or for other purposes, will please favor us with
call, as we flatter ourselves lobe able to furnish theni oh
as favorable terms as any otherestablishment in the city.
Also, rolling mill and castings of every- descaiption can
be had at the shortest notice.
Ramis:ices—Capt. Robert Deer, Thomas Scott, Esq.,
Church, Carothers, & CO., H. Denny, Rnt.,141. - Allen di Co
. .
eIHEAPBONNEW—% Ar — URPHY is 'selling
his remaining qtock of,4OPINETB nt greutly.redu
ced prices. 'Hamlets of last winter's shapes at from 25
Cheap Lawns.—A lot of Dreg". Lawns reduced to
cents per yard.
White Goods for Dresses.--A supply just received, and
oared very low.
Dark atrigkeiriti.-11ich dark styles of aingliarne. Also,
Manchester and Domestic do., of cholcoltatiorns.
Mantua Ribbons.—An assortment just received (mho
Wholesale Rooms,..Sistory, and offered low by the - piece.
Also While end Colored Satin .
Prints and Muslin ,- An excellent stock on heitd, from
4c. per yd. up to the finest qualities. • •. • ,
E7"4 12 the north-east comer of. Fourth and Marko streets.
g it , ruukt.
SPAHMAN, having purchased the entire intereat and
stock in trade of Mr. John W. Blair. beg leave to inform
heirennte umerous friends and te e have this
day red into partnership h undperublic
tbe thatth firm and
dityle. of
Bteia&.Oiti.," for the manufacture of Brushes of every'
detieription. Being priletiCtli'workmen,they will' make
up everynrticie of the most durable material, and in,the
first - Slide' a'nd'ivlll keep en hand, foriala;at their store,
N0.120400di street, a .very large assortment of every
thing jn'their line of buidness—widch, with their exten
sive - shtck - of Mae 'Findings, Fishinn'Tdckle 'Pe tend
Pocket Knives; Powdertilhot;and Variety GOods, they.
will sell cheap, wholesale and retail,
i 'Machine Brttshestitadc'to'cirder,with despatch.'
The eneourageineat andpetronago . of theirfriendltAilSi,
the public is eamestlyiolicited; and will be thankfully re
ceived.i Observe I ' - BLAIR- & -
Pittsburgh, Oct. 2.5th,1848:(0c30) - IRO. Wood at
F LOUR -25 barnit i had received, and for sale by
cscriiss'CßY. s.
IfObREPATHIC BOOKS. —, Justreceived, at the Book
store of the syb.seriber, in Fin at . , near Market:
Almeria Megica,punt. by Samuel Halm emanitranslated
and edited by Charlie Jul&uHempel, Itt D.'4 vols.
Hartman , s Anti. iDiie4 aet I, by Dr. Remprel, vol. I.
HoniMpathie Domestic Aredieine, by S. Ltiwrie, enlarg
ed and improved by A. J. Hall, M D.
-Salfr's Mew Minnelivol.l-INO.I and A. • - • -
Heyings ThiniestlaPhYsiinan: - • ;. •
:•Borminhhatnien'sTheraptetie-Pcielniit Tbroirpfor Ilomce-
Habernan's Chronie.Diseases, vol. 0..
.., Together with Medicine Chests, of different sizes , and
p r i ces . . . - VICTOR f3CRII3A.-
rriclisabscribers most tespectfis/ irinnotince to their
I. • sellow-citiaths that they-have perfected 'their ar
runxtensive, i e .„ t to carry efili k e !Justness of.TArt Hoofing on an
t. • •
Dig now elose on foie years Sine,. We first introduced
tin roofing In tbiscity. Durins that time we have cover
ed over fifty,thousand square feet of roofs milli tinplate,
and in all eases We'belfeve'wo have given the most en
tire satisfaction: ;This - kind' ofroof bus been applied to
the very best buildings in this city, including, among a
large number of others, the two shperb building. on Penn
street; owned by John - L: Shoenberger and'John Bisset,'
. That tir,..ttafing ovtatn skillfully laid on) is both
permanent and durable, thern can be no, doubt Lin proof
of this, wc can refer to the alinoSt univeisal application
of this kind of roofing In toe large cities 'onthe tea-bbani
during the , Mat twenty years I and from enquiring on the
subject, we have yet to learn of any one of. those, roofs
having been worn out. The roofs covered with:iin in
our own city are open to the examinatiOn of all who take
anAriterest •thm.matter.. -We-have also prepared
Miniature plait of roofs, which may be seen at our estab
lishment, where any other itiforrnailon will be given with
pleasure. ' • ' JOHN DUNLAP & CO..
mar , / . , Market and Second tweets..
Time 'Aircometer.
• .
1. called to the follosviug , eerti ficates
Ma. B. Estms—Beving tested a quantity of Go ld
Weighed by your Areometer, I tin d the reahlt mores you,
instrument correct and recommeud the use 4:4' It to
those going to Cali ffornia, as the best method for,obtain
iug the real value of Gold. Re spy.
;il y . ou xo n tinLtvy;
PiArburgh,hlareh 9, '49. •
.• Gold Beater.
. .. • . .
• ;I: • • ' Pr: imamate; March 7,1849. •
Ids. Zatecs-:Dea r Sir: Having examined the "Areom
eter," manufactured at your rooms, I do not hesitate to
Commend it to the 1113.5 of thosa gent lemen who are about
'removing to California, in search of• Gold. •
•It gives a close approximation to the specific gravity .
of metals, and will certainly enablo the advenutrer to ear
certain when his placer is yielding Gold.;mrlo . l •.• Your*, resti'yr• • J.
I" Weisti tat Boots and Snaps,
COBNIIM VOLIrIII AIRD senninkitt graziers, vrenset i l i z
TRUTI.I & SCOTT having commenced -: • •
the general BOOT and SHOE business,
. wholesale- nmi.retall, would respectfully' invite
the attention of their friends and the public gene
rally, to their splendid new stock, consisting , of Men'si,
Women's, Boys', Misses' and - Children's wear, of every
.vaziety,scutable for the season, and 'bt prices to snit the
times. Also, a splendid article of home-made wink,
such as Gentlemen's fine Boots , and Ladies' Miases'and
Childeen's fine work.
Please call and eke/nine foryouraelves.
N. 11.—•Travellug Trunks, Carpet Bags, lc., &c., al
ways on hand and for sale love for cash.
Country Merchants - would find - It to their interest
to give use scan, when visiti n g
n az saii
n . g
4th theeity
Tm i ztsarnew .
Ptibito Notice to• Economists.
iTHE subscriber, being desirous of
.........,_.., •
_ - changing his business,has determined eSSIMISI
to close out the balance of his stock of BOOTS,
be sold in lotss,, w'solt poreh',..from .
CORNER are invited to call at
Opposite the Pittsburgh Foundry, Where they can buy to
their satisfaction, for the stock mast be closed out soon.
100 eases Boots on hand; sts," els, gm, 4.2.4
j ite r case.
Wagons,: Drays, Carta,. &a.,
rrrxSrINANI.A. AVILSI.3t, HALF MILE raOll7llX COMT 110reli.
Pr HE proprietor of this establishment having always
on hand a supply of superior, well seasoned •Lum
her, is prepared to fill orders of every description In his
branch of manufacturing, with an abort notice and on as
favorable terms aa any other workman in the West.
A newly Invented Patent Tip Wagon for hauling
brick, is built at the above place. Also, Repairing at.
:tended to. °Nero-from a distance will receive prompt
BAraltsrms—Geo. Satith, James McCullar S-3diy, lonia!
m "
Hareem and Baste. Factory.:
Too 5.& W. M. HANNA Intreipeetfully inform the
Bios eltizeni and the publielrenerally that they have re
moved their Waterman' to •rttitlifield street, between
Diamond alley and Fifth street , alga of the Big Bedstead,
where they are prepared to ind.wholesaie or retail, very
cheap for cash, the following articles:—Baniaus, Bed
meadsovith Otuzam't Iron Fastenings, and also the best
quality 'of Screw Bedsteads. 'I Males, Stands, de. 'And
they wish it particularly understood.. as there Is somuch
prejudice against machine made work; taut they warrant
their work to give eatisfacilon, and if not well made, the
money shall be returned. . matl6:3m
J OHN S- HAMILTON, Attorney. ea tato—Office on
Fourth street, between Wood' and Smithfield, Pitts:
linfgh r •
can d
A ra ble si A tnatlons — la caifr ° e f art and A rt el l n a nac a :i be n ts
in Ibis CoUnry (or a calnahle work, highly recommended
by numerous persona distignished alike for their learning
and religions influence in this and Eastern Cities, by ap
plying in person to . ADWARD TODD CO.,
mat_( Corner dfritHitind Market sta., up stairs.
Valuable Real Estate forSalo.
rrtflE subscriber will sell, at ptivite ink, that valuable
I Property, 'on the Fourth: . street road, adjoining. his
present residence.. nod give Oossession intmediate
Taere are about TEN ACRES OF CHOICE LAND, in a
high state of cultivation.: The improvements are a large
and well finished BRICK DWELLING HOUSE r a so.
perb Barn, and other oat-buildings. AdJoining theDwcil
mg is a. running Fountain and a good Pump, which fur
nish a constant supply of excellent water. There is a
variety of Fruit Trees and Shrubbery on tins premises.....
If the above described property is not n sold soon, it will
be rented for a time. Also, for sate. , &large LOT, on
Pen.isylvtinia Aventv, at the end of Me boaril.walli.
Inquire of intatalianG DAVID BEELER.
Go AN n D g
OFF—CAM:Atm fiscritt B.l3lGANl4—Theunderngn
ed being about to remove, in the coming month, to N 0.05
Wood street, is desirous-of closing out the greater part
of his Stork at REDUCER PRICES;Ii e would ca n
your particular aueution to his large an d splendid assort
ment of HINA, GLASS aml QUEENSWARE,' Gimn
doles, ,Lamps, Britannia, Tea Ware, Casten's, French
and English Mantel Ornaments, and Tea Setts, of the
newest styles and patterns, all of which he otrers -at a
small advance above cost. Remember the place, No.
115 Moo , rfeb27l tIODKINSON.
lUommeratal Row Cabinet. Wareroom
HT. 13. YOUNG Or Co.
AVE removed their CABINET
WARE.ROO.IIS to Commercial Row, Liberty
.opposite the head of Smithfield, where they will keep constantly on hand an extensive assorpnent of So
(as, Tables. Wardrobes, Bureaus, Bedsteads, Chairs and
every article in their line of business.
*„.* Undertaking promptly attended to at reasonible
may 27
flats,,CD4wk and—Bluffs.
flpitTAM Sabs6Tiber IS now receiving from the
city of New York a choice assortment of nuts
Caps and Muffs, Latest Fashions, in great va.
rimy, and very muck?, wholesale
j at AilEs
t r d retail.
novll Smithfield street. ed door South of 4th st.
DIVCORD di , CO., (tate nt , Cord WILL introduce, on Saturday, Aug. 26, the FALL
STYLE OF HATS, just: nmeived from New
York. Those in want of a nea corner- eautiful 11AT,
are invited to call at their store, f Filth and
Viroodatrets._ .
• • new Hat and Cap Store.
JAME.SWILSON, Rat Monfactuer,6ll)
iformerlyof the corner of Diamond 'alley
and Wood streets.) begs leave respectfully ' , Mb
to inform his old custoalers, triends ' and' the public, that
he has opened a NEW STORE' on Smithfield st. where
a choice assortment of HATS, CAPS ; and LIMES'
FURS, (as good, neat, fashionable and Mous. as any in
the city,) may be had. J. W. very cordially invites his
friends and the public to remember his new location and
establishtnetit,and give him a call as hearty as he Intends
to welcome them. ••
Fashionable Hat and Cap Manufactory.
ritortGgs. ANSHUTZ, Agent, respectfully it
la intermit hilf friends
commenced the m anuf ac t ure of
E lam an d ca ßa , At No; 33. Wood street, one &tor Crain the
corner of Second, - where he has now on hand a fine as
sortment of HatitUlla Caps of his own manufacture,Which
he will dispose of, wholesale or retail. on the most rea
sonable terms , for cash or env acCepUtnce.
"Hots wadeto order at the shortest notice.
011itton,Paper MM.
%WE CLINTON P. ER MILL, situated at Staub-en
-11 vale, Ohio, having been enlarged and improved, and
at a very great, expense added new and the most itn
proved kind of machinery, is now prepared to manufac
ture all kinds of NVriting, Printing, 'Wrapping and Cotton
Yarn Papers, - Bonnet Boards,• &e.,. equal to any in the
Eastern or Western country.
.The undersigned...having the Agency of the above Mill,
will keep constantly on hand a large supply of the differ
ent kinds of Paper, and will have any ,sizo made to
ordern3l at short notice. 8. C. HILL,
TRS subscriber,' having taken-the Sava-mill - above the
Fifth Ward. ',ridge, tormerly run by Mr:John Chain
berg and baying a good stock of Timber on hand; would
agliCti ;he patronaga of• the public. Orders-;thankfully
received and punctually attended to.
The andersignid having sold-bls ititerest in the shove
Mill to Messrs. Savary Jr. Spaulding. would room/mend
them to his former custome rs and the community, a aheing
welt qualified, to give satisfaction to all who may deal
with thorn. ' (lcua 4 . ll ) JOHN ,CHAMBHas.
. ~ . ...: yAlsrip.s; K. par , ',.
l'residoneofe.thenzaed - 81ates."ertimeriar:- e .
- '
,' ~. WALL
treaty, -002U, .GIUZCTINO: '.,. I: ; -", '
Wliereas a Was Made and concluded at'
Stockbridge, in the State of ,Wisconsin; on the 24th
day.'df November , in', the'year of our ' Lord . Cone thour
nand eight' hundred'and" forty-betweei the
United States - ofAniericri . - by,'their criMinitiainiters,
Morgan L.Martin and Albert:o; - Elll4'ore-thoene,_
part: - andthe Stockbridge - 00;de - of Indiana by the,
aachemicouncillors,.and beadmen: - of said:tribe; On
, tkeotherpart; whiph treaty_ is word for word atifol
lows, to _,wit, , . --„...-. , ..,.• .... , -..: i -
Whereaa,blL y O act.. Of -Congreys, entitled 4 ,4, act'
lOr'tbe relief.of the . Sthelibridgetribe of,-.liidians, in'
the Territory - of Wiachnsin;ir appratied on the, 3d,
_day,of March, A. D. 1893, it was providedthat the
township` of land nit' the ease aide of Winnebago
lake, secured to Said ' tribe by . the - treaty - iiith'the.
,Menoinonee -Ind lane Of , -February . 8th;' ,,, 1831i! , a's
amended , by , the Senate orthe , United Stately, and
; not , heretofore, ceded 'by ; laid, tribe to the, United
States, should be divided andelloftedaMeng.the in
dividual members of.isaid tribe,,byni
'be elected for the purpose, Wht Vvere,ip , mlike,re-.,
Iran of 'ettek'divisioq and allotineut, and thereupon :
the persons - composing said tribe were' to hecome
citizen - ea:the United States ',:-."' ' . ' '
`Aod whereie , ri. - portion , 43f .- said tribe' refused '. to,
recognise the validity of salrFactof , Congress, 'Or
the proneediege which r Were hatitinder- it or to be
governed brim provisions,and. upon theirpetitioe
.a. subseque.nt act was passedby the,congress of the
United Sta tes; On the. 6th day. of August,..lB46, re
petilingthe said act . .rb1iach34,11343 1: and-previ
ding,among other things, that such of said tribe as
should enrol therneelves with' itip sin-tikent irf - In-:
diaitaffaireat'areerillay;should heitur reefain citi
zens of thetinited States and. the resid'of:sairl,
tribe were restored'to thei tie
r ancient form 'of getern.
meet as an• Indian, tribe. —lt was alio , provided. that
the said township ofland ebould be divided into two
districts, one of whichwto be known as the"ln
'than district,”. the ether' a ' th e" citizen tliatrictp. ,
the former lobe held. in ontinoihi the party who.
'did not desire eitizenship;and the latter t o ! be di
`vidAarid allotted anitinglsuab as were citizens and,
desired toremain so: .-: - . . -;= ..A
'nt whereas it has been friend impracticable .
' ta ,d
carry into.falleffect the'proviiions or the act of Aii-. 1
Augyst 6th, 1896, by dividing the said township of ,
land ie thetnanner specified in said: act,, without in.
fringing upon private righotacquired. in good - , faith I
under the act of 1843 hereiribefore referredici with j
a view of relieving both the Indians and cifiitins,l
parties of said-Stockbridge tribe ' otlndians,' from )
their present embarrassments, and:to secure to each I
- their pat rightsiorticles of agreement and toraprotell
ice have been entered into, as &Ileitis:-
Article of agreement and treaty . . made :and conclu.i
ded at Stockbridge, in the state of WIIICOLIS:14 on . 1
the 24th day 'of November, in the - year of our
Lord one thousand eighthundrect and forty-eight,
by and,betweenthe, undersigned, acting :commis-!
smarm en the - Part Of - the - United States of Ameri. ;
ca, and the Stockbridgetritie of - Indians: , . 1
ARTICLE I. The said Stockbridge tribe of.lndia no I
renounce all'participation in any of the benefits or
privileges granted `or conferred by
.the act of
green entitled "An act for the relief of the Stock
bridge tribe of Indians, in the Territory of Wiscon
sin," approved March 3, 1843; and relitiquieh all I
rights secured by said act; aiid they do bereil ac- ,
knowledge and declare themselves to be under the
protection and guardiatuihip of the United States, as'
other, Indian tribes. ,
ARTICLE U. Thai no misenderstanding may exist,
-now or hereafter, in determining who compose said
tribe anti are parties hereto, it is agreed that a roll
or census shall be taken and appended io thia agree
-meat, and in like manner taken annually hereafter,
- and rettirsed to the Secretary of the War Depatt
meat of the United States, containing the names of
all such as are parties hereto, and to be known and
recognised as the Stockbridge tribe of Indians, who ;
Abaft each be entitled to their due
_proportion' of i
beiefits to be derived from the provisions- made for,
their tribe by thisand former agreementstand when- I
- ever any of them shall Separate thoniselvea from said I
tribe, or abandon the country which . mayselec- I
. be
Jed feit future heir home, the share er portion.of such 1
shalteeiati, and they Shall forfeit 'iti clailia to be
recognised as Members of said tribe.
ARTICLE 111. The said Stockbridge tribe of Indi
ans hereby sell and relinquish to 'the:United States
the township of land on the east side. of lake Win- '
tiebago,(granted and neared. to said tribe- by the
treaty with the hlonomonee tribe of Indiana of Feb- ;
ruary 8, 1831, as amended by the' resolution of the I
Senate of the United States,) and situated in the
State of Wisionsin. " - - -
At m= IV. That Said township of land shall be
surveyed into lots, in conformity with the plan adop-
ted by the - commissioners - elected under the. act ofl
Mardi 3, 1843, and such of said Janda as were alter-
ted by said commissioners to members of said tribe
who have become citizeni of_the 'United. States,'(,
schedule of which is isheretinto annesed,) are here
by contained to such individuals respectively, and
patentstherefor Shall be issued by the lJnited States.
The residue of said lands beitingineto the Unite
States shall be. brought into marker, but Shall not be
sold at less than the appraised value, unless the
Senate of. the United States shall otherwise deter
mine. . ,
Wow) 8? .
Amnia V• In consideration of the session and
relinquishment hereinbefore made by the said Stook.,
bridge tribe of Indian!, it is agreed that the United
Statesahall pay to said tribe within Six months after
the ratification of this agreement the sum of sixteen
thousand five hundred dollars, to enable theta to
settle their affairs, obtain necessaries,Und niake'pro
'Wear for establishing themaelves in is new home.
AwncLe VI. The United States shall also pay to
the said tribe within six months after the ratification
of this agreement the sum of fourteen thousand five
hundred and four dollars and eighty-five cents, be
ing the appraised value of their Improvements upon
the lands herein ceded and relingeished to the Uni
ted States, and to be paha to the individuals claiming
said improvements according to the schedule and
assessment herewith transmitted.
ARTICLE VII. It is further atipUtated .and agreed
that the said Stockbridge tribe may:remain upon the
landa they now, occupy for one.year , after the ratifi,
cation of this agreement, and that they will remove
to the country_ set apart for then', or such other west
of the Mississippi river as they may be 'able to se
cure, where all their treaty stipulations with the
government shall be carried into effect:
Amur, VIII. Whenever the said Stockbridge
tribe shall signify their wish to emigrate, the United
States wilt defray the expense.ti of their removal
west - Of the Mississippi, and 'furnish them with sub
sistence for one year alter their arrival at their new
ARTICLE IX., It is further stipulated and agreed;
that, for the purpose of making proytsion for the ri
sing generation or said tribe, the sum -of sixteen
theueand five hundred diallers shall be inveited by
the United States in stocks, bearing an interest o
not less than five per cent. per'annum,. the interest
of which shall , be paid annually to said tribe i as
other annuities are paid bY the - United States.
Maim, X. ft is agreed that nothing herein shall
prevent a survey' of said lands, at any time after the
ratification - of this agoement, and that said tribe
shall commit no waste or do unnecessary, . damage
upon the preniises occupied Gy them.
ARTICLE XI. The United States will pay the,es
peptic@ incurred by the sachem and headmen,
amounting, to three thousand dollars, in attending
to the business of said ,tribri since the year 1843,
ARTICLE XII. This agreement to be binding and
obligatory upon the contracting parties from and af
ter its ratification by the government of the United
In witness whereof, the said commissieeeri,,,c.d
the sachem, councillors, and the headman of said
tribe r have hereunto set their hands and seala the
day and year before written. •
In presence of— ,
• '• United States Interpreter::
, Lemuel Goodwell.
Charles Poreuninazer. . _
- Morgan L: Martin:
Albert G. Ellis. [L. 5.,1
Augustin E. Quinney, Sachem. [t.
Jehn Metoxen,_
John' W. quinney,
Santee! Miner, '
Zeba' T. Patera,
Peter D, Littleman,
Abram Pye Inez mark,
' County:ors.
JeeepicM. Quinney.
Samuel- Stettheue.
.81ingeland. ,
.Benjamin Pye Lnex,mark.
Simebn S.:Meiozen..
DaMel•Metozeri. -
Mokee Charles, big .s '
• .
[x.. a.]
[L; el)
[t. a.]
[r.., B.]
!L. B.]
r~,. e• }
tL 8.1
{t. B.}
- Benjamin Pye 3d, his z mark. • (t.. t.
• • • Jacob Johoiakiro; his z mark. , s.j
David Palmer, his x mark. LI -
Ezekiel Robinson. [l..
-James Joshia, his I Marl.' ' ej
. Garrett Thompson, his z• mark. -•- • [z.s..)
- , •Lattroon,Yiicron, hies mark.,
Thomas Schanandoah; his z mark. !z.
John W. Quianey, jr., his z mark: tr.:
'• Nicolas Pah:perdue' mark. ej
John P. - Quinney: • •
WitshingtdnQuinn - ey, his x mark:
. - Aartin'Torktiy, his r mark? - • • [t:: s;}
Roll Or census of the Stockbridgo tribe:of-Indians,
taken in confoamity with the provisions of the sec
and article of the-within agreement. '
HeiLdsof - fgmilie;.
Austin•R Qiunisek'
'John 'Metals's...- . :"••••
Bettbunin ryeessie:, :
Garret Thompstik , •
Elishd Ronicapot
Jan W...QaltineYs
John P. Quiruier
Peter:ll , LnUemim
-Jona, TlionipSon •••
Jainee Joshua .
Joseph M. Quitinek
Simeon L. hietozen
'Benjamin Pye 2d
Aron Turkey
Abram Pya -
Benjamin - Pye - 4th
Benjamin Dortater •
M 0906 Charles
'Be:Main Pp, 3d '. •••
Eli Williams , . •
David Palmer'
. Jacob - Roakapiti
Daniel Netozezi
Elizabeth Paltrier, (widow)
Elizabeth Aaron • : '
Catharine Butterfield •
Samuel hillier
'Louisa Jamison
Jabob Jahoie tun
Anna Turkey
Jeremiah Sluts/land ..
.John Yocum . - •
'Elizabeth Wilber •
John W. Quinney, Jr., and sister'
Clarissiltilller and' son •
Elizabeth Ilya • •
Phoebe S Rieke,. • ••,
Josiah Abrams, wife and sister ,
Jeremiah' Bennet
Peter Bennet
Ziba P. Peters
Ezekiel Robinson and-brother
Lawrence Yocum : •
Moses Dortater
'Lucinda Yiibiney
Jeminut Dormer • • 4 .
Amelia Qainney • ' 4
Peter Bennet, sen.s. •
John Bennet
Samuel Stevens
John Killsnake
Lewis Hendricks. • • ' -• •-
Srocazzroaa, Nov. 24, INS.
John W.Quinoey. • . -
Ziba I. Peters. • • • •
Peter D. - Littlitman.
Aram Pye his it mark.
Joseph M. Quinney.
Samuel Stephens, . • . . . :
Jeremiah Stingerland. : •
Benjamin Pye.2d,bis z mark: • •••• : •
• iiimectiaB.-Metozen.,
Daniel Metozen. .
Moses Chat les, his z mark. •
Benjamin Dye 3d, his a mark.
.Jacob Jehoikim, his a mark.
David Palmer, his a mark.
Ezekiel Robiolon, - his a mark. •
James Joshua, his a mark;
Garret Thompson, his a mark.
Laurens Yoc-um, hie zutark.
Thomas Schanandoah, his a mask.
. Joshua W. Quinney, jr,, his :mark.
Nicolas Palmer, his z mark.. •
John P. Quinney. _
Washington Quinney his a mark:
Aaron Turkey, his a mark. •
Schedule of lands to be patented to individuals on.
der the 4th article of the above agreement.
Names. No. of lot. No of acres.
Josiah Chicks . I.
Nancy Chicks 2 •
John N. Chicks •4
Jacob - David • . 4
Barmy Johnson S -
Hanna P. Chicks - 10 • •
Diaderna, Big Deer f east end 14 22,66
Puell Jourdatn - 18
Jacob Chicks •
John N: Chicks
Josiah Chicka
Jacob Chicks
Jos. L. Chick,
Jacob Chicks
John N. Chicks
Moses E. Merrill
John N. Chicks
Jano Dean
Marietta Abrams
Catharine Mills ,
Joseph L. Chicks.
John Dick •
John More
Isaac Jacobs
Benjamin Welch
Lucy Jacob,
Daniel Davide
Daniel Davide
John W. Abrams
Louisa Davide
Harry E.- Eastman
Ennio Abrams
Daniel Davids
John N. Chicks
Hoel S. Wright
Oscar Wright
John Littleman
Daniel David.
Marius Davide
Margaret Davids
Daniel Davide
Erwin' Welch (a strip) E. 01 road, 65 6 chains`2.s
It's wide MT S. side of lot.
E. of road, 65 balance of
22 .
23 ,
- 23, 28, 27
28, 29
N. 182.
• 54
S. partof 45 5.
N. part of 55. 574
8.. i 66 •
N. * 66
Richard Fidler
HenrY MOM part 65. ' of road, 544
Henry 'Jacob!! W.of-inad 63 _55,50
Lucy Jacobs • fel part of 66
John W Abmms - E 4-68'' • • •
John Dick 70 • •". ' ' '
Euoice AbraMs' . N : } ` ,76 •
Mary. Aendriek • EI 78
Isaac Jacobs and • 79
George Sennelf
John N Chicks , , -• 81
John N Chicks and 82
Jacob David e ' •
Nancy Hunt- ' W #=B3 3 41,'
James Menagre and part of • ' IE4
• • Betsey Menaw eastsind
Betticy Wyatt W 854 86 621
William" Gardner - 87
Timothy Jourdain • 90 • .-
Timothy Jourdain. . S 191
Charles Stevens ' 92 &94
Naocy 11061111 . 98
Joseph L Chicka 102
John N Chicks " 103; ' " '
John" Otire• " - 105
Josiah Chick
Mahn N Chick's 110
Timothy lourciain - 111 & 112
John Littleman 119
Nathan" - Goodell 115
Charles - Stevens 8 Oast 119 -' 50"
Catharine Little, - E - pattl2B -6460 •
Jorta Mooro - 129'
John W Abrams l3O .
Jacob Divide ' 131 '
Adam Sheriff W 4-132 31,25':
Jacob Davis " • 133
Joseph L Chicks • • .134--•.'
Catharine Mills W halfl36
Joseph Dortater 144 and 144 -145 . Isaac
J,actibe ' " ' 151
Aloxander Abrima r- 154
'Names. - WO; °flat No. °facies.-
Jacab David., • • 155 •
DarinaDaiids., • " : 156-
Joho Littleman . .167 . • ,
Isaac Jacobs "" l5B
Hannah W. Chicks 159
Catharind Miils- •-• - -160 •
Nathan Goodell - :170: • •
John N, Chicks. . 173
Jaynes N. Vice 174
Jacob Davila 175
Job More 176 F
.r> •
' .
1,1 2 -
-1: 1 .1 9 - 5
1 1 •1, 1,, :4
1 1 2 . 1 6
1' 1- 2 . 3
- 1. .1 .4 1 7
'l' 1 1 '1 4
11 1 4
;1 -1 . 1
t : 7: I`-..4
1 3
-L - 1..2
1..1 4 2 . 6
. .
. •
1 -1, .- 2 4
11. 3 :g.
1. 1 .2
t -• 1 2
•-•- 1
- 2 5
1 2 .-• • 4-
1 0-
- .
1 2- 1 . •i
2.1% .2
/1 3 6
.1 1 1. •1 4
1` -
1 -
- - 1
Elizabeth Palmer..
Samuel Miller
Eliah Kunkapot •
Peter D. Littleman
John P. quiriney
Heirs of Yocum
Alifol2 Turkey-• : -
Benjalmin Pye 2d
John llitetozen •
Mn: B. Wright ,
Abraham Pye
Benjamin Pye 4th
'Benjamin Pye, ar..
'Benjamin Pye 3d
Garrett Thompson
Ziba T, Peters
Betsey T.'.!usron • •
Thomhe Skenendoeh
Simon S. bletozee
Elizabeth. Wilber .
Ezekiel Robinson
Qainney •
'School House
14,604",* -
..............„,, .:-
• - • • AL BER TG.
' And: whereas the said treaty having baeti ELLlt3.c. titibtolt;:j.. , .:.l,:',
ted to the Senate of the United States'for its eau
tat/anal action thetaon, the Senate did, err the ::,:
day of March, eighteen hundred and f0rty4.410;*,,;,-..4.,
solve`as (pilaw': - - '
~ Nri. - .i..7..c..
Irr ExEctrirrE - Szearorr, Scrtat " o r,itittifttatli..= , ,.: , -
. - Srevna, March 15i,.184#. *.'t!,-$ . . , ;•:;[,.,t'..; , .',7 - - ':
Resolved, (two-thirds efthe seriatonspierfiint cfne.".i.".:::
carting,) That the Senate advise and conside,o :..:;. :..-....
ratification of the articles; of a,greemealf dad trii -
trade - end concluded at Stockbridge,,ln thri.State 4:.,.-•
Wisconsin, on the 24th day of Noiember; li..ttrar.".;F:'.:
year of our Lord one thousand eight hundreil.,:eittl.;.. "...','
forty-eight, by and between Morgan Ladartin tind.;:,2, -,
Albert G. Ellis commissioners on the part sirthe ~I.j; ...
United States olAmerica,end the'Stockbridge iiibe„......."
oflndlins, with the. following - '• ..; 7-,.
Add tie following as sapp;cmental artida. ','. ~- ',..- 1 .4
Whereas the Stockbridge and Menace 'lndinttel - •"
consider that they have
. a claim agalitattlio United '.. “.".
States foc i , indemnity Tor' certain triode on wtilte iiir. , ,Zi,l
er, in the State of - Indiana, and for "certain othei , ...".."-::'
lands in the State of °Wisconsin,' tibial, they.tilleger" .'''.c.':.
they have been deprived of by treaties caterelt:;;'!,
Into . with the Miamies and Delawaria, or to: ahem. -: i .;...!
lands claimed by them in Indiana, and with the DIN.,•-•:%!.
nominees and Winnebagoes, or to the Linde In '34'ut, •1 .
consin, without their consent; and whereas. the saict,„...."
Stockbridge and Mumma Indians, by their cliiefitil.-
agents, have continued to prosecute theactita ....:-.....,-„,;,-.,
claims during the last twenty yeareat their otiva pp ...
, -... "
plinire, except the sum of threo thousand dollars paid:.
them in 1821; and whereas It lede.timble that :alt . ':
ground of discontent on the part ofsald Indianashig:"" ...." , '
be removed, tho United States dtiforthor. stipulate s .. .!i'•
in consideration of the relinquishment by theafof .: -.......,`
said claims, and all others, except as provided /10 '
this treaty; to' pay to the sachems or cilia& of 'said:. '..
Indians, on the ratification.of this article bytheta,- ~, . :
with•,the assent, of their peOple, the thin 0r,40 , :-
thousand dollars, and the further sum . of:tweet', ..- ,:
.. ;
thousand dollars, to tie paid in ten annual instal- -
ments;" to commence wnen the said Indian* shall'
have selected and rembeed to their new h01888 ; . 118 ''::
' contemplated by the seventh article in this treaty, 0: - .,;.; ; .;
The. President of the United States, within
.try i n,....• ..3...,
years from the ratification of this treaty, shall pre.t .:,'...6 . .-•
cure for the use of said Stockbridge Indiana n goad." ,". ': •...
tity of land west ofthehliniasippt river, upon "which -
they, shall reside, tintless than sev enty - tvicvirretions, • ''"'",, '
said Indians to be consulted as to tho loci:Mort et" - ,
said land, and to beholdee by the same tenure ite:..---:',. -
other ladian 'Janda. . •., r - ? ~..,... -,
.Now, therefore, be it known that I, JA/dES.N4 ~,_
„'''. '• :"
POLE, President of. the United Statelier Asnoricititi....
do, in pursuance of the advice and coasent,of the - ..
Senate as expressedin their resolution•of tbe,firat. . :',
dayof March, eighteen hundred and forty•nititt,se,.
cept, ratify, and confirm the said treaty, with:iinn; .:,. ~
amendment set forth in the raid resolution. sea ~,,,..-...::„:::-
lit testimony whereof, I have caused the tir,
the' United States to be heretieto,atagna i; ha ir i es p..
~ ~....
signed the same with my hand.-,..Done at the city ofWashington the secenddayori.-:" , -••
m arc h, i n the year of our Lord 008 tBool4o,l l.'''Sj: -
e , .:, eight' hundred aad forty.bine, and the Ilat: z .. ....,
, 'dependenc Of the United States the,seventy.s:;":%
• t hi r d,- , , • JAMRSRt POLL
'By thelPreaident „ ,4
. - J4ii Fig, BUCELINAVI See eB tlitY °TB ta te.'".
N. i 48
S. I 48
'A !‘ " tetutt - 1 1X1 r, ly b e a tsvim eiz o' - P f rim or Aedirlib reeeiVedl)."'
Nottdoor t J(.1 4
err y then
rr 17:oiF.
F' Neitdoor~ ' etryHouse At;e g h et y r W 1
• •••=P:rtrte -1 /ft
• •
.:, _ _
. .
Thomas J. Chicks . .179
Harvey J.obnson 180
Nancy Gardner. " 181:
Abigail Joardsiir• • 182
Abram Chicks 184:
Harriet 1E55
Andrew Chi • 1877..
ckii— 182
Sarah Davida • 189 ' ' •
Job Moro • ' • : 191
W illiam.Gardoer; 8. part of 192and:221
Mordy . rdarie, N. part of 192 and 22L '170:
Mary N. Chicka •• • • ' 'll4
William Gardner 220' •
Tripbano E. Joordain • : 222 -, -
Caleb Moore • 223,,
Isaac Simmons 224
Isabel. ' 2215
Sophia M. Jourdain -226
Jesse Bowthan' - 227 • .
Catharine Franke • • : • •..‘••••. 223 •
Jonas ,Davida • . 2 31 • •
Adam Eailds_ 232 •
Lurke Joordain ' ' '233 ,
Elizabeth Moore • '234 •
Joseph Booster : 235: ; ;;r.•
George Bennet.... •• , • 237,,
Isaac Simmons '
Abigail 'Moore 2 -
Henry Moore :••• • - '2134 ,
William:Scott • 265
William Scott S. 1 266.. -
,aGeorge Bennet . N. k 266 •
Reuben Johnion ." • ;267
Silas Jontdain .. • ' ••: •'. 2 88. •
Jesse M..Joureain 271
Simon Gardner , -• - 1274
Hannah Moore' • 116
Solomon Davids ' ' • , 277 '
:Edward•Howell . - • 279
Harriet Johnson• , 280 . •
Lucinda Gardder • • 282 .: •
Hope Moore, " 1 2134'
Jemicon C. Chicks. •••••• ;
Obadiah Gardner ;"309 - : •
.11achilel Davide • •- • "
, Julius Davide -•
• •314
Elizabeth Bowman• •• ;415 •
Jeremiah -Gardner 316 •1. .7;
Mary Zane BOwmin 317
Nancy Johnson 319
•„. ,
Jason Simmons: : ; 320
Betsey Menagre, ; 321
Darius Davida •
.325" .
Humble M. Jourdain •,1
Stephei Gardner ' .•
Francis T. Davide .• .. -. ' 3 27:-••• •
Mary frl,Callister 328 •
Mary Hendrick 335 • •
Susannah Hendrick• 349
Jacob Moore • • 355
David Gardner
George Gardner 359
Catharine-Bowman _ 360 • -
Serepia Johnson ' 361 . -
Thankful Stevens 352
William Gardner 364
Joseph.Chicka, 365 . '
Jobli Chicks 466 • ••
Charles Stephens 3 67,368 • •
Timothy Jourdain • 369, 370,371 .
Jacob Chicks 372, 373 • S.: :
Paul D. Hayward 375.
State of WISCOOSiO 383 SchoolpOtpbseiri::
Timothy Jourdain 384
Jeremiah Johnson • 385 369
American Board of ,
} . '• ~ •
Commissioners for 386, 390 • ••
Foreign Mations
Jacob Chick 387, 291 • • -
Timothy Jourdain " 388 •
John N. Clacks 392, 398 • •
William Gardner 993, 994, 297, 398 . • •
Lemuel Goodell N. end 395 . acres.- •
• • b
Valuation cf Improremente, (vide. art. -6y .
Acres. •
• Doll - 411U 'a ,.
Austin E. Quinbey • 163,38 2,760 63 ,
• 49,60 ,
• -30,90 '•
• 1517 - 15,1;: .!
: 38,76
43,00 • •> 980 661;• ,-, ',
.29,06: 512.41;
15,62,-620 . 41. 7_„'
5,00 - - 142;10'
• . 3,26 • • • „, : 161?' ."
15,50 -•
5,78 • 78"
6,00 . • 311 - :130
40,110 . 640
60,00 825 t -
5,011 -
30,00 • -.495
20;00 ,SW
30,00 • :98i[ I:` :
10,00 • 215 Ott
3,00 " - ...../15,4:10
17,00 249,10- •
-- 30,00 • • 535 1 .-
41,62 - 1.11
4,00 .
60,00 - .1;91400- T.Xi
Joseph 81, Quinnoy
Samuel Stevens •
Muses Clucks
• • ••• - • • ,
4•-.i : • :: : : *i . • .: - . ;• ; •F. - '). ), EUii•
;t:, - . J .2..J•• • •••• • :::: - • j,..; , ....,••• : : : i." :
. - :••: : !ii • -!:;:' , ,Izii.
.' " ' - :;' i. •:• ', 1; . •;:i4 :: :: ', ! - P ; . ',- .
~ Z t-:- . ' .