The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, May 19, 1849, Image 4

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• plil 3 6lE ATTENTION is solicited to an entire new
'article of RAILING; made of wrought' iron-bars ,'
andiertahnealed rods, or wire, and expressly designed
for ,enClo:sing .Cottages, C•emtteries Balconies, Public
• Grounds, &c., at prices varying Irani.%) dentin° 53,00 the
running' foot. It is' made in pannels or various lengths;
to4.thut high, with wrought iron posts II inch'square,
at intervening distences of 6to 10 feet. If desired, the
panels tan tie made or any height; in continuous spans
_ of 60 to 60 feet, with or withput posts. iNo extra charge
for pposts
Tate comparative lightness, great strength and durabil
ity 0 1 7 31 th WIRE:RA ILING, the beanty of its varied or
.stairtimint-ilsiigns, together with-the extremely lowprice
at whichAfis SW; are causing it' to supersede the
Iron Railing,. wherever their comparative merits have
been tested. - For further particulars address
. Agents for Patentees, •
-Inr27;3m i DintntlttdiVOY, near Smithfield sc. Paishurg.•
.../Lts.edware t utter'', •SoldlierY ,. 4 Z C.
JOLIN WALKER,lmperrer and Dealer in Foreign and
'Domestic - Hardware, respectfully annoances to his
friends and the pubbc generally, that he 1.1 now receiv
ing his Spring, supply of Hardware, .Cutlery, Saddleryf
Eso:, - at hts stand, No: 8.5 Wood.street, which he will
pose of fat the most reasonable terftlg. - , -
- will continually be receiving, fresh supplies. direct
from the manufacturers 'in Europe anct. this country,
whit). will enable him to compete with any house, East
. . , • .
He particularly invites the alteation of customers to
his excellent assortMent of Table and Spring Cutlery.
&lc., which iE of fashtonabte patterns and from the most
popular manufacturers. - -
' • .I•ll.s.Stoch at - Carpenter's Tool's is large,ancl of excel
lent quality._
- Of - general, Hardware stock., he . has-every Vdriqty 0
, Western Marclnnis and deelere, generally, aze
yited to call and examine hie stock. - 1ner29:6"1
- Paper . - .
AM noW receiving, direct•from the manufacturers in
New York, Philadelphia and' Batimore, alargo and
well selected assortmentof all the latest and most -int7
proved: styles, of Satin,' Glazed and common PAPER.
.I.IANGINGS; consisting- or -
10,EKS1 pieces of Parlor and Fresco ; , -
.10,000 : - Hall and Column; - • '
' 20,000 • Dining-roont, chamber and office -Pape!
Which I would particularly invite the attention of, thosd
Itaiiiog-Housee to Paper,. to call . and extunirsis,- at the
Paper Warehouse of S. C. HILL,
paper Hanging..
SRS: JAS. HOWARD Co., No.-SsWood street,
AlToould &
call the attention of the public .to their
pre! eat stock of Paper Hangings, whieb,for variety,
beatzrof Snish, durafulity and cheapness, is unsurpass
-ed Ify* any establishment the, Union. °- .
Besidea a. large, and full assortment of Paper of their
own manufacture, they are now receiving a direct ism
Tortation of French and. English styiesot Paper Hang"-
ings,.purchised - by Mr: Levi Howard, one ot the firm,
now .Europe, consisting of . .
Parrelan manufacture, 10,000 pieces.
''.1.11 their own manufacture, they have 100,000 pieces
Wall Paper; and 12,000 pieces Satin Glazed' Window
Meters. James froward & Co., have spared neither ex
- pchee nor labor in their endeavors to rival the Eastern
Wall Paper establishments, both in quality of manufac
:' tare. and variety ol.pattern, and they"are warranted in
assuring the public that they have aucieeded: •
The whole assortment, foreign and home manufacture,
will ins .offered on terms as ton , as those of Eastern
manufacturers and importers.
JOSiIO,2II Rhodes.
11l ER; No. 6 Wood.strect
-380 boxes Oranges; 500 cans Sardines;
" .Lemons; 800 hi. •
• 180dozeii Lemon Syrup; . 150 qr." ".
1000 drums Figs ; .400 baXes '
200 bxs Rattans, in layers ; WOO Cocoa Nets;
- 150 bf.bx.s."" States Maecaioni;
100 qr. " '" , Y1=11'0311;
75 traits !mica Almonds; 25 cases ass'd.Pictles,
- s" lOU boxei shelled . 40 casks.Curraiiti;
8 bales Bordeaux " lOU The cut Tissue Paper;
Malaga " 50 rm.i.:uddia Kiss Paper;
" paper sbePd " 15 cases Prunes;
•3`'+r.:hard -" 16 matS 'BIWA ,
40 bats Fqberts ; 4 cases tiquorice
-30 • - Walnuts 0 Kis, Vase's Beans ;
50 '" Cream Nuts t ANo I Ro'k Candy;
• 40 " Pecans; " tylee and`yel.R: "
10bv13,8 cases Florence Oil;
• Just recelied and for sale by
' - .eap Groc ttttt .
• pup. Undersigned mess respectfully inform the cid.
zens of Pittsburgh and vicinity - Mat they have open.
ed Nt:Mt GROCERY 'and PRODUCE STORE, at the
S. W. comer of. Third and Ross streets, which wilt be in
connexion with our Old Stand, N. W i forner of Fourth
and Ferry streets.
•listing unfurled our banner, with - " Quick Solo and
Small Profits' , as its motto, we ask a share of public pao
Annexed we give a list of our Retail Cash prices :
'. Rest Rio Coffee, Seems ttr.; 12 lbs. for SRA. •
N. 0. Sugar, (old)% els. fs lb.; 19 lbs. for 21,00.
" O. Sugar(ne vv) 6 . "20 "
• - • " Rosin Soap, 5 ""." 22 " "
" Mould Candles, 1.2 k " " " 91 " "
" Dipped " .10 " " .
13 " "
' " tiatloTasses, 111 "" , qrt_;. , l9 eta. la gallon.
N. 0. 44 44 30 .
" Box Raisin (new) I 2ie.‘
llie6‘.lB lbs. for St,to, or .11 for 25 drents; - Toang itywn,
'-Imperial, Gunpowder said 'Black Teas. from SO cents to
_ 51,50 th. linker's Choeolate,Sehutitz , Sweet Spiced
do.; Baker's Cocoa, Crushed and Pulverized Loaf Sugar,
Kentucky Mustard -lava Coffee Olite Oil, ix.
. Our goods are new, our stock complete, and our prices
irreproachable:. We niost respectfully. ask atoll from
the hcad4 of families, that they may judge oar goods and
'prides. Thankful for past favors, we ail a continuance
oFthe mune. - • J. S. yourw ft co,
N. IV. corner of Fourth and Ferry,
fop 6 And S. W. corn er'of Third and Ross streets:
•. lititOttl'ANT TO HUUSEKEIWERS, • - -
-Steam Itoat Owner* Ind 'Hotel -Reepera.
:11 - offe red a* the best Cooking Stove in Market, having.
anew principle applied for heating the man, that bread,
meats, or any article creating steam or vapor, .c be
baked and retain it, flavor the same as when baked in a
.briek oven or reflector; also, in point of removing, in
saying lime-and fuel. The public are invited to examine
the. Stove. ' •
'For sale only at No.lll Second street, sign of the Gilt
_Stoseorlierereferencetnaf be had to families who hare
them use: Also, thirty diWereat patterns of,Cooking
Stour s, plain and fancy Grater, Office and Parlor Stoves,
&c.. lc. ' tair4:d:lm) A. &C. BRADLEY.
. ' Churchill & Stanley,
EDWARD TODD dir.. Co.,,A . gemata,
corner Fifth and Market sts., (tip sta irs,) Pru,burth
-IXTE have on band, - and ate daily receiving from the
manufacturers, a large stock of Goods, which we
to offer to Dealers only, at the manufac
utters' lowest wholesale -prices. Cluster and Real
Stone Set Breast-pins; Engraved, Plain Hoop Stone ,Set
Ear and Finger Rums; Plain Gold, Engraved and Stone
Set Studs; Slide;, Watch Keys, &c., &c.
Among our Goods can be found some of the most de•
tumble and apProved styles ot Stone Sets now in use,
viz s---Optd, ltaby, Turkois, Topaz, Anathyst, Garnet,
&c., &c.
Beater:a, purchasing Fine Jewelry, will find it for their
:advantage to examine our stock.
Bard. 4- Brother's best Premium .Gakt Pens. with and
'without cases, he offers for sale at the lowest New York
prices. ": lonia) EDWARD TODD & CO.
• - Scrip Right Slae lUpor..
13'OGAN tr. CANTIVELLeara just opening, al No. 66
lilifttrkat street and at the new Ctont'on the North-'
east side of the Diamond, a splendid assortment of Frail
lonable 'Bonnets, Leghorn Hats, Breast-pins,
.Ear and
Finger Rings 4 Black and Fancy Silk Crava , s, with onin
numerable collection of Variety Goods, which can and
will be‘sold at the cheapest prices.
Terrible Itevolut on--Statra Trlssautphasitl
liar °GAN, & CANTWELL, (sign of the ,e, No. SG
11 I - Market street,
would respectfully beg leave to call
the attention of the public to their new stock of-Goods,
Just teceived and opening from manufacturers and
porters, of which they feel confident that price andqual
ity will give entire satisfaction, as oar motto is—" Quick
sates and SmaUPrqfUr." •
OUT stock consists, partly; of th e following an k te . , , d ,
Ladies' and Gentlemen's Breast Pins, late styles; Guard'
-and Vest Chains; Bracelets, Clasps and Lockets; Fin
er and Ear Rings; Pencils and Pens; Slides and Studs;
- el Buckles, for Ladies'. Head Dresses; Madalon's
d Cases Shell, pearl and'velvet; Coral eads ,•.All-
istutter Boxes .; fine Rosewood and Ebony Shaving Cases;
famished;.Slyer Spectacles • Silver Spoons, all kinds;
German Silver Spoons, all Lids; Silk Bead Bags
and Pumas; Cotton Bags and Purses;.littir, Tooth, Nail
and Cloth Brushes; Violins,: Accordeons, Flutes and
Fifes; fine Penknives and Scissors; Globes and . Paper
Holders, Shcll, Dress" and Side Cmbs, latest styles;
_Chida Vases, Fruit Baskets, Agate and Glass - Vases,
Idag , and. Cologne Bottles; 'fables, Chessman .anti
Backgammon Boards; Silk Tapestry ;. Brussels and In
Crain Carpet Bags; Willow, Market and Side Baskets;
hairs, Wagons, Cradles, kc., &c., with a large assort
ment_of Togs and Fancy Articles , teo numerous to men
00 SCRIP WANTB2I In exchange for
• 77.G01d Watches;
- 110 Silver assorted Watches ;
L. 59 dozen Razors, assorted
350 " . Gloves, kid, silk, lisle thread and cotton;
150 ." Stockings, assorted;
.• 100 - Gum Suspenders; , ,
-115 Preach A.ccordeons ;
350 Silk Parasols ; e
400 Umbrellas •-•-
50 lbs . Sewing Silk ,
215 doz. Fans, assorted;.. • .. !
1200 . Spool Thread', assorted ; , .• ~
glass Pearl Buttons; . - -
100 gross Lasting, assorted;
hooks aid Eyes ; ,
03LIzicet Wagons . • \itith -- a large assortment
Faticy Goods
-Fiertch Baskets, Steel and Silk Bags, Silk f urses. Steer-I
)30oks, Fancy Soaps,.new style
Very Seeds
nei Scissors,' Pen Knives; a arge assortment' °LI
: Combs of every . description ; with a large stock of Trim.?
The undersigned will be happrto.ticeonamodate
lii+frienes and the public wth any thing in his line for
Allegheny,i sty, Allegkeny.County. mid riusbargh City
Scrip—eg portions of each,;at 5i Market 'street.
Bpring Paststons - of: - filkillisersi Bonnets:
reied, Straw Bonnets ;Cape C a r dinal
LI Silks, Fashionable :Ribbons, finest French Flowers,
Coids,Fritige.s;Trithminirs,Sce. .Stracvßonnets Wearied
and - altered to the Spring fashiong ofie : of die Vest'
Straw Milliners in the city.. Silk Sonnets ; Cardinals,
Dresses, and every article in the' and-Drees
nuking businesiiwade up by the-best hande,.at -
marl - MRS. DUFFS, In St. elate street.
. .
COTTPN YARN —50,000, assorted numbers;
" - ,150 - bales Batting: _
.„.• • 20 do. Candle IVielrl ' ,
Couod.Twine Carfiet CE - alit,"&e.ll, for tate- by, ••
' ' - Water street.
. . .
- •
Arrival of Now Spring dr, Sninmer t
DESPECTFULLY informs his friends amillie.pulilie
.1.4 in geneml,Mat he has received ervegy.large supply
•of the' ihoicest SPRING rind summer. (mops ever
seen in Pittsburgh, selected by himself in the East. con
sisting of English, French' and' Belgian - Cloths, Ca ssi
merest Vestmgs; Cashmaretts, &c., of shades and
colors. and : .of the latest-rind Most. desirable patterns,
which will be Made up to - order inn superior style, and
at very moderate pnces.
lit has also on band a very large stock of Ready
made Clothing, chlch he will sell- very low.. ap23:ly
N 0.20 !Nark. totreet.
HAVING received (and receiving weekly)my Spring
find Summer Goods, tam prephred to offer 10 the
citizens and public in general, a better lotof ready made
Clothing than has ever been offered before in Pittsburgh,
and at prices 25 percent. cheaper than can be purchased
in any other Climbing establiAliment in this city.
Ir'Don't forget to call at N 0.20.
marl4—ly E. FITZGERALD.
HJ. ROGERS respectfully informs bin friends and
. the pubLiclhat he hat opened his raw Ctorms. c.
STONE, N 0.27, Market street, between Front and Second,
where he will keep constantly on hand a large and supe
riorassortment ofetothing,sunable for the present season.
Having just returned from the. East with .new and.
splendid assortment of Cloths, Cassimnres and Vestings,
of the .most desirable patterns, which will be made up
on the shortest noace and in the most fashionable style.
on the Due price cash aystem, as low as'can be had at
any other establishment 111 Pittsburgh.
Don't - -forget the .plaett, but call, at the CLOTHING
EMPORIUM; No. A 7 Market st„ Pittsburgh.. pair3l:3m
The gyring and Summer Stook of
Been liras Celebrated .Fa tab/is/anent ittiV. •
A upon the enterprise of the proprietor, has es.abled ,
him to parchase all his Goods at such prices as will allow:
him to sell, Wholesale end Retail, LOWER than any •
other House,East or West. •
'JOHN M'CLOSKEY, Manurhotursr of Ready-mad
Clothing, N 0.131 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa., hasj est
completed,his Stock, and has now on hand, ready for
sale tb e largest. martfashurnabie and varied assort:num et'
READY-MADE CLOTHING ever offered in the United.
States; alt of which have been made under his inime
(Hate inspection, in MI% city,.av PRICES TRACT NOM OBTAIN
.s.Tairreamtek---together with one of the choicest selec
tions .orlmported fine - Black, Blue,Brown, Olive and
Drab French, Belgian and English CLOTHS, that has
ever been broughtm this city. Also, fine fancy VFT
INGS of every description, such at Cashmeres, Mar
seilles, rich Silks, fancy Satins, &c., &e. All the new
est styles fancy CASSIMERES, of every description;
all of which will be made up to order at the shortest no
tice, in the latest and most fashionable style.
The. proprietor informs the public that the principle
upon which he will do business, will be upon the basis
of HONESTY and FAIR DEALING; and in order toes
tablish a confidence in the buyers I am determined toad
here to my original motto, •• Quick Salts and &malt Pro-
flu;" and also make the buyer his own salfsznitn,br
marking the lowest price on each article, in plain figures,
BO that each customer can select front an immense and
exqUisitely assorted stock, the articles be requires, atthe
low sit price it can possibly be bought for.
Business shall continue to be transacted at my eateen
sive establishment, which has long since obtained the
character of being the First fuming Estabiishaunt i,
Pittsburgh: mar2B
P lag Blatek lag.
COMPOSITION of Beats-foot Oil and Ivory 'Mack
, for nourishing and preserving all kinds of Boot and
Shoe Leather renderingit soft and pliable. and producin g
-the most brilliant jet black, equal tepareartrivher, without
communicating stain or spot to clothing.
Lttiraviao& Co.atNe, 66 Third *trek, near iTead.l in
calling the attention of gentlemen to this licautifai Black
ing, desire simply to state Ds peculiar composition and
effects on the Leather. It is composed of n e sui.p.,,,, oil
and pure ivory blnek, and renders the leather at - once
Solt add pliable ; thereby preventing the boots and shoes
from cracking. With one-fourth the labor usually eta•
ployed in .the application of the ordinary blacking. it
produces the mostbrilliant jet black- polish imaginable,
equal in every respect to patent leather:and neer, ruts
(eon the partrabsents
Gentlemen are invited to call at our Store, No.:{
Third street, near Wood, and have the blacking, tried on
their boou, and *here they can see upw-ards of
From the most dist lavished iud vid oats n the U. Soften,
all of whom recommend it as being, for beauty of polish.
preserving the leather, and facit,ty of application, the
most beautiful ever offered to the public.
, may] Inf I• 6 Third street. near Wood.
Subscriber has received and now on hand, a large
assortment of Housekeeping Goods, comprising, in pert,
is follows :-
5-4, 6.4, 10.4, 12.4 BIM Cotton Sheeting s;
6-4, 10-4,12-4 Barnsley Sheeting,
Pillow-caw Linen, and Muslin Ticking ;
Marseilles Quilts, Illankets
lain and embroidered Table Covers
. do. • Piano, do.;
Vklidsor Drapery, Turkey Red Chintz;
Dar Windsor Holland, Linen Table Cloths ;
Damask. Table Liden, all widths
Napkins, °oiliest, Diaper Crash. ikc,,-&c.; which is ti l
be sold at lowest prices, at
mar'29 'No. 110 Market at., 3 doors front Liberty.
Hrse. Br P
ea Market street., an narivalie'd seterttan
Brad Reticules and Purses ;
Fans and.Condis;
China Sets, Aeeordeons, Se.
Booms: fr.. CANTWELL.
New Good*, at Number Pitty.nltte I
CORNER Or rOVETII &ND MA= kt entattS, pit season
REAT BARGAINS!—The subscriber has lust re.
Ur tamed front the Eastern Cities, and 16 now receieing
a v a ry extensive assortment of FANCY AND STAPLE
DIZv GOODS. adapted to the present season, and tin
hr king a stock for_nchitess and varictrett surpassed try
at establishment in the Weed.
Very 00583 - black ; , Cravatsand Collars;
tiandsomi dress . do.- !Black love Veils and lidt fs.;
Rich changeable do iJaconet and Cunt,. Mastitis.
Rich changeable , Satin de!Plaid and striped Mutants;
Chines; !Handsome- Ribbons;
Mods and high cold FrenekG loves, Hosiery, he ;
Merinos ; ;Cloths for Cloaks ;
Mode and high col'd MusllaTerkert Shawls;
de Laines;Cashrue re do.
New st yle muslin dt Lainesq'Plain Thibet Shawls, silk
Saun striped Cashmere fringe;
Fancy do. do. ;Pisa Thibet Shawls, do do.
Black and colored Alpaial;Black do. do.
Plaid Gingham, bright co-Silk do. do. .
lots; ;Fine Broc lam do.
New style Visettes; ;Cloth do.
Gala Plaids, bright colors; ;Plaid, Long an.
California Plaids; !Low Priced do
Black Bombazines;
His stock of CaliciWs is very large ; it has been se•
leered with much care—with particular reference to
fastness of coloring, durability of fabric, and beauty of
design. These goods are lower than they have ever
been before, and are worthy the particular attention of
The best Calicoes for Ck) cts. ever offered ;
Double purple Calicoes ; English, 121 cents ;
Green do.
Oil Chintz; British Chintzes;
New style Merrimack Calicoes;
Blue.. do. _do.
• Blue apd Orange do.
Furniture do.
A large lot of low priced Muslin de Laines, in the low
price of I£} cents Per TRW.
Also, Black Alpacas fortai_ets. per yard. Yery good
and very handsome dark and bright colored Plaid Ging
ham', for 12 cents, warranted fast colors.
Bleached Mullins, Of to 12 •
Yard wide Unbleached, tif to 9;
, Bed Ticking', very cheap ;
Cagnetta, Drillings, Kentucky Jeans;
Checka l Linseys;
- Dirtiest= Gingham ; Mariners! Shini ngs;
Colored Cambncs ;
Flannels lower than ever offered ;
Canton Flannels.
Irish Linens, Linen Lawns ;
.Damask Table Linen;
Do; do. Cloths;
Russia Sheeting;
Do. Diapers;
Linen Dalin :g, Crash.
' A large stock of Blankets, from coarse fo very fine ,
also Blue and Drab Blankets, fine and very fine, for
Overcoats. .
Fine and superfine French and English Cloths and Cas
iimeres;• Over-coatings; Silk and Linen Pocket Hand
kerchiefs and Cravats; Gloves; Suspenders; Silk and
'Merino Under Garments ; Merino and Cotton Half Hose,
etc., etc. . •
The subscriber having made extraordinary prepara
tions for:the Fall and Winter trade, and having purchas
ed his Goode under the advantage of markets unusually
depressed % can confidently promise his customers th e
besr bargains he has ever been able loader.
Customer/ of the house, and purchasers generally, are
respectfully invitedto call, • (nov2ol PHILIP ROSS.
Business Card. -
. . .
NitrRICH foot nill be proven by calling at hicatnaa's
Fishlenatile Tailoring E stab li eh me nt,Tb i rd street,
,St; barley Balding,
iritibrlO: - .Sineu.profits and quid. sales. ! .
',llitittie : rresh and good. :
- 'Comfier non : Tay far in the backg round. '
My Old eustomertiond all others, are respectfully in
z rmetigtail anynntita tor them, MeGUIRE, •
~ ocriti-- .:• ~- •, • 1.. : . - Tailitr. St, - Charles. ,
lid,szurn !friars.—
doz. - yer7 high buck Shell Tuck Comhs
, "5 4 5:Ai:tedium "' "
4 narrovibearded top •
NI ',fancy . Buffalo
10 Praia : : 44 4
20 gross corn. Horn • • '4
ao doz. Shell Side Combs, asserted, sizes ;
30 gross com.... Horn Side Combs " •
' 3 doz, Shell Dressing Combs;
12 , "_ , Butialo-- a .
44 -4'
4 .-imimtions.
50 44 ' - hest English /301 4 ."
_ 8
9.!! r . l'rfry
zes large
,g, Cleaners; , , ' tipls
fritiLOßiThis4 strutosehr Wodul;iesiieciftilly informs
• 1:-. his custtinlti,s Ond'the public that helms just receli
od fronSthd : Rnst tileoll selected assortment of SPRING
GOODS,4hich heciillstiakdtoordet in the best manner,
Cheap far Cash. pal 3
‘ - '91 4- 44„, -v
4 1W -._
- - _ , = • • , -
• _ _
ti-,,:::.-.-'::4;; . .q43*.*::...0...4.;
. _.
- . - piusllnitzh' tOrAgtbleM4iitt:Pil le.
1;•41.1 '- ,: '.' ..-..: ` i 84 -- 0
- ',
g -•'': .
-•-• .---. ‘ . . MEW'
. .. .
I"thadcip4ia: Z Pittsbure.
TH' old:established Line being - now in full operation,
the preptietors are, prepared, with their usual exten
sive arrangements, to forward merchandise, produce,
&e., to and - from the above ports, on.liberal terms, with
the regularity, dispatch and safety, pecoliat to their
mode of transportation, so Obvietke when transhipment
on the way in avoided.
Allconsignments by and for this Line reeeived,charges
paid, and forwardcd . ra any required directions, free of
charge for commission, advancing or storage.
No interest, directly, or indirectly, in steamboats.
All communications promptly attended to, on applica
tion to he following Agents: - -
' 278 Market street,. Philadelphia.
Canal Basin, Pittsburgh:
mar24'North st. Baltimore
, .
atitiggal 8 4 92. /Ikea
Itlerotiant , o Transportation Lanei
Tire Canals and Rail Roads being now open, and in
good order. we are prepared to forward all kinds of mer
ehandize and produce to . Philadelphia and Baltimore,
with promptness and despatch, and on as good terms as
any other Line.• ' - C. A. McANULTY do Co., .
• Canal Basin. Penn street, Pittsburgh.
Aozers--CHARLES-RAYNOR-, Philadelphia,
-ROSE MORRILL & Co.,.Baltiroore. fmrl7
ighbaal 8 . 4 9. aliaM
Merchant , . Way Pre'llglat'Uney
For . Mairstille, JphrestatT,_ Bplidaysburgh, and al/
intermediate plum.
Tins Line Will continue to carry all Way Goods with
their usual dispatch, and at lair rates of freight.
Aamers—C. A. AIcANCILTY & Co., Pittsburgh.
D. B. WAKEFIELD, Johnstown.
JOHN MILLER, Hollidaysburgh.
Thkritamrcrs—James Jordon. Smith Sr Sinclair, Dr. F.
Shoenberger, , Moore, John Parker, S. F. Von Bonn-;
horst Sr Co., Wra. Lehmer & Co., Jno. firDevitt 4 Bros.,
Pittsburgh; John Ivory, St' mit, Mulhollau Sr Ray, -Total.
Graff& Co., Blairsville. marl 7
(Gazeue and Journal only copy.] •
--- Diiiiiiirlitag iitraiiis is r t -
• .
azirmstabri Asti arm ststeris,• srettiarttost, PA.,
/. the mpst popular of aII.DOOT. and SHOE ' Es;
• tablishments in the West.. This place has gained.
. its reputation by Its proprietor 'seeping tha eery,
best Hoots and Shoes, which are .made ,ekpressly
to order for this market, and he is not satisfied only by
keeping the best unsorted stock of BOOTS and SHOES.
in the Western count - but he is enabled atul deter.i
mined to sell his GOO 'S ' lower than any other house
possibly can, he cares not what facilities they boast at
having for offering groat inducements to the public. It
is impossible to set tomb all the advantages and facilities
in an advertisement, that the Great Bargain Corner has
over others, which enables its proprietor to sell Booo'
and Shoes of the very hest qualiumt and styles at fromlo
to 25 per cent. lower than any other store in the city:
The way to test the matter is for all who intend parches.
Mg BOOTS and SHOES, to call at BATES' GREAT
BARGAIN CORNER, examine the stock and prices, and
all will be satisfied that the Orem Bargain Carner,Kinith.
Add and Fifth struts, is the place for the public, one and
all, to get good Boots and Shoes cheap, for
deal ' J. BATES.
Nero Spri and.Surnater Drtw Goo* 111)V, opening. at the
Sign of the Illa• DEA' !LITE, on Markt utrert,
brarern Third and Fourth . imm.
epWM. L. RUSSELL., No. G 2 Market street, be
tween Third and Founh atreete,gign of the Die
Galen Bee- Ilire.ha li now commenced receiving
a very lorge and splendid stock of Suring end
Summer DIAN UM.1013, winch he's enabled to offer to his
numerous customers and the patio generally, at priees
for below those of p former season. These Outlets
have all been selected with the greatest care, and will be
found to be one 4 the tersest and most splendid stocks
of dining and Summer Gauls ever edited in this city.—
A i many of these Goods have been purchased of the im
portent.per the latest arrivals from Europe, the subscri
ber is confident that he can offer to his customers. the
very newest styies of Ladles Dress floods, comprising
English, French, SWiss,l tints and 'Scotch Poods, togethet
with a full nal:prurient of American rasnuflittine, and
cheaper than eau be ftluad.etatieliere.
Bich Chettnelson Silha, extremely low ;
Rich Brocade do. beautiful goods;
Rich Grenadine s,plain and figured ;
Glace 11111 r, rich goods ;
Poult de Side, faitbionahle mid late importations ;
Mack Arrnures, plaid and striped;
Brocade LAMM'S, new style.;
Atoll:dr Chameleon, figured, teary cheap a
Silk Tissues, all Colors;
Balrarines, in great variety ;
Paris dotted 1.,a wits, for evening dresses;
New st ria rieb Mourning Lawns
Org and le Lauot, a beautiful arue le;
Black Gros de Rhine. all widths and qualities;
liorattarinep. ai maid approved makes;
Pu tie pri ntedreuers, iirrine/y.low
Furls printed La unt;,,, in great eartely ;
Drapes and Crepes taro.. a full nom:trio/eat of colors and
To trrafte - Suppryttetia ETail *ln dAlpte
.OMa a..1 .. 10w as Id rents per yard. In addition to the
near* will he found a beautiful assortment of Black
Brussels Lac c,for t rimming dresses, mantillas and capes.
A:,4. French worked Capes. Collars and Cuts, latest
styles. Also. ViLtnria Lawns tty A Spotted Rohe*, very
cheap ;Swiss, Mall. Jsconet and Book :Retains; Bonnet
Ribbon; Belting ; Cravat.; Scarfs; Artificials ;
(.;tolrPf Milo', and [hosiery.
Stilt WLS: SI 'AWLS :
Grenadine Shawic plain-and figured ;
Crape d' Chine, do. a new article:
Rich changeable Glace khawty high lustre;
Mode Load Thibet ' do. extremely lour;
Mack Enalltd Thibet do. eery cheap;
Mack Silk do. best quality
Black Nett do. low prices;
t Valle Canton Crape do. splendid goods
C.hamelcon Silk do. lute importations;
Printed Cashmere do. cheapest in the city;
l'hatet do. a beautiful article,
The largest. ehearmin and best assortment in the City.
Parasols train the lowest to the most splendid, Web and
article, of the newest styles and colors, can
atways be found at ILe, ttig Bee-Hive, betweenThind and
Fourth eta, N 0.62. (nriargS) %VAL L. RUSSELL.
Domestic and Staple Goods, Cheapest Yet
LARGE STOCK OF CALICO, from 3 cents to to
It cents per yard; 111eached sind.uableached Matins,
trout 3 rents npteard; Dad Tiekinti and Checks, a full
supply of all qualities and prices; Irish Listens; Table
Damask, Russia and Scotch Diapers; Napkins; Table
Diapers; Crash and Dowlat4 Scotch and 11arichister
Ging/lams; Sattinetts; Kentucky lean, and Blue Drills;
all of which will be sold MI at prices that cannot tall so
please, And without fear of competition.
Betnember the Rig Her Ilive, Market street, be
tween Third and Fotirth streets—No. 82.
m r 29 WAI. L. RUSSELL.
Great Western Saddle s -
r subscriber takes this method at informing his
friends anal the public in general,
.that he has the
largest stock of the following named articles, of his own
manufacture, in this city—Saddles, Harness,Tranks and
Whips; all of which he will warrant to be made or the
best material, and by 'the best mechanics in Allegheny
county. Being determined to sell his manufactures
something lower:thau beemberetotbre sold in the city,
he would invite persons in need of the aboVe named ar
ticles, to his Warehouse, No. 244 Liberty street, Oppo
site Seventh. Also, bands made to ordettbr Machinery
oct3l G. KERRY.
Steel and Pare - P.llanutractogy.
MEW subscribers have enlarged their Steel and Filo
I Manufactory, on the corner of o , lttra street and
Spring alley, Fifth Ward, Pittsburgh, by erecting a con
y erting furnace, it melting furnace and a tilt hammer.—
Their Steel, nowbeing of a superior quality, and having
engaged competent operatives, they are prepared taint ,
nish Files of every description, that will compare with
the beet imported article I and being deternined to make
it the interest of all who use Files in any way, to pur
chase from them, they will sell their Files -at reduced
prices, for Cash. They wilt also re-cut Files, and pur
chase those which are worn and broken. Public patron
agge is respectfullyinvited, ANKRIM se CO.
Oily Lavery Stables.
' Tart subscribers haring purchased from
Charles Coleman the aboveJi '
tables and- in
' tehdinefo - increase their stock of Horses,
Carriages, Buggies, &c., would respectfully
Relief' a share of patronage from the Rublle. HOTSCS
'.ept by the day, week. month or year, and additional
Jails aro being erected, in the second story,for the mc
commodation of Curial. stock.
fetalfint ROGERS & OBEY.
1r retiring from the Livery business, I with pleasure
(from a long ticgimiatance) recommend My MAO CM Ors to
the patronage of my friends and the public.
febtn:lw - , CHARLES COLEMAN.::
Higtiowts Carriage. Ittazinfaetary t :
Diamond, alley, beteetem WsodL and Smithfield streets.
' •AL BIGELOV4 would respectfully
inform the priblit that at his Factory can
mull: times. he ./ound a large sypply . of
' 6111 " 11 :'' Family .Carriages, Barouches,. Buggies,
and alt binds of Fancy Carriages, equal in elegance an d ,
neatness to any found in the East. Contracts for any,
number of Carriages, Buggies and, Wagons, will he
promptly filled. All work of his own manufacture will
be warranted.
- -
Raitiramcces—Col. R. -Putterson, R. if. Patterson, E. D.
Gazzam, Esq., Robert Robb, Esq., C. I. . Magee, and
Alderman Steel. - tfeb27:d3m ;
Wholesale and Retail.
inOItERT H. HARTLEY, bees leave,
"Ilk, form his friends_tnit the public generally,
sat he continues le occupy that large rind gem,
modlous Store Room, formerly occupied bySeitme a a
estordi & Co., No. 86, corner of Diamond alloy and Wood.
street, where ho keeps a large and general assortment of
Saddles, Bridlds,.Harnces,. Pranks, Carpet Bags, Saddle
Rage, Vallees, Buffalo,Robes, Wkips, and. all other arii4
clesea his Line.'...
He also keeps constantly on hand; and le preptized to
furnish to order, allkinds of Riveted H6Aeolginafactured
of the.bestmaterial,Andin a style or 'workmanship equal
to the eastern manninalPied :article, and at GO pet cent.
Country 'Merchant; and. F.arnters would do - we to call
and examine his stock.before littreliasing-- elsewhere, as
lie is determined, to sell fitnt , rate -articles at very low
117: Don't forget the place, ror,hei. of Wood
street and Diamood'Alley: - •- epste
• - Outruns fit Oar •
tOT E R - 8 Mitimiitrunbre- hinulliat.
iper mr,ivienSarsainrrflimPorter, Me i Cider ) Root Beer,
Mead and Pop, No. 18 Market street, and 1011 Liberty.
street, corner of Cecil's alley, Pittsburgh. mar 23:
Foe she Beal Owners in this City.
leave their arrangements made according to the new
Provision Lew, and take no receipt, without having
it inserted ; otherwise they will have to pay in Liverpool;
before they ship, .
Hereafter all" Steerage Passengers corning from Europe,
engaged in „America, to come over in either of the Shirs-o.f
HARM:II'N .1. Co, well be furnished with the following
provisions, or their equivalent en other articles equally good.—
See Act of Congress, May 17,1648.
This plan will prevent sickness on board. Heretofore
when passengers found themselves in Provistons, many
of them came on board entirely destitute, which - often
caused much sickness and death
35 the Bread,' ;
10 the Rice,
10 the Oaternetsi,_
10 tbs Flour,
10 Rs Beans and Peas,
35 the Potatoes,
1 pint Vinegar,
GO gallons Water, ,
10 this Salted - Pork, free from Hone ;
All of m.o.' quality, and one-tenth of the provisions fur
'tithed, will be delivered to ench Passenger every week
with a sufficient supply of fuel for cooking.
Each ship in this line will be properly ventilated, and
a good house over the passage-way leading to the Fee
sengers' apartment. The caboose and cooking-ranges
for the use of Passengers, are kept under cover. Every
attention will be paid to promote their health and comfort.
Remittances made as usual, peomptly, and at modeinte
Bank of England Notes and Femitsgn Exchange pur
chased at current rates.
Debts, Legacies, Pensions, &c., &c., collected, and
copies of Wellsprocured, with every other business con
nected with an European Agent.
European Asent,
. Post Buildin :a, corner of Fifth and. Wood stn
New Commercial Line.
E. W. KI.MBALt. & C0., 1 1 Dwane, KattIALL & CO.,
94 Wall st., New-York, S Liverpool, England,
RESPXCTSOLLY in arm their friends snd - the
, -publie,4loac they have corralMuced the Gene
ral Shipping and Commission Elaine* to
gether with the General Passenger Business,
grantincertificates of passage frona,ondbu,
Liverpool. Dub li n, Belfast, or any port of the:
Old Country to New York,,Boston and Philadelphia, coi
the moat reasonable terms.
Deans and Bills of Exchange, irom Li to any aniount,
on the Royal Bank of Ireland and its bmpches, and on
Liverpool. - • •
The days of sailing of the Reviler Line of Liverpool
Packets, as fixed upon. are the Ist,66s, 11th, 16th, 21st
and 26th of every month. '
These Ships are all of. the largest class, and are com
mended by men of character and experience. The
Cabin accommodations are all that'-can be desired in
point of splendor and convenience. They are furnished
with cverydescription of stores of the best kind._'Pone-,
tuality in the days of tailing Will be strictly adhered to.
Packet ships Roscina'Siddons, Sheridan and Garrick,
are vessels, of the largest class ; and those desirous to
bring out their friends, cannot select liner or safer Ships.
I'amoge.can be secured at the lowest tams.
New Orleans Line of Packers sail weekly. For p as ._
AV or freight, apply is '
above or to
deal] Corner 4th and Stuirliarld sts-Pittsbur •
The Franklin Fire Insurance Company
I, Charles W. Bucker, George W. Richards,
Mamas Hut t - Mordecai D. Lewis,
Tobias Wagner, • • Adolpid E. Rorie,
SainnelGront, David S. Browae,
• Jacob R. Smith, Morris Patterson.
- - CHAS. W. 14ANCEER, Preet.
__ • _
Cass. G,. BAITGm, Secretary.
fU"' Continue to make insurance, perpetual or limited,
on every description or Property in sown and country.
The Company have ?tattled 8 large Contingent Fond,
which, with their Capital and Premiums, safety invested,
afford ample protection to the assured.
The Assets of the Company. on January let, 1549, as
published agreeably to an Act of Assembly, were as fol
ows, cis
Mortgages $1,047,439 41
FteaMtate 04,724 tO
Temporary Loans 90,001 h 5.
Stocks 31,523 23
Cash, Ite 39,904 37
513,318,402 71
Since:thelr incorporation, a period of 10 years, they
have paid upwards of tote AN Four Huodivit 17tosi.
rand .ftiaall,lollle6 by fire, thereby affording evidence
of the advantages Of Insurance, as well as the ability and
disposition io meet with promptness, all liabilities.
marin Office N. EL' corner Wood and ad xis
Fire and Xarine Insurance.. '..
hisaranee Geanpony of. North America. .of Yhilr
delphia,throngh its duly authorized neeritolie sob
*ember, Oink to make permanent and limited Inannume
oa propeny, in init. eityiand its vicinity, and on ointments
by the canal and river*,
Arthur 0, Coffin, Proil. Samuel Brooks,
AO'S. /lenty, Charles Taylor,
Samuel W. Jones, .. Samuel W. Smith,
Edward Smith, • Ambrose White, '
John A. Wawa, Jacob 51. Thomas,
1400.9 Ned '6lra, John R. Ne -
Thomas P. Cope, Richard D. Wood,
Wm. Welsh, Henry D. Sherraril, Seey.
This Is the oldest Insurance Company in the ITttited
States, having been chartered in 1794. Its chatter is per
petals!, and from its high standing, long experience am
ple means, and avoiding all risks of an extra hasarilous
character, it may be considered as offering ample securi
ty to the public. WILLIAM - P. JONES.
At Counting Room of AtWood, Jones & Co., Water and
Front its, Pittsburgh . may4y
linE subscribers having removed from N 0.170 to Nos.
172 and 04 Liberty street, offer for sale Goods, as
follows. in store and now landing, viz:
3..sobegs prime . Rio Coffee. new crop
40 " told Government Java Calico;
150 Walt. prime New Orleans Sugar;
520 bbl s. Ciantation Molasses;
1.00 " St. James Sager-house Molasses ;
100 If. ch. Young Ilysort Tea;
40 Gunpowder and Imperial Tea; new
40 Chulan Powcliong crop.
79 catty boxes Y. H. and Gunpowder Tea ;
100 bags white Bra sit Sugar
fa boxes white Has a.ns Sugar;
40 bags Pepper
100 holes Mu
tard, in I and I lb , cans;
100 51aloga. Bunch Raisins ; '
in layers;
50 ht. " " "
50 q r, " ao. to As
90 casks Zara* Currants;
10 bales Sicily Almonds;
100 boxes Richinond Tobacco;
30 baskets Bordeaux and Marseilles Olive Oil";
1100 Mils. and 100 hf. bids. No. 3 large Markerat ;
9 barrels Honey;
1500 ms. Cheese ; •
2040 galls. Winter and Spring Sperm Oil ;
1000 " Bleached North-west Whale Oil; •
1000 Crude e
300,000 Crux & Sons' sup'r.Prineitic C igars;
30,000 Havana Sears;
20 half pipes Cognac Brandy, of various vintages;
4 puncheons Jamaica Spirits; .0
3 pipes Holland Gin;
20 qr. casks sup. Tenetiffe Wine ;
10 Madeira Wine;
20 - Lisbon "
40 " Op
50 " Sweetorto
Malaga Wine;
10 Indian barrels - "
15 libds, Claret;
90 qr. cuks Haut Sauterne ;
40 cases sup'r Heiden= Claret;
30 tiaskets Champagne Wine;
2 dos- eater Stomach Bitters;
200 bbla. pure Rye Whisk l'rent 1 to 5 Years cid.
CIGARS, CIOARS,.CIOARS=•Four cases, cant ining:
12000 St, Bt Yarn Prineipe Cigars;
8000 Herres .Imp'd do •06 •
4000 dela Cruz Cuba do do •
=I L a Minna Hay, Regalia da
4000 Primers Hav'a do do
' • 2000 La Luna . do do -
%450 La Minerva . - do
Just received and tor sale by. JOSHUA ttHOD,
apt 2 No. 6 Wood street.
FOR SAL Brick House, and Lot of 18 feet;fro a
on Clay alley by 50 deep towards Wylie street, ne ar
Ithtinel Agent, t
to Washington street. The House is well arranged a n d
in good repair. Price, 81000-8400 in band,-$2OO at one
year, 12200 at two years, 8200 la three years, or $OOO in
'Scrip in band. This property is reined at 11125.
S. cuTa . BERsTm, Clt
A vAttrant.E Prtonavv, situated in the City of
El Steubenville, Jefferson County, Ohl% VII :—One
O of 60 feet front on Third street, by 180 feet , to an
alley, and on which. there Is a large Two Story
HOUSE, containing several rooms bt apartments, which
Imabeen.mostly occupied as aTavern these last seven
_or eight Tears, and is. now occupied as a Tavern, by Mr.
Crane. Mere is also a large Stable on-the sante Lot.
ALSO, part or
ro c k . Lot - of Ground, djoining the above de
scribed pperty, soluewhere 'about 2'7 feet front on Third
street by 180 feet to an alley, on which there Is itTwo
Story IfobseicontainingP romason the first f100r,3 tome
.on this second floor; also, a garret and:a kitchen. This
House wasformerly oat:Opted nathe.Prtt office, and now
occupied as a ßakery. ' Thsre .also a Stable on the
stone Lot,of proUnd. - '
Both of the above Houses front on Third street, near'
Market street, and nearly opposite the Court Howie. I.
will sell' both these Lots and Houses together or each :
House. and. Lot separately. Term? :— One-ha lf of the
urchaie Money to ne paid at time of sale, and the bther
half. payable one 3 ear after the saleov,ith the ustallme
rest—the balance to be ;
secured by bond. and•mortme
on the llama property ; , Title - indisputable, without any
-encumbrance. A warranted docd _given. PosSession
'given at the Ist of April after-it would be sold: ' For fur
ther Inftlrmation, enqfdre of the undersigned, by letter or
otherwise. • . . SAMUEL IacCLAIN,
Pittsbu'rgh, April 23, 46-am : Nob 05 Wood st.
• -- „,,„,..„,,,
AY MAGAZ INES:DE.C'D AT AL A; '`'-.P. E'. - .- -
11l - OodeVs 140. 0 10Digizine, for May:, - • - ..i
NationalMagaiine tor May. ~- •' • .
'Graham's • . 1 • i "t.. i• -. .
Memoirs of my Youth; by A...De Lameatine
Life atulLetters or. Caroline Fry.
Bowdlar's Family Shakspeara
- 'The Waverly Novels, by. Sir Walter Scott; oomplete
;in five volumes. . - ,-. •
edition-, -: if ' _ , t . , -, -- - ' • -
Outlines of
New System of Physiognomy illus.
tinted ;_by'S. AV. Redfield,l.l. D.
figm she sixth London
Litteli's Living Age, Nca22.2: ~ - , ,: , - • - , .
Our stook now comprises Ole largest and moAt nom.
- plete assorauant in the - . Nest. - . - ..
Hu .Sinithfield street s - third door above 2.d. , - -.. -24 ..
C "r'""2l BIigPAtEVB &-00
~mtgrgtiot~ lea
insnrcput tompcmits
For soli.
Ora (lobs
BARGELFS - S 2 7 13 - AitbAINS t — --
, .
-At N 0.56 street.: , •
TUR undersigned 'mixing determined us.,
oto decline his present busineseindeloso ~,
up on or before the Ist July next, will Is ;
from this day sell Off for cesr and cantilAo E. his
- entire stock of TRIMMING 'AND FANCY
GOODS, embracing a - general 'assqrtinent of Goods in the
above line, viz :Frtriges; Laces,' Edgings and Insert
ings, of every description ; French Worked Capes, Col
lars, Cuffs and Sleeves; Conon and Silk' Hose, all colors
and qualities; Children's dm; Linen Handkerchiefs; Bead
Bags and Purses . , Steel Beads, Clasps and Steel Trim
mings. Bonnet Ribbons, Mantua do.; Belt do., Cord and
Tassels, Oiled Silks, Selling Silk, Coates' Spool Cotton, _
Spool Silk, Linen and - Cotton Bobbins, Worsted and
Cotton Bindings" and Cords Silk and Linen Lacers,
black, white and colored Kid Gloves, of the best quality.
Silk, Lisle Thread and Cotton Gloves; Lace Gloves and
Mitts; Silk_ Floss; Ames andfGermau Pins ; Hair Pins ;
Leather Belts. '
Every variety and' shade of ,Parasols, 6f this Spring's
purchase; Fans, of the most beautiful and rich patterns,
all ficith and ttewl Ladies' Traveling Raga ; Ladies"Sphii -
Silk and Merino Vests; Buffalo Tuck Combs; Card
Casea;. Belt Slides, Fancy Trerich Hair Brushes, Read
ing and Fine Tooth Combs Perfumery. of the finest gnat-,
itles ; Fine Soaps ' Pearl,lvory and Porcelain-Battens;
Clothes Brushes,
Jsc., &c. -
A large and complete assortment of Goods in the above
line, eonsistingin part of Fine Shirts, Standing and Byrori
Coffers, latest-styles; Silk ',Undershirts and 'Drawers;
- Gauze, - Cotton and Merino do. do.. Brown and. White
Linen Drawers ; ; - White Drilling de., made .in superior
style; bPk:ltalian„ Barathea and Amer.Crovets ; new
styles of -rich silk' Cravats; all palterns, a splendid
moment; red and: imitation MadrasCriyata;Lawn and
tpiSat S mzl t eanHalr it csSal
andlancyiies•llk"atnan figuredanpn Scarfs;
Shirt Bosoms and Collars; . super. Lisle Thread 'Under
.shirts and Drawers ; Eng- ad German Half Hose
Half Hose ; Silk do.; a splendid assortment of.EbonY and
other Canes; Silk and Gingham Umbrellas, Carpet Bags,
Dressing Gowns, Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, black
and colored"' Hid Gloves, Silk and Lisle Thread do.,
Shoulder Braces Of thermost approved patterns; Money
Belts, Russia Belts, French Embroidered Smoking Caps,
Oiled Silk Bathing Caps, Razoric Brushes, Wallets, Sus,
penders of every description, See. • -
The entirri stock will be sold for cost, and carriage
added. which will tiring prices'down 50 per cent. lower
than the same ilescrip-mn of Goods have - eve/been
offered in.this city. • • B. V. STERETT
No. 50 Market street, near Third at.
N. B.—The Store for rent, and Fixture*. for sale, from
the Ist July. , • - may 33(
LEND I rum() , NEWS ' *6 ' r e 15.
A. MASON Ze CO. 'having considerably enlarged
their Store. for the accommodation of their in
creasing business; are now prepared to exhibit to their
Retail Trade the most extensive stock of rich and fash
iciriabla Imported and American GOODS they-have ever
offered in this city. , Their large .shawl Saloon, together
with another room,-have been fined up and added to their
Retail Department,. thereby giving them ample room for
the display of their immense stock. -
Being constantly in the receipt of NEW GOODS from
their House- in, New York;
.thev are enabled to offer' the
newest, latest and most detnratile Goods, and at prices as
Mar as 'any house in the cbuittry.. '
Their Mock consists in 'part of five hundred pieces . of
extra rich Bereges, Tissues, Albannes, Delphmesltuid
Marquise, of new and splendid- styles. A.Lte, Poil de
Cheers, Fowler,' Silks,Moos De Laines, Grenadines,
Peking, Braziliennes, roche, Toil du Nord, Ice.,
Six hundred pieces at .hew nod rich style Jaconets,
Lawns and Organdies..splendid -designs. Seven hun
dred Pieces English end French Prints, Gingbams,
•Three hundred pieces of rich plain, figured andehunge
able Silks. of entirely new styles. Also, Black Silks for
blesses, Miles, Mantillas, &e., of supenor high lustre.
Cashmere, Thibet : Long and nguitre Shawls; Gros De
Rhine, Poult Sole, Canton Crape, Silk,&rage, Sew
ing Silk, Wool Plaid,Ortinadine and Muslin de Leine.
Cambric', Jaconets, Victoria Lawns, Book and Swiss
Mastins,Tarietans, Fancy Checks, Linen 'aeons, Dot
ted Muslins, Mull and Nainsook do. &c,
Damasks.; Covers. Napkins, Diapers, lidkfis Feeßch
Linen and Drills, Baimspy Sheetinga, Swiss do., 'lrish
Linens, best make and finish. _
- - .
A comp ete assortment of China Braid, Florence ; Dun
stable, Rough and *Ready, Straw, English" Chip, I ancy
125 bagelsof-Bonnet and Cap ftibbons of the- best
.styles.. Also, black and . colored Taffeta and Satin, best
quality. Also, Bonnet Silka,LiAings and Artificials.
Every description of Ladies',and Hose and
Gloves, Cravats, Scarfs, tldkfs.. Also, @crags, Gauze,
Crape-Tisane Veils, Slack Lace;flemi Veils, bke., &c.
Stem Visites an' Mantillas.
Of all the fashionable colors and styles,
EstanomsazzoLscxs, Taunus as, ZGC.
Lace Capes, Cellars; Cud's, Standing Collars, Cheini
serts, Fateneumes, French and English Edgings,. Cam
bric do., Inserting, Belt Ribbans, Linen cambric and
Lawn lidkfs- Crapes, &c.,Ac.
MOM than Two Thousand Parasols and Parasolettis
of every 'variety, inclnding the best make of doe Salit.
and Chatteleon.
CLOVIS, CASSISIERES, Vestinga, Sommer Sluff*,
Cottanadem, Tweeds, leans. Also, Flnonelo, CheekS,
Moro than two hundred cam; of the - ben styles, and of
every variety-
Bieoehat Brown
Over one hundred cases of all the well known and im
proved makes of Bleached Itluslins, 300 bales Brown
do, of every variety and price
Purchasers may always depend (front the great facili
fie* of thin establishment.) upon obtaining the choicest
Goods at the most reasonable prices—the system of
sow raters adopted by this establishment, as well its
their One Price System, having met with such essential
favor that the subscribers are enabled to offer still great
er inducements to purchasers. Every article will there
fore be marked tit such low rates as cannorfail to give
perfect satisfactimt. IBerchants from all parts of the
country are invited to call. A.• A. MASON & CO.,
isp27 GO Nlarket strecet,,between :341 and 4th eta.
New Sprits if Goods
WO. GS, .:11ARKET sTaEra t between Fourth street
11 and the Diamond. Foreign and Domestic Dry
Goods. The subscriber has just received his first supply
of Fancy and staple Dry Goods. adapted to the Spring
Sales, consisting in part of the following:
4-4 English Lawns. only 1•44 cts.. French Organdy-
Lawns; 121. 4.4 Blue Merimac Prints /21 eta, 4:4
Double Purple Prints. 12 cis., Drab Mouede,Lain, 12;
cUL, French Dress Ginghams, Mots., 4-1 Brown Mus
lin*, from 3 to 8 e ts.. Bleached Mullins, ai CU.. 4-4 Bleach
ed Aluslins, 61 to 124 - cts., Prints, Merlmite Patterns, tif
eta., gd Mourning Fr. Gingliarns, els., French Work.
Callars,l2i cis.
Brocade Chameliou Silks, 13roslia Figured Silks; Chi;
malice Satin de Shien, Wide. Black Plaid Silks, Wide
Black Gro. de Rhine Silks, Figured. Foulard Silks, Plaid
'Oro. d'Armour Silks, Madonna Silk Stripes, Wide Black
Mantilla Silks, Pans Printed Lawns English Printed
Lawns, French . Dress Gingham*, Embroidered Swiss
Muslins, Pans Printed Mous de Lains, Satin Plaid Scra
ps, Chamelion Plaid Granadines, Plaid Linen Lustres,
French Organdy
Mew style Bonnet Ribbons, Ladies' Cravats; Revere
Bordered Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, French Work
Gapes and Collirrs, Black rind Colored Kid Gloves, Lisle
Thread and Silk Gloves, 'Mohair and - Worsted Mitts.
Black Silk Fringes and Gitnps, Mull, Swiesplaconett and
Thread Edgings and Inserting", White and Black-Silk
Hose, Cashmere, Moravian, Black and White Canon
Hose, and Black and White Silk Demi Veils. -
Embroidered White Cashmere and Crape Shawls,
Plaid and Black Silk Shawl*, Black and Colored Mons
de Lain Shawls, Satin Plaid Beraga Shawls, French
Cashmere Shawls, and Plain and Embroidered Blackand
Colored Silk Fringe Thibbet Shawls.
Damask Table Linens and Table Cloths, Russia Dia
per and Crash, Irish Linen and Linea-Lawns Bleached
and - Brown Muslins, Casinetts, KentuckyJeans,.Bed
Ticking, Domestic Gingbins, Colored Cambries, _led
White and Yellow Flannels, Welsh Flanaels, raulton
Flannels, Brown Bleached and Colored Drillings.
French and English, Bluei Black and Brown Cloths;
Black and Fancy Preach Caasimeres; New Style Fancy
Vesting* and Cravat ;' Silk Under Shirts and Drawers;
Linen Cambric and Silk Handkerchiefs, and a fine
sortment of Gloves, Hosiery and Suspenders.
I have just received a Splendid assortment o
Style Plain and Fancy Silk Fringe Parasols, Par
and Sun Shades.
The' above Goods have all been_ purchased at the low
eat cash prices, and Will be sold Wholesale and-Retail, at
such rates as cannot fail to please all.who wish to buy
good Goods at low prices. _ _
No: 65. Market st.. Pittsburgh
New Goods I New Goods I I
AT NUMBER FIFTY-NINE, North-wert corner of
Fourth and Market streets, PittsbUrgh.,--Bs.aosms:
lisaoancs!—The undersigned respectfully inforMs his
customers that he has Just returned front the Eastern
cities, and is new receiving a large and beautiful stock
of FANCY and STAPLE DRY GOODS, cismaining :
a choice and,elegant assortment of all the. newest and
rnoscfashionabl; styles and fabrics, imported this Season,
and embracinra complete ,ru.riety of every article be- -
lunging to his-line of business, all of which will be offer
ed at prices which - must prove satisfactory to the pur
The customers of the house, arid purchasers generally
are respectfully invited to give these Goods an early es
Gait soon and.accure a Bargain! PHILIP ROSS,
s nail Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Dry Goods.
Fine Shirts, SprlgairiBt3r/es.
&DWARD TODD ez CO., are now receiving from their
Factory East, a large stock of fine and median) qual .
HIRT'S, which, for durability and civic ortrianu
facture, are not aurptmed in this or any other market.--
The 'trade will be supplied at lowest New York prices.
Wareroom, corner Fifth and.ltlarket sweets : On
- EDWARD TODD & 00.,
ManteaCturtr. of Linen' and Fancy Shirts,...Rosoms and
Ccitkirs; Jobbers and Whoksale Dealers' in -
Gent/emeres Funtishing Goals, •
THE Subsetribers beg leave to call the attention of
merchants and dealqaa in frntlemen , s wearing
goods, to our large stock W fra*Spnng Goods, now
Opening; among which are to bd d some of the rich -
est andmwst admirable stylesof Spring Goods ever offer
ed in thii; Market. One of our firm is engaged at our
factory in the Fatt, Where' we flatter ourselves we are
manufacturing some of the best and most durable styles.
and qualities of Shirts, now called for in any market.--
Being very thankful for the kind favors bestowed - on us
during the lama year, five hope to'have them eontitracd, as
we intend to offer our; goods, at exceedingly low Prices,
and accommodate our customers with pleasing terms:
We are, confident we can offer Shirts at as low prices as.
they can -,be found -in the : Eastern markets, from-t,he fact
that oar advantuges , in manuptetaring - ate-, toMplete
Please, give - us a call, and be' convincednt the ShOve.
fasts• ,
Nrl.ll,D respectfully announce,ta citizeMt of
pittsburgh and Vicinity, that he will remain in this
placesafeur days. His uncompelled suceessin the treat=
ment of a large majority of Mose' diseases which have
ever been regarded as incurable by the Modern and more
fashionablepractice, has induced hfm to send fanlights
card to the afflicted portion of mankind. He has, within
the past'- twelve 'months, imparted Instructions to up
wards of MOO citizens of Tennessem - Yirginia,North and
South - Carolina Kentucky and Indiana ; among them.
Physicians of high standing, and they all bear testimony.
of their entire' sagilfaclion. lie has also succeeded 'in
giving permanent relief to-nearly 3000 individuals:, ample
proof of which he can adduce. , • ,
It id not pretended that the concentration of-the results
of medical research emanates trout one author, for be he
ever so versed in medical, science, he would' come far,
.far short of so herculean .11. • task. Dr s . S; has' been en
gaged sincelB36 in selecting and purchasing all the pop
ular and secret remedies which could be obtained in
Eugland, Ireland, Uerniaity, and the United Stated, from_
those persons who Were emiuentlyauceessfalirt curing,
some of the following diseases, vizr-ITUrenirtatisre,Dys-•
pepsia, Sick and Nervous Ileadache,Teins orWeakness
in. Back' or Joints, Paralysie; 'Neuralgia, Spinal Affec
tions 'Epilepsy,Toothaelte,Contraras of the Muscles )
Weak or Inflamed Eyes, Piles, As t , Cancer, Tetter,
Feest Bite, SCrofula, Ulcers, hlerc • ; Diseases of long:
standing Female . Diseases, Genital Debility . , &c.
• Forfir'ff instructions for the cure of all Mimeses origi
nating• in, Or causing the
,derangeinent of,the, Nervous
System, so that those who receive instractions.carrizei
Frith equal efficiency as himself, hid charge is only
Dr. S. is furnished with . certificates ' tuufrecontnen
tions from the most ,intelligeUt and respectable -PtlYSk,
eitali of every place at wluch he has had the pleasure of
visiting, which he will ho pleased, to to' the in
spection of any Who mayilesire it. .
The ingredients'used an almost 4 - r:duffer/v . . Vegetablesez
"eeedingly sthirde., and mithin thersach of all. •
Persons afflicted with'eny" of the within named Dis
eases, would do welt to call open. D. S 4 and tf not effect
ually relieved, no remuncrauon will be required farhis,
services. His motto is, ro Cure, No Pay.
Dr. S. will remain during his stay at theST. CHARLES
HOTEL, Boom • • • sP/7
0.08.1.ZE F. ------ -------- MAAJO..E , Dit.LER'
Laud anil.Gerieral Agency Oilide, -
. . .
To Non-res ident Holders of Illinois Li:y
u ids—Holders of.
Itlinois - indrbredircis„ and - all , persons
ous:of - purchasing State Lands with
Illinois scrip or bands.
HE undersigned would respectfully inform the aublie
that theY have established in this city--the capital of - '
the State of LAND and GENERAL AGEN
.O Y OFFICE, for the transaction of all businesi apper
taining thereta,within the limits of,ilie Slate. -
All transactions "relative to the purchase and`sale of,
lands, examining lands add reporting their location; ad-,
vantages and value; paying taxes, redeem tug. land sold
for taxer, investigating titles, &c., baying and selling all
descriptions of State indebtedness; this and every other
description of business attached to a General ' Land ,
Agency, on the most extended scale, will be premptly
and faithfully attended to. • • - •
In regard to location', we have many advantages over:
all other agencies in the State, being at the Capital, near,
the centre of the State, and at the very fountain - head o:.
all information In relation to matters connected with
lands,taxes, and State inieotedness, through the medium-
of the go remnant and executive offices. In addition to
this important advantage, the .senior partner, Mr. Ash,"
has occupied, for several years, the position of principal
Clerk in the State Auditor's office, and having had charge
of the booksand State land department in said office, has
obtained a thorough knowledge on all subjects connect
ed with this agency; and we tire, therefore, enabled at all'
times to give correct and prompt information, much in
advance of any other agency in the State.' Our location'
is also imphrtant to ion-residents wishing to pay truces,
as our acquaintance with the erillectrirs of the revenue is
such that wee can obtain the tax receipts through the
mail, and the money paid directly into the State ,treasu
ry, thereby avoiding the risk:otter:flitting funds by mail,
We also beg leave to inform persons wishing topur
chase State lands, that our arrangements are Eruelr, that
we co e niat all times, furnish State bonds, scrip, or indebt-;
ednessin any amount, and at less rates than any other
office in the State.
In conclusion, we take yride in referring to the
Octet and standing or the gentlemen who have been kind
enough to permit us to use their names as references, and
with a sincere deal re to please, Wicked by fidelity, indtus
tryand promptitude in all our business transactionson
metit the confidence of all who may entrust their busi
ness to our hands. - ' ASH & DIL •PR.
Sprinvlrld, March 20,1899. - . _
Hon. Daniel Sturgeon, If. S. SenateHon.JamesCooper. .
Col. Samuel W. Back, • - r-1-••; f'itisbiargh,
Gen. Sobut Patterson,. '
Joseph L. Chester,, do. . •
Messrs. Wadsworth & Sheldon,New , ,
Aleura. Hill, MeLean - & C 0.,. • • -New Orleans.
Messrs. A. - Gowdy Co '• • • -LoulsviVe.. '
John M. Wymer, Esq ' • • • • -'• • • ,St. Louts
" „lath/C
esalhoun, Esq., Cincinnati. ' •
His Ex. Gov. A. C.Freriche • -Springfield, 111.
-Ilan. Thomas Campbell,• do. . 1 •
Hon. S. 1-I.Treat • ... •. •• • ••'. • do. _ [ap&3nt
liklioncE TO ifiE ROM E= P PITZSIWItq II CITY SdZIP---
1n conformity with the 2d Section of the Ordintinee
of the 15th of April, 1849 directing the - underiligned "to
negotiate for CITY SCRIP, the. Ronde and Mortgagee of
individuals held by the City for property sold, tunotmting .
notice is hereby gicen, that the said obligations will now
be disposed of .tor the Corporate issues of the City of
Pittsburgh, Of the denominations of One, Two and Three
Further Notice . IS herehyg - i , ren,- that City Bonds, bear;
inn interest from the 18th day of.Apri l / 4 1649, at the rate .
of 6 per cent. per annum, will a 1 nt:). time hereafter be
issued to the holder or .bolders of City Scrip, in sums of
One liundred Dollars and upwards, -according to the
provisions of the above date. S. R. JOkiNSTON,' '
apilt . - City Trausurem _
-Souse and :Sign Painting.
T 11. PITFIELD would respectfully inform the citizen's
. of. Pittsburgh and Allegheny that be is prepared to
do ll kinds of ORNAMENTAL, PAINTING. such as
imitation of Wotid, and Stone- -All orders - left with J.
Rontwm:Europcun Agent, will be etrietly attended to.
k) TORS' SALE of Dry Goods, Clothing, Fancy Arti
cles, Toys,- Hardware. Cutlery, Saddlery, Gold Watch,
&e., at AUCTION, by Catalogue.—Serip trill be lean for
some of the Goods. —Commencing on THURSDAY, next,
May 10th, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, will be sold,
without reserve, to the highest and best bidder, by order
of Myers Barker, Constable; and G. Rowell, W. H.
Miskhill. Assignees of T. S. Waterman'; also T. Wilson,
Administrator, and C. Miami, Administnittir of the late
P. Alintal, dec'd, the separate stocks. of three Retail
Stores, by catalogue, comprising. in - part--col'd cam
bries estings, balzannes, gingharns, Cdflltet, pantatlothr
stud's ' , cashmarett, broad eloth.s, worsted plaid, French
cassim e res, gamb roan, coating.dzilling, linen and e ottou
checks, chusan, chintz' and calicoes, splendid, cashmere
shawls,. black Holland, summer case modeuncross- de
laines, braids, gloves,.hosiery, laces and edgings, gros d'
Naples silks, a large assortment of iibbands,lr re veils,
alpacas, merinos, red - flannel, lustre and dimity, a large
assortment of merino_ shawls, braid, grmp, straw. and'.
lawn bonnets; de- lame and cotton .shawls, crape, cra
vats, silk hdkfs.,.reticales, a lot of. clothing, hardware,
cutlery, toys, French and German fancy goods ralso,
groceries, &c.. Catalogues will be ready on Saturday,
and the goods aimagedior examination to-morrow.. The
Assignees have concluded to take Scrip at par for .their
goods, which will be marked in catalogue. .'neConita
tde s goods will:be sold for par funds. and, the.Adminis
trators' for currency. MYERS BARKER, Constable.. .
Assigneee -of S.
- • • T. WILSON,
• .
• AduVr . - and Adner of the late Mintal, decd.
• may S• - ' - • JAAIES MOKENNA, Auct
' 31000 , Premium,Blinds.
4.IVILTAAMS,Nri - .4.2 North Sixth - street, Philitdel 7
phial PmetWin Mintlcirul Window Shade Montt/4e' ;
surer, (tiviardedlhe first and highest Medals at the New
York, Baltimore and Philadelphia Exhibitions, for the
soperiority.of his BLINDS, with confirmed confidence in
his intinafactore,) asks the attention of ,purehasers to his
assortment of.2o(Xlßlinds - of her wide. slats, with
faney'and plain Trimmings, of new styles .and colors,—
Alsoot large 'and general 'assortment of Transparent
IVindow Shades, all of-which he Will sell at the lowest
Old Blinds painted and trimmed to look equal to new.
Dear:gas supplied on liberal terms.
The citizens of Allegheny Comae are respectfully in
vited to call, before purchnsmg elsewhere--eonfident of
pleasing all.
j Open" in the evening.
To Country !Merchants.;
A i r HODKIENSON would remind you thatyan can now
tetum China ' .Glass, Quanaware, , ke.,• at, ouch
prices as never wereheretofore offered at.. „
- Remember, 115 Wood street r a doors below sth. tml7
14iiitee to thePitTdito.
TAE subscriber birettas the public •generally,' and
Housekeepers andßetail Grocers particularly, that
ho is discontinuing the -Ilueeturware .business, and will
sell off' his present stock at reduced prices:. Those-who
wish to obtain China, Queensteare, or .Glass, will had this
a rare opportu nity for getting such articles as they want,
much cheaper than the usual rates.
Remember the place, CHINA 11ALL, No 118 Waod
stmet, near the-Auction store, • ••••-_ ,
P. S. I will dispose oriny whole stoCt - to any person
wishing to buy it, at a bargain. •• •
.taufinf • WM. GLITY.
']STEW DAGUERREOTYPE 11.001519,Burker
ings, Fourth street.—Hottau DaVerreo"
typists from the &went cities, would call theattentiba of
the inhabitards of Pittsburgh, and the neighboring towns,
to their Daguerreotype ofeitizens and others, at rooms In
The third slog of. Burke's building, 4th at. - • • i
Persons wishing pictures taken may rest assured' that
'no rains shall be spared to produce ' theta in the higheat
perfection of the art.Oniinstrucaents are of the most pow.
'erfutkindi enabling us to 'execute - *twee udsurpassed
for klgh.firush and truddhluess to nature: Thepublie are
soliened to call and .exandoe•
Peisotta sitting for .
pictures are neither reßnirrd,,oriOx
pected to take them unless perfect satialhetton amen,
N. B. Operators will find tidoO. -- good - depot for.atock
fErlastaictions given, in Ike an, containing the more
rectntlmillrovementa. • • - j an 7
Gravel Roofing.
liE inibscribers respectfully inform _the citizens . of
,L Pittsburgh and-viemity, that they are now fully pre
pared to, fill orders for GRAVEL ROOFING, in 'o...trianr
aer inif let be suipessed iarbia city'or. elsewhere. From
their' eiperienee . besiness, they, feel confideur t that
thdy will render satisfaction to all those who . muy,give
them work. .Thii superiority of Gravel Roofs over tiny
other kind, partienlarlyiricase of fire, is too wellknoWn
to require any argument iuirs.favor. To those who are
unacquainted:with our work, we bogleave, to.refer them
to Messrs- Thomies ,Lig,gert, Sr., John F. Perry, Body
Patterson, M. Rene, Jr., and others for wheat we have
done work. Orders, thankfulfy received and, promptly_
attended to We.-will be found on Wylic.,-streety be,:
tween High audTennel streets. -
- - - - MATTHEW medomiri.
/ 101 . 1VN , -4Xitiolos;. for Bide - •
iJ ma} RUBY, hiiprEtilttiiaCi.
FOrt43o:anb ftPidngs.
ourrsrpri tent graduated Battery
FOR IslimieLl: slur &rasa runcests.-LThis is the only ,
instrume It , of the kind Melbas ever been presented.-
.in this country ens Europe for medical purposes, and fettle
only one ever known to ins„, by which the galvanic, fluid
ean.tio conveyed to tho human eye, the car, the, brain or,
o 'any-part of the body,either - -externally or :internally;
in a definite, gentle sire ern, without shock smarpair,-. 7 ,with
perfectsafety—and often witirthe happiest effects,
This'imPortant apparatus ia'noW highly approyed l of
by many, of the most eniment physicians of this errantry;
Snd Europe, to whom the afflicted and inhere whom it ,
may concern'can be referred. Reference, will-also'be ,
giiien to. many 'highly respectable' citizens, Who haver
been cured, by means of this most Valuable uPparattpt,ot
Some of the .ineit inveterate nerrbili disOrders,N lll 4h
could not be reinoved by any other knoWn Means. ;
Aniong.i , orious others, it has been proved. to be rtdmir- .
ably adapted for the cure or the followitirdiscases, viz
nervous headache acid other disorders of the Praia; It in”.
with' this separates: 411 4 7 Z that the operator elm Convey. ;
'thecgslyiunc Quid wiarease and safety to the' . °Yei re'!".
eitore eight, or cute amatiro'siiß t o the ear to . restoralear.
mg; to the tongue or other organs, to reatoreSpecehf and
to the
,varioimparts °rifle body, for the care of chronic
'rheumatisni, anthills, neuralgia, or tic doloureauxoaral.
Isis, or palsy, gout, chorea or. St. Vitus!dane..., epziepsy,
I weakness from pirains,''some diseases "mealier - tcr fe•
males, contraction of -the IMAM, Jork . -jaw, etc ) , etc...
Rights for eitirroancling . counties-Of Weitentl'iL, and
•Pli'irdcges, with the,lnstrument, may ; be Purchased, and
testca.for the cure diseases.:: •
Eali instractioni Will be, given forum various chettl
cols to be used forvarions, diseases, ralthe. boat manner
. for. oPeratillg for: the cure of these . diseases, will'alsO . be
folly explinued to.the.parchaser,anda pamphlet
,bls.hands expressly, for these purposes, carefully, pro„
paredby the patentee. P.nisuire or.
S. vviLLlAms,' Vine 'street,
near 4th at. Road..Pittsieg:.?
ADLES are 'eau - liaised against tiising.' Common prepi4:
Li red Chalk e They are not iswiashow fiightfully injeit
noes itis to the skin-1 how coarse, how rough,lioursallow;
yelloviyaUd Unhealthy the shin appdurs after using pre
pared chalk: Besides it isinjurious containinga large
quantity of lead We have prepared a beautiful . vege
table article, which wecall Jones' Spanish Lilly White.
Itis perfectly - innocent, being purified of -all'
qualities, and it imparts to the skin a natural, healthy, -
alabaster;cleaq.livelywhite ; at the same time- acting
a cosmetic on the skin, making it sett and. sraordh.•
Dr. James - Anderson, ractical Chemist et
setts, says : After After analysingJones' SpaniskLilly White,
:I find it possesses :the moat beautiful and natural, and at
the same time innocent, white. I ever, saw. ; I certainly
can esfuscientiotudy recommend its use to all 'Amid skin
requiresbesanifying.m Price 25 cents a box . ; Directions
—the heist • way to apply Lilly:hite, is with soft leather
or wool—the former's preferable. ; -
'At. "tem sir' or TEmn ron '25 lui.,As.--Wllite• teeth,.
foul breath, healthy gums. , , Yellow and unhealthy teeth,
after being, once or twice. cleaned'.with Jones', Amber
-Tooth Paste, - have the appearance-of the. most bewail - Al
ivory, an4, the same =telt is. sa perfectly. : innocent
and exquisitely fine, that its constant daily . use is highly
edvantageous, even to those-teeth that are in good condi
tion, giving them a beautiful polish, ' and preventing a
premature decay.' Those already. - decayed it prevents
from becontingworse—it also fastens sneh as is becoming
loose, and;by perseveranee it will render the fouleit teeth
delicately white, mid make the breath' deliciously sweet.
Price; 25 - or 37}cents a box, All the above are sold only
at 84/Chatham at., sign of the American Engle, New York,
and by the appointed Agents whose names appeafin the
Wtta spirststuv, and get a: rich husband, lady! ' , Your
face is your, fortune?' la't beautiful, clear, fan! Is it
itite?.. If not; it can be made sti even though it be yel
low,diefigniedt sunbumt, tanned and freckled. Thous
ands have'. boen made thus :who have 'washed 'once' or
twice with Jones'ltalian Chemical Soap. The creehis
'glorious and 'magnificent. But be sure you get the genu
ine Jones' Soap, at the sign of the Ammican 'fagle,-132
Ring 7 worm, Salt-rheam; Scarney,F.rysipelas, Barber's
Itch; are 'often ciired•by Jones' Italian Chem ical Soap,
when every kind of remedy has failed. 'That it cures
pimples, freckles, and clears the skin, all know.... Sold at
the American, Eagle, 8.5 Chatham street; Mind, - ieader,
this ' eldom or nevsr falls: : .
. . C. INGLIS, Patterson..
Bold ai,fiI.CESON 'a 89 Liberty scheild of Wood,. t3ign..of
of the _Big Boot.: ' ; rior.43.
L.AS,•Barber , s Itch, Chaps, Sara. Beards, Pimples.—
This lensed by man phyeicians In this city m curingthe
, above, and we would not conscienciously sell unless we.
knew it to be all we state. . ,
Ma cosinefie., the trneIONESS SOAP itt pet-bait' . the
only article ever known that removed impurities,-and
cleared and: beautified the skin, making it. soft, clear,
smooth and white as an infants. But mind, it is sold at 8.l, N. Y 73 and by
JACKSON, :Agent,. .
SO Liberty street,•Pitinhargli,
ILVA respectable gentleman called at onvoffice,:ns he
said,ito inform us-that he had been afflicted for 45 years
withillheinnatism or Gout, and" occasionally with Tie
Doloreux Ohat he had been frequently confined to his
roonifor months together, and often suffered the most in
tense and excruciating pain, -but that lately he had been
usingJapts's Ainratire, from whichhe found the most sig
nal and nitexpUtted - relief. He says he found the medi
cine very pleasant and effective, and 'that he now con
siders himself perfectly - etared.—PAffadelphia North Amer-
•- A FACT . WOICTII Knowle..—A gentleman of Scrofulous
habit, from indiscretion in his younger days,' became, nf- •
fected with Ulcerations in the Throat and Nose, and a
disagreeable . eruption_of the Skin.: Indeed, his .whole
,systentlielethe marks of being saturated with.disease..
One hand and wrist were so much affected .that he had
lost the use of the hand,. every - part being covered ,with "
deep, painful, and offensive ulcers, and were as hollow
and porous as an honey-comb. It was at aofhis
vamplaint, , whetrdcath appeared inevitable from a Etth
some disease, that he commenced the use of Jayne'-
Icrativeclurd inCv . itt,r, tatawaxteen bottles, ht now perfe ct-
The Alterative operates through the circulation, and \
parifiesthe blood and eradicates disease from the system, ,
wherever located, and the numerous cures it has per
formed in diseases of the skin, cancer, scrofula, .gout„
liver complaint, dyspepsia pad other chronic diseases, is
truly astonishing.—Spirnef Me Times.. .
1:17" For talc an Piusb drgh, at the PEKIN TEA STORE
72 Fourth street. • .. .
Jaynes, Faintly Medicines.
S. cooK, Piqua, Ohio,.writes, March, 1848:
D "I have uned . your ern /age, earmitigtire.SoLtam,.
and Expecloraisi, in my practice, for the last three - years ,
and hays been exceedingly well pleased with them, and
never, as yet, to my _recollection, failed of rea li zin Tay
fullest expectation. in their curative properties. 'our
other medicines I cannot speak of from experience; but,
judging from thoge I have used, I doubt not but that they
claim, and aic entitled to all-the confidence reposed' in
them, by those who have used tnem. "I was formerly
very partial to * l4 " Vermifuge, until I beenmeacquain
ted with yours,- which has my decided prefereno to any
other now ui ate. • -
Resseettelly; Ours, &e., S. S. COOK, hf. D."
For sale in Pittsburgh at the Pekin Tea Store, 72
IttIFCE"TESTIhIONY ler. Dr. Willard's FatnifFfiledi
,,Dl einea;-•The undersigned, citizens ofPittsburgh,ltav
lug personally 'used Dr. Willard's Oriental Cough
.ture, and experienced its beneficial 'effects / domostehier•
funk 'recommend -it as' safe - and 'effectual, in all eases.
Spcakingfrom experience, we believe that it has no tra
penor; and would recommend its use to all the afflicted.
Pittsburgh, March 15th, 1648.'
ID - Sold Schoonmaker & Co., John Hays, James
A. Jones, J. 11. Cassel, John P. Scott, F. L. Snowden,
Mohler. Orden & Snowden. •. • ! apß2
,FITS OF COUGHING in the night am very. trouble
Some. They break in upon the hours of-repose and
exhaust the strength of the sufferer.. B. A Fahnestock
& Co.'s COUGH BALSAM has been eminently suceess
ful in easing-and euring . thesh unpleasant spells.. -if a
person is rouged in the night by a spasm of coughing, a
tea spoonful of the Cough Balsam will soothe it, give him
relief, and, as-it is palatable, loaves no unpleasant taste
behini. If once.uscd, it will take precedence over all
others, as a remedy for coughs, ooldg, &e.
Prepared and sold by B-A..FAIINESTOCK A. Co.,
corner lit and Wood streets, and corner 6th and Wood
sale, wholeaale and retail, at the- Smithfield at.
Also, by Wra. Cole, Allegheny city: 1,13. Smith,, Ilir
ritinthant; John McCracken, Penn 9treeyritth Ward.
L The general properties of these Pills are Cannina
true; Purgative' and 'Porde.. In the common disorders
arising from imprudence in diet, &c., such as siekness
and Sourness of the stomach, heartburn, headaches, &c.,
where a medicine is required, this preparation is very
applicable, for its carminative . or, soothing effects gave
almost immediate relief,When nausea or sickness-exist:
its purgative operation upon the stomach and bowels is
gentle and effectual; and its tonic pronerties impart
strength to the digestive orgams, thereby enabling these
organs to perform their proper functions with order - and
regularity. The price has been reduced from 50 to 25.
. .
Fog sale, wholesale and retail, by B. A. PAHNES
TOCK it. Co., corner Front and Wood and. Sixth and:
Wood streets, Agents for Pittsburgh.- • • jel4
;0401 , 1SUMPTION seizes more victims than any. other
Xi disease in our country. The 'young, the old, the.
beautiful and gay, are all alike subject to its invidious.
ravages, and nanny& hictia cheek has been supposed to.
bloom with the glow of health. 'Bat every case origi
nates in a cold and a - cough—perhaps' deemed misvorthy
of attention at first—aad only met with remedies. when
too late. Watch the first symptoms with jealous care,
and make immediate use of the Cough. Balsam' of B. A.
FahnestoCk & Co., which will certainly check ifs further
progress, and restore the inflamed organs to a benntiful
For. Sale by. B.A. FAHNESTOCK & Co. ) corner let
and Wood sts.; alio, comer 6th aild Wood.. decll
A A. MASON CO., No; .00 MARKAT.sraesr, a iT e
:Li.. this day: received, per Baal Line,'.the feli°: Wing
named Goods, viz :—Satm ,stripe, black and blile,, hincic
plain and printed Berages, all wool M. deLni . - , nes, en „,
broidered l'hibet Shawls., black, white and — p eui l
Hose; spun Bilk Mose; kid siLk and lisle thri.rad.Gloves;
hnen„ bobbin, cambric aadiaaslia Edging, ; Insertings
block silk lace Edgings; .bonnet Ribbons i•eipjlreidered
muslin Capes, new patterns and iieh'goe, d .. = •
Valuable Property for sale • or 42 Acres,
OITUATED l'of a mile from the C , ,,n3eters antl..oppo
-33 :site the re Ride nce of Col. Croghs ri,Rresenting a tient
of 1200 feet, containing a new 'col nr 4e h hust s, w ith h i m i n
centre and Crowns, 4 bed roonts!lind ad A - tenant - house. barn, stables, garden,- kO, - all under
goodlence. This desirable Prce item suitabla`for gar
dening purposesizor country re, sidenee as - save* prom
e loc ,s e alo tion o s a l i n chur h .
T il e y ym int s .j e d ites7 o .7d for
StttithBeld Street.
XEAL, ESTATE FOTI SCRIP .-.. Fora For sale; a ValTtable
Lot of 2 feet fronton Beater' street, Allegheny. by
117 feet to o 17 feet alley, having a. small finals- Cottage
Dwelling House, with ot her.improvement.s. . Price $6OO,
in Pittsburgh and Allegheny City and Denim. Scrip, at
ar. -.-- -' : , . --, - " SCLITHBERT, Gen. Agbnt,•
Illeal." • -' •-• • - -- Smithfield street.
Vl.,- ., . - • -,- '
_... ..,.
E 1 .203— OM a.B. Peicast
..L .-- , - .-
JiLi 13k
--.- - -- --100 BE 13:-. .-r —do- .. " -. 7 %; . . do
ed., -"'ItIcCANBIASS•et^BAMPBELsI.4.
r '''iityl" ''-'• '-'` ' • ..'' '-----, • 07-WoOnStiett.•