13111116 2'i - KATE Hts SECURED BY - LETTERS PATENT. lIBLICATTENT/ON ie solicited to au entire new 1 - article.of RAILING, mode. of 'wrought iron. bars; and soft annealed . rods, or wire, and expressly designed for .- ebelosing, Cottages, Cemeteries, Balconies : Public Grounds, 4-. c„ at prices ratyingfrom 50 cents to 53,00 - the matting foot. . it is Made in I:mallets:of variouwlengths,. 21. to 4 feet high, with wrought iron posts 11- Inch square; ut intervening distantes of oto 10 feet. If desired, the pannels,can-be made of any height, in continuous spans of-50.t0 00 feet, with or without posts. No extra charge The.comparative lightness great strength and durabil ity sirthe AN'IRE RAILING, ' t he beauty of its varied or . namentald4signi, together with the extremely lowprice at which it is sold, are emitting It to supersede the Cast Iron Railing, wherever their comparauve merits have been tested.• Per further particulars address MARSHALL & BROTHERS, Agents for Patentees, 13347 tatul . ,,Diamond alley, near Smithfield Pittsburg. y. ~j• .. ME El MIIIII • Hardwa.rei cstuery., Saddlery, &c. TOHN WALKER, linporar and tkakrin Foreign and Domestic Hardware, respectfully, am/anneals to his friends and th e public generally, that bets now receiv ing, his Spring supply of Hardware, Cutlery t Saddlery, ice., at his stand; No. 85 Wood street„which e will dis , pose on the most reasonable terms. He:wilt continually be receiving fresh supplies. direct from the manufacturers in, Europe - and this country, which Will enable him to compete with any house, East or West - He particularly invites the attention of customers to his excellent assortment of Table and. Spring. Cutlery, which is of fashionable patterns and from the most manufacturers. Ilis stock of Carpenter's Tools is large, and of excel- Ofgeneral Hardware stock, he has every variety of article. Wester n kerchants and dealers, generally, are in vited to call +lnd examine his stock. rtutr29:6m: . T_Arti now receiving, direct from the manufacturers in NeW York, Philadelphia and Baltimore, a large and well selected assortment of alt the latest and most im proved 'styles Of Satin, Glazed and common PAPER liallomps, : consisting of 1 0 ,000 pieces of Parlor and Fresco; 10,000 '" Ilan and. Column, 2 0,900 " Dinin,g-room, chamber and office Paper Wincl.tl would particularly invite the attention. of those having Houses , to Paper, to call and examine at the Paper , Warehouse of - S. C. HILL, =I • • Paper lEEtanallusza. - ATESSES...IAS. HOWARD .& Ne. S 2 Wood street, oi would call the attention of the public to their prts ant cock. of Paper Hangings, which, for variety, beuty of finish, durability and cheapuess,isunsurpass ed by any establishment in the Union. Besides iLlarge and full assortment of Paper of their own:manufacture, they are now receiving a direct im portation of French and English styles of Paper Hang- Inge, purchased by _hlr. Levi Howard, one of the fi rm, now in Europe, consisting of-- Parisian manufacture 10,000 pieces. London do. SAO do. or their owil manufacture, they have 100,000 pieces Wall Paper, and 12,000 pieces Satin (Hazed Window hlessm. dames Howard & Co., have spared neither ex pensenor labor in their endeavors to rival the Eastern Wall Paper establishme nts , both in quality of manufac ture and variety of pattern, and they are warranted in assuring the public that they have suceeeded.- The whole assortnaent, foreign and home manufacture, will , be offered on terms- as tow as those of Eastern Manufacturers and importers. • inant7 • Nom Joslists Rhodes" • UTROLESALE FRUITERER AND cawrznoN ER, No. 0 Wood street -225 •' Lem ons; 390 boxes Oranges ns; ; 500 cans Sardines; SOO 190 dozen Lemon Syrup; J5O hf. " 1000 drums Figs; 400 boxes Herri 200 bxa Raisms, in layers ; 2000 Cocoa Nuts ;ng ; 150 hf. bxs. " 9 boxes Itlnecaroni; 100 75 8 Vermacilla trails !mica Almonds ; 23 cases asa'd Pickle s, 100 haze's shelled " 40 casks Currants .; boles Bordeaux 100 tbs. cut:Tissue aper ; 10 " Malaga " 60 rms. white Kiss Paper; 3 - papersherd . • 15 cases Prunes; " hard " 16 mats Dates; 43 bogs Filberts ; 4 cases Liquorice ; 30 " Walnuts; 10 Drs. Vanella Beans; 50 Cream Nuts; 20 bxs A Not Ro'k Candy; 40 " Pecans; " wh's and yel. R. " 10 blols: " t 9 cases Florence Oil; .Just received and for sale by :mar49 JOSHUA RHODES. Cheap Groceries'. T HE undersigned mcst respectfully inform the cid zens of Pittsburgh and vicinity that they have open ed a NEW GROCERY and PRODUCE STORE, at the S. W. corner of Third and Ross streets, which will be in connexion with our Old Stand, N. W. corner of Fourth and Ferry streets. - Hiving nnfarled our banner. with " Quick Salts and Small Piofitan as its motto, we ask a share of public pa tronage. Annexed we give a list of our Retail Cash prices : Best Rio Coffee, S cents h.: 13 he. for dl,oo. • " N. O. Sugar, (old) Gt. cts. P Hr.; 18 lbs. for $l,OO. " N. o.Sugar (new) 5 " " 2d " .Rosin Soap, 5 " " 22 - Mould Candles 121 " " " 51 " ' ti" YH. Molasses. tlf, " qrt .; 48 eta. gallon. .0. n 8 .Country . " 25 44 It 515 lk 13ox,Ramin 6. (nen - 1 1 2e. ig RRice,]viz, for Si ,00, or 4i for d 25 Merits; Young Hyson. imperial. Gunpowder and Mack Tess from SO cents to Sl,6o4l'Th Baker ' s Chocolate. Schmitz' Sweet Spiced do.rilaker's Cocoa. Crushed and Pulverized Loat Sugar, Kentucky Mustard, Java Coffee, Olive Oil. &e. Spices of all kinds, in r very variety. Our goads are new, our Stock complete, and our prices irreproachable, We most respectfully ask a call from The hends of families, that they may judge our goods and -prices: . Thankful for past favors, we ask a continuance of the same. J. S. M. YOUNG A. CO , N. W. corner of Fourth and Ferry, (apfl. And S. W. corner of Third and Rosa streets. IMPORTANT TO HOUSEKEEPERS. Stearn, Boat Owners and Hotel Keepers. I\TORTON'S UNIVERSAL COOKI'.G 'STOVES are - 1,11 • offered as the best Cooking Stove in Market, having new principle applied for beating the oven, that bread, meats, or any article creating steam or vapor, can be baked end retain its flavor the name as when baked in a brick oven or reflector; also, in point of removing, in saving time and fuel. The public are invited to examine the Stove. For sale only at N 0.112 Second street, sign of the Gilt Stove; wherereference may he had to families who have them ;in use. Also, thirty different patterns of Cooking Stoves, plain and fancy Grates, Office and Parlor Stoves, &e., &c. lap4:d3m) A. & C,. BRADLEY. — Chstri;Jilic MANUFACTURERS OF FINE RICH JEWELRY; _EDIV ARM TODD Co., a_gents, 24E:corner Fifth and Market Oct., (up stettrs,) Pittsburgh. TATE have on band, and are daily receiving from the V 'manufacturers, a large stock of Goods, which we are prepared to offer to Dealers only, at. the manufac turers' lowest wholesale prices.— Cluster and Real Stone Set Breast-pins; Engraved, Plain Hoop Stone Set Ear and Finger Rings; Plain Gold, Engraved and Stone Set Studs; Slides, Watch Keys, Sze., Among our Goods can be found some of the most de sirable and approved styles of Stone Sets now in use, viz :—Opal, Ruby. Turkois, Topaz, Anathyst, Garnet, Brilliants, Ice., &e. Dealers, purchasing Fine Jewelry, will find it for their advantage to examine our stock. Bard 4- Brother's best Premium Gold Pens. with and without cases, he oflerslor sale at the lowest New York Prices (apl,3) EDWARD TODD & CO. "Scrip Right Sildi-Vp.O— -'IIIrOGAN & CAA DWELL are jolt opening, at No. 8G 11 Market street and al the new front on the North east side of the Diamond, a splendid assortment of Fash ionable Bonnets, Leghorn Hats, Breast-pins, Ear and Finger Rings,•Black and Fancy. Silk Cravats, with an in numerable-collection of Variety Goode, which can and will be sold at the cheapest prices. apl9 • HOGAN & CANTWELL. .eerrible Revolutlon—Stars Trltamphantt - 10 r OGAN 6c. CANTWELL, (sign of the - *O,l No. SO .111111. Market street, would respectfully beg leave to call the attention of the public to their new stock of Goods, just ieceived and opening from manufacturers and fill porters, of which they feel confident that price and qual ity will give entire satisfaction, as our motto is—" Quirk Saki and Small PrtMla." Our stock consists, partly;of the following articles,viz: Ladies' and Gentlemen's Breast Pins, late styles; Guard and Vest - Chains ; Bracelets, Clasps and Lockets ;Sin ger and Ear Rings; Pencils and Pens; Slides and Studs; Steel Buckles, for Mlles' Head Dresses; Madalon's Card Cases, shell, pearl and velvet; Coral Beads ; Ala furnished;; fine Rosewood and Ebony Shaving Ce Sever Spectaeles; Silver Spoons, all - kids; German Silver Spoons, all kinds; Silk Steel Bead Bags and Purses; Cotton Hags and Purses; Hair, Tooth, Nail and Cloth Brushes; Violins,. Aceordeone, Flutes and Fifes; fine Penknives and Scissors; Globes 'and Paper Holders, Shell, Dress and Side Combs, latest styles; Chida -Vases, Fruit Baskets, 'Agate and Glass Vases MVind Cologne Bottles; Tables, Chessman and' Bac • mon Boards; Silk Tapestry; Brussels and . In grain apet Bags; Willow, Market and Side Baskets ; chairs, Wagons, Cradles, &c., &e., with a large assort ment of Tags and Fancy Artizles, teo numerous to Men tion. [sepl9 $2O 000 DDRIP WANTED— ln exchange for -77 Gold Watches; 110 Itilver assorted Watches ; . 59 dozen Razors assorted •- 7n.5-0• • " - Gloves, kid, silk, lisle thread and cotton 150 ‘". Stockings, assorted; ; " Gum Suspenders; /75 French Accordeona; 350 Silk Parasols; -- 400 Umbrellas 50 lbs. Sewing Silk ; ' . 215 doz. Fans, assorted; 1900 " Spool Thread, assorted • 75 qr. gross Pearilluttons; 100 gross Lasting, assorted; • c 400 ' " Hooks mid Ey es; - • 60 Basket Wagons • • • - With a large assortment of Jewelry and Fancy Goods, French Baskets,Steel and Silk Bags, Silk Purses, Steel Beads,' -Fookel , Boolrg, Fancy- Soaps, new style Naomi, very fine; Scissors, Pen Knives; a large assortment of Combs of aver' , description; with a large stock of Trim= ming& . The undersigned will be happy to accommodate his frienes and the public with' any thing in his line for Allegheny City, Allegheny County, and Pittsburgh City Scrip—equal portions of each-,at 67 Ala rket street. 1311,21 ' ZEBULON RINZEV _ - 19 fjprling paiuonicif Millinery • Bonnets` • ' Cardinale, dle. TTJST received Straw Bonneti Caps, - rich Cardinal ity . Silks, Fashionable Ribbons, inert French Flowers, Cords, Fringes, Trimmings, &c, Straw Bonnets cleaned and altered to the Spring fashions by one of the best• Straw Milliners in 'the city. Silk Bonnets, Cardinals, Dresses, aad every article iii the Millinery and 'Dress making business, made up by the best halide, at marl 4. MRS. DUFF'S, 10' St. Clair street. COTTON YARN--20,000; assorted numbers ; IL) rtt 60 bales Batting-, 10 do - Candle - Wick; Conon TSViiie, Carpet Chsim &c., for sale by • RHEY MATTRFWS &CO, N0. , 28 Water street F-, ~,....„ ~,,.. : ~_. ~..., •:--,--,:,',,,,,', :,.., , ,'; ,^.•-•••• -`,"'" :. c .' • '''"- :'' Z'''.:4-;:;1:-Tr? ' "-%' ' ti S -1" Z 4 . 7":: '• ;4- 41 . 44 4F 4.41%1i k -k - - ' ,. - ' , - " -•;4 teth!- ,. * " . 14 -, 1' 41* :?1.,:'",,..i?,!.'• -i. , 4 - 7; - ,1', --- o ~" -•". ' •:- •, ' '.. ' ..,,-*-- "''.."'"'` '. -0,-,,k,r.----tz'..A.---f'--- ,:--!,,,.•!:,:4--,,:'-,---,'"-----',4!•-11-,,e,-.1. ' ,- -,, , -..t , .., ~: ~- ~. , :f. , -,wct0... 4 . ~,,,, ,- a. ~., . ._ -7, _, ,-. .. , ~• ••,, _:,:,, - - _ • . ~. '.. •-: - f' r '- •: ~• •, ,4 1-94' W4,-'-‘t'.,2,4'W0LV,047-Zki--0.---e I . bra . . . -- . - '' ' l ' -*.' - ..- ' ' '• '.- '',... l ' ''' - ''', ''''' '''- •-•:- •' ' ' --?‘".`-= *" i ' 4 -'. 4 ' '' '' .' ' . ''' - '. - ''' "fa-t*NZier:,'W.itriV,:--,t",-",‘-!:7.-r--.-,"-•-•--;;;. e,i„...._,,.‘',...„.4,1--;,-,Ar7.-11-;.,w,trif?-).r.)'l,f,,4'"'sg.,*ii,e-4.‘ "A-41.4*,'44.-L,,.., -s-''..-,A,j/r. -.--•."--:---45",.........V..;<-4r- :.'7f--g:',-4., . -- '- '. ':'• ~..': ''"-- '-.• ',.-• F', -;• - 1 -- ~. '-' ''.- , c .. -. -- , 1 -- '''. "'-:' ~-. -,''-- ~"--"'!- ":"•,?'v•'4,-NoFk"'me,*vg,'.v.--'4--".,‘%....f0•.4e--24..;,,•-.-,-g-y-.„?'.-A.irt2''';.it. -4, 1ey4'.,,,,,J•44,%4-",:54,4w14,,,A0-4"..4.4.,,,,.,,,,w7441',4.-44 4, , -. •.,:-., -...,,,'•'....:..... '. ,-.--4--.:-.,-.....;:.;7;,,,i,-1-.+,',"..-i,z.....t..:', - --:.:. '' - • • .., ~ , , --- •- -,_-- , --..;"!- --'. -,. ~---.- . st , - . , , , '4,-• ' ,r .•. -- , .- •-, -,..-- • ~,----- - - -...,•,,- ---...r. 1, .. .124440,1*W. .Rs -•"-".;-.1.ys ~.,1,14,..v. •-: .A.:, ~,f .'4;.:",;i-4tfrv„:',F.ee47s*4="i,f,'"V.4.:rtrir, - $ 1 4 tre.:1-- V - -,-4.„,,,t,..v. ,:0.Y4 , i4i , '"i t- ' ,, " - :-.. - ":, : ~.., 7,-;""'•;,,t-,-' ..,-i-L-g•V•IN:11•- . , . iscellancous LEEWARD'S CELEBRATED LEATHER Preserving Sleeking 21 . A COMPOSITION of Pleats-foot Oil and Ivory Black, for nourishing amjpreserving all kiuds of Boot and Shoe Leather, renderingit soft and pliable. and producing the mom brilliant jet black, tgual rope:era trather, without communicating main or spot to clothing. LIFEWAWD C9,SaFo. I Tird arm near trood in calling the attention of ge K ntlem h en to tbia y beantifut Black ing. desire simply to state Its peculiar composition am: effects on the Leather. Ii is composed of nests-foot oil and pure Ivory biack, and renders the leather _tit once soft and pliable. thereby presenting the boots and sho e s from cracking. With one-fourth the tabor usually em ployed in the application of the ordinary blacking. i produces the most brilliant let black polish imaginable,t equal in every respect to patent leather. and acre" mai e'en the pentolocom Gentlemen are invited to call at our Store, No. : , s3 Third street, near Wood. and have the blacking tried on their boots, and where they can see upwards on 5,000 CERTIFICATES, From the most distinguished individuals in the U. States, all of svhom recommend it an being, for beauty of polish, preserriag the leather, and Med ty of application. the most beautiful ever offered to the public. LEEWARD & Co_ marl laf ; ,, r, Third street, neur Wood. TO HOL Y SVACEEPEES AND TTIOSA 20111reNcran.—The subscriber has received and now on hand, a large assortment of Housekeeping Goods, comprising, in pert, as follows:- 5-4, 6-4. 10.4, 12-1 Bril Cotton Sheeting,; 6-4. 10-1,12-4 Barnsley Sheeting , s ; Pillow-case Linen. and Muslin Titian : Alarseilles Quilts, Blankets ; Plain and embroidered Table Cover. Do. do. Piano do.: Windsor Drapery, Turkey Red Chintz; Buff Windsor Holland, Linen Table Cloth, ; Damask Table Linen, all widths , Napkins, Doilies, Diaper Crash, &C., Ate.; which will be sold at lowest prices, at ROOT. D. THOMPSON'S. inar2a No.llo Markel ste t 1 doors from Liberty TIOGAN & CANTWELL, har jeer reset -- tors', ai No. 11 86 Market street, an unnvalled selection of— Bead Reticraes and Purse.,-;._ Fans and Combs; China Sets, Aecordeona. &e. tnar23 HOGAN & cAvrtvELL New (Doody " somber PiWy.ottine COIOCER OF MIMI AVO FtaIREFT STRIETN, PITTIBCFGO G REAT BARGAINS'--The subscriber has just re turned from the Eastern Cities, and is now receiving a vary extensive assortment of FA NC Y AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, adapted to the present seasea, and eta -br , ing a stock for richness and variety not virrpa,,ed by at v establislitnent in the West. DR GO ! Very glossy black Silk ESS s ; :Crav ODS ats and Collars; Handsome dress do, 'Black Jove Veils and Mkt's.; Rich changeable do. :laconet and Cumb. Alusllns. Rich changeable Satin de Plaid and striped Alu.lins ; Chines; de; Ribbons; Mode and high col'd FrencliDloves, Hosiery, &c.; Merino. • :Cloths for Cloaks; Mode and high col'd Muslin:Terkeri Shawl, ; de Leiner, ;Cashmere do. Newstyle muslin de Lantes;Tlain Thibet Shawls, silk Satin striped Cashmere.; fringe; Fancy do. do. Plack Thibet Shals do.do. -Black and colored Alpacasollack do. do. Plaid Ginghtuns, bright co-Silk do. do. tors; .Fine Brochte do. New style Visetteg; Cloth do. Gala Plaids, bright colors; Plaid, Long on, California Plaids; Low Priced do Black Bombazines; !Plaid Cloa kings. CALICOES--GREAT REDUCTION His stock of Calicoes is very law ; it haa been se. lected with much care—with particular reference to fastness of coloring, durability of fabric, and hewn) , 01 design. These 'goods arc lower than they have ever been before, and are wOrthy the particular attention of purchasers: The best Calicoes for 6/ ctse ever offered; Double purple Calicoca,English, 121 cent.; Green do. Oil Chintz; British Chintzes ; New style Merrimack Calicoes; Blue do. do. Blue and Orange do. Furniture do. • CHEAP DRESS GOODS. A large lot of low priced Muslin de Laines, of the low price 01121 cents per yard. c Alpacas for 121 ets. per yard. Very good andvery handsome dark and bright colored Plaid Ging hams, for 121 cents, warranted fast colors. DOMESTIC AND STAPLE GOODS. Bleached Muslims, 61 to 12; Yard wide Unbleached, 61 to ; Bed Tickingr very cheap; Ca/linens, Drillings, Kentucky Jeans; Checks Linings, Plaid Linseys ; Domestic Ginghams, Mariners' Shirting,; Colored. Cambrics ; Flannels, lower than ever offered ; Canton Flannels,_ LINEN GOODS! Irish linens, Linen Larval; ; Damask - Table Linen; Do. do: . Cloths ; Russia Sheeting; Do. Diapers; Linen Drilling, Crash. • BLANKETS! BLANKETS! A large stock of Blankets, from coarse to very fine , also Blue and Drab Blankets, fins and very fine, for Overcoats. GOODS FOR GENTLEMEN. Fine and superfine French and English Cloths and Cas simeres; Over-coatings ; Silk and Linen Pocket Hand kerchiefs and Cravats; Gloves; Suspenders; Silk and Merino Under Garments ; Merino and Cotton Half Hoie, etc. etc. The subscriber .having made extraordinary prepara tions for lie Falland Wittier trade, and having purchas ed his Goods under the advantage of markets unusually depressed, can confidently promise his customers the best bargains he has ever been able to oiler. Customers of the house, and purchasers generally, are yespeetfully invited to call. (nov2o) PHILIP ROSS. natilttesa Card. TYRANTS .etE WELL AS M OII OPOLLIMIIIITST PALL: SO MUST PRICES; Airmcn fact will he p . roven by calling at McGann/Vs ; y Fashionable Tailoring Establishment,Third street, St. Charles Building, Morro; Sma4.prcjits and quick sales. VAIIIKTY : _Fresh and good. Costerrrnon: Very far in the background. My old eustorners,and all others, are respectfully in. rmed that lam waiting for them, hIcGUIRE, oced4 - Tailor, St. Charles; Mess , Combs, it , ATZEIBULON KINZEVIS,6I STRUM— " 11. doz. very high back Shell Tuck Combs; "..median " " uss'd . 'M s ,"' narrow bearded top 50 " fancy top Buffalo 10 plain " 14. 20 give eons. Flinn 30 doz. Shell Side Combs, assorted sizes; 20 gross , cola .' Horn Side Combs " 3 doz, Shell-Dressing Combs; • 12 " fitltralo. -2 " " • 4. imitation " - • " 50 " best English Horn' 6 is, S. &nue "you - extra large ; 18, S. S. 44 A - tin boxes 12 gross S. . " " 1 " Comb Cleaners; Jas. 11170Guirep. "TAILOR, Third sneer, near Wood, respectfully informs I. his customers end the 'public that he has jest receiv ed from the Fait a well selected assortment of SrRING GOODS - whith he Will make to order in the best manner ; - - pal 3 ME -.- .;,t: - ,...::f :7'...,-,e-'',i.? =I 3lirv> Gooks Arrival at New Spring dr. Sommer Goods 1 FASHIONABLE HEAD QUA ETERS, KO: 29 arsaart smart. MORD DOOR BELOW MOND STREET. • C. WERNIOBEIRG, 13ESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the publ i clA., in general,-that he has received a very large supply of the choicest SPRING and SUMMER•GOODS ever seen In Pittsburgh, selected by himself in the East. con sisting of English, French and Belgian Cloths, Cassi u meres, Vesags, Cashmarints kc., of all shades and Colors, and of the latest and ' most desirable patterns, which will be made up to order in a ?superior style, and at very moderate prices. Ht has also on hand a very large stock of Ready made Clothing, which he will sell very low. strahly E. FITZGERALD, NEW YORK CLOTHING STORE, No. 26 market dtreet. HAVING received (and receiving weekly) my Spring Al. and Summer Goods, I am prepared to offer to the citizens and public in general. a better lot of ready made Clothing than has ever been offered before in Pittsburgh, and at prices 2.5 percent. cheaper than can be purchased in any other Clothing establishment in this city 117- Don't forget to call at N 0.28. marl 4-13, E. FITZGERALD. - - - - -------• • D! ! CLD HOPE CLOTHING liIMPORI UM, HJ: ROGERS respectfully_ informs his friends and • the public that he has opened hie am CLOTE LTO Broak, N 0.27, Market strembetween Front and Second, where he will keep constantly on hand a large and supe rior assortment ofclothing, sortable for the present season. Having just returned from the. East .vvillt a new and .splendid assortment of Cloths, Cassimeresand Vesting*, at" the moat desirable patterns, which Will be .made up on the shortest no.ice and in the most fashionable style, on the one price cash system*); low as can be had at any other establishment in Pittsburgh. Don't forget the place, but call at the CLOTHING EMPORIUM, No - 27 Makket st., Pittsburgh. [mr3L3nt Sprissig wad StIMMOE Stock or READY-11,ADE CLOTHING AT THE THREE /HQ DOORS, FOR TnE easAttxr sesscm% was NEVER BEEN EQUALLEIC Even py Die Cettbrated Establishment itself. THE UNPRECEDENTED PATRONAGE bestowed upon the enterprise of the proprietor, has eLabled him to purchtute all his Goods at such prices as will allow him 40 sell, Wholesale and Retail, LOWER than any other lionse,East or West. JOHN ATCLOSKEY, Manure:it-tun, of Ready-mad Clothing, No .151 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa., has just completed his Steck; and has now on hand, ready for READY-MADEeiaren,anostfaditanabk and varied assortment of E CLOTHING ever offered in the United States ; •all of which have been made under. his imme ' dime inspection, in this City, AT PRICES TEAT MUST OETAIX A earstaimme—together ;with one of the choicest Neter lions of Imported fine Black, Blue, Brown Olive and Drab French, Belgian and English CLO Ptis, that bus ever been brought to this city. Also, fine fancy VEST INGS of every description, such as Cashmeres, Mar eeilles, rich . Silks, fancy Satins, Ac., Ac. All the new est styles funey CASSIMERES, of every description; all of which will be made up to order at the shortest no tic_ ,e in the latest and most fashionable style. The proprietor informs the public that the principle upon which he will do business, will be upon the basis of HONESTY and FAIR DEALING; end in order toes tablish a confidence in the buyers, I am determined to ad here to my original motto, "Quirk Sake and Small Pm .fits;', and also make the buyer his own salesman, by at arkingthe lowest price on each article, in plain figures, so that each customer can select front an immense and exquisitely assorted stock, the articles he requires, at the haw Ist price it can possibly be bought for. Business shall continue to he transacted at my ex teen sive establishment, which has long since obtained the character of being the First Tailoring Establishment in Pittsburgh: rnar49 PRICS - 21 - 111,VITT - o — trik. BOOTS ANDSTHOES. ;:.:., ,, :.!- , .... , ,:. ,,,, v!,,.: '~ 1. ',,~ ~.j ~. .. Ml ' , Pituburgh 'Portable neat Line. al= 18 49. igiti FOR "ink TRAKSPORTArtOC OF raino AT TO AND • PITTSBORaII, .PHILADELPHIA, 84L'2721101cE NEW—VORR, BOSTON, &e. THOMAS BORRIDGE ,/ FAA PPR & O'CONNOR, I".4adelphia. Pittsburgh. T HIS old established Line being now in full operation, the proprietors are prepared, with their usual exten sive arrangements, to forward "merchannize, produce, &c., to and from the above ports, on liberal terms, with the regularity, dispatch and safety, peculiar to their mode of transportation, so obvious when transhipment on the way is avoided. All coneugnments by and for this Line received, charges paid, and forwarded itt any required directions, free of charge for commiSsion, advancing or storage. No Interest, directly, or Indirectly, In steamboats. All communications promp:ly attended to, on applica tion to he following Agents_ _•_ " THOMAS BORBIDOE, 278 Market street. Philadelphia. TAAFTE & O'CONNOR, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh. O'CONNOR & CO., mar 24 North st Baltimore. ^_sel: 8 49.MMuNIN MerobassaPs Transportation Line, VIA PENNSYLVANIA CANAL AND RAIL ROADS, THE Can TO s PaInOLRDEaiLIN Roads D b e H i A n I g T now E pen, and in good order, we are prepared to forward all kinds of mar chandize and produce to Philadelphia and Baltimore, with promptness and crespatch, and on as good terms as any other Line. C. A..McANULTY & Co., Canal Basin. Penn street, Pittsburgh. Aonsrs—CHARLES RAYNOR, Philadelphia, • ROSE MORRILL & Co., Baltimore. [mrl7 ffiTEME2 1 8 4.9 . Merchant's Way Freight Line, For Blairsrille, Johnstown, Hollidaysburg*, and all - intermediateplaces. Tang Line will continue to carry all Way Goode with their usual dispatch, and at tair rates of. freight. Amtars—C. A. AIcANULTY & Co, Pittsburgh. D. B. WAKEFIFLD Johnstown. JOHN MILLER, Hollidaysburgh. Rtrattimmrs—James Joreon, Smith & Sinclair, Dr. F. Shoenherger, R, Moore, John Porter, S. F. Von Bonn horst 'I Co., Wrn. Latimer& Co.. Jno. M`Devitt & BM!, Pittsburgh John • Ivory, Surajt, Mulhollan & Ray. John Graff & Co.. Maim - We. marl 7 s iGazetto and Journal onl-- Great Bargain Corner, ESSITIITIKLD ASO VIRTU j DIRECTS PITTSECIIOII, Pt. Is the most popular of all i JOPT and SHOE Es' tabliehmeuts in the West. 'This place has gained Re reputation by its proprietor keeping the very best Boots and Shoes, which are made expressly to order for this market, and he is not satisfied only by keeping the best assorted stock of BOOTS and SHOES iu the \Yemeni country, but he is enabled and deter mined to sell his GOOD'S lower than any other house possibly can. he cares not what facilities they boast of having for offering -great inducements to the public. It is impossible to set forth all the advantages and facilities in an advertisement, that the Great Bargain Corner has over others, which enables its proprietor to sell Boot. and Shore of the very best qualities and styles at from 10 , to IS per cent. lower than any other store in the city. The way to test the matter is for all who intend parches. Mg BOOTS end SHOES, to call at BATES' GREAT BARGAIN CORNER, examine the stack and prices, end all will be satisfied that the Great Bargain Corner. Smith field and Fifth streets, is the place for the public, one and all ee9 to get good Boots and Shoes cheap, for cash, J. BATES. ICKW - OoObs-giARGI A INN f liAlt - 61.11.114 1 THE 1310 GOLDEN BEE-1110E AGAIN- New Spring and Summer Drs. Goods now opening at tha Sign of Ms BIG BEE lit ' 7E, en Marko ;street, between Third and Fourth streets. fit , .: ... NM. L. RUSSELL, No. G 2 Market street, be tween Third and Fourth streets, sign of the Big Golden Bee-Hive, has now commenced receiving a very large and splendid stock of Spring and Summer DRI GOODS, which he is enabled to offer to his numerous custaniera end the politic generally, at prices far below those of any (ortner season. These Goods have all been selected with the greatest rare, aud will be found to be one of the largest and most splendid stocks of Spring and Summer Goods ever offered in this city.— A s many of these Goods have been purehttued of the lot porters, per the latest arrivals from Europe, the subscri ber is confident that he can offer to his customers the very newest cjyles of Ladles Dress Goods, comprising English. Frengt, Swiss, Irish and Scotch Goods. together . / wits a full assortment of American manufacture, and cheaper than can be found elsewhere. . ----• LADIES' DRESS eft( - ) 1 limb Chameleon Silks. Pummel) ,ow , itMrs Brocade do. beautiful goods, Both Grenadine., plata and figured ; I (Brien Silk, rich good. . • Pooll de Sole, Llabionaide and late importmion % : l. Block Ammer...plaid and striped; I Brocade Lushes, new atylek , — , ltalleeoil, figured, (very cheap ~ Silk Titinues , ail color.: Balzarincs, in great variety ; Mohairfr'' ' I Paris dotted Lawn*. for evening .1 l New etyle rich Mourning Lawn.: Organdie Imum it, altentatitalarticle; - .------ Black Oros do Rhine, all widths and imaillikatt. Block Bombazine., of most amerced tastily, ;, r Paris printed Barrgeo,ealmmely love; , r Patio printed I..teurt. in great variety : crape. and Crepe. Lime, a full nem/Intent of color. and qualities: Together with' a large !apply of De Late. and Atpaeak mairac a. low a. 12.1 rents per yard. in additiozi to the nt.rive Will be found a 1:W211111ln stAsurUtie:ll of Black' lituil‘elu Lacc,for trimming dreete.. rap minas mid capes. Also, - French worked Capra., Collar, and ruff., latent atyle.l. Also. V ktotto /.tium• dad Spotted !Mites. very cheap ;Swiint, Mall, Irieo4ol and Book Muslim ; FlOnne a Ribbon; Belting Ribbon; Cravat .: Scart .; rti e; Aficial% : Oleo,: Alm.. and lioviery WLS ' SliA 1r LS • ' Grenadine Shawl., plata and figmred ; Crepe d' Chine, do. e now article: Rif h changeable Glace Shawls, high luxere ?dude ETYMA Thibet dif extremely low Black Ernb'd Tfulfri do very- cheap Black Silk do. twat quality Black Nett do, low pricey White Canton Crape du. ..plemliti gouda: Chameleon Silk do. late importation.; Printed Cashmere do. ebrapart to the city White Endi'd Thiliet do. a beautiful article. • RASOLS : — PAAsuI-s • 1 lie lartrst. PA cheapest and hest H aseortinclit la the City I'. riukola from the lowest to the most splendid, rich nod ciodly article, of the newest Fi)ICX and colors, coo always Lc found at the Big Hen-Htsc. between Third and Fourth sta., No. 62. [itiog2.-i) %VAL 1. . RUSSELL. Domestic, and Staple Goods, Cheapest Tat 4 1.411 GE now: or CALICO, from 3 cents to In cents per yard; Bleached and alibis:ached Aluslins, from 3 cents upward ; Bed Tickinge and Checks, a full supply of all qualities and prices; Irish Linens; Two Damask, Russia and Scotch Diapers; Napkins; Table Diapers; Crash and Dowlas ; Scotch and Manchester Gingham; Sminalts; Kentucky Jean, and Blue Drills; all of which will be cold off at prices that cannot fail to please, and without fear of competition. fp . " Retnember the Big Bee Hive, Market attest. be tween Third and Fourth streets—No. Ott. inur2t , WM. L. RIiSSFLI. Greta Sadd HARNESS, TRUNK Western M AND WHIP AN le U,FACTORY. riIHE subscriber takes this method of informing his _IL friends and the public in general, that he has the largest stock of the following named articles, of his own manufacture, in this city—Saddles, Harness,Trunks and Whips; all of which he will warrant to be made of the bent material, and by the best mechanics in Allegheny county. Being determined to sell his manufactures something lower;thanhas been heretofore sold lathe city, he would Invite persons in need of the above named ar ticles, to his iVarebouse, No. 244 Liberty Street, oppo site Seventh. Also, bands made to order for machinerycm% G. KER.BY. Steel attd illettnikiry. %ISE suliscrlbere have enlarged their Steel File Manufactory on the corner of O'Hara street and Spring alley, Fifth Ward, Pittsburgh, by erecting a con verting furnace, a melting furnace and a tilt hammer.— Their Steel , now being of a superior quality, and having noting s ea: l T: e c r u ) ! c d tt e l c u r t i t p i rieosr,,,tht a hat w ril l ti r e e i ti m a r p t.. d r e t o y, f . it i ri ; the beat imported article', and being determined to make it the interest of all who use Files in any way, to pur chase from them, they will sell their Files at reduced pricee, for Cash. They will also re -cut Flies, and pur chase those which are worn and broken. Public patron. agge is respeetfullyinvited nova) J. ANKRIM ss co, City Livery Stables. el m \ THE subscriber's having- purchased from Charles Coleman the above Stables, and in tending to increase their stock of Horses, solicit a share ' Carriages, Buggies, Sto. would respectfully o patrona month from or year, p and additional Jails are being erected, in the second story,for the ac commodation of Canal stock. fe bta 3m IN retiring from the Livery business, I with pleasure from a long aequaiatanee) recommend my successors to he patronage of my friends and the public. febM:lw CHARLES COLEMAN. Bigelow's. Carriage Marturaetory, Diamond alley, between Woad and Stitithfield sweets.- iiil E. Bicp.o \s , would respectfully inform the public, that at his Factory can at all times be found a large supply of Family Carriages, Barour.hes, Buggies, and all kinds of Fancy Carriages, equal in elegance and neatness to any found in the East. Contracts for any number of Carriages, Buggies and Wagons, will be promptly filled. Alt work of his own manufacture will be warranted. Ravanarscrs—Col. R. Patterson, R. H. Patterson, E. D. Gazzam, Esq., Robert Robb, Esq., C. L. Magee,: and ,Alderman Steel. ifeb27:d3in Wholesale and Retail. ADDLE, HARNESS AND TRUNK MAN UPACTOR Y. 'pi OBERT H. HARTLEY, begs leave to in- - eh JR, form his fends and epublic enerally, hat ho continue ri s to occupy th that large g and com modious Store Smom, formerly occupied by SamueT;t7:- estock & Co., NO. 66, corner of Diamond alley and Wood street, where he keeps a large and general assortment of Saddles, Bridles, Hantess, Trunks, Carpet Bags, Saddle Begs,Valises, Buffalo Robes, Whips, and all other ani cles in his line. He also keeps constantly on hand, and is prepared tr. tarnish ta.order, all kinds of Riveted Hose, manufactured of the betairnaterial, and in a style of workmanship equal to the eastern ti:ntaetured article, and at 60 per cent. cheaper. `.,/ Country Aferrhants and Formtr.t would do well to call and examine hjs stock before purchasing elsewhere, as he is determined to Sell Opt ynto articles at very low prices. . . V" Don't forget the place, No. 86, corner of Wood street and Diamond Alley. ap26 BOTTLERS,AND MANDIFACTI .1 MEILS 017 'Brenta, Sarsaparilla, Porter, Ale, Cider; Root NIMAL Beer, Mead and Pop,' No. 18 Market street, and 100 Liberty street, corster or Cecil's alley, Pittlbitzgh. inar23: b_eoPY•l 13,318,4 92 sinee'Rielr incorporation , a period s of 19 years.:l 1 they bass pa;l upwards of One Million Four Hundred Tbou sand Dutton, 1014Sefl by fire, thereby affording eridenee or the advantages of Insuntnecoa well as the ability awl di sposttion to meet with,prompiness, all liabilities. J. GARDINER COFFIN, Agent, Office N.E. corner IVood and 34 its Pare.antl Marina Illiasurance. rplIE Insurance Company of North AMerica, of Ma -1 delphia, through its duly authorized Agent the sub. *era. r. offers. to make permanent and limited Insurance OR property, in this :Sty audits vicinity, and on shipments by the canal and riven. DIRECTORS; Arthur 0. Codln, Prat. Samuel Brooks, Alex. Henry J Charles Taylor, Samuel W. ones, Samuel W. Smith, Edward Smith, Ambrose White, John A. Brown, Jacob ht. Thomas, John‘Vhite, John R. Neff. i Thomas P. Cope, Richard 'D. Wood, Wm. 'Welsh. Henry a Sherrard,See'y. TM* is the *ldeal Insorance Company in the United States, having been chartered In 1794. Its charter is Per ; petual, and from its high standing, long experience, am. 1 pie mecm, and avoiding all tinker's' an extra hazardous character, it may be considered as offering ample securi ty to the public. WII.LIAM P. JONES. At Counting Room of Atwood, Jones d. Co., Water and Front sta., Pittsburgh marry ' - - - nemitiliiii;:iriiiiiili;—rti;-- ' ril 1 14 E subscribers having removed f00t0.170 10 N 0,,. I In and 174 Liberty street, olTer for sale floods, as 1 follows. in store and now landing, viz: ; 3;01 Mae* prime Rio Cause. " new crop ;" i 4o . Old Government Java CoGee ; 150 !Mils. prime New Orleans Sugar; "90 bids, :Imitation Molasses; 100 . St. James Sugar-house Molassem Gm hi. eh. Young Ifyson Tea; 40 - " Gunpowder and Imperial Tea , t new 40 " " Chulan Powehong - i cro 79 catty boxes V. I. and Gunpowder .1., ; ) p laii begs white Brazil Sugar; no bore* white Havana Sugar; 40 bags Pepper; 201 - Allspice; 100 boxes Mustard, in i and i D. can• ; 100 " Malaga Bunch Ratting • 30 .• ~ 50 lif. - " ,„ .. Su qr... ‘, .' " 20 casks Zaino. Currants; 10 balms Sicily Almonds I, 1110 boxes Richmond Tobacco; :i0 baskets Bordeaux and hlarteilles Olive Oil 200 bbls. and 100 tif. bbls. No. 3 large Mackerel; 9 barrel* Honey ; 1500 tbs. Cheese ; 2000 galls. Winter and Spring Sperm Oil; 1000 " Bleached North-west Whale Oil; 1000 . Crude 300,000 Cruz to Sons' sup'r Principe Cigars; , 30px) Havana Se era ; 20 half pipes Cognac Brandy, of various vintages 2 puncheons Jamaica Spirits; 3 pipes Holland Gin; 110 gr. casks sup. Teneritre Wine; 10 Madeira Wine; 20 - Lisbon " 40 " Oporto " 50 . Sweet hiataga Wine; 1.1 Indian barrels " " 18 hhds. Claret; 20 qr. casks Haut Sauterne; 40 cases sup'r Bordeaux Claret ; 30 oaskets Champagne Wine; 2 doz. aup'i Stomach Bitters; 200 bide. pure Rye Whiskey, from tto sears cld n. ap MILLER Sr. RICKETSON. AGARS, CIGARS, CIGARS—Four cases, containing: / 12000 St lit Yarn Principe Olgarei; 8000 Herres Imp 'd do do 4000 dela Cruz Cuba do do 3250 La Norma Hay. Regalia do 4000 Primers Hav'a do do 3000 La Luna do do 25250 La Minerva do Just received and for sale by JOSHUA RHODES, 912 NO. 0 Wood street. TIOR SALE—s 4 Brick House, and Lot of IS feet from ~L` on Clay alley by 50 deep towards Wylie street, near to \Washington street. The House is well arranged and in good repair. Price, 61000-8400 in hand, 8200 at one year, MO at two years, 8200 in three years, or 8000 in Scrip in hand. This property is rented at 8125. S. CUTHBERT, Gen. Agent, may 3 Smithfield street. Poe Sale. 4.0 s ' le A u LA n iV e LE_ e Pjeorratrsr, situated in the City of J demon County, Ohio, :—One of 00 feet frqnt on Third street by 180 feet to an alley, and an which there is a large Two Story BRICK HOUSE, containing several rooms or apartments, which has been mostly occupied as a Tavern these last seven or eight years, and is now occupied as a Tavern, by Mr. Crane, There is also a large Stable on the same Lot. Atso, part of a Lot of Ground, adjoining the above de scribed property, somewhere about 27 feet front on Third street by 180 feet to an alley, on which there is a Two Story House, con tai ni ng 2 rooms on the first fioo r, 3 rooms on the second floor; also, a garret and a kitchen. This House was formerly occupied as the Pont Office, and now occupied as a Bakery. Mare is also a Stable on the same Lot of Ground. Both of the above Houses front on Third street, near Market street, and nearly opposite the Court House. I will sell both these Lots . add Houses together, or each House and Lot separately. Ternis:—Qtte-half of the Purchase money to he paid at time of sale, and the other half payable one 3 ear eller the sale, with he usual inte rest—the balance to be secured by bond and mortgage on the same property. Title indisputable, 'without any encumbrance. A warranted deed given. Possession given at the Int-of April alter it would be sold. For fur ther information,enqutre of the undersigned, by letter or otherwise. • • SAMUEL-MgCLAIN, Piwburgh, April 23, '49-3m N 0.05 Wood et. ROGERS & OBEY -- - - AY MAGAZINES REVD AT M: A. MINNS'S.— 1 Godey's Lady's hlagazine, for May. Grahams Memoirs of my Youth ;by A. DFry.e Lamartine Life and Letters of vels Caroli , ne The Waverly No by Sir Walter Scott; complete in five Volumes. Sowdler's Family Shakepeare, from the sixth London edition. Outlines of a New System of physiognomy; illus. traced ; by J. W, Redf ie ld; iv . D . Littell's Living Age, No. 258. Our stock now comprises the largest and most com plete assortment in the West.'' Dr Smithfield - street, third door above 2d. ap24 GRAD CIDER - 2 44 barrels for gate bv may 2 RHEY, bLATtiIEWS di CO. .14. I...II.AILNDEIN & ,4. FOREIGN, PASSENGER OFFICE; •• Tag osiv AGENCY For the Real Owners in. this City. T THE FRIENDS OF EMIGRANTS be careful to J.j have their arrangements made according to the ono- 'Pnicision Lati,and take no man's receiptiwitlont having it insetted ; otherwise they will have to pay in Liverpool, before they ship. Hereafter all Steerage' Paseengerr coming from Europe, engaged in Americo, to come over in either of the Ships of HA RNDEN 4. Co. will be furnished witit the following provisions, or their eqUivalentut other articles equally good.— See Acrof Congress, May 17,1840. - This plan will prevent sickness onboard. Heretofore when passengers found themselves in Provisions, many • of them came on board entirely destitute, which often • caused much sickness and death :- 3S >he Bread, 10 the Rice, 10 the Oauneal, 10 tits Flour, 10 His Beans and Peas, • M the Potatoes, 1 pint Vinegar, 60 gallons 'Water, 10 Rs Salted Pork, free from I3one ; All of good quality, and one tenth of the provisions fur nished, will bealetivered to each Passenger every.week with a sufficient supply will uel for cooking. Each ship in this line he properly ventilated, and a good house Over the passage-way leading to the ,Pas sengers! apartment. The caboose and cooking-ranges for the use of Passengers, are kept under . cover. Every attention will be paid to promote their health and cennfort.. Remittances made as usual, pr omptly, and at Moderato rates. Bank of England Notes and Foreign Exchange pur chased at current rates. Debbi Legacies, Pensions, Ac., &a., collected, and copies of Wills procured, with every other business con nected with an European Agent. • JOSHUA ROBINSON, European Agent, Post Buildings, corner of Fifth and Wood eta [ • New Commercial Line. E. W. KOLBALL ir. CO., f / 5 Dtlners, Kiisesix & Co. ; 84 Wall st., New-York, j Liverpool, England, RESIMCITtILLT inform their friends end the . public, that they have commenced the Gene ": ' rat Shipping and Csonnissien Staines!, ;1)- i gether with the General Passenger Banners, ..---ifit • ( gru n a "egeertificates of passage from London., Liverpool. Dablin,Belfast, or any port of the Old Country to New York, Boston and Philadelphia, on the most reasonable terms. Drafts and Bills of Exchange, front .£1 to any amount on the Royal Bank of Ireland and its branches, and on Liverpool The days of sailing of the Regular Line of Liverpool Packets, as fixed upon. are the Ist, 61h, 11th, 16th, and 26th of every month. These Ships are all of the largest clams, and are coin- I mended by men of character and experience. The Cabin accommodations are all that can be desired. in point of splendor and convenience. They are furnished with cveryde_scription of stores of the best kind. Punc tuality in the days of sailing will be strictly adhered to. Packet Ships Rooming, Siddons, Sheridan and Garrick, are vessels of the largest class; and those desirous to bring out their friends, cannot select finer or safer Shops. Passage can be secured at the lowest rates. New Orleans Line of Parke*, sail weekly. For p age or freight, apply as above, or to LIMN JOSEPH SNOWDEN, o r EDMUND SiVOWDEN, Corner tit and Senithaeld sta., Pittsbur • .insuratue tomixmits. INDEMNITY. The Franklin Vire Insurance Company DIRECTORS— °r star tea. Chance W. Baneker, George W. Richards, Thomas Hart, !Mordecai D. Lewis. Tobias Wagner, Adolphi E. Boric, Samuel Grant, David B. Browne, Jacob R. Smith, Morris Patterson. COAL G. n CHAS. W. BANCEER, Preal. attraita, Secretary. cominne to make Insurance perpetual or limited, an every desaription of property in town and country. The Company have reserved a large Contingent Fetid, which, with their Capital and Premiums, safely invested, afford ample proteeuon to the assured. The atreie of the Company. on January Ist, 1 0 349, as published agreeably to an Art of Assembly, were as fol ows. vis : Mortgages •• • •. • • Real Estate • • . • • • Temporary Loan, Stocks • Cash, As, • . • HAEOGrAiNiti•t - B,IICGA Miff it 7 7- 7 SELLING. •C 0 ST,-TO CLOSE UP; • .. At No. 50 - Market street. • - THE ti nd e rsigned.Havipg' determined ,-;,t-s ,•. to decline his present Liminess and close mi ., up on or before off-tore-JOly next, will . from this day sell yr and:caimans, his entire stock of TRIAIMING-.. AND FANCY • dOODS„embracing a general assortment of Goods in the above line, viz :--Fringesi- Lacesi'Edgingi.: end Insert ings, of every description; French Worked Capes, Col lars, Cuffs and Sleeves ; ;Cotton and Silk Hose, all colors. and qualities; Children's do.; Linen Hand Wire tuefsiDe ad Bags and Purses Steel Beads, Clasps 'and Steel Trim :mugs. Bonnet Ribbons, Mantua do.; Belt do., Cord and Tassels, Oiled Silks, Sewing Silk; Coates , Spool Cotton, Spool Silk, Linen and Cotton Bobbins!, - Worsted- and •- Cotton Bindings and - Cords -Silk and - Linen La. era, black, white and-colored KidGlovesosilthe hest quality. Silk, Lisle Thread and Cotton• Glove s -; Lace Gloves and Mitts; Silk Floss; Ames and.Germati - Pins; Dais Tins ; Leather Belts.. • • . . . . PARASOLS, -SUNSHADES,' - AND PANS Every variety and Shade or Parasols, of this Spring's purchase; Fans, of the mostbeanUfal and rich patterns, all fresh and new; Ladies' Tmveling , Bags; Ladles' Spun- Silk' and hterino Veins; Buffalo. Tack Combs; Card Cases.; 'Belt Slides, Fancy, Frenehliair.Brrishesi Read 7 'Mg and Fine Tooth Combs, Perfaine or. the , fi nesfquor• ales • Fine' SoaEs,:Teuil, Ivory . and Clothes Brushes..!ce, &c. - •. GENTLE.MEN'S • FURNISHING GOODS.! A largetind corhplete ansoruzierd.ofGOods in the abeve line, connstingin part of Flne Shine, Startding and Byron Collars, latest . styles ; Silk tlershirts . and Drawerat Gauze, Cotton - and Merino do. do:: Brown , ,at'a White 'Linen 'Drawer* ; White. Drilling do, Made :in - stmerior style . ;, .Itallan Baiathen .and Amer. _CraVats ; new styles orrich silk ' Cravats,- patterns, Cravats , - a ll a splendid as nornitent; red and imitation - Madras - Cravats; Lawn and Gingham do„' Satin, Bombazine and Stocks ;Satin and Fancy 'llea; ind'Satin Itgared and_plain Scarfs; Shirt Bosoms and Collars ;- super; Lisle. hread Under shirts and Drawers ;,114. - and Gernmii Half Hose; ;Asti. Ralf Ho se ; Silk do.; a splendid' assortment of Ebony and: . other Canes; Silk and G , inghant Umbrellas , Cametßags,. Dressing- Gowns, Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs,' black and colered Kid Gloves, Silk and Lisle' Thread- Shoulder Braces, of the most approved patterns; Money Belts, Russia Belts, French Embroidered Smoking Caps, Oiled Silk Bathing Caps, RAVI; Brushes, Wallets, Sus- penders of every description,lcc. . The entire stock , will be sold for" cost, and Carriage . added. which will hring prices down. 50 per cent.lower than the same descnpirsn of Goads have ever been offered in this city. B. F. STERETT, • No. 56 Market street, near:Third et. N.B.— The Store for rent, and Fixtures .for-salti f ROM: the Istjuly. - ' 'nissy3itf FIRsT SYLEN DID STuCK A. A. MASON C 0.,& ONE PRIOR STORE—NO. 00 SET STREET, AWHOLESAL hav i ng-con ETAIL. A. MASON A. -cO. iderably enlarged their Store, for the accommodathm. of. their in creasing business, are now prepared to exhibit to their Retail Trade the most extensive stock of rich anfffash-' ionable Imported and American GOODS they. have ever offered. in this city.. Their large Shawl Saloon, together with another room, have been fitted up and added to their Retail Department, thereby giving them ample room for the display of their immense stock. Bei; constantly in Me receipt of NEW' GOODS from their use in New York, they are enabled to offer the newe ;latest and most desirable Goods, and at prices as low as any horse Lathe country. • • Their stock consists in part of five hundred pieces of extra rich Rarefies, Tissues, Albannea, Delplimes and Marquise, of new and splendid styles. Aloe,- -Poll de Cheare, Fowlard Silks Mous De Lames, Oremulines, c Pekins, Braziliennes, &oche, Toil du Nord, &c., Six hundred pieces ot new and rich style Jaconeta, Lawns and Organdies. splendid designs. Seven hun dred pieces English and French Prints, Gingham', Challies, Ac., Ac. SILKS. Three hundred pieces of rich plain, figured and change able Silks of entirety new styles. Also, Black Silks for Dresses,"Visites, Mantillas, Ac., ol superior high lustre. SHAWLS. RCashmere, Thibet, Long and square Shawls, Gros DiS hine, Pooh Ile Sole, Canton Crape, Silk, Berage, Sew ing Silk, Wool Plaid Grenadine and Muslin de laine. GooDs. Cambric., Jaeonets, Victoria Lawns, Book and Swiss Mailing, Tarlatans, Fancy Checks Linen Lama s, Dot ted Mullins, and Nainsook do ., dc. LINEN GOODS. Damasks, Corer., Napkins, Diapers, Mika, French Linenzol d Drills, Harmony Sheeting', Swiss do.; Irish Litiens,best make and finish. 111,447,438 It 04,724 83 • 90,001 SS 51.5 r. 25 3 , ,1,N14 37 BNNETS. A complete assortment of China Baud, Florence, Dun stable, Rough and Ready , Straw, English Chip, Fancy itc. max Ruinous. 115 boxes of Bon & net and Cap Ribbons of the best styles. Also, black and colored Taffeta and Satin, best. quality. Also, Bonnet Silks, Linings and Artincials. HOSIERY' ells GLOVES. Every description of Ladi' and Gent's Hose and Gloves, Cravats, Scarfs, HUG. Also, I3erege, Gauze, Crape Tissue Veils, Black Lace, Demi Veils, in., Itc. Ness Willies and .Alantillas. Of all the fashionable colors and styles. • EVAROWSIULD Lamm, Tarmxisrns,,tc. Lace Capes, Collars, Cuffs, Standing Collars, Cheini. setts, Falencumes, French and English Edgings, Own. brie do., Inserting, Belt Ribbans, Linen Cambric and Lawn !idiot's,. Crapes. &c., PARASOLS AND PA RASOLETTES. More than Two Thousand Parasols • and Parasolettes of every - variety, including the best make of fine Satin and Chameleon. CLOTHS, CASSI3IERES, Vestings, Summer Stuffs, Cononades, Tweeds, Jeans. Also, Flannels, Cheeks, Counterpanes. GIN'OIIA3IB, OHINTz, PRINTS, &c. Afore than trio hundred cases of the best styles, and of every variety. - • Bl of aWk.td Brown. Over one hundred cases all thewell known and ap pro-ved makes of Bleached Militias, 300 hales Brown do., of every variety and price Purchasers may always depend (from the great facili ties of this establishment,) upon obtaining the choicest Goods at the most reasonable prices—the system of unc PlilC/0 adopted by this establishment, as well as their One.Prire System having met with such essential favor that the subscribers are enabled to offer still great er inducements to purchasers. Every article will there.. fore be marked at such low rates as cannot fail to give perfect satisfaction. Merchants from all parts of - the country are Invited to call. A' A. MASON Jr.- CO., ap27 GO Market streeet, between ad and 4th sts. --- Thiew Spring Gooilts I— NO.aneff L A. Di ' on8;11'. Fhorerbnetwan7nDFoortturestthiclu..grayb Goods. The subscriber basjast received his fi r st supply of Fancy and staple Dry Goods adapted to the Spring Sales, consisting in part of the following: 4.4 English Lawns only lel cis., French Organdy Lawns; 12/ cu.. 4.4 Blue Merinme Prints, l2} eta., 4-4 Double Purple Prints, 12/ eta., Drab Mous do Lain, 12h eta., French Dress Gingham', lair eta., 4-4 Brown-Mus lim', (rota sto 8 cts., Bleached Muslins,3l eta. 4-4 Bleach ed Muslims, ai to 12/ cu., Prints, Merlmac Patterns, co cts, 2d Mourning Fr. Gingham', 12; cts., French Work Collars, 12/ cm. LA' DRS GOD : Brocade Chtune DlES lion Silks; B ES rosha O Fi S gured Silks, Chit melion Satin de Shien Wide Black Plaid Silks, Wide Black Gro. de Rhine Silks, Figured. Foulard Silks, Plaid Gro. d'Armonr Silks, Madonna Silk Stripes, Wide Black Mantilla Silks, Parts Printed Lawns English Printed Lawns, French Dreis Ginghtuns„ . Falibroulered Swiss Muslin', Paris Print( d Mous de Lams. Satin Plaidßera". gee, Chainelion Plaid Grenadines, Plaid Linen Lustre's, French Organdy Lawns. VARIETY GOODS: New style Bonnet Ribbons, Ladies' Cravats, Revere Bordered Linen Cambric Handkerchief's, French Work Cluyes and Collars, Black , and Colored Kid Gloves, Lisle Thread and Silk Gloves, Mohair'and Worsted Mitts, Black Silk Fringes and Gimps, Mull. Swiss, Jaconett and Thread Edgings and Inserungs, 'titbit° and Black Silk Hose, Cashmere, Moravian, Black and White Cotton Hose, and Black and White Silk Demi Veils. : Embroidered Whito_ S as Cashmere and Crtipe Shawls, Plaid and Black Silk Shawls, Black and Colored Mons de Lain Shawls, Satin Plaid Bemge Shawls, French Cashmere Shawls, and Plain and Embroidered Black and Colored Silk Fringe Thibbet Shawls. DOMESTIC AND TAPLE GOODS: Damask Table Linens ad d Table Cloths, Russia Dia per and Crash, Irish Linen god Linen Lawns, Bleached and Brown Mastitis, Casinens, Kentucky Jeans, Bed Ticking, Domestic Ginghams, Colored CaMbries -fed White and Yellow Flannels, Welsh planhels, danton Flannels, Brown, Bleached and Colored Drillings.— GE'S oop : French and EngIishNTLEMEN, Blue, Bla c k s and Brown Cloths; Black and Fancy French Cassimere_ ,s• New Style Fancy Vesting' and Cravats; . Silk Under 'Shirts and' rawers; Linen Cambria and Silk 'Handkerchiefs, and a fine sortment of Gloves, liiiiiery and Suspenders. PARASOLS AND PARASOLET : I have just received a Splendid assortme T at o Style Plain and Fancy Silk Fringe Parasols Par and Sun Shades: - The above Goods have all been purchased at the low est cash price", and will be sold Wholesale and Retail, at such rates as cannot fail to please all who wish to buy good Goods at low prices. mar 23 in Ilyer. se w G loo ,, Goods Xi.A T NUMBER FIFTY-NINE, North-west corner of Fourth. end Market streets, Pittsburgh.—lialtasmtn! BARGAII3!—Thci Mtdersigned respectfully informs his customers that he has Just returned from the &merit cities, and is now receiving- a large and beautiful stock of FANCY and STAPLE DRY GOODS, newest choice and'elegant assortment of all the newest and most fashionable styles and fabrics, imported this season, and embracing a complete variety ,of every ant* be longing to his line of business, all of which will beolTcr; ed at prices which must prove satisfactory to the .pur chaser. • The elastomers of the house, and purchasers generally are respectfully invited to give these Goods an early ex amination. Call soon and secure a Bargain! PHILIP ROSSapll Wholesale and Retail Denim! in Dry Goods - Finßherta m}..les, . EDIVWRD TODD 4 CO„ irlY liftw reoeiving horn their PO tou East : a large ateekafftne . and medium qual ity "SKIRTS, which, for durability and style of manu facture, are not surpassed in "this or any other market.— The trade will be supplied at lowest New York prides. ily- Wareroom, corner Fifth and -Market streets, aP stairs. ap, keDwAtiz TODD do 0., Mantifacturer of Linen and Fancy Shirts, Bosoms and Collars, Jobbers and Wholesale .I)ectlers in Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, ICORTII-SAZT COILVER WPM 4NI) mionurr aryl, Op' iz4lR-$0 ITTSBITROH, T ' subscribe rs beg leave to call the attention of merchants and dealers in gentlemen's wearing good!, to eur large stock of fresh Spring Goode,' now opening; tunong which are to be found some of the rich: ed est in ari this- One of our firm is enged at our factory in the East, where we flatter oursel ga ves we are manufacturing some of the best and most durable styles and qualities of Shirts,'noW 'celled for itt any market.— Being very thankful for kindfavors bestowed-on tte during the last year, We hope tiibivie them continued, as we intend to offer our goods at exceedingly low prices, and accommodate - our custoniert with pleasing ternai. We are confident we can offer Shifts at aslow prices as they can be found - in the. Eastern markets, front Ihefaat that oar advantages in manufacturing -Plaited 'Ore' and'be convince are . eta d - ol'ilio , ove facts. MEM ABSALOM MORRIS.. No. 65, Market at., Pittsburgb wOULDTrespectfully announce to th e Citizens of Pittsburgh and vicinity, that lieWillternainin this place afito days. His unparallelled titmeess in the treat ment of• a large majori!y of those diseases which have ever been regarded tut incurable by the modern'and mote fashionable practice, bus, induced htm to send forth-this card to the afflicted portion of mankind: - lie hasovithin the past twelve months, imparted instructions' to . up-, Wards of 200 U citizens of Tennessee, Virginia, North and South Carolina, Kentucky and Indiana; among them Physicians of high standing, and they all bear test imony of their entire satisfaction.- He has also succeeded in giving permanent relief to nearly now individualsi a mple proof of which he can adduce. - It is not pretended that the concentration of the reiulis of medical research emanates tram one anther, for be lie ever so Versed in - medical science, he would come fat, far short of ad herculean a task. Dr: S. has been en gaged Since 18313 in selecting and purchasing all the pop ular and secret- remedies 'which could be obtained in England, Ireland, Germany and 'the United States, from those persona who Were eminently successful.in curing some of the follovring diseases, vrz:--Rheumatism,Dys pipsia.,-Sick and Nervous Headaohe, Pains or Weakness in Back or Joints, Paralysis,- Neuralgia, Spinal Arco tionit Epilepsy, Toothaehe, Contractions of the Mitscles, Weak- orluflamed Eyes, Piles, Asthma - , Cancer; Tenet; PooStßite; .Scrofula, Ulcers - , Mercurial Diseases of long standing Female Diseases . , General Debility, tre. , For full instructions for the cure. of-tdl diseases origir citing in, or causing the deracgemerif, of, the Nervous System, so that those who receive instructions can act with equal efficiency, as himself; his charge is only. Ten Dr. S. is furnished with certificates and recommenda lions, from the most intelligent and respectable -Physi cians of every place at which he has had the pleasureof visiting, which be will be- plearied to exhibit to the in spection of any who may desire it. Vie ingredients used- are almost- Inxiusivel • Vegetabie. ex ceedingly cud within therench of all. Persons afftittetl.with. any 'of the within named Dis- • eases,wettld do well to call upon Dr. S., and tfnot effectuallp ,relieved, no' reattinerauon will be required for his' services. r Hismotto is, No Cure,'No Pay. Dr. S. will.remaie during his stay, at the 81 . .01-TABLES HOTEL, Room No. 72. apl7 HORACE V. Asa Land .and Cieneral A gene}Oce D LI AB. AT. TOE emu." or, 0/81,Cn OF SPRIOGIFIZI.D. To Non-resident Ifigders Minois Lands—Holders of lainots indebtedness, and all persons desir ousfurehasing State lend. with nmat scrip - T HE undersigned would respect/hi inform the public. that they' have established in this city-•-the capital of the Blatant' Illinctis•-a.LAiID and GENERAI. AGEN- C YOFFICE, for the transaction of all business apper - taining theretch*ithin thelimits of the State.' All transactions relative to the . purchase and sale-of lands, examining Made aid reporting their location, ad vantages and value, paying taxes,xedeeming land sold fop taxes, investigating &c., buying and selling all descriptions of State indebtednessk this and every other description of bnsiness attached .to a General Land Agency, on the most extended . scale, will bo promptly and faithfully attended to: In regard to location we have many. advantages over all Other agencies in the State, being at the Capital, near the centre of the State-, and at the vert-fountam•bead all information in •relation to matters connected with lands,taxes, and State indentedness, through the medium of the government and executive - offices. In addition to this important advantage, the senior partner, Mr. Ash, has occupied, for several years, the position of principal Clerk in the State Auditor's efface, and having had charge of the books and State land department in said office, has obtained a thorough knowledge on all subjects connect ed with this agency; and we are, therefore, enabled at all times to give correct and prompt information, much in advance orally other agency. in the State. Our location Is also important fo noreretadents wishing to pay taxes, as our acquaintance with the collectors of the revenue is such that we can obtain the tax receipts through the mail, and the money paid directly into the' State treasu ry, thereby avoiding the risk of remitting funds by.mail. . We also beg leave to infiiim persons wishing.to pur chase State, lands; that our arrangements are such, that we can, at all times, furnish State bonds, scrip, or indebt edness m any amount, and at less ratesamount, than any other ce in the • In conclusion ? We take.pride in referririg to the char acter and standtag of the gentlemen who have been kind enough to permit as louse their names as references, and with a sincere desire to please, backed by fidelity,..indus try and promptitude in , all our business transactions, to merit the confidence of all who may entrust their busi ness to our hands. - • ASH & DILLER, - Springplrkl, March 20, 1649. aar stattztc Es : . Hon. Daniel Sturgeon, .... •• . S." Senate. - Hon. James Cooper, •' ' ' dq. Cot. Samuel W. Black, •••- -• • Pittsburgh, Pa. • - S. Vogan Diller Gen. Hobert Patterson, Philadelphia. Gen. Adam Diller. Joseph L. Chester, do. Messrs: Wadsworth &. Sheldon, New oritOity. essrs. Hill, McLean & C 0.,• • • -blew - Orleans. Messrs. A. Gowdy Lotthsville. John Ti!. Wymer Esq., St. Louis. James Calhoun, ks?., - Cincinnati. HiisEx."Gov. A. C.. tench; • - Springfield, 111. Hon. Thomas H. Campbell,- do. Hopi. S. ILTire at •.•• • .. ... . do: " [aps-3ut - _ OTICE SO TIM HOLDERS OF iheLTICIIIIIOR CITY SCRIP.— ' In conformity with the 24 Section of the Ordinance of the 18th of April, ism directing the undersigned "to negotiate for crrr SCRIP, the Bonds and Mortgagesof individuals held by the City for property. sold, amountingto TWENTY-RIGATTHOUSAND DOLLARS„?' Public notice is hereby given, that the said obligations will now be disposed of for the Corporate issues of the City of P Dollars. ittsburgh, of the denominations of One, Two and Three Further Notice is hereby given; tharCity Bonds, bear ing interest front the IBth day of April, 1849, at the rate of 8 per cent. per annum, will at any time hereafter be . issued 'to the holderor holders of City. Scrip, in stuns of One Hundred Dollars and upwards, according to the provisions of the above date. S. R. JOHNSTON, ap2l City Treasurer. Eil iinting. T D. PITFIELD would respectfully inform the citizens I a . of Pittsburgh and Allegheny that he is prepared to do all kinds of ORNAMENTAL. PAIN - TING, such as Rimitation of Arood and Stone. AU orders left with J. otinesore, European Agent, will be strictly intended to. tap:lA:dim ACONSTABLE'S, icS.SIGNEEst ~,,,,D itimispßi. 1,,J TORS , SALE of Dry Hardware, Clothing, Fancy Arti cles, Toys, HarAwa„ Cutlery, Saddlery, Gold Watch, Am., atAUCTIOH, byCatalogue.—Serip Mill be rakers for some of Me Goods. Commencing ou THURSDAY next, May 101 h, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, will be sold, without reserve, to the highest and best bidder, by oorder of Myers Barker, Constable t and cf. Roetelf, W. „R. Miskhill, Assignees of T. 9, Ile aterratut ; also T. Wilson, - Administrator, and C. Mintal, Administratrix of the late. P. Min tal, decd, the separate stocks of three Retail Stores, by . catalogue, comprising, to part—ced earn brics, vesungs, balzarmes ginghams, carnet, pantaloon stud's, cashmarett, broad ' cloths, wowed plaid, French csseurneres,gambroon, coating, drilling, linen and cotton checks, chusan,chlatz and calicoes, splendid cashmere shawls, black Holland, seminar casnmeres, moos de ' Mines, braids, gloves, hosiery, laces and edgings, gros IP Naples silks; a large assortment of ribbands, tree veila,- alpacas, mennos, red flannel, lustre and ditaillf, a large :1 assortment of merino sbawis, braid, gm*, - straw and lawn bonnets; de Mine and cotton shawls, crepe, cra vats, silk hdkfs, reticules, a lot of clothing, hardware, cutlery:, toys, French and German fancy goods • also, grocenes, Sec. Catalogues will be ready on Saiinday, and the goods arranged-for examination to-morrow. The Assignees have concluded to take Scrip at par for thejr goods, which will be marked in catalogue. . The cemsta tile's goods will be sold fbr par funds, and the Adminis trators, for currency. MYERS ti‘RßEß,Constable. . *,, H. nxlsxti ILL, .nesigneee of T. S. Warman. T. WILSON, C. AIINTAL, , Adak's. and Adtalx of the late P. Mintal, deeM. • 3 JAMES hiciliT.MA. Auct 2000 Presartlumlinlnda.. • B J. WILLIAMS,No. 12 North Sixth streetiThiladel -1,11. phis Venetian 13114dand Window' skadedfattufac rarer, (awtirded the first and highest Medals r t the New York,. Baltimore and Philadelphia Exhibitions,' for the superiority of his BLINDS, with confirmed confidence in his manufaCture,) asks the attention of purchasers to his assortment of 2000 Blinds of narrow and wide'slati, with* fancy and plain Trimmings, of new styles and-colors... Ales,a largh •and general assortment 'of •.Transpawnr lEnuow Shades, all of which he will- sell gt the lowest CARR PRICES. . . Old Blinds painted gad trhintied to loolc,equal to . new. DEALERS Illipplifld on liberal terms. The Indians of Allegheny'Cou, ty are respectfully in- * vlted to call, before pureh d sin g - elsewhere-coiffident of pleasing all 117' Open in the evening. : ' • "llt N I 11 To Cc uuttOhltlNSON would remin4 you that sr you - ean new. 111. secure China, Masi, gassy's:mar, 4.c.,_at such _prices as never were h e retofore offered at. ' Remember, 1 1.5:Wood street, 5 dears :below sth..- [inl7. —2lliii l i — sliit - 1. rpliE sabscniber, informs - the - iiutilta-- generally, and j housekeepers and • Grocers particularly, that is discantinuing the Queensware business, and will sell tiff. his present stock at reductia- prices. .ihose who wish to obtain China, queenstears, or - Glass, will find this a rare opportunity for getting such articles as they want, much cheaper than the usual rates. - • „Remember the place, CHINA HALL; No. 11.8 Wood street, near the Auction store. . P. .5. I will dispose of ray.whole stock to anV person wishing tolmy it, at a bargain. . . "PinP:tr - ______________ I\TEW-DAGUERREOTYPE ROOME,'Biirke's Build- Foisnhatrea.-41wou & Aratioinr, Daguerreo the ypists (rota the Eastern cities, would call iheattention (if inhabitants of Pittsburgb, and the neighboring towns, to their Daguerreotype ofediceps and ethers , a t rooms to the 'third story of Burke's building, 4th st. Persons wisk,ing pictures taken may rest assured that no pains shall be spared to produce them in the -highest perfection of the art, Ourinstrumentsare of the incist pow erfifi kind, enabling - us:execute pictures ndstirpaesed for high finish and truthfulness to nature. The publi c i f , solicited to call and examine. Persons sitting for pictures are neither remtirred or 82- pected rake them unless perfect satisfaction . - *given. and B. Opera tors will find this a :good de*it'fos moat Inelastructirizis given in tinitirty. COSlVairarig the more recent Improvements .., - - - _ Graipel --- .1, --tooting. • rirtHE subscribers respectfully inform- the' citizens of ..j. Pittsburgh and viettuty, that they are now - fully pre pared to 1111 orders for GRAVEL. ROOFING, in a man ner not to be surpassed in'this city or else*here.- Front their experience in, basinessi they 'feel -confident 'thin ththey will render satisfaction to nil those pi iirt may give em work. -The superiority ot Gravel Roofs over any to req other kind, particalatly in case of fire, is too Well known uite any argument in its favor: -To those who are iiik-Al ESTATETcTR SCRIP.— VOr ti,,,,, vah—Tii--, '' unecituainted with our work, We beg leave to refer them De Lot ef 20 feet (tent on -BeaVer street, Allegira to Messrs Thomas Liggett,- Sr., John =F. Pewp,' Rody 117 .feet. to q n feet alley, !awing a sMail fsame ' 4 ' , 'y P ratonson,Sl...Rture, Jr , and others, for whom we have Dwell n' Gose, - with other improvernem . r CoCttliße don, word--orde rsj,:tha7vfAullTTy efiecEellvvesid:Gd-vpiguiroinp,tly in 4 ,, pyiittsbu;rgh 'and-.A:1eg.,11.e:n.y.,,7: a s :tiscizsilDri -;:.;•vp.o46B:ElxiiisetrEL,Seel.t., attended- to: We. will be -found- On' Wylie street, be( par. _ - S. DDItyIuERT -unty Scrip, at tweed High -and Tunnel streets. ' --•- '. . 029 ' .. .-'- , , . . , Gen. Agent,' .;_. (). . a. a crma p:l9 -4: I::.b.ales,-."(c-i-o.ltivialpfle b g rarA SION TT N R.r. IN w . 14, - ,k. ; - tcl,. ' 1_) :,... 7.u5t.'1t47:41:: C'APS,- 2OO If: - 13 . Er-------................K1eu5,cm vain Oe McCA',IDL ° * . n t - ' .filiatellantou : 'CUTS OF , COUGHING in the night are very trouble .1' . some. They break iu upon the hours of repose and exhaust the'sltength of tho sufferer. B. A. Pahnestoek & Co.'s COUGH UAL SAAI has been eminently,sueeess ful in easingaltd curing these .unpleasant spells. if a eersc u i la n 'relined ill e right thby a, spasm of coughing, a n spooflaof the pa gsam' will - soothe it, give hint relief, and,'axit ia palatable, leaves no unpleascurt taste behind. If once used, it.„ will take- precedence over all others, as a remedy Inc conghs, colds, &o. Prepared and Sold by II A. PAIINESTOCA-fk Co.. streets,corner Ist end Wood stre,ets, and corner oth and Wood . , . zumpirs CM :REBATED V EGETABLY P .L. 16 wholesale 0.111 retail, at USS are air the . . REAL Fsrarx Mao, by • Win. Cole, Allegheny' city: •SOJ. G..mith, minthanniohn MeeretiPenn en, street, Filth y AVtod. . , . . "TAR EOFF'STONIC AND ANTI-DYSPEPTIC PILLS:r .13 The:general properties of these Pills . are Carminat tive t 'Purgative and Tonle. In: the osetnissa disorder'. • arising from imprudence in diet, ac., such as sickness • and sourness of the stomach, heartburn, headaches, ke., where 'a medicine is required, this prepnration is very applicable, for itscarminative. or -soothing °Sleets' give almost immediate relief, when natural. or Meknes* exist its purgative operation upon the stomach and bowels is gentle and effectual; and its -tonic propeniet it-apart etrength to - the digestive organs thereby ellabliiag.these organs to perform their propor functions with order and regularity. The price has been. reduced Bons SO. ha . 26 cents a box. - • • - - - For- sale, wholesale and retail, hy, B. A. FAHNE3— TOCK. & Co., comer Front and Wood and Sixth and Woodstreets, Agents for Pittsburgh.. . . lel9 marl9:lneott nONSUhIPTION•seizes more vletims than 'y other kJ - disease in oar country. The young, te n ld this beautiful and gay, are all: alike athieet t its invidious ravages, and many a hectic cheek has been supposed to blacttp, with, the glow. of health. But every cede' origi nate& in a cold and a coUgh=peitaps' deemed unworthy of attention at first --aud only Met with remedies whets too late. Watch the first symptoms with Jealous care,. and make immediate use of the Cough Balsam of D. - A. Vahnestock 4 Co., which will certainly check its farther action,- and restore the infinated organs to a bewail-al For aale by. B. A. FA.IiNESTOCK le, CO., cornea Ist and Wood ate;; also, - oorner 6th and Wood. • • &elk .... A A. NASD -& CO., No. GO JGA,eara exparrokaii 1 . 1.4 this day received, per " Vast Line,* the following named Goode, viz :—Satut strive,tdaek and blue black plain nn,l printed Bierages, all.wool Ill.rde Laines, em broidered, Phibat Shawls, Week,. white and pearl Silk nese; ilmfat Silt Bose, kid, Silk andlisle thread Oloves;; . imen, bobbin, cambric and muslin, EAgiags ; Insertings ;:- Week silk lace „Edgmes;,bciniterßibbons embroidered! muslin Capes, new patterns and rich oods.. mars* . Va tot le 'Property ,Tor Gaze, or . 53 Aare*, , Q ITUATED fof II Mile - fro the. Cemetery and °plus.- 1.3 site the residenee.'of Col: Cioghan, ineaeuting a front • of 1200 feet, containing a new cottage house, withlatrin i centre and 4 rooms, 4 bed rocktas and good'celiars, &c.--= goodA' tenant house, bar"- stables, garden, ite.., all under ; fence. - This desirable property la suitable for goo-,. dening purposes, or country residence's; aiseatiral prom,. inent and beautiful locations eon easily be nuke:red COI: that purpose Price,' SfiDO-an acre. Terms easy,. S. C UTHBERT, Ge 4 Ren t - Br4i.ttAol street, thugs -anb inebitints Coadlspateist ••_ - FAND - PATENT zNsuidarm POLES, OR MEDICAL- AND OTIIER prra:posss.,-Thl s -is the only instrument Of the•kind that has ever been presented this country or Europe for medical puiposes, and isthe' only °fie ever known to man, hywhich tbegalvanic fluid can be conveyed to the human eye,.the ear,-the brain, or any part _ of the ltody , either etternelly.or internally, in a definite, gentle stream, without shocks-or pain—with perfect safety—and often with the happiest effects. - by This important apparatus is now lughly approved of many of themost eminent physicians of this country and Europe, to whom the afflicted .and others. whom it - rutty concern can be referred. Reference will . alsee given to many highly respectable' citizens, 'who 'huve been cured, by means of this most valuable apparatut,ot some of the most inveterate nervous disorders, which could not be, removed by any - other-known means. .• - Among,voricius others, it has beep proved to be admit ably adapted for the cure of the followiug diaereses, viz: 'lemons headache:and'other disorders of did brain. It is, yvith this'apparatus aloneut the operator_ Can convey `the galvanic fluid with easeend safety to the eke,, to re-. store sight, or cure amtiuroia ri ;90 the ear , to, restore heat ing ;to the tonguwther organs, torestore spe'ech and to the varides p the body, forthe cure of. chronic_ -rheumatism, asthma, neuralgia, or tiA-dOlouietiuxtperal ye's, or palsy, gout, chorea or St. Vittis' - daniii, epilepsy, weakness from syrains, some direeses, peculiar to fe males, contraction of the limbs, leek.leiviet-C4'etc. Rights for surrounding cofinties of N'ltaiiitirn Pa., and privileges, with -The instrument, may be purchised, -and also tested for theeure of dieeases. Full instructions will be given for the various chemi cals tube used for various 'diseases, and the best Manner for operating for the cure of these diseases, will also be fully explained to the purchaser, and a pamphlet pat into his hands expressly for these, purposes, carefully. pre pared by the patentee.. Enquire of . . S. WILLIAMS, Vine street, • near 9th st. Road. Pitesb'g. LADIESare cautioned against — iati'mta repir red Chalk: They are.not aware how frightflilly inju rious ilia to the skin ! how coarse, how rough, how sail ow, yellow, and unhealthy the skin appears after using . .pre. pared chalk! Besides it is injurious, containing a large quantity of lend We have lorepared a. beautiful ye.ge , l table article, which we call Jones' Spanish Lilly:Mite.. It is perfectly innocent, being purified of all • deleterious 'qualities, and it imparts to the, skin :a natural, healthy, alabaster, clear, lively white ;• at the same - - time acting as a cosmetic on the skin, maing it salt and smooth': • . Dr. James Anderson, Practical 'Chemist of Itlantachta= setts, says :"After analysing Jones' Spanish Lilly White I find it possesses the most beautiful and natural, and at the same time innocent, white I ever saw. 'I certainly, can conscientiously recommend its use to all whotte skin requiresheautifying.” Price 25 cents a box. Directions. —the beat way to apply Lilly White, is with soft leather or wool-the former is preferable... - A . rant sex OP Tram roa 25 inctrs-41.ite teeth,,, foul breath, healthy gums_ yelloic and unhealthy teeth, after being. once or. twice cleaned ' with - Jones' Ataber Tooth Paste, have the appearance of the most beautiful . ivory, and, at the same time it is so perfe innocent and exquisitely fine, that its commie t daily . one ie highly advantageous, even to those teeth that are in good condi tion,-giving them a beautiful polish sand preventing a premature decay. Those already decayed it precepts tram becoming worse—it also fastens; such as is becoming .. loose, and by perseverance it will reader tha foulest teeth delicately white, aid make the breath . deliciously sweet. .Price 25 or 37} cents a box.. All the above are sold only at 82 Chatham 84, sign ofthe American Eagle, New. York', and by the appointed Agents whose names appear in the next column. Wna. YOU nuarnr, and get a rich hatband, lady? "Your face is your fortune?" Is't beautiful, clear, fair? Is it, white? : lf not,it can be made so even though it be ye]. , . low, disfigured, sunburnt, tanned and freckled. Thomt. ands have been made thus who . have washed once or "twice with Jones' Ballet" Chemical Soap. The effect is gloridus and magnificent. But be sure you get, the germ- Chatham Street. me Jones'. Soap : at the sign of the American .Eagle; 82, - • , Rm. g-woim;.Salt-rheum, Scarcer, Erysipelas ;Barher's, Itch;are often cured by Jones' Italian Chemical Soapy. . when every kind of remedy., has failed... That it cures , pimples; freckles, and clears the skin;all know.' Sold at' the the American Eagle, 8 , 5 Chatham street.' Mind, reader, this seldom or never fails. . . INGLI, Jr., 'Patterson.-- Sold at .TAcirsoa , a 89 Liberty at., bead of Wood, Sign of ALT RHEUM, SCURVY, OLD SORES, ERYEIPE -10 LAS, Barber's Bch, Chaps, Sore Beards, PimPla.-- This is used by, man y physicians in this city in outing - 11m above,. and we would not eonsciencionslysell unless we knew it to,be all we state. , • As a cosmetic, the true JONES'S SOAP is perhaps the.; only article ever known that removed impurities, and cleared, and beautified . the . skin, making- it soft, clear, smooth and white as an infants. But. mind,' it is sold at S'd Chatham st., N. Y.; and by WM. JACKSON, Ageni,. • SD Liberty street, Pittsburgh, mar2s IICSEIEUMA.TISAI, GOUT, AND is DOLORE A respectable gentleman called at our office, he said, to inform us that he had been afflicted for. 15 years . With Rheumatism or Gout, and occasionally .with Tic. Doloreux; that he had been frequently confined to his room for months together, and often suffered the'inost in tense and excruciating pain, bat that lately he had been using Jayne: Alterative, from which he found the most sig nal and Unexpected relief fle says he found the ruetft eine very pleasant and effeetive; and that he now Con siders himself perfectly cured.--;.Philadephia North ilyncr;.' A Faar Wuarn liivc , wmo.—A gentleman of Scrofulous, habit, from indiscretion in his younger days became af fecte with. Ulcerations in the' Throat and Nose, and a disagreeable eruption of the S.kin. Indeed, his whole system bore the marks of being saturated With 'disease. One hand an,/ wrist were so mach affected that he had' lost the use of the hand, every part 'being covered with deep, .painful, and offensive ulcers, and were as hollow and porous ; as LW honey-aamb.. It was at this stage of his complaint, When death appeared inevitable from a loath some disease,' that he commenced the use of Jayne's Al terative and having taken sixteen bottles, is now Perfect- The Alierative operates • through the cite : illation intrifiek the 'blood and emdicates disease from the s and wherever located,. - and the nuracrotis cures it — Mem , formed in diseases of the shin, eaneer, has per liver complaint, dyspepsia and other chms • o rcila,,Sout, truly astonishing.—Sprritof she Timm, ac diseases, is . TEA STORE. For talent Pittsburgh, elate PS* • 72 Fourth street. , . JaYrtel,' F4l101 ,t; : . ..,edech," ' ' DR - 8:s. poem, Picillni,-.,tio, us e s M ar March'," 184tlf ' "I haie used your rem' iroge, Carminative "Balsam, and "raPulonli in mi. P l ".ctice, for the last three years, and have been exceedur.ir well pleased with them, and never; as yet, to my .r.eollection, failed of realizing my fullest ex l te .elntinn iii their .curadve roperties.".- Your ' cannot speak of fontexperience"; but, other medicines 1.. judging from Ilio'iol have.used I doubt not. but that they clam; and are entitled to all the confidence reposed in _them, by tkose who have used tnem. I was formeriy_ ypartim lc, eitises Vermiftige, until I: beeameacquarn ted wttl• yours, which has my decided preferene to any other-now in tise, • - - - R essectfully; yours, Sce.,COOR, M. D." ID" Vol. stile in Pittsburgh at the Pekin Tea Store, 72 Pottrilt st. feb15...: Vrijittl-rgstAtisicrirl6ltiElitliiii-d's Farivedi -114.;eines---"l'he und ersisned,citizens of Pittsburgh,hav ing personally used Dr. Willard's Oriental Cough MiX . lure, aniVexperienced its beneficial' ffects, do most cheer , .. fully raconunend it' as safe ,and effectual, in.:all-cases. Speaking from' experience we believe that it hatvtio su perior; and would recommend its use to all theafilicted. CHARLES LEWIS. Pittsburgh, Mareh 15th. "ISIS. " -" 117'Sol el by J. L Snowden J. Schoomnaker ,k, Co., John Hays, James 4., Jones, J. H. Cassel, John P.tic Scott; F. . , Mohler. Ogden Snowden. - . • , a p 22 • EISMEE M