we .. -..rY.r :~a'.:~ ...~......,.~.- .. _, ~.....~ , ...c....: Montlitg host Adseriisets arerequisieit to hand issiheirfiriefreib'f?" 4 atiock t -P M. This must ha winytieti with, in order io en-. ears an-m.session. When it isposssbis, an earlier/mut would - mgpoetfobrin . t. Morn' p 'rug Of& - CORNER OF: WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS. 137" /raving added to oar Establistunent, a splendid Steam• Power Printing Machine, vre are prepared to do all kinds of Newspaper and Bookwork in a style of un -- surpassed beauty and neatness, and upon the most rea sonable terms. We respectfully . solibit the patronage ot he public n this line of our business. - fl:r0. BIDDLI33, Dentigt--REutovsn to a new three story Brick, on Sterntm= sr., one door be low SLrtlx - street.. TEETH INSERTED, front one - to a whole sen, by Atmospheric Pressure,-with a beautiful representation of the Natural Gun, restoring the Pacs to its original shape. "TEETH EXTRACTED, with little or no pain. • DECANYD Tann permanently saved' by. PLUGGING, preventing the. ooth-ache,*eh is niuelrb et ter than curing it, though it shottld be min fire min t iles, or even instantly. - sp2LIT Ea.' Economy...lf you wish to save our money aa. - bny a supoOrly RAT or CAP, call at TG26 HAT STORE, whereyon will find a complete assortment of the latest Fashions, CHEAP FOR CASH. - mar23:y] 130 Wood et., corner f Virgin alley. . . TE7-1.•.0.- or 0. re.ALLEGILENI' LODGE, No. 40 meets at the Hall, corner of Wood street and . Virgin' alley, every Thursday . evenirg, at o'clock. myllm GEOEGE Basssrr, See'y. i • - - 1 ExCiLittall BANG . OP PITTSBURGH; Irr This Bank has, this day, declared a dividen of four per pent. on its capital stock, payable on or after the four instant. Eastern Stockholders will be paid at the Western Bank of Philadelphia. my2dtd - - Taos. M. lows, Cashier 1171. 0. of 0. F.—Place of ?Jesting, Washington. Hall, Wood street, between bilt and VirgatAlley.. Prrrtarattou LODGE, No, 336---Meets every Tuesday, veening. - - Misacarrmn ENwavamrr, No. 87—Meets let and 3d Friday-of each month.. maritS-rly MTZICiIANVS Alf 1) 111AlgitIFACTITB111'8 Bala, - Pittsburgh, May 1, 1849. 11:7 - This Bank has this day declared a Dividend of four per eenturn on the Capital Stock, out of the profits of the last six months, payable on or after the 11th instant. rrtayttd W. H. Blom. r, Cashier. Boot and Shoe Warehouse. IHUGH AI. ROBB having removed to the spacious building formerly occupied by Wallace, Lyon A Co., No. 116 Wood street, near Fifth, would respectfully invite the attention of the public generally to the large and fine assortment of GOODS he is now offering Cheap for Cash. All p 3 sons wishing a duraible and cheap article ' .in the SHOE hue, ara invited to cull and examine his stock. Also, a iot of fine Leghorn and Palm Leaf HATS, and a good assortment of TRUNKS, alway onland. IsT.l3.—He also continues to manufacture, as formerly MO the Honorable the Judges of the Court or General MO Quarter Sessions of the Pence in and for the County of Allegheny: The petition of John Turpin, of the Third Wird, city of Pittsburgh, in the County aforesaid, - humbly ailew, eth, That your petitioner hath provided himself with ma terials for the accoramodation of travelers and others, at his dwelling house, in* the Ward aforesaid, and prays that your Honors will be pleased to grant him a license to keep a public house of entertainment. And your pe titioner, as In duty',bound, will pray. • JOIN TORTEN. - - We, the subieribers, citizens of the aforesaid NiTatl, do certify, that the above petitioner is of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with house room and conveniences for the accommodation and lodg ing of travelers and others, and that said tavern is ne- John Doris, Samuel Baird, Isaac Walker, P. H. Han ker, English Blackley, H. Mullen, H. C. Iselly, John Layton, Michael Daly, L. Manua, John Gibson, L. }I %per. ' mayl2:3l (Chronicle copy and charge Post) 0 the Honorable, the Judges of the Court of Quarter Z Sessions ot the Peace, in and for the Connty of Alle gheny: - The petition of Antbine Segni], of the 3d Ward, City of Pittsburgh, in the County aforesaid, humbly sheweth, That your petitioner bath provided himself with mate rials for the accommodation of trace.era and others, at his dwelling house in the Wnrd aforesaid„ . and prays that your Honors will be pleased to grant him a license to keep a public house of entertainment. And your pe 'Rimier, as in duty bound, will pray. ' ANTOINE SEQUIL. We, the subscribers, citizens of the aforesaid Ward do certify, that the above petitioner is of good repute for honesty and temperance ' and is well provtded with houSe room and conveniences . for the accommodation of trav elers and others, and that said - Invent is necessary. Allen Howland, John McGuire, John Cavanagh. Jas. McKenna, John Smith„James Devlin, Thomas O'Neill, Timothy IVCarty, Patrick Quinn, James McDonald, T. Collingwood, lames McCabe. merit! 0 the Honorable the Judges of the Court of - quarter. • . Sessions of the Peace, in and for . the County of Alle- T gheny : The petitien of John Smith, of the Third Ward, city of Pittsburg, in the County aforesaid, humbly sheweth,That your petitioner bath provided himself with materials for the accommodation of travelers and others,at his dwell -hou.se in the Ward aforesaid, and prays - that your Honors will be pleased to grant hun a license to keep a public house of entertainment, And your petitioner, as in duty botmd, will pray. JOHN SMITH. We, the subscribers, citizens of the Ward aforessid,do certify, that the above petitioner is ol good repute for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with house room and conveniences for the accommodation of trav elers and others, anti, that said tavern is necessary. Patrick Quinn, 11.Molhy hl'Carty, Matthew McGovern, John Coyle Simon McCarthy, Stephen White, Thomas O'Neill, A. Kelly, Allen Howland, John McGuire, John A Walsh, George A. Nugent. ' mayl3 tiA. MASON & CO., No. 60 Market strut, are on . scantly in the receipt of .Rick EMBROLDERMS We have on hand the following Goods, viz : 185 rich emb , d Muslin Capes, from 81,50 to 5,00 . 850 embroidered Muslin Collars, " 374 to 1,00 500 crotchet " " 374 to 75 350 lace " " 8 -to 124 700 g,unpnre " 64 to 124 150 Jenny Lind " " 62j to 1,00 130 embroisered Muslin Gabits, " al to 1,50 ' 590 pairs " " Cuffs, " 50 to 1,50 Also, Mourning Collars, in great variety. Call soon- at the Cheap One Price Cash Store, 60 Mar ket street. mayl2 Operatic Soirees, In Fail Costruae THE MANVERS OPERA COMPANY, Consisting of ELIZADRIENTI, Prima Donna. Pupil of the celebrated Mawicato, of !Winn, and • late of the AstorP/ace Opera Rouse, N. Y., and Mr. MANVERS, Prima Donna, from the Theo - tree Drury Lane and Covent Garden, London; Assisted by— Mr. GROSVENOR and Mrs. CLARE, from the St. Charles Theatre, N. 0., lyflOSEXuriotrz ass ORIGINAL ENTEIITAIISMSLICTS have re cated such a furor in the principal Southern au Western Cities, beg to announce their determination of giving _a limited number of their performances in PITTSISIM.GH. The - selections will be from— . "La f3omnambnla," By Bellini; "Child of the Regiment," DCMIZati . " Postillion of Longumien," Adams; " Lucia di Lammennoor," ...... • • Doniarnr; • "Elixir of Love;" Donimu i; And - " Norma,? Sellini. Their FIRST PERFORMANCE will be given on TUESDAY, MA Ylsth, at the APOLLO HALL, with se tectious from Bellini's celebrated Opera of .‘.‘LA SOMNAMBU-L A." Amini (an Orphan) Miss Brienti: Liza(Rostess of the Golden Fleece). • • Mrs. Clark. Count Rololph Mr. Grosvenor. Elveno (betrothed to Aminal r.. Manve rs. Previous to which will be given a one act CONCERT. [Er Doors open at 7; to commence at 8 o'clock, pre. cisely...Tickets, 75 cents; to be had at the usual places. ALL. THE MORNING , and most of the Weekly Pittsburgh; and quite a variety of Eastern, West ern, Northern and Southern NEWSPAPERS; Sibbet's latest Counterfeit Detectors; A Pull Account of the Great Eire in Pittsburgh in 1845; The Enquirer; The American Pioneer; Barns' latest Pittsburgh and Allegheny City Directories • a small retail supply of Writing and Letter Paper ;letter Covers; Black and Red Ink ; 100 boxes of Wafers and Sand; " To Let;'t " For Sale , "Temperance Certificates;' Blank Deeds ; Shannon's ' lnterest Tables; and 200 English quills and Patent Pens ; White Louis ville Lime ; Window Sash, tee.; for sale cheap for cash. ISAAC HARRIS, Agent and Com. Merchant, mayl2:3l* N 0.33 Wood street, near Third street. FOR SALE—A valuable FARM of 70 Acres, with 50 In.cultivation—havipg prime Wheat and Meadow Lands. Also,good Dwellit4 Rouse and Dairy, Barn and Stable, Orchard and Garden. Price, $l2OO 500 in hand; balance in five yearly payments. Situated len miles from the City, on Franklin Road. , - S. CCTHBERT, Gen. Agent, • onay.l2 Smithfield street. 'Eagle Saloon Open. atJOHN T. MORGAN takes -pleasure in ik announcing to the former patrons of this - establishment and to the citizens and stran gers , enerally, that he has taken a lease of the EAGLE SA LOON, and will open on Saturday or Monday - - The Rooms have been repainted and fitted up in a style unsurpassed by any other in this City. The proprietor has made arrangements far furnishing, at all hours, the very best quality of - • LEMON AND VENILLA ICE.CREAMS. Other luxuries will he presented in their season. (myll:3 - IQ PBS. GOLD SFECLACLES; 9 hne Diamond Fin 11J ger- Rings, - 10 Musical . Boxes, shell cased; a large assortment of' D ann, with fine Paintings also, Gold and Silver Gilt;—Silver Butter Rnivei; do.ovith agate han dles; Gold and Silver Waist Buekles and Slides. Also, Rsassoza; dark green and other fashionable COWS. The above Goods, With a large assortment of Jewelry, Watches, Fancy Goods, ke,, will be.sold for SCRIP, or other good money, at N0:67 Market street, by . 1 0 11 711 • ' ZEBULON lONSEY. Lime I Lime I Lime ANY. QUANTITY OFLIME, ofthe very best quality, will he furnished on reasonable terms, on short no- Bee, by applying .to the subscriber f at his Store,South end of the Monongahela Bridge, South Pittsburgh. • mavlinlwd JAMES BLACKNORE. _ G tf UAC IE-25 0 hbs., just received and for sate by . 13: PARNESTOCK & CO., rnayll. , Corner I st and Wood etc. ..... ALS. COPAIVA-122 ibs., just read and for sale by. giant . _ B. A. FAHNESTOCK ACV?. MOaLA,ps_Arru WOOL SACKS On hand and fqi M - side by (nabyB) H. LEE. . . aoittinercia I`au? PITTSBURGH' BOARD OF TRADE. T. . - S. CLARKE, .;R. E. SELLERS, Commrnms Poi MAY. J. DALZELL . ' PASSENGER ARRANGEMENTS FOR 1848. - StearaboatPackeiLine,leavesdaily for Cincinnati,lo AM. Passenger. Packet, via Brownsville, to Baltimore - and Philadelphia, 8 A. as., and O P. M. Mail Coach Line, direct - to Philadelphia, 9 A 761, and 191 Western and Southern Mail CoaCh Line, 0 A. M. North-Western, via Cleveland, daily,loA. M. Erie and Western New York - , daily, 9 A. M. North-Eastern;to Philadelphia, daily, except Sundays,4 ARRIVALS AND DEI .ARTURE Or MAILS. Eastern Mail via dne 3 A. sE., closest 12 st. Western Mail, Cin. and Loutsv., dna BP. closes SA. M. Bouth.vin Balt-and Washington, due 8 P. M.,010560 A. as. North=Western via Clevelnnd due 10 A.m., closes 9 A. X. Erie and Western New York ' ! due 8 P. is., closes 8 si.st Par value. Asked. Offend Bank of Pittsburgh....• . • .......... 550.0 0 550,00 Faiuhunge Bank. •••• .• •.• ...... 50,00 44,00 43,50 Merchants' and M. Bank ••.• ..... 50,00 50,00 49,00. Farman' Depositßank Nana in market. . Hand Street Bridge.. 50,00 50,00 - 40,00 Northern Liberues Bridge . 50,00. 35,00 Old Allegheny-BrMge. .... ••• • • 25,00 3 3 ,00 33 , 00 ConneLlsville R. FLStock,paidon shares,32„so - 5,00 City Bonds (6 fr coati). •••• 90,00 . Monongahel 25,00 16,50 Gas Stock.. .•• . . .. 50,90 Daily' Reviewr of . 111io Mari Lets. OFFICE OF THE COST, SATIIIIDAT MMINING. May 12, The complaint was very general. yesterday that business was unusuallidutl. The falling off in the amount or trade is attributed to the unfounded re ports or Cholera, which are flying in every direction east and weft. - - FLUOR—There was quite a flurry in the market, on Thursday, caused by the rivalry of some of the dealers, - and:the consequence was that - prices stiffen ed up. We heard of sales amounting to 500 bbl. at 3,7503,80. Yesterdaythere were sales amounting to about 600 bbls at same figures—though some lots were sold at less. We have no idea that these rates can be maintained, for there is nothing in the east. ern market that will justify such prices. GROCERIESA few small sales at our quotations of yesterday. CHEESE—SaIes of 190 at 7c, with sales at lower rates. CORN—Sales of one lot at Sic. , RYE--Sales of 170 bbla at 50c; the article may be worth a littlo more. LARD—SaIe of SO kg* at Sc DRIED FRUlT—There is hut little demand.— We heard of no sales yesterday, though the market is well supplied, and holders are firm at former quo• tations. RAISINS—SaIes of 40 bait at 2,00. ORANGES—SaIes o f superior article at 4,60. LEMONS—SaIes at 3,60034,00 in quality. • AI74)I'IO3ISALIC__,I4 BY JAMES M'KENNA, drICI7ONEER, No. 114 WOOD STREET, ragas DOORS PROM Ptpru TRUSTEE'S SALE of a Valuable Tract or Farm of Land in Peebles Township, Allegheny County, near the City of Pittsburgh, suitable for Country Seats, at AUCTION.—On Monday, May 14th, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, will be sold to the highest and best bidder, without reserve, in front of the new Court House, in the City of Pittsbargh,by order of John Bishop s of. Wheeling, Va., Trustee under the last svillaf Susan Simpson, dec'd, a valuable Tract or Farm of Land, containing 0.1 Acres and 133 Poles r beautifully situated in Peebles' ownship, beyond the new Cemetery, 4 miles from the City of Pitts burgh, and about tl miles from the Allegheny Arsenal, being part of the Farm of the la le John Staltop.deceased. The property is located in the most delightful part of Al legheny County, and for beauty of scenery, combined with richness ofsoil, cannot be excelled In the world. It fronts on the Allegheny river, and commands a splendid view of the noble stream for several miles above and be low—also, the cities of Pittsburgh and Allegheny, their environs, the neighboring valleys, and surrounding coun try. It is in .a district inhabited by a respectable popula tion, and every advantage enjoyed which may make a private residence comfortable. It will be sold with clear title, free from down right or any other incumbent what ever. To accommodate purchasers. one-half wilt be sold, With the privilege of the whole. The terms are Mt per cent. in band in 00 days, and the balance in equal pay ments, atone. two and three years, with interest from the day of sale; the interest payable annually, ned the de ' ferred payments secured by a mortgage on the property. Mr. Ring. now occupying the premises, will show the - Land to those wishing to purchase. Any further infor • mation required can belted by addressing JOHN 111511- OP, Wheeling, Va., Trustee. apl7 JAMES MCKENNA. ArtcC P. V suckhorni44., . IPROLSAALE 12th RETAIL DRILLER IN 110SEERT, GLOVES, TAPES, THREADS, PIES, &c., With a Variety .f Combs and Fancy Goods, CHEAP FO a CASH (SIGN OP TUE GILT CO MO FGDICRAL STBEST, AV:X(1111MT- A LSO, Dealer in Freneh.Eaglish and GCTalan Variety ji Goods, cradles, chairs 'and baskets, shoe thread, boot laces, k - nittjug pins, percussion caps, fish books, slate pencils, shaving boxes, violin strings, guard chains, hair brushes gum - suspenders, bonnet muslin, ivory combs, tooth brushes snuff boxes, hosiery, gloves, rib bons, 'galloons, needles, scissors, buttons, hooks and eyes, bonnet wire, fancy purses, razor sirops, corset loess, patent thread, sewing silk, spool cotton, tobacco boxes, German pipes. sear cases,sitarit,g bra es, shoe knives, fishing lines, shell combs, marbles, slates, cray ons, dominies, bodkins, spectacles, tweezer', &c. 117 Country Merchants, Pedlars and others are re quested to call and examine for themselves, as I am de termined to sell cause you caw. maraltd&w NDEPENDENT POLICE OFFICE, corner of Li Leary I. and Irwin streets. entrance on Irwin urea. A. G. EEINEIga, Alderman and Potion Magistrate. THOMAS O'Birms, Chief Constable. Jammu liasim.ru, Aset do. Will attend at any hour, day or night, when re quired. may 9 FRESH ARRI VAL OF NEVIV AT P. DELANY'S* NO. FORTY-NINE, LIBERTY ST., PITTSBURGH. JUST RECEIVED , an extensive and general assum meet of French, English, Belgian and American Cloths, Cassimeres and Vesting', of the latest and most desirable paUerns. Amongst them will be found a varie ty of entirely new styles Fancy Cassimeres and-Vest ing", of the latest impormtions—all of which will be made to order in the most fashionable manner, at short notice, and reasonable prices. On hand, a large assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING, made up in the present Spring Style, and will be sold low for cash. N. "B. To TAILORS.-{Yates Graduating Shoulders' Measure System. for sale at (atri:dkw)l , -. DELAN FRESH ARRIVAL, ON NEW GOODS. AT P. DELANY'S, A'O.49I.LBERTYSTREET, PITTSBURGH. JUST RECEIVED, an extensive and general assort meat' of French, English, .B4r,itas and American CLOTH, CASSIDIERES and TESTINGS, of the latest and. most desirable patterns. Amongst them will be foand a variety of entirely new style Fancy Cassimeres and•Vestmgs of the LATEST IMPORTATIONS; All of which will be made to order in the most fashiona. ble manner, at short notice and reasonable prices. A large and general assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING, On bane, made in the present Spring style, comprising every description of FROCK AND DRESS COATS, Made of French, English, American and Belgian Cloths, of the alert fashionabk COlOl3. New style Business Coats, plain black and fancy coldred Casbmarett, Tweed and Summer- Cloth Sack Coats, and Pantaloons qf superior single and double milled Cassimeres, Slimmer Cloths, and every other de scription of goods suitable for Spring and Summer wear. Also, a choice assortment of NEW STYLE VESTS, Rich Silks, Cashmeres, plain and fancy colors; plain black Satin of superior quality ; with a great variety of substantial and well made CLOTHING; Altogether comprising one of the largest and handsomest assortments of READY MADE CLOTHING, That can be found in the City, which will be cold Low gee Casa. N B. To Tsmous.--Watt's Graduating Shoulder Mee. sure System, for sale at P. DELANY'S, ap6:dtsw , 49 Liberty st. 1110 the Honorable the Judi Ts-of General j - Quarter Sessions of the Pence in and for the County of Allegheny: The petition of Johnston Grahem, of the Third Ward, City of Pittsburgh, in the County aforesaid, humbly sheweth, That your petitioner hash provided hillllloll with materikls for the accommodation of travelers and otters, to his dwelling house, in the Ward aforesaid. and prays that 'your Honors will be pleased to grant him license to keep• a public house of entertainment. And your petitioner, as in duty bound, will pray. • JOHNSTON GRAHAM'. We, the subscribers, citizens of the Ward aforesaid do certify, that the above petitioner is of good repute fot honesty and temperance, and is well provided with house room and minvemences for the accommodation and lodging of travelers and others, and that said tavern is necessary. Thomas B. Hamilton, Robert Curran, E. Hinckley, R. I:cies, L. Pips, Samuel M'Clure, J. Wallace, N. Robb Wm. Orr, Samuel Baird, J. Montooth, Jilt.' ma yo : Sts , [Chronicle copy and eh. Post ] /110 the Honorable the Judges of the Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace in and for the County of Allegheny: . The. petition of lours Dna, of the. Third Ward, City of Pittsburgh, in the County aforesaid, humbly sheweth, That your petitioner bath provided himself with .materials for the accommodation of travelers and others, at his dwelling house : , in the Ward aforesaid, and prays that your Honors will be pleased to grant him a license to keep a public house of.entertainment; and yottr peti tioner, as in duty bound, will pray. JAMBS DYER. • We, the subscribers, citizens of the aforesaid. Wird 'do certify : that the above petitioner is of good repute for honesty and temperance , and is well provided with house room and conveniences for the accommodation and lodg ing of strangers. and travelers, (there being no licensed house in that part of .s aid Ward) and that said tavern is necessary.. Sohn B_Bond, English Blackly, Luke Cookshoot, Wm. Paul, Daniel Bondner, Thomas %Tamil, Lewis Fess George Smith,sL: Harper, D. Loden, A. H o l s t e i n j:: G. Haekefen. • . - • ntlylo:3l4sw• . • - . !a ..../ , River 3ntellignme VOILT OF PATICSBITRGEL: ,-; 12 care WALT =IN iIIK . • ARRIVED Stminier Lake Erie.-Elhoies, Deriver. - Michigan:No.2, Gilson, Beaier. • . Robt. Wightman, —, Beaver. • 4 . Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville. . Atlantic, Parkinson, do. - Camden, Hendrickson, hlcKeeeport. Isaac Newton, Hemphill, Cincinnati. it Caleb Copo, libirdoc.k - Wellsville. " Planter, —, Memphis. - - DEPARTED, . • . steamer Michigan N 0.2, Gilson, Beaver. Lake Erie, Sholes. Beaver. " Robt.Wightman. Beaver. • Baltic, Jueobs„Brownsville Atlantic, Parkuison, do. " Camden, Hendrickson McKeesport. " Beaver, Clarke, Wellsville, " MeNeel. Bt. Lords. - Union, McLane, St. Louis. For Greenwood Gardens. NEW ARRANGEMMENT.—TheAn it steamer/THOS. scoT.r will corn enee tin - Monday, May 7ttr, fo raft from the old Greenwood Landing, foot of Pitt street, to the Garden leaving at 8 o'clock , and at emelt even hour until'9 o'clodk P. st.; last trip frora the GardenAt The Saloons are supplied with, all the delicacies o f tha season. Tea at 6 o'clock. The Garden, with a large collection of Greenhouse Plants; Dithlias,Anntial Plow: er Plants and Shrubbery.• The comfortable wharf boat, Greenwood; will be placed at the Pitt at. landing. (triy4 W ELL SVILIC PACKETS. . • Par Eaa 4 ver , and Wellsville. " • - • Tax Dew aud splendid passengir steamer CALEB COPE, A. Mslikocs, Muster, will leaVe for the above and ul,ntermediate ports every Tuesday, Thuridayould Saturdly. - For freight or passage, havitig superior accommOda. lions, apply on beard. may 4 Lew Xiiii re agemens. Aeirot 'Ns-steamer BEAVER, Cutts. E. Cusass, Master will leave this ctty every Monday, nes ay and Friday, at 10 A.ll. She has n boat at the landing, between Wood at. and the Bridge, prepared to receive freight at any time.- tmy4 maim _ Win. B. Wheeler, STEAMBOAT AGENT, can be found at Wesley Crier', Counting Boom, corner of Water and Smith field streets, Pitisburgh. mar 27 For St. Louis. • THE fine new passenger steamer AARON HART, W. J. Kouzerz, blaster, will leave for eir'ir min nre find intermediate ports, regularly. For freight or passage, apply on board. mays . For Ctncinnatl--Regular Packet. La sm ai The fine steamer MT. VERNON, Maass Kourrrz, Master, will leave (or the above and trn;rrate ports, regularly, every Saturday evening. For freight or passage, apply on board, or to „„,, apW GE() . B. MILTENBERGER, .11§%. _ _ ..._ ___ Regular Zaneavine Packets. Steamer YANKEE Capt. McKee, leaves every Saturday, at 2 o'clock, r sr, Steamer JENNY LIND, Captain GA1.1.10113{11, leaves every Tuesday, at 2 o'clock, P. M. For freight or passage apply . to W. D. WHEELER, Agent, ap3 Corner of %Tater and Smithfield Cu. 1. - 01.11SVILLEPACIFLIZTS: . FOR WHEELING, CINCINNATI Et LOUISVILLE RIX/ULM/ SATURDAY PAC/VT—The A No I fine and faltpassenger steam Pac ket TELMRAPII, J. Ileklep„ Corn mender, will leave Pittsburg for NV/met ing, Cincinnati and Louisville, end all intermediate Ports, cam) , Saturday, at 10 o'clock precisely. For freight or passage apply on board. or to FORSYTH Es DUNCAN, Agents. The Telegraph has been built expressly for a regular Packet, and with ft view entirely to the comfort of pas sengers; the accommodations are inferior to no boat on the western waters. The Telegraph will run in connex ion with the Ben Franklin No 6 and Pike No 9, to Sant.- LOllis—D/De thrOIIgh,TIVR DAYS. ap2l-iy 1848. Pittsburgh and Brownsville Daily Packet Line. Plastrtsi I 5t.1848. FcaROAIT 1et,1849. LEAVE DAILY AT 8 A. M. AND 4 P. fit The following new boats complete the line for the present season: ATLANTIC, Cpt, James Parkinson, - BALTIC, Capt. A. Jaco a bs; and LOUIS hPLANE. Copt. F. Bennett. The boats are entirely new, and are fined op-without rogard to expense. Every comfort that money eon procure has been provi. ded. The boats will leave the Monongahela Wharf Boat, at the foot of Ross at. Passengers will be punctual on board, as the boats will cernunly leave at the advertiser hours, ja3l _. Near Wheeling Packet. The new and splendid passenger smartie Z. TAYLOR, M. E. LUCAS, Master, will run as a Regular Packet between Pittsburgh and Thee tog, eaving this city every Monday, - Wednesday and Friday, at to o'clock, A. 31., and VI heeling every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 9 o'clock, A. X. For freight or passage, (having superior accommoda tions,) apply on board. The Z. Taylor is an entirety new boat. and for speed and accommodation is not surpassed by any boat on the river. (Jan3o) ARMSTROIsitt ts. CROZER, Asia Itegulae Packet for Sunfish. jeilillit THE fine steamer WELLSVILLE, Capt. me tate por ts BAIMES, Will leave bombe above and inter= ts on Wednesdays and Saturdays. For freight or passage apply on board, or to alerj GEO. H. MILTENBERciER, Agt. _ New 'Wheeling Packet. MtThe new and splendid passenger ste amer JAMESNELSON, G. D. Moore Master, will run as a Regular Packe between Pittsburgh and Wheeling, le av ing this city every Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday, a 10 o'clock, a. im., and Wheeling every Monday, Wettnes day and Friday, at 10 o'clock, a. M. For freight or passage, (having superior accemincula tions,) apply on board. The James Nelson is an entirely new boat, and for speed and accommodation is not surpassed by any boat on the river. AMSRTRONU Is CROZER, cicala( Agents. Franklin Packet. The fast packet ALTA.:OREM' BELLE, Capt. Wu. HANNA, will run regularly be tween Pittsburgh and Franklin, on the Allegheny River, Leaves Pittsburgh each Monday and Thursday, at 4 o'clock, P. M. For freight orpassage, apply onboard. dee27 liakt Ida& Alatt 1848. 184 Q. CINCINNATI AND- PITTSBURGH DAILY STEAM PACKET LINE. rIHIS Independent Line of steamers is now composed of the largest, swiftest, best finished and furnished, and most powerful boats on the waters of the West. The highest wages are paid for the services of the best and most experienced men engaged in the river business.— The line has been in operation for six years; has carried nearly two millions of people, without doing the slightest injury to their persons. The proprietors challenge cum parison with any passenger line in the Union for sacy, regularity t and speed. All that money can procure has been provided for the safety, comfort and convenience of passengers. The boatsleave for Cincinnati as follows: MONDAY PACKfir—The MONONGA n ILA , Ca p t:Steme, will leave Pittsburgh every• Monday morning atilt &clock; Wheeling every Monday evening at JO r. TUESDAY PACKET.—The /11111ZILNIA No. 2, Capt. Jno. ElinOilter, will leave Pittsburgh every Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock ; Wheeling every Tuesday evening at 10 r. w. WEDNESDAY PACKET.—The Niv;* ENGLAND No. 2, Capt. S. Dean, will leave Pittsburgh every Wednesday mortung at lOo'clock ; Wheeling every Wednesday even ing at 10 P. IL THURSDAY PACKET.—The Bart.itawr, Capt. B. J. Grate, will leave`Pittsburgb every Thursday morning at 10 o'clock ; Wheeling every Thursday evening at lo P. M. FRIDAY PACKET—The Cuppas No. 2, Capt. Crooks, will leave Pittsburgh every Friday morning at 10 o'clock; Wheeling every Friday evening at la P. m. SATURDAY PACEET.—The Maur:von No. 2, Capt. I. C. Woodward, will leave Pittsburgh every Saturday morning at 0 o'clock ; Wheeling every Saturday evening at 10 P.M. SUNDAY PACKET.— The 13.L.tc Nswvotf, Capt. P. Demi, will leave Pittsburgh every Sunday morning at -to o'clock; Wheeling every Sunday evening at 10 P. M. nov 10. For Sale, to Close the Concern jHE'STOCK OF THE LATE X. PIARD, St. Clair at. is now offered at private sale, consisting of Ladies' Misses' and Children's Fine Boots, Slippers, Gaiters and Buskins. The attention of the public is respectfully asked to this stock, us from the well known character of Mr. Piard's manufacture ot Ladies' Shoes, it Is presumed they will be eagerly sought for. The whole stock can be Blond out to any person wish ing to continuo the business. T. A. HINTON, / , apt! D. A. OLMSTED, 5 "" m "' PRINTING PAPE- R-200 reams 22232 inches ; 100 " 24.110 " 200 " different sizes •in More and for sale by REYNOLDS SURE, ap2D, Corner Penn and Irwin streets. Few Goods, TN a few days I will be in receipt of a well selected and fashionable dssortment of SPRING GOODB, now on their way from the East, to which I would invite the attention of try frieads. A good lit warranted in all Mies AS. NeGUIRE,TaiIor, marl Third street, St. Charles Building. NEW GOODS—Just received, by Express, at No. 07, North-west corner of Fourth and Market streets, an invoice of very handsome new style Lawes, from cont. mon to very fine. Also,very rich new style Dress Silks, Ribbons, Collars, parekes, ike., to which the attention of purchasers is res pectfully witted.. (ap18) PHILIP ROSS. ipicE-4 tierces fresh Rice, for sale by 116 tnay4 OVAL DYER Aft SACKS DRIED PEACHES; 50 do. Apples ; for sale iJIJ by [maylo) ARMSTRONG & CROZER. LARD OIL-5 barrels good machinery Oil. for sale for City Serip, by imaylij yirfil, DYER. 11.) , ACON _I) Shoulders, for sole by. WM, DYER maylt _ la Liberty street. P - FRANG—Sibble., for solo by maylo ARMSTRONG GRAZER. WiEMISMiMIIM!M QM= === Greenwood. Garden. . . „ .„ itclignum RUMIIeT Retreat la' now open for the reception of visiters. Ice Creams, Fruit, Nuts, Con fectionary, and all the good things nature and an can produce, will he nerved up t in 'the best manner, in the Saloon. The Tea Table will be .spread at tti o'clock every evening. Conducted on Temperance principles, and'cloAd, on Sunday.Boguets of the ctioicest Flowers put up at the shortest 'notice. - A large collection of the choicest variety. of Green house Plants, Dahlias, and Annual,Flowing Plants, for The new steamer Thos. Scott will be ready, In a few days to run from the Point to the Garden. t 25,000 Yards of P 11, 0119r. THE Birmingham Town Council, desiring to contract with some suitable person Or persons, to furnish ma terials and to pave about 25,000 yards of the streets of that Borough; will receive Sealed Proposals for the whole or any part of said work; until the tet of May next. Proposals to be left with James M. liVElrey. By order of the Council. ap2:lm THOMAS BLACKMORE. President. TEAS 1 TEAS 11 TEAS 1 1 2 IT is with pleasure that the subscribers in form the titizens of:Pittsburgh and vicinity that they have completeCarraneements with Messrs. J. C. Jenkins Bc. Co., of Philadelphia, • to receive .their superior -PA 'And will hereafter be kept constantly on' hand. They are neatly and securely put up in metallic packs of t, i and 1 th each, with eir printed card—showing the kind of Tea, e of the concern and -depot in Philadelphia, pace,: haaiavitation to return the Tea, tf not liked. PECCE6:- Gunpowder 62} 75 1,00 1,23 1,50 14 1 Imperial 50 '75 1,00 1,25 1,60 ig Ilyson 50 05 1' 75 1 : 0 0 145 . o Y. Hy Black son 50 621 75 LW 1,25 1,50 ' 37} 50 Mans. Fine and Extra Fine • —75 1,00 1,25 1,50 We will warrant all the TEAS weitell to be equal to, if not superior to any' soldin. this City, and shou d they not prove acceptable to the taste, they can be. returned, and the money will be refunded, as It is only with that understanding we sell. We ask a Mir trial, that the public. may be able to judge between our Tetts and those heretofore sold by other companies in this city. - • . • All lovers of rich, delicious and good flavored TEAS, should give us a call. Dealers can be supplied oaths most reasonable terms . For sale by .IOS. S. M. YOUNGA CO., • N, W. corner 4th and. Ferry streets, and • E. YOUNG- & SON, S. W. corner 3d and Ross streets. Desirable Building Lots for Sale. ?TIRE subscriber will sell, at private sale, EIGHTY- I. SEVEN BUILDING LOTS, on accommodating and advantageous terms to purchasers. These Lots are beautifully situated on Centre Avenue, Dlnwiddie street, Reed street, Rose and Clarke streets, within len minutes walk of the Court House. The terms of sale will be made known by the subscri ber on the premises, or at the corneforDecutur street and Diamond alley, or by Augustus Witabington, at his office in Fourth street, Pittsbuigh, where a plan of the Lots can at all times be seen. A clear and unencumber ed title will be furnished, and the termkWill be made to suit purchasers of every description.. ` Such portion of these Lots as shall not be disposed of at private sale before Monday, the 3d day of June, Igo, will, on that day, be sold, without resenre,.at Peptic Sale or °nary, to the highest and hest bidderin-hen the terms will be made known. Sale to commence on the premi ices, at 3 o'clock, c. K., and to be continued until the whole shall be disposed of. JNO. SHAFFER. may7:dlw (Backoicit's Ger. paper copy 3t; ch. Post.) Alderman's and Poi to e Magistrate's °Moe tank`( ST., wisT SIDE, NUR LTIMITT STREET. Ttie. undersigned would inform his friends and the public generally, that he has taken the above stand, wnere, besides the legitimate duties of his Office, he W il l give his attention to drawing Deeds. Bonds, Mortgages, Leases, Articles of Agreement, /Iz-fruiting and settling up books and accounts; also, to renting houses and col lecting rents for non-resident property holders. tee., tee. ma,y7:3t A. U. RINEHART. SCRIP WANTED AT PAR—Foa !MLR, a large Build ing I.ot of 25 feet front on Webster street by 12: deep to a 115 feet alley. Price, $5OO. Also, a Lot adjoining the above, 21 feet front by 127 deep to said alley. Price. $4OO. Also, a Lot 21 teet front by 127 deep, two lots from the above. Price, $4OO. Ternun—One eighth In hand of Scrip; balance in seven yearly payments. S. CUTHBERT, Gen. Agent, may; street RINTS-2 eases Blue and Orange Prints; 1 case Fall River Blue Open and for sale by NIcCANDLESS & CAMPBELL, ma 9 SI Wood street DRILLS -2 bales Btae Drills; 2 " Brown I ease Bleaelfd " reed and for sale by MeCANDLESS & CAMPBELL, 97 Wood sweet. 10:11133 A,fir old customers, strangers visiting the city, and others wishing to provide themselves with a hand• sotto DRESS COAT, PANTS, VIIBT, or any other arti elein the line, can do no, by leaving their orders with JAMES WOATIFIB, Tailor, sp2l Third street, St. Charles Building. Administrator's liotlee. VOTICE. is hereby given that the undersigneu has 1.11 taken out Letters of Administration on the 'Estate of Alex. Stewart, of Allegheny City, deed. All persons in debted to tairl'Estate are requested fo make immediate payment; and all those baring claims against said Estate are requested to present them, properly authenti cated, far settlement- SAHA U ANN STEW ART. tqattOtd Adminiattatrix. inannonowuncr: ared M n f S ir 'ends a . nd the u p l u d bili e cTa ti t Vt l ir accommodate Boarders,. Residence, Seeomr stfeet, tweon Market and Wood, third door from Wood street. References exchanged. aptihta, Congress, Gaiters. LAMES, wanting something superior, both for look and comfort, to anything they have ever worn, will please call and examine them. These Boots have no strings to tie and attic, and dangle about the ankle ;-- they are not only much handsomer, but display the foot and ankle to a mach better advantage than any other Boot or Shoe made. You will alto save time and trou ble. Manufactured by S. KEYS. mar2t No. 8 Fifth street LADIES' SPRING SHOF.S—Sillit, Satin and French Lastio; Gaiters, of every variety and color, on hand and made to order. . . Also, a full nuuorlmenl of Children's Shoes ; of every description. Illouufaetured by S. MEWS, truirV No. S Fifth street. Isaac Williams, ERCIIANT TAILOR, Smithfield street, No. 12, be 1 tween Ist and 2d streets. an4:_y_ undundersigned hereby gives notice that 1.11 from and after this date Mr. Jona Roru to the only authorized person to receive moneys . and sntm receipts or orders In my name. • C. WEHNEHUHO. Fashionable Head Quarters, , ril 2,'42. No. 03 Market et. Piusburich, CIPEEL 0001Y8.—We have received a fine assortmcn 0 of Reticules and Purses, Trimmings, Steel Reads, Silk, Scissors, Tweasers, Hat Hooke, Key and Galvanic Rings, Crotchet Reticules and Parses; with a fine as sortment of FanerGoods, H at low prices. OGAN A CANTWELL, marl SO Market street. HAMS --A to of Stagg & Shay's Sugar Cured Have, Just received and for sale by - - - - _ . J. S. id. YOUNG & CO., mayS N. W. corner of Fourth and Ferry. NUTS -10 bags Filberts 10 " Cream Nuts; 1.0 " English Walnuts; 50 " Shelled Almonds; 5 bales Bordeaux " received and for sale by [mar3l3 J. S. BONNET. To MILLINERS.—The subscriber has a large stock of seasoned Timber, suitable for BONNET BLOCKS, which he is prepared to turn to the Spring fashion, at his Turning Establishment, No. 27 Fifth street. inerl4:3m H. H. RYAN. Apprentices Wanted. TllE subscriber wants Apprentices, to learn the Cabi net, Chair-making and Chair Painting branches of business. Boys of steatly'liabits, about 16 years or age, would be preferred. None need apply, who cannot come well recommended. H. G. PAHNES.TOCK, marl: 101 Smithfield street. WTAPITED—An active Partner, with 81500 iiiiih cap ital, to engage in a Wholesale and Retail Grocery business, now in active operation, and doing a good be siness, having the advantage of a prominent stand. C. CUTHBERT, Gen. Agent, apt() Smithfield street. CALICOES! CALICOES!—Just received, and now open, at No. 59, North-west corner of 4th and Mar ket streets, a very large supply of Calicoes and Chintzes, of new and handsome styles, and embracing some of the limit and cheapest Goods ever offered in this market. apIS Pllll4l. ROSS. DRESS SILKS—Just received, an invoice of very handsome Dress Silks, of the newest and most pop u Mr styles, imported -this season. Also, very glossy Black Silks, of x.ll widths, for Vi zettes, Ere. PHILIP ROSS, alibEzt No. 69. corner 4th and Market Pls. FRESH TEAS-44 packages Young Hyson,Gunpow .l der, Imperial and Black Teas, just rec'd and for ale by (aP 2O ) KING do MOORHEAD. TOBACCO-20 boxes, favorite brands, s's; 5 " Baltimore Plug, Job.; 10 " Virginia Twist, " For sale by (sp2o) KING & MOORHEAD. - - • viAcKEREI,--50 barrels, half barrels, quarter bar eels, and kits, Nos. 1, 2 and 3, for lido by ap2d KING & MOORHEAD. FRUIT —.50 boxes Raisins; hf. 24 qr. " " • I case Ei_Rht's Raisins; 30 drums Pigs; 1 cote Scicily Prunes; 5 boxes Lemons; just recd and for stile by ap2o KING & AMORHEAR.- ST - fa:an:S-17 doz. mixed Picolilly,'Oberkins and Manger Pickles, I gallon bottles; 4 dozen Pickled Onions, 1 gallon and quart bottles; 4 doz. Pickled Cauli flowers, half gallon and quart battles; 4 dozen Pepper Sauce, quart bottles ; 4 doz assorted Syrups, quart bot tles ; 4 doz. Lemon Syrup, quart bottles; S dozen Walnut and Tomato Catsup, pint bottles; 2 doz. Lacea 01141 m bottles; 5 dozen Gelatine, an improved preparation, pint .bottles; just received and for sale by ap2o KING k MOORHEAD. ASTOR OIL-42 barrels, for sale by RHEY, MATTHEIVS & CO., may 2 No. 28 Water street. IV - RAPPING PAPER-875 brindles, Crown, Double V V Crown, and Medium, for Rabe !)y . • &CO tnny2 RHEY MATTHEWS. Ty Al ' . Aft experienced Sa etunan in the Dry Goods business. The best of reference required. &ply to A A. MASON & CO., mar296o Market street. . L. =ZEE MM=MM .kR.DUFZSGENTLELEN AND LADIES; ' BOo.g.EpINO4, `.; WRITING Booms; "TETE SIDE OE TaE DIAMOND. MD. has his new Class RoomS now thoroughly re paired antlined up. Ladies will findlianevrisys tern of Single Entry Nook-keeping an agreeable study. and a valuable acquirement. Gentlemen going through his 'entire course of_ training on Doable Entry Book keeping, Will not only he qualified - to take charge of Books upon any system in ti!e, but they will find them selves master of all those Intricap operations connected, with - partnership settlements..,i which so many practi cal book-keepers, of acknowledged ability, are ignorant. Several of the most extensive firms in the city have re cently procured Book-keepers from this Institution.— Merchants and Steamboat proprietors can always learn ot Book-keepers thoroughly qualified for their profession; no others are ever recommended. )tours: 10 to 12, 2to 4, and 7 to 10. •mity4 WILL offer at Publid Sate on Friday and Saturday, the 18th and 19th of May, about One Hundred Build ing Lots, situated on the bank Of the Monongahela river, near Turtle creek, at. Lock No. 2 This is a delightful location for a village, laying immediately on the river, in a flourishing and nch neighborhood. The Con nellaville and Pittsburgh Rail Road being located through it, and the Central ; Road immediately past it, no place on the river can be more desirable for business, being imme diately at the Lock, where Steam Boats are passing all hours of the day. • —ALSO— . . • . I will offer my whole Farm, and will divide it, to snit purchasers, into Lots, from 25 to 125 Acres each. This Lund is of first rate quality—one,Lot, of tbotit 40 Acres, has a quantity of Limestone, easy to quarry, and conve nient to the river; with two TeriantDwellings, and Coal sufficient for the use of the Farm, Timber &c., &o. One ' other Lot, containing about 60 Acres wit a large quan tity of . Limestone, easy to quarry, mi d convenient to the river; a sufficient quantity of Stone Coal for the Firm, Ace. One other Lot, of about 25 Acres, being the lowbot tom at the mouth of Turtle Creek, and one other Lot, con taining about 125 Acres, In a fine state of cultivation, with good Buildings and a great variety of Fruit Trees on this part of the Farm, in full view of the Monongahela river, at Lock No. 2, Versailles township. It is not deemed. necessary to describe the above property very partite tarty, as purcluisers will wish a view for themselves. It may not be iroproperto say Mat the market hem for all kinds of products tram the Farm, is as good and bet ter than the Pittsburgh market. About one-third will be required when possession is given. Good titles will be warranted. For further particulars, apply to the sub-. scriber, on the premises. _ _ I will sell that valuable Water Power at Lock No. 2, Monongahela Improvement. This is one. of the best Water Powers in Western. Pennsylvania; eight feet head, and fountain mile pool—the Monongahela for sup ply. This location is 4 miles below the mouth of I ough togheny river, or McKeesport; 10 miles above Pittsburg, on the line of the great Rail Road now in contemplation to Philadelphia and Baltimore. This is a good situation for a Flour Mill, Saw Mill, or any other works that pur chaser might wish to erect. .All the above Property will be offered at Public Sale, on the days above mentioned, on the premises. Abont one-third of the purchase money will be required in hand; the balance in reasonable payments. Title good. apllkind&vv W. L. MILLER. BOOBYER & GRIBBLE, BER-HIVE CLOTHING STORE: NUMBER 251 LIBERTY STREET, VIRIVI DOORS ABOVE umlx STREET, MOD OF TLS GOLDEN BEE HIVE. WSRS. G. & D. would respeettutly inform the pub e that they can at alt times find at the above place a splendid assortment of CLOTHING AND CLOTHS, Suitable for Custom Work. It being oar intention to do a Cash business, we shall endeavor to sell all articles in the Clothing line at the lowest possible rates, and there can be no •donbt that our friends and the public generally would find it their interest to favor us with a share of their patronage. BOODYER & GRIDDLE. N. B.—Particular attention paid to thefirring of Clothes B. ec G. New Hardware Store, sigN OF THE PLANE AND SAW, No. 78 Wood street, Pittsburgh. HUGER 8 LAUFHAN, Importers and Dealers in Fo reign and Domestic Hardware, in all its varieties, are now prepared to sell as low and on as.reasonable terms as can be purchased elsewhere. We solicit our friends, and the public generally, to call and examine our stock, which consists in part of Knives and Forks, Packet and Pen-lirsices, Scissors, Shears, Razors; House Trimmings such as Locks,Latehes,Hinges and Screws; together with -every other article usually kept in Hard ward Stores. We invite the attention of Carpenters and mechanics generally to oar assortment 01 Tools, which have been selected with great care, and which we are determined to sell so as to give satisfaction. lapil:dhme T)RASS CANDLE STICKS.—Jnst reeeived, at Me sign of the Plans and Saw, a splendid assortment of Brass Candle-sticks, of various kinds. For sale by HUBER & LALFMAN, api6 No. 76 Wood street. JUSTRECEIVED, at Me sign of Plane and gitv"— 400 pairs Twisted and Straight Trace Chains; 1000 Ms. Wrought and Horse Nails. For sale by HUBER & LAUFMAN, apiS No. 79 Wood st. Far Scrip, at Par. "MIT- JOHN H MELLOR, No, SI Wood street, will roll the following new and second hand PIANOS, for Pittsburg, Allegheny, or Allegheny County Scrip, at par:— One new it 010 wood Of octave Piano, made by Bacon & RakortiNew York ; price SUS One dO,- - ::: di* do do 83410 One 11,,astwooa:8 octave, Gale & Co One - do do do One Mahogany,t octave, nearly new, Gale & & Ce.E5200 Onc do do Lord & Brothers' Stt One do 51 do Rosenbaum 8100 One German Piano, C octaves 850 One old Piano, 5 octaves S3O One Mahogany Piano, Gi octaves, R. & W:Nunris'. *SO • ntav3 111 Remains, with an account of a visit to the Chaldean Christians of Kurdistan, and the Yegedis, or Devil Wor shippers, and an inquiry into the manners and acts of the ancient Assyrians; by Austen Henry Layard, Esq., D. C. D. Just received and for sale by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, mayS Cor. of Market and 3d sts. CORNER Or Foram AND GIANT STREETS, enrtszraon. TILE subscriber respectfully announces that he has now opened this new and excellent licrel for the ae commodatton of travelers, boarders, and the public gen erally. The house and furniture , are entirely new - ; and no pains or expense have been spared to render it one or the most comfortable end pleasant Hotels in the city. The subscriber is determined to deserve, and therefore solicits, a share of public patronage. octlltly JACOB ilovoli, Proprietor. To the Publte--County Scrip. THE Commissioners of Allegheny County avr.il them selves of the earliest opportunity to inform the hold ers of County Scrip, that the Board have under consider ation the adoption of measure s for the prompt redemption of every dollar of Scrip issucd heretofore in anticipation of claims against said County, and the Commissioners now give assurance that, in the coarse of a few dart, the resolves of the Board for the speedy . and full redemption of the County Scrip now in circulation, will be publish ed, to relieve the anxiety of the public mind on this subject. The credit of Allegheny County cannot stiffer by a momentary interruption or a circulating medium, based upon the undoubted solvency of the richest and most pa- Inoue population of the State. By order of the Board. unlit . JAMES GORMLEY, Clerk. ITAVE RECEIVED one of the most varied and per -1-1 feet assortments of SPORTING and HUNTING FAtUIPMENTS that has ever crossed the Mountains. consisting of superior London made Shot Guns, Game Bags, Shot Pouches, single and double Shot Belts, Pow der and Drinking Flasks Wiping Rods, Percussion - Caps, Caps, Ride Powder, Shot : ire. Their stock of FISHLNG TACKLE is also complete, and during the season they will keep ou hands an exten sive supply of everything in their line. Every sort of BRUSHES (warranted their own manufacture) eon stout ly on hand and made to order. SHOE FINDINGS, in all their variety, as heretofore. N. B.—Call at the old established Brush Manufactory. No 110 Woott street. ap2o:3w THE subscribers would respectfully announce that they have made arrangements with the proprietors of the Glenwoodßrass Mills. which gives us the control for the sale of their Brass Kettles and Sheet Brass for this section of country. The production of these Mills are not surpassed in quality by any other similar web lishment in she United States. We will always keep a heavy stock of these goods on hand, which we will be pleased to sell at such prices as we trust will meet the views of wholesale buyers. Itardware merchants and other dealers in these goods will please give us a call. JOHN DUNLAP & CO., 4.26 Corner Market and Second streets. Brigade Orders, No. 2. TBE enrolled Militia residing within the bounds of the First Brigade, Fifteenth Division, Pennsylvania Militia, are hereby notified that the orders for parade and inspection, issued on the oth day of April, are hereby countermanded, in pursuance of the following General Order, underlthe hand of the Adjutant General of the State : ADDITANT GENERAL'S OEFICE, ilarrisburgh, April 18th 1 GENERAL ORDERS, No. I.—You will immediately coun- termand the order lately issued by you for Review and Inspection In your Brigade. A copy of the Revised Militia Law wid be forwarded to you early in the ensuing week. Respectfully, yours, W. W. IRVIN, liPAdjutant To Major Thomas liown. General Pa. In pursuance of the above order, my orders of April 6th are hereby countermanded. THOMAS M'KOWN, Brigade Inspector Ist B. 15th D.P. M. Brigade Inspector's Office, April SSd, 16.16.-imy2) FOR SALE OR RENT—A Two Story- Brick Dwelling. situate on Fifth street, opposite the Court House.— Enquire of AMIULLEN & DOWNING, janl7 21$ Liberty street, opposite Seventh 300 SACKS NESHANNOCK and BLUE POTA TOES—Juin landing and for Bale by ap2s ARMSTRONG & CRORKR HOUR SALE— A soon of Mach Brown Horses. le:It quire'of McCANDLESS & CAMPBELL. aplo 07 Wood vireet. . N RH UTAIEGS-1000 tbs ., No. I, ODES & ALCORN, on livid and for Nate by may 4 [Chronicle copy.] 30 Fifth etreet. TO LET—A large Brick Dwelling House, suitable for two families. Situated high :up on Federal street, Allegheny. Apply to H. LEFI, feb2.2 . Liberty street, opposite Fifth. POCKET BOOKS-2 gro. Claltßellows.Pocket Books; " Morocco " " 10 Sheep " • " " On hand and for sale by McCANDLE.SS & CAMPBEW., attlo 97 Wood street. W OOL!—The highest price, in cash, paid for the di( ferent grades of clean washed Wool, by H. LEE, ruayB Liberty street, opposite Fifth. SCRIP! SCRIP ! Pittsburgh and Allegheny. Scrip taken at par for Dry Goods, at the sign of the Big Bee Hive, on Market street, between Third and Pourth,—No. 62. [inayanf] W 6 1 .• L RUSsELL. -.- • - "- • 7ax-htiWjy 'F • lEEE Pff Pnblio Berle. ALSO- k Pritrrrsterm rrrri lILAIIL & CO., PLll=3====l MSS Bankrrs anD Oxiflange YO kEYB . -; EXCHANGE-'AND -BANKING -OFFICE N. 'E. earner of Third and- Wood streets— , . SIGHT and Time Bills'of Etching°, Think Notes an foreign and-domestic Coin bought and sold on lb most favorable terms'. • Collectionemade in all the principal cities of the Eldon at the lowest rates. - jel2 Bankers anel.Exchanxe Brokers, Deakrs in 'Foreign and Domestic Bills, Bills of Exchange,. CerlifiCater Depos. it, Bank Notes and Coin. . , Corner of Third and Wood ate:, directly opposite the St. Charles Hotel. ' ' . tnay2B • W. HOLMES & SON, Bankers and Deaksa .in Exchange Cain and - Bank Notes, No. GS Markets:rest, Pittsburgh; , . New York . prl Cincinnati Philadelphia " Louisville Baltimore 3 " St-Louts IZECEI2EI Buying rates Ohio #'dlo Indiana: : Kentucky # " Virginia " Wheelixig . " Tennessee 3 " aul9-y EZE=lNggall. - 111.00 N eta SA.ItGENT.. BANKERS AND •EXCHANGE BROKERS, N. E. Rinnesitf. Ifood.and Sixth street!„ Piasbufgh, 'Pa; TIE.A.LIt. in Coin; Bank Notes, Time Bills, -Foreign 1.1 and Domestic Exchange, Certificates . ofDeposit,.fic EXCHANGE on all the: principal Cities of the Union and Europe, for sale in sums to suit purchasers.. CURRE IT and par funds received on deposite. - COLLECTIONS made on all parts of thenion , atthe lowest rates. I AiLD-25 kegaffico, 1. Lard, just reed and for sale by. ap27 • ARMSTRONG te: CROZER. SUBUSHELS DRIED PEACHEs—Rec'd and for sale by (aP27) ARMSTRONG &,. CROZER. FLOUR -500 barrels of very superior Flour, for sate by [aplS] CUMMINS &Shirai. ORNITEkix-100 busbelsfreifiViiriihreacie rdaild C for sale by [aplB] CUMMINS & SMITH. Ukolll 5-46,000 His., Bacon, JO for sale by [aplBj VILELY APPLES-50 sacks'' , JJ sato by fAplB.l U bble. Ronvanil A VPL ' nplB ICKOKY NUTS-1. bartol.klickory N uta, in store anJ 11 for sale try - (aplBl C UNIONS & pt:C or t s iB..-4 - 0 bushels recansaiarlrestultgi,isNefib.y 60.000 "PHCENLX" 1 , 1111: BRICK—A saperio article, to arrive "by Canal; and for sale on accommodating o.rma, by " - C. A. McANULTY & Canal Bum. .. WANTED.—Eour good Jour. Painters wanted. JOHN S CORRITON, mar 27 st..Chuzlea Bindings I Subs. LOUISVILLE Lllll.t'.--Just receive an Ulf for sale by ac. J. C. ACHESON, No, 2 Smithfield at. .1 0 ' 0 L I k t i O 3 c Oared very low nsig lrE n i t r. w. &.11:11. ACHESON, up 9 pio Smithfield st. BBLS. POTATOES—Receivedal by C. ACHESON, .10(Y P 3 . feb - . I II.7NVCICiGTVVF..IIDS—For sale H. Fa PS. FANCY CASSIMERIC--On hand , and for sale S.PLI atmanufacturePs prices, by rfeb4ol 1L LEE. CASE GREY .111LX'D CLOTH—Rod rec'd, and for Bale at manufacturer's prides, lyk.' jfebt?o] H. LEE. CASE AMERICAN ARMY CLOTH—On hand and for sale by (feb23) H. LEE. 50 P A IRS DRAB BLANKETS.—The attention ollCal .tfornia men is directed to this article. They will be gold low, to close cousignment. by , WWI H. LEE. TOED BLANKETS-4 case (50 parr) Bed Blankets, 88 JUP by 64, 6 lbs., ribbon bound, received this day, on consignment fram the manufacturer, and for sale by ap7 'Liberty, opposite Kith street; HERRING -100 boxes Scaled Herring, received and for sale by J. S. BONNET. mar3o Liberty street. RAISINS-1 4 1 Is1 ;; R. Raisins: " in store an d for (niarani I. S. BONNET. Liberty et. ORANGES AND LEMONS-55 boles Oranges; 25 " Lemons; In store and for sale by Intranj J. S. BONN ET SHELL COMBS.—A great variety of Hack, Dressing and Side Combei, new styles on hand. at . ZEgULON KINZEY'S, 67 Market street. MACAULEY'S ENGLAND.—A new and cheap edi twit of Macaulay's Bistoryaf England, this day re ceived nut for sale by KAY lc CO-, mar:2l Corner Wood and Third Ing. Sews for Californians. COLTS REVOLVER'S, with apparatus, by Express in a few days, by JOHN CARTWRIGHT, marls S 3 Wood street. John Fullerton, • - • MANUFACTURER .AND DEALER IN TOBACCO SNUFF AND .SEGARN, Woon DIXIO.:AULIVIr. Strrit, 'ETAS on hand a general assonmentof the above mil li cies, among winch are the followtng choice brands: P. Robinson's Pound Lamp; Smoking Tobacco ; Grant & Williams' 5 do. Cut and Dry ; Dawson's 16 do. Fine;Cut,Chewing Baltimore Plug ; Cuba Leaf.. Spanish Segans, from $lO to 930 per M.; Half Bpanisb Segars ; Common Sagan of every grade and vanety. WV — Country Merchants visiting the City are respect... (ult.( invited to call and examine his stock. anl7:lin A Card. TEfE subscribers beg Jeave to inform their Diends and the public that, having, completed their alterations in Store, they are now prepared to wait on their cnstomers, having received a NEW AND SPLENDID STOCK OP GOODS is their line "—they have added Hosiery, Gloves,. Trimmings, Sonnets„...e._ They solicit a ihare of the very liberal patronage already conferred upon them. HOGAN -& - "CANTWELL, apl7 'Saltlarket street. Rodkinson's China Store Removed.- - Taw subscriber respectfullyinforms the Ladies ar,. • of Plitsbergh, Allegheny and vicinity. that he has eE moved to a more cortamoa ions house, No. 56 Wood street, near the St. Charles Hotel, where be has opened and is opening 500 packages of Dresden, Berlin, French and 'English CHINA and Q. Iat.NSWARB. Please call and see them—for to describe them is impossible. The stock embraces everything in the business, useful or or namental. {apl6) M. HODIUNSON. - - 1 1 P tAP .a .C re G a " ms rl E eti t i - rTniStraw; 500 " Crown " - tDO " Double Crown Straw ; 250 " Medium Rag; Received and for sale alike raper Warehouse ot apl4'S C. RILL, $7 Wood sr. LAWNS, LINEN DEREGES, LEN GEsTGHAMS and Fancy . Dress Goods of every . description, pm' opened ,b - (roar k. ) HAMPTON, SMITH CO. Rtk IttAlltat'S NEWNOVEa..--Alotiostrsr atta in. or a Seeman "by the author of Two Old hle Tates,- Wyndham,'”" Ango la.ne Lc. Just received by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, - apt 6 ' Canter Market and 3d sts. Extract of Coffee 2 A N ARTICLE which is rapidly coming into use as a Iwholesome, nourishing .and. delicious-'beverage, being more pleasant and palatable than common Coffee, and far cheaper, as a small paper, costing only tailcoats, will go as fa,' as four pounds of Coffee. Manufactured by JOHNS. MILLER, Pittsburgh, Pa., and sold at Wholesale by B. A. PAHNRSTOCE do CO., Corner of let and Wood,and ap it ;Sixth and Wood streets, Pittsbarh9. DRIM APPLES-100 bus. bright Dried 'Apples ;_ fo sale low. [ap.lo] \VM. DYER. IRISH MOSS-99 tbs., lust reed and for sale by ap99 B. A. FAIINESTOCICA POTATOES -35 barrels Blues, for sale by , 0p26 JIEILI IN DRIED IREAL-20 barrels Bottled and Kiln Dried, warranted to keep, received tad for sale by . ap4.5 W.SI..DYER. QHEEITINGS-2 bales Allegheny D, for sale for line , 1.3 gheny city or county Scup by ap2s . - WM DYER. LA nos 20 barrels and kegs for sale lowl y DYER OAT MEAL--Fresh ground. (our own mannfacture,) constantly on band, and for sale by - . 0P23 RHODES fr ALCORN, 30 sthst. SCHMITZ' SWEET SPICED CHOCOLATE; for sale by tinayel J. S. M. YOUNG h. CO. . TXTAX.— A splendid assortment of Mite and Yellow VT. War ,in small cakes, expressly for family use, ro ceived and for sale by J.S. M . —YOUNG IC CO" may s N. W. corner of. Fourth and Ferry. BACONBACONaei;ed and for inda l o' --30 W !Tub S u i em dea; ; r e S• dc W..IfARSAUGII CINCIC— NNATI SOAP— 75 boxes No.l Soap; receive' , and for sale by floyBl S. &W. HARBAUGH. t.)LASSES.--50 nble. rec' an. or e.y api".4 JAS. PATTON. Jr., Nerrl7 Liberty .et. Y E FLOUR-20 We., reed and for sale by _ lj mays • ARMSTRONG & CROZEFL BAKERS BROMA, CHOCOLATE 'AND COCOA= For gale by [rnayB) J. S. M. YOUNG SPERM CANDLESDire et from Philadelphia; for sale by [mayB) .T. S. M. YOUNG & CO: el ROUND FEED—Horse, Cow Hog, and Chicken Ur Feed, constantly on hand widths sale by maY3 RHODES A. ALCORN, 30 Fifth at LINSEED 011.-40 bbls.,just rec'd and for sale by B. A. - FAMIESTOCK & CO., my 2 Corner Ist and Woodsts. eniirfAnst per steamer Messenger,” and for sale by '.NYM. DYER, tnay4 'No:158 Liberty street. r riuMATO CATSUP-100 dor-lumes,cootaluicg I doz. J_ each, packed In saw-duct: for. shippiitg., for cal. by may 4 RHODES & ALCORD43O st‘ ODA ASH—lb casks of" Kurtz , ' - Superior Soda As S reed and for sale by S.& W.AARBATIOiI: - may 4 No. GI Water and 104 Front st LARD-sbbls. No 1 Lard; SO kegs . fl tom and for sole by ' ' - • - MOTH siNctate. rna77~TAIL • fled* sale by Na may? - • • ' . . • . , L.L. PRIVATE DISEASES. Dr :Brorm, No 65 Diamond Alley, can be consulted in ail causal' a private ordelicatenttiure incident:l to the human flame 1 SyffilisandSyphiliticeruptions,gunorrhma t s _ and its consequences, together with all Vs nere• ' cfssezuer, imptuities of the blood, with all diseases of roensrealorigin, skin diseases,withstrictures,gleet , ureffi tal• discharges, seminal weakness and impotency; also, Piles, rheumatism, female "weakness, .diseases of the womb, Monthly suppressions, diseases of the lends, fistula ba ano, nervous affections, pains 'in the back and loins, irri tations of the neck of the bladder and kidneys, scorbutic eruptions, totter,ringwonn mercurial diseases, fte. TIVEZ.VE YEARS' PRACTICE] Exclusively devoted to the study andtrcaunent of vane real disorders, and those arising tram youthful excesses gaiety, climate, or impurities of the blood, whereby the constiudton may have been enfeebled,enablesDr.Brown to offer assurances of speedy relief to all whoring place themselves under his care.. Dr. Brown's offices are conveniently arranged into arab , apartments: Patients can visit Dr. B. without fear of exPlusare to other ViSitars. It is of importance to many persons in need of medical aid, to obtain good advice privatelyandprornptly. To-all- such, rn . Dr. Brawn's ready skill in teoving ve ' letas/ dis eases, m their various forms and stagts,ofters inducements. whieh can rarely be equalled. Strangers are hereby apt prised that Dr. Brown has been. _regularly educated every branch of medicine, and for the last"twelve yearn confined himself exclusivelyto the, treatment of thole EnvaitlD RATIM lia.rz Buying totes County /k. City °Ws Relief Notes - Pennsylvania Co. New York . Maryland . New Orleans EXIIMMEE . Dr. Brown is' the Only regularly educated. surgeon I.ln Pittsburgh' who gives his whole auentiontrithose actin* fErCertain, safe and speedy cures will all edies,bco • • Recent cases are relieved In a shorttinte,Nvithnutinter ro tion from business. Hernia or Eturiture.--Dr. Brown also invites per- , sinus 'afflicted with Herniate call, as he has plaid particul tar attention to that disease. . • , - Letters from a distance, asking tolvice, Taint contain fee orthey will not be attended to.. „ • • - plat'Otßee on Diamond Alley, a few doors from Wood street, towards the market. • Consultations strictly con& 1 . 3 RUMATIShI.—Dr. Br . )%vivr, newly discovered rim edy for Rheumatism it a speedy andeertaln remedy; for that painful trouble. It never fails.. . " thfice . .and Private Consultation Roortis,NO. 85, Din - _ mond 'alley, Pittsburgh, Pa.. The Doctor is always .at Hog' Round,in store and CUMMINS do SMITH. • , ry Apples, in store awl for & ShIITH. • Malley's Magical Pain lax - tractor. M O THE PUBLIC.—This is to certify that ! have !bind Dalley!s Magical Pain '.Extractor to prove a cure-fa" the Chronicßhenmatiim, which I have been imitated with for ten years, in my hip joints. . - ABRAHAM R. VREELAND. e Apples, for - sale by CLIMMINS & Sbarra . - - Acquarkanork, N. Y., April 8,1318. . -_ • . Ilia, H. Ds.u.av—Sir: I_ have. been troubled with tho Piles for-eight. months, and could get no relief. Your- Magical Pam Extractor having been recommended to me, I applied it but twice, °Married instant_relief, anctin a short time was perfectly cured! . Could I not get any more of it, I would not take a hundred dollars for the balance of any box. WILLIAM HALL. 97 North Moore street,New York, Junel9, 1847. - - [l7" CAUTION.—Dalleys only Depot in the city of .I,iletro York, and where the genuine.ttnirle can be obtained, wholesale and retail, is at 415 Broadway : H. Denisr is the inventor of this truly invaluuble cons pound, and he never has, arid never will communicate the, secret of its preparation to any man living; and, there fore, no other person ever has made, or ever can make. - a Countnfeits abound! Every -truly valuable article is subject to be depredated upon by counterfeiters and im - posters; and nothing, that we 'know of, has more exten sively xperienced that fact than Daliers Magical Pain A Tarn—The genuine Daley, in cases of the severest Manus, Scalds, Piles, &c., will afford instant ve/iti; and produce at once acooling and soothin g effect--4xtracting pain in and from one to fifteen minutest Ina be sore„al ways, apply it on linen;—never on cotton cloth. N 0.2 Smitbfield al And now mark the difference:--Counterfert Eatrictors,' no matter under what name they may appear; or how r us•• plied, always irritate and increase thepain I • •••• Pamphlets, containing certificates of cures, .All may be hid grads, on. ppliation to ' JOHN D. 1110RO, . •' Western Depot, Pitubur3l,. • Da. Was. Trion!". Agent. , • . • Dailey's Animal ttatvente Oure.A.ll, For Horses, Cattle, ate.,- eines spavin, quitter, grpnee. poll-evil,:sores, galls and bruises. Pamphlets containing certificates ofreepeetable partiei L may beitad on appli entionto • JOHN D. MORGAN, oet18:d&ory Agent, Pittsburgh. WAllieterte A.ll.4lealing Ointment. fIONTAINING NO MERCURY, or other Mineral. It has the power to cause oil .EXTERNAL SORES; SCROFULOUS MAJORS,. SKIN DISEASES. POI SONOUS WOUNDS to thscharge their putrid limners, and then heals them. _ . It is rightly termed ALL-HEALING, for there is scarce, ly a disease external or internal, that it;will not benefit, I have used it for the last sixteen years for all diseases' of .the chest, involving the utmost danger and•responsi , bility, and I declare before heaven. and ratan, that not in one case has it failed to benefit, when the patient was in-, 'the reecho( mortal means: • I have had. physicians 'learned in the professina, I have ministers of the gospel,judges of the bench, alder men, lawyers ' gentlemen of the highest erudition, and - multitudes of the poor use it in every variety ofsvay, and there has been but one voice—one universal voice, say ing—" M'ALLISTER - Y „OUR OINTMENT IS GOOD !" RIIEUMATISM.—It removes almost immediately the inflammation andswelling; when the pain ceases. (Read the-directions around the box.) HEAD-ACHE.—The salve has cured persons Hof the head-ache of twelve years standing, and who had it-reg ular every week so that vomiting took place. Far-Ache, Tooth-Ache, and . Ague in the Face t are - helped with like' SCALD DEAa—lijofinve cured cases that actually. defied every'' thing known; as well as the ability of fifteen -to twenty doctors. , One man told us.he had spent $3OO on his ehildren withent any benefit, when a few boxes o . Ointment cured them. TETTER--There is nothing better for the• cure of BURNS,—It is one of the best things in the world for , PlLES.—Thousands are . yearly cared by- this -Oint ment. It mivaxt fails, in giving relief for the Piles. Around the liox are directions for using APAllister's Ointment for Scrofula, Liver Complaint; Erysipelas, 'FFetter, Chilblain. Scald Head, Sore Eyes, gamey, Sore Throat, Bronchitis. Nervous Affections, Pains, Disease of the - Spine, Head-ache, !Asthma, Deafness ; Earache, Burns, Coins, all Diseases of the Skin, Sore Lips, Pim ples, Ac.; Sores, - Rheumatism, Piles, Croup, - Swelled or Broken Breast, Tooth-ache, Ague in the Face, &c., Ace.. If MOTHERS and NURSES knew its value in cases of Swelled or Scree Breast, they would always apply it.— In such cases, if used freely, and according to the direr- : lions around each box, it gives relief in a reryfeut hours. CORNS..—Occasional use of the Ointment way keep Corns from growing. People need never be 17011- bled with them, if they use it frequently, This Ointment is good for any . part of the body or limbs wheitiollamed. In some cases it should be adplied often; ' CAUTION.—No Ointment wilt be genuine unless the name of JAMES AIcALLISTER is written with- a pelt • For sale by my Ag - ents in all tile principal cities - and tarns id the United Stares. - ' PRICK 25 CENTS PER BOX._ Sold at Wholesale and Retail in Pittsburgh by BRAUN & REITER,. corner - Liberty and St. Clair streets; L. WILCOX, Jr., corner of Market street and the Diamond; also, earner of Fourth and Smithfield sreets WM. JACKSON, No. t 9 Liberty street; and at the Book Store in Smithfield third door from Second street; and ' Allegheny by H. P. Schwartz and J. Sargent ; and by J." C. Smith, BtrminghaM; D. Nagley, East Liberty;. Rowland; McKeesport and Elizabeth ; Alexander & Son, Monongali,la City; . N.B. Bowman &Po., Browps 7 vine ; J. T. Rogers, Bridgeport; John Barclay, Beaver.; James Duncan, Fallston ; D. Watson & Co. /.113V7 Caitle;, and S. P.Weaver, Freeport. mayil:deod&wo 0111 LE HAIR CREA' matchless - article: tor growth, beauty, and restoration of the Hair.: :This: Cream, - when once known, *ill supercede ail other arti , vies of the - kind now - in lase.' Where the hair is - dead harsh, thin, unhealthy, uor turning grey, a few applica -- ! Lions will make the hair soft and dark, and give it a beau=. tiful, lively appearanee; and'will also make it maintain its liveliness and healthy color, twice as king as all the preparations that are'generally used. Wbere the hair is thin, or has . fallen Mr, it may be restored by using this Cream. Every, lady and gentleman who is in the habit of aging oils on their hair should at once purchase a bottle of the Chinese flair Cream,'as it is so composed that it will not injure the hair like the other preparations, but. will. beautify it, and give : perfect satisfaction. in every-in; . For testimony to its "very superior. qnalities, set the foil lowing letter from the Rev. Mr. Caltlw ell to Means. Rendershott h Stretch, Nashville, "general agents for Ma Southern States: ' Church, Pulasi-L . . . Bitssas. - Hatrnaxsuarr lc: Stamen : Gantivarmv—l iake ; p.easure in adding my testimony in favor of the excellent preparation called Dr... Parish's Chinne.Hafr Cream; for,. about two years. ago my hair was very'dry, bristly,. and' disposed to come oat; but having procured a bottle of the . - Cream, and used it according to the prescripticniotis now elastic, soft, and:firm to the.head.- hinny a balsams and. oils were apPlied,'etteli leaving my hair' in worse slate than before. This Cream however' has niet my exiiec• As an article for the toilet, my wife gives it preference over all others - being delicately perfumed,rind not die-, posed to rancidity. The , ladies, especially, wilt find this Chinese Cream to be a desideratum in their preparations for the toilet. Respectfully, - R. CALDWELL. Pulaski, January 7,1847. John 51. wholesale and retail, Pittsburgh, bylohn 151. Townsend,' 45 sTarket at., and Jooi sTohler corner of Wood and Rasta • - 1e 154 / a cw -I .Yll 4 From Rev. Asa of the Prewitont Methodist Church. 111}1E undersigned_; - havilig been afflicted during the past winter, with a disease in the stomach, sometimes pro during great pain in the stomach for ten or twelve hours.- without intermission, and baying tried various remedies with little effect, was furnished with a bottle .of Dr,D. Jaynes' Carminative Dairam: This he used according ta• the directions, and, found • invariably that this,medicine caused thopaia to abate in three or our minutes; had - fifteen or twenty minutes, every natio)* sensauori was entirely quieted. The medicine *O - afterwards ailed :- whenever indications of the approadt-difpain were per-. ceived, and the pain was thereby Rzevented.. - Ile tontinu, ed to use the'medicine every evening . ; tinia.-Sciatetimie in the morning ; and in tt few weeks health Wriii.to far re stored that-the sufferer was relieved from itlarge antaum- of oppressive pain. From experience,therefore, he can( confidently recommend Dr. D. Jaynes' Carminative Balms sum, as a salutary medicine for diseasen;bf the"stomach: and boWeIs.SHINN. - Allegheny City, tidy 16, .1843, ' 1 - 37' For sale at the PE KIN TEA STORE, 70 Fourth MIME ;11rugo fx)ib - • • JAMES hicALLISTER,- : Sole Proprietor of the above medicine.' Principal Office, No. nl4:l'North Third st „ Philadelphia Letter ofthe Rev. R. Catdieell_Pnitcr of the PrestifterZan N wir.xsymix GALLIA CO UNTY, OHIO,- Several Farms; from 50 Acres to 60a. Also, several Farms in different parts - of the State.- Sorse of them will be exchanged for City property., Also, a good Tnvern Stand in Wilksvillc—thn Lot is 110 by leo ; the. Build ings are in good order. t For -further partisulars, enquire of S. DOLAN or A. TONER, second story Rorke's Building; Fourth.' street Pittsburgh. -.- All letterslanst be'post paid, etp7ain&wlk.