, IDailD. Morning Volt._ DI/610.1 Allitetv City, Satu nlay,nelh 1u Nancy, with of ,Tehn The Conant) vet) leite the residence—Rebecca street, ht•low Senttniktyllllll;r— for Allegheny Cemetery, • this nnernoen aid o'clock. - . . . . VI.. O. Of O. F.--Plnee olltre,ninif,Washlnitoit )tin, Wood, meet, between ethane Virgin Alley. Ytrrasuittnt. Lobat i - No. 330—ItIcets e . very. Tuesday vreennit. Mleacmitas EneastionsT, No: 87—Meet,* let 'and 3d of eacb_month, mee2s7-1y , . . . . ... • - iir Etionotaiiid-If Too vi ta t to Aare your money an ut . a.aukterfino'llAT or OAP, call at FLEMING'S HAT STOGE,vrhareyon will find a complete, assortment Of the latest Fashions CHEAP FOR CASA:- - • . A. • - , WM 1 /:EIkIING, maatpl - 130 Wood et., Corner c f Virgin alley„ , , . , - rr• rtoklzier-.ln rt uticiptitionof thriprobable arrival of the Allelic Cholertinn oar midst, the - Sal:Atari - Commit= tee of Conaciin take this method of urging upon every citizen the neeessity,of an immediate-said thoteughwiten lion to cleanliness upon their premises.: -• -, - Let every occupant of property seethit hisvaulis,cel= Inn, yards and kennels, axe cleansed and - purified from' all filth, and that all plates which emit.normus and un wholesome z filuvia,be filled. with- Chloride of -Lime, or other purifylventa., ' • . - • .;- Attention to noUce,is considered of theligliest 1131.. portance to:eve ciu'ken„as a committee will be appoint ed whose datY.it will be to eta upon every householder, wad returwthomeTto the - Mayor for prosecution for n nut 'sauce, upon .whose premises filth-may be found. • . . JOHN 1112 GILL, Ch. S. C., egg:lw ' Cbaiunan ol Sanitary Committee. BIDDLE• Dentist...gincTED to a new three. story Brick, oh Ssiernwsin sr, one door be low Birth . street. TEETH INSERTED,trom one to a whole sett, by Atmospheric- Prissureosith a beautiful representation of the Naturatacm, restoring the Fact-to ts original shape; TEETH — EXTRACTED, With little. or no pain. Dncayx.o , Tstzeri permanently 'ra2ed by rx.ra onto, preventing - the Tooth=ache, whic his much bet ter than curing it, though% it sbeutd be done in Are min -utak, or even . instantly.• - ' ttp2l:ly , . diteistilion,'Ducinearte Greys S»A regu• ilartelip Meeting of the Company Win be held at the Armory, on• Saturday. evertinK,..thelh instant, at .7; o'clock. punctual attendanCe Is requested. - By order; (ap26:31) ' Rtrcsr, See'.r, _ • . ErWestern Insuranme Company.—..A Meet ing of the Stockholders of the Western Insurance Com pany will , be held at the Monongahela House ott Toes day, May ler, A. 71.11342; between the hours oflo o'clock a. IC and ,2 o'cloCk P. at., for the purpose of electing Thir teen Directors of said Company, to serve .until the first Annual Election in November next--in conformity with the Kefof inotFpintittion::By order of the Commissioners: Tuos..E. /Cacti, . ^ D. Winn, , Continitten. ap2s:dtd:, , H.llfrt sut irtorning'pont Jab printing Office. CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS - - Having tiddedto out Establishment , a. splendid Steam - Plower Printing Machine, we are prepared to do all kinds of Newspaper and Book work in a sty . le of un surpassed bertnty_triul neatness; and opon the aurra rea sonableterms. We resPecifiillysolicit the patronage or he public n this line of our business._ - • AdvertisOrs are requeueds64nd in'theirfarOrsbefOre 4 o'cloekir .Ilf. This musibe eon/died with, in order to in sure an ineertins. - Wh enit isposstble, an eartierhotirstuu2d, . , 11:7DROWea, Swimming of Me Head, , a Roaring Hasse in the Ears,- H eadaehe, Palpitation of Me Ham, 4 e. Wright's Indian 'Vegetable Pills are a certain core for the above unpleasant complaints, because they purge from the body those stagnant and corrupt humors which, when floating in the genera] mass of circulation, are the cause of a rash Of blood to the head, giddiness; dimness of sight, drowsiness, pain of the head, and' many other symptoms of a loaded and corrupt state of the blood. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills "are also one of tbe very best- medicines - for' the' cure of indigestion,-and will therefore not only remove unpleasant symptoms, but will most itarini•adly restore the body to a state of sound Beware of Counterfeits and /mitations.-4temember that the. Original and Only Genaine Indian Vegetable Pills ante the Writtf n signature of WILLIAM. WRIGHT on he top label of each - bor.' HetneMber: also; that IL Smyser, Druggist - corner of MarketsanitTlitni cress s, is not an agent for the medi cine autd we canntirguarnntee as genuine that offered - by him for sale. • The ger:nine is for sale a Dr - Wright's Principal ;Office, 169 - Race - street, Phi. - adelphia; and by JOHN THOhIPSON, 155 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Pa, who Is sole agentfor this•eity, by whom dealers can:be sup plied at the wholesale rate. " • .Bp2l • - • • fl Paine ULM:um Cox, late Professor in Cinennati Eclectic Medical College : • Mr. A. L.ScorilV--However reluctant-I may have been topemait my name lobe attached to patent medicine, consider it a duty to the community to state that in three cases of incipient consumption viz.: Miss Bell, Miss Bar ger and Mr. R. Gox, one Of our City Council, that Dr. Rogers' Liverwort and Tar operated more-Ake a specific than any other remedy that I ever used. One - of the, cases, viz., Miss Bell, pronounced by several Physicians to be laboring , under the last evige of Scroitalous Con sumption. She is now in good health, from the use of a few bottles of the above Syrup. Brass: Cox, M. D. Cincinnati, January 25,1847- From the Hon. Judge Henry Morse. • Mr. rl. L:Sorval-4 am well acquainted with Dr. Hiram Cox, and his practice, he having been my family phyai-• chin for many years, and can: cheerfully say that I:have as much confidence in his skill as any man livir g. Cincinnati, Nov. 5th,1847. - Emmy Masa. Call -on the Agents rind get a pamphlet containing cer tificates of a vast number of extraordinary cures. For sale by . • J. KIDD is CO., Wholesale Druggis' ta, No. SO Wood at. • Also, by . KNEELAND It HARDIN, apttfirrid&tv Gmnt street. P.ieril-AMM. Tginta GL7 XS, BAD 131181171 AND "Warm Tstroa..:-By the use, of Wheeler's. celebrated rea-beny Tooth Wash, Toothache can be effectually cured. Tender and Diseased Gums made Erm and healthy, Bad Breath ',much improved, and the Teeth freed from tartar, and made beautifully white:.Price,so vents per bottle. This article is patronized by the elite of society.,4h - highly,concentrated, and will mate one wholesale and retail:ht.WM JACKSOO, at his Boot and Shoe . Store, "BIG BOOT,",S0 Liberty street, head of Wood street, Pittsbnigh.. ap'27:6oldlstr , 111erPaSetuustLIMOS Scosa.—Preparedired by J. W. Kelly William street, and for sale. by.A. Jsrlati, No. 70 Fourth street, digsnt for the manufacturer. This will be found a delightful ankle .of beverage-in families, and particularly in sick rooms. • • ' - Bsiza'slbinAn improved Chocolate preparation, being a combiaationof.Codon mit; innocent, invigorating and paltacable. ; highly .recommended, particularly for invalids.. Prepared by W. 'taker.. Dorchester, Naas., and for sale by A. JA.I7/33, at the-Pekin Tearire, No; 70 O the Honorub e the Judges.of the Court of Generat Quarter Sessions of thee - Peace in and for the County The petition of Francis Collins, of. Upper St.. Clair Township, in the county aforesaid, humbly sheweth, That" your peutioner bath provided himself with materials for the accommodation of travelers and others, at his dwell.• ing house,in the township aforesaid, and prays thatyour. Honors will be pleased to grant hint a license to keep - a' public house.of entertainment. And your petitioner; as' to duty" bound, vill pray. 'FRANCIS COLLINS. We, the subscribers, citizens of the above Townihip, do certify, that the above petitioner is oftrood repute for honesty and temperance nod is well provided with house room and conveniences for the accommodation and lodg ing of travelers and others, and•that said tavern is ne alland, Carrey,W. Orr, - ./. Walker, J. Middles worth, A. Staffer, S. Cae t tsle,S. B ack, Dr. N. Hick man Dr .• W. Gilmore, Dr. J. Callohan, W. H. Cannon. For Greenwood Gardena. ME hew and fast running steamer, THOS. J ( fi r SCOTT, leaves the Greenwood, Wharf Boat, ~lat the :Pointy every half hoar: daring the day, landing- at the Garden gate. ' A. fun 'collection of the choicest Grecta-hoase Plants are for sale iii the ,uurden. Ice Cretans and other refreshments furnished it. the Sa loons. Boquets pat up at the shortest notice. • - Orders for Boquets,left at the Wharf Boat; will receive prompt attention:. , . • ap2l. Adminletration Notice. . . . jLIVERS TESTAMENTARrhaving been glinted to j the undenigned by the Register of Wills for Alle gheny County onthe:Estate of Peter Whitener, late of said County,. 'deceased, all persons, therefore, who are indebted to the Estate, will call- immediately and make payment; those having claims against the 'Estnte, - present-them,properly authent;cated, for settlement. - tip2sllt . • • JACOB WHITTIER, Adm'r. POTATOES -35 barrels Bl ues; for sale by - 808- .. • W. DYER. Appix9-4o barrels just ree , d ; in fine order. For sale by• • 1np , 251 w.nyEa. . doz, extra large size, for w. R 'YE a2 ol.llt,-35 barrels; jusr!es'd , and , for safe by ICABKB CHEESE -Just received and for sate by ap23 • • " • - ARMSTRONG & CROZER. nAT MEAL SEVSS FOR SOWANS—Our own man ufaatarej constan on bind and for sale by ap3o ' : RH ODES & ALCORN, 30 Fifth at. WHITE CORN FLOUR.-ii most delicious article toe - Cates and Puddings. constantly on hand and for sale by., (ttpW) EtLIODF,S tC.ALCOftN,.2O•Filth.c. H „ . , , OIdiNYGiIITTS=O nr own manufacture, an nice,. lent article for Mush and Puddings for sale by . aP2 I 3 RHODES & ALCORN. 20:Fifth si..- • MIN —Our own manufacture, constantly on hand andr9s sale by , • - - Ap2o- . • -aciODtsS & ALCORN, 30 Fifth at 30n BACKS -NESHANNOCK and MOM PrYrA lr TOtS-3uerliiiiding and for sale by - - antS --AbaLSTSONGA CItOiRR TILN DRIED - bIE&4-20 Nardi Bottled anti Kilo Drieri,ramkotedio keepireceived and for Tale by OHEETINGS- , 3 , oaleu'Allegheny Di for sale , for Alle gheny cityor county Scrip by ap'2S . .. . :Wk. DYER. LARD-:llolnirrials and hags for sale to ` by • ap2s . • • WAL DYER. OAT MEAL-Fresh grouts', lour own 'marunhoture,) .constantly'an hand, and ft:mania by - a 25 RHODES & ALCORN, 3 0 sth . at. ■ ULL'D BARLEY--Oarown manufacture, constant • ly on hanflind for isale by. • •.. _ ap2s - • RHOD,ES4: ALCORN, 30 5t12 st. OtTe4C4l)'ltys' b . e_s 41 oat received and forests by apiz "--,;:.SIIODES.VALCORN,4I).StEt 11fOL8ISSES-,50 bbls. N. o..ldolcusees, ))ant recd and for r ale by [ap26j KING & .1400R11EAD • • - - ii 4 dater,l.l4t4 ". • •-•• • ? =• - t -- -.,- , ••••- , • • t°mmtrcial - anb rmantial: PIT TeStritGll F - BOARD O TRADE.:'` .. . - JAMES MAssIJAEL; , • ,-- - - . T. S. CLARM conteuraz roa Aram. • PASSENGER .. ARRANGEMENTS FOR 1648. • ' 3 titamboatPaelce}Line t leeiveadallyforCineinnad,lo ANL Paesengar racket, via. Brownsville,, to. Dahlman, and Philadelphia,B a.m., and 6 e, at, Mail Coach Line, direetto Philadelphia, 0 e:at.,.and Western andiknlairn Mail'emaittLine,o A. . isiortb-Weatern, via Cleveland, dail' 7,10 a. at. Elie and Weinem New York . , day, p N. • ; North-Eaasern, to Pliiladelphikda4,.eneeptflandiya,l4 ARRIVALS AND DEI,\RTIIRE.OF MAILS. * Eastern Mail via Philadelplus., due 3 a. ar., closes 12 et. Western Mail, Dirt. and Loulav,.,Ane 8 closes 5 a. m. , Bali:and3Valibington,dne 8 rire.,closess North-Western via Clneeland, dna ID a. ne., close eV A . ISt Erie and,Weatern New_ ork, due . 8 e. 0 1011 n 5 8 " Par valui. - Atka: • Oif . Bll — nkof Pittsburgh: ':. ,, :f -- ... 7 7 •x 50,00 $ 511 ,.... °° . 11 . " ...,.. 50 " •.- 00 00. 44,uu . • " I A, Exchange Bank . • ... •••••• • '' ' 'go 60 , 00 - 40,00 Morehants , and M. Bank 50 2. _ none in market. Farmers' Deroasit-8 55 4,'.'7'" ' . ''. . 00- , 00,00 44,00, Hand Street Bridge:. • • .... r---.', 50, __ ___,„ . __ __ Northern Libertioslir!dge.,' ' - : 41 UOU . 2231:?. Old , Alleghe - ny Bedge '20,09. 10,00, ii,vi Cotusellsville It: IL tack,Yald on . . , shares,62,so ' ' 5,00 1,45 City Bonds (64P-hokfi) ' .. ' 00,00 s Monongahela Bridge , . 2 3 , 00 __ .. , ..1 lO io . Gas Stook- •••••••. • .. • -, •—•-• Kuu - - ' '- tDnUy ew of the Markets. • OFFICE 0F" THE :POST . 1 Moserr 11Toeszeo, Apra 30, 1849. FLOUR..SaIes front store -at 3,6603,62. _The nirettled r the small sales laiade on marketl U , 13 , _- . wharr.ami from wagons do not- indicate the market marl so far, however, as there has been soy change it has been in advance. PROVISIONS..In Butter, Lard and Cheese. there has been no change. . FRUIT. ,We may say no change in .any article of Fruit. We think - Dried Peaches and Apples are . improving in prices. POTATOES.'. Prices tending upward. We quote sales from , stoma& 75085 c. SEEDS. ;Nothing doing. GRAIN,.No chalige in prices We heard of sew. era! small sales of Earley, Rye and Corn at former' quotations. " Prices Cr Cool. The coal dealers of Philadelphia, comprising eighteen firms, held imeetingon the 16th inst., and establiseil the following tariff of prices for coal dwr ring the imasen: ' WHITE -A*H. Lump -$3,621 8r0ken......:....3,62} Egg 3, 6 21 5t0ve,......: : ..3,621 Chesnut 2,62 k kr The cold weather of lam week has extended in every direction and over the whole country as far as heard from. The fruit is almost entirely destroy= ed every where, and the-Memphis Eagle says that in that vicinity the young cotton plants were elk killed and. the young corn severely injured.--Lou4 Paper. Ear .The Telegrapb and Monongahela go oat to-, Reno'e new boat is to be called! "Hughey prown,” in honor of poor Steamboat, Hughey. A very gotta name. par caps. Suwon, late of the steamer AlpdOnte de lantartinacwhicb was destroyed by fire a few weeks' since, arrived here on Friday morning lot from St.. Louis, on the steamer Gen. Lane. and took longings; at the Galt House. On Saturday morning he vim,' apparently as well as usual, but during the day be t was attacked with cholera, and yesterday morning he breathedlia last. He was buried ye .terday sr.i ternoon, his remains being conveyed to the cemen tery by the Odd Fellows, - of which' order he Was a worthy member.--Lous. Courier.. . : By j. 4 4 6 11 ITION 1 TION SALES, IguszyNi,IIIC27OIVRER I No: 114 WOOD STZ k - Doom molt Fur= . A DMINISTRATOR'S SALE of taluabie Stocky, crt Jo& ARCM/V.—On MONDAY esening,..AyrrihßOM at half past 7 o'clock, will be sold, al • Alchenna's Auction ! Rooms, by order of H. B. bianaw, Administrator of the rate Richarerrilddle, deceased ahareaHand Street Bridge Stock; 5 do Penna. and Ohio Canal do. 5 Io Monongahela Navigation Co. Stott. H. S. MAGRAW,Adner. JA.S..IIIOEENNA, Aunt. ----- leRESTERS SALE 'of a Valuable Tract Or Yawn: Of Land in Peebles TOirnship, Allegheny County, near City of ' Pittsburgh , suitable for Country - Seats, at AUCWON.=Ort Monday, May 14th, at 10 o'cloek In the forention, will be sold to the highest and best bidder, without reserve, in front of the new Court House, in the City of Pittsburgh, by order oflohn Bishop of Wheeling, Va., Trustee tinder the last will of Susan Simpson, dee'd, a valuable Tract or Fat= of Land, containing 21 Ames and 133 Poles, beantifully situated in Peebles Township, beyond the new Cemetery, 4 miles front the City of Pitts both, and about 2 miles from the Allegheny Arsenal, being part of the Farm of the late John Ihshob.deceased. The property is located in the most delightfhl part of *Al legbety County, and for beauty_ of scenery, 'combined with nehttess of soil, cannot be excelled in the world. It fronts on the Allegheny river, and commands awylendld view of the noble stream for several miles above and b'- low—also, the cities of Pittsburgh and Allegheny,their environs, the neighboring vat lemund surrounding co un tty. It is in a district inhabited bra respectable pdpula non, and every advantage enjoyed vrhieh may make a private residence coutfortablea'lt will be sold with clear title, free from down right or any other incumbent what ever. To accommodate pmehaseri.one-half will be sold, with the privilege of the whole::. The terms ant:.2o per cent. in hand =OO daysialid the balance in "equal pay= merits, at one. two andtlate years, with interest from the Ably of sale • th e interest , payable annually aninhe de ferred pay ments secure&by; a mortgage on the propert y. Mr. King, now occopythrthe premises , will show the rand to those wishing.= :purchase. Any further infor 'nation required can be had by addressing JOHN 131811- OP, Wheeling, Va., Trustee . apl7 . JAMES McKENNA, Aram. Ic Is witlipleasare that the subscriber; ' 'form this citizens of Pittsburgh and vicinity 'that they . have completed arranvernents with Messrs:l. C. Jenkins es Co., of Philadelphia;to receive steerlor PA KED TEAS, And will hereafter be - kept constantly 'on band. They am neatly and securely - pat up in metallic packs of *, and Ilb each, with heir printed card—showing the kind of Tea, price, of the concern and depot in Philadelphia, with an invitation to return the Tea, if not liked. - , in Gunpowder .....0111 75 1,00 1,251,50 rt Imperial - 50 75 1,00 1,25 1,50 1.4 Hyson• • ...... •-• • • -50 62 2 }-75 1.00 1,25' • .o Y. lison•- 50 62 1 75 1;00 1,25 1,50 / BLACCIS. - Black • ........... -. • • ..37i 00 , Fine and Extra Fine. • .75 1,00 1,25 1,60 iVe.will *savant all' the TEAS we sell 'to be equal to, if not striierior to any sold in this. 'City, and ahould they not prove acceptable to the taste, they Can be 'returned, and the money will be refunded, as it is only with that understanding we sell. We ask a lair trial, that the public may be able to judge. between our Teas and those heretofore sold by o.her companies in this ci ty. . All lovers of rich delic ious and good, flavored -TEAS, should give us a call. Dealers can he supplied on the most reasonable terms , - For sale by JOS. S. M. YOUNG te CO., N, IY. corner 4th and Ferry street, and F... YOUNG & SON, R. W. corner 3d and Rosa streets Pimba,gh, April 44, 1849. QEPARATE PROPOSALS will be received at' tide 14.1 Officemmil 3 o , clock'p.sr. oitTustsvkx, the Ist day of May next, for furnishing materials and executing work *at the United States Marine Hospital as follow., viz WWI:TOUT [WIN Woax .— For tutabating materials, aim! executing' iron Stair-way, and Iron 'Railings, conforma bly to plans and specifications to be idol at this office. Bidders will state the price per lb. . PAtarma Ant Gxamni.—For furnishing materials and executing the Painting and Glazing., Bidders will state price per -foot for painting andlglaxing, according•to *" Pittsburgh Painters' Book: yr:- Pritiei." Mails "to- be extra thickness, and clear of all defects. • Successfalbidders will be-required-to , enter into can- - tracts and to give good aecmity fortha faithful i Orm-' ance thereof. j . ,B,,otrr Op2s* . Surveyor of Customs. - ; , [City:dallies copy, anti:sera hillsto this office.l-, Spring Patinions Of Millinery Sonnets, - • • Cardinals, 6tie. . . , TUST receired Straw Cape; rich - Cardin al ' andinal , EP Silks, Fashionable Ribbons; Suess French FlOwerri Cords, Fringes, Trimmings;&e. ' Straw Bonnets cleaned 'and altered to, the Spring .fashions by one. or the best Straw Milliners - in 'the etty. 'Silk Bonnets, Cardinals; Dresses ' and every article in the' Millinery and Dress making busitiess,nadenp by the best hands, at marl 4 : -1 1 .1.138..DUFF'5,10 St. Clan street.. ' New cloddel NeW*Goodell A . T NUMBER :FIFTY-NINE. Zierdi-wurt carrier of jog, Fourth and Market strects„rimtnirei.--Boriooris Boacciansl—The undersigned respectfully informs, bis customers that he ,haiOltist returned from the. Eastern cities, and is now receiving a large and , beainiful stock o f FANCY and STAPLE DRY, GOODS, containing ti choice and elegant assortment.of all 'the. newest, and most fashionable styles and fabrics, imported this season, and embiticing a , coniplete variety, otevery arttele be tonging to his line of business, ar which will be offer-, .eif at prices which, emit prove satisfactory to, the pur chaser _The customers of thelinare, and purchasers generally are respectfully invited to give these Goods as early eit at:amnion': ,c a u ion grid seam a Bargain ! PHILIP ROSS, spit M 91008113 and Retail Dealer in Dry Goods. RED ASH. Lamp 14,001 Broken 3,87 Egg 4,00 Stove 4,00 "PEAS! 'PEAS !I TEAS St I OEM === . . . - HaaA*ltia.am - HI It T. .14A 1:1V. Oro4 • - . 7 -Gontienienhi Furnishing' .. E , mtottir s itsitig- . - - - ; WHOLESALE AND 'RETAIL,- NO.- - FOURT.I . F-STRBET,APOLLO ItOTLDINGS_ EI:MD=• WOOD ADD .111 A BRET . Er Always-on hand, a.large assortment of Shirts. Bosoms,' Collars, CASA-its, Gloves, Hosiery, Ittb.penders Vnder Shirts, Drawers, dee., ece. = mar2l. fiANCEIESTER PROPERTY FOR SALE-A large 21 and valpabfe Building 'Lot, pleasantly, situated in Manchester, of 24 fete front on Sheffield street by 124 ft. to.an alley. This. Property can be readily improved, as it will not require any grading or filling.' Price low, and terms easy. aP 2 B • . Smithfield street. . INTIAIDOW GLA,SS— lOU boxes, assorted sizes, from y Bzlo to 18x24, for sale for County Scrip, by 808 .W.M. DYER. No. 168 Libertrat. ItOrt - I/BTTER-2 bbls: fresh Roll Butter, for sale by SMITH & SINCLAIR, • tip 29 Corner Front and 'Wood streets. Sbills.an. 20 kegs Lard, for sole by SMFLH & SINCLAIR, • a• • Corner First and.WoOd streets OA —76 boxes cin.Boapi for sate by . • ap2B. - BMITii & SINCLAIR. ;BACON 8111hZ-10,000 lbs. Races Sides, ors* e by ap2d SMITH & SINCLAIR. CI - E-100 casks 'films Goshen Cheese for sale low ALEXANDER 'KING' ap26:31.• SRI Liberty street. 251 ! BOOBYER & GAMBLE BEE - HIVES NUMBRR 5151 "LIBERTY ST.4.B.ET, WREN DOOll3 ABOVE lEV7iN STREET, SIGN OE THE GOLDEN BEE HIVE. IiirESSRS. G. & B. would respecuully inform the pub. AIL lie that they can at all times find at the above place a splendid assortment of ' CLOTHING AND CLOTHS, Suitable for Custom. Work. -It being our intention it, do a. Cash basmess, we shall endeavor to sell all articles in the Clothing line at the lowesfinmdble rates, mid there cart be no doubt that our friends - Ifmk the 'public generally would find it their interest to favor• us with a share• of tb eir_patronage. BOOBYER & GRIBBLE. N.8.- - -Partacalar attention paid to tbe fitting of Clothes., .., B. le Q. .. , .[D"' N o . gal. Liberty street, three doors aboyelmin,. - sago of. the Bes Hite. . • jißoot and Shoo Warehouse. au.. P.l: ROBB having removed to the spacious, building fiermerly occupiedellie by 'Wallace, Lyon & 'Co ~ No: 116 Wood Street,. - near Fifth; would respectfully invite tl‘e' attention en the public generally to the large and fine assortment of - GOODS he is now offering Cheap far Cash. . 'All t . ~ . .sona wishing ri durable anti cheap article in the SHOWitne, are invited to 'call and examine his stock, ,Also, a lot of fine Leghorn and Palm Leaf 'HATS, and a good assortment- of TRUNKS, alway on hand. - N. 11.—He also continues to manufacture, as formerly. apl3t3mdfew ULMER. at CO., HAVE RECEIVED one of the most varied and per feet assortments of SPORTING and HUNTING EQUIPMENTS that has ever crossed the Mountains, consisting of superior London made Shot Guns, Game Bags, Shot Pouches, tingle and double Shot Belts, Po*. der and Drinking Flasks ' Wiping Rods, Percussion Caps, Rifle Powder Shot, An. Their stock of FISHING TACKLE is also complete, and daring the season they vrill keep on hands an exten sive supply of everything in their line. Every sort of BRUSHES {warranted their own manufacta re) et:mutant. ly on hand and made to order. SHOE FINDINGS,in all their variety y as heretofore. N. B.—Call at the old established Brash-Manufactory, No igo Wood street. ap93:3* Bras, Kettles and Sheet Braise. rpHE subscribers would respectfully announce. that they have made arrangements with the Proprietors of the Glenwood Brass Mills, which gives - us the control for the sale of their Brass Kettles and Sheol Brass for this section of country The production of these Mills not surpassed In quality by any other simdarestab 'lishment iti sheeUnited States. We will always keep a heavy stock of these goods on hand, which we will be pleased to sell at such prices , as we trust will meet the views of wholesale buyers. Hardware merchants and other dealers in these goads will e lense give us a call. .10141% DUNLAP & CO., ap26 Corner Market and Second streets. MS;!;MEZ;IEM; . _ . FOILCUtiO ,AND SUCTION PiThIP, FIRE ENGINE, Smoot Soginn Tontitown and into Whed.• - frRIS remarkable Machine was invented by Mani - HALE, - of New York, and bids fair to supersede, in all ita abovempplientions, the machines now in use. It has been visited by thousands, and tried in -many of its applications, and its success has outstripped everything in the history of useful inventions. The compact forme(' the machine, its simplicity . of construction and new ap plication of established principles, render it an object of admiration to all who see it. - As a annmen Pump, for the use offavnlies, its portabil ity and the facility with winch it can be converted !atom Fire Engine, are among its advantages. It is equally :useful for all purposes to which Pomps.can be applied OR steamboats or result, to supply boilers, washing ofdecks, pumping the holds, ate., Ste , &c. For Mines and Hydraulic Works of all kinds, it re quires lest power to do the same amount'of work, and is lest liable to get out of repair than any pump ever be forcinvented. It throws a continuous stream of water, without the use of an tar-chamber or any complicated doable acting apparatus. ; As a Firs Engine, not one ball the number of meagre required att.upon the Inarhines now in use, and they ran work a much longer time without fatigue, owing to the manner of the application of the power--either by crank Or capstan: . • Ao a Bourn Steam E . nrine this machine has 'supplied Mat great desiderataus a truing seientifie men, vie: obtain ing a consiatA rotary action, which can be satisfactorily applied to practical purposes. As a Ventilator for Mines, Wells and Fouls, or a - Iltiatcrr for . Purnares, it is easily and efficienly applied. Asa Trak, Wheel, working either by departing . or en uring water, it is something entirely new and eminently useful. It can be used as to-ebviate macho( the expense in laying foundations of mills, digging of watercourses One of the hlachines can be seen and some of its up-, plications tested. by calling at " Umus That," corner of Fifth and Smithfield streets, entrance on Fifth it. Rights for individuals, Counties, Itc.; within the State of Pennsylvania, can be obtained of the subscribers, as above, and any information relative to it cheerfully given. THOS. H. PERDUE. tip27:lm D. H.I.VILLLisNIS. ' FIRST SPLENDID STOCK OF ?SEW SPRING GOODS A. A. MASON & CO.. ONE PRIOR STORE-NO. 60 itrAimEr STREET, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. AA. MASON & CO. having considerably enlarged e their Store r for the accommodation of their in. creasing business, are now prepared to exhibit to their Retail Trade the most extensive stock of rich and fash ionable Imported and American GOODS they have ever offered in this city, Their large Shawl Saloon, together with another room, have been fitted up and added to their Retail Department, tnereby giving them ample room for the display of their immense stook, - - Being constantly in the receipt of NEW GOODS from their House in New York, thernre- enabled to offer, the newest, latest and mostitesirabbsOoods, and at prices at low as any house in the country.. !' • ''rheir stock-consists in pan of five hundred pieces of extra rich Beres es, Tissues, Albannes, Delphtnes end Marquise, of new and splendid Alse, - Cheare, Fowlard Silks,Moos Be Lathes, Grenadines; Pekin*, Brazilienues, Iroche, Toil do Nord, tee., loc.— Sig hundred pieces of new and rich style Inconel'', Lawns and Organdies. splendid designs. - Seven ham dred pieces English and French Prints. Oinghanys, Challies, kc., &c. _ _ SILKS. Three hundretkpieces of rich plain, figured and change able Silks.of entirely new style*. Also, Black Silks for Drosses,•Visites,Mantillas, toc of superior high lustre. SHAWLS. - - - Cashmere, Thibet, Long and -quern Shawls,- Gros De Rhine, Penh De. Sole, Canton Crape, Silk. /lenge, Sew ing Silk, Wool Plaid,Gronadine and Mullin de Lazne. WRITE GOODS _ - Carnbrics, Jaconets, Victoria Lawns, Book and Swiss Muslim', Tar!elan*, Fancy Checks, Linen Lawns, Dot ted !duelins, Mut! and Nainsook do g &c. • LINEN- GOO S. Damasks Cover. Napkins, Diapers Hdkfs . French Linen and Drills, Sarnsby Sheetinga, , Swiss do., Irish Linens, hest mike and finish. BONNETS - A complete assortment of China Braid, Florence, Dun stable, Rough and Ready, Straw, 'English Chip, Fancy, Ac., &c. Bolo= Rasnom - - - • 125 boxes of Bonnet and Cap Ribbons of the best styles. Also, blackand colored Taffeta and• Satin, best quality. Also, Bonnet Silks. Linings and Artificials. HOSIERY AND GLOVES. .] - - - - _ Every description of Ladies' and Gent's 'Hose and Gloves, Cravats, Scarfs, Hdkfs. Also, Berege,'Gauze, Crape Tissue Veils, Black Lace, Dalai Veils . , Ica.; &c. New Vivito and Alantilkti. • Of all . fashionable COlOl4 and styles. EMBROIDZIIED Lacks, Tanalimos, ke. Lace Capes, Collars, Cud's, Standing Collars, Cheml setts, Falencames, French and 'English Edgings Cam= brie do. Inserting, Belt Ribbans, Linen Cambric and Lawn Hdkfs.. Crapes. tee., Sce. P AND .PAR A SOLBTIES. More than Two Thousand- Parasols and Paraeolettes ,of every variety, including the best inake' of fine Static End Chameleon. ; CLOTHS; CASSIMERES,• •Vestino.' St:lamer Stuffs, Coltonades, -Tweeds, Jeans.. Also; Flannels, Checks, , • GINGHAMS, CHINTZ', PRINTS, &c. More tho.n.twO - hundred cases of the best styles, and of :every variety: ' • • . -Bleached and Brown lkinalins:' ... . , ,Over one hundred cases of all the well known and ati.- proVed makes - of. Bleached Mastitis, 300 .bales , Brown 'do.iat every variety and price "Purahasers may always depend (from the great facili ties of this establishment,) upon obtaining the choicest 'Goods at the most reasonable prices—the system of Low PRICES adopted by this establishment, as-well as their One Price System having met with such essential favor that the subscribers are enabled to offer still great "Or inducements to purchasers. Every article mill there fore be marked at such low rates as cannot fail to give perfect Satisfaction. Merchants from all permed' the country are invited to cal L .A. A. MASON & COy ,ap27 60 Market streeet, between 3d end dth sts. NV - ANTED-A good School Teacher for a respecta ble neighborhood in the country. Wanted, rtgood smart intelligent Boy, for work in office and 'to go 'through our city . on errands. Wanted, a middle aged Woman, industrious and willing to work. 'Money bor. rowed and loaned. All kind of Agencies attended to promptly for. mode rrte charges at ISAAC. HARRIS': new Agency and In telligence Mee, up stairs, above Mr. Ansbute Hat Store r and nearly opposite the St. Charles Hotel, Wood JOHN S. HAhrli..TON,l,Attorney at Law—O ffi ce on ,FOurth street;between Wood and ;Smithfield...Pith :burgh. . . up26:ly cq „_ &LE6t.&,POT — ITOPS-660 eacia.Galena Meehan nocka,lnatt rec'd and for sale b ap26 KING & MOO , Diamond. ,' 1~. a.rakw:,lfiz:. MaliMM=E RIM :30freltiliOut. ' tiRT ur-Prirrsntat.on. 6 kV Varlit tx THE Clilalil4 Steamer Like Erie,_Sholes. Beaver. Michigan No. 2, Gilson, Beaver • n Robt. ghtmen., Beaver. " Baltic:DicOba, Brownsville. Atlantic, Parkinson, do. Camden, Hendrickson, MeKeeeport. " Isaac Newton, Hemphill, Cincinnati. " . Monongahela, Stone, Cincinnati. iitlibernia No. 2,'Klinefelter, Citicimaati " Pioneer,Forsyth, St. Louis. , a " J. Nelson; Moore, Wheeling. " AllghenY Clipper, Abram, Beaver. • " Beaver, Clarke, Wellsville.. - ' John S. Crittenden, Israel, St. Louis. • midson; tJelKißan, Brklgeport. " .Pilot No,B. Shunt, Gal pots. • " Telegraph No. 1; Hazie#, Louisville. ". Cinderella, Calhonn, Soufish. " Brooklyn. Boles, St. LOuis. " De Wttt Clinton, Deviiihey, St, Loui s . Beaver .Clarke, Beaver. " SWISS Hoy, - , 9• . DEPARTED, Steamer Michigan 2, Gilson, Beaver. " Lake Erie, Sholes ; Beaver. " Robt.Wightman. ---, Beaver,. " . Baltic, Jacobs, Browneville. Atlantic, Parkinson, do. " Camden, . Hendrickson, McKeesport. " Messenger No. 2, Woodward, Cm • " .Isaac Newton, Hemphill, Cincinnati.. • Niagara, Coq, St. Louis. " James elson, Moore N Wheeling. Pitser Miller., Frisbee, Memphis, • Yankee, McKee,Zanesville. " Diadem, Conwe-l i. it. Louis. • Beacon, Daff, Cincinnati. - " 'Hudson, McMillan, Bridgport, "A. Clipper, Abrams. Beaver. " Beaver Clarko, Beaver. Wm. 13. Witco . OTEAMBOAT AGENT.; can be foond. at Wesley Crier's Counting Room, corner of Water and Smith field streets, Pitisburgh. mar27 For elnaltnnatt..ltogrtlim Packet: A t li The fine steam rt steamer MT - VErioN, un tA x Kotwrz, Master, will leave for the above and unenne ate porta, regolartY, every . Saturday evening. For, freight,orpasaage, apply on boartkor to sp.% 1. 0 O . /3. ILTENSERGER, Ag't. Packets. Steamer YANKEE, Capt. !HOKE; leaves every Saturday, at 2 o'clock, P sr. termer ',HOMY LIND, Captain GAM - GIMP, lenVes every Tuesday, at 2 o'clock, P. at. For freight or passage ripply to . • , • W. B. WHEELER, Agent, ap3 Corner or Water and. Smithfield eta. - CINCINNATI AND PITTSBURGH "DAILY STEAM PACKET'LINE. THIS Independent Line of steamers is now composed A. of the largest; swiftest, best finished and famished, And most povrerfal boats on the waters of the West. The highest wages are paid for the services of the hest and most espenenced men en,gliged in the. rivet business— The tine has been in operation for :I/ years; has carried neatly two millions of people, without doing the slightest injury to theiipentons: The proprietors challenge coin patison with any passenger line in the Union for safety, regalarity t and speed. All Oat money can procure has been provided for the safety', comfort and convenienceof passengers. The boataleave for Cincinnati as follows: MONDAY PACKET—TIie Mairosoursza, Cam. Same, wiltieave Pittaticirgh every 'Monday inarang at 10 o'clock; Wheeling every Monday evening at 10 TURSDAY PACILET.--The HiarINIA No. 2, Capt. Jno. Elineeker, will letwe Pittsburgh every Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock ; Wheeling every Tuesday evening at 10e. ss. WEDNESDAY PACEST.—The Nam Env Luna 2, Capt. S. Dean, veillleave Pittabnrgh every Wednesday morning stiOo'cloeki Wheelingevery Wettnesday even ing as 10 r. THVIISDAY .1 5 ACiblit—The BasuierS,Capt. R. J. aro*, will leave Pittsburgh every Thursday morning at 10 d: lock; Wheeling every Thursday evening at 10r. at. FRIDAY P4C.EST.—The Czn711.2 , 10.2, Capt. Creeks, will/cave Pirtaburghevezy,Priday morning at 10 o'clock; Wheeling every Friday evening at ID P. at. SAVMDAYPACKST.—The 1511321X110111 No. 2, Capt. I. C. •Woodtrard, will leave Pittsburgh every Saturday cnom o ing at 0 o'clock; Wheeling every Saturday evening at 1 /4 SUNDAY -PICKET.— The ISALC Nutt-ran, Capt. P. Divot, will leave Pittsburgh evary Sunday morning at la &aria; Meeting every Sandar evening at 10 P. mt. nov 0 . 14 A VALUABLE PIOPZETTOLitUMOd in the City of Steubenville, -Jefferson County, Ohio, viz :—One feet front on . b len feet to an alley, an d on d on wh ic h there is nThird large streetTwoy Story BRICK HOUSE, containing several rooms or apartments, which has been mostly occuped as &Tavern these last seven or eight years, and is now occupied as a Tavern, by Mr. Crane.. There is also a large Stable on the same Lot. Auo, part of a Lot of Ground, attioillieff the above de scribed property, somewhere about 47 feet front on Third street by leo feet to an alley, on which. there is a Two Story House, containing 2 rooms on the first fkior,3 rooms on the second floor; also, n garret and a kitchen. This House was formerly occupied as the Post Office, and now occupied as a Bakery. Tbat ' e also a Stable on the same Lot of Ground. Both of the above Houses front on Third street, near Market street, and nearly opposite the Court House. I will sell both these Lots and Houses together, or each House and Lot separately. Terms:—Me-half of the purchase money to be paid at time of sale, and the other half payable one) ear alter the salewith the usual lute rest--the balance to be secured by ' bond and mortgage on the same property. Title indisputable, withniii any encumbrance. A warranted deed given. POMCI46OII Riven at the Ist of April after it would be sold. For fur ther information, enquire of the undersigned, by letter or otherwise. SAMUEL. Ide,CLAIN, Pittsburgh, April M, 49-3 m No 9.4 Wood at. Arrival OS New tlpring &Summer Goods 1 FASHIONABLE. MAD QUARTERS, co. kf RI AIDE= STRUM DICCOIVD DOOR EDLOW SECOND =WM 7 . ..... O. WERNESIIRO, - 4_l ESPECTFCLLrinforms.his friends and the public D o to general, that_he has received a very large supply of the choicest SPRING and SUMMER GOODS ever seem in Pittsburgh, selected , by himself in the East. con sisting of English, Fraritt . and Belgian Cloths, Cassi trieres, Vesungs, Cashmaretts,, &c, of all shades and colors, and of Me latest and most desirable patterns, which will be made up to order in a superior style, and at very moderate prices. Ht has also on hand a very large stock of Ready made Clothing, vbich be will cell very low. atnady Awnings. awnstige. THE 'undersigned is prepared to furnish Awnings, Tarpaulins, Fire Screens, Tema, ut the shortest notice. Bail LoR over Dovage k Roberts' Block Makers Shop, Front street, near Ferry. np`tl4:lm• JOSEPH JANEWAY. New Books 1 New Books t -- nOItIPLETE WORKS OF JOHN M. MASON, D. D., in four volumes. Mardi and a Voyage Hither, by Herman Melville. Border Warfare of New Yorkjiy W. W. Campbell. Here a Little and There a tittle, by the author of "Line upon Line and Precept upon Precept." Menton., of my Youth, by A. De Lamartine. Illustrated Life of Franklin, part Bth. Just rec'd and or sale by JOHNSTON' ex. STOCKTON, ap2s Cor. Market and 3d stx. SOAP -25 lbs. pure Callihan Soap ; 4 dozen boxes Dallitea Shaving Soap; 1 " Variegated Soap ; 1 " Castile Soap; for sale by 020 KING & MOMHEAD. 4AY MAGAZINES RECO AT M. A. MINER'S.— Godey's Lady's Magazine, for May. ational Magazine, tor May. Graham's Memoirs of ray Youth; by A. De Lamartine. Life and Letters of Caroline Fry. The Waverlt Novels, by Sir Walter Scott; complete in five volumes. Dowdler's Family Shakspeare, from the sixth London edition. Outlines of a New System of Physiognomy; illus trated; by 7. W. Redfield, M. D. Litton's Living Age, No. 239. Our stock now comprises the largest and most'com plete assortment in the West. EU' Smithfield street, third door above 2d. ap24 HOGAN & CANTWELL, B 3 Market stet, and No. re 7 Diamond, have on hand and are opening a large and varied assortment of China Vases, Cant Baskets, Cut Glass and Fancy Cologne Bottles, Alabaster Jewe l B oxes China Figures, &c".;4 - doz. celebrated Bay Water, from the Isle St. Thomas' 6 dozen celebrated Florida Water; 24 doz. Cologne Water, various brands;,l2 doz. Shaving Compound ; 6 doz. Ox Marrow, for the hair - 6 Roussel Ps Handkerchief Perfumes; 0 doz. Chinese Floating Snap—with splendid assortment of Soaps, and other Perfumery. For sale Lawlor Cash. ap24 FOR SALE—Several Building Lots of 24 feet front by 130 deep to an alley. desirably located in Alleghe ny,on and near Ohio lane. Price from 8200 to 8300. Scrip will be taken at par for any of these Lots, or a payment of one-eighth in hand, in Scrip, if desired— balance iu seven, yearly payment. S. CUTHBERT, Gen. Agent, • ap24 - Smithfield street. ASTOR OIL-17 barrels, per North River, for sale by C ap24 .RHEY, hIATIIIEWS ac CO. BRICK -1400000, in Birmingham, for sale by ap24 RHEY, MATTHEWS & CO SWEET CEDER-150 bble. in store and for sale by JAMES PATTON, Jr , ap24 N 0.17 Liberty at. ACON 11A_MS-5 casks just rec'd and for sale. by B ap24 JAB. PATTON, Jr., No. 17 Liberty st, MOLASSES -5U Mtg. reed and for sale by np24 , JAS. PATTON. Jr-, N 0.17. Liberty st. Air E.sd AND P.IUME PORK-18 bbls. Mess ;15 do. Prime, recd and for sale by . ap24 . JAS. PATTON; Jr., No. 17 Liberty et. .rtORN BROOMS-30 doz. fancy Brooms, reed and for Ad sale by JAS. PATTON, Jr., sp23 No 17 Liberty at SCRIP 'WANTED-1n excbangertfor Window Glass, assorted sizes. and YoutirHyson and Black Teas, at ap24 . , DYER'S, No.:158 Liberty et: wRAPPING PAPER— + 3000 bdls. Single Crown BMW Paper; WOO " Medium " 500 " Double Crown " 100 • Bide Pnetory Paper;, • 160 gross Boards• in store and for sale low by RBINOLDS & SHEE, apSO Corner Penn and Irwin streets. '~:o-: u ~,~` "~ t 'k y ß,;~h~ ~..7~'~fie~~i,~rva ~'~-.ts"' 'S.:- t i' s="~, ~ _ =IMMI MM= kgra 1849. For Sale. . . War Department, ftllareh'26, 4849. Roles in ?shadow al/divot provided/or aP an .act of Cott grees: approved Bdlljarch, 1849, entitled "An act to pro vide for.-the' paymettt - oflorses andfother property lost or destroyed In thesnilitarY mice of the Mined Stets? , A LL ,CLAIMS tinder - the.provtnoris of this act must 11 bopresented at the office of the Third Auditor of the Treasury Department, and each must be substantiated i by such evidence ' as s hereinafter designated, with pert to cases of the class under which it falls . First Class of Cases. By the first section of the law iris enacted: "That any field, or staff, or other officer, mounted mil itiaman, volunteer, ranger, or cavalry, engaged in the .military - service of the United States since the 18th or. June, 1812, or who shall hereafter be in said service. and has sustained or shall sustain :linkage, without any fault or negligenceinvhis pail while in said service, by the loss of a•horse in battle, or by the loss of a horse wounded in battle, -and which has stied, - or shall' die of said wound, or beings° wounded shall be abandoned by order of his officer and lost, or shall sustain damage by the loss of.any horse by death or abandonment, because of the unavoidable 'danger of the sea when on board a United States transport vessel, Or because the United States failed to "supply transportation for the horse, and the owner was compelled,by the order ofhis command ing offieer, to embark and leave him, or in consequence of the United States failing to supply sufficient forage; or because the rider was dismounted and separated from his handl; and ordered to-do duty on foot at a. statioade tached from his horse; or when the officer - babe imme. - diate command ordered orshall order the horse turned out to graze in the-woods; prairies, or commons , because the United States failed, or shall fail to supply sufficient forage, and the loss was or shall be consequent thereof, or for the loss of necessary equipage in consequence of the loss of his horse as aforesaid,- shall be allowed and paid the value thereof, not to exceed two pundred dot. tars: provided, thatif any payment has been or shall be made' to any one aforesaid for the use and risk, or for forage after the death, loss, or abandonment of hishorse, said payment shall be- deducted from the . value thereof, unless he satisfied or shall satisfy the paymaster at the time he made or shall make the payment, or thereafter show by proof that he was'remounted, in whieh ease the deduction shall only exteml.to Pie time he was on toot; and provided, .also if any payment shall have been or shell hereafter be ;node to any person above mentioned on account of clothing, .to which he was not entitled by law, such payment ahall be deducted from the value of his horse or accoatrements.n - To establish a claim under this provision the claimant must adduce the evidence of the officer under - whose command he served when the loss occurred, if alive; or ii dead, then of the next surviving officer, describing the property, the value thereof, at the time of entering the . service, the time and manner hrwhich the lowshappened, and whether or not it was sustained without any fault or negligence on the claimant's part: 'The evidence should also, in case the claimant was remounted after the los , state when he wee remounted; how long he continued no, and explain whether the horse whereon he was remount ed had not been furnished by the United States, or been owned by another mounted militiaman or 'volunteer to whom payment for die use and risk thereof, or for its forage, whilst i the possession of the claimant, may have been made': and 11'0 had been thus owned,_shoula name the person and the command to which be belong ed. And in every instance in which the claim may extend to equipage, the several articles of which the same consisted, and separate value of each, should be 'specified. • Second Class of Casa. The second section °film law enacts: . ‘; That any person who has sustained or shall sustain damage by the capture or destruetten by an enemy, or by the abandonment or destruction by. the order of the commanding general, the commanding officer, or quar termaster, of any horse, mute, or, wagon, cart, boat, sleigh, or harneas, while such property was in the mili tary service of the United States, either by impressment or contract, except in cases where the risk to which the property would be exposedwasagreed to be incurred by the owner, and any person who has sustained or shall sustain damage by the death or ahanilonment and of any such horse, mule or ox, while in the service afore said, in consequence of the failure °nate part of the Uni ted States to furnish the same with sufficient forage, and any person who has lost, or shall loose, or has had - or shall have destroyed by unavoidable accident any horse, mule,: ox, wagon, cart, boat, sleigh, or harness, while such property was in the service aforesaid, shall be al, lowed and paid the vain thereof at the time be entered the service: provided it shall appear that such loss cap ture. abandonment, destruction, az death, was without any fault or negligence on the part of the owner of the property, and while it was actually employed in the ser vice of the United States.' To establish a claim under this provision it will, in addition to the testimony required under the head of first class of cases, be necessary in cases where the property lost was in the service by contract or impress ment; to predate the testimony of the officer or agent of the Lnited States who impressed or contracted for tha service of the property mentioned in such claim, and also of the officer under whose command the same was em ployed at the time of the cantata, destruction, loss or abandonment, declaring in What way the property was taken into the service of the United States, the value thereof, whether or not the risk to which it would be ex posed was agreed to be incurred by the owner, and whether or not, as regarded horses, males, oxen, he en gaged to supply the same with sufficient forage, in what manner the loss happened, and whetheror not it was MlS mined without any. fault or negligence on his part. The fifth section of the law enacts: "That in all instances where am minor has been or shall be engaged in the military service of the United Stater, and was or shall be provided with a horse or equipments, or military accoutrements, by his parent os, guardian, and has died, or shall die, without paying for said property, and the same has been or shall be lost, captured, destroyed or abandoned, in the manner before mentioned, said parent or guardian shall be allowed 'pay therefor, on taking satisfactory proof as in other: cases. - and the farther proof that he is entitled thereto, by hiving furnished the same." A parent or guardian of a deceased minor will, here fore, in addition to such testimony applicable to his claim as is previously - described, have to furnish proof that he provided the minor with the property therein - mentioned, that the minor died without paying for such property and that he„ the parent or guardian, is entitled to payment for it by his having furnished the same. . The sixth section of the law enacts: " That in ad instances where any psrson, other than a minor, has been, or shall be, engaged in the military ser vice aforesaid, and has been, or shall be, provided with a 'horse or equipments, or with military accoutrements, by , any person,the owner thereof, who has risked, or shall take the risk. of minis horse, equ ipments, or military ac coutrements on himself, and the same h as been or shall be lost, captured, destroyed or abandoned, in the manner before mentioned, such owner shall be allowed pay therefor, on making proof, as in other cases, and the tor they proof that he la entitled thereto by having furnished um same, and having taken the risk on himself." Besides the testimony in support of his claim herein before required, every such owner thereof will have to prove that he did provide the horse, equipments, or mili tary accoutrements therein mentioned, and took the risk thereof on himself; and that he is entitled to pay there for, .by having furnished the sauna and taken tbe risk thereof on himself; and this proof should be contained in. a deposition of the person_ who had been So provided by him with such horse, equipments, or military accoutre ments. Third gfenlf Cases. The seventh section of theliiti enacts . • . . That to all cases where horses have been condemned by a board of officers on account of their unfitness for service, in consequence of the Government failing to supply forage, all such horses and their eqnippage shell be allowed and paid for, whenever the facts shall be .proven by legal and satisfactory evidence, whether oral or written, that such condemned horse and the equ.page was turned over to a quartermaster of th.i army, whether any receipt therefor was given and produced or not." To establish a claim under this provision the claimant must adduce the evidence of the witnesses mentioned un der the head of first class of cases, satisfactorily prov ing that the property therein described was, while in the nulitary service of the United States, condemned by a board of officers on accouat of their being rendersd unfit fur service in consequence of the Government failing to supply forage, and that such property was turned over to a quartermaster of the United States army, explaining when the claimant was remounted, &c., as required in said first class of cases. In no case can the production of the evidence previous ly described be dispensed with,unless the impracticabil ity of producing it tie dearly proved, and then the near est and best other evidence of which the case is suscept ible must be furnished in lieu thereof. . • • . Every claim must be accompanied by a deposition of the claimant, declining that he has not received from any officer or agent of the United States any horse or horses, equipage. accoutrements, mule, wagon, cart, boat, sleigh, or harness , (as the case may be,) in lieu of the property lost, nor anycompensation for the same," and be supported, if practicable, by the original valua tion list, if made by tne appraisers of the property at the time the same was taken into the United :gates service, and in cases where the loss is alleged to have occurred;: : because the United States failed to supply transportation for the horse, and the owner was compelled by order of his commanding officer to embark and leave him, as pro vided for in the first section of the law; the affidavit of the claimant must, in addition to the declaration above mentioned, declare " that he did, in obedience le the or der of his officer, leave said horse and equipage, and that he never sold or otherwise di posed of the said horse or equipage, and never received any compensation for said hone or equipage from arty person whatever." All evidence other than the certificates of officers who, at-the time of giving them, were in the military service of the United States, must be sworn to before some judge, justice of the peace, or other person duly . million zed to administer oaths, and of which anthonty proof should accompany the evidence. GEO. W. CRAWFORD, Secretory of War APPROVED, March 20 1849. Z. Tamoß, TREASERT DEPARTMENT, / Third Auditor's O ffi ce, March 31, 1949. S Each claimant can have the sum which May . be allow; ed on his claim remitted to him direct, on his smnityinga wish to that effect, and naming the place of residence 4 but if the money is to he remitted or paid to any other person, a power of attorney to him from the claimant, duly executed.nlid authenticated, should be forwarded with the claim. To facilitate the requisite searches, and avoid delay in the adjustment of the claims, each claimant should name on his papers the paymaster or other disbursing officer by whom he was paid for the services of himself, horse, wagon . , cart, team, boat, &c. PETER BAGNER, April 5. - Third Auditor. The Pittsburgh Morning Post, Pittsburgh, Pa., will give ,he above one insertion each week for four weeks, and send the, account, accompanied by one printed copy of the advertitornent, to the office of the Third Auditor, for payment. ap9:lawftw Notice to Holders of Scrip. FOR SALE, and payment received in the SCRIP issues of die City of Pittsburgh:— All that valuable property known as the OLD Dam LOT, situate on Giant street, opposite the Court House, and bounded by Grant Street, Platt street, Diamond alley and Cherry alley. . • . This property- has been divided into rivatcrr-sotra highly eligible Building Lots, which will be sold to the highest and best bidder, at Public Auction on SATUR DAY, MAY .sth, IRA in front of the Court House. Tannts—One-third in cash, one-third in six reenths, and one-'hird in twelve months,with interest from the day of sale. By order of the City Councils. JAS. B. NIURRAY,, ap23:dtd *Ch'n Committee OR City Propyrty. MLASSES --100 half barrels primiguality,for sale by JOHN I F. PERRY, apsl Cornerof Hancock at. and Atlegbeny Wharf: DitrED.lteli, for sale by JOHN F. PERRY, apn] Corner of Hancock st. and Allegheny Whati., M!M EMMM Greenwood'Gardien. aims delightful Slimmer Retreat is now 'open for . the reception - ofvisiters. -Ice Creams. Fruit, Nuts, Con lectionary, and all the good things - nature atql art -can produce, will be served up, in the best manner, in the Saloon. The Tea Table will be spread at-O o'clock every evening. • SConducted on Temperance principles, and closed on unday. Eloquent of the choicest Flowers put up at the shortest notice. - A' large collection of the choicest variety of .oreen lodge Plants, Dahlias, and Annual Flowing Flatus, for Bale. The newsteamer Thos. Scott will be ready; in n few days to ran from the Point to the Garden. Needle Werkejl. Collars, ART IL MURPHY has now open a ytrge aesortntentof T - . the above Goods, of various styles, and at-ex.. tremely'low prices.: - Linen Cara)* Handkerchiefs, ofqualltieskfrom 10 cents up to $3,50; also, - mourning , do, of different qualities. Bsbbing E di,"" ; bgs—Some new patterns t 'very • pretty, nut open. Victoria and Lisle Edgings; also, Loom Thread Edg higs and Laces, warranted linen, and at less thin one fiat(-the former prices--besides, - - a large mssortment of WHITE-GOODS .generally, Such as Mulls, .Nausooks, Jackonets, Cantbncs, Book Muslin! and Bishop Lawns. Wholesale Room. Sup stairs, coiner of Fourth and • . 260300 awls- of • ' . • MBE Birmingham Town. Council,,desiring to contract / • with some suitable person or persons, tofurnish ma terials and to pave about 25,000 yards of the streets of that Borough, will receive Sealed „Proposals Tor, the whole or any part of said work, until the Ist of May next. Proposals to be left with „hullo, M . hpm r ,,y. Border of the Council. ap2:lm THOMAS BL AC:VS.IOIIE, Preeidept.., HOVE CLOTHING , IIIIIIPOR/lUM: HJ. ROQERS respectfully informs his •frtends - and . the public that he has opened - his maw CuirtllNG mutt; N 0.27, Market strect,hetween Front and Second, where he will keep constantly on kande - large and eupe riorassortment otclothing, stumble for the present season Having just returned trom the East with a new and splendid assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings, of the most desirable patterns, which will be made up on the shortest nonce - and in the most fashionable style, on the one price Cash aystemins low as can be had 'at any other establishment In - Pittsburgh. Don't forget the place; but call at the CLOTHING EMPORIUM, No. 27 Market st.; Pittsburgh. [mr3l:32a , Valuable Real Estate for. Sale. T. HE subscriber will sell, at piivate sale, that valuable Property, on the fourth street road adjoining his pr -sent residence; and .give possession immediately.— There are about TEN ACRES' .OF CHOICE LAND, In a high state of cultivation. The improvements are a large. and well finished. BRICKJOWELLING HOUSE, a. su perb Barn, and other out-buildings: Adjoining theDwill mg is a running Fountain and a good Pump, which fur nish a constant sapply, of excellent water. There is a variety.of Fruit Trees and Shrubbery on the premises.— If the above described . prupertyis not sold soon, it will be rented for a time. Also, for: sale, large LOT, on Pen..sylvaniaAvenur, at the end of the board-walk: inquire of Itnar3l:3mj DAVID. HEELER. ' actory TN SUCCESSFUL OPERATION, manufacturing'Print era, Wood Type and Raised SignLeiters, by Machinery. 'rhe Machinery is admirably suited for.all Carving par poses, from which a Pattern can be made from the finest Engraving to heavy: Cornice. Should the inventor, Isaac Merrit Singer obtain a patent for the invention, or any improvement he may make thereon, the said patent is by deed secured to the subscribers for the term of sev'en years, from the.3d day of April,lB4B,ht the United States, and forever iu Allegheny Co., Pa. Or a PARTNER WANTED, capable of managing the above business, and willing to take an interest of one fourth in thecapnal stock: For further particulars, apply (post paid) to ap2sa2or SCHOLEY ItYAN,Tittsburg, Pa. MY old customers, strangers visiting the City, and others wishing to providothemselves with a hand some DaEs.9 COAT, PANTS, VESTior any other arti-, cle in the Liam can do,so, by leaving their orders with JAMES M'QtJIRE, Tailor ap~lThird street, St. Charles Snildnig. NOTICE ishereby given . that , the. undersigneu has taken out Letters of Administration on the Estate of Alex. Stewart, of Allegheny City, dec'd. All persons in debted to said Estate are requested fo make immediate payment; and all those having claims .ngainst saw Estate are requested to present them properly authenti. , cated, for settlement. SARA II ANN sTEwma, ap2l:dtd • Administratrtx. -_ , Boarding MS. LEET Would respectfully announce - to her friends and the public, that she is now prepared to accommodate Boarders. Residence, Second street, be.. tween Market and Wood, third door from Wood street. References exchanged. apl.2:2w Congress Gaiters. T ADIES, wanting something superior, both for look XI and comfort, to anything they have ever worn, will please can and examine them. These Boots have no strings to tie and untie, and dangle about the ankle— t .ey am not only much handsomer, but display the foot and ankle to a much better advantage than any other Boot or Shoe made. You will also save time and trou ble. Manufactured by S. KEYS. ._ mar2B - No. 8 Fifth street. , -- . LAWES' SPRING SHOES—SiIt, Satin and .Freneh Lasting (Miters,. of every variety and color, outland and made to order. Also, a MI assortment of Children's Shoes, of every description. Manufactured by ' S. KEYS, mares No. 8 Fifth street. • Baffara & Ca., BOTTL £ RS, AND MA:crvAcirssas or Mnattat Waren, Sarsaparilla, Porter, Ale, Cider, Root Beer, Mead and Pop,. No. IS Market street, and 100 Liberty street„oomer of Cecil's alley, Pittsburgh. mat23:y Isaac Williams, MERCHANT TAILOR, Smithfield street, No. 12, be tureen Ist and 2d streets. ap4:y IVOTIC4.—The undersigned hereby gives notice that 111 from manner this date. Mr. Tow; Horn is• the only authorized person to receive moneys and sign receipts or orders in mp narrie. C. WERNEHURG, Fashionable Head Quarters, Pittsburgh, ,'49.'49. No; hl arket M. FRESH ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS AT' P. DELANY'S, NO. FORTY-NINE, ` LIBERTY Sr., PITTSBURGH JUST RECEIVED, an extensive and general assort meet of French, Eriglish, Belgian -and American Cloths, Cassiineres and Vestings, of the latest and moo, desirable Patterns. Amongst them will be found a varie ty of entirely new styles Fancy Cassinteres and Vest ing*, of the latest importations—all or , which will be ntade to order in the most fashionable manner, at short notice, and reasonable prices. On hand, a large assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING, made up in the present Spring Style, and will be sold low for cash. N. B. To Tarums.— Watt's Graduating Shoulders'. Measure System. for sale at (mrtaitt•mr) P. DELANY'S: TN a few days I will be in 'receipt of a. well selected and fashionable assortment of SPRING GOODS, now on their way from the. East, to whith I would • invite the attention of rry friends. A good fit warranted in all MCA. - SAS.AIeGUIRE,TaiIor, mar3l Third street, St. Ch.r:les Building. N UTS -I 0 bags Filberts; 10 " Cream Nuts.; g 10 ". English Walnuts; 50 " Shelled Almonds.; -' 5 hales BOrdeaux received and for sale by (mar3l) J. S. BONNET. TO /II ILLINERS.—The subscriber has a. lame stock of seasoned Timber, suitable for BONNET BLOCKS. Which he isprepared to turn to the Spring fashion, at his Turning Establishment, No. 27 Fifth street. mart.tam , .11; R. RYAN. Apprentices Wanted. • THE anbscriber wants Apprentices, to learn the Cabi net, Chair-making and Chair Painting branches of business. Boys of steady habits, about 16 yeaisnf age. would be preferred. None need apply, who cannot come well recommended. IL G. PAHNESTOCX, - • marl? .101:Smithfield street. u WANTED—An active Partner, with $l5OO cash cap: , ital, to engage in a Wholesale and Retail Grocer) D neis, now in active operation, and doing a good hu sh-teas, having the advantage of a prominent stand....., C. CUTHBERT, Gen. Ag,ent, apt° Smithfield street. JUST RECEIVED, at the sign of" Plane and Spte 400 pairs Twisted and Straight Trace Chains; :.1000 lbs. Wrought and Horse Nails. For sale.bq HUBER & LAUFMAN, apIFI • No. 78 Wood at, , I Ii‘LICOES ! CALICOES!—Just leceived, and now V open, at. No. 59, North-west corner of 9th and Mar ket streets, a very large supply of Calicoes and Chintzes. of new and handsome styles, and embracing $011:16 of the best and cheapest Goods ever offered in this market. aids . . PHILIP ROSS. POCKETBOOKS -2 , 'BOOKS-2 gro: Calf Bellows Pocket Ettrks; JL 5 " Morocco " 10 " . Sheep . On hand and for apto M sale c VD LES SSc CASIPBEV , 97 Wood street. MILIR SALE— A span of Match Brown Horses. En X quire of McCANDLESS lc CAMPBELL. opt.° ' 97 Wood street. 'DRESS SILKS—Just received, an invotee of very handsome Drees Silks, of the newest and most pop• tiler styles, imported this season. Also very glossy Black Silks, of tll. widths for Vi ettes,'Ste. • PHILIP RoSSI, nnIS No. 59. corner 4th and hihrket ets: COFFER-1 1 00 0 ba „ gs Ri th o d C G o o ff v ee java ; 'lO ' Laguyra; for sale by ap2o KING & hIOORHEAD FRESH TEAS-44 packages Young Ilyson,Ounpow 'j" der, Imperial - and Black Teas, . retod- and-for „ a le (ap2o) KING & MOORHEAD. MOBACCO-20 boxes, favorite brands; s's . • 5 " Baltimore Plug, "- Twist, For sale . by (ap2o) KING '& MOORHEAD.' ACKEREL.-50 barrels, ball barxels, quarter bar rels, and kits, Nos. 1, 2 and 3, for sale by ap22 KING tc MOORIIRAD. FRUIT-6 - 0 boxes Raisins; - , -. •••••• ' . 40 h(." " 1 case Eighrs Raisins; - • ' , • 30rus FAs; • - - - .. ... . dm . - , 1 cage' Smelly Primes ; , ~ - . - . • ' • ; ' 5 boxes Lemons; jest tee'd and Col' sale joy ap2o ; , . . KING & BIOORIIEAD.-- CIiNDRIES-1.7 doz mixed Pico Gherkins und 1.7. Manger-Pickles, iallon bottles; 4' dozen Pickled Onions , : gallon and quart bottleg; 4 doz , Piekled flowt , rs, .balf gallon and quart battles; -4. dozen Tepper, Sauce; quart bottles; doz .assorted Syrups, quart bat; tie e ;' 4 doz. Lemon Byrn?, quart bottles ; , 8 dozen Walnut nud Tomato Catnap, pint, bottles; 2 doz. Lacen Oil, pint bnules ; 6 dozen Gelatine, Unimproved preparation, pint Lottles ; just received and for ante by apt KING & MOORHEAD. k4. ,- .43mrA.6 -7- i ,, _ - ;- ;;~~: a ~yr*~ ~~"'u~.. 1111*ttelIcttitotts. GOLD! GOLD !- GOLD! Administrator's Notice. 'New Goods. 15111 M=IMMIM Bankers anb extbange - liroktra; Hi H. WiLLIA.3I66 : - EXCHANGE AND .13;.A.N KING. - N. - E. corner of -Third and Wood strait,'-: • QIGHT and Tithe Etna of Exchange, Bank Prolog, art 11.7 foreign and domestic coio.„l,9oght and Fold Onlit , . • • Collections made mall the piinciptil cities of the taloa at the lowest rates. jell HELAMEIt Oz. RAnni. Baakers and Exchange Brokers, 'n ten in Feeigli fa Domestk Bills, Bills' oPEzehangs, Cenifieates f Depos it, Bank Notes, and Coin. , • Corner Third and Wood ,sts., directly opposite the St. Charles Hotel. • - • marla _ _ R .-lIIOLItIES _ SON, Bitnkas and Deakrs in 'Kvehange Coin and Bank NOK3 2 No. 65 Marketstrert, Piasbiirgh.-' • '• . . --' 4 ' • BILLING RAVI. SSC/URGE. . - OCT/NCI RA273 ' New York -.f pr Ciiielunati .-.• is . ' Philadelphia . . 4. " Louisville' •: - - f'' -. Baltimore . . }.." St. Louis . ' - --= Buying rater Ohio dis Indiana # " Kentucky- .`` Virginia....-. Tennessee - • 3 ". anl9-y - . THOS. 6A G. 10.7. BANKERS. AND EXCHANGE BROKERS; ' N. .E. Corner Of Wood and Sitat streea n Pittsburgh, , Pa., ViR %LEES in Cain, Banlc - NoteS, Tunic/lids, Foreign JJ and Domestic Exchange Certificates- of Deposit, Ac EXCHANGE on all the principal Cities of the Union and Earo_ pe for sale in nuns to 511i1 purchasers. . CURREINT and par funds received on deposite: .COLLECTIONS made onall parts_of the Union. at ihe lowest rates.. - .• seplt-ly LARD, -25 kegs No. I. Lard, -308 t rce'd 'arid - for sale by ePM rtioNo & CROZEFL. RI BUSHELS DRIED PEACHEis--Bea'd and for isale eILI -by' (ap2?) ARNISTR.ONG & CROZER.' WANTED. -Two or three good Journeyment era wanted . Immediately. Enquire at . YOUNGSON'S,- Oil Slate, Liberty atreet, CREAM. boXes; just luuttiug and.for Sole by (ap27) S.'S:- W. HAKI3AUGit. TIMED APPLES —4OO Talles t recd mid for sale by . I—/ :nP27 . S.& W. HARBA UGH.. ( . 71 . ELEEN APPLES---42 boxes Green Apples, just Mad ing from steamer " Bearer,n. and tor sale by ' nP 27 , &W. HAIISAUGIT. • -QCGAR CURED ga r MS-121ierces;"bingEr . fr.ShaTli'' 0 superior Sugar Curedlitans, rec'd' Rua for sale by e , s,,tb ,VV.IIARDAUGH, CANDLIRS-10 beim Sterine eandlea,a prim. article, jest received and fireside by • .1 , - 2 • . dP 27 • . . 7 S. k..SI7..HARBALTGH.. MCKERE.I.--61 Store and' for sale fip " , ap27 . s: k SV: HA RI3:ATGH S ODA ABH--20 tierces, rectivin g mat for swo 7, LOUR —501) barrels of very , Auperioroarjor• sal Fle _V by japlej .CUALMINS lc SMITH. _ MEAL-1W Corn Meal, nerd and . \..) for sale . rapl6) . 13ACON-10,000 ftis.-Bacon, Nog Eauml,in store and .1) for sale by . [aplai CUMMINS &ssirra. • TORY APPLES-sVeaeks Dry Apples. in store and (or IL/ sale by - - [aplB] CUMMINS & BNIITII. AITLES 7 40 Ws. Romanite Apples, for.sale by aplB CU AIAIINS & .55111.1! HICKORY NUTS - 1 barrel Bioko ry Nuts, iestoie gni for sale br- - . : Copia] • 'CUMAIINS k SMITH.., VIECANS=-10 bustle's Yeezuts, in store and:for sale by . ttpl.B CUMMINS &Sig...UK, A 8/1 HOOPS—,OOO 2 just received and for rale by ,3r . r.rifth street. In OAT MEAlc—Our own' make, consundly-on hand and for solo by • RHODES '& ALCORN, ULl2.l)l3ARLEYonstantly ou band and for sale 111 by RHOLES:k ALCORN, apt? , „ - 30 Fifth street POTATOES -1400 bush.. Tier steamer ,Columbian, for sale by (WB] RHET, MATTHEWS & CO. f • larroN-98 bales, per stearner Dolphin;for .sale by apla • RHEY, 61ATTHEWS=& CO. BA d C e O n N t r lt i lr e b ib y g * asswied '"' ides ana , S . h . c'll!7' : REIEY, MATTHEWS & CO:. _ " RIED F.F4UIT-20,000 be. Dried PeacheDs; 300 Apples• for sale by _ ALP.TTFIEWS & CO; .• FLOUR; -40 barrels itimili • Floni. fo:i sale b aPI 9 V• .- we barrelgjor sale by . apl9.. ' RHES.',.MAT.CHEWS &CO K superior 60. 0001r•ti li ele, N: to 13 ' y tatintr and for oak en secommoclaiing terms ;by ' " - C. A.. MeANULTY Co., -- Canal Basin.. ANTED.--Four podJour.Pattiters 'Want tea. JOHN COHRISTON, St Charles Buildian' riMil 100 MILS. LOUISVILLE LlME—.last received and for sale by - ap9 ' No. 2 Smithfield m. I(IfkBEILS. - RONANTrE APPLOgeted y e ry lot! , -WM to close consignment,br - •tv. et J. C. ACHESON, aP 9 No 2 Smithfield et.. F BBLS. POTATOES7R e W ee t i e v i. d CVC f itrtlfsi 4y apD No.2 Sinithficid st: On Ps. ALL WOOL TWEEDS -7 feb2o O PS. FANCY CASSIAIERF,--9a hand, and for sale" at manufacturer's prices, by [feb.9.l.3] IL I.VE; C. SE tiREY - .(t.llX'D - CLOTU—.Ingt reed, ro,d Sale at manufactureios prices, by ffetr.. , ol EL LEE. cigtiatiraticAN_ for sale (ce6131 SDPAIRS DRAB BLANKETB.—The attention of Cal ifomia men ta directed - to this artie,e. 'They will be sold low, to. close consignment. by'. ife2o . l • N. DED BEAN KETS-1 ease (56paio tied pa s tilets, itid .1.1412 y 64, 6 . tba.,.ribbon bound; received by consinneent from the manufacturer, an n o . 1, . • ap7 Liberty opposite Flub. street _ - HERRING -10Q boxes ..Sealed Herring. received and - totsale by . J. S. BONNET antral_ AISINB-150 boYe6111: Reisto4;. - i 1 .40 hr. " in - store - and for [rettr3o] • 8: BONNET. Liberty et. ORANGE.4ISTP.T.F.ATI7NS S tioes.DL ii tg , e ,,, *s . i, in store and for . s.ttfe by - frnrfleti . BONN ET' IHOY'D CORN FOR CATTLE ANDHESORO-415n ,../ stoutly onlmad and for sale by • mar 24 . RHODES & ALCORN, 30 Fifth: EL HELL COMBS.—A'great. iltriedy_or Beek, Dressing, 10- and Side Combs, new styles, on hand ut• ZEBULON KINZEIPS, 67 Market street.. ACAULEY'S ENGLAND.A :new and cheap edi tion of MacaulOy , a History of niglimd, this day re ceived aAd for sale by . RAY.it .00., _ mar 24 ,Cornor. Wood and Third ate. New• fors Californium'. .. OCLT'S REVOLVES,TV with H _rtpairratun,_by Express in a few days, by • • Jp CARJ .t t v V_Rl d G s H i y e , ei, marls - _ _ AIrACAULEY'S 1-11STO - TtY OrENGUND=VoIii7I.: 4.11,_ and 2, price'6o cents-;--Hutler,s, etlition—containing ad the matter, verbatim et Merman. of vols. 1 and - 2 °film 'London editionembellisbed wish nn accurate portrait. of the author. .Two wits. in one; price 50c. - A large supply of the above received and for sale by • • , • 'JOHN 11...MELLOR, . mar 23 - bt Wood street. 41.NDSCA-PE rAPER—. ,;• L 1 set, a view of the Battleof:Monterey; - • . • .. , Cerro Gorda i • •-• " Buena - Vista; . o • FetsAlti Paris:- - ;•• • 1 - tt' Chase-de Lyon; f. ; • 1 " " "Garde Francaix ; - • ' 1 " " " Col. C. Auvergne. . The above is. suitable for papering large public, rooms For sale at the warehouse m-*; .s. HlLL;.'mar3o ". •." "- • S 7 Wood at; John Fullerton, • ' •• MANUVACTURER. AND DEALER IN TOBACCO,: SNUFF AND SEDASS, No. 140, WOOD 411'3RM ORE DOOR ABOVE SIXTD, HAS on hand general assortment of the above arti... a. rt cMs, among which.are the following choice brands: P. Robinson's Pound Ltintp;., Smoking Tobacco ; • . Grant &Williams , 5 do. Cut and •:Dry Dawaolfs 10 , do. Fine Cut Chetving;'- , Baltimore 'Plug • . Cuba Leaf. - • - Spanish Segars, from BIT to 830 per M.; Half Spanish Sep •, Common Segars of-every grade and variety. Country Merchanti visiting the City are respect,. fit invited to_eldi and examine his stock. - apl7:lm . ands MAE subscribers beg leave to inform their friends L' the public that , hav ing , completed their . alterationsin'- Store, they arc now prepared to wait on their customers, having received a NEW.AND.'SPLENDID STOCK OP GOODS in their litre;—they have adden Hosiery, Gip'', Trimmings. Bonnets,:tsc. They solicit a bare of the very liberal pationage.already conferred upon theta. HOGAN it...CANTWELL. .86 Market street.: - 500 reams Medi Urn Stravr ; - 250' " Double Crown Strtiw; " 250 " Medium Rag; Received and for sale at-the PapetWeirehouse of apl4 • ' C. RILL. 57 Woodet. TAWNS, LINEN. BEREOES, , _GINGRAMS: andFauey-.Dress- GOods of every description...kw' opened by (mar292ei) NADIPTON, SMITII & CO. 1011iRASS'CANDLE STICKS -- -inst received, at the sign JIDIS of the Plans and Sam , n - spleuilid assontnent of Brass Candle-stick - 8, of 'rations kinds; For stile ti 7 • 1-1111iTa '& ',ALTMAN, • .... - Nrk; 78 Wow) street. '' apl6 - • _lts 11174,RSITS. NEW NONFk.ll.:.—broene.virr HALL, iVI ar September Night br.the'itufttoi of,“ Two Old MenalTales,""Emelin WYnd to: Jai received by- JOHNSTON. & STOCKTON, 1 - ••• apl 8 1 - ' Corner iliiirket end nd ate; • . Alittriet or Cogent, NA.BllCLEwhielt in supidly - rornieg.4o.nre suca. wholesome - tiourisbing and . delieuras:,.beverage, .being more pleasanti and,palatoblerhanetimmon_Codeo, and. far cheaper, as a trmailpaper, costing only ,ten neat& will go as far as four pounds of:Coder. .Manufantuted lir_ JOHN EL -11111.1,EkrPittsbarsh,- Pa..- and-- sold-- at Wholesale b - . B. A. FAHNABTOCR & CO., Corner - of Ist and Wood, and Ip2l Si/1h arid Wood • streets, Pitinburh9, . Buyin rates CountyA City ord'u 4 Relief Notes Pennsylvania Co: New York . . - Maryland - New Orleans - of by - LEE. CLOTH—on hand and