i ella to u - - • wiLLImo .TATS 4r. co:, No. to, Fourth street, belteern , ary ona7.Ztoert, tt4ers, ' AIfAh u,FACrURhRs of s !feet 1 aditeederrpifies. ity.. dretits;ponips, baths ivuter elasetz,. leaden coffins, &c,; keep-constantly on hand' ni mania ustu tato orderi eheetlead from 1 to 8 lbs. to the *Joanna fool, [0 sheets of 6 by 20 fee t i ,whic hthey.vrill furnish to.thetratiewholesale, or cut to order in any size that may be - Wanted:, : The y. alstintanufacture - and, keep -constantly ..o hued' 'leaden pipes from;t: Oak - -inch calibre; equednetpipe,ior COSlVeying , ceutet tronr springs, furnished to:the ;COMM. trade. atittplifdp ortreels -.in , lengths of from 100 talooo - feet (in CUCfritell with dire ethane as to the proper method , of laying.' -il'iso, on hand, a largesupply of &dame Pat. cot suction-Tampa for 'wells or cisterns; Snow & Cols very. supeiroroast non suction Pampa. • • Hydrant' wOrk• of - every desenpuon executed in the . „most durable bonnier, and on the: most accommodating 'terms. Orders .from the country for leaden pipes, she, I lead. or Puinps, will receive prompt attention. t , .SECURED BY LETTERS PATENT. 11DIRILIC ATTENTION is solicited to an entire new article of RAILING. made - of wrought iron bare, and soil annealed rode, or wim, and expressly 'designed for enclosing Cottages, Cemeteries, Balconies, Publie. :Grounds. &c., at prices varyingtrom 60 oentsto 53,60 the Milling foot. It is made in punnets of vicious lengths, 2g to 4 feet high, with wrought iron posts if inch square, at.atitervening'd.istauces of CI 1010 .feet: If-desireel;:the punnets can be made of any height, id continuous spans of 541 to 00. feet, with or Without - posts. , No extrercharge. for posts. The comparative lightne.ssi great Strength and slutabil ity of the WIRE RAILING, the , beware( its varied or namental &signs,. together with the extremely !aseptic° at which it is sold, are ceasing it to supersede:shit Cast hoe Railing , wherever.their comparative• merits have i,ecri tested. Forfarther particulars address' •• • • MARSHALL & BROTHERS, • Agents for Patentees, Diamond - alley; near Smithfield st., Hardware, Cutlery-, Saddlery, 'C.c.' Toll N IirALICEtt, Importer and Deck? In Foreign and tl Dimustie - Hardware, respectfully announces to his friends and the public „generally, that he is now receiv— ing big Spring 'euppli of Hardware. Cutlery; Saddlery, at his stand, No. 85 Wood street, whlelthe will dis: pose of, on the most reasonable terms. He will ciatitinuldly tie,receiving fresh supplies...direct from the mantifactarers in 'Europe and this country, which will enable him to compete with any house, }last •oc West. He particularly invites the' atiention of customers to his excellent assortment of Table and 'Spring Cutlery. he , which is of fashionable patterns and from the, most popular manufahtaters. Ills stock of Carpenter's Tools islarge, and Of excel• lent quality. . GI general Hardware stock, he has every variety of . , Western Merchants and dealers, generally', are in vited to call and examine his sunk. mar29:Gm , .. , .._. ~... Calvert& Patent Concave Beater (amen! 4.. m., BUTTER IN FIVE MINUTE:St ! Wcall the attention of the public to the anielehead lug this advertisement, and invite the enterprising and enno us to call and witness its operation. All adver tisements in relation. to this invention, to the hundreds who have seen it tested, is supeseroganon. Ist. Ttde Churn wilt produce Butter, gathering it in a mess, from sweet milk, in five to ten minutes ! and from cream prepared, as families usually prepare it, in dare* to five minutes I , `241 ,The ntility.or this intention is apparent, as better Butter. can be p . rodoced from sweat milk , or cream, than cream soared in the usual way; and by moans of this Churn, 'a little girl or boy cart sierform, in five or ten 'minutes, what has heretofore-required the labor of a wo man orman for one or two hours, antisomettmes half a 3d.- 33y simply turning a thumb screw, the wholeinside dasher re taken.out, leaving nothing but the Butter and milk in the plain wooden box. ith. Ibis the cheapest Churn ever invented, as the sim plicity of its conenrucuon (though embodying a great philosophical principle)makes it but little to trianufat- .sth !ifs a common-sense Churn, as all will admitwho will examine if. - We invite the public to call and witness its ntieratist at Our office in the Diamond, near the Black Bear Tay ern, turd et J. - F. Beckham's, Federal at. Allegheny matifir,dlntwlm CAMERON 4 PRICE. • Wall Paper Warehouse. NO. d 7 NIARKET STRBET. pars suami rEsr.srA. Tt1.031,1113 PALMER. 103SPECTFULLy announces to his friends and cal, l, tome rs.that belies had at no past period so exten sive a Stoek as he has at present. He can °frer to pur chasers, on , very moderate terms, at the old established stand in Market street, almost every article in. his line— elud i cottnting-rootn, bed ensmber.dining-roorn,par, lor aud mill Paper... With Bottlers, LarallexPes l Fire hoard Prints. Paper and Transparent Window Shades, Bouvet antißiudere Boards` Writing, Wrapping., and Tea Paper; he is abundantly supplied, and requests me rchauts and housekeepers to call and examine higas sortment. Rags and Tanners' Scraps taken in trade. at the high est prices. marl2-dBcw4m • Paper Hangings. lAM nowrecewing, direct from the manufatturers in New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore, a large and well Ideated assorunent of all the latest and most im proved: styles' of Satin, Glazed and common PAPER HANGtIVG., consisting of -10,000 pieces of Parlorand Fresco; 10,000% .‘ Hall and Column ; " Dining.room, chamber and office Paper Which I would particularly invite the attention of those having' Hoicses to Paper, to call and examine, at the Paper Warehouse of S. C. HILL 67 Wood at. Paper Ranglake. ArESSES. JAS. HOWARD & CO., Ncs, 82 Wood area, L would call the attention of the public to their present stock of Paper Hangings, which, for variety, beauty of finish, durability and Cheapness, is nnsurpass ed. by any estanlisheieutin the Union. • Besides a large and full assortment of Paper of their own manufacture, they are now receiving a direct itn portation of French and English styles of Paper Haug. tugs, Purchased by Mr. Levi flotsam!, one of the Srm, now in Europh, consisling-of-- , Parisian manufacture, 10,000 pieces. - London do. - 5,000 do. Of their own manufacture , they e .a.e tthl , ooo mees Wall Patter, and 12,000 pieces Satin Glazed Window Bthirle, &c. Messrs:James Howard have spared neither ex pense not labor in their endeavors to rival the Eastern Wall Paper establishments, both in quality of manufac - ture and variety of pattern, and they are warranted iti assuring the public that they have succeeded. The whole. assortment, foreign and home manufacture, - will be offered on- terms -as - LOW as -those of Eastern manufacturers and importers. - mar 27 New Lieeiery limperlutga. A new depository of Cheap Publications has been 11,.. opened on Third street, opposite the Post Office, where may be - found a general assortment of the popular literature of the dad. The proprietors have made the tudst ample arrangements forprocuring all new works as soon he Issued from the press. MAGAZINES AND NEWSPAPERS—AII the moat valuable Magazines slid Weekly Newspapern can be tad atthelr counter by the single resixtbes or by the' year. sTATIt 'KERN—Letter and cap. PaPeriPena and pen tits; in short every thing in the stationery line, and o th c , besequidity,lorsale cheap. large assorune nt .of the most upprovedlq. ano Forte Music, board and otherwise. This music pronottiteed by the most distinguished professors to be the best collection evecoffe red for sale in the West. 'Fhb United States Odd Fellows'•Direetog for 1840, got up in convenient styles: Without liarticutarizing. further, we respectfully re quest a visit to our storeroom from the public. WORK h HOLMES, Third street, raleM opposite the Post Office. ' Joshua Rhode's, UTIIOLESALE FRUITERER AND CONFECTION V, - FANO. 6 Wood strov.t— • • 380,boxes (binges:. 500 cans Sardines; '•225 , - Demons; POO hf. " " . 180doxen Lemon Syrup; 150 qr." " • 1000 drami Pigs; 400 boies Herring; 200 bxc Raisins, ht layers; 2000 Cocoa Nuts; 150 hr. bxs: 8 bates Maccaroni ; 100 qr. " ' 8 " Vermacilla; 75 trailalraica Almonds; 25 cases ass'd Pickles, 100 boxes shelled - " AO casks Currants ; 8 bales. Bordeaux " .100 tbs. cut Tissue Paper; 10 -. " Malaga " rms. white Kiss Paper; 3 " - paper sherd " 15 cases Prunes ; 3 " hard " " 16 mats Daces; 40 bags Fslberts ;- 4 cases Liquorice ; 30 - Waltruts; 10 lbs. Vanella Beans; 50 " Cream Nuts; 20 his A Not Ro'k Candy; 40 - Pecans; 20 " wh'e and yel. R. " 10 bbls. • 8 canes Florence Oil; Jusireceived and for sale by marlo JOSHUA RHODES. Greenwood Gardens RE now .open for the sale of a large collection of Ak. Green House Plants, of the choices: varieties. Also, a large collection of the finest Dahlias and Annul Flower Plants will be ready to deliver in pots on the Ist of May. Segues o`the choicest Flowers put up at the shortest The Gardens win be open for the general reception of visiters on the 2d day-of April. w steamboat, (the Thomas Captain Vantlegrifffsfinene Scott) will commencerunniagfrom the Point, loot of Penn'st., to the Gardension the 24 day of April. [mar2B •, • - ffltteriellts Maps. .Mr - AY er CO. have taken .the exclusive agency for the .LL. sale of Mitchell's superior Maps, for Pittsburgh and Western ""Pennsylvania, which Will be sold at his reduced Philadelphia prices. • • The Map of the World, on Mectituris Projection, is the largest and most comprehensive work of the kind ever published in America; it-is 61 feet from-East to West, and 41 from North to South, accompanied by a hook of 60s pages, containing consulting index. consulting which any item on the Map may be readily found ; also: Geo graphical descriptions of all the countries on the Globe. The Reference' nod instance Map of the United Stately on a scale cif A. 1.5 miles to an inch, comprising the Stated, CountieS, Townships, &c., in the Union, accompanied by a volume of .11'0 puges; 8 vo-, which includes an index of counties, Towns, dcc., together with a general description of the United. States: ; ...; , Tne - National 'Map . of. tbe American Republic, or United' Slates of 'America' _ Universal' Atlas, 'containing Maps of the Empires, Kingdoms, States And-Republics, with . a special Map of each Of the United Sattes, comprehended on 73 sheets,. forming a series of 117 Maps, ;a large folio volume, ele gantly-A=6/W, • • - • A Map of Texas; Oregon'_ and California, with all the routes distinctly marked out tq these countries. A large supply.of the above Maps, small and large, will be.kCpt constantly on hand and for - Sale at the Book and.PaPer :Warehouse, Corner. or Third and Wood sin, 197,03 CUBIC YARDS OP.G'B.ADING. 4111E-Birertingliam Town _Coancii,desiring to contract I. with some suitable,person or persons for, the eyes, voting of 15,00111 cubic :yards on the streets, will receive sealed proposals for the whole or any part of said Work., until the 41.11.0 f April next, at which,ttran the Work will 'be lento the lowest and best bidder. . . , Proposals'to; be - left with Wrgasit'PeivestiY;",ilireat Commissloner; where n specification of-the mark may be seen. By order of - the Council I istariatdtd THOMAS BLACKMORP4PYstsident- - _ r _ 4,4„- 4 10 _ '77{-; r a''' - ‘v.',1 , 1! A i '75.7 = • ••• • v.-- . to ,4 :400 4A.*(' - • -e .`••• " ''••• • rs.Y =Nrr NI • • -146 • • -r 0.. tf"'A"- - • 4,11 e, • cr ••'7 j•-•••,•,• , _ •, • ' 7 • ' • " " ""-ir•;#o,--"X•tz. ."."{-•• " ' - ••- • *444'41 ' ' . • .' 1 • • • IV! • • .;••: _ •0,1:'• 11. . 0 10 - 3, 4 4$ 0 „ , 4*• 1 4- • • - '; " - . , , . , , • ` "-' ;-, ' • :.:7::..i;.14:, ,,, ? , ---.L,-._ , -,i,.4., , : ::.,Ji'.4i'::-:.;.;,-,-',,:;--',;,,.;-''.;,.,?•• -.~ «~ tifo rstallstrinablelilead..l2l,riaztersi s ... Prot 2s: Market stmt. f4tOr .d0 1 1(46.2 1 12,- $09 1 .14. :Urea. ESP.gaiFt 7 l4;toA347,l34o4s 10. his rinineroas friettaii. lti and ;rii7theobliciitfilot he :has removeillis ,Fashion-] able HeadonlartersfroaLibetty street to bis new Store,, on Market, 2dAoor front.Secnnil street.- He is constant ly prepared to make to order, of the most'Sne and his materiels, in -a superior manner-and at yet., reasoriable his pricesi every article of Fashionable Clothing, or which stock of . choice and ;carefull y.selected French, English and Belgian Cloths. Cassitneres, Vest ingsf gibe., of the, latest and Anost desirable ; patterns,,ure partieularly:deingued.-- • • • • • He has also on hand a very large stoc k of Ready-iiiade Fashionable Clothing, which ho will sell.very / o %v 29 Narket dim; front Second Bt.- 9 io HOUSB-KBLEPEIIB 43 a um/04,1trortaturit.4-Tbe subscriber has received ; and ROW 011 Mimi, ft ittzge, assortment or Housekeeping : floods, conipiising,in Part, as follows: - 5 - 11 ,44 1 104, 12.4 Bl'd CottOn Shcolittgai 8-4,16-4,11.4 Barnsley Slmetinell Pillow-ease Linen, and Muslin T icking ; .Marseilles Quilts, Blankets; , Plain and embroidered 'ratite , Coieis, Do._ • do. Piano do.; • Witidsor:Drapery, Talley Red Chuiti; `Butt', 'Windsor. Holland, Litimi Tibia Clot hs; Dantask,Table Linen, all, widths 1.... Napkins ; Doilies,Diaßer Crash,',lkb.',Ae4 which will be, sold At lowest limes. at ROBT. D.TfIoMPBON'S; No. 110, Market , floors from Liberty. • HOGAN & CANTWELL, have jam. reeeived, tit. No. SO Market street, an unrivalled feleutiort Bead-Betieules and purses;; Fans Fans and Combs.;; Aeeordeons, &c. war 23 New Goods, at N amber. Icilftrimilliso I COlara OP VOrglat arm waxily ;stint, 711113172011 Cift•EAT BARGAINS!— The. euliscribei has just re ur turned froralbeEasterri Clues, andistiow receiving a vary extensivetassortmerit ar,F.ANCT AND STAPLE DRS - OOODS, adapted - to the, present season, and em be .ing a stoek for richness and yodely not surpassed by flLd establiiihmetit in the Wert. , DRESS GOODS ! Very glosiy black Silks :Cravats and Collars; Handsome dress do, ;Black love Fells and Hdkth.; Rich chatigeable do. !Jac osier and Camb. Muslim Rich Changeable Satin deTlaid and striped Muslins; Chine& ; Illandsotne Ribbons; Modo and high cold French Glares, Beaten', &c.; Merinos; ••• ICloths for Cloaks . ; Mode and high cord Alualin'Terketi Shavrit ; de Leine& ; Cashmere do: • New style matlindeLaine4Plain Thibtit. Shawls, silk Satin striped Cashmeres; fringe ; Fancy - do. do. :Pixel Thibet Shawls, do.d Black - and - colored Alpacag Black d 0.... „do. Plaid , Ginghttrat, bright co=Silk do.. do. lora; ;Fine Broclue do. New style Visettea; = do. Gala Plaids, bright colors; Plaid, Long ao. California Plaids; ;Low Priced do Black Bombazines, - :Plaid Cloakimpi. CALICOES—GREAT REDUCTION Ills atock of Calicoes is very large; it- has been se lected with much care—with particular reference to fastness of coloring, durability of fabric, and beauty cd design. Theta good* are Meter •tban they havei ever been before, and are worthy the particular attention at purchasers: The best Calicoes for 61 ets, ever offered ; Double purple Calicoes,English, 121 cents; Green do. Oil Chintz; British Chintzes; New style Merrimack Calicoes; Blue do. do. Blue and Orange do. Furniture do. - CHEAP DRE S S GOODS. A large lot of low priced Muslin de Laines, or the tow price of 121 cents per pint Ai toe, Black Alpacas for 1.21 et*. per yard. Verygood and very handsome dark and bright colored Plaid Ging ham., for 121 cents warranted fart colors. • DOAI&4TIC AND STAPLE GOODS. Bleached Iff uslins,6l to 12; Yard wide Unbleached, 61 to 6; Bed Tickin ca. very cheap Card/taus, Drillings, Kentucky Jeans; Cheeks ; Lining., Plaid Linseys ;- Domestic Gingham., hlarinem' Shirting.; Colored Cambric* ; Flannels, lower thauever offered ; Canton Plartnels,__ LINEN GOODS! Irish Linens, Linen Lawns; Damask Table Linen; Do. do. Cloths; Russia Sheeting; • Do:, Diapers; Linen Drilling, Crash. ' BLANKETS! BLANKETS! • A large stock of Blainkits,froin toalli4 to ire IT fine, also Blue and Drab Blankets, fine and very fine, for Overcoats. GOODS FOR GENTLEMF.N. Fine and superfine French and Eln4l.isli Cloths and Cas simeres ; Over-contings ; Silk and Linen Pocket Hand kerchiefs and Cravats; Gloves; Suspenders; Silk and Melillo Under OnrinetitS Merino and Cotton Half Hose, etc.., etc. The subscriber having made extraordinary prepare. lions for the reliant! Wtitter trade, and having purchas ed his Goods under the advantage of markets sweat/any depressed. can confidently promise hie customer. the best bargains he has over been able to oiler. Customers, of the house, and purchasers generally, are respectfully invited td ea 11. (nov:01 PHILIP. RCK.O4. Terrible, iteirolestiost—Ssarsi Triumphia—nit HOGAN,A, CANTVIGLE,,Iiign of Ise ,T-rt., Market street, would respectfully beg lesveto tall the attention of the public to their new stock of Goods, just teceived and, opening from manufacturers and im porters, of which they feel confident that price and qual. sty will give entire satisfaction, vs on, motto is—" Quirk Sates and Small "2/141." Our, stock consists, partly, of the following artieles,viz: Ladies' and Gentlemen's - Breast Pina, late styles; Gould and Vest Chains; Bracelets, Clasps and Lockets;Fin ger and Ear Rings; Pencils-and Pens; Slides and Studs; Steel Buckles, for Ladies' Head. Dresses; bltutalotthi Card Cases, shell, pearl and velvet; Coral Beads ; Ala baster Boxes ; fine flosevrood and Ebony Shaving Cases, furnished ,• Siver Spectacles; Silver Spoons, all kinds ; German Silver Spoons, an kinds; Silk Steel Bead Bags and Purses; Cotton Bars and Parsec - Hair, Tooth, Nail and Cloth Brushes; Violins, Aecordeons, Plates and Fifes; fine Penknives and Scissors • Globes and Paper Holders, Shell, Dress and Side Scissors; latest styles ; Chide Vases, Fruit Baskets, Agate and Glass . Vases. ; Mug., and Cologne Bottles; Tables, Chessman and' 'Backgammon Boards, , Silk Tilpesizy; Brussels and In- Mnn Bags ; :Willow, Market and Side Baskets; irs, Wagons, Cradles, lee., A.c., with a large assort ment of 212 gs and Pony 'Articles, tee twittierous to men tion. [septa • linners Card. TYRANTS AL WELL A ot SMOIVOPOLINSAI7II3T FALL: SO MUST PRICES; St.WHICH feat will be proven by caning at McGinn:Vs - Fashionable Tailoring Es tub hattnient.Thinl at reel, harles Banding, Morro: Sinas.prolts. and quirktakS. VAILIV7T Frarli ee s v ind good. eoxpirrrnox: far in the background. My old customers, and all others, are respectfully fa rmed that i tun waiting for thorn, McGUlss, octga . Tailor. St. Charles. • leached tieeds. AA. MASON & CO, No. COldarket street, have jas ~ received the following well known brands o Bleached Muslin., 7.8 and 5.4 Bleached Muslin, James' Steam Mills; 54 " Naninkeng "Mason," "Pokanoket," "Carlisle," "Dorchester," "Gin• isiganumd," "Grafton," "A.""Pittshurgh," "Lawrence," !, Boston Pillow Cnse,” "Farnsworth," Ste., &c. All o which, together with manr styles not here mentioned, will he Sold =EASTERN PRICES., by Ihepiece or pack febgl Shirting illusins and 'Mali Linens. WI R. MURPHY inviteit the particular attention of TT • those wanting the above Goods the his desirable stock, consisting of the best make, from most approv ed manqacturers,and.the latter Warianted pure flax.— He has just received aft additionalsupply, and isotrerkg Shirting Muslims of a superior quality ht a very low price. Also, • Sheeting and Pillow-case Muslins; Dopers and Crash; Table Cloths, Tovvels and Napkins; Blankets, guilts, Counterpanes; and Housekeepuig Dr) , Goods generally. LADIES' DRESS GOODS—Such as French Merinos, Parmettos, plain and fancy De Lakes, (some new styles ust received;) Alpacas, &c. The season being far advanced, all thesedoods will be sold at prides that cannot fail taploase. V- Wholesale Rooms upstairs. janls To.Conniiinhere R. MURPHY, at his Wholesale Rooms, North kly east corner of Fourth and Market streets, Pais burgh,-(up stairs is now prepared to offer to the inspec. tion of Country Merchaks,un extensive supply of New Spring Goods, including 'the newest styles of Spring Prints, Gin hares, Lawn*, Muslin dc Lames, Alpacas, and Dress Goods generally; also, Gloves and Hosiery, Bonnet Ribbons, Laces and Edgings, & c. Prices low.: Entrance to Wholesale Rooms from 4th et. ram .. AA. MASON & CO., No. 60 Marourr eraser, haie . this day received, per "Fast Line, the following named Goods, viz :—Satin stripe, black and blue black plain and printed Boraces, all wool M. de Laiues, em broidered Thibet Shawls, black', white and pearl Silk Hose; span Silk Hose; kid, silk and lisle thread Gloves; linen, bobbin, cambric and muslin Edgings; Insertings , black silk lace Edgings;. bonnet:Ribbons; embroidered muslin Capes, new•patternsand rich goods. nuir22 Veng& ENTS. "callse sti and e the '.eholcest variety ever Goffered, and CAMELIA: CRAVATS; at prices, you can' leave them CLOTH STOBE, Post Buildings, Carrier nib and lVood sts. marlo:23, New Goods. ... N STORE, and now receiving, our first supply of New I SPRING GOODS, consisting of every thing new and beautiful, to be had or ,The Importers and Jobbers:— New styles of rich Satins; Wide Brocade Silks, new patternef RiclLChame lion 'and Glean Silks-, and plain' bile Silks; all Whittle; Be reges, Lawns; Moue de Lame", &c.; Fancy Bonnet - RtlibOrin, new destine. Together:y:ooi a larga'assortmeot of Domestic Goods ROST. D. TIIOMPSON, `No. 110 Market at., 3 doors from Liberty: marlsl . wrEw I G Gru. r . . ket street, are now opening.4o cases and pack, ef , of Splendid SPRING. GOODS, comprising Lavras,r,G. lins,'Bereges, de 3ingliams, Prints, French Cambrics , Linens, Laces, Silks, • Shawls Gloves,llosiernond ageneral assortment of Goods -, rlAMlLlFSEc.innomists and the p ublie, lir effect .a , 'saving of one-third,:antrin the greateet-Ziargaim ever •purekesedi.are , raost , . otfully :invited to • visit ROBINSON'S CLOTH EST LISHMENT;Post Build- I tog; collibiTiffir and Woodistreets:- • ' • Tebn2w • ' A FUlRE44B , ltExivenoN... Jtie..aksupprtitt itc,"Sotts, raSesst,Bstata Ashi 7 -TO STOAT s; 3t;:c444 carrencr; 0r,4 snoe,, approved A bat.. 5 tour or 1 :V 1 ; 7, 4840o. par, or 6- ram do., in. tercet added,: For the supertot 94 0 44 ot-4145 brand, refer to the glans and soap maattmetare....._ re- of this city generally,. to h t.NITC4-riliT dee4 - ' ,- , 49 ,l 6aLtbeity, street. , . „ , r • ,• r - • * ' ,r,.;•.” f-" t 1 t. y . 4 tt a ; i 4/ ~ r = 4 4.s .-:.‘,;. 4.;.;7-.9::',..:',"::::,:,,', . . RUM Pittsburgikponabli• Bost Ibinft Tat! tnc iiiioEZt abig=l raaxasolirainirt or 161111 OUT TO 1* 71110 M • PITTSBOEUH, PHILADELPHIA, • BAL27MORE NEW YORK, BOSTON, &e.• • THOMAS BORBID9E, TAAPPE &O'CONNOR, P`siadelphia. • • yr - t Pittsburgh. MEM: old established Lane being-now in-fall operation, , the proprietors are prepared, with theirnsual exten sive sarrangernents, to forward merchandise ; produce, &a. to and from the above ports, on liberal terms, with the ' regularity, dispatch and saihiy, pecullai to their mode of transportation, Co obvious when transhipment on the.way Is avoided. Allconsignments by and for this Line recelved,cbarges paid, dud forwarded In any required directions, free of charge for commission, advancing or storage. No interest, directly, or Indirectly, inateamboats. ; . All Communications promp:ly attended to, on applied. thin to he following Agents: THOMAS BORBIDGE, 478 Market street, Philadelphia. TAAFFE & O'CONNOR, Canal Bashi; Pittsburgh. O'CONNOR & CO., Non! • ••=--- =lra I fj A n V..* • Eligial Alen) bantoilTraftwort wit on blue. VIA PENNSYLVANIA CANAL AND . RAIL`ROADS, TO PUILADLLIIIIII Lao lIALTIIIIOII Tat Canals and Rail Roads beteg noW open, and in good order, we are prepared to forward all kinds of iner chandiza.,mpl :produce 10 Philadelphia and Baltimore, with promptness and despateh, and on ai good terms as any other Line. C. A. MeAN I/LTV tr. Co., • a! Basin. street, Pittsb AoIwaSs.'.CRA.II Can LES RAYNOR,Penn Philadelphia,tugh. ROSE MORRILL & Co.. Baltimore. fowl> - - . . •1. 8 •4. 9. - • • =l:n Mire at's Way Freight 'Line. For laiairre•Th; Haltidayshaqh, and an : • intomuttade placer, Trns , Lil3ll continue to carry all Way Goods with their usual dispatch, apd at tair rates of fre.tgbi.. Aarrrs—C. A. MeANULTY do Co., Pittsburgh. D. 1 . 11.. :WAKEPIFLD Johnstown. JOHN MILLER, Hollidaysburgh. Mrstaincont—James Joreon, Smith & Binehitt, Dr:l 7 - Shuertherger, R, Moore,Joho Co.. Von Bout/- horst k Co., Wm Lehmerk Co.. Jno.llPDavitt k.Brov., Pittsburgh; John Ivory, SUMit, & Ray, John Grail& Co., Blairsville. marl? (Gazette and a i s of p razionly copy.] PEOPLIBtiI ivraTion LINK Tr 8 rlOlll BURGH TO ERI TP E! FIFAIIIPP/NO.—Theiiolll.{ belonging to v n o regul h r a ly e b w w p n t P in sburgh andE d ieoathing at all intermediate Ports along the Canals. A Boat wilt always be tu the wharf, under the Monongahela Bridge. and one will start regularly every other day. The People'. Transportation Line has every facility for earrylit; Freight and Passengers. The boats wtll he towed to Beaver by steamers, and Will proceed to Erie with great dispatch, by the canal.. The boats ore commanded by experienced ruid careful men—all of whom have en in terest in the Line. fl Goods sent by the Line to Elle may be forwarded to any point on the Lakes. Forfreight or passage apply to 11. EIRE PATRICK, Agent, Water street, Pittsburgh. AGENTS: Cuial & Co., Beaver. R. W. Ccxxlsoassi, New Castle. Tnoeraan ik,,Atteragargrat, Pulaski. Sammy %Veal= & Co., Middlesex. lime°, Ilet.L., Sherron. Ram McCrxxs.Sbarpsburgh. S. B.& G- Lowrie, Cisritsville Eon &Maas:Ago. Big Bend. S. C. PLVIIIII, %Vest Greenedle. J. & T. KILPAT/Ilei, Adannville W. H. limas, Ilannowit %V. Wadowascra I CO, Seerman's Corners Wes. POWl%Coitnneautviile ------.Sprt W. C. Waimea, MonConte/.. --- —, Cranceril Was 'num, Lockport le. . E Punt. Girard_ A. Elso, and B Toni:seas & Co., Erie The (allowing Agents in Eno wilt receive and for ward Freight to any Pon on the Wes, chipped by ibis Line; Mr M. Gallagher, John Hearn, G M.'. Haverstick a Co ;.,. Josiah gen l'. ia Belsoe & Loomis %Walker & Look. Jed .' - . Greif Illiii r gyiiiire" --- s attmmaao 4WD 'teen aractrllli arrato, gall. Pt,. jI. th e most popular of all litteLYl - and f4llot. 'Es , tablishmenis itithe West. This place hat gamed its reputation by Its proprietor keeping the very but Hoots and Shoes, which are made expressly to order for this market, and 1141 i 4 sot satisfied only by keeping 11141 brio assorted stock of BOOTS and SHOES in the %Veneta country but be us enabled and deter mined to sell hit GOODS lower than any other house poaainly caw ri n gares not what facilities they boast ot baenig for offe great inducement" to the public. It is /11 1 / 4 3116Lb1e to set forth all the edratitages said facilities in an advertisement, that the Great Bargain Coruer has ever others, which enables ito proprietor to sell Doors and Shoes of the very best qualities and style* at from tO to 25 per cent, lower than any other store in the city. The wayto test the matter is lot all when:tend porches ' . arm nittrine,,- ss soss.os alovene. triiil/1/1. YIIRGA IN COILN Ell, examtne the stock and priers, end all will be satisfied that the them Bargain Comte, Smith. field and Fifth streets, is the place for the public, one and all, to get good Buena and Shows.cha lip, for v ash. dear J. UATES. Ore iii - tit i lire ilia iiii - dli , 11ARNL •94 . 4 , TRUNK AND Arm. NANI:FACTOILV. trill: subscriber takes this method of informing his I friend, and the public In general, that he has the largest stock of the following named amide,, of his own manufacture, in this city—Saddles, Harness, Trunk* and I Whips ;an of which he will warrant to be made of the best material, and by the beet mechanics in Allegheny ' county. Being determined to sell his manufactures something lower„tban lies been heretofore sold intim city, he orottlehavite persons In aced of the above named ar ticles. to his Warehouse, No. 244 Liberty street. oppo site Seventh. Also, bands made to order for machinery oci3l O. KERBY ___ • Iron City Cracker and aireavit J. SIIRPHARD WOULD respectfully inform his friends and the tie generally, that he has added to his other busk ness,the manufacturing of , Crackers of every variety.* Having purchased one Of IV.. R. Nevin's Cracker and Pilot Bread machines, he is prepared to fill all orders for crackers or pilot bread at the shortest notice and hopes by a strict . anention to business, to share a portion otitis puhlic patronage. The public is respectfully invited to call and examine for themselves. BAKERY, No. 10 Commercial Row, Liberty st. oppo rate Smithfield. N R. Saperior family Bread, rye and dyspepsia Dread, large and small rolls, fresh every morning can be hod at the store, or my wagon. or at my stand in the market. Cakes and Confectionary on hand and made to order. J. SIMPHARD. Nolo Commercial Row. Liberty st. Bevel a mi . riff: subscribers have enlarged their Steel and Pile Manufactory, on atm corner of O'Hara street and Spring alley, Fifth Ward, Pittsburgh, by erecting a eon rerting furnace, a melting furnace and a tilt hammer.— Their Steel, now being of a superior quality, and having ellad"Tpetent op e r at ive s ,"arst f artdoar. nrtieso every description,glt wdrempar with the beat imported article; and being determined to make it the interest of all who use Files in any way,to pur chase from them, they wilt sell their Files at reduced Prices, for Cash, They will alio re-cut Piles, and pur chase those which are worn and broken. Public patron agge is rerpeetfullyinvited, nov7) J. ANKRIM lk CO. -- Now Millinery, tfitika.;:volvete, otc. ~.,T received from . Newt . York, a choice nelec. t ion of eleant rich Satins Winter Ribbons French Flowers, Plumes , , ice. Silks, A handsome as , sortment of Winter Bonnets, Hoods, Capes, Cardinals, lin Faig, lee., on hand and made to order in the latest style, at the 'lamest notiee;- MIS. DUFF, ' deed ' No.lo St. Clair et. (West side.) Pattersouts Carriage Diantafactory, Diarond alley oSettocon Wood and SmioVeld streets. Wurtax may always he found an assort . . ant of Family Carriages, Barouches, 7 Buggies, and all kinds of heavy work, from a six horse wagon down to a wheel barrow. Persons wishing to purchase or contract for any thing in. the above line, are respectfully invited to Call. oct2B:tf City Livery Stables. TOE subscribers having purchased from Charles Coleman the above Stables. and in. tending to increase their stock of Horace, Carriages, Buggies, erc. would respectfully solicit ,a share of patronage from ' the public. Horses tept by the day, week'. month or year, and additional ,mlls are being erected, in the second story, far the comrnodation of Canal stock. feb2.3:3m retiring from the Livery business I with•pleasure from a long ncguaidtance) recommend 'm successors to he patroungo of my friends and the public y . febnlvr CHARLES COLEMAN. NM& Bigelow's Carriage Manufactory, Diamond alley, between Mod and Smidrfieid streets. E. /11. BIGELOth would respectfully • inform the public, that at his Factory can ▪ at all times be found a large supply of Family g, Barouches, Buggies, and all Skids of Fancy Carriages, equal in elegance and neatness to any found in the East. Contracts for any number of Carriages, Buggies and Wagons, will be promptly filled. A work of. hie own manufacture will be warranted. RxransarcEs—Col. IL Patterson, R. H. Patterson, E. D. Alderman ee Whol ifeb27.:d ADDLE, HARNESS ANOTRUNK MANUFACTORY. ROBERT H. HARTLEY, begs leave to in- JR, form his friends and the public generally, hat he Continues to occupy that largo and cam- . Ws, / 'moilions Store Room, formerly occupied by Samue dstock & Co., No. 86, corner of Diamond alley and Wood street, where he keeps a are and general assortmentof Saddles, Bridles, Harness, Trunks, Carpet Bags, Saddle Bags Valises, Buffalo Robes, Whips, and all other ern ' ales in his line. • He also keeps constantly on hand, and Is prepared .0., furnish to order, allkindsof Riveted Hoee,manufactured of the best material, and in a style of workmanship equal to the miter!' manufactured article, and at GO per cent. Cheaper. Countrylderchants and Farmers would do well to call 'end examine his atock before purchasing elsewhere, as be is determined to sell lirst• rate articles at very low 'prices. frr Don't forget the place, No. Se; corner of Wood (reel and Diamond Alit?. ap26 • °MEN GOUDS.-1t: A: Mason do Co., No. 00 Market .1.4 street; lowa' received _Lirten. Sheeting, Linen Da. mashlt•S and 104 Linen Holland Dleachid-and Brown Table Cloths, Ressittand Scotch Diapers, DoyliesLlgaP-. king, &e.; to which they invite the attention or par - chasers. mnisrlll ~; >, 111111 513211 PAS sag, to ;MIS' freitti sseglisuade••re? sitsiSs SCOTLAND AND IVALES, , •-1 ! Irr By b.f....Steamship SARAH...SANDS, and the frtfttitir ; Par k&l.SA#Pit.te..ni • • 10:7 . P: ASTIF.NbiS' L. 04:" • I INSTABLIIIIED IN ife24.' , No. 93 Sotilli-itree4 New York, and. an Wat,ibini Road Lieerpoor:.: •••1••• ;.• •'• ' • PRIUSCIN'S sending to the Old ' Country for friell 4 rr I can hove them brought out by the 'Seguin r of Pack ets, sailing from Liverpool on. Ist;adr..lll3t, Isith*elat of °Ath of every month, compdaing the following Shlpp.:!--' Fidelinr Siddons, Homy llottinguer, Columbia:.; Rosen's, Patrick. Henry, Catubridtai' Isaac. IVright. 'Watoilois, • Conalitationi , • Ashburton. New•Vork: • Gortiek, . - %Vest Poitn, Queertell the West, 11ootexame7 . Yorkshire, Sheridan, " • • Pic* 'World.' Livertfool. Oxford. JDbn 11:Skinlity. Or in the fir.t caw. Amerjcnit Ships. Sailing fiwiu Lisir• erpool end the Irish Poits•eyery Jay, compri•ing the:r . St. J'atrick, St. George. 'Andre M. Paster,' Yorktown, ; Creole. • . •"-.Nlentsion. • • , • Prob us, ' Elsinore. • : A. Caves. And malty others, which this:lit:MlCA Apare.aull not ad mit of hero enumerating. I'. W. BYRNES es CO. are the Role Pa...esti:or Agents. i (or the Steamship SARAH BANDS. Her.OPPOillied # 4l :* tog days, for 15411, are as follows: Front Liverpool nu 20th January,*th March, 411, June, lab Auetist unit ‘tls October; from New-Yerk outtith Fe:ovary. :PI May, sth I •July,GthSeptember,.end Itith November. •: 1 herefotr, Mops wishing their reintisrrs: out etigifr the Spring, will find it to their intert....t to patronize this • Old L.tabli.hed House, our ars,attgementa bring no pert feel that no delay or disappointment eon occur." • , Draft at eight for any minimum. the National Bank of f Ireland. it. hrsinelira, &... Ili all times for cote. Ap. ply to. or address by letter, post-paid, . P. W. DI RNES CO. St.Soutt: st.. N. V, and 34 'it - Attila° Road. Ltverpocd. Or JOILV awirso,s, iste27:if 156 falsertystreel. Pittsburgh. h iL,Beltitnor • .._____:..._ ._. Plow Commercial Line. .. F. W. Kisumu. *.. Cn.. 0 I polar*. iiiiinati. ac. Q..., r 44 Wall at ,NavoNork, I Live9+oo4 kr.rluild. • Resraern:t.t.y Inform their friesu.s Lira the t , " MINK. that they hove consoouneed Ora,neili, I ' ' MI Shipping and G - ornmiaaron nus(itiar. Ito 11 4, it ."thirenra‘7vcittifieeaUreToi iluarax4:sgeTor,nll.4l";7lsola,..' .....-.. rverpool. Dol/lia,Rel.fatt. or Ilfet port of the Old Country lo New York, Boston una port on the Man nesooliable terror. Drain and Bills of Exr Image. from Li to any nmotinf on the Royal Bank of Ireland. and iris Irmo:hos. and an Liverpool. . The daya of sailing of the Regular Liao of Liverpool. Prickling - , as fixed upon. are the I•l,Gtli, I I th. turd 2fith of every month. . These Ships are all Or the fattest class, tied are , Com.; mended by men of. chamfer"' and expettionee.. The . Cabin accoramodatioas are all dust can Le: vhseired,try point of splendor and COOVeillrime.,Thry ore Curntsued with every deseription of storeo of the twat kind. Piiite• taality in the days of saltine wilt he strictly adhered tu. Packet Ships Roseituk. Saturn, Sheentan and tlateiek,• are yeast,. of the largest ernes; .and thirse.slestroun 'bit ug Out their friends, eatutot Boer or safe: tia n „ l'aN4site can ho secured at the lowest . rallos, ma. New Orleans Line of rather* anti itreCkly. Tor i. age or freight, apply as tilseme,up in • flor- JOSI3 I III IgNIAVLIPM, . r deelll Comer 4th and r.tinitharld sts....Pipabur n. GI I Rarolffrall.loll 003441. &I t KioarrrAN gist l'asage to nod from fireat Shim:li and Inciaitsh 7 ine. T. Taverns, 73 South steot oat ifeiSelC, of Maiden Lane, V. sftd ha Water too Rood, 1-iverpool The vuhvembera, hiving tweepted the Ai:cu.:tar:W. above House, 'ate now prepared.to stake tstraftn.mir.t+,' ea the most lil.erai tetras wish d.e istpayst:g the passage of their mends from the fthl COuttle7; they Barter themselves their rlialartser and lune fiasioess will rare ample asvireurive that a:lilt-err at.- ritorMlettla Will Le carped out y . Messrs. lt J. T. "rapseett ore lour riwor.biy known (or the *opener eirois, se , ronnualirtiori. and *sateg !outline* of thew Parket Ship.. be 41:LEN OF THE! WEST SHERIDA N. 6.; !MICR kornistit RR; Wk.:ell:S. 1.1 VE.ISPOOL, and Slrilitr. rerrioTwhieu i leave each port monthly—nom New 14,k the .I.lst mod" With, and from Liverpool the Gab and Hilts in additionlo . which they her lt arrangements with this qs, fltepase, end - Unioll Lice• of Liverpool Pael,els , to insture a Belmetare (tom Liverpool every Gee days. beiste univtetnrutiord ! that their fiterlities shall keep pace veal thew iaireasslig patronage, What, hif. W. Tops,..itt'a constant parattniu summit odour, of the farminei. t o .I.a certoid auvoldt ; y liana! security th at the Collation dan at cornnunltti:esn ; the pomace,* *lll tie particularly ars(o)n to ' • The subscriber* being, tis until. exterrovelP entrag4 ut Use Transportation{ Weiner.* keno,. n indAsirsieasid ~ I the A Use tie Citiaa, are thereby enanied so take: ekerge, or and forward paractoters onniegssieil op teen. t:shdrea, without a chance of itivappinoUneat o s ia aro, ; therefore, prepared to contract for pess 4 ge hun t any sea- f port to (treat ilftratis of ifelasi4 to tht4 eaty, rat nature. ut the buourts• they are euswt ' ed Hurst 'theta ; for carrying faiseenrer• w ht:l.lsos,lumotherWteepti tamable, and allt, ifewer-Avery, onward pas., ~;era An that West the Leal mode ot conveyance. ws sous agcy : arblitioisal charge.* for their iroirlde; Airlefro Itv's mew sell: (or der roguing out, the atamliti pe 1 :' (or will Le refunded its full. • The NitiLlCribeill are assn rir4ittird 41„1: . sight for any atrit , iiitt, paytoile al prtwira..; towns tit Enatand, , and Situ, fording a litfentrid fl,t-k4U,• t}t it to tArPie counirtes. which, 'persons -•-•:; tics will fiud it Ire their interest tii asnit Appiiention (if Ity letter, prisponni; wi:t•he p.,,f3.72 yat tendedto, to, TA AFEI; Fottranliar and CetantisktiNn mapt7-d&w.l9 - • rAtsissQ,szt ddi"J 01110 e. • TIARiVAIIN CO. conduit=- ;sin ii,-rson , ;:tuu, XL any purt of Fdighand. Ireland, or upon the inost l Uetul terms, with.; he r1:; , 1,1! and attention to the waists of enlist:nits, cdo 4,4 " 4 1 ' lowoirpnasvn rrsisberoatwdbyt:.r. rivin!liia. that Infest the settiports, 0! ;h., lit Ow mUtnent they ripen theiromices, not see in their w.. tns and despatch them without by tbt..,,i4 ' , Mpg. We say this (en rts.,:iy, et, mb driy :111.y. , 40 par g assengers to ,Sore that thin - snare dot - ti,we ours hy us In I.lvtri,x)l, %elitist thittisioffis oflthers sycl , detained Months until lilt, lr Could be lett in ann, ant craft, at a cheap rote, winch, too frequently pres , -.1 ineir coffins. We intend to perform our fII , IITEICI! 101 , 42/ is may. and not act tlll , wp. the ease' list other offices, who either perterm„,d k i r • suited their coneentenee. • Flails drawn at l'ittsburgh for (ruin X/I 0( X ) t Pnllib/c lit any of the l'roeinchii latid, Englund, fillcoettnd and Water, tit•tit I.IA 120131N90N, European and General .A cent, • Fifth street, ;Me door belote Vi tun: FOREIGN 4 lIJMITIANCE. THE Sabscribers aro prepaped to forwaainoncy in parts ofEngland, In-trout, Scotland told despatch, and - at the , lowest rota, SAMUEL 111'CLVIIKE . N' & eq., Lincrty ,beet. N The Franklin N Fire ( Ins urance Company or rinchera.rnut, DIRECI`ORS:— Charles W. liancicar, George W, Illeburils, Thomas Hart, Alnrdeeni I). Lowi,, T obias Wilf(ller, Atiolplo 1,1. Dane, amuel Grant, -David S. BroWne, Jacob- It. South, - Alorris Patteraoh. CHAS. W. BANcicimt. l'reslt CHAR. G. Ittivotra, S.ecretury. Continue to make Insurance, perpetual or limited, on every description of property in 10 , X1E1111,1 country, The - CoMpany have reserved a large Contingent rood. which, with their Capital and Proniatna, safe lavvoit•d, afford ample protection to the assured. Assets of dm Company. on January Ist, 1 , 49, ns published agreeably to an Ant oi Assembly, wan, oa fol. lowa viz : Mortgages 5t,017.43q II Real Ault/. - 51.721 ,- , :t Temporary Lo4lls, , , OU.OOI Sloe ks 51,225 25 Cash, Scr. ' ••• • • UtoOl :37 Since:thelir incorporation, a period a I() yetirA t they have paid upwards of Ons liion Four Liondreit Timm sand DOllnre, losses by lire, thereby affording w ide eve of the advantages of Insurance, tie well ire the ability end disposttion to meat With promptness, rill J. GARDINER COFFIN, Aimnt, Office N. E. corner 'Wood and :hi Me ROGERS & OBEY Fir!, an6l Marine,likeurnaloo. MHE Insurance Conn-ul N .'. oral Americo, of Phila delphia, through its duly übthorized Agent. the .oib scriber, offers to make permanent and limited Itisurtmee on property,in this city und.its vicinity, and on Altipmen to by the canal and rivers. RECTORS. Arthur G. Coffin, Ptes Dl 't. Samuel - Brooks, Alex. Henry, Charles Taylor, ' Samuel W. Jones, Samuel W. Smith; Edward Smith, Ambrose White, John A. Drown, Jacob M. Thomas, John White, John It Neff, Thomas P. Cope, Richard D. Wood, Wm. Welsh, Henry D. Sherrard, S'ee`y. This is the oldest Insurance Company in the United States, having been chartered in 170./.. Its charter is per, petual, and from its high standing, long, ciperience, am ple means, and avoiding all risks of nu extra hozardous character, it may be considered us offering ample securi tyAt Counting Room of A to the public. Front sts., Pittsburgh . amply W H AT r sAw New and important, WorlzeprxenDfor iii a Atwood, Jones of a Tour, by EdWin Bryant. Nest- Millen, with an Appendix, containing. accounts of the Geld various routes, outfits, &c.;' NOTES OF ritA.v.F.lLs IN CALIFORNIA Corn prising the prominent Geographical, Agricultural, Geo logical and hlinernlogical features of. the Country.— Also,the routes from Fort LUsivenvvorth, im Missouri. to San Diego, in California, including, parts of tlio Arkan sas. Del Norm and (Al° riverVirorir the official- reports of ry;P C y l. Fremont EMor - ' CALlFORNlAal tsHistoopulation;Climata, Soil, Productions and . Harbors, from Sir George Simpson O'Connor's tourney} Round the. World, „AN'itll . .tut oc count- of the- Revoltition ht 'Califernirenivt'ciintittesi'Cif ' that country by the United Shtek'DrJoim J, }lugl".B,-A. 8.. Also, Col. Mason's Report, and other clodarnents on the Goldßegian. • •-• The-above this day received and,foriale by - Corner of Wood and Id urn. =RI • ,Fmmu n 3n6nrance toin;mults =EI MESE ,—,• - - --,-,---- -- -- Drugs , anb- filebttints,---, -.-..- ----• fit-t 1 9 ,11,31 :-"_ t ~..:.4.! ---, ----, 1.9 rirltuntrue. - tttrfital,- -- ' - - _____ ____________ . .., _ . _,. , : I- 7 ~ -'-' Y.ll--R----641 eIT-di'i,:;-li.riifittl-T-131(--ie'.5.T71.1"_ttii. VP to 'ot,,, • r -,,,,' •-„,_„:"- , ' .. -, 2 f..,. . h F‘,.„ . 4 , 111 lIKESE HAIR f`RKAINt—A tnateldtts - article, tar . . •.r.t, ~,..,rt , . A unItICAN OLP, rirrenrill from a Welhaßeittualilde'i'" " - " -d- '''''''''' -rill. ' e '''' ''''' ' A S 1 ' c t, eoc:.trltett in ell I '''-' g' ° '" h • l '" ut i" ' u ' d "'" reH2e of the Hats-.'Chia Tine , - .a. 13,7, feei- le. o ort lac surface ,of the barth a lv constitt eAlf',p , „,„,.. ',. - C .- All7. cart ~e•-,, .„__i r , c id i . , ,,,,, •,.:relish, v. 1••••• oiler kn0W1)r`...."11F.....1C1A1l lII ' 1 .4 '!" 21 " . Itant an fallil,k: a re ,for , Sp r,,a,ht e', Strattiet , C 0 le, 711 1 0 ,k oe T0nt0...4 0 .1.01,0,, 0,2411.tc--0 ''' '' . Cie. of aU.a _kind. 1,10,1- 3.1 1 . •14 , •... , l'r itere dieJlatr 1$ dead, , ~.., , I to tit, hoiniui Trnin,. 50a141.= Buiii.r. ' ' i'etter Ifryfapebis , F,eald, ileilat, ror 1 , • Intl .11. :lull, tollteofflty, uor tontine grey ofew rippliea. ~,,, i• ~. c ',,, n , r 'il . . , . q , • , 77 , 1 . 0 ,- 4 - `,l l k)f _. , t 3 .)ln:fe''fad S 3 Phi/W"ree,ie' `V e & a l t ;jl 'c' p r a .. 'tot , will ti.ah'e tSc hair , oft anal al itik, toni'• , , , ive 11 , a beau.' I.ller,.°„7l'eTfj,i ~°11,0ttp,„;.,,,,m,,,ii.,,,,,7,)„.-,1,..4-,1,,ig ,sn'ipS:p'n'iP , ,:4 .. ..4.,.;;. and ~- conler f t " l t e ' c te e se-e •'. '', t' •s O f 111 - 111, !)rely ailre.irartee; •anti will ;Ile° atatire it maintain ' _ll4,ELA,Ausi'4,l,Ol-Lygni,x.,,,lwrist,f,t its Recline se and heallitY eedort I'vh - e at.' lo ng"de al t.thie . which 'yields to tts effects in A ettrprisingttanarr vetterr.l.inrig-,in,nkm d l pen g,,,v, %v, th !rant to re nt ,';'':''‘.' "'"'" ir e . Prrparttnems that are gefferallY ued '" .11 ben ' I lic lindri ' s It ha , nevr yv . Coifed ,-wheal.tasod oncirdr" tT'etti , harak , a,lll,purit4e. niche b10w.% rlieriberge,, sen t ia,,,,l w,akt„.,,...,d „„:,,,.":”.vall::',1:;;:•1".hr,rit•31' '13III• sir l '.! ..f.ll ler' otr- it lee 'Y be teetered l 'Y " nl4 this !ions. Rena titetollowii. rbertanutr,att. teteMe we Ott F, dins. °' . ' -d E , s '',„ i,'., CrCara. elirory•lady put gentleman who Is tattle habttof . • m,,,,,..eimpTni,„.1,,Te,...finr, •I 1.• , cr, , ....0,-, ••••,,,,,, I ' l 1 • 11, i r,,, IK- '''‘ l .:' • i ,•. j usinc (phi on their hoar choultlytt ormapurehasa abottle of '._ fs:,'". , , , , f . ,,,:. e nflf tn allc. it .3rcro it, :ILI ve 1100, .• 1 1 -h,n.• VII" 1.,11,C. 1 . 1 5 , 1 : 4 _ I ,_ ° ,, u n a ',..l4 o C l ic i", the. Chinese HturCreatn„ ns at le eoeem P ° 7 -a the i t ni t t t w w i i i l l ...- rnis, c i& to certify ' ', that ply Wife Ara& tn ttou . ad the n‘ , I. ef the thud , er "ffn it-alt'"`. l %; s ' ,_' , _ , tot irture the loot Itke the other preptrut towt. 1 • . b e y iu s e v il iti o e f h a ri. h,„ lie v. ii as mnLie l Lorn o pl a ai t n o t boe f sr • raptz.)r,-, 1..1,r. rille • - , A um, ruc : rff 2 •;', , ,--,er.-• .-, 4 beautify it, and .gjve porfttet satcahrtron.ta. every ut, Tt1 , 12.1.1. IliArl.f.,. i' ,l .4Ciit. , e , : r. n, 'vett:Lot:. . - -•,, I n one s.,. er .k- e uc ~r uu cured I 4hiTß . :if a ,,,, • I ) d e 7° '' d 'Oh re t aue Y ' rat ' feeti ,,. 4e r et e ' ` -e • 't I For textimony to it, very superior quali he:, see the lo s t ,„ ~,, , _ ,•, ~..a: a. u 6 ~ aOldl , onterc, c,ati t;inee 0 iiinlig. 11,1411 „. 5-0411 , 40 II I FC,L'',71 , fowing latter froto thp Rev. Mr. Cald - Tell to 3lesrr . '''', ""," c ° l -no Pcabout g_IE, tat 4- 14 ' 14 P t'• or li ' a riti" . of ilf° fdra ' c '''. ' s d ' re ` e " ''' ' IlentlerJtotr.& Strotch., - Nitskeine; general agent , 4 , for the Theli.....llownc,is comini,i,...l• c..nr.rno ton tr,a 7 have - - ' ~„ Inekson's agent for Ste übe to °fie: a...:urrttrac.of to•ldy relief to•tal! vvli? tnnY Plcuri 2,,tie., Vibe 'Ree:,:t. VaPt l reli• PaIIII, eth,e'r-res'runar!. A gentleman near Sten' thern,e Ice. undenht earel, - - ". ~,-. 1 , e i-c;,itureh, Ptaktrk-i. _ .. ~ ae pu , „i thni. or , , fern' fr Bro ,, ii'r °tunes. ale convenlentlyttrrattgual lato'.tta-i, Illkssrts 14. -- .7pyr.sllow k FATIIETCII: GrrrtzmEN - -4.- tpk . emn , e4nenen ff a l f , ' , : rnp , ,, a liparanents. Enttente. ertn vlsp. Dr...I.L•V, itboat ...ear ; p,easu, i n at r th „,,„,, t„fh,,,,„rln favor of the eXee4e..nt- enabled to walk ft, ante Posaro to °little Yiedore , , ' - . a.i preparztion ottfLeit in , . Parish's Cleines Moir Cream ' ) , , r , i tiliett*,. a 4sCiVere; It :sot' arc porlauc,l.lo ManY Pe r‘on"i'nded orefir , lie. „ alrottct‘Vo yeath ago 2byttair wns;very (TIT, briettY• P. porep A eTir 2"t" Ii a 11""" ' ready still- is re'3"e ' ''' ' '"'..ftl '' ; i cre.ln.ffnd risert Rat:carding teo itteriresiiription., it lo n 0 7., - Th, fo/10 ,, , nni, to oldttli gor.t: adva , •• p fivlav ly an al pron.ptly. lop!, , ~,,p0,,, d 1,, tbnye .Itl hr.; t Lenin g. pl., eft re it , b,,,t!1,..... of the , ---- i C IP,. 111 141 4, 11 - . 4 4 4 14! r 4 0 LIS 411nr...0,4mt state., t,fler.andueet.te tit el.i.stic. .oft: and lirrn to the head. Malty balsurne nan Jackson's r whien en,. rarely he c le an e d . - s„.„„,„re arc 1,e,„).y. all oil, weras.appied. each leasing tny hair in a worse •5134.6 truly pried - that Dr. Tirol* it 14t.s bteit rcaularli eduteatt "-ti .r, than before. thisCept, iinwn , eri i l,1 - 5-1 7 , e l a Y , e , f ace - bane_ ,vv -- i.,,,r0r.,..—h of inerliatoc,t nod for th, tat ',dy e J eers; tatiollS. , •.• • _ r • e for OA vont:, N• buri"..eif exclueireb :0 the tre.ttutent of 'Lase Ai h. ,,,,,, t i c i e ' f or t h e toir „ tr „..,,,,, 'gives it, pre i mtt ; 4,-••• • •1. • over all others. lielito ileilentelY rer/uuled 3 /"I ng't dis " h , To . ttrorni .., tilt! o h ; ) rt..90,r1. ealicairsd k , ll7,cr,to:c in poed to tanv,.. , I , y l The ladi e „... c ,..p ee i a ny rr iji fi - d d %Ito p piaPlat , burgh who iriTe , niA 1,1, 4 , ' 1,01 " 10 thf. , "an chith.se Cream 1.0 he. ii, Aesiiieratuin in ihi.liF preParatio!lP um. for the toilet. . .Respeciiiiliy, Si'e...; , -.,- , EPeormin, ...tie and -peed: cur,, lei):. L.I sLis cage - s 1 s s R. CAPlYlslaas guknitltoval. •, be it,c...131 ea , e. are reheyed to a .n,,rt tanc,,ithoutinter ritErion 41,4111 illYssluss s , .. 4 , . —' ' . liS 4 ll4l"l. or 1-44/1,141te --Dr Croy, a a'.^• - • invite- per : Kw. all iv:. 0 wlikliLra.).• la c•xtl, 414 he h., - pilid parlicl.4. th.r ..it•••:lon to th.lf d1432. , 4e' Letter- Irma a oc.r.tnec, rt,long 0d., , ,ce , cu-tell - 111;n 4 ° 1 f'f'''' , ay: 3 ! tilt be n'tendeti to. I,,rj - Otlii, on Diamond-Ailey. it i'....e demi, from `.Cord slret 1, Itr.t ars! i the ranrk6t.l Consultation. 41 rm. ;Iv tortbf dearief.e oa i 2. ,J4v., 1 y _. Pulask.i,'Jantrary: I' IA - ' • - 1.1.-.l'Snin wholesale:and - vii inil e Li:Pittsburgh by . Jciliit• :41. .. l ' ow nsend s 4Alarket„ . s.t., nini Jori.s4iilder; , C4rne r of. Wood and Fllli r. bit:..- . „.• -• ' • d . .1 . . T Alllili...a .... .ItE --- ' d' ------r - • ' -,-, ,'- .- re , u one agar est , using r,oirimon I rep . s.. ..I.J red Chall: - . Theyare not awirrdhow•friglitfully juin-. riousit fe'to theCkiii! haw coirsie,ltowrough; howl:allow,. yeilov..., and unhealthy the skin apperils , allir - Ssit4 - pre,' puled chalk!' IleSitles "it .:is irda emus' Ciesininitor a. 'largo I tonality' Of - lead! IVeltalie. prepared it beaStritir virgel'• table artifile:, tylilehWo erten Jones , S'fidirisli' Lilly' White. , It IS perfectly' innocent, being purified of all deleterious . „qualitics;'inlittilitnparts to the skin Cr natural, 'healthy, allrhaster,cicar,- lehdy Whitt ; at the Same time acting' ta - a enamel - le on. the'skil ,r; Making it softnrnrsynorrth. ;'; • • .....Dr...lartles - A-lcierscii,' , Practical Cheinist of r ;Das sachtt.' lpoll syrn ,H.ltcroe st i 1)..1, i hi ,,,,. r . 40 .,i...- . -. ; setts, sify-sr.."After nruilys_ino...fones,•SpanislrLilly-White,. i f.:1'Ill:I'LlF1,10-111iS is to sera-that I bare /Wit it ai• fii"l'zrf-ag.sc'grlh6laait'laalifararenalarali'and at' _, 1 . ) ,„ ... „ , , y , ..„/„...:,.,,,, pa,h , E .. n.raea , „ 1 1, ~,,,a , a cora. iv , 1 Lini t stiritt riine inuocerit,.witife I even SaOr., I certainly •.,,,.,.. Cl me it1,ara.,,,,,,,,,,., which 1 base ' bac , aziated, i call ePoixielitiolutly_recOrornetta its' tise.tccall..Wifitse stun_ with („ 1 , ~,,, ) , a , , i,, ~i fiiii i c ,i,,,, • • , ".' • • c verivireabeiratifying..; , -• Price :25, cents trbor.. Directions . •,• ARIL", 1j A !,,.: i t . viry t yd .....AND ..... i -.dile best way to apply Lilly. Whitt, is.ith soft-legiber -. •. . • - . ..:Aecutoetnnorlr. A'. Y,-April 'l, tr.;4,‹ .r, • I. r.. , or w001 .,.- theiormeriepreferalrlo. :-. :::- • ...... i ; ~-•' .-. , m a. If. D,,,,..,_5ii,, t 1,,,,,,, 1 ,„, r , di rub i m „ aita, la , A nay sat or .T.e.r - .rif. spa Ai .cirss.s. , :-AVhitereedi, - Plies Air eight munt::s, orid, could get ia , re li ef , y ou , foul breath, healthy.gums. ' Yellow and unltealthytectli; j;:..rragieul t'atir listronoeiraein g b ean „„,„,,,, a ,„,, a3e , t to after tieing once or, tryienrChratind: willtulOne•S' •Aratieir rite I applied it_but twice, oh rived j„. aaa , ral i aG. , 4l ,, i ir, Tr .h Pad i t, have •'.,... appcaranoc;Of :tlt.e. tribal bountiful: a aaart tune ,- 1 ~,,,„„fe etly ~,,,,._ e aci.l I not i; .,., ,aay terry, awl, at the. same tune it-Is •so perfectly. innocent. ' , moo: or it :1 ~ . .00l.d not fake a bat rod f,r tht , osti eXq''iwielf ii , fli,iliOi its coiinuit (fail,' UZe • l ' -hi glilY: balance of ,turl:or.:'... , . ~,, A .., ~ Am ,4 2 , 1. E. 1 folvniiiiigeowy, even lo those iced, that are iliiroba coDdi-' ~,1 1, Moore c re , l , r,;,,,,,,.. York. j.,,,, .1 f,. Isn, :._ . ! lion. giving meta a beautiful. polish, and proventing-' O.' 1.171 -. p.A1:11.0:I -.-1 3 41.1.17 - 1. only ii-p,,: in th.,,,:ify,iff i n,, Pr''' , . , ...TO'dvC i aY• TiMme - nireacty decayed it prevents. ).,,,,,. . L .,,, ~,..1 . , ,,, ,,, fb. ,, , A.,p,,,,,, smirk ~,4 Le ~,h z, ,i , ,,,.,, iron: beenoringwor.:-.e—lt tilsofastens such.asis becoming wliulesnle'are, retsil.l, td 414 licoadreay. -, 10c .. e..'and10.., - .persevernerieelt-will render the'fOrrlestiedtlf ii- - 1) , rtVriv itie'iatvntur of I i 5. !fai InVnitlllll,2 Cern . -O"ilear:'ly. white. fr iii otake thodrreatlf dcliciously'sweet; per,rd, a s:d.he urn- r Am! Prltleer:,- cur? erenniansta te the' - I.rigell;•or :374 cents te.1.,0x: Alt the - above:are-sold only' n t .2 Chaffiant 1:,1,1tyt., ditheArnerictin EligleiNcW York.. scc - r.-of ii. 4 ';prePerzitiens in tiny midi divitnr.; and, there ,..,,,, ~,, ~,,,, p ,,,,,,, t .,,. r .4 ,,,, , , twa t,, ,ag ., a ,,,,,,,., 43 4 .. n , , , ke. D . oat! by Ile oppiiiriled - ...nts.Whese noraeS appear in the: i.,-ra,n,r .il ~tryry.lt.i.. ... 4 ,,,,,,,, :f4, ,, ~..,,,,ii , .w , .-...t .:, , , , , ,e) . trul:, , v i,/,, , , a4 , ~,,, i, ,, i,E. i cVll.l.yx , c arrit . tinv, rota nein rich hmiband s lodyl "Your u1.;.:ee..! in ;,e : - !::: , :rerla;. ,- .l.:nrolt by eounterfi. hers' itna ira 1 f '''''''• i 5 your. rCillUtle:" • l A . l. • •belultlint,Hclear,-'fairl Is it' 2 ,.,,,,,,,, aa 4,,,,,, ai .,,,,, , , ,h „, ‘‘,.„. a , , ,,,, ~,,-,. hia, rater. „ ate ” .. i yelute"! if tint, it can be unitle'sriertni - thortgir it -be-yet yet— .l.-,bd expert ..<:,. Tira: lac; thou lUilbyl. ;.a.a-elder .tars I l•"''"; lli! ,s Y.Yredi Sunburnt. - fanned cart.frockled- Titbit."' ' Irrrtr Actor:. , . 1 arills have bee,:i ;Cade the= 'who- have - washed once or . _ , I ., :iv—ri, , !rb ,, ne:-;:e De..hbo, la ca.,, of ,li, ,„,d.. - ,! I w:ce writ Jones' Its Chemical SOap. The-effect is • 1.4„„,.„,,,,..,,, A ,, ir e ,.,, , .te .- ‘ ,.,r ; ~,x,„,! ,„,,,,,, s ~,,n,,,,..,.,,, ad ; friGricii., nod magniffeent. lint be sure you get the 7.errn. f-rodu:::: n; ;:urre'n eonlidgubell , a"ill::...ifi.,•7—,li nc ti"k i ~, ,J, , ." J..o_n r r: , ' 11 "aP: at the siPr of the Americau Eagle; &:' kr0..1 rn ar.-d ti - eni (mkt lo 'fr , i,,,l Ciffart,K7 !..nt Pe- Fare. ot. .•.ro street: ' ' -* ,- -. ' ',' . ...• -• rya 1 ,.. o no, yit on toreu---ue y e r ;,:, e:.:: tun e;olir_ . id,u-r--"'orlr"rialr•rtletrfirr;StlirVeY,ElTSiPel3-InTarbt4's. . 4 ,-nd. t‘Usi, ;nark the nVir , riicir—Crian , i , trivit Exirtretors Itch. are often - cur:hi - by Joileb , Itaboir Chemical Soap, - ua 4,41,.., tiotie.r iv l,ll :i3 , ri , t1;;' , ~,- . 4 3• ai,pr•sr, or holy op! Yylora firer.: kind of. remedy has.' failed. 'l'hat it -tares c iirropiiis., fre-elciSS . sail Clear:. the skin:rallknoty. 'Sold at t , ~,I, n;unri,l hr , r;m7.!, ,ina ~,n,e :,,,,,, e n ! . Po=aplilur.rontronib url:neat,. cu eur...r.n...0c h e bed the ..l_nierienit E;.. ' gle. fir, - Chatham Street - Mind, render, gin:;;;., tu: appn.en.t..orc In iliJirN Is. ;sittrai . AN, 1 this seldom_ or nevyr fails. . •-• • . -- - ,-, tr",,:,:rn 1.1.3 t, Pi:t,:.-grg.k. 1 . ' ' C;- iN C I L IB .• Jr- Patterson Suld atlacksOY:'s ;01..iherty it., head ofWood, Sign or iof lire Mg .(:1,0:. ' :.• • _ . ' -:: •.. ' • nov - 23.. .' ~ \E C-01.HAlt - rlynl,vg IND A HALF 'CfilliTs.. Xi —Alseria g e . — CortfiVeetier.—Anyladybetweenrweit- -- ty. Ann thirty, pos ,, s4sing a symmetrical (Oral,. good ;lea. - curer...At,: is asked conlittennally;ean - -'she suppose any- • linln could admire her white she lion soda ;Yellow teeth; such sallow.' rough,' coal - or-skin; 'and tad, dirty, bad, wiry hale, '3:hen, try cr.ending tho abate 'sum, she might- - i i ba•.:c delle:on while- teeth,. a pure sweet breath, and.a.-.1 1 beautiful bead of hair. She , con bare 'bettor:4l white i. 1 le.en: a.. d sweet breath br rising a t:s.-bo x of .ones' Am— . I bit T,gli Pas,,, -c.it Win!e. par. and. •spotiess as snow, .. I by u‘i by a cake of oho c.cualtie 'lf:ref:o 1;47.1:an. ch,...mirai 4 . Soap; . and a ricriutiful head of hair by 01447 a ;IS. botiln-of ; ...rohrs;'freral ` Heir lirile!ellee. Do -not forrn 'OIL tiPUtjan i niinid+ - tfoie'belbre youlei'F, or yon will regret in but he sure to in Tt: int . :tones' arircins. 'Sold only , in NeW York at -v Chatham sr- For side I,' • . - •- . ... ' • NI AI. JACKSON, 'Agent, ' •-• ' 69 Liberty la:, Pittsburgh. I.)F ,l ;:ila.TP4Alo,DrA,riwn. • newly tiircovrred rout .llLi edt Toi Rimemad•MlP.4 cper.ly 'and te rutin remedy .Cut time-painful treable.' :it irever • • • Odlca and ?thrum Con•lltation Roornm, No. O t Dia Wand a l!cp,titi.shatgii; rd . . • The 'Dower f• always 'at boom. . Dn. lr3t. Tamar. *gen 1.1011e3 4 6 Antal** Gal Cirtre•AUt Arm. tee, esteem ;parie, guchtr. grease , pelt-eva;:.orel!. aatm and.bfilliCe.4. Patsy h ;..1; rantaioitig 'entt;ficates Al ervpeetehte party.. may I.e n.)oe. reppti comm 10 • •• " . • . 4 • JOHN •... - utctsed‘lly . at R. cr,icoNnrs ;tacm iti e ;r. reaszt • f EsrrucT P/1/4.-'-'rbeeo; relet;ratutt pills Imee 64.1Aioed an enviable araorielF t' the Vetted:Suttee as m carttijr. aye Gifidlinenee. 1 1 ) 1, 41:eplda. Saar Silabneill Ifeedaelar. Fevers. rifee. Crw.l6.Atees. Coutrhs. Heart " "eq.,. Lien; rittetpinim. Sevr. ;. Sore Thriett. • lirtent4 .Wt`ak4cts, rtipstatimat4 the I irart. Indigemtni. and it cAAniter ;I;AntemA tomtits h ilt•lth et hair tat an .4 . thediceree 4,r for ;te.h:;•,.. fli ek ar tkel hitmtg, summer: mituntit. Wel svi:niee.---and Varlet an c.v.: erep:rue-rt., t;h-r he' trke;frith' perfect safety and ~re... Ai et Verhifnee c.l,lr,otheentese.tfietne fort•ltilt titoi.:i-.y are lAielmrain.i. Re/ ef4 Maim( ith phee w.hne astel. etoi.th, ey ; ..3 ••••.;!... :Ake tle"ne: ` u nett!..A. pipe mu , ~sau•r,, V . , r• e:r thver ontraut.r., . Far a . t . :• , .. re;:,liee do:4-.l:re)- age re e bmes eaelz!. U.:• A E•ifese! Ptri the F ;It tr. welt • eel ,• tap. floe. arty Sieraser Ine'Vteal.aath e ad e g I Will he tLeettrtale es-:r•Vst r Dr 1 - -V. Clsr4.t.ar it f, r orseier.: inventot C:•at.sat stall the: uonssang at tire soars watt •:-s sagas's:so:l4 them La Jane. • L. 4 Prst • ay.* , MOAT atervil.res.aiwt.l4: ark tar Itarkenvess orsales.l Vele,•tesare Pihs. at., tVirireatNees..ortlret. • • terse est os st-tran‘ 1152 Ci f,llO ;••••;;,• vr.ttrapal off.wr (+r iinle of Prln.. •er n.. • • 1 /01.' n;s(IN . I.tt• - • r.) Wot , ,t, Otitis rot tionbezir unz rit courtlits VII - • . . troy T A ..• .1 R. 01 '111i , DA.4%11.7ZT-1,,,,r 2. A tc. - .ti u 4,4,4! lA+ t. nv \ ;. • 1 Thintur , enti, It. 7. A1a:1,1 , 4, le`..iiltiusirarglx. • r /.. ZAU.10.17.. . • 3e'rechift.l;; t. tr•riNilt ent ) fill!—Tito Lung h iTI ext. in aninzer, the work - of the - destroyer hoe been ! , run. the Cough of Consumption bath in it n gonna of den 10 , "A hiots-, - en? Moir shitit. your . i•lot nci jjt.AV 11,:l noeti hest' to her shathl t e x ,h 1 noht --htU• pate i• .'h er 'hitt slit-Lathe n hsii hob: has ahrenai , op an its* souna G 'her t.troz . 4clurzt; note - it pint - sesyoui s so th ;as, itnett ore= ths fats pt - o•peet,s• i f the n,,. hortto it,iottsh and •teet•in. , I tees o f your 1 4. 1 q, 01 . hope. 'ent - -..0n ace') nut despair. Thnre is a tinlio whieh vs•il iisai its wounded lung, it its tiltermitu's A 11-ITZolit-ki7, . " r _.,2 2 : hirti. ASTl:tr., the wife of Wm, II: ;A Luce, 1 , ,,t. erne 1... i v, u p b y D r , [4,,,M1' of ‘Va,..rhirigni f i. Drs. Roe and I slciltiellen of Phitridelphin, Dr. Roe unit Dr. Mott of New York. I i v r friends nil iltotwlit elm moot dtr. She had i • i t very upiWitT,LIWC al brio; IN con , umpl,i'..t), amt was $a i pronounced by her physiciaus--Shrrittafilz Itaisidu was ' glen and If eared her. . • ' Mrs. (i.t.PRACITA:7III.III* Hut', Ferry, Was 'also cured of consumption by this 'l3.abtrda when all! other remedies faileAt to gore relief—she W:le reduced ton ske;pr oit , , . D r . A. C. ea.ai,, , , Deatim;l:sl Broadway, hit, 'witnessed - its; effects tu several 00000 ;Where pa oilier tinuteenic afford ed relief—but the Bolas nt operated too: a. charm-- I)r. C. 11150 wimesreil its wonderful effecte in: eating Ai,thtna.., which it never falbi or doing. Spitting Mood, alarming as it may be, is. 'effectually rurcii I' this Diderot]. ft 1.0,3 the ruptured or wounded blood velf)els, tied' makew the limp:l4MM Itgaill. It, V. 111iNal: JON R',i, 108 Righth avenue, w a il cured q( Cough anal catarrhal ii.ffection'et LO ycerit standing. 'llle first dose gave him mare relief than It;! the other medi. ciao Int had over taken. Dr. 1,. I. Deals. 11l Delaney ' atreet, gave it to a sister-in-law who \wit:inhering under Con:mints:ion, mat to tutother soraly. aillietad with the Asthma. In both casco its, effectit were immediate, soon rl'll'triuff opens to colniortaide health, . Airs. trena'rla"ll - kr.t.ill. Xi Christie-at., su ff ered front . A st hum it die years. She hi n an's Celan tii relieved her at ()nee, and shy is comparatively well. being enabled to subdu e every attack by a timely lice of thls medicine 4 This ~deed is the great remedy for Coughs, Colds, Spit ting 'Mood, Liver Complaints And all the kIIIW dons of the throat, and even Astlna'ailfiCommuiptiom Pricukff rents fuel S 1 'per boffin, Principal Offtze.:7ol.3 ilitisantrairect, New York. • ' l '4. LikewisieDr. Slicrumn's celebrated Cough, Worm and 1 Camphor fitivelmeq. Premium. Tooth Paste and Poor . . , .. , . Ma t 1.4 Plaster ! ' Sold whole :ink nialretaii by \VAL JACKSON, 'at' Boot and Shoe Store and .Putent hied4-i'ae Wnrehon,,,. rig Liberty street l'ittolitirgh,./ieutt. of N Virod street, and. by the following duly appointed Agents for ikllegheity. county : A. M. Alreshall. Allegheny elry; Jonathan Manchester; J. It. It JitequitA, Ilinningliann A. S. Getty,' Wylie idreet; J. G. Muiain, car.: Weiner at . nud Eine Dolled Negley., Bart. Liberty; .H. L. Athebcil, WilkingL burgh: ThOii. AikOn,Sliarpsbargh;;,tanil, Springer, Glin, ton; James' Stitwartstowii; 'John Blinik. Turtle Creek; C. F.-Diehl, Elizabeth; ItowitontA Son, port; stendowagy, BriketTSlOWl l j Rirtiy M,Latightin,' I t iumb 'Pomo:hip; Win. .1. Smith. Tempe raneevilli.; Jits. Fllltoll. Tart`Ill11171; G. it. Starr. Sewiekly. irtar94 • Jayiies , keicitTiry Medicines. I) tt. S. s. COOK. 'Piqua. Ohio. write., 31areli, OAtt, "I have used your rr , mflortr, Co - roonorier ftrilsorn, and Erprctorant, in my practice., for the last tlt rc e: years and have beep exteemintly well pleased with thin. n o d nevor,,tis yet, to my reentlinition, ntilett, of re,tlizin • my. 11111,1 expeetittion in their euriniveltroLiertins. Yo ur rithernMilitinen I cannot sneak kw from itctrorience: itutg , ng from those I have toed. I doubt no . ; 1110 that they clamb itlif! are entitled to all thn.iminittenverolmil in them, by those who have utmcl.tuern. L sync formerly, very partial to •" ,, ,. 4 Vermifuge, until I benMneneitllilill teil with yours, ~v hietilas tiny decid'elifinferezin to any -• other now in Else. . Resseolfully, yours, &c., ' .S. S. COOK:ill. I)," • l_r ; Tr^For.sule in Pittsburgh atthe.Pekin Tea. Sto re, 72 Fourth st. febls ITORE TESTIIIONV foi Dr, Willard", Fatuity Alefii .l mulersignetl, tizens orPittsburgh,fiays ing persOnally 11 ittli Dr. Willard's Oriental Cough 51iX— lure, mid experienced its beneficial I:lit:TU. do most cheer,; fully recommend , it , ris' sgfe' and fill , Spe king frfint:experience,, we belierelhat it h:in ito4u.! . lierior, and would recommend its use to all the:: I VM:JENKINS. 4 .. — "Pinsliorgh, March ICrth,I.SIS. - . . 1 . ,_ . ?"• - old by J.•SehoonmakorA Go.john RaYn,.tainig A. Jones, J. 11. Casel, John P. Scott, F. L. Snowden J. Vohler, Ogden J• Snowden. -..- , .". • vie ~~, =MC MWMM 1 ,...:,- .., i ,,t-:';' , ....'''.'et .- .. ,--, i . ~ ff'..7.•;77•Z':.,;- : ,3- t ;,.`iA'. ... _._.._... . .... .. . zeot. for A 7.1: iZtEI MEE k: + ~~. { ~: ENE +r• Y .. ,~'l4~~~~ { ~ e ~t~y .... EMI 1 - !; ISM CM X 1 1-;R. SCRIttCLA AND (:•orritr....:--Ar,p!,. p t•• tin= itrrrt - e.: that no Calat.:!trauon of inediclue 'Loco c 0,.. boor; to o:lieu:mots is rctuooriug tire altovo.dis ce,c3.-2,- J.; I4llas-effhetett .^.,i; tsoir actat..s-ozig, it.: ortiy of,Cagr-or, a:tato:her &is, cro,--; cit larrt , lacrn but has roinoveTt. tlru. MOST Stu: Aura dbrases on.tiro ;Skit). Sweilings, Dyspepsia., :CC. This, Lacoiritto untaiti iairl tit cirZetution, rt.utl eradicatcsTilis casr, woc.re2ct iouattal- St 15-oritios the blood oilier fltill4 on Coo y,. oricor otistructrou its. the pores of tar ,hi:t..and rodocuseulargetucAl.f ihci-g:aud , 671,0 s. anti atoi joy igoratos - thc. coltoio...systotn. oto.t tulpartg-aiti= matt C.lt to t'L'e . ilirocus;colith:i.eigt•ilitatort eirustization : There L it, 'trailing Sup:trtur to it. tit thu whoic cualetia-pAOien,•ll.• ; •,4 pout - catty sane arta catrotnely rittotaut-tairt. haysnothitig . ot ti.a ii.-tiuAti . ng naus , - . 0, - acootuplutying tits it2ett swal ' tt,t;": = "l- - t?r sale; it: rilr , ,iturgir. at Ole PEKIN TA. &PO ERE, 72 t':rurth near ruar3o A IZ.tcllii , for C St.c. 1112/21. art 12 air " . • • rt.) 1. , ‘0.11.t. - "E I t'l 4 ( - ;tt.tri-Virit _L:) it"..ll, - 11-1. hi K}l Ii- 01..1",}N AND coaseauche of tiro many :Wogs soi.l„sci.cluvrti rrerp (1.2 is ever Fo t:/) , :ais} a , a '4' a . allalt`:‘,., Lc trade( to fry n Cottle of.YOrtei2(..iiott4l.?air storative 110*it ruakt, dry. nro.ty ; red;.l2 - 11tItair: ;oh. atburtt trlttl• dark. ana izCops It fur Kurt:, raIISO.S it it:tgrow hutaraify bor t tit r f u t 4 poo,pit• coa:1 sec tilrt ....,.her of to.r rc„, , tociabio _cub.; cithrao, that liSit O a flea it the chra; eapest thlite . arciv eau aueil - rot ttic'S;--iirr and btur.tuifytug . tar in.urrior tirroo times as liorqt „as ttny t Oth. s r vtic ituititc; na, S_ it tp rutty. rtrs its Atal . coct..%l:rit :,. ),.,a to try', IVo fo ruler ty'sotr . .l aotitiag an F. 41 bottle., hat we woo:, pc - opt,' fit try tt, t..=ai,i . ority a; ;U2 traitor F2j Cautition ttry,t, Now ACKSON, Alt.. '3' I.lOSVC'kk Ottgi.l Candy. ' i Ichcazeit lavorabfy,known last win ! I ter, is :16-riia of fired h, the ni lir sirs . of Pittsburgh. as a ; reined:lf - for Coallis and Culdaiso f prevetlent at this :senses; of the veer. . • •. Ili);%Sli r es tl'rOtioll CANDY' is the best artiela (r the kild ever'sflieseil - wt. chaNcage.any person in the [;noted Sieirs to,produee a cheaper, mart bit‘nrit etrac tual ren,,,Fs - for the ours; of Coughaand Cents. • • IiO‘VI-; k. CO, Propridtora, Depi . , - No. I Collegv Cuicinnati,:o ; Sold It , NVeleox. Jr., J...M. ' Townsend; Jas. J... l :;aes.i‘vill. Di - aegis - is; and at Win. Jenks son's. street, deClZlalUra. Tl-I)`4 In:: general' prupernee ;Jose Pt Is Itre - t.allllll , a l'aroalive Tonic. la 111 c disstrders tirisine; frata iatprailence tli;•t. sneh as sickneJs pod sCiaritees of the stoinaith,heartlitirii, Iva, re it Irtedik•ila: ii.requiredolaa . preparation. is very applienble, for its , carniitiattvo.or .soothing enbete, - give almost iintnedittre relief, when iiattseiror stektle.s' its purgative oporaficin,uponstlie....stoinach and bowelri,is gentle -elle:11134 and. its tonie .propeities..iinpart strenatit to the digestive, organs, - tlieretiy tinahlin7, these organs to perfortn.theieyroper funelie. 4 / 3 with priiep . nud . .. regularity. The; price tins been-red:need from GO. to 25. Cent , a box. . . For :sale : , wholesale , and retail, by 8.. 1%1 TINES% TOG/C . at Co., confer Front amt.:Wood and : S.4lh and Wood streets, Agents for Tittsburgb. ("lONS, CSIPTiON seizes more victims, than nay. -other Mseasc in our, country. The young, the old,- the beautiful and gay, are all .alikc.tuhJect to its invidious 'ravages, and matter hestie cheek hits bee n_unpposed to bloom With 'die grow 01 health. But every C 116 s ori,7i— mires in a cold and. tt tioualf , --perhaps deemed unworthy. of attention at first—nail `only met with remedies when too Irate. WalCit ttte, first.s'ilnlgoTTlS With jealous care, and make immediate use f the Cough -Balsam of 1-t.4. Fa:met : tank at - Co; which *ill certninly'elLeCk.its further progress, and restore the inflamed- organs to 'a - litiantifut-, For sale by 8.1.• A. FAILNESTQCii: Co.; toraer ;sl.• and Wood stis.i'also, corner 6th W00d:..:. • "boo zz.reluturti 7.3v1LL1 4;11.5,,!via. Sash 'stret.t, pists.t. ait • art ow .ac:- tst ter (Ws lirdect . thy-first Itti'lhighost ; t the - 1 New,. .ialtinioie rind Visilthlelphiiil-lihiliitiOsig, for . th's suiscrsorfly of 1113..1:1,1ND" ,, ,' wit 1 4.coittirinf:irebilfisltmciiin loss sousitsfacturc,) iss,k,"‘the httentiosi of p eersto life: 11 . , f . .Ortitir:ikt of .20tt0-13ii suis of issliroWlisittl,vlg&'3l-stbs.,',..vith fancy - awl plain Trims'slll;i, of nail eo:or'S,dl r --. .st large Mid I,;etterul, asiOLLlTlellt of,..Draimpa'rctit Shades, all of whielxlite the lowest eAsst,pitteEL ', • • Oi i l:illinds'palinCil'ariatrirruncil to look eilual to lieNS.: - supplied On liberal lc nits. Tilu citizens of A egbeny Can ty arc respectfully to l'ited to call,. liefOiC 'purchasing cliewhere—conficient Chien in fha Et (A ing. Country Xepc,imaaitr..7y j . 11 0DKINSONwoulitremiliJ you that you cast now secure China, Glass, ch, tstasivare, 4-c., at .such 'pi - I,es as never weft; hatredoforeoffered at., ft etneruller, 1.0 Wood tattect,,adoors beibav ivoLTceto the - ?THE subscriber infdrins thellptdie 'generally, and; Housekeepers and Rentil.Grocors.partiettlarlyohnt, su discontinuing the Quenusware linginesa4 and sell ott Iris present slack ntle.difood prices. Thogc who to obtain .China,.Qaccniicare, or Glass, will flail this a rare opportunity for getting- ztrtinles ti s ,titeywnist, meets olleapef thin - the,. xisnai fates . , , fi..na•aiber - tile plec7,, 141... C111.N4:1, Ko. ItS Wckal street,near tike . Auetiou ;suite._ I. jo . : • . .; . • 's, ili,apose ray sfocstock.auty ptirson,' sap:hint; to buy it, at • tiErry JKO' P.W,DAGUEIIKEOTIVE' ROOMS,BuFire'i .Suitce ;l4 iitgll Paler gis - trat,-- , -Htittoit S.! AlcractiizDtiguerre)- - typisti from the Eastertreitics;'wotdd tall the attention'of he inhabitant'sof I'itt_ilarht, and thu neigUbthig , owils. to their Dagiierriattype of truxens'atit Others, at ro'otiii,nri, iliothisd ttor . vorliurkes lniiiilincV4th st:. , , , = . Per , io wl§hin;„' Picltreslak"tii way rest ; iiiittrtil '..thitt . no pains shall be - spared.ttlifrod ace - 141 cal in the - hightsj, perfcctiOil or lICe: N't.',.,Qtkrinsiroinefiisare . of One m 0 stpc;*- trial liiiiil, e nab 'nag - u,4 tos r.zcytte paiibies Ali:surpassed `for high,hnisilltuul triithnillics-4-icilifoit..-,,ITe knO.liC,Atie -solicited to calf liott'44ilio: ' _ .: Porsiing sitlin4foroclar ti 6 ci iird-tizet:ToliOltOrlOrexs. Tected tti *ltpTilipiaogile E s perrect shtiaiCtioit 4g.iiren• ' ti. ii:ol)eratots will' rufil this a good_ depAL at iitock - : and ehemicak • 'irrinstruelions.givisa iti Alp Art,tCOrilftlititifi .4110 more recent Imprevementa. . ‘ :i TfiFireirt :nti47lZlTtiftrlV - & 7 fikiiiiiii?, 3 . 4 . 41 ,U ° :1 . A itiErtreAN DID. prftettreilleour ft ti l t elllbittftdifnit , .l3,, .F. :11.... dad fett; I....ow.thirsortaqft..crttle'eftxthiareenstift nu„fttiri • natl hnlallikle,eore,for!'Sfisaititt, •a•-• lds • D, itlas..lO:tni titt.Puts, 4 .. l 3f ift4 l:a sniln :WhoopiiuCentaPitfbrarEnysOoy)F,eaTroeq4o 4tietn-,,b.iilteed..9iMancttaido.4lleers.riViASores-airtt.-'„•.,dzlNELAAlALAToitYquirzilAirissr, 0 . , 07 47x.ini: .Whibh;liotil t to Its effectie inn eArprisioilmannertit tl.fP/f,contl3 • 'lt has never vs!' failed .;u:he„it.tosed.upenrding,lo:4ilSflaiA irisil liana. , Rena the„tolliniiiii: . ' • '.• i • ~ A Z ArceitrAimit,'AlTEgbirirk Cii.TPti.,) ~. • 1: ! : L l t ,'- ''' - ' “ : •MOiieinber 18,J)340. .Thin Is to certify, that my wifet.Pirargatet (Airiest, was • . ' cured of a Rheumatic Complaint of sunltt,yotdistandiltii,...il‘ - by which she was 'so lame as ,to be obliged stow etettlic ~ .,,;:w v . : 'es. .In one weceshe was cured by . It sintrthd 'Anietid ••Oil; mid could walk about as usual Withernt licir'cinfahei.",o,l9o - w ....he'fo : • . - !.. . •:• J lE3Tllowing is communicnON A ted by THAN;ORAR .Vt •,,Ip 'Ale. Wm./V.ll ./acksbn's agent for Steubenville, 0..... .- , ; 0f MY.,'....: :•::::- 1 •' A gentleman near Sty ahem - ilk, who had.dotbron able toPutMther or his 'feet to the Freund font:we've years, in nonsequence ofhirfteness; by the u.s brone,,bottle...ivat,, .. , caabled to witlk.tWo miles' ro ft toiyitshitrftiettiofit'lt iii:';'.', likeirise It soverei•ot remedy few- , '.: .. + c ,• rfi /.• • • " ,. ..q . . o• ' ?. POITFRAP..IO43PaiIS AIUSDLEStAND,TEIS.I.II:2Iit .. -i f • • ••• .. 1 -... D.9„N5, ,,, 7..1.4./ ....',il'A .::.1..iv.0111114.1 ' The to owing tit c omminucated hy Mr. Win. Noah, •,, , i , •,, Ilickson'set , ,,nt for Steubenville: . : , . , i.,...,6. '•• . - • - A lady residing ,ln• St eubenville, tit& Gnier'm :iticise '"•"• ~ !tend was so contracted as to deprive her of thwurc f i:. • :. far thirty -live years, Tem entirely' cured trynlttVintrol one. , bottle ot the OA fa drat x , he. new hes .the.rperfea-dse:ol ' •:i her ha nd fully equal to the ono , r _which hint; newer been, •• t. , affected.' • /I.haft Aden been.found to- he a safe andinvinci . .. , . .Idiasigiftt iftlitoffeedy and ccrtant cure of., ... ~, ittill cases nat•orgtfticajly ineuraide. '• • .....:: . :.A Judy rerlding ln Allegheny cirywas effectuntlyCarcd el obstioate dr.ufitess,-Of years, c oninuane. , hy•the'Vso - '-.:, , of lessahnn Olic bottle of thb Oil, Cp [hitt iibe: pftidmiliettl.•• •,' - bear,l better than she bud ever done I)efore.• , , I.); .±. , ;e ,, •••^1 :•.A gentLetnan well known Li, Patsbar4h %rail CUM': 01 J. 7 -, • deaftless of nine years' standing, by the use bf n staalk - cf ,,. : quantity. of the Oil. ' - Th o names a nd tesidentes'of the , o -.",' lady and genztemun will hb.given . to those who desire it;! -‘,. • at the office of the advertiser. ••- '' •,' .. - - .”" . Its:Nape:ties are highly develimed in the certain m 'l3.' id surpitsingly rpeetly cure of nil cam,: , of •. ' ''.... •.. •CDDLIC, CICAMP, AND SPASMS. , ' ••••-• ••• - •'-'• ..' Setreral eases Of tramp Citolie have' been effeettefly , '', •,% .coved Ity one dose •of the Oil, in - the short space' 0f•1ta1t ,,,,, - .y'an hour. wheat the parties have beottagonized with phin. Its CO:alive properties have been rein i rkably manifested . : Id the *lest cure or . • : . ~ , . ...•- .. •- j ....,.. . •: 1 • DISEA.9ES OF, TILE SPINE, • . •-. . • ~: o :. ~-.., i bitty; the wife o( planter in, Kentucky, mos 'cozen - , ..- ~ effeCtiailly of me of the worn cries of diseased Spin e , , ...,. , .t - wltidit . Ind 'confined-her to leer bed for a considerable:,tie, to which she could not turn herself. It is. also A.. •i ~. .i acre reCte) , and perfect cure for pains in the stanil.ftrihft ~..., hack, and ' • • - .. •.• • • • - , ;•:.:• .• .• • .INFLA2;Lir.A.Tox OP. THE grams, 7 • 'Mead the followirr ,, • ' • • This •• • • - .Prrtsnino ten, Dc. 18, 'in to certify that I was aillicd. witltegreatpalnl ;i toe ~thn.nf.nlY back and kidneys, which nfiected'ine,sit', men' that - i..could not stand miright. 'By rulibins catet and using Italia teuipoonfurinternally, nig ht: au& : • morning, was entirely Mired. . JOHN R.W.DI:%'' ' near Nyttrren, Armstrong, Co., Pa:- ," - • Argentleman.of Pittsburgh, afflicted with rt'violent'in•'. - flarruoation of the kitlneys-.-tlie pain of which caused" .him to. f aint — vrascoMpletely cured. in thrde daps by the -5. .5 . , use of the American Oil. • • • The qualitie.,' of this . • • • .91 - • - - DIATIAR F.'S - OWN, its3nrsor -.7 4 is eit selbely'penetrntittg and anti-infiammitiory, cotnid-." p quently in confidently recoutuiencled anti noiereztrn rent edysettereverindiantmation exists, either' external or in- ? i? • mutat. Used iihmediately after u cut. bruise or wound, 5.: it will ente'and prevent ' •• . OANGItIiNE: AND MORTIFICATION:. . , • Ishnsi nildition,:Leeti found a salutary, pleasiint artak i . allettice reatedy fur those vcryunpleasant rind ineonve• • meat discuses, ' , • • GRAVEL AND URINARY COMPLAINTS. ,'';% . irk Firm. 5u cents per hontc," ' • catic-inizß e tsn Your Guard: ' • ,• The sdrprisiov- eivellenec , fled growittEr : poputaritr 4 . • the Amerman Od, has induced trousedislamist lr4 • . • palm upon the.publie, inisorable :imitations of this truly- t: Vilaalite a:edict:ni t tbr the purpose of dezciving the un—,. wary anddefrandtng the Proprietor- . In order in be ;are °Cob whims' the genuine ; tilisric ; , . .1110 filefraing 701. T. Tittage • ' Ist..See.that the name Jackson. 'it a Liberty st bead orWouil et.,'• in printed an thc label•of thew:imps.; of each bottle; to imitate in felony. ' v,• E L uig 2d. dire emelt haute is incloi:ed ip cont contain full inns rot Use; •ainl also cont: the mid ut.:4(eit,sof. AVat.,,Jacksup,C,Oteral, ,Agent.foe.tite . ,,,;: i. • proprietors: likeieise, die !tame and whines of primers. D. flail &Co., Kentucky... • . 3d. Purchase oscr of the •udvertlsett Agents of . whore have , a show LiLr.•oh which is Printed ho nit'inen of the ktropristors and Gene ralAients- 7: th us : D. Hail Sc Cq„ Prorikietors, Kentucky. WM. Jackson; Pittallittgh.;•,a.." * General tigent for N l :'esmin:PenimylvUjii4)tatli purl . 0f '. Ohio and' Western Virginia; : and thestntetS.,'"uarns- Shryock, bottom's of said Show bill. • obi • • . • Obse,ive...--th'e genuine imbiierintifilk. or* green color, without any sediment, suidifesperifii ty lighter than water...lllo counterfclui fire. mont/I•er . • Waidacl: 'Whim, like 'Spirlti of. Turpentine, to ue . ieGu ed, and clarified ers a mixture 01 othe r croft:mon and n black filthy'.; loc kin'pnii•:.ture.purPorttug.to'cruite Ra t 2 w"VlM:With; .... tend A. , :egtiihiynissxlissys • Co.'t"Noire bf • th ese cbrut7';;:„ terfeltsfoS‘evs theilttne.or thc.power c LSißß txr -- Scii4l Wholesale and retail by, 3Vhl. JACKSON,...•. Ocarralp.nd•Solii*Agetif tit" l'itniiietor in Weilerti•74- Peaneylrania...Wentern Sirunda, and Northern Ohio': • .inil by the tails.wiligsimiy.apitoisteitAgeskts!rs4llegliqsy Dr. I::rowni, Allegheny JOLliahata:ll7l6o.: Atalfcheitet. • Alexandis."Aedale, Wylie street.: . : • J. Jacques,:tr.inninghint. - \Vat. J. Ssidth,TeelptTr.ineeyillel.„- G.. 11. Starr, Se ,Y,icistey. . • ~, ',Award ThomPsoll..l%lll-inshirrgh: Dnuicl iVc,iley,Etat.Liberty. • H. Z. Mitchell. Wilkinsliurgb... • Thotons•Aikiel•Sharpsburgb. .• _. • [lowland kttort.:Al'fizespOrt.,' C. F. Diehl, Elizabeth.: • , • • !Rack, Turtle Creels: • . • • ~,,NPF.ldcr.vny,l3itkerenveu ,Sanniel:Spyingcr, Clintpat. ; •, -.James hl'hce,Stetrartstown. idtLatighlin, Plum township.: • 4. Fulton. Taresitam. . - ..ferenuaii , Ftenting,l,awronleville. .. Rotten Arthursville. Cond , spittesst errs:actuated galvastskilimttisty - A SI) rATENTINisuLATimw POLES, z - yAND' pratesPURPOSSS.--This is instillment Si the kind that has ever beempresented country crl-Itrope for medical purposes,and.is (lid only ever known to lean, by which the gnlyanie, fluid- • can eyed 15 the the o anylinit the body_ either externallyer $-- I m a definite, gentle stream,tvnlioutshoeks or Paitt:-.With perfect'sitfety—fittd often with the happie;t: "' , This important ;timer:au:Cis" itow - Inglilinpproyed "er, '`", hy,manY ofthe Mhsternininti pliviciatis of this 'cetriary. and Pairope,"ro - whorrithe ; atilt cited-and otherti,whOrri May Moneerit cilia' be referred.' Rifetenoe giVeu tore NOW Itaye ' - been cured, by means of this most valuable apparatus; o sonic' ofthe'nast . inveterdie nerVong dis Orders Yvlit,ell' could removed lig nny'otliet Icnown'nicans. • A mong'VOrious others, it !instil:pit proved to be admit:. • ally adapted for the cure dr the followitig diseases, • ne r v ous ll, atlache•artil othor d isorilcrs of the 4ruilt. It is with this uppni-attis atone that the c ripetator .eti n convey, the galvanic fluid with soap safety to the. eyeob're!q„ .„. l stare sight, ot cureamauro . sns ter the eat to restore-ItCar ing; tottte tongue "oroth et organs; Co ies [tire speeelt and "1 to the variii%flarfief tlio.liodY, for the eure ,chkoniit " rlicutualistn, a4thrita.,iteilialgith er..tie:dolotireatix,satt4l.l... yFis, or palsy,- ;Out, clicirch orTSt. Vitus' iliitc”;epilepsy., „,:„ w‘iaknes's from rains„soirld diseases. peculiar to fu 'male. 'male.; cordiactioni,f the lithbs, look-jaw, dte„ Rilits - for surrounding cou of Western" ' privileges, with- the-instrurnellti may be.purchased,,and alsolested for the cure of diseases.. Pul tin situations in HI !xi clic ir for the various e mist° ceased f: , riiarleiti dtscasepi . andihti best manner for operating for the nitre of these discases„Wi II also fully explained tothe purchase r t tind a pamphlet put into , • his hands expressly - for, these purposes,'. carefully.pre.,-;„ pared by thi:ptitetatte: 'Enquire of • • ' WILI.IAMS, Vine litreeti. near 4 01 st.3lond.iPitt4b;4;.,. - - arty ti LT ROEUM, SCURVY, OLD SOR.I.:S,,ERYSIPE. 0 LAS,. ehi chars; Bore Beards, Pirnples..--,, usattlYy rnanr physicians this city irk curorthc - _-..7......_ above,.ctittivc: - (coutd ;tot eonseie ifeionsty, sell lin less.3.ye "ta lie aft we - state. • - ' ' As a cosnietie:, the true JONES'S SOAP is perhapsU:C : only artiele ever 1 - nown ihnt rernoved-ithouritiefx,: and eleared and beautified the skin, making' it .saft,',clerii,i aniooth and*hite' as an infants. put ,mind,rikis are., Chatham st., N, and • ••• • - -•• ..- Wilt JACKSON Agent,l .:, 1.,,i.. 11. ~es , : - ba. Liberty street Ilttsbttrgh.:. ) IiEUMA'I'ISM, GOUT, ,A.N.O,TIC 13.0110RE1.J.X.,,k5 A respectable gentleman' called-at; our office: - its lie -.. 1 . - . I said, to inform us that he had beedatilictekforll yertre-.:-.4" - With 'Rheumatism or' Gnat, ankoccaSiodallyt :Wilk' Yrie,„l=4, Dolorous ; that he . had been frcryUcittly- eonfinidlo . hia -. ' form far mouths togither,.and often kutfcred.tlteinostan-,''. tem..: and exerticiatirtg - pairi; but thatlately he hiallideirl, ) using ;rating's Aiterotice. from which - he found theratfat'aig..- : .. 115d,and unexpected - relief..' lie say n. he ((Add: Mtn/hilt- -. 1. ewe. very pleasant and effective, add - that , he now•eiSit-T ..- eiders.hittmelfVerfectly carcd. - --Pkiladelphia Nail& Amere . tt , A Pine lA-7(min I {soWnix.,-- - A. gentleman of Scrofulous/ t• habit, frorn indiscretion in his younger : days, became. of-- reined with'. 'Ulcerations iii the - Throai mid IsTolte;ialid'ar,: . 4 .disagreeable cruptioit 'of-the Side._ - Indeed,. hie Whola , - C ay rtere bote the marks Of bebig sat - dieted with. disease:' . Orin hand and wrist were so much. affected- that liet-liailf; Ir . host the use of the hand, every part-being, covered:with...-... deep, painful. and offensiyu ulcers, and:were as Lollpw, ~ and porous ai an honey -comb. It was nt thin stagiftithik‘l complaint; when.death apfeared inevitable from a`loalh, ~ Nortie.disern...e., that he - corrunenced the use of Jayne'a Al:-' - ly cured terative, and having taken sixteen bottles, initow`peireet.; , .....F: The Alterative operates through .the circalation,pal; ~_. purifies the blood and eradietde.s disease front the'it)ntent,.t wherever-located, and , the 'nnmerous cares . it has per-a- -1. - formed . iie disemes of the shin; cancer, re nd - Oat - P:4IY- 1 . ,,,... liver complaint, i Ispepsin pll.l-other chronic diseases, ee f: t truly antonbilting. , -78piritof slut' Times. Ire. For.alein l'iltelt argil, et the PERIN Tareett STORE, , t ____. marl9:3ineod OF; COVUHINQ. iti,tne night art v — " Vi ta sothe. They break ,in apon tne,hour..7.of.,xpposonpl,, nxllathit. ho.streaAllt of-ihd AtitTen.q. & BALSAM has" been-emittiilly s.te"cesti ful, in easing toaLoraring.: thestr,luipleasatir .If a et on is rtiaxed in tins - nigh' b.e.,a ...spasm of; cbtghittk.,ti WO. , tr,H7oll2lllof c; Cough Sal sum. ir.saothe. give kiln Intim, and as.i t learOz no' unaltasimat-ittste If. ortee. u.sed,it take-prenedaitco-'ovcrealt" utli;:ri, us *remedy for conghc i colds. &o. Ptern:rad oantj3tAld'.l.,3l.3l- P.4.IIiSTESTOCK.'.:&.O).4 eotni.tx Ist [ma Wocnitreetai and corner atlr-suid. Wood . jj'anle;;:tiliolpsidt and fettltl , at the' " p~LXat6 for ' 7 • qtkir. EkiAit'OPlileS' 1 • Ak ,rnithfield xna,: Avin: mtfitfe 3i inTiJohn . McCracken - Penn street Pith 'Ward f"' ?'; . 5 .41-alfs ME ``c~ i M=l r.<; ~ UM O Et MS INIII ;' • ' • OM Ell