The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, April 17, 1849, Image 1

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'i:i:e_::li•G 'J
Otitjgg ii
l• • : c . P) , •. • • ;4!.,
Ij;affrt-NOIIMG' , P6B.T.
•- • .
Printed and PtibUshed every MorninkXts "Yszkepso.)
-le • 1/1•11. P : •
Noitic-vat txraszivor wain) .exp vwru maim
11:r 4 TERMS.--Fivee Pollan a yePeaTabl9 -1411 PAY
t.• advane.e. SlT : Dollars lybt •egpicattig lr
not pa id within the year. .
U - • Single copies Two cases—?Or sttle't
the 015ce, and by the Illeivkßoyi. • .
. • pre
• - .
published from the same office; on a large Ulan of
size•ibeey at TWO DOLLARS a' year, in*
sinrit cr:Npeolpric.TvE:weirtrle•:,
• balm at the dis
cretion o c t l lpropnetor,i all anittrakes a r c paid.
fix Islct. tittentiOn'Orill be paid.' to any orlt unless,ac
earn/aided intitier: satitilaterY ref retibe in this
A 0 VEIL T - 15114 G.,
FIX litoo.ol WM'
One insetting, SO 50 10n Month, $4:0050
ryas'. ? 0.73. "pta:t ' s": do 0
Thr 00 i.40• , .. : • 1.:00 p°
000 . 1,00 Four. 8 - .00
INVo.•; do ' .50 I si x ‘ 10' (0
1 1 , 1 01"• •' • • 300 I One 'lrenio • • • • •. , 4:15 1 00
Manta:bit at Piramot. - -•
Biz- 140 0A , • , $l5 00,1 Six_idonths,• • • to
One Year, • ' ' • "000 One Tettr,Y• • •'!'• ••• 01. 313' CO
Larger advertisements in proportion. • ••••.
Cards FOUR. LINES, FierDoltars'a ;
8401 10 seats.will rior•be inserted unless en •Xtlik.rfiCe
ill odd.
Adve rtisitgenti upon which ttie . nriin'bor . rif
(ions is ii % mefked,'will Louiietted•htlO etiarged'smtil
• • "
~.xo e~sioual
:1 1 .•NILVdtl, Aticetney avLaw, roostb:4ll4 abort ,
U ;'WOCHL. • r":.. 011140:y
A ILI Ationter:pth Lown.Oßce an 4 •
9!lte nenzi.i_rnp_hrnnibugli. , • oc,tRS . ,.;
JAMIP. KERR, Anornevilice in Rake
Iluildings,.Gruntstreit. Anny27,3;d:..
TIM. A- \V. -OLIVE*, ,P.Apirian O.II4I.4U•STOMT - nfiegs
NOB, St: Clair insect.; Pidabkrei: • 44101-y
"nR. 101iN•.CRASAVFORPrplfree s .
. -,Bsql.llair street,
.air.srp • • riici the.ksclia: angto-y
N. 15 , : Atto rney
.. a! : Zottatx—Ottice 4th
W. at:, nbaiiit Wocni: ' ' " ' ' " jutirEly,
BIARSHALL, dthirn,e,y,cq . . later..--OcAcp,
Loimioe Biiildings; et. ' .
DAttitAtni, ditorikcyaß.Lathca in lSakewp~ ?r
J. Standings, !Grata auto, cim '
silo 'the ".Court
hi yatferm,
bet*teli +a-Gating w!ill'Aidenna!iSilisiater, at.,
,t!auttaeld.suw '• augt7-43m•
.TO I.IARTO:11; ettgrmly at litripS-43ffite,-NOrtb side
V of Fifth stniet, between•Wocal mid:Smithfield in the
sloe beilding.with Alderman ;Sorrow.:l .• - eepik4r..,
: 1 I EURUE W. LA tn4gdnd.VoanstUoral'JA W
lior ardA
4...1 and Newry Publie.--Otrice at the corner 01 4th and
%Vood ate over Sibhet & Jones. Escbange odteo. oct
„üblura) 84,40,1% 1 1)EN, - Azorney as
at 4
, W. La m—Uskai as
.building pa the'Nostts East coiner - or rdurth'antt
'Wield eta. -' • • ''' - ' ' ' , -- novtt-t
MOKII.OI , Arderrooli.—tfiee ninth idde or Ptah
Lk... street, betweei Wood and Snxithfield ' , Pittsburgh.
MVANIALUSS &IMMURE; illeoreses mini 'Count&
~ at Zitts.--Office ott'Poarth , opposite It It It
11. ratteetion'sKerr Stable, ?hug: meet. septo-y
l'.l7 Office rin Font* strict 'between Wood Enid Smith
field, oppositi , - Patterso'n's - eleery 'Stable. . *O%l .
driIINJII,6% . F. (3 ILLAWILE, Atorney and Counscgor at
A.,T • Law.-Office removed to the dd door beloir Giant it,
Oil fourth, to the *dice lately occupied by Alderiaatt Slil-
TT rtrcLowßY, Attormy ant Cetsiatilor et Law.—
tr 'OM= id Bakewell‘s Btaldiugs on-Grata street. •
?ifflte bet; Y e ind iecocrand
4end . nently irpitiisite the Ma note-y'
J. Dentin, ourtn sr., fivethosta Weft of plar-'
.ket. All work warranted, and if not perfectly ant-.
iefactory qo Charges will be made. •-• • • . feta°
Dl.MOVAlL.,—Dt..ktoberl Spider, hos•resoorect
AID offiedio Fontth street, between Wood and Smith-.
fleldstreets. • •• - morls4y.
.13 EftIOVAIA: • elen has removed - tug commiessiori
Mr and forareading business from tbaCanurßasin to his
neur.warehouse, on Thinl street, ierislyopposite the Post
plea. ' ' " utay3o.l
- 01010 J.ALIZCJAEL, Attorney at Law
1:1D A
has removed to Four:A, nest door to the unfit!' of
T D. ',EEC, Attorney at 14W, .Waahingtam
leetions made in Washington, Payette, (Deena and
144:ening eenniiea. nplity. •
tritOMN.4 . U. KENNEDY, Attorney or Lazo—Odlea op
',.1... - FritriKre6iden 'Wood and Smithfield: • .
Rairsamicss.—Gen. J. K. Moorehead, John Graham,
k'rea: Pittsbnigli . Bank; Mr. J. IV. Uarbridge; Logan,
& Co.,kleCord & Co., Pinreurgh, Pa. omit ,
1T BUCKMitSTER. st/derman—Office: Fourth stree t
..LN is third door above Smithfield, South side.
a car d
• .Convertteingoi all kinds done with greatest
and legal accuracy.' • •
• Titles to Real Estate examined. &e. nervls
JOHN COYLE, Notary antt .Conreyananr.--Odice
Metcalf's liailding, Fourth 'street, near Sinithfithl,
Pittsburgh. .Deeds,Monds,rifortgages,.Articles o f Agree
txtenyand all other instruments of writing . dravra
accuracy and, dispatch. - 11t1cs . to RettVLstate exinalned.
TO A. PARKINSON, Aldan:cm, Fifth Yard, Pena
between WalnmandO'llara sta., where he mar
be fonndht all tithes: Those hairing houses' o rothe &op
. erty sell or reaf,eart have the same punctually Attend
'ed to ;'dekts collected, and all the &Mescal - an Alderman
tneeice prompt attention. - • • 0c27-P
TOINEt - sat COUNSELLOR at LA . IN4 Office in
.T n
Bielion's Buildin, corner of Wylie anti Fin t heteetn
eastaide of the Court li gs ouse. . • .. •
Er Collecting, Cooveyaneing; examinations of RA
cords, Ate— promptly and accurmely attended to.. rorld
. .
11TENTLY. W. NVILLItaId, .4.uoreet , and cemiiieder et
- • J...L
Law, (succeslor. to Lowrie &,.Willinaus,) Office at
!.tlie old etanctirourdt sti i abord amitlifield,.... • . .
.: .... -:
„tsp. Partnership heretafore existing _beturcen. enly
W. Witliams.-Esg” und myself,ia the private orate let!,
vrasdisiolved by rn amid consent ou ult.; arid the;
.btutat cgs - malt hereafter he continued by Henry
. W.
Hams, wheat 4 1; most„cheerfully : rectuninend to all fir
school I Inive - lhehonor. ta:sio,busistess—as ttgentlemsii:
4 . every way,svditity rd noaddeuite. ;
GleeiiiiKa, Kiddie, Conveysixiivir•
o FFICRin Avery Row, Fiftlistreet,above
other main/meats of writing, drawn with. nentuess,i egal
Accuracy and dispatch. He will also auendso drowilig
and filing Meehan:Ss' Liens, Acrouna of...Eassulers,Admin
f....istrannvote4.Examininir tido. Asai.Estote,i,liesitrhine
From his tong.experience. rind intimate accanintanee
With:the mtinnex, ot keeping the public recOrds, tic az.
pacts to give satisfaction toshom who may entrain their
oneness tri his care.. . dna&
l Antic oa-tvnuoe.
GE imbicritier has paid into tho Triage -y of the COln
“ ' • inenivealthirhe amount of licende- required briaw.
•• ..; ie bas givedthe regularly approved; seennty, and taken.
''• tint dem:mission of rho first class, no an Auctioneer' f,
=the thy' ofTittsbutgh; and rented that - spacieutr ware:
,'room belduging to t3yl van ns Lathrop, Esg.,No. 114 Woad
1 - street, three doors from Fifth' where be. isprepared to at-
: ..tend to the sale of every kind of MerchandiseiFurnituro,
~•. Real Estate, Stocks, Shipping, &e., either at nee Auction
'ROOMS or on the premises, and will in all easernizen him
_ the utmost for the benefit of his employertyon the
most reasonable terms;. he will sell,exclusively and only
ou permission il.deither purchasing 'der having any in
: tertunwhitever on goods in the store, but merely the cora ,
::--- mission par tialit y, th e reby giving all owners a ralrehance
"`without of having - therein property didposnd . of.
terhe beat - advent:4d' - - - • • • - s !
Sales ge . ill be promptly settled when made. Advances -
•• Wilt be - given at any time,. on the Most accommodating
tering. -Merchanti will not ' be charged for advandeg. • r •
• ''•-• Regular...gale days : Mondays and Thursdays, el - Dr9,
- 7 -- Goods, Groceries, Furniture, dm.; and every evening,'
' . litinkWarat..quVerhAVatehtil.Giins,•Pratoli; and ranCY .
k . 4rtielei, ',cooks on Saturday eve:lines. • • ' ..,- -- -- •
-: -4444'. - --- - _ JAMES MIKEiNNA;Auct
, • , •
'Dr TODD would respectfully inform the:iner7,
- Alillro'cliants'of this city aril our customers gettomlly,
that we have removed:our stock of Shirts and (Santa Fut !
4,tehing Goods '
to tho corder of • Filth and Market stroilleri
td story over kV. &P, Ilug - us entrance on Fifth street,
Vet ttelWe iuterulto keep, on IMnika large, 41°4 of Shirts,
of our own manufacture,; with anlutsortment of Gentle.-
;lam& Famishing Gaods,usually kopthy Fatatera Whole-.
sale Furnishing , . • , • •
Seing.Nery.atiaukful - for the kindpitrortage bestowed;
ow tut:for:the past - - year; we. would he happy to receive
calls from our old customers and : merchants yontrally;
and would, inform them that , we:intend tilithing on our
:park shrill:induce - them to look further, as we expect
;:tidd largely to our stock, and ditninishour,prices.
.-Merchants :and dealers, are solicitod, preiannuO our
'took Off Goods: • .• -- • : . • apla,tit
A.ND EWE MANUFAVLIJRY.—, , Che pubserbi .
IJ bersOnting enlarged their establishinentforthe man-
Vaginas of Stash and Slum—on the corner,,
and Libertyntreetu,Pittnburgare prepared to furnish
Wei of every,deSaription, of the best quality ; and beiug
°,'debertained tobsalte it the iritereat or consumers, to pur
chase EllenTroin !bray respeetruily invite the patronage
" of Eal who use . tho
auala-y,J. ANIERIg 41c, co.,
. .
IDIEMOVAL.—On account of our pent up meaty and
.I.ltsdemandlot -vegetable stands, I hero beeromitn
pelted to'remove my tread Staud to the opposite side of
blurket !street, In front of Ateruuder .tltey'.4.Dry Goods'
Store ' where I shelf be glad to see my former . customers . ,
". , 40,11N - StfEPHARD.•
OR BALE; Four Lorg---Boonded by . Penn, Liberty'
"and liar stn., each lot having gi feet irorit and ez- ,
• tincir EA feet.. Toro of dawn are.cornar'late, and
he Position- of li+e : whole property is one of the most ad!,
:' Yontngeous in the city., t For farther infounation apply, fa'
r, • . - thL , SWARTAWRI,DEtt, Fourth in.,.
,0:73.11% :; , lietween.Woiar Etud
•..T.: 4 ,, ,. ; ,.,;„!:-,. ;4; .,,,%.t:•,..,
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B111) . 0.4 C
. I 0 Ar
A RhitSTRONC# A CROXProtrunission Mercharsol
.::". d 44 Males in rndlitie. ~ ; -No. Wilark et it: did
t j" . MeOUIRE, rasszolit l'Ot t ot, Tbiid at:, Vat
y . Wood-9 Charles Ildihtlorg - • IseP lB •7..
1 •
t irgla&PitiaMlA;;Auctut' fteevand Colltfer..
I, Amu, 1510.414 Wood strtet, .- ,• • '•.' ' • -;febt •
~. WITTIRK-Kll.ln-Y_Pbealevin Fatter GOOde mad
i .O aliMeliet's, N 0.67 Market street . _ sea
AEX:AIiIIER JaVN . O3; relkin-VES Store,' 'M.-Third
attifet, stearWood. v. rlt , *, .... V.'. 1 •
..i.:'` . _ .febts.l
MeOWSKEYI: iron ; CUA4 Mont t ,- *ma i
, dAbets, Weal, apposite the ofhatarket.• MR,
•.! •4 ; I 'Agent t d. • • •••
Ziftg 41. ...• Fifth It:, 012. C. door belovriNVaod, febt,
IVO %V SL 11), CAKE & CO t eame acid Wagon Makers,
1. St. Clair street, near tbek !gulp, feta
JOtiN FeLutiolatdd Tailor; wren, ueur
' eppobitistite'odke <tribe Post • ; mita
ibitEit • CC. MO ;11• • • Chown and COVP.
liforthrout, <omit of•LilisilV and Irwin its.
CI'It.AICN TYlVelky Fatomiatid. . 'aim
NJ. Merchants, Paructlialurt. mer 3
taro v ad Diosilitr,Libetty sutet
batmen Sixth And• Virgin allerolouth SePI O
ly • E.LouaresEws . a Co., Inoissaintihrocersi Cony.
AID miessmipaid forwArding Monatonnyand Agonns tor
Onchton Colton 'Vows, .s'; %Voter In.. Piusbur.. 2 :
4...w4ttu, iknas h Yena..aucob. th ron thorn
',`b* o. and sttee!..; tiouticjio:ll. Uhl*: WI
r, nhan! . Milos, Wood.ltreeGl,
second'dbor from - Wate 'nes)! keep 'constantly on
hand z well selecietilot Of 'Clothing:- = mushey :
131AIterANDTCArbp Welesall and Retail Clair
iS4arg,'No; Wan sweet; Corner Oita&
ones, Parcitnugli..:: so; ••••:: i &MIR
AiliF.y F. I(fGß~laprnallaitate - Once rernovad to
inteali bowman Smithfield and 0111 W :streets
Vinsatiriti.- ' t' t • . •
lUr DIULLIZST & DQWI4 ING, Faskiama, Cloi4 big
'ffj.• Spit* No. 219 Libent street, cpPwke tldtaut9 ii .
sep2o-y .• . • .
numnaNs & Shirt% Finsaniinvewil thosuguarars
41entariati and Desitersin Padua., Nol3oolithfieldlil
okosite tiro Movengobela liqaxe. • • : Jae
and Oman
and Product przirrsi corner .4 the Diambed tad
.pparsiond hop. ; . .
- JD & CO., Gentlemen's .furnishini *OO
tattisAnunt, coiner of MarYet . atill - IVII 12 P
.suure; entninee on Fiftbstreit. - " •. 'BYO.
Irneasate arid • afer sis
11 Fang cifif &Ole Dry Gockli, ITS Market . street,' be
tween Fourth and lb. Inismoud.
1411iN 1 , . EV V:, o.•4lStater, No. W cod I
(1 Gold Leaf, Deuudts' ka.:consunly au band and
.aaudufaatured to order. : •:! . • diT23 •
TTuxruY /AK lrads D 4 6iloll And ClPlllllliilati
PTCAM 44 3 ~ rttlollas Aise-ticia WOOku
comer 'berty stow t and Cinits slier. avv.V.:6l
0111.1)31E,Pjano-kinle Afiumfacturer, uddiestott
• 1 44 11 Acal hoftri!icuui, No.. lit Mood otera, neat
. tosEent •uuuh 1041 i, insporkr mod. Dwain in For
tlP Dornivislforificart,.cotoet of Semi/14ud
CV, Agents for Carlisle
1,7 and . 11,1plwart Regular Line or Packet litilps front
New Yank w"Lirerpool, No. lit Liherty it . • 'febt•
jffkrit MAJOR, Boar Sure, Skip Chandlery and
•Ageury Of the Pittsburgh Lard. 'cal' Paewry, No 4,
hlarket sweat, Piasburgtr... . • • jut/ '
tranititni, Propnetot• *Ma .
Pootpade Boat Sao? leatner et Pews mud Wain sub .
AML7 in
3 MAY, assokilintotr,l'orseardiog And coal:
Jenso n lisomani, ivi k tes street, betvreta Market and
' &Ad
Rut. ' ' Banker; and Exthei4l . l, &ChM, ~S; •
OS Wood sifter, third door bcloor, rourili,"orr id side
, tAldrattes ktlMl, Banasts and Zzatarter
nee of Thin! and Wood streets, opposite the hit.
:mond Pssaigns; curiae/of Market tuld Itird
ftleSTELN,lieass.Fetutder and that -.Taaer,ttimillz
j. • field sueet, between Diamond alley and Fifth et.
41, Jadv-UXVI r, viiarsok. Moors, dealers in Pio - -
alerts and Pittsburgh urtusfisetores. No. Mt Litierty,
opposite 7th ="• '
steetinear Liberty.: ' ' JOHN PARItAN, •
tlirtiN D. MORGAN, ilGarieraleand Retail Dnious, No.
931, Wood suety one door *bugs of Dion:loud Idler.
FOLLANDDRE re HAYWARD,- Whatesok ond Hada
Dinka inAna and Mors, No4/36 Litse . rty areal op
041;*AASIErribticic to . : miaow. /Vise )041.-
.o'i 'oust, corner of Find and Woodearceta, and corner
of Wood and Dila'. • , , rebt
x aroma. I 1.1.. A. TOCZO.
i3.-M. YOU* &Co „Mu/trait awl &tail Family
Gtottri hiufiketters *a Produce, N. W. corner of
Fourth and Ferry and S. W. corner of Third and Ross
atasets. Fittibas-gt: - truir3i
TOSIIU.S. RHOuristri, Who Wale 41144 "" "V" tame.
11" end. Dealer in Nora ind,all kitudiSrif Foreign Fruits,
N 0.6 7tVood street, Ran aid*, heiweeu and Firs
streets, Pittsbu rgh, Pa ,,. onlers in his line carefully
Attended to.' inarN)
4021:1 breDgvisr- huas.thatirtrri. Wm. idethwitr
,TORN rirepioritr & urhatiau aroals, Deal
Prodtlee,"Pittsburgh hi.unisetores, and hies
etiondize getterallyf No. 13 Owitmerelal Row, Liberty
street. . .., • , marti:y ,
M: ALEXANDER k SONS, niffinlifoksw asidcur —
T wishing pectasokers, corers Of Fenn: anti St._ Clair
shears, opposite the. Exatutuge:Ealrance ou ?tun 'fleet.
TOHN ..tilEht.o,l7., ..IVisiGnals , and itskeSt lkatrr in
AP. - Murk , and Muskat Instruments t riands,Sehool Books,
and Stationery; No: UN Wood 'Sant
am. ATTER N, Jr corner "of; First Owl Ferry
streitty intutufacturet of Cock ,S 'tinges, lad ;Solos ;
:Tobieco, Faller,*lllll 'au& Timber r Screws, Huesca
- .Screws for Rolling , septd
BarAit,Rtfp — garDistillet;eind %ViettesalorDestler
Foreign enti'Mwestie LbtraterrNe•
114 Liberty atreetiandri3DiaretroCitlley.,t Jy2l
10CHANGE , HOTEL., 1 Etelningn Mee. Ballanollu
. Doom Preprietor. Coaches le* be,in readiness.
.ai:all she landings u 4 eonverpaesengera r jrne or eVei,
!NNE Agents for she;; apart ,Aftitu4
liuurtinei Calmar:iv, of Phihidelphia; a he Wstre. l
Hesse et !Msg. ec Bekaa!, WsierstreetiteattMaukeu
A.]: mission literthaktgitatii!atreoybetwaon Wood, and
Libetty. - r. ,:! doed:
- m eet. , abava iahere,hu Prfl4 Trd_ lo
' 49_11 of, ruliug and hi thug. LihICLF
tu ta il Dealer a
W tfik t , tl G ß OO - 114, North aunt, n oriel.' of Martel and
U IdUItROW, - fddbutheturer 'of Vitt; Copper
`and Sheet'lnm Wore, No:'tl Fillb street, betureeu
Wood hod fitarket.t. ' 2 . &bib .
r,IIROTH toDCOTT, Whoksalt.- and Deakr, in
. /451134,Sfioesa hink4,.Carpet Dogs, ke— 8. W.. corner
FPIAn4 and Sinntficl4:ine., Pinibuigit, P. linet2:y, •
mow:a nanasTuot4, •.> • •ww4.0111J1111141:10
Q ibtatiAtOti::G•onilisiiaten and Forivahfing
drerchata4 and dealerain Flour, Wool nail Produce;
No. 63 Water and 104 Front atreatipetwoon:Wood and
Stnitlifield 'treats, iiittetnirgh, •
QIIIITH ic. t Aix t ate a grim fe•e; :: ' a • . wescas
.13 Griieeri, .Producealut t'omMission - Merthant 00 Wood,
;street, Pittehergh) The undanignett havingeniarril into
Petrinellhift andel the; above,styte, respactfally a*: the
patronage of the.friends of; the late fltwoinikof.the put.
chaservgenerally. They. feet :watiwnted in promising
that' thht can, g i ve 'satittfachoti In - alt who wtty 'buy of -
-• • ihenti tirronFale businteglo Mete care: , • :' :: :, ,-..,
~ : -, ,- - • ~, .- :.'Whi.R. fthilni, • -
0 " 26 : ~.-'- ~ , 1 -,•; : -
iTtOWNSEND, CARR & CO.;litticeetaors to the old firm
~1„; of C. Tavrrutend deco. . , and Carr &•Rowland,: beg
lenve t o announce to their fr iends and to the piddle gen
erally', lbw. they are nirw.propared to execute all kinds
of work' Ili the Coach' And Wagon-talking businerty
' the' aboilest nOtid4abd . iirarmnted to be of the beat gush
ty., The limy large - quantity of aeasatted Timber with.
which.theyarepreparod,andtbelxfaeilitiegor butane ‘a,,
cashicAtherctikintiore 3/4 public that they_ ara.preporen
to carry on an, eitonahre and - prompt buoioestr In their
11130' -and ther iewdotfalit solicit the
Illierapariarigibb;addreld upon um we um,. „sap'
;•' l ' , l 4.' k .
CIF; !
• ." . 1 1.. • %I:
ua.IAM fACKSON, Pdinudfalicina,belsor b ttV Liba
eitylstreat,lieed OCIVeceL febi,
OLISIt& ELLIOTT, Iteekrecien and Mahone/sr Nix
• , Market et..betweeti.Third•ated fourth., - febl.-
ONLANY,..Eash:tosalt Viothirig fisort,•:No. 49: Lib' ,
,•aity,stree •.. seta .;
EM - ii - wii - iiifi%uii%
'llOl-Iglitc.Bol% • • -- and•Dca4entin.,/Wpings
Coin Avid HankNotei. N0."65 Market etteet. tebl
' ,FIJ/44TU P's 4 . 11 f 1n4 Era•si fouilger,rio. 7U.Secou •
street, between Makket'and Perri. streets. ' febt
R. BROWN'S QCE, No. GS, Diam 00 ,1211 0 3 ,) War
SVUod skeet. ' • ' • rebt
•.1Y . E • Efici,Fafkie?W4!;C •. •: : T w i ra
Nd Zs Labe greet.—
.141341saceessor to Mauna tk,
~ n 4 volootssion Attrekant, f01t4h0:614 Atm*
Wooten Goods. . -
,A,I, Hmso, cr.
• comet oeUroo4 .44.tiiird macs; 1 1 11 0 11 10: 141 .
k-bituling'andllintinitticinsioto:otder. - NNW
B. 8C11.113A, BoabeUer, .s{saiimus-osct Made"
Flith. street, beturten IVaoll sad Markt:4.. . • • jan7
ICHAiI,..OIT. • LEECH; tir 71/npriray, , dad •dealt, 4n,
Pored • and Doradid:Wf;lidy, Hatdoarl, and Car
"eV ;Trim?". :nP, of desiriptions,,Zia. lB3
ratabargh, seven cloors.dbbye Fifth, :did ape bode above
H. ;Child s Shim Stare. ' - • •' 'ap24: •
,~.,.....,s r.j xp:
...4;'i.', , ,'.i ... .. - ".'.::;:i.::'t - 4.* - :-.: .. 2,.''''. - :i.: . i'tT,.: .- .-' , ',:_
,J a 114
L. 0. - naincoans.'
JENNOLDS*IIIIF-El. WholodletNeesiMoiamiraiou
Nersplids, and Denlars in Raga,Rapas, ha, corner
of Penn and flirt:l streatii. Pit6litirgir. Alt sixes - PAM:
Ing:Faparxdfianunly•nn band; , • , • 1 ..nunrrhy.
TAMES PATI'I3N, Jr., Waokralr onieir FtgrOrnit
to , .Disiitteicind:Deater Hi Foreiin and Donundo 'item
and Liqudribinour t Chaps"; Ser t da,,Oraist,./e,q.., No,1?
'ben • street; Pittsburgh. - mbr9'
. Liberty stmet, opposite } !arid . All work neatly
eXetotee'lLkdesepinctuullrattended to.'
••% ' George Beale; ..• 1 ••••
MANUFACTVIOsa - oF wiloissum AND
Reran., No. 75 Wood tired, Pittsburgh, Ye. Con
'tautly on band, a general andLextemilve•aatortment
am. KINDS of,BRUISHF . A, at thdloaiest,Eattecn price&
N. Itruthea, made to 'etdet at - die
sbottest notice.... :.; ... • i
Aral oriumeitimuf .! • .
Ne. 140 Wood sereet,batnorn Fifth and Vir/rie . Alky.
TyIIOLESALE and *Retail-Dealer' In -Ceder Wiese,
.Paney Ware, Wooden War e 's& ovary description;
• l ow. %Veva, (amigo and domestic; Maus of 'ell
Coda; Patent Rotar)Chimr,wbieh far surpass any how
hi his,.fir thejlotted Stews.. For. pale. at the lowest
prices. triar2o—into
- - 7"7"." -----7- 1.11. tsunami% • • •
Foreign and Domestic Winet t Liquors, Fria, Nuts, 4..
runrell9 lOg Liberty 111Trat, Pittsburgh.
• ' - 111PCANDLIES9 it.• CAN BELL;
• 1V0..D7 WASCrttY4I, gra , door: to Diamond nitro, ..
stinours•ca DCALIII3
ARM .01Y (] ton,
RE now in iltilly'reteipt the &titter In their
/16 lino of bnotnesa—porchaaed,ritthe toWeet price" tn
.the Ems{ to which they invite the attention of country
.metchanutand athe timid Which they dtittbrthwifsettes
they can dispose Or. at the lowest Pric4f and op the MOIR
ihvonible terms. mord
- lIVIONVFX,. House, Sign and Chaim:aid Painter,
and dealer' In PAINTS, No: 44• St. Clair st., Pitts
burgh, has constantly an d all Van i sh ; pawn', eiiner
Orr Orlltixed; Japan Copal l.insted tril ;
Naled.oil;:Spirits'Mtrppeentine; Modal. 'Class, of all
Rapp, Paint Brushes" ke., all of the best quality,
'and I-male at reasonable prices: sent t
ki. GRREI--ING, Dealer' n hapoited
and Dottiestlc &Tars, smor and Tobacco,
1 ' Wholesale "nod • Retail; Liberty Satiate aur
doors abpre Smithfield, pittsburth, Pa,
Allorders from country MerehantS willlie protap
fastittriedto. *. 1 • • •
M3l. IL ICLrL.. . • 200411.1 ATIII VOX.
Ep&IFE & ATKINSON, Aterailfaettirers of no, Cop.
er Gout Mat Trini Warr: They also execute every
main. of Blacksmith Work. .Firstatmet, between
Wood and Market, Pittsburgb. .
• .Lf 'APelderturi aortivwett 'earner of Wood and Ptah
• 'treats, Pittsburgh, will keep constantly on baud Drugs,
Paints, Oils; Dye-Stars, Ett• "
Prescriptions carefully compound
ed from the best materials, at any hour of .the day or
might. Also, an assortment of Perfumery; fine • tooth,
hair, and clothes' Brothel, ate , to n he., which will be
low co/ rash. • • ' %. rt
W ILLIAM TROVILLI4 theitsuaksr,:rirth strees, try.
eudiattly opposite she Theatre,. rospeerfolly Li•
Corms friends sad the ,priblle (11 general. that he tots
teirunse4 his tannest as a•Farilialtins UrStenalier. tle
Is supplied with and Rinses keeps on heed Coffins Of all
"attee and Mass Shrouds, and ill other ankles nine duty
.on each oeessions.. , . • . ..•
Silver plates, ice boles, sad leaden fOOTIIIII Mill peens
plied order. A Sue hearse 'Lades', Asir alleges ready,
to attend funerals. . • • • •• - • seiati •
John at. Tewausa
D , ,
' A.
street, three doors above Third. Pittaliargh,edll have,
constantly on hand a well /alerted aasortment of the best
thud freshest bledieiuen, which he. will.selk on the : eneet
reasonable terms. Physicians sending orders will be
'promptly attended to. and suppplietl With articles they
may re .)• upon as genuine.
inlyourians prescriptions will be accurately and neatly
-prepared trues the hest untenats, an any hour of 'herby
or meta. .
Also for sale. a large stock of fresh and gam! PF.RPti
,MEIthi. deems
it. CIALLAGIIEZ. 111. •. IMO. t. le. SILLIES
. . ona.s.,tonen, Lazio ib.atiLLica.
.' . 100 Front sr.. beteette Weed - and Smoutfrad mats,
r ANUPACTUREKS aliens of all sires. double end
.1. single action Force Pumps, eraintief Relhrtr. Mitt*
CIA Water Pampa. tokinvi of 011 1 1 $4 4 " f" C al, Water,
Steam. kc.,brais Ottumwa fay Math Int iy end atill.att n.
ton metal for same. Pattletilar attention paid to Ger
EiXllitt9l, and a well athsofthd clock of Plain and Otna.
enamel Pendants, Burner., Chandeliers, Ir., Ste., tab;
sanity on hand. • • arta
4 RhISTROrill k CROiEn, Cootslapion Atirdianb,
11 Not.tit Market toretsaithaittioh. lea, *sill anew'
promptly to the sale of eery tletteription 01,WeIlteftl
.Ploattee, lad other article* eat reptcrai to then raw. ,
. • Ilaeca ro-Alassua. floury & Co.. Piushsegh; Henna.
Gresham & Ca, New Lisbon, fy. Merchatua genetally,
o.i Rhodes & Ogict.y. Bridgeport. 0. A. G.
Richardson & Dm, Cincinnati; .1 P. Howard. Louisville,
Ky.;-Gana & Anwar!, St. Louis,. U. Boyles, Stratum.
Aux" sitaurti: W. c.
BROW BiPti HOT la.,
• -111ZOWlii•dr•VONlir.1.4Y,VROPILIETORIL.
ft-ttirstat Steldium mtachetLto the how.
ATOULY4KifritTititTiirqZ76l - rridrr,
41 commenced basilic.* at MI stand. No: IT, Se.
eland,liiitureen ht./het and Perry streets. where be will
he pleased to seer ble old ease:alters and friends.
• Church, steamboat, and bells of every size. front 10 to
tO,OOO potted., zest from patterns of the - nap* approved
models, and warranted to he of the best materials.
- Mineral Water Pampa, tatintere. Railltwo;.'ke, am,
together with every variety 'Wass Castings, ifsequir
ed, tented and entitled m the neatest manner. • .
A. F. is Steeple agent for Rabbit's 4n.S.Arotterlos
fat, se jenalt sale:brined for fart redaction of friction in
'risen:tory. 'The bore* tend composition can be .had: of
hint at all ' . - • •nova-
RUell,. for the inuriedlide relief and Pertnadtent
cure Of Omuta and'Euvirra (Stilted tO all ateel4 The
superior claims of this Truss roman In the comparative -
ease with which it may be worn. The varlet %seed lie.
ing Deady halitneritou springs, yieldi to the pressure Of
any part orit, and thoroughly adaptvitself to any move
ment made by, the wearer... It elm be worn without any
intermission, Until a cure le %fleeted The subscribers
have mule arrmitrivients for the mandfaentre.of these
valuable Trusses, in a superior style, in Pbiltulelphia, and
have them now for sale at their o ffi ce, No. 77 ftltitfield
• idreet,meer Mnittrurgh. ' • GEORGE vrATT,
EW:bileoSTOß nn:i E,-40irs P. hlOhhont WWII(
sal* and Etna/ Anti - gist, Pi 0.11311 WOW street,
one door south of Diat'd alley, Pittsburgh.—The
subscriber has just received (rota the eastern cities, and'
if now opening at, the above stand, a full assortment at"
articles in his Una, consisting of Mugger all kinds. DPI
,Slats, Paints and Garnishes, Chemicals, together
with all such articles as are usually kept for sale at a
wholesale and retail drug more.
His stock is entirely new, nod bas bee° selected with
care.- 'lie is confident that hie artleles, both as to quality
nraitrieet will please such as may, favor ktitucrith a rail.
J.N.L molts would tespectfatiriororra hie friends and the.
-public,,-that.his new eauttillabment in now in•full opera
,tiOnt uud that be is prepared to tarnish Uoitt Cabins, and
nit alders for Planed Lumber, with' proinptitude, and
ut the !Morse rateit.
Board and Plank, planed on one or both sides, eon'
smarty WA hard,
.. . .
.81ah,_Tloors and Atouldings,or orrery desoription t made .
Zailderyr - and temente rs would find It. to Ornir 'Oran
rage to give blusweall, as he can now tarnish..them with
plantar staff, suitable for every description of work,
• IDIRESTON.&.WAGNER, Engine Builders, have anti='
rammed businessom Penn My near the Point, at the:
'establishment formerly carried on by Stackhouse & Net
eon. Persons evishilig'to purchase Stearn Engines for'
Bents, Or for other purposes, will picture favor oaf with a:
call, as - we llatteeouriclves. to be attic to furnish them on
as favorable terms as any other establishment in the city.
Also, rolling milland castings of every destieptiou can
to had at the shortest' nntice. • - •
Rtirrontects—Capt. Robert Beer, Thomas Scott, Esir,'
•Chureh,Carothers, b. Co., Denny,Eart., &Co •
( 1 11110 t-P DONNETS.--W. klUltl'HY Is selling ott I
nliOttmaining stock of BONNETS at .gteistlg redm
era prices. Bonnets Of last Minter's *lmpel at from 25'
cents to $l,OO. .
17kstip Latons, , , , t. lot of Dress Lawns reduced to 121(1
Whits crdsbrima. -- A,m4PPIVItAt 'TFee4YFIIi sari
affered very •
TkitVinghoms.--Filelt dark Styles of ainithami. Also
thancliester and Domestic-do., of choice patterns.- • - ;.;
Ilfantao•Rilibant..+A-M assortment last reocivedin tiM
- -Wholesalieltooras i 24 stook and ciala radium byOis pi d
. Also, 'White and.Coigred Satin Elm • •
Prints and hrostins.—Mietcellent'stoeli e li biiid;froni
4c.' Tier pa: up to the (Mein • - ' '• '
: , .trAtutissorth•easteornerit Fourth arid Marta streets,.
SPA BMANy ID havingparchaseil the entim iocrert and
..sunit m in trade of r....fohn Blair. beg leuvo to inform
numerous.hoc k
friends and the public that MO have this
day entered Into partnership under the-firm tihd; style of
marg.& C94 l 'l'o the mentilmtureci(-Drushes. of every
description. Being practical workmen, they via maker;
up every article uf ther ruast durable inaterlul t and in the ;
first style ;'• and Will keep pit hand, fig sale, at their store,
No. 120 Wood street, a ,very large uSiorititent avevy.;
thing in ihetr Dna nt bitsinestivhichl with their eaten,
sive tmoek; of - Shoe Findings,- Fishing- Tackle, 'Pcn and
PocketXhiress;PowderSfiott end y or i ukt 9 „, ht, they
will sell Cheap, -Wholesalean4: retell. ; ,
NEttehineßrushes Made Mader, with deipatCh.
The encouragement and patronage of their friends and
Itbeptiblk ittonettlysialioitedi and will be thankfully rc
cielved:-.Obsetvalo: q . -. & ''•
pittsburgh,Oct.,29o‘.l.B4fitiocao/ '0 V, sti
ZILOUp-15btrrel$, reo4ivetli owl far Nile by
n 4 , 4 30, ,
• ••••-+Eln,lt• gating:
rplip sublipsitiprs must respectfu ll y
untmunee to their
'that 'they . have. perfected their ar
rangement to carry on the hum ness; Roofing on an,
ebtensive scale, „
'lt it' tie* eloie fetirl'efitti itike - woßtst introit utz . ed
tin roofing In this city. • Durinv that aintemre havouover- •
ed over filly thousand square feet of mole with tinplate,
and in all cases vristelievelwe Itstregivou the most Ati
tire saasfsmion„ - This kind uf. roof hus been applied ,to
the very hest' bultaings in this' city, incithillng,*aniong a
largenumber of others, the two inmerb hulla inga cot Pen ti
swept, owned by ;John L. Shoenberger and John, Dissel,
ttsqra: that tin roofing (when 14ER - fluty laidi
On); s both
permanent unit durablen there. CTLII be no`doubt ; in proof
of this, we can refer ; to the almost universal appßeution
of thislrlutt of rtsitiotirt the target Wei elthe seniboard ;
during the last tWenty years; boil, front eurpliring on the
,we hove yet to learn of any pimp' those roofs
having. been vreot Mit; The • roofs cOvicred.Wlth tin In
outowu city are Open to Ibe esandgatlottof all who take
an interest in the matter. We have. also prepared a
miniature plan qf roofs, which maybe seen at oar estab:
lishment, wherelair other information will be given with
Measure. JOHN DUNLAP. lb CO..
mat? . Comer Market and &gond streets.
TiIi.F.AIIiVENTiON OF THE PCI3I.IC resporlfully,
'called to - tho following certificates
a. IL Esztas—having tatted .st :qu.datity Of .Gold
weighed by your, Arcometer,t find the Ranh proves your
instrument correct; and recommend the' 11111) of it to
those going.tb California; a the hest method for obtain
ing the real value of Gold. Rerp young., . .
Piro:Suva, March P 049.." ;Gold Beater.
IPyrsecioft, •
Ms. FJants—Dear Sir:. Having examiogid,tbe"Arcom
eter,”menufictured of Totieroomvj do sot' hesitate to
commend it to the use of Mos? gentlemen who are alums
reuxwi ug to California, In search or ,
if gives a clout opprotimation to ILO specific gravity ,
of -metals, and wjlieertointasaable the adventurer too*
certain' **MI Merlon cr is yiehling
Yours; rutin* ' I. R.' XVIDUNTOCK.
... Iliad' 11/Askittors for Boots 'and lillacoeip,
X1:1101114 I'UY/ItTII AjD IWITMIIALDIPTiptZto, 1117111114,0 U, P.,.
iTROCII k. scow having COILIMOneed _,..- 0 .._.
Ihe go iterai BOOT and SHOE bfitheess,WlNEMlS
. wholes* And retail. would; respectfully invite
Ste ntteutton of their friends and the public gene
-tallyii to their splendid new peek, consisting 'of /den's,
,IVonteirsi ; Uctys',ltli/gele and Children's wear, of every
variety, euttableTur the season, and at prlees to suit the
1111:131M. , Also,: a , oiSteildid article of hogle-rnade work..
stub as Oentllenten!ft. fate Boots, and Ladles' Misses' And
'Children's' fine Wthik: ' .
Please call nut exinnino for loargelrei ) . • •
N, 11.,Travelittg, Trunks, Carpet Beim he.,
'Ways 'oii'hood atoll for este low fateful.. '
_ Country bletebatucwould And n to .their- taint*
to gpvaus , call, Whet& triritio . 4 the ejty.
' • ' • TRt.TrWk scorr,
mutt comer 4th and saithiteta
..... lioaskosalst 9.
• Tor subscriber. being desirous of
jil •
'. - chartglng AO; business. has determitted
to close out the balance of his stock of ROOTS,
8110 P-4 AND TRUNK: 4 ,AT CI,)T.. They will
be sold in lots, to Suit purchasers, from
Country Merchants er n invited to call at
Oppersito Ile Pittsburgh Foundry, where tlity.tan buy to
their eatilfsetion, far the stock must b e closed out soon.
100 eases, Booth', on hand, PIS, SO, St, tat per ease.
. mat? . .... . J. RATE &
— , — nooss satisho•• iiiiiiiiiiis it at Cost.,
Tire suboiribet wishes to remit ble eit• -
, lift flan of &sop nod AleoSs at pael.
dilPerions wishing to putthase, will have to call
loop, to he intends to remove, on the Ist of April,
Ilislitigiatt streel, Ilis stock is huge, and at am very
beßlind. The balance remaining unsold by the 11101
April irial b• anetionee red off to qie Ingham bidder. •
mull • Corner MarlteiruiJ Me ri r sts.
.. • i Chtnniele and (lispetch copy itlreek.)
_ W A1401111111.11VniOXIII•
' ' - -11 V a goat, Drays, Carts, moo.,
Will PULalual ITILVOCSS 110Vst.
lIMIE proprietor of ibis establishment haring always'
• OP hand a super Cor flapariarf Wei oemthuod
bet, is gitcps red to 5 i ardent of ereer.ileserimion In his
linnet' of msnufacturiog. u ith as shun notice and on as
farorabie terntsait any other workman to the West -
A newly invented Patent 15p Wagon, for hauling
brick, is built at .the above - place. Also, Repairing
'ernted to.. Orders from a distance will receive prompt
attention, .
nairasigagaii—cp. W. Smith, James 'liteCollVilionas
Al'Chalork.. . taseri4si
. :tons* oast 1111•desead Fasetaare :
fialt W. ‘11. , 111.4.1 4 1111AF0RD reopeetfally Infinite the'
11,a careens an 4 tha [labile generally that they have nt:
-trolled that, WYsrcroesonsfo.Nmitbfuld sweet. between
tharriond slier and Fifth sweet, sign of the gig Bedstead,
*bet* they ore prepared to wimtesale bt retail, very
cheap for rash, the fallowiag ertielesz—illstreaus, lied
steads., wit% elestatn's I ro n Fastening*, nos also the best
tiatliry, Serest liertineada, Tables, Mona ke.
they wind; it pardeolatly understood. as there Is sr/much
prejudice againd machine made work, that they warrant
their work to give satisfaction, and if not well made, the
money shall be returned. msrlo..ltra
To Callforalaus.
nrximurtn —The Undersigned having adapted an
XL instrument .to the purpose of aseettausteg the ape'
cage gravity or value of Hunt, is now prepared to supply
all whose basindnmey require its Use. It issmall, too
*eldest, and ran be toed without difficulty, a glance be
ing suillebrin to show the process.
• Pyritous contemplatiaggoing to Cellfornta , would do
well to cell and ethanaine the instrument,as it is In every
way calculated to protect them from fraud, by enabling
them at anytime to ascertain the value of their metal.
Printed directions and tables will be supplied gratui
tously to purchasers. SAMUEL EAKINK
. • • Union surest
oter7:lrul _Reit ofJohn B. Mieden`siewelry
No. II& • • Wool, n.
Clolis, to =owes
lJ OPP--Csu. Arm Stress Baia a in.—The undersign•
cm being About to remormin the coming tenth, to N 0.113
Wood street, is desirous of closing out the greater part
of his Stock al ,REDUCED PRICF.S. He woubd call
your parricide/attention to his large and splendid assort
ment of CHINA, GLASS QIM"M , MWARE, Giran•
doles. looms, Britannia, Tea Ware, Vattoti. French
and English Dianna Ornaments, and Tea Setts, of the
newest *tiles and peuents all of which be offer s at a
smell advance above coa t. Remember the place, No.
115 WOOD*I% i . r.fet4l7l' .114. HODKINSON.
Owiassseireks , Ltetise Ciablnits. W a
T. IL YOUNG & Co. 0 r•1' g r".....-;—.....
VTR removed their CABlNET:ftiseysiwelsol.
WAREKROONlStoCoauserclat Bow, Liberty
street, opposite the head of Smithfield, where they will
keep constantly on heed ay &Measles motorttnent of So
fait,Tahles, Wardrobes, Bureau*, Bedsteads, Chairs and
every article is their tine of boldness
6 . ll .l.holertakin promptly , itUqudeil to at ressonable
1001 amyl,'
lists, eaVor• and 1111101.
Tits Subseriber is now receiving from the
. city of New York a choice assortment of, flats
Caps and Mars, Latest Fashions, in great ete•
rim - t aint -eery ratesr,svholestale and retail. • •
natit - Smith fi eld street, Itd door South or 4th at.
VATI7 - 1470iiliirreiFta - firikrit- er•llei.
VITO/L.O Ir r 00., (lista =Tort* dr, IfOlugo
AL WILL introduce, an Saturday, Aug. ".A, L
5, the FALL.
STYLE OP 11 AI'S: Net teerivad 'tram New
York. Those in manta( n,uentand beautiful II AT,
Are invited 11l 'e all at 'their store, corner or Fi ft h and
Blew limit and Cop Store.
JA2tII.:.IVILSON, llaf Ildanufaateer,dia
(formerly of the enter of , Diamond alley
arid AVoodstreets.) Legs leave respectfully!"
Lo lidorm his old easurttar ,t friend", and the public', that
ho hot opened ti;NEVt: liTORI; on Smithfield sr., where
a choler, aotortment , HAM „CAPS, and LAMA'S ,
FURS,' (Oo good, neat, fashionable and Clittid. as any In
the city.) may be'hadl. AV. very. cordially Invites his
friends and,the public to retoembot his now It:mutton cud
establishotent,and give him a call as hearty' at he intends
0 11714COMCI WPM; ' ' - zaar3l,l
Hat au • Cap saufact pry.
EORGE S. ANBlll3l7,Agent, respeetfollydob
laforntithia friends and the public grinerst.
11: add he -haacolamelloall the walilacaature ofiribb
Hai& sad Caps, at No. 33 Wood street, one door font the
center of fienorid,whera ho halo now ion hand a Atm
sKinment of Hatstuid Cupola his owu nittaufootaraivihick
he will dispose of,. wholesale or• retail. 6n the rowirren,-
sonahleserots, for masa" city andeptaned. •Hats Made;
ordei_at the Atbooert notice. .. apt9r3m
Clinton Paper Mill. •
rptiv: 'CLINTON PAPHR"ftIII.I.„ situated at Stearin- .
milito-Cltibi having heenenlarged and improved, altd
at a very great expense added" new and the moil int
prOvedrkind* HOW prepared to d i diitt f ee „
turban. kitabsof Wrifiagt..k . rillliallt. Wrapping and Colton
Yarn Papere, Ilimitot Bosnia, At.:, equal to any in . the,
- Ertinetit of Western' entintty::. •
,The undersigned baying the" Agency of the above Mill,
will kee cob/dainty an hand *large euppli . of the dint
ent kin ds Paper t .aml will have any sleet made to
order at shori, nonce. 8. C. IffLL,
jail% ' 87 Wood' street.
19aNv: 02111.- - -
;THE A ubsr,Tiimrs having taken dle.Saw-mill above the
.1, Fifth Ward' Bridge ! formerly yen by Mi. - John Chem
'heti,: and hiiv4ig tittOod- Ftock , of 'Firnher on baud, would'
eolia F 0 V9 OO BO 0 ( tile 9Ftlere thankfully
received puttetuallY attended BA-VARY &.:SPATILDING.
The undersigned having sold his Interest in file aboie
Mill tolifessis,'Satary.t. Spauldingoaroulti recommedd
th em t o his formercustomers and the community, as bein.g
well qualified to Ova sattsfactidn rill Who may de .
is athshom,,m;. 4,Oll,NiCHAIdlitsR9.,
TribluipApocw4K2,—Justreeetved,at the b,
store, (ape subscnber, iiitress Market:
ir r i Medievi,jitiro.liy . Snmuelllahnaman,tninslated
and edited , by Charles Julius DamPel, M.D. 4 vols.
Hartman's Acute - ,Diatcisis,*ht Dr. liemprel; vol. i.
Be eece perhie•Dernestic . Medicine,by Lowrie, chlarg.
od. end. improved by A. J. Hell, 31D.
Irdir'e Neve Militia* vot:1 ; Nos. Land 3.
'erin*" Dcircestic Physician.
, Booninthsuseu'sTher!itpretic Pocket Book, for Naomi
prithitits, by:Di. ,
fratiemanNiiChronic.Disessas, vol. 3..
Togethey yr
price s., ith . Medicine chests of different sizes ;andtiPl 6 l VICTORiSORD3AI,
a. C, ACIILIMI. 11..11•17 . 1.SEI.
I • • ,; • , , ;
Between Set!enth Alla and Stromboli/ alley, Pittsburg, Pa:
HAtilhIER & DAULER keep constantly on head
a variety of excellent, and fashionable I urn itare,
warrentedignal to tuiy in the city, and sold on as
!..flivareble terms ha can be obtained at any similar
esteblisbnieut in .he West. ,They have now on hand an
tinoifa'ully extensive Mock, embiMcing all kinibi of Fawn
! tufts trornAhts cheapest end plainest set the 113911; costly.
and elegant. All orders promptly attended to. mr2l:6m.
41 Tot subscriber, wishing. to.roduce:bls present
stock of. Furniture, will, from this.chtte . until fur
tiler notice, Yell all articles i ii his llite at *cost, being
• . • determined to lessen the amount'of stock on:lumd:
Those persons who may . on him with the Intention
of getting"re . good penny's* worth,. will , hot be disap
pointed. His stook of Furniture is equal to any in the
city, both in ,kyle and workmauship r and the asserunitot
complete.- • - - ALEXANDER hi , CURDY,'": -
. . . i , I . • ~ ..F,ornitute Rooms Ttkird slit,—
mar2l Neil door above Pittsburgh 'Dank:..
James W. Woodwell,
No. 93 Touto &Mar t PriCsaintrist• , .:. ,
illir' A • Ls aog and splendid' assortment df Furniture,
suitablefor Steamboats, Hotels; and. Private Dwell.
lags, constantly on hand, and fluidal° orJrr.
he present Stock on hand catinbt be exceeded try any
manufactory 'tithe %%Teatime country . Persons wishing
to purchase, would do well to give me a call,.ns I am de
tennined my prices shall'fllease. Part of•the Stock con -
Tete a Teta •'' 'Buif.t Eingele; '
Lodi, XIV. Chairs; • -Queen Elizabeth Chairs;'
-... • , Tea Pops° ; ~ .• Frith .. ..
Tables •
.. , . ,
Toilet Tables; - Louis XV. Citinniirditr. '
• • e•Pyanch Mahogany Bedsteads; Piano Smola; • ' •
. GO Sofas, wia, plush and hair cloth covers; ~ . ...
' 1.0 Mahogany Rocking Chalry; .' - .
10 dozen Parlor. • •• do.. .!.1...!...,•.:i tir .r. •.: V .
30 " Fancy , do. ......• ,• . .
- 2.5 Centre Tables; . ' . —' -'• '' • .' '' '
. .• tIO paltDivans; 4 pair Pier Tables; i .r.- • :7 t. • : It!
S marble top Dressing Bateau' ; . .
•• 9 WardrObes; 9 Secretaries a nd BM& b . .
asis; • ' "
.• .., 114 1 \ish &muds; .4 ~. , • :
. 4 pair Ottomans;
'i” , •9 pair Pitney Work glands.' ' ' ' ' - •
• Assay large assortment of conunon Chairs arid oilier
Purniture, too numerous to mention.
f Steam Boats furnished on the shortest notice, ;and
on the most reasonable torms. . . . lab°.
twine citizens oir Platabarg . and V lisipity.
Ift HE citizens of Pittshingli Mid or vicinity are re
-3 minded that they can 61 themselves with setae Of the
WARE AND CILADS--rnr beanty,- price and quality,
,canisot be excelled in this or any-other City West ot the
Mountains—et M. lIODFLINDON'S, No: 115WOOd street.
These you will bud gloms of.the prettiest white and blue
eltanewe re, to tea, dinner and toilet scul, or *operate
pieces, ever opened in this city; and atitherpropnetor it
about to remove (min the store he:now occupies, to a
more central part of the city, 0.10. 40 Wood strect,oppo ;
site the Eagle Sarixnul he'll' deafens of closing out•hls
present stock, previous to moving, es you are &Wale or
the heavy losses he Would sustain by breakage , &c.,.
moving so large a stoelc - as be now has in *tote, end
having bat one day to do so, it will cantos'• hint to close
oat almost his entire stack-
lbs ',determined to close obt st•an eIIOrItIOISS saeriGee,
regardless of importing cost.. Note is lid ,liffie frripo
roof Bargains: This may be the only opportunity y,ta
may bare of securing cueeasmare at oath tow prices.
Remember— if INDKIN94,I,
mert7 Wood street, tbiee door slb st;
LT PARRY bin invented ernchise for washing 6old, I
. far which be has made application for • patent.—'.
The y are itaw - offered for sale at the \Verities:se of
PARRY, SCOTT & Co., N 0.103 Wood at., Pittsburgh.
Adventurers to California are invited to call and ex
amine these latior.aaving machines. Thayer* simple in
their construction, easily trampurted ou the back of
mules in horses, weighing eighty poun.:i each, and can.
be pot in operation in ban' au boor. They tan be filled
with provisions. It Lt the opinion of those who have
seen the trial of one of these Machines of smallest size t
that two Inca will wash the mineral from LSO bushels of
sand or earth in a day, without the loss of a particle, of
the mineral. They can be increased in size and worked.
by water Or mule power, if expedient. The opetalors
work without going ipto the water or being exposed to
"rater or wet. and consequently without endangering
their bra tb They wilt require but a small stream of
water, and can be used the whole seaton,and can be put
tato opetation where (betels sot sufficient artier to wash
.la the usual way.
Price of smallest size 1635. Orders Ansi abroad, ac
cOmplattied by cash, will beymeromly
IL PA Pin , Parry, Scott ts, Co.'s,
No. lUI Wood at.. Pattaburgb.
°resat see Pismo*.
notivrx .111113 DAY. sod hirsute at manufaetur-
JM er's prices, thew ergs's! Rosewood PIANOS, made by
11. Woicminc, New York. 'These instruments are eon-•
Mitered fully equal, If not superior, to any now made in
New York, having a deligldfal tone, full, round, and
melodious; warranted lo wikk well and give satisfaction.
The price of Mese Pianos Is believed to be much /ew
er than arty other manufactured In New Yotk. Thom
who are Jo wont of a good and elegant Piano, at a
moderate price, will please come and egarnioa the
above, at the store of the subscriber, where a largo as
sorttnent of Chickeriug's celebrated Pianos can always
be found. JOHN IL hIIiLLOH,
deelt9 • No. 111 Wood street.
HEAD THIS 1,1:111:11.—% Ito will be without a beep.
tifol heed of hair, when they cho have one for three
shillineeT Twenty years' loss of bale end wonderflat
tellaration !
" Dem:toes, July 17. 1847.
" Dear Bir—The wonderful effects ofJoues , Coral Hair'
Restorative has been decisively demonstrated in the ca
ses of several reirpectable citizens of the town. u ho, on
account of your *ening three shilling trial bottles, try it
. without fear- One inivance, which attracted partic
ular attention, Is the case of a gentleman who bad little
or no hair for twenty years; be had tried numerous pre
paranoias an villa, surd oltigustely had bit bead abased and
Wore a wig. At my . recommendation, he tried the Re
stonitive, and after using it, according to the direction,
Ara abort time, Me youngbair appeared,and he has now
as fine a bead of hair as any person iu Baltimore.
"livers, ae. • JOHN KILVINOTON."
It causes eyebrows to groar,.preveuts the bait from
turuing grey, and the Grin application eacrscs it to curl
beautifully, frees it from dealt and stops it from falling
. . .
i . .
Sold with full directions tSI Chatham st.N.Y. and by
Wm. Jackson, Agent, CO Liberty at. Pitts/inlet; fsepll
• . • Vhsorris .Armor ;
MiASIROMABLR TAILOR; No. 43, Market stre et.--;
Having remirred bit Tailoring - Establishment in •the
roots cm Market in., lately occupied 42 1.1 1 Bookstore, bp
Ilostwortb d Co., the undersigned is preparesito fill all or:
- dors in Ms tine which may-be entrusted to his care by his
old friends and customers, and the public generally,. Ilia
long experience in the business end the success, with
:tablet, he hes preset uteri it i Pittsburgh, embolden, him
to hope fore liberal share of patronage. Re will make
nil descriptions of Clothing in the best manner, and moat
fashionable style, FOR CASH. - - - . •
rrall sobaniber respectfully annonnees to his enstom
i. oral and to the flentielaSn of Pittsburgh and vicinity,
gauctallY. that he bas received his usual aes...rimetit of
Spring Goode, for gentlemen's wear, to which lie invites'
their attention. Has stock comprises line BroadC/oths of
all colors; Casale:lmes; rich Vesungs, of plain and fancy
patterns; all of viatica be is prepared lo manufacture in
the best and =Lit fashionable atyle t also. Children's
Clothing kept 'constantly on hand and tnuiltilo Order.
- . it. BHAPPER,.
Water at., 3d door *nave Natinnal.klotel.
ashiottato • Vieth mg Store,
TIM SubScriber* nispeetfully, Wimp, theirifriends and
the public generally, that they have just received,
a new supply of Preach and Eng Cloths; and cuss'.
raerar,—Ye ati ego of, all styles unit
Clothing of all descriptions; neck and' pocket Handker
chiefs, Shirts; in short, every article usually-kept in
Clothing Stores, eonstently.nn hand, ,
Gentlemen wishing have 'Clothes made to order, in
st fashionable-style, will and it - sr:vaunt advantage to call
and examine our stock before going elsewhere,
~Dtattesiortleirs: '
THE num or Acheson*. -Da git is ;this day d i ssolved' ' 'fluidal Content: lir. Jai.T.Dagg havingdeclin,
ed 111141111 U on account of beahh,. has; disposed of his
interest to Jas. C. A chvion. The bushiest hereafter will
be conducted in the ntuna of W. ei J .V."Achison. -
Pitteb 0 7 1 4 1849
In withdrawing from the firm of Acheson
I take pleasure to recommending my , successor to my.
Metals and the putilin generally.
,Ju1yg9.11349-romg - • 4
TNISSOLUTION.--The 14.ruteptialp beretotore
I/ tug betviien the s atihietiliere, under the'firtnef J. ft
J. &I'Daeter, was MszoleedoWtholth /net Either party
le authorized to uec.t h e opine of.the firm, in settlempite ,
hlareh W. ' JAhInS AVDEVITT;
ir7"ett-PARTNErtSHIP.!--4heettdetilned hivethit
day formed a Co-paruterehip under. the Omani JOHN
AV DEVITT &BROTHERB,..for the tau section of aGme
eery and - Produce Inialueic- JI - 411SPM , DEVITT. • :
• JAMES, hvoEvrrr, •
Mardi 7 - 1849..-(rirle) WILLIAM &I,DFIVITT....
Iy•SSO ptirtnektliio otidUitiqlr 41: AANirk l
• this dat4issolvedi by.iootool,oolhotot„.The
sinolus of the #rat wit' t, sett!edyy.H. , . u.
Apitsshbrgh, 30tbAran,le49..
NOTlCR:Tbe . ondozidgried' wile rtintlnud the Wool
busineto and atiqn4 the linie .01 Wgolon.Goodso,l the
old 'Place.
• Er lu - vellrirtg (Yam theilate firm 'orMurphr:Lim, I
i c a o k :firenet ` ll ‘'" - ' "P ! he
Jan3ol ., -111 . . 1 1 ;
1, 4 40.1 0 .1artaterah1 . p: , 1314410 1 ..i
ioliN DUNLAP. ZOUX riarnta
TOLIN DUNLAP 'having; an 'the Inc -inst.;-aiioeittleil•
cp with hint in his business .1011141.FiVIM°. they will
hereafter cum on their impartinchf House Viinitshilllr
azdvrtao, and hlanufactunur hustness,ander this flame,
and style of John Dunlap . lc Co. The, businessof the iold
establishment will be closed tithe seriitief i ernieCeif the
lirseeht don, at their warehouse, comer - AfAarket
o c opt! streets wino JOHN Dtlilli,AV le pi)
2.0 0 -
Bus Has ENV VINE CUttN ttie*
find toflstle bl -CIUMMINSSefiraTiii:
- • . . - • - -
/mum ttsPatitirorft ' • • • c. tun.
. ••: I,IP P N 0 0 TT, & BAIL ,
. (Lira J. S. Sreicuira & Cu.) .
01anufatiarers 'of Phenix Flit *Proof ,atifet'
Second street; between Wood . and Enlialfrekt. • • "
(QIN Tuirday afternoon, July •515,1849, the undersigned'.
..were called upon by.klessrs..l,ippencott & Ban; to
witness. an honest and fair test of oue of their S,hmnii
Safes. The furnace being prepareditic Safe was pinked .
inside books,papers•and some meney; when;
the door of:the Safe was closed and.the fire kindled, at a
quarter past 2 o'clock, podia a short time the Sire was',
red lot, anilcontinned till Malfpast 6 o'clock; being about
four and half hours,: when the , 'committee' erpteszed
their amisfaction that the time, occupipA.with such beat
was sufficient. The furnace was tben pulled down, Safe'
cooled, and doer opened—the books,-papers nail mousy
sate, • nis • heat emcee great to melt otT the:brass
'poundage. We therefore take pleasure la recommend
ingtbese Safes tithe public, as being, in our judgmenl;
ennrely fire proof. • - JARVISA.TRABUE, •.•
NOOK fk RA • '
. . .
I am cagagid in the foundriAinsinese: rod know
something - about furnaces and 'heat: j• witnessed the
burning-of the above Safe, end can freely say there was
no humbug about,it, and with pleeshre recommend them
to• tho public - as being, in my; judgment, entirely fire
, , • _•. , • WM. RAVE .
jn c..Jiing upon the Wiese gentlemen for their aigne
iures, they all.spoke . in the highest teams of the fairness
of the test, ;and their fall confidence of the Berea being
entirely fiee•proof. .W have constantly on hand end for
sale a full easortment, of, the abeye Safes.
merit _ BELL ft TERRY.
Alodlullen & Downing,, . •
- FASHIONABLE CLOTHIERS, iro.2ll3llltrwir
iota, orposita Serena, beg leave to call the atteit
',. I lion of their puerto:tars and , the public genersdiy
' to au CsaminatiOn otthe stock of GOODS - they
tire'nottt In receipt of, - campcising, in part; fins - French,
Belgian, Ettglish and . Amcrizazt •Clcubs k on colors;
Faighoh and American Cassirnermbof
and textures; gamines Cloths, in endless variety; Vest•
tugs, do. Clothing made order iti 'the best and latest
They have also on band a loom ./1111i well assort
ritststak of. READY-MALE IL:born:4N' 0 . , to, which they
invite the attention Or their Meads and et:strata:lG Ellir44
Loaffs,./de., wilt give particular attention to.the col 7.
lacuna of Ci itns one ail mOney received, ehall be ro 7 .
ranted without delay.'' • ' •• • .•' •
'lticsuascals—Han. IL Cciulter, Supreme Bench, Pa.;
Moans; Lyou,.Sherb & Co., st. Louts; Masers. Wood,
Abbott ,& Co, Mr. Charles H. Welhug, Philadelptuai .
Meshes:lto"; Mulroney & Co, Mesvra Chinender,' Bliss
& Co, Near Y ork;• Meant. Houpher & OtendorlF,Alessra.
W. J. & Murdoch,. Messrs. Jove,. Martin & Cu,. Mr.
John Falconer, Baltimore; Meesre. Loreitz;oterliug do
eorsYthe & Co; Messre. Harepion, Smith ft ilia;
and Mt, 4:8, Watennasi t rittsbargb: •, • mar 25231 :
J. 7 8 'Food ions, Pittibu+gle.
Ur UBEB. .I.ACrFSIAN, importers and Dealers in Fe-
JA„ reign arid Dotiustic Hardware, in all its varieties,
are now. prepared to rell•as lowand on as reasonable
terms as can be posebassul eleawbere. We•solicit our
friendso ,and the public generally, to call and examine
our stock, which consists In part of Enke: and Fonda.
Pock cvand. Fen-Anther, Scissors, Shear; Rrisortitiouse
7Siratrungitieusb as Lock s,Lale ties,Gingesend Screws;
together with every other article usually a ept in Gard
ward Stores. We invite the attention or
'thechaoles generally to our assortment al:Tools, which
have.beeo selected with great cam, and :which we ate
determined ;a eel zo is to give satisfaction, (Iliad/kw
THE tiRG.E . difrDroaadomouskinTAlciVolrly
TN pursuance of a law pawed by the General Assembly
of this Suse, armierl•proposals wit) be received m the
°thee of the Secretary of titateoti spzingfield, until Abe
first dap of July neat, lot the purchase of said hotel, with
all the. farainue, lobs, outth uildillgs and stables belonging
to the same. .
Said hotel Mho* ofbrick, four stinies high, MITI:Igen
the lower Boor four spacious store-rooms fronting the
public, square in Said city, and. two of like description
fronting Third street, with &reeding room, par mom, leo
dies' and gentlecneas' parlor, a large dialog bell upon
the world floor, and alarge number ofairy and comfort
able private panors, with a sufficient number of sleeping
apartmenu' uporfthe 11 and Ith Boots, making it insifl
one of the most capacious and convenient hotels in the
western country The estimated cost °retail - building,
out.beildisigs, furniture and ots pelooging to the same, is
about 111100,900. There will be told at the same time, and
embraced in them= proposakeLl the furniture belong..
lag td said house, matt which is now in use by the occu
pant of said hotel, being sufficient to serve the purpose's'
of accommodation. There is a sufficient nrunber of lour
for convenience, besides good and convenient out-build.•
ings and stublea belonging to the Same, for which propo
/4 it in like manner as above will be received at the same
time. The proposals mast embrace the .ntins property.
Sald property will be sold to the highest bidder in Strums
• paying state indearldnois, apou•lhe following terms, to
wit „•• one-third of the purchase money an the day of sale,
one-third in one year therea ft er, and the remaining one
third in two years from the day of sale: "Tbe purchaser
wilt be required to give bond and security to be approv
ed by the. Governor. Upon payment of the entire pur.
chase money, the Governor will cause to ble.tecuted
deed to said property, covering the right and title thereto
bathe purchaser as IS provided by law. . •
For Information in regard to said property, address the.
SIIMBITA /I or Srsre, nt Springfield, or Oen. SA.*lrn.!
Lawn, at Quincy, Illinois
Governor of the State of 1U inois.
Ur - ` Quiney Herald, Chicago Democrat, Illinois lout
nal. St. Louis Union, Louisville Democrat. CineinnatiEn
quire r; Peunsylvanianelloston Post, Buffalo Catainerginl
Advertiser nod Pittsburgh Poet will ropy six weehsr.and
scud theiraccoost to the executive department of Illinois.
Springfield, March 16, 161.11-414ineet Sidis Refiner..
lIE subscriber has removed his Wltoiesate Grocery .
Store to the corner of Hancock street and Alleyhetry
had, next door to the Perry. House.
marl . . • JOHN F. PERRY.
wk. Aoiii:SoN i '
: - filistellantons.
•'' • N oir"tr Store,'
Spring Pashion a - Hata mind Vapo r „
Ainc subscriber will introduce, this dap,
Mart Zd/t049, the Spring style of HATS
and CAPS, which for neatness , and darn , . .
bility cannot tie .surpassed 7 —the style being rich tha
ca n not help tram ,gientgjita wearer entire satisfaction.
Hats also - daily eniec . UUg the arrival of au extenstve
assartnierie of 041ifornta Hats, of various colors; all of
.tektich disp o sed , us his .old. unusually tow
price: 'Gil:mirk Merchants. are itirdeato call Indexamine his assortment -'ll. W. GLASSGOW,.
. lint Wood street,
3 d door b 4 t°w.. DaY,il'.#l?e4esu Rooms, Pittsb'g.
Spring Style liintr. •
CHEAP FORCASHj-4 shill introduce:of:lMarch
tot. (the regular day) Brehe's New .York standard
million fOr Gentlemates'Huu.." The styfeis unique
and beautiful, and.oornbined With superiob wbasara t s,.
SHIP and starattrat.,produres all the essentials of a real,.
ty Goon Him. — • - FRANCIS KERVII.i,"'
_ . Practieal Mutes,
taart.:2o . 72 Fourth in:
it'STRING STYE, I 49 Wilrba introdnred thie.
day, Saturday:Marc -34tha New :York: , style:ol'ot
HATS, at . . S. MOORE'S,
75 Woad at,
mitt3:lliiiSt alitifeitaitti_hiateet.
SPHINti• FASHION 14 titcps,,*().
sou introduce the .flow,atyle_of ,Gentlemen's
1101011 Saturday; 24th ihataht.' • ' • ,
feb : 24:2e „ ‘, : 73 Wood at.'
VALU FOR '&4.4 Lb—E even Lots
in theOth Wntil, , Pittibti4th, 24 feet fro/it - cid Caking'
street bs. 120 feet to:llatterson's line..
One Lot on Liberty street; 24 feet by 120 to Spring al
ley, between Cabiaii‘lierier and - B. Prow's line.
= • ldtx. - 0411•Ulla in.the-reseziteittear. Allegbony , City and
Manchester, containing, about tea Acres each—Noe,
220,'2 4 .4107;190;105;104. • ••Enitiiire of "•; ••••••:.•' •"•' '' •
febON,; , WM. AI...DARLINGTON. •
-HOLIDAYS OULIDANS: subserilkg ra ht. ,
- just opeati , a splendid - Collettion or Thy& and fine
Fancy. Goods .oreiteryl descriptions suitable. for. Christ- .
mas and, New Year's presents, consisting in part, yir,i.:---
Jewelrytind Watcheil Work; Dressing and Fancy Glass
Bo.teit; Card Cases' Pearl . Shell, Ivory and Velvet Card
Baskets; Steel Bead Purses4Crotchet VlveiDags;
sic Boxes; Chess Men; Dominic"; :&e.; with'" thousand
other articlen;too numerous to mention.
The above Coodo we will sell extremely low, ptevioas
to the isitTFebrinity,lsl9i ar ivelittend making some ma
terial, alterations in store and .busineas. We invite
all to - mill who want bargaihs, at &t, Market Street - She:
Osten- Filth and Diamond, - • ; ; •
decin : . : , AIDGAN , & CANTt VELL.
ppywad,bilitZdiLle,--Rebora street and,Water lane,
'oat Chattier st.,) Putt Ward,Allegheny eity;aeir
Kane heater.e-GEORGE :BRAUER baying resumed bre
sines!, has orectiffl the necessary machinery ut the above
place, fa/taming out all work in his tine, andia prepared
Mtalte,hogrda'ro tua mill sad deliver them,to' customer,'
on reasantlble.terim_ -
Titer-iced 'flooring bdarde, hand
A lame qaantity of dried flooring lumber on hand.: ;
- Orders from Western Larnbechierchains promptly e 4.
tanned;::; " •‘+ •: • 'tatt-30.1j
.GunpV, pa Weal= tA Mato. STONli,lor the tise,
61 Architects and Designers; &c., ace..Trotri original' de.'
signs, and friam:Seir.cucummade everg,necossible
sourer, American dui! European.
_Hy Thomas IV. Wel ,
ter, Architect of GirereCollege, laid J. 3: Smith. The
;above forisale by Ho: '1 -
feb47, -„ . Corner of Wood and Third sta.
-0 eonFonzersta; Totsioiid/Preasini,. have fitted up ;
the saloon on the corner of:Oben - a: hileY und Wateg
near the National Hotel, formerly occupied by Clement
Archer, aahre'Fireptigd to Wait otcgentlemen at once,
with easeitamairt. and pplitenesso
• • In connectionwith , their sa-looh,they have fitted ntkan.
excellent. s hower bath;Whiretaersonsvaii htiVis shower
- - bisttei at all'hohrs *title day. , .
-.Thep atilt continhe to serve their customers nisi) pl
Stand, corner 011ie Diamond and Eiden st.
..i 'iviiuroAitrr sUisi--A"eilgrimetsci Fredplw
“,jl.- Bremer ; iranslatedbfllatyllo - wett. ;Jost rery , rA •
" al° " tie. hr. ' °H;t4 =2l:llglid 3+l iTor
•.. . . „ •.. . .
. . .
. .
• PietliPt Corner of Wood ft.od„Fiftb greet..
00 . 10? o h the blosaisci Poir inid vlllzacras
• -OM Amman; respiethilly inkransids friends
and the patrons of theporspors, be. bas a -large Ito:
tecessaiy . to a Job. Printing Office, and . that be. is pytt
hated to execute. - . • •
"nix Pare i n qierelab,
&Olt, Bili s qadding, , , ,
Pamphlets,. RI& Caidi.
Hande,ari a , - •• m ee b , • '- • ' ' • Hat Tips.
ID'AB kinds ofßlnnks, Stage, Steamboat and Canal
Boat Bills, with appropriate caul, printed on the 61307tebt
letiC6 and 'nest reasonable terms. ' . 7 '
Ho respectfullrasks the patronage of Ai; fdends anti
the public generally, in this branch arida boakiese •
PaP22 • • ' ' • • %.,16.
• •• • • ;Paper Ilartatrt ara.• • , • •
APING purchased et three of the largest Paatechrs
JIUIL in the Last, (NM?, York; Philadelphia - and Bald;
more,) , a• large assortment of Me newest and most itaf
• proved styles of, PAPER HANGINGS, BORDERS. itc,
and made arrangements by which r Wilt be enabled to
procure all new Patens,' simultaneous with their ; op.
pea:once in the . Eastern market, I woad invite the. t
tention ottinnie desiring to have their houses papered
with the styles of paper, to. call Ana aaaminc my
stook, before purchasing elliewhere. , , •
I have now on the way from thei - Earn2B,oolllPletesi of
Gold, Satin Glazed and common Pope=: l la uglaP,which
I can sell.apriees r angin g from 121 cents to 82 piece.
matt ••• • ".` —• •• ' •• H. 0. , HILL; fir :Wood st.•
Bitt.•DUFJPEI•• - •,• l• • - • •
Ainanderet .Defes Buiktings;'crionnerfriiinchiDitimora.
EESTABLISHED IN ilB4o.—lit is universally admitted
t , by ,all now practising . Mr, Duff's plan of Goohle
ry, to.pozsess the following adtrantagel,: over all' 6ther me th ods in out ••-•liic dispensing:nth/cell' booksort •
ceptinga Day Book. and Leger; 2d, reduclng,the cash
and increhtindize accounts to about one tinefer
drscip3d, - cheeking reduced !CLEM, same proportion ;Alb;
an anupal saving,qt forty.or fly folios or th;e Leger,
6th; greater security agalush error; 6th; dicilY 'posting of
the. personal accoants.t.lan elegant ;Ildercanulo Gantt
writin g imparted to all going ill coo gh a court* of lessons,
HOUTZ 10 70 12;2 to Valid Tto "AL.- • J .:Zi , nuterd
THE subseriber has iintented truitihine for Wishing
, out G0L17,. possessing Out following qualitles.:—H
weighs nbout twenty-five pounds; can be Omit:ed . :in a
box 13 inches•by 17,.and 1? !ochre deep; Wash oat
a berhel of wet Bailin about two minnies—dry sand in
less tiate-ileavitig:the thild perrectly'cleir of 'sand and
graveL , Those going to California_ re inTited:to.naßand
see its operation, at inyresidenee, iu,Perm street, near
• Water street Ira arsl , '- • - EITANfiI"
exesurassras,•oriner e rPenn and
worms-L- 4 .2s klainsit, Moth* rhi•EXCfiangs
(41: 0 ...41111.1M7a$ Rotel, Entrance on Penn as; res
pectfully. inibtm their filends 'geld
the public, tbat.ther nre.PrepateiljO,SPflll34 and attend
to everything in the line of 'Undertakers, as they have
quit the bustuess ot , Cahinet and *their attention
win be !devoted altogether tothe above business., keep a
large assortment of COFFINS mnde Mid finithed, cover
ed, and lined in the neatest moaner with. e:variety . o.
;natation,. and at, all prices; we keep. SUROUDS ready
made, of
e ll sires; of Plume], entiabrie,'•unhld - usilit; 'at '
all prices, and:made in the smatern style,Land all other
articles necessary for dressing the dead, and furnishing
7unentls;nlquality and prieeto iinitTsiLvErt PLATES
:or engraving the eagle und:ege t,.11.C1i• CARES for laying
the body in ice, by those who wish to keep their friends
any length of time. Unithave . 'ZlNC PANS to put tee' in
for Japing on. the body ; • LEADEN, Cons. always on
hand. Vie have a splendid . new HEARSE and a pair of
fine hones, and any number at the best.enrnithes, etc',
etc., and will be prompt, punctinl: wad reasonable. •
. •
. .
COILTII2 01 701711T11 AND oniorr avatars?. 4_
'ariihseriber respectfully . iirinolinemr• e 'has
nom opened Ibis nett And CXCenelll hl, yl Co; the ye
commodnuon of travelers., boarders and tire public g e.n .
Orelly:•- The house nitd.fornitate ailtsemirely now; and
ncipaina or expense have been,rendtr it one of
The most comfortable and Plicismit Hotels in the city:
• The snbscribet is determined to_deserve, and therefore
ealleits,Axshare okpnblic patronage. , , • .
' • JACOB HOU011; PiCiprletor,
' " • Takao tirotice;-- • • ~...i 777 7 . ' ";
• A...l..Lpetaorea knowing tbealselvesirtdebled to dat th arn,
II& Nicholson it Co., (Eagle Foundry,) are requeste4 to
call if theit olaWarehduse; on•Liberry street'
All pnyedd will be , placed in the ,bandi of a
Justice of the Peace, on the let July next.
Saner* atuntmeptof . Ltollow Ware, ice, et the
lowest market, head'OtWood at.
maZI •• Ll R• 4 t‘. NicuoLsorit
DixrazititioEs, TRUNKS, '&e.--kautagre ¢ Nav
a) wont, Wiolesale and Retail Boot, .Shoe and. Tian*
Store, No. 180 Liberty street,' nearly opposite the head 'Ol
Wood. F. &H. have in store and are receiving: their
Falland Winter stock or BOOTS and arms, condltill g
of the largest' stock they have ever been able to bring to
.this market. '•Wgalso havaeonstontly on hand a .splen
did 'stock of Bayward , s Meiotic Gum Elastie.Shoes„ both
*for linNett and gentlemen's wearAhe rriost.bentitiral.nni
ale ever manufacoared.. We .wookl solicit an examine- •
Bona( oar stock orgoods, by all. who wish - to Pt/reboil ,
elther at wholesale or retail,: as ive . tvillaell • tit a small
advance above cost. Conmry tnerchants will And It to .
Meiji ipternsl tosall and examine oar stock. beforo Tar
atigUi • • , • .' • ....130 Liberty it.
ar. Hodkingen. No. 118 Wood'.
. * vy - oviD call th e attention of the public (the lodic
ettfeei ally) to Ms well selected nation:nerd of bean
,tif .Fre6th. and Brigysh • CIIINA DINING AIVD TEA
SETTS. Consistiugon part s of Gold Band Gold Line,
Tarict and Plain White ; else, Indian China Dion's Sena,
all havidx liden imported this season, abd arts of the most"
desirable styles. , M. HODIUNSON,
atig2B 11b Wood et., 3 doors below Fifth .•
_ ..-• I •NeW - A3ciOdiai.• •
RECEIVED, by Express, awn piece ,abiitt nap
IC" brk Cloth anitabla for Ceiaddinen'a Clanks, WhiCh I
win make ininder t Cheap. , • Tailor.'-
.Also one piece abort nap, a: .- verydelirable'lnni•
ele tor Ladies , Cloaks. Adam wananted. '✓
41111), a good anaortinenidwa,French Casbniere,Vesting;
together with's' pion isiortnient arkitiqk tad black Cas
tilian-ea; for Planta.,Whibli will be iniideu order as cheap
and an welianastony otber eatabliabmehtiiiiihe .
Third.strcet, St-Chatlea
AFEW. LOTS , yet remain undisnosed - ot;•and f °la!'lat
•.claljsrnai Leases , "ettr-Beafingw old m ans i on
Haase,: - tilt Vaid;Eitieburgh, - They ate,-.l.hp,
Lots in ibetaaticei; beiiii"OfliefgeSrib; tfliealihy.con-:
venlentandprosperons fili'dation, laid the
•lievee;tequired:- to:die:paidp only the. - interein lislgsound
- ..rentiftoni dlBt4sA.ayesr aaeotding to thesiakund Pa
sition orthe Lot,. wahine ptivilegg 0 1 . .aXtioffilitifitnent. a t
any time payment Of the prinenial: privileglxo f
the well belonging to said Mansion bit given
Ontil•the bow Basin itiOomnietedl •••••• t-• •
Corner of Wylie and Pinb garrets.
janll;to ,
111,1EHr BOOKS—Oregon and-Zraffornia frs 184/4.; by J.
I.ll,.quina'A'horatOn, Ante Judge of the. Supreme - Court
of Magnin and coriesPouding Member of the Agri
Institute. ' , With an Appendix, including feeent ond au
trienat inronnntion.on the subjent of.the, coi.p.raiN Fs
-ot Califivnitt; and other valuablemaner'of inierest tothe
immigrant, ute.; with Illustrations. and two
volumes, ,
RAPHAEL; or, Pages of the Book of Life at Twenty.
By, Alphonse d fauna n a that. of the liiat9M Of the
Gen:Abram; Teisondl-'nefiroitii the Patriota-oribe
Frenatt Revolution,'l etc. .
INek 4 siifttbir. Life tif.Prantlin ;
Just received and far sale by
Corner 'Market and 3d sm. •
I . .
Gothic Architecture applienta Modem l!euhlepceu
containing designs ,for.entraucgs, stsits,,pylors,
Wintiow Thinies;-aniPaaor lablo
mouldligs, to a large Scale L • the decoration Ofehiinneys,
breastriandruantelqprinelinraluigroird`ogulf eiWhge,". -
with the appropriate furniture. The whole illustrated .•
with worlringnud ] perspectivc drawings, and fanning all
the tikessary - lanns Of a' bod eiitdwellintt. , 2.hY D.. ) 11 .
Aal, -Alchitect. The abo9e now publishiuglitilitun
hisii:.tiros..t, 2 and 3f.recetv4t and fo'rburatiy:
fab27 Cornerof Woad anti 20 -sts.
'Fromlnv. Am Strm, of the Protestant - /tfaltuftwt.C4screk.:
„ undersigned, haying been antic ddp tingthe past
winter; with'idiseage in ihe sionitieNsoniettmespro-.
ucing great pain in the :stomach for ten or rientlire•houri
without intermission, and hlwingittied oittlems remediei
with iittiolGreoteiWas filtnitsh4_yeittka• bottle ef Dr. D.
Jaynes'-Carentiatme nalcatn. Thisbe Used according to
the cliopetions,.and ((Mud. invariably that MIS medicine
cicala the pain to abate. id three or lourinliniteii and in
ifleanos twenty minstes,: every neeltsy tienisatnitt was
entirely quieted.. The medicine Was afterwards . insed
-wheneverindications of the streOrotleh of pahf.were per
and the paiiiiieas iherelry pre vented., P'e :Confine.
ed to use the medicine every everung,.niid'staii4tinten in
the inotuingl - 4311d to a3lew=aroesehealtleWes'iu'ferre
stored that the sufferer wise relieved from a largeentaun
of oppressive pain. Fromeiterieneu, thorpfclo tt •l e can
tonadently recommend Dr. It. Jurnes' Cannintinve-,1101-.
.sam. as a saluinry udiviue, Inc diseases of the stem - rich
and hoWels. • • '-‘• • • , , , A. , stur s tx
• ..iltegAing City; July : t
; - et the...P.V,IiIN„TTA:STOM.7fIiPourni
street, near Wood. ' • " api,-Z-thteve
BNE YOA A , a4•COnVICIUO I I, coarse, 5 46, , yellow, or
Lt. sallow 1.. IC You have, you will bar bylis a pike of
Joneeltalliabhetnielil Strap; a: Aalc prlisFrt,'Yolinpb in
becomes clear, white and einooth. iryalL'have'Sitly
senile it:X.llth , Hendßade ov-Hterd-:each
Scald Head, Scurvy. Erysipelas, Sali-,Ltheltra,-Pmeller's
Itch—you oath cored.:.Abr,l nay! seeny.pey/mna who'
hail filthy skiii'diSeitScsTor 01T ,,, 7 1 9g PrrerY
thing 111 dein; have hie lA' Cured' by Washihk , the Pan With
Jones' Italian Chemical Soap, and. Mitt ~ re ttlwelentioa m y,
-caret it for an Y-iif llncitbstve conspinintsiWhicli r , would
not do, unless 1 knew - it AWL states,. elf,,rou town :
Sun SPolai Er FO ra a, ! l id luPlleY , ,,Talli Sun limwOr. diafig*;
ummenis of any - it will dispel them "and Make the
a ki n beanifful—it is rrsnre antidote and cure for the bites
of musiinitoci, hinuctsit.zz
.14.- ,
ED , Harare. of counterfeits. rarticularly cheap ones
ask Tor' lone . Soap;und at the Mune of T. Jones
bitatench l eake. :, -Peturnsfrom"eirlashasouth . andi o th er
WanaleEtnalett, would find this , not only. for, thureselves,
ten'never-feillifir" reinedy 'Warms - 61dt hares
tlittarl'revielb4by tielaohia dee tilt& yon
will find itail or cyan tnOtasthun , V6bave -.slated above.:
:.:Sold at S' Chatham:Ulm*, MY.. arittbyNtn./ttekson.
tiOn!r f iql!ibeAti s tr 6 ttr Pith,o4gbi,
- •
NO: 231.
';= Uis Itl ittkig: